May 08 2008
Ping Command to Know IP Adress
Ping is Packet Internet Gopher. With ping command we could know IP address some website on the internet. With ping command we could verify a website is exist or not. Ping command could we operating via command prompt. Because command prompt installed when we install windows, so there is not requirements program to install.
Below the step:
Open your command prompt now, clicks Start menu and then All Programs, after that accessories then Command Prompt Icon.
On the command prompt type this line:
- To know IP address of
- Ping and press enter
- This the result
- Reply from bytes=32 time=785ms TTL=243
- To know IP address of
- Ping and press enter
- This the result
- Reply from bytes=32 time=983ms TTL=47
- Now type and press enter
- The result is:
- Ping request could not find host www. Please check the name and try again.
It means that the website is not exist.