Daihaku's Takumi is indeed unprecedented.
It works by exchanging electronic signals input into video images that trigger
internal motors so the action on screen matches the way the masturbation aid
Asahi Geino notes that Takumi is designed to be worn over the erect male organ.
Takumi's six internal engines are designed to simulate as closely as possible
ministrations that can be administered to that tool, including being gripped
with fingers, having its tip licked, lapping along the stalk, powerful sucking
and movement of the lips.
When Daihaku displayed a prototype of the Takumi at an adult exposition in Las
Vegas last year, it got people raving about its effectiveness.
Daihaku's Moto says he has already had discussions with adult movie companies
to put signals into their films that would activate the Takumi. That would
allow Takumi users to attach the apparatus to their anatomy while watching an
adult movie featuring their favorite fellating female and pretend it was her
doing her dexterous duty on his digit while the tool copies her every move.
Moto says the Takumi will go on sale in Japan this December and will undergo
further "evolutions" as technology improves.
"By placing electronic signals in movies and developing special software," Moto
tells Asahi Geino, "we'll be able to provide the most realistic, most
pleasurable virtual sex in the world."
Copyright 1999-2007, Mainchi Daily. Used with permission. All rights
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