Most of those who appear to be right-wingers, she says, are just frustrated people feeling the same sense of isolation that minorities such as herself feel. Many, in fact, are Koreans, she said.
South Korea - Consular Information Sheet October 29, 1999 CRIME INFORMATION: Women should exercise caution when traveling alone in taxis, especially at night, because there have been incidents reported involving unwanted attention by taxi drivers towards unaccompanied female passengers. Also, there have been occasional reports of the molestation and rape of foreigners.
South Korea - Consular Information Sheet October 29, 1999 CRIME INFORMATION: Women should exercise caution when traveling alone in taxis, especially at night, because there have been incidents reported involving unwanted attention by taxi drivers towards unaccompanied female passengers. Also, there have been occasional reports of the molestation and rape of foreigners.
Everytime I wanna go get a fuckin brew I gotta go down to the store with the two oriental one-penny countin motherfuckers that make a nigga made enough to cause a little ruckus Thinkin every brother in the world's out to take So they watch every damn move that I make They hope I don't pull out a gat and try to rob they funky little store, but bitch, I got a job ("Look you little Chinese motherfucker I ain't tryin to steal none of yo' shit, leave me alone!" "Mother-fuck you!") Yo yo, check it out So don't follow me, up and down your market Or your little chop suey ass'll be a target of the nationwide boycott Juice with the people, that's what the boy got So pay respect to the black fist or we'll burn your store, right down to a crisp And then we'll see ya! Cause you can't turn the ghetto - into Black Korea
ヨーロッパの某国に逝った時アジア系の人間が酒に酔って暴れてた。 韓国語しゃべってたから明らかに韓国人やったんやけど、警察が来たらやっぱり We are Japanese 「こりゃおもろい」って思ってたまたま現場におった俺が「日本人なので通訳しま〜す」 って名乗り上げて日本語でまくしたてたら、なんと彼ら He is not Japanese!! とぬかしやがる。 「アホやな〜」って思って日本のパスポート見せたら奴らは目が点になってた。 警察はかなり怒ってた(かたい人柄の国やったから)。
>True story A contributor: imigasking (Men/NY) March 9, 2002 Afternoons 1:55 Messages: 1379 / 1469
>South Korea person flows into the U.S. by - and various forms. There life is a group and set spear - - - - .
The tip that a Japanese swing is made and carried out is not paid, it is surely it in the time when * - - - - when it wants to be done - - . For example doing the Japanese appearance that a tip payment is good for, it plays a white prostitute and South Korea men escape and South Korea women pretend the Japanese brand woman of the world and do business to white partner men. Japanese - - - Restaurant whose Korean ancestry is Japanese also has it. A Japanese is found but exceeding the essence of the person who is about to shower verbal abuse, * be - - - . If there is no Japanese community, even if it is called - - tribe, a parasitism race who will not live, it is not - - .