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Old 2006-10-03, 11:32 AM
dpapathanasiou dpapathanasiou is offline
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Why does ping report old domain?

When we set up our server (IP address for the first time, we used "" as the domain.

Later, we changed it to "".

To make the change to "", we updated all our DNS records, we changed /etc/hosts to read "" instead of "", and we edited /etc/sysconfig/network to replace all traces of "" with "".

And it worked as we expected -- people can access the web site at, other services such ssh, ftp, and email (POP) access all work as expected using "" as the domain.

The only strange thing is if we ping the server, this is the output we get:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=82.4 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=82.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=48 time=83.4 ms

So we're seeing "" where we expected "".

When we changed the DNS records, we did request that our name registrar (GoDaddy) include a redirect, so that anyone looking for would be redirected to, but from what we understand, that redirect sits on a server in GoDaddy's domain, and should not have anything to do with the result of pinging

Other than being a minor annoyance (everything else *does* work as expected), we want to know:

(a) How to correct this on the ping result?


(b) Whether or not it's ok to allow the domain registration to expire?

We don't want to pay to renew it; we know that would mean losing the redirect at GoDaddy (not a big deal, since everyone knows the new address now), but we don't want to change it without making sure it would not create any problems for access to
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Old 2006-10-03, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by dpapathanasiou
When we set up our server (IP address for the first time, we used "" as the domain.

Later, we changed it to "".

To make the change to "", we updated all our DNS records, we changed /etc/hosts to read "" instead of "", and we edited /etc/sysconfig/network to replace all traces of "" with "".

And it worked as we expected -- people can access the web site at, other services such ssh, ftp, and email (POP) access all work as expected using "" as the domain.

The only strange thing is if we ping the server, this is the output we get:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=82.4 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=82.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=48 time=83.4 ms

So we're seeing "" where we expected "".

When we changed the DNS records, we did request that our name registrar (GoDaddy) include a redirect, so that anyone looking for would be redirected to, but from what we understand, that redirect sits on a server in GoDaddy's domain, and should not have anything to do with the result of pinging

Other than being a minor annoyance (everything else *does* work as expected), we want to know:

(a) How to correct this on the ping result?


(b) Whether or not it's ok to allow the domain registration to expire?

We don't want to pay to renew it; we know that would mean losing the redirect at GoDaddy (not a big deal, since everyone knows the new address now), but we don't want to change it without making sure it would not create any problems for access to

You need to change your reverse dns (PTR) record for the ip address. This is done through
Chris Ward
Dynamic By Design, Inc.
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Old 2006-10-03, 12:29 PM
dpapathanasiou dpapathanasiou is offline
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Join Date: 2006 Oct
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Re: Why does ping report old domain?

Originally Posted by DXD
You need to change your reverse dns (PTR) record for the ip address. This is done through
Thanks, Chris, for clarifying that.
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