Mou Yamete! お兄ちゃんのエッチ!

Welcome to Mou Yamete! Formerly Mission to Deep Space, snatched away from WordPress by Oniichan/Randall Fitzgerald.
Hemisphere's the name, and pushing your moral boundaries to the depraved point of no return eroges are the main coverage of this blog.

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Support the fight for mikos, osananajimis, senpais, doroderes and tsunderes! Win the war of ero! Exercise your right to bang bishoujo heroines!
Mou Yamete! They only say it after the first few times. Or while panting in between gasps. Or not at all.


Hemisphere June 8th, 2008

Because Shimotsuki Haruka ranks next to Shikata Akiko as one of my favorite singers! I did say that last time, didn’t I? I’m curious, though, as to what you think about her - Shimotsuki Haruka, I mean.

While Shikata Akiko and Shimotsuki Haruka’s singing styles sound somewhat similar, they are actually quite distinct and different from each other, so making comparisons between the two in an attempt to see whose songs are better would be an exercise in futility. It’s just like comparing apples to oranges, only more subjective and confusing since you’re bringing songs into the whole mess. I like both artists based on their own merits: Shikata Akiko has this whole exotic, celtic feel to her songs, and her voice is just absolutely wonderful to listen to; Shimotsuki Haruka’s songs have more of a folk/ethnic feel, and the way she softens her voice when she’s singing is just lovely.

I took the time to briefly listen to some tracks from three of Shimotsuki Haruka’s albums - those being Ashiato Rhythm, Tindharia no Tane, and Tsukioi no Toshi., with Ashiato Rhythm being a compilation album of most of her works. Unlike my entry on Shikata Akiko, however, I’m not even going to try and mention just why I picked these tracks out in particular. Not completely because I’m feeling lazy, but because I’m still rabidly infatuated with Navigatoria and RAKA! Hence why I’d rather have you guys listen to these tracks that I chose at random, and have you say just what you think about them. I’d love to do that myself and tell you guys why I liked these tracks, but I’d rather stay away from comparing them to Shikata Akiko’s songs from Navigatoria and RAKA, which might be quite an impossible thing for me at this point.

So here they are, in no particular order:
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タユタマ -kiss on my deity- heads up!

Hemisphere June 8th, 2008

Just in case it’s flown under the radar of some people. Like me. Tayutama -kiss on my deity- is Lump of Sugar’s upcoming game, scheduled for release this June 27! If you don’t count the Nursery Rhyme - Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora ni fandisc that they released, then this one is going to be their third game.

I have to say that I’m really looking forward to this one even though I haven’t played finished their previous titles, simply because of their track record that I keep hearing about from other people. That’s how I got started with Marmalade and Whirlpool anyways, and so far it’s worked for me! Besides, I’ve got Nursery Rhyme in queue, and I’ve already played through the introductory parts of Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora ni enough for me to say that I like what it has to offer!

Just like Nursery Rhyme and Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora ni, Tayutama’s character designs are done by the same person whose name escapes me right now 萌木原ふみたけ, but that’s okay because I absolutely fucking love his/her designs and character art! Also, if you check out the character profiles of Mashiro, Yumina, Mifuyu and Ameri, you’ll find a small section below their profiles which is actually a sort of interview with the characters, acting as a preview to their respective personalities! Hahaha, I find Ameri’s rather cute, to be honest - and the part near the end of Mashiro’s interview made me chuckle. 失礼なことを言うと本気で怒りますよ。手加減しませんよ? I think the whole thing with the interviews and all is rather ingenious, if only to whet the appetites of the people looking forward to doing the heroines in this game.

Those looking to find out more about the game might want to visit the download page and check out the trial! They’ve also got the OP movie up on it, as well as some BGM samples. As for the CGs, you can see them in the character page. Hahaha, looks like we get to see Shizuka Itou as a tsundere in this one - that, and we also have the voice of Kagamine Rin providing the voice for Amari! This is definitely another must-get title for me!


Hemisphere June 3rd, 2008

I fucking hate you, Lyrical DS. For reasons completely unrelated to the game. After talking to a friend about how the afterstories and the crossover were done in this one, I suddenly had a thought…what if Yuzusoft comes out with something similar to what Marmalade did with Lyrical DS? That is, afterstories of each of their heroines? What if they finally gave us a definitive good ending to Chihaya? Also a crossover scenario involving the cast of Braban!, E×E and Natsuzora Kanata? What if Chihaya Kousaka, Sasara Shichijo, Hibarigaoka Yuki, Nakanoshima Tae, Mikage Sumi, Mio Kifune, and Kono Natsuki were placed in the same room?!!

…Frankly I’d die from the sheer moe of it all. I’ll go quietly in the night, and my last words would be “…もうダメだ…萌え過ぎる…”. I hope they mark my grave properly should that happen. Thank you, Lyrical DS, for giving me such an idea.

Lyrical DS, right. Let’s see. So far I’ve played through only two afterstories, those two being Tsukimiya Kaede’s and Takami Rin’s. I checked out the crossover scenario out of sheer curiosity, but decided to save and go back to checking out the rest of Rin’s story instead. I also checked out Arietta-hime’s story, and got to the part where Takuto is informed of her being sick, but I thought that I’d rather die from cuteness some other day instead. And went back to Rin’s story, again. Because Takami Rin is just that good. Hahaha, a cooldere who’s into teasing her lover whether it be suggestive or not, as well as being possessive and jealous - and that’s seriously an understatement. She’s also someone who tends to be quite on the dominating side, which just adds to her awesome character. And she’s also quite kinky. Being voiced by Hitomi Nabatame definitely helps add to her charm!

As a fandisc, it’s definitely in your best interests to finish the endings of all the characters whose afterstories are found in the game, as well as have an idea of what Konneko, Miraroma and Lyrical Lyric are all about, before you decide to play this one. Otherwise your reaction will just be a loud and resounding “huh”, as the whole point of playing a fandisc flies in right over your head while you sit there with your mouth agape wondering as to what is going on while events pass you by. It’s not the best of stuff, but it does give me a warm, fuzzy nostalgic feeling as I’m reacquainted with my favorite heroines, particularly when I was playing through Tsukimiya Kaede’s afterstory. I have to say, though, that while I was expecting some humor in Lyrical DS, the hilarity present in it is barely comparable to the humor that I got from SkyFish’s Shirogane no Soleil afterstories, namely ShiroSol and Private Valkyr Academy. Thank you, Hagaru Valkyr/Brunhilde, your antics still crack me up even up to now - and that’s quite something, since those two games weren’t even fully voiced nor did they have a lot of CGs!

Lyrical DS’s afterstories are a bit on the short side, though I’ve played only two of them so I can’t say for sure if all of them are that short. Depending on your reading skills, you could probably finish one scenario in an hour or less, except for the crossover one which seems to contain quite a lot of hijinks. And a lot of repeating character voices, which is not so much a bother as it is unintentionally hilarious thanks to my familiarty with some of the seiyuus. After I finish Rin’s and Arietta’s stories, I might go back and finish up Ina Koi! and MagusTale before going back to Lyrical DS again. Not that it’s bad, it’s just that I have to prioritize my backlog. And to keep myself away from the Yuzusoft idea. For my sanity’s sake.


Hemisphere June 2nd, 2008

That’s going to be my answer whenever I’m asked “who is your favorite singer?” from now on.

I managed to obtain several of Akiko Shikata’s albums, and instantly fell in love with two of them: namely, Navigatoria and RAKA. That happened right after my ears picked up Akiko Shikata’s vocals the moment she started singing, at which point my heart nearly flat lined from the sheer awesomeness of it all. Seriously! If you guys think that Akiko Shikata’s worth is only in her Hymmnos songs in Ar tonelico, then think again! Personally, I’d say that the Hymmnos songs that Akiko Shikata sang for is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to her music.

It’s no surprise that Akiko Shikata’s songs have a mix of celtic, fantasy, ethnic and exotic feel to them, that is, if you’ve listened to her Hymmnos songs in Ar tonelico. If not, then there, I just said it, so don’t be so surprised by her music when you listen to it. In fact, I’d say that the feel of her music complements her singing voice, which is just heavenly. I’d love to go and describe just how nice her voice sounds like, but instead of wasting words and ending up with a half-assed rambling that falls on the border of incomprehensible, I’ll just leave it to you guys to find out for yourself.

If I have to describe Akiko Shikata’s style of music in one word…well, the first word that came to mind was exotic. Not that these two albums alone could be summed up by that single word! I have to add that the way the instruments blend in with her vocals adds to the charm of Akiko Shikata’s music. That, and I’m a really big fan of the instruments that she uses.

Here are some tracks from Navigatoria and RAKA to show just what I mean. I’d love to say that these are my favorite picks, but not really, as all of the songs in both albums are really my favorites!
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Wacky World of Whirlpool

Hemisphere June 1st, 2008

Hahaha, talk about amusing! I’m referring to Whirpool’s two games, of course: Ina Koi! and MagusTale. If you’ve noticed the banners on my site, you’d have probably noticed some similarities with most of them. Well, those banners are from the two aforementioned games.

I started playing MagusTale about a week ago, and that title alone pretty much sparked up my interest for Whirlpool’s other game, Ina Koi. I was already starting down Alicia’s route when I decided to install Ina Koi! on a whim after I noticed that I had freed up enough space for it. And I’m glad I did!

Ina Koi is about Takuya and how his life turns upside down when a Goddess of Harvest steps into his life, whose name is Kamishiro Mutsuki. Still reeling from the changes that Mutsuki’s arrival brought into his life, he must deal with yet another problem: a “motemote” curse that has been placed upon him! The curse makes it so that any girl that he has been into contact with will start desiring him physically, and in increasing fervor every time the curse triggers. This makes his life with his osananajimi Chihiro Midou and senpai Hiina Kujou a bit tough, but luckily for him they decide to support him instead of turning tail.

MagusTale, on the other hand, is about how Daiki’s life takes a sudden change when, during an attempt to visit his sister’s school in order to inform her about their father’s fate, he instead ends up being enlisted into the very same school. And to make things interesting, it turns out that the school is about studying magic, and is secretly hidden from society (but not completely aloof from it). But what clinches things is that, as it turns out, Daiki can’t use magic! So starts his school life with his sister Koyuki, along with a girl who can’t recall her memory aside from her name - Alicia.

There’s something to Whirlpool that made me like both of these games the moment I started playing them, though I have to ask you to pardon the slightly lacking write ups on the two titles. They’re far from perfect: Ina Koi! has some pacing issues, while MagusTale tends to get slow at times, but I still end up playing through those parts with a smile on my face. Which means that I was either enjoying myself, or had just finished laughing at some humorous scenes. If you want to find out more on these two, you can try and check them out yourself, but both of them amount to more than 3GB after installation, so be warned (if you have low disk space, like me). Besides, having Shizuka Ito in both of these games is just awesome!

Releases to look forward to!

Hemisphere May 29th, 2008

As the end of this month comes close, so does the oncoming flood of eroge title releases! Are you ready for it? …I’m not, since I need to buy a new hard drive and all just to make way for all the new games. Which, quite obviously, sucks.

Do you already know which titles are coming out? Are you already expecting certain games to be released? Well, if you do, then good for you! But if not, then this might help you out. Below is the list of games that I’m looking forward to, either out of sheer curiosity or sheer awesomeness.

The games I’m looking forward to? In no particular order:
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ぶらばん! - 須美誕生日おめでとう!

Hemisphere May 23rd, 2008

It’s a bit late, but Happy Birthday Mikage Sumi! Have you greeted her yet? Her birthday was just last week! Talk about being completely freaking late.

I’m talking about Mikage Sumi of course, from Braban!, Yuzusoft’s very first title. In case you missed this title, don’t worry! Yuzusoft was kind enough to release this one along with the release of Natsuzora Kanata. You can even see Ebi trying to make use of Yuki’s tsundere charms to advertise Braban! (and fail at it) over here! Me, I’d go for anything that Hibarigaoka Yuki-sama says, simply because she’s my favorite character out of the entire Braban! cast. I loves me that crazy twintailed tsundere ojousama muchly!

If you want to read up on what Braban!’s all about and what I felt after finishing (most of) the heroines’ routes, you can go and read up on an older entry of mine here. That or you can check out the Related Posts thing below thats right down this entry. Speaking of which, I have got to update that review, along with Miraroma’s and Lyrical Lyric’s…gotta get around to doing that before I come out with my final thoughts on E×E. Which is as soon as I finish Yuu’s route…urgh.

Mikage Sumi is the first character which Miru voiced for Yuzusoft! Well, it’s only logical, since Braban! was their first game. Next came E×E, along with the oh-so-completely awesome and somewhat-but-not-completely detached cool “I can execute game combos in real life” moe Kono Natsuki! Then, there’s Natsuzora Kanata, featuring Sasara Shichijo the green haired bishoujo. All three characters shows just how talented Miru is at being able to give life to completely different characters, since you’ve got the completely shy and timid “don’t bully me please” bishoujo Sumi Mikage and the completely cool and fucking awesome “I can execute game combos in real life” moe Kono Natsuki as two of Miru’s roles. Two characters who are completely different from each other - okay, well, maybe Natsuki shares a bit of insecurity that’s somewhat similar to Sumi, but when it comes to attitude and behavior, they’re totally dissimilar from each other. I can’t say anything about Sasara, though, since I haven’t played through her route yet, but if Miru’s roles and performances in the past is to be any indicator then I’m looking forward to being completely entertained, mesmerized and having a good time.

Hahaha…oh god. Seeing Sumi in that uniform is just…moe. But of course, I still hold Nakanoshima Tae, Hibarigaoka Yuki, Kifune Mio and Kousaka Chihaya in higher regards! My long haired moe bishoujos from Yuzusoft! I wonder, when is Hibarigaoka Yuki-sama’s birthday?

夏空カナタ - Chihaya Kousaka

Hemisphere May 23rd, 2008

Chihaya Kousaka - yet another proof that all you need for a moe-pon of mass destruction is a miko with long, black hair, completely deredere attitude, and Hiroko Taguchi to voice her. This is pretty much a fact. Just look at Tsukimiya Kaede, aka Yome One (of Miraroma)! She bagged the top spot in all Miraroma characters! Then you have Chihaya Kousaka, of Natsuzora Kanata. Oh god. She’s not a miko (yet) at the start of the game, and in all honesty, it might not be in your best interests if she does become a miko.

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t in my best interests, seeing as what happens to her afterwards. Oh god. ;__;

Let’s see. So I just finished Chihaya Kousaka’s route of Natsuzora Kanata. If a game’s awesomeness depends on how far it can entertain me, string me along and keep my suspension of disbelief in check then suddenly drag me into a state of choking up and getting all teary eyed, then yes, I’d say that this was pretty much a good one. I have to say, though, that if you find the whole “System” thing out of place, then I’ll beat you over the head with Da Capo in an attempt to remind you of just how these deus ex machina things work. I know, I know, that line sounds like it came out of nowhere, but trust me, you’ll see what I mean once you get into the meat of the game yourself. Besides, an island of “eternal summer” is pretty much an indication that mysterious forces are already at work, so don’t feel too jolted once the whole thing plays out.

I like the music in this game, especially the ones with vocal accompaniments. The look of the game is very nice, even if it’s still the same Yuzusoft look, only slightly touched up. Also, the transition effect in between days as well as the eyecatches are rather cute! Well, I think the whole ripple effect is nice, especially with the vines thing on the sides. And the voice acting? Oh god the voice acting. I love Hiroko Taguchi’s performance so much as Chihaya Kousaka that I wasn’t able to cut any of her dialogue during the sunset scene, while Ayano Shirai’s performance as Miho reminds me so much of Satsuki-senpai (of Seinarukana) that I literally got goosebumps everytime she spoke.

Yuzusoft, I love you. You did it again with Natsuzora Kanata, never mind how I’ve yet to finish Yuu’s route in ExE for I MUST GET OVER MY FEAR OF AOYAMA YUKARI, I KNOW ONE DAY I WILL and I really love what they’ve done with this one. Never mind how short the game is, its the content that matters! And I’d say this one’s pretty much worth it. If Braban! was a high school romance story, and ExE was an action adventure one, then would it be right to say that Natsuzora Kanata is a mystery romance one?

PS. Both of Chihaya’s endings feel so bittersweet! DAMN IT!

Lillian, Eternal and Xuse

Hemisphere May 23rd, 2008

There’s been some crazy updates over the past few dates, and shame on me for not reporting on them earlier! Well, if you’re interested in learning more about eroges that actually INCORPORATE some kind of gameplay in them *gasp!*, then read on!

A bit of a background info first, though. As Shinova (also known as Newprimus) mentioned on this blog sometime ago, several staff members of PajamasSoft left the company and made their own, named Lilian. Interestingly, these guys were behind Princess Witches, which was quite a fuckwin fun game, from what I hear at least. On the same note, some of the guys in Xuse left and formed their own company as well, calling it Eternal (Will) - whether the Will is part of the name or not, I don’t know, but it sure is part of the homepage address. Now I’m not exactly 100% sure on this, but it appears that the people who were behind Eien no Aseria and Seinarukana were part of the group who formed Eternal.

What does all that mean? For starters Eternal Will is a hilarious name because it reminds me of Seinarukana so much. That game had Permanent Wills, then there was Immortal Will as an attack…I suppose the name “Eternal Will” had it coming. Anyways, these guys are coming out with their first game: Yumina the Eternal. You can check the main page of the game here. The SD art is reminiscent of the game Spitan, which was an offshot of Eien no Aseria, so I can’t say that I dislike the way it looks. Oh, and also MagusTale’s SD characters. If you want to find out more about Eternal and Yumina the Eternal (Euphoria the Everlasting!!?!), then you can check out their little Jinbu Journal here! Oh god, it’s too cute. I love it! I’m already loving Kurokawa’s character design.

Lilian, on the other hand, has just released a demo of their upcoming (first!) game Twinkle Crusaders (normally unavailable, unless you *cough*knowwheretograbit*cough*). YES, IT IS TWINKLE CRUSADERS, DON’T BE MISLED INTO THINKING THAT THE ROMANIZATION OF THE NAME IS TINKLE CRUSADERS. You can check the main game here and read up more on the game, or check out their download page here and see what they’re got to offer to get you all worked up for this one! First impressions? The art resembles Princess Witches - in a very good and familiar way. I like what I see! And I like how they have a lot of teasers to offer people for download!

Lastly: even though some of Xuse’s staff decided to call it quits with them, they’re still not giving up! They’ve announced an upcoming title, Seinarukana Special Fandisc! You can see it here. Apparently it’s a fandisc featuring three stories for three heroines, and their heroes: Zetsu and Nanashi, Nozomu and Rehme, and Sorluska and Thalia. See, I’m okay with the last part, but the first two has me outrageously intrigued. That’s a mixture of outrageously provoked and hideously curious. But more along the lines of horrified curiosity. I mean, come on, basically if you’ve played the game you’d know that Nanashi and Rehme are as tall as a finger, so…never mind. What the fuck - that’s all that’s running through my mind right now.

11eyes - ...君は何を望む?

Hemisphere May 20th, 2008

Seeing “Sin, damnation and the redemption girl” in the game just makes me laugh every time I see it. Talk about an awkward English subtitle.

11eyes is the latest offering from Lass after FESTA! Hyper Girls Pop, a title I have yet to finish, released on the 25th of April. The story is about Satsuki Kakeru and how his whole life turns upside down after he, his osananjimi Minase Yuka, and six other students are drawn into the world of the “Red Night”, where they must fight against not only the bizarre creatures inhabiting that alternate world but also the six Black Knights who are actively hunting them down.

The game takes place in between two settings - the normal world, in which Kakeru and his friends go to school, train and do stuff relative to their normal lives, and the world of the Red Night. Only with a notable difference, as unlike other titles which makes use of the same “switching in between alternate worlds” as a part of the story (something commonly found in RPGs), like Persona 3 for instance, 11eyes doesn’t give me the privilege of choosing when to enter the alternate world, much less set down a fixed time for when it happens so I can prepare myself for it. The characters enter the Red Night without any warning regardless of whatever they’re doing in the normal world, which makes for quite an abrupt transition for both me and the characters early on. Thankfully Kakeru and the cast manage to adapt to the whole experience of being displaced later on, though the shifts are still as random as they come.

I’m going to list down the characters below, then tackle the game’s story and merits after that. Read on if you want to find out more!
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