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Human egg makes accidental debut on camera

  • 11 June 2008
  • From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
  • Linda Geddes
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Look closely: this is history in the making. These are the clearest pictures ever taken of what is the starting point of every human life: ovulation occurring inside a woman's body. See the photos

"The release of the oocyte from the ovary is a crucial event in human reproduction," says Jacques Donnez at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) in Brussels, Belgium. "These pictures are clearly important to better understand the mechanism."

Observing ovulation in humans is extremely rare, and previous images have been fuzzy. Donnez captured the event by accident while preparing to carry out a partial hysterectomy on a 45-year-old woman. The release of an egg was considered a sudden, explosive event, but his pictures, to be published in Fertility and Sterility, show it taking place over a period of at least 15 minutes.

Shortly before the egg is released, enzymes break down the tissue in the mature follicle, a fluid-filled sac on the surface of the ovary that contains the egg. This prompts the formation of a reddish protrusion, and after a while a hole appears, from which the egg emerges, surrounded by support cells. It then enters a Fallopian tube, which carries it to the uterus.

While there are no immediate medical implications from the pictures, Darryl Russell, who researches reproductive health at the University of Adelaide in Australia, says they are remarkable: "In animals, even when we control hormone levels - allowing us to predict the time at which ovulation will occur - it is very rare to see it in progress."

From issue 2660 of New Scientist magazine, 11 June 2008, page 13
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By Jman

Wed Jun 11 21:42:19 BST 2008

I have no clue what im looking at



By Scott

Wed Jun 11 21:45:04 BST 2008

Check the BBC news website it has tags.


"the Starting Point Of Every Human Life"??

By Peter

Wed Jun 11 22:22:47 BST 2008

Is Ms Geddes looking for a Templeton Prize or just trying to be needlessly controversial?

Either way your editor was asleep at the wheel.


"the Starting Point Of Every Human Life"??

By Emre

Thu Jun 12 03:51:18 BST 2008

True... This isn't really the starting point of every human life. If a haploid cell coming out is the starting point of every human life, then each man on the planet is murdering millions of innocent humans every single day.

Not even deranged anti-abortion activists claim life starts at the egg, they limit the start of life to be fertilization.

Neat article though.


"the Starting Point Of Every Human Life"??

By Sermin Çiftçi

Thu Jun 12 21:42:55 BST 2008

U r absolutely right emre.


"the Starting Point Of Every Human Life"??

By Tufan

Fri Jun 13 01:13:01 BST 2008


Ÿem bir tespit!!!

mucize bu olsa gerek...


"the Starting Point Of Every Human Life"??

By Ryan

Thu Jun 12 18:17:17 BST 2008

It is the starting point of every human life but the reverse is not true. Not every ovulation starts a human life but all human life resulted from an ovulation. Hope that clears things up.


"the Starting Point Of Every Human Life"??

By W. t. Effing

Thu Jun 12 22:34:04 BST 2008

So if ovulation is "the starting point of every human life," then that must mean menstruation is murder!


"the Starting Point Of Every Human Life"??

By Juan

Fri Jun 13 14:19:46 BST 2008

Quizas sea asesinato pero no podes pedir que se embaraze una mujer cada 9 meses.

Maybe this is even murder but I could not ask for a pregnancy a woman every 9 months.



By Hadeer

Thu Jun 12 09:18:39 BST 2008

This is the spark! This then grows to be us, everyone of us was partially this egg before it is fertilized. I think we have a miracle happening in every woman's womb! It is history. It is a resemblance of the beginning of of so many beings around us (even stars have circular shapes).The circle is more than just a shape,,it is the symbol of continuity...


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