[AOC] Definitive PoM Feat Review
Lance of Mitra -- 2.5 second cast, a bit less damage than Smite on a 2.5 second cooldown.
Divine Lance -- Lance now heals the closest target (or the target with lowest health if more than one are in range) to the one being damaged with the spell.
Sacred Lance -- The range of the healing of Divine Lance is significantly increased.
Holy Ascension -- Every WoL grants you a chance to cast one free spell.
Spiritual Feedback -- Holy damage is increased depending on how many targets are effected by wave of life.
Clarity of Mind -- One free spell every 2 minutes.
Force of Will -- 3 points in it makes the next spell cast under Clarity of Mind do double damage.
Wrath of Mitra -- adds significant holy damage that scales with level.
Exemplarと同時に取ることにより、かなりのDPS増加になる。Lv80で5pt+Exemplarで、Force of WIll'd RepulsesでCrit無しで2kDmg、時折3-4kDmgを叩き出す
Purification/Sanctification -- Every holy damage spell has a moderate chance (maybe 1 in 3 or 4) to proc an additional 34-40 damage (level 60).
Condemnation -- Channeled DPS spell that does terrible damage.
Light of Mitra -- Each WoL and EoL provided a mana and stam regen for the group that does not scale with level. This spell also bugs out Armor of Faith, removing the AoF when you cast a heal. It is already confirmed that this spell is intended to scale with level and will be fixed in the upcoming patches.
Blessing of Mitra -- ~6 second channeled spell that reduced the damage your target takes by 20%. 3 minute cooldown.
Vengeful Blessing -- Blessing of Mitra adds 20% damage increase to the target.
PvE spellのためのPvP Feat。うんこ
Improved Repulse -- Makes Repulse do more damage. Unsure of how much extra damage.
PvP featでは必須
Empowered Repulse -- Allows you to knock back lighter targets further, and allows you to knockback heavy armor (but not Guardians) as well.
Grp PvPにおいてキーとなるFeatのひとつ。RepulseはPvPにおいて最良のabilitiesのひとつであり、5−9割の影響を与える。heavy armor targetsにもKnockback効果を与えることが出来る
Exorcism -- 2.5 second cast, 3 minute cooldown. Breaks fear and mez, and grants immunity for 5 seconds.
残念ながら、そのcast timeとCD故にGrp PvPでは役に立たない。小規模のPvPならまだ有効かもしれないが、最低でもPassive featにならないと駄目だろう
Blessed armor of faith -- This reduces your armor of faith penalties to -20 holy damage at level 80. The mana penalty is also significantly reduced, making it negligible.
Grp PvPにおいてarmor of faithは必須なので、これは非常に有益なFeatである。常にこのBuffを掛け続け、DPS開始直前に解除する。AoFの最大の目的はHoly Dmgの軽減ではなく、 unholy holy damageの増加によりあらゆる構成のGrpに対しての生存率の低下、すなわち、次に述べるUnyielding Faithは必須のPvP featとなる
Unyielding Faith -- Reduces the unholy damage penalty from 100% to 20%
NecroかDTを有するGrpは、Unyielding Faith無しのAoF Priestを確実に仕留める事となるだろう。unholy NecroやMystical Baneからの即死を避けるために、必須PvP featとなる
Spiritual Warding -- 3 points invested in this yields a 25% passive resist to fear and charm.
AOCにおけるCCは殆どがAOEなので、そのレジを底上げすることにより、warrior fearやExorcismをレジれば、かなり有利となる
Blinding Light -- Reduces the holy invuln of the target. Stacks up to 15% reduction.
Holy Cleansing --Converts unholy and poison damage to healing and gives you an aoe damage tick. 3 second cast, 5 minute(?) cooldown. The healing part of it is broken, apparently.
Avatar of Mitra -- Instant cast, 5-6 yard radius PBAOE 5 second stun. 2 minute cooldown.
Grp PvPにおいてはPoMのDPSベースとなるだろう。1vs1だとハイワロだけどね
Improved Smite -- Increases damage dealt by Smite. Mandatory to progress down the tree.
Holy Vengeance -- After casting Wave of Life, holy damage is increased for a little while. Stacks 5 times.
Cleansing Fire -- Frontal cone .5 second cast DD spell. Damage is just lower than Smite. 8 second cooldown.
これは必須。Holy Dmg底上げ系のfeatで更なるDmg増加を狙え
Improved Rebuke -- 5 points in this reduced the cooldown of Rebuke by 2.5 seconds I believe.
PvPにおいてはナイスなFeatであるが、Holy Vengeanceの変更/FIX次第である
Admonishment -- 2 points in this talent increases the crit chance of Rebuke by 4%.
Sacred Fire -- Adds a weak DoT to cleansing fire. Single digit ticks for 3 seconds after the spell.
Glowing Radiance -- The debuff caused by Radiance now has a +5% damage modifier attached to it for the duration. In other words, this can server as a permanent 5% damage increase to your group.
Inspiring Light -- 2 points in this makes each Radiance reduce the cost of your next Smite, Rebuke, or LoM by 100%.
Holy Conquest -- Increases holy damage dealt by Devotional Prayer.
Devo PrayerのMelee/RangedAttackにHolyDmg+のBuff。増加分のDmgが低いのであんまり役に立たなさそう
Revivification -- 3 points in this provides a 90-100% chance of proccing emanation of life on the priest when 'struck' in combat. Although I had this talent for a bit I did not keep the spec long enough to test of it works on spells too.
Searing Light -- Radiance becomes an AoE damage spell on par or better than smite.
Purification of Mitra -- WoL and EoL proc aoe DoT damage, must be in melee range.
Mitra's Searing Eye -- 3 second cast, less damage than Smite, 4-6 second cooldown (forgot).
Clarity of Mind-Force of Willと組み合わせれば、そんなに悪くはないだろう。FoWともStackする。そのうちPvP必須Featになるかもね(要検証)
Guiding Hand of Mitra -- 3 points in this reduces the cooldown from 5 minutes to 3.5 minutes, even though the cooldown count syays 4 minutes.
Empowered HoMの前提Featであり、これを獲得することにより生存率が上がるだろう
Empowered Hand of Mitra -- HoMをinstant cast化し走りながらCast可能に。PvPにおいての生存率を格段に上げてくれるだろう。死んだプリは使えないプリだ。
Violent Exorcism/Imporved Mitra's Searing Eye -- Have not tested these. Anyone willing to waste some silver may feel free to.
The Light Within -- Revivification now places EoL on the priest's group when the priest is struck in combat.
Guardian Spirit -- 2 minute cooldown, 1.5 second cast, 10 (?) second duration. Buffs the group with a 1 charge thorns effect, dealing respectable damage (1500 at level 70) to anyone who attacks the priest or his groupmates. The healing part of this spell is broken.
Vengeful Guardian -- Guardian spirit, when active, provides a 20% damage buff to the group.
Determination -- Reduces casting time on most of your cc and protection spells. ~25% reduction in casting time.
Relentless faithの前提Featであり、CCの強化となる素晴らしいFeat
Relentless Faith -- Slightly increases the length of the spells listed, although it does not show up in the tooltip. Each point seems to be a .5 second increase in length.
Undying belief -- When Sustaining Faith is active, damage is converted into mana damage. Also reduces the cooldown of SF.
Immortal Spirit -- Adds the exact same mana regen as 5/5 points in ether flow. Also increases the duration of Wave of Life's HoT.
DivinityのT2Featと合わす事によりOOMから永遠に開放されるだろう。装備におけるManaRegeを無視することができるので、よりConstitution, Wisdom, or spell damageの高い装備をすることが可能となる。とはいえ、11Copperで買える60Potionが存在するのでこのFeatは取らなくてもいいだろう.
Manifestation of Mitra -- 1.5 second cast, 2 minute cooldown, 20 second duration. Targetable ground AoE spell that pulses every 3 seconds providing a 3 second buff every pulse to those in its very respectable range. Heals for roughly an emanation tick upon the target taking damage, and also provides a 15% damage boost. Each pulse (6 per cast) also adds 1 sadism, furious inspiration, or vengeance to those in range. This is a must have for any PvE spec, as well as a good PvP ability to run with when using 2 PoMs.
---General Priest Tree---
Ether Flow -- Passive in-combat mana regen that scales with level.
Spirit Armor/Spirit Aegies -- 5 points yields a 3% mitigation to either melee or magic for both of these feats.
Grace/Vindicator -- PvE talents that reduce threat generated and help soldiers maintain aggro better.
Ether Discharge -- Allows WoL to restore mana for each target healed.
Far-Reaching Spirit -- Increases the range of Radiance.
超重要なPvP feat
Saintly Warrior -- Mana is restored upon being hit in melee.
Guilding Spirit -- Removes the cooldown from WoL.
All- Encompasing Spirit -- Increases the AoE of Wave of Life.
Presence of Mind -- 5 points makes Radiance instacast, useable on the move.
超重要PoM feat。反論は認めない
Exemplar -- + holy damage that scales with level. Slightly less than Wrath of Mitra but it also stacks with it.
Focus -- Reduces the chance of healing spells being interrupted in combat.
Healing Spirit -- Reduces the mana cost of all spells.
Vengeance of the Gods -- 1.5 second cast spell with a 3 minute cooldown, 30 second duration. Increases damage dealt by 20%.
Shroud of the Gods -- PvE Detaunt. Unsure of the exact specs.
The Definitive PvP Feat Specs
The second part of this thread will be a reference for PvP builds: what works, what doesn't, what you need, and what you should never spec into if you want to be the best PoM possible.
(I am currently reinstalling AoC as a write this, so Ill throw up as much as I can in the limited time I have. More updates Monday morning downtime).
Griefa's PoM Feat Plan
In my opinion, there is no build more balanced and more perfect for group or solo PvP than the PoMatar build. This is the build I am currently running with, and will most likely be sticking with as the solo Priest of Mitra in a PvP 6 man. In the current state of AoC, there is no build that I would recommend over it unless you are running with dual Priest.
-The best healing available with 15 points into Lance and maxed out Presence of Mind w/ a huge radius.
-Arguably the greatest CC ability in the game-- Avatar of Mitra
-The ability to knockback any target with the exception of Guardians.
-Passive 25% resist to Fear and Charm
-Able to use Armor of Faith in all PvP situations w/ no need to ever click it off versus any group with unholy damage (Necro and Mystical Bane DTs)
-The ability to do ridiculous burst damage every 2 minutes with Clarity of Mind/Force of Will.
-Without The Light Within, Emanation of Life is still pretty garbage with this build and keeping it up full time is a problem.
-Hand of Mitra needs to be precasted most of the time, since the .5 second cast really is like a 12 second cast when under fire considering how much of the damage goes through with the way the spell works currently.
-Hand of Mitra cooldown can be an issue sometimes in smaller scale skirmishes, but for group PvP it is often up when needed.
-Mana potion dependant. Fortunately, level 60 mana pots are 11 copper and will prevent you from ever running out of mana.
This build has nearly every key feat needed to maximizing the PoMs effectiveness in group PvP. Although at first glance, it may seem like a DPS noob spec, upon further inspection, one can see that every talent necessary for group combat in the Divinity tree has been maxed out. Most of these DPS feats are fillers-- with no need for mana conservation ones, and a bunch of PvE or poorly designed feats available, the DPS based talents seem like the logical alternative. Vengeance of the Gods and Exemplar are both also fillers, in a sense. The 6 points spent in them cannot be put to better use elsewhere, and both fit the theme of the overall build in creating a well balanced, group friendly healer.
This is a Divinity/General build. In my opinion, the Vengeance tree, in its current form, is terrible. The only feat worth digging deep into the tree for is The Light Within. Unfortunately, doing so forces you to choose between either Presence of Mind or Avatar. Both of these feats are far superior to any other feat, in any other tree. There is currently no reason (aside from being bad) to be PvPing without speccing into both of these.
If you want to be the most useful asset to your group in PvP, then PoMatar is the way to go.
More to come soon, keep checking back!