On friday, I went to Tennouzu Aisle. I had to go to the Immigration Bureau. But woohoo! I got lost. I find it easy to get lost in Tokyo. But it’s okay. The only bad thing was that it was SO hot. When it’s not raining, it’s boiling hot here! It’s almost summer. :)

I really don’t take enough pictures. I think I’m afraid to look like a silly tourist..hehe.
The rainy season started, but we have pretty shiny sunny days in between.

I’ve been working a few hours during the weekend somewhere, but I’m quitting after tomorrow. I have a few jobs I’m about to pick from right now, that will give me more hours and a bit better pay. But I’m still unsure about which choice is best. I have another interview tomorrow, so after that, I might know a bit more which direction I need to take.

As any reality is…. you gotta provide for yourself to live. So my priority right now is to work so I can extend my stay. Without money…no rent, no food, etc. My account is getting very low, so I have to be careful. I’m not giving up though!

Of course I do my best to look up auditions that are possible for me to enter. But most of them are demotape auditions…which can take forever to get a reply. I want to find more live ones. There are some auditions with age limits too. And a lot of auditions are open only for singer-songwriters. But erm…I don’t write songs so…too bad! I’ve even seen an audition that refused cover songs that use commercially released karaoke tracks. ^^;;; But anyway, if you ever hear of anything that I might not know about, I’d gladly take suggestions. I buy a magazine called ‘Audition’ that comes out once a month.

But either way, I hope my financial worries settle down soon so I can put more energy into singing.
My only practice is when I go to karaoke box so… it requires money. And so I can’t go very often. I do my best to learn new songs mentally by listening to them at home. Then try them out at karaoke. ^^;;;

Too bad I don’t have any incredible news to give out, but I’ll keep doing my best to find opportunities.

Ciao ciao for now!




I know that they are very few in number, but some people still come to visit my blog, or so the statistic say. I feel bad that these few people come back to see if I’ll post again, and probably keep their hopes up while I don’t do a thing.

So what’s with this sudden update?
I’ve been wanting to post in a while but I don’t really have a reason to.
I have nothing incredible to update about.
I also still can’t record anything at my current location so….
It feels slightly pointless to keep up a blog where I can’t even show anything I do to anyone.
Also, I made my posts vanish once more, I’ve been pretty much whining here almost everyday so…
I was sick of all that and decided I should just stick to post about my personal whinings to my private LiveJournal account.

So what is there to say here?

1-I am still alive.
2-I am still in Japan.
3-I’m currently working hard at finding jobs. I started one the other day but it’s very few hours so I will need to keep looking for a 2nd one to be able to survive financially. In other words, it’s only the beginning.
4-I am still looking for the appropriate kinds of auditions. I have a few things that are still in the mist, I don’t know if anything will work out or lead me anywhere, but I’ll do my best.
5-I am still living in a dormitory for foreigners and I still hate it (sorry…haha).
6-My spoken japanese still sucks! :D But I want to improve sooo much. I can’t afford going to a japanese language school, but I do my best to keep my ears open and talk when possible. I also try to study from the books I have when there is time. I need to learn much more vocabulary and grammar!!! Understanding is a good and useful thing but…talking is much more required if I want to stay here, I know that.

I won’t admit I’m defeated until I really see no other way.
I hate the dormitory but…. I love the atmosphere of Japan.
I’m getting used to this place…
So many little things that I don’t want to let go of right now.
I don’t want to go back to Canada.
Especially not now that some things might be coming up for me.
I don’t want to have to go back right before I can have these chances.




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