Thought Of Thought of anger, And aggression But the digression Of this mission has come Let it go Let it run Dont let it be the one To govern The way you act Cuz when you react The wrong way It will fuck up your day And days to come Will get harder to run But easier to run from But why run You coward You punk Stop Turn around Go back And confront This experience is hard Yeah I know But dont get clouded Dont be surrounded By the feelings and thoughts
The Hundred Year Farce a PLAY in brief [Open on a bus stop with bench, currently unoccupied. OLD MAN enters slowly from SR, hobbles to and sits on the far side of the bench. He takes a sighing breath, then extricates a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket. He places one in his mouth, lights it, and smokes contentedly. There is the sound of a scuffle off SR, and YOUNG MAN is thrown bodily onto the stage, where he staggers to his feet, somewhat drunk.] YOUNG MAN: Just you wait til I'm sober again! [Nearly falls twice] but until then, I'll give you time to think about