welcome to sherl0k's bms terminal. this stop on the internet will guide you to official iidx simfiles.
big thanks to alis, saxxonpike, tau, setzer, and panda for helping with this collection.
recent updates:
9/3: well, i added in the missing cs exclusives and re-ripped 9th style. this my friends is what we call a "complete collection." i have no need to update the news page until troopers keysounds come out. until then, enjoy!
9/2: updated faster than i thought i would. 2 more site themes thanks to aj, i love how they look. first of all, the errors people were getting in the GOLD set were fixed. i've re-ripped 10th through 13th, and added in the distorted cs exclusives (with 5-key charts). my 9th style disc seems to not want to work so i need to get another copy to re-rip those. but it won't be for another couple weeks. besides that, some cs exclusives are missing, and obvious iidx15 data which hasn't been leaked yet. i'm pleased with how far i've come.
8/27: i know, been a long time since i updated last. school's been kicking my ass, but i graduate this week so i can have some more time here hopefully. at least i got the color scheme changed. :D i know vanessa doesn't work on gold, i have to reupload it. i'll be adding more cs releases soon too.
6/26: fixed CaptivAte -SABAKI-, the filenames weren't in plain text so there were some errors on extracting. i'll be gone for bemanifest so i won't be around for updates, hopefully nothing dies in my absence!
6/24: site moved, i'm done with shitty outsourced tech support from latavia. let's see how my nice dedicated server in sweden handles things. :) also, all of GOLD is added so enjoy that!
6/18: 4thCS, 5thCS, and a few missing 6thAC files have been added. i'm filling in the gaps of stuff that i'm missing, then i'll do the re-rips. enjoy.
6/7: 4th, 5th, and 6th style are all added. i suppose that makes the collection complete? i'll probably start re-ripping 9th-12th soon, since i'm pretty sure those have some errors and missing charts.
6/6: download errors fixed. there shouldn't be any corrupt files or errors in winrar/winzip when extracting. big thanks to vxjasonxv for debugging my code.
6/3: 7th style added. once again, homegrown rips. thanks so much to saxxonpike for his tools.
6/2: 8th style added. enjoy. let me know of any problems on the forums, i did the rips myself.
5/28: shoutbox removed per my host's request. i now have a small forum up and running. RAR files aren't downloading correctly, but you can repair them in WinRAR and they'll work just fine with all the files intact. i'm changing everything over to zip anyway. and bgm's are all going to be in ogg to save on space and bandwidth. just use oggdec.
5/27: problem with the downloads cutting off has been fixed. i'm still going to probably end up converting all the BGMs to ogg at some point though. 8th style will hopefully be added soon, as well as 6th (my 7th style disc is b0rked).
5/26: we're back online. with 9 more GOLD keysounds, and all of substream added. please note, download managers don't work anymore, so don't try it. just download them one by one please, i don't need the site being hammered. thanks.
4/28: oh hey look here's some GOLD keysounds. 9 to start you all off with, i hope to get more soon. enjoy.
4/23: i know, been a while since i updated. i added in a bunch of CS rips though, so be happy with that while i figure out how to rip the rest of the console styles (i didn't rip these).
3/14: unicode filenames renamed. apparantely php doesn't like redirecting to a unicode filename, so i romanized all the happysky songs that were in kanji.
2/28: happysky's added. i'm going to be working on some other styles so it may be a few days before you see another update. but i got the shoutbox weorking, so utilize that.
2/27: if you can't hear the 1st-3rd background music, it's because the bgm is in ogg format. use this handy tool. just drag the ogg file over the exe, and you'll get a wav file.
2/26: 1st-3rd added. added in the rest of the styles in the sidebar but nothing's added yet. in due time...
2/26: 9th, 10th, and red are all added. still waiting on my transfer of happysky to finish, it may be a couple days before those get added. i'll work on some older stuff in the meantime.
2/25: quasi-grand opening. only distorted is uploaded, while i had hs and red on a dvd backup the disc decided to stop working. more will be uploaded within a day or two.