Hemisphere June 3rd, 2008
I fucking hate you, Lyrical DS. For reasons completely unrelated to the game. After talking to a friend about how the afterstories and the crossover were done in this one, I suddenly had a thought…what if Yuzusoft comes out with something similar to what Marmalade did with Lyrical DS? That is, afterstories of each of their heroines? What if they finally gave us a definitive good ending to Chihaya? Also a crossover scenario involving the cast of Braban!, E×E and Natsuzora Kanata? What if Chihaya Kousaka, Sasara Shichijo, Hibarigaoka Yuki, Nakanoshima Tae, Mikage Sumi, Mio Kifune, and Kono Natsuki were placed in the same room?!!
…Frankly I’d die from the sheer moe of it all. I’ll go quietly in the night, and my last words would be “…もうダメだ…萌え過ぎる…”. I hope they mark my grave properly should that happen. Thank you, Lyrical DS, for giving me such an idea.

Lyrical DS, right. Let’s see. So far I’ve played through only two afterstories, those two being Tsukimiya Kaede’s and Takami Rin’s. I checked out the crossover scenario out of sheer curiosity, but decided to save and go back to checking out the rest of Rin’s story instead. I also checked out Arietta-hime’s story, and got to the part where Takuto is informed of her being sick, but I thought that I’d rather die from cuteness some other day instead. And went back to Rin’s story, again. Because Takami Rin is just that good. Hahaha, a cooldere who’s into teasing her lover whether it be suggestive or not, as well as being possessive and jealous - and that’s seriously an understatement. She’s also someone who tends to be quite on the dominating side, which just adds to her awesome character. And she’s also quite kinky. Being voiced by Hitomi Nabatame definitely helps add to her charm!
As a fandisc, it’s definitely in your best interests to finish the endings of all the characters whose afterstories are found in the game, as well as have an idea of what Konneko, Miraroma and Lyrical Lyric are all about, before you decide to play this one. Otherwise your reaction will just be a loud and resounding “huh”, as the whole point of playing a fandisc flies in right over your head while you sit there with your mouth agape wondering as to what is going on while events pass you by. It’s not the best of stuff, but it does give me a warm, fuzzy nostalgic feeling as I’m reacquainted with my favorite heroines, particularly when I was playing through Tsukimiya Kaede’s afterstory. I have to say, though, that while I was expecting some humor in Lyrical DS, the hilarity present in it is barely comparable to the humor that I got from SkyFish’s Shirogane no Soleil afterstories, namely ShiroSol and Private Valkyr Academy. Thank you, Hagaru Valkyr/Brunhilde, your antics still crack me up even up to now - and that’s quite something, since those two games weren’t even fully voiced nor did they have a lot of CGs!
Lyrical DS’s afterstories are a bit on the short side, though I’ve played only two of them so I can’t say for sure if all of them are that short. Depending on your reading skills, you could probably finish one scenario in an hour or less, except for the crossover one which seems to contain quite a lot of hijinks. And a lot of repeating character voices, which is not so much a bother as it is unintentionally hilarious thanks to my familiarty with some of the seiyuus. After I finish Rin’s and Arietta’s stories, I might go back and finish up Ina Koi! and MagusTale before going back to Lyrical DS again. Not that it’s bad, it’s just that I have to prioritize my backlog. And to keep myself away from the Yuzusoft idea. For my sanity’s sake.
Tags: Lyrical DS