

US military presence provokes activism  米軍駐留に最も寛容な日本


speaker 音声をダウンロード(1)

speaker 音声をダウンロード(2)

Chow_1 Cheryl Chow is a freelance writer with a rich multi-cultural background and a deep interest in cross-cultural issues. She grew up trilingual and tri-cultural. Her primary cultural roots are American, Chinese and Japanese. She is fluent in English, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese. Over the years, she has written poetry, essays, articles, and books on various topics, including social trends and health issues. She is currently living in Taipei, Taiwan.


Jun 23, 2008 ジャパン・ウォッチ

6月21日号 1面

The Circus Comes to Town

062_250 Cirque du Soleil, the hugely popular circus‐style entertainment empire, held a performance in Japan on June 3 to publicize its plan to hold a permanent show at Tokyo Disney Resort.

Titled ZED, the show was scripted and performed by Francois Girard, director of the movie Silk, which starred Yakusyo Koji and Ashina Sei. The Renaissance‐style stage was constructed to resemble the inside of a brass and copper globe. The main character, Zed, is seen traversing the two completely different worlds of heaven and earth.

The various characters of Tarot cards appear, as the two disparate worlds become tied together.

Known for its elaborate performances on huge stages, Cirque du Soleil has earned worldwide fame, especially in Las Vegas, where it has quickly become a must‐see attraction.

Oriental Land Co., which operates Tokyo Disney Resort, signed an agreement with Cirque du Soleil in 2005 to stage regular performances from Oct. 3. The action will take place inside Theater Tokyo, whose construction has cost 14 billion yen and taken about two years. The facility is huge, measuring 35 meters wide, 20 meters long and 21 meters high. Covering it will be a semi‐circular roof with an area of 1,700 square meters.

The facility will also feature one of the world's biggest theater pits, roughly 6 meters deep.

The preview performance was a remarkable showcase of the performers' skills. They twirled batons rapidly and with great dexterity, and about a dozen performers were propelled into the air.

(By Igari Junichi)

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【WORDS 単語をチェック】
cirque (仏)サーカス soleil (仏)太陽 hugely popular 圧倒的人気の circus‐style entertainment empire サーカス式のアクロバットを見せる一団 publicize 公表する permanent show 常設の公演(後出 regular performance も同意) Tokyo Disney Resort 東京ディズニーリゾート title ~ ~と題する script 立案する perform 演出する director 監督 Silk 『シルク』(2007) star 主役にする Renaissance‐style stage ルネッサンス期をイメージしたステージ construct 建設する(後出 construction は建設)resemble まねる brass 真ちゅう copper 銅 globe 地球儀 main character 主人公(後出 character は登場人物) traverse 行き来する heaven 天 earth 地 disparate 異なる become tied 結ばれる elaborate 手の込んだ earn worldwide fame 世界的な名声を得る must‐see 必見の sign an agreement 契約を交わす facility 施設  measuring ~ 大きさは~で wide 幅 long 奥行き high 高さ semi‐circular 半球形の feature 特色とする theater pit 奈落(舞台の床下の地下室) remarkable showcase 目を見張るような披露の舞台 skill 技術 twirl くるくる回す with dexterity 器用に propel ~ into the air ~を宙に投げ上げる



Jun 20, 2008 1面

English Soup by Chikako Kobayashi



And the Award Goes To ...  今年の受賞者は…

Craig and Justin discuss the pains of Father's Day.



(Watching television)

Justin: What are those awards?

Oh, it's the "Best Father Purple Ribbon" award. It's given out to several famous fathers every year, and each one gets a trophy. Though I have to admit, sometimes it looks like the recipients are chosen only because they're high profile and have kids.

J: Do you know what your kids have up their sleeve for tomorrow?

C: Well, until last year, the kids used to make breakfast in bed for Mother's Day and Father's Day. Except ...

J: Except what?

C: Last year, we got food poisoning from their breakfast. Turns out the eggs were old. So this Mother's Day, Denise made sure all the food in the house was fresh.

J: And the Mother's Day breakfast went well?

C: The kids were too scared after what happened last year, so they took Denise out to lunch instead.

J: That's a shame.

C: Well, the food poisoning we got was pretty bad.

J: So you'd prefer a lunch out ...

C: Or even a trophy!


Jun 18, 2008 English Soup


東進衛星予備校講師 安河内 哲也

Los Angeles を「ロス」と言ったり長い英単語を略して言うのは、日本人のお家芸ですね。最近よく耳にする「メタボ」って何の略だかわかりますか? これは metabolic syndrome の略で、これには「代謝症候群」という意味があります。metabolic は形容詞ですが、名詞の metabolism は「新陳代謝」という意味でとてもよく使います。英語では「メタボ」では通じません。ちなみに、Los Angeles を略した正しい英語は LA です。


問題 次の英文の( )に入れるのに適当な語(句)を選びなさい。

1. Many tourists wait outside Buckingham Palace just __________ the changing of the Guards.

(A) for a sight (B)  catch sight of (C)  to seeing (D)  to see.

2. A man so difficult to please must be __________ .

(A)  difficult for work with (B) easy working (C)  hard to work with (D) pleasant to work

3. This river is dangerous to __________ in July.

(A)  being swum (B)  swim in (C)  swim it (D)  swimming 

                                   解答:1 (D) 2 (C) 3 (B)


Jun 17, 2008 ここで差をつける 安河内哲也の英文法


The debate continues  拉致問題と米朝関係


speaker 音声をダウンロード(1)

speaker 音声をダウンロード(2)

PeterPeter Ennis is Editor of The Oriental Economist Report, responsible for overall coverage, but focusing mostly on Japanese political and security developments. Mr. Ennis has been reporting and writing about Japan and U.S.‐Japan relations for 25 years. He has written for Weekly Toyo Keizai, Bungei Shunju, Chuo Koron, Sapio, Nikkei Weekly, Newsweek Japan and many other newspapers and magazines.


Jun 16, 2008 ジャパン・ウォッチ