Computer Notes May 15, 2008


Accelerated Reader (Renaissance Learning can be contacted with 800-455-0709, e-mail, you can join their listserve at their website of (same as You need to have the serial number to register the program). They have an e-mail address of You should include school name and address when writing to them. Registration number is J160-0502-X946-D000-21, this number worked, even though it appears to be zero and then the letter ÒIÓ at the end. Disks have serial number of J1600502x946D0002I, which must be entered at Our customer number is 285494. You can also call Technical Support at 800-455-0709. I do not have a registration number for Star Reading, as of 1/04. It does not appear that Accelerated Reader can be sold to individuals, only schools (the minimum purchase is $900 for a small group wi/ a school setting)

1. The Star Manual is used for level testing, it is not needed to run Accelerated Reader.

2. Accelerated Reader is on the Network, not on the iMacs individually in the lab.

3. According to KW, you can log in by using the ÒtreeÓ icon at the top of the screen. Select login, no password is required. This is true on the iMacs in the lab.

4. Page 2-2 says that any reports you print will only include information available to you. This is true for many items within the program.

5. Page 2-3 says you only work in only one class at a time, even if you have access to more than one. However, you can include information from all of your classes by using the Groups option.

6. Page 2-9 says you should not use the Sample Database that gets installed with the program. A new sample database will be installed if the program ever needs to be re-installed.

            A. You must register the program to use Òreal dataÓ instead of Òsample class data.Ó

7. Password for sample class is the first and last initial in a studentÕs name. Two students can have the same password. Caps do not appear to make a difference for passwords.

            A. Page 3-5 states that if your file does not include student passwords, the studentÕs first and last initials are used by default.

            B. To print a list of studentsÕ passwords, Use the Go Menu to select Classroom Reports, and then highlight Student List. Click the options button and there are about three choices to go through (you select to have passwords included in the report on the third choice). Print the report.

8. If Accelerated Reader Management is active, students may not be able to access the program.

            A. If the student part of program is active, management can still access its part of the program, and it appears.

9. Page 2-10 says that there are two difference sets of preferences, one for classroom and one for school in the Accelerated Reader Teacher Management program.

10. Page 2-11 says you can sort lists by clicking at the top of columns.

            A. You can even change the order of columns by clicking and dragging with the mouse.

11. Page 3-3 says that a studentÕs password must be 2-6 characters long and can consist of any combination of letters and numbers.

12. Page 3-5 states that you can import export files from other Advantage Learning Systems products (usually with .exp file extensions). Also, ASCII files can be imported (usually with .txt file extensions). You must use the ÒGo MenuÓ to select ÒstudentsÓ to be able to import students. Page 3-5 also begins the explanation of what you need to do to make ASCII (text) files that can be imported.

13. Page 3-5 states that if there is a duplicate record to be imported, you are presented with a student comparison dialog box (you can see Appendix A: Troubleshooting Guide for more information).

14. Page 3-6 states that commas or tabs can be called delimiters.

15. Page 3-8 explains how to import students (and their scores, if desired) from another computer.

            A. Use Accelerated Reader Management and use the Go menu to select students. Choose to export, select students you wish to export. Save the file.

            B. On the importing computer, you should not already have the students on that computer (it makes it easier). Make sure there is a class to be imported to. Use the Go Menu to select students, select import, and choose the file.

16. Page 4-8 explains how to unenroll a student. You must use ÒGo menu,Ó ÒClasses,Ó select the student and choose unenroll.

17. Several places in the manual mention that the command key can be used to select noncontiguous students. The shift key can be used to select contiguous students.

18. Page 3-14 says you can clear locks for some students or all students, if preferred (you must use the Ògo menuÓ to go to ÒstudentsÓ first.

19. Page 3-16 says that there are two reasons to export students: to make a backup file or to import student information into another Advantage Learning Systems program, such as Accelerated Math or Perfect Copy.

            A. Page 3-16 states that if you are using Accelerated Reader on stand alone computers, you will have to create a separate export file from each computer.

            B. You can choose to export students only or with Òstudent details.Ó If exported with student details, their test scores are exported, as well.

20. If you are in the classes section and you decide to use the delete function, it will delete a whole class, not an individual student. I tried to delete one student, but was not able to. I even unenrolled the student and then trying clearing all locks, but I still was not able to. Perhaps should clear the lock on the one student only (instead of just clearing all locks, which ironically may only clear locks on selected students).

I kept getting the message, when trying to delete her, ÒNA cannot be deleted because N is enrolled in the following classes: Star Reading Management Class: Zelenski Teacher: Zelenski, Ryan.Ó I tried "clearing all locks," then only the lock on her name, but I had no luck. I went back and found that she was, then deleted her from Star Reading, but still keep getting the message in AR, even after restarting. I e-mailed to ask. Another idea would be to delete Star Reading. I got a reply from Kris Smith and he suggested running AR Data Doctor and SR Data Doctor to see if the student could be deleted, but it was still not possible. I e-mailed again (Kris Smith). Kris wrote and said that I might have been using the same data location for Star Reading and AR at one time (this was probably set up by Todd in the wrong location). He said to open iMac-37, Applications, Accelerated Reader, ALSData and see if a STARRead is in there (it was). He suggested renaming the STARRead folder to STARRead old, which I did. He was right, I was then able to delete the student. Later, on Room 54Õs iMac, I had the same problem. I selected new data locations for Star Reading and Accelerated Reader, and somewhere in the process, I got an error type 11. I was not able to delete students (I was deleting students since I needed to do that to import from the iMac in the computer lab) because of enrolled errors. After restart, I was able to delete students.

21. The setup report shows my G3 All in one as having a PowerPC 750 processor, but it does not. It has a G3 processor. At least some G4Õs have a PowerPC 750 processor.

22. Page 8-27 says that TOPS stands for ÒThe Opportunity to Praise a Student.Ó

23. To enroll students, according to page 4-5, you must use the ÒGoÓ Menu to go to the ÒClassesÓ screen.

            A. Page 4-5 explains that to enroll several students at once, click the enroll button and a dialog box will appear. You can then select students for enrolling, if you click the grade column, you can select several students from a particular grade level.

            B. If you select unenroll, only one student will be selected (whoever is highlighted). If you double click on a name, that is a shortcut to unenroll a student.

24. Page 4-9 says that when a class becomes obsolete, you should delete them from the database to keep the database as efficient as possible.

            A. Page 4-10 says that when you delete a class, the teacher information is also deleted if that teacher is assigned to only one class.

25. Page 4-14 says to change enrollment for a student, highlight their name. Then select Òchange enrollmentÓ from the classes menu.

26. Page 4-14 says you must have administrator access to clear a class lockout.

            A. Page 4-15 says that a class record is locked whenever someone is working in the class. But if there is a power failure or the computer crashes, Accelerated Reader will lock the class, and you will need to unlock the class record (you do this from the ÒclassesÓ screen).

            B. Page 4-15 says you cannot unlock a class, when someone is working in the class.

27. Page 5-9 explains how to make a Teacher Made Quiz (which is not possible to do with a sample class, according to the Accelerated Reader Read Me).

28. TWI stands for ÒRead To,Ó ÒRead WithÓ or ÒRead independently.Ó

29. Page 5-22 says that if a negative number is in the pointÕs column, then the student was awarded points.

30. Page 5-29 says you do not have to set all the goals. You can give a Point goal or a Book Level goal, but not a certification goal.

31. Page 6-3 explains how to install Literacy Skills Tests.

32. Page 6-10 explains that you can change a studentÕs response to a question to correct or incorrect. Use the ÒGoÓ menu to get to ÒLiteracy TestsÓ and then select a student, select a test, then select a test question to change the response to. Page 6-14 states that you can delete a studentÕs test from their records by highlighting the test, then selecting delete, when you are in ÒLiteracy TestÓ mode from the ÒGoÓ menu. To delete Houghton Miffln quizzes, select ÒOther ReadingÓ from the ÒGoÓ menu. Highlight studentÕs name, select ÒdeleteÓ from the Other Reading menu.

33. Accelerated Reader Read Me says you can use command, M to adjust the size of report on your screen.

            A. It does not however, affect the printout.

34. The find menu command can be used on several screens.

35. Page 8-12 says to allow students to take quizzes in Spanish, go to Preferences under the School Menu under the Go Menu.

36. Page 8-13 says that to adjust the Literacy Skills Passing Percent, go to the Go Menu, School preferences, Literacy Skills Passing Percent choice.

            A. Page 8-14 shows how to do the same thing, except for the last step, go to Literacy Skills Retake Preferences.

            B. Page 8-15 states that if you go to the Login preferences (Go, School Preferences, and Login), you can choose who can clear a lockout (administrator or administrator and teachers).

            C. Failures before lockout indicates how many times a student can type in the wrong password, before they are locked out of the program.

            D. Page 8-24 mentions that you can select security preferences under the Go Menu, School Preferences. It may not be set up under my version at home, since it is not registered. (you can make a disk that needs to be inserted whenever you want to run the Management program).

            E. Page 8-28 shows how to have the TOPS report print automatically (use Go, School Preferences, TOPS report). I am not sure if you can print previously taken quizzes, after the quiz has been taken. I e-mailed (Kris Smith) to check on this on 4/25/02. Stephanie Heinen e-mailed me back and said that you can print a TOPS report for a previously taken quiz. Choose Reading Practice under the Classroom (Go) menu, highlight the studentÕs name that you would like to print a TOPS report for. At the bottom of the screen, highlight the quiz that you want to see a TOPS report on and click Print TOPS report on the left-hand side of the screen.

            F. To change whether or not a TOPS report will print, Go to School, Preferences, TOPS Report (Class, preferences, TOPS Report allows you to have Class Settings or go with the schools' settings for TOPS Reports).

            G. Page 8-28 says that students can have the TOPS report print in English or Spanish or you can have all reports print in English. You must select it under Go, School Preferences, TOPS and report language. After a student takes a quiz, they have the option of printing in English or Spanish. If a student simply logs in and then selects report, it will only be in English.

            H. Page 8-30 says that you can monitor the TWI preferences by using Go, School Preferences, TWI preferences. This will decide whether to ask how the book was read or not.

37. Page 9-6 says that a student can use the mouse to select a letter or they can type the letter on the keyboard.

            A. Page 9-8 says that the letter will be selected on the screen, when a student selects it. However, it does not mean that it is the correct answer, necessarily.

38. Page A-5 suggests making a copy of the ALSData folder to back up your files, however, whenever I moved this file out of the Accelerated Reader folder, the information was still there in the program (may not work with 8.1, etc.). I e-mailed to ask about this. Someone did reply (Kris Smith) and said that if you press control and A, you can quit while in the middle of a quiz. This works, you just must enter the monitor password (admin). TinaÕs password is books (later, it was changed because someone was accessing it and changing information). However, the quiz is not saved, though. Student must start again from the beginning (I checked this myself). He also said you can look at and see the information about backing up the data. He also said that an alsdata folder would not be created with a preview version.

            A. Anyhow, the best way may be to export the student information along with details. Then back up on Zip Disk or whatever.

            B. He also said that you can use to look for support answers.

39. The Read Me for AR says that if your computer crashes while creating a book label report or importing a large number of students, increase the memory allocation for the program.

40. After doing a clean install of System Software on the iMac, I had to copy the ALS Launcher, ALS preferences, alsBIGC.dat, alsBIGC.fpt and the ALS Temp preferences files from the old System Folder to the new System Folder to get Accelerated Reader working, so I could log in. Otherwise, I would need the registration number. Also, after I completed a clean install of the system (9.2.1) on a blueberry iMac, the quizzes did not need to be re-installed.

41. Scott Johnson (friend of Mark Wheeler) from Atwater said he could do an hour in-service on Accelerated Reader, if we like. He did not know how much to charge, since he has not done one before (he later said he would not charge us anything, he is very nice). His e-mail address is and his phone number is 357-6517. He seems very knowledgeable about AR.

            A. He also said that CTAP could do an inservice that would be more reasonably priced than ARÕs prices.

            B. He also said that the ÒReading RenaissanceÓ conference, held in San Antonio in May is well worth the money. Information can be found at or a link may be found on ARÕs home page.

            C. He also said that version 5 is much better than version 4. They are currently using an update of version 6. They got the updates on CD, they did not download them (may not be available from the AR website).

42. I copied Accelerated Reader 5.1.2 to the 550 in my room and it ran fine, a little slow, but fine. May need to increase memory allocation from default of 8192 K.

            A. Another possibility may be to run Accelerated Reader on a Power Mac (5400), if available.

            B. I e-mailed Dennis and to ask about the System requirements. I could ask Scott J. later, also. Dennis said they run it on 2 PCÕs in the library, only.

            C. Accelerated Reader e-mailed me and said that the tests for Accelerated Reader are not timed.

            D. They also e-mailed me and referred me to for System Requirements for Accelerated Reader. According to the website, Accelerated Reader requires a 68040 processor (LC550Õs have a 68030 processor and LC575Õs have a 68LC040 processor) and OS 7.6 to OS 9.x and at least 8 MB of RAM. A CD-ROM, 3.5Ó diskettes drive and mouse are required. The web pages says that a 68030 processor is required for Star Reading, along with System 7.1 through 9.0. It also requires 8 MB of free RAM.

            A. LH tried using AR on an older computer and it seemed to install, but then she got out of memory errors.

43. Books with pink tabs in the library are Accelerated Reader books.

44. There is one CD for tests and quizzes, which can be copied 50 times or more, if we would like.

45. Reading Renaissance Book (from AR conference) could not be located at school or at home, as of 1/25/02.

46. As of 2/2002, students can check out books one at a time from the library (perhaps two in the future).

47. There does not appear to be a way to use the installer for Accelerated Reader to install tests.

            A. There is a separate CD for installing the tests.

            B. Becky said, as of 3/12/02, we only have the quizzes. KW has one CD with the quizzes (and tests?) on it. I borrowed the set of floppy disks from Rebecca. Comedy, Mysteries and More disk did not have anything on it. Also, there was not a Young Readers - Volume 1 floppy disk.

            C. We did not buy the tests, according to KW on 3/13/02. To install the quizzes: open Accelerated Reader Management, Use the Go menu to select quizzes, Install, Select Location (when the window appears, it defaults to the Accelerated Reader folder, any changes made in the General Controls Control Panel do not affect this dialog box), Single click desktop, double click untitled CD (or AR CD or whatever the name is), double click AR Tests, Double Click (choose name of the quizzes to be installed), doubleclick AR Test, Single click Select AR Test.

            D. When I originally copied the floppy disks to use for installing quizzes, I simply selected the name of the folder (i.e. Berenstein Bears) when installing the quizzes. There was not a AR Test folder in the File Folders that were originally on floppy disk.

            E. To delete a quiz, you must use the Go Menu to get to quizzes. Select the quizzes you wish to delete (you can use command key or shift key to select more than one quiz), select delete from the Quiz Menu, confirm deletion. You can sort by Language, to delete all the Spanish quizzes (they will line up together).

            F. When installing quizzes on the iMac in Room 54, after I installed about six or seven quizzes, the next three (or any more) would not install, I got the not a valid location error. Upon restart, I was able to install the remaining quizzes. This happened on two occasions.

            G. To see lists of what quizzes are on a CD (or floppy), you can open AR folder and then you will see the numbers of the quizzes on the CD (or floppy). On at least one CD (or floppy) called ÒBill Peet and Friends,Ó you can open the file called Ò1359539.TXTÓ from within MS Word (select all files, not just readable files). The txt file is inside the BookLI~1 (it may be that the file is supposed to be named Booklist).

48. CF thought that some of her kids had done 3 or 4 quizzes and had 100 points. But many of my students had taken same number of quizzes and gotten only like 3.4 points, etc. She was mistaken.

            A. If a student gets 75% on a quiz, they may get part of the points for the quiz, i.e. 0.3 out of 0.5.

49. DM had an error when trying to log in. When she selected her name, it said, "There is a security problem. Contact the monitor or your Teacher.Ó I logged in to double check her password and it was "DM.Ó Then I went to (Go) Students, then I selected DM's name and then clear lock. Then I logged out. DM was able to log in after that.

            A. When one student was trying to log in to Accelerated Reader (we now have version 6.22, as of 2/03), he got the error message that ÒThere is a security problem. Contact the Monitor or your Teacher.Ó I e-mailed RenLearning and they said to use Accelerated Reader Management program to go to Students, then select ÒClear All LocksÓ from the Classes menu. This worked.

            B. Later (4/29/03), the same error message occurred (ÒThere is a security problem. Contact the Monitor or your Teacher.Ó). Clearing all locks did not work. But, after signing in with Accelerated Reader Management and going to students, then selecting RG, then clear lock, it worked. RG was able to log in.

            C. AR said that if clearing the lock did not work, you could have everyone exit out of the program and then run the Data Doctor utility to see if that helps with this error.  If you continue to receive this error, you will want to make sure that the workstation is reading the correct date and time through your control panels.Ó

50. To erase a quiz from a studentÕs record, Use the Go Menu to get to Reading Practice screen (command, R), highlight the name of the student, select delete, confirm deletion.

            A. Command, S from the Go Menu takes you to the studentsÕ screen.

51. I got an error one time that said that the date file could not located or was not complete (or something similar to that) when trying to open Accelerated Reader Management, but the problem was that Accelerated Reader Student was open at the same time. After closing Accelerated Reader Student, I was able to open Accelerated Reader Management without any error.

52. The default percentage to pass a Quiz is 70%, but it can be changed under (Go Menu) preferences, Literacy Skills Passing Percentage.

53. To print a class summary, (Go Menu, Classroom), Reports, Diagnostic.

54. One student got a 100% on her quiz. When she tried to retake it, it gave the message ÒYou are not able to retake this quiz. Please see your teacher.Ó Later, another student tried to retake the quiz, but she had failed. She got the same message that ÒYou are not able to retake the quiz. Please see your teacher.Ó

            A. You must delete the quiz from the studentÕs record. Go to Reading Practice (under Go Menu) screen. Then select the studentÕs name (or names), press the ÒdeleteÓ button. As of 10/07, I can not do this on the network version of A.R., only TD can do it (only she can have the admin password). I thought that there was some problem with the program in 10/07, since two students had taken 4 quizzes (other reading quizzes), which the , but the Diagnostic Report-Other Reading showed only 3 quizzes: the problem was that I did not choose a date and the default was to chose from a specific period; it would have been better to choose the whole school year as the date. BTW, I am not able to run the A.R. Doctor Data (the password is admin to start the process, though) on the network because I got an Òin use or read onlyÓ error.

55. When the students sign in with AR, you can sort books by title, number, etc. by clicking the column. You can quickly get to a book title by simply typing the first letter in the name, when the list is sorted by title.

56. When the students sign in with AR, you can sort books by title, number, etc. by clicking the column. You can quickly get to a book title by simply typing the first letter in the name, when the list is sorted by title.

57. After doing a clean install of System Software on 4/20/02, I decided not to reinstall all the quizzes on the G3/233, to save HD space.

58. When copying one floppy disk to the G3/266Õs HD, I got an error type -127. I restarted with extensions off, copied the floppy disk to the HD again, and got no error.

59. When installing the program and entering the code, the name you type in for school prints out on reports (Todd typed in Cybil Crookham as school name). To change this information, Use the Go menu to go to School, Preferences, choose School Name.

60. You can print a student points slip report by going to the Go, Classroom Reports, and select Student points slip form.

61. After downloading the AR CD Utility Installer, you then should install it (only needs to be done one time). Then download quizzes from Ren Learning (got the information from mail, on one occasion, the URL was\\Onyxkb\Download\&platform=MAC), you must put all the contents of a quizzes downloaded folder in the same folder as the AR CD Utility.

62. To print a listing of all the quizzes, go to school reports, Reading Practice Quiz List.

            A. As of 5/16/02, the report was 35 pages. I had to print it in two sections. Originally, I printed the whole document, but then I was not able to print anymore (after page 22 or so, it stopped). I restarted the iMac and the DW and then printed page 23 on.

63. On one occasion (11/02), one of my students had taken an Accelerated Reader quiz, but it did not show up on the Diagnostic report that I ran. I e-mailed to see what they thought about this.

            A. Stephanie Heinen, E-mail Support Technician, and Fax: 877-730-2158, replied and said I should run the Data doctor to remove corruption. I did this on 11/26/2002.

64. At an in-service for HM, it was said that we were supposed to get some Accelerated Reader quizzes for the student anthologies. I asked Rebecca and she said we did not.

65. To block students from taking quizzes that are too low for them, go to Classroom, preferences, then select what you would like.

            A. I put a block of 2.5 on the Accelerated Reader quizzes for books. Quizzes must be above 2.5. 2.5 and below are blocked for the 02/03 school year.

66. To print certificates, go to classroom, reports, certificate. However, when I tried to do this, I got the message that ÒThere are no students with certifications.Ó I e-mailed to ask about this on 2/5/03. They sent me an e-mail with a link ( that had the information. Later, though, I discovered that the certificate reports are not what we wanted, RH had it confused.

            A. Students Points Report should go to KW on Friday. Student Points Slips should go to students.

67. As of 2/03, I am no longer requiring students to show me their Accelerated Reader quizzes, when they are done. When students are done with their tests, they can keep them. Alternatively, I can turn the option off to print quizzes, when they are done.

68. If you try to go to TOPS Report under Classroom, preferences, you get a message about not being able to access it because you do not have access privilege.

            A. You can change it so that teachers have access to certain school preferences by going to School, preferences, Class privileges.

69. NH uses the password of Ò20Ó for her whole class.

70. You can click on the Ò3rd pencilÓ to ÒTake Other Reading quizzes,Ó which would include HM anthology quizzes. I decided to not do Houghton Mifflin quizzes on the iMac, since the quizzes are networked on the DELLÕs and the DEC computer (and students can have more access with four computers); later, though (2/07),  I decided to do them (UA time) to be assistive with comprehension. To access the studentsÕ scores, go to Classroom Reports, choose Diagnostic-Other Reading, and then click the ÒDateÓ button to select desired dates. A different (somewhat better) way is to go to Classroom Reports, Student Record (and select dates), this report will tell you about AR quizzes and other reading quizzes. TD said that the best time for students to access the computers in the lab to complete AR quizzes is in the morning before school (11/06).

71. To delete points from a student's record, you can use GO, Classroom, Reading Practice. Next, highlight the student and choose the Points Used tab, then click the ÒAddÓ button, then type in the number of points student used, then ÒAdd.Ó

A. You can use the ÒEditÓ or ÒDeleteÓ buttons only AFTER you have ÒaddedÓ a points used record. Points used records are negative numbers, points awarded are negative numbers.

            B. When you use the ÒAddÓ choice, the Totals do not appear to operate correctly.

72. The order number for 2nd grade Houghton Mifflin anthologies is ORD1508344-1679987, 3rd grade is ORDD1508344-1679950, and 4th grade is ORD15808344-1679952.

            A. I contact and Kris Smith replied and said to use ORD1508344 and serial number J1600502x946D0002I to download the titles at I did go to the website, but the titles were archived, so I should receive an e-mail within 48 hours (from Sat. 11/8/03 at 1:50 P.M.) to get information on where to download the files.

            B. I got an e-mail that said that I need to go to

            C. I did download the files, but when I tried building floppy disks (which I thought I needed to do), the HM anthologies still were not installed. I thought it was because I had made my own ÒAR DataÓ file, so I got rid of that. However, that was not the problem (It is better, anyhow, not to create my own data file).

            D. When installing HM anthology quizzes, use Quiz Util to Install directly into Accelerated Reader 5.1 or 6.1 dataset, then "select location," go to Accelerated Reader, BaseData, AccReadr. Then select "AccReadr" at the bottom of the window, and then select next.

            E. After installation, use Go, Classroom Preferences, choose Other Reading Series, Add, select your preferred grade level, then select "ok."

            F. You can also install quizzes by opening AR Management, then School, Quizzes and Tests, then select the tab for Other Reading Quizzes, then select data (see D above for more info, if necessary), then see E.

            G. If you "build floppies, it will only install Reading Practice Quizzes and Literacy Skills Quizzes, not "other Reading Quizzes" (HM would fall under "other Reading Quizzes").

            H. Booklists contains a list of all potentially installed titles.

            I. I tried installing the HM anthologies on the iMac in room 20 with version 5.1.2, but the version does not appear to allow you to install HM anthologies (other Reading Quizzes), so I had to update her version to 6.22.

            J. I also found out that I should use the 6.22 AR installer, otherwise, my class shows up on their computer). AR Version 5.1.2 (on School Stuff 2 CD) does not have the same problem.

            K. Also, after installing the 2nd grade anthologies, I realized that the story ÒDragon Gets ByÓ was not present, but the other 2nd grade stories in the first theme are. I would imagine that the rest of the stories are present also.

            L. I think that you can use the management utility in version 6 to install quizzes. You may/may not have that option with version 5.1.2.

            M. When choosing the dataset for the Accelerated Reader (i.e. when I tried to on NancyÕs computer), I kept trying to use ÒAccelerated Reader, BaseData, and then AccReadr, then select AccReadr, but I kept getting an error saying it does not appear to be a valid location. I realized later that Accelerated Reader automatically picks the place for dataset, just leave the choice it makes, it should work.

73. Once you download the quizzes, they can be made into floppy disks, and then transferred to Zip Disks or CDs from the floppy disks, and the quizzes will install.

73. I needed to do a clean install of my System software. When I tried to use Accelerated Reader, I get a message that says "my data could not be located." Kris Smith ( said that to Òfind for the files called alsbigc.dat and alsbigc.fpt and delete all occurrences of the files.  Next, open the management program and register the program using your serial number.

            A. I tried this (even I had since re-installed the program). When I moved the two files (alsbigc.dat and alsbigc.fpt) to the desktop, I had to re-register the program. I think this solution would work in future instances.

74. AR 6.22 Read Me says that the Sample database can be accessed at any time by changing the data location for AR. I made a folder called ÒAccelerated Reader DataÓ for use with AR 6.22 on the blueberry iMac.

            A. The sample database, however, should not be used to store student data, as the sample data is erased during the installation process, if you ever need to re-install the program.

            B. UserÕs manual is included in the same folder as the installer for version 6.22.

            C. To adjust the magnifications on the screen for a report, use the percentage menu at the bottom of the screen, the magnification under Reports, or press command M.

            D. The AR 6.22 Read Me says you should boot into OS 9, before using AR 6.22, since it is not compatible with OS X.

75. If you have AR student open, and then try to open AR management, you may get a data location error. However, if you then close AR student and re-open AR management, error should not appear.

76. If you select quizzes and tests from the Go Menu, the upper menu changes. You can go to Quizzes/Tests and choose to export quiz information to see list of installed titles. They are sorted by quiz ID, not ABC order.

            A. There does not appear to be a way to get a ÒkeyÓ for AR quizzes.

77. I went to an AR conference at Rivera Middle School and I learned quite a few things.

            A. Students can view their points record after they log in.

            B. If you have a book without an AR quiz, you may check Renaissance web site to see if a quiz is available. If not, you can make your own quiz. If you go to Schol, quizzes and tests, you can make your own quiz by clicking the add button. Students can make their own quiz, as well; I think they would use the management program to do this. You can then send your quiz in to Renaissance Learning and get the book level from Renaissance Learning for free.

            C. Quizzes cost $2.58 each, as of 1/04.

            D. If you go to classes, reports, you can access a ÒGoal setting chartÓ to get an idea of how many points students should get based on their level.

            E. ÒThere is no such thing as an ÔAR book,ÕÓ Most books have AR quizzes, but you may need to buy them.

            F. Students may want to read lower-leveled book. After all, teachers do it. If students do not abuse it, it is not that bad an idea. Sometimes, the level can be misleading, i.e. The Grapes of Wrath is level 4.9.

            G. Some teachers count AR as part of studentsÕ grades at Rivera Middle School.

            H. You can use School, prefs, Student Characteristics to make user-defined characteristics for students, if necessary. Then when you go to the students screen to edit them (and click the characteristics tab), you will see the user-defined characteristics.

            I. The questions are always given in the same order with AR (to follow the sequence of the story), but the answers are shuffled each time (to avoid cheating).

            J. You can duplicate a class from AR to Star Reading, to Accelerated Math, etc. It does not matter which program you start in. Go to school, classes. Then select the class, then go to Class, duplicate. This would normally take youthrougha wizard to duplicate a class in any AR program, but I tried to do this with Star Reading, but I could not. I do not have a registration number for Star Reading, I did evaluate the program, but with sample data, I donÕt think you can duplicate a class in Star Reading.

78. Star Reading is used to determine a level for students. Default password for admin is same as AR. I tried to run a level report from Star Reading, but TD said that we are unable to print reports, since when we log in, we cannot do that. However, I was able to print a report with password of admin or 58. The two DELLÕs on the left have the Star Reading access, while the one on the right does not (the data location will not work with the Star Reading); also, at least one (and probably more of the laptops allow you to access Star Reading Managament to get a copy of ZPDÕs).

79. When logged in with the studentÕs account on the blueberry iMac (non-admin account), I could not install AR quizzes, even after giving permission and repairing disk permissions with Disk Utility. I had to log in as me to do it. Also, I had to be logged in as myself to run AR Data Doctor.

80. TD tried to install some AR quizzes from a CD, but was unable to because the disk was Òlocked.Ó I copied the install files to the HD, then  I was able to install the quizzes.

81. I e-mailed to see if there is a way to transfer quizzes from one install to another on the same computer (without having to re-install the quizzes another time).

82. If you go to Preferences with AR Management, you can choose Data Location to see where it is. It appears that HD/Applications/Accelerated Reader is the default.

83. KW said that I could access AR on the network using the ÒQÓ drive, but the ÒQÓ drive was not present. I checked and the AR application has been installed on the DELL computers, but the data location has not been set, so I e- mailed Todd on 3/13/06, to inquire. He replied the next day and said that AR is on the network, but not accessible, because the server is down. I decided not to access AR on the network for now, since it will just cost extra work for TD; for now, I will just do HM quizzes on the iMac (since there is no points involved) and count them in my reading grades. In 10/06, I decided to install AR on the DEC computer. I went to the ÒLÓ drive and dragged the alias from there to my desktop. Then I opened it, I had to select ÒRegister this product using a previous installation.Ó; then the program asked me to choose the data location. I chose the ÒLÓ Drive from the popup menu and selected the ALSData folder (on TDÕs computer, the Data Location shows as L:\ALSDAT~1\), and then Okay (may need to choose ÒoverwriteÓ). Anyhow, now my data location shows up as L:\ALSDAT~1, also. I was able to access the rules for all of the students in school about which quizzes they can and cannot take. My password (and the studentsÕ passwords) is 58. On my DEC, the Star Reading Management was on the ÒFÓ Drive, but the ALSData file was on the ÒLÓ Drive at the root level (I had logged in as rzelenski). On the laptops, Accelerated Reader and Star Reading are accessed from the ÒFÓ drive: you do not install them on a client; you must make sure that you have logged in with Novell to access AR and STAR Reading on the laptops. You can access AR Management on two laptops concurrently. AR and Star Reading use the same ALSData folder for data.

84. To complete a report on the other Reading (Houghton Mifflin) quizzes in room 58, use the ÒGoÓ menu to access Classroom reports, select Quiz takers – other reading, use group options to choose your quizzes, choose my class, select all students, select other Reading Series, select stories for your report.

85. There does not appear to be a way to see studentsÕ missed questions when taking the Other Reading quizzes. I e-mailed to verify this on 4/3/06. They said it is possible, but to keep in mind you will only see the missed questions if the student passes the quiz.

Using this preference, you can decide what students are allowed to see or do when they take quizzes in the Student program. Anyone who logs into the Management program with the administrator password can change this preference; the results will affect all Accelerated Reader classes.

To change this preference, follow these steps: Click on the Go menu and select Preferences from the School section of the menu. This will take you to the School Preferences screen.

Click once on the General Student preference.Click the [Edit] button to open the General Student Program Preferences dialog box.

In the Reading Practice Quizzes section, you can decide if students will see the missed questions and correct answers, and the total points for the marking period by the quiz results, after taking a Reading Practice Quiz. You can also enable book voting so that the students can rate the book (the results for your class are shown in the Book Voting/Our Favorite Books Report). Check the box by each item you want to enable. Click in a box to check it or to remove the check mark.

In the Literacy Skills Quizzes section, you can decide if students will see the missed questions and correct answers after taking a Literacy Skills Quiz. Check the box if you want to allow students to see the answers to the questions they missed. Click in box to check it or to remove the check mark.

In the Other Reading Quizzes section, you can decide if students will see the missed questions and correct answers after taking an Other Reading Quiz. Check the box if you want to allow students to see the answers to the questions they missed. Click in box to check it or to remove the check mark. When you have finished, click the [OK].

86. As of 7/06, Accelerated Reader is installed on the 3 DELLÕs in room 58, but

not the rebuilt DEC.

87. We tried to run Star Management in the library on TDÕs Windows machine, but it kept producing a need a ÒCW3220mt.DLL fileÓ error, it suggesting that reinstallling may help. I did reinstall and the error was gone. However, it then wanted to locate the data file, which I did not know. Todd said that the computer would need to access the correct server (she did not have access to it). He said he will have to revamp her system on 8/8/06.

88. To allow students to be blocked from taking certains quizzes (i.e. for books that are too high or too low), you can go to Clasroom Preferences, Quiz Blocking Rules. You can block a student, class, or grade level.

89. To set the passing percentage for the Other Reading Series, go to Classroom Preferences, Other Reading Series, then set the percentage. I set it for 80% on 10/10/06.

90. On the networked (networked can be an adjective, according to version, If they miss 1, they do not get full points on the AR network version. If a student gets 80%, they receive partial points. If there are any problems with someone whose computer says that they are already Òlogged on,Ó then KW must deal with it. Apparently, there were some problems with the password being given out.

91. TD does not allow the students to use their books when taking the test; students can use the material when taking the OARS or CAT, since the AR books are at their independent level (which should be easier than the OARS or CAT). Tina said that students should check out one or two chapter books per month based on their level (LO tells her students to do one chapter book a week; if they donÕt, they may stay in at recess), but all students can check out chapter books. Students cannot check out books that are below their Z.P.DÕs, but they can use books that are above their level. According to T.D., if a studentÕs reading (lower, I believe) level is 2.5 or higher, they are supposed to read 1 chapter book a month. If a studentÕs reading level is 3.5 or later, they are supposed to read 2 chapter books a month. If a studentÕs reading level is 4.5 or higher, they are supposed to read 3 chapter books a month. The ÒEÓ books are not considered chapter books, but the ÒFÓ (short for fiction) books are. If a student cannot take a quiz because of rule 424, it is because the level of the book is too low for the studentsÕ level. Sarah, Plain and Tall and CharlotteÕs Web are not on the red iMac DV+ (as of 12/3/06). In Accelerated Reader, students can view their points when they are logged in. They can go to view student record report to see how many and which H.M. quizzes they have taken. You can go to School, Reports; and then see Schoolwide Summary to compare one class with another. Also, when selecting a type of report, often the date of your report appears in the information below where the type of report is selected. You can go to Student Record Report to see a list of the quizzes taken/passed. Also, within the Diagnostic report, you just get the number of quizzes taken/passed.

92. To take a sample student quiz, log in to Teacher Management, go to School, Quizzes and Tests, then select a quiz, then take a sample student quiz.

93. ZPD stands for Zone of Proximal (Proximal is nearest; proximate: proximate is next, nearest). Development, which is a learner's current or actual development level determined by independent problem-solving and the learner's emerging or potential level of development. AR uses the ZPD levels for students, according to and You can use Star Management on the laptops (from the ÒFÓ server) to access ZPDÕs for students (password is room number). Use the Go Menu to access Reports, select Diagnostic. To access Star Management on the DEC, you need to access the ÒLÓ Drive.

94. There are no Yosemite AR books, as of 12/06.

95. ZPD stands for Zone of Proximal (Proximal is nearest; proximate: proximate is next, nearest). Development, which is a learner's current or actual development level determined by independent problem-solving and the learner's emerging or potential level of development. AR uses the ZPD levels for students, according to and

96. You can do a word count report (under reports) to get a total number of words read by the class for the whole year.

97. Students are supposed to take only four quizzes per day, but if they take more, the points still count in the programÕs total; Tina just deletes them from the AR store points. Anyhow, JL suggested having a sign-in sheet for the students to take quizzes, which may be a feasible idea.


Adobe Acrobat Reader

1. Must have Adobe Serif MM and Adobe Sans MM in Postscript and True Type to open Acrobat Reader.

2. Needs ATM to open. Although, ATM does not have to be in the Control Panels folder, but it must be on (have to restart the computer to turn ATM on or off). If you put ATM into the fonts folder that is inside the Adobe Acrobat Folder, Adobe Acrobat will open.

3. I also got a message saying that ATM will not open with VM on. However, I simply increased the memory allocation of Adobe Acrobat to 5600, 8000 K and it opened fine.

4. 3.0.2 installer actually installs 3.0.1 of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

5. Can only select one page at a time with Acrobat Reader (3.0 and 4.0), canÕt select a whole document for copying at once.

6. Could not get 4.0 to open on the G3/233. I increased the preferred size from 6600 to 10000 K, and this worked.

7. Portable Document Files (PDF) are useful for transferring between platforms.

8. If you have a many page document (like 100 pages) with a lot of graphics may have trouble printing. Rob did on his computer with (HP?) printer, so printed it five pages at a time. This worked.

9. When using Acrobat Reader, the big left arrow lets you go back to where you were.

10. The binoculars in the menu bar can be used to search for something.

11. On one occasion, I got an error that said that too many windows were open to print a document, so I closed several applications. I re-opened Acrobat Reader and was able to print. Also, I got an error when opening that said ÒUnable to find or create the font ÔTimes-Roman.Õ Some characters may not display or print correctly,Ó which may have contributed to the problem.

            A. Later, I tried to open the tax form 540EZ that was in .pdf format. I could not open it (I got error type -42). I ran DFA, NDD and replaced the Finder, System File and System Enabler files. I also trashed the Finder preferences. I had no luck. Finally, I used Invisifile to make these files visible: Desktop DB, Desktop DF, DesktopPrinters DB, OpenFolderListDF and Shutdown Check. Then I trashed them all and used Techtool to rebuild the desktop. Then I was able to open the .pdf file.

            B. Later, I could not open another .pdf file. I closed Claris E-mailer and CW 4.0, then I was able to open the .pdf document (I got an error that said temporarily unable to open document, even though memory was not mentioned, that was probably the problem).

12. Mom got an "Invalid Colorspace" error when trying to open a .pdf file on Mom's G3 (using Acrobat Reader 3.0). I installed Acrobat Reader 4.0 onto her G3, then I opened Acrobat Reader 4.0 and was able to open the .pdf file from within Acrobat Reader and also from the Finder.

13. At, you can create your own PDFs on line (but only a limited number, according to Tourbus, 6/5/03).

14. Acrobat Reader 5.1 will not install on the G3/266, since 8.6 or later is required.

            A. Later, after upgrading to OS 9.2.2, it was able to be installed. After upgrading to OS X 10.2.8, I ran the 5.0 installer again, thinking it would install into 9.2.2, but it did not. I simply installed into OS X, which is fine.

15. At, you can make your own safety signs.

16. When using the Blue Shield Providers document, I just used the index of doctors at the back to help me find doctors quicker. Interestingly enough, it would say p. 7 is one doctor, but actually it was page 12 of the document (FYI).

17. You can click the "T" on the toolbar in Acrobat Reader 5 to highlight text for copying. In version 7, click the select tool to be able to do this.

18. Adobe 8.1.1Õs print dialog box indicates that Preview is not supported (I tried this with several documents to no avail. I looked with Google and found another user with the same issue, but no resolution; and looking for the answer in Adobe Help was not useful. Finally, I tried version 7.0.9, but it does not alow you to preview documents, either.). Support is $175 for the least expensive plan, and you cannot contact Adobe otherwise; therefore, I decided to trash Adobe Reader version 7 and 8 on the iMac Duo.



 1. Can be used with 350 Mhz or higher iMacs, not 266 or Bondi-Blues. Airport can be used with all iBooks. G3 can use Airport, but need PCI cards (which can be kinda expensive).

2. One computer connects to Ethernet, DSL, ISDN, cable modem or dial up connection. Other computers can connect to it even from 150 feet away.

3. Airport card costs $89 and the Airport base station costs $269.

4. It does not work with America Online as of 7/24/00, according to

5. As of 8/9/2000, Airport can be used in every current Apple product: iMac, iBook, Power Mac, and Powerbook.

6. An Airport base station can provide some firewall functions such as assigning random IP addresses, network address translation (NAT), etc. NAT is a system that has many routers and some operation systems where many ÒhostsÓ behind the router or firewall host are translated to a single real IP address.

7. Airport Extreme price is around $200 with Airport and a base station, plus AirPort Extreme only works with OS X or later.

8. Airport is off on the iMac Duo (I used internet Connect to turn it off).


Aliases (and Alias Zoo)

1. To find the Easter Egg screen, scan a disk for aliases, then hold down the ÒoptionÓ key while choosing Òget infoÓ on any one of the aliases.

2. Links can be lost after initialization of a hard drive.

3. On my Power Mac, Spell it Deluxe had error messages when opening from At Ease. Trashed the alias, made new link.

4. To figure out which disk a particular file is on, create a file, make an alias on the floppy disk and copy it to the HD. When clicking on the alias, it will ask for the disk (even If there is another copy of the file on the HD). Or in the Get Info window, it you select find original, it will ask for the disk named __________.

5. An alias takes up only 1 or 2K on a floppy, but about 26K on a HD.

6. If you make an alias of the trash, only the real trash can appears to be full.

7. If you make an alias of an alias and delete the first alias, then the second alias will not work. You need to make all aliases from an original.

8. You can change the name of the original, and the alias will still work.

9. On the G3/233, the alias for Simpletext would not allow me to open Simpletext, it kept opening the application, Load A Drive. Using the Finder (instead of the Apple Menu), I was able to open Simpletext. I trashed the alias in the Apple Menu Items and made a new Simpletext alias and put in Apple Menu Items. The new alias worked fine to open Simpletext.


Alpha Smart 2000 ( or or web page at

1. Password is Òteach,Ó you can reproduce manual as needed.

            A. P. 9 of the manual mentions that ÒIf you need to use two ADB ports, use the Y cable to provide the other ADB port.Ó This is for using two keyboards.

2. Will work with SE or later, not IIE or IIC.

3. Text can not be formatted on the Alphasmart, except for tabs and returns (text is done in ASCII).

4. When Caps Lock is down, there is a black box on the lower right hand corner.

5. To erase a file, press clear file and ÒY.Ó To rewrite the file with 0Õs, use Option, command, clear file and ÒY.Ó

To erase all the files, hit option, command, control, shift, and clear file.

            A. Option, command, R recovers files. If not, try control, option, command, R (brings back 40 characters), keep pressing the command keys. Otherwise, try shift, control, option, and command, R (then move the cursor to where the garbage characters start and press command, delete to remove garbage characters).

6. There is no user dictionary.

7. You can disable the spell check (like for a spelling test), but you must call the company for the master password.

8. To change files once attached to the Mac, hit option, command, F1 or option, ,.`command, F2 etc.

9. To paste into a spreadsheet with proper cell formatting or to do the same for a database:

            A. Type into A.S. 2000 with tabs, paste file into word processor, then copy and paste into S.S.

10. Command, Option, s brings up a speed dialog box for the AS 2000 (only when not connected to the Mac). Slower speeds are more compatible with some appÕs.

11. Option, command L brings up a keyboard layout dialog box.

12. Printing requires a special cable. Option, print brings up a printer dialog box.

13. Hitting find will bring up a find dialog. Command, Find to start Words per minute test. Escape to exit.

14. Command, Option, K to turn invisibles on and off, sticky keys on and off, auto repeat on and off.

15. Command, option, control P brings up a password screen (however, a password must be obtained from the vendor).

16. Connecting the AS 2000 to the MAC gives it power (even If AS has none, it will transfer files). Also, AS 2000 has a lithium battery besides the alkaline batteries. Lithium battery, according to the manual, lasts 5 to 10 years.

17. If you type and nothing appears, try clearing the file to make sure no characters are present.

18. If it does not save after turning off, Òsignature not foundÓ or ÒTesting RAMÓ appears on startup, check battery for replacement (p. 41).

19. Text can be sent back to the AS from the computer, but only with special software.

20. I am not certain, but I turned the computer on each time I connected/reconnected an Alpha Smart. Also, you should pick the wanted file before connecting the ADB cable to the Alpha Smart.

21. Auto power off after 3 or 4 minutes (when not connected to the Mac, I think).

22. It uses 3 batteries, even though 4 batteries are pictured in the battery compartment diagram.


America Online, 342-0104, 343-7507, 241-0010 (none of these three can be called from room 58 in 3/07; however, 383-3695 works in room 58., 491-7300, 572-6000, 524-8343, 524-0995 have been disconnected). Registration Number 4M37660629, Password Smoggy-Villa or 4M-2594-0081 Password Covey-Canto or Password 4P-1072-1432 Password RAID-DELL or 6Y-0819-4168 Password FOSSIL-ROCOCO or 6S-4970-3694 Password TEED-UPRISE or 6S-4544-1041 Password SHIES-STEPPE. Technical Support number for Macintosh is 888-265-8007. You would not need a name and password if you are using a credit card to sign up (you would set up a name and password). 383-0168 is no longer a good number, it has been changed to 233-0010, but 233-0010 is not able to be dialed from my room, even though it is a Merced phone number. 230-9550 is a good number as well, but our classroom phones can not dial it. 381-0230 no longer works, as of 3/03. It used to work in room 37. I sent AOL an e-mail to ask about other Merced numbers, since 342, 343 and 241 numbers do not work from room 58 (and other rooms as well, I think).  They replied and had no helpful information.  They did say that you can use 800-716-0023 at 10 cents per minute. To contact AOL by e-mail, go to Channels, Welcome, Search (AOL Help), 24 Hours, and Contact Customer Service by E-mail. I only have a Merced phonebook from 2000. I think that 230 and 233 numbers are fairly new for Merced. I looked with Google, but was unable to find any 230 and 233 numbers that I might potentially call from school (as of 3/31/03). I gave a note to Marilyn on 6/6/03 asking her to add those two prefixes to our classroom phones at school. KW said that the numbers are programmed from the phone in her office. I could take the manual and figure it out on my own, if I would like. The phone in KWÕs office is a Bogen model number MCDS3 and serial number is 0235QUA5376. Bogen Communications, Inc. is at 50 Spring Street, Ramsey, NJ 07446. Their phone number is 201-934-8500. I read the Multicom 2000 manual (Bogen) and it says that a password is required to access the setup menu for outside line access. I left ÒUse AOL Link when connecting with a modem unchecked.Ó I was able to sign up by dialing up or by using TCP/IP. You may be able to check on the modem status temporarily at school, by turning on the speakerphone

1. Should have ÒFax Sender, Fax Extension, and WindowshadeÓ Extensions off.

2. To turn on and off instant messages, Ò$IM_off and any character in text field,Ó return; Ò$IM_on and any character in text field,Ó return.

3. To turn off junk E-mail, go to Òmail,Ó Òmail controls,Ó and then Ògo to mail controls.Ó

            A. JulieÕs e-mail address was put on my list of people that I could receive e-mail from, but I didnÕt receive her mail. AOL said my new incoming mailbox may have been full (If you get twenty or more e-mails). They also suggested retrying it, and If it doesnÕt work this time, go to Keyword ÒSystem ResponseÓ and tell them the story.

4. Type Ò//rollÓ to roll two six sided dice.

5. I tried to convert my Clarisworks 4.0 files to 3.0 and e-mail them to Mom. it wouldnÕt do it at first, the files were called Òseating chart (v 3.0),Ó so I changed the name to Òseating chart, MomÓ and it worked. Also, through AOL on April 12th or so, I could only attach one file to a piece of mail.

6. One day after zapping the PRAM, my web site was very blurry when looking at it on its website (but I could see it inside of Web Workshop OK). I went to ÒMembers,Ó ÒPreferences,Ó ÒWeb,Ó and deselected ÒUse compressed images.Ó

7. I now have increased the memory requirements for AOL 3.0.1 (latest version) from 4, 6 (Min, Pref.) to 8, 10 (Min, Pref). I can now print with background Printing ON. I may try reinstalling system software later, only If necessary.

8. I used PrefsCleanerª to clean out my preferences. In the process, AOL needed to be updated (some prefs were accidentally deleted). I went to ÒMember,Ó ÒPreferences,Ó ÒLinkÓ (to configure to AOL link), ÒWebÓ (to uncheck use compressed images and to check notify me when I first enter an unsecured web site), ÒDownloadÓ to uncheck the box labeled Òautomatically uncompress files at sign-offÓ (makes Automatic AOL very slow).

9. When scanning pictures for AOL, it is best to use ÒJPEG,Ó not ÒTIFFÓ as KinkoÕs suggested.

            A. Tidbits #784 says that when you save files as JPEG, they lose information each time you save them. To avoid this situation, save as TIFF instead.

10. When I sent two picture files at one time to a person, AOL ÒstuffedÓ the files. They both come out on the other end after ÒunstuffingÓ (but are combined into one file). When I sent one picture file, it was not ÒstuffedÓ.

11. Using search engine type in ÒDallas CowboysÓ instead of Dallas Cowboys, so that both words must be together (especially In Alta Vista).

            A. Also, using the scanner at KinkoÕs, I had to save as ÒMillions of colorsÓ to use the ÒJPEG (acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group)Ó format.

12. AOL 2.6 has a web browser that is separate from the 2.6 application. In 3.0, the browser is built into 3.0 application (so 3.0 requires more memory). Also If a computer will open and use 2.6, but not the Internet, it may be that the browser can not open because of memory constraints (there is enough memory to open 2.6, but not web browser, also). 2.6 can be opened but web browser can not, perhaps. It may be that the AOL/web browser extension/control panel is not installed.

13. Netscape Navigator can be used with AOL at no extra charge, just open Netscape after logging on with AOL.

14. You can download a file with Netscape, chat in a chat room, and look at a web page with AOLÕs browser at the same time (although it is slow).

15. On one occasion with Netscape, the message would say, Òthis site is busy or not accepting connectionsÓ on more than one website. It was also very slow. It turns out I restarted AOL, then Netscape worked (temporary problem).

16. To sign on without being on a buddy list, go to Members, Buddy List, Preferences, click on ÒBlock all members from adding me to their lists/invitationsÓ or Òblock only whomever.Ó

17. I tried to download version 3.01 and 3.03 of Netscape from their home page and errors occurred. I was able to download 3.02, but it was a 68 K file and unreadable. May have to download the update from a ÒrelatedÓ Netscape site (which can be accessedthroughNetscapeÕs home page). 3.0 is what I have, but at school, it had error type 11 every time it started up, but will have to wait and see.

18. It is important to leave one AOL window open (i.e. Buddy List) when using Netscape. Otherwise, you get logged off.

19. Found System Software 6.0.1 with Alta Vista instead of with the ÒFind itÓ at Apple.

20. I called AOL to find out how to sign on without AOL i.e. just use Netscape, they said that it can not be done.

21. When mail is not working, should wait. Can not send mailthroughNetscape (Netscape is not configured to work with AOLÕs settings).

22. If a chat room is clear (no typing appears), go to fonts, under preferences, change text and/or page background colors.

23. Text to speech, under members/prefs/speech, Òallow text to speech.Ó

24. One website would not print with AOL (ÒprintÓ was gray), but it would with Netscape.

25. On one occasion, I tried to get to ÒÓ and ÒÓ with Netscape (3.0 and 4.0) and AOL. I could get to both sites with AOL, but not Netscape. (The addresses were copied and pasted into the different browsers from each other). Other websites could be found with Netscape, but those two were a problem. The two sites did not come up the next day either.

26. Needs to have MAC TCP installed in the active control panels folder for the web to be accessed.

            A. One time got an error message because TCP/IP was not installed. I think TCP/IP is the later version of Mac TCP.

27. To specify the ÒdocumentsÓ folder as the download folder to be opened when first downloading, must select ÒdocumentsÓ under either place for prefs (toolbar at top or in browser on the Web), then download something to it (choose ÒdocumentsÓ again) and then it will be the default folder. It is true for ÒAOL Online DownloadsÓ (which is the default when AOL is installed).

            A. Can set the helper applications with AOL. Go to prefs, helpers, type in info (can use Netscape as a guide for the prefs).

            B. But when using helper applications, it downloads to a temporary folder inside AOL prefs inside of the System folder. Put an alias of temporary items in the documents folder, probably a software glitch.

28. To use AOL with 56K modem, need to buy a 56K Kflex modem. There are X2 modems, but there is not a local access number for it. After buying a K Flex modem, need to download CCL file at Keyword: Kflex to make the modem work at 56 K.

            A. AOL said that US robotics makes the X2 type, while Global Village is among the companies that make Kflex and X2 type modems that are 56K.

29. To turn off the pop up screens that are advertisements, go to keyword, marketing preferences.

30. After installing the new modem, When signing off of AOL, I hit to ÒquitÓ the program twice to sign off. (If the pro gram was open and not signed on, you only had to hit it once). Turns out that AOL needed to update my files and it takes a few seconds. Solution was to wait a few seconds after hitting quit and then let AOL update and then it signed off and closed the program. I quit the program too early to let AOL do its thing. it now works.

31. If AOL does not inform you that Òyou have mail,Ó go to prefs, general, check play event sounds.

32. On 5400 at school, whenever MacTCP was put into the control panels folder, it became invisible. If you tried to sign on with AOL or configure to AOL link, error message appeared stating the MacTCP 2.0.6 needs to be installed (but MacTCP 2.0.6 was actually installed). This was due to an incorrect setting in the folder ÒNetwork Software SelectorÓ, which is inside the ÒApple Extras folderÓ. The setting s/b set to ÒUse classic networkingÓ instead of ÒOpen TransportÓ. After changing the setting, I restarted the computer and MacTCP was visible inside control panels.

33. Also, had a little problem with the connection breaking on step 7, so I reconfigured to AOL link and then restarted, signed all the way on after that. A little later, kept getting busy signal, reconfigured AOL link and restarted, problem went away. (May have been due to rain that day?).

34. To send an e-mail to two people so that one of them does not know who also got the e-mail. In the address, put person 1 (on the first line) regular, but put person 2 in parenthesis (PMDonna). This way, Cwboy21 will think heÕs the only one who got it, while PMDonna will know everyone who got it.

35. To record your own sounds for AOL:

            A. Record sound in Simplesound, Call it ÒWelcomeÓ or ÒYouÕve Got MailÓ

            B. Make a copy of the system FILE on the desktop (using the Option key).

            C. Open Resedit.

            D. Open System File on desktop and open snd resource.

            E. Open America Online and open snd resource. Look for the ID # that matches the name of the Simplesound file. Get the resource info for the Simplesound file and change the ID # of the Simplesound file to match the AOL sound file.

            F. Highlight and copy the Simplesound file.

            G. Paste the Simplesound file into AOL snd resource. Choose Òyes.Ó

            H. Close windows and say ÒyesÓ to saving changes to AOL.

36. According to Using your Mac (p. 23), some Macs come with software that can emulate a modem without needing a modem to get to Online services.

37. Lycos will allow you to narrow your search i.e. find selected items after finding other certain items (like Apple and after getting search results, finding Apple items with cores).

38. To help with junk mail, forward it to TOSSPAM, which uses it to prosecute junk mailers, although I would not do that, since I have to open it to forward it. Risk of viruses makes it not a good idea to download attachments from someone you donÕt know. But reading e-mail itself can not give you a virus, unless you open your mail with MS Word.

            A. Tourbus (5/1/03) mentions that by opening SPAM, you may be sending a message to the spammer to let them know that you are reading the SPAM. You may be able to avoid the problem by disabling HTML in your e-mail client. bob@TOURBUS.COM, crispen@NETSQUIRREL.COM, and  TOURBUS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM can be added to your address book to help avoid getting the newsletters blocked. has some information on avoiding SPAM.

39. You can always call the AOL numbers to see if they are working (by dialing on the phone).

40. Be wary of using old modem cables with newer modems, as they may not support hardware handshaking.

41. With E-mail caps donÕt matter, with URLÕs they do.

42. Art Valve does not work with either System 8.1 or AOL 3.0.1. One or the either, but ArtValve has no effect.

43. The ÒhostsÓ folder inside the system folder is used by MacTCP and or TCP/IP Domain name resolver.

44. According to Informinit Ch. 32 p. 2, under OT domain name and other info is stored in TCP/IP cache.

45. With AOL Version 4.0, the download folder can be set to use ÒdocumentsÓ as the default only If the general controls control panel is NOT set to use Òdocuments,Ó also.

46. With 4.0, you can send more than one file at one time. Just attach them both. it appears as one archive, but once you unstuff it, it is two files. With 5.0, you can put two files into a folder, compress it, and send it. Both files will be present.

47. If you try to copy an address from any type of mail with AOL 4.0 (using Copy Paste 4.2.1), then an error type 1 will occur. Definitely avoid when downloading (can quit a download in progress).

48. To use AOL 4.0, need at least a 9600 modem, otherwise, it cannot detect modem (modem could be detected using AOL 3.0 with ToniÕs 5400 at their house).

49. On one website, typing example.comÓ was different from typing ÒÓ One was a pay site and another was not.

50. ISDN line costs $30/month with some minutes included (most likely wonÕt go over limit).

51. AOL had error messages type 2 and 3. Trashed prefs and reinstalled prefs from backup (reinstalled application, also) and it worked fine.

52. Go to my files, my web page to make your own web page. Then create directory.

53. After creating directory, double click on it to open the directory and then click upload (not from the connected to window), type the fileÕs name, select the file and then click ok.

            A. (Trial is the name of the folder, dd.html is the name of the first page in the web page).

            B. If you need to update the page, it is best to delete the page from the directory and then upload it again. (i.e. try to get pages all correct before uploading all of them).

            C. It is best to make sure when uploading to match the punctuation of the file name, Capitals are okay, make sure links have been recreated If a file changes names and do not leave spaces in file names.

            D. Had difficulty getting the pictures to show up in AOL, but not Netscape or Internet Explorer. Finally, I called AOL and they suggested trashing the Browser Cache, 3.0 preferences, AOL External Prefs, Art Database and Window Size Database Preferences. This did not work. I also tried rebuilding the desktop, which did not work. They also suggested that the 4.0 preview version of AOL might be the problem. I tried using AOL 3.0 and the picture showed up fine.

            E. Strangely enough, I tried loading my new web page (not the trial one) with AOL 4.0 later and it worked fine.

            F. You must make sure that the images are in the root level of your directory. For example, my web page:, the pictures that are to be uploaded must be in the NeonRyan folder on the Hard drive, then insert images (using CHP) from the NeonRyan folder and then upload all the files. (The images can not be in a folder called ÒRyanÕs images inside of the NeonRyan folder).

54. .gif (though not the most economical, GIFs are very common, according to or .jpg pictures work fine.

55. If you change a page, (delete it and reload it), the images do not need to be reloaded, also.

56. ICQ (Registration # and password are 73699364, old At Ease, lower case) can be used to IM non-AOL members.

            A. To chat with someone on ICQ, Click on name once, then go to person's name in menu bar and go to chat to be in a chat room with the other person.

57. I tried to load at some video clips at Sacramento BeeÕs sports page, but they would not work with AOL, gave Òview plug in directory messageÓ. There were 3 plug ins available. I downloaded and installed Shockwave AOL, RA Player and 2.0 aol-vdolive. However, after installation, I still could view the clips. I used Netscape and viewed the clips. The plug ins appear to be Netscape plug ins (that are in the AOL plug ins folder), which may be the problem.

58. On one occasion, I tried to reconfigure AOL. AOL detected my modem as a Supra 56e, but it would only log on at 28800 K.  Then I changed the setting to Hayes Extended and I signed on at 57600 K. When using Supra Express 56e modem at school, if the modem was set to Supra Express 56e, it signed on at 24000K, even though I had set it up to sign on at 57600K. I changed the setting to Hayes Error Correcting and the modem signed on at the right speed.

            A. If you use the Supra Express 56 e setting, though, it seems to do better with signing on, since the commands are probably set up better for that particular modem.

            A. AOL appears to be back on the you have been online 46 minutes message, even when downloading with Netscape Communicator, so it causes downloading problems (cuts off in middle), especially with a large file.

59. On one occasion, I could sign on to AOL, but could not access any websites i.e. Òthe attempt to load failed.Ó Mom could access websites on her computer. I tried changing access numbers, moving prefs to desktop and restarting, zapping PRAM and unplugging modem, but I had no luck. It turns out that the problem was that the chooser was showing that the printer was already using the modem port (and appletalk was active), which was causing interference. Zapped PRAM, turned off AppleTalk, chose printer on the printer port and AOL worked normally.

            A. Later, it did not work again. So I reinstalled AOL, hit the reset button inside the computer and reinstalled System software. Still did not work. SO I reinstalled AOL again and custom installed AOL link, since that seemed to be a problem. AOL Link, AOL Link enhanced and Internet Config Extension must be active for WWW to be accessed.

            B. On another occasion, had same problem, the attempt to load whatever failed. Reinstalled AOL and had no further problems.

            C. On another occasion, same problem, ÒThe attempt to load failed.Ó Zapping PRAM and unplugging modem did not work. Had to zap with Techtool, use Keyboard shortcut, unplug modem and restart. Worked.

            D. Later, had same problem with the attempt to load Altavista failed. Reinstalled AOL, but could not sign on. Kept stopping on step 3. Finally, I reconfigured AOL Link and it worked. (Websites would load also).

            E. got the attempt to load Alta Vista failed at school. Reconfigured AOL link and it worked fine.

            F. For several days, I had the problem on the G3/266 where "the attempt to load failed.Ó I tried zapping with TT, KB. I tried unplugging and reconnecting power, reconnecting telephone and modem, I had no luck. I reconfigured AOL link, restarted the computer and websites could be accessed again.

60. With AOL instant messenger, you can not access information for other AOL members.

            A. When you are chatting with someone using AOL Instant Messenger, and they sign off, the ÒSendÓ button will be grayed out.

61. To send an e-mail to someone with his or her original message in it, click forward, then type your message. Then retype their address.

62. Reply only sends your ÒnewÓ e-mail message with their address on it.

63. The ÒYou have been online 46 minutes messageÓ appears only when AOL is approximately 75% full of its capacity. it does not matter If you are downloading or not. AOLÕs capacity has been increase dramatically, so there are less of the 46-minute messages.

64. Extra technical support numbers: 800-827-3338 and 800-827-6364 6 A.M.- 4 A.M.

65. With AOL 4.0 Preview version II and the G3, you will get an error message that TCP/IP control panel cannot be opened because Open Transport was not load at startup (or something like that). So, you must have all Open Transport extensions active along with Shared Code Manager, Shared Library Manager and Shared Library Manager PPC.

66. Once I got error type 2 when opening AOL, but after replacing the application and its preferences, it worked fine.

67. Once I could not ÒsendÓ an IM to someone from the window on the screen. The only way to do it was to close the box and send a ÒnewÓ IM to the same person. After reinstalling AOL, it worked fine. Also, I discovered that you can IM yourself. I got the same problem and solution with BillÕs Performa 578 computer.

68. To change the default font for sending IMÕs, Go to My AOL, prefs, font, make sure font for default usage is chosen. Then choose the font you want.

69. On AOL occasionally, the typing goes real slow (you type a word in an IM or something and then the word appears on the screen a few seconds later). When Julie was asked about this, she replied Òwho knows?Ó I know I donÕt.

70. When sending an e-mail with a background (click on the camera inside the e-mail box), then the format of the picture probably needs to be .gif or .jpg.

71. When sending a file with AOL, it took about 6 minutes to send 1 MB (stuffed) of information.

72. If you pick up phone while someone is online (donÕt even have to touch a button), modem is disconnected.

72. BillÕs Practical PeripheralÕs modem seems to have a problem. We could not get it to sign on a CONSISTENT basis on his Performa 578. Kept getting the modem timed out error. Later, tried using 33.6 modem on his computer, but the disconnect message appeared (could sign, but kept getting cut off once online). Phone lines may have a problem also, since calls are often had static.

            A. After hooking up the Practical PeripheralÕs modem (14.4) modem to momÕs G3, the G3 had some problems, even when later trying to use the Supra 33.6 modem (timed out errors, etc.). The 33.6 modem did not consistently work. I unplugged momÕs G3 battery for 1/2 hour, hit the ÒresetÓ button on the logic board, unplugged the power from the modem for a few seconds (disconnected the modem from the G3 modem port, since there was not a straight power supply line), zapped PRAM with Techtool and keyboard shortcut. The proper setting for the 33.6 modem is ÒHayes Error Correcting,Ó ÒSupra 33.6Ó works, also. (There are about three or four other ÒHayesÓ settings, which did not seem to work).

            B. Later, I tried using the Practical PeripheralÕs modem on my G3 at home. AOL was able to Òdetect the modemÓ 2 out of 4 times, it set the software up to use ÒUnknown (Error Correcting Hayes).Ó (The speed was set to 57600 a few times and 14400 a few times). AOL signed on 15 times in a row with only a couple times with problems (after step 5, not step 3 as was the problem at BillÕs house). Then I used Hayes Basic and AOL was able to sign on 10 times in a row with that setting.

            C. Seems like the problem may have a little bit to do with mom and BillÕs phone lines, also. My modem worked fine after using Practical PeripheralÕs modem. Also, my Supra Express 56e was detected 4 times in a row by AOL.

            D. The phone line connections seem to be interchangeable on at least 3 modems (they can be reversed).

            E. Later, I tried to make BillÕs Performa 578 computer connect to the Internet using my old WORKING Intel 144 modem. Did not work. After trying unplugging the battery,

changing AOL settings to Unknown (Standard Hayes Compatible), trashing AOL and reinstalling, testing battery, (which showed 4.0 volts for a 4.5 battery), switching with a good known battery (from a Performa 5300 CD). Modem kept hanging up after step 2 or 3 of AOLÕs sign on steps.

            F. Later, I used BillÕs computer and the modem at MomÕs house. The computer signed on 10 out 10 times without any problem. Problem is with the phone line. Later, mom said she had trouble in a phone conversation at BillÕs house (too much background noise).

73. When signing onto AOL with the Supra Express 56e, If you set AOLÕs speed to 14400, the modem would cut off when trying to download a file. When set to 19200, the file would not download at all (nothing happens). When set to 28800, file downloads and takes the same amount of time as when the modem is set to 57600 and Supra Express 56e or Hayes Extended.

            A. When signing on, there was not a clear relationship between the speed set by me with the AOL software and the amount of time that it took for the file to download (i.e. the step 3 listing may not be totally accurate).

            B. When signing on at 57600, If the modem selected is Supra Express 56e, step 3 says it is only 24000 or something like it, but files download at the same speed as when set to Hayes Extended (where step 3 shows 57600).

74. On one occasion, I could not get AOL to sign on, unable to initialize your modem message. After unplugging the battery for 30 minutes, reconfiguring AOL link, unplugging modem, reconnecting phone lines, trying plugging in modem in different outlet, but I had no luck. Probably was BJ Canon software or using keyboard shortcut solved problem. After trashing and reinstalling and using PR keyboard shortcut, AOL could sign on.

            A. Also, I was getting errors on step 3 and 4. After unplugging the battery, those errors did not recur. These errors may have been due to using the Practical Peripherals modem, since these problems had never occurred before, that I recall.

75. When using Netscape Communicator, downloads were approximately 3.3 k/second, which is not too bad.

76. On one occasion with the G3 at home and at school, I kept getting Òthe attempt to load version trackerÓ has failed error (Version tracker loaded, but only through the letter ÒTÓ). This error occurred even after resetting the memory allocation from 12 MB to 15 MB for AOL. After increasing AOL to 18 MB, version tracker loaded completely. May want to set AOL to 20 MB at home and school.

77. Once, AOL would give the error message Òcan not start upÓ, with version 3.0, 4.0 or a newly installed 4.0. Problem was the prefs, which I trashed and just reinstalled the data preferences and it worked fine.

78. If you uncheck the box that says ÒDial *70 to turn off call waiting,Ó when someone calls, you will be cut off from AOL.

79. If an AOL alias is put into startup items, and the extensions are disabled (or you use Apple CD-ROM set), then an error type 2 occurs. So I will not leave AOL in startup items for now. (This problem may be avoided by holding down the shift until the startup is complete?).

80. AOL has trouble printing the Merced movie sites.

81. Had trouble setting up the SilvaÕs account because the address that we input into the computer did not match the address that goes with the credit card (they had moved fairly recently).

82. Internet addresses do not permit spaces, although AOL does for its own screen names.

83. If you have two windows with Version Tracker, AOL may get the error message Òthe attempt to load version tracker failedÓ because of low memory (even with AOL allocation of 20 MB). This was proven to be correct with Application Sentry.

84. You can access AOL e-mail, even If you do not have the AOL software. Go to Òaol.comÓ and then click on AOL Netmail, then read my AOL Mail now, then check your e-mail after entering name and password.

            A. AOL Netmail 2.0 can have files attached to it. If you are using Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, AOL's browser will not attach files to e-mail at AOL Netmail. Click attach on bottom of write window, hit browse, choose file, then attach and then hit send.

            B. AOL is not working on 1/1/2001. I tried my screenname, BillÕs and MomÕs. None worked.

            C. You can also add contacts to the address book at

            D. recommends that to prevent someone from reading your e-mails, after reading your e-mail, sign out or quit the browser. This works with NN 4.79. IE 5.1.4 was having trouble with on 4/21/02, so I am not sure if it works with IE 5.

            E. I think (as of 8/03) that if someone is signed on to AOL, you cannot access e-mail at

85. You can read e-mail by using the note pad, drop the e-mail onto the Note pad to read it (does not work with 8.1).

            A. You can change the number of notes on the note pad by choosing new note from the file menu.

86. On one occasion, AOL kept freezing when trying to download. Techtool did not work to reset the modem (neither did Serial Killer 1.0b2). I wrote to the author of Serial Killer and he said that Serial Killer (nor PortPeek or SerialCloser) would work in cases of corrupted PRAM). Had to use Techtool in conjunction with the keyboard shortcut.

87. (My files, My Web Page, My FTP Space) When uploading my home page with AOL (using Claris Home Page 2.0 pages), you can choose ÒbinaryÓ (programs and graphics) for all the web pages. Also, the cases (upper and lower) must match exactly when you upload and type remote filename. When you type the remote filename and then are asked to select the file, the filename may be gray, but still will indeed upload.

            A. To make web page for 99-00 season for Cowboys, I deleted old NeonRyan files, and then uploaded the new ones (If you use the same directory, it is usually easier for all the links to work).

            B. Also, If one page is changed, you do not have to go back and reload EVERY page as with Web Workshop.

88. The online clock finally works with AOL as of 8/6/99. Also, If you send Internet e-mail, it lists the correct time (in your time zone). Should set time zone always after zapping the PRAM.

89. To make your own AOL sounds, refer to p. 708-709 (Mac Secrets, 4th).

90. Had trouble printing with AOL 4.0 and Netscape. Tried reinstalling Canon software, but I had no luck. It turns out that the problem was with Solution was to copy all the text from articles at and then paste into CW and then print.

            A. I also got error type 1 and 2 with on a couple occasions, so I increased AOLÕs memory allocation to 20000 K, which solved the problem.

            B. I went to work on the printing problem (AOL froze when printing). First thing is that the later version of AOL 4.0 shows 4.0 as Version in Get Info window, NOT 4.5. I made sure I had later version, did not put data in AOL folder, but AOL still froze when printing.

            C. AOL did not freeze when printing with background printing off. After increase the memory allocation of BJ Printmonitor from 384 K to 1200 K, problem was solved. I then increased memory allocation of BJ Printmonitor to 3000 K to help in the future. The Òabout this computerÓ showed it having 5 MB, though, not sure. Anyhow, it now works.

            D. In the future could try replacing BJ Printmonitor or finding an upgrade for it. Or Print with background printing off as temporary work around.

            E. You can get extra MB of web space by joining AOL hometown. I have joined it.

            F. When uploading, you can choose Binary (programs and graphics) for pictures or pages.

            G. On another occasion, the printer would freeze after spooling several documents, so I increased the memory allocation of BJ Printmonitor from 512 K to 5000K (preferred size).

91. If you block e-mail from an e-mail address, they get an e-mail saying, Òthis account is not accepting mail from this senderÓ.

92. You can simply copy ÒCwboy21 filing cabinetÓ (and address book for people to send mail to) to back up favorite places. No restarting is necessary, just close and reopen application.

            A. can be used to transfer favorite places to another computer.

            B. One time I could not get my address book preferences to transfer to a new version of AOL. Turns out that I had forgotten and copied the preferences from the new version to Internet Backup Prefs in the Ryan folder. Found an older address book on Ryan CD and copied it. Restarting is not necessary.

93. When signing off, the Òyou have been online 12 minutes messageÓ is cut off. Reinstalling AOL did not help. Neither did trashing display preferences nor rebuilding the desktop help.

            A. AOL 3.0Õs sign off screen was normal. Discovered that with AOL 4.0b53 (from Get Info window), the sign off screen was normal. With AOL Version 4.0 (get info window), sign off screen was still getting cut off.

            B. I trashed version 4.0 and left version 4.0b53 on the HD.

            C. AOL Installer Preview (II) from the CD is the version that is now working.

94. When switching from icons and text to just text for the toolbar, only 6 favorite places are available, even though it seems to think there are seven (software bug, probably).

95. AOL may have a download limit of 4 MB or so, which is probably why my Internet Prefs could not be sent through e-mail before.

96. When trying to view trailers at, If you use AOL and the streaming low bandwidth option, it does not work. It just downloads to the desktop after a few seconds and when you try to open it, nothing happens. If you use the QT option to play after it downloads, only 1/2 of a trailer was downloaded (4 out of 8 MB). AOL may have a download limit of 4 MB or so. Then the QT movie played, then halfway thru, made strange noises, since there was only half a movie. AOL did this twice. Also, you have to do a forced quit and restart the computer. AOL can be used in a pinch to at least see part of a trailer, but it better to use Netscape or IE 4.

97. When trying to download some MP3Õs off of several sites, AOL kept getting error messages (type 2) and freezing. Also, many songs were Òunavailable on this server.Ó

98. Command, period stops reading mail on AOL.

99. Winton.sit can be sentthroughe-mail at home, but not at school (seems to cut off in the middle). This happened twice at school. The next week it worked fine.

100. Once I could not get onto AOL for several hours. I tried zapping the PRAM, using the printer port, unplugging the battery, using a different phone cord and using a different modem, I had no luck.

            A. The problem was that I set the modem to dial *70 to turn off call waiting and I no longer have call waiting. Kept getting busy signal, right after dialing *70. Took off *70 and it worked fine.

            B. I will not get cut off If someone calls while I am on line.

101. At school, AOL couldn't initialize modem.

Zapped with T.T, Keyboard shortcut, reconfigured AOL link, unplugged modem, but it did not work. Finally, I unplugged the Syquest from the SCSI port, which was the problem. AOL initialized modem. So I unplugged the battery for 30 minutes to make sure PRAM was not corrupted. 102. With AOL at school, had trouble downloading two pages at one time. Increased memory allocation from 12000 to 20000 (Preferred Size). Worked okay after that. Although many pages (including these two movie trailer sites) were slower to load the first time, since they were probably not "cached" yet.

103. AOL Platinum Premiere is the latest version of AOL (different from previous versions).

            A. New version did not have freezing problem when printing certain pages from the web.

104. Took a Simpletext picture and chose "insert a picture." AOL fit it to the size of the e-mail.

105. Default folder will not control AOL If AOL is set up differently. Go to AOL, downloads, then choose folder from there.


You can search in AOL hometown by NeonRyan or Neondeio21 to find in AOL hometown. Neondeio will not work.

107. Go to Keyword: MarketingPreferences to change your preferences as far as E-mail, phone calls, and pop up info. Must be done on each computer, not by account name.

108. I had difficulty in uploading page 5 to my web page. Computer would say Òpage 5 upload failedÓ. However, once I had it say ÒFile transfer completeÓ and after a few minutes, then Òsorry, too many requests pendingÓ and Òpage 5 upload failedÓ after closing the upload box. But the file still did transfer. Tried using graphics or ASCII setting when transferring. No difference in results, I think.

            A. I closed other windows besides the send window, chose binary, then send. Worked on 12/12/99.

            B. I called AOL tech Support and they said to trash all AOL prefs, except data. In data prefs, trash art database and window size database only. They suggested trying this, but they also said that it sounded to them like it was an AOL server problem.

            C. I did all these steps and restarted the computer, however, the problem was not fixed. Upload ended up with garbled text for Page5.html.

            D. I called AOL on 12/18/99. AOL suggested that the problem may be an extension conflict and they had me turn off Conflict Catcher, then turn on Power Macintosh G3 base, duplicate, called it AOL Base. Then I only turned on AOL package with four AOL items (AOL Link, AOL Link Enhanced, AOL Link Scanner and America Online from Startup items Folder. I also turned on Microsoft Component Library. I tried to upload computer notes again.

            E. I tried this, and uploaded the page using Binary and ASCII, but page 5 would not upload.

            F. Upon calling again, they said they will do a "problem report" to have technicians look at it, I gave them my web page address (12/18/99).

            G. Keyword ftp, then click on Go to FTP, tells you how much space you have available on your website.

            H. On several occasions, I had trouble uploading ÒPage5.htmlÓ with AOL. AOL would sometimes say ÒFile Transfer Complete,Ó but after closing windows, the ball would circle and cut off from AOL.

            I. Finally, I used the ÒASCIIÓ setting instead of the Binary option, when downloading. This worked.

            J. Later, I tried using Binary function, which seemed to work. But the page did not fully download.

            K. AOL finally appears to have fixed the problem as of 1/17/2000. However, I must remember to leave the Òconnected toÓ and the ÒÓ (the upload window) windows open until AFTER upload is complete.

            L. AOL said problem was fixed, as of 2/18/2000 at 830 A.M., but upload did not work later in day.

            M. I talked to AOL again on 2/27/2000, they said that they would need to contact the webmaster, which they did. They also said I could contact the webmaster, but they were not sure how. I did not know either.

109. When sending a background picture through AOL mail, you may have the picture cut off, but if you resize the window, you may be able to see the entire picture.

110. Version 4.0 no longer requires that you type "http:" or "www.Ó

111. Once got an error that the modem could not detect a dial tone. Tried unplugging modem, zapping the PRAM with keyboard shortcut and Techtool. Reconnected phone cords. Did not work. The phone did not work at that connection point either. Did not work. Turns out one phone cord was intermittent, replaced it.

112. To empty cache (should be done once/month), go to My AOL, prefs, WWW, empty cache now.

113. On one occasion, I installed AOL while starting up from a CD, got locked messages several times during installation. Upon restart, AOL would load, but flashed when opening (like as if it is changing the number of colors) and closing. I reinstalled AOL while starting up from the HD. Then AOL would open and close without flashing.

114. Had to quit AOL to access page5 on my web page. Also, had to make sure that the send windows and other two Òmy web pagesÓ were open, then I sent the file. Also, should use ÒASCIIÓ setting.

            A. Later, I got the Òwe canÕt process your request right nowÓ error when trying to upload page 5. However, and page 5 was not in my web page. However, after an hour or so, I checked and page 5 had been uploaded.

115. If you hold down the command key while selecting mail, you can select noncontiguous e-mails for deletion (or whatever).

116. AOL Keyword - virus is useful according to Patrick Crispin.

117. You can call two different AOL numbers, if the local lines are busy (use in an emergency because they cost $.10/minute). The numbers are (800) 716-0023 or (888) 245-0113.

118. It does not appear that AOL automatically signs you off after 10 minutes anymore, as of 2/03.

119. AOL 5.0 beta 9 and 10 froze up my computer, often when printing. Had to reinstall Canon software several times.

            A. Trashed 5.0, problem seemed to disappear.

120. You can have 2 master screen names; Motleyze is 18+ and a master screen name.

            A. I no longer have a profile for Motleyzeca (to help avoid SPAM).

            B. It may also be helpful to not have my name at websites be motleyze, it makes it easier to figure out your e-mail address and send SPAM for SPAMMERS.

            C. Tourbus from 3/26/2002 mentions that Eudora ( and Pmail, short for ÒPegasus MailÓ ( have good filtering options for taking out SPAM.

121. You can not change passwords, etc. MY AOL and favorites are dark, so they can not be accessed, when signing from G3/266 with Cwboy21 account (i.e. signing on as guest and type in motleyze and password).

122. When sending an e-mailthroughAOL and retrieving at, a blue link will not show up as a blue link at it only shows up as an Internet address <A HREF="">TEC 3012: Web Searching</A> even on the G3/266.

123. I decided not to add all my favorites to AOL, since I will have to just do it again when I get my new screenname. I will stick to surfing the Internet with IE 5 or NN. On occasion, I may use AOL, but it is definitely easier to update bookmarks with NN and IE.

124. From Movie Trailer database, AOL lets you save to HD or just an alias type thing. AOL gives a dialog box. Can be playable on non-Apple computers, too.

125. I was having trouble with AOL. I could click Sign on, but nothing would happen. Restarting the computer fixed the problem.

126. On BillÕs iMac, he was having trouble signing on. After clicking Òsign onÓ, the sign on screen would disappear. Restarting did not work. And after restarting, special restart and special shut down would not work either. Unplugged the iMac for fifteen seconds, then started up the computer. Worked.

127. Changed my billing plan to 3 hours/month with Cwboy21 and also deleted Neondeio21 on 4/16/2000.

128. I tried to add motleyze to momÕs AOL account (and delete Motleyzeca) in 3/03, but was unable to. I sent a test message to motleyze and it says it is an unknown member. However, I could not add the screenname to momÕs account (after deleting Jcurry20145 temporarily). I e-mailed AOL for assistance. They replied and asked me to go to Keyword: live help, which I did. The advice was what I already knew to do. But it still did not work. Better to just use Motleyzeca.

129. You not save your address book from the file menu. Also, you can not print your personal profile. You must take a snapshot of the screen and then print that.

130. When using the address book at, you should check ÒOther E-mailÓ if the contactÕs e-mail address is not an AOL one. Otherwise, their e-mail address will not be a clickable link in the address book (if you leave the choice of Òscreen nameÓ selected).

131. I decided to decrease the memory of AOL to 9,000 K on G3/266, since AOL is not often used as browser.

132. You can sign on to AOL without using AOL link. It can be set under My AOL, preferences, AOL link, uncheck use AOL link when connecting with the modem.

            A. However, it is not a good idea, since it messes up the TCP/IP control panel. You may have to restart the computer to get the Enternet connection working again. Even after restart, it can be a hassle to get it back to Enternet again.

            B. AOL Link may be the last extension in the active or inactive folder, since when I installed it, it was called ~AOL Link, so it was listed as one of the last extensions.

            C. If you leave the ÒUse AOL Link when connecting with a modemÓ unchecked,Ó and then sign on with dial-up, then you can probably still sign on, and you can still access websites with AOLÕs browser (but you can also use IE).

133. I canceled my account on Friday, April 21, 2000 at 10:55 A.M. The phone call to 1-888-265-8003 (AOL sales and billing) only took about three minutes (including wait time).

            A. I tried to sign on with Cwboy21 and got the invalid account error message, just to double check that I have discontinued my account.

134. AOL refuses to allow access to third party clients, although Claris E-mailer could.

135. According to Tidbits #530, base64 should be used for AOL users to receive attachments.

136. "Happy Birthday" (Simplesound file) can be sent through e-mail. I sent it compressed, but it probably does not need to be compressed, though.

137. On one occasion when sending mail from (at school) to, I got a Òmailer daemonÓ message because it said that the attachment was missing.

138. On BillÕs iMac with System 9 and AOL, had trouble. Kept getting the Òif you want to run an Internet application via AOL, you must sign on to AOL first,Ó even though no Internet application was open or attempting to open. At one point, an error message appeared about Internet Explorer not having enough memory. The run the Internet application via AOL error kept appearing upon restarting the computer. Nothing was in the startup items folder. I trashed IE preferences and the application, rebuilt the desktop with Techtool, I had no luck.      If you started up with extensions off, there was no error.

            A. Reinstalled System software, which worked until I reinstall AOL from a CD (I tried first using the Quicken 2000 CD, which had an AOL installer and then the AOL 4.0 platinum CD). After installing on two different occasions from each CD, still got error message at startup. Conflict is due to the extension called ÒAOL Link EnhancedÓ. If that extension is turned off, the error does not appear upon startup. However, if the extension is turned off, you can not access websites with AOL. If you try to access a website, AOL quits and you get an error type 3.

            B. For now, I suggested that Bill simply close the box upon startup (7/8/2000).

139. Many AOL keywords simply go to websites: For example: Keyword Sears takes you to

            A. has furniture.

140. If you send a Word 6.0.1 document from, the Finder will not recognize it when downloaded. However, the file can be opened from within Word 6.0.1.

            A. The results are the same using Simpletext, also. You must open the file from within Simpletext. Or open it from the Finder (ÒWould you like to open this file with SimpletextÓ?).

141. To stop getting the Òreturn to AOL, Configure for TCPÓ etc. message, press cancel, instead of ÒOkay,Ó so that AOL Link remains active.

142. Automatic AOL is set to send mail, not get it on G3/266, since I use it to send mail and sign off quickly. I donÕt use auto AOL to get mail, since I do not want to check for mail each time I send something with Auto AOL.

143. Modem timed out at school - zapped with TT, KB, unplugged modem. Did not work. Waited until later (I originally tried when school had just gotten out, may have been busy). Worked okay.

            A. Modem was continuing to time out when dialing from the G3/266 at school. I set up the access number to use 383-8500 and then 383-0168. Previously I was only using 383-0168.

144. My calendar allows you to track all of your family events, etc. all in one place. You can access it at

145. AOL 5.0 allows you to have up to 7 screen names.

            A. You can retrieve deleted e-mail within 24 hours.

            B. You can add e-mail signatures to the end of your e-mails.

            C. The download manager has a locate feature that will take you to the directory where you downloaded a particular file.

            D. A Get profile button has been added to the Instant Message form, so you can access info about someone quicker.

            E. You can create longer more personal screen names.

            F. Sounds can be sent through e-mail.

            G. You can sort your PFC and address book by name/subject, address or date.

            H. If the 5.0 download is interrupted, you can go to keyword: upgrade and resume from where you left off. Not sure about other downloads.

            I. AOL 5.0 is not available for the 68K machine.

146. Gives an error that says compression tool is not in "Online Tools" folder with AOL 5.0, but it was present (software glitch, perhaps). This happened again on 1/4/03, even though the compression (PPC) tool was in the Online Tools folder. I simply tried to send another e-mail with a compressed document, and it was sent fine. Could not compress e-mail attachments with AOL 5.0. You must use .sit mail (already compressed).

147. I set up AOL 5.0 to work with GC to open .jpg, .zip, .bmp or .tiff files under My AOL, preferences, helpers section with Mom's computer. It worked, so mom's computer can now open .jpg files, etc. I also set up AOL to open compressed .zip files with Stuff it Expander. This did not work, however. So I made an original copy of Stuff it Expander and put it on the desktop. I changed its name to ".zip, .sit or .hqx files.Ó Then I made an original copy of Graphic Converter and put it on the desktop. I changed its name to  jpg, .tiff or .bmp files.

            A. I think that since the AOL 5.0 file that was transferred to mom's computer was inside a folder, so Stuff it and GC could not work on it.

148. Got an error message that TCP/IP settings must be changed on the G3/266. So I went to

TCP/IP and changed to AOL Link Enhanced and that was it (no changes in PPP servers, etc.). Error no longer occurred.

149. AOL would not sign on to any web sites. It would sign on, but I could not access any web sites. So, I tried three hours later without luck.

So, I zapped with TT and KB. Then with the modem plugged back in, I reconfigured AOL Link. Then it worked.

150. AOL now works without messing up the DSL connection. I opened AOL 5.0 and went to My AOL, preferences, Link, then ÒunselectedÓ the use AOL link box.

            A. I was able to sign onto AOL, and quit it. The DSL connection was still active and working (i.e. you could connect both at the same time).

            B. Apparently, AOL does not use the PPP or Free PPP Dialer control panel to connect to the Internet (when AOL was connected, both of the control panels showed that they were ÒidleÓ). It uses the TCP/IP connection, I believe. However, you could not access the Internet with AOLÕs browser, and this was verified by looking at the explanation of the AOL Link Enhanced, which says that if the AOL Link Enhanced Extension is not active, you can not access the Internet with AOLÕs browser. However, you can access AOLÕs chat rooms, AOLÕs subdirectories, etc.

            C. If you set up AOL to use a TCP script (and you have signed on with Enternet already), AOL signs on using a TCP connection. You can still use the phone line. Under My AOL, preferences, use AOL link should be unchecked.

151. According to, you can send more than one file at a time with AOL. I tried this on 1/22/01 with AOL 5.0 and two compressed CW files. It worked when sending e-mail from with AOLÕs built in e-mail. But it does not work when sending e-mail from from Both times I sent the e-mail to

            A. When you attach the files at, you can only send one a time. Even if the subject says Ò2 files,Ó only one is sent.

152. MarilynÕs e-mail was not going through to my AOL address. Other e-mails she sent to other people went through fine. I have not had any problem with other e-mail being sent to me. I called AOL Tech Support (888-265-8007) and they to try again and that it may be a temporary server problem and that we should try again to send e-mail.

            A. Marilyn sent me e-mail later, and it worked okay.

153. One time AOL was stuck on ÒTalking to NetworkÓ (Step 5) and would not go any further. Unplugging the modem, restarting the computer and Zapping the PRAM did not help. Later it worked okay.

154. One time neither AOL nor IE would load sites at school, so I unplugged the modem, reconfigured AOL Link and restarted the computer. Sites would load.

155. Sanmon30 was the default name for checking AOL mail at on iMac DV+, after deleting the cookies from IE 5, I reloaded page. There was no Sanmon30.

156. One time, the modem with the G3/266 reported no dial tone. I had tried to sign on with the phone line disconnected from the wall. Got error message that "modem reported no dial tone." After reconnecting phone line and powering modem off then back on, still got error. Zapped with TT and KB and still got error. I unplugged the line to the phone, and then reconnected it. Modem then worked.

157. When sending mail from AOL to, AOLÕs clock may be off, but has the approximate correct time that the mail was sent in the e-mail window.

158. Should not paste documents that are too long into AOL's mail message window. May get cut off.

159. You can drag your favorite places from AOL's favorite places to the toolbar. Just click and drag the heart.

160. AOL error type 10 upon startup on G3/266. Zapped PRAM with TT and KB. One time left modem unplugged, and still got error type 10. After plugging modem back in, error was gone. But then the error returned again.

            A. I tried replacing the AOL 5.0 alias, zapping the PRAM with TT and KB, but I had no luck. After I replaced AOL and its preferences, the error was gone.

161. Mom was having a ÒRuntime PPC SHL could not be foundÓ (even though the file is actually simply called ÒRuntimeLib PPCÓ) when trying to open AOL 4.0 on her G3/233. I thought it might be an extension. However, it may be in online tools folder. Anyhow, AOL told her to drag the AOL icon into the AOL folder, make an alias and then drag the alias back onto the desktop. This solved the problem.

            A. If the RuntimeLib PPC extension is not in AOL folder, the Runtime error occurs or in Mom's case, she had dragged the real AOL icon to the desktop (from the AOL folder) and not an alias, so the error occurred. (in other words, the real AOL icon needs to be in the same folder as Online Tools, which contains the RuntimeLib PPC extension). You need to make an alias of the AOL icon and then drag it to the desktop.

162. AOL Communicator allows you to instant message people anywhere, but it costs $329 and it has a monthly fee of $20.

163. On 11/24/03, I was unable to send mail to or, but I was able to send mom e-mail, mom was able to send me e-mail, and DG could send me e-mail. May be a temporary glitch.

164. According to Tourbus from 7/8/01, AOLÕs e-mail can not be accessed from Mail2web, because AOLÕs e-mail isnÕt POP 3 compliant.

165. I tried sending Mom an e-mail with a .sea (self-extracting Drop Stuff file) attached from, but it did not work. I tried it myself. AOL apparently converted the file to ÒMIMÓ format.

            A. The best way to send files to Mom is using AOL 5.0 software (sign on, not use and then send to her (no compression needed).

166. Bill decided not to continue with AOL, but for $2.95 a month, he can keep names, etc.

            A. You can sign on a computer as a guest, go to and check e-mail for free.

            B. If you sign on as Motleyze (or other screen name), it will cost $2.00 per hour.

            C. I sent an e-mail to AOL to ask if you can use a TCP/IP connection and still sign on to AOL (as a regular user or a guest).

167. AOLÕs pricing plans can be found at

168. You can use to send c. notes FROM home TO school, in cases where I am not able to type up the notes until I get home. That way I can reference the information, if absolutely necessary (before I can update the C. notes at school).

169. When sending a Microsoft Word file that has been stuffed with DropStuff as a .sea archive, I downloaded from to my G3/233, I just click once and the .sea file expands.

            A. However, when downloading the same file with Outlook Express, the .sea file will not automatically expand by clicking on it. You must drag it on top of Stuff It Expander. It then did expand.

170. When trying to delete the America Online preferences, I got an Òin useÓ error, even though AOL was not in use. I restarted the computer and did not start up AOL. Still got Òin useÓ error. I restarted and made sure not to start up IE5 or AOL. I held down the option key and emptied the trash. This worked.

171. Modesto Bee from 11/20/01 (apprx.) said that DSLthroughAOL costs $32/month.

172. When searching member profiles if looking for SWF, type that in, not S W F (i.e. without spaces).

            A. Additionally, you can type singular forms of words to search, some plurals may not be allowed.

173. AOL has some new Merced numbers, but should stick with original AOL Merced numbers (383-0168 and 383-8500) for G3/266, because the phone line at school is not set up to use different prefixes for Merced numbers. Additionally, use AOL numbers with AOL at school with momÕs account, since it is unlimited. TCP/IP settings can be restored after using AOL, if necessary. Check Òuse AOL link when using the modem.Ó I will need to change TCP/IP configuration, when done, if you want to connect with the Crookham account.

174. I got a free 7.0 Platinum Premier Windows AOL CD from Wal*Mart on 12/12/01, and the AOL Macintosh version on the CD was 5.0.

175. I keep getting the message ÒYouÕve Got PicturesÓ when I sign on to AOL with Motleyzeca. I tried to call AOL, but I got the Òcall back laterÓ message.

            A. I e-mailed AOL for help. The way to access the e-mail address for help is to go to Keyword: Techsupport, select the 24 hour logo, then Customer Service by E-mail, choose technical or billing.

            B. I sent an e-mail asking them about the ÒYou Got PicturesÓ message. They did not reply, so I called them on 1/1/02. They said to open the AOL 5.0 application folder, then open Online Files, then open Sounds, find the YGP icon (sound) and trash it. This worked.

176. Keyword: Love, Personals, Search the Personals. Fun Girl (Red 7877), txw222 and dgk293 are ads for pay sites. If you take a picture of potential interests, you can more easily find them later, otherwise it is difficult to match up screen names with ad names. You can not search for women without children. It is good to search for children (they have or not), driving distance) and their preferred matchesÕ age. Print/Save is not available for Macintosh users.

            A. I was not able to create a profile with AOL for motleyze, the link did not work at keyword: Love. When I clicked the link to make my Òpersonal,Ó I got an error that said that the attempt to load failed, and AOL would freeze. Upon restart, AOL could not access websites, I thought it was because I was not using AOL Link, but even using AOL Link could not access websites. Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB solved the problem, so AOL could access web sites again. I should not access Òupdate profileÓ with AOL. This happened three times. So, I used IE5 and pasted the address in the URL line. I was able to create my personal using IE5. When completed, the window said it might take 7 to 10 days to have my personal show up. However, I received an e-mail (sent to motleyze) that said that my profile has been added to the system. I was able to view.

            B. I also sent my picture to the address ÒMy picture,Ó with the subject line Òmy photo,Ó then I attached my photo to the e-mail.

            C. I received a confirmation e-mail from AOL, that my photo would be posted within 10 to 15 days (from 1/27/02). I also changed my title to say ÒCute girl wanted hereÓ on 1/27/02, may take some time to update.

D. It is best to take a picture of a profile that I want to contact, then name it their screen name. Then it can be found later. You can search the personals and enter their screenname under Òother search words.Ó Last search was 2/2/02.

177. I added ÒmotleyzeÓ to GregÕs buddy list. But my name did not show up on his buddy list, when I was signed on. We tried removing my name from his list and re-adding it, but that did not work either.

            A. I was signed on as a Guest, which theoretically should not make a difference. His name did appear on my buddy list (that he was Òonline,Ó but I was not listed as ÒonlineÓ with his buddy list).

            B. When I signed on with Motleyzeca (not as a guest), he could see me on his buddy list.

178. America Online tech support notes (that I received in an e-mail from AOL after contacting tech support) that state you can copy the whole data folder for AOL to save your settings, although the Art Database, Window Size Database and Access Numbers are not crucial.

            A. The tech support notes also suggests using Keywords Help and Apple, for further assistance.

179. You may not be able to access the address from the menu bar if you are signed on as a guest. But you can access it by clicking, write, then clicking Address Book from the e-mail window.

180. One time I sent a file from school to home, but it was not sent, because Auto AOL said that my compression tool (from the online tools folder) was not present. However, the tool was present and later files could be sent. Perhaps I did not compress the file (although I thought I had, maybe DropStuff had a problem) or it was a one time glitch or the desktop needed rebuilding.

181. If you cannot get a page to load with AOL (i.e. a hometown page), copy and paste the link into IE5.

182. Sending e-mail with Poisonze is not allowed, since I blocked all e-mail.

183. There is an website called, but it appears to be for Windows only.

184. Use AOL Link when connecting with a modem should be unchecked when trying to sign on to AOL using the T1 Line at school. Otherwise, AOL may try to sign on, and you probably wonÕt get past step 2.

185. It appears that under normal circumstances, AOL 5.0 startup screen is dark blue in the center (circular shape) and lighter blue on the outside. I had thought at one time, that this coloring indicated a problem.

186. On 5/6/02, I could not load with IE 5 (AOL and connection would not work). AOL did load and NN could load with AOL connection. IE 5 could open Google, though with AOL connection.

187. I was not able to access my motleyze e-mail with AOL, as of 6/27/02 (E-mailer would establish connection, but then never check the mail). I think Bill closed the account, he did have a different screenname on the iMac. He is sharing an account with Helen, so he discontinued his daddydills account (and my Motleyze account). Mom said she thought Bill did tell me.

            A. I was not able to reclaim Motleyze, as of 7/19/02. May have to wait 6 months. I deleted RussÕs account, trying to see if Motleyze could be added to momÕs account.

            B. I was not able to add Motleyze, since it was Òin useÓ (it has been less than 6 months ago, that the Daddydills/Motleyze account was closed (it was about 6/2002). So I decided to stick with Motleyzeca.

            C. I think HB learned my password for Motleyzeca, so I changed it to Old At Ease (New New At Ease is in use with DSL, RobÕs place in Modesto. However, that password was too long for AOL).

            D. I was able to recover RussÕs screenname, I could not Òcreate,Ó but I had to ÒrecoverÓ it with AOL.

188. I changed my password to Old Secondary Pacbell account.

189. Tidbits #642 says that AOL for Mac OS X requires Mac OS X 10.1 or higher.

190. After installing AOL on the iMac in room 58, an alias for AOL appeared on the desktop. I trashed it, but when starting up AOL again without signing on (school network was down on 10/25/02), the alias reappeared. Perhaps after signing on with AOL, alias will stop appearing.

            A. Then I was able to sign on with AOL, the alias stopped reappearing after I trashed it.

191. After thinking I had put an alias of AOL in the startup items on my G3/266 after installing AOL 5.0, AOL would not run. I got an error that said that ÒThe application ÔAmerica OnlineÕ could not be opened because ÔRuntime PPC SHLÕ could not be found.Ó Restarting did not help and there were no extensions named ÔRuntime PPC SHLÓ in the Extensions or Extensions (disabled) folder. It turns out that the problem was that I moved the real AOL application icon to Startup Items (I did not make an alias). After put the real AOL icon back into the AOL 5.0 folder and then moving an alias to Startup Items, AOL 5.0 started up fine. The real name of the file that presents an error (if not present in Online Tools) is called ÒRuntimeLib PPC.Ó

192. On one occasion, IE froze in the middle of loading a web page, I had to force quit it. Upon restart, AOL made an error type 2. When I tried to re-open it, I got another error type 2. Upon restart again, AOL started up fine.

193. On 11/16/02, I sent Mom an e-mail with some sentences with punctuation marks in it, but when she looked at the e-mail, it has letters in it, instead of the punctuation marks (i.e. quotation marks). So, I posted the question on my web page and then sent her the URL. I also sent her an e-mail from to I checked by signing on with her name and I was able to read the e-mail from

194. On 11/21/02, I got a message saying, ÒThe mail could not be sent because there was a problem compressing the attachment (s). Make sure the compression tool is in your ÒOnline ToolsÓ folder.

            A. However the compression tool was in online tools and the e-mail with attachment was sent. Must be an AOL glitch.

195. During the week of 11/20/02, two or three e-mails sent to mom from were delayed. But about four or five days later, e-mails went through fine. Since no other e-mails of mine were delayed, the problem was problem was most likely with AOL. I called AOL and they said that there was a period of time last week, when their servers were having trouble (I called them on 11/27/02).

196. On one occasion, when using AOL 5.0 with the G3/266, the sign on screen (after pressing ÒSign OnÓ) appeared in the far upper left hand corner of the screen.  I tried quitting and reopening AOL, but I had no luck. Finally, I moved the Window Size database file out of the AOL prefs folder. This solved the problem.

197. In 9/03, Donna sent out a bulk mail and got our AOL account closed. To use the account again, type MJ1234 (MJ must be in capitals) as your password, then go to keyword: password and change it to desired password. I changed motleyzecaÕs password to Old At Ease.

198. According to, AOL Broadband ENHANCES a broadband connection (it does not appear to provide a broad band connection).

199. It does not appear that the Supra Modem will dial up under Classic and AOL for OS X, which is fine (probably irrelevant).

198. I got a corrupted error when sending mail from Mail (OS X) to AOL. Drop Stuff 7.0 was used, probably cause of error (when sending c. notes.sit).

199. It does not appear that the Supra Modem will dial up under Classic and AOL for OS X, which is fine (probably irrelevant).

200. AOL X works with the Blueberry iMacÕs internal modem in Room 58. It dialed silently with AppleÕs built-in modem, and there does not appear to be a way to change the sound, which is fine.

            A. AOL 5. 0 does not sign on with the iMacÕs internal modem within Classic Under OS X. You get a message about the modem needing to be reset. When you try to access TCP/IP, you get a message about the application or control panel not being supported in the Classic environment. However, if you restart the computer in OS 9, you can access TCP/IP for OS 9 and change the setting to AOL Link Enhanced. Then you can use AOL in OS 9 with the iMacÕs internal modem (also, you must select Apple Internal 56 K, or the modem will not work).

            B. You cannot use AOL 5.0 to dial up on the iLamp. You get an error message about being unable to communicate with the modem (and you cannot start up in OS 9). You can use TCP/IP to connect though. You can also dial up with AOL for OS X or use TCP/IP with AOL for OS X.

201. I got a message when running Auto AOL that "The mail could not be sent because there was a problem compressing the attachment(s). Make sure that the compression tool is in your "Online Tools" folder." However, the compression tool was in the online folder and the mail was sent fine.

202. AOL has been freezing lately on the G3/266. It may be that you need to use IE to connect to the internet first, when running Auto AOL. If you use AOL to sign on to the internet, it appears to not have a freezing problem.

203. On one occasion, I found a picture of the new $50 bill (4/04). However, the picture was in AOLÕs ÒartÓ format, so I decided to use GC to open it, but I could not. GC gave an error that said that the picture was in ÒartÓ format (AOL), so you can uncheck the prefs for Òuse compressed imagesÓ with AOL prefs. However, the prefs for Òuse compressed imagesÓ was already unchecked (under www prefs). It is probably an AOL problem.

            A. I was able to take a screen shot of the $50 bill, then open it with GC, save it as .jpg and send it out people.

204. The address book for AOL 5.0 can be opened with AOL for OS X. If you edit it, the file is updated (even though the address book file is in Internet prefs inside of the Ryan folder).

205. Several users said AOL 10.3 (around 24.6 MB) is terrible.

206. AOL would not sign on with the G3/233. I forced quit and restart. No luck. Force Quit again and restart. It signed on fine after that.

207. I kept having trouble getting to load with IE on the G3/266, so I used NN and the mail loaded fine (and I was able to download it).

208. I could not get the Supra modem to sign on to AOL on the G3/266, when the T1 line was done. It was because I had hooked the modem up to the printer port and not the modem port.

209. I was having trouble accessing AOL articles, even when signed on with AOL Link. I then restarted and was able to access the AOL articles, even with TCP/IP.

210. Julie and Matt had difficulty in copying Address Book (the Address Book ending up being a mix of my e-mail addresses and mom's) and momfisher's filing cabinet (stores Favorite Places) to the new iMac G5. Julie and Matt tried copying the old files from the G3 to the iMac G5 (5.0 files) to the correct place within the Mac OS X folder, but to no avail. I tried installing AOL 5.0 (runs in System 9) and then running it on the iMac G5 (then trash AOL for OS X prefs, and restart), but the 5.0 version of AOL cannot detect the modem (AOL for OS X was able to).

211. I was able to download a 6.9 MB file with AOL in 2/05.

212. I was able to sign on with TCP/IP, while mom was signed on with dial-up (but I could not sign on using dial-up at the same time).

213. If you block e-mail addresses by going to Mail, Mail Controls, the person typing the e-mail will be notified that they are not accepting your e-mail. However, pmdonna is on my Spam list as of 5/6/05, so I can go to Mail, Spam Folder and see if she e-mailed me. Otherwise, just don't look in that folder.

214. I could not listen to Motley Crue from the Live 8 concert, because I don't have Windows (and I can't use AOL Radio). However, I was able to see a sample of the concert, but only a tiny portion (not Motley Crue).

215. Uncheck uncompress at sign-off to avoid AOL download (ÒcorruptÓ) error.

216. AOL news cannot be accessed with 5.0 of AOL (get an upgrade browser message or no news at all) on the G3/266 (even when using the Supra modem). As of 6/07, 5.0 is the latest version of AOL for Mac OS 8/9. The DEC and the Dells do not have any modem connections, except for ethernet connections. AOL News can be accessed on the iLamp with AOL For OS X. Also, AOL news cannot be accessed on the DEC (using version 5.0 for Windows). However, after downloading 9.0 for Windows, I was able to read AOL News fine on the rebuilt DEC (later, though in 8/07, I was not able to, so I uninstalled it); so Lightspeed was not blocking AOL News. It may work in the future to just search with IE about AOL pop up news. AOL 9.0VR for Windows is short for Vista Ready.

217. Usually when I receive an AOL e-mail (at, I was not able to open it: I think that the documentÕs creator did not stay with it. Anyhow, I figured out that an AW SS was able to be opened with AW on the iLamp; I right clicked on the file and chose open with Other.. chose All applications instead of just recommended ones and then used AW to open the file. I could not use AW to open the document from within the application, even when allowing for all document types.

218. Mom had a Word file that she was unable to open, but I was able to. I then sent to her from AOL to AOL. However, she still could open but not print it; therefore, I tried to open it on my computer and I was able to open it, but not print it. I figured out the solution: I downloaded the file to the Desktop, quit AOL, then opened the file, Preview opened the file and I was able to print it.

219. I attached two files in .sit format to an Entourage e-mail to school (AOL), and at home I was able to open them. I was able to open them on the G3/266 with System 9.2.2.

2220. I cannot use AOL homepage software (Easy Designer) to create a webpage with AOL 5.0, it requires Windows 98, 2000, or XP, with IE 5.5 or NN 6+, as of 4/08.


Anarchie 3.7 ($35)

1. Needs open transport on the computer for Anarchie to install. Will not install with extensions off, since it can not detect Open Transport.

2. It has many bookmarks to go to ftp sites.

3. It says it can resume a download that has been aborted (by closing the window), but I could not get it work with several sites.

4. You can also use it to access files via http.

5. It does not support authenticated logins or secure connections for web access.

6. It says that if you have text files stored on an FTP server (such as a web server with FTP access), you can edit them locally with BB edit (under the remote menu). However, I tried doing this with several files within Anarchie and got error Ò-43 file not found.Ó So I suppose it does have to be your files. Anarchie will automatically upload the file for you and delete your local copy. BB Edit is used as a powerful text editor and it can be used by HTML coders.

            A. A web server is a computer (or shared folder) that has software designed to share HTML and other files by an Internet or Intranet.

7. When you mirror upload your web site with Anarchie, your old pages are automatically deleted. Use with caution.

8. Version 4.0 is now called Interanarchy and costs $40.


AOL Instant Messenger

1. Password should never be the same as America On Line sign on password.

2. To change password, use help (must be signed on to AOL Instant Messenger) and then use the index to find password.

            A. My current name and password are Cwboy21, old At Ease (lower case). Later changed to info listed in 2B.

            B. I now have motleyze, Old At Ease (lower case).

3. AOL Quick Buddy is not a file to be downloaded, it is simply a bookmark place with Netscape: will not work with America Online.

4. You can access preferences by using command, semi colon.

            A. You can toggle sounds on/off for signing on, signing off, etc.

5. If you see something on the news ticker than interests you, click on it and the full story will be shown in an IE 5 window.

6. Press ÒenterÓ in Instant Messenger instead of clicking "Send.Ó

7. You can also go to chat rooms with AOL instant Messenger. If you are in a chat room (may need to set up your own), then you can look at the bottom of the window and then click to get to other chat rooms. Only AOL Instant Messenger members can chat in Buddy Chat rooms.

            A. You can also go to Community Chats under the People Menu.

8. To change the screenname and password to sign on to AOL with (if automatically stored), go to file, Sign Off. Then change the information.


Apple CD-ROM

1. I cleaned the lens for the CD Player with a lens cleaner, unfortunately, after I did that, the CD player would play a CD halfwaythroughand then stop. I reinstalled the CD Audio Player software and it has worked since.

2. Same problem happened again, though, so I called and found out that I need to trash: All Apple CD Audio player files and preferences: Apple CD-ROM, Audio CD Access, Foreign File Access, Hi Sierra File Access, Apple Photo Access, ISO 9660 Access (Extensions). Reinstall from Performa CD. If you have trouble accessing CDÕs that need these extra extensions and they are installed, hold down option key while inserting the CD.

3. I also had the Audio CD access extension in the system folder, but NOT in the extension folder, probably does make a difference. I also did not restart the computer the second time I reinstalled the software (referred to in #2).

4. Not one of these steps worked, so I turned off energy saver extension, which has fixed the problem (which may only be a conflict on my home computer).

5. To reinstall it on the PowerPC 5400, Use startup CD, Click on 7.5.3 installation, Custom Install, Apple Menu items, Put an ÒXÓ by the Apple CD Audio Player.

            A. After I did a drag and drop install of 7.5.5 to the LC 575 in my room, Apple CD Audio Player was not installed. But I simply dragged a copy of it from the G3/266 with 8.1. It worked.

6. An external CD-ROM drive is not routed to go through the MACÕs processor chip, so you must hear audio CDÕs through the headphone jack or stereo (using the RCA jacks, If attached to drive). You would use a miniplug to hear it through the headphone jack.

7. If you leave the drawer open, If the computer shuts down, the door will close automatically.

8. If the disk makes a lot of noise, it may be due to the fact that there is a lot of writing on one side of the CD, thereby making it heavier than the other side, so it may vibrate, since there is a lack of balance.

9. To adjust the volume with Apple CD audio player, you can use the arrow keys or click with the mouse.

10. If you are having trouble loading some dual formatted discs, may want to make sure that all the non-HFS format extensions are the same version (ISO 9660, Audio CD, High Sierra File).

11. There is a company that can repair scratched CDs. It is called the Compact Disc Repairman, (602) 412-1920.

12. CD Extra format is where Audio Data occupies session 1 and digital data occupies session 2.

13. On one occasion in Room 13, the CD-ROM drive would not mount any CDÕs. I took apart the computer, took out the CD-ROM drive, blew dust off of it, reconnected it and it worked fine. Later, did not work, though. Error type -50 occurred when trying to unmount a disk and later a disk would not mount at all.

            A. I exchanged the CD-ROM from another 575, and the CDÕs mounted fine. Zapping and initializing the HD made no difference.

            B. I finally decided to hook up an external CD-ROM to the computerÕs SCSI port. it did not mount CDs at first, so I found out why with SCSI probe. it had the same SCSI ID as the internal CD, (#3), changed the external to ID #5 and it worked fine (had Apple CD-ROM, High Sierra File Access, ISO 9660 File Access and Audio CD Access installed).

            C. On Jose's 575, the Cleaning CD would not mount (just made a bunch of noise). It did mount on the external drive.

            D. Even if the CD did mount, it could not be opened, since Apple CD Audio Player is not on the computer and Quicktime is not either. (Both came with 7.5, I think).

            E. My external SCSI CD-ROM would not load, even with power on using the 575. Nothing was in the drive. Trashed drive.

14. About the only thing you can do for a non working CD-ROM (outside of clean install), is to take it out, pull out tray and shake attempting to remove debris.

15. A/ROSE is part of Apple CD-ROM package.

16. On a Power Computing computer, If a CD-ROM will not work after doing a clean install, it is because Power Computing CD-ROM drives do not work with AppleÕs CD-ROM software. it needs its own software drivers.

17. If a CD-ROM will not boot due to an extension conflict, hold down the Shift key at startup.

18. Tried to make an Apple external (CD300) work as a startup device (7.1 Toast CD) with the 575 in Room 13. Would not work, even after zapping the PRAM with TechTool and restarting (command, C and COSD did not work, either). According to sad Macs, not all externals can be used as startup devices. Sad Macs says that Apple drives should startup most computers, especially internal CD-ROM drives. However, in this case, the startup CD (or previous versions of the CD made with Toast) has started up other computers.

19. If a CD-ROM will not eject, try restart with VM off (command key at startup). Also, try restarting with extensions off and then hit the eject button on the front of the CD-ROM drive.

20. You can have instant Apple Menu access to audio CDs by inserting an audio CD, adding an alias to apple menu (using automated tasks). Then, you can access any audio CD that is inserted after that.

21. DVD capacity is 5.4 GB.

            A. According to a Modesto Bee article, one Modestan put 2.6 GB of music on one DVD, which would be about four times the amount for a CD. (Used SoundJam to do it).

            B. Software is starting to become available on DVD, according to Tidbits #552. The source was Nova DevelopmentÕs Art Explosion and National Geographic (10/29/00).

22. The Apple CD-ROM button on the front of the G3 was hard to press. You had to press the button in pretty far for it to work. I took the computer apart and then when reassembling, put all 4 screws back in it. This made the CD-ROM much easier to use.

23. Source: Ò,

Ó One user found to eliminate the noise for his CD-ROM was to pack the area around the CD-ROM drive with hard and soft foam. If the foam is packed tightly around the drive, it helps absorb sound and the CD fits better (causing less play). This eliminated much of the sound.

24. Also, If you cannot format a drive while starting up from the CD, because Òfiles are open.Ó You could try holding down command key at startup.

            A. If you try to copy a file to the HD and it gives the message that you can not because the volume is locked. You should try holding down option key and then copying.

25. On one occasion, the CDÕs would make loud noises when utilized by the Apple CD-ROM Drive. I blew some of the dust out of the drive. I also used the dust spray. Then I used the CD Laser Lens cleaner (The CD-ROM Laser Lens Cleaner is for Windows only). The sound was less significant.

            A. You should not store any laser lens cleaner inside of a CD wallet, as it flattens the brushes for cleaning.

26. At, you can see how to make it so that AppleÕs CD-ROM driver will work with most SCSI external drive.

            A. has several versions of Apple HD SC Setup, which can be edited with Resedit (the instructions are on the web page).

27. According to the 5500 Manual page 10, you should not turn or tilt the angle of the screen while a CD-ROM is in the drive.

            A. If you use a small (8 cm) disc, then make sure the computer is as level as possible before putting the disk into the drive.

            B. According to the 5500 Manual page 170, you should not move a computer with a CD-ROM in the drive.

28. According to the 5500 Manual page 24, if a disc in your CD-ROM vibrates, it is not a big problem. It simply may be that the label has artwork that causes the CD-ROM discÕs weight to be slightly off-center. The vibration damages neither your computer nor the CD-ROM disc itself.

            A. Sometimes removing the label may eliminate the vibration.

29. According to the 5500 Manual page 132, if the computer unexpectedly ejects a CD-ROM disc without giving an error message, the disc may be damaged. Try another disc in the drive and try the original disc in a different drive.

30. According to the 5500 Manual page 133, some discs in the ISO 9660 and High Sierra formats have version numbers attached to their names. Some appÕs need these version numbers in order to work with files. To make the version numbers available to appÕs on your computer: Drag the CD-ROM icon to the trash. When the tray opens, hold down the option key while you push the tray back in. Keep holding down the option key until the disc icon reappears on the screen.

31. According to the 5500 Manual page 134, if you are trying to play an audio CD over a network, you wonÕt be able to hear it. You should play audio CDÕs in your own computer.

32. According to the 5500 Manual page 134, you canÕt open data files on a CD-ROM disc and listen to audio tracks on that disc at the same time.

33. According to the iMac DV + manual page 24, if you have to eject a CD manually, restart the computer to enable the drive to eject disks. (This may be true for other iMacs as well).

34. On the G3/233 with System 8.1, you can control many of the functions of the Apple CD player from the control strip.

35. When trying to run the Installer for Numbers, the plain ÒInstallerÓ or the Numbers Demo on the Sesame Street CD on the 6400/180 at JoseÕs house, I got error type 15 or a disk error. I tried the same CD on MomÕs G3 and got errors as well.

36. On at least two occasions, the ÒISpyÓ CD would not mount. I restarted (on one occasion), but the CD still would not mount. I powered down the computer and took the CD out. After restarting, the CD would mount. I told GN that if it happens again, we might need to replace the System Software.

37. says ÒDon't play a CD-ROM in your audio CD player, even if it contains some audio tracks. The non-audio data stored on the disc can ruin your speakers.Ó

38. MSÕs CD Drive for her 5400 was not working properly. CDs would go in, but then be ejected immediately. She took it apart and shook out the extra pieces and then it worked again.         

            A. I may still go ahead and order an internal CD-ROM, as it is likely to be needed later by MS or someone else. 39. Tidbits #631 says that some audio CDs have a warning label that says ÒWill not play on PC/MacÓ CDs should play in normal CD player, but not computer CD drives. Some of AppleÕs computers (as of 5/02) do not have manual eject holes. Apple has posted some workarounds on its website (, but you may be liable for charges, that may be incurred if the disk is still not able to be removed by user. has a list of Òcorrupted CDsÓ that have Òcopy preventionÓ (a more accurate term than Òcopy protectionÓ). has info on the copy prevention scheme. It mentions how to get around the Òcopy prevention.Ó It also says that these CDs can kill an iMac. says that some computers may start up to a gray screen after a copy protected disk has been left in the computer. The article also says that some computers, such as the iMac flat panel, Power Mac G4 Cube and certain models of Power Mac G4 (Quicksilver or later) may not have a user-accessible eject hole. Read the article for alternate methods of ejecting the disk.

40. I could not get all of the sessions on two multiple session CDs to load with the CD drive in my G3/266 (School Stuff 3 and Internet 4). They would only load the first session only.

            A. I tried using the CDs on my G3/233 and the iMac and all of the sessions loaded with both CDs.

            B. I then tried cleaning the dust out of the drive. I replaced the Apple CD/DVD Driver extension and the Foreign File Access Extensions. I also tried trashing the Finder prefs and replacing the Finder, System File and System Enabler 877 file. I tried running DFA and NDD, no luck (only the first session would mount with School Stuff 3 and Internet 4 CDs). I had no luck. Finally, I did a clean install of System Software, the CDs mounted all of the sessions then. I tried using Clean Install Assistant to move all the items to the new System Folder, but once I did that, all of the CD sessions would not mount again. I did another clean install of System Software and then reinstalled almost everything from either my Installers file or CD-ROMs. Then once again, all of the sessions mounted.

41. On the 5400 in room 52, DO was unable to mount CD-ROMs with the CD drive. I trashed the Audio CD Access extension, the Apple CD-ROM extension, the Foreign File Access extension, the High Sierra File Access extension and the ISO 9660 File Access extension, the System preferences, the Finder preferences, the Finder and the System file. I then replaced all these files except the Finder and System preferences (as they would be re-created automatically). CD-ROMs would then mount on the desktop.

42. On one occasion, only one out of 4 different sessions could be mounted on the G3Õs desktop using the CD-ROM drive. I rebuilt the desktop with Techtool and then all sessions would load.

            A. On another occasion, I could not get all of the sessions of the Internet 4 to load on the desktop, only one would. I tried running DFA, NDD and NSD, and using Techtool to rebuild the desktop. I replaced the Apple CD-ROM, Foreign File Access, High Sierra File Access, and ISO 9660 File Access Extensions, the Finder, System File, and the System Enabler 777. This did not work. However, I temporarily replaced the System folder with the new complete one that is in my installer folder, and all of the sessions mounted.

            B. I decided not to do a complete clean install just for this little problem. Besides, all of the sessions will load on the iMac.

            C. CD-ROM Toolkit Extension was the problem, as found by Conflict Catcher 3 on the G3/266. After disabling that extension, multiple sessions would load on the G3/266. I then decided to rename the CDROM Toolkit Extension, so that it does not come before Apple CD/DVD Driver, then multiple sessions would load with the internal CD-ROM drive (multiple sessions still would not load on external CD-ROM drive, but I think that is normal for that drive).

            D. But after renaming the CD-ROM Toolkit extension, I got an error message upon startup that says that ÒNote: CD-ROM Toolkit will not be able to support one of your CD-ROM drives because Òit is already handled by another CD-ROM driver.Ó Possible fixes: Use Extensions Manager to turn off Apple CD-ROM extension. Remove any CD that may be in the drive at startup.Ó I decided to remove the CD from the external CD-ROM, and then restarted the computer. The error was gone.

            E. Later, got the same error that the CD-ROM Toolkit will not be able to support one of your drivesÓ I disabled the CD-ROM Toolkit extension.

43. CDs would not mount on the G3/233. I replaced System Software, DFA, NDD, NSD, Rebuild with TT, no. Zapped with TT and KB, worked.

44. If you have a CD with a label on it, it is best to try to flatten the label as much as possible. Otherwise, it may have difficulty being inserted into the G3/233.

45. I had a couple CDs that had trouble (the disk is unreadable errors) on the G3/233. After restarting the G3, one of the CDÕs mounted okay (Internet 4) after rebuilding the CDÕs desktop (I did not try the other CD, since I was not sure which one it was. Later, I had a problem with the Plan-it and Winton CD, it did not mount. But, on a different day, the CD mounted fine.

46. The Internet 4 CD was glacial to load with 9.2.1 on the G3/266 the first time; however, after it mounted the first time (after rebuilding the CDÕs desktop file), it kept a file in Preferences (Internet 4 DDB and Internet 4 DDF) and then mounted in a normal amount of time after that.

47. I tried copying files from the Internet CD, but there were many errors. Then, I decided to install a different CD-ROM (it was an NEC CD-ROM from 1998), it mounted CDÕs on the third restart using Apple CD/DVD Driver. After that, it did not. Therefore, I tried uisng FWB Toolkit (4.0.1a) , but it would not mount all CDÕs, only some (many were ÒunreadableÓ) and there was no update for the program on FWBÕs website or Zapping PRAM with TT and KB did not work, nor did hooking up a SCSI device (thinking that perhaps the CD-ROM was not terminated and needed to be). Then, I tried using Drive CD/NEC, which also installs SpeedyCD 5.31a (NEC program, which only works up to 7.5.5, according to the website, which turned out to be correct), but it did not work: it mounted disks, but anytime you copied anything from them, there was an error. Zapping PRAM with KB did not help. Finally, I just decided to use the original Apple CD-ROM Drive and cleaned it with a CD laser lens cleaner. It seems to be fine now, except for it still has trouble copying a few files from the Internet CD (which I burned again on a Verbatim CD and the Predator), so Verbatim may be an issue with the Apple drive or Predator CDÕs: will wait and see. Anyhow, a workaround is to use the red iMac DV+ to mount the CD and then access from the G3/266 or use the Predator with the G3/266 (may need Toast CD Reader extension to be active.

48. To manually eject a CD, you must use a large paper clip and insert it into the hold right next to the ÒG3Ó on the front of the computer (that hole is the only one of the two holes that will eject the CD). According to the 5500 Manual page 130, your computer should be off when ejecting a CD with a paper clip.


Apple Educator Advantage (Apple Sales team is available 24/7 at 800-780-5009). Pricelists can be dowloaded at

1. Jaede Miloslavich, C.O, no payment for shipping, but still must pay sales tax.

2. Another alternative for purchasing software, scanners and printers with or They sell many third party items.

3. Address for Sales is: Apple Computer, K-12 Education Mailstop: 198-ED Attn: Education Sales Support P.O. Box 149116. The phone number is (800) 800-2775 and the fax number is (512) 919-2992.

4. There is now the One Click button on AppleÕs web site, which is easier than re-entering the information each time.

            A. You have 90 minutes to edit your order before itÕs processed for shipping.

5. Online, my Apple ID is, password is New new At Ease.

6. As of 5/02, Apple Educator Advantage sells printers.

7. says that you may one each of the following during each academic school year (July 1 - June 30), Powermac or iMac or eMac, Powerbook or iBook, Display, Printer.

            A. It also says that configure-to-order products cannot be changed or canceled after product assembly has begun.

            B. It also says that all sales are final. But I called Apple Sales and that is true only of configured-to-order products. You have ten business days (Monday-Friday, excluding Federal Reserve Holidays) with non configured-to-order products.

8. At, it says that there is a 30-day waiting period before the USPS will initiate a trace. DG said that is correct, see general info for more information. It also says that you may have a defective product repaired, but then it will no longer be eligible for replacement. The web page also says that 1-click is a registered trademark of, which Apple uses under license. If you change your mind after ordering, you have 90 minutes to change items in your 1-click order. The web page says that if you need technical assistance regarding electronic software downloads, contact Apple Technical Support at 512-674-8700. Software downloads are non-refundable. The web page says that cashiersÕ checks or money orders are accepted. Personal checks are not. If you wish to pay by cashierÕs check or money order, you may order by phone at 800-780-5009. The web page says you can contact Apple Sales Support at 800-676-2775. The web page says that clearance and refurbished products (as well as new) carry a one year Limited Warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. The web page says that Apple reserves the right to audit and ask for verification of school employment. Joe said he had to, but I do not think I did. I ordered over the Internet (I think) and he ordered by phone, which may have made a difference.

9. says iLife is an application for working with images and music files. It also includes iMovie 3. Keynote is for making presentations. Must have OS X. Qualifying orders must be received between January 29 and March 31, 2003.


Applecare Protection Plan

1. Must be purchased before the one year limited warranty expires. Lasts for three years.

2. Since Apple now charges a minimum of $359 for a Powerbook or $329 for an iBook repair, extended warranty may be a good idea. The extended warranty costs $349 for a Powerbook and $259 for an iBook. This information is from Tidbits #546.

3. On the website, to use Applecare, you must use your Apple ID, which is and (I think new new At Ease, but it may be old At Ease). On 12/21/00, it would not work with IE 5 or NN 4.75. Could try again later.

4. is the site for the Applecare Knowledge base now (8/9/2001). It looks interesting.

5. says that tech support is not provided by e-mail.

6. My 90 days of free telephone support for the iLamp starts on the purchase date (I think). The purchase date was 5/13/04.

7. In OSX, you can use Sherlock 3's Applecare channel to search for info to help solve problems.

            A. Also, you can see in the Other Channels listing (after selecting the Channels tab) many other Sherlock Channels. You can also find a few at You can reportedly use Sherlock to get driving directions as well, by using the Yellow Pages channel.


Apple File Exchange

Was used before 7.5 for IBM disks (pre PC Exchange).


Apple 5.25/3.5 Disk Drive

1. If a peripheral card is installed, it can not support more than two 5.25 disk drives (A IIGS can handle up to four, though. More than four can cause a drain on the power resources).

2. When connecting an external floppy, turn off power but leave unit plugged in (Serves as a grounding device).

3. 5.25 disk holds 143 KB of info.

4. A non-Apple monitor may cause interference for an Apple 5.25 disk drive and cause read/write errors. Move monitor further away.

5. A IIE will not start up from a Unidisk 3.5 drive by itself, according to Apple 5.25 disk drive manual, although I am not sure.

            A. According to the Apple 3.5 Drive OwnerÕs Guide page ii, Duodisk and Unidisk are trademarks of Apple Computer.

            B. According to the Apple 3.5 Drive OwnerÕs Guide page ii, Macintosh is a trademark of McIntosh Laboratories, inc.

6. Manual page V says that if you have interference from a TV or radio, try moving the TV or radio to one side or the other, turn the TV or radio antenna, use a different outlet or different circuit for TV or radio.

7. Manual page 1 says the 5.25-inch drive is for single sided disks only. However, we may have later models of disk drives that use two sided.

8. Manual page 2 says that you should have the power turned off when connecting or disconnecting any device, but leave the power plug in the wall, that way it serves as a grounding device.

            A. Make sure you touch one of the metal connectors on the back of the Apple II to discharge any static electricity that may be on your clothes or body.

9. Manual page 7 says that you should make sure you are using the correct controller card for your drive i.e. do not use a 5.25Ó drive with a 3.5Ó controller card, you can damage the drive.

10. If the notch on the side of a disk is covered, you can not write on the disk (opposite of many other items, like cassettes, videotapes, etc.).

11. Manual page 12 says that you should use a felt-tip pen (not a pen or pencil) to write on labels.

12. If using a non-Apple monitor, it may cause electromagnetic interference (EMI). Move the drive. Apple monitors are shielded to contain the EMI.

13. Manual page 16 - 17 shows different chaining configurations for external disk drives. It also lists the scanning order for 3.5 and 5.25 drives.

14. Manual page 18 says that the Apple IIGS will try to startup from a 5.25Ó device in the chain, even if it is not first. If none is present, it will try to start up from the first 3.5 drive it can find.

15. The 5.25 should weigh about 4.78 pounds.

16. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide, it works with Apple IIGS, Mac Plus, Macintosh 512 with ROM upgrade, Macintosh 512 K Enhanced and the Macintosh 512 K.

17. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide page 3, the ÒejectÓ button works only when the power is on.

18. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide page 4, a Macintosh 3.5Ó disk will not work on a IIGS nor vice versa (disks should be kept separate).

19. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide page 5, DOS 3.3 files must be converted (using the Filer in System Filer) to ProDOS format before they can be used on a 3.5Ó disk.

20. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide page 8, a 3.5Ó drive should be placed next to a Macintosh, not on top of the Mac. Magnetic interference from the upper left corner of the Macintosh can affect the drive. Also, the drive being on top of the Mac can block the MacÕs air vents.

21. Apple II Prodos UserÕs Guide page 143 says that to write protect a 5.25Ó disk, cover the write-protect tab (opposite of 3.5Ó disks).

22. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide page 11, when you plug a 3.5Ó drive into the Mac, the eject button on the front of the drive is automatically deactivated because the computer then controls ejection.

23. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide page 12 says that a single sided formatted disk will not let you use folders within applications.

            A. Page 12 also says that if you initialize a single sided disk as double sided, you could lose all your data.

            B. Page 19 says the drive number label goes on the front of the drive.

            C. Page 19 says you should avoid attaching more than three labels to a disk, since it may stick in the drive.

24. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide page 21 says you should insert a blank disk during transporting the drive, because the magnetic heads in the drive have hard ceramic surfaces that could crack if they contact each other.

25. According to the Apple 3.5Ó Drive OwnerÕs Guide page 23 says you should leave some space between the drive and the monitor (if non Apple monitor), because of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Non Apple monitors may cause interference. Apple monitors are shielded. The left side of a Mac emits some EMI.

26. I was having trouble with the G3/266Õs disk drive, disks could sometimes be loaded, but then would make a clicking sound while copying files from the HD (and errors resulted as well). I used Kensington Disk Guardian and some duster spray, which seems to have helped. There was still one disk that had trouble after that (kept giving a data loss error), but two others worked okay. It will probably be okay for a little while, anyhow (as of 12/31/03).


Apple Guide

1. Apple Guide (and AOL Guide) Need to have Applescript and ApplescriptLib in the active extensions folder (may need to check extensions manager).

2. If show balloons is selected and you go to the ÒAbout this MacintoshÓ window and move the cursor over an application, it will let you know how much of its allocated memory that the app is using.

3. Show balloons can be very useful in many applications.

4. According to the 5500 Manual page 17, there is a Macintosh tutorial under the guide menu.

5. If you click on the letter in the Mac OS Help and drag, you can select different letters.

6. You can use the Òlook forÓ part of the Mac OS Help to find any word in any topic (not necessary just topics themselves).


Apple HD Setup

1. Update Driver option was gray on Room 54Õs 5400, may be due to the fact that the driver that formatted the hard drive is different from the one on the CD. At home, the HD Setup is version 1.3 that was used to update the driver. On the CD that came with the computer, it is version 1.1. If it the HD setup version is too new or too old, it may have trouble working. On the Room 54 computer, the driver was probably the one that came with 7.6.1, which makes the current driver on the computer too new for the old HD Setup on the 7.5.5 CD. May be possible that you need to reformat the drive.

On the LC in Rm. 37, it took a long time to initialize. I thought, perhaps, it had frozen. I did a warm reboot and the HD would not mount. SCSI probe couldnÕt mount it, but Apple HD Setup did. I tried to initialize it again, and it took 9 or 10 minutes to initialize.

2. If something has been Òlow level formattedÓ, utilities will probably not be able to recover data.

3. If update driver is dimmed, the drive may have been formatted using a different utility. In some cases, it may be necessary to reformat the disk, then update the driver. Also, If it is dimmed, it could be that the update program you are using is older than the driver on the drive is. Alternatively, the driver could be damaged (S.M., 3rd, 808).


Apple Location Manager

1. According to, you can use the Apple Location Manager to help applications, on a POWERBOOK only, find Network settings for accessing the Internet. Previously, the easiest way was if the Network manager listed them or told you.

            A. It will install only on a Powerbook. Also, must be running System 7.6 or later.

2. Source:, ÒLocation Manager allows settings to be saved as a group, so that selecting a Location Group from the control strip makes changes to all settings: AppleTalk, Dial Assist, Modem, TCP/IP, Remote Access.Ó

3. Location Manager 2.0.1 works on all MAC OS computers according to


Apple Menu items

1. Can be separated by the number of spaces in front of the file name. Also, dividers can be created (like the one in M.O.M. Control Panel) by creating blank documents and calling them Ò-----------------------------Ó.

2. Stickies: if you do not close the Stickie note, it will show up again on restart (can be checked or unchecked in preferences). It will show up even If there is no Stickie note (might want to leave the startup option unchecked when there is no note).

            A. Choose the proper format you want, then go to Òedit,Ó Òuse as default.Ó

            B. On Sara RhodesÕs 5260/100, when you print a Stickies Note, it says Stickies (for 304) at the bottom. This is probably the room number from WMS (which is where the computer originally came from).

3. Menuchoice is a Shareware program ($15) that allows pre 7.5 Macs to have some of the same options. (Trashed it though, especially since hierarchical menus do not work with At Ease 1.0).

4. With 7.5.5, you can access five menus deep with Apple menu items, with 8.1 the level is higher.

5. Supposedly, If there is an alias of your HD in Apple Menu items, causes some slow down in System Operations. (Sad Macs p. 184).

            A. On one occasion with the G3/233, the HD alias did not work after I accidentally trashed all the menus in the Apple Menu Items folder (I was trying to only delete the Recent Documents). Anyhow, the alias no longer allowed a submenu, so I tried restarting, rebuilding with TT, and finally had to replace the System Folder, which worked.

6. ScrapbookBurster does not appear to work with System 8.1.

7. Scrapbook can be used to view some PICT files (some that have been dropped on the desktop). It can be faster than opening a Graphics program.

8. Put CW into Apple Menu Items with the Apple Script called ÒPut alias in Apple Menu.Ó However, CW did not show up in Apple Menu items. However, I think it was because I was in the middle of copying something (Finder was busy copying). After copying was completed, CW showed up in Apple Menu.

9. Menu blinking s/b off. It may slow down G3/266 somewhat. I think Menu Choice may at times slow down the computer, also.

            A. Menu Choice seems to be okay now, but it still may be cause of some slowness or it could be having RyanÕs HD in Apple Menu Items. Menu Blinking is now off.

10. Apple Menu Items did not work. I tried making a new Apple Menu Items folder, but I had no luck. Restarting the computer with the original Apple Menu Items worked.

11. ÒRyanÕs HDÓ item in Apple Menu Items was Ògrayed out,Ó when IE5 was open, even after reinstalling System Software, etc. May be a glitch with IE5, because other programs do not do the same thing.

            A. Later, after clean install of System Software, RyanÕs HD was no longer grayed out, when IE5 was active.

            B. When IE5 was active at school, RyanÕs HD was grayed out, as well. This is probably a software glitch with IE 5.1. On MomÕs G3, MomÕs HD was not grayed using IE 5.0.

12. On one occasion, I moved an item to a different place on the HD. The item had an alias in the Apple Menu. After moving, the Apple Menu was still able to locate it (unless MOM menu).

13. Tidbits # 633 says that the maximum number of items for Recent Applications (probably Recent Documents also) is 99.

14. To make an upside down question mark, use Option, Shift,

15. If you add an alias to the Apple Menu Items menu while copying a large file, it may be that the script has run, but the item may not actually appear in the Apple Menu Items until the copying is done.

16. On one occasion, RyanÕs HD did not make a hierarchical menu in Apple Menu items, but on restart, it did.

17. Whenever I tried to access the Apple Menu Items on the G3/233 with 9.2.2, the Finder would go into an endless loop and I had to restart the computer. It happened again upon restart. Finally, I trashed the Apple Menu Items preferences and then I was able to use the Apple Menu Items without incident.

18. Apple Menu Items did not work on one of the blueberry iMacs in the library. Rebuilding the Desktop with KB and re-creating the Apple Menu Items did not help. Probably needs new System, but not worth it for a cosmetic thing. I finally figured it out, the System Folder that was being used was inside of Netscape, which was inside of Applications folder. I moved the System Folder to the root level, and trashed the old one inside of the Netscape folder.


Apple OneScanner

1. Using the CD, as a startup will not work with the Scanner program ÒOfotoÓ (created by Light Source Computer Images, inc.), it says that there is no room to store information (this message occurs because it is a locked disk). In System 7.6.1, Apple OneScanner freezes on launch. Might need to reinstall 7.5.5 on 5500 or perhaps use Ofoto set up for 7.1 with System 7.6.1 (sounds strange, but Aaron said it worked before).

            a. Tried trashing prefs, increased RAM allocation and change the number of colors but did not work. Tried on a LC 575 (7.5.3 Revision 2), and both computers froze with the scannerÕs power turned on before restarting the computer. Aaron said that he even tried hooking directly to SCSI port from scanner to Mac without Syquest in between. Did not work.

            B. Accordingly, the scanning software will not allow you to print (8/30/00).

2. Cables may be moody or problem was with the PRAM on the 5500 in the lab. The computer stopped working again. For a week, the computer ran fine without the scanner attached. PRAM may need to be zapped again with Techtool (ext. off) and then donÕt reconnect the scanner. Aaron called Apple and they are sending someone out. Replaced the HD and the sound output works, the scanner and in general, it works. Started having problems again. Disconnected the scanner and it seems to be working again. BH said that the problem is probably due to using 7.6.1, this system software has trouble recognizing IDEÕs with the 5400, 6500 Ôs. The solution is to use ÒDrive SetupÓ 1.3.1 (from AppleÕs website). I checked to see if we had latest version of software for Apple Color OneScanner. We do, since Ofoto 2.0.2 is the latest driver for Ofoto for Apple Brand Scanners for the Mac.

            A. I have Ofoto 2.0.2 on the Internet CD in the folder called ÒApple Scanner.Ó

3. Presto Page Manager can do ÒOCRÓ for the Scanner (UMAX Astra 1200 S), but does a lousy job.

            A. According to the Presto Page Manager manual, you must scan in black and white to OCR. I think I did that. I do not have the software on CD, however.

            B. When you drag an icon to an icon on the Page Manager window, it opens the application.

            C. The applications preferences explain how to add other applications to the Page Manager bar.

4. Ofoto did not work the first time; the ÒResetÓ and ÒScanÓ buttons were grayed out. However, because the SCSI ID for the Apple One Scanner was set to 9. I turned the power off to the scanner and the G3. Then I reset the SCSI ID to Ò4Ó and it worked. I changed the External HD to 2, so that it would not conflict when both are hooked up.

            A. I set the Calibration to Stylewriter II, since it was the closest thing to the 1500.

            B. If you set Ofoto to use expert controls,Ó under Options, you can change the resolution for scanning, I changed the scan DPI to 300, for scanning documents. However, upon reopening the application, the default is for beginning controls.

            C. It does not scan in color.

            D. The default setting for Ofoto is 135 dpi for scan and 135 dpi for Printing. This seems to print fine (it appears to be plenty dark enough, when printing on normal. You can use 300 for scan dpi and 300 for print dpi, and it is okay. If you use 300 for scan dpi and 100 for print dpi, the printout is somewhat lighter.

            E. I did not change the Scan bits or print bits.

5. Some of the files on the Ofoto disks are compressed and must be expanded before they can be installed (files whose name end in .cmp cannot be drag-installed).

6. I did increase the memory allocation of Ofoto upon using it, since it was somewhat low. I think I increased it from 1536 K to 4000 K on 1/19/01.

7. ÒRawprinterÓ should be used any time you are calibrating a color printer or unknown ink type.

8. When you click Autoscan, you do not have to wait for the entire Prescan to finish. After the scan begins, hold down the option key and when you see that Prescan has scanned as much of the image as you want, click the Continue button. Ofoto stops the Prescan at that point.

9. According to the Ofoto 2.0.2 Read Me, photographs will not produce better quality with higher resolution. On an Apple color printer, a 3 X 5 color image at 225 scan/dpi wonÕt produce significantly better results than the same image at 135 dpi (OfotoÕs default).

10. According to the Ofoto 2.0.2 Read Me, sometimes template or custom calibration can cause a problem with Ofoto 2.0.2 menus. If that happens may need to trash preferences. If that does not help then may need to move templates out of the Ofoto folder. You could then move them back one at a time to determine which one is the problem. However, I think it would probably be easier to simply re-create templates, preferences, etc.

11. According to the Ofoto 2.0.2 Read Me, the amount of memory available for cutting, copying and pasting is OfotoÕs reserved memory minus 1000 K. To figure out the amount of memory needed for your particular image, multiply the size of the image (shown in the Selection controls window) by 2.5.

12. According to the Ofoto 2.0.2 Read Me, if you are trying to scan an image, which is smaller than 2.13 inches wide, then you should use Resize from the image menu and set the width to a value greater than 2.13 inches.

13. Also, according to the Ofoto 2.0.2 Read Me, if you have a Quadra or Centris, it may be necessary to turn the scanner off and then back on before starting Ofoto (even if you start up the computer with the scanner on already).

14. Yellow/brown (mustard) paper does not scan very well with Ofoto 2.0.2. Gave an error on two occasions, when trying to scan.

15. When using a colored original, scanning at 300 dpi and 300 dpi still did not make the printout too legible.

            A. A suggestion given to me by someone was to copy a colored original on the ÒlightestÓ setting for the copier. Then the white copy that you receive may be usable to fax, scan or copy, etc.

            B. Also, ironically, using the ÒdarkerÓ setting worked on some yellow copies of purchase requisitions.

            C. I was having trouble getting one copy made of a purchase order; it was a yellow copy. After scanning and printing it, the printout was too light to be legible. So after using the default (scan dpi 135, print dpi 135), I went to Image, Tone, then made the Shadow value at 230 and the Highlight Value at 255. Then it printed out legibly (darker).

            D. I found later that if the dpi was at 300 dpi and 360 dpi (scan and print, respectively), I could not get Highlight/Shadow to work (they were grayed out). Perhaps it was because I was using the Òline artÓ setting or that Òauto detectÓ was turned on with expert controls, not sure.

16. Manual page 3 says to connect the scanner, make sure that the computer AND the scanner are both turned off first.

17. Manual page 4 says that you should connect the terminator to the other SCSI port (the one not being used to connect to the computer).

18. Manual page 6 says that the marks on the side of the scanner are indicators of binary digits, 1 for on, 0 for off.

19. Warming up of the scanner takes less than 40 seconds.

20. Manual page 7 says when the scanner is turned on it does diagnostic tests. If the scanner fails the diagnostic tests, the orange light blinks. If that happens, turn the scanner off and then on again. If the orange light still blinks, the scanner may need service.

            A. Manual page 111 says that under normal circumstances, the orange light will show when a scan is in progress.

            B. Manual page 112 says that the orange light may blink twice if the lamp needs replacing.

21. When installing the software, if Quicktime and Colorsync do not appear in the Installer dialog box, it is because they are already installed.

            A. Additionally, if Quicktime or Colorsync are installed, the message at the end of installation will say ÒrestartÓ instead of Òquit.Ó

22. Manual page 15 says that to use Ofoto 2.0, you need Laserwriter 7.1.1 or later.

23. Manual page 20 says that you should not bother to line your original up with the edge of the glass. Ofoto does better when it sees the edge of the document.

            A. Also, you do not need to align the original up perfectly, since if crooked, Ofoto can straighten it up for you.

            B. You can also use the angle tool (look like a T-square) to straighten images, as well.

24. Manual page 22, says that if the buttons says Òreset and scanÓ, click ÒresetÓ and scan changes to ÒAutoscan.Ó

            A. You can also choose ÒnewÓ from the file menu to get scan to say Autoscan. This is mentioned also on page 115. (As soon as you click ÒAutoscanÓ or ÒPrescan,Ó the Autoscan button changes to scan to make it easy for you to scan an image again after you make changes).

            B. According to the manual page 131, you can change Scan to Autoscan, by holding down the option key.

25. The icons at the top of the Ofoto window show the various stages of scanning (manual page 23).

26. If, during scanning, an image is scanned as far as you want, hold down the option key, the stop button changes to continue. If you press continue, the scanning jumps to the next stage.

            A. Manual page 28 says that you can press ÒstopÓ if you have scanned all that you want to, during the Prescan process.

27. If you have Colorsync installed, the default format for saving is Colorsync PICT.

            A. If you save an image in a non-Colorsync format and then bring the image into another application, the image may not appear correctly on the screen, but it may print fine (manual page 27).

28. You can balance an image that has been under or overexposed. Use Balance exposure from the image menu.

29. The Òsharpen"" command may not appear different on the screen, but the printout will be different (manual page 32).

30. Under Window, Show Selection Controls, you can choose to Lock dimensions of an image.

31. Manual page 64 says that you can go to Edit Calibration from the Calibrate menu and then delete calibrations, if they are for unused printers.

32. Manual page 65 says that you can create a Colorsync profile. Go to edit calibration (from the calibrate menu), choose your printer and highlight it, then select create Colorsync profile.

33. Manual page 70 explains how to create a template for document sizes that are constantly re-used. Choose templates from the file menu.

34. LZW (Lempel, Ziv and Welch) is a type of compression that can be used with Ofoto.

35.When some item is pasted into Ofoto, it is usually placed in the center of the screen (same as Clarisworks).

36. Under the Edit menu, you can go to suggest crop to see how Ofoto would crop an image to eliminate white space.

37. If you decide to crop an image, if may say Òcrop and resizeÓ if necessary, because of locked settings in the selection controls window (manual page 84).

38. Edit, preferences allows you to make Ofoto remember your settings from one session to the next (it is on by default, usually).

39. Autoscanned images are straightened automatically. If you want prescanned images to be straightened also, use autostraighten from the options menu.

40. You can use image, rotate to choose your own angle of rotation.

41. Options, Image operations lets you choose between faster and more quality.

42. Before you clean the scanner, unplug it and turn it off.

43. Manual page 104 says you should use pure alcohol or a glass cleaner designed to evaporate completely. Apply the cleaner to a cloth, and then clean the glass. Do not spray the cleaner directly on the glass.

44. Manual page 105 - 110 explains how to change the scanner lamp.

45. Manual page 109 says that if you operate the scanner without the lid, do not stare at the bright light.

46. Manual page 113 says that if you are going to use Quicktime to compress files, you need 2 additional MB of RAM.

47. If you have used Colorsync to scan and save images, the images may not look great in other apps that do not use Colorsync. Use the custom installer to install Colorsync for those apps (manual page 114).

48. Manual page 124 says that all SCSI devices must be turned off before connecting/disconnecting any devices in a chain. You should also touch the metal connectors on the back of the Mac to discharge any static electricity.

49. Manual page 123 mentions that a SCSI cable extender can be used to extend the length of cables, if necessary.

50. Manual page 127 says that Apple devices do not come with built-in terminators, but other manufacturersÕ devices may.

51. Manual page 131 mentions that to get an image to straighten automatically double click the ÒT-square lookingÓ tool. Also, to get the zoom in or zoom out tool to reverse, hold down the option key. To constrain the pencil or eraser tool to 45-degree angles, hold down the shift key.

52. Manual page 132, to crop a selected area, hold down the option key and click inside the area (the pointer changes to scissors) and the image is cropped.

            A. To move the contents of a selected area, hold down the command key and drag a selection.

            B. TO move a copy of the selected area, hold down the command key and option key and drag the selection.

            C. To adjust the size of a selected area by one pixel at a time, position the cursor over the edge of a selection. Click once, and then use the arrow keys.

            D. Pressing command period cancels a scan. Command option continues a scan that was stopped, command hyphen stops a scan.

53. Manual page 121 says that the operating temperature is 50 degrees to 104 degrees. Storage temperature is -40 degrees to 117 degrees Fahrenheit.

54. Under the window menu, you can choose Òshow print size.Ó

55. It may be best to Prescan documents before scanning, because some documents get cut off, when printing i.e. the part to be scanned is smaller than the document (default, I think, reset to smaller than document, so I had to ÒPrescanÓ every time).

            A. When scanning some IPT stuff, I had to make sure that about 1/2Ó of glass was showing to the right of the material to be scanned and about 1/4Ó of glass was showing to the top of the material to be printed.

            B. Image Type was no set to auto, but to Grayscale Photo, when scanning pictures for IPT.

            C. I alternated between 135 dpi and 300 dpi, and both seemed to be okay.

56. Lowering the number for brightness helped at least one paper that was written in pencil by a student. After lowering the brightness number (to Ò-84Ó, it printed legibly).

57. When working with a 300 dpi (scan and print) document, and trying to save or rotate the document, it will be very slow.

58. I tried to scan a pink purchase order with Ofoto. I used the settings of Manual, Scan Bits 8:G: Scan dpi, 300: Print Bits 24:C: Print dpi, 300. However, I could not print the document, because I ran out of memory. I even increased the memory allocation of Ofoto to 10000 K from 2048 K. I tried opening the document with Graphic Converter. I had no luck. I even turned off background printing with the 1500, but I had no luck. I finally decided to change the Print dpi to 135, saved the document as TIFF and then I was able to print with the 1500 (with background printing on or off). The printout still was somewhat light (even when printing in ÒnormalÓ mode), so I went to Image, Tone - Highlight/Shadow and put 75 in the Highlight box and 150 in the shadow box (although I think only the highlight change was necessary). Then the printout was legible.

59. Apple OneScanner software cannot be installed on the same disk as the installer.

60. One time while trying to scan a pink original. It did not scan well. I tried to go to Image, Tone, Highlight/Shadow, Brightness/Contrast, but the Image; Tone menu was Ògrayed outÓ. I went to options, and selected expert ControlsÓ. Then I was able to re-scan the document and then use Highlight/Shadow and Brightness/Contrast.

61. On one occasion after scanning a Practice Book page with Ofoto, I could not type a page number on the scanned document with Ofoto (it does not appear that Ofoto has the capability to do this).

            A. I tried opening the document with GC, and use the text tool from Graphic Converter. However, the text box was very small. I thought perhaps saving as JPG or prescanning, then scanning with Ofoto would solve the problem, but I had no luck. As it turns out, the problem was that I had selected ÒAutoÓ with Scan Controls using Ofoto. Therefore, the dpi was 360, so onscreen, the text, that I attempted to add, appeared to be very small (apparently, Ofoto makes the image the correct viewing percentage, so that it fits the screen, or pretty close to it. Also, even a 360 dpi document appears to be the right size in Ofoto, but when opened in GC, it may be too big for the screen, but GC scales the percentage down automatically when opening it). So I then showed the image as 100% and was able to type text into the scanned image, using Graphic Converter (using the image created in Ofoto, but opened in GC). I then changed the resolution with Graphic Converter to be 72 dpi and closed the document. I then reopened it in GC and was able to type my text and it appeared on the screen (and on the printout, also). I then got the Scale/Trim message when printing, I chose to scale (you can scale the image and then avoid the message, but the image gets smaller each time). The output was not excellent, but readable. It is best to try to not cut off pages when scanning with Ofoto, to help in the future with this issue.

            B. I changed the scan controls back to Manual, which scans the document at 135 dpi. I also left the Expert controls choice set.

62. To avoid getting the ÒcalibrationÓ error message, do steps 1 and 2 from the Calibrate menu (the error will probably be present for documents that were scanned previously).

63. When scanning some documents for AB-466, I had some trouble with documents cutting while printing (appeared normal on screen). The best solution was to pre-scan with Ofoto (make sure the document is right side up), then scan at 135 dpi. Open in GC; scale to 90%, 90% again. Then the AB466 Passport follow through and the AB466 Asses. Rep. Th. 1 and Th. 2 printed okay.

64. It is a good idea to prescan documents, even if the documents are similar. Otherwise, pages may be cut off (on screen they may appear normal, but printing may be a problem). If a previously scanned document is still open, press reset, so you can prescan.

65. Sometimes, you may need to place top of the document above the glass a half inch or so, to help with problems at the bottom of the document.

66. I had tried to open some Ofoto documents in GC. They did open, but the printout was not nearly as good with GC (even still in PICT format) as the printouts were with Ofoto. The documents that I saved in GC as .jpg did not print out well at all, they were fuzzy and cut off (I had tried to use GC to avoid ÒcutoffÓ error, but the printouts were not good). Sometimes when using Ofoto, you may be able to leave a previously scanned document open, then scan and you may be able to use a similar file name (this may not work all of the time, though). The next day, I scanned some documents in Ofoto with 300 scan dpi and 300 print dpi. Then I saved them as PICT. I opened the documents in GC and saved them as JPG. I printed them in normal, and they printed out fine. When scanning typed pages with Ofoto , use Line art, then select Auto (it will use 1:T for Scan Bits, 360 scan dpi, 1:T for print bits, 360 print dpi). It is a good idea to prescan to make sure the document is not cut off. On one occasion, I could not copy a rotated number 8 from CW DR into Ofoto. I got an erorr message that the clipboard could not be copied.

67. I tried to install Ofoto (along with other Apple OneScanner software) on the OS X partition on the G3/233, but it could only be installed on the 8.1 Partition.

68. If you change the scan dpi (or print dpi), you can then make scan bits be more than 8.

69. Scan Wizard application needs a Microtek scanner. Color It does not work with Ofoto (Apple One Scanner), either. Color it produces a scanner not found error. Omnipage works fine with Ofoto to do OCR (if the original document is not too light)

70. When I had 1-bit instead of 8-bit from the Options, Line Art menu, I could not adjust hightlight/shadow from the Image menu. I also had the Auto selected on the Scan Controls menu.. After changing to 8-bit with Options, Line Art and changing the Scan Conrols to Manual and setting 8:G and 200 dpi for scan and print bits, the highlight/shadow could be adjusted.


Apple Remote Access

1. ARA is a way to connect a MAC-OS based desktop or notebook computer to information and resources from a remote location. 3.0 has support for PPP.

            A. According to, ÒARA software allows you to connect to an ARA MultiPort Server, a computer with ARA Personal Server software installed, or an ARA-compatible server.Ó

            B. An ARAS MultiPort Server allows for 4 to 16 dial up connections concurrently. It offers network services to a large number or remote or mobile users.

2. 3com Impact ISDN 56 K (computer lab modem) is one of the scripts for Apple Remote Access version 2.1.

            A. Only certain Macintoshes support connection speeds of 115200 bps (5500, which is the computer in the lab, is not listed, but it does go up to 115200). The 5500 probably came out after the ARA 2.1 Read Me.

            B. To access those speeds, an extension called Serial DMA is required.

            C. If you use a modem script that specifies 115200 bps, and your computer does not support this data rate, ARA will fall back to 57600.

3. Remote Access Client provides port arbitration through a system extension called Serial Port Arbitrator (I think it is now called OpenTpt Serial Arbitrator with System 8.1). According to Apple Remote Access 2.1 Read Me, Serial Port Arbitrator will not work unless Remote Access Client has been installed. According to Informinit 8.1, Serial Port Arbitrator keeps other applications from using the serial port while ARA is active. Serial Port Arbitrator is not needed with ARA 3.0.

4. I downloaded version 3.1.3 of Apple Remote Access, but it requires System 8.6 (System 8.1 is on the 5500 in the lab).

5. If you are using a non-networked printer in conjunction with ARA access on a computer, you may get a Òserial portÓ in use error when trying to print while connected. You may need to select remote only in the Network control panel (AppleTalk Control panel for Open Transport-based machines).

            A. Appletalk must be inactive for Apple Remote Access to work, according to You may get errors like Òyou need to reinstall ARA,Ó or setup errors or inits turned off, etc.Ó

6. Apple Remote Access should not be installed on the same machine as the Apple Internet Router.

7. If you are going to install ARA 3.0, do not select the Apple Remote Access optional install when installing MAC OS 8.1. Do not install ARA 2.1 over 3.0.

8. When using ARA 3.0, do not use Internet Dialer as the connection application; instead use the Remote Access to connect.

9. Apple Remote Access Server is used to allow Macintoshes to communicate over a Local Talk network on standard telephone lines.

            A. I think it is soldthroughApple.

            B. According to ÒÓ The Remote Access Personal Server software is not included with the Mac OS: only the Client software is provided.

10. Under MAC OS 8, if you have installed OT/PPP and subsequently install ARA 2.1, you will have to install OT/PPP again, since ARA will replace the newer OT/PPP files with older versions.

11. ARA may not be able to connect to an ARA 2.0 server. You would need to download the ARA Client Enabler, which will let a 1.0 client into a 2.0 server.

            A. Another option is that you could also put 2.0 client into compatibility mode and dial into a 1.0 server.

12. If ARA 2.0 refuses to launch, you may want to check your version of AppleTalk (check and Appletalk ÒdocumentÓ, not the control panel for version information). It should be version 57.04 or later. Old installers will sometimes install an old version. Just reinstall using the ARA installer after running an old installer.

13. According to, if you are using ARA 2.0 and can not access the Users and Groups control panel, it may be because File Sharing is using the same control panel. You probably need to install AppleShare file server, and run AppleShare Admin. You will have a checkbox that will Òallow this user to log inÓ below the standard preferences information, if ARA has been installed.

14. According to, ARA is incompatible with AppleShare 2.0 and with AppleShare Pro.

15. Remote Access Setup has an arrow, which can be turned to show/hide other options. The Òdisconnect if idleÓ is one of those shown/hidden items.



1. You can force the startup screen to appear by holding down the ÒcontrolÓ key when opening a script (where the never show startup screen has been checked when saving).

2. If you save a script and check Ònever show startup screen," the script should run without opening any boxes.

3. Save as ÒRun onlyÓ makes a script uneditable.

4. -10075 means that the script has been canceled in the process.

5. On one occasion, I had trouble getting several scripts to run that were saved as ÒapplicationsÓ. I would double click and see If they would open: however they just acting they were going to open and then closed again. Tried rebuilding the desktop, which did not work. Increasing memory allocation did not work either. Also, tried running script first and then saving as an application, which did not work. Changed the creator to match those of the compiled scripts, I had no luck. Also, put the saved applications in the same folder as the Script Editor. Ran from the CD and trashed the prefs. Must be software glitch. The work around solution was to save a script as a compiled script (run only or regular), copy and paste it into the script that is being saved as an application, resave (as an application) and then it will work. Thereafter, If you open the application saved document, you can resave as an application (not necessary to resave as a Compiled script).

            A. If you open Script Editor and then open Script Editor application file, you can run the script from there.

            B. The files saved as appÕs can be opened from inside Script Editor.

7. Set default window size under the file menu.

8. Synchronizing folders encounters an error 5038 when synchronizing two folders that are already exactly the same.

9. Even when running Applescript from the CD and trashing the prefs, The ÒSynchronize foldersÓ script does not work properly, only on occasion does it work and not consistently.

10. When trying to run the slide show Script (command, 3) with Kudo Catalog Reader on the 5400, the error message appeared Òscript can not be found.Ó Removed and then reinstalled Applescript using the 5400 CD.

11. I set up a script to open AOL, Netscape and MOCSE (I made aliases for them in the Apple Menu items. Later, I removed the aliases from the Apple Menu and the script still ran.

12. I got an error message several times that said Apple Event timed out when using the AOL/Netscape script. I recorded a script, which took several times to sign on and even delayed signing on at the startup screen. However, message still appeared later. It probably has to do with the phone lines, they seem to keep Òdisconnecting,Ó and even the regular phone at times was disconnected. For, later, when a message appeared saying Òthe connection failedÓ when trying to sign on to AOL, the same error message appeared in the application menu for Applescript (Apple event is timed out). Zap the PRAM did not help.

13. Scripting Additions are located in the Extensions Folder; they are used only when a script incorporates them.

14. On more than one occasion, the AOL 4 script kept opening Netscape Communicator also. I trashed the script and made a new one, but this did not work but one time. So I trashed Applescript Prefs, which did not work. I trashed Applescript applications and extensions, reinstalled from CD, which worked.

15. Applescript will not make a script to change the mouse tracking, the memory or the Startup Disk on the G3. Or at least it will not consistently do all 3.

16. Back up script for ÒRyanÓ folder did not work. Says, Òfile with that name already existsÓ when running script.

17. If AOL is replaced, the way to still make the existing Applescript work is to make sure that the alias in the Apple Menu items has the EXACT same name as the previous alias to AOL.  If the first alias was called ÒAmerica Online,Ó the replacement alias can not end in 4.0.

18. When trying to make an Applescript that will automatically update backups of folders on an external source, you get an Applescript error that a file with that name already exists.

19. According to one troubleshooting report, Applescript is needed to change the desktop picture. It is not true with the G3/8.1, though.

20. You can not make an Applescript to Òhide others.Ó

21. There are several free scripts that I downloaded. Change case of all names: replace text in items names works on folders, nested folders, etc.: You can also trim file names or trim ÒNÓ chars from item names.

22. Any system running Applescript 1.1 can run scripts created with version 1.0 or 1.1, but a system running Applescript 1.0 can not run scripts made with Applescript 1.1, according to ÒPhotoflash Read Me.Ó

23. Just put all AOL, IE 5, etc. into startup items on G3/266 instead of making an Applescript, every time you want to add/delete some application or item.

24. Better Results when ÒNOTÓ opening things from the Launcher. You can make a script that will make an alias, and then delete the last five letters and leave a space to improve on AppleÕs make alias command. However, the macro will only work for one particular folder (wonÕt do different ones).

25. Under OS X, it appears that Applescript could not be used to automatically adjust the Display Calibrator settings.

26. I made an Applescript to upload Computers Notes along with the image files. After making the script with Applescript, I had to save it as an Application and then unchecked Startup Screen. Do not check "Run Only" or you can't access the script in the future. I still have to press the Okay button in Fetch's shortcut window, so I e-mailed Fetch to ask about this. Also, I had to type the password into the script.

27. I could not record a script to save my Favorites with IE 5.2 and Applescript 2.0.

            A. The script "Crazy Message Text" makes your text in a colorful design. You can use "Folder Actions" to access "Folder Actions Setup" to make scripts for folders.

            B. is a website that has Applescript resources, so do (which has a 65 page manual for Applescript beginners),, and Also, can be used, even though it was originally written during the time of OS 9, some info still applies.

            C. I accidentally deleted all of my Scripts (8 to 10 folders worth) within the iLamp HD/Library folder. I could get them from mom later, if necessary. However, I have looked through them and did not find any to be useful, as of July 2005.

            D. I tried to find a script for closing the World Book folder, once it mounts. I finally discovered that the secret was to close Window, not folder (since a folder that is open is called a window).

            E. I downloaded a script that Jim Mathews ( is not a valid e-mail address) wrote called "Upload Folder Action" (which must be put in the iLamp HD/Library/Scripts/Folder Actions Scripts folder). I set it up to work with the folder "My Web Site." The only trick is to make sure you save your updates files in the folder. Then take them out and put them back in, so that they will be uploaded with Fetch. One time, the script stopped working, but restarting the iMac solved the problem. Later, I had the same issue, but moving the file out of the web site folder and then moving it again to a different location on the desktop and moving it back into the web site folder worked. On another occasion, the Upload Folder Action script stopped working and restarting did not solve the problem, so then I just reattached the script to the script, which resolved the issue (I also had the problem where the script did not work; it was because I had trashed the ÒMy Web SiteÓ folder by accident, so I reattached the script to solve the problem). In the future, I may repair permissions as well to hopefully resolve the issue, if necessary. If you update the version of Fetch, you need to use Script Editor to update the script as well.

            F. I tried to assign a keyboard shortcut to launch an Applescript (for changing the volume for iTunes), but Keyboard System Preference would not allow me to use an Applescript application file (created with Script Editor) as one of the applications.

            G. The Finder does not script moving a file to the Desktop and back to a folder. Also, there does not appear to be a way to launch applications using the Function keys.

28. I made a script to close all windows upon startup of the iLamp. However, it did not work for the window that I wanted closed (World Book CD folder) because it showed up a few seconds after the script started to run, so I added the line delay 30 to the script and this solved the problem. Later, after removing and reinstalling Palm Software, the Applescript with the 30-second did not work properly. It was because the order of Startup Items had changed. I moved the Applescript with the delay to about seventh (the worldbook.cdr was first). On the blueberry iMac, I had to change the script to a 45-second delay for it to work. Later, the script had trouble again, so I just moved it down in the list of Startup Items. This solved the problem.


Apple Stylewriter 1500. There is a guide for Stylewriter drivers at

1. On one occasion, there were some small faded spots on my printouts from the printer, so I cleaned the cartridge (a choice under ÒUtilitiesÓ, when the print screen comes up). Improved.

2. Black and White Printing takes up 1 Meg of RAM; Color printing takes up 2 Megs of RAM for a page with 3 graphic pictures. It is about 1 Meg of RAM for Color or Black & White for a page with no graphics.

3. Calendars and More (CD that came with the printer) must have ÒArtÓ and ÒCategoriesÓ installed into the Calendars and More folder If you want to run the program from the HD, without the CD.

4. Stylewriter 1500 is having trouble staying chosen in the lab. You can choose printer port, close the chooser and next time you open, it has defaulted back to the modem port. Restarted the computer, chose Printer port two different times, it worked.

5. 7.6 comes with 2.2.1 of the print driver for the 1500, must highlight a print job and then hit the trash can to make it gone.

6. When using Òfind,Ó this desktop printer is listed as a desktop folder.

7. To reset the rollers: Take out all paper, turn off power, turn on power and hold down power key for several seconds, wait for two loud clicks. Release the power button. Repeat 2 times.

8. To print test page: Leave paper in printer, turn power off, turn on power and hold down power key until it starts to print, release the power button.

9. We tried using 1 BC-02 Canon cartridge with the Apple SW 1500, but the cartridge printed output that came out jagged. Upon replacing the BC-02 cartridge with an Apple one, it printed fine. Tried another BC-02 cartridge, which printed fine. Apple Education line said that it is fine to use Canon cartridges, since Canon made the printer.

            A. BC-05 is the color cartridge that can be used with the Apple Stylewriter 1500.

10. There was an ÒXÓ over the SW 1500 icon in the Computer Lab with the extensions on (Desktop and Color 1500). However, it was set up to use GX and GX software was not currently installed. Reinstalled from the 1500 disks and it installed GX software, which installs by default, I believe. On my printer, I discarded the GX software.

11. On one occasion, the black outline was on the Color SW 1500 on the desktop. It was the ÒchosenÓ printer. However, it was chosen to print on the wrong port.

12. Also, on At Ease with System 7.1 on an LC575, the Printer would print.

13. In computer lab, printing of pictures was dark and spotty (tried ÒnormalÓ printing in all cases with ÒcolorÓ, which are basically the defaults). It was dark due to the fact that the Color SW 1500 and the Color SW 1500 GX were both active with extensions manager. Turned off 1500 plain and the printer was much lighter and clearer but still spotty.

            A. For the spots, I tried a working printer with a working cartridge with the computer labÕs computer (and GX software) and it was still spotty. Realigning rollers helped a little. Tried zap (After Zapping PRAM, must ÒcreateÓ GX printer on the desktop. I had no luck. If you disabled 1500 GX and enabled 1500, could not choose 1500 (even after disabling GX driver) and the 1500 GX driver was in the Disabled extensions folder, but invisible. The extension Quickdraw GX must also be in the disabled folder. A test print page looked fine (without using the computer, just the printer). GX Software is not compatible with Life Touch CD application (the application is not ÒGXÓ savvy). Need to turn off Quickdraw GX in the extensions folder (although I turned off all GX extensions) for the plain 1500 to appear in the chooser. When printing with the plain 1500 software in the lab, the pictures print fine.

            B. But the pictures would print fine on 35Õs computer and 37Õs computer with 1500 plain software.

14. Grayscale is a little lighter than black and white printing.

15. Quickdraw GX is not commonly used since it takes up a lot of RAM, and programs must be written to be aware of it to work properly. I donÕt think the Life Touch 5.0 is GX-savvy, at least it is not according to the 1500 manual.

16. On Room 35Õs 5400, the StylewriterÕs icon appeared on the screen more than once. Could be that an alias had been created. On that machine, it may be due to corrupted PRAM.

            A. With GX software, If you hit ÒcreateÓ, more than one desktop icon is created.

            B. You need to use the installer disks to install GX software for the 1500. The Stylewriter GX software that comes with the 7.5.5 CD does not work with the 1500 (causes error message).

17. An error message appeared that said, Òthe desktop printer extension is too new to use with this computerÓ (which was an LC 575). Also, the desktop icon did not appear after being chosen. Reinstalled software and it worked. Side note: Macintosh Drag and Drop was installed on the LC 575 by the Stylewriter installation disks.

18. If printing is very slow may be able to increase the memory allocation of the program that you are using to print from. Can use Printmonitor instead of desktop printing (requires less memory).

19. If you install Quickdraw GX after you set up SW 1500, you need to rerun installer for 1500.

20. Notification can be changed in the print window that is brought up when printing.

21. CD that comes with the printer can not run the programs from the CD; they must be reinstalled first on HD.

22. On one occasion, I loaded the cartridge incorrectly and after running through the printer, the page was still blank (an error message did appear, but after printing). Reloaded cartridge correctly and it was fine.

23. Will print legal size paper.

24. To share the 1500, you need to install the 1500 software on both machines.

            A. As for physical connections, the printer connects to the modem port on the server, the printer port is connected to the printer port on the client machine.

            B. On the server, make Appletalk active, choose the 1500, select the modem port (not the bottom icon of the printer, the one by the modem port), Click setup, put an ÒxÓ in share this printer, name printer (If not already done), click ok, close the chooser.

            C. On the client in the chooser, make Appletalk active, click on the icon of the 1500, select the name of the printer on the right side (most likely the bottom icon).

            D. You can monitor print job from the desktop printer icon on either machine.

            E. If a printer is not being shared, then the extension ÒPrintershareÓ s/b made inactive. Caused errors on 5400 and G3. (In use error on G3 (even after Zapping), which was client and Printershare canÕt be used message on 5400, which was server).

25. With my 5400 and the 1500, I kept getting the error in connectionsÓ message. I tried restarting, zapping, but I had no luck. Trashed software and reinstalled software from CD and it worked fine.

26. On one occasion, I got an error message that said Òthe port is in use by another application.Ó Turns out problem was that the printer was unplugged.

27. If the electromagnet in the middle of the power cord is right next to the monitor, it may cause electromagnetic interference.

28. Once, I could not get my printer to work. After reinstalling software (and trashing old) zapped PRAM with Techtool and keyboard shortcut, moved power plug to different outlet, test printed a page with printer. I had no luck. I got the printer to print from the modem port, then I reconnected the printer to the printer port and it worked.

29. On one occasion, the paper kept getting jammed in the printer. The reason was that the paper selector lever was halfway between the envelope and letter setting, which I rectified.

30. On one occasion, thought that remanufactured cartridges were bad. Turns out the particular cartridge was simply low on ink.

31. On one occasion, the Color Stylewriter 1500 would not print every line on a spreadsheet (even a new document) (see below).

            A. For example the line between Row 1 and Row 2 would print, but the line between Row 2 and Row 3 would not. The line between Row 3 and 4, and the line between Row 4 and Row 5 did print. A ÒdraftÓ printing would print all the lines in the spreadsheet, but ÒnormalÓ and ÒbestÓ did not print all the lines. All the lines in the spreadsheet would print with the black cartridge installed.

B. I tried Zapping the PRAM with Techtool, Keyboard shortcut. Then I tried unplugging (and plugging in again) the printer cable. I reinstalled 2.2 1500 software, installed 2.2.1 1500 software, installed 2500 software (which did not work because of an error in the connectionsÓ), so I reinstalled the 1500 2.2.1 software, I unplugged the power plug for the printer, printed in grayscale. None of these things worked. I tried using the modem port and aligning the rollers.

            C. I left the battery unplugged the battery during lunch (about forty-five minutes). Then I tried using my power cable, my printer cable and my cartridge with Joe TorresÕ 1500, and it printed all the lines in the spreadsheet.

            D. Then I tried using my printer again and it printed all the lines in the spreadsheet (unplugging battery must have done it). Also, the error in printer connectionsÓ disappeared after unplugging the battery.

32. Later I had the same problem with the lines missing while printing in normal mode (draft was okay). I tried unplugging the battery of the G3 for thirty minutes, printing a new document, reinstalling 1500 software, using the modem port, aligning the rollers, switching printer cables, printing in Excel, unplugging printer for twenty minutes, cleaning the cartridge with alcohol, cleaning cartridge with utilities in the software (in print dialog box). Solution was to replace the cartridge, ironically (the cartridge I was using was a ÒrefilledÓ ÒnewÓ one).

            A. If this happens again, try switching cartridges with a color one first. That way I do not need to open a ÒnewÓ cartridge, unless it is needed. The color cartridge should tell me if the cartridge is the problem.

33. Mac Secrets 4th edition p. 851 suggests that you can use any version of Stylewriter software if the software came out after the printer. This did not work with 2500 software on my 1500 in my room. (Got an error in the connections message). Also, the Stylewriter 4000 software that I have is only an updater file.

34. I think GRC Ink Jet Mail in Service (800-423-5400 or 818-709-1234: e-mail address for customer service is website is website:, P.O. Box 5306, Chatsworth, CA 91313 handles our cartridges. They are open from 7:30 A.M.-4:00 P.M. Monday-Friday.

            A. If cartridge is defective, return to GRC. Address for sending defective cartridges is 20559 Prairie Street Chatsworth, CA 91311. RA # 84718 for cartridge return on 1/4/2000. I sent a reminder e-mail to inquire about our cartridge on 1/17/2000.

            B. GRC does not sell cartridges directly. You can buy the boxes for cartridges from Quill.

            C. If a cartridge says "not remanufactured," it is defective and should not be re-used.

            D. Quill sells the mail in service for GRC cartridges. When a cartridge is empty, mail it to the GRC company in the box. GRC will check it out, refill it and send it back to us. Quill said if I have some empty cartridge boxes, send them in to GRC. Quill does not receive used cartridges.

            E. Item #JT 725 is the GRC Refill Kits for BC-02, which have been discontinued. Kevin Caldwell at Quill did not know why they were being discontinued and did not know of anywhere else, that they could be returned. You can only send in one cartridge to GRC for refilling. Quill does not receive any empty cartridges, only GRC would. GRC sends a refilled cartridge back to you. The box for the kit costs $9.98 each.

            F. I did send in an order for 15 GRC refill kits (which is all Quill had left) and one Quill cartridge for the 1500.

            G. If a cartridge has a ÒGRCÓ label already on it, it can still be re-filled. It is just that there is one refill per kit ordered, but the cartridge can be re-filled more than once, I believe.

            H. EllenÕs cartridge was thrown out, since it was four months old, did not appear to be fully out of ink, but did not print properly. (In the future, a GRC cartridge in a similar situation perhaps could be re-filled).

            I. GRC may send us, occasionally, a defect notice and complimentary refill. If a cartridge is determined to be "non remanufactured", they may send it to us anyhow (it may be able to still be used for awhile or for draft purposes, etc.). Do not send in the "non remanufactured" cartridge (should be labeled with a red/orange label). Also, they will send us a complimentary refill.

            J. It should take approximately 7-10 business days for an empty cartridge to be filled and returned.

            K. When referencing a number, you should refer to the ÒJTÓ number on our receipt.

            L. Can send e-mail to (Stacey at GRC). Sends prompt replies.

            M. Another address for GRC feedback is

36. Staples has a BC-02 refill kit #60095 that costs $17 or so.

37. They do not sell black inkjet refilled cartridges for 1500 at Think, inc. At, Bob Rankin talks about refilling old cartridges. He suggests that you only refill manufacturersÕ new cartridges (new to you), otherwise, the cartridge may be dried up. Some printers do not allow you to use refilled cartridges, as they have circuitry to prevent use of any other cartridge than its own brand. Also, older printers are usually more likely to be able to have their cartridges refilled. Sometimes, the print quality will not be as good with a refilled cartridge, because it is not the same as originally designed by the manufacturer. Also, some cartridges may not be designed to be used repeatedly. Some companies (Staples is one of them) refill cartridges and offer guarantees on them. According to, ÒNot all cartridges can be recycled. Unserviceable rates vary widely by cartridge style and condition with single color black virgin cartridges having the highest success rates. On the average 90-95% of all virgin single color cartridges can be serviced. As the cartridges age, this percentage gets lower.  Cartridges with the highest ÒunserviceableÓ rates include most tri-chamber color cartridges due to their design. An example of this is the HP51629A cartridge. Certain Ôsponge-styleÕ cartridges such as the Canon BC-02 also have higher Òunserviceable ratesÓ than liquid ink cartridges as the HP51626A.Ó  If I go to, I can get a 15% discount on an order.

38. In the print dialog box, If you choose paper type as back print, you will print the output backward on the paper (like a mirror image).

39. On one occasion on my 1500 at school, it would not print because the ÒlibÓ something or rather could not be found. I restarted the computer and the printer worked.

40. To set up an iMac to use the 1500, copy the 1500 extension from the Apple Extras, Additional Printer Drivers folder. When copying the 1500 extension to the iMacÕs system folder in Room 24, I had to restart the computer to get the printer to work.

41. I had two different color cartridges that got an error in the connections message on my Stylewriter 1500. (I wanted to clean the cartridges, since the printouts were faded, but I think cleaning would have only helped for a few pages, if any, anyhow).

 Ironically, the black cartridge did get an error in the connections message.

I zapped the PRAM, reinstalled the software, but I had no luck. So, I disconnected and reconnected the printer serial cable. This worked.

42. On one occasion, the G3/266 kept freezing because a print job had stalled. Upon restart, when the printer started to work, the computer would freeze (when going to the finder from At Ease).

            A. I disabled extensions, double clicked on the 1500 icon, then trashed the print job. Upon restart, there was no computer freeze.

43. If you go to the print dialog box, you can access a watermark from there. It prints behind your printing, I believe.

44. From Stylewriter 2400 manual page 61, if necessary, you can clean the rollers with a soft, dry cloth. When cleaning the outside of the printer, unplug it. Then use a paper towel moistened with water (no cleaners should be used, as they may react with the plastic).

45. You can print transparencies with the 1500.

            A. According to the manual page 50, the transparencies should have a piece of paper attached to them. Leave the paper attached until after printing. Transparencies designed for laser printers or copiers may work very poorly.

            B. The shiny side should face you and the edge where the transparency and the paper are attached should face downward.

            C. It may take some time to dry (not mentioned in the 1500 manual), but it may be 15 minutes, not sure.

            D. I was able to print on a transparency with the 1500: the transparency did not have any paper attached (as mentioned at the beginning of # 45).

            E. When printing on an overhead transparency using the 1500, the printing can be erased, even after 24 hours (at least that is what happened with one page). If printing a transparency, you should use it within a few minutes.  (after a couple hours), it starts to smear.

            F. Even using the overheads in the office work. The ink will come off, even if you let it dry for an hour.

46. One time I got an error message that said ÒThe application ÔDesktop PrintmonitorÕ could not be opened because ÔStdCLibÕ could not be found,Ó when trying to print. After trashing 1500 software and preferences, I reinstalled the software with extensions off. I could print after that.

47. The heaviest paper that can be used is 16 to 24 lb. paper. If you put heavier paper (I think I used 50 or 60 lb. paper) in the printer feed tray, it will not go through the printer and the printer will give errors (even if you adjust the paper thickness lever inside of the printer).

48. You can set the print time using 1500 2.2.1. After spooling a job, press stop print queue. Then click the clock button in the print window and select a time. (May not print right on the minute exactly, may be a few seconds after)?

49. Desktop Printer Extension is not needed with 8.1, since it was rolled into the Finder with 8.1.

50. If you stop the print queue and then print a few documents, but wait a few minutes to start the print queue again, printing may not start when you start queue. Stop print queue again and then start again, close the 1500 window. Printing should start.

51. On one occasion after rebuilding the desktop with TT, the icon for the 1500 printer was somewhat ÒunusualÓ (somewhat discolored and generic). Rebuilding again with TT did not work. I trashed the desktop icon. Then a new icon was created and it was normal.

52. A Canon BC-05 color cartridge can be used on the Stylewriter 1500.

53. One Graphic Converter document printed out too small on the 1500, so I went to File, Print, Graphic Converter Options, resize area to 110%, printed okay.

54. The white invitations (Gartner Studios) would not print on the 1500 (gave ÒjammedÓ errors). The envelopes nor the invitation page would print, even on the envelope setting.

55. I e-mailed Mister Ink Jet ( to inquire about refilling BC-02 cartridges on 10/10/05. Refilling BC-02 with Mister Ink Jet kit (I use the drill to drill the hole, that was already present, a little deeper) did not work. The first printout was okay, but many streaks after that.

56. On one occasion, I kept getting a Òport in useÓ error when trying to print with the 1500 on the G3/266. Zapping with TT and KB did not help. I attempted to print a test page and it printed. It turns out that the Faxcilitate was still active; so after turning it off, I was able to use the 1500.

57. has the BC-05 compatible cartridge for $24.95. BCS (, 800-544-3427) has real Canon BC-05Õs for $35.77, and $40 for Apple 1500 color cartridges. BCS did not have any compatibles in 8/06.


Apple Stylewriter 2400

1. There is one of them, one in Room 24. (Marilyn has the 2400 at home, as well).

            A. The one in Room 55 (JNÕs old one) died.

2. The one in SandyÕs room had a BC-20 cartridge in it.

            A. I called Canon today at 757-413-2848 to ask about this. They said that Canon does make the Apple Stylewriter 2400 printer, as well. The BC-20 will work with it.

3. On one occasion, I had to do a clean install of System Software on MarilynÕs 5300 CD computer. After clean install, the desktop printer icon for her Stylewriter 2400 was no longer present.

            A. I installed the Net Install for 2500 software (which contained desktop printing software) and then chose the 2400 again in the chooser to make sure it was selected and the desktop icon appeared.

4. An energy conservation feature turns the printer on/off as needed.

5. System Software 7.1 or later is required, according to page x of the manual.

6. The yellow error light blinks when you have not installed a cartridge or when the cartridge is not installed properly.

            A. The yellow error light glows steadily if printer is out of paper or the paper has misfed.

7. To print a test page, make sure printer is off. Press and hold down the power button until the power light starts to blink, release the button.

8. You can choose either a repeating pattern of dots or a random scattering of dots in the print dialog box (then choose color). Many people like random halftoning, according to the manual page 32.

9. You can change the scaling of a page to make it fit onto one page by going to page setup from the file menu. This can be an alternative to changing the margins, font size, etc.

10. Page setup settings only affect the currently open document.

11. There are three positions for the lever above the printer cartridge. To the left is for black and white text on twenty pound paper. The center is for color printing, heavy black coverage or for heavier paper. To the right is for envelopes.

12. Manual page 36-37 says you can save a picture as PICT or PICT2 and then save it in the Print Prefs folder inside of the System Folder. The name of the file should show up in the Watermark dialog box.

            A. If you send a watermark to someone, they should have any fonts the watermark may use.

            B. If a different watermark from the one you selected appears, try to open the watermark and then save it using save as command. Then reselect the watermark file (page 79).

13. You can do n-up printing with the 2400 from the page setup dialog box.

14. There are three ways to change the default printer with desktop printing: You can drag a document you want to print on top of the desktop icon. You can select the printer by highlighting its icon and choose the set default printer command from the printing menu or you can select the printer by using the chooser.

15. If you use Quickdraw GX, background printing is always on.

16. If you use Colorshare to print a document on a printer that is not directly connected to your computer, your print request will be visible for only a few moments. Then the print request moves to the desktop printer on the computer that is directly connected to the printer (and your computer thinks that the document has printed manual page 47).

17. You can indicate that a print request is urgent by selecting its tile or icon, then choose set print time from the printing menu. In the dialog box that opens, select urgent. The print request should move to the top of your list.

18. You may/may not be able to move a print request from one printer to another (page 43). Drag the icon for the print request to the icon of the printer where you want to move it.

19. Quickdraw GX users can only share with other Quickdraw GX users.

20. To share the 2400, put an ÒxÓ in the share this printer box under setup in the chooser (page 45).

21. You can keep a log of printer usage, even if you do not share the 2400.

22. You should not use wrinkled, damaged or erasable typing paper. Also, carbon-less forms should not be used.

            A. One side of paper is usually better for printing. If the paper does not work, try flipping the paper over.

23. Back print film (i.e. digitized photographs) can be used for the highest printing quality of all. Make sure to select that paper type in the print dialog box.

24. Transparencies can be printed with the 2400, but it is recommended that you use ones designed for the 2400 that have a strip of paper attached to them. Shiny side should face you and the edge where the paper and transparencies are attached should point downward.

25. To save on cartridge life, do not open the printer. Each time you do, according to manual page 52, the cartridge is cleaned, thereby reducing its life.

            A. Also, after three days of inactivity, the print head is cleaned and when it is plugged back in (manual page 71).

26. If colors seem wrong, try running a print test page.

27. The Black only cartridge should print about 900 pages at 5% coverage (double spaced text). The four-color ink (one for black, one for cyan, magenta and yellow) cartridge should last about twice that long, since you can replace its ink tanks.

            A. In other words, it is not a defective cartridge that eventually does not print, anymore. That is normal after so many pages (this is probably true in regard to the BJC-4550, also).

            B. Before buying a new four-color ink cartridge, try printing a test page as a clogged nozzle may be the problem.

            C. You can choose to print a test page or clean the print head to unclog the nozzles. Printing a test page cleans the print head. Cleaning the print head cleans (and possibly unclog) the nozzles.

            D. When holding a cartridge, do not shake it or hold it with the ink opening pointing down, since it can leak out and cause stains.

28. If necessary, you can clean the rollers with a soft, dry cloth.

29. When cleaning the outside of the printer, unplug it. Then use a paper towel moistened with water (no cleaners should be used, as they may react with the plastic).

30. If an installation keeps being unsuccessful or you have to keep swapping disks repeatedly, make sure to install next time with extensions off. If that does not work, try removing corrupted fonts (see page 65 for a specific list of which fonts to remove) or do a custom installation by installing just the Quickdraw printing software.

31. If an ÒXÓ appears over the printer icon, you may have disabled or trashed the desktop printing software.

32. If you use the 2400 with a IIfx, Quadra 900 or Quadra 950 computer, and the printer seems slow, check to see if the Serial Switch control panel is set to compatible.

33. If you use heavier than 20-lb. paper, fewer than 100 sheets will fit in the feeder.

            A. You should load envelopes or paper (not both) in the feeder.

            B. If you use back-print film, make sure to put a piece of paper at the back of the stack.

34. Simply turning the printer off then on again may solve a printing problem.

            A. If you get Òthe serial port is in use by another applicationÓ error, you can simply try restarting the computer.

            B. If you get a message that says that the Òwaste container is fullÓ, you will probably need to take the printer to an Apple dealer. The printer uses the waste container from time to time.

            C. If you get a Òprinter detects end of paperÓ error, you may be using the wrong size paper from what size is indicated in page setup dialog box.

            D. If you get an Òout of memoryÓ error, try running only one program, increase the amount of memory for program you want to print from, choose portrait (normal) instead of Landscape, print in Òblack and whiteÓ, increase desktop printerÕs memory, turn off background printing, disable desktop printing or add more RAM. If there any print requests waiting to be printed, Desktop PrintMonitor remains active, even if background printing is off.

            E. If text appears jagged, it may be in Geneva font, because memory is low (see D).

            F. If you are printing to a shared Stylewriter that is not directly connected to your computer and you use ATM, the Postscript version of your fonts must be on the computer that is directly connected the Stylewriter (manual page 77).

            G. Some rotated text may appear jagged if you apply a style that has not been defined for the font. Try using plain style.

            H. If text prints, but pictures do not: It is possible that some advanced page layout programs use the Postscript page description language, a language that the 2400 does not understand. If your program has a print preview option, you can print the file on a 2400.

35. If everything prints backwards, check the paper type you have indicated in the print dialog box.

36. If colors streak or skip at the bottom of the page, set the bottom margin to .08 inch.

37. If output is too light or too dark, try cleaning the print nozzles, make sure you have selected the right type of paper in the print dialog box, print on a different kind of paper, print in ÒbestÓ quality, check the paper selector above the cartridge inside the printer.

38. If thin lines fade or break up, try using a darker color o or use halftoning (in the print dialog box, click options, choose the pattern button).

39. If printout is smeared, check the paper selector above the cartridge.

            A. If printing only appears on part of the page, clean the print nozzles or check the selection in the page setup dialog box.

            B. If colors do not look right, try making sure Colorsync is turned on or use a different type of paper.

            C. If unwanted horizontal white lines or stripes appear, try cleaning the print head or doing a test page (both clean the print nozzles).

40. If you want to clean the print head, you must be using the computer that is connected to the 2400 (i.e. you canÕt clean the print head from a shared printer).

            A. Cleaning option is automatically turned off after cleaning. You do not have to ÒunselectÓ it before your next print job.

41. If a test page shows broken lines, try re-printing until pattern clears up or replace the cartridge.

            A. A test page can also be used to see if the black only cartridge in a four-color ink cartridge needs to be changed.

42. If stains appear on the back or top of printed pages, try cleaning the rollers, since ink may have spilled there.

43. 2400 uses a high-speed serial (RS-422) interface, according to page 88.

44. 43 fonts come with the 2400, to go with the 21 original Mac system fonts.

            A. 2400 provides support for Adobe Postscript fonts when used with ATM software, even though the 2400 printer is not a Postscript printer. Only Apple supports the version of ATM that comes with System 7.5.

45. 2400 weighs 7.9 pounds.

46. Storage temperature should be from 32 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Operating temperature should be from 59 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

47. 2400 uses a M0197LL Peripheral-8 cable.

48. Page 91 of the manual shows the many printing materials that can be used.

49. TrueType and bitmapped fonts are provided with Mac system software and your 2400 printer. Postscript fonts can be used as well if the proper software is installed.

            A. A True type font (3 AÕs on it) is scaleable and looks good in any size.

            B. A bitmapped font is designed on a grid of 72 dpi, so it looks good on screen, but when it prints has jagged edges, usually, because many printers print at 300 dpi (dots per inch, which are usually indistinguishable on the printed page) or better.

            C. Postscript fonts come with a corresponding bitmapped font. If there is not a corresponding bitmapped font, it wonÕt appear in the font menu.

            D. Bitmapped versions of fonts look better on the screen and TrueType look better when printing on the 2400. So, if both versions are available, the computer used bitmapped on the screen and TrueType for printing. (Macs can make the bitmapped fonts show up quickly, while True Type may take a few seconds). To force the computer to use only TrueType fonts everywhere, the bitmapped fonts must be removed (i.e. the system would scale a TrueType font to the desired screen size).

            E. You should avoid having both TrueType and Postscript versions of the same font, since it will confuse the computer.

            F. The Mac looks for fonts in this order: 1. Installed bitmapped 2. A scaled TrueType 3. An ATM version of a Postscript font 4 could be used. A scaled bitmap if not ATM font exists.

            G. The 2400 looks for fonts in this order 1. A scaled TrueType 2. An ATM version of a Postscript font 3 could be used. A scaled 72-dpi bitmap.

            H. Bitmapped and TrueType fonts stored outside of suitcases may not function normally (page 100).

            I. A font suitcase can be no larger than 16 MB (page 102).

            J. Roman style is plain, oblique is similar to italic, light, demi and extra are different states of bold.

            K. You should avoid bitmapped fonts that do not have a TrueType versions. You can use a TrueType font. It may not appear well on screen, but printout should be normal.

            L. Monaco 9, Geneva 9 and 12, and Chicago 12 may be invisible because the system uses these (that way users can not rid of them).

            M. The Times font is made by several different companies and therefore may have small differences between the ÒsameÓ font (page 105).

50. CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.

51. For best visual match between colors on display and colors on printout, select Òpage whiteÓ gamma in the Monitors and Sounds control panel.

52. The rename feature is only available is the printer is connectedly Appletalk.

53. Paper type should be plain for envelopes and labels.

54. According to the manual p. 121, you can turn desktop printing off from the Apple menu, if you are using Quickdraw GX software and do not like the results.

55. You can use custom install to just install the Printmonitor 7.1 (no desktop printing) and drag desktop printer icon to trash (may need to disable desktop printing extensions).

            A. If you do not have desktop printing extensions active, you must use PrintMonitor to control print jobs.

            B. PrintMonitor is only available when background printing is on. Otherwise, messages appear on the screen.

            C. With the PrintMonitor, you can set a print time.

56. If storing a cartridge, you should seal it tightly in a plastic bag.

57. If you turn off the printer, the cartridge carrier moves to the right side. If you wish to move the printer, tape the carrier to the right side of the printer.

58. On one occasion, SM got an error on her computer (575) that said the printer door was open, but the door was not open. I think the problem was that the printerÕs serial cable was not plugged in all the way. I pushed in all the way and then the 2400 printed.

59. SM had two printer cartridges that would not work (one new one from Quill). Also, the rollers appear to have trouble, but putting more paper in the printer appears to help.


Apple Stylewriter 4100

1. CD Does not give the option to install regular and Appletalk individually, must install both.

2. The Chooser extension s/b in the extensions folder (it was in the wrong folder on one computer).

3. Supposedly, Apple Stylewriter 4100 does not work with AppleÕs Desktop printing, since the 4100 printer is really a HP printer. (This is in InformInit Chapter 16 on page 4).

4. The Apple 4100 is actually a 600 series HP printer. It uses the HP51629A black and HP51649A color cartridges.

            A. Prices at Think, inc. (800-786-5521, are $24.95 for black and $25.95 for color and shipping is $3.95 any size order. However, when using one refilled color cartridge, there were streaks from the first printout. Even after cleaning the print head, streaks were still present. Replacing the color cartridge with a Canon new one allowed printing with no streaks.

            B. At Staples, prices are $23.48 for black and $25.98 for color.

            C. They do have a Dataproducts cartridge that is Staples #337933 (Data Products # 60122) that is a HP 51629A Black replacement cartridge for $19.58.

            D. Quill has a Service Station Refill Station (a Do it Yourself Kit), (Staples # 740-3013JB). They also have a refill tank (740-3033JB) for the black cartridge. These are the refill kits for the DIY kit. Quill only sells Apple brand cartridges for the Apple Stylewriter 4100. They cost $32/98 each for black and $34.49 each for color. Quill does not sell its own brand of cartridge for the HP51629A.

            E. Shipping at Staples was $3.95 for two cartridges.

            F. At, it is $29.99 for 902-51629A, Hewlett Packard Black inkjet cartridge. 902-51649A is the Hewlett Packard 51649A Tri-color Inkjet Cartridge.

5. According to ÒÓ, version 1.0.3 of the Apple Stylewriter 4100 and 4500 print drivers is incompatible with the G3Õs. You may keep getting a Òprinter is not respondingÓ error or Òsorry, a system error has occurredÓ. You may try turning VM off, but you should upgrade to version 1.1 of the driver (which I have on the Internet CD).

            A. If your printer is used in a Local Talk environment, you do not need to install the update.

6. As of 5/20/02, we have no cartridges for the printer.



1. If using classic Appletalk, you need to use printer port. When using Open Transport, can use either port (Sad Macs, 252).

            A. A port is Òa connector on a computer to which peripheral devices, such as a printer or modem, are attached. Typically, these are serial ports, parallel ports, and modem ports.Ó

            B. You use the Appletalk control panel when your computer is connected to a network that uses the AppleTalk protocol.

            C. According to the 5500 Manual page 92, if you are unable to change Appletalk connect via settings, the control panel may be locked. You may be able to change into administrative mode.

            D. When making changes in the Appletalk or the TCP/IP control panel, your changes take effect immediately. No restart is needed.

2. According to OT 1.3 Technical Info, Mac IP is a protocol specification designed for carrying TCP/IP traffic on Apple talk only networks (originally Local Talk networks). It is frequently used with Appletalk Remote Access Protocol (ARAP) to give access to TCP/IP Network services for mobile users.

            A. Mac IP requires the use of a gateway (router).

3. Source:,Ó ÒIf AppleTalk is made inactive using either the Chooser, or the control strip, then only Classic AppleTalk components are made inactive. Open Transport AppleTalk components remain active. When you attempt to use the printer port for a serial device the following error messages (or similar messages) may result: "Printer port is in use by another application," "Cannot find printer," "[XXX printer driver] requires that AppleTalk is inactive. Please make AppleTalk inactive."

            A. ÒFollow these steps to make AppleTalk inactive with Open Transport: 1. Open the AppleTalk control panel. 2. Choose User Mode from the Edit menu (or press the Command and U keys), 3. Click Advanced then click OK. 4. Click the Options button. 5. Click Inactive then OK. 6. Close the AppleTalk control panel. 7. Save the changes.Ó

            B. The reason why the Chooser and the Control Strip do not make ALL of Appletalk components inactive is that during the migration from Classic Networking to Open Transport, older components of the Networking software have not been upgraded to fully support Open Transport (Two such components are the Chooser and the AppleTalk Switch Control Strip Module).

4. The default networking option for the Macintosh is to use the printer port for Appletalk. Need to make Appletalk inactive to print on the printer port.

5. If you press the yellow question mark in the bottom left hand corner of the AppleTalk control panel, you can get help and instructions for AppleTalk.

6. If your AppleTalk network has more than one zone, you can choose your zone in the AppleTalk control panel. The zone you choose will be automatically chosen with the Chooser (which would be needed, for example, when connecting to a network printer). Also, the zone you choose is the same zone that others would use to access your computer when you are sharing files.

7. You can save a configuration as a file: In the configurations window, select the configuration you want to export, choose export, save the file (page A-19 says you should use .exp as the fileÕs extension).

            A. To open a saved configuration: in the configuration window, select import, select the configuration you want, click import, and make active.

8. You can lock the AppleTalk settings in administrative mode only.

9. Your computerÕs AppleTalk address is a number that identifies it on the network.

10. Appletalk Info tells you the address of Òthis MacintoshÓ. To the left of the dot, is your computer networkÕs number. To the right is your node number. Your computer may choose a different AppleTalk address each time it starts up, unless you use the Òuser definedÓ option (which is not recommended, according to Open Transport Read Me).

            A. Hardware address is a number identifying the port that you use to connect to the network. Ethernet and networking cards have hardware addresses; ComputerÕs serial ports do not have hardware addresses.

11. If you are in Advanced or Administrative mode, you can click options and turn Appletalk off to save RAM, when not in use.

12. According to the Open Transport Manual p. 43, If you are having trouble turning AppleTalk on; Check to make sure it is turned on in the AppleTalk control panel, make sure it is turned on in the Chooser and make sure that any applications that can turn AppleTalk on/off, make sure AppleTalk is turned on with that software as well.

13. Source: Open Transport Manual p. 43, if you lose your password, you can trash the AppleTalk preferences and reopen AppleTalk control panel (when trashing preferences, you also lose your AppleTalk settings).

14. According to the 5500 Manual pages 82-83, to connect your Mac to a Local Talk network, you need LocalTalk cables and a Local Talk Adapter. You would connect the LocalTalk adapter to the printer or modem port of your computer, then attach a network cable between the LocalTalk Adapter, that is connected to your computer, and a LocalTalk adapter on your local network. Configure, and if you are using an Apple LocalTalk RJ-11 Connector, use a standard telephone cable with RJ-11 connectors.

15. I made File Sharing C.P., Appletalk C.P., Users and Groups C.P. active, File Sharing Extension and File Sharing Library Extensions were active on G3.

            A. On iMac, I made File Sharing C.P., Appletalk C.P., active (there was no Users and Groups C.P.), File Sharing Extension and File Sharing Library Extensions.

            B. Appletalk was made active on both computers. I double-checked that the connection was made between the Ethernet of G3 and iMac. Still got error that says that there is an error in the connections.

16. Tidbits #644 say, Òin some senses Rendezvous merely brings to TCP/IP what AppleTalk had provided all along on the Mac.Ó


Apple Tech Support

1. There is no toll free support anymore, except for within 90 days of purchase and education customers.

2. 800-500-7078. Need computer serial number. This number is for 90 days from purchase. Alternatively, you can purchase a protection plan to use this phone number.

3. 888-275-8258 is the number for Pre-1996 computers.

4. 800-500-7078 is for Education customers (no charges).

5. Apple Technician training costs $299. It is for sale only through ÒÓ It can be useful, even for someone who does not want to work for an Apple Authorized dealer. However, it still voids a warranty, if you work on a computer (i.e. you must be hired through someone).

A, The order number for AppleCare Technician Training is M9312Z/B. I called Apple about this training and they did not know if you need to renew eachyear or not. But, they referred me to for more info. There was not any more info there as to how often you need to renew except that you get access to online resources for a year. I e-mailed smalldog electronics about this, since they also sell Applecare Technician Training. said you do not need to renew your training every year.

6. Modesto Macintosh User Group (MMUG, I think) meets on the third Monday of each month. Will check further. is the address for Stanislaus Macintosh Computer Club is in Modesto. Not sure if this is the same group of people. There is no listing for Stanislaus Macintosh Computer Club in yellow pages, white pages, etc.

            A. At Ò,Ó you can find information. They meet on the third Monday of the month. Questions & Answers start at 7 P.M., meeting starts at 7:30 P.M.

7. If you go to Ò,Ó you can get manuals for LC, LCII update, LC 575, etc.

8. If you go to Ò,Ó you can get manuals for many Apple Products including printers, scanners, computers, etc.

9. At Ò,Ó you can get some tips from Apple for troubleshooting.

10. You can search for user groups at ÒÓ

            A. Tidbits #636 mentions 4 pages on the Internet to find user groups.

11. At, you can search for Internet related terms.

12. At OpenForm, you can get Apple Software updates. If you click on the recent changes button, you will get the most recently released software. You can also ÒBrowseÓ by letter.

13. At, you can learn how to install Airport cards, batteries, hard drives and memory for the G4 cube and G4 regular computers.

14. You can download the Macintosh ProgrammerÕs Workshop for free at

15. shows a listing of all AppleÕs pages.

16. has information on seminars. The ones that I saw were all free (as of 12/31/00).

17. There does not appear to be an e-mail address for Apple technical support.

            A. Rob said he found an e-mail address on the Education part of AppleÕs website, I looked but could not find it.

18. is a place to learn of Apple events, seminars, etc.

19. Tidbits #623 mention that Apple now has a tech support division called ÒVirtual Genuis Bar.Ó As with AppleÕs existing Applecare Support Line, calls are free for the first 90 days; afterwards, they cost $50 per incident.

            A. You must take ÒGenuis TestsÓ and receive scores at AppleÕs web site. To get help, you must complete a Just Checking quiz for an appropriate topic area, then you will receive a password specific password code, that you can use to be routed to the Virtual Genuis Bar after calling AppleÕs Support Line at 800-275-2273.

            B. Test results are stored with your Apple ID.

            C. Many answers to questions will be stored there, as well. The URL is

20. has links to contact Apple through e-mail.

            A. I did, however, e-mail Apple from to report that 9.2.2 update does not download fully and that Apple Spec Database requires Filemaker 5.0, I e-mailed them on 4/18/02.

            B. The Apple Spec Database Read Me from 1/2002 mentions that to use Apple Spec Database, you need to have FileMaker Pro or Apple Spec Database ÒruntimeÓ version (which is supposed to be available from the same locations as the database files and will be available ÒsoonÓ).

            C. He had an e-mail address of

            D. It also says that Filemaker will be available on the iDisk website.

            E. I did not hear back from Apple regarding Applespec. However, I did find a version of Applespec that has the ÒRuntimeÓ program that allows Applespec to open. It was at I tried copying the Runtime app from that folder to a couple of other folder (namely the Applespec for 9/2001), but it gave a Òdoes not belong with this solutionÓ error.

21. Apple Spec Database (1/02) makes an error regarding the G3 all in one. It lists that there is not a video port, but the G3/233 and the G3/266 do.

            A. At, I was able to download 1/02 of Apple spec.

            B. On Internet 4 CD, Apple Spec does not work, so I re-downloaded it.

22. AppleÕs web site may only keep the latest updates. Also, there is not an Apple FTP site.

23. It might be easier to use Google to find support on specific Apple issues.


Apple Video Player

1. It requires ATI 3D Accelerator, ATI Driver Update, ATI Graphics Accelerator, ATI Video Accelerator and ATI Video Memory Manager extensions to work.

2. Also, had trouble with buzzing sound when using the RCA plugs (buzzing occurred using either Sharp or GE VCR, but not with Sanyo stereo). Trashed Mon. and Sounds Prefs, reinstalled System software, turned off VM, but I had no luck. Restarted with old system software and it worked. Later, the same problem occurred, seems to be an intermittent problem.

3. It works with 1024 X 768-video resolution setting.

4. A short video (2 or 3 minutes) was compressed with Drop Stuff, went from 97 MB to 85 MB.

5. A short video (15 seconds) only took up about 10 MB (Compressed with Drop Stuff, went to 9 MB) when ÒMostÓ was chosen for compression and 18 MB when ÒNormalÓ was chosen.

6. On MarilynÕs 5300 Performa CD computer, Apple Video Player gave error message that Òvideo startup must be installed,Ó even though video startup extension was installed. Reinstalled Apple Video Player from 7.5.5 CD and it worked fine.

7. It used to be that when Apple Video Player was launched, sound automatically switched to it. However, if you insert a CD into the machine, it may switch sound to the CD, may have to reset the sound input. Source: ÒÓ

8. The frequency of TVÕs is not commonly supported by computers (the computer screen may appear distorted or black), it is better to leave the ÒLeave Monitor OnÓ unchecked in the TV Mirroring Control Strip.

9. Source: VM being off and Appletalk being turned off may help in the event that you are doing video capturing.

10. According to, there is an error when recording using Apple Video Player (in System 8.1) when the Òno compressionÓ option is selected and VM is off. When done recording, the computer may hang for two or three minutes and give a Òwhile trying to recordÓ error. Set compression to a different setting or turn VM on.

11. You can use the movie controls (command, 4) to record a movie or simply record a frame on the G3/266.

            A. Pictures (frames) or movies are shown with Simpletext.


Appleworks 6.0

1. According to Apple eNews from 7/12/2001, version 6.2 works with 8.1 or later.

2. KW said that she could figure out how to print out blank columns on Clarisworks 4.0 (they are blank on the screen, but they did not appear on printouts), but not on Appleworks 5.0. However, I used the same thing I used in 4.0 as I did with 5.0. I formatted a blank column as center justified and then the three extra blank columns printed out.

3. Apple said on 5/16/02 that Appleworks can be networked.

4. Mom said it would be fine to use AW 6.0 on the G3 (transfer it from the iMac to the G3/266). I asked her, since you can only use the software on one computer at a time.

            A. I asked MV about using AW 6.0 on the G3 instead of the blueberry iMac, he said, ÒTo be compliant with the agreement, you should remove the copy of AppleWorks from the original machine so that the software only exists on the new machine. You are allowed to move it from one machine to another.Ó

            B. I just copied Appleworks from the iMac to the G3, no problem so far.

5. I wanted to save AW files without the cwk suffix at the end. However, after changing the prefs, it still kept adding the suffix. So, I thought updating may fix the problem.  I downloaded and installed the 6.2.9 update. Strangely, enough, my version of AW on the iLamp was still 6.2.7.

            A. After that, I discovered, that the problem was specific to my movie info file, it kept adding that extension. So I created a new drawing document with AW and copied and pasted from movie info. Then I saved; no cwk was added to the end.

            B. Movie Info – Future could be saved on the desktop without a cwk extension, but when the file was moved to the Ryan folder, the extension was added. So, I decided to change the name of the file to Movie Info-future (no spaces), and then move it to Ryan folder. This solved the problem.

6. To change which language for your dictionary, go to edit, writing tools, select dictionaries.

7. I changed prefs so that nothing is done at startup. Otherwise, the dialog box comes up each time you close a document.

8. Appleworks 6.0 will not fax on the G3/266 with System 8.1 and Faxcilitate 2.2. Need to use CW 4.0 instead or use Simplext or any other application.

9. I just had to select a user dictionary with Appleworks 6, by going to Edit, Writing tools, select dictionary, user dictinary, then I chose the user dictionary within AW 6.0 (Appleworks Essentials, Dictionaries).

            A. You can do this in 9 or OS X.

10. I was having trouble with prefs being saved with Appleworks 6.2.7 (the auto save every 5 minutes, and on startup show nothing). But after updating to 6.2.9, the problem was solved.

11. On the G3/233, AW could not be recognized by MOM in System 9.2.2. An alias of AW 6 (and I took app off the end) could not be reognized by MOM, either.

12. On one occasion, when using the starting points, the web tab had three items, but they all had ÒX'sÓ over them, because they Òwere deletedÓ (athough I do not recall doing that). Anyhow, I closed and reopened AW and the Xs disappeared (the starting points were again downloaded).

13. Appleworks 6 Getting Started page 9 says that you can show clippings from the File Menu (or press command, 2) to see clip art that can be added (leave the Òsearch web contentÓ box checked for further clippings). Apparently, the additional web starting points do not savethroughrestarts on the G3/233.

            A. Page 22 says that you can draw in any type of document except a database document in Browse, List, or Layout mode.

            B. Page 36 says that a banner is a drawing document. On the 2100, in the page setup dialog box, you can access Òbanner printing.Ó After you print the banner, you need to cut the papers. You can choose page view from the Window menu to see how pages will print out. There is a template for making a banner in starting points.

            C. Page 48 shows that you can use the flashcard template, but it would not be that useful for kids (unless they wanted to access the Calculate menu between flashcards).

            D. Page 64 says you can display a slide show on the computer or print them on transparencies for use with an overhead projector.

14. Appleworks 6 help file does not work on the G3/233. I tried downloading the 6.2.8 updater, but it would not run, since I already have 6.2.8 on the G3/233. There does not appear to be Apple help online, it only comes with the Appleworks CD accordingly.

            A. I should just use the iLamp to access Appleworks 6 Help. I downloaded the 6.2.9 updater, but on the G3/266, it only updates AW to 6.2.8 (probably what it is supposed to to do).

15. You cannot print whole page printing with AW 6.0, for if you select text type printing, then select details and choose ÒPhoto optimizerÓ and then Òwhole pageÓ and then print, AW quits each time with error type 2.

16. To make a watermark for each page (using the drawing module), Choose Edit Master Page from the Options menu, use the drawing tools to make whatever you like. When you are done, uncheck Edit Master Page from the Options menu to return to the document. You can see the master page by turning on/off Window, page view.

17. To add an item to templates, save it as template, and it will show up in starting points automatically. To delete, drag from starting points to trash.

18. On one occasion, when trying to print on the 2100, Color kept showing up as default choice (even though black had been set up). I just created a new file, copied the info to the new file, and then the new file printed in black by default.

19. You can save AW 6.0 files as html.

20. When I opened one Math Jeopardy file (originally a 4.0 CW file), the numbers were cut off in several places. If I put in an extra return or deleted one, the numbers were no longer cut off. This happened when I sent some CW 4.0 files home and then opened them with AW 6.0. Several of the files were cut off, but put in an extra return or deleting made the text no longer cut off (so I think it was the transition from 4.0 to 6.0, nothing having to do with the printer at home). I think it is a 6.0 bug, since it only happens on certain files, not all.

21. You can choose to print spreadsheet formulas by using the Options, display menu and checking Formulas.

22. You get the Page Setup error when printing, if the margins are .5 inches or less. If the margins are .6 or more, you do not get an error.

23. When you are in a column in a database, you can click on the "AZ" button to arrange alphabetically. However, it does not do the same as a "sort" does if a sort has more than one criterion.

24. You can separate a document into three parts with AW 6.0 (this is also possible with CW 4.0).

25. When you make a template with AW 6.2.9 (latest version as of 12/31/04), it will open the correct way. However, each time you open it, a duplicate copy of the template file is produced (even if saved in the Templates folder). So, to make a template, you may just take a regular document and lock it, which will work the same as a template.

26. You can save documents as html.

27. To make our reception invitations fit on a page correctly, we just made a two column document.

28. I could not figure out a way to import some information from a SS into a DB with Appleworks 6.0. I had to save the file as Clarisworks 4.0, then use 4.0's SS and DB to do it (See Clarisworks-Database 53 for more information).

            A. I figured out that I can take the info from a DB and put it into a SS. Save the DB as ASCII text on the desktop. Then open a new SS with AW 6.0. Go to File, insert, select "All Available" (not Appleworks) in the File Format dialog box. Choose the file. On one occasion, I saved a DB file as ASCII, then double clicked on the file, it automatically opened in AW as a SS.

29. Tidbits #762 mentions iWork 05, which is replacing Appleworks, as of 1/05.

30. I tried using AW 6.0 instead of MS Word 98 for the file General Info (because of the tab issue with 98); however, when searching for something, you cannot search for bold text; also, when something is found, it is outline, not highlighted (as Word 98 does). Also, AW does not do Auto-correct.

31. I tried to open the prepositions list file with AW 6.0, but I got an unexpected end of file error, when trying to open the file. I had to make a new file, since all my backups were actually the wrong file (they were the simile/metaphor files, when they were opened).

32. To add a Polygon with AW, click the triangle tool. If you double click on it, you can then change to the Drawing menu and go to Edit, Polygon sides, to choose which polygon you are going to draw.

            A. You can hold down shift key and then move right/left/up/down to make a triangle that will line up along a certain point (simlar to erasing a straight line, when erasing by using the shift tool).

33. To make a superscript number, you use the Style Menu (it is a good idea to make the superscript smaller than the other writing). You can also use shift, command, + to make some text superscript.

34. The Runnning Events and the Field Events Score sheets would not allow AW to adjust the print quality on the iP4000 (the problem was with the document, because I could create a new document and draft was possible), even if draft were the default choice. I had to save the file as a 4.0 CW file and open with CW, then I could print in draft setting. Later, I copied all the information from Running and Field Events to new spreadsheets and the problem was solved. Later, I discovered that in the summary box, there were a couple of differences (amount of extension and duplex) between the file that would allow me to change the detailed setting and the one that would not. However, adjusting these settings did not solve the problem. I then trashed Appleworks prefs, and restarted the iLamp, no luck. I then downloaded and installed version 2.6.2 of the iP4000 driver. This did not work, so I e-mailed Canon about the problem. I may try trashing printing prefs in the future, as well. Later, the problem returned, so I trashed the Appleworks preferences, BJPrinterUtility.plist, Canon folder,, and files. Some of them were in the Library folder at the root level, some of them were in the Library folder within the ryanzelenski User folder. I did this on 5/26/05 and will see what happens. The problem returned. Textedit would likely have the same issue, since it does not automatically set itself up for the iP4000 printer. Later, I found the solution: open the the file with a problem, Go to File, Page Setup, choose iP4000 from the Format for popup menu, click "ok," save the file. I had the same problem with another Appleworks file when trying to print it on the iLamp with the iP4000. I could not change the print setting to fast nor fine. Finally, I went to Page Setup and chose the iP4000, then I was able to change the detailing setting (and if I compressed and e-mailed the file to AOL and then back to, the file still retained the correct Page Setup). I used the Printer Setup Utility to make the iP4000 the default, but nothing appeared to change (probably since the iP4000 is the only printer). I went to System Preferences, chose Fax and Print, then under Selected printer in print dialog, I selected the iP4000. However, it still does not show up as the default in Appleworks Page Setup box in a new document. When you print the running sheets on the iP4000 in Grayscale, all of the lines in a spreadsheet do not print, even on the setting that is 2nd closest to fine. It is not possible to make a separate cell for each runner in relays, without making the relay two pages (unless you make the font smaller). I made Track and Field Sheets into stationary pads. When you open the files in OS X, a copy is automatically opened. In 8.1 with Appleworks 6 (with a stationary file), the opened file is called ÒUntitled.Ó There is not an open copy called Track Meet-Running Events copy. Heff/Candelaria idea. Find/Change Heffelfinger to Candel., Find/Change Candelaria to Heffelfinger, Find/Change Candel. to Candelaria. When printing on the 360, priting on Spreadsheets a little different (Density was already on high). I changed left margin to .6 and right margin to 1.8. I also had to go Options, display to select "solid lines" to make the printouts better. Then the sheets printed okay with the 360. Pressing Enter in Appleworks is the same as entering a Page Break in a one column document. However, in a two or more column document, you need to press Shift, Enter (the Enter shortcut looks like the carot character, above the number 6, but it is not). If you press Enter in a two or more column document, then a column break is inserted. Option, left/right arrow moves you one word right/left. Shift, arrows select one letter right or left; Shift, option selects one word right or left. Shift, option up/down arrows select the adjacent lines.

35. To make an envelope with AW, go to Show Starting Points (or command 1), paste address of person sending to; it should remember my address, then Finish.

36. You can use Appleworks to open a picture taken with the Finder.

37. On one occasion while trying to print UA time (a spreadsheet), I could not get the cell border edges to print, I thought perhaps it was because my margins were too small, but that was not the issue. I finally figured out that the top or left border had been unchecked, although I am not sure how. Anyhow, after checking them, It was fine. Also, you can add color to any spreadsheet cell by selecting the cell, showing tools, then choosing a color from the Tools menu (fill color, which is the sixth item from the bottom). I later had the same problem with Houghton Mifflin Skills Numbers, the cell borders would not print. I was able to fix the problem by going to Page Setup and choosing the iP400 in the Format for pop-up menu. Then I unchecked grayscale printing, and then the cell borders printed okay (it was using the 2nd second farthest to the right, next to Fine on the iP4000). On another occasion, I could not get all of the cellsÕ borders to print, only part of them, but printing on the black setting (second to the right from fine) and choose to display solid lines (Under Option, display) solved the problem.

38. To make a word processing document with differing numbers of columns within the document: put a section break before the first column of writing on the first page, then put a section and page break at the end of the page, go to Format, section, and adjust the number of sections. Also, whenI moved my Theme Skills Assess. Document from one computer to another, the page numbers were different; there were seven pages instead of six and page two and four were adjacent, instead of two and three. It turns out that I had put in two or three section breaks on page 2, along with many returns. After deleting the extra section and page breaks and the returns, the document was fine when transferred.

39. Keyboard shortcuts for AW 6: Up arrow is for the shift key, the carrot is for the Enter Key, the backward slash with a dot is for the Option Key.

40. The Navigation extension (version 1.0.1 works) is needed for AW 6.0 to run within 8.1 on the G3/266.

41. On one occasion, when using the spellling check in Appleworks 6.2.9, each time I ÒskippedÓ a word, it was deleted instead. Need to be aware of this in the future.

42. Default fault in AW only affects new documents. To keep a particular size or font (different from the default), you must have text in the field, even a space would save the formatting. In the case of what I was doing (the OARS groupings), I just pasted the text from another document in my preferred size.

43. To make the headers (and footers) different for pages within a WP documents, use section breaks (Format, Insert Section Break) on each page. I think you have to be within the section (indicated by a faint white line) to format the section. Then go to Format, Section and choose ÒDifferent for this section.Ó

44. I had some difficulty getting a 125 (WP) document to come out to the right size. I used EPSON Scan to scan the document, but then in Preview, the document was about 30% sized. I then used GC to open the picture and then tried to copy it, but it took too much room in GCÕs memory. After increasing GCÕs memory to 15,000 K, I was able to copy the picture. But then the picture would not paste correctly into the AW document (It was too small). Finally, I pasted the picture into AW DR, made it bigger, copied and pasted into the WP document; this worked fine.

45. Sometimes, it appears that Appleworks has trouble keeping track of updates to files that have been moved. Be careful with this, as it can cost time. May want to keep two copies until backing up. On one occasion, I simply moved a file from the Desktop to the Documents folder and only one paragraph out of three pages was saved (even though I had been saving incrementally). The problem only appears to be on the iLamp, not the G3/266 at school. On one occasion, I moved two files to the trash, and then I decided that I needed to access them, so I dragged them back out of the trash. Unfortunately, the information in my file was not present (only older versions of the file were present). I was able to access the filesÕ info by using the backup on CZÕs iMac. I checked, and as of 6/06, 6.2.9 is still the latest version.

46. The Open Recent Menu (using version 6.2.9) under the File Menu does not appear to work at all, even though the preferences were set up to remember the last ten documents. Later, though, it worked fine.

47. Must be in page view in a S.S. to see the page numbers at the bottom of a document window.

48. The H.M. Theme Skills answer sheets with bubbles are done in number order (70 possible, 80 possible), not in Theme order.

49. I was trying to set it up so that the dividing line between subject and predicate (Theme 1 Jeopardy) would print on the 1500 and the iP4000, but the ÒdrawingÓ lines kept moving. So, finally, I just added the | character in 18 size font.

50. To send Test Results for KW (AW SS), just copy and paste from AW to Excel 5.0a, it was able to be opened on my DEC in 10/06 with Microsoft Office 2000 for WindowÕs version of Excel (Excel 2002). KW said that she could copy and paste (in her e-mail), if we did not want to use her template. Alternatively, I could just paste from Gradekeeper to Excel 5.0a.

51. After setting up Theme 6 Jeopardy with the iP4000 (using Page Setup), and adjusting the circles, I sent the file back to school. At school, the circles were moved again to the wrong place with the G3/266 (even before going to Page Setup).

52. To be able to put decimals and places in a field in a database (and still be able to sort by the decimals), format the field as text, then type in the decimals.

53. talks about Appleworks crashing on an iMac Duo (the suggestion was to update to 6.2.9).

54. On one occasion, I could create new AWÕs files, but the size was close to the size of a P-Touch label in drawing and in WP. Finally, I went to Page Setup and chose the MX310, which solved the problem. Later, I could copy text, but black boxes appeared around the text as I did it; closing and reopening AW did not solve the problem. Finally, I went to Page Setup, chose MX310 and USLetter and then chose ÒSave as defaultÓ under settings in the Page Setup dialog box. Then I quit and reopened AW: this solved the problem.

55. When working in an AW WP file for Jeopardy, there was an extra space below the text and I could not delete it. However, I was able to delete it by showing invisibles and then removing the check for the ÒinvisiblesÓ preferences. The space automatically deleted itself, oddly enough. On another occasion, I was able to delete the space by simply clicking somewhere else in the document.

56. Holding down shift and option allows you to select noncontiguous items in
the Finder (System 9.2.1 at least), but it does not work in AW SS documents.
I tried to alternate between white and gray backgrounds so that students could
see what homework they are missing (Friday hw-abc order); however, when
filling in cells with gray fill, some boxes are then borderless; the borders could
be added back, then that is somewhat of a hassle, and each time a student is
added or deleted, the whole SS may have to be reworked; this is not worth it,
since only one student had troulble in several years.

57. You can sort items in a name field by first name by placing an Ò@Ó symbol in front of the first name; however, this will not work with a middle name.



1. An application can be modified, so the modification date for the application on a HD may be different than one on backups. Although, If there some irregularity to this process, it could mean damage to a particular application (S.M. 37).

2. For boggle to work on momÕs G3 in color, the preferred size was increased from 2000K to 10000K.

3. Helper apps and plug in serve as helpers to Internet applications, but plug ins make it happen on the web page, rather than on a web page of its own.

4. An application protocol is a protocol (set of rules) that sits on top of the underlying transport layer of a communications system. FTP and Telnet are examples, they format data and use the services of the lower level TCP/IP transport layer (NC 4 book, Glossary).


Arrival Communications

1. They have DSL service for Turlock.

2. Sean Pamer is a representative. His Merced Office number is 388-1575 and his voice mail pager number is 877-569-5903.

3. Arrival does not have proprietary software. You simply need to use TCP/IP. I am not sure how you would enter your user name and password, but I suppose it can be done.

4. You have to have a Lucent Pipeline product to use their service. Their service costs $95/month for 192 Kbps/month and $450 per month for 1.5 Mbps. Seems like it might be for businesses, since the price is so high. e-mailed me the information.


At Ease

1. If you print from the finder and let the job spool to the printer, the printer will keep printing, even If you switch to At Ease.

2. Once, I tried to leave At EaseÕs control panel on and move the prefs folder out of the system folder and then install 3.0 at school.

3. The computer would not startup, kept saying, Òthe prefs for At Ease must be damaged, contact your administrator,Ó then If you clicked ÒOK,Ó it would shut down. Tried restarting without extensions; using the 7.5 Disk Tools Two (for PowerPC and IDE drives)-which produced the error message Òuse the latest installerÓ; starting up from the 5400 CD-produced a question mark; used NDD startup disk-which brought up NDD, but would not get to finder. Finally, used 7.5.3 emergency disk tools disk to startup (and held down the ÒCÓ key), which worked. Later, started up from 7.5.3 emergency disk without ÒCÓ key held down.

4. I should have password for me. Then I will have unlimited access. Students should have At Ease Access only and no password (3.0).

5. For 1.0 to work, should have ÒAt EaseÓ (document) and ÒAt Ease itemsÓ (folder) in the System Folder; ÒAt Ease PreferencesÓ in Preferences folder; ÒAt Ease SetupÓ (control panel) in the control panels folder and no extensions.

6. On the 5400 trying to use 3.0, I had ÒAt EaseÓ (document), ÒAt Ease GuideÓ (Apple Guide document), ÒAt Ease itemsÓ (folder) in the System folder; no prefs and with prefs (1.0 prefs); ÒAt Ease ATA extensionÓ in the extensions folder; ÒAt Ease Setup FolderÓ in the Applications folder. When trying to open ÒAt Ease SetupÓ, the message appeared saying ÒYou must install At Ease and restart your computer before using At Ease SetupÓ.

7. At home on the 6400, ÒAt EaseÓ, ÒAt Ease GuideÓ (Apple Guide document), ÒAt Ease items (folder) in the System Folder; ÒAt Ease StartupÓ in the extensions folder; ÒAt Ease Setup FolderÓ in the Apple Extras folder. ÒAt Ease PreferencesÓ are in the ÒAt Ease itemsÓ folder in the System Folder.

            A. Had error message that Òthere is not enough memory to open RyanÕs HDÓ, increase memory allocation of At Ease Setup from 500 to 800 and 1,000 K.

8. On 5400, Put ÒAt EaseÓ, ÒAt Ease GuideÓ (Apple Guide document), ÒAt Ease items (folder) in the System Folder; ÒAt Ease StartupÓ in the extensions folder; ÒAt Ease Setup FolderÓ in the Applications folder (did not have to restart computer), Left 1.0 prefs in prefs folder, message appeared saying Òyour prefs have been updatedÓ. Apple ATA extension is gone.

            A. Had to reset password for 1.0 after reinstalling it.

9. According to Apple, At Ease 3.0 is not configured to work with the Powermac 5400, since it was bundled with the Performa 6400.

10. Message appears for some items saying that the application that created it can not be found, but message did not appear in the finder.

11. To access a floppy disk, go to File, Open Other.

12. Can set up the option in the At Ease Setup Control Panel to require a floppy disk to save (although you will always need a floppy disk to save, then).

13. Control panel handler is supposedly used to run apple menu items from the finder.

14. At Ease ATA extension is useless, since I have it and without it, no difference. it is used to enable At Ease on computers with IDE hard drives.

15. To make users enter a password, must use file, go to at ease, not the application menu.

16. With Screensqueeze active and System 8.1 on 5400, password function is not enabled (goes right to finder).

17. Works with G3/266 and System 8.1.

18. Computer must be set to 256 colors on G3 to use Number and Word Munchers, therefore, took those two program off of At Ease.

19. Must copy ÒRuntime ResourcesÓ to the Read, Write and Type Folder (after installing) to run the program without the CD. Otherwise, you get the CD is off-line message.

            A. Read, Write and Type had an error, where the keys were not responding on the iMac. Upon restart, the problem was fixed.

            B. To get access to the names menu, click the icon at the top of the Read, Write and Type keyboard on the screen.

            C. I installed Read, Write and Type on the DEC, but then I had to change the color settings to 256 colors (which makes the desktop not look so great). Also, the CD had to be present, so I decided to install the Yellow program instead (the CD still must be present for Yellow, as well, but at least the color display can be a better setting).

20. At Ease kept freezing on the LC computer in my room when going from At Ease to the finder. Replaced finder and it worked fine.

21. If you remove At Ease extension any way other that using the software remover, system will crash upon restart, supposedly. (S.M. p. 155, 3rd ed.) May need to do a clean install of system software.

22. If you forget the At Ease password, you may restart with floppy, trash At Ease prefs and then restart. Works on G3/233.

23. At Ease will still startup the computer if on, even If it is in Control Panels (disabled).

24. If you go to the finder, then use the application menu to go back to At Ease (instead of file menu), then a password will not be required.

25. Don't open CW and/or AOL when the computer is set up for At Ease. When you quit any application that is in At Ease, it leaves the screen blank (and CW or AOL active).

26. If At Ease does not work with the iMac, use the launcher.

27. Can print from At Ease with my G3.

28. Starting with version 3.0, At Ease morphed into At Ease for Workgroups (MWJ Mac OS 9 Special, page 18).

29. To make it easier for students, can put a button on the At Ease screen for students to use.

30. When printing from At Ease, I think it is likely that printing may discontinue (or not start), if you go to the Finder. However, you can continue printing (or start printing) if the Printmonitor is enabled.

31. At Ease works with System 9.0 on the iMac in room 37.

            A. But it did not work with System 9.1 on the iMac. It also would not work with System 9.2.2 on the G3/233. When you put At Ease Items in the System Folder and At Ease application in the System Folder, and At Ease Setup in the control panels folder, the computer will not restart (on the G3 or the iMac). The At Ease application is thrown into the trash and then the you get an error type 41 when trying to start up. If you restart with At Ease application in the trash, you get the same error.

            B. It may be best to use the Launcher on the iMac or Invisifile to protect the iMac during summer school. There does not appear to be an option to protect the System Folder. Invisifile might have been useful, but it will only allow you to make one file invisible at a time.

32. The Tab button moves between Applications and Documents tabs.

33. According to Apple Tech Document 11828, If you have At Ease (version not mentioned) at 7.5 or prior, you cannot rebuild the desktop using the keyboard command. You should turn At Ease off, restart, and then use the keyboard command.

34. To put items into At Ease, first you need to make an alias of the application. Highlight (put the mouse cursor on the name of the item and click once) the name of the item, select Make Alias from the File Menu (at the top of the screen). Next, open your HD (named Mac HD, iMac 25, etc.) by double clicking on it. Open your ÒSystem FolderÓ by double clicking on it. Open the folder called ÒAt Ease itemsÓ by double clicking on it. Drag the alias into the At Ease Items Folder.

            A. Alternative way to put items on At Ease (but it is more difficult, I believe): Use the Apple Menu (at the top left-hand part of the screen) and select ÒControl PanelsÓ. Once the Control Panels window is open, select ÒAt Ease SetupÓ, then choose Select items, and then find the item you wish to add to At Ease (you may have to sort through some folders to find the item you want. There is a pop up menu at the top of the window that will allow you to do that).



1. Automatically generates high quality screen fonts from outline font data.

2. It lets you print Type 1 Fonts on Quickdraw printers.

3. Bitmapped fonts are also called screen fonts.

            A. Bitmapped and TrueType fonts can generate both printed text and screen images.

4. Outline fonts are also called printer fonts.

            A. A Postscript font is often referred to as a printer font. Postscript fonts are completely unable to create an image of text on the screen (since only the printer has the Postscript interpreter needed to make use of the PostScript information).

            B. A Postscript fonts are used in conjunction with bitmapped fonts (when you select the corresponding bitmapped font on the screen, the instructions are sent to the printer to use that particular Postscript font).

5. You can use both Type 1 and TrueType fonts in the same document, but using a Type 1 and TrueType with the same name is not recommended. ATM has no effect on TrueType fonts (although Version 4.0 is supposed to deal with TrueType fonts, also).

6. Apple recommends that you set the font cache so that there is at least 50 K for each outline font used on a regular basis may want to increase it If a document scrolls very slowly.

            A. ATM helps by generating an on screen representation of Postscript fonts, but you need to have at least one point size of a screen font for every Postscript font you use. Also, the smaller sizes of bitmapped fonts (size 9,10 and 12) look better than ATM-generated displays.

            B. If you use Postscript fonts that are built into your Postscript printer, you need to install the corresponding Postscript printer fonts for ATM to create smooth on screen displays.

7. Substitute for missing fonts is dimmed unless you have SuperATM installed.

8. There appears not to be Adobe Type Reunion or Font Creator with version 4.0.2.

9. Font Downloader requires a Postscript printer to be workable. It does not support Quickdraw GX.

10. ATM is compatible with many Quickdraw printers, and is compatible with all Postscript printers, but does not affect the printed output of Postscript printers (Postscript printers use their memory for fonts to be printed).

11. Font Porter is used with System 6.

12. The ATM Program Disk and Font Disk do not appear to be compatible with 8.1, since when trying to install them, an error message appears saying there is no system folder on the disk (on the HD or on a zip with a system folder copied from the CD). The font disk just wonÕt install; some other installer comes up when you click on the icon, If extensions are on. If extensions are off, it says the program that created it canÕt be found.

13. Since ATM uses Quickdraw to smooth text, it can only smooth text when an application that uses Quickdraw to display its text is utilized.

14. Font smoothing is not supported with Clarisworks If the monitor displays 256 colors or fewer.

15. With ATM 4.0 active, a bitmapped version of a Postscript font AND a printer version of a Postscript font, there was a difference in the printed output depending on whether ATM were on or not.

            A. If ATM 4.0 is active and a bitmapped version of a font is installed in fonts folder (but no printer version of a Postscript font), ATM has no effect on printed output.

16. Smooth Font Edges on Screen can be turned on and off with ATM 4.0 (only affects Postscript bitmapped fonts that also have corresponding Postscript printer fonts, though: not TrueType fonts).

17. Remember to restart when making some fonts active (Postscript printer fonts).

18. Disable smoothing of screen font sizes affects only those fonts that are bitmapped with a corresponding Postscript font and are in Outline form in the font menu.

19. If you look at the size menu for a font, you can usually determine If it is a bitmapped or TrueType font. A bitmapped font has only installed sizes are outlined (the rest appear like regular text). A TrueType font should have all the sizes shown in outlined form.

20. ATM DELUXE 4.0 will allow you to scan for damaged fonts, and created your own font sets (costs around $70) and create Multiple master fonts. ATM regular does not appear to do anything with regular TrueType fonts. According to the ATM 4.0 read me, it only smoothes Postscript Type 1 fonts.

21. With ATM, as long as you have the relevant printer font files, text output to a non Post Script printer looks about the same as the output from a Postscript printer of the same resolution. (S.M., 3rd edition, 343).


Automator (10.4)

1. To make an audio file of some text, make a  TextEdit document with the text and leave it open, then open Automator, drag the TextEdit shortcut ÒGet Contents of TextEdit DocumentÓ to Automator workflow window, then ÒText to Audio FileÓ below it, then run; it will make an audio file on any text in iTunes.



1. LCII, G3 use 3.6 V Lithium Batteries.

2. LC 575, 5400/180 and 5400/200 use 4.5V Alkaline batteries.

3. For a computer that requires a 4.5 V Alkaline battery, you can replace those batteries with 3 ÒAAÓ or ÒAAAÓ alkaline batteries, if they are in some type of holder. You must solder the wires or use a solderless connector. Also, when Dennis did it, he used ÒAAÓ alkaline batteries.

4. Can test the battery in a machine with a regular voltmeter.

5. I went to to order a battery for BillÕs iMac, but there are two types of 3.6-volt batteries. There is a3.6 Volt Lithium battery (TDC00405) and a 3.6-Volt battery with 4-pin connector (TDC01218). I e-mailed TDCurran as to what the difference is. I did not receive a reply from them, but the TDC00405 battery we have ordered before and I am certain that they work.

6. The Read Me for Polar OrbitÕs SoftwareÕs PRAM battery checker said that batteries may average lasting only 2 years, but can die much sooner. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 324 also believes that 2 years is the average life for a battery.

            A. PRAM Battery Checker is free for personal use. It is a FAT application. It checks the battery at startup (it puts itself into the Startup Items Folder), but you will not hear from the program unless there is a suspected problem.


Big Brother (Shareware, $10). I found it at, which allowed me to download version 1.3b2 from Tucows).

1. After scanning bookmarks, save as html. It is much easier, then you can click on links, because Big Brother opens its findings in an IE 5 window (Hold down command and then you can click on links).

            A. You can click on the next page in the bottom of the IE 5 window after you open the first Big Brother bookmarks file.

2. Do not sort by name after scanning unless you have saved first. If you sort by clicking on the word ÒnameÓ, the bookmarks are all in ABC order and it would be difficult to know which folder some items are in.

            A. When you save a Big Brother file, it may take up several files on the desktop, but that is fine. That way, bookmarks are saved somewhat relative to their folder in IE 5.

4. Documentation says that is requires Internet Config 1.1, but it does not appear to work with Internet Config 2.0.2 (Big Brother is older than Internet Config 2.0.2, and may be incompatible). Problem is not serious however; just some features may be inoperative.

            A. You can not access Big Brother help, Register Online.

5. When ÒResolving the host name failedÓ come up, the bookmark is usually no longer valid and there is no forwarding address. ÒThe server reports an internal error while trying to serve our request.Ó The page may still be present, just temporary trouble with server. ÒThe document still exists, but the server refuses to deliver itÓ. Bookmark is usually fine. ÒThe Remote document does not existÓ; bookmark is sometimes valid, sometimes not. ÒThe Server closed the connection without answering;Ó the bookmark is usually fine. ÒThe document has moved temporarily.Ó Bookmark needs to be changed, because it is in a new place now. Establishing the connection failed. The domain name does not exist. Bookmark is usually fine. Establishing the connection failed.Ó Had a dead bookmark. ÒResolving the host name failed.Ó Had a dead bookmark.

6. This program seems to be okay, but several pages that Òdo not existÓ did actually exist. They just took longer than 90 seconds using Big Brother did, but when I loaded them, they took less time.

            A. You can go to edit, settings and change to display failures only, to help speed things up.

7. E-mail address of author is or

8. Big Brother ignores FTP links.

9. The more memory allocated to Big Brother, the faster it works.

10. I updated IE 5 bookmarks in 7/01.

            A. I had about 2,000 bookmarks. 50 or so were old and out of date. 80 more or so were moved to new places on the Internet.

11. You can drop files onto Big Brother instead of using File, Open.

            A. You can also drag individual files from Netscape on top of Big Brother.

12. You can turn recursion on or off. If on, then links to links to links will be checked (can take a long time).



1. Is freeware, will work on LC and LC 550. It wonÕt work on a Plus or SE. System 7.0 required.

2. Should put an alias of the application in startup items, so that it is always running.

3. Will work with At Ease, but you must set it to ÒBring Finder to front at startupÓ. Otherwise, your computer goes to Blackwatch and does not return to At Ease.

            A. However, later I discovered that if Blackwatch is active and you click on the Blackwatch icon in At Ease, then you must quit Blackwatch to get back to the At Ease screen. If Blackwatch is not active and you click on the Blackwatch icon in At Ease, you do go back to At Ease. Of course, the problem is that this situation only occurs if Blackwatch is not active, before launching Blackwatch.

            B. I decided to not use At Ease on the LCÕs and just have the Launcher show up at startup on two of the LCÕs (that have 7.5.x) and put an alias of Student Games in the Startup Items on the LC with System 7.1. We will just use the Finder from now on without At Ease. Hopefully, this should avoid the problem.

4. If the mouse is left in one corner for a second, it may go to sleep. If the mouse is left in another corner, it will not go to sleep at all.

5. ÒDismiss alerts automaticallyÓ will get rid of error message boxes automatically.

6. Will work on G3 with System 8.1.


Brother 2300/2310 Labelmaker (Brother number is 877-478-6824 for Customer Service, 901-379-1210 for Fax and 800-521-2846 for Faxback). You can check for software downloads. U60043-E2J085340 is the serial number.

1. UserÕs Guide inside cover says that the PT-2300 and the PT-2310 are equipped with the same functions; however, the PT-2310 includes a carrying case and additional tape.

2. UserÕs Guide page 2 says that you should use only Brother TZ tapes with this machine.

3. UserÕs Guide page 3 says, ÒWhen the AC adapter is connected, unplugging the adapter from the electrical outlet before unplugging it from the machine can delete all text files in the memory, even if batteries are installed.

4. UserÕs Guide page 3 says that only a model AD-60 AC adapter should be used.

5. UserÕs Guide page 3 says that you should ÒBe sure to insert new batteries within five minutes of removing the old ones, otherwise the text shown in the display and any text files stored in the memory will be lost (unless the machine is plugged into an AC outlet with the AC adapter).

6. UserÕs Guide page 5 says that you should make sure that Òthe end of the tape feeds under the tape guides.

7. UserÕs Guide page 7 suggests that when connecting the P-Touch to a computer, that you ÒDo not connect the PT-2300/2310 to the computer before installing the P-touch Editor software, otherwise it may not be installed correctly. Be sure not to connect the PT-2300/2310 until you are instructed to do so.

8. UserÕs Guide page 7 says that the IBM, PC or compatible requirements are Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows 98/98SE/Me.

            A. UserÕs Guide page 14 says that the minimum Macintosh requirements are Mac OS 8.6 or later, but the PT Editor software version 3.1 is compatible with Mac OS X or later only. I will check at for software downloads.

9. UserÕs Guide page 14 says "If the software is installed on a Mac with an operating system in a different language, the software may not run properly".

10. UserÕs Guide page 15 (in the picture) says, "P-Touch Editor is an application that gives you a variety of designing possibilities for creating labels and stamps."

11. UserÕs Guide page 15 says that "In order to print from the PT-2300/PT-2310, "PT-2300/2310 Driver" must be selected for installation."

12. UserÕs Guide page 18 explains that bar codes can be printed using the Brother Labelmaker.

13. UserÕs Guide page 18 explains about using a database in conjunction with the Brother Labelmaker.

14. UserÕs Guide page 19 shows that the Labelmaker can be used to print on fabric tape.

15. UserÕs Guide page 20 explains that "If a section of the print head is covered with dust, a blank horizontal streak may appear through the label text".

16. UserÕs Guide page 20 shows how to clean the print head and rollers (can use rubbing alcohol).

17. UserÕs Guide page 20 explains that the print head can be cleaned more easily if the optional print head cleaning cassette (TZ-CL4) is used.

18. UserÕs Guide page 21 states that "If batteries have been installed or the machine has been plugged in using the optional AC adapter, the previous session's information is displayed when the machine is turned on. This feature allows you to stop work on a label, turn off the machine, and return to it later without having to re-enter the text". Page 21 also states that "The machine will automatically turn off if no key is pressed within 5 minutes (30 minutes if the machine is connected to a computer).

19. UserÕs Guide page 21 explains that to move the cursor several characters to the left, then press and hold down the left arrow key. To move to the beginning of the current line, hold down Code and press the left arrow key.

20. UserÕs Guide page 22-24 explains how to use the Code, Alt and Shift Keys.

21. UserÕs Guide page 25 says, "The text can only contain a maximum of six lines. If you press the return key (two part arrow key) when six text lines already exist, the error message "6 LINE LIMIT!" will appear.

22. UserÕs Guide page 27 explains how to set the tab length and how to add tabs.

23. UserÕs Guide page 29 shows how to delete a line of text (called the "Line Out" function).

24. UserÕs Guide page 30 and 31 shows how to clear text, formats or just the text.

25. UserÕs Guide page 34 shows a table with the symbols can be printed using the Labelmaker.

26. UserÕs Guide page 39 shows the font function (which changes fonts). There are 4 fonts, which can be used with the Labelmaker.

27. UserÕs Guide page 40 shows the Font and width table.

            A. UserÕs Guide page 41 explains that if the AUTO setting is selected for Size and Width, and you have 3/4Ó or 1Ó tape installed, and all CAPS all typed into the display (and no accented characters), characters will printed with a character size of 52 points. If 1/2Ó tape is installed, then characters will be printed with a character size of 29 points.

28. UserÕs Guide page 45 shows how to use the "Frame Function", which allows you to put a frame around your text.

29. UserÕs Guide page 46 talks about using the Tape Margin Function. I may want to try this.

30. UserÕs Guide page 51 explains how to use the Auto-cut function, which allows you to cut off a label automatically after printing.

31. UserÕs Guide page 52 explains that the Feed and Cut function is used to feed out 1" of tape and automatically cut it off.

32. UserÕs Guide page 56 says, "You can use the memory to store your most frequently used text files. When each file is stored, it is given a number to make recalling it easier". Up to 10 text files or as much as 300 characters can be stored in the memory (A single text file can have a maximum of 99 characters).

33. UserÕs Guide page 68 says that when using the Brother Faxback system, "You can use the system to send the information to any fax machine, not just the one you are calling from".

34. MJLU3VB38TWA8LPT8P0A0U45B0 is my order number for the Cleaner.

35. My e-mail and password for are and Old At Ease.

36. Perhaps I can use Labelmaker with iMac or DEC.

37. To print more than one copy, I think you hold down Code, press Repeat and select number of copies.

38. The Labelmaker came with 1/2Ó tape, which worked fine (default font size was 24). When I changed tapes to a 3/4Ó tape that I purchased, the font size was bigger, so I changed it to 24.

39. No mention is made of the operating or storage temperature for the Labelmaker in the ownerÕs manual.

40. I bought a ÒclearÓ 1/2Ó tape, which does not look as good as white, in my opinion. However, the clear tape may be useful for labeling chairs. It is also important to make sure that I get blank ink on a white tape, so that my classroom (and other places) will be uniform.

            A. Wal*Mart had 1/2Ó white tape with black ink, but in 9/03, they were out of stock. Target does not carry Brother tape.

41. I ordered 3 extra peel sticks (item #LA4896001) on 8/12/02. I later received a letter from brother saying that there was a 4-6 week back order. On the letter, though, it mentioned that I only ordered one. I e-mailed them to request that I receive three of them. I double-checked my original order and I did only order one of them. They replied and said I would have to do a new order, I decided not to for now (8/02).

            A. I decided later (8/24/02) to do another order, since I broke the one peel stick that I have. I ordered 5 more peel sticks.

42. On one occasion (in 10/02), the printing kept coming out pretty small, even when there was only one line of text. I kept choosing Auto sizing, but the print was too small.

            A. I discovered that the problem was that I had Òtwo lines of textÓ typed into the Labelmaker (even though the second line was blank).

            B. To solve this problem, go to line 2 by using the down arrow key, then press clear. Under normal circumstances (where there is only one line), the down arrow should not down to the next line.

43. Use 1/2" tape for telephone wires or cable, when labeling. It appears to stay okay. You should cut 1/2" label horizontally and vertically to fit the cable better; also printing in font size 9 is a good idea to help the printing fit on the cable or wire.

44. I could not install any software from brotherÕs web site, but after repairing OS 9 permissions and the HD permissions with Disk Utility, I was able to (I kept getting messages about how I did not have permission). I downloaded and used P-Touch Editor 3.1.6 for Classic and P-Touch Quick Editor version 1.2.7 for OS X. Both versions allowed me to print on my P-Touch 2300/2310. However, version 3.2.c of P-Touch Editor for OS X does not print: the label prints out from the P-Touch printer, but there is no printing on it (and the printer is not out of ink). I e-mailed Brother about this on 9/8/2007: they replied and said that I need to set the preset to Standard in the print dialog box; and this solved the problem (they also suggested reinstalling the software which I had to do first, since I had trashed the 3.2.c of the software. The detailed instructions are in the Computer file). Also, I kept getting a message about the printer (2300/2310) being off or not connected to the Mac, but I think that the solution is to connect the USB connection and then turn the BrotherÕs power on (or connect the cable and turn the power off and then back on). Go to Page Setup, change to ½Ó to get it to print on the P-Touch 2300/2310. 2300 cannot be detected by the P-Touch Editor software unless the 2300 is actually attached with the iMac Duo (also, the page setup choice is not saved with the P-Touch software 3.2 on the iMac Duo. If you have a different media size, then you get a dialog box. If the size is the same, the printing will just occur). To add your own image: Go to Object/image. I could not get Mega Icon Picture icons to work, until I opened them in GC and saved them as jpg. On one occasion, I printed to the 2300 after connecting it, but it would not print. But printing again worked. To get text to center on a label, go to Format, text, center (also the text needs to be center within its text box, you may need to use space bar, etc.). When you print with the 2300, no prining occurs on the first time you print, but after that, it is fine (even if you go to Page Setup and Printer Setup with the software).

45. Turlock Costco has TZ Bother 1/2" tape (TZ2314), 4 for $38, 26 ft. long. It is compatible with all P-Touch labelers that use TZ tape, according to*&lang=en-US, even though Brother does not mention that particular tape on its website or in its literature.


Browse it
1. Must have PICT files that have not been changed with Snitch in any way.

2. Files must be in the same folder as Browse it?

3. Freezes every time when scrolling thru pictures.

4. Increasing memory allocation and reinstalling did not help.

5. Files that had been changed to desktop pictures could not be opened with Browse it! since they were changed to JPEG format, even after converting the pictures back to PICT (still compressed pictures).

            A. The solution, take My Desktop Pictures (that were compressed and saved as JPEG), open with GC, save as PICT.

            B. Can use the Convert More Function with GC (and leave off the PICT suffix, If preferred).

6. Browse it will automatically repeat the pictures on an endless loop.

7. On the 5400, could show the slideshow, but not modify it. (One picture shows up in window and then the program freezes). Tried copying Browse it into folder first, then pictures and vice versa, I had no luck Trashed App and reinstalled, I had no luck. Copied Browse it and pictures from G3, which did not work. Rebuilding desktop on 5400 did not work. Increased memory allocation to 42000 K and still I had no luck. Tried with extensions off and I had no luck.

            A. Browse it will show the pictures in ABC order, unless they are arranged. If you put a new picture in the same folder, you must put a new version of Browse it in the folder If you want to show in ABC order. A new version that has not previously been with other files (like from a CD).

            B. It works better with smaller pictures (I was using 1.5 MB files, some other files were only 77 K). Even converting to thousands of colors did not help (files were still way too big).

8. I called technical support (515) 225-8001 and they suggested running the program with extensions off, I had no luck. They agreed that the files may be too large. I do have the latest version 2.0.1 as of 8/20/98.



1. It comes with iMacs.

2. Has 10 levels. Mouse performs two functions: in the form of a bug, the mouse button causes the player to kick. In the form of a ball, the mouse button does a turbo boost to accelerate you quickly.

3. Will not run on either G3. It says it could not be opened because ÒDrawSprocketLibÓ could not be found.

4. InputSprocket Extension is needed to run Bugdom on the iMacs. Otherwise, an error appears.

5. After copying InputSprocket Extension and DrawSprocketLib to G3/233, got a Òlicensing errorÓ on the G3 (Bugdom not licensed to G3).

6. Bugdom will not run on Blueberry iMac (you get an OEM error. Software is not licensed to run on this machine). You can buy Bugdom from for about $10, as of 11/03.

7. If you press the tilde key (on the Bondi Blue iMac) and F1, F2, F3, etc., you can skip levels, skip to the end of the game, etc.


Burn (

1. Eradicates files so that it can not be recovered with Norton Utilities.

2. Also, the program will not work with a disk that is locked.

3. The new version of Burn would not allow drag and drop, I sent an e-mail to the designer of the program, he said to reload the program from Ò,Ó then rebuild the desktop. I did this, but it did not work. May try rebuilding the desktop with Techtool and extensions off.

4. After using Burn to Erase free space, I tried to recover a file that had previously been trashed, the file name did show up with Unerase, but when trying to open the file after recovery, error type -50 came up.

5. If you ÒburnÓ an alias, the original (not the alias) is burned, although this does not appear to be true ALL of the time.

6. Burn version 2.4 requires system 7. If an earlier version is needed may contact the author of the program.

7. You can use Find File to find locked files when trying to ÒburnÓ them. So that you donÕt have to keep stopping in the middle of burning.

8. After initialization of the HD. I made a couple CDs, which used up about half of the total HD space. Then I decided to Burn (version 2.5) the Toast CD information after I was done.

            A. When I restarted the computer, I checked to see if Burn necessitated the use of NDD or NSD. However, NDD found only minor errors, which it fixed and NSD found light defragmentation, which it fixed. These small errors could have been due to copying much of the original information back onto the HD, though.

9. You can have more than one Burn application running at one time.

10. When burning a large file (i.e. temporary Toast partition), increasing the memory allocation of Burn from 600 K to 3000 K did not make a difference.

11. Version 2.4 and 2.5 need Classic OS 9 to run (do not run in OS X 10.1.3. computer switches to classic when starting either version of Burn). As of July 2005, 2.5 is still the latest version.

A. You may need to boot into Classic, then install 2.4 of Burn for it to work. Otherwise, Drag and drop may not work with Burn 2.4.

12. If you are unable to Burn something in OS X, you may want to quit the last application that was used in connection with the file, i.e. Mail if sending an attachment.

            A. On one occasion, I could not Burn a file that I got from the G3/266 thru File Sharing, I got a locked error message. I quit Mail and was able to burn the file, strangely enough.

            B. Some .sit files, could not be deleted with Burn (Locked error). However, I changed permissions to Read and Write with OS X FInder. Then could delete with Burn.


Cache Killer Pro II

1. Costs $14. (Version 1.0 is only $4, but I figured why not get the latest version, may have less bugs).

2. When you first launch it, you can ÒsearchÓ for cache folders; it will do so automatically. It found my AOL, Explorer and Netscape Communicator cache folders.

3. On next launch, it automatically deletes the cache folder contents. You could put it into startup items to run each time computer starts up.

4. Website is Can e-mail them at is for software information.

5. According to Cache Killer Read Me, deleting cache files will help improve overall system performance, since there are usually many cache files for the Finder to track. Also, clearing the disk cache will improve the stability of the browser.

6. To view the preferences, immediately press Shift after launching the application. (It will work if Cache Killer is already open). Then go to the Edit menu.

7. You can have Cache Killer launch and always delete or only delete if some many days have passed. I will leave it on always delete and put an alias of it into startup items.

8. To see the file work slower, hold down option as the program is loading.

9. If you hold down the ÒLÓ key after launching, you can see the activity log. (Will not work if Cache Killer is already open). Also, the log is cleared once it reaches 20 K in size.



1. JVC is good, but Sony (especially in terms of technical support) and Canon are better. Sony also has a better lens.

            A. SonyÕs and CanonÕs also tended to cost about $300 to $400 more than the JVC.

2. Lanc, J-terminal and Spline interpolation have to do with making editing easier.

3. DV Connectors, IEEE1394 all have to do with editing. However, Firewire is the same thing.

4. You can use the A/V inputs on a Mac, but the signal is then transferred to analog. However, if you get a digital encoder ($299), the signal can stay digital.

            A. Although one would imagine that a digital video recording could be played and be much clearer than an analog recording. Also, when transferred to a videotape, it would probably be clearer.

5. If a digital camcorder does the wide screen effect, it can also do the regular way. Wide screen is an add on effect.

6. Matt seems to think that if you record from a digital camcorder to a VHS tape, the recording would be the same as from an analog camcorder.

7. A digital camcorder can produce video at 720 X 480 pixels at 30 frames per second.

8. Most camcorders use a single charge coupled device (CCD) to capture an image.

9. 700 Zoom, Sony, GM paid $1200 a few years ago (as of 2002).

10. Tidbits from Feb. 4, 2002 mentions that any decent camcorder will have a port into which you can plug a microphone. In case that a particular camcorder records the motor in a quiet situation.

11. Tidbits #616 mentions that to check how a recordingÕs sound is coming out, plug headphones into your camcorder as youÕre recording, as long as you hear what the cameraÕs microphone hears.

12. Our new camcorder (Sony DCR-TRV320, Digital 8 camcorder) uses cassettes with tape, but it still digital (Mini-DV tapes use cassettes with tape also, and they are digital).


Can Opener

With Can Opener set up like Mac Secrets suggests in 4th edition p. 750-751, you can have it open many text documents that may be of unknown format (quicker than the other stuff).


CTAP (and CTAP Software) (CTAP e-mail is

1. CD-ROM Only means you get the actual CD, not the legal right to install it on a computer.

            A. Doc Kit only is the set of documentation that would be used with the program.

            B. Lic Only means the legal right to install the program on one computer.

            C. Upgrade Lic only is for when you have the previous version of a program.

            D. So, the price for getting Microsoft Office 98 would be $19.32 for the install CD, $32.87 for licensing, so the total would be $52.19 (as of 9/20/98).

2. A lady from CTAP finally e-mailed me on 9/16/00. She said that the CTAP website has not been updated for a long time (due to many vacant staff positions), so the information is out of date, I assume. She said to buy software at educational discounts, we could go to the website:, which I did. It does not appear to have the Microsoft Office software there at this time. Their website is now, as of 11/03.

3. John MagnesonÕs e-mail address is His fax number is 381-6774. He is the Coordinator of Media and Technology at Merced County Office of Education. I tried to e-mail him in 4/04, but my e-mail got returned on several occasions, so I faxed him at 381-6774 (Instructional Services fax number) on 4/28/04.

            A. The dates for CTAP Coordinating Council meetings for 03-04 are 9/16 (Fresno County Office of Education, Room 201, 1111 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno, 93721, 559-265-3000. Should park at Van Ness and Tulare. Karla Chandler is the secretary, her number is 559-497-3711, fax is 559-496-0877 and her e-mail is, Nov. 18th at Hanford (Kings County), Karla will send map. The other dates are

January 20, 2004 (Merced COE, Room M), March 23, 2004 (Tulare COE, Doe Ave. Aspen Room. Even though, the CTAP flyer said Doe Avenue, the address for the main TCOE is is 2637 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia, CA 93921), and May 18, 2004. Claudia Flores has taken KarlaÕs place, as of 1/04.

            B. Claudia sent me a list of the dates for the Coordinating Council meetings for the 04-05 calendar year, but I accidentally deleted it. I missed the first one on 9/21/4, and I may not go to the rest anyhow (I have not been contacted by M. about it).

4. The CTAP Keychain flash drive appears to need System 8.6. It works on the iMac in Room 58. On the G3/33, I got a message that says, Òthis disk is unreadable by this computer, would you like to initialize it?Ó After initializing, the disk was able to be mounted on the G3/233. Later, after doing a complete initialization, the USB card would not work with the CTAP keychain (the CD has no Mac drivers on it, the keychain is supposed to be loaded automatically). Nothing would mount on the desktop. I even tried using Disk Utility to format the keychain as Mac OS Standard, no luck. I think the USB card may have some software/hardware issue. The Cruzer Micro USB drive works with System 9.1 and later only (on the G3/233, it mounts with 9.1, but not 8.1).

5. Distance to MCOE from Turlock house is 25 miles.

6. is the place for CTAP squared.

            A. My ID is TobyÕs password on CrookhamÕs alarm and Old At Ease.

            B. Several teachers tried accessing the CTAP 2 (squared) survey from (this URL accesses the same survey as in number 6), but the link did not work (when you moved the cursor over the link, nothing happened). However, if you went to the state tab, then choose CTAP 2 on the right hand side, you could access the survey. I e-mailed ctap about this., click on go to CTAP (squared) web site; this takes you to the survey.

            C. KW said we need to complete a survey at (she said that we need to take the W2 first, but I did not make a difference), but the website shows that I completed both surveys already and there was not a new one, so I e-mailed KW about this on 5/21/05.

            D. It appears that we may need to do the survey every year. It is my bookmarks as CTAP Squared (CTAP Survey).


Canon BJC-2100 (Serial number for 2110 is FFw90413) 24/7 Toll Free Automated Support is 1-800-423-2366 or 24/7 Fax Back is 800-263-1121. 1-800-828-4040 or 1-757-413-2848 is for products still under warranty, Monday thru Friday, 5 A.M. - 7 P.M., Pacific: Saturday, 9 A.M. - 3 P.M., Pacific). I got my BJC-2100 12/19/2000. You can use to contact Technical Support. You may receive an automated reply. If the automated reply does not answer your question, you should click the link at the end of the automated reply.

1. These printers were ordered in the Summer of 2000.         

            A. I saw a couple rebates on this printer, but they had to be purchased at Circuit City or Office Max (we had already purchased them anyhow).

2. It takes the BC-20, BCI-21 color and BCI-21 black cartridges. It also can use an optional Photo BC -22e cartridge to use the printer as a scanner (works on Mac and Windows). has the BCI-21 color cartridge for $3.50 and The BCI—21 BK cartridge for $2.75. They have the printhead with Bk and color ink tanks for $39.95.

3. There is a $50 rebate on the purchase of the printers. You can do it electronically online, if you have the serial numbers for the printers and the receipt (Purchase Order).

            A. I was only able to mail in 3 of the 4 rebates, since the box for KarenÕs 2100 was gone. Someone threw it away during the summer.

            B. I did a personal rebate for the 2100 printer and I got an e-mail from Canon saying that I should get it shortly and you can check on the rebate at or customer service at (877) 863-8742.

4. If you are using 8.1 on an iMac, before using the V3.4 software, update your OS with iMac Update 1.0, which improves your USB functionality, according to the 3.4 Read Me.

            A. If your software is forced to quit while printing, may have to restart the computer to get it back to normal.

            B. If you print on plain paper with the photo ink, ink may blur on the page. To solve the problem, drag the density to the left in the color panel.

5. If the message ÒM306 (D306) Communications ErrorÓ appears continuously during printing, restart the computer.

6. Start up the computer and wait for the Finder to finish initializing before connecting the printer. A problem with the system can occur, if the printer is connected during startup.

7. You can use the SCAN BJC-2100 Mac OS Scanner Driver/Utility to scan items. However, if the image type is set to color to read a newspaper or magazine, parts that include a lot of gray may take on an overall red tinge. Change the color type to grayscale and re-read.

8. There is no power button or power light on the printer. As long as the printer is plugged in, it is on (the plug should be plugged in, in an accessible place).

9. When you open the front cover, the cartridge holder moves to the left.

            A. The serial number for the printer is located to the right of the cartridge holder.

10. To contact Canon, there are several ways: e-mail tech support at Automated 24/7-tech support is at 800-423-2366. 24/7 Fax back is at 800-526-4345. Free tech support for products still under warranty is at 757-413-2848. Tech support for products no longer under warranty is $24.99 per call (800-423-2366) or $2.50 per minute to a maximum of $25.00 is at 900-246-1200.

11. To print a test page, press the resume button twice quickly.

12. has BJC-2100Õs, as of 11/20/00.

13. If you install the software for the 2100, the 4550 will not work. The BJC-2100 installer doubly installs the BJ Backgrounder, BJ Printing Module, BJ Printmonitor and the BJ Support Module. The versions supplied with the BJC-2100 are newer and will not work with the 4550. I had to move those four extensions to the disabled folder (and restart the computer) to use the 4550 again.

14. I tried to print some rebate forms that I scanned with Color It 3.2.4. Every time I tried to print, I got an error -4210. Turning off background printing was one workaround. I then tried increasing the memory allocation of the BJ Printmonitor version 3.40. I increased the preferred size from 600 K to 4000 K. This worked.

            A. Possible future ideas include printing from Graphic Converter and calling Canon.

15. To stop the spooling of pages, press command and period.

16. One time I did get a communications error, but another program had frozen the computer.

17. The CD that I got with my 2100 says it requires 8.5, but the box said 8.1. The 2100 printer works with my G3 and System 8.1.

18. The problem with the default printing of color does not happen with the BJC-2100 and BJ Printmonitor 3.4.

19. According to the manual page 20, you should not put paper clips staples or rubbing alcohol on top of the printer, since they may cause fire or electric shock.

20. According to the manual page 21, you should not touch the metal contacts on a BJ cartridge after printing, since the metal parts may be very hot and can cause burns.

21. To clean the print heads, press and hold down the resume button for more than two seconds.

            A. Also, the print heads every time the power is plugged in or the front cover is open for more than a few seconds.

22. (Manual page 66) To maintain optimum print quality, use up a BJ Cartridge within one year of installation and ink tanks within six months of installation. (Tanks are smaller than cartridges).

23. has information on buying an IS-22 Scanner cartridge. The Cartridge costs $69, and allows you to use your printer as a Color sheet feed Scanner. It does not show that the Cartridge is compatible with Macintosh, but it may still be. I e-mailed Canon to inquire.

24. Paper should be from 17 to 28 pound. Envelopes can be number 10 or European DL sizes.

            A. You can print transparencies with the 2100, the manual suggests that you not use transparencies intended for other BJ printers, laser printers or photocopiers. Also, you should not use the BC-22 Photo BJ Cartridge with a transparency (manual page 46). Additionally, you should hold the transparency and it should slightly bow, the side that bows toward should be printed on. Additionally, remove each printed transparency after it prints to avoid smearing. Penultimately, store a sheet of plain paper on top of transparencies to avoid smearing, even after the ink has dried. Finally, you should load a piece of paper behind the transparency into the auto sheet feeder (otherwise, it may be possible that the transparency may not feed, according to page 196).

            B. You can use banner paper, up to six connected sheets of letter or A4 size paper. Be careful, however, not to let the pages hit the floor before drying.

            C. The manual page 39 lists types of paper and the maximum amount of that type that should be put into the printer at once.

            D. You should not print on postcards with photographs on the opposite side.

            E. If you print on a transparency, you should allow it 15 minutes to dry before touching (manual page 41).

            F. Non standard paper must be within the size limits of 3.94 in. X 3.94 in. minimum and 9.5 X 23.0 maximum.

            G. There is a paper thickness lever on the inside of the printer for adjustment to whatever thickness of paper you are printing on (Manual page 25). To the left is for plain paper, transparencies, etc. To the right is for envelopes (page 44 details the media types and where the lever should be).

            H. According to the manual page 45, you should clean the printer rollers after printing a pack of high-resolution paper. That will clean paper dust from the inside of the printer to reduce sheet-feeding problems. You should not reuse a cleaning sheet, according to the manual page 141.

            I. If you are using Glossy Photo Paper, do not use Loading Support Sheet that may be included.

            J. If you are printing envelopes and they will not stay flat: Try to flatten the flaps by rubbing with the tip of a pen. You can load up to 5 envelopes into the sheet feeder. Additionally, you should not allow more than five envelopes to stack up in the out tray.

25. You can make your own custom settings for page setup in the dialog box. Select under paper type, custom 1, 2 or 3 and then set it up.

            A. If you press the save button in the page setup dialog box, then it will be used as the default for the next new document.

26. In the Print Dialog box, Paper Feed includes only Auto Feeder as a selection item.

27. There are several print mode icons, one for text, one for graphics, one for photos and a manual setting with software. Not with version 1.0, though.

28. You can save scanned images as PICT files (manual page 111).

29. You can pause and resume printing of pages from the BJ Printmonitor box, do not need to use the menu at the top of the screen.

30. Client machine is a computer that is connected to the print server via an Ethernet network. It is where you can check the progress of printing.

31. Manual page 128 suggests that you wait one minute to clean the printer after unplugging it, if you have been using the printer.

32. Manual page 129 suggests looking for sprayed ink, paper dust or scraps of paper around the platen (are on the inside of the printer. You see once the printer door is open, it is the bottom part.

33. Manual page 149 says that a clogged or worn nozzle may cause printing problems (i.e. colors not being clear). Print a Nozzle Check pattern and check the printed problems.

34. (Page 164), after you remove the orange protective cap and tape, do not attempt to re-attach them. This can cause air bubbles or trap dirt or dust and clog the ink nozzles.

35. (Page 166), if pages come from the printer curled or wavy, it may be that the paper is too thin. You may need to use high resolution or glossy paper. Additionally (page 167), if you print on small paper sizes (i.e. A5) with photographs or illustrations, there may be a problem. Bigger paper may work better. Alternatively, you can move the Intensity setting (also called print density) to a lower level. (Page 171 explains that you set the intensity bar by clicking the detail button in the print dialog box, then using the ÒcolorÓ panel).

36. (Page 168) if the back of a page is stained after printing, check to see if the printer is dirty or check to see if the previous page that came out of the printer was not still damp.

37. (Page 169) If the images are not sharp or the ink has spread and run together, may want to set print quality to fine. The fine setting should reduce the tendency of ink to spread.

38. (Page 176) if the last part of a print job is not printing, check to see if the right paper size is selected, then check to make sure computer and printer are securely connected.

39. (Page 178) The BJC-2100 is a Quickdraw printer and is not a PostScript printer. If you use an application that supports only Postscript, characters may print with unnatural notches. Some Postscript application programs have a setting that allows you to use ATM fonts or TrueType fonts to fix this problem.

40. (Page 180), you can change the density of each color (cyan, magenta, yellow and black). For example, you can lower the magenta setting when the reds are too dark or raise the cyan when the blues are too light. (You can access the setting in the print dialog box, click Òdetails,Ó then the color tab).

41. (Page 181) The Photo setting in the print dialog box is best for natural images (sky, skin tone), graphic is for emphasizing primary colors and spot color emphasizes basic colors.

42. (Page 185) if you are printing a very large file or one with a lot of graphics, you may need to wait a few minutes for the printing to begin. Also, if a print job does not start after being executed from the computer, the computer and printer may not be securely connected.

43. (Page 188) If the printer halts before a job is complete, it is possible that the printer may overheat during a long print job. You should wait 15 minutes before attempting to print again.

44. (Page 190) If the cartridge holder does not move to the center after you open the printer door: The printer may not be plugged in or the print head is too hot and will not move for 15 minutes to protect the print head.

45. (Page 191) If the cartridge holder does not return to the home position after you close the front cover, then the cartridge may not be properly installed (disconnect power cord, reconnect the power cord and reinstall the BJ cartridge).

46. (Page 198) If envelopes do not feed properly or are askew, then too many envelopes may be loaded into the sheet feeder.

47. Page 213 of the manual lists three numbered errors (202, 203 and 300) and what they mean.

48. (Page 220) explains that if background printing does not work, it may be that there is not enough space available on the hard disk.

49. Page 229 explains that a USB cable should be no longer than 16.4 feet.

50. Page 230 explains that the operating environment is 41 degrees to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Storage temperature is 32 degrees to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. It weighs 5.3 pounds.

51. According to page 233, the BC-20 cartridge should last 900 pages at 5% coverage. The BC-21e Color BJ cartridge should last 130 sheets at 7.5% cartridge.

52. Pages 235 - 241 shows the printing areas of the different letter sizes.

53. The BJC 2100 did not work with KGÕs computer in the office. However, I did a test page with it and it printed fine. Also, the printer printed fine with the iMac in Room 23 (maybe the parallel port has a problem).

54. According to the userÕs manual page 230, the printer uses 2 Watts when in standby mode and 18 Watts while printing.

55. KW was having trouble printing on her iMac in room 5. After ÒchoosingÓ the BJC-2100 in the left-hand side of the Chooser, the icon would not show up on the right hand side.

            A. I checked the connections, then I trashed all the Canon extensions, printing preferences and Canon-related Colorsync profiles.

            B. I restarted with the extensions off and installed 2100 software from the copy of the CD in the utilities folder (I did get an error message that said something about Color Sync not being present). Then I restarted the computer and re-installed all of the 2100 software with extensions on (I tried to do a custom install of the Color Sync software, but there was not a specific option for just Color Sync). (Perhaps the Colorsync software is installed, even when extensions are off, although I do not think so, I may check it out later). Then I chose BJ Standard as the output in the Color Sync Profiles control panel. I also had to move the Color Sync profiles into the Color Sync Profiles folder inside of the Preferences folder (it was in root level of System Folder, I believe).

            C. Anyhow, the BJC-2100 worked fine, then. The printer worked, it showed up in the right hand side after ÒchoosingÓ the BJC2100 in the left-hand side.

            D. The next day, however, it was not working again. The icon did not appear in the right hand side after choosing BJC 2100 in the left-hand side of the chooser. I went down there and disconnected the USB cable from the keyboard port and hooked it directly to the USB port on the side of the iMac. The Chooser was working properly again (the icon showed up on the right hand side of the Chooser after selecting the BJC2100 icon on the left-hand side of the Chooser). It may be that the keyboard port does not supply enough power for the cable.

            E. I had Chooser problem with 2100 in 9.2.2 (the USB port did not show up on the right side). After several restarts of G3/233 and disconnecting/connecting 2100, it was fine.

55. BJC-2110 printer uses the same drivers for Macintosh, that the BJC2100 does (version 3.42), according to Canon on 12/10/01.

            A. Version 3.42 was posted on July 13, 2001, according to

56. The BJC-2100 did not work, when connected to the keyboard on the new iMac keyboard that is attached to the Red iMac in the lab. After connecting the USB cable directly to the iMac, it printed.

57. On one occasion, after disabling the Appletalk control panel (I think), the Appletalk setting required turning back to ÒoffÓ with the Chooser.

58. There were at least two BJC-2100s that did not have color cartridges in the box (they were opened). DY took one, I am pretty sure. I talked to Marilyn about it and she said that she thought DY took the printer, not just the cartridge. I thought so too. Anyhow, I put a note in his box asking about this on 5/22/02. I donÕt expect a reply; I just wanted to let him know that I know. Marilyn said we would not order any more color cartridges.

59. Rebecca mentioned that a BJC-2100 and a BJC-2110 did not work. I verified this by trying to print a test page with them. Neither one did. But, the BJC-2110 from my room did print a test page fine. Rebecca called the next day and said another BJC-2110 was dead. I checked it out and discovered that the problem was the cartridge. When I put my working BC-20 cartridge into the  Ònon-workingÓ BJC-2110, the printer worked. When I put the problem cartridge into my working BJC-2110 in my room, the printer did not work. Then I tested all four printers, and all four printers worked with the good BC-20 cartridge. All four of them did not work with the non-working BC-20 cartridge. Reseating the non-working cartridge did not make a difference.

60. I kept getting error messages when printing with the BC-20 installed, since the default printer cartridge setting was for Color using Window 2000. I tried to change the defaults or set up my own settings, but it did not appear to be possible. I e-mailed Canon from, but the automated reply I received did not answer my question, so I ÒescalatedÓ the question to technical support on 8/19/02.

            A. replied and said to 1. Click Start, Settings, then Printers, 2. Right-click the icon for your printer, 3. Click Printing Preferences, 4. Here, you should see BJ Cartridge. Select Black, 5. Click Apply or OK to lock the change and to Please reply for further assistance, if necessary.

            B. I did try these things and now the printer defaults to black (as of 8/21/02).

61. I called Canon pre-sales at 800-652-2666. They can apparently also be reached at 800-828-4040. I asked about the possibility of buying 20 or 25 BJC-2100 printers. They gave me the name of a local company in Modesto (Network Computers, Inc., 800-599-1801) that might have some Òresidual 2100s,Ó but they had gone out of business. Canon said that the 2100s had been discontinued around Summer of 2001 and getting 20 or 25 would probably not be possible.

            A. I also asked about the possibility of buying some Canon printers, which would use the BC-20 cartridges. Canon said that the 2100s were the last to use those cartridges.

62. Every once in a while, the printer appears to "power down" or make some noises on its own (like it may be resetting the print cartridge?), when nobody is using the computer. I e-mailed Canon about this and they said, ÒThe BJC-2100 printer has a hard-wired program (not software) stored on a non-programmable memory chip. The noise and movement that you hear is the printer following the commands from this hard-wired program. Other reasons that the BJC-2100 will appear to be active is that the hard-wired program periodically runs diagnostics on the printer components and purges the printhead ink nozzles.Ó

63. When printing using draft mode on the DEC, the printouts are far too light to be legible.

64. To install the printer driver for the BJC-2100, extensions should be on.

65. On 3/22/03, I could not get the printer to work. I tried opening the front cover and the cartridge would not move to the center. I tried another BC-20, but I had no luck. Then I later unplugged the printer from the outlet instead of from the back of the printer. I waited a few hours (overnight), and in the morning, the printer printed using a BC-21 cartridge. I tried putting one of the BC-20s back into the printer and it printed fine. However, after putting the other BC-20 into the printer, the same problem returned. The cartridge would not return to the center when opening the front cover. I took that cartridge out, unplugged the printer from the outlet for a few seconds, put the other BC-20 into the printer and threw the other cartridge away. The printer now works okay. However, after using one of the cartridges to print with CO, some of the lines between dates were missing. I tried soaking the cartridge in warm water for 30 minutes, I had no luck. I tried cleaning the print heads with the software and also the rollers. I had no luck. I used rubbing alcohol to clean the cartridge. I had no luck. I will try soaking in warm water for an hour and see what happens. The line problem still occurred, but at least the cartridge still prints, so I will continue to use it for now. I later tried a new BC-20 cartridge and it printed fine, so I tried to take the problematic Canon cartridge back to Wal*Mart on 4/6/03. However, Christina in Customer Service said that Wal*Mart cannot exchange an opened cartridge without a receipt. I was able to exchange the BC-20 cartridge at Staples on 4/7/03 (even though I did not have a receipt), but it was not totally easy. They usually would like the box to have a UPC code, so that they can be sure that the cartridge is from Staples. The employee let it slide, though. Mom said that UPC codes are usually not traceable, unless the store puts its own tracking number over the UPC.

66. On 5/4/03, I could not get the 2100 to show up in the Chooser on the right side (after selecting the 2100 on the left side).

            A. I tried checking some of the cables. I had no luck. I did a printer self-test and it printed fine. I then tried a different USB cable and the 2100 showed up in the right hand side of the Chooser after being selected, and the printer printed.

            B. I then re-connected the connection for the USB hub and the power plug for the USB hub. The printer then showed up in the right hand side of the Chooser after being selected on the left-hand side. The printer also printed fine.

67. On one occasion, I could not get a color cartridge to move into the home position after putting it in the printer. However, a BC-20 would work fine.  Then, later, the color cartridge would move into the home position.

68. The printer was having trouble on 6/19/03. It would not print. However, I later realized that I only had 2 MB of space on my 4 GB HD on the G3/233. After clearing some space and restarting, the 2100 would print.

69. On one occasion, I could not get the 2100 to print (got a BJ Printmonitor Error number M203, System Error 2. Job canceled). It would print a test page, but nothing from the G3/233.

            A. Restarting did not work, I checked all the other USB devices (which were working), re-installed the software, used 8.1 instead of 9.1, not luck. However, upon restart, after using 8.1 for one restart, and then restarting again with 9.1, the 2100 would print again.

            B. Two days later (maybe coincidental), I get not could a BC-20 to print, nor the extra BC-20. The BCI-21 would print. I think I had the problem where putting one of the cartridges into the printer caused the printer to appear to be Òdead.Ó I finally figured out the solution: take out the cartridge, unplug the printer for fifteen seconds, plug it back in, put the BCI-21 cartridge in the printer. Then I was able to print with the BC-20 again (I did not test the other one, because both were not working, and I figured that both will now work). And since it ainÕt broke, donÕt fix it.

            C. The next day, though, there was trouble again. The printer would not print, neither would a test print page. I tried to access the power supply in the back, but was unable to. Finally, I cleaned the interior of the printer, where the cartridge goes, the ribbon (that contains the electrical connections, I believe), and then unplugged the printer. I took the cartridge out, plugged the printer in, and it finally worked. I do not know how long it will work, but we shall see.

70. On one occasion, I tried to print from blank (page 1) to page 5 in the print dialog box. The web page only had 3 pages, so three pages printed only (naturally).

71. I was having difficulty getting the 2100 to print with the G3/233. After running DFA, NDD, NSD, and rebuilding with TT, but I still had problems. I tried zapping with TT Lite 3.0.4, but freezing occurred. I then used TT 1.2.1 to zap, and KB. Still had trouble. I trashed all documents in queue, unplugged the printer for fifteen seconds, and reconnected USB cable. Printer worked.

            A. Later, I could not get it to print again. Unplugging the printer and the USB cable for several hours did not work. I restarted the G3 and unplugging the power and USB cables for a few seconds. The printer would then print.

            B. I reinstalled 9.2.2 on 12/20/03, so I think that will help.

72. I timed the printing of some pages; it was 3 PPM in black (printing on fast).

73. I was having trouble getting the 2100 to print with two different color cartridges. The error message indicated that a color cartridge was needed, even though one was installed. I re-installed the software, to no avail. I then restarted the computer, unplugged the USB cable and the power cable. After I reconnected the USB cable, and then the power cable, I was able to print again (I donÕt think that re-installing the software made any difference). Later, the problem returned. I tried hooking up the USB cable directly to the USB port on the back of the G3/233, instead of thru the hub. This worked (at least for now, as of 1/13/04). The next day the problem returned. A test print would print, though (but I had to disconnect/reconnect power first). I will leave the power and USB cables unplugged overnight. I also tried zapping the PRAM with TT Lite 3.0.4. No luck. Later, I could not get a test page to print by pressing the Resume button twice quickly (the manual does not mention anything about unplugging the printer). I then unplugged the printer and tried a different cartridge. Then a test page printed. I then put the original BC-20 cartridge in the printer and a test page would print, and I was able to print from the G3/233. I checked at CanonÕs website and I realized that there is a version 3.42 of the 2100 driver. I had 3.40 on the G3/233. I downloaded and installed the 3.42 driver (I had the 3.42 on Internet 4, but I used the 2100 CD to install the driver, originally). I may also try check printer USB cables, since other USB devices are working okay, or I may switch location of scanner/printer. Due to the fact that I have been having so much trouble lately with the 2100 (and more than one cartridge), it may be going bad. After installing the 3.42 driver, the 2100 was still not being recognized on the right hand side of the Chooser. I used a different USB cable, and then the 2100 was recognized, and I was able to print. The USB cable may be troublesome. The next day printer had trouble again and after disconnecting the USB cable, a test page would not print. I had to disconnect/reconnect the power three times to get the machine to Òpower up.Ó I trashed the 2100.

74. The BJC-2100 automatically worked, once the USB cable was connected in OS X.

75. When printing in Classic under OS X, the spooling screen may be somewhat blank, but printing still occurs.

76. Version 170 of the software for OS X and and version 3.42 for OS 9.2.1 will print to the 2110, even though the USB port is not built-in (CanonÕs web site says port must be built-in).

77. I could not get CW to print on the G3/233 with BJ Printmonitor; however, I could get TextEdit to print fine with Print Center in OS X. Same situation occurred later where I could print in OS X, but not OS 9.

            A. On one occasion, I could get the 2100 in OS X, but I got a hardware error when trying to print with OS 9. I chose continue instead of stop, and then the 2100 printed.

78. You can set up banner printing in the setup box on the 2100.

79. On one occasion when trying to print with Panther (10.3.4), the BJC-200 would show up on the dock, but as BJC-2100-1. It was because I had created two printers. I used Printer setup Utility (in the Utilities folder), deleted both printers, then added the BJC-2100 back. Then only BJC-2100 showed up when you moved the cursor over the printer icon that was active on the dock (when printing).

80. It does not appear that there is a way to clean the printer head with OS X, so I used OS 9 on the iLamp to do it.

81. One time, I thought I need to reinstall 2100 for OS 9. But it just starting working later on its own (next morning).

82. One color cartridge was replaced, kept getting wrong cartridge installed error. Replace just the BCI-21 Color Ink cartridge. This fixed the problem.

83. When printing with Jaguar, the number of pages printed was incorrect (it was off by about 30 pages or so when printing about 130 pages).

84. When printing page 8 of the Julius Jones article, it took 15 seconds for the 2110 to start, and 33 seconds to print the page.

85. I tried to refill a couple of BC-20 cartridges with Mister Ink Jet's kit. However, I had not used them in at least a month (maybe two). Neither cartridge was able to be refilled.

86. I was having trouble getting the 2100 to print with the blueberry iMac. I tried reconnecting the cables several times, and the connection did not always show up with the Chooser within OS 9. Finally, I disconnected the power connection, parallel cable, and the USB cable, and then waited twenty minutes (I think less time would have worked as well). Then I connected the USB connector, then the power connector. Then I was able to print again. Then I reconnected the parallel connection, but was not able to print from the DEC, initially. But after restarting the DEC, I was able to print again.

87. We received some BC-20 refilled cartridges from BCS. 2 out of 3 worked. I asked EM to ask KW about replacing the cartridge.

88. The paper did not load well with the 2100 in room 3, it would feed about one inch into it and then jam, each time, even after disconecting/reconnecting the power (and leaving the USB and parallel cables disconnected). Then I cleaned the rollers using the IBM software (opened Word, went to print, then properties, then maintenance, then cleaning. I also did roller cleaning, but I fed a regular sheet thru instead of a cleaning sheet). I also cleaned all the accessible rollers with Q-tips and rubbing alcohol. I think that the black rollers that fed to the output tray may need cleaning in the future, if the problem returns.

            A. I e-mailed Canon ( about where to get a cleaning sheet (or cleaning page). They replied and said that, " The cleaning roller sheets for the BJC-2100 printer are out of production and no longer available.  However, you can use plain white paper as a substitute."

89. I tried to trash the 2100 software on the iLamp, but was unable to, since the files were "in use." After quitting Classic, I was able to trash them.

90. When using the 2100 in room 23 with the DEC computer, I switched cartridges from black to color and vice versa and there was no dialogue box about the printer cartridge not matching the settings, and the printer printed.

91. Quill has the 902-BCI-21C Canon BCI-21C cartridges for $22.99 and the 902-BCI-21BK for $7.99 each. They have the Quill brand BCI21 black for $5.98 (Order #711786) and Quill brand BCI21 color for $16.98 (Order #711787).

92. Power cord from 2100 can work with a boombox, because there is no transformer involved. It is not DC.


Canon BJC-4550, 757-413-2848, (M-F, 5 A.M.-7 P.M., PST and Saturday, 9 A.M.-3 P.M., PST). Fax number is (714) 438-3099. Serial number is BAJ84121.

1. When I first bought the printer, I used the floppy disks to install the drivers for the printer. However, the BJC-4550 chooser extension was version 1.00, which appeared to work fine until I tried to print checks with Quicken thru the new printer. The printing appeared very small on the page (as If in font that would be maybe size 1 or something). I tried trashing Quicken, its prefs and reinstalling. Tried Zapping the PRAM and used a different printer (which printed the checks fine). Tried going to prefs inside Quicken, and even made a new file with Quicken. As it turns out, the Chooser extension, along with other components were outdated. Went to CanonÕs web site and downloaded the update. BJC-4550 Chooser extension is now version 2.0.3 and the printer prints Quicken checks fine.

            A. Later, I reinstalled Canon BJC 4550 1.0 and it worked well, in terms of collating, etc. However, then Quicken 2000 would not print checks correctly, it printed really tiny. I tried using old Quicken SE and Quicken 98, but neither one would print properly with Canon BJC 4550 1.0. After trying to use the older versions of Quicken with the 1.0 version of 4550, I re-installed the 2.0 version of 4550; Quicken printed fine (no other changes made). I actually put the BJ Backgrounder from version 2.1 with the other software for 2.0 (because I wanted to save time, and I had accidentally deleted the 2.0 Backgrounder). As of 12/10/01, Version 2.1 is still the latest version of the software for Macintosh (even though BJ-4550 Chooser extension says it is version 2.13 on my G3/233, it was still installed by the Version 2.1 installer).

2. Also, when the printer tried to print on one occasion, it was printing the Read Me for Alias Dragon. However, when it printed, it printed with a blue background, even though it was white on the screen. The new driver eliminated this problem.

3. To clean the cartridge, make sure the power button is on, hold down the select key for a few seconds until printer beeps twice or use the page setup dialog box. If no output is produced from the printer, try in order: clean the print head, clean the print head five times, replace the BJ cartridge.

4. Thru Claris and WordÕs Page setup dialog boxes, you can ÒSave settingsÓ for printing. On one occasion, the settings carried over from Word to Simpletext.

5. You may also be able to see a custom size for your pages in the page setup dialog box.

6. If using Quickdraw, then you can access Utilities from the Page Setup dialog box. With utilities, you can set the printer up to change the ink tanks or the cartridges. If using Quickdraw GX, then you s/b able to access the utilities from the printing menu in the menu bar.

7. The BJC-4550 plug in is designed for use with Photoshop.

8. The I/F setting is for how many seconds it will take the interface to automatically switch.

9. After installing the driver, go to control panels, Colorsync system profiles and choose BJ standard to help achieve efficiency with printer and colors.

10. Never use paper with staples, holes, folds, curls or rough edges.

11. Can use transparencies (CF-102) or T-shirt transfers (TR-101) with the printer. You can set the Òmedia typeÓ to T-shirt transfers or transparencies in the print dialog box.

            A. When printing transparencies, do not allow them to be stacked more than one at a time in the output tray, they need to dry 15 minutes and there s/b a piece of paper between each transparency.

12. The switch inside the printer s/b set to left for BC-20 black cartridge, middle for BC-21 cartridge and right for envelope or heavy media printing.

13. The back switch on the printer is to be set to back for envelopes or heavy media, front for plain paper. If set incorrectly, plain paper may send multiple sheets thru the feeder. Be sure to remove paper before setting the paper selection levers.

14. According to the manual, the maximum number of sheets for the output tray is 20 sheets.

15. Paper s/b dry after 2 or 3 seconds. It becomes waterproof after a few minutes.

16. Do not load paper beyond the paper limit make on the paper tray.

17. Clean the platen area (manual p. 5-3) with a cloth dampened with water.

18. If you turn off the printer (or unplug it) while it is printing, then the cartridge will not be capped and it may dry out.

19. The installer disks on Home Stuff do not work. It keeps asking for the ÒInstallerÓ disk (the first disk). ItÕs contents are there but they are not group together in a folder called Installer. Also, there kept being a message when trying to install Canon stuff on Zip disk (there is not a system folder on the zip disk, even though there was). The files are corrupted, since that message does not appear with another set of installers.

20. To share the printer with another computer: make sure software is on both computers. On server, set Appletalk on, choose modem port for printer connection (connect printer ports on both computers). Click on share, type in server name, send, close.

            On client, choose BJC-4550 (Server) in chooser; select Appletalk zone, and select print server name.

            To view status of printing jobs from the client, then open BJStatusMonitor, in the file menu, you can see Òfile server selectionÓ If you get a message that says Server not found, choose the server then.

21. Canon BJC 4450 GX will work under System 7.5.5 (can drag and drop to printer), but it is incompatible under 8.1 (so are all the other GX drivers and extensions). With the latest installer for Canon BJC 4450 (version 2.2.3), there is no option to install GX software.

22. If you hold down the option key while in the print dialog box, you can preview instead of print.

23. After enabling Appletalk and then disabling later, Canon had a problem when printing. Kept saying port is in already in use. Restarted the computer and printer, which worked. But If it had reoccurred, I would have Zapped, and then reinstalled printing software.

24. A print job with an eÓ for priority has been stopped, due to error. Reprint.

25. If you leave the default selection of color printer and use the black ink cartridge, an error message will appear that you should install the color cartridge instead. Change the choice before printing.

26. Canon Creative for Windows freezes the machine when trying to print. Even with background printing on. Not used.

27. The manual says that the output tray is designed for 20 sheets, although I have had it hold about 100 sheets or so on one occasion without any problem.

28. Should check before doing 2 sided printed, as this may be bad for a printer. (4550 does not mention it at all).

29. It seems that when the printer starts to make a rattling sound, it may be out of black ink. (Not sure yet, though).

30. On JackieÕs BJC 4550, the print savings were not being saved i.e. you choose black and then print (If you hit cancel, it will not work), color would be choice on the next printing job. (It does not matter where the level is that is inside the printer, does not affect settings one way or the other). At home, this works fine with Claris 5.0, Microsoft Word and printing desktop. Also, on FlorÕs printer, it worked fine. Probably need to reinstall the software or try older software.

            A. However, If using an application with a new printer, default is often color, not black.

            B. Reinstalled software at home made no adjustments, and the default came up color first time, but changed to black after printing once with black as the choice with CW and Printing Desktop.

            C. Should trash all BJ and Canon things on NÕs computer (including prefs) reinstall. (Could try older version or the floppy disks).

            D. After trashing all Canon and BJ stuff, reinstalled software and the black choice was the default choice after printing once with black chosen in most programs. Worked with printing the desktop and Simpletext. However, did not work with TWC and TBWC in Room 50, kept having color as default choice. Tried saving a document in TWC and TBWC, trashing prefs and reinstalling, type a word in a document and printing, using older version of Canon printer driver (1.0.6, not 2.0.3), adjusted picture options to gray, saved settings under page setup dialog box, restarting the computer, increasing memory allocation of TWC to 2000K, but I had no luck.

            E. Finally, used the ÒApplyÓ feature in print dialog box, made a default for user settings and then ÒblackÓ was default choice in all printing in all appÕs that I opened. Default on Room 50 is now black, even after printing once in color.

            F. On my G3 at home, the default choice of printing in black comes up for all appÕs except TWC and TBWC. On G3/233, If you print once in color, black will still be default choice on next print.

            G. On most programs (except TWC and TBWC) If you print in black and then choose print again later, choice will be preset to black.

            H. Import means that the selected settings will be imported to the print dialog box, AFTER clicking close (had to do this twice on one occasion).

            I. If you bring up print dialog box and want to save it as defaults, then choose Òapply,Ó click defaults and choose a name. This will be default choice in all applications (unless TWC or TBWC is open, they must be reopened, and then those settings will be default).

            J. If you have black selected as default choice and then print in color, CW 5.0 and 4.0 will save default as color for that document only (until you print it in black again). TWC and TBWC will have black as default all the time.

            K. On the G3 at home, I had to actually print once, then the ÒblackÓ would be chosen as the default, when printing the desktop.

            L. Print desktop on FlorÕs 5400 has a bug with Canon software. Does not seem to want to default to black as default setting.

            M. Had trouble getting IE to have black be default. Sometimes, I tried to close application and reopen. May even try restart next time, if I canÕt figure it out. IE 5 seems to NOT be the best program to use to set up those preferences. Use Simpletext or Clarisworks, then IE 5 can import those preferences when it prints (hopefully).

            N. With IE 5, I was having difficulty getting ÒblackÓ and Òprint in reverse orderÓ to come up as default for new pages. So I went to the print, set it up for black, print in reverse order. Then I clicked the apply button to go to the dialog box. Deleted all but the factory settings: then I clicked apply, typed ÒblackÓ, then clicked ÒimportÓ. Quit IE and OE and reopened them. This worked.

            O. I finally decided to try and use the 1.06 version of CanonÕs software at home to see if black could be saved as the default. So far, it seems to be working; I pressed ÒsaveÓ in the print dialog box, when ÒmonochromeÓ had been selected.

            P. The only problem was with MS Word, which kept saying choose a printer, even after I had gone to the chooser to choose the BJC 4550. I had to quit MS word and re-open it. Then MS Word would print.

31. With the earlier version of the BJC 4550 print driver (version 1.00), If you click ÒsaveÓ, it will save your current color/black settings in the print dialog box and then come up whenever printing is chosen (works with TWC and TBWC too). TWC and TBWC must be reopened to use your settings for better, draft, best etc. Also CW 5.0 must be reopened to import draft, better, best.

32. The best, better, draft idea does not save with version 2.0.3, must be done manually, better to use defaults for that.

33. Default of black does not work with Claris Organizer; it defaults to black for new documents only, If you import info into new file, and it will default back to color. But if you create a new file and then synchronize files with the old one, it will work. Black is now default. Of course, you must have set up Canon PrintMonitor ahead of time to make black default for all new documents (using print, apply).

33. The latest version of the driver is 2.0.3, which was placed on CanonÕs web page in March 1998. Also true as of July 20, 1999.

34. One time printer would not print, so I reinstalled the software, but the printer would not turn power on by itself upon first print. Must turn on printer manually then print. Or go to utilities, settings, and set auto power on.

35. Once, there would be an error message when trying to print using ÒColor itÓ and no errors with any other tried programs (about 4). Tried Zapping and reinstalling Color it, but I had no luck. Reinstalled Canon printer software and Color it printed fine.

36. Printmonitor is needed for BJC to use background printing (the choice is grayed otherwise). This did not appear to be true, later, though. But it was because the machine has to be restarted for changes to the Printmonitor to take effect. (It had been on and the option was not grayed, when I restarted with Printmonitor disabled, the option was back to gray).

            A. On another occasion, I had the same problem, but Printmonitor was enabled. I restarted the computer and the option for background printing was gray again.

37. Once got the check connections error. After reinstalling system software, zapping the PRAM and unplugging the power for a few minutes, I finally decided to unplug the ADB cable and then plug it back in (on both ends). Printer worked.

38. On one occasion, kept getting the Òprinter does not respondÓ message. After turning the printer off and then back on, the printer worked.

39. I had one time where the printing kept smearing when trying to print an envelope. Turns out that the margins were set too low with Clarisworks (top margin was set to .3 inches). Changed top margin to .8 inches and the envelopes printed fine. Also, the printing kept having extra space between lines in the addresses on the envelope (on the screen and on the printout), so I changed the font to Geneva, 12 and the problem was solved.

40. I kept getting system error type -4210 when trying to print some scanned forms (for School Stuff CD) with Canon Printer. Tried to switch to graphic printing from print dialog box, increasing the memory allocation of Color it (which was used to scan the pictures), closing the document that is being printed, increased memory allocation of BJ Printmonitor (using Snitch) from around 2000 K to 6000 K (although in ÒAbout this MacintoshÓ, only 4000 K was allocated? I had no luck. Closing Colorit and reopening seems to be a temporary solution. I increased Color itÕs allocation to 4000 K, and error still occurred. Later, after decreasing Color it to 2000 K, no more error messages.

            A. If error recurs, I could try turning background printing off, printing with Graphic Converter or increasing Color its allocation to 12000 or so. May increase memory of Printmonitor of finder. Or reinstall Canon software. Tried all these things, since I got the same error (-4210) when trying to print the Read Me file for Tex Edit plus. No solution worked except for reinstalling Canon Software.

            B. One workaround was to make the graphic document fit on the screen (using Color it or Graphic Converter) take a picture of the screen with keyboard shortcut (command, option, 4) and print that out. Screen Catcher will not let you print.

            C. I called Canon on 5/29/99 and they will do some research on it and let me know.

            D. I called Canon and they suggested re downloading the software from their website, installing with extensions and virus software off, select BJC-4550 in the chooser, click on setup and set transfer speed to lowest (which is the ÒstandardÓ setting on my software) setting (which could be increased later) and open color sync system profile control panel and set it to BJ Standard. I did try this along with trashing (not BURNING) all Canon stuff that was previously installed. This worked.

            E. Could later try changing the format of the document to be printed. (Tiff, perhaps).

            F. On another occasion, I got the -4210 error when trying to print a scanned document. The chooser setup was set to standard. However, after reinstalling software, problem disappeared.

41. You can pause the second document to be printed by highlighting it and hitting pause. Pause does not work on currently printing item. Must hit pause printing from the file menu.

42. When printing, you can actually drag the second to be printed file to be printed first (just drag it).

43. My BC-21e (the color cartridge holder) did not work, because the cartridges worked fine with another cartridge holder, but not with mine (took cartridges to school to test with another Canon printer). BC-21e is not covered by warranty.

            A. On another occasion, the black color would not come out in printouts. I put two different black refill tanks in the cartridge and black still did not print. I t thought perhaps the BC-21e cartridge might be bad. Turns out to be that I had two black refill tanks were empty (they were previously opened and used, I believe).

44. Once when trying to print with Quicken and Simpletext, the printouts came out the landscape way, even though in both programs, the printer was set to use portrait. Only way to fix it was to go to the desktop, then choose page setup, choose portrait and click save settings, then okay.

45. TWC and TBWC had trouble using "black" as defaults for the print dialog box for the Canon BJC-4550 printer in Room 55(after setting appropriate settings. After closing and reopening both programs twice, "black" came up as default.

            A. Later, I discovered that a document that was created when ÒcolorÓ was the default would always have color as the default (with TWC). With a new document and black set as default, the new document will also have ÒblackÓ as default.

46. When you ask the G3 to restart and All, current one, none box comes up hit all to print BEFORE restarting (seems backwards, but oh well).

47. Think, inc. costs $26 for BC-20 cartridges. Think, inc. (800) 786-5521, (805) 643-5913 (Fax) and their hours are m-F, 9-5 Monday-Friday. 1924 E. Main St. P.O. Box 1900 Ventura, CA 93002. E-mail is

            A. I once thought I had a problem with a Think, inc. cartridge, and e-mailed them twice. They did respond and said that I need to call them at the 800 number. However, by that time (five days later), I already had the issue resolved.

            B. Marilyn bought some BC-20s at OfficeMax in 7/02, but she lost about 10 of them, because she could not remember whom she gave them to (KW and RH did not have them).

48. Staples has some cartridges (not the refill kits) from DataProducts that are used for BJC-4550. They have the BCI-21 color cartridge (#60010) for $17.78 and the BCI-21 black cartridge (#60009) for $5.72. Costco (725-5032 in Merced) costs about the same for brand new cartridges.

            A. They do not have a refill kit for either BCI-21 cartridge type or the BC-20. Data Products does have a website ( and a phone number (888-INK-CHAT, 9-9 EST).

            B. I checked at the website and they do not have refill kits for the Canon BJC-4550.

49. I changed the shutdown dialog box to Òwhat do you want to print now (before restart)? None (no dialog box upon restart, just reprints all), Current one only, or all (prints from wherever you are, then restarts).

50. On one occasion when using the color/black cartridge (BCI-21), the printout from the printer was caked in ink. Many ink botches covered the page. I replaced the color cartridge and then it printed fine.

            A. Another time when I printed using the color cartridge, the color part of my printouts came out lighter and any black areas were blank or very faded. The black cartridge was the problem. It made the black areas blank and the colored areas to be lighter than normal.

51. The BC-21 cartridge printed fine from the printer in Room 55 and at home, when printing a test page on 2/10/2000. May have some application or computer trouble.

52. To print a test page from the printer, make sure power is off. Hold down the power key for five seconds. If you hold down the power key until it beeps once, it prints the Canon BJC-4550 page with all the printer capabilities. If you hold down the power button, until the printer beeps twice, it will print the Printer Status information sheet. If you hold down the power button, until the printer beeps three times, it will print a page of characters all across the page. If you hold down the power button, until the printer beeps four times, it will print the nozzle check pattern (the color version of this pattern is missing the second half of the blue and read rows, this is normal, according to the manual.

53. You can have print in reverse order as part of the defaults for ÒNEWÓ documents. Also page setup can be part of ALL new documents, if deemed necessary.

            A. Version 2.1 of BJC will print in reverse order with IE 5, just have to close and reopen it a couple times.

            B. Also, you can set version 2.1 to print on fastest in the chooser. Had some problems with older print driver with fastest setting and printing from Color it. Will try it and see.

54. After Zapping the PRAM with Techtool or reinstalling software, make sure the printer is manually turned on before the next printing (seems to work better, perhaps).

55. Do not stop printing in progress. It is better to pause it, then stop it. It causes error.

            A. Also, kept getting a power connection failure. Tried increasing BJ Printmonitor memory to 2000 K.

56. On one occasion, the printer would not power itself on for printing (I think this caused Òpower in the connectionsÓ error) or power itself off after 60 minutes, even though powering off had been set in the preferences. I re-installed with extensions off, and it worked.

57. On one occasion, when printing Jfax plus manual, it froze BJ Printmonitor, which froze the computer on several restarts. I trashed all the Canon stuff (including the spool folder) and reinstalled it. This worked, so that the computer started up without freezing.

58. After downloading version 2.1 of the Canon software and trying to install it, it said, Òcolor sync was not foundÓ (because extensions were off). I ignored this error.

            A. Later, I could not print, though, because there was a color sync error. I used the BJ Printer Driver to ÒCustom installÓ and chose to install the Canon Color Management System.

            B. On a different occasion, I got the same error message when installing. I discovered that you could also restart with extensions on and install the software. Then use the Color Sync System Profile manager to choose ÒBJ Standard.Ó

            C. Do not attempt to start installing from the BJ Installer application. Use the Installer inside of the ÒInstallerÓ folder.

59. With the BJC Printer Driver v2.1, the BJ Installer does not go automatically to set up, it asks you to choose and installer file, and you can choose the BJ Installer inside of the Installer folder.

            A. Alternatively, you can simply start the installation process from the Installer folder and double click the ÒBJ InstallerÓ icon.

            B. It does not mention in the Read Me that extensions have to be off. Although I think I installed it with the extensions off.

60. When printing, the new driver (2.1) would sometimes stop in the middle of printing. You could pause and then resume the printing and it would start again.

            A. I increased the memory allocation of BJ Printmonitor from 512 K to 3000 K.

61. On one occasion, when printing in color, there were horizontal streaks in the print out. I thought perhaps the black BCI-21 cartridge was out, and it felt empty. So I replaced it. It took about three printouts before the black writing on printouts was normal. However, there were still horizontal streaks in some of the colors. So I cleaned all the contacts and used the printing software to clean the print head and do test pages. I also used the power button to do some test pages. The colors were even worse after cleaning. I replaced the Color BCI-21 cartridge, but I had no luck. Zapping the PRAM with Techtool 1.2.1 did not help either. The BC-20 cartridge printed fine. I will probably need to get a new BC-21e cartridge holder. I got a new BC-21 E and it printed fine.

62. I ordered a BC-20 refill kit from Carrot, inc. ( in July 2000. The refilled cartridge works okay, but it is slightly faded in printouts (even when the cartridge was still ÒnewÓ). Also, I had streaks on later printouts. Cleaning the print cartridge did not help either. It costs $15 for the refill kit and $5 for shipping, but it is not worth it to have streaks. If you buy more than one at a time, it may be cost effective.

63. When installing on the iMac in Room 23, I installed with extensions off. However, an error message appears saying ÒColor Sync is not installed, install anyway?Ó I installed.

            A. When I tried to print, I got a color Sync error (iMac has Color Sync 3.0, FYI). So I reinstalled the Canon Color Management software (custom install) with Extensions ON, and then after restarting. I selected BJ Standard in the Color Sync Control Panel under the Input, Output and Proofer drop down menus.

64. On one occasion, I kept getting errors, when trying to print. I tried Zapping and restarting, but this did not work.

            A. Dragged all extensions to the trash and reinstalled software (did not trash preferences)

            B. Printer worked (print back to front, print collated preferences were retained).

65. After installing software, should turn printer on for the first printing.

66. On one occasion, the printer was set up to turn off after 60 minutes, but it was not doing it. I sent the settings again to the printer and it worked.

67. On one occasion (11/19/00), the printerÕs power just shut off during the middle of printing. It did this two times. I restarted the computer and unplugged the printer for fifteen minutes. This seemed to work. It may be normal that the printer shuts off, in case of overheating to protect it.

            A. May Zap the PRAM, reinstall printing software, etc.

68. I think using the balloon help may help with the import, defaults, etc. in the Print, apply dialog box.

69. There are three positions for the lever above the printer cartridge. To the left is for black and white text on twenty pound paper. The center is for color printing, heavy black coverage or for heavier paper. To the right is for envelopes.

            (I extrapolated this information from the Apple Stylewriter 2400 manual page 25, so I am not 100% sure about it).

70. Stylewriter 2400 manual page 83 says that a test page can also be used to see if the black only cartridge in a four-color ink cartridge needs to be changed. This is probably true for the 4550, also.

71. On one occasion, one particular document kept getting a 128 error (job canceled). So I copied the text of the document and pasted into a new document. I deleted the old document, and the new document printed fine.

            A. This error has returned about three or four times (12/18/00).

            B. Also, the power has turned itself off during the middle of printing on three occasions. I did this again on 12/19/00.

            C. I reinstalled the software hoping to solve problem in A and B.

72. On one occasion, I tried to print a greeting card and the colors came out wrong. I tried printing a test page with the power button and was unable to. But later, I turned the printer off and then I was able to print a test page (?). I printed a test page with the software and the colors appeared to be fine.

            A. I tried changing print mode in the print dialog box from text to graphic and the card printed fine.

73. At one time, I found Canon print driver 2.14 at, but that is for use in Europe.

74. The BJC 4550 will not work with the BJ Printmonitor for the BJC-2100 (version 3.4). It needs to use its own BJ Printmonitor (version 2.10). Results in an error that does not allow the Printmonitor to start up.

            A. I had tried to use the 2100Õs Printmonitor, since it did not seem to have the same black/color problems as the 4550 software, although Printmonitor may not necessarily be the software that it used to change from color to black, etc. Actually, the dialog box came up before the error did, so it may be different software. In any event, I had tried using the 2100 software with the 4550 before, but it would not work.

75. Version 2.1 is still the latest version of the Canon Print driver as of 1/19/01. Version 2.1 was released on March 6, 2000.

76. iMac with 9.0 would not work with Canon after installing version 2.03. It gave a Colorsync error. When I went to Colorsync control panel to set it to BJ Standard, BJ standard was not there. Reinstalled again (custom) did not work. Finally, I went to prefs, found Colorsync profiles folder inside of prefs. Then I copied all canon color sync profiles to the color sync profiles in root level of system folder. Went to Colorsync system profile control panel and set to BJ standard. Printer printed.

            A. On another occasion, I installed Canon 4550 software on an iMac with extensions off. The Colorsync profiles were installed, but they were installed to the Colorsync Profiles folder in the root level of the System Folder. I moved them to the Colorsync Profiles folder inside of preferences and then selected the BJ Standard profile using the Colorsync Control Panel. However, the printer would not print, it gave an error that the profile could not be found. So I moved the BJ Standard profile (along with many others) to the Colorsync profiles folder in the root level of the System Folder. Then I re-selected the BJ Standard profile with the Colorsync Control Panel. The printer worked.

77. Using version 1.0.6 of the Printdriver for the BJC-4550 has worked so far. I have been able to make ÒmonochromeÓ and reverse print order the default for printing. When printing the desktop, I had to make the two changes aforementioned, then save, then print. I got Claris Organizer to reverse print order and print in monochrome, but it does not seem to want to collate. Word and Claris now do all three, even with ÒoldÓ documents. Opening and re-opening Claris Organizer did not work. It did work with contacts, but not the monthly calendar, strangely enough.

78. To set up black and collated printing: set up the black, collated once (set up black, collated, print in reverse order: then click on Apply in the print dialog box, then apply again and select a name: Then select defaults. Import is used to get the ÒhighlightedÓ settings and make them active). Use Òshow balloonsÓ if necessary.

            A. Then upon opening another application, go to apply, then select the word ÒdefaultsÓ (a check mark should be by black, collated). After you close and reopen the application, it should work.

            B. With Claris Organizer may need to make a new file, then synchronize your information. Contacts appear twice once, but it was because I had exported from RyanÕs contacts to make a new file, then imported to the new file.

            C. Open RyanÕs Contacts then go to file, new. Then file, synchronize, choose ÒRyanÕs contacts,Ó do not use import (requires exporting from RyanÕs contacts and does not work as well and as easily).

79. On one occasion, the iMac in room 25 would not print with the BJC-4550 printer. It turns out that Appletalk was active and the wrong USB port was selected, additionally. P1 should have been selected, not P2.

80. On one occasion, I tried printing at home using the color cartridge. However, I had selected ÒblackÓ in the print dialog box. Then I got the cartridge settings do not match the cartridge error, so I pressed continue to print. Even though the color cartridge was present in the 4550, the printout was black and white.

81. I had trouble that the G3/233 would freeze when printing with the BJC-4550. Restarted after getting rid of Canon Preferences and documents in Canon Spool Folder. However, the computer still froze when I tried to print again. I replaced the Finder, the System file, Finder preferences and all the Canon software (I installed version 2.0 of the Canon software, since I think version 1.0.6 had some trouble with several versions of Quicken). I think version 2.1 of the Canon software had trouble saving the black as default setting.

            A. The printer worked after that without freezing. Surprisingly, the black, print in reverse settings were already present, when I went to the print dialog box in some applications, but not all.

82. Around 6/2001, BJ PrintMonitor had trouble occasionally; with printing, gave some kind of error. I tried increasing the memory allocation of BJ Printmonitor from 384 K to 3000 K, which may help. You have to actually click on the icon and select get info. Selecting BJ Printmonitor from the Apple Menu does not work, if you want to increase the memory allocation.

83. According to the ownerÕs manual, the BJC-4550 is 45 DB (noise level).

84. GMÕs 4550 gave an error message with software 1.0.6 (I think) that said that the printer will not print because the ink is out. It turns out that the error was true. After replacing the cartridge, the error was no longer present and printing took place.

85. The 4550 in Room 25 was having trouble with ink stains on printouts. I checked and one of the parts on the inside of the printer (a metal roller) had an ink stain on it. I cleaned the ink stain, but after cleaning, I could not get the roller properly back into place. The spring that had the roller where it needs to be was dysfunctional. The cartridge was unable to move back into position correctly. So I took the spring out (along with another one, since I thought perhaps I could replace the original one). After I found out that I could not switch the springs, I decided just to leave both springs out of the printer. The printer printed okay, but we will wait and see (this was done on 10/1/2001).

86. I bought a refill kit from To order from them, call 800-887-1882 or visit is a place for technical support; it has an enormous number of questions and answers. You can e-mail a technician at

            A. To refill a BC-20 cartridge, go outside and spread newspapers on the ground and wear old clothes and use the gloves provided (the last time I did it, ink got on my keyboard, the file cabinet, the G3, etc.Ó I think it was because I had broken the needle). Use the hand drill to drill all the way the indentation on the top of the cartridge (not the smaller air vent, but the indentation). Then you need to take the cap off of the syringe, but do not do anything to the needle (the directions say to remove the cap off the needle, but you should not). After taking the cap off the syringe, put the needle on it. Then put the needle into the inkbottle and draw up ink, put the ink into the cartridge. One time I had trouble with the syringe. Once I insert the syringe into the BC029, it was difficult to press down the top of the syringe (which would release the ink). But if I pulled the syringe out a little, this helped solve the problem.

            B. Cartridges can be refilled 5 to 7 times, according to If you have streaks in your printout, soak the print head in 1/4Ó of hot water for 30 minutes to unclog the print head. Phil suggested letting it sit for 24 hours in the printer, but I have done that already with I had no luck. I did soak the cartridge in hot water for 30 minutes on 1/12/02.

            C. I did use a refill kit from on 10/14/2001 and it worked (I even printed a 237 page manual for Accelerated Reader and it looked fine). The old empty cartridge printed, once it was refilled. You can use the syringe once, according to the side of the syringe. I e-mailed to inquire about this. Michael Anderson ( said that you can use the syringe over and over again, just wash it out with hot water and let it dry.

            D. sells refill kits for the BC-20 cartridges, but they do not sell the re-manufactured cartridges. The price for a refill kit for the BC-20 is $19.95, it is supposed to be able to refill 3 times. However, I am not sure about this since when I refilled the cartridge in 10/2001, the bottle was about 60% used up, once I was done, although I spilled quite a bit.

            E. It printed fine for about 400 pages, but then a few pages had streaks in it. Then later it printed fine again. I did try cleaning the print cartridge, but that did not seem to make a difference (01/07/2002).

            F. When I refilled the cartridge on 12/23/01 (the other refill lasted about 2 months and 2 weeks), I used the refill kit in the living room without much spillage problem (I did not try to take the top off of the needle, which certainly was helpful). This cartridge printed with some streaks in it pretty often. So I soaked the cartridge in 1/4Ó of water for 30 minutes, then I tried printing again, it seems to be printing fine now (as of 1/21/02).

            G. I e-mailed to see if a BC-20 kit could be used for a BC-02 cartridge, as well. They said no. Misterinkjet suggests using a sink to refill cartridges (it was a good idea, since it was significantly easier to clean up than the garage floor). Also, on their website, it suggests that when you put the ink in, do it slowly, since you are trying to displacing the air with ink (the instructions were for the 51626A, but I think it would apply to all cartridges). I tried to refill a 51626A in 8/07 by putting the ink into the white hole that was there, but (I may have been the cause or not) it leaked continuously after that. I e-mailed misterinkjet about getting instructions for the 51626A refilling. They did not reply. The refilled cartridge caused problems for a new cartridge (ink spilled into the HP, I think); anyhow, I trashed the Mister Inkjet kit.

            H. I e-mailed to see what I can do about the problem I am having. The syringe will not reach down into the bottle of ink that I have (the bottle is half full). They said you could put the ink in a different container or tip the bottle.

            I. On the fourth or fifth refill, it did not print at all (blank pages came out). I cleaned it with software, but I had no luck. Soaked for 30 minutes in warm water. I had no luck. I cleaned with software again and it printed a few somewhat faded pages and then finally printed fine. I trashed this cartridge on 5/31/02.

            J. On 10/5/02, I had trouble with two different BC-20 cartridges, even after I soaked each of them in warm water for 30 minutes and cleaned them with software and then rubbing alcohol, there were still great streaks in the printout of one of the cartridges. It is possible (and likely) that I have refilled it 5-7 times. I trashed it on 10/6/02. The other cartridge had a few pages with faded printing, but after cleaning the cartridge with software (and rubbing alcohol, also again), it printed fine.

            K. On 11/15/02, after refilling a cartridge, the printouts were fuzzy and did not fully print pages (and some pages were blank, as well). After using the software to clean the cartridge, it printed fine.

            L. On 3/30/03, I refilled a cartridge. However, after refilling, it did not print out all the lines in a calendar when printing a CO document. I soaked the cartridge in warm water for 30 minutes, but I had no luck. I will try waiting a few hours and then see what happens. Mister Ink Jet's web site offers a tip for refilling cartridges. It says, " Tip: Never let your cartridge run completely empty! Always refill an ink cartridge when the ink level is low enough to show skipping or fading on your print outs."

            M. Mister ink jet's website ( had difficulty working with Safari on 12/25/04.

            N. Mister ink jet carries refill kits for the

87. On one occasion, while trying to print the Accelerated Reader manual, the printer kept turning off in the middle of it (the document was 237 pages). May be better to print in smaller groups, increase the size of BJC Printmonitor or make sure the power off is set up. The power off had not been set up, so the printer may have been slightly in danger of overheating.

88. The BCI-21Õs that I bought at the flea market seem to work fine.

            A. On one occasion, when printing from Stomper 3.0, nothing appeared on the printout from the BJC-21 cartridge. I used the utility function to clean the cartridge. Then the printouts were fine.

89. On one occasion, the printer settings for turning it off did not work. After 60 minutes of non-use, the printer was still on. I resent the settings from the page setup dialog box and then the printer would shut off after 60 minutes of non-use.

90. I had been having trouble with the printing after complete initialization; jobs kept getting canceled, out of memory, etc. So I replaced the Finder, System and System Enabler 777 files, I trashed the Finder preferences and all the Canon software. I reinstalled Canon 2.1, when starting up from G3 Utilities CD. Then I restarted and with extensions on (and no other programs running), I custom installed ColorSync. Seems okay for now (1/21/02).

            A. However, at least one website ( was very slow in printing. It took about five minutes to spool the FAQÕs (the first 12 pages), may be issue with website or connection. Yahoo Personal page printed in normal amount of time.

91. I got an error message that the printer has a hardware problem, right after I had changed a BC-20 cartridge. I tried unplugging the printer cable and the power cord for a few minutes. I was able to print a test page fine. But, in a couple more minutes, a test page could not print. Changing the printer cartridge back to the old one did not help. I also moved the selector back to the left position.  I will leave the printer unplugged overnight and try it again. The next day a test page printed and I was able to print from OE, after reinstalling Canon software.

92. In 2/02, I could not print with OE, Simpletext or others. I got errors that said, ÒJob canceledÓ (-4210), Òtoo many files are open,Ó if I quit Claris E-mailer and CW 4.0, I was then able to print.

93. On one occasion, I was trying to print a picture from Yahoo Personals with the BC-21e cartridge, but it did not come out well. I replaced the color and the black tanks, but the picture still did not print out great. I tried a different BC-21e cartridge, and the results were about the same. Turns out, I think, that the picture was just pretty dark.

94. The installer for 4550 installs a BJ Extras folder, which contains a Read Me, BJ StatusMonitor (used with Appletalk) and BJC-4550 Plug-in (used for Photoshop). I trashed the folder.

95. On one occasion (5/18/02), Background printing was not enabled and I had not turned it off. I went to the Chooser and the option to turn it on was grayed out. I checked and Canon extensions appear to be all enabled. I remembered that I had used an installer previously and quit in the middle (after all applications had been forced to quit by the installer, so it probably made background software inactive. Upon restart, background printing was back on (no need to go to Chooser).

96. On 11/4/02, I was having trouble with the BJC-4550, trying to print SylviaÕs picture.jpg in color, I kept getting an error message that indicated a power failure with the printer, that I should unplug it and start again. I did this twice without much luck. Several times when printing, both the power and resume lights were flashing (indicating a problem).

            A. Then I could get it to print (I was printing SylviaÕs picture.jpg), the printing did not appear on the printout. I even tried printing with a BC-20 cartridge, but nothing appeared on the printout. I unplugged the printerÕs connections (Serial and power) and reconnected them. I turned off the G3 and restarted. Still the printouts were blank. I tried using both of the BC-21e cartridges with the BJC-2100 and they printed out okay (except for streaks, which are addressed later in this paragraph). Then I reinstalled the Canon BJC-4550 software and there was some ink on the printouts, but they were somewhat faded. I tried printing a test page and it was faded, also. I think that more than one of the black BCI-21 cartridges was low. I replaced one or two BCI-21 cartridges and then was able to print fine.

            B. I had thought that I may have to replace the BJC-4550 printer, but I did not have to after all.

97. I had trouble on November 9, 2002, printing with the BJC-4550. The printouts came out as though the text was black and highlighted with a black marker. I looked at the BC-20 cartridge and it appeared normal. I re-inserted the cartridge and then tried to print the same Apple E-news article, it printed fine.

98. On one occasion, I tried to set up the BJC-4550 after doing a clean install of System Software. When I selected the printer port on the right hand side of the Chooser, I got an in use by Appletalk (or something similar) error message. Restarting did not solve the problem.  After using TT and KB to Zap the PRAM, I was able to select the 4550 using the Chooser.

99. I had great trouble getting either one of my BCI-21 cartridges to load (kept getting error messages and then the cartridge would get seated correctly by the printer, i.e. the color cartridge would not move to the right, once I put it in), but the BC-20Õs loaded okay. It runs out that when I put the color cartridges into the place for them, I was putting them in too high, for when I put them in a little lower (a fraction of an inch), they loaded okay.

            A. Later (1/2/03), I had trouble using the color cartridges. Neither one of them would print with the BJC-4550, the paper would run thru but nothing would appear on the printout (the BC-20 black cartridge that appeared okay for now, but later problems occurred). I tried using the two color BC-21EÕs on the BJC-2100 and one of them had trouble, the other one did not. The one with trouble would cause the printer to act like it is dead; no printing would take place at all. If you put the other cartridge in the printer, the printer would still appear to be dead. However, if you unplugged the printer for at least 10 seconds, using the ÒgoodÓ cartridge would allow you to print again. Also, I had one other ÒgoodÓ (new) BC-21e cartridge, which worked in the BJC-2100.

            B. Then I tried printing a test page with the two good BC-21e cartridges using the BJC-4550. Several test page printouts (without the printer cable connected to the G3) resulted in either blank printouts or just mixed up colors.

            C. Then I tried using the BC-20 black cartridge in the BJC-4550 and it would not print a test page (paper ran thru, but nothing appeared on the paper after coming from the printer). Then I tried printing from the G3 with the BJC-4550 using the G3 to print a short note. The note printed. However, I tried printing a document with a full page of text and nothing appeared on the printout. I then took the same BC-20 black cartridge and printed the same full page of text using the BJC-2100, and the printout was fine. I wanted to double check the BJC-4550 and the printout came out missing the first line of text, and the rest of the text had severe lines in it. I took the same cartridge and the same page of text printed fine with the BJC-2100. Then I reprinted the same page of text again with the BJC-4550 and it had severe lines in it. I trashed the BJC-4550. I also trashed the BC-21e non-working cartridge (but saved the refill tanks, since they still work. I tested them).

            D. I did notice that the memory of the BJC-2100 Printmonitor was around 11.4 MB (in the About This Computer window), even though its preferred allocation was only 600 K. I increased the preferred size to 15000 K.


Canon i350 (it comes with a one year warranty)

1. Uses BCI-24 black or color catridges (same as S 330), according to the box. I was able to print on EAÕs i350 with only a black cartridge installed (in 8/05).

            A. The last group of cartridges that we got from Quill print in blue. I think that it should be fine, it is just blue instead of black. Probably the wrong color was used to refill the cartridges. JT said that blue ink copies fine on at least one office copier.

2. Quick Start Guide page 7 says that you can use up to 100 sheets.

            A. Page 8 says that you can cancel a job in progress by pressing the Resume/cancel button on the printer.

            B. Page 31 says you can do a cleaning and a deep cleaning.

            C. You can use Page Setup, Utilities, Low Ink Warning Setting to reset the Ink Counter. This should normally only be used when installing a new cartridge (otherwise, it is not accurate).

            D. Page 44 says that you should not use USB cables longer than 16.4 feet.

            E. Page 46 says that if there are 8 flashes, it means that the waste ink tank is almost full, you should press the resume/cancel button and take the printer in to a Canon dealer.

            F. Page 53 says that the operating temperature is 41 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The storage temperature is 32 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. The weight is 5.3 lbs.

3. To reset the ink counter i.e. you have a color cartridge in the printer (which is empty), but you want to stop receiving the message about the ink tank being too low: ON Windows open the Printer Properties dialog box and click the maintenance tab, click ÒInk Counter reset,Ó select the newly (in this case, color) installed ink tank, then click Òok.Ó

            A. For Macintosh, Open the Page Setup Dialog box, Click Utilities.. and select ÒLow Ink Warning Setting.Ó Select the newly (in the case of number 3, color) installed ink tank, then click Òok.Ó

4. The i350 in room 53 had trouble (and the S 330 in room 25), it would not print anything in black, and I tried about six Quill brand refilled cartridges and one from Premium Imaging Products. I then tried using the i350 in room 51 and it was able to print with about four out of the six cartridges fine, so I am pretty sure that 53Õs printer is bad, so I e-mailed Canon to be sure. repied and suggested cleaning the print head (which the reply says can be done from the printer itself or the software; however, the Quickstart Guide does not indicate how it can be done from the printer) and then replacing the ink tank with a new one (which I did several times already). If cleaning does not work, do deep cleaning three times. If that does not work, send the unit in for repair.The next day I used two of the six cartridges and was going to do a deep clean, but I tried to print to see what would happen. The cartridge printed on the first try, so then I deep cleaned the print head and then tried the other cartridge also, it printed fine, too. Perhaps it was being unplugged overnight, who knows? I was planning on doing a deep cleaning with a new Canon cartridge, but it was not necessary.


Canon LV-7245 Multimedia Projector

1. UserÕs manual page IV says that the operating temperature is 5 to 35 degrees Celsius (41 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit) and the storage temperature is -10 degrees to 50 degrees Celsius (14 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit). Page V says that the fan runs for thirty seconds after turning the lamp off, you need to wait thirty seconds before disconnecting the power. Page V says that you need to wait 60 minutes for a bulb to cool before replacing it. Page 2 says that it takes 9 seconds for the lamp to ready to display images. Page 3 says that you can use the supplied wireless remote control and remote mouse receiver to operate your PC mouse from across the room; page 30 explains the use of it. Page 6 says that you need to press the power power down for two seconds to turn the unit on, press the button twice to turn the power off. Page 14-18 says you should turn the power off to the projector and your computer (or other device); make the connections, then power items on. Page 14 says that you sould use an audio cable without a built-in resister, since the built-in resistor will turn off the sound. Page 19 says that you should not unplug the power cord from the wall under the following circumstances: while the hour glass icon appears (the Òhour glass iconÓ is not explained in the manual), while the cooling fans are on (which need to run 30 seconds after the power is turned off to cool the bulb), or while the lamp is lighted. I e-mailed Canon on 12/2/06 to ask what the hour glass icon would be located and what it means; I also e-mailed them to ask what Òclock phaseÓ is. Page 20 says it is best to turn the power off from the main power switch (with an ÒIÓ and an ÒOÓ on it) before unplugging it; otherwise, damage may result. Page 21 says that immediately after turning on the projector, screen flicker may result, which is normal. Waiting 3 to 5 minutes will probably solve the problem. Page 23 shows that the Òtilt feetÓ can be used to adjust the angle of the projecting image. Page 28 says that immediately after turning on the projector and displaying an image, you cannot turn off the projector for sixty seconds. Page 45 says that the bulb will probably last 2000 hours in normal mode and 3000 hours in Quiet Mode (which means that the bulb is at 80%, which is expained on page 39). The lamp is LV-LP24, which can be found for around $350 at or around $400 at Page 47 says that the air filter (the vent hole is nearer to the menu and composite video buttons than the other vent hole) needs to be cleaned after 100 hours of use. When you buy a new lamp, the filter is included. Page 49 suggests resetting the lamp counter when replacing the bulb. Page 55 says that the LV-7245 is 2,500 lumens (lumen is a unit of measure of the flow of light, equal to the flow from a light source of one-candle strength, measured on a unit surface at a unit distance). Page 56 says that the projector weighs 7 lbs.

2. OwnerÕs manual page 52 indicates that when the power light is flashing green, the projector is getting ready to turn on, it is best to just wait for a moment. When flashing orange, the projector is cooling down, it is best to just wait for a moment. A steady green light means the projector is turned on, a steady orange light means the projector is in Standby. Page 52 indicates that when the warning indicator is blinking green, it means that the the lamp is firing again (the projector is cooling down), it is best to just wait for a moment.


Canon PIXMA iP1500

1. Uses the BCI-24 black ink tank, PBCI-21 2124B from Premium Imaging Products. BTW, the room 25 iP1500 prints okay with generic color catridge. Canon iP1500 uses 902-BCI-24B ($6.99 or $6.89 for 4 or more @ Quill) and 902-BCI-24C ($18.99 or $17.99 for 4 or more @ Quill). The iP1500 uses the same cartridges as the Canon S330.

2. The room 25 IP 1500 printer had trouble, because the paper kept jamming when trying to print; a piece of metal (a hook) had fallen into it (after removing, problem was solved).

3. Canon PIXMA iP1500 uses 902-BCI-24B ($6.99 or $6.89 for 4 or more
@ Quill) and 902-BCI-24C ($18.99 or $17.99 for 4 or more @ Quill). The iP1500
uses the same cartridges as the Canon S330. shows the Canon BCI-24BK for $6.97 (which is about the same price as Quill, but KW thought it was $2 cheaper, and it is for the Premium Imaging Products, PBCI-2124B cartridge, even though the cartridge was not able to be located on the website in 10/07, the has them):
MS has an iP1500 and an iP1600 in her room.

4. On one occasion, DY could not install his 40 cartridge: so, I opened the front cover with the power off and moved the cartridge holder to the left and installed the cartridge; and the printer printed fine (even though the Easy Setup Instructions suggest connecting the power and then opening the front cover to install the cartridge). Later, I checked his printer and it did move left once the front cover was open, so there just may have been some confusion.


Canon PIXMA iP1600 ( can be used to access help for the computer. It links you to; serial number for one printer is HABE03388

1. Uses black 40 (PG40) and Color 41 (CL-41) cartridges. There are no 40/41 generic BCS cartridges, as of 10/07.

2. It works with OS X 10.2.1 through 10.4.x, according to

3. The Easy Setup Instructions say that to connect the printer to a Windows computer: connect power to wall, leave power off, do not connect USB cord yet, do Custom Install, when printer connection window appears, connect USB cable, then turn power on.

4. Quick Start Guide page 3 says that power should be off before unplugging it, this protects the print head, and if you unplugging before turning the power off, the printer may not print. Page 4 says that paper with holes in it may cause the printer to jam. Page 4 mentions the term Òpressure sealÓ envelopes. Page 12-13 has some relevant information on how to choose grayscale printing: go to File, Print, then make sure the 1600 is highlighted, select ÒPreferences or Properties,Ó then select the ÒmainÓ tab (if it is not already selected), then check the box for Ògrayscale printing.Ó I do not know if it saves the setting for grayscale printing or not. Page 12 says that some Windows applications may not allow Òpreview before printing.Ó Page 13 says you can cancel a print job in progress by pressing the resume/cancel button on the printer. Page 20 says that you may need to clean the print head two times, if that does not work, then use print head deep cleaning two times, if that does not work, replace cartridge. Page 26 says that print head cleaning takes about sixty seconds. Page 31 says that print head deep cleaning taks about one to two minutes. Page 34 says that the cartridges are called ÒfineÓ cartridges. Page 43 says that cartridges should be installed until the recommended date of replacement (there is not a date listed on the cartridges that I can see on any of my Canon cartridges at home). I am pretty sure the book is indicating that you should use up all of the ink in the cartridge within six months of first installing the cartridge. Page 43 says that color ink consumption may occur even when black and white or grayscale is specified. Page 43 says that if either cartridge is removed, the printer will not work. Page 45 if the color runs out (or if the black runs out), you can go to Properties, Maintenance, ink cartridge settings, choose black only (or color only); the book cautions that print quality may not be as good; Page 46 says that borderless printing cannot be enabled if black only printing is chosen. Page 44 says that if an old ÒFineÓ cartridge is installed, the message that a remaining level of ink cannot be detected appears,  you can press Resume/Cancel button to continue priting. Page 50 says that if you cannot install the printer driver, then go to Start, My Computer, then open the CD-ROM. Page 52 says that if you a spool format is EMF (Enhanced Windows Metafile, a filename extension), you may not be able to print to the end of the print job; you can to Page Setup, Print Options, then select Òreduce spool data sizeÓ (print quality may degrade, however). Page 52 says that if print quality if poor (blurred, smudges, etc.), there may be dust on the print contacts: take out the print cartridge and reinstall. Page 53 says that if paper curls when printing, your paper may be too thin (esp. if you are printing a photograph or dense colored picture); try using photo paper. Page 53 says that if the back of paper is smudged, try cleaning the inside of the paper, the information on cleaning the inside of the printer is in the UserÕs Guide.  You can access the UserÕs Guide on the iLamp by installing from the CD, then open from within Help Viewer. You can clean the bottom plate by taking an 8 ½Ó x 11Ó paper and folding it the Òhamburger way,Ó then load the paper into the paper sheet feeder with the open side up, go to Printer Properties, select Maintenance, then choose ÒBottom Plate CleaningÓ (in Windows). UserÕs Guide also says that you can clean the ÒprotrusionsÓ on the inside of the printer (it appears to be the parts that touch the paper) with a swab (although I would probably use rubbing alcohol, additionally). Page 55 says that if the printer doesnÕt print or stops during jobs, you may want to restart the computer an delete jobs; also, check to make sure that the USB cable is not longer than 16.4 feet. Page 56 says that if paper doesnÕt feed properly, you can clean the paper feed rollers; a note of caution, cleaning the paper feed rollers exhausts the rollers, so do this only when necessary. Page 62 says the printer uses USB only and it is 4 lbs. Page 63 says that the 1600 works with Windows XP, 2000, ME, or 98 or Mac OS X 10.2.1 or later. Page 62 indicates that the operating temperature is 41 to 95 degrees (F) and the storage temperature is 32 to 104 degrees (F). Page 65 suggests not touching the electrical contacts after printing, since the contacts may be hot. It appears that there is not a way to print a test page without hooking the printer up to a computer. I e-mailed Canon to verify this on 4/2/08. Canon did verify that the 1600 printer must be connected to a computer to run a test page.


Canon PIXMA iP1700

1. To replace the cartridge, you just open the cover while the power is on. If there a paper jam, this will not work, though. After unjamming the paper on one occasion, I was then able to access the cartridges.

2. The PIXMA iP1700 black 40 (PG40) and Color 41 (CL-41) cartridges (same as the PIXMA iP1600). There are no 40/41 generic BCS cartridges, as of 10/07.


Canon PIXMA iP4000 (serial number is FCCP12856, purchased 12/26/04, Printer Driver CD-ROM: USCD 1`.0, QH7-1463)

1. It took 5 seconds to print page 8 of the Julius JonesÕ article, as opposed to 33 seconds with the 2100 (it still took about fifteen seconds for the printing to start, though with both printers. Perhaps my cables are too long, not sure).

            A. It took about seven seconds to initiate printing of a Home Stuff file, whether the iP4000 was using one foot USB cable or three USB cables.

            B. It took about 3 and a half seconds to print on the fast setting (17 ppm). When printing with Palm, though, printing is significantly slower.

2. It was difficult to set up the iP4000 to be the printer selected automatically. Once I clicked on the printer select list, the iP4000 showed up fine. However, I then used the Printer Select utility to make the 4000 the default printer, the 4000 showed up as the printer (automatically) when printing.

3. The iP4000 showed up as iP4000-1 on the Dock, so I deleted it with the Printer Setup Utility and then added it again, the -1 no longer appeared.

4. Form I-865 (from U.S. CIS) kept cutting off when printing. I tried making the left hand margin 1.0, but this did not help, the form still cut off when printing.

5. Quick Start Guide inside cover says that when you e-mail Canon at, you will get a response within 24 hours. It does not work with Safari, but it does work with IE 5.2.3.

            A. Quick Start Guide inside cover says that the warranty is one year.

            B. Quick Start Guide page 2 says that in the Page Setup dialog box or the print dialog box, you can click the ? in the lower left corner. It says that clicking the ? provides detailed information about each setting and when the Help window appears, select your desired topic.

            C. Quick Start Guide page 3 says that envelopes with sticker flaps (mom said that this means self-adhesive) should not be used. Also, any paper with holes should not be used (loose-leaf paper is an exception; it is printable when loaded from the sheet feeder).

            D. Quick Start Guide page 4 says you can specify the type/size of paper to be fed from the Cassette for regular use with the printer driver i.e. letter sized paper can always be fed from the cassette when you print.

            E. Quick Start Guide page 6 says you can load up to 150 sheets of plain paper (17 lb.) in the sheet feeder. Quick Start Guide page 9 says you can load up to 150 sheets of plain paper (17 lb.) in the cassette, but no more than 50 sheets should be stacked in the paper output tray. According to the user's guide, you should not use paper thicker than 28 lb. with iP4000. However, I was able to print on 65 pound paper without a problem (CM thought that 80 pound paper would be a problem).

            F. Quick Start Guide page 8 says that legal-sized paper is not loadable in the cassette.

            G. Quick Start Guide page 9 says you need to load the paper into the cassette with the print side facing down.

            H. Quick Start Guide page 10 says that once the cassette is extended to load paper of A5 or larger sizes, the cassette does not fit in the printer body as shown on page 10, it is about an inch or two longer.

            I. Quick Start Guide page 13 says that you can use the iP4000 to print transparencies. It says that for a detail description of media types, consult the UserÕs Guide.

            J. Quick Start Guide page 19 mentions that you should select your printer from the "Format forÉ" box in the Page Setup dialog box. You have to do it for each application, it appears. Also, Appleworks 6 appears to have trouble retaining the setting (even after quitting/restarting), but it does not seem to be too much of a problem, so far.

            K. Quick Start Guide page 19 says that you can select Print, Quality & Media, then select Paper Feed Switch to have the printer decide which tray to use for the paper supply.

            L. Quick Start Guide page 21 says that you can cancel a print job in progress by pressing the Resume/Cancel button on the printer.

            M. Quick Start Guide page 42 says that if the power lamp changes from green to orange and flashes four times, it means that an ink tank needs replacing. Page 75 indicates that you should press the Resume/Cancel button to continue printing, but then replace the ink tank when done printing. If you donÕt, it can damage the printer.

            N. Quick Start Guide page 44 suggests how to check the ink levels. Open the Printer Center application, Select the name of the iP4000 and select Utility, Select the name of the printer from the list and click Maintenance, Select ink level information from the pop-up menu. If the printer has been printing in the last minute or so, you may get a "busy" error message, you may need to wait.

            O. Quick Start Guide page 45 says when changing an ink tank, do not touch the lock level, remove only the ink tank. Page 45 also suggests that you change ink tanks one by one, probably to avoid putting an ink tank in the wrong location.

            P. Quick Start Guide page 47 suggests that to maintain print quality, use an ink tank wihtin six months of its first use.

            Q. Quick Start Guide page 47 says that color ink may be used, even if grayscale printing is specified. Also, color ink is used in heading cleaning and deep cleaning.

            R. Quick Start Guide page 48 says that when printing becomes faint or the colors are incorrect, the print head nozzles are probably clogged. You can check the print nozzle pattern by holding down the Resume/Cancel button until the Power lamp flashes twice (or you can use software to do it as well). If the print nozzle pattern shows problems, you may try print head cleaning or deep cleaning.

            S. Quick Start Guide page 61 says that you can align the print head by holding down the Resume/Cancel button until the Power button flashes four times. Quick Start Guide page 63 says that when you perfomr a print head alignment with the software, it can take up to 60 seconds to print.

            T. Quick Start Guide page 68 has suggestions for what to do if there are smudings on your printouts. If you are performing borderless printing, be sure to choose the correct print media.

            U. Quick Start Guide page 69 says that if the print head is overheated, you may need to wait fifteen minutes for the printer to cool down and again be able to print. Also, the Print Head is designed to automatically pause at line breaks before resuming printing (if the printer has printed continuously for a long time).

            V. Quick Start Guide page 69 says that if the paper output tray is closed, printing cannot occur. You need to open the paper output tray. Also, if the inner door is open, you need to close it.

            W. Quick Start Guide page 70 suggests that in automatic duplex printing, the printable area at the top of the page is .08 inches narrower than the usual area, and the bottom edge may cut off. If so, select ÒUse reduced printingÓ in the printer driver.

            X. Quick Start Guide page 73 shows how to remove jammed paper from the back of the printer (where the paper feeds thru), if necessary.

Y. Quick Start Guide page 74 shows what to do if paper jams while using the cassette. You must take out the cassette and slowly pulled out the jammed paper while pulling the green cover toward you.

Z. Quick Start Guide page 75-76 explains the number of orange flashes and their significance.

AA. Quick Start Guide page 78 explains that if you are having trouble with automatic duplex printing, you may want to make sure that the paper is compatible with automatic duplex printing. The page also indicates that Mac OS X does not supplex manual duplex printing.

BB. Quick Start Guide page 79 explains that once the waste ink absorber is full, you need to contact a technician to empty it. Page 80 states that once the absorber is full, the printer is disabled. When you clean the print heads, the waste ink absorber takes in ink, so clean sparingly.

CC. Quick Start Guide page page 85 says that the printer is 35 dBÕs. Its operating temperature is 41û to 95û F, its storage temperature is 32û to 104û F. Its weight is 14.74 lbs.

6. To print the HTML userÕs guide, you need to click on the right hand side to choose the correct frame for printing (unless, of course, you want to print the frame on the left hand side).

7. If you print envelopes thru the Sheet Feeder, place envelopes with the flap to the left and the address side facing UP (there is no switch to move for envelopes/regular paper). If the envelopes do not feed properly, even after removing curl from the envelope, clean the Paper Feed Roller. However, the owner's manual does not show where this is. I e-mailed Canon about this on 1/15/05. Later, I figured out that if I print envelopes bigger than 28 lb. (they were 65 lb. HP envelopes), spots occurred on the printouts (I had this problem later when printing envelopes and adjusting the quality of the output did not make any difference, but waiting at least 60 seconds did solve the problem). We figured out that because we printed several lines (and you aren't really supposed to print on 65 pound paper), there were spots on the printout. If you wait thirty seconds after printing completes, you can then print the next page without spots (smears or smudges is another way to describe the problem). Also, it is important to select envelopes as the media type in the print dialog box, it helps when printing (also for envelopes that are closer to regular size). Additonally, the spots problem was more prevalent when printing several lines of text; when printing a single picture, the problem did not occur. Later, I had the same problem when trying to print MOCSE envelopes with a Dallas Cowboys helmet, there were smudges on the far left hand side of the envelopes after printing. Cleaning and deep cleaning did not solve the problem. I tried waiting a few seconds, but the difference was negligible. Finally, I decided to leave many sheets of paper in the paper tray and I put the envelopes on top of the paper (without loading above the paper line). This worked, but I think it is better to wait a few seconds between printing each envelope.

            A. I used MS word to print envelopes (the mailing address would not save with the file. It is probably easier to copy and paste the address, if necessary, perhaps from the letter you may be typing). You use Tools, Envelopes and Labels, Then choose Options, Then uncheck "Clockwise Rotation" and select the box all the way to the right. Then when you choose Print, select envelope as the media. When I originally tried to print with MS Word 98, I could not get the i4000 Printer to print. However, I needed to select "Resume Printing" from the File Menu, when the Printmonitor was open.

8. If you use Auto Power on/off with the iP4000 (set from OS X), OS 9 may not be able to print (I had to disconnect/connect the printer and restart OS 9). Better to not use these auto functions.

9. I was not able to print on a manilla envelope with the iP4000. It jammed the printer.

10. You can use the Printer Setup Utility to "Create Desktop Printer," if you highlight the iP4000. I was able to drag and drop using Preview (graffiti.pdf). With Word 98, you still have to press the print key. Appleworks 6.2.9 does not do Drag and Drop, even if the iP4000 is selected in the Page Setup Dialog box. Mail does not do drag and drop, either.

11. On one occasion, I had much difficulty in getting the iP4000 to print with OS 9. I kept getting a message that the printer was not powered on, plugged in, etc. I restarted the computer, no luck. I pressed Stopped in the error dialog box, then resume printing from the File Menu. Finally, I just pressed continue in the dialog box and that allowed the printer to print.

12. Canon iP4000 does much clearer printer than the 1500.

13. To have the printer use both paper trays, select ÒContinuous AutofeedÓ from Quality and Media in the Print dialog box (you can do this in OS X and OS 9).

14. Mom was having trouble with her G5 printing to the iP4000, the colors were off (green comes out gray, etc.). Cleaning and deep cleaning did not solve the problem (she did bottom plate cleaning, wich helped temporarily). Also, using Profile First Aid (from within the Colorsync Utililty, which is inside the Utilites folder) to repair the profiles may help. Additionally, If you use Preview (or Appleworks or probably other applications), you can go to Print (choose Standard as the preset), then choose Color Options, you may be able to adjust the color that way. The other possibility is that using the Printpal cartridges may be an issue. She said that the printer was clicking when she is printing, so I suggested that she check that all of the cartridges are installed properly. There does not appear to be a way to change the default Colorsync profile for the iP4000. In Colorsync help, it says that you can use the application that works with a device to change it. However, with the iP4000, there is actually one profile (The BJColorPrinter2000, with subparts to it, iP4000 PR2, iP4000 SP2, iP4000 SP4, iP4000 PR1, and iP4000 MP2). If you go to the folder where the BJColorPrinter2000 is, you can show the contents and then it shows the subparts. CanonÕs documentation does not show a way to change the Colorsync profile. Later, she got it to work temporarily, Matt suggested that it may be that the Printpal cartridges. In 9/06, I actually had some trouble with my color cartridges printing correctly (and the cartridges were not over 6 months old), so I think I will stick with only purchasing new Costco cartridges now.

15. If you choose to print any page with the iP4000 and you do not select grayscale, then what will happen is that all pages will be printed in color. To print in (mostly) black only, choose the ÒgrayscaleÓ choice.

16. I had trouble printing out the CowboysÕ schedule on the iP4000 with IE 5.2.3, the colors were clearly off. I found out that both black cartridges were empty and the yellow cartridge was quite low. I thought the problem might be the Cyan Printpal cartridge, but after replacing it with a Canon one, the colors were still off. After replacing the two black cartridges and the yellow one, the page printed out normally (at least the page appeared to be close to the Print Preview in that the ÒFlexible SchedulingÓ was purple, even though the original web page writing was blue).

17. After using Printpal cartridges, my print head encountered trouble. The cyan ink tank would not print normally, and when you printed out a test page, only one of the cyan lines printed out, pictures would not print out in blue very well (Cowboys schedule with background printed out purple). I tried cleaning and deep head cleaning several times each and printed a test page. I also tried deep plate cleaning and print head alignment, but no luck. I tried taking the print head out and cleaning it with rubbing alcohol. I also waited 24 hours with the power off and tried again, I found this tip at CanonÕs web site. I also tried soaking the print head in warm water for twenty minutes and then soaking the print head in rubbing alcohol for twenty minutes, to no avail. I finally found a place to order a new print head ($54.95) at says that if you use generic cartridges, you may run into trouble with your print head, but you may want to weight the cost versus the benefits. BTW, you can print a nozzle check to see which ink cartridge is having trouble. To print a nozzle check, make sure that the power is on, press and hold the Resume/Cancel button until the power lamp blinks twice, release the button. To do print head cleaning, make sure the power is on, press and hold the Resume/Cancel button until the power lamp blinks once, release the button. To do deep cleaning, you must use the software. After replacing the print head, the test print page printed fine as well as the Cowboys schedule with the background. I decided to only use Canon cartridges from now on (12/06).

18. Transparencies for an inkjet printer are $40 for a box of 50 at (3/07).

19. The queue for the iP4000 would not start with the iMac Duo, even after restarting. I deleted the printer and reinstalled it. I could not get the iP4000 to allow me to change to fast instead of fine on CZÕs iMac in OS X; however, after reinstalling the iP4000 driver, I was able to.


Canon PIXMA MX310 (serial number is AAHV31019. It was purchased 10/11/07 The new PIXMA MX310 is AAVH41882, I got it from Best Buy on 11/26/07. and phone support is available for one year at 800-828-4040. I exchanYou can use to access assistance). It works with 10.2.8 to 10.4.x (CanonÕs web site says system requirements vary by application, but so far the printer works with 10.4.10)

1. PIXMA MX310 Quick Start Guide (page before page 1) indicates that printer cartridges are available 5 years after production has stopped. Page 4 mentions quiet mode, which can be accessed using Menu, plus, minus, and okay. Page 8 mentions platen glass, which can be the glass surface of a flatbed scanner. Page 10 explains that documents are to face up when in the ADF. Page 16 talks about not using double flap envelopes (i.e. you fold it a couple times, as in origami). Page 31 suggests that you not use the MX310 and external devices in parallel with a splitter or the machine may not function prooperly; anyhow, I did not want to reroute all the telephone wires in the bedroom, so we left it as is. But on 12/9/07 there were fax sounds when I was talking to CZ on her cell phone; therefore, I changed thethe setting to DRPD (the distincive ring, which we do not have), and it appears to be okay (I was able to send a fax and talking to JC on the cell phone was fine). Page 44 explains that if Òdocument in ADFÓ appears on the display (because a document remains in the ADF) after you press stop/reset, press okay so that the remaining document is fed out. Page 46 says you can fax from the computer in Windows only. Page 47 explains that there is a feature called Òring pattern detection service,Ó SBC has Òdistinctive ringÓ listed on the website, which may be the same thing (I e-mailed SBC to inquire on 11/18/07): they replied and said that they do not have any feature for distinguishing fax/voice calls (apparently, distinctive ring just allows a different ring depending on who is calling). Page 57 explains that you make is so that the Activity Report prints automatically or not and to look in the userÕs guide for more information; however, it did not. To make it so that the Activity Report prints manually only (not automatically after 20 transactions): press Fax/Menu/right arrow to get to/User Settings/Okay/right arrow to get to/Activity Report/Okay to select manual or auto. Page 58 explains that TX is short for transmission and RX is short for reception. Page 63 talks about print head cleaning (which can also be done by the iMac Duo).  Page 73 explains that a clean, lint-free, soft cloth is best for cleaning the platen glass. Page 80 talks about G3, which is short for Group 3 (Fax). Page 103 shows that the printer has a resolution of 4800 (horizontal) by 1200 (vertical). Page 103 shows that the printer weighs 19 lbs. Page 104 talks about 8 pels, which has no matching definition with (there are a couple of grammatical errors in the guide, so it may be a typo or something originating in another country). Page 108 explains that a damp cloth is best for cleaning the machine. The back cover lists cartridges that may be used: PG-30, CL-31, PG-40, CL-41, PG-50, and CL-51. I e-mailed Canon on 11/18/07 to see what the difference is among the cartridges, but they did not reply, so I caled them om 11/23/07. The Canon rep said that the cartridges all have the same type of ink, but the difference is the capacity: 30 cartridge has 11 ml, 40 cartridge has 16 ml, and the 50 cartridge has 22 ml; the 31 has 3 ml for each color (9 ml total, the 41 cartridge has 4 ml for each color (12 ml total), and the 51 has 7 ml for each color (21 ml total). The rep said that the 40 and 41 cartridges are the most ubiquitous. MX310 series userÕs guide says that it is important

2. It does not apear to power on/off automatically, which is logical, since it is also used as a fax, and a copier.

3. To adjust receive mode for Fax: Press Fax, Menu, OK, press the left or right
arrow to select the receive mode, press OK, select TEL PRIORITY MODE.

4. You can only select the ÒfineÓ (under quality and media, detailed setting) setting if the Photo Paper Pro is selected as the type of paper. As of 11/07, photo paper pro costs $13.95 for 15 sheets at

5. The Òin use/memoryÓ lamp lights up when the telephone line is in use or when there are documents stored in the machineÕs memory. One time this happened after I had a document on the glass: I take the document off the glass, turned off the printer, and then turned it back on, which kept the light from flashing. (I have not tried this, but) Help indicates in ÒDocument stored in memory,Ó that you can press Fax, Menu, then left or right arrow to select Memory Reference, OK, then left or right arrow to delete document.

6. I printed some invitations on regular paper (I meant to print them on better than regular paper, but I forgot and printed on the 20 lb. regular paper) and the dialog box said Òphoto paper pro.Ó Anyhow, a couple of words did not stay intact on the invitation (perhaps they faded in the mail because they were legible when we mailed the invitations. Mom read an invitation that was not mailed, and she was able to read it); perhaps it would be better to use better paper if choosing Òphoto paper pro,Ó (and I am mailing the invitations). Anyhow, I printed out the invitation again on regular paper and the words appeared to be fine (perhaps all of the color was the issue, printing o n a lighter background may be better. I had used green as a background).  Printing on the green background wasted a lot of ink (and most greeting cards only have colored printing, not printing a colored background), so a white background would be good for next time (or print on blue paper).

7. I think that when you print and then put the iMac Duo to sleep, then it may print another copy, but with inaccurate colors. Later, I printed the invitation fine with the same cartridge.

8. When printing envelopes, it is better to only print one a time, because if you donÕt the envelopes may feed more than one at a time and cause smearing and/or the quality of the printing may be poor.

9. To scan an image after prescanning with Image Capture, select the part of the picture you wish to scan and then press the ÒscanÓ button (otherwise, the button is grayed out). If you put a document on the glass, then press scan and black (or color) on the printer, MP Navigator is launched.

10. To erase Special copy settings, press the Stop/Reset button in the Special Copy Menu (Press Copy, wait a couple seconds, then presss Menu).

11. I tried switching the printerÕs current USB cable with a 2.0 cable to test the speed. The current cables (which are probably 1.1, since they are relatively old), which connect to the GE USB 1.1 hub, printed two pages with the ÒblackÓ setting in 59 seconds, while the 2.0 cable printed in 57 seconds with the ÒblackÓ setting, so probably the 2.0 cable is not that much different (the iMac Duo has 2.0 ports on the back of the monitor).

12. The in use/memory kept staying on one occasion, and I tried to clear the memory (even unplugged it, tried connecting it in a different location, without the surge protector, etc) and asked for assistance from Canon support: I could take the MX310 to Livermore or Palo Alto (near Canon service centers, as of 11/07) or get a refurbished printer from them. They are sending me a replacement unit with a prepaid shipping label to return mine (they suggested just deleting the prnter from Printer Setup, then install the new printer (you do not need to install the software again); however, this advice was wrong: I had to install the software for scanning to work. However, I decided to exchange it at Best Buy (see Gen. Info for more information).

13. To make copies with the PIXMA MX310: turn on the machine, press Copy, load paper, load original in platen glass or the ADF, specify the copy settings (left and right arrow can adjust the number of copies), press Color or Black. To fax (page 43-44 of Quick Start Guide): load original on Platen glas or ADF, press Fax, dial number, press black or color, then load the next page (if nec.) and press Start, press Color or black, repeat scanning pages until done and press OK (If you are only faxing one page, just press Okay after pressing black or color to transmit the fax).

14. To scan images: open Image Capture, then I selected Òuse TWAIN software whenever possibleÓ in Image Capture preferences or MP Navigator EX prefs (I am not sure which one) and then I reopened Image Capture: this allowed me to customize settings for target size (MP Navigator EX 1 did not). Then after reopening Image Capture (which shows ScanGear in its window, so ScanGear is a subpart of Image Capture, I think), you can choose the advanced target sizing (but there is not an option to uncheck the TWAIN software anywhere). I can access the advanced settings by opening MP Navigator EX and then checking the ÒUse the scanner driverÓ and open scanner driver.


Canon S330

1. Uses cartridge 7-11191 ($5.49 each or $4.98 for 4 or more) from Quill. CanonÕs web page suggests using BCI-24Bk Black Ink Tank, BCI-24Clr Color Ink Tank, and it does not list a cartridge that is totally black ink (i.e. like the BC-20).

2. When trying to print in room 4, the DEC kept producing the message asking if the ink cartridge has been changed. ÒYesÓ and ÒNoÓ appeared on the screen, but you could not choose either one. Restarting the computer did not help. Finally, I unplugged the computer for thirty seconds, unplugged the 330 for ten seconds, reseated the cartridges and then tried to print again. This worked.

3. S. Rhodes said that her printer will not print. It is because there was a color cartridge in it, but the cartridge was empty, so she trashed it. Now, it will not print. She decided to buy another cartridge.

4. To print in black, go to File, Print, Properties, then select the ÒMainÓ tab, and then select Òuse grayscale printing.Ó (there does not appear to be an option to select Òblack.Ó).

5. The Quill 330 cartridges have had some trouble, straight out of the box (from a P.O. later than 3/04, and this trouble occurred in 2/05). There were many streaks in the printout, even after cleaning with rubbing alcohol. KV said she had trouble, also. But she said the problem would disappear (the full page would print without blank spots) after printing 20 or 25 pages or so. Later, KW discovered that if she used a Premium Imaging Product cartridge instead of a Quill cartridge, the 330 in SMÕs room would print fine. Anyhow, I e-mailed Quill ( once Catherine Johnson (, 357-6170/Fax: (209) 357-1994) at the D.O. gave me the purchase order number. It was purchase order number 041838. I did not receive a reply from Quill, so I changed QuillÕs e-mail address in AOL to Quill (2) and put as the Quill e-mail address. I e-mailed Quill from on 2/21/05. Carol (800-634-0320 ext. 1098) called me (I had apparently given them my home phone number by accident) at school (she found the schoolÕs phone number). She said that Quill did not have a purchase order for Quill in 2004. I e-mailed Catherine again to ask for a copy of the purchase order, so that I can mail it to Quill. Catherine said (2/24/05) she will send me a copy of it. I faxed a copy of the invoice to Carol at Quill on 2/28/05, along with a copy of my e-mail to Carol.  I received a call from Quill and they said that we should throw away the cartridges. They also said that remanufactured cartridges usually only have a shelf life of 6 to 9 months (they dry up). They said that perhaps we should not order quite so many the next time when we order (since we ordered 50). They said that they will send out replacement ink cartridges and that we can use the credit that they will issue to pay for the replacement order. They sent me 13 replacement cartridges (3/4/05).

6. The userÕs guide is on the S330 CD and School Stuff 3 (that is the plan, anyhow, as of 5/23/05).

7. I think to print a test page, you hold down the resume button until the power light button flashes three times (later, I was able to make this work; the power light should be on before you press and hold down the resume button). I e-mailed Canon to check on this on 5/23/05. Todd later said that the printer is dead.

8. GN was having trouble with her 330 printer, even with a cartridge out of the box (it was in a red box). We were not sure what brand, but it may have been Premium Imaging Products (Quill cartridges are usually in a blue box).

9. See i350 for information about the problem with the printer where several black ink cartridges do not print with the i330. To (regular) clean from the S330 itself, make sure that the printer is on, press and hold down the resume/cancel button until the power button flashes once; this should take about 50 seconds. I e-mailed this information to Crystal Vang (, so she could do it.


CardShop Plus and CardShop Plus Deluxe

1. CardShop Plus Deluxe (which came with Educator Advantage, not Apple Stylewriter 1500) once gave the error Òcould not start because of a disk errorÓ when opening. I trashed app and reinstalled the program.

2. Disk error occurs because the CardShop Plus Deluxe CD is not in the disk drive.

3. Tried copying all the files (Fonts, Art, Activities and Sounds) from the CD to the CardShop Deluxe Folder on the HD, and the program worked fine without the CD in the drive.

4. I sent a compressed Card Shop Plus card (.sea) file from to It was able to be expanded and opened fine.

            A. I also sent a compressed Card Shop Plus card (.sit) file from to It would not open by double clicking, but if you drag on top of Stuff It Expander, it unstuffed and I was able to open the card.

5. It appears that under System 9.2.2, when using Cardshop Plus, you should not have any section of text or pictures selected when printing. Otherwise, you get an empty box on the printout.

            A. Also (under 9.2.2), when making a change and then saving it, you may need to go to a different section of the card (front, inside, or back), then save the card. Otherwise, changes may not be saved, interestingly enough.

6. I was having trouble with Cardshop Plus not printing on one area of the page (the problem occurred on the inside and back of the card). I moved the text up a couple lines to avoid the problem. This problem happened on two different cartridges, so I am not sure, but perhaps both cartridges had trouble (or the 2100).


CD-R Unit

1. According to the manual, you can only use CD-RÕs with maximum of 650 MB of data (I think 80 minute Audio CDÕs may be more than that).

            A. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 169 says CDÕs used to be only 550 MB of data.

2. STI certified is for a company named STI Certified, Inc. However, STI usually stands for Scientific and Technical Information.

3. The model number is not listed on the CD-R unit and the manual that I have is for a Windows internal CD-R, I think. The manual says that it is a CDU926S.

4. The emergency eject is right next to the regular eject button. You need a paper clip.

5. Good brand names for CD-RÕs include:  Sony, TDK and Yamaha (source: Modesto Bee article, July 25, 2000: Modesto Bee listed its source as Newsday).

6. Do not wipe a CD-ROM disc before recording. Use an air blower to clean it.

7. The busy indicator light may keep lighting Amber if the disc is not properly inserted or a malfunction occurs (UserÕs Manual, p. 24).

8. If the eject button will not work, it may be disabled by the software. Otherwise, you may have to power off the computer or reset the SCSI bus using some software.

9. Modesto Bee article from 7/6/01 says that ÒbadÓ CD-RÕs are not often thrown away, they just get sold on retailerÕs shelves or in bargain bins, etc.

            A. If the drive manufacturer makes a CD-R; you should buy it or check the manufacturerÕs website for recommended brands (my CD-R was made by Sony). Some disks may not work well with different CD Recorders, because the writer may not have enough laser power to burn the info deeply enough into a particular CD to render is usable in every CD player.

            B. Buying CDÕs without a speed rating is taking a gamble, since you should not write at a speed greater than what is suggested for the CD (i.e. if I had an 8 X burner or something).

            C. Experts warn against higher capacity CDÕs, unless you need the extra capacity to back up games, for example.

D. CDÕs marked for Òaudio useÓ are no better or worse than regular CD-Rs. It is just that the music industry gets a few cents for each audio CD-R sold as a royalty for copying its songs.


CD-ROM Toolkit (FWB software reg. # is MA284352850, serial number is CS465051296)

1. On the 5400, If this extension is enabled, there is an error message at startup that says that CD-ROM Toolkit is in conflict with another CD-ROM driver that is already present, please disable conflicting drivers and restart. I disabled all extensions and control panels, except CD-ROM Toolkit Extension (Version 2.3.3) and the message still appeared. Also, the CD-ROM did not access any faster with the extension.

            A. On the 5400, even reverting back to System 7.5.5, a CD-ROM would mount with the Toolkit, however, the error message still appeared on each startup. But it did not appear later with 7.5.5, so will try it with the 5400.

            B. Since, however, I will not want to revert to System 7.5.5, I will not keep FWB CD-ROM Toolkit.

2. On the G3, the program says, Òthis device is not supported by CD-ROM ToolkitÓ when you click on the CD-ROM drive.

3. I went to the website to update this program, but it appears as though there is a cost to it.


Charter High Speed Cable Internet

1. The service is good, according to DG.

2. It has tech support for Macintosh by phone, but not on its website (as of 1/03). The number is available 24/7.

3. To have a full installation done, it would cost $49.99, or you can self-install.

            A. The self-install kits says that 8.0 or better is required for Macintosh, even though the website says 8.6 is needed. Monica said that a self-install kit would not even be necessary (1/03).

            B. If you do not have a modem, you can rent one for $24.95 a month or buy your own (Motorola Surfboard works with Mac and Windows, according to one Charter employee).

            C. There is no software online.



1. Chooser was an option to select under Apple Menu, even with At Ease on. This is true on the 5400 and my G3. My kids don't do it, apparently. Put Flor's Chooser in Apple Menu items (Disabled).

2. Had trouble with the Chooser on the G3, kept saying you have not chosen a printer when trying to print or go to page setup. Tried reinstalling Canon software and dragging a new chooser to the HD, but did not work. After reinstall of System software, problem was fixed.

3. Chooser extensions do not have code that runs at startup (I think most of them anyhow), so the computer probably does not need to be restarted to use a chooser extension. (According to Print TO PDF version 1.5.4 help file).

4. Source: ÒÓ: Custom icon for the chooser was lost when rebuilding the desktop with System 8.1 (I think I have seen this problem with other versions of System Software). Cause of the problem is the BNDL bit for the Chooser was not properly set. Use Snitch, ResEdit or Norton Utilities to turn the ChooserÕs BNDL bit on and turn the INITED bit off. Restart. Rebuilding the desktop again may be necessary.

            A. I thought this might be the solution to the Simpletext problem described in Simpletext # 6, but it was not, since BNDL bit was on and Inited was off already with Simpletext.

5. The chooser can be counterintuitive because it allows you to choose more than one item (printer, network devices, etc.).

            A. In the case of my G3/233, I can choose the Canon printer and the Scanning software.

6. According to Tidbits #555, the Chooser used (the tidbits article is from 11/00) to store your name and password in the AppleShare Prep file.

7. On the 5400 in Room 36, the Chooser kept losing its settings (along with the date resetting back to 1956), whenever you turned the surge protector off.

            A. I opened the computer and discovered that the battery had been disconnected. I reconnected the battery and the Chooser kept its settings and so did the date and time control panel.


Claris E-mailer (just leave Òsee registration cardÓ in the Serial number box to register).

1. Can be used to sign on to AOL. Must use 2400-baud rate setting wo/ hardware handshaking to sign on or use 57.6 with DTR Handshaking on.

2. Claris E-mailer version 1.1 is free for personal use, but does not ÒconnectÓ using AOL version 4.0. Claris E-mailer version 2.0 costs $20.

3. It takes mail that is new in AOL and then changes its status to read, once downloaded with Claris E-mailer.

4. AOL must reset the modem port, when signing on, after Claris E-mailer has been used.

5. E-mailer can make BCC copies, where no recipient can tell if any BCC recipients got an e-mail.

6. Files must be sent individually or grouped into an archive using Stuff it or Drop Stuff.

7. You can drag and drop files to the enclosure window.

8. You can select the encoding for your enclosures (Service Default is for when you are sending enclosures to someone who has the same service as you: BinHex is when they have a different service.

            A. Binhex is useful for transferring 8 bit data over 7 bit networks or data paths or for including data files with e-mails Source (NC 4 book, Glossary).

9. When you send a message immediately, it is automatically saved for you.

10. AOL addresses can not be added, the address book does not show up in the import dialog box. Either neither from Online Tools in AOL folder 3.0 and 4.0 nor from Address book in AOL preferences, data folder.

11. You can schedule times for mail to be picked up from AOL with Claris E-mailer at :01, :11, :21, :31 etc. of the hours.

            A. If you try to connect during a scheduled minute, you get busy signals.

12. You can set up Claris E-mailer in the preferences to connect using, main (not connect now, since that makes you hit the connect button, adding a step), so that you set Claris to connect to AOL each time Claris E-mailer starts up.

            A. Claris E-mailer signs on and then off, and it does not stay on AOL.

            B. On 10/9/00, I got E-mailer to sign on automatically when it starts up without hitting connect. You must set up an account under setup, schedules to be able to connect using under setup, preferences, general.

13. Julie said I should wait for Mail Viewer to come out. It will be better than Claris E-mailer is.

14. You can command, click URLÕs in Claris E-mailer to go to websites.

15. E-mailer is a good program, but easier to stick with AOL alone.

16. You can use E-mailer to make URLÕs from addresses. Drag an address from the address book to the desktop and a clipping is made of it. You can then type the address into NetscapeÕs URL locator field and Netscape will mail something (does not work in AOL; IE4 uses Claris E-mailer to then send its mail). Also, you can drag from the address book to the ÒaddressÓ area of an e-mail.

17. To set the volume of the modem for dialing with AOL, go to setup, services, double click America On Line, Configure, go to modem pop up menu and choose to modify this menu, choose your modem, then click modify. At the end of the initialization string type Ò M0Ó (space, letter M and the number 0) to make the modem silent. Ò M1Ó makes it quite and ÒM2Ó and Ò M3Ó makes it a little louder. Click done.

18. You can use ÒClaris E-mailer TCPÓ to check your mail, so that you do not have to use dial up to check mail. Go to setup, services choose to use Claris E-mailer TCP under Network menu.

19. I was able to open an e-mail sent from to, sent thru Claris E-mailer. The file was compressed, but with E-mailer I just double clicked on the file and it opened.

            A. Downloads are not deleted, even if the mail is deleted. You must remove downloads from the download folder inside of Claris E-mailer (using the finder).

20. Once I tried to send an attachment thru Claris E-mailer. The file was able to be opened in AOL, but it was gibberish and said it required BinHex 4.0 to read it. I copied the file, pasted it into Simpletext and dragged the file not top of Stuff it Expander, which worked.

            A. According to (, Binhex 4.0 has a bug in it that does not allow it to read long file names. Better to use Stuff it Expander.

            B. According to, Binhex 4.0 encodes a Mac file into 7-bit text, so that it can be safely transferred.

21. Seems to be rather buggy in use with System 8.1. Will stick with Netscape Messenger or Outlook Express.

22. One of the writers for Tidbits changed from E-mailer to Eudora. The information about importing the addresses is found at ÒÓ

ÒNicknames for Everyone** -- Converting my e-mail addresses was more of a one-shot event, though it required some initial setup. Although E-mailer includes a command to export addresses to a tab-delimited file, getting them into Eudora is another matter. Applescript again made my day. I consulted the e-mailman Conversion page on the Web (which contains a variety of resources for converting between e-mail programs - highly recommended) and found the script E-mailer2Eudora, by Diana Cassady of VivaLaData.



 Before running E-mailer2Eudora, you need to download and install two other Applescript components: the shareware Acme Script Widgets by Acme Technologies, and File I/O, available at ScriptWeb. These go into the Scripting Additions folder in your Extensions folderÓ.

            A. Eudora has an auto correct additional script, which a Tidbits author created. The information is shared in Tibits #546.

            B. Eudora 5.0 now has a feature that checks e-mails for offensive material and lists a number of hot chili peppers (or something like it) next to e-mails to give a heads up warning.

23. According to Open Transport/PPP 1.0.1 Read Me, Claris E-mailer 1.1v3 is compatible with Open Transport 1.1.1 or later. There had been problems with earlier versions of Claris E-mailer 1.1v3 would crash when trying to quit. The Claris E-mailer version 1.1v3 patch and Claris E-mailer Lite version 1.1v3 are in the Open Transport Extras folder (inside of the System 7-8 1.2.1 Net Install folder).

            A. According to Open Transport 1.3 Read Me, Part 2, if you unchecked the ÒLoad only when neededÓ checkbox (using the advanced mode in the TCP/IP control panel), it can eliminate the source of problems between quitting Claris E-mailer 1.1 v3 and Open Transport 1.1.2 and later; and the source of problems between quitting Claris E-mailer Lite 1.1 v4 and Open Transport 1.1.2 and later.

24. Was not able to read mail with Claris E-mailer 1.1v3, perhaps because it was written in 1996 and DSL came out later than that.

25. If you want to set up Claris E-mailer to work with an America Online Account, go to setup, easy setup, put an ÒXÓ next to AOL, select a schedule (or do it later), type in screen name, password and select ÒAOLnetÓ as network. Choose configure and then type in 491-7300 and Apple Modem Tool and also select 57.6 as baud and DTR and CTS as handshake. Use Hayes Compatible Modem.

            A. I got E-mailer to check mail from my AOL account without having AOL link active. Also, the Enternet connection was active at the same time.

            B. AOL seems to default back to using ÒAOL LinkÓ when connecting with a modem, may have to go back to My AOL, prefs, Link and uncheck the box again.

            C. To add an additional AOL account (I did add ÒMotleyzecaÓ (password of new At Ease) to MomÕs AOL account), go to Setup, services, double click America Online, click Accounts Tab, select blank space, then type Account name, screen name and password. Also, then go to Setup schedules and make it so each additional accountÕs mail will be checked. Then when going to connect now Setup, put a check mark next to the newly added account.

            D. DG does not use MomÕs account at night. Mom does not use it that often for long periods of time at night.

26. If I have previously read mail from school (I read it at school), Claris E-mailer does not pick it up from the server, since the mail is not new.

27. You can uncheck confirming of deletions under setup, preferences, and defaults.

28. On one occasion, after using Faxcilitate to send a couple faxes, I disabled the Faxcilitate extensions and restarted the computer. I reinstalled Claris E-mailer and it worked once to check my AOL mail. I went to Setup, Services, selected America Online, Connections, and left the Connection Name as ÒmainÓ. Then I chose AOL Net under Network pop up menu. I clicked on ÒconfigureÓ and chose DTR & CTS and I tried DTR only (both of these settings work under normal circumstances). Under method, I chose Apple Modem Tool. I also went selected the ÒAccountsÓ tab (under setup, services, America Online) and set up my account name as ÒAOL AccountÓ and put in my screen name as motleyze, and my password. I also went to locations to put my area of 209 in the settings.  However, E-mailer worked only once to check my AOL mail that way. I tried re-enabling Faxcilitate and then going to the Faxcilitate menu to Òturn fax offÓ, then disabling the Fax software again. I tried unplugging the modem, zapping PRAM with T.T. and K.B., took out Apple Modem tool prefs, took out Faxcilitate preferences (Fax Preferences) ^2, Faxcilitate Preferences and FaxPrintª Preferences) {There were no Claris E-mailer preferences). I even unplugged the modem connection from the computer and re-connected it. I had no luck. Also, I tried using Free PPP Dialer to sign on to see if there was a problem with Claris E-mailer, but it could not use the modem either (gave some kind of modem in use error).  I finally tried opening AOL software and signing on with it. It said that the serial port is in use, would you like us to reset it? I said yes. That fixed the problem. I was able to use the modem to check AOL mail with AOL software; Claris E-mailer and Free PPP were working also. I selected Free PPP Dialer in the TCP/IP control panel, so that I could try using Free PPP Dialer. Then I went back to Free PPP Dialer and it showed a ÒsuccessfulÓ login. However, it was not truly signed on. I had to go to Accounts, Dialup, and selected the ÒaccountsÓ tab, typed in my user name (motleyze) and my password. Then I clicked on the ÒdialupÓ tab, and typed in my area code and PacbellÕs dialup number, 577-1173. Then Free PPP Dialer worked. Anyhow, I decided to user Claris TCP as my tool instead of AOL net to hopefully make things easier. I went to Setup, Services, and selected America Online, chose Claris E-mailer TCP under Network pop up menu. Now AOL mail is checked without using the 56K modem. Under setup, preferences, general, I selected under ÒStartup OptionsÓ, connect using ÒMainÓ and also open browser to Òin boxÓ. This will not work, however, if the DSL modem is not connected to the Internet. I tried to check my AOL mail using Claris E-mailer and Claris TCP as my tool to use. However, it did not work. Turns out that the problem was with Enternet software. I was unable to access websites with IE 5, either. I fixed the problem with Enternet and then Claris E-mailer could check my AOL mail using Claris TCP. A future idea for using Faxcilitate would be: Enable Faxcilitate, restart the computer, after faxing, turn fax off with Faxcilitate from the menu, disable Faxcilitate, restart the computer. This may eliminate the serial port in use errors (or in the Claris E-mailer simply errors). I tried the procedure once and I did not work, it froze temporarily (may have been because I started doing other things on the computer). I did this once again and it worked. There were no errors with Claris E-mailer. On one other occasion, the dial up (using AOL Net as tool) did not work. Later (like two hours), it worked fine, no adjustments needed. On another occasion, I turned the Fax off, disabled Faxcilitate software and restarted the computer. When signing on with AOL, it did not ask or need to reset the modem port, but I got an account in use error. I could not access AOL mail with E-mailer using AOL Net or Claris E-mailer TCP. It may be because Bill was signed on at the same time. I could, however, access, mail. One time after using the Faxcilitate software, turning it off, restarting and then trying to use Claris E-mailer with Claris TCP, I could not get AOLÕs mail to be checked. About a week later, I was able to without making any adjustments to the software (other than changing from AOL Net to Claris TCP).

29. Claris E-mailer will not work with mail, I do not think. I used as SMTP host, but that did not work (to get Claris E-mailer to check for the mail, I had to quit Claris E-mailer and reopen it).

            A. On 9/18/2001, both the Red iMac and the G3/266 were signed on with at the same time. Same number of 357-0390.

30. To save mail, set preferences to move mail that has been read to ÒRead MailÓ, instead of leave it in Òin-boxÓ.

            A. Once you double click on an e-mail, it now works. I had to wait for a new e-mail to see if it would work, and it does.

30. To save mail, set preferences to move mail that has been read to ÒRead Mail,Ó instead of leave it in Òin-box.Ó

            A. Once you double click on an e-mail, it now works. I had to wait for a new e-mail to see if it would work, and it does.

31. On one occasion, I wanted to send an e-mail to, but in the box underneath the picture of the clock, there was a triangle with an exclamation mark inside of it. Also, the Òsend nowÓ button was grayed out. I could not figure out why, because when I had replied to other e-mails, the picture below the clock was another clock (probably meaning it was scheduled to be sent on the next occasion, that I sent and received mail), and the Òsend nowÓ button was black.

            A. Problem was that I had type a recipient, but not an address for the e-mail to be sent to. Once I typed in the address, the triangle was changed to a clock. Also, the Send now button was black, instead of gray.

            B. MarilynÕs e-mail address is

32. Sometimes Claris E-mailer has difficulty checking the second AOL account; this may be due to the fact that Donna (or Mom) may be signed on at that time, as well.

            A. On at least three occasions now, I have not been able to access the ÒMotleyzecaÓ mail with Claris E-mailer, because Donna or Mom was signed on. It also does work when I am signed on.

            B. I could still check the e-mail thru, however.

            C. When Donna, Mom or myself is signed on, this may be why I am getting a reporting log error, because my e-mail was not able to be accessed.

33. You can set e-mailerÕs prefs (Setup, prefs, general) to not prompt when message has no body or subject), however, I did this and I still could not send a blank message (i.e. an e-mail that had an attachment, but no message).

34. After System Software has been replaced, you may have to set up Claris E-mailer again, somewhat. In the connect now box, you may have to put check marks next to the accounts again to get the Òconnect nowÓ button to be black instead of grayed out.

35. After doing an initialization of the G3/233, I went to print with Claris Organizer and I got a message that said that Claris Organizer is not familiar with my printer, after setting it up, it seemed to be okay to print with Claris Organizer.

36. Claris E-mailer preferences are stored inside of the Claris folder, inside of the System Folder.

37. Command, shift, P can be used to print one copy. Command, P brings up print dialog box.

38. After using Claris E-mailer 1.1v3 with System 9.2.2 for several weeks, one day E-mailer would not startup. Each time it did, I got an error that said that the application has quit, because it is not compatible with the update Mac OS. Deleting the E-mailer preferences (inside of the Claris folder) did not help. After reinstalling with extensions off, E-mailer opened and ran fine.

            A. After re-installing E-mailer, I could not get it to check my AOL account. The reporter log said that my password is incorrect. I tried re-typing my password, but that did not work. I discovered that the problem was that my screenname was type in wrong, it was motleyze, and should have been Motleyzeca. After correcting this, the problem was solved.

            B. Later (6/9/03), I had the same problem with E-mailer quitting. I reinstalled with extensions off (after trashing the applications and its preferences before restarting). Will see. If necessary, may need to not use E-mailer anymore.


Claris Home Page

1. To change a table, click on the table and then hit object editor.

2. May need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read some files.

3. Sometimes hitting the return key (I think after headings) puts an extra space. To eliminate space, hit Shift and return at end of line. Also, instead of using headings, you can just make words bold and increase the font.

4. Document options, background image, set, choose backgrounds (probably from the image folder).

5. Document options, Title, then type one in, go to preview mode & you will see new title bar (not in edit mode, though). If you go to Document Options, then document title, you can change the title of a page as it will appear in AvantGo on the CliŽ.

6. When in preview mode, Name of URL line may change to preview.

7. When changing a link to a file, go to Òlink to URLÓ (but not when saving it originally).

            A. The letter case of the link to a URL must match the case of my saved Claris Home Page file.

8. Table may not look the same in edit mode as it does in browser (along with several other things).

9. For tables, use 640 X 480 as the standard for number of pixels.

10. To make a table or a picture without a border, highlight table or the picture, click Òobject editorÓ, make border the number Ò0Ó. The lines will not appear in the browser mode, but may in the edit mode. Also, under object editor for a table, can type in under extra htmlÓ, align=center (may be centered in preview mode, but not edit mode).

11. To remove bullets or numbering, Highlight text, go to format, highlight normal, let go (or do it from the toolbar).

12. To add a label to a graphic (when load images is off in someoneÕs browser), click on a graphic, alt label, tell what the picture is (although in preview mode for Claris, default is to load images).

13. HTML source code bgcolor=000000 (black). Need to have Netscape 3.0 or better to show background in black.

14. See picture 1 and 2 under Claris Home page to see how to change the font. Or you could go to Clarisworks, drawing, type in text, copy and paste to Claris Home page and put it in, as an object (canÕt edit fonts at that point, though).

15. When pasting a picture, If itÕs not JPEG (sometimes spelled JPG) or GIF, then it will have a save command when pasting. If not one of those two, the picture needs to be converted by Claris or by Graphic Converter.

16. When you type in HTML code, If it does not make sense It is kicked out by the computer as though you never typed at all.

17. Can go to file, remote open.

18. 3 Fonts are available. 1, 3 and 7 (small, medium and large). 3 is the usual standard.

19. The manual from Fresno Unified says that If a table cell is blank, it will not appear properly in the Web Browser, but apparently that bug has been fixed with my version.

20. To make a ÒwordÓ link to another location on your site, place the cursor where you will want the link to go to, choose insert, anchor and then name it. Next, select what word you will use to access the desired location, choose link to URL from the insert menu, and choose your link.

            A. To make a ÒpictureÓ link to another location on your site, insert picture on a page. Choose link to URL from the insert menu, and choose your link.

21. It may be a good idea to test your web page on more than one monitor to see how it will display.

22. It is a good idea to put all your web pages into the same folder and to have an image folder to store all your GIF and JPEG images. Also, should use relative paths to define the location of your web pages in the site folder. If you use relative paths, you can easily move your files to a different machine without having to re-specify all the links for your new location.

23. You can not set tabs, change spacing between words or lines or change how words are hyphenated, due to HTML limitations (Chapter 3 on page 1).

24. You can drag and drop forms onto the web page.

25. Make sure title is relevant to the info on the web page, for it may be used for search engines.

26. You can set the background image by using the edit, document options, and then hit ÒsetÓ by the word background.

27. You can set the images to not display in edit mode.

28. .html is for a Mac file and .htm is for a Windows file.

            A. Source:, if you are restricted to 8.3 filenames, .htm is the extension of the web pages.

29. If you have created links between pages, you must save all the pages before the links will work.

30. Can auto save (set in prefs).

31. You can open text files that have been created in other applications. When you save it, it is saved as an HTML document.

            A. You can also copy and paste from other applications or drag and drop from other applications.

32. To make a line break (one space) instead of a paragraph break (two spaces), hit shift return.

33. You can make an image transparent by double clicking on the object and then ÒTransparency and Interlace SetÓ.

            A. You can also make an image file transparent (make the pageÕs background) by clicking on the transparency tool and then clicking the eyedropper on the picture. You can remove the transparentness by clicking on Òremove transparencyÓ and then clicking the eyedropper on the picture.

34. You can set the images to be automatically saved to a location specified in preferences. Then If you insert a PICT or BMP images, it will be automatically saved in that folder.

35. If using a library to insert images, you should make sure that you have copied (option copy) the library from the Clip Art folder inside of Claris Home Page to your images folder (RyanÕs Images). Or you could open the library, highlight one of the items FROM the library (not in the web page), and choose save as... then pick your image folder.

36. To make a link to an e-mail address, highlight some text and then insert, link to URL, (no quotation marks).

37. You can copy and paste and drag and drop links between pages.

38. To load your web page on the Internet, sign on to AOL and then go to my files, my web page to make your own web page

39. Command, shift, E switches to edit mode. Command, shift, P switches to preview mode.

40. If you have any files in the startup items folder, it opens each time CHP opens.

41. Make sure you use images that are stored in YOUR image folder, not from the Claris library folder. Otherwise, images will not work when published on the World Wide Web.

42. If a strange character appears, (&nbsp), this is done as a work around for a flaw in some browsers. This is inserted on what would be otherwise blank lines (page C-9 of manual).

43. Angelpage.html worked, but it would not allow itself to be accessed from the other trial page.

            A. I discovered that when you try to link to a file within your own website (from dd.html to Sign.html) i.e. If you just type in the link box (angelpage.html), it will not work with AOL. The link goes to instead of It will work with Netscape Communicator, however.

            B. Solution is to use Link to URL, then type in the exact address ÒÓ This will work with AOL and Netscape.

44. With loading images, even naming the image Òdd-.jpgÓ and loading it to AOL does not work. Must do something else. Simply making sure the image is in the same folder as the html page and then uploading both of them will work in Netscape Navigator (if you do not put all the items into one folder, i.e. using the desktop, if you move something later, it may not be able to be found and not show up correctly).

            A. With Netscape, you must close the application and reopen it each time you make a change to the webpage. Otherwise, will not work with Netscape.

45. Also, I had trouble getting one link to stay a visible color with the background that was chosen. Tried changing the color of the text, but it kept showing up red in browser preview. I changed the background color and it showed up fine.

46. Had trouble with one table printing an extra large box at the bottom. After clicking and dragging on the box, it was rectified.

47. If you rename pictures, you need to delete them from the document, then reload them and choose the new name from the correct folder. Otherwise, images are missing.

48. To upload Computer Notes (approximately 220 pages); I had to paste it one half at a time. I also increased the memory allocation of Claris Home Page to 10000 K. Later, however, I was able to do the whole Computer Notes document at one time. However, after I reached 300 pages and an initialization of the HD, I had to do the cutting and pasting in parts (even after increasing the memory allocation of CHP to 30000 K: I also tried clearing the whole document, then pasting from Word 6.0.1, but no luck). I can copy and paste the whole 300 pages from one word document to a new one, but not to CHP or CW. The best way to do the operation. Copy 100 pages at a time (use MicrosoftÕs information at the bottom of the screen) and then paste to CHP 2.0. Perhaps it may be easier to do this. After selecting all of Computernotes.html and cutting it from Claris Home Page select a small section of text and copy it. (That way the clipboard is not overtaxed). If you copy the clipboard to the desktop and change the type to ÒAPPLÓ (in an attempt to change the memory allocation), you get an error type -39 error. Later, I tried increasing the memory allocation to 15000 K, but still could not paste more than 100 pages or so at a time into Claris Home Page. However, this may help with the ÒClaris Home Page has suddenly run out of memoryÓ error. In 7/06, I tried to open the Computer Notes.htm file (which was over 1,000 pages) with CHP. Even after increasing CHPÕs memeory to 200,000 K, it still would not open. The only way to be capable of doing it would be to open 100 pages (or ?) at a time (BTW, CHP cannot open regular Word files, only HTML files by Word). Better to use Word 2004 to edit HTML in Computer Notes.

49. To make a page single-spaced, highlight all text and then select ÒtermÓ under the formatting menu.

            A. If you pastes some text into CHP and the spacing does not line up, it may be that you need to select all the text and change it to the same type of formatting (Term, Definition, etc.).

50. On one occasion, I could not get the pages to be updated correctly. I would go to the upload my web page section and make changes (add new info to a page), but the changes would not show up in AOLÕs browser. The old page 1 still showed up without the link to page 6, but it was not important anyhow, since I will simply use the link to page 6 for ebay. They worked fine with Netscape and IE 4.5. However, after quitting and reopening AOL, the link worked fine.

51. Claris Home Page stayed with FileMaker, inc. even though most of the rest of Claris products moved over to Apple after Claris was disbanded. (Tidbits #512).

52. In the name of a .gif file, you can not have a Ò/Ó (slash) in the name. Otherwise, the picture link will not show up.

            A. One time, I could not get the kidsoncomputers.gif picture to show up on my web page. It turns out I forgot to upload the picture.

53. If you name the first page in your web page Òindex.htmlÓ, users who try to access your web site will get to your page automatically, just by entering ÒÓ only.

54. According to Netscape Communicator 4 Book, HTML does not support full or block justification as of now (7/28/00).

55. With CHP, you can save to the home page server.

            A. After updating your page, go to file, remote, remote save, then use the same settings as Fetch. Server Name:, User Name: motleyze, Password. Directory: public/html.

            B. Under edit, preferences, you can have CHP remember FTP passwords.

            C. It gets the same error message as Fetch, your user name or password canÕt be recognized (I think there is a problem with Pacific BellÕs FTP server).

            D. You can also upload your whole web site at one time with Claris Home Page. Go to file, new, site. Put in Server name as, user name as motleyze, remote directory as public/html. You can also choose to have images saved in an image folder (probably the easiest way), from the drop menu. Save the file. Choose to upload site. It gets the same error message as Fetch, the user name or password canÕt be recognized (I think there is a problem with Pacific BellÕs FTP server). I tried making the remote directory be Auto Detect, but that did not work either.

56. The blue background from dallascowboyssch.html does not print with NN 4.74 or IE 5. Also, if the writing is white, then it will not show on a printout. I changed the writing to black, which worked. Also, it is better to use IE 5 to print dallascowboyssch.jpg, since it automatically makes the printout appear on one page (and lists the URL), whereas Safari does not. I made it so Safari will print it on one page by going to Safari, prefs, Appearance, and changing the standard font from Times 16 to 14. But later, I changed it back, since it is better to have bigger writing (especially for Google).

57. To edit a table, click on the table, and then click on the object editor (wrench in the toolbar).

58. There is not a way to align all the cells at one time, it does not appear.

            A. You can adjust the width of cells by using the mouse.

59. On one occasion, I could not get my page to appear correctly using IE5 after updating the norules schedule. The page showed up fine with NN. I discovered, though, that after closing and reopening IE5, the updated page showed up.

60. I tried to redo my pictures for my web page, since they kept showing up in 256 colors, instead of thousands. I tried to paste a millions jpg image from GC, but CHP kept converting it to 25 colors. So I just used Fetch to upload the jpg image from GC; I changed the link on my homepage to and deleted the page with html at the end (same as the page in the earlier part of this sentence, except with mypictures.html at the end).

62. To make a frames page, use CHP help, for the most part. Make a new page with all of your desired links (i.e. my pictures, my websites, etc.). Save it. Go to file, new, frame layout. Drag the recently created new page onto the left hand side of the newly created frame page (then double click on it and add to the front of the URL), if necessary. Go to frame, subdivide horizontally. Then drag your homepage onto the right side (then double click on it and add to the front of the URL). Create a name for the right hand side by double clicking (RyanÕs Homepage may be a good name). On the left hand side, nothing should be in the name box (when you double click on the link). The URL box on both sides should be full, but only the name box will be filled in for the right side of the framed page. Go back to the original new page (made in letter A) with the desired links and use the Link Editor to make references to the desired URL and also to RyanÕs Homepage (in this case). Under Edit, document options, you can ÒsupposedlyÓ create a default for the target name of the link, but this does not work in 9.2.2. I made the name of my original homepage into homepage2.html, so that the original URL still works for people. Images, text, backgrounds cannot be added to frames. But you can add color to the original page with the frames in it.  If mom selects my web page from her bookmarks on my webpage, 3 frames are temporarily created. This is normal. NN worked fine with frames on the G3/233 and IE 5.7. However, I went to Edit page with the home page and was able to add the text, ÒYou can still go to to see the webpage.Ó

63. I made the norulesschedule.jpg on its own page without the .html file, since it is not necessary. I also made it 72 dpi, which is best for viewing online (it printed fine). If you save norulesschedule.htm

64. When you add a new link on a web page, select Insert, link to URL. Type the URL in the box, then the URL will appear on the page. Then highlight the text and change it to whatever you like.

65. To preview in a browser, use NN 4.77. IE 5.1.7 will not work, when you preview with IE 5.1.7, you simply get a blank page.

66. When I copied some information from a spreadsheet and pasted it into CHP, a table was created automatically (do not create the table first).

            A. To resize a table, you can click and drag on the corners.

            B. To add or delete a row in CHP, click on a table. You can pick a particular place to add a row or column by clicking in the table, then click Object Editor (wrench icon on the toolbar).

            C. To change all of the text in a table, click on the edge of the table, then use the a- or a+ buttons. The Normal, Address, Heading popup menu does not apply to the text within a table.

67. It does not appear that you can use CHP to add a tab to writing. To add a tab, use a word processor, highlight whole paragraph (including space for tab), then paste into Claris Home Page.

68. I did a drag and drop of a .mov file on two or three occasions. Each time, it caused CHP to quit.

69. To add an e-mail link to yourself, type some text, select it, then select the link editor (squiggly arrow), type mailto:username@hostname in the URL box. On one occasion, this did not work when setting up an e-mail link for Jeff Duffy. I think it was because there were some capital letters. When I made all the letters lower case, the link worked.

70. I was curious about putting a "submit" button with CHP on my web page. I did put it on the internet; however, when I tried to submit something, I get the message "Method Not Allowed, The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL/motleyze/ss.html.

71. On one occasion, I could not get CHP to show my page on the internet in color, it kept showing up with a white background in IE and Safari. It turns out that I had not changed the background with CHP from its original gray.

72. If you paste text into Claris Home Page from AW, it either pastes as all bold or not, you cannot blend the two and then paste. You must reformat the text after pasting.

73. When copying from Cowboys News (Word file) to CHP, the text had HTML tags, so then I saved the Cowboys News file as a web page with Word. Then I copied the text and pasted into CHP, the text was fine, then.

74. For some reason when saving movieinfo.html, the spacing is not the same as in a regular document (probably since it is html). I tried to put two spaces between the name of a movie and the rating, but it kept showing up without a space after saving (and on the Palm after syncing); although, on some other occasions, putting two spaces does work. Anyhow, when I had the problem, I put in four spaces, and the then there was a space between the words.


Claris Home Page 3.0

1. To insert a spreadsheet into Claris Home Page from another application, copy the spreadsheet, put the cursor where you want the information to go in Claris Home Page, choose paste. The information is formatted into a table in Claris Home Page.

            A. Do not insert spreadsheet information as an image, it is not nearly as good (too small and illegible).

2. Slashes or plus signs should not be used in the title of .gif or. Html files, Claris will act like the image or file is not present, even when it is.

3. You can also make an image file transparent (make the pageÕs background) by clicking on image and then click the ÒsetÓ button by transparency and interlacing. Then click the eyedropper on the picture. You can remove the transparentness by clicking on the Òremove transparencyÓ tool.


Claris Organizer

1. Can use the post it notes in the help sections of the program.

2. Can set bookmarks in the help menus, with CW 4.0, 5.0 and Microsoft Word also.

3. Auto saves.

4. Use 90% printing, minimum margins, landscape orientation.

5. If a personÕs e-mail address appears before their phone number, try removing the space right after the personÕs first name in the phone number listing.

6. The decor for the program is only for the screen, not for printing.

7. Parenthesis and hyphens are added automatically to phone numbers.

8. To select multiple contacts, use the command key instead of the shift key.

9. Can print ÒtasksÓ which do not require a time, but graphics can not be included apparently and the calendar defaults to printing 3 months at a time.

10. If you go to edit, prefs and change the fonts, it only affects the on screen display.

11. If you click on print, then preview and setup, you can change the scaling for the contact list printout.

            A. Some settings can not be changed once a layout is established (at least with calendar, anyhow). If you later want to change the font for printing, you may need to simply create a new layout. (Even though it appears to be ÒsavedÓ on the screen, does not print in the ÒnewÓ font size).

            B. To change the orientation, you need to click on the ÒsetupÓ button in the edit, layout screen (which is accessed from the print dialog box).

12. You can set up the computerÕs modem to make outgoing calls by going to a contact, and then highlighting phones and putting a check in the box. It will appear under the OrganizerÕs menu icon. However, do not set up the modem, prefs to dial through the speaker. It took awhile to straighten that out (had to unplug, zap, unplug, etc.).

13. If a box has a triangle beside it, it can be used to place automatic entries into the box.

14. Organizer also uses an auto completion feature, similar to Internet Explorer.

15. It can also be used to send e-mail to someone or to go to an Internet address, although you would need to be signed on to AOL, first. The e-mail requires Claris E-mailer and the web part requires Netscape Navigator.

16. If you type in someoneÕs birthday, Claris will remind of it 5 days early on the calendar. Also, If you type in the year, it will calculate the personÕs age on the contact card.

17. You can filter your list by using the triangle next to the name and choosing custom filter. To no longer show the filtered names or notes, use the show all button. The program stores up to 10 filters, which are not replaced until there is an 11th filter and the oldest filter, is then replaced.

18. Marked contacts are ones with an ÒXÓ in the box. Selected ones are highlighted.

19. If you try to ÒfindÓ contact with the Claris Organizer icon, it will bring up a non-editable screen after clicking ÒdisplayÓ. Also you can copy information to the clipboard by clicking copy.

20. When printing the contact list, choose print as contact list, and under which contacts, choose 93 contacts in list, not all 93 contacts (causes them to print out of order, probably due to the unusual way I set up the first/last name thing).

            A. Later, when creating a new file, I had the same problem with notes. If I chose to print 52 notes in list, the notes printed in ABC order. If I chose to print all 52 notes, the notes were not in ABC order.

21. Can set up the calendar to open to the current date under edit, prefs (it says, Òopen weekly calendar to...Ó). The monthly calendar also will open up on the current date.

22. One time with Quick print option under print contacts, the printout kept appearing in Ò9Ó size font, even though I had picked Ò10Ó to be the printout. I figured out that by deleting the Quick Print list layout, creating my own list layout with Ò10Ó type picked and renaming my layout ÒQuick PrintÓ, the problem was still not solved. Finally, I decided to use 1 space between lines (under list layout, edit layout) and the contact list printed in Ò10Ó size (also, it was easier to read being double spaced). Probably a bug in the program.

23. To repeat a task every three weeks, do not choose every third Saturday, since it chooses the third Saturday of the month. Choose every 21 days.

24. Once, I accidentally threw away the Claris folder in the system folder. I forgot, though, that Claris Organizer also uses this folder, the help files for Claris Organizer were gone. I custom installed the help files from the Claris Organizer CD.

25. To change the order of entries, when there are two of them. Put a (2) behind the last name of the one you want to be second.

26. Once I got an error type 10 with Claris Organizer. However, I have the latest version of Organizer (2.0.2), but it is probably older than System 8.1.

27. It does not work, however, to make ÒblackÓ the default with the Canon Printer and Claris Organizer. Even with a new file, the contacts will default to black. Notes and calendar will not.  However, to make a duplicate file, go to file, new. After that, go to file, Synchronize, choose old file. When adjusting new file, you can go to view, menu to change the windowÕs contents. Also view, sort changes the order.

28. On one occasion, after re-installing Claris Organizer, I had to re-set up the graphic in the return address.

            A. I tried to paste a graphic, but the ÒpasteÓ button was gray. It may have been because I had text in the clipboard. Once I had a graphic, then the paste button was no longer gray (it was black).

29. To choose what prints on the printout (columns, date at bottom of page, page numbers, etc.), go to print. In print window, Under layout pop up menu, go to edit, layout.

30. To have Claris Organizer be in month view, when it is brought to the front, leave the calendar open to month view, when hiding it.

31. You can have some thing repeat annually by using the event banner, but the event banner can not be erased, even after completed, unless you want to delete all events.

            A. If you use task, you can set it up to repeat every 52 weeks and delete a task after completed one year. The future tasks will remain on the calendar.


Clarisworks-Database (Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 73 calls databases, free-form databases, I think).

1. To sort, you must select one column or the other i.e. If you have three columns. You can not sort by more than one of them at a time. The only way to organize all these columns alphabetically is to sort by Team 1, copy Team 1 to spreadsheet, same with Team 2 etc. (also field type s/b defined as ÒnameÓ to sort by last name). If the field type is text, the fields are sorted by the first word in the column.


            Team 1                        Team 2                        Team 3

            Abby Apple                Johnny Boo                 Help Me

            Joe Schmo                   Joe Lewis                    Jimmy Johnson

            Shut Down                  Just Dance                   Love Yourself

            Who You                    WhatÕs Up                   Trouble Maker


2. It is better to put all the names in one column If possible to sort them (also field type s/b defined as ÒnameÓ to sort by last name).  Another option would be to use a spreadsheet and type in Apple, Abby; Schmo, Joe; Down, Shut; etc. Then sort.

3. CanÕt change the size of the headings except in Layout view.

4. Library option is gray in Database, except in Layout view.

5. Format zip codes as text, instead of numbers, since it may take out the leading zero. Also If formatted as a number you canÕt type zip + 4 with CW.

6. You can view two different layouts at one time. Open whatever view, then go to view, new view, then view, tile windows, then choose whichever layout you want. So you can design layouts and see how they will print out at the same time. You can set up labels to print by setting up a database and lining up the fields by using align objects and then putting them close together in the layout mode. You can also use the mail and address assistant and make Avery Labels #5160, 5260 or 5660, but it is probably easier to use MS Word.

7. DIF (Data Interchange Format) and DBF (Database File) are used mostly for databases, they preserve the field names, but no formatting. (Page 795-796 of Mac Bible for more info).

8. You can use Mac Secrets (651, 4th ed.) to sort some names where the full name was type in, but it is much easier to simply make two fields (one for first name, one for last name).

9. Can have an ascending sort and a descending sort in CW DB, But it must be setup initially, when making the sort. Otherwise, you need to delete the sort and start over.

10. You can use the Ò@Ó symbol to make words get alphabetized differently than ClarisÕ built in rules, but it only works in a field that has its type defined as ÒnameÓ. You put the Ò@Ó symbol in front of the word you would like to be used to sort by.

11. To merge two spreadsheets together, you can simply copy all the material from one spreadsheet, click at the bottom of the second spreadsheet, then paste.

12. When you format a field as number, you cannot put a hyphen in the number (as in a telephone number). You will get an error message. Format the field as text, instead.

13. If you would like to sort by school first, then by name, go to new sort, select field name of school (then ascending order, so that Crookham comes before Sparkes and WMS), then select Name in Ascending order). Then you will have all the Crookham names first and they will be in ABC order. If you have a pop up menu, though for the school, the names will not necessarily be sorted by ABC order, they will be sorted by the order of items in the pop up menu (either ascending or descending).

14. You can change the layout of the fields by clicking at the top of the column and then dragging to new location.

15. Clarisworks Video #3 says that a database can be useful for making mailing labels or sending form letters.

16. Clarisworks Video #3 8:40 (apprx.) says that text field can have characters, numbers and symbols and may be able to hold up to 500 characters.

17. When in browse layout, you can press the tab key to move to the first field.

            A. Tab moves you between fields in a record.

18. There is a ÒbarÓ that appears next to the active record in a database.

            A. To move between records; you can click on the notebook icon on the upper left-hand side of the database document.

19. Duplicate Record (command, D) can be used to speed up data entry for some databases.

20. No warning is given when deleting a record.

21. Clarisworks Video #3 (19:15) says that if you define a field as a number, you can later add the numbers. If you use text as a type for some numbers, you will not be able to add them.

            A. Numbers will not, by default, have commas between thousands and ones, etc. This can be changed in layout mode (21:00 in Clarisworks Video #3).

22. Clarisworks Video #3 (25:00) says that ÒnameÓ field types are sorted by the second word in the entry i.e. last name, then by first name. However, this was not true in my version of CW (4.0.6), see 24 B.

23. Zip Codes should be text fields, because if you have a Ò0Ó at the beginning of the field, the zeroes are dropped.

24. Clarisworks Video #3 (25:00 - 30:00 apprx.) says that when data is converted (or modified, when you modify a field), it will not always necessarily be deleted.

            A. Video #3 (25:00 - 30:00 apprx.) also says that you can use Layout, Define Fields, Options, Text Verification, so that the field cannot be empty and must be unique. You can also have default text.

            B. If you have a field that is of ÒnameÓ type, and you have the name Bob I. Jones, it will be sorted by the letter ÒI,Ó according to CW Video #3 (33:40), however, on my version of CW (4.0.6), this does not occur. Jones sorts it. However, if the situation were to occur, you could type option, space instead of just space between ÒBobÓ and ÒIÓ.

            C. CW Video #3 (35:05) explains that you can use the up and down arrows to cyclethrougha pop up menuÕs choices.

            D. CW Video #3 (36:00) explains that a field defined as a Òvalue listÓ will have a scrollable menu to choose from, as opposed to a pop up menu.

            E. CW Video #3 (38:00) explains that you can have a date field and it can type in the current date, if you like.

            F. CW Video #3 (38:00) explains that a shortcut to make a new field is to use the Define Fields box, drag across the name of a similarly named field, it will appear in the Field Name box, select and change the portion of the word you want to change, press create.

            G. CW Video #3 (39:00) explains that Record Info field type can display when a record is created, modified, etc.

            H. CW Video #3 (39:40) explains that serial number type fields, can be used to assigned numbers to the records automatically. If you select the next record to be numbered Ò5,Ó for example, the first record in your database will be numbered 5. You can also choose to have the numbers increment by whatever you wish. You can also insist that the field not be empty.

            I. CW Video #3 (42:00) explains that you can use the calculation field type to add/subtract/multiply/divide, etc. fields. The answers can be formatted as a number, date, text or time. Calculation field type can be used to join words, also, but use the ampersand symbol. If you were doing a city, state field, use City (click on the field name city that you create), then type & Ò, Ò, then click the word State (click on the field named State that you create). It should look like this 'Group'&", "&'AlbumÕ. The fields of city and state must be created before the Zip Code Field (the one that would include city and state).

25. You can use the Layout menu to Òshow multipleÓ records at one time (only when you are not in page view).

26. Sometimes, names of fields may be cut off in Browse view, may want to abbreviate the name (CW Video did).

27. In browse view, you can use the Tab key to move through fields (sometimes clicking with the mouse appears futile).

28. CW Video #3 (50:00) explains you can use organize, sort records for an one time sort. If sorted in a different manner, subsequently, the previous sort is lost.

29. CW Video #3 (56:00) says you can use layout, find to find certain items. You can use >= symbols to find certain things. You can also use omit to find everything but a certain item. Organize, Show all records bring all the records back into view (not just the ÒfoundÓ ones).

            A. You can use the pop up tool (magnifying glass tool) to store some finds.

30. CW Video #3 (1:04) explains that you can make your own layouts using the layouts pop up menu (it looks like a couple of tools), you can also use the layout menu at the top of the CW database.

            A. To get labels to appear on the screen as they will appear on a printout, page view must be on, under the view menu. Otherwise, labels appear in single file columns.

31. If you have more than one document open, you can choose which one to look at by using the bottom of the view menu.

32. If you want to change the font, size, alignment of a database column, go to view, new view, and select layout from the layout menu, find the field you wish to modify, then go to format, choose your options. You can drag the items in layout, layout view to be somewhere else on the screen.

            A. You can also do this in list view, by clicking on the top of the column or by double clicking on a column, then using the format menu. You can shift click to select more than one field in list view. I tried this at school with the Teacher and number of computerÕs files, but did not have luck at first. Will try again (4/16/02). Format, alignment, center works on Teachers and number of computers (it may be that the alignment changed after I moved out of the field).

            B. When you select all, instead of shift, clicking on columns, alignment does not appear to be possible. Use Shift key to select more than one column.

            C. You can format number, serial number, date, record info and time fields (data fields as opposed to text fields) differently, when you double click on them. Clarisworks help says that the formatting does not apply until you move out of the field, but I did not find this to be true.

            D. You need to make a columnar report, you can use the layout menu to be able to change the way your header information would look in layout view.

            E. CW Video #3 (1:18) explains how to edit layouts, while working in a columnar report. If adding a duplicate of a popup menu, and you only want the name of the field to appear (and not the pop up menu), make another field, add an ampersand and a space within quotes, then use layout to insert field.

33. CW Video #3 (1:23) says you can only paste graphics in layout mode.

34. CW Video #3 (1:26) says no two fields can have the same name.

35. CW Video #3 (1:26) says functions are similar between databases and spreadsheets.

36. CW Video #3 (1:36) talks about using the summary function, which appears to be complicated and not that useful, anyhow.

37. If you want to change the format of a field name, you must choose layout from the layout menu (out of the four choices: List, Browse, Layout, Find), then choose a layout from the bottom of the layout menu. Then you can format fields however you like.

38. CW Video #3 (1:09) says that a columnar report goes across the screen.

39. If you make a field a pop up menu after creating a layout, you must make a new layout again, if you want the name of the field to appear at the top of the screen instead of next to the pop up menu items.

40. CW Video #3 (1:13) explains that in layout mode, the header is the top of the field (or field label) and the body is what is entered in the field.

41. CW Video #3 (1:14) explains that in layout mode, you can change the font, etc. of the headers.

            A. The labels help you identify the data that is in a field.

42. CW Video #3 (1:16) explains that if you work in layout and browse mode at the same time (choose new view) from the view menu, it makes it easier to see what is happening to the document.

43. CW Video #3 (1:18) shows how to add a non pop up menu for City to your layout, if you do not want a pop up menu to display on your layout, Define Fields, make City 2, define as a calculation field, 'City'&" " is the formula you would enter (the video says to use apostrophes, but that does not work, you get an error message), and format result as Òtext.Ó Then select ok, done.

44. When trying to insert fields, you must have fields that were designed before creating a layout.

45. CW Video #3 (1:22) says that you can paste a graphic into the layout mode, but not into the browse mode.

46. Holding down the shift key resizes an image proportionately, when making it smaller as well as bigger.

47. CW Video #3 (1:25) mentions that Summary fields total or subtotal your records.

            A. To add a summary field, go to define field, type a name, select summary, then select the SUM function. In the parenthesis, erase Number 1, Number 2 by selecting and deleting. Click the name of the field you want summarized.

            B. The Summary Field will not show up yet in Browse mode. Go to new view, and select layout mode. Go to layout, insert field, choose the name of the summary field.

            C. Then insert part, choose ÒTrailing Grand SummaryÓ

            D. Then move the Total Due (or whatever name you choose) to the section for the Grand Summary. Delete the label for Total Due. Select one of the other field labels and duplicate it, move it next to the Total Due box. It is easier than making a new formatted field label, according to the video.

            E. Use page view to see the Summary shown on the screen.

48. CW Video #3 (1:26) says that you cannot have two fields with the same name.

49. You can use the layout menu to change the way records appear on screen and on a printout.

50. CW Video #3 (1:33) says you should make sure that if you are changing a layout, to make sure it matches up with the layout you are looking at in browse mode. (The layout you are using is listed at the very bottom of the layout menu).

51. To make a sub-summary report (CW Video #3, 1:37), which would summarize by city, date, etc. a subtotal (when you sort by city, date, etc.).

            A. Having your document in browse mode, choose new view from the view menu. After creating a summary report, then new layout, duplicate, Then Layout, insert part, select Òsub summary when sorted by whatever, and choose your criteria. Then Layout, insert field, choose the Field you want inserted (the field that was used to summarize), go back to the browse layout in the other window, make a sort by city (or whatever you made you sub-summary field), select the sort. May need to select page view from the view menu.

            B. CW Video #3 says you can select reports by using the reports tool icon (printer icon), if you choose print the report, it does not print right away. It opens the print dialog box, when you go to that report.

52. Command, shift, D defines fields.

53. I was trying to use CW to make a listing of the files on my 4 Internet CDs. I copied and pasted from the Internet 1 CD to a CW SS, then I tried to save the file as a DBF file or an ASCII File, but each time I tried to save, I got a ÒDBF could not be foundÓ or an ÒASCII file canÕt be foundÓ error. I got the same error when trying to save as ASCII using WP. I thought it was a CW memory allocation file, but the allocation was 4.6 MB, so I do not think that was the problem.

            A. After reinstalling CW (after trashing CW application files), I was able to copy the names of all the files on Internet 1 CD to a CW SS (then in the second column, I filled Internet 1 all the way down to the bottom of the names) and then I saved the file as DBF. I then created a new Database file with 2 fields (Program Name, Location), and then I used the File menu (insert) to insert the SS file (that was saved as DBF). I did not need to make new records in the database file to make the insert work. The information imported fine. I then did Internet CD 2 through Internet CD 4 and I was able to add the information to the database file.

54. After updating my system to 9.2.2 on my G3/233, CW 4.0 would not allow you to ÒFindÓ things. You could open the find box, but then you can only type one letter into the box and finding does not work.

            A. I installed CW 5.0 with only Apple CD-ROM and Foreign File Access on. However, upon restart, the computer froze. Shared Library Manager (I think version 2.0.1) was installed. After deleting it (and allowing version 2.0.2 to stay), CW 4.0 and 5.0 open and work (although 4.0 still does not allow finding).

55. I was trying to print out my ownerÕs manuals using CW on System 9.0. However, I kept getting the cut-off margin error, when trying to print. I tried adjusting the size of my columns in the DB document, but I had no luck. Then I went to Format, Document and made the margins wider. The document printed without the extra dialog box.

            A. It appears that 4.0 of CW makes some pretty small margins by default. Just be aware of this in the future.

            B. The default of CW DB is different that what I like to use. May want to change items that are new. I change them to Times, 12.

56. I was having trouble getting the Spanish word database to print without the cutoff margins error. You could change the page setup to landscape instead of portrait, but I wanted a portrait printout. I tried moving the margins in list view, but I had no luck. Finally, I made a new database and imported the info (after saving it in the original file as DBF). This worked; I got the print dialog box without the margins cut-off error.

57. On one occasion, I could not get my albums file to sort by number. It was because I had defined the field as text and not as number. Once I did that, the file sorted by number.

58. You can use CW Database to calculate formulas for the SAME record (i.e. you can calculate horizontally, but not vertically). An example of a formula could be 'Field1'+'numbers.Õ (without the period). CW 4.0 help mentions that you can copy formulas from a SS, but I think it would only be the formula part, not the actual cell names (unless you choose to make your database with fields that are named after cells).

            A. To calculate numbers for different records (i.e. an R.S.V.P. List with numbers), save the file as ASCII text. Then make a new SS and choose File, insert, select file (if using AW 6.0, you need to select all files, instead of Appleworks files in the Insert dialog box).

59. There does not appear to be a way (in CW 4.0 or AW 6.0) to make the alignment be center for a database field in List View. The manual (Chapter 8, page 29) says that if you align in layout mode, it will change the way the data appears in Browse and Layout modes. However, centering only works with Browse Mode (after changing the alignment in Layout Mode).



1. To make a text frame smaller in a drawing document, click on the frame and delete the spaces at the bottom of the frame.

2. Diagonal typing can be done (like to make a map), but the font must be changed to a big one to be legible (or you could cut and tape with paper and scissors)

3. To add pages to a document, go to ÒFormat,Ó ÒDocumentÓ and change number of pages (across and/or down).

4. To paste something not as an object (i.e. to paste as ÒtextÓ) cut, click ÒAÓ, then paste.

5. To wrap text around a picture, Place picture as an ÒobjectÓ in the drawing document, Put picture over the text, select the object, and choose ÒOptionsÓ and ÒText WrapÓ. Irregular wrap is for irregularly shaped objects (i.e. a triangle, for example).

6. To make objects into one single object, select the objects and ÒArrangeÓ, ÒGroupÓ.

7. Pictures must be objects to change the color or the borders.

8. Can not put a linethrougha letter i.e. to make a dollar sign, making an ÒSÓ with a linethroughit. Has to be donethrougha painting program.

9. You can delete several objects at once. Hold down the delete key and keep selecting items, the items will delete.

10. Hold down the shift when using the line tool to make straight lines.

11. To make a previously drawn object to match a different one.

12. You can edit a master page from the options menu (only in drawing can you have a master page).

13. To keep an object selected, so that you do not have to keep reselecting it, double click the tool.

14. You can publish (copy selected object first) and subscribe so that your business cards (or several of anything on one page) can be updated when you save.

15. To make it easier to select an object that is very small, draw a fat line and group the objects together. Use the fat line to move both objects into location. Ungroup and delete fat line.

16. Mom kept having trouble with a picture of two frogs she inserted into a newsletter template. There was a box with an ÒxÓ inside of it that kept printing. I copied the picture, pasted it into a painting document, erased the box and recopied the document into the newsletter template. This solved the problem, I think.

17. You can unlock all the items in a CW drawing document by selecting all, then arrange, and unlock.

18. I decided not to do a map for Open House Touring, as this can be insulting to the person who created it, unless I had been asked to correct it (Mom told me that once).

19. CW Video #5 (apprx. 5:00) explains that you use ÒShow rulersÓ (under the view menu) to help you. You can also format, rulers to change options for the onscreen rulers.

20. CW Video #5 (apprx. 5:00) says that the margins in a new drawing document are set to be about what is acceptable for a laser printer.

21. CW Video #5 (apprx. 9:00) says that the polygon tool draws objects with straight sides, the begizon draws objects with curved sides.

22. CW Video #5 (apprx.12: 00) explains that you can move the Òpull outÓ palettes by clicking their close box or the right hand box to move them temporarily out of the way.

23. CW Video #5 (apprx.14: 00) explains that the shift key can be used to constrain a line to vertical or horizontal.

(Apprx. 16:00) explains that if you hold down the shift key while using the box tool, you will make a square, circle, or portion of a circle (with the arc tool) etc.

24. CW Video #5 (apprx.18: 00) talks about using Options, Rounded corners with square or rectangle objects.

25. CW Video #5 (apprx. 22:40) shows that you can modify an arc to make it be a complete object (3 lines). You can make it appear to be a different section of a pie, also by adjusting the arc angle. CW Video #5 (apprx. 24:30) explains you can use Arrange, Reshape to make the same type of adjustments to an arc or any shape tool below it.

26. CW Video #5 (apprx. 26:50) explains that the backward ÒsÓ looking tool is a freehand tool that can be used to draw whatever you like.

27. CW Video #5 (apprx. 31:01) explains that you can use the polygon tool (next to the eyedropper) by selecting the tool, then under Options, go to Polygon sides.

28. CW Video #5 (apprx. 33:00) explains that to change the fill for an object, hold down the command key and then click inside of the object.

29. CW Video #5 (apprx. 37:00) explains that you can turn Autogrid On/off to allow objects to move a little more/less when pressing the arrow keys.

30. CW Video #5 (apprx. 46:00) explains that duplicate can be used just like copying and pasting, but it shows the double of the object, as an offset, so that it is more visible. If you move the second object a few points of an inch away, then when you duplicate again, the third object will be a few points of an inch from the second one.

31. CW Video #5 (apprx. 49:50) explains that you can alter the patterns on your pattern palette by selecting a pattern, then going to options, patterns.

32. CW Video #5 (apprx.53: 40) explains that you can use the arrange, align objects menu to Òdistribute spaceÓ to make the amount of space between objects to be exactly the same.

33. You can change the object info box (under Options menu) by using the Format, Rulers function.

34. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:02) says you can go to Format, Rulers to make the text ruler visible, while working in a spreadsheet, if you have some text you would like to format. You can use the view menu to hide/show rulers, if necessary.

35. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:08) explains that you can duplicate an object, to make a ÒshadowÓ effect.

36. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:08) explains that if you want to resize text and an object, you must ungroup them first, then scale them separately. Text is not really an object.

37. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:15) explains that the ÒUngroup pictureÓ command under the Arrange menu can be used with a pasted object from the library or another place.

38. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:19) explains that file, insert will insert a graphic, not the whole document. This command will recognize graphics made by other programs. Some graphics may not be able to be changed, if in a different format.

39. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:21) explains that when using drag and drop, the clipboard is not utilized.

40. CW Video #6 (approximately 1:02) talks about using a Master Page (Options, Edit Master Page), so that the background for a drawing document is the same for all pages. The Master Page is not affected by Text Wrap.

41. I rotated the Òseating chartÓ file by selecting all, then rotate 90, and then rotate 90 again.

            A. I had problems with letters being cut off after rotating studentsÕ names. However, I corrected the problem by moving the selection corners out, so that they are a little bit outside of the name.

42. The Red, White, and Blue flyer kept printing out crooked. But after changing the margins from .40 inches to .60 inches, it printed out fine.


Clarisworks-General. is a document from Apple that explains support for Former Claris products.

1. To send a document by communications in Clarisworks, you can paste text from another document only when connection is open to another computer. Also, this route is text-based and doesnÕt allow graphics, according to CW Tech Support.

2. There are assistants that appear in the question mark menu, while a Clarisworks document is open. They are the only ones that are available to open from within the document. If you want other assistants, you must go the File, new icon on top of screen.

3. HTML Primer allows a user to create a ÒTEXT BASED ONLY (No graphics)Ó Web Page.

4. Claris can not run a macro to sign on to AOL, the reason why is that Claris isnÕt compatible to sign on to AOL, the macro is for creating a communications document and to be sent out to some other computer, not to just sign on to AOL itself.

5. When you choose Òfile, insertÓ, then find a picture, some pictures automatically show preview when ÒShow PreviewÓ box is checked. Some pictures only show a preview after you click ÒcreateÓ. Some pictures do not show a preview, because they are of a different picture format than the Clarisworks file, although some (If not all) of the pictures can still be inserted into the document (CW translates them).

6. Clarisworks does not have a setup for ÒarchÓ typing (text shaped in the form of a rainbow). It can be done with a painting program, but it is probably difficult and wonÕt be real straight.

7. To make a three column document (Stull Bill):

            A. Type information, make 3 columns.

            B. Change page setup (to hamburger, 11 X 8 1/2)

            C. Draw boxes using draw tools palette, draw the 4 boxes around all text on 1 page, shift select all the boxes, arrange, group (Apple, G), duplicate (Apple, D),      Put on other pages.

            D. Insert column breaks.

            E. Show invisibles and delete all spaces between column breaks and the text.

            F. Stull Bill template will "roll" If you type too much information in one column. Should either reduce amount of info, type less spaces between lines or make font smaller.

8. Clarisworks seems to have a conflict with Apple Stylewriter 1500 when printing #10 envelopes. The printer would only print two of the lines out of the six that were necessary. The solution is to print the envelopes on the Deskwriter or to use Envelopes-1500. The Envelopes 1500 has Page Setup as ÒUS Letter, and StandingÓ Orientation (not sideways). The envelopes go into the printer with the sealing side down. Also the long way (opposite of how paper goes in). Also, the Format Document setup is that the top margin is .5 in, bottom margin is 7.5 in., left margin is 1 in. and the right margin is 1 in. Also, the paper setting s/b set to Envelopes on the inside and outside of the printer.

            A. The envelopes would print fine with Microsoft Word and also with the HP Printer. Clarisworks 4.0 seems to have a problem with just the 1500. I also tried to print with Page setup as #10 envelope with a regular 8 1/2Ó X 11Ó piece of paper. It did not work. I changed the page setup back to ÒLetterÓ and it printed fine.

9. To change the spacing between paragraphs (without having to hit a double return), go to format, paragraph and then adjust as necessary (1 line after a paragraph will make a double space automatically, donÕt put 2).

10. To record a macro, it is better to use the mouse. Also, when opening an application, click once on the file that you want to open, then once on the word ÒopenÓ (donÕt double click). Also, the ÒPrintÓ macro at school opens and prints the last folder that was opened inside of Clarisworks.

11. When using a ÒCWÓ stationary pad from the MOM menu icon, If the pad is updated by typing ÒreplaceÓ, it will NOT be updated in the MOM. Must delete and reinstall it in MOM.

12. File ÒinsertÓ puts a picture in the document from another source (i.e. Clip Art). File open tries to open the file and often converts it. You canÕt insert a Clarisworks picture from a document into another one, use copy and paste.

13. If you click on the left side of a WP document (where it is gray outside of the typing), it will revert to the ÒclickerÓ tool (upper left-hand side of the toolbar), click on ÒAÓ to type again.

14. Stull Bill Template. The only way to remove a column break (best choice) is to be at the top of a column (i.e. right after the column break) and press delete. Or If you type more than one columnÕs worth of information, it will mess up the display (the column break will move to the next column).

15. The Stull Bill Template on the computer at home was made with a trial version of Clarisworks. (Listed as Clarisworks Trial Document). Kept seeing dialogue box when opening, trashed Trial version, opened with regular Clarisworks after that.

16. On KarenÕs clip art (school), the documents can not be opened with Clarisworks on MarilynÕs computer, why? The disks say that they are in PICT format. On my computer at home, it will work. If you go to file, insert, and then the pictures show up, click on them and they are placed in the document. On MÕs computer, they will not show up in the dialog box for inserting. When you try to open the documents, it acts like it is trying to open, but does not. When you try to go to Òshow all or PICT or whateverÓ, no choices could be made.

            A. I tried this at home with my Performa. Get More Info revealed that the Clip Art Pictures are in ÒPICTÓ format. The problem with MÕs computer is probably that the ÒPICTÓ translator is not in the Claris Translator folder inside the Claris folder inside the System folder. Most likely the Claris Translator folder is not present. Must restart the machine to make it work.

17. FolderBolt would not allow the Clarisworks application to open into the startup screen. FolderBolt causes Error type 10 after opening a pre made Claris document. When going to edit/Preferences, Error Type 10 results.

18. Text preview extension lets you see part of the file while in the open dialog box.

19. When you paste an object without using the pointer tool, it assumes that you are pasting the object inline with the text (i.e. treats it as text), the pointer tool will insert it as an object.

20. Mailmerge requires 3 steps: setting up a database, creating a document, print the document.

21. The XTND files inside the Claris folder inside the System folder translate documents for Claris.

22. The tabs at the top of the format window set up text so that it is left justified from the tab, center justified by the tab or right justified by the tab. The fourth one is for lining up numbers along a decimal point.

23. You can also have an indent for each paragraph (format paragraph).

24. To remove double spaces in between words, go to find/replace and type in double space in the find box and single space in the change box.

25. Communications requires that VT102 extension is active to startup.

26. You can have shortcuts show their names, but it may be in the way, since the names can be long. Alternatively, you can show balloons to see the names of the shortcuts.

27. To create the default settings for a particular module, you may open a document, format what you want then save it as a stationary pad and name is ÒClarisworks WP OptionsÓ and save in stationary folder. Or use ÒDR,Ó ÒPT,Ó ÒDB,Ó ÒSS,Ó or ÒCM,Ó instead of ÒWP.Ó

28. In a WP document, Òhit command ; Ó to turn invisibles on and off.

29. If you paste an object without selecting the Arrow pointer, you can leave the graphic tied to some text so you do not have to keep moving it, just put the mouse where you want the graphic and paste, then you can align, resize (click on the little black box) or set the spacing before or after the graphic using the format paragraph menu. It treats the graphic object like it would text; you can cut it and paste it somewhere else (it just canÕt be dragged that way).

30. Painting documents can only be one page long. If you need several paint pages, use the draw module and create paint frames.

31. You can use the lasso tool to select something without the white space around it or you can hold down the command and select an area, which is easier.

            A. You can select all the images in a painting document by holding down the command key and then double clicking the rectangular tool.

32. If you save a MS Word 6.0 file as RTF (Rich text format), many of the formatting commands will remain along with the text, when the file is converted to CW.

33. Once there was a document saved with a 5.0 at the end of its filename to indicate version 5.0. However, when trying to open it, version 4.0 launched and an error message appeared (this was created by a newer version of CW). So I trashed version 4.0 and resolved the issue.

            A. Open 4.0 documents from within 4.0 (instead of the Finder) to avoid errors and problems with 4.0 documents, that 5.0 attempts to open in the Finder (on iMac).

34. Can use Clarisworks assistant to make a certificate, from the startup screen for Claris.

35. You can drag the boxes from the toolbar out onto the document for easy access (like Hyperstudio does).

36. You can use the 2,4,6, and 8 buttons to move objects on the screen.

37. You can access the names of the files on a recorded CD by ejecting the Stomper 3.0 CD and then putting in the recorded CD, then hitting ÒfetchÓ and select the ÒCDÓ (works with computer CDÕs, but not audio CDÕs).

38. In the Clarisworks scripts folder, there is a script that will convert documents from earlier version of CW or from other programs. Drag and drop file(s) onto it. This is available in Version 4 and version 5 (and maybe earlier,). In version 5, it converts the file and adds the suffix .cwk to it. If you open a version 4 document and then save it, it will add the suffix (5.0) to it.

            A. You will have to keep hitting ÒokÓ If you are attempting to convert multiple documents from version 4 to version 5.

            B. Alternatively, you can uncheck the preferences in the old version alert box and the v 5.0 suffix and you can do many documents at once without having to keep hitting ÒokÓ. This can be done with version 4.0Õs file converter, also.

            C. If you want to save Version 5.0 as 2.0 or 3.0 files, then you must save as 4.0 files first, then save as 2.0 or 3.0 files.

39. With version 4.0 and 5.0, you can put your own post it notes in the help files, by dragging a note from the top of the window. To erase them, delete all the characters and click outside the post it note.

40. To make a slide show, use a single document and go to file, insert to insert as many pictures as you want.

41. To save the landscape for Clarisworks, your printer must be chosen on the G3, otherwise, it defaults back to portrait every time. You do not have to make any other changes to the document, but you must save it for it to save the landscape setting.

42. You can save a document as Microsoft Word, Win 6.0. 7.0 to use on a PC.

43. Microsoft saved the fileÕs type as M6BN, and using Snitch to change the type did not help it open, so I got a picture to open in Microsoft Word, I took a picture of the screen, then saved it in Clarisworks as a PICT file.

44. If you make a document a ÒStationary padÓ from the get info box, when you try to save the document, it will make the default name for saving ÒUntitledÓ. Save as whatever you like. However, a stationary pad can be changed If you type in the name in the dialog box and then save. Also, If you change the stationary pad by typing the name into the box and saving, it will no longer be a stationary pad.

45. Got an error (-4210) when trying to print, print job was canceled. Problem is that the picture in the document went over the margin area. Made picture smaller and it printed fine.

46. At Allan DunnÕs workshop, he showed you can hit option, shift 4 and then paste into Clarisworks. Or use option, shift, 3. Did not work on my G3, though, even with Copypaste disabled.

47. To change a columnÕs width, hold down the option key and drag the pointer over the column edges.

48. To make a header appear on page 1 and not the other pages, then make a text frame within a header on the first page (text, spreadsheet drawing or painting frames can be drawn in a document, drawing frames can be made by clicking on any of the drawing tools and then drawing in the document). (Even If the document has 3 columns as in the Stull Bill template).

            A. Alternatively, you can insert a section and then make the section, not have the same header as the previous section. After inserting section, go to format, section. Check Òdifferent for this section.Ó (Default is to continue from previous section).

49. If you insert the date into a CW document, the date will change when you reopen the document. I.E. If a document was made on 12/22/98 and the date was inserted, 12/22/98 will be in the document. If the document is reopened on 12/28/98, then 12/28/98 will appear in the document.

50. If you have trouble opening a CW document, may try deleting XTND translator list from preferences and/or delete the Claris preferences.

51. Autogrid is used to align drawing objects and to make objects either 8 or 1 pixel at a time with the arrow keys in painting mode, but the Autogrid pixel adjustment is made in painting mode under the options menu.

52. Can create links to other documents with 5.0, but not 4.0.

53. To select text from the cursor to the beginning or end of a paragraph. Hit Shift, option and up or down arrow.

54. To do a mail merge, you must set up a database with your info, save it, then go back to word processing (or whatever document) and choose mail merge from file menu and then Òprint merge,Ó not print from the document.

            A. If you merge into a drawing document, you must merge into a text or spreadsheet frame.

55. When starting up from the CD-ROM with the 5400 and trying to open Clarisworks 4.0, got "open error on file" error message. When starting up from HD subsequently, no error message.

56. When editing a ten (or three or five, etc.) page report, it is easier to edit from the of the document first, that way, the only text that gets rearranged is stuff that you have already done. It is easier to find text this way, because If you add or subtract text from page 1, when you get to page 4, the text is not where a hard copy would have it.

57. Option, clicking page number brings up preferences.

58. To see what keyboard shortcuts can be used, hold down the command key while in a dialog box to see shortcuts.

59. Instead of having word processing, spreadsheet show up, hold down command key while CW is starting up (If you want to select a document to be opened).

60. Can use click and drop to move text quickly. Highlight and move to desired location.

61. Can change from Chicago listing to whatever font is by pulling down font menu and either holding down option key or not.

62. With 4.0, you can set the default font (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 597). With 5.0, it is under preferences.

63. With the Jeopardy Template at school, the way to retain the formatting for the questions (not the point values) is to make a separate text box for the questions.

            A. If you delete the text from the Jeopardy (revised) template, then the box for the text disappears, also.

64. Clarisworks can also speak text like Simpletext. Just go to the Shortcuts palette and add the ÒlipsÓ icon. When you highlight text and click the lips, CW will speak the text in the voice set in the Speech control panel. To change the voice, however, you must quit and reopen CW.

65. In CW (and other WP programs), you can make sure two words appear on the same line always, simply type option, space.

66. You can make ligatures i.e. ¾ (option, apostrophe), Ï (option Q), Þ (shift, option, 5), and ß (shift, option, 6).

            A. You can make a tighter fraction by using option, shift, 1 (8Ú4).

67. Clarisworks 4.0 folder (which is about sixty-MB) can be made to be 6.7 MB when stuffed with Stuff it Lite (we no longer have CW 4.0 install disks at school).

68. Claris works should be able to open Microsoft Word files. However, at home on 1/21/2000, it would not (even 4.0 word files). Can also copy and paste into Claris.

69. Had trouble printing with Clarisworks, specifically getting a Hotel (under community) and a stop sign (under road signs-USA) to print in color with version 4.0. There was a black ring around the stop sign and the bottom 1/2Ó of the hotel was black (should be gray).

            A. I tried using a different color cartridge, Zapping the PRAM with Techtool and keyboard, reconnecting printer cables, changing from Think, inc. cartridge to Canon; trashing Clarisworks, Claris folder (inside of System folder), and Claris extensions and reinstalling; did not increase memory, since it was already set to 5000K (and the manufacturer recommends 1400), cleaned the cartridges and the cartridge holder with rubbing alcohol, printing with black cartridge, printing a test page (which printed fine), reinstalled Canon software, changed setting from text to graphic in print dialog box, moved lever on BC-21 cartridge holder to center, taking the 5.0 community library and putting into the 4.0 application folder, copying the hotel from 4.0 and inserting into version 5.0. Nothing worked.

            B. Finally, I used version 5.0 to print the hotel and the stop sign and had no problem in black or color.

            C. Also, when I inserted a 5.0 hotel and stop sign into 4.0 document the hotel and stop sign printed fine.

70. On our Clarisworks 4.0 install disks at school, disk 2 is defective. Could not be repaired with Disk First Aid (says disk appears to be okay) or NDD (which says disk has bad blocks and can not be fixed). Could not copy the contents to the HD (disk error occurs while copying).

            A. So I decided to call Apple Fulfillment (888-273-3594) to see about getting replacement disks. They referred me to Apple Technical support (800-500-7078). I got case number 6379429. Technical support gave me the part number for Claris Works 5.0 (4.0 was no longer available), however after they talked to Apple Fulfillment, it was determined that Apple no longer sells Claris 5.0.

            B. Apple technical support referred me to Sun Remarketing (800-821-3221, P.O. Box 4059 Logan, UT 84323). Sun Remarketing said that they have the Clarisworks 4.0 CD, but it is part of a ÒClaris TeacherÕs SolutionÓ kit (Part #410-858, price is $49.00, plus $4.90 shipping and no tax), which comes in a set of 7 CDÕs. Claris 4.0 is on one of them, along with GrolierÕs Encyclopedia, etc.

71. Clarisworks should not start up from At Ease on G3 using Microsoft Office Manager menu.

72. Option, right arrow moves to the right one word. Option, left arrow moves to the left one word.

73. The right ÒDeleteÓ key can also be used as a regular delete key when text is highlighted.

74. Shift, command up arrow selects all text from the cursor to the beginning of the document. Shift, command, down arrow selects all text from the cursor to the end of the document.

            A. Shift, command right arrow selects all text from the cursor to the end of the line. Shift, command, left arrow selects all text from the cursor to the beginning of the line.

75. Dragging and dropping items does not affect the clipboard contents.

76. On one occasion with the G3/233, I could not get the Spell Checker to work. A dialog box shows up and asks to find dictionary. It was because there was no Claris folder inside of the system folder. I put a Claris folder inside the System folder and the spell check worked fine.

            A. Later (8/31/02), the spell check was not present under the Edit menu. I closed CW, reopened it, then it worked fine.

77. MomÕs letter to kids - should wait before ink dries to fold the papers, otherwise, the ink smears.

78. On one occasion, I saved a file to the desktop with MS word. Then I decided to copy the information to a CW file and rename. However, when I saved the CW file to the desktop with the same name as the original MS word file (I replaced it), the icon was MS. So I tried saving the CW as a different name, trashing the MS file and then changing the CW file back to the original name. The icon was still MS. So then I saved the CW file to a different location with the original name and dragged it to the desktop. The icon was still MS. I restarted the computer and the CW file saved with a CW icon on the desktop with the original name.

79. On MomÕs G3, we tried to print on a #6 envelope with Clarisworks 4.0 and the HP 870cSE. However, A6 is not the right choice (the dimensions do not match up). A6 may be European?. Use Hagabi for a #6 envelope (it is close).

            A. On my BJC-2100, I do not have an A6 choice, it must be different with each printer.

            B. Also, when printing on the Envelope with many different fonts, there was an extra space in the address i.e. Judy Fisher and her street address were single-spaced. The space between her street address and the City and State was about a space and a quarter. The space appeared on screen and in printing.

80. On one occasion, after using SndSampler (which was set to 80000K or so), I kept getting a Òthere is not enough memory to open ClarisworksÓ error when trying to open CW 4.0. However, I had quit Snd Sampler already. Restarting the computer did not help (I think I restarted the computer). I tried opening CW from documents, the Apple menu, and from the 4.0 icon, I had no luck. Finally, I used M.O.M. CWÕs icon to open CW and this worked. Then CW was able to be opened from the 4.0 icon, the Apple menu and regular documents.

To change the title of an HTML document, go to File, properties, and adjust title.

When I uploaded Computer Notes, I also uploaded the 4 images (they are part of the document).

81. Page View is always turned on in a word processing document.

82. Styles means being able to format font, bold, outline format, etc. all in one step.

83. I tired to make a new mood log using Spreadsheet, but the highest column height possible was 256, which would not be tall enough.

            A. Drawing worked okay, but the lines were not adjoining, so I made a series of boxes, which lined up well.

84. After selecting some text, you can continue to select some text by holding down the shift key and continue and select more text.

85. Resume Cover letter has a black line that appears on the screen and on the printout. To get rid of the line, you must delete the Superscript numbers within the text and the footnotes disappear.

            A. You could temporarily move the line to the end of the document, as opposed to the bottom of the page by going to format, document.

86. To make a default font, style, etc. for a new Word Processing document, make a blank screen, make the font, style you want. Then save as... select stationary, name the file ÒClarisworks WP OptionsÓ (no quotes) and save in the stationary folder. This works with SS, DB, DR and PT, also.

87. You can use the black bar above (or next to at the bottom) to split the CW windows, so you can see more than one part of a document at one time. Click on the black and drag it to the middle of the document. This works in SS also.

88. Clarisworks Video #1 says you can save a document as stationary (in the stationary folder) and you will get some document options, when you save it. If type something into the keyword box, that can help you find the file later, if necessary, according to the video. However, it did not work for me with 8.1. It may be true with earlier system software. On the video, the lady says that the Finder allows you to look for keywords, but 8.1 does not appear to do so.

89. Clarisworks Video #1 explains that you can double click to select a word, triple click to select a line, quadruple click to select a paragraph.

90. Clarisworks Video #1 also says that picking a 72 Point font is about one inch tall.

91. Clarisworks Video #2 (5:40) says that if you want to select two words on two different lines, click in front of the first word, hold down the shift key, click behind the second word. You can select text to the left and to the right with the shift key held down.

92. Clarisworks Video #2 mentions that the Apple key has a Cloverleaf on it.

            A. Video #2 also mentions that if you highlight something and then type over it, you kept the same attributes. But, as I found out later, if you highlight, delete, click somewhere else and go back to the original spot, the font changes back to default.

93. Clarisworks Video #2 mentions that if you are looking to find something, you can select Òwhole wordÓ to look for the word ÒsonÓ by itself instead of ÒStevinsonÓ.

94. Clarisworks Video #2 (14:00) mentions that you can select a word in Claris then hold down command and option. Click in another place in the document to move it (does not use clipboard).

95. Clarisworks Video #2 says that the Òfractional character widthsÓ setting makes a printout look better on a laser printer.

96. Clarisworks Video #1 explains that you can change the scaling of the image on the screen by clicking the percentage (if you highlight an area of text or graphics, the magnification is centered on it). The printout would not be affected; using the page setup dialog box (changing the scale) can change that.

97. Clarisworks Video #1 explains that next to the page number, a section indicator is there (if you have mad sections). You can double click the page number to get to a dialog box for going to another page.

98. Clarisworks Video #2 (approximately 25:00) explains that the style ÒSuperiorÓ can make powers for numbers (2 to the 5th power) and ÒInferiorÓ can make numbers for chemicals in a formula, like H20, where the 2 would be below the line and smaller). This would be different from Superscript and Subscript because the characters are made smaller or bigger, as well as the spacing for the characters. Clarisworks Video #2 (approximately 22:00) explains that Condense or Extend can be chosen from the Style menu to make a document a little longer (perhaps you want a title to go all the way across the page) or a little shorter (i.e. it does not fit on a page).

99. Clarisworks Video #2 (approximately 22:00) explains that when looking for a size from the font menu, ones in black contain printing instructions. Outlined fonts do not. When making an ÒotherÓ size, it is best to use a size that is a multiple of a font that has printing instructions.

100. Clarisworks Video #2 (approximately 27:00) explains that you can hide/show rulers.

            A. Clarisworks Video #2 explains that the triangles within the rulers set the margins. The bar below the triangle on the left-hand side sets the indentation.

101. Clarisworks Video #2 (approximately 29:00) explains that command, semi colon toggles invisibles on/off.

102. Clarisworks Video #2 (approximately 40:00) explains that you can double click the line spacing item on the toolbar to bring up the paragraph format box. You can select space after or before a paragraph, if you like to have spaces between your paragraphs (a carriage return is not added, just space). You can press the apply button to see how it will look in the document (to try it out first).

103. Clarisworks does not appear to be able to work on IBM. I could not copy them to Virtual PC and I could not open the School Stuff CD from within Virtual PC. If we had an original CW CD, it might work. But we got floppy disk for the program.

104. Clarisworks Video #2 (approx. 41:00) says that you can use the Òcopy rulerÓ command to copy the formatting of a paragraph. Then apply ruler after selecting another paragraph that you would like to be formatted in the same way.

105. You can set your own tabs, by using the tab buttons at the top of the Clarisworks window. Drag a tab, where you would like it to go (you can go to format, tab to add a tab to a document). Then select an area of text, then you can double click on the tab (once you have move it up to the ruler area) and double click and choose a type of ÒfillÓ. To return tabs (i.e. you do not want them anymore), just drag them off the ruler bar, you do not need to drag them back to the original tab box.

            A. You can also select a tab in the ruler bar by double clicking on it, then select fill. Then go back and put the cursor on the line, where you want the tab (or select more than one line) and press the Tab button. The underline looks much better than a underline using Òshift, underlineÓ (much bolder on printout and no tiny white spaces in between)

            B. If you were to have a page with Name (Tab) Date on it. You could use the Tab, fill feature to have the line go all the way up the word ÒDateÓ. You could then easily move the tab on the ruler, if you prefer (you can also use the space bar to move the line away from the word ÒdateÓ).

            C. You can select tabs that left justify your text, centered on the tab or right justified on the tab. Left justified tabs seem to be the best choice, for the most part.

106. Clarisworks Video #2 (apprx. 56:00) says that you do not need to type the abbreviation ÒinÓ in the Format, Document box.

            A. You can use the Format, Document dialog box to ÒMirror facing pagesÓ, which could be used for making a booklet (some pages have a wider left hand margin and some pages have a wider right hand margin. This is to make it easier for hole punching). If you show Òpages side by side displayÓ in the format, document dialog box, you can see the results.

107. On one occasion, the Spelling command was not present in the editÓ menu on the G3/233. The Claris Folder was present in the System Folder (and it had 18 items), but the folder may have become corrupted (as I had been having trouble with the G3/233). I copied a new Claris Folder from the School Stuff CD, which only had 15 items. However, the three missing items included Claris E-mailer preferences, Claris E-mailer Help and Claris Help Viewer. I copied Claris Help Viewer, Claris E-mailer preferences and Claris E-mailer Help to the ÒnewÓ Claris Folder. The spell check was then possible with CW 4.0. But then error type 2 kept occurring with Clarisworks. I replaced Clarisworks (with 4.0.6) and Claris E-mailer with extensions off. I replaced the Finder, System File and System Enabler. After doing that, though, the Spelling function did not work, again. I tried moving the Claris Folder outside of the System Folder and then back in, but I had no luck. I think if I copy a new Claris Folder to the System Folder, CW will start having errors again. Better to just use MS word to check CW documents for now (as of 1/27/02).

            A. Later, after replacing the System File, Finder preferences (and another folder of preferences, which was inside the preferences folder, oddly enough, may have been related or not) and unplugging the battery for 30 minutes, the Spelling Check was possible again.

            B. On a different occasion, the Spelling dictionary was not available (after doing a clean install). I forgot to copy the Claris folder to the System Folder that has about 15 items (one of which is the dictionary). After quitting all Claris applications (otherwise, you get an Òin useÓ error), and copying the Claris Folder with 15 items in it to the System Folder, I was able to Òspell checkÓ again (no configuration necessary).

            C. On a different occasion, Find/Replace and Spell Check were not available, so I trashed all CW stuff, including preferences. Then I did a drag and drop install from The Applications CD. Then the Spell Check and Find/Replace were available again. But only for a couple minutes. After I closed and opened a couple files, the problem recurred.

108. Clarisworks Video #2 (1:04 or so) says you can have different sections of a WP document and have one column in that section and two columns in a different section. Go to format, insert section break to make a new section. Under Format, section, you can choose to have a section start on a new page, new line, etc.

            A. Insert Column break puts the next writing on the next column over (even if the next column is on the next page).

            B. If you hold down the option key, you can resize columns and the space in-between columns. You can also go to format, section and do the same thing.

            C. You can select a section and then go to format, section and choose Bullet, numbering, etc.

            D. You can use format, tab to align decimals up, i.e. if making up a test. You can also use align on.... To use a character in the box (other than a decimal point, if you like).

109. Clarisworks Video #2 explains that you can use the Footnote assistance under the Help Menu to set up footnotes.

            A. Clarisworks Video #2 (approximately 1:19) explains that you can have a header be different for different pages. Under Format, Header you can set it up for different for a section, different for left and right or Title Page.

            B. You can insert a header and go to edit, Insert Page Number, then select ÒPage numberÓ to have the page number displayed. You can then type ÒofÓ (then go to Edit, Insert Page Number, then select Òdocument page countÓ to have the total number of pages appear in the footer, also)) if you like, to have pages be numbered ÒPage 1 of 5Ó, ÒPage 2 of 5Ó, etc.

110. Clarisworks Video (approximately 1:19) explains that after typing in a footnote, you can return to the text by pressing the enterÓ key.

111. Clarisworks Video (approximately 1:36) says that if the cursor is in the text, a picture will be pasted as text. If the cursor is not in the text, a picture will be pasted as a picture.

            A. A picture embedded as text could be centered or if a return is pressed before a picture, the picture moves along with text. You can resize a picture embedded as text, also (adjust the black box in the lower right hand corner).

112. You can check spelling by pressing command and the equal sign.

            A. Video #2 (apprx. 1:42) explains that if you turn the triangle at the bottom of the Spell Check, you can see the context for the word (so you donÕt have to see it in the text or the spell check box blocks the view of the text sometimes).

            B. You can edit your user dictionary under the Edit, writing tools menu.

            C. You can select a word, then go to edit, writing tools, thesaurus to find synonyms for your word. You can even select a word that is not bold in the thesaurus and then look that up, to help you choose even another word.

113. On one occasion, when working with a 6 page document with lots of graphics (Movie Info-Future), I tried to paste an additional picture. However, I got a ÒNot enough memory to complete the operation error,Ó When I went to ÒAbout Clarisworks,Ó I got the same error (I was trying to go to ÒAbout This Computer.Ó When I did go to ÒAbout This Computer,Ó I found that Clarisworks was using almost all of its 1.4 MB allocation. I closed CW, increased the preferred size from 1400 K to 3000 K. I reopened CW and was able to paste the graphic, then.

114. On one occasion, the Find/Change command was not present in the Edit Menu in a database or a WP document. I wanted to double check to see what happens with new documents. I closed CW and reopened it and made a new document, the Find/Change command was present, strangely enough. I thought I might have need to reinstall CW, but I did not.

115. To save a document so that the cursor is in a particular place when you open it, make the cursor be wherever you want it. Make some small change in the document and change it back. Then save.

116. Command, Shift, Z brings up a thesaurus in CW.

117. When you want to select multiple items in a CW document, you must completely encircle them to select them; otherwise, it does not work on all items.

118. If you want to scale a picture, proportionately, hold down the shift key while adjusting the size.

119. You can format numbers with commas, for numbers greater than 1,000.

120. You can double click the Field Box to format the numbers; you can use commas and also have negative numbers in parenthesis (as opposed to having a bar in front of the number).

            A. You can make subtraction formulas by typing +a1-a2 in a field (capitals not necessary).

121. You need to have at least some of the Clarisworks Tools (Apple Modem Tool, Claris Kermit Tool, Serial Tool, Text Tool, TTY Tool) present in extensions for a new communications document to be opened. Even with all those present, I still got an error, saying, ÒThe terminal emulation tool, ÔVT102 Tool,Õ is not available. Using ÔTTY Tool.Õ and ÒThe file transfer tool, ÔXmodem Tool,Õ is not available. Using ÔClaris Kermit Tool.Õ

122. CW Video #6 (approximately 23:00) states that if you have two files (one WP document) and another Mailmerge (a database document), you can insert fields into your WP document (i.e. first name, address, etc.) {Under File, Mail Merge inside of the WP document} and then press Print Merge to print out the documents with custom names and/or addresses, you would print one letter for every entry in the database.

            A. You need to type in your own punctuation for City, State etc. You can also choose to ÒShow Field DataÓ in the Mail Merge dialog box, which will show the actual information that will be printed.

            B. If you do not want to print a letter for every entry in the database, you can narrow down the database, create a search that will find a particular group of people (using the magnifying glass type looking tool in the Ò4 squareÓ on the screen).

            C. You can also create databases with friends, one for business associates, etc. Also, keep names of fields (name, address) consistent, which makes it easier.

123. CW Video #6 (approximately 29:00) explains that you can create your own style, by going to the View, Show Styles. You can add your own style to the Style pop up menu by creating a style (i.e. font, size, etc.), then going to Show Styles, add ÒnewÓ. You need to select ÒparagraphÓ or ÒoutlineÓ. The styles are saved with that document only (not new ones). If you choose to format a paragraph, you do not have to select the entire paragraph. You can simply click within the paragraph. You can export styles for different documents, if you like (approximately 46:20).

124. CW Video #6 (approximately 42:55) shows that you can show shortcuts, then take text (that is somewhat similar to table format already) and make a table, then you can use the spreadsheet functions to make changes to the table.

125. CW Video #6 (approximately 53:00) talks about using publish and subscribe under Edit, publishing. After you save a Òsubscribed toÓ file (i.e. you are not the originator of the document), it is sent to the original computer.

126. CW Video #6 (approximately 1:03) says that you can use Frame links to continue from one column to the next column in a drawing document. CW Help says it is possible in S.S., painting or databases, also (ironically, it does not mention drawing documents, but I did the original frame links in a drawing document). Object, Frame Links should have a check mark by it. Make a frame within a drawing document. If the text will not all fit, there will be a symbol centered at the bottom of the frame, click on the symbol, click to the right of the frame, drag to draw a new frame. The spill over text should appear in the second frame. You can adjust the width of frames in a drawing document, if you prefer, by selecting the frame (object) and then go to Options, Object Info.

127. CW Video #6 (approximately 1:15) explains that you can add to your CW library. Simply select an object in CW document, then go to File, library, Choose preferred library, then add. You can rename a recently added object by clicking the triangle on the bottom right hand side of the library.

            A. You can make your own library by going to File, Library, New.

128. CW Video #6 (approximately 1:22) talks about using Shortcuts, which can be vertical or horizontal depending on the choice you have made in Edit, Preferences.

            A. Some shortcuts do not appear at all times, since they may be specific to certain documents.

            B. Plaintalk must be installed for the text to be spoken (or some name similar to this) shortcut to be present.

            C. You may be able to use the Speak text command to hear a document read back to you, which may help with checking for errors.

129. CW Video #6 (approximately 1:31) explains that if you record a macro and under options, select Òplay pausesÓ, the macro will play in the same speed that you used to record it. You can also choose a macro to be ÒDocument specificÓ, have a shortcut or Òin shortcuts paletteÓ. You cannot edit a macro, once completed. You have to start all over again to re-record a macro.

130. CW Video #6 (approximately 1:53) talks about inserting a QT movie into a CW document. The movie would play in CW 4.0, but the controls would not show up, probably since CW is 4.0 and was written far before QT 5.0.1 was released.

131. CW Video #6 (approximately 1:56) says you can use command, Q to quit a slide show.

132. When printing the file ÒDaily Oral Language Paragraphs,Ó when printing the last paragraph, the underline for the heading Daily Oral Language Handwriting #23, #30 or whatever, etc. does not print, even though the underline was present in the file, when it appeared on screen. I changed the font from Helvetica to Geneva or New York to solve the problem. The Geneva or New York print was fine.

133. If you make a document with top, bottom, right and left margins of .4, the printout does not appear to be as good as one with 1 inch margins. The reduction in margins should only be used as a last resort.

134. On 9/9/02, CW did not have the Find function (the Edit menu was not fully present) on several occasions after closing and reopening the program. I deleted CW and its preferences and did a drag and drop install from School Stuff CD. We will see how it goes.

135. I got a ÒNot enough memory to complete this operationÓ trying to open Movie info-future in CW (from the Finder or within CW) I changed the preferred memory allocation of CW from 1400K to 3000K. Then Movie Info-future opened fine.

136. When using the HM Spelling Unit answers on the G3/233 after originating the document on my G3/266, I had to change the tabs on the right side of the document to make the text fit on the screen (I did not print it to see how the output would be). It printed out fine.

137. If you made a page setup to be landscape instead of portrait and it has some Òsignature linesÓ in it (or just places where a line appears), the printout may be jagged. It is better to use Portrait in that case.

            A. I even tried using the Tab, fill idea mentioned in 105 A, but the lines were still a little jagged on the printout with my BJC-4550.

138. On 10/6/02, I got an error type 2 when using CW (and the Edit menu did not have Find/Change and Spelling Check in it. So, I trashed all the Claris stuff and reinstalled from CW install disks. It appears to be okay now.

139. When making the Houghton Mifflin Unit Answers WP document, I had a SS within the document. I tried to put in some cursive writing, but the Cursive writing would have to be pretty enormous to be clear to all students, so I stuck with Helvetica, 14 font (size 16 or 18 made it nearly impossible to get all the answers for a unit on one page). I checked and Helvetica, 14 is about the same size as some of our H.M. Reading transparencies. All but one student had trouble (I think she has vision problems). We subsequently moved her to the front of the room.

            A. I had tried using ABC Cursive, but some letters at the front of the word would be cut off i.e. the letter s, ZB Cursive would be better to use (in conjunction with Link Letter).

            B. We tried using the bold version of Helvetica, but it was probably too thick to be seen on screen as well as regular text would be.

140. I got a ÒNot enough memory to complete this operationÓ error, when trying to paste some information into Movie Info - future. I checked the memory allocation of CW and it was 1400 K. After closing CW and increasing the memory allocation to 6000 K (preferred size), I was able to paste the information.

141. Mom sent me a CW file (unstuffed from AOL, which looked like a generic icon in the Outlook Express attachment window) to I dragged the file to the desktop (the icon was made into a CW icon) and then was able to just click on it and CW opened it.

142. In CW 4.0 file for Daily Oral Language Corrections file, D.O.L. paragraph #4 seems to have one and a quarter spacing in the last line, instead of one. I think it is just a bug in the Helvetica font.

143. Under 9.2.2, you can use Find/Change with CW 4.0, because you can only type one letter at a time. However, in OS X, you can type whole words.

144. To make a (n-ya) in Spanish (–), you need to make it in another application (i.e.Word), then paste into CW (command, N makes a new document with CW).

145. Clarisworks would open on the iMac DV+, but when it opened, the white area was gray, and you could not type at all (the program would freeze). Trashing prefs, reinstalling, installing the Claris folder in the System Folder, no luck. Clean install of 9.2.2 solved the problem.



1. If an object (perhaps a square) is not totally enclosed, If you click a color inside the square, then it will color the whole screen. If you draw a line to enclose the square, it will paint inside the square only (If you click the ÒbucketÓ tool inside the square).

2. You can select all the images in a painting document by holding down the command key and then double clicking the rectangular tool.

3. If you double click the eraser, the whole page will blank itself out. If you double click on the paintbrush, it will bring up a palette to change the shape or size of the paintbrush.

4. If you click Shift and then use the paintbrush, it will paint on a straight line. If you click Shift and use the eraser it will erase along a straight line. If you click Shift and use the \ line tool, it will draw vertical or horizontal lines.

5. For detailed painting, magnify the area and then use tools.

6. To make a copy of a selected area, option drag it. If you hold down the command key at the same time, there will be a trail of images left behind. If you hold down option, command and shift (and drag the selected area), the images will be in a straight line.

7. It is often better to try to make the original large and scale down, rather than vice versa, since bitmapped images do not look so great when enlarged.

8. In some painting programs (not Clarisworks), you may want to hold down the shift key to resize an image.

9. To nudge objects in many painting programs (you need to have Easy Access in Control Panels), select the object with the selection tool and leave the arrow on top of the object, then click on the number Ò0Ó twice or type command, shift clear to turn Mouse keys on, then use 2, 4, 6 and 8 to move the object. Double click on period to turn it off.

10. For more precision editing, Supposedly, some paint programs allow you to change the cursor to a crosshair by hitting caps lock (when using magic wand, rubber stamp or paint bucket), did not work in Claris or GC, though.

11. You can use a selected frame as a paintbrush by selecting it and then holding down the command and option keys while dragging the rectangle.

12. You can use the eyedropper to select a color for the pen palette by holding down the option key as you click.

13. Tab switches you to the eyedropper tool and then back to the previously selected tool.

14. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:22) explains that painting probably requires the most memory when using CW.

15. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:24) explains that in painting, you have many more colors available.

16. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:23) explains that the Òmagic wandÓ can be used to select pixels that are of the same color. It appears that the magic wand does what the eyedropper does without changing the color choices on your palette. Video #5 (aprx.1: 27) shows that the Òmagic wandÓ can be used to strip away a certain color within an object.

17. You can undo any paint changes by using command, Z.

18. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:28) explains that you can change the paintbrush functions by double clicking on that tool in the tools. One time, I could not get the paintbrush to make some small lines (they were all huge). It turns out that magnification was on 800%. You can also double click on the spray can to adjust its functions. (Double clicking on the pencil takes you to 800%, mentioned at 1:36).

19. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:32) explains that it may be helpful to select an area, then zoom in to see it better.

20. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:33) shows that if you use Ònew viewÓ, you can have two views of the same object (one zoomed and one not, if you choose) to get a view of an object, once you make changes.

21. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:34) shows that if you double click the eraser tool, it will blank a document.

22. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:46) explains that if you hold down the command key while selecting an object (with the rectangular selection tool), it will select only the object and not a white space around it.

23. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:47 explains that the bottom portion of the Transform menu all affect color. Blending softens the edges between two colors.

24. CW Video #5 (apprx. 1:48) explains that you can change the resolution and depth of a painting under the Format Menu. It may be better to change these options before starting to make a painting. Video #5 (apprx. 1:50) suggests that you can use a portion of another type of document to make a painting section, if you want to conserve space.


Clarisworks-Spreadsheet Information

1. When cells are formatted or there is a header on a blank page, it prints the extra pages even though they are blank (return cells to default or remove header).

2. To unformat a column or row, simply highlight the column or row and choose editÓ and ÒClearÓ

3. e + 1 error, go to ÒformatÓ, ÒnumberÓ, click ÒfixedÓ, click precision Ò1."

4. Gradebook: =sum(B4..E4)/$F$3*100 (column E is blank, keep inserting cells to enter new grades); to copy formula, highlight formula and then empty spaces, hit ÒOpen Apple, DÓ



5. To print several S.S. documents with the cell grid, Do the following (If you drag the icons to the printer or the icon for printing, CW 4.0, then the cell grid doesnÕt appear). To print all SS documents with the grid, run the following macro: File, Shortcuts, Record Macro, open a document, print, close document, open a document, print, close document, etc. (Use keyboard shortcuts wherever possible).

6. To record the shortcuts for inserting and formatting SS cells in my Gradebook, then:

            A. File, Shortcuts, Record Macro, Shortcut in Spreadsheet documents only, not document specific, use shortcut, in shortcuts palette, Open document, highlight cells, calculate insert cells, format alignment center, format, column width, use whatever the current document is, close document.

            B. To make the cells blue for alternate kids (every other one), then copy the format, and then paste the format. Making a macro for it is not consistent, must be bugs in it. Also, have to reenter the grades, no alternatives that I can find.

7. On a document on MomÕs (2.1 Clarisworks), the words Òaddress,Ó ÒamountÓ printed at the top (it was a header) and on every row on the page. I had to go to ÒlayoutÓ view to change it (delete the headers).

8. To add graphics to labels in 4.0, you have to go to layout view.

9. If you make a chart, cutting and pasting the chart severs the link to the spreadsheet (information can not be updated)

10. If you have number data to be used as ÒlabelsÓ for columns or rows (in a non-severed chart), then click Òmodify chartÓ from the ÒOptionsÓ menu and then click Ògeneral,Ó then use numbers as labels in.....

11. In a spreadsheet creation, to print an picture outside of a spreadsheet (without a cell grid around it). Simply go to Options, Display, turn off cell grid, row and column headings. Insert a picture. Then highlight the area next to the picture (where you want the cell grid to be) and choose Format, Borders and then click all the boxes.

12. To make a chart bigger, type in the extra information in the next cell. Click on the chart, click general, and adjust cell size as necessary.

13. To paste formulas to more than one cell at once, highlight cell with formula and then the cells you would like formula pasted to, then hit open apple, D.

14. To sort alphabetically, Calculate, sort, choose options (to sort by first AND last names, they need to be in separate cells or type like ÒJones, Sara,Ó no quotation marks).

            A. If you want items to be locked horizontally (i.e. last names are in one column and first names are in another column), highlight all of the information, not just what cells you want to be sorted. If you want to sort students by their grades in a SS, then highlight the studentsÕ names, select all the cells that have the desired information to be sorted and you need to highlight all the cells in the range (even the ones not being sorted). Otherwise, grades are not kept with their original owner (in the case of a SS with students and grades).  Then use Command, J, then type in the first cell in the Order Key, first box. Do not change the Range information).

15. Gradebook Template-to delete the numbers in cells F6-M30 (not any ones with formulas). Also, change the page setup to horizontal.

16. Also, cells can be added to the Gradebook template (i.e. to add assign #13 etc.), Can copy and paste to new spreadsheet or just move the assignments over to add new assignments. But you have to go to Format, document, type what you want, then select Òset print rangeÓ under Òoptions, hit ÒOK,Ó then it will work (this is due to a glitch in the Gradebook template, other SS templates donÕt have the same problem).

17. To print a plain page with many boxes, go to ÒformatÓ ÒdocumentÓ i.e. To print Back to school Night, 2 rows across, 28 down.

            A. However, later I found out that some documents will not print blank cells. You may need to format some bottom cell as left justified to get it to print. (I had centered all the blank cells once, but that did not work). I ended up later making one of the bottom cells left justified, then all the blank cells printed.

18. Can insert cells with column and row headings on, but you must highlight the whole row or column and do shift right or down. W/ row and column headings off, just click, insert. Also, macros that I have set up on my computer do not work with the rows and columns off.

19. Can edit cell without going to the top of the spreadsheet. Simply click in the cell that you want to edit and start typing. Or simply cut or delete.

20. To make a chart without a spreadsheet frame in the background. Might want to do it in Word Processing. Make a spreadsheet frame with all the numbers, then make chart and put chart outside of the frame.

21. To make a chart using the first column or row as headings, highlight all the info (the headings as well as the regular info), and then go to general settings for chart, and click Òuse numbers as headings in. row or column.

22. To move through the S.S., can use tab and shift tab, also home, end, page up and page down.

23. You can ÒfreezeÓ a set of cells horizontally or vertically. Just click on the small black bar on the horizontal or vertical side of a spreadsheet and everything to the left or below the black bar will ÒfreezeÓ in place. You can have a spreadsheet stay ÒfrozenÓ in this state by using Òsave asÓ then replacing (or alternatively, making an additional change in the spreadsheet and choosing simply save).

24. On one occasion, a spreadsheet appeared on the screen as though it would print out on one page. However, it printed on two. I went to format, document, and checked show page guides to help see how the page was divided up and rectified the situation.

25. To insert more than one row or column of cells at once, highlight the number of columns or rows you want (i.e. make a big rectangle or square with so many rows across and so many rows down) and choose insert cells from the calculate menu (shift down or right at that point). Then you can choose column width, alignment, etc.

26. SYLK stands for Symbolic Link format, which is designed to store numbers and is used primarily by spreadsheet programs. It preserves text, numbers, formulas and text formatting (p.795-796 Of Mac Bible for more info).

27. Edit, Paste function brings up a list of formulas for use. When using sum for example, this appears in the box, =SUM(number1,number2,É), You need to change number1 and number2 to cell references or numbers If desired and then erase the Ò,...Ó after the last part of the number or cell reference.

28. Had a problem with a spreadsheet that would not print all the boxes on a page, so I went to options, set print range, adjusted that to account for whole page. Then I went to the bottom right hand cell of the page and formatted it. Fixed the problem.

29. Had a problem with the "3rd Math" spreadsheet in Mrs. Avellar's room. You could not add columns or rows to the spreadsheet. You could go to format, document, add more columns or rows, but it did not make a difference in the spreadsheet. Had to turn page view off and you could then see the extra cells.

            A. Also, the letter grades kept giving an error message in their cells. It was because I accidentally erased the grading scale from the spreadsheet. After reinserting it, the grades were fine.

30. You canÕt add patterns, gradients, textures to spreadsheet frames.

31. You can move down after hitting return, which is set up in preferences.

            A. You can also use the arrow keys to move from cell to cell, even while cursor is in active entry place (top of spreadsheet).

32. You can move cell information to a new location by highlighting the cell to be moved, then hold down option, command and click in new location.

33. You can press CLEAR to delete cell and formatting. If you press DELETE, only the cell contents are deleted, but cell formatting is retained.

34. To fill a column full of formulas, highlight the original formula cell and all the cells into which the formula will be replicated, then choose fill down. You can also choose fill right.

35. To make the cells blue for alternate kids (every other one), then copy the format, then paste the format. Making a macro for it is not consistent, must be bugs in it. Also, have to re-center the grades, no alternatives that I can find.

36. If you double click the line between two columns, the columnÕs width will automatically adjust to the longest line of text in all the cells.

37. If you go to Òlock title positionÓ, it will lock all the rows in that place. You could lock the names on the left side of a spreadsheet; scroll and names stay in place.

            A. If you click on row 5, it will not only lock columns and rows. If you only want to lock the rows, go to row 1 to lock the title position.

38. If there is a one-inch margin on the side of the spreadsheet and cell will not lock title position, it is because you are in page view.

39. I was trying to make a CW SS with vertical writing in the top cell for the State standards. I thought I would have to create a separate document within a document.

            A. I typed the numbers (3.1, 3.2 etc.) in a drawing document. Then I made a macro to rotate numbers 270 degrees. Change font to size 9. Can do twenty items at once.

            B. Then you simply pasted into the Spreadsheet, so that the numbers are vertical.

            C. If not aligning properly (i.e. one number is lower than another is) on the Standards Charts, i.e. numbers may have a little extra space behind them. You select them with the arrow tool and clean free space.

            D. If you double click on the numbers, then you can edit them, they will rotate back to vertical.

            E. To select all or some of the decimals. Double click on arrow tool in Claris. Select the numbers, then move or align, etc.

            F. To add the number of *'s in a spreadsheet, type in "=COUNT (H2.J2)", with no quotes.

            G. Changed page setup to Landscape, no longer got smaller than margins message (which says, ÒSome margins are smaller than the minimum allowed by the printer. Your document may be clippedÓ.

            H. Can use find/replace to change all the numbers to a different grade level.

            I. You can simply fill in asterisks across on a student to see how many standards there are (not filling in the space on the second page, if necessary, for re-entering student names).

40. When doing formulas, add = sign in front, even though it does not show that in the help windows.

41. If you are entering dates and want to make a chart out of them, put the dates in quotes i.e. Ò1998Ó, Ò1999Ó or write the date as Year 1998, Year 1999, etc.

42. If you try to make the rows shorter (instead of 15) with the Language Arts Standards Listing, then some letters are cut off at the bottom. Additionally, the font size is already 9, so smaller would not be legible to all people.

            A. Also, use format, number, fixed, precision 2 for use with 3.10, 3.20 etc.

43. You can make the Timed Math spreadsheet print out with Ò+1Ó, Ò+2Ó etc. on it without having to use two pages. In the cells, put Ò+1Ó (with quotes), make sure that the cell is centered and then set the column width to 14 pt.

            A. The columns, etc. still come out slightly jagged when printing on the Canon BJC-4550, since the printing is done in landscape and not portrait.

44. Apparently with a CW SS, you can not format the document to be narrower than 4 columns, if you have typing in four columns (even if there is not ÒreallyÓ letters in all four columns, but in 3 columns and in the third column, the letters run over into the fourth column).

45. On one occasion, I tried to make a group of horizontal writing with vertical writing above it, so that the horizontal writing on the top took up 4 cells. I did not have enough text to fit into four cells, but If you add spaces, the same result will occur.

46. Also, to get two lines of headers to line up, better to not center them. Otherwise, text will not line up with both rows.

47. To add vertical writing, do not type into the spreadsheet. Instead click on the ÒAÓ tool on the document anywhere to create a space for text. Then move the text by clicking the arrow tool. Go to format, alignment, and rotate 90 degrees.

48. On one occasion, while working on the ÒInto English AssessmentÓ template, when trying to make the ÒUnit 1, Unit 2Ó to run into the next column, I could not get Unit 6 to cut off the next columns. It was because Unit 5 ran over into Unit 6 already. After deleting the extra spaces from Unit 5, then Unit 6 could take over the next three columns.

49. On the L.A. Standards, I had to rewrite the formulas for tallying the kidsÕ total number of passed standards, because the name on the second page was being counted as passing a standard.

            A. The new formula is =COUNT(B2..AQ2)+COUNT(AS2..BD2).

50. To lock/unlock (by using the arrange menu) items in a Clarisworks S.S., an object (not a cell) must be selected. Ellen had trouble with this, when using the Clarisworks Gradebook stationary.

            A. To make an object that can be locked/unlocked using the arrange menu, draw one with the tools (i.e. the square, etc). You can not use the arrow tool to make an object in a spreadsheet, I do not think.

51. If you can not get some text to line up on the bottom of a cell because of wrap being on or off, try putting some spaces in front of the first word.

            A. Another alternative is to change the font size or the row height.

52. You can not put an Ò–Ó (n yeah) into a spreadsheet cell with a CW 4.0 spreadsheet. However, you can make a word with an N-yeah in it in a WP document. Copy from the WP document and paste into the SS cell.

53. To divide a spreadsheet into frames (so you can see studentsÕ names right next to their grades in Timed Math or Standards spreadsheets. This is when you want to compare some cells to other ones that are further away in a spreadsheet), move the mouse over the black rectangle next to the scroll bar at the bottom of the spreadsheet (use the horizontal scroll bar and not the vertical one). Click on the black rectangle and move it to where you want the split or pane to be.

            A. When you close the spreadsheet, the panes are no longer saved, which is a good thing, since you would probably only need it one time, when entering grades from the Standards or Timed Math to enter into the Gradebook.

54. Clarisworks Video #1 or #2 mentions that you can set up Spreadsheets, so that the Enter Key (by the numeric keypad) can be used to either confirm entry in a cell or move down or to the right one cell.

            A. You can also make any options you like to be the default.

55. If you try to make new numbers for the top of a standards SS (where vertical numbers are in the top SS column), change the view to 200or 300 % to make it easier.

56. One time I kept getting the error that says document may be cut off error, when printing, but the margins were all .5 inches. I changed the page setup from portrait to landscape and then no dialog box error appeared when printing.

57. When using the spreadsheet for L.A. and Math standard scores, on one occasion, all of the column cell headings did not appear when turning them to be "on" with the Options, display menu. However, when stars were entered into those columns, there was a point added to the total column.

58. Clarisworks Video #4 says that the cursor is a plus sign, which would indicate that you would be adding a cell to a formula.

            A. You can add another cell to a formula by clicking in the cell. If you type a minus sign first, you can subtract a cellÕs value in the formula.

            B. Video also says that formulas start with an equals sign.

            C. Video explains that if you want to type some numbers into cells, highlight the cells and the return key will move accordingly. In other words, you can type two rows of numbers instead of many columns, highlight the two rows where you would like to enter values.

            D. Video says that if a number is less than 15 digits, but cannot be displayed (cell is too narrow), then scientific notation will be shown. Once the cell is widened, the number appears normal. If a number is longer than 16 digits, then scientific notation will be used, no matter what. These values can still be used in formulas.

            E. Videos explains that the check mark can be used to enter info in cells, and the cell is still selected.

            F. Shift, tab and shift, enter do the opposite of tab and shift.

            G. Video says that columns are lettered and rows are numbered.

            H. Video (22:40) says that you can type the equals sign, then click on cells and each cell you click on will be added to your formula i.e. cells values are added.

            I. Video #4 (23:10) says formulas are restricted to 256 characters.

            J. Video #4 (23:20) says functions are formula shortcuts.

            K. When pasting functions, you can type the first letter of the name of the function to get to that point in the function list.

            L. Video #4 (26:27) explains you can click and hold the mouse to select a range for a formula (after you delete the suggested formula i.e. number 1, number 2, etc. and leave the parentheses in place. You can then press Return, enter or click the check mark to enter the formula.

            M. Video #4 (31:00) says option, 8 (asterisk) will multiply. Typing =c13^2 (without the quotes) will square the number in cell B4 (shift, 6 is the carrot symbol).

            N. Video #4 (32:30) explains that if you hold down the option key, you can type the ³ or the ² symbols in a spreadsheet. You can hold down the option key and press the equals sign to get a Ònot equalÓ symbol (­).

            O. Video #4 (33:50) explains that quotation marks can be used to enter text (i.e. ="just"), so the cell is not calculated.

            P. If you want to add two numbers before multiplying another number (you want to go out of order in the order of operations), put the two numbers to be added first inside of parentheses (2+3)*4.

            Q. If you type 3 dots between cell references in a formula, CW Òauto correctsÓ it to 2 dots.

            R. A shortcut for entering an absolute references is to hold down the command and option key and then click on a cell.

            S. Video #4 suggests that you use options, default font to change the preferred font for your spreadsheet (it does not affect a new spreadsheet).

            T. Video #4 (approximately 46:24) explains that if you highlight a column(s) or row(s), then double click on a divider between a column or row, it will resize the column or row, so that all the contents are visible (and also no extra space is left in the column or row). If they do not resize, it is because they are the correct size already.

            U. Video #4 (47:16) says that format, number, precision refers to the number of decimal places. ÒFixedÓ option puts the number of decimal places that are in the precision box (otherwise, the decimal places may not show up, if they are zeroes). You can also have the choice to have negative numbers in parentheses, under Format, Number. You can use Format, Number, Commas for numbers equal to or bigger than one thousand.

            V. Video #4 (apprx. 50:51) says that to insert more than one row or column, select the number of preferred columns or rows, then choose insert row or column.

            W. Video #4 (apprx. 51:15) says that text will automatically aligned left when entered (numbers appear to be right aligned automatically).

            X. Video #4 explains that you can use Calculate, Fill Special to go by date, date, month, etc. If you type in ÒJanÓ (no period), it will recognize it as the first month of the year. You can also repeat a pattern using Calculate, Fill Special. Also, the formatting for the cells is the same as the first cell(s) that are used to ÒFill Special.Ó

            Y. Video #4 (apprx. 54:30) says that options, lock title position can be used to lock a column(s) or row(s) or both. It will lock the row(s) or column(s) that are highlighted (the whole row or column does not need to be highlighted, just a particular row or column). You want to select the upper most column or row, unless you want to highlight more than one row or column. If you are in cell A1, the first column and row are locked. If you are in cell A2, then the first column and first two rows are locked.

            Z. Video #4 (apprx. 57:44) says that if you see a group of pound or number signs in a cell, the number may still print fine, but onscreen, will not appear. This was not true on my 4550, in at least one instance.

            AA. Video #4 (apprx. 58:20) says that if you want to sort a group of cells (i.e. names with numbers associated with them) and you want to keep the names with their respective numbers, select all the cells, then sort. You can also sort by number, if you change the cell listed in the Order Keys Box. You can use the second and third order keys boxes to sort the cells if two or more cells are equal in value (i.e. two people have a 33 associated with their name, when sorting by number. If you use the second or third sort, then the two people associated with 33 can be sorted alphabetically, if you choose).

            BB. Video #4 (approx. 1:03) shows how to insert a text portion into a spreadsheet by using the tools (accessed by clicking the rectangle at the bottom of a spreadsheet).

            CC. Video #4 (apprx. 1:04) can allow to you to change the fill, background, etc. of cells using the tools (accessed by clicking the rectangle at the bottom of a spreadsheet). You can later choose transparent to eliminate all the colors, if you decide you want it plain after all.

            DD. Video #4 (approx. 1:07) explains that you can turn the cell grid off (options, display, cell grid), then use Format, borders to make only parts of the spreadsheet appear within cells.

            EE. Video #4 (appr. 1:08) shows how to use Edit, Copy Format, Edit, Paste format to copy formatting from one set of cells or rows to another.

            FF. Video #4 (apprx. 1:09) shows that you can use Options, lock cells to make sure formulas are not accidentally erased.

            GG. Video #4 (apprx. 1:11) explains that you can hold down the shift key to select a group of cells to be selected.

            HH. If a column of cells is Òmissing,Ó you may have dragged the neighboring column of cells over it. Move the neighboring cells away from the ÒmissingÓ column of cells.

            II. Video #4 (apprx. 1:13) explains that you can type in =AVERAGE(drag across the cells) to get an average of cells. You type in the open and closed parenthesis before and after dragging across the cells. You can also use the MAX function to find the biggest number (this function can be used on more than one column or row).

            JJ. Video #4 (apprx. 1:15) explains that you can use letters with the Edit, Paste Function to access a function quickly (i.e. type a letter ÒSÓ to get to the ÒsecondÓ function quickly).

            KK. Video #4 (apprx. 1:16) explains that the count function can work on text or numerals.

            LL. Video #4 (apprx. 1:19) explains that Count2 can be used to count the number of occurrences of a particular number or piece of text (if you want the function to look for text, the text should be within quotes).

            MM. Video #4 (apprx. 1:23) explains how to use logical functions (logical functions can give you two possible results, based on your question), if A2 is more than B2, then type ÒyesÓ, etc.

            NN. Video #4 (apprx. 1:30) explains how to do a very complex logical formula.

            OO. Video #4 (apprx. 1:34) shows that if you simply type in an equals sign, then start clicking on cells, you add them automatically.

            PP. Video #4 (apprx. 1:36) explains that you can make a chart horizontal or vertical. It can also be 3-dimensional, or shadowed. Double clicking on a chart brings up the ÒModify chartÓ dialog box.

            QQ. If you make a chart and it only has one color in it, you may not have enough numbers to make a ÒmotleyÓ chart i.e. you just have a series of names associated with numbers. You may need to have two numbers associated with each name. You can edit the colors that are used in a chart by highlighting the ÒkeyÓ in a chart, then selecting from the fill palette (right below and to the left of the paint can). You can also highlight the text on the vertical axis in a chart to change the font, etc., but not the horizontal axis. The text, font, etc. for the horizontal axis come from the spreadsheet.

            RR. Video #4 (apprx. 1:42) explains that the Axes command under Modify chart allow you to label the x and y-axis. The Ògrid linesÓ option under Axes (Modify chart) allows those to be visible/invisible. You can also modify tick marks, which allows you to make your chart skip by 2s or 3s, etc.. You can also determine what your maximum and minimum values are to be shown in the chart. Video #4 (apprx. 1:44) mentions the log function briefly.

            SS. Video #4 (apprx. 1:43) explains that you can move the legend (and make or move the title of a chart),using the labels function under Modify chart (which can be accessed by double clicking a chart).

            TT. Video #4 (apprx. 1:44) explains that a pictogram is a chart that contains pictures. You can find a picture, copy it, and then paste it into the sample box under Modify Chart, Series. You can also just copy an object, then select a series in your key, and then select paste.

            UU. Video #4 (apprx. 1:48) says that if you hold down the option key and then click on a legend, you can expand/contract the chart behind it.

59. Once trying to put the titles in for the Standards Spreadsheet, I wanted to make it so no vertical lines appeared within the group (i.e. Measurement and Geometry would blank out all the spaces in the row, so that no vertical lines would appear until the next group, which was Statistics and Probability). The problem was that some of the rows had just blank spaces in them. After removing them Measurement and Geometry could take over all the needed rows.

            A. Also, when you formatted the document, so that the margin was wider (from .60 left and .60 right to .69 left and .69 right), it changed the Spreadsheet to 3 pages, even though on screen, it appeared to be only two. I thought this was the problem, but it was only part of the problem. I had changed the spreadsheet about 66 cells across, but then later changed it to 59 cells across. While I had the spreadsheet formatted to 66 cells across, I had added some extra text at the top of some of the rows. Because of this, extra columns appeared on the printout. I then reformatted the spreadsheet to 66 cells across, deleted the extra text, and then reformatted to 59 cells across. This fixed the problem.

60. On one occasion, when working with the L.A. Standards Scores 02-03, one studentÕs score was higher than every other student (he had "7": and the other students had "6," even though they all had the same number of stars). However, the formula for the student and the other students were correct (no extra cells added, etc.). I found out that one cell had a problem, which caused the spreadsheet to think that there was an "asterisk" in that cell, even though there was not an asterisk in the cell. When I went to the cell and then "deleted" the "contents" the number returned back to normal (he then had "6," like everyone else). May have been a one-time glitch.

61. If you type the word "true" in a spreadsheet, it will only center and appear only in capital letters (probably because it is a function). To workaround this, type true with a space after the e and it will be okay in a spreadsheet.

62. To add software to "Software on Internet CDs" file, add new records as needed, copy the names of the files from the CDs, open a new SS file, then save them as DBF. Then go to the file "Software on Internet CDs" and then choose file, insert.

63. A one page spreadsheet kept printing two pages, when I printed it out. I had some type of formatting in the second cell on my track meet check list, even though there was no typing there, nor where the cells present. I went to format, document and changed the margins, hoping to fix the problem. When I tried to close the dialog box, I got a message indicating that columns across must be a value between 2 and some large number. I changed the number to a 2 and then I deleted the extra cells. Then only one page printed.

64. If there is a lot of space between the end of a spreadsheet and the footer; you can add extra returns below the footer to move the footer up on the page.

65. Same exact item (with same formatting, etc.) typed into 2 cells in a row; however, they appeared to be off center. I copied from the first cell and pasted into the second. Then they were the same.

66. For typing up the Field Events Scoring Sheets and the Running Events Scoring Sheets for the track meet, you can type only in certain cells (for example in two columns out of the 4 in a spreadsheet, you can highlight ONLY the cells you want to type into, then tab to move from cell to cell.

            A. You can also use the preferences to move down one cell in a spreadsheet when pressing Return or Enter.

67. You can insert a page break with a spreadsheet to have the spreadsheet go on to the next page.

68. I do not think there is a way to make a header different on each page. However, you can add a text frame (only inside the spreadsheet area) by clicking the letter "A" and dragging within the spreadsheet.

            A. When making the track meet sheets, I decided to just add the grade level info, event, etc. within the spreadsheet and also the page numbers to put the items in order.

69. You can add a page break under the options menu. To remove a page break, go to the bottom cell in the first page, then select Options, remove page break.

70. I had trouble getting the bottom part of Class List with UA group to print. Even with text in the bottom cells, the bottom row would not print. The bottom part of the spreadsheet kept cutting off. I ended up selecting the bottom part of the spreadsheet (which was a SS within the SS) and increasing the number of cells by one (under Format, Document). This solved the problem.

70. After adjusting the footer on a document at home on the iLamp, the footer was cut off at the bottom of the page on the G3/266 (onlys lines #1-4 and 6 showed up). I simply clicked in the footer, pressed Return, deleted, then it was okay.


Clean Install Assistant (free for personal and educational use).

1. With version 1.2 (and perhaps earlier versions), items in the System file itself are not moved. You have to manually move keyboard layouts, sounds etc.

2. it could be used to save disk space by saving only your valuable additions and preferences files only, instead of the whole System Folder.

3. You could use it to install the same set of additions on multiple Macs: Just copy the ÒSystem Folder AdditionsÓ folder to each Mac and then choose ÒAdd BackÓ.

4. In the List of Mac OS Files, there is a list of the Apple items that come with the basic System software.

            A. Afldr signifies an Apple folder. So, Clean Install Assistant looks for added folders, which are not a part of the basic MAC OS.

            B. Sfldr signifies a folder to be skipped (i.e. not moved). These are folders that are used for temporary information, such as ÒRecent Documents.Ó

            C. t is for type, followed by a four-letter file type, a four-letter creator code and the file name.

5. The website for Clean Install Assistant is

6. You can press the option key in the window after opening the application. it will change the Collect Button to a List button. Then you can use a text editor (Simpletext may not be able to open it), to make changes. Then move the file to the ÒList of the MAC OS FilesÓ so Clean Install Assistant can see it.

7. Inside its folder, it lists the installed components for System 7.5.5, 8.0 etc.

8. Microsoft Office, AOL (probably, but not 100% sure), IE5, and NN 4.77 worked right after using Clean Install Assistant 1.2. E! marker (Reinstall needed, because otherwise, the ÒwritingÓ on the screen would not disappear after using the E! marker. After reinstalling (and trashing prefs and E! Marker extensions), the ÒwritingÓ would disappear after pressing Command, Shift, E.

9. It is porbably best to use Clean Install Assistant with extensions off. I have had it freeze on the G3/233 at least once.


Click There it is

1. Versions 1.0.7 and 1.0.8Õs icons do not appear correctly upon startup on the LC with System Software 7.1. Not a major problem. They overlap the Conflict Catcher or other icons on startup.

2. Version 1.1.0b0 and 1.5 work with OS 9.


Clip Art

1. Called Aztec 11/12/97 at 6:17 A.M. They said that you can use Aztec Clip Art on more than one computer. it can also be used to publish on the Web, but not If you are selling anything.

If Clip art says the application that created it can not be found and the app. is on the disk, may need to open the clip from within the application.

2. Do not go to or (which has many links to other pages with pop up ads). They have far too many pop up ads.


Color Coordinator

1. Version 1.3.8 is compatible with At Ease. If an application (that needs 256 colors) is in ÒAt Ease,Ó the computer can be switched to 256 color and then back to ÒthousandsÓ when returning to the Finder. Just set up ÒFinderÓ in Color CoordinatorÕs control panel.

2. Version 1.3.8 also works with Stomper 3.2.5.

3. Must be in control panels to work. It may appear to work, but it may needs to be restarted.


Computer Lab

1. 5500/225 has video out ports. Does not have to have Screensqueeze Extension and Control Panel. Screen was blacked out in lab. Resolution was off, set at 640 X 480 @ 67 HZ, s/b 60 Hz. This is true because the standard for televisions is 60 Hz.

2. Apple Internet Dialer is used to configure Computer Lab modem. US Robotics Mac & Fax 28.8 modem (9-357-0390). TCP/IP Settings: Connect via MacPPP: Configure using PPP Server: Name Server Addr.  Search Domains I called and they said to use and Apple Internet Dialer: Provider, set up existing account:

            Provider Name:

            User Login: crookham

            Password: school name, name of place (all lower case). Originally, got the not enough memory message to complete the task or something similar with IE 5 and NN 4.73, when there were 19 messages. Later, after reading and clearing the 19 messages, I could not access the mail either. it still said Ònot enough storage is available to complete this operation.Ó If you go to, you can click on Òweb mail,Ó enter user ID and password to access mail. Or you can type in ÒÓ and enter user name and password. This service just started in the beginning of May, 2000. It does not work with MÕs e-mail, though, since the password is not known. I think that keeps getting the digital river junk e-mails. I tried to unsubscribe from it, but there was no indication of how in the e-mail. Also, at the web site, there is no showing of how to do it. I e-mailed them back and forth, they suggested that I call them at 800-207 - 2755. I will wait and see if I get another e-mail from digital to be sure that I have the correct e-mail address that is getting the ÒjunkÓ mail. (sometimes a third party refers your name, like with AOL, sometimes. If a third party refers you, you may get forwards from them, instead of the person sending the e-mail originally). To change the password for an account, go to, Go to ÒutilitiesÓ, then Òchange password.Ó However, it said that I was forbidden access on this server, on the G3/233. The next day, I used the 5500/225 in the lab, and I was able to change the password. However, another problem existed. I wanted to change the password that is used for sign on in the PPP control panel. This could not be done in basic mode. If you try to change to administrative mode, then you get a prompt for a Password, which I did not know.

I tried accessing the intern II setup control panel and double clicking on However, after changing the password with InterPPP II, the password in the PPP control panel was not updated (probably because the PPP control panel was password protected). I called Elite Net (357-4900) for assistance. One man said that only 1% of its customers is Mac users and they do not have any Mac experts. So, I had to figure out the solution on my own. I trashed the Remote Access folder inside of the Preferences folder. This folder consisted of Remote Access Connections and Remote Access Log. Trashing these preferences allowed me to change the settings in the PPP control panel and save a new password. I also trashed the InterPPP II preferences, as this is part of the PPP setup. I saved the new password in the PPP control panel. However, after restarting the 5500/225, I got an error message that says ÒInterPPP II has not yet been configured. Please run InterPPP II Setup to enter a license key and/or configure InterPPP II. I did not have the license key for InterPPP II, so I was not able to use the control panel to set up PPP. Instead I set PPP up manually (as described in H). So, I disabled the InterPPP II Setup (which is a part of Internet Valet, FYI) control panel, InterPPP II extension, InterPPP II AppleTalk extension and the InterPPP II MacTCP Extension. The error message no longer appeared and I was still able to sign on to the Internet (InterPPP II was not needed). Powermac in the lab would not sign on to the Internet. On the 3 Com modem in the lab, hit the reset button on the back, unplug it and use keyboard shortcut on the computer. Worked. The setting in the PPP control panel was set to 3Com Impact ISDN 56K. I also got it working by restarting the computer and unplugging the modem for 15 seconds (no zapping or hitting reset). But, it seems the surest way is to restart the computer and hit reset and unplug modem for a few seconds. Later, I called (357-4900) to inquire for help with this issue. They suggested using Z-term, which comes with the 3com Impact IQ ISDN modem. I opened Z-term, click on diagnostics, typed in ÒATZÓ, which resets the modem, then I typed in ÒATDT3570390Ó and hit return. If it says .....Ó, the modem is okay. If not, the modem may have trouble. suggested calling 3 com (800-638-3266). Usually, it is a good idea to Zap the PRAM, restart the computer, unplug the modem and press the black reset button on the modem. The keyboard shortcut worked on at least one occasion, whereas using Techtool did not. I did talked to someone at 3com (Case #1136016) and he suggested using the program called Ò3com Impact IQ Config,Ó which I did open. After opening, I press diagnostics, then dial. I typed in 14089821220. We did get a cause type 88 after dialing the 408 number, but I am not certain. The Cause 88, according to 3com, means that the phone companyÕs switch is defective. The switch type in the software setting is ÒAT & T, SE SS Custom.Ó 3com was willing to let me return the modem, but said it probably would not help. I could not test the ISDN modem at home, since I do not have an ISDN line. I did try changing the speed in the InterPPP II setup to 115 K, but this did not work. The modem was set to generic high speed. The service was set to Ascend Max, and the protocol was set to PPP (RFC 1661) and dynamic, assigned by server. DNS Server Address was Later I decided not to use InterPPP II setup, anyhow. Later, I decided to change the Modem control panel to a different modem script than the 3Com Impact ISDN 56K. I selected the Ò3 Com Impact ISDN 56 K MLPPPÓ modem in the control panel. Now, you can connect/disconnect/connect the modem to the Internet without restarting the computer. In the TCP/IP control panel, it is set to connect via PPP, Configure using PPP Server. Server sets IP address, Subnet Mask and Router Address. The Name Server Address box says The search domain is To get the computer to automatically dial up when using IE 5, make sure you set a page to go to, when opening a new window. PPP will automatically dial in that case. I set up the home page as I also used Energy Saver to set the computer to come on at 8 A.M. and to turn off at 4 P.M. The Energy Saver does work to shut down (even with IE 5 and PPP open) and starts up the computer. Also, I made a backup copy of the preferences folders: Remote Access (which has Remote Access Log and Remote Access Connections in it), Remote Access Log (there are two Remote Access Log files total), Remote Access Preferences, and TCP/IP preferences. Later, there was a problem where, when signing on, it gave the error message that Òthere was no carrier signalÓ (or some message like that). I unplugged the modem, reset the modem, Zapped the PRAM with T.T. and restarted the 5500. This worked. On another occasion, PPP connect reported that there is "no dial tone". Other phone line (regular, not ISDN) did not work either, same error. Unplugged modem, Zapped with keyboard shortcut, hit RESET button with power

 on, which worked. Don't quit using PPP Control Panel disconnect in the Computer Lab. DC suggested that Apple Remote Access might be used instead of PPP. Later (9/28/00), the modem stopped working again. I think someone may have messed with it, I am not sure. There were some typed instructions on the wall of the computer lab, put up by Aarin. They said to do the following to get the modem to work:

                        1. Unplug modemÕs power cord.

                        2. Unplug phone line. Plug in power again.

                        3. After 5 more seconds, plug ISDN line back in.

                        4. When ÒDÓ button is on and not flashing, press connect in PPP control panel.

 I tried the steps in ÒOÕ, but it did not work for me. I connected to the internet and the ÒDÓ light was not on. Also, after I connected, then I could not reconnect to the Internet. So, I disconnected the modemÕs power, pressed the modemÕs reset button, Zapped the PRAM with TT and KB and restarted the computer, the Internet worked. I also unplugged the battery for 30 minutes and reset the PRAM. Also, according to the 3.11 user guide(we now have 3.20 software, but there does not appear to be a user guide for it), the ÒDÓ button remains lit only if the physical ISDN interface is not synchronized or is disconnected. Also, according to the 3.11 user guide: after a self test by the modem, the D (short for data) channel flashes, The D channel flashes because the ISDN signal is present and is attempting to synchronize with the telephone company. The ÒDÓ light goes off once the physical and D channel signaling are synchronized. DTR is the Data Terminal Ready light, which indicates that communication between the ISDN modem and the computer has been established. The test light flashes when the 3C882 modem is executing its power up self-test or a user initiated reset. If the results of the self-test are normal, the LED goes off. If the results are not normal, the light stays on. The B1 and B2 channel activity lights will light green when a circuit-switched data call is in progress. It flashes amber indicates a circuit-switched voice call is in progress. If in a dialing state, the LED flashes. When the call is disconnected, the LED goes off. SD and RD mean sending date and receiving data, respectively. I also checked the modem control panel. I unchecked the option to use Òcommand line hostÓ (click on options when on the PPP control panel, click the ÒoptionsÓ button. I also checked which modem script was chosen, it was still set to 3com Impact ISDN 56K MLPPP, but I changed it and now (9/28/00) it is on 3com Impact ISDN 64K MLPPP, which may work better. It works for now. (There are four 3 com choices: There are 3com Impact ISDN 56K, 3com Impact ISDN 56K MLPPP, 3com Impact ISDN 64K and 3com Impact ISDN 64K MLPPP). I also put a copy of the Internet Preferences into the Utilities folder on the 5500 HD. However, as of 10/2/00, the preferences that are there set up the 56K MLPPP script in the modem control panel, I believe. Later (10/29/00), had trouble with the modem. Kept getting Òno carrier signalÓ message. I looked at the modem to determine the exact type it is. On the back of the modem, it says that it is a Ò3ComImpactª IQ External ISDN Modem (U Interface)Ó. I changed the modem control panel to the 3Com Impact IQ-115 v 1.3 setting. (There is also a 230 K script and one additional 3Com Impact IQ Setting in the modem control panel. In the modem control panel on the G3/233, there are only six 3Com scripts, no Impact IQ ones. I am not sure if the script had to be installed separately on the 5500 in the lab. Ben said that he did not install any additional modem scripts. Later, I discovered, that if you use the 3ComImpactª Impact IQ v3.20 installer, it puts eight 3Com Scripts into the Modem Scripts folder inside the extensions folder (consequently, all eight scripts show up in the modem control panel). Later, on one occasion, there was a "no carrier signal, because there was no dial tone" error, even with being on the correct setting, I think it is correct (3 com Impact IQ-115V). I restarted the computer, zapped with T.T., but did not work. May have been due to the fact that the modem was not plugged in when the finder loaded on the 5500 (modem may need time to initialize itself). I e-mailed 3com to tell of the situation, that the modem may sometimes not connect because there is Òno dial toneÓ or something like that, even though the modem control panel is set to 3comImpact IQ-115K v1.3. You can see the 3com section for more information. 3com, 800-638-3266. 2, 2, 4 is for 3Com Impact IQ Modems. They have an option to leave voice mail. I left a voice mail on 10/9/00 at 7:30 a.m., since I had been on hold for 15 minutes. They did not return my call. I asked about an e-mail address for technical support, the error message Òno carrier signal, because there was no dial tone. 3C882 is part of the modem model number, I think. I also asked if there is any connection between 3Com and U.S. Robotics, since they answered my e-mail (I may have sent the e-mail to the wrong person, however). I checked and the modem at school does have 3C882 on it. Got error again that says Òno dial toneÓ on 10/9/00. So I set the modem control panel to 3ComImpactª v1.3, which limits you to 57.6 Kbps on 10/9/00. 3ComImpactªIQ and 3ComImpactªIQ installer were filed in different places in a finder window, even though they were exactly alike, except for the ending, so System Software may have a problem. However, two days later, I discovered that it was because the finder window was not sorted by name, it was sorted by date modified, or something else. I ran DFA, NDD, NSD and TT rebuild from the G3 Utilities CD. Rob thinks that the problem is with the modem and not the computer, since if you unplug the modem only (nothing else, no reset, etc. or restarting of the 5500), it works, he says. I think I had tried this idea awhile ago, but I did not wait 20 seconds for the modem to reinitialize itself and make a connection with the phone line. I asked Dennis about RobÕs idea and he said the problem could still be hardware or software. 10/12/00, Trashed 3Com scripts in the modem scripts folder inside of extensions. Unplugged battery for thirty minutes, trashed Remote Access folder, Remote Access Log, Remote Access file in the preferences folder. I then reinstalled the software with the 3ComImpact IQ V3.20 Installer. I reset the modem and redid all the connections. I set up the modem to call 357-0390 in the PPP control panel (no "9" was needed). I also set it to "ignore dial tone." I set up name and password as crookham (lower case), then password. I also changed the TCP/IP setting to and and search domain as I left the modem setting on 3ComImpact IQ v1.3, but after connecting once, got the no carrier signal error when trying to reconnect to the Internet. So, I unplugged the modem, reconnected it and waited about twenty seconds. I changed the modem control panel to say 3ComImpact IQ-115K v1.3 (this is exactly what it says in the modem c.p.), and it worked. Then I trashed the modem preferences. However, the modem was still set to 3ComImpact IQ-115K v1.3, but it worked. I could connect and disconnect and then connect again. Dennis suggested checking to see if the modem were set up to Òignore dial toneÓ in the modem control panel (it can also be set up using init strings, according to him). However, the modem was already set it to ignore the dial tone. Another idea may be to put the modem on a timer, so that it will initialize itself every day. I tried to connect an analog phone line to the ISDN modem in the lab. The actual phone line is connected to the wall in the computer lab and runs to the phone. You would need a three-way splitter to connect the phone line, the phone and the line that will go to the ISDN modem.

The "D" light will not go off, when the analog line was attached. (The "D" light was off earlier, when I had the ISDN connected). I tried using the "1" or "2" analog phone line on the back of the ISDN modem. I set up the modem c.p. to 3Com Impact IQ v1.3 (57.6 Kbps limit) and the

number to call in the PPP control panel to 9,9, 357-0390. I had no luck. "D" light

stayed on. Got an error (when trying to use the analog phone line in the lab with the 5500) that says "The connection attempt failed. The modem is not responding properly. Reset the modem, check its connections, and check that the correct port and modem type are selected in the Modem control panel". I reconnected the ISDN modem and the "D" light still stayed on. Had to zap with TT, KB, unplug modem power, press reset and reconnect the ISDN line. Then the ISDN line worked. I put a note in the computer lab, that says: To connect to the Internet with the Computer in the lab:

                                    1. Unplug the black power cord from the back of the 3ComImpactú IQ modem.

                                    2. Wait 10 seconds.

                                    3. Plug the power cord modem back in.

                                    4. Wait 45 seconds

On one occasion, I left the modem connected to the Internet, but came back fifteen minutes later and the modem was disconnected. Now (10/16/00) the 3ComImpactª Impact IQ 115K v. 1.3 does not work permanently i.e.

if you disconnect, you have to unplug the modem, to get it to re-connect to the Internet. I connected on separate occasions the analog jacks on the back of the 3ComImpactªIQ modem to the phone line and tried to use the 3Com modem (I disconnected the ISDN connection, also, which may be necessary to use the analog phone jacks, so I think I made two errors). However, I think those two analog phone jacks are output jacks. The modem did not work in those instances. I tried to get iMac #34 in the lab to hook up to the Internet. I hooked up an RJ-11 phone cable to the Modem port on the iMac. The other end of the RJ-11 phone cable was connected to the Ò1Ó port on the ISDN modem and later I tried the Ò2Ó port. I had to turn Foolproof off first to make the adjustments in the control panels. Then I set up the modem control panel (but it was already set for iMac internal modem, so no adjustments were needed), the TCP/IP control panel (and configured it to use PPP and Configure using: PPP Server. Then I entered the name server Addr. and search domains. ( and the Remote Access Control Panel ( I set up the Remote Access Control panel to call 357-0390, crookham as user name and put in password).  The modem did not connect to the Internet. The Remote Access control panel shows Òdialing 357-0390Ó and nothing happens. I went back to the modem control panel and set it to Òignore dial toneÓ, Then the modem would dial (The Remote Access control panel shows ÒDialing 357-0390Ó) , but nothing else would happen. Then I unplugged the ISDN modem, pressed the reset button and plugged the power back in and waited for one minute. I also re connected the RJ-11 phone cables to the iMac and to the ISDN modem. I had no luck. I also went back to the TCP/IP Control Panel, clicked ÒoptionsÓ, then selected Connect via PPP, Configure using PPP Server. I had no luck. Later, I hooked up the computer lab phone to the back of the ISDN modem port 1 and then I tried Port 2. No dial tone. There was a dial tone when I re-connected the telephone to the other phone line. * I do not have Remote Access control panel on my G3/266 in my room. Later on, I set up the PPP control panel to dial 357-0390 without the 9Õs in front. It worked. Dialing with the 9Õs did not. 1 had to close the PPP control panel for it to save the dialing without the 9's. Then it would connect/disconnect without re plugging in the modem. At least it does on 10/30/00. Later in the day, however, the modem had to be unplugged to work. When the ISDN dials, it shows Òconfigured 3Com Impact at 64 Kbps.Ó Whenever you drag all the history to the trash with IE5, you get an error type 2 and the application quits. I imagine other users do not restart the computer, when that happens. Mike G. said that the ISDN line in the computer lab has been checked at least two times (maybe three). Additionally, Aarin has tried at least three (maybe four) different ISDN modems, none of which worked reliably (most likely due to the ISDN line). Jean Hopp said that Pacific Bell can check the phone line, while you are on it. I have the computer labÕs number, but not the ISDN line #. Mike Gilbertson said he would get it for me. Mike Gilbertson said that ISDN was set as a "standard" and then dropped. The ISDN modem at WMS has been checked several times and each time the phone company said it was okay. However, when it rains, the ISDN has trouble often. Another idea may be to try and use Free PPP software to connect to the Internet. AOL was enabled (in TCP/IP??) on the 5500 (someone had installed AOL), so modem could dial up, but sites could not be accessed. Need to change setup for Internet on 5500. 5500 would not connect using PPP, but no sites would load. So I trashed Explorer, PPP and TCP/IP preferences, Zapped with TT and KB, I had no luck. Perhaps should change settings to 9,9, 357-0390, since that worked before. I put a backup copy of IE 5 on the 5500 for future use, perhaps. On 4/10/01, 357-0390 - connected, but no sites would load. 9, 357-0390 - no modem carrier signal. 9, 9, 357-0390 - froze and nothing happened. I tried setting up the modem on 4/10 after cleaning the whole hard drive. The 3Com installer (located on School Stuff, 2, 10/00) put some 3Com scripts In the extensions folder and in the Modem Scripts folder inside of extensions, there were 3Com scripts. I set up the number as 357-0390 and a connection was made, however, no sites would load with IE 5. I tried setting the Name Serv. Addr. to, and, but I had no luck. Search domain was I even tried changing the order of the name server addresses, so that was first. Ignore dial tone. PPP was in Apple Menu Items and not C.P. I moved it, but this did not fix the problem. I could unplug the battery, but I doubt that will work. I tried using Apple Internet Connection Kit to connect, but that did not work either (there were no 3 COM scripts). Unplugging the battery for thirty minutes may help, but I doubt it. I did try it, but it did not help. I tried all the different modem scripts installed with 3.11 version of 3Com Installer. Then I tried the 3 modem scripts that are installed with 3.20 version of 3Com Installer. 115K and V1.3 (from 3.20) made connections, but no sites would load. 235 K would do nothing at all. Then I tried using the Intel 144 modem to connect to the Internet. At first it would not work, but the to the modem was not connected correctly. I set up the PPP control panel to dial 9, 9, 357-0390. I set the modem control panel to Apple Personal Modem, but it would not dial. Then I used Apple Internet Connection Kit to dial up with the modem. The TCP/IP control panel had to be set to MacPPP to work. Then I chose Generic High Speed as the modem in the Apple Internet Dialer application. Modem would not connect. I tried setting the modem to Intel 144 EX, but modem would not connect. I used the modem setting of 96 EX and the Hayes Accura The modem did connect with either setting, but no sites would load. I tried using the Intel 144 modem in my room and I got exactly the same results. as in #1. I thought the modem was the problem, so I tried using the Supra modem with AICK (and I chose Supra Fax Modem 288, and I could connect, but no sites would load. Two weeks later, I still could connect, but not connect to any sites (as of 4/24/01). The iMac DV+ would load Google, so it was not a whole school wide thing. Rob suggested disconnect ISDN line service, since it does not seem to work, anyhow. Julie said that she and Matt disconnected their ISDN linethroughPacbell. We would need to figure out who contracted to hook it up and then have them disconnect the line. Julie said that many people have complained to her about their ISDN not working properly. Getting it replaced with a regular phone line may be less frustrating and cheaper. Marilyn agreed we should disconnect the ISDN line, so I put in a work order to I.S. on 5/7/01 to disconnect ISDN line. FYI, Mike Gilbertson uses Cyberlink for Internet e-mail, as of 5/7/01. I.S. Number is 357-6588. Mike's cell phone number is 652-4214. Ben's cell phone number is 652-4215. Tried cleaning the modem port with duster. Used printer port instead. I cleaned both disk drives to help with noise, perhaps. I tried using the Supra Modem from my room with the 5500, I set the modem setting to Supra 288 setting. It would connect with PPP, but no web sites would load. I tried using Free PPP and set up for a generic modem (Supra not available), reconnected the modem connections (phone, power), I had no luck. The Supra Modem would connect, but no web sites could be loaded. Could call next time, I suppose. I have already called about the ISDN modem, but no help was administered. NN 4.72 does not work on 5500, either. You can connect/disconnect with PPP, but no sites will load. AOL works with the Supra modem and the 5500 in the lab, just fine. Also, IE 5 will load pages, as well (Google, yahoo, etc.). I tried to hook up the 3com modem to the Red iMac in the lab. I installed the Keyspan software and then the Keyspan adapter was connected. The Keyspan installer selected connect via: P#2USA28X1 in the modem control panel. I changed the number in the Remote Access Control panel to 357-0390 instead of 9, 9 357-0390. I did not need to use 3com installers, since that software was preinstalled on the iMac. I tried using the modem script of 3com Impact ISDN 64K, 3com Impact ISDN 64K MLPPP and 56K MLPPP (I disconnected the modem's power and reconnected it each time). No luck, Apple Remote Access error each time (modem would not connect). When you type a message with OE 5, and the connection is idle, the connection will be made automatically to send a piece of mail. To set up the G3 with account, is for POP server and also for SMTP server. I had to go to Tools, accounts with OE 5 to set that up. I put my name and as my personal information. I also went to Edit, preferences with IE 5 and under E-mail, general, I set up it as my name, and SMTP host as It would cost $3.00 per month for extra e-mail account on our Crookham account.

PPP. On 9/18/2001, both the Red iMac and the G3/266 were signed on with at the same time. Same number of 357-0390. I had selected to Òdisconnect if idle for 10 minutesÓ on the G3/266, but it did not work. I was not disconnected. I had the PPP connection open at 12:30 in the morning, when I was not here. So I went to PPP, then selected "Options," then selected "prompt every 10 minutes to maintain connection." This worked (disconnect if idle 10 minutes did not).

3. The 5500 can use Apple Laserwriter Select 360 (I think Aarin set this up).          

            A. However, on the 5500, when going to the Appletalk control panel, Ethernet was not an option. You only had Remote Only and I think Printer Port.

            B. Making Appletalk active and restarting the computer did not help. You still could not choose a Laser Writer in the Chooser.

            C. Perhaps could try trashing Appletalk preferences.

4. There are two CDÕs for the 5500, one with 7.5.5 and one with 7.6.1.

5. Have had to reinitialize HD several times, now.

A. You can not install Ofoto 2.0.2 to the same disk that the installer is on, so I copied the Installer to the Zip Disk, then installed the program on the HD.

6. To get on to the desktop, Type in Opsys, Password: Let me Out.

7. There are now 3 phone plug ins in the lab. The bottom two are RJ-11Õs (I think the top one is not). The middle plug in has the phone number 357-6178. If a phone is plugged into the middle jack, must dial 9 once. If a phone is plugged into the bottom jack, must dial 9 twice.

8. Laserprinter must be connected to the Dayna Etherprint device. The Dayna Ethernet device must be connected to the Network (C 41 or C42, see Computer Lab Laser notes).

9. If my A+dvantage shortcut does not work, try restarting the computer.

10. Computer Lab modem/printer problems (printer would not print, gave an error in the connections" message), (modem has to be "reset" on each startup of Netscape/IE).

            A. Unplugged battery for twenty minutes, did not help with either problem.

            B. Reinstalled printer software and it printed.

11. The ÒTelexÓ brand headphones can have the cord replaced. Use a paper clip to change the cord.

12. Had trouble installing software on iMacs, kept freezing, etc. Try setting up ÒApple CD-ROMÓ extensions set and restarting. Then install from CD.

13. 5500 sleep, not power off to help with modem problem.

14. Foolproof (Foolproof ª security 3.3 from Smart Stuff Software) is now installed on the iMacs in the lab. (version 3.4 is in our rooms). That is why every program on the ÒHDÓ said it could not be opened because it was locked.

15. I tried restarting several of the iMacs using the 8.5 startup CD as the startup device, but Foolproof was still enabled. Do not copy Foolproof to the HD, should only be copied to a Zip drive, since it may take over the HD. Try ResEdit. At EaseÕs password was not accessible in ResEdit that I could see. Could be if L. does not have password, we could buy F.P. and then call them (left town with password, etc.). Alternatively, buy Foolproofª, uninstall.

16. When you drag all the history to the trash with IE 5, an error type 1 often occurs. Best to clear the history using the preferences. Does not result in error, usually.

17. Vista Scan does the scanner for the scanner in the lab (the newer one, Astra 1200, I think it is). You can use Presto Pagemaker to open the scanned picture and save it to the HD. One picture that I made of Tang LeeÕs kids was 65K, which transferred to another computer fine.

18. If you try to choose the Laserwriter 8 software on the 5500 in the lab, it does not have a ÒsetupÓ button that I recall. I do not know if the 5500 can print on the Laserwriter, but we will get another printer for the 5500, anyhow.

19. To control the volume on an iMac, use the control strip on the log in screen.

20. To connect the 3ComImpactª IQ modem to the 5500, you need a 25-pin male to mini DIN 8 male serial cable.

            A. RJ-11 is the standard telephone connector, it has four or six wires. RJ-45 is for Ethernet and Token Ring connections, it has eight wires.

            B. The two RJ-11 telephone connections on the back of the modem can be used to hook up other analog equipment. It does not appear, from the Quick Start Instructions, that either one of those two connections would be used to connect the phone line to the modem directly there.

            C. The RJ-45 connector of the RJ-11/RJ-45 cable is connected to the back of the modem. The RJ-11 connector end of the RJ-11/RJ-45 cable is connected to the phone line. Although in our lab it appears to connect to the wall connection box.

21. Mike Gilbertson said (I heard through Ben) that Mac OS 9 is okay for the computer lab.

22. The iMac DV connected/disconnected fine in my classroom. However, in the lab it had trouble. Perhaps lines in lab have trouble. Also, MS said that she kept getting busy signals when trying to call Mrs. Daniel in the library.

            A. RB said that ÒsupposedlyÓ the phone lines were checked in the lab.

23. KW wanted to know if the "Print Desktop" command could be removed from the

File menu to prevent kids from printing the desktop.

24. When using the 5500/225 (it has an "S" video jack and an RCA video jack on the back of it, I think they are installed cards) in the lab with the 2 televisions; Screen Squeeze does not have to be in the regular extensions folder. I.E. You can see the computer's screen on the television screen (a restart may be necessary). However, File, Edit, View, and Special are cut off on the television screen. Should make Screen Squeeze INIT active (in regular extensions) and set the Screen Squeeze (in Apple Menu Items) to 608 X 432, 576 X 416 or 548 X 400.

25. I had about seven or eight floppy disks that had initialization failed errors on them, when trying to format them on the 5500 in the lab. So I ordered a new floppy drive from T.D. Curran. After replacing the drive, about four disks had problems. Two of them were locked. Two of them had to "re-verify disk" or Òupdate disk" while being formatted. However, the two disks that had formatting errors also had errors on a 575 in the computer lab. I trashed those two disks. The two disks that were "locked," even though the tab did not indicate that they were, formatted fine on a 575. Then they re-formatted okay on the 5500 and were not "locked." A total of six disks formatted fine on the 5500. Having extensions on/off did not make much difference in the case of the locked disks or the "re-verify" disks.

26. On the 5500 in the lab, I could not get a file to expand with Stuffit Expander 4.0.2. We thought perhaps that it was because the version of Stuff it Expander was too old. However, another file, aladdin_exp6.sit would not expand, either. The file did expand on my G3 with Stuff it Expander 5.5.

            A. Also, the floppy disk drive would not recognize floppy disks, several of them. Upon restart, it would recognize them.

27. We do not have a Crookham website as of now, according to Mike Gilbertson ( on 2/1/2001.

28. The server is either a Dell Power Edge 2300, Compaq 1600 (I think this one may be the officeÕs server) or a Compact 5100-2.

29. Option, F12 turns Foolproof on/off in Computer Lab, as of 2/02.

30. Several of the iMacs in the computer lab just went off (i.e. like the power went out) and one went white. Aaron had said at a previous time, that the electricity had some issues in the lab area. Probably related to this, not to the iMacs.

            A. 1904 date and time and screen going black can be sign of battery trouble with iMacs on network. RH gathered this from a networking class she attended.

31. There is a Cloze program (good for SAT 9 Practice) that goes with some of the computers in the lab.

32. We bought a program called Math Facts Plus from Renaissance Learning in the fall of 2002. The I.S. technicians say it will not work on iMacs, but Renaissance Learning says it will.

            A. There is only one version of Math Facts Plus, according to KW. Since the program is new, it is the only version.

            B. The System Requirements page from Renaissance Learning explains that the program requires System 8.6 to 9.x and a Power PC processor. It appears that all the iMacs in the lab have at least 9.0 (even the older Bondi Blue ones).

33. RH was not able to find the Laserwriter 360 using the Chooser on the Red iMac in the computer lab. In the Chooser, she could find Laserwriter 8, but the LW 360 icon did not show up on the right hand side. I determined that the problem was that the LW 360 was not turned on. After turning the 360 and waiting about two or three minutes, then I was able to find the icon for the LW 360 with the Chooser (after selecting Laserwriter 8 on the left-hand side).

34. RH was having trouble getting a couple of the iMacs in the lab onto the Internet. I checked the settings on one of the iMacs that was able to connect to the Internet and duplicated the settings onto a non-connected iMac. The settings are: Connect Via: Ethernet built-in; Configure: Manually; IP Address:; Subnet Mask:; Router Address:; Name Server Addr: Changing the settings to match these on the non-connected iMac allowed it to get connected. RH tried later and was unable to get it to work on another iMac, but I did not see it.

35. is no longer active (as of 2003, but probably a couple years earlier, it was made inactive).

36. It would have cost $12,000 to upgrade JostenÕs to be Y2K compliant. We did not upgrade.

            A. It appears to be true that we did not and never did receive the higher level units for JostenÕs.

37. As of 3/2002, several of the iMacs in the lab are set to 40 MB for VM and can not be set lower. I have no explanation for this.

            A. tried trashing the Memory preferences (which System 8.1 does not have, BTW) on one of the iMacs in the lab, but that did not work.

38. On three iMacs in the lab, there was an ÒXÓ over the Laserwriter 360 desktop icon. I suggested to Rebecca that she check to see if desktop extensions are active (and they did appear to be). I tried trashing the Òcrossed offÓ out icon and restarting. I had no luck.

            A. I looked myself and discovered that there were two icons for the Laserwriter 360 printer. One was in HD, Users, Games, Desktop Folder (that icon did not have an ÒXÓ over it) and one was on the desktop (it had an ÒXÓ). I trashed the desktop icon with an ÒXÓ over it, then dragged the non-crossed off icon to the desktop. This solved the problem for two of the iMacs.

            B. On the third iMac, there was an extra 360 icon in the HD, Users, Games, Desktop Folder. I tried trashing the Laserwriter 8 preferences, and restarting, but I had no luck. I suggested to Rebecca that she reinstall LW 360 software from a different iMac. If that does not work, reinstall System Software.

            C. On several of the iMacs, it was not necessary to have an item chosen in the right side of the Chooser after selecting Laserwriter 8 in the left side of the Chooser. Even so (Appletalk should be active, though), the icon for the 360 would be created on the desktop (if you had trashed the previous one).

            D. I have the installers for Laserwriter on School Stuff (2) CD. I have version 8.5.1 and 8.6 of the software, but it does not indicate which printers it works with on AppleÕs website, so I made a copy for Rebecca, anyhow. I looked at and there does not appear to be an installer for Laserwriter 360. Rebecca may have to use drag and drop installation.

39. Juli Toles works for Pearson Digital Learning, 612 West El Paso Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611, (559) 299-9265, (559) 299-9315 (F), (559) 213-0418 (cell). Her e-mail is Their URL is They sell the Waterford (Waterford is a town in Utah, I think, not New York) program. It allows 20 stations ona server; it can go up to to 30, but they recommend 20. In Hilmar and Livingston (not sure which schools), they have the Waterford program. The program includes a 3 year warranty. They have a help desk, and yo can e-mail them from the customer service link on their website. They also have a link on their website for postings (i.e. an online news group). At the website, under support, the system requirements are listed. It includes a basic word processor, and Keyboarding to Read and Write (typing program). Also, the students can access the internet. They usually install a 120 GB drive on each computer. The software is all installed by the company (otherwise, individually installing would have to take place). The software does not run off the server. They usually set up a C drive for Waterford and a D drive can be used for Math, other programs, etc. They also have a Math program called Math Concepts and Skills, that has 9 years of teaching on it. Alyson Smith ( can be contacted for help with the Waterford program. The Dells in the lab are label with XP labels, but they really have Windows 2000 on them, not XP.

40. F10 (I think) lets you escape from Waterford. Escape seems to work upon startup also. If you encounter a "logged on already" error, log on again anyway.


Conflict Catcher (408) 484-9228, Registration number, CC4-178-622-998, Must be installed from disk, will not work if installer is copied onto CD.

1. To remove Conflict Catcher, put in the disk and hold down the option key when the install screen comes up, it changes to remove.

2. Sometimes an option like ÒCD installÓ will automatically turn on other extensions, since they are ÒlinkedÓ or needed together.

3. Must restart the computer to load extensions, just like Extensions Manager.

4. Loads only those things that are in the Extensions and Control Panels folder, not the Disabled ones.

5. Can set up a set for Conflict catcher itself, i.e. hit ÒDÓ at startup and conflict catcher only loads.

6. Can stop test, then save, continue or abort.

7. WonÕt update a disabling/enabling of a file in its window until you close and reopen conflict catcher (and in some cases a recently enabled file will not be operational until restart).

8. Conflict Catcher Descriptions (located in Prefs folder) has info on INITS (these descriptions can be copied from one computer to another).

9. Should list by folder (easiest to read).

10. If a forced order link is created, then in the conflict catcher window, it is not possible to move startup INITS in a place that is incompatible with forced order settings.

11. Double clicking can be a shortcut when working with links (to add or remove), also in a few other places double clicking is a shortcut.

12. Can show small icons (set under icon prefs).

13. If you have a set that should startup by holding down the ÒCÓ key and you try to startup from the CD using the ÒCÓ key, the computer will start up from the CD (not the set from Conflict Catcher).

14. The Standard Set is automatically saved whenever you make changes. This set can not be deleted.

15. Can access Conflict Catcher at startup by holding down the space bar key.

16. If you hold down the Option key while looking at the ÒAbout Conflict CatcherÓ Apple Menu item, the info will scroll backwards.

17. If you hold down the Option key and select a different set from the Menu bar icon for C.C., C.C. will restart the computer with the chosen set.

18. If startup items do not work, need to enable them in C.C.Õs prefs.

19. SOME keyboard shortcuts work (i.e. Command, P for prefs: Command, L for Links).

20. Can select Òshow Startup disk menuÓ under general prefs (as an alternate to using control panel startup disk.

21. Under Sets prefs, you change which folders will be affected by enabling and disabling files in C.C.Õs main window.

22. Shift key could not be chosen as a startup key sequence, so I did not record a sequence for Load A Drive to start up the computer. Also, when starting up from the Load A Drive set (with it in Startup items), there is an error message that the Iomega could not be loaded.

23. If you try to startup from the System CD, Load A Drive is not needed (has Apple CD-ROM files on it).

24. With Version 4.1.1, there is a situation with a stutter start, which is normal. If an extension or control panel has a dot by it, and it is either switched on or off by the next set, then the computer will start up and then start up again.

25. If a conflict occurs at startup time, then you should check Òstartup filesÓ when doing a conflict test. Otherwise, check everything.

26. Hitting Òcontinue testÓ is often recommended, since there may be more than one culprit involved.

27. Temporary setting will allow a set of c.p. and extensions for one time only.

28. To get to a particular website, must have the browser set up in prefs, it will take you to the website when selecting Òclose up information.Ó

29. To lock or unlock a file, hold down Shift key and then click on an extension or control panel.

30. To get to the name of a file quickly, type the first letter while in the Conflict Catcher window.

31. You can view files by load time (time it takes to load up, Apple Menu Options takes 7 seconds).

32. You can put in your own file descriptions of control panels or extensions by clicking in the detail area (on the left of the name of CP or Extension), then click in the left window.

33. If there is an invisible character at the beginning of the name of a CP or Ext., it will be ignored by Conflict Catcher (will still be filed alphabetically). (If it begins with a numeric digit or letter of alphabet, it will be sorted as finder would sort it (i.e. -Virusbegone would be last in CC 4.1.1).

         A. If you paste a return character at the beginning of a file name, the file will appear first. If there are two return characters, then it will be before the file with one return character (Mac Secrets, 4th, 13).

34. A change in the set will be indicated by the fact that it is underline in the Conflict Catcher window.

35. Revert settings can be enabled If you made changes that you decide later you do not want.

36. If you hold down the space bar at startup, you can access Conflict Catcher.

37. Command, R at startup restarts system, Command, S shuts down system and command, period skips startup sequence and gets to finder. Command P pauses startup process.

38. Can go to special, create system report to find out ROM version.

39. You can set the caps lock at startup, so that If the caps lock is pushed, then you can access CCÕs window at startup (If you need to access it on several restarts).

40. You can scan for damaged resources in the edit, prefs, which scans all the enabled startup files in your system. If you hold down the option key while doing this, it checks all the startup files in your system.

41. If your Apple Menu items keep changing, uncheck the box for controlling them in prefs. If that does not work, see page 209 of the manual.

42. If you have selected a default set, it will not let you use the shortcut (hold down the option key and choose a set from the menu to restart with that set). Must disabled default set first (i.e. donÕt make it the default set).

43. On one occasion, kept getting an error (bus) message at startup. Problem was that a file was named ÒxxxooooÓ etc. and it was damaged. Found the damaged file by scanning the system folder with C.C., during the start of a conflict test (conflict test not necessary, after finding damage).

44. On one occasion, Fax Monitor had an ÒXÓ over it at startup and the icons kept lining up incorrectly on startup (too much overlapping); but there was no ÒXÓ or overlapping after reinstalling CC from original disk).

         A. On another occasion, had same problem. Disabled ÒFax MonitorÓ, since I figured it was not working anyhow. I realized, however, that I could not access any fax functions with it off, so I re-enabled it. Will not worry about the ÒXÓ for now.

45. Seems to retain preferences (as far as sets go), if you use the save menu to Òsave setÓ, I think.

46. I disabled the Network extension, and the Open Transport Serial Link (set of extensions and c.p. see Open Transport # 12 B for more information). Ethernet software still works fine.

47. After you install with Conflict Catcher (i.e. even when using a LOCKED ÒApple CD-ROMÓ set which I created with minimal extensions), on the next restart the installed extensions are active. Must restart again to turn them off again.

48. On several occasions, I got an error that Conflict Catcher had trouble moving files to the disabled folder. it was because an older version of the files existed in the disabled folder. Might have to trash those or move them elsewhere.

49. On some version of Click, There it is (I think earlier than 1.5), there is a conflict when it loads. When Click loads above Conflict Catcher, the icon animation is messed up. Solution is to open CCÕs window and view by load order. Change Click There it Is to a different spot up or down one. Click, There It is 1.5 works with OS 9, at least partially (works with CW 4.0; however, Appleworks (newer app) did not work with Click in OS 9; and the Click, There It is website,, cannot be found anymore, as of 6/04.

         A. Also from same source: If CCÕs main window has a greenish tint, check to make sure Color Picker is in the enabled Extensions folder.

         B. Same source: If CC crashes when you try to access it from the menu bar, most likely due to conflict with FreePPPMenu. Disable FreePPP Menu or disable CCÕs Finder Menu, by going to prefs, General.

         C. If you canÕt see the entire version numbers (if it is longer than 7 characters, try use the FinderÕs Get info or ÒSelect in FinderÓ under CCÕs File Menu.

         D. You can have CC display all the files inside of a folder, by going to edit, preferences, folders, select the name of the folder, then modify, select show all items.

         E. You can also add only one TYPE of file in a folder (or two, etc.) by going to edit, preferences, folders, selecting the name of the folder, modify, edit file types, add. (Claris works word processing files are not saved as TEXT, they are CWWP. Simpletext files do work, however.

         F. You can also have control plug-ins (although some applications already are set up to be controlled i.e. IE and NN). Go to edit, preferences, folders, select add, choose application and folder to be controlled (Application and folder must be in the same folder).

         G. If some of your fonts or files of the same file type have incorrect icons, try rebuilding the desktop. If a font or file has the same type and creator as another font or file, you might get a different icon depending on which one was looked up last.

         H. If the order of your partitions loading changes after installing CC, try disabling the Òmount all volumes at startup." Use edit, preferences, general.

         I. If you run a system report, the Processor is listed as Ò68020Ó: CC is running correctly, but the Power MAC CPU is designed to emulate a 68020 chip to enable it to run older programs which were not written for PowerMacs.

         J. If you use the ÒWebÓ menu and IE looks like it is going to launch, but does not: it is because IE does not send any events or warnings to CC to let it know the problem. Launch IE from the Finder to try to determine the error message.

50. An idea for log in names for students would be Andrea37, instead of Andrea. That way you could eliminate duplicates.


Control Panels

1. Some of MomÕs control panels on her Performa are in the ÒPerformaÓ folder.

2. Under the ÒMonitorsÓ control panel, the 600 * 800 figures indicate the horizontal and vertical number of pixels of the computer screen. A higher set of numbers would make the contents on the screen smaller, which allows you to view more items at once. The difference (between settings) in memory that it takes is minimal.

3. May occasionally need to delete preferences for Monitors and Sound to get them to work.

         A. Supposedly according to Mac Secrets, 4th edition p. 764, you can stop an alert sound in progress if too long. Just press esc or command, period. Does not work on G3.

4. Color Sync System Profile is only for use with scanners and color printer, but you must have the profiles for these external devices also. Not useful with the monitor. However, I read in the Apple Stylewriter 2400 manual page 32 that Color Sync is used to make sure that colors look good no matter what device you use to view them - monitor or printer. It also gives you the best possible colors when you export an image to another Mac.

         A. Colorsync profiles are compatible with the profile specifications of the International Color Consortium (ICC). Source: Stylewriter 2400 manual page 110.

5. Under general controls, menu-blinking s/b set to Òoff,Ó has caused some system crashes. Can set the default folder to be the documents folder, but this does not seem to affect Microsoft Word 6.0.1.

6. (7.5) Date and time can appear and disappear on the menu bar by clicking ÒoptionÓ and clicking on the clock.

7. Under map, pasting a map from the scrapbook control panel can show a color map. Also, hitting shift and/or command can change the scope of the map (must close map window and hold keys down while reopening).

8. Under views, turn off calculate folder sizes (faster). Also, you can change the size of the icons in list view (by name), by clicking on small, medium or large for the icons. You can also check Òshow disk info in headerÓ to show the size of the disk even when the folders are listed by name.

9. Key Caps (can use shift, Option, shift & Option) To find a special icon, go to key caps and find what font the special character is (often called symbols or dingbats) in (font can be changed at the top of the screen) and the keyboard way to do it. Then go back to your file, type the keyboard command, then change to the necessary font. Works in Word 6.0.1 and CW 4.0.5. Pressing option, K in Times font will give the degrees (û) symbol. It does not work in Microtype on the blueberry iMac, even thogh the lesson asks you to type the degree symbol. If you type the wrong letter in Micro Type, the program does not type at all. You can make a command symbol by pressing command, Q. Works with Charcoal font in CW and MS Word. If you can not get a character to print in the regular window (CW or Word), but can get it to appear in Key Caps window, copy and paste a picture of the symbol from Key Caps. Option, 4 is the cents (¢) sign.10. You can paste any picture that you would like into the puzzle or drag and drop something from the scrapbook. You can drag and drop from the scrapbook to Clarisworks, but not Microsoft word. There does not appear to be a way to use Key Caps to type a letter with a bar over it (long ÒaÓ) or a letter a with a curl over it (short ÒaÓ)

According to Ò,Ó you can have multiple scrapbooks or notepads. All you have to do is to drag the scrapbook or note pad from the System Folder to a new location on the HD (you can change the name, even). To open it, use the Finder. The Note pad and scrapbook applications, by default, open the file that is in the system folder. To make a check mark in Helvetica font, use Option, V. To make a check mark in Chicago font, use Control, R. Eats Shoots and Leaves page 158 explains that Alt, hyphen makes a dash on a Mac keyboard.

10. Macintosh Drag and Drop caused problems with the network in the lab. I think it may have been a conflict with MAC IPX Ethernet. Aaron disabled Macintosh Drag and Drop.

11. If the date and time are still wrong and you know that the battery is okay, the system file might be corrupted (Sad Macs, 3rd edition p. 724).

12. Calculator does not have to have the numbers selected to copy, the system knows what to copy.

13. General Controls, Reportedly less problems with freezes when Menu blinking is set to off. It is reportedly faster when set to one.

14. With extensions off, virtual memory can still be on (you just canÕt change memory settings).

         A. To turn Virtual Memory off at startup, hold down the command (open apple) key.

15. To move any item to another category in the launcher, option drag it.

16. Under General controls (7.1) to save the screen color, must double click (single click will not save it) the right hand side box after altering the right hand boxthroughusing the left-hand box. Can click on any one of the color boxes to bring up the Mac Color choosing screen (the wheel of color). If you drag the scroll bar up and down, you can choose lighter or darker colors (the color on the top of the Òchoose a highlight colorÓ will pick the color for you. Also, the choices for labelÕs colors can be changed this way also.

17. Desktop Patterns when opening gave the error message Òprefs file can not be opened because is in use by another fileÓ. The prefs were corrupted, trashed them and then it worked.

18. On Performa 578 with 7.1 P6, there is a component of ÒscreenÓ control panel that allows the screen to dim after so many minutes.

19. ÒAt Ease SetupÓ allows you to save a button (or not) on At ease screen when saving documents.

20. MoirŽ screen saver has a control to turn menu bar clock on and off.

21. ÒViewsÓ can change the size of the folders in list view from small to medium to large.

22. When I had the 5400 at home, MacTCP is only needed for Non Powermacs (and system 7.5.2), If TCP/IP is installed, AppleTalk (5400 was previously setup for Appletalk) or AOLÕs MacTCP, it will make MacTCP invisible when it loads in the control panels folder. MacTCP can be used to connect two computers together (UYM p. 350).

         A. PPP (point to point protocol) and SLIP (Serial line Internet Protocol) are control panels that allow a MacTCP connection to be made over a phone line. Probably need to call your ISP to get info on numbers and correct codes, though.

         B. Can make it visible again and change the creator and type with Resedit or Norton Disk Editor (the creator was in caps, but it needed to be lower case), but upon restart it is invisible again. Once made visible, it will link AOL (open AOL, members, preferences, AOL link, configure). WonÕt link when invisible.

         C. AOL tech support suggested using 7.5.5 setup with extensions manager. This worked (for the minimum for AOL). However, I got AOL to work with Conflict Catcher and the following C.P. and extensions: AOL Link, Objectsupportlib, OpenOT, OpenTptAppleTalkLib, OpenTptInternetLib, OpenTransportLib, Shared Library Manager, Shared Library Manager PPC and TCP/IP (plus the non loading extensions that were in the extensions folder).

23. Hidden Finder Features requires System 7.5.4. And to make an alias, you have to control drag to a different window.

24. On 5400 at school, Megaphone kept having the error message ÒYou need to install telephone manager 3.0 or laterÓ to run Megaphone. However, the 3.0 version of telephone manager was in active extensions. Trashed Megaphone, finder and sound prefs. Restarted with all other extensions off. Turned off Conflict Catcher and changed name of extension from Telephone Manager Extension to telephone manager. I had no luck.

         A. Found Megaphone on the 5400 CD and installed it, it installed a different version of Apple Telecom Modem (version 2.3.3), the 6400 CD had Apple Telecom Modem version 1.0.1. This version is the lower one listed in the regular get info window (the top part relates to the package that it may relate to).

         B. The Megaphone menu is gray until Megaphone is loaded into RAM. Then it becomes black.

         C. The express modem control panel can turn answering machine on (which works) and off (check or uncheck auto answer after ____ rings).

25. If you option click on the cache switch, you can switch it on/off without having to restart. Allows for faster computer access or compatibility with older apps.

26. If you option click on the control strip, you can move it anywhere on the left or right side of the screen (you can also use the option key to move the module order on the control strip).

27. Option clicking on the menubar clock turns it on and off.

28. If you see some strange characters that match nothing on the keyboard, it may be due to being set to the wrong keyboard format. Look at the keyboard control panel and see If the box is checked.

29. If the wrong application is opened when opening the prefs file for an app., then go to the Mac easy open control panel and hit delete prefs and then select Òalways show dialog box, which will allow you to select which application will be used to open a file.

30. Startup disk can be removed.

31. Virtual Memory s/b set to 1 MB above physical RAM installed. Default is 16 MB per MB of RAM on pre 7.5.

         A. However, According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 20, it may be better with VM off.

32. Text is used for text ÒscriptÓ and ÒbehaviorÓ on the Mac, for example, English, French etc.

33. Software FPU is used for 680X0 computers without a math co-processor installed.

34. I turned the delay until repeat off in keyboard control panel, once because there were extra spaces between words when Mrs. T typed on the computer.

         A. You can also adjust how fast keys are repeated, when holding a key down, by adjusting the key repeat rate. Keyboard control panel does not have to be in active folder to work.

35. If you select more choices with 7.1, you can also select Òall at onceÓ to get several items in one window instead of one at a time.

         A. you can open the files enclosing folder by hitting command, E or open it by hitting command, o. Hitting command, P should print, but not always, probably depends on the printer. Print window comes up on HP, but it does not actually start printing. Command, dragging makes an alias of the item.

36. To use a picture for your puzzle, make a clipping (select a picture in GC. and drag to desktop), then drag the PICT Clipping onto the puzzle. Or you can use file, open to open a Graphic file.

37. Supposedly (according to U.Y.M. p. 131), you can not lock and protect the system and application folders If file sharing is turned on.

38. Now Utilities includes:

         A. SuperBoomerang allows you to track recently used items.

         B. NowMenus allows you to have hierarchical menus of the Apple menu.

         C. WYSIWYG allows you to see sample of fonts instead of just the name of it.

         D. Now Save allows you to save at intervals or auto save.

39. Superclock is a pre 7.5 C.P. that allows you to have a menubar clock.

40. ATM (which does not even have the choice in the control panel in version 3.9) can only substitute fonts only If you have the ATM Font database that comes with Super ATM (Super ATM can create substitute fonts on the fly). Also, this feature can only be used with Postscript fonts.

         A. ATM has a character at the beginning of it to ensure that it loads last to see that it avoids conflicts with other control panels and extensions.

         B. On the G3, Adobe Acrobat Reader s/b installed before running the installer for ATM Version 4.0.2.

         C. There was an error that occurred with ATM version 4.0.2 that said the substitute fonts could not be created. Turning ATM off helped temporarily to avoid error message. May have been due to a conflict with GX software, as I was experimenting with that at the time.

41. ATM requires that a printer font file be in the System folder, so that it can create screen fonts. If you delete or remove a printer font file, it wonÕt work. (U.Y.M. p. 258). Also, many printers have the printer font files built into the printers themselves, so that they can print without the printer font files in the System folder.

42. On one occasion, I changed the desktop pattern using a control panel from 7.1 (General Controls). Then the desktop patterns on the 7.5 system were black and white and there were only 38 of them (I previously had over 100). Trashed the prefs and application, restarted, I had no luck. So I trashed the prefs and app again and zapped, which worked. Then the original desktop patterns that came with the computer appeared. I reinstalled the desktop pattern prefs from ÒPersonal StuffÓ Zip disk.

43. Superclock can not set the time with 7.1 or 7.5 apparently, need to use Date and Time to do it apparently.

44. The startup disk control panel can select a volume, but it does not know If the selected volume can start up the computer or not.

45. Brightness controls the brightness of screen on the Classic and Classic II series.

46. Serial switch for MacIIfx and Quadra 950 only, for programs that use the printer or modem ports.

47. Auto Remounter is only for Powerbooks.

48. To protect documents, you may want to put them inside the Applications folderÓ and then check protect Applications folder in the General Controls Control Panel.

49. MacTCP is replaced by TCP/IP with Open Transport.

50. After Dark may cause problems with waking up from sleep with Energy Saver 2.0.2. However, After Dark is OS 8 Compatible.

51. To make the computer faster, you should set the Keyboard key repeat rate to fast and the delay until repeat to short.

         A. I did set the keyboard repeat rate to fast on the G3/233 and it is definitely faster, when deleting characters.

52. In general controls set menu blinking to off to speed up the computer.

53. Date and time is not a problem when you set the clock to Dec. 31, 1999, at 11:59 on LC II. Switches to Jan. 1, 00, at 12:00 A.M. on the next minute.

54. Some items, which belong in CP folder, may not actually be Control Panels. In this case, If you drop them onto the System folder icon, they will NOT be automatically placed into the Control Panels folder, they will be in the root level of the System Folder.

55. Button Disabler version 1.2 is supposedly only for 52, 53, 54, 55, 62, 63, and 64 series computers running 7.6.1 or later. It can not run on System 7.5.5 or earlier.

56. When you click on Òguest,Ó the name and password disappear from the PPP control panel.

57. If the ÒNo INITSÓ bit is checked, then that means the control panel is not loaded at startup (even If the control panel is in the active folder). On one occasion, the no INITS bit was checked due to an extension conflict that was resolved (Sad Macs, p. 208).

58. In General Controls, If protect system folder is turned on, items from the root level of the system folder can not be trashed. However, items in subfolders can be trashed (i.e. prefs inside of preferences folder).

59. If you option click the clock, the date and/or time will disappear from the menu bar in 8.1. Using the network time server does not work on the red iMac DV+ and the bondi blue iMac. Also, if the computers have been unplugged for a few days, you may get a network time error message (it may be that a battery is NOT needed).

59. CZÕs iMac was off time on 4/27/06. I set up the Date and Time control panel to ÒUse a network time server.Ó Under server options, I checked the box for Òupdate the time automatically, when the when the system clock is different from the timer server.Ó After being gone for eight hours, the time set itself automatically.


Control Strip Modules

1. Could not get TV Mirroring to work on the G3/266. If you tried to turn TV Mirroring on, the computer froze. I tried zapping the PRAM. Then I tried re-connecting the connections to the TV and computer. I had no luck. I tried using a copy of the TV Mirroring Control Strip Module. I had no luck. I even tried another System Folder (the old one as I had installed a new one to solve a different problem). Extensions off solved the problem. So, I figured out that Xmas Lights was the problem. It will not allow TV mirroring control strip to work properly. Should be disabled to use G3/266 with Television.

2. Later, I had the same problem. TV Mirroring would not work. I remembered about Xmas Lights. However, it is probably a good idea to disable Xmas Lights (by choosing the last option that Òspeeds up the computerÓ), restarting, disabling Xmas Lights, restarting. Then trash the control panel and preferences. Otherwise, the computer may think Xmas Lights is still active.

            A. In the process, I kept getting a message that said, ÒTV Mirroring requires a television to be connected to your TV output on your computer. Please make sure you have a television connected before continuing.Ó I checked and the TV was connected. After you press the button to say ÒokÓ, the computer shows up on the TV screen. I thought that this may have something to do with corrupted System software, but this was with a System Folder that was just put on after initializing the computer (perhaps before I did NOT get that TV message, because the software was corrupted).

3. On 6/03, the control strip module for sound did not appear to be working on the G3/233 with 9.2.2. When I would select a different volume, you could not hear it. However, the sound was adjusted according to the Sound control panel (and indeed when a sound was played, it was that volume). May be a one time glitch or the control strip module may need to be re-installed.

            A. After trashing control strip preferences and restarting, problem was solved.

4. I tried copying Video Mirroring and TV Mirroring onto the G3 to make it so that the internal monitor would be off. However, the Control Strip Modules were not functional. I think the control strip modules are for use with the RCA jacks only.


CopyThru (3.1.2)

1. Must build CRC file for it to work. Click on the triangle and then pick a place to build the CRC file (takes awhile).

2. To use Copy Thru, you must pick the source disk first (and it must be mounted). Then pick the place to store the files temporarily (as an intermediary), then pick the destination volume).

3. I tried copying my Shareware Zip disk, but Copythroughencountered errors on two occasions (no errors when using the 8.1 finder).

4. According to Macfixit, supposed to be faster than regular copying. But after timing it, it was not faster than the 8.1 Finder in copying the Zip disks.


D-Link Airplus Xtreme G DI-624 Router ( is the website)

1. TB said it would only work up to 300 feet, but it is 425 feet from room 58 to room 5, and Internet Explorer works in room 5 (you can access the room 58 router in room 56, 51, 5, and the bench outside by the restrooms). According to, the indoor range is up to 328 feet (100 meters) and outdoors is up to 1,312 ft (400 meters). Todd said that you need to have a crossover ethernet cable for it to work. It has a black mark on the end of it. I tried again to get the laptops to work, but they could not access the network. I tried using a different set of ethernet cables without luck. I called D-Link at 1.877.45D-LINK (a 24/7 number) and they said that you do not need to have a crossover (crossover is a a conductor which runs through the cable and connects to a different pin number at each end.) ethernet cable, any ethernet cable is fine. I then connected one of the laptops directly to the wall connection and it worked fine; therefore, D-Link tech support suggested that the router probably has an issue: we tried to configure the router, but we were unable to, since I do not have the admin name and password (and we tried several things); this was on 3/9/07. The laptop did not work when connected to the Netgear router, probably since the laptops are set up differently. Resetting the router to factory defaults did not solve the problem, either. The wired DELLs could not connect to the server, either. It may be possible to log on to the network with the laptops if we do smaller groups (one or two) at a time. On 4/2/07, the laptops would not connect to the server (got a message that said, ÒInternal error 0xFFFFFD69 occurred.Ó It also said something about trying again, and if that does not work, select the workstation only box. On the DEC at the Novell results screen, the message said that Òthe supervisor has disabled the login function for this server.Ó Perhaps we will wait until tomorrow to see what happens. Later on in the same day, the server was working again (I think that Janet contacted them and so did KW).

2. I could not determine which revision of the router that I have, since the information is on the bottom of the router and the router is attached to the cart.

3. According to the ÒQuick Start Directions,Ó the solid power light indicates a proper connection to the power supply. A blinking status light indicates that the DI-624 is functioning properly. A solid WAN light indicates connection on the WAN port, this LED (light emitting diode) blinks during data transmission. A solid WLAN LED indicates that the wireless segment is ready, this LED blinks during wireless data transmission. On 3/10/08, the laptops could not connect to the internet or SuccessMaker; so I unplugged the router for thirty seconds and plugged it back in; this resolved the problem. Ironically, the WLAN LED light never was solid, but it was still flashing after thirty seconds, but the laptops were able to access the network and SuccessMaker.

4. Todd said that the problem was probably my Netgear router or the connections (since I had ethernet splitters). He said that patch cables do not work well over time, since they ÒdegradeÓ the signal and go bad over time (I have had them for about two years though, without incident). However, they were not the issue. The problem was the server, which he did not have working (he admitted it later). He has a real problem with honesty and security about his job, so he may not always tell the truth. He insisted that D-Link tech support did not know anything, since they suggested that any type of cable could be used. However, the crossover with a straight cable worked fine for three days and then stopped working: Todd, of course, could not explain this. He says that crossover cables must be used with the router, because of the schoolÕs equipment. However, the manual on page 5 says that all ethernet ports (WAN and LAN) are auto MDI/MDIX (Media Dependent Interface/Media Dependent Interface Crossover), meaning you can use either a straight-through or a crossover Ethernet cable. The ethernet crossover cable from the wall connects to the Auto MDI/MDIX LAN ports, not the Auto MDI/MDIX WAN port, since the WAN port is for a cable or DSL modem, according to Todd.

5. The D-Link router cannot be set up with the Palm for now (2/07), because Todd said the network is encrypted. The router can be accessed from room 5, the bench by the restrooms, room 52, and room 56, as of 3/1/07. Todd said that the laptops will also work with the cafeteriaÕs server. Network (SM, AR, etc.) work from the cafeteria: although I am not sure if we are connected to the cafeteria's server or the router in room 58. When connected to the server in the cafeteria with the laptop, the server that I was connected to was SC, SCL1, according to Netware Connections (found by right clicking on the red "N" on the Taskbar). They have a D-Link router mounted on the wall in the cafeteria wall nearest to the clock (and the lights). So, either way, we can access the server and the internet in the cafeteria. Server and internet worked fine in room 5 on 4/18/07. Room 26 will not connect to the internet or the server, but standing outside of room 37 (on the blacktop), you can access the server. You cannot access the internet or the network from room 61. Sue Huber tried to use the laptops in room 20 to no avail. KW said that there was a (D-Link) router in room 22, but there was not; it was placed in the old computer lab. When using a laptop that is placed on top of a bookshelf by the old computer labÕs door, the signal is excellent. When you take the laptop outside of room 16(library)Õs door, the signal drops to very low, according to the Taskbar icon. Dell wireless cards may not be that strong, according to Todd.


Data Rescue

1. Does not seem to do anything for files that are typed and the computer crashes.


DEC (Computer serial number is 22687, the model number or some other number is 2A488-01REALT4 (EA and my computer had same number inscribed on bottom), monitor serial number is KIAY0701792. ABIT had a box with keyboard and mouse in it. Their e-mail support is or (who took one week to reply to my e-mail), telephone is 510-623-0500 and the fax is 510-623-1092. Their web page is at They are based in Taiwan. Our DEC computers have 256 MB of memory, 1.5Ghz, P4 processors, 56X CD-ROM, 20.0 GB HDs, and 17" monitors, according to the Quote from DEC. Password (as of 10/03) is SCCougar58.As of 3/05, the DEC has been totally rebuilt by Todd with name brand parts.

1. When I first tried to plug my mouse, I could not get in to plug in. I tried to straighten the pins slightly, but still I had no luck. KW figured it out. I looked at it and figured out it was I had trouble hooking up the mouse, originally. But the angle that I was using to plug in the mouse, I should have angled the mouse more, I think it was slightly bent or angled, as the case may be.

2. PC Exchange is required to see a Windows 2000 formatted disk (formatted by the DEC computer) on my G3/233 and G3/266.

3. I tried using my BJC2100 CD with the DEC computer, but it did not work (the CD says it is for Windows 95/98 only). I could not even get through the installer. Then I downloaded the driver for Windows 2000 (there did not appear to be a driver for Windows 2000 Professional, so I tried using the 2000 driver) from It was a file name Òbjc2100Win2kXPv150.exe.Ó BJC 2100 driver is the correct one for the BJC-2110 printer, according to (I used the G3/266 to download the update and put it on an IBM formatted Zip Disk).

            A. The software did not work. It would not auto find the printer. I tried connecting the printer directly without an ÒAÓ extension. I also tried using all 3 USB ports with auto detection by the software (and reinstalling each time). I also tried to manually select the printer without luck. I tried COM port 1, 2 and 3. Also, I tried Serial Port 1 and 2 without any luck. KWÕs computer has USB selected as a port of choice, but it may have been auto-detected, not sure. There was a Òvirtual USBÓ port (or something similar) selection with the Ports selection, but it did not work either.

            B. To get to printer port selection: Go to start, settings, printers, select BJC-2100, go to File, Properties, click on the ports tab.

            C. KW let me borrow her BJC-2100 CD (which says Windows 2000 on it). The results were the same, when I tried to install with the update from the Internet. The CD said it was version 3.0.

            D. DG said that some IBM compatibles do not do USB for printing. Also, some printers may not be able to use a USB connection, since USB is much faster than a serial connection (according to Tim, an IBM parallel connection and a Mac serial connection are about the same).

            E. I connected the Canon BJC-2110 with a serial connection, ran the software installer again (the one I downloaded from the Internet, not KWÕs CD) and it found the printer (using auto detection) within about 3 seconds or so. The auto detector determined (rightfully so) that the printer was connected to the LPT1 port (there is only one LPT port on the DEC computer). I am still not sure if the power needs to be off to connect/reconnect the printer. I e-mailed Matt about this. Matt did not know. I also will need a 12-ft. cord to use the BJC-2110, since I will put it on top of the bookshelf.

            F. After installation, I decided to delete the two old BJC-2100 icons, one deleted fine (highlight name of printer, go to file, delete). The other one though, would not. It would say Òdeleting in progressÓ and not delete. I could not drag it to the Recycle bin to get rid of it, because it gave some type of error. It turns out I had enabled Òoffline printingÓ from the File menu. Once I unchecked that option, I was able to delete the printer icon.

            G. You can use control, P and then press return to print.

            H. Tim is right, since I printed with the parallel connection on the DEC computer and it was just about as fast as a serial connection on a Macintosh.

            I. says that to install the Epson driver for Windows 2000, it must not be an upgrade to 2000. If your computer has an upgrade, the printer driver and Status monitor may not install properly. It also says that if you connect the printer first Windows 2000 automatically installs the Windows 2000 operating system provided driver. If your printer has both USB and parallel connections, it suggests using the USB connection, since it is faster.

            J. The web page in I suggests to install the driver, make sure your printer and computer are off, and printer is not connected to the computer. Follow onscreen instructions.

            K. The web page in I suggests for troubleshooting that Under control panel, system hardware, drive signing should not be ÒblockedÓ or installation will not be completed.

            L. The web page in I says that if you have connected your printer via the parallel port and want to use a USB connection instead, you must uninstall the driver first (Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, select Epson printer software), then reinstall.

            M. The web page in I says that if you see two Epson printers in your printers folder, make sure the printer name without ESC/P 2 (ESC/P is the system-installed driver) is your default printer. A check mark appears on the default printer.

            N. MV said that it is possible that DEC got a really good deal on some Òold technologyÓ USB cards, and that they may not work with printers.

            O. Later, though, a network technician used the Virtual USB-0 port and was able to make the Canon print work with the USB connection, so the connection may be intermittent or I did not use the Windows 2000 driver from the Internet with the USB-0 Virtual Printer Port (the USB cable is connected to the USB port on the far left (facing the computer). Ironically, when hooking up the BJC-2110 to the DEC in room 25, I used the port on the far right (facing the computer). I downloaded the software from Canon using the Internet connection in room 25, then I set the port up manually (it could not be automatically configured), using the USB-0 Virtual Printer Port. The printer printed in room 25.

4. The computerÕs power cord was somewhat Òtouchy,Ó While trying to make other connections, the power would turn off. I switched power cords with the monitor (a 17Ó SVGA monitor) and had better luck so far (as o 5/3/02), will wait and see.

5. The USB Zip Drive worked fine with the computer (without installing software). I used the USB port closest to the fan and it worked fine. I used a Zip disk that had been formatted on the G3/266 for use with Windows. To make an IBM formatted Zip Disk, it is probably necessary to use the Tools application. After moving to room 58, the USB Zip drive would not work with the DEC on either end port (1 and 3). I tried restarting Windows 2000, but to no avail. I tried using all 3 ports, and downloading and install the Iomega 2000 driver (I removed the NT driver that was previously installed), but no luck (I had even used an Windows formatted Zip Disk, that I formatted on the G3/266). I put in an I.S. order in 8/02. Todd came to my room on 10/21/02 and used his CD to install the Zip software. The installer was Iomega Zip Software Wi#43B and it was modified on Wed., Nov. 7, 2001. He explained that most likely the problem was that my USB cable was longer than 15 feet. After disconnecting the USB Zip Drive from the G3 and using a 6 foot USB cable to connect to the DEC, the Zip Drive was recognized and worked fine. I canceled the order for a Zip Drive that I had made to PC Warehouse Direct Sales Department, 174 Route 17 North Rochelle Park, NJ 07662. I tried using the 100 MB USB Zip Drive with the DEC in room 58; it detected the new hardware initially, but I ejected the Zip Disk without using the software to do it (which may have caused a problem). When I put another Zip Disk into the Zip Drive, it would not mount under "My Computer" or with Windows Explorer. I tried restarting the computer and Zip Drive several times, along with unplugging both. I tried using a different USB cord without luck. I made sure that the USB cable was less than six feet. The taskbar icon (for disconnecting or eject the Zip Disk) shows up each time a Zip Disk is inserted, and disappears when the Zip Drive is ejected, which I assume is normal. I tried using all 3 of the USB ports. I tried using a PC camera connected to the USB port and it works fine; however my BJC-2100 printer will not work. I uninstalled and reinstalled the Iomega drivers (using the latest version from the Iomega website). If you use "Add New Hardware," it says that the device (the Zip Drive) is working properly. The Device Manager does not have a resource tab for the Zip Drive (perhaps indicating that the Zip Drive is not using any resources, but it may be that admin access is needed to work on this issue). The Hardware Wizard also indicates that the device is working normally. I replaced the hotplug.dll file with one I downloaded from the internet, but this did not work, so I put the original file back on the hard drive. Todd rebuilt my computer with name brand parts. He put in a CD burner and an internal Zip Drive. The external USB Zip 100 worked fine with DEC/Rebuilt.

6. My keyboard had great difficulty in working. I had started up the computer several times and it appeared normal, but when I tried to type, nothing would appear on screen. Finally, I reconnected the keyboard and restarted it several times. Then it worked once. Then I had to make a different connection (not the keyboard and after that, the keyboard did not work again.

            A. Later, had the same trouble with the keyboard, but then I shut down the computer, reconnected the keyboard and then started it up. Then the keyboard would allow you to type (8/16/02).

            B. Later, the enter key was not working, but later it was. I tried turning off the Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, etc, but I had no luck. Two days later (10/16/02), though, the enter key was working again, interestingly enough.

7. The speakers never worked with the DEC. I did hook them up to the G3/266 and they worked okay at first. Later, though, they would not even work on the G3/266.

8. I moved the DEC to the middle of the classroom to see if I could hook it up to the TV. But, it did not work. I make sure that the resolution was set to 640 X 480 and 60 Hertz, but the computer still would not display on the television. I tried adjusting many settings in the Display control panel, but I had no luck.

A. The Television did flash several times, but no clear picture was really seen.          B. I e-mailed to see about getting BobÕs e-mail address. Bob may have some ideas. Compaq did not respond to my questionsthroughe-mail, as of 5/8/2002.  

C. MV suggested trying the video out on another computer, as there should not be any special  Windows settings that are required to use the video out connection.     

D. I did try connecting up GMÕs DEC computer to the TV, but I had no luck. The TV display flashed, similarly to how my DEC did on the TV screen in my room. I called DEC and talked to Eric, who was not very helpful. But he took my e-mail address ( and said he would check on it. He suggested I open the computer to let him know what kind of video out card it was. I would have opened the computer, but the back of the computer says it voids the warranty, if it is opened.

E. Anyhow, I decided to try to figure it out myself. I got the eVGA CD and installed the video drivers with it (I got an error message while installing that said that ÒADM-Chipset Check, The Chipset check has encountered a problem and cannot correctly determine your motherboard chipset. Your motherboard chipset is either too old or too new and is not in our chipset database or your computer may have a corrupted or damaged registry.Ó (I found the definition of registry at and it said that a registry is Òa central hierarchical database used by Windows OS to store configuration information, such as what types of applications are installed on the computer, what kind of document each can createÓ.) Then you have to choose to continue installation or exit. I continued installation, and the computer was fine, i.e. the DEC displayed later on the TV. I got this error on GMÕs and my computer). Control Panel, Display, Settings, Advanced, TwinView, and selected "clone," then Apply. I also checked the box marked ÒMake this my primary displayÓ (meaning the computer monitor), the display window showed two monitors at that point. GMÕs TV displayed the DECÕs contents on the screen (even at 32 bit true color, and 1024 X 768, 1280 X 1024 Screen sizes). I left the box for ÒForce detection of a monitor on the secondary connectorÓ unchecked. Also, the Sharp TV should be on channel 3, the A/B switch should be on B, and the VCR should be on, and turned to the Line1 channel. When you scroll on the screen (to the far left or right), the television image scrolls as well. When trying to set up for clone use in room 4, I had to restart the DEC to get it to work. For room 51 (CFÕs room), the television needs to be on channel 3 and the VCR needs to be on Line/Input 1 for it to work. I also had to uncheck ÒForce detection of secondary connector,Ó I think. I do not think I had to restart the computer. In room 52, there is a rebuilt DEC that has only an S-video jack and not a regular RCA cable. Anyhow, it has a converter (converts S-video to regular video) and it is connected to the VCR, this works. After my DEC was rebuilt, this is how I did it: Control Panel, Display, Settings, Advanced, GeForce2 MX 100/200, then I selected the nView Display settings on the left side of the window, then I chose "clone" in the nView Display mode, and then apply. BodinÕs television is an RCA (F27185DW, August 1990). However, the televisionÕs video inputs did not work with the DEC (but the connection worked with her DVD/VCR).  My RCA remote (from home) would turn the power on, but the input button had no effect on BodinÕs television. There is no ownerÕs manual online, so we could not determine why the video input would not work; it is possible (likely) that the circuit board is just too old (since it is February 2007). On 2/12/07, I could not get the nView settings to show up with the Display control panel (under advanced). After restarting, the settings showed up, but the output would not show on the television. I did many adjustment settings to no avail. Finally, I disconnected the RCA cable and connected it from the DEC to the TV directly, which worked. Then I reconnected the cable to the VCR (which connected to the TV) and the TV showed the DECÕs screen on it.

            F. I later reinstalled the Chipset driver using the ABIT 845 Series Motherboard CD. Upon two restarts after this, the TV displayed the computerÕs contents fine.

            G. I decided to see if I could get my DEC to work with my TV, as well. I checked and the clone option was grayed out in the display control panel. I did install the video drivers with the eVGA CD, but the clone choice was still Ògrayed out.Ó After selecting Òforce detection of a monitor,Ó the clone choice was not grayed out anymore. The TV still did not display the DECÕs contents. I clicked the tabs and buttons for ÒForce detection of a monitor on the secondary connectorÓ and Òmake this my primary displayÓ again and then the contents of the DEC were displayed on the TV.

            H. I am still not sure if the eVGA CD installation was necessary or not for a DEC to display on a TV or not.

I. . No reconfiguration was necessary for the Sharp TV to mirror the computer upon restart (even at 1024 X 768 resolution).

J. Display adapter information can be found on Windows Hardware Compatibility (HCL) on MicrosoftÕs Web Site or you can check the hcl.txt file in the support folder on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM.

            K. At least on one occasion, pressing the ÒDetect displaysÓ box on my DEC made the clone option disappear (i.e. the setting went from clone back to standard). Not sure why, but this happened.

            L. You can fax eVGA at 714-528-4501 or call them at 888-881-EVGA (3842). is their tech support.

            M. eVGA Quickstart guide page 6 says that before installing any of their graphics display drivers, you should make sure you have installed the latest AGP driver for your motherboard (drivers can be obtained from your motherboard manufacturer).

            N. eVGA Quickstart guide page 7 says there is a manual on the CD (there does appear to be).

            O. eVGA Quickstart guide page 8 says that TwinView allows simultaneous use of two display devices at one time. That means that even though you might have three output connectors, only two of them may be in use at one time.

            P. eVGA Quickstart guide page 9 says that is second display is an NTSC TV monitor, due to the limitations of the monitor itself, the resolution cannot be set above (the book says about, but I think it is a typo) and the refresh rate cannot be above 60 Hz, but the PC resolution and refresh mate may be higher. Page 9 also says that in clone mode, bot displays must be set to the same resolution, color depth and refresh rate. This means that when cloning to a TV, both must be in 800 X 600 @ 60Hz. Doing otherwise will activate the Virtual Desktop function that will cause the lessor of the two monitors to have a ÒViewportÓ that can be scrolled around via an auto-panning feature.

Q. eVGA Quickstart guide page 11 says that any program or hardware that uses hardware overlay will not display to any monitor other than the primary monitor. To some degree this can be worked around through the use of the Video Mirror TwinView feature.

R. eVGA Quickstart guide page 11 says that there are S-Video to RCA adapters.

S. eVGA Quickstart guide back inside cover says that you can hold down F8 during boot and select Safe Mode from the menu.

T. eVGA Quickstart guide back cover says that the eVGA card (or software) is version 2.1.

U. eVGA Quickstart guide talks about DVI (Digital Video Input) connectors, which appear to be 24 pin connectors with 3 rows of 8.

            V. Later, I had trouble when connecting the DEC to the TV in room 58 (my new room). As it turns out, the Quasar VCR that was in there does not work with the DEC, but the Sharp TV does. I replaced the VCR. I also discovered, though, inadvertently, that it is possible that the RCA cable should be connected BEFORE installing the software. Also, the warning about the chipset may be helpful advice i.e. it may be somewhat ÒbuggyÓ for the DEC to work with the TV or VCR. May have to reconfigure and restart once or twice.

            W. If you go to control panel, Display, Settings, Advanced, Hardware Acceleration and set it to none, the TwinView option will not appear. Change Hardware Acceleration back to full, TwinView should appear.

9. According to the ABIT BL7/BL7-RAID UserÕs Manual page 2-19, Com1 and Com2 slots have 9 pins (5 and 4), They are used for connecting external modem (the DEC in room 58 had a modem card, but the one in the computer lab does not), mouse or other devices that support this communication protocol.

            A. ABIT BL7/BL7-RAID UserÕs Manual page 2-19 says a parallel port connector is also called an ÒLPTÓ port because it usually connects to a printer. You can also connect other devices that support this communication protocol.

            B. ABIT BL7/BL7-RAID UserÕs Manual page 2-19 says that the USB ports can be used for scanners, digital speakers, monitors, mice, keyboard, hub, digital camera, joystick, etc.

            C. is the place for downloads for the ABIT BL7/BL-RAID motherboard, it appears that this is the type of motherboard that is in our DEC computers.

            D. There was a link of AbitÕs website ( that said you should contact your retailer for warranty issues. If you have problems there, you should contact AbitÕs branch offices using a link of the web page, but the link did not work. I e-mailed to see about our keyboard/mice issues. I received an automatic reply that said that they may not reply to every e-mail.

10. DG said that DEC computers have been used by the Post Office for awhile, without major problems.

            A. says that DEC stands for Digital Equipment Corporation. In 1998, the company was sold to Compaq. Since it appears that DEC has gone out of business, I have sent an e-mail to Compaq (using to ask if they would cover the 3 year warranties. On the web page, I tried putting in my serial number for my DEC computer, but I had no luck. Then I just added about 15 digits or so to it, and my e-mail went through, then. I sent the e-mail on 8/18/02. They replied and gave a vague answer, but it does not appear that they will warranty the DEC computers.

            B. If you click on the DEC web link on that page, then you get taken to

            C. I e-mailed Compaq to see if they have info on DEC computers. I would like to find out about the RCA connector on the back of the computer and USB/Canon 2100 printing problem.

11. The DEC comes with a 3-year warranty, according to KW.

12. The DEC in room 58 (even after being rebuilt) has an ÒS-videoÓ connection.

13. The mouse is a ÒKeymouseÓ (you open the mouse clockwise, not counterclockwise like on Macintoshes) and the keyboard is brand elements.Ó They were both in the ABIT box, when I received the computer.

14. The ABIT BL7/BL7 Raid Manual page 1-1 mentions MCH, which is a series of computers from Mercury computer systems, according to Page 1-2 mentions that the computer has PS/2 connectors, which is a 6-pin mini DIN plug. The PS/2 port is sometimes called the mouse port; PS/2 mouse connector pinout is identical to PS/2 keyboard., according to ( did not spell out that PS/2 stands for anything, but several websites, however, said it stands for ÒPersonal System 2.Ó defines PS/2 as IBMÕs second generation of computers. says that a PS/2 port can be used to connect a mouse or a keyboard to a computer. It did not spell out PS/2 either. Page 1-2 says that the floppy port supports up to 2.88 MB and there are 3 serial ports. It says that the computer supports PC133 SDRAM only. Page 2-5 says you should power off the computer and unplug the AC power before adding or removing any peripheral or component. Failure to do so may damage the motherboard and/or peripherals. Plug in the AC power cord only after you have carefully checked everything. Page 2-9 says you should turn off the power first (including the +5 volt standby) before clearing the CMOS memory. Failing to do so may cause your system to work abnormally or malfunction. Page 2-11 says the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System. A set of instructions stored on a ROM chip inside IBM PCS and PC-compatibles, which handles all input-output functions) program will execute a POST (power on self-test) action when turning on the computer. Page 3-1 says the BIOS program also then detects and sets up hardware. Page 2-19 says that there are two sound ports, line in, line out and microphone. Page 2-19 says that the parallel port is often also called an ÒLPTÓ port (LPT stands for Line Print Terminal), since it usually connects to a printer. Page 3-1 says you should not change BIOS settings, unless you fully understand their meanings and consequences. Page 3-1 says that if you are not able to boot your computer, refer to the section called erase CMOS dataÓ in chapter 2. CMOS stands for Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. A kind of integrated circuit used in processors and memories. CMOS is a special kind of memory chip that retains its data when power is turned off as long as it receives a small amount of electricity from a battery. Page 3-1 says that after BIOS program has achieved the auto-diagnostic and auto-detection operations, it will display the following message: Press <DEL> to enter setup. If you press the <DEL> key, you will access the BIOS setup menu. I found out later that you press the Delete key, since there is not a DEL key on our keyboards. Also, pressing Enter in BIOS Setup changes the setting. Page 3-3 says that CPU can be setup using a programmable switch called SoftMenuª III, which replaces the traditional manual hardware configuration. Page 3-5 says that if you cannot enter BIOS setup, due to invalid clock setup, you may need to turn the computer on/off 3 or 4 times and press the ÒInsertÓ key to make the computer use it standard parameters to boot. Page 3-11 says that if you forget your password, you will have to open the computer case and clear all the info in CMOS before you can startup the system. But by doing this, you will have to reset all previously set options. Page 3-16 says the default option for Hot Key Power on is Control, F1. Page 3-18 says that the up arrow, down arrow and the enter key can be used to change settings in Power management setup menu (which is a BIOS setting). Page 3-24 says that PCI stands for Personal Computer Interconnect. Page 3-27 says that in Bios Setup, you can adjust the CPU Shutdown Temperature and the CPU Warning Temperature. Page 3-29 says that when a password has been enabled, it is required upon each startup. Additionally, when a password is enabled, you can also require the BIOS to request a password every time your system is rebooted. This is under 3-11 Set Password in the BIOS Setup and how to tell what version of BIOS you have installed. Page 4-8 says to enter BIOS Setup, press Control and H upon startup. Page 4-8 says you can press the Esc key to return to top menu. Page E-1 says to find the motherboardÕs model name and version number, you can find it on one slot of the motherboard. Page E-1 to E-4 has info on Bios Updating. Page G-2 talks about STR mode, which you can use ÒStand ByÓ in the Shut Down Windows area to access. Page H-2 talks about what kind of information may be needed by tech support. Page H-3 talks about how to download BIOS updates (which can be done from Abit's website: Page I-3 says that the tech support e-mail address is Their sales e-mail address is Bob Rankin says that BIOS can refer to the chip on your motherboard, the program hard-coded on the chip, or the BIOS setup screens.

15. ÒUseÓ key not present on Windows keyboard. It means the Òe" key, according to LO, but who knows with her. But it may be for one application.

16. According to the specification sheet, the DEC computer comes with 256 MB of RAM and video out.

17. I copied a disk onto a disk that was Mac-formatted, I got an error about 7/8thÕs of the way thru, I pressed retry and then it copied okay.

18. There is not a fan opening on the bottom of the computer, so putting it on the floor is probably okay (GN had asked me).

19. There are two connectors I am unsure of, one is a male connector with 5 pins in one row and 4 in the other. Another connector is a male connector with 8 pins in one row and 7 pins in the other.

20. I e-mailed Angela Sullivan about seeing if Windows 2000 Professional CDs were supposed to be included with our computers.

21. We were having recurring problems with the monitor being on, but the computer being off (get the monitor box on the screen saying the monitor is working, but the computer is not on or something similar to that). Each time, I reconnected the monitor to the computer and restarted the computer, which worked. One time, however, I did NOT reconnect the monitor and just restarted the computer. This worked, also. I still had to restore the active desktop, though.

            A. I had forgotten that I had changed the settings in the power options control panel. I went to the settings and changed the Turn off hard disks from 5 hours to never. I changed the System Standby from 5 hours to never, also. I restarted the DEC. Will see if it works tomorrow (5/29/02). The computer Òwoke upÓ when I pressed the space bar, and no restarting was necessary.

22. The Windows 2000 Quickstart Guide page 20 suggests using, control, alt, delete and press ÒChange PasswordÓ to change your password (first log on as administrator and then do the previously mentioned step).

23. Our DEC computers have been having trouble with the keyboards and the mice. It also appears that DEC may have gone out of business, since I called two of their numbers and they were disconnected (Later, I called some more of their numbers from their website and 5 of them were Òdisconnected or no longer in serviceÓ, 1 had no answer at all, and 1 just gave a fast busy signal, so they are probably out of business). I also e-mailed them, but did not hear back yet. We were ÒsupposedÓ to have a 3-year warranty on them, but with the company going out of business, we may be out of luck as far as they are concerned.

            A. I talked to Leonard Harrington (480-1332) at Countryside Plaza Radio Shack about our computers. He said that even though DEC may have gone out of business, the individual hardware components (floppy drive, keyboard, CD-ROM drive, etc.) are probably still covered under their individual warranties (i.e. the Princeton monitor with trouble was under warranty and KW dealt with them on that issue). Leonard also said that very few keyboards and mice have trouble out of the box (he said ÒA keyboard is a keyboard is a keyboardÓ). I checked DECÕs website at on 8/17/02, but they had no drivers there at all.

            B. Leonard did say that if I check the materials that came with the DEC computer, there should be some information about the motherboard manufacturer and the model number. If I can not locate the informationthroughthose materials, I may be able to determine the information from the Windows initialization process, in the first part. If that does not contain the information, I can open the computer and then look on the motherboard itself. I looked on the CDs that came with the computer and found that one of them said ÒABIT 8456 Series MotherboardÓ, BC-1.10M. I reinstalled the keyboard driver on my DEC by going to Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager and then selecting keyboard. After restarting twice, the keyboard input characters fine.

            C. He also said that the problem with our keyboards and mice sounds like driver issues. He suggested checking the CDs that came with the computer, to see if they have been used to install the drivers (if the company is sloppy, they may have skipped this step). Also, he said that I may want to check for driver updates for keyboards and mice (not the keyboard or mice manufacturerÕs websites, as they may not have drivers there). I did check at and they had no drivers on the website. Leonard also suggested trying one of our keyboards with a known working computer (i.e. TinaÕs computer in the library) to see if the keyboard itself has trouble.

            D. Leonard (480-1332) said he does work on computers on the side, so it is possible to have him do work on our computers, should it become necessary.

            E. He also said that Compaqs are sold at Radio Shack for $699 each, which is pretty close to the price we paid for the DEC computers. I did check on this and found at a Compaq computer for that price, but it did not include a monitor. I did find a monitor at, it was $299.99. So, it would closer to a $1,000 for each computerthroughRadio Shack (although they might have educational discounts).

            F. He said that Rebecca is probably out of luck on the computer situation of losing $1,000. Small claims court is only $500, anyhow.

            G. I did contact Abit corporation and they said we can get warranty work through them by going to has AbitÕs return policy. has AbitÕs warranty statement. is AbitÕs technical support site. has BIOS updates. is for the IDE Driver guide. has BIOS update information.

24. Power Management Control Panel does not appear to have a Scheduled Shutdown function (M. had suggested shutting down our computers at night, because of the ÒincidentÓ in room 58).

25. It was not possible to type anything into Cecelia ZamoraÕs computer, but after replacing the keyboard, it was fine.

26. I stuffed Plan-It! v1.0 on the G3/266 using DropStuff, then I put it on a PC formatted disk. I then copied the file to the DEC. Then I sent the file from to I was not able to download the file from, but I was able to download the file with The file was called Plan-It 1.0 v1.sea, but it had a ÒPCÓ label on the icon. I then used a PC formatted disk to transfer the file back to the G3/266. After I expanded the file with Stuff It Expander, the file opened fine (even though it did a Òconsistency checkÓ).

            A. I also checked my e-mail at home and was able to download and expand the Plan-It file on my G3/233. After expanding the file with Stuff It Expander, the file opened fine (after performing a Òconsistency checkÓ).

            B. On another occasion, I tried copying a file called Document2.sea to a PC formatted disk (using the G3/266). Then I copied the file to the HD of the DEC and sent the file from to At home, I downloaded the file, but when Stuff It Expander tried to open it, I got a corrupted file error. Double clicking on the file produced an error also (says the file may be damaged or may not work on this type of  computer).

            C. I sent an e-mail to and they replied and said, ÒHave you used other compression programs and if so what were the results? It seems that when the attachment was converted to base 64 encoding (windows) that is what caused the corruption.Ó

            D. I think I will stick to using AOL or to send e-mail with attachments, rather than spend money on a newer version of Drop Stuff.

27. On JLÕs DEC in room 54, the red light on the bottom of the computer came on (the light below the power light. The symbol by it looks similar to a trashcan). Since there is not a manual for the DEC (only a motherboard and a computer manual), I am trying to guess about the function of the light. His CPU had indicated twice upon startup, that the CPU had a problem (the computer monitor said this). It is likely that the light indicates CPU problems (or lack thereof). The light on my DEC is usually off, but it flashes green occasionally.

28. KW wanted me to see if I could find a way to automatically turn off the Des at night. However, hibernate mode did not work on my DEC. Bobby and Todd did not know of a program, that could be helpful. Using timers may be a solution, I suggested to KW in 2/03.

29. Toby could not access his Hotmail account at, kept getting a Òpage not foundÓ error, after typing in his name and password (user name and password can not have spaces, BTW). Anyhow, it was intermittent. I got it to work by typing in his name and password, then pressing the back button twice, this often worked. I left it so that he does not have to type his name and password in when going to

            A. Hotmail is possible to blame, since other sites load fine, it appears. But did not try other sites that require passwords.

30. The letter ÒhÓ appears to be having trouble on room 58Õs DEC, as of 3/25/03. Later, it was okay, though.

31. I may want to launch Command Antivirus once in a while on the DEC until the server is able to do the definitions from the server.

            A. To launch it, click the ÒCÓ icon on the toolbar, type in user name (mcoe2002) and password (rfp2005). Todd said that this password is good through August 2005.

32. The Elements keyboard would not type a letter Òn.Ó I tried cleaning the keyboard by spraying it with  contact cleaner, but to no avail. After that, the keyboard would not type at all. So I replaced it with a Logitech keyboard, which works fine.

33. While trying to access the DEC computer in the lab, the computer froze, so I had to restart it. I then tried to log in with RholdenÕs name, but the password was not the same as mine. I tried logging in under my name and Jose LambarenÕs, but was unable to (we thought my name might not work, since I was already logged in on my DEC. I do not think JL was logged in on his computer).

34. When trying to open a scanned image (I could not get .pict images to open, but .jpg would. This is not surprising), it may be best to right click on am image and choose Paint or Word to open a document. I had opened some scanned images on the DEC and they were automatically opened in Internet Explorer and the image (that was one page on the G3) was nine pages on the DEC. Hopefully following the earlier step should work (BS suggested it). Although I may have to scale the picture, not sure.

35. Crossword Maker (or Crossword Magic may be the name, there was some confusion with the installer) does not require the CD to be present to run.

            A. Pinball Thrillride requires the CD to run.

36. Dave Frank said you can shut down a computer using Control, Alt, Delete.

            A. You can right click on the Taskbar to arrange open windows. You can change the location of the taskbar by clicking on an empty space on the taskbar and then dragging. Also, the Quicklaunch toolbar (which can be turned on/off by right clicking on the Taskbar and choose Toolbars) must be present on the taskbar to add application shortcuts to the taskbar.

            B. When options are squares in dialog boxes, you can make more than one choice. If there are circles, you can only choose one.

            C. Control, escape can be used to display the Start Menu.

            D. To remove a shortcut from the Taskbar (to the right of the Start icon), you can drag the icon to the Recycle Bin.

37. DEC password is now SCCougar58, as of 10/20/03.

38. To reset the monitor to default settings (should fix any cutting off the edge problems), press the ÒAÓ button for a couple seconds.

39. To set up a schedule for Microsoft Outlook, go to Tools, Options, Mail Setup, Send/Receive. I was unable to e-mail Microsoft without paying, so I asked Todd. He said that there is not a way to store a password; the program is built for security.

40. I tried to use Restaurant Empire on the DEC, but had trouble. After installing, I tried to run the program from the shortcut that I created on the desktop. Got a message about a missing dll file.

            A. I went to, it suggested downloading Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, which I did from After installing the Service Pack, I restarted the DEC, but the shortcut still did not work. I still got a DLL error. However, after I clicked on the original icon, I got a message about installing a needed application. I installed it and restarted the DEC. Both the shortcut and the original icon worked, so Restaurant Empire runs.

41. I disconnected the USB connection from the 2100 and it still prints with the parallel connection on the DEC.

42. You can supposedly set up Windows so that you do not have to type the password under Control Panels Users and Passwords. I unchecked the box so that users do not have to type in their password to use this computer. However, it did not work (probably because Todd set it up through Novell, instead of just Windows).

43. Dave Frank said you can shut down a computer using Control, Alt, Delete. You can right click on the Taskbar to arrange open windows. When options are squares in dialog boxes, you can make more than one choice. If there are circles, you can only choose one. Control, escape can be used to display the Start Menu. To remove a shortcut from the Taskbar (to the right of the Start icon), drag the icon to the Recycle Bin.

44. When connected to the PC, BJC-2100 printed in black and white, even though the color cartridge was in it. I made the DEC print in color, but the printout was in black and white. I re-printed, and then the printout was in color.

45. JL needed a new monitor for his DEC in room 54. I connected a 1993 monitor, and it appeared normal at first, but on the login screen, there were multiple images. I used an alternate monitor to connect to the DEC and change the display settings. I changed the resolution to 640 X 480, 60 MHz, and 16 bit color (instead of 24 bit). Then the original monitor worked with the DEC.

46. To make an item startup when you start up the DEC: put it in C/Documents and Settings/rzelenski/StartMenu/Programs/Startup.

47. On the DEC in room 30, the monitor light kept turning orange, when it was normally supposed to be green. It was because the computer kept shutting off. The fan was not operating correctly, because the computer was too warm (and it was quieter than the other DEC). I put in a work order with I.S.

48. Nero is the CD Burning program on the DEC/Rebuilt.

            A. DEC/rebuildÕs top drive is CD, and the bottom drive is DVD/CD-R.

            B. Power DVD lets you play DVDs.

49. To refresh the desktop (if it has generic icons), right click on the desktop and choose refresh.

            A. Number Lock was not pressed, so I could not add to the name iTunes.

            B. Winzip program could not be compressed by WinZip.

50. To make the DEC/Rebuilt display on the television, make sure the VCR is on (and set to Input channel), the TV is on channel 3. Go to Control Panels, Display, Settings, Advanced, GE Force 2 MX 100/200, choose nView Display Settings (on the left hand side), choose ÒCloneÓ from the nView Display Modes.

51. I tried using the Camera with the DEC/Rebuilt, but kept getting a message about not having video capture. However, the cameraÕs end of the USB cord was not connected properly. After connecting it properly, the camera worked fine.

52. When rebuilding the DEC computer, Tood evidently took out the power switch on the back. Could just use the cord instead.

53. Cha Mee VangÕs Outlook login is cmvang. Her Novell login, however, is cvang, sccougar4. I was having trouble getting her computer to work properly though. So I e-mailed Todd and said, ÒI tried to log in on Cha Mee VangÕs DEC in room 4. However, on each login, there is an "x" on the task bar and when you click on the Òx,Ó it says that ÒThe request to connect and log on to the server could not be completed because the supplied user name is incorrect.Ó However, I logged in as ÒcvangÓ and her password with Òsccougar4.Ó Also, she can only log into Outlook occasionally (I think that the two problems may be related, not sure).

54. I had trouble getting the DEC to display on the TV in room 1. I went to Control Panel, Display, Settings, Advanced, TwinView, and selected Clone setting. However, it did not work. Restarting the computer did not help. The DEC would not display on the TV in room 2, either. I finally figured out the solution, after selecting the Clone setting in the Twin View settings, right click on the 2nd monitor (if you right click on the first monitor and output to TV, the computer screen will go blank, but the DEC may display on the TV), select the output device, select TV, NTSC-M, composite video-out. You can also access these settings by selecting the monitor and then going to Device Settings (it should be noted that on at least two occasions, I had to restart computers, before the computer would allow me to access these ÒDevice SettingsÓ). This did not work initially with the DEC and the VCR/TV in room 1, but after disconnecting/reconnecting the VCR and reversing the position of the two long RCA cables (I think that one of the cables did not make a great connection with the VCR), it did display on the TV (thru the VCR, since the TV does not have any RCA inputs). Now to watch TV, she needs to turn the TV off, to watch videos, this s/b normal, to watch DEC on the TVC, VCR s/b on and TV to channel 3, to record TV with the VCR, you would have to disconnect the RCA jack.

            A. I later determined that the VCR in room 1 has trouble with its input jacks. Therefore, the VCR needs to be replaced. The setting for TV under Device Settings would not show up, and the DECÕs contents would not display on the TV. However, with the VCR in room 2, the DECÕs contents displayed fine.

55. After installing AOL 9.0, there was an AOL icon installed on the Taskbar (near the clock). This icon is used for troubleshooting and cannot be removed (I verified this by calling AOL at 800-827-3338).

56. The rebuilt DEC computer has a DVD drive and I was able to play a DVD-R that EA had on it. It has Windows XP Professional 2000 5.00, Service Pack 4. To find out what System you have, go to Control Panels, System.

57. To close all the windows, you can hold down Shift and click on one of the close buttons. Troubleshooting Windows 2000 page 83 mentions that if you select ÒShow DesktopÓ from the Quick Launch toolbar, it will hide all the windows. However, you can only do this on the DELLÕs, but not the rebuilt DEC (different versions of Windows XP Professional).

58. I could not get my (Mac) folder that I had downloaded from the internet to go to the Recycle because of a ÒsharingÓ issue. Restarting did not resolve the issue. After closing Outlook Express, this solved the problem.

59. Burned CDs (I had an Epson 740 and a Windows CD) were not accessible on DEC in room 36.

60. iMac USB mouse worked with DEC in room 26, no software installed, just restarted.

61. GMÕs DEC in room 56 has Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4) on it.

62. I was trying to get sound to play through the headphone jack on my rebuilt-DEC computer and also on Linda OhlsonÕs in room 59, but the sound would not come through (the sound will work through the speakers, though). After checking with Google, I used to Device Manager to make sure that Digital Audio was not selected for the DVD-ROM, but the box was not checked. I e-mailed Todd about this on 10/17/06. He did not reply, so I asked him about later, and he told me he is behind on e-mail. He may not know the answer. Todd said that perhaps there is not a cable connecting the sound card to the CD-ROM; however, there was a cable. He did not know the solution (5/11/07).

63. I do not get a flat screen, since my monitor has already been replaced with a Mag monitor. Linda Thompson only wanted the Princeton monitors replaced, because they are a fire hazard.

64. Some DECÕs have administrator as the log in name when they came up. If
you uncheck the box, you can then see the name that it is can use to log on to the network; however, you cannot normally log in to room 58Õs DEC with another personÕs login information, according to JZ; this was found to be true by me.

65. I was having trouble with the DECÕs CD-ROM drive: it kept sticking and not opening; however, after spraying it with dusting spray, it is working fine.

66. The green light on the CD drive on the DEC kept flashing with a CD-ROM in it (and I could not find an answer with Google; although I did not check all of the links); after removing the CD-ROM, the green light was still flashing. I switched CDÕs with the the CD-ROM in the CD-R/DVD drive and then both drives had green lights flashing, but then the lights eventually went off.

67. The DEC has been glacial for several days, especially in accessing different parts of Outlook (probably due to the fact that Outlook is mainly the program I use on the DEC). Restarting several times did not help; nor did shutting it down overnight. One day, I received a Virtual Memory error, so I increased both virtual memory settings (under System Control Panel, Advanced, I think) and then shut the DEC down. I shut down the computer for an hour. Upon startup, the speed appears to be normal. Later, the problem returned, so I referenced Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Professional (page 234-235), which suggested setting the background picture to none, setting the display to less colors, or less resolution, make sure the Harware Acceleration is set to full, lowering the refresh rate (under Display Properties, Advanced , Adapter). Then, I turned the power off and reconnected the monitor adapter on the back of the monitor and the computer. It appears to be better (I took the background picture off and set the colors to 16-bit; the refresh rate did not appear to make any difference). If none of these steps work, it suggests that you may need a more powerful display adapter or you may need more memory in your system. JZ said I can borrow a monitor adapter from her if I would like.

68. LOÕs DEC kept freezing with IE when it got to the homepage of Winton School District. Therefore, I opened another bookmark she had on her desktop (Merriam-Webster) and then changed IEÕs preferences to go to a blank page upon startup. This solved the problem.


DELL Latitude 131 L laptops ( can be used to talk with tech support online or e-mail them. You can call DELL @ 800-WWW-DELL, which can be used for sales or tech support. To get education help, use 800-456-3355 (extension 7367392. In 4/07, helped me. There is an underscore between maxine and jackson). You need to have a service tag and express tag (D3P5BC1; 28521807265 is from one laptop)(to contact them. My e-mail and password at are, original AOL screenname (with the letter ÒoÓ). Dell laptops' service contracts expire in January 2010. They have Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2.

1. To turn them off in case they are frozen (and control, Alt, Delete does not work), hold down the power button for five seconds.

2. The D-Link router cannot be set up with the Palm for now (2/07), because Todd said the network is encrypted. The router can be accessed from room 5, the bench by the restrooms, room 52, and room 56, as of 3/1/07. Todd said that the laptops will also work with the cafeteriaÕs server. Network (SM, AR, etc.) work from the cafeteria: although I am not sure if we are connected to the cafeteria's server or the router in room 58. When connected to the server in the cafeteria with the laptop, the server that I was connected to was SC, SCL1, according to Netware Connections (found by right clicking on the red "N" on the Taskbar). They have a D-Link router mounted on the wall in the cafeteria wall nearest to the clock (and the lights). So, either way, we can access the server and the internet in the cafeteria. Server and internet worked fine in room 5 on 4/18/07. Room 26 will not connect to the internet or the server, but standing outside of room 37 (on the blacktop), you can access the server. You cannot access the internet or the network from room 61. Sue Huber tried to use the laptops in room 20 to no avail. KW said that there was a (D-Link) router in room 22, but there was not; it was placed in the old computer lab. When using a laptop that is placed on top of a bookshelf by the old computer labÕs door, the signal is excellent. When you take the laptop outside of room 16(library)Õs door, the signal drops to very low, according to the Taskbar icon. Dell laptops could not access the room 58 router from room 52.

3. Todd said that he used one of the laptops and the battery ran down after 1 hr. and 56 min. He said it may take 4 to 6 hours to charge it fully. However, I did some  testing: The battery power appears to be longer when fully charged, perhaps around  I took a totally dead laptop and was able to charge it (through the cart) in 2 hrs. and 7 minutes. Three computers showed an average running time of about 4 hours.

4. The average for getting to the Student screen is about one minute. It may take one to two minutes to access the Desktop. When accessing Successmaker, the three laptops took an average of 35 seconds to launch. The program is somewhat deceptive: it launches, then appears to quit, but it is still launching (the center light may flash). On one laptop, the problem just launched without reverting to the Desktop screen. To type the user name, students must click in the User Name box. Also, to use the Escape command, you must not have the Taskbar showing.

5. I called Dell (1-800-357-3355 for upgrade, accessories, or replacement parts) and the representative said that Dell does accept purchase orders. You would send purchase orders by fax: to 512-283-4586. There is no mailing address. 310-7697 is the 65-Watt AC Adapter with 6-foot Power Cord for Select Dell Latitude D-Family Notebooks, it has the connector to connector the laptop and to the wall. (the 3 ft. cord is the same length) $ 39.99 is price when ordering through the phone/fax, but $36.19 if ordered over the internet. The URL is Dell sells a 53 WHR battery for $129 for the Latitude 131L at 53WHr (watt-hour or watthour) is the listing for the power of one Dell adapter, but the Dell rep said that the time that the laptop will run is probably about four hours maximum.  They sell an internal battery for $189 with 85 WHr at The difference between two cords (3 ft. 310-7294 and 6 ft. 310-7866) is that both are needed to connect the laptop to the wall (which will recharge the battery and run the laptop on power at the same time). Some people buy them independently, since one part or the power may have issues.

6. The Latitude 131L laptops come with 56K v.92 internal modems and they use Dell Wireless 802.11 a/g or g. They come with CDRW/DVD drives. They weigh 6.17 lbs. indicates that StrikeZone (ª) shock absorber (on 131 L laptops) helps protect your hard drive and valuable data. says that, "Computrace¨  BIOS tracking software can help locate your notebook if it's stolen and works even if a thief changes the hard drive." Dell also told me that, Ò

As your system is under warranty the what ever issue if your system faces then that will be resolved by Dell free of cost.Ó They have Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2. They do have CDRW/DVD drives. They have HDDs (a disk drive used to read and write hard disks) in front (source:

7. In 3/07, four laptops got stuck on the Novell Results screen (after the Student log in screen), and Control, Alt, Delete, Shut down did not work. Ending the Task did not work, either. Janet ( suggested that the network might be problematic: she said it may be best to wait until another day and try again. After restarting one of the computers about an hour later, it logged on fine; however, the other three still had trouble: the next day, all three logged on fine. Later, the same problem occurred, so we decided to use them as Òworkstation only,Ó so then we just used IE. A shortcut to logging on faster is to check the Òworkstation onlyÓ box (and then the laptop will select ÒokÓ by itself if you wait), (you will get a message that says, ÒCould not connect to all drives,Ó which is normal. After Novell login, you will be able to access all drives), then when the laptop has gotten to the Desktop, right click on the Novell icon on the Taskbar and choose Novell Login, then press Return or Enter (this takes about thirty seconds as opposed to about two minutes logging in the regular way). You can also right click on ÒMy Network PlacesÓ on the Desktop (if My Network Places does not show up on the Desktop, you can set it up by going to Control Panels, Display, Desktop, Customize Desktop, General, My Network Places. To wake up the laptop after closing it and reopening it, press the Enter key (or you can press the power key).

8. I called DELL Tech Support (using 800-822-8965) on 3/9/07, and the tech support rep said that it is normal for the lights to go off after a period of time of being plugged in to the notebook cart (when the laptops are off). is the e-mail address for the notebook security cart manufacturer. He also said that to print with all of the laptops, you would use a wireless printer: he recommended an HP printer for this task. You could use one wireless printer with all of the laptops. KW said that there is not a word processing program on the laptops now, so it would not make sense. She also though that a wireless printer would be too expensive.

9. Clips and velcro strips are gone; so is the case to mount something on top of the cart. There is a security cable that came with the cart. The capacity of the cart is 1800 watts.

10. Todd said that the problem was probably my Netgear router or the connections (since I had ethernet splitters). He said that patch cables do not work well over time, since they ÒdegradeÓ the signal and go bad over time (I have had them for about three years though, without incident). However, they were not the issue. The problem was the server, which he did not have working (he admitted it later). He has a real problem with honesty and security about his job, so he may not always tell the truth. He insisted that D-Link tech support did not know anything, since they suggested that any type of cable could be used. However, the crossover with a straight cable worked fine for three days and then stopped working: Todd, of course, could not explain this (later I figured out that the problem was the server). Also, after resetting the server, MG was mad for a long time, so I put a piece of tape over the reset button on the router. The connection to the internet did not work on the G3 nor the iMac on 3/12/07, but I think that the internet may be on a different server than the Novell connected connections. The next day it may work.

11. The following error occurred on one of the laptops: ÒWindows could not start up because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>\system32\ntoskrnl.exe. Please re-install a copy of the above file.Ó To fix this error, run repair on OS: Make sure system is off for seconds. Restart and press F12 to access boot device menu, put CD in and choose CD-ROM or CD device. Press any key to continue (within 2 seconds). Choose ÒRÓ for repair, choose 1 (OS) and enter, administrator password screen, enter (hopefully will work), then at C prompt type in CHKDSK (space bar one time) / R, 45 minutes for repair. Then if this does not work, then reloading entire system will be necessary. Erin  (800-456-3355 ext. 7367184) helped me. She gave me the case number of 88280984, and said she would mail me a CD; in the meantime, Todd fixed it. is address on file with DELL. The CD is DP/N OUT879, and it also says CA-OUT879-60212-72N-034G Rev A00. I used to reinstall the games on one laptop, it was pretty easy.

12. COA (Certificate of Authenticity) for one of the DELL laptops with Windows 2000 XP (laptops) is XCJ24-4RYKY-FC9DD-XXD2t-MG7B8.

13. The blue number keys on the keyboard (that are on the same keys as the letters K,L, etc.) are a substitute for a keypad, since the laptop keyboards are small. To get the numbers to show up instead of letters, press the Num Lock button (FN button does not change the keys, even though the letters are blue).

14. In 10/07, The router was fixed by unplugging the router and then plugging in back in, according to MG.

15. We could not get a studentÕs screen past the Òrecording progressÓ dialog box on SuccessMaker: it was stuck after five minutes; Restarting SuccessMaker did not work; we then tried signing on to a desktop and into the program, which worked. Then we went back to the laptop, but still the dialog box held up the process. Finally, I used a different laptop and this worked (restarting the laptop may have worked also).

16. When using the laptops, the sound is turned down (in our room). The headphones are used in the lab because the directions are read to you. One student (who is on a higher reading program, since she completed the regular one in SuccessMaker) needs the headphones because there are directions (which are not shown on the screen). If headphones are connected to a laptop, it does not appear that you can adjust the sound settings with the keyboard, you must use the Sound and Audio Device Properties Control Panel; also, to adjust the headphone volume, you must select them first with the Sounda nd Audio Device Properties Control Panel (select the Volume tab, Under the Speaker Settings section, choose Advanced, then choose stereo headphones.

17. Dell Keyboard instructions page 3 suggest that you use a grounding strap
to change the keyboard, and that you remove the battery before changing a

18. I determined that the DELL Latitude laptops do not have floppy drives; I verified this by going to Help and Support under the Start Menu, then Hardware, then Tools (under Also), My Computer Information, ÒFind information abuot hardware installed on this computer,Ó and under floppy drive, it said not installed. Using the flash drive is probably the best option.

19. It is not possible to access SASI on the laptops, since the drives are not mapped to the ÒFÓ Drive. Unable to connect to all drives is a normal message at startup, because we check Òworkstation onlyÓ on the laptops. After Novell login, normally all drives are able to be accessed.

20. The sound on this laptop works well through the speakers. I have a pair of working headphones that I have plugged into the headphone jack (it is a mono pair of headphones, but it has a stereo adapter). However, when I plug in the headphones to hear the sound, the sound is faint (even on the highest sound setting) on some of the laptops. Dell suggested downloading an audio driver update, which I did; and now all of the laptops can work with headphones.

21. On one occasion, one laptop could not connect to SuccessMaker, and there was a red ÒXÓ over the DELL wireless WLAN card utility icon on the Taskbar. It was because the wireless card was turned off. You can usually right click on the DELL wireless WLAN card utility icon on the Taskbar and select Open Utility, then check the box for Òenable radioÓ under the wireless networks tab; however, this laptop would not allow itself to connect to the wireless network, but pressing FN and F2 turned the wireless card back on.


Dell Optiplex GX 620 (Product Keys,or service tags, for room 58 are 1YPSK81, 2YPSK81, and 3ZPSK81., original AOL screenname with the letter ÒoÓ are my e-mail and password at

1. They have DVD ROM drives. They have Windows XP Professional; 2002 Service Pack

2. After downloading the gx620 Optiplex UG (user guide), I could not get it to open from within IE 5.1.7 on the G3/266 (using the File menu to Òopen file,Ó I received an error that said that Òtoo many files were present to be able to open the file, so only a partial list was available and index.htm was not one of them). I tried moving the index.htm file to the desktop, but then there were ÒXÕsÓ where pictures were supposed to be. Finally, I changed the creator of the index.htm file to MSIE and then opened it, and I was able to use the user guide.

3. I e-mailed Dell from to see about finding out the speed of the CD-ROM drive on 9/18/06.

4. They have no RCA video jack, just a 9-pin connecter that is blue with a vertical line, zero, vertical line, zero, vertical line on it.

5. The password to access the two DELLÕs in the library (that are used to access OPAC) is books. OPAC is an acronym for Online Public Access Catalog. Home and End go to beginning/end of OPAC list that has been searched for.

6. The Optiplex GX 620Õs use 305 watts each (which would be 2.5 amps apiece).

7. One of the OptiplexÕs has a rectangular box around the icon information on the Desktop. I called DELL and went through many steps to attempt to solve the problem. Finally, the DELL technician referred me to Microsoft @ 800-642-7676; however, their automated system referred me back to DELL. Anyhow, it seems like a cosmetic, inconsequential issue, anyhow. Later, one of the other OptiplexÕs had the same issue after changing the wallpaper, and I think it is a Microsoft software glitch. Todd did not know the solution, either (5/11/07). He said he could use the ghost software on them, if necessary later (but I donÕt think he thought it was worth it).


Dell Workstation GL5100 Jostens (800-678-1412), Our # 213396.

1. To change to Apple Laserwriter Select 360 requires changing the Network settings on the server (computer with tower). (Complex procedure).

2. A+ Advantage (version 1.1) sets the default to IBM 2380 Plus, and this works with the Lexmark 2380 Plus Printer in the lab. To make sure the setup is correct, can go to Windows, to the Printer, Setup, Options, Network, and Highlight Sybil Crookham ....q_0, then capture, and set it to LPT 1. Server must be on to print from Dell Workstation.

3. To check the print queue, go to desktop, queues. Or click on apps, Netware Utilities, Printer Utilities, Printer Console, Print queues, Q_0 (our setup), Print jobs. Keep pressing escape and/or yes to get back to A+ Advantage.

4. The Lexmark printer printed out garbled text after being disconnected, not setup, setup etc. Pulled the power plug for fifteen seconds, worked.

5. Probably has Foolproof or some security, since Go to Windows, Go to DOS and Control Panels are all gray instead of black.


Deskjet 870Cse (208) 323-2551 ("HP grants a non-exclusive right to use one copy of the Software on any computer connected to the associated printer)."

1. If you uncheck ÒShow <the HP Printmonitor> while PrintingÓ under Preferences for HP Deskjet 870Cse on Room 54Õs 5400/180, it will not work. (But it does work on my printer at home). If 4 windows are open, then the Printmonitor will not appear on the screen (may be out of memory). The HP Printmonitor does show up, but in back of the other windows (If they are open). If you click on the screen about the time of printing, the box will not show up (the Printmonitor does not allow you to quit, you simply close the window or click on the screen). If you are not clicking, the Monitor shows up on the screen.

2. When ÒShow while PrintingÓ is checked, the printer is faster (donÕt know why). Also, the window will show up, but in back of the other windows (If they are open).

3. Tech Support suggested checking to make sure printer software is designed for the printer and that it is 9.1 or later driver. Was right. They said that there are no preferences in the system folder, just HP Printmonitor and HP Background in the System Folder (which contain preferences). They suggested reinstalling the software, which was done. Did not work. Reinstalled System software and Zapped PRAM, did not work. They suggested System Folder protection s/b off (General Controls). Did not work. They also suggested checking the chooser for the ÒRightÓ setup (870, not 855). They said it could not be a software glitch, since it works for them at technical support (or so they say). I tried restarting with extensions (except HP) off, did not work. Finally, they said to try a different set of disks (same version of printer driver), did not work. Must be a software bug. Can try to get later version at HP.Com, although they did not know If it would help.

4. If you use Driver 6.0.3 with a different series (HP Deskjet 870Cse; 800 series), it might print, but there might be a problem with formatting and the output might not be in color.

5. RB was having trouble getting the 870c SE Deskjet to work with the iMac. After installing the software, and choosing the 870 in the chooser, if you went to page setup or print, nothing would happen.

            A. I found the solution to be to download version 9.4 of the software driver and also the 600 & 800 Series updater, which is necessary for working with OS 9.

6. If the rollers do not pick up paper, may want to try cleaning the rollers with water and a lint free cloth. Otherwise, try sanding the rollers lightly. Beyond that, may replace rollers (Bob Hughes?).

7. Julie and Matt had an 870 cSE, which printed with horizontal stripes in it. I tried printing a test page and it came out with horizontal stripes, also.

            A. I tried cleaning the cartridges with the software and using Q-tips and rubbing alcohol. I had no luck.

            B. Replaced the black cartridge (it normally has a color and a black cartridge) and then it printed fine.

            C. A test page can not be printed without both cartridges installed, even if one of the cartridges is empty.

            D. To print a diagnostics page, be sure the power button is on, press and hold down the power button while pressing the resume button five times.

8. HP does not recommend using the printer with cables connected to the parallel (IBM) and serial (Mac) ports concurrently.

9. To print a test page, make sure the power light is lit. Press and release the resume button.

10. There is a single sheet feeder above the regular paper feeder.

11. The top cover must be closed for the printer to operate.

12. If the power and resume light are blinking together, the printer is warming up or shutting down. Normal action.

            A. If the power and resume light are blinking alternately, the printer is in an error state. Most likely a paper jam, wrong printer driver is selected or unknown error (restart the computer and the printer). Beyond that, try printing a test page with printer cable disconnected.

            B. If both lights stay on, turn the printer off, try again. If both lights still stay on, try test page.

            C. If the resume light is blinking, one possible cause is that the printer did not receive a form feed command from the software command. Should try pressing the resume button to initiate a manual form feed.

            D. If the printout contains garbled text or distorted graphics, the wrong print driver may be selected or a communications error (try test page).

            E. If ink coverage is inconsistent, one or both print cartridges are running out of ink, media type is incorrect (weight, size, etc.), print settings are incorrect or ink nozzles of the print cartridge are clogged.

            F. If printout is fuzzy, media type may be incorrect (weight, size, etc.), print settings are incorrect or print cartridges were not installed at room temperature (if that is the case, then you must leave the printer on for four hours without printing).

            G. If the printout is illegible, you may have the wrong printer driver selected.

13. If you open the ÒHP PrintmonitorÓ in the extensions folder, you can change the settings for when it needs attention and the setting for displaying the PrintMonitor window when you are printing.

14. Print media should be inserted print side down. Do not use multiple-part forms.

15. Load envelopes face down in the envelope tray and facing toward the right side of the printer.

16. Also, should not print on labels that are not full sheets, according to the manual.

17. If the print media runs out while printing, an alert message appears, load more print media and then press the ÒresumeÓ button.

18. You should turn the printer off at the power switch to return the cartridges to their ÒhomeÓ position to help prevent drying out.

19. There used to be an FPT server for public access at HP, but apparently it is no longer available. When you type in the FTP address (, you are directed to hpÕs www site.

            A. You can order drivers by mail by calling (970) 339-7009 Monday through Saturday 24 hours/day.

20. You can call (900) 555-1500 at $2.50 per minute (charged once you are in contact with a representative) to get technical assistance. Monday-Friday 5 A.M. - 3 P.M. (except for Wednesday, which is 6 A.M.-3 P.M.).

            A. You can alternatively call (800) 999-1148 at $25 per call.

            B. You can call (800) 538-8787 to order printer parts.

21. Mom was having trouble with her Deskwriter. Every time she printed (from several different applications), she would get one page of garbled text, then the regular text.

            A. I suggested that she unplug the printer for five minutes, and plug back in. This worked.

22. On the 870 that is in my room (8/30/00), I cleaned the rollers with water, rubbing alcohol and I also sanded them. Needs a black cartridge to test the printer (also needs a full sheet of paper).

            A. The printer worked, I was able to load ten different sheets of paper and print on it.

            B. I tried to fix the other HP 870 Printer (Serial Number of US73T1104P) that was in Room 54. RB said you have to manually push the paper into the printer (even after loading the paper tray) to get the printer to pick up the paper from the tray. A couple of students cleaned the rollers with water and then rubbing alcohol. Then I sanded the rollers down. The printer did not appear to pick up the paper initially (a couple prints I am not certain, though), but then it printed without the manual feeding for several prints.

23. Staples has the 51645A black cartridge for the HP 870ce for $30.98. The color cartridge (61641A) costs about the same amount.

            A. Quill has cartridge #742-51645A, HP Brand Black cartridge for HP Deskjet 870Cse for $228.99 or $26.97 if you are buying three of them. Quill also has black cartridge #742-7-11784 (replaces the 51645A cartridge) Quill Brand Remanufactured Black Cartridge for HP Deskjet 870Cse for $19.98 or $18.96, if you are buying three of them.

            A. Marilyn is trying to find the 51645A cartridges at Costco as of 9/11/00.

24. I tried out the HP Printer in Room 54 and you do have to feed the sheetsthroughby hand to get the printer to work. I may need to sand the rollers down.

25. LC was having trouble printing on the 870 in her room on 10/11/02. I went to her room and it gave the print cartridge not installed error. I tried zapping with TT, KB and reinstalling the 870 software, but I had no luck. I checked and alignment needed to take place, which I did using the Page Setup menu.

            A. A moment later, I got a message that said that the printer was out of printer, and to press the resume button. The printer was not out of paper, but I pressed the resume button and it started to print.

            B. I asked her, but she said that the printer had not been much trouble, except after KW used it.

26. MomÕs 870 was having trouble printing, since there were streaks in it and it was blotchy, after putting in a remanufactured black one. She did solve her problem later, though, by installing a new color cartridge, the black cartridge did not end up being a problem after all.

            A. She solved the streaking problem by telling me what HP suggested at their website. Mom said that Òit explains how you must clean out the reservoir that is to the right of the cartridge ladle.  It is difficult to maneuver , but I did extract a HUGE (2-3" x 1/2 " ) pile of sludge from the area. Then cleaned it up with q-tips the best I could and it seemed to solve the streaking problem.Ó

            B. Mom said she was able to buy a color cartridge for her printer at Target. It was cheaper than Quill and Staples. She said that ÒIt was $26. for the color and 29 for the black - l0% off I think this week (week during 10/02).Ó

27. Mom's printer does not freeze up the G3 as much when printing in grayscale.

28. Melody Rowley has a 852 HP printer, and it uses the same cartridges as the HP 870 Cse.

29. You can not download a user manual online from But I found out (at that the operating temperature is 41 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit and the storage temperature is -40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

30. StaplesÕ prices as of 10/07: HP 45 (42 ml) for 870cSE would $29.99 or 2 for $52.99; HP 41 (39 ml) for 870 cSe would be $35.99 or 2 for $64.50.


Desktop Icons (and Desktop Pictures)

1. When the icons on the desktop became illegible or generic, I rebuilt the desktop and they were fixed. Sometimes this may require being done twice according to the ownerÕs manual.

            A. Alternatively, If only one file has a generic icon, you can get info and then close window, which may solve the problem.

            B. Also, you may be able to open NDD and use ÒTools,Ó ÒAdd file to desktop.Ó

2. The icons on my Powermac 5400 at school, some of the icons ended up on the wrong side of the screen (the left side), I tried to clean up the desktop and rebuild the desktop. As it turned out, the problem was that I had ÒMeanscreenÓ and ÒMoirŽÓ Screensavers installed. Apparently, they caused the conflict. Once I removed both screensavers, the problem disappeared.

3. With Foolproofª at school, on the 5400, printing couldnÕt take place (a beeping sound would occur when you try to print). I called the software manufacturer, they said it was due to a conflict with desktop printing. I turned the three desktop printing extensions off in the extensions manager, then the printing worked with foolproof. The icon for our Stylewriter 1500Õs was still there, but it had an ÒXÓ over it. The icon can be removed totally from the desktop (probably by deleting the software and turning off desktop printing extensions), but then you couldnÕt drag a file to the printer to print it.

            A. If an ÒXÓ appears over any desktop icon, the extension is probably not active (for whatever reason).

4. To change the appearance of desktop folders or files, simply find a picture that you like (or make your own picture with text or pictures), copy or cut the picture, then go back to the folder or file you want to change, click on Òget info,Ó click on the folder or file to make a square around it, click Òpaste.Ó {Some pictures will not work because it requires too much memory). To solve this, you might try increasing the memory for desktop patterns or restarting the computer.

5. If an icon is in italics, that means it is an Òalias.Ó

6. You can hold down the option ÒkeyÓ while selecting from ÒSpecialÓ menu and then it will have a choice to ÒClean up AllÓ which arranges all the icons in alphabetical order.

7. When trying to copy pictures from the CD and put them into Desktop Patterns, the computer said ÒNot enough memory is available.Ó I restarted the computer and it worked (may have been due to fragmentation). This problem only occurred, though, when I tried to paste to Desktop Patterns or when I tried to change the icons for folders or files.

8. To type comments for a file, then go to ÒGet InfoÓ for the file, type them in. Go to control panels, views and then check Òshow comments.Ó On System software prior to 7.5.3, the comments are not saved (message says ÒDo you want to rebuild the desktop, comments in get info window will not be saved). After 7.5.3 they are saved.

8. Virtual memory is at least 10 times slower than regular memory.

9. With 7.5 or later, need to have only one extension on when Rebuilding the desktop, Macintosh Easy Open (Apple recommends this due to extension conflicts). Application is busy or can not be found or custom icons are lost.

10. If an icon becomes generic, it may by that desktop needs rebuilding, the application that created it can not be found or the file is damaged.

11. Type Òsecret about boxÓ in Claris, then highlight and drag it on the desktop for a surprise Easter Egg.Ó

12. Command, drag snaps an icon to an invisible grid.

13. Can use the scanner to scan in pictures, then save them on the desktop (although the one I saved was too big, like four MB. So I saved it on the desktop, opened it in Graphic Converter, then selected part of picture and saved it to desktop, made it 194 K). Then I changed the type and creator to JPEG and dkpx (desktop pictures). Then was able to place it on the desktop. I found out later (9/06) that I do not have to convert files to dkpx for them to work with Desktop Pictures control panel in OS 8.1, just drag a folder containing the jpg files (or a single jpg file) onto the Desktop Pictures Control Panel (one picture that I tried had a creator of prvw, and anohter was ????, but both worked on the G3/233).

            A. I also tried to open the picture in several other applications, without any luck, however. Kept getting error type 2 errors when opening the picture in Print Shop Deluxe, Simpletext, Clarisworks 5.0 (after changing to PICT, and changing the creator to the appropriate application). Did work with Desktop Pictures, though. it was due to the picture being too large in K to be opened. I did put one picture into Desktop Pictures that was 452 K. When I made it smaller, it opened fine.

            B. The original picture that I took for the G3 was 800 X 704, Millions of colors, 194 K space. Looked fine as a background.

            C. To make a desktop pattern in the background, you must find a picture and copy it to the scrapbook, then drag it into the Desktop Pictures control panel when it is opened (and ÒpictureÓ has been selected; Also, the picture on the screen must be set to center on the screen.

            D. You can paste a picture into desktop patterns with System 7.5.5, but it comes out with approximately 20 different small pictures on the desktop. Also, 407 X 288 seems to be a good size for pasting a picture. Desktop Patterns should increase preferred size to 2000 K.

            E. The desktop pictures that come with 8.1 are JPEG format, 72 dpi and only avg. around 194 K with size of 832X 634 and look great on screen.

            F. On one occasion, I left some pictures in Color It format and they showed up in the desktop pictures window and would appear on the desktop if I chose to select them to be there.

14. You can make any PICT file into a background pattern, simply open the desktop pictures control panel, and choose remove picture, then select picture and find the file you want.

            A. To make the desktop pictures random from a folder, then drag the folder onto the desktop pictures control panel window. Even If you have a folder within that folder, those pictures inside both folder will be randomly put into the mix.

15. If icons disappear from the finder, click on clean up desktop from the finderÕs menu. Otherwise, try again with the option key held down.

            A. Also, you may be able to select all to move icon that is off the desktop back onto the desktop.

16. Later, had trouble as in number 55 (under System 8.0) with Desktop Pictures. After clean install, Desktop Pictures worked for about three restarts. Then I tried turning off all extensions and c.p. exc. Desktop Pictures, trashing Desktop Pictures prefs, increasing memory allocation of desktop pictures from 400 to 2500, rebuilding desktop with Techtool and trashing Conflict Catcher prefs (which were recently added), I had no luck.

            A. Finally, I tried trashing finder prefs, checking to see If ÒNo INITSÓ bit was checked (was not) on Desktop Pictures, reinstalled Desktop Pictures from one of my CDÕs, tried restarting with extensions off (except for Conflict Catcher), but I had no luck. Finally, ran NDD and Tech Tool Pro 2, and Desktop Pictures worked. However, I was not certain it would still work. I finally decided to not copy any parts of Conflict Catcher or Faxcilitate to the new system folder and reinstalled them from their original disks. (Also, Fax Monitor had an ÒXÓ over it at startup; but there was no ÒXÓ after reinstalling CC from original disk).

            B. On another occasion, the desktop pictures were not appearing again (only the desktop pattern i.e. the Mac OS background). I trashed prefs, restart, I had no luck. Reinstalling Desktop Pictures did not help. Running NDD and TT Pro did not help. I then trashed the Finder preferences, Display preferences, Finder and the System File and restarted. I had no luck. After reinstalling the system software, the Desktop Pictures worked normally. However, later the same day, the problem recurred. It was caused by the installation of Quicktime 5.0.2 (the version of the installer for QT 5.0.2 is 5.0.5, the version of the 5.0.1  Quicktime installer is 5.0.1). It did not matter if I used a stand alone 5.0.2 installer or one that required the Internet (I even tried using the stand alone installer and extensions turned off), but each time I installed Quicktime 5.0.2, the Desktop Pictures would not work again. I used the Quicktime ÒrecommendedÓ install option each time. The Desktop Pictures control panel would say Òthis picture cannot be displayedÓ or simply when dragging a picture to the Desktop Pictures Control Panel, the name of the picture would appear, but the picture would not.

            C. Also, after installing Quicktime 5.0.1, IE 5 kept quitting with error type 1.

            D. After re-installing System Software, IE 5 worked normally and Desktop Pictures Control Panel worked normally.

17. Some Desktop Pictures (especially 3 or 4 Musketeers) come out ÒsplotchyÓ in certain areas (seems to be from picture originally being faded or from areas that are simply too dark).

18. I wanted to put some of the icons from Mega Icon Pack on the G3/266, but I was unable to determine if it were freeware or not.

19. Quicktime with Translation opened a desktop pictures document on the iMac in Room 54 (it did not have Color It on the iMac). It printed out fine.

20. Initially, I tried opening a Desktop Pictures document with Color It and printed it, however, the printout was cutoff (even on landscape). Then, I used Quicktime Picture Viewer to open a Desktop Pictures document on my G3/266, it printed fine.

21. On one occasion with the iMac, I tried to paste an icon for the Utilities folder, but the computer would not allow me too. So I made a new folder (called ÒUntitled FolderÓ), put all the Utilities applications inside of it. Then I pasted an icon onto that folder, then renamed the Untitled Folder ÒUtilitiesÓ and trashed the other ÒUtilitiesÓ folder.

22. I used some pictures from Color It. I converted to Desktop Pictures format. I trashed some of them, because the resolution was not too great.

22. For some reason, the picture of me in the Apple shirt in front of the Washington monument shows up very dark on the iMac, but seems fine on the G3.

23. On one occasion, the icon for a Zip Drive was messed up. Rebuilding the desktop with TT did not help. I finally copied and pasted an icon from a Ònormal iconÓ of a Zip Disk and then pasted it onto the one Zip Disk whose icon was messed up. Then I reformatted the disk. The icon was normal.

24. On one occasion, I saved a letter as a Simpletext document on the desktop. Then I decided to use CW to save the file. However, upon saving the document, the icon was still a Simpletext icon. I then made another document and called it the same name with a few extra letters. Then I deleted the old document and the extra letters. However, the CW document still retained a Simpletext icon. Then I just decided to name the CW file a slightly different name.

25. On several occasions, when doing a batch changing of information for Color It (to change the documents to Desktop Pictures), the computer would freeze. It may be best to change the pictures individually (you can do this by selecting several items and then get info).

26. Iconwrap can be used to make icons that have problems when appearing during the startup sequence. However, I have not been able to make it work with three different icons that refused to cooperate (covered another icon when they should not have).

27. On one occasion with 7.1 on the SE, icons could not be moved or copied anywhere. Replaced system folder and then it worked fine.

28. Disk Rejuvenator can be used to restore custom icons (also to be used when the HD can not be accessed from a standard open dialog box).\

29. Icons for Volumes or folders are not stored in a HDÕs desktop file, so rebuilding the desktop will not affect them. If a folderÕs icon becomes generic, try re-pasting or creating a new folder with a new icon and drag files to new folder. Check to see If Òuse custom iconÓ attribute is checked (NDE). If a volumeÕs icon becomes generic, try to paste again or creating a new folder with a new icon and drag files to new folder. Check to see If Òuse custom iconÓ attribute is checked (NDE). Could also use ÒDisk RejuvenatorÓ (which works for the HD icon ONLY).

30. If the option to clean up by name is not allowable from the Special menu when hitting the option button, then you need to view by icon (by list already is done in ABC order).

31. Use custom icon is checked If you pasted an icon into the get info box.

32. If you make a mistake in naming an icon, then hit command, Z. Or If you want to jump to the end or beginning of an iconÕs name when the iconÕs name is highlighted, use arrow keys.

33. If you select icons in a window and click on another window, icons will become non-highlighted. However, If you click on the title bar of the second window, the icons will stay highlighted (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 6).

34. Double clicking will not open an icon. (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 11).

35. If you get an error that the command could not be completed when trying to paste an icon onto a HD, try using Disk Rejuvenator.

36. Icon Dropper is $20 shareware. It comes with Icon Packer, also. If you uncheck the ÒprotectionÓ checkbox with Icon Packer, then you can drag one icon on top of another icon. You can drag icons into the pack window. To open the pack window, double click the Òdouble click to open packÓ icon. Alternatively, you can open the Icon Packer application and then go to file, new. To turn the icon pack on/off, press command, D while in Icon Packer or Icon Dropper. The pool is not saved when you quit Icon Packer. It can be used as a temporary saving place for icons. If you drag an icon on top of icon packer, the icon is placed in the Icon Pool. The documentation for Icon Packer says that if a folder is dropped on top of it, all the icons are added to the icon pool. This, however, does not appear to be true for all folders. However, to make sure that an icon is added to a pack, drag and drop the icon to the Icon Pool window. If you have a group of icons that you want changed, select them. Drag them on top of Icon Dropper. Then select the icon you want. iControl allows you to change all the icons in your System Folder. I decided not to purchase it, since documentation is very confusing and it does not to appear to be an easy way to change all my Simpletext icons at one time.

37. Copied the Winton folder to a Zip Disk, but the icon for Standards was not copied to the Zip Drive (along with a few others). I then recopied and pasted the icons from the HD icons and put them on the Zip Disk icons. However, the "Standards" icon could not be pasted on the Standards folder on Zip Disk, error type 39 occurred. I finally recopied the whole standards folder and then the icon was copied to the Zip Disk.

38. My Desktop Pictures (7/04) has one picture labeled wrong. The 89 Ryan, Blue.jpg picture should say 89 Ryan, Sinbad.jpg.

39. I found some OS X icons for the Dock at

40. I got some pictures put on a CD at Rite-Aid (which cost $3 in 8/07): the pictures were JPEG format, but the size was 1500 X 1000. When I tried to load the picture with 8.1Õs Desktop Pictures, I received a message that there is insufficient memory to display this picture (even when scaled to screen). iLamp and iMac at home were fine. I then used GC 4.3 to do a batch process of the pictures: use File, Convert, select Scale under Possible Fucntions, then I checked the size box and the default was Width (1024) and height (768), and I chose the destination format as JPEG; then the pictures were able to be displayed with 8.1Õs Desktop Pictures.

41. I moved the .jpg (that were associated with Preview on the iMac Duo; scanned by EPSON Scan) pictures (My picture and Staff) to Appearance control panel  in OS 9 and the pictures showed up on Desktop. The pictures opened with PictureViewer (no space between words; it was in QT 5.0.1 folder) on the G3/266 with 9.2.1. Staff (not update) opened with QT Viewer; it worked with Appearance Control Panel, also.


Desktop Resetter (to register: go to about desktop Resetter, hold down control and option and press Ònot yetÓ)

1. On one occasion had trouble. it would not automatically reset the icons on the desktop, even though, I had set the prefs to do that. Reinstalling application and the prefs did not help.

            A. After rebuilding with Techtool 1.1.7 and extensions off, D.R. still did not work. After restarting and rebuilding the desktop again (Mac Link Plus seems to force a desktop rebuilt after restarting the second time, after extensions were off the first time), Desktop Resetter reset icons upon launching the application.

2. 1.2 says it requires system 7.5, Runtime Enabler and Object Support Lib to run on a 68 K machine, when I tried to run it on my LC II.

            A. It did have CFM-68 K Runtime Enabler and Object Support Lib installed on it, but it would not run (since it was only 7.1).

3. Version 1.0 and 1.2 Requires System 7.5.

4. If the caps lock key is down, it can cause problems for desktop Resetter, also.

5. Not compatible with At Ease (causes freezing).

6. Version 2.2.1 will remember the windows that are open in the Finder. So when remembering, make sure to not have any Finder Windows open.

7. Under settings, general, you can choose to have/not have Desktop Resetter remember window information


Desktop Textures

1. To see the list of Randomized patterns, option click on Texture Randomizer.

2. To have a different pattern on the desktop on each startup, put Texture Randomizer in the Startup items folder.


Deskwriter (Original) Printer (cartridge #51626A) Technical Support Number (208) 323-2551 (options 2, 1, 3)

1. To make a demo page to test printer:

Turn printer off, press and hold select key down, turn on printer, let go of select key after printing starts. If the printing is faded with a ÒknownÓ good cartridge, then call for service (916-785-1200). If the printing is faded with an ÒunknownÓ cartridge, replace the cartridge. This test is independent of any computer to let you know If the problem is with the printer only.  A ribbon may look full of ink, but it has a shelf life. Also, a new ribbon may have a little trouble printing to its fullest capacity on the first couple prints because the printer contacts may be a little dirty. Also, sometimes printer cartridges may not work at first (print) after refilling, may wait a few minutes for aeration to take place, then put in printer.

2. To clean printer cartridges, use rubbing alcohol and Q-tips. Clean the copper contacts on the cartridge and the printerÕs contacts (where the cartridge touches the printer, those contacts are copper also). Wait 5 or 10 minutes before using the printer.

            A. One time a cartridge did not work, the solution was to clean the contacts more than one time (like twice) and it worked.

            B. Finally decided NOT to refill cartridges any more. May work 50 % of the time, not worth the hassle. Mom said she did refill the HP cartridges once or twice, but I determined that sometimes it doesnÕt print as well when refilled. At school we refill them, but again, the quality is sometimes optimal (white splotches and lighter than should be). Once I managed to make a cartridge better by printing out five pages of almost total graphics and to print something with a larger font than normal (14). Also, with a refilled cartridge, the printing may come out a slight bit lighter. Also, it may work at first and later have trouble.

            C. After filling one cartridge, used a hacksaw and cut off the air plug to make it so the lid of the printer could close. This was done so that the cartridge would work, but eventually, I think it dries the contacts. Better to take air plug out and let the cartridge sit in the holder for a few minutes (or a half-hour), after filling the cartridge, and then put it back in the printer.

3. Hewlett Packard website, copying Deskwriter printer software is NOT a violation of any software agreement If you have the printer (the printer software can be downloaded from the web, anyway)

4. If a message appears that says Òcheck connections, Printer canÕt be foundÓ (or something to that effect), especially after faxing on the previous time computer was started up, then check the Chooser.

5. If a document has many different graphics, it may print page 1 and page 2 is blank, especially If background printing is on. You may need to print Ò1Ó to page Ò1,Ó then page Ò2Ó to Ò2,Ó etc. it makes the memory too full, so pages may have to be printed one page at a time.

6. On my Performa at home, it took up approximately 8 Megs of Ram for a page to print with the HP Printer (3 three graphic pictures on it). About 1 Meg for a page without graphics.

7. J.N. tried to print thicker paper, but it would not be accepted. But did not corrupt the PRAM.

8. Will not print without HP Printmonitor in the active extensions folder. The plain Printmonitor can be in the active extensions, also, but it wonÕt do anything. However, when using Printmonitor, you can set the time to print a document.

9. Can set it to print back to front, but it will not be held in the prefs the next time you print (must set prefs from inside application If it allows you to).

10. Will print legal sized paper.

11. If there are unwanted stripes on a printout: Try to use the prime feature, If it doesnÕt work, try making a totally black page and printing it on the printer to help clear the jets, otherwise try soaking the cartridge in alcohol (This advice is for all inkjets).

12. On more than one occasion, when I was printing something, I tried to cancel the job. When I canceled, the computer froze. So I removed the software, then I reinstalled it.

13. If the 3 big rollers are having a problem, like not picking up paper, sand the rollers down.

14. After trying to print on HP in Room 13, I got an out of memory error, when trying to print the desktop. (error did not occur in Clarisworks, though). Turns out that 32 bit addressing was off, causing the system software to take up too much memory. Also, had to reinstall the software.

15. Staples has the HP Recycle mailer kit (# 60020) for $8.90.

16. When using the Deskwriter in Room 3, it should have more than 20 sheets of paper in it when printing. Otherwise, you get an Òout of paperÓ message. The rollers do not seem to pick up paper if there is not enough paper in the tray.

17. In a pinch, could try Deskwriter with the LC and print on ÒdraftÓ setting.

18. The Deskwriter in Room 1 was having trouble picking up paper. Sarah Rhodes said it was not too much of a problem before. However, the printer was moved, I do believe. In the process, it had trouble picking up paper (one of the rollers on top looked like it was broken). Anyhow, I cleaned the bottom three rollers with water, rubbing alcohol and then sanded them. I had no luck. Replaced the printer with a Canon BJC-2100.

19. The HP Deskwriter in Room 3 would not load the paper into the rollers. You had to feed it by hand. On one occasion, after hand feeding the paper, the paper came out looking like the PRAM was corrupted (it printed three pages of jumbled characters). I reinstalled the software, zapped with TT and KB, but the printer still would not print. I tried pressing the PRIME button while turning ON the printer (which does a self test page) and also, the select function, while turning ON the power (which does a self test page after Òpriming the printerÓ. Neither button worked. Asked Lori to trash the printer and gave her a BJC-2100 on 3/2/01.

            B. To print a self-test page with the HP Deskwriter, make sure that the power is off. Hold down the select key, turn on the printer. Alternatively, make sure that the power is off. Hold down the prime key (priming helps restore the print quality), while the power is on, should prime the printer, then do a test page.

20. The Deskwriter would not print with my iMac in Room 37, it kept saying that the printer would not respond. Restart the iMac and the Deskwriter did not help. Neither did Zapping with TT and KB. I reinstalled the software, I had no luck. Finally, I trashed the old software and preferences, then reinstalled with the extensions off. The printer then printed.

    A. Later, the printer had trouble again. In the chooser, the icon was somewhat Òfaded.Ó When trying to print a certificate with Read, Write and Type, it would not print. The desktop would not print, either. Upon restarting the iMac, the Read, Write and Type certificates printed, so did

the desktop. Also, upon restarting, the icon in the Chooser was no longer Òfaded.Ó

21. On one Deskwriter (the one that was in Room 51), it you got an error, you could eliminate the error and it would print by pressing the "select" button.

            A. I tried printing a test page with the printer, and it printed okay. However, when connected to my G3, the ÒselectÓ problem still occurred. I tried cleaning the rollers with 90% rubbing alcohol and sanding down the rollers with sandpaper, filling the paper tray to the top, I had no luck. I trashed the printer.

22. I tried to print a 66 page Acrobat Document with the iMac in Room 37. It would not print, the error said the document would not print, no error. I printed groups of 20, which worked. Groups of 30 caused errors.

            A. I increased the memory allocation of DW, since it was using all of its allocation to print the pages. I used the Get Info window (no modification needed) on the iMac to change its preferred size from 400K to 2000K, and I was able to print at least 40 pages at a time. This may help fix other problems we have had with an error in the connections,Ó when the students have been printing.

23. The Deskwriter in room 58 was having trouble picking up paper, so I sanded the rollers, but then it still did not pick up paper. Then I cleaned the rollers with rubbing alcohol and I had no luck. Finally, I manually feed a piece of paper into to get it started. Then the printed picked up paper after that (as of 11/27/02).

24. I downloaded the driver for DW 500 6.0.4 for use with the G3/233. I was not 100% sure if this were the right driver (the Deskwriter does not list the 500 as the model, but the original Deskwriter was one of the choices from the Setup Menu in the right hand side of the Chooser), but it did print.

25. CZÕs HP Deskwriter did not work. When turned on, the lights came on for one second and then back off. After unplugging it overnight, it worked fine the next day.


Deskwriter 680C

1. To print a test page, make sure the power button is on. Then hold down the resume button until the printer starts to print.

2. When advancing the rollers manually (or when the printer does it), they all advance at the same time.

3. Mom used this printer for a while with her G3, but had many problems.

            A. Whenever you tried to print, it would give the error message that Òthe color print cartridge is incorrectly installed. Remove the print cartridge and reinstall it. If the problem persists you may need to replace your color print cartridgeÓ. Also, there would be a ÒclickingÓ sound when printing occasionally, but the ÒclickingÓ occurred just about every time when printing envelopes.

At ÒÓ, several users reported that they could not get their HP 680CÕs to print with their G3Õs.

            B. We reinstalled the print cartridge many times and installed new cartridges several times. I had no luck.

            C. To help with the clicking sound when printing envelopes, I tried cleaning the rollers with water, then rubbing alcohol and finally light sanding. The clicking did not stop. Sometimes the envelopes would go thru, but then it may have gotten stuck in the middle of the machine or the printing was often smeared.

            D. I thought that perhaps, the software may have been causing trouble, because I often got an error message that said something like Òthe printer is set to print on banners, which it was not.Ó By the way, when I changed the chooser to the Canon BJC-4550, it printed fine. However, there is no way to print a Òtest envelopeÓ. (Test pages printed fine under all circumstances).

            E. The ÒbannerÓ error occurred when changing the page setup on the desktop and/or Clarisworks from/to regular paper/envelopes. The only way to eliminate the error is to shut down the printer, restart the computer and print again. I tried changing the setting of the envelope printing from portrait to landscape, but then it gives the banner error again. However, printing in landscape is not necessary, since printing in printing is the correct choice for envelopes, usually.

            F. When I tried printing an envelope in portrait (Clarisworks and the desktop), the printing came out smeared. and uneven.

            G. At Hewlett PackardÕs website, there are only two updates for the 680C, one is for 9.4.1 (which is supposed to fix a printer is not responding error), which is what I was using. The other is a patch for MAC OS 9 ONLY (which I have on Internet 2 CD in the 870Cse printer driver folder).



1. 5400 DIMMs and 6400 DIMMs are the same.

2. According to Guru, 5400/180 and 6400/180 both use 2-168 pin DIMMs that run at 70ns.

3. SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) on G3Õs is a different type of DIMM than there is in the Performa 6400 and the Powermac 5400.

4. According to the 5500 Manual page 114, after installing DIMMs, you may need to press the reset button on the main logic board.


Disc Burner

1. The application Disc Burner (version cdbu with the Finder, but Centromedia calls it version 1.0.2) does not work with the Iomega Predator and OS X 10.1.3. you just get an Òinsert blank mediaÓ window, even when a CD is in the drive. AppleÕs tech page says Disc Burner 1.0.1 wonÕt work with some SCSI CD-RW drives (mine is just a CD-R, but the same concept would apply, I imagine). OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) is required. There was not a read me for Disc Burner 1.0.2 at AppleÕs web site. Also, I could not find one with Google.

            A, This version (cdbu) is the same as that is on the OS X CD. Ironically, the Disc Burner startup screen says it is version 1.1 for Windows and Mac.

            B. You can burn CD-Rs from the Finder in OS 9 or OS X (you get a prepare dialog box when you insert a blank CD-R into the Predator). You can use CD-RWs only once, it appears. CD Burner (version 1.0.2) claims to be able to do CD-RWs. I am not sure how to do it though, so I e-mailed the company from, but got no reply. I had one CD not work, I got an error when trying to burn a copy of the LifeTouch CD with the Finder in OS X on the blueberry iMac, but it was a one time error.

2. If you abort an erase in progress, the CD-RW may not be able to be read by OS X Finder.

            A. A short erase (or cancel) is the only option you can do with Disc Burner and a CD-RW. You can not Òerase,Ó because it is grayed out. Use the Recorder menu within Disc Burner to erase the CD-RW. In the dialog box, it also says that if you erase a CD-RW with Disc Burner, you can only use Disc Burner to write to the disc. Erasing takes about five minutes.

            B. On one occasion, after erase a CD-RW with Disc Burner, the CD would not mount in OS X Finder, but it would mount with Predator. After burning a file onto the CD, the CD mounted in OS X.

            C. When erasing a CD-RW, a zero appears in the window.

3. If you do multiple sessions with a CD-RW and then erase the CD-RW with Disc Burner, the extra multiple sessions will still show up in OS 9 and OS X Finder (only session 1 will be erased). In OS 8.1, only one session shows up.

            A. It is best to just do one session with a CD-RW (erase the CD-RW first, then burn, so that you are only using the first session). Then just re-burn when necessary.

            B. Alternatively, you may do several sessions on a CD-R.

4. You should close Disc Burner after any error or burning a CD.

5. When burning CDs, closing the session may take awhile.

6. You can make multi-session CDRÕs with Disc Burner 1.0.2 (Disc Burner 1.0.1 Read Me says it can not be done with 1.0.1). The sessions all load in OS 8, 9, and 10. Use Disk Utility v 10.2 to erase all the multi-sessions.

            A. After erasing a disc with Disc Burner, a CD-RW will eject in OS 9 Finder and OS X Finder, probably because the drive is not a CD-RW drive (it is not a CD-R drive for that matter), I am not sure. Use the Predator to burn CD; I could get a CD-RW to mount using the Predator in OS 9 and OS X.

7. When trying to install Disc Burner 1.0.1 on the G3/233, I got a message saying that ÒThis program is incompatible with your computer.Ó

8. On one occasion, Disc Burner could not find the burner, but upon restart, it was found (I had disconnected/reconnected the USB cable).

9. While burning, Disc Burner will say Òno disc.Ó Apparently, this is normal.

10. Disc Burner 1.0.1 is ÒNot compatible with this computerÓ (G3/233). Version 1.0.2 gets the message that ÒThat application or control panel is not supported by classic,Ó when trying to run in Classic under OS X, even though it is listed as a Òclassic application.Ó When you try to install it from Internet 4 CD, you get a message that ÒThis program is incompatible with this computer.Ó

            A. Version 1.0.2 does not run in OS 9 with G3/233. It says ÒInsert blank media to beginÓ (even though a CD was present). In OS X, you get a message that says ÒThis application or control panel is not supported by Classic.Ó

11. On one occasion after burning a CD with the iLamp, I could not open the files from the CD (School Stuff 3), I think they were all System 9 files that I tried to open. Anyhow, I could open them by copying them to the HD first. I finally decided to force quit Classic and restart it. Then files could open directly from the CD.


Disk Cache

MB RAM=32 K of disk cache, go lower If 32 Times x number of Megs is not listed.

Computer must restart for disk cache to have effect (Mac Secrets, 4th, 325).


Disk Copy

1. CouldnÕt drag ÒDisk ToolsÓ to blank disk (said an additional Ò30 or so KÓ is required). So I used Disk Copy to copy the ÒDisk ToolsÓ, it worked.

2. Error occurred when trying to copy ÒSpeed Disk Startup DiskÓ (7.5.3). I used ÒDisk CopyÓ to copy ÒDisk ToolsÓ image to the disk, then I trashed the ÒFinderÓ and then I copied Speed Disk Application to the disk and changed the name to ÒFinderÓ (see Norton Utilities for further info).

3. At CSUS, there are no access privileges and it has System 8.0. No Disk Copy. Best way to copy is to open files from a floppy disk and then hit eject when the save dialogue box comes up. Swap disk (tedious, but effective).

4. Disk Copy will format a disk (make it Mac) as well as copy it.

5. Error type -72 occurred when using Disk Copy 4.2 with two HD Disks. The error occurred while copying three different disks or might be a problem with the original disk. (used the HD to copy Stull Bill Template onto the other DD disks). May be due to Virtual memory being on. Although at home it worked with Virtual Memory on. May want to increase memory allocation for the program or it may have been due to a disk problem with the original. Tried again on the next day with two different DD disks and trying to copy Stull Bill Template. Worked fine. May have been due to problem with original disk.

            A. Later, when trying to copy Photoflash for Quicktake, I got an error type -72 when trying to copy a disk. After restarting with extensions off (Disk Copy still worked), there was no error.

            B. I later discovered that on my G3/266, if I quit and restarted Disk Copy 4.2 each time I needed to make a copy of a disk, this helped avoid the -72 error (Restarting works also, but quitting and reopening Disk Copy 4.2 is faster). Extensions were on and using Disk Copy worked (quitting and restarting Disk Copy each time).

            C. On a different occasion, I copied three disks in a row. Disk 1 and Disk 3 produced no errors. Disk 2 produced an error type -72. Disk 2 did indeed have trouble. I made a new disk.

6. Can make multiple copies. (Disk Copy 6.1 makes an image on the desktop that can be copied onto other disks, and it does not Format disk automatically like 4.2).

            A. You can mount a disk image by dragging it to the Disk Copy window or choosing ÒMount ImageÓ from the image menu. Once it is mounted, you can work with it just as you would any disk on the desktop.

            B. I put Disk Copy 4.2 onto the iMac DV+, Disk Copy 6.3.3 was already on there. I did not try version 4.2. I got an error when using 6.3.3 on the iMac DV+, I also got the same error on the G3/266. The error is ÒThe Image Disk operation did not complete (-39) An unexpected end-of-file was encountered in ÔFaxSTFª InstallerÕ which may indicate that it is corrupted or damaged.Ó I do think, however, that the FaxSTF disk was damaged, which may have been the problem.

7. The reason why disks can have that grayed icon when ejecting is to copy files (or the entire disk) from one disk to another. Although, it is much more of a hassle than just copying to and for the HD.

8. I copied some Plaintalk (1.2.1) installer disk images from AppleÕs website and copied them to 5 disks. However, Disk 5 of 5 had trouble downloading and I had to download again. On the second download, the compressed file had a little different name (-2 or something). When installing Plaintalk, when I got to disk 5, the computer said this is the right name, but the wrong disk. I changed the name of the Disk 5 compressed image to match 1,2,3 and 4 (except for the number of the disk). I recopied the image to disk with D.C. 4.2.1 and it worked fine.

9. When using Disk Copy 6.1.3 to copy 1.3 Plaintalk installer disk images to disk, which did NOT assign names to the floppies. The first installer disk would not work. Computer gave message Òthis is the right name, but the wrong disk.Ó Will retry with Disk Copy 4.2.1.

10. If you have a 800 K image, it can be copied to a HD disk, then opened. Disk Copy 4.2 will copy the image to an 800 K disk. Usually, If you try to copy a HD disk to a DD disk, it will not work (gives error message and ejects the 800 K disk).

11. With 6.2, an issue regarding converting 4.2 files has been corrected; added support for Mac Extended volumes; If Disk Copy is in the background and a disk (CD, floppy) is inserted, the Òcreate image from disk...Ó will automatically start.

            A. To use Disk Copy 6.2, open the application: Drag an inserted disk to the open window, drag the disk to the trash. Insert a blank floppy disk, hold down option key and open the disk image.

12. PC exchange is needed to make copies of PC formatted disks, to make DMF (an IBM 1.7 MB PC format) you need Mac system 7.6 and a SuperDrive.

13. With 6.2, default memory allocation may be too low, try increasing to 2048 K.

14. Shrinkwrap 2.1 allows one to drag and drop files, images and folders (DiskCopy 4.2 does not, but 6.2 does).

            A. Shrinkwrap 2.1 does allow you to compress files, but it is not a strong compression.

            B. Shrinkwrap does not require the use of floppy disks or Disk Copy to access disk images.

            C. Shrinkwrap 3.0 costs $29.95 (Aladdin Systems). Aladdin is now Allume Systems, as of 8/04.

            D. Shrinkwrap 2.1 is about the same speed as either version of Disk Copy is or Shrinkwrap 3.0 is, in terms of dragging a disk onto it and the disk mounting.

15. To create disk images from floppy disks, drag the disk icon(s) to the Shrinkwrap icon. To convert the images to a floppy disk icon that can be used from the desktop, double click on the image file or drag the image file to Shrinkwrap icon.

16. Disk Copy 6.2 will allow you to drag and drop disks onto it to make disk images, 4.2 will not.

17. Disk Copy 4.2 will not acknowledge the existence of a SW 2.1 disk image in an open dialog box, but Disk Copy 6.2 will.

            A. You can drag a Shrinkwrap 2.1 image onto 4.2, Disk Copy 4.2 will load the image into memory. If you drag the Shrinkwrap 2.1 image to 6.2Õs window, the image will mount on desktop. If you drag a 2.1 image onto Shrinkwrap 2.1, the image will be mounted on the desktop.

18. If you drag a Disk Copy 6.2 image onto 6.2 icon, it will mount on the desktop. If you drag the 6.2 image onto Shrinkwrap 2.1, nothing will happen. If you drag a Disk Copy 6.2 image onto 4.2 icon, nothing will happen.

19. If you drag a Disk Copy 4.2 image onto 4.2 icon, it will load into 4.2Õs memory for copying. If you drag the 4.2 image onto Shrinkwrap 2.1, it will mount on the desktop. If you drag a Disk Copy 4.2 image onto 6.2 icon, it will mount on the desktop. (works with the Plaintalk disk images from Apple).

20. If you drag the ÒDisk ToolsÓ image created with Disk Copy 4.2 or Shrinkwrap, it will give the error message Òthere is not enough room on this diskÓ, even with an initialized disk (must open Disk Copy or Shrinkwrap, load image, then load to disk, SW does not give confirmation notice, though). However, If you convert the Disk tools image to 6.2, it will work.

21. verifying tag checksums is only needed for 400 and 800 K disks, should uncheck this option with Shrinkwrap 2.1.

            A. Frontier is used for the Userland Frontier scripting files.

22. Dropdisk only mounts 4.2 images to the desktop. Even though 6.2 and Shrinkwrap will do the same thing.

23. With Disk Copy 6.3.3, you can hit command, shift, Y to select ÒyesÓ in the dialog box. You can also select make multiple floppies.

            A. You can drag a 1.4-MB to the Disk Copy window and then choose whichever format you like (800 K, 10 MB, etc.)

24. Since 1997, Apple has been using NDIF (New Disk Image Format) disk images. These are most often identified by the .smi or .img suffix. Files with a suffix of .part are Disk Copy 6 segmented parts, they are used in conjunction with an .smi file (need to download all parts to the software).

            A. The disk images are often converted to .bin and uploaded to a server.

            B. Prior to 1997, many items were set up using Stuff it Deluxe.

            C. .scr images refer to Disk Copy Diskscript. Diskscript (not related to Applescript) is used to tell Disk Copy 6.1.2 to perform an action on a list of disk images and to optionally launch an application with or without a specific document. Source:

25. Disk Copy 4.2 does not work with VST external floppy drive, but 6.3.3 did work with the VST External Floppy Drive.

26. Gary McDaniel could not get his Social Studies Gradekeeper file to open (he was using separate files for each subject) from a floppy disk. Copying to HD froze in the middle of the process.

            A. I restarted with extensions on, used DFA, NDD and N. Volume Recover (2.0) to try to fix the problem. I had no luck. Used Unerase to recover the file to the HD, which worked.

27. Disk Copy 6.3.3 Read Me page 1 says that you can make exact copies of floppy disk from a disk image. Page 2 says that Disk Copy requires System 7.0.1 or later is a Òfat binaryÓ application. Page 2 says that it is not recommended to work with read-write disk images on System Software prior to System 7.5. Page 3 says that creating a segmented disk is supportedthroughDisk CopyÕs Applescript interface. Page 3 says that .smi stands for self-mounting image. Page 3 says that creating a self-mounting disk image requires System Software 8.1 or later (the self-mounting image will work on SSW 7.0.1 or later). Page 3 says that if you select multiple parts of a segmented disk image and them onto Disk Copy will result in the segmented imageÕs volume being mounted (provided that all parts are in the same folder). Page 4 says that to make floppy from disk images, Select one or more disk images and double-click (or single click, if the icon is a button) while pressing the Option Key. This only works with NDIF images (Read/Write, Read-only and Read-only compressed). You can also hold down the option key and drag onto the Disk copy main window or you can drag onto the Disk Copy main application. You can also choose Òmake a floppyÓ from the Utilities menu and select a disk image. Page 4 says that when making floppies, Disk Copy uses more memory than its default setting. If there is not enough memory available, you will get an error message. Increased preferred size to 2048 K. Page 4 says that you can choose to Òconfirm eraseÓ in the preferences dialog box (the 6.3.2 menubar icons were sometimes grayed out on the G3/233, even though they were functional, may be a software glitch). Page 4-5 says that to make disk images, you can select one or more folders or disks and drag them onto the Disk copy icon or drag them onto the Disk Copy window (each folder will be made into a separate disk image). You can also choose ÒCreate image from FolderÓ from the Image menu and choose a folder or ÒCreate Image from DiskÓ from the image menu and select a disk. You can choose Òcreate new imageÓ from the image Menu and enter a disk image file name (and you will need to go through the disk initialize dialog box to set up a blank disk image). You can turn the Òsave logÓ function on/off under preferences. Page 5 says that Applescript must be used to create a segmented image. When trying to use the script Òsegment imageÓ, Apple Event timed out error kept occurring (Apple Event manger is active in extensions). I increased the memory allocation of Disk Copy to 3000 K, but still got the error. ÒAdd Alias to Apple MenuÓ script was able to be performed, so Disk Copy Scripts may have trouble running. I found out why, I forgot to select a disk image to be used with ÒSegment imageÓ, I chose a disk or something else, I think. Also, a disk image must be chosen when running the script ÒCreate self-mounting imageÓ, so that a file appears that is .smi (double click so it appears on the desktop). Page 5 says that  DiskScripts are not related to, and do not require Applescript to run. Page 6 says that Running large Applescripts from the ÒScriptsÓ folder or adding Scripting Additions to the ÒScriptsÓ folder may require increasing the amount of memory provided to Disk Copy.

28. .dmg files are from Mac OS X. It requires Disk Copy 10.0 to mount them, according to

29. I used Disk Copy on the Slot Loading iMac (with system 9.0) in room 58 to make a disk image of Typing Tutor and World Book. I had to choose CD 12 in., full (Not CD/DVD master like in OS X), but it did work. Later, I initialized the Slot Loading iMac and put System 9.1 on it. I then could not get Disk Copy 4.2 nor Disk Copy 6.2 to make a CDR image of the World Book CD onto the HD, keep getting disk errors. Finally, I tried using Disk Copy 6.3.3, a different World Book CD 1, and I made the image on the HD instead of the desktop. I also chose Read-Only as the Format and 663,000 K (CD_ROM 12 cm, full), and Mount Image was checked. I trashed the original World Book CD 1; WB CD 2 was never needed in the process. Later, though, I was able to make a New Image from Disk using 8.1 on the G3/266: I made a copy of the HM Lesson Planner CD-ROM and I used the setting Read-Only and 663,000 K ( CD_ROM 12 cm, full).


Disk Drives

1. A HD disk can be used in an 800K drive If it is formatted as a DD disk, but then it can not be used in a high-density drive. You can put a piece of tape over the non-tab (disk locking) hole. Watch out for tape getting caught in the machine.

            A. As of 9/02, it does not appear that I have many DD disks, so I may just put labels (disk labels that can be cut or used in full) on HD disks and use them as DD, when necessary.

2. A regular formatted 1.44 MB HD disk will not work in a DD disk drive.

3. If a disk continues to not be recognized, try locking, reinserting. Try with extensions off, then try to shake disk, rotate metal circle. Try starting up from CD and then insert floppy. Also try the disk on another computer. Try reinserting disk several times.

4. On my 5400, the disk drive would not mount disks, problem turned out to be a piece of metal that was loose and was on top of a transistor on the logic board. The metal piece was held in place by a screw that was not put back in. it may have come loose when moving the computer on the sidewalk.

5. You may lose up to five percent of the diskÕs total capacity for the directories and the disk drivers.

6. May want to use a floppy disk drive cleaner kit, since dirty drives are often the cause of problems. If you use one, you may clean the drive and then the drive will say Òinitialization failedÓ (ironically, this is normal), repeat process four or five times.

7. To deal with the ghost icon, reinsert cycle:

            A. hit command period several times.

            B. try reinserting the asked for disk several times.

            C. when ejecting the disk, then drag the icon to the trash.

            D. restart the computer.

            E. use Real Eject (works from the desktop or dialog boxes with ejectÓ option).

8. If a disk gets stuck in the drive:

            A. Turn off power, reinsert disk, use paper clip, take out drive. Do you yank out the disk, you can knock the drive out of alignment. If a drive is out of alignment, must replace it.

9. The external disk drive that I got from the lab kept saying Òthis disk is unreadable,Ó several times. Once, even without a disk in it. I cleaned it, but the drive is probably bad.

10. The metal shutter is pulled back automatically when you insert a disk, so that the disk drive can access the actual media.

11. On one occasion with the G3/233, inserted disks would show 0 files and only 175K available, but I knew that they had files on them, but no files were listed with the Finder. Tried rebuilding the desktop with Techtool and restarted the computer, which solved the problem.

            A. Had the same problem with a couple floppy disks on MomÕs G3. Restarted the computer with extensions on and the disks files could be found.

12. If you keep getting requests to insert disk untitled, try hitting command, period a few times.

13. If you get an Òunable to read from diskÓ error, there is probably media damage to disk (either floppy or hard disk).

14. On the G3/233, I had a couple disks that would not mount, the disk would be inserted and nothing would happen at all. I bought a new disk drive from T.D. Curran (9/6/00) for the G3, but it appears to need a professional to install it, it requires special screws. Dennis suggested just going to the hardware store and looking around. He thought it might be a TORX with a hold or a peg in the middle, which might be referred to as a Òsecurity torx bit." He suggested checking OSH, Home Depot and Sears. While the machine was open, I tried cleaning the dust out of the disk drive. The next time I put a disk in it, it mounted okay. Matt said you might just want to keep using the drive, since it is still working. Dennis said that he thinks that the lubricating grease starts to gum up with age and dust. The dusting spray probably diluted the grease enough for the mechanism to work. I used the floppy disk drive cleaning disk twice on the drive on 9/18/00. Dennis said that ÒA disk drive cleaning kit is probably a good investment. It will get the oxide residue off the heads. However, it will do nothing for old sticky grease.Ó I wouldn't return the drive until a week had gone by using the old one.

 T.D. CurranÕs return policy is thirty days. However, if the disk drive is opened, there is a restocking fee. You would need to call and get an RMA #. Bob Hughes said that most likely problem wonÕt return soon. He has not changed a disk drive on an All In One G3 before, but he can do it, if necessary. I decided to return my floppy disk drive to T.D. Curran. The RMA # is 5578. I cleaned the floppy drive with the floppy drive disk cleaner (I put a couple drops of rubbing alcohol on the cleaning floppy disk and inserted it into the floppy drive). Later (12/14/01), I was unable to find the floppy drive disk cleaner, I may have either trashed it, lost it or borrowed it from someone. Later (10/8/00), however, the problem returned. I tried cleaning the floppy drive again with the dusting spray and restarting the computer, but I had no luck. I e-mailed Macdaddy ( and they said that I do not need an appointment. I e-mailed Rodney and he said I could just bring it in to be replaced. It will cost $159.99 for the new floppy drive and $90 for labor. Macdaddy said the new floppy drive should be in on Thursday. I decided not to do that, since an external floppy drive and a USB card would be about half the price. Mac Warehouse has a VST USB Floppy Drive for about $80 (Number DR 12164). I decided to order a PCI/USB card and a VST Floppy drive (with multiple color plates) from, since they both in stock. It may cost a little more, but the VST Floppy drive was in stock. However, when it arrived, it did not have the multiple color plates. Apparently, I ordered the bondi blue floppy drive with no color plates by mistake. You can access the floppy drive by pulling out the circuit board from the back. However, to take out the floppy drive inside, you would need special screws, also. There is not a floppy disk drive cleaning kit at school. I did buy a Radio Shack brand floppy drive cleaning kit (26-295B). It does work with Macintosh, but you have to put the disk, then wait for the Òinitialize/ejectÓ message. The drive will spin for about five seconds. Then eject it. Put it in again. You need to do this about 6 times to equal thirty seconds. I did use it on 12/12/01 to see if I could get the floppy disk drive on my G3 to work. I tried about 8 floppy disks and they all loaded with the Finder. The next day I tried several more disks, and they all mounted fine. I searched with Mac Zone and typed in ÒfloppyÓ, then look for ÒcleaningÓ with the Find command in IE5. Mac Zone shows a Kensington Floppy Drive Cleaning Kit (Zones Item # 00509797) that is formatted for Mac/PC for $2.99. MacZone also has a Verbatim Floppy Drive cleaning kit (Zones Item # 00787885). says that Apple recommends using a 3M Floppy Drive Cleaning Kit. It works with Mac/PC. T.D. Curran, MacConnection and Macwarehouse do not have any floppy drive cleaning kits.

15. The floppy disk drive in Room 37 would not mount disks on the G3/266 (I did not even get an ÒinitializeÓ error message. I cleaned the disk drive with Dust Spray and then with a Disk Drive Cleaning Kit. Disks did not mount. After restarting, disks would mount.

16. The floppy drive in Room 4Õs 5400 was having trouble mounting one disk (ToniÕs backup). I tried reinserting it several times without luck (used a paper clip to get it out).

            A. Upon restart with extensions off, disks (including ToniÕs backup) mounted fine. I restarted the computer.

17. The floppy drive on my LCIII was not mounting a disk properly, but the disk was able to mount on the computer next to it.

            A. I used the Kensington Disk Drive cleaning kit to clean the disk drive. The disk would then mount on the LCIII.

            B. LC II and LCIII were having the same problems later with disks not mounting on 3/25/03. Cleaning the disk drives with Kensington Disk Drive Cleaning Kit fixed the problem.

            C. Later one of the computers was having trouble mounting disks. After cleaning the disk drive again (6/03) and using a paper clip to insert a disk (and then formatting it), the disk would mount okay.

18. The LC III at my house had a non-working floppy drive (I think it was the Òold style,Ó since it had no door). I found another floppy drive that works (I think it was the Ònew style,Ó since it had a door), but it would not work spacewise; it was difficult to insert and/or remove disks. I just put tape over the floppy drive for now.

19. The G3Õs floppy drive stopped reading floppy disks in 8/07, but after cleaning it with the floppy drive cleaning kit (I put it in 3 times and then ejected it), disks could mount again.


Disk Eject

1. to eject a disk, donÕt use command E, If you do, reinsert disk and use other command. Otherwise, If you do not know which disk it is or do not have one, hit command period when it asks for the disk, then return (the cycle may go a couple times).

2. Or the disk can be dragged to the trash.

3. Command shift, 1 will eject floppy with Command, shift 1 or Command E. If one of the files on the disk is still open on the desktop somewhere. If the diskÕs window is the only thing open, the grayed disk will not be there. These rules are true for the 5400, at least. On the 6400, command shift 1 does not always work.


Disk First Aid

1. With version 8.2 of Disk First Aid, you can fix problems on the startup disk. Apple recommends using an alternative startup disk, though.  Disk First Aid 8.2 would not operate on EAÕs 5400, kept saying that there were files open (EAÕs 5400 is newer than mine is). Source:, Disk First Aid can repair MAC OS Extended format disks that have been damaged by utilities that are not compatible with Mac OS Extended format. Some things that may be incompatible with MAC OS Extended Format include utilities which check the integrity of the driver, password protection programs or audio and video programs that write data directly to the volume.
2. Also with 8.2, there is a timer to indicate time left.

3. 8.2 gives support for G3Õs.

4. Also, it is supposed to help repair damage caused by utilities, that have had trouble with the MAC OS Extended format.

5. DFA is used primarily to detect damage to directory files, which track the organization of a HD.

6. On one occasion, DFA kept saying Òrepairing the diskÓ and then Òthe disk appears to be okÓ, even after being used to repair the disk on the third occasion. Finally, after running Norton Disk Doctor, DFA ran and did not give the Òrepairing the diskÓ message (it just gave the Òdisk appears to be okÓ message).

            A. A directory is a structure on a disk that contains files or other subdirectories, also sometimes referred to as a folder (Source is NC 4 book glossary).

7. Once after a complete low level zeroing all data initialization of the G3/233, DFA 8.2 said that several Òcustom icons were missing.Ó  So many, in fact, that it cluttered up the DFA window. At the end of the repair, the DFA window was blank. I ran NDD 3.5.2 and found major problems, which were fixed. I re-ran DFA 8.2 and it said that the HD was okay.

8. You can simply ÒverifyÓ a startup disk, using Disk First Aid, to see if repairs are indeed necessary. If so, restart with an alternate startup disk and make repairs.

9. For information relating to DFA 8.1 and 8.2, see Files #22, D, 5.

10. DFA (version 8.6, which comes with 9.1) can run on the iMac, even when DFA is on the startup disk.


Disk Rejuvenator

Useful for VolumeÕs icons only (and computer must be restarted after rejuvenation).


Disk Utility (version 10.2 and beyond)

1. Disk Utility version 10.2 can be used to erase floppies, CD-Rs, CD-RWs, and Zip Disks. Disk Copy does not erase anything but CD-Rs and CD-RWs.

2. You can use Disk Utility to erase a CD-RW with multi-sessions. Just select the CD-RW, not the session. After a CD-RW is erased with Disk Utility, it simply ejects in the OS 9 Finder or the OS X Finder (as CD-RWs do right out of the package). In OS 8.1, you get an unreadable message with the erased CD-RW or a new one.

            A. A brand new CD-RW will mount in Predator automatically OS X as a CDR (not a typo, it does not show up as a CD-RW). A brand new CD-RW (or one that has been erased with Disk Utility) will not mount in OS 9, even within the Predator. You would need to use Toast 4.1.2, which would make the disk readable in OS 9 or OS X Finder. I checked later and found that there was a version 4.1.3 of Toast released, but it is no longer available, as of July 2005.

            B. After doing a quick erase with Disk Utility, I was able to burn a session with Disc Burner.

3. When you create a new image with Disk Utility (for burning), you may need to add extra MB. I wanted to create an image for use with the Ryan folder (which was 66 MB). I had it to make the image 80 MB, not 70 MB. Also, the Ryan folder took up 66 MB on the iMac HD and 66 MB on the disk image.

            A. Also, be sure to make a read/write image, not just a read one.

4. Apparently, disk utility cannot write to a CD-R, that has been previously burned with Toast. I checked on this later, and it does appear to be true.

5. To make a multi-session CD, insert a blank CD-R, create a disk image with Disk Utility, select the image with Disk Utility (do not select the CD like Mac Help suggests), then select Images, Burn, then (click the triangle, if necessary), check make appendable.

            A. I made a two session CD, which does not mount in OS X, but does in OS 9 (using Disk Utility 10.4.2). It had three different Ryan folders on it (two from a previous Ryan CD).

            B. I then made a two session CD with just a couple folders on each session and that CD mounted both sessions.

            C. There were no Disk Utility updates at or versiontracker, as of 5/04. iMac SuperDrive Update 1.0 is not for my iLamp.

            D. After using Disk Utility to create a disk image and burn it to a CD-RW, I could not use Quick Erase, I had to uncheck it and then the CD-RW was able to be erased.

6. To duplicate a data CD: insert original CD into drive: open Disk Utility and select CD: choose Images, New, ÒImage from Disk,Ó: type a name for the image and select format: click Save: Eject disk when done: Select disk image in the left hand column and choose Image, Burn: Insert a blank CD and press Burn (you can click the triangle for more options, such as being appendable).

7. Instructions from OS X 10..2, Disk Utility 10.4 (these directions are the same as for OS X 10.3.4 and Disk Utility 10.4.2). 1. Create a folder for the session and drag the items you want to burn into the folder (add needed clarification info, i.e. for Ryan folder, change the name of the folder to Ryan 3, 12/12/04 for example). 2.  Open Disk Utility, located in Applications/Utilities. 3.  Select Images > New > "Image from Folder." Then select the folder you created in the navigation window and click Open. 4.  Type a name for the image, choose a disk format, and click Save. (MY NOTE: do not change the location of the place to save to. If you save to the same folder mentioned in step 1, it does not count toward the size of the partition). 5. When the disk image is complete, select it in the left column of the Disk Utility window.6. Choose Images > Burn or click Burn in the tool bar. 7. Insert a blank CD in the optical drive.8. Select the "Leave disc appendable" checkbox. If you don't see this option, click the triangle in the top-right corner to see this option. 9. Click Burn.  It is likely the .dmg files will show up in Disk Utility, when you open it. After a .dmg image has been used, the Finder window may still have the session in its Window, but it wonÕt be able to be found). Slower speeds may be useful in situations, where burning is having difficulty (FYI, for future reference). I finally got my Ryan 3 (with 3 different Ryan folders to mount on the desktop. The folder was about 360 MB). After burning the CD (I had the option to mount it selected, but it did not), I restarted the iLamp. Then the session mounted fine in OS X (I later discovered that if you log out and then log back in, CDÕs will mount). I then tried it again later (same session approximately) and it mounted fine after burning the session. When I mounted other sessions (smaller ones), they were able to mount without restarting the iLamp. Later, after burning a couple CDs, the names of the extra burned sessions did not mount properly until restarting the iLamp.

8. I was not able to erase and burn a CD-RW on one occasion (but Disk Utility froze); it may be because the disk image was too big, though. I tried to burn an image from folder, but the image came out 660 MB, even though the two folders only comprised about 580 MB, the disk image was around 660 MB. I just used the Finder to record the CD-RW (and dragged the CD onto the Burn icon on the dock).

9. When naming sessions or disk images, it is probably best NOT to use commas in the name, since on one occasion when I did this, the name was truncated by OS X. May use Internet 4 (7/04), but not Internet, 4 (7/04). Also, later, I named a session OS X (2) (7/04), but the session showed up as OS X. So, perhaps two sets of parenthesis is not going to work.

10. On more than one occasion, disk session names did not show up properly on the iLamp until after restarting.

11. When burning CDs with Disk Utility, the CDs will be burned in icon view, even if the folder contents are in list view.

12. I tried to add some sessions to some previously burned CDs, but could not because I got a format error. I think the CD sessions were originally burned by Toast. I made entirely new CDs.

13. When attempting to add a session to a CD-R, if Disk Utility says "append," it is usually possible. If it says "burn," it is usually not. However, a new CD will say "burn."

14. On one occasion when trying to add a session to a CD (it already had 534 MB on it), I could only add a partition of 71 MB (84 MB could not be added with Disk Utility).

15. On one occasion, Disc Burner kept freezing during the middle of burning My Desktop Pictures. Finally, I just used the G3 to burn the CD.

16. Disk Utility would not burn my Windows additions (program kept qutting when you tried to Burn the image), so I used the G3 to do it.

            A. There was a problem where I could not burn the Ryan 3 CD image on the iLamp. I restarted the program twice without luck. Finally, I restarted the computer, then made the image on the HD (Instead of in the Ryan 3 folder). The CD then burned.

17. A good idea for naming sessions with Disk Utility is to use OS X 2 June 2005 (so there are no special characters).

18. Switching to the Mac page 365 syas that with Disk Copy: use File, New image from Device (choose the CD), is possible may be used if CD is needed to run a program. You need to make a CD/DVD master. Make a disk image on the HD instead.

            A. I have Disk Utility in 10.3.9, and I used to copy World Book to the hard drive. I tried highlighting 720.6 MB HL-DT-ST RW with Disk Utility, but then the File, New Image from Device was grayed out, so then I selected the next icon down, which was Session 1, and then selected File, New Image from disk1S1.  I could not use the HD as the replacement for the CD with the WB Disk 1.dmg, so I changed the name to WB Disk 1, but no luck. Then I double clicked on it and made the disk image mount on the HD (it appeared to have the icon of a Zip Drive), then I could run World Book without the CD. I tried later, but it does not appear that you can get the disk image to move from the Desktop (I think World Book needs it there), putting it on the Dock does not work, either. You can create a disk image in a Finder window, but when mounting the image, it still mounts on the Desktop. After mounting the Disk Image, it is better not to move it a lot as this can cause problems. You should not trash the original disk image file (it takes up 650 MB like the mounted image), because on the next restart, the Disk Image will be gone. I could put the disk image into Startup Items and then use the Finder Preferences to not have disks show up on the deskop. This worked on the blueberry iMac. Page 66 says that the Duplicate command works on anything except for disks.

19. On one occasion, I noticed that several of my CDÕs were not appendable. It was because I had unchecked the box previously. When I clicked Burn on the toolbar, the CD started burning, but there was not an option to make the disk appendable. I had to go to Images, Burn, then click the blue triangle, which allowed me to choose whether to make the disk appendable or not.

20. If you double click a disk image in Disk Utility, it will mount the image (at least in theory), you can then get more information about the image. However, to then get rid of the image, you must go to File, Eject Volume, and trash it in the Finder.

21. It appears that 570 MB is the most you can put on a CD. Disk Utility appears to need about 80 MB for its use. Later, though, in 6/06, I was able to put two sessions on a CD, one was 184.9 and the other was 414.1, which would be a total of 599 MB.

22. In 7/06, I tried to erase a CD-RW that only had one song on it, but each time I tried to, I got an erase failed message. Then I tried to quit and reopen Disk Utility, no luck (went into an endless loop, trying to read the disks). Restarting solved the problem, I was able to erase the CD-RW.



1. should last one year or less according to Mac Troubleshooting video, even with lifetime warranty (the company will simply replace it). The more disk drives a floppy is in, the more quickly it may wear.

2. Disk drives have a light inside them that tries to look through the extra hole on the HD disk, which does not work with a DD disk. DD and HD are of different materials.

            A. On one occasion, I was using Disk Copy 4.2 to make copies of some DD disks, but I could not make copies, since I only had HD disks. I put a label over the extra holes on the HD disks. I was then able to copy the DD disks onto HD disks, using Disk Copy 4.2.

3. Mac Plus, Original SE and Mac II used DD drive.

4. Preformatted PC disks may lead to more errors, better to use MAC or unformatted disks.

5. Format as one-sided or two-sided. 800 K can be used as a 400 K or 800 K. HD disk would only have initialized or ejected (has to be initialized on both sides). Disk error suggesting the disk is improperly formatted could be due to the fact that a HD disk has been formatted as a 800 K disk. Can put masking tape over the hole to have it read as 800 K (scotch tape will not work). An 800 K disk has only one hole in it. A 1.4-MB disk has two holes.

6. Disk First Aid can be used to check the disk directory.

            A. Disk First Aid can not ÒrepairÓ a locked disk.

7. ÒA disk error occurredÓ on the Zip Disk while moving around on the desktop (not copying it or copying to something else). Ran Disk First Aid, Norton Disk Doctor, Rebuilt Desktop, Disinfected (Disinfectant may be able to detect damaged fonts or files that NDD may miss). Otherwise can copy info to a new disk and Reformat disk. Usually with a floppy, probably should trash problem disk. On my Zip drive, the message comes up saying that the disk ÒHome StuffÓ can not be opened because a disk error occurred. This happened after being woken up from sleep and sleeper is installed, which may be the problem. After clicking on Home Stuff the second time, it opened fine. I unchecked the Zip drive, so that Sleeper will not attempt to make it sleep (under External disk drives in the Sleeper control panel).

            A. Can try rebuilding the desktop with keyboard shortcut to copy files from a problematic disk (Stanislaus Macintosh Computer Club).

8. If an erroneous message comes up saying that the disk (HD) is full and it really is not. Try starting up with alternate disk and turn Virtual memory off.

9. Disks and CDÕs are classified as removable media.

10. The Clarisworks install disk #2 had a problem on Rm. 23Õs 5400, it would eject and say that the disk had bad blocks, although the disk worked fine on several other computers. Might want to use disk first aid and Norton Disk Doctor on the floppy and the HD. Ran Disk Doctor on the CW Install disk #2 and it reported bad blocks, also.

11. A writing error occurred while copying several files from the Claris translators folder on the LC. Tried on 3 computers with a few errors occurring. Suggestions include copying one file at a time:                       Running speed disk (2.0) and go to options, go to expert, then explore, check media (resulted in locating a bad block, which was basically made unusable, not exactly fixed). 3.5 can verify media, which I did and an error type -81 occurred. Running N.D.D. for the floppy, 2.0 found no errors, 3.5 did find bad blocks and made the discovered bad blocks unusable. Can also use Floppier (1992 program) to copy around the bad blocks, although parts of the file may be missing, might be good to use CanOpenerª at that point. Best solution is to usually trash the disk.

12. At school, I tried to mount two floppy disks and then would not mount on the desktop. I restarted the computer and it worked. However, later on, a disk came up with an unreadable error message. I initialized it and the disk worked. The same message appeared later (with no disk in computer) and the computer froze. According to Eric at Microtech (after telling him that I had an unreadable message), should not put any more important disks in there, since it may destroy them. Heads may be mis-aligned.. Floppy drive was replaced, later discovered that a loose screw was shorting out the motherboard.

13. Disk error occurred on disk that had no files on it and I was copying a file to it. NDD spared the bad blocks, no disk error next time (I also initialized the disk).

14. One disk did say ÒInitialization failedÓ on 5400 after formatting and had to Òre-verify formatÓ when formatting same disk on LC.

            A. On pre 7.5, the computer will say Òrevivifying the diskÓ and on 7.5, will say Òupdating diskÓ. In both cases, means there are bad blocks, which are being spared (rendered useless), so there is likely to be more than 1K on the disk. Should simply trash disks to be safe.

            B. I reformatted some IBM disks that I received, however, the desktop file was still around 40 or 50 K on some of them. Tried using Disksweeper, reformatting and Invisifile to delete the desktop file, but still 40 or 50 K was occupied on floppy. Trashed disks.

            C. can also verify media using Norton Utilities, which can indicate bad blocks on floppies.

            D. Floppies can be tested using the regular NDD.

15. If you hold down the command and option keys while inserting a disk, it will ask to rebuild the desktop on the floppy.

16. If a file appears on the desktop only when a floppy is inserted, the file is actually on the floppy. To make a copy of a file that is located on a floppy on the HDÕs desktop, hold down option key and move the file.

17. If an IBM disk gets the message that it is unreadable, check to see If PC Exchange is in active folder and that it is on. Also, check to see If the disk may be compressed (perhaps take it back to an IBM computer).

18. If the computer tries to startup from a floppy disk without a valid startup folder on it, an ÒXÓ will probably appear on the screen (the ÒXÓ is usually only associated with floppy disks).

19. Many 400 K disks do not work with newer models of Macs, due to restrictions in system software (S.M. p. 14).

20. Even holding the option key while attempting to delete an item from a locked disk will not work. Must unlock the disk first.

21. To make a copy of an entire disk, then drag one diskÕs icon onto the icon of another (grayed, probably). (S.M. p. 46).

22. If you have a floppy disk with a bent shutter, take the shutter all the way off. Insert in disk drive, copy contents to new floppy. If a floppy disk has a stuck or bent shutter do not insert it unless you can take the shutter all the way off.

            A. If a disk has an error, try reinserting, using another computer, restarting the computer, and turning the metal shutter.

23. Some 800K disks that were mass duplicated may have trouble on AV or Power Macs. Should start up with extensions off, Zap the PRAM and use another MAC to copy the data on the 800K to a High-Density disk.

24. If you try to eject a disk that has a file on it that is Simpletext and Simpletext is not on the disk, may still get Òin useÓ message when trying to eject the floppy disk.

25. Kid Pix was freezing on LC in room 53. Tried increasing memory allocation to 1465 K, but still kept freezing.

Copied Kid Pix from CD to floppy disk on G3, then got error when copying from floppy disks (2) to LC HD in Room 53.

Also, got error when copying from CD to floppy disk (with G3), but not when copying from CD to G3 HD. Later, found out that one of the floppy disks had trouble (could not format). On another good disk, there was no error.

            A. I eventually loaded Kid Pix onto the LC in Room 53 by copying from the 5400 in room 53 to the LC.

            B. Later, copied from 5400 to floppy, copied okay.

            Also, ran DFA with no errors on LC. NDD had one minor error involving KID WORKS.

            C. After reformatting the two good floppies, no more errors occurred in my room.

            D. Later, program froze again probably due to running out of computer memory. Kid Pix requires about 1500 K and system software took up around 2400 K. Total memory was 4000 K. Trashed program.

26. If a disk is damaged and you are trying to recover files, may try opening the utility first, then insert the disk (S.M., 3rd, 814).

27. If you hold down Command, Option, and Tab upon insertion: you will get the erase disk dialog box.

28. A 400 K disk can be formatted as single sided or double sided, but one side is verified only.

29. Drive Savers (800-440-1904) can be used to save disks, but for a Zip disk it can cost between $275 and $500 and take five to seven days. $100 attempt fee If nothing is recovered.

30. Command, E ejects disk normally with 8.1. But command, shift, 1 leaves a ÒghostÓ icon.

31. Command, option, tab brings up the erase dialog box.

32. When trying to copy Photoflash for Quicktake disk 1 to MomÕs G3, got an error message. After restarting with extensions off, the disk copied fine.

33. Imation and Memorex floppy disks come with a lifetime warranty.

            A. They can only be in environments where the temperature is between 50 Degrees and 140 Degrees.

34. KW had a disk that would only say eject/initializeÓ when inserting it. So I tried to insert it on my G3, got the same error message.

            A. So I ran NDD repair and restarted with the extensions off.

            B. I got all the files copied except for 2 (about 28 out of 30). One file would not copy without a disk error and froze the computer when opening.

            C. I tried using DFA on the disk, Volume Recover, then Unerase. I got some of the text extracted from the file with Can Opener, but not all the text. At least got most of the files.

35. If a disk gives an Òunreadable errorÓ message, it may be that it is formatted for a different type of computer.

36. If a disk is unable to be ejected: Try restarting the computer, hold down the mouse button or other pointing device while the computer starts up.

            A. Or you may try holding the command, shift and 1 keys.

37. According to the 5500 Manual page 169, you should not write on disks.

            A. You should store disks at temperatures between 50 degrees F and 125 degrees F.

38. Computer Notes.sit was being copied from an untitled floppy disk (on the G3/266) along with Favorites.html from Explorer. However, it quit in the middle and said that a disk error has occurred. Then I tried copying computer notes.sit by itself and it worked.

39. Estela had a floppy disk that kept getting a -127 error when you inserted the disk and the disk would eject. She had a ÒKinder fileÓ file on it that was important.

            A. I tried restarting with extensions off, fixing the disk with NDD (should open NDD first, get all the other disks to show up, then insert the floppy disk), Disk First Aid (but DFA could not fix the disk), Can Opener did not mount the disk. Finally, I used Unerase and then used the File Scan Method, which did not work. I then used ÒText ScanÓ and then checked search for ÒReal filesÓ and typed in the word ÒpadreÓ (which was in her file), the file was recovered to my HD. It was in Simpletext format, but I copied and pasted the typing into TBWC (the original creator for the document).

40. Getting Started with Your Macintosh page 23 says that 1 page of text is usually 4K. 300 pages would total 1.4 MB.

41. On one occasion, I had copied a file onto floppy disk, when I tried to load the file onto the G3/266, the file did not show up. Then I changed the view to ÒBy nameÓ and the file did show up.

42. Files on a floppy disk could not be accessed. I used NDD to access disk, since I got the ÒinitializeÓ message when inserting the disk. NDD tried to fix the disk, but was unable to. Used Volume Recover without luck, then used Unerase. Recovered Files were saved to a Zip disk an I was able to access the files.

43. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual suggests that disks should not be placed on monitors, near a telephone or on the computer itself as magnetic fields can corrupt data on disks.

44. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 323 says that a hard drive uses a series of permanently installed stacked metal platters called hard disk. They spin faster than floppy disks, making retrieval faster. Defragmentation makes hard disk access more efficient, should be done once a month.


Drag and Drop Information

1. On 7.5 To do it, highlight and drag text from one file to another (even If it were created in a different application).

2. On 7.1, dragging Enabler and Macintosh Drag and Drop must be in the extensions folder (does work on SchoolÕs LC II in my room).

3. To open up a document, you can drag it on top of an application or an alias of the application. If the application is able to open the file, the application will turn black (even though it is not the original creating application).

4. Sometimes If the clipping extension is installed (pre 8.0, apparently it is built in System 8.0), then you may be able to drag text or pictures onto the desktop and then drag the clipping into a different application.


Drive Setup

1. Version 1.5 is recommended for anyone using 7.6, 7.6.1, 8.0 or 8.1.

            A. 1.7.3 is the latest version of Drive Setup, I think, for 8.1, according to Version Tracker and

            B. Page 849 of Sad Macs, 3rd Edition says that you should use the latest version of Drive Setup, when possible (since bugs may be fixed).

            C. says (relating to Drive Setup 1.7.3) that you should update the driver whenever you Òinstall Mac OS versions 7.6, 7.6.1, 8.0, 8.5, 8.5.1 or 8.6 on your computer... If you are using a version of the Mac OS prior to 7.6, it not necessary to use Drive Setup 1.7.3 to update the driver on your hard disk drive.Ó

            D. says that Drive Setup 1.7.2 does not allow you to select Òlow level formatÓ, unless you have an Apple SCSI HD. Version 1.7.3 does not allow you to do a Òlow level formatÓ, the option is dimmed on the G3/233 (since I have an ATA drive on my G3/233).

            E. The Low Level Format for all ATA drives has been disabled in version 1.7, because a  low-level format was not being performed. Drive Setup, according to the article, could achieve the same functionality by selecting ÒZero all dataÓ and then using Test Disk under the Function Menu (Testing disk took 30 minutes on the G3/233 with a blank 4 GB HD).

            F. According to the article, version 1.3.1 is required by Apple computers that have an internal ATA (IDE) hard disk.

2. Should run Disk First Aid before running Drive Setup.

3. Apple recommends getting rid of earlier versions of Drive Setup from the HD.

4. Sometimes Drive Setup has indicated that it has finished initializing a disk when it has not completely finished, wait for new volumes to appear before continuing.

5. On EAÕs 5400, I used a startup disk to run Drive Setup, however, update driver was dimmed. Due to:

            A. The version of Drive Setup that is being used to update the driver is older than the version that already updated the driver on the HD.

            B. the version of Drive Setup that is being used to update the driver is so new that it can not update the ÒoldÓ driver on the HD.

            C. the driver (or the partition map) is damaged.

6. According to Mac Secrets, 4th, p.290, Drive Setup can be used with IDE and SCSI drives.

7. If you format a HD, you can still recover info with Volume Recover. To make unrecoverable, low level format and zero all data or use Burn.

8. According to the 5500 Manual page 145, if initialization fails, try to initialize again. If it fails a second time, you need to take the disk in repair or replace it.

9. Version 1.7.3 Drive Setup Read Me says that it should be used to update your disk driver or to reinitialize a disk.

            A. The Read Me also says that earlier versions of Drive Setup can reintroduce issues resolved with Drive Setup 1.7.3.

            B. The Read Me also says that updating a hard disk driver with security software turned on may cause problems.

            C. The Read Me also says that you use DFA to fix repairs before updating the HD driver.

            D. You can update the driver on the startup disk.

            E. The Read Me recommends that if you have previous versions of Drive Setup, you should replace these older versions with Drive Setup 1.7.3.

            F. The Read Me suggests setting Energy Saver to never for HD sleep to prevent HD from spinning down before Drive Setup is finished. You should do this is Drive Setup is performing an extended operation, such as testing the disk.

            G. The Read Me says that you can not mount volumes manually if a mounting program does not support the new ways volumes are supported. However, you can use Drive Setup to mount volumes manually.

            H. The Read Me says that if you want to restore additional software on a computer, you should quit Drive Setup before your icons will appear on the desktop.

            I. The Read Me says that sometimes Drive Setup indicates that it has finished initializing a disk when it has not completely finished. Wait for your new volumes to appear in the Finder before continuing.

            J. The Read Me says that Apple HD SC Setup should be used only with older 68 K based Mac OS computers.

10. Previously, when installing OS 8.1 on my G3/233, I used the G3 installer to update the driver, but that would probably be driver 1.5. On 4/24/02, I used 1.7.3 to update the driver.


DropStuff (Reg. #DRPA-600-947682) {Prefs do not transfer registration, apparently. One time after installing 4.0, I later installed Stuffit Deluxe 5.0 and 4.0 would not register, I had to use Dropstuff from Stuffit Deluxe 5.0 and the code for 7.0}, Stuff it Expander. AladdinÕs phone number is (831) 761-6200. DRPG-XJH7E4P-00011216 is for Drop Stuff 7.0, which Aladdin charged me $16.20 for, probably $1.20 is for processing. I think they gave me a license for 7.0, since there was not a way to buy an upgrade from 4.0 to 5.0 on the website. But they sent an e-mail saying I would get a complimentary copy, so I e-mailed again to inquire. They said a typo was made and the word ÒcomplimentaryÓ should not have appeared in the e-mail; they charged me for the upgrade. You can not make the software available for use on more than one computer at the same time (school and home should be okay as long as not used simultaneously). I tried to use the 7.0 code to register 5.1.3 on the slot-loading iMac, but it would not work, so I downloaded and installed 7.0.3. Registration number for Stuffit Deluxe 5.0 is DLXF-1083-093815. Registration number for Stuffit Deluxe 11.0 is DLXN-Z9GKEDD-00125165: Stuffit Deluxe can only be on one computer at a time.

1. Aladdin has some FAQÕs at

2. Open ÒStuff it Expander,Ó click on Stuff it, then choose expand and choose the stuffed file or drag the compressed file (i.e. a .sit file) on top of the Stuff it Expander icon.

3. Drop Stuff is shareware. it compresses files. One file at home was compressed to half its size on the hard drive (Computer Notes). At school, my 7.7 MB Winton file was compressed to 729 K.

4. The message at school that says as a power Mac user, you should consider getting Stuff it with Expander Enhancer will appear when unstuffing a document that was stuffed with regular Stuffit. If the file was stuffed with Stuffit with Expander Enhancer, the message will not appear.

5. Drop Stuff requires the ÒStuff it EngineÓ to put in the extensions folder to work (computer does not have to be restarted).

6. Stuff it Expander will work with Sys. 6.0.4.

7. If you try to open a file that has not completely downloaded, the error message will appear Òthis is not a complete encoded file and therefore cannot be ....Ó. Wait until completed.

8. The ÒstartupmovieÓ that I made could not be Òstuffed.Ó I tried to stuff the ÒWintonÓ folder at work and it came out too big for a floppy with the startupmovie on it (1.6 MB). I moved the startup movie and the Winton folder was only 1 MB.

9. Can create self-extracting archives that can be expanded on a computer without Stuff it Expander.

10. Also, they can be encrypted with a password and several files from different areas can be stuffed at once. Click on Drop Stuff and then click ÒstuffÓ and a dialog box will appear.

11. It is a good idea to make an archive self archive self-extracting, if you know the person receiving it may not have Stuff it Expander.

12. If you get an out of memory message when using Stuff it Expander, try increase the memory allocation of Stuff it Expander.

13. On one website, I tried to download a small file, but then when the page came up, it said that Òthis file has to be converted with Binhex 4.0Ó (most Binhex files end in .hqx). However, when I held down the option key and then clicked on download, it appeared to work as normal, but the file was jumbled (still must need to be converted). But, it was able to be converted with Stuff it Expander.

            A. Also, when you open a file (and/or attempt to download) that looks like gibberish, you can go to file, save as.., then use Stuff it Expander (4.0.2 can do this) to make the file useable.

14. Version 4.5 upgrade costs $15. Supposedly it is faster in compressing and decompressing than 4.0. However, after timing both versions, it was the same amount of time. Also 4.5 can read encrypted Zip Files, but I do not have any. Do not use Stuffit Expander 4.5 (see Netscape #17 for details).

15. You can set the Stuff it Expander preferences to Òwatch a folderÓ to check a folder for stuffed files every so many minutes and unstuff them.

16. In Drop Stuff preferences (put an ÒXÓ in make self-extracting), you can make it so that Stuff it Expander is not required to unstuff a file.

            A. I do not think Stuff it Lite can be used to make self-extracting archives.

17. .xxx indicates how a file was compressed and .yyy indicates how a file was translated, from ÒÓ

18. One time Drop Stuff would not stuff from the finder or from within the application. Reinstalled it and it worked fine.

19. To make a file self-extracting, change its file type and creator to BINA, SITx.

20. To turn off the reminder about Power Expander with Enhancer (or something similar), when unstuffing documents, simply choose ÒDonÕt remind meÓ.

21. 4.0.1 gave an error that would say Òthe archive Ò Ò has been corrupted or may not be a valid archive. Do you wish to continue working with it?Ó with several archives when trying to expand files from the internet with IE 5. I set up 5.0 of Stuff it Expander to work with IE 5 (changed handling not Òfile typeÓ, under edit, preferences, receiving files, file helpers to stuff it expander), and there seemed to be no errors.

            A. I also, at one point, changed the Òfile typeÓ from Stuff it Deluxe to Stuff it Expander. This did not seem to make much difference, however.

            B. After downloading the Enternet software (ÒÓ), IE 5.0 using Stuff it Expander 5.0 would expand the file, except it needed a password for Enternet software 300 v1.09 (swbenet300). The latest version of Ethernet software is still 1.09, as of 1/12/02.

            C. To drag and drop the Enternet300b109.sit (downloaded with IE5 and version 4.0.1 of Stuff it Expander) onto Stuff it Expander, you need 5.5 of Stuff it Expander.

            D. After changing IE 5.0 to use version 5.5 of Stuff it Expander, you must quit IE 5.0 and restart it to download and expand the Enternet software from ÒÓ Otherwise, nothing will happen after the download is completed (the file will simply flash). On one occasion, when the ÒMicrosoft First Time Installer RunÓ starts up before running IE 5 (I recently made some changes in terms of helpers, etc.: other times the first time installer run may run itself after you have reinstalled IE 5, System Software, etc.), you should choose Stuff it Expander 5.5 under preferences, quit IE 5 and restart it.

            E. 5.0 of Stuff it Expander has its own text encoding converter (version 1.4) gives text encoding converter error with IE 5. The text encoding is built into Stuff it Expander 5.0 and 5.5 (not 4.5 or earlier).

            F. IE 5 says that ÒText Encoding Version 1.4 has been found. This version is not compatible with Internet Explorer running on systems earlier than MAC OS 8.5 (Version 1.3 of Text Encoding Converter comes with System 8.1). However, after checking ÒdonÕt show me this message again, I did not have a problem.

22. Netscape Communicator 4.73 would not download the Enternet software, either. Just a bunch of garbled text came up on the screen. I tried to change the settings, but did not seem to have much luck. Will reinstall Netscape.

            A. I tried using 5.0 and 5.5 of Stuff it Expander with Netscape to download the Enternet software, but I had no luck.

            B. I reinstalled NN 4.73 and tried to download some Macintosh BinHex files. it worked. The only thing that I did wrong with Netscape earlier was that when I chose Stuff it Expander, I chose a folder that was NOT in the NN 4.73 folder. When I copied version 4.5, 5.0 and 5.5 of the Stuff it Expander folders to the NN folder and then chose my applications (under edit, preferences, navigator, applications) from those folders, the BinHex files were expanded fully.

            C. The proper settings are Description: Macintosh BinHex Archive, MIME type: application/mac-binhex40, Suffixes: .sit.hqx, Handled by Application: Stuff it Expander (Stuff it Expander should be in the Netscape folder), File Type: disk, Check Òuse this MIME type for outgoing attachmentsÓ (do not check ÒMacintosh fileÓ).

            C. However, Enternet (.sit file) did not work with this new method. Probably due to the way that the software is set up at PacbellÕs site. I could get other .sit files to expand normally (i.e. Comet 3.1.1 from ÒÓ).

            D. So the Pacbell site does not download properly with a newly installed version of NN 4.73 and any version (4.0, 4.5, 5.0 or 5.5) of Stuff it Expander. The best solution would be to Òsave to diskÓ with Netscape, then drag the Enternet300v109.sit file on top of Stuff it Expander 5.5.

            E. NN appeared to be inconsistent. Sometimes, you would need to quit the application and reopen it for new file helper settings to change. Other times, quitting and restarting was not necessary.

23. I once downloaded a .pkg (Apple Link package) file from the Internet (it was driver 3.0 for the Apple Stylewriter 4100/4500). Stuff it Expander 5.5 says that it is capable of expanding this type of file, but when I drop the file on top of Stuff it Expander 5.5, it gives an error that Òthe destination for the file is lockedÓ and asks you to pick a different destination. After doing so, it still does not expand the file.

            I went to this URL :

to download the 3.0 version of Printer Driver for the Apple Stylewriter 4100. I got the disk image (with a file named Stylewriter 4500.pkg) to download. I tried to expand the .pkg using Stuff it Expander 4.0, 5.0 and 5.5. (I used the Stuff it Engine for 5.5, which is supposed to expand .pkg files). I tried rebuilding the desktop with Techtool. I even tried changing the creator with Snitch to APPL (which was not possible on the original disk image, had to copy the file to a different location), but still I had no luck.

            A. I called and talked to Joshua McKee at Aladdin who suggested reinstalling Stuff it Expander and Drop Stuff 5.5 (I installed them both with the extensions off), which I did. I also trashed preferences before reinstalling. He also suggested re-downloading the printer drivers, which I did. Dragged the printer drivers on top of Stuff it Expander, but this did not work. Got an error message that says ÒThe disk with your preferred destination folder is currently lockedÓ.

            B. I even tried using NN instead of IE 5, this time.

            C. I e-mailed him again. He said that Apple must have put these .pkg files on a mounted image, which is locked. He suggested copying to the files to my HD and then trying to expand them. This did not work.

            D. I talked to Apple Education and they said (so does the website) that the software is for a Newton. When you install the .pkg onto a Newton, it should work properly. (Case #7377751).

24. Part of Drop Stuff 5.5 is a control panel called Aladdin Compression, which allows for Òmaximum speedÓ or Òmaximum compression.Ó

25. Version 6.0 of Stuffit Expander requires a Power PC machine running OS 8.1 or later.

26. When taking Winton home on a zip disk to copy to my HD: It is quicker to copy the whole Winton folder to the HD, then stuff the folder on the HD, than it is to stuff the Winton folder on the zip disk.

27. Tidbits #598 said that Stuff It Deluxe 6.5 requires a Power-PC Macintosh running MAC OS 8.6 or higher with 6 MB of available RAM.

            A. Tidbits #598 also mentions that Stuff It Lite (DropStuff, DropZip and DropTar) is $50 and requires a Power-PC running MAC OS 8.1 or higher with 4 MB of RAM. ItÕs a 6-MB download.

            B. Tidbits #598 also mentions that Stuff It Expander is bundled wtih the 3 applications mentioned in A. You may have to simply download Stuff It Lite and trash the 3 non-wanted applications, if you only want Stuff It Expander. I went to and thought I was able to download Stuff It Expander by itself. But the download was for StuffIt Lite and installs all the parts.

            C. After downloading and installing, however, my old version of Drop Stuff was non-functional, and Stuffit Expander was unable to open any files that were stuffed with version 6.5 of Drop Stuff. I reinstalled version 4.0.1 of the Stuffit Engine and was able to use Drop Stuff Version 4.0 again and Stuffit Expander 5.5.

            D. Later, however, Drop Stuff version 6.5 installer kept making an error type 1 on my G3/233. It turns out it requires 8.6 or better. Anyhow, I took the 5.5 version of StuffIt Expander off my G3/266 and will put it on to a CD.

            E. AladdynÕs web site says that CarbonLib is used to allow OS X compatible applications to run on 8.1 - 9.1. If you try to run Drop Stuff 7.0 in OS 9, you get a message that it DropStuff requires CarbonLib 1.6 or later.

            F. The web site also says Stuffit Spacesaver works on any MAC OS that is supported by Stuffit 6.x products.

            G. The web site also says that version Carbon Lib 1.0.4 is needed for Mac OS 8.1through8.5.1 and that Carbon Lib 1.3.1 is needed for Mac OS 8.6 or later. It is not recommended 1.2.5. Carbon Lib can be found at and search for Carbon Lib.

28. On one occasion, I had difficulty in getting winton.sea to copy to a zip disk (kept getting lots of clicks and a read/write error), so I expanded winton.sea from the HD, then re-stuffed it with Drop Stuff (made a Winton.sit file) and then copied to zip disk. It was able to be copied.

            A. Later (4/02), I decided to not put Winton.sit in the Ryan folder anymore. It took up about 15 MB on the HD and probably around that much on the Zip Disk (perhaps more). I decided to leave an expanded (regular) Winton folder on the G3/233 (easier access for school items, etc.).

29. When expanding several files at once, it is best to select all and then drag them on top of Stuffit Expander, instead of clicking on each one.

30. Tidbits #648 say that Stuff It X archives are compressed into a file that ends in .sitx.  However, When I compressed files with OS X and sent them through AOL mail, the files could not be opened on the G3/266. I had to change their type and creators; then I was able to open them. It may be better to just use Drop Stuff.

            A. Stuffit Expander 7.0 is the latest free version, as of 10/02.

31. As of 12/02, the Winton folder is 128 MB, but when compressed it is only 18 MB.

32. Stuffit Expander 5.5 would not work on the G3/233 with 9.2, but 6.5 worked fine.

            A. Version 4.0 of Drop Stuff does not work with System 9.0, but version 5.1.2 does.

            B. I tried to purchase 5.0 from AladdynÕs website, but was unable to. I e-mailed Aladdyn and they sent somewhat of a generic reply. I e-mailed them again and got no reply. I tried to find a registration number with Google, but I had no luck.

            C. I think I will simply use it without registering for now. Alternatively, I think I can purchase version 7.0 for $30.

            D. CompUSA had a version of StuffIt Deluxe that was free on 4/6/03, but it was version 8.0 and it was for the PC.

            E. Admin only gave me an auto reply only., so I e-mailed KAGI at about DropStuff 5.0 purchasing, they should reply within 3 days (from 4/8/03).

            F. Kagi did reply and said I can do a phone order, but it will cost me $5. Aladdin did respond and asked me to fax/call them. I faxed them and explained that I already have 4.0 and would like to purchase 5.0 (software not needed).

            G. Aladdin charged me $16.20 for version 7 of DropStuff, even though an e-mail said it was free.

33. DropStuff Version 7.0 says that Stuffit X is a new format. Archives have the file extension .sitx. The archives can be used on 8.6 or later (or on Windows) but Stuffit X archives cannot be expanded by older versions of Stuffit Deluxe or Stuffit Expander.

            A. Stuffit requires 8.6 or later, 9.1 or later is recommended.

            B. Stuffit Expander 7.0 (Mac) or 8.0 (PC) is needed to expand Stuffit X archives.

            C. Stuffit Expander 7.0 may be able to expand files that the Finder does not recognize. You may try dragging files on top of Stuffit Expander icon to verify.

            D. You can choose to show the drag window or not for DropStuff and Stuffit Expander.

            E. Readme says that DropZip is useful for exchanging files with Windows users.

33. A file compressed with DropStuff 7.0 (compressed on the G3/233 with System 9) can be expanded using Stuffit Expander 5.5 (expanded on G3/266 with System 8).

            A. However, if you send the file to AOL, then download with AOL and try to expand it using AOL (AOL did this automatically), I got an error. However, I went to where the file downloaded and then expanded it on my own, using Stuffit Expander 5.5 (AOL may use earlier version of Stuffit or its own expander), and the file opened fine.

34. If you have two versions of Stuffit Lite and one is registered and one is not, drag the registered version to the folder of the non-registered version, it will replace it.

35. On one occasion, I tried to expand two files using Stuffit Expander 5.5 by dragging a file and a folder on top of Stuffit Expander. However, the folder would not expand, I got an error. After dragging the file and folder individually on top of the Stuffit Expander icon, they expanded fine.

36. DropStuff 7.0 and Stuffit Expander 7.0 work under OS 9. However, I kept getting a Stuff It Engine message with OS X. I went to Get Info and selected ÒOpen in the Classic Environment.Ó Now Drop Stuff 7.0 and Stuffit Expander open with OS 9 within the OS X environment. After buying the iLamp, I could not get Dropstuff 7.0 to work. It would not install except when starting up in 9.0 (which the iLamp does not do). I then dragged Dropstuff 7.0, Stuffit Engine Shell and Stuffit Plug-ins (the last two were in the extensions folder) from the G3/233 to the iLampÕs System 9 Folder. Then Dropstuff worked fine.

37. Stuffit Expander 5.5 would not work on the LCIII with 7.6.1.

38. Ryan (user) folder in OS X was 1.36 GB. When compressed with Drop Stuff 7.0, it was 1.03 GB.

39. When trying to compress a disk image, I got an error on the iLamp. I just copied the disk images contents to the HD, then used DropStuff. This worked fine.

40. I ordered Stuffit Deluxe from (through, which takes you to), where my password is New, New At Ease and my e-mailis

41. I sent two files to school using DropStuff 11: the AW file (which was
compressed ended in .sitx) did not open, because of an "unexpected end of file"
error, even when I changed the type to CWWP and the creator to BOBO, it would
not open. The MW Word document (which ended in .sitx, also) opened fine, but
slowly. The next day I sent a MW Word file in a compressed zip file and it
opened fine on the G3/266; an AW .zip file did not open fine, but after changing
the type and creator to CWWP and BOBO, it opened fine. Technical Support said that, ÒDropStuffit (as of version 11) no longer create .sit files. The program will only create .sitx .zip and .tar files. To create an .sit file, first locate the file you would like to stuff and hold down your "Control" button on the keyboard and click with your mouse onto the file. In the menu that comes up, go down to "Stuffit" and then "Archive" and then to "Stuff (.sit)" and an .sit file will now be created.Ó


DSL (through Pacific Bell), (888) 884-2375, They are open on Saturday from 8:30-5, but not on Sunday. Tech support number for DSL and Dial-Up is 877-722-3755. Account number is 209-634-8915-276. Number for Support for use of Usenet is 877-SBC-DSL5 or 877-722-3755). has another number, which is 800-638-4357. You should use instead of To get tech support after dialing, 800-708-4638 or 877-722-3755, dial 233118 (all together, individually dialing the numbers will not work). (I had to call and pressed the buttons to get software, so that I could get the number for tech support. According to an e-mail from Pacbell, If you dial 800-708-4638, you can dial 3,1,3,1,1,8 and get right through to a Customer Service representative.,1122,1,00.html has local numbers for contacting Pacific Bell. SBC sent me an e-mail (2/02) saying that you have the right to a four-hour appointment time frame, when needing them to come out. You can use to contact SBC DSL tech support (have to go through a few pages first). 888-280-4375 (AT & T DSL support) is open Monday – Friday, 7 A.M. – 9 P.M. and Saturday (not sure of times), and closed on Sundays. 877-722-3755 (AT & T Tech Support) is open on Sundays.

1. There is a special right now, that you can save $500 on installation and the modem, if you sign up now (3/10/2000) through 4/30/2000.

            A. it costs $39.95 per month with a one-year contract (through the special). I just received a letter (12/23/01) that DSL will now cost $49.95/month.

            B. You would still pay the regular $24.00 for a phone line plus the D.S.L. line. The D.S.L. line can be used for phone and Internet.

            C. There are no dial up numbers, because the line is always hot.

            D. You must be within three miles of a service center to get DSL (I am within three miles).

            E. Right now, it would take three weeks to set up an appointment, due to high demand.

            F. The service comes with 3 MB of web space.

            G. Speed is approximately 40K/second. Right now I get about 3K/second.

            H. You can access your e-mail through

            I. DSL involves using special modems at both ends that encode the data and then transmit the data over an unused frequency on the line, according to

            J. Source in H also says that cable modems are considered less secure and less reliable. To see if someone may be accessing your shared files, check your chooser and network browser to see if anything is unusual (According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 22).

            K. says that Charter requires 8.6 or later to work with a Macintosh.

            L. To get a discount rate on the internet for this year (starting in 7/06),  you have to have 2 additional featurs, so I signed up for Privacy Manager and Call waiting (extra $5 per month and a $4.25 one-time setup fee). Internet rate is $14.99, instead of $34.99. It may take a couple months to update. However, I decided to not go through with the deal, since Privacy Manager did not have our number in the system (also it costs $6.50/month) and Calling Waiting is $3.25 month. Also, there would be the hassle of dealing with incoming calls during faxing. Also, if you one of us were on the phone, then the call would get forwarded to Voice Mail, which I think I would have to buy for $8.95/month for calls that would be sent to it, whenever (I would not know because JC or CZ might be on the phone and not hear the call waiting; or I may not want to answer call without Call Waiting ID).

2. To check Pacbell e-mail, you can go to and retrieve your e-mail.

            A. But you can not download attachments, if any.

3. You can use to check e-mail. I had to type my pop server (, my user name (motleyze) and my Pacbell password. I had to use Advanced Login each time, because Mail2web can not remember my pop server.

4. To connect to the Internet, you may have to go to TCP/IP and set it to ÒENTERNET,Ó not ÒETHERNET.Ó (Okey Dokey Pro does not work with the Ethernet 300 application/control panel).

            A. Also, if you use AOL and it sets the link to AOL link, which it may do automatically after giving you an ÒAOL LinkÓ dialog box, then you need to use AOL to reset the link back to TCP/IP and restart the computer.

            B. In the TCP/IP control panel, it should say connect via PPP, Configure using PPP server. IP Address, Subnet Mask and Computer Address says <will be supplied by server>.

C. The DSL installation man set the name server Addr. to; however, the manual disagrees with this setup, see #9 A). The manual also suggests that you set the search domain to The DSL installation man did not seem very familiar with Macintosh computers.

            D. DSL modem connects to Ethernet (RJ 45) port on back of G3. The Ethernet connection does not appear to be a card, but configured with the logic board.

5. My screenname is I do not have an e-mail address of (decided to make things simpler). Keyword is my birthplace. Password is New At Ease (lower case).

            A. Later, I think someone got my password, so I changed to RobÕs place in Modesto on 7/20/02.

6. Under Edit preferences, for Netscape, go to Mail and Newsgroups and then to Identity. Should say ÒRyan ZelenskiÓ by Your Name. Òmotleyze@pacbell.netÓ (lower case ÒmÓ) by E-mail Address. Reply to Address can be blank. Anything can go in Organization (I put Cowboys Fan Club).

            A. Under Mail and Newsgroups preferences, you can go to Mail servers and set Outgoing mail (SMTP, which stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server as Set Outgoing mail server user name as motleyze. Pacific Bell DSL Internet Tech Support suggested turned Use SSL to never. (IMAP servers, not POP3 servers, might support encrypted connections, automatically encrypting information it sends you. If you have an IMAP server, you may need to go to Edit:Preferences:Mail Server: to set up the preferences for it.

            B. Under Mail Server info, Incoming mail servers, hit edit and then type Server name as, Server Type as POP and username as motleyze.

            C. Under Mail Server info, Incoming mail servers, under editÓ, no changes are needed in the POP section.

            D. and user name of motleyze for NN. works for OE, as of 5/04.

7. When Internet Explorer froze and I restarted the computer, no Zapping or unplugging was needed.

8. For billing questions, see ÒÓ. For tech support questions, see Òhttp://support.pacbell.netÓ (user ID is motleyze only, not and then type in password). When you choose your operating system and press continue, a user name and password are needed. IE 5 did not remember the password initially, even after quitting and reopening application. NN 4.73 remember the password the session, but you have to retype on the next session. Later, IE 5 worked (used stored password) during each session. To report a network problem, go to For adding e-mail addresses, billing questions or changing passwords, go to ÒÓ.

9. One time, I tried pressing the connect button from Enternet 300 screen. Initially, the window would say ÒauthenticatingÓ and then just do nothing else (never said Òconnected), Later, when pressing the button, I got the error ÒAn internal error occurred while setting up the Ethernet driver to send and receive ARP (Address Resolution Protocol, used on a network for mapping Ethernet addresses to IP addresses, source is NC 4 book, Glossary) packetsÓ. (This happened another time, see letter C).

            A. I tried Zapping the PRAM with TT and keyboard shortcut, unplugging the modem connections, turning the modem off, trashing TCP/IP preferences, reconfiguring with AOL to return to TCP/IP link. I had no luck. I called 1-800-708-INET (4638) on Saturday, April 15th and the wait time was said to be approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. So I looked at the modem again and realized I forgot to turn it back (which could be helpful). I also decided I might as well reinstall all the Enternet software with the extensions off, which I did (I also copied the installer to the HD). I also read the Enternet Quick Start Guide and it says to set the Name address server addr. in TCP/IP control panel to and the search domains sections to The IP address is assigned, once you are connected to the Internet with Enternet software, I think.

            B. Later, under TCP/IP control, changes were made (presumably by pacific bellÕs server). The IP address was changed to and the Subnet mask was not available and the router address was not available.

            C. On one occasion, I got the ÒAn internal error occurred while setting up the Ethernet driver to send and receive ARP packetsÓ, because the modem was off. Turned modem back on, but still would not work. Restarted the computer and the modem worked.

            D. I tried to find the final answer but was unable to. However, in the TCP/IP control panel, I have heard to use Ò1.0.0.0Ó as the name server addr. Later, Pacific Bell told me to use Ò1.0.0.0 andÓ. I have also been told to use Ò206.13.31.12 andÓ (even though I asked them specifically that if those numbers were for dial up, they no, they are for ÒDSLÓ). I checked with Efficient networks site ( and it suggests using Ò1.0.0.0Ó as a Òdummy addressÓ or Òplaceholder.Ó This would seem logical since many name server addresses seem to consist of four two and three digit numbers. I tried using all these different numbers as name server addresses in the TCP/IP control panel. They all worked individually (You must close the control panel and save for the number to be in use). However, leaving the field blank does not work.

10. You can set in the preferences to have Enternet Òprompt me for connectÓ or leave it unchecked to have it automatically connect when the application is launched. (I also put Enternet 300 in the startup items folder).

11. If you upgrade to a newer version of Open Transport, you must reinstall Enternet software.

12. There was a problem with Open Transport version 1.2 and prior that did not allow Enternet 300 to load properly, because of AOL (if installed), but the issue was resolved with Open Transport 1.3 (which I have).

            A. You can uncheck/check load only when needed with TCP/IP, but you have to change the user mode to advanced to do it. I left the user mode on basic, since it seems to be working.

            B. The box should be unchecked (load only when needed). Otherwise, your modem may attempt to make a dial up attempt upon startup.

            C. In the TCP/IP control panel, you can use the edit menu, user mode to choose ÒadvancedÓ, you should uncheck Òload only when neededÓ. Prior to Open Transport version 1.3, this was a problem, apparently. I have Open Transport 1.3.1, as of 6/12/00. You can see Claris E-mailer 23 A for more information.

13. With Enternet application, you can make some configurations active. However, I just use default and it has been fine. I never had to Òmake it activeÓ, because I only had one user name.

            A. You can also use the Configurations section to make an additional user name and password, if you like.

            B. If you have multiple user accounts, follow these directions to create an additional User Configuration for each account: Here are the directions from Òfile:///Ryan%27s%20HD/Utilities/EnterNet%20300/EnterNet%20Mac%20UG/EnterNet%20Help.htmlÓ.:

                        1. Launch EnterNet 300 as described above.

                        2. Select "Configurations" from the EnterNet 300 "File" menu.

                        3. In the "Configurations" window, click on an existing Configuration, then click "Duplicate...".

                        4. In the "Duplicate Configuration" window, provide the desired Configuration name and click "Duplicate". The "DuplicateConfiguration" window will close, and the "Configurations" window will be present.

                        5. In the "Configurations" window, click the "Make Active" button. The "Configuration" window will close.

                        6. On the EnterNet 300 application, replace the existing values in the "User ID" and "Password" fields, then select "Save Configuration" from the "File" menu.

                        7. Repeat steps one through six above for each User Configuration you wish to create.

14. An Applescript can not be written to close the Enternet application at startup.

15. You can get network settings information from ÒÓ.

16. There are instructions for creating a dial up account at ÒÓ; however, it is only for IBM. I sent an e-mail to Òsupport@pacbell.netÓ on Saturday, April 15th.

17. I had some slow downloading of pages from the web one day. But I had recently enabled AOL link again, which may have been a big part of the problem, not sure (it was also raining).

18. Could not retrieve any mail using at school. So I went under Netscape preferences, go to Mail and Newsgroups, Mail Servers, highlight incoming mail servers, click edit, then select the ÒPOPÓ tab, check the box Òleave message on serverÓ, so that mail can be retrieved at school also. I also left a check in the box that says Òdelete when deleted locally:

            A. After selecting to save mail on server with Netscape Messenger, I did download a couple e-mails from the 5500/225 in lab from

19. As of 3/03 (after SBC is the name now for Pacific Bell), there is no local number for making a dial-up connection in Merced.

20. You can check e-mail on a remote computer, but you should specify Òleave on serverÓ with the e-mail program (see #18). See Internet Explorer for info on leaving on server with IE 5.

21. If you have trouble with your modem, try turning off modem for two minutes, turn back on. Try making new connection with 300 software.

22. To make a dial-up account, you need to download Pacific Bell Internet folder. After installation, install FreePPP setup (separate installer). it is an application, but I put it in the control panels folder. TCP/IP should be set to use Free PPP (PPP, which comes with system software, can also be used) and


            Name server addr: (return)                                                                                                                                         (return)                                                                                                                                                   (return)


(I later discovered however, that and are really the closest to me (Sacramento and San Francisco).

Search domain   


            Then I went to General tab, and unchecked the Òdisconnect if idle checkboxÓ (although I seem to get disconnected anyhow, if I am idle for too long). I also made sure Òallow applications to open connectionÓ was checked.

            A. Then I went to Account, Typed in ÒRyanÕs Dial upÓ as the account name. Connect should say ÒdirectlyÓ. User name is and password is new At Ease.

            B. Then I went to modems tab and made a new setting, called it Supra Modem. It should say connected to modem port, port speed of 57600 bps, Flow Control should be CTS & RTS (DTR) an Dial Type should be tone.

            C. If you use Free PPP to connect to Pacific Bell Dialup, you may need to go to the options tab and select IP address Òassigned by server.Ó

            D. Free PPP will disconnect if idle for 30 minutes, but then it simply puts up a dialog box, and will remain active, if you do not close the dialog box.

23. Alternatively, you can use PPP control panel, but it does not seem to be a reliable setup, since you have to restart each time you connect to the Internet. You can access the TCP/IP control panel and change the settings to: Connect via: PPP, Configure ÒUsing PPP ServerÓ (which is the same as with the Wire Speed modem),


Name server addr: (return)




Search domain should be


            Go to the PPP control panel and type in my user name and password, type in local number (577-1173), you can also use 577-1082 (On 6/1/02, 577-1082 kept giving Òcommunicating at an unknown rateÓ error message (ironically, would load, but no other sites would). I tried using 577-1173 and got the same error. Also, using AOL software (using AOL connection) did not work, either. Unplugging the modem for ten seconds did not fix the problem. I zapped the PRAM with TT and KB, this did not fix the problem). I then used FreePPP (which does install a PPP menu, which can be used like MOM, but it does not install anything into the control panels folder. Also, you might need to click the triangle in the FreePPP Setup application to make changes to accounts, numbers, etc.), which was able to dial up, temporarily. A couple minutes later, it was unable to load sites. Zapping with KB and TT did not solve the DSL connection problem, either, so I may need to try again later. Also, I directly connected the DSL modem from the wall, but I had no luck. Later, after I unplugged the G3 for five minutes, disconnected the phone line for two hours, zapped with TT and KB, reconnected the phone line, the DSL connection worked again (I did not test the dial-up again, since it is now working).You can also get to the modem control panel and the TCP/IP control panel set up the modem and TCP/IP using the PPP menu at the top of the screen. had trouble before and after this whole situation.

            A. The default that I saved is for Enternet 300. I also added a dial up connection, so I know how to do it.

            B. For using the PPP dial up connection, you do not have to use the Pacific Bell Internet version of Netscape to access dial up services with Pacific Bell. I will save it on my Internet CD, anyhow.

            C. I got an error message that said Òconnecting at an unknown rateÓ and the dialer would not go any further. Zapped the PRAM with Techtool and unplugged modem. The next time the Supra modem dialed, it did say Òconnecting at an unknown rate,Ó but then went on to authenticating, etc. and signed on. Probably best to simply leave the computer connected. I also changed the modem settings from Supra 288-336 to Supra 144, which worked, but only one time.

            D. I later got the Òconnecting at an unknown rateÓ error. Zapping with KB and TT and unplugging modem did not help. So I installed Pacific BellÕs software, so that I could use Free PPP Dialer software. The Free PPP Dialer software worked fine, after I selected Free PPP in the TCP/IP control panel.

            E. Pacific Bell technical support said that there is not normally any way around this other than to restart the computer (may Zap too, just to make it better, my note, not theirs). Better to use Free PPP setup to access dial up account.

            F. Pacific Bell dial-up downloaded software at 5 K/second. Also, I was able to access website with Pacific Bell dial up and IE 5, but not with AOL dial up and IE 5 (may be just coincidence or the site was down temporarily).

            G. Later, after doing a clean install, I got the Òcommunicating at an unknown rateÓ error again, when using PPP and TCP/IP to connect (for dial up), I guess Free PPP would work better, but since system has been touchy lately, I decided not to use it for now (as of 4/19/02). I got rid of the dial up profile from TCP/IP control panel configurations.

24. At Ò,Ó you can check to see the dial up numbers for Pacific Bell. There is no a local number for Merced as of 5/22/01. However, there are two numbers for Modesto, even though when you can type in (209) 634-8915 to find all local numbers, it shows none.

            A. I called Ò0Ó (the operator) to check on this. She said that 577-1173 (56 K) and 577-1082 (33 K) are local calls for me, there are no long distance charges. I called on Friday, April 21st, 2000 at 1:25 P.M.

25. Pacific Bell Internet Services does not provide support for uploading web pages. You have to use the website for that information.

26. For web page information, see Personal Home Page (Pacific Bell DSL).

27. Had trouble getting D.S.L. line to connect after working with the phone line outside. Restarted the computer, restarted the modem, I had no luck. Open the phone jack installation place (outside), reconnected phone, worked.

28. I finally used Netscape Pacific Bell version. it contains Free PPP version 2.6.1. Later, I discovered trouble with it, though, see error type 10.

29. A corded distributed filter is needed to allow both voice and data signals to travel over the same phone line. The device filters the data signal so that only the voice signal is passed through the to the phone. Otherwise, the phone will have interference in the background (data interference).

30. There is no longer an educational discount for Pac Bell customers.

31. From now on, mail older than 30 days will be deleted from the server, instead of 45 days. This changed will start on June 20, 2000.

32. I had trouble with NN and IE 5 freezing on G3, so I thought I would reinstall Finder, System and System File. I also ran DFA, NDD and NSD, but this did not work. So I decided to reinstall DSL Modem Software (Enternet 300).  After reinstalling the Enternet 300 software from the installer on the HD (I did not have the installer saved to CD), I tried opening the Enternet 300 application, but it did not work. The first time I did it, it say AOL link must not be active, so I disabled AOL link. After restarting, I got the error message that the EnternetÓ file is not installed in the Extensions folder. Also, Enternet was NOT a choice in the TCP/IP control panel. However, the Enternet file was present in Extensions. I rebuilt the desktop, trashed Finder and Display preferences, ran DFA, NDD, NSD and reinstalled the software again after trashing all parts and preferences (including TCP/IP preferences). The Ethernet Built-in (2.0.4) was not reinstalled in my system folder, but I am not sure how much difference it will make. {Ethernet Built-in 2.0.4 fixes a problem whereby the system may lose network services, when using the built-in Ethernet interface. You may get an error that says ÒAccess to your Appletalk Network is no longer available. When the network becomes available again, a message on your screen will notify you. In other cases, opening the Chooser would result in no zones and no devices being listed. Also, some software installers may install an older version of Ethernet software, just something to be aware of}.I tried copying the Enternet, Enternet 300 Switch, and Enternet Extension. I took the SBC Internet Services CD to school to install it on the G3/266. Got the same error message about the Enternet file not being installed, even though it was. Also, in the TCP/IP control panel, Enternet did not show up. I called Pacific Bell Technical Support (888-884-2375) and they connected me to the ordering department to get a new CD. The CD should be shipped on 5/23/2000 and should arrive in 5-6 days (order number is 1626136). You can also order software at or you can call 1-800-708-INET. I called again later and the girl said it should only take 3-4 days.You can download the software from the Internet by going to ÒÓ and then selecting DSL Info and Support, Basic DSL, Westell Wirespeed Modem, Enternet 300. The password for the Enternet300v109 software installer is swbenet300. When the download was completed, Stuff it Expander said the archive was corrupted (when using IE 5). When downloading with NN, a bunch of gibberish showed up on the screen and no downloading took place. AOL could not even access the website (see Drop Stuff, Stuff it Expander #21 and #22 for more on this). I called back to let Pacific Bell know about the problem and another representative suggested that I go to Ò,Ó then Get Help, DSL Info and Support, Basic DSL, Westell Wirespeed and then Enternet, Macintosh. However, I did this and got the same results as in D (above). I decided to re install the software again. Before I installed the software, though, I trashed the following items: Enternet extension, Enternet 300 Switch, Enternet Extension, Free PPP Preferences, Internet Configurations (which contained Motleyze web prefs, Poisonze web prefs, and AOL Web prefs), Internet Preferences, ISM (which contained the ISM preferences, not sure what this is), Modem preferences, Navigation Services (which contained the Navigation Services Prefs1, Navigation Services Prefs2, Navigation Services Prefs3), Network Telesystems (which contained Enternet Configs, Enternet Info, Enternet Log and Enternet Preferences), NTS Logging Extension, PPP Menu Preferences, PPP Auto Detect DB, Remote Access (which contained the Remote Access Connections and the Remote Access log), and the TCP/IP Preferences. Finally, I re-installed the software using the install Enternet 300 1.09 in my Utilities folder. Upon restart the Enternet software came up without the Òno Enternet extension installedÓ error. There was an initial error where it would not connect, but I think it was related a finder error that occurred, which did not recur after restarting the computer. I had to reconfigure TCP and PPP control panels and turn the modem back on, but it worked. On one occasion, after the computer froze and I restarted it, I got an ÒApplication Enternet 300 could not be opened because ÔNTSPPPoESharedLibÕ could not be foundÓ message. I determined, however, that Enternet and Enternet Extensions were not turned on with Conflict Catcher. I also turned the modem off for two minutes and restarted it. Enternet worked to connect to the Internet. Could also try restarting and Zapping the PRAM next time. Also turning modem off for two minutes. I called 800-708-4638 and talked to Rachel on 5/27/2000. She is ordering a new Enternet 300 CD for me, which should be sent to my address. CD did not arrive. I called 888-884-2375 again on June 12, 2000 and talked to Damien. He is sending an SBC Internet Services CD. Should arrive within three days. I decided to make a backup copy of both installers that were on my HD (the one that was in the Applications folder and the one in the Utilities folder). Next time, should NOT re-install Enternet 300 software. Try turning the modem off for two minutes, modem back on. Restart the computer. Make a new connection. On another occasion, had a connection with the DSL line (opening the Enternet 300 application made the ÒconnectionÓ), but no sites would load. On first notice, the Ògreen linkÓ light was not on. So I reconnected all the power and phone connections. The green link light stayed on, but the connection was sluggish. Some sites would load, but very slowly. Some did not load at all. I thought it was due to the heat (it was a summer day), but after turning on A/C to cool down modem and G3, the connection was still slow. So, I trashed all the modem preferences (I accidentally did this while the DSL line was connected and it disconnected, so these preferences seem important), Network Telesystems (which contained Enternet Configs, Enternet Info, Enternet Log and Enternet Preferences), Remote Access (which contained the Remote Access Connections and the Remote Access log), and the TCP/IP Preferences. Then I zapped the PRAM with T.T. and keyboard shortcut. This still did not work. So I went back and checked my settings and changed the name serv. addr. to (which the DSL manual states is the correct setting) in the TCP/IP control panel. However, would not connect upon the startup of the computer, and would. So, I left it at Later, I changed it to (see letter M), because kept cutting off when idle for awhile. On another occasion, I kept getting a DSL disconnect error every five minutes. I even got the error while being on the Internet. I trashed all the preferences and reinstalled the Enternet software, but still got error. I tried reconnecting the telephone connections at the jack. It was better, but still got the error. I tried to power cycle the modem by turning it off for two minutes. When I turned it back on, the link light was off. I tried restarting the computer and the link light came on again. (perhaps the green light should be on when the computer is on, not sure). Then I re-connected to the Internet. I checked the System status page and it may be inoperable at this time. It says the San Luis Obispo area, but that may include me. The Quick Start Guide suggests using, but the Enternet Mac UG that comes with the CD suggests setting it to After being set to, I had several idle disconnects for a couple days, but now (6/14/00), it appears to be working fine. Later, I had to change the setup temporarily. When I reset up TCP/IP, I set the settings to (according to Open Transport manual, the most reliable addresses should be listed first in the name server addr. field:

                        Connect via: Enternet              Configure: Using PPP Server

                                                   Search Domains:



(On 10/20/2000, I used AOLÕs software, so the TCP/IP settings were changed automatically by the computer. After I was done using AOLÕs software, I changed the TCP/IP settings to,, and, but it disconnected after being idle, even though it was not supposed to. So I changed the settings back to,, and See System 8.0, number 75 for an Enternet explanation about installing new System, etc. it is possible that much of this problem was due to a problem with Open Transport. When I had trouble getting Open Transport to work properly, Enternet control strip kept having an ÒXÓ over it in the control strip (see System 8.0 #75). I decided later on to install the newest version of the Ethernet software, since I had to do a clean install of the system software to solve another issue. However, after installing the software from the installer on the HD (I had copied it there), I got the no EnternetÓ file in the extensions folder when trying to launch the Enternet application (after installation and restart). I also got a message that says Òthis software will expire in OctoberÓ (or something like that) EVERY time I launched the application. Trashing all the preferences (Network Telesystems, TCP/IP, Remote Access, Finder, and Internet) did not help. So, I decided to install the older version of the Enternet software with extensions on (Since previously, installing with the extensions on was the only way to make it work properly). Upon restart, there was not an error message when Enternet was launched. However, the ÒConnect via...Ó box was blank. Setting up TCP/IP or restarting again did not help. So, I trashed all the preferences again (as listed in P) and then I also dragged the Ethernet (Built-in) version 2.0.2 from the Previous System Folder to the new one). This worked. On another occasion, I was trying to run with a minimal amount of system software to troubleshoot a problem. I tried to run the Enternet 300 application, but I got a ÒLog shared libÓ not installed error. Enabling NTS Logging Extension resolved the issue. On one occasion, the Enternet connection kept getting disconnected, when idle. After a clean install of System Software (the clean install was for another issue), the Enternet connection seemed to be less prone to loss, when idle. On one occasion, whenever I tried to connect to the Internet using the Enternet Control Panel, I kept getting an error that says ÒThe PPPoe Server is not respondingÓ (PPPoe stands for Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet). I tried powering off the modem for two minutes, unplugging the power to the modem for twenty minutes along with the phone connection to the wall, reconnecting phone line connections, running a direct phone line from the wall, unplugging the USB cable from the USB card (it was not connected at the other end, I am waiting for a USB optical mouse to come in), Zapped the PRAM with T.T. and K.B. shortcut (with extensions off, I zapped with T.T.), restarted the G3, rebuilt the desktop with T.T. (with extensions off). I had no luck. Then I trashed all the Enternet software (EnterNet extension, Enternet 300 Switch extension, and EnterNet extension, NTS Logging Extension, NTS Enternet 300 folder ((with Enternet software in it))), along with TCP/IP preferences and Internet preferences. I also trashed the Network Telesystems preferences (which includes Enternet Configs, Enternet Info, Enternet Log and EnterNet preferences) and Network Telesystems copy preferences. Then I reinstalled Enternet V1.09 software with extensions on. I had no luck. Then I tried trashing the Apple Modem tool prefs, eFax Messenger Prefs, Finder Prefs, Netscape Registr~ preferences. I had no luck. Finally, I waited and tried the modem connection three hours later. It worked. Three lights (power, ready and link) should be on before the DSL modem is okay to connect to the Internet. I am pretty sure that power should be steadily on and Ready should be steadily on. Not sure about the ÒlinkÓ light. 2 lights should be on (power, ready). Enternet should turn on link light, I think. Otherwise, just says ÒAuthenticatingÓ and does not connect. 1. I thought the following was good advice, later (see B) I discovered otherwise. If the link lights is on before Enternet turns it on: turn the modem off for two minutes (or unplug it, additionally, if necessary). Turn modem back on. Try again to connect with Enternet. 2. It appears that much of the time the link light does come on before Enternet software runs. If the link light is not on, Enternet will show ÒAuthenticatingÓ and Ònegotiating linkÓ. If the link light is already on, then Enternet will show ÒAuthenticatingÓ before showing ÒconnectedÓ (hopefully).

33. On another occasion, I got the Enternet application to open and it would say ÒauthenticatingÓ and then it would not connect. Zapping (TT and KB shortcut) and restarting did not work. So, I trashed a lot of preferences (most likely almost all the same ones as in #32 F) and restarted. This worked.

            A. One thing that was saved by the computer was my name and password for the Enternet application. Not sure where those preferences would be stored.

34. After doing an initialization on 7/20/2000, I reinstalled the System 8.1 software. Open Transport 1.3.1 was installed and was okay.

            A. However, after installing Enternet software from my CD copy of the Enternet software, it would not work. Kept saying that the EnternetÓ extension was not installed in the Extensions folder, but it was there. I checked.

            B. I tried turning off all extensions, then installing software from ÒnewÓ Pacific Bell CD (after trashing the Find File, Finder, Network Telesystems, TCP/IP, Internet preferences). I dragged the Enternet file, Enternet extension, Enternet 300 Switch, Enternet Control Strip and the NTS Logging Extension to the desktop and then option, copying them to the System Folder. I tried uninstalling with the ÒNewÓ Pacific Bell CD and then reinstalling (trashed the same preferences as mentioned earlier in B, too). I made sure Appletalk was inactive with the Chooser. Rebuilt the desktop with Techtool 1.2.1. Tried to make sure Enternet loads first out of all the extensions (except for Conflict Catcher). I tried disabling the Enternet Control Strip since it had a red ÒXÓ through on it on the screen (Enternet extension did not have a red ÒXÓ at startup time, though).

            C. The installation log file for the Install Enternet 300 1.09 says that it installs the ÒInternet Config extension LAN Tuner Builder 1.09, version number 2.0.5,Ó which may relate to the issue. it also mentions that it is supposed to install in ÒRyanÕs HD:System Folder:EnternetÓ, which it does not appear to do. it does install an Enternet extension in the extensions folder, but nothing directly into the System folder.

            D. Finally, I tried trashing all the preferences and extensions again. Restarted with extensions ÒONÓ and installed the software with the ÒnewÓ Enternet CD. Also, I left the Enternet (Built-in) extension at version 2.0.2. Upon next restart, Enternet worked.

            E. The installer on the HD now (as of 7/20/2000) is the one that worked, when it was on the ÒNewÓ Enternet CD.

            F. I e-mailed NTS Technical Support, which is now owned by Efficient networks. ( and said that the installation issue has been resolved in version 1.11 of the Enternet Software.

            G. I tried installing version 1.11 of the software on my G3/266 before the low level zeroing of all data format on 8/4/2000. After installing the software, restart. Upon restart and opening the Enternet application, there is no Enternet is not installedÓ error. It does give a window about this software expiring on 9/30/2000.

35. To find the FAQÕs for Macintosh/Enternet, go to ÒÓ

36. You can send mail from to I did do it one time, but it did not deliver the e-mail until the next day. Not sure why it took so long, but the e-mail did go through.

37. If you hold down the option key while pressing ÒConnect,Ó you can get more detailed information to send to your Provider.

38. From Ò,Ó if you get a ÒPPPoe server not respondingÓ error, it is most likely to be the equipment, cable or network connection is not functioning correctly.

            A. In rare cases, it is due to a conflict with conflicting preference files (especially after installing different versions of Enternet software). Should uninstall Enternet, delete the Network Telesystems folder in the preferences folder and re-install Enternet.

39. See System 8.0 #75 for an installation issue regarding System 8.0, Open Transport and Enternet.

40. You can access the Pacific Bell building in Turlock without calling them on the phone from the outside of the building.

41. At Ò,Ó you will find a Bandwidth meter. On 5/20/2000, it showed 341.4 Kbps and 41.8 K bytes/sec. At, it was 1076.5, 1.1 Mbps at, 1.2 Mbps at, and you can check your connection at In 3/04, it said I am at 1.267 Mbps and upload is 206.39 kbps. On 5/20/05, it was 1.264 Mbps download and 324.83 kbps upload. I did not get the same results with Safari as I did with IE. DSL speed was 384.7 at Kbps, but I don' t think it is accurate (may not be good with Macs). does not give an accurate reading with NN 4.77 on the G3/233. It works okay with IE 5.1.7 on the G3/233.

            A. Tourbus from 5/8/2003 suggests three sites for checking your bandwidth, although the results may vary greatly, according to the newsletter. In 1/06, the G3/233 was pretty slow, it showed around 234 KBps, so I tried restarting the computer with 8.1 and between bandwidthplace and msn-cnet, the average was around 400 kbps. I then restarted in 9.1 and the average between the two web sites was around 700 kbps (I had also reconnected the connections, zapped with TT and KB, and done a power cycle of the modem). But, Yahoo! Sites and still are somewhat sluggish on the G3, probably because the G3 is running old software. In 8/06, website changed, and I was not able to select words individually on the G3/266 with, but I could use Select all to choose words. On the iLamp, individual words could be chosen.

42. At Ò,Ó you can download version 1.1.1 of the Enternet software.

43. To send e-mail to technical support (or the head of technical support), send e-mail to

44. mentions a newsgroup for Pacbell, but when I tried to access it, it says the group does not exist.

45. During the week of November 13-19, 2000, Pacific Bell mail would not go through. I called Pacific Bell and they are aware that the Sacramento/San Jose server is having trouble right now. So they are working on it. All my to got returned during this time.

            A. Pacbell suggested trying to check my mail. However, later on, when I went to, it said that I could not log on to the server.

46. Pacific Bell has an e-mail management tool (, where you can delete e-mail from Pacific BellÕs server.

            A. According to a Pacific Bell e-mail that I received (11/18/00), if you receive an e-mail that is larger than 1-2 MB, it may clog the system and not allow your mail to get through.

47. Pacific Bell has several newsgroups for Pacific Bell subscribers: pbinet.adsl, pbinet.announce, pbinet.binaries, pbinet.discussion, pbinet.general, pbinet.homepages and pbinet.newusers.

48. According to, Pacific Bell Internet customers can have as many e-mail addresses as they would like. However, I have seen other pages that say you only get two e-mail addresses and two aliases (not sure what aliases means, though).

49. PBI services support PPP connections, but not SLIP connections.

50. I discovered on 11/19/00, my user ID could be Motleyze or motleyze, when using Enternet 300 to connect to the Internet. If you type in my password as upper case (first letter), it will not work.

51. At, you can check the online status for Pacific Bell.

52. On one occasion, when learning about the Panasonic fax machine at home, DSL kept disconnecting, so perhaps having a fax sent out on same line interferes with DSL, because I think the DSL line has been more consistent, since Faxcilitate has not been installed.

            A. On another occasion (circa 11/3/00) after deciding to use Sleeper again (since Energy Saver was having trouble), the Enternet connection would disconnect if idle (gives an error message related to being idle for too long and losing the connection). This happened two times, but will wait and see, since I did not happen the last two times the computer was idle. It disconnected again when idle, so I decided to disable Sleeper and then trash Energy Saver preferences and restart the computer. Then I re-programmed the Energy Saver control panel and made hard disk sleep different from monitor sleep (by a difference of five minutes or so, not sure if it will make a difference or not). I was no longer disconnected from the Internet, when the computer was left idle (tried this seven times with success).

            B. I then decided to try to use Energy Saver again (previously Energy Saver would set the computer to sleep and the monitor would go black, but you could not wake it back up: Had to restart the computer). So this time I tried trashing Energy Saver preferences and Finder Preferences. Then I set up the Òserver settingsÓ under the Energy Saver Control Panel to Ònever put the hard disk to sleepÓ, and I put the system to sleep whenever itÕs inactive for 55 minutes. I left the Separate timing settings unchecked for display and hard disk. However, the G3/233 did not sleep. So then I went back and check the display sleep to be 45 minutes and the hard disk sleep at 55 minutes. I also left Ònever put the hard disk to sleepÓ under server settings in the Energy Saver control panel.

            C. However, sometimes, the green light on the front of the computer would go off, but the computer would still be on. I had to restart the computer, since the monitor power was off, apparently. It seemed as though if the G3/233 were in ÒSleep modeÓ for long enough (apparently around 8 hours seems to be the key), it would cause the green light to go off.

            D. Then I trashed the Energy Saver preferences. Restarted the computer and left Energy Saver on the default settings. DSL did not disconnect. However, after 8 hours or so, the monitor was still on (not in ÒsleepÓ mode).

            E. Other ideas may include trashing E.S. prefs, then check Òmonitor sleepÓ only: trash E.S. prefs, Finder prefs, Display prefs, DSL prefs and start over with Energy Saver: trash Sleeper prefs, Finder prefs, Display prefs, DSL prefs and start over with Sleeper: Try Sleeper with all boxes unchecked to see if DSL disconnects: try screen saver wtih Energy Saver and defaults: try new System Folder (try drag and drop install of Enternet software): load Sleeper before/after DSL stuff: later/earlier version of Sleeper: later/earlier version of DSL (check website for latest version). May also try setting the time out value to 23 hours with the Enternet 300 application. Could try using 3.2.2 of Sleeper.

            F. On momÕs G3, it works to check Òseparate timing for display sleepÓ for 5 minutes and check Òseparate timing for hard disk sleepÓ and set it to 30 minutes. Green light stays on even after several hours. I believe all other settings are default. (It may be that I need a new system folder, eventually).

            G. I decided to do a clean install of System 8.0 (dragged ÒnewÓ System folder from utilities folder to root level of HD). The Empty trash warn before emptying command does not have to be unchecked each startup, now.

            H. Energy Saver worked okay. (green light stayed on even after 8 hours). I had loaded Microsoft, Click, Load a Drive, Ethernet and USB card software.

            I. Now, I have added extra fonts, drop stuff, Iomega, MRJ, canon, fonts4teachers, AOL, added Canon, Microtek, Snitch, VST USB floppy drive software, Virtual PC, extra fonts, Fonts4 teachers, Stuff it Engine, Quicktime 4.1.2, Iomega 2.2.1, MRJ, Stuff it engine, Realplayer, Napster, Clarisworks 4 folder System folder, Quicken and Claris E-mailer. (Did not add any Supra software or Conflict Catcher). After 8 hours, the green light was still on. Also, no idle disconnect Enternet error. On Monday morning, however, the green light was off.

            J. I did a clean install of System software (the finder preferences kept corrupting or something, also, since the confirm before deleting message had to keep getting turned off). I disabled Energy Saver and re-installed Sleeper with extensions off. Then I installed CC 4.1.1 and changed loading order so that Sleeper loads before Enternet extension and NTS Logging extension. It worked twice that the green light was still on, and DSL was not disconnected. Power down monitor when idle for 90 minutes was set. Screen saver was set to 30 minutes. Disk Sleep and Power down monitor when inactive were unchecked. DSL did not get a disconnect error, on two occasions of about ten hours (and the green light was still on). However, on one thirty-hour delay, the DSL was disconnected. Also, on two or three occasions after shorter idle times, DSL was disconnected. Put E.S. back active on 12/3/00. However, at least once, Energy Saver had the same problem with DSL disconnecting, when idle. Right now, Energy Saver does not turn off the monitor, but DSL does not disconnect when idle.

            K. I trashed E.S. prefs, Sleeper prefs, disabled E.S. and installed Sleeper 3.1.1 (older version) on 12/9/00, because the computer had been disconnecting while idle even with just Energy Saver and no Sleeper enabled. I tried installing version 3.1.1 of Sleeper and Enternet 300 control panel to 23 hours for idle time disconnect.

            L. Later, the monitor powered off and I had to press control, option, power to restart. Turns out that Sleeper was in the inactive folder. Trashed Sleeper prefs and made Sleeper active.

            M. Later, disconnect returned. So, I figured Sleeper may change the Finder in some way, so I restarted from the G3 CD and replaced the Finder and System File. I also trashed the Sleeper, Finder and Find File Preferences. I left Energy Saver and Energy Saver extension disabled (it may be possible that even with both Energy Saver and Sleeper disabled, the monitor still powers off).

            N. I turned off File Saver and File Saver extension and Q + E Fox Pro Driver to help avoid future potential conflicts.

            O. Even with Energy Saver and Sleeper not installed, the G3Õs monitor cut power off, so that the green light was off. You had to restart the computer to use it.

            P. I e-mailed Jon from and he said that the whole point of using PPPoe is so that Pacific Bell can use your IP address when you are not online, so that disconnecting would benefit them (even though Pac Bell had told me I could be connected 24/7). John also said that ÒI suspect that without Sleeper, something on your machine (like the Time Synchronizer or Software Update extensions) are dribbling a little data to or from your DSL line and keeping you

connected. Since you're not using Sleeper to put your machine fully to sleep, the only way that Sleeper could affect this process is if you've got something that's cognizant of screen saver activity, and is suspending its behavior when the screen saver is active. In light of that, try this:

                        1. Open the Sleeper control panel and cmd-option-click on the Help icon.

                        2. Turn off the "Install SAVC & SAVR Gestalt selectors" checkbox in the

 dialog box that comes up.

                        3. Click OK.

                        4. Restart your Mac.

            Q. After turning off the ÒInstall SAVC and SAVR Gestalt Selectors,Ó it appears to be okay. I have not had the disconnect error in about eight days. Jon said that is appears correct that Sleeper is causing the disconnect before the 8 hour crash (the built in energy saver crash of the monitor). Interestingly enough, it appears that the hard drive spins down, even with Energy Saver disabled. It may have some built-in Energy Saver feature.

            R. Some of the disconnect when idle errors may be due to Pacific Bell having trouble. May want to check the System Status page, when you get those errors (may be a cause other than Sleeper, Energy Saver, etc.).

            S. I later got disconnected when idle for about ten hours or so (1/26/01). May be due to the Canon 1.0.6 software, not sure.

            T. I also got the error message when Faxcilitate was installed. So I disabled Faxcilitate and restarted the computer.

53. After using the dial up connection, I tried to switch back to DSL (DSL had been having trouble statewide), neither IE5 nor NN 4.75 could load sites. I restarted the G3 and sites loaded fine.

54. Ethernet can open using Applescript, but it can not close the window using Applescript.

55. On one occasion (12/18/00), I kept getting an idle disconnect error, it turns out that the San Luis Obispo area DSL was having trouble, along with San Diego, and much of CA. I decided to use the dial up connection temporarily (all I had to do was to switch the TCP/IP control panel to dial up account, since I had set it up).

            A. Later, I had getting a DSL idle disconnected error after five minutes of being idle. After getting disconnected, the computer would crash. I checked the PBI System Status page (( I e-mailed SBC in 5/05, and they said to check system staus, call theTechnical Support Department (Voice) at 1-877-SBC-DSL5 and verify for any outages in the network or the services.On 12/21, the Stockton and Fresno areas were reportedly having trouble, so I imagine that would include me. I was uploading computernotes.html at 9,000 K/second, which was pretty slow. If you have extra spaces between the end of a section and the bold text for the next section, the text will have no spacing between sections: you can check this by seeing how the web page looks with Word after saving it as a web page. Also, if you leave space after the bold text indicating a new section, a line may appear in the web page file on the internet; or it may cause there to be a spacing issue, as well.

            B. I decided to use the dial up connection instead (since the computer kept crashing after disconnecting) and temporarily move Ethernet from Startup Items to Startup Items (disabled).

56. I am in the Stockton area for DSL service. I called twice to verify this on 12/23/00.

57. One suggestion Pacific Bell has is to Òshut the modem off for thirty seconds and shut the computer off for thirty seconds.Ó Pacific Bell suggests this for one type of error, but it may work for other problems.

58. One time I could not access my e-mail with Outlook Express or Netscape Messenger. I could send e-mail, but I could not retrieve e-mail. I thought I had changed any settings. However, I had forgotten that coincidentally I had re-installed IE 5 and Outlook Express. Additionally, I had not been able to receive mail with Netscape for a long time, but I did not pay attention to that detail. I had set up Outlook ExpressÕs receiving mail POP server as It should be

            A. Also, I had set up Netscape MessengerÕs Incoming Mail server as It should be also.

            B. After making the changes, both e-mail clients were able to retrieve my e-mail.

            C. Newsgroups were slow in accessing messages also, but I suppose that Newsgroups may be slow at times, since there are so many messages.

            D. I have found on at least two occasions, that Netscape was quicker at downloading messages from newsgroups than Outlook Express.

            E. Some newsgroups show no messages in the ÒTo/From, SubjectÓ window. It may be because those messages are deleted from the server.

59. You must be within three miles of the Pacific Bell center to use DSL service. You could take a DSL modem to another place, but you must be within 3 miles of the Pacific Bell center for DSL to work.

60. On one occasion, I could not get any websites to load. I had to restart computer, unplug modem for 2 minutes for it to work. Simply turning off for two minutes did not work.

61. On another occasion, I could get Enternet to show ÒconnectedÓ but no websites would load. I kept getting an Òattempt to load Google failedÓ or other website. I unplugged modem for two minutes, restarted the G3, I had no luck. I checked on the PBI system status page and it did not show DSL with any problems.

            A. I unplugged modem, reconnected Ethernet phone line to modem, disconnected/reconnected phone line to wall, turned off computer for three minutes, modem off three minutes, zapped with TT, KB. Modem then could access web sites.

62. I could not get my e-mail to check with IE 5 for three days, and the PBI system status page showed ÒnormalÓ for E-mail. So I e-mailed to inquire. I did, discover, that NN would check my e-mail fine.

            A. I replaced OE 5 and prefs, and then OE 5 worked okay to check e-mail again.

            B. I e-mailed Pac Bell Tech Support and they said that they had been having trouble with their e-mail servers and it could have potentially caused me to have problems with my software.

            C. They also said you can check system status on e-mail at You can report network problems at

63. On one occasion (5/4/01), I could not get the DSL connection to work (Enternet 300 would not connect, the activity light on the modem would not flash). I tried trashing the Ethernet preferences, reinstalling the software, unplugging the modem, reconnecting the phone lines, Zapping PRAM with T.T. and K.B. I checked at Pacific BellÕs website and it indicated that all DSL networks were normal. I e-mailed Pacific Bell, but did not receive a reply.

            A. I was not able to make it work. So I waited approximately 24 hours (I used the dial up connection temporarily) and then I was able to get the Enternet 300 application to say connected. However, websites would not load. So I tried changing the name server addr. to, but I had no luck. I unplugged the modem and zapped the PRAM with T.T. and K.B., I reconnected the phone connections and restarted the computer. Then Enternet would connect and sites would load, also.

            B. Later, I had same problem where Enternet would connect, but only Google would load (no other sites that I tried would). I unplugged the modem and left the computer off for a couple hours (I was going to take a nap, anyway). Then I zapped the PRAM with TT and KB. Enternet connected and sites would load.

64. On the week of May 10 or so, 2001, Pacbell mail appears to not be able to go to AOL, but from AOL to Pacbell appears to be normal.

65. Pacific Bell recommends the following procedure to Òpower cycleÓ your modem: Unplug the power going to the DSL modem. Leave the Modem "ON.Ó Shut down your computer. After 60 seconds, reboot the computer. Turn the DSL modem off and plug the power source back in. Turn the DSL modem on. Wait 1-2 minutes for the modem to sync (the Power/Sync indicator light will flash red during the wait). If this does not resolve the issue, please contact technical support at 1-800-net-help options 2,1,1.

66. Fax may cause Ethernet problems (error log with E-mailer and occasional disconnect). in the future, may want to simply use the Faxaway service, might be easier.

67. DirecTV DSL costs $49.99 per month, as of 1/1/02.

            A. DirecTV DSL does not work for Mac, as of 5/02, according to MV.

            B. says that Windows 98 SE is required, at least.

            C. explains that DirecTV gives you a gateway, but that is not a computer. You need to hook computers  to the Gateway.

            D. explains that it is not necessary to have DirecTV satellite service.

            E. and are web addresses with information.

            F. DirecTV has DirecTV DSL, which is only available in some areas, you get Internet access through a phone line. DirecWay is a satellite-based satellite service.

                        1. However, at, it shows that you must have Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. However, as of June 2005, it works with Mac as well (9.0-10.2, 300 MHz or faster, 128 MB of RAM, 10/100 Ethernet pre-equipped).

                        2. It appears to be somewhat expensive for the service, as of 7/26/02 (i.e. $579.98 for hardware and installation plus $59.99/month or $99.99 for hardware and installation and $99.99/month. However, if you have DirecTV service, you can purchase a DirecTV upgrade kit for your satellite dish. As of June 2005, it is $600 for the Hardware and $60 per month. has satellite internet service. The pricing plans are nebulous on the website. It appears that you can pay $400 for the equipment and then  $59.99/month; or you can not pay the $400 and then pay $99.99/month.

68. I could not load sites with IE5, OE would not retrieve mail (Domain servers not responding). Powercycle, Zap with TT, KB I had no luck. Restart, I had no luck. May just need to try later. Later (8 hours later or so), DSL connection worked fine.

69. On at least two occasions after the computer froze and I restarted it, it would not connect using Enternet Settings upon restart. I used Apple Remote Access to connect and this worked fine.

            A. It appears that Apple Remote Access is actually the program that says Òwelcome.Ó

            B. It also appears that I can setup Apple Remote Access to allow applications to open the connection and skip using Enternet settings altogether (especially since Enternet can be somewhat ÒbuggyÓ).

70. Pacific BellÕs pages recommend changing your password every 90 days. One e-mail from Greg was somehow unaccounted (may be HBÕs doing), but after changing my password to New At Ease, I got his e-mail fine.

71. On 7/19/02, the DSL connection was not working properly. It would appear be connected, but after about two minutes or so, the ready light would flash and then be steady again. Web pages loaded very sluggishly. I checked at Pacific BellÕs status page and all the indications were that things were normal.

            A. I double checked the phone lines and I think that I accidentally put the DSL filter on the DSL line, instead of the phone line, because when I disconnected the line from the triplex adapter with the DSL filter on it, the phone line was still active, so odds are that the filtered line was for the DSL modem.

            B. After reconnecting and making sure the DSL modem line did not have a filter, I zapped with TT and KB and the DSL connection appears to be fine again.

72. I e-mailed to ask about using DSL on two computers in the same residence. They said you would not simply just connect the two computers. You would need to follow these steps:

                        1. Go to

                        2. Enter your e-mail address and password.

                        3. Click on Login.

                        4. On the next page, you will be able to find all the links to download the DSL software.

I do think, though, that I did do this and HB's computer would not work with my DSL in my trailer. However, with a new computer, that may not be a problem. Pacific Bell answered my e-mail about hooking up two computers to DSL, but they ignored my complaint (7/02). May want to use Mailstart advanced Login for now.

73. I tried to send the driver for an Iomega drive from to and I kept getting an error that said the ÒMail could not be sent to account ÒRyanÕs E-mailÓ. The explanation said ÒMail error. The mailbox is temporarily full; try again later.Ó

            A. I did try again, but I had no luck. I then tried mailing from to solely, I had no luck. Then I tried e-mailing the file from to, I had no luck. The problem is most likely that the file is too large (it is an 8-MB .exe file) and if I were to compress it with Drop Stuff, it may not be able to be expanded on the Windows 2000 DEC.

            B. It used to be true (two or three years ago) that any file larger than 2 MB would not go through AOLÕs e-mail system, so this problem seems logical to me. Perhaps finding a compression program for compressing an .exe file may be an idea or I could put the file on CD and go from there. Thirdly, I could simply check my e-mail using the DEC and then download it myself.

74. DSL connection was not working on 9/22/02. I power cycled the modem (disconnected the power for 2 minutes) and shut down the G3. Then I restarted the G3, I had no luck. I turned the modem off, disconnected and reconnected the phone line connection to the wall jack (the connection to the jack and the jackÕs connection to the wall). This fixed the problem.

            A. But about two minutes later, the problem returned. I was able to ÒconnectÓ using Enternet 300, but no web sites would load with IE or NN. I tried power cycling the modem (you should leave the power on, then disconnect the power plug, shut down the computer, reboot the computer after 60 seconds, turn the DSL modem off and plug in the power, turn the DSL modem on. wait for modem to sync). Try again. I did try this, but with I had no luck. I tried disconnecting/reconnecting the telephone connections. I tried connecting directly from the DSL modem to the phone jack outside. I zapped with TT and KB, but I had no luck. I could use the modem to sign on with AOL and access sites with NN (later, I was able to access websites with IE using AOLÕs connection), but not with Pac Bell DSL or dial up.

            B. I called Pacific Bell Tech Support at (877) 722-3755 on 9/22/02 to see about getting some assistance. The technician had me clear the history and disk cache with IE and NN, but I had no luck. He had me restart the computer, I had no luck. Finally, I went to Ethernet 300 application and he had click the info button to see what it said (I looked under Addresses and ÒThis MacintoshÓ showed that I did have an IP address). The PPPoE Server said not connected. He asked me to re-enter my user name and password (it appears that lower or upper case is not important). Anyhow, then I went to the name serv. addr. box in the TCP/IP control panel and he asked me to change User Mode to advanced, which I did. Then he asked me to go to Name Server addr. and change it to and on the second line, I put This fixed the problem, I am now able to access web sites with IE and NN. I changed the User Mode back to Basic, since it did not appear to make any difference. Later, I changed the ÒInfoÓ button with Enternet 300 and it still says that the PPPoE Server is <Not connected>, but the connection allows me to access web sites, so it must be okay. My case ID is 21760212.

            C. I asked the technician why I had to put in address of before, as they are ÒDummy Addresses.Ó He said that they are (no further explanation was made, he did not seem to know). I think it might be good to use the addresses that he gave me for now ( and

            D. The connection appeared to be a little slow, but I went to (as of 7/06, use, which works with Safari) to check the connection speed using the Bandwidth meter and it was 328.6 Kbps (which is about right). It may be that since I cleared my history, it may be a little slower initially, since my cache can not be checked. I tried loading my favorites page from my home page and it loaded at about 30KB/sec to 35 KB/sec (which is normal), and the page had not been cached. has a bandwidth meter that works with Safari, also., (this MSN website is no longer valid) ( does not work with Safari. Also, you must clear the cache and quit and reopen IE to get good results) and (the ÒeircomÓ website is for 56K and ISDN modems only) can be used to test your bandwidth.

E. In the Modesto Bee on 6/17/03, I read that in apartment buildings (and I imagine trailer parks would have the same issues), the phone lines may be split out and thereby DSL lines may not be as fast. I checked my DSL speed at the house with four tests. The average speed was 1,050 Kbps.

            F. As of 12/04, my upload speed with DSL is now 384 KBPS (no additional charge, just an upgradethroughSBC).

75. On one occasion, I installed Ethernet V109 on the iMac (since it was home for a couple days). However, later I wanted to change TCP/IP back to Ethernet and I did not want Enternet to even be a choice in the TCP/IP control panel. Trashing the TCP/IP preferences and restarting did not remove it. I had to use the Enternet installer to uninstall the software. Then Enternet was no longer a choice in TCP/IP.

76. I called Pacific Bell about DSL availability on 12/23/02. I mentioned the 3-mile/6 mile question. They said that it is 3 miles from a Pacbell station (the station is the one by KFC in Turlock). Other locations (remote) may be 6 miles. If you have the exact address, Pacific Bell can tell you if DSL would be available or not.

            A. Later, though, I had great difficulty in getting through to Pacific Bell DSL (the first week of 2003) using 888-884-2375. There were busy signals, and sometimes they could Ònot accept my call.Ó One technician that I talked to from Pac Bell DSL Tech Support (877-722-3755) suggested calling the EPC Division at 888-280-4375. I did not call them, because I forgot about this option later (I had it in my notes).

            B. One technician said that my place on Almond Avenue was 4,000 feet from the Pac Bell Station (must be the one by KFC), so it is logical that DSL should work at my new house. He also said that you must be within 16,000 feet for Basic DSL, 12,000 for a second level of DSL and 9,000 for the third level.

C. I finally went down to the Pac Bell center by KFC, and explained the problems that I had with calling Pacific Bell DSL. I talked to Mark W. Reese (LFO-IN Network Manager, Network Services: 325 North Center Street, Room 103, Turlock, CA 95382: Phone is 667-0015, 388-2683 (P), 726-7101 (Alternate), 668-8735 (F), and and he said that the houseÕs address is in range for DSL and should not be a problem. He said that when calling Pacific Bell (local number) to move your phone service to your new address, you should be able to keep your phone number. Also, if you ask to be bridge to the ASL services (the local Pacific Bell number employee MAY be able to bridge you to ASL services), you should be able to move your DSL over to the new address as well. He also said if I have any further problems, that I could call him.

77. I found and downloaded version 1.2.2 of Enternet on 1/2/03. If you install the software with extensions off, you get an error type 11 when installing (when there are only about 4 files left to be installed). After restarting with extensions on, the installer worked fine. The software appeared to work, but it would say Ònot connected,Ó even though the Enternet did make a connection. Pressing the ÒconnectÓ button did not do anything. Therefore, there would not be a way to know if the software were connected or not. But, later, I did not get these same results (see A below).

            A. After installing 1.2.8 (trial) of the Enternet software, I got errors about 50% of the time at startup, so I decided not to use Enternet 1.2.8 (trial) for now. I installed Enternet 1.2.2 software with extensions on (I will ignore the fact that you cannot see if connected). The connect button and the Enternet settings does show the status. Also, I can use Enternet settings to connect on launch (I decided that I did need to use Enternet software with 9.2.2, I thought I did not use the software, but that was not totally correct. TCP/IP still was using an Enternet connection along with Remote Access).

78. can be used to track the status of a DSL order. On 2/13, though, my order was not registered on the web site.  So, I called them and talked to Oliver. He said that my DSL should be turned on Friday, February 21st. Between now and then, I can use Pacific Bell dial-up service. The case number is 27195759.

            A. As of 2/03, SBC has three different plans.

            B. I got the introductory rate of $34.95 for one yearthrough2/04. I may be able to renew at this rate next year (2/04).

            C. After my DSL order was completed, I was not able to connect using Enternet software. A DSL technician said that an upgrade to 8.6 or later is needed for DSL (because I am considered a new customer). Must upgrade, then use new CD to install (sent out to me on 2/22, should receive next Thursday or Friday).

            D. I tried downloading the Enternet software from the Internet, but 1.11 nor 1.2.2 worked for Enternet (no ÒconnectÓ with application).

            E. I got the DSL CD from Pacific Bell, but it would not install on 8.1. The CD originally says that you either need to update from 8.1 or install Carbon 1.0.4. When I pressed okay, I thought that it would Carbon would be installed automatically, but it did not. I then switched to 9.0 and ran the installer CD. The installer did run, but the Westell Wirespeed still would not connect to the Internet.

            F. The DSL technician said he would put in a trouble ticket, which should be fixed within 24 to 48 hours. The next day, DSL (888-322-5274) called me and asked me to call them back. I called them back and a technician should be out from 4 to 8 P.M. today (2/25/03). He came out and said that since my modem is older, it is set up for one type of signal, and a couple years ago, Pacific Bell changed the type of signal that is used, but the old signal would still work. However, after moving to my new address, it uses the new signal. The ASI (SBC) technician used software to change my modem to the new signal.

            G. Even though the technician set up my DSL for use with System 9.2, he said it would probably work with 8.1 as well.

            H. I was having a little trouble with TCP/IP reverting to Ethernet default, so I simply set TCP/IP to Enternet and then deleted the Enternet default configuration (2/26/03), and the default configuration said it was using PPP slot O in the Connect Via box. However, upon restart, the Enternet default was recreated automatically, so I then switch to administrative mode, and changed the Connect Via to Enternet Classic. This did not work. I even had previously tried disabling Open Tpt Remote Access, to try to eliminate the changing to Enternet default. However, upon restart, I could not connect to the Internet. I re-enabled Open Tpt Remote Access.

            I. Finally, I used the OS 9 CD to install Remote Access (I turned off the option to have Remote Access flash its icon when connected, so it would not be always flashing), then I entered my name and password and checked Òremember password.Ó Upon restart, Enternet settings application was able to connect. Also, I did not have to keep entering a remote access password upon startup each time. Later, though, Software update found the update for 9.2.2 and I tried to download and install it automatically, but the computer froze in the process. Then Enternet did not work by itself upon restart. So, I reinstalled ARA 4.0.2 and decided to not update to System 9.2.2 for now.

            J. Enternet version 1.2.2 has trouble with error type 1, if you try to access it after you are connected to the Internet. If you try to install it with extensions off, you get error type 11. I tried increasing the memory allocation from 2000 K to 5000 K, I had no luck. If you try to use Version 1.09, you get an error (after the install, when trying to open the program), that says there is a problem opening the Enternet configs file.

            K. After reinstalling version 1.2.2, I got the same problem with Enternet settings not being able to connect. I reinstalled Remote Access and again solved the problem. TCP/IP is set to Configure Via: PPP Slot O and configure: using PPP Server. Name server addr. is and search domain is

79. I was not able to check my e-mail with OE or NN after moving to my new place (although I was able to for the first few days). Apparently, SBC has changed my server settings (since they merged with Pacific Bell). Here are the new settings for OE: Personal Information: Name, Ryan Zelenski: E-mail address, Receiving Mail Account ID, POP server, Password is same: Sending Mail SMTP server, When setting up CarmenÕs e-mail, I had to use lower case for the first letter ÒCÓ in the e-mail address and the Receiving Mail Account ID, although when I used, it wanted upper case for the first letters. In 4/07, Yahoo! said that the POP server is and I needed to check the box for ÒThis POP service requires a secure connection (SSL) and I checked the override default POP port box and typed in 995 (after closing Entourage automatically unchecked the box). They said I need to change the SMTP server to and then I checked ÒSMTP service requires service connection (SSL)Ó and I also checked ÒOverride default SMTP portÓ and typed in 465. Even though the override default POP port box was unchecked by Entourage, my e-mail was still retrieved without a problem.

            A. The new settings for NN are: Incoming Mail server is; User name is (typing the percentage sign is not a typo, it is used instead of the @ symbol); Outgoing mail (SMTP) server is and Outgoing mail server user name is motleyze. Also, I checked ÒIs PossibleÕ under use SSL or TLS for outgoing messages. On one occasion, I got a prompt for my password when sending an e-mail, then I got another prompt for user name ( and password (new new At Ease).

80. With SBC Yahoo! DSL, I have a master e-mail account with 25 MB of online storage.

            A. But my Personal Home Page still only has 3 MB of storage, it appears. As of 7/05, it is now 8.4 MB.

            B. If you do not wish to download junk mail to OE (i.e. you use Spamguard to filter out mail coming to my OE inbox), go to Yahoo Mail and sign in. Then go to Mail Options, POP Access and Forwarding, then uncheck the box that says ÒPOP Access and Forwarding Settings.Ó

81. The DSL ASI technician said that splitting a DSL filter between two phones is fine.

82. Enternet version 1.2.2 settings still produces error type 1, if you open after the initial startup of the program. Even after increasing the memory allocation from 2000 K to 5000 K.

            A. I e-mailed to ask about some help with this issue.

            B. I later found a time when the Internet became disconnected. When I opened Enternet Settings (I highlighted the programÕs icon and then went to File, open to see if that helped), there was not an error type 1, then Enternet connected. However, after reconnecting, I tried opening Enternet Settings again (using the icon and the File open command) and error type 1 came up again. If the computer does become disconnected from the Internet, I should restart the computer. Otherwise, when you open Enternet 1.2.2, error type 1 is produced and will recur each time after opening again (even after restarting). I had to uninstall and reinstall the 1.2.2 software (and re-install ARA 4.0.2).

            C. I tried installing version 1.11 of Enternet software, but then there was a system error at startup. Later, I had the same problem in 9.2.2. It may be best to use the Pac Bell CD to install 1.0.9 from the CD (and have extensions on). 1.2.8 produced error after being installed with extensions off in 9.2.2. Drag and drop install of 1.0.9 software worked on one occasion only.

83. You can use

to access e-mail. To import addresses, you need to use Netscape, will not work with OE for Macintosh.

             A. When sending Winton.sea (apprx. 6.5 MB) through Yahoo! Mail on 2/3/04, my mailbox was about 75% full at I could not export from Palm Desktop for importing into Yahoo!, you must use .dba file, but Palm Desktop 4.2.2Õs calendar does not have the capability to export in that format.

84. Yahoo! Briefcase ( and can be used (no extra charge, as of 3/03). I have 500 MB of online storage. My order ID is 10216386. As of 7/04, I now have 610 MB of storage. In 5/07, I discovered that if I used Drop Stuff on the iLamp and upload files to Yahoo! Briefcase, I can download them on the G3/266 with 8.1 and NN 4.77; then expand the files with Stuffit Expander 5.5. Yahoo has online bill pay, can check on this later, if I like. There is a limit of 5 payments per month (and the payments apparently need to be from a 750+ company payee list). You need to use IE to upload, not Safari 1.2 (the Browse button does not show up with Safari 1.2. SeaMonkey 1.1.4 uploads file fine to Yahoo! Briefcase). You can add up to 6 files at one time. Mac files need to have a suffix, so I compressed the Ryan folder (so the suffix would be .sit) and uploaded  it to the site. The compressed folder was 13.4 in 7/04. Then I was able to click on it and download it. A 7.3 MB file (Winton.sit in 7/04) took about 5 minutes to upload. If you have a duplicate of a file that is already present, it will just add –1 as a suffix. Need to delete original file first. On 9/22/04, I was unable to download any files from Yahoo! Briefcase using IE 5.1.7, 5.2.3, nor NN 4.77. If you clicked on a file, another screen with a red ÒxÓ showed up. Later, I figured out why the files would not download. It was because they were .sea files. After uploading .sit files instead, I was able to download them fine. On one occasion, I tried to upload two stuffed files that were 11.9 and 4.5 MB. However, I could not upload both at the same time. I got an overrage error. Uploading invidually worked fine. In 4/05, I could not download Winton.sit with Safari, I got a "could not load" error. However, with IE 5.1.7, it downloaded fine. Yahoo! Briefcase produced a Shockwave error, but still uploaded Winton.sit on 12/2/05. In 1/06, I wanted to view some files that had been uploaded (A-H) with the iLampÕs compression system. I wanted to download General Info on the G3/233, but I was unable. I only got a file that said MAC OS X on it, and only one file was in it. I could not download the files with the red iMac DV+, either (since it did not have MAC OS X on it). Finally, I used the DEC to download the files. I used WinZip in Classic Mode, which apparently has to be paid for. To open a file, select it and then select extract. I decided to try to download Stuffit Expander for Windows, but I could not download it at school, because of Websense. I later downloaded Stuffit Expander for Windows at home (it downloads along with Stuffit, not a separate download), which I was able to use to expand a .zip file on the DEC. When I used AOL Link to connect to the internet, I tried again to download the software, and I got a connection error, so I will try to download the file at home. had the same link to Aladdin Systems. I did, though, use WinZip along with a PC formatted Zip Disk to transfer the files to the Mac. However, the ÒGeneral InfoÓ file needed to be save as Word 6.0/95 first for it to be open with Word 98 on the G3/233 (otherwise, you get an error type 1). The file ÒHumorÓ was able to be opened with Word 98 and Simpletext (with some extra gibberish).

85. If I read (or mark mail as read) mail with Yahoo! mail, it will not show up with OE later, since it has already been read. However, if you later try to mark it as unread, you may still be able to access the e-mail with OE on the G3/233. Once you send an e-mail with a nickname (listed in green under the addresses tab), it appears to autofill the next time. Also, the first time you type an e-mail to someone, the e-mail address does not appear, just the nickname.

86. Newsgroup settings for OE are News server:, account ID and password are and New new At Ease (no advanced receiving options necessary).          

            A. NN uses same news server, but then asks you for user name and password (I used the same as OE).

87. Page 8 of the Macintosh Enternet Quick Start Guide shows a wall-mount DSL filter. did not appear to have them, but does. You must be a Bell South customer to order from them (but you can call 888-321-2DSL (2375) to place an order. I also e-mailed to see if they sell these filters. They did not reply. I called Bell South and they would not sell me one. Matt said he has one that he can mail to me (I sent him an e-mail reminder 3/9/03). Page 30 of the DSL installation guide for Macintosh says that there is a setting for Persistent connections (in case your connection drops). There does not appear to be this setting, though, in the Macintosh software.

88. says you can use Launchcast Radio by accessing the sidebar (it is built into the browser). However, as of 3/03, I am using my own version of IE.

89. At, my user name and password are Motleyze, old At Ease.

90. When I signed up for Yahoo! mail, I did not have to add my addresses, they were automatically there. On one occasion, I could not get my user ID and password to sign in at Yahoo! mail, but the "CAPS LOCK" key was on. As of 11/05, Yahoo! Mail does not allow you to compose messages with IE 5.1.7 nor with IE on the DellÕs. NN 4.77 was fine on the G3 to use it, but I had to use a version of the website that was compatible with older versions of NN (an error message showed up on the website). The error suggests using IE 6, Netscape 7.1, or Safari 1.2. In 11/05, I was again able to use Yahoo! Mail with IE 5.1.7, perhaps the previous problem was an aberration. Even with NN 8.2 on the DEC in room 24, Yahoo! Mail could not be opened/deleted, etc. in 3/06.

91. Mail that is read at, is still "new" with OE.

92. I had trouble getting mail to send with OE (I could receive e-mail fine), I got error messages that said "Mail could not be sent to account "RyanÕs E-mail. Explanation is that "The server doesnÕt support SMTP authentication." I got this message when trying to send e-mail. However, I could send e-mail using Netscape or

            A. I e-mailed and they gave me the settings for mail setup again. I went to Tools, Accounts, chose my e-mail account, under advanced sending options, I made sure that ÒSMTP server requires authenticationÓ was checked, then I checked ÒLog on usingÓ and typed in my password. I was then able to send e-mail. Just for curiosityÕs sake, I changed the setting back to Òuse same settings as incoming mail server,Ó and it worked also. Anyhow, I left it on Log on using and left my password on there.

93. Mail that is read at, us still "new" with OE.

            A. If a folder has no unread mail in it with Yahoo! mail, the web page may say the folder is empty, even though there is mail in there.

            B. If you got Mail Options, you can choose General Options, and then uncheck the preference to ÒWarn me about deleting all messages.Ó I unchecked this in 5/05. Also, it appears that my Bulk mail is no longer moved to the trash after deleting, it appears that it is just deleted. There is an option under General Preferences to ÒWarn me that Bulk messages will not go into the Trash folder when deleted,Ó and I now receive that warning since I turned off the other option about ÒWarning me about deleting all messages.Ó

94. On 5/7/03, I could not access Yahoo! mail at school on the G3/266, it kept saying my password was incorrect. However, when I got home, Yahoo! mail loaded fine on the G3/233.

95. On 5/12/03, I was having trouble getting accessing Yahoo! e-mail on the G3/233 with IE5 (kept saying password invalid). I was able to with Netscape one time by going to and then clicking e-mail, and typing in my name and password. Ironically, I signed out and then was not able to access Yahoo! e-mail again with NN 4.77 (said I needed to upgrade to IE 5 or NN 6.2 or later).

            A. Anyhow, I deleted my history and cache and all the cookies with IE 5, then reloaded Yahoo! mail, which worked once. Then it did not, so I unchecked ÒUse Web Proxy for AllÓ under Network Proxies, which worked one time, but not again.

            B. Finally, I tried signing in and the password error came up again, so then I typed in, then clicked e-mail and I was signed in.

            C. I sent an e-mail to Yahoo! and they suggested deleting cookies and your cache. I tried this, and it did not work. However, I did find, that if I tried signing in to Yahoo! mail, I got the password error message. Then if I went to another website, then and then clicked E-mail, I was able to access my e-mail. I e-mailed Yahoo! to let them know what happened on 5/12/03. They suggested going to or by going to and clicking on the Òe-mailÓ link.

            D. If that does not work, go to to get a new password. If you get a new password, you may need to wait up to 24 hours before the new password will work.

96. The court date for DSL settlement suit is 12/15/03.

            A. ASI (affiliate of SBC) stands for Advanced Solutions, Inc.

97. According to, you can choose to Òleave messages on the serverÓ with OE, then you can read messages with Yahoo! mail (at the web site) and still be able to read the messages with OE later (I think they may have gotten my message mixed up, but they are correct). I got this advice in 11/03.

98. System 8.1 used Enternet software to connect to the Internet, but I have since trashed it, since I am running OS 9.

99. I tried using the Westell Wirespeed to connect to the Internet with the blueberry iMac, but it would not work. The ready light just kept flashing. But later, I was able to connect my 8600/300 to the Westell Wirespeed and connect. I think it was because I used the Enternet software on the 8600 and not the iMac. I could not get NN 4.73 to load sites initially (even with Enternet 300 connected) on the 8600/300, but upon restart, NN worked. I had to use the Enternet installer on Internet CD 2, since the SBC Yahoo CDs would not mount on the 8600. Also, when using the Enternet installer on the 8600/300 (it had to use 640 X 480 because of the monitor), the install button did not appear. I simply pressed return. Matt tried hooking up the iBook to my DSL line. He was almost able to connect, except that user identification failed, but I gave him the wrong password by accident. So, it may have worked.

100. PacbellÕs website says that there is no Enternet software for OS X, just use PPPoe software. However, I could not set it up to work. So I booted up in OS 9, installed Enternet, got the G3 to connect. Then I restarted in OS X, and I was able to connect to the internet. Enternet 300 probably should not be accessed at all in OS X, only when starting up in OS 9. You just get an endless loop of Òauthenticating.Ó Then you cannot access e-mail with OE, and you need to restart Classic. Mail that has been accessed with Mail (OS X) can still be accessed with OE.

100. I could not get the DSL modem to load websites with OS X, pages would load, but took several minutes for one page to load. I tried using different browsers, power cycled the modem, zapping the PRAM, no luck. I could not get dial-up to work in OS X. I restarted in OS 9 and the Ethernet software would not connect well. It would connect in one in about four tries. Then when you accessed websites, the computer froze. I finally used dial-up within OS 9 (I did use AOL connection at first, but it kept having difficulties).

            A. I tried checking the PBI System status page, but it would not load (even when using dial-up).

            B. Later, I figured out that the PBI System status page is no longer a valid URL.

            C. About five hours, after leaving the G3/233 unplugged and the modem unplugged for five hours (and reconnecting the phone lines), I was able to connect to the internet fine.

101. To connect in dial-up, there were some instructions at, but you need to select Modem Port in the Network control panel and enter the dial up number (577-1173, account name is motleyze).

102. Tango access (DSL software) is not available for single download, according to SBC website.

103. On a couple of occasions, I could not get the DSL modem to work with an iMac, even after checking the OS X settings several times. It was because I had used the telephone jack in the living room and forgot that I need to bypass the filter when connecting to the DSL modem (filter is for non-DSL modem stuff only).

104. I bought a Ethernet 10-Base-T Computer Network Cable Splitter from Radio Shack, but it did not work with the G3 and the iLamp at the same time. I hooked the phone up to the hub portion of the splitter (even though it was an RJ-45 port) and then to the two computers. Only the first computer to connect to the internet would work; The other one would not.

            A. It may be easier to connect/disconnect the wires when necessary.

105. I was having trouble signing in to Yahoo! Mail on 5/2/04, and I finally got them to e-mail my user ID info. So I had to log in as, new new At ease. Then I could access e-mail. Later, the problem returned. I think it is an SBC problem.

106. says that if you reach your storage limit and someone e-mails you, the e-mail will get returned.

107. Matt said that a router would be a good idea for me to use for my two computers and the DSL line. He also said that, ÒA router (looks like but is not a hub) should cost about $40 and will serve IP addresses to 2 or more computers.  It will probably be pre-configured to use NAT, which means that your computers will

get private IP addresses.  This means that it will be difficult to access these machines from the outside.  This is usually not a problem, but will be a problem if you are running a web server from one of your computers or if you use remote control software from work to access your home computer.Ó

108. explains that, ÒLike our powerful SpamGuard technology, SpamGuard Plus automatically filters suspected spam to your Bulk folder. By default, Yahoo! Mail will delete these messages after one month. You can change this default setting here.Ó I changed my setting tyo delete junk mail after one week. BTW, if you trash some e-mail with Entourage before opening the Mail folder at Yahoo!, the mail will not be in your inbox, it will be in the trash at Yahoo! Mail.

            A. says, that, ÒWith SpamGuard turned on, Yahoo! Mail will deliver suspected spam to this folder and delete them after one month. Messages in your Bulk folder do not count toward your mailbox storage quota.

            B. can be used to block e-mail addresses or domains. I added there.

            C. Since using OE during 6/04, Junk mail has not been forward to my inbox. It has stayed at YahooÕs website. I may want to see if this continues when I start using Mail (OS X) again.

            D. At Yahoo!Õs website, you can also learn about how to create a bogus e-mail address for use, when you do not wish to use your real e-mail address (even though the e-mail still gets forwarded to your inbox, originally, but later when you start getting a bunch of junk e-mail, you can delete that e-mail address).

            E. Tourbus (7/27/04) says that a router is a hardware firewall. A router assigns your computer(s) a "private address, that cannot be seen by internet users. The Tourbus posting also talks about firewalls, in general. It says that Mac OS X has a firewall built-in. To turn it on, go to System Preferences, Sharing, click on Firewall tab, uncheck all of the boxes, click Start (I still left Personal File Sharing on, since I access the G3/233 at times).

109. As of 6/04, I now have 2 GB of online storage with Yahoo! Mail Plus (at no additional charge. Also, I can send e-mail messages up to 10 MB. Although I think for regular Yahoo! customers, they must pay $19.99/year.

            A. You can send an e-mail up to 10 MB (non-encoded) according to

            B. As of 6/04, my e-mail is now filteredthroughYahoo! If I get a junk mail message with OE or Mail, go to Yahoo! Mail website and then classify the message as junk.

            C. Nicknames do not work with my address book, as of 6/04.

            D. I had not received my Tourbus postings during the past week, so I went to and resubscribed. I got a confirmation e-mail on 6/22/04. I also added the tourbus senders to my Yahoo! Mail address book. I then e-mailed SBC to inquire is this will resolve the issue or not. They did not say, but there was a message from Bob Rankin in my junk mail box on 6/25/04, so I marked it as not spam, and it should be fine now.

            E. MomÕs e-mail did not get through Yahoo! Mail to Mail (OS X), even though it was in the regular inbox at Yahoo! Mail. Also, momÕs e-mail is in my Address Book on the iLamp. OE was able to retrieve her e-mail fine.

110. Outlook Express does not allow you to train Spamguard from OE. You need to do it from Yahoo! Mail website, according to

111. You can use dialup on one computer and DSL on another one with PacBell internet service.

112. On one occasion, DSL connected with the G3/233, but not the iLamp. I tried power cycling the modem and router, but no luck. Finally, I disconnected the Ethernet cable from the modem again and disconnected the iLampÕs power cord. I waited a couple hours and then the DSL connection again worked on the iLamp.

            A. Later, had the same problem (8/26/04). I tried power cycling the modem and the router, but no luck. Finally, I disconnected the telephone line connection to the router, power cycled the modem and router again (and shut down the iLamp). Then I restarted the iLamp, and the internet worked upon startup.

113. Carmen's e-mail is, password is fecha de nacio for Jazmin (in orden de Mexico). Her other e-mail is, the password is 454545. explains that POP access and forwarding are not available for Yahoo! Mail, you need to upgrade to Yahoo! Mail Plus ($19.99/year).

114. To update your SPAM e-mail list (add or remove domains or e-mail addresses), go to Yahoo! Mail, then choose Mail Options, then Block Addresses.

115. On 12/15/04, I could not connect with the iLamp. So I power cycled the router and modem, and disconnected many telephone wires and the iLamp power cord. Still did not work. Finally, I just left it plugged in and six hours later it worked (at 4:00 A.M.).

116. SBC! Yahoo automatically urns off HTML images for your incoming on the internet. If on, Spammers can use invisible pictures (that download to your computer), so that they know you have a valid e-mail address.

117. On one occasion, I was not able to send mail with Mail (OS X) with the iLamp, but I could connect to the internet, so I instead sent it from Yahoo! Mail website, which worked fine. Mail will probably work again later.

118. On July 3, 2005, Gina and Manuel Nevarez ( were unable to send e-mail to me. They kept a message that said I am not accepting e-mail at this time, but their e-mail was not listed on the Yahoo! SPAM list nor on my Mail's SPAM list. I e-mailed SBC about this (I choose Port 25 because there was no choice for other, so I am not 100% sure it was the right choice) from replied and said that, "Port 25 blocking is based by the SBC Internet Member ID that is used to log on the Internet.  We have opted you out of port 25 blocking specifically for the Member ID that you used when you made this request." I had to turn off the modem for fifteen seconds (July 5, 2005), and now they should be able to e-mail me again.

            A. Just for curiosity's sake, I made it so that was on the blocked list with Yahoo! Mail. I did not get an e-mail that I sent with Mail or at the Yahoo! mail website. Also, the e-mail was not returned to, it was probably just trashed, so I think Gina and Manuel are being specious or they are mistaken.

119. SBC! Yahoo sent me an e-mail about the new SBC! Yahoo Browser in 9/05; however, you need to have Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, or XP  to use it.

120. JC thought that the iMac was slow in its internet connection. I used the ethernet cable to connect to the iLamp instead and the iLamp had about the same speed, determined by using the bandwidth meter. So, I zapped the PRAM with TT and the KB (and reconnected the ethernet cable) on the iMac and tested the speed. The speed was around 1 MBps (tested using and, while the iLampÕs speed was 1.3 MBps, so I think that the iMac is normal (BTW, if you change the TCP/IP settings, it appears you must restart the iMac to get the internet to work, but this does not appear to be the case with the iLamp. It appears, that many times after the initial web page is loaded for a site (i.e. Google), subsequent pages load quicker after that. Also, appears to cache the page well, while does not on the iMac.

121. According to, YahooÕs new mail beta (10/06) requires either Firefox 1.0 for Mac or Mozilla 1.7 for Mac; Safari is not supported. As of 12/07, you can send attachments up to 20 MB with Yahoo! Mail (according to the web page).

122. As of 12/07, you can send e-mails (through SBC Yahoo!) with attachments up to 20 MB, according to the webpage.

123. Panasonic HD-PLC Ethernet Adaptet BL-PA100KTA, HD-PLC is an acronym for High Definition Power Line Communication needs 4 inch clearance for ventilation.



1. It costs $19.95 per month plus $2 extra for each additional account.

2. They do have a 209 number, 572-0114 in Modesto. They now have a number in Turlock, as well, as of 6/01.

3. Macs need to have Internet Explorer 5.0.

4. They have DSL service for $49.95/month as of 6/01. I e-mailed them to see if it is available for my address in Turlock. They e-mailed back, because they need my phone number and my address, so I did that on 6/25/01.

            A. I checked and I can not get DSL servicethroughEarthlink. They said go to this page and see if it loads: It did not load.


Easter Eggs

1. Hold down the option key and choose About the finder under the Apple Menu, produces picture of Silicon Valley. With 8.0, you get a color picture. In 7.6.1, If you hold down option, then kit command then go to the Òabout the Finder,Ó you will get scrolling credits and an interesting cursor.

2. Make a new Stickie note, type ÒAntler!Ó and press return, shows picture of a moose.

3. Open Disinfectant, choose about from the Apple Menu, it plays SousaÕs Liberty Bell March, the viruses are listed and eventually a foot crushes them.

4. Inside of the SE case is the signature of all the designerÕs of the machine.

5. If you have Quicktime installed and hold down the Òcommand, option, Q and TÓ buttons at startup, the pictures of the programmers of Quicktime show up on the screen (works with Version 3.0 of Quicktime and the G3 with 8.1).

6. Labels Easter Egg does not work with G3, 8.1.

7. Under the Control Panel map, type in mid, find to get to middle of nowhere.

8. If you hold down the option key and click find in the Map control panel, it will take you around the world.

9. If you click on the version number in the monitors control panel, the programmersÕ names will show up. If you hold down the mouse and click the option key (more than 12 times), the names will rearrange themselves.

10. If you open the ÒSoundÓ control panel and hold down the option key while choosing a menu item, it produces a strange sound and a quote from Karl Jung.

11. If you drag Òsecret about boxÓ on the 5400 with 7.5.5 onto the desktop (make sure clipping extensions is installed), you will see AppleÕs workplace in Cupertino.

12. Drag the Quickdraw GX extension to the 1500 GX icon on the desktop to see the list of programmers print out (5400/7.5.5).

13. If you hold down the option key and click on select a HD with Virtual Memory on (in the Memory CP) with 7.5.5/5400, the programmerÕs names and nicknames show up.

14. Choose a GX printer with 7.5.5/5400 and hold down command, option, shift and choose file, open from the menu at top of screen.

15. May be able to use Word Perfect or Microsoft Word (not CW) to open ÒAll filesÓ and open the system file to see programmerÕs interesting messages.

16. With 7.5.5/5400 you can use ResEdit to open Apple Guide inside the Extensions folder. Then click on ÒtextÓ and Òwho.Ó

17. With 7.5.5/5400/Conflict Catcher 3 If you open Conflict Catcher and click on the version number, then type in the word ÒplayÓ and hit return and its extension invaders. Also works with 8.1/G3/Conflict Catcher 4.1.1.

18. The chimes of death Easter Egg does not work on 5400/7.5.5 or G3/8.1. Supposed to be able to shut down the computer, turn on the computer and hit the power button again immediately to simulate chimes of death. Does not work. (p. 128 of Easter Egg book).

19. Version 5.1.2 of Drop Stuff does compress a little more on some files (Winton.sit was 1.7 MB instead of 1.8 MB with Drop Stuff 4.0), but one file was actually BIGGER after being stuffed with 5.0. Several files had a negligible difference in stuffing. Version 5.1.2 does work in the background, though.

20. In System 8.0, If you open the desktop pictures control panel preferences, open the STR# ID=40005, field 6, the programmer says a message to say hi to his mother.

21. If you make a Clarisworks drawing and make any type of line (wonÕt work if blank), then save it as ÒPICTÓ and name it Òsecret about box.Ó Then open Desktop pictures and drag the file to the window, it will show programmersÕ names: Source:

            A. It also mentions about the -20024 resource inside of the cicn of the System folder is winking.


Electronic Marker

1. To change the color of the electronic marker, use command, T or F12, while the marker is on the screen.

2. On one occasion, the Electronic Marker froze and would not start up (the hot key did not work). Restarting did not help. I trashed E! Marker Extension and the Electronic Marker application and then reinstalled with extensions off. This worked.

3. Electronic Marker version 1.0.3 (it is version 1.0.3, even though the installer says it is 1.3) would not work in 9.2.1 originally (the hot key brought up the marker, but the vestigal marks remained, even after using the hot key to turn Electronic Marker off), because I had done a drag and drop install (actually it was done by Clean Install Assistant). After using the installer to installer Electronic Marker, it worked fine.


Energy Saver

1. Conflicts with ÒDesktop Printer Spooler, Desktop Printer Extension, HP Printmonitor, DW 6.0.3, Microsoft Office Manager, Microsoft OLE Extension,Ó ÒFile SaverÓ (Norton),Ó ÒColor Sync System Profile,Ó ÒDate and TimeÓ and ÒDisklightÓ (Norton) as far as Òshut down instead of put to sleep goes.Ó E.S. is an intermittent problem with being a conflict extension. In the scheduled time to shut down, Microsoft Office Manager is only known conflict.

            A. Only compatible with Powermacs.

2. Version 2.0.2 is on the school (Powermac 5400) and home (Performa 6400).

3. Energy Saver does seem to conflict with Audio CD Player sometimes. The solution is to make sure that Òshutdown instead of sleepÓ is not checked on energy saver.

4. Preferences are not stored in PRAM according to Sad Macs (3rd version). They are only saved in Energy Saver Preferences. So, If the computer still turns on or off with shutdown boxes unchecked, may need to trash preferences.

5. According to Conflict Catcher 3 demo, Energy Saver will not shut down after 30 minutes of inactivity with M.O.M. installed.

6. To test whether Energy Saver works to shut down at a specified time, you must set the shut down time at least thirteen minutes ahead of the current time.

7. The message that the computer will shut down in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 minutes means the computer will shut down. The fifteen-minute warning may come on saying the computer is scheduled to shut down at 4:50 P.M., but it still may not shut down.

8. Sleeper will work even with M.O.M. installed. Will shut down after a specified time. But Energy Saver will not shut down the computer at a specified time with Energy Saver with M.O.M. installed. Perhaps just set up the computer to shut down after a long time with Sleeper.

9. Preferences may be corrupted. 5400 didnÕt turn on, so I trashed preferences and reset the control panel. Worked. Energy Saver must be at least two minutes later to turn on.

10. A bug that could be problematic. If the preferences do not save themselves, may need to make sure that the ÒSleep setupÓ window is showing when closing energy saver.

11. Version 2.0.7 will make the G3 sleep, but it will not shut down at a specified time (even If set 15 minutes ahead of time) or shut down instead of sleeping after a specified amount of time. it is due to conflict with MOM and Fax Monitor. Will shut down in either case with both these items disabled. (the settings for separate sleep for display or hard drive did not have any effect either way).

            A. Also, version 2.0.7 also will not shut down the 5400 after so many minutes or at a specified time. Had to use Sleeper, Sleeper 3.0.2 will not shut down G3, However.

12. Version 2.0.7 will not shut down the G3 after a specified amount of time. Conflict Catcher found the ÒMicrosoft GroupÓ (Microsoft Component Library, Microsoft Dialog Library, Microsoft Find File Library, Microsoft Mail Library, Microsoft OLE Automation, Microsoft OLE Extension, Microsoft OLE Library, Microsoft Tool Editor Library, Visual Basic for Applications and MOM) to be a problem, but did not find the Fax Monitor problem. Conflict is with Microsoft Office Manager (version 4.2.1 b and 4.2.1 c, Office 98 did not have a different version with it in my copy) and Fax Monitor (version 2.2).

            A. Tried running Disk First Aid, NDD, NSD, rebuilding desktop trashing prefs and reinstalling MOM and Fax Monitor, reordering the loading order in every way possible with Conflict Catcher, and reinstalling system software, but no luck in getting G3 to shut down after a Specified time.

            B. No updates to Energy Saver at AppleÕs website or Sleeper update as of 9/6/98.

            C. When testing Energy Saver, set Energy Saver to shut down at least two full minutes ahead of the current computerÕs time. Then wait, after about six minutes from the scheduled shut down time, the Òcomputer will shut down in __ minutesÓ message will appear. Just because message appears, it does not necessarily follow that the G3 will indeed shut down.

13. If you do not check the ÒSeparate timer for displayÓ box, the screen will stay lit up, even If the machine is sleeping.

14. If the Mac suddenly goes Òmute,Ó as in waking up from sleep, check Energy Saver prefs. You may uncheck notification prefs and uncheck Òmute sounds while the computer is asleep.Ó

15. According to Tidbits, you can set Energy Saver to turn the computer back on automatically after power failure, in the server settings. Does not work on G3/233, though.

16. The best setting to have the monitor power down is to leave Òshut down instead of sleepingÓ unchecked, checking ÒSeparate timing for display sleepÓ and setting the time and leaving Òseparate timing for hard disk sleepÓ unchecked. The monitor goes black after a while and the computer sleeps.

            A. Once I could not get the monitor to Ògo blankÓ when set up (like in #16). I trashed the Energy Saver preferences, reset what I wanted and restarted the computer. This worked.

            B. On another occasion, I could not get the monitor to Ògo black.Ó I trashed the Energy Saver preferences and restarted. Also, make sure to Òshow details.Ó Pick less time for monitor sleep than hard disk sleep. This seems to be the key, at least on my G3/233.

            C. Later with the G3/233, The computer shut the screen down and it would not come back on when pressing keyboard keys. I trashed the Energy Saver preferences, which seems to be okay, now.

            D. It is better to trash the preferences, restart the computer, and then reset the settings you want.

17. According to Tekserve FAQÕs 2000, some screen savers interfere with the operation of Energy Saver.

18. According to the 5500 Manual page 13, if the 5500 is sleeping, press the power key or any key on the keyboard (except for CAPS LOCK) to wake up the computer.

19. According to the 5500 Manual page 22, if you computer is being used as a server, other users can still access it over a network while the 5500 is asleep, if you set the server options with the Energy Saver c.p. to prevent the hard disk from going to sleep.

            A. The network connection does not have to be made before the 5500 goes to sleep.

            B. If the 5500 is set to shut down, network access can not happen.

20. According to the 5500 Manual page 22, if there is an open document at the time scheduled for shutdown, the file is saved in a folder on your startup disk. The folder is named with the date and time of the shutdown.

21. The sound kept muting, but that was because of the setting, that said Òmute the computer when asleepÓ.

            A. It did it again, so I restarted the computer (perhaps preferences need to be updated).

            B. Approximately 8 hours is the amount of time that Energy Saver uses to make the green light on the front of the G3/233 to go off. Even though the green light goes off, it should not. The computer (and the monitor) was only supposed to Òsleep.Ó However, you have to restart the computer when the green light goes off, because you canÕt wake up the monitor. (The computer is probably still simply sleeping, because the fan is still on).

            C. We could not replicate the problem, when I went to DennisÕ house. I suggested the following possible solutions if the problem returns: Trash energy saver prefs, turn off Filesaver, turn off NAV, Try using Sleeper, new System Folder (8.5), new version of Norton Utilities (7.0 as opposed to 6.0, which he has), Initialize the HD, then new System Folder (8.5), replace the HD.

22. Energy Saver on iMac (System 9.1, version 3.0.2) works with the iMac to shut it down. You must check the box labeled "Scheduled shut down instead of scheduled sleep."

23. On MomÕs G3, the Energy Saver control panel was set to 50 minutes or so, but kept going to sleep after 5 minutes or so. I trashed the Energy Saver preferences, but it still went to sleep after 5 minutes. Perhaps could try restarting the computer or use Sleeper.

24. Should not put the G3 to sleep manually, as it appears to not be able to wake up, as of 7/02.

25. On 9/9/02, Energy Saver was not working properly on the G3/266, only two days after a clean install of System Software. When I came into school in the morning, the screen was not dimmed at all. I decided to install Sleeper.

26. The bondi blue iMac was having trouble freezing when waking up from sleep. Therefore, I went to the Energy Saver control panel and turned off the separate display for the monitor and the hard drive. Will wait and see. I may need to turn off Energy Saver altogether.



1. Tina does not use it, but it in the library (There is a 660 on a shelf in the library). It uses S020187 for the black cartridge, and S020191 for the color cartridge (not the same as the Epson 740 for the black cartridge, the color cartridge is the same).

2. Marilyn bought cartridges for the 660 from Merced Costco in 10/04.


EPSON 740 (EpsonÕs number is 562-276-7542, Monday-Friday, 6 A.M.-8 P.M. Saturday 7 A.M.-4 P.M., Pacific), MarilynÕs serial # is AGR1660591, TinaÕs serial number is A6R1651024. Epson America Inc. 3840 Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806, U.S.A. Tel : (1) 562 - 981 - 3840 and Fax : (1) 562 - 290 - 5220. The 4 Epson printers were bought in February 2000. They have since been discontinued. They have a one-year warranty. Found the info at Epson has no e-mail address that I could  find on their website. There was one CD that had a number of UGK008103DO on it.

1. To install, you are supposed to go to start, programs, EPSON and select EPSON Stylus Color 740 Installer. I did not, but both printers still worked.

            A. This method can be used to install the electronic manual, If necessary.

2. The manual should have a bookmarks section for you on the left-hand side at the top of the window.

3. To access printer utilities, go to file menu of an open document and select print, click the utility tab.

4. You should not open the clamp or remove a cartridge unless replacing it, since the cartridge should not be usable If you do that, according to the manual.

5. The Ò+Ó button does not HAVE to be pushed to print envelopes.

6. Had problem with SandyÕs Epson 740 printer in room 24. The black cartridge was out of ink, so she replaced it with one of the cartridges that I had. After installing it, the indicator light was still on (the one that shows that the black cartridge needs replacing). It later had the color light come on, then the paper light came on. Very random. So I unplugged the power and printer cables altogether, zapped with T.T. and K.B, Reinstalled all Epson software. Then it worked. Also, printing from TBWC was extremely slow, but printing from desktop or Claris was okay. After restarting and increasing the memory allocation of TBWC to 2,000 K, TBWC was still slower than Claris, but at least at an acceptable speed.

            A. Also at one point, the printing came out, but it was somewhat fainted. Cleaning using the front buttons on the printer did not do that much. Cleaning with the software worked pretty well, because printing came out okay after that. (To clean with software, make sure the printer is on and not printing and the ink out lights are all off, Go to print setup (or print dialog box), and click the utility tab, click head cleaning.)

            B. Also, the manual says not to take the cartridge out and reinstall it. However, I did this and after cleaning with the software, the printer printed okay.

            C. I did a test print with the printer. I disconnected the printer cable, turned the power off on the printer, held down the load/eject button and then pressed the power button, then I let go of the load/eject button. A test page printed fine. Problem is likely to be with the PRAM.

            D. I unplugged the battery for thirty minutes on the LC575 in Room 24. However, the printer still would freeze. So, I installed the Epson update for 7.1 - 9.0. it brings the Epson Monitor 3 up to version 1.26E. After zapping with TT and keyboard, and reinstalling, still did not work. Froze. I tried to make sure that 32-bit addressing was off, since that causes the system software to take up too much memory. When you click Òuse defaultsÓ in the memory control panel, it turns 32 bit addressing off automatically (I clicked it and did not realize that 32 bit addressing kept turning off). I went to the memory control panel, because I had Zapped the PRAM. I reinstalled the System Software and had only the basic extensions and tried to print after installing the software into the new System folder. I made sure I restarted twice and that the System Software only took up 3 out of 20 MB or so. Still froze. Finally, I decided after all this that Epson 740 is not compatible with 7.1.

7. If the paper out light (above the black out ink light and the color ink out light) is flashing, paper is jammed. If the paper out light is on, it means you ran out of paper or it is incorrectly loaded.

You may be able to turn off the printer, wait a few seconds and turn it back on to eject any paper. If that does not work, then turn off printer, reload paper, and then press the load/eject button.

            A. If the power light and the paper out light flashes and the black and color ink out lights come on, it may be that jammed paper is preventing movement of the print head. You should turn off the printer, wait a few seconds, and turn it back on to eject any paper. If no paper is ejected, removed the jammed paper and turn it back on again. If lights are still flashing and are on, contact for service.

            B. When the power, paper out, black ink out and color ink out lights all flash your printer may have internal error. Turn off the printer, unplug, wait a few seconds and turn on again. If still all flashing, contact for service.

            C. To run a test page, turn off the printer and computer, disconnect the printer cable, make sure paper is in printer, hold down the load/eject button and press the power button. Hold down the load/eject button until the power button starts to flash, release the load/eject button.

            D. To clean the print head from the control panel (picture of control panel is on p. 137 of the manual), make sure the printer is turned on and not printing, and that the black and color ink out lights are off. Press the cleaning button (between load eject and the 3 ÒoutÓ buttons) and hold it down for three seconds. This may not have worked with SandyÕs printer because the black light had still been on.

            On TinaÕs Epson 740 in the library, you push the cartridge light for three seconds and it moves over, ONLY if the cartridge light has been flashing or is steadily on.

            E. To change the ink cartridge when either ink out light is flashing or on, make sure the printer is on and not printing, then open the printer cover. Press the cleaning button (four different colors and the two arrows) and hold it down for about three seconds, the clamp should move so that the cartridge can be replaced. After replacing the cartridge, press the cleaning button and close the printer cover.

F. To change the ink cartridge when neither ink out link is flashing or on, make sure the printer is on and not printing, then open the printer cover. Press the load/eject button (single piece of paper that is Òdog earedÓ) and hold it down for about three seconds, the clamp should move so that the cartridge can be replaced. After replacing the cartridge, press the load/eject button and close the printer cover.

G. On JLÕs 740, the color light came on and it would not allow you to print, even in black only. I took out the color cartridge and put it back on. The light did not come back on, and the printer printed.

8. You can order Quill brand cartridges for the Epson printer. They are order # 711746/ $20.98/ each for black cartridges and order #711747/ $20.98/ each for color cartridges. Original Epson numbers are S020189 ($27.98/each and $26.97 for 6 or more) for the black cartridge and S020191 for the color cartridge. However, Quill brand cartridges would not work in the Epson printer (no output, see #15). Staples has the Epson black cartridge S020189 for $29.29 or 2 for $43.99 and the color cartridge S020191 for $28.79 or 2 for $43.99. They also have a combination pack (one color/one black) for $51.79). None of the Epson cartridges mention the size, but I e-mailed Epson about this on 10/3/07. They replied and said that they do not release the ml information or put it on cartridges, because that ml is not helpful information, that the number of pages would be more helpful information. At*4524*, Costco has a two pack of the Epson 660/740 color cartridges for $42.99. Merced Costco only had color cartridges for the Epson 740 in 10/07 (no black ones).

9. Macwarehouse said this printer can be used with an IBM and a MAC at the same time, as long as we have two cables.

            A. I did verify this and it worked with MarilynÕs IBM and the Powermac 5400 in her office (they were hooked up at the same time). I had to restart the 5400 to get it to work with the printer and installed the Stylus Driver Updater V1.0ES, since her 5400 is running system 7.5.5.

10. If you use the EPSON 740 with an iMac, it is recommended that you get the Mac Stylus Update from Epson, also make sure to get the iMac 1.1 update from Apple, along with the iMac firmware update from Apple.

            A. BTW, Epson 740 s/b compatible with System 7.x, according to Club Mac notes.

11. Wear gloves when changing the cartridges for this printer.

12. To print a test page, make sure the power is off. Hold down the load/eject (picture of paper on it), press the power button. Hold down the load/eject button until the power light starts to flash, then release the load/eject button.

13. When installing the Quill brand cartridge, take all three tabs off, the red one and the clear plastic cap and the piece of fabric underneath it. The cartridge will not fit, if you do not take all three off.

            A. I discover later, however, that the Quill brand cartridges do not work with any of our Epson 740 printers.

            B. I tried replacing the black cartridge with a Quill brand cartridge, but no printing would appear in black (color would print out). The paper ran through the printer, but no output appeared. Rob said he had called Epson, because he had had the same problem once, and that Epson said to clean the cartridge many times.

            C. I tried cleaning the cartridge 10 more times, I had no luck. I tried the third Epson cartridge, it did not print either. Epson said we need to use Epson cartridges. After visual inspection, it appears that the Quill brand cartridges are of somewhat different dimensions. Also, Quill uses plastic casing (it is not a refilled Epson cartridge, which may cause a size difference).

            D. Quill asked that I donate the old cartridges to a non-profit organization (which Crookham school is). They credited our account for $171.26.

            E. For Epson cartridges, pull yellow tab off only. Nothing on the under side of the cartridge should be pulled off (once placed in printer, bottom clear plastic cover over ink release place is punctured, I think).

            F. Epson cartridge worked with Epson printer, Quill did not.

14. This printer takes on average thirty seconds or so, before it prints every time on the IBM side.

15. If the black or color cartridge light is flashing, it is low and will eventually need to be changed. If the light is solid, the cartridge is empty, replace it (However, TM was able to print from the iMac with 9.0 in room 57 when the color cartridge was empty; and the light was not on, strangely enough).

            A. To get the print head to move where the cartridges can be accessed (if one of the cartridge lights is flashing or on), hold down the cleaning button (looks like several teardrops) for three seconds. If one of the lights is not flashing or on, hold down the load/eject button (which looks like a piece of paper) for three seconds. This is also referred to in 6 H and 6 I.

16. If you take cartridges out of the printer, they can not be re-used. They will dry up.

17. When printing from an IBM, there seems to be a 30 second delay each time you print. On the Mac side, no delay was noticed.

18. Marilyn bought some Epson cartridges from Staples, when we decided to purchase the real Epson cartridges.

19. One year warranty on parts and labor.

20. Epson 740 Rebate sent to Ryan Zelenski, 7160 N. Walnut Avenue on 3/31/2000. Did not list a time frame. Did not make a copy of the submission form, kept a copy of the purchase requisition.

21. Had trouble with MomÕs Epson 740. Would not print red. After cleaning the cartridge, it was fine.

22. The Microweave option (??, p. 141 of the manual) can be a cause of horizontal banding. Also, if you have horizontal banding, select the standard printable area in the printable area setting.

23. If a printed image has incorrect or missing colors, make sure the media type matches the type of paper you are using.

24. If the printed image is smeared or blurred, make sure the paper thickness lever is set in the correct position (+ for envelopes or other thick media: 0 for other media types. Regular paper should use the 0 setting). Another cause of smearing can be using the high speed setting and microweave settings with a mis-aligned print head. To align the print head, use software. Use the utility tab and then select print alignment.

25. If only the power light is on and nothing prints, the print head nozzles may be clogged or the ink cartridges may be too old. Clean the print head.

            A. To clean the print head using the control panel, make sure the printer is turned on and not printing, and that the black and color out ink lights are off. Press the cleaning button (four colors and two arrows) for three seconds.

26. Epson installer does not remove all the Epson files when "removing." it left 3 Epson files in the extensions folder. it also left the SC740 chooser extension in the extensions folder. it also left the Epson preferences in the System Folder:Preferences.

27. I tried using the Keyspan serial adapter to use the Epson 740 with the iMac in Room 24. it would not print, kept giving the Òprinter is not connected error.Ó I zapped the PRAM with TT and KB shortcut, reinstalled the software, reinstalled the update for the software (which brings the Epson Monitor 3 up to version 1.26E), Disabled PrintMonitor, Increased memory of Epson Monitor 3 from 1500K to 3000K, Tried using the Keyspan adapter with the 1500 printer (which worked, so the cable and the adapter must work). For future reference, check Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter #7 for more assistance.

A. I bought a 6 foot Belkin USB A Plug/B Plug Cable from Radio Shack in Atwater (531 Bellevue Road, Atwater, CA 95301, 358-8245, for 9.99 plus tax ($.72). The USB cable comes with a lifetime warranty. Using the USB cable and connecting the iMac to the Epson 740 worked. The software is the updated version of Epson Monitor 3 (version 1.26E) on the iMac. Plugging the USB cable into the keyboard as well as the side of the computer worked.

28. The Epson 740 seems to work well with at least Three Power Macs at school (5400Õs with 7.5.5) using the serial port.

29. Early Epson software can cause the printer choice to be forgotten, should update to a more recent version, According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs.

30. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, when you turn on an Epson inkjet printer, it performs a self-test before it enters normal operation mode. If an error is found, the printer will respond with an error when trying to print. Usually, one of the lights s/b flashing. Could also check that paper is seated properly and that there is ink in the ink cartridges.

31. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, The $39 Epson USB adapter supports the Stylus 440, 600, 640, 800, 850, 1520 Photo 700 and Stylus Color Photo EX.

32. Epson 740 got a good review from Consumer

33. Epson 740 worked fine (at least a couple times) with JoseÕs 575 and 20 MB of RAM with System 7.1. I used the version of the driver that was on the Epson 740 CD.

34. Green light was flashing on the Epson 740 in Room 36. I turned it off, waited a few seconds, and turned it back on. The green light was no longer flashing.

35. On the Epson 740 in Room 50, the pages would feed through the printer, but they were all blank. However, neither one of the cartridge lights on the front of the printer were on. However, the black cartridge was empty.

            A. I had a difficult time changing the cartridge, I had to almost force the cartridge holder to stay in place. I did manage, however, to change the cartridge. But, it still ran pagesthroughwithout printing on them. I tried printing many pages. Then, I finally managed to get the cartridge out again and then the black cartridge light came on. Then I was able to hold down the black cartridge button for three seconds and get the cartridge holder to move to a location where I can take the cartridge out again. I took the cartridge out, dabbed it with a Kleenex to make sure ink could come out. Then I put the cartridge back into the printer and cleaned the cartridge. Then the printer printed okay.

            B. I should check and see what you are supposed to do when the ink it out, but the light will not come on (perhaps turning computer off, then on may work).

36. When hooking up the Epson 740 to the iMac in Room 57, I could not get the Epson to show up in the Chooser on the right hand side (which port or whatever). Restarting the iMac did not help, neither did making sure that the Epson 740 was on. Reinstalling the Epson software did not help, either. I switched the USB connection from one USB port to the other (I switched the PrinterÕs USB connection with the KeyboardÕs USB connection). After restart, the Epson 740 showed up in the Chooser on the right hand side and I was able to print with it.

37. On the Epson 740 in the library, the color cartridge light was on, and no printing would take place (gave a printer not connected error). I turned the power off and back on a couple times, then the paper would run through the printer, but no printing appeared on the printout. I discovered that the black ink cartridge was out, ironically. I changed the black cartridge and the color cartridge light went out. It printed okay after that.

38. On Rob BaptieÕs Epson 740, the color ink cartridge out light was on and no printing would take place.

            A. A test print page would not print, I tried unplugging the printer. When pressing the cleaning button, the cartridges could not/would not be cleaned with Epson 740 before I was able to fix the problem. I tried setting the paper thickness lever to zero. I tried adding more paper to the input tray (since it only had two or three sheets in it).

            B. Finally, I took the cartridges out and then put them back into place again. The color ink out light went out and a test page would print. Additionally, I was able to print from the iMac. The printer was able to print, I am not sure if Rob put an additional color cartridge (a full one) in the printer or not). Anyhow, as of 8/3/00, the printer works.

            C. I am not sure if you can continue to print with a color out light on, but I think you may be able to print in black only. I fax EPSON to inquire about this on 4/27/01. They did respond on 5/7/01 and said that once the color (or black, for that matter) light comes on, the cartridge must be replaced before the printer will come back Òon line.Ó They also said you could check troubleshooting tips at

39. Estela was having trouble printing on her Epson 740. The power and the paper out lights were flashing and the color and black cartridge lights were steadily on. The manual page 27 says, in this situation, to turn off the printer, wait a few seconds, then turn the printer back on. If no paper ejects, then turn off the printer again, remove the jammed paper and turn it on again. If the lights still stay on, you should contact the Epson dealer.

            A. I did try turning the printer off and then unplugging it a few seconds and tried printing a test page, I had no luck. Then I just flipped the paper around, turned the printer off a few seconds, then back on. The printer worked.

            B. Perhaps the Epson in Room 13 is finicky and needs to have more than just a few sheets of paper in it. I do not know this to be true, but it was true with the Deskwriters.

            C. A few days later, printer had same problem again, so I sent Estela another Epson 740 printer that we had left over.

40. To set up an Epson 740 to print in black by default: Go to print, click Custom, Click Advanced, Select black, Print quality-normal, Save settings, Type a name.

            A. This procedure worked with CW fine. I then open TWC, but documents did not default to black printing. However, after going through the procedure in #40, documents in TWC defaulted to print in black. TBWC had same results (black was not default, even after setting up TWC to default to black. But, after setting up TBWC with black defaults, documents after that defaulted to black).

41. On BillÕs iMac, the Epson 740 did show up in the Chooser. However, after selecting it, nothing would appear on the right-hand side, even though the 740 was plugged into the iMac. Trashing Printing and Epson preferences and restarting did not help. I trashed all of EpsonÕs software and restarted. Still I had no luck. I restarted again and then USB 1 (or something like that) showed up on the right hand side of the Chooser.

42. DC said that he has had difficulty using EPSON printers, because the jets are built into the printer, not the cartridges, so if you change cartridges, it will not make a difference. He had very little success in cleaning the jets on the printer (200 to 800 series, approximately).

43. JLÕs printer would not print properly. It kept jamming paper when trying to print. It was not level, part of the printer was on the edge of the table and therefore made the printer uneven. After fixing this, the printer printed fine.

44. TinaÕs 740 would not print properly in color using a Premium Imaging Products color cartridge. A new one did not work well, either. Tina said Rebecca gave her the cartridges and they may be very old. The package even says that they are supposed to last only 6 months. It appears that there are several places on the internet that sell Premium Imaging Products cartridges. I think (not 100% sure, because there was no paper trail for the 8/04 P.O., as of 2/05), though, that KW ordered them through BCS (Best Computer Supplies), 895 E. Patriot Blvd. #110, Reno, NV 89511. Their phone number is 800-544-3472, fax is 800-829-4881, e-mail is or, internet is Hours are M-F: 5 A.M. –  4 P.M., PST. I hope these cartridges work. My username and password at is, New New At Ease. In 8/05, we had trouble with a Premium Imaging Products 740 black cartridge in room 52. The paper ran through, but no printing appeared. After using the software to clean the heads and using rubbing alcohol and Q-tips, it then printed. They have Premium Canon Remanufactured inkjet cartridges (RMBC-20) for $21.37 each. Later, the problem returned with a Premium Imagin remanufactured cartridge in room 52, and I had to clean the print heads three times to resolve the issue.

45. LH was having trouble getting the Epson 740 to work with her DEC. I tried reconnecting connections (power and parallel), restarting the printer and computer. No luck. I tried reinstalling the 740 software from the CD, but it would not work. I got an error about Windows needing to be reinstalled. However, the CD was for Windows 98. Finally, I decided to use a USB cable to connect the printer, this worked (I had to select the USB port connection, I think it is called Virtual USB or something similar).

46. LHÕs 740 in room 36 was not printing, because the color light was on (I believe). I took the color cartridge out and then put it back in, and then it would print again. However, the printing was faded, so I replaced her black cartridge with a new Epson one. It did not print anything at all. I used the utilities to clean the print heads and had to repeate the cleaning and then the cartridge finally printed. Later (2/13/06), USB connection did not work. I then tried the parallel connection, no luck. I could get the printer to act like it was printing, but it just printed gibberish (even though LPT I was set up to be the port). Finally, reinstalled 740 software and then the USB connection worked (I should have just reinstalled the software to solve the issue). Also, after changing the printer name from 740 (copy 2) to just 740, I could not print. Then, I restarted the DEC, unplugged and reconnected the 740, and I was able to print.

47. Ports didn't show up in the Chooser on the right side, but it still printed; SC 740 was in Extensions (on a 5400), but I had done a partial install (by accident) after regular install; I did another regular install to resolve the issue. EPSON couldn't find installer on 740 CD w/ 5400, so I used the installer inside of the driver folder, which worked.

48. I downloaded the driver from EpsonÕs web site for CZÕs iMac to use with OS 9; even though the website mentions System 8, but it works with 9, also. Gutenprint (freeware according to its GPL Licencse.RTF, which says ÉÓeveryone understands that there is no warranty for this free software.Ó) and ESP Ghostprint (freeware according to its Read Me). indicates that Gimp-Print is free. says that, ÒAlso, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software.Ó Gutenprint does not support HP Deskwriter, though. According to, Some cables which work fine in Mac OS 9 (such as the Keyspan USB-to-parallel cable) reportedly do not work at all in Mac OS X (so perhaps the USB to serial cable would not work in OS X, either). When I hooked up the 740 to the Keyspan serial adapter, Gimp Print just stopped at 9% of the cueing. I donÕt think that the 870 HP woulld work with CZÕs iMac. Anyhow, USB connection would be faster anyhow, so I will stick with that for the Epson printer. Also, I tried using an older USB cable, but I did not work, the hi-speed 2.0 Staples cable did (ironically). I tried to use the 740 with a Serial cable and several times after restarting the printer (and unplugging it) and restarting the iMac, it kept printing gibberish. Finally, I uninstalled Ghostprint and Gutenprint and installed them. It is important to select the printer with Gutenprint; otherwise, you may not be able to adjust color/grayscale settings. Finally, I figured how to use the Epson 740 with her iMac. There is a built-in driver in OS 10.2.8; however, there is a glitch in it, when you try to change the color/black and white settings, the application quits (this happened with about five different applications). Finally, I used Gutenprint. The iP4000 still showed up on CZÕs iMac, and I wanted to get rid of it, but I was unable to remove it. Then, I turned off Printer Sharing with the iMac Duo and restarted CZÕs iMac, then the iP4000 did not show in the Print Center. I set up the 740 to work with CZÕs iMac Duo: no installation was necessary, it just showed up after being connected. It did not print initially: paper went through the printer, but it was blank in color or black and white. Then it printed but with many spots. Cleaning the cartridges (with software and rubbing alcohol) did not work  Eventually, I changed the setting to medium (not speedy or quick, but in between) for color and black, and then it printed fine.

49. According to Epson technical support (10/07), ÒEpson does not provide the ink volume in mls for its cartridges because mls do not translate into any usable print information. Mls will not tell you how much printing you can get out of a cartridge. To get an idea of how much printing can be done from a cartridge, Epson provides estimated page yields for the black cartridges and color cartridges for its printers.Ó


EPSON 1200 Scanner (serial number is BZPX048320).

1. OwnerÕs Manual page 2 talks about free software, but the website ( ) where it is offered, does not load.

            A. OwnerÕs Manual page 2 talks about the use of ArcSoft Photo Printer, which can be used to make montages (a single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs).

            B. OwnerÕs Manual page 11 cautions that you should make sure that the scanner is in the home position and it should be locked, when moving it.

            C. OwnerÕs Manual page 13 says that if you turn the scanner off, wait ten seconds before turning it back on, as damage to the scanner can result. OwnerÕs Manual page 21 says that you must have Presto Page Manager installed to use the green start button on top of the scanner. Also, you need to have Presto Page Manager installed to use Epson Scanner Monitor application (which gets installed automatically in the Applications folder on the iLamp). You cannot move Epson Scanner Monitor to the trash, because "it is open." I figured out the solution, I unplugged the scanner from the USB port and then I was able to trash the Epson Scanner Monitor.

            D. OwnerÕs Manual page 25 (#9) shows how you can drag and drop thumbnails to your word processorÕs icon, such as Word 97.

            E. OwnerÕs Manual page 40 explains that the icon within Pagemaker (that has a start button icon on it) will have an application on that button as well. This button represents the application that the start button has been assigned to use.

            F. OwnerÕs Manual page 41 explains how you can choose which application you can scan to, inside of Pagemaker.

            G. OwnerÕs Manual page 43 explains how you can use the scan buttons palette to have jobs completed.

            H. OwnerÕs Manual page 46 suggests using OCR, 400 dpi for the setting for scanning text.

            I. OwnerÕs Manual page 48 says you must manually adjust the resolution (dpi) to maintain the same image quality when you resize your image; for example, if you have a 300 dpi 2 X 2 inch image, that you wish to enlarge to 4 X 4, increase the Scale setting to 200% and change the resolution to 600 dpi.

            J. OwnerÕs Manual page 54 says that if scanning a document with the cover removed, you should cover any exposed areas of the document table to prevent interference from external light.

            K. OwnerÕs Manual page 59 directs you to, which re-directs you to There is an ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) for $79. The ADF or transparency unit would connect to the 8-pin serial port labeled option on the back of the scanner. There were several transparency units (none of which indicated it would work with the 1200 scanner), and the cheapest one was $99. Most of the others were over $200 to $300.

            L. OwnerÕs Manual page 92 lists the online and e-mail addresses for software that came with the scanner.

            M. OwnerÕs Manual page 94 lists the operating temperature as 41 to 95 degrees, and the storage temperature as -13 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. On one occasion, I could not use the File, Acquire command. I kept getting a site preparation error. However, after re-installing the software with extensions on, and using the Acquire command within Pagemaker, then I was able to use the File, Acquire command.

3. You can choose which application (or you can choose printer or e-mail) by using the Scan buttons palette. To add an application to the palette, you must go to File, Scan buttons settings, then properties, then add your desired application. Then to make the application the one that the start button uses, go to Start button settings, choose your application.

            A. CW 4.0 can be used, but if you select 4.0 and it is not already opened, 5.0 will be used.

4. Presto Page Manager appears to work very slowly, but I need to use it for OCR, since Omnipage will not work with Epson 1200 scanner (Omnipage got errors relating to the driver being installed, SCSI ID problems, etc. (although in OS X, it is possible to use Omnipage in conjunction with Epson scan. See #10). The driver for the 310 was not installed, since that scanner is gone. However, a partial solution would be to use Presto Page Manager to scan documents that need OCR, and use GC to scan others. Better yet, use GC to scan documents at 300 dpi, OCR setting (select OCR as Image Type and Destination), Save as TIFF. Then, if necessary (if the text is white on a black background), go to Picture, invert. Then use Omni page to do OCR (must select Òload imageÓ with OmniPage). BTW, Omnipage defaults to Auto Paste, which makes you think the program has quit. But it has not. Just select Òsave asÉÓ It is best to avoid Presto Page Manager, if possible, since it kept freezing under 9.2.1. Also kept getting Òplug in error at preparation siteÓ error. I did get Presto Pagemanager to do OCR, and then paste into Page Manager. However, I did have a challenging time copying the text (on the third try, I could finally copy the text), but eventually I was able to. Color It will not work with the Epson 1200 scanner. I tried to scan one paper with ÒJohnny FreedomÓ lyrics on it, but it would not work. I used the procedure mentioned in $4 with GC and Omni page, but no luck. I even tried using Line Art for scanning, no luck. The paper was rather thin and the writing was light. I tried putting paper behind it even, no luck. Finally, I just found the lyrics on the internet. The best way to scan in OS X is to use Espon scan, save the file as jpg or whatever. Then use GC to open the file and save it as Tiff (also I had to save it as black and white, instead of a million colors; otherwise, Omnipage cannot open it). Then use Omnipage to load the image.

5. I scanned a purple paper at 300 dpi, because I wanted to fax it to Crookham School (I sent the fax first to myself to make sure it was only two pages including a cover page, which it did turn out to be), but it took about ten minutes to get queued into Fax Activity and to send the fax (five minutes each).
            A. I tried changing the resolution, but it was somewhat grainy. Also, I could possibly have just taken a snapshot of the screen and sent it, which probably would have worked (however, I just wanted Marilyn to see the whole memo). I did not try scaling it to 25%, but after faxing, I did an additional trial fax to myself to see how the fax would turn out. It came out looking like 1/4 of a sheet of paper. I increased it 200%, but the text was still not legible.

6. There is an Epson scanner software (10867) that is native for OS X. It is very slow (I think that it was slow because the default was 300 dpi), but the picture quality is good. It saves to the default location inside Users:Ryan Zelenski: pictures. I checked later and compared a picture scanned with GC 4.3 (under Classic within OS X), and the GC picture looked better (and scanned faster). Additionally, the 10867 scanner software does not work well. When you attempt to open it, it only works in about one out of every six tries to be able to scan something, so I trashed the software. Also, when you try to scan, you get a message about the troubleshooting assistant. When you choose yes or no (to open the troubleshooting assistant), the box often does not go away, except upon restart.

            A. Version 10867 installed a piece of software called Epson scan settings into the Utilities folder. However, when you try to open it, you get a message that ÒInformation for scanners that support EPSON scan Settings is not installed. ESPON Scan settings will close.Ó This program may be for different EPSON scanners (not the 1200 U Perfection).

            B. There is also a 10952, which supposedly works in OS X 10.2-10.3, but it did not work either. You get a message about the scanner not being found (but the scanner could be found in Classic Under OS X with Graphic Converter 4.3). I trashed both versions from the HD.

            C. It may be that the EPSON software does not work well on my G3/233. Use Graphic Converter in OS 9. On the iLamp, Presto Pagemanager would not work, got a scanner could not be found error (I think it was because I could not start up in OS 9 to install). I tried using Epson 10867 and 10953, but neither one would work, I got the scanner not found error. I e-mailed Epson about this on 5/19/04. I tried using the keyboard USB port, but this did not work. Then I quit Classic mode and I was able to scan with the Epson scanner (on a different day, ironically, I was able to scan later with the Epson scanner without quitting Classic). If that did not work, Epson suggested unistalling and reinstalling the software. In OS X, I have to keep choosing 1200 scanner at startup of Epson scan, even though I chose a custom install for 1200 only to be installed. Later, though, with Panther, this was no longer the case. After doing a custom install for the 1200 scanner, I did not have to select it each time.

7. When you press the scan button on the front of the scanner, it usually would start up Presto Pagemanager. Since I do not have it installed, I got an error about it not being able to start up in Classic under OS X.

8. I installed the EPSON software with 8.1, but it does not work. I think the scanner requires 9.0.

9. In full auto mode, if you put two pictures on the scanner, both pictures will be scanned automatically. It appears also that when you use Full Auto Mode, the applications quits after scanning. I could not find a preference to change that. To change the mode, open Epson scan, press pause, then change the mode to Home Mode.

            A. In home mode, you can set the target to be for the screen (different resolutions are listed) or other different sizes.

9. To scan a yellow document, use 24 bit color setting along with 300 dpi resolution. Auto exposure type s/b document.

10. To do OCR on a document in OS X, scan as a TIFF (300 dpi, black and white) with Epson scan: then use Omnipage to load the file. Alternatively, I can use Epson Scan to scan a document, save to desktop, open with GC and save as Pict (if you save as TIFF, the file may be quite large). Then load image with Omnipage). You can only load one page at a time with Omnipage, you can Òload all,Ó but only the last page appears in your text document, if you scan more than one page. Also, if you rotate a page with Preview and try to scan it with Omnipage, it will not work (you may or may not get an error message). If you do not get an error message, the document still will not scan correctly.

11. If you have extra boxes in the Preview window, close it and reopen it. If you scan as another file format with Preview and then use Preview to change it to tif (either by using Export within Preview or by changing the suffix), it does not work with Omnipage (Omnipage cannot load it).

            A. If you set the Target to be (i.e.) screen size, you cannot then redraw the selection square horizontally or vertically only, the selection square only lets you change the size horizontally and vertically at the same time.

            B. If you redraw the selection square, your Target setting is lost.

12. You can scan a wallet sized picture (1" X 2") and blow it up on the screen, but the resolution is not terrific.

13. To do OCR at school, use Ofoto in conjunction with Omnipage.

14. The best setting for scanning the painting estimates for our court are 300 dpi, 8-bit grayscale. Then open the documents with GC and change the size to 25%. The best setting for scanning the reimbursements for the 125 plan (to be faxed) is to scan at 150 dpi by 150 dpi (black and white), then after prescanning, the target s/b letter (8.5 X 11).


Epson 1520 (Epson Sound Advice number is 800-442-2110 24/7: You can order Epson accessories at 800+873-7766. Cartridges are S020108 (black) and S020089 (color).

1. The UserÕs Guide page 1 says that you can install an optional network card.

2. The UserÕs Guide page 2 says that you need System 7.1 or later and at least 8 MB of RAM.

3. The UserÕs Guide page 3 says the printer requires an RS-422, 8-pin mini DIN male/male cable.

4. The UserÕs Guide page 9 says a cartridge should not be taken out, otherwise, it may need to be replaced.

5. The UserÕs Guide page 1-9 says that default paper source is Auto Sheet Feeder, which is the feeder tray on the front of the printer.

6. The UserÕs Guide page 1-10 says that using the ÒAutomaticÓ mode is the easiest.

7. The UserÕs Guide page 1-13 says that if the paper out light come son, then your paper is loaded incorrectly or the paper release lever (single sheet or multiple sheet lever on the left side of the printer) is set to the wrong position. Load paper or move the lever and press the Load/Eject button. If the pause light is on, press the button to turn it off.

            A. Page 1-13 says that is the paper out light flashes, then you have a paper jam. Turn off printer and clear it. Press the load/eject button and if necessary, press the pause button to turn the pause light off.

8. The UserÕs Guide page 1-14 says to reset the printerÕs memory, hold down the pause button for five seconds.

9. The UserÕs Guide page 2-5 says that the print quality is automatically selected based on the current media type.

10. The UserÕs Guide page 2-7 says you can Òsave settingsÓ for special projects.

            A. If Òsave settingsÓ is grayed out, according to page 2-11, click ÒAdvancedÓ mode.

            B. Page 2-12 says that names for saved settings can be up to 16 characters long.

            C. Page 2-13 explains that you can ÒredefineÓ saved settings, go to the save settings dialog box.

11. The UserÕs Guide page 2-10 says that Colorsync is used to match colors displayed on your monitor to colors for printers, scanners, etc.

12. The UserÕs Guide page 3-5 says that if you use special media that comes with a cleaning sheet, run it through the printer several times after running the special media through the printer. You should press the load/eject button to run the cleaning sheet through the printer.

13. Sometimes the operate light flashes on the printer. There does not appear to be any information listed about this in the manual. Turning the printer off and then back on seems to solve the problem (similar to EPSON 740 printer).

14. The UserÕs Guide page 3-6 says you should not load more than 30 sheets at a time, no matter what kind of paper it is.

15. The UserÕs Guide page 3-6 says you can load paper up to 17 inches wide, but do not stack it above the arrow on the right hand side of the automatic sheet feeder tray (the bottom one, not the top one).

16. The UserÕs Guide page 3-6 says you should set the lever on the left-hand side to single sheet loading to use the automatic feeder tray at the bottom of the printer.

            A. The UserÕs Guide page 3-6 says you should load paper before starting a print job.

17. The UserÕs Guide page 3-9 says that for C-5 size envelopes, remove the rear paper support (the small sliding tray, with the fence on it, on the automatic paper feeding tray) guide and reinstall it upside down, sliding it up to the edge of the envelopes.

18. The UserÕs Guide page 3-10 says that if paper is loaded in both the manual feeder and the automatic paper feeder, the paper from the manual feeder will be used.

19. The UserÕs Guide page 3-10 says that if you run out of paper while printing, load more paper, then press the pause button. Also, if the printing smears on a printout, press the thickness lever to the plus position and reprint.

20. The UserÕs Guide page 3-11 says you can only load ONE sheet of paper or ONE envelope into the manual feeder to make it work. You have to push the paper down into the printer to make it work. I do believe the manual is correct, that you could not load more than one sheet into the manual feeder at a time.

            A. The UserÕs Guide page 3-11 says that paper can be between 4.1 inches and 17 inches wide.

            B. The UserÕs Guide page 3-12 says that if paper has already loaded from the automatic paper tray and you do not want to use it, then press the load/eject button to rid it, then try to print from manual sheet feeder again.

            C. The UserÕs Guide page 3-12 says that if the paper to be loaded in the manual feeder tray is more than 14.3 inches wide, slide the right paper edge guide all the way to the right.

            D. The UserÕs Guide page 3-13 says that if the paper does not load straight, press load/eject and reload the paper.

21. The UserÕs Guide page 3-14 says that continuous paper can be loaded into the built-in tractor feeder. You should set the paper release lever (on the left side of the printer) to the continuos paper icon.

            A. Page 3-19 warns to never push load/eject when continuos fed labels are being fed into the machine. The labels would fed backward, causing them to get stuck in the printer.

            B. Page 3-20 suggests NOT using the knob on the left side of the printer to adjust the loading or tear off positions, since this can damage the printer or cause it to lose top of form position (Use the micro adjust buttons instead).

22. The UserÕs Guide page 3-22 says to print on banner paper, you need an optional banner kit (C81101).

            A. The UserÕs Guide page 3-31 suggests using a sharp knife to cut banner paper, once it has feed through the printer.

23. The UserÕs Guide page 4-6 says that the memory allocation of EPSON Monitor 2 in the Extensions Folder can be adjusted.

24. The UserÕs Guide page 4-13 says that the Namer is used for setting up your printer for a network.

25. The UserÕs Guide page 6-3 says you can use the control panel on the printer to print a nozzle check pattern.

            A. To print a black cartridge nozzle pattern, make sure the black cartridge light is off, press the Alt and ÒblackÓ Cleaning buttons. You may need to press the pause button to turn the pause light off.

            B. To print a color cartridge nozzle pattern, make sure the color cartridge light is off, press the Alt and ÒcolorÓ Cleaning buttons. You may need to press the pause button to turn the pause light off.

26. The UserÕs Guide page 6-2 says you should not turn the printer off while the pause light is flashing. If however, the pause light does not go off after ten minutes and the printer is not moving or making any noise, you may turn off the printer.

27. The UserÕs Guide page 6-5, you should never move the print heads by hand.

28. The UserÕs Guide page 6-5 says to replace a cartridge that is outdated (but the cartridge lights are not on), Make sure the printer is on and not printing, open the printer cover, the cover open and the pause light come on, hold down the alt button on the printer for about three seconds. You need to replace the cartridge within sixty seconds. After replacing the cartridge, press the alt button again.

29. The UserÕs Guide page 6-8 says that if your printout contains mis-aligned vertical lines, you may need to align the print heads. You can use the software to do it or use the UserÕs Guide page 6-9 to learn how to align the print heads using the control panel.

30. The UserÕs Guide page 6-10 says you should leave the cartridges installed when transporting the printer.

31. The UserÕs Guide page 7-3 says you should never turn off the printer when it is printing test pages. Press the pause button first and eject any loaded paper first.

32. To make a test print, page 7-2 says you should turn off the printer, hold down the load/eject button and press the operate button to turn on the printer.
33. The UserÕs Guide page 7-7 says that if papers are smeared as they come out, try taking the pages out one at a time after printing, especially if using transparencies.

34. The UserÕs Guide page 7-7 shows how you can print in black, even when the color cartridge is empty.

35. The UserÕs Guide page 7-7, says that is photographic images are grainy or rough, then your print heads may be mis-aligned, or the resolution of your image may be too slow.

36. The UserÕs Guide page 7-11 says that is your printer switches to the printer port or wonÕt confirm on the printer port, you may be using an Appletalk cable, you should make sure you are using an Apple System Peripheral-8 cable. Page C-7 recommends Belkin cables.

37. The UserÕs Guide page 7-12 says if you get a ÒSorry, EPSON Stylus COLOR cannot be usedÓ, the software may be corrupted and reinstalling should solve the problem.

38. The UserÕs Guide page 7-15 says that if your paper doesnÕt eject fully or is wrinkled, then you may have selected the wrong paper size with the software or the paper is too thin or it is damp.

39. The UserÕs Guide page 7-16 says that if printouts show garbled characters, you should open the Extensions, EPSON, Spool folder. Delete any queued files, increase the memory allocation for EPSON Monitor 2.

40. The UserÕs Guide page 7-17 says that if the image is flipped, you have chosen Òflip horizontalÓ in the application software or the printer software.

41. The UserÕs Guide page 7-17 says that if blank pages come out of the printer, then the print nozzles may be clogged, paper settings are incorrect, or your printer is not selected in the Chooser.

42. The UserÕs Guide page A-1 says you can hook up a PC and a Mac at the same time.

43. The UserÕs Guide page C-3 explains about the different paper types that can be used.

44. The UserÕs Guide page C-5 says that the storage temperature for the cartridges is -4 degrees to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

            A. Page C-5 says that an expired cartridge should not be used.

45. The UserÕs Guide page C-6 says that sheet feeder capacity is 100 sheets of 17-lb. paper. Weight of printer is 33 pounds.

            A. Storage temperature is minus 4 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit., operating temperature is 50 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

46. The UserÕs Guide page G-1 says that banding is the horizontal lines that sometimes appear, when printing graphics.

47. The UserÕs Guide page G-2 says that error diffusion is a halftoning setting that smoothes out edges by randomly placing dots of varying colors.

            A. ESC/P stands for EPSON Standard Code for Printers. ESC/P 2 is the enhanced version.

            B. The UserÕs Guide page G-2 says that parallel interface transmits data one byte, or eight bits at a time. A serial interface transmits data one bit at a time (also known as serially).

            C. Page G-3 ips stands for inches per second, which used to measure printing speed.

            D. The UserÕs Guide page G-3 says the Microweave is printing technology that produces images in fine increments to reduce the possibility of banding.

            E. Page G-3 says that monochrome is printing with only one color of ink (usually black).

            F. Page G-3 says that the printable area is the area of the page on which a printer can print. It is smaller than the physical size of the page due to margins.

            G. Page G-3 says that screen pattern is a feature that prints shaded areas as they appear on screen, instead of printing them as halftones.

            H. The UserÕs Guide page G-4 says that spool is the process by which the printer driver converts the print data into codes that your printer understands.

            I. Page G-4 says that subtractive colors are color s produced by pigments that absorb some colors of light and reflect others.

48. When I first tried to print with the EPSON 1520 while connected to the G3/233, it would not print. I reconnected the cable and restarted the printer, it printed fine.



1. All equipment should be turned off when connecting or disconnecting ADB cables (ADB cables used to be 9 pin, but and later were changed to 8 pin), printer, modem cables, monitors, power cables (because the wrong voltage may end up where it should not be, If not aligned properly when touching jacks). Although it is not necessary for connecting/disconnecting microphones or speakers (no voltage involved).

A. AppleÕs Powerbook G3 series and the Powerbook 5300 do not have to be shutdown to connect/disconnect ADB devices.

2. Dell recycles computers and monitors; you can check at As of 6/04, it costs $15 for a monitor, and $15 for a computer to be recycled.


Error Codes

1. Positive numbers usually come with crashes or unexpected quits.

2. Negative numbers usually indicate a variety of less disruptive problems, such as a failure to copy or delete a file.

3. According to the 5500 Manual page 120, if a dialog box with a bomb appears, it is a software problem.


Error Type 1

1. Printing graphics from the World Wide Web can cause error type 1.

2. It may be that the printer driver may not be the latest driver.

3. It may be an extension conflict.

4. Also, I increased the memory for AOL 3.0. Did have trouble once.

5. it may just be the AOL software.

6. Folder Bolt causes error type 1 with Energy Saver (when going to preferences for Energy Saver) and when trying to open the file ÒAdobe Photoshop.Ó

7. Occurred along with Error type 10 when trying to print from Virtual PC, zapped pram w/ Tech tool and extensions off.

8. For the scrapbook, error type 1 occurred when running from the HD and error type 25 occurred when running from the CD (memory allocation was increased and error disappeared).

9. Occurred with GME 96 on Performa when trying to print. So I increased RAM allocation by a lot, but I had no luck. From 4000 to 8000 K. Need to get a bug fixed upgrade or use ÒOur TimesÓ CD to print.

10. On one occasion, error type 1 occurred when trying to open TWC or TBWC, and Kept getting error message that some system 7 features are not available, but after replacing the System file, the problem disappeared. (System file was too small, after I did an ÒunusualÓ installation).

            A. After replacing System file, TBWC still got error type 1. Increased memory allocation to fix problem.

11. Got error type 1 with Sticky notes and Note pad on one occasion while printing with Canon printer. Restarted the computer and the problem went away.

12. Error type 1 and Bad F Line errors can be associated with dirty SIMMs, DIMMs. Cleaning them should help.


Error Type 2

1. The error that occurred on the LC 630 that I had. Tried many solutions including disconnecting the battery for thirty minutes and replacing the battery. Bob Hughes did fix it using a software program called ÒMactest ProÓ ($1200), which helped determine the problem.

2. Apple Personal Diagnostics was not so helpful (it did not determine the logic board problem). APD was last made in 1995 (last computer it was made for was the Powermac 9500) and has been updated since. I had a version that was made in 1994, which I burned.

3. Bob Hughes fixed it. The problem was that a component on the logic board was bad. it was the floppy controller chip was bad and interrupted the processorÕs processing.

4. He said it may have been due to a power surge, being dropped, someone contaminating with static, or natural deterioration. Not caused by a virus.

5. Error type 2 occurred when trying to print from within Microsoft Internet Explorer and with Clarisworks, when quitting. Problem turned out to be bad system software, in this case. Should normally try increasing memory allocation first with error type 1 or 2, If that does not work, then replace system software. With Error type 3, probably need to wait for a bug fixed upgrade.


Error Type 3

Usually Specific to one application. Contact manufacturer about a bug fixed upgrade.

Occurred when trying to disable speech control panel and speech manager extension. Manually moved the two INITS to disabled folders, which worked.


Error Type 10 (and system freeze)

1. When going to Edit/Preferences in Clarisworks If ÒFolderBoltÓ Control Panel is present.

Occurred when trying to format a 1.4-MB disk as an 800 K disk (putting tape over the extra hole).

2. Occurred when trying to startup from 7.5 Disk Tools disk, recopied ÒDisk ToolsÓ info to disk and it worked.

3. Occurred when trying to print ÒI Know about Collection 3Ó from Ambient Grace Textures 3 folder. Seemed to only occur with this one particular document. Usually an error type 10 means you need a bug fixed upgrade or there is an extension conflict. it occurred in more than one of the ÒI Know...Ó files. Even with using the Òprint one copyÓ command or printing on draft.

4. Clarisworks 4.0 got this error on the G3/233 after a clean install of system software. it was because I had several items in startup items, including AOL and CW 4.0. AOL would stall when opening, because it needed to be set up. This delay caused the next application to get an error. When it was not CW, it was Desktop Resetter.

            A. Kept getting a freeze after the startup items had loaded. On at least one occasion, even though the system error did not indicate it (it was just a blank freeze), Canon caused the problem. Reinstalled Canon and fixed it.

            B. Later, had same problem. After restarting, freeze occurred again after startup items loaded. After restarting and holding down shift key after RyanÕs HD appeared (so startup items would not load), the problem did not occur. I tried moving some of the startup items and the freeze did not recur. Not sure about this problem, but it may be related to Internet Explorer 5.0. I did reinstall it once along with preferences. Did not work.

            C. I reinstalled System software and used Mac OS installer Helper to move old items to new folder (non-Apple items). However, freezes kept recurring (not necessarily error type 10). After startup items load, a blank freeze occurred. I think a non-Apple extension, control panel or preference may have been at least partly to blame.

            D. So I unplugged the battery for half an hour, initialized the whole HD, tested the drive with drive setup, updated the driver with the latest version (1.7.3), checked all the connections including the keyboard/mouse connection, turned off termination on Zip Drive (it was on and should not have been) and installed fresh copies of all software (no dragging of preferences, etc.).

            E. Also, I will not load Real Player, since it MAY have caused the trouble in the first place (it supposedly caused Rob trouble). Also, I will not reinstall Color Coordinator uninstalled.

            F. A Bus error occurred after loading startup items on the next startup. Will disable startup items for now. May increase memory of finder to 1500 K (while starting up from G3 CD) and reboot.

            G. I tried increasing the memory of the Finder with Finder Fixer to 1500K, left the zip disk out of the zip drive to see if it caused the error when mounting, unplugged the modem/printer/SCSI cables and zapped with Techtool, but I had no luck. Will disabled extensions for now or disabled startup items.

            H. I used Conflict Catcher and found out that Default Folder (version 3.0.5, not a beta version, by the way) was the cause of the problem (according to CC). Will disable and trash preferences. it only worked intermittently for me, anyhow. Later, I had a freeze again. Recently, I had added the ÒApple CD groupÓ, ÒAIMÓ, ÒStuff it EngineÓ (I moved it from disabled to regular extensions, since Drop Stuff needed it) and ÒApple Event ManagerÓ. I disabled ÒAIMÓ and ÒApple Event ManagerÓ and now it seems okay again.

            I. I also disabled Default Folder on G3/266, to avoid potential problems.

5. Later, I got error type 10 again with the finder at startup. Before restarting, IE 5 froze when printing. I did notice, too, that the Copy Paste drag and drop helper application kept showing up at startup, even though it was not supposed to. Restarting did not help. Disabling Copy Paste did not totally solve the problem, but it seemed to help. Conflict Catcher found that the ÒFree PPP Config PluginÓ was a problem, so I disabled that. Conflict Catcher also said that the problem might be intermittent and that there might be other issues (or I made an error in the conflict test). So, I trashed Finder preferences, display preferences, IE 5, IE 5 preferences, CopyPaste, Copypaste preferences, Canon and Canon preferences. I then reinstalled IE 5 and Canon software. I also disabled CopyPaste 4.4.1 for now, since I have had trouble with it in the past. I think I may leave it disabled.

            A. An error type 1 with Outlook Express occurred, followed by an Finder error type 10. Also an error type 2 occurred with Quicken, followed by a Finder error type 10.

            B. replaced the System file, System Enabler, Finder. Trashed the Finder preferences. Rebuilt the desktop with Techtool.

            C. Next, would be clean install. Also, Zip drive seems to be clicking a lot, not sure if related or not.

6. I tried to print an e-mail with OE5 on one occasion. The computer froze. Upon restart, the startup items would load and then Error type 10 would happen. Then I restarted and held down the Shift key after the Finder loaded (so that Startup Items did not load). Error type 10 still occurred (BJ error). Then I restarted with the Shift Key held down again (before the Startup Screen), so that all extensions were off. I trashed the file in the Canon Spool Folder, and then restarted. I started up the Startup Items one at a time. Then the computer ran okay until I tried to print again (using a different application this time. I used CW instead of trying to print Tourbus with OE 5) and the computer froze.

            A. I then restated with Extensions off and trashed the file in the Canon Spool Folder. Then I reinstalled Canon software and I was able to print without freezing. The computer was fine.


Error Type 11

1. DonÕt do ÒOpen Apple, RÓ in Quicken

DonÕt change modem in Megaphone

DonÕt load software with extensions on (can download from web though with ext. on).

DonÕt use software If extension is off.

AOL should have ÒFax Sender, Fax Extension and WindowshadeÓ Extensions off

Occurred when ÒApple CD-ROMÓ was chosen on 5500/225 in the lab. Clean install of System Software solved the problem.

Remedies Upgrade system software, ZAP the PRAM, update the disk driver, turn off Modern Memory Manager, check for extension conflicts, disable conflicting extensions (which may include Quickdraw GX or ATM), may be too many fonts or corrupted fonts in system folder, incompatible 680 X 0 software, clean install of system software, increase size of system heap using Conflict Catcher, increase memory of finder, increase memory of allocation.

2. Marilyn was having trouble when opening AOL version 4.0 (Preview 1). After about ten seconds, error type 11 kept appearing.

Tried zapping PRAM (unplugged battery for 30 minutes), checking the DIMMs (take out one at a time, error still occurred), increasing memory allocation of AOL, turning off Virtual Memory and Modern Memory Manager, running Disk First Aid. Finally solved problem by upgrading from System Software 7.5.1 to 7.5.5 (had to use System Software 7.5 Update 2.0 to get to 7.5.5). System Software 7.5 Update 2.0 is the same as using System Software 7.5.3, except that Update 2.0 must UPDATE some previous version of 7.5. Also, I replaced her version of AOL with AOL 4.0 preview version 2, trashed prefs first (except for data prefs). I tried to install 7.5.3 from a 5400 CD, but it said this CD does not recognize this Macintosh. I had to download 7.5 Update 2.0 from AppleÕs web site.


Error Type 15

Segment Loader Error. Some programs can be broken into separate parts to minimize the use of RAM. The system softwareÕs segment loader, with the instructions from a program, determines how to do this.

If there is an error, a workaround is to disable the extension, until an upgrade in the program or System software is made.


Error Type 25

This error came up on Now Up to Date 3.6.2. I increased the minimum size of the file to 4,440 K and the Preferred Size to 5,190 K (increase of 2,000 K for both). Same thing for SAM, after increasing memory allocation, it was fine.


Error Type -34

Disk is full message. Delete files from disk. Otherwise, disk may be damaged.


Error Type -39

There is a discrepancy between the actual size and expected size of a file. Replace application and its prefs file (If any).

Otherwise, replace the system and finder and/or check for disk damage.


Error Type 41

When making a startup disk, the system folder was not blessed, so the startup disk did not work.


Error Type -43

1. When opening and closing the extensions manager, this error occurred. Also, when starting up the message appeared ÒAdobe Type Manager could not be installed, because it requires more memory or additional system resources. I ran Disk First Aid and Norton Disk Doctor.


Error Type -55

Occurred when running NSD on the Syquest drive at school.


Error Type -72

occurred when using Disk Copy 4.2 with two HD Disks. May be due to Virtual memory being on. Although at home it worked with Virtual Memory on.

Same error occurred at home, so I turned off V.M., but the error appeared again. I ran NDD on the disk. I used Disk Copy 6.1 to copy the NDD startup disk info from the CD to a floppy and no error occurred. I ran Disk First Aid, which said it found errors and repaired them. Then I ran NDD on the floppy, it encountered major errors which were unfixable. it suggested reformatting, which I did. After reformatting, it still found unfixable errors. Trashed disk.


Error Type 84, 87, 88 or 89

If this problem occurs, especially when moving windows around, the most likely cause is that there is a problem with the ÒWDEFÓ resource of a file (S.M. p. 112, 3rd edition). Should use WDEF Leopard to solve the problem.


Error Type -108

Often caused by the computer being fooled into thinking that an app is out of memory. Increase memory allocation or seek more general solutions (Rebuilding the desktop with TechTool worked with Burn and File Fire).

On one occasion, got error type -108 when trying to open a Color it Document. Turns out that the error was because of a large amount of text copied to the clipboard using word (and the Computer Notes file). After closing word, a message appeared asking if I would like to leave the large amount of text available to other applications after closing word. I replied ÒnoÓ. The document then opened fine in Color it.


Error type -192

Application is probably corrupted. Reinstall software.



Occurred with Spell it Deluxe CD after typing in Òyour nameÓ (two separate error messages occurred). Made new alias for At Ease (worked). Later, same error messages, made new alias, did not work. Trashed prefs, did not work. Reinstalled software and made new alias, worked.


Eudora (Registration number is 4564-6185-6604-5082)

1. When I first set up the SMTP server, I did it wrong. I put the mail host as and the SMTP server as I get an error that the server is not responding. I should have put in both places.

            A. I looked on EudoraÕs web site and it says that AOLÕs mail can not be checked with Eudora, because AOLÕs mail is proprietary. You can send and receive mail from AOLÕs members, but you canÕt check an AOL account. Claris E-mailer may have been able to do it, since Claris was part of Apple.

2. Eudora can read your e-mail to you.

3. EudoraÕs installer moved 16 Text Encodings out of the System Folder and made a folder on the desktop called ÒMoved out of system folderÓ.

4. The return e-mail address is your return address, in most cases of e-mail, i.e.

5. The user name in most cases of e-mail, is right before the @ symbol, i.e. Motleyze.

6. The Eudora folder is useful because it will help keep your previous settings, if you upgrade Eudora, according to the 4.3 manual, page 5. Only the installer will affect the ÒapplicationÓ folder.

7. Pages 5 - 7 of the manual help set up accounts.

8. I can use paid mode to avoid advertising and to have the full-featured Eudora client.

9. Phone number for technical support is (858) 658-1292 and e-mail is Available MondaythroughFriday, 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. (PST, I think, since their home is San Diego). Eudora is made by Qualcomm software.

10. You can create a message, then save it, instead of sending right away.

11. You can type multiple addresses in the To:, CC: and BCC: fields, just separate them with a comma.

12. According to the UserÕs manual p. 13, server passwords are usually case sensitive.

13. Command and zero opens the out box. Command and one opens the in box. Command and six checks the spelling of a document.

14. Eudora has released an update to version 5.0 (11/4/00), but I have version 4.2.


Eudora Pro 4.3

1. It comes with Net2Phone apparently, but there was no application installer on the CD, probably because Net2phone only works with a PC.

2. Net2phone does not have a free calling card, like they claim. If you buy $25 dollars worth of calls on your calling card, you get free minutes.

            A. I have called them two times and was on hold for twenty or thirty minutes each time. Was cut off once.

            B. I also talked to someone who said, call back during day shift, I donÕt know how to do it. She also said nobody there could help me. Needless to say, I did not buy any calling card time with Net2phone.



1. There was a blank space between the Microsoft Office Extension and the PC Extension when starting up computer. Apple said that means I donÕt have the extension that usually goes there, it is not a big deal. Not a major conflict.

2. I did determine that the problem was that the Moire Control Panel (which loads up at startup as one of the INITS) was the problem. it was supposed to be in the top row of the INITS, but it was covering over one of the icons in the bottom row. In other words, its icon appeared in the wrong place. I turned off the control panel (put it in the control panels, disabled folder).

3. To save RAM, you can turn off some extensions, go to extensions MangerÓ and view by icon.

4. Hitting shift at startup on 5400 at school, the printer still worked.

5. I used the extensions ManagerÓ to turn off some extensions on GwenÕs 5400, and it made the HP Printer faster. Also, I turned off Virtual Memory and made sure she had the latest HP Printer Software (6.0.3).

6. Extensions off will turn off background printing on 6400.

7. To see Extensions Manager at startup, hold down space bar (a couple extensions may load), 7.5.5 or later.

8. a Red ÒXÓ over an icon may mean extension is damaged, two copies of the same extension exist or that the control panel has turned that extension ÒoffÓ. On MomÕs computer, there was an ÒXÓ over the Performa Control Panel, I trashed the prefs and it did not have the ÒXÓ over it when loading at startup.

9. To change a control panel and/or extensionÕs settings (on/off) in the Cont. Panels/Control Panels Disabled and the Extension manager prefs; Change the setting in the extension manager and then it will also move the extension or control panel to the right folder.

            A. If a C.P. or ext. does not have an NIT, you must go the CP./CP Disabled or Ext./Ext. Disabled folder to change settings.

10. ANSI C++ PPC Lib is required for Megaphone to work. Error type 11 kept occurring at school.

11. Apple Telecom Status (Apple Menu item) was missing, so Fax software would not work (error message said Apple Fax could not be found, even though it was on the HD). After installing ATS, faxing could occur.

12. Find File extension allows you to use the ÒnewÓ find file dialogue box with 7.5. Also, this extension will allow you to use command-F to bring up the find file box (S.M. p. 43).

13. Apple Event Manager is incorporated into ÒApplescriptÓ with 7.5 (when Applescript extension loads at startup, Apple Event Manager loads, then Applescript overrides the icon, even If Apple Event Manager is disabled).

14. The clipping extension requires the drag manager to work properly.

15. N-Up printing is used with the Quickdraw GX package.

16. Power PC interrupt extension is useful for freezes that may occur. Although some problems have been reported with this extension, so it may be beneficial to load it last.

17. OpenOT is needed since there is a bug that causes Open Transport to unload from memory under certain circumstances If Appletalk is turned off.

18. All printer descriptions except those that you use or may use should be deleted.

19. ProDOS File System is used for Pre 7.5 Macs to recognize ProDOS/Apple IIE disks. Incorporated into PC Exchange 2.0.2 and later and is incompatible with 7.5.x.

20. SCSI Manager is not needed in System 7.5.3 and later.

21. Stationary is part of the Quickdraw GX package, used with compatible applications (according to InformInit).

22. Applevision is used primarily for use with Applevision Displays like the 1710 AV (can be disabled on non-AV machines).

23. Fax Sender allows the faxing of items from within applications using the Geoport Modem.

24. To drag and drop pictures onto the desktop, the ÒClipping extensionÓ is needed. Also, some third party software appÕs are not written to drag and drop items on the desktop (Kudo does not). But scrapbook, notepad and Simpletext do allow you to.

25. OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) allows you to drag and drop items like pie charts and spreadsheets between Microsoft applications. Apparently, Microsoft OLE automation is needed for Microsoft Excel to run.

26. If a photo CD will not allow itself to be accessed, then see If the Apple Photo Access extension is active.

27. The Super INIT Foolproof Extension will not be disabled with the usual process of using the Shift key at startup.

28. When installing any type of extensions or files, then turn extensions off before loading (causes installation errors).

            A. With system 6, you must move all c.p. and extensions out of active folder to turn them off, shift key will not work.

29. An extension usually looks like a puzzle piece, while a control panel often has a slider on it.

30. Thread definition is supplied on p. 702 of Mac Bible, not sure exactly what it relates to, though.

31. Contextual menu extension allows you to activate menus by control clicking with 8.1. it requires ÒSOMobjects for MacOSÓ extension to work.

32. Serial (built in) is useful to allow access to built in serial ports by Open Transport and OT aware appÕs.

33. Modem and PPP can be moved to disabled folder with Open Transport (non-dial up connection).

34. HFS+ DST Timefix modifies the functionality of the new HFS Plus format so that Daylight Savings Time does not affect files on the computer (for those who do incremental backups). InformInit Ch. 28 p.6.

35. jdgw.ppc is used for Johnson-Grace Compression Technology, supposedly needed with IE, but has been run without it installed on my 6400 and InformInit authorÕs computers.

36. MacOS 8 Finder update is a hoax extension.

37. Msl C.PPC.Dll/MSL Runtime PPC ++.dll and MSL Runtime PPC.DLL are installed by Realplayer 5.0.

            A. DLL stands for dynamic link library and some dll files can be downloaded from or you may choose to reinstall the software that uses the missing DLL file.

38. Mimetics is used by Apple Telecom software for fax and dictionary support for Apple Telecom AppÕs.

39. Color Picker extension is required to bring up color choices for labels.

40. Video Startup Extensions is required for Apple Video Player to be functional (should leave active on 5400).

            A. For you to be able to view someone on his or her computer, you and the other person need a camera.

41. If you can not replace a file, because you get a message that the extension (or control panel) is Òin useÓ. Trash the file, then drag the new file to the system folder. You may have to restart to empty the trash.

42. PrintingLib (formerly called PrinterLib, I think: Sad Macs p. 266, 3rd ed.) extension is needed only for Laser printers.

43. Printershare is used to share Stylewriter printer over a network.

44. DragClick only works with TextEdit program (makes it drag and drop clippings onto desktop).

45. If you install software with the shift key held down and you can dodge a whole bunch of potential conflicts and corruption that can occur during the installation process, or come back to haunt you later.

46. With Extensions Manager and System 8.1, you can view by packages (grouped together), items (all C.P. and extensions) or by folders (each in its own folder).

47. According to Open Transport/PPP Read Me 1.0.1, SerialDMA extension is needed to set the built-in serial ports to 115,200 or 230,400 bps. Serial (Built-in) should be installed on Mac models with PCI slots to support high speeds (38,400 and above). These two extensions were built into system software 7.5.3 or later.

48. Shared Library Manager and Shared Library Manager PPC are both needed on a Power PC Based Computer in order to support both emulated and native shared libraries.

49. RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol), BootP (Boot Protocol), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and MAC IP (Macintosh Internet Protocol) are all types of Internet servers. Can be set in the TCP/IP control panel.

50. Do not change the TCP/IP control panel settings while connection, causes disruption. Can be a disruption on restart, also.

51. If some settings are missing from the TCP/IP, i.e. you canÕt change them, it may be locked/unlocked in administrative mode.

            A. Source: Open Transport Manual p. 43, if you lose your TCP/IP password, you can trash the TCP/IP preferences and reopen TCP/IP control panel (when trashing preferences, you also lose your TCP/IP settings).

52. A Subnet mask number is necessary, because some networks are divided into sections called Sub-networks or subnets. it can be used in conjunction with an IP address to identify the subnetwork your computer is connected to. The addressing numbers are similar to IP addressing. Open Transport provides a default value automatically.

53. A router address is an IP address for a router.

54. Name server address is the IP address of an IP server (or domain name server)

            A. A name server is a computer that makes available the network address numbers for computers and other network devices that you know by name. For example, if you want to find a host computer called ÒÓ, a name server could match that name with an IP address (the computer to computer address). Source: Open Transport UserÕs Guide, page 27.

            B. You can type as many name servers as you would like, as long as you press return after each address and as long as your list does not exceed 255 letters and symbols.

55. In the Advanced or Administrative Mode, you can choose the Òselect hosts fileÓ option.

            A. A hosts file is list of DNS (Domain Naming System) resources, which is stored on your computerÕs HD. it is used to easily access network information. it is the same function provided by name servers. it is recommended that you use name servers rather than a host file (Open Transport UserÕs Guide).

            B. The content of the Hosts File must be constructed carefully. You can use the instructions in the Open Transport 1.1 UserÕs Manual on p. 47-48.

            C. DNS has also been called a Domain Name Service, which looks up an IP address when queried with a domain-name address (source is NC 4 book, glossary). Tidbits Talk mentions some websites that could be helpful in setting a DNS (BTW, I posted a message to TidBITS talk in 11/07, and the message did not get posted by the next day: it may take several days to post, as there were no other recent messages posted. I did log in first, but still the message did not get posted. It may be that 30 minutes to get posted is not accurate, even though the web pages indicates a 30-minute time frame. The message was about VSE Link Tester),,,,,,, and

56. Implicit search path is only available in Advanced or Administration Mode. TCP/IP can automatically search for computers you partially identify by Òhost nameÓ. To make the search possible, you specify a name representing a local network domain (the Òstarting nameÓ) and the larger domain containing the local domain (the endingÓ name). TCP/IP uses the domain names you enter to search for a valid host name when you identify only part of the name.

            A. The end of the starting domain must be at the beginning of the domain. I.E. if starting domain is, the ending domain could be (Open Transport UserÕs Guide).

57. You can save a configuration as a file: In the configurations window, select the configuration you want to export, choose export, save the file.

            A. To open a saved configuration: in the configurations window, click import, select the configuration you want, click import, make active.

58. Apple 10/100 Fast Ethernet is needed for the Ethernet card. Some G3Õs do not install it with a system 8.1 Install (may have to copy from CD). My G3 does install it.

59. Clarisworks #4.0 video #1 says that extensions extend your systemÓ, that is why they are called that.

60. AppleShare extension can be disabled, it appears as of 3/02.

61. On one occasion, I started with a small number of extensions (to try to solve a Toast problem). After restart, I used the space bar to access Extensions Manger and enabled all the extensions. However, there were still many errors upon startup. Restarting again solved the problem.

62. On TLÕs 575 with 7.1, the extension called ÒDP File EngineÓ makes a menu clock appear. The DP stands for ÒDaily Plan-It.Ó


Extensions Strip (click in registration code while holding down the option key, click three times). Supposedly, you can drag prefs of a registered copy to another machine; However, I could not copy preferences from G3 to iMac for Extensions Strip.

1. On the iMacs, Control Strip Extension must be disabled. You can also disable the control strip control panel, if you like, but it does not appear to be required.

2. You can load and unload modules Òon the fly.Ó

3. Clicking and dragging with the option key down moves or copies the ÒactualÓ file.

4. In Special Preferences under the Extensions Strip Control CP, you can change the name of the Òcontrol strip modulesÓ and Òcontrol strip modules (disabled)Ó folders.

5. Clicking a strip with the option key held down toggles between horizontal/vertical.

6. You can stick strips to the edge of monitors, so that If you change resolutions, the strip will still be in the same general location.

7. Holding down command key while clicking on a control strip module may have hidden features. (i.e. Sleeper turns on/off).

8. You can make all the separate control strip modules, just make folders inside of ÒControl Strip Modules,Ó or click on new strip in the Extensions Strip Control CP.

9. Manual says that If you drag a module to another strip with the option key held down, the module is removed from the original strip, not true.

10. Control Panels Strip will allow you to see Control Panels, Extensions (command key), Control Strip Modules (control key), Startup items (option key). If you hold down the shift key at the same time, you can see disabled items in the respective folder.

            A. Option key will not work, unless you are using Extensions Strip. If using regular Apple Control Strip, option key wonÕt work (used to move things).

11. If you select an item with the shift key held down, you can enable/disable it.

12. If you select an item with the option key down, you can move it to the trash.

13. You can get the finder info for an item, by selecting it with the command key held down.

14. You can use balloon help on the Control Panels strip, If necessary.

15. Process Manager allows you to actually move applications from their folder to the desktop. Should avoid this.

16. If you drag a document on top of the icon in the control strip, it will open the document.

17. Should install Extensions strip with extensions off in the computer lab. Extensions Strip is not too compatible with JostenÕs (I think) in lab, because Extensions Strip works well with my computers without much problem. The extensions strip is intermittent in showing up with JostenÕs software. In Josten's, the control strip disappeared, once inside of Josten's on iMac's with System 8.5. The extensions strip control c.p. had show the strips selected on both computer 33 and 34. Trashing all parts (Extensions Strip Control C.P., Extensions Strip Preferences in System Folder and the Extensions Strip Folder) and reinstalling again with extensions off worked on Computer 34 in the lab. Also, I made sure that control strip c.p. and control strip extensions were disabled. However, this did not work on computer 33. Restarting with extensions off, trashing all parts, then installing did not work either on computer 33. Tried using 8.5 base only with control strip c.p. and control strip extension disabled and extensions strip control c.p. enabled, but this did not work. Got a "Netware client not found" (or something like it) error message. Extensions Strip works with Appleworks and Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 just fine on the same iMac. JostenÕs needs MacIPX Control Panel, Netware Client Control Panel, NetManage WinSockLib extension, NetWareClientLibrary extension and MacIPX Ethernet extension. Also Extensions Strip Module must be in startup items enabled folder. Version 2.0b1 did not work on computer 33 in the lab. Eventually, I discovered that Extensions Strip ControlÕs problem with JostenÕs had to do with the Extensions Strip Control panel. Under Special preferences, the Òhide strips during screen savers/gamesÓ should be unchecked. There does not appear to be consistency in defaults when installed. Some of the iMacs, by default, had the box checked. Some did not. The Òhide stripsÓ is designed to work in conjunction with programs that hide your menu bar (perhaps programs or games you want to run in full screen mode).

18. Ammon ( said that upgrades s/b free for people who have purchased software in the past six months.

19. On iMac 31, if you press Option, F: Foolproofª is turned on/off, but it also hide/showed Extensions Strip Control strip. I reinstalled Extensions Strip Control with extensions off and then I tried using version 2.0b 1. Neither idea worked. I asked Aarin to reinstall Foolproofª.

20. Extensions Strip control gives the error message that it ÒcanÕt be used on this machineÓ on iMac in my room. I tried reinstalling a fresh copy, copying preferences from the G3, but with I had no luck. E-mailed Ammon Skidmore on 3/29/2000.

21. On my G3/233, disks would not mount and several needed to be initialized. I think floppy drive is bad.

22. I was having a problem on the G3/266 at school that when At Ease screen came up, the computer froze. No icons for applications would show up.

            A. I tried trashing Finder prefs and At Ease Prefs. Then I copied a new Finder and System File from the G3 Utilities CD to the Utilities folder on the G3/266. Then I copied the Finder and System File to the System Folder on the G3/266. I also copied a new At Ease file for the System Folder, along with a new At Ease Setup for the control panels folder. I had no luck. I disabled Xmas Lights, since I thought that might be the problem, I had no luck. Finally, I disabled Extensions Strip Control and that was the problem. I also had to trash the Extensions Strip fat alias in the Startup Items folder (to avoid startup error message). I made Xmas lights enabled again. At Ease screen was normal and working again.

            B. Extensions Strip also is incompatible with TV Mirroring. If TV mirroring is turned on, the image will not appear on the TV screen, if Extensions Strip is active. Disabled Extensions Strip.

23. Extensions Strip Control 1.9.3 kept causing the Finder to quit with error type 1 on my iMac in Room 37, so I disabled it.

            A. I decided to use regular Control Strip instead.


External Hard Drives

1. If two CPUÕs (with or without internal hard drive) are connected to one external hard drive, turn one of the computers on until it completely boots, then turn the other one (otherwise the computer with the Ò?Ó will probably show up).

If one or both of the CPUÕs have an internal hard drive, then the SCSI numbers must be different for each hard drive.

2. I asked TD Curran if a particular hard drive (40 GB 7200 Seagate IDE Hard Drive) would be able to mount and work with a G3 All-in-One computer? It is order number TDC01604. They replied and said Òyes.Ó


Faxcilitate (Diamond Communications has been taken over by Best Data Products. You can go to for more info).  The default number that comes with Faxcilitate software is no longer valid, as of 4/04.

1. On Facilitate (MomÕs computer), the phone number for registering the modem with Supra had to be in the form -408- not (408) as the company had it preformatted.

2. On my computer, a document needs to be open for ÒFAXÓ to be black instead of gray (otherwise, there is nothing to fax).

            A. Also, to use the Facilitate manual: Open Microsoft Internet Explorer, File, Open File, Pick a file from the CD ending in .htm or .html. The files that I probably need are Facilitate Manual and Supra Express E Manual.

3. The HTML folder on the desktop was an oversight.

4. Fax Sender allow you to fax from within applications.

5. If you simply install Faxcilitate, then Turn fax on will be at the bottom of the menu icon. If you also install Voice Mail, then turn voice on will be at the bottom of the menu icon. The voice must be on for data faxing to work.

6. The in basket on the menubar will only be black If there is something in it.

7. The download for Facilitate Voice-mail updater and the facilitate regular updater have problems. The voice updater refuses to download and the regular updater will open, but then say Òthis will only update Faxiliate 2.xÓ, and I have version 2.2 currently.

            A. I e-mailed Supra Tech Support and they said ÒIf you already have 2.3 of Faxcilitate, the updater is a moot point, since it knows you already have it and donÕt need it. (although I really have 2.2). I suppose it may be a case of 2.2 may simply not need to be updated with this updater.

Once after installing the Voice Mail software, the faxing software no longer worked. Faxes would come in, but they would not be answered. I looked at the Voice-mail extension and it was for a 68K machine, so I reinstalled the software and got the correct extension. However, faxes could still not be received.

8. After removing the Voice-mail software and reinstalling ONLY the Faxcilitate software, the faxing worked again.

9. From the In or Out Basket, you can hold down the ÒoptionÓ key and click on the fax machine icon to schedule a fax for delivery at a later time.

10. You can set the preferences (fax basket setup) to ask for a time to schedule faxes whenever you send them from the in or out baskets.

11. Fax Broadcast allows you to send your fax to several people at one time, but you must subscribe to a broadcasting service.

12. I set Faxcilitate to answer after 5 rings, so I will leave it on all the time. Then If I want to fax something to my house, I can call and turn answering machine off, and then I can fax home. (and then turn the answering machine back on).

13. If you are having trouble sending or receiving from a particular fax machine, you may want to try decreasing the speed for receiving or sending faxes.

14. ÒCall GroupingÓ under Software preferences can be used to send more than one fax to the same number at intervals (Faxcilitate lists the intervals 2 hours, 4 hours etc.)

15. Occasionally after using AOL, may want to Òturn fax onÓ more than once. If AOL had an unexpected quit or in general, fax is having trouble turning off, may want to restart the computer (solved the problem on one occasion).

16. You can use the ÒlookupÓ in current phonebook feature with RapidFax to pick numbers previously saved in phonebook.

17. When sending a RapidFax (under the Faxcilitate, Utilities menu), by default ÒRapidfaxÕs default cover page is chosen. You also choose Half and Full page (If you choose full page, the fax becomes 2 pages).

18. The ÒDial fromÓ preferences can be changed to work, home or no changes (Faxcilitate simply dials the number as you have typed it.).

19. Halftone in the fax dialog box is for color or grayscale graphics, fine is for 200 X 200 quality and standard (some older fax machines can only receive faxes sent in the standard mode).

20. According to the manual, faxes are not automatically saved once they are sent out. To save them before sending them:

            A. DonÕt select a destination.

            B. Press the save button (fax is saved to the Faxcilitate folder inside of the System Folder and, after a minute or so to the fax out basket).

            C. Send your fax from the out basket by opening the outbasket, select open the default phonebook option, then drag an entry into the outbasket window at the bottom.

            D. Choose fax from the Fax Monitor window.

21. If a fax has been ÒheldÓ, you can later fax it from the out basket.

22. The script ÒSend to pb ÔFaxNumbersÕÓ does not work.

23. Fax Monitor was crossed out at startup, it looks like Ghostbusters. Also, the Faxcilitate menu did not appear at top of screen.

            A. Faxcilitate toolbox was in extensions disabled, was problem. it had been disabled because I had temporarily switched to extensions manager from Conflict Catcher to check for AOL extension conflict and I forgot to turn that particular extension back on.

24. The lookup command from the file menu does not work. it does work however from the RapidFax window.

25. Faxes are not saved to the outbasket once they are successfully faxed using Fax or RapidFax (Reinstalling Faxcilitate does not correct this issue).

26. When you want to encloseÓ files, they must be previous faxes. Also when previewing the faxes, the enclosures do not attach. They also do not go with the fax.

27. Use the Shift key to select continuos faxes and the command key to select noncontiguous faxes.

28. You can paste pictures into the RapidFax window If preferred.

29. When the fax window says ÒidleÓ, it means faxing software is on and ready. When it says Òdata modeÓ faxing software is not in control of the modem.

30. To change fax queue monitor settings, find the extension and double click on it.

31. You can turn background imaging on and off from the Chooser, select the fax print icon and turn on or off.

32. Faxcilitate only looks for phonebooks in the Faxcilitate folder inside the System Folder.

33. Faxcilitate ignores parentheses, spaces or hyphens in phone numbers, so they can be added for clarification for me, If needed.

34. If you put an Ò@Ó in front of any number, while using Faxcilitate, it will ignore dial settings and dial the number exactly as it appears.

35. If you get the application unexpectedly quits error when selecting preferences from the Faxcilitate menu, try to move all but the basic system fonts out of the fonts folder. If this does not help, reinstall Faxcilitate.

36. You can use the modem to sign on to AOL, even If Faxcilitate software is turned on (AOL temporarily turns it off). Faxcilitate will be back on after signing off AOL.

37. You can leave Faxing software always on. it is set to answer on 5 rings, so it will not interfere with the answering machine. it can always stay on, just set prefs, so that fax activity window does not come on screen all the time. Also, it takes a little time for the phone to hang up If Faxcilitate is on (even If it really is a voice call).

38. When the fax symbol (with the red arrow) shows at the top of the Apple Menu, it means that there is a fax to be read or there is an incoming fax. Go to fax incoming basket to delete (or read If one really did come in) fax.

39. You can store up to 31 characters in the long distance prefix in the dial from preferences (which could be a calling card number). With voicenet, I entered 18005009029,,,,20963489158381,. Then the number dials as regular (along with *70 for outline line prefix). (Chapter 8 - Faxcilitate p. 98). Dial as entered had the @ in the box (which means If you put a Ò@Ó in front of a number, all other prefixes and suffixes will be ignored.

40. To fax with Faxcilitate, you do not need to use the chooser at all. From a document, simply choose ÒfaxÓ from the Facilitate menu icon.

41. On one occasion, Fax Monitor had an ÒXÓ over it at startup after a clean install. Faxcilitate folder had to be moved to the new system folder to fix the problem.

42. When trying to add a new name to the list, it may not work. You type in company name and number and click "OK", but nothing happens. One workaround (at least one day) was to go to Broadcast under the Faxcilitate menu and then add the new individual. Then hit cancel, then go to "fax" under the Faxcilitate Menu. This worked.

            A. Also, make sure that you if you quickly type a name and number to edit later (i.e. why type all the name and number and not have it work), make sure a number goes in the number field.

43. After doing a low level, zero all data format of the HD on 8/5/2000, Faxcilitate was able to dial again.

            A. However, I could not set it up to dial an outside number correctly. I did put in 9, 9, as the outside line prefix. Then I set up the as 1-8005009029,,20963489158381,,,. After that, to dial a long distance number, no Ò1Ó is needed.

            B. Got an error type -12425. The fax appeared to ÒconnectÓ but it did not go through.

            C. May try manual dialing. See the ownerÕs manual.

            D. Could also try switching to 9600-send rate.

44. On one occasion at home, could not fax, the ÒidleÓ fax monitor would show up and seem to be Òwarming up the coffeeÓ, but the faxes would not go. I unplugged the phone connections, disconnected the power, Zapped with Techtool and restarted. Fax worked again.

45. On another occasion, there was an ÒXÓ over the Fax Monitor at startup. I reinstalled Faxcilitate after trashing all preferences and extensions. There was not an ÒXÓ over Fax Monitor and the faxing software worked.

A. I did have trouble, though, getting the fax to work (the connection was not being made between the modem and the fax machine). I kept trying to fax Plaza Las Glorias El Mirador at 011-52-7-482-45-64 (which is the correct number, I had to double-check it), but it would not work. I tried to call the number using the handset and the machine did not answer (it must have been off or not functional).

            B. I tried to fax my own fax number (I called from the phone, just to make sure that the fax number was indeed working). I tried Quickfax, which did not work either. Finally, I changed the speed for send to 9600 from 14400, this worked.

            C. I found another fax number (801-315-7442) for the hotel, which worked.

            D. On another occasion, I found that sending the fax at 9600 BPS instead of 14400 worked.

46. After I did a clean install of System Software to fix another issue, I decided not to re-install Facilitate, since I have had past conflicts with it and I was hoping to avoid future problems.

47. I once sent a fax to myself by using 1010297 as prefix, because I put a Ò1Ó after Ò1010297Ó in the long distance prefix box.

            A. As of 1/27/01, Work dials without a Ò1Ó and home uses a Ò1Ó.

48. Do not use 10-10-297 when dialing 800 numbers. Just dial 1-800 then the number, I think.

49. It appears as though if the Faxcilitate software is off (even though it is active), it does not disconnect the DSL line. So I set up CC to have fax turned on by default. I will turn the fax on, when necessary.

50. At school, I got an error message that said that the fax number (my efax number) was busy. I retried with dialing "9,9," instead of "9,9" but had no effect. Problem is that you have to dial my calling card number, before calling a long distance number. Reinstalling Faxcilitate did not help.

tried manual sending (Chapter 5, page 7) with no luck, either. The modem may have a problem. Number was set up to dial as 9,9,1-8005009029,,,20963489158381,1(408)555-1212. Zapped the PRAM, but still I had no luck. Modem may have problem. Even tried unplugging modem and switching where the phone line connects to the modem. Called Supra, but was not helpful. I discovered later, how, the best way to do it is. Dial manually,

because Faxcilitate will not work with some calling card dialing. Not enough room for spaces between numbers. It is easier just to use manual dial.

                        1. Open document to be faxed.

                        2. Choose Fax from the Faxcilitate Menu.

                        3. Choose Save.

                        4. Open Utilities under Faxcilitate menu and go to Fax Activity.

                        5. Click Send under Manual.

                        6. Dial the number using the regular phone.

                        7. When the remote fax answers, press connect. This did work in July, 2001.

51. Mom dials 10-10-297 to make long distance calls. It is 5 cents a minute for any in-state calls, 10 cents a minute for out of state calls. These prices are 24/7. When calling 800 numbers, do not use 10-10-297. Dial 1-800-the number. When dialing local long distance (i.e. Stockton): Dial 10-10-297-the number (no 1). When dialing non-local long distance (New York), dial 10-10-297-1-the number.

52. Apparently, even when sending a fax that is bigger in file size on my computer, to fax it requires about the same amount of time (i.e. a 996 K file will send about as fast as a 336 K filethroughFaxcilitate. This happened and the 996 K (apprx.) fax to AAA took about 1 min. 46 sec. while the 336 K file took about 1 min. 15 seconds).

53. It may be that Faxcilitate makes the G3/266 sleep, so that it will not wake up with the keyboard. I made a separate set of extensions for "My settings with Fax" on the G3/266 and I will use "My settings" most of the time.

54. Documents scanned at 300 dpi, 100% scaling seem to fax fine (72 dpi did not print out well on my BJC-4550, when I tried printed out a scanned document).

            A. I faxed the 300 dpi, 100% scaled document to 503-212-8178 and then printed it out on the BJC-4550. The printout looked fine (I opened it with Jfax Viewer PPC version 1.0 and then printed it).

55. On one occasion, I faxed something and the fax was not successful, according to Faxcilitate. I resent the fax with the same setup and it was fine. The problem was probably due to the fact that I was multitasking (copying files etc.) while the fax was being transmitted, which may have interfered.

56. I tried sending a fax to Rhode Island Textile Company (401-726-2840), but apparently only one page went thru. I simply resent it.

57. When trying to delete phone numbers from Faxcilitate, you may not be able to do it using the Fax function from the Faxcilitate menu icon (go to fax, then try highlighting names, but the trash can does not turn black, it only stays gray).

            A. The way to delete names is to use the Faxcilitate menu to access Phonebooks, then Phone Numbers, then highlight and delete names.

58. On one occasion after using Faxcilitate, I decided to disable the Faxing software using Extensions Manager, then I needed to fax one more page. However, when I tried to ÒFaxÓ from the Faxcilitate menu, nothing happened. It turns out that I had to re-enable the fax software, then I was able to fax again. I made a new set of extensions called ÒMy Settings with FaxcilitateÓ (since Faxcilitate may cause trouble with System Software or other conflicts). I installed Faxcilitate on 4/10/02.

            A. To turn Faxcilitate off from the Faxcilitate menu (which requires Faxcilitate software to be active), you must Faxcilitate Chooser Extension (Fax Print) enabled.

59. I was able to fax to a 381 number in Merced from room 58.

60. Faxcilitate 2.2.1 does not work in 9.2.1 under OSX, you cannot ÒTurn Fax On.Ó The menu item appears to turn on in OS X, but it does not. The 2.3.1 Faxciliate updater did not install initially in Classic under OS X. I restarted and before running the installer, I quit all OS 9 applications. The 2.3.1 version of Faxcilitate did the same thing as version 2.2.1. I e-mailed to see if a version of Faxciliate has been made for OS X. They replied on 2/2/3/04 and said they are not really supporting older Diamond products, but in the future, there will be some downloads available from

For now (2/04), I will use, or I can use Faxcilitate, while starting up in OS 9.2.1 or using 8.1 (I could not get 8.1 or 9.2.1 to work initially, so I tried turning off M.O.M., installing with extensions off, using 2.31. updater, no luck. Turns out I had the Supra modem connected to the printer port, instead of the modem port). Also, Faxcilitate did not work initially, because the sending speed was 14000 BPS and should have been 9600 BPS. My number with is (206) 338-5561. I tried to send a spreadsheet (CW) fax with, I sent it to my e-mail address with faxaway first, but it did not work. The e-mail went out, but in my inbox, it said that a fax was received, but could not be read. I then took a picture of the SS and then used GC to open it and save it as a .jpg file. Then I resent the fax and I was able to read it in my inbox (actually, IE 5 opened it in its window). I sent some faxes to my Faxaway fax number with, but several of them were not received (I even sent one from and received a confirmation that was fax was sent to 12063385561. I was able to send faxes with (sent to Jconnect's fax number) and receive them. But I did not retrieve Faxaway's faxes (sent to my faxaway number). I checked the website for info and it said you can acccess "View Messages and Options" (to check your method of delivery) when you log in to your account, however, that button did not show up with Safari, IE 5.1.7, nor NN 4.77. The button did not show up on the G3/233 with IE 5.1.7 nor NN 4.77. I e-mailed to inquire. They said that the number that I had (206-338-5561) was through K7, not Faxaway. They used to recommend K7 before they had incoming numbers with Faxaway. Anyhow, my number was inactivated since I did not use for 30 days with K7. Faxaway said as long as I have a Faxaway account, my incoming fax number will be effective (regardless of usage). Faxaway also said that now since I have a Faxaway account, the button for "View Messages and Options" will show up. It now does. My security code is 5555. To send an attachment in .jpg format with Faxaway, the attachment needs to be inserted into a Word document (a .doc document can be sent from the iLamp). If you just try to send a .jpg document, Faxaway will not be able to convert it, even if it is 300 dpi.

61. has information of internet faxing services.

62. When I sent a fax (from the G3 to Crookham's fax) with GC that was 258 K (sending at 9600 dpi), it took a long time (like five minutes) and the fax may not have gone all the way through. It only halfway printed on the other end (or KG pulled it out midway, not sure).


Faxing Service

1. You can send an e-mail, which is turned into a fax for free at

            A. When checking to see if a number can be faxed to, type it in this form: 1-209-634-1500. Otherwise, the website may say that it can not send to a number.

2. This is the address you would use for the e-mail address:


3. They do not cover the 209 area code, as of 12/28/00.

4. lets you send a message to a fax machine (it does not have a place to attach anything). But anyhow, it kept making IE 5 quit. It did that 3 out of 4 times. When it did not quit, it played annoying music and had popup ads.

            A. When you use NN 4.75 with Zipfax and try to check coverage, it freezes.

5. is a website for receiving faxes. You can receive 500 pages per month for $15 per year.

6. (recommended by Tourbus from 5/16/06) allows you to send free faxes (it will have an ad on the fax). You can send up up to 3 pages per fax and 2 faxes per day. You must read your e-mail to confirm that you want the fax sent, for the fax to be sent. I was able to receive a fax with However, Quicktime Viewer only allows you to view one page of the fax, so I changed the prefs for IE 5.1.7 (on the G3/266) for viewing .tif files, under the section Receiving Files, File Helpers. I chose Òsave to file.Ó Then I used GC to open the file and I was able to see page 2 (the message of the fax). Tourbus (5/16/06) also recommended for information about faxing (and pricing) through websites.

FAXstf (6 and X version 10.0.2. e-mail address for support is for FAXstf 6 and for Faxstf OS X version. I think that can also be used.) My registration number for FAXstf X is 040224-000514. My User ID and password are, fear@engineers. The iMac FAXstf 10.5 serial number is 48389-23873-02083-23385.

1. Faxst6 will not open on the bluebbery 500 MHz iMac. When you try to open DesktopFax, FaxBrowser, or FAXstf setup assistant, you get the message that the application or control panel is not supported in the Classic environment. Reinstalling did not help.

            A. If you start up in OS 9, it will work. However, I could not get it to dial the Crookham Fax Machine, until I selected under the FAXstf preferences to use ÒSmart DialingÓ and I put in 209 as the local area code (before doing that I kept getting busy signals).

2. Print Center is unable to add the FaxstX to its list. When you select "add," nothing happens. I reinstalled the FAXstf X software, but no luck. However, Print Center would add the FAXstf choice on the G3/233, so I copied the Print Center application from the G3/233 and to the iMac (there was no preferences to delete that I could see). Then the Print Center would add printers again, and it did add FAXstf X. However, I had a problem, and reinstalling FAXstf X did not help. I e-mailed Smith Micro about the issue:

            A. ÒDear Smithmicro,

I cannot get an address to add to the Print Center dialog box or within the Fax Browser dialog boxes. When I try to add an address from the Address Book to the Fax Browser preferences, I get a message that "an identity must contain a first name, a last name, and a fax number." However, all of this information has been entered into my V-card. I even made a custom field for FAX and entered it. When I tried to choose an address to send a fax to (from the Print Center Dialog box), my contacts (that have fax numbers) will not allowed themselves to show up in the Print Dialog Center Box (under the option Addresses).  I have tried entering the fax numbers with brackets around the area code, without brackets, with and without dashes, but I have not had any luck.Ó I got an auto reply from Rebuilding the Desktop with RebuildDesktopX did not solve the problem not being able to add my information or contacts to the Fax Window. Youu could add addresses to the Fax window by dragging the cards from the Address Book, but this would not work on the iMac), I even typed in just Bo as first name, Jone as last name and 5032128178 as the home fax; I was able to drag this card to the Fax Window.  I also tried to copy Address Book (version is 3.0.3 v 225) from the G3/233, but it would not allow itself to be copied. I tried to do another install of the Address Book program (with my Jaguar CDs from home, but OS X CD had only about six choices for installation (you could not just install Address Book). The CDs that came with the iMac (10.1 CDs) will allow more customization and choices for installation.

3. 040224-000514 is the registration number for Faxstf X 10.0.2. The website is

            A. You can access web help at Use the e-mail of, password is fear@engineers.

4. FAXstf X does not work on G3/233 (needs Apple Internal Modem, only supported modem).

5. Smithmicro e-mailed me and suggested using version 10.5 of FAXstf, which I downloaded. They also said to uninstall the previous version of FAXstf. I checked, however; and there is no way to uninstall with FAXstf 10.0.2 software. I had to trash the old software manually (and I could not find any preferences to trash). lists all the components (and the locations) of FAXstf files that should be removed. I did not remove all the components, as I did not read this web page before dragging FAXstf 10.0.2 to the trash and installing 10.5. Anyhow, 10.5 works, so it should be fine for now. To set up a page for faxing, choose Fax Print from the Print dialog box. Then choose fax options in the pop-up dialog box to choose the person to send a fax to.

            A. In 10.5, My Information and also the contacts that I want to fax are automatically picked up by FAXstf (I did not need to drag anything from the Address Book). If you make any changes in the Address Book, FAXstf gets the updated information (you do not have to close the Address Book).

            B. When there is a red dot and the ÒSentÓ word is red, it means that there was a problem in sending the fax. Initially, I had trouble sending a fax to Crookham fax machine, but it was because I had typed in the area code. Once I removed the area code, it dialed the Crookham fax machine fine.

            C. When faxing in 10.5, you can check Modem Setup (within FAXstf) to see the status of your fax. When you are not faxing, it will probably say ÒIdle (modem is set to Ònot answerÓ).Ó

            D. I was able to send a fax at 9600 and 14400 bps.

            E. It does not appear that you can do a one-time fax to someone without adding them to your Address Book. Also, there is not a way to manually add names (you need to use Address Book) from the Fax Options pop-up menu within the Print dialog box.

6. I tried using FAXstf 6 to send a fax starting up in Classic (I selected FaxPrint in the Chooser). However, the fax cut off. Instead, I used Faxcilitate. Ironically, I had to choose FaxPrint again in the Chooser (apparently, the Chooser icon was once again used, but this to select Faxcilitate).

7. I tried sending a fax with the iLamp, but it did not get sent (it went through the process), but then it was not sent (I sent it to 357-1131), so I deleted that fax. I resent it to 3571131 and it worked. It may have been a one time glitch, because then I sent a fax to 1-206-338-5561 and it worked fine (in other words, dashes are fine). After that, I tested sending faxes to Jconnect fax number, and I sent one fax (with the iLamp's fax software) with and one without dashes. Both were receivedthroughmy e-mail. To hear a fax being sent, just turn up the iLamp's volume. However, once connected, you may not hear the fax noises so well. There does not appear to be a way to check for sent faxes, once they are sent. If a fax is sent, it say "finished sending fax document." If not, it will put the fax on hold and try again (it was around five minutes on one occasion). I tried to fax two or three times on the iLamp, but was unable to. The faxes kept being held. It turns out that the problem was that Carmen was on the phone.

8. If you want to add something to the Cover Page in Panther, it does not appear that you can use the return to go to the next line, this sends the fax. You can, though, type up some text in a word processor and then paste it into the Cover Page area. Page 433 of Mac OS X Panther Edition says that to send faxes to more than one recipient, then you separate them by commas. Page 434 says that the Mac must be on and not sleeping to receive faxes. Page 434 mention that Page Sender ($30) and Cocoa Efax (now called Fax Center, $10) are good fax systems for OS X.

Fetch (Registration name and number are Cowboys Fan Club, FETCHED001-1R56-NK03-GG04-CFEE-PJCA)

1. As of 4/28/2000, version 3.0.3 is the latest version.

2. Is free to people associated with educational institutions.

3. You can also use Fetch and type in, User ID:motleyze, Password: New, new At Ease (lower case).

            A. When transferring via Fetch (which is faster), .html pages can be entered in the format, text.

            B. When transferring images, enter them as the format, Raw Data.

            C. Raw Data is the format that should be used for uploading web graphics or cross-platform (cross-platform describes a language, software application or hardware device that works on more than one system platform) files, according to Fetch help files (

5. You do not have to delete old pages to upload new ones. The new page takes over for the old one, when using Fetch to upload.

6. To change directory with Fetch, type in

            A. To make a new connection to my uploading area, type in as host, my user ID and password. I later added public_html as my directory, but this did not help. I still got the invalid password error.

            B. I e-mailed Pacific Bell, because sometimes when entering my password, it said that the password was invalid, even though I am sure it was. Pacific Bell said that they had encountered trouble and hopefully the problem should be fixed as of 5/22/2000. If more trouble occurs, send another e-mail to

            C. It was not working again on 7/22/2000, so I sent an e-mail to them. The case number is 7007412. It is possible that I accidentally was hitting the Caps Lock key. Made sure it was off and it worked three times in a row (8/4/2000).

            D. I tried using Anarchie and got the same error message about the invalid password, even though it was correct.

            E. When I did get Fetch to connect, I went to edit, preferences and set the general preferences to Òkeep connections active,Ó since I had been having trouble connecting to Pacific BellÕs FTP server.

            F. With Fetch, using the upper case for my password did not work. However, when using lower case, it worked. I had not discovered this earlier, probably because I assumed it was Pacific BellÕs error. Also, you have to enter your password every time you sign on with Fetch and I had forgotten that sometimes I have used upper case for the password, it should always be lower case.

            G. Later on in the day, however, I tried to upload using Fetch and the password as lower case, but it said Òpassword incorrect,Ó so Pacific Bell still has trouble.

7. To change the shortcut menu, open Fetch Shortcuts in preference menu, highlight a shortcut, then go to edit bookmark under the customize menu. (You can also drag shortcuts up and down in order, if you like). Type is folder (or unknown, works also), Host is, User I.D. and password should be mine. Directory should be blank.

            A. You can also go to the customize, add shortcut function.

8. Fetch supports resuming downloads. Simply go to remote, resume download, select file, and press okay. Only works for files from current session.

9. Finder can not be scripted to enter the password for Fetch uploading with Pac BellÕs home page space.

10. You can use the remote, search to search for file names to search for files. However, it is not supported on all sites. Also, on several sites that I went to, nothing showed up in the window.

11. When uploading files, do not use self-extracting archives, since that takes up too much space ( Also, do not use exclamation points, spaces, or dollar signs. They may be okay in Mac filenames, but often uploaded files will be used on other machines.

12. Under Preferences, Misc. you can turn on/off the startup dialog (only works when opening the Fetch application through the Fetch icon, not Uploading Web Pages shortcut), so that you just type in your password to get to upload.

            A. I decided to delete the file called ÒUploading Web Pages,Ó since it appears to not be useful at all.

13. If you are using System 7.5 or later, you can use Drag and Drop to upload/download files.

14. is the e-mail address for help, questions, etc.

15. According to Fetch UserÕs Manual (Uploading Web Pages section), you can add CGI scripts if server supports it.

16. Macintosh Files in A/AU (AppleÕs UNIX) systems are usually stored in AppleSingle format, they usually do not have a distinguishing filename suffix.

            A. Fetch can get files in AppleSingle version 1 and 2 formats and put files in AppleSingle version 2 format. Automatic conversion of AppleSingle can be turned on/off in the Customize, preferences, format area.

17. Some files do not have suffixes that let you know their type, so Fetch uses its default (which can be changed under Customize, preferences, upload).

18. When Fetch believes a file is in Binhex format, it will discard all non Bin Hex data and only allows you to save the converted file. This may be a problem if you want the other part or if the file is only part, and not the first part of a Bin Hex file (see Multi Part Binhex files).

19. When Fetch thinks a file is binary info, it checks to see if it is MacBinary II, AppleSingle, MacBinary I or MacHost format, if so, it will be saved in its original format. Otherwise, you will be prompted to supply the type and creator for the file.

            A. The automatic setting may be wrong, also. If so, you may need to use one of the other two settings.

            B. There are a couple exceptions to the rule, if the server is a Mac, the files may transfer exactly as they appear on the server. Also, if the server is a Mac running MachTen, it will try to transfer files in Apple Single format (this info is under Automatic/Text/Binary in the Fetch User Manual).

20. The ÒtextÓ setting s/b used if a text file has an unusual suffix that is often for binary files (i.e. it ends in .z, .sit, etc.). Also, it could be useful for files that end in .hqx but does not refer to a complete binhex file or the first part of a binhex file.

21. The binary (non-text) setting is for files whose names do not identify them as being binary files.

            A. Binary files may contain any characters in any format, not a text file. Macbinary II, Applesingle, GIF and JPEG are Binary.

22. BinHex (sometimes referred to as BinHex 4) is used to represent a Mac file in text form. Files sent through Binhex take longer than many other types to transmit them, because the conversion to text takes a long time.

            A. Fetch can get and put files in Binhex format.

23. You can save a bookmark to your HD, using Drag and Drop.

24. Fetch saves bookmarks in a format that was originated by Peter LewisÕ Anarchie program, so bookmarks between the two programs are interchangeable.

25. If you copy a URL, you can simply open the Bookmarks window and press command, V. A new bookmark is created. You can also drag URLÕs from text readers, etc.

26. If you option, double click on a bookmark, you can edit it. You can also open a new connection dialog with a bookmark, by control, double clicking it.

27. You can use the Change Directories command, but I found it difficult to use, since it is so particular.

28. You can delete directories and files by dragging them to the trash can.

29. You can option drag bookmarks between bookmark windows to make copies of them.

30. Under Customize, preferences, you can drag a folder to the download folder to specify which folder you want. You can also drag and drop a file to set the file type and creator default and for your Text Editor.

            A. The Òdownload folder, edit text files with and the Òdefault binary type/creatorÓ could also be set with Internet Config, if you selected Internet Config to set up your connections.

31. Holding down shift allows you to select several contiguous file names. Holding down command allows you to select several contiguous/noncontiguous files.

            A. You can also type the first letter of a fileÕs name to skip down to it, in a dialog box.

32. If a name refers to a UNIX file, its name is shown in italics.

33. You can change the sort order of a list of files by clicking to underline size, date, name etc.

34. Fetch stores file lists in the ÒFetch CacheÓ folder inside of the System Folder, Preferences. Fetch will re-use them if necessary.

            A. Sometimes the stored list may be out of date, in which case, you would simply choose Refresh File List from the Directories menu.

35. Home, End can be used to navigate a file list window.

            A. Using command, up arrow can move up to the parent directory.

36. Find command can be used in the bookmark window, the file window, etc.

37. Some of FetchÕs features will not be available on all servers, because the server may not support the feature (i.e. subdirectories) or because the server does not complete the FTP specification.

38. Fetch help must be in the same folder as Fetch or in the System folder to work.

39. Fetch can use Internet Config, if preferred.

40. Mac Binary II (sometimes called MacBinary) is a format for representing all the info in a Mac file in one binary file. It is used for storing a Mac file on a non-Macintosh system for later retrieval. Unlike Binhex, Mac Binary is a compact format but can not be passedthroughmost electronic systems. The files usually end in .bin.

            A. Fetch can get and put files in MacBinary format.

            B. Some FTP servers (notably, NSCA Telnet, Interncon System CorpÕs TCP/Connect II) recognize Macbinary format. If Fetch is connected to one of these servers, it will try to use MacBinary format.

41. MacHost is a format used only at Dartmouth. Auto conversion of these files can be turned on/off in the preferences.

42. Fetch tries to use Open Transport (as long as ÒDonÕt make Open Transport callsÓ is not checked in Customize, Preferences, Miscellaneous), then MacTCP, then DartmouthÕs own KSP protocol and a special network translating gateway to transfer files. Once a connection has been made, the ÒAbout FetchÓ window shows whether Open Transport, MacTCP or KSP is being used. If you are having trouble connecting to an Open Transport machine, it may help to check this box and use old Mac TCP mode.

43. If the parts of a file are in ABC order, Fetch will download all the parts. If not in ABC order, turn off the Binhex conversion in the preferences. Download individually, then piece them back together using a Text Editor or a special utility.

44. Entering a directory is optional.

45. You can open up to 16 directories at a time. However, if you do, you may want to increase the memory allocation of Fetch.

46. If you ever need to connect to a server that is running on a non standard TCP Port, you should type the port number after the name of the host i.e. gateway 1000.

47. Fetch can automatically pass off downloaded files to other applications, this is called Post-processing.

48. Keep connections active can be checked in preferences. Otherwise, you will be dropped after five minutes of inactivity.

49. Under Customize, preferences, General, you can set the transfer buffer size.

            A. It, however, does not appear to make a dramatic difference in speed. Also, if increasing the buffer size, should increase Fetch memory allocation.

50. Under Customize, preferences, download, you can choose to Òoverwrite files with conflicting names.Ó Otherwise, Fetch should add a number to the file name of the new file to make it different.

            A. However, I had this box unchecked and the new file replaced the old one. I will check it now, may make Fetch faster.

51. Fetch supports version 4 of the SOCKS (Socket Secure: Server on the Internet) protocol, but not version 5. This can be set with Internet Config.

52. Under Customize, preferences, You can use ÒType 1Ó to retrieve binary files since it would be necessary for some IBM mainframe servers, but can cause problems with machines that do not use 8-bit bytes (i.e. TOPS-20 systems).

            A. TOPS stands for Transparent Operating System, designed by Sun Microsystems to combine Apples, IBMÕs and Sun workstations on the same network.

53. You can set customize, preferences, Miscellaneous to Òomit file names that begin with a period.Ó This can help clean up a window when connecting to a UNIX machine.

54. Under customize, preferences, upload, default text and non-text formats, you can choose ÒRaw DataÓ as an option. It can be useful for transferring cross platform files that use only the data part (i.e. GIF or JPEG image formats). Also, for files that have their information in the data part i.e. Stuffit, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.

            A. The Raw Data format s/b used only if the date file can be used by some other computer (i.e. IBM PC running the PC version of Excel).

            B. If the file will be retrieved by a Mac, either MacBinary II or Binhex format should be chosen.

55. You can stop unloading/downloading a file by pressing command, period (or the Stop button).

            A. Sometimes this may not work. Try quitting the connection.

56. If you upload GIF or JPEG files and your browser can not display them, try using the Raw Data format for uploading (Browsers do not usually expect to find files encoded in a format like MacBinary II, they expect to find bare data).

            A. FetchÕs default is to use Raw Data for uploading (which is what Fetch is set to on my G3/233).

57. If the file list does not show files you recently uploaded or if there is date and size info in the name column, try using ÒRefresh file listÓ from the Directories menu.

58. Sometimes Fetch may not be able to connect to a host when Telnet is running at the same time, since Telnet may monopolize the name-lookup service. Quit Telnet and try again with Fetch or try making a Ònew connectionÓ.

            A. Newer versions of Telnet do not have this problem.

59. Fetch lets you use Customize, preferences, Mirror to set the mirror sites to be used for Info Mac and Umich archives.

60. Fetch does not support proxy servers, that require the user to supply a password or web proxy servers (which uses HTTP protocol rather than FTP).

61. Uucp is Unix to Unix copy.

            A. Fetch requires a TCP/IP network and does not work over uucp.

62. One time after getting Fetch to sign on after several tries, I got Fetch to sign on. Then I did a couple other things and Fetch disconnected, because it was idle (probably around five minutes or so).

            A. However, if you go to customize, preferences, general, you can choose to keep connections active, so that Fetch will not disconnect if idle. This worked for at least ten minutes.

63. Fetch X 4.0b2 produces an error type 3 when attempting to open it on the G3/233. It is probably because Fetch X 4.0 b2 is designed for Mac OS X.

64. You can download version 4.0 at To get the educational version for free, got to and use the login of sweet and the password of charity. You can then ÒpurchaseÓ a copy for $0.

            A. I kept getting a Òno such directory or fileÓ error when trying to go to with Fetch 4.0 on 5/12/01. But version 3.0.3 was getting the error, also.

            B. The default shortcut (which I made to be Òhome.pacbell.netÓ) can be changed in the preferences.

65. You can create default shortcut after typing and motleyze with Fetch 4.0 edu.

66. According to Fetch 4.0 edu, your password is not protected, when using Fetch. I removed Fetch from the MOM menu and will now use Pac BellÕs PHP server only. Later, I set up Fetch to warn me when my password was being sent insecurely with 5.2 of Fetch, and I did receive the warning, so I think I will stick with uploading with Pac BellÕs home page for now.

67. On one occasion (2/1/02), I kept getting a Òpassword incorrectÓ error (using Fetch 4.0 edu), even though I am pretty sure it was correct. I used PacbellÕs URL to update my web page, instead.

68. On one occasion, I could not get my favorites.html to upload with Fetch. I looked in the Fetch window and there were two Òfavorites.htmlÓ files (I think one was capitalized and the other was not). I opened the Fetch window and deleted both files, then I uploaded the favorites.html file again. Later, I tried to save my favorites from IE as Favorites.html, but when it saved to the folder ÒMy Web SiteÓ it was lower case. However, when saving to the desktop, it saved as upper case. I any event, lower case is what I decided to use for my Pac Bell home page. Later, I determined it is easier to make the homepage, so that it needs upper case and then just save as Favorites.html with IE (IE uses the capital letter "F" by default). When saving students.html (or favorites.html), the ª, ¨ and any other symbols should not be present. Otherwise, they show up as jibberish on the internet.

69. On one occasion, when uploading my favorites with Fetch, the page appeared to upload fine. However, when I went to the page, only about 1/10th or so of the page was there. The file size appeared normal in the Fetch window (about 341 K), but only part of the page showed up. I tried deleting the file with Fetch, then uploading. Then I opened and closed IE 5, I had no luck. Finally, I uploaded the page using Pac BellÕs web page. Favorites uploaded fine and I was able to view all of my favorites on my web page (on the Internet).

70. Extensions need to be on to install Fetch 4.0 edu or 4.0.1, otherwise you get an error type 3.

71. One time when trying to use Fetch to upload some files, I got a message that said ÒNo address could be found for that hostname; make sure it is correct, and that your TCP/IP control panel is set to contact the correct domain name server.Ó The domain name server had not been changed with Fetch, since its last usage. It turns out that DSL connection was not working was the problem. Once I fixed the DSL connection, Fetch worked fine.

72. I tried to store my password with Fetch (so that I do not need to type it each time) under System 9.2.2, but was unable to. I disabled Keychain, to no avail. I e-mailed to ask about this. said that there are two methods: ÒOne way is to check the "Add to Keychain" box when you enter a password.  If you do that the password will be stored in the system Keychain.  You'll have to unlock the Keychain, and the Keychain will have to be unlocked any time Fetch needs the password. Another way is to create a shortcut for your server account, and save the password with the shortcut.  To create a shortcut choose "New Shortcut..." from the Customize menu.  To edit an existing shortcut (in order to add the password, for example), choose "Fetch Shortcuts" from the Window menu, click on the shortcut to select it, and choose ÒEdit Shortcut..." from the Customize menu.Ó I did use the second method, but it did not work right away. I went to Window, Fetch Shortcuts, then Customize, Edit Shortcut, then typed in my password (I left directory blank). I tried checking ÒKeep connections active under Customize, Preferences, General, but that did not work. I also tried to turn off the ÒNew Connection at StartupÓ choice under Customize, Preferences, Miscellaneous. I had no luck. Finally, I went to Window, Fetch Shortcuts, then deleted all the other shortcuts (I did this by dragging them to the trash, since at least one shortcut would not delete using Remote, Delete Directory or File. This worked. Now, Fetch can connect just by pressing Return (meaning that the ÒokayÓ button is pressed, since it is the default) and I do not need to type in the password. I left the ÒAdd to KeychainÓ box unchecked. After this procedure, I was having trouble because once I got my shortcut to open (to my home page), another separate window kept opening up (it was called public_html). I tried to delete it, since it appeared to be some type of shortcut, but to no avail. I tried deleting all the shortcuts within it (which were my web pages, actually), but I had no luck. Finally, I trashed all of FetchÕs preferences, re-opened Fetch, made a new shortcut for my webpage (using Customize, New Shortcut menu) and then made it the default shortcut. Problem was solved, no more extra windows. The host name should be, not If you type in the latter, only the http is saved. I had trouble later getting Fetch to store my password, but I discovered that if I opened Fetch and deleted all the original shortcuts, then made my the only shortcut (using Customize, new shortcut) and put in the password (left directory blank), it worked. After installing Fetch 4.0.3 later, I had the same problem as before. I wanted to store my home page setup as default. So I went to Windows, Shortcuts, and trashed them all. Then I made a shortcut for my home page. Then I went to Edit, Prefs, general, and chose as my default shortcut. Password was stored automatically.

73. There does not appear to be a way to search when using Fetch help.

74. You can use the command key to select more than one file.         

75. On one occasion, I could not get the Norulesschedule to update online. I had forgotten to update the norules.html file with Claris Home Page with the new picture. Once I updated the Claris Home Page file and uploaded norules.html and norulesschedule.jpg with Fetch, the web page was updated.

            A. I was having trouble with my homepage. There was a small line above the No Rules Softball Schedule link on the website. In CHP, there was not a mark, and I re-uploaded the homepage file. However, I had no luck. Then I opened the homepage file again in CHP, and moved No Rules Softball Schedule up a line. Then I uploaded the page with Fetch. The line was gone.

76. When launching Fetch 4.0.3 from the MOM menu in Classic under OSX,  version 4.0.3 launches in OS X, interestingly enough. Anyhow, I could not get my login to work. I had to change Motleyze to moteyze, then it worked. Also, I could not get my password to save with Fetch 4.0.3 until I selected add to Keychain and closed and reopened Fetch (I also made my home page the default shortcut, which you can do from the Fetch startup window).

77. In 3/04, I was unable to upload Favorites.html with Fetch. I kept getting an error that I did not have enough room; however, I am certain that the file was not too big (Òserver response: You have exceeded your directory storage limit of 15360000 bytes: Please delete files to make roomÓ). I think SBC was having trouble, and that was the cause of the error. Later, SBC DSL was working, but the Fetch error still appeared. I e-mailed SBC about this issue on 3/14/04. They replied and said that I should call them at 877-SBC-DSL5. I did call them and they referred me to, because they do not offer support for home page uploads.

            A. I tried using version 4.0.3, 4.0.1, and 3.0.3. Still had no luck. I e-mailed for assistance. It may be that I just need to use the internet to upload web pages now.

            B. The next day I was unable to access my home page with Fetch, kept getting the login error (password incorrect). Fetch would load password, but I got the same error about the exceeding directory limit on the G3/266. Then later on (after I did not change any settings), Fetch connected without a password error. But I still could not upload, so I e-mailed with a copy of the Fetch transcript (which I got from the Window menu within Fetch). They replied and said (they got the info from Pac BellÕs home page) that I should empty my trash, as the trash is included in the 15 MB of space allowed. I checked, but the trash was empty (I had emptied it earlier in the day, because I was uploading pages). Anyhow, after checking the trash, I found that Fetch could upload again (a week after the first problem).

78. Tidbits (somewhere around #718-#720) says that Fetch can be used with Applescript to automate upload tasks, but since Fetch was having difficulty, I did not get to try it. Besides, I do not do a lot of uploads.

79. Lately on the G3/233, the folder public/html folder opens instead of my home diretory. I tried following the steps, that solved this problem previously, but it did not work, so I just dropped files on top of the public/html folder. This uploads the pages fine. However, later, I tried to copy one Word 98 file this way, and it did not work. I had to drag it inside the public/html folder. I discovered, though, that you can use Remote, Delete directory or file to delete the public_html directory. Then is the only one left. I had to re-upload all of the files originally, but now is the only directory in use. However, this did not work, because the web pages did not upload. So I recreated the public_html directory by going to Directories, create new directory. The pages uploaded fine. Public_html is now the default directory. You can change which directory you want to open initially by clicking the triangle in the new connection dialog box. But you have to do it each time. I was also having trouble getting my password to stay stored with Fetch after doing a clean install. Finally, I used the keychain to store the password and this worked; I just need to type in Keychain password (Old At Ease) the first time after starting up the G3/233.

80. I found that you can have a web page with spaces in the name %20 is filled in automatically by IE 5.

81. It may be possible that Fetch could be used to share files between computers.

82. After you upload files with Fetch, the date in the Fetch window is not updated until the next day you open Fetch.

83. I recorded an Applesript to upload my Computer Notes with Fetch, but it did not work, because I could not get the iLamp to record the pressing of the "okay" button on the New Dialog startup. Finally, I e-mailed Fetch assistance and replied and suggested that You can keep that window from appearing by unchecking "Show New Connection dialog at startup" in the Misc section of Preferences. Now Instead of using the New Connection to upload to Fetch, I used the Recent Connections (from the File menu) to connect to my directory, then upload.

84. With version 5.2, after you connect, and public_html shows up in the window, go to File, Save Droplet Shortcut to save a drag and drop droplet (if the File menu says Save Shortcup, you are within the directory, and the shortcut will not work).  With version 5.2, ÒComputer NotesÓ kept timing out when uploading. The solution was to not use version 5.0.4, which was being utilized with the script: I used 5.2 and the problem disappeared.

85. Fetch was having trouble saving my home page log in information in 3/07 on the iLamp, but repairing permissions with Disk Utility solved the problem. Later, the problem returned, but repairing permissions again may have solved the problem again (on another occasion, the same problem occurred, but running permission repair twice and restarting solved the problem).

86. Fetch was unable to connect to my home page (I could not do it with Safari either, although later I realized that it may be better to use IE), but the next day (without any reconfiguration) Fetch could connect again. The message said that, ÒAn FTP connection to Ôhome.pacbell.entÕ could not be opened because the server rejected the password. Contact the server administrator to verify that you have the correct hostname, username, password, and authentication method. Server responded: login incorrect.Ó On a different occasion, Fetch could not upload files because my authentication was wrong (according to the iLamp). Running DFA twice did not help, nor did restarting. I got the same message at when trying to log in, so Pacific Bell may be having a problem (4/21/07). The next day, Fetch ran fine without incident (and no settings were changed); also, I was able to access my personal page with Pacific Bell. Later, problem recurred with Fetch, and restarting the computer allowed Fetch to upload again. The next day, the problem returned. Fetch, IE 5.2.3, and Safari could not upload web pages; also, I could not upload web pages with IE 5.1.7 on the CZÕs bondi blue iMac. I checked the system status at , and it showed that personal home page was okay. Anyhow, a few minutes later, I was able to upload with IE 5.2.3 and Safari, but Fetch still could not upload. But, restarting solved the Fetch issue. I tried making it so that Fetch would automaticaly go to my public folder (when opening Fetch, without dragging a file onto the RyanÕs Shortcut application), but then Fetch would not connect, so I left at the shortcut (which uploaded pages fine after I deleted the trash folder). It still had a little trouble, but after do a power cycle of the modem and router, it appears to be fine again, but it still had a little difficulty, so then I used Fetch to upload cowboysplus.html (since that file was uploading by dragging onto RyanÕs Shortcut, while others were having trouble) a few times and then I left the window open and dragged other files onto the Fetch window; then it appeared to be okay (I still think that Pac Bell may be having a little trouble lately, though). The next day, Fetch did not work, but Pac BellÕs DSL upload page did: I still think that Pac Bell may be having issues (4/30/07). According to Fetch Help, you can use Network Utility to test a connection: click the Ping tab and type in and see the results (the results were 100% packet loss), but typing in the URL of the bondi blue iMac showed 0% packet loss. Anyhow, I think that Pac Bell has some FTP issues. Anarchie 3.5 had the same issue with login incorrect. Robert (AT & T internet services) called me and suggested that I call 866-557-1682 (case #1402237659) from 7 A.M. – 7 P.M., PST. I got right through when I called on 5/3/07. I did not talk to Robert, but the AT & T rep suggested clearing the cache and cookies from all of my browsers (this did not seem particularly relevant, but I did do it). I Cleared cache and deleted cookies (I had to trash Magic Cookie file with NN 4.77. The file was inside the prefs folder of the System Folder for System 9) with Safari, NN 4.77, Netscape 7,2, IE 5.1, IE 5.2.3, AOL 5, AOL for OS X, and Firefox. Then Fetch 5.2 worked again fine.

87. On another note, IE 5.2.3 seems to have less trouble signing in to Pac BellÕs uploading site than Safari does.

88. Fetch 5.3 (which requires 10.3.9) kept freezing on the iMac Duo, so I trashed it. FYI: if you download a newer version of Fetch, you may need to recreate the shortcut.



1. If a file is unable to open (with no message, just looks like it is starting to open, then does not); try reopening, it may work. Also, rebuilding the desktop may work. Also, may have lost its type and creator. Use Norton Disk Editor or Get More Info to change it (look in the menu for a file of the same type to use for an example). Open N.D.E., click on file, then Info. Save the recovered file with a new name. Mactools Pro is easier to use, but not as powerful.

            A. If a file still will not open, try opening with a different application (Word or Claris). You can actually drag a document on top of an application to try to open it (even If the application is not the original creator, this may work). If it appears with garbled text, maybe scroll down and see the real text at the bottom.

            B. Some files may become invisible, which may be made visible using ResEdit, Invisifile or Norton Disk Editor.

2. Replace the file along with its preferences (when replacing prefs, might want to simply drag them to the desktop and see If problem disappears. If it does, replace prefs. If not, put prefs back and find problem elsewhere).

3. Problem may be a problem due to damaged font or fonts. Use Disinfectant (Freeware) to check for damaged fonts or use another minimal system folder, drag the fonts into it, it will flag damaged fonts.

4. If a message displays something about media damage when opening from a floppy disk, the disk may have a problem, use other backups and trash the disk.

5. To look for a missing file, use the ÒfindÓ command. May also look for a file by Òdate modifiedÓ, especially If you are not 100% sure of the title of the file. Can use ÒcontentsÓ find. In the finder window, hold down the ÒoptionÓ key while clicking on the word ÒnameÓ, click on ÒcontentsÓ and type in phrase or word from the file. You can copy several files at once from here. Just shift, click.

            A. Also, the file may have been accidentally deleted. Use Norton Utilities or Mactools Pro.

            B. According to Tidbits #564, Rewind ($90) can be used to back up to a previously deleted file.

6. To put a file back where it came from, then hit command, y.

7. A file can not have a colon in it, the computer will type a hyphen.

8. When copying files, it is possible to work with a file on the desktop, but the file must actually be OPEN before you start copying.

9. If you click and drag in an empty space, you can select many items at once. To deselect one or more files, then shift, click.

10. To go to the top of the window, hit Home, to go to the bottom, hit end. Same for page up and page down.

11. If you make an alias of a folder and add contents to the ÒaliasÓ folder, then the contents will also be added to the ÒoriginalÓ folder.

12. When installing, If you have to drag files to the system folder, then the system folder should be closed (according to the Little Mac Book), otherwise If the system folder is open, the files may be put anywhere. (although with newer programs, the installer does this automatically).

13. The message Òthere is not enough room to copy ________Ó on a disk usually appears BEFORE copying, although a couple times it has appeared during the middle of copying (often when the disk is close to being full).

14. One time a file was not allowed to be saved (it was gray), it was because it was an trial version of the software and time had expired. After registering it, it worked.

15. If a Hard drive is initialized accidentally or damaged, some or all files may be able to be recovered. However, it needs File Saver installed and on to do it. If Filesaver becomes damaged or erased itself, it may be more difficult. Filesaver, If turned on, may still be able to recover some or all of files. Filesaver in the 3.5 version will work when the system is idle.

16. If you can not make an alias, it may be due to Foolproof control being on.

17. To find invisible files on a disk with 7.5, go to find file, then hold down the Option key while clicking on name.

18. If you try to move a file to the desktop from a locked disk, the message will appear saying Òitems from locked disks can not be moved to the desktop. Do you want to copy the file to the startup disk? it will appear on the desktop.Ó

19. If you need to rename finder or system folder, you can with Resedit (must change name from within Resedit) or NortonÕs Disk Editor (can be changed in the finder, subsequently) and then select system or finder. You do not have to restart the computer with Resedit or Norton Disk Editor, but you would have to restart the computer If unlocking the finder or system folder (or System Enabler files) with Get More Info.

20. If you can not save a file in an application, probably a bug in application (perhaps increase memory allocation). Otherwise, restart, rebuild the desktop or repair the disk.

21. If you get a message that there is not enough room (even though there is), try to copy smaller groups of files or the disk may be bad.

22. Folder that wonÕt delete: see If locked ÒUnlock folderÓ or ÒRename RescueÓ can be used to unlock FOLDERS or VOLUMES only (RR and UF are more likely needed in pre 7.1): If the message appears saying that Òit canÕt be put away because it contains items in useÓ and none appear in the finder, check for invisible files inside the folder (Invisifile (which is from 1988), Get More Info, NDE or Disktop): {Disk Top is made by Prairie Soft Software, 515-225-3720 or from for $50} rename the folder, create another folder with same name and attempt to replace folder, If the folder is in system folder, may have to drag it out of System folder and restart, restart with ext. off, rebuild desktop, restart from different disk, repair the disk, reformat the disk.

            A. Resedit, Norton Disk Editor and Get More Info (GMI requires restart) can be used to unlock files (even System and the finder, in which case the System folder becomes unblessed). Or sometimes If a system folder becomes unblessed (with a finder and a system file in it), the system and or the file can be dragged out and back into the system folder, which causes the Mac to update the volumeÕs boot blocks, which may make folder blessed again. May also be able to open the System file and then close it, which will bless the folder.

            B. Alternatively, you may simply try locking a file, then holding down the option key to delete it.

            C. Or you could try to see If the Òname lockedÓ bit is checked with Snitch. (not the same as the file being locked). An example of something that might have name locked would be finder, system file etc.

            D. I had a folder on Mom's G3/266 that would not allow itself to be trashed. It kept giving an "items in use" error. I tried restarting the computer, rebuilding the desktop with TT, changing the folder name, making another folder with the same name and replacing the "folder from hell", using Rename Rescue and Unlock Folder, using Invisifile to see if any invisible files were present (there were none), Resedit (Resedit could not access the folder in its dialog box), NDE was not available, tried restarting with extensions off, I had no luck.

                        1. I tried using a different startup disk (the G3 CD), but then I could not move the folder to the trash, because "the disk was locked." I moved the folder from the desktop to the root level of the HD and restarted. Still got Òin useÓ error when trying to empty the trash.

                        2. I then ran DFA several times. On first time, I got several errors, which were fixed. On second time, I got a few less errors, and again "the disk was repaired successfully". On third time, no errors except for "MountCheck found minor errors," which were supposedly "fixed," but the error kept recurring. The folder was then able to be deleted.

                        3. However, I did run NDD 3.2.1 (which would not run from the HD initially, so I recopied it to the HD and then it ran fine) to see if I could eliminate the Mountcheck problem, but without luck. After running NDD and then DFA again, the Mountcheck error still appeared, although I imagine it is not a serious error.

                        4. An idea for next time would be to rename folder to something that is already in use (i.e. Ryan's stuff) and then move all of my stuff to the "folder from hell." Trash original Ryan's stuff folder. Julie just puts folder somewhere where she would not look at folders, instead of fooling with it. she calls it folder that won't delete.

                        5. On another occasion, I had a folder from hell that was an old Extensions folder. I could not get it to delete, because Òitems were in useÓ (even though the folder was empty). Making another extensions folder would not work, because I could not replace the Òin useÓ folder. Renaming the folder was not possible (the name would not highlight). Rebuild with TT did not work. Finally, I decided to use DFA 8.1 to repair the disk. However, DFA froze on at least three occasions trying to repair the disk. I ran NDD trying to repair the HD, which it did. I ran DFA 8.1 again, but it still froze. Finally, I decided to run DFA 8.2, which fixed the HD. I ran it twice to make sure it was Òokay.Ó Then DFA 8.1 ran and said the Òdisk appears to be ok.Ó In 3/07, I had a Òfolder from hellÓ on the G3/233. TT rebuilding of the Desktop and restarting did not solve the problem. Running DFA on the 8.1 partition (twice) resolved the issue.

23. once the System Folder on the 5400 was unblessed (I had unblessed). When attempting to rebless the System Folder, it did not work at first. I restarted the computer and it worked fine.

24. On one 575, the message that Òthis file can not be opened because The Writing Center can not be foundÓ. To have the file open, you had to copy the actual application (not an alias) ÒThe Writing CenterÓ into the same folder as the writing center file. Then it would work.

            A. So I trashed the extra copy of The Writing Center and rebuilt the desktop with Techtool. Files opened without application being in the same folder.

            B. Also ran NDD, which found some bundle bits problems.

            C. Other ideas include that the app. has been trashed, you could open the file in another app. or open from inside an application. If the icon becomes generic, try opening from within the application and resaving with a new name, should restore icon. If not, use Get Info box to wake up the Mac. If not, Rebuild the desktop.

25. Making an alias from the finder menu makes an item that takes up 25K or so. Duplicate makes another full copy of a file or application (in the same folder).

26. To see what applications may open a file, you can drag the file over an alias of an application.

27. When copying a file or files from one place to another, you can still access your computer If you have another file ALREADY open on the desktop, then just click on the file (which is faster than the app. menu) or use the application menu.

28. Rich Text Format (RTF) is a file format that can be used to save a little bit of the formatting of text, along with the text and maybe pictures (it is a little more complex than ASCII).

            A. ASCII is American Standard Code for Information Interchange. and has information on ASCII Codes (perhaps for use with designing web pages).

            B. According to Netscape Communicator 4 Book, p. 324, there are 256 different characters that can appear in a computer file in any order, but only half that number in ASCII files.

29. A file can have up to 31 characters in its name, while a disk can only have up to 27 characters.

30. If a file is moved onto the desktop after you are done using it, simply hit command Y to put the file back where it goes. This also works for stuff that is located in the trash can.

31. Many files are required to be in the correct folder to be used (i.e. they need to be ÒlocatedÓ by an app.).

32. If you save in an application that may not be easily translated to another application, may want to save it as ÒtextÓ only or rich text format.

33. A non-changing document can be called ÒstationaryÓ or a ÒtemplateÓ depending on the app.

34. If the files are names Ryan 1, Ryan 2, Ryan 3 etc. They will list in numerical order.

35. Mosaic is Freeware.

36. Desktop DB and Desktop DF are invisible files on the Hard Drive. External Hard Disk Systems for the Macintosh OwnerÕs Guide page 63 says that they are created during initialization to store Finder information.

37. Comma delimited text is simply text that is separated by commas (Ryan, cool, hot), tab delimited is text that is separated by tabs (Ryan                        cool                        hot).

38. GrolierÕs Multimedia Encyclopedia 95 has to be run from the HD and the CD must be inserted. Copy the GME folder (contains 5 items) from the CD to the HD, then run from the HD.

            A. I tried making a duplicate of the GME95 CD on the G3/233, using Toast. With extensions on, I got an error. With extensions off, I still got an error. Then I made a partition with Toast and then copying the GME 95 contents to it. However, the CD would not work (it may be that the CD has some scratches on it, that make it difficult to copy or the CD-ROM may be a little tricky, since I had trouble with a Life Touch CD also).

39. Glider 4.0.4 will not work on my 6400 in 16 colors. it says Òwhere is the graphics file?Ó and I could not locate it. it was looking for Art 16 (meaning 16 colors on the computer). I only had Art 2 to run the program in 2 colors (black and white).

            A. Glider 4.0.4 will not run on the G3 at all. Glider Pro 1.1.2 does though.

40. When installing any type of extensions or files, then turn extensions off before loading (causes installation errors).

41. To hide an applicationÕs windows when switching from one open application to go to another. Hold down the option key and click on the next application in the Application menu or an open window of the application (a document inside the application).

42. To see all the folders expanded in list view, hold down the option key while clicking on a folder. And the next time you click to see expanded view, all the folders will be expanded. To change back to only the main folders showing, hold down the option key and turn the triangle so it points to the right instead of down.

43. An application running in emulation probably runs about as fast as it would on a 68xxx series computer, since the emulation slows the process down.

44. When doing a find file command, you can pick date created or date modified is within a day, two days, a week, a month etc.

45. To keep track of files on a Zip Disk or a floppy disk, make aliases of all your files on the HD. Then click on it and it will ask for the right disk.

46. If a file is unable to open, you may want to try to open it with Simpletext (unless the file is larger than 32 K).

47. PDF stands for Portable Document Format.

48. Many multimedia CDÕs require 256 colors and VM be off.

49. I have version 1.3.1 of Filelock, since version 1.3.2 has the registration box that comes up every time you use it. 1.3.1 is Òpostcard wareÓ.

50. System Folder can be renamed and will still start up the computer.

51. If trying to find a file by type or creator, you need to match the case of the file that you are trying to find i.e. If looking for file with LVFN, you wonÕt find it looking for lvfn.

52. An ÒinitedÓ file is one that has been seen by the finder and has been updated to the finderÕs database.

53. A file with Òno INITSÓ is a control panel or extension that has no INIT resources. For applications, it indicates a file that should be read-only for network use.

54. If you turn on Òshow balloonsÓ while in the finder, and move the cursor over a file, it will show you the creator of the file. Also, it may give more information about a file, perhaps an extension.

55. If you have a recurring system error, it may be due to a bug in an application, conflict between the application and system extension, control panel, system software or hardware.

56. If you have a file that is unopenable (perhaps the creating application is not available), you may be able to change the creator to match that of an application you do have. Or If view the fileÕs get info window it may give some info as to what type of document it is.

57. If you put 2 files in the trash with identical names, the trash can renames the 2nd one with ÒcopyÓ at the end. Usually, anywhere else, you get the do you want to replace message.

58. If visible files are inside an invisible folder, they will not appear. Use NDE to make folder visible again to see files.

59. Debabelizer costs $400.

60. Midnight Rescue sets the computers at school to black and white. Must reset the computer by clicking ÒyesÓ when asked to reset to color mode (when exiting the program).

            A. On one occasion, when copying Midnight Rescue to an LC, I got an error that said that the program cannot be run on a Network, even though it was not a Network (it was on an LC).

61. Joe had a BWC file saved on a floppy disk that he had trouble retrieving later. (disk was damaged)

            A. Tried copying the file to the G3 HD and the LC HD, but kept getting an error message that "a disk error has occurred".

            B. Tried opening file from the floppy disk with TBWC (which was on the G3 HD), but got an "out of memory" error message.

            C. Tried opening file from the floppy disk with Claris Works 4.0, but Claris would not show the file as openable from the open dialog box (i.e. the file did not show up). Tried dragging the file on top of Claris Works, but CW did not become black.

            D. Tried using NDD to repair the floppy disk, which did some things. Then, I tried copying the file to the HD again, but got the same disk error message.

            E. Then, I tried opening the file with Microsoft Word 6.0.1a, but when I tried it, there was an error message that said that there is severe damage to the floppy disk. Then the convert dialog box for Microsoft Word appeared on the screen, I tried converting to Excel 3.0 spreadsheet (which was default choice), but I had no luck. I tried converting from "text only" and it worked. However, there was much extra garbage which had to be deleted ($ * etc.).

            F. Later, I had the same problem with a Bilingual Writing Center document in the lab (it was a studentÕs writing). I did the same procedure with Microsoft Word 6.0.1a (see E) and it worked.

            G. There is a program called RescueText by Abbot Systems that supposedly can help get info from damaged disks.

62. it is possible to open a damaged file with ResEdit and it will fix it (has happened, S.M., 3rd ed., 832).

63. You can open a highlighted name by pushing command, down arrow.

64. If you option, click something in the find window, the find window will close while opening what you want.

            A. If you hit option, shift, up arrow, it takes you to the desktop level.

            B. If you hit command, option, right arrow, it expands all subfolders. Hitting command, option, left arrow collapses them.

            C. If you hit command and right arrow, it only expands or collapses one level of folders.

            D. This shortcut to collapse/expand all the subfolders does not work with IE5.

            E. From an open dialog box, if you use command, left arrow or command, right arrow then you can go up or down one level in the hierarchy.

65. Supposedly (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 10), you can not launch an application by typing command, period IMMEDIATELY after launching. This did not work in 8.1 or 7.6 for me.

66. Disk Fit Direct 1.0 does not make subsequent backups with 8.1 (it does not add any subfolders of ÒRyanÓ on 2nd or 3rd copying procedure) and takes longer than it would to simply drag the ÒRyanÓ folder to a Zip Drive.

67. To make a listing of all the files in a folder, select all, copy, then paste into word processing program (Mac Secrets, 4th, 53).

68. Last Resort (Mac Secrets, 4th, 187) can be used to save text as you type in case of a system crash.

69. If you double click an alias in the open dialog box, the original folder will open.

            A. If you hit the Ò`Ó button, it will zoom to the last item in a finder window.

70. You can turn any document into stationary by making the file, then clicking get info and select stationary pad.

71. You can make a file ÒunopenableÓ by changing its type and creator, so that a ÒsnooperÓ can not access your file.

72. To find out what fonts and sounds are stored internally in a program, change its type and creator to ÒzsysÓ and ÒMACS,Ó then double click the application.

73. Apple Spec database requires that you have either File Maker 3.0 or Apple Spec Database ÒruntimeÓ version, which can be downloaded from

            A. My Apple Spec file from 8/98 would not open, but would open from within Apple Spec database. Rebuilding the desktop did not work. I checked and the 8/98 database file was the same type and creator as the 2/98 Apple Spec file. The 2/98 file would open. The Apple Spec Database app must be in the same folder as the Apple Spec file and it will work.

            B. Also, in the finder, you must open the Apple Spec Database app file, not the Apple Spec file. (otherwise, you get an app not found error).

            C. On another occasion, I could not get the 8/98 Apple Spec file to open. It was got an application not found error. I copied the Apple Spec Database app from the 5/98 folder to the 8/98 folder. Then the Apple Spec database from 8/98 would open using the Apple Spec database icon.

74. One file was made invisible with Invisifile (I think) on the Syquest at school. Later, Invisifile could not locate it. I used NDE to make it visible again.

75. FC Text-Pictures (freeware) allows you to add your own signature to e-mail.

76. Power Secretary ($2500) lets you dictate your typing into the Mac. There is a demo on the Mac Secrets CD.

77. Area Code Finder ($15) is not worth $15, since it is from 1996.

78. Startup Screens (anything ware) has several different photos. Have several of my own.

79. Media Cleaner Lite is a demo for Media Cleaner ($499 for cheapest version) for compression of videos for the web. it is designed for compressing videos only, not unstuffing i.e. it is used for delivering media only, usually.

            A. There is one workaround, but it is very complicated.

80. Klondike would not work on my the G3 or 575. Turning the sound off each time it is opened fixed the problem. Also, I increased the memory allocation from 384 K to 1000 K for the preferred size. I finally used Resedit to make the sound off as the default. Open a COPY of Klondike in Resedit, open the MENU resource, open the Options resource (4), single click the sound on text, click on the drop down menu by mark and choose Ònone.Ó

81. DantzÕs Retrospect ($49.95) can be used for backing up files.

I used version 4.0I (from Mac OS Internal CD). However, the program is from 1997 and it did not work with 250 MB Zip Disks, but it did with 100 MB Zip disks (and with 100 MB Zip Disks, access is quite slow). The only thing you can do with 250 MB Zip Disks is to duplicate (which you canÕt make into a script). If you try to run a script, If you try to do a backup or an easyscript Backup (you get an error type 102, trouble communicating error). I also got 7 execution errors upon doing one operation. I even tried downloading and installing Retrospect Extension Updater to update Restropect Freedom USB Support and Restropect SDAP Support to version 4.3. Still had same results (errors). Since it appears that Retrospect is unstable, it is better to not use it.

82. Stickybear Reading (which would be good for someone learning English or someone learning Spanish) had trouble with error type -61 when switching from English/Spanish and vice versa. My copy on my School Stuff had the same error, so I located the original Stickybear Reading Room disks. The install disks (92-93) uses drag and drop, not installers.

            A. When I copied the Stickybear Reading program from the Syquest, got a ÒblankÓ when selecting the options menu at the top of the screen. After recopying the program to the HD with the floppy disks (and extensions off), the options menu was not a problem (also, the extensions were off when checking for the problem).

            B. On my School Stuff CD that is at home, there are two versions of Stickybear Reading, should use the 8.3 MB version (the first one and the smaller one), it is the working one.

            C. Stickybear Reading floppy disk #1 had trouble being read in one computer in Room 29 (gave unreadable error),but disk drive probably has problem, since the disk can be read on my G3/266.

            D. Stickybear Reading and Stickybear Learning are on the external HD.

            E. When you use the floppy disks to install Stickybear Learning, the folder that is installed on the HD is called SBLearning Install Folder, even though it should be called SBLearning folder, probably.

            F. Stickybear Reading will not run in Classic under OS X, it produces errors.

83. If you only use something every fifth time you start up the computer, you probably should shut it off (i.e. PC Exchange).

84. Text files and gif images usually are stored completely in the data fork and have an empty (or non existent) resource fork. Applications, conversely, are stored completely in the resource fork and have an empty (or non existent) data fork. (

            A. Binary format uses all 8-bits of a byte. ASCII files use only the first 7 bits of a byte and set the high bit to 0. (

            B. If a GIF file is compressed, it may be bigger than it was before compression, according to Netscape Communicator 4 p. 325: A GIF file is already compressed, so you would only save a little space when compressing. Also, the information that is required to let a computer know how to ÒunstuffÓ the file takes up EXTRA room. Therefore, the file may actually become a little bigger after compression.

85. I was not able to open a Print Artist file that Mom sent me over the internet. She sent it from to and, but neither file was able to be opened (from the finder or from within Print Artist).

86. If an Appleshare PDS (Processor Direct Slot) file is corrupted, you may need to delete it using NDE or the option keyboard command along with find. You will have to reassign folder access privileges using Appleshare Admin.

87. Rendering is the creation of a 3D image on a screen.

88. If a program bombs each time you open it, may want to check the fonts, as another option to solving the problem. Move all fonts out of system folder, restart, and try the program.

89. There is a listing of text editor programs at

90. Whenever you simply save a file, the modification date does not change. If you save as. (even with the same file name), the modification date is updated, if the file is saved in the same location. (If the file is saved in a different location, the creation and modification dates are both new. The creation date is when a file is first put somewhere.

91. Mom had a document that was created with her ÒMy CalendarÓ program. Every time you tried to open the document, you got an Òincrease in memory neededÓ error message, even though it was a document and not the application itself. Increasing the memory allocation of the program did not help. Also, you could not open the document from within the app. File was probably corrupted. I suggested that she replace it.

92. On one occasion, with the 5400/180 in Room 25 (was previously in room 51), inside the programs, SunburstÕs Vowels, Long & Short; Word Parts; and Letter Sounds (3 programs): SunburstÕs hours are 5 A.M. - 2 P.M., Pacific 800-747-3310. I got another number for Sunburst from Houghton MifflnÕs web site. It is 800-338-3457 x2800 or you can use their e-mail of  I could not add to the class list. Previously, an aide was able to add to the class list. You also could not rename the class list, if necessary. You could type a name, but when you pressed enterÓ or clicked on the arrow, the name was not added to the class list. This was on a 5400/180 with System 7.5.5. The programs functioned normally on my G3 with System 8.1 (at least one of them did).

            A. I tried installing the English TTS program from the Sunburst CD, increasing memory allocation to 12000 K, restarting the 5400, used real file instead of alias, extensions off (except for Apple CD-ROM, and Quicktime extensions. Later, I had to re-enable Speech Manager and Thread Manager to avoid a Òno .yak, see the extras folderÓ folderÓ error), zapped PRAM with TT and KB, rebuilt the desktop with TT, I had no luck.

            B. The program ran fine (you could add names to the class list) on the 5400/200 in Room 36. The program ran fine from an alias, too.

            C. Then I reinstalled the programs (all 3) with all extensions turned off in the Extensions Manager, except for Apple CD-ROM and Foreign File Access (there was no preferences file). I also installed the English TTS program. All three programs worked. They also allowed you to add names to the class list, once I restarted with all the extensions back on.

93. According to Tidbits #564, ConnectixÕs $100 Doubletalk enables a Mac on an Ethernet network with PCÕs to access shared folders and printers just like any other PC.

94. Sad Macs, 3rd edition, 737 says that once you change a minimum or preferred size, there is not a way to return to defaults automatically.

95. I had tried sending several e-mails from AOL,, Webbox, etc. to AOL, Webbox, etc.

            A. Many times when I sent files compressed with Drop Stuff 4.0, once I downloaded the files, I got a message about the files being Òcorrupt.Ó (even though they were not, since I could open them on the originating computer). If I sent a compressed file while being signed on to AOL and retrieved the file with AOL, it was fine. Or, if I retrieved it at home with OE, it was fine. But, if I tried to retrieve the file using or, I got the ÒcorruptÓ error.

            B. I e-mailed and they suggested using a later version of Drop Stuff. I tried several versions of Drop Stuff (I tried up through 6.0, I think). I believe 6.0 is the latest version that can be used with System 8.1. But the ÒcorruptionÓ problem still occurred.

            C. I called AOL and they referred me to Keyword:MIME, which was not really helpful.

            D. I finally figured out on my own that if I just sent the files through uncompressed (Simpletext, CW or Word), they come out fine on the other end (although may have use Word to open, because the icons may be generic). It also may be good to simply paste the text into a window and then send it or attach the file and paste into e-mail for awhile.

96. In 12/02, the wrong files would open when you clicked on them. It turns out that the problem was with some corrupted (or otherwise problematic) files. After replacing them, files opened fine.

97. Flashplayer 6.0 and 7.0 requires 8.6 or later.

            A. Flashplayer 5 (OS 8.1) does not work with Frito LayÕs website, when you click on Fritos. It also did not work with (one card would not load).

98. On one occasion, I had a file that was sent from AOL to The file ended in .mim. I could not use any program on the G3/266 to open it (including Stuffit Expander 5.5, which AOL says will work on mime files). However, I went to Keyword mime with AOL and found a program called Decoder 2.1 (it costs $20 shareware), which worked to expand the file to a compressed archive and Stuffit Expander 5.5 could open it. If you send an uncompressed file from OE to AOL, it will end up in .MIM format; it is probably best to compress files first. I compressed about four files with Stuffit Lite on the G3/233 and sent them from Mail with OS X to AOL (for use at school). The archive file ended in .mim, I had to use Decoder 2.1 to expand the file, then I used Stuffit Lite to expand it further.  Once I downloaded the files to the desktop, I was not able to burn them. I got an error message (similar to locked files or something like it). Restarting did not help. I had to change the name of the archives and then I was able to burn them. On 4/21/04, I received another .mim file, so I tried to use AOL to go to Keyword:mime, but without luck. The section would try to load, but then it just downloaded the web page to the desktop, strangely enough. I then used Google to find Decoder version 3.1.5 ($20 shareware). You have to open the program, then I dragged the file on top of it. The file expanded, but  it froze the computer. On restart, I was able to open the file. Later, I had a file with the previously mentioned issue, I sent it from Mail at home to AOL compressed (the file was compressed with Mail, but still ended up being in .mim when AOL received it on the G3/266. Later, I figured out that this happened because I sent some files that were .sea, not .sit, i.e. they were self-extracting). It was in .mim format and I was unable to read it using Mime 2.1 nor 3.1.5 (the computer froze when using 3.1.5) and upon restart, I could not open the file. Later, I tried using Decoder 3.1.7, but it froze also. I tried using Mpack, but it did not work, and I could not find Munpack. Stuffit Expander 5.5 could not open the file, it mentions that you need DropStuff with Expander Enhancer. Stuffit Expander 7.0 would not expand the file, either. Finally, I figured out that I could use Stuffit Deluxe 5.0 (that I got from Helen). After I installed it, I was able to use the version of Stuffit Expander (5.0, the version that got installed with Stuffit Deluxe 5.0) to expand the files. I took the Stuffit Deluxe to school in 9/05. In 12/05, I was not able to send an uncompressed file from SBC to AOL mail, even if I selected the Attach button with Mail on the iLamp.

99. If you have a file on your disk that you are unable to open, you may be able to use a different creator with it (change the creator codes with Snitch or Norton), Sad Macs, page 306.

100. If you have a file on your disk that you are unable to open, you may be able to use a different creator with it (change the creator codes with Snitch or Norton), Sad Macs, page 306.

101. On one occasion, I received an e-mail from Marilyn with a file attached (my ELD instructional list). But when I tried to download it on the iLamp, I got an erorr that says, Ò This attachment must be saved to disk. Right-click the link and save from the menu. With a single-button mouse, hold the button down over the link and then save from the menu. I then tried to open the link using Internet Explorer 5.1.7, but I got the same message when clicking on the link. Holding down the mouse over the link did not work (wrong choices). Holding down the Control Key, I was able to choose Òdownload image to disk.Ó I was able to open the web page in IE and it printed fine. When I used IE 5.2.3, the file opened in Preview and I could use Preview to print the page.

102. Tourbus (11/11/04) says that Firefox (Firefox 1.5 requires Mac OS X 10.2 or later) can be a good browser, but it recommends that you don't get rid of IE, since some web sites (i.e. MS Windows Update and Encarta sites only work with IE).

            A. Tourbus (12/14/04) mentions Camino for Mac. At, they mention that is a browser for OS X, but it may still encounter bugs.

103. allows you to download a free program, primarily for use with HTML editing.

104. Tidbits #763 mentions a couple of programs for recording anything that is playing on your computer. It mentions Audio Hijack ($16, records to 16-bit AIFF files), Ambrosia's Software's new Wire Tap Pro ($19), and the free Jack OS X (requires a separate application to generate the final sound file, and is more work to set up). Tidbits #805 talks about joining several individual audio files using Audio Hijack Pro ($32, as of 11/05).

105. GME 98 requires the CD-ROM to run, so I decided not to use it on the iLamp. Nor did I use the World Book program.

106. I had trouble viewing a picture sent from Kwalker. In the Mail window, there was a question mark.  I tried control, clicking on it and save it to the desktop. I tried opening it with Preview and Picture Viewer, but no luck. Finally, I went back to the e-mail and saved the attachment. Then I tried opening in the Finder without luck. Finally, I opened Quicktime Player and then opened the file from within Quicktime Player, this worked. I was also able to open the picture from within Graphic Converter and that worked as well.

            A. I then tried to forward the e-mail to AOL mail and my Winton e-mail, but the attachments would not show up. With AOL, it uses .mim format (need a mime decoder) and I was using the internet to access my Winton e-mail, which probably has some qualifications associated with it. However, I could send the attachments from to without incident.

            B. After being able to open the picture and save it to the desktop, I tried sending itthroughAOL mail and then downloading. The file was called unknown.mim. I could not get Decoder 2.1 nor 3.1.5 to open the file. However, Stuffit Expander 7.0.3 opened it fine.

107. When sending Winton.sit from Pacbell to AOL, the list view is lost. Must redo. WHen copying to a Zip Disk, the list view is not lost. Better to send individual files or use Zip Disk to transport Winton.

108. I could not send a .zip file from Pacbell to motleyze on OS 9. It would not open the CW 4.0 document. I sent a compressed CW 4.0 (.sit) file from AOL to AOL, but it would not open on CZÕs iMac. Finally, I just sent the file from AOL to AOL (from the iMac Duo to CZÕs iMac), then I was able to open the file. A Preview document that I sent from AOL to AOL opened fine with GC on CZÕs iMac. Later, I sent a compressed .sit file from PacBell to CZÕs iMac and then I used Snitch to change the type to TEXT: then I was able to open the file in OS 9 on CZÕs iMac.


File Sharing (and Printer Sharing)

1. Appletalk is the software and LocalTalk is the hardware and connectors.

2. Control panel-users and groups s/b unchecked usually (no outside sharing, for security reasons). This control panel allows/disallows access as guest or registered user.

3. Go to Sharing setup, name, password, choose whatever computer is.

4. Start file sharing.

5. Go to other computer.

6. Control panel, network or sharing setup, start File Sharing.

7. Chooser, click Appleshare, choose other computer.

8. Connect as guest. Files should appear on the desktop of the other computer.

9. It will only work between the two computerÕs printer ports.

10. Can go to file, then sharing (on desktop) when file sharing is on (an alias can be created to be put in Apple items menu).

11. To break sharing connection, throw first computer or first computerÕs files into trash.

12. The second computer (the one accessing files) can not print on the first one.

13. Can not open a file directly by clicking on it, unless the application can be found on the second computer. If a file was created by an application not located on the second computerÕs hard drive, then open the application by accessing it from the first computer. Then open the file.

14. Must use modem ports to print on either of the shared computers. CanÕt use printer ports since Appletalk must use printer ports.

15. The process overall is pretty slow, but does work.

16. Appleshare, Network, File Sharing extensions are needed. So are File Sharing Monitor, Sharing Setup, Users and Groups Control Panels.

17. If you are on the computer that is accessing files from the other computer: When getting a file from the shared folder, copy it from the shared folder to your HD, otherwise you are working on the other computer (the one whose files are being accessed).

18. You can also use the ÒFindÓ command to find files that are shared (one of the folder attributes).

19. You can make an alias i.e. Òfor Ryan aliasÓ to reconnect without having to go through the Chooser (Little Mac Book, p. 279). File sharing is automatically turned off when either computer is turned off. Page 259 suggests making an alias of a HD on your own computer, then transferring it to another computer. Should be able to access it by just clicking (and entering info). This did not work, though, on the G3/233 (to access the iLamp HD alias). Also, I could not access the iLamp from the G3 if the iLamp is sleeping (even though wake for administrative access is selected with Energy Saver). If you try to access the iLamp from the slot loading iMac at home and the iLamp is off, it may freeze the slot loading iMac.

20. The password for sharing is case sensitive unlike the Find File application. Computer B (the one accessing files) needs to know the password.

21. When copying files from the 5400 to the G3, it took approximately 12 hours to copy the 750 MB of Info that was on the 5400. Rate averages out to roughly 1 MB/minute. Takes far too long, should use Zips next time. Also, many System folder items could not be copied since they were in use. Tried to stuff the hard drive before copying, but the computer kept asking for this disk or that one.

22. On G3, go to Help, Help, File Sharing, How do I let others use files on my computer?, Select icon of HD, go to file, sharing at top of screen. If an icon is not selected, file, sharing is gray.

            A. Can share between a G3 and an SE, but you must have Appleshare in the root level of the System folder on the SE and ÒchooseÓ G3 after setting up the G3 with all its files.

23. On one occasion with the 5400 and the G3 with 8.1, I got the message that ÒAppletalk canÕt be openedÓ when trying to make it active. Tried replacing Appletalk control panel and its preferences, but did not work. Determined that the problem was due to the fact that Shared Library Manager (need to use version 2.0.1 with 8.1) was not active. Re-enabled it and Appletalk was again available. (p. 278 Sad Macs, 3rd edition). In this particular case, I was sharing the Apple Stylewriter 1500 printer.

24. The Difference in speed with all other extensions off and on is negligible. Also, the difference between copying from a Zip disk and the HD is negligible.

25. When attempting to start file sharing, there was once an error message on the server (G3) Òyour computer name could not be registered.Ó Solution: Turn off Appletalk on the client (in this case, the 5400) and start file sharing again.

26. It is Possible that If file sharing does not show up in File Sharing control panel (i.e. only program linking shows up), may be due to the fact that Appletalk is on or off (one of those two). This problem did not occur on the G3.

27. If File Sharing is on, Appleshare PDS is on the HD, but invisible. Use NDE to make it visible (Invisifile did not even list the file). Mac Secrets (4th, p. 1035) said that the PDS file would have a ÒKiller RabbitÓ for an icon. Not true in System 8.1.

28. Talked to Mac Daddy (527-6227) about connecting the 5400 and the iMac in Room 54 to an Apple Stylewriter 1500. They said we would need to buy an Ethernet Bridge ($129.99) and an Ethernet card for the 5400 (which we did already purchase, when we bought the 5400). Dennis thinks that, ÒComputers send information on one wire and receive it on another. If you're connecting to a hub, the wires go straight through (pin 1 to pin 1, pint 2 to pin 2, etc). That's the way things are normally expected to be. If you want to connect 2 computers without a hub, you have to use a cross-over cable. it might have pin 1 connected to pin 2 and vice-versa. This is so that the first computer's transmit line goes to the second computer's receive line. You need it because the hub isn't there to take care of the wires for you.Ó However, with the iMac and the 5400, I do not think this will work, since I do not know if and where I could get a cross over cable. I still believe I would need a bridge.

            A. Keyspan serial adapter is not set up for LocalTalk or Appletalk, so through the adapter is not feasible, either.

            B. Not a feasible idea, since you could probably buy a printer for the price of the bridge (or close to the price).

            C. Best solution would be to connect/reconnect printers each time you want to switch.

            D. You can buy a Serial Switch box ($40) from Macdaddy. They do not sell Serial Y-adapters. One could be constructed, though.

            E. Port expanders must have a computer at the common connection, not a printer. I.E. you can share a computer, not a printer with a port expander.

            F. I did hook up an Ethernet cable from the iMac in my room to the G3/266, but I did not believe that I will be able to share either printer. Also, according to Macdaddy, I could not use Appletalk to share the HP Deskwriter, since the Keyspan serial adapter will not work with LocalTalk or Appletalk. However, I should double check on this.

29. I also asked Mac Daddy about connecting a USB printer to a USB computer (iMac) and another non-USB (575) in Room 25. They said that is not feasible, unless you have an Epson 740 printer, which can use a piece of software called "EpsonshareÓ from The download explains how it can be done. it costs $24. However, we have hooked up two computers (one USB connection and one serial connection) without Epson share.

            A. This is a good idea, if we decide to buy an Epson 740. However, Epson may not be the best way for us to go, just to accommodate one person.

            B. USB Printer Sharing software (free) is now available from AppleÕs web site. It can be used to share a USB printer (not necessarily just EpsonÕs). On one occasion, I downloaded the USB Printer Sharing Software and then copied to the G3/233 and it would not install (asked you to install the USB Printer Sharing disk). I downloaded the software from a different location.

30. If you can not change the name of your HD, try turning File Sharing off.

31. Source:, There is a problem sharing a CD when using 8.1, the copied files may be incomplete or corrupt. When the following conditions exist: the Mac OS-based computer is PCI equipped, the computer sharing the CD-ROM is running System 8.1 and the Apple or third party CD-ROM drive uses the Apple CD-ROM driver; the CD-ROM may have trouble being shared.

            A. Copy the CD-ROMÕs disk contents to a new folder on your HD.

            B. Share the contents of that folder.

32. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 23, if a computer is shared or the CD was already inserted when File Sharing was enabled, and you are running a System before 7.5.1, you wonÕt be able to eject unless you turn off File Sharing.

            A. Also, if file sharing is enabled, you wonÕt be able to rename a disk. If that does not solve it, run DFA.

33. TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 25 has info on setting up File Sharing.

34. To share with System 6, you need to install ÒAppleShare clientÓ from the System 6 installer disk.

35. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 25, if your Mac is very slow to start up, turn File Sharing off.

36. has info on connecting computers using Ethernet.

37. You can go to Chooser in with the G3 and 9.2.2 and select Appleshare, then press Server IP address and type to connect to the iLamp. (according to a couple articles, Appletalk must be active for sharing to work. This was true on the G3, except that you could turn Appletalk off and still access the server volume. But upon restart, you had to turn Appletalk on again).  You can use the File, Go, Connect to Server, to connect to the G3Õs HD. Type in the URL of afp://, then connect. Also, under Finder preferences, make sure connected servers is checked. You can also type in in Safari to connect to the G3 HD from the iLamp (if G3 has File Sharing on and perhaps Appletalk, not sure). However, you cannot type the needed URL into IE on the G3 and access the iLamp. has info on using Appletalk in OS X for sharing. and have info about creating an alias to a server on the desktop.|4587331& is about using an Internet location file to share a USB printer. It says that, ÒUSB Printer Sharing uses an industry standard protocol called SLP (Service Location Protocol) to locate shared printers on an IP (Internet Protocol) network. A router can be configured to block all SLP traffic or to block SLP multicast. In either case, USB Printer Sharing will not be able to locate printers that are shared on the other side of the router. In order to use USB Printer Sharing to print through a router that does not pass SLP traffic, you must create a Internet Location File of the shared printer. You use this Internet Location File on the client computer as a link to the shared printer on the other side of the router. For example, PPP (point-to-point protocol) does not pass SLP traffic, so you can not locate printers shared with USB Printer Sharing over a dialup connection.Ó It explains that you can drag the name of the shared printer onto the desktop, then transfer the file to the client (the computer that needs to access the printer remotely) and drag the file to the Network printers tab of USB printer sharing. If the name of the shared printer does not appear in the Network printers tab, it is an indication that the client computer is not able to initiate an IP connection with the host computer. The server alias on the desktop (you can even check the choice when setting up server access, but it does not work) nor USB Printer Sharing do not work though with the G3 (9.2.2) and the iLamp (Panther 10.3.4). I found out that USB Printer Sharing requires both computers to have built-in USB ports; adapter cards are not supported, according to USB Printer Sharing would not work with the BJC 2110 nor the iP4000 printer. I also tried to use USB Printer Sharing with the iLamp and the slot-loading iMac to no avail, most likely because of the router. Creating an internet location file did not work, either. When you tried to drag the internet location file to the Network Neighborhood of the client machine (the slot-loading iMac), the computer acted as though nothing had happened. Anyhow, it is better to not use it anyhow, since adding extra stuff to the System Folder on the iLamp can slow startup of System 9. Also, it would make it more complicated for CZ to print on the slot-loading iMac. She can simply copy files to the iLamp HD that she wants to print in color (BTW, I even tried making AT active with OS X, but it did not help. Appletalk is not supported by Classic on the iLamp, that is the message that appears when trying to access it). You can use the iLamp to read and write files on the G3 (G3 just needs to be on). Also, you can access Zip Disks in the SCSI Zip (connected to the G3) from the iLamp. When I copied the Ryan folder (63 MB or so) from the iLamp to the G3 (using the iLamp), I got only one copying error (a filename that was too long), I got a couple when copying using the G3/233. If you have the Zip Drive active (and I think a Zip disk needs to be present), File Sharing may take up to 1 minute and a half to turn on. Also, if you have File Sharing on, you cannot change the name of the HD (or Zip Disk) that is being shared. To no longer share a disk on the imac, Click the eject button in the Finder window. If you are unable to copy a file to the iLamp from the G3, it may be because it is being shared from the 8.1 volume. Therefore, if you copy to 9.2.2, you may be able to copy it without incident. To access the iLamp from the G3 now, use the name Ryan and no password. If internet access does not work on the slot-loading iMac, then you will not be able to access the iLamp using the Chooser.

38. defines program linking as something that allows applications to send Apple Events to other applications, either locally (on the same computer), or to applications across a network. For example, using Program Linking, you could use Hypercard to send a "mouseup" event to another Hypercard stack on a user's computer across the network.

39. You can use the blueberry iMac to connect to the G3/266. You can use the G3/266 to connect to the blueberry iMac. When you try to connect to the G3/266, you cannot log on as a guest. You cannot log in as Ryan Zelenski, using Old At Ease as the password (even though it is the correct password), and I used the name server addr. From the G3/266, but you get an error message indicating that you need to talk to the network administrator. However, I later realized that you need to use the IP Address, not the name server addr. (also, I changed the Appletalk control panel to use Ethernet, which was necessary, I think). Also, when you connect to the G3/266 from the iMac DV+, I selected it from the right hand side of the Chooser window (after choosing Appleshare), no use of TCP/IP was involved. I could access the G3/266 from the iMac DV+, but not from the Blueberry iMac, because File Sharing software in OS 9 had a problem. Anyhow, if you turn File Sharing on with the G3/266, you cannot use the 1500, so it is better to turn File Sharing on with the iMac, then use the G3/266 to connect to the blueberry iMac, the iMac DV+ and the Bondi Blue iMac. One time I turned File Sharing on and had to trash the Appleshare Prep preferences file and retart, Zap the PRAM with TT and KB several times. Finally, I turned off Appletalk and, restarted, zapped again with TT and got the 1500 to print again. To access the Blueberry iMac from the G3/266, go to Chooser, choose Appleshare, then press TCP/IP. I typed in to connect (later, though, the number will probably change, may need to check the Blueberry iMac for its number). To access the iMac DV+ from the G3/266, type in, even though the iMac DV+ suggests using the URL: afp:// You must turn on File Sharing with iMac VD+ and make sure that allow TCP/IP connections is checked in the File Sharing control panel (this feature is only present in OS 9, not 8). You can access the iMac DV+, the Bondi Blue iMac, and the Blueberry iMac at the same time on the G3/266. You can do this with Appletalk on, and print from the LaserWriter Select 360 before and after accessing the other computers. On one occasion, I could not access the red iMac DV+ from the G3. I checked for the number with TCP/IP on the red iMac DV+. However, no number showed up in the TCP/IP control panel. I had to then connect to the internet. A number was assigned, but still I could not connect to the red iMac DV+ from the G3/266Õs Chooser. After restarting the red iMac DV+, I was able to access it from the G3/266. Using an alias will work, so that you just type in your password. This worked on the iMac DV+ with 9.2.2, and I accessed the Blueberry iMac with OS X 10.2.8. This does not work with 8.1 on the G3/266. All three of the iMacs now have File Sharing on. You just may need to find the correct IP address to access the iMacs with the G3/266. If you check any volume to be mounted upon startup, you will be asked for the password upon each startup. If you use USB printer sharing, no password is required on each startup. 2100 software needs to be installed on all three iMacs. Use the Chooser icon for the 2100 on the Blueberry iMac (At the same time, the Blueberry iMac can use the DW with OS 9). On the iMac DV+ and the Bondi Blue iMac, use the 2100 Server chooser icon. On a different day (9/7/04), USB printer sharing would not work, and I had not changed anything. Restarting and making sure that the computers were sharing files thru TCP/IP did not help eithert. Finally, I figured it out, you have to select the 2100 on the blueberry iMac and then select Share (and then send) on the right side of the Chooser (after selecting the 2100 icon on the right hand side of the Chooser). Help says you cannot do it over Appletalk, but Appletalk must be active for the bondi blue and iMac DV+ to access the 2100 (server) Chooser icon. And it worked. If you cannot print from the red iMac DV+, and it does not work. Restart the blueberry iMac, and make sure that the printer is shared thru OS 9Õs Chooser. Then select the 2100 (Server) on the red iMac DV+. This should work. The next day, I was not able to access the 2100 from the iMac DV + and the bondi blue iMac. I tried using the Chooser to share the 2100 from the blueberry iMac, but it would not Òsend.Ó After restarting the blueberry iMac and using the Chooser to share the BJC-2100 (and ÒsendÓ after clicking the ÒshareÓ button), I was able to print from the iMac DV+ and the bondi blue iMac. It does not work consistenly, though, and I checked to make sure, but Appletalk stays on upon restart on the red iMac DV+ and the bondi blue iMac. Later (10/05), I decided to initialize the computers (red iMac DV+ and the Slot Loading iMac) and put System 9.1 on both of them to see if the 2100 could be shared (issues may have been present from before, because the operating systems were 9.1, 9.2.2 and OS X 10.2). I was not able to make it work initially, because after turning File Sharing on with the red iMac DV+, I could not find it in the Chooser with the Slot Loading iMac. I made sure to download and use BJC-2100 v3.42 Printer Driver for Mac OS 8.1 to 9.1 on CanonÕs website, but it still would not work. Finally, I turned USB Printer Sharing off with the Slot Loading iMac. Then I was able to find it in the Chooser.  After doing an initialization of the bondi blue iMac and the red iMac DV+, the same problem recurred; however, I forgot to check and the 2100 was off. So, I turned it on and  turned on File Sharing with the bondi blue iMac and then I was able to choose the 2100. has more information on USB Printer Sharing (it does not indicate that USB Printer Sharing s/b on with the computer that is accessing the printer remotely). If it stops working, I may try a different version of USB Printer Sharing. On 4/24/06, I tried to access the Slot loading iMac in room 58 using the G3/266Õs Chooser. I turned Appletalk on and off, File Sharing on and off on G3/266, no luck. Finally, I recognized that the problem was that the IP address was too long for System 8.1 (it was I assigned a new number to the slot-loading iMac, then the slot-loadingÕs IP address was fine (and no other changes were made).

40. I got a Chooser error (related to Appletalk) when starting up with the G3/266, but I did not get the

error previously. It is likely to be network-related, since it appears to be non-functional today (8/1/04). Later, I think I figured out that the error was related to the fact that I had checked an item for being connected upon startup.

41. If using the iLamp with the G3 to share Files, you need to turn File Sharing off, restart the G3, and the Deskwriter in order for the printer to work again. It is easier (I use this process for the Winton and Ryan folders, to be copied to Zip Disk), to use IE to upload the files to Yahoo! Briefcase with the iLamp and then download the files on the G3/233. Alternatively, you can simply use the Chooser on the G3/233 to access the iLamp (does not mess up the DW printer setup). But you must reselect the DW after copying files. On one occasion, I had trouble getting AR Quiz Additions.sit to upload at Yahoo! Briefcase (I was using the G3/266). Later, I had same trouble getting the file to upload on the G3/233. I thought perhaps it was a problem with MAC OS's previous to OS X. But it was not (I was able to upload Winton.sit in the past, and I was also able to upload Appleworks User Data.sit on the G3/233). Finally, I cut the name of AR Quiz Additions.sit to a shorter name and then I was able to upload it to Yahoo! Briefcase. I tried to upload the file R.S.V.P. #, as of Feb. 6 with Yahoo! briefcase, but was unable to. The web site indicated that I needed to choose a valid file name. I changed the name of the file to R.S.V.P. number and then it uploaded fine. I tried to upload a file called Wedding/Reception.sit, but it would not upload. The web site indicated that I needed to choose a valid file name. I changed the name to wedding reception.sit and it uploaded fine. I had trouble uploading Ryan N-Z.sit with Yahoo! Briefcase; however, it would not upload (got the "attempt to loadÉ failed" error). Then I changed the name to RyanN-Z.sit and it uploaded fine. Chooser on the G3/266 (and the iLamp was set to not sleep),, you get an error that says "No response from the server. Please try again.

42. I tried to access the school's two (set up to not be sleeping) iMacs from my home G3/233. However, I was not able to. I got a "no response from the server" error, which is probably due to the school or the county's firewall.

43. Whenever I accessed the iLamp from the G3, the username showed up as Ryan Zelenski. I had to keep erasing Zelenski to be able to connect to the iLamp. However, I just went to the File Sharing control panel on the G3 and erased Zelenski. This eliminated the need to erase Zelenski each time I connected to the iLamp from the G3 (and no password is required).

            A. When I copy the Ryan folder to the G3/233 from the iLamp, I got an in use error because of two errors, a "quotes" and "data file" error. This are Quicken files; the way to eliminate the error is to quit Quicken before copying the Ryan folder.

44. Mac OS X for Dummies page 243 says that you can not share the MAC OS X HD (as of 2001), but I have been able to.

            A. Page 245 says that you need "root" access to access groups in OS X, which requires Terminal: type in man group to see list of groups (but you need more info from there, which the book did not provide). Page 245 suggests sharing only folders within your home folder, otherwise you may have problems.

45. Mac OS X Panther (starting on page 655) talks about using an OS X computer as a web server. However, the info does not apply, when using a router. See Netgear #7 for more info.

46. If you check a File Sharing box on any computer (i.e. the G3/266), there may be a dialog box show up on another computer (i.e. slot-loading iMac) when the slot-loading iMac starts up.

47. I set up the red iMac and Slot Loading iMacs to be 226 and 227, respectively. Hopefully, these numbers will be available for them.

48. Checking a Server to load at startup with the Chooser does not work on the G3/233 to access the iLamp. I tried using Network Browser, Applesript, but there is no solution to mounting it at startup that I could find (even a clean install of 9.2.2 did not work, although the CD would not start up the computer. I had to install the software while starting up from the HD).  I think since there were so many problems with this before System 9, Apple may have taken it out. It is definitely a glitch by Apple, because System 8.1 will load a server fine on the G3/233. Not only that, I only need to mount the iLamp drive once a week, so I can often just leave it mounted. I then did a drag and drop install of System 9.1 and it mounts the iLamp HD at startup (using Okey Dokey Pro). Also, it is important to trash the keychains within the Keychains folder and the Keychain access preferences within the preferences folder (unlocking the keychain does not work), because Keychain Access works, even when disabled (Keychain does not respond to Okey Dokey Pro); and Keychain interferes with the process of accecssing the iLamp from the G3/233. 9.2.1 could not access the iLamp at startup from the slot-loading iMac, but G3 with 9.1 would load onto the slot-loading iMac fine. So, I will try installing 9.1 on the slot-loading iMac and see if I can have it automatically access the iLamp at startup. It did work. Later, after getting the slot-loading iMac, I could nto get 9.1 to work, but as it turns out, it was because I had done a CD install of 9.0, then upgraded to 9.1. However, after doing a drag and drop install of 9.1 (and trashing anything related to Keychain and restarted, then set up the Chooser to automatically pick up the iLamp at startup), I was able to access the iLamp at startup.

49. On 11/25/05, I  kept getting an error when trying to copy the Documents folder from the iLamp to the G3/233. It said that the folder could not be copied because some files were Òin use.Ó Restarting both computers did not solve the problem. Nor did quitting all of the applications on both computers. I had to quit Quicken on the iLamp and also there was another problem. The problem was the folder called ÒCopy of User DataÓ had been accessed on the G3/233 and was still considered Òopen.Ó So, I opened the Copy of User Data, then chose to quit Palm on the G3/233. This solved that problem. One week later, the same problem returned, but I used the same process to solve the problem. Later, I determined that the System Software needed replacing on the G3/233; after replacing the System Software, the problem with File Sharing was gone. Later, I received an Òin useÓ error again on the G3/233, so I trashed the Palm program that was in Startup Items and restarted the G3/233. This solved the problem.

50. When we decided to transfer the G3/233 to JC, we wanted to not have the iLamp accessed at startup. However, after unchecking the box with the Chooser to have it connected at startup, the box kept rechecking itself. I found out that I needed to trash the alias for the iLamp HD. The alias was in the Servers folder in the System Folder.

51. With OS X on the iMac Duo and CZÕs iMac: if printing is stopped on the host computer, then you cannot start it from the computer that is trying to use the shared printer. iMac Duo (10.4.10) must be awake for CZÕs iMac (10.2.8) to access the iP4000 printer. If not, it appears as though the iP4000 is not installed. Or, it may not be set up and you can access Page Setup to set it up, but then it wonÕt print until the iMac Duo has been woken (or waked) up. says that, ÒMacs will never sleep with windows sharing turned on.Ó It also says that, ÒIf you are sharing files, an Internet connection, a printer, and so forth, SLEEP CAN BE AFFECTED. In fact, you might want to consider setting the Energy Saver sleep timer to Never so that sharing serves are not disrupted.Ó has information on waking up a sleeping Mac so that others can access the hard-wired printer, but works on OS X 10.3 and 10.4 only. Apple Remote Desktop 3 can wake up computers, but it costs $299. Wake 550 requires you to type the address (hardware address, etc. and a router makes it more complicated, so I just trashed the program), so pressing the space bar is easier (for CZ). WakeonLAN ( is freeware and works fine (I hid the router, but you can see if you choose Òshow hidden.Ó I also hid the address of, because it kept showing up, even though CZÕs computer was using Trashing the prefs did not work. I also had to type the name ÒCarmen ZelenskiÕs ComputerÓ for After installing the Dashboard widget in the WakeonLAN folder, it appears to be gone, but it gets installed. The web page also suggests connecting your printer directly to the router, but my wireless router does not have a USB connection. The only solution that I can see is to press the space bar on the iMac Duo, use OS 9 0n CZÕs iMac, set the iMac Duo to never sleep, or buy her a new printer (when the DW dies).

52. I was able to access CarmenÕs iMac Duo from my iMac Duo, even when it was asleep. I had Network showing in the sidebar (with FinderÕs preferences).

53. I can access my iMac Duo from JCÕs G3, but I cannot access JCÕs G3 from the iMac Duo, since you get a message that says that ÒThis file server uses an incompatible version of the AFP protocol. You cannot connect to itÓ (I had to choose Ethernet with Appletalk Control Panel to even get the error message. Appletalk was on).

54. Using FTP access to copy files to CZÕs iMac Duo does not work (you must turn because FetchÕs data connections were blocked by both a firewall at the server and by the Mac OS X Firewall. The suggestion is to Ask the server administrator to allow passive mode data connections through their firewall, or turn off the Mac OS X firewall in the Sharing Pane of System Preferences. After turning off the firewall on my iMac Duo, I was able to transfer files to her computer, but it is probably easier to just transfer using the Finder.

55. On one occasion, I could not access CZÕs iMac Duo. I think that because File Sharing was off on my iMac Duo, that was the issue; however, it was not. Restarting the iMacs resolved the issue.



1. If the finder has a problem at startup, try starting up with extensions off, If error still occurs when finder should appear, it is not due to extension conflict.

2. StefanÕs Finder Menus (freeware) allows Empty Trash (command T), Unmounting Disks (Command U), show clipboard (Command B). Cleaning up desktop Shortcut does not work (Command K), <even after rebuilding the desktop>. To use it, however, you must startup from an unlocked disk (ResEdit needs to create prefs file). StefanÕs Finder Menus is not compatible with System 8.0 (none of the same resources).

3. If the Find File extension is enabled, the ÒnewÓ find file window shows up when pressing command F. If disabled, however and the find file application is on the HD, it can be opened by double clicking (or accessing from the apple menu) and the newer find file window is opened.

4. If the Find file extension is installed and the finder scripting extension is not installed, the warning box that says Òsomething to the effect that this is an older version of the find windowÓ is disabled. If the find file extension is disabled, the warning window shows up.

5. The finder scripting extension allows you to move items from the find window to the trash, to the desktop, etc.

6. To add the shortcut to clean up the desktop (only with a 7.5 Finder that already has been changed with StephanÕs Finder menus, otherwise it will not work). Open a COPY of the finder in Resedit and open the fmnu resource and then I changed the command for cleaning up the desktop (others can be changed there also).

            A. According to the MAC bible (p. 386), the clean up has the default of command, u, but I have not seen it.

7. Clear cuts text without putting it into the clipboard.

8. 7.5 is the first ÒscriptableÓ finder.

9. When using ÒFind FileÓ, you can find a group of files, then find again using the Òin the finder selectionÓ and use the previously found files and narrow down from there.

10. With System 8.1, you can drag any window by any of its borders.

11. To find a file inside of a certain folder, then highlight the folder in the finder, then choose in the finder selection from the popup menu.

            A. also, you can change the size of the bottom or top window after finding something, by simply dragging on the divider between the two windows.

12. At one time, Microsoft Word was typing very slowly, especially while printing. I replaced the System file, the finder and the finder prefs. Sped up.

            A. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, you can make a disk image of the system folder as a backup. I did this with Disk Copy 6.1.3, but (even compressed) it was still going to be too huge to save. It was less than halfway done, and it was 250 MB).

            B. Some people replace System, Finder, and Finder preferences, then do an install.

            C. On a G3 or G4 recent models, you can boot from AppleÕs restore CD, you can restore in place which leaves most of your documents and add-ons.

13. You can also use the 7.5 Find file system to find a file with particular contents. Hold down the option key and then highlight the word ÒnameÓ and contents will appear as one of the choices.

14. Contextual menu is the one that appears when you hold down the control key and click on something. But it is only present in Mac OS 8.

15. Minisubstitute works with System 8.1 and the G3 (using G3 to make emergency startup disk and then copy Minisubstitute finder to the floppy disk). Its finder uses about 26K instead of 300 K or so that many emergency startup disks use. So Disk Doctor and Speed Disk still can not fit on one disk. (they take about 800 K together and System file appears to be around 800 K or so on many NU disks).

            A. MinisubstituteÕs finder does not work like a regular finder, must simply use menu bar commands to access items.

            B. If you use a System file designed for a floppy disk, it is not a good idea to use it on a HD, since the file is often smaller and not really designed to run on a HD.

16. On one occasion, kept getting the error message Òyou cannot copy Deskwriter 6.0.4Ó because it cannot be copied into itselfÓ when copying from a CD to the HD, happened with several different folders on the HD. Later tried copying the 6.0.4 to the HD from another (the updated CD) and it worked without any problem.

17. Problems that affect the basic operation of the machine (empty trash) are usually due to damage to special invisible files on the HD.  You should try to repair them using special repair utilities. If they canÕt be repaired, may have to reformat (p. 73, Sad Macs, 3rd edition).

18. If the cursor alternates between a watch and an arrow or icons are missing, it may be that it is having trouble with windows that open on restart. On G3, If you hold down the option key at startup, windows that were open on previous restart do not reopen.

19. If you get an error message that Òthere is not enough memory to complete the operationÓ, may want to reduce number of open accessories or apps. If these problems occur frequently, increase size of finderÕs memory, especially in 7.5.5. Could be that the disk is nearly full, delete files or rebuilding desktop may help.

20. If you keep getting reinsert the disk messages, restarting computer may help.

21. (11/18/98) According to Alan Dunn, command, shift and F is the ÒoldÓ way to find something (i.e. with system 7.5.5, you can access old ÒfindÓ simple box). Command, shift and G is the ÒoldÓ way to find something again. I have not had much luck, in getting this to work.

22. If you option, double click the top of a window, then all open windows in the open application will close, not just the selected one.

23. If a computerÕs startup screen is in black and white, then reverts to color. Delete finder prefs and restart.

24. You can press command, 1 or command, 2 etc. to cycle through the mounted disks in the Find file program.

            A. You can also select all the items in the found window and paste them into a word processing program.

25. Kept getting error type 10 on the G3/233 with the Finder after startup items had started. I rebuild the desktop and then reset the preferences with Color Coordinator, which did not fix the problem. So I tried making new aliases for all of my startup items, since I reinstalled a few of those applications. I also trashed the Color Coordinator preferences.

            A. Got error type 10 again. Tried replacing Internet Explorer 5 with 4.5, since it was the newest application (did not change the extensions, however). I replaced the finder, System file, System Enabler when starting up from a CD. I also trashed the finder preferences and the display preferences. I rebuilt the desktop with Techtool and Increased finder allocation to 697 K.

            B. Do not replace the Finder, System file and System Enabler and then restart with extensions off, seemed to cause error at least once on G3 (got a Òno appearance.lib error, even though it was present). If replacing these 3 items, on next restart, start with extensions off.

            C. Kept getting a freeze after the startup items had loaded. On at least one occasion, even though the system error did not indicate it (it was just a blank freeze), Canon caused the problem. Reinstalled Canon and fixed it.

26. All of the names of my windows were being cut off i.e. computer no, RyanÕs H, Docum. After rebuilding the desktop with Techtool and restarting the computer, the problem was gone.

            A. Later, I had the same problem so I trashed the finder and display preferences and then restarted the computer and then the problem went away again.

27. If you hold down the option key, the file, close window changes to file, close all in the finder menu.

28. On one occasion, the Finder kept freezing at startup, the screen would show my desktop picture on the G3, but nothing else.

            A. I actually left it on, and in about five minutes the Finder had started up. I trashed the Finder and Display preferences and restarted. This issue, however, may have been related to the Enternet problems that I was having, not sure. The Finder was okay on next restart.

            B. Side note on display preferences: it does not appear to be on the HD at all times. When starting up from a CD, the display preferences have usually been made.

29. According to Tekserve FAQÕs 2000, if you hold down the option key when the finder loads at startup, you can eliminate ÒweirdnessÓ with Finder. (It will close all windows).

30. If you choose to Òhide othersÓ while one application is open, you can have the other applications still have their windows open, but hidden. When you then select the application, the windows are there (this idea may be good for startup on G3/233).

31. On several occasions after restarting the G3/233, the Trash Òwarn before emptyingÓ was checked. Sometimes it occurred after a freeze and sometimes not (perhaps this is somehow related to the DSL disconnect if idle problem??).

32. You can move a Ònon active windowÓ without making it the active window. Hold down the command key and click in the title bar and drag it. (If you click anywhere else in the window, you make the window ÒactiveÓ).

            A. If you decide that you do not want to move a window after you have clicked and dragged in the title bar, then move the pointer to the menu at the top of the computer screen.

33. Getting Started with Your Macintosh page 39 says that a window can be reduced to the size of a matchbox, which appears to be true on the G3/233.

34. Getting Started with Your Macintosh page 69, if you try to copy a disk to the HD, you will get a message telling you that a copy of your source disk will be placed in the directory window of your HD, because disk directories can contain folders, etc., but not other disks (this is not true with 8.1, though). Page 77 says that the System Folder must be at the root level of the directory, this is not true with 8.1. Page 77 says you can have folders 12 levels deep, not sure if this is true for System 8 or not. Page 78 suggests using a program to find all docÕs created by that program. Use the programÕs open dialog box and you will see them. Page 82 says that trashing a program requires confirmation, this is not true with 8.1.

35. Macintosh Reference (C. 1990) page 14 says that the trash is emptied automatically when you shut down or turn off the computer, start a program or eject a floppy disk, that has the trashed items.

36. Macintosh Reference (C. 1990) page 19 says that if you click once above or below the scroll box, you move to the next window of information. This is true with 8.1 used with MS Word.

37. Macintosh Reference (C. 1990) page 31 says you can select text by pressing shift, right arrow. Select to the left by using shift, left arrow. I works with 8.1 and MS Word.

            A. You can save the name of a highlighted icon that you changed by pressing the return key. This is true with 8.1.

            B. Page 41 says background printing can be turned on/off for MultiFinder use.

            C. Page 41 says Appletalk must be active to use Network devices.

            D. Page 51 says you should not run MultiFinder while running an installer. It can cause installation to fail.

            E. Page 52 says that if you have two disk drives, use the lower drive or the right most drive for starting up a computer with the System Startup Disk.

            F. Page 60 says you can run the MAC with only one floppy drive and no HD, but it is somewhat more cumbersome to make the software for the floppy disk. You would want to make several startup disks with applications on them. Page 62 says that a minimum install of system software would make the smallest possible system folder for a floppy disk. Otherwise, do a regular install, and the MAC makes it smaller automatically (if you are installing on a floppy disk).

            G. Page 64 has info on installing Quickdraw.

            H. Page 65 shows how to select items for startup with MultiFinder. Page 69 shows how to do it for several items to be started at startup.

            I. Page 86 says that some programs save documents automatically. Usually, then, you would type a name when opening a new document.

            J. Page 93 says you can have more than one scrapbook. Remove the current Scrapbook from the System Folder and give it a different name. Rename the file you want to substitute Scrapbook file and place it in system folder. This does not work with 8.1, though, even if you change the type and creator with Snitch to match the original Scrapbook file.

            K. Page 99 says you can tell when MultiFinder is in use because of the small computer icon in the upper right hand corner. Page 100 says you can click that icon to change programs. Page 103 says you must have 1 MB of RAM to use MultiFinder.

            L. Page 107 says that the computer will only use the amount of RAM cache that is available (if RAM cache is set higher than the current available memory, only a portion of the allocation for the RAM cache will be used).

            M. Page 116 says that AppleTalk must be active to use devices on a network or to print on any Laser Writer (except the Personal Laserwriter SC or the Laserwriter Iisc).

            N. Page 123 says that using the FinderÕs print command can print a group of documents, but the same program must create them all.

            O. Page 126 says shades of gray are referred to as Ògray scaleÓ.

            P. Page 156 says that plastic of a floppy disk is coated with a magnetic layer similar to that of recording tape (such as in cassette tapes).

            Q. Page 157 says that a SuperDrive can read disks from computers that use the MS-DOS operating system.

            R. Page 149 says command, shift, 2 ejects a floppy disk from the second drive.

            S. Page 167 says you should avoid exposing the drive to hazardous vapors, such as those in cleaning agents.

            T. Page 181 says you can use Get Info to lock folder, but you could set access privileges.

            U. Page 194 says that when you choose a printer with the Chooser, your choice takes effect immediately, but you want to close the window, anyhow.

            V. Page 205 says that the very slow setting (mouse tracking) for mouse control panel, could be for using a graphics tablet.

            W. Page 210 says that selecting off in the delay until repeat section of the keyboard control panel overrides the character-repeat feature.

            X. Page 216 says that you can save the newly set time by clicking the clock icon.

            Y. Page 227 says that the monitor (in the Monitors control panel) that has the white bar across the top is the active monitor. A dark line around a monitor indicates it is selected. The identify button displays each monitorÕs number on its screen. Page 229 says that if you move one of two monitors to a remote spot in the monitor box, it will snap back into place next to the other monitor. Page 230 says you must restart for changes to take effect. Page 232 says to make a different monitor the active one, drag the white bar from the now active to the one you wish to be the active monitor.

            Z. Page 238 says that when changing the highlight color with the color wheel dialog box, there is a box that indicates the current color in bottom half of rectangle, new selection in top half.

            AA. Page 239 says that to change the highlight color, the number of colors or shades of gray selected in the Monitors control panel must be 4 or more. Page 240 says you can change the brightness by using the scroll bar.

            BB. Page 244 says that the Color Menu is available only if your Mac is capable of displaying colors or shades of gray and if you have specified at least 16 colors or shades of gray in the Monitors control panel.

            CC. Page 282 says that if you are installing fewer cards than there are slots, install for maximum airflow and cooling (use slot closest to the fan last).

38. I kept getting a Finder Error Type 10 on the G3/233, and also the Internet kept disconnecting when idle for like 5 minutes, even though the idle timeout preferences were set to no timeout.

            A. Trashed the Finder preferences, Finder and System file, when starting up from G3 Utilities CD. Replaced Finder and System File from the CD.

            B. I think when the Finder is replaced, it may be necessary to rechoose the printer.

39. I had a pop up window called ÒRyan ZelenskiÓ, but it was cut off (the ÒkÓ and the ÒIÓ were cut off). I tried moving the tab, but that did not work. I ended up making the Pop up window into a regular window and then back into a pop up window. This worked, so that my full name was shown on the tab.

            A. Later, I discovered (at least with System 9.2.2) that if you move all of the other pop up windows out of the way (i.e. away from the Control Strip icon), so that there is enough room, the full name of the pop up window will appear in the area near the Control Strip (which is where pop up windows seem to originate). Then you can move it where you like.

40. Sad Macs, 3rd edition, page 730 says that the Finder is not technically part of the System Heap, but it is listed with the System Heap in size.

41. If a student is playing a game and you want to use the computer, go to hide (name of game) under the Application menu. Then you can easily switch back to the game, when done.



1. Browser is for OS X only, as of 11/04.

2. It can be put in full screen mode.


1. It is an Apple trademark for the IEEE 1394 High Performance Serial Bus Standard, a cross platform standard for connecting and using digital peripheral devices.

            A. Can connect Hard Disk Drives, digital video camcorders and high-speed multimedia peripherals.

2. AppleÕs Firewire description (What is Firewire?) mentions that PCI cards can be used to connect Firewire to a computer.

            A. The document also explains that System requirements include built in Firewire ports or at least one Firewire PCI card or CardBus card installed.

            B. System Requirements also include 9.0, 9.0.2, or 9.0.4.

            C. After installing Firewire 2.5, you can delete or disable the FireWire CardBus Enabler Extension, if you do not plan to use the Newer FireWire 2 Go CardBus card.

            D. Newer Technologies is closing up shop as of 1/6/01.

3. Firewire symbol is a circle with some lines surrounding it.

4. Information travels at 400 Mbps, as opposed to 12 MBPS (USB).

            A. Firewire has 30 times more bandwidth than USB.

5. Can connect up to 63 devicesthroughdaisy chaining or hubs.

            A. Firewire (and USB) provide their own bus power, enabling peripherals to be even simpler.

6. Comes standard on iMac DV.

7. I downloaded Firewire 2.4, but depending on which system software is on a computer, it may already be installed.

            A. After installing Firewire 2.4, you can delete or disable the Firewire CardBus Enabler extension, if you do not plan to use the Newer Firewire 2 Go CardBus card.

8. From the Firewire 2.4 Read Me, Firewire rules:

            A. Do not connect more 63 devices (including computers) at one time). Versions 2.4 and earlier of Firewire could only handle about 10 devices.

            B. Unused Firewire connections should be left empty. There are no terminators for FireWire Connections.

            C. Connect devices that require power from FireWire directly to the computer.

            D. Do not unplug a FireWire device or eject a CardBus card while it is being used (i.e. copying files).

9. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, You can connect/disconnect Firewire drives with power on, just remember to drag icons to the trash or Òput awayÓ.

10. Theoretically, you could have up to 128 HDÕs connected to a CPU, but as of AppleÕs Firewire version 2.4, you are limited to somewhere between six and eleven HDÕs.

11. Ruby Red iMac DV has Firewire 2.6 on it.

12. Firewire is peer to peer technology, meaning that two or more Macintoshes can be on the same Firewire bus. Should be daisy-chained, most likely.

13. Firewire allows user to bring DV into a Macintosh.

            A. Firewire transfers the files between the camcorder and the Macintosh at 3.5 MB per second.

14. Firewire provides support for large image sizes, from 5 to 90 MB per picture.

15. Firewire devices communicate with other devices in asynchronous mode using the Serial Bus Protocol-2 (SBP - 2).

16. Unused Firewire connections should be left empty. There are no terminators for Firewire (AppleÕs document, What is Firewire?).

17. Do not unplug a FireWire Disk while files are being copied.

18. According to AppleÕs document, What is Firewire, turning on a DV camcorder that is already connected may cause a Firewire disk to stop working. If this happens, turn off camera and verify HD has recovered. Unplug Firewire cable from camera, turn the camera on, reconnect the Firewire cable to the camcorder.

18. and are places to see information about IEEE 1394 technology.

19. explains how to use Firewire Target Disk Mode. With that mode, you can copy files from one computer to another using a Firewire Cable.

            A. Connect the Firewire to the host computer (the one that you are using to copy files to), which can be on. The target computer should be off. Connect the Firewire connector to the target computer and start it up. Hold down the ÒTÓ key until the Firewire icon appears. Copy files to the host computer.

20. Tidbits #619 says that Firewire devices declare their power consumption, which can be negative, if the device adds power to the bus.

21. About half of the iMacs in the lab do have Firewire connections. The bondi blues do not. The Ònewer bondi blues do not (slot loading). Only the blueberry iMacs do. There are several Firewire/USB 2.0 external HDs at

Floating Point Unit

1. A chip that was included with every Macintosh II (not IIsi) computers (68881 or 68882). It is not needed with a 68040 Mac or a Power Mac (FPU is built into the Power PC chip).

One note, If a program that is running in emulation mode on a Power Mac, the emulator will not allow the Power Mac to run a non Power Mac program that requires an FPU (an FPU is not built into the emulator).

            A. If a program is well written, then it will not require an FPU. If it does require one and asks for one from the computer, and the program is running on a Powermac, a crash will result. If it does run better with an FPU, but does not demand the computer for an FPU and is running on a Powermac, the program will not crash, but will run slow. The software pretends to be an FPU, but it actually reroutes instructions to the CPU.

Power FPU is a native app. that allows a Powermac to emulate the FPU that is usually on a 68xxx machine.

Software FPU does the same thing, but only for any LC or a IIsi.

            B. Excel 4.0 requires an FPU.

Folder Icon Cleaner

On my 6400, the computer has to be restarted for it to work. The command could not be completed, because it cannot be foundÓ appears after using it to delete invisible icon files from folders (folders have separate invisible files that store icon info). Restarting solves the problem.

Also, it does actually delete old icons folders that may remain inside a folder. The amount of space it saves is minimal, at best. If you actually delete a custom icon with Get Info or Custom Icon Cleaner, it can save a little room. Like .1 MB for an icon. it only will do one disk or volume at one time. it seems to need to restart to clear the icons, anyhow.

Also, If you have only pasted one icon into a folder, there would be no extra invisible icons inside the folder.


Fonts/Cursive Notes

1. The limit on the number of items to have in the fonts folder inside the System folder is 128. That is to say, 128 folders could be stored there, not necessarily 128 fonts (can put similar fonts into a folder). No way around this, according to Apple. But some fonts can be put in a different folder for later use. However, there is a work around solution: Duplicate a font suitcase (not a regular folder), put extra fonts into the suitcase, can be called whatever (on G3 at home, it is called Extra Fonts). Put the suitcase into the fonts folder (restarting should not be necessary). You can have way more than 128 Fonts available. The extra fonts folder on my G3 has 100 fonts in it, so I now have a total of 201 fonts available.

            A. If you have a document that was written in a particular font and there are more than 128 fonts in the computer, it may show up kinda strange on the screen, since that font can not be active. However, the way to do it is to disable fonts and may need to restart the computer (or switch the font of the document to one that is closer to ÒAÓ in the alphabet).

            B. There appears to be a slight bug on the G3 with the Extra Fonts folder. If you click in the scroll column down at the bottom, it may appear that some of the fonts ÒdisappearÓ. However, each time, the fonts have still been there. It is just that you need to close the Extra Fonts folder and reopen it.

2. Some font suitcases are empty, because there is not a font of that type installed on the computer.

3. Cursive Fonts-on screen, they donÕt show all the dots that will be printed on the printer.

4. One document on the computer at school, changed from a cursive font to another one, because the font folder was too full (had 134 items), so it reverted to a different font. (ZB Cursive with rules was one of the last fonts listed in ABC order). I moved some fonts to the unused fonts folder and the file automatically reverted back to ZB Cursive with rules.

5. Removed some fonts (Deskwriter Fonts) from my LCIIÕs system folder, reduced System. Software Memory from 2,100 K to 1,800 K.

6. On one occasion, I could not find ÒAdobe SerifÓ font in my applicationsÕ (Word or Claris) menu, although it was in the fonts folder inside the System folder. As it turns out, ÒAdobe SerifÓ is a replacement font that only shows up when a font is needed for some file, but is not installed on the computer (getting the file from someone else who had that font installed). it is normal for the font NOT to be listed in an applications fontsÕ menu. Also, ATM probably needs to be installed for A.S. to work.

            To make cursive on the computer at school

            A. Highlight Text

            B. Go to "Text" menu item (top of page)

            C. Highlight "font"

            D. Click on "ZB Cursive with Rules," choose size of text (probably at least "36")

            E. Cut Text (edit" Menu command, choose "cut")

            F. Click on "Link Letter ZB" under Apple Menu

            G. Paste Text (edit" Menu command, choose "paste")

            H. To type in blank lines, hold down "shift" and the "hyphen/underline" key.

            I. Linkletter with ZB Cursive will not work with a SS. You can even cut and paste inside a WP document, then paste to a SS, it still comes out garbled.

            J. Linkletter works with CW and Cardshop Plus, but you must use the programs individually. You cannot copy text from one program and then paste into the other.

7. In Claris, you can type Ò10.5Ó as your font, but not in Microsoft Word.

8. The ATM control must be installed and on to work. it is used with Post Script fonts (usually for use with a Post Script Printer i.e. a Laser Printer). There are several fonts in my Performa system folder that are bitmapped that correspond to a Post Script font. The bitmapped version is used on the screen, while the printer outputs the Post Script version (even on a non Post Script or Quickdraw printer like the HP Deskwriter or Apple Stylewriter). If ATM is off, the bitmapped version will print on the Quickdraw printer, but with much less quality.

9. If a font is in ÒOutlineÓ form in the font menu, it means it is installed in the font folder. If it is in ÒregularÓ form, then it is not installed. (This rule does not apply to Microsoft Word).

10. True Type fonts (no ATM required) have 3 ÒAÕsÓ on them. Bitmapped Fonts have 1 ÒAÓ on them. Not the suitcases, but the actual font files themselves. Bitmapped fonts can still be used, but probably should not use too many of them in nonstandard sizes (probably would want to use True type for that, 3 AÕs).

            A. True type always looks good on the screen and in print.

            B. Should not have True Type and Postscript printer fonts with the same exact names, can cause a computer to freeze up.

11. Some Post Script fonts cannot be recreated well with ATM i.e. Avant Garde, Bookman, Helvetica, Palatino. They may appear jagged (and are not installed on my Performa, they are in the ROM of a Post Script printer ((called ÒResident FontsÓ)), which I do not own). They can be used in their True Type Format, which are fine.

            A. Postscript needs separate printer font files and screen font files to work correctly. So, If one or the other is missing you will see jagged edges (U.Y.M. p. 253).

            B. System software is designed to show True type fonts, but the ability to see Postscript fonts is not built into System software.

            C. In the font menu in an application, to see which Postscript printer fonts have bitmap screen fonts, the ÒoutlinedÓ fonts are real bitmap fonts and are clearer than the ones in regular text (they may be a little jagged). This is because a font may be designed to be seen at 10 points and once it is enlarged, it is a little less clear (kinda like blowing up a picture).

            D. Postscript printer fonts are outline fonts, so they will look good on paper, even If they look bad on screen.

            E. If a printout from a Postscript printer is jagged using a Postscript font, most likely the printer font is missing. Needs to be reinstalled to System folder.

12. On my Performa, a bitmapped (usually a screen font, but can be used for printing) version of many of my Postscript fonts are displayed on the screen. Therefore, ATM does not affect the look on the screen, but does affect the output from the printer. (ATM works with Postscript fonts primarily, but has been used with True Type fonts).

13. On one 5400 using Bilingual Writing Center, screen flashed yellow, white, yellow, white etc. The document appeared in a different font and the font was missing some text in some areas. If a substitute font is being used (If a font is not in fonts folder for whatever reason i.e. different computer), you can highlight the text and no check mark will appear beside the font menu, even though it may be Geneva.

            A. Possible due to using a file on a different computer than the one it was created on. Font ID conflict. I.E. when a font is installed that has the same font ID as another font, the font ID is changed to be different. However on a different computer, there may not be a duplicate Font ID number, so it remains the same. May change the font or reinstall both fonts from backups.

            A. See If font that you want is actually installed in System folder.

            B. Font may be damaged, have a virus (which Disinfectant can check on both counts) or the font may be missing (which can simply be replaced).

            C. To replace fonts, might need to move the Òdamaged fontsÓ to the trash and then copy the replacement fonts to the fonts folder inside the system folder. (Fonts can be replaced while the system is active since they are Òin use.Ó May restart from a different startup disk, as well.

            D. On one occasion, I tried copying some fonts to the Extra Fonts folder without any luck. I got the message that you must close all accessories first. I did close everything, but I still could not add to the Fonts window (I got a message about the font being in use by the System or something similar to that). Then I closed the fonts folder and dragged the fonts to be installed on top of the Fonts folder, this worked.

14. If a message appears saying that the font can not be found, it may be that ATM needs more font cache memory.

15. If you ever type a character and a box appears, it may be that it is an option character that does not exist in that font. Although the box should not appear when printing.

16. PostScript fonts have a screen bitmapped version and a nonbitmapped (PostScript) version that the printer uses for printing.

17. Type 1 fonts (have 1 A on them) (most common type) are used in conjunction with ATM to smooth them out for printing. Type 2 fonts never made it to market. Type 3 fonts are made without ATMÕs technology.

18. Fonts may not always appear in the font as text would appear when formatted with that font. The fonts appear as they are in Clarisworks and in MS word. They do not, however, appear as they would on the screen, in Simpletext.

19. If you have a font problem that is specific to one application, it may be that the application thinks that the fonts s/b located in a different location than they are (in System 7, the app. needs to look for fonts in the fonts file inside Sys. folder).

20. For Postscript printers, use ATM to improve screen displays of Postscript fonts. If you have installed True type and post script fonts of the same type, True type is not used for printing.

21. For non Postscript printers, use ATM generated Postscript fonts or True Type fonts.

22. If a font is not listed inside of an application, check the fonts using Key Caps accessory (should list all fonts If application does not).

23. In System 7.0 or 7.0.1, fonts are actually stored inside the system file.

24. Only with System 7.5 and Quickdraw GX is the need for separate bitmapped fonts for Postscripts fonts gone.

25. True Type fonts are often in suitcases with only one font in it, since those fonts are scaleable, whereas bitmapped fonts have several size fonts in a suitcase since they are usually non-scaleable (but can be, but not as clear).

            A. PostScript fonts have several sizes as well, and also a printer font that is needed.

26. SuperATM is supposedly able to reproduce a missing font (If you got a file from a different computer), since fonts are not usually part of a file.

27. You can ÒdownloadÓ fonts to your Postscript printer by using Apple Laserwriter Utility or by using Adobe Downloader.

28. Your printer looks for fonts in: the printerÕs ROM (permanent storage), the printerÕs RAM, attached HD If available, and System folder of the MAC.

29. You can select text so that words are only underlined with Word, but not Claris. Also, If you have a font that is bold, better to use the regular font and make it bold, than to use the bold font. If you later change the font of the document, then you will retain your bold (Demi) or italic (Oblique) settings. Also, probably not a good idea to apply bold to bold fonts or italic to italic fonts, since it can result in over darkening of words.

30. Hit Option, U then type a letter to have umlauts over it.

31. Option, shift 8 has the degree symbol (not in Times, though).

32. Option, R is the ¨ symbol.

33. Multiple Master (MM) fonts are ones that can be user defined in terms of thickness and width.

34. Font ID conflicts are now much rarer than they used to be (used to be only 256 Numbers available, but now it is more like 16,000).

35. RansomNote font comes with Apple Color Stylewriter 1500 CD. Installs with Cardshop Plus (most likely) or Stickershop. But it does not come with the Page Pizazz fonts pack.

36. Line spacing varies by font.

37. If you get the error message that Òyou cannot replace the font ÒFuturaÓ because it is in useÓ, it probably means that there is an open application other than the finder. Best thing to do is to restart from an alternate startup disk (i.e. a CD).

            A. Make a backup copy of the fonts folder.

            B. If you do not use an alternate startup disk, may get damaged fonts.

38. Bitmapped fonts show only a sample in a single fixed size, while TrueType fonts show samples in three different sizes. Bitmapped fonts are always named with a number (New York 12). TrueType fonts should be in outline style in the font size menu. If only bitmapped fonts are present, only installed sizes are outlined, and the word is never outlined.

39. A fontÕs ID name is separate from the font fileÕs name in the finder, so you could change font fileÕs name without affecting how the font will appear in the font menu (S.M., 3rd ed., 351).

40. If a font shows up in Key Caps accessory, but not in the font menu of a program, check the applicationÕs info for how to access the ÒmissingÓ font (S.M., 3rd ed., 351).

41. If you have a keyboard that types the incorrect letters, check the keyboard control panel for layouts. Or If it keeps beeping, check to see If easy accessÓ control panel has been turned on (which can supposedly be done by hitting return key for five seconds), S.M., 3rd edition.

42. The Extra fonts folder on the School Stuff CD was not fully copied (there were only about thirty eight fonts), so I copied a ÒnewÓ extra fonts folder onto Personal Stuff Zip Disk (8/18/99).

43. Drag fonts folder to desktop to get rid of unwanted fonts and/or restart the computer. You can use alternate startup disk.

44. You should always use tabs to make spaces in documents, because monospaced fonts like Carrier will adjust properly on a printout, but non monospaced fonts will not print correctly.

45. Had mixed up symbols for font listed in AOL's mail window. I try to see if some fonts had funny names in the System Folder. None did. I tried to open extra Fonts" but it was damaged. Could not trash it or move it anywhere. I restarted from floppy disk. Could not trash the extra fonts or move it. I moved the whole fonts folder to the root level of the hard drive. Trashed

extra fonts from there. Had to recopy Chicago to fonts folder, since display was skewed on restart, but otherwise, the computer was fine. Not sure if this issue is related to the first page printing a bunch of garbled text with her printer or not.

46. On one occasion with the G3/233, I got an error that Òcomic book 2Ó already exists in this location, while I was copying several fonts to the system folder. I tried to trash comic book 2 (one of them), but this did not work, kept getting error messages. So, I restarted from G3 startup CD and trash comic book 2 font.

47. provides information on finding the name of a font if you know the characteristics of it.

            A. provides information and fonts for foreign languages. Spanish, German, etc. do not need Special fonts on the Mac.

            B. has fonts, but they all cost money.

            C. has some ÒMACÓ fonts, but they do not appear to be Mac fonts, after downloading (end in .zip and will not open). They would need to be converted.

48. has information on converting Mac to PC and PC to Mac fonts.

            A. However, the program called Òtt converter1.5.cptÓ could not be expanded on my Mac. It said it was because I needed Drop Stuff with Expander Enhancer, but I do have Drop Stuff with Expander Enhancer. I tried installing the Stuff it Engine, and restarting, but I had no luck. According to Drop StuffÕs Read Me, .cpt does not work with Drop Stuff. I found another place to download tt font converter 1.5 and it ended in .zip, but it would not work with System 8, since the program is from 1993. All the fonts were converted, but they were exactly the same as the first converted fonts, when converted to the Mac side (maybe it has to be registered?). I tried to change the type and creator with Snitch to convert Mac fonts, but it did not work (got an error type -39). I tried opening it with Resedit, it asked if I wanted to create a resource fork, because it does not have one. I said ÒyesÓ, but after closing, the font file will open a window, but no fonts are in it.

            B. Transtype converts fonts, but it costs $50.00.

            C. TT Font Convert only converts fonts from PC to Mac.

            D. 1.5.1 appears to be the latest version of tt converter, as of 12/31/00.

            E. I e-mailed the creator of the TT Font Converter program, but did not get a reply, so I will not purchase it.

49. has some good Mac fonts, some are free.

50. Source: A glyph is the actual shape (bit pattern, outline) of a character image.

            A. A scalable font is defined mathematically and can be rendered at any requested size (within reason).

51. SM was having trouble with a printout on her computer. The letters crunched together, even though on screen they appeared to be normal. I suggested that she change the font, this worked.

            A. She was using TWC, but she could not remember which font she was using.

52. Mom was trying to edit a WADI newsletters and there was some extra space between two lines of text (it appeared to be one and a half spacing, when it was only single spacing). Changing the font and size did not work. I looked for spaces instead of tabs, but I had no luck. Finally, I retyped the text about three or four lines above where it was, then the text appeared normal. I deleted the Òold text.Ó

53. Tidbits #627 talks about some font related programs.

54. When using ABC Cursive, the letter "r" cuts off with ABC cursive, when it is at the front of the word, so does the letter "s."

55. There are several fonts in OS X that are cursive, including Aeolus ATT, Brush Script MT, Edwardian Script ITC, EnglischeSchTReg, Formal Script, Murphy Script, Script MT Bold (looks the best), SloganD, Snooty, and Zapfino. There are also several fonts listed that look like they would be Japanese fonts, but the writing still appears in English, when you use the font. If you use the pop-up menu within Word 2004, you can see the WYSIWYG menu.


Fonts4Teachers (E-mail is, website is, and phone number is (800-203-0612). Marilyn and Tina said we do have a site license for Fonts4Teachers.

1. According to the Readme, it has been tested on a G3.

2. I can not seem to read the names of the fonts in the fonts menu, when using Clarisworks.

            A. Also the fonts at the end of the alphabet (T through Z) do not appear very clearly in the font menu either.

            B. The fonts appear okay with Microsoft Word 6.0.1, Stomper and Simpletext.

            C. I increased the memory allocation of Clarisworks from 1400 K to 6000K, but the fonts were still illegible.

            D. I tried to e-mail them, but my e-mail was returned, so I mailed a letter to Downhill Fonts, PO Box 516, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-0516.

            E. DH Fonts replied to me and said to go to edit, preferences, general, and uncheck Òshow fonts in font menu.Ó The fonts now appear in Helvetica, you can not tell what the fonts look like from the font menu, but you can read the names. They also said that their e-mail server must have been backup, but now should be okay.

            F. Later, however, I discovered that the box was checked again after re-opening Clarisworks 4.0, even though I do not believe I changed the setting. Must change it again.

            G. Appleworks 5.0 does not have a font problem issue, once you go to edit, preferences and change the fonts to not be in the font menu. You can close and reopen Appleworks 5.0 and the preferences are saved.

3. All the fonts start with the name ÒABCÓ for easy accessibility.

4. The Read Me suggests using 24, 46 or 48 for easier readability.

5. If you have trouble printing, try printing one at a time.

6. It is possible, according to the Read Me file, that fonts may appear to be jagged on screen, but may print normally.

7. All fonts start with ABC, so that they can be seen at the top of the fonts menu.

8. Works on Windows and Macintosh.

9. DN stands for DÕNealian.

10. To make continuos lines, use the slash instead of the space bar.

11. You can use {, [, }, }. <, >, <> to make many different types of unique extra characters to help with developing motor skills.

12. Capital letters are clip art in ABC Phonics one and ABC Phonics two.

13. The ~, `, ^, *, {, }, |, [, ] and / can be used in ABC Kids, ABC Teacher, ABC Headlines, ABC Alegria, ABC Bulletin, ABC Phonics One and ABC Phonics Two.

14. Page 23 has a quick reference guide.

15. You can check for font updates.

16. If fonts look small or jagged on the screen, they may print out fine. You can increase screen display to look a little better.

17. If you should see rectangles instead of your desired printout, try quitting all other applications, print one page at a time, or donÕt use so many fonts in one document.

18. Clip Art is located in Capital letters.

19. 48 point size and up are recommended for clocks.

20. If you try to drop the fonts onto a closed System Folder on the iMac, you get an Òin useÓ error. Must drop the fonts onto the fonts folder.

            A. You can drop the fonts onto a closed System Folder on the 575 in Room 3 (System 7.1, I think).

21. The Fonts4Teachers folder is on School Stuff 2.

22. To make the words for the pocket chart for Houghton Mifflin Reading Words, use ABCDNManusLined at 135 font, was okay, except that the letter ÒlÓ did not appear to be normal (some words may need to be a little smaller font to fit all on one line). I then decided to use ÒabcPrintlinedÓ and 130 size, which made the letters appear to be fine.



1. If only occurring with 1 application, might want to check for damaged fonts, especially with Claris stuff. Or replace the application.

If more than 1 application:

            A. Try rebuilding desktop and/or running Disk First Aid, NDD.

            B. check for loose connections (perhaps bad hardware?).

            C. replace System file, Finder, Finder prefs, and System Enabler Files (If any). May even eventually need to replace System software (especially If freezes often occur doing some type of finder actions).

            D. turn off Virtual Memory and/or RAM Doubler. TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs believes that RAM DoublerÕs time has passed.

2. Restart w/ extensions off.

3. Corrupted fonts, especially If it happens during printing. I.E. in Rm. 36, happened in Carmen program while printing.

4. Damaged system software.

5. If a freeze occurs, may be able to recover data from the trash can (recovered files) after restarting. Or try Norton.

6. On the LC, it would be very slow when going from At Ease to the Finder. Several other places it was slow (although it did not ÒfreezeÓ, it was just slow). Replaced system software and it was back to normal.

7. On many occasions, SE would freeze when trying to start up with 7.1 System folder (arrow to spinner and back, etc.). System software was corrupted. Replaced it and it worked fine.

8. If you hit the Command, option and power keys, the computer will restart.

            A. However, If you only hit the power and command keys, then the right angle prompt will appear. It is for debugging. If you hit g and then press return, it will return to the finder without having to restart.

9. If a freeze occurs as application starts up, may want to increase memory allocation of program. Preferred size only, probably needs to be changed.

            A. Turning off VM memory may help, especially when dealing with communications software or networking software. Turning off 32 bit addressing or modern memory manager may help.

            B. I kept having trouble with AOL starting up on the G3/266. It would freeze after restarting or shutting down the computer and then restarting. Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB would help temporarily, but on next restart, problem would recur. Possible ideas include increasing memory allocation of AOL, Disconnect SCSI connection on back of G3, Change order of SCSI device hookup, swap cables, switch SCSI ID numbers (higher as you go, perhaps), Switch port connections on scanner, Disconnect one device, Reconnect keyboard cable, switch keyboard with working one, replace AOL, Finder System files, Finder preferences (also replace System Enablers, also, page 104 of Sad Macs, 3rd edition), Repair SCSI devices, if necessary. If all SCSI devices have trouble, MAC logic board may have trouble, software damage to device driver or low level damage, run NDD.

            C. I e-mailed Dennis about this on 1/20/02.

10. For a freeze during printing, try turning off background printing.

11. Claris has mentioned that damaged fonts can cause their programs to freeze.

12. Damaged fonts may also cause a freeze during printing.

13. MacsBug can be used. When a crash occurs, type "eaÓ for exit application (ÒrsÓ will restart the computer) and you should be able to save data in other open applications other than the one that crashed.

14. Command, control, Shift and power can be used as an interrupt button on my G3. it is supposed to bring up Macs Bug, but it did not on the G3. In reality, it restarts the computer.

15. If the shut down check file (invisible) is deleted at shutdown, no error message appears upon restart. (can be turned off in General Controls).

16. Upon a system crash, the Mac saves items in an invisible folder called Temporary items (this folder is created by the system software). If programs are written to utilize this, they are saved there temporarily. Upon restart, you MAY be able to find your files inside the trash can. There may be other visible files, also, either at root level of disk or system folder, use find command to find ÒtempÓ named files. Also, may look for invisible temporary items, also. Chances of recovery are low with invisible files, though.

17. If you have a crash, you will most likely not be able to go to file, save. May try using keyboard shortcut for save, though.

18. Forced quit has never worked for Landau following a system crash (me, either that I can recall).

19. 5200, 5300, 6200, 6300 as well as 190 and 5300 Powerbooks are covered under the Apple Warranty Exchange Program (should replace the motherboard).

20. May want to try holding down command, period for a few seconds and/or kept retrying.

21. If ATM is in use, you may need to have 50 to 80K in Font Cache for every font being drawn on the screen (Sad Macs, p. 107, 3rd edition).

22. A damaged file may be the cause of an unexpected quit, it is more likely to be involved If the error happens during launching.

23. Order of prevalence for system errors 1. startup extension conflict 2. corrupted system software 3. corrupted fonts 4. damage to directory files 5. computer viruses.

24. If a freeze occurs while using the scrapbook, the damage is more likely to be in the scrapbook file inside the system folder rather than the scrapbook application, itself. Similarly If you have problems with the clipboard, delete the clipboard file inside the system folder.

25. Had a lot of freezing with G3. So I unplugged the battery, hit reset button, trashed display preferences and finder prefs (trashing display preferences resets the NVRAM). I trashed the finder, system file and the System Enabler and replaced them (from a fresh copy that I will now keep on the HD, can not copy from Zip Disk or CD). Also, I will have MenuChoice on and not Apple Menu Options. Also, Sleeper will be used and Not Energy Saver. Then I restarted and Zapped the PRAM with Techtool and used keyboard shortcut.

            A. To avoid corruption to finder, after forced quit or unexpected quit, save work in other open applications (According to the 5500 Manual page 108, you can do this), then restart immediately. After restarting, the corrupted data from a forced quit is erased from memory (According to the 5500 Manual page 108).

26. Linda Ohlson's 575 kept freezing when attempting to type. You could type part of a sentence, then you could get no more typing to appear on the screen. Problem was that the keyboard was faulty (or the keyboard connector on the keyboard itself). I used Jose's keyboard and it typed fine using Linda's ADB cable, then Linda's again and it did not work.

27. Had recurring system freezes with G3/233. See Error Type 10.

28. MarilynÕs Performa 5300 keeps freezing upon startup, right before the Finder should appear. Also, the Quicktime extensions had ÒXÕs over several of them. In addition, the screen would sometimes change colors.
            A. I had previously replaced the System Software (maybe one or two years ago or so).

            B. If you start up the computer with extensions off, it will not freeze.

C. I started up from an alternate startup disk (7.5.5 CD would not work) by using the 8.1 floppy startup disk (I had to use the 8.1 unlocked floppy disk, otherwise, the computer gave an error that says Òthe desktop file could not be createdÓ, when I tried to startup using the 7.5 for older Macs floppy. Although I may have been able to simply unlock the 7.5 for older Macs disk and try that). I ran DFA, NDD and NSD. When I ran NDD, there was no report saved (perhaps because I had used a floppy disk as the startup disk). So, the second time, I ran NDD I set it to ask before fixing.

            D. When I tried to run NSD, I got a Òno object support libÓ error, when I tried to run NSD from 7.5.5 CD, so then I ran NSD from the NU CD, it worked fine.

            E. After I did a clean install of system software, the computer started up fine and the screen stopped changing colors.

            F. I reinstalled AOL (M. does not have call waiting as of 9/16/00), and used the number 383-0168, since even keyword access did not list 383-8500. Also, 383-8500 had an error that said Òthe access company failed to respondÓ on several occasions (you can press ÒcontinueÓ which did seem to work), I left 383-0168 as the only number for the computer to dial.

29. According to the 5500 Manual page 127, if you press the command and the power key at the same time inadvertently, press ÒGÓ and then press return to go back to the Finder (works on G3/233).

30. On one occasion, the G3 froze. Upon restart, I got a ÒQuicktime VRÓ error. On next restart, CC said that Quicktime VR was causing an error, so I disabled it (11/10/2000). I think it is possible, however, that this may be a Soundjam error. Not sure yet. Later in the same morning, the Finder kept freezing upon startup (the cursor would not move). So, I tried starting up from the G3 CD and the cursor still froze. So I remembered that I Had been moving the USB optical mouse around a lot, and I may have jarred the USB connection in the back. I reconnected the USB connection and restarted the G3. It worked fine. I also taped the USB cable to the shelf on my computer cabinet to keep it more stable. I then turned Quicktime VR back on.

31. On one occasion, when trying to print a page a particular website (DanniÕs perhaps), the computer froze and DSL would disconnect.

            A. In the future, it may be better to take a picture of the screen, then print the picture.

32. G3/266 kept freezing upon starting of the startup items. Restarting did not work. Zapping PRAM with Techtool and KB did not work, because the startup items would freeze again upon loading. Finally I shut down the computer, then I zapped the PRAM with KB. I restarted the computer with extensions off and then zapped the PRAM with TT. I had no luck. Then, I started up the computer and then pressed the shift key after the Finder loaded (so startup items would not load). Then I loaded the startup items one by one. Upon restart, no freeze when startup items loaded. I may have avoided the problem by simply starting up with Shift key held down after Finder loaded, and then loading the startup items one by one, may have been easier in the first place (i.e. the applications may have opening and/or closing incorrectly, thereby causing a recurring freeze). Next time, I could try replacing the Finder, Finder Preferences and the System File. The G3/266 kept freezing upon startup. I replaced the System and Finder Files. I also trashed the Finder, Find File and System preferences. No more freeze upon startup. Later (12/10/01) was having trouble each startup with freezing, when any peripheral had been changed. AOL would start up, then freeze the G3/266. I unplugged the battery for 30 minutes, trashed the Finder, System File and Finder Preferences. Replaced Finder and System File. Seems okay for now (the first time the Finder and System File are replaced, it may be better to hold down shift when Finder loads, since you may want to start Òstartup itemsÓ one at a time on the first occasion). Dennis said ÒIt sounds like the AOL init is taking over a little space in PRAM. Whenever the Mac boots and the init runs, it must reset something that causes a conflict. I suggest disabling the AOL init and then zapping the PRAM and restarting. If the problem stays gone then the INIT is to blame.Ó. He also suggested using Conflict Catcher. I have unplugged the SCSI cable and been starting up without AOL in startup items, will wait and see. Sad Macs, 3rd edition page 102 says that with a freeze upon startup, check for keyboard, mouse defective problems. If CW freezes upon startup, damaged font files may be the cause. Also, page 110 suggests Òslowing down,Ó and not going so fast (perhaps not put all those things into startup items).

33. After making some adjustments to M.O.M. menu, and then later (just a coincidence) rebuilding the desktop with Techtool, the computer froze upon startup. The M.O.M. extension was causing the freeze; I learned this after disabling the M.O.M. extension. I then moved the M.O.M. preferences out of the System Folder and then I moved the M.O.M. extension back into the regular Extensions folder. Upon restart, there was no freeze. I re-configured the M.O.M. menu.


G3 (Serial Number for mine is XB8163AACT9) Serial number for G3/266 at school is TY824291CTA. G3Õs were introduced in 4/98 and I bought mine right about then.Tech SupportthroughApple expired in 7/2003 for the G3, according to Roberto at Apple Education (he said this in 8/04. He said it was a 3 year deal for phone tech support, which does not make sense, anyhow).

1. Memory preinstalled on the G3 is one 32 MB SDRAM DIMM. There are three slots (two are available upon delivery).

2. I installed one 32 MB SDRAM DIMM, so one more slot is available.

3. With the G3 CD in the tray, you do not have to hold down the ÒCÓ key to get it to be the startup disk. it does it automatically on mine.

            A. My system 8 CD will start up the G3, even though it does have System Enabler 777.

4. G3 Utilities Startup CD would not mount nor would it start up the G3/266 nor on the G3/33 at home. I trashed the CD, since I do not use it much.

5. The installer on the CD does not work well to remove system software, better to drag all parts to the trash.

6. MomÕs G3 CD will start up the computer ONLY with the ÒCÓ key held down, but it is very slow. I made a copy of the ÒCDÓ with the CD Burner, but it will not start up the computer in any case. There was an I/O error when verifying, so there may have been a problem with the original CD.

7. The G3 did sleep with all extensions off except for Apple CD/DVD and Foreign File Access, must be a conflict.

8. ROM version of my G3 is 125.

9. Must turn TV Mirroring on with Control Strip Module on G3 at school. Must be turned on at each restart. Can set the resolution to 832 X 624 (NTSC) and will work fine. it will change the resolution to the desired one for Mirroring and back to your preset resolution (before turning TV mirroring on) when mirroring is turned off.

            A. Source: Access Magazine, Modesto Bee, 1/14/01: the process of converting from the computerÕs native signal, RGB to the TVÕs standard signal (NTSC) is called Òscan conversion.Ó They also mention that the product ÒAverkeyÓ is good for this.

10. Manual at home appears to be the same as at schoolÕs.

11. Problem occurred with Extensions Manager (CP version 4.0.3 and EM Extension version 4.0.3) when holding down the shift key at startup. Gives the unimplemented trap message. Tried disabling all extensions and using the space bar, trashed prefs, and reinstalled Extensions Manager extension and control panel. Could sometimes get it to start up once while holding down the shift key, but then the trap message would appear again on the next try, usually. Did a clean install of System software and the extension manager came up when pressing the space bar without an error message.

            A. got the same error on 4/14/2000. Will wait and see.

12. To install part of the system software, use G3 CD. Choose Full install pieces, software installers, system software, Mac OS8, hold down option key (thru licensing agreement) and click on installer.

13. Shut down by using the keyboard shortcut does not work on G3 at school. Thought it might be due to At ease being installed, but at ease has been installed on the G3 at home and command does work (hit power key, return).

14. If the A/V card is removed, the machine will not start up. The fan will come up, but there is no display. The cards appear to be interchangeable between G3Õs (some cards have A/V in and out, while others only have microphone and speaker ports.

            A. the G3 at school would not start up, after zapping the PRAM, I had no luck. Reinstalled card and it worked fine. Then it did not work fine. Zapped PRAM, worked fine on next restart. Then static again. Zapped again and it worked.

15. Mario Teaches Typing would not work well on the G3. I tried increasing the memory allocation, trashing prefs and reinstalling, but I had no luck. Got rid of M.T.T.

16. The fractions program that Ellen has froze while running on the G3. After increasing the preferred memory size from 500K to 3000K, it ran fine.

17. On one occasion with my G3/233 at home, the mouse kept freezing in the finder and when opening files from at least two different applications (Color it and Clarisworks). I tried zapping the PRAM, disconnected SCSI devices, reinstalling system software. But, as it turns out, I used Conflict Catcher to determine that the problem was BJ Printmonitor and BJ Backgrounder. They were causing the freezes. When I disabled them, the freezes stopped. When I re-enabled them (along with one or two more BJ files), the freezes recurred. I trashed them and reinstalled all the Canon printing software from CD.

18. Computerware Microage (1032 11th St., Modesto, CA replaced power supply and Analog Board 95354, 578-9739, 800-845-4628, Monday - Friday, 8-5, closed weekends) on 6/24/99. There is a warranty for ninety days on the repair. The repair would have cost $800, had I not called Apple and asked for an exception (the warranty had previously expired). Eric at MicroAge said that he did not think the cause of the power supply going bad could be attributable to anything (although it may have been due to Sleeper shutting the computer down when idle for four hours). Eric is gone, as of 4/02. Bob (cell phone, 606-9447) is helpful.

            A. Bob Hughes said it would cost $.

            B. Apple has extended service coverage to extend the warranty for one year for $120 and 2 years for $180.

19. Storage temperature can be -40 degrees F to 116.6 degrees F. Operating temperature can be 50 degrees F to 104 degrees F. Mom says it is okay to rely on weather reports for this information for the next day or two.

            A. In my trailer one summer day (July 11th), it got to be 109 degrees indoors. The next day, it got to be only 98 degrees with the window open by the computer (the one with the Cowboys blanket over it).

            B. Mom suggested leaving A/C on If the computer is on and I am gone. You can put it on low A/C and put the temperature to Ò5Ó or so (even during working days, not necessarily just during vacation). it is only 3 or 4 months out of the year, usually. Better than paying for new computer. Need to remember next time I go on vacation during the summer.

            C. Could also use a fan and put it by the kitchen sink or use A/C fan.

20. After getting the G3 repaired by MicroAge, I tried to open the computer to take out the battery. However, a T-15 torx (that is what MicroAge told me) screw was in one of the slots. it is a tamper proof screw. I asked them to take it out, which they did at their office.

21. Video mirroring would not work on G3. Switched resolutions, but you could not do anything, computer would beep If you clicked anywhere. Restarting fixed problem.

22. Tried to hook G3 up to stereo. Unmute it allows sound to still be played through the computerÕs speakers, but Unmute it does not work on the G3/233.

            A. If you connect to the phono jack of the Pioneer Audio Amplifier, much static is heard.

23. You can install a PCI/USB adapter on the G3, so that USB devices can be used in conjunction with the G3. it costs about $30 and Macwarehouse or MacZone have them.

            A. However, the PCI/USB adapters for 8.1 are $40. The ones that cost $30 are for 8.5, it appears.

            B. When installing a PCI card, make sure that, if you decide to remove all three PCI port access covers, you make sure that the sheet metal shield remains under the logic board (p. 65 of Setting up your Power Macintosh, blue book).

C. Matt bought a 3Com Home Connect USB camera, which he uses.

24. According to ÒÓ, Apple PC Compatibility card with 100 Mhz Pentium processor (12 inch card) is not supported by the G3.

            A. Apple PC Compatibility card with 100 Mhz 586 processor (7 inch card) and 166 Mhz Pentium Processor (12 inch card) are supported, using PC Setup 1.6.3 software version or greater, according to ÒÓ.

25. According to ÒÓ, Bus clock and PCI clock jumpers on the logic board set speeds on the G3Õs. Apple has the jumpers ÒsealedÓ under a label, which when removed, voids AppleÕs warranty. Apple wonÕt repair your computer, if it is non mother board related, at that point.

26. Source: ÒÓ: You are supposed to disconnect LocalTalk cables when switching Appletalk to Ethernet. Also, the Apple Token Ring Card is not supported.

27. Same source as 26: Apple notes that the AVID cinema card is incompatible with Power Mac G3 systems as well as the 8600 models and the 233-Mhz upgrade card.

28. Source ÒÓ

G3 Macs have IDE (ATA) hard drives and CD-ROM drives, not SCSI drives. Models without Zip drives may lack cabling and mounting hardware for adding an internal SCSI drive, as noted in the Technical Information Guide:  "An Apple-authorized dealer or service provider can install internal SCSI devices, along with any necessary data cables or brackets to secure each SCSI device inside the computer. (Models with an internal Zip drive have an internal SCSI cable that includes an extra SCSI connector for the second expansion bay. Models without an internal Zip drive do not come with an internal SCSI cable; a dealer or service provider must install a SCSI cable in order to connect internal devices to the SCSI chain.)".

29. Source ÒÓ For LocalTalk problems in G3 Power Macs:

"Beginning with Mac OS 8.1 (I have this extension), Apple is shipping a new implementation of LocalTalk (as an extension called 'LocalTalkPCI') that seems to eliminate the sluggish performance of the G3 CPUs during LocalTalk data transfer. This new version of LocalTalk is not a 'workaround hack' but is indeed a complete rewrite of LocalTalk as a PPC-native and Open Transport based DLPI. This initial version in Mac OS 8.1 will function only on the Power Macintosh G3 desktop products."

30. You can get the latest ATI drivers from ÒÓ

31. Source:, G3 Power Macs require "64-bit (non-parity), 168-pin, JEDEC-standard, 3.3-volt, unbuffered SDRAM DIMMs with a properly set Serial Presence Detect EEPROM. Some IBM memory modules will work in a Macintosh, some will not.

32. Source: G3Õs do not come with an AAUI (Apple attachment unit interface) which is a 14 or 15 pin port or connection interface on earlier models that allowed it to be connected by a short interface cable (or transceiver) to an Ethernet cable. Later models provide an RJ-45 (10 Base T) connection from an Ethernet capable Mac to the Ethernet cable.

            A. This makes support of media other than 10 Base T problematic.

33. G3 Macs require Mac OS 8 and have a different version than is supplied in the retail MAC OS 8.0 CD-ROM.

34. Source:,Ó With the MAC OS G3 CD, "If you open the Software Installers folder, System Software and finally the Mac OS 8 folder and press option command before double clicking the installer, you are able to custom install system-items."

            A. However, this is not true on my G3/233, since I have an 8.1 CD. There is a different way.

35. One user reported that he could not get a G3 AV Mini Tower to record more than 22 fps with an 8 MM VCR, Premier and Videoshop, even after increasing the memory to 128 MB and using a Barracuda 9 GB AV drive. I called 7 or 8 people without any answers. Better to try an AV model before buying.

36. Source:, some power receptacles on the back of the G3 Blue and Whites, Power Mac G4Õs (PCI Graphics and AGP Graphics) may not power down the monitor, when the computer shuts off. Energy Star compliant monitors may go into a sleep state. This is not considered a defect.

37. G3 CD Update is for G3Õs with internal Zip Drives that have long delays when waking up from sleep. Is not needed on any other G3Õs.

            A. If running the update, should not interrupt power or shutdown while it is running. it can damage the CD-ROM drive.

38. I tried using a copy holder with my G3/233, but it was too far back in the cabinet and I could not use it very well. Better to use the copy holder on the side of the cabinet.

39. Dennis McGee has a G3/300 that came with System 8.5, I think. Anyhow, Nick Graeme upgraded his computer to 9.0. The computers come with a SCSI connection and has a USB card, also.

            A. Filesaver and Energy Saver sleeping seem to be in connection to cause a ÒclickingÓ sound when the computer goes into sleep mode.

40. I checked at AdaptecÕs web site and Toast 3.5 is not compatible with System 9.0.

41. Should let the G3/266 sleep. DonÕt use the Special menu to put it to sleep, causes you to have to use a forced restart (at least once this happened on 2/16/01).

42. On the G3, the mouse was frozen. Upon restart, the mouse was still frozen.

Checking connections did not help. I forced it to restart, zapped the PRAM with KB shortcut, then started up with extensions off. I used TT to zap the PRAM and restarted the computer. Worked fine.

43. After upgrading the RAM to 224 MB, the Òuse defaultsÓ option in Memory control panel was not correct (probably for default installation of RAM). So I manually changed the disk cache to 7168 K.

44. I e-mailed Apple on 1/1/02 to inquire if it is possible to buy an Apple internal HD for a G3 All in One, since I could not find one on their website.

            A. According to the e-mail, Apple does not sell hard drives for a G3, have to gothrougha 3rd party vendor.

45. Sarah RhodesÕ G3 in Room 1 was having trouble. The green power light would come on, but then the screen would remain black and not come on at all.

            A. Tried zapping with KB, not possible. KW said that startup with CD was not possible. I opened the G3, cleaned dusted inside by blowing around the computer, pressed logic board reset button, the G3 started up fine. OI then opened up the G3 and cleaned it with Quill duster, reseated RAM, then computerÕs monitor would not start up (black again). I moved RAM to another RAM slot, pressed logic board reset button, computerÕs monitor started up, but it was very dark (icons, etc. were only at about 25% or so brightness). I could then zap PRAM with KB and TT, but after doing both, screen was still at about 25%.

            B. Possible ideas include using startup CD, battery out for 30 minutes, different RAM.

            C. Sad Macs suggest using the CUDA button (on the daughter board) to really reset the PRAM. I did this already, without luck.

            D. I tried starting up with the G3 CD, but I had no luck. KW switched power cords, but I had no luck.

            E. Then I tried taking out the battery for 30 minutes and pressing the CUDA (logic board reset button) and then starting up the G3. This worked, but only one time. Her G3 exhibited the same problems, the green power light came on, but the monitor would not start up.

            F. Then I tried switching the RAM from her G3 into my computer. My computer would then start up, hers started up once and then would not start up again (I chose to shut down, not restart). Then I took her battery out for 30 minutes and put my G3 battery in her computer. Again the computer would start up once, but not again, same problem. I suggested that Sarah contact Instructional Services for repairing, since there is most likely a hardware issue.

            G. This may be related to an operating temperature issue. The minimum temperature needed for operating temperature of the G3 (meaning it is on) is 50 degrees, our thermostats are set to be at 45 degrees overnight. This is a problem.

            H. I sent Marilyn an e-mail regarding this issue, about the thermostat being set to 45 and 95, since the G3Õs (and other computers, although I forgot to mention that in the e-mail) minimum operating temperature is 50 degrees and the iMacÕs Maximum operating temperature is 95 degrees.

46. If the G3 Utilities CD is in the drive at startup, even if you do not hold down the ÒCÓ key, the CD will start up the computer (this was true at least once on 3/19/02 after replacing the battery).

            A. Later, though, after selecting the HD with the startup disk Control Panel, the G3 Utilities CD did not start up the G3 (the ÒCÓ was not pressed down).

47. To use an external monitor with the G3, no extra configuration is necessary, Just make sure that the resolution is set to 640 X 480.

48. Mom was trying to access on her G3, but it would not load with IE, NN or AOL. I then installed Shockwave and it worked with NN, since I used the NN installer for it to install Shockwave.

            A. I tried to drag and drop Shockwave plug in to IE 5 folder, but it did not work. I did not have an installer on CD at mom's house. She can use Netscape for now. I had an AOL Shockwave installer, but it was on Internet CD, which may mean it is somewhat old.

            B. I kept getting a shockwave not installed error when trying to access, yahoo movies with the G3/233 and 8.1 (I tried IE 5.1.7 and NN 4.77), even after installing several different versions of Shockwave (up through 10.0.0). When I restarted in OS 9.2.2, I was able to access the websites without any errors. Shockwave Version requires 8.1 or later. Shockwave version requires 9.1 – 9.2.2: these number indicate the installer, not the version that is actually installed.

49. The headphone jack had a problem on the G3, because someone broke off a headphone plug in the jack. I ended up taking the jack out and was able to remove the remnant of the plug; however, the jack was not working properly after that, if you plugged in a plug all the way, the sound only came through on one ear. I tried to take apart the G3 again and access the jack, but I broke off a piece in the process. DG suggested that I might use a small drill to drill the piece of the jack out. This did not work. DC said he would have to see it.

            A. Radio Shack had some headphone jacks, but they only had two types. One type had 2 connections (The G3Õs had 5 connections) and another had 5 connectors, but the connectors were on the side of the jack, instead of at the bottom (like the G3Õs headphone jack has). Therefore, I decided to buy a headphone extender at Radio Shack. I plugged the extender in the back of the G3 and then plug in the headphones to the extenders.

            B. I discovered, in the process that the place where the speakers connect to the G3 would need a Torx 15 screwdriver to be taken out.

            C. The 2 connectors marked with 5Õs or SÕs go on top, when reconnecting the speaker jack unit on the inside of the G3/266.

50. G3/266 kept freezing upon starting of the startup items. Restarting did not work. Zapping PRAM with Techtool and KB did not work, because the startup items would freeze again upon loading. Finally I shut down the computer, then I zapped the PRAM with KB. I restarted the computer with extensions off and then zapped the PRAM with TT. I had no luck. Then, I started up the computer and then pressed the shift key after the Finder loaded (so startup items would not load). Then I loaded the startup items one by one. Upon restart, no freeze when startup items loaded. I may have avoided the problem by simply starting up with Shift key held down after Finder loaded, and then loading the startup items one by one, may have been easier in the first place (i.e. the applications may have opening and/or closing incorrectly, thereby causing a recurring freeze). Next time, I could try replacing the Finder, Finder Preferences and the System File. The G3/266 kept freezing upon startup. I replaced the System and Finder Files. I also trashed the Finder, Find File and System preferences. No more freeze upon startup. Later (12/10/01) was having trouble each startup with freezing, when any peripheral had been changed. AOL would start up, then freeze the G3/266. I unplugged the battery for 30 minutes, trashed the Finder, System File and Finder Preferences. Replaced Finder and System File. Seems okay for now (the first time the Finder and System File are replaced, it may be better to hold down shift when Finder loads, since you may want to start Òstartup itemsÓ one at a time on the first occasion). Dennis said ÒIt sounds like the AOL init is taking over a little space in PRAM. Whenever the Mac boots and the init runs, it must reset something that causes a conflict. I suggest disabling the AOL init and then zapping the PRAM and restarting. If the problem stays gone then the INIT is to blame.Ó He also suggested using Conflict Catcher. I have unplugged the SCSI cable and been starting up without AOL in startup items, will wait and see. Sad Macs, 3rd edition page 102 says that with a freeze upon startup, check for keyboard, mouse defective problems. If CW freezes upon startup, damaged font files may be the cause. Also, page 110 suggests Òslowing down,Ó and not going so fast (perhaps not put all those things into startup items). On another occasion, I disconnected SCSI devices, then started up, got error type 10 with AOL. Zapped the PRAM and still got error type 10 when AOL started. Restarted again, held down shift key after Finder loaded. Then started AOL by itself. Then opened the other applications. This worked okay. The next day I got the same results. I moved AOL's startup icon alias to the trash. Will do that for now (as of 1/25/02). G3/266 started up fine on 1/28/02 without SCSI devices attached and no AOL in startup items. Then I started up AOL by itself. Should try reconnecting SCSI devices and then running startup items without AOL. I did this once (1/28/02) and the computer started up fine with SCSI devices attached and no AOL startup item. I then started up AOL without any freeze. I could also move AOL to the bottom of startup items, by calling it "ZAmerica Online 5.0." The next day, the G3/266 froze upon startup (CW froze one time, the next time it was IE 5). Even after Zapping PRAM with TT and KB, the computer still froze on startup. I thought that I needed a terminator on the end of the Scanner, also, I reconnected the Zip Drive to the back of the G3/266, but I had no luck. I decided to disconnect the SCSI devices and then see if problem remains. It did still freeze after Zapping with TT and KB, so I restarted, held down Shift key after Finder loaded. Then opened the applications. I reconnected the SCSI connection. Then I replaced the Finder, System File and System Enabler file. I also trashed the Finder preferences. Then I moved all the Startup Items to the Startup Items (Disabled) folder. Upon restart, there was not a freeze. I then started up the startup items individually. Perhaps a new battery may be needed for the G3/266. I tried on 3/12/02 to replicate the problem several times (restarting or shutting down, then starting up), but the freezing problem did not occur. I even enabled all the startup items, but the problem would not recur. The problem did recur three days later, so I took the battery out for thirty minutes, then put a new one in the G3/266 on 3/19/02. Later that day, the computer froze again, but I had the zip drive connected to the G3, but the power to the Zip drive was not connected (I am taking the cord home to do some testing). I disconnected the SCSI connection to the Zip Drive and the computer started up. The next day there was a freeze, so I zapped the PRAM with TT and the KB. Then the computer started up okay, but I disabled startup items, and started them up after Finder loaded fully. Will wait and see. May need to replace Finder, System or do a clean install, if necessary. I did a clean install of System Software on 3/23/02 or so. I installed AOL, Office, Click (There It Is), Snitch and G3/266 started up without freezing several times. After installing IomegaWare, the computer began to freeze again when startup items were loading. I disabled Iomega Driver v. 6.0.6 and then the freezes stopped. Ironically, it appears that Iomega Driver was disabled with previous system folder. But, anyhow freezes have not occurred, as of yet. I may need to put SCSI probe into startup items or check ÒMount SCSI volumes at startupÓ or something similar in SCSI preferences. Either having Find It, enabled was problem or having Zip disk into Zip Drive was problem. Now, Find It is disabled and we shall see. On next restart (with Find It Extension disabled), froze recurred. I ejected the Zip disk and restarted. Then the startup items were able to load without a problem. I selected that the Disk eject upon restart, but only the USB Zip Disk was ejected (probably because Iomega Driver, which would be for the SCSI Zip Disk Drive, was not in enabled folder). Later, though, the SCSI Zip Disk ejected, also. Possible ideas include change SCSI ID of Zip Drive to 6, Hold down option key while accessing SCSI probe (pre version 5.0) and then press "reset" (did that on 3/26/02) or run with SCSI devices disconnected to see what happens. Later, had identical problem (may have been due to the fact that the computer was unplugged for about a week or so). Anyhow, I zapped the PRAM with KB, changed the Zip DriveÕs SCSI ID to 6 and restarted. The G3 restarted several times without a problem (both Zip disks were not in the drive at startup). Later, though, AOL had error type 11 at startup, so I again moved the items to the Startup Items (Disabled) folder. I updated the hard disk driver on 4/23/02, which may help. You are supposed to do that after installing System 8 (and several other versions of System Software, see Drive Setup #1 C for more info). Later, though, after updating the driver, the computer still froze upon loading startup items. I then disconnected SCSI devices, zapped with KB and restarted twice. Both times, the G3/266 started up without a freeze. The G3/266 has started up fine several times now, except once (AOL error type 11), but Jessica kept pressing the mouse repeatedly, when the computer was trying to start up. On the next startup, she did not press the mouse and it started up fine. Later (5/9/02), even with the SCSI connection not made and after Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB, AOL still froze upon startup. So, I reconnected the SCSI connection and moved all the startup items to the disabled folder and will start them after the Finder has completely loaded. I was having trouble getting the SCSI Zip Drive to mount. Initially, I connected the wrong SCSI cable. I tried zapping the PRAM with TT, KB, reconnecting all the connections, changing SCSI ID, disconnecting scanner and turning termination on with the Zip Drive. I had no luck. I forgot to reinstall Iomega Driver software. After installing it and restart, the Zip drive mounted. I then tried to connect the scanner and mount it, without much luck. I realized I connected the wrong SCSI cable. After connecting the SCSI cable, the scanner was Òfound.Ó Later, the computer froze at startup (even with Startup Items all in the disabled folder). After zapping with KB and TT, the computer started up okay. I called Bob Hughes about this problem on 11/8/02 and he said that Ò3rd party softwareÓ is most likely the problem. It is likely the OS is corrupted. I think that I will probably reinstall the OS and watch carefully for Iomega. On the G3/233 (which does not freeze upon starting the Startup Items: America Online

Claris E-mailer 1.1v3, Clarisworks, Computer Notes, Desktop Resetter 2.2.1, EnterNet 300, Internet Explorer, MOCSE, Netscape Communicatorª 4.77, Outlook Express, Ryan's Contacts, and Simpletext), I have Iomega Driver version 6.0.6 and it says ÒIomegaWare 2.1 (ML). in the upper left hand corner of the Get Info window. Later, after initializing the G3/266, the computer started up several times in a row. Eventually, I installed the Keyspan USB card software; and on the next restart, I got the message that ÒThe software for USB Device 100 could not be found. After I installed the 2.1 Iomega software, the freezing returned (when Startup Items were loading).  I checked and my notes and decided that I should look for a different version of Iomega software, I found out that 2.1.1 is recommend for systems 7.5-8.5, with a 100 MB USB Zip Drive. I installed the 2.1.1 with the extensions ON (previous suggestion in my notes) and now the computer seems okay. However, if the problem returns, I decided that I could take the Zip Drive off the G3/266, have the disks be ejected on restarts and shutdowns, or leave the startup items in the disabled folder and start them after the Finder totally loads. Later, the problem recurred. I tried formatting the disk with the Finder, but I had no luck. Still froze upon startup. However, I think if a Zip Disk is formatted with the older version of Tools (older version is 6.0, which will cause the icon to be black and white), it should be able to mount on the desktop at the same time as Startup Items without freezing the computer. However, it still froze after a couple restarts. I decided that the best solution is to make it so that disks in the SCSI drive will eject upon restart or shut down. Then just mount them after restarting. I think that the SCSI Zip Drive may corrupt the system software. Even on a couple occasions, with the Zip Disk not in the SCSI drive, the computer still often froze upon startup. IomegaÕs one on one tech support ( recommended looking at an article at, which I did. I tried turning off all extensions to see if I could resolve the issue. After disabling Iomega Driver, USB Iomega Clik and USB Iomega Zip 250, the computer did not freeze when loading startup items. I may want to install version 2.2.1 of the software on the G3/266, even though the website recommends 2.1.1, because 2.2.1 is installed on the G3/233 and it runs fine. Version 2.5 of Iomega software had same problem. Bug in Iomega, most likely due to USB/SCSI differences/conflicts. Leave startup items disabled. On 1/12/03, the G3/233 froze upon startup also. I tried re-enabling all USB software and will see what happens. I may need to disable startup items.

51. I installed 9.2.1 on my G3/233. In the process the drivers were updated. Later, though I decided to run 8.1, because Microsoft Office 4.2.1 will not install on System 9.0 (with extensions on or off, you get a message that says Microsoft Office Setup was not completed successfully).

            A. I left 9.2.1 System Folder on the hard drive, along with Microsoft Office 98 (which I do not have at school), but will run 8.1 for now (12/8/02).

            B. I was able to save Word 98 files as Word 6.0 files and open them with 6.0. If you try to open a Word 98 file with 6.0 (a file that has been saved as Word 98), you can open it. But, there will be a lot of extraneous gibberish.

            C. CW is capable of opening Word files, if you have System 9.2.1 installed.

52. The A/B switch is connected to he Sharp TV in Room 58 is used for the G3 (ÒAÓ) and the DVD player (ÒBÓ).

53. The G3/233 had trouble restarting. Each time you selected restart, it would freeze before restarting (but it would close all the applications). After using DFA, NDD, NSD, and TT 1.2.1 to rebuild the desktop, the computer restarted fine.

54. I also checked the option in General Controls to check the computer if shut down improperly.

55. I wanted to put the audio/video card from the 8600 into the G3, but the card is not a slot card. It appears to be different.

56. When starting up from 8.1 on the G3, the icons for the 8.1 partition and the 9.2.2 partition are generic. However, when starting up from 9.2.2 partition, icons are normal. Rebuilding with TT did not solve the problem. This is just a cosmetic issue, I think.

            A. Also, you cannot partition only part of a HD, i.e. 8.1 has trouble. You would have to partition all of it. Alternatively, you can use the Finder to erase one partition, but you canÕt do a low level or zero all data format.

57. When I did a low level format, zeroing all data of a 40 GB HD on the G3/233, it took about eleven hours (8 hours for the low level format, and 3 hours to zero all data).

            A. I am now using the original 4 GB HD with the G3/233. I may be able to add the 6 GB HD in the future, where the Zip Drive would have gone. Later, I opened the G3/233 and the connection for the (non-existent) Zip Drive is a SCSI connection, not an ATA (IDE) connection like the HD is. The connection for the CD-ROM appears to be a ATA connection (the size is similar), but I think that the CD-ROM is a SCSI drive.

58. The G3/233 monitor would not work anymore. It would display the computer's contents, but the screen was quite dark. Adjusting the brightness/contrast did not help. Neither did restarting/Zapping the PRAM with TT or KB. Nor did restarting with a 9.1 CD. I finally connected an external monitor and the external monitor displayed fine. The external (12" monitor) displays fine, but pictures are cut off on the G3 and the external monitor (since the G3 switched to 640 X 480 display automatically).

59. The G3/233 cannot read 700 MB CDs recorded at 4X speed. I thought perhaps it had to do with the speed that I recorded the CDs with on the iLamp, but even at 4 X speed (the slowest that the iLamp can record at), the 700 MB CDs could not be read (Audio CDs could not be read either, even if Apple CD Audio Player was the active application).

            A. However, 700 MB CDs burned with the Finder (which can only do single session) were able to be read on the G3/233.

60. The G3/233 is set to position automatically in the Appearance Control Panel. There is some white in the background.

61. was troubled on the G3 along with; some error type 3Õs.

62. G3/233 problem with Palm (Palm Desktop background error), uninstalled Palm, rebuild desktop with TT, replaced Finder, System, trashed Finder and System Preferences, no luck. Replaced System Software to fix problem.

63. I could not get Typing Tutor 10 to run on JCÕs iMac in 9.1. But, after running DFA and rebuilding the Desktop with TT, the program ran fine (FYI, NU 3.5 cannot run on the 9.1 partition, since it is not a HFS Disk, NU 6.0 would be required. Since the NU 6.0 disk is an 80 MB disk, it will not be read by the G3. Since the G3 is running okay, we will not worry about it for now).

64. Since changing the system software on the G3/266 to System 9.2.1, you no longer have to access a web site with IE 5, before signing on with AOL (at startup).



1. The cube (8 x 8 X 10) does not have PCI expansion slots.

2. The cube is 1/4 the size of other G4Õs.

3. Some of the newest upper end G4Õs (coming out in later 2000) will have dual processors.

4. It is approximately 19 decibels (by comparison, a library is about 30 decimals).

5. According to Tidbits #546, Apple has apparently eliminated the dealer from the loop for G4 repairs, must be sent directly to Apple (more expensive).

6. The G4 cube comes with 64 MB Of RAM and can go up to 1.5 GB of RAM, according to It only has a single processor, whereas G4 towers can come with 2.

            A. The sizes for RAM for the G4 Cube include 64, 125, 256 and 512 MB of RAM.

7. The cube weighs 14 pounds.

8. As of 1/13/01, all Power Mac G4Õs will come with CD-RW drives.

9. Tidbits (7/23/01) says that the new G4Õs come with 2 MB of Level 3 (not a typo) cache per processor running at one fourth the speed of the main processor.

10. According to Tidbits #594, the G4 Cube is on display in the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).

11. Price of a G4 is $1, 699, and the low price monitor is $259 for a Mitsibushi Diamond Plus (17Ó CRT). These prices arethroughApple Educator Advantage Program, as of /6/2001.

            A. There were some G4Õs through Mac Zone, that were Òblowouts.Ó They had G4Õs that cost $1,294.00, that had a 466 Mhz G4 Power PC Processor with 128 MB of RAM and a 30 GB HD, CD-RW.


GE 4 Port USB Hub

1. After disconnecting one USB device, I could not get the USB Hub to work anymore. The red power light was on, but no devices connected through the USB HUB would work. I tried connecting my USB Optical Mouse directly to the USB card on the back of the G3 and it worked. I also tried enabling the File Sharing, File Sharing Library and File Sharing Extension Extensions. This did not help. I tried re-installing the Keyspan USB Card software, which did not help, either.

            A. Then I tried connecting a different USB cable from the G3/233 to the USB HUB. I had no luck.

            B. However, when I wiggled the USB connection, I could get the mouse to move, but slightly.

            C. As it turns out, I had accidentally unplugged the power cord for the USB Hub. Upon reconnecting it, both the USB Mouse and the USB external floppy drive worked fine. Additionally, not only was the red power light on, but all four green lights were on to indicate that are 4 ports on the USB HUB were ready for use.


General Info

1. If a problem occurs only once and it can not be re-created, then there really is not a major problem, just a one time glitch.

2. From ÒÓ (and links from this page), some hints are as follows:

            A. Throughout troubleshooting, you should take notes, consult resources, consider the human factor (take a break, wait until tomorrow, may have a better answer the next time you work on something).

            B. In gathering information about a problem, should ask, has this function every worked, is it intended to work this way (donÕt assume that because other systems or other versions of system software have a certain capability, that you do also).

            C. What was happening at the time of the problem: version of OS, what other apps were running, function or operation that was being performed at time problem occurred.

            D. Other issues to consider: ÒWas any software added? Was any software updated? Were any settings changed? (such as control panel settings, printer configurations, network settings) Have any peripherals been added or removed? (such as a printer, modem, external hard drive, network cabling connection)?Ó

            E. When did the problem occur: ÒStarting up, check External SCSI devices, new hardware (RAM, VRAM, PCI card and so on), System was physically moved (loose connection), System Folder, hard disk driver softwareÓ. While operating, check System Folder, Applications, Software configurations, Hardware. While shutting down, check Shutdown items folder, applications that are quitting, extensions in System Folder, hard disk driver (writing out disk cache).

            F. What makes the problem appear? Can it be reproduced consistently?

            G. Eliminating 3rd party issues:

*          disabling third-party software extensions in System Folder. (Use the Extensions Manager control panel.)

                        *          disconnecting third-party SCSI devices.

                        *          disconnecting third-party ADB keyboards and mice.

                        *          removing third-party PCI or NuBus interface cards.

                        *          disconnecting any other third-party hardware.

            H. watching a person recreate a problem can be helpful to see what they did.

            I. Printing issues: cable connections (a quick fix; should already have been checked) consumables (toner cartridge or ink cartridge; paper), printer configuration (switch settings or port connections), environment (humid or dusty or dry and static-filled), software (proper driver; software known-good; configured correctly), hardware (the printer may need repair)

            J. Software issues: corrupted document(s), corrupted or incompatible application(s), system software (System Folder), operating system (System, Finder and associated files), drivers (hard drive, printer, scanner, camera), extensions, fonts.

            H. If system folder may be problem, try starting up with alternate system folder (CD-ROM or external drive).

            I. Work from largest to smallest: Test System folder before testing extensions, control panels, etc.

            J. Good Technique

                                    1.         Disconnect external SCSI devices.

                                    2.         check result

                                    3.         reset PRAM.

                                    4.         check result

                                    5.         Start up from another System folder (such as a bootable CD).

                                    6.         check result

            Bad Technique

1. Disconnect external SCSI devices, reset PRAM, and start up from another System Folder.

                                    2. check result

            K. Issues to consider: The entire problem has been resolved, No new problems have been introduced during the troubleshoot and repair. All elements of the system are compatible.

2. MDJ stands for Macintosh Daily Journal.


Geo Safari

1. They have a one year warranty.

2. Instruction Guide page 6 says that if you leave it on, it will turn off automatically in 5 minutes.

3. Instruction Guide page 7 says you can press ÒclearÓ before pressing the enterÓ key (key with triangle and line on it).

4. Instruction Guide page 7 says to end the game and begin a new one, press Clear button twice.

5. Instruction Guide page 9 says if you get the answer right on the first try, you get 3 points, on the second try, you get 2 points and the third try, you get 1 point.

6. Instruction Guide page 10 says that you can give bonus points to one player (if one player is more experienced than the other is), you can give bonus points in modes 2 and 3 (mode 2 is two player alternating mode and mode 3 is two players in head-to-head mode).

7. Instruction Guide page 11 says when you have 5 seconds left to answer, Geosafari will make a ticking sound.

8. Instruction Guide page 11 says that when the game is over, your score is displayed, and flashing red lights by questions that were missed.

9. Instruction Guide page 12 says you can set response time between 1 and 99 seconds.

10. Instruction Guide page 13 says that if a long first response time has been entered into the computer and neither player knows the answer, press the question mark key to find out the answer.

11. Instruction Guide page 14 explains how to preview the answers to questions. To do a sequential preview, hold down the 7,8 and 9 keys as you turn the unit on, the display will read ÒHiÓ and the arrow will flash next to the enter code. Type in the lessonÕs four digit code located in the upper right corner. Study the question, press the right go pad when ready to move on.

12. Instruction Guide page 22 says that if your unit is a school unit (GeoSafari E1-8866), then no sound will be heard from the loudspeaker if a headset is plugged into either jack (I do not think we have school units).


Get More Info

1. Alias of it will not work, needs original. Can change the format of some pictures.

If a picture will not open, then it may be able to change the format of a picture to a more recognizable format. I.E. one file was listed as .Gif, even though it really was not.

2. A folder would not have a type and creator, only files should.

3. Is not compatible with System 8.0. When you type the command to ÒGet More InfoÓ, the computer tries to rebuild the desktop. But Norton Disk Editor works with 8.0, so does ResEdit.


Golden One Credit Union

1. As of 1/03, residents of Stanislaus County are eligible to join Golden One Credit Union.

2. Golden One Credit Union is online at or you can type in Their webpage says bill paying online is free for all accounts, except New Generation Checking (not available with that type of account).

            A. However, the system requirements for Macintosh are 8.6 or above, which may be a problem. The Internet BrowserÕs requirements are IE 5.1 or higher or Netscape Communicator 4.79 or higher.

            B. As of June 2005, you need to have Safari. Howver, IE 5.1.7 loaded the Bill Pay Online demo on my iLamp.

3. Golden One has its mortgage rates posted online (1/03).

4. Billpay is not availabe with New Generation Checking Account. To avoid the $4 service charge associated with the Prime Checking Account, you can have direct deposit.


Gradekeeper 5.1 costs $20 ($100 for school license), Registration number is 506433 for me. SchoolÕs is Crookham School, 489232. Website is

1. Can download it from

            A. Latest version as of 3/23/01 is 5.2.2.

            B. I asked Daniel about using Gradekeeper on a network and he said, ÒAny version of Gradekeeper should work on a network. The program can be run from a server and used by multiple users. Saved classes should never be open at the same time by more than one person, but since each class is a separate file, this should not be a problem.Ó

2. Daniel Ethier ( says that yes it will print student progress reports. Use Student scores report.

3. You can not paste several names at once (i.e. from a CW SS), but you may be able to import names, not sure. However, I later discovered that you can only import text documents, spreadsheets can not be imported. You can only import into a blank class, also. Clarisworks text documents can not be imported, must convert them to Simpletext first. This works, you can import all the studentsÕ names at one time. To import grades from Excel, type the grades into Excel, then copy all of the grades (and include the line for points possible), paste that information into a new SS, then save as Text (Tab Delimited). Import with Gradekeeper: choose ÒPoints PossibleÓ and ÒStudent Scores.Ó

4. You can have 100 assignments per term.

5. You can group assignments into categories (do subjects as categories). I made sure that the categories are listed in the same order as report cards are, so it is easier to do report cards. Oral Language and Written Language are listed as categories, not Language, Oral and Language, Written, since Auto Fill will work better in the former listing. History/Social Science is listed as Social Studies as a category.

            A. When using Gradekeeper, and you put categories in the wrong order, you can change the order. However, when the new semester starts, it reverts back to the the first quarter categories order. It is best to do the correct order from the beginning, each quarter, you should check the order of the grades.

6. You can change the grading system to E, S, N. You could also make all the grades on one screen and then print a report, but it does not do Spanish. Also, it prints 1st quarter, 2nd quarter and there is not a way to print without it. You could cut it off, but then you would have to add a parent signature line on your own.

7. The user guide says it is better to enter last names first.

8. This program is designed more for Junior High or High School with individual periods.

9. The program defaults to being full screen when opened.

10. When you type in the name of the assignment, you enter the value in points.

11. Any students in any row after the first blank row are considered dropped.

12. You can leave the category weights undefined, so that quarter grades are not figured (the grade column, next to studentsÕ names, will be blank). When you make all of the categories have zero weight, be sure to check ÒyesÓ (even though you would think ÒnoÓ would be the correct answer), when the dialog box comes up that says ÒYou have changed your category weights. Grades are being computed using total points earned. Do you want to compute your grades using category weights?Ó

13. You can choose to have grades summary or not on the student scores report.

14. If you go to Gradebook, letter grades, you can change from A, B, C, D, F to E, S, N. Then you can edit it further.

15. You can export your information to a text file, then import into CW DB file to make your own custom reports.

16. I put as the name of the school, Crookham Elementary Progress Report, E=excellent, S=satisfactory and N=needs improvement under the class info, and Mr. Zelenski as teacher.

17. You can print page 2 to 2 only, instead of printing all assignments (i.e. just print the grades for a student report), if necessary to save with printing, or print on draft.

18. To give extra credit to a student, you can give them extra points for an assignment, you can create an assignment with no points possible or you can create an assignment and put it into the Extra Credit category.

            A. I just added points to one studentÕs grade, made a 2 into a 3.

19. Marilyn said that we are getting a new grading program that will be incorporated with SASI. It is supposedly networkable. However, we will only get the program after we get the E-rate set up.

20. When on the studentsÕ scores screen, you can select any student by simply clicking on the screen and then selecting a name.

21. You can enter .5 for scores, if you want.

22. Even with all the options for report options turned off, the categories, points, and points possible still show up.

23. Gradekeeper is now set up to give ÒNÕsÓ only, no ÒUÕs.Ó

24. I could not get Gradekeeper to print pages 41 to 42 for student scores. I tried restarting the computer, but I had no luck. Then I tried reinstalling the application and I had no luck. As it turns out, I was in the Gradebook screen and the not the student scores screen. This is normal activity for the program, since there was not a page 41 or 42 in the Gradebook section.

25. I will no longer use the Gradekeeper program to track Reading Logs, because that category will be eliminated and I can use the Super Citizen chart to check on the Reading Logs, easier (for Book It). I will use Gradekeeper to figure the Math Computations grade, just add them from the Timed Math chart (based on a total of 27 possible, addition through multiplication).

26. To move a student with Gradekeeper just move the cursor over the edge of the column, click and drag the name (you can sort under the edit menu if you want the names to be in ABC order).

27. I e-mailed Kagi (pronounced like ÒcogÓ Òlong eÓ) and Daniel Ethier about Gradekeeper. May need to order itthroughRegister Now, Dept. 3113, P.O. Box 1816 Issaquah, WA 98027. Their phone number is 425-392-2294. Their fax number is 888-353-7276. E-mail address is or Their web address is

            A. It costs $2.50 for processing fee for ordering with P.O.

            B. Should include name being registered to, an e-mail address to send registration code to and the product name and number. Gradekeeper School License order number is 3113-2.

            C. I e-mailed them and I asked them if they could possibly charge the $2.50 to my credit card to save time.

            D. I am still waiting to find about what to do for the $2.50 charge for processing a purchase order, so I e-mailed them from I did not hear from them by the afternoon, so I also called RegNow and left a message on 1/29/01 to call me. They did e-mail me (Kate Poffenroth at and said that it is an all or nothing venture. They can not do separate charges. Should put all charges on one purchase order. I rewrote the purchase order with a $2.50 charge. I should be getting the registration code by mail in two or three weeks after Register Now receives payment (purchase order re-done by me on 1/30/01).

            E. I tried to order Gradekeeper 5.1through Kagi, but Kagi no longer accepts purchase orders, as of 1/26/01, I believe. Kagi did e-mail and tell them that they received our registration information, but no payment information. It just did not register in my mind that there was a problem (I thought they meant that the district office had not paid the purchase order yet). You must attach payment (check perhaps), if doing a purchase order to Kagi Software.

            F. In the Read Me for Gradekeeper, the author (Daniel Ethier) mentions that you should do purchase orders through Register Now, but I saw KagiÕs name and assumed that Kagi would process our purchase order, since they have done that before (with Extensions Strip).

28. To get Gradekeeper to go to 00-01 as default for the ÒopenÓ dialog box, set General Controls Control Panel to ÒLast Folder used in the applicationÓ and restart the computer.

            A. I also had an error in the printout (not on screen) where a couple of square boxes would appear where there was simply a space. It happened when HW #15 (p. 96-99) was listed as an assignment. The printout showed HW #15 ((2 squares)p. 96-99). After I simply put HW #15 (96-99), no extra boxes appeared.

29. You can enter ÒexÓ to excuse a student from an assignment.

30. You change use Gradekeeper with trimesters, quarters, 1 school year term, etc. Go to Gradebook, school year to make changes.

31. With version 5.2 (according to the Read Me), you can enter percentages and letter grades for scores. Additionally, there is a warning dialog box, when a grade is more than twice the number possible. Signature line now says ÒSignatureÓ instead of ÒParent Signature.Ó

            A. Version 5.2 requires System 8.1 or later.

            B. Version 5.2 also allows you to have student comments typed into progress reports.

            C. Version 5.2 also has all the grading options combined into one single tabbed dialog box. Go to Gradebook, Gradebook options.

            D. You can import/export grades. Go to a file you want to use in a different version of Gradekeeper, go to file, export to text. Choose students, categories, etc. Should save as a .txt file. Then make a new file in the file of Gradekeeper that you want to use. Then go to file, import, and choose all the items you want imported.

32. You can copy grades from a CW SS and then paste them into Gradekeeper. Importing grades along with students is not the best idea. You could import student names with grades, but the students are added to the Gradebook. You must copy the information from a CW SS and then paste it into Simpletext, then save. Also, you need to copy only the students' names and the grades, not what is in between (i.e. in the example of standards scores, you would have to copy and paste into another CW SS, but then you get bad range errors, since the totals for standards are figured, based on the current SS. Import from within Gradekeeper). This would not be effective, however, if many grades are already added to Gradekeeper (the grades are imported along with the students' names, but as separate students).

            A. To copy and paste using Simpletext and a new assignment (make sure that the names in Gradekeeper match up with the CW SS), type the name of the assignment (i.e. Math Standards) into a blank Simpletext document, then you can copy the points possible, and the grades from the CW SS and then paste them into a Simpletext document (with no space between the assignment and the scores studentsÕ have received). Then save the document with Simpletext (make sure to close the file, otherwise, you will get an error type -49 when trying to import with Gradekeeper).

            B. Import using Gradekeeper, select "Assignments," ÒPoints Possible,Ó and "Student scores" from the dialog box. Name of Assignment should be typed into the Spreadsheet, then the points possible after the return, then on the next line, the grades for each student (return after each one should be present).

            C. You can import/export between different Gradebook files. First, go to the file you want to export the grades from. Go to file menu, choose export to text.Ó Select Òstudent names,Ó ÒassignmentsÓ and Òstudent scoresÓ boxes (uncheck other boxes, if necessary). Go to file to have scores imported, go to file, import, then choose ÒassignmentsÓ and Òstudent scoresÓ (uncheck other boxes, if necessary). You will probably need to change the points possible and also the categories for imported scores, as these do not seem to import well (probably because we are using the program for a different purpose than Daniel Ethier did). If you do not update categories and points possible manually, reports will not generate properly (student reports may show no missing assignments from some categories or show them in the wrong category, etc.).

            D. You can insert the Theme 5 test scores into Gradekeeper, by inserting a column into the Theme 5 report (enter a formula to sum all of the studentsÕ scores), then highlighting the numbers in that column and paste into Simpletext, making sure to put the number possible at the top of the document. Then go to File, Import with Gradekeeper and choose ÒPoints PossibleÓ and ÒStudent scores.Ó

33. The way to get Gradekeeper to be blank in the ÒGradeÓ column next to the names is to enter the weights for categories as Ò0.Ó Put extra credit as Ò0,Ó and choose ÒyesÓ in the dialog box when it asks if you want to use categories and weights.

34. With Gradekeeper, put checks in Show Breakdown by grade, Show Category summary, show signature line and show all students. These are the preferences, that I set with the first Gradebook that I set up with Gradekeeper and I seemed to be successful.

35. If you do not want to show all the 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, final grades on studentsÕ progress reports, go to report options, uncheck Òshow grades summary.Ó

36. To make a backup copy of progress report grades (halfway point through the quarter), make a copy of the Gradekeeper file and then called it ÒProgress Report 2nd quarter (or whatever quarter)Ó, then save it in its own folder.

37. Show grades summary s/b unchecked, so that 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 1st semester does not show up on report.

            A. Extra categories (with no grades) should be deleted.

            B. Show Signature Line s/b checked, so parents can sign it.

38. Gradekeeper 5.1 works on Windows and Macintosh, according to the UserÕs Guide.

            A. I e-mailed to see if it is networkable.

39. To get around the Òsort by nameÓ problem (if some kids are numbered out of order), change their last name, so that it fits in ABC order, where you want their name to go. Then change the last name back to their real last name.

40. TM said that Gradekeeper does not allow you to enter letter grades. I e-mailed to ask about this on 10/25/02. He replied and said that version 5.3 will let you enter letter grades. Version 5.3 requires System 8.1 or later.

41. When you add a student at the 2nd quarter, their name is automatically added to the first quarter as well.

43. It is a good option to go to Reports, Report Options, and choose ÒShow by categoryÓ under ÒStudent Scores,Ó so that the studentsÕ scores are separated by category (math, reading, social studies) on the report.

44. To copy a set of scores from Gradekeeper to an AW SS:, choose File, Export to Text, choose Student Names, Assignments, Points Possible and Student scores, then save it. Then open the saved file, copy all and then paste into a SS, then copy and paste your desired info from the newly made SS to the desired SS. This works with Excel, also. JT does not use Gradekeeper to send KW the Math test results, he uses Excel (KW said he uses Gradekeeper). It is possible to send KW the results from Gradekeeper, but it is somewhat complicated; I would have to export it to text, and change the fileÕs extension. Also, then she would see the rest of my grades, which is not necessary.

45. You can see the class averages for a test with Gradekeeper by using the Reports Menu and checking on Assignment Scores. You can then click on a space in the document and select the desired assignment (or test).

46. Gradekeeper 6.4 (4/08) is compatible with Windows XP and 2000; also there is a pocket PC version that is automatically downloaded with the Windows version.


GraphicConverter (Reg. # G73829159 for Cowboys Fan Club, G79839834 for Ryan Zelenski), Lemke Fax Number is (yes, this is correct) +49 5171 72201. But when dialing the phone number, I called 01149-5171-72200 and 01149-172-9333595, but did not work. I bought the single computer upgrade in 9/07. Ryan Zelenski,

GCV6-AQCQBQ-YRR is the information for 6.0.1 (Intel and power PPC version)

1. Tiff depends on the resolution, whereas PICT does not (it will print at the highest resolution of your printer).

            A. Tiff is a very large high quality image format, according to

2. To delete several items, you can hold down the delete key and then select objects and they will keep deleting.

3. It can not be used to open the Kudo Catalog Reader files. it requires EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) to PICT program, which costs $25. Better to simply use the Catalog Reader.

4. If you drag more than one item onto the Graphic Converter icon, it will convert them to PICT and open them.

5. To make a desktop picture, first open the picture in Graphic Converter (a PICT file is easy), then save as a ÒJPEGÓ file on the desktop (it compresses the size of the file). {Biggest size so far is 194 K}. Change the creator to desktop pictures and it will be launched into desktop pictures.

6. Version 3.3.1 comes with the 3.2.1 manual.

7. When using the storyboard feature (option, new), it will only show the pictures that are in the first column in the slide show.

            A. If pictures are too big, will result in errors.

            B. If there are pictures at cells 1-8 and cell 110, the slide show will show 9 slows (without any great pause).

            C. A picture in a storyboard can not be deleted, but it can be moved to the second column and it will not show up in the slide show. Or you can make a new storyboard and donÕt copy the unwanted file.

            D. You can also save all the slideshow items as .... whatever format. (Control, click on the word ÒStoryboardÓ). Alternatively, If you just use the regular file menu at top of screen, you can save the pictures as a storyboard that can be opened from the finder.

            E. If you delete row it takes out the first row, no matter where the cursor is. Just option click and move pictures as needed. Then insert other ones.

            F. There seems to be a problem with saving a storyboard. On more than one occasion, it would only save ten slides instead of 25 (which is how many I originally had). Tried increasing memory allocation and reinstalling (trashed prefs), tried setting the folder for slideshow under prefs, I had no luck.

            G. Finally, got Storyboard to work, changed the depth of subfolders to 40, saved file in the Graphic Converter folder and set the folders for slide slow (under file, prefs, slide show) to be my desktop pictures which was located inside the Graphic Converter folder.

            H. Later, on G3 at school, the slide show would not run from the application Òslideshow,Ó had to open Graphic Converter, go to file, slide show and then show (and pick the folder that you want to show). Did work, but froze on picture of Cat, said more memory is required, Increased memory allocation of GC, but still froze. Slide Show did continue after hitting ignore twice.

            I. You can use the option under the File menu to use Slide Show with Find to show only selected pictures in a slide show.

8. You can use the open browser command to view many files at once, then move them between windows If you like.

9. BMP Options when saving: Choose between Windows and OS/2 and Compression (RLE compression isnÕt supported in all windows appÕs).

10. Files can be saved as PICT in Resource, for use with ResEdit.

11. You can save a file as a startup screen, and choose options to match the resolution of the screen in pixels. However, If the original file does match the resolution (it is smaller), a border will be added. To make a file into a startup screen without a border, resize the picture to match the resolution.

12. Opening GC and choosing Convert More does Batch jobs.

13. You can print a catalog of a folder, which shows the size of a picture, the printout of the pictures , size and 32 bit, 8 bit etc. (the options for printing a catalog are set in the file, prefs, general, print).

            A. If you print a picture using graphic converter, you can have it be printed in its original size or fit to page (options in the print dialog box).

14. Under file, prefs, open, JPEG can be set to JPEG or Quicktime. Quicktime is faster, but can not decompress all JPEGS. Switch to JPEG If needed.

15. Under file, prefs, open, Gif: If you have a Gif file that was created with itsAGIf, you can check this box to help open it.

16. If the selection windows keeps coming up when you click on the selection tool, it means that the selection tool is already chosen.

17. You can use find and replace to replace a color in the picture with another. To choose a find color or replace color, click on the picture.

18. You can use the escape key to deselect a selection.

19. If you type comments, they can be attached to a file and shown whenever the file is opened later.

20. Scaling is not undoable.

21. Invert Black and White GIFs is useful since B/W GIFs from a PC are often inverted.

22. Put picture on desktop does not work with System 8.0.

23. On one occasion, the preferences under file, prefs, keep showing up at the very top of the screen (which forced you to chose a file menu option instead of a preference). Trashed app and prefs, reinstalled, I had no luck. Changed resolution back to 640 X 480 and move the file, prefs box down and then changed resolution back, this worked fine.

24. When using Graphic Converter 3.3.1 with the G3/266 at school, had to open GC and then go to file, slide show. (could access menu item on G3/233 and 5400/180). When running the slide show, kept getting the error message similar to 9.9 MB available, 14 MB required or something like that. Kept showing up on approximately picture 19 out of 26. Recopied GC and trashed prefs, increased memory allocation to 10000 and then 140000, tried removing picture 19 (message appeared on picture 20), turned off Virtual Memory, changed time of display for pictures to 3 seconds, changed font to smallest possible, but I had no luck. May try breaking the slide show up in 2 sections.

            A. Made it run by dividing the slide show into 2 sections, each with about 12 pictures. Took out cat picture, since it seemed to be a problem when it was present in the slide show. Also, had to increase Virtual Memory to 48 MB. Would not leave computer at that VM setting all the time, since it slows down the computer.

            B. Also tried (with VM set to 33 MB, 32 MB installed) reducing the resolution of the monitor, showing in less colors and increasing the memory allocation of GC to 140000 for preferred size (after dividing the slide show into 2 sections). Finally decided to buy 32 MB of memory.

            C. After installing memory, the pictures could all be shown in 1 slide show. The cat had a little trouble, so I recopied it from a CD. Also, recopied all the pictures to the GC folder on the G3/266, which helped. Also, increased the preferred sizeÕs memory allocation of GC to 8000 K.

            D. Running Slide show from the finder seems to be a little buggy. However, it seems that If you highlight the names of all the pictures in the slide show and then save it, it will work. This principal works at home on the G3/233, also. If you do not highlight all the names, only perhaps three or four slides appear upon opening slide show again. (Rebuilding desktop did not matter or running all the slide show in an attempt to get computer to recognize ALL slides did not work either).

            E. When I had new slides to add to the slide show, I had to make a new storyboard and then drag ALL (old and new) pictures to the storyboard to make it work. Also, going to file, slide show, then clicking on the folder worked, also.

            F. To delete an old non needed picture, you can either move the name of the picture to the second column when viewing in storyboard mode or start over from scratch with a ÒnewÓ storyboard.

            G. I got a storyboard to work on the G3/266 at school with 64 MB of RAM. it had about 40 pictures in it and I turned off display name with path under file, preferences, slide show, general. After having 64MB of RAM, I was able to show a continuos slide show with 105 pictures. The memory allocation of GC was 10000 K. Tried Same setup as 105 pictures and 137 pictures played fine without stopping.

            H. Should try to match the resolution of a scanned picture with the G3 (1024 X 768). Otherwise, check Òblow up little picturesÓ under file, preferences, slide show, general.

25. When you set the slide show, move folders option to a folder that you no longer want, you should set the move folder to an untitled folder on the HD. Then delete the untitled folder, returns to a blank.

26. To have GC display documents at 100% by default, go to Edit, Preferences, General/Display Content, then type 100% in the user-defined box.

27. In the Graphic Converter manual, I could not find a way to adjust the thickness of the lines drawn, add arrows to a line or Òfree rotateÓ an added object.

28. On one occasion, I imported a Color it PICT file into Graphic Converter and when printing, the output was not very clear. I reprinted in Color it and it printed fine.

29. To quit a slide show on the iMac, you must use Òcommand, period.Ó

30. My Graphic Converter document (Ryan.jpg) can be used in conjunction with AOL to send over the Internet.

            A. it also worked when I saved a 3.8 Graphic Converter document in JPG format. Tang Lee was able to open it on her IBM.

            B. A PICT file can be opened in an IBM environment, if Quicktime is installed, according to Photoflash User Manual.

31. GC 3.9.1 supports PNG (Portable Network Graphics). PND is becoming a brand new standard, according to Netscape Communicator 4th edition, p. 290.

            A. PNG can be use for files with trillions of colors, multiple levels of transparency and searchable text info (Source: NC 4 book, glossary).

32. Once you create a preview of a Color It document with the GC application, its type is changed to G.C..

            A. You can use G.C. to create a bigger preview of the file.

33. I created a preview for all the handwriting pages with Graphic Converter 4.0, so that the pages are legible from the preview window (which you access with the open dialog box).

34. A slide show can be recorded onto a video tape. Just connect the video in connection to the VCR (switch the RCA cable from the TV), select the A/V channel on the VCR, and play the slide show on the G3. Press record on the VCR.

35. On the G3/266, Apparently, 4.0 of GC had trouble with effects, the pictures would appeared to be "bleached out" with color (changing the type of documents to Graphic Converter from Desktop Pictures did not help). 4.1 does not do effects, at all, even though they appear in preferences under Slide Show, Effects. Probably a software glitch, just use no effects. Just use 4.0 or 4.1 with no effects. On the G3/233, 4.1 does not do effects, either, even when set to puzzle in the preferences (Edit, Preferences, Slide Show, Puzzle). Graphic Converter 4.3 only has one option for Effects (Quicktime Effects) and it works well on the G3/233.

36. Command, D turns the Slide Show on.

37. Slide show would not loop with 431 pictures (it played through only once), so I adjusted the memory allocation to 20000 K. It then would loop.

38. Graphic Converter can be very useful in dealing with Color It Documents that do not print correctly (cut off). Graphic Converter allows you to trim or scale documents when printing (if the documentÕs printing area is too large).

39. You can set Graphic Converter options in the print dialog box to have it scale each time, trim each time or print on more pages or ask each time.

40. If you scan a document using 256 shades of gray and 100% scaling (300 dpi) in Color It, then open the file in Graphic Converter and change the size to smaller than 8 1/2 x 11 and change the brightness/contrast, it printed okay, but not really great.

41. In version 4.3 (and earlier versions, perhaps) you can make a Slide Show use Quicktime Effects. Go to Edit, Preferences, Slide Show, Effects.

42. Under Edit, Preferences, Slide Show, General. Then select use 50% for pictures to be tiled across the screen when doing a slide show. With TV mirroring on, use 40% setting, since that looks best.

43. I tried GC to scan. After running the script to install Twain Support (you cannot do this in Classic under OS X, you must have started in OS 9) and then restarting the computer and scanner, GC was able to scan documents. It is important to select the Twain 4U (U for USB, most likely) software under the File, Acquire, Twain Open Source menu; otherwise, you may get an error that the scanner is not on the bus.

            A. When using Graphic Converter to scan, if you forget to turn on the scanner before choosing to File, Acquire, Twain Acquire: you may have to quit GC and then re-open (after turning on the scanner). On at least one other occasion; however, I had to restart the computer also. This happened in OS X as well. I had to restart Classic once and restart OS X (restart the G3) as well. Should turn on scanner before selecting Twain acquire within GC.

            B. On the first use of Graphic Converter, I got a message that suggests that check ÒClose Twain Source after end of scanÓ if scanning does not work properly. However, I the box was already checked in Preferences (under General, Plug-ins).

44. When scanning Norulesschedule with Graphic Converter, I originally scanned it as Line Art and 300 dpi, but it was not legible. I rescanned the document with 256 Shades of Gray and 300 dpi, and it was legible. However, space wise, it was 1.5 MB, so I changed the resolution to 72 dpi and 256 shades of gray. The document was then 256 K.

            A. Later, I used GC to scan the Norulesschedule.jpg (I changed the first letter to a capital, but it still showed up at the web site after uploading with Fetch). However, it was too dark too see. So, I changed it to 16.7 (millions of colors) and 72 dpi and it was clear on the website. The printout was legible, not great, but legible.

45. On one occasion, I had trouble getting Graphic Converter to scan. However, I quit GC and reopened it, then I was able to.

            A. To scan a colored document, use the Color Photo setting.

            B. I used GC to scan my class picture for 03-04, but the height was actually greater than the width. Also, I had to scan it at 88%, but when I put the picture into the Appearance control Panel (OS 9), the computer scaled it to fit the screen, and it looked fine.

46. It does not appear that Graphic Converter can be used with the AppleOne Scanner to scan documents, even after installing Twain Support (the AppleOne Scanner installer may not work without Ofoto).

47. To have documents save as jpg, go to Edit, prefs, Save, General, Default destination file format (last format). If your last picture was jpg, this should work.

48. Version 4.4.4 works under OS X, but it will not scan with the Epson scanner. I tried to run the Òcall Twain acquireÓ script, but it produced errors.

            A. Version 4.5 and later require you to buy the upgrade for $15.

It is best to use version 4.3 for that under OS 9.

C. Later, I found out that I did not save GC 4.4.4, and it was not possible to find it on the internet, so I will use 4.3 with OS 9.

49. I was using Graphic Converter (in Classic under OS 9, which is version 4.3) to scan some pages from the Solo Guitar Playing book, then I pasted the desired sections into a CW drawing document. I then made some changes with CW (edited out extra stuff, etc.). When I printed; however, some of the graphics were grainy while others were fine.

            A. It turns out that the editing s/b done with GC, then paste the graphic into CW. Then they print fine.

50. When scanning and printing documents with GC and the EPSON 1200 scanner (150 dpi), they printed fine. Documents that had been scanned with Ofoto and then opened with GC did not print well. It may be best to stick with the original application, when printing. GC cannot install Twain support for OS 9 when using the iLamp (I think because the iLamp will not start up in OS 9). I tried downloading the latest driver from, but still I was not able to use GC 4.3 with the Epson scanner (the File, acquire, Twain acquire menu was grayed out). I used the G3/233 to drag and drop Twain Source Manager 1.7 to iLampÕs System 9 Folder, but then I got the scanner could not be found error, even after restarting Classic. I will try restarting the whole computer. This did not work.

51. As of 5/04, Graphic Converter came with G4s and G5s.

52. To change the background image (or to edit around an object), use the tool palette to select a color (at the bottom of the palette), then use the bucket, pencil, eraser, etc.

53. You can scale pictures with GC and they wonÕt loss any of their clarity.

54. I was having trouble printing CarmenÕs Divorce paper on the 1500 (I originally scanned it and printed it, I think, with the iP4000, which has greater resolution). Anyhow, at school, I was unable to open on the G3/266. The file was only around 645 K or so, but it was 300 dpi resolution. So opening it was difficult, and I kept getting memory error messages (31.8 MB was needed to open it); I tried the preferred memory allocation of GC up to 40000 K without luck. However, I figured out that I should close all the other applications and then open GC, I was able to open the file. GC dynamically changed to take all the memory it needed. After opening the file, it would not print (blank page came out). I figured out that it may be because the resolution of the document was higher than the 1500 (the 1500 manual says it prints at 360 dpi X 360 on normal setting. But I think that the picture was too big for the 1500 to process). Anyhow, I finally went to Picture, size, scale. I scaled it 75%, 75%, 75%, and 75% (you can also use Picture, Size, Scale with last value. However, the printout was too small (it took up about two or three inches height and width on the page). I changed the Page Setup from landscape to portrait, because the printing kept cutting off. I then just opened an original copy of the document and used Picture, size, scale, and chose to make it 8.0 inches wide and 10.0 inches high and I changed the resolution from 300 X 300 dpi to 150 X 150 dpi; GC made some changes also automatically with regard to the width after I changed the height.

55. To adjust the margins for a GC document, go to Picture, Size – Add/remove margins.

56. On one occasion, I used Ofoto to scan some documents. Then I opened them with GC, but they cut off when printing. I figured out that if go to File, Print within GC, then choose ÒGraphic Converter Options,Ó I could choose 100% instead of 100% (in the Resize area section) and the documents printed fine. On another occasion, I tried to print some painting estimates that were 300 x 300 dpi. Unfortunately, they printed out on about 1/8 of the page, changing the resolution made the documents fuzzy. Then, I tried scaling to 25% of its original size, on the screen, it appears small, but it printed the correct size, but was still fuzzy. So I went to Print, then selected ÒGraphic Converter options.Ó Then I selected Òenlarge/reduce area to fit page,Ó Then the documents printed out fine.

57. Graphic Converter is a different program (with a space in between the words). Use to find the program that I use (with no space between the words).


Guitar 101 and Police

1. Guitar 101 ran fine under 9.2.2. Police did not initially (produced error type 1), but after using the Police installer to install QT and OMS (I did a custom install to just install OMS), it ran fine. I put OMS folder inside of Applications. At one time, I put the OMS folder inside of Guitar 101 and Police did not run. You have to have a folder called OMS Applications (and donÕt change the name) for the Police to run. Later again, though, the Police program would appear to run, but when you selected a song to learn, it would quit. Ran fine with 8.1.

A. Later, however, I got an error type 1 when running the Police guitar CD on 7.6.1.

2. Guitar 101 and the Police need the CD to run.



1. GURU 2.9 (which does not appear to have iMac information and Guru is now discontinued) says that it sometimes indicates that you can put more memory into a computer than Apple recommends sometimes. It is because Apple may not have had a chance to do extensive high-density memory configurations.

            A. On 4/27/02, I downloaded version 2.9 of GURU from, since Newertechnology has closed down. Mosaic Computing is a mirror site.

2. You can take out some GURU data files, if you would like them to NOT appear in the GURU floating palate.

    A. Also, you can change the order in which they appear, by opening the GURU data files folder, taking or adding spaces, then close and reopen GURU.


Hard Drive Problems (and startup problems)

1. SylviaÕs hard drive (LC) was corrupted, after she had saved a file on the hard drive, the file disappeared. Apple said that it has happened before due to corruption.

2. Apple recommended: A. Run Disk First Aid (Disk Tools disk or another disk) B. Update Driver C. Rebuilt Desktop D. Zap Pram. Use a diskette to backup files. If a problem still exists with the hard drive, initialize the hard drive.

            A. A low-level format is not necessary to clean the HD and start over fresh. it will clear the catalog b-tree header and file storage information. If you format and still have hard drive problems, then may need to low level format. Also, low level formatting can cause problems.

3. The Driver could not be updated with Apple HD SC, because her hard drive was not an apple disk drive (requires another software program).

4. To create an emergency startup disk, I planned to use 7.1 Disk Tools file from the Powermac 5500, copied the information onto a disk, although the system folder was not blessed (did not have a computer icon on the folder). So, I used the ÒSystem Folder,Ó which contained the ÒSystem File,Ó ÒFinderÓ and ÒEnablerÓ from the hard drive and put it on a disk. Also, I had the finder on the startup disk (not in the system folder), but it did not work. I had to move the finder inside the system folder for the disk to work. I also put ÒApple HD SC SetupÓ and ÒDisk First AidÓ on the disk.

5. Two blessed System folders can appear on the desktop at one time, not just one from the startup disk (the system folder from the hard drive and the system folder from the disk tools 3 1/4 disk).

6. If you startup from a CD and the Hard drive doesnÕt show up, try restarting (several times). Back up personal data. May do a clean reinstall of system software. Also, a couple software programs (Norton, etc.) may be able to recover, restore or recognize a damaged hard drive. Eventually, you need to initialize the hard drive (MomÕs Performa 578 hard drive had to be initialized).

7. My LC II at school froze at school, Just a blank screen and nothing else. Reinstalled system software and it worked.

8. Micronet external hard drive has trouble starting up or evening mounting from the startup disk. After Disk First Aid, Norton, Updating driver and initializing, it would not mount. Mounted it finally with SCSI Probe 3.5. Put a valid system folder on it, but would not start up or mount again. Hooked up another Micronet External to LC and it worked. Original Micronet probably needs hard drive replacement.

9. Computer LabÕs 5500/225 would not startup, screen would be blank or extensions would load and freeze. Tried Extensions off, disconnecting SCSIÕs, Mounted sometimes with alternate startup disk, SCSI Probe froze, updated driver, replace System and finder files,. Then I ran Disk First Aid, Norton Disk Doctor (said Major Problems found), Clean install of System Software (made an additional folder, should have been called ÒOld System FolderÓ or something like it). I then Zapped the PRAM, looked for Finder Prefs to trash and were none (would not restart), Error message said Òthis startup disk will not work on this Mac model. Use the latest installer to update the disk for this model. RESTART.Ó May mean System Enabler is missing or itÕs the wrong software (no system Enabler on that computer needed apparently). Also, probably could be that disk needs to be initialized. Disk was initialized and fixed the problem.

10. On MomÕs Performa 578, it was freezing a lot. I tried to simply replace the system file , the finder file and the finder prefs. But we did not have the original disks for 7.5.5, so I had to use MomÕs original Performa CD to replace the system folder. I copied the prefs from the old system folder to the new one, but there was a problem. Her favorite places (located in personal filing cabinet prefs inside AOL prefs folder) and address did not show up when using the new system folder, even though they were present in the new system folder. AOL said the prefs must have been corrupted. A couple other prefs folders were corrupted also.

11. The 575 in Room 14 had a problem where it said that there were 140 of the 150 or so MB taken on the HD. However, only about 75 MB were actually there. Ran NDD and fixed the problem. Sad Macs suggests rebuilding the desktop first, then perhaps NDD, in this particular situation. On another computer, the memory did not increase after Rebuilding the desktop w/ Techtool, NDD, Disk First Aid, Optimizing or Wiping the free space. it did increase with initialization. On that computer, the RAM readings in the ÒAbout this MacintoshÓ window were far from accurate. I.E. it said 6,000 and 9,000 when Virtual Memory and/or Ram Doubler were not being utilized.

            A. Later, I had a very similar problem on the LC 575 in Room 24. It said that 148 MB were taken up, when only 105 or so were actually taken up (When I restarted the computer from the CD, I noticed the discrepancy for storage on the HD). I restarted with the 7.1 CD, ran Disk First Aid, NDD (twice), NSD, Rebuilt the desktop with Techtool. Nothing worked.

            B. I finally replaced the System Software and this fixed the problem. The size shown was pretty close to the actual amount taken on the LC 575Õs HD (when starting up from the HD, the information was correct).

12. If a ? appears at startup, it means that a valid system folder canÕt be found. Could try rebuilding the desktop. If an ÒXÓ appears at startup, then it means that the computer has found what you thought was a startup disk, but it is not a valid startup disk.

13. On one occasion on my Performa 6400, the HD was ÒlockedÓ, and it unblessed the system folder even though it had a finder and the system file. Tried to rebuild desktop (HD icon did not appear), run Disk First Aid or Norton Disk Doctor (but no changes could be made), initializing disk (would not allow since Virtual memory was on, even when starting up from CD or Zip. Finally, tried starting up from CD by holding down ÒCÓ key until happy Mac appeared, THEN I held down the Shift key to turn extensions off. Was able to run Disk First Aid and unlock the disk.

14. Once my 5400 would not startup, it would make the startup sound, but the green light would not come on and no picture would appear. I Zapped the PRAM with Techtool and also the NVRAM (non-volatile RAM) with the keyboard shortcut. Also, trash the display prefs, If necessary.

15. ATA (BH said ÒATAÓ is the older name, but 6400 is ATA, so ??) is the same as IDE, which are ok drives, but less expensive than SCSI ones. SCSIÕs do cost more, but they have better performance.

16. RobÕs G3 had problems starting up from the CD, floppy disk etc. Tried initializing and low level formatting. Did not work. When using installer CD, gave installation error. Disk First Aid running from the CD produced an error.

            A. Could try Zapping the PRAM, which would affect ROM (since PRAM is stored in EPROM), which would affect all startup devices.

            B. Could be CD, but not likely, since the CDÕs are mass produced and no other CDÕs contain known problems.

            C. It is more likely to be a motherboard or a RAM problem.

17. If initialization does not work, try low level format and zero all data options.

            A. Otherwise, test the disk with Drive Setup, although this can take two hours.

18. On the G3, it would not restart (the cursor was frozen in the top left part of the screen), tried Zapping, but I had no luck. Unplugged the mouse, I had no luck. Unplugged the battery for 30 minutes, which worked, eventually. On first restart, only plugged in power and keyboard, started. Then on second restart, plugged in SCSI, printer and modem devices, did not start. Restarted again, and it started up.

19. System software problems never cause hardware problems, but system software problems can result from hardware problems.

20. If the screen display breaks up into a mess, complete with flashes of light and crackling noises, it is still a system crash and no permanent damage has been done to your machine (Sad Macs, p. 83, 3rd edition).

21. If a Sad Mac appears immediately after turning on the power (before it tries to access a disk), hardware problems loom likely. If you can start up from an alternate disk, hardware problems are much less likely.

22. If you get a Sad Mac, refer to p. 135 of Sad Macs, 3rd edition.

23. If there is a one or two note sound that is unusual, then it is likely to be defective SIMMs or DIMMs. If there is a four note cord or a car crash, it is more likely to be software related, but a hardware problem is still possible (p. 136, S.M., 3rd ed.).

24. On one occasion, there was an external HD that Landau had trouble with, caused Sad Mac whenever it was hooked up. Finally, had to mount it using Mac Tools and then recover files. Initialized drive and then it worked fine.

            A. Also, an incorrect or out of date driver on an external drive can cause startup problems. All mounted drives should have the correct drivers.

25. A Powerbook 150 uses its internal ROM to find a driver for its HD. If the HD is replaced, you need to reformat the HD with the utility that came with the 150. If your new HD is already formatted, you may need to find a special utility to zero out the boot blocks and partition map (Sad Macs suggests Norton Utilities, but Norton does not show that it does that, p. 143, 3rd ed.).

26. If you get a blinking question mark after a system crash (or other improper shutdown), you may have something called the Disk Check bug. What is happening is that the MacÕs startup diagnostics are mistaken in reporting a damaged disk. Repair with NDD and run NSD regular to defragment. To find If you are susceptible to this, run Disk Bug Checker. Supposedly, this problem was fixed in 7.5 and subsequent revisions.

            A. Also, according to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, you may a corrupted driver or there may be System software problems.

27. When ordering a replacement HD, might talk to the company about compatibility issues.

28. If a HD is going bad, best thing to do is to hit it or leave it or replace it.

29. On Room 50Õs computer, error type 10 and several other type errors kept occurring. I checked to make sure that the versions of the programs that were getting error type 10 were latest versions. I turned off Modern Memory Manager and VM. I ran Disk First Aid and it had minor errors and NDD found minor errors, but all errors were fixed. I replaced the System software and TBWC and CW, which seemed to have these errors on most occasions. Also, I rebuilt the desktop with extensions off.

30. If a HD is dimmed, there is a problem. A damaged system file may be ultimate cause (p. 177, Sad Macs, 3rd ed.).

31. When having problems, may create a minimal folder (using finder, system and Enabler) and use as startup folder, which should tell you If something inside the system folder is the problem (242, Sad Macs, 3rd edition).

32. MarilynÕs Performa 5300CD was running slowly. So I ran Disk First Aid, NDD and NSD, rebuilt desktop with Techtool. Word used to take 73 seconds to open, now takes 23. Clarisworks 4.0 used to take 23 seconds, now it takes 13 seconds.

33. FWBÕs HD Toolkit costs around $122.

34. Mount IDE Drive can be used to mount an IDE If it were bypassed at startup (S.M., 3rd, 869).

35. Frequent crashes can indicate damage to the driver (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 996).

36. If you get a Sad Mac at startup, you can check Mac Secrets, 4th edition, p. 1070 to help in determining cause of Sad Mac.

37. To get Hardware failure assistance and to find the nearest Service Provider for Apple, call 1-800-538-9696.

            A. Macdaddy (527-6227; Monday-Friday, 10-6 and Saturday, 11-4, closed on Sundays; located at 1321-A McHenry Avenue, Modesto, CA 95355) now does Apple Warranty Work, including iMacs. Their e-mail is

            B. Should bring copies of Purchase Orders.

            C. Mac Daddy says blurry screen sounds like monitor may have trouble, should bring it in (they don't come out to places, apparently). They can check on system software also, if necessary, since a question made its appearance for Sandy.

            D. Computer Link (474-0530) at 54 North Pershing in Stockton; MCOE (Bob Hughes), but their service charge is not covered by AppleÕs warranty, because they are an ROP program, so you may have to do a Purchase Order; Techsource (559-438-6227) in Fresno; CompUSA, "The Mac Superstore" (559-447-4105, 7502 N. Blackstone, 9-9 Monday-Friday, 10-6 Saturday) in Fresno do Apple Warranty Work.

38. I ordered a 3 GB HD for the Macintosh 5400/200 in Room 57 (even though the factory installed HD is 1.5 GB). I ordered it from T.D. Curran (800-645-2533, toll free fax is 866-594-3987, Fax is 360-594-3987; 800 Marine Drive Bellingham, WA 98225; as of 12/04, they have a second address listed on the website, as 115 Kellogg Road, Bellingham WA 98225. They are open M-F, 9 A.M. - 7 P.M., Saturday, 10 A.M. - 6 P.M., Sunday, 12 P.M. to 5 P.M.) on 5/31/2000. Website may be a little behind the catalog. Another e-mail address is The smallest Quantum Internal HD that T.D. Curran sells is 2 GB. They do sell a Seagate 1 GB HD, but it costs $119.00. The original HD for the 5400/200 was a single metal plate (not a series of plates) and it was a ÒWestern DigitalÓ brand. I replaced the HD, but it did not appear to mount well within the Mac, so I used duct tape to hold it in place (FYI: Sarah is now in room 26). Dennis said no harm, just residue. He was surprised it did not fit. When I ordered two RAM chips from T.D. Curran on 5/22/01, they came in a regular sized T.D. Curran box. T.D. Curran has a Internal SCSI NEC CD-ROM (unknown speed), it costs $59.99 and it is order number TDC 01771. They also have another Internal SCSI NEC CD-ROM (32 X) for $89.00, TDC 01731. They have an external SCSI CD-ROM (24 X) for $129.99 (they have 3 of them, as of 4/11/02). It is order number TDC-01778. Their e-mail was working, but they had recently gained Apple Repair Status (as of 4/11/02) and the guy doing the website as well as e-mail for had a baby in his family.

39. Source:, A 4.0 GB HD is actually really only 3.7 MB. 4.0 GB as measured by the disk drive industry is 1 MB=1,000,000 bytes (1000 * 1000). The Mac Finder measures a MB as 1 MB = 1,048, 576 (1024 * 1024). So on a 4 GB HD, it is 4 GB by the industry standard, but the Mac OS finder will show it as 3.7 MB.

40. Tekserver repairs Macs, but only walk ins and they are located in New York. Messengers wonÕt deliver computers, because they can be blamed for problems (even though the problem may not have occurred in transport). Tekserve has high data recovery rates and only charge if they succeed.

            A. They used to fix all parts, now they swap them (replace the part with a new or refurbished one). The ÒoldÓ way encountered more problems, since re aligned drives, etc. came back often.

41. When the Mac starts up, it does a diagnostic test on itself. If the test fails, you will hear the crash, chimes of death, etc.

            A. If this happens on an earlier Mac, disconnect SCSI devices and restart. Reconnect one at a time to see if problem returns.

            B. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs. on newer Macs, disconnect USB devices and restart. Reconnect one at a time to see if problem returns.

42. According to the 5500 Manual page 116, if you do not see an icon for the HD, try using Drive Setup to make the drive available (startup from the CD). Also, if the HD is internal, shut down the computer, wait ten seconds. Start up again.

43. Because of the problem with the 5500/225 (see System 7.5 # 32), the next time I format a HD, I should make sure that I have either a working CD, the system enablers, if needed or a copy on CD that will work with the HD (and also some way to start up the computer either with a floppy disk, CD or external drive).

            A. If none of these options are available, I should be prepared to buy a CD.

44. The Apple II Prodos UserÕs Manual page 5 says that a hard disk or rigid disk is comprised of rigid, non-flexible magnetized material.

            A. Page 27 says that the ÒProFileÓ is a type of hard disk. According to page 141, it is AppleÕs personal mass storage system, which can hold the equivalent of dozens of flexible disks.

            B. Page 33 says that there are 35 tracks on each disk and 16 sectors. One sector equals 256 bytes of data.

45. Macintosh Reference Page 309 says that if an internal HD does not work properly, try shutting down the computer, waiting 10 seconds, then turn it back on.

46. 5500 in lab would not start up. Had smiley face, then a question mark. 9.0 CD would start up the computer. Zapped with TT, KB, unplugged scanner., turned off computer for 10 seconds, then back on. I had no luck.

            A. Finally, I trashed the Finder prefs, Finder file and system file. Replaced them with Finder and System file from the 8.0 CD. The 5500 would then start up,; however, the startup screen behind the MAC OS splash screen was the CD screen and VM was not available in the memory control panel. The Finder file and the System file were slightly smaller than the originals. However, everything else appeared normal. I did run DFA just to see what happened, and a few repairs were made. I ran DFA again and drive was okay.

            B. For future reference, if these steps did not work, could try running DFA or checking for battery problem.

47. KW said on 5/9/01 that Costco has a lifetime hardware warranty on computer they sell, you simply must keep the receipt.

            A. JT said GN said that Costco will replace your computer if you still have the receipt and it has a hardware problem.

            B. GN said yes, Costco will replace your computer, even after three years or whatever (need receipt).

            C. I e-mailed Costco to ask on 5/10/01. They said you would need to go to a Costco warehouse to ask. They would not be able to answer this question by e-mail.

            D. Lifetime warranty on computers would be more heavily advertised, most likely (it would not be a secret). Certainly, Costco would want to advertise that, since it would attract customers. Often, scams are said to be "only for you,Ó etc.

            E. However, I went to Merced Costco on Saturday May 20th to investigate. I talked to an employee named Barbara at the customer service counter. She said that it is true that Costco will replaced a hardware problem for you or replace the computer, even after the original warranty expires. They also do this for appliances as well. They recommend that if you buy something at Costco, to tape your receipt to the appliance.

            G. A Costco employee at the Stanislaus County Fair said (in 7/03) that Costco no longer has a lifetime warranty on computers, but they do have lifetime warranties on many of their products.

48. After rebuilding the desktop with TT on Moms G3/266, there was a question mark at startup. I restarted with different disk and found the System Folder to be unblessed. I moved the Finder out of and back into the System folder, which reblessed the system folder.

49. Tourbus 1/12/02 suggests that Alsoft used to make (and perhaps still does make) a pretty good Mac defrag program called ÒDisk Warrior.Ó

50. suggests that if you view a folderÕs contents by date, then you can easily see what you need to backup (only items that have changed since the last backup).

51. NDD 6.0 manual page 37 says that if you are using a device that has the same type of connectors on each end, it might make a different which end is connected to the Mac.

            A. Page 37 also says not to substitute cables for different types of devices, even if they look the same, it is possible that they are not.

52. NDD 6.0 manual 42 suggests that if you cannot start up from a CD, when using a HD that has trouble, restart holding down command, option, shift and delete. Then update the driver.

53. The LC in Room 52 would not start up. Darlene Olguin said it would only make a question mark at startup. When I looked at it, it made a happy face, but that was it, nothing further.

            A. I tried restarting from a startup floppy disk and using HD SC, it said it could not locate a SCSI device. A different floppy disk got the same error. I tried switching SCSI connections and restarting, I had no luck. Even after initializing the drive (using the FinderÕs Erase Disk), and trying to find the HD using HD SC from the HD, HD SC still could not find it. It is probably because it is not an Apple Disk. I was able to run DFA though and it said that the disk was okay, after a couple repairs. As it turns out, when I used Micronet 5.2.8, I was able to locate the drive (even though it was not a Micronet drive, either. It was a Spirit Technologies.

            B. I tried copying the System Folder from the 7.1 Startup CD, but was unable to initially because the Òdisk was locked.Ó Then I copied the 7.1 System Folder to an untitled folder on the HD, and that worked to copy the Folder. However, upon restart, I got an error that said that the disk tools disk could not be used, when starting up from the HD (I think the System Folder came from a disk tools disk).

            C. I reinstalled the 7.1 System from the floppy disks and reinstalled some software, the computer now works fine.

            D. When I hooked it up in Room 52, it did have a question mark at first. Then I hit the HD and then it started up. I suggested to Darlene, that she leave it on and leave a blanket on top of it.

54. Page 116 of Sad Macs, 3rd edition says that Òhardware problems tend to cause system freezes more often they cause system crashesÓ.

55. I disconnected SCSI devices, then started up, got error type 10 with AOL. Zapped the PRAM and still got error type 10 when AOL started. Restarted again, held down shift key after Finder loaded. Then started AOL by itself. Then opened the other applications. This worked okay.

            A. The next day I got the same results. I moved AOL's startup icon alias to the trash. Will do that for now (as of 1/25/02).

            B. G3/266 started up fine on 1/28/02 without SCSI devices attached and no AOL in startup items. Then I started up AOL by itself.

            C. Should try reconnecting SCSI devices and then running startup items without AOL. I did this once (1/28/02) and the computer started up fine with SCSI devices attached and no AOL startup item. I then started up AOL without any freeze.

            D. I could also move AOL to the bottom of startup items, by calling it "ZAmerica Online 5.0".

            E. The next day, the G3/266 froze upon startup (CW froze one time, the next time it was IE 5). Even after Zapping PRAM with TT and KB, the computer still froze on startup. I thought that I needed a terminator on the end of the Scanner, also, I reconnected the Zip Drive to the back of the G3/266, but I had no luck. I decided to disconnect the SCSI devices and then see if problem remains. It did still freeze after Zapping with TT and KB, so I restarted, held down Shift key after Finder loaded. Then opened the applications.

            F. I reconnected the SCSI connection. Then I replaced the Finder, System File and System Enabler file. I also trashed the Finder preferences. Then I moved all the Startup Items to the Startup Items (Disabled) folder. Upon restart, there was not a freeze. I then started up the startup items individually.

            G. Perhaps a new battery may be needed for the G3/266. I tried on 3/12/02 to replicate the problem several times (restarting or shutting down, then starting up), but the freezing problem did not occur. I even enabled all the startup items, but the problem would not recur.

            H. The problem did recur three days later, so I took the battery out for thirty minutes, then put a new one in the G3/266 on 3/19/02.

            I. Later that day, the computer froze again, but I had the zip drive connected to the G3, but the power to the Zip drive was not connected (I am taking the cord home to do some testing). I disconnected the SCSI connection to the Zip Drive and the computer started up. The next day there was a freeze, so I zapped the PRAM with TT and the KB. Then the computer started up okay, but I disabled startup items, and started them up after Finder loaded fully. Will wait and see. May need to replace Finder, System or do a clean install, if necessary.

            J. I did a clean install of System Software on 3/23/02 or so. I installed AOL, Office, Click (There It Is), Snitch and G3/266 started up without freezing several times. After installing IomegaWare, the computer began to freeze again when startup items were loading. I disabled Iomega Driver v. 6.0.6 and then the freezes stopped. Ironically, it appears that Iomega Driver was disabled with previous system folder. But, anyhow freezes have not occurred, as of yet. I may need to put SCSI probe into startup items or check ÒMount SCSI volumes at startupÓ or something similar in SCSI preferences.

            K. Either having Find It, enabled was problem or having Zip disk into Zip Drive was problem. Now, Find It is disabled and we shall see.

            L. On next restart (with Find It Extension disabled), froze recurred. I ejected the Zip disk and restarted. Then the startup items were able to load without a problem. I selected that the Disk eject upon restart, but only the USB Zip Disk was ejected (probably because Iomega Driver, which would be for the SCSI Zip Disk Drive, was not in enabled folder). Later, though, the SCSI Zip Disk ejected, also.

            M. Possible ideas include change SCSI ID of Zip Drive to 6, Hold down option key while accessing SCSI probe (pre version 5.0) and then press "reset" (did that on 3/26/02) or run with SCSI devices disconnected to see what happens.

            N. Later, had identical problem (may have been due to the fact that the computer was unplugged for about a week or so). Anyhow, I zapped the PRAM with KB, changed the Zip DriveÕs SCSI ID to 6 and restarted. The G3 restarted several times without a problem (both Zip disks were not in the drive at startup).

            O. Later, though, AOL had error type 11 at startup, so I again moved the items to the Startup Items (Disabled) folder.

            P. I updated the hard disk driver on 4/23/02, which may help. You are supposed to do that after installing System 8 (and several other versions of System Software, see Drive Setup #1 C for more info).

            Q. Later, though, after updating the driver, the computer still froze upon loading startup items. I then disconnected SCSI devices, zapped with KB and restarted twice. Both times, the G3/266 started up without a freeze. The G3/266 has started up fine several times now, except once (AOL error type 11), but Jessica kept pressing the mouse repeatedly, when the computer was trying to start up. On the next startup, she did not press the mouse and it started up fine.

            R. Later (5/9/02), even with the SCSI connection not made and after Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB, AOL still froze upon startup. So, I reconnected the SCSI connection and moved all the startup items to the disabled folder and will start them after the Finder has completely loaded.

            S. I was having trouble getting the SCSI Zip Drive to mount. Initially, I connected the wrong SCSI cable. I tried zapping the PRAM with TT, KB, reconnecting all the connections, changing SCSI ID, disconnecting scanner and turning termination on with the Zip Drive. I had no luck. I forgot to reinstall Iomega Driver software. After installing it and restart, the Zip drive mounted. I then tried to connect the scanner and mount it, without much luck. I realized I connected the wrong SCSI cable. After connecting the SCSI cable, the scanner was Òfound.Ó

            T. Later, the computer froze at startup (even with Startup Items all in the disabled folder). After zapping with KB and TT, the computer started up okay.

            U. I called Bob Hughes about this problem on 11/8/02 and he said that Ò3rd party softwareÓ is most likely the problem. It is likely the OS is corrupted. I think that I will probably reinstall the OS and watch carefully for Iomega. On the G3/233 (which does not freeze upon starting the Startup Items: America Online

Claris E-mailer 1.1v3, Clarisworks, Computer Notes, Desktop Resetter 2.2.1, Enternet 300, Internet Explorer, MOCSE, Netscape Communicatorª 4.77, Outlook Express, Ryan's Contacts, and Simpletext), I have Iomega Driver version 6.0.6 and it says ÒIomegaWare 2.1 (ML). in the upper left hand corner of the Get Info window.

            V. I am using 6.0 (G3 install) of Iomega driver on G3/266 (after the clean install on 5/8/03), will just use SCSI Zip for now. Made startup items enabled.

56. I tried copying System Folder from the 7.1 CD to the HD of a Spirit Technology Drive and tried to start up the computer, but it would not work, I got the error message ÒThe Disk Tools disk will not work on this computer. Use the disk labeled ÔDisk Tools 1.ÕÓ I am not certain which Enabler may/may not be needed for use with the Micronet drive, but there was also a ÒDisk Tools 1 EnablerÓ and a ÒDisk Tools 2 EnablerÓ in the System Folder. I then copied the 7.1 System Folder from the LC in my room to the Spirit Technology Drive and the Spirit Technology Drive was able to startup fine. The ÒDisk Tools 1 EnablerÓ and the ÒDisk Tools 2 EnablerÓ files (since they are normally only used for floppy disks) may have been the problem with the Previous System Folder (apparently, these Disk Tools Enablers were used first, since they appear first alphabetically, even though I am not certain which Enabler, if any, were required for the Micronet Drive). I think, though that since neither the LC nor the LCII need a System Enabler, it stands to reason that the Micronet Drive may not need one, either.

            A. I kept the Spirit Technology Drive in my room, primarily because it only has 2 MB of RAM and does not appear to be able to use VM.

57. The G3/266 showed that only 450 MB were available on the HD, even though it was more like 2 GB. Running DFA fixed the problem.

            A. Also several files had damaged resource forks, according to NDD. I had  to replace them from backups. This may have happened while freezing at startup with the Iomega problem.

            B. I should run NDD and DFA more often to avoid problem with hard drive on G3/266.

58. Tidbits #686 says that Òif you reformat it with the option of writing zeroes to every sector (which takes a long time and isn't worthwhile unless you've been experiencing odd disk problems), you'll also make the drive map out any bad blocks it may have developed. That's why I say my favorite optimizer is Retrospect - with it you can both protect your data and optimize your disk.Ó

            A. Tidbits #6896 also says that a Òcatalog is composed of nodes, which contain records that correspond to files. The nodes form a tree structure, with all the nodes linked together in a specific order. The file system tends to keep the nodes in order. But as files are added to and deleted from the disk, nodes are likewise created, deleted, and shuffled around, and they can end up out of order. This is not dangerous, or even wrong, just not optimal.Ó

59. The 5400 in room 52 had monitor problems. It would appear to turn on, but there were only vertical lines on the screen, also, the Happy Mac would appear shortly, then fade. I figured out that it was a hardware problem, and I trashed the computer. I tried to save the HDÕs contents to no avail. I tried hooking up the 5400Õs HD to my G3, but was unable to. it would be very difficult to remove the G3Õs HD. I also tried using the 550, but the HDÕs connections for the 550 were different (the connectors in the HD were sort of Òbuilt inÓ as opposed to having wires connect to them). The LC I, II, and III HDÕs would not work either (different number of pins for connecting). I tried hooking up the 5400Õs HD to the iMac in room 58, but the iMac would not start up, with several different CDs. I finally tried connecting the 5400 HD to the 6100 series computer in room 57, but there were a different number of pins. Finally, I hooked up the 5400 HD to the 5400 in room 56. When DOÕs HD was connected to the 5400 in room 56, the computer would not start up, even when a 5400 CD was in the drive and the ÒCÓ key was pressed. When I hooked up the original 5400 HD (GMÕs HD), the computer started up fine.

            A. In the future, try hooking up external HDs to a 5400, not a G3 or iMac.

60. Tidbits #707 mentions that even if a crashed HD is out of date for manufacturerÕs repair, you may be able to get it replaced by the HD manufacturer (not the computer manufacturer). Sometimes a driveÕs serial number can be used to track proof of purchase.

            A. Tidbits #707 also mentions that AppleÕs Disk Utility spares any bad sectors on a HD, if ÒZero all dataÓ is chosen. Other programs (Drive 10, Disk Guardian, and NDD) arenÕt able to do this. Otherwise, data may be written on a bad sector.

            B. Tidbits #707 suggests leaving the option to check the disk, if a disk has crashed. OS X automatically leaves this option on.

            C. Tidbits #707 suggests to fix a HD problem, try DiskWarrior ($79.99 at Maczone, as of July 2005) and/or NDD.

61. I had trouble copying files to the external HD from the blueberry iMac (through File Sharing on the G3/266), but there were many errors. This is probably due to the difference in file structure between older Mac OS and the extended format, because I could copy the files fine to Zip Disks.

62. The 5400 in room 30 (NHÕs) would not start up (it would make the startup noise, but the green ligth did not come on and the monitor stayed black). It was because she had hooked her printed to the S-video out port (even though the number of pins was not the same, she somehow did this). After shutting down the 5400 and connecting the printer to the correct port, the 5400 started up.

63. is a report on Hard Drive failures, which was summarized by The summary indicates that, ¥First of all, Mean Time Between Failure rates mean nothing. ¥Secondly, SMART hardware monitoring missed 36% of all uh-ohs. ¥Third, overworked drives fail similarly to standard drives after the first year. ¥Fourth, Hard drive age means less than you think. ¥Fifth, failure does not go up when temperatures are higher than usual (unless super high.)



1. Costs either around $40 or $70 for one user (documentation did not specify).

2. helps tell If there are any known software bugs, conflicts or related incompatibilities (i.e. NDD 3.5 is not compatible with System 8.1).

3. Did say BJ Printmonitor was damaged, so I replaced it.


HP Color Laserjet 2605dnxi (800-HP-Invent or can be used for support, it was bought around 11/30/07); product number is CB478A, serial number is CNBC74M0V6

1. It uses the Q6000A (black; apprx. 2,500 pages) , Q6001A (cyan; apprx. 2,000 pages), Q6002A (yellow; apprx. 2,000 pages), Z6003A (magenta; apprx. 2,000 pages) cartridges. The orange paper tray lock can be trashed, according to an HP rep.

2. has some printing ideas, etc.

3. There was not a way to make the Laserjet print with the DEC: I kept getting an error that said that, ÒThe required section was not found in the INF.Ó HP support could not determine a solution; restarting and reinstalling the software did not work. Downloading from the web site did not work; using a 6-foot USB cord did not work. There was no DOT-4 nor a USB port listed when installing the software. Finally, I put in a work order for I.S on 11/30/07, but later took it out, because I got it to work. I disconnected, then plugged in the USB cable again (the software had been installed but the error remained about the .inf file). The Found New Hardware showed up, I selected Next, then I made sure that ÒSearch for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) was the choice, then I unchecked the boxes for floppy drive, CD, etc. and selected the box for ÒWindows Update.Ó Then I used the computerÕs choice (which was something like C:\winnnt\inf\oem16.inf, then I chose Next, then Finish. Then the device was installed successfully (I think there may be a software issue between the HP CD and the DEC/rebuilt DELL computer), but the HP driver asked for a couple more files, which I kept having to choose on the CD for the computer; and then the next time, I chose the CD when the dialog box came up and the software was installed successfully. After restarting, the Laserjet works fine (it originally had a 6-foot cord at the recommendation of the HP rep; however, I needed to change to a 10-foot cord to put it in my desired location, and the 10-foot cord worked fine). Also, the USB port was listed in the ports. FYI: HP tech support said that the reason why you do not usually connect the USB cable until the middle of the software installation is because then the Windows driver is not usually utilized. Anyhow, I used the Windows driver, since the HP driver did not work. ÒUser intervention requiredÓ error showed up on the HP printer (with the network icon for the HP printer), which was probably a network error. I couldnÕt to get the error to disappear by  canceling all of the waiting documents and restarting the computer. The Virtual USB port could not be chosen, since I could not check the box for it. After removing and then installing the HP hardware, the USB port was not present, but then I disconnected the USB cable from the printer and then connected it again. The Found New Hardware wizard showed up and now I am again using the HP on the USB port (and there are two icons for the HP 2605 in the Printer listing). When performing installation, it is best to NOT connect the USB cable before installing the HP software. If you do, the Add New Hardware wizard will show up and installation will be disrupted in the middle. After installing the printer again, the pages did not print out properly (the writing was extremely small). I fixed the problem by going to Properties (in the Print dialog box), Finishing, Pages per sheet (I changed the number from 2 to 1).

4. The top output bin bin has a 125-page capacity. The paper tray (which is not optional on the HP Color Laserjet 2605dn) holds 250 sheets. The "2" by the paper tray is a paper level indicator.

5. When hooking up the 2605 in room 37 (serial number is CNHC76V0FW) , the message "incorrect supplies" kept showing up on the screen, and when I tried to print, I got a printer error each time suggesting that I retry or cancel. I tried restarting the DEC and the printer to no avail. I called HP tech support and they suggested restarting the printer, which lead to the machine calibrating. HP support said at calibrating can take up to 20/25 minutes. I asked about turning the machine off and back on, but they suggested waiting. However, after an hour, it was still calibrating, so i turned the printer off agin. As it turns out,  the problem was that I had installed the blue cartridge in the black cartridge's location and vice versa. After reversing the cartridges, the printer worked fine (and calibrating only took about sixty seconds).

6. The DEC in room 36 could not access the printer in room 37 (even though the network shows it as being in room 36). I set up the access by going to Add Printer, Next, Network Printer, Next, NDPS Printers, NDPS Controlled Access Printers, TEACHER.SCO.SCNET, then I chose the printer. I tried to complete the same setup on the DELL laptops to no avail.

7. To print in color, you must choose the settings that have been saved in the Properties box; i.e. you cannot just change the settings to color, you must save the settings and then print. You can print transparencies in color; I used Page Setup to select transparency. You can print two pages at one time by feeding a page into the manual feed tray and then the first two pages print of a document print (no adjustments to software are needed).

8. has cartridges for the Color Laserjet 1605dnxi, but the prices are about $10 lower (on average) than the price of a real one at and $20 (on average) lower than the price of a real HP one at


Houghton Mifflin Lesson Plan Program (When you register the program, it is only used by HM for lesson planning. It does not check to see if you are connected to the internet, it just moves to the next screen). Title Code: 1-48334; ISBN: 0-618-16729-3 I got a reply to my e-mail asking if I can use Houghton Mifflin Lesson Planner on two computers if I am the only one using it. They replied Mon, 20 Aug 2007 08:58:44 and said, ÒYou can install the HM Lesson Planner on different computers as long as you are the only one using the program. Sincerely, Barbara, Houghton Mifflin School Division Technical Support, 1-800-758-6762.Ó can be used to contact technical support.

1. You can go to File, View Support resources to see transparencies and the Practice Book pages. You need the CD-ROM to access these. You cannot copy the files to the HD.

2. The setup that will match our pacing schedule would be 5 day assessing, launching for 2 days, and include all the Focuses (at the end of the Theme). It does not appear that you can go back and change this after you start the program. JT verified this.

3. You cannot cut clickable (blue) links in the program (this was confirmed by Barbara,

Houghton Mifflin School Division Technical Support) You can only move them from one day to the next, if you move everything for the day. When a correction is needed, I added my own note next to the clickable link. You can copy and paste information within the HM program, but you cannot cut and paste blue links.

4. It is best to print it out in landscape form, so it takes less pages.

5. R stands for Reteaching (behind the resource tab in the manual).

6. To have the lesson plans open with HM (instead of having to open from within the program), just change the creator to dJPL.

7. In the plans, T4, T5 is mentioned: ÒTÓ is short for Òtheme.Ó RWW is not listed in Òmore detailÓ view, but TD and I did not know why. She is checking on this with NH (as of 2/07).

8. The Math H.M. lesson planner does two pages a day (a page from Chapter 10 and a page from Chapter 4, etc.). They do not list the numbers of the problems to do. The math lesson planner does two math lessons a day, but TD and I agreed that two/day is not a good idea in most cases.

9. TD said that the reading planner is set up for five days, but you may use up to seven days, if nec. (if not, then use extra days for writing, etc.).

8. The math lesson planner does two math lessons a day, but TD and I agreed that two/day is not a good idea in most cases. TD said that the reading planner is set up for five days, but you may use up to seven days, if nec. (if not, then use extra days for writing, etc.). You must save with HM lesson planner in math for the icon to have colors (I thought installing the math program would solve the icon problem, but it did not); in the can take out whatever chapters you like.

9. The anthology CD is listed in the H.M. Reading plans on the first day (under Resources for Meeting Individual Needs).

10. It does not appear that NH put in the February recess as other school holidays: I think she just used the shifting tools to move the days. You can use the shifting tool, but it is of import to be careful. For example, if you want to move your plans one day later, it is fine to shift to the right ONE day, then go to the next empty day (after the lesson plans that have been moved) and shift all the remaining lesson plans one day to the left (and click ÒokayÓ at the message about data being lost).

11. ÒRereading for FluencyÓ can be to read along with the CD.

12. LO said (and I think so, too) that Sharing StudentsÕ writing: AuthorÕs Chair is that students simply sit in a chair and share their writing: there is no page number listed in the lesson planner.

13. You cannot save the Print Setup setting (portrait/landscape) for the LW IINT, even if you change the setup, change a document, and then save it.

14. I received a message (when shifting to the left) that said that, ÒThis will cause data to be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?Ó However, there was no content that was lost. I think I may have previously had content in the blank area, but it was erased. Anyhow, it was fine. When shifting to the left, click in the day that want to move, then select the shifting tool. On one occasion, I could not get the school year to end at an earlier time, and I believe it was believe of the fact that I had material in the days that I wanted to take out of the school year: there was no material there, though. Anyhow, I clicked in the days that I wanted to be taken out of the school year, and used the shifting tool to shift left and shifted the ÒmaterialÓ left, even though it was blank. Then I was able to shorten the school year.

15. Make the school year start on the actual first day of school, but then make the day to start HM Reading on the second week of school (then type Back to School in the first week). To make the extra two days within the lesson planner (i.e. to make the story use 7 days instead of 5 days), you need to use the shifting tool.

16. I think that if you do not put your file in Lesson Plan Documents, there may be difficulty in saving it (i.e. on one occasion, holidays were lost); therefore, I save my plans in Lesson Plan Documents and put a copy in the Winton/Reading folder.

17. I tried to send TD an e-mail with my Houghton Mifflin Lesson plans on it (I created the plans on my G3 and I was sending it to her DEC), but it would not open, even from within Houghton Mifflin Lesson Planner (I tried using a floppy disk also, but there drive was glacial that day; however, I do not think it would have worked). I tried changing the name from Zelenski 07-08 to Zelenski 07-08.hpl and I tried changing the Type to BINA and the Creator to hDMP with Snitch and resent the e-mail, no luck. Also, there was not an option within HM LP to save as a Windows file (in the Save dialog box). Then I took the Snitch changed file and then I dropped the file Zelenski 07-08.hpl on DropStuff and then sent the e-mail from AOL to my WSD e-mail address. I used Expander on the DEC to expand the file. Then I opened the file from within HM Lesson Planner program (I installed it temporarily on the DEC). Then it worked. I then sent the file to TDÕs DEC and it was openable. BTW, sending from the DEC to the G3 was no issue at all through the Winton School District e-mail system.

18. To fix errors in the Houghton Mifflin Lesson Planner, just correct them. Then, when creating a new file (make sure your old file is saved), select Òchange school yearÓ and Òchange school holidays.Ó However, it appears that you need to quit and reopen the program after doing this; otherwise, holidays are an issue.

19. Activity Choices – Responding Activities (often on the fifth day of Reading) are on the same page as the Comprehension Questions (below the questions): it just may be some type of writing activity, etc; however, I realized later that this is not correct, because the activitiy below the comprehension questions is already mentioned in the lesson planner (under Writing); I think that they mean the subsequent page after the (Responding) comprehension questions.



1. From Ò,Ó A delimiter marks the beginning or end of a tag. In HTML the opening delimiter is < ; and the closing delimiter is >.

2. Source: HTML tags are not case sensitive. <p> means the same as <P>. However, there are a few exceptions, like escape sequences. Escape sequences are also known as character entities, which are items that display characters (primarily diacritical characters or ones with marks) not available in the ASCII set.

                        &lt; the escape sequence for <

                        &gt; the escape sequence for >

                        &amp; the escape sequence for &


Additional escape sequences support accented characters, such as:

                        &ouml; a lowercase o with an umlaut: š

                        &ntilde; a lowercase n with a tilde: –

                        &Egrave; an uppercase E with a grave accent: é

            A. You can substitute other letters for the o, n, and E shown above.

            B. You can find other character entities at

            C. For example, if you wanted to have an apostrophe, you would use

Ò&#39;Ó (no quotes), but when you view the source with CHP, NN or IE5, the apostrophe shows up as ÒÔÒ, not as Ò&#39Ó. I tried to make the title of my home page appear as ÒRyanÕs StuffÓ (had to add the apostrophe). When I uploaded the updated version with NN, I had to quit NN and reopen it to see the updated page.

3. When creating a tag, remember separate each portion -- the tag name and each of the attributes -- with a single space.

            A. i.e. <p =align=center>. There is a single space between the ÒpÓ and the Ò=Ò sign.

4. To use an attribute, type the attribute name, followed by an equal sign and the attribute value. Don't put a space between the name, equal sign, and value (i.e. <p align=left>


5. If you do not specify an attribute and its value, a browser will uses it default; i.e. if not value is entered for a paragraph, it automatically align left, since that is the default.

6. The following starts the statement in bold and then ends with bold off.

<b>Here's some text I want in bold</b>. If you did not turn the bold off (using </b>), the statements would keep all appearing in bold.

7. The <html> tag announces that this file contains HTML code. it needs to be at the beginning of every HTML page. its corresponding ending tag, </html>, will be at the very end of your page. So <html> would start the page and

</html> would end the page.

8. The Header Tag <head>                  </head>

The <head> tag tells the browser that this portion of the file contains information that won't be displayed in the window. This is where you put comments about the page, the page's title, scripts, meta tags (that the search engines use), and other types of information about the file. The head section ends with the </head> tag. The head tag follows the opening html tag.

The Title Tag <title>                            The Title itself! </title>

The <title> tag defines the title that appears in the title bar of the browser. it is good form to include a title for each of your pages. For example, this code puts the title "Swing Steps: An Introduction" into the title bar of the browser window when your readers load the page.


9. The Body Tag <body>                    </body>

The <body> tag tells the browser that all of the following material should be displayed in the web browser window. At the end of the material you'll put an end body tag, </body>.

For example, this code displays a page that contains a single paragraph:



I love to dance. I don't remember when I first learned how -- I must have been just two or three years old and my mother would stand me on her feet and waltz me across the floor to her favorite music playing on the phonograph.



The body tag has a number of attributes that let you specify things like text color and the background of the page, but you don't need to worry about these attributes right now.

10. Line Break (to make two lines double spaced from each other, type two <br> Ôs instead of just one.

<br clear=left/right/all>

In it's most simple form, an HTML file is text. This file:

                        Hello World!

                        How Are You?

displays like this in a web browser:

                        Hello World! How Are You?

There are no tags to tell the browser to split the text. it just strings all the characters together in one long row. The break tag inserts a return character, telling the browser to display the text that follows it on a separate line. This file:

                        Hello World!<br>

                        How Are You?

displays like this in a web browser:

                        Hello World!

                        How Are You?

11. Paragraph

<p align=left/right/center>


In its simplest form, the paragraph tag tells the browser to display the text that follows it on a separate line, and to add extra space above it. So, this file:


Hello World!



How Are You?


displays like this in a web browser:

Hello World!

How Are You?

Make sure to end each paragraph with the end tag </p>. Everything between the start and end paragraph tags is the contents of that particular paragraph. Any attributes you specify in the paragraph apply to the entire paragraph between the open and close tags.

The most common paragraph attribute is align. You can align the paragraph in three ways:

            A. The default is left. If you don't use the align attribute the text automatically aligns to the left margin.

            B. align=right sends the text to the right margin.

            C. align=center centers the text across the page.
            D. <p align=center>This paragraph is aligned right. Each line is centered.</p> would align to the right (substitute right if you want right justified).

12. Cascading style sheets (CSS) provide separate style rules to format and style HTML documents.

CSS allows authors and readers to attach style, color, font-weight and other formatting rules to HTML elements. With CSS, you can change the style in one location and have all applicable documents change.

13. Heading 1 is the largest heading. Heading 6 is the smallest heading. The following a section that displays in Heading 4.

            A. <h4>Hello World!</h4>


How Are You?


looks like this:

Hello World!


How Are You?

            B. A heading will overrule a paragraph setting and it will change the style.

14. <blockquote> makes writing indented and separate from the other text on the page.

</blockquote> ends the block quote.

            A. There does not need to be a return after the blockquote or the end block quote. Are you <font size=+1>bigger</font> than a breadbox? makes the word bigger one size bigger than the rest of the sentence. You can change +1 to -1 to make a particular word smaller than the rest of the sentence (you can also use +2 and -2).

15. <font color="green">This is green, I suppose</font><br>

makes your text appear in green.

16. Horizontal dividers can be made like this

<hr width=100>


<hr width=50%>

            A. they can be very small or very big.

                        <hr width=100 size=1>                                                                      <hr width=100 size=20>

            B. If you put the word noshade in there, it fills in the box.

                        <hr width=100 size=20 noshade>

17. When creating pages, try to keep each tag on a separate line, except for in-body tags, such as making a word bold and the line break command. These two commands should go with the text they are defining.

18. Returns are not needed between HTML commands.

19. If you indent text with the space bar or the tab key, it will be ignored in HTML.

20. Source, <IMG SRC="filename.gif> would be the format used to put an image on a web page.

            A. The source in number 20 has some links to learn about HTML and designing web pages.

21. Source:, a sample HTML document is like this:




 <TITLE>A Simple HTML Example</TITLE>



 <H1>HTML is Easy To Learn</H1>

 <P>Welcome to the world of HTML.

 This is the first paragraph. While short it is

 still a paragraph!</P>

 <P>And this is the second paragraph.</P>




            A. You can save a source file with HTML codes and use it as a template for your web pages or modify the format to suit your needs.

22. This is the html code for a hit counter



0" BORDER=0></A>

            A. You can view the statistics for your counter at

            B. At ÔÓ, you can change your counter or get a different type of counter.

            C. For further questions, see Ò


            D. This pasting of HTML code does not work with Claris Home Page, even after going to edit HTML source, pasting and then saving and uploading. it does work with Simpletext, however. I actually put the search box on the htmltrial.html page.

Also, if you keep going to the page with NN, the counter keeps adding. The counter does not keep adding with IE 5, until you close IE 5 and reopen, which is probably due to the setting Òonce per sessionÓ under edit, preferences, Web Browser, advanced.

23. According to, you should not skip heading levels i.e. go from H1 to H3. However, I did this in a Simpletext document ( I actually went from H1 to H3 to H2). It looked fine with IE5 and NN 4.74.

24. Carriage returns, spaces and line feeds are ignored by HTML, they are compressed into a single space.

            A. HTML source files may have line breaks, but the display in the browser will ignore the line breaks, and it will start a new paragraph only when it encounters another <P> tag.

25. The HTML for a list (which includes the letter L followed by the letter I, not the number 1) is    <UL>

            <LI> apples

            <LI> bananas

            <LI> oranges


            A. The output is:

            ¥ apples

            ¥ bananas

            ¥ oranges

26. The HTML for a numbered or ordered list (OL) is


            <LI> oranges

            <LI> apples

            <LI> nectarines


            A. The output is:

            1. oranges

            2. apples

            3. nectarines

27. The HTML for a Definition List I:


            <DT> MC

            <DD> Motley Crue, a Heavy Metal band.

            <DT> BOC

<DD> Blue Oyster Cult, who opened for Def Leppard once.


            A. The output is:


                        Motley Crue, a Heavy Metal band.


                        Blue Oyster Cult, who opened for Def Leppard once.

28. The HTML for a shorter definition would look like this

            <DL COMPACT>

            <DT> -i

            <DD> MC, Motley Crue, a Heavy Metal band.

            <DT> -k

            <DD> BOC, Blue Oyster Cult, who opened for Def Leppard once.


            A. The output is


                        MC, Motley Crue, a Heavy Metal band.


                        BOC, Blue Oyster Cult, who opened for Def Leppard once.

29. The HTML for a nested list is


            <LI> A few Heavy Metals bands:


            <LI> Motley Crue

            <LI> Poison

            <LI> KISS


            <LI> Two Non Heavy Metal Bands


            <LI> Meat Puppets

            <LI> Beavis and Butthead



            A. The output is

            ¥A few Heavy Metals bands:

                                    o          Motley Crue

                                    o          Poison

                                    o          KISS

            ¥           Two Non Heavy Metal Bands

                                    o          Meat Puppets

                                    o          Beavis and Butthead

30. The HTML for preformatted text (source text that will show line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. when displayed in a browser)


hi what are you dong.

This is text                                                       that will include my spaces.

It also includes line breaks and spaces,

which are normally ignored by HTML.


A. The output is:

hi what are you doing.

This is text                                                       that will include my spaces.

It also includes line breaks and spaces,

which are normally ignored by HTML.

31. The HTML for a blockquote is

<P>Don't Go Away Mad</P>


<P>Just Go Away.

I don't want you to stay.

Girl, don't go away mad.

Just Go Away.

Don't Go Away Mad


<P>-Motley Crue, Dr. Feelgood</P>


The result is:

Don't Go Away Mad


            Just Go Away. I don't want you to stay. Girl, don't go away mad. Just Go    Away. Don't Go Away Mad


            -Motley Crue, Dr. Feelgood

32. Source: It is better to use Physical Styles (<B>, <I>) than Logical styles (<DFN>, <STRONG>), because logical styles may not be supported in future browser versions.

33. Ò<A HREF="hi.html">Hi</A>Ò (no quotes) makes a link to a different page. The text ÒHiÓ appears as the link, and it links to a file called Òhi.htmlÓ.

            A. The <a> tag is a container tag that defines a link to another page.

34. It is important to remember that Macintosh and DOS are not case sensitive. DOCUMENT.html and document.html are the same thing. However, if your files are uploaded to a UNIX server, the case sensitivity can make a difference.

35. You can use relative (homepage.html) or absolute ( references.

            A. Relative references are faster, require less typing and you can move documents to another location easier (if all the documents refer to each other only and not other web sites).

            B. However, absolute references can be important when linking to another web site. If you move some pages to a different directory, they will not have to be updated.

36. <A HREF="">

Ryan's Home Page</A> makes a URL link to my home page. RyanÕs home page shows up in blue as the link.

37. A named anchor is one that can be used to move a reader to a particular section of a document.

38. You can make a link between sections of a different document like this:

In addition to being a great band, they also have a great

new drummer<a href="hi.html#Sherrie">Sherrie the Drummer</a>

            A. In the second document, you would type this: <H2><A NAME="Sherrie">Sherrie the Drummer</a></H2>

            B. The output is that on the first page you have a link in blue that says Sherrie the Drummer. When you click on it, you go to the second page and Sherrie the drummer is at the top of the browser window (even though it is at the bottom of the document).

            C. It should be noted that to make a link to a specific location in a document, there needs to be named anchors in it. If there are not, you could not make a reference to a specific location on a web based document without having access to the source code.

39. To make a link to a specific location within the current document:

<a href="#sit">on the floor if you want</a>

<A NAME="sit">What in the world is this</a>

            A. On the floor is you want is the blue highlighted text, if clicked, you go to ÒWhat in the world is this.

            B. I had trouble getting this to work once. What in the world is this kept showing up in blue. The HTML code was the same exact as copied from a working source code. As it turns out, there was an error before the reference. The error was that <A HREF=">Ryan's Home Page</A> was wrong. It should have been <A HREF="Ó>Ryan's Home Page</A> (there should have been an apostrophe after the html).

40. <a href="">Ryan</a> makes an e-mail address link.

41. <IMG SRC=> makes a reference to an image.

            A. <IMG SRC= height=100 width=65> can be adjusted to make the height and width different. 100 and 65 are numbers of pixels.


<IMG SRC= ALT="[helmet.gif]" ALIGN=TOP> can be used to make the text start at the top of the image and finish at the bottom of the image.


<IMG SRC= ALT="[helmet.gif]" ALIGN=CENTER> makes it so that the text lines up with the center of the image.

43. <p align=center>

<IMG SRC = "" ALT="helmet">



the writing starts after the image and is left justified


43. <IMG SRC="helmet.gif" ALT="helmet"> will simply put the word Up in the place of an image being non present. However, an image on my desktop will work with this (If the pictures are turned off, then the world ÒHelmetÓ will show up).

            A. If a picture is stored on Pacific BellÕs server, You would type in <IMG SRC="" ALT="helmet">. But, for the images to NOT show up, they must not be stored in the cache (NN 4.74) or the history (IE 5). So, to have the images NOT show up. You must turn off the images, then clear the cache with NN or the history with IE 5. Restart the application, then load the page.

44. If you put in <a href=""><IMG SRC = "helmet.gif" ALT="helmet">



you will get an image with a link to your homepage. However, if you forget to put a second a (the Ò</aÓ), everything on the page after the image will be links to the homepage.

45. <a href=""><IMG SRC = "helmet.gif" BORDER = 6 ALT="helmet"> makes a clickable link with a border thickness of 8 around the helmet.

46. <BODY BACKGROUND="helmet.gif"> makes a helmet the background for a page.

47. <body bgcolor=#000000" TEXT="#FFFFFF" LINK="#9690CC"> makes the page have a background of black (000000), white text (FFFFFF) and links in silver.

            A. This works. However, with IE 5 or NN 4.74, the link may change colors, depending on whether it has been read or not.

            B. You can get the color spectrum hex codes from

48. <A href="helmet.gif">link anchor</A> makes an image open up in its own window.

49. <a href=""><IMG SRC=""></a> makes it so that when you click on the helmet.gif, you will get 2 computers.gif in a different window (which would normally be a larger image).

50. Remember, that most UNIX stations can not view Quicktime movies.

51. This is the HTML for a table


<! start of table definition->


<CAPTION> caption contents </CAPTION>

<!- caption definition->



<!-start of head row definition->

<TH> first header cell contents</TH>

<TH> second header cell contents</TH>



<!-end of header row definition->



<!-start of first row definition->

<TD> first row, first cell contents</TD>

<TD> first row, last cell contents</TD>


<!-end of first row definition->



<!-start of last row definition->

<TD> last row, first cell contents </TD>

<TD> last row, last cell contents </TD>


<!-end of row definition->



<!-end of table definition->

            A. This is the output


                                                                                    caption contents

first header cell contents                                  last header cell contents

first row, first cell contents                  first row, last cell contents

last row, first cell contents                   last row, last cell contents

            B. To add a border for the table, do this

<TABLE> <Table Border="5"><A> (add the second part to the HTML source).

            C. Another tableÕs HTML is this:

<table border>










            D. The output is northwest      northeast

                                                                                                southwest        southeast (it has a border)

            E. Here is the HTML for a table with varying heights: (Source:

<table border>



                        <td rowspan=2>west</td>




 <!-- Don't define "southwest", since it's overlaid by "west" -->




            F. Here is the output

            west     northeast

                                                southeast (west s/b centered between northeast and southeast, as its row is twice as twice as the northeast and southeast rows).

52. You can embed a link within another HTML tag

<H1><A HREF="">My heading</A></H1>

            A. Buy you can not embed a link within an anchor.

<A HREF="">

 <H1>My heading</H1>


It will not work, gives network error with IE 5.

53. Probably should avoid this


 <LI><H1>A large heading</H1>

 <LI><H2>Something slightly smaller</H2>


            A. You may want to make a list larger, however, it may not be supported in future browser versionÕs to do HTML this way.

54. Should avoid additive character tags. For example, you would think that

<B><I>some text</I></B> would make bold, italic type. However, it does not. It is only italic with IE 5 (some browsers only interpret the inner most tag). NN does both bold and italic.

55. has some places to check your HTML code.

56. <!-comments can be added and not seen by a browser->. If you type this in, you will not see the comments in your browser, only if you view the source.

57. allows you to test your HTML typing skills by typing it in one window and seeing the results in another window.

            A. I would not however, use his HTML, since some of it is perhaps not compatible with IE 5.

58. A page on frames is located at

59. A listing of hexagonal codes can be found at

60. Another primer on HTML is at There is also one at Also,,,, and

61. Cascading Style Sheets are discussed at and

62. Common Gateway Interfaces (CGI) are mentioned on, and

63. Color charts are shown on and

64. has some holiday graphics.

65. Dynamic HTML is explained on,, and

66. Frames tutorials are given at and

67. You can get free web hosting at,,, and

            A. However, you may have pop up ads, your name may be volunteered for mailing lists and if you want to present objectionable material, you may be censored.

            B. Pacific Bell has webhosting, for as low as $24.95 per month.

68. guestbook are given on,, and

69. Metatags are shown on and

70. Pages that can be used to promote your site include:,,,, and

71. Page 822-825 list some more resources for web page creation and validation.

72. Javascript is a language that allows programmers to write small programs (scripts) that cane be imbedded in the HTML for a Web Page.

            A. Some Javascripts are available from, and

73. is a place for you go make a search engine for your own site.

74. You can get a counter to add to your page at or at It does not matter if you use capitals or not in the URL for the

75. explains HTML for novices or kids.

76. One of the reps from I-Magik said that one of the easiest ways to make a commercial site (one that accepts credit cards) is to use Dreamweaver and then use it to receive money through a Paypal account. Otherwise, you may need to buy a $1,000 shopping cart program.


IBM (Windows 95, too)

1. Disk error when starting up happened due to the fact that there was a floppy disk (not a startup disk) in the disk drive. Does not automatically kick it out like a Macintosh, took disk out and restarted. Worked.

2. To get to System properties (computer info), right click on my computer, click on properties. {My computer, click on ÒCÓ, right click, properties came up ?????)

3. Start, Run, to get the DOS prompt.

4. To get to the control panels (shortcut), right click anywhere on screen, click properties.

5. To change log on people, go to start, shut down, then click log on as a different user.

6. An .Exe (8-bit) file runs a program

            A. If you encountered an .exe program that is downloaded from the Internet and no Mac versions are available, may want to try to open the program with Virtual PC.

7. To find something, go to start, find, files and folders, right click on file, click yes.

8. To create a shortcut, right click, drag, left click, drag to desktop.

9. To trash something, highlight, hit delete, then click yes.

10. Registry, where the system and user files in the registry store the settings for the computer.

            If your registry becomes corrupted, you can restore it by using the following procedure. Restoring the registry will replace it with a copy of the registry as it was the last time you successfully started your computer.

            To Restore the registry

            A. Start or restart the computer. After your computer starts, Windows displays the following text: Starting Windows 95

            B. While the text is on the screen, press and release the F8 key. A menu appears.

            C. Choose the Command Prompt Only Option.

            D. At the command prompt, change to your windows directory. For example,

             If your windows directory is C:\Windows, you could type the following:

             CD C:\Windows

            E. Type the following commands, pressing ENTER after each one (note that

             System.dao and User.dao contain the number zero).

             Attrib -h -r -s system.dat

             Attrib -h -r -s system.da0

             Attrib -h -r -s user.dat

             Attrib -h -r -s user.dat

            F. If you want to contact product support, type the following to create files you can

             refer to:

             copy system.dat system.bak

             copy system.dat user.bak

            G. Then type:

             copy system.da0 system.dat

             copy user.da0.user.dat

            H. Restart the computer.

11. To make a startup disk for Windows 95, Start, Settings, Control Panels, Add/Remove programs, startup disk, create disk (make sure disk is not locked, and also s/b IBM formatted as we found out).

12. To startup from an emergency disk (If Windows 95 does not show up at all), After the ÒAÓ prompt, type a ÒcÓ, then after that, s/b Òc:\>CD\windows, then C:\Windows                Go to step D

13. To share PC files, start, settings, control panels, file and printer sharing for MS networks, add, choose ÒserviceÓ, add, Microsoft, restart.

14. Once a CD would not come out, the paper clip was used. Also to eject, you can go to my computer, click ÒDÓ drive, open, click eject.

15. To restart on Windows 3.1, hit control, alt, delete. In windows 95, use ÒShut DownÓ. To see the system setup, hit control, alt, enter when the computer is starting up. From there, hit alt, b to boot up the computer.

16. CD in lab has CD tray missing, which is why it does not open.

17. 3.1 drivers will work on Win 95 stuff, but not vice versa.

18. Network printer setup s/b same as individual setup (but did not seem to work).

19. Format as ÒDOS 1.4Ó not ÒProDOS 1.4Ó to work on IBM compatible.

20. A disk error occurs if a non startup floppy disk is in the drive when starting up (IBM does not kick out the floppy like a Mac does when starting up).

21. Serial Ports -9 pins, Parallel Ports-25 Pins.

22. OK and apply are different. OK closes and applies whatever changes are made. Apply makes changes without closing the window. Apply button is gray until you make a change somewhere.

23. Used ÒInstallÓ file on the CD from Bobby to help.

24. To set the size of the taskbar, go to control panels, display, Active Title Bar, change the font so that it changes the active title bar size also (automatically). If you change the active title bar size without changing the font size and/or they are disproportionate to each other, click and drag the taskbar on the screen.

25. To use Scandisk when an error message appears, type the letter that is in white (or the arrow keys If they are on the screen) i.e. Fix Disk instead of using the mouse.

26. To switch to a different program that is on the taskbar, hit alt and tab.

27. The ÒXÓ button will close a program and NOT leave it on the taskbar.

28. Start, Settings, Taskbar, can turn it on and off (to see it when off, just go to the area on the screen where it usually is, using the mouse). You can also drag the area where the taskbar is to resize it.

29. Documents keeps track of recent documents (even after restarting).

30. Drag and drop to start menu for new things (or use Settings, Taskbar, start menu items).

31. Using ÒRunÓ in windows, you can simply type in fileÕs name instead of a:, b: etc.

32. When looking in windows, delete key moves ÒUpÓ one folder.

33. If you forget to save from a program, the computer will ask you to when shutting down.

34. Control key and mouse click Òright clicksÓ and allows selection of multiple items.

35. Can copy a file (control, c) and paste (control, v) to anywhere else.

36. When you delete a shortcut, the original is not deleted and vice versa.

37. If you create a shortcut to a printer, you can drag a file to it to make the file print.

38. To make a program or shortcut start up at beginning, Go to start (right click on it), open, program, startup (put shortcut in there).

39. You can minimize startup items onto the taskbar by highlighting the file and going to file, properties. Although control panel display and printers have bug in them, they do not totally minimize themselves. Two other shortcuts did minimize (appear on taskbar only).

40. On the Screen Team screen saver, after installing it from the disk, I had to highlight the name of the application, go to file, then install (to set it up to work with display properties control panel, the screen saver control panel).

41. IBMÕs will not startup from a CD (not with Windows 95, anyhow. In the future...?).

42. IBMÕs usually do come with a CD-ROM Drive.

43. To normally start up from a floppy, after the a:\ prompt, type c: (return), then ÒdirÓ (return), then ÒCD windowsÓ (return), then Òwin.Ó

44. To create a startup disk, go to my computer, then PC Disk-C, options, view All file types. Click on command, config.sys and auto.exe and drag to disk A (with IBM formatted disk inserted).

45. To start up in safe mode or a different mode, hit the ÒF8Ó button when Òstarting windows 95Ó is on the screen.

46. If the ÒstartÓ icon is missing, try looking at the taskbar settings under the Start Menu and uncheck ÒautohideÓ or go to the bottom of the screen and wait for the vertical arrow to appear, then drag the taskbar up into view.

47. To print a picture of the screen, hit print screen button on keyboard, then paste into a word processing program (MS WordPad, not notepad), then print. Make sure that the ÒnumlockÓ light is not on. If it is, hit the numlock button. To resize the picture, you can click on the corners and drag. (In other programs, there may be print options).

            A. Sometimes the screen may get ÒsplotchyÓ, so I went to control panels, display, then settings. Set it to 24 bit and it worked without splotches.

48. When trying to install a program, and you get a Òfatal errorÓ. Might try going to the manufacturerÕs website to see work around solutions. Otherwise, look to make sure no other application is open and no virus protection is on (look at bottom right hand corner). If not, reinstall application and then perhaps, Windows.

49. Disk drives are usually either A or B.

50. Alt, F4 is the same as hitting shut down. When the dialog box appears, If shut down is not chosen, then hit Òalt, SÓ to make it chosen.

51. GUI-Graphical User Interface.

52. To change a windowÕs height, use the top and bottom borders (does not work on a Mac, though).

53. To close a program, double click on the top left icon on the window or hit Alt, F4. or click on the icon once and then go to file, close. Or go to file, close.

54. To use a keyboard shortcut, hit ÒAlt, and FÓ for file, Alt and V for view etc. Then hit the command you want without hitting the alt key.

55. to display the start menu, hit ÒtabÓ and when dashed border appears around ÒstartÓ hit enter. Or hit ÒcontrolÓ and escapeÓ.

            A. then you can type any of the underlined letters and quickly go to the command you want i.e. Control Panel.

56. Windows 95 still adds the 3 digit extension to a filename, so that it associates itself with the correct application.

57. Escape works the same as cancel (same as Mac).

58. To find files, you may use Ò*netÓ to find all files that end in Net, use Ònet*Ó to find all files that begin with net or Ò*net* to find all files that have net in them somewhere.

59. The ÒRunÓ command can be used for installing new programs.

60. If you click once on Òmy computerÓ and then hit enterÓ, the window will open.

61. Start, programs, windows explorer lets you get a ÒfullÓ view of the computerÕs files.

62. Control, alt, delete restarts the computer (warm boot).

63. Start, programs, accessories, multimedia, media player will play audio sounds as well as .avi movies (If I had one).

64. Folders in Windows explorer with a plus sign by them indicate that there are subfolders within the folder.

65. To tile windows on the screen, have one or more windows open and ÒrightÓ click (shift click with Virtual PC) and hit tile horizontally or vertically.

66. To shiftthroughopen windows, hit alt and tab until the program you want is highlighted. Or hit alt, escape until your wanted program is active.

67. Clipboard viewer is not available with Virtual PC 2.0.

68. If you click the I beam at the end of a line and then hold down shift while hitting Òhome,Ó then that whole line will be highlighted.

If you click the I beam at the beginning of a line and then hold down shift while hitting Òend,Ó then that whole line will be highlighted.

69. Windows NT (New Technology) was designed for larger businessesÕ networking needs.

70. With windows 3.1, If the screen becomes blank except for the Program Manager, then double click on the Program Manager icon.

71. To use the Sound manager requires a sound card, also a microphone that plugs into the sound card.

72. To use Winzip ($29.95, as of 1/06) to zip (stuff) files, just drag and drop a file onto the Winzip icon.

73. WAVE sound files may be opened with Sound Recorder.

74. Control, Alt, delete exits from a frozen program.

75. Bobby uses drag and drop to copy disks. Although I got AppleÕs Disk Copy 6.3 to work.

76. When saving a picture for best compatibility, use .BMP, although it may be too large to fit on a single disk. GIF is probably okay, too. Best to use the Paintbrush application to open files.

77. To install a DOS program from a floppy (or CD for that matter would be e:), go to start, run, type a:\install and then enter.

            A. A DOS program usually should not install from Control Panel, setting, add new hardware.

            B. I tried this for installing Clip Art on CarmenÕs computer, however, still would not install, even through restarting in DOS, using Windows Explorer and clicking on all install.bat files (files may not install due to incompatibility with versions of DOS). Aaron installed the clip art, eventually, however, then the Word processing program that was used in conjunction with the clip art kept getting disk errors.

78. For KarenÕs clip art, I created a new folder called clipart on the C drive before restarting in DOS .

             To restart in DOS mode, go to shut down, restart in DOS mode, then hit enter. In DOS mode, you can type a: (return), then type the word install (return). Although this way is not preferable since not all CD drivers may not be available.

            A. For KarenÕs clip art, after restarting in DOS, I then hit the number Ò2Ó, which was for installing all files, then (install c:\clipart). This procedure worked on my Virtual PC at home, but not on CarmenÕs computer. When you got to the Ò1-look at files, 2-install all files, 3-install some filesÓ screen, the computer would not let you type anything at that point.

            B. Later, found out that Aaron did an additional step in DOS, he typed ÒC: (enter)Ó and then typed Òmd stuff (enter)Ó (make directory) and then did Òa:Ó and then ÒinstallÓ.

            C. If you type dir, it lists the directory.

            B. To exit DOS, at prompt, type exit. (maybe win sometimes).

79. On one Windows (TDÕs house) machine, there was an internal modem. I plugged the phone line into the left phone jack and a regular phone into the right phone jack on the back of the computer. With AOL, I had to choose Com Port 4 for the modem to work properly.

80. TO delete files with Windows 3.1, use the file manager to delete files or use dos delete command.

81. To see machine information: Run DOS, then type c:MSD.

82. This is an illegal operation error message means that instructions are not able to be ÒdecodedÓ. You should reboot the computer. Hopefully, the error will go away. If the problem returns, it means that either the program is corrupted or the System Software is corrupted. Best to uninstall, then reinstall program, then system, If necessary.

            A. Phil (from bowling) said that if you need to reinstall a program, you should use the Add/Remove function in the Start Menu, that way, corrupted info is not left in the registry.

            B. Donna and I talked about illegal operations, and she said that it means that the computer may not have liked your key commands. You may slow down or check the computer for corruption (she was not sure if the registry may have a problem).

83. .exe are files that start programs, setup.exe are programs that are used to setup a program.

84. When installing software with windows, .dll files are also installed with many programs. These .dll files are often retained in he system, which bog or slow it down.

            A. According to VPC, .dll is an application extensions (DLL may be an acronym). DRV are device drivers.

85. S.M. had a problem with her Aptiva computer. The DOS prompt kept coming up upon startup. Looked in startup folder to find several startup items, which I removed. MS Prompt was not one of them.

            A. Bob said you could check in startup folder, which I did (not there). Also you could go to Start, run, type sysedit, then open win.ini, look for start= or lead= and delete either that is found.

            B. Could be virus, but reinstalling Windows would solve the problem (also could speed up the computer).

86. SondraÕs (janitor at school) CD player was intermittent in playing CDÕs. If you blew on the CD player, it will play them sometimes. I gave her the ÒAudio CD cleanerÓ and it cleaned the CD-ROM drive. The CD-ROM drive worked after that.

87. At the website, there was some formats that required PKZip to unzip the files. This program can be downloaded from

88. A PS/2 mouse is one that has those six pins and a plastic rectangular piece in it (looks a little like a Mac printer cable). The serial connector mouse is one that looks similar to a SCSI but with much fewer pins (like 9).

89. To type a À in IMB, you must press and hold down the Òalt/optionÓ key and then type in 0191. If you type in 0190, it will give you the symbol for 3/4.

90. Among IBM and UNIX users, UUencoding is popular, Source (NC 4 book, Glossary).

            A. UUencoding is the process of encoding binary data to allow it to be transmitted as 7-bit ASCII info. The info is then Uuencoded into its original binary form.

91. IEEE 1284 is for Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 1/2/84.

92. Harley Hahn page 830 says that Windows 2000 is the new name for Window NT.

93. When trying to help Rosa set up her computer at HermanaÕs place (behind the restaurant), I could get a picture to save a .jpg format to a floppy disk (I think it was using HP software, since it is an HP scanner), I could not get it to open.

            A. I could open the .jpg picture from the HD, but not from the disk.

            B. IE 5, HP software and AOL would all not open the picture from the disk, but they would from the HD. I think this is because the floppy disk did not have the room to expand the file on it, since it was compressed in JPEG format.

94. Wallpaper should be in bmp format, according to

95. Marilyn had trouble with her Outlook Express software. She tried to send me some e-mail a couple weeks ago and it was returned. Every time, then she went to go read her mail, the error messages kept showing up.

            A. I went to the screen where the ÒinboxÓ was shown. I clicked and held down on ÒinboxÓ so that the ÒoutboxÓ was showing. Then I deleted the two e-mails that kept trying to be sent. The error messages did not appear when trying to read mail after that.

96. has info on Windows keyboard shortcuts i.e. hold the Windows logo key and press the letter ÒMÓ to minimize all windows at once or press and hold the Alt key and then tabthroughopen programs and documents.

97. According to Access Magazine from 1/28/2001, you can use the Start, Remove programs to take out all parts of a program.

98. has information on changing Window icons.

99. Rob has 95 version of virus checker only.

100. KW recommended Reader Rabbit for teaching kids to read, when using an IBM.

            A. DG said anything made by Reader Rabbit or Jump Start Software is good, also.

101. Tourbus from May 15, 2001, mentions a book called ÒThe Book That Should Have Come with Your ComputerÓ is a great easy to understand reference book, that is not too technical. You can buy it at

102. 2000 Guinness Book of World Records: p. 281 says that the CIH virus is

capable of irreversibly altering a computer's BIOS chip, which can make a

computer totally useless.

103. I made an ISO 9660 CD with Toast and it worked on DonnaÕs computer with Windows 98 Plus.

            A. I was setting up our USB Zip drive to see if it worked on her computer. I had to install the IomegaWare software (which I downloaded for Windows 98 from and only then did the Zip drive mount.

            B. I only got one error after copying about 500 or 600 MB between some Zip Disks and the HD (to/from). Scan Disk said that the disks appeared to be fine.

            C. I also discovered that when trying to copy something, it does not work. It simply says Òdo you want to create a shortcut here?Ó, instead.

104. Phone line would not work well on HP Pavilion xg836 with Windows Me and AOL 5.0 at PhiladelphiaÕs Garden Inn Hotel. Kept disconnecting. I disconnected and reconnected phone lines and it improved greatly.

105. To print to a different print with windows, choose print, then select a different printer with the pop-up window.

106. to print in black and white. Select print, then press the button

for properties, choose advanced, then select print in gray (s),

then accept, then accept again (I think this is correct).

107. Control C can be used to copy. Control V to paste.

108. Control, Alt, Q is the @ symbol at least on one keyboard in Mexico. The number "2" does not produce the "at" symbol, even though it is listed with the number "2" on its key.

109. Tidbits from 8/6/2001 lists The Naked PC, WoodyÕs Watch and Lockergnome as good PC e-mailing lists.

110. The Sony laptop that TM bought would not work with our Epson CD software, because the CD was for Windows 95 and 98. The laptop has Windows 2000 on it. TM was able to connect to the printer using a Òparallel typeÓ cable, not a USB cable.

            A. The driver for Windows 2000 can be downloaded from

111. Microsoft Word 97 on MarilynÕs laptop had a problem. Each time you tried to make a new ÒblankÓ documentÓ, a page with Crookham staff notes appeared. I tried making a new template and the new template was fine. However, the default was still the page with the Crookham staff notes already on it. I suggested that we reinstall the software, which Mike Gilbertson needed to do (since he has the CDÕs).

            A. Bobby said you can go to Tools, options and should find a solution there. I think I looked there, but I am not certain. Anyhow, he said reinstalling the program could work as well.

112. Microsoft (listed in Tuesday, Oct. 23rdÕs Modesto Bee) sells a keyboard that works with both Mac and Windows, it comes complete with drivers for both platforms.

113. To select my custom dictionary when using Crossword Maker program, double click on the Magic Standard Custom Dictionary, and my dictionary showed up.

            A. If you go to the option menu, you can choose either EZ or Full menus.

            B. To add words to the dictionary, go to dictionary, register new words. When you are on the dictionary listing, click on information to see the words in the dictionary. There does not appear to be a way to delete words individually. I checked the help menu.

            C. The CD does not have to be in the drive for the program to run.

114. could not open my jpg picture on my friends computer (I think she has windows). So, I tried formatting a disk with DOS (must have PC exchange installed), then copying Ryan.jpg to the floppy. Then I opened Virtual PC and then opened the floppy. I copied the picture to my IBM HD (Drive C). Then I tried to open the picture, it opened with IE 5.

115. Donna has a built in CD burner with NEC and she likes it a lot.

116. When having internal modem problems, try powering down computer, unplugging. If that does not work, try using the Òphone dialerÓ (or some other similar name) and see if it works. Also, can try going to control panel, modem and run diagnostics.

117. According to Tourbus 1/10/02, there is nothing that can be done to prevent fragmentation on a Windows computer.

118. Tourbus 1/12/02 says that NSD is better than MicrosoftÕs Disk Defragmenter is.

119. has an article on backing up for IBM.

            A. It says you can Right click on the recycle bin to determine how much space your Recycle bin will take up.

            B. The article also suggests that you can use CleanSweep or Clean9x.bat programs to backup a HD. You can find them at

            C. The article also suggests that you can make smaller partitions, and make extra hard drives, i.e. a D, E and F drive. The smaller drives could be useful for backups, only backup that particular drive. The article also says that you can mix partition types, you can create and NTFS partition for XP or WIn2K, and have other partitions set as FAT32 or FAT16.

            D. The article says that he downloads ÒBIOS updatesÓ.

            E. The article says that FDISK, which is part of Windows/DOS, will help you do partitioning. has some links for free partitioning tools.

            F. The article also suggests that if youÕre on a network, you can temporarily copy your files to a different computerÕs HD, you can use an online storage device or you can send yourself e-mail.

            G. The articles also says that MSBackup, which comes with Windows 98, can be used for a backup program. If not installed, you can add it by using the Add/Remove Software control panel. ItÕs in the Windows setup tab under system tools.

            H. can help you find backup programs, that do not require you to be there. You can also use

            I. The writer also mentions that WinME has a backup applet on the setup CD.

            J. is a place for finding a free tool for personal use. IT allows you to copy chunks on your HD from one location to another.

            K. The article suggests using a CD spindle for inexpensive and easy storage. Although, I think access would be a problem.

            L. is a place to find Winzip, a Windows compression program.

            M. The author uses a program called ÒDrive ImageÓ to backup his hard drive.

            N. The author says at that if Direct Memory Access is accidentally turned off, it may cause your computer to slow down. In Win9x and ME, it is found in the Device ManagerÕs IDE/ATA controllerÕs advanced settings. Go to control panel, System, Device Manager, Properties, Direct Memory Access.

            O. He also says at that you can got to and test your e-mail system. If it can open attachments, you are in trouble, but it only sends you a text message to let you know.

            P. He also says at that if you right click on an unopened e-mail, select ÒpropertiesÓ, then the details tab, select Òmessage sourceÓ to read the e-mail in a safe manner. You can then decide if it is SPAM or whatever.

120. Windows XP is after ME.

121. Alt Gr and the "Q" allow you to type the "@" symbol on some computers in Mexico.

            A. To print in gray on the Internet computers in Wal*Mart, go to archivo, imprimir, propiedades, avanzadas, choose "imprimir en escala de grises". To print in reverse order, go to archivo, imprimir, propiedades, characteristicas, then choose "iniciar impresion desde la ultima pagina" (On one occasion, I could not get the avanzadas window to come up on the screen, because it was already open. I went to the task bar and opened it from there).

122. Langalist from 3/4/02 mentions that there is a free defrag tool at Langalist from 3/4/02 also mentions that has some items for your desktop. It also mentions, which has PC Info. is a site for lawn mower racing info.

123. NH bought computer at Costco, but she was not sure what kind of computer they have.

            A. They have AOL, but they have been using TCP/IP or something similar, I think, to connect. They have been still able to use AOL, but not using AOL's connection.

            B. There is not a TCP/IP control panel with Virtual PC for Windows 95, but there is a modem control panel.

124. Langalist (/10/02) mentions that you can buy a $70 program, if you lose your Windows NT/2000/XP password.

            A. I unsubscribed from Langalist on 4/10/02, since I keep getting behind on reading.

125. Tourbus from 3/12/02 mentions how to turn down the volume on a modem with Windows 98 or XP.

126. sells parts for Windows computers.

127. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 323 says that if a floppy disk gets stuck in a PC, use a pair of long nose pliers to remove it.

128. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 323 says that a PC cannot read a Mac-formatted disk.

129. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 323 says that after a floppy disk drive is installed on a PC, you should run ÒSetupÓ program.

130. has basic info on DOS commands, according to Langalist from 4/4/02.

131. KW said that if you right click on a file, you can choose Òcopy to...Ó and choose the location. But, on TMÕs laptop, it did not work (may be a different version of Windows, than KW knew the shortcut for).

132. Windows XP is on GB's computer.

133. I got an old compute from Sue Huber. It is an ATS computer and the dates on the startup info indicate 1985-1994. Sue said it worked at one time (about a year ago) with Windows on it, but now it goes through the startup (bunch of words on the screen) and then stops after it says something about the CPU clock speed and something about memory. When you first turn it on, the computer may a strange high pitched squeal and then tries to startup. DG said that it sounds like the auto exec file may be corrupted, which is not hard to fix. She also said that she has a floppy disk that can be used to start up the computer. I sent her an e-mail to remind her about it, so she can perhaps make me a copy. Donna said that I may be able to find a basic autoexec.bat file (one that simply initializes modem, keyboard, etc.) on the Internet. She said that an autoexec.bat file is usually at the root level of the HD. Donna also said that is you go to the command prompt and type sys a:  (Enter), it may help you in the situation to find (or access?) the autoexec.bat file. I tried this on Virtual PC and I got an error. I used my Ô95 Windows startup floppy. After inserting the floppy, it said Òstarting windows 95Ó, then the A:\> (I think it is the called the A: prompt) showed up. I tried entering A: (enter), but I had no luck. It just showed the ÒAÓ prompt again. My Windows 95 CD would not start up the ATS computer. I called Donna and she suggested typing in dir c:\, which I did, but I got an invalid drive specification error. She suggested typing in c: to see if the ÒCÓ drive were recognized (being upper or lower case does not matter, DG said), but it was not. I typed in b: and the computer said to insert a disk into drive B (I think the ÒBÓ drive is the 5 1/4Ó drive). DG said that the ÒCÓ drive is not being recognized, so it probably either has a loose connection (which I can check out) or there is internal damage to the computer. It would probably not be worth it to take to a shop, since they may charge $100 to $150 just to look at it. DG did not understand what they would do to the drive, but most likely Òrepair itÓ (Reed agreed with this determination). She also said there may be problems with the FAT (File Allocation Table). I did open the inside, but there were no loose wires that I could see. It did have an internal battery. I also saw that the processor was able to be popped out with a screwdriver. Anyhow, I trashed the computer. She was not sure if my Windows 95 CD-ROM would be able to start up the computer or not, meaning a floppy may be more workable. Donna has one, if I would like to use it (5/20/02). has info on making a ÒrealÓ bootable Windows 95 or 98 disk. has info on upgrading from Win 3.1 to 95. This webpage recommends the book Ò"Windows 95 Secrets" by Brian LivingstonÓ.

134. I may want to make a Windows 98 and a Windows 2000 startup floppy disk.

135. Reed said that XP drivers tend to be somewhat different than drivers for 95/98.

136. The Run prompt is for DOS solely, the MS-DOS prompt is for running DOS from within Windows, according to Reed.

137. Reed said that BIOS and CMOS updates can be found at the web site of manufacturerÕs (Microsoft and HP have these, according to Reed).

            A. At startup, you can see what version of BIOS is in use. You may have to press a key to freeze the screen, Reed said.

            B. To update the BIOS, you need to start up from a floppy disk.

            C. To update the CMOS, you do not need to open the computer. CMOS is a chip on the logic board.

138. Matt did not know about any troubleshooting books, but said may have some reviews that may be helpful. DG said she learned through trial and error.

            A. Reed says that Windows has its own website (Microsoft). has a search engine, which can answer many questions about problems, according to Reed. I may want to use it to search for solutions to the DSL/Alcatel/HP problem with HB (she has Windows 98 Second Edition).

139. explains that Windows 1.0 came out in 11/85. Windows 2.0 came out in Fall, 1987. Windows/286 and Windows 386 were released. Windows 3.0 was released in 5/90. Windows 3.1 was released in 4/92, and later 3.11 was released. Then Windows for Workgroups, NT were released. Windows 95 was released in 8/95 Windows CE is for handheld PCs. Windows 98 was released in 6/98. Windows NT 5.0, as of 11/98 became known as ÒWindows 2000, making NT a ÒmainstreamÓ operating system. Windows 2000 was released in 2/2000. Windows ME was released in 9/2000 (Windows Me is basically just an upgrade to the DOS-based code on which previous Windows versions have been built). Windows XP was released in 10/2001 (which ÒdoesnÕt ignore the past-old DOS and Windows programs will still run, and may even run betterÓ). Hardware situation may be different, according to Reed.

140. I may want to take a Windows Troubleshooting class through CTAP or see if there is a troubleshooting book that they recommend.

141. I should record the name of the file being downloaded, otherwise, files are hard to determine what hardware they use.

142. If you go to Settings, control panel, display, you can select 3D text as a screen saver.

            A. Donna had a uspslogo.bmp that she put into the Windows folder. Then she went to the display control panel and made it her background. I tried this with Virtual PC and it worked. This may be different though in Windows 2000 Profession (see Windows 2000 Profession #8 MM for more info).

143. There was a Gateway computer at school temporarily in 6/02. It made a horrible sound when running. I discovered that if I disconnected the CD-ROM drive, the sound was greatly diminished, but not accessible then. I took the case apart (it was shoddily put back on) and after putting it together correctly, the CD-ROM was accessible and not nearly as noisy.

144. Page xiv and xv of my Microsoft Windows 95 book (for use with Virtual PC) talks about installing Windows 95, but it does not sound like it is very difficult (I did successful format the drive and install Windows 98 on HBÕs Pavilion).

145. If turning off numlock does not work on Windows, then press return, add your desired word(s), then delete the carriage return.

146. If using Word Pad, you may be only able to have one document open at a time. If using Microsoft, you may be able to have more than one document open at a time.

147. If it is difficult to read some text using Word Pad, make the window bigger.

148. When you cannot resize a window with Windows by using the Minimize or Restore buttons, use the Close button to close the window, then open again (may only be temporary solution, but it works).

149. If you have trouble reading your typing in a small comments box on a web page, copy and paste from another application.

150. On Windows computer, if you have trouble resizing a window to fit on the computer and you recently changed resolutions, it may be good to change the resolution back to previous state, resize the window, change resolution back to desired setting.

151. Learn to Use Windows 95 video explains that if upgrading from 3.1 to 95, you should close all applications to allow as much fee memory as possible.

152. Learn to Use Windows 95 video explains that you can choose toolbar under the view menu in a window to see a pop up menu, along with some other tools. You can choose to view by details to get more information on icons.

153. Learn to Use Windows 95 video explains that when using the run command, it has a pop down menu of the last 10 run commands used (unless you have not used it at all).

154. You can have an additional name for your ÒCÓ drive, right click on your ÒCÓ drive. Both names appear on the ÒCÓ drive, then.

155. You can close a window by right clicking (and choosing close from the pop up menu) on its icon on the taskbar or you can go to File, Close in the window.

156. You can use the Control key to move (instead of copy) a file, according to Learn to Use Windows 95 Video. However, Help in Virtual PC (Windows 95) says CTRL can be used to select more than one file. With Virtual PC, I was able to select more than one file using the Control Key, I was not able to move a file (instead of copy) using the Control Key. Actually, if I did not hold down the Control Key (using the Mac keyboard), then I was able to move (instead of copy). You can also use the ÒSend ToÓ command to copy a file to a different location.

157. Learning to Use Windows 95 (overall, the video is not very impressive, in terms of technical and script) says that when you make a copy of an executable file (System or program file) within the same disk, you make a shortcut, not a copy.

158. UNC stands for ÒUniform Naming ConventionÓ or ÒUniversal Naming ConventionÓ, which is a convention for specifying directories, servers and other resources on a network (often uses slashes or backslashes).

159. Zeus is a motherboard manufacturer.

160. Phil recommends using search engines to find Windows solutions to problems.

161. 9/4/02 Tourbus says that Norton Tools has a feature that can ÒundeleteÓ items from the Recycle Bin.

162. has good PC and Mac supplies, but they do not accept purchase orders (Todd from I.S. told me about them). are good as well for PC supplies and they take purchase orders.

163. Donna's cable modem uses an Ethernet connection (not a USB connection). She has a Surfboard SB3100D Cable Modem.

164. The baseball CD in Cocoa Puffs (4/03) is for Windows only.

165. To add an icon to the taskbar in Windows 2000, just drag an applicationÕs icon onto the taskbar. To add or delete from the startup menu, go to Startup, Settings, Taskbar and Startup menu, then advanced (may need to look for the location of startup items to trash them).

166. Computer Care 101 from Patrick Crispin suggests that to run Scan Disk on

Windows, go to Start, Programs, Accessories, ScanDisk. If Scan Disk keeps restarting, boot into Safe Mode (Restart and repeatedly press the F8 Key). In Windows 2000 or XP, a program called CheckDisk is used. Go to Start, Run, type in Chkdsk There is also a program called Disk Defragmenter. It suggests one way to help avoid viruses is to go to My Computer, Tools, Folder Options, View, Uncheck "Hide file extensions for known file types." Computer Care 101 also suggests looking at (when you go to the URL; however, you get taken to for info on security. The presentation states that PC World, May 2002 says that defragmentation does not increase a computer's performance, it just helps files from getting destroyed. This may be true on PC's, but I did not think it was true for Macs until I read Tidbits #686.

167. I tried to open an Excel file that was on CMÕs floppy disk. However, when I tried to copy it (along with 2 other files) to the iLampÕs HD, I got an error, when copying all the contents. Then I copied the file individually and it worked. However, the file still would not open. I got an error that said that, ÒLibro1.xls cannot be accessed. The file may be read-only, or you may be trying to access a read-only location. Or, the server the document is stored on may not be responding.Ó I could not open it with Excel 98 on the G3 or the iLamp. Also, 2004 Excel could not open it (even from within the application with 98 or 2004). Using NDE nor use VPC (Read only was not checked, archive was checked). Copying to a different location did not work either. suggests using Windows Explorer, right clicking on the file, select properties, remove the check from ÔRead Only, click Archive, click Apply, OK, and try to open it again. says that Ò

Sometimes, a user will work on a file on the hard drive and transfer it to a zip or floppy by using the "save as" command. This works, but now under the "File" drop down menu, the file listed is a reference to the zip or floppy, rather than the hard drive copy- thus if the zip or floppy is not in the drive, you will get that error message too.Ó I tried copying the file to Virtual PC on the G3/233 and then checking on the properties of the document. Read Only was unchecked, also Archive was checked. Then I copied the file back to the Mac HD. Still would not open. I could not attempt to solve the libro Excel spreadsheet problem on the DEC, because the network was down, and the DEC could not sign on (I could not even sign in as workstation only).

168. GM hooked up his BJC-4550 printer to the 5400, but it did not work. He had connected the printer to the computer using the parallel port on the 4550 and the SCSI port on the 5400, which did fit. But the computer would not start up. After disconnecting the printer, the computer started fine.

169. lists keyboard commands for typing some special characters. For example, you can type an "–" by pressing Alt, 0241 (wait one second). You can type "„" by pressing Alt, 0209 (wait one second) (I had to use the numeric keypad, not the numbers two rows above the "home row"). In Room 60, on the Microsoft keyboard, there was a Number Lock key,but it just said "NUM" on it. You have to make sure that "F Lock" is engaged (on the left hand side of the keyboard first). Then you can turn NUM on and off (the indicator light is on the left hand side of the keyboard).

170. MV said that you can hold down the power key on a Mac laptop for a few seconds to restart the computer, even if it is frozen. He said it may work on a PC, also (not sure).

171. When trying to connect an HP 2100 tn laser printer or an Epson Stylus C84 to the Dell in the preschool, I could not get either printer to work. I thought that the drivers would come with Windows XP, but neither driver was present (probably because Epson and HP printers (with the Dell in preschool) were probably newer than

Windows XP 2002 with Service Pack 2). The computer was able to determine the names of the printers, but the software was not present. The CDs were nowhere to be found and the DELL was not connected to the internet. I tried even using a USB connection instead of a parallel connection without luck. Finally, I burned the Epson CD driver onto a CD in my room and used the CD to install on the DELL. Now the Epson prints with the DELL. I tried downloading HP's driver for the Lasejet 2100 TN (for Windows XP 2002 SP 2) from the website (see above URL), and the web page indicated that the file to be downloaded was an .exe file. However, after downloading the files (the website indicated that they were pcl files, which is Printer Control Language (Hewlett Packard). The files said they would end in .exe, but the files were actually called CoreRedirect.jsp files. Needless to say, the files did not install anything. It just asked what program you want to use to open the .jsp files). I e-mailed HP about this on 2/22/05. I did not receive a reply.

172. I tried to download Realplayer 10 for Windows on my iLamp, but the web site would not allow me. Finally, I e-mailed and they suggested using, which I did, and I used it to download Realplayer 10 for Windows.

173. PC said that .exe files can be compressed, but .zip files cannot (i.e. WinZip program itself cannot be compressed).

174. QT 6.5.2 not a stand alone installer for Windows, even though AppleÕs web site said it was.

175.  I tried to use the Zenith View all with a Dell Laptop. I could hook it up, but the Display Control Panel could not make the resolution any lower than 800 X 600, so I could not put it on 640 X 480. So, it would not work.

176. To change the size of a picture, use the application Imaging. It is under the Start Menu, under Accessories. Go to Page, Properties, Resolution.

177. Switching to the Mac page 133 says that Microsoft Outlook (for Windows) is expensive, Outlook Express is free. Page 403 says that the Briefcase is usually used to update a laptop with a desktop computer. Also, directories are called folders on the Mac.

178. explains that the Registry was introduced in Windows 95 (one way to access the Registry is to go to Run, type RegEdit). It is defineed as a database in which Windows keeps track of the relationships between hardware and software. It stores all the settings an doptions for the operating system, hardware, software, users, and preferences of the PC. It also manages your startup system options, and keeps track of all the software that is installed. RegSeeker is a highly rated (and free) register cleaner that Bob Rankin likes (there is a link contained within the article).

179. Joe had trouble downloading and installing a Windows font from the internet. I helped him and discovered that the file had to be unzipped with WinZip, which I did. I then tried to ÒInstall new FontÓ using the Font control panel, but could not navigate to the folder that contained the font. Instead I dragged a copy of the font to the Fonts folder. Then Microsoft Word had the font in its font menu.

180. Troubleshooting Windows 2000 page xvii mentions a troubleshooting site ( with a code to access it, but the site does not load. Page 16 says that the way to make a shortcut on the Desktop is to Ctrl drag an item from the Start Menu to the Desktop. Page 18 says that an Active Desktop (as opposed to a standard Desktop) can be a drain on system resources. An Active Desktop can display live content from the web, your own web page, links to other locations, or just about anything you can put on a web page. Page 21 explains that you can right-click on the Desktop and choose Arrange byÉ Page 21 says that if you accidentally delete something, right-click on it and then choose undo delete (or undo move, as the case may be). On the DEC, I needed to choose Restore. Page 22 explains that Control Panels/Internet Options/Advanced/Browsing section allows you to show/not show IE on the Desktop. Page 33 suggests how to make a program run when starting up Windows: drag the icon to the Start button, wait for the menu to appear, move icon to the Start Menu/Programs/Startup folder. Additionally, you can click on Start Menu, and then drag them from anywhere on the menu to move it (trash it, etc.)Page 37 says that you can access Disk Defragmenter by going to Start Menu/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Disk Defragmenter. Page 39 says that NTFS (NT File System) provides the most options for disk management and security; but disks in FAT or FAT32 format allow mor einteroperability with other operating systems. Page 53 says that Windows doesnÕt support compressing and encrypting the same item. Page 38-39 says that Disk Cleanup (right-click on the HD, choose Properties, select Disk Cleanup) can be used to free up space. Page 54 says that if you encrypt a folder, be sure to Òencrypt contents to secure dataÓ (by right-clicking on the folder, properties, General Tab, Advanced). Page 55 says that non-NTFS formatted drives do not allow encryption. Page 99 says that usually when you attach a serial or parallel device, it is often not detected automatically. Page 100 suggests that you log on to Windows as an administrator (which rzelenski apparently is), then right-click My Computer, click Manage on the shortcut menu, then select Device Manager. Page 101 says that .inf files are information files. Page 106 says that if you right-click on My Network Places on the desktop, then select Properties, then right-click your connection, select Status to see internet speed. The rebuilt DEC is 100 Mbps as of 1/06. Page 117 indicates that if the network is slow, you can still connect to the internet manually (using dial-up). Page 125 indicates that you can make the computer beep when the Caps Lock or Num Lock key is pressed by going to Control Panel/Accessibility Options, Keyboard, select the Use ToggleKeys Check Box, or to manually turn the feature on/off, hold down the Num Lock key for five seconds. Page 126 says that if you want to change a USB connection from a hub to hooking it directly to the computer, shut down the computer first; otherwise, computer may crash. Page 127 says that if a PS/2 keyboard is connected to the computer while it is running, the keyboard might not be detected, and damage to the computer may result. Page 128 talks about using the Character Map (similar to Key Caps on the Macintosh): go to the Start Menu, System Tools, Character Map. You may want to note the keyboard shortcut at the bottom of the Character Map window (if you use a keyboard shortcut frequently). Page 135 says that pressing F2 renames an item, Alt and F4 closes a window, dialog box, or program. Page 137 talks about changing your password by pressing Ctrl, Alt, Delete, then in the Windows Security Dialog box, choose Change Password, specify your domain and new and old passwords. I did not do this since it may be an issue. Page 140 mentions that you go to Control Panel, Users and Passwords to make is so that a password is required or not to log on. After unchecking the box, the password was still required (probably a network ruling override). So, I unchecked the box again.Page 148 talks about using external modems (perhaps the solutions applies to other items as well): if you have an external modem, make sure it is on and connected to the computer. Right-click My Computer on the Desktop and click Manage on the shortcut menu, in the Computer Management window, at the top of the right pane, right-click Device Manager, then select Computer and right-click to Scan for Hardware changes. This should force Windows to detect and install the modem. Page 159 says that a mouse is detected automatically and you can not add it using the Add/Remove Hardware control panel. Page 163 says that you do not need to turn off the computer when switching mice if the mice are USB; however, donÕt forget to use the unplug hardware or Eject hardware command before removing the mouse (to do this, go to Add/Remove Hardware, use the wizard to unplug/eject hardware). Page 175 says you can right-click on the Desktop to access Properties (to adjust Display Properties): if the "Use this device as the primary monitor" is grayed out, it means that it is already the primary monitor. There is also an option mentioned that you can "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor." There is not an extend the desktop option in WIndows 2000 Professional on the rebuilt DEC. Page 176 says that if you click the identify button in the Display Properties dialog box, you should see a big number "1" or "2" on the monitor. There is not an identify button in Windows 2000 Professional on the rebuilt DEC. Page 179 says that if you reply to an e-mail, the contact should be added to your contact list automatically. If not, click Options on the Tools menu, and on the Send tab, select the ÒAutomatically Put People I Reply To In My Address Book.Ó  There is not a send tab in Windows 2000 Professional on the rebuilt DEC. Page 179 explains that to determine how long Outlook displays a message before being marked as read, go to Tools, Options, Read tab, select the Mark Message Read after displaying for { } seconds tab. There is not a Read tab in Windows 2000 Professional on the rebuilt DEC. Page 180 says that if you have a POP 3 Server, your messages are deleted once you take them off the server, and if you have an HTTP or IMAP server, your messages are still kept on the server even after you download them to your computer. However, I think this setting can be changed on some computers. Page 191 says that Standby Mode makes your computer go into a low power state, while hibernate is where the computer shuts down without closing programs or losing information. Page 192 explains that if you set the computer to go into hibernate mode, you have t turn it back on to wake it up. Page 191 says that if you choose an Open GL screen saver, it will use some of the computerÕs processing power, and the computer might not go into Standby or hibernate mode (if you wish to set the computer to go into one of the modes after a specified period of time). Page 204 says that when a printer is displayed in the Printers Window, click on it, and on the web content of the window or status bar, you can see the status of the printer. Page 205 says that if a printer is not working, you may want to the check the ports by going to My Computer, Manage, in Computer Management, go to System Tools, Device Manager; would want to look at COM or LPT ports. Page 208 says that you either Òspool documents so program finishes printing faster,Ó and Òstart printing after last page is printed,Ó or start printing immediately.Ó Page 209 indicates that often a program is responsible for slowness of printing, may try increasing memory of program or only using when on a fast computer. Page 219 says that to print in MS-DOS (and Windows, too), you can press Shift and Print Screen, you should then go to the Paint program and then paste; print from Paint program. Page 223 says that if you do not have enough free space, then Windows will not allow you to remove a program; Windows makes a backup of the program in case anything goes wrong in the removal process. If there is not enough free space, use Disk Cleanup to free up some room. Page 237 says that (if you are having display problems): if you do not have a new driver for a monitor, remove it, and Windows will install a new one upon startup. Page 237 also says that you cannot change display settings while in Safe Mode. Page 238 suggests that it is important for the box ÒHide Modes that this monitor cannot displayÓ is checked, since this will help to avoid problems. Page 238 says that only refresh rates that wonÕt damage your monitor are listed, if Windows has identified your monitor correctly. Page 245 says that Control + Shift + Escape can open the Task Manager. Page 249 says that if you put your computer into hibernate mode, you can access it more rapidly than powering off (you can set up a password for the computer to be accessed after hibernating). I set up the computer to hibernate on 2/27/06, by checking the Òenable hibernate supportÓ box. I have a Windows 2000 Professional CD (265 talks about booting up with it), but I could not start up with it.

Page 266 says that if you go to the Start Menu, Programs, then Startup, you can see what will startup when the computer logs in. Page 267 says that other programs may not be listed in Startup, but may start up anyhow: Go to System Tools/System Information/Software Environment. Page 267 says that other programs may not be listed in Startup, but may start up anyhow: Go to System Tools/System Information/Software Environment. Page 270 explains that you can alphabetize the Start Menu by right-clicking on it, and then selecting ÒSort by Name.Ó Page 273 explains that if you access the Start Menu/Settings/Taskbar and Start Menu, you can choose to ÒExpand Control Panel,Ó ÒExpand My Documents,Ó or ÒScroll the Program Menu.Ó On the rebuilt DEC, though, it does not make a difference. I think because the Programs all fit on the screen (after highlighting the Programs menu). Page 277 explains that you can add your own folders to the Start Menu by Right-Clicking the Start button, then Explore or Explore All Users on the shortcut menu; in the folders area, expand the subfolders under the Start Menu, create a folder in the right-hand side of the window. Page 279 explains that Control + Escape can be used to access the Start Menu, page 280 says that using the Windows Key (if your keyboard has it) also opens the Start Menu. My rebuilt DEC does not have a Windows key. Page 281 says that if the Taskbar is not in your desired location, click a blank spot on it and drag it to desired location. Page 288 says that the Desktop toolbar displays the items that are on your Desktop (page 287 says that if you click on a blank spot on the Taskbar, then you can select which Toolbars to add to the Taskbar).

181. You cannot copy the S 330 CD to the DEC HD (for future use), you only get make a shortcut to it. When you click on the CD, you get the install screen (I was thinking I might be able to copy the contents of the CD instead of the CD, to no avail).

182. Tourbus (3/21/06) has a link to explain how to speed up a computer and how to format a computer and reinstall the operating system.

183. Stull Bill template for Windows is on School Stuff 3.

184. is URL to subscribe to the newsletter that was recommended by TidBITS (in 11/06) as a good source of Windows information.

185. On TDÕs computer, there were two files downloading. However, their icons did not show up on the computer until the files had completely downloaded (11/06).

186. One of the bowlers (Thursday night league) had an LCD monitor that comes on and then goes black and the problem keeps recurring. Phil Chernoff suggested cleaning out the dust. If that does not work, then use Add/Remove Software or Hardware to remove the drivers and reinstall them: look for driver updates. If that does not work, then take the monitor in for repair.

187. You can use Contol, print screen and then paste into a Word Document.

188. If you press Windows, D it will minimize SuccessMaker (at least it does on the laptops) and other programs (On the Taskbar, it says Òcover desktopÓ).

189. Start Menu lists the operating system on the left hand side (after you click Start).

190. indicates that LiveUpdate (virus updates for Norton products) virus definitions for Norton 2008 and newer are updated 3 times a day, iveUpdate virus definitions for Norton 2006 and 2007 products are updated daily, and LiveUpdate virus definitions for Norton 2005 and earlier products are updated weekly.



1. Tidbits (7/23/01) says that Dual USB iBooks have sold a lot.

2. I asked Matt about printing with iBooks and he said that a laptop could use the same printer as a desktop model, so long as the connection is the same (USB or serial). If a printer works with a Mac desktop, it should work with a Mac laptop with the same port.

A. He also said that some PC/Windows printers have only parallel port connections and are not compatible with Macs, and some PC/Windows printers (even with the right connections) may not have Mac drivers at all.



1. Come with OS X.

2. You can chat with AOL users, but not MSN. You can also chat with ICQ users by entering their ICQ numbers.

3. It appears that you need to have a video camera to use it for audio and/or video chatting.



1. My number was 29668086. Now it is 73699364 with Old At Ease as password.

2. is the website.

3. If you want to update some preferences, it can take up to 2 minutes to do it with a DSL line, while the head is spinning.

4. I tried to delete my other numbers, since I have three, but using Old and New At Ease would not work.

5. Tourbus from 7/10/2001 says that ICQ chats are automatically logged on both sides of a conversation and there is no notification that you are being logged.



1. Works in conjunction with a Super Drive DVD-R drive.

2. This program supposedly can make DVDÕs much faster than everyone else. It only takes 2 hours to encode a 1 hour movie. Whereas, other DVD writers can take up to 25 hours.

3. Also, Apple is selling DVD-R blanks for about $10 each, many others are selling them for $30 or $40 apiece.

4. iDVD 2 is coming out fairly soon, it was mentioned in Tibits (7/23/01) that it was previewed at New YorkÕs Macworld Expo.

            A. I tried to watch Macworld Keynote from 1/05, but was unable to at I tried for several days without luck.

5. KLH DVD manual says that Macrovision copyright protection is built into all DVD players.

            A. Mac OS X Panther: The Missing Manual by David Pogue page 335 says that DVD-R and DVD-RW are not the same as DVD+R and DVD+RW, they are different formats. An older DVD player may play DVD-R and not be able to play DVD+R discs.

6. It did not play one DVD-R that EA had.



1. IIE can be used with ImageWriter (using an adapter). Can not find an adapter for TobyÕs IIE at school.

2. Tried to turn the sound down on a IIE, could not find a physical control. Took apart computer and disconnected the speaker. DC said this is the best bet.

3. On a IIC, there is a control volume knob on the side of the computer.

4. According to the IIE manual page 12 (there are two IIE manuals that I have), some copy protection schemes make it impossible to start up a 5.25Ó disk from any slot except 6.

5. According to the IIE manual page 16, SCSI connectors are a type of D-shaped connector.

            A. Also, a secure SCSI connection can help prevent radio-frequency interference.

            B. Page 17 says that pins are basically heavy wires.

6. According to the IIe manual page 19, to connect a IIE to a TV set, you need an radio frequency (RF) modulator.

            A. Also, page 19 says that your VCR video input jacks may not match the plug on your monitor cable. You may need an adapter.

            B. Page 89 states that if you want to use a TV set, make sure the programs you are using can generate a 40 column display, since a standard TV set can not display 80 characters per line clearly, the way that monitors can.

7. IIE manual page 20 explains how to connect a cassette recorder to the IIE: 4 connections must be made (in/out on the computer and in/out on the tape player).

8. According to the IIE manual page 21 says that you can set a disk drive on its side to conserve space.

9. According to the IIE manual page 21 says that a heavy buildup of dirt or dust can cause short circuiting.

10. According to the IIE manual page 28, says that booting comes from the term bootstrapping, to start by oneÕs own power.

11. According to the IIE manual page 36 and 37 says that early models of the Apple II did not have a Delete key or uyp and down arrow keys, so nothing happens when you press delete (or up or down arrow) in some older programs. If delete does not work, check the programÕs manual for how to delete characters.

12. According to the IIE manual page 37, early models of Apple II didnÕt have a Caps Lock key, because all letters appeared in upper case. So, programs designed for early Apple II do not recognize lower case letters. Press Caps Lock down to type in these programs.

13. According to the IIE manual page 39 says that pressing option-control-reset can start a diagnostic self test (test should last about 20 seconds).

            A. You should release the reset key first.

14. According to the IIE manual page 49 shows that a Megabyte is approximately one million bytes or characters.

15. According to the IIE manual page 50 says that the jacket for a 3.5Ó disk contains a liner that cleans and lubricates the disk when it spins. Page 53 says that the jacket for a 5.25Ó disk contains a liner that cleans and lubricates the disk when it spins.

            A. Page 50 also says to buy high-quality, name brand disks, since cheaper materials will break down.

            B. Page 51 says you should keep disks away from magnetic devices or devices containing magnets, like telephones, TV sets, unshielded monitors, copy stands with magnetic copy holders, batteries and large motors. 

            C. Page 51 also says to not use an eraser on a label, since eraser particles can damage the disk if they get under the shutter.

            D. Page 51 says that dust is not a danger to 3.5Ó disk itself, but introducing dust into the disk drive could cause problems. It also suggests that the plastic envelopes that come with 3.5Ó disks afford some protection against dust, but can be more trouble than they are worth.

            E. Page 51 says that when you save work on a disk, the read-write head records your work on the disk as magnetic patterns.

            F. Page 119 says that if you have trouble using a 5.25Ó disk, try adjusting the diskÕs spindle hole so that it is centered and try it again.

16. According to the IIE manual page 53, when purchasing 5.25Ó disks, you should purchase Òsingle-sided, double-density, soft-sectored, 40-track disksÓ.

            A. Page 54 says that when the computer activates the drive, the 5.25Ó disk spins inside its jacket. As the disk spins, the area of the disk that can store data passes under the disk access opening, exposing the area to the read-write head.

17. According to the IIE manual page 57 says that some programs make backups automatically, that have the suffix .BAK.

            A. Page 58 suggests that if you want to copy files from a 3.5Ó disk to a 5.25Ó disk, then copy the files individually. If the 3.5Ó disk has less than 140 K on it, then you can use the Òduplicate a diskÓ command.

18. According to the IIE manual page 71 says that ROM stands for Read Only Memory (permanent memory). Data stored in ROM does not disappear when power is turned off. It contains, among other items, info the computer needs to get started.

19. According to the IIE manual page 75, data bases can also be referred to as data managers.

            A. Page 78 says that Educational software may also be referred to as courseware.

            B. Page 81 says Special Interest Software is also called Vertical Market Software. It refers to a particular audience or profession.

20. According to the IIE manual page 82 says that LOGO is a computer language created to teach children problem-solving techniques (although adults enjoy it also).

            A. Page 82 says that assembly language is the microprocessorÕs own instruction set.

21. According to the IIE manual page 88 says that composite color monitors decode a single (composite) signal, while RGB receive and use separate signals for red, green and blue.

            A. Composite is defined as something, which is made up of several parts.

22. According to the IIE manual page 90 says that daisy wheel printers are also referred to as letter quality printers. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 99 says that the daisy wheel looks like a daisy.

            A. Additionally, Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 99 says that a daisy wheel printer is limited to the characters on the print wheel, whereas a dot matrix printer can print graphics and a variety of type fonts and sizes.

23. According to the IIE manual page 91 says that an inkjet printer may require special paper, if output is blurred.

24. According to the IIE manual page 92, says that when you get a printer, get the appropriate interface card to go with it, donÕt assume the card will come with the printer.

25. According to the IIE manual page 92, a plotter is a peripheral device that uses pens to draw detailed graphics on paper.

26. According to the IIE manual page 95, a co-processor is a microprocessor that works with or overrides the computerÕs own microprocessor.

27. According to the IIE manual page 101, a SIG is a Special Interest Group.

28. According to the IIE manual page 106 says that software written in ProDOS, DOS or Pascal will run on an Apple computer. However, others will not unless you install a co-processor card.

29. According to the IIE manual page 108 says that is okay to write on 3.5Ó disk labels, because of the hard plastic case. This would not be true for 5.25Ó disks.

30. According to the IIE manual page 111 explains that the IIE came with a 90 day only warranty.

31. According to the IIE manual page 111 says that many dealers Òburn-inÓ a system before handing it over to a customer by leaving the computer on for a long time with a program running.

32. According to the IIE manual page 112, says you can take your Apple overseas, but you need to buy a heavy duty step down transformer.

            A. Also, page 112 says you would need to buy a different monitor since monitors made for other countries may not work with your system.

33. According to the IIE manual page 112 says that Apple got its name because the two original founders, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were discussing a name for hours. Steve Jobs looked at the Apple he was eating and said that is they could not come up with a better name than Apple (he was eating an Apple at the time), they would call the company Apple.

            A. Page 112 says that the original Apple Logo was a design of Sir Isaac Newton under an Apple tree, but Newton did not lend himself well to reproduction.

34. According to the IIE manual page 126 says that the IIE has a 65C02 8-bit processor with 1 Mhz clock frequency, Composite video output (NTSC).

            A. Page 127 says it weighs 12 pounds, operating temperature is 50 to 104 degrees, storage temperature is -40 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

35. According to the IIE manual pages 130-131 displays info about the Apple II family.

36. According to the IIE manual page 134 says that the Solid Apple key was replaced with an Option key. Also, the Open Apple Key is now simply called the Apple Key.

37. According to the IIE manual page 137 explains how to activate/deactivate the 40/80 column display card.

            A. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 114 says that some appÕs require an 80 column display.

38. According to the IIE manual page 147 says that COBOL is an acronym for Common Business Oriented Language.

39. According to the IIE manual page 147 says that a chip is also called an integrated circuit.

            A. However, the Apple II Prodos UserÕs Manual page 12 says that chip is just really the piece of silicon that holds the circuits.

40. According to the IIE manual page 148 says that continuous form paper called also be called pin feed paper or fanfold paper.

41. According to the IIE manual page 148 says that a controller card connects a device like a printer or a disk drive to a computerÕs main logic board.

42. According to the IIE manual page 148 says that CP/M stands for Control Program for Microprocessors, which is an op sys that works with the Z80 microprocessor.

43. According to the IIE manual page 148 says that a daisy wheel can also be called a print wheel.

44. According to the IIE manual page 149 says that data bits are bits in a communication that contain info, as opposed to bits that signal a start or a stop.

45. According to the IIE manual page 149 says that DIP stands for dual in-line package.

46. According to the IIE manual page 150 says that an edge connectorÓ is the flat connector commonly found on the bottom edge of an interface card.

47. According to the IIE manual page 150 explains that ÒfilenameÓ has no space in it, because original op sys would not allow a space character in a file name.

48. According to the IIE manual page 150 says that floppy disks can be referred to as flexible disks, also.

49. According to the IIE manual page 151, Fortran stands for formula translation and is used mainly in scientific and mathematical programming.

50. According to the IIE manual page 151 says that a graphics tablet is a tablet like device with a stylus. Pictures you draw on the tablet appear on the screen and the pictures can be edited and saved to disk.

51. According to the IIE manual page 151 says that a hard disk can also be called a fixed, rigid or Winchester disk.

52. According to the IIE manual page 152 says that an interpreter readsthrougha program statement by statement, translating each statement and executing before moving on to next statement. A compiler, on the other hand, translates all at once.

53. According to the IIE manual page 152 says that kilo comes from the Greek and means Òone thousandÓ.

54. According to the IIE manual page 154 says that a monochrome monitor displays a single color on a background, i.e. white on black, amber on black or green on black.

55. According to the IIE manual page 155 says that a print buffer card holds documents for printing.

56. According to the IIE manual page 156 says that the QWERTY keyboard got its name from the first six letters on the top row of the letter keys (i.e. a regular keyboard).

57. According to the IIE manual page 158 says that traces are printed electrical circuits that connect the components on a circuit board.

58. The ProDOS supplement to the IIE ownerÕs manual (there are two different IIE ownerÕs manuals) page 6 suggests that you can restart the computer, if necessary, by turning the power off and then on. However, it causes unnecessary wear on the computerÕs power switch and circuitry (find other ways if possible to restart programs on the IIE).

59. THE ProDOS supplement to the IIE manual page 7 says that some disks are copy-protected. But they may include backups in the package with the originals.

60. The ProDOS supplement to the IIE manual page 18 says that you should use a felt tip pen to write on disk labels and not a pencil or ball point pen. Do not user an eraser, since eraser dust is abrasive and can damage the disk.

61. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual (the other one) page 17, Openings 1through4 are for 19 pin connectors, openings 5,6,8, and 9 are for 9-pin connectors: 7, 10, 11, and 12 are for 25-pin connectors.

62. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 29, it is okay to temporarily put disks on the computer or disk drive.

63. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 33, control M is the same as Return.

64. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 35, computer manuals often slash zeros to remind you of the difference between a ÒzeroÓ and a capital letter ÒO.Ó

65. Apple II Prodos UserÕs Manual page 111 says that you can switch to another program by putting the programÕs disk into drive 1 and restarting the computer. For an Apple II Plus, hold down control, while you press reset. For an Apple IIe, hold down Command and control, then press reset.

66. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 75, Slot 0 is no longer on the main logic board.

67. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 88, an interpreter keeps a copy of the original program and translates it each time the program is run. A compiler translates an entire program once. An assembler translates your program instructions one by one into processor instructions.

68. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 89 says that all BASIC commands must be in uppercase.

69. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 91 says that PILOT (Programmed Inquiry, Learning or Teaching) is a tool for teachers. Teachers can use it to create CAI (computer aided instruction) lessons.

70. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 99 explains how to connect a cassette disk to the IIE for recording and playing programs.

71. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 105 says that if you see no cursor on screen (power light on, then a beep)., perhaps your turned the computer off and then on quickly. Turn the computer off, wait a couple seconds, turn it back on.

72. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 106 says that if a disk drive periodically makes rattling sounds, the disk may not be properly aligned, or not oriented properly. Otherwise, disk may be formatted for a different operating system.

73. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 108 explains how to do a built in self test (Hold down the solid apple key, press control reset).

74. MS has at least one 5 1/4Ó disk, where the caps lock must be pressed for the program to work.


IIE Card (can be used with LC II)

1. An external 5 1/4Ó and an external 3 1/2Ó did not work. They had adapters to connect to the Floppy Drive unit. They had to convert to the correct number of pins. Tried using a different connector, different LC and different external drives, nothing worked. One of the 5 1/4 was hooked up to another computer, but did work. SCSI probe did not recognize any of those 5 1/4 or 3 1/2 drives.

            a. needs a program from Apple called ÒApple IIE startupÓ (which can probably go anywhere on the HD). Can use the computer as an LC or an Apple IIE, but not both concurrently. But when copying the program from a floppy disk to my LC, a disk error occurred. When I tried to unstuff the program from a floppy, a disk error occurred. On the Powermac, it would unstuff okay. Disk was bad, so I replaced it.

            b. To use Apple IIE Startup, simply click on it and open it. To turn the Apple Startup IIE off, hit open apple, O or control, open apple, escape). No escape key on older keyboards, so you would need to create your own shortcut for those.

            c. To reformat or copy programs on a 5 1/4Ó disk, you need to use ÒAppleworksÓ, although it is not necessarily the best tool for the job. Better to use ProDOS Utilities Disk or Copy II Plus (but were not locatable at school).

2. To restart, hold down open apple, control and power.

3. Need to use a 3.5 disk as startup, since I have System 7 on my LCII. 3.5 disk should not be locked (to be able to create a prefs file).

4. Also, to use Apple IIE programs in a Macintosh environment, they must be on a 3.5 disk.

5. The system disk that I have at school is for a IIE, IIC or IIC Plus (not IIGS). I do have one IIGS System disk, but it does not contain the necessary component for ROM 3, which is needed at school.

6. When using Apple Works, startup from the printed side and then when it asks for Apple Works Disk 1, flip disk over and reinsert. Apple works, though, is not a good program to use for formatting (was unable to locate disk in drive, when one was in there). The External Floppy is in Slot 5 (6??), Drive 1.

7. Resedit and Wipe Info are incompatible with IIE Partition on LC II Hard Drive.

8. On the partition, a folder was copied, but did not appear again after closing and reopening the window. When I tried to make a new folder, error -37 occurred. Fast Copy from Apple IIE System Disk works. If the IIE Partition is open with nothing highlighted, can do ÒfindÓ and get the CopyIIPlus folder located.

9. If a message comes up that says ÒUnable to load ProDOSÓ with a know good disk, try quitting IIE startup and restarting.

10. To run in IIE mode, need DD PRODOS (Professional Disk Operating System) disk or 5.25Ó disk. The startup disk for IIE Card is HD, but it will not actually work when the computer turns to IIE mode. To startup from a DD disk inside the computer, DO NOT put a 5.25Ó disk in the other drive.

11. To start running the program, use the Apple Menu item. Because of the LC being in System 7, may be a slight source of conflict (error messages result when opening IIE mode from other places).

12. Prodos UserÕs Disk-Type in F for Prodos Filer (Utilities), V for Volume, F for format a volume and then slot and drive name (probably 5, 6 or 7 slot and drive 1). Seems to not be 100% reliable (original disk), probably better to use IIE System disk.

13. IIE, IIC and IIC Plus system disk has Fast Copy. When formatting, for the first two seconds, Fast Copy will make the rattling sound (normal). Slot 7, Disk 1 acts like it is verifying the disk, but it really is not. To find out which slots, go to catalog a disk or list volumes with IIE System disk. Should use Catalog a disk or list volumes to know what is on a disk.

14. To write protect IIE disks, use 2 pieces of masking tape and tape over open hole.

15. To copy from a 5.25 to 3.5, probably need another external drive attached. Because when copying to the 5.25 and leaving the disk, the computer will not default to the 3.5 LC drive. Use Apple IIE System Disk (and donÕt copy it, copy something else). Source disk is Slot 6, Drive 1 and Destination Disk is Slot 6, Drive 2. Also need an 800 K Prodos Formatted disk (If the disk is not, error message will probably occur). When trying to do it, did not work. Tried to use Slot 6, Drive 2. Would say Òdevice not connectedÓ, the 3.5 light would come on, but was incapable of formatting, copying or anything else. Or it would say ÒformattingÓ and freeze up. Also, the 5.25 must be PRODOS 3.3 and not copy protected, Dennis suggested that it is not a good idea to do with IIE card and might be done with IIGS software. Should disconnect 3.5 for now, anyhow.

16. When daisy chaining, must go computer to 3.5 to 5.25, not computer to 5.25 to 3.5 (p. 18).

17. To startup from floppy (must be unlocked If in internal drive), shut down LC, insert disk and restart. Also, make sure Smartport is set to 5.1 (see p. 135).

18. IIE programs end in Ò.systemÓ and have a computer with two Ò//Ó s on them.

19. From the option control panel, Choose ÒCopy IIE screenÓ from Edit Menu (picture is placed in clipboard).

20. 32 bit addressing s/b off on LC.

21. IIE wonÕt startup from floppy with internal or external drive and System 7.0 (need to startup from HD).

22. A controller card is the same as a peripheral card or an interface card.

23. Originally, got the item could not be found error when trying to run "IIE startup,Ó software had disappeared (?). Reinstalled software from floppy disk. You must install the software on a different disk that the disk that the installer is contained upon. I copied the IIE installer stuff from my School Stuff CD, I did not copy the system folder to the floppy disk, since I was not interested in making a startup disk, only an installer disk (used an 800 K disk, since some LCÕs only had DD drives). However, I made two disks with the G3/266, one was a Single Sided, 800 K and the other was a Double Sided 800 K. Neither worked with TobyÕs LC in Room 57 (got the initialize error). His drive may have trouble. I sent him a HD disk, although a DD disk should work in an LC, so not too sure. After getting IIE, got Òyour Apple IIE card is defective, problem #1Ó message. Tried reinstalling card, reinstalled software (could not located preferences), changed 5 1/4 drive, changed IIE cards with Avellar, switched cables, unplugged battery for 30 minutes, I had no luck. My IIE card and EllenÕs IIE card worked on her computer (with my original 5 1/4Ó drive and cable). Use the floppy disk as startup. Logic board on my LCII must have trouble. Later, I confirmed this with an LC from the lab, my logic board has the problem.

24. A IIE will not start up from a Unidisk 3.5 drive by itself, according to Apple 5.25 disk drive manual, although I am not sure.

25. To use a 3.5Ó disk drive, must be a white Uni Drive (says on bottom of drive).

26. After I used the LC in the lab with my IIE card, a 5 1/4Ó drive worked fine. However, a 3.5Ó drive (with a ProDOS or MAC 800K formatted disk) would only provide the IIE prompt and nothing else.

27. When connecting the 3.5Ó disk drive to the LCÕs IIE port, There was a 19 pin, 2 row plug from the back of the 3.5Ó disk drive that went to an ÒiÓ adapter that went to a 27 pin, 3 row port on the back of the LC.

28. On TobyÕs LC, I simply copied the IIE Installer disk to the HD. Then I ran the IIE Startup application from there.


IIGS (compatible with System 6.0.1)

1. Most of these do not come with an internal hard drive.

2. ÒCheck startup deviceÓ is a normal message, it indicates that there is no startup disk present (may beep). It is mentioned on page 132 of the Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide.

3. Dennis gave me a System 6.0 IIGS disk to start up the computer. If the computer is a ROM 1, the disk will work. If the computer is ROM 3, it will not work (the words ROM 1 or ROM 3 appears on startup). JoseÕs IIGS (Room 13) And TonyÕs in Room 24 are ROM 3Õs, so it will not work (needs a little different software).

            A. For Rm. 54Õs problem, we will need the 6.0.1 System Stuff (Probably ROM 3). There are 7 disk images, but disk 7 seems to be for the software ImageWriter Emulator 1.6.

4. If you use the System 6.0 disk as a startup (looks similar to a Macintosh), then you can not use any other floppy disks in that particular drive.

            a. If you try to open a 5 1/4Ó disk and it will not open (disk error, perhaps), try         restarting and using 5 1/4 as a startup (most 5 1/4 are startup disks).

5. To reset the system in case startup still will not work: option, control, press reset. (You may also be able to use command, control, esc). Choose #2. (control panel is also an option). This resets the hertz to 60, which is U.S. standard.

            A. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 109 says to access the control panel, hold down option and turn on the computer (to do the item in #5, apparently, the second set of directions are for the computer being off, the first set is for when the computer is already on).

            B. If the printing on the screen is fuzzy, try using monochrome setting from the control panel or set type to color.

            C. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 116 says you can restore original control panel settings by pressing Option, Control, Reset, then press 2.

6. 5 1/4Ó disk should work to startup IIGS, a couple disks that I tried may have had problems.

7. A self diagnostic test for IIGS, control, option, open apple, reset.

8. When daisy chaining with IIGS, use Ò3 1/2Ó to Ò3 1/2Ó to Ò5 1/4,Ó not Ò3 1/2Ó to Ò5 1/4Ó to Ò3 1/2.Ó

9. A IIGS can be used with a SCSI external drive If you have an Apple II Compatible SCSI card (which may cost around $35). May be able to get them from Sun Remarketing. Plug the SCSI drive into it.

            A. or you can have it function as a client on an Appletalk Network. Use a portion of a nearby MacÕs HD for storage for the IIGS. Turn on Appletalk on the Mac, get the right software for the IIGS and use a cable to connect printer ports (or a phone box connection If a splitter is needed for printing). Use the chooser to turn on Appletalk with System 6.0.3, anyhow. (not sure about IIGS, but should be similar to a MACÕs procedure).

            B. Can get IIGS installer software from AppleÕs website, which I did. Although they would not start up the IIGS, should though according to D.C.

10. Tried using several disks as startup on Rm. 13Õs IIGS, but these would not: (Unable to load Prodos error): 6.0.3 (which are Mac disks), the first of seven System 6.0.1 Install Disks, Apple IIGS ROM 1 startup disk or my disk labeled ÒProdosÓ.

            it would startup from a ÒYour Tour of the Apple IIGSÓ disk, but not a 4.2 disk copy of it (may be due to dirty disk drive). Also, did startup from the IIE, IIC, and IIC Plus system disk.

11. If a program will run from floppies, that might be a good option. If it is of a larger type, then you may need to use HD space on some other computer, since the IIGS does not have a HD.

12. The GS Editor floppy disk was backed up on a Zip Disk for home. The GS Editor files on the Zip Disk had damaged resource forks, so I deleted them from the Zip disk.

13. Tried to find a volume control, but did not seem to be one. So I plug a set of headphones into jack and the noise ended (even though headphone jack was dead). DC said you should hit control-open apple- escape and select 'volume.'

14. You would need an emulator (IIGS) to run IIGS (Prodos format) software on a Powermac.

15. GS stands for graphics and sound.

16. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 3 says that you should turn the power off to clean the case and use clean, soft cloth dampened with water.

17. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 5 says that if the power has been on, you should wait 30 seconds after turning off the power to connect/disconnect components.

18. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 7 says a surge protector may be needed to protect equipment from being damaged by a surge of voltage.

19. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 5 says that there are two monitor connections on the back of the IIGS, one for color and one for a black and white monitor.

20. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 14 says you can daisy chain up to 4 disk drives.

21. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 22 says that if you have both a 5.25Ó drive and 3.5Ó drive connected to your computer, the 5.25Ó drive is your startup drive. If you want to start up from the 3.5Ó drive, then make sure the 5.25Ó drive door is open and there is no disk present.

22. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 22 says that if you have two 3.5Ó drives connected to your computer, the one that is directly connected to your computer is the one that is your startup drive.

23. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 24 says that a yellow plastic disk is in 3.5Ó drives to protect the drive during transit.

24. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 28 says that if the image on your screen is rolling or out of alignment, hold down the option and control keys while you press and release the reset key at the top of the keyboard. Then press 2 (resets standard frequency settings).

25. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 29 says that if you want to return to the main menu while using the tour disk, then press the Esc key.

26. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 32 describes the command key as a key that has both an outline of an apple and a propeller symbol on it.

27. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 37 relates the menus in the finder to be similar to a menu in a restaurant.

            A. Page 37 also mentions that the menu bar is like a roll up map in the classroom.

            B. Page 40 states that the information in a window is like a directory (or similar to a telephone directory).

28. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 55 says that if you want to initialize or use a different 3.5Ó disk from the startup disk, eject the startup disk from the drive, then insert the disk you want to use.

29. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 60 describes the bar that the Finder uses when copying as a thermometer indicator.

30. Getting Started with Your Apple IIGS page 66 says that sometimes dragging some item to the trash may cause the trash to be emptied or the Finder may empty its trash at its convenience. Apple IIGS System Disk user Guide page 75 says that certain events will ensure immediate disposal, such as opening an application, copying files, opening any directory window and ejecting the disk that contained the icon.

31. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 16 says that if you double click the ÒBASIC.SYSTEMÓ icon, you can go into a BASIC programming environment. To return to the GS, type BYE and then press RETURN.

32. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 18 says that after you eject a disk using the Special Menu, the icon of the disk still remains on the desktop.

            A. Page 22 says that the Eject command is deactivated during copying procedures.

            B. Page 48 says that the Finder will not allow you to have two disks with the same name, so when copying the contents of a source disk to a destination disk, the destination disk retains its name. If you want the destination disk to have the same name as the source disk, eject the source disk after copying, then change the name of the destination disk.

            C. Page 49 says that if you want to display the source disk and the destination disk with a one 5.25Ó drive, then put the source disk into the drive, open the drive icon to mount the floppy disk icon. Eject the source disk, then insert the destination disk into the disk drive, and open the drive icon. Drag the source disk icon on top of the destination disk icon.

            D. Page 50 says that if you want to eject a 3.5Ó disk while copying, use the button on the front of the drive, because the Eject command from the Special menu will be dimmed during copying.

33. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 20 says that names can be no more than 15 characters long and must begin with a letter. Letters are capitalized automatically. Also, page 39 says that characters after the first letter must be letters, numbers or periods.

34. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 22 says that a block equals approximately 512 characters.

35. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 33 says the before you can select a 5.25Ó disk icon, you must open the icon of the 5.25Ó drive that contains the disk. (The icon for the 5.25Ó drive is different looking than the one for a 5.25Ó disk, both icons look somewhat like they represent, according to the picture on page 43). If you have a 5.25Ó disk drive connected to the computer, but it is empty, the disk driveÕs icon will still appear on the screen, according to page 43. If you do not see the icon, the software driver may need to be reinstalled. Additionally, if that does not work, use the control panel to activate the slot associated with the drive. Apple IIGS System Disk user Guide page 37 says to delete the character to the right of a blinking bar, press Control-F. To delete all the text to the right of the blinking bar, press Control-Y.

36. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 39 says that to rename an icon on the IIGS, double click the iconÕs name (does not work in System 8.1). Additionally, it says that you can rename items that are viewed by text or by icon.

37. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 44 says that the Finder on the System Disk can be used to format disks in the ProDOS format only.

38. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 44 says that you should have blank disks ready before using an application. Otherwise, check to see if an application program you are using will be able to initialize disks. Otherwise, you may lose what you have typed in a program.

39. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 47 says that the 400K format is for single sided 3.5Ó disks only. The format option for a 5.25Ó disk is 140 K.

40. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 51 says that RAM disk users should set the minimum and maximum values of the RAM disk to the same size. Otherwise, a system error may occur when trying to copy a disk onto the RAM disk.

41. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 55 says that you can use the Verify volume from the Special menu to check volumes for bad blocks.

            A. Page 78 says that you can use Validate from the File menu to check on a particular file.

42. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 57 says that after ejecting a 5.25Ó drive from the Special menu, you will need to open the door to the disk drive to get the disk out.

43. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 58 says that after ejecting a 3.5Ó disk from the Special menu (or by pushing the button on the front of the drive), its icon will be dimmed. However, a 5.25Ó disk icon will not. (Page 91 says the Eject command from the Special menu has no effect on 5.25Ó disks).

44. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 61 says that a subdirectory and a folder are the same thing.

45. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 80 says that some applications include the Finder on the same disk as the application, therefore, you would not need a system disk at all.

46.  Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 81 says that if the Finder is unable to find the appropriate disk (i.e. canÕt find the disk that contains the application that created your document), it will give an error that says ÒThe application Ômy.applicationÕ canÕt be found for this documentÓ.

47. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 85 says that the Finder will use the File menu to print documents. However, when a document is encountered that was created with a different application than the first item to be printed, the printing will discontinue.

48. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 90 says that a folder will always take up 0.5 K. With System 8.1, a new folder is listed as zero K.

49. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 100 says that the maximum number of files and folders that can be in a disk directory is 51.

50. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 6 says that the control panel program can be used to change the startup disk.

51. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 7 says that a regular TV can be used to display some applications, but some programs that display 80 characters per second wonÕt be clear enough, probably. If you have a combination TV/monitor, it may work.

52. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 11 shows how to change applications without turning off the computer. If you choose quit from the file menu, push the disk drive eject button and insert the disk you want to use next. Press command, control and reset.

53. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 13-14 shows how to use the control panel program. It says to hold down the option key while turning on the computer, then type 1 to enter the control panel program. Use up and down arrows to scroll. Return key is also used.

54. Originally, McIntosh was a separate division of Apple, like Claris was.

55. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 20 say that some devices, like TVÕs, can display only 40 characters per inch, they donÕt have enough resolution to display the narrower 80-column characters neatly.

56. Apple IIGS System Disk User Guide page 43 says that keyboard based applications generally start with a menu that takes up the whole screen.

            A. Page 43 also says that you may be able to use the arrow up and down keys instead of the typing a number or letter.

            B. Page 44 says you can usually get back to the main menu by pressing the ESC key.

            C. Page 45 says that early models of the Apple II did not have arrow keys (so programmers had to use different keys) and you may need to use the ÒIÓ, ÒJÓ, ÒKÓ and ÒMÓ keys instead of the arrows.

57. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 95 says that ports were designed to emulate slots, so that applications could run on all models of the Apple II.

            A. Page 96 shows the Port/Equivalent slot correlation.

            B. Page 96 says the Apple II supports only two devices per slot. Overflow for slot 5 is slot 2.

            C. Page 122 says that when a disk drive port impersonates a card in slot 5, it is described as a Òsmart port.Ó

            D. Page 122 says that when activating slots or ports, changes wonÕt take effect until you restart the computer.

            E. Page 124 says you can also access the control panel to change the startup procedure from scan to a specific slot.

            F. Page 124 says if you start up from a ROM disk, you are starting up from an application permanently stored on a memory expansion card.

58. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 52 says that the option key may be a closed apple picture on some models of the Apple II.

            A. Page 53 says that pressing the clear button is the same as pressing control-X.

59. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 57 says that with a 5.25 or 3.5Ó disk, volume name and disk name are synonymous. But with large capacity storage devices, you may have more than one volume. ThatÕs why some appÕs ask for volume name instead of disk name.

            A. Page 58 says some appÕs wonÕt allow spaces in document names.

            B. Page 61 says that S? stands for slot and D? stands for drive.

60. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 62 says that for 3.5Ó drives, the corresponding slot is slot 5. For 5.25Ó drives, the corresponding slot is slot 6.

61. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 62 says that there are three operating systems: Prodos, Pascal and DOS (Disk Operating System) 3.3, disk must be formatted different for each one.

            A. You can still run DOS 3.3 based applications on the Apple IIGS, but you canÕt save documents on a 3.5 disk (DOS 3.3 was designed for use with 5.25Ó disks, which have a storage capacity of 143 K, while 3.5Ó disks have a storage capacity of 800 K).

            B. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 52 says that different operating systems may write a different number of sectors per track.

62. The IIE came out in about 1982, and the IIGS came out in about 1986.

63. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 100 says there are two kinds of RGB monitors, analog and digital. The Apple IIGS supports analog. RGB monitors designed to be connected to the AUX. Connector slot in the Apple IIE are digital and cannot be connected to the RGB port on the Apple IIGS.

64. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 102 says that if you only have one disk drive, you must swap out the application disk for another disk when saving docÕs.

65. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 105 defines a co-processor is a microprocessor that works with or overrides the microprocessor that comes with your computer.

66. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 108 says that applications can override your settings for special effects and special reason on their own.

67. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 133 says that if you only see a square bracket and the cursor, type CATALOG.

            A. You can run any programs with the letter A in front of them by typing RUN and then the name of the program, press return. You can run any programs with the letter B in front of them by typing BRUN, the name of the program, then press return.

68. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 134 says that if the computer does not recognize your Unidisk 3.5Ó drive, it has ideas on what to do.

69. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 134 says if you get an ÒUnable to load ProdosÓ message, you may need to change the system speed setting in the control panel to normal instead of fast.

70. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 137 says that if delete button will not delete, check the application manual. Also, try pressing the left arrow.

71. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 154-155 has pictures of the Apple II family.

            A. The Apple IIC can be set to DVORAK or KWERTY (named after the keys above the home row).

            B. The IIGS can use DVORAK, KWERTY or several other layouts.

72. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 158 says that IIGS uses a 65C816 microprocessor, operating at 2.8 Mhz.

73. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 161 says the headphone jack has three pins: a signal ground, ear phone 1, and ear phone 2.

74. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 168 says that definition of ÒbugÓ developed when a moth flew into a room size computer and caused a breakdown.

75. With the IIGS that is in room 13, I added more RAM to it, since I found some in the room. Originally, I checked the control panel at startup to check the RAM Disk. The information showed the RAM Disk space as 0K, the Largest Selectable as 896 K, the RAM Disk Size as 0 K, the Total RAM In use as 84 K, and the Total Free RAM as 1067 K. After I installed the additional RAM, the numbers were higher.


ICeTEe (Freeware)

1. Can command, click on a URL in a Simpletext document to open up the web browser as defined in the Internet Configuration application, which can be Internet Explorer, America Online or Netscape Communicator (IC extension must be loaded).

            A. If you command click on text and nothing happens, then you probably know that the app uses it own text editor engine. ICeTEe works only with those appÕs that use a TextEdit engine.

2. ICeTEe works with Simpletext, but not Clarisworks, MS Word or Teachtext.

3. AOL must be open for you to be able to command click and have Netscape or Microsoft open a URL. (The prefs for this are in the Internet Config application, under helpers). Otherwise, you get the error message about you must sign on to AOL first.

4. To use the bookmark part of the application, you need to have Òrequest attentionÓ and Òthis applicationÓ scripting additions put in the scripting additions folder INSIDE THE EXTENSIONS FOLDER (not the scripting additions folder in the system folder itself). Also, the two necessary additions can not be placed in the GTQ folder, must be in the root level. The Òthis applicationÓ script from GQ is not required. Then command, option click on a URL in Simpletext to put it in bookmarks folder.

            A. To change the folder bookmarks are sent to, open bookmark handler application.

            B. The Netscape bookmarks folder is in the ÒRyan,Ó bookmark handler will not work in conjunction with NetscapeÕs bookmarks folder in the prefs Folder.

            C. Also, to have Netscape automatically open the bookmark, the Mac Easy Open control panel must be set to Òauto pick If only 1 choice.Ó

            D. Also, with the Internet Config app. (open Internet prefs under file menu), you need to make a new item under helpers: bookmark, choose Òbookmark handler.Ó

5. ICE Tee does not work in Microsoft Word 6.0.1 or Clarisworks 5.0.


iLamp (To get technical assistance by phone, call 1-800-275-2273. 800-800-2775 is for education. You may purchase per-incident support for $49 unless your product is within its 90-day complimentary support period or is covered by an AppleCare Protection Plan. Serial number is W84090QQPVK, Apple Sales Order number is 7009555604, Web Order number is W8203400) 800-275-2273 is the number for tech support). Educators may purchase Applecare for $119 ($30 discount). If you double click the System Software version number in the About This Mac window, you can get the serial number of the computer. I do not have an MPN number for the iLamp. It probably was attached to the original software that comes with the computer, so I could not register iTunes (or other software). Since I did not purchase iTunes separately from the iMac, registration is probably not necessary.

1. USB floppy drive works only when plugged into the back of the computer. It has a Combo drive which writes CD-R discs up to 32 X speed, writes CD-RW disks at up to 10 X speed, and reads CDs at up to 32 X speed. It reads DVDs at up to 8 X speed. Its operating temperature is 50 degrees to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Its storage temperature is –40 degrees to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. The screen size is 15.Ó

2. On first save with Word 98, it took 15 seconds on G3/266. It took about one second or two on the iLamp.

3. The Software Restore utility does not work on iLamp (when you put the CD in the drive, you get a Wrong Disc, error). I tried to use it to install Safari 1.2.1, but was unable to. I tried to use the Software Install and Restore DVDs to reinstall Classic Applications on the iLamp, but you get a ÒWrong Disk, that disk is not supported on this model of computer.Ó I called Apple Education about this and they said that the problem occurred because I switched the HD to a 40 GB HD, and the installer does not recognize it. I asked if I were the only person to change my iMacÕs HD. He said he had never heard of it, usually people with G4s or G5s may do that (it is easier). He gave me a customer code of A002625954 to get the original 80 GB HD put back in the iMac (which I am not going to do). He said Macdaddy should have given me the 80 GB HD back. The case number is 23672031. The Apple rep also said that an OS 9 CD could not be used to install OS 9 on the iLamp. He said the only way was to use the original HD. However, I did a drag and drop install from the G3/233 and it worked. I also made a backup copy of the System 9.2.2 System Folder on the iLampÕs HD, and I was able to use it to start the Classic Environment. So, essentially, the only work around is to use a 9.0 CD (or the G3 HD or a CD) to install Classic items on the iLamp.

4. It does make a high pitched sound occasionally. Several other people reported the same issue at Interestingly enough, you could not find the discussion using the search function with iMac, buzzing, and/or Hitachi. But I did find it using ÒiMac buzz.Ó Spacepiggy got a reply from Hitachi that said, Ò"The noises are not a problem with the drive. They are part of an Idle Time Function. This drive periodically saves data in logs and PFA (Predictive Failure Analysis) counters in the reserved area of the disks. The drive uses this data to support various commands and to perform failure analysis. The saving of data occurs if the drive has not received a command anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes and causes an accessing noise. The execution time is about 300 ms. Then Spacepiggy said, ÒSo the noise is normal. Play louder music.Ó

            A. Someone said that they took their iMac in to have it replaced, and the replacement made the same noise. Miko also said that he read a post that said that, ÒIt is the harddrive's design. Well, at least these Hitachis. The arm or whatever it's called, is designed to move away from the writing surface of the disk every once in a while (i.e. 10 mins) as to help deter potential damage... I guess. Supposedly by not having this arm always hovering over the writable area, it makes it safer?Ó

            B. Someone recorded the sound at

            C. Another person ran a hardware test on their iMac (suggestion from Apple) and it was fine.

            D. One post said he solved his problem by adjusting the auto-save functions on some of the programs on his computer, he had a Seagate HD, though. I tried this with Word 98 and AW. Squeak was shorter after turning off Auto save file with MS Word (which was set to 10 minutes). I also turned off Auto Save with AW 6.0. Then I closed both applications. Noise was still made. Also, a couple other posts on the website indicated that they had the sound before any 3rd party applications were installed, so I doubt the auto-save is the problem, in my case.

            E. Volume control on iLamp does not affect volume of noise.

            F. I talked with Harry (from Education tech support) on 6/10/04, and he said that ÒYou can take the computer to an Apple authorized service provider, but if no problem is found, you may be charged. He also said that Apple considers the noise to be normal, you should set the computer to sleep or shut down the computer when away from it.Ó He said that Computerware in Modesto (578-9739) and MacDaddy (527-6227) are Apple authorized service providers.

            G. I got the computer back from MacDaddy and they said that the sound did not occur. They charged me $90, but then reduced it to $45. However, when I got it home, I plugged it in and it made the noise in about six minutes, then every ten minutes after that. Tim Hackman (MacDaddyÕs owner) says on the billing invoice that I got, that anyone could e-mail him ( or call him at 527-MACS if unsatisfied.

            H. I started up the iMac from the DVD, and no noise was made.

            I. I looked for the HD on the inside of the iMac and it does not appear to be easily accessible. Also, the power plus for it is different than the HD I bought for the G3/233.

            J. It does not appear that MS Word 98, nor the screws on the computer stand make any difference. If the screen saver is on, the noise may be reduced.

            K. If you set the Energy Saver to shut down the display and computer after nine minutes (and leave shut down HD when possible checked), it appears that the sound will not occur during sleeping. It also may be possible to set the computer up to shut down at a certain time, if necessary.

            L. The noise was made when the computer was not asleep (even if all applications were closed).

            M. My Hitachi HD is number HDS722580VLAT20. I e-mailed them from their website ( to see if it is possible to get some assistance with this problem. They replied and said, ÒHitachi Global Storage Technology drives have various internal procedures that verify the performance and reliability of the drive. We refer to this function as the Idle Time Function.  It occurs after an amount of idle time is accrued, and is pretty consistent as to when it happens.  It does not happen when the power management has the drive spin down.  This is a relatively new feature of our drives and, with no way to suppress the noise, it can be mistaken for drive problems.  Unless this is something the drive has just begun doing or you are experiencing problems, there is nothing to worry about.

I understand you may not have experienced this issue in the past, or with other manufacturers hard disk drives, but there is normal for the newer Deskstar, and Travelstar drives.  I believe that Hitachi Global Storage Technologies is one of the only companies that has implemented this technology.  We are working on making the noise less noticeable in future drives, but at this time we do not have a way to suppress this noise.Ó

            N. I talked to Carmen about it, and she said it is your computer, and if it bothers you, it is still a problem.

            O. I took the iLamp to Macdaddy today (6/23/04) and they did hear the noise. They said though that they cannot replace the HD, unless it were defective. Eric suggested that I call Apple to see if I can obtain a Customer Satisfaction (CS) code. I called and needed to talk to a product specialist. I did talk to Chris from Apple and she said that the issue is aeshetic; and that she canÕt issue one to me. Normally, the service provider would call and get the code for the customer. She suggested asking Macdaddy to call their support line. I asked her if I can speak to her supervisor, and she said that she is a supervisor. Also, she said that there is not an address to return the computer to, if I am not satisfied. I called Eric at MacDaddy and he said he would call the support line tomorrow (6/24/04). If Eric is unsuccessful, I will write a letter to Steve Jobs. If that does not work, I will either accept the computer or change the HD through Bob Hughes, MacDaddy or ?. Eric called and said he Apple said that there is not a problem with the drive; and if they sent a replacement, it would probably be a Hitachi, anyhow. He said MacDaddy would charge $90 to install my HD (ÒIt is a fairly complex procedure, because you have to use Òthermal pasteÓ (which is synonymous with thermal compound. A paste that is applied between a microprocessor and heatsink. This paste fills in any tiny gaps that may be present on the visibly flat surfaces of the microprocessor package and heatsink. Without thermal compound cooling may be less efficient, as the heatsink and microprocessor package may have air gaps between them. Thermal compound has much more efficient heat exchange properties than air.) to instll the HD, and clean the contacts with alcohol). I called Apple Education and they said they did not know about the Òthermal paste,Ó but you would need to have an Apple authorized service center work on your computer to preserve the warranty. explains how to change the RAM, HD, or optical drive in an iMac. It mentions using thermal paste in the process of changing the HD.

            P. I I bought another iMac (COMP USA), it may be likely to be a Hitachi HD as well. Donna suggested that I call my credit company (in this case, MBNA) to see about challenging the charge. MBNA said that they cannot help me with the issue, because AppleÕs return policy is 10 days, and the issue would have to be resovled under AppleÕs warranty.

            Q. Don Chatwin ( said that my TDC01604 drive (40 GB) could work as a replacement internal drive in my iLamp.

            R. Julie said that it may be that Hitachi knows about the problem, but my HD may have been louder than the others. She had a HD with a noise problem before; she ended up swapping it out. In any case, it is a gray area. She said you may want to write to Steve Jobs, since he is sensitive to issues involving computer noise.

            S. After switching to the Seagate CD, the noise was gone.

5. iMac UserÕs Guide page 10 says you can use any key to wake up the iMac from sleep.

            A. Page 10 warns to shut down the iMac before moving.

            B. Page 13 says you can use the built-in microphone in conjunction with iChat over the internet.

            C. Page 13 says that a mouse pad is not required. However, it is quieter at home with the cloth pad.

            D. Page 15 indicates that there are printers that can connect to your Firewire port. At AppleÕs website, tehre is an Epson Stylus Photo R800 Inkjet Printer ($399) that can use Firewire. The printer is also on EpsonÕs website at

            E. Page 15 also says that you can use the power button to put the iMac to sleep or press and hold it to reset during troubleshooting.

6. is the place for online discussion.

7. On AppleÕs support page, it is mentioned that you may need to twist the speakers once put into the jack to make the sound better. On my iLamp, it was necessary to get sound out of both speakers. The same was true for the iLamp in room 21B.

8. I called Apple Support about two issues; Disk Utility multi-sessions (Panther 10.3.4 and Disk Utility 10.4.2 V 145.3) and the ÒwhiningÓ sound. I talked to Gary Buchanan ( and he gave me a case number of 23220815 (this case number s/b the subject for my correspondence with Gary). He works from 7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M., PST.

            A. He did not have any answer for the ÒwhiningÓ problem. He said that there are no recorded answers in the tech support database, but he would chat with an engineer about the issue. I checked and my iLamp does it every 10 minutes, whether the Mail is checked or not. Also, if you are using the computer at the time actively (using the mouse), the length of the whine may vary. Later, I checked and when the computer is sleeping (not just idle, but sleeping), it did not make the ÒwhiningÓ sound (but I think the hard disk needs to be sleeping for the sound to not occur, which can happen only when possible, according to Energy Saver (there is not a timer for the HD). I checked with Apple Hardware Test and no hardware problems were found.

            B. He asked if my iTunes CDs mount in OS X, I said Òyes.Ó

            C. We came up with 6 possible ideas: restart the computer, log in as a different user, leave disk appendable unchecked to see what happens (even though certainly that would still indicate a problem), try iLamp in 21B. It also may be possible to revert to 10.3.3. Also, I may follow the directions again (select name of CD, then choose new image), as there may have been some confusion.

            D. I copied the Disk Utility from the iLamp in room 21B. It is version 10.4 (V145). I was able to do multi-sessions on about four out of five occasions. However, on one occasion, I may have selected the HD to create my disk image, instead of the CD. Also, do not trash the created image until done burning (I think that makes a difference). See Disk Utility #7 for solution.

9. The iLamp did not come with an Apple Hardware test CD.

10. If you look at the iLamp while kneeling in front of it, the screen looks darker; just a byproduct of a flat screen.

11. iMac UserÕs Guide page 17 says you can use the Appearance System Preferences to change the way menus look.

            A. Page 18 says that you use Rendezvous in connection with an Airport Extreme Base Station.

            B. Page 19 says that when software update is complete, it checks for updates again, because some updates require that you have previously installed updates.

            C. Page 20 says that you can use .Mac or another internet account to transfer files between computers. You may be able to use Backup 2 (Backup 2 only lets you use iDisk during the trial period; it appears that iDisk is only 20 MB). Tidbits #639 (July 2002) explains that iDisk is no longer free, you have to sign up for .Mac.

            D. Page 20 talks about using File Sharing between computers.

            E. Page 25 says that Firewire devices can be connected/disconnected while the computer is running.

            F. Page 26 says that a Firewire device can be used as a startup device.

            G. Page 32 says that some DVD discs are two-sided.

            H. Page 33 says you can burn a CD in the Finder by dragging it on top of the Burn icon (on the Doc).

            I. Page 38 explains that the iLamp uses PC-2700 compliant, SO-DIMM (Small Outline-Dual Inline Memory Modules), 3.3 volt, and unbuffered.

            J. Page 42 says that the iLampÕs Airport Extreme Card (if installed) is not compatible with older Airport cards.

            K. Page 45 says that you cannot replace the internal battery yourself. It must be done by an Apple technician. However, with a Torx screwdriver, it is possible (you can also change the internal RAM).

            L. Page 51 says you can find the serial number by opening the optical drive door, but I did not see it.

            M. Page 55 says you should use water only to clean your mouse. Use a dry cloth to clean the computer itself.

            N. Page 67 explains that to connect automatically when you start an internet-enabled application, such as a web browser or e-mail, click PPP options, then Òconnect automatically when needed.Ó I did not do this, since I am now using the Netgear router.

            O. You can connect RCA cables from the iLamp to connect to a stereoÕs microphone jack (just donÕt swicth up the RCA cables white, yellow, red, etc.).

12. Memory, Remote Access, File Exchange, Modem, Energy Saver, M.O.M. (2001), Startup Disk, Multiple Users, Location Manager, Sound, TCP/IP, Control Strip, Appletalk, Mouse, Control Strip stuff, Remote Access Status, and Software update (OS 9 items) cannot be used on the iLamp, so I trashed them.

13. iMac extra memory (computer cabinet) is smaller than would be used for the iLamp.

14. If you use headphones with the iLamp, it mutes the speakers. The green jack next to the speakers is a line-in jack.

15. The correct User Slot memory for my iLamp is TDC05442 256MB PC2700 DDR333 SO DIMM $59, TDC06005 512MB PC2700 DDR333 SO DIMM $139, TDC06092 1GB PC2700 DDR333 SO DIMM $349.

16. says the iLamp has an LCD.

16. The iLampÕs HD would not connect to the G3/233 (to access the old data in 9/07).


iMac (serial number of iMac that was in Room 58, SG9500KSHQJ: WSD # is 10752. The iMac that was in room 58 was 350 Mhz. It is listed in Apple Spec Database of 1/2002 as iMac/iMac DV (Slot-Loading CD-ROM). The tray loading iMacs came with 8.5.1.

1. If an ISO 9660 or High Sierra disc has files that canÕt be opened, the version numbers may not be available to some programs. Try dragging disk to trash, hold down option key and remount the disk.

2. Need to shut down computer to hook up non USB devices.

3. Caps Lock s/b down when trying to startup using the space bar (to bring up extensions manager). Caps Lock s/b down when starting up from CD, also. (Caps Lock did not make a difference on G3/233).

4. Command, option, escape does not work on iMacs in computer lab.

            A. According to Tidbits #541, it is because USB itself is usually taken out in a crash.

5. Use the power key on the iMac's keyboard to bring up "shut down" dialog box. Use the power key on the iMac's monitor to simply shut down.

6. You can use Command, option and power keys (either one) to restart a frozen computer.

7. There are two holes between the Ethernet and modem ports, where the keyboard plugs in. The top hole restarts a frozen computer, hopefully. The bottom one is for programmers.

8. ttp:// documents some iMac hardware problems.

            A. According to BH, the first generation of iMacs had several problems, since they were new. The most recent iMacs have not required much warranty work. (i.e. from 9/1999 to 9/2000).

9. When using the Adaptec USB to SCSI adapter, if you change the CD and donÕt see the new one, try using the view menu/refresh option.

            A. Around they year 2000 or so, I had checked on purchasing a USB SCSI adapter; however, I was told by one sales representative that these adapters were not functional.

            B. Anyhow, in 8/2002, I found a USB SCSI adapter at Macmall (catalog item #54100). I e-mailed Macmall ( You can also use to see if this particular part were functional or had been returned often. However, the e-mail was Òdelayed,Ó so I decided to re-send the e-mail to instead. I got a reply from and they asked ÒWhat SCSI devices do you plan to useÓ and that it requires 8.6 or later. I replied and mentioned that I would like to use a Zip drive and an external drive. They replied and said that ÒIomega has officially stated that USB-SCSI adapters are not compatible with older Zip Drives... and we (Macmall) have yet to see one that does work. You would be best served by purchasing a newer model Zip drive (USB).Ó

            C. You can reach a MacMall Account Executive 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Just dial (800) 622-6255.

10. On BillÕs iMac, error message appears on startup, that to run an application, you must sign on to the Internet first, like the message you would get when opening a Netscape site, without AOL being signed on. No items were in Startup or Shutdown items folder. Julie said to check for AOL Instant Messenger. However, AOL instant messenger was not installed.At, my e-mail address and password are, New New At Ease. When returning a product, you may need to contact techsupport ( Technical support is open 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., PST.

11. Connectors that convert from a serial port, like on a 5400 to a USB connector are not available at Macmall (and probably not elsewhere, either).

12. On Bill's iMac, Falcon 4.0 had 50,000 K as minimum and 80, 000 K as preferred. His computer only had 64 MB of RAM. I set VM to 110 MB, which worked fine without sound problems.

13. Do not reset, shut down or turn off power while the iMac CD Update is running, since it can cause damage to CD-ROM drive.

14. To install the iMac Update 1.1, you must run the iMac Firmware Update first.

15. Mac OS USB 1.4b6 DDK Developer is for programmers only.

16. To use the MAC OS ROM Update 1.0, you must have MAC OS 8.6 (not sure about 9.0).

17. To need iMac Firmware Update v1.2, you may need to be a Netboot client (or it may be needed to run iMac Update 1.1, see #14).

18. Mac OS 9 Audio Update is for Mac OS 9.

19. iMac Internal 56k 9 (V.34 only) modem script can help with ÒdirtyÓ lines.

20. Password for the iMacs is staff.

21. Back of iMac can be opened with a quarter. COSD can be used to bypass the internal drive at startup. However, the internal drive may still mount, because the Mac may still search for SCSI devices and the information that the Mac uses to search is stored in PRAM. If that happens, Zap the PRAM and then press COSD at startup. COSD probably will not work, since we disconnected the HD and tried the 8.5 CD as the startup device and it would not start up the computer.

            A. Could also try using some internal SCSI connectors to connect an external HD (Ellen has one in her room) to the iMac and daisy chain them, using the external drive as the startup device.

            B. Could also try Zapping the PRAM, which we did and restarting with the 8.5 disk, but this did not work. Also can remember to unplug battery and use 9.0 CD.

22. The triangle button on the side of the iMac is a reset button.

23. 5359 5320 is a try for password. Did not work on Foolproof w/ or wo/ spaces.

24. There is a place to eject the CD with the iMac, it is hidden in the ÒwhiteÓ area. Must eject CD with power on.

            A. One web site (, a CD was stuck in the drive. They had trouble getting it out. Finally, they upgraded the firmware, and it has been fine.

25. Aarin says that the iMacs should startup from the CD.

            A. The iMac Software restore CD that I have will startup the iMac, but the iMac Software Install will not.

26. We need a USB to DB25 female connector. The one we ordered from Mac Warehouse was returned, since it would not work (according to Mac Warehouse technical support). They suggested that perhaps in a couple weeks or so, there may be an adapter that they will have that will work.

27. BillÕs iMac CD started up the iMac in my room.

28. To save to a floppy drive, save to the HD first, then to the floppy drive.

29. QuickTake Image Access was out of memory, so was TWC and TBWC.

30. Increasing the memory to 5000 K for TBWC did not work on the iMac, it still said "there is not enough memory to save on this disk" (even though there is at least 5 GB available). The only workaround is to save as ASCII text only or to copy to Clarisworks and save.

            A. Quicktake Image Access had a similar problem. it says that "there is not enough memory available to connect to the camera.Ó There is no memory box for Quicktake Image Access (it is a control panel). After changing its type to APPL with the OS 9 Finder, still did not have a memory box available. From the Get Info box, there is only "general information" (no sharing or memory information available).

            B. Could not save with TWC with extensions off on the iMac.

31. Appleworks from CD was fine. Registered to Crookham School, Winton School District.

32. I took out two screws, but could take the machine totally apart. Consequently, taking the battery out took me forty minutes and was rather difficult.

33. Had error message that said that ÒAOL is unable to initialize the modemÓ; also the modem could not be detected. I tried Zapping the PRAM with Techtool, keyboard shortcut, unplugging the modem and reconnecting. Unplugged the battery for thirty minutes, but I had no luck.

            A. I tried setting up AOL on JoeÕs computer with the long yellow phone cord, the modem worked fine. The modem setting was Hayes Basic and then Error Correcting Hayes.

            B. I tried using the yellow phone cord with my iMac, but I had no luck. Foolproofª may disable my modem. AOL suggested making sure that AppleTalk is disabled. This did not work. Then they suggested using iMac base extensions with AOL Link and Microsoft Component Library. I tried turning off all my extra added extensions, but with I had no luck.

            C. I tried using the iMac at home with a working phone line, but it gave modem error. says modem may not have been on, but it was.

            D. I could perhaps try updating to system 9.1 or replacing the System folder and seeing if the modem will work then.

34. Mac Connection has a Iomega Zip SCSI converter, but it only converts from Centronics to SCSI, not USB.

35. Had trouble printing from the iMac through the Keyspan serial adapter to the 1500 in Room 53. Said that there was an error in the connections and also nothing was detected with Keyspan control panel. Turning Appletalk off did not help. I reinstalled Keyspan software, 1500 software with extensions off, Zapped with T.T. and Keyboard shortcut. Printed fine.

36. For Technical assistance with the iMac, etc., can call 800-500-7078.

37. To make a random selection of desktop pictures, first, copy all desktop pictures that you want to HD. Open appearance control panel and click on desktop, drag folder to the picture window. Even though the computer does not show a message about pictures being selected randomly, it still works.

            A. You can also change the highlight color with the Appearance control panel. Lavender looks pretty good for copying files.

38. I have the Apple Support card in my wallet pack.

39. Sarah Cox had trouble with her iMac. When you put a CD into the iMac, it got ejected immediately and would not mount. This same problem has occurred in the computer lab, according to Joe Torres. Probably due to Foolproof¨.

40. Teachers can use iMac DV at MCOE. it comes with iMovie, which can be used to cut, copy and paste movies together. According to EducationÕs letter, iMac DVÕs come with VGA (video graphics array) output. Client Code:  001676, same password as original At Ease uses. This no longer works, as of 8/06, since Crookham did not renew the contract (however, student for last name, MCOE as password does still work, as of 8/06). A MCOE rep. Said it costs $5/person as of 7/06. M. said (8/06) we are not doing (so you cannot check out videos, either) because it would be $2,500/year.

At the order form: To submit by title # for a video cassette, you must type 01 at beginning and comma and code at end (like VC), so if listed as VC4263 in media catalog, type in Ò014263, VC.Ó  If not, put Ò0100.." until you have 6 digits. To submit by title # for a CD-ROM, you must type 0200 at beginning and comma and code at end, change the CD to CR for CD-ROMÕs (like CR), so if listed as CD26 in media catalog, type in Ò020026, CR." To submit by title # for a kit, you must type 05 (plus the amount of zeroes needed to make a six digit number) at beginning and comma and code at end,  KT, so if listed as KT1068 in media catalog, type in Ò051068, KT,Ó KT21 would be Ò050021, KT." To submit by title # for a model and an exhibit (MD), you must type 10 at beginning and comma and code at end (like MD), so if listed as MD4263 in media catalog, type in Ò104263, MD."  If not, put Ò1000.." until you have 6 digits.

41. My iMac had trouble with the screen with Òmixed up colorsÓ all over the screen. This happened twice. I zapped the PRAM with Techtool and keyboard shortcut, hopefully, the problem will not return.

            A. I called Macdaddy 527-6227 to ask about the issue. They suggested using Disk First Aid, which I did (used a startup CD on the iMac) to fix any issues. Then, call Apple to document problem, so that they are aware of it.

            B. Problem returned on 3/21/2000. I zapped the PRAM again with Techtool and Keyboard shortcut. I called Apple Tech Support and got the case number 6660111. They suggested resetting the PRAM (I did Zap the PRAM with Techtool and keyboard shortcut: I also trashed the finder preferences and the display preferences), try booting from CD to see if problem recurs. Also, it is important to ÒisolateÓ the problem. See if problem only occurs after using Bugdom or if the problem will be all the time. So far, it has been three isolated incidents, which do not recur upon restart.

            C. Same problem occurred once on GNÕs computer. So I did the same thing on her computer (as listed in B).

            D. One person called Tech Support and they had the same problem, but it was a constant one. it needed to be sent in to Apple for monitor repair.

            E. The Òmixed up colorsÓ returned on 9/26/00. However, after zapping with T.T. and KB, it was fine.

            F. Idea for next time (9/30/00): Trash Finder and display preferences and/or monitors and sounds preferences.

            G. Problem return again on 10/25/00. I e-mailed Macdaddy and they said to bring the computer in along with proof of purchase, not the Purchase Order.

            H. After taking my iMac into Macdaddy computers, they said that the monitor did not fail the video board diagnostic test, so they could not replace any parts. Since the problem was intermittent, it may be that nothing major is wrong. However, it is possible that the technician made an adjustment, somewhere. They said they would only charge me half price, which would be $45 (probably an educational discount).

            I. Rodney called and I talked with him on 11/4/00. He said that they could not replicate the problem. I suggested restarting the computer a few times to see if problem could replicate itself. He said he would see if Apple would pay for the repair. Apple did not. I think it is best to avoid going to Macdaddy in the future, since they did not fix or diagnose the problem.

            J. Perhaps color coordinator is the problem (see Software #7 G)?

            K. e-mailed me on 11/6/00 and said that they (Mac Daddy) would wait for me to complete the purchase order.

            L. When the colors are Òmixed upÓ on the screen of the iMac, change colors from thousands to 256, then back to thousands.

            M. Mac daddy said iMac passed all diagnostic tests.

42. On GNÕs computer, had trouble when copying from a CD (error type 65 or -65, not sure) to the HD. The error did not occur on my G3 with the same disk (which was Internet (2))

            A. Also, the School Stuff and the School Stuff (2) would not eject or mount. I tried using a paper clip (large and small) to eject, put away, holding down mouse at startup, restarting with extensions off and inserting the paper clip, but none of those ideas did work. (I did not try Virtual memory off, but I do not think that would have worked either). Finally, I used a paper clip to actually touch the CD and may it spin, which worked.

            B. I then cleaned the entrance area with a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol.

43. MAC OS ROM update caused ? at startup on my iMac. Foolproof is still on, even with extensions off. Zapping did not work. Sent work order to Aaron. He fixed it.

            A. I tried to startup from the CD to copy the MAC OS ROM file from the CD to the HD, but I kept getting the disk is locked error. The same thing would probably happen if trying to copy from a floppy.

44. Had trouble with Math Blaster Mystery in the lab. Kept saying there is insufficient memory to run Math Blaster Mystery, need to increase the memory allocation to 2000K. However, the problem ended up being that the iMac was set to thousands of colors and should be set to 256 colors.

45. Burn would not work when copied to the desktop, gave the locked message. After I make an alias to Burn and put it on the desktop, I could work with it. However, it still would not do drag and drop. After rebuilding the desktop with TechTool, I could use drag and drop with Burn.

46. I had trouble when restarting the iMac in my room. The screen would be blank and no happy face, question mark, anything would show up. Zapping the PRAM and restarting did not help. I unplugged the iMac, which worked.

            A. Later on in Room 24, had the same problem, question mark at startup. Unplugged the iMac for a few seconds and then plugged it back in. This worked.

47. When using the Keyspan serial adapter with an iMac and a 800 series printer (we have 870 c SE printers in Room 52 and Room54), there will be three icons (modem port, P, 2) in the chooser (under configuring printers in the userÕs manual). I think it may vary depending on the printer, computer, etc. When setting up the Keyspan serial adapter to work with the DW at home, I installed the DW software first and the iMac froze. It is better to start over and trash the serial adapter software and DW, install serial adapter software first, then DW.

48. Should avoid updating the Mac OS for now, since the problem with Apple Mac OS ROM (see #43).

49. According to Aarin, if you start up from the CD, you should be able to disable Foolproof by trashing the system folder.

50. On Sarah Cox's iMac (Room 57), the Foolproof did not lock the TCP/IP, Startup Disk, Memory (explained in next number) and Appletalk Control Panels when starting up from a CD.

            A. TCP/IP showed Using DHCP Server, IP Addr. as, Subnet Mask, Router Address as not available, Name Server Addr. as

Appletalk was showing connect via Ethernet. Startup Disk showed a "Network Disk" icon, along with iMac 57-1.

51. Had trouble with computer freezing on iMac in Room 57. Tried to replace Finder, System file and System resources, but was unable to because of Foolproof.

            A. When restarting with the CD, all folders are locked (even if you hold down the shift key after the "happy face" sign). Could make a RAM disk using the memory control panel, but "RAM preferences could not be created." However, when restarting the computer from the HD, the RAM disk was there. Upon restart again with the CD, the RAM disk was gone again, so it could not be selected as startup disk.

52. You can order a USB to RCA adapter at ÒÓ. It is part number X020 1075, which is an XLR8 Interview 2.0 USB Video Capture w/Videoshop. You can use the RCA video cable as normal. But the audio portion of the adapter imitates a sound input jack on a Macintosh (you would need a RCA to 1/8Ó stereo plug adapter, also).

53. On the iMac in room 4, if you put a Launcher into the startup items folder, it will not launch on restart. Made a folder called ÒStudent StuffÓ and put it on the desktop.

54. iMac in Room 24 should be left on 256 colors to avoid problems with Number Munchers, etc.

55. According to Tekserve FAQÕs 2000, to boot up in iMac Firewire Target Mode, hold down the ÒTÓ key at startup.

56. To restart the original iMacs, According to Tekserve FAQÕs 2000, press a paper clip into the (sideward triangle) hole on the right side of the iMac.

            A. According to the Emergency Handbook for iMacs from AppleÕs web site ( (iMacemergencyhbk.pdf, 1, 343 K, Friday July 31, 1998), you can Òlocate the reset hole (itÕs the upper hole on the right side, between the Ethernet and modem ports). Carefully insert the end of a large straightened paper clip into the hole and push gently. Do not use excessive force. Your computer should restartÓ.

57. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, some Laserwriters can be hooked up to the iMac.

58. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, you can connect a parallel port printer to a USB Mac by using InfowaveÕs Powerprint USB-to-parallel adapter and software, an exception though, is the HP Deskjet 700 series.

59. Our bondi-blue iMacs weigh 40 pounds.

60. The iMac in Room 26 had a power problem. I tried checking the power cord, the surge protector, a different outlet. I even changed the battery, but I had no luck.

            A. BTW, the batteryÕs terminals line up with the Ò+Ó sign on the logic board.

            B. It is easier to take the plastic access door off and then try to change the battery, if it needs replacement.

            C. I checked the serial number and it was SG9483XWHQJ. That iMac was received 12/11/99. The warranty has expired.

            D. I told Ka she should put in a work order to get it fixed.

61. On iMacs in rooms, should probably avoid system software replace, if possible, since Network software is already configured.

            A. The iMac in Room 13 kept freezing when Finder was supposed to load and would remain that way. I replaced the Finder, System File and System Resources media error. I replaced the Finder and System Files with the original ones and left the System Resources file (since I had accidentally copied over it anyhow). I trashed the Finder preferences and restarted. The Finder would load, very slowly, but it would load.

62. Bill's iMac would not allow him to save any Appleworks 5.0.4 documents to the desktop (or any place else on the HD). You could use save as... and it would work, but save would not. Gave negative error number messages (i.e. -6943 or something like that). Clarisworks 4.0 gave same errors. Simpletext did not have any errors when saving. Trashed prefs for Appleworks, increased memory for Appleworks, Reinstalled Appleworks 5.0.3, I had no luck. After rebuilding the desktop with TT and the extensions off, I could save. However, upon restart, problem returned. So I Rebuilt again with TT, but I had no luck. Updated AW to 5.0.4, Ran DFA (which found no errors). Tried to save with AW and CD as startup, but got disk is locked error, when trying to save anywhere. Finally, I reinstalled the System Software and AW 5.0.4 and Clarisworks were able to save, and save as. Curiously enough, the Claris folder was not present in System Folder, when the original problem occurred. After re-installing the 5.0.3, the Claris folder was in System Folder. Later, the folder was not present (may have been due to the fact that I did not drag the Claris folder to the newly created System Folder).

63. On EAÕs iMac in Room 53, upon startup, the iMac gave a couple errors related to Quicktime, saying that Quicktime (some combination of letters) could not run, because Quicktime 3.0 was not installed. It was because Quicktime 2.1 had been installed (probably by an old software program). Apparently, someone had replaced the Quicktime that was already installed on the iMac.

            A. After installing Quicktime 4.1, the error was gone.

            B. There was also an error relating to the faxing software, so I disabled two of the fax extensions (there were only two that I could find at the time: I did not check control panels, since the error did not appear to relate to c.p.).

            C. The three errors were gone after that.

64. Tidbits (7/23/01) states that the candy colors have been nearly bleached out of all iMacs. It appears as though, as of 8/25/01, they still sell Indigo, Graphic and Snow.

65. We needed to hook up the Keyboard, a BJC-2100 printer and a VST External Floppy Drive to an iMac. I hooked up the BJC-2100 printer to the Keyboard USB port on the iMac in Room 5 and it works, apparently, it has enough power. The External Floppy Drive could not get enough power from that port.

66. Bill's iMac appears to be dead. When you turn it on, it makes the bong sound, but then the monitor turns on and nothing else happens. Starting up from CD will not work. Zapping with TT, KB did not work. Neither did reseating the RAM and disconnecting the battery for twenty minutes and pressing the reset button. Julie and I took it apart to see if we could see any loose wires. We could not, except for the fact that a heat sink covering a graphics card was loose (one of the screws came loose), we tried to tighten it in place, but it was not really possible without a spring.

            A. However, 24 hours later, Bill was able to start the computer up. It froze a lot, but it was at least booting.

            B. I did e-mail, Bob Hughes, anyhow to inquire about this issue, if he could repair it or not.

            C. According to and several other websites that I found with Google, the operating temperature for iMacs is from 50 degrees to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Storage temperature is from -40 degrees to 116 degrees Fahrenheit.

            D. Bob did not return my e-mail. I suggested to Bill that he may want to take the computer to Microage in Modesto. He said he may not, since it may not be worth the investment to repair it.

            E. For future reference, may have tried the COSD shortcut to disable the HD, although I do not think it would have made a difference in this case.

            F. Bill's iMac was later having trouble again. Sometimes AOL would freeze when opening, sometimes AOL would freeze after running for 5 minutes. Sometimes the question mark would appear upon startup, sometimes there was just a blank screen. Unplugging it for several hours seemed to help a little with startup problems.

            G. I tried starting it up, but I got a blank screen and no disk icon, whatsoever. I tried Zapping the PRAM with KB, I had no luck. I unplugged the battery for 30 minutes. Upon next restart, there was a question mark at startup. Then I tried restarting and got the blank screen again (I tried starting up with the CD and the "C" key pressed, but no luck).

            H. I think getting a new battery is a step in the right direction. It is worth a try. Often there is no happy face at all, the screen just goes from black (powered off) to gray (when you turn it on) and then nothing else happens. I tried taking the battery out for 30 minutes to clear the PRAM totally. After putting the battery back into the iMac, I got the same poor results. Then I unplugged the battery for 30 minutes again. Then I switched the battery and RAM that was in the iMac with the battery and RAM from a working iMac. The computer started up fine 4 times in a row. Then I put the old battery and RAM back into the iMac and the freezing problem recurred. Then I switched the battery and RAM again (I put the known working battery and RAM back into the iMac) and the computer still froze. I e-mailed Dennis and Bob to see if they thought that the RAM and the battery may be defective and I should replace them or do they think a hardware repair is needed.

            I. Dennis suggested trying the suspected bad RAM in the working iMac in Room 37. Bill's iMac's RAM, battery, power cord and keyboard started up my iMac in Room 37 5 straight times without any problem.

            J. Later, I found out that the rocker arm on BillÕs iMac is broken.

96. When trying to install the Stylewriter 1500 software on one of the Navy Blue (came with 9.2 installed) iMacs, I got an out of memory error, if I tried to install the software with the extensions on. When I restarted with extensions off, the software installed fine.

97. On the iMac in Room 52, when you typed an apostrophe, an en-yee (Spanish N) appeared. The semicolon key did not type a semicolon either. Turns out that the problem was with the Keyboard control panel. Someone had put checks by English and Spanish layout with the keyboard control panel. Consequently, in the menu bar a keyboard icon appeared and you could switch between English and Spanish layouts. The keyboard was set to Spanish.

            A. I went to the Keyboard control panel and made sure that English was the only language checked. Then no icon appeared in the menu bar at the top of the screen. The semicolon and the apostrophe worked normally again.

98. The iMac in Room 25 kept producing an error at startup (after loading extensions) that said "Time Synchronizer Error type 41" and would freeze. I tried disabling the Time Synchronizer extension and restarting the iMac, but then I got an "Setup Info Dispatcher error type 41 at startup. I then disabled the "Setup Info Dispatcher" extension, but then I got an "Open Transport SNMP error type 41" at startup.

            A. Finally, I decided to reinstall System 9.0. It took about 25 minutes.

            B. After reinstalling the Canon Software for the BJC-4550, The printer would not work. I said a color related error. It was because BJ Standard had not been selected with the Color Sync Profile Control Panel. I went to the Color Sync control panel, but BJ Standard was not a choice (this is probably due to the fact that the software was originally designed pre system 9.0). I had to move the Colorsync profiles for the Canon Printer from the Colorsync Profiles folder inside the preferences folder to the Colorsync Profiles folder in the root level of the System Folder. Then BJ Standard was a choice in the Color Sync control panel, I selected it and the Canon 4550 was able to print.

99. Error type 11 occurred, when I tried to run Accelerated Reader on the iMac in Room 25, when starting up from the CD. I thought the program might have to be reinstalled, but this was not true. After reinstalling system 9.0, Accelerated Reader worked fine (no errors).

100. iMac UserÕs Guide states on page 3 that you should not use any substance containing isopropyl alcohol on the case, as damage to the plastic can result. Page 4 says that SO-DIMMs (Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules) are used in the iMac. Page 6 says you should not use a powered screwdriver on computer screws, as it may damage the screws. Page 14 says that installing a battery incorrectly may cause an explosion. Page 21 says that the internal modem will not work with party lines, cannot be connected to a coin-operated telephone and may not work with a private branch exchange (PBX).

101. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook page 7 suggests that ÒHelp CenterÓ is for information about your computer and software applications you have installed,Ó ÒMac OS HelpÓ is information related to system software.

            A. Page 10 says that if you hear one tone when starting up, your computer does not detect any memory, two tones means that your computer detects incompatible memory and three or more tones means you should contact an Apple authorized dealer.

            B. Page 14 says if you are unable to restart your computer in the normal way, you will notice that some Powerbooks do not have a Reset button. In that case, you should simultaneously press the Shift, Function, Control and Power Button. Wait at least 30 seconds, then turn your Powerbook on again by pressing the Power button.     

            C. Page 15 suggests that if displaying video from your Powerbook on a television screen or monitor, it may be normal that your computer screen be screen. Should consult documentation.

            D. Page 16 says it is okay to plug/unplug an Ethernet cable while the power is turned on.

            E. Page 17 says that some computers have two separate SCSI chains, each with its own set of ID numbers.

102. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook page 27 says that data can be corrupted any time the computer is not shut down correctly, when your computer freezes or crashes, if you are using SCSI devices that are not properly connected and terminated or if youÕre using SCSI devices that are properly connected to your computer but not on when the computer starts up.

103. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook page 28 says that if Disk First Aid cannot correct a problem with a disk, try running DFA again, updating the driver or using another disk repair or recovery program.

104. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook page 29 says the CAPS lock key should not be engaged, when updating the hard disk drivers.

            A. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook Page 29 says that to see which version of driver you have on a HD, highlight the HD icon, choose Òget info,Ó then look at the ÒwhereÓ information.

            B. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook Page 30 says that if the Òget infoÓ window for the hard drive says ÒMacintosh HD AT_0,Ó the disk doesnÕt contain partitioning info. The disk needs to be re-initialized.

105. Page 31 says that computers that use MAC OS8 or earlier cannot access files on a MAC OS Extended Disk.

106. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook Page 31 says that if initialization fails, Choose ÒInitialization OptionsÓ from the Format menu, choose Òlow level format,Ó click ÒInitialize.Ó ÒZero all dataÓ is only necessary where data must be completely overwritten with zeroes.

107. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook page 32 says that testing a hard disk can take two or more hours, depending on the size of your disk. Use drive setup, from the functions menu, choose Test Disk (Page 32 says that the Òcaps lockÓ key is not engaged).

108. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook page 38 says when ÒunblessingÓ a system folder, move the System File into the Preferences.

109. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook page 40 says that if an installer gives a message that says Òan item cannot be replaced,Ó you should rename the old item and start item.

110. The iMac Troubleshooting Handbook page 41 says that some CDÕs have the option to ÒRestore in Place.Ó

111. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 8 says that startup may take several minutes if you have more than 32 MB of memory, because of the time it takes to verify that the RAM is functioning properly.

112. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 19 says that to reset the PRAM, you must not have the CAPS Lock key engaged.

113. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 26 says that if software quits unexpectedly, one solution may be to reduce the number of active fonts and restart.

114. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 29 says that if you start up the computer with a CD and no files appear on the HD, except for a single document called ÒWhere have all my files gone?Ó, you have started up the computer with a pre-8.1 CD, you need to use 8.1 or later CD to startup the computer.

115. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 32 says that if a ISO 9660 or High Sierra Disk has files that cannot be opened, it may be that some application programs need a version number in order to work with files. Eject the disk. Hold down the option key and then push the disk back in.

116. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 33 says if icons do not show up in color, it may be that the computer is low on memory.

117. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 33 says that is a USB device does not work, try plugging it into a USB hub or directly to computer (switch connections, etc.). Page 34 says that you can try unplugging other devices that are plugged into a USB hub, if the non-working device is plugged into a USB hub.

118. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 36 says that if you get an error, you may be able to print a detailed report.

119. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 36 says that if performance decreases, removing unused fonts may help.

            A. Page 37 says that increasing the disk cache slightly may help performance (because the amount of memory available for opening programs decreases as you increase the size of the cache, you should not set the Disk Cache too high).

120. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 38 says that if ÒpromptÓ appears on the screen, your computer is trying to launch a ÒdebuggingÓ application, but could not find one. Type G and return to get back to the desktop.

121. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 38 says that if a blinking icon appears in the menu bar, open the Easy Access control panel (if installed), and check whether any of its features are turned on.

122. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 39 says that if your computer makes sounds that are regular or melodic, the sounds may be caused by electrical interference. Try moving the computer.

123. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 39 says that if a shared disk you want to use is not available, check for its icon on the desktop. It may already be there.

124. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 40 says if file sharing canÕt be turned on, you may need to make sure that you have 400K of space available on your HD.

            A. Page 40 also says that if an item canÕt be shared, you need to make sure you have at least 1 MB of space available on your HD.

125. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 40 says that if you canÕt remember you administration password, you should drag your Appletalk or TCP/IP preferences to the trash. Open Appletalk or TCP/IP (restart not necessary, apparently).

126. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 41 says that if you have a server that does not respond to a Òping,Ó that the ÒUse 802.3 checkboxÓ isnÕt selected in the TCP/IP control panel.

127. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 41 says that if you canÕt hear any sound, make sure that nothing is plugged into the computerÕs sound output port (even some piece of debris, etc.).

            A. Page 41 also says if using a CD-ROM disk over a network, you wonÕt be able to hear the audio portion.

            B. Page 42 says that if sound comes out of your computerÕs speakers, even though the headphones are plugged in, try plugging the headphones into one of the headphone jacks on the front of the computer.

            C. Page 42 says that if the sound coming through the headphones is odd, it may be that your computer had 3D Surround Sound, which does not work wellthroughheadphones. Remove the X from the 3D Surround Sound enabled box in the Monitors and Sounds Control Panel (the 3D option not present in System 8.1).

128. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 42 says that if you canÕt record with a microphone, and you are using the monitorÕs built in microphone to record, you should mute the monitorÕs speakers with the Monitors and Sounds Control panel. Make sure that the sound input is set to monitorÕs built in microphone.

129. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 46 says you should press the eject button immediately after startup to eject a CD.

130. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 51 says that if you get an error when testing a disk (using Drive Setup), hardware damage may be a problem.

131. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 60 says that when doing a clean installation, you may later need to revert to previous system folder, but that may not work anyhow. You may still need to do a clean install.

132. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 61 says that if an installer says it cannot repair your hard disk, you may want to use Disk First Aid or a third party utility to try to repair the disk.

            A. Page 62 says that if you see a message that says that the System file cannot be modified, the Finder of System file may be locked.

            B. Page 62 says that if you get a message saying that installation was not successful, check to see if CD needs to be cleaned (see online documentation that came with computer).

133. The iMac Emergency Handbook page 66 says that if you turn on Òshow balloonsÓ when using Apple System Profiler, you can get more information. The iMac G3 (2000) User Manual does mention a specific amount of room that the iMac needs, it just says that it is better to not block the ventilation openings.

134. I had a problem after installing version 1.8.4 of the Keyspan Twin Serial Adapter Software on my iMac in room 37. The icons loaded when the Finder started up, but they took about a minute each to load. Then after all the icons loaded, if you clicked anywhere, it would take about 3 minutes to redraw the screen.

            A. I tried first trashing the Finder prefs and restarting, I had no luck. I disabled the Keyspan Control panel and the Keyspan extension, I even disabled the Keyspan Manager (the Keyspan Manager appears to only be installed with systems past 8.1, since it does not install on my G3/233 with 8.1, this may have something to do with which version of Keyspan software is installed, as well, not sure), which was in the root level of the System Folder (the Keyspan Manager gets moved to the root level of the System Folder after the first restart after an install, apparently). There were no Keyspan preferences to trash. I had no luck. I tried copying the Finder and System File from my 9.0 Software Restore CD (that CD and my 9.0 Software Install CD will start up the iMac, the one that Ben Mook gave me would not), but then I got the Òoriginal mediaÓ error. So I did a clean install of system software from the Software Restore CD (and updated the System to 9.1 in the process). It replaces all the original software on the iMac and puts everything that was already on the iMac in a folder called Òoriginal items.Ó Then I tried copying the Finder and System file from the ÒnewÓ System Folder to the ÒoldÓ one, which did allow the iMac to not have the Òoriginal mediaÓ error. However, the Finder still did not load properly, the computerÕs icons were still very slow to load upon restart.

            B. I eventually decided to use the ÒnewÓ System Folder. I did get an error that said that ÒMacIPX cannot find its network interface files. Please put network interface files for MacIPX (such as ÒMacIPX InternetÓ) into the Extensions Folder. I did move MacIPX Internet and MacIPX Appletalk from the old System Folder to the new one. I also dragged some other files to the ÒnewÓ System File, which the installer for Netware indicated. These files are the MacIPX control panel, Netware, Netware Queues, Netware Client and Netware File Access Extensions, the Netware UAM, which was in a folder called ÒAppleshareÓ inside the System Folder. I also move the HoseIPXLib from Printing Plug-ins, which was in the extensions folder. I also moved the printer descriptions for Laserwriter, Laserwriter 8500, Laserwriter Plus V38.0 and Laserwriter Plus v42.2. However, when I tried to log in using the Novell log in at the top of the screen, it says that I need to configure the MacIPX control panel.

            C. I also had to disable the extension ÒInstant Palm DesktopÓ to make the icon disappear from the menu bar.

            D. When I tried to log in using the menu icon for Netware, I got an error that says that ÒMacIPX needs to be configured.Ó I tried copying the MacIPX preferences and Netware preferences to the new System Folder, but I had no luck. The error still appeared.

135. iMac in room 60 was freezing in the Finder (usually after you clicked a couple times, but sometimes it was frozen upon startup). I replaced the Finder and the System File from the HD (I had made extra copies of the Finder and System files on the HD). I trashed the Finder and System Preferences. Restarted, still frozen.

            A. I did a clean install of System Software. I thought perhaps the alias of Startup Assistant was the problem, so I trashed the alias of it, then on next restart, I ran the Startup Assistant from the original, but then the computer still froze after a couple of clicks. Then I tried running DFA, NDD (Version 6.0 will start up and work on the iMac, which has system 9.0). NDD found no errors, except for two system folders. I trashed the previous Finder and System files from the old System Folder. Restarted the computer. The computer still froze upon startup (or after clicking once or twice in a window). I then changed keyboards with the one from my iMac, still the computer froze.

            B. The computer would start up with a CD and the computer did not freeze when navigating through windows.

            C. Finally, I decided to initialize the drive. The computer then started up without freezing and you could navigate through folders without freezing.

136. I tried connecting the iMac in my room to the Ethernet connection in the wall. I installed the Enternet software, but it kept saying ÒauthenticatingÓ without actually connecting. It may be that the Enternet software may only be for my Westell Wirespeed modem (not an iMac internal Ethernet connection).

            A. The Westell Wirespeed modem can download (potentially, I believe) at 8 Mbps and upload at 800kbps.

137. There is a CUDA (PRAM reset) button on at least two iMacs that I have looked at BillÕs) and (mine in Room 37.

138. To move icons from the desktop to the trash on the iMac in Room 35, you have to highlight the file, then select "Move to trash" from the File menu. Foolproof was not on (the icon was unlocked at startup according to MS), but it still may be Foolproof related or may be system glitch. I told her we could reinstall the system later, if other problems arise.

139. iMac in Room 37 kept losing the date settings (as of 1/28/02). Even though the computer is only 2 to 3 years old, I changed the battery. It may have had problems because I changed the battery a few times with BillÕs iMac.

140. iMac in Room 37 kept typing a ÒZÓ when the ÒYÓ key was pressed and vice versa. I went to keyboard control panel and switched the layout from Roman to U.S. This solved the problem.

141. One of the iMacÕs in the lab ÒsupposedlyÓ had a CD in it. However, I could not find a CD in there. I could press a CD almost all the way, but it did not appear to ÒloadÓ as normal, so I think the CD-ROM needs replacing. It is still within the warranty period, so perhaps it can be fixed without a charge.

142. I looked through my iMac manuals on school stuff and vent (short for ventilation) is not mentioned.

143. On the iMac in room 25, all the icons were green. I tried to cut the icons using Òget infoÓ, but cut option was not available. I tried going to control panel, appearance, and adjusting several settings without any luck. Then I went to the Color Sync System Profile Control Panel and chose a different profile (since the icon for Colorsync was the only green one), but I had no luck. Then I went to the monitors control panel and changed the resolution to 640 X 480, and the icons were normal again.

144. After Zapping the PRAM with TT on the iMac in room 37, no resetting of

the settings of the control panels was necessary.

145. As of 4/02, GM (thru 21st Century) is buying an 800 Mhz iMac for $1,699, with Power PC G4 processor, 256 MB of RAM, 60 GB HD, Super Drive (can read and burn CDs, DVDs).

            A. GM also said we have a mini DV camcorder that was boughtthrough21st century, also.

            B. The iMac comes with iMovie 2.

146. RH thought that the iMacs in the lab had CD burners in them, because the Special menu had a ÒBurn CD option.Ó I checked the box for one of them (it had part number Z05C00XTK and also said M5521), but the box did not have any information about this.

            A. I checked with Marilyn (who wrote the P.O.) and the amount paid for each iMac was $764 (only information listed). On 4/16/02, I checked on AppleÕs web site and the $699 models (Indigo, or blue, which was discounted from $799) did not include CD-R or DVD capability. You had to buy the $899 iMac to get a CD-R.

            B. I tried putting a CD-R into two of the iMacs and they ejected. I also tried putting a DVD into two of the iMacs and they ejected.

147. iMac in Room 37 would not startup properly, the screen was black. I restarted the computer twice, but I had no luck. I zapped with KB two or three times, but I had no luck. I unplugged the computer for ten seconds, reconnected the power plug. Then it started up okay.

148. We received the 64 MB memory modules from T.D. Curran. Todd said that they were the wrong ones. I called T.D. Curran (and talked to Bill) and he said that there are only two kinds of memory for the iMac, memory for tray-loading and memory for slot-loading. The memory for slot-loading iMacs is about twice as big as the memory for tray-loading iMacs. The 333 Mhz iMacs have 2 RAM slots, according to Apple Spec Database (1/02): however, I only found one slot, when I opened the computer.

            A. Todd probably got the video Ram slot confused with the RAM slot (s).

            B. To access the memory slots on the tray-loading iMacs requires taking out at least 10 screws.

            C. We took apart one of the tray-loading iMacs and found that the RAM should be installed under a metal shield with many holes (we did have the correct RAM, after all). I could only find one RAM slot, but the RAM did fit in there.

            D. On T.D. CurranÕs website (, the iMac memory modules listed there work only on iMacs that are under 350 Mhz. For iMacs over 350 Mhz, you should use PC-100 memory (same memory as G3 Blue Boxes and G4s, which on the website, is listed as memory for Mac G3/G4).

149. The General Controls Control Panel (documents, last folder used by application, etc.) affects Appleworks 5.0, but not Accelerated Reader when selecting the location of quizzes for installation.

150. In 5/02, MJ kept insisting that the iMac in room 10 was Òbroken.Ó She said she saved her file and then later pages were missing. She thought something was wrong with the mouse or the computer. I checked and the mouse was fine and DFA showed no problems with the disk. I discovered that she had made two files called ÒMarciamusicÓ and that, I believe, was the problem.

151. The application menu on the iMac is not on the edge of the right edge of the screen (inward toward the center). I restarted the computer, I had no luck. When I used the CD as startup, the application menu was in the correct place. I trashed the Finder, Display and System Preferences and restarted. The application menu was still in wrong place, maybe be System Software problem.

            A. Later, I discovered that you could move the word ÒFinderÓ simply by clicking on the dividing line between the Finder and the Netware icon and then dragging to the right.

152. The iMac (iLamp is a nickname among Apple employees) with 700 to 800 Mhz G4 processor has an operating temperature of 50 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. It has a storage temperature of -40 degrees to 185 degrees Fahrenheit.

A.   I found this info at

153. When the CAPS lock key was on with the iMac in Room 57, I had trouble selecting tabs, closing windows, etc. Once I turned the CAPS lock key off, things were back to Ònormal.Ó

154. On MSÕs iMac, she could not move any of the icons on the desktop. However, Foolproofª was off. I then unchecked all the buttons that I could with Foolproofª, then restarted the computer. Still the icons could not be moved. I looked under the View menu and went to View Options, Button arrangement was set to ÒKeep arranged by nameÓ, I changed the setting to ÒnoneÓ. Then we were able to move icons on the desktop.

155. If you disconnect the USB Zip Drive from the iMac before ejecting the disk, you get an error message. The way to avoid the error message is to use the ÒPut AwayÓ command, before disconnecting the device.

156. After connecting the SmartDisk USB floppy drive to the iMac in Room 37 (Yang LeeÕs room), the floppy drive worked automatically without installing any software.

            A. The packaging information affirms that software installation is not required, but if the software is not present, you can download it at At the site, if you search for ÒmassÓ, you can find at least two different USB Mass storage support packages. Version 1.4.1 is not necessary for computers with built-in USB ports. It requires System Software 8.6 or later. Version 1.3.5 requires 8.6, you would not need the software if you have installed OS 9.

157. Helen said that her USB card suddenly stopped working after a year. However, I checked and the card was designed for Windows. It may be that the card never worked at all, never know with Helen.

158. There are not iMacs in 4 (Cha Mee), 21 (Lori Candelaria), 25 (Krystal), 36 (Lori H.), 52 (Darlene), and 53 (Ellen). M. plans to buy more iMacs for the lab, and then put the old iMacs in these six classrooms.

159. TWC and TBWC have trouble saving on a couple iMacs, but when saving with TBWC on my G3/233, files could be saved to the HD.

160. I was able to clean permanent marker from the front of the blueberry iMac by using Goo-Gone.

161. The Strawberry iMac in Sarah RhodesÕ room is a 266 MHZ with OS ROM 3.1.1. It has 9.0 on it, but according to Apple Spec Database (1/02), it came with 8.5.1.

162. WMS has some tray loading iMacs with broken CD-ROMs, accordingly. At, I could not find any internal or external CD-ROM drives listed, but I e-mailed (Mac Geek) about this. He did not respond.

            A. has an Iomega external USB 2.0 CD-RW for $99.95 each. has an Iomega external USB 2.0 CD-RW, DVD-Rom for $99.95 each. I was not sure if either one of these drives would start up a tray loading iMac, so I e-mailed from to ask. Charlene (866-723-2641), account representative for CDW, who took over for Macwarehouse), said that the drives will most likely be able to start up the iMacs. She also said that there is a difference in speed between the two drives (one is CD-RW and the other is CD-RW/DVD-ROM). M. said that we may be able to put the iMacs (with non-working CD-ROMs) in 4th/5th grade rooms for use with the non Waterford part of the program. Iomega said that they do not support using Iomega CD-RW as a startup device, but you can try it (it did not work).

            B. Clubmac had some CD-Roms, but I could not find one with a description of the items.

            C. Todd ( said that, Òyou can replace the CD-ROM drives yourself, but it is a real pain. You have to completely tear the iMAC apart. The Drive alone costs an arm and a leg, and to send it out to have it done twice as much. Your best bet would be to send the iMAC out to a reputable Apple dealer, but it will probably run you about $300 minimum just for the repair.Ó

            D. Bob Hughes ( said he does not do side work much anymore, as of 5/04. Often repairing items (i.e. CD-ROMs) requires getting parts from Apple, which he canÕt get anymore, since he is not connected with a certified Apple service center anymore).

            E. Bob said that That's why I would look into a network storage medium like a virtual CD drive manager. Then we wouldn't need the cd's anymore for each computer.

            F. CDW website has eccounts. The URL is My Username:, my password is: ryanzelenski. Charlene (Toll Free: 866.723.2641, Direct: 847.968.9320, Fax: 847.968.1320, E-mail: is the account rep for CDW.

163. The Bondi Blue iMac will not shut down, only restart, if you select Shut Down from the Special Menu. Same problem occurs when starting up from the CD, Super Shut Down did not work, either. I zapped with KB, no luck. I zapped with TT, no luck. I restarted with extensions off, no luck. I think that problem is with the power button on the button, not working well (because of being in the lab).

164. All 3 of my iMacs have memory in both slots, as of 7/04.

165. My Bondi-blue iMac was having trouble starting up, about once per week. Additionally, it did not wake up well from sleeping. Also, on one occasion, I unplugged it and reconnected it. Then the time was off when I plugged it back in, so I changed the battery on 9/14/04.

166. Bondi Blue (although not really Bondi Blue, it is a slot loader) iMac in room 58 came with 9.0 (because we have many CDs for them). Apple Spec Database is off for them, I am pretty sure. It indicates 8.6, but the iMac may have come out about the same time as 9.0. The iMac from Bill and Helen came with 9.0 also, I believe (it is the same MHz as the ones at school). If it did not have 9.0 originally, I have the 9.0 CD at home.

167. iMac would not connect to the internet After reinstalling System 9, I was able to connect to the internet temporarily. Problem returned, so then I trashed TCP/IP prefs and Internet preferences, but no luck. I think initialization is required. Also, CDÕs kept ejecting upon insertion; reinstall of System 9 solved the problem.

168. When the slot loading and red iMac DV+ are unplugged for an extended period of time (overnight or a few hours), they lose their clock settings. But if you simply unplug them for a few seconds, the date and time are saved.

169. After I put some more memory in the slot-loading iMac at home, it kept freezing. I zapped the PRAM, no luck. When I started up with extensions off, there was no problem (so the DIMMÕs were okay). Finally, I opened up the computer, press the reset button on the logic board and restarted. The computer started up fine. Also, I think that the computer was somewhat hot, and I had started it several times in a row on the bed, which probably heated it up. Later, the freezing problem returned (3/05/06), and I got a message that said that ÒThe built-in memory has found a problem. Please contact a service technician.Ó I zapped with KB and TT and then took out one of the RAM chips, and the iMac started up okay. Then I added the other RAM chip back and it still started up (further than before), but still froze. It was because of the Palm startup applications (Desktop Background and Transport Monitor); I then disabled those two Startup Items and the iMac started up fine. Later, the freezing problem returned, it froze at startup. I found out that if I waited three minutes, the computer unfroze itself. Anyhow, I took out the battery for thirty minutes and I pressed the reset button in the inside of the iMac. I also got rid of ÒInstant Palm Desktop.Ó Upon next restart, it still froze for three minutes, so I restarted again. It still froze, so I tried removing the Palm Desktop Background and Transport monitor to the Startup Items (Disabled) folder, then the iMac started up fine. It may be that version 4.1 has trouble with the iMac and 4.2.1 does not, but we decided to not use the Palm software for now (3/06).

170. I tried hooking up the iLamp to the Aiwa stereo using the Aux jack. The sound was not as clear as when playing through the Harman Kardon speakers that came with the iMac (the volume was almost the same, except I had to play the Aiwa on about 25 or 26 to match the intensity).

171. CZÕs iMac had a plethora of wavy lines on it: restarting, using TT, and Zap KB shortcut did not solve the problem. I unplugged it overnight, which solved the problem (the battery may be problematic, since the clock has been off lately, also). I changed batteries after screen problem recurred with iMac and it had internet trouble. After (used) battery replacement, screen problem recurred.

172. CZÕs iMac kept restarting after you selected Special, Shut Down (and with Energy Saver, the box was not checked to restart after a power failure). It did not do it when starting up from a CD (so it is not a hardware problem, most likely). There was not an extension problem, I do not think. I started up with extensions off and the problem was stil present. Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB did not work, neither did trashing the Finder Preferences. I ran NDD twice and NSD. System software replace and battery out twenty minutes (iMac was hot) and I pressed the reset button on the motherboard, then it shut down properly without restarting. Later, the problem returned and at the same time, the clock reset to its default time (the clock would reset to the default time if I unplugged the iMac for ten seconds), so I think that the battery needs replacing. It may be that pressing the power button softly when turning on may help the situation (the button may stick). Finally, I rebuilt the deskop with TT, ran NDD and NSD and TT Pro, but they did not resolve the issue. When Sleeper 3.2 shut down the iMac, the problem was still present. Disabling all extensions, zapping with TT and KB did not work, either. Also, the iMac could not be started using the triangle (and pressing the reset button next to the triangle did not work, eihter). I ran DFA. I did figure, out, though, that if a CD is present in the drive, the iMac will not spontaneously restart. Without a CD in the drive, it does spontaneously restart: this seems like a hardware issue (if you start up with a CD and then shut down, the computer does not restart, but then it cannot startup properly: you have to zap the PRAM). I then put a World Book CD in the drive and now it shuts down (perhaps because the CD takes a few seconds to spin down its drive, which may affect the timing of shutting down). But, a few restarts later, even with a CD in the drive, the iMac still spontaneously restarted when choosing to shut down. However, it is possible that being too warm may exacerbate the problem; but after letting the iMac cool for twenty minutes, it still had restart issues when shutting down (starting up from the HD with a CD in the drive).

173. To compress files on CZÕs iMac, I need to start up in OS 9.

174. Segment loader error 9.2 occurred on CZÕs iMac. This occurred pretty soon after installing Epson 740 driver in OS 9 (I installed it from within OS X), so it may be the cause. After rebuilding the desktop with OS X and unplugged the iMac for twenty seconds, the issue appears to be resolved (10/4/07). If problem returns, I can reinstall the 740 dirver with extensions off, remove the driver, or replace OS 9. Later, the problem returned (and Bill and HelenÕs Software Install and Software Restore CDÕs would not start up the iMac: they froze halfway through the process). I removed the Epson software to no avail. DFA did not solve the problem, neither did zapping with KB. Then I zapped with TT. No luck. says that, ÒA bug in the software program and/or the system software can lead to this (segment loader) error. If you think an extension is the cause, disabling the extension may help. Otherwise reinstall and/or upgrade the program or system software.Ó I reinstalled 9.1 from the 9.0, 9.1 CD (#136) and the error was gone. I then installed 9.2.1 (from the 127 CD, I think), but then there was a flashing question mark at startup (and the 9.2.1 System Folder did not display properly in Startup Disk Control Panel ). Therefore, I installed 9.1 again and leave it at that (10/07): I also turned off the message from OS X about starting up in 9.1 (as opposed to changing to 9.2). 9.1 folder is faster to start up than 9.2.1 (since it has less installed material). When starting up in OS 9.1 and then selecting a new Startup Disk (OS X), I got a message about the 9.2.1 System and Finder must be in the same folder (which they already were). Anyhow, it started in OS X fine. After the resources were updated in OS X, the Startup Disk Control Panel (while starting up in OS 9) was fine. The two white CDÕs (Software Restore and Software Install) did allow me to copy files to CZÕs iMac, but will not start up the iMac (and other CDÕs will), so perhaps that is why Bill and Helen got rid of the iMac. Mac OS 9.2.1 CD, iMac DV Software Install 9.0.4 and Restore 9.0.4 CDÕs, iMac Software Restore (original) 9.0, iMac Software Restore 9.0 and Install 9.0 (copies) start up slot-loading 1999 iMac in room 58 (in computer cabinet). 8.5 CDÕs would not start up the slot-loading iMac. CZÕs iMac started up with the iMac DV Software Install 9.0.4 and Restore 9.0.4 CDÕs, and Mac OS 9.2.1 CD. However, CZÕs iMac freezes when trying to start up with the iMac Software Restore 9.0 and Install 9.0 CDÕs (freezes about the time extensions load). Zapping with TT and KB did not work, nor did COSD shortcut. Selecting it as Startup Disk in OS X did not work. I tried starting up with the CD and then pressing ÒShiftÓ to turn extensions off did not prevent the freeze at startup. I took the battery out for 20 minutes and then CZÕs iMac still would not start up with the iMac Software Install 9.0 CD: I think it may be that Helen and Bill had CDÕs that were earlier than the iMac or the iMacÕs got confused at some point with one at school (or Helen may have gotten the wrong CDÕs). Anyhow, it is best to just use another OS 9 CD (i.e. #136) to start up and install System Software (drag and drop install) on the iMac, if necessary.

175.  OS9 691-2463-A and 691-3638-A will start up the slot loading iMac.

176. The iMac in room 58 would not startup from the HD nor from a CD-ROM (in each case, it froze at the part where it says 9.1 on the screen and the extensions, etc. are loading). Restarting and unplugging for a few seconds did not work. I took out the battery for twenty minutes to no avail. Finally, it just started up (I think it had gotten too warm) after a few minutes. It then started up, but froze at the Finder, so I unplugged the iMac overnight. The next day, it froze again; so, I then moved it to the table and used a different power plug, which solved the problem; then I returned the iMac to its location inside the cabinet and it worked. Later, the problem returned. I figured out the problem: the Iomega Predator was bad (it would not turn on when it was plugged in). After disconnecting the Predator, it worked; or I plugged in the other Predator, it worked. I trashed the Predator (and I am using the one that was in the Computer Lab).


iMac (Blueberry) in room 58 is serial number G8214255MBS, the ff09 is just extra info. It is a 500 MHZ; and it is model number M5521, DHHS Code: G8. It came with System 9.1.

1.  I could not get any of my System 9 CDs to startup the blueberry iMac in room 58, so I used the Jaguar CD to start up the computer. Then I installed 9.1 on the HD. I did not want to put 9.2 on the HD, since it will not work

with the Predator.

2. To change or access the HD on a slot loading iMac, take out two screws in the case, remove VGA access port cover (unofficial name), take out two screws underneath. Take out the six screws on the screen, take out silver screen. Take out four HD screws.

            A. After using a different HD with one of the iMacs, I had to reset the PRAM on the logic board for the iMac to start up again.

3. Apple Spec 1/02 says that the blueberry iMac comes with OS 9.1, but that is not correct. I found the original CDs for the blueberry iMacs (there are about ten of them) I got all the original CDs and they had 9.2.2 on them.

            A. I tried to install with several OS 9.1 CDs, but I had no luck. I got a message that the software is not intended for use on this computer. Drag and drop install from a 9.1 System CD did not work, the HD would cycle between Happy Mac and question mark.

            B. I tried starting up from a Zip disk (which did start up the blueberry iMac), but I was still unable to install 9.1. When installing the software on the Zip Disk, I had to use the installer; otherwise, I got the Òoriginal mediaÓ error. I did not want to put 9.2.2. on the blueberry iMac, since it would not work with the Predator CD-RW. However, I ended up putting 9.2.2 on it.

            C. To clean the HD entirely and put OS 9, OS 10 and all applications on the bright blue iMacÕs HD, use the 4 Software Restore CDs.

4. After starting an iMac on table (with plastic back and metal screen off the computer) caused problem, it froze upon startup (3rd extension icon). This problem occurred with two different HDs, but not the CD, so hopefully, it is not a hardware problem.

5. I had trouble getting the iMac to startup (blank screen) after I had switched to 9.2.1 and back to OS X, etc. Unplugging for several minutes did not work. Zapping with KB did work.

6. Blueberry iMac in room 58 is 20 GB, 13 GB are available, as of 7/04. It has 384 MB of memory, as of 4/05.

7. I had problems with the blueberry iMac, it kept freezing, especially when trying to wake up from sleeping. Replacing System 9.2 did not solve the problem, nor did zapping the PRAM with KB or TT. Replacing the battery solved the problem, temporarily.

            A. Bugdom quit causes freeze on bluebbery iMac, perhaps. I trashed Bugdom on blueberry iMac on 10/27/04.

8. OS9 691-2463-A and 691-3638-A will start up the slot loading iMac.

9. TD asked about sharing a printer with several computers at one time. has a Belkin 4 Port USB switch that will allow one printer to work with  4 iMacs.


iMac (iLamp in room 21 B. Serial number is QP3371BMPJH)

1. Mac  uses a Power PC G4 (3.3) processor. It is boot ROM version 4.68f4. It has one RAM chip in it. It is DDR DSRAM PC2700U-25330.We need TDC05442 (256 MB chip). Don Chatwin ( said it is the correct RAM. It has a 1.25 GHz processor, 256 MB of RAM, and an 80 GB HD. IT is model number M6498. It will not start up in OS 9. It has 5 USB ports. Three of them are 2.0 and 2 of them (on the keyboard) are 1.1. The 2.0 ports can use 1.1 devices.

            A. However, when we received the RAM, it turned out to the wrong one. There are two different slots for RAM addition, the user slot (easily accessible) and the other RAM slot (further inside the machine). We received a piece of RAM for the inside of the machine, not the user-slot.

            B. When I get the box from UPS, there will be a return label in the box. Use the return label to send the package back to UPS and switch the RAM to send the non-user slot RAM back to TD Curran. If you call UPS solely for the purpose of picking up the package, there will be a charge. I can also just give the package to the office and they can give to UPS, when they come out sometime. It must be within 10 days, though.

2. Password is Ryan.

3. I timed the iMac on opening some applications: Classic: NN 4.77 (1 1/2 seconds), IE 5 (2 seconds), OE (2 seconds), Simpletext (1/2 second). Then I timed some OS X applications: Address Book (1 second), Acrobat Reader 5.0 (2 seconds), IE 5.2.3 (2 seconds), Mail (1 second), Appleworks (1 second), and Safari (2 seconds).

            A. The 500 MHz iMac in room 58 time for opening applications: Classic: IE 5 (2 seconds), Simpletext (2 seconds), NN 4.77 (11 seconds); OS X applications: Appleworks (6 seconds), Accelerated Reader (5 seconds), Address Book (3 seconds), I.E. 5.2.3 (3 seconds), and Safari (4 seconds).

            B. I also tested the G3/266 for opening applications: Classic (running 8.1): Simpletext (2 seconds), IE 5.1.6 (6 seconds), NN 4.77 (19 seconds), Clarisworks (4 seconds), and OE (4 seconds).


iMac Duo (My serial number is W8738D4GX85, and CZÕs is W8739DE7X85)

1. Mail in OS X 10.4.10 (which was installed on the iMac Duo when I received it. Preinstalled is not a word) had the same issue as in 10.3 with the password issue, so I decided to just stick with Entourage.

2. Using a CD with a label did not work with the DVD drive for two seconds (causes System problems). With one CD, it froze up the system and would not eject. After restarting, I held down the mouse button for a few seconds (waiting for the CD to eject, but it did not eject. After releasing the button, the CD came out. I need to stick with ones without labels placed on them.

3. Classic-on-Intel (which incorporates SheepShaver) does work. I basically followed the directions for V4.0.1 Òchubby-bunnyÓ steps 1-3 (except I copied CHP and My Web Page to my COI.dmg instead of a System Folder. I decided to use the System Folder that came with Classic-on-Intel, since it is much faster). To access OS X files in OS 9 (files, not folders), the files need to be in the Users/Shared folder. To access OS 9 files in OS X, save them to the Unix partition from within OS 9 (Classic-on-Intel): the icons are generic, probably because UNIX does not use the icon system. I had to restart COI to get the UNIX files to show up. To transfer files from OS X, make the folders into .sit archives, and copied the file to the Shared (UNIX) folder. Then you can open them in COI: although, I had to open Stuffit Expander and drag one file on top of it. Install Snitch 2.6.7 would not transfer by putting it in the UNIX folder. I could not get it to transfer in compressed form from CZÕs iMac to the iMac Duo, kept quitting File Sharing (Burn, in compressed form did the same thing. Later, I determined that if I copy the files from OS X on the iMac instead of OS 9, I could copy TechTool without a problem). Finally, I burned a CD with the iMac Duo and I was able to copy Snitch. CHP will not open if it is installed on the Unix partition (i.e. put into the Users/Shared folder). I installed Burn using the Internet 4 CD (BTW, BurnÕs icon was generic inside of COI, so I used TechTool 3.0.4 to rebuild the desktop, it caused an endless loop, but after using the force quit, the icon for Burn was regular. I copied Techtool 1.2.1 to the UNIX folder, but its icon and name were messed up: I changed the type to APPL and the creator to Ttlt and then it worked. Techtool 1.1.8 did not cause any problems with COI). Omnipage will not work with COI: a drag and drop install did not work and installation is not possible, even with the installer. It is best to just use Omnipage with CZÕs iMac, if nec. If you need to add some folders to Classic-on-Intel, you need to make a new 400 MB disk image and put the new items on that and put it in the same folder as COI (probably). Sheepshaver does not hide with OS X 10.4, if it is in Startup Items and the hide box is checked; therefore, I decided to not have it start up in OS X. The original Classic 9 System Folder did not have enough room to install the Canon driver, but I donÕt think I will be printing too much in OS 9, anyhow. If really necessary, I can take a picture of the screen. If COI is running and a CD is mounted in OS 9, then Disk Utility cannot erase a disk ((it produces errors). If you want to delete a file from the UNIX partition, you may get an in use error: use OS X and trash the file. I tried to install Houghton Mifflin Lesson Planner on Classic-on-Intel, but it froze in the process, so I restarted COI with only Apple CD-ROM extension enabled (and I installed Adobe Reader) and then H.M.L.P. installed fine (for Houghton Mifflin Lesson Planner documents, copy them to the UNIX sharef folder, then reverse the letters in type and creator. For example, change LPHd to dHPL. On one occasion, I was able to open the file, but the icon was still generic until I saved the file). VSE Link Tester works with Sheepshaver, also, so does IE 5.1.7 (and, of course, the internet). Printing is not possible at this time with COI (12/07) because I only have the OS X Canon printer; the HP printer was given to JC (besides, it would not make sense to hook up the printer for ony printing once every three months, and the HP printer takes a lot of room).

4. It has an 8X SuperDrive, which does CD DVD±R, DL/DVD±RW, CD-RW.

5. According to Mac Help, if your computer has a modem and a phone line is connected, it is automated configured to send faxes. I tried to send a fax on 9/28/07,  but it did not work.

6. Software Update downloads file to the Library/Packages folder.

7. The iMac DUO had two DVDÕs that came with it. One had numbers 3Y09202007, 06035-01, and 2Z607-0456-A and the other had numbers 3Y09202007 (same as first DVD), 06036-01, and 2Z607-0457-A.

8. Everything Mac (which came with the iMac Duo) page 11 explains that to use a dial-up connection (with the Duo), you need an external USB modem. Page 15 explains that if you hold down the play/pause button for three seconds with the remote control, the iMac Duo will go to sleep. Page 63 explains that the cloth that came with the iMac Duo is for cleaning.

9. iWeb kept insisting on using .Mac, so I decided not to use it for web pages.

10. When I first inserted a blank DVD-RW into the iMac Duo, I got a message about the disk being unreadable, I chose to ignore instead of eject. Then I used Disk Utility to erase it and I was able to burn the DVD.

11. (In Dashboard & ExposŽ preferences, (Mighty Mouse) Button 3 refers to the scroll-ball button and (Mighty Mouse) Button 4 refers to the pair of side buttons of the Mighty Mouse. With Dashboard, You can leave widgets open for quick access or click a widget's Close (x) button to put it away. If you don't see a Close button, press the Option key and move the pointer over the widget you want to close. F12 is original Dashboard shortcut (but it does not work, since volume up is already assigned to F12. You have to press the fn key and F12 for Dashboard to work if assigned to F12), but I changed it so that F6 (of fn and F6) turns Dashboard on/off. I did not use the Button 4 shortcut for Dashboard, since I often press it inadvertently. I set it so that pressing the button 3 does it (the scroll-bar button on the mouse) turn Dashboard on/off. explains how to turn Dashboard on/off by using Terminal or you can download Bye Bye Dashboard (which can turn Dashboard on and off: it is freeware), but I decided to download it only: it does work, though.

12. I adjusted Bluetooth (System Preferences) to Òallow Bluetooth devices to wake this computer,Ó so that the Palm T|X can access the iMac Duo, even when it is asleep. in use error with Bluetooth, tried to sync again, worked on second try once. It worked on third try a different time. I set up the password to be Old At Ease; later I changed to New New At Ease on 4/20/08 after a hard reset. Bluetooth Device passkey for the Palm was 47964486, but then the Palm did not have any services that would work with the iMac Duo, so the passkey probably is not useful. The same result occurred for CarmenÕs computer. The Bluetooth menu bar icon changes (it looks like there are three dots on top of the icon) to show when Bluetooth is being utilized. It appears to be significantly faster to sync (the Palm T|X with the iMac Duo) with the cable than Bluetooth. You cannot use Bluetooth to connect to the internet with the iMac Duo(s), since it requires a modem.

13. There are no vent holes on the iMac Duo. Everything Mac pages 12-13 say that you when you are cleaning the display and the iMac, use water only: do not use any sprays, and do not use any chemicals.

14. TidBITS #898 talks about the EFI firmware update (12) for iMac. The Duo does not require it, according to the installer. Additionally, TidBITS suggests making a restoration CD before installing any firmware update.

15. If you bought an iMac on October 1st or later, then you can get an upgrade to Leopardy for a $9.95 shipping fee. My iMac was bought 9/24/07, and CarmenÕs iMac was bought on 10/13/2007. Leopard includes Boot Camp, which allows you to run Windows applications on a Macintosh.

16. GarageBand 4.0.0 (221) kept crashing on the iMac Duo (two times within 5 minutes), so I have not used it again.

17. The picture on the back of the iMac Duo with two arrows pointing toward a ball is the audio in/optical digital audio in port: it works with SndSampler 5.9.8 and the Pioneer CD player.

18. I was not able to choose the speed for recording a Sony CD-RW with Disk Utility 10.5.8 (198.16). FYI: there is not a way to erase a CD/DVD with the Finder, you need to use Disk Utility (which, ironically, appears to use the Finder).

19. There is a glitch with Preview 3.0.9: when I scanned a document with EPSON Scan, I was able to save it; however, after rotating the picture, it would not save to the rotated form. I just used GraphicConverter 6.0.1 to rotate the picture, then saved it. Then I used the Finder to make the picture open with Preview.

20. On one occasion, I was unable to connect to CZÕs iMac Duo through the network, because it was unavailable; however, after restarting her computer, it was fine.

21. Both iMac Duos make sounds while sleeping, often during early stages of sleep, so I thought of a few ideas for this: try to find out time delay until thereÕs noise when sleeping (for information), check HD sleep time, close all apps before sleeping, printer (or file sharing), sharing-sleep issues, safe boot, disconnect USB/Firewire items. I did turn File Sharing (on my iMac Duo) off 3/25/08.


iMac DV + (came with 9.1)

1. RN039 BJFJV9 is the serial number.

2. I was able to get the iMac DV to work with the phone line in my room.

            A. I set up the iMac DV in the Remote Access control panel (which is also called Setup PPP) to dial 9, 9, 357-0390, even though the Control Panel ÒDial AssistÓ had 9, 9, as the prefix to dial (the Dial Assist may not work with Remote Access).

            B. TCP/IP control panel should be set to use the name server addr. of and (which says to use).

            C. 9, 9 is important for pause on iMac DV+.

            D. You can find access numbers at As of May 2001, has a Modesto dial up number.

3. Floppy drive software works okay.

4. iMac DV had an icon problem with Remote Access, when Remote Access was in the Launcher (on the desktop, the icon was normal). Made new alias for Remote Access Control Panel by highlighting the icon, then holding down control and option, dragged to Launcher. Icon no longer was generic. However, later, the icon was back to generic. I put a real copy of Remote Access in the Launcher items folder inside of the System Folder, made an alias of it and the alias into the control panels folder. The icon was normal. However, I could not use the control strip to open the Remote Access control panel (I could open it from the Apple Menu). It may be easier to connect using Remote Access, then open IE 5 (which opens Google's web site), rather than simply use IE 5 on the iMac DV +.

4. The manual mentions to clean the iMac case with a towel moistened with water. Do not use cleaners. Spray Windex on a paper towel, then wipe the screen clean. The manual does not mention the keyboard cleaning.

5. With Optical Mouse, the Ò-Ó setting works best for me, since I like to be able to easily click it.

6. I tried to set up the iMac DV to use the Internet. I tried connecting to the back of the 3ComImpactª IQ modem port 1 and port 2. The iMac was never able to connect to the Internet using the analog phone jack of the back of the ISDN modem. Even after pulling the power plug on the modem, let it set itself up again. I even tried connecting to the Internet with the ISDN modem and then connecting the iMac DV with the analog jack. Kept getting a Òcould not detect a dial toneÓ error.

            A. I set up the TCP/IP control panel to the name server addr., but the second one was incorrect (only one needs to be correct), but I will change that. The TCP/IP control panel should be set to use and (which says to use). I set up the modem control panel to be on 56K MLPPP and to 56K in the modem control panel on the iMac DV. I had no luck.

7. I decided to use a female to 2 female connector phone line connector to connect the iMac DV to the phone line that is used for the computer lab phone. The TCP/IP control panel should be set to use and and as the search domain.  The modem control panel should be set to Apple Internal 56K (v.90).I called Apple Education on 5/7/2001 to verify this. They said that Apple Internal 56K v.90 is the most current script and should be used. The Òignore dial toneÓ box should be checked, I believe. I also set up the modem control panel to redial the main number 2 times with 20 seconds in between. I also left the sound on for now. The modem control panel options should be set to Òallow error correction and compression,Ó I think. The Remote Access control panel should be set to dial 9,9, 357-0390 (the commas can be omitted, also). Also, the remote access control panel ÒoptionsÓ should be set to Òconnect automatically when starting TCP/IP applications,Ó otherwise, IE 5 will not access Remote Access when starting up, when IE 5 is trying to get to its home page, when opening a new window. Set the Remote Access Control Panel on iMac DV to disconnect if idle for twenty minutes. I used the iMac to ÒRegister with AppleÓ and the settings in ÒAÓ were changed, so I changed them back. Three days later, the iMac DV + signed on okay. It shows that it is signing on at 28800, but the download speed was about that of a 56 K modem (after all, the modem control panel is set to iMac internal modem, 56 K).

8. The connection did work once, but then I could not re-reconnect. I got an error that said ÒApple Remote Access is not responding. Check the configuration of your (Remote Access?) control panel and start again. So, I disconnected the line temporarily.

            A. Later, I tried to connect to the Internet again with the iMac DV. I connected the phone line directly from the wall to the iMac DV (without hooking up the computer lab phone). I was able to connect/disconnect more than once with the Remote Access control panel and IE 5.

            B. I got an ÒApple Remote Access. Modem not respondingÓ error. It may be possible that I had one error because of freezing and restarting the computer may well have fixed the problem. Also, it may be possible that after connecting the phone line, etc., a restart may be necessary for the modem to work properly. (I had seen a couple occasions, where the phrase Òstarting PPPÓ had been on the screen for a few seconds. The iMac was not frozen, just took a few seconds).

            Additionally, one time I got an error (I think it was a ÒRemote Access error. Modem not respondingÓ) and the modem re-dialed, even though I had not yet set it up to redial in the modem control panel. It may have been because I had set the modem control panel options to Òallow error correction and compressionÓ.

            Phone line may be problem in lab, since in my room it worked okay.

            C. As of 10/27/00 at 4:14 P.M., the iMac can connect/disconnect from the Internet using Remote Access and IE5, and being configured with the settings listed in 7 A, B and C.

            D. restarting the iMac DV a couple times after connecting phone line, seems to make it work (on two occasions at least)

9. Remote Access can be accessed from the control strip. The icon flashes when connecting or disconnecting from the Internet.

10. Keyboard ÒhotÓ function keys (F1-F9, etc.) can be set up to open applications. Open the keyboard control panel and then press one of the function keys to open up the key assignment window.

11. To index the volume, Sherlock 2 must be active. Then go to File, Index Volume. This can be setup on a schedule, also.

12. According to the iMac DV + manual page 22, if the computer does not respond (it freezes), you can hold down the power key for a few seconds until it turns off. Then restart the computer. This did not work when I did it, however. The computer simply went to sleep. Later, I got it to power down.

13. According to the iMac DV + manual page 24, to eject a CD, hold down the mouse at startup. This works.

14. According to the iMac DV + manual page 24, if you have a problem with a USB device, you should make sure there is not a extension conflict by checking. The book says ÒMany USB devices work automatically with AppleÕs USB software. If you installed the software that came with the device, open the Extensions Manager control panel and turn off the software extensions that came with the device. Then restart the computerÓ.

15. According to the iMac DV + manual page 25, ÒIf you run out of room and want to keep the mouse clicked while you move it, click the mouse, then squeeze the sides with your thumb and finger and lift the mouse.Ó I could not get this to work, however.

16. The ring on the bottom of the mouse can be turned to 1 for greater tension, 2 for medium tension or 3 for less tension.

17. According to the iMac DV + manual page 26, to work on the computer in the inside, you should unplug all cables, except the power cord. Then touch the metal shield inside the computer (when opening the RAM/Airport access door), then unplug the power cord.

18. iMac DV + is airport compatible, I think.

19. Finder Speakable items on the iMac DV only show up when Speakable Items is turned on (I think you can turn them on/off with the Speech control panel) and the Finder is the active application.

20. Got an apple Remote Access error on iMac DV. So I unplugged the modem, reconnected it and it worked.

21. The iMac DV + costs around $1249 through the Educator Advantage Program. the iMac DV Special Edition costs around $1499 (as of 11/12/00). I am pretty sure that our invoice was $1249.00, so I think we have an iMac DV +, even though I had previously listed it in computer notes as a Special Edition. Additionally, the Special Edition is only available in Snow or Graphite. We have a Ruby Red iMac DV.

22. According to the iMac manual from AppleÕs web site, iMovie comes with the iMac, but it may need to be installed from the CD.

            A. iMovie 2.0.1 was installed already.

            B. The camcorder can be controlled using iMovie 2.0.1 and the iMac DV.

            C. iMovie can not be installed on the G3/233.

            D. I called Apple and they said that there is no online manual for iMovie 2.0.1.

23. According to Apple (I called them on Tuesday, December 26th), no special software should have to be installed for the iMac DV to use the Laser Writer Select 360. After you make an Ethernet connection to the Ethernet port, you should go to control panel, Appletalk and choose Ethernet. Then go to the chooser and select Laserwriter 8. The Laserwriter Select 360 (or whatever assigned name) should show up on the right side. Opened Appletalk control panel and chose Ethernet (after hooking up a blue cable) to the iMac DV +. On the iMac DV +, When Ethernet was chosen in the Appletalk control panel, the Current Zone was "Advantage". Appletalk s/b active. Then I went to the chooser and selected the Laserwriter Select 360. It worked, I was able to print on the Laserwriter Select 360. However, upon restart, got the printer not found error. When Appletalk was not set to Ethernet," the LW Select 360 did not show up in the chooser (even with Appletalk active). Restarting the computer or the printer did not help. Appletalk had not saved the settings or I did not, I am not sure. Anyhow, I reset Appletalk to use Ethernet again and the chooser to use the LW Select 360 again. Then the printer worked again.

24. If you use the ÒHelp ViewerÓ application to get some assistance with iMovie (or several other topics), if you get to a section with a lot of subsections, there may be a place to click that says ÒPrint these topics for me,Ó which is a great shortcut.

25. iMac DV + now works with LW Select 360 in lab, as of 4/23/01.

26. iMac DV + would not connect, pulled telephone cord and reconnected, worked.

27. One day the iMac DV+ would not start up properly. It just had some gibberish on the screen and indicated something about open firmware. I typed shut down, pressed the programmerÕs switch and started up the computer. It then ran fine.

28. You can use the 9.2 CD that is in the 10.1 (58) package to start up the red iMac DV+.

            A. When installing 9.2.1 on the red iMac, I got the Drive Setup error. I had to trash the Drive Setup application and then start installation again. Installation worked.

29. 9.0 Software install CDÕs System Folder was copied to iMac DV+ HD, but it would not start up the computer (I think because the iMac DV+ came with 9.1). Also, we could not update it to 9.1, because it was not a Òvalid System Folder.Ó

30. I could not put System OS X on the iMac DV+, since it is only has a 20 GB HD (needs 40 GB).



1. According to iMovie 1.0 Read Me, iMovie 1.0 is not a separate retail product. It only comes with iMac DV computers.

            A. The file formats supported for input are PICT, JPEG, GIF, BMP and PHOTOSHOP: AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format), CD Audio: Quicktime Movies: DV Stream format only.

            B. It supports TrueType as well as Adobe PostScript fonts.

            C. It does not work with clips with a 16:9 aspect ratio.

            D. When doing a project, do not change the name of clips in your project folder (it breaks the links).

            E. DVDÕs and CD-ROMÕs should not be in the machine at time of using iMovie.

            F. 2 GB is the maximum size for a file. If you exceed that, it will be saved into a second clip.

            G. Emptying the trash resets the redo command.

            H. You should not change the sound input while using iMovie. If necessary, quit iMovie, then change the sound input and restart iMovie.

            I. iMovie will not work with more than one DV device connected to the computer with FireWire.

            J. The iMovie tutorial must be in the iMovie folder.

            K. iMovie supports PAL format video. However, the media created for the tutorial is in NTSC format and cannot be exported to PAL format DV devices.

            L. If you can control your camera, but do not receive a video feed to the monitor in camera mode, disconnect the FireWire cable while the camcorder is still on, then reconnect the cable.

            M. Zip Drives, Floppy Disk Drives, SuperDisk drives and Appleshare or IP mounted file servers do not meet the minimum transfer rate or capacity requirements to work with iMovie.

2. According to, the compression tool in iMovie allows you to make movies small enough to e-mail them anywhere.

            A. However, some ISPÕs limit the size of files their customers can receive (AOL).

3. has several different sounds that be downloaded and used with iMovie.

4. You can add titles to iMovie, by clicking the ÒtitlesÓ button and then choosing from some templates.

5. iMovie has multiple levels of undo.

6. You can preview your movies in real time on your camcorder or television.

7. Rob was using iMovie 2 to edit a program on the iMac DV Special Edition. After completing the editing, he tried to record back to the JVC Camcorder. We could get the Camcorder to start recording, but it would not start recording from the beginning (where the transition screen is). It may have something to do with JVCÕs feature that does not record material of questionable quality (this is mentioned in JVCÕs manual).

            A. Perhaps we could try recording from the iMac to a regular VCR (would need an adapter, I believe).

8. has a listing of qualified camcorders to use with iMovie 2.

9. Late Breaking News about iMovie 2.0 says that if you have at least 128 MB of RAM, you should turn VM off, to avoid clicking noises that may happen during playback and capture.

            A. Also, Energy Saver should be set to never, when using iMovie.

            B. iMovie will not work if more than one Firewire device is hooked to your computer.

10. The Late Breaking News also says that you should not export files larger than 2 GB to a standard format drive or hard disk, the export will fail (need to export to an HFS plus disk).

11. According to Tutorial step 1, when youÕre working on an iMovie, it is called a ÒprojectÓ, since it is not completed yet.

12. (Tutorial Step 1), the temporary area where video clips are stored is called the ÒshelfÓ.

13. (Tutorial Step 4), to move the Òcrop markerÓ (used to select video) in small increments, click the crop marker and use the left and right arrow keys.

            A. (Tutorial Step 5) explains that to move the ÒplayheadÓ (which shows times) in small increments, click on the ÒplayheadÓ and use the left and right arrows.

14. (Tutorial Step 6) to adjust the duration of an image clip from its default of 5 seconds: Click the pict on the ÒshelfÓ, type what you would like in the time box and press return.

15. (Tutorial Step 8) You can move the speed slider to adjust the duration of a transition. Note: Longer transitions take longer to render (the process of putting new elements of a movie together).

16. (Tutorial Step 9) To preview a movie from the beginning, press the Home button in the playback controls and then press the space bar.

17. To do the iMovie tutorial twice, you need to ÒcustomÓ re-install it from the iMovie CD (trash the original iMovie tutorial first).

18. ÒConnecting a DV camcorder to your computerÓ says that the 4 pin connector that goes to the camcorder is VERY fragile and you should be very careful when plugging it in.

            A. This file (listed in 18) says that you should turn off the camcorder, then make the connection, then turn on the camcorder.

19. ÒOpening or starting a movie projectÓ says that to start making a new movie in iMovie: Make sure the camcorder is turned on first. If not, the new project may not be created in the camcorderÕs video format.

            A. This file (listed in 19) says that iMovie makes a project folder called ÒMediaÓ that stores all your clips.

20. ÒImporting audio, Images and DV stream filesÓ says that Audio files to be imported must be in AIFF or MP3 format.

            A. It also says that if you canÕt open an MP3 file, it probably is not a Quicktime Supported MP3. MP3 files vary, depending on what application created them. Only Quicktime supported MP3Õs will work with iMovie.

21. ÒImporting digital video into a movieÓ says that if you hear beeps and other odd sounds when importing clips, the Òfilter audio from cameraÓ (Edit, Preferences, Advanced) may have been deselected. If it is still selected, re-import the video.

            A. The help file listed in 21 says that you can change where imported video clips are stored. Go to Edit, preferences, import: Select shelf or movie.

            B. Additionally, you can have iMovie create scene breaks as you import video by turning on auto scene detection. Go to Edit, preferences, import, select/deselect the box Òautomatically start new clip at scene breakÓ.

22. ÒArranging video clips in a movieÓ says that you can change the order of video clips in the clip viewer (drag and move), but you canÕt rearrange transitions.

            A. To move a clip with more precision, hold down the Control key while dragging it. In the timeline viewer you can also move a clip in small increments by selecting it and holding down the control key while pressing an arrow key.

            B. When you move a clip to the right in the timeline viewer, empty space on the left is filled with black video. The easiest way to fill this space is to paste video into it.

23. ÒCropping, splitting, and replacing video clipsÓ says that to move the crop marker in 10 frame increments, hold down the shift key while you press the arrow keys.

24. ÒAdding video effectsÓ says that once you click ÒcommitÓ, you can no longer change or remove a video effect.

25. ÒSelecting videoÓ says that to select a video clip, you can click the clip on the clip viewer (tab with an eye on it) or timeline viewer (tab with a clock on it).

            A. You can use the shift key to select a range of clips.

            B. To see the duration and time range of a selection, look at the Time, Start and Stop fields at the top of the clip viewer.

            C. You can click the play button to play a selected clip (instead of the whole movie), but you cannot play a selection of the clip.

26. ÒAdding and editing titlesÓ says that you can add more text fields in some titles by clicking the ÒplusÓ button.

27. ÒChanging the direction and speed of video clipsÓ says that you can reverse the direction of one or more video clips by selecting the clip or clips and then choosing reverse clip direction from the advanced menu.

            A. To adjust the speed of video, select the clip or clips in the timeline viewer, drag the clip speed slider to the desired setting.

28. ÒCreating black or still-image video clipsÓ says that to create a black clip, you should drag a clip to the right in the timeline viewer and a new black clip fills in the gap created on the left.

            A. You can not drag a clip to the right is a transition is to the left of it.

            B. To change the duration of a still-image clip, select it and type a new duration in the Time field at the top of the clip viewer or timeline viewer.

29. ÒAdding scene transitionsÓ says that you can change the direction of transitions on SOME transitions.

30. ÒDeleting audio and videoÓ says that if you make a mistake, you can recover deleted video or audio by choosing Undo clear from the Edit Menu or select the clip and choose Restore Clip Media from the Advanced Menu.

31. ÒRenaming clips in iMovieÓ says that clips are automatically given a generic name in iMovie. You can rename clips in iMovie. But, you should not rename the files in the movie projectÕs Media folder.

32. ÒAdding sound effects to a movieÓ says that to prevent background sounds from overpowering important ÒforegroundÓ sounds, such as voice narration, reduce the volume of background audio (there is an underlined link in that section of help to show you how to do that).

33. ÒMuting and adjusting the volume of clips and sound effectsÓ says that if you import video clips that contain audio you do not want, you can turn the volume of the clips all the way down or mute all the video in the video track of the timeline viewer.

34. ÒLocking audio to specific videoÓ allows you to lock audio to video (after you have placed and positioned audio in your iMovie): Select the audio clip(s), position the playhead at the point where you want the audio and video to lock, choose lock audio clip at playhead from the Advanced Menu. You can also unlock it, if necessary.

35. extracting audio from a video clipÓ explains how to use imported audio elsewhere in a movie.

36. You can sign up to save your movies with iDisk (20 MB of storage on the Internet).

37. To play a movie in full screen mode, click the button to the right of the play button in Edit mode, to stop playing in full screen mode, click the screen.

38. Pressing the space bar plays/stops movies. Pressing up and down arrow adjust volume. Many other keyboard shortcuts are listed in help section.

39. ÒTips and tricks for shootingÓ says that one minute of imported digital video takes up about 210 MB of disk space. If you have a 2 GB disk, you can import about 9 or 10 minutes of digital video before running out of space.

40. ÒTips and Tricks for EditingÓ says that to keep an effect with a title (after you may update the title), click the commit button after you apply the effect (Note: you will not be able to change the title or effect once you click ÒcommitÓ).

            A. ÒTipsÓ also says that to find out the filename of a clip: double click the clip to open the Clip Info Window.

41. There does not appear to be a way to repeat movies with iMovie 2.

42. One of the writers for Tidbits wrote a book called ÒiMovie 2 for Macintosh: Visual Quickstart Guide.

43. As of 4/16/02, iMovie has a 2.03 update and a 2.1.1 update for Mac OS X.

44. Tidbits #627 talks about using iMovie.  Tidbits #627 mentions that iMovie is included free with every Firewire-equipped iMac since July, 2000. You can buy the Mac OS 9 version of iMovie 2 from the Apple Store for $50. Tidbits #627 says that 01:25:26 means 1 minute, 25 seconds and 26 frames (4 frames short of one second).

45. Julie said that Matt has posted videos on the internet, using iMovie.

46. Mac OS X Panther Edition, The Missing Manual page 277 says that 13 GB is needed for 1 hour of digital video.


InformInit (password is longley)



1. On the LC, an error message Òthere is not enough space to remove software, go to the finder and clean hard drive firstÓ appeared when REMOVING software from the LC computer with 7.1.

            A. decided to remove items one at a time, instead of all at once. Also, turned extensions off to remove software.

2. With one program (Cyber Patrol), had to have install with Extensions ON (also needed TCP/IP active).

3. You can do a forced quit (risky) to avoid having to restart after installing something.

4. According to Ò,Ó one user discovered how to install OT 1.3 on pre 8.1 systems: Change the version resource with Resedit to match that of system 8.1. Change the version back after installing. May work with other programs.


Internet Config

1. You can change the type and creator settings with Internet Config by clicking on file mappings and then clicking on a helper applications.

2. Also see: ICeTEe.

3. Use bin, hqx and sit for Stuff it ÒHelperÓ prefs.

4. The Internet Config prefs work with Internet Access extension to Specify Internet settings.


Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Ircle (Registration number is 6406-6501-9897)

1. has FAQÕs for IRC.

            A. has some IRC info, as well.

2. IRC is mentioned in detail in Harley HahnÕs Internet pages on p. 773.

            A. I downloaded Ircle ($15) for the Mac. Mirc and pirchat (page 773) have IRC clients, also, but only for Windows.

3. Pacific Bell Internet Services does not host or provide support for IRC (Internet Relay Chat), but you can use PBI services to connect to other IRC servers.

4. Source: many channels begin with #. If you connect using a different server, and type in #, you get the same room as the other servers, I believe. Some with &, but those are shared locally, not on the whole Internet.

            A. There are many networks for IRC, including EFNet, Undernet, IRCnet, DALnet and NewNet.

5. Source: This page shows many of the commands used for IRC.

6. #new2irc, #newuser, #newbies, or #chatback. Busier alternatives include: #chat, and #ircbar are some channels for people new to IRC.

7. IRC uses channels, not Òchat roomÓ and ÒnicksÓ, not Òhandles.Ó

8. is a place to search for IRC chats.

9. If someone is bothering you, use the /ignore command.

10. You can join more than one channel at once.

11. /part #newuser or /leave #newuser (newuser is the name of the channel) allows you to leave. /join #newbie allows you to join.

12. If you switch connections by highlighting a different one, you must then Òopen connectionÓ from the file menu.

13. You can use the channel, join command (or command, J) to join and the number sign in front is optional.

            A. Many of the commands are automatically put into the input window.

14. To change your nickname, type in /nick Ònew nameÓ (no quotes needed).

            A. It did not work in one particular channel. Perhaps the IRC op does not let you??

15. Please wait 16 seconds between nick (nickname) changes, one message I got was.

16. If you type in /whois (nickname), you get information on some other user.

17. If you type Ò/msg Tomm hi thereÓ (no quotes), only Tomm sees your message.

            A. Mirc clients have a separate query window (something like AOLÕs IM window, I suppose).

18. If you type Ò/quit good nightÓ, you can sign off and quit Ircle at the same time.

19.,, and are sources for IRC software.

20. If you are prompted for login and it just says Òconnection closed by foreign hostÓ, it is probably because you are using Telnet to connect to an IRC server, but you must have an IRC client. (Source:

21. Apparently, /help no longer works on at least more than one server. It is available from the help menu (that is the message you get when you type /help in the window).

22. /names gives you a list of peopleÕs names on a channel.

23. @ before a name indicates that a person is channel operator. A channel operator is the king/queen of their channel.

            A. An IRC operator is someone who maintains the IRC network.

24. #hottub and #riskybus are ÒinterestingÓ channels.

25. Nickserv used to register nicknames, but it closed down in 1994.

26. According to, if a client tells you that you have e-mail, it may also tell you the number of e-mails that you have. IRC does not allow you to access the e-mails, it just may let you know the e-mails are there.

27. A netsplit is when you see Òsignoff Nickname (, the server splits off from a part you were on. People may think you left, and say Òwhere did you goÓ, because if you split off, only you see the messages on your screen. (source:

28. Chatting on IRC is free.

29. Should probably leave the console or channel window open, so that it is visible, when other applications are in the front.

            A. Go to windows, console to toggle on/off.

            B. Console tells what server, if any, you are connected. Users should be open as well. On a couple occasions, the hostname info did not show up for users, but it did after about ten seconds or so.

30. If you type in Ò/server irc.cris.comÓ, you can connect to a different server.

31. /LIST lets you know the names of the IRC channels, but this does not seem to work with Ircle.

32. and are places to search for IRC channels.

33. you can type /away getting coffee. If a friend types /whois your nickname, they get a message that you are away.

            A. If you type /away with nothing after it, the ÒawayÓ message is removed.

34. If you type in Ò/ME likes metalÓ, then what appears on the screen is Òmotleyze likes metalÓ.

35. If you type in Ò/cping vjugaÓ, you get the amount of time of server ÒlagÓ between the time you send a message and another person sees it.

36. has information about using DCC chat.

            A. If you type /DCC CHAT nickname, you start the chat. Then you can chat with them, in a separate window.

            B. Then type /DCC CLOSE CHAT nickname, when you are done.

37. File transfer can be done, according to

38. To view a picture sent to you with Ircle: go to windows, DCC status, highlight picture by clicking once, then click Òget.Ó Works. It did not work on a couple pictures at first. Perhaps you have to do one a time.


Iomega Predator and Toast version 4.1.2 (Registration Number for Music Match Jukebox is 2K7HA-A9WQL-RGW47-ULRQJ). 1-888-4-Iomega (Mon-Fri., 5 A.M. - 8 P.M., PST and Saturday, 6 A.M. - 1 P.M., PST). Predator Quick Install book page 23 mentions an e-mail support URL (, but it did not come up. My e-mail and password at are and New New At Ease. Toast 4.1.2 is the latest update for Toast 4, as of 12/15/04. You can only use the software on one computer at a time. But you can also put the software on a secondarily used computer. You can access e-mail help at 5DAM38T1F8 is the serial number for the lab Predator.

1. Requires System 8.6 or higher.

2. It works as a regular CD drive, also.

3. Getting Started with Music Match Jukebox states that ÒCD burning is available on the PC version of MusicMatchª Jukebox only.

4. Predator US-RW USB Quick Install Book page 6 says that to remove the USB adapter on the back of the drive, pull firmly. Predator US-RW USB Quick Install Book page 7 says that you should only plug in headphones while listening to audio CDs. Page 15 says you can write over data on CD-RW discs up to 1,000 times. Page19 says that the formatting process may take 50-90 minutes for a CD-RW disc (this is for PC users, but to Mac users, time may be similar). Page 21 says that Adapter Easy CD Creator, Adapter DirectCD and Iomega Quik Sync 2 Software are PC only.

5. When making CDs with Toast 4.0, I used the ÒFiles and FoldersÓ choice. The CD was able to be read on the DEC machine.

            A. I later used Disk Copy, which gave me a warning about checking the Speed first (I think). Anyhow, I made two CDs, and both of them were able to be read by the DEC computer.

            B. I later took a hybrid installer CD (H.M. Math lesson planner) and made a copy of the CD on my iMac, but the program was not able to be installed by the DEC machine, because it was a Mac installer on the CD.

            C. I took a CD that already had one ISO 9660 session on it to see if it would load on the iMac and the DEC. It was able to. I added another session using the Toast 4.0 option for files and folders, so that there were two sessions on the CD. Both sessions of the CD would load on the iMac, but not the DEC. I had to make 2 separate CDs.

6. I looked for an online manual for Toast 4.0, but there does not appear to be one at They recommend using the one that came on the CD with the program.

7. Rebecca was having trouble getting the Predator to be recognized using Toast on the red iMac (under the CD recorder, search area it kept saying check cables and power). I tried using my cables (and her Predator drive) and my iMac in my room and Toast recognized the Predator fine. I suggested she restart the computer or check her computer.

            A. I later discovered that Toast would not recognize the Predator on 3 different iMacs in the lab (one with 9.2.2 and two with 9.2.1 on them). I tried using her Predator drive with JoseÕs iMac (9.1) and it recognized the drive.

            B. I suggested to Rebecca that she do a clean install of System Software. I also said that the problem may be related to her login screen or a network problem.

            C. I later discovered from the Iomega website that the problem is that the Predator will not work with 9.2. Iomega does not have updates that will work, they suggest buying Toast for OS X (and upgrading System Software), or you may use the CD burning software that comes with 9.2 or use a third-party software. Toast 4.1.2 kept producing the same error with 9.2.1 and the G3/266 (I connected the Predator through the Keyspan USB card), but I then put a blank CD-R into the Predator and I got a message asking me if I wanted to prepare the disk, which I attempted to do. I was not able to because the startup disk was full. After cleaning the G3Õs HD free space, so that 761 MB were available, I was able to prepare the CD. I burned a file onto a CD without a problem. I thought that I needed Disk Burner 9.2.1 program, but I am not sure. Anyhow, I will keep it for now, since it requires a full install of 9.2.1 to bring it back if it is deleted. The CDÕs made with 9.2.1 are single-session disks, according to Apple help.

8. Iomega Predator burner did not work taking files from Zip Disk. Same files from HD were fine.

9. When using Toast 4.1.2 with System 9.1, you can go to Recorder, Disc Info, Erase to erase a disk.

            A. A regular erase took about twenty minutes on a Bondi blue iMac.

10. Toast 4.1.2 does not work with the Hi-Val CD SCSI burner in OS X, even if you run in Classic under OS X.

            A. To use Toast, you need to start up in OS 9.

11. After doing an install with the the 9.0 Software Install CD onto the Slot Loading iMac, I was able to start up with 9.0. Then I updated to 9.1, and I was able to use the Predator with the slot loading iMac, but only after disconnecting/reconnecting the USB connection two or three times, and then restarting. Then I used the 9.1/9.0 CD and copied the 9.1 System Folder onto the red iMac DV+, and I was able to start up the iMac with 9.1 and use the Predator.

12. On one occasion, a blank CD-R kept ejecting after a few seconds. I think it was because the disk was formatted with the Finder on the blueberry iMac (it kept ejecting on the G3/233 and indicating it was PRODOS format).

13. I had trouble burning the 9.0/9.1 CD with the Predator on 12/15/04 with extensions on (got a verification of sector error), but with extensions off, the CDs usually would not produce errors. However, I had installed Iomega software with extensions on, so I removed it and then reinstalled it. But when I burned the 9.0/9.1 CD, it still produced verification errors. My guess would be because it had multiple System Folders on it; however, the CD still started up the red iMac DV + (apparently, there is no option for a CD to be bootable, it is automatic with Toast 4.1.2). I then burned a CD that had multiple System Folders on it, and it burned fine.

14. I tried to burn several CDs (with Windows files) with the Predator. However, I was unable to burn a session (I did not try to burn the CD completely) with the TDK CDs (turning burning only one file at a time, different combinations, etc.). The CD would attempt to burn, but then freeze about one fourth of the waythroughburning. Then I used an Imation CD and it appeared to freeze one fourth of the waythroughburning. However, it then continued on and burned the whole CD (I did not do a session, but a whole CD).

            A. On a different day, the Predator appeared to be okay (I unplugged it for a few seconds and I restarted the red iMac DV +). For one thing, it is now possible to eject without a CD present (on the other day, I could not).

            B. I burned the same 5 files (two HP Laserjet 2100 m files, two HP Laserjet 2100 tn files, and one Epson Sylus C84 file for Windows) onto a Windows CD with Toast and a TDK CD. The same situation occurred where it appeared to freeze about one fourth of the way through burning. But then the CD completed burning.

14. I found a document at**&p_li= that may be helpful with the situation. It suggests what to do if you are having I/O, Sense Key, or other CD creation errors. Some of the suggestions include: Disconnect the CD-RW from a hub and connect it directly to the computer, close all programs while burning a CD, ensure that you are not connected to the internet, ensure that the disc's write speed is compatible with the write speed you are using, use high quality media, check for software updates at, try a slower write speed, you can adjust the RAM cache (open Adaptec Toast, go to Edit, preferences, adjust the RAM cache one increment at a time to see if errors go away, boot with a limited extension set (still need Toast and Apple CD extensions), allow the drive to cool down when burning multiple CDs. With an audio CD, burning at a lower speed may be helpful, also.

15. I had trouble burning an 80 minute CD with the Predator on the red iMac DV+, and then a 74 minute CD had the same trouble. A third CD (74 minute) burned okay (I burned a .DAT file). I was trying to burn some World Book CD files (which were OS X files, which may have made a difference).

16. Predator seemed to have trouble, got an error about reliability when trying to copy the World Book CD onto an 80 minute CD and when using a 74 minute CD, so I used the other Predator with the same power and USB conection (and same computer, red iMac DV+). The CD burned fine, but would not verify totally. Anyhow, the CD had trouble on the blueberry iMac, it gummed up the computer and would not let it start when it was in the drive. Also, when putting it in after I finally gott he blueberry iMac to start, it gummed up the system. When I tried to open the CD on the iLamp, it said that there are no volumes that OS X can read. Also, when inserting the disk into the G3, I got the unreadable disk error. 80 min. CD had trouble burning on the Predator, it kept producing a sector error. I looked extensively for the 74-minute CDs at school in 1/06, to no avail. So, then I just burned the CD at 1 X speed instead of 4 X speed, and it burned fine.

17. In 9/06, I tried burning a copy of the Canon 1600 CD with Toast at 1 X speed (which was in italics), but the CD did not burn without an error, so then I burned a CD at 2 X speed (not in italics) and the CD did burn fine. Also, I burned the CD on the iMac, so the CD would only work on OS X 10.3, but not Windows (even though the original CD is a hybrid). To make the Windows CD, I burned it on the DEC computer. Later, though, I figured out that if I made a Disc Copy by choosing it from the pop-up menu, then click the Data button and select the CD (instead of using Files and Folders), it made the hybrid CD with the iMac. Also, I burned it at 4 X speed and an error was produced, so I burned the CD at 2 X speed.

17. Iomega Predator said that there was a MacOS error when making a Norton Utilities 6.0 folder (I burned an 80 minute at one time speed), but the CD worked fine and started up the bondi-blue iMac at home fine.

18. Toast 4.1.2 kept producing a lot of errors when trying to copy the G3 Utilities Startup Disk. It kept producing a resource fork error for several different files, even at 1 times speed. Finally, I decided to use the Disk Copy function: then I selected the disk by clicking the Data button (if you drag a CD on top of the Toast function, then Toast selects Files and Folders automatically). But, I could not make a disk copy but it would not because of a MAC OS error; however, that CD had difficulty mounting on two different G3Õs, so most likely it was a problem specific to that CD.

19. I had trouble coping my Internet CD (it had a label on it), I got an end of user data error. Restarting the red iMac DV with extensions off did not work. I tried copying at the slowest speed (1 x), but to no avail. Finally, I copied some files on the G3/266Õs HD and copied them to the red iMac DVÕs HD (some files did not copy from the CD to the G3/266Õs HD, but they would copy from the CD to the iMac DVÕs HD). Anyhow, after copying the files to the red iMac DVÕs HD, I was then able to burn the CD fine (even though verification did not happen at 2 X speed, the CD appeared to be fine). Basically, the Internet labeled CD was the problem, so I destroyed it after burning. BTW, Internet CD produced errors when copying to the G3/266, but not on the red iMac DV+.



1. Tidbits #779 explains that when launching iPhoto (this happens in iPhoto 4 on the iLamp, but not version 2, which I have on the iMac in room 58), you can hold down the Option key while opening, you can choose a new library or create a new library. Tidbits #779 also explains that (this happens in iPhoto 4 on the iLamp, but not version 2, which I have on the iMac in room 58), you can not change the name of a picture in the iPhoto window, you have to use the Info pane, which is not real difficult, though, for me. iPhoto Library Manager is necessary if iPhoto has more than 2,000 pictures, according to Switching to the Mac p. 344. Page 345 mentions that you can use the "Redeye" function to help with that sitaution.

2. If you trash the iPhoto Photo folder, you get rid of your pictures, according to iPhoto help. You can arrange and delete, etc. your own Photo libraries that you add, though.

3. After deleting some photos, my Last 12 months folder was empty, and when the screen saver showed up, I got a message about no pictures being available. In Desktop and Screen Saver System Preferences, the last 12 months folder was shown as being empty (when you pressed the ÒtestÓ button). I decided to go back to iPhoto, and I tried to import into the last 12 months folder (or drag pictures to it). But since those pictures had already been imported, they could not be added to the 12-month folder. So, I decided to go to preferences, and I unchecked Òshow last 12 monthsÓ and Òshow last 1 roll.Ó Then those two folders did not show up with the Desktop and Screen Saver control panel.

4. You must empty the trash to permanently delete photos after trashing them with iPhoto (under File, Empty Trash).


iPod (Serial number is JZ430CNXQ8U: After the 3, is the number zero)

1. iTunes songs can only be played on iPods, according to Mod. Bee article on 11/18/03.

            A. iPod for Mac requires a Mac with built-in Firewire and Mac OS X v10.1.5 or later (10.3 recommended).

2. shows an Apple iPod with 10 GB HD, and can play over 2500 songs. However, it requires OS X10.1.5 or later and 10.2 or later is recommended. As of 7/12/04, the iPods seems to have had some trouble with popping noises and staticy, according to AppleÕs online discussion at At, my e-mail and password are, New New At Ease.

3. The iPod mini can play 1,000 songs, and it costs $229throughApple Education. You can buy a neoprene (ÒA synthetic rubber produced by polymerization of chloroprene and used in weather-resistant products, adhesives, shoe soles, sportswear, paints, and rocket fuelsÓ) armband for it. It can use Firewire or USB 2.0. It can load an album in as little as 5 seconds, according to AppleÕs website. iPods are available in 3 sizesthroughApple Education: 3,700 songs (15 GB) for $269; 5,000 songs (20 GB) for $369; and 10,000 songs (40 GB) for $469. The 15 GB and 20 GB models are 2.4Ó X 4.1Ó X .62.Ó The iPods do not have an armband as an accessory, only iPod minis do. iPods and iPod Minis are soldthroughComp USA. The 20 GB iPod (5,000 songs) is now (as of 7/21/04) $269.00 through the Apple Store. The 40 GB iPod (10,000 songs) is $369.00. iPod nano is not a phone. Apple has an iPod phone hybrid.

4. says that the operating temperature is 32 degrees to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The non-operating temperature is –4 degrees Fahrenheit to 113 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. says that you can use your Firewire or USB 2.0 cable to connect your iPod to your computer and copy files i.e. Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, etc. There are over 5,000 audio books at iTunes music store. iPod lets you take your calendar with you. Many applications, including iCal, Microsoft Entourage, and Palm export calendar files in Vcalendar or iCalendar formats (which are supported by iPod). You can use the iPod with vCard (Virtual Business card) files. You can also store text notes with iPodÕs notes reader. Once you connect your iPod to your Mac, iTunes automatically begins to update its contents. Also, you can edit your playlists on the iPod, and when you reconnect to the computer, iTunes will automatically Sync all your new On-the-Go playlists. A Griffin iTrip FM Transmitter is $34.95. The transmitter can play music throughyour car radio. In Ear headphones are $39.95. However, AppleÕs web site does not sell iPod chargers that connect to a cigarette lighter, and the storage temperature high end of the range is 113û F, which would be a problem if stored in the car.

6. iPod Getting Started page 5 says that Mac OS v10.3.4 or later uses high-powered USB 2.0 port. Page 5 says that you can record memos with an optional microphone. Page 8 says that the built-in battery is 80% charged after 2 hours, and fully charged after 4 hours. Some computers can charge the iPod in sleep mode (you can see if the iPod is charging by looking at the screen). The iLamp will charge the iPod in Sleep Mode. Page 9 says that you can import a CD by unchecking the files you donÕt want to import (after the CD shows up in iTunes window), then go to File, import. Page 11 says you can charge the iPod by connecting it to the computer without transferring files. Page 15 explains how to reset the iPod toggling the Hold switch (set it to hold, then back to off again), Press the Menu and Select buttons simultaneously for about 6 seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Page 28 suggests connecting the iPod to a power source first. Page 15 explains that you can change the volume from the now playing screen (using the Click Wheel). Page 22 explains that when you use a (optional) dock to connect to an external video source, use the external source to control the volume. Page 31 says that I fyou accidentally set the scren contrast too light or too dark, you can reset it to the default by pressing and holding down the menu button for 4 seconds (after you have gone to Settings>Contrast). Page 32 says that you cannot switch from using iPod with a Mac to using it with a Windows PC (or vice versa) without erasing all data on the iPod.

7. To use the iPod with Windows, you need a Windows computer 500 MHz or higher, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional.

8. iPod would not sync with Blueberry iMac (since the iPod is already synched with my iLamp), unless I erased the iPod's contents (I think).

9. There does not appear to be a way to connect the iPod to the G3 or the Blueberry iMac, so that the sound will come through. Although I probably could use the TV and connect the iPod to its audio input jacks (I could use the back of the G3, where the inputs are, but that would be somewhat taxing).

10. iPod Tutorial page 7 says that if you hold the Menu button down, you can turn on the backlight. However, simply pressing any button does the same thing.

            A. Page 9 explains that if you press the Select button (middle button) while a song is playing, you can then scroll to another point in the song (otherwise, you will adjust the volume).

            B. Page 10 says that the options button will only show up in iTunes if the iPod is present.

            C. Page 12 explains that if you are connected to the internet, and the song names are not automatically imported, you can go to Advanced, Get CD Track Names.

            D. Page 13 explains that you can enter CD song titles by choosing the first song, and then File> Get Info, click the Info tab, enter the song information, click Next to enter info for the next song.

E. Page 13 explains that if you have an AOL account, you can use it at the iTunes store.

F. Page 19 says that if you set iPod to be used as a hard disk, you must eject the iPod before you disconnect it from your computer. Page 19 also says that if you see the "Do not Disconnect" message, you must eject the iPod before disconnecting it from the computer. Page 26 indicates that you can also disconnect the iPod, if you see a large battery icon. On one occasion, after having left the iPod connected to the iMac overnight, the iPod was synchronized, but the "Do Not Disconnect" would not disappear (and the iPod was charged fully). After restarting the iMac, the iPod showed its main menu for a few seconds, then the full battery icon appeared with the word "charged" at the top of the iPod's screen. Later, even after shutting down, the iPod still said "Do not Disconnect." I checked at Apple's web site ( and it said to listen to the iPod to see if the iPod's HD is still spinning. If it is not, then it is okay to disconnect the iPod.  If the hard drive is spinning, quit iTunes then re-open it. See if iPod appears in the Source list. If so, eject iPod and disconnect it from the computer. If the hard drive continues to spin while displaying the "do not disconnect" message, disconnect it and reset the iPod.

            G. Page 21 says that to turn on the iPod, press the Select button (in the center of the iPod). However, any button appears to turn the iPod on.

            H. Page 21 indicates how to play a song, by either pressing the Select button or the play/pause button when you have scrolled to a song.

            I. Page 23 says you can press and hold the Menu for a couple seconds to turn on the backlight, although any button will turn it on, when the backlight setting is on. If the backlight setting is off, you can press an dhold the Menu button for a couple seconds to turn the backlight on. To turn the backlight off again, press and hold the Menu button again.

            J. Page 25 says you can select the icon for iPod options to "enable disk use," so you can use the iPod to back up files, if necessary. You must eject the iPod (after use) if this option is chosen.

            K. Page 25 says that if you select "Manually manage song and playlists" in the Options window allows iPod to be used as a hard disk, also.

            L. Page 29 says that you can add songs from multiple computers to your iPod.

11. iPod User's Guide page 1-17 is the same as p. 1-17 of the iPod Getting Started Guide. User's Guide page 18 explains about using the On-the-Go Playlist (it does not appear that you can edit other playlists from the iPod). To add a song, highlight a song and hold the Select button until the song title flashes. To remove a song from the On-the-Go Playlist, highligh the song and hold the Select button until the song title flashes. To clear the On-the-Go Playlist, select Music >Playlists > On-The-Go > Clear Playlist. After clearing the On-the-Go Playlist, it still shows up in the main menu. Page 19 explains how to rate songs. Page 27 explains how to make up Smart Playlists (i.e. a playlist that only plays songs with a rating of 3 or higher). Page 32 explains that to shuffle or reshuffle songs that are already playing, select Shuffle Songs from the iPod main menu. It also says that if you select Shuffle Songs when no songs are playng, iPod begins playing songs from your entrie music library in random order. Shuffling does work, but the directions are not clear or correct. If shuffle songs is on, then just select a playlist and they will shuffle. However, if you go to the main menu and select "Shuffle Songs," all songs will be shuffled (does not matter if any song is playing or not). I did not think it was working, initially, but it was. After select the Heavy Metal playlist and playing the songs, they were shuffled (it just may be that the first song on the list is the first one played, the second song should be shuffled). Page 33 explains that if Sound Check is on, the iPod plays songs at relatively the same level. You can turn Sound Check on/off with iTunes and/or iPod. Page 35 explains that you can add/remove items from the Main Menu.

Page 37 explaisn that you can go to Extras > Clock > Sleep Timer to have the iPod turn off automatically after a specified period of time. Page 57 explains that to reset the Contrast setting back to the default, hold down the Menu button for four seconds. Page 60 explains that the operating temperature is 32 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The storage temperature is -4 to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Page 60 explains that it is normal for the bottom of the iPod's case to get warm during charging, since the bottom of the iPod case functions as a cooling surface that transfer heat from inside the unit to the cooler air outside. Page 61 says you should avoid getting moisture in any of the iPod's openings. iPod kept saying ÒDo not disconnect,Ó even after several hours. I had to shut the iLamp down and then press the power key to start it up. The problem was fixed.

12. Podcasting info is available at,,,,, and

13. The instructor for AB-466 (05-06) had an iPod that froze. I fixed it by (inadvertently) waiting until the battery died, then fully charging it up, but it still would not start up. Then I connected it to power and was able to start up the iPod. I later reset the iPod also.

14. You can turn the displayÕs clock on (default is off) by going to Extras>Clock>Date and Time.

15. LongÕs (Lander) has a Maxell Digital FM Transmitter auto power adapter for iPod (191205) for $39.99 that allows you to use your iPod in the car through your FM stereo, and it charges the iPod as well.

16. Leo-Al Tech (2101 Geer Road, Suite 104A, 669-1922, works on iPods.

17. Fetch Your Lyrics allows you to view song lyrics on your iPod (and the Desktop). It requires OS X 10.4 and iTunes 6.0.1.

18. A TV show from 7/1/07 showed that you can use the back of the iPod as a mirror. Additionally, you can use iTunes prefs (Advanced, Importing) to have CDÕs import and then eject automatically.


iPod Shuffle

1. JC has a first-generation iPod Shuffle. To reset it: eject from iTunes, remove from USB port, move switch on back of unit to off, wait five seconds, turn back on. Other tips are offered at

2. The light by the battery indicates battery status when you press the button: green indicates good, orange means low charge, red means very low charge, and if no light comes on, the battery is dead (

3. JCÕs iPod Shuffle sounded garbled on the iPod Shuffle, but not in iTunes. I fixed it by unplugging the headphones slightly.


ItÕs Legal

1. Used AppleÕs Disk Copy to make copy of the 3 install disks, initialized disks as 1.4 MB, 1.4 MB and 720 K, then mounted them as 1.4, 1.4 and 720K disk image.

2. When installing the program, the first time the installer ran, it did not recognize the startup file on Disk #1. The second time it did.

3. I tried to install ItÕs Legal on the 8.1 partition on the G3 HD. But the floppy disks would not be recognized. The disks were not recognized by the Mac Finder either.

            A. I copied the 3 floppy disk contents onto Toast and burned them onto my home Windows CD. Then I tried installing from the CD, no luck. It kept asking for the next disk. I tried copying all the 3 disk contents to the HD and running the setup program again, same problem. Finally, I moved all the files into the same folder and re-ran the setup program. It installed.

4. It's Legal can do a Joint Living Trust or a Living Trust.

5. Mom said I should redo my will, since items would not go to her, since nothing is in her name. And seeing the kind of problems she has already encountered with simple issues (like being put on your checking account) makes me think it would be very difficult for her. If your will gives your estate to someone else, it obviously could be a problem.



1. I had a very difficult time finding iTunes for OS 9.0, because all outsides links referred to the page with iTunes 4 (which requires OS X). But, I finally found it at

            A. I found the archived software by going to, then going to support, downloads, then going to Apple Software, iTunes, then I found the iTunes link for 2.0.4. OS 9 information and download. I could not locate iTunes versions older than 4 by going to software links.

2. iTunes 2.0.4 would not run on the G3/233, I think because the Read Me says that iTunes is for computers with built-in USB ports only.

            A. iTunes 1.1 opens on the G3/233, but I could not access AppleÕs music store, since it requires OS X 10.1.5 or later. But, iTunes works with, so I kept version 1.1 on the G3/233, and after I re-installed iTunes 1.1, and it froze. However, upon restart, it worked fine. You can access AppleÕs music store with Windows 2000, but I decided not to try to access the music store on Windows, because of potential vulnerabilities.

3. My Apple ID and password are and New New At Ease.

            A. iTunes was able to burn a CD to the Iomega Predator USB CDRW drive.

4. Advanced, Check for purchased music, if a download has an error at Apple's music store.

            A. However, if you buy a song and then reinstall System Software, you can not use it to download the song again. You get a warning about how you have already bought it, but there does not appear to be a way to get the song again.

5. iTunes Version 4.1 requires OS X 10.1.5 or later.

            A. After installing OS X 10.2 on the Blueberry iMac, I downloaded and installed iTunes 4.1.

6. A computer must be ÒauthorizedÓ before you can use the ÒBurn DiscÓ command. To authorize a computer, click the play button after downloading a song.

            A. Mac OS X Panther: The Missing Manual page 345 says you should deauthorize a computer before selling it or trashing it. Erasing a HD does not deauthorize it.

7. All sales are final, so use caution when buying songs (I accidentally clicked and bought a song once, that I did not want).

8. Must delete from library to delete the song. otherwise, you are only deleting an alias of the song (i.e. from a playlist).

9. I found out that I can use SndSampler to open a track from an Audio CD, save it as AIFF, then use Drop MP3.1 (To use it, you must make sure that Lame SharedLib ALTIVEC PPC  is put into the extensions folder of the System 9 folder. Drop MP3.1 is freeware, which can be found at to convert it to MP3. On one occasion, I tried to convert a file which was called .mp3, but it was really an .aiff file (I had used Snd Sampler to edit some Mp3 files, and in the process, the files were converted to AIFF), and Drop MP3.1 could not convert it; so I changed the extension to .aiff, then Drop MP3.1 was able to convert it; then I dragged the .mp3 file into the iTunes window. Also, a couple of times, I could not get files to convert with Drop MP3, and I think it was because the file name may have been too long. After shortening the file names, the files could convert. There may be a program that converts directly from Audio CD to MP3, I do not know.

            A. MV says he uses iTunes (probably with OS X, so the version of iTunes is likely to be different) to convert to MP3. I tried using iTunes 1.1 to Convert to MP3 (under the Advanced Menu), but when I selected a track from an audio CD, I got a could not convert error. Then I used iTunes 1.1 to import a track from an audio CD (there is an import icon in the upper right hand corner of the iTunes window). This converted the song to MP3 format.

            B. iTunes saves in documents folder, does not appear to be able to be corrected. I chose a different location with iTunes prefs and General controls control panel, I had no luck.

10. I tried to install iTunes 4.2 on the G3/233, but it was not possible. I got a message about how it could not be installed on this computer.; I thought it was because I did not have Quicktime 6.2 (see Quicktime 6 #2C for more info). However, I later realized it was because iTunes had already automatically installed.

11. Motley Crue was on iTunes previously, but in 3/04, there were no longer any songs by them. I could not find them with iTunes on the G3/233 or the blueberry iMac.

12. Version 1.1 of iTunes (with 9.2.2) works on the G3/233 to play iTunes 4.2 songs. However, when you add files to the iTunes library, you get a message that indicates that a reference to these files will be added to your library, but the files themselves will not be moved. To make sure iTunes can always find these songs, you can move them to your iTunes music folder, which is in your Documents folder. I did actually move a copy of the songs to the folder, but I still got the message.

            A. Apparently, iTunes takes over for Apple CD Audio Player in OS 9.2.2. When I tried to play a CD with Apple CD Audio Player, it kept quitting with an error type 1.

13. iTunes hot tips says that you can use the Advanced Menu to get CD track names, ÒChances are high that your CD will be in the online CD database.Ó

            A. You can click a heading to sort by song, time, etc. in the library. You can also use Edit, View Options to choose which headings are present.

            B. You can control click a song to access Contextual Menu.

            C. To switch between a graphic depiction of the sound and the song name, click on the top of the iTunes window. Then when the song name is shown, you can switch between total, elapsed, and remaining time.

            D. To switch between approximate and precise time for all of the songs, click the bottom of the iTunes window.

            E You can use the Visualizer menu to make it smaller or larger. Then click the middle button on the bottom right hand portion of the window to turn it on/off. On the G3/233, full screen is off center.

            F. Under iTunes, prefs, you can go to Advanced, you can select small buffer size to begin playing more quickly (Songs from the internet), if you have a faster connection (DSL or cable modem). Use the large buffer size for a slow internet (modem) connection.

You can copy a song from one playlist to another by simply dragging it.

14. I downloaded ÒFigured You OutÓ by Nickelback, and burned it to CD, I could not use MP3 to AIFF, since it was Ònot recognized as an MP3 file.Ó I think the file is an MPEG-4 format. If you have an AIFF file, you can drop it onto the iTunes window. You can also put the file into the iTunes folder (and close and reopen iTunes for the song to be added to the library).

15. If you add a song to any playlist, then it is automatically added to the Library folder. If you delete songs from the library folder, they are deleted from other folders as well. It is best to create individual folders for different playlists (since the Library will have all of the songs).

            A. To arrange songs in a particular order, click the numbered column on the left hand side. Then drag songs wherever you like (it you arrange by name or genre, etc. you cannot move songs). But if the choice for shuffle is on, you cannot rearrange the songs.

16. It took about four and a half minutes to load DokkenÕs Tooth and Nail, which has 10 songs.

17. Before loading my CDs, there was 30.82 GB free on the HD. After 35 CDs (not every song), there was 29.65 GB free.

18. You can use Import with Quicktime under the File menu to import iTunes songs into Sound Studio.

19. From iTunes help, ÒIf the songs you import have popping or clicking noises when you play them in the iTunes library, choose iTunes > Preferences, click the Importing button, and select the ÔUse error correction when reading Audio CDsÕ checkbox. Then try importing the song again.Ó

20. I could not get a Guns ÔNÕRoses song (ÒGet in the RingÓ) to open with Sound Studio, even using Import with Quicktime and changing the extension from .m4p to .m4a. So, I re-recorded it by using the iLamps microphone and headphone jacks.

            A. Later, I had a similar problem with Holidae Inn (it was .m4a format), and I could not import it from the HD. However, the song had been recorded to CD, so I was able to import the song from the CD to iTunes (drag and drop). Then I was able to import with Quicktime from within Sound Studio. Then I saved it on the Desktop, but I could not drag and drop install it to iTunes. I had to open the Music folder inside of my Ryan User folder to import the song. Then I quit iTunes and restarted it. This worked.

21. I tried to record 36 songs on one audio CD (since collectively they were about 350 MB in compressed format), but I got an error that indicated that they would not fit on one audio CD (I could do multiple CDs, though, if I wanted). I think that you can use the bottom of the window to see how many minutes you have and that will tell you, if you can record on one CD or not.

            A. Later, though, I realized, that it may be possible for me to make an MP3 CD by using iTunes preferences.

22. ÒSometimes When We TouchÓ had some extra parts of Ò1,000 Miles from NowhereÓ on it. So, I edited it out on the iLamp (Slow Songs CD 4 still has the extra part, but itÕs not a big deal).

23. You can use iTunes to make a CD in MP3 format. However, I could not do it with the playlist "Ryan," because the songs were not in the right format. I was able to burn the playlist "CD to burn" in MP3 format, though. If you get an error that says that none of these songs is in the right format, you may want to make sure that you have not set the prefs to make an MP3 CD. Later, I thought I made one MP3 CD, and it played on the Aiwa stereo and also on the Nissan Altima stereo. However, I later discovered that it was not an MP3 CD. I did make an MP3 with iTunes (I had to use a small group of songs and record them several times, because apparently only a few of my songs were MP3 format). It did not play in the Aiwa stereo (showed up as one track, no music came out), my RCA DVD player (showed "No Disc"), nor the Nissan Altima stereo (showed up as one track, no music came out). It did play on my Memorex CD (with MP3 encoder) though. If you select a playlist in iTunes to record an MP3 (which can be under iTunes preferences) CD, only the MP3 formatted songs will be recorded (even if all the songs are checked). I checked in the iTunes music folder, and the MP3 formatted songs ended with a suffix of .mp3, while the others did not (which is logical). Some of the .mp3 files had Quicktime's icon, while others had an iTunes icon. To change the Advanced, convert toÉ menu, you need to use the iTunes prefs. Under iTunes prefs, you can choose the type of encoder to use for importing (AAC, MP3, etc.) Whichever you choose also changes the Advanced menu. It will say Convert to AAC, MP3 or whatever you choose. I did do this with a previously imported song, but after converting the song to MP3 format, it did not appear that the song was in MP3 format, but the song was. It is just that the song appeared in my Library (along with the original), instead of the folder I was working in. You can choose multiple songs to be converted by holding the Option Key, then choosing Advanced, Convert to MP3, then select the folder. If you select a song to convert to MP3, you can later delete the original and the MP3 converted file from the library, but the song is also deleted from the playlists as well. You have to move them again. Songs purchased from Apple's iTunes store cannot be converted, since they are protected. 80 minutes CDs can play on the Aiwa and the Nissan CD players (as long as they are not in MP3 format). Later, I had some songs that were downloaded using the G3/233. However, after copying the songs to the iLamp, they would not open in iTunes, Sound Studio, nor Quicktime Player or Realplayer. I just changed the name of the file to end with .mp3 (and clicked "Add" in the dialog box, when asked about changing the name of the file). Then they able to be imported into iTunes. I was also able to import with Quicktime inside of Sound Studio.

24. Vertigo by U2 could not be found searching for Vertigo. I had to search using "Atomic Bomb" and I was able to find the song.

            A. When seaching for something, if a composer's name is what you are searching for, the song will show up (but the artist and the song may not contain the search items, which may cause confusion). To see composer info, highlight a song and choose "Get Info."

25. I had trouble recording a CD with iTunes with some Optimum 48X compatible CDs. The CD appeared to be normal, but in the middle of the 4th song (Country Boy), the CD would stop playing. Then upon restart, there was "Err" on the Nissan Altima's CD player. Sometimes, it would play through the 4th song (but not often), and the error would appear later. You could solve the problem by ejecting and reinserting the CD, but I just burned a new CD at 8 X speed instead of Maximum Possible (which is probably 24 X speed with the iLamp). The CD appears to be okay.

26. I tried to compress an iTunes library file, but after compressing the file, it was still the same size.

27. explains that, "Synchronization occurs only in one direction, from your computer to your iPod. This means you cannot transfer music, automatically or manually, from your iPod to a computer, and you cannot use iPod to copy a music library from one computer to another. But, if you legally are allowed to copy music files, you can configure your iPod as a hard disk to move music files." explains how to use your iPod as a hard disk. It is somewhat nebulous in that it sounds like you cannot move your music files from an iPod to a computer, but it is possible, you just need to follow certain steps. To move music from one computer to another (or from a computer to an iPod, then back to the  computer): Connect iPod, check iPod prefs in iTunes window (after selecting the iPod on the left hand side of the iTunes window) to enable disk use. Copy music files to the iPod. Then connect to a computer (if you use a different computer, DO NOT associate it with the new computer), drag the music files to the iTunes window (do not use the Finder to copy the files, since they will not be associated with iTunes). Be sure to eject the iPod before disconnecting. Burn does not work to clean files off the iPod, must use Finder. mentions another way to move your music files from an old computer to a new computer. iPod requires 10.1.5 or later.

28. iTunes 4.7 has a new feature (On the DEC/rebuilt with iTunes 4.7.1, it was present under the Edit menu. On the blueberry iMac with iTunes 4.6, it was not), it is called ÒShow Duplicate Songs.Ó

29. Once you download a song, you cannot re-download it, if you delete it (even right after purchasing it). After a clean install of OS X, I could not re-download purchased songs. Luckily, I had almost all of them on CD already. "Wanna Be Starting Something" was accidentally deleted by me, and I decided to not worry about it, since I did not want to pay for the song twice. "Up Where We Belong" was lost in the process also, since I did not burn it to CD before reinstalling OS X. If you have CDs that have been burned, you can copy them back to the HD from the CD, instead of from the iPod. The trick is to not getting rid of the Previous Systems (which has the Users file in it) before you update iTunes. I made that mistake. I copied all my iTunes files from the iPod back to the HD. I missed a few songs because I had accidentally burned much of the iTunes Music from the previous User folder. Many albums were stored in the Compliations folder (so I had trouble locating them initially).

30. After reinstalling OS X, my iTunes Music Library was damaged, according to the iLamp. However, I still had all of my songs, and I just burned the iTunes Damaged music library to the OS X (2) CD.

31. After reinstalling OS X, I had to re-associate the iTunes library with my iPod.

32. If you Export Song List (under the File Menu), you can export the text as Unicode, ASCII, or XML. Any way you export it, it does not show up correctly formatted in TextEdit. The best way to do it to highlight all the information and then paste it into a DB in AW (for organization purposes). You can also export with iTunes as text (.txt), then open an AW DB and then insert, under the File Format, choose all available, then you need to match up the fields so that they import correctly.

33. iTunes 4.6 had trouble searching for the song ÒWildfireÓ at the iTunes music store on the iMac (produced a negative error) {on the DEC with iTunes 4.7, it worked fine). After updating to 4.8, I was able to search fine.

34. When trying to use the iPod and iTunes tab at the Apple store, it was blocked by websense. However, I opened iTunes and it asked me if I wanted to download the latest version. I said yes and I was able to access that web page.

35. In the iTunes window, you can click the repeat button to repeat once or infinitely.

            A. Switching to the Mac page 200 explains that Smart Playlists go to the iPod, but are not updated (I did not verify this information from 2003).

36. Mac OS X Panther: The Missing Manual by David Pogue page 343 explains that ipod_itunes (around $35) and iPod Viewer (freeware) allow you to transfer songs from your iPod to an iMac.

            A. Page 344 explains that you can play iTunes across a home network (but not on the WWW). However, it would not work with the iLamp and the G3 (probably because the G3 has version 1.1 of iTunes: iLamp has version 4.9).

37. iTunes on the blueberry iMac does not list HM CD because the students are the automatic users, not me.

38. You can view iTunes video on your Mac or PC and then put it on your iPod, according to

39. talks about how one person contacted Apple twice and eventually got Apple to reset the account, so that they could download purchased songs once again (because the person did not back the songs up). I was able to do this myself in 11/07, but it certainly would be easier to back up songs instead.

40. On 6/16/06, iTunes 5 would not allow you to search the music store, it would appear to search, but then quit. Restarting iTunes and restarting the iLamp did not work. I downloaded iTunes 6.0.4 on 6/28/06, and the problem was solved.

41. To redeem one iTunes certificate, I had to type in with Safari (which takes you to the Music Store redeem section), not go to the Music Store and find the link on the left hand side.

42. When I tried to burn a CD that was 1.3 hours, an 80-minute CD would not be burned by iTunes (would have to be split across two CDÕs). A 1.2 hour CD worked fine (I actually took off one song that only about three minutes to make the difference).

43. To use Cover Flow mode in iTunes 7.1, click the view menu at the top of the iTune window.

44. Apparently, I have four computers authorized for iTunes, as of 9/07, but Apple Help says that, ÒIf you find you have reached 5 authorizations due to system upgrades, you can reset your authorization count by clicking Deauthorize All in the Account Information screen. Note: You may only use this feature once per year. The Deauthorize All button will not appear if you have fewer than 5 authorized computers or if you have used this option within the last 12 months.Ó

45. Apple ( says that, you have to purchase songs again if you lose them, but says you can download songs again once in a lifetime. Anyhow, I e-mailed Apple to inquire on 11/20/07.

46. Songs that are purchased from the iTunes Store are automatically added to the iTunes Music folder (which I use for backup).

47. There is a column that can appear in the iTunes store that looks like a bell: it indicates there is a ringtone of the song.

48. If you select the name of a song, you can choose File, Get Info to add lyrics or to view the lyrics (there is not a way to view the lyrics other than that, as of version 7.4.2 (4). On some iPods, you can view the lyrics by pressing the center button four times.

49. iTunes would not work on the DEC (you could access the music store, but then songs would not show up when searching or when you click on an artist or album) because I had version 4 of iTunes. After updating to iTunes 7, the problem was resolved.

50. TidBITS in iTunes is free (it may take a while to download more episodes). You can subscribe to it by finding it in the Apple Store and selecting subscribe. To unsubscribe, click ÒPodcastsÓ in the upper left hand corner, select the item, then select unsubscribe. Then select the item and delete it.


JPEG View (Version 3.3.1 costs $20, used to be postcard ware, postcard to Aaron Giles, 182 E. 95th Street 11E, New York, NY 10128)

1. Includes JPEGView JFIF Preview, an extension that allows you to view JFIF previews from within any Quick time aware application.

2. JPEG View and JPEG View Help must be in the same folder.

3. JPEG View Slide Show allows all files and folders dropped onto it to run a JPEG slide show.

4. AutoTypers is a folder that allows you to change the file creator and type settings to JPEG View files.

A. You can not run these AutoTyper applications by double clicking them. Must drop one or more files on top of them.

5. Can get full manual for $20.


Keyboards (and mice use four pin (ADB) connectors)

1. Perhaps shutting down, restarting after plugging in new keyboard might work.

2. Keyboards DO go out, contrary to opinion of green Macintosh troubleshooting book.

3. On newer keyboards, the wire is mounted internally inside the keyboard. Run continuity test. If all four wires have continuity, then keyboard has internal (chip) problem. Trash.

4. If not all four wires have continuity, then cut the wire a couple inches away from the keyboard, test for continuity to the four pin connector. If continuity exists, re solder to the board. If not, trash.

5. On keyboard #10085, all four wires had continuity, must be an internal keyboard problem.

6. The Caps lock key makes the letters all capital, but it does not change the numbers to @, #, # etc.

7. Hitting the ÒhelpÓ button brings up a help dialog box in many applications.

8. ADB (Apple Desktop Bus) cables are the same as Super VHS connections (p. 64, The Mac Bible).

            A. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 167 says it is called a ÒbusÓ because several devices can ÒrideÓ the same cable.

9. Later Macs have a thermal, self resetting fuse that will allow you to disconnect or connect mice or keyboards without a problem (The Mac Bible, p. 65). Although printers and modems have been disconnected without much problem.

10. You can actually alter the system file in System 7.5 so that the choice of keyboards will be in the menu bar at the top of the screen: Double click on a COPY of the system file with Resedit, Choose itlc icon, double click on single line of info, look for radio button always show, change to 1. Save. Drag new system file to system folder.

            A. With System 8.1, just click the command, option, space bar box in the keyboard control panel. This will bring the menu item to the menu bar automatically.

11. You can hit command, option and space bar to move to the next keyboard layout (you can turn the option to change keyboard layouts with the shortcut in the keyboard control panel).

12. You can also change the layout of your keyboard with 7.5 (to change the characters that are typed when hitting Shift, option, etc.). See p. 389 of Mac Bible for details. Does not appear to be able to be done with 8.1.

13. Tidbits (11/10/98) recommended a Kinesis keyboard for carpal tunnel problems.

14. Since Allan Dunn wrote his original book (system 7 version), Keep Your Macs Running, he HAS had a dead keyboard.

15. If you use Chicago font and type control, Q then the  will show up. In word, you must copy the  from Key caps and then paste it into MS word.

16. Pop Char program will also show the keyboard commands in the upper right hand corner.

17. You can type the symbol for infinity by hitting option, 5 °.

18. If you have a dead key (one key, not whole keyboard), try turning off Mac. Carefully pry plastic key off its stem, use WD-40 to clean the key. If the key isn't fixed, repeat a couple times.

19. If you spill Coke/water etc. on your keyboard: Shut down, unplug the computer, turn keyboard upside down for a few days. One person suggests cleaning it in the shower, then drying it a few days.

            A. If it is a Powerbook keyboard, take it in for service immediately. DonÕt turn it on, since the internal battery can have electrolyte corruption and destroy the motherboard.

20. To clean keyboard keys, use alcohol or water or whatever is normally used to clean plastic. Check to make sure you donÕt rub off the letters. Also donÕt let the liquid dribble into the keyboard itself. DC recommended Òliquid orangeÓ with a toothbrush and said it works well.

            A. JZ suggested using a damp cloth.

21. According to the 5500 Manual page 168, if you spill a clear thin liquid into a keyboard, unplug the keyboard, turn it upside down and let it dry for 24 hours at room temperature (it may work).

            A. If liquid is greasy, sweet or sticky: this procedure mentioned in #21 probably will not work.

22. According to the 5500 Manual page 207, when using the Caps Lock key, numbers and symbols are not affected.

23. According to the 5500 Manual page 208, the power key can be used to shut down the computer on certain models.

24. According to the 5500 Manual page 2098, you can have Key Caps show more special characters by pressing: Option: Shift: Option-Shift: Shift-command: Option-Command.

25. According to the 5500 Manual page 210, if you see rectangles instead of diacritical marks on some of the pictures of keys in Key Caps, try pressing Option, command to see the diacritical marks. But to type the letters with diacritical marks, use the option key only.

            A. Diacritical means that which is separated or distinctive.

26. has a posting about cleaning keyboards, but no solution (as of 1/06).

27. Fellowes sells what they call ÒgelÓ keyboard rests. They have the other type at Staples (that is firmer). However, I will try the ÒgelÓ type, since I have already purchased it.

28. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 119 says Dvorak Keyboard is also called the ÒAmerican Simplified KeyboardÓ.

            A. Page 118 says that the keyboard buffer is where the keyboard stores characters that it cannot deal with yet.

29. Macintosh Reference Page 273 says that the limit on the number of devices that you can connect to one ADB port is 3. Devices work slowly beyond having 3 connected.

30. On the LC in EAÕs room, EA said that the mouse was missing. I got her another mouse, but when the mouse would not work. Turns out that the cable that connects the keyboard to the computer was bad. After replacing it, the mouse worked fine.

31. has an article called Òcaring for wrists,Ó that can be helpful.

32. On the 5400 in room 35, the mouse kept freezing at startup. After switching the keyboard with another one, the other keyboard worked. It turns out that two of the pins on the end of the keyboard cable were bent down. I straightened them out, but I still had great difficulty plugging the end of the keyboard cable into the back of the computer. So, I broke off the black plastic pin and then the keyboard was able to plug into the computer.

33. A keyboard with key problems (missing characters or stiff keys) may be fixed by cleaning, according to ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 324.

34. Option, u then u makes umlauts over the letter u (you can substitute any letter for the second letter ÒuÓ and make umlauts over it).

35. An S-video connector will plug into an ADB port and fit fine (i.e. the connectors are the same).

36. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #1) says that ADB ports have a limit of 6 items (Ò3 or lessÓ is in parentheses). I am not sure if the limit is three or six, but this detail is shown during ÒHardware Setup.Ó Perhaps it is three, but then the limit would be six with two ADB ports (some older computers had 2 ADB ports).


Keyspan USB Card

1. After installing the software, I installed the USB card on the G3/266.

2. Upon restart, however, I got a ÒKeyspan software not installedÓ error, when trying to access a Zip Disk.

3. I tried trashing all the Keyspan files (no preferences, but I trashed the Keyspan control panel and several USB extensions) and reinstalling the software, downloading a ÒcleanÓ version (the CD has the latest version, 1.1), reinstalling with extensions on, rebuilding with TechTool 1.2.1, I had no luck. Finally, I simply installed the Iomega software, which was necessary to access the USB Zip Drive. This worked.

4. RM at Keyspan Technical Support said that it okay to plug in/unplug Zip drive to the USB card with power on. He did it with his Kensington Mouse.

5. I took the port access cover and put it into a Ziploc bag and put it into my computer folder inside the file cabinet at home.

6. The USB optical mouse is inoperable on the G3/233 until the extension loads for it.

            A. It is a good idea to keep the ADB mouse attached to the G3 for use when extensions are off or when starting up from a CD, floppy disk, etc.

7. Iomega 2.1 should be installed after installing Keyspan USB software. Otherwise, you get a software not installed error.

8. On one occasion, after installing Keyspan software with extensions off and restarting, I could not use USB mouse. On the second restart, I had used the space bar to access Extensions Manager and Keyspan software may not be ÒsavvyÓ to that. After restarting the third time, the Keyspan software was able to be utilized (USB mouse and external floppy drive worked).

9. has a Keyspan USB card for $23.99.

10. Appletalk can be on or off, when using Keyspan serial adapter with iMac.

11. I tried to install Keyspan software 1.1 on the G3/233 with OS 9.2.2, but each time I tried to install the software, I got an error that said ÒCorrupted prior installation found.Ó I believe I was able to get the installer to work on at least one occasion earlier, but now it would not work. I tried trashing all Keyspan related software, running the installer from the CD, but no luck. Dragging and dropping the Keyspan USB Card Assistant did not work. I got an error that said that, ÒUnable to locate a valid Keyspan driver installation, please reinstall the drivers and try again.Ó

12. Keyspan USB Card requires 8.1 or later.


Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter

1. Port 1 is named ÒP#1USA28Xbxxyy,Ó and can be accessed by CommToolBox savvy software.

2. Port 1 emulates the printer port for serial devices that are not CommToolBox savvy and canÕt access the ÒP#1USA28XBxxyyÓ port. Port 1 is accessible by selecting the ÒprinterÓ port icon/option/selection or ÒPrinter Port USBÓ option/selection in your serial deviceÕs software.

            A. If you install more than one Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter, the printer port is only emulated once. Port 1 on subsequent cards will have different names (contact Keyspan for details). The printer port is only emulated once on your iMac.

            B. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, you can also hook up a modem, digital camera or Palm Pilot at the same time. Most other serial devices are not supported. For a complete list, see

            C. I went to to see a complete list of supported devices, but could not find one.

3. Does not support Geoport or Appletalk (LocalTalk) networking.

4. As of 12/25/99, BJC-4550 had not been tested, nor had Apple Quicktake 150. HP Deskwriter had been tested, 6.0.4 software is recommended. Stylewriter 1500 is fine. As of 12/10/01, BJC-4550 has been tested and was found to have a bug in the software that would not allow it to be compatible. The Apple Quicktake 150 still had not been tested (source:

            A. Before installing the software for the Quicktake 150, you must disable the Quicktime Power Plug and move it to disabled folder. Then a version of the Quicktime Power Plug is installed with QuickTime (2.1).

            B. On the iMac with 9.0, however, I got an error that says there is not enough memory to mount the Quicktake camera, when trying to connect with the Quik Take Image Access Control Panel. The Quiktake camera works w/ 9.2.1 on the G3/266, I just had to restart the computer.

            C. I tried making the QuickTime Power Plug 2.1 active and disabling the 4.0.3 version of the Quicktime Power Plug. I restarted the iMac. Not only did I get an "MPEG" not installed error, the Quicktake camera would not mount (There is not enough memory to mount the Quicktake camera error). I even tried using port 1 on the Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter. I had no luck.

            D. I installed version 1.8.4 (latest version, as of 12/10/01), but it did not work with the Quicktake 150 camera either (port 1 or port 2). I think it caused the iMac problems on restart (since the iMac had run fine until I installed version 1.8.4 of the Keyspan software). The icons loaded, but they took about a minute each to load. Then after all the icons loaded, if you clicked anywhere, it would take about 3 minutes to redraw the screen. See iMac #134 for more information.

            E. Later, I had reinstalled the System Software and forgot to update the Keyspan software to 1.8.4, so I did that on 4/16/02 (version 1.1.3 was on the iMac). I decided to update the Keyspan extension, because printing with the Deskwriter had been problematic at times. I installed Keyspan software with extensions on.

5. You may/may not be able to hook up your Twin Serial Adapter to the keyboard USB port. (Chapter 4, p. 2).

6. The Keyspan USB Serial Assistant control panel can be used to test the serial ports on the USB Twin Serial Adapter. Take a male Din8 to male Din8 cable and connect the two ports together. Choose assist from the menu bar and select do serial test command. The results will be displayed in the Serial Adapter text status box.

7. I tried to get a Keyspan USB Adapter to work with an Epson 740 in room 57, but it did not work. I checked at KeyspanÕs website and it suggested accessing Keyspan USA28X Manager  and check the box for EPSON support. I did check the box and then the printer worked. Later, I tried to hook use a Keyspan USB adapter to another iMac in room 57. I downloaded version 1.9 of the software, but still no luck. Then I checked my notes and then I checked the box for EPSON support using the Keyspan control panel. I was then able to print, but the computer indicated that the modem port would be disabled.

8. You can use the Keyspan USA28X Manager control panel window to reset and close the serial port (s) (Chapter 5, page 3).

9. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, you can use the Keyspan adapter with the Stylewriter I, II, 1200, 4100 or 4500 or Laserwriter Select 300 to a USB MAC.

10. KW asked if the Red iMac DV+ could be hooked up to the ISDN line. I e-mailed Keyspan on 5/7/01to check and see if this should work. No response.

11. Version 1.8.4 of the software requires System 8.6 or greater.

            A It caused problems with my iMac (see Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter #4 D and iMac #134), but it was a coincidence, as I found out (see C).

            B. I may want to try copying the entire System Folder and then installing to that System Folder, in case of problems, simply trash the copied folder.

            C. I did make a copy of the ÒnewÓ System Folder to see if I could replicate the problem. I installed version 1.8.4 of the Keyspan software with extensions off. The computer started up fine twice without any major freezes. Then I disabled the QT Power Plug (version 4.1.2) and installed the Quicktake software. Restarted without a major freeze. Then I re-enabled version 4.1.2 of the QT Power Plug and restarted, no major freeze. I then tried to use the Quicktake 150 camera with the Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter, but I still got the Ònot enough memory to mountÓ message. So, I trashed the copied folder and will use simply the ÒnewÓ one.

12. My userID and password at are and Old At Ease.

13. The iMac in room 22 would not print using the Keyspan Twin Serial Adapter and a 1500. When the computer started up, you got a message that the software could not be found for the USB device. I reinstalled the 1500 software and the Keyspan software (version 1.1.3), but I had no luck. I reinstalled the System Software (9.0), but I had no luck. Finally, I figured out that if I used version 1.8.4 of the software, it would work fine.

14. When using the HP Deskwriter with the bondi blue iMac or the blueberry iMac, you could choose the Printer icon in the Chooser and also leave Appletalk active. The printer still worked.

15. Version 1.9 is for 8.x – 9.x is for Keyspan, according to the website in 8/06.

16. Keyspan Twin Serial Adapter will not work with DW 6.0.4 on COI, you get an error -23 when spooling or a serial port in use error. Restarting did not solve the problem. I tried using the USB port on the keyboard and the back of the iMac Duo. I checked the Keyspan documentation, but it had no helpful information.


KLH DVD Player DVD-8350

1. Manual p. 3 says it can play DVD, CD, MP3, CD-R, and CD-RW discs. However, it did not play one DVD-R that EA had.

2. Manual p. 4 says MP3 CDs have a playing time of 600 minutes.

3. Manual p. 21 says some discs cannot have their subtitles removed.4.

4. Manual p. 26 says that only CDs can use the Digest i.e. Scan (playing the first ten seconds of each track) function.

5. Default password is 99999.

6. Mac OS X Panther Edition, The Missing Manual page 267 explains that DVD players manufactured since 2002 are okay for homemade DVDÕs, but earlier ones may have trouble. has more information on this. Also, the book explains that ther are 7 regions for DVD players and if you are in the wrong region, you are given an opportunity to change it up to 5 times on the iLamp.


Kudo Catalog Reader

1. On one occasion, when trying to copy a picture from Kudo Catalog Reader and paste them into desktop patterns, the message appeared Òthere is not enough memory to complete this operationÓ. Increased the memory allocation of Desktop Patterns (since it is the application I was in when trying to complete the operation) from 150, 150 to 400, 400, which worked.

             A. The monitors and sounds control panel would not open either (I was trying to check the number of colors in the control panel, perhaps too low or too high). I increased the size of the finder from 185K to 256 K and restarted. (these did not work).

2. For graphics, though, it is recommended to trash the clipboard and start over. Or copy to Scrapbook and then back to application.

3. You can open the pictures with Color it and save as PICT. Then Open them in Clarisworks or Graphic Converter. If you convert the pictures with Snitch, the files do not open well in other applications. Better to use Kudo Catalog Reader to copy the picture and then paste it into the clipboard or wherever. Can use Copy Paste to do several pictures at one time.

4. After upgrading the 5400 to System 8.1, Kudo Catalog Reader would no longer copy pictures to the clipboard in color (only in black and white). Tried to copy pictures with G3, but they came out in color. Tried disabling Copypaste on 5400, trashing Kudo Prefs and apps, then reinstalled, increased memory allocation of Kudo Catalog Reader from 3000K to 9000K, no luck so far. Tried to copy pictures from Clarisworks to the Clipboard or Scrapbook and they copied in color.

            A. tried rebuilding, Zapping, different CD catalog, increased Finder allocation from 313 K to 1000 K with Finder Fixer, Replaced the clipboard, extensions off, but I had no luck. Finally, installed Kudo Image Browser (2.2.8), which copied and pasted in color. Reinstalled Kudo Catalog Reader (Version 2.0.6) with extensions off, then it copied and pasted in color.



1. Should be able to start from a startup floppy disk, even If external hard drive is not on.

2. LC monitor is NOT compatible with IIGS CPU, and IIGS monitor is NOT compatible with LC CPU (even though the plugs might be the same). Screen will probably be blank. An LC monitor s/b compatible with a Macintosh.

3. An external hard drive that makes a high pitched sound probably has a problem.

4. One of the floppy drives would not let you insert the disk all the way in. Message would appear saying ÒThis disk is unreadable. Do you want to initialize it?Ó Something is probably stuck in there (use Tweezers CAREFULLY). Otherwise, internal problem requires opening the computer.

5. Once the mouse was frozen, but due to the fact that the keyboard cable was not plugged in all the way (I had bumped it).

6. LC 575 requires the System Enabler 065 to work to start up from a RAM disk. Another side note, on one 575, after the machine had been opened, the reset button had to be hit before the machine would start up again.

7. LC, LCII and LCIII all have the same battery, 3.6 V, Radio Shack 23-026. LC 575 is different (used GURU for information).

8. With my LC (4 MB Ram, 8 MB with V.M.) hooked up to the Deskwriter printer, background printing s/b off. With it on, printing is far too slow. Prints okay with background printing. off, even with a 3 page typed document.

9. LCII does not need a system Enabler with System 7.1.

10. On the LCII in KWÕs room, the desktop patterns would not show up in the general controls control panel with System Software 7.1 (the colored boxes did not appear at all). (The screen was always black). Zapped PRAM and did a clean install of system software and it worked fine.

11. 7.5/7.1 Zip disk can start up an LC w/ Micronet external.

12. MS had trouble with her LC that has a Micronet external HD. First, there was a Sad Mac at startup (no SIMMs recently installed, not the problem, anyhow). Then I restarted several times and got question marks and system errors. Running Disk First Aid after restarting with alternate startup disk, got Òan internal error has occurredÓ error message. Restarted, used Techtool to zap which helped startup okay. However, still got some error messages, when running programs, DFA still gave same error message. Tried switching cable and terminator with known working parts, but still got the error message with DFA. Initialized with Micronet 5.4.4 and reinstalled all items on HD from CD. Took the battery out for 30 minutes. Worked fine.

            A. Later, however, got question mark a couple times (out of 40 restarts). Also, the computer froze once upon startup (as extensions were loading). Also, later got error type 41 (At Ease error).

            B. I called Bob Hughes, since I thought perhaps the battery might be bad. Although he said, that on an LC, usually If a battery is bad, you lose the color and/or date and time. He suggested that the HD is probably getting old. it could cause Ò?Ó mark, along with system freeze when extensions were loading. So I put a screen saver on the LC (to leave the HD on all the time).

            C. If Ò?Ó mark shows up again, listen to the HD. If the HD does not spin down, it is having trouble spinning up. it is getting old. Use screensaver and leave on all the time or replace HD.

            D. I did run Disk First Aid after all this and it indicated that there were no problems.

            B. Toast CD Reader and external Toast CD-ROM Drive worked with LC.

13. LC 550 has 68030 chip, while LC 575 has 68040.

14. If you hit command, shift, power, If will be utilized as LCÕs interrupt switch. The interrupt switch is used for programmers i.e. MacsBug.

15. I asked Dennis about connecting an external floppy drive to an LC and he said:

            ÒWhatever you do, donÕt hook up a IIGS style floppy drive up to any SCSI port. Floppy drives are only meant to connect with DB-19 floppy drive ports. Some of the older Macs had them. If the LC does have a DB-19 port labeled with the floppy icon (the LC did not), then you can just plug it in and it will work. There are no special drivers to install or anything.Ó

16. Rob had trouble getting an external floppy drive to work with his LC. However, the port on the back of his LC (along with mine and probably others) has a 26 pin port (8, 9, 9), which will not work, according to Dennis Cardoza.

            A. Dennis suggested that, if the one or two internal floppy drives do not work, network, the machines to transfer files or swap a floppy drive with a working one. However, I discovered that both floppy drives work. Rob forgot about the internal disk drive.

17. LC II would mount School Stuff and System 7.1 CD after loading the Apple CD-ROM, Audio CD Access, Foreign File Access, High Sierra File Access and ISO 9660 File Access. CD-ROM ÒCommunity ExplorationÓ ejects upon restart.

            A. it would not use the 7.1 CD as startup using either COSD shortcut or holding down the C key at startup (see attached file). I had system Enabler 003, 040, 065, 131, 304, 308, 316, 332, 364, 401, 403 and minimum system Enabler 410.

            B. According to Informinit 8.1, no system Enabler is needed for the LCII computer.

18. System software took 1,990 K or so with AND without 32 bit addressing turned on, with the LC II in my room.

19. On the LC in Room 51 (really belongs to room 20), if a passive terminator were hooked up to the external Micronet HD (the connector from the floppy drives connected to the terminator, then to the HD), then the computer would not start up. When the terminator was removed, it started up.

20. On one occasion, when trying to start up the LC II in my room with a 7.1 startup disk, got a system error and had to restart. Also, when starting up from a 7.5 Disk, the Finder would quit when trying to run DFA.

            A. After fixing the LC II with DFA, both disks did not have problems with the LC.

21. When I tried using the ÒCommunity ExplorationÓ CD with the LC II in my room and used the recorder, it appeared not to work. When I clicked ÒrecordÓ and spoke into the microphone, there did not appear to be any sound waves. However, when I pressed ÒplayÓ the sound waves appeared and the voice was recorded. Mac OS X Panther Edition page 452 says that standard microphones do not work without an adapter, but Plain Talk microphones do (the pins are slightly longer with a Plaintalk microphone).

22. (11/9/00) The LC in the computer lab (on top of the file cabinet) needs an external HD.

23. The LC in TMÕs room needs a monitor, since the one it has is dead.

24. According to the Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 5, you cannot remove the simple beep sound. Page 6 says there is no recording volume control. Page 7 says that the monitors that can be connected include the Mac 12Ó RGB display, the Mac 12Ó Monochrome display and the AppleColor High-Resolution RGB monitor.

25. The Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 8 says that to ÒinterruptÓ the computer, use command (propeller symbol) and reset (left pointing arrow).

            A. Page 8 also says if you use the reset command, any unsaved work will be lost since the computer should restart.

26. The Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 9 says that the LC uses a 68020 32-bit architecture, 15.6672 Mhz clock frequency. It has 2 MB of Ram, expandable to 10 MB. It has 256 bytes of PRAM.

27. The Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 10 says the LC has two serial (RS-232/RS-422) ports, 230.4 Kbits per second. It has sound output port capable of deliverable monophonic sound to both channels of a stereo device.

28. The Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 10 says that the line voltage has RMS (I think this stands for Radon Mitigation Standards) automatically configured.

29. The Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 10 says that the LC uses 47 watts maximum, not including the monitor.

30. The Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 10 says the LC uses a CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) custom chip.

            A. Page 10 says that the maximum power for all ADB devices is 200 mA (milliamps). Mouse draws 80 mA, Keyboard draws 25 mA. Up to three ADB devices can be daisy-chained to the ADB port.

            B. DG has never accessed or worked with CMOS.

31. The Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 12 says that the possible RAM configurations of an LC are 2, 4, 6 and 10 MB.

            A. Page 13 says that the LC weighs 8.8 lb.

            B. Page 13 says the operating temperature is 50 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

            C. Page 13 says that storage temperature is -40 to 116.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

32. The Special Features of your Macintosh LC book page 15 says that the SCSI port uses the same type of connector as a standard RS-232, DB-25 serial interface, but is electrically very different. Connecting an RS-232 connector can damage the device and the LC.

33. If you install memory in the LC, you must do it two RAM chips at a time i.e. you can not use the computer with only 1 RAM chip in it.

            A. I tried starting up EAÕs computer once with only 1 RAM chip (just to see how much RAM it had, because EA wanted to order some more) and I got the Chimes of Death.

            B. The LC comes with 2 MB of RAM soldered to the board and 2 slots. It can have a maximum of 10 MB of RAM (2 MB on board and 2 four MB SIMMÕs).

            C. EAÕs LC has 4 MB of RAM, as of 7/2001. We are probably going to add more RAM to it.

            D. TDC00437 (a 30 pin SIMM) is the correct RAM (4 MB) for the LC.

            E. According to T.D. CurranÕs DB, you would need to add RAM in equal amounts for the LC (i.e. 2 two MB SIMMÕs or 2 four MB SIMMÕs, but not a two MB SIMM with a 4 MB SIMM). If you have only one SIMM In the machine, it will not start up (see A).

34. The floppy disk drive in the LCII in my room was not working. So I changed it with a floppy disk drive from an LC. I had to change the casing for the disk drive, since they were not interchangeable (the LC floppy drive did not fit into the slot on the LCII). I kept the LC screws, since I stripped the LC screws, while trying to disconnect the floppy drive from the casing. The floppy drive worked fine with my LCII.

            A. Later, though, I had trouble getting floppy disks to load on the desktop with the LC. It was because the disks would not go all the way in. Once I pushed them in with a paper clip, they would load. Finally, I decided to take the LC II cover off and then realign it, so that the hole for the floppy drive and the floppy drive lined up better. This worked. Floppy disks now load fine.

            B. Later, had trouble again, because disks would not mount at all (no error message), just nothing happened. I cleaned the drive with floppy drive cleaning kit, and use electrical spray cleaner. After a couple restarts, it seems to be okay now.

35. The sound did not work on My LCII. I tried adjusting the sound control panel and unplugging the headphones, I had no luck. After restarting, the sound worked fine.

            A. Even though ÒSimple BeepÓ is not present in the actual System File, the sound is produced with the LCII (quack, Sosumi, etc. are in the System File, but Simple Beep is not). The 7.1 CD and the 7.1 startup floppy disk do not have a Simple Beep in their system file either, so it appears to be normal.

36. If the Iomega Driver is present (version 5.0.1) in the Extensions folder, the Zip Disk will mount on the desktop of the LC II. If the Iomega Driver is disabled, the Zip Disk will not mount, even using SCSI Probe 4.3 (even after restart).

37. LC III requires System Enabler 003 for System 7.1. It has a 68030 processor.

38. 7.5.5 CD will startup LC IIIÕs. Also, a Zip Drive with a 7.6 System Folder can startup up an LC III (may need to use COSD shortcut).

39. The memory from an LC worked in my LCII. I now have 6 MB of RAM in the LCII in my room.

40. EA has an LC in her room with 4 MB of memory (2 on the board and 2 1 MB SIMMs, I think). An LC usually comes with 2 MB on the motherboard (2 MB minimum for LC), has two slots and can have a maximum of 10 MB.

            A. She also has an external HD, which is not needed, since she has a working internal drive.

41. One LC III from WMS had a high pitched sound, which I thought was the HD, but it turns out it was the fan.

42. I had to initialize an LC III in room 52. I tried using a 7.1 CD and a 7.5 CD, but neither one would start up the computer (Foolproofª was installed, which may have been part of the problem). Then I used the COSD shortcut and was able to use the 7.5 CD to start up the LCIII and initialize the drive. I copied a System 7.5 System Folder to the HD for temporary purposes.

            A. I tried using the 7.1 startup disks to install System 7.1 on the LCIII, but neither set would work. I later discovered that the floppy drive was bad.

            B. I then tried using the System 7.1 install disks on the System 7.1 CD to install System 7.1. But, when the installer got to the part where the disk ÒTidbitsÓ was needed, the installer requested that the ÒTidbitsÓ disk be inserted. However, there was a folder inside of the System 7.1 Install Disks called Tidbits, so there might be a CD problem (or I had previously used a Tidbits floppy disk to make the CD that was part of another set). I even tried using the Customize option to install ÒSystem Software for any MacintoshÓ, but I still got the Tidbits error. Anyhow, then I tried copying System Folder from the 7.1 CD to the HD of the LCIII and tried to start up the computer, but it would not work, I got the error message ÒThe Disk Tools disk will not work on this computer. Use the disk labeled ÔDisk Tools 1.ÕÓ After researching, I found out that the LCIII requires System Enabler 003. However, the 003 Enabler was on the HDÕs 7.1 System Folder, but there was also a ÒDisk Tools 1 EnablerÓ and a ÒDisk Tools 2 EnablerÓ in the System Folder. I discovered later that trashing the ÒDisk Tools 1 EnablerÓ and the ÒDisk Tools 2 EnablerÓ files (since they are normally only used for floppy disks) solved the problem (apparently, these Disk Tools Enablers were used first, since they appear first alphabetically).

            A. I later decided to make a new 7.1 CD with only System Enablers 003 (LC III) and System Enabler 065 (LC 575) in the System Folder. I then made an extra System Enablers folders outside of the System Folder. I also trashed the 7.1 Install Disks that was on the root level of the System 7.1 CD.

43. The LC in Room 54 had several HD icons. Each icon appeared to have the same contents (i.e. there was one HD with several aliases, etc.).

            A. I tried rebuilding the desktop with TT, trashing the extra HD icons, using DFA (which could not fix the problem), and initializing the HD. After initialization, I trashed the extra HD icons. Upon restart, there were several icons again.

            B. Finally, I hooked up a terminator (if you used a passthroughterminator on the opposite SCSI terminal on the Micronet drive, then it would not work), and the extra icons were no longer present. I then used a Zip Drive with its termination on (and took the terminator off the Micronet drive) and there was again only one HD icon.

            C. Ironically, after disconnecting the HD, and leaving the terminator off of the Micronet external HD, there was only one HD icon. Perhaps initialization did help after all.

            D. I put a minimum System, Folder 7.1 on the LC and tried to run At Ease. However, I got a fatal error 108 when startup occurred. After putting a regular sized 7.1 folder on the HD and restarting, there was not any errors.

44. I had difficulty getting the LCII and LCIII to startup in room 58 (my room). Using neither the 7.1 nor 7.5 for Older Macs floppy would start up the LCII. Finally, I ended up using the 7.1 install disk from the 7.1 Install Disks kit

            A. LC III started up with the 7.5 for Older Macs disk, but not the 7.1 disk.

45. The LC II requires the old-style floppy-disk drive (without the dust door). I had ordered a Ònew styleÓ disk drive (TDC00399) from TD Curran, but it would not work. Susan is sending me a fax (to my fax number) with an RMA number, so that I may exchange the disk drive for an Òold styleÓ (no dust door). It is TDC00400.

            A. The LCIII requires the "old style" disk drive, also.

46. The LC (not sure if I, II or III) in Room 1 was having trouble. The HD appeared to startup, but the monitor would not show any activity. After reseating the RAM, the computer started up.

47. When trying to access the internet with the LC and 7.6.1 at home, I got an error, when trying to open PPP. The error indicated that Open Transport Remote Access was not available, even though it was. Probably due to difference in system software.

48. LC IIIÕs SCSI port doesnÕt work anymore, it appears. I tried zapping with TT, KB, restarting, checking the on/off termination for Zip Drive, loading the Iomega Driver. No luck.

            A. NN 3.0.4 did not work on the LC III, it kept quitting. But I was able to use Free PPP to connect to the internet.

49. After I used the Apple HD SC setup to update the driver on the Quantum Fireball External HD, I then tried mounting the external HD on the LC III and upon startup and going to the Finder, the external drive mounted (the Macintosh HD had been selected as the startup disk in the startup disk control panel). I tried mounting the external HD on the LCII, but upon startup, the external HD did not appear. I mounted the external HD with SCSI probe 4.3 and upon restart, the external HD mounted each time on the desktop, when going to the Finder.

50. The new floppy drive from JazminÕs LC III could not be moved to the G3, since the floppy drive is the old style without the door.


LC 550

1. I Got an LC 550 for my room, because some people traded in their iMacs to their lab and received 550Õs in return. However, Etta got an iMac and did not want a 550 in return. I put it in my room, since I was the next in line to receive a computer.

2. I think it may have come with 7.1 (I looked it up in Apple SpecÕs Database, and it showed 7.1 with System Enabler 403 v1.0.2). However, 7.5 Revision 2 is on it now.

3. I had to initialize the HD, because Foolproof was on the HD. I disabled Foolproof Control Panel and the Fool Proof Extensions (there were 3 of them). I could start up the 550 with any of my floppy disks, I kept getting errors about using the latest startup disk. One disk, 7.5 for Older Macs, did start up the 550, but then it would not operate properly. When you tried to copy any files, the finder would restart. Restarting the computer did not work.

            A. The Zip drive would not work either, I could not be recognized, since the drive was initialized.

            B. The external HD did almost work at first, because it had a 7.1 System Folder, but I got the latest update error again. Finally, I copied a 7.5 Revision 2 system folder (from another LC 550) to the external HD and then copied it to the HD, this worked. I left the 7.5 System Folder on the external HD.

            C. The best way to disable Foolproof is to turn it Off using the Foolproof control panel first. Then turn off all the locking preferences. Restart the computer, trash all FoolProofª stuff. If you disable Foolproof without turning it off, then you will run into problems. In this case, I had to initialize the HD, using the 7.5 for Older Macs floppy disk.

4. You can use the external CD drive along with a 7.5.5 CD to start up an LC550.

5. It has some trouble with the front headphone jack, it does not appear to unmute the sound too well, when unplugging the headphones.

6. I was able to multitask at least on one occasion, using the Finder and Burn with System 7.5.2.

7. Auto Power On/Off does work with the LC 550.

8. System Enabler 403 is required with System 7.1 System Folder to start up an LC 550, according to InformInit 8.1.

            A. There is a copy of the System Enabler 403 on the 7.1 CD.

9. Drive Setup version 1.1 (comes with 7.5.5 CDÕs, I think) does not work on the LC 550. Should use Apple HD SC Setup (version 7.4.5DT) or some other version perhaps.

10. Monitors and Sounds (System 7.5.5) Control Panel cannot be used on an LC 550. Should use Monitors control panels and Sounds Control Panel. Energy Saver does not work, either.

            A. When you install 7.5.5 on an LC 550, you should disable ÒDesktop Printer Extension, Desktop Printer Spooler and Desktop Printmonitor extensions. I used an Apple Stylewriter 2200 Chooser Extension and chose it, then trashed the 2200 desktop icon, so that the icon did not keep appearing on the desktop (a printer must be chosen to use TWC or TBWC).

            B. The version of TWC, TBWC and Super Munchers on the System 7.5.5 CD should not be used, since TWC and TBWC are Sparkes registered and Super Munchers does not allow you to enable managementÓ. Should copy from School Stuff 2 (the first partition, as of 3/2002). Also automated tasks and Audio CD alias in the Apple Menu should be trashed, since they will not be available.

11. The External (Power User Pro 1.2 GB) Quantum Fireball Hard Drive appears to not be able to work with an LC550, because you get an error message that says ÒThe large volume connected to your computer cannot be used because a 68040 or PowerPC CPU is required for volume sizes larger than 4 gigabytes.Ó Even though the Quantum HD is not larger than 4 Gigabytes, it still seems to require a 68040 processor or PowerPC CPU. The LC 550 has a 68030 processor, whereas the LC 575 has a 68LC040 processor. Later, I tried using the LC 550 to mount the External HD, and it did not. I thought perhaps Silverlining Lite was not on the external HD, but two versions of it were (1.0 and 2.2). I copied Silverlining (I tried version 1.0 and 2.2) to the HD of the LC 550 and tried to mount the external HD, I got the error message ÒThe large volume connected to your computer cannot be used because a 68040 or PowerPC CPU is required for volume sizes larger than 4 gigabytes.Ó Anyhow, after I clicked Òok,Ó the external HD mounted on the desktop. I got the same results with the LCII in my room. After mounting, if you drag the icon of the external HD to the trash and then remount it, you do not get the error message. It may be possible that if I initialize the drive with Syquest Utilities, that I may be able to mount the drive without a message, but I am not sure. It is likely though, that the same error message will appear, to me. Dennis suggested updating the driver (I thought that perhaps I could use Silverlining or a program for Quantum Fireball drives, but I discovered that there does not appear to be an update with Silverlining Lite to update the driver). Dennis also suggested that I go to and see if I can a particular patch there, one that allows you to use AppleÕs software to update the driver on any drive. I did go there, but was unable to search for it (when I typed ÒpatchÓ into the search box and pressed return, I got an error). I clicked an e-mail link on the page, but that e-mail got returned (said it was delayed). Anyhow, the next day I was able to search at I found HD SC Setup 7.3.5 Patcher at a web page other that Resexcellence (It was at explains how to do the patch). I used Google to search for "patch" "non-Apple" "format" utility. HD SC Setup 7.3.5 patch is the same as HD SC Setup 7.3.5 (patched). I think the (patched) version is one where is it patched after downloading, as opposed to already patched, when downloaded. Anyhow, I used HD Setup 7.3.5 patch with Zip Drive to initialize a disk and did partition a Zip Disk (Initialize and Update were dimmed). After formatting for "maximum Macintosh" I was not able to access the Zip disk with the Finder or Iomega Tools (Tools said that no drier was present). I restarted the computer and then I was able to use Tools to access the Zip Disk. I reformatted the Zip Disk with Tools. Later, I tried just opening HD SC Setup 7.3.5 Patch and then looking at my Zip Disk (no formatting or initializing done). Then, I could not access the Zip Disk again until restart. After restart, I was able to access the Zip Disk and I reformatted it using Tools. I used HD Setup 7.3.5 (patch) to update the driver on the External HD (SCSI probe does not appear to have an option to update drivers). After updating the external HD did not mount on the LC 550, I had to use SCSI probe 4.3 to mount it (I selected the option to have SCSI mount init during startup, but I later found out that on the LC II that SCSI was not even present and the external HD still mounted automatically). There was not a message about the Òdisks larger than 4 MB.Ó Upon restart, I got the Òstartup diskÓ error (this disk will not start up the computer message). I restarted with the external HD turned on, then I went to the startup disk control panel and chose the Macintosh HD. Upon restart, the HD started up the computer and the external HD automatically mounted on the desktop when I went to the Finder from At Ease. Dennis had said that ÒIf I have to initialize the external HD to get rid of message, it is not worth it.Ó

12. The headphone jack on the LC 550 had been intermittently working, so I sprayed contact cleaner inside of it and pushed the headphone jack in and out several times. Seems better, as of 4/4/02.

13. I tried out my new 7.5.5 CD with the LC 550 in my room. However, it would not start up the computer when I pressed down the ÒCÓ key: I got the Sad Mac Chimes (An ÒFÓ was present, so it seemed to indicate software). Anyhow, I tried COSD command, but I had no luck. If I chose the 7.5.5 CD as the startup disk, I could start up the 550 with the CD.

            A. I switched the SCSI ID of the external drive to 6 from 5, moved the terminator to the other port (the SCSI connection had gone from the 550 to the connector to the terminator to the port) and tried again. COSD shortcut and holding down the ÒCÓ would start up the LC 550 from the 7.5.5 CD.

14. When using the LC550 at home to connect to the Internet, I had to use Netscape 4.0.4, because IE 3.0.1 requires 8.0 or later (LC 550 had 7.5.5 on it). Enternet300v109 froze up when installing (with extensions on or off), so I had to use the dial-up modem.

15. The Zip Drive would not mount on the LC 550. Restarting, Zapping the PRAM with KB and TT, turning termination on/off, changing SCSI ID of 5 to 6 and vice-versa, going through the External CD-ROM, and using SCSI probe. No work. I finally used Mt. Everything in Mt. Everything 1.0.1 would mount the Zip Disk, but then I was not able to copy to the Zip Disk, because it was "locked." I tried using Mt. Everything 1.1.1, but then it would not mount at all.

16. LC 550 in room 58 (my room) would not start up using the 7.1 CD (got the need to update error. I later discovered that I had the 403 Enabler on the CD, but not in the System Folder, so I made a new CD), 7.5.5 CD would not start up the computer, either. 7.1 floppy and 7.5 disk for older Macs would not work, either.

            A. Finally, I made a duplicate copy of a 7.1 disk and put System Enabler 403 on it. Then it would start up the LC 550.

NDD Emergency disk did start up the LC 550.

17. The 550 in room 58 would not start up. Disconnecting the battery for twenty minutes did not help. Finally, I tried putting in a 575 logic board, but no luck. Then I put the original 550 logic board back in the machine and it started up.

18. I tried using some of my extra computer screws for the LC 550,but none of them worked.


LC 575

1. Jose's 575 had a power problem. I tried using a known good keyboard, cable, power plug and battery. I swapped out all these parts, his computer is dead, I believe and needs hardware repairs.

            A. Other ideas to check with JoseÕs computer (or any Mac): take out installed RAM and try to start computer, unplug battery for 30 minutes to drain computer of PRAM information, swap with a known good logic board (since logic board or defective RAM could be the problem).

            B. the LC 575 comes with 4 MB installed on the logic board. So if the computer now has 6 or MB, which most of ours do, the RAM may be bad.

            C. Switched logic boards and LO's board worked in Jose's computer.

            D. Took out two RAM chips and a video (??) chip. Did not start up.

            E. After unplugging Jose's battery for 30 minutes, the 575 started up.

            F. JL's 575 died again a few days later. I unplugged the battery for thirty minutes and put in a new battery this time. Started up fine.

            G. Jose's 575 went dead again with the new battery. I unplugged the battery overnight. When I went to connect the computer back up, I discovered that the cable was not plugged into the keyboard, which may have been why the computer would not start up the day before.

2. The LC 575 comes with a program, called ÒMacintosh BasicsÓ on the HD, to learn how to use the computer. it is usually on the CD, as well.

            A. Button Disabler (for the front of the computer) also comes with the 575, it is a control panel.

3. In the screen control panel, the screen brightness should only be used after the computer has been in use for two or three years (and the screen has started to fade somewhat).

4. The LC 575 (09940) that was temporarily in Room 5 was dead. When you pressed the power key, nothing at all happened. I unplugged the battery for half an hour. The computer started right up.

5. LC 575 comes with a 68LC040 processor.

6. As of 12/13/04, Don Chatwin said that, "The only small SCSI hard drive (for an LC 575) that I have left are 1GB Drives for $49. TDC01084 1GB Internal SCSI Hard Drive $49."

7. I had a startup error on 575 with HD startup (the error relating to newer System Software). I replaced the 7.5 Finder (ironically on the HD with a 7.1 System File) with a 7.1 Finder. No luck. I copied the 7.1 System Folder from my 7.1 System CD to the 575 HD, this worked. I then decided to put 7.5.5 on the HD.

8. One student used a magnet and put it near two of the 575 screens, which made some marks on both of the monitors, which did not disappear overnight. The marks did not disappear even after the power switch was turned off overnight. Finally, I unplugged the power cord and waited four days (I unplugged them on Friday and checked on them on Tuesday). The marks were gone.

            A. I also got rid of the magnet sticks that the students sometimes use during free time.

9. I needed some hard drives for our LC 575s, so I e-mailed TD Curran before completing my purchase order, the representative said that TDC 01084 hard drives (1 GB) would work with our LCs. After seeing the hard drives, I realized that they do not have the correct connection for an LC 575 computer (they have a female connector, we need a male connector). I e-mailed for assistance with this. Bill Molnar ( said that the hard drives (Seagate) will work. I just need to use the old connectors and attach them to the new hard drives. I did do that, and then used Micronet 5.44. to erase the one hard drive I tried (AppleÕs HD software would not work). I also had to break the power and data connectors in tow to make the HD connector work with the 575 connector. This worked fine. It may also work that the HDÕs can be used with different computers. The connectors are 513-0312, FoxConn 9433. I e-mailed, (that was the e-mail I got from Mac ConnectionÕs web site), and CDW from


LCD/VCR Hookup (LCD Projector is Sharp Model XV-101TU, it was made in March,1991). has a fax number to contact Sharp.

1. Red to video out of VCR.

2. Black to PA system.

3. Black to audio out of VCR.

4. LCD Panel goes on top of an overhead to project onto screen. LCD projector is a stand alone unit.

5. it takes about 20 or 30 seconds to show the picture on the LCD, it takes that long for the bulb to warm up ??. Anyhow, what video (1 or 2) the LCD is set to when the power gets turned off, the LCD turns back on to that video setting when turning back on.

6. On May 2, 2001, the Red Lamp light on the front of the LCD Projector came on and stayed on. The instructions on the LCD Projector indicate that is the lamp light is red, then you must take the LCD Projector to the nearest authorized Sharp Dealer.

            A. I e-mailed Sharp by using the contact info on their home page,

            B. Kim Picchi, LCD Support (Phone 888-467-4277, Fax 630-378-9981) said that ÒUnfortunately we do not have costs on repairs for units. You may want to upgrade to a new unit since technology has changed a great deal since that unit was released. If you have any further questions or need a service center please contact us at 1-888-467-4277 or via e-mail.Ó It does not sound like it is simply a lamp.

7. I e-mailed Randy Bonander ( to ask about repairing the LCD player and he said ÒYes we do work on Sharp LCD projectors. We reserve to right to sub them out to another shop (we work with several groups that sometimes take in repairs we are unable to do here). The minimum charge to you is the same either way, whether we find a problem or not. This minimum charge is $125.00. Should we find a problem with the unit requiring repair, this amount will be applied towards the eventual repair cost. Basically, once the minimum charge is taken care of, we troubleshoot the unit and provide you with the additional cost to repair it, if needed. A valid, signed, school purchase order for the $125 minimum must accompany the unit when brought in for the estimate.Ó

            A. The LCD projector had to be taken in for repair (KW took it to someone other than Randy). The repairmen said he only "cleaned the lens," but it now works. However, the problem returned on 9/28/05, the lamp light flashed green and eventualy, it turned red and stayed right. Marsha said she would talk to M. about this.

8. I could not get the LCD Projector to work with the DEC in room 4. It turns out that the problem was that the RCA cable had trouble. After changing the RCA cable, it worked fine (but you must use the Display Control Panel to set the computer to be on Clone, and I had to Òforce detection of a monitor to the secondary connectorÓ (this option showed up on her computer, but not on my rebuilt DEC).


LaCie Pocket Floppy Disk Drive (part number is 706018, serial number of one drive is FDD000567580)

1. It requires 8.6, 9.0, or 10.1 or later. Alternatively, it can use Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, and CE. Quick Start Installation page 3 says that 10.1 and 10.2 will not format or initialize disks. Page 3 also says that 800 K Mac disks are not supported. Page 5 suggests not connecting the drive to the keyboard port. Page 4 says that MS-DOS formatted disks will take longer to mount on a Mac than Mac formatted disks (may be up to 60 seconds).


Laser Disc

1. Level I-TV and Laser Disc.

2. Level II-Kiosk at department store (example). Computer and Laserdisc (but without editing)

3. Level III-Computer and Laser Disc. Importing Laser Disc clips into computer and using them in documents. Editing them.

4. To use the barcode reader with the laser disc:

            A. Hold ÒreadÓ button down and scan. Let button back up before scanning (even If rescanning). Also, use a little pressure and scan quickly.

5. When using Laser Disk Player, VCR s/b off.

6. The side that you want to play on should be facing up when you put it into the Laser Disk Player.


Laserwriter¨ IINT

1. The manual feed tray originally jammed, but after restarting, it worked okay.

2. I could not locate the part number on the cartridge, but I think M0089LL/A (BCS order #) may be the correct toner cartridge, but I am not sure. So, I e-mailed BCS from to inquire. Kay (11/2/06) said that the cartridge would not work in the IINT. Apple has discontinued making its laser cartridges in 2005, according to Kay.

3. In 10/06, there was a Postscript error, but several graphics (through HTML) present. Later, with just regular text, the print recurred. However, I discovered that the problem was that paper kept jamming in the machine (in the middle of the machine after being fed in from the paper tray); sometimes, the paper went through, but was often crumbled. There are two sets of rollers (one near the paper tray and one near the serial connection). I used sandpaper on both sets of rollers. However, then the paper kept jamming as it loaded into the printer from the paper tray. So, I then used rubbing alcohol on those rollers, and then paper feed through the machine okay.

4. Quill has the 902-XQ100A Quill¨ Remanufactured Cartridge compatible to HP 92295A; Black for $62.99; the HP 92295A has been discontinued.

5. I think that the same issue that occurs with the 360 happens with the IINT: Plan-it will not print. I had IINT selected in the Chooser, but Plan-it would not print (even overnight). It is better to use the 1500 for Plan-it printing. However, if I really wanted to use the Laserwriter IINT to print, you can take a picture of the Plan-it screen and then print with Simpletext. However, with OS 9.2.1, Plan-it will print on the Laserwriter IINT.

6. OwnerÕs Manual does not mention anything about using a sleep function. page 3 says that it is not a good idea to transport the printer with the cartridge installed. Page 3 says that the print density dial is inside the printer on the left hand side. Page 4 says the IINT has a 200-page capacity. Page 7 talks about using the Namer (but I just clicked on the printer to rename it). Page 11 #6 suggests typing your name after the space after user name (with the Chooser). But, you cannot change the name there. Page 13 says that 2-sided printing can be done (only one page at a time). Page 14 says you can print from the Finder. Page 15 says that with the face-up tray open, it can accept up to 36 lb. paper. Page 15 also says that medium weight transparencies can be used, but heat transfer (thermal) transparencies are not a good idea. Also, texured or shiny paper may have difficulty printing. Page 19 says that Courier is the only monospaced font (monospaced font letters all use the same amount of space, while others are proportionately spaced, in that the the letters take up space depending on the size and shape of the letter) in the LW family. Page 19 says that serifs are strokes at the end of letterforms. Page 19 says that serifs guide eye along the printed line, increasing legibility. Page 24 says that the fixing rolling assembly can get up to 400û F. Page 25 says that a cartridge will normally last around 4,000 pages. Also, the lower toner light will glow orange when the toner is lower or needs to be redistributed (by shaking the cartridge). Page 27 says that is the paper light is red, there is a jam; if it is flashing, then service is required. Page 47 says that the operating temperature is 50û to 90û F, and the printer uses around 170 Watts in standby mode and 900 Watts in operating mode.

7. The IINT weighs 45 lbs.

8. I did two-sided printing with the IINT, feeding a page through manually (it may be possible through the paper tray as well): print a regular copy, feed the paper into the document feeder with the writing side down (opposite of what you would think) and then print. I tried to print an Ofoto document and a GC converter document (transparencies) with the Laserwriter IINT, but it took over two hours to spool and the end result was an error, anyhow. On another occasion, I tried to print an Ofoto document (300 scan and print dpi) on the IINT (it was a 7.7 MB document), but it took so long to spool that I decided not to wait (probably about five minutes); then I tried opening the document in GC and saved it as jpg, but it still would not print because of an error. Therefore, I decided to use the 1500 to print the document, which worked fine (although slowly). With OS 9.2.1, I was able to print a GC converter document (Parent Compact) in a reasonable length of time; also, in 9.2.1, an Ofoto document (4.8 MB) took more than ten minutes (and even then it did not print); it would be more efficient to open it in GC, save as jpg, and then print.

9. There are no adapters for Localtalk in room 58 (1/07).

10. AW file with EPS graphic printed fine on transparency using LW main paper tray.

11. Print from cassette was selected in the Page Setup dialog box, but had paper in manual feed tray, worked fine (without message box).

12. On one occasion, paper got jammed in the printer and so the printer could not continue. After clearing the jam, I tried to print again, but another print error (negative number) was produced. I found out, though, that the paper was out. After loading more paper, the printer worked fine.

13. I had problems printing from TBWC where there was a paper misfeed on the Laserwriter IINT, and reloading the paper several times did not help: I kept getting the same message from the printer. Then I turned the printer off and back on again and this resolved the issue.

14. I had trouble printing a picture (originally from TWC) to go with an AW WP document; a few extra characters appeared in the printout. Using a picture from AW library had the same issue, even though the pictures had been saved in eps format with GC. Anyhow, the solution was to convert the document to AW Drawing.

15. In 5/08, I had trouble with smeared ink on printouts with MS Word 98; the problem  did not get solved by printing twenty blank pages, so I used rubbing alcohol to clean the rollers, and let the printer dry (and cool) overnight. The printer still had a vertical faded striped in it (even after printing twenty blank pages). Printing from a different application may have had the same results, because I then cleaned both sets of rollers (and turned the thumbwheels (a thumbwheel is a control for various devices consisting of a partially exposed wheel that can be turned by moving the exposed edge with a finger) and cleaned the roller several times over (a web page had suggested that) and I also cleaned inside the flap on the cartridge (it is a green area); then I printed a Simpletext document and this solved the problem. Then a Word document printed fine. Later, smearing still occurred, so I cleaned the rollers next to where the paper is feed from the tray into the printer; then I printed 20 blank pages and now it seems to be fine again. The problem returned the next day, and I finally determined the solution. I changed the LW II NT cartridge to a refillable Quill one (and I changed the fixing rolling cleaner as well, which is the rectangular plastic piece which cleans the cartridgeÕs drum). Printing is now normal. The II NT had 18,099 pages printed, as of 5/08; according to Apple Printer Utility. The next day, horizontal (minor) streaks appeared in printouts. JZ suggested using dusting spray into where the cartridge is inserted or cleaning the drum. I did both to no avail (I wonder if it is because it a cartridge: refilled and refillable are verbs, not adjectives). Adjusting the print density had no noticeable effect on the Quill cartridge at all (not even in terms of lightness or darkness). Sad Macs 2nd and 3rd editions indicate that when laser output is too light or too dark or smeared, the cartridge probably needs replacing. I tried using the old cartridge (that made vertical streaks) with the new fixing rolling cleaning, but the streaks were still present (but lighter). I tried cleaning the old fixer rolling cleaner and then printed, but many streaks wer still present. Sad Macs 2nd and 3rd editions suggest that if changing the cartidge does not work, the fuser assembly may need replacement. I am reasonably certain it is the Quill cartridge; I used a laser cleaning sheet (from StapleÕs) to try to clean the Quill cartridge to no avail.

16. There is not an option to change the dpi setting with the Apple LW utility and LW IINT, since the II NT only does 300 dpi (verified at and You can adjust the print density, though. It is the green dial on the inside of the printer when opened (near the front).

17. has a cartridges (that is not OEM) for the Laserwriter IINT for $29.95; while it costs $71.99 through Quill (901-XQ100A). BCS does not have any for the Laserwriter IINT.


Laserwriter Select 360. Serial number is 829234650. Default password is Ò0.Ó

1. Default printout sheet when turning on computer may indicate what printers might be used to emulate the driver for Apple Laserwriter (If Apple Laserwriter software is not available).

2. 1 disk is probably all that is needed for the printer driver for Windows 3.1.

3. If you connect and disconnect printer connections with the printer and/or computer on, sheets may print out from the printer with garbled text.

4. 3.1 is Difficult, this setup might be easier (in the lab) with Windows 95.

5. Generic Text may be coded differently than the correct driver for the Laserwriter Select 360, so it may not work.

6. There is only one LPT port (LPT 1) on the back of the workstation (not the server) in the lab. The other 25 pin port is a SCSI port (used to connect the external CD player).

7. To physically connect the printer, use the top 25 pin port to connect to the back of the Laserwriter Select 360.

8. When trying to install the printer driver, I would navigate to install a new driver, when I put the disk in A, and hit return, nothing happened. When I tried to print with several different drivers (Generic Text Only, HP LaserJet IID Postscript, HP LaserJet Series II), error messages appeared (ÒThe Printer on LPT 1 is out of paper or is not connected to the computer. Check the printer cable or network connections to make sure the printer is connected or refresh paper supply). To install the printer driver for the Printer, Put Disk In, Go to File, run, a:setup or a:install. Or you may do Alt, F, Run, a:setup or a:install. However, After typing ÒRun,Ó the Apple Laserwriter Windows disk installed Apple Laserwriter Utility. The print message kept coming up saying that the printer is not connected to the computer.

9. I ended up adding a printer (Program Manager, Main, Control Panels, Printer), then inserting the Laser Writer Select Windows disk, I typed in Òa:\win31drvÓ, OK, Install Driver dialog box appears, OK, insert the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #5 (not #6 as the manual suggests), then erase everything except for Òa:\Ó. Worked. Can print from Windows 3.1, but not JostenÕs.

10. Many Laserwriters will work with HP LaserJet II or III series or Generic/Text Only (when Generic/Text only is chosen, one of the ÒoptionsÓ is for Continuos or cut sheet paper feed).

11. To make it work in Windows, Connect the 25 pin connector to the printer port (LPT 1) on the bottom of the computer (Dell GL5100), then to the Parallel port of the Apple Laserwriter Select 360. When the connector was connected to the upper port (SCSI) on the computer, it prevented the computer from starting up in Windows or CD install. I disconnected it and the computer started up.

12. If you change the default printer in the control panels, the printer will print faster than If you change the printer in the Òprint setupÓ dialog box within the notepad.

13. EPS picture formats are usually only useful or important with a Postscript printer.

14. Under only desperate circumstances should you choose ÒUnlimited downloadable fonts in a documentÓ in the page setup box. This causes the MAC to download only a single font to the printer, deleting it when another font is called for (causes a 30 second delay even where there is only one character in a different font, Mac Bible p. 664).

15. If a Laserwriter does not print well, at all, smudges or smears: Replace the cartridge, since it has many moving parts. There are not many parts outside of the cartridge.

16. It has an AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) 29200 RISC processor.

            A. Has standard parallel, LocalTalk and Serial Ports. It can use all three ports (LocalTalk, which has an up and down arrow next to it and is a DIN 8 connection. Parallel, which is an IBM connection. Serial connection, which looks similar to a SCSI connection) simultaneously.

            B. On 10/24/00, the DIN 8 connection has a cable that connects to the Dayna Ethernet box.

17. To change the toner cartridge, open the printer access door, unpack the cartridge and gently rock to distribute the toner inside, pull the tape tab to remove the tape from the cartridge, insert the cartridge into the printer, close the access door.

18. According to the Laserwriter 360 manual, you can remove the multipurpose paper tray by pushing the latch to the left and gently pulling it out.

            A. The cassette supplied with the printer can hold up to 250 sheets of paper and can accept U.S. Letter, A4 or B5 (JIS) paper.

            B. Letterhead and 3 hole punched should be face up facing the back of the printer (holes on the left hand side). The sliding backstop on the back of the paper tray should be set to one of the four standard paper sizes marked in the way. If the sliding backstop is not clicked into position (i.e. between positions), a printing error may result.

            C. The output tray can hold up to 150 sheets of paper.

19. The printerÕs LocalTalk port can use a Periperheral-8 cable, and the other end of the cable can plug into your computerÕs printer port. This setup can be used to hook up one computer to the printer, just like you would normally do, according to the Laser Writer Select 360 manual p. 10.

            D. You can use LocalTalk to connect your printer directly to your Macintosh, even if you donÕt have an existing network.

            E. To connect your printer using LocalTalk cables: Plug a LocalTalk connector box into the printerÕs LocalTalk port, plug another LocalTalk connector box into the printer port on your computer and then connect the two LocalTalk connector boxes together with a LocalTalk cable.

            F. According to the Laser Writer Select 360 manual p. 11, the printer only needs to be connected to one computer on the network to be accessible to all Macintosh computers on the network.

20. The ready/in use light is on the left. When blinking, printing is happening or printer is processing data. (On occasion, the printing may take several minutes and still remember what it is supposed to print: sometimes, the printer gets jammed with requests from the network). The middle light is to indicate that the paper is out. The right light is to indicate a paper jam.

21. According to the Laser Writer Select 360 manual p. 24, the printer is not capable of Òduplex printing,Ó which I think means two sided printing, but not sure.

22. According to the Laser Writer Select 360 manual p. 26-27, to select the printer: Open Chooser, click the Laserwriter 8.0 icon, click on the name of the Laserwriter Select 360 icon on the right, click setup, click auto setup, click ok, close the Chooser.

23. If you click the ÒmoofÓ dog in the page setup dialog box, you can see the currently selected page dimensions.

24. Under the page setup dialog box, go to options, then invert image reverses black with white images.

25. According to the Laser Writer Select 360 manual p. 27, if you select substitute fonts in the page setup dialog box (then go to options), you can substitute fonts to allow the printer to use a different font if the Mac screen font Geneva, Monaco or New York is not available.

            A. Precision Bitmap alignment makes printed bitmapped graphics to more precisely match the screen image.

            B. Unlimited downloadable fonts to print the document using as many downloadable fonts as are needed. The fonts will be sent to the printer, used, then erased from the printerÕs memory. The printing will be slower.

26. According to the Laser Writer Select 360 manual p. 30, the paper source in the page setup dialog box varies according to the paper sources of your printer.

27. According to the Laser Writer Select 360 manual p. 31, to turn off the cover page for a document, go to print, click options, under cover page options, choose ÒnoneÓ, ÒbeforeÓ or ÒafterÓ.

28. You can turn the startup page on or off, by using the Laserwriter Utility program. Open the program, choose set startup page from the utilities menu, click on or off. Click okay. On one occasion, the startup page started printed again. It was because I had set the printer to defaults, and forgot that I had done it. I was able to turn the startup page off again with Apple Laserwriter Utility. You can also access Power Saving from the utilities menu to set a different time, if necessary by using the Laserwriter Utility program. You can set the printerÕs resolution to 300 or 600 dpi by using the Imaging options from the Utilities menu with the Laserwriter Utility program (According to the Laser Writer Select 360 manual p. 43). You can restart the printer using the Laserwriter Utility software. Go to the utilities menu and then choose restart printer. You can also get page count from the utilities menu using the Laserwriter Utility software. It is also under the Utilities menu. You can view the page count from the utilities menu with the Laserwriter Utility under the utilities menu. Alternatively, the startup page shows the number of pages that has been printed with the printer. You can also change the print resolution (300 dpi, 600 dpi or the printerÕs default) in the print dialog box. I used Desktop Printer Utililty 2.2 to turn off the startup page for the LaserWriter Select 360, once it had been connected to the G3/266. But I will put the Laserwriter stuff on an internet CD, for future use, if necessary.

29. The Desktop Printer Utility version 1.0 that comes with System 8.1 does not work with 8.0, ironically. When you double click on the Desktop Printer Utility application, you get an error message that says ÒSystem 7.5 or later is required, but 8.0 is not supported.

30. I do not have the Laserwriter 360 software or the Laserwriter Utility Software.

31. According to the Laserwriter Select 360 manual p. 55, alcohol based cleaners should not be used on or around the printer. Alcohol may react with the plastic case.

            A. Use mild soap and water to clean the printer case.

32. According to the Laserwriter Select 360 manual p. 58, you can print a cleaning page by using the LaserWriter Select 360 Macintosh Installation Disks and opening the printing tools folder, select the cleaning page. Choose print from the file menu and then print. Then open the multipurpose tray or manual feed tray and turn the page over and feed the page back thru, printed side up. Choose cleaning page icon, choose print from the file menu. Choose Manual feed from the print dialog box. Click print.

33. According to the Laserwriter Select 360 manual p. 65, if something will not print, check to make sure that the sliding backstop inside the cassette (the paper bracket at the rear) is set in one of the notches with a labeled paper size.

34. According to the Laserwriter Select 360 manual p. 69, if the Macintosh can not find the printer: see if AppleTalk is inactive, turn the printer off and on, printer is connected to the modem port, so disconnect it and connect it to the printer port.

35. According to the Laserwriter Select 360 manual p. 70, if optional paper sources do not appear in the Print dialog box, make sure the optional cassette is installed properly. Also, you can open the chooser, click the LaserWriter 8.0 icon. Click Setup, Autosetup.

36. The Laserwriter Select 360 comes with 7 MB of RAM, and is you can upgrade it to 16 MB RAM.

            A. It prints at a maximum speed of 10 pages per minute.

37. The Laserwriter Select 360 manual p. 82 shows the pins and the RS-2321 Serial interface connections.

38. You can use 16 lb. to 28 lb. paper.

39. The printer weighs 29 pounds.

40. According to the Laserwriter Select 360 manual p. 86-88, you can configure the interface setup on the back of the printer.

41. According to the iMac DV + manual page 21, if your document uses many fonts and you do not have enough memory to print, then go to page setup, make sure Òunlimited downloadable fontsÓ is selected under Postscript options. If you still do not have enough memory, try using fewer fonts in your document.

42. I thought I had recorded in computer notes somewhere how to use the Laser Writer Select 360 with the 5500, but apparently not. I had only used it with the Windows Server. I wondered about this because I was interested in hooking up the iMac DV to the Laserwriter, so that I could print the iMovie 2 manual.

43. According to the Laserwriter 360Õs startup page, the printer has PostScript LocalTalk, PostScript Serial 9600 baud, 35 fonts in ROM, 7 MB of RAM and 600 dpi resolution. (It also says that it has printed 22560 pages as of 1/15/01 or so and it has a 0:30 power savings delay, although I am not sure what that means).

44. To install the driver for the Laserwriter 360, I think you only need to add the extension called LaserWriter 8 to the Extensions folder. I had trouble with this at first getting the 360 to show up on the right side of the Chooser (after selecting LaserWriter 8 on the left side), but after discovering that the printer was off, I was able to solve the problem.

45. The LaserWriter Select 360 was quite slow in printing the desktop (with the G3/266, it had quite a bit of graphics to print) on one occasion, when Burn was being used at the same time.

46. Using the PrinterShare Control Strip Module does not work, since the LaserWriter Select 360 uses Appletalk and the 1500 does not.

47. It appears that the 360 has trouble waking up from sleeping in the morning. The solution so far has been to turn it off, then back on again. On 8/16/04, the 360 would not print after being turned on previously. However, I checked with Apple Printer Utility, and it was set to 2 hours for energy saving mode. I changed the setting to 4 hours. Dennis said that it may be that the printer is supposed to wake up when a print job is sent; however, it does not. It may be because of the age of the printer. talks about this issue also. It mentions that it may be possible to change the sleep setting on some Laserwriters by using a Postscript program. Matt did not know what to do about this problem, he suggested looking for the manual on the internet, which I already did. It appears that with System 9.2.1, the LW does not have to be shut down and started back up each time you want to print (and the printer has been idle for awhile or overnight). Perhaps, the Apple Printer UtilityÕs preferences work better with 9.2.1 (in 9.2.1, I do not think there is a setting for energy setting mode when using Apple Printer Utility 2.2) than they did with 8.1.

48. Apple LaserWriter Printer Tips (installed with 8.1 on the G3/266) says mentions "foreground printing," which is the opposite of background printing (there is no spool file). It also says that some printers with small amounts of memory will not print documents with large numbers of fonts.  You may need to select "Unlimited Downloadable Fonts in the Page Setup PostScript Options dialog box and print again. Or you can try power-cycling the printer. After a job has been spooled to the Laserwriter, you can then choose the 1500 and print without causing a problem.

49. About Your Apple LaserWriter Printer Software for the Mac OS (called Apple Printer Software Read Me, which installed with 8.1 on the G3/266) says that "Collated printjobs might take longer than normal multiple-copy printjobs." It also says that Desktop Printers may appear to be inactive, when they should be active. Rebuilding the desktop should solve the problem. It also says that when you choose save or open using the Finder, you will see your desktop printers, but if you save documents there, you won't be able to access them. It says that clipping files do not respond to the Print command, so drag and drop is not supported for clippings. It says that Apple Fax Sender is not suported by Desktop Printmonitor. Fax Sender is fully functional when Desktop PrintMonitor is installed, but it does not get the benefit of Desktop Printmonitor's features. When you select "Fax SenderÓ in the Chooser you will not have a default desktop printer until you choose a printer icon and select "Set Default Printer" from the Printing menu.

50. There does not appear to be an option for draft, but you can set it to 300 dpi, instead of 600 dpi. However, I later found out that if you use Apple Printer Utility 2.2, you can adjust the print density.

51. says that you may be able to turn File Sharing on with a computer, and prevent a Laserwriter from sleeping. says that when you set the sleep mode, "You have now set the sleep mode on the LaserWriter Pro printer. After the printer has not printed for the sleep mode period you have set, the printer will go to sleep. The first page you send when the printer is sleeping will take approximately 30 seconds longer to print than when not in sleep mode. In essence, it takes 30 seconds for the printer to wake up." I used the option to Òtry againÓ on the G3/266 after 30 seconds, but with no luck. Then I turned on File Sharing and will see how it goes. I tried connecting the 360 to a timer and set it to turn on at 8:30 A.M. and off at 12:00 P.M. and back on at 12:30 P.M. Ironically, this did not help, the error still occurred at like 10:00 A.M. (even when I had sleep to start after 4 hours of inactivity). Dennis asked about the Localtalk termination, but I did not even know about this, so I e-mailed him to inquire. He said that, "you don't need a terminator if you're using a serial-8 cable instead of the localtalk boxes." File Sharing on, no luck (timer on the 360). Disconnect timer and will see. LW ID is 6, so is Zip Drive. This may be a problem?? I changed the LaserSelect 360Õs ID to 7 and restarted the printer. I changed the ID to number 4, even though nothing is connected ot he serial port. There is a serial (looks like a SCSI connection, but it is not) connection, but there is only one connection on the Laserwriter 360. After changing the ID number on the back of the printer to 4, a startup page printed when I first turned the 360 back on. I resent the setting to not have a startup page print. The startup page still printed, but we shall see if it solves the sleeping problem. After changing the ID number on the back of the printer to 4, a startup page printed when I first turned the 360 back on. I resent the setting to not have a startup page print. The startup page still printed, but we shall see if it solves the sleeping problem. The next day the sleep problem was solved. When I sent a print job, the printer was woken up. However, later (two hours later), I tried to send a print job from Plan-It! (Print one copy), but this produced the error about the printer not being found (perhaps because the dialog box is not accessed from that option in Plan-it). The startup page did appear again, when I turned the printer off and on again. In the morning on 9/3/04, the Laserwriter 360 printed fine from AW 6.0, even though it had been sleeping. Then I tried to print with Plan-it, and the ÒqueueÓ error showed up. I restarted and the 360 printed a test page, then I was able to print the Plan-it lesson plans. Later, I had trouble printing again with the ÒqueueÓ error. Restarting solved the problem. Apparently, the problem is with Plan-it (it may be because Plan-it does not have a Page Setup box). Solution should probably be to print with the 1500, when printing from Plan-it.

52. Laserwriter Select 360 manual page 1 mentions that the 360 can print up to 10 ppm. Page 1 says that there are 3 ports: Parallel (Windows), Localtalk (looks like a SCSI connection, I am pretty sure), and serial ports (Page 50 lists them as Localtalk, parallel (Centronics type), and RS-232 Serial). It says that all three ports can be used simultaneously. Page 1 says the 360 provides flexible paper handling rom a 250 sheet paper cassette, 50 sheet multipurpose tray, and manual feed tray. A 250 or 500 sheet paper feeder that provides access to a third tray is available. Page 4 says that the cassette supplied with the printer can hold up to 250 sheets of copier-weight bond paper. It also says that output tray can hold up to 150 sheets or 15 envelopes. It also says that you can connect your Macintosh to your printer using a peripheral 8 cable or Localtalk cables and connectors. You can also use Localtalk to connect your printer to a network. Page 5 says that you when you use the 8 pin cable, you connect it to the printer's Localtalk (not a typo) port. So perhaps both printer ports may be referred to as "Localtalk." Page 11 explains that some applications for Windows computers don't support Postscript printer language, in which case you need ot use the emulation feature for HP LaserJet IIID printer. The HP Laserjet IIID uses a printer language called PCL5. Page 13 says that the 360 does not have duplex printing ability. Page 16 explains that the names that appear in the paper source menus vary according to the paper sources of your printer. Page 17 explains that you can change the startup page setting for a document by going to print, then options. Page 18 explains that you can use the same dialog box to change the printer's resolution. Page 19 explains that you can use this dialog box to turn tray switching on/off (actually you can choose Auto Select or not, which is the same idea), so that you can print up to 300 pages without reloading the paper (there s/b an additional 50 sheet multipurpose tray. However, there was not one present, so it is probably gone). Page 23 mentions that you can also use Laserwriter Utility, by choosing paper handling from the Utilities menu to change the tray switching setting. This was not true, though with Apple Printer Utility 2.2. Page 20 says that Laserwriter Utility can be used to restart the 360 (page 26 explains that you use the Utilities menu). Apple Printer Utility 2.2 does this. Page 22 says that if you send a job to the printer when it is in the power-saving mode, it automatically returns to full power. Page 23 explains that you can use the Laserwriter Utility program to print samples of printer fonts by choosing Print Font Samples from the File Menu. Page 24 explains that you can use Laserwriter Utility to download fonts to your printer (until the printer is turned off). Page 27 explains that you can use the Laserwriter Utility program's utility menu to "Get Page Count." Apple Print Utility does this when you open the printer (no need to use the Utilities menu). Page 36 explains how to change the toner cartridge. Page 37 explains how to print a cleaning page. It should be done after you install a new cartridge, this process removes any buildup of toner on the rollers inside the printer. It can also be used as a remedy if your printed pages are not coming out perfectly clean. The Cleaning Page document is a file created by Teachtext, it is included with the Laserwriter Select 360 disks. After I installed 8.5.1 of the Laserwriter software, there was not a printing tools folder created on the HD. The minimum requirements for 8.5.1 are System 7; a Printing Tools folder was created, but there was not a cleaning page file. I tried installing on the iLamp to see if I could work with the software, but it would not install (probably has difficulty with OS 9 and/or OS X). I installed 8.5.1 and 8.6 on the G3/233, but after installation, there was not a Printing Tools folder, nor a cleaning page file, even though the 8.5.1 has a printing tools files that is a TOME file in its installation folder. I even tried a custom install with 8.5.1 on the G3/233, but no luck. I e-mailed Matt about this on 11/13/04. He had no idea. I finally called Apple on 11/15/04 and the representative said that I should print several blank pages until the extra toner clears up. I printed 20 blank pages and then the printing was fine (without any extra ink). Page 39 explains that the fixing assembly ( shows it as a long black piece that is about half the size of my Zenith alarm clock) operates at very high temperatures; therefore when you need to open the printer, be careful not to touch the fixing assembly. It is labeled on the inside of the printer. Page 40 explains that most paper has one side that prints better. Page 40 explains that if the printer won't print, check to make sure the sliding backstop inside the cassette (the paper bracket at the rear) is set in one of the notches with a labeled paper size. Page 41 says that if white or dark lines appear on a printout, remove the toner cartridge and rock it to redistribute the toner. Be sure to hold the cartridge horizontally. I tried this on 9/7/04, but it did not solve the problem with streaks on the right hand side of printouts. The solution may be to adjust the margin for printouts or replace the cartridge). After changing the cartridge, I had the same problem with the old cartridge. There was a part of the page that printed out somewhat faded (on the right side). I took the cartridge out and rocked it to hopefully even it out. I also made sure I chose US Letter instead of US Letter Small in the Page Setup dialog box. Then I printed a page. It was improved. Later, the problem returned. I tried adjusting the page setup with AW 6.0, but the setting could not be retained, so I used CW 4.0 to save the Page Setup as US letter, but still the streak problem was present, when printing. Finally, I used Apple Printer Utility to adjust the Print Density to the highest setting. This solved the problem (the right side is still a touch lighter, but not noticeable). However, on another page, this did not help. I tried taking out the cartridge and rocking it to distribute the toner (I even hit the cartridge hard several times on the desk without luck). The userÕs guide says that the printer density setting is only important in extreme temperatures (I thought ths printer density might help, since the printer had been out in the cold/heat for awhile, perhaps along with the cartridge). It just may be that the cartridge was old along with the replacement cartridge, and they were subject to intense weather conditions. I even tried to make my own cleaning page with a wide black stripe on it (userÕs guide describes the cleaning page as such, but to no avail). I tried a new cartridge (3rd one) and it still had the same issue with streaks on the right hand side. A solution for now is to do the following (especially for transparencies): use CW 4.0 (open CW 4.0, then open from within CW 4.0; otherwise, you get the latest version error with AW 6.0), go to Page Setup, and choose US Letter, set the top and bottom margins to .6 (or more) and set the left and right margins to 1.25 (or more). I saved the file as Sample Narrative (4.0/trans.). I also made a file called Transparency Print w/360. I put it in Teacher Information folder. I also tried printing about 100 pages with the 2nd cartridge (still fairly new, maybe a couple years old), and this helped. With GC, you can go to print, then select Graphic Converter options from the Print Dialog box and make the right and left margins 1.2 and 1.2 (if you go to Picture, size, add/remove margins, then it cuts off your document. Only part of your document gets printed). I later discovered that with an Appleworks SS, I had to use .6 for the left and 1.8 (some documents may be better at 2.0 inches) for the right margins to print it out well (also had to go Options, display to select "fs" to make the printouts better). Alternatively, you can I just resize the documents to 80%. MS Word 98 automatically makes new documents with left and right margins of 1.25 inches. I called Apple on 4/8/05, but they said that since the printer is so old that they could not offer any assistance (they did not have any manuals for it). With Gradekeeper, there is not a way to adjust the margins, but usually pages print out fine, anyhow (apparently, the margins are not too wide for the 360). With IE 5.1.7, there is not a way to adjust the margins, so use the 1500 with IE 5.1.7. Page 42 (troubleshooting) suggests using the printer (and not the modem port) for the 360. Page 45 explains that there is an option for Postscript Fax, which would have a fax modem card installed in the printer. Page 46 explains that there is 7 MB of memory installed, 4 of which is a removable SIMM. To upgrade to 16 MB, you need to take out the 4 MB SIMM and put in a 16 MB SIMM. This must be an error in the manual, for the numbers don't add up properly. Page 51 explains that the minimum life expectancy is 300,000 pages, with no monthly page limit. As of 9/7/04, there have been 30,860 pages printed. Page 51 explains that Apple recommends 20-lb. Photocopy or typewriter bond (75 g/m2) paper. You can use 16 lb. to 28 lb. paper. The printer accepts most letterhead and colored stock, and medium-weight photocopier transparencies (using the manual feed or multipurpose tray). I was able to print on a transparency using the manual feed on the front of the printer (and choosing that option in the print dialog box, then presssing ÒokÓ two times). The transparency printed and was not smearable. It also suggests using envelopes recommended for laser printers. Page 52 says the printer weighs 29 lbs. It also says that the printer makes 36 dB while in standby mode, and 47 dB while printing. The operating environment is -4 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Page 53 explains that if you use a Macintosh computer, your documents are printed using the Postscript language. Page 53-54 explains that the default position for the rotary switch on the back of the 360. Page 54 explains that you can change the position of the switch while the printer is on, and it will take a few seconds for the change to take effect. It also says that if the printer is turned on while the rotary switch is set to 4, an interface configuration page is printed instead of a startup page. Monday morning, I could not print a page with AW, so not sure why. I did change the ID number back to the default of "0." Maybe this will help. Tuesday, it would not print from AW in the morning, after that it would not print with Word 98. I opened CW 4.0, went to Page Setup, then printed. The 360 woke up from sleep to print on 9/9/04. Later that day, Simpletext could not wake up the printer (I did not go to the Page Setup dialog box first, though). On 9/10/04, I used AW 6.0, went to Page Setup, then Print, the Laserwriter 360 woke up and printed. Right after that, I tried to print an AW 6.0 document where the margins might be cut off (I got an error message). I pressed okay, but then the printer could not be found again. I turned the printer off and then on again and fixed the margin problem by going to Format, document. Then I printed again and the 360 printed the document. On a different occasion, I was not able to use Page Setup with AW to get the 360 to wake up. Later, I tried to print 3 copies with Plan-It! and the could not be found error returned, so I restarted the 360. Also, on one occasion, Letter Small was the selected paper size and that may have caused a problem (since I should have chosen Letter size). Page Setup with AOL did not work to wake up the 360. Page Setup with MS Word 98 did wake up the 360: however, right after that,  I tried using AW (without page setup) and it would not print: I had to restart  the 360. IE 5.1 does not appear to be able to print with the Laserwriter 360, even after restarting the 360.

53. It uses the M1960 G/A (at least that is what was purchased for it), which is an Apple toner cartridge.

54. At, you can buy a cartridge for the 360 for $57.99 (remanufactured, probably). Quill and MacZone did not have them. has a new one for $76.99. It is Macmall part number 340656.

55. To stop a print job, turn off the 360.

56. It does not appear that the 360 will print graphics, probably because they are non-Postscript graphics. However, I figured out a work-around. Copy the graphic and paste it into Graphic Converter, then save as EPS (Encapsulated Postscript File). Then select the picture with the dotted rectangle tool with GC, copy, paste into document (this worked in Appleworks 6). Do not open the saved file, just trash (GC cannot open it , anyhow, because it does not have the necessary helper application on the G3/266).

57. and suggest that a 360 cartridge should print around 4,000 pages.

58. Appleworks 6.0 does not save Page Setup with LW 360, even if making a document correction after printing, then saving. You need to use CW 4.0 if you need to save the Page Setup.

59. According to the UserÕs guide, you can turn the Fine Print feature on or off. Fine Print is normally turned on when printing at 300 dpi, but it can be turned off. With 600 dpi printing, Fine Print cannot be turned on.

60. To save print settings (i.e. the number of copies to be printed), use the print dialog box.

61. On one occasion, I had trouble printing with Ofoto (even after increasing the memory allocation to 10000 K. I tried doing automatic and manual settings for scan/print dpi and type of document; however, documents were very slow to print. I used Ofoto to scan (360 scan dpi, 360 print dpi) and then print with the LW Select 360. I then trying to scan at 300 dpi (for scan dpi) and 300 dpi (for print dpi). I also tried 135 dpi (for scan dpi) and 135 dpi (for print dpi). Still, it took about eight minutes for a page to print.

            A. Then I used Graphic Converter to print the same documents. They only took about 1 3/4 minutes to print with GC.

62. LW II in supply room uses a different cartridge.

63. 360 not found with G3/233. Tried different printer cable, no luck. Check to make sure it was using the printer port (will not print from modem port). Zapping PRAM with KB solved the problem.

64. After leaving the candle on all weekend in room 58, I later discovered (about two weeks) that the LW 360 would not print, the paper kept jamming; I tried turning the paper. After cleaning the printer inside and out with dusting spray, the printer then printed okay.

65. When printing the parent letters, it is important to adjust the margins before printing on the laserwriter 360.

66. On one occasion when trying to print studentsÕ grades, I got a postscript error. I canceled the printing and then printed again. The pages then printed fine.

67. I was unable to choose the Laserwriter 360 in room 58 (it would not show up on the right side of the Chooser), even after unplugging and plugging it in again. After restarting the G3/266 and unplugging the Laserwriter for about three minutes, the Laserwriter was again able to be chosen. Later, though, I think I discovered the problem. if LW is already selected, and it does not print (it has gone to sleep), then you need to unplug the LW, select the 1500 with the Chooser, wait a few seconds, then choose the LW with the Chooser. On 4/28/06, the problem returned. I tried choosing the 1500 and then the 360, but this did not work (the 360 did not show up on the right side of the Chooser). Restarting the G3/266 and unplugging the 360 did not work, either. The printer appeared to start up, but only for a shorter time than usual.  It turns out that the problem was that the 360 was out of paper (and I did not receive an error message); the printer had ran out of paper on my previous print job (which was started the day before). After I put more paper in, the printer started up normally. Then I selected the 360 with the Chooser and was able to print both jobs.

68. To print 2-sided copies, put the already printed side face down in the LW 360, make sure that the copies are facing toward the television. However, at least on one occasion, attempting to make 2-sided copies did not work, the paper kept jamming in the printing. It is better to only print 1-sided copies.

69. Bilingual Writing Center did not save settings for LW printing (in Page Setup), so I moved my file to Appleworks.

70. In 10/06, the LaserWriter Select 360 would not print, because it had a Òfixing a temperature malfunction.Ó Fuser assembly may be the problem on a LW IIf or LW IIg (not sure about a 360, since no helpful results could be found for the 360), according to and The first URL suggested swapping user assemblies from a different laser printer. However, the Laserwriter IIÕs fuser assembly is not the same as the LW Select 360Õs fuser assembly. The fuser assembly for the 360 appears to be much more difficult to remove; while the IIÕs would just require removal of 4 phillips screws. The second URl suggest letting the printer cool for twenty minutes to solve the problem. This did not work for me. The LW II does not have a paper tray. Printing by trying to use manual feed did not work, either. Fillling up the paper tray did not help (the orange light has constantly been blinking). I will try cooling overnight to see what happens; power will be off and the unit will be unplugged. It still did not work, and replacing the fuser would have to be done by a shop, IMO. The part may not be that much, but the labor would be more than the cost of a new printer. So, I put the Laserwriter¨ IINT printer in my room.

71. talks about using a LW 360 with a G4 Cube (recommends a bridge, approximately $90).

71. Printing DELL manuals (Latitude 131L and Optiplex 620 and D-Link router) with LW IINT was not possible due to errors (PDF and html files), so I just decided to use them on the G3 as necessary.



1. DonÕt take items out of Launcher without the assistance of Macintosh Guide on 6400, causes System Error.

2. To change the size of the launcher buttons, hold down Òopen appleÓ key while clicking on the background color.

3. To make your own folders, go to Launcher items (system. Folder), create new folders, click option, 8 on the front of the name.

4. To not have the launcher appear on the screen at startup, uncheck the show launcher at system startup in General Controls control panel. In 7.1, supposedly, you have to remove the Launcher alias from startup items, although I think there might be an option for it in the Control Panels folder.

5. On one computer with 9.0 on it, the launcher was off the screen and you could not change the size of it (you could not access the box in the lower right hand corner and there was only a collapse box in the upper right hand corner). Trashed Launcher and finder preferences, then you could resize the Launcher.

            A. Later, this same problem occurred on my iMac. I simply closed the Launcher, by using the File menu, then I trashed the Launcher preferences, then I reopened the Launcher and it was fine.

6. On the Performa 6116 CD in Room 57, there was a Launcher error upon startup (error -39), since it was set to open Launcher upon startup. I trashed the Launcher items and Launcher preferences, but with I had no luck. Finally, I replaced the Launcher with a Launcher from the other computer in his room, the 5400 (System 7.5.5). The Launcher worked fine on the Performa 6116 CD.

            A. Later, in my room, I had the same problem with the Launcher on the LC 550 (error type -39) with System 7.5.5. I copied the Launcher from the G3/266 (System 8.1) to the LC 550 and it worked fine.

7. I had to have the Launcher show up at System Startup,(with the General Controls Control Panel) with a

couple of iMacs in room 62. If you made an alias of the Launcher and put it in startup items, it would not show up.

8. The Launcher produced an error type -39 on the LC III in Jazmin's room. I replaced the Launcher with one from 7.5.3 (System 7.5.5 is on the LC III). It then worked.

            A. The problem returned in 12/04. I replaced the Launcher again with one from 9.2.1. When I clicked on it, it tried to startup, but could not create a "Launcher Items" folder (it was because I already had one). I then moved the Launcher Items folder from the System Folder to the desktop. Then the 9.2.1 Launcher worked. I finally decided, though, to just use a Launcher from 7.5.3. I made a copy of it for the installers folder.


Lexmark Z45

1. Room 35 has one. I e-mailed to see if they carry cartridges for this printer, since I could not find them on the website.

2.  said that, "12A1970 is the part number you need (for the Lexmark Z45), it costs $30.97(Q1-9) $29.97(Q10+)." They are Lexmark cartridges number 70.


LifeTouch (It can only be used on school computers and the license is terminated at the end of the school year for which the CD is made: users are to trash the application and destroy the product at the end of the school year, according to

1. Screen flashes, when opening program, even with different combos, 832 X 634 with 256 colors (that resolution wonÕt support thousands), 640 X 480 with 256 or thousands. (Program did not change either of the settings automatically).

            A. If you try to run LifeTouch from the CD, you will get an error that says it canÕt write on a read only place (or something like that). Copy the Folder to a HD.

            B. I once had a Life Touch Disk (8.1) that would kept giving the unreadable message on my G3/233 (got the same message at school). I thought it was the wrong format (it said it was a Mac volume, but I am not sure about this). Anyhow, I made a new IO 9660 CD and it mounted fine on the desktop. I once tried using the LifeTouch program after installing on my G3/233. After installing, the program would not run (saying Òfiles were openÓ). So I trashed it and reinstalled it. Then I was able to open it and copy the CD info. It is probably better not to combine Life Touch CDÕs into one CD. Probably not worth the hassle. Better to just make ISO 9660 CDÕs, since they can be read on my G3 at home and at school.

2. To run the program from the HD instead of the CD. From within the application (click on image CD to open the program), in the student list selection window: Make sure the first name in the student list is highlighted. Click the ÒStartÓ button in the green section called ÒSelect GroupÓ. Move to the last name in the list and highlight it, click the endÓ button in the green section called ÒSelect Group,Ó Select copy image CD data from the file menu, select HD (and set the space needed as 10 MB), click on copy data. Choose a location for storage and then click Òcopy to,Ó click on Image CD again (no CD needed), click on location, find ImageCD.DAT. Once the ÒlocationÓ is picked (need to access ÒImageCD.datÓ file, just click ÒokÓ next time or hit return.

3. To import a logo (on full certificates, not half), pictures probably need to be in ÒPICTÓ format. Also, Clarisworks libraries files wonÕt work, since they are files that contain several files (although error message says it can not open PICT fileÓ). Need to save a picture as a PICT file with CW or Graphic Converter. Pictures can be imported for added students (If the file is saved on a HD, can not update a CD).

4. To swap students in a seating chart, highlight both and then click Òswap.Ó

5. Student Records is useful for individual students, while select group is useful when you have several in a row that you would like to pick.

6. Show allows you to see only certain students, while sort shows them all but can be arranged in a particular order. Open, save and print allows you to view your selection later.

7. Arrow keys can be used to scroll through the list.

8. Utilities, setup will allow you to change the fields.

9. In the regular student window, you can edit many students at once by clicking the editÓ button by list.

10. Enrolled/active can only be changed from the Student Profile window (clicking on a studentÕs name and then clicking ÒviewÓ).

11. When printing from the Student profile window, only the shown student will print. When printing from the Layouts menu (selecting student profiles), all the selected students (*) will print.

            A. From the layouts menu, you can choose to set up memos, name badges, bookmarks, directories, etc.

12. Search will find the FIRST letters of a name, but not the middle ones i.e. arm will find Armenta, but not Marmaduke.

13. When a new group is selected (using the groups keys), the old group is still selected (can choose several groups at once).

14. A saved database wonÕt save the way the list is currently sorted (meaning after closing application and reopening).

            A. Also, to open a saved database, you need to open life Touch first, then open the database.

15. When viewing individual records of students whose picture is included on the CD-ROM, the import picture button is black, but non functional (says CD images can not be adjusted).

16. Use the editÓ button by the word list to change info on several students (it is faster that way).

17. Barcodes are optional, and not part of the basic package.

18. Maximum size for picture s/b 500 K.

19. Reserve __ MB is used to make sure you have room left on your HD when exporting from LifeTouch.

20. Saved layouts can only be opened from the one they were saved in i.e. a certificate layout can only be opened in certificate layout mode.

21. Life Touch is an ISSO9660 CD.

22. If you sort by grade, staff will all appear at the bottom of the list.

23. On certificates and flyers, and others (it appears), the font sizes and styles are preset.

24. Directory uses an auto order when printing, seating chart does not.

25. To add a student to a specific place in a seating chart, highlight the studentÕs name in the list, the seat, and then click Òto chartÓ

            A. If you click setup again and change the dimensions of the chart, all seats will be unassigned.

26. Adjust print area works with margins, although it may be not be often necessary.

27. To back up Image CD info, use the Copy CD image data function. Probably with a ZIP drive (This would be primarily for a master image CD to be used to update other computers).

28. If the selected students in your seating chart have been modified, you may have to set it up again.

29. To delete a student, you must Copy Image CD to another place and not select that student. Then recopy to original location.

30. The application that you export from must be able to save info as a Òcommand delimitedÓ or a Òtab delimitedÓ (i.e. separated by tabs or commas, which Claris does, save as a ÒtextÓ file) file. When importing, a message will appear asking for verification of importing. Commas or tabs must separate info. Can export from Life Touch to desktop and vice versa.

31. Can export from life Touch without much problem, need to include the ID #Õs when exporting life Touch data, and when importing again. If not, new ID numbers will have to be assigned when importing.

32. When importing data from another application, it must be saved as ÒtextÓ {(type: TEXT creator: BOBO (CW)} imported with Life Touch (using either tabs or commas, make sure to choose the right one). May need to check the box that shows Òall filesÓ when importing data. Any file name can be used, however, If you use the name export.txtÓ, it will appear without having to check the box marked Òall filesÓ when importing.

33. If you do not choose the correct one, tabs or commas, an error message will appear saying that Òthere are fewer fields in your importÓ. Might want to stick with commas where possible, since it is the default. Also, can put returns between students and it will import fine with tabs or commas.

34. To save a selected group, select (*) them and then Òsave student list as....Ó. Then you must choose open from WITHIN THE APPLICATION to view the selected saved students. Let the application choose the name, otherwise, you will have to click Òall filesÓ when attempting to open the file.

35. Life Touch 99-00 CD was sent to us on November 12, 1999, and another version (AdministratorÕs version that works with SASI) was sent to us on November 15, 1999. District may have one or both.

            A. I found them on 8/4/2000. Marilyn had them both. I borrowed the Regular CD.

36. Quicktime must be installed, otherwise, when you Òcopy to clipboard,Ó nothing shows up.

37. Make sure to choose the ImageCD.dat file for location.

38. The Life Touch installer on the School Stuff CD will install some files. However, it still will not work (says data files are not complete. Please check your source and try again).

            A. I have had this error come up before, even when all 22 files (including ImageCD.dat) were present. I simply had to quit Life Touch, select the location again of the ImageCD.dat file, restart the application.

            B. On one occasion, I copied the 10.0 Life Touch program to a Zip disk (all 24 files), then chose the ImageCD.dat file on the Zip disk, and I did not get a data not complete error.

39. Once, I made a duplicate copy of the Life Touch 7.0 CD. When I tried to addition another partition to the CD, I could not. I got the error message that Òthe recorder can not write a CD-ROM track on a CD-ROM, XA, sorry.

            A. So it may be best to simply make a copy of each LifeTouch CD. Sometimes I have had trouble when simply copying the CD info to a CD (instead of duplicating the CD), get Òdata files are not completeÓ errors.

40. Any changes or additions that have been made since the installing of the information from the CD, can be backed up, using the Utilities, Backup/Restore Image CD Data.

            A. Data must have first been added (appended) to the CDÕs image on the HD.

            B. Original images from the Life Touch CD will not be backed up.

            C. When appending a copy of Image CD data, you can Òincrement gradeÓ if preferred. This will increase the grade level of students by one grade. This can be useful if you have an old picture of a student, but they missed picture day in the next year.

            E. To append items, make sure you are running from the latest CD, Select append Image CD copy from the Utilities menu, check increment grade if desired, click on append copy, locate your ImageCD.dat file and click on open. Appended students show up on list and can work just like originals.

            F. To back up data, you must be running from the Life Touch CD. Then choose backup data from the Utilities menu, which backs up all appended data. It appended data to both the Life Touch ImageCD.dat files on my HD (there were 2).

            G. To restore data, you must be running from the Life Touch CD. Then choose restore backup data from the Utilities menu, which restores all appended data.

41. You should have the money on the day that pictures are taken, you can give the Life Touch Personnel the money after your pictures are taken, but before they leave.

            A. Parents can also buy the pictures from the company after the day pictures are taken, the Life Touch employees said you can buy pictures throughout the year. You can call Life Touch at 544-0961 or 1-800-844-0961 (outside of 209 area code). You can fax them at 544-2056. They are open 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M., Monday - Friday.

            B. You can also buy the pictures after they come in. The parents get a wallet sized picture and then can make purchases then.

42. LifeTouch 8.1 came on the same CD as the AdministratorÕs this time. It came in November of 2000.

43. With LifeTouch, to see only 3rd grade students, go to LIST, Show, then Òselect Data FieldÓ under Select Option. Then Show options, select 003 and press ÒokayÓ.

44. On the G3/266, when trying to sort or print with LifeTouch Image CD 8.1, the program would quit and produce an error type 2. Restarting did not help.

            A. I then trashed the FoxPro preferences and rebooted the computer. Initially, I ran the LifeTouch program by itself (without startup items), then after having opened the other programs. It ran fine.

45. Life Touch 9.1 gave a type 1 error, when running from the HD (after installing to the HD). I increased the ImageCD memory allocation from 8000K to 15000K. Upon restart, the problem was solved.

            A. If you move the location of the Image CD folder (with the ImageCD.dat file in it), you must reselect the location for it, when starting up the ImageCD application.

            B. I had great trouble in getting the 9.1 Life Touch CD installed on my G3/233 at home. I got errors when I installed the CD in the drive and tried to run the Mac installer, with extensions on and off. I tried trashing the Finder preferences, Finder File, System file, Apple CD-ROM file, Foreign File Access extension, Apple Photo Access Extension, ISO 9660 extension, Apple CD/DVD Driver extension and reinstalling all of them. However, I still could not install the program. I tried starting up from the 8.1 floppy disk, but I got an error type 10 (I later made a new startup floppy disk, which worked fine). I then tried using the External CD-ROM and installing Life Touch from it, and I was able to install Life Touch 9.1. However, I could start up from the CD-ROM, but Copying CD Image Data was not possible, kept getting a could not create folder error (with extensions on and off). Finally, I increased the memory allocation of Image CD application on the HD to 35000 K and I had to restart at least a couple more times, but I was able to Copy CD Image Data from the CD to the HD. I will make a backup copy of the CD data that is on the HD. The LifeTouch CD may have trouble, since I did have a little trouble at school as well.

46. I could not open the LifeTouch 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.1 or 9.0. When I tried to open them, I got an error that said ÒToo many files are open.Ó I reselected the location several times, but I had no luck. I trashed the Finder and Find File preferences (I could not find any Life Touch preferences) and restarted the computer.

47. I had trouble getting Life Touch 9.0 to print. I went to Directory layout and then selected print, but nothing happened. I re-selected the printer in the Chooser and then I could print with LifeTouch 9.0 (it may be that you need to select the printer the first time you run LifeTouch; or it could be that the G3/233 was having a little glitch, it had been having a little trouble lately, 1/23/02).

48. The Life Touch Image CD and the Admin CD installer came on the same CD with 9.1 of Life Touch.

49. One student was listed as 2/3 (combination class), which was listed in Òsort viewÓ (by grade) after Kindergarten. Also, if having trouble finding a student, may want to simply ÒnotÓ sort them, but show them all, then try to find the student.

50. On one occasion, when opening Life Touch, the screen flashed green. I changed the display from 256 colors to Thousands of colors and the screen did not flash, when Life Touch opened the next time.

51. You can use the search command to find certain people.

52. You may get an error message that says that your Òdata files are incomplete,Ó if you move the Life Touch folder. You may need to re-select the location of your ImageCD.dat file.

53. When trying to record the 10.0 LifeTouch CD, I was not able to using Toast 3.5.7 and System 9.2.2 on the G3/233. I got an error each time I tried to record the CD. Then I tried making the CD with extensions off, I had no luck. I then copied the LifeTouch files to the HD and then used the Mac Files and Folders option. I named the CD Life Touch 10.0, which was a mistake. I got an error message indicating that the ÒLifeTouchÓ CD could not be found. So, I made another session with ÒLifeTouchÓ as the name of the CD and was able to use the CD to install the application. When I tried using the LifeTouch CD on the G3/266, it did not work, because the computer was having trouble at the time with multisession CDs (which I am pretty sure a clean install would fix). I made a single session CD for use at school. When I tried to use the Supplemental CDÕs installer to install on the HD, I got an error message each time, so I did not use the Supplemental CD.

54. After doing a clean install of System 9.2.2, I could not get the Life Touch 11.0 (03-04) CDs to mount (I had two of them, one for school and one for home). I thought it was because there was limited free space on the HD (about 20 MB), but it was not. Restarting got the CD to load occasionally. I discovered, though, that at least 5 other CDs mounted fine. I probably need to make a new 03-04 CD. Later, though, the disc loaded on the G3/233 fine (it loaded on the G3/266 and the iMac fine, in any case). Life Touch 11.0 CD mounts on G3/266 and iMac fine. Had problems on G3/233 with 9.2.2 (other LifeTouch CDs mounted okay with G3/233, though). I had made the CD on the Predator, which was different this time. Anyhow, I copied the LifeTouch folder with 24 items to a Zip Disk, then I was able to use it without any problem on the G3/266. Data files not complete, when running 11.0 with Zip (not installed on HD), choose ImageCD.dat file and it opened fine. After that, I copied the Life Touch 11.0 folder onto HD. Then without selecting location, opened the program. No error. Ejected Zip disk with extra copy of Life Touch 11.0 on it. Opened LT 11.0 from HD, error. Re-selected ImageCD.dat from HDÕs Life Touch, no error. To install LifeTouch 03-04, use the School Stuff 3 CD (later though I realized that the problem may have been the G3 using 9.2, so I am not 100% sure). I will keep the CD anyhow.

55. On one occasion, I opened the wrong version of Lifetouch, and when I opened my class list, different names were selected. Opening the right version solved the problem.

56. MS asked me about making some LifeTouch pictures bigger than what can be printed out with LifeTouch. However, the directory only allows 20 or 30 students per page and it does not appear that any of the layouts will print the picture any bigger. The flyer option may be bigger (probably too big), but it does not print with Lifetouch 03-04 or 04-05 (and probably other years as well). You get a Òfile does not existÓ error when trying to print. However, I then quit LifeTouch (and several other applications), then tried again and I was able to print.  The option for certificates (half page or full page) would probably print the size that she wants, but it only prints one student per page. You may be able to print 4 students this way, but then you would need about seven or eight sheets to print a class of 30 students. The 20 students per page (with the directory option) was not big enough for her. She asked me about cutting/pasting to another application, I could not enlarge the picture with GC, and I did try this with AW 6.0, and I was able to make the picture bigger. However, the resolution was diminished a fair amount on the printout. I figured out later that you could use the Seating Chart under Layouts and adjust the size of the studentsÕ pictures. You select the number of desired students that you want. Then go to layouts, seating chart, select depth and desired width (lower numbers make the studentsÕ pictures bigger), then choose Auto Flow, then you can print.

57. I have been able to copy the 24 items (approximately) from a Zip Disk to a HD, then select the imagecd.dat file and it works fine (no separate CD is needed). I tried this again with the 13.0 CD (05-06) by copying the 22 files from the iLamp to CZÕs iMac. The program ran fine on the iMac.

58. I did not scan my 07-08 class for the computer, since one student did not want to have their picture taken (and it was taken anyway by LifeTouch).

59. Lifetouch CD will not mount on the iMac Duo. You have to close Sheepshaver with the CD in the drive, then open Sheepshaver, but you get a message about the disk needing initialization. The same initialization message appeared on the G3/233 with 8.1 (even though the LifeTouch CD claims to work with OS 9 and older) and on the G3/266 with System 9.2.1. I copied the CD with Disk Utility and the choice was left on Apple Partition Map (under Options under Erase) to make the disk to use Òto start up a PowerPC-based Macintosh computer or to tuse the disk as a non-startup disk with any Mac. The CD worked fine to install version 14.0 on the DEC.


Link Tester (VSE) (User Name, Ryan Zelenski, Code, VSE-2105-LTS548. To register, hold down the option key while pressing the ÒNew Remote URLÓ button, which is the little globe icon in the bottom left hand corner of the Link Tester window; not in the startup window, which has now been disabled as of 12/03. Then enter your name and code. Website is

1. I downloaded version 3.2.1 on 7/1/03. I paid the $34.95 registration fee (otherwise, you can only see one broken link).

2. If you quit a test in the middle (or even after it is completed), the test is not saved.

3. I tested my favorites, but the program ran out of memory. I increased it from 20,480 K to 30,000 K for preferred size.

            A. To test my favorites, paste the URL into Link Tester after clicking the New Remote URL (little red button in the bottom left hand corner). If you put in the URL (which has a link to Favorites), the progam will work for a few seconds, but then produce an error (most likely because it when it tries to access Computer Notes, there is a plethora of links within it, many which may or may not work). However, on the third try, it worked fine.

4. On first run, 261 bad links with Link Tester, and on the second test there were 29 bad links.

            A. It quit a couple times with an error (did not restart in between errors).

            B. Upon restart, it worked fine.

            C. If the program does not run out of memory, it creates a report on the desktop.

5. A few websites were Òbad;Ó but they probably just timed out and may still be okay. After running the program several times, it is not consistent, but it still can be somewhat helpful. The websites with 404 errors were gone. There is a report created on the Desktop in OS X (set under preferences), even though the program is Classic only (the report shows up after quitting VSE Link Tester).

6. If you get many errors that say ÒAn error has occurred while opening the connection. Maybe the server did not answer,Ó you may want to have fewer concurrent links (you get to this by double clicking the web page, then selecting Remote Links).

It is best to not follow links reursively, since it is not necessary in my case, since I only have a few links and if you follow links recursively, all of the links within Computer Notes are tested (along with all of the sites on my web site). This can slow down testing considerably. I had a problem when testing, the log file kept indicating that the link was broken. After researching with Google, I found the solution at You have to open the Computer Notes HTML document (I used Word 2004 to open it) and then take out the line

<link rel=File-List href="./filename_files/editdata.mso">, which I did and the problem was solved. Apparently, Microsoft has a glitch in their programs when saving as HTML files, and the plan to fix this (although this article referred to 2000 Office progarms and it is now 7/06). I also did a trial file and it had a similar issue, but I took out the line <link rel=File-List href="./filename_files/filelist.xml">, and its problem was solved as well. Anyhow, the file iteself is not affected either way, it uploads and links fine. Anyhow, I will leave off the option with VSE Link Tester to recursively check links.                

7. You can only enter one URL in the Link Tester box with the standard version.

8. I kept getting an error with Link Tester, that said "É the application must shut down." Restarting the application did not solve the problem, but restarting the iLamp did. However, as of June 2006, 3.21. is the lastest version (runs in Classic), but there is not an OS X version ( says that there is not an OSX version VSE Link Tester, but there was a suggestion to use DreamWeaver; however, it appears to be at least $200 to $300). According to, VSE Link Test is no longer available as of 1/06. They are now working on a program to test links on Windows computers. (Need to use to get technical support). You can go to to update billing information. Their fax number is (650) 345-7497.

1. does have a KSJO station (I think it is the same one), and it requires RealPlayer (I have version 8, as of 4/30/02). You can open a listen link (speaker icon) in a new window by holding down the option key, you must just click on it. Later, though (5/5/02), KSJO was no longer with, I searched several times, but I had no luck. My bookmark for KSJO used to work yesterday, but not anymore. I did find a station by selecting 80s from the drop down menu and choice #8 was good, it was called Metal Gods -Ozzy, it is broadcast by ozz1, I added it to my favorites, but I didnÕt know how to access favorites. Then I clicked the plus sign at the right of the listing for the radio station (or in the Realplayer pop window, you can click the plus sing). Now it is under my Presets (accessed on the right hand side of the web page). To get rid of the station, you probably click the minus sign on the presets page. Realplayer played at 56K with Metal Gods-Ozzy (and consequently was choppy), even though under RealplayerÕs preferences, even though Realplayer was set to 384Kbps DSL/Cable under View, preferences, connection.

2. My username and password at are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease.

3. The Ozzy station plays at 56K, I think, not sure. May want to check that out later. I did change the memory allocation of RealPlayer from 5000K to 20000K, as it stopped playing sometimes in the middle of a song. The station Ò80Õs Metal AsylumÓ quit playing after a couple minutes. ÒTurn up the RadioÓ quit after 30 minutes.

            A. Later, after upgrading to System 9.2, Realplayer would still quit playing after a period of time. I checked to make sure I have the latest version of Real Player, and I do (as of 3/03). The latest version is I also increased the memory allocation from 5000 K to 10000 K. In the future, I may try increasing the memory allocation of IE 5.

            B. I found a document on the that may be helpful. It suggests that you make a copy off the play.pls file (make sure that the files have the same extension, i.e. name the copy playcopy.pls) and then drag both copies of the file on top of Realplayer, then select Continuous from the Play menu (if you only have one file playing, the option for continuous play is grayed out). Version 7 may return an error when doing this. If this occurs, upgrade to RealPlayer 8. I tried this on 3/11/03 and played for an hour and a half without quitting.

            C. At, my password is Old At Ease.

            D. When playing live365 in OSX, Live 365 player appeared to be used. However, it was really iTunes (Live 365 Player simply shows the names of songs). I turned Shuffle play off with iTunes, and more than one sound can be played without interruption, but then it quit after a few songs. I tried using IE 5.2.3 instead in OS X with iTunes. It did not continuously play. I used IE 5.2.3 with Live365. Then I duplicated the play.pls file and dragged them both on top of Realone Player. Real One Player quit unexpectedly. Later, I used IE 5.2.3 and iTunes and it played continuously for about an hour. It may be that moving the play.pls file causes a problem. Anyhow, if that does not work, I can try Real One player (directly from IE 5.2.3) with IE 5.2.3.

            E. You may be able to use version 9.0 of Realplayer in OSX. However, there is not a continuous option under the play menu, perhaps it does it automatically.

4. I found some other stations on there, and they were at different speeds (i.e. 24 Kbps, instead of 56 K). Ozz1 said it was T1 capable, but since I donÕt have a T1 (and it may not do DSL), it may revert to 56K. With the 24 Kbps connection (Rock-N-Radio), there was still choppiness, when closing or going to other windows on the screen. It may be best to leave the Live365 window, listen and not access a lot of other windows.

5. I looked through the first 600 80s stations with and found several metal stations on 5/6/02.

6. has Studio 365 for Mac, but it requires Mac OS X or later.

7. NN is able to use favorites, but the window looks a little different (and on 5/6/02, there was one window instead of two). IE5 was having trouble loading on5/6/02, but NN did fine. Later, after power-cycling the DSL modem, IE5 was better (first try did not work, but second one did), it took quite a few seconds to start playing music, but it did work. Third try did not work. Later, I power cycled the modem again. I also cleared the history, disk cache and cookies from IE5. Upon restart (IE made an error type 1 at that point), played fine. NN is pretty reliable with under regular circumstances.

8. IE window does not need to be open, but the RealPlayer window does.

9. Once, while playing the 80Õs Metal Asylum station (56 K), it just quit playing after 20 minutes even though DSL was still connected. Rusty Metal Radio (T1/DSL) played fine for longer than 40 minutes. Later, I tried to leave it playing for about 2 hours, but I think that it disconnected from live365, since the G3/233 went to sleep.

10. I decided to take all the 56K (or less than 56 K) stations from my favorites, as they tend to cut off. I took out ÒThe Loudest Rock,Ó Ò80Õs Metal Asylum,Ó ÒTurn Up the Radio,Ó ÒKCAL Sucks,Ó ÒBad Hair Radio..Poison,Ó  ÒRock-nÕRadio.comÓ, ÒZBRadioÓ, ÒHear Hair Here Metal,Ó ÒGlamster-ALL 80Õs,Ó and ÒHard Rock CafeÓ. Later, though, even some DSL stations were cutting out after awhile, so I cleared the disk cache, quit IE5 and restarted it. It is possible that the station operator may accidentally turn off the switch, also. Some other good stations may be ÒShred Radio.Ó ÒClasical Metal Radio,Ó , and Ò80Õs Metal Maniac.Ó

11. Apparently, live365 has a membership package to get it without Pop-up Ads, In-stream audio-ads, banner ads or sponsor buttons. It costs $4.95/month. I signed up for this on 6/1/02. It still has a couple ads here and there, but it is greatly reduced. My account number is 4863. said that ÒIf you have any trouble with your new Live365 services, please visit online Help at or contact technical support at If you have a billing question please contact the Live365 Billing Dept at 1-800-294-4777 x116, Monday-Friday, 9 am to 4 PM, PST or write

            A. I e-mailed to see about paying for the whole year. They said you can, I signed up for one year on 9/3/03 for $43.80 or $3.65 per month.

12. When the music starts playing, there are some ÒbuyÓ buttons that appear. If you click one, it takes you to, where you may be able to buy the album ( did not have ÒHear N AidÓ album).

13. Apparently, Internet users are the ÒDJs,Ó you can click on the ÒBuyÓ link to see the broadcasterÕs information.

14. You can choose to hide Realplayer and IE5 to have more screen space, you can close the IE 5 window, and the music will still play, but you may not be able to know the names of the songs. If you close the Realplayer window, the music stops, it appears.

15. Live365 stations have ratings (stars), which may be helpful. The web page says ÒTLHÓ< but I am not sure what that stands for. When I did some searching, the results came back by user ratings in descending order.

16. Some of my stations have Òdead airÓ, but it may due to DJ error, not G3 or DSL error.

17. Once in a while, my bookmark for 365 does not work. I still had to sign in again. Not sure why, but this problem has recurred at least three times, so far, as of 6/5/02. On at least three or four occasions, accessing live365 from the Apple Menu did not work (i.e. my presets did not show up and it was a hassle to get them to). It may be better to just access live365 from the Favorites Toolbar (as of 6/12/02).

            A. Later, after not having used for a few days (maybe 7 or 8), I had to log in again, so it may be a Òtime thingÓ.

            B. However, after trying to log in  on 7/2/02, I could not. I kept getting an Òinternal errorÓ. I tried to contact support and that link did not work. I went and deleted all my cookies for live365 and then quit and restarted IE5. Then I was able to log in, then select ÒMy presetsÓ to access them.

18. I searched for 80Õs metal stations by selecting metal from the browse box and then left the search box blank and then selecting 80s in the Òlimited toÓ menu. This did not work well for me, however. I got a bunch of stations (many of which were not 80s metal stations).

19. I searched for metal stations (using the browse menu) and found about 1,000 stations. When I got to the screen that said Òshowing 976-1000 of more than 1051 metal  stationsÓ, but I was only able to actually find 1,000 stations. If you clicked the next button or the button for 41 (which should have the same affect as pressing the next button), you would go back to the screen that says Òshowing 1-25 of more than 76 metal  stations.Ó The most efficient search (6/8/02) was when I used the search box to type in metal and then selected 80s from the Òlimited toÓ menu. This returned only 208 results, which made it easier to find good stations.

            A. WABE AbbyÕs Metal played 8 songs on 7/3/02 in a few minute span, 4 of the songs were Motley Crue.

20. I had trouble on 6/8/02 removing a station, the after selecting to remove a website, I got taken to a log in page and it did not let my log in, may be website error.

21. Later (after having paid the subscription fee), I still got ads, even though auto log in was turned on. Perhaps the auto log in is troublesome. Anyhow, after logging in, the ads were gone.

22. On one occasion, I got the spoken error message that ÒThis station is for preferred members only,Ó when trying to access several of my presets. I am a Òpreferred memberÓ (I pay $4.95 per month). I deleted all the cookies for and then quit and restarted IE5. The stations then played fine.

23. I used the DEC computer with and it played for several hours without any stoppage.

            A. I went back to the G3/233 and deleted cookies for Then I went to the web page and when you press listen, it gives you some recommended choices for listening to live365. It listed the choices of iTunes (which requires 9.0.4), Macast (I downloaded Macast Lite from, Realplayer or MP3 player. I checked my plug-ins for IE5 and NN4.74 and it appears that the Realplayer G2 plug-ins were there (these plug ins may go with Realplayer 7 and 8). Anyhow, I used the Realplayer 8 installer (version is listed as the version number, however) to re-install the plug-ins to be sure that I was using Realplayer 8 Basic.

            B. Trashing the play.pls file or leaving it does not appear to make a difference.

            C. I then decided to see if I could figure out which file type is set up to use Realplayer, so I changed as many of the file types in IE5Õs preferences from Realplayer to Macast Lite. However, Realplayer still kept playing the files.

            D. Then I decided to see what NN does. NN plays live365 music in its own window, without using Realplayer. I thought that perhaps Quicktime Plugin 5.0.1 was being used, so I changed all the file types that needed Quicktime Plugin to Macast, I had no luck. Then I moved the Magic Cookie file out of ÒRyan ZelenskiÓ folder (inside of Netscape Users, which is in the preferences folder). I was able to reconfigure the player being used for Netscape. I chose MP3 (not Realplayer), but Realplayer played the clips anyhow. It is possible that Netscape or IE5 does not recognize Macast Lite, since it is a ÒLiteÓ version.

            E. I looked for more information at If you go to, you can rerun the listening wizard (instead of having to delete the ÒMagiccookieÓ file each time). It appears that NN is a little buggy in this area, as I had to run it a couple of times. Anyhow, when you rerun the listening wizard, it again shows the application that MAY be used: Apple iTunes, Macast, RealPlayer 8. It recommends Realplayer or MP3 player (only). However, when I choose Realplayer, a piece of software needs to be added for it to work with NN and when I try to download it, it does not work. Anyhow, I opened Realplayer and under the Apple Menu, I chose ÒAbout RealplayerÓ, then I think I pressed ÒCheck for updateÓ to update several plug-ins for Realplayer. Then, Realplayer worked in conjunction with NN 4.74. If you choose Realplayer with NN 4.74, when running the listening wizard (at, then you must also ÒTest setupÓ by pressing that button. If you choose MP3 player, no Test setup is necessary (when you do test; however, there is a message that talks about the use of a MP3 player with a PLS extension, but I could not find a setting for this under Edit, Preferences, Navigator, Applications or opening NN and then choosing Òabout Plug insÓ under the Apple Menu). I chose MP3 player (since it was the only other choice at the bottom of the window) and then tested the settings, then NN would play live365 in its own window. After further research, I discovered that when NN4.74 chooses MP3player or Realplayer, the buttons are reversed with the listening wizard, because the opposite choice would be chosen when you selected Realplayer or MP3 player; Restarting NN was not necessary. So, if you choose Realplayer, NN4.74 plays audio from in its own window. I did try this, but it Òtimed outÓ, when I left for awhile (actually about four hours). To have NN 4.74 run Realplayer, you should choice the box with the listening wizard to have NN run MP3 player. In either case, testing for sound does not have to be done (as a matter of fact, when running testing for Realplayer, I got errors, but Realplayer still played, anyhow). For now, 8/02, I will leave the setting for NN on Realplayer (meaning NN will play within its own window).

            F. I reran the listening wizard with IE5, but it said that ÒYour system only supports the following player:  MP3 player (recommended)Ó (This was even after Macast was installed on the computer. During setup, the wizard searches for MP3 players and Macast Lite did not appear to be recognized). With MP3 player selected with IE5, Realplayer is used, ironically.

            G. At, you can also change your settings on, so that 50 presets will be shown at one time (there is a tab called Advanced Settings and I just typed in 50, I suppose other numbers would work as well).

            H. I changed the Realplayer (Edit, preferences, connection) Normal Bandwidth setting to 256Kbps DSL/Cable instead of 384Kbps and I changed the Network Time out Settings. I changed the Connection Time out from 20 to 40 seconds. I changed the Server Time out from 90 to 160 seconds. I left the Buffered Play setting to ÒBuffer entire clip up to available memoryÓ (I had to change these settings twice, as apparently the first time, they were not saved). I left IE5 playing at 7:10 P.M. and when I came back at 8:50 P.M., was no longer playing.

            I. It is possible that the timing out problems may be due to Energy Saver settings.

24. On 8/22/02, when trying to play live365 using the DEC computer, the music did play, but it was very fast. I tried re-running the Listening Wizard, but to no avail.

            A. I received an e-mail from live365 ( and they said to try using WinAmp on a PC and iTunes on a Mac (instead of using IE or NNÕs capability to play live365 music). I tried to set up the DEC to do this, but to no avail. I replied to live365Õs e-mail and asked them how to set up the PC for use with WinAmp.

            B. Also, NN played fast while listening to live365. I checked and a regular audio CD would not play normally, either, it played too fast (so problem was not specific to live365).

            C. In the meantime, I used the ABIT CD to install (reinstall?) the AC 97 Audio Driver, and I unplugged the speakersÕ power and connection to the DEC. Then I restarted the DEC and then music played fine from live365 and from the CD.

25. On 4/10/03, I tried using Realplayer version (which is considered version 8, I believe) with the G3/266 and System 8.1. I got an error type 1. However, upon restart, I was able to play music from without problem. I later discovered that the problem was that if too many applications are open, Realplayer may not be able to play.

Realplayer version 8Õs Read Me says that audio performance will be better with 8.5 than 8.1, so with 8.5 (at home), it runs better, it appears. If Realplayer has trouble with live365, then close all applications except for IE and Realplayer, it should work. I made a copy of the .pls file and then dragged both files on top of the Real Player icon, and it did play.

26. In 6/03, I tried playing live365 on the DEC machine. The play window would open, but then no sound would come out. After installing Realplayer, Live365 played fine.

27. At, you can not get Safari to play your favorite radio station (at the top of the page), because it produces a Javascript error, because it cannot find the Live 365 player. But, you can select your favorite further down the page and the station opens in iTunes.

            A. IE 5.2 is able to open the ÒfavoriteÓ radio station as well as the other ones on my presets page (no download of software was necessary).

28. I canceled my live365 commercial free account on 6/06, since I have not used it in more than 2 years and it costs $50/year.


Load A Drive

1. With extensions off in both cases: On the Performa 6400, load a drive just needs to be installed once. On the Powermac 5400, it had to be loaded once after startup and again be loaded.

Version 1.2 does not work on my G3/233.

2. However, it can be modified. Open the Apple CD/DVD driver with Resedit, open the ÒINITÓ resource, delete the atapi resource (using the cut command), close. Reinstall driver. May have to hold down the command key to select the driver.

3. After an initialization once, I could not get Load a Drive to work with the G3. I tried copying the ÒSCSI (for G3)Ó Apple CD/DVD driver that I made using ResEdit to the HD and restarted, but it would not load the CDÕs upon restart.

            A. I put back the original Apple CD/DVD driver, that came with System software.

            B. I got Load A Drive to work with a ResEdited Apple CD/DVD driver on one restart with the extensions off. Then I tried to mount a Windows CD. I am not sure if using a Windows CD caused the confusion, but I will try to restart with extensions off and see if Load A Drive works.

            C. I did some further testing. I put a new version of ResEdit, Load a Drive and clean install of the System Folder. Then I deleted the ÒAtapiÓ resource from a new Apple CD/DVD Driver. I restarted from an alternate CD and replaced the Apple CD/DVD driver. Then I restarted.

            D. The same pattern appears under all circumstances. Upon the first restart with extensions off, the CD Driver would load (it may use previous information from previous restart). On second restart, it would not. Even if you held down the command key while launching Load a Drive (to reselect the driver). I may have not discovered this problem before, because I restarted only once to load software (and I have not added a whole lot of commercial software lately, but a lot of shareware, which does not require CDÕs). In addition, with the changed Apple CD/DVD driver, often with extensions on, CDÕs would not load. Often, there was a ÒCD not loadedÓ error.

            E. Version 1.2 is not available anywhere on the web, that I can see (7/23/00).

            F. I later discovered why the Apple CD/DVD driver would not work. I assumed, erroneously, that the Apple CD-ROM is a SCSI drive. However, it is an ATA (IDE) drive. Therefore, you need to delete the ÒINIT SCSI DVDÓ information from the ÒINITÓ resource of the Apple CD/DVD Driver.

G. The version of Load A Drive on Internet 2, erroneously, labels the SCSI Apple CD/DVD driver as the correct one for the G3. However, should just use the version on Internet 4, since that one shows the ATA (ATAPI)/IDE driver as the correct one for the G3/233.

            H. ATAPI stands for Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface.

4. On one occasion, after doing a Clean Install of System Software (and replacing the Apple CD/DVD driver with the IDE for the G3), I could not get CDs to load with extensions off. I kept getting the ÒCD not loadedÓ error. I had to select the Apple CD/DVD Driver by holding down the command key while opening Load A Drive. This worked.

5. Load A Drive worked with 9.2.2 on the G3/233 without needing to change the Apple CD/DVD driver. However, with 9.2.1, it did not work. I got an Apple Driver not loaded error.

            A. Later, I tried again and found that Load a Drive did not work in 9.2.2 (in Classic under OS X) with non-Apple CDs (which I think is normal, not sure). Anyhow, I just decided to simply use Apple CD-ROM as an extension set and selected Apple CD/DVD driver and Foreign File Access.

LocalTalk Network (w/ Appletalk)

1. From ÒÓ, a local area network (LAN) protocol from Apple Computer. LocalTalk access is built into all Macintosh computers. LocalTalk uses twisted pair wire and a daisy chain topology, and transmits data at 235 Kbps.

2. Connect a LocalTalk adapter to the MacÕs printer port and the printerÕs LocalTalk port.

3. Connect the phone cable to the ÒinÓ port of each LocalTalk adapter.

4. Connect a terminator to the ÒoutÓ port of each LocalTalk adapter.

5. There should not be a modem/printer port choice available in the chooser.

Logic Board-General

1. According to Apple, 90% of logic board problems are due to a bad fuse on the logic board. I asked Bob, but he said that there are no fuses on the logic board. The only fuses are in the power supply and when they blow, the whole power supply goes. Most logic board problems are due to problems with power surges/incorrectly plugged/grounded outlets (according to B.H.).

2. The fuses are labeled F1, F2, F3 etc. If a particular component (keyboard, modem port, printer port, no video, no Ethernet) is not working (after swapping good parts for bad parts, etc. to test), check the fuse closest to the component for continuity.

3. Get these items: 1 Amp Pico Fuse (FryÕs, Order from TandythroughRadio Shack), a cheap Soldering iron with a tiny tip (so it wonÕt get too hot and melt logic board components), very thin solder, electrical tape and a de-soldering kit.. Then: Cut leads to 1/2 inch on Pico fuse, cover the old fuse with electrical tape except for the 2 contact points on the logic board, lay new fuse on top of old fuse, bend wire and solder to the points on the logic board (using a tiny amount of solder). If computer works, problem solved. If not, damage is further into computer (probably needs logic board replacement). Remove new fuse with de-soldering kit (otherwise, Apple or whoever may charge much more to accept the board, since it has been tampered with). does logic board replacements at a good price.

4. According to the 5500 Manual page 66, the 5500Õs logic board is designed to allow it to take advantage of QuickDraw 3D, which is a capability built into some applications to enhance their 3D graphics.

            A. This hardware specialty is called Ò3 D acceleration.Ó

            B. Your computer can give especially high quality clarity and textures, as well as increased speed when you use QuickDraw 3D supported applications.

5. has a schematic of a 5400 circuit board, which is easy to read on screen, but when I printed it out, it was very difficult to read.

            A. I could not find a schematic for a G3, using Google.


( for #1-5).

1. MacBinary I is the name given to the old MacBinary standard. 2. MacBinary II is the name given to the new MacBinary standard, which everybody uses today; in common usage, MacBinary means MacBinary II. 3. MacBinary III is an update to the venerable c.1987 format that supports the icon badge custom routing information finder flags (According to Sad Macs, 3rd edition, page 316: Finder Flags are also referred to as attributes or bits. Finder Flags are a set of "on-off" characteristics hat have been assigned to each file and folder on your disk. Some examples are visibility, bundle bits, inited bits, use custom icon bit, name locked) that are part of Mac OS 8.5.

4. MacBinary's correct MIME type is "application/x-MacBinary" and if you want Stuffit Expander to launch when you double click on the file set the type and creator fields to BINA and SITx.

5. BinHex and the MacBinary II have become the standard way of encapsulating Macintosh files for transfer over foreign systems throughout the Internet, USENET, and elsewhere. MacBinary is also used as a way to retain Mac file information within non-Mac archive formats. For example MacLHA and Zipit use MacBinary in this manner for the PC formats .lhz and .zip respectively.

6. .hqx, .uu, .b64, and .txt files are the ONLY files that can be downloaded in ASCII mode; all others must be downloaded in BINARY mode for the file to decompress properly. This is especially true of ".bin" and "unstuffed" files. Otherwise you will get errors like "unreadable file" or "file is corrupt" when you try to decompress them.

MacCheck (1.0.5) (freeware)

When opening on Performa 6400, it pauses on ÒGetting applications infoÓ for quite a few seconds, then it opens.

Found on Internet (Lycos??) with ÒMacCheckªÓ in the search box, instead of ÒMacCheck.Ó

Requires at least System 7 to work. Also, needs a data file to work.

Can be used to see If you have an FPU or not.


Mac OS Easy Open

1. If you check include applications on servers, it will search laboriouslythroughall drives, may want to leave unchecked.

2. Auto pick If only 1 choice s/b unchecked, since the 1 choice may be a bad one.

3. If you uncheck always show dialog box, then the MAC will default to the last application you used to open something. Probably better to leave checked.

4. As you open more and more docÕs from uninstalled appÕs a set of prefs can be developed between certain appÕs and types of docÕs. However, the prefs can become outdated eventually and there may be no way to update them. You must delete prefs and start over.

5. I read (Mac Bible p. 235) that If you start up the computer after previously having extensions disabled and the Mac Easy Open extension is installed, the computer rebuild the. However, when I installed version 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 and restarted the computer, the desktop was rebuilt, but it did not do it every time after restarting with extensions off. There was not a consistent pattern. By the way, the solution to the constant rebuild is: disabled Mac Easy Open.

6. On one occasion, I wanted to see if Mac OS Easy Open were still working. I just took a PDF document, and used Snitch to change its creator to MSEW. Then Mac OS Easy Open was needed to open the document.


MAC OS Installer Help

1. As of 7/21/99 on G3/233, Apple originally installed All the blue items in my system folder.

            A. All the orange items were moved by the program ÒMAC OS Installer Help.Ó (does not work on Apple Menu items or Control Strip Modules -disabled or fonts).

            B. Regular items were moved (or installed later) by me.

2. After clean install, Facespan error message occurs when starting up from G3 CD.

Restarted with HD as startup disk and extensions off, but MAC OS Installer would not work, since script was not functional.

Restarted with HD as startup disk and extensions on, MAC OS Installer worked.



1. To hook to the Internet, can use ÒMacTCP,Ó ÒNetscape 1.0Ó and ÒInterslip (freeware).Ó

2. ? mark appeared at startup. Tried to use an alternate startup disk, but the HD would not mount. Disk First Aid, Apple HD Setup did not recognize the drive. MacCheck requires 7.0 or later software. Later versions of SCSI (4.3) and Disk First Aid (the one that comes with System 7.5.5) did not work either. Mt. Everything is about as useful as SCSI probe and only works with systems later than 6.0.4.

3. Stiction.

4. legal to copy System 6.0 or 7.0.1 on SE or Classic.

5. To use on line, need ÒMac TCPÓ, ÒInterslipÓ (Freeware) & an account w/ AOL, Compuserve, etc. Also need Netscape 1.0 (Dennis has) or some other non space hogging browser.

6. Some programs may not appear correctly on the SE, since it is Black and White, especially programs with colored backgrounds.

7. Can be used with System 7.5.5.

8. Kept having question mark at startup. Initialized the HD, but error occurred again. Took several restarts to mount the HD, starting up from a floppy disk. There were 3 or 4 system folders on the HD (other versions existed), but when trashing them, it did not seem to make a Difference. So I tried to update the driver (Apple HD SC setup would not recognize the drive, though). Could not ZAP the PRAM, even with System 7.1 (System error). Replaced System folder with a minimal system folder. it did eventually mount after I initialized the HD.

9. Later, same problem occurred with the question mark. So I started up from a Zip Drive with 7.1 on it. But the HD did not mount even upon several restarts. Was able to Zap the PRAM. When Techtool restarted the computer, the desktop was automatically rebuilt and then the HD mounted. it would then startup from the HD also.

            A. I ran Disk First Aid, which said the disk was ok and NDD 3.5 (starting up from Zip Drive with 7.1 on it) which found several errors, which I repaired. Then I reran NDD and it was fine. Then the computer started up as normal.

10. GrandmaÕs SE would start up with a Zip Disk and did not need to have the Iomega driver installed to recognize the Zip disk on startup. Another SE (the VoÕs) would not recognize the Zip disk without the Iomega Driver (Version 5.0.1) installed or Silverlining Lite or Silverlining 2.2 installed inside the System Folder on the HD (wonÕt work If just on the Zip disk itself). May be due to the fact that even though the two are the same machine, the ROM may be slightly different depending on date of manufacture.

            A. I even tried reversing the cables, according to the Zip OwnerÕs manual (the direction of the SCSI cable), reinstalled Iomega driver and prefs, erasing the Zip disk with the SE, tried using MultiFinder instead of finder, using later version of Sys. Software (6.0.3 instead of 6.0), according to Iomega probably need system 7 to use Zip disk as startup or to recognize it without an extension installed on the computer. Solution is to use a floppy disk startup disk with Iomega driver 5.0.1 on it and use the Zip drive.

            B. The zip disk will also mount using Silverlining Lite or Silverlining 2.2, but it can not be used as a startup that way.

            C. The Syquest will mount on the VoÕs SE, but it can not be a startup disk. Gives Ò00000000F, 00000002Ó Sad Mac message.

11. Sounds are contained within the System file itself.

12. I used a HD drive from the 5400 with the SE, which worked. But the drive acted like a DD drive, since that is all the ROM of the SE is capable of.

13. I tried using an external floppy disk drive with the SE. However, the message appeared along the lines of do you want to initialize this disk. it was referring to the floppy drive (even though there was not even a disk in it at times). When removing the floppy external, problem disappeared.

14. The monitor would normally lose its charge after approximately two weeks.


Maclink Plus Setup (8.0.6 reg. # is 823041-1435)

1. The Dataviz folder must be in the System folder.

2. Word document (parent letter) would not open in version 6.0. 5.1 or 5.0. Had to save it as 4.0 for it to be translated to Clarisworks.

3. To convert Mac files into PC files (or MAC to MAC): Duplicate Document Converter and put it on desktop, double click the duplicate copy of Document converter and select the PC document that you want to create. Drag and drop Mac file over the new document converter.

4. To open PC files on the MAC, simply insert disk and click on it, Maclink will bring up a dialog box to select which application to use to open the PC file.

5. Needs to have Maclink Plus for Easy Open in active extensions folder for Maclink Plus to work. Also, 8.0.6 came with the Performa and is fully functional. 9.0.2 came with 8.1 CD, but it is a demo version (expires after so many days). I found a registration number for it, but you must also have an activation key, which I did not have. I tried to reinstall 9.0.2 later, but it was still expired (thought perhaps registering would keep it from expiring). Installed 8.0.6.

            A. However, when I tried to save a Clarisworks files as almost any Maclink file, an error kept occurring saying a Dataviz component is missing or corrupted. (Files could be saved that were regularly translated by Claris).

            B. To install an Maclink 8.0.6: I installed ALL the software from the Original CD (clean install of 7.5.5), then I did a regular install of 8.1 (without Maclink Plus being installed) from the 8.1 CD.

            Then, I left Dataviz folder (69 items) in the System folder (no loose extensions in extension folder, which may have been an accident), Maclink Plus Setup in C.P. and Maclink Plus for Easy Open in the Extensions folder. I also left the Claris folder in the System folder. I did a clean install of System 8.1, which replaced the Mac Easy Open C.P. with the Mac OS Easy Open Control Panel (Version 1.1.3). May have been due to corrupted system software (Claris was having error type 2 as well, which is rare).

            C. The older version of Maclink Plus (8.0.6) will not convert files to Clarisworks 4.0 files (since 8.0.6 is older than CW 4.0) {I tried to copy the CW 4.0 translator from the Dataviz System file on the 8.1 startup disk, but no luck, even after restarting}, it will convert files to CW WP, but it is 3.0 (which can be opened in 4.0). Ironically, CW 4.0 comes with Maclink Plus translation built into it, Even the version that comes on the original Performa CD.

6. The better solution to the Maclink Plus problem is to reinstall Maclink from the 8.1 CD., but install Maclink Plus separately from System 8.1 (do not do both at one time).

7. Maclink Plus Deluxe 10.0 adds support for Word and Excel 98. Upgrades cost $40.

8. Maclink Plus 9.0.2 kept giving me the ÒRegisterÓ splashscreen. So I reinstall from G3 CD, went to customize and installed Maclink Plus. Still got splash screen. Then I went to Full Install Pieces on the G3 CD (restarted G3 with CD as startup), then Software installers, then Maclink Plus. Worked fine, then.

            A. Although, Clarisworks 4.0.6 got an ÒCHKÓ error a couple times when trying to save a file using Maclink. But it may have been due to the fact that Maclink had not been registered yet. After registering, error disappeared. Same thing happened later, so I trashed all Maclink plus stuff (this time trashed ÒDatavizÓ folder also, that was in the system folder). Reinstalled from G3 CD, got CHK error. After filling out registration stuff, the error disappeared. (I could not actually send the registration form by fax, but I went through the process of filling out the form).

9. Maclink Plus is not existent on the G3/266 Startup CD.

10. Maclink seems to have some bugs in it, especially when working with CW 4.0 (canÕt save in all formats).

11. If Mac OS Easy Open is not installed, you probably will not get the Òdo you want to open a file with Simpletext?Ó message. Have to do it using CW, MW or Simpletext, etc.

12. Mac Link Plus can be used for word processing, spreadsheet and database file types.


Mac Warehouse (now CDW, 800-622-6222. Our Macwarehouse account number with them was 12316634)

1. I ordered two Serial Adapters (part #DAD 1632), which costs only $75 for two or more for education customers (instead of the usual price of $79.99). Also, education customers do not pay tax in CA.

2. Education sales can be sent to Attn: Karen Heck, 47 Water Street, Norwalk, CT 06854.

3. Mac Warehouse returns address is Mac Warehouse, inc. Attn: Returns 3512 State Route 73 South Wilmington, OH 45177. RMA #R2610521 was sent on 1/19/2000.

4. To find the price for shipping, go their web page (in bookmarks,, find the item, click on buy, then click on Òcheck shipping optionsÓ, then quit (do not finalize purchase).

5. The website for education is I tried looking for BJC-2100 printers in 10/2001, but I could not find them. I called Education sales {800-696-1727, 203-855-1386 (Fax)} and they said the website has been recently revised, and apparently BJC-2100 was not included, even though they still carry them. They said they have at least 8 in stock.

            A. When the order arrived, however, they shipped 2110 printers instead (may have been out of 2100Õs). 2110Õs appear to use the same printer cartridges.

6. I sent an e-mail on 8/25/02 to Macwarehouse from in regard to order number 030214, where we did not receive our Kensington Disk Drive Cleaning Kits (part number VM20158).

            A. I called again on 8/26/02 at 5:44 P.M. and talked to Bryan. Bryan from Macwarehouse said that the Disk Drive Cleaning Kits were ordered from a secondary warehouse, but are canceled (not being sold anymore, as of 8/26/02). He said he will probably be able to send us another set of 2 floppy drive cleaning kits (may not be Kensington, though, not sure).

            B. If I do not receive them by September 12th, I should call again.



Should be avoided, since they can cause bad blocks on a disk.

X Rays are not harmful, since they are only light (like passingthroughx ray machines at the airport).


Mail (OS X). There is a tutorial to set up Mail at, just select your domain and DSL first. On one occasion, Mail was set up correctly, and it still would not work (could not send mail). A few minutes later (without making any changes other than closing/reopening Mail), it worked fine.

1. You can open an e-mail and save its attachment: Go to file, save as. Then open it from with Efax Messenger 2.10. However, you usually wonÕt need to, since the message automatically appears in the preview pane with Mail.

            A. Later, though, I discovered, that this procedure does not work. Need to use OE 5.0.4 to open efax documents. You get an error when you drag the icon on top of Efax Messenger 2.10, and the icon to open faxes is gray, when trying to open a fax from within Efax Messenger. I e-mailed about this. They said to contact my server, since they are blocking .jfx documents. However, I am certain that they are wrong.

            B. I checked again and I was able to simply double click on the e-mail (on the word Rapid Fax) and I was able to see an emal that I had sent to myself (thru 503-212-8178). The fax opened in Preview. Also, if I wanted to look at the file with Efax Messenger, I could then save it to the desktop and open the fax (it was in .tif format) with Efax Messenger.

2. An error message appears in OS X about how mail could not be retrieved, if Mail is the first internet application that you use in OS X to access the internet. Use IE or Safari first, then mail, and no error message appears.

3.  Mail, Preferences, Accounts, select your account, then Edit. Use the Outgoing Mail Server Options. Account Info for Mail: E-mail address: Ryan Zelenski; Full Name: Ryan Zelenski; Incoming Mail Server:; User Name:; Password: new new At Ease; Outgoing Mail Server: SMTP Server Options: Authentication: Password; User Name:; Password:new new At Ease. Strangely enough, even though the Outgoing Mail Server is listed as, when you click options, the server shows up as simply When using Mail 1.2.1 with Panther, It should look like this: Description (whatever name you choose); E-mail address,; Full name, Ryan Zelenski; Incoming Mail server.; User Name, (on one occasion, I could not get my mail to be sent with Mail, but then I changed my user name from to and then I was able to send mail again in 4/05); Password, New New At Ease; Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP), (motleyze was added automatically by the comptuer), Server Settings, Authentication, password; User name,; Password, New New At Ease. I could not get it to work until I unchecked SSL (it said port 25) before it would work. Then it did. Later, when I sent up my troubleshooting account, I typed in all of the above information, but I still could not send e-mail. What I did to fix the problem was to capitalize Pop in and SMTP in In 12/05, I ketp getting a password message and could not access e-mail, even after repairing disk permissions. Change Pop.pacbellÉ to pop.pacbell, changed to, no luck. I just waited four hours and then Mail started working again.

4. To send mail to more than one person, separate the e-mail addresses by commas. To import addresses for Mail (into the application Address Book), you need to have an .ldif or a vCard file. NN can be used to import all your addresses or only one, if preferred. If you have more than one e-mail address, type a comma to separate them in the NN Address Book. To export addresses, I could not get OE 5.0.4 to do it. I got NN 4.77 to do it. I opened the Address Book, then save asÉThen I typed a name and added the suffix .ldif to it. Then use Address Book and go to File, Import. It appears that if you edit an address in Address Book, it will not show up in the Address Panel of the Mail program. You need to use NN to export an LDIF file and then import it (it is best to make sure the pab.na2 is backed up, then open NN, delete all the other contacts and then simply save the one you want to re-import to Mail). Then re-replace the pab.na2 file.

5. One time mail got returned that I had sent to, because ÒThe URL contained in your e-mail to AOL members has generated a lot of complaints.Ó It was a forward she had sent to me and I wanted to thank her. So, I simply composed a new note to Kim (with just my Òthank youÓ in it), which went through.

6. You can choose to select an e-mail and Òopen as new messageÓ under the File menu. However, if you select more than one e-mail, you cannot open as a new message.

7. On one occasion, I tried to send an e-mail to school e-mail address (, but it got returned. I then resent the e-mail and typed the word School in the to box. It was sent the second time.

            A. I checked both e-mails and the only difference that I could see was that on the first e-mail (the unsuccessful one), school was in the ÒtoÓ line, but the e-mail address was not in parenthesis. School was in the ÒtoÓ line of the second e-mail, but the e-mail address followed in parenthesis. I think I need to make sure that the e-mail address shows up when I compose an e-mail.

8. To move several pieces of e-mail at once, it is important to have held down the shift to select them. But when you want to move them, the shift key should not be held down.

9. It does not appear that you can edit addresses within the Mail program. I think you need to open Address Book to do that.

10. Mail OS X would make a new mail sound while sleeping (and I was sleeping, also). There is not an option to mute sounds when asleep with Energy Saver in OS X, so I decided to have the new mail sound be none with Mail in OS X.

11. Mail (OS X) does not pick up mail as quickly as OE 5.0.4 (in Classic under OS X) does.

            A. I thought that Mail had trouble receiving an e-mail from, but it turns out that I have given them as my e-mail, so I corrected that information.

12. It does not appear that Mail can be used to access AOL mail. It asks for the server names and you cannot leave them blank.

13. You can use the file menu to import addresses from OE 5.0.4. Make sure OE is open before you import; otherwise, Mail has trouble finding OE each time it imports a piece of mail.

14. Most e-mail attachments can be dragged to the desktop. However, when they canÕt, you can click on the attachment and then use Stuffit Expander to unstuff it. You will probably get a message that the attachment ÒxxxÓ is an application. Since applications can contain viruses or be harmful to your computer, be sure this attachment is from a trustworthy sender before saving or opening it.

            A. I got this message when opening an e-mail from I thought perhaps it would only happen with .sea files, but that was not conclusive.

15. I was not getting some mail while using Mail. I think that I had accidentally changed the settings (mail, preferences, junk), so that I only got mail from people whose names were in my address book.

            A. I also changed the prefs (Accounts, special boxes, trash) so that move deleted messages to a separate folder is unchecked, so that there is only a Trash folder (no subfolders).

16. After deleting some messages from the inbox (and also the sent mail folder), the Mail program kept saying something like 32 messages, 29 deleted. I finally got rid of this by going to Mailbox, Erase Deleted Messages. This solved the problem.

17. When I set the junk setting to automatic, mail from was being put into junk mail. I went and changed the rules, so that e-mail from people in my address book would not be junk mail.

            A. Sender was in addr. book, but kept moving mail to Junk. I changed in address book from to

18. In Mail 1.3.7, you can see a reply that you have sent to an e-mail that is in your inbox, by clicking the status icon (the arrow, in this case). Only if the original e-mail is on the in box and the reply is in the sent folder can you do this.

            A. Junk mail privacy can ÒPrevent spammers from knowing you received their junk mail.Ó

            B. You can use command, option, J to delete all junk mail.

            C. You can use the Address Panel to view e-mail addresses (without having to open the Address Book).

            D. You can print a copy of your Address Book to use when away from your Mac. It does not print with the 2100, though. The print jobs stop, when you print with Address Book.

            E. You can make choose which contact fields are displayed by default for all contacts, using Address Book. However, if you do, you may not be able to auto type with Mail (when typing e-mail addresses). Best just to leave it as is for now.

F. You can import basic MS Word .DOC documents into Text Edit (use File, Open).

            G. You can use auto complete to help you complete an entry in TextEdit. Use option and escape. You can also change the language for spelling correct when using TextEdit. TextEdit can be used to open Word 98 files, but it canÕt search by style like Word does. You can highlight text in TextEdit, press Command, E to find it, then command, G to find it again. You can embed another application inside of a TextEdit file, and after saving the file, you can click the icon to open the file (which is not an alias). This did not work with A.R.

19. You can choose under the prefs to not move deleted messages to a separate folder. That way mail is just deleted. You donÕt have to empty the trash later.

20. You can add your own scanned signature to an e-mail by dragging and dropping into the Signature (inside of Mail, preferences, Signatures). It would not open on the G3/233 with OE, though. Nor, could I open it with GC on the G3 after downloading the attachment. Since the signature shows up as an attachment, I will not attach it a graphic, I will attach it as text. Then it showed up fine on the G3/233 with OE.

21. Tidbits #731 says that , in Training mode, it changes the color of the message subject to Brown; in Automatic mode, it moves the message to your Junk mailbox. (This action is one of only two differences between Training mode and Automatic mode. The other is that in Automatic mode, Mail consolidates the Junk mailboxes for all of your accounts under a single Junk icon in the Mailbox list. Tidbits #731 says that As long as the checkbox Trust Junk Mail Headers Set by Your Internet Service Provider is selected in Junk Mail preferences, Mail marks such messages as Junk Mail.Ó Tidbits #731 says you cannot adjust the threshold for judging whether messages are marked as junk mail. It also says that the file ~Library/Mail/LSMMap2 is the file that Mail uses to store its statistics of good and bad message characteristics.Ó You canÕt repair the file if it is damaged, but you can delete it or reset the file using the junk mail prefs. Tidbits #731 says that, ÒStatistical filters increase their accuracy as you use them.Ó Command, shift, J marks a message as junk mail. It says that merely moving a message to the junk mail folder is not enough. You need to mark it as junk mail (it says that a paper bag icon would be present, but I have not seen it). Tidbits #731 mentions an ebook called ÒTake Control of Spam with Apple Mail,Ó which costs $5. You can find it at There is an update to ÒÉ. Mail,Ó as of 11/05. I ordered 4 books through the website on 9/6/04 (including "Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail," Take Control of Buying a Mac," "Take Control of Customizing Panther," and "Take Control of E-mail with Apple Mail." I had trouble previously (when I entered my security code for my MBNA Visa for the second time and I re-entered it, I kept getting the Òattempt to loadÓ error), but Tanya Engst wrote to me and suggested restarting the iMac, which I did. I also used my Citibank Mastercard instead of my MBNA Visa, I was able to purchase the books (and the security code was not asked for twice). She said if restarting the computer did not work, she could forward the problem to the people at esellerate, or I could use Paypal to pay or send a check to Adam Engst, 50 Hickory Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. You should be able to check for updates for ebooks, if nec. Tidbits #744 has more information. There is another "Take Control" book called "Take Control of Mac OS X Backups," which I may want to purchase later (it is mentioned in Tidbits #764). It has info on the difference between duplicates and archives (and why you want both), according to Tidbits #770). Take Control of Mac OS X Backups was on sale the week of 4/18/05, but I missed it. Tidbits #758 mentions that there is a book called "Take Control of Buying a Digital Camera." is the address (as of 12/04) for TidBITS account management. My user name and password are motleyze and Old At Ease. A future idea would be to burn the Take Control books to CD and listen in the car; perhaps using Audio Hijack Pro. There is another book called ÒTake Control of Booking a Cheap Airline TicketÓ (mentioned in TidBITS #844).

22. When you see the e-mail address you want with mail, press return or tab to accept it.

23. I think the following will make it so that the junk mailbox does not show up with Mail, go to Mail, preferences, Junk Mail, advanced. Choose to delete messages rather than move to junk mail folder. However, later, the junk mail folder was present again, so I think it is supposed to be there. I was not receiving any e-mail on the weekend of 7/4/04, so I checked the settings, but it appears to be the best option to Enable Junk Mail filtering and move it to junk mailbox (automatic). If you leave enable junk mail filtering unchecked, you wonÕt be able to view any mail that is considered junk by Mail. Another option is that you can also leave the move it to junk mailbox unchecked and then see the junk mail in your inbox. If you receive mail that is is placed in your Junk folder (that is junk e-mail), go to and then look at your inbox, find the e-mails, select them, and click Spam. To create a new mailbox and sub-mailbox, create a new mailbox called Ryan/receipts.

24. To tell Mail to use Windows Friendly encoding for all new messages, go to Edit/Attachments/Always Send Windows Friendly Attachments (Tidbits #740).

25. If you send an image inline (in the body of the message), the receiver will receive it inline, if their client supports inline display. Mail always shows your attachments in the body of your message. You can move the attachments, but they often will be attachments, showing up as a separate file with most e-mail clients. If you paste an image into a message or drag and drop an image from another window (say, a Web browser), Mail converts the raw image to an attachment in TIFF format. However, if you drag and drop hte icon of an image file (or use the Attach button to locate the file using the Finder), Mail leaves the image in its original format. JPEG support is common, TIFF is not (especial in non-mac e-mail clients).

26. I sent a file two days in a row with Mail. It was a file created with Preview in OS X. I sent it in compressed format. However, when I opened the file with AOL, it was in .mim format. Then I used Encoder to expand it. It still would not open on the G3 with 8.1.

            A. The same thing happened with a Word 98 file sent from Mail to AOL at school (even though the file was compressed, it still ended up in .mim format). Perhaps should just send mail from AOL to AOL or use Yahoo! Briefcase.

            B. On 9/23/04, I sent Computer Notes.sea from AOL to AOL, and I was able to retrieve it, even though I got an error message that it may be a corrupted file.

27. The No Rules Group with Mail did not work, four e-mail addresses returned the e-mail. All the e-mail addresses that were listed as e-mail got returned. The ones listed as work did not, so I changed all the addresses to be listed as work on 2/28/05.

            A. I reimported the addresses using NN (open NN Address Book, delete all but the desired exports, Export. Then use Mail to import addresses). Afterward, copy the pab.na2 file back to the System Folder from Internet Prefs folder.

28. You can go to Window, Activity Viewer to see the progress of Mail (and stop something in progress) or use Command, O.

29. Mail is setup to check mail every 5 minutes (as of 6/05), but when the iLamp is sleeping, mail is not checked.

30. You can choose to show/hide deleted messages or not using the view menu.

31. In June 2005, Mail had trouble. It kept asking for the password every five minutes, even though I selected to have it stored in my keychain. Anyhow, after restart, problem did not recur. Later, the problem returned. Page 684 of Mac OS X Panther suggests when having a general problem to try repairing disk permissions with Disk Utility, which I did on July 29, 2005 (the book suggests that some people repair permissions after installing any software). Also, may try using a troubleshooting account, and see if the same problem occurs. May also try trashing two out of the three prefs files (the third one is quite difficult to remove), or look for an application update. Finally, I could replace Mail. I set up an account in Troubleshooting and discovered that I could retrieve mail in both accounts with both users (without one gettting the mail and the other not receving it. However, Sent Mail only shows up in the sending account). Repairing disk permissions resolved the issue until around 10/24/05, when the problem returned. I then repaired permissions again. Problem returned 2/21/06, so I repaired disk permissions again.

32. If you click on the spinning wheel, while Mail is retrieving/sending mail, you can see the Activity Viewer. You can choose Attach, then use the Command key to select more than one file at a time. You can remove the Preview Pane, so that when you click on an e-mail, it does not automatically get marked as "read."

33. You can use the Redirect Command to forward a message to someone without them knowing you sent it, unless they read the headers.

You can use Option drag to make a copy of a message.

35. You can use the View menu to show selected messages only (ones that you choose). You can also use the View menu to show/hide deleted messages.

36. If you command, click on the Toolbar icon (upper right hand corner), you can change the toolbar icons' size/text only mode, etc.

37. Mac OS X Panther page 574 says that Mail cannot read e-mail from web based accounts. Page 579 says that if you use BCC when sending a forward, people do not have to scroll through all the names of people the mail was forwarded to. There is an option under the Message menu so that you may send a message again. Page 582 says you can place your signature above quoted text (in preferences, Signatures), so people wonÕt have to scroll through old information to see that it is you writing. There is an option to rebuild the mailbox, if necessary under the Mailbox menu. Page 547 suggests putting ÒNOSPAMÓ inside your e-mail address when posting on newsgroups to help avoid SPAM.

38. To get rid of the arrow by the Junk Mail mailbox, You may need to delete the subfolder ÒOn My Mac.Ó

39. You can add words to the Spelling dictionary and you can later make the dictionary forget, if you like by Going to Edit, Spelling, Spelling with a message open.

40. If some e-mails are highlighted in blue, it is because they are part of a thread relating to the currently highlighted e-mail.


Megaphone (Fanon Model MV-20S)

1. During the track meet in 2003, the megaphone kept shorting out and there was feedback, around volume 8 or so. I checked and the batteries were dead and corroded inside the megaphone.

            A. I got more batteries from the office, but the megaphone did not work still. The batteries from the office were dead, also.

2. Mom has a Radio Shack 10-watt powerhorn.


Memorex Personal AM/FM Stereo/Compact Disc MP3 Player (MPF8857)

1. It plays MP3 CDs. I tested it once with a CD that had 33 songs on it and it played fine. The names of the songs even appeared on the Memorex display.

2. User's Guide page 16 says that you mix MP3s and regular music files on the same CD, only the MP3 files will be played.

3. It has 45 second Electronic Skip Protection for regular CDs and 120 seconds for MP3 CDs.


METV ( If you try to go to, you are asked for a password. If you go to, you are not asked for a password.

1. Channel 11 is a Cable Market TV station in my room and Room 53 on Thursday, January 20, 2000. It was METV last Friday, January 14th in Room 53.

            A. On 12/4/03, METV is channel 11. I checked on 12/5/03, and the METV broadcast did match the METV schedule (i.e. I was watching the METV channel from Room 58). As of 4/26/04, METV is still channel 11, even though I had gotten a report that it may be 97.

            B. I e-mailed Comcast about METV. replied and was not sure if in Winton, we get METV or not. The programming department (800-824-2000, their hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8am-7pm, Saturday 8am-5pm and Sunday) did not know either.

            C. John Magneson ( replied to my e-mail that I sent. He said that ÒCurrently channel 11 on Comcast broadcasts METV's programming from 8:00 AM to 10 AM and from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM M-F.  Hopefully in the future we'll be on Comcast 24/7.  In order to get the 24/7 METV signal you do need a special box.  That box should be located in the library or admin building.  If you need assistance locating the box let me know.Ó

            D. It appears that Channel 11 does broadcast outside of those times (8 to 10, 3-6), but it is local programming (not METV).

            E. There is now a Dallas Cowboys channel on Comcast in the Dallas area. I e-mailed Comcast to see if it would be available in the Merced County area. They replied and said, "it will be broadcast in markets in Texas, Little Rock, Ark., New Mexico, Tucson, Ariz., and Los Angeles, where Comcast is available."

2. Called Suzie 384-1891 for more info. Left message on 1/20/2000. Channel 23 is scrambled on our TV's in our room. Need the Choice Receiver to get it.

3. We do have the Choice Receiver in the library.

4. On Monday-Thursday they put homework hotline on Channel 11 (which is usually only a TCI cable channel).

On Friday, the time slot is still used by ME TV, it is usually whatever is on ME TV at that time.

            A. You can view the METV guide at the website (see #4).

5. Computer Port is now (as of 3/4/2000) going to be shown on Fridays from 4 - 5 P.M. (live) and 5 - 6 P.M (replay) on TCI Channel 11. I should be able to record it in my classroom.

            A. They will have a new show every week. It is broadcast from MCOE.

            B. Computer PortÕs hotline is (888) 468-8800.

6. Shawn (381-6658)Õs home number is (916) 685-0419, works at the MCOE and is also on METV sometimes.

            A. KidsÕ videos (even analog) can be put on METV.

7. is the website, I think .ws is for a Who Is Server.

8. I e-mailed about getting a password for Streaming and for downloading the program guide for METV.

A. She did not reply, but John Magneson e-mailed me the User ID (metv) and password (mcoe). Webcasting did not work with the G3/233 and 9.2.2. I even tried re-downloading the Windows Media Player 7.1 installer and reinstalling, I had no luck. Netscape did not work, either: I tried to access the Streaming tab, but the tab was not clickable. So, I copied the URL from IE into NN, but the streaming did not work. There was a link that showed 56K/T1, but the link disappeared when I moved the mouse over it.

B. I tried Windows Media Player 9 for OS X on the iMac, and it worked with, but it would not work at with IE 5.2 or Safari 1.0.1. Windows Media Player for 2000 worked on the DEC, but not with METV. I think METV website does not streamcast properly. On another occasion, I could not get Windows Media player to work with with Safari or IE 5.2.3. Windows Media Player was installed with installer version 8.2 and installed version 9.0. I got a could not load "video/x-ms-wvx" error with IE and Safari loaed the commercial, but then would not play. After reinstalling WMP (with the same installer), WMP worked with Safari and IE. If you find a ÒVCÓ in the catalog, it means video cassette: ÒDVÓ means Òdigital videoÓ and you can watch it online.

            C. I also asked him the password for downloading the program guide. He e-mailed me and said it was ED509 (case sensitive, it appears), then you enter MCOE as District or School. I could not get METVÕs website to load with IE 5.1.6, so I used NN to access the website, but then the links at the METV website did not work. So I had to copy and paste the URL for programming from IE 5.1 to NN 4.77. I got the password/district part to work, but then the next page would not load. Then, I copied and pasted the URL into IE 5, and I was able to view the Jan.-Apr. 2004 guide. I then changed my prefs to download the guide in .pdf format.   D. The previous guide for Sept. -Dec. 2003 would not download, so I e-mailed Michael Hamlett, (, 381-5912) to inquire about the download and the streaming problem. He replied and said he fixed the Sept-Dec. 2003 problem, which he did. He also said that the live streaming is down, but should be up soon (I got the e-mail on 12/16/03). According to Marilyn, at the countyÕs website, there is launching the them stuff, may get password to work later (week of 9/21 or so). However, on 9/16/06, I searched for ÒlaunchingÓ and no results showed up.

E. On 12//27/03, I got the Windows Media Player to open with IE5, and it appeared to be starting up; the window alternated between play/show, etc. But then it just stopped (and on one occasion, said ÒThe server stopped respondingÓ). I tried using NN 4.77 (I had to paste the URL to get to Webcasting with NN, because it would not allow you to access streaming from the web page menu at metvÕs home page), but had the same results as with IE 5.

9. METV is still not hooked up in the library. Glenn did not know how to hook it up (I talked to T.D. on 12/16/03).

10. In 1/04, Shawn said that the METV server crashes every 3 or 4 days. If I need to, I can contact him to ask that the server be re-booted.

11. At, use my last and first name and the password is Old At Ease.


1. On LC 575, 4 MB are on the board, it has one SIMM memory expansion slot (two VRAM slots, though). So on the ones with 6 MB, it has a 2 MB SIMM installed, ones with 8 MB have 4 MB SIMM installed. (I think I may have switched the one in my room with someone elseÕs by accident).

2. A defective SIMM may or may not keep the computer from starting up.

3. SIMMÕs either totally work or not, a 4 MB SIMM will not work as a 2 MB SIMM.

4. Level 2 cache will probably increase performance by 25-30% on my Performa 6400/180. 512K Level 2 cache is better than 256K (more improved performance). An L2 cache is better than increasing in my case, since I already have 32 MB of RAM.

5. 603E processor has more cache than a 603.

6. VRAM draws screen and does screen refreshes.

7. 32 bit addressing is always on with a Powermac. 32 bit addressing allows you to access more than 8 MB of RAM (32 bit addressing on/off is in memory control panel on 68000 series). If a program is too old for a 68000 computer, may want to turn 32 bit addressing off.

            A. This rule also applies to Modern Memory Manager (which makes more efficient use of memory for a Native app) on a Powermac i.e. Only Powermacs have a Modern Memory Manager.

8. ÒThere is not enough memory to complete the operationÓ appeared when I tried to get a CW picture from the library (a buffalo), the message appeared. Changed CW memory allocation from 1000, 1400 to 1800, 1800. Worked. Could also close other applications (which did not work in this case) or increase finderÕs memory. Could try using virtual memory or extensions off.

If the Out of memory message appears across several applications:

            A. Check the memory used by system software and app. heap, If the total of these two is significantly less than the unused block, memory leak or memory fragmentation is present. With Memory Mapper 1.4 (freeware), you can see how memory is allocated and how there might be gaps in the memory). Quit all open applications and then check it. Restart the computer. Reopen one of them (whichever you want to use MacOS Purge can help with memory leaks. Turn off unnecessary extensions. Otherwise, go to B.

            B. Using Virtual Memory is a good alternative (Virtual Memory should probably not be set to anything past twice the physical RAM, under most circumstances).

            C. May want to increase the finderÕs memory.

            D. Reset the PRAM, rebuild the desktop or Replace System Folder.

9. The bottom part of the RAM is usually taken up by System Software, called the System heap. The top is taken up by applications (called the AppÕs stack). The first app that is opened will take the uppermost part of the memory and the second app will take the next memory down. If you close the second app, the memory becomes fragment. I.E. If word takes up 6,000 K and is opened first and Simple text takes up 300 K and is opened second, and you close Word, the 6,000 K is not available in the largest unused block, because the 6,000 K is above Simpletext. An application that is smaller than 6,000 K may be able to use the unused block that previously was assigned to word.

it is possible to get an out of memory message If you can not access all the memory, so you need to defragment. Defragmenting can also help prevent corruption (UYM p. 377). You could simply close the last thing opened and always go in reverse order. Or you could close Simpletext and any other open applications. If this will not work, close all applications. If that does not work, restart the computer.

10. Photoshop may require the app to have three times the size of a picture it is working with. I.E. If a picture is 1 MB, then Photoshop may require the App to have 3 MB allocated.

11. If you have 8 MB of Ram installed and you want to use Virtual Memory to increase the RAM to 12 MB, you must have 20 MB (amount for Virtual Memory and the real RAM together) on the HD free to create the invisible file needed for ÒVM storageÓ. This rule is not true for RAM Doubler, though. RAM Doubler is much faster, it only has a 5 to 10 % slowdown rate.

            A. If Virtual Memory does not appear in the Memory control panel, may need to update the driver.

                        Also, worth noting, is that some programs have their own Virtual Memory scheme, but If VM is on with these programs, there may be serious disasters or bombs occur.

            B. Hold down the Command Key at startup to turn V.M. off temporarily.

12. With the SE and System 6.0.3 and 7.1, when you tried to open MS Word 5.1, message would appear saying that the system memory is too low, try lowering wordÕs memory allocation. Tried lower allocation for word, but did not work. Restarting did not work. Turns out that the problem was that the System file was only 672K (it was a minimal system file that I had created) and needed to be closer to 1,000K. Once replaced system file with bigger one, word opened.

13. On LCII in Room 12, there is only 4 MB of memory, and they were trying to use an 8 MB program, so error message appeared about not having enough RAM. Used virtual memory and turned it up to 11 MB. Program would open, but slowly (took 3 minutes).

14. Macastro 1.6 kept giving out of memory messages, and it would not display constellations, so the program was not fully functional. Increased memory allocation and it worked.

15. Netscape 3.0 had trouble at school with 5500/225 computer with 7.6.1. When you clicked Òsend nowÓ (meaning E-mail), the error message appeared ÒNetscape is out of memory. Try quitting Netscape and increasing its minimum memory requirements through get info.Ó Also, there were out of memory messages with the Writing Center. Lastly, when you put an item in the trash (even an empty folder) and tried to empty the trash, the message appeared saying that Òthe trash is emptyÓ.

            A. Increased memory allocation by several thousand in the minimum and preferred sizes, tried moving preferences to an ÒuntitledÓ folder outside the system folder, reinstalled software from the CD, turned Virtual Memory on and off (both ways), rebuild desktop, changed disk cache to 1536 (32 K for each MB of RAM, but this rule does not apply If you have an L2 cache, according to Mark Mintz, set the cache to lowest level, otherwise, the disk cache can not be used to open appÕs. The L2 cache stores info that is retrieved often, like what the disk cache does). Finally, ran NDD and it fixed the problem. The trash now works and you can e-mail (did not try the Writing Center).

                        1. The L1 cache is actually inside the CPU.

                        2. the more memory set aside for cache in the Memory control panel the less that is available for opening applications.

            B. The use defaults button on System 8.1 with the memory control panel sets the disk cache to 32 K for each MB of RAM (recommended by Tekserve). Tekserve recommends using ÒUse DefaultsÓ on computers with 7.5.3 and up. Pre 7.5.3, set to 128K or 256 K and leave it.

            C. With System 8, the L2 cache is no longer on the logic board, but it is on the processor card (hence the name ÒbacksideÓ cache). The CPU can access L2 cache directly using a dedicated bus. This makes it difficult to compare computers, simply based on MHz (MHz is a unit of measurement equal to one million cycles per second), because of the increased efficiency between CPU and L2 cache on the G3.

16. PMMU (Paged memory management module) is needed for Virtual Memory capabilities, the PMMU was built into 68030 Macs and later. LC has a 68020 processor, while the LCII has a 68030.

            A. If Virtual Memory does not show up in the memory control panel and it should, you may need to update your driver. (S.M, 3rd, 753). I thought that VM did not show up on the LCII in Room 52, but it did (VM did not show up using the Spirit Technology External HD, I believe). With just 4 MB of memory in the LCII, I tried several applications and they all seemed to open fine. Later, I checked and VM was off. I turned it on and then there was about 8,192K of available memory (counting VM).

17. If an application has over 1/3 of the area in the ÒAbout This MacÓ window that is not shaded, you may be able to decrease memory allocation to save RAM. If the bar is almost completely shaded, it may need an increase in memory allocation, except for System software usually. (You can see how much the numbers really are by hitting show balloons and moving the cursor over the allocation bar).

            A. The minimum size is how much you have to have to run the program.

            B. Preferred size is how much the program will grab If it can.

            C. Suggested size is how the manufacturer thinks the program needs.

            D. it may be useful to increase the memory allocation to increase stability of appÕs, especially on Power Macs Running 68 K software.

18. Most files do not have enough memory allocation out of the box. Minimum memory allocation is what is required just to open the program. Preferred is the limit on how much the program can get (If the available amount is less than preferred size, app will take all it can).

19. In the Òabout this computerÓ window, ROM is not listed, only System software is. Finder is at the top of the entire memory heap, since it is actually an application.

20. Marilyn has a 5300CD (I think it is a Performa). According to GURU, it has one 8 MB SIMM installed, which seems strange. First of all, All Powermacs should have DIMMs, I think. Also, the computer has 16 MB and M. did not make any adaptations.

21. Apple recommends setting VM to 1 MB above the physical RAM on Powermacs and G3Õs.

22. Kept getting Òout of memoryÓ messages when trying to print with Deskwriter in Room 13. While printing, got an out of memory message when simply trying to open a folder. After zapping the PRAM, 32 bit addressing was off (System software took up 14 MB of RAM). Turned 32 bit addressing on and the system software was back to 2 MB of RAM. Also, I ran Disk First Aid, NDD, and NSD which all encountered small errors, which were fixed. I restarted the computer and the printing was fine and there were no more out of memory messages.

            A. Sad Macs, 3rd edition, page 733, says that if 32 bit addressing is on, but System Software still takes up too much memory, restart the computer, should fix problem.

23. If the disk cache is set too low (256K) on the G3/233, then you may get out of memory errors when loading Version Tracker with AOL, also, AOLÕs menu bar did not show up entirely.

24. To increase the memory allocation of an item without a get info box:

            A. Open a COPY of the application, extension, etc. in Resedit, choose file, get info from the Resedit menu, write the type the application, extension is, then change the type to ÒAPPLÓ and close the application or extension (do not leave the icons splash screen for the file open, otherwise, changes can not be made) and save changes when Resedit asks. Go to the finder, choose get info for the file, make changes. Then reopen file in Resedit and change the type back to original setting.

            B. The same thing can be done with Snitch. The procedure would be essentially the same, except for some people reported problems, i.e. memory box did not appear after changing to ÒAPPL,Ó so after changing a application (or whatever) to APPL, ÒDuplicateÓ the file, change the memory requirements on the duplicate, trash original. Change duplication back to original type.

25. If you can not open an application due to insufficient memory, you may DECREASE the preferred size for the application to get it to open.

26. When an open applicationÕs unused memory is low, you may be able to open the document from within the application, rather than the finder.

27. Apple Memory Guide is freeware (S.M., 3rd, 898).

28. If you use Virtual Memory, it allows native programs to be read in code fragments as necessary.

29. Cache 22 can be used to see If an L2 cache has been installed.

30. Memory allocation of BJ Printmonitor and AOL changed to higher than was set in the preferred size. I.E. BJ Printmonitor was set to 1200 K and in "about this computer", it showed it had 5 MB of Memory. AOL had 20000 K allocated to it and in "about this computer", it showed it had 27 MB of memory. I talked to Apple about this and they suggested that "it may have something to do with preferences or corrupted PRAM. it is not normal and should not happen (may be one time glitch).

31. According to the Read Me First included with Photoflash 2.0.2, the memory requirements of a programÕs get info box do not reflect the size of any shared libraries that a program uses. They are loaded in system memory space, not the space allocated for a program.

32. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 20, Photoshop and Final Cut Pro are usually faster and happier with VM turned off.

33. I have heard that SIMMÕs or DIMMs can be cleaned, although I could not find any information about this on the Internet, so I e-mailed Dennis and Matt. Matt did not know.

            A. Dennis said that ÒThe best thing to clean electronic contacts is an ordinary pink pencil eraser. Just be sure to use a soft clean one. Don't rub too hard or too long because the eraser is an abrasive. You might also try alcohol to remove body oil due to normal handling. I wouldn't recommend compressed air in this caseÓ. I asked him about using rubbing alcohol or erasers on the contacts and he said that ÒYes, you can use eraser and/or alcohol directly on the contacts. Just remember as with all things: moderation--work gentlyÓ.

34. Sad Macs, 3rd edition, page 739 says that the system software dynamically increases as necessary. IE 5 and NN appear to do that now, as well.

35. I bought some RAM for the iMac in my classroom, since I figured I would be able to upgrade the RAM in both my G3Õs at the same time. However, I was not able to. The RAM that was in my G3/233 was a PC-100 (2 out of 3 listed them as PC-100, but the other chip probably was also) module and the RAM that goes into the iMac is a PC-133 module (they were the same size, though). When I put the PC-133 into the G3/233, the RAM reading was about half the capacity in the G3, that the RAM actually was (it was a 128 MB RAM chip, but the G3/233 showed it as only 64 MB). When I put the RAM into the iMac, the computer read it as 128 MB.

            A. I put the RAM back into the G3/233 in the following order: 128, 64, 32 (facing the CD-ROM from the back of the computer).

36. The memory for the tray loading 333 MHz tray loading iMacs is not the same as the memory for the iMac G4 with 17Ó display in room 21B, according to

37. has memtest, which can be downloaded for $1.39 to test OS X memory (need to have 10.2.8 or later). However, the17Ó iLamp in room 23 (formerly in 21B) is from 2003, it is a G4 1.25 GHz, it has 2 memory slots (actually only 1 that is normally acccessible by the user, so TD Curran lists under 1 slot with the 17Ó iMac 1 GHZ, I think. Anyhow, it uses the PC2700 DDR333 200-pin SO-DIMM: I verified this with TD Curran in 11/26/07 (so JTÕs iMac uses the same memory that mine did).


MGI External CD-ROM Drive (FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Serial number is CS465051296)

1. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit requires System 8.1 or later.

            A. To use CDT Equalizer, you need a Power PC and an internal CD-ROM drive.

            B. To use CDT Jukebox, you need a CD jukebox device and a Power Macintosh.

2. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Quick Start Guide page 9 says you can use CDT to configure caching in RAM and on your HD.

3. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Quick Start Guide page 10 says you must have headphones connected to your CD-ROM drive to hear audio output.

4. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Quick Start Guide page 11 when filling in the fields in the registration box, each field requires at least 3 characters.

5. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Quick Start Guide page 15 says to Òhot loadÓ (extensions are off) the CDT driver, Launch CDT, If necessary, check the On checkbox next to the devices you want CDT to support, Select Load CD-ROM Drivers from the Toolkit menu.

6. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Quick Start Guide page 16 says you can lock devices, so that you can configure CDT to pre-load a device driver, whether or not the CD-ROM drives are powered on at startup.

            A. Launch CDT, Select a drive to lock in the Drive Setup window, choose Lock from the Toolkit menu.

7. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Quick Start Guide page 23 says that the PRODOS file extension should come with Apple IIe card software or you can download it from

8. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Quick Start Guide page 24 says you can use the ÒSpecialÓ choice to Òshow messages about badly mastered CDs.

9. FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Quick Start Guide page 25 says that ÒMedia ControlÓ can be used to specify what happens to your disc when you start (or restart) your computer and when you shut down.

10. When I tried to run the FWB CD-ROM Toolkit OEM on my G3, it kept producing an error type 1, so I trashed the software.

11. MGI External CD-ROM Drive (FWB CD-ROM Toolkit Serial number is CS465051296) only appears reads one session on a multiple session CD. However, later on, I was unable to read a multiple session CD with the internal CD-ROM drive. After rebuilding the desktop, the internal CD-ROM could read multi-sessions, so it may be possible that MGI may be able to read multi-sessions.

12. If you start up the G3/266 with the G3 startup CD in the internal drive, you get an error message from the MGI External CD-ROM Drive that says that, ÒCD-ROM Toolkit will not be able to support one of your CD-ROM Drives because it is already handled by another CD-ROM driver. Possible fixes: Use Extensions Manager to turn off the Apple CD-ROM extensions. Remove any CD that may be in the drive during startup.Ó

            A. On a later occasion, I could not get any CDs to mount using the MGI External CD-ROM drive. Reinstalling the software did not help. Finally, I opened the control panel, CD-ROM toolkit, and checked the ÒOnÓ and ÒFastÓ boxes by ID 1: CD-ROM. This fixed the problem.

Micronet (714-837-6033)

1. When using version 5.4.4, May try hitting ÒformatÓ, then ÒinitializeÓ, and type the partition # as 0 when using Micronet drive, then install drivers. Alternatively, you can hit ÒautoÓ and it will format, initialize and install the drivers for an external hard drive.

2. Also, try hitting ÒnewÓ button, alternatively.

3. Use main Micronet screen to install drivers.

4. HD would not mount originally with alternate startup disk, SCSI probe or Drive Setup. Ran Disk First Aid, I had no luck. After running NDD, HD would mount.

5. When trying to mount an external Micronet drive with my G3/233, it would not mount automatically. I had to use Mt. Everything to mount it.

6. TobyÕs Micronet external HD in his room (it says Room 36 on it), is 120 MB and has about 40 MB free (as of 4/7/01). It can be used as a temporary space to transfer files, etc, but it would be better to use the external HD, since it is not hooked up to anything right now.

7. External Hard Disk Systems for the Macintosh OwnerÕs Guide page 2 says the power cord is grounded to help reduce the risk of electric shock and to help prevent Radio Frequency (RF) interference.

            A. Page 4 says the top of monitors and ÒclassicÓ style Macs have strong electromagnetic fields that can interfere with HD operation.

8. External Hard Disk Systems for the Macintosh OwnerÕs Guide page 9 says shutting down the computer with the power switch when it is active (instead of using the Shut Down command) can cause directory damage.

            A. Page 56 says that if Shut Down is not used, the Finder scans the HD for damage, which can be time consuming.

9. Page 10 says termination provides electrical conditioning, preserves high transfer rates and helps prevent data corruption.

            A. Page 10 also says that if the MAC does not contain an internal HD or internal SCSI terminator, an external terminator should be on the first device in a chain. (they recommend internal connector, however).

            B. Page 11 says that if the SCSI bus is short (less than 3 feet), it may be best to terminate only the end of the bus. If the cable length is more than 10 feet, an additional terminator may be required after the first 10 feet of cable, in addition to beginning and ending terminators.

            C. Page 11 says Micronet External HDÕs are not internally terminated.

            D. Page 11 suggests not using Y or T style adapters with single SCSI ports.

            E. Page 11 suggests that if errors occur when short cables (18 to 24 inches) are in use, try using longer cables (3 to 6 feet). Double shielded and good quality cables are better to avoid errors.

            F. Page 12 says you should limit cabling to 15 feet, since internal cabling may be up to 5 feet and the total amount of SCSI cable should not exceed 20 feet. If total length is a possible cause of problems, try using shorter cables. Cable unions or joiners can cause errors.

            G. Page 12 suggests using Shut Down before powering off a SCSI device.

10. External Hard Disk Systems for the Macintosh OwnerÕs Guide page 18 says using the Auto button in the Utility program will reformat a drive with default settings and will contain one Finder volume. Page 13 says this should take between 10 and 60 minutes, depending on drive size.

            A. Page 13 says that the maximum partition size is 2,050 MB. If a drive is over 2,050 MB, it will be split by Micronet utility.

            B. Page 20 says that the icons in the Utility window may not correspond to the icon found in the Finder window. Page 20 also explains how to change drive icons.11.

            C. Page 22 says that if you want a password protected volume, you may need 2 volumes: one for startup and one for password protection (a password protected volume can not be a startup volume).

            D. Page 23 says that A/UX stands for AppleÕs version of Unix for the Macintosh or Apple UNIX Operating System.

            E. Page 36 says that NUPORT items will be grayed out unless a NUPORT card is installed. (NUPORT should appear in the menu bar when Micronet utility is launched).

            F. Page 37 says you can use the Options menu to make an exact copy of an external Micronet HD. The target disk (the one to be copied to) cannot be password protected, busy or mounted.

            G. Page 37 says that you can also reassign bad blocks and page 41 says you can change startup system memory. If a Micronet external HD is moved to a computer with less memory, the Micronet may not be able to start up the computer.

            H. Page 47 explains that the ÒNewÓ creates a new partition according to the Partition/Initialize window, Change allows you to change the type of partition (i.e. to an A/UX partition) and Delete allows a partition to be deleted.

11. External Hard Disk Systems for the Macintosh OwnerÕs Guide page 58 says that conflicts in the SCSI bus can cause two icons to appear for one drive.

12. External Hard Disk Systems for the Macintosh OwnerÕs Guide page 73 says block copy is making a block by block copy all bytes one by one.

13. Page 74 defines formatting as testing for bad blocks, which are automatically corrected, and then it is prepared for initialization.

14. It appears that the Micronet Drives do not allow you to use VM.


Microsoft Excel

1. Once I could not get Excel to startup, so I reinstalled the whole office suite. However, I had to replace the Shared Library Manager, so that it would be version 2.0.1. However, when I opened Excel, there was a strange file with gibberish in it (something about Stuff it in the cells). Also, when you click on file, edit or anything in the finder, the finder kept restarting. I trashed the Excel prefs, Stuff it Prefs, reinstalled Office and replaced Shared Library manager again (restarting with alternate disk). Worked after that.

            A. However, later same problem occurred. I believe it was because I ÒburnedÓ the wrong version of Microsoft Office. So, I burned all Microsoft Office with preferences, Rebuilt the desktop, NDD, NSD, Disk First Aid, Reinstalled, Updated MOM CP and put newer version of Shared Library Manager into extensions. (Rebuilding, NDD, NSD and DFA probably were not needed, but it was time to do it anyway).

2. When you wrap Òtext,Ó it automatically changes the row height to fit the text.

3. If you double click the line between two columns, the columnÕs width will automatically adjust to the longest line of text in all the cells.

            A. If you have multiple columns selected, it will resize all the columns.

4. You can use the command key to select non contiguous columns.

5. You can put an apostrophe in front of a number to make it not a date i.e. 3-12 would normally turn into March 12.

6. If you hold down command and option keys, you get a good pop up menu.

7. You do not have to type the closing parenthesis as part of a formula.

8. If you option click a header, a new blank set of cell is inserted.

9. You can paste a picture into a chart by double clicking on the column.

10. I could not get a Print Artist document (from Mom) to open from the Finder or from within Print Artist (even choose all the different document types from the Print Shop open dialog box). I then made a new certificate with Print Artist and figured out the type and creator of it. Then I changed the type and creator of mom's document to match the new document. I was then able to open it

from the Finder. To fill a row or column with Excel 5, type the number (i.e. 1) in the first cell, highlight several cells, go to Edit, Fill, Series, enter a stop value. To put an Excel 2004 S.S. into a Word 2004 document, highlight the s.s. in Excel and choose Copy, go to Word, choose Edit, Paste Special, choose Paste Link, choose Microsoft Excel worksheet object. I did this once, and then later added more cells and had to repaste the info. If you use the paste special function, info is automatically updated in Word.

11. I received an .xls (Excel) file from Bulmaro Lopez on 3/13/06, it would open on the rebuilt DEC, but not on the G3. I had to save the file on the rebuilt DEC as a 5.0/95 file, then Excel from Office 4.2.1 could open it. I also adjusted the header and took out the words Frank Sparkes Elementary School, since the header kept cutting into the text.

12. To set up headers and footers, go to Page Setup. To move where the headers and footers print, just move them in the Print Preview dialog box, go to Page Setup, Header/Footer. To insert a page break, go to desired area and then Insert >Page break. To remove the page break, go to the area right below where the page break is, then go to Insert > Remove Page Break. You can show/hide the contents of a cell by checking/unchecking the formula bar under the View menu.

13. PanergyÕs $20 docXConverter translate Excel 2008 docs for 2004, since there is not normally a way to open 2008 Excel docs with 2004.


Microsoft Excel 2004

1. There does not appear to be an keyboard shortcut to cut information from cells. To cut information, go to Edit, Delete or Edit, Clear, All.

2. You can delete a sheet using the Edit Menu. But you cannot put it back later, only copies of other sheets (using the Edit Menu). It does not appear that there is a way to make it so that only the cells with text in them are in a document with Excel, but you can delete sheets. It appears that only cells with text in them will print (or if you put text below a blank cell, the blank cell will print).

3. You can turn the gridlines on or off when printing by going to Page Setup, then clicking ÒSheet.Ó Then check gridlines on or off. To turn row and column headers on/off: use Excel, preferences, View.

4. To center the header or footer (i.e. center header or footer), go to View, Header and Footer, then Òcustomize HeaderÓ or ÒCustomize Footer.Ó

5. To sort in ABC order, use the icon on the toolbar or use Data Menu, Sort. If you have two columns, select all of the cells (not just the columns to be sorted)


Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0

1. To get rid of a favorite, open favorites under favorites menu, then drag them to the trash.

2. Requires Open Transport to operate properly, apparently (according to IE Installer program).

3. On one occasion, IE would not open because it said that Microsoft C++ could not be found. However, there was no extension that I could find named Microsoft C++. I even tried installing Internet Explorer to a Zip disk with a system folder and an extensions folder, but the extension did not appear in the extensions folder (actually no extensions did).

4. I tried opening Internet Explorer on the Zip and it worked, then I opened it on the HD and it worked. Must be a one time glitch.

5. The RealAudio Plugin and the RealPlayer plug-in are located in the Plug-ins folder of Microsoft Internet Explorer. They are supposed to be only for RealAudio (ram suffix) or RealPlayer files (.ra or .rm suffix), but RealAudio downloaded the .wav file on my web page, but it would not play it. If you select Òview with browserÓ, it will use QT 3.0 (The QT plug-in is in the Internet Explorer Plug-ins folder). You can actually download RealPlayer 5.0 and download it and then install the program. it will configure IE and NN automatically. You do NOT need to download RealAudio player, it is included.

6. If you command click on a URL, then it will open a new window and go to the link. (you can also click and hold on the link and then go to new window with this link). The second way can also be done in Netscape Communicator.

7. I.E. has an AutoComplete feature. it attempts to guess what you are trying to type, unlike Netscape Communicator.

8. You can put some of your favorites on the favorites bar. Go to view, favorites far. Then click on favorites on the left hand side of the window and drag to the favorites bar.

9. You can also change the size of a web page by clicking the smaller or larger buttons on the toolbar.

10. There is a history feature that saves your browsing for several days. Netscape only saves for that window in that session. i.e. If you open a new window or start a new session, Netscape will no longer have the history for the new window.

11. You can print the background or not, headers and footers (which include URLÕs, page numbers and date) or not by checking them off in the Print dialog box. Also, you can use Auto Fill (which can be set up in prefs) to complete forms on the web.

            A. I set up my e-mail address as Òmotleyze@pacbell.netÓ, not ÒMotleyze@pacbell.netÓ, since I used the lower case for Pacific Bell and many web pages.

12. Auto complete is used to make it faster and easier to type name, address or whatever i.e. If you want to type ÒRÓ and have Ryan Zelenski show up, set it up in preferences under AutoComplete (AutoComplete also used AutoFill information).

13. Can be used to view AVI files.

14. If you drag all the favorites out of the Internet Explorer preferences folder to a regular finder window and drag them back later, the bookmarks work fine. Could be used to copy bookmarks from home to school and vice versa.

            A. You can also open the bookmarks file and then save as, then open from within Internet Explorer, then import.

            B. You can also change the size of the columns for the name and address of bookmarks.

            C. You can also automatically alphabetize your bookmarks by clicking on the word ÒnameÓ when you have your favorites window open. (you could also alphabetize by address by clicking on the word ÒaddressÓ, which would probably be close to the same effect).

15. You can use Offline Browsing to view previously cached versions of web pages. Default is to be off.

16. Auto complete feature works, even when signed on as ÒNeondeio21Ó.

17. Internet Explorer 4.5.1 has much trouble downloading. Tried several sites and types of downloads. After finally getting a download, it was the 4.5 version, even though MicrosoftÕs website advertised it as version 4.5. Should probably wait for version 5.0 (supposed to out in early 2000).

18. If you move the mouse over a toolbar favorite (without clicking) and wait a few seconds, it will show the URL. Also, if you move the mouse over a window item, it will show you what it does.

19. You can go to a bookmark in the favorites folder, then click on get info, click on account. Type in your user name and password (typing in a domain is not necessary), this will be sent to the site, when you first go to it (you can see it being sent at the bottom of the window). When you click log in on the web page, you should be automatically logged in.

            A. So far, though, I got Consumer Reports to work.

            B. I also got the MCOE Instructional Services site to work, even though I typed in the username and password under account (get info for the favorite) and the site actually asks for client code and password. It did work for Travelocity, also.

            C. it did not work for, however. it kept saying you did not enter your username or password.

            D. Also, did not work on mom's with IE 4. RyanZelenski, old At Ease (no caps). Not sure, but typing the info in manually did work with the website.

            E. remove passwords from bookmarks at home, since they come to school with me and can be seen when accessing the pages on my G3/266. Also, Consumer Reports kept freezing when trying to use my ÒstoredÓ under account username and password. I already have consumer reports set up to store my password (i.e. there is a window on the site that offers an option to store your password).

            F. The place under edit, preferences, network, site password did not store my Consumer Reports password under either case of storing the information (with the window on the site or under account in the bookmarks window). Not sure how that would work, but FTP Adobe and CSAA has some information stored there.

20. When loading a web page that is long (web rings, version tracker), hold down the mouse over a link and select Ònew window with this linkÓ, so you do not have to keep reloading the page again and again.

21. Every time Internet Explorer launches, it checks to make sure all the necessary system files are present. If the files are not present, Internet Explorer replaces them, according to IE 4 help (under Help menu when launching the application, do not need to be signed on to the Internet).

22. For best viewing, click Preferences from the Edit menu. Under Web Browser, click Web Content, and make sure the Allow page to specify colors check box is selected.

23. If you click in an empty Address Bar and then press the CTRL and the RIGHT ARROW directional key, Internet Explorer automatically inserts http://www.

24. The Page Holder pane maintains a Web page so that you can click through the links on the page while viewing the pages in the main browser window. Page Holder eliminates the need to have to click the Back button to get back to the targeted page that contains links you want to browse through.

            A. Click the Page Holder button (located on the upper right corner of the Page Holder pane) to place a current page from the browser into Page Holder, and then click the links in the pane to display in the main browser window the pages to which they are connected.

            B. Sometimes a web page is cut off .

25. On the File menu, click Offline Browsing to search Internet pages without being connected to the Internet.

            A. If you type an address that is not stored on your hard disk, Internet Explorer will prompt you to connect to the Internet. You can use settings under preferences, web browser, advanced to automatically connect to the Internet when this occurs.

            B. If you try to find a page that is not cached, then IE freezes. (does not matter whether you have checked or unchecked connect to the Internet if the page is not cached). Need to restart the computer to use Òoffline browsingÓ again.

            C. If you clear the disk cache, you can no longer access sites using Òoffline browsingÓ.

26. If you want to show or hide the Button, Address, Favorites, or Status Bars for an individual window only, use the commands on the View menu.

27. Move the pointer to the cross-hatched pattern on the bar that you want to move. Note that the pointer turns into a hand.

            A. Drag the bar to its new location on the toolbar. You can only move the toolbar components (the Favorites, Button, and Address Bars) within the toolbar. A blue highlighting box indicates the size and placement of the bar in its new location.

28. If AutoComplete is turned on, use the CTRL key and arrow keys to scroll through the possible matches. This works in version 5, but not in version 4.5 (although, ironically, I got this information from 4.5Õs help file).

29. Under edit, preferences, Web Browser, Browser Display, you can change whether the address bar, status bar, etc. show in EVERY window. If you want to turn off the address bard, status bar, etc. for ONE window, use the View Menu.

30. Under edit, preferences, Web Browser, Browser Display, you can change whether you see ÒtooltipsÓ or not, when passing mouse over buttons.

            A. You can also choose which type of buttons you want to appear on the toolbar. it can be IE, NN Compatible or Compatible Plus.

            B. You can also allow the page to specify fonts.

31. If you move the mouse over the left edge to resize and move the bars.

            A. If you drag the bar to where another bar is already in place, it shortens the length of the bar that is being dragged onto.

32. Under edit, preferences, web browser, advanced: you can changed whether images load one at a time or several at a time.

33. If you want all downloaded files to be stored in the folder specified in the Download Folder area, go to edit, preferences, receiving files, download options and select Always download files to the download folder. If you want to use the download destination specified in the File Helpers panel, click Always use download location from appropriate file helpers.

34. You can enable/disable plug ins under edit, preferences, web browser, web content.

35. You can drag a link to the favorites bar.

36. it does appear that channels can be downloaded for offline viewing, it does not appear to be true for sites. However, you can access sites that you have recently visited.

37. I could not get IE 4.01 nor 4.5 to run on the 8600. They kept producing error type 2, even after I tried increasing the memory allocation of each version to 20000 K. Also, at one point, they kept running Microsoft First Run (I solved this problem by trashing all MS related items in the System Folder and restarting).


Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (Microsoft is offering technical support for patches 5.1 and later, OE Express 5.0.1 and Office 98 and later are supported at 866-727-2338, according to Tidbits #627).

1. The Òwork offlineÓ feature works better in 5.0. But you must select Òwork offlineÓ from the file menu, before access web sites in Internet ExplorerÕs history. Otherwise, the computer freezes. Menu blinking should be set to Òoff.Ó Otherwise, sometimes, you think you have put a check by Òwork offlineÓ and you did not. If menu blinking is Òon,Ó it may take a split second longer to put a check mark by Òwork offline.Ó If IE 5, freezes, do a forced quit. If you try to access a site that you previously tried to, while Òwork offlineÓ was not checked, IE will give the sign to ISP error message. Even if you access that site after a restart, it still causes a freeze. If you zap the PRAM with Techtool, it does not clear the disk cache. I had trouble with some websites saying "no such address," when trying to access them in the "offline" mode with IE5. However, even after connecting, several websites gave the same error. I zapped the PRAM with Techtool and then connected again to the Internet. The sites would then load. However, even in offline mode, they had trouble again, so some websites may not be able to be "cached" with IE 5. Using "Work Offline" mode with IE 5 and seems to corrupt the PRAM, at least on two consecutive occasions with the G3/266.

2. From Ò,Ó If you want to keep both Internet Explorer 4.5 and 5.0 on your Mac for testing Web pages, do the following before installing Internet Explorer 5.0 to avoid possible crashes. First, from your Extensions folder, copy Microsoft Component Library and MS Font Embed Library (PPC), plus the entire contents (not the folder itself) of the MS Library Folder to the folder that contains the Internet Explorer 4.5 application. Then launch Internet Explorer 5.0 for the first time. Both versions cannot be active at the same time.

            A. To revert back to Internet Explorer 4.5, delete Microsoft Component Library, Microsoft Framework, Microsoft Internet Library, and MS Font Embed Library (PPC) from your Extensions folder, then launch Internet Explorer 4.5 again to have it reinstall the libraries it needs.

3. To change the browserÕs window colors, just pick your favorite color from the hierarchical Browser Color menu in the View menu.

4. To get rid of a button, hold down command and drag to the trash.

5. You can import bookmarks from Netscape, then put that folder in toolbar favorites to have a pop up menu for your bookmarks inside of the IE window. On one occasion, In the Explorer preferences, the Òfavorites.htmlÓ file was a ttro file with Simpletext, changed file type and creator back to MS, worked okay (opened). I sent a favorites.htmlthroughAOL, downloaded with AOL, then dropped into IE preferences folder. It worked, even though the icon was not an IE icon. (it was sort of generic). You can erase a Favorite, by selecting the icon to the left of it (in the Favorites window), and then pressing Delete.

6. From Ò,Ó Internet Explorer's toolbars eat screen real estate that could be used for viewing Web pages. You can still hide and show toolbars from the View menu, but there's also now a button on the left-side Explorer Bar that, when clicked, collapses all the other toolbars that you normally have visible (click it again to expand them). This collapse button gives special treatment to the Button Bar, providing the Back, Forward, Stop, and Refresh buttons in the vertical Explorer Bar. Unfortunately, you cannot customize the four button slots in the collapsed Button Bar, and Internet Explorer doesn't remember the collapsed state of the Button Bar when you open new windows or launch the program.

7. You can drag selected URLÕs or their icons to the Favorites, Scrapbook or Page Holder sections of the document.

8. You can add a page to the scrapbook, by clicking the add to scrapbook tool on the menubar (after customizing) or by dragging the icon to the scrapbook. Seems to cause freezes on several occasions, though. You can view scrapbook pages, even while offline (IE 5 book).

9. To send a web page to someone, point to Òmail,Ó hold down the mouse button and then click the Òsend linkÓ button.

10. You can quit a download in the middle and IE 5 will pick up where it left off upon restart.

11. You can use the find command when working with Favorites.

12. To send an e-mail with Outlook Express, click on the ÒmailÓ button at the top of the Internet Explorer screen.

13. Quicktime has a plug-in located in the IE Plug-ins folder. A Quicktime window comes up when I want to see a movie trailer. However, no option to Òsave asÓ appears after the trailer downloads, like as in Netscape.

14. To change IE from using Claris E-mailer, go to Edit, preferences, Network, Protocol helpers, mailto.

15. You can save pages as ÒtextÓ to save the text of a webpage (without any formatting) and save pages as ÒsourceÓ to save the webpage format (without pictures). To save pictures, you need to save as Òweb archiveÓ and pictures can be downloaded (you have options in the save dialog box, which can be used only with the Òweb archiveÓ saving format).

            A. You can even save web pages to disk, for use with another computer.

16. You can save pages as ÒtextÓ to save the text of a webpage (without any formatting) and save pages as ÒsourceÓ to save the webpage format (without pictures). To save pictures, you need to save as Òweb archiveÓ and pictures can be downloaded (you have options in the save dialog box, which can be used only with the Òweb archiveÓ saving format).

17. I kept going to and in the starting address was my address, the destination was the Tracy movies. After removing all the preferences for explorer (Explorer and Explorer control), the addresses still show up when I go to the website. I tried deleting the cookies from the website and removing the Microsoft Internet cache folder (which was in preferences), but with I had no luck. Clearing the disk cache or trashing the cache.waf file did not work. . If I move the Internet preferences folder out onto the desktop and restart Internet Explorer, the addresses do not automatically appear when I go to I will simply not use that website for driving directions, since there are several more sites that do it anyhow.

            A. Internet preferences apparently stores many preferences for Internet Explorer including disk cache size, Auto fill, etc.

18. You can set under edit, preferences, advanced to update the cache Òonce per sessionÓ, ÒalwaysÓ or ÒneverÓ. Once per session seems to be the best setting. Not too often, not too rare.

19. Had trouble on several occasions when accessing AOL net mail. The keep as new and delete buttons would not show up in the window. Netscape had the buttons and they worked in Netscape.

20. it does not appear that you to change the page setup to get non-cut off pages, IE seems to do that for you.

21. If you delete cookies and clear the cache, it may speed up Internet Explorer.

            A. A cookie is a small amount of info that a web site copies to your hard disk.

22. From now on, ÒreadÓ links will be Òred.Ó Blue links will be Òunread.Ó Some pages use their own colors for red and unread links.

            A. Hotbot seems to be an interesting setup. When you let it make its own colors, it chooses blue for unread and red for Òread.Ó

            B. Britannica and Excite do not track visited sites (red and unread). But you can override them in the preferences by not allowing the page to apply colors.

23. You can press command, G to find the text again even on another web page (stays in memory until you close the window).

24. To speed up IE 5, open History (command, 3) and throw into trash.

            A. You can move a selected item in history window (and other windows, too, I believe) by control-clicking an item and selecting delete from pop up menu.

            B. You can delete items by selecting an item, then pressing delete, then okay. Or just press command, delete to delete items without a warning dialog box.

25. Pressing ÒbackspaceÓ while text is selected in dialog boxes on some websites causes the browser to switch to a different page.

26. Supposedly, History can be sorted, but it did not appear to work when I clicked ÒnameÓ column.

27. To get to the address bar quickly, use command, L.

28. To open the download manager, use command, M.

29. To open link in new window, use the control key and click on a link. Or simply hold down the mouse over the link until the pop up menu appears.

30. If you want to cycle through open windows, use command and the Ò`Ó (tilde key, no shift required).

31. To scroll the current page, press the command key and grab the page.

32. You can zoom in on an area of a web page (wherever the mouse is), by pressing command the equals and the Ò-Ó keys.

33. To make sure that your pages fit vertically when printing, go to print preview and then you can click the ÒlargerÓ or ÒsmallerÓ icons.

34. Command up arrow/down arrow takes you to the top/bottom of the page.

35. You can skip around the URL by directory: go to the address bar, then press command, right arrow, and then use the up/down arrows to go through the pages on the website.

36. On one occasion, IE was very slow in accessing sites. Some sites could not be accessed at all. After restarting the computer and turning modem power off/then on, some sites were able to be accessed again, but not all of them. I reinstalled IE 5 and I was able to access all sites.

37. Even with IE 5, it is better to let Netscape save movies, IE 5 will not save them, apparently. At least it would not with Big MommaÕs House.

38. To view a picture in its own window, press and hold down the mouse and choose ÒOpen image in new window.Ó

39. When a .txt file loads into a window (it does not download by default), you can save the file for future reference, if necessary.

40. I have Shockwave Flash NP-PPC version 4.0r27 installed with IE 5 (so I could watch Flash Player animations).

            A. The latest copy of Shockwave software can be found at

            B. When I went to, the Shockwave animation display there was blank (the Flash Player animation did show up). The URL (as of 12/03) is now

            C. I downloaded the software from It installs ÒNP-PPC-Dir-ShockwaveÓ and ÒShockwavePlugin.classÓ files into the plugins folder. It is version 8.0 r196 and it plays Shockwave animations.

            D. On one occasion (1/20/02), I was able to install Shockwave with extensions off, but Shockwave was not able to increase the memory (it would like to increase by 5 MB) of IE 5 or NN 4.74, since ÒOT Utility LibÓ could not be found. I did not increase the memory allocation of IR5 or NN, since I usually already do that.

            E. On 4/02, I kept getting Shockwave not installed errors. I tried installing with extension on and got errors. I reinstalled with extensions off and it did install 7 components for IE5 and NN 4.77, but I the installer wanted to do more apparently. Anyhow, the error messages are gone (from at least two websites), as of now (4/30/02). I went to with IE 5 and it loaded fine (it used Shockwave).

            F. On 6/24/02, I went to and got a message that Shockwave was being installed, since it was required. However, after installing, it made IE5.1 quit. I restarted the computer and installed Shockwave with extensions off. But ÒName That TuneÓ and ÒFamily FeudÓ would not load, so it may be a Windows/Mac thing (i.e. does not work well on Mac).

41. If you make the explorer bar visible and it takes up too much of the window, then move the cursor to the bottom of the explorer bar to make it smaller (cursor turns into crosshairs).

42. If you try to move many items from the history window or the favorites window to the trash and then click on the finder, IE 5 will quit unexpectedly. Should do it in smaller groups.

43. You can copy the location of a link to the clipboard, by clicking and holding down the mouse over a link, then choose Òcopy link to clipboard,Ó then paste where desired.

44. If you click and hold the print toolbar button, you can Òprint,Ó Òprint preview,Ó or go to Òpage setup.Ó

45. When you get the dialog box that says that IE can not handle this type, you can pick an application for IE to use, then IE sets up its preferences, so that future documents of that type are opened with that application.

46. We had trouble using IE 5 to access (a site with some Òmoving featuresÓ) at school in the computer lab. However, each time you went to the site, IE 5 froze. Mr. Hansen thought it might be because IE 5 is not a frames capable browser. However, I found this not to be the case, because we were able to access the website on the iMac DV Special Edition and my G3/233.

            A. I tried zapping the PRAM with Techtool and Keyboard shortcut. This worked, but only allowed you to access the website once or twice. But then IE 5 was non functional after going to the site, you could not go to any history places or access favorites (nothing would happen when you highlight and select history or favorites).

            B. The memory allocation of IE 5 was 12000 and the ÒAbout this computerÓ window showed 14.4 MB, even though the whole bar was not shaded. I decided to try to increase the memory allocation of IE 5 from 12000 K (preferred size) to 16000 K. Seems to be okay, the site was able to be accessed and then favorites could be accessed after that.

            C. As of 5/05, though, I can not access with IE 5 on the G3/266, it gives me a latest version of Shockwave error. I have Flash 5 Player installed, but 8.6 is required for Flash 6 Player or Flash 7 Player.

47. On one occasion, the Microsoft Internet First Run kept starting each time I started IE 5. It was because I had deleted Microsoft Framework and Microsoft Internet Library from the Extensions (disabled) folder using Conflict Catcher (CC said there are duplicate files). Ironically, I think those two extensions were in the active Extensions folder. Anyhow, I simply deleted all four files by dragging them to the trash, then ran IE 5, which ran Microsoft Internet First Run, which re-installed Microsoft Framework and Microsoft Internet Library. Problem solved.

48. On one occasion, IE 5 kept freezing, so I trashed the preferences, the two extensions (Microsoft Framework Extension and Microsoft Internet Library) and reinstalled it.

            A. I also increased its memory allocation of the newly installed IE 5 to 25000 K.

49. To hear a .wav file with IE 5, the default settings will not work. Go to edit, preferences, Receiving files, File Helpers and find .wav (there are several of them, may need to choose them all), select under handle to Òview with plug inÓ and choose Quicktime. Must quit IE 5 and restart for it to work.

            A. Alternatively, you can copy the Live Audio Plug in that comes installed with NN 4.75 to the plug ins folder of IE 5 and use it.

50. If you get to a website that makes IE 5 quit, restart the computer. Otherwise, another program (including IE 5) will probably crash soon (and could corrupt data).

51. With some pictures on the Internet, you can simply drag them to the desktop to copy them.

52. I think Frontpage Express (HTML editor) only comes with windows versions of IE.

53. According to Harley Hahn page 828, IE is designed to use Netscape plug ins. (side note: Netscape plugins used Active X controls).

54. Some sites (especially ones that are unknown or untested by me) may freeze IE 5.

55. IE 5 comes with RealPlayer G2 installed.

56. To burn items from the Download Manager, drag them to the trash. Drag them from the trash to a folder, burn them.

57. IE 5 got an error one time on the G3/266 that said that I do not have the right plug in (at, and I needed Real Player. I think that the Real Player plug in was in the plug ins folder for IE5, ironically. However, it may not have been configured to use Real Player for the Real Player plug ins (or whatever the type of plug in was used for this website).

            A. I used the RealPlayer 7 installer to install (or re-install) the Player to work with IE 5. Then the movies could be played on the G3/266.

            B. Apparently, the web siteÕs movies use an .rm extension.

58. On at least two occasion, IE 5 appeared to be frozen at, since the mouse would not move for a minute. I had several windows open, and at least two of them were loading movie trailers. I went away from the computer for about three minutes or so, when I came back, the computer was no longer frozen.

59. If you click and hold down the mouse over the ÒBackÓ button on the toolbar, you can access your history.

60. When trying to download some files from, the computer froze. Upon restart, a dialog box asked me if I wanted to resume the download in progress, which I did.

61. I downloaded Windows Media Player for the Mac and it works with IE 5. I tried it out at Files ending in .asf played on my G3/233.

            A. Quicktime Power Plug must be enabled for Windows Media Player to install. If install fails without an error, verify that the Quicktime Power Plug is in the Extensions folder and enabled.

            B. The largest supported display size for Windows Media Player is 400 X 400.

            C. It supports the following codecs: MPEG 3 v2, MPEG 4 v3, MPEG4S, JPG (Illustrated Audio). It also supports WMAudio v1, WMAudio v2,, Voxware Metasound and MPEG 2 Layer 3.

            D. The Windows Media Player system installs Help web pages into the same folder as the application. The help files must be in the same folder as the application.

            E. The version 3.00.06...does not support streams that require membership authentication.

            F. When playing audio-only content, the video display area of the player remains visible.

            G. The seek bar slider does not always operate correctly in this version (3.00.06...) of Windows Media Player for Macintosh. It also does not support multicasting.

            H. The newsgroup microsoft.public.windowsmedia.player.mac can be used to access info on using Windows Media Player.

            I. You should check the streaming options and select download link, so that you can download the movies and watch them.

            J. Many, if not about all, of the educational videos, were choppy and the sounds of people talking cut into each other, so I did not use any of the videos. Increasing the memory allocation of the program did not work. Neither did making the play window smaller.

            K. One video ÒFood, Energy and YouÓ would make Windows Media Player quit, whenever the video played, so I decided not to watch it either.

            L. Buffering should be complete (with Windows Media Player 9 for OS X) when playing the trailer at, then the clip will play. This is probably true at other websites as well.

62. Source: IE for Mac Page 4 says that PPP control panel can be set up to connect automatically when starting TCP/IP applications. However, Enternet will not connect automatically, even if IE 5 tries to access a website (and PPP control panel is set to Òconnect automaticallyÓ).

63. IE for Mac Page 5 says you can use IE 5Õs search feature (one of the buttons in the left hand side of the window). You can customize which search engines are used, also by pressing the customize button. To autosearch type Find (your topic), ? (your topic) or Go (your topic) in the address window. You supposedly can customize the Autosearch settings at the bottom of the search prefs dialog box. However, it did not work, as of 5/15/01.

            A. Page 5 shows how you can use the Òpage holderÓ function to place any webpage in the left hand pane and then click the links (you can still view the original page in the left hand side of the window).

            B. Page 6 says that command, N opens a new window.

            C. Page 7 says that command, brackets move you forward and backward through pages.

            D. Page 8 says once a link is visible, you do not have to wait for it to load. Just click it.

            E. Page 9 says command, R or F5 can be used to refresh a page. (Refresh would be necessary is page loads incompletely or inaccurately or information needs to be updated on the page).

            F. Page 9 says you can refresh a specific graphic by control clicking and choosing Reload image. You can refresh all graphics by choosing view, reload images.

64. To fill a page with your name, address, e-mail, etc., click the Auto Fill button on the toolbar, choose AutoFill from Tools menu or press command, apostrophe.

65. You can use the Mail toolbar button to Read Mail, compose a new mail message, send link (currently viewed page) or view news. Point to the Mail button and hold down the mouse until the menu appears.

66. IE for Mac page 14 says you can press Return or Enter to go to a web page. You can also press the ÒGoÓ button.

67. Page 14 says that http:// is automatically typed by IE5.

68. You can delete a toolbar from the toolbar menu, by control, clicking on the button and then choosing delete. You can also customize the browser color, customize toolbars or choose icons, text, etc.

69. Command, B toggles the Explorer Bar between collapsed and expanded.

            A. Command, T toggles between the Explorer bar showing/hiding.

            B. Command, plus sign (equals sign) and command, minus sign (dash) make text bigger/smaller. You can also use the view, text zoom menu to choose a size.

70. Control, clicking in the address bar selects the whole URL.

            A. Control, arrow keys (right and left) move you to the next break in the URL (IE for Mac, page 22).

            B. Control, right arrow types Òhttp://www.Ó into a blank address bar.

            C. If you do decide to type a URL from scratch, click once in the address bar and start typing. Alternatively, you can choose File, open location or press command, L to get to the address bar (when the address bar is not selected).

            D. If you want to go to, you can simply type ÒappleÓ and IE 5 will usually fill in the rest.

71. You can use the up and down arrow to choose an address for auto completion. Start typing an address and then use the arrows to select and address, press Return.

72. Tab and shift tab take you through the links on the page. Press Return or Enter when you come to your desired link.

73. IE 5 for Mac page 26 says that you can drag the icon in the address to the page holder window to add it (or use the add button).

            A. When the links button is depressed, only the links are visible in the page holder. Links button is inoperable, when no page is in Page Holder.

            B. You can also add a page Holder to your favorites by using the toolbar in the top of the page holder window.

            C. You can add page holders from your favorites or your History. You can even add links to your page holder (what is actually added is what page the link refers to).

            D. If you quit and restart IE 5, a fresh copy of the most recently added page and its list of links are downloaded from the Internet.

74. When you organize Favorites or Page Holders, you can delete a URL by control, clicking and choosing delete.

75. IE for Mac Page 28 says that the Go menu lists the 20 most recently visited sites.

            A. Page 28 also says you can click the arrow above the back and forward buttons to movethroughseveral sites ago or several sites forward.

76. I made the memory allocation of IE 5, 10000 on my G3/266, because of only

having 64 MB of RAM.

            A. IE 5 was sluggish at 10000K, when trying to access three Onelook definitions at once (3 windows), so I switched back to 15000 K and it was better.

77. If you press and hold down either Back or Forward, you can accessthroughlast few sites (depending on if the symbols are ÒgrayedÓ or not).

            A. You can press command, { and command, } to move forward and back also. You can also move back to the last page visited by pressing the delete key. You can move back and forward using command and forward and back arrows.

78. Command, 2 or command, J open the Favorites window.

            A. Command, K makes new favorites folder.

            B. You can add a web page to Favorites, by dragging the icon from the address bar into the Favorites Bar, when the Favorites tab (on the left hand side) is open. You can also drag a page from the favorites bar to the IE 5 main window to go to the favorites page.

            C. You can delete a favorites bar link by control clicking (or simply holding the mouse down for a couple seconds over it) it.

            D. You can add a favorites tool bar link by dragging the icon in the address bar to the Favorites Tool bar.

            E. You can edit an address of a favorite in the favorites window by control clicking it (or holding down the mouse for a couple seconds).

            F. You can drag the URL of a page to the desktop to make a shortcut. You can then move the shortcut to any folder on the HD or a different disk.

            G. You can drag a whole folder to the folder called ÒToolbar favoritesÓ to access a folder of favorites.

            H. Command, D allows you to add a new favorite. Command, K allows you to add a new favorite with details (Subscription, etc.).

79. Page up and page down move you one page up or down. Home and end go to the beginning and end of a document. The up and down arrows move you up or down one line of text on a web page.

            A. You can also hold down the command key and the cursor will eventually change to a hand. Then you can drag up or down in the page.

80. You can use Tab and shift, tab to move forward and back one link on a web page.

81. You can use the search tab to search the Internet with IE 5.

82. Julie says that IE 5, not the website, supplies Òhttp://www.Ó i.e. when you type, IE 5 types "" for you.

            A. When type, the site loads. does not. does load. Http is filled in automatically even for non "www" sites like, so Julie is not correct (otherwise would attempt to load).

83. To save your bookmarks in a form that can be uploaded and used on my web site, open Bookmarks, then save as ie.html. Upload with Fetch.

84. You can view recently viewed websites that are in the history folder, even while you are offline. Make sure you have a check mark by Òwork offlineÓ from the file menu.

            A. Page 56 says that when you choose to Òwork offline,Ó your Internet connection is not terminated.

            B. You can also subscribe to any favorite web page, while offline (IE book page 55).

85. To subscribe to a website, open your favorites window, then Òget info,Ó click the ÒsubscribeÓ tab. Subscribe function can be used to check for changes to a web site.

            A. To subscribe to a site, go to it. Then go to the Favorites menu and choose Òsubscribe.Ó

            B. Subscribed pages have different icons based on whether they have changed or not.

            C. You can also use Òupdate subscriptionsÓ from the favorites menu, if you want to do it immediately.

86. Command, semi colon brings up the preferences dialog box.

            A. You can have archives deleted after downloading in the preferences, download options.

87. You can stop a download in progress by pressing command, period or holding down the mouse over the download and waiting for the contextual menu or pressing down control and choosing from the contextual menu.

            A. You can choose a different place to download a file (other than the default choice) by holding the mouse over the download and waiting for the contextual menu (and choosing Òdownload image to diskÓ) or pressing down control and choosing Òdownload image to diskÓ from the contextual menu.

88. IE Book page 73 says that you can drag many types of page elements (links and graphics, for example) by dragging them to the desktop.

            A. You can copy graphics by control clicking it or by choosing copy image from the pop-up menu. You can also copy the URL for a text or graphic link, control click the link and choose copy link to clipboard or by using the pop up menu in conjunction with the mouse.

89. IE Book page 76 says that %20 is used to represent spaces in a path, forward slashes represent folders in a hierarchy.

90. IE 5 Book age 77 says that to log onto an FTP site as a named user:, you can type ftp://motleyze:oldatease@ftp.ispnet.comÓ.

91. IE Book page 81 says you can replay a QT movie, by clicking the Òsave movies in disk cacheÓ option in the QT Settings window (go to Control Panels, QT settings).

            A. has a listing of supported QT formats.

            B. IE Book page 85 says you can start playing a QT movie by double-clicking the movie window and stop it by single-clicking the window.

            C. If a QT movie opens in a separate window, you can save it to favorites (IE 5 Book, page 86).

92. Auction Manager can be used to track auctions on Yahoo, Amazon and eBay easily. You can track other sites, but you may have to enter much of the information manually (IE 5 Book, page 89).

93. Page 90 of IE 5 for Mac lists the steps involved in tracking an auction.

94. Page 95 says it is a good idea to put auctions in your scrapbook after complete, since many online auction sites, delete auctions after completion.

95. IE for MAC 5 page 97 says that if the program freezes up often or has some inexplicable behavior, run Microsoft Internet Self-Repair (within IE 5 folder).

96. Command, semi colon brings up the preferences.

97. In the preferences, under Browser Display, you can choose to Òtab to just text fields, option-tab to each itemÓ or Òtab to each item on web page, option-tab to just text fieldsÓ. I decided to leave it on the second setting for now, as it seems to be fine for now. You can either Òallow loopingÓ or not with animated GIFs, by going to the Web content preferences and checking/unchecking the box. If you turn pictures off, you can still load an image, by control, clicking on a imageÕs placeholder and choosing load image. (The manual says command, click, but that is incorrect, at least on my G3/233). You can also set the dpi, under Language, Fonts preferences. Go to resolution and choose other, measure with a ruler against the screen. 96 (the default) is pretty darn close, however.

98. You can change the size of the print by using the View, Text Zoom menu.

99. You can have IE notify you by several different ways, when a site has changed, according to IE for MAC 5 page 105.

100. IE for MAC 5 page 106 says that if you receive several Java related errors, check to see if you have the latest version of MRJ.

101. Some websites automatically generate an e-mail when you click submit on their web page. Before doing so, I set IE 5 to notify me.

102. IE for MAC 5 page 109 has information about security zones.

103. On one occasion, after force quitting several applications (because AOL seemed like it was in an endless loop after signing off one time), I had trouble with Internet Explorer quitting each time I tried to start it up. It gave a IE 5 could not initialize Internet Config error, so I replaced Internet Config extension and also tried making Object Support Lib active (although later I realized it should not be). In any event, IE still would not work. After this, it would try to open and then give an error type 1.

            A. I Replaced IE preferences, increased memory allocation of IE5, rebuilt desktop with TT, I had no luck.

            B. Additionally, I discovered that when I went to the Chooser to select the BJC-4550, I could not do it. I kept getting a printer extension not found message, even though the Chooser extension was present. Also, the Monitors and Sounds Control panel could not be opened because ÒSystem AV could not be foundÓ. Also, error type -127 kept occurring when trying to copy or move items.

            C. So, I restarted the computer and trashed the Finder and the System File and the Finder preferences (when I did this, the -127 error appeared, but then the stuff would trash).

            D. Upon restart, IE 5 still would not work, neither would Chooser or the Monitors and Sound Control panel. I checked Sad Macs and it suggested that since I got an error type -127, I should try repairing the disk with DFA or other utilities. I ran DFA 3 times (because the first time, it Òrepaired the diskÓ, the second time it Òrepaired the diskÓ and the third time, it said Òdisk was okÓ). I also ran NDD two times.

            E. Upon restart, all the problems were fixed.

104. IE uses ActiveX components (that is the name it refers to for plug-ins).

105. Control, left arrow lets you select parts of an address.

106. Command, clicking a link opens it in its own new window.

107. Escape or command, period stops a page from loading.

108. If you hold down the option key and click on a page, the page will be downloaded.

109. http://www. is not automatically added to that is typed in ALL of the time like JZ said. Type and it will not work. You have to type in or

110. Internet Explorer has some security issues, but they do not affect Macs, according to Tourbus from 11/17/2001.

111. There does not appear to be a version of Outlook Express that is written for OS X.

112. Tidbits #611 mentions that Internet Explorer 5.1 allows you to either insert the insertion point or select the whole address when first clicking in the address field. It also allows IE to open new window or use the front browser window when asked to go to a URL by another app. Command, shift and click allows you to open a link in a background window. The apply color scrollbar does not seem to work wtih System 8.1. The setting for open with the toolbar expanded or uses the current default does not seem to work.

113. On one occasion, I had trouble getting IE 5.1 to work (IE 5.1 does not automatically use the Microsoft First Run Program that is on the HD, as of 1/14/02, I think that program came with 5.0). Anyhow, IE 5 would not startup because Internet Config could not be found (I also got a message saying that Text Encoding 1.4 has been found. This version is not compatible with Internet Explorer running on systems earlier than Mac OS 8.5. I later replaced Text Encoding, I believe, because now version 1.3 is in the System Folder and IE 5.1 will run), even though it was present in the Extensions Folder. Turns out that the problem was the System Software, Directory damage, etc. I rebuilt the desktop with TT, so that Internet Config could be recognized, but I had no luck. After fixing all that other stuff (See System 8 #95 for more information), I ran Microsoft First Run, which installed Internet Config 1.4 and IE 5.1 would run fine.

114. On one occasion, I got an ÒInternet ConfigÓ error, when trying to access Mail from IE 5 tool bar. It said check mail and news settings. So I went to Edit, preferences, Network, Protocol Helpers, selected Mailto, then choose Outlook Express. Then I went to news, and selected Outlook Express. Error no longer appear and Outlook Express opened, when I click the mail button on the tool bar.

115. I tried downloading some .pdf files from, but then I got the cancel, save file as, etc. dialog box. I went to Edit, preferences, Receiving Files, File Helpers, and then found .pdf. I realized I had not installed Acrobat Reader, so I did that (with extensions on), then I selected Acrobat Reader, using the ÒbrowseÓ button. I had to type in a file type as PDF(space), because it was not automatically put in the box. I was able to download a 2001 1040EZ tax form in August 2005. I was not able to view or download pdf files from the IRS website using Safari, so I had to use IE 5.1.7.

116. On one occasion, after a clean install of System Software (2 days later or so), I got an error type 2 with IE 5.1. I trashed the Finder, Finder preferences, System file, System Enabler 877, Explorer preferences and Microsoft Framework, Microsoft Internet Library and Microsoft Component Library (those 3 extensions, I think, are reinstalled by Microsoft Internet Self Repair). I also trashed IE 5.1 and reinstalled it from Internet 4. I then rebuilt the desktop with TT. But the error type 2 still appeared. It turns out that one page of the Macwarehouse web page was having trouble (the one where I had found an external Iomega CD-RW and saved the page to the desktop). Each time, I tried to access that page, an error occurred. Other pages loaded fine. So, I think the error type 2 may have been specific to that page.

117. It is better to not delete cookies from or

118. One time after re-installing IE 5.1, I trashed all of my favorites at once (mostly Microsoft web sites) and it quit with an error type 1, probably should do less at one time next time.

119. With version 5.1.4, I had to Edit, Preferences, Browser Display, made the Home Page Address blank, then selected ÒAutomatically go to this Home Page when opening a new window.Ó Otherwise, I kept going to MSNÕs website with each new window (??).

120. On 4/22/02, I got the ÒInternet Explorer cannot run because Internet Config cannot be initializedÓ error, but I think it was a system software problem, since Internet Config extension was present. Did a clean install, decided not to re-install QT 5.0.2 or Faxcilitate.

121. It does not appear that IE 5.1 needs the Microsoft Internet Self-Repair program to run, before IE 5.1 runs for the first time.

122. Version 5.2.1 is for Mac OS X, according to Tidbits #637.

123. I tried to access the website, but I could not because the website said that I need to install Flash Player (Macromedia). I downloaded the installer for version 6, but the installer said it requires 8.6 or later. So, I used the installer for version from my Internet 4 CD and then loaded fine.

124. Both Internet 4 CDs have 5.1.4 of IE on them, but there are only two components. I will put 5.1.6 on Internet 4, probably.

125. When I was clicking on the mail icon with IE 5, I kept getting the identities error message, even though I had selected a version of OE that did not produce the message when you opened it from the Finder. Finally, I deleted the other version of OE and then was able to use the mail link within IE 5 to access OE without an error message.

126. Word 6.0.1 produced error type 2 with 9.2, then I rebuilt desktop, then Word was okay.

127. The reason why IE 5 beeps when accessing a page that you have saved, is because you have to connect to the Internet to access the page, it appears. If you turn off the option to ÒAutomatically connect to the Internet if a page is not cached,Ó you get a message that says that the page is not available for offline browsing, would you like to connect to the Internet? I re-checked the box and the message does not appear.

128. I was getting error messages with IE5 (especially errors relating to Shockwave not being able to load, increase IE 5Õs memory), running under 9.2.2 with G3/233. After increasing the memory allocation from 29000 K to 35000 K, problem subsided.

            A. Later, after decreasing the memory of IE 5 to 15000 K, I was again getting the Shockwave error. I put the preferred size back to 35000 K.

129. According to Tidbits #684, IE 5.2.3 requires OS X 10.1.5.

130. I could not get IE 5Õs search function to work, I kept getting a page not found error. The error suggested clicking on MSN search page (it was a highlighted link). After clicking on the link, the next time I pressed Òsearch,Ó the browser pointed to MSN search.

131. To select all cookies, except for select All, hold down the command key and then click on

132. explains how to block pop-ups using IE 6. I tried to see if this solution would also work for IE 5 (I disabled Java, under Edit, Preferences, Web Browser, as of 7/30/03).

133. After downloading 5.1.7 of IE, I got Shockwave and Flash errors (for the plug ins were not present in 5.1.7Õs plugs in folder). Then I installed both programs, but still got errors. It was because I had inadvertently used 5.1.7 and not 5.1.6 (both were on the HD). I decided to just use 5.1.6 for now, since it has been working fine. Since 5.1.6 was having some freezing trouble, I decided to use 5.1.7. I put 5.1.7 on HD along with Microsoft Internet Library version 5.1.7 and Microsoft Componet Library 5.1.7 into extensions.

134. I had troulbe with favorites.html from System 9 to Mom's G3 with 8.1. The icon was generic and could not be used for prefs for IE 5. I changed the file type and creator to TEXT, MSIE. Then the file worked.

135. IE 5.0 would not work on the 8600/300. It says that it requires Open Transport 1.2 or later and System 7.6.1. However, according to, OT 1.2 was released with 8.0 and was not available as a separate download. Therefore, you must upgrade to 8.0 to use OT 1.2.

            A. IE 5.1 requires 8.0 or later. It tried to run, but kept producing an error that it could not load MS preferences library PPC (or something similar to that message).

136. IE 5 was having trouble on the iMac. Its icon was blurry on the OS X Dock (even though it was a classic application, it was not blurry on previous occasions on the dock), and when you opened the toolbar was abnormal. The icon were ghosts of their original selves. I tried putting a new set of icons on the toolbar, trashing the prefs, and restarting. No luck. Replacing the program solved the problem with the toolbar icons and also it was no longer blurry on the Dock.

137. IE 5.1 (OS 9) nor IE 5.2.2 (OS X) import favorites from each other when loading up (if the favorites have changed). You cannot open 5.1 and 5.2.2 at the same time on the iLamp.

138. You can import the IE 5.1 favorites into 5.2.3 by using the File Menu. On one occasion, I imported the favorites into 5.2.3 (from 5.1.7), but the Toolbar favorites did not show up in the toolbar. However, I just closed and reopened IE 5.2.3. This solved the problem. The bookmarks for version 5.2.3 are stored in iLamp HD:users:ryanzelenski:Library:Preferences:Explorer folder. You cannot use version 5.1.7Õs File Menu to import bookmarks from version 5.2.3 into 5.1.7. The file appears to import, but it just says "Favorites.html" and nothing else. To import to IE 5.1.7 from 5.2.3, you need to make a copy of the file Favorites.html and move to the OS 9 System's Folder for Explorer. If you have a Favorites.html file from IE 5.2.3, you cannot use to import it back into 5.2.3. You must put in the Users:ryanzelenski:Library:Preferences:Explorer folder.  On one occasion, I was deleting some bookmarks from IE and the power went out. Luckily, upon restart my corections had been made permanent, so I did not have to delete them again. You can open the Educational window of Favorites and then choose save asÉ from the File menu. That way you don't have to reinstall all of your Favorites each time you update the students' bookmarks.

139. There does not appear to be a way to put IE in full screen mode.

140. Internet Explorer 5.1.7 had trouble on the iMac DV+. It kept producing an error related to a library and that reinstalling may help. I did reinstall (drag and drop) 5.1.7, and it ran fine (I trashed the old copy).

141. If you open the Favorites and then open a favorite from within the Favorites window, you can click the account tab to save a user name and a password. It did not work at first for Yahoo! Mail, because I was saving the account info at the log in URL. I then went to the page where my mail was at and saved the account information. This works even if you quit and reopen IE 5.2.3. It works until you log out (which would be expected). It worked with, also. I do think, though, that you should probably not change your Favorites after storing passwords. Avant Go does not save your password with IE 5.2.3 using the Accounts tab.

142. Switching to the Mac page 259 says that there is no need to type http://www or .com when entering a URL. Page 260 talks about Page Holder, which allows you to freeze a page on the left hand side of the window (i.e. search results) and use the right hand side to see the results (you don't have to keep pressing the back button).

143. When using IE 5.2.3 to download some files from my briefcase, the prompt kept coming up to save file asÉ, application, etc. even though I kept choosing Application. I also tried setting it so that it just is saved to File, but that did not work either. I finally went to Explorer preferences to set it up corectly. There was a set of file helpers for .zip files, but not for .zip files that were of MIME type application/x-zip-compressed. I made the file type ZIP (with a spac) and the File Creator SITx. Then the prompt did not return.

144. IE 5.1.6 kept freezing, trashed app and preferences, zapped PRAM, reconnected ethernet at both ends, reinstalled IE (5.1.7), worked fine.

145. I was having trouble getting ConscienceÕs lyrics (which I had found with Google) to load with IE 5.1.7 on the G32/66, it was because my filtering was set to moderate (by default) with IE 5.1.7. After changing GoogleÕs preferences to Òno filtering,Ó I was able to access the lyrics.

146. IE 5.2.3 does not have a version of OE.

147. Nothing showed up in the window, when IE 5.2.3 was set to view with plug-in, when trying to watch videos at After changing the helper preference to view with application (and I chose Windows Media Player), I got a message about the playlist format not being recognized, and restarting IE did not solve the problem, like it did with Safari. Apparently, when you restart Safari, the setting reverts back to Windows Media plugin. I checked and still the latest version of Windows Media Player is 9.0, as of 4/06. MicrosoftÕs web site indicates that Safari and Netscape s/b able to view Windows files within the browser, while IE uses a plug-in. I searched with Google for a solution, but none could be found. indicates that IE has a bug in it, and a bug report was submitted (but most likely nothing happened with it). Flip4Mac WMV.mpkg can be used to watch videos with web browsers, and I downloaded it. However, I decided not to install, since I am not certain about the programÕs issues (if any).

148. The favoritesÕ icons in IE 5.2.3 were having trouble (they were pages instead of @ symbols), restarting did not solve the problem. But restarting the second time did solve the problem.

149. IE 5.1.7 has no errors at with iLamp or iMac (IE 5.1.6). There were no errors when using IE 5.1.7 on the G3/233 with (with just the default plug-in), but I could not copy from without selecting all text. But on the G3/266, there were pop up errors (an error occurred while loading the plugin ÔShockwave Flash NP-PPCÕ) when looking up words. Finally, I took the ShockwavePlugin.class, Shockwave Flash NP-PPC, and NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave and put them into a plug-ins (Disabled) folder within IEÕs folder, then the error did not appear (I still could not copy from without selecting all text). Later, I temporarily made the files active again to see if it helped see movie trailers with JO BloÕs website, but it did not. I put the files into a Disabled folder again. requires the Shockwave plug-inÕs for it to work, so I put the plug-inÕs back into the regular folder temporarily. Netscape Communicator 4.77 works fine with and you can copy and paste. Later, after upgrading to Shockwave 10.0, and loaded fine on the G3/266 (but still produced messages).

150. With IE 5.1.7, you can adjust the size of the onscreen printing (which will also affect the printout) with IE, except for I could not with my AR Quiz listing. This may be due to the fact that my file is not original, it was made by AR as an HTML document, not by CHP. However, Safari printed out the same document in 64 pages instead of 48, so that the printing was bigger.

151. I had trouble getting my AR quiz list page ( to load with IE 5.1.7 on the G3/266: the page loaded, but it took about ninety minutes (I later tried loading the web page directly from the bondi blue iMac at home, but it still took an extremely long time, even after increasing IEÕs memory to 50,000 K). NN loaded it in about five minutes. When I tried to print page 1 with NN 4.77 to the Laserwriter IINT, the computer said it was out of memory. I finally had to restart and only open NN 4.77, but then NN froze and would not print (after I waited a couple minutes. At home, I waited ten minutes and NN was still frozen after trying to print). I then decided to just print the page at home with Safari, which worked fine. IE 5.2.3 worked okay to load the page as well on the iLamp (but then it would not print after several minutes), but IE 5.1.7 had the same slowness issue. After loading overnight with IE 5.1.7, the AR Quiz List printed out with page numbers at the bottom (even though the font was somewhat somewhat). It took about ten minutes to spool and print page 1 with the Laserwriter IINT. In the future, though, I could probably use the DEC or print at home. The DEC printed page 1 (of AR Quizzes) out fine (and it did not take too long to load) with IE 6.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)

1. The version of IE on my DEC is 5.51.

2. 8/24/02 Tourbus says that you need to update IE 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0, because of vulnerabilities. You need to download and install a patch by running Windows update (Open IE and go to Tools > Windows Update, Click on ÒPRODUCT UPDATESÓ and then choose ÒALLÓ of the Critical Updates and Service Packs. The rest is self explanatoryÓ).

            A. It took about 15 minutes to update my DEC on 8/26/02.

3.;EN-US;Q266389& says that Internet Explorer 5.5 requires 64 MB of RAM (we have 256 MB of RAM in our DEC computers, according to quote from DEC).

            A. The web page also says that Typical and full installations are not currently available for Windows 2000 (Professional not mentioned). It also says that other components, like OE are not available for Windows 2000 at this time (7/22/02).

            B. The web page says that if you are using a third-party download manager (i.e. Netzip or Getright), they may intercept the download request. May need to disable the third-party download managers and then run Setup.

            C. The web page says that the startup screen for Outlook Express may say version 5, when you have version 5.5. It is because minor revisions are not updated, as far as the startup screen goes (5.01 and 5.5 are considered minor revisions).

4.;EN-US;Q263165& says that, ÒWhen you create a folder or a shortcut on the Links toolbar in Internet Explorer, you can manually arrange the folder or shortcuts to be displayed in a particular order when you open the Links toolbar from the Favorites menu in Internet Explorer. However, when you view the Links folder in Windows Explorer, the changes are not displayed and you cannot manually sort the folder or shortcuts in the folder.Ó Workaround is to ÔCreate the folder in the Favorites folderÕ.Ó

5.;EN-US;Q171228& explains that to add an Internet shortcut to the Links Toolbar: Open the web page you want to add, On the Favorites Menu, click add to favorites, click ÒCreate In,Ó Click the Links folder and then click Òok.Ó The web page also says you can drag the Internet shortcut to an empty area on the Links toolbar. Q168124 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (You can find Microsoft Knowledge Base at;EN-US;Q171228&) article number for info on creating a shortcut to a web page.

            A. The web page says you can move, rename or delete an Internet shortcut on the Links toolbar by going to My Computer, On the favorites menu, click Organize favorites, Open the Links folder, Modify the web page, click Close when done.

            B. The Links folder will appear below the Address bar in IE5.5, but you may need to drag the space below the address bar first (it appears as if the bar is hidden, after you click and drag, it appears).

            C. You can access my favorites, by going to Documents and Settings, rzelenski, Favorites. You can also access Favorites by going to My Computer, then selecting the Favorites menu.

6.;EN-US;Q196192& explains that you can use the History Bar by pointing to Explorer bar on the view menu, and then click History. Or, on the toolbar, click History.

7.;EN-US;Q221479& says that AutoComplete for web addresses may not work if a website has changed since you last used it.

            A. You must first type addresses for AutoComplete to work, not just hit a bookmark.

8.;EN-US;Q217148& explains that AutoComplete looks for patterns and ÒIf a suggestion in the list matches your criteria for that filed, click the suggestion or press the Down arrow key to display a list of suggestions, and then press ENTER.Ó

            A. The web page says that to turn on the inline AutoComplete for Web addresses, On the Tools Menu, click Internet Options, Click the Advanced tab, under browsing, click the ÒUse inline AutoComplete for Web AddressesÓ and check Òok.Ó If a URL does not include http or ftp, etc., then addresses may not be automatically completed. May need to type URLs manually.
            B. Article Q220017 describes the Profile Assistant. The Profile Assistant is only available with the Typical or Full installation option for Internet Explorer 5. Since AutoComplete appears to use Profile Assistant Tool, AutoComplete is probably not available for now (9/02).


Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)

1. On the DEC version 6.0.2800, when I go to, my website and/or Dallas Cowboys News, I got an error. It said, A runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish to debug? (YES) (NO): Line:7: Error: Object expected. I got to the debug screen, but did not know what to do. Restarting did not help. I also tried going to the debugger and then the Task Manager and ending task (JanetÕs suggestion),but that did not work, either. NN 7.1 works fine with all the web sites. IE 6.0.2900 works fine on the Dell computers. I tried copying the version from one of the Dell computers to the DEC (using the USB Zip Drive), to no avail. I tried to download version 5.5 from MicrosoftÕs website without any luck, the search engine is horrible. I tried to use version 5.5 of IE, but I found out from that Microsoft Internet Explorer (32-bit) 5.5 Final has been updated to Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1. IE 6.0 Service Pack 1 (which I downloaded) was a full version of the program, strangely enough. Todd said I should go to and download the latest version of Java for the browser (MS apparently lost their licence for Java). I did this, but it did not solve the problem. I found the solution (I typed in the error with Google) at It says to go to Internet Options, Advanced, Delete Files (I also deleted cookies). I then refreshed the page. The page suggests doing this because the page may be the previously cached version that you are seeing. I also went to Internet Options, Advanced, and checked ÒDisable Script Debugging.Ó and have Windows software on them.

2. The URL (address) bar was not visible on the DEC in room 54. I went to Toolbars, Address bar, had to toggle ÒUnlock the toolbarsÓ under the View, Toolbars menu, then I was able to drag the toolbar down to make the URL visible.

3. Janet wanted to add a Google toolbar to her program, but could not. I finally went to and downloaded a Google toolbar program.

4. Apparently, IE 6 does not use tabbed browsing: there was no topic related to Tabs in Help.

5. GNÕs Dell computer in room 54 had problems with IE: it would not permit you to see any website because of the Òcontent advisor.Ó I did the following steps to clear the problem (although the last two steps were not necessary).

1) Click on Start and choose Run.

2) Type in RegEdit and select OK.

3) Now click on the little plus sign to the left of H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

4) Continue to drill down, always clicking on the plus sign at the left of the named key, through Software, Microsoft, Windows, Current Version and Policies.

5) Now click on the Ratings folder.

6) In the right pane of the RegEdit window, you'll see an icon called Key. Click on it and press Delete.

7) Next, choose Registry and then Exit to exit RegEdit. You've just deleted your original Content Advisor password.

8) Restart the computer and run Internet Explorer again.

9) Choose View and then Internet Options (or Options for version 3.x). For IE 5 or greater, Click on Tools, Internet Options.

10) Click on the Content tab and click on Disable. When asked for a password, don't enter anything; just click on OK. This will disable Content Advisor because there's no longer a password.

Microsoft Office 4.2.1b (Technical Support # 206-635-7056, My ID number is 20072-057-0815151). I also have the number 206-635-7200, but it may be outdated.(900) 555-2000 can be used at $2 per minute ($25 maximum) or you can call (800) 936-5700 at $25 per incident.

1. Select ÒrangeÓ in the print dialog box to choose to print only certain non-contiguous pages.

2. Check for extension conflicts (If you want) at

3. Their floppy disks came with some type of copy protection, perhaps. Because on a couple different erasing programs, they indicated that the disks were Òlocked,Ó even though the tab was in the unlocked position.

4. Supposedly, according to R.B., there is a feature to Microsoft Word that is called ÒMimic,Ó which makes it act like Microsoft Works and Vice versa.

5. In Print Preview mode, you can change the margins with Word.

6. In Word, to wrap text around a picture, you must insert a frame, draw the frame with the pointer tool, insert picture into the frame, format, frame, choose ÒaroundÓ. (Word does not wrap around pictures that are inserted without being in a frame).

7. ODBC files can be disabled along with M.S. OLE Extension, OLE Automation, Tool Editor Library, Mail Library, Find file library.

8. ÒWDBNÓ is the creator for Microsoft Word 5.1 and ÒW6BNÓ is the creator for Microsoft Word 6.0. If you change a fileÕs creator from ÒW6BNÓ to ÒWDBNÓ (with NDE or Get More Info) it will not be able to be opened by Clarisworks. The data fork and the resource fork for 5.1 and 6.0 are different sizes. The way to do it is to save a file as a 5.1 with version 6.0 or 5.1.

9. Microsoft Word 6.0 can open files that are of the EPS format, also the tiff format.

10. When making labels: If you put a return above the first label, the only way to remove it is to highlight it and then ÒcutÓ it.

11. If you want to change a stationary pad to a normal document, use the get info box.

12. Mail merge can be used to send the same letter to many people (with a few little variations).

13. Once had trouble Opening Microsoft Powerpoint error message appeared Òyou do not have enough memory to run this program. You may need to run Powerpoint setup:

            A. Also, at one point, it said Òcan not find cue cards.Ó I found cue cards, opened them and then everything was fine. it only asked for the cue cards once and after I found them, not again.

14. Microsoft Office Installation CD only lets you install Office on the Startup disk only.

15. Microsoft Word can do a full page with all the same labels, just type it in the box and then format it how you want it.

16. Under Tools, Options, printing, you can set the printing to print in reverse order on the document.

17. In Word 5.1, If you hit the num lock, clear button , you can use the numerical keypad to navigatethrougha document. Does not work, though, with version 6.0.1.

18. Word 6.0.1 has a multiple undo feature.

19. You may also be able to make an index and a table of contents (that change with the addition of pages).

20. To cut, copy, paste, access paragraph formatting, font or numbering, press control key and click with the mouse or hit command, option and click with the mouse.

21. You can access some dialog boxes by double clicking on Òhot spotsÓ around the tab bar (and perhaps other places). If you do this in a table, 3 additional commands come up.

22. Command, Y repeats your last command or action.

23. Clicking on a footnote will bring up the footnote pane or go to views, footnote.

24. Command, ? brings up the help menu.

25. You can customize the keyboard setup by going to the tools menu.

26. Command, option, Y finds something again without having to reopen find box.

27. If you want to replace something that is longer than 255 characters, paste it into the clipboard, then in the replace box, type ^c and the clipboard contents will replace whatever you type in the find box.

28. Text that is formatted as Òall capsÓ or ÒSmall capsÓ will not be found If ÒMatch caseÓ is selected in the find or replace dialog boxes. Even If you type a word with all caps (JUST) word in the find box.

29. Or you may replace all bold, italic text with plain text using the replace dialog box (donÕt type in any words, just use formatting options).

30. When you select columns to have a line between them, it does not show up on the screen, but does show up on the printer.

31. Hold down command key to move a button or drag it off the toolbar to delete it. (donÕt have to drag it to the trash). Or use the option key to make a copy of the shortcut somewhere else. Or go to Tools, customize, then drag the button anywhere, where there is not a toolbar.

32. You can customize your menu bar to access frequently used documents. (p. 264 of Mac Bible). Go to customize under tools and click on the menus tab and then click on menu bar name your menu and then close windows.

            A. Open your favorite documents, click in customize menus again, choose your new menu from the change what menu list, and show where you want the document listed, select file open file from the commands list and select document from the pop up menu in lower right hand corner.

33. On one occasion, Microsoft Excel Òcould not be opened because ÔMicrosoftVisualBasicAppsLibÕ could not be found.

            A. I tried turning all Microsoft extensions off and restarting, replacing system, finder and finder prefs, but I had no luck. Reinstalled Microsoft Excel from CD (and trashed Excel prefs), that worked. In reality, the problem was that the Visual Basic for Applications extension was missing from the extensions folder. Did not have to restart for the Visual Basic Extension to be enabled or disabled.

34. With MS Excel, you type the formulas as A2:D2, not A2..D2 as in Clarisworks.

35. If you hit the ÒXÕ button or hit the escape key, the cell will default to what was in it before you starting typing.

36. All formulas in spreadsheets must have an = sign in the front (If you are having trouble with a cell, then simply delete the equals sign and come back to it later).

37. Shift, clicking can be used to select several cells at once (works in CW, also).

38. To have the enter or return key go to a cell to the right, highlight all the cells in which you want to enter info, leave highlighted, start typing, hit return after each entry (works in CW, also).

39. Double click in a cell to edit contents.

40. To move a cell a cell, click on its border and drag it. shift and drag to move it between two other cells, option drag it to make a copy of it. (Drag and option drag work in CW).

41. Command, dash enters the current time. Command, semi colon enters the current date.

42. To change a cell reference to an absolute reference, highlight the reference and hit command, t.

43. Drag the small black rectangles to ÒfreezeÓ the frames in place (works in CW, also).

44. If you hold down the option and command keys and click on a cell, then it will give you a choice for shortcuts (same applies for toolbars).

45. To move toolbars, click on them anywhere except on a function and drag it anywhere on the screen.

46. To make a column wide enough for some long number, double click on the black line to the right of the cell.

47. You can rename the sheets at the bottom of the spreadsheet (Sheet 1, Sheet 2 etc.) by double clicking on them.

48. On more than one occasion, when you click ÒABC,Ó Word will ask you to locate the spelling dictionary, which does not necessarily mean it is missing. it should be in the Applications folder, Microsoft, English dictionary.

            A. However, one time (11/00), I got the locate Spelling dictionary, it was not installed. I used the Microsoft Office CD to custom install it (Spelling was under Tools).

            B. The next time, I clicked the ÒABCÓ button, the spelling tool worked fine.

49. To delete custom toolbars, click on them and then uncheck Toolbar. To have other toolbars not be in view, double click on an empty space on the toolbar and uncheck the box.

            A. To add a button, drag it from the dialog box to the toolbar. To remove a button, drag it from the toolbar to the dialog box.

50. Genigraphics extension is used to prepare documents for a Genigraphic service bureau.

51. There is a problem in general with OLE applications. If you frequently share documents with others, may want to save these docs to a newly initialized disk before sending them until a fix is made for OLE applications.

52. To paste a Microsoft Excel worksheet, copy the cell grid in Excel and then edit, paste special from the Word Menu and choose excel Worksheet Object.Ó The original in Excel does not affect the pasted cell grid.

            A. You can choose the Òpaste linkÓ option so that when information is changed in the original Excel worksheet, then it is updated in Word.

            B. You should use paste picture (If linking a chart) and paste Excel Object (If linking some cells).

            C. You can also do copy, paste special FROM Word to Excel, and the text appears as a separate item (it is not engrained in a cell). Or you can use publish and subscribe to save the text from Word in an intermediate file and then paste it into Excel into a cell block.

53. You can drag and drop a chart or a group of cells into Word from Excel or holding down the Option key as you drag. You must drag from Excel and when the arrow appears with the box beside it (takes a few seconds), click again.

54. To name a set of cells in Excel, highlight them, then click in the box on the left part of the menu (where cell names are listed), click in that area, type a name and hit enterÓ (not return).

55. On one occasion, got the error occurred message, please call technical support when opening MS Word. After restart (and ZAP, which was only coincidental), no error message.

56. You can enable ÒQuickswitchÓ to switch between open applications.

57. Power Mac versions of Office have been known to cause type 11 errors, especially when using Virtual memory and/or QuickDraw GX. To fix this, install the Office 4.2.x update for Power Mac extension. If you use 7.5.2, you should also get the MOM Patch for 7.5.2. If you upgrade to 7.5.3, you should be able to avoid these problems. MOM control panel has been a problem in interfering with shutting down the Mac (which I knew).

58. Tried several times to download Office 98 Remover utility from MicrosoftÕs website, but it kept being corrupt when downloading or freezing browsers trying to get to the update.

59. If you reinstall the system software, you should probably reinstall Microsoft Office altogether, then reinstall Shared Library Manager 2.0.1, since Office puts an earlier version into the system folder.

60. To make a toolbar smaller (there is lots of empty space on the end of the toolbar), double click on the toolbar inside of one of the two black thin lines.

61. Can use Powerpoint to make fonts that are as big as 400 in size. Claris will only print them in black up to 72.

62. If you insert the date into a Word document, the date will not change when you reopen the document. I.E. If a document were made on 12/22/98 and the date was inserted, 12/22/98 will be in the document. If the document is reopened on 12/28/98, then 12/22/98 will still appear in the document. (this is the opposite of CW 5.0).

63. In file folder labels, 5266 is the same as 8366. The way to add labels at the end of a multi-page document is to go to the end of the document, click on the outside of the label on the far right side label and then hit return.

            A. The labels that Mom gave me are Avery 8460 (Inkjet) or Avery 5160 (Laser). But it turns out there is a bug in the 5160 setup. If you put a picture on the mailing label, the pictures do not always print. The solution is to use the 5260 mailing label setup. However, the labels print a little bit off at the bottom of the page. Solution is to print only 5 labels at a time, then reverse the paper and print again.

            B. On one occasion, when making file folder labels, I got to the bottom of the page (the bottom 6 or 8 labels and I could not get the text to be centered, vertically, in the label). I tried cutting and pasting from another label to match the formatting, but I had no luck. Finally, I highlighted the 6 or 8 labels, press delete. Then I pasted the text from a correctly formatted label, this worked. The text was then vertically centered (as much space above as below the text).

            C. I had the same problem (mentioned in B at the top of the Blank Label form. So, I copied some text from the 3rd label on the page (2nd row down on the left hand side) and then pasted it into the top left label. This worked. I then saved the new template for Blank Labels.

64. To make labels for Winter Olympics, use labels in office under Brother all in one printer, scanner, fax, etc.

Separate labels at perforations. Must runthrough1500 twice. Once for top labels, then once again to print two more labels on the bottom of the sheet (Use Olympic labels 2 document). Under file, document layout, should set the top margin to 0.15Ó and the bottom margin to 0.35Ó. Click ÒignoreÓ when closing the dialog box.

Take out regular paper out of printer, then move the sliding bar in the paper tray all the way over to fit the labels, so that the labels will stay in place when feeding through the printer.

65. If you hold down the option key when copying a graphic object from anywhere and paste into MS word, then the object will display in PICT format and have the Post Script codes for high quality printing.

66. If you accidentally type Òall capital letters,Ó you can change it by going to format, change case to Òsentence case.Ó

67. If you hold down the option key while selecting text in word, you can highlight (and cut and copy) only the first letter or first two letters, etc.

68. You can select words in one word increments by double clicking, holding down the mouse on the second click and then selecting words.

69. You can open a Ònew windowÓ under the window menu and hold your place in four or perhaps six sections of a large document at one time. Easy for editing several places at once.

70. To remove a default menu for Word, Go to tools, customize, menu, menu bar, choose the menu item and remove.

71. If Word will not let you paste some picture into it, paste picture into scrapbook, then from scrapbook to word or simply switch to finder, back to work and see If pasting can then be done.

72. To transfer custom settings (toolbars, menu bars, etc.) to another machine, copy the ÒnormalÓ template and take it to other computer.

            A. However, after reinstalling the whole Office Suite, copying the ÒNormalÓ template did not work on the G3/233. Even restarting Word and the computer did not help. Copied a known working ÒNormalÓ template from Zip disk, also, but I had no luck.

            B. Later after reinstalling again, I got my ÒoriginalÓ template back.

73. To choose a new font, hit command, shift F.

74. Control clicking in a document can bring up some commands. Control clicking on toolbar brings up many toolbar related choices.

75. You can type to select i.e. t for toolbars in a dialog box, but you may have to make sure that the column is selected before typing.

76. I did do steps 1-4 on Page 575 of Mac Secrets, 4th ed. to help speed up word a little.

77. Typing option, shift, Q allows you to switch to symbol font.

78. Command, option, Z takes you to where you where previously editing a document. You can go back three edits. (even to another document if it still open).

79. If you double click to the left of the indent marker on the ruler, it brings up paragraph format box.

80. If recording macros, quit word after recording them, so macros are saved.

81. In Word 5.1, you can add a screen test screen saver, go to tools, commands, find it and add it.

82. Can "change" applications in MOM menu. If Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint are there, but in the trash, highlight it and then click edit.

83. Once, the toolbars (normal, times, etc. and the bottom toolbar) were in the wrong place. I was able to move the ÒnormalÓ toolbar by dragging it. I fixed the bottom one by closing and reopening MS Word.

84. There is a bug in Microsoft Word version 5.1 that will produce an error message that says ÒSystem memory is too low.Ó Supposedly adjusting Microsoft WordÕs memory allocation can help with this, but a better solution is to find the freeware extension ÒFixWordSystemMemoryÓ (version 2.1) to fix the bug. This worked on EllenÕs computer, also.

85. On Mom's G3, Microsoft Setup kept saying it was out of memory when typing in name and registration. Restarting solved the problem.

            A. I got error type 1 and type 3 when opening Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. I thought errors were due to the fact that I installed the software with extensions on. However, I removed the software and reinstalled it with extensions off. Errors still appeared.

            B. CVGS Autolauncher Extension 1.1 is not compatible with Microsoft Office Version 4.2.1. If that extension is active, Microsoft Word 6.0.1a and Microsoft Excel will repeatedly get error type 1 and type 3 error messages when starting up. Disabled CVGS extension. Word and Excel work on mom's G3.

86. You can always show the tip of the day from the help menu.

87. You can choose to split the screen (under window menu) to edit two parts of a document at one time).

88. You can do multiple undo by using the arrow keys at the top of the formatting bar.

89. View, full screen lets you maximize your work area.

90. In page layout mode, you can switch to the next page by clicking the arrows in the bottom of the scroll panel (right hand side).

91. You can show/hide all command, shift, A. (p. 54 of Quick Results guide).

92. To get context sensitive help, press the arrow with the question mark on the menu bar, then click the item on the menu bar that you wish to have help with.

93. If you press command, shift, Z: text formatting is returned to normal.

94. To restore toolbars, go to view, toolbars.

            A. You can also use the control key and click o a toolbar to use the show/hide commands or press command, option and click on a toolbar, if at least one toolbar is visible. (must click in a gray area where no commands are).

95. To copy the formatting of some text, highlight the text, click the paintbrush on the standard formatting bar, then highlight the text you want to be formatted the same way.

96. To change the default font for a new document, got to format, font, make your selections, then click default.

97. You can change indents by using the triangles and squares in the inch ruler at the top of the screen.

98. To make the first letter of a paragraph bigger than the others, choose format, drop cap. The first BIG letter can only be seen in Outline view.

99. Once I could not save Computer Notes, gave a disk is full message. Restarting solved the problem. (it may have been due to Claris E-mailer being present, not sure).

100. To search for all the bold words in office, use the find box and leave it blank (put format as ÒboldÓ).

101. When sending a Powerpoint presentation through, it does not retain its formatting.

102. The MS Office 98 Updater fixes an issue where Word would corrupt data when saving files containing complex table formatting (Tidbits #538) and Powerpoint is enabled to open files created by subsequent versions of Powerpoint for Windows and Macintosh.

103. CSUS has a deal for students with a student ID card to ÒrentÓ a copy of Microsoft Office 98 for the MAC for three days. They can keep using it after borrowing it for three days. Former students are not eligible. Details are at

104. Command, option, S turns the split window command on/off. This works in Word 98 under OS X (even though the shortcut does not show up in the menu at the top of the screen).

105. Option, right arrow moves to the right one word. Option, left arrow moves to the left one word.

106. The ÒhomeÓ key moves you to the beginning of the line.

107. Command, home moves to the beginning of a document. Command, end moves you to the end of the document.

            A. Command, right arrow moves one word to the right. Command, left arrow moves you one word to the left.

            B. Pressing end take you to the end of the line. Pressing home takes you to the beginning of the line.

            C. Command, up arrow takes you to the beginning of the paragraph. Command, down arrow takes you to the end of the paragraph.

            D. Command, option Page up takes you to the top of the previous page. Command, option, page down takes you to the top of the next page.

108. The right ÒDeleteÓ key can also be used as a regular delete key when text is highlighted.

109. Command, up arrow moves up to the last return. Command, down arrow moves you down to the next return. You can keep pressing the up or down to keep moving.

110. Shift, command up arrow selects all text from the cursor to the beginning of the document (slowly, though). Shift, command, down arrow selects all text from the cursor to the end of the document (slowly, though).

            A. Shift, command right arrow selects all text from the cursor to the end of the line (slowly, though). Shift, command, left arrow selects all text from the cursor to the beginning of the line (slowly, though)..

            B. Pressing command and then pressing page down moves you to the bottom of the screen. Page Down by itself goes down to the next screen. Identical for page up.

111. If you have an Auto Correct setup for a word, it will not work if you have a comma right in front of the word (without a space). In other word, the incorrectly spelled word must appear by itself.

112. For future reference, may want to see about the Word Work Files that are created while working in Microsoft Word (and stored in the Ryan folder), seem to be back up files, I think.

113. You can switch to/from overtype mode by double clicking the OVR on the status bar (at the bottom of the Microsoft Word Window).

114. If you press shift and return at the end of a line, you can go to the next line and the next text is still part of the ÒoldÓ paragraph.

115. You can press command, Y or use the Edit menu, repeat typing to repeat what you just typed.

116. Word creates temporary files in the same place that a file is saved. i.e. if a file is on the desktop, the temporary file will be on the desktop. Probably used in case of crash.

117. You can active a menu bar by pressing F10 (Apple in the Apple Menu will highlight), choose the first letter of the menu you want (w for window), then the underlined letter of the menu command. Press escape or command, period if you decide not to use the menu command after all.

118. In the font selection or many other dialog boxes, you can simply type the name you want into the boxes.

119. You can learn about error messages by pressing the help button on the keyboard. Search for errorsÓ.

            A. If you press the Òon topÓ box in the help window, it will stay visible in front of the document window.

120. Word has many templates to start from and some wizards (wizards ask questions to help you set something up).

121. To get to a certain page, double click the page number on the status bar (bottom of the window) and type in page number, use Edit, go to or press command, G.

122. To select a sentence, hold down command and click anywhere in the sentence.

            A. You can also press the shift key, if it is where you want to start selecting text, hold the shift key down. Then click at the end of the text you want.

            B. You can hold down the command key and then press ÒDELÓ to delete a word after the cursor.

123. You can change the capitalization of highlighted text by pressing shift, F3 until you get the case that you want. You can also use command, option, C.

            A. . The best way to make the word iPod capital (if at the beginning of the sentence) is to type the word, then use the above commands to make it lower case. Then go back and type the letter ÒPÓ as a capital.

124. One idea for copying and pasting much information at once is to create a second new word window and use drag and drop.

            A. You could then insert the file from the insert menu (if the second document has been saved).

125. You can use Spike to store several groups of text or pictures. To move items to the Spike, press command, F3. To paste Spike items, press command, shift, F3.

126. If you select a paragraph and press option, shift, up arrow, it will move the paragraph up. Identical for paragraph down (use the down arrow).

127. Under Tools, options, edit, you can select ÒSmartÓ editing to be on/off. It will correct the spacing between pasted words.

128. Dragging and dropping items does not affect the clipboard contents.

129. You can insert symbols by using the Insert, Symbol command. (Fonts in the Symbol dialog box do not changed based on the font chosen in the regular window).

130. If Office 98 starts complaining about DLLÕs or Visual Basic, delete the Office Registration Cache and PPC Registration Database prefs.

131. $45 for Office 2000 for IBM and $45 for Office for the Mac, according to KW. E-mailed Mrs. Chandler from CTAP to inquire, since web site was confusing.

            A, The CTAP website has not been updated for awhile (as of 9/16/00) due to vacant staff positions, according to Karla Chandler (559-497-3711). The place to buy educational software isthrough You must follow the links on the page and then buy directly from the vendor.

132. Once, after doing a clean install of system software on MarilynÕs 5300 CD, I got a Powerpoint error that said Òcan not find ÒÓ. Run Powerpoint setup.Ó However, the program still ran.

133. Microsoft Word 98 for Mac apparently (according to Juan at WMS) can make "hot links" within a word document that you can click and go to a web site.

134. Microsoft Word 98 was very slow to open some documents on Dennis MageeÕs G3/300. I tried to make a new document and then open Word 98 using the new document. This worked, but only once or twice (problem returned).

            A. He had VM set to 321 MB (he has 164 MB installed). We turned it down to 199 MB, but I think this may be the problem. He also had three copies of Word 98, so we trashed two of them.

            B. I also said that he may need to reinstall the application.

135. When you go to find, the font pop-up menu will show up below the format button under normal circumstances. However, when the find box is at the bottom of the computer screen, the format menu will show up above the word Òformat.Ó

136. After doing a clean install of System Software, the font pop up menu was cleared when using word (the top menu that shows up above the installed fonts, when you click on the fonts menu). So, I selected Times from the regular fonts menu and now Times is the only one in the ÒaboveÓ pop up menu.

137. If you would like to use an expanded Clip Art Gallery with Word 6.0, go to insert, object, Clip Art Gallery. A message appears asking if you would like to import from 4.2.1, select okay or yes and many images are added to Word. Go to insert, object, Clip Art Gallery to add more objects, later.

            A. To make a frame, insert clip art object or pasted object, go to page layout view. Select the object, then insert frame. You can then position text around or not, also by going to format, frame. This can work with pasted graphics from other app's (may have to paste to scrapbook from app, then to Word).

When you double click a frame or an object, so that it opens in its own window, it becomes invisible. It appears that, double clicking an object to make it open in its own window may be for Clip Art Gallery objects only.

138. I e-mailed Julie to ask her if Powerpoint could be used to designed quizzes on the computer and she said ÒYou could, but it's really just a general drawing/presentation tool and doesn't make that particular task easy.Ó

139. I moved the Microsoft folder inside of Microsoft Office on 4/6/02 to save space, appears to be okay.

140. When setting up the M.O.M. control panel, it appears that ÒSetup and UninstallÓ is about the same as ÒCustomizeÓ in terms of being shown in the M.O.M. menu.

141. You can use command, D to access the font menu. Command, I toggles italic on/off. Command, B toggles bold on/off.

            A. Command, R aligns text to right. Command, L aligns text to left.

142. My Avery address labels say that you need to use 8250 label, but my version of Word did not have them, I used 5160, which worked fine.

143. To make it so that you can use Microsoft Office Manager to choose documents or applications without having to re-choose them after a System Install, copy the Office Manager preferences to an alternate disk and then copy to the new System Folder.

144. You can adjust the width of the page display on screen: Go to file, document layout. Adjust margins.

145. You can change the tabs for an entire document by selecting all the text, then dragging the gray (instead of black) tab on the tab bar.

146. If you choose to Òreverse print order,Ó it can be saved with the document. Just go to Tools, Options, select Òreverse print orderÓ under Print tab, then save the document.

147. When I tried to print ÒHM Reading Words, Book 1 (and the rest the HM Reading words, also, I imagine) on the Apple Stylewriter 1500, the printouts were cutoff (because I had originally formatted the files for printing on the BJC-4550). After I went to Page Setup, the on screen display showed that pages would be cut off (and they did cut off when printing). I may just want to print the files on the BJC-4550, if all are needed to be printed, or just change the formatting for one page and then print (if only one page is needed).

            A. Part of the problem may also be that the margins were set to .4 inches all the way around and the paragraphs were formatted to have 24 points of space after them. With a differently formatted document, the problem may not be present.

148. When using the Find command, you can press command, F to find again (Even if the letter ÒFÓ is not underlined in the Find box).

149. If you want to print out a page for use with the Houghton Mifflin Reading series, copy and paste the text. Then make the right and left margins 2.5 inches, make the top and bottom margins .5 inches.

150. If you have several fonts at the top of the drop down menu when using Word (i.e. recently used fonts), you can get them off the top of the drop down menu by quitting Word, trashing the Word Settings (6) in the preferences folder (must empty trash for it to work), then reopening Word. You may have to reset some things after trashing the preferences file.

151. There may be some words in my ÒGeneral InfoÓ file that have the letter ÒaÓ where ÒsÓ should be. I did a ÒReplace allÓ of ÒS with s (see A below), but I made a mistake. I type a small letter a instead.

            A. Mom and I decided that dictionary definitions should not be quoted, they are common knowledge. A dog is a four-legged animal is common knowledge, but quoting a web page would need quotation marks.

152. If you try to install Office 4.2.1 on a computer with System 9, you get a message that says that Microsoft Office Setup was not completed successfully, even with extensions on or off).

            A. When trying to run 4.2.1b on System 9.2.1 on the G3/233 (I had installed 4.2.1b, when System 8.1 was the active System Folder), I got an error type 1.

153. I was trying to see if I could make a shortcut (to press one button instead of two), so that I would not have to choose Times, and 12 from the Toolbar. You can use the styles menu to make one part of a document bold and then the next part regular text. The dividing line between the bold and the regular text will be when you press return. You can modify ÒComputer Notes,Ó so that my sections are in bold and then the text following the headings are in plain text; however, if you choose the modify the document using a style that is Bold and then regular and 12 text (i.e. Òthe following paragraphÓ), you will change all the text to Bold 12 (and when you press return, you will be able to type text that is regular and 12 point).  Alternatively, if you use the individual toolbar buttons to change to Times and 12, your headings remain in Bold.

            A. It is best to simply use the two toolbar buttons to change text to Times and 12, because changing the style will involve changing the bold, regular, etc.; whereas the toolbar buttons simply modify font and size.

            B. I could make it so that my headings that are in bold are of a style that makes the following lines plain text, but then when copying and pasting from school to home and vice versa, I may have to keep modifying it.

            C. To avoid the problem of having to reformat, it is important to make regular backups.

154. If you go to the Insert menu, you can choose to insert time and date. According to the index for Word, it should update each time you open the document. However, it does not, it only updates when you print the document.

            A. You can update the date manually, though, by highlighting the date and pressing F9.

155. If you underline some text on the bottom of any page of a Word document, the underlining will not show up on the screen, even though it is present.

156. On one occasion, I got an error that said there is a serious problem with Word Work File 1, when trying to save General Info. Quitting and re-opening Word did not help. I trashed the Word Work File 1, quit Word, and reopened it. I was able to save General Info fine.

157. On one document (Disk Labels 7), there was an extra page. I could not delete it, so I made a new document and then copied and pasted the nine icons for disks.

158. Powerpoint Viewer did not work on mom's G3, after opening it for the first time. The first time it opened, Microsoft first run program ran and installed some components. But then Powerpoint Viewer would not work. It would act like it was going to launch, but then just quit. Upon restart, Powerpoint Viewer worked fine.

            A. When using Microsoft PowerPoint 98 Viewer, you can click with mouse or press spacebar to advance slides in Patrick Crispin's PPT presentations. You can also hold down the Control key and click on a slide to access a contextual menu.

            B. Microsoft Powerpoint 98 Viewer is on Ryan 2 CD (session from 6/25/03).

159. On one occasion, I kept having problems with my TGI file on the G3/266. When I pressed return at the end of the 03-04 section, my margin kept being about an inch left of the rest of the page. I discovered that the problem was with Format, paragraph, indentation. I discovered that the left indentation was -1.25.Ó After typing in Ò0,Ó the problem was solved.

160. The Ò*Ó in Wal*Mart may appear differently in a different font.

161. After doing a clean install of OS 9.2.2, I could not get Microsoft Excel 5 to run, because ÒMicrosoftVisualBasicAppsLibÓ could not be found. However, after copying the extension from the Previous System Folder to the current one, Microsoft Excel ran fine. I got Office 4.2.1b to run with OS 9, even though Mac OS 9 An Apple TIL article (#31133) states that Microsoft Office 4.2.1 is incompatible with Mac OS 9 according to Must update office. To get Word 6.0.1 to run with 9.2.2, should copy all of the Microsoft extensions from the 8.1 System Folder. Office 4.2x update did not do any good for me that I can see. Powerpoint 4 will not run in 9.2.2. The best thing to do to run any 4.2.1b component is to start with 8.1. You get an error that says ÒSorry, cannot find Ôselling.ppt.Ó Run Powerpoint setup. The only way to get around this is to use the Template or Blank Presentation option. Otherwise, you can restart in OS 8.1. I looked and there does not appear to be an update for Powerpoint 4 on the Internet (I looked in 12/03). After using the CD to install Office 4.2.1b on the G3 with the 8.1 System Folder, all 4.2.1b applications and all Office 98 applications ran fine in 8.1. The Office 98 applications did not all run in 9.2.2, only Word did, so I ran Microsoft Office First Run (from the M.O.M. menu icon) and then all three 98 applications ran fine in 9.2.2.

162. Running in Classic Under OS X, Word 98 kept freezing when I tried to paste a certain block of text. I finally pasted into CW first, then pasted from CW to Word 98, which worked (I also pressed return several times, so that there was space to insert the text, even though, usually this is not necessary).

163. Word 6, Excel 5 (after an initial error), and Powerpoint 4 (I had to use a blank presentation for startup) worked on the blueberry iMac. I used a drag and drop install of the applications and the extensions.

164. To get Excel (98 Version) to open, had to drag whole Microsoft Office 98 folder to HD, not just Excel application.

165. Tidbits #730 mentions that Microsoft Word X has an annoying glitch; when you click on where a comment is inserted in a document, then the comment scrolls randomly (in the comment viewer window). Reportedly, MS is working on this for Office 2004.

            A. Word OS X will not save as Word 98, but Word OS X docs will open with 98.


Microsoft Office 98É (For Microsoft Word 98 upgrade, CD Key 387-2694527 and CD SET X04-17663, Product ID is  54420-387-2694527-85277). You can call 425-635-7200, 6 A.M. to 6 P.M., PST, Mon. – Fri. for no-charge support. (If you call the 800 number for Microsoft, there is a $35 charge per call, whether your problem is solved or not).

1. To open the Custom Dictionary (Utilities, Installers, Microsoft Office 6.0/98, Microsoft Office 98, Shared Applications, Proofing Tools, Custom Dictionary), you can open Microsoft Word 6.0, then choose to open, then select ÒAll Files,Ó then open the Custom Dictionary.

2. After installing Office 98, Microsoft Office Manager would not allow itself to be customized, so I looked for an installer at (I had the same problem when installing OS 9 and OS X on my G3/233, but I forgot that I had this problem before). Office Manager for 98 or 2001 was listed under 2001 at Microsoft's download page. However, I found the Office Manager update by searching through Mac Downloads and putting in 98 as keyword. When installing OS 9/OS X/OS 8 on my G3/233, I did a multitiude of things to figure out why Office 98 M.O.M. would not work (different partitions, different systems, etc.). It would produce a resource is missing error when trying to access some files. But Office 98 M.O.M. will not work under OS 9, but later I determined a way to make it work. . To get Microsoft Office Manager 8.0 (comes with Office or Word 98) to work with 9.2.1, use System Picker to choose 8.1 System Folder, then restart, select items with M.O.M. under 8.1, then copy the Office Manager Preferences from 8.1 System Folder to 9.2.1 System Folder. Anyhow, Office Manager 2001 does work in OS 9.

3. After doing a clean install of System 9.2.2, I could not get Word 98 to run, it produced an error. I ran Microsoft Office First Run and this solved the problem. Word 98 opened fine However, later, I realized that after running Microsoft Office First Run (I think) was causing problems with 6.0 (kept quitting). So I reinstalled the extensions for 4.2 and 98 (at least that is the name of the folder) and did not run Word 98 for now (as of 12/21/03).

4. Even after installing 98 and saving Computer Notes as a Word 98 file (and closing 6.0.1), it still opens in 6.0.1, you then get a dialog box about converting from Text only, etc. However, upon restart, I only opened Word 98 and left 6.0.1 closed. Then files would open in Word 98. When you first saved the files, it asks you to convert their format to 98.

5. You can do Spelling check, and grammar check at the same time in Word 98. You need to select the Spelling icon (ABC with a check on it) and make sure that the grammar box is also checked. If you are interested in checking an extremely long document, then let the program do all the checking, then go back and review it (otherwise, you wait a long time between checking errors). I did check Computer Notes, but it took an extremely long time (like about twenty hours in 1/04) to check 670 pages; and later, the computer forgot all the grammatically ignored errors, anyhow.

I may decide to not check grammar as I am writing. I am not sure yet. I decided not to, since the program does not remember items that were ignored before, anyhow, making it an impossible task to keep up with. Additionally, the grammar check is not that excellent. Also, the spelling check would run into trouble when going from home to school and vice-versa (transferring prefs back and forth). Also, the document, c. notes, is only for me, anyhow. I will uncheck the boxes for checking spelling as I type and grammar as I type on all the G3s. If I could choose to turn on/off for one document only, I would have just done it for computer notes file. I may just leave the spelling for use with OE, and letters to individuals, but not for my regular work (too cumbersome). Mom agreed with this.

6. If you save a 98 document as a Word 6.0 (and you have sub-sections), the formatting will not be good. But if you save a 6.0 document, and then open it in 98, it should be fine.

7. You can save a Word 98 as stationary, so that it will not change. However, then you can not delete it with Burn. You must select Get Info. Then uncheck the stationary box, and then you can delete it.

8. I got the ELD Lesson plan template from Marilyn. It did not appear that you could access the top (like a header section) of the document. It was grayed out, but if you double clicked on it, you could access it. Also, when personalizing the header, I deleted her lines and put in my own underlines. Otherwise, the lines printed jaggedly. Additionally, I inadvertently added some underlining to the end of the date. This caused an extra page to print, but I erased the extra underlining and only one page then printed

I had to adjust the document, since the vertical line on the end of the chart cut of. I tried adjusting the document margins without luck. I then just moved the vertical line using the crossbeam pointer.

9. You can change the location for pre-selected items in M.O.M. control panel. Highlight the item, select edit, and then change.

10. To get the spell check to automaticaly go to the next place, you can press the book icon at the bottom of the window, but you need to double-click it.

11. After updating to Word 98 on the G3/266, M.O.M. was updated, also. However, the icon for c. notes in M.O.M. was generic. I just re-selected the icon (and taking out Computer Notes first), then it was a Word icon again.

12. Word 98 CD has problem (icons not correctly labeled for installing. Just use the top icon, which is an installer.

13. On one occasion, accessing Microsoft Word Help (under the Help menu) on the G3/266 did not work, but using command, ? did. On the G3/233, accessing Word Help worked.

14. On one occasion, after installing the 2100 driver, I kept getting an error about selecting a printer with the Chooser, but I had selected the 2100. However, I had to quit and reopen Word 98. Then I was able to print.

15. If you paste a URL into Word 98 on the G3/266, it becomes a highlighted link. The link will open in NN, if you click on it.

16. John Magneson you can join ASA (no fee involved) to get Office for free, but it is for training labs only.

17. After opening a Word file with Word 98, it will not open in Word 6.0.1.

18. To get 2001 M.O.M. to add files, you may need to open them in the Finder first. Otherwise, files just keep adding on the spot of each other (and in the end there would only be one of my own added files).

19. To turn off automatically bullets and numbers, go to Tools, AutoCorrect, AutoFormat as you type, then uncheck ÒAutomated bulleted lists,Ó and ÒAutomated numbered lists.Ó You can also go to format, bullets and numbering and select none for a temporary solution. Since I had already been typing my own numbered and bulleted lists, it is much easier to continue doing it on my own with Computer Notes. If you start typing and your typing is automatically formatted with bullet/numbering, use the keyboard shortcut (that I made) for this by going to View, Toolbars, Customize, then press Keyboard button. Then go to Format, I chose FormatNumberDefault, then made it command, option, N. Alternatively, you can press the 1,2,3 icon on the taskbar (which is probably highlighted, ironically, it will unhighlight right before you click it). I also went to Format, Bullets and Numbering, went to Customize, and made it so that text is not indented (text is indented at .0 in), which would be helpful, except it only applies to the current paragraph. Sometimes you can use MS HelpÕs idea. It says to press delete once the cursor is between your text and numbering, then press delete. Press delete again, if necessary, to remove any extra indenting. I checked at MicrosoftÕs web site and there does not appear to be any bug fixes for the indenting issue with 98; however, I did download the updater for Office 98. I did download the trial for Office 2004, for future use, if necessary. On one occasion, my outline was not indented all the way down. When I tried to indent (i.e.) FFF, the text moved all the way down, it appeared. I could not get FFF to tab over. Finally, I pressed returned after the end of EEE, then tabbed over with FFF, then deleted the extra line.

20. I had trouble with the bottom bar of Word being in the middle of the document. I could not move it, so I quit and reopened Word. This solved the problem.

21. You can auto complete items that you type a lot. Word 98 will have a pop-up menu when you are typing a seen before phrase (i.e. Ryan Zelenski). To enter the whole phrase without typing it, just press enter or return.

22. You can use the buttons below the vertical scroll bars to access the Find menu in Word 98.

23. I went to a Microsoft Office Workshop with Dave Frank in Modesto on 2/5/04. The workshop was designed for Office 2000 for Windows, but earlier versions of Office were covered as well (meaning some items were not exclusive to 2000). You can emboss or engrave fonts from the Fonts menu, but it does not appear to be a noticeable difference. You can drag toolbars to make them all on one row. You can use Views, Toolbars, to put a print icon either with a dialog box or a regular print box. To get a floating toolbar to dock, double click on the title bar. You can make animated fonts by highlighting text, and then going to format, font, animation. The text changes on the screen (not in printout). You can make Times, 12 the default font in the format, font box. Then use the default paragraph font under the Style menu. Toolbars do not carry over from Word to Excel, etc. You can get use the question mark in the toolbar to turn the office assistant on/off and help on/off. You can choose options when clicking on the Assistant, and uncheck the Òrespond to helpÓ key. This option only applies to when you press the help key (next to the home and end keys, and above the delete key right). You can install different assistants by using the Word 98 upgrade CD and choose to install Value Pack, then select Assistants. You can access Mac help on Microsoft by going to You can find a community of Microsoft users who may have had the same problem you have had with a Microsoft product. ÒWhen using Microsoft help, ask dumb questions to get the best help.Ó (Dave Frank help). You can make many different types of documents, by clicking the tabs in the new dialog box. The temp files created by Word are created every 10 minutes. If you are in a program 30 minutes, there would be 3 files. If the power goes off, you should have the choice upon restart to save changes. Under Tools, prefs, you can choose to make a backup copy when saving your files. You can also have a password set up and you can choose what default format you would like. You can use the Insert, Auto Text menu to make shortcuts for texts that you commonly type. The auto text feature does not work until you have typed 4 letters, then press the tab or enter key. To edit Auto Text entries, go to Insert/Auto Text/Auto Text, select the Auto Text tab. You can also use Tools, Auto Correct, then select the Auto Text tab. You can use the show paragraphs tool (the ÒQÓ looking tool) to see the before and after spacing for a paragraph (there is such a thing as a hanging indent, which is the opposite of a regular indent. In other words, the first line is not indented, the second line is). There are three pointer tools that show up within the ruler. The top one is an upside down trapezoid (this is for the first line indent), the second one is the right side up trapezoid (this is used for the hanging indent), and the third one is a rectangle (this moves both the first line and the subsequent lines; the pointer tools shows this as the left indent). If you highlight an entire document, you can make all the indents/ hanging indents match up. If you like the format of a particular paragraph, highlight the paragraph, click on the paintbrush, then click on a different paragraph. To paste to more than one paragraph, double click on the paintbrush tool. If you copy paragraph marker, it will copy the paragraph formatting. If you do not select the paragraph marker, the paragraph formatting will not be copied (only the font format will be copied). You can select several words at once and then click to format several words at once. To add tabs, select the paragraph in which you want to add tabs (tabs go with paragraphs): Click on the horizontal ruler to determine which type of tab you would like (left, center, right), click on the horizontal ruler where you would like the tab placed. To temporarily turn off bullets and numbering (under the Format menu), press return twice, then go back up one line. However, this feature may be useful when making something similar to the H.M. displays in my classroom, as I wanted to line up all the text under the bullets. I later had a problem where several lines of text kept "jumping" on the screen after I pressed tab for one line. However, I found out that if I go back to the previous line, delete my lettering and then retype it, then it was okay. On another occasion, I found out that if I go back to the top line that keeps jumping, I could add an extra return, then tab (if necessary) on the next line. Then go back and delete the extra return. Shift, enter puts in a page break. You can use format, background to change the background of your document. You can go to insert, picture, autoshape to add a figure to a Word document. Then if you click on the Text Box Link tool and then click in an empty other autoshape, you can have text flow from one shape to the other. To change the wrap for an autoshape, must select the outside of the auto shape, then hold down the control key, and  choose Format auto shape. You can also use insert, text box to make a box of text within your document. You can also make another box.  Then go back to the first box, and click. Then click the chain on the text box palette , then click the second box. Then the boxes work together for typing text. You can use format, columns to make a multi-column document. You can turn lines in between the columns on or off. You can insert break, and make a section break be continuous or be on the next page. You can adjust the columns by dragging on the horizontal bar (you need to select the vertical white line to do this). You can also double click on the horizontal bar to type in different values. You can choose to not have the first page in a document be numbered. Just choose insert page numbers, then de-select show number on first page. However, your second page is still numbered number 2. To make it so that the first page (cover page) is not included in numbering: you should insert a break, select next page, then choose to start at (under format, page numbering) page 1. Only the first page of your section page (actually page 2 of the document) is numbered page 1. Under format, document, you have an option for the gutter margin. The gutter margin is what is used for binding books. It is used in addition to the left hand margin. To add rows or columns to a table, use the Toolbar icon (or use Table menu). If the icon is not present, go to View, Toolbars, Customize, then add the icons. To add a table, click on the Insert table icon. If a table has already been drawn, the tool changes to tables and borders. If you want to add an additional table, click the pencil and draw a rectangle. If you want to make several columns or rows (not just one big table), then select split cells from the tables and borders menu. If you are at the end of a row, you can press tab to add another row. You can use the merge cells command (under the table menu) to make one very tall or very wide cell. You can use Table, formula to insert a formula into a table. You can highlight several columns or rows, and use the Table Menu to distribute rows or columns evenly. Command, shift, option, X allows you to add an index entry in your document (useful for writing a book). If you have a picture inserted, you can control click on the picture to format it, or use the format menu. If you insert an object, it does not appear that you can do anything with wrapping text around it. I tried to copy and paste a picture from CW, into Word 98. At first, it did not happen. However, after quitting and reopening both, I was able to copy from CW and paste into Word 98. To add a watermark, use the help menu. You need to insert it as a header, even though it can appear anywhere on the page. You can choose envelopes and labels from the tools menu, and then add them to document. Your envelope will print on the first page and then your letter will print on subsequent pages. Mail merge is extremely slow and klunky in Classic under OS X. I think CW would be a better choice.

24. I got an error when trying to run Microsoft Excel 5 within Classic under OS X. I got an error related to Visual Basic. I then copied the Visual Basic extension from the System 8 folder to the 9.1 System Folder. Excel 5 then opened. However, upon further investigation, I reallized that I could only close Excel 5 under 9.2.1. If you typed in any cell and then tried to quit, it was not possible (you get a dialog box asking to save. The box does not appear normal, and you cannot save or anything else, only escape). I donÕt think that Excel 5 does run under 9.2.1 (even when strarting up in 9.2.1). I even tried copying the folder called MS extensions 4.2.1 and 98 from the Applications CD, but no luck. It is just that all I have done in Excel previously is open it, then quit it. Even after running Excel 8 one time (which starts the application Microsoft First Run), Excel 5 still would not operate properly. If you type in any cell, you cannot quit it. However, Excel 5 runs fine in OS 8.1.

25. When you select a favorite with Word 98 on the G3/266 (using 8.1), NN was used. However, I went to the Configuration control panel and changed the Protocol helpers for file, ftp, http, and https to Internet Explorer. Then IE opened when you selected a Favorite in Word 98.

26. In Excel 8, you can use command, up and down arrows to move to beginning/end of data. You can use command, shift down/up arrows to select data. To add two cells, type =SUM(B1+B3). You can also type Ò=SUM(Ò (without the quotes). Then click the desired cells.

You can use command key and click and drag to select noncontiguous groups of cells. With the highlighted cells, you can press tab or enter to navigate them. This would be useful if you were doing a mailing list and only certain items needed to be updated. You can name the cells you are working in, by clicking in the name box (where it would normally say C3, C4, etc.). Then the made up names can be used in formulas. You can control, click on a cell to show comments within a cell. You can have post-it notes that will show up  on the screen. To have them print, go to Page Setup, then Sheet, select choice for comment printing. Screen attributes and print attributes must be managed individually, according to Dave Frank. Use Window, freeze panes and Window, unfreeze panes to lock cells. Comments do not work in Excel 5 (they do in Excel 8, though). You can highlight cells and then drag the bottom right hand corner of the bottom (or right) cell to continue a pattern. You can even do the last day of the month, type in 2/29, then 3/31, then 4/30 (if you donÕt type in 2/29 and you are in 2004, it will not work properly, it will just skip a number of days, may go to April 1st, May 2nd, etc.). You cannot do this operation with merged cells, unless you unmerge them first (command, 1, ucheck merge cells). In Excel 8, you can drag to the left or the top to go earlier in a pattern. But, you must drag from the bottom cell cell or the most right hand cell back across the numbers. Excel and Word 98 icons (there may be others) do not appear to allow you to highlight in the OS X Finder (their color does not change); however, they do. Just highlight and drag. To cut a group of cells, highlight them (there will be a rectangle around them), then click in new area, then select paste. If you control, click on a cell, you can format it. You can also use Command, 1. You can type in dates and format them as numbers to find out the number of days between two dates. The number are based on 1/1/1904. 1/1/1904 is 0, 1/2/1904 is 1, etc. When type extra text into a cell, the cell is automatically formatted to fit (i.e. the row is heightened). You can use the command Òmerge and centerÓ (toolbar icon, which comes with the Format toolbar) to make a group of cells into one cell. The data in the upper-leftmost cell is kept only. Excel Help recommends that you move all text to this cell before merging. To unmerge cells, go to command, 1. Then uncheck merge cells. Under page setup, you can go to sheet, to print gridlines or not.. A dotted line indicates a page break on the screen. When you type a name into the name box (left upper hand portion of screen), press Return, this enters the name. It did not work once, but it was a bug in the software, I think. Upon relaunchinng Classic under OS X, it worked (I relaunched because of a different problem). To create a column label (which will appear in the first cell of the spreadsheet, not as a header above the spreadsheet): use the first row(s) of a spreadsheet (the number Ò1Ó row with labels A, B, C,É.). Then in the Page Setup box, type in the Columns to repeat at left, type in A1. What happens is that all the contents of A print on every page. If you open the print dialog box again, the cells appear different, but Excel just changes them. You can also do this for rows to repeat at top. Type in the names in the row at the top of the page that you want to use. Then make sure there are contents in the next page i.e. on row 50 (if there is not any info in those cells, this will not work). Then go to page setup, sheet, rows to repeat at top, the name of the first row is needed (for example B:1). You can use command, B to clear a group of highlighted cells. You can type 1:1 or A;A to refer to a complete group of cells or rows in a formula. To quickly sum a row of cells or columns: highlight them (highlight an extra empty cell for calculating), then click Auto Sum (looks like a letter ÒEÓ). If doing a group of calcuations, it is sometimes a good idea to leave an extra space for expansion purposes. There is not a quick way to add a cell to a function later (if no space exists). You can use Auto Sum with non-contiguous cells but you have to click twice it appears to get the cells entered. You can use Insert, page break to keep pages separate (i.e. if printing reports for separate people). You can remove manual page breaks by going to view, page Break Preview, then control, click on a cell and select remove page break or reset all page breaks from the pop-up menu. You must click to the right or below a page break, you can choose to remove page break. You can type a name for a cell by using the name box and press return. However, if you type an already taken name, you will be taken to that previously named cell. You can use format, cells to have numbers appear as text, so that 042 wonÕt show up, just 1942. Formulas are raw Math, functions are pre-packaged Math (i.e. interest payments, mortgages, etc.). You can drag from one formula to another cell to have the formula replicated in another cell. Formulas are relative unless you put an $ in front of each part of the formula you want to stay relative. You can use the ÒIFÓ function to calculate salaries, =IF(G16>2,IF(G16=12,459999)). You can use Data, sort to organize information. However, if you have a header row, be sure to note that when you sort. You can use Chart Wizard or F11 to make a chart. Charts are just clip art, you can format them, add pictures, change colors, etc. You can control, click on a Chart to make it within Sheet 1 or be a separate object. If you have a group of cells to delete, you can go to Edit, delete, then choose to

27. Powerpoint and Word are quite similar, according to Dave Frank. He said that Powerpoint can be saved as Word and vice versa. This is not true in Office 98 on the Mac, though.

            A. To make 3-D effects, you need to use Auto Shapes or lines. Imported graphics can not have 3-D effects (even if in JPEG format). There appears to be a way to convert these objects, but it does not work. The picture simply disappears when you ÒconvertÓ it. This is probably because the filters necessary were not installed properly for Powerpoint 8 (I did a drag and drop install). There is not an option for 3-D objects with Powerpoint 4. BTW, 3-D, shading, etc. may be grayed ou on the drawing toolbar, unless you have a drawing object selected.

            B. A good idea for a presentation is to put a period at the end of your list when making a list of text. That way the speaker knows when the list is done.

28. Word 98 had been freezing a lot in Classic under OS X. I changed the preferred memory size from 9000 K to 15000 K.28. If you go to insert, picture, clip art in Classic Under OS X, it will not work. The server application, source file, or item cannot be found. Make sure that the application has been properly installedÉÓ

            A. However, if you restart in OS 9, the insert, picture, clip art command works fine. The clip art in Office 98 is not that great anyhow.

29.You can not add Clip in Clasic under OS X with Word, Excel, or Powerpoint (98).

30. The insert date field does not automatically update (same problem exists in Word 6). I used the insert field, date and time, savedate. It did not work, for it did not update the date when I saved (and had changed the date in date and date in System Preferences). It will put the information in there, but it will not update automatically (even if you close Word and re-open it). I even tried printing it, but no updates took place.

31. Page layout view is needed to see Header and Footer, and regular text at same time (also, to change a document that keeps opening without being able to see Header and Footer and regular text at the same time, you should make a change to doc. then save, then it will open in page layout view).

32. When I type the word na•ve, the umlauts automatically appear.

33. Computer Notes was not opening without the Mac OS Easy Open Dialog box on the G3/266. I checked the type and it was W8BN, other word files were W6BN (created with Word 6). Anyhow, I changed the type to W6Bn and then the file opened with Word 98, without a dialog box, strangely enough. I later discovered that any file that had been saved in Word 98 format would not open without a dialog box. I tried rebuilding the desktop, and this did not work, so I just selected Òauto pick if only one choiceÓ in the Mac OS Easy Open control panel. If you opened Computer Notes from the MOM menu, you would not get a dialog box (even if auto pick box was not checked with Mac OS Easy Open).

34. Computer Notes was not opening without the Mac OS Easy Open Dialog box on the G3/266. I checked the type and it was W8BN, other word files were W6BN (created with Word 6). Anyhow, I changed the type to W6Bn and then the file opened with Word 98, without a dialog box, strangely enough.

            A. I later discovered that any file that had been saved in Word 98 format would not open without a dialog box. I tried rebuilding the desktop, and this did not work, so I just selected Òauto pick if only one choiceÓ in the Mac OS Easy Open control panel.

            B. If you opened Computer Notes from the MOM menu, you would not get a dialog box (even if auto pick box was not checked with Mac OS Easy Open).

            C. I tried using DFA 8.2, NDD to repair the G3/266. No luck, still had same problem. I tried putting MS 6 in the trash, and then seeing if the problem existed, and it did. Therefore, I finally determined that there is an incompability between MAC OS Easy Open andWord is the problem. Anyhow, after disabling MAC OS Easy Open and restarting, the problem was gone.

35. Io install Word 98, install 4.2.1 Office on 8.1 partition, drag folder to 9.1 partition, copy Office 4.2.1 and 98 extensions from Applications CD to the 9.2.2 System Folder. Then run Word 98 upgrade from the CD. Value pack s/b installed with extensions off to avoid  error. I also had one occasion where the clip art installer said it needed a lot more space that it really did. However, I just installed it spearately and then it took up a normal amount of space. To install Word 98, install 4.2.1 Office on 8.1 partition, drag folder to 9.1 partition, copy Office 4.2.1 and 98 extensions from Applications CD to the 9.2.2 System Folder. Then run Word 98 upgrade from the CD. Value pack s/b installed with extensions off to avoid  error. I also had one occasion where the clip art installer said it needed a lot more space that it really did. However, I just installed it spearately and then it took up a normal amount of space.

36. After doing a drag and drop install of Office 4.2.1 and Microsoft Extensions (there were 18 of them), I used the Word 98 installer, 98 opened fine on the blueberry iMac with 9.2.2.

37. Word 98Õs icon is blurry (intentional for Classic Applications in OS X), but if you paste an OS X icon on the dock, the icon is not blurry. Mom said it is not worth is to buy Office X, since it costs $150, and the old version of Office (98) works fine. I checked at and it says that if you buy Office X, you can install it on up to 3 computers in your household (not two sites, I believe). If you save a document in Office X, you can open it with Word 98. Two times during the month, Office X Word quit unexpectedly, while 98 did not. I downloaded Office X 10.1.2 update and it would not install. It said that the default location for this install cannot be found. I tried downloading and installing the Office X 10.1.5 update, but it would not work (you have to install 10.1.2 first). Office 2001 does not run on the iLamp, you get an error that says "There is not enough memory or disk space to run Word."  If you put Office 2001 on the iLamp and run it from the G3/233 (using the iLamp shared folder on the G3/233, it will run (after installing some MS stuff and restarting).

38. Word 98 was slow in opening Computer notes on the iLamp. But upon restart, it was okay (except the first time it opened, it was slow. After that, it was okay).

39. I tried to use Word 98 to save my Computer Notes as html, but it kept saying that there was not enough memory. Finally, after increasing the preferred memory several times, I found out that at 80000 K, I was able to save it as html (no html was added as a suffix). Then I was able to upload the file (and the bold text even retained its formatting). After uploading, I changed the preferred memory allocation of c. notes back to 9000 K (BTW, Word X was able to save as html without any trouble). It should be noted that you should not try to open the html document with Word 98 (if you have only the regular memory supplied), it will not open.

            A. I was unable to copy and paste into Appleworks; also the clipboard became clogged and made it difficult to use other applications.

            B. I decided to make another copy of Word 98 and make it the one that uses 80000 K.

40. Getting Results with Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition (2nd page) says that you can get support at

            A. Page 2 says that is the place for Word info on the internet (although it is for 2003/Windows, upon first glance).

            B. Page 6 shows that if you type three hyphens, then press return, a complete line is formed.You can type an asterisk before and after a word to make it bold (only works in some fonts, though. It works in Times), you can type an underline before and after a word to make a word italic.

            C. Page 11 explains that to update from an earlier version of Word, you may want to move your custom dictionary from the Microsoft folder to the Office 98:Office folder.

            D. Page 12 explains that you can download templates from the internet, but the pages are no longer available, as of 6/04.

            E. Page 16 explains that you should not use the new button to open a template, but it is not possible on my G3/233.

            F. Page 18 explains that you can save your own templates by choosing document templates from the save as dialog box. Then the template will show up in the new dialog box under the General tab. You can also create your own tab by making creating a new folder when saving a document template.

            G. Page 20 explains that you can use the Open, Find File tool to look for Word files or templates. You can also use the advanced search.

            H. Page 21 explains that you can add any document to the work menu, by selecting Work, Add to work menu. This could be for frequently accessed files (and can be remote files). To delete a file from the work menu, press command, option, and then hyphen, then click the work menu (and select the file or files). Press escape when finished.

            I. Page 28 explains that you can use shift, F5 to access the last 3 places you used in editing.

            J. Page 29 explains that you can select less than a whole word (Tools, prefs, edit). Page 29 says you can select the whole document by triple clicking in the left hand column. This didnÕt work on the G3/233 in 9.2.2.

            K. Page 30 explains that you can double click OVR on the status bar (horizontal area below the document) to toggle between inserting text/typing over text. Page 30 explains that you can use command, delete to take out the word to the left of the cursor. Command, del takes out the word to the right of the cursor.

            L. Page 30 says you can hold down command while selecting text and then drag and drop to new location (to copy it).

            M. Page 31 says you can unformat typing (i.e. change from Times New Roman, 16 back to default) by using control, spacebar.

            N. Page 31 says you can temporarily hide spelling and grammar errors in a document (as opposed to turning if off permanently) under Tools, preferences, Spelling and Grammar.

            O. Page 34 explains that you can edit a document while in print preview (although you canÕt see the cursor). Click the magnifier in the upper left hand corner to see a smaller section. But you can edit either way (it is a little easier to see the cursor when a larger portion is showing). Page 34 shows that you can switch between single page viewing and multiple page viewing by clicking the icon on the toolbar.

            P. Page 35 says you only see your columns properly (Format, columns) in page view, not in normal view. In normal view, you see only one column.

            Q. Page 36 shows that you can change the color of text using the Font Color on the toolbar.

            R. Page 37 explains that you can use View, Toolbars, Customize, Options and choose to ÒShow shortcut keys in Screen TipsÓ to see the keyboard commands for many items.

            S. Page 38 shows that you can add a background by going to view, online layout. Then go to format, background, choose the color you would like or use fill effects. I could not get Computer Notes to do this because of a lack of memory.

            T. Page 39 says you can control, click on the assisant to decide what type of tips you may want (or uncheck them, as I did on 6/15/04).

            U. Page 40 talks about pleading documents, which would be used in a court (enter a plea, I think).

            V. Page 44 mentions kerning, which adjusts the spacing between particular pairs of letters depending on the font size.

            W. Page 45 shows that you can change your default font by going to Format, font.

            X. Page 45 explains that you can select some text and then go to Format, Drop Cap to make the first letter bigger than the rest of the text.

            Y. Page 46 explains that if you double space a document, it makes it easier to scan.

            Z. Page 47 explains that you can simply click in a paragraph to format, paragraph (you donÕt have to select the whole paragraph).

            AA. Page 48 explains that you can change the margins while in print preview. View, ruler should be turned on.

            BB. Page 48 talks about preventing page breaks in the middle of a paragraph. It does not appear to work in 9.2.2.

            CC. Page 51 shows that if automatic bulleting/numbering is on, you can type an asterisk and start typing your list.

            DD. Page 53 shows that you can use Insert, Symbol to see many symbols, that can be added to a document. You can change the symbol text color to white (using the Font color menu on the toolbar), you can then change the shading of the paragraph by selecting a paragraph, then using Format, Borders and Shading.

            EE. Page 54 shows that you can type three dashes at the beginning of a line, press return, and a complete line will be drawn.

            FF. Page 58 explains that you can use Tools, Autocorrect, to Òreplace straight quotes with smart quotes.Ó Automatically. Occasionally, you might want straight quotes (i.e. for writing feet, inches).

            GG. Page 65 explains that if you have more than one drawing object, you can use tab to move between objects.

            HH. Page 67 explains that after you create a autoshape (using the drawing toolbar, which appears at the bottom of the document), you can type in it. Although it appears that you have to then click on text box (on the drawing toolbar also) to make this true.

            II. You can insert movies into your documents. Do not choose insert, object for a movie, though. It makes it more difficult. Page 71 talks about inserting documents from other apps, I tried this with AW, but no luck.

            JJ. Page 69 shows that you can use ÒInsert word artÓ from the drawing toolbar to make fancy word art.

            KK. Page 85 explains that you can use the letter wizard under Tools, Letter Wizard. When using the letter wizard, after creating the letter, you can control click on one of the options you have selected with the letter wizard (and you can change it).

            LL. Page 86 explains that a template has a preset layout, whereas a wizard lets you choose your formatting and content options. Page 86 shows that you can make a new document, use the letter wizard, then save it as a document template for future use.

            MM. Page 87 says that envelopes and labels tool automatically picks up your address from your letter. It is important to remember, though, that you should not try to print with only one envelope in the feeder with the 2110. Also, when you get done typing a letter and then you go to Tools, Envelopes and labels, you should have the cursor in the return address area. Also, when you get the envelopes and labels dialog box, choose options, then pick the 2nd option from the left (the envelope fed long ways, but centered). Also, move the lever on the inside of the 2110. When you print, select envelope in the print dialog box.

            NN. Page 102 explains that if you use a watermark, it may obscure text. You may want to adjust settings when printing (shades of gray or colors).

            OO. Page 103 explains that to print an envelope, you would choose to print page 0. I type in 0 in the first box (print from) with the 2100, and it worked.

            PP. When you insert a table, you can adjust it in page view, not in normal view.

            QQ. Page 112 explains that you can use Format, Borders and Shading to make a border for your document.

            RR. Page 117 says you can use Tools, Autosummarize to make a summary of your document.

            SS. Page 117 talks about document map view, but I imagine that would only be useful for an outline.

            TT. Page 125 explains that you can press return to add info to a cell. You can use eraser tool to erase lines within a table.

            UU. Page 193 explains that the web page wizard can be used to create many types of web pages.

            VV. Page 218 explains that if the customize dialog box is not open, you can use the command key to delete an unneeded toolbar item.

            WW. Page 219 shows that you can customize the menu bar by going to Tools, Customize, Toolbars, choose Menu bar and double click. Then you add/delete from the menu bars. I accidentally deleted the Tools menu, but could not find a way to bring it back without recopying the Office 98 folder (with Word 98 inside it). You could not just replace word or its prefs.

            XX. Page 221 explains that you can assign your own keyboard commands by going to Tools, Customize, Keyboard or using View, Toolbars, Customize.

            YY. Page 223 shows that you can use the Toolbar menu to record a Macro (subheading of Macro). Then you can use Toolbars, Customize, Commands, Macros to find your macro. Then drag to the toolbar.

            ZZ. Page 227 talks about using Visual Basic for Applications, to extend WordÕs capabilities, but it appears to be too cumbersome.

41. It appears that if two documents are open with Word 98 and 9.2.2, the menus may appear grayed out, but are still functional.

42. Pressing command, option, Z takes you back to the 3 places where you last edited a document.

43. You can insert, object, Microsoft Graph, but it does not appear that you can make it 3-dimensional, using the drawing toolbar (easier to use AW).

44. To create your own style (i.e. Times, 12, Regular), fix some type that is formatted that way (or format it), select the text, go to the style menu, type your desired name, press return.

            A. It appears that the style stays only with the document.

45. To decide which browser is used by Word 98, you can use Configuration Manager in OS 9, then go to Network, Protocol Helpers, then select http, and choose the application. Safari cannot be chosen though in OS 9 (since it is an OS X application). You cannot use Configuration Manager to select IE 5.2.3 with Office 98. However, if IE 5.1.7 is chosen as your http helper, and IE 5.2.3 is open, then IE 5.2.3 will be used.

46. Microsoft Word 98 (80000 K) kept trying to open on the iLamp, but then it would just quit. I restarted Classic and Word opened fine.

47. If you have a table in MS Word 98, you can go to Table, Sort to arrange the table. Also, you cannot tab to move between fields, you must use the mouse (or else text wonÕt appear). To import information from an Excel spreadsheet, you need to show the Database toolbar (Tools, Customize, select Database. Or you can control click on the Toolbar). Choose the Database import tool (two squares that are next to each other, but not exactly parallel).  It may take several seconds. Then choose Get Data, find the file, etc. To adjust the number of cells/rows in a Table, go to Table, split cells. You cannot use the Tab key to move between cells in a Table in the document Marilyn made. But usually in a table, it is not a problem. If you are in a table and a bunch of text shows up (looks like an HTML document), turn off show invisibles (it was on the toolbar, it looks like a letter ÒQÓ).

48. To adjust the size of a page on the screen (not on the printout), go to View, Zoon, then change to desired setting.

49. To change the wrap for a picture, go to format, picture.

50. You can use the Zoom feature (under the View menu) to see a reduction in the size of the document on the screen. Also, it will show you several pages at one time, if you are in page view and have more than one page.

51. To use the default setting for tabs: go to Format, Tabs, clear the box for Tab Stop Position. In the default tab stops box, it should say .5." Also, it is best to clear all tabs, then tab over from the left. Also, under Format, paragraph, Identatation, special should say "none." You can highlight and change many groups of text at once. However, you may have to do it twice on occasion, it seems to be somewhat buggy.

            A. You may be able to stop Office 98 from automatically tabbing and adding numbers, etc. by press return twice after you last type. Then use the arrow key to move back up. I had some text in Computer Notes that tabbed too far to the right, so I went to Format, Tabs, then cleared all.

52. To print a mailing address for MS Word 98, you simply need to have the address in your letter (or document), then go to Tools, Envelopes and Labels, and the mailing address will show up (you cannot copy and paste an address into the mailing label address box).

53. You can access a pop up menu for the most recent searches in Word 98 in the Find dialog box.

54. My MS word (ELD lesson plans 2/28-3/04,05) file that was sent to Marilyn had problems. A dialog box asked you to choose what program to use to open the file, if you chose Word, the result was gibberish. I later discovered that the problem was that the document was a template, not a document (I was able to reproduce the problem on my DEC, but the G3 could still open the file). The type was W8TN for the template. When I opened the templates, then you could not save them as anything else (the choices were grayed out), so I saved several files as templates, without even realizing it. Apparently, Marilyn had been receiving e-mails for several weeks that she did not attempt to print out, I changed all those ELD lesson plan files to W8BN. After changing the type to W8BN, the file could be opened and printed on my DEC (and Marilyn was able to open it also).

55. My MS word (ELD lesson plans 2/28-3/04,05) file that was sent to Marilyn had problems. A dialog box asked you to choose what program to use to open the file, if you chose Word, the result was gibberish. I later discovered that the problem was that the document was a template, not a document (I was able to reproduce the problem on my DEC, but the G3 could still open the file). The type was W8TN for the template. When I opened the templates, then you could not save them as anything else (the choices were grayed out), so I saved several files as templates, without even realizing it. Apparently, Marilyn had been receiving e-mails for several weeks that she did not attempt to print out, I changed all those ELD lesson plan files to W8BN. After changing the type to W8BN, the file could be opened and printed on my DEC (and Marilyn was able to open it also).

            A. Later, however, the problem returned. I was able to change the type and creator temporarily, but the templates were still templates. Therefore, I make new ELD files. I put the ELD Lesson Plan Template into the Templates folder and will access it from the New Dialog box. This will work normally now. Then when I save, I will be able to not adjust the Template, but I will be able to save my files as documents.

            B. Strangely enough, the first time I accessed the files after this, the five or so files that I changed were back to havingt the Ògrayed outÓproblem in the dialog box. So, I re-created the files again and are back to normal.

56. You can use MS Word 98 to spell check something written in Spanish. However, it appears to take a little effort to originally set it up (on the iLamp anyhow with Classic). (Proofing Tools have to be installed for you to be able to check words in Spanish) I had to highlight the text and then go to Tools, Language, and choose Spanish. I had to do this a couple times before it worked.

57. You can make text a bigger size than is available in the Font Menu that appears on the toolbar. Highlight text, Go to Format, Font, type in desired size. On one occasion, I made the font "450" size.

58. To send e-mails from a link in a Word 98 document, I tried to use Control panel, Internet and Configuration Manager (but using these two control panels does not make a difference, apparently OS X sets them up automatically), and you are supposed to use Outlook Express, E-mailer. Mail works with Word 98, but it takes 60 seconds on the iLamp. Safari works right away.

59. On one occasion when trying to access Computer Notes on the iLamp (after rebuilding the OS 9 desktop within OS X), I could not because the file was "in use by another user." However, upon restart of the iLamp, the problem was gone.

60. To find again, you can use the "double tree" icon just below the bottom scroll arrow on the right hand side of the window.

61. There is a "Will" assistant with Word 98; however, it is for a living will. It is a "Will" Shakespeare helper.

62. You can add menus (or menu bars, which are the File, Format, etc. items at the top of the screen) to a toolbar by going to View, Toolbars, Customize Toolbars/Menus and then going to Commands, Built-in menus. Drag desired menu to the toolbar. Separator bars appear within menus (i.e. above Edit, Paste SpecialÉ) on a toolbar while customizing, and while the menu bar (menu bars are the File, Format, etc. items at the top of the screen) is in use in Word 98. Word 98 Help is wrong, because it says that separator bars only appear during customization and not while in use.

63. The Style Menu appears to work the same way in Word 98 as in Office 2004. When opening Computer Notes on the G3/266, there were many styles listed in the menu, which could not be removed, since they were part of the document. It could be taken out, but it would take several hours. Trashing all of the preferences for Word 98 did not work, you have to copy and paste the entired file and remove the non-wanted styles. It is best to avoid sending the whole Computer Notes Files from school to home, if possible, since it has all the styles in it. I just turned off the styles menu at school. When I sent the Computer Notes file from home to school, the file still showed up with Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 in it (even though at home, these headings do not show up). Even with a new Normal template in Word 98, those three headings still show up, so I just decided to leave the Style menu off the toolbar, for now (8/06). I took a Computer Notes files that had no headings in its style menu (worked on with Office 2004) and then opened the file in Word 98 at school, and the 3 headings were added. I think that the 3 headings (1, 2, and 3) are built-in to Word 98, by default (trashing Normal template did not rid the headings). When I opened the same file in Word 98 on the iMac, the headings (1, 2, and 3) were again in the style menu.  When I opened the same file in Office 2004, there were no headings 1, 2, and 3. I also discovered that if a style is added to a menu, you can then undo until the style is gone (if the style has been within the last few changes in a document).

64. On one occasion, I printed a page on one sheet of paper at home (I think), but then at school, it printed out on two sheets. It was my buy back homework with all of those boxes. I thought perhaps it was related to Page Setup, but adjusting Page Setup did not make any difference. I figured out how to get it to print on one sheet. I deleted some of the extra returns inside the boxes to make the boxes smaller.

65. On one occasion, I received a Word document from KW that had two pages; I tried to delete the extra returns at the end of document to make it one page to no avail. Finally, I deleted the extra returns within the table and then it was one page.


Microsoft Office 2000 for Windows (Registration number for 2000 is QRWXH-88CM3-RVHFV-PWHJB-R7VMT: Registration number for XP version is GPC8V-MGB22-F6G24-YYWTB-3JHXW. As of 8/26/02, the program is requesting that I Register the program. I think I entered the registration number to install the program, but to Register the product requires a confirmation code Anyhow, you have to send in a code by e-mail or fax or telephone (I called 888-652-2342 to get the confirmation code). My Installation code was C7GWCVMT TJ9K79C8321, the confirmation code is C69P 4M2K).

1. KW said that only one of the CDs is required for installation. It ran okay after installing only one CD, but I decided later to install with both to be sure.

2. KW said that TM needed the CD to be in the drive when enabling toolbars." However, there does not appear to be an option to enable toolbars" (they are already active). I tried customizing the toolbars, and CD access did not appear to be necessary (although I did have the CD in the drive) and looking for Enabling with Microsoft Help (which did not show any info on this anywhere).

            A. I asked TM about this. He did not know anything about enabling toolbars," so KW may have gotten it mixed up.

            B. I asked KW later and I figured it out (not exactly as she had said). Go to Start, Programs, Microsoft Office Tools, Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar. Then the CD is required.

3. I set up the modem for Internet service with on 5/16/02. To make a new connection to the Internet, go to Start, Settings, Network and Dial Up Connections, select ÒDial up to private network.Ó

            A. Under the phone and modem options control panel, should set area code to 209. After making the connection, go to Start, Settings, Network and Dial Up Connections, select, Select properties, connection, general, put in area code there, if necessary, also.

            B. Under Dialing Rules, set 9, 9 to access outside line for local calls, 9, 9 to access outline line for long-distance calls.

            C. I tried to turn the modem volume off, but it was still making noise when dialing. It still made sound after restart. Turning off speakers (I thought perhaps sound was coming from speakers) did not work. I went to the Start, Settings, Network and Dial Up Connections, select connection to access Dialing options.

            D. To turn modem sound off, go to Start, Settings, Network and Dial Up Connections, select, Configure (by modem), uncheck enabled modem speaker.Ó

4. I asked Matt about taking a snapshot of the screen in Windows and he said there is probably software out there, but it may not come with Windows. He also said he has never used the print screen key on the keyboard.

5. I saved three files on the G3, a Clarisworks 4.0 file, a MS Word 6.0 file for Macintosh (regular save) and a MS DOS Text with Line Breaks file. I tried to use Microsoft Word 2000 on the DEC to open the documents within word. However, the documents did not show up in the dialog box.

            A. Then I double clicked on the files to open them. With the Clarisworks 4.0 and the MS Word 6.0 file, a dialog box came up asking me to choose which application to use to open them. I chose Microsoft Word and the CW 4.0 file opened okay, but it had a lot of extraneous characters. The Word for Macintosh file opened normally (just the text that was in the original file). Upon double clicking the file, the dialog box opened came up; after choosing Microsoft Word for Windows, the document opened fine.

            B. The MS DOS Text with Line Breaks file opened fine without the dialog box at all (and no extraneous characters).

6. Tourbus (8/24/02) says to update PC versions of Microsoft Office 2000 and XP to prevent vulnerabilities, you should run "Microsoft Office Product Updates" (you cannot update the vulnerabilities with Windows update), you can get these at or You must have an original Office 2000 CD to run the updates. Updating was not possible with KW or my CD, it appears. I sent a work order to I.S. on 9/12/2002. Todd told me on 10/23/02 (apprx.) that they knew about this situation and it was fine. A pop up menu will ask you if you would like to install and run the "Microsoft Office Products Update Detection Engine." Click on "yes." 8/24/02 Tourbus says that "Like Windows Update, you should run Microsoft Office Updates until there are no more updates left to install. Again, let me warn you that this may take awhile."

7. I could not register Office on my DEC after moving to room 58, so I copied all of my computer notes to Word Pad. Then I will open Word Pad, then open the Computer Notes, if necessary.

8. Tourbus from 9/26/02 talks about updating Office 2000.

9. I went to a Microsoft Office Workshop with Dave Frank in Modesto on 2/5/04. The workshop was designed for Office 2000 for Windows, but earlier versions of Office were covered as well (meaning some items were not exclusive to 2000). Some items that did not work with Word 98 will be probably work in Word 2000 for Windows (see Office 98 #23 for some of those features). Alt, F4 will unfreeze any Microsoft program. If you are accessing menus, and there is a picture, you can add it to the toolbar. Alt, F can access file menu. Alt, E can access edit menu. Alt also works in dialog boxes. Alt, 1 opens the #1 file under the File menu (does not work in Word 98). To copy a file, right click on it, select copy, click in white area, choose paste, copy shows up. If you go to, you can access Resources, Communities to find a community of Microsoft users who may have had the same problem you have had with a Microsoft product. has info on using Excel 95, 97, 2000, or 2002. Also, if you look on the web,  ÒWhen using Microsoft help, ask dumb questions to get the best help.Ó (Dave Frank help). If you access Help on the web, you can access free online templates (this option is grayed out in Word 98). They are (dot is a document template) or a book.xlt (Excel template). If you get a Òfile in useÓ error when trying to open Word, try re-opening. Should open. Excel saves cannot be undone, i.e. if you make a January file then make changes and call if February, you lose January. Try using templates, if possible. You can use insert break, text wrapping break (good for outlines), it does not make a new number, it just continues your outline. The page cutoff is .25 inches, according to Dave Frank. Alt, shift, X brings up the index dialog box.

10. To add the File and Edit commands to Word: Go to Toolbars, Customize, find built-in menus, drag File and Edit to the taskbar at the top of the document window (next to View, Tools, etc.).

11. Alt, X does not quit MS Word (even though the X is underlined).

12. Tim said that reinstalling Windows 2000 XP would not clean all of the files on the computer, but a HD format would.

13. On one occasion, Sylvia could not get some address labels to print correctly, only 4 labels would appear per page. However, we changed the setting to the Avery Standard Return Address, 3261 R. The problem was resolved.

            A. To save the address for future use, you can go to Tools, Options, User Info, type in your address. Make a word document. Go to Tools, Letters and Mailings, Envelopes and Labels, then check the box for Òuse return address.Ó If you want to save more than one address, type them into User Info, then delete as necessary (you can also copy and paste using keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl and C and Ctrl and V, with the address box).

14. The Stull Bill still rolled on my DEC within MS Word with the Insert Key on or off (KW said that this would avoid the problem, but it did not), so I did the Stull Bill in Appleworks 6.0. I put my Stull Bill 06-07 in My Computer, drive F, Teacher Share (I made my own folder). Later, I deleted it because KWÕs note asked you to keep in case YOU (meaning the teachers) need it.

15. Tourbus (1/28/07) says that 2007 Office Documents are not able to be opened by earlier versions of Office: the easiest solution is to save as a different format with 2007.

16. To set a password for a Word document: go to Tools, Options, Security.


Microsoft Office 2004 (Product Keys: GWCXM-8R3KM-WGYP4-R9K37-PGY3T; T7FK4-X7TXV-KVPMV-WXJW4-FRHHD; WB9TK-WQ389-BD4CM-MTTQD-82QVB)

1. According to Tidbits #750, 2004 allows you to control bullets and numbering better; a smart button appears asking whether to continue numbering from a previous list.

2. I was not able to open the Powerpoint 98 files for the 50 yard dash using Powerpoint 2004. I got a message about being corrupt or not a file format that could be undestood. However, I then just opened Powerpoint 98 and saved the files again and was able to open them (it could be that the file was originally from the Office 4.2.1b). I tried saving a 2004 Excel file to the desktop. I was able to open the file with Excel from Office 98, but Excel 5 (from Office 4.2.1b) could not open. I had to open the file in Office 2004, save it as ÒExcel 97-2004 and 5.0/95 Workbook), then I was able to open the file with Excel 5.

3. CompUSA ad from July 24, 2005, says that Office 2004 can be installed on up to 3 computers. Office 2004 requires 10.2.8 or later.

4. When saving as html, the file ends with htm, but that is not a big deal. In 11/06, I discovered that several ÒboldÓ words were jammed together with the text from the previous section. The problem was that there was extra spacing in the original Computer Notes file between sections (a few extra spaces, not carriage returns). After removing the spaces, the problem was nonexistent.

5. I kept getting an error message about Vivaldi font being corrupted, and that I should get rid of it. Instead, I looked for it on the HD, but no luck. Then I used Font Book to disable it (which automatically disabled some other fonts as well, but it is better than getting the error message). According to, MicrosoftÕs Font Folder (Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Fonts) is just a storage bin, Tiger (and I assume Panther) does not acccess it at all.

6. For some strange reason when using the trial version of 2004, i had trouble making new documents, the text typed on top of the previous letter. However, after quitting and reopening Word, the problem was gone.

7. The command Insert, Date and Time does not really update automatically. You must still update field by using the Contextual Menu or Command, Option, Shift, U (after selecting the field or being inside the field).

8. 2004 retains bold formatting for Computer Notes for putting on the internet. Also, when you click a link to e-mail someone, it takes about three seconds (took a minute in Word 98). Under Word Preferences, you can choose File Locations. If you use your Home/Documents folders, there is only 1 Computer Notes under the file menu instead of all the directory info (I think so, anyhow). To see the information at the bottom of the screen (number of pages, etc.), go to Word, Prefs, View, Window, Status Bar.

9. On one occasion, I had a problem with the document ÒComputer Notes.Ó There was a big bracket in the document, which I could not erase and it was not a break of any kind. Finally, I had to copy and paste the whole document and leave out the part with the brackets in it and retype a few words.

10. You can choose the location for your documents under Word preferences. I put it in my Home folder instead of in the Documents folder, since the folder took up about 38 MB and it could not be compressed (along with other J-Z files) to less than 20 MB (so it was the Yahoo! Briefcase limit of 15 MB). On one occasion, I tried to upload several files at once, but it did not work. I received a message that said that one of my files exceeded 5 MB, but none of them. It was because the sum of the files was 15.1 MB. I uploaded the files separately, and then they uploaded fine.

11. On one occasion, I was not able to insert text into a particular line, when I typed, it replaced text instead of inserting it. I then pressed return and edited, then pressed delete where the return was (best workaround for now). Later, though, I figured out that I could go to Word, Preferences, Edit, and click ÒOvertype ModeÓ to turn it off. According to help, you can click OVR on the status bar, which you can view by widening the bottom of the window (where the Status Bar is located).

12. Mom said that if you right and left justify, printing looks better (most books do that). However, in Times font, it does not look regular (the spacing may be a tad askew). Anyhow, in Helvetica, it appears to be more ÒregularlyÓ spaced.

13. JZ says that anytime you have trouble with Word (i.e. bullets and numbering problems), use the Undo feature. It also works when the whole document is underlined, made bold, etc. Also, it may be a good idea to quit and reopen Word after undoing. I also set Word 2004 to auto save every 10 minutes now (6/21/06), which may be helpful. The backups are saved in the Microsoft User Data within Documents.

14. Had to copy/paste 5-10 pgs. at a time to make it so that the styles were no longer present in the Computer Notes, General Info, and Teacher General Info files (to keep the style menu cleaner). It is better to not use Styles, if possible. If absolutely necessary, I can trash Normal file to not affect new files. There is a feataure in Word 2004, for when I select some text and then select ÒRyanÕs textÓ from the style menu, the text does not change.  The solution was to make a character style (under Format, Style, choose new, then select Character from the style type pop-up menu, and choose the desired attributes). Then you can select a large group of text and have it all be the same type (Times, 12, regular); just do not select any headings along with it. Alternatively, I can make a new document (if adding a lot of material), then select it all when done and select RyanÕs Text from the Style Menu. Just do not paste text from other word documents that use different styles into C. Notes, General Info, or either TGI file. I made it so that new documents only have RyanÕs text as the style along with the regular defaults (no headings); since I never use Headings anyway. You cannot delete built-in styles, according to Word help.  You can make your own template by opening a file, then save, choose Document Template, then save it. It will be available in the Project Gallery. Normal (Global Template) is accessed by going to New Blank Document. The file itself is the Normal file created in the Users/ryanzelenski/Documents/Microsoft User Data folder when Word quits (if the file is absent). You make changes to this by going to Format, Document for example, change a margin, then click the ÒdefaultÓ button. You can change the font by going to Format, Font, then clicking ÒdefaultÓ after making your choices. To get rid of the styles in a new document, trash the Normal file created by MS Word in the Users/ryanzelenski/Documents/Microsoft User Data folder (and then quit and reopen Word, otherwise, you may get an error indicating that the file cannot be located, if you try to create a new blank document). You can get rid of built-in headings this way as well, is so desired. Then open a document with your desired styles, and copy them using Format, Style, Organizer. If you save a document template with Office 2004, the cursor position is not saved, so you may have to move it. Also, RyanÕs Text is lower on the list than the paragraph styles by default. I found out later that if you paste something in bold (i.e. a section title from ÒComputer NotesÓ at school to ÒComputer NotesÓ at home), it will affect the styles menu.

15. Loading webpages with Word 2004 takes up to a minute to load, even on the second occasion, if Safari is your default browser (which can only be changed within Safari). If IE 5.2.3 if your default browser, the web pages load much faster. Ironically, though, on December 7, 2005, pages loaded fine with Safari (in about five seconds or so).

16. I could not get Word 2004 to fax, better to use AW 6.0. But later I was able to fax with Word 2004. In 9/06, I got a fax protocol error initially with Word 2004, but then pressed ÒresumeÓ and then the fax went through to my fax number, and to, and the fax was legible.

17. I decided to try to use Entourage for awhile, since Mail kepts asking for my password, even though it is the correct password (and I have repaired permissions several times). Icon does animate with Entourage. Although it did not appear right away when I sent e-mail from myself to myself. Also, there is a mail icon on the Dock icon, if you set it up in Preferences (under Notification, display an alert on the destkop). So there is not a way to have the icon display a piece of mail and not display an alert on the desktop (you have both or neither). I also set it up so that messages are left on the server and so that my signature is randomly added to e-mails. To access account settings, I kept getting a negative error. But after reopening, I was able to access the settings okay. Later, though, I downloaded and installed Office 2004 11.2.1 update and the problem seems to be resolved. On one occasion, I took out the Microsoft User Data folder from Documents and moved it to the Desktop. Word and Entourage opened with all of my information. But I could not replace the new user data folder, so I trashed it and then put the old folder back into place. To save Entourage documents to the desktop, you need to change the destination program with the expander program that you have, in the case of the iLamp in 3/06, that would be Stuffit Expander. I changed the destination with Stuffit Expander and now the files save to the Deskop (there is additionally a folder called Saved Documents within Microsoft User Data, where files can potentially be stored). I got an ÒEntourage cannot find the serverÉÓ error with Entourage on 3/23/06; I tried restarting the iMac and repairing permissions, but it turns out that the problem was that the internet was not connected. After disconnecting/reconnecting the ethernet cable, I still had no luck (and the G3 was not connected to the internet, either). After power cycling the modem, but computers were able to access the internet (Entourage worked). You can export your contacts, using the normal export procedure for Entourage, but to export Address Book groups, you need to make a new note (File, New, Note), then select all the contacts in the Address Book, drag to the new note. Choose File, Export, Local Contacts to a list (tab-delimited text). Then open up the desired location for the contacts (i.e. a new copy of the program), make sure Address Book is the active window; choose File, Import, choose Òimport information from a tab or comma-delimited text file,Ó select the file, and select import. If you export to the Desktop and then later tried to export to the same place, you cannot use the same name it appears. You either have to change the name or save to a different location. Logging out also solves the problem. I think, I will just back up my address book, since my e-mail is not crucial for future retrieval. On one occasion, <greg> kept showing up in the e-mail address field when I typed Greg, but I wanted it to be Greg, not <greg>, since there was no e-mail address affiliated with <greg> (I had previously made a mistake in sending Greg e-mail from an old e-mail address). I tried several things, but finally I found the answer in Help: Go to Entourage, Preferences, Mail and News Preferences, Compose, then press the ÒClear ListÓ button to clear the recently used addresses. You can use Entourage to forward an e-mail that you received (with to When I did it in 8/06, Yahoo! Spam protection classified it as junk, so I just classified them as not junk at the website. To have it so that your reply is above the received text (when replying to an e-mail), choose Entourage, preferences, Reply & Forward, choose ÒPlace reply at top of message and include From, Date, To, and Subject Lines from original message. Entourage 2004 on iMac Duo: when you have a piece of mail come in and it is classified as junk, and you select Ònot junkÓ it moves to your inbox; however, if only unread mail is shown in the inbox, you may not see the e-mail. You may need to temporarily show read mail as well. On the iMac Duo (10.4.10), EntourageÕs default is Appledouble and no compression; however, when I attached and sent a file to myself, no compression happened when I had set to Macintosh (Stuffit) compression and Any Computer and also when set to Macintosh (Stuffit) and Macintosh (BinHex): this is probably due to the situation that Entourage 2004 was created before Apple went to Intel processors. E-mail was not showing up in the inbox when classified as Ònot junk,Ó so I changed the time for mail to be marked as read to two seconds. Not Junk, not learned with Entourage (motleyze e-mail), even though my e-mail address was in my Address Book. Finally, I just added a rule to not classify it as junk. On one occasion, there was a red flag by the Sent Mail folder: it turns out that I accidentally flagged a message within the folder, so I clicked on one message in sent mail and scrolled down until I saw the message with a red flag, then I used the ÒFlagÓ icon on the Mail bar to clear the flag. You can export your information in Entourage, but Contacts do not export automatically: you need to make a new note, and then drag the names of all your contacts into the note, then export. Also, I was unable to name my file the same name as the default name, even after trashing the file, but after quitting and opening Entourage, I was able to.

18. Max is the only assistant available with Office 2004, since it is not on my computer and another consumer contacted Microsoft to no avail (the Microsoft rep. indicated that Max is the only assistant available). The information is available at But, I did read on the URL how to import other assistants from Word 98; just copy the assistants from the Word 98 to the Word 2004 folder.

19. To quickly select many pages of text, hold down the Shift, then press Page Down as many times as necessary.

20. Normal template is usually in the users folder, I had trashed Microsoft User Data folder, so I move the Normal template back to that folder. To change the template, open Normal, make changes, changes are made (new documents appear with same formatting). To add a style to Normal template, open Normal, go to Format, Style, select a style, them modify, add to template. To delete, highlight a style and delete it. The Formatting palette can be turned on/off under the View Menu. It is not the same as the Style list on the formatting toolbar (next to font selection, etc.).

21. Even if you trash all Microsoft Preferences and the Microsoft User Data folder and all the .com Microsoft folders in OS X, the font menu still will contain Times New Roman (trashing all those files erases all of the other fonts, except Times New Roman), because it appears the Times New Roman is the default font set up by Windows. However, later, I figured out the solution to the Times/Times New Roman problem (Times New Roman kept appearing in the menu at the top, even though I did not want it to). I tried moving Times New Roman out of the Library/Fonts folder and the Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Fonts folder. No Luck. Finally, I figured out (oddly enough) that if I moved the Times New Roman font from the OS 9 System FolderÕs Font Folder, Times New Roman did not show up in the Font menu above all of the other fonts in the Toolbar. I also had the same problem with Tahoma. I had to solve this problem by making a new folder called Fonts (Disabled) in the Library folder and putting Tahoma in there. Then it did not show up in the Fonts Menu. If you trashed all MS preferences and restarted Word, then put Tahoma back into Fonts, it showed up again, so I left it in Fonts (Disabled). Also, if the font is in the System Folder fonts folder, the same problem occurs, so I put that version of Tahoma and Times New Roman in the Fonts (Disabled) folder also. You can also turn the fonts off with Font Book (and enable them as necessary). I figured out later that it is not a bug, but a feature. The font menu stores up to 6 currently used fonts in the fonts menu, until you quit Word 2004.  To clear the menu, just change the font seven more times (make sure to clear off Times), then the Font recent menu will clear (after quitting and reopening Word 2004). If you select a different font while working in a document, then the fonts will stay in the Word menu until you quit Word. If you use any of the fonts Arial, Century, Times New Roman, Arial, or Verdana (along with several others, I imagine. Some seem to have a pattern about their versions that includes a number, and then the words internet access after them), they will stay in the Fonts menu (Probably because they are an old type of font), if you save a document using one of them. You need to make sure to load six fonts in the font menu that do not include any of these, and the menu should clear after closing the document (restarting of Word is necessary).

22. I got the error that the path could not be found for a new blank document, so I went to File, Open, selected the Normal template and this solved the problem (Strangely enough, when you open the ÒNormalÓ document, it appears to be smaller than when you choose Ònew blank documentÓ). The problem returned, though, so I went to Tools, Templates and Add Ins and selected the template in the Microsoft User Data folder (inside users/ryanzelenski/Documents/Microsoft User Data). This did not solve the problem, since it returned, so I looked for the Normal template for 98 and put the Normal template for 2004 in the same place (respectively). I put the Normal template into the Applications/Office 2004/Templates folder.

23. Styles are associated with documents and text. If you paste text from another Word document with a particular style (not from other applications), that style gets added to the Style menu. Unfortunately, once they are added, there is not a way to rid of them, except for creating a new document, then copying and pasting the text (you have to do it a section at at time or the style comes with it). Alternatively, you can paste text only without the formatting (but in the case of Computer Notes, you have to bold and underline all the topics again, an arduous process). With my 4 main files (C. Notes, General Info, TGI (2)), it may be better to only work with the present styles.

24. According to Office 2004 help, ÒTo open a document on a Windows-based computer, the file name must have an extension, which specifies the type of file it is (such as .doc for a Microsoft Word document). To add the extension automatically, make sure the file extension check  box is selected in the dialog box when you save the file.

25. When you want to add an Autotext entry, you need to access Tools/Auto Correct. Type the word and the correction and then the word ÒAddÓ becomes grayed. You can go to Preferences, Edit, use the INS key for paste to have the insert key allow you to paste, but Macs do not have that key on the keyboard. You can use Preferences, Edit, to toggle on/off overwrite mode (to replace text instead of adding to it).

26. When you choose to have Word make backup copies of your Documents, they are saved automatically in the same location as your original (there is not a way to adjust this). Word will not automatically save a document, only backups or recover. When you choose the location for Documents, under File Locations in Preferences, this is where NEW documentsÕs default place is. If you have an old document and choose Save as (or save as web page), the default place is the present location.

27. On one occasion, I could not get to load, it was because I had instead in the document. I then changed the case of the letter ÒFÓ to no avail. Finally, I deleted the link and pasted the corrected link, quit and reopend Word. This solved the problem.

28. To add a separator on a Toolbar, the easiest way is to right click on an item and then select properties. Alternatively, you can go to View, Toolbars, Customize Toolbars/Menus.  Then drag the item on the right to the right (without getting the vertical bar, otherwise, it will not work).  To remove a separator, drag one button closer to the other. Word 98 Help says you can add a separate before the first or after the last item in a group, but you can also add a separator between middle items in a group.

29. You can add menus (or menu bars, which are the File, Format, etc. items at the top of the screen) to a toolbar by going to View, Toolbars, Customize Toolbars/Menus and then going to Commands, Built-in menus. Drag desired menu to the toolbar. Separator bars for menus (i.e. above Edit, Paste SpecialÉ) on a toolbar do not appear while customizing, but they do appear while the the menu bar is in use.

29. Customize and Help canÕt be opened at the same time in Word 98 or 2004. If there is a description box while Customizing in 98, the button will display an empty box  in Help.

30. If you paste an e-mail address that gets formatted as a hyperlink and the original text was not Times, then when you highlighted the text, it willl not show up as Times on the formatting toolbar. You have to cut the text, type it as Times, then make it a hyperlink.

31. The format toolbar is not the same as the format palette (you can view the format palette under the View menu).

32. When working with a longer document (perhaps more than two or three pages) and all of the text is the same style, you cannot get the format toolbar to reflect it (if all the text is highlighted). This must a be a software glitch in 98 and 2004. If you only select a couple pages of text, then the format toolbar is not Ògrayed out.Ó It shows the font size, font, or bold will be highlighted, etc. This glitch (or design) goes back through Word 5.1.

33. If you type the month in a document, the date will appear in a pop-up menu. However, if the last time you opened the program was yesterday, yesterdayÕs date will show up. Close and reopen Word 2004.

34. If you select some text that is not black and then click on the text color tool (if it is black), the text will change to black.

35. On one occasion with the iLamp, using the keyboardÕs return or enter key did not register with Word. After closing and reopening the document, the problem was gone.

36. If you type in colon followed by a closed parenthesis, you get a happy face in Word 2004 (and Word 98).

37. Word was having trouble, because one line within a paragraph moved farther to the left, when I pressed the delete key. The problem was that the first-line indent was set differently, it was -.22 inches and all of the other lines had a first-line indent of Ò0Ó inches. I used Format, Paragraph to adjust the first-line indent to Ò0Ó inches, which solved the problem.

38. There were several places in ÒComputer NotesÓ that had an extra _ in them between sections (one area was between the heading ÒComputer NotesÓ and ÒAccelerated Reader.Ó). The blank area was formatted with Bold and Underline (even though there was not text present). I was able to remove them by going to the particular area and removing the formatting for Bold and Underline. Then I selected the blank area (along with the previous and subsequent lines, deleted them, and then pasted). This fixed the problem.

39. You can insert an object (Excel worksheet) into Word 2004 and choose to show gridlines with Excel (using Page Setup). The only problem is that the Gridlines do not print with Word (if you do the same thing in Excel, the gridlines show up).

40. To add a text box with Word, go to Insert, Text box, then draw the box within the document. You can go to Format, text box to format the box.

42. I have update Office 2004 to 11.3.2 as of 1/8/07, even though Word and Excel show as 11.3.0: Entourage and Powerpoint show as 11.3.2.

43. After copying/paste some information from Todd, there was double spacing in my Computer Notes; I tried formatting the paragarph to take out before and after spacing to no avail. Finally, I copied and pasted the text to a new document, and retyped the last line of the text, then pasted into Computer Notes: this resolved the issue.

44. In 9/07, I updated Office to 11.3.7, but word was still at version 11.3.5 (apparently there is no Word 11.3.7). Microsoft Auto Update installs updates, but does not download them to your Desktop, it appears.


Microsoft Outlook (Windows). E-mail address for woman who gave class is She is very nice.

1. If someone has a globe icon by their name, that means their e-mail address is internet based.

2. According to Laura Ingram (Merced College), Calendar can synchronize with PDAs.

3. If you click the To: field, when composing an e-mail, you can access many people in Merced County.

4. Page 4 from the Outlook Workshop says you can use Tools, Options, Other to access the box "Empty the Deleted Items folder upon exiting."

5. To use OE without typing the password each time, just click the minimize button on the window, then youcan click on the Taskbar to open it.

6. To change your OE password on the DEC, click on OE, enter your username and password, then Domain Name (domain name is winton_do). Click on change password, enter domain name again, then exchange server (, old and new password, then click ok.

            A. As of 3/03, you type in winton04, not

            B. You can also change your password by going to Tools, Options, Other, Advanced Options, Custom Forms, Password.

7. You need to type in the domain of winton_do at the log in screen.

8. Junk e-mail filter does not work, as of 9/30/04. I typed in Ryan Zelenski and, and mail was not stopped.

9. To request a delivery receipt with Outlook, go to Options in a new mail message (or a reply), click Options button. Then select request a delivery receipt for this message. This works. Requesting a read receipt for this message does not appear, as of 4/11/05.

10. You can go to Tools, Address Book to access your e-mail addresses.

11. If you type in the nickname for my home e-mail address (i.e. type in the word Òhome,Ó as the Full Name, Outlook will recognize the e-mail address and there would not be any quotes.)

12. did not go through to my AOL or my Pacbell account, either it's late or it was considered Spam. It did not go thru, I faxed Information Systems about this on 5/12/05. They still have not fixed it, as of 6/6/05. However, I can send mail from other school e-mail addresses, it appears. I later discovered it was because Yahoo! Spam filter thought that was SPAM. After removing my school address from blocked Yahoo! addresses, I was once again able to send mail from the DEC to AOL mail cannot be sent to my school e-mail address, I donÕt think. I e-mailed Mike Gilberston about this on 11/16/05 using Faxaway, but Faxaway said that the fax did not go through. I did talk to Todd, though, and he said that AOL mail is probably blocked, since AOL produces a lot of SPAM and viruses. However, as of 9/27/06, I am able to send mail from my AOL account to my school e-mail; SM said her AOL account cannot be used to send her school mail.

13. Page 601 of Mac OS X Panther talks about transferring e-mail addresses from Mac to Windows: open Outlook Express, select all contacts, Action-Forward as vCard. Send to yourself, open in Mail. Alternatively, you can use Outlook ExpressÕ Export command to export as a tab-delimited text file, copy the text file to the Mac. Open in OE for Mac, then use File Import. You should be able to import addresses into Mail with a script (or just use File, Import). However, I tried the second method on the DEC and the only thing was exported was my e-mail addresses, not the schoolÕs.

14. Outlook kept finding spelling errors, even though words were spelling correctly. The dictionary was set to U.S. English under Tools, Options. I just decided to type a new e-mail and the spell check worked as expected.

15. There does not appear to be a way to turn notification off (so that a sender does not know you read the e-mail), when you read someoneÕs e-mail with Microsoft Outlook.

16. If you go to Tools, Options, click the Preferences tab, select e--mail Options, you can choose to Display a notification when mail comes or not. You may need to quit the program and re-open it. There needs to an actual message (blank e-mail with subject) to notify.

17. To add an address book entry (with Microsoft Outlook): use the Tools Menu and select Address Book. Then click the New Entry icon; select New Contact, then okay; type in the information and save and close. Then if you go back to the Address Book, select "Contacts" in the Show Names from box; the newly added address should be present.

18. You can use the Tools menu to make a default stationary for new e-mails in Outlook.


Microsoft Outlook Express

1. I used Outlook Express 5.0.2 to send some e-mail to, which worked. I put the incoming mail server as ÒPOP,Ó which Netscape has picked as the mail server (Netscape messenger works). but still get the error message that Òcould not retrieve mail from the account ÒRyanÕs e-mail account.Ó it also says Òthe specified server could not be found.Ó

            A. I reset up an account and realized that I forgot to enter Òpostoffice.pacbell.netÓ as my incoming mail server. The outgoing mail (SMTP) server was correct, which was

Also, my password should be uppercase. did receive the e-mail from Cwboy21.

            B. I could have also gone to Tools, accounts, double clicked the account name, then changed the POP server to

            C. Another time I got an error saying that Outlook Express could not retrieve the mail from my e-mail account. The DSL line was not connected.

2. To send an e-mail with Outlook Express, click on the ÒmailÓ button at the top of the Internet Explorer screen.

3. If you select send and receive all, and it shows 0 items displayed, 0 items selected, it means you have no mail and is a normal (i.e. there is no error message).

            A. On one occasion, I ran Òsend and receive allÓ and mail was sent, but it took a few seconds.

4. Under the view menu, you can select Òunread onlyÓ or not, if you want to look at old read mail. Or you can use command, y.

5. To edit e-mail account setups on Outlook express, go to Tools, Accounts. To save messages on the server: use tools,, accounts, highlight RyanÕs accounts, edit, go to options, check Òleave a copy of each message on the server.Ó I also selected to delete the mail after 30 days. I also selected for Outlook Express to delete messages from the server after they are deleted from the computer.

            A. It did work on IE 5 in the computer lab on 5/1/2000. I was able to retrieve a new message on the computer labÕs 5400.

6. One time there was an extra set of folders for outlook express (identities, sound sets, etc.). I tried moving the extra folders to the Outlook express folder (I think the folder was called something like ÒMicrosoft User DataÓ). After moving, I got an error message upon starting up Outlook Express that said you need to move the identities to the Outlook Express folder. I moved the whole Microsoft extras folder to the outlook express folder, but still got the error message. Finally, I simply moved the ÒidentitiesÓ folder from Microsoft extras to the Outlook Express folder and then trashed the rest of the Microsoft Extras folder. Worked.

            A. Later, I had the same problem, I could not get my preferences to be read by Microsoft Outlook Express. I had moved the Microsoft User Data Folder to Documents and wanted to put them inside of OE folder instead. I tried changing the general controls control panel to Òfolder that is set by the applicationÓ and restarting the computer. However, every time I got an error message that said to use your previous settings, move the identities folder inside of RyanÕs HD:Documents:Microsoft User Data:Identities to the Outlook Express folder and then quit OE and re-open the application (or some message similar to this). I kept moving the whole ÒMicrosoft User DataÓ Folder instead of simply the Identities folder, once I moved ONLY the Identities folder to the Outlook Express folder, Outlook Express opened using my information, mail, address book, etc.

            B. I copied the Identities folder to the ÒRyanÓ folder for backup purposes. I was able to replace my original ÒIdentitiesÓ folder with the backup version of Identities that was in the Ryan folder and OE recognized my preferences. I put the original ÒIdentitiesÓ folder back in Outlook Express Folder.

            C. On one occasion, I re-installed OE 5.0.3, and in the Documents Folder on the G3/266 was ÒMicrosoft User DataÓ and an ÒIdentitiesÓ folder inside of it. I moved the Identities folder to the OE 5 folder, then I moved the Microsoft User Data folder to the OE 5 folder. Then OE 5 opened without any messages.

7. I tried to find the place where Outlook Express stores its address book, so that it can be transferred to another computer. However, Outlook Express preferences is not it. I took the folder out of the preferences folder, restarted and the addresses were still inside of the program.

            A. I took out all the preferences for Internet Explorer (Explorer, Explorer control and the outlook express preferences), but the address book was still present.

            B. On one occasion, after doing a clean install of Outlook Express, I kept getting an error type 1 when opening OE, so I increased the memory allocation to 12000 K. Also, I could not get the address book to be updated with my addresses. (I had forgotten to back up my identities folder before deleting). I was unable to import preferences from NN. I just got an error that said ÒOutlook Express did not finish importingÓ. I even tried to open the address book and save it as a text file, I had no luck.

8. See 12 B under Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 for opening message error.

9. The database folder inside of the main identity of the Identities folder (inside Outlook Express 5.0.2 folder) is the folder that stores the address book for Outlook Express.

            A. Once after doing a clean install (actually a low level zero all data initialization on 7/20/2000), I tried putting an alias on Identities copied from the Ryan folder (which was on a Zip disk) into the Outlook Express folder. However, Outlook Express did not recognize it (no address book was present, even after restarting Outlook Express 5.0.2). So I copied the original Identities folder to the Outlook Express folder, opened Outlook Express 5.0.2, and the address book was present. I then made another alias of the Identities folder (from the Ryan folder), put it into the Outlook Express folder and it worked (address book showed up upon restarting Outlook Express).

            B. It appears, however, better NOT to use an alias, use the real thing inside the OE folder. The application makes a folder called Microsoft User Data inside the Ryan folder. This has identities back up in it. I used the ÒIdentitiesÓ folder on a Ryan partition and also a different ÒIdentitiesÓ folder on the same Ryan partition that was in the Microsoft User Data folder. Both worked to restore my address book to normal (it has gotten out of ABC order when importing information from NM).

            C. If you completely replace the identities folder, you will lose previous mail (sent, received, etc.)

            D. Kept making a Microsoft user data file in the documents. So I went to general controls control panel and set it to Òfolder that is set by the applicationÓ. I had to reset up my mail accounts, since the program probably did not know where to find the preferences.

10. To open the address book, click on the address book icon in the folders window (or press command 2).

            A. To make a new message to someone, press command, option, N. Then type the first letters of the name you want (do not use ALL CAPS). Press tab (and tab again if only one recipient), then type your message.

            B. You can also highlight a name and choose new mail message to in the OE bar.

            C. You can also make a new message to someone by making a new mail message (command, option, N), then dragging the name from the address to the new mail window.

            D. In a long address book, you can type the first letter of the name you want in the show names containing box.

11. When sending mail to AOL members, the file is encoded, I think. I tried sending my Clarisworks business cards filethroughe-mail. When I tried to open it, Simpletext could not open it. Clarisworks can open it, but it is gibberish. May want to sign on to AOL, then send files, if necessary.

            A. Pac bell probably uses a different encoding system than does AOL.

            B. I did get a Word Processing document (actually, it was a pasted picture, which would normally be in a drawing document) to work when sent to AOL, however. I sent it with outlook express (non compressed) to Then I tried to download it, and it was saved as unknown.

            C. When it downloaded, I changed the type and creator to CWWP, BOBO and the file opened.

            D. When sending mail from AOL to AOL, it is usually no problem.

            E. When I sent an e-mail from AOL to Pacific Bell, it was a Clarisworks WP document. However, when it arrivedthroughPacific Bell, its type and creator were BINA, hDmp. I could not open it from the Finder or within CW. I used MW 6.0.1 to open it. It had extra gibberish, but I could make it work.

            F. Files that are created with Microsoft Word, Plan-it or Claris and stuffed (with Drop Stuff) and sentthroughAOL, work fine. I sent one from to I was able to open both of them after unstuffing with Stuff It Expander.

            G. I tried sending a Simpletext picture of the desktop from to It could not be opened from within Simpletext or Clarisworks. However, Graphic Converter opened it fine.

            H. When sending mail from AOL to home, if the file is not stuffed with Drop Stuff, you will not be able to open it (I was using a spreadsheet, drawing or painting file). On one simple spreadsheet file, I was able to change the type and creator to CWWP, BOBO and it opened okay. However, in most cases with SS, DR or Painting documents, you will probably need to go to and download it from there (you can see the progress of the download with the Download Manager). The reason why is because even after changing the type and creator back to the fileÕs original form, you will get an error message that says ÒThis is not a Clarisworks file or it has been corrupted.Ó On many of the files I was working with, Using Mac Link Plus and MAC OS Easy Open did not help.

            I. When sending a spreadsheet, drawing, database or painting CW document mail from AOL to home, compress it with Drop Stuff first. Then after it downloads, drop it on Stuff it Expander. (Pac Bell must do own compressing, if the file is not compressed). Usually, you will not get the Microsoft Word Dialog box, but it did happen once.

            J. When sending a word processing CW document from AOL to home, compression is not necessary. Just press cancel after getting the Microsoft Word convert from text only dialog box. Change the type and creator to CWWP, BOBO. File will open.

            K. If you send a MS word file from AOL to that has been stuffed, it can be opened at home.

12. You can select which way you would like files to be compressed in the Outlook Express window. Click triangle next to attachments to add attachments, delete attachments and to determine format to be used. I used Apple Double, so that things will be encoded for any computer and Stuff it for Mac users. I sent an e-mail to and was able to open it using AOL Net Mail.

            A. To change the encoding format, go to edit, preferences, compose, click Òclick here for attachment optionsÓ, then select base 64 (even though it says Windows users), because Apple Double did not work for I sent a Clarisworks file (drawing) from Pac Bell to AOL, but the file could not be opened with Clarisworks or from within Clarisworks (I tried this myself).

            A. I have not sent an attachment yet, but Tidbits #530 says it should work for AOL users to send in base 64.

            B. I did send a couple of attachments that were base 64 encoded from to They were saved as .zip files, and I was able to open them with Stuff it Expander.

            C. I sent an attachment in base 64 with Outlook Express (the attachment will end in .zip) to from I was able to open it with Stuff it Expander.

I actually sent three files separately (.sit files) with Outlook Express, when it showed up in AOL, it was all one file ( and I was able to open it.

13. The preview pane can be turned on and off from the view menu. (you can also use command, backward slash to toggle it on and off). It allows you to view an e-mail quickly or to scroll through a few e-mails quickly.

            A. You can also make the text bigger by clicking the big letter A and then rewrap the text, although, I donÕt think I will use those features.

            B. You can use the space bar to scroll through a long message. Then you can press space bar again to move to the next unread message.

            C. It may be faster to use preview pane than to keep opening messages in their own windows.

14. If having trouble with junk mail, use the junk mail filter under the tools menu. Sensitivity can be set to high or low.

            A. To ensure that someoneÕs e-mail is not treated as junk mail, add them to your address book.

            B. I have enabled junk mail filter, as of 4/14/02 and set it to average. Later, 4/20/02, I decided to move it up a little, so more e-mails are classified as junk.

15. In the Microsoft News server window, you can subscribe (bold print shows subscribed newsgroup) or unsubscribe (regular print shows non-subscribed groups).

            A. You can choose to view subscribed groups only in the view menu.

            B. You can check the e-mail of newsgroups by double clicking on them.

            C. If you get the messages from a newsgroup that interests you, but one person has posted 50 messages: Simply select all their messages, use the message menu to Òmark as readÓ (not mark all read), then select the view menu, and choose ÒunreadÓ only.

            D. You must select to show only ÒfromÓ, ÒsentÓ, Òmessage statusÓ for each newsgroup you set up.

            E. Source: Newsgroups may be up to 14 characters long. They should consist of only letters, digits, Ò+Ó and Ò-Ó with at least one letter.

            F. Source, words at the same level are separated by a hyphen i.e. misc.invest.real-estate rather than which would indicate that real is a type of estate.

16. Even though Claris E-mailer can and Netscape Communicator 6 preview version can (according to Tidbits #533), I do not think AOL accounts can be accessed with Outlook Express, might need to use I donÕt think is a POP or IMAP account. Or it just may not be accessed because of a firewall.

17. The identities folder is either in the Microsoft User Data folder in the documents folder or in the Outlook Express folder. You can store the identities folder anywhere on your HD, but an alias to it should remain in the Outlook Express folder. On my computer, the identities folder is stored in the Outlook Express folder because I set up the general controls control panel to the Òfolder set by the applicationÓ and not the documents folder, when I first ran Outlook Express 5.0.2. I also put an alias of identities (not called identities alias, which wonÕt work, so I changed to Identities in the Outlook Express folder. The ÒrealÓ folder is in the ÒRyanÓ folder. If you upgrade to a newer version of Outlook Express, you may need to find the identities folder and drag it to the new folder on the HD. When installing, you may even want to drag the identities folder to the desktop and then drag it to the new location after installing (to be more sure preferences are saved).

18. According to help file with Outlook Express, if you are having trouble with mail database or starting Outlook Express 5, you may need to rebuild the Outlook Express 5 database, press and hold option while you start Outlook Express. When asked Òif you would like to compact the database?Ó choose Òno.Ó When the Òwould you like to do a complete rebuild of the database?Ó, click Òyes.Ó

            A. According to Tidbits #547, this works in E-mailer also.

            B. On one occasion, after rebuilding the OE Database (after trashing a lot of e-mail, also), the Identities folder went from being 6.9 MB to 1.2 MB (after I trashed the old database files from the identities folder).

19. If you choose to format a mail message as .html, from the format menu; you can copy and paste hot links from an e-mail message to your current one, then send. However, it does not send a ÒhotÓ link to AOL members. But when an AOL member sends me mail with a ÒhotÓ link, it shows up in OE in ÒhotÓ link form (you can click on it and get to a site). There is an option under the Applescript menu at the top of the screen to Òinsert explorer address.Ó You can insert the page that you are currently looking at with Internet Explorer. it does not make a clickable link though. Also, it caused OE to quit on both occasions when I tried to do it. Then, upon restart, it made Enternet not work properly for a couple tries (had to keep connecting). I posted a message on and one person suggested typing the link in HTML and sending it to AOL members. <A HREF=></A> did not work.. I e-mailed Julie and she said that ÒDÓ should work. I tried it again, but it did not work. I called AOL and they said that it is because of AOLÕs mail server, it will not work, when sending from a non-AOL account to an AOL account. They are working on this issue. If you send a URL from my to or Matt, etc. the clickable link will work. If you send a URL (favorite place link) from to, a hypertext link will show up in the e-mail.

20. Once I tried to send mail from Momfisher to Mailer daemon said Òit was undeliverable.Ó Not sure, I changed the case of motleyze, but it still got returned. The first three e-mails I sent went thru, the last 4 did not, strange but true. Think this was a one time glitch.

21. I kept getting error type 1 when trying to open Outlook Express 5.0.2. I increased the memory allocation by about 3,000K,but I had no luck. Restarting did not help. I finally took a real copy of the ÒidentitiesÓ folder and put it into the Outlook Express Folder and then started the program, which worked. Then I made an alias of the identities folder that is in the ÒRyanÓ folder and put it into the Outlook Express folder (deleted the original from the Outlook Express folder first). This seemed okay.

22. An arrow next to an e-mail means that you replied to an e-mail. An * by an e-mail means that it is unread.

23. If you not have the messages in the ÒinboxÓ arranged by sent (Date sent), when you double click new messages, the messages may appear out of order. If the messages are arranged by ÒsentÓ, there will be an triangle pointing down by the column.

25. To adjust the size of the ÒfoldersÓ window, you can move the cursor to the area between the ÒfoldersÓ window and the ÒinboxÓ, ÒoutboxÓ or Òsent itemsÓ, etc. window (depending on which folder you are looking at) and then drag the pointer.

26. For awhile, I had some returned mail, because it said Òuser unknownÓ or whatever. But the problem was with Pac BellÕs mail server, I believe, since the situation was temporary (and I could send e-mail later to same addresses without any problem).

27. Under the preferences, general, you can set it to Òdisplay close box in main browser windowÓ.

28. If you want to change the font style size and you can not, because the option is grayed out, try clicking the tiny ÒabÓ button on the left side of the mail composition window.

            A. You can have this option be black all the time instead of grayed out, by choosing HTML as your default format for mail messages. You can set this under edit, preferences, compose, messages, mail format.

29. To make a signature, go to Tools, Signatures. Then edit all you like. Go to tools, accounts, choose RyanÕs e-mail, double click it, then click the options tab, select Standard as the default signature.

            A. You can also make up more than one signature and have them inserted at random, if you like. However, I think I accidentally deleted that choice.

            B. it works when sending e-mail to AOL members.

30. You can make a Ònew groupÓ to send e-mails to groups of people instead of just one person.

31. At one time, I checked my new mail with Outlook Express and sometimes would later check it with NN. When NN checked the e-mail, it did not show mail that was already read with Outlook Express.

            A. On a different occasion, when I read messages with NN and then later checked e-mail with Outlook Express, previously read messages (with Netscape Messenger) were downloaded.

            B. Also on the same occasion as A, I checked my new mail with Outlook Express and then checked it with NN. When NN checked the e-mail, it DID show mail that was already read with Outlook Express.

            C. The reason why is this. If you read new mail and then delete mail with OE and then check the mail with NN, NN will not show the e-mail (it has already been deleted). If you check the e-mail before itÕs been deleted, you will see previously read e-mail. The situation works the same when using NN first.

32. I used Outlook Express 5.0.2 to send some e-mail to, which worked. I put the incoming mail server as ÒPOPÓ, which Netscape has picked as the mail server (Netscape messenger works). but still get the error message that Òcould not retrieve mail from the account ÒRyanÕs e-mail accountÓ. it also says Òthe specified server could not be foundÓ.

            A. I reset up an account and realized that I forgot to enter Òpostoffice.pacbell.netÓ as my incoming mail server. The outgoing mail (SMTP) server was correct, which was

Also, my password should be uppercase. did receive the e-mail from Cwboy21.

33. If you select send and receive all, and it shows 0 items displayed, 0 items selected, it means you have no mail and is a normal (i.e. there is no error message).

34. Under the view menu, you can select Òunread onlyÓ or not, if you want to look at old read mail. Or you can use command, Y.

35. After taking out the Internet preferences for a non Outlook Express related problem, I could not open Microsoft Outlook Express without getting the error message that ÒAn Internet Config error occurred. Please check news and mail settingsÓ. I tried to check settings in Internet Explorer for e-mail, reinstalling Internet Explorer and Outlook Express, reinstalling Internet Config extension and Internet Config, but I had no luck. I even tried putting the ÒoldÓ Internet preferencesÓ back into the system folder. But then I got the ÒTo use data from your previous version of Outlook Express, move or copy the identities folder fd in RyanÕs HD:Applications:Microsoft Internet 5:Microsoft Internet 5:Outlook Express 5.0.2 folder:Identities to the Outlook Express 5.0.2 folder on your hard disk. To do so, click Quit, move or copy the folder in the finder, and start Outlook Express again.Ó

            A. All I did was to move the identities folder out of the Outlook Express folder and then back in. Outlook Express worked then. Later, it did not work again. Tried rebuilding the desktop with TechTool, trashing finder and display preferences making sure I have version 2.0.2 of Internet Config and version 2.0.2 of Internet Config extension, I had no luck. I could open Outlook Express from the finder, but not from within Internet Explorer, by clicking the mail icon. The solution is when you get the ÒTo use data from a previous version of Outlook ExpressÓ message, you can simply hit ÒcontinueÓ and import the stuff from Netscape. Outlook Express finds the Netscape stuff automatically.

            B. Later, I still got the Òverify news and mail settings errorÓ again with the newer preferences, but not with the old preferences. Finally, I just trashed the old and the new Internet preferences and let OE create a new file. This worked.

            C. Now I have version 2.0.2 of Internet Config in system and version 2.0.2 of the Internet Config Extension in extensions.

36. Outlook Express 5.0.2 can import Addresses from NN 4.73, but they are not alphabetical (even though they were in ABC order in NN).

            A. it is better to manually add addresses to both NN and Outlook Express (and AOL).

37. If an e-mail was sent with NM, it will not show up in Outlook ExpressÕ sent window.

38. You can use the edit, find to find things or use Edit, advanced find to search e-mail messages, etc. or use command, F and command, G from the regular OE window.

39. You can drag and drop one or more attachments to the attachments window.

40. You can use the junk mail filter under tools to check sensitivity of it. You can also deny mail from some domains, if necessary.

41. Under Tools, Schedules, you can set OE to check e-mail every so often. Double click Òsend and receive allÓ, then change manually (which is the default) to repeated schedule. It will check e-mail, when sleeping, even when it is not the foremost application.

            A. In the bottom of the window, the time until the next running of the script will show.

            B. If you type a message, you can choose Òsend nowÓ or save it (in drafts). Send and Receive all can send it later. May be good for sending a long filethroughe-mail, after you are sleeping.

            C. If a message has a red ÒXÓ and a red arrow, it means that an e-mail message has not been sent yet.

            D. You can open the message and then choose Òsend laterÓ to have it sent on the next ÒSend and Receive AllÓ command.

42. The deleted items folder must be emptied, just like the trash with Messenger.

            A. However, you can schedule the deleted items folder to be emptied. As of 5/1/02, I set it up, so that every 180 minutes, mail older than 0 days is deleted. Hopefully, this will work.

            B. Later, though, I had set up a schedule to delete mail with OE, but it was consistently behind (i.e. there would 4 , 6, 8 etc. pieces of mail in deleted items, which were not being removed). It turns out that I had set up OE to delete mail every 90 minutes or so, but it was scheduled to delete mail that was older than 1 day only. So, I changed the schedule to say Òolder than 0 daysÓ and I will change the time frame to 70 minutes (since I check for e-mail every 70 minutes).

43. To make columns ascending or descending, that column must sort them. Click on the arrow at the top of the column.

44. You can sort messages by thread (meaning messages that are on the same subject) by going to the view menu, then choosing threaded.

            A. This could be confusing if you have e-mail thatÕs labeled ÒuntitledÓ, since they could all end up in the same thread. Better to label subjects, if you plan to use threading.

            B. If there is a thread (group of messages with the same subject) to a message, there will be a Òblue arrowÓ next to the latest message.

            C. Threaded can be very useful when accessing newsgroup information.

45. I also checked that I want messages to be shown as read after 3 seconds. This is under Edit:Preferences:Read.

46. You can mark some newsgroups postings as ÒreadÓ by using the message, mark as read menu or command, T.

            A. You can post a reply to the sender or to the newsgroup, after opening it.

47. Once I tried to use the Applescript menu to Òinclude Explorer Address,Ó it gave me an error type 11.

            A. However, OE saved the mail message and it was there upon restart.

            B. Upon restart, I sent the message.

            C. Tried reinstalling Outlook Express on 9/8/2000.

48. If you make changes to some window (i.e. width, etc.), the preferences may not be written until closing the application.

49. If you double click an attachment, it is automatically downloaded. On one occasion, it downloaded to the Outlook Express Temporary Folder. I changed the general controls setting, so that files download to the ÒdocumentsÓ folder.

            A. However, even after restarting, I think the files still downloaded to the Outlook Express Temporary Folder, so I put an alias of it into the Ryan folder.

50. Outlook Express 5.0.2 does not have a Spell Check. The help menu says that Microsoft Office must be installed for Spelling to work. However, Microsoft Office was installed and Spelling was not listed under the tools menu in OE and when you go to edit, preferences, the ÒSpellingÓ tab was gray.

            A. Reinstalling spelling from the Microsoft Office CD did not help. It may be that Office 98 is needed for OE 5.0.2 to use Spelling. Later (12/02) after putting Office 98 on my G3/233Õs HD, Spell Check was enabled with OE, I just had to select proofing tools, when starting up OE (the first time I ran OE after installing Office 98). The spell check works, even though I am primarily using Office 4.2.1b.

            B. Later, though, I had trouble getting OE to do Spelling after doing the upgrade to Office 98. I chose to Ònot ask againÓ unfortunately, and later I was not able to select the proofing tools. But I went to Identities, trashed the preferences, and was asked again. I chose Proofing Tools (inside of Shared Applications inside of Office 98 Folder).

            C. If you try to use OE 4.5 with IE 5.1 installed, you get an error that ÒOutlook Express cannot load the Microsoft Internet shared libraries....Ó

51. If you send mail to motleyze only, (no @ .....) from, the mail will be sent to

52. On one occasion, I had sent mail from to But, apparently, the e-mail with attachments did not get through until about eight hours later. Some e-mails with attachments took over 24 hours to get through. (This occurred on 11/10/00).

            A. In future events, I suppose I could go to and check for sent mail.

            B. Another e-mail took over 40 hours to get to I was able to go to and retrieve the e-mail with attachment. However, when I downloaded from, the file was corrupted (when I tried to expand it with Stuff it Expander, I got the Òcorrupt archiveÓ error and the file would not expand). When the e-mail with attachment finally came through to, it was fine (not corrupted).

53. You can use an e-mail filter to automatically mark unwanted e-mail as read with OE (or run an Applescript on it), instead of preventing it.

            A. You can use the mailing list manager to organize postings, replies that you get from mailing lists.

            B. Rules can be used to move mail, based on your criteria.

54. I could not get my mail from the server, after doing a clean install once. However, I could go to to look at some recent e-mails.

55. To make a backup of the newsgroups that I have subscribed to: Go to Microsoft User Data, Identities, Main Identity, Preferences File (the preferences file stores the newsgroup information).

56. On one occasion, OE would not startup, it would try to, but then give an error type 1. Upon restart, it still made an error type 1 when trying to start OE.

            A. On the next restart, I ran IE 5 first, which ran Microsoft Internet First Run. Then I ran OE and it OE opened fine.

57. OE 5 has Javascript on by default, so it is vulnerable to e-mail wiretappingÓ (Discussed in Tourbus 2/6/01).

58. One time, I tried to send e-mail to mom and to, but I got an error message that says you can not send to this address with Outlook Express. However, later, the error disappeared. Nothing required to be done by me, problem just went away.

59. You can not put an Ò–Ó (n yeah) into a Outlook Express e-mail. However, using Clarisworks 4.0, you can make a word with an N-yeah in it in a WP document. Copy from the WP document and paste into the Outlook Express document.

60. Ryan folder was 75 MB on HD, because I back up the Identities folder and copied it from the OE 5 to the Ryan folder was very large. Messages inside of OE 5 was 24.1 MB (lots of old mail). I deleted a lot of mail (396 messages), but the Message file was still 24.1 MB even after closing OE 5 and IE5. So I dragged the message file to the desktop, then opened OE 5 and a new message file was created (and the few number of messages that I left undeleted in OE 5 were still present). Ryan folder was back down to 50 MB or so.

            A. However, when I tried to read old (read) messages, I got an error -4210 (probably because old messages were gone). If this happens, should try to use Messenger or Webbox to read old mail, probably.

61. When some contacts are highlighted with the address book, the ÒNew message toÓ is gray and some, it is black. Also, the gray ones do not allow you to simply type the first letter(s) of someoneÕs name to make a new mail message to them in the New Mail Window.

            A. To correct a ÒgrayedÓ out one, copy the e-mail address from the contactÕs window. Delete the contact. Create a ÒnewÓ contact with the old information, press the ÒsaveÓ button in the new contact window.

62. You can use the Auction Manager to track online auctions.

63. You can cyclethroughwindows by using command, tilde or the window menu.

64. Command, 1 opens the main window, command, 2 opens the address book, command, 3 opens the progress window.

65. Pressing help brings up the help box, help can not be cycledthroughwith the other windows.

            A. Help is drag and drop savvy.

66. If a message contains a JIF or JPEG attachment, it can be viewed in the preview pane.

67. You can control click a name in the address book to bring up a pop up menu.

68. You can switch among pages by using Tab and shift, tab.

69. You can not delete default folders in OE. To delete other folders, highlight the name, then choose delete. To delete an account folder, you must go to Tools, accounts.

70. You can turn on show balloons, but there is virtually no help. Better to leave off.

71. You can address e-mails to people by typing the first letter(s) or choosing it from the pop down menu that appears when you start typing letters.

72. You can not access non Hotmail accounts (at unless they provide POP support (according to IE for Mac, page 135).

            A. Maria from Wal*Mart told me that if you do not access your Hotmail account for 60 days, you may be Òlogged outÓ and e-mail may be returned.

            B. You can reset up your account and keep the same e-mail address.

            C. Maria had not used her account ( in 60 days, so she was Òlogged out.Ó She will reset up and e-mail me, I believe.

            D. Tourbus from 5/16/02 mentions that it may be that Hotmail is changing peopleÕs preferences, so that users receive e-mail offers, etc. Users may want to check their preferences.

            E. Must select checkbox to "copy message to sent folder" to keep a copy of e-mail sent from, as of 7/02.

73. You can record multiple e-mail addresses, mailing addresses and phone numbers of reach contact, and you pick which one is default (according to IE for Mac, page 149).

            A. You can also create custom fields.

74. To view the address book in the main window, click Òaddress bookÓ in the folders area.

            A. You can also view the address book by control, clicking in the main toolbar (where the word ÒoutboxÓ or whatever is shown in bigger print).

75. You can use the Òdisplay names containing...Ó box in the address book to look for names, or even other info ( addresses only, etc.).

76. If you control, click on any one of the column headings (to, from etc.), it is a shortcut to choose which columns can be displayed.

77. While in the address book, you can create a new contact by pressing command, N.

78. OE can be set up, so that it does not ask to update items after changing info in contacts. If you want OE to start asking again, go to edit, preferences, notification, reset confirmation dialogs.

            A. This may be related to the Ònew message toÓ problem mentioned in #61).

79. To add a sender to the address book, control click the name and choose add sender to address book or press command = (according to IE for Mac, page 152).

80. To edit a contact, control, click it and choose open contact, press enter or return after highlighting contact.

81. According to IE for Mac, page 155, you canÕt print the Address Book, so OE would not be good for a main address book program.

            A. To print it, export the data to another program, according to page 161.

82. You can delete a contact by highlighting the contact and pressing delete or command, delete or using Edit, delete contact.

83. According to IE for Mac, page 159, you have the option to not show addresses to everyone when sending to a group.

84. You can reply to a message by clicking Reply or using command, R or message, reply menu.

            A. According to IE for Mac, page 168 says it is customary to reply to let people know what message relates to.

            B. Forwarded text can be edited. Redirected text can not be.

85. You can drag and drop addresses between the CCC, To fields and BCC fields.

            A. You do not HAVE to have any visible recipients.

86. You can use the find command while composing a message. Command, F works, so does Command, G (to find text again).

            A. You can also paste text (that is in the clipboard) as a quotation: command, apostrophe works as well.

            B. You can double click to select a word and triple click to select a line.

87. According to IE for Mac, page 174: If MS Office 98 is installed, the Spelling command will work.

88. According to IE for Mac, page 174, you can select a portion of the text and then Reply or Forward to select only a portion of the text to be quoted.

89. Table 13.1 on page 174 has a list of Auto Text Cleanup Commands.

90. According to IE for Mac, page 175 RTF is synonymous with HTML formatted messages.

91. Most messages should be in plain text format, for greater compatibility (under edit, preferences, compose).

            A. HTML formatting is only shown in HTML capable programs, according to IE for Mac, page 176.

92. You can choose to add attachments by pressing Command, E or by dragging the file to the window.

            A. To remove an object, press delete after highlighting or press command, D or use message, remove all attachments to take all of them off.

93. According to IE for Mac, page 181, when sending to Windows users, set compression to off.

94. Command, K sends message now. Command, Option, K sends message later.

            A. Command, M sends and receives all.

            B. Command, S saves a message to drafts.

            C. Shift, command, K sends all mail.

95. Control clicking brings up a dialog box for messages, where you can mark them as read, unread, etc.

96. Command, T can mark messages as read; Command, shift, T can mark messages as unread.

97. You can save attachments by simply dragging them to the desktop or to a folder of your choice.

98. To remove an attachment from an e-mail (that you suspect may contain a virus), select edit messageÓ from the message menu. Then select the attachment and choose ÒremoveÓ.

99. You can use the find command (command, F) to search for messages from, to, etc. You can also select different folders.

            A. Option, Command, F is an advanced search.

100. To delete messages, use command, D, delete key or use Òdel.Ó

101. To print one copy, use command, option, P. You can print more than one e-mail using this shortcut (even unread e-mails).

102. You can move folders from the window to other folders (some folders) by clicking and dragging.

103. Command, semi colon brings up preferences.

104. You can set the general preferences, so that double clicking on a folder name either displays in OE 5 window or its own window.

            A. You can also use MicrosoftÕsÕ shortcuts or use standard Macintosh shortcuts, depending on your preference.

105. You can use the right hand pop up menu, when a message is opened in its own window to move a message somewhere else.

106. IE for Mac page 218 says that if you have Stuffit Deluxe installed, you can send messages all attachments as Stuffit archives (under edit, prefs, compose, attachment options).

            A. Page 218 also says Apple Double is the best format if you are unsure of what computer someone else has.

            B. Page 218 says if you normally send to Mac or Windows users, choose that compression choice.

            C. Page 220 says there is no way to change the attachment options for only one message. Change prefs and then change back, if necessary.

107. Page 227 says that there is another set of sounds in the Extras folder called Clixsounds.

108. Page 231 says all public news servers allow you to read posts, but not all let you post.

109. Page 236 discusses the use of real names/fake names for newsgroups.

110. Pacbell does require a user name and password for its newsgroups.

111. Viewing messages as threaded may be easier (threaded messages have a blue star beside them).

            A. Command, Y toggles between subscribed and all newsgroups.

            B. You can use the ... contains menu in a newsgroup window to show only selected messages.

            C. You can click any column to sort by that particular thing.

            D. Command, brackets move you forward and backthrougharticles (page 242).

            E. Page 245 says that a paper clip only appears after you have downloaded an article in Newsgroups.

112. Command, option, T marks all messages as read.

113. If an e-mail is important, you can choose Òsave as...Ó from the file menu to save it as a Simpletext document.

114. To compact the database of messages, etc., Hold down the option key while starting up Outlook Express. After starting up, you can delete ÒoldÓ files within the Identities folder.

115. I set up the Òdelete deleted itemsÓ for Wednesday at 2:00 A.M.

116. If you set up OE to send HTML messages and the person receiving your e-mail does not HTML capable browser, then they will get plain text with an HTML attachment.

117. To switch between ascending and descending, click the column.

118. If you have several e-mails with attachments, drag to desktop.

            A. One of my friends from Veracruz said that his e-mail address needs to be in small letters only.

119. According to Apple e-news from 7/19/2001, if you receive a blank message with an enclosure, drag the enclosure into the window of your web browser and the issue of e-news should appear in your browser.

120. Since changing the newsgroup setting from to, I tried to download some messages from newsgroups and had trouble. When I tried to download newsgroups that no longer existed on the server, I got the Ònewsgroup no longer existedÓ error, plus OE would quit and I would have to restart the computer. I rebuilt the database for OE by holding down the option key at startup of OE, but if you tried to download more newsgroups (some of which did not exist on the server), you would get the error message again (and eventually OE would quit again also). Rebuilding the database helped so that OE would not quit every time, but it would quit eventually if you kept trying to download newsgroups that are not present.

            A. So I restarted the computer. Then I held down the option key and rebuilt the database again. I trashed the ÒoldÓ database and the ÒoldÓ messages folder and the ÒoldÓ database cache folders from the OE Main Identities folder. Then I found the Newsgroup cache folder inside of the Identities folder and trashed it (when I tried to access newsgroups after opening OE, I had to download a new list of newsgroups). OE now works fine.

            B. has info on the new newsgroup settings.

            C. There were many newsgroups that were eliminated. Also, it does not appear that newsgroups have attachments, I checked in several groups, but none had attachments on any of the files. I e-mailed to inquire on 9/2/01.

            D. Pacific Bell e-mailed and did not even address my question. They simply said that you can set the news servers to or Neither one of these settings worked to download newsgroup messages.

            E. Pacific Bell said that and should work as newsgroup servers, but they do not. Only worked. I e-mailed them at to ask about the correct news server address and the attachments issue. Also, when I called 877-DBC-DSL5, I got disconnected on three occasions, so I e-mailed to ask about that, also. They suggested calling 877-722-3755, then dial 233118 (all together individually dialing the numbers will not work) to get tech support. This did work.

            F. Finally, I found out that does not allow attachments for newsgroup messages, may have to gothroughdejanews. com or something.

            G. Also, when accessing or, you have to have your Account ID (under Tools, accounts, News, user ID) as instead of just motleyze, and then New At Ease (lower case).

121. Use tab key to move from to place in an e-mail to the Subject, then to the message area to get the recipients to be recognized. Do not click the mouse on a different area of the e-mail, it does not work.

122. Tidbits from 10/8/2001 mentions how to change the format of Tidbits e-mail that are received, HTML, plain text, etc.

123. When making a document to send homethroughe-mail, the best thing to do may be to retain formatting is to use Microsoft Word, then make it a Times font, size 12. Then no reformatting should be necessary, when downloading the file at home and pasting into Computer Notes at home. You may have to drag the file on top of Stuff It Expander, instead of having a self-extracting archive (even if the file ends in .sea).

            A. Once I tried sending a stuffed and an unstuffed filethroughOutlook Express to AOL (retrieved mail using Claris E-mailer). The unstuffed version did open with Simpletext, but had lots of extraneous stuff. Clarisworks tried to open it, but got an error. The stuffed version (ended in .mim) did not open with Simpletext (too large) and MW could open the file, but all it had was ÒjunkÓ. Stuff it Expander could not expand the file, either.

            B. I finally went to OE preferences and clicked the Compose Tab, then I changed the attachment options to be Encode for Macintosh (binhex) and Compression Macintosh (Stuff It). This helped. Simpletext could not open the file, but it could be opened by dropping it on top of Stuff it Expander, then clicking on the file (the file opens in Word). The ÒunstuffedÓ version could be opened as well by dropping it on top of Stuff It Expander, as well. Then MW could open it.

124. OE prints page 5 of 7 on its output, whereas NN does not.

125. Version 5.0.3 fixes access issues with Hotmail and MSN mail access. Also, it fixes an issue with regarding to SMTP authentication for outgoing mail.

126. If you change to change the color of your signature or the font, etc. and have it appear in your new messages, you must use HTML format, which can be set under Edit, Preferences, Compose, Mail format.

127. It is okay to delete incoming messages with OE (and later find them in Netscape, if necessary). However, if you delete sent mail, there is no way to find those items later, they are not saved in NN or Webbox. So sent e-mails should be saved, unless you are sure they wonÕt be necessary, later.

128. I set up a rule to delete messages from Helen on 3/17/02. Hopefully, it will work. I added mail to the rule on 4/14/02, but later realized that I would trash mail from people I know, so I took it back off the rules.

            A. On 4/10/02, after reinstalling OE, I set it up again. Under Tools, Rules, I went to New, Mail (POP), then selected If from contains, EnCHANTr4U, then delete message. I also set it up to delete momÕs e-mails as of now (5/31/02) and it works.

            B. I enabled the Junk Mail Filter, as well. E-mails recognized as Junk are ÒdimmedÓ in the in box. I added Apple E-news and the 2 Tourbus authors to my address book, so their e-mails would not be classified as junk. I thought I had added Bob RankinÕs e-mail address, yet e-mails from the Tourbus were still dimmed. I was missing the final letter of his e-mail address in the address book (bob@RANKIN.ORG). Now (6/1/02), Tourbus e-mails should not be dimmed.

129. I got an error type 3 with OE on 3/24/02, which usually means a bug in the application and you should contact the manufacturer, about a bug fixed upgrade. I did increase the memory allocation from 7168 to 15000 K, which may or may not help.

            A. 5.03 appears to be the latest version at and 5.02 is the latest version listed at

130. I have been having trouble with OE5 quitting with errors (I think 2, 10 and 11, not sure), especially when sending e-mail. I trashed OE preferences on 3/29/02. On 4/2/02, I sent an e-mail to, and OE just quit. I compacted the database on 4/2/02.

            A. Other options could be to compact the database, reinstall 5.0.3, look for update at, use 5.0.2, run TT, NDD.

            B. At, version 5.0.2 says that System Requirements are ÒN/AÓ.

            C. Later, I sent a fax to and OE quit with an error type 2.

            D. Later, OE had an error type 11. I had tried to send a message without it being a reply, but still got error type 11. Errors seem to recur every about every 3 days or so, when sending mail. I decided to replace IE 5 and OE 5 on 4/6/02. I moved the ÒMicrosoft Component LibraryÓ and ÒMicrosoft Internet LibraryÓ extensions out of the Extensions folder. I also moved the Outlook Express Prefs out of Prefs, and Explorer folder out of Preferences. I also moved the Explorer control prefs folder to the trash. I also moved the Identities folder out of the OE 5 folder to a zip disk (in case backup is later required). I started up OE and then imported from NN 4.77. This worked. I did not import any sent messages, since I had previously sent most e-mails with OE 5, not NN. On 4/14/02, OE has not crashed once in the last 8 days or so.

            E. The fact that the schedules did not run properly may have been a clue that there was a problem with OE 5.

131. After compacting the database for OE, I had three old files in the identities folder. I trashed them. However, there was also a ÒMicrosoft User DataÓ folder, which may be for generic use. I trashed that folder and then closed OE and re-opened it without incident.

132. Under Tools, Accounts, double click name of e-mail account. Go to Options, check Òleave messages on server,Ó if you would like to be able to use NN and Webbox to double check e-mails, etc. Otherwise, NN and Webbox will not be able to load previously obtained e-mails (e-mails obtained with OE).

133. Under preferences, notification, you can have the menubar icon flash or not, when new mail arrives.

134. You may want to organize by name (To or From, depending on whether deleting from the inbox or sent items), when deleting e-mails. It makes it easier.

135. To add sender to address book, use the Tools menu or command, =.

136. Not having phone line disconnected may cause freeze (where it appears to sleep, but you cannot wake it up without restarting) on G3/233, since OE checks mail every hour and cannot.

            A. I tried turning off OE and E-mailer scheduling for now (6/22/02).

137. I decided to not Òleave messages on serverÓ with Outlook Express, since it is too much extra work to keep up with NN also. But, since I am going on vacation this month (7/02), I decided to leave them on the server for now, since I will want to check my e-mail when I am out of town.

138. is the way to send an e-mail message to my cellular phone.

139. It does not appear that OE5 has the stationary feature like the Windows version does (I could not find any information on it, in the help section).

140. On one occasion (9/10/02), I deleted several e-mails with OE 5.0.4; however, after deleting them, they did not show up in the Deleted Items folder (you then delete the e-mails from that folder to really get rid of them). Initially, I had set up the Deleted Items, so that ÒUnread OnlyÓ e-mails would show up, but even after changing it so that all e-mails should show up, Deleted Items folder was still empty. May be a one time glitch.

141. In 9/02, I kept getting strange e-mails from Greg that said Ònew website,Ó etc. But he told me later that his computer had gotten a virus.

142. When signed on with AOL, mail could not be sent with OE or NN on Friday, 2/7/03, but may be temporary problem. Later (without changing any settings), I was able to e-mail.

143. When I first checked mail with OE, I heard a ÒwelcomeÓ sound, like the sound that Enternet settings makes when first connecting. I think it was because Remote Access had the option to ÒConnect automatically when starting TCP/IP applicationsÓ checked. I unchecked it on 3/17/03, but on next restart Enternet settings did not connect automatically, so I rechecked ÒConnect automatically when starting TCP/IP applications and then use Remote Access to connect. Later (12/03), I went back to Enternet software (see DSL 77 for more info).

144. When getting e-mails from, the thumbnails do not appear (as of 4/9/03), but the thumbnails (not just a picture icon or an ÒxÓ) appear in NetscapeÕs Messenger window, when opening the same e-mail.

            A. There is an option under Edit, preferences, display to Òshow attached pictures in messagesÓ or not. The box was checked. It may be that the format that sends out the e-mails may be not a suitable one for OE.

            B. You can check how compatible you may be with others at

            C. You can now (as of 8/03) check your history of e-mails at

            D. In 9/03, I signed up for one for $79 (was $27/month when paying by the month). It will expire 9/23/2004.

            E. On 9/19/03, would not show ÒnewÓ and ÒupdatedÓ profiles first (and did not label them as such). I e-mailed to inquire about this. They said they are working to resolve the issue (as of 9/21/03).

            F. Sometimes, when trying to access a profile, if you click on the picture, you get an error. It seems to work by clicking on the name.

            G. I think that checking for people within 100 miles allows you to see more profiles. I tried to update my profile to say I am looking for people within 100 miles. I tried to do this on 11/21/03, but the page kept freezing with IE or NN.

145. For some reason, on 4/8/03, my folder disappeared. I had trashed many Outlook Express temporary items, and I did not think it was related. Additionally, after I created a new folder, there was nothing in Temporary Items, but anyhow, the folder is gone. I just decided to leave the Identities intact, since my new e-mails will be present.

146. To add a word to the spelling dictionary, hold down Control and click on the word.

147. You can drag a file from OE 5 attachment window to the Stuff It Expander icon to have file expand.

148. Even if you mark it as unread, you won't be able to read it with OE (e-mail is not left on server when using Yahoo! mail).

            A. I tried simply moving some e-mail from my inbox to Read Mail, and I was not able to access the e-mail later with OE. I checked on the Yahoo mail site and was not able to solve the problem, so I e-mailed SBCGlobal on 4/25/03. They replied and said that I should Clear History and clear the cache. This did not work, so I e-mailed them again.

            B. I did discover, though, that if I simply do not do anything with the e-mail at or only mark it as read, I can access it with OE later.

            C. If you delete the e-mail at, you cannot access it with OE later.

149. I was unable to e-mail Donna ( or from around 11/20/03. A week later, I still could not e-mail her. I just decided to e-mail her from AOL instead, for now. Later, she fixed the problem.

150. In OS X, Outlook Express (Classic, version 5.0.4) should not be the first application to use the internet to gain internet access.

A. I used IE 5.2 in OS X to connect to the internet, but then I got a message that mail could not be retrieved. I just tried again and I was able  to download mail with OE 5.0.4.

The first time you try to access mail with OE in Classic within in OS X, you will get a message that mail cannot be retrieved. But, just try again and it should work.

151. OE help does not work in Classic under OS X. It also did not work, when starting under OS 9.

            A. I restarted in OS 8.1 and was not able to access help with the 5.0.4 version of OE. However, after re-installing, I was able to access help. I restarted and tried to access help in OS 9 (with OE 5.0.4). However, the help froze and did not work again. Most likely a software glitch. The best thing to do is to use the Help folder and access OE 5.0.4 help from the internet, if necessary.

152. It does not appear that OE 5.0.4 can access AOL mail (the server names are asked for, and you cannot leave the fields blank).

153. On 3/15/04, I could not access e-mail with OE 5.0.4 in Classic under OS X. I kept trying, but it then asked if I wanted to re-enter my password. I did re-enter the password, and then I was able to access e-mail with OE.

154. OE was not muted when asleep, so I changed the OE setting to check for mail every 60 minutes, instead of every 10.

155. OE would not run on the G3/266, it kept producing a -87xx error when opening. I discovered this error when I clicked the Mail button from within IE 5.1.6. Rebuilding did not solve the problem, nor did reinstalling OE and IE. I even tried running OE from the red iMac (using File Sharing on the G3/266). OE ran fine on iMac, but not on the G3/266. Reinstalling 8.1 solved the problem. I also set up IE to use AOL as its mail helper.

156. In 2/06, CarmenÕs e-mail would not send or receive with OE on the slot-loading iMac. I had to check ÒSMTP server requires authenticationÓ under Tools, Accounts, Sending Mail. With the receiving mail, I tried using my account and it worked. So, then I restarted the slot-loading iMac and Carmen could retrieve her e-mail.



1. Permalink is a static address (link) to an individual blog entry or news item on the World Wide Web. Secured File Transfer Protocol (similar to SSH, but for files).  SSH is an acronym for Secure Shell (operating system) or Secure Socket Shell. Secure Shell is a Unix shell program for logging into, and executing commands on, a remote computer. E-book, ebook, and eBook are all correct. Offload is to transfer to a peripheral device, of computer data. Screenshot is a word. SDK is short for Software DeveloperÕs Kit. ROI can be short for RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) Over Internet; no further info could be found out about remote direct memory access. Philips CAT 5 cable (100 foot cable in attic) and the blue and green Belkin 25-foot cables have lifetime warranties. UDP can be short for User Datagram Protocol. SPAM (not an acronym) is written sapm—slang name for Unsolicited Commercial Email. RDF is short for Raw Data File. A test bed is an environment that is created for testing purposes. A test bed may refer to software only or to both hardware and software. Login or log in is correct as a noun or verb. CD-ROM is correct, not CD ROM. A workaround is a temporary kluge used to bypass, mask or otherwise avoid a bug or misfeature in some system;  a kluge (with an ÒewÓ in the middle as in ÒnewÓ) is a software or hardware configuration that, while inelegant, inefficient, clumsy, or patched together, succeeds in solving a specific problem or performing a particular task. TidBITS #903 explains that, Òa virus needs user interaction, while a worm ÔwormsÕ its way through the network from system to system.Ó A firewall is a combination of hardware and software that separates a LAN into two or more parts for security purposes. Groupware is a synonym for a site license. The GE USB Serial Bus 1.1 Hub (model number UH-204) has red light, which indicates power. Chipset is a set of integrated circuits that have a specific purpose in a computer system, a group of microchips used together to perform a single task; also written chip set. A dongle is ( computer science) an electronic device that must be attached to a computer in order for it to use protected software. talks about using an Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (or in my case the Target brand generic.), which is made up of Melamine Foam. It took out some spots on a screen ; perhaps it may work for fingernail oil or a smear on a computer (or ?) screen. Legacy is an adjective indicating of or pertaining to old or outdated computer hardware, software, or data that, while still functional, does not work well with up-to-date systems. A 3Com manual defines the bus as a collection of signal lines. The definition of the bus specifies the purpose of each line and the timing relationship of the electrical signals. talks about which GPS is good to purchase, and talks about the use of passwords on the internet. The P.A. system in the cafeteria (purchased in 2007) is a Europower PMH880S; and the wireless receiver is an Audio-Technica VHF Wireless Receiver ATW-R250 Free way 200 series. I looked for the ownerÕs manual for both of them on the internet in 8/07, and found it at, there did not appear to be a website for the wireless receiver. The P.A. system case is a SBK from Orange, CA and the website is; the case may actually be listed (or it is similar to the one) at FBQ (front page) does not appear to have an acronym on the internet. FX1, FX2, FX RET 1, and 2 (page 5) are effects; it is best to turn all FX controls low (i.e. to level 2) or off, to avoid echoes, etc. 00...98 are effects, and 01 and 02 (for example) are variations of Small Hall. TRS (page 5) can be short for tip, ring, and sleeve (in twisted wiring to this day, the non-inverting and/or "live" (or "hot") wire of each pair is known as the ring, while the inverting and/or "earthy" (or "neutral") wire is known as the tip, inherited from the traditional connection via the TRS connector in telephone systems. If the pair is shielded, or if the pair is accompanied by a dedicated earth wire, this third conductor is known as the sleeve). As the letter Z is the commonly agreed upon abbreviation for impedance, then Hi-Z (page 5) simply refers to "hi-impedance." This refers to the input or output impedance of a device (in our cases an audio device). Precisely what Hi-Z means, and how it is applied in the audio industry, is not entirely concrete. In general devices with impedances up through 600 ohms are said to be "low impedance" (page 5). Line-level (page 5) is Standard +4 dBu or -10 dBV audio levels. XLR can be short for Extra Long Run (audio connector). Voice canceler (page 6) works fine to minimize the sound of a singer. Detune (page 7) is to cause (a musical instrument) to become out of tune. Bridge (page 7, also called bridge circuit) is (Electricity) a two-branch network, including a measuring device, as a galvanometer (an instrument that detects and measures small electric currents), in which the unknown resistance, capacitance, inductance, or impedance of one component can be measured by balancing the voltage in each branch and computing the unknown value from the known values of the other components. RCA connections work to connect the CD player to the P.A. system. Main L Mon, Main R Mono are not explained in the manual, but it probably indicates that the L channel is the main channel or the right channel is the main channel, since the channelÕs master control varies with the setting. in bridge amp mode, Main Master controls volume for both speakers. Main Master is usually (only) used, but Monitor is used in Main L MON/Main R MONO mode. 2 TR in needs adjusting, if connected. If using a mono source, only use white audio RCA cable. In 4/08, the P.A. system had difficulties on two occasions: after disconnecting and reconnecting the speaker connections, there were two or three skips in songs played my Palm T|X, yet the songs were fine after that (It may be that the speaker cord is being pinched by the CD player). At, my username and password are motelyze, Old At Ease; I sent Behringer e-mail on Thursday, April 10, 2008, to ask about Behringer Speaker Processing; they said it is a sound shaping feature which creates a wider stereo image. An aggregator is a program for watching for new content at user-specified RSS (RSS is a family of document types (generally based on RDF) for listing updates to a site. RSS documents (generally called "RSS feeds") are readable with RSS readers (generally called "aggregators") like BottomFeeder, although, in 2003, it is anticipated that aggregator functions will be incorporated into web browsers and/or NNTP newsreaders, according to RSS can be short for Really Simple Syndication. NetNewsWire ( costs $29.95, (my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. Palm Manual that came with the device on page 65 says that some e-mail accounts do not allow the ÒbccÓ function: on page 66, it says that a maximum number of attachments for e-mails is 10. Bloglines works with Safari, but not with IE 5.2.3. Also, it works with Matt MosleyÕs web blog (Matt Mosley now works for ESPN, as of 1/2007), but not the cowboysplus website; I searched for to no avail. It supposedly works with, but recent articles do not show up. In digital audio production, a crossfade is editing that makes a smooth transition between two audio files. ESPN,, aka, and Yahoo! Dallas Cowboys have postings, but not nearly as much as, and there is much overlap) is free, AmphetaDesk works fine, even though you cannot access its preferences. My e-mail and password at is, original AOL screenname (with no letters omitted). Mom has as her ISP. RDF stands for Resource Description Framework, which is a specification being developed in 2000 by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium. W3C works with the global community to establish international standards for client and server protocols that enable on-line commerce and communications on the Internet.) as a foundation for processing meta-data (data about data) regarding resources on the Internet, including the World-Wide Web. Plugin or plug-in is correct for some additional software. Acording to WiFile LT manual page 2, Òshared directoriesÓ (over a network) can also be referred to as Òshares.Ó Plug in is to put something into an outlet. According to,en, Logitech's iTouch feature is a powerful combination of hardware, software and a special web site that turns these interface devices into true "hardware portals." In the case of keyboards, iTouch allows users to control the Internet and multimedia with one press of a key. In addition, all of the cordless mice are enhanced with iTouch WebWheel, a sister technology to the basic iTouch utility, which is included in MouseWare 8.46 and above. With WebWheel, mouse users can instantly access four commonly used web browsing commands, as well as the iTouch website ( and additional favorite web addresses by pressing one mouse button. VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. A smartphone or sphone is any electronic handheld device that integrates the functionality of a mobile phone, personal digital assistant (PDA) or other information appliance. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor (HTML-embedded scripting language). Mom received a file ending in .php, but I was not able to open it with GC, MS Word, Powerpoint, IE, or Safari. According to,290660,sid26_gci947404,00.html, a portlet is a component of a portal Web site that provides access to some specific information source or application, such as news updates, technical support, or an e-mail program among many other possibilities; A portal is a term, generally synonymous with gateway, for a World Wide Web site that is or proposes to be a major starting site for users when they get connected to the Web or that users tend to visit as an anchor siteICANN is short for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Numbers and Names. DRM (digital rights management) relates to iTunes. talks about Apple TV ($300), which allows you to watch items from your Macintosh on a big screen television. Infosphere is the global network of military and commercial command, control, communications, and computer systems used in carrying out a mission. Payload is the malicious activity that the virus performs. A traceroute is a computer network tool used to determine the route taken by packets across an IP network. Open Source is a method and philosophy for software licensing and distribution designed to encourage use and improvement of software written by volunteers by ensuring that anyone can copy the source code and modify it freely. I think that operating temperature means what the temperature of a device is when running, not that it needs the outside temperature to be that. Storage temperature is probably important for the consumer to be aware of (so that an electronic item is not stored in the wrong environment). Matt said that, ÒIn any case, these kinds of specifications (operating and storage temperatures) just mean that it has been tested for that range. Liteportª was a USB port that I saw on an In Focus Projector (according to, the port will work with any USB 1.0 or 2.0 mass storage devices). It can usually operate outside of that range without a problem - but they won't guarantee it.Ó XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. However, my G3Õs operating temperature was 104û and at 105û, the power supply died. Cybersnooper is not a word, according to Python is a programming language. CDR or CD-R is correct. Catalog Choice (mentioned in TidBITS #905), URL is, is a web site that is devoted to letting you decline paper catalogs that you no longer wish to receiver; my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. I requested to drop Harry and David, as of 11/07, and it usually takes ten weeks to get off the list (it appears to be easier if you actually have the catalog to get some information for the Catalog Choice web site); Unique Photo is not on the web site. Stand-alone is self-contained and able to operate without other hardware or software. Clickable is pertaining that which can be clicked on and get a response, esp. a hyperlink that opens a new data area when clicked. Shortwave means capable of receiving or transmitting at wavelengths of approximately 10 to 200 meters: a shortwave radio. A terabyte is a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 gigabytes or one trillion bytes. A petabyte is a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 terabytes or one quadrillion bytes. An exabyte is 1024 petabytes. An intranet is a privately maintained computer network that can be accessed only by authorized persons, especially members or employees of the organization that owns it. Back end is a computer that does the main processing but has a smaller, more friendly computer that the user interacts with (called the front end). Downsampling refers to converting a higher sampling rate to a lower one. For example, converting audio recorded at 96 kHz down to 44.1 kHz (Hertz is Hertz is technically defined as the inverse of the time required for one complete cycle of a wave. Thus, a 10 Hz sine wave takes 1/10 of a second to complete a full cycle) for CD production. A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Peer-to-peer describes a network of two or more computers connected as equal partners and able to share processing, control and access to data and peripherals. Website or web site is correct. Pop-up or popup is correct. Matt said that (in regard to e-mail addresses), I don't think capitalization ever matters, but the convention seems to be all lower-case.

2. A coaxial cable is an electrical wire consisting of two primary electrical elements: The outer braided wire that acts as a ground, and an inner one used to carry signals. RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks. It allows separate disks to act as a single volume. Bleeding Edge is relating to innovative technology that has yet to be thoroughly tested for feasibility. TWAIN stands for Technology without an Interesting Name, accoridng to Mac OS X Panther. MP3 is short for Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-3 Audio. SD is SCSI Disk, MMC is Magical Mystery Chip the name which the Amiga society has given the yet to be announced CPU(?) in the next generation Amiga. A keyserver in public key cryptography, is the server that stores and distributes the public key files. Out-of-band (computer networking) data (called "urgent data" in TCP) looks to the application like a separate stream of data from the main data stream. Checksum is a value transmitted with a data stream, derived from the other elements in the data stream and used to check for transmission errors in the data. If the transmitted checksum differs from the one derived by the receiving computer, a transmission error has probably occurred and the transmission is repeated. A code warrior is a developer, a writer of code.

3. CCITT stands for Consultatif International de Telegraphique et Telephonique (CCITT was mentioned in the Laserwriter Select 360 manual p 72). KW has a Bryant air conditioner themostat in her office. It is model  

Bryant, 619ENX012 (DHO) 2300?. At, I found some information, but I could not find the particular modelÕs ownerÕs manual, so I e-mailed Byrant from,2955,CLI1_DIV42_ETI8776,00.html for assistance on August 8, 2005. They sent me the manual. According to the manual, the unit needs to be sent in for repairs, because the green light flashes on and off. Also, the test and emergency modes do nothing (the manual indicates that the unit should come on). Transformer brick is an item shaped like a brick that is a transformer. Tidbits #803 mentions the the iGo Power System, which can be used to power a Nokia cell phone, Palm Tungsten T, and a iPod with a dock connector. Phishing is the practice of luring unsuspecting Internet users to a fake Web site by using authentic-looking e-mail with the real organization's logo, in an attempt to steal passwords, financial or personal information, or introduce a virus attack. A nit (in information technology, information technology is the development, installation, and implementation of computer systems and applications, as well as elsewhere) is a small, usually unimportant imperfection in something. Time shifting (Consumer Reports showed it hyphenated, while Wikipedia (can be pronounced WEE-KEE pedia, according to did not have it hypendated) is the recording of television shows to some storage medium to be viewed at a time more convenient to the consumer. To view .ogg files from Wikipedia, VLC media player can be used. Routable is not a word, according to Interleaving is a method for making data retrieval more efficient by rearranging or renumbering the sectors on a hard disk or by splitting a computer's main memory into sections so that the sectors or sections can be read in alternating cycles.

4. Demagnetizer can be used to "demagnetize" areas of a computer screen that have been magnetized with a magnet. SOAP is an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol, which can be used to access internet items without a web browser. VPN stands for Virtual Private Networking (used often in large corporaitons). a blog (short for web log) is a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies; Blogosphere (or blogsphere) is a collective term for the world of weblogs, the community of all weblogs. Video blog incorporates video. DSP is short for Digital Signal Processing, as in DSP Audio. Web beacon is an object that is embedded in a Web page or e-mail and is usually invisible to the user but allows checking that a user has viewed the page or e-mail.

5. The Risograph did not say "out of ink," but paper ran through it anyhow. The resulting paper had no printing on it. So I changed the toner cartridge, and then the Risograph worked fine.

            A. You can feed several sheets of paper into the Risograph. You simply put them on top of the machine where the sheet feeder is attached to the machine. MS said that the top page is fed first. This way you can do several sheets, except for if the paper is somewhat wrinkled or the machine is having difficulty.

            B. Risograph should press the green light for five seconds (this allows drum to return to home position) then pull the drum out.

            C. As of 8/02, there is no longer a Master roll cutoff. Also, with the new RISO, you can print on construction paper, but it will only print on an 8 1/2Ó X 11Ó area only.

6. Tang has a Deskwriter and also a Canon BJC-2100 in her room. (Don got a BJC-2100, but then later gave it to Tang, because it would not work with his 5400. Then He got another BJC-2100 after deciding that he might as well just use the iMac with the printer). According to Mac OS X for Dummies, Disk is magnetic media, according to some people, while disc is relating to optical media (media read with a laser).

7. A set top box is a device used to connect to the outside world. Set top boxes include cable boxes, Web TV, HBO decoders, satellite TV decoders, Atari, Nintendo. Cron is the Unix clock daemon (a daemon is a program that is not invoked explicitly, but lies dormant waiting for some condition(s) to occur) that executes commands at specified dates and times according to instructions in a "crontab" file.

8. When using Risograph, if you have it set to 1, 2, 3 etc. for light/dark and you want to change the setting, you must run a new master. http stands for hypertext transfer protocol. CUPS stands for Common Unix Printing System. Tidbits #750 mentions Logitech's Harmony Remote Control, which costs $200, but it reportedly worth the money (can be used in conjunction with your computer). Matt has never used a CD cleaner, so he was not sure if it would be the same as a DVD cleaner or not. I e-mailed to ask them. They did not reply. ($17.99) and ($14.95) both have a CD/DVD laser lens cleaner.

9. Linux is a free Unix clone.

            A. buys Macintosh computers. I e-mailed them on 6/28/04 to ask about buying my G3.

10. According to Harley Hahn (page 803), mainstream groups are harder to create and more respected. Alt groups can be created by anyone.

            A. He has info on page 803 on creating an alternative group.

            B. has info on creating a mainstream group.

            C. Usenet groups are the same as newsgroups.

            D. has a master list of groups. He has thrown out bogus ones, etc. (detailed on page 803 of his book).

            E. and explain about moderated groups.

            F. There is a section on page 805 (Usenet Announcements) that may be good for new users.

            G. lists info about user groups abbreviations.

11. An animated GIF is one that contains more than one image.

12. A bandwidth bandit is one who takes a GIF from someone elseÕs page and use their bandwidth instead of their own (Harley Hahn page 818).

13. A clipper chip is a cryptographic device being promoted by the U.S. government. Its purported advantage is that it provides a standard for securing private voice communication. (source:

14. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing and Xerox TextBridge considered to be pretty good, according to (It should be noted, however, that the webpage was last updated in 1995).

15. Stanislaus Audio-Video (800-341-1141 or 529-2700 or 800-341-1441, Fax number is 529-7355), 1431 Kansas Avenue, Modesto, CA 95351) is open from 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday. Their web address is Randy BonanderÕs e-mail address is Randy said that $90 should cover most repairs (labor and parts). If above that, it may not be worth fixing. We probably should not write a purchase order for $40 for an estimate, just write it for $90 and they can check us less, if necessary. The normal amount that they would charge for an estimate would be $24.95. Bring in the purchase order and the overhead at the same time. M. bought some overheads for $84 in 06, so repairing them may not be the best option in the future Overhead #02925 is blue. It does not focus well at all. Randy said that the best way to move an overhead projector is to use a cart. If you do not have a cart available, make sure to grab it to move it by the bottom of the overhead: You can use the metal arm for Òbalancing only.Ó Do not carry the overhead by the metal arm, since it can mess up the optics of the overhead projector. Randy said that they charge #39.99 per overhead to clean them. When doing this once a year, it can reduce problems, especially since if clean, the overhead will be cooler and can prevent wires from burning, etc. Randy said it is okay to put a book underneath the back of the overhead to project the image onto the whiteboard in my room (the overhead cart projects the image too high). He said this would not affect the optics of the overhead. However, there is the Òkeystone effect,Ó where the image is a different width at the top of the overhead as opposed to the bottom, and the image would not be clear from top to bottom. You can adjust for this by changing the angle of the projection screen to match the angle of the overhead projector, so that the width of the image at the bottom is about the same as the width of the image at the top, this should work. In my case, it would be the whiteboard, so this idea would not work. A rheostat is a resistor for regulating a current by means of variable resistances, It is used in some overhead projectors. Isabel took her overhead into Stanislaus Audio-Video in 11/03. She had a purchase order for $40. Randy called me and said that it would cost $45 - $50. Marilyn said he would go ahead and bill us for the correct amount, so another purchase order is not needed. I got the overhead back and it lets you adjust the edges of the screen if they are blueish or brownish, there is an adjustment on the front of the overhead. I wanted to take a 3M overhead projector in to Stanislaus Audio-Video. Randy said, "Please be advised that 3m has a minimum order parts amount which normally adds about a $24 surcharge to some 3m repairs I do (if I have to order a part not normally stocked here). For your reference, the single lamp overhead projector repair rate is $49.95 labor plus parts. We will assess a $29.95 estimate fee only if the repair estimate is rejected. Our "cleaning only" fee for overhead projectors not needing repair totals about $48." Even if the repair charge is over the original amount, M. said Randy can bill us for the correct amount. Randy also said I could bring in the overhead now (and the p.o. could be sent in later). On one occasion, the bulb burned out on the Da-lite Baseler overhead. I e-mailed Randy Bonander ( and he said that it may be possible that plugging the power cord in when the power switch is on; it may cause a part to blow in the projector. However, He said that, "Unfortuntely, there is no absolute answer for your inquiry. Basically, all the power switch does is open the gate for the ac input voltage to be sent to the circuitry inside the projector. I suppose that if the 120 volt ac input voltagte from the wall socket arched ot he projector plug pins as the plug was being stuck into the socket-instead of instantaly mating together-the surge of current could possibly cause something to blow in the projector. The switch is supposed to provide an arc path of current between the wall socket and the projector." On one occasion (1/07), my overhead would work for twenty minutes or so, then go off for thirty seconds, then come back on. Finally, I took it apart and cleaned it thoroughly (I think that the bulb connection had a broken off pin stuck in it, which I extracted as much as possible). Then the overhead worked fine.

16. FlorÕs VCR in room 23 had no sound and the picture looked somewhat like a scrambled channel. After using the Magnavox head cleaner on her Quasar VCR, it played tapes fine.

17. Toby got a new phone with a headset. The phone cord (RJ-11) has two wires that are used for the connections. Already in his room is the original or old phone, it has four wires that are used in the connections (the plugs appear to be the same otherwise). When the original phone was connected, the connection was made to the ÒTo EMSSÓ jack, the connection would not work when connected to the ÒTo TELÓ jack. If you use the original phone with a 2 wire connection connector, it did not work. The cordless phone with headset worked fine in rooms 37, 51 and 53 with the 2 wire connection jack. The original phone with the 4 wire connection does not work in rooms 51 or 53 (did not try room 37). I thought that perhaps there were 4 wires, two for data and two for voice. However, Dr. Campbell said that it is probably two phone lines, 2 wires for each line. An 8 wire RJ-11 connector would have the capability for 4 lines. Dr. Campbell suggested using a 4 wire connector with the cordless phone with headset jack. I think I did try this already, but perhaps with a different RJ-11 4-wire connector. Beyond that, you would need to reconnect jack wires in the wall or call the phone company. I do not have any extra 4 wire RJ-11 connectors. I had three extra phone line connectors, but all three were 2 wire connectors. I e-mailed Bob Hughes and Mike Gilbertson in an attempt to determine the answer. I checked my telephone/modem/answering machine, etc. connections and found two or three 4 wire RJ-11 connectors, so I replaced one of the 4 wire connectors (that went from the UPS to the modem) with a 2 wire RJ-11 connector and the modem still worked fine. I took the extra 4 wire RJ-11 connector to school and will try with TobyÕs new cordless phone. Both phone connectors to my telephone jacks (back and front) are 4 wire connectors. The connectors coming from the Pacific Bell filters (to go to my equipment) are also 4 wire connectors. However, in the back bedroom the connector that connects to the filter (that goes to my phone) is a 2 wire connector. I tried to look up EMSS on the Internet, but there were several acronyms and it did not seem that only one of them relating to phone lines/communications. I checked my phone line connections outside my trailer and both of the telephone lines that come into the box are 4 wire RJ-11 connectors. However, on both of the lines, only two wires are being used (4 wires are left unused). My phone in my classroom has a 4 wire RJ-11 connector and it works. 4 wire RJ-11 good phone cord would not work with MastersonÕs phone. Joe, Gary have 4 wire RJ-11 connections in their rooms, also. TobyÕs phone does not work in LindaÕs room. Toby thought Radio Shack might have an adapter that works. Joe thought that you need an answering machine to make it work. In other words, a cordless phone will not connect directly to the wall and work. We tried it in my trailer. The cordless did not work. However, later on, we found that it did work, ironically enough. Anyhow, we bought an adapter that takes in 4 wire connections and allows for two different two wire connections and one four line connection (it has one input and three outputs). We will see if it works on TobyÕs phone.. It may have something to do with the AT & T cordlessÕ owner manual saying that the phone needs to be connected to a Òmodular jack.Ó

18. Apple II Prodos UserÕs Manual page 58 says that a slash is also called a delimiter. Page 73 says that Òsetting a prefixÓ means storing part of pathname.

19. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 21 defines a pixel as a contraction of the words picture and element.

20. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 23 says that the terms ÒformatÓ and ÒinitializeÓ are used interchangeably. Page 27 says that programs in ROM are called firmware.

21. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 47 says that the Òreturn characterÓ (the bent arrow pointing down and to the left) shown when you show invisibles in some programs, actually represents what the cursor does, it moves down one line and to the left.

22. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 169 says that a character generator an integrated circuit responsible for printing characters on the screen. Page 169 defines the clock rate as the rate at which bits move from one internal component to another. Page 170 defines composite as a video signal that includes display information and the synchronization (and other signals) needed to display it. Page 170 says that CAI is Computer Aided Instruction. Page 171 says that DCD stands for Data Carrier Detect. Page 172 says that DSR stands for Data Set Ready. Page 172 says that an 8-bit processor can address 65,536 memory locations directly. Page 175 says that inverse (which means opposite) characters are the opposite of what is usually shown i.e. black letters on a white screen as opposed to white letters on a black screen. Page 178 says that MS-DOS is IBM. Page 178 says that open architecture is a computer that has an Òopen lidÓ policy. It invites add-on devices. Page 179 says that the word pathname is used because it describes the route to an address. Page 182 says that stop bits are one or two bits that indicate the end of a character. Page 184 says that ÒXonÓ and ÒXoffÓ are ASCII commands used to tell a transmitting device to resume or halt transmission.

23. According to the IIE ownerÕs manual page 116 says that Applesoft is an extended version of BASIC. Page 126 says that modulate can mean to modify or alter a signal so as to transmit information. Page 130 says that a viewport is all or part of the display screen, used by an application to display a portion of the information (such as a document, picture or worksheet) that the program is working on.

24. External Hard Disk Systems for the Macintosh OwnerÕs Guide page 73 says a brown out is a partial blackout, the flow of electricity is partially interrupted instead of totally interrupted. Page 74 defines a head crash as when the disk heads touch the surface of the disk instead of flowing over it. This can create data loss or bad blocks. Page 74 defines interface cables as those, which carry data between the MAC and peripheral devices. Page 74 defines LED as light emitting device. Page 75 says that NUPORT is an expansion card made by Micronet. Page 75 defines a power supply as an increase in voltage. Page 76 says that a sector is part of a track on the surface of a disk. Page 76 says that seeking is the process of moving a driveÕs read/write heads to a particular track. Seek time is the amount of time it takes.

25. 5500/225 was making a moaning sound, could be due to being on all weekend (Friday afternoonthroughSunday morning). I had previously set the 5500/225 to shut down each day after school, but after initializing I had not set up Energy Saver yet.

26. One pretty intelligent worker at Radio Shack told me that his Philips Magnavox stand alone CD burner would usually only use Philips Magnavox CD-RÕs and record them in three or four minutes. However, when using a computer CD-R, it would give an error message and not work. Other brands of audio CD-R would record, but might take four hours to do so.

27. I had my business cards printed up at KinkoÕs in color. It cost $.20 a page if you do the cards in black and white and $1.50 per page for color (cardstock in both cases, any color you want). They charge $10 to cut the cards, no matter how many you have. Laser Rendering costs $10. If you bring them a disk (Mac formatted is fine) with your business cards file on it (in .pdf format), they can print an original with a Laser Printer, which looks better. (Lisa, an employee since 1995, said with some programs, you can go to the print menu and choose print to file. CW 4.0 with the BJC-4550 software would not do that). If you can not find any way to make the file into .pdf format, Clarisworks is okay, also. The CW DR document would not allow me to save, except as a CW file or a PICT. I tried opening the CW file with Adobe Acrobat Reader, but Adobe Acrobat Reader could not open it. I tried changing the type and creator of my CW file with Snitch, but Adobe still could not open it. I finally used PrinttoPDF ($20 shareware) to make the file into a .pdf file (I also removed the grid before taking my disk to KinkoÕs, so that the cards would not have dotted lines on them, that indicate the place for cutting). I decided to print on light blue cardstock, since fuchsia (hot pink) would not look good with color printing on it, according to Lisa (who seemed very knowledgeable). I wanted to do the business cards at home, but it turns out that you can only print on paper that is 28 lb. (max.) on my 2100. I did my business cards on 11/23/03 and it only cost about $18 (for 80 cards). I did not do it on the laser printer. One of the employees did it for me (I brought in a disk). He did not charge me $10 to cut the cards. Staples does business cards, but there is a minimum order of 1,000. KW keeps cartridges in the file cabinet bottom drawer. The file cabinet is the one closest to MarilynÕs office.

28. Computer Re-store will accept MacÕs for repair. They may be sent out for repair.

29. Dr. Rollins at Urgent Care on Tuolumne said that a Palm Pilot may be $250 (Staples has them, along with several other places). The smaller it is, the more it will probably cost. It can contain a bible, drug database, 2001 football schedule, conversions, calendar and more. He does not use his with his Mac, but you can. Tidbits #586 says that VisorPhone costs $249. I think you would need to purchase a service plan, additionally. has info on Handspring portable products.

30. Never e-mail in anger, wait until later.

31. When dialing from home:  To dial an Ò800Ó number, no ÒoneÓ (1) is needed. To dial a local long distance number (i.e. Ò357-6182Ó), no ÒoneÓ (1) is needed. To dial a non-local long distance number (i.e. Ò503-212-8178Ó), a ÒoneÓ (1) is needed.

32. Quasar TV and VCR (I think it is Quasar, also) in Room 29. The coaxial connection from the VCR does not seem to work. Had to use RCA jacks to connect to the TV. TV's TV/Video switch s/b set to Video, VCR s/b on.

33. Tourbus from 7/8/01 says that ÒpoppingÓ e-mail means that e-mail is treated like it is read (like popping a bottle on a champagne bottle, it is now open). If you go to a web based site and read (or ÒpopÓ) your e-mail, it will be treated like Òread mailÓ when you download it from your own computer.

34. Tidbits (7/23/01) mentions that the PowerwaveÕs USB audio Adapter can be used to provide high quality audio recording and playbackthrougha built-in amplifier so you can connect normal stereo speakers to your Mac. Someone taking out a $10,000.00, 36-month used-car loan at the current average (7.11 percent) would pay $309.27 a month for the life of the loan (or $11,133.72), according to Consumer Reports (free booklet that I received in the mail in 1/06) says that can be utilized to look for no-fee credit cards.

35. CIDCO Mail Station was on sale at Office Max for $99 with a $50 rebate. The monthly fee, according to CIDCOÕs web site ( can be as low as $9.95/month. EETT stands for Enhancing Education Through Technology. LEA stands for Local Education Agency. SQL does not stand for Structured Query Language. It stands for nothing at all, according to SQL is a basic language that allows you to ÒtalkÓ to a database and extract useful information. TUP stands for Technical Use Plan.

36. Password for Accelerated Reader is the same as on LC (Neon). Admin password is admin, Monitor password is Warner.

37. has an APS CD-RW 8x4x32 FireWire Plus Pro2 that may work with 8.1, not sure. I e-mailed to inquire on 9/10/01. They e-mailed me back and said that 8.6 is probably the minimum requirement.

38. PVR stands for Personal Video Recorder, according to Tidbits from 9/3/2001.

39. A petabyte is 1,024 terabytes, a terabyte is 1,024 gigabytes (Tidbits, 9/3/2001).

40. When using the high speed tape copier (Telex Copyette Series II) that is normally in the library; when you use the rewind function, the machine is concerned mainly with the original. If the copy needs to be rewound, it will only rewind as far as is necessary for the original. If a tape has been used already, you must first ÒblankÓ the tape to make a new recording with inexpensive tapes (at least with one set that we have purchased, the white ones). If you do not ÒblankÓ or eraseÓ a used tape before making another recording, echoes may be heard or the two recordings may both be heard (that happened when recording talking over music and even when recording talking over talking). When you record side A and B, if only 15 minutes of side A is used and the tape is 60 minutes total (30 minutes per side), then side B will be recorded on the copy, but only after 15 minutes of blank space. In other words, if the two tapes are exactly the same length and both sides are full, there should not be a problem. Otherwise, you would have blank space (could be several minutes) on side B, before your recording begins. It is probably easier to simply just do one side, then rewind both tapes and then record the other (leave the setting to side A, not sides A & B).

41. OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer.

42. Tidbits #735 mentions the use of Soft Phone (by Vonage). It costs $12 per month for 500 minutes of outgoing local and long-distance calls.

43. According to NH, our P.A. System can run on batteries (maybe the one for Crookham kids can). explains how to avoid feedback using a P.A. System: Make sure the speakers are in front of the microphone and pointing away from the microphone. If the speakers are behind the microphone then feedback is nearly guaranteed. Use a unidirectional mike (one that operates or moves in one direction only) Place the mike close to the person who is speaking/performing. We were having feedback on 2/9/04 when playing my Philips CD player CD through the microphone (using Mic 1 input). I found out why. The volume on the Anchor Audio P.A. System for Mic 1 was too high. The maximum that the volume should be set to, is perpendicular with the word ÒAnchorÓ on the P.A. System. Alternatively, you can use Mic 2 input and the volume can be set to the end of the white curved line. Also, it may be easier to connect the CD player to the line input. KW sent Nick to my room on 1/1/9/05 to ask if I had a microphone; however, the one in the cafeteria is only about one year. I think that the Mic 2 input works better than the Mic 1 input (as of 1/05). They probably had it plugged in to Mic 1 Input. Later, I found out that the problem with the P.A. system is either the on/off switch or the power cord is unreliable (i.e. you must play with the cord to get the p.a. system to stay on). M. will hopefully take it in for repair. To play the guitar at the same as the piano (and both able to hear both), put the line input on the p.a. system about 3/4 of the way up, then put the guitar on Ò10.Ó This should be about right. The P.A. system in the cafeteria (purchased in 2007) is a Europower PMH8805; and the wireless receiver is an Audio-Technica VHF Wireless Receiver ATW-R250 Free way 200 series. I looked for the ownerÕs manual for both of them on the internet in 8/07, but it could not be located, there did not appear to be a website for either item.

44. Tidbits #609 said that 15 years is an optimistic length of time for a VHS tape to last.

45. Tidbits article on Caring for Your Wrists ( It says you should not lean your head forward when typing, as your neck is not designed to hold all that weight. It also says that when using a keyboard rest, your wrists should not be bent and your wrists should not touch the pad, they should only touch the pad when not typing.

46. Tourbus from 2/14/02 mentions that to see ASCII art, you should use a Monospaced font like Courier. If your e-mail client does not allow you to change the font, save a message as a file and then view it with a word processor that allows you to set the font.

47. E-mail address for Winton Times is

48. Tidbits #617 says that computer monitors and televisions feature a 1.33:1 ratio between width and height. Standard photographs use a 1.5:1 ratio between width and height.

49. Tidbits # 619 says that Òthe attraction to licensing an existing driver is that driver development is a black art mastered by relatively few people, as evidenced by the truly clumsy inkjet printer drivers weÕve seen over the years.Ó

50. I e-mailed to ask about the MVSC P.A. System, since it has a several different places for connections of speakers with different ohm and voltage ratings. Matt said that the ÒcomÓ connection is short for Òcommon ground,Ó which the black wire(s) would connect to. The 4 ohm, 8 ohm and 16 ohm connections are for different standards, so is the 70 volt connection. Normally, if you connect one wire (probably the black) to the ÒcomÓ connection and then the other wire to the 4 Ohm, 8 Ohm, 16 Ohm or 70 Volt connection. Radio Shack said that ÒFor example two 8 ohm speakers wired in parallel would give you a total of 4 ohms. This would mean that you would connect the negative terminal to the ground or common connection on the P.A. and the positive connection to the 4 ohm terminal. If you wired the speakers in series then you would have a 16 ohm load and would connect the negative to the common and the positive to the 16 ohm terminal. The 70V input is for systems that use transformers on each speakers and have multiple speakers all run inline. Large speaker systems use this type of configuration.Ó I e-mailed Matt to double check series vs. parallel. Matt said that Òseries means there is just one big loop for the current (through one speaker, then through the other). The resistance (or ÒimpedanceÓ) is higher when you hook them up this way. As you add more speakers, the resistance keeps going up and it becomes harder for the amp to drive them efficiently. Parallel hookup means that you connect all the Ò+Ó wires together and all the wires together. In this arrangement, the resistance keeps getting smaller as you add more speakers, and it can again become harder for the amp to drive them efficiently. An amp works best when it is driving speakers of a specific impedance (usually 8 ohms for home stereos). If the impedance is much higher or lower than that, it wonÕt be able to put out as much power. ItÕs usually best to just hook up one speaker to each output of an amp. As long as the amp and speaker are designed to run at the same impedance, then you donÕt have to worry about it. PA systems apparently have special outputs (e.g., 70V, 25V) that are specifically designed to drive multiple PA speakers hooked up in parallel, but these speakers must have been designed to be driven by this type of PA amp.Ó

51. Langalist (3/10/02, I think) mentions that one person had a CD-ROM that kept producing errors, so they washed it with a dot of dishwashing soap and water (not hot) water, then rinsed and dried thoroughly. The CD then worked. This worked for Windows CDÕs and audio CDÕs (the audio CDÕs were skipping). The editor noted that the data on a CD is actually on the ÒtopÓ side of the disk, beneath the label. The bottom of the disk is just clear plastic. If anything causes haze or spots or scratches on the clear plastic, the CD driveÕs laser canÕt see up to the data bits and the CD wonÕt read properly. Also, for more info on CDÕs, go to

52. Tourbus from 3/14/02 mentions that a ÒbotÓ is sometimes referred to as an Òagent.Ó

53. 6100 comes with 150 to 500 MB of storage (we were wondering how much storage they have, so they can work in the lab). It appears that the power cord for the monitor of the 6100 should be connected directly to the back of the computer. Otherwise, the monitor does not come on. I got some power cables from TDC01936 that will work with the 6100 and a monitor. You just need to use a regular monitor power cable and then plug it into the adapter (the adapter then goes into the back of the 6100). I tested one of the power adapters and it worked with the 6100. 6100s come with 8 MB of RAM, but can be expanded up to 72 MB of RAM. They need probably something similar to #79022 from MacZone, but they are discontinued. They were soldthroughAdvanced Electronics. It was part #G303throughAdvanced Electronics. I talked to Mark on 3/1/04. It was an HDI-45 (M) to DB-15 (F), but I think we need an HDI-45 Male to a DB-15 (F). I found the correct adapters at for $24.95 each. said that they accept purchase orders. Their full address is MC Price Breakers, 858 Third Ave., PMB #466, Chula Vista, CA 91911. Apple used to have these adapters, but they appear to be discontinued. also has the adapters, but e-mailed me first. MacZone nor Apple no longer carries the adapters. had an adapter, but told me that does not accept purchase orders. Also, the adapter that they had does not work (it was the opposite of what we needed).  I later discovered that the adapters were for IBM compatible computers, so I e-mailed to ask about an exchange, since we need the parts listed at The IBM adapters used the Ò2Ó setting (832 X 624) They replied and said I do not need an RMA, just mail the stuff back to them and there wonÕt be any charge to exchange the adapters.

A. Tidbits #640 talks about using MyTV2Go ($80), which can be a replacement for a television in full screen mode. It requires 9.1 or higher.

            B. Tidbits #640 also mentions a $60 product that helps PC users switch to a Macintoshthrougha USB connection.

            C. Tidbits #640 mentions the use of SpamFire ($30 as of 7/02), that requires Mac OS 9 or 10.

            D. Tidbits #644 says that buying a TiVO Series 2 would cost $400 for the hardware and $250 for the lifetime service. It also says that a 60 hour recording at basic quality (the lowest level) probably has a 60 GB Hard Drive unit. sells a Tivo Series2 80-hour digital video recorder with a TiVO Wireless adapter. The adapter would be used to connect your TiVo to a wireless home network.

            E. MV has the original TiVO, which has 20 or 30 GB, I think.

            F. Tourbus from 9/9/04 mentions that if you press Select, Play, Select, 3, 0, Select: this will turn the Advance button on the Tivo remote into a button that skips 30 seconds ahead during recorded playback. Tourbus also mentions that you can access your Tivo box over the internet to tell it to record something for you.

            G. Tidbits #758 mentions that Toshiba and Pioneer sell TiVo recorders tha are also DVD recorders. DirecTV units have two tuners, and can record two shows at once.

H. DirecTV mentioned a deal for a DirecTV DVR for $79 and then $4.95/month for the DVR service. I e-mailed them to ask about the $250 lifetime fee or ?. They replied and said that, "Éour monthly DVR fee is $4.99 a month. The old price of $9.95 monthly no longer applies to any customer, and the lifetime DVR service is only active for customers who already have it.

54. On one occasion, I wanted to mail in a rebate form, but I do not think I received a proof of purchase in the box that I received from However, I did have a proof of purchase in my e-mail, which luckily I saved. I sent a copy of that e-mail for the Taxcut rebate.

55. The Emerson battery charger in the office died and is no longer in the office.

56. If you type a backslash in a URL, it is not the same as typing in a slash.

57. KristieÕs e-mail is and ToddÕs is

58. Bob Hughes said that the county (Merced) does good work, he is not sure if they are Apple certified anymore. Computerware in Modesto is good, but more expensive.

59. I tried playing one of my CD-RWs in my 2001 Altima, but it would not play. However, the same CD-RW did play in the Aiwa CD player. Mac Help in OS X says that most audio CD players will not play CD-RWs (as of 5/04).

60. explains that some color laser printers embed a secret machine identification code on every page they print. This has done voluntarily to assist the government with finding counterfeiters.

61. (mentioned in Aug. 17, 2004, Tourbus) is for Windows only, as of 8/04.

62. September 3, 2004, Tourbus mentions that coaxial cable is RG-6, usually.

            A. It also says that Ports don't exist in the real world - you can't actually see or touch them. They are just "pretend" addresses inside of your computer. Officially, there aer up to 69, 536 ports.

63. Script kiddies are "The lowest form of cracker; scriptkiddies do mischief with scripts and programs written by others, often without understanding the exploit."

64. Tourbus from 12/9/04 mentions that you can use your high speed cable or DSL connection without using your regular phone service. It is called VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). The adapter plugs into the modem and converts the signal from your phone into data that travels over the internet. You need to contact your ISP to see if they offer internet telephone service. If you download a large file over the internet, the voice use can be choppy. Also, if the power goes out, your phone will not work. Also, you need to be sure that the high speed connection is reliable or else your voice over internet use will be unreliable.

65. MBNA has a 2.57% current interest rate for a certificate of deposit ($10,000 for 6 months minimum), which is listed as

66. Big's System Requirements are MAC - Mac OS 8.0 with TCP/IP and PPP or Remote Access so long as you have a 14.4 modem or higher working properly. Rob1.209.524.7777 or 1.800.326.6548.

            A. Tidbits #763 mentions that Long term maintenance of domain names** -- Currently, maintaining domain names is a job for the technically inclined, but some partial solutions are available for people who may not be versed in the Internet's plumbing. I e-mailed Big about this. Brian ( replied and said, If you havenÕt had a chance yet, check out our webpage for our web hosting costs. If you donÕt have a domain name already aka: the cost is $35 for a minimum of 2 years. If you have any more questions feel free to e-mail me."

            B. Julie said, As for Wadi site, I don't think the domain hosting should be be that hard.  Basically, you pay someone ( or whatever) to set up for you and they give you a place to upload the web pages for it. The cost to have them do the domain is probably $20-30 a month.  There is a cheaper way to do it where you just pay someone to do a re-direct for you (ie they set up but make it just go to somewhere on your own existing web site on Pacbell or something) -- this can be more a pain because if you run out of space or stop doing it, you have to redirect the pages somewhere else, but it probably is more like $5/month.

C. Emily Bush said that Network Solutions can do domain hosting as well. Network Solutions can host a website for as little as $9.96 for one month, but you need to have UNIX or Windows.

            D. I e-mailed Big Valley ( with this e-mail, "I would like to set up a website for our horse club. We would like to use the domain name Can you help me with setting this up? I have done web pages and uploaded them before; however, I have never hosted a domain name before." Brian said "It would cost $40 for setup, $70 (35 x 2 year min., if don't have name already) for domain name, and $99.96 for dialup to maintain the site." Mom thought it might be too expensive.

67. Epson 780 and 870 use the same 5-color inkjet cartridge from Quill (Quill item #711733, compatible with Epson #T008201). Black ink cartridge (T007201) works with 780 only, not with 870.

            A. Helen and Bill had a 780 Epson Stylus Printer. They had an 870 compatible black and an 870 compatible color catridge in the printer.

            B. We did not have any cartridges for the printer, so I was not able to print a test page.

68. As of 4/05, People PC only works with Windows.

69. It may not be a good idea to copy a whole section from Computer Notes at school to take home. Sometimes, items that have been added at home, may not have been added at school yet; therefore, they may not get re-added.

70. Morgan Stanley does not offer much support for Macs, according to Tidbits #775. It also says that Intuit does not make its Mac on parity with its Window software.

71. According to,,sid5_gci508949,00.html, CD-RWs After heating to one particular temperature, the alloy (an alloy is a homogeneous, homogeneous is similar in structure, mixture or solid solution of two or more metals)will become crystalline when it is cooled; after heating to a higher temperature it will become amorphous (won't hold its shape) when it is cooled. By controlling the temperature of the laser, crystalline areas and non-crystalline areas are formed. The crystalline areas will reflect the laser, while the other areas will absorb it. The differences will register as binary data that can be unencoded for playback. To erase or write over recorded data, the higher temperature laser is used, which results in the non-crystalline form, which can then be reformed by the lower temperature laser Resembling crystal, as in transparency or distinctness of structure or outline.

72. SuzanneÕs VCR is model number PV-4022, which has trouble loading some video tapes. I unplugged the VCR for a few seconds, but this did not help. I found the manual online and downloaded it, but it did not have any useful information, so I e-mailed Panasonic from

            A. Panasonic suggested that I unplug the VCR for a couple minutes, then plug it back in. I did this, but it did not help. I also tried cleaning the heads and seeing if I pushed the tape left, right, up, or down to see if the tape would load correctly, this did not work consistently. I even opened the VCR to see if something could be done, but no luck.

73. A data set is a collection of related data records on a computer-readable medium, such as a disk.

74. Yahoo! Music service does not work with Mac, according to Tidbits #780 (5/05).

A. Tidbits #780 talks about the pricing for internet mailboxes with Yahoo!, Hotmail, and .Ma

75. has information on repairing a CD. It says, Òfirst clean the disk with warm water and mild soap to remove any oils from fingerprints or other sources. Dry it with a clean, lint-free towel and see if the disk will work now. If not, bring on the Crest! Rub the disk gently with toothpaste (the pasty kind, not a gel) in a RADIAL (not circular) motion from the center of the disk to the outside edge. Wash and dry it again and see if it's readableÉDue to the chance that the filler may fall out over time and gum up your CDROM drive, you should make a copy of the repaired disk and discard the original.

76. TM has been having trouble using his Macally USB floppy drive at home with his new iMac (iLamp). Disks would intermittently mount on the desktop. I suggested to him to contact Macally at or or you can call them at 626-338-8787.

            A. TM said he called Macdaddy and they said that earlier floppy disks may not work with OS X.

77. Tidbits is usually done on Mondays and sent out around midnight on Monday night (early Tuesday morning).

78. Tidbits #654 says that ISV stands for Independent Software Vendor.

79. 357-6587 is the fax number for maintenance and operations. 357-1131 is the fax number for Information Systems. 357-6588 is the phone number. ToddÕs cell phone number is 761-2869. The e-mail address for Winton I.S. is (as of 4/15/08; Mike G suggested sending a work order and an e-mail, but I am just going to do work orders, since he ignores e-mails. Their web page submission page at does not work with my G3/266. I got a Front Page error on 8/16/02, so I e-mailed them instead. It still does not work, as of 11/13/02, I tried to use the DEC to access it with IE, but no luck (got same error). Netscape on the DEC asked me for an e-mail account to be able to send a request, I did not know the host names for my e-mail, so I just went to and e-mailed Mike Gilbertson with on 11/13/02. To delete mail from Winton's e-mail, you must open the e-mail, then click the "X." Otherwise, it does not work (as of 2/24/03). You can't delete it from the page where the e-mails are listed together. The contacts folder default to all caps, when I typed in MarilynÕs e-mail address, even after I pasted it as lower case.
80. It may not be possible to copy text from Apple E-news using Outlook Express. The workaround is to save as a Simpletext document, then copy and paste.

81. Apple E-news from 10/24/02 mentions the word ÒChatee,Ó but does not have any definitions for that word, as of 10/29/02.

82. Sylvia and I tried to send e-mail to one of her relatives who has Webtv. We sent it o her, but it was returned. IT was because I ended the e-mail address with webtv, it should end with

            A. When I tried searching with Google (to check to see if I should use webtv or, returned nothing, but Òwebtv.netÓ had many hits.

83. Tidbits #653 says that if you have trouble getting help from tech support, you may ask for second level tech support.

84. Middleware is software that mediates between an application program and a network. It manages the interaction between disparate (fundamentally distinct or different in kind) applications across the heterogeneous computing platforms.

85. Internet is the correct spelling, not inter net.

86. On my Internet 3 CDs, there are two extra sessions (called 7/22/00 and 8/10/00) that are actually folders on the Internet 3 CD, so I put them in the Software on Internet CDs file and labeled them with the date.

87. DG recommends All Electronics Repair (576-2560, 1721 Standiford Avenue).

88. A port (as explained in 9.0 Web Sharing information from Apple) is the address of the server on your computer, a browser uses the port to locate the server. By default, browsers look at port 80 for a Web server.

89. Rauland, model number TCPIPD510T (It is called a Telecenter IP). Connected hookups are Network 10 Base T, TV Sensor, IR Out, and power. Non connected hookups are Remote IR, Com 1, Com 2.

            A. Info can be found at

            B. It can be used with a computer (PC or Mac) or without. It communicates via TCP/IP over Ethernet to the Telecenter IP Server. It turns your classroom TV or projector into a network controllable device. The Local Control Unit receives commands from the Telecenter IP Remote Control to control the TV/projector and remotely control your scheduled media.

90. As of 8/03, we are not supposed to trash monitors anymore, I.S. should do it. KW suggested leaving monitors outside their door or have people put in a word order for it.

91. My overhead projector (Da-lite Beseler G-100) uses a JCD120V-600W DYS.  I have an older overhead (probably at least 15 years old). It is a Da-lite Beseler PS 360 in room 58. If you turn the power switch on and then plug it in (instead of plugging the power cord in first, then turning it on), would that be likely to short out a bulb? That happened to our overhead today, but I am not sure if this action may cause the bulb to short out?  I e-mailed Randy Bonander ( to ask about this on 4/27/05.

92. To fix our classroom television signal, may contact cable company (Comcast). Then, if not, look at the franchise agreement for Merced County (Winton does not have its own franchise agreement, since it is unincorporated).

            A. I e-mailed Comcast, and they ( replied that I should call them at 800-824-2000, which I did. The technician will come out Wednesday between 8 A.M. and 12 P.M. Our account is listed under 7160 Walnut Avenue (Comcast lists our address the way that USPS lists it, which is without the West part), Winton, CA 95388. Rooms 35-37 have problems, as do 50-62. The 20-26 is clear, so is the K wing.

            B. Later, I discovered that to contact Comcast, I should call business (commercial) accounts at 800-722-3409. Our account number is 8495330020012502. They have our address listed as Walnut Avenue, not West Walnut Avenue.

            C. Warren came out again the next day (10/30/03) and tried to reconnected rooms 35-37, since he inadvertently disconnected theirs. In the fixing process, Warren made our lower channels better (2-15 or so), but the higher channels still have trouble. Warren said he called his supervisor, and the supervisor said he will meet with the construction manager to see what can be done about rebuilding the system. Warren said that the cable company will often go the Òextra mileÓ for schools.

            D. The contractor (construction manager) did come out about two weeks later to ask about the cable. He did not report back to me, but perhaps he is working on it.

E. The cable in rooms 58-62 still do not work well, so I called Comcast again on 8/25/04, and they said they will send out a technician today to check on this. Ron Gaus and David Pisacco came out today and took out the UHF/VHF/FM amplifier that was in my room. They said that the signal was too strong for my TV (it was Òoverdriving my TV.Ó Comcast does not use the FM transmitters anymore); and once they took it out, channels 2through50 were much clearer. Channels above 50 were still somewhat grainy. They will come back out again tomorrow (8/26/04) to work on the situation. They did not come out that I could see. I called back on 8/31/03 and talked to a dispatcher. She said that one of the supervisor will call me tomorrow (9/1/04) to let me know what is happening. They did not come out, so I called again on 9/10/04. They said they will send someone out on 9/13/04 between 8 A.M. and 12 P.M. My signal was +20 for the lower channels and –15 for my higher channels. It should be around +7. Mr. Jimenez came out on 9/13/04. He said that Jim (the rebuild technician, Tech 1553) knows about the problem and will have a subcontractor fix it. If not fixed by 9/27/04, I should call Comcast (Maria) again. Mr. Jimenez said that our district should call a contractor to fix the signal (in other words, Comcast wil fix the cable to the school, we must fix it beyond that). On the week of 9/20-9/24, 2004, a cable repairman came out and did the rebuild. My cable in room 58 is now fine (channel 72 and 73 are a bit grainy, but it is grainy in room 37 and 57 also, so it is probably specific to those channels. I left 72 in the channels, because they are channel 2 and TBS). I did not get a chance to check the cable in the other rooms through 62, but LO said hers was better. I asked Cecelia to check her cable and if it does not work to put in a work order.

F. In the library, the television has never worked. I looked at the television ownerÕs guide and it suggests that if you have cable, that you use a cable box. So, I hooked up the coaxial connections using the cable box, still no luck. I got a message on the scren that says something abou the box being disabled, please call the office, so I called Comcast. They suggested hooking the cable directly from the wall to the television and we would check the programming of the television, but still we did not receive any channels. They set up an appointment for a technician to come out on 3/29/06. The came out on 3/29/06, and said that the connection to the cable box was not made (the cable was connected to the jack in the wall, but not on the other end). The Comcast technician said it is usually the responsibility of the maintenance crew to connect the cable to each of the rooms, but he said he would connect it anyhow, which he did. ComcastÕs responsibility is to bring the cable into the school only, not to each room. Anyhow, the cable now works in the library.

93. There is such a thing as microwave signal, for use without a microwave (heard at CTAP meeting).

94. VHS stands for Video Home System (a video cassette format patented by JVC).

95. Dennis goes to the computer convention in San Jose the first Sunday of each month.

96. ITFS stands for Instructional Television Fixed Service.

            A. LNB stands for Low Noise Block downconverter (Satellite television).

97. Tidbits #708 mentions the phrase ÒBluetooth enabled cell phone,Ó so I guess Bluetooth has to do with cell phones somehow.

98. I had trouble with a CD player in the cafeteria. I tried to play a fun songs CD in a older CD player and it skipped. However, the fun songs CD played fine in a newer CD player. I then tried playing several CDs in the older CD player, and the CDs played fine.

            A. I e-mailed Matt about this and he said that, ÒThe original CD player and/or CD must be damaged or misaligned just enough so that the 2 donÕt play well together. Also, some CD players are probably more tolerant of dirt/scratches than others.Ó

            B. I also asked Matt about the situation where certain DVDs (reportedly from Blockbuster and/or Hollywood video) wil not play in certain brands of DVD players. He said that he has heard of DVD-player incompatibilities with DVD-Rs, but not rental DVDs.

99. OPAC (library program) stands for Online Public Access Catalog, I think.

100. On one occasion, I wanted to mail in a rebate form, but I do not think I received a proof of purchase in the box that I received from However, I did have a proof of purchase in my e-mail, which luckily I saved. I sent a copy of that e-mail for the Taxcut rebate.

101. The Emerson battery charger in the office died and is no longer in the office.

102. If you type a backslash in a URL, it is not the same as typing in a slash.

103. KristieÕs e-mail is and ToddÕs is

104. Bob Hughes said that the county (Merced) does good work, he is not sure if they are Apple certified anymore. Computerware in Modesto is good, but more expensive.

105. I tried playing one of my CD-RWs in my 2001 Altima, but it would not play. However, the same CD-RW did play in the Aiwa CD player. Mac Help in OS X says that most audio CD players will not play CD-RWs (as of 5/04).

106. TidBITS #813 mentions that Endicia Internet Postage, which costs $16 per month and enables you to print postage from your Mac.

107. (mentioned on Aug. 17, 2004, Tourbus) is for Windows only, as of 8/04.

108. September 3, 2004, Tourbus mentions that coaxial cable is RG-6, usually.

            A. It also says that Ports don't exist in the real world - you can't actually see or touch them. They are just "pretend" addresses inside of your computer. Officially, there aer up to 69, 536 ports.

109. Script kiddies are "The lowest form of cracker; scriptkiddies do mischief with scripts and programs written by others,often without understanding the exploit."

110. Tourbus from 12/9/04 mentions that you can use your high speed cable or DSL connection without using your regular phone service. It is called VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). The adapter plugs into the modem and converts the signal from your phone into data that travels over the internet. You need to contact your ISP to see if they offer internet telephone service. If you download a large file over the internet, the voice use can be choppy. Also, if the power goes out, your phone will not work. Also, you need to be sure that the high speed connection is reliable or else your voice over internet use will be unreliable.

            A. Another company provides the service as well. works with Macintosh, Linux, and Windows systems.

111. MBNA has a 2.57% current interest rate for a certificate of deposit ($10,000 for 6 months minimum), which is listed as

112. Big's System Requirements are MAC - Mac OS 8.0 with TCP/IP and PPP or Remote Access so long as you have a 14.4 modem or higher working properly. Rob1.209.524.7777 or 1.800.326.6548.

            A. Tidbits #763 mentions that Long term maintenance of domain names** -- Currently, maintaining domain names is a job for the technically inclined, but some partial solutions are available for people who may not be versed in the Internet's plumbing. I e-mailed Big about this. Brian ( replied and said, If you havenÕt had a chance yet, check out our webpage for our web hosting costs. If you donÕt have a domain name already aka: the cost is $35 for a minimum of 2 years. If you have any more questions feel free to e-mail me."

B. Julie said, As for Wadi site, I don't think the domain hosting should be be that hard.  Basically, you pay someone ( or whatever) to set up for you and they give you a place to upload the web pages for it. The cost to have them do the domain is probably $20-30 a month.  There is a cheaper way to do it where you just pay someone to do a re-direct for you (ie they set up but make it just go to somewhere on your own existing web site on Pacbell or something) -- this can be more a pain because if you run out of space or stop doing it, you have to redirect the pages somewhere else, but it probably is more like $5/month.

C. Emily Bush said that Network Solutions can do domain hosting as well. Network Solutions can host a website for as little as $9.96 for one month, but you need to have UNIX or Windows.

            D. I e-mailed Big Valley ( with this e-mail, "I would like to set up a website for our horse club. We would like to use the domain name Can you help me with setting this up? I have done web pages and uploaded them before; however, I have never hosted a domain name before." Brian said "It would cost $40 for setup, $70 (35 x 2 year min if don't have name already) for domain name, and $99.96 for dialup to maintain the site." Mom thought it might be too expensive.

113. Epson 780 and 870 use the same 5-color inkjet cartridge from Quill (Quill item #711733, compatible with Epson #T008201). Black ink cartridge (T007201) works with 780 only, not with 870.

            A. Helen and Bill had a 780 Epson Stylus Printer. They had an 870 compatible black and an 870 compatible color catridge in the printer.

            B. We did not have any cartridges for the printer, so I was not able to print a test page.

114. As of 4/05, People PC only works with Windows.

115. It may not be a good idea to copy a whole section from Computer Notes at school to take home. Sometimes, items that have been added at home, may not have been added at school yet; therefore, they may not get re-added.

116. Morgan Stanley does not offer much support for Macs, according to Tidbits #775. It also says that Intuit does not make its Mac on parity with its Window software.

117. According to,,sid5_gci508949,00.html, CD-RWs After heating to one particular temperature, the alloy (an alloy is a homogeneous, homogeneous is similar in structure, mixture or solid solution of two or more metals)will become crystalline when it is cooled; after heating to a higher temperature it will become amorphous (won't hold its shape) when it is cooled. By controlling the temperature of the laser, crystalline areas and non-crystalline areas are formed. The crystalline areas will reflect the laser, while the other areas will absorb it. The differences will register as binary data that can be unencoded for playback. To erase or write over recorded data, the higher temperature laser is used, which results in the non-crystalline form, which can then be reformed by the lower temperature laser Resembling crystal, as in transparency or distinctness of structure or outline.

118. SuzanneÕs VCR is model number PV-4022, which has trouble loading some video tapes. I unplugged the VCR for a few seconds, but this did not help. I found the manual online and downloaded it, but it did not have any useful information, so I e-mailed Panasonic from

            A. Panasonic suggested that I unplug the VCR for a couple minutes, then plug it back in. I did this, but it did not help. I also tried cleaning the heads and seeing if I pushed the tape left, right, up, or down to see if the tape would load correctly, this did not work consistently. I even opened the VCR to see if something could be done, but no luck.

119. A data set is a collection of related data records on a computer-readable medium, such as a disk.

120. Yahoo! Music service does not work with Mac, according to Tidbits #780 (5/05).

            A. Tidbits #780 talks about the pricing for internet mailboxes with Yahoo!, Hotmail, and .Mac. Multiclip Hack is a hack that allows you to save and undo the last 16 things you have done on the Palm. It can be found at Isilo from leads you read any HTML pages, it costs $19.99. only has a few books on it. has merged into has some books on it. It requires eReader, which I downloaded. When using eReader, highlighted words are automatically added to notes. I thought that the book Swiss Family Robinson needs to be on the internal memory of the CliŽ to work, since when I moved it to the RZ card, it would not show up with eReader. However, I just moved it (along with two other Swiss Family Robinson files) to the Launcher on the memory stick and I was able to access the book with eReader. To use the Go, Go to Page function to get to a certain page, you need to move the slider by clicking and dragging. You cannot type in a number and get to a particular page. My e-mail and password at is, Old At Ease (I had an account with and New, New At Ease, but it no longer can be accessed. I think it is a server issue). I purchased Jim Thorpe from, but then I had to Òtype in my name exactly as it appears on my credit card.Ó Since my credit card only has my middle initial on it, I thought my middle initial would work on the Palm T|X, but it did not, I had to type in my middle name and my credit card number to unlock the book; also, the reference page they the screen on eReader refered me to was, where I do not possess an account. You can use Book, Export Notes to transfer your notes from eReader to Memos (the automatic category is Unfiled), which you can then access on the iLamp after syncing. is no longer a valid URL. Palm Organizers page 268 suggests making a grocery list as a category for a To-Do list (if you usually buy the same things when going to the grocery store), and set it up all the time. Then just set the Palm to "show completed items," so you can uncheck the items when you need them again. J-file from costs $24.95, as of July 2005. It is a database program for Palm. sells MobileDB for $19.95, which is also a database program; but I don't think it integrates with your computer, I think you need the $29.99 program for that. HanDbase ($24.99) can be purchased at Tinysheet (a spreadsheet program) costs $24.95 at Tealprint is $19.95 at is no longer a valid URL. sells Yacht Challenge (a game similar to Yahtzee) for $12. sells PocketChess or Monopoly for $19.99. is no longer a valid URL.

121. After accidentally leaving the candle on all weekend in my classroom, the G3/266, the blueberry iMac, the red iMac DV+, and the rebuilt DEC monitors were blacked out (with the power on). I restarted them several times (after disconnecitng the power cords) and sprayed the dusting spray into the air vents. Three out of four monitors were okay by lunch, the G3/266 was improved, but still dim. Hopefully, it will return to normal. They later did, I used some dusting spray on them also, which helped. On the iMac at home, the monitor was dimmed for several weeks in a row. The problem was the candle again, I think. I sprayed dusting spray into the top of the monitor, which resolved the problem. It probably gets affected, since it is closer to the door than my iMac. On 7/14/06, when starting up, I got the message that ÒThe bult-in memory test has detected a problem. Please contact a service represenative.Ó I simply opened the RAM compartment and used the dusting spray to clean the area; this solved the problem.

Later, the iMac would startup, but the screen was black (and I could not hear a ÒbongÓ sound). I unplugged it, tried zapping the PRAM, taking out each DIMM, to no avail. Finally, I cleaned the monitor again with dusting spray and pressed the PRAM reset button on the inside of the iMac, and then it started up (with a ÒbongÓ). Later, after applying baby powder to the boxspring, some baby powder must have gotten inside the iMac, since the problem with the dark screen recurred. After spraying the dusting spray into the computer (with the power off), the situtation was resolved.

122. PacketShaper is an application traffic management system that monitors, controls, and accelerates application performance over the WAN Internet. Text-munging is managing your source code (as in web pages).

123. I can give spare Mac or PC computer parts to Steve Minjare Jr.  358-2797 (home), 968-1141 (cell).


MOCSE.ORG (account number as of 6/05 is 498202; 75 is the suffix for checking). Whenever the website does not work, I can still use the phone. My security code answer is two words.

1. As of 6/11/2001. My user ID is RyanZelenski, my passcode is school name, home alarm code. Carmen should use the same user ID and login, according to Misty Ridenour. MOCSE website does not have both names, it only has mine (as of 9/05).

2. Must wait for package from MOCSE in the mail, should take about a week.

3. The MOCSE Internet Banking brochure suggests completely quitting your Internet browser after a session to ensure privacy (page 3).

4. If your payee does not accept electronic payments, it may take five to seven days to get the payment made.

5. Do not use your browserÕs stop or back buttons, when paying online. It can delay things.

6. Page 4 says to enter your account number with the payee so the payee can easily recognize your account. I e-mailed MOCSE ( to ask about this. responded and said that the brochure is talking about your account number with the company, not your MOCSE account number.

7. Bill Pay service costs $5.00 per month. It will pay payees that have a US Postal Service Address, but it will not pay state, local and federal agencies.

8. To cancel a payment, change the amount to $0.00.

9. Dr. Campbell said he would be worried about MOCSE's end of the network, as far as security goes, not my end. I e-mailed Jane Carney ( to inquire about this.

10. Her response was ÒOur web page does not have a fire wall at this time. We do not send any account information through there. However the fundsxpress is at the highest security there is. All messages go through two fire walls and are encrypted with both transmission to and from the fundsxpress site. Once you are signed into the Internet Banking through the fundsxpress all the

messages go through that site.Ó

11. I asked about protection from unauthorized access, and Jane replied (on 6/15/01) that ÒThe FDIC insures your accounts with MOCSE. Fundsxpress has a separate policy to protect them from unauthorized access.Ó

12. To have online Bill Pay be free with Wells Fargo, you must have $5,000 in the bank. Otherwise, it costs $5.00/month.

13. MOCSE has a Òpass code crackerÓ that will not let you use a password that is a common word or a word associated with your address, name or other personal info.

14. If idle for 10 minutes, you are logged out for security purposes.

15. The first 3 months are free.

16. 5 days should be sufficient to pay most bills.

17. If unauthorized access occurs, CALL MOCSE, better than e-mail (more secure, they think).

18. You can e-mail MOCSE at or from But I did this in 12/04, and did not receive a reply. Also, I got a notification that my e-mail was returned, so I think the e-mail is no longer valid (or temporarily).

19. According to MOCSEÕs statement, version 2 and 3 support SSL.

20. MOCSEÕs statement recommends 128 bit encryption. NN 4.74 uses 128 bit, but IE 5 I am not sure about, so I e-mailed Microsoft on 6/25/01, to find out. They did not reply.

21. Fundxpress website ( says that if your browser does not use 128 bit encryption, you will be notified.

22. You are not responsible for over $50 in charges, as long as you notify within 2 days of unauthorized access (2 days from when you know).

23. You can e-mail a secure message to MOCSE by using the Internet Banking system, as opposed to just sending a regular e-mail that is not secure. That is how they seem to respond to e-mails now, instead ofthroughOutlook Express.

24. I signed up for Billpay, simply by sending a secure e-mail to MOCSE and they signed me up.

25. I once got a notice that some kind of setup has been canceled, but apparently, it was just some confusion e-mail. I checked and my accounts are active (as of 6/28/01).

26. When I tried to download history from FundXpress, IE 5 would not download it. You have several choices as to the file type to download. It can tab delimited, Quicken, etc. I picked Quicken(R) QIF, but IE 5 gave a Òcancel, save file as, pick app, etc.Ó error, so I tried just Òsave file as..Ó and tried to open the file with Quicken, I had no luck. Got a Òthis is not a Quicken file error.Ó I tried again with IE 5 to download history, I picked Quicken to download it, but it did not work either. May be that you need Windows to do it. The file extension for the file is QIF.

27. If you enter a name, it is easiest do delete the payee entirely rather than update it.

29. Even though a pending payment may not show up in the payment window, it may still be in a payeeÕs history (i.e. listed on a different web page).

30. If you try to process a check for the same day you are writing, you may get an error. After changing the date to the next day, the check processed fine. It may be that before 5 P.M., you can choose to put the same day on the check. The website appears to use Central Daylight Time.

31. If you set up a payment as a monthly recurring payment and then do not pay the bill on the same day in the next month, you get a message saying a ÒzeroÓ payment is listed. This happened with TID in August 2001.

            A. May be better to set up type as ÒoccasionalÓ and period as ÒonceÓ, not sure yet, though.

32. My payment to Charter of $10.24 on 8/2/01, has not been received, according to Charter, as of 8/17/01. I e-mailed Charter to double check this. I e-mailed MOCSE to see if they can check (or how I could) to see if a payment has been received, I know the payment has been processed through MOCSE.

33. I got two messages sent to DirecTV and me indicating that zero payments could not be made, since I had not sent payment to Pac Bell. I had set them both up to be monthly, variable recurring payments. MOCSE assumed I would do payment on the second of the month, but I did not. I changed the payments on DirecTV and Pac Bell to every two months and occasionally. Perhaps this will work without getting messages from

            A. I changed a couple more payments to Occasional and once, and I changed a couple more to Variable Recurring and Quarterly to avoid the Òzero paymentÓ problem.

            B. I e-mailed MOCSE on 10/16/2001 to inquire about the Òzero paymentÓ problem.

            C. As of 10/16/2001, TID has changed addresses and is no longer in the database, so they are no longer in the database. I will need to read them.

34. I had a problem where I made a payment to TME on the first of September (but the 1st fell on a Saturday), and the payment was not processed until Sept. 5th. So I went into the database and changed the records to the 20th of the month to pay the bill, instead of the 28th.

35. Apparently, I paid Charter instead of DirecTV on 8/25/2001. So I paid DirecTV on 9/16/2001 the $72.73 and left a credit with Charter. I also updated MOCSE to show that on 8/25 Charter was paid instead of DirecTV.

36. In September, 2001, I got a notice from DirecTV that my previous balance of $72.73 was not paid. However, mail was backed up for several days, due to the terrorist attack in New York. Anyhow, I called 800-531-5000 (I used automated help) to verify that the $72.73 was paid (it was). So I just made an electronic payment for $72.73 instead of $145.46 as the bill requested.

37. Occasional, once may be the best setting for setting up recurring payments to companies, that way zero payment notices may be avoided.

38. You can check if your payment has been received by reviewing your statement. You can use the user services tab to send a secure message to your financial institution if the payment has not been posted in a timely manner.

39. I had a problem with Gould. They charged me $114.94 and I paid it. Then they charged me again $179.86, which included $114.94.

            A. I had sent payment to Sacramento Sutter Gould, but I needed to send payment to San Francisco Sutter Gould.

            B. I updated the address at to the San Francisco address for Sutter Gould.

            C. I faxed the documents that I had scanned at 300 dpi, 100% scaling to Carmen of Sutter Gould at 916-854-6854.

            D. MOCSE sent me copies of the Sutter Gould canceled checks through the mail. I e-mailed them and asked for them. They did not charge me for the copies.

40. I did a transfer from checking to savings at on 11/29/01. The transfer actually took place on 12/3/01.

41. To pay a MOCSE Visa bill, you can do it online. Use the ÒMOCSE FCUÓ payee. You can also pay by phone, but on 12/24/01, it was not working.

42. Use the pop down menu (beside the word ÒGoÓ) to access payees, it is quicker.

43. My routing number is 321173470. My account number with MOCSE is account number as of 6/05 is 498202).

44. I thought I had double paid TME in March (3/14/02 and 3/20/02), but I had just recorded it twice in Quicken. It was not double paid at

45. As of 4/21/02, I have one account with BMG Music Service. It is account number 8300018-150M. I changed my account number at to 8300018-150M, so now it is correct (I put the dash in the dash, but the computer does not put the dash in there, apparently). Although, on the website, my account number is 8301593615, as listed on BMGÕs website.

46. Pressing return may not be the same as pressing the ÒSubmit changesÓ: button on the MOCSE page.

47. Ending Balance with MOCSE account is 3832.15. $21.47 is off in the reconciliation process. The difference is an ATM Shell purchase of $21.47, which is taken out of the Ending balance, but not listed in transactions. I e-mailed MOCSE about this on 9/7/02.

            A. Melody (572-3600, extension 140) from MOCSE called me and said that She said that even though the transaction was not shown on the bill, the withdrawal was still done. She said that since I did the transaction on Labor Day weekend (8/30), the transaction would not be posted until Tuesday (9/3), since Labor Day (9/2/02) was a holiday. If you do a transaction on the weekend, it normally is posted or Monday or the next business day.

            B. Her explanation does not make sense to me, but, in any event, I did indeed make an ATM transaction at Shell and will reconcile my bank statement to reflect it. Donna said it seemed odd, and I think it was probably a computer glitch, most likely.

            C. The next month, the $21.47 was listed on my bank statement (but not deducted from my balance), so it all worked out fine.

48. Brooks Larsen said that he received my payment of $55.00 from Metavonte, I think they may be the company that paysthroughMOCSEÕs web site.

49. Troll payment on 10/25/02, for $55.40 sent to Troll Book Club, with the account number of 05000091487-070-003. Had to manually enter Troll, since their address did not match up exactly online (had a P.O. Box and I am not sure it would match up with Troll). Later, though, I think I found TrollÕs address (I deleted and re-entered Troll payment), so it is probably okay. Later, the Troll payment appeared on my bank statement, so it was fine.

50. On one occasion, I was unable to establish a secure connection through MOCSEÕs web site. But, it was because I did not let the page load fully before clicking on an icon. After reloading a secure conation was established (no warning appeared).

            A. I did not have the warning turned to warn me before entering a website that is not secure (but the address has https in it, so it may be done automatically with those pages).

51. The color scheme can supposedly be changed. However, I changed it and nothing happened, so I left it at default.

52. Apparently, when I put in Citibank Preferred, the name is changed automatically to Mastercard Citibank Preferred.

53. You can check out your account history online (i.e. you can see the amount of last deposits) by going to MOCSEÕs web site and then selecting accounts, then selecting history.

54. On 4/6/2003, I had trouble with the E*Trade ATM in Target. It went all the way through my transaction, but did not print a receipt or give me my money. I checked online and it does not appear that I was charged the $200.00 (I withdrew $200.00 later from the ATM in AlbertsonÕs on the same day and that transaction showed up, but the E*trade ATM transaction did not).

55. My 6/30/03 paycheck was deposited by 12:08 A.M. on 6/30/03. My 1/31/05 direct deposit paycheck was deposited by 9:48 P.M. on 1/30/05.

            A. My 8/29/03 paycheck was deposited by 9:35 P.M. on 8/28/03.

56. To delete a mistake (i.e. a payment), just click on the name of the Payee and then clear the date and the amount fields, then click submit.

57. You can export your MOCSE info to Quicken, if you like. I decided not to do it for now, since that may cause some confusion. It is just easier to enter the info into both places for now (12/29/03).

58. As of 7/04, if you make more than 5 transactions per month, bill pay fee is waived.

59. You can see the current rates for a Certificate of Deposit (certificates) by going to and then clicking on Financial Services, then clicking on certificates. As of 12/14/04, CD rates are about 1.10 % for 6 months ($500 minimum).

60. As of June 2005, MOCSE website will not work with IE browser (since they upgraded Billpay), according to an e-mail that I received from them. They suggested using Netscape 7.2 or Safari 1.2.

61. As of 6/6/05, you can view your canceled checks (personal ones that you have made out) online, by going to history and then clicking on the link for your check.

62. If you try to have Safari save your password at (i.e. by using the page as a bookmark (right after you log-in), it will cause a problem with your account and access. I had to reset Safari and empty the cache, after I tried saving the MOCSE log in info. Then I was able to log in again.

63. I can now access my MOCSE Visa online, as of 8/05.

64. Sutter GouldÕs online payments should be sent to P.O. Box 255468, Sacramento, CA 95865-5468.

65. I set it MOCSE online to automatically transfer $250.00 from checking to savings, since we are only going to receive 11 paychecks from WSD starting this year (05-06). I also set up MOCSEÕs Quicken account to do the same.

66. Since the original invoice got lost (12/05) and was not paid, I decided to pay the IngramÕs bills myself. Then I will get the money from Jazmin.

67. I have set up several companies to bill me electronically through e-mail. I tried to change the name from SBC/AT&T to just AT&T, but the company would not permit it (the company can set restrictions through MOCSE, so I tried to delete SBC/AT&T, but I could not, probably because I have an electronic bill set up with them. I could not stop electronic notification probably because the help file says that you cannot stop electronic notificaiton until receiving your first notification, which may take a month or two (from 4/10/06, or so). So, I added AT&T, and I will delete SBC/AT&T later (I was later able to delete it on 4/23/06). I signed up with AT&T and MBNA (along with others), but both companies still has the Òsign upÓ icon by it in the MOCSE list, which I think will change, once they electronically notify me (which may be a couple months from 4/10/06, or so). Capital One does not have an ¨ after it in the MOCSE listing, since MOCSEÕs system would not permit it.

68. MOCSEÕs billpay (which is not actually a word, nor is bill-pay or bill pay) does not work with IE 5.1.7, you need to use Safari or IE 6.0 for Windows (as of 5/06). Billpay lists view new messages on the bill payments page at the top. You can also check/view the messages at the bottom of the web page. These are not the same messages as MOCSE Federal Credit Union Messages. I signed up for e-billing with Cingular on 6/10/06, but the feature was not available, according to Billpay, but they will try again later. Later, I still could not get Cingular to send me an e-bill through MOCSE, MOCSE said that Cingular indicated my login was not valid, so I resubmitted my Cingular login through MOCSE and put my phone number as (209) 604-1151, instead of 209-604-1151; this did not work, though. I contacted Cingular and on their end, everything appeared to be fine. So, I contacted MOCSE by calling Suzannah at Member Service. She contacted me (after she contacted the bill payer service) and said that, ÒOk, I contacted our Bill Pay provider and of course they are stating that the problem is with Cingular. Cingular is rejecting the request stating that the account number  does not match any on file with them.  The only suggestion that the representative had was to go over your billing statement with someone at Cingular, and make sure that they are aware that your setting up an e-bill and find out if there is another number needed for the set-up.Ó I later figured out that I have two different ways to log in to the Cingular Wireless site, the old AT&T Wireless log in (which I used because I used to have an AT&T device) with motleyze, New At Ease and my Cingular Wireless login (with my wireless number and New At Ease). I think the solution is to not sign up for CingularÕs e-bills through MOCSE, just use the CingularÕs electronic bills (which I have been receiving). Later, I figured out that the problem was that I was using my old AT&T account number, so on 6/19/06, I updated the number with MOCSEÕs bill pay to my Cingular wireless account number (143202879). In 7/07, I tried to delete the Cingular bill from the web site, since it is now AT & T Wireless. I have to receive an e-mail from AT & T, because I do not receive a paper bill. I also receive an e-mail from MOCSE, since there was a Òsign upÓ link by the AT & T payment on the website, and I wanted it to say e-bill. Anyhow, the MOCSE bill comes quicker than the AT & T one. I receive an e-mail from AT & T and from MOCSE, but there is not a way to avoid this, AT & T said that, ÒUnfortunately, we can not stop the bill ready notification remider because you have online account access and anyone with online account access receives this notification.Ó I tried setting up AT & T Mobility with my old Cingular number and vice versa: this did not work, I just got a message from MOCSE saying that they could not send me an e-bill for AT & T Mobility. I tried to change the account number back to the correct one with AT & T Mobility but was unable to. I deleted AT & T Mobility and then added it again.

69. Beginning on September 13th, MOCSE will have a notify me feature that allows you to be notified when you have new messages, account is overdrawn, a deposit is made, etc.

70. To see my MBNA bills with MOCSE, I need to use the MBNA site, not MOCSEÕs, since I am not covered under MOCSEÕs privacy policy. MBNA sent me an e-mail on 9/9/06 and said that I will no longer be able to receive e-bills. They said I can still pay online, but I will receive paper bills (probably because I do not pay with MBNAÕs webpay, I use MOCSEÕs). The difference wonÕt be anything, I think, since I just usually use MBNAÕs website to view my bills when I receive the MOCSE billing notice. To view or pay bill when you get a MOCSE e-mail, click on the icon next to the name of the payee, then you can click view or pay bill.

71. As of 10/06, MBNA accounts are now available through Bank of America online, so I deleted the MBNA bookmark and added one for Bank of America (Same user ID and password as MBNA). My site key is Harmony along with the picture for it.

72. You can now download Quicken.qif files from MOCSEÕs web site, and then use MOCCE file to import QIF (Quicken Interchange Format) file. Interchange is mutual interaction; the activity of interchanging or reciprocating.

73. It appears that the easiest way to change the next transfer date (if the July 1st transfer is still pending) from August 1st to September 1st is to edit the July 1stÕs transactionÕs date from July 1st to September 1st; then complete a one-time transfer for July 1st.

74. security question was "Where were you born?" I had put in the city, state abbreviation. But, then I just changed it mother's maiden name.

75. I could not use the DEC with Netscape 7.1 or IE 6.0 to delete Cingular (Safari, IE, and Netscape 7.2 on the iLamp did not work, either). Raul Peral tried to help me delete Cingular from the bills at MOCSEÕs web site. He said, ÒSorry for the delay in our response but we have been waiting for Cingular to remove your E-bill from pending status. They still have not done so.Ó I called AT & T Mobility to no avail in 9/07, so I called them again on 10/23/07 around 8:30 P.M., I talked to a customer service rep who had no helpful information, but he said he would call me back with a number of whom to call. He did not call back. I talked to AT & T support online on October 26, 2007, and they referred me to Customer Service. I called again and talked to a AT & T Mobility Accounts Receivable rep (Asmin) on October 27, 2007, and he said that Cingular is now AT & T (Cingular is not out of business); anyhow, he said that MOCSE has not tried to contact their department. He also said that they would not have any way to be able to delete the Cingular bill (or change the e-bill status) from MOCSE's website for me. He said that I may want to just change the name of the biller from Cingular to AT & T Mobility at MOCSE's website. I tried to do that, but the web site would not allow me to change the biller information. Asmin then suggested that I contact MOCSE. So I e-mailed Raul again on 10/27/07. He never responded, so I decided to just forget in 12/07, since it is out of my control.

76. does not permit a log in from my Nokia 6030 cell phone. You get a message about lack of security at the web site and then you cannot find a place to log in.

Modem (stands for or is a contraction for Modulate/Demodulate), ACU is for Automatic Call Unit, another name for a modem.

14321. Transfers a digital signal that the computer understands to an analog signal that the phone line can understand.

2. ADSL or Asynch Digital Signal Link, which MIGHT replace modems in 10 years or so but it would still, use a hardware link to the computer.

            A. Only way to hook to Internet directly (without any modem or hardware) is through the use of Appletalk, but the computer has to be hooked to a network that has a digital link of its own to the network <web>).

3. If a computer has a telephone jack plug in on the back of it, it has an internal modem (unless it is an RJ 45 hookup with 8 pins instead of a 4 pin RJ 11 phone jack).

4. Modems can be 57,600 KBS (kilobytes per second), but it is a compressed signal, so it is not really that much faster than a 28.8 KBS. Regular telephone calls travel at approximately 600 to 1200 bytes per second. When the connections are sped up (with modems), interference may occur.

            A. Source: (NC 4 book, Glossary): baud rate is the number of signal changes per second as data is transmitted from one device to another. 100 transitions from a high frequency to a low frequency would be 100 baud. If a signal changes in multiple ways (frequency, amplitude), it may signify multiple bits of data. In the first example, the baud rate would equal bits per second. In the second example, the bits per second would be higher than the baud rate.

            B. Bits per second (BPS) expresses the bit rate (NC 4 book, Glossary).

5. The back of my Performa has a plastic cover over the modem port, since it has an internal modem. Bob said that it may be that they put a locking ring on the connector, so that a dealer would have to make it so that an external modem can be connected to it. Turns out that it was that there was a piece of metal stuck in it. Took it in and it was repaired.

To cover a hole where an internal modem WAS, use tape, since the chief concern is dust.

6. When deciding which type of transfer protocol to use, go to file menu and choose receive and choose....

            A. Xmodem is an older file transfer protocol that transfers files one at a time without many errors, Ymodem is faster and can transfer several files at once, Zmodem is popular and faster and allows transferring of several files at once (called a batch transfer), Kermit (named for the frog) is slow but useful for older mainframe computers.

            B. With AOL and some others, they take care of choosing the FTP automatically.

            C. some files are self extracting archives that they expand themselves when you click on them.

            D. Eworld is Apple ComputerÕs own personal information service.

7. Not all BBS are 24 hours, may want to call first.

8. Probably want to avoid Òdial upÓ or ÒterminalÓ accounts to the Internet. Often you use a communications program to access Internet, then you canÕt use your own Internet software and you may have to rely on DOS or UNIX commands just in case

9. Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) modem cards are credit card size and are popular with laptop computers.

10. An IBM modem can be used with a Mac, use a 8 Pin Min Din Male/DB25 Male. They had the cable at Staples as of 5/98.

11. A modem can be used to differentiate between phone rings for several phone numbers on the same phone line.

12. Internal modems usually cost less (Consumer Reports Buying Guide Issue, 1998).

13. Most modems do not come with a serial port cable, need to buy one for a MAC, make sure it is a high speed cable.

14. On one occasion, could not reset modem. Techtool could not do it (or restarting). Unplugged modem for a few seconds and it worked.

15. Once, I had a small modem problem at home (AOL got cut off) and the phone line was still static after signing off of AOL. Eight hours later, the phone line and the modem worked fine.

16. Got several error messages with BillÕs modem. Got the Òmodem timed out while dialingÓ, Òhost failed to respondÓ after step 2 and step 3. Most times the modem would dial the phone number, the series of loud noises would follow, then the modem would cut off. Tried Zapping the PRAM (even unplugged battery for 30 minutes), unplugging modem, reconnecting all connections, but I had no luck. Matt and Julie tried to adjust the modem strings (under advanced settings of AOL), but turned out that the modem was bad. We signed on to AOL with MomÕs modem and it worked fine.

17. When trying to hook up TobyÕs external modem on his Performa (which comes with an internal modem), I had to first take the internal modem out. Then I needed to install the modem software (although it did not seem to be crucial to hooking up to the Internet).

            A. After hooking it up, I still got an Òunable to detect modemÓ message. When opening Netscape or hitting ÒOpenÓ with PPP control panel. Then I zapped with Techtool and then got an error message stating that I needed to open up the Teleport control panel and hit modem reset. I did this, but later got the same error message. Finally, I made Teleport control panel inactive and error was eliminated (and the modem worked to sign on to the Internet).

            B. Got global fax errors relating to errors at startup. made global village toolbox and globfax personal extensions inactive, and then there was no error.

18. Was having trouble getting the Supra Modem to work correctly. AOL would only go to step 1 Òinitializing the modemÓ and then stop and say it was unable to initialize the modem. Tried zapping the PRAM with Techtool and keyboard and unplugging modem. Then tried the Intel modem and zapping the PRAM with Techtool and keyboard and unplugging modem. Connected modem to printer port and it worked. Also, the printer could not work, since it was connected to the modem port. When I tried to choose the printer, it said Òmodem in use by Appletalk or another applicationÓ. Turned fax software off and modem and printer both worked (hooked to their respective ports). Will reinstall Fax software. After reinstalling, everything works (with fax on).

19. ISDN line in computer lab downloads at 7.7 K/second.

20. You can prevent anyone picking up the phone line and ruining your modem connection by purchasing a Radio Shack Teleprotector #43-107, which makes all other extensions go dead while you are on-line.

21. If having trouble connecting, try using a lower baud rate. The line may be dirty.

22. When downloading the updates for my Supra modem, I had to use Microphone LT to determine which updates were needed. I installed Microphone LT and then kept getting a serial port already in use error, so I could not access the firmware information (in the Microphone LT window, nothing could be typed). I turned Faxcilitate off, which allowed me to type in the Microphone LT window. I typed in ÒATi3 and hit returnÓ, which gave me the firmware version of VO.114, which means I have to contact tech support for information on upgrading my modem. I also typed in ÒAti92Ó, to get the SUP code of 2100.

22. A 56 K modem (like I use with AOL) actually downloads at 30 K, and to figure K/second you would divide by 8, so it would be 3K/second approximately (3,000 bites or bytes per second, not sure which yet).

            A. My DSL line will be 384 K minimum, which would download at 40 K/second, but there is a 70% data packet loss, I think it is called, so about 30 K/second is around the minimum. (When printing any document, the DSL connection speed is affected).

            B. My web page 5 (on the second loading with Netscape) downloaded at 140 K/second or so at its fastest.

            C. 1 byte = 8 bits, 1 KB=1,000 bytes, 1kbps=1,000 bits/second.

            D. As of 7/17/2000, I am downloading at 384 K, and uploading at 384 K. Mick (the DSL installer) said that I have the fastest uploading he has ever seen, usually it is only 128 K. My download speed is 384 K, which is the minimum. He suggested that I can call the DSL office and tell them I am running slowly. They can up the speed from the office.

            E. At, you can check the speed. I checked it on 7/21/2000 with IE 5 and it was only 284 Kbps. I called Pacific Bell DSL Support: They suggested clearing the cache, deleting history and deleting cookies. I did that. Then I went back to IE5 showed 330.4 Kbps. NN (after clearing the disk cache, trashing Cookies, clearing history) showed me at 352.8 Kbps. (If you interrupt test by doing other things on the G3, it will slow down connection).

            F. I called Pacific Bell DSL Tech Support again and they said that I am experiencing packet loss. They asked me to call: Pacific Bell PCO, 888-900-9993. They are open 24/7. I called and left a message with a representative on 7/22/2000 at 12:06 A.M. I left the message that I am experiencing packet loss. I left my phone number and e-mail address and asked them to contact me, if necessary. Confirmation number is 3193.

            G. Pacific BellÕs automated system (916-593-4790) called me on Sunday, July 23, 2000 to let me know that the line has been repair. I checked at and my speed is 231 Kbps. So, I restarted the computer, power cycled the modem (power off for three minutes, back on). I cleared the cache, history and cookies from IE 5. Then I went to and checked the speed again. it was 131 Kbps. With NN, it was 160 Kbps.

            H. I again called 888-900-9993 to dictate a message about fixing the line on Sunday, July 23, 2000 at 11:22 A.M. The confirmation number is 4660.

            I. I e-mailed the Tech Support manager at on 7/25/2000. That is the procedure given to me by Pacific Bell Tech Support. I did not hear back, so I sent a second e-mail on 8/4/2000. Case number is 7188391. I got an additional case number of 7196842, I think because I sent two e-mails.

23. If you dial *70 to disable call waiting, you may need to dial *1170 to disable call waiting with a rotary phone (

24. MNP 10 is an error-correction protocol that allows for more reliable data connections over cellular modems. The box in the Apple Remote Access window.

25. Handshaking is necessary, to make sure that both devices in a connection are ready to ÒunderstandÓ each other. (Source, NN 4 book, glossary).

26. The modem on MarilynÕs 5300 CD was not making sound when dialing. Zapping the PRAM did not help. Decided not to fool with it, since it is old and the problem may likely well return.

27. According to the iMac DV + manual page 30, you should only connect the modem to an analog phone line, the type commonly used in residences. Do not connect a digital telephone line to the modem, because it could damage the modem.

28. According to, the wrong modem may be selected by Internet software because a Rockwell chip may be in a US Robotics modem (or some other similar situation).

29. According to, if a connection to the Internet is slow, it may be because your modem either slows down to ensure a good data transfer or retransmits info several times. May want to reconnect to the Internet.

30. According to, if you suddenly get cut off from the Internet, check idle time disconnect with software. Otherwise, it is possible that the modem is trying to transfer data faster than your computer can handle. Try setting the modem speed lower.

31. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 100 says that an acoustic coupler modem is a type of modem that allows you to put a telephone into a pair of rubber cups. (this type of modem can be used with a phone that does not have a removable phone cord). The advantage of a direct connect modem is that the phone signals do not have to travelthroughthe handset, so thereÕs less distortion.

32. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 167 says an analog signal varies continuously over time rather than being sent and received in discrete intervals (a digital signal).

33. Supra Modem at school was plugged into the surge protector, but it had trouble making a power connection. I tried moving the surge protector and the wires, but I had no luck. So I plugged the modem into an extension cord and plugged the ext. cord into the surge protector. This worked.

34. Macintosh Reference Page 271 says the modem port is preferable for use with a modem, because it is given priority over a printer port to ensure that communications remain intact.


Monitors & Sounds

1. Set to 256 instead of thousands to be faster (under control panel). On a multi-scan monitor, If resolution is set real high, 256 may be the highest color choice.

            A. ÒgraysÓ option uses black and white, but simulates the ÒgrayÓ effect.

2. To take a picture of the screen, use Open Apple, shift, 3.

3. On the LC in KWÕs room, some of the things on the screen appear in color, while the desktop pattern does not. The desktop pattern used to be in color. I asked BH about this. He said that PRAM would make the monitor all black & White or Color but not mixed. Perhaps the monitor is going, try hooking up a different monitor to it. If a monitor keeps going to black and white:

            A. Zap the PRAM, change the battery, try a different monitor (to see If there is hardware damage).

            B. Reinstall system software.

4. On 5500/225 in the lab, the sound would not work through the speakers. Even after reinstalling software, Zapping the PRAM (w/ Tech Tool), trashing the preferences and turning off all extensions except Monitors and Sounds. Even unchecked under notification/Mute when waking up...Ó. If you plug in the headphones and restart the computer, then go to Monitors and Sounds and uncheck ÒMuteÓ, the speakers will work. If the headphones are not plugged in upon restart, the sound from the speakers will not work. Probably an internal problem.

A. Can try pushing the red ÒresetÓ button on the motherboard. May work. If not, refer to technician. Did not work. After initialization, the sound worked again.

B. Later problem returned with no sound output through the speakers. However, the problem may have had to do with the connection that was set up to the speaker port on the back of the computer. Seems to connect intermittently, and it may cut the sound sometimes to the speakers on the front of the 5500.

5. The extension named System AV is needed for Monitors and Sounds to work. Simplesound is needed to record sounds. On one occasion, the message appeared saying that ÒSystem AVÓ is not installed when trying to open Monitors and Sounds, even though System AV was installed. Restarted the computer and it worked fine.

6. A monitor that may flash colors may need to be restarted, try extensions off, Check for disconnected cables, Replace system, finder, finder Prefs.

7. On the LC, the headphones would not work when plugged into the headphone jack. Tried reinstalling system software, updated driver, initialized HD, NDD, NSD and Disk First Aid. No help. Headphones and adapter would work fine on the other computer.

8. Might want to try using contact cleaner and then plug headphones in and out several times or wire headphones in to where speaker normally connects. Did not work. Probably hardware problem.

9. The resolution for System 7.6.1 with a newer monitor can allow resolution up to 1000 X 800 or so. However, I copied the Monitors and Sounds and the Display Enabler extension to the 5400, but it would not support any resolution above 832 X 640 or so (when the M & S control panel is opened, monitor icon does not show up, only ÒAlertsÓ and ÒSounds.Ó The monitor is what determines the capability and the newer monitor supports a higher resolution, whereas the older 5400 monitor does not.

10. If a monitor has a jittery display or scrolling horizontal lines or discolorationÕs in the display may be due to electromagnetic interference. Try moving the monitor.

11. Sound out can be set to the internal speaker or externally hooked up speakers (which should be self powered).

12. Once I tried to copy a sound from the ÒcgrtsndÓ from ÒsndÓ inside the Jigsaw puzzle (using Resedit), it would copy, but to make it an alert sound for my system, I needed to use the ÒSoundÓ control panel, not the ÒMonitors and SoundsÓ control panel and it worked (I pasted it into alert sounds and the xylophone showed up in alert sounds in Monitors and Sounds).

13. To use the Sony Monitor with the Performa, use this setting, 15678910 (should all be on). Also, when using that setting and after you open the monitors and sounds control panel, you need to show ÒALLÓ choices, not just recommended, because the best choice for resolution is 800 X 600 at 60 HZ (which may not be a ÒrecommendedÓ choice, but it is technically an IBM monitor). At school on my 5400, I decided to Òshow allÓ, so that my desktop picture could be in thousands of colors (much better picture).

            A. I tried using the Mag Inovision 17" monitor with the desktop G3, but had trouble. Only 640 X 480 resolution would show up sometimes. Upon restart and Zapping with TT, the resolutions were present again. I tried replacing the battery, trashing Monitors and Sounds prefs, replacing the battery (after waiting 30 minutes), and checking for extension conflicts. No luck. It turns out that I needed to correct the Griffin adapter's settings. Switches 3, 6, and 8 should be on (the label on the Griffin adapter gave me the information). Now the Monitors and Sounds Control Panel shows "Multiple Scan Display" at the top of its window.

14. Each bit (contraction of binary digit) of info can have 2 possible values, the total number of different values is 2 raised to the exponent equal to the number of bits i.e. an 8-bit display can have 28 (or 256) colors.

15. I tried to hook up a 1/8Ó miniplug to 2 RCA jack adapter (with an extra adapter, since the 1/8Ó did not fit in either sound out port very well) on the 6400. Tried to hook to the stereo and the TV with two different sets of RCA cables. There was a humming sound when the Apple Audio CD player was active or inactive. Probably because any external speakers must be POWERED. Otherwise, you need to hook the RCA jacks to an amplifier. Also, stereo headphones worked in both sound out ports (front and back) without any humming.

            A. Also, when I plugged the computer into the Tape 1, Tape 2 or Phono RCA inputs on the audio amplifier, the VCR experienced a humming sound, also.

            B. Later, I hooked up a 1/8Ó miniplug to an RCA adapter and to the Pioneer stereo, it sounded okay (not much humming). The sound is muted through the speakers, even when the 1/8Ó plug is connected to the back of the G3/233. The sound through the stereo was choppy with one live365 station (Rusty Metal Radio), but Metal Gods Radio sounded fine. When playing through the G3 instead of the stereo, Rusty Metal Radio sounded fine. It may be that the computer does not produce enough power to run the large Pioneer speakers well.

16. A computerÕs refresh rate tells you how many times a monitor will redraw the image on the screen per second. A refresh rate of 70 Hz or more will produce images without noticeable flicker.

17. Unmute it (as of 10/26/98) version 0.2 does not work on the G3, even with the INIT installed.

18. When connecting the LCII monitor in my room to the G3/266Õs external monitor port, the resolution defaults automatically to 512 X 384. Consequently, the G3Õs monitor blacks out, since it can not change to that resolution (lowest setting is 640 X 480). Tried setting the G3 monitor to the lowest setting and restarting, also, tried Zapping the PRAM upon restart with keyboard shortcut, but still the G3 monitor was black.

            A. However, the television (Apple Video Player) will show up on the LCII monitor.

19. Color monitors usually should not require a screen saver. Burn in is not a problem.

            A. According to Tekserve FAQÕs 2000, by the time a color screen burns in, it will probably be fuzzy, also.

20. If the electromagnet in the middle of the power cord (for 1500 printer) is right next to the monitor, it may cause electromagnetic interference. Or If there is a flicker on the screen, try moving the computer a couple feet.

21. On MarilynÕs 5300 Performa CD computer, Monitors and Sounds was installed, but in separate control panels, even though System 7.5.5 was on her computer. Perhaps because her computer did not originally come with 7.5.5.

22. If an application displays windows that are cut off, then you may have to quit the application and reopen again. Otherwise, may just have to switch back to original resolution.

23. If you make the sound ÒmutedÓ with the Monitors and Sounds control panel, adjusting the sound with the sound control panel in the Apple Extras folder will not unmute the sound. Must go back to Monitors and Sounds Control Panel.

24. According to Ò,Ó one reader mentioned a problem using Speech Recognition 1.4.1 on a PCI machine, that none kept being the default for monitors and sounds upon each restart (even if something else were selected). I did not have this problem, although I was not using Speech Recognition, either.

25. Source: Ò,Ó Playthrough option is always turned on with System 8.1. Playthrough being off help avoid getting feedback from speakers when using the microphone (I have not had this problem personally, but I thought I would learn about it anyhow). Otherwise, you can turn down the volume when using the microphone or use headphones.

            A. I downloaded ÒSound Input Strip 1.7,Ó which is supposed to allow play through to be turned off with System 8.1.

26. There is a way to let a TV application show at a resolution of 320 X 240, see ÒÓ for more information.

27. Source: Ò,Ó The trick to getting the Plaintalk microphone to work for Quick Movie is to set sound input to none, start the application, start recording with input of none and then switch the sound input to microphone. Switching the sound input to microphone before starting to record does not work.Ó

28. "I discovered that if I switched the sound input to "none" in the monitor and sound control panel, I could turn on Speech Recognition. Then, after switching the sound input back to "microphone," Speech Recognition works fine."

29. You can increase the size of your screen image by adjusting the Geometry settings in 8.1Õs Monitors and Sound control panel. However, the image may be slightly distorted (but not enough for the average person to really notice, Tidbits #544).

            A. The trick to increase the screen area is only useful on CRT-based monitors and not LCD based.

30. To reset an Apple Vision monitor, hold down command, option, A, V at startup.

31. To clean the monitor, spray a little Windex onto a lint free cloth and wipe the screen. DonÕt use scratchy paper towels, donÕt drip Windex. DonÕt spray directly on the screen.

            A. Tekserve, Apple and Sony recommend Kleen Screen.Ó

32. According to, The yellow point of a monitor can be changed. I think this may only be on certain monitors (the G3/233 does not appear to have this setting). It may be post 8.6, I am not sure. He tested the white point setting on an Apple Studio Display 17Ó monitor. The white point of a monitor is measured in degrees K (Mahony thought that the K stood for Kelvin)

            A. To adjust it, go to the Monitors and Sounds Control Panel, click the ÒcolorÓ button. Select a profile in the window and then click ÒcalibrateÓ. If you follow the on-screen directions, you should be able to adjust the white point setting.

33. According to the 5500 Technical Info, Apple recommends setting the display to 640 X 480 and a color depth of 16 bits, when viewing 3-D graphics.

            A. A color depth of 32 bit (also referred to as 25 bit color) can display millions of colors. A color depth of 16 bits can display thousands of colors. A color depth of 8 bits can display 256 colors.

34. According to the 5500 Technical Info, Apple states that you can hear SRS 3 D surround sound through the sound output port on the back of your computer, but not through the headphone jack on the front of the computer.

35. According to the 5500 Technical Info, there is support for an optional infrared remote control, which allows remote power on and off (if you install the optional Apple TV/FM Radio System or Apple TV System and software).

36. According to the 5500 Manual page 47, some applications take control of the sound functions of your computer, making the sound control buttons (on the front of the 5500) temporarily inactive. If you change the sound while your sound control buttons are inactive, the change will take effect after you quit the application.

37. According to the 5500 Manual page 51, video mirroring is displaying your computerÕs images on a second monitor. The second monitor must use the same resolution and timing (I would imagine timing is the same as refresh rate) as the first monitor. You may have to change the resolution and timing on the first monitor to a setting that the second monitor is capable of displaying.

            A. According to the 5500 Manual page 111, if you are displaying video from your computer on a television screen, it is normal for your computer monitor to be dark.

38. According to the 5500 Manual page 127, if the sound is odd when listening through headphones, try unchecking Òuse 3D surround soundÓ as this does not work well through headphones.

39. Something kept ÒmutingÓ the sound on my G3/233. I thought perhaps it was Sound Jam, but I got rid of it and its preferences. The ÒmutingÓ still keeps recurring upon restart. I will trash the monitors and sound preferences.

40. MS has Aver key hooked up to the 5400 in her room. However, the image was pretty blurry, which could not be fixed by adjusting any of the controls. The computer screenÕs image was fine, however.

            A. I zapped the PRAM with KB and restarted the computer. I also put Monitors and Sounds in enabled folder, since it was in disabled folder. The TV image was okay (non blurry) for a little while, then the image was blurry again on the TV.

            B. I zapped the PRAM with TT and restarted the computer. I then changed the Monitor to 640 X 480 60 Hz (from 640 X 480 67 Hz). Seems to be okay for now, anyhow. May need to replace Aver Key.

41. The correct setting for a M1595LL1A monitor with the Griffin video adapter is 2367, other settings cause vertical hold problems.

            A. See Purchasing 1G for more settings for Griffin video adapters.

42. On one occasion, the G3/233Õs sound would not work, no matter how much adjustment I made to Sound Control Panel. Restarting solved problem. Later, though, problem returned.

43. 4 buttons on top of the Zenith Presentation Series in Room 57. It only showed the signal on the television in black and white. I pushed the far right button and it changed the display to color. I could not find a model number; however, the extra one that I have (which looks quite similar) is model number PCZ150.

44. ÒTake Control of Buying a MacÓ page 22 has some links that refer to using multiple monitors.

45. Macworld (January 2008) page 41 explains that, "Resolution determines the amount of data you'll be able to view on the screen. Size determines how large that data appears to you." 17 to 19-inch displays shhare the same resolution (1,280 x 1,024), so you cannot see any more information on a 19-inch than a 17-inch display; but the physical size of the text will be larger.

Mouse (and Mouse Pad)

1. The mousepad that I used from CTAP was no longer effective, because I peeled off 1 layer off the back (which is supposed to be done), but then I peeled off another and used it for awhile and unfortunately, gunk had developed on the back and cause a jerky motion for the mouse. Got a new CTAP mousepad and just peeled 1 layer off the back and cleaned the area where the mousepad was placed.

2. When using the Curtis Mouse Cleaning kit, you should move the mouse (with scrubbing ball underneath the mouse) in a circular motion, according to the instructions. Also, be sure to completely dry all areas, the rollers, the ball, the mouse pad after cleaning. That way it is not quite as easy for dirt to be picked up after cleaning.

            A. It is important for the computer to be off when cleaning a mouse or keyboard, since liquid can get into the parts. The danger is only when liquid comes in contact with a conductor for the electricity (and that is only when the computer is on).

            B. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 139 says you should not blow the dust out of the mouse as it may lodge the dust in further.

            C. Macintosh Reference Page 297 says you should blow gently into the mouse cavity to clear out dust.

3. It is not recommended to use the cleaning kit solution on the mouse ball, it suggests using soap and warm water.

4. Sanding down the mouse and the pad did not seem to be beneficial as I did this with the G3/233 and the Mac Professionals Mouse Pad.

            A. I did, however, use rubbing alcohol to clean the rollers, ball and pad. it was definitely better. I also switched back to the green Apple pad.

            B. no soap and water for inside of mouse or outside (can get inside the mouse), it will ruin the mouse. Rubbing alcohol is okay.

5. The Apple Pad with the black writing seems to work pretty well without a lot of jerkiness. Definitely better than the pad with the green Apple on it.

            A. After I cleaned the Apple pad with black writing and used it for two or three days, it was slightly dirty again. Had to re-clean.

6. Belkin Canned air helped clean up my mouse and mousepad, also cleaned up the keyboard pretty well (I have recently done some wood work in the trailer).

            A. However, it was still jerky. So I cleaned the mouse, ball and pad with rubbing alcohol again. Still jerky.

            B. I replaced the mouse (ordered from T.D. Curran) and the pad (the mouse was over 2 years old) and the pad could be that old, not sure. Much improved.

            C. Even though mouse pads are not shown on T.D. CurranÕs website (as of 7/11/2000), they can be ordered for $1.00 apiece.

7. Mouse balls are now (10/2/00) soldthroughT.D. Curran. They are $6.95 for 22 mm replacement mouse balls or 25 mm mouse balls.

8. According to the 5500 Technical Info, One SDB port can support up to three ADB devices daisy chained through a serial bus.

9. I ordered a Curtis Clean Mouse - Mouse Cleaning Kit (# 146110) from Lone Star PC Sound, Attn: Sales Department, 8521 Bretshire Drive, Dallas, TX 75228 for $12.95. Lone Star PC SoundÕs phone number is 800-727-6863.

10. Linda Ohlson is in the lab on Friday, and leaves about 1:20 P.M. (00-01) school year. Linda said that the 5th graders could come in there at that time, but I think it may be better to have McDanielÕs 3 or 4 kids clean the mice in the lab on Thursdays, once a month.

11. On some mice, it may be necessary to use a straightened paper clip to unlock the plastic ring.

12. The USB Pro Mouse does not need cleaning of the mouseÕs internal parts. However, to clean the case of the mouse, I called Apple and they recommend that you use a moist cloth (no chemicals).

13. Tidbits #609 mentions that you can get a Logitech cordless mouse for $40 and a Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse for $50. It requires Mac OS 8.6 or later, but excludes OS 10 (as of 12/23/01).

14. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 325 suggests using a plastic cap from a pen to clean the rollers on the inside of a mouse.

15. My MSEFCU mouse pad works okay, but it has a small tear in it, which makes it appear that the mouse has trouble.

16. Apple suggests using warm water only to clean the USB optical mouse (which I bought in November, 2000). However, in 5/02, it was still somewhat sticky. I used warm soap and water, which seems to have helped quite a bit.

            A. I tried to find the receipt for the USB Pro Mouse to see how old it was in 5/02, but I could not find it. I used Goo-gone to clean it on 5/15/02. Mom suggested using vinegar and water, which I did on 5/17/02. This did not work very well.

17. I cleaned the outside of the ADB mouse on 5/21/02 with 90% alcohol and I thought it left somewhat of a residue (See C). Later, I used warm water to clean the mouse again, which seemed to remove some of it the residue.

            A. I may need to replace the ADB mouse anyhow. It may be about.

            B. Later, I thought perhaps that Fix-o-Dent may be the residue left on the mouse. DG suggested checking the label, but it had no info on removing it. I then used Nail Polish Remover on the ADB mouse and it seems to be much less sticky (as of 5/27/02).

            C. I also used the Cutex Nail Polish Remover on the USB mouse on 5/28/02. It was still somewhat sticky (from the nail polish remover), so I put some warm water on the USB mouse, which only helped a little. I then used 70% rubbing alcohol on the USB mouse (5/30/02). The USB mouse appears to be okay, as of 6/1/02.

            D. Later, the USB mouse was a little sticky, still. I used 70% rubbing alcohol on it, it still had some alcohol residue (which may last a couple days), but it will probably be okay, eventually (using warm water to clean off residue may be helpful).

            E. Later, the USB mouse was still a little sticky. I decided to soak the USB mouse in nail polish remover for 3 minutes (instead of just cleaning with it). However, in the process, I got nail polish remover on the inside of the optical mouse (I should have carefully only soaked the top side of the mouse, but it was pretty difficult). I tried baking the optical mouse in the oven at 350 degrees for 5 minutes, I had no luck. I put the optical mouse back in the oven at 350 degrees for 5 more minutes (the mouse was starting to melt anyhow, so putting it in longer would not be helpful, I am pretty sure). After letting the mouse cool for about five minutes, I was able to move the cursor on the screen (not very well, but I was able to move it). I will wait until later on today and try again. I did try later and still the mouse was not very responsive. I trashed the optical mouse in 6/02.

            F. I think I will stick with the ADB mouse for now, since it is cheaper and less wrought with problems.

            G. Later (8/8/03), I used Goo-Gone on the mouse, seems to be a little less sticky. I think that the problem occurred because of eating Jolly Ranchers while on the computer.

18. It may be that the best setting for double click speed is not necessarily the fastest setting. That way even if you click the mouse at a less than rapid speed, it will still work (the best setting may be middle to 2/3 of the way to the right).

19. Applecare Document 30889 suggests cleaning the USB Pro (plastic) mouse after you disconnect the mouse from the computer. Use a mild non-abrasive detergent (I used Tide on the iLamp mouse, which worked fine) and a soft lint-free cloth. Dry the plastic with a soft lint-free cloth: do not use window sprays or cleaning products containing ammonia, alcohol, or abrasive ingredients. The lens should be cleaned with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth (I do not think you are supposed to use any type of soap on the lens). I looked at Staples on 12/30/05, but could not find a mouse that appeared to be definitive in being Ònon-sticky.Ó So, I will either try one of the other mice at school or wait to see what the TD Curran mice feel like.

            A. I looked and found article #34883 called "How to Clean Your Keyboard" mentions not to get any liquid on your keyboard, but does not mention how to clean it.

20. TD Curran has a Microsoft Wheel Optical Mouse 2 button mouse for Windows/Mac. It is TDC01507, and it costs $14.95/each.

Movie Player

1. You can actually open a sound file with movie player and make it a Quicktime video (sans video, mind you) by opening movie player and then opening the sound file. Save.


Mt. Everything

1. Version 1.5.3 has a built-in SCSI driver, if needed, in case the driver installed on the disk has become corrupted.

2. When you highlight a drive and press the ÒInfoÓ button, you can get information as to the status of the diskÕs most important data structure, the partition map.

3. The Power PC version will crash if run on a non-Power Mac.

4. is the home page for Mt. Everything.

Netgear Cable/DSL Web Safe Router Gateway RP614 v2 (CD not needed for installation, only to help, if necessary) (serial number is RP6533CDB334700). My Customer #: 2232442, Username at, and my Password: Old At Ease. I cannot access the ÒflashÓ (top)  menu with IE 5.2.3 because the Flash version 7 is not supported with IE 5.2.3.

1. It has a 3-year warranty starting on 5/24/04.

2. Internet Connect in OS X is no longer needed (neither is Enternet software in OS 8 or OS 9), when using the Netgear Router.

3. At, you can set up the router (use IE, not Safari, though). When you use Safari to access the website, it will not load. Additionally, you must restart the iLamp, because emptying the cache or resetting Safari will not allow any websites to load after that). Also, you should check use these DNS Servers,

            A. Default user name and password is admin, password. I changed the password to new new At Ease (later, though, somehow, the password was reset to admin, password). Service name is not needed, timeout in minutes s/b 0.

            B. should not be entered as a search domain with TCP/IP on the G3 nor the iLamp. When trying to set up the slot-loading iMac at home, I had to change my TCP/IP settings or else the Netgear success page would not load. I changed the setings from manually to using DHCP server, then the success page loaded.

4. A green numbered light (i.e. #1) means a 100 MBps connection, a yellow numbered light indicates a 10 MBps connection. Apparently, the iLamp has a green light and the G3 has a yellow light (although I think the connection is about the same speed anyhow). Later, after switching the cables (troubleshooting), the iLamp had a yellow light and the G3/233 had a green, so I think the colors are not that crucial.

5. Occasionally, iLamp (after powering down) and/or disconnecting wires did not connect upon startup. Restarting solved the problem. If that does not, shut down iLamp, and then unplug router and modem. Wait 2 minutes. Plug in modem, plug in router, restart iLamp.

            A. Later, I had problems with the G3/233 and the router. The G3/233 could not connect upon startup. I tried shutting everything down and restarting, no luck. Finally, I went to TCP/IP and added to the search domains (without shutting down) and then I was able to connect to the internet.

            B. In 11/04, I was not able to connect to the internet with the iLamp, but I could with the G3/233. I tried restarting/reconnecting several times. Finally, I zapped the PRAM with TT 3.0.4 (which probably only works for OS 9), then restarted and zapped with the KB. Then I switched the Netgear router connections for the G3/233 and the iLamp, then the iLamp could connect to the internet.

6. In 5/05, I could not get the internet to connect for three days on the G3 or the iLamp. After disconnecting/reconnecting all the connections several times, I think that the problem was with the router, perhaps, not sure. I did change the router connections, perhaps was problem. The wires were backward, according to manual, but it worked for six months that way. The Internet light was out sometimes, s/b on when on and connected. Finally, on the third day, I connected the modem directly to the iLamp and I was able to connect. Finally, I called Netgear (at 1-888-NETGEAR) and they suggested that I press the reset button for 30 seconds on the back of the router. Then, I went to the System Preferences and checked the Network preferences and selected "Show Built-in Ethernet." I clicked the PPPoe tab and unchecked the button for "Connect with PPPoe," then I went back to TCP/IP and selected "Use DHCP Server." (DHCP Server will not show up under the TCP/IP tab unless After this, I locked the preferences, so no changes could be made (after I took the PPPoe information about my account and password and as my service provider, which is optional) After this, when I opened Internet Connect, Ethernet was not a choice to use with this application (which is normal, I think). This allowed the page to load and I had to go in and type in admin, and password, then type my log in for SBC Yahoo! DSL. It just happened to be that on this day, SBC was having trouble as well, since my authentication kept failing, even when using dial-up. Authentication failed with DSL and dial-up, because SBC had trouble, would not connect. Later, it worked. To use the Netgear router with the G3/233, I had to restart the computer and Zap the PRAM first. On 5/24/05, a week later, the problem returned. I then shut down both computers (check system status which said the connection s/b ok) and waited a couple hours, then the internet worked again. If the problem returns, try: calling 877-SBC-DSL5 to check system status, checking telephone wires, rewiring router, direct telephone connection to modem to iLamp (to see if it works), reset router. When you want to disconect the iLamp from the internet, choose ÒoffÓ from the Configure IPv4 pop-up menu in the Network part of System Preferences.

7. You can set up the iLamp to be a server by going to and selecting Port Forwarding under the Advanced Section. Then select service desired and type in URL ( To access the webpage on the internet, you need to type in afp:// However, you canÕt accesss this page on the iLamp, because you get an error about accessing your files locally. You canÕt access the web page on the G3, because it is not something that can be handled by the computer, according to the error message (most likely because it is only 9.2.2).  You can go to that URL (É0.1) and set it up so that FTP access is possible (using port 21) and the URL for the iLamp (, and then Apply the settings. Then use my name and password on the iLamp to access However, the setting for FTP appears to only stay active for a few minutes, because if you close the window, the FTP access appears to be no longer set up. However, it is still active until you turn off FTP access in the Sharing preferences on the iMac. It still works later on the iMac, but not on the G3 with NN or IE; there is no option for log in, and you get an anonymous unknown user error on the G3), and besides, I do not want to put all my files on the iLamp HD anyhow. With FTP acccess, you can acccess the Users/Ryan Zelenski folder. Also, if you put aliases of a folder inside the Users/Ryan Zelenski folder, you canÕt access the contents through FTP sharing, only a blank TextEdit document. If you look in the Firewall section of Sharing, it suggests that you enable passive FTP mode under Network preferences, if using FTP. Also, Page 660 of Mac OS X Panther says you should access FTP, not public FTP, if using rBrowser Lite (available from If you set the page up for http (port 80) and then try to access, you get an Apache message (Apache is a UNIX server), saying that the configuration has changed and you should contact the administrator of the website (which I assume would be Apple). SSH did not work, even though I typed the correct password (I used the name ryanzelenski and my iLamp password, but no luck). The password issue is probably the problem.

8. In 9/05, the internet was not working again on the iLamp and the G3/233. Waiting a while did not work, nor did power cycling the modem and router. Finally, I got it to work. I also decided to follow the directions from the router manual. I hooked up the cable that came with my modem (black ethernet) cable to connect the DSL modem to my router. I used the blue wire (that came with my router and it says Netgear) to hook the iLamp to the Router.

9. Netgear Router Installation Guide page 9 says that when the lights are flashing, this indicates that the data is being transferred.


Netgear Fast Ethernet Switch (support@netgear may be used for assistance)

1. I have the JFS 524 in my classroom (I am pretty sure it is with 24 connections).


Netgear Wireless Home Router (1A43687L062F9 is the serial number: model is WGR614 v6. It was purchased 2/12/07) can be used to contact support. If you click online technical submission, you can access cases. It includes McAfee Security, according to

1. I had to use the file called Òsetup.htmlÓ inside of the Setup folder, not Òindex.htmÓ as the quick start guide suggests.

2. Pass phrase for Palm T|X (WPA-PSK security) is New, New At Ease. I left user name as admin and password as password, but then later I changed it to New, New At Ease (with the user name of admin): connection type is pppoe. WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access, while WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy; TidBITS #874 mentions the ineffectiveness of WEP.

3. You need to use to access the iLamp from the iMac, now (as of 2/07).

4. The address to access the iLamp from the iMac is now However, the next day (with the same wires in the same locations), the address was (although I had powered down the modem/etc. to fix the connection).

5. The internet connection on the bondi blue iMac is much faster than with the previous Netgear router.

6. The range for the router is 100 feet.

7. To use Netgear with a computer, you can use a WG311 (54 Mbps wireless PCI adapter) or a WG111 (USB 2.0 adapter): both of these adapters require Windows.

8. says it has a 30-day return policy.

9. "Netgear Setup Guide" (troubleshooting information) suggests that you turn off and unplug the modem, turn off the router, and shut down the computer(s). Then, plug in and turn on the modem and wait 2 minutes. Then, turn on the router and wait 1 minute. Turn on the computer. It does have a reset button on the back of the router, according to the picture on the bottom of the router. Perhaps resetting may be a a good ideas as WiFile LT seemed to cause issues in the past. Interestingly enough, suggests this order (so I may want to try both, if nec.): 1. Power off your computer 2. Power off your router 3. Power off your modem 4. Power on your modem (wait 2 minutes or so) 5. Power on your router (may be 2 minutes or so) 6. Power on your computer. On 3/23/07, I pressed the reset button on the router. It appears that there may be a 10-second delay (to access the internet with the iLamp) with Netgear wireless router in the morning or after wireless access. On one occasion, the iLamp could not access the internet: disconnecting/reconnecting the cable did not work, but I accessed the internet with CZÕs iMac and then I could use the iLamp to access the internet (perhaps iMacÕs PRAM is a problem, which will hopefully be fixed with a new battery). I later had more trouble, so I double checked to make sure I used the black cable to go from the modem to the router (I think it may be a crossover cable: the original Netgear manual says you need to use the original modem cable to connect the modem to the router). I then power cycled the system and reset the PRAM on the iLamp on 3/27/07. Later, the problem returned, so I switched cables to use a blue straight through (I think it is) cable and not the Netgear cable (which may have come with the old router, I am not sure what type of  cable it is). Also, though, the TiVo telephone connection was not connected (I had connected the cable to the satellite receiver instead): I fixed that, which may/may not have been an issue, also. I also reset the router and did a power cycle using the directions from the kbserver URL (above). Reset with power with power off did nothing, so I reset the router with the power still plugged in (may need to hold down for ten seconds, FYI).  A computerÕs firewall is better if turned off, according to otherwise, conflicts result. I turned Firewall off (for Personal File Sharing) with the iLamp on 3/30/07: The Netgear router has a built-in firewall (SPI, Stateful Packet Inspection) that is on by default, according to the manual (2-2). Turning off the router is suggested at, but not possible, since there is not a power button on the router. Netgear router instructions (that came with the router, shown in #9) may be better than website, since the website may be for any Netgear router. You can change the default time for the router to renegotiate the connection, if nec. I changed it from 5 minutes to 0, meaning the router never logs out (on 3/30/07), according to I then restarted both iMacs. It may be that there is a five to ten second delay that occurs after the computer is sleeping (so it might be a good idea to wait a few seconds before attempting to access the internet). Also, if using the Palm, it is probably a good idea to disconnect wth the Palm (or make sure it has timed out) before turning it off.

10. Need to use IE 5.2.3 on the iLamp to access the router ( After trying to access router with Safari, then Safari could not access the internet (but after resetting Safari, emptying the cache, and restarting Safari, Safari could access the internet again). Sometimes, it may be that IE can be used to access the internet first, then use Safari.

11. has information on boosting your wireless internet connection speed. (a link on Bob RankinÕs page) shows how a PringleÕs can was used as a signal booster.

12. I went to with IE, click the LAN IP Setup, and add my and CZÕs computer to it. You will get a message that says, ÒPlease do ipconfig/release and ipconfig/renew or enter the new IP in the browser in order to access the GUI again if LAN IP Subnet will be changed.Ó I got my iMac Duo to work fine, but then CarmenÕs took several tries and restarts. I tried to set up manually with Network Preferences on CZÕs computer, but then the internet would not connect. I tried using IE on her computer to set up her computer, but no luck. Then I tried only allowing addresses through, but then the Palm could not access the network. Even after putting in through, the Palm still could not access the internet (ironically, but the prefs may not update quickly). Finally, I put the numbers back to through, I trashed WakeonLAN prefs (It appears that WakeonLAN is slow to update information and gets confused at times; trashing prefs may be a solution sometimes.) and then CarmenÕs iMac was assigned the Later, though, the CZÕs iMac changed addresses again and so did my computer, so I e-mailed Netgear (reference number 5899911) about this.,63,87& says that, ÒYour ISP may not be willing to give their customers static IP addresses at all.Ó The reply from Netgear was not helpful, they just said it should be possible. Anyhow, then I shut down the two computers, shut down the router and the modem (and unplugged the modem), I restarted all of the items. Then my iMac Duo and CZÕs used the assigned numbers. Later, though, they had different numbers than were assigned with the software (perhaps SBC does not allow you to have static IP addresses, but the router is able to make Ò1Ó IP address for itself), anyhow, using the Network icon in the sidebar and WakeonLan probably will be fine. says that, ÒA static IP is provided with our Standard Plus – S Package.Ó I have HSI Express, according to SBC web page. My router has a static IP address, but the iMacs do not (only by upgrading to Standard Plus would getting static IP addresses be possible. I verified this with a SBC support agent on 10/28/07). Therefore, I deleted my and CZÕs computer from address reservation in LAN IP Setup.

13. As of 3/08, it has firmware version 2.0.13_1.0.13NA; at the website, there is version V2.0.19_1.0.19, but it did not update the router, so I just left the firmware as is. However, I had trouble later with the internet; it appeared that accessing the internet with the Palm caused connection issues for all devices; so I I thought I had reset the router (by pressing the button on the back of the router) on 3/30/08, but I did not. To reset the router, you need to hold down the button on the back of the router for ten seconds (the manual indicates that the power light blinks, but it did not, the check mark flashes). After resetting the router, the Palm could connect to the internet, but I kept getting a URL not found error (Also, VersaMail and AvantGo did not work, either). Resetting the Palm did not work; finally, I used Safari to go to and set the login (under Basic Settings) to instead of admin. Later, the Palm could access websites; however, an hour later or so, it then could not access web sites again; so I reset the router again and uesd IE 5.2.3 to reconfigure the router. I also left the Name (SSID, an acronym for Service Set Identification) as NETGEAR instead of using Home (I think that this may have been part of the problem, since it was the only change made and now it works). However, later, I realized that this was probably not the problem, because the problem returned (after power cycling the modem and the router, the Palm could access the internet, but not the next day i.e. several hours later). Then I downloaded version 2.0.13 of the firmware and tried to install it with Safari, but I was unable to, because I got a message that said that Òmemory allocaiton failed. Suggeste re-upgrade after reboot or revert to factory default settings.Ó I got the same message when trying to install 2.0.19, so I unplugged the router for a few seconds, then I was able to install 2.0.19 with Safari 3. Also, I power cycled the router and modem by powering off the computer(s) including the DirecTV OnDemand, powering off the router, powering off the modem. Then I powered on the modem and the router and then the computers. The next day the Palm was able to access the internet. I may trying using the software next time (under maintenance, Backup settings at to erase all settings.

14. You cannot change the name of the router on the Palm without changing the information on the router at

15. A green wireless light indicates a strong signal, according to,5,9&


Netscape Communicator (800-411-0707 for automated support; also, (all versions, including the Professional version, are free now to everyone).

1. Netscape would load. but sites would not. The attempt to load Òyahoo.comÓ failed. The TCP control panel was in the disabled folder. I moved it and restarted, which corrected the problem.

2. Also, Edit, Preferences, Off-line, s/b set to ÒOnline Work Mode.Ó

3. Also, MAC TCP DNR must be system folder. Even If moved to the control panels folder, it moves itself back to just the system folder.

4. Mac TCP Control Panel s/b set to AOL (and PPP w/ AOL) If that is what you are using.

5. One occasion, it keep saying the message that the Òwebsites are busy.Ó This was true, I reloaded later (without changing anything) and it was fine.

6. The reload command redisplays the document using information stored in cache. You can use ÒSuper ReloadÓ to get back to the original document site and see if any changes have been made and reloads from the Internet if any changes have been made.

7. When using Netscape Communicator 4.0, the bookmarks were not automatically updated. I trashed Prefs and reinstalled, but did not work. So I found Bookmarks.html in the Netscape f folder and copied them into the Cache f folder. Worked.

8. You can also put a new separator in from the file menu when editing bookmarks.

            A. Also, with Get Info, you can see when the bookmark was added, how long ago you last visited it, whether there are any aliases to the bookmark and a description of the bookmark (if you add one).

            B. You can also see the date last visited in the regular Netscape bookmarks window. Just make the window bigger.

            C. You can add a bookmark for a link by holding down the mouse down over a link until the pop up menu appears.

            D. You can use the find command in your bookmarks (command, F is shortcut). You can also make aliases of your bookmarks (so that bookmarks can be in more than one folder) and the alias changes with the original). You must use command, delete to trash an alias, since dragging the alias to the trash does not work.

            E. You can set the default folder for new bookmarks. Open the bookmarks, find a folder and highlight it, then choose Òset as new bookmarks folderÓ from the view menu. You can also choose which folder you want to be THE bookmarks folder. In other words, if you select only one folder, its content will be in the bookmark menu (you can select a folder to Òset as bookmark menu folderÓ).

            F. There used to be a way to refresh bookmarks, i.e. check to see if still in same location, but this is no longer true in NN 4.74 (and earlier, probably).

9. With 3.0, Click on people on the toolbar to go to 411 (finds people). With 4.0, Under the Ò/Ó, go to guide, people.

10. To open a page with 3.0, hit open on the toolbar. With 4.0 go to Edit, Open, location in Navigator.

11. To find something on a page with 3.0, click Find on the toolbar. With 4.0 Go to Edit, Find in Page.

12. Links that change colors stay changed for thirty days, so that you know you have been to them.

13. ÒGoÓ takes you to places that you have been on the Internet.

14. 3.0: Options, General Prefs to change the fonts, colors, links expiration. Also, can set Applications, Download directory (where to download files).

            A. Under Options, Networks prefs is where cache settings are located (s/b set to once per session which is the default). Options, encoding s/b set to Latin 1.

            B. Under options, general prefs, helpers, new, description, MIME type (application, image or ??), suffixes (hqx, etc.), application, browse (then choose whatever).

            C. Edit, View source allows you to see HTML code.

            D. According to Netscape Communicator 4.73Õs help files, When setting up helper applications under edit, preferences, Navigator, Applications: Type a description of the type of files (i.e. ÒmoviesÓ or Òsound filesÓ): type the file extension (suffix), does not appear to need the periods in front: Type the MIME type (two words, i.e. a TIFF image would be Òimage/tiffÓ). If you donÕt know the MIME type, leave this blank.

            E. According to Netscape Communicator 4 book, you can use Netscape to open up an .XLS file with Excel, since it is an EXCEL file (windows, that is).

            F. If you enable Internet Keywords under edit, preferences, smart browsing, you can type common names or brand names (instead of full URLÕs). Although turning it on/off does not appear to make a difference (9/25/00).

15. To download Netscape: FTP// or FTP//

            Then pub, navigator, version number, shipping, English, Mac, PPC, complete install, .hqx

16. When trying to open Navigator 3.0, 4.0 kept opening, the ÒtypeÓ was the incorrect one, which may have been caused by corruption (or by accident). In any event, I changed the type back to ÒAPPLÓ and the icon for 3.0 changed back to its original form. But a message appeared when trying to open it, error type -39. Must replace from backups.

17. Stuff it expander did not work with Netscape by just being in the Netscape Navigator folder. I.E. it did not unstuff a file after downloading. In the preferences, under applications, stuff it expander was still gray. Netscape would download a file, but then not unstuff it. Had to make a copy of Stuff it expander and put it in the Plug Ins folder. Then select it under the preferences, applications.

            A. Later, the same problem occurred with Navigator 4.04 <Error type -43 would occur after downloading (meaning a file is missing)> or you get the message Òwhat do you want to do with this document: save it or delete it, but I tried to choose the stuff it application again more than once (might be a small software bug) and eventually it turned black instead of gray). Navigator may have had Stuff it Expander gray, since it is a default, but may not exactly know where to locate Stuff it. Anyhow, the application has been re-chosen, and it is black. it did not have to be in the plug-ins folder. If the problem occurs again, it may be that Stuff it is corrupted or that I may need a newer version of Stuff it to work with MAC OS 8.1, which works in conjunction with Navigator 4.0.4. Later, did not work again.

            B. So I reinstalled the software and the preferences, and used Stuff it Expander 4.5 and put an alias in the plug-ins folder for Netscape Navigator. Tried reinstalling Netscape and its prefs, also tried Netscape 2.0, but I had no luck.

            C. Later, I discovered that, on this occasion, the real problem was that the ÒInternet PreferencesÓ folder inside the Preferences folder was corrupted. The ÒInternet PreferencesÓ go with Internet Configuration (which works with more than one Internet application). Trashed preferences and restarted the computer, and Stuff it Expander was black inside NetscapeÕs Applications listings (with Netscape 2.0 and 4.0.5). Also, I reinstalled RealPlayer, since it needs to be configured with IE and NN.

            D. The same problem with Stuff it Expander happened again, after installing Drop Stuff and Stuff it Expander 4.5. I tried trashing Internet Prefs, trashing Netscape prefs, Reinstalling NN 4.0.5, trashing Expander prefs, restarting computer, Disabled Internet Config, setting up Internet Config again to use Stuff it, reconfigured IE, since it was not set up to use Stuff it, either.

            E. Finally, I decided to trash all of the applications listed in ÒDÓ (Except for IE) and their prefs. Will reinstall NN 4.0.5 (which actually installs Internet Config 1.3), but did not work. After rebuilding the desktop, StuffIt expander was black again. (makes sense, since NN thought the file was not there, even though it was).

            F. it happened again later, I rebuilt the desktop with Techtool 1.1.7 on the G3 and Stuff it Expander was black again.

            G. A similar problem occurred with Adobe Acrobat Reader, got message saying Òmore info, cancel, save to disk, etc.Ó even though acrobat reader was present and chosen. Rebuilt the desktop and it worked fine.

18. To change the download folder: Go to edit, prefs, Navigator, Applications, Hit ÒchooseÓ by Òdownload files to...Ó

19. When trying to Òprint frameÓ with ÒBookmarksÓ selected from the index, it took a long time, mainly because it was 72 pages.

20. Component bar (which allows switching between Netscape components of the program) is also at bottom of Navigator window. Click on it to make it floating (or use Òshow component barÓ under the Netscape icon at the top of the screen).

21. Hitting ÒsearchÓ on toolbar helps you locate search engines.

22. Location label on the address location bar changes depending on whether a site is a Netscape site (Netsite) or a non-Netscape site (location).

23. Manual indicates that you can Òstop loadingÓ from the Go menu, however, it is not there in Version 4.04. it is under the ÒviewÓ menu.

24. Under the ÒGoÓ menu is the place that stores the visited places for the session.

25. The ÒguideÓ on the toolbar is helpful in designed for help with the Internet and Netscape.

26. You can resize a page with frames by clicking an dragging on the edges of the frame (only on pages where the author made the page with frames). Clicking on the lock (Security info) on the left bottom part of the Netscape screen can bring up a page with frames. Clicking on the lock is the same as clicking on the Security icon on the toolbar.

27. Progress bar bounces from side to side when it is unsure how long it will take to load a page.

28. You can select text by clicking at one end of the text, then hold down the Shift key, then click again at the end of the selection.

29. On one occasion, Netscape said that the files are outdated or the server has been instructed to not let you have them. This occurred while I was already in the process of downloading four other files. I tried again in a few minutes (without any simultaneous downloads) and it worked.

30. Netscape Navigator 4.04 would not print the complete list from Version Tracker, produced error type 2 and printed out pages with only the page number on them. Increasing the memory allocation did not work, so I replaced it with Navigator 4.04 and the list printed fine. However, on my 5400, Netscape Communicator 4.01 runs fine and Netscape Communicator 4.04.1 runs fine on my 6400 at home.

31. If you hold down the command and click on a bookmark in the bookmarks window, it gives info about the bookmark instead of opening it.

32. On a couple occasions, there was a download that instead of the usual gray to dark line moving across, it was all stripes, although the files downloaded anyway. I tried to access another download and it acted normal. May be a website defect or just luck.

33. If Netscape keeps hanging, give it all the memory that you can, If that does not work, trash Netscape Cache and restart it.

34. If you get a Ò404Ó error message, might want to check the syntax of the URL.

35. On one occasion, Netscape and Internet Explorer had trouble getting to Tried moving the preferences to the trash and then trying to go to Iomega, this did not work. Although I could get to the location with America On Line, but when images loaded, it would say Ò0 of 237 bytes, 0 bytes loaded, then 0 of 457 bytes, 0 loadedÓ and I could not download from the site with AOL.

            A. Finally to download the latest driver, I went to Keyword Iomega, instead. This worked.

36. RealPlayer Plug-in and RealAudio plug-in are plug-ins for Netscape, although they are not located in the ÒNetscape Plug InsÓ folder. They are located inside the RealAudio folder inside of the System Extensions folder.

            A. The Plug-ins are supposed to be only for RealAudio (ram suffix) or RealPlayer files (ra or rm suffix), but RealAudio open the .wav file on my web page (it would actually download the file).

            B. You can save the link (the audio file) by clicking and holding down the mouse on the link to the audio file. Click save the link as ....

            C. By default, Netscape uses its Live Audio Plug-in to view audio files on the Internet. Just click on them.

            D., Go to edit, prefs, Navigator, Applications, WAV, Under Handled by: choose application, movie player, then choose .wav as file type (under MoviePlayer) to save a WAV audio file on the Internet.

            E. You can actually download RealPlayer 5.0 and download it and then install the program. it will configure IE and NN automatically. You do NOT need to download RealAudio player, it is included.

            F. On one occasion, I could not get RealAudio (at to play or at it did work later, however, but slowly (only a few KB at a time). After reinstalling RealAudio and Netscape, had same problem. Should try on a different day. will not load on the G3/266 (8.1) or the red iMac DV+ (9.1) in 10/05. Produced error type 1 or 2. But with OS X, did load on the blueberry iMac with OS X 10.2. has play-by-play summaries, according to Matt Mosley (8/06).

G. No components of Communicator s/b running, when you are trying to install a plug-in (plug-ins may not install properly).

37. Netscape help will not let you print from page 55 to 56 or whatever. it gives an error message. Must print all.

            A. This does not appear to be true any more, at least with NN 4.73.

38. Netscape Defrost is only useful for versions 1.x and 2.x.

39. OpenOT is developed by AOL since it Open Transport may perhaps be unloaded from memory If Appletalk is turned off. InformInit Ch. 29 p. 6.

40. After increasing the memory allocation from 5,000 and 6,000 to 15,000 and 16,000, the time for one website to load with images on (and five websites previously loaded) went from 1 minute, 12 seconds to 28 seconds.

41. Netscape saves web pages in its cache. When going to a website, it checks the modification date on the website and compares it to the cache. If the cached version is the same, Netscape simply loads it. But If the site has been modified, Netscape loads only the changes that are different from the cached version.

42. With Netscape 4.0.5 and the G3, If you try to print with Netscape, a printing error will occur with most, but not all, websites. Tried Zapping the PRAM and reinstalling the app, but I had no luck. Error does not occur with Internet Explorer.

43. To import bookmarks, open the bookmarks window and then go to Òopen bookmarks fileÓ or Òimport bookmarksÓ and then click on the previously saved bookmarks. If you transfer bookmarks from one computer to the other, it must either go in the same folder on the other computer (either Ryan Zelenski folder or the Netscape f folder). If you take bookmarks from a Ryan Zelenski (user profile) folder on one of the computers, it can not go into the Netscape f folder on the other one. You can use the Favorites files from IE and put it into the Netscape 4.77 Preferences folder (and change the name of the file to Bookmarks.html) and it will work the same (except you need to adjust the Personal Toolbar folder).

44. DonÕt drag a bookmark onto Burn, causes Error type 10. Drag to trash.

45. Netscape Communicator Version 4.0.6 requires Open Transport (at least version 1.2).

46. When attempting to downloading Netscape Communicator version 4.5, it says that If you use ÒAOL 3.0 or Internet Explorer 3.0,Ó it is not possible to download the newest version of Communicator. However, I also discovered that AOL 4.0 Preview II and Internet Explorer 4.0.1a had trouble downloading the file, also (as of 10/31/98). Even after reinstalling AOL and trashing prefs.

47. On one occasion, Netscape would not print a web page, and then a Netscape applet ran that said it would send a message to Netscape programmers. Later, AOL 4 script kept opening Netscape Communicator, even though the script did not call for it. After restarting the computer, the problem was solved (writing a new AOL 4 script did not matter).

48. You can override the default fonts for any web page by setting it under edit, prefs, appearance, fonts.

49. You can also use the page setup box to determine what will print out on a print out i.e. the date, page number, location etc. Also, you can print the background or not depending on the setting in the page setup box.

50. If you accidentally throw out the personal toolbar folder, Netscape will create another one after quitting and reopening the application (CanÕt be created by user).

            A. To get a bookmark to be in the personal toolbar folder (and thus appear on your toolbar), drag a bookmark from the bookmarks window to the toolbar itself.

51. It is better to let a page spool (If printing) before closing the window, can open another window, though at the same time.

52. To save bookmarks to a backup disk, go to edit bookmarks within Netscape Communicator and then drag all the folders to the Finder. Then drag to disk. However, when dragged back to Netscape, they do not drag back in ABC order. There is no way to alphabetize automatically with Netscape 4.6.

            A. To save bookmarks to a backup disk, it is easier to go to Netscape f folder and copy Bookmarks.html to a backup place. No restarting necessary.

53. On one weekend, Netscape was having trouble with the movies site and Using another version of Netscape did not help.

            A. At, you can view stadiums, I believe. If you choose stats, and then use the pop-up menu, you can choose passer rating to see only the starting QBÕs. You can see a current gameÕs stats (during the game) by going to and then clicking on the gameÕs score.

54. At times at, Netscape can pause as much as 10 seconds and look frozen, even though it is not (just slow).

            A. may be the problem. Can try going through the ÒmoviesÓ website to see a trailer there (may have reference to though).

            B. got a socket error when downloading several movie trailers at once. May be due to the fact that I closed the window that the trailer was loaded from. Does not matter as I discovered later.

            C. Also, some of the links at did not load. After clearing the disk cache, the links could load then.

            D. After installing Netscape Version 4.7 of Netscape Communicator, when trying to download movie trailers, I got a Òyou have started to download errorÓ and you have to choose Òmore info, pick app,Ó Òsave fileÓ or Òcancel.Ó I chose to Òsave fileÓ and the trailer gets saved on the HD. I may just leave 4.7 set up that way and use 4.6 when I want to not save it to the HD.

            E. You can set up to be the application (or none, which is what is used for 4.7 now) that is used for Quicktime movies (.mov) by Òpicking app.Ó The movie will still download to the HD.

            F. Later, tried using a different AOL number (491-7300), which worked to complete more of the download, but not all. (Got a Netscape socket message). Also, picked the application and Netscape still downloaded. Making buddy list active made no difference.

            G. Tried 524-8343, which may have better luck, will try with Netscape 4.5.1.

            H. I got Netscape 4.5.1 to download in the window, not to the HD (which you can then choose Òsave as...Ó to save a movie.). However, only 1 download can take place at a time. I do not think that I rebuilt the desktop in the process, but I may have and forgotten. In any event, all versions of Netscape download to the Netscape window now, not the HD. Either was due to rebuilding desktop or choosing application, I think.

            I. Got a socket error when I opened a second page at with Netscape 4.5.1.

            J. I tried to download a trailer while I was away from the computer, but when I went back later after the movie loaded, and clicked on the movie, it went back to the ÒDouble JeopardyÓ screen. ???

            K. Used Netscape 4.7 and then downloaded, but nothing downloaded. May try again later.

            L. Will try increasing memory of Quicktime player. I also downloaded the latest version of Quicktime (4.0.3).

            M. On one occasion, I downloaded a trailer to the window, then I chose Òsave as...Ó and the whole trailer (4 MB) downloaded to disk and it only took a few seconds. When this has happened before, I think after downloading and double clicking on file, the file tried to access the movie trailer website and it did not work.

            N. Green mile saved to HD at 380 K/second, Being John Malkovic saved it at 600 k/second with NN. Deuce Bigalow saved to HD at 4.4 K/second.

            O. ÒEnd of daysÓ (T1 in name does not necessarily indicate fast download to HD)- downloads to HD fast (500 K/second), the trailer for ÒThe World is not EnoughÓ is slow to download to HD. The difference may be that I cleared NetscapeÕs cache, not sure. After clearing the disk cache later, I downloaded ÒThe Talented Mr. RipleyÓ quickly to the HD after downloading to the window with Netscape.

            P. I cleared the disk cache, but the trailer would not download quickly to HD from AppleÕs Quicktime site, only a 65 K alias downloaded to HD.

            Q. Later, after clear disk cache, Netscape worked to download quickly to HD.

            R. If a movie trailer will not quickly download to HD i.e. only 3.3 K/second, if you press ÒcancelÓ the downloaded movie will clear off the screen also. Should simply watch the trailer at that point (press cancel ONLY AFTER watching the trailer).

            S. After I installed the latest version of Communicator (4.73), at Jo Blo's movies, movie would not save, moved QT plug in from 472 to 473, but you could still not save the movie to the HD, because Quicktime player would open and play the movie, but you could not download the movie (QT player does not allow saving). After I reinstalled Quicktime 4.1.2, the movie could download to the HD, but on Ò page.,Ó the page said to download the plug in for Quicktime (which I already had installed). Rebuilding the desktop did not help. Finally, I went to edit, preferences, navigator, applications, found Quicktime video and changed its setting to Quicktime plug in 4.1.1, instead of Quicktime player. I also added "mov" to the suffix area. Page worked okay. If you choose player, you can not download the trailers. The default, after installing QT 4.1.2 is to use player (in Netscape 4.7.3 and 4.7.2, but not IE 5). had to quit and re-open Netscape, but then the page loaded okay. Also, trailers would open with the Quicktime plug-in and then could be saved with NN.

            T. Netscape helps recommends setting the Netscape cache to 7680 K, but I think it may require more cache to store movie trailers.

            U. Movie trials would not load with the QT plug in. So, I reinstalled QT and it worked. Must reinstall plug in after installing new Netscape. I installed Q 4.1.2 with NN 4.74 and NN 4.75 already installed, but 4.74 ONLY had the latest plugin (4.1.1 is the plug in that is installed with the 4.1.2 installer). so I copied the 4.1.1. plug in to the 4.75 plug ins folder. It worked fine.

55. If you reload a page and it still appears wacky (graphics messed up, etc.), try holding down the option key while reloading, then you can get Netscape to start again from scratch (untested, but listed in Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 959).

56. You can run Netscape from a RAM to speed up loading, but RAM disks can be a hassle.

57. Netscape 4.7 has Navigator, Messenger, Composer, AOL instant messenger, Newsgroups and Radio.

58. Netscape puts a question mark by a bookmark, until you visit it once (except for Google Search). If the website does not exist or is not accessible, the question mark remains.

59. On one occasion, had trouble downloading the latest full install version of Quicktime (4.1) with Netscape. Tried to download to the desktop folder of the G3/233. However, kept getting ÒCould not save Quicktime_installer.smi.bin because the disk is fullÓ error message and download would quit in the middle.

            A. Sad Macs (p. 233, 3rd) suggests that with a floppy disk, try restarting or rebuilding the desktop. Otherwise, it probably means that there is a bug in the application software. Can also mean problems with media. So, I tried running Disk First Aid, NDD, NSD and rebuilding the desktop. Also, trashed Desktop DF and Desktop DB and finder preferences. However, trashing these two files caused problems with generic icons and some applications could not be opened. So I rebuilt the desktop with Techtool, which made the icons normal and apps worked okay.

            B. I think the download to section under preferences with NN showed a blank, not the desktop folder, which may have also been part of the problem.

60. If you Òget infoÓ about a bookmark, it will let you know when last visited. I also tried downloading to a zip disk, which worked fine.

61. You can use a link to open a new window, by holding the mouse down over a link for a couple seconds.

62. You can save all your bookmarks in Netscape by opening bookmarks (command, B), then save as, then import from within Netscape on another computer).

            A. The easiest way to move bookmarks in ABC order if to arrange them with Internet Explorer, then import into Netscape.

63. When loading a web page that is long (web rings, version tracker), hold down the mouse over a link and select Ònew window with this link,Ó so you do not have to keep reloading the page again and again.

64. According to Netscape Communicator 4.7.2, bookmarks can not be automatically alphabetized.

65. To send a colored link in an e-mail, go to insert, link. Type text for link and then linkÕs address. With AOL, send as HTML and text, I believe.

66. The preview release version of Netscape Communicator 6 requires at least system 8.5 to work. it is available at ÒÓ it is approximately a 10.6 MB download.

67. Command, left arrow moves BACK and command, right arrow moves FORWARD.

68. You can save pages as ÒtextÓ to save the text of a webpage and save pages as ÒsourceÓ to save the webpage format. To save pictures, you must go back and save them manually.

69. You can make your bookmarks into your home page or just a simple web page on your computer. Open Netscape, open Bookmarks, choose save as Òweb1.htmÓ (or any other name with five lower case letters and the suffix .htm), quit Netscape. Open your word processor (MS Word works in this case), open the web1.htm file, delete the top four lines that say Bookmark file, This is an automatically created document, it will read and overwritten, do not editÓ. Carefully remove the text between <TITLE> and >/TITLE> and change it to whatever you like. it should show <Neon>Ryan ZelenskiÕs bookmarks</Neon>. Save as text. Open the file in Netscape.

            A. You can add the page to your bookmarks (by copying the address from the URL bar) or make it your home page in Netscape.

70. According to what I can see, I have Navigator, Composer, Messenger and Workgroups. However, I do not see Netcaster or Conference.

71. Command, N opens a new navigator window.

72. Under edit, preferences, appearance, you can have Communicator launch whichever part of Communicator you want.

73. Under the ÒGOÓ menu is where you can go to many sites already visited (only on that particular connection to the Internet).

74. To create a shortcut on the desktop, simply drag the green slash by the word location on the address bar to the desktop or from the bookmarks window. Double click on the icon on the desktop. Or you can drag the green slash to a blank window and have that location open up in a different window.

75. According to Netscape Communicator 4th edition book p. 39, you can access Conference or Netcaster from the Communicator menu item or from the Communicator folder in the finder. However, I could not locate either one of these. I tried looking at NetscapeÕs home page (which you can get to by clicking on the ÒNÓ on the toolbar in Navigator), but it shows that Conference and Netcaster were discontinued. You can use old versions of it, but they are unsupported.

            A. The Netcaster link at the Netscape site was discontinued.

76. The anchor control for the component bar is on the left hand side (Navigator, Inbox, Newsgroups, Address Book and Composer).

77. If you hold down the option key and hit reload, the page is loaded from scratch. Slower, but a completely new page is loaded.

78. When show images is not selected and icons load instead of pictures, when you click ÒimagesÓ only the pictures are reloaded.

79. To copy a link or image, click and hold the mouse down by the image, then copy or whatever.

80. Under edit, preferences, advanced: You can turn on/off Java, the use of cookies and using your e-mail address as anonymous FTP password. In most cases, you should not enable using your e-mail address, Netscape will usually generate one for you (that way you do not have to spread your e-mail address around).

            A. Java can run applets (applications) on your computer, which may be unknown to you. May create havoc on computer, just something to be aware of.

            B. You can accept cookies or not. Alternatively, you can accept cookies that only will get sent back to the originating server (so that your information is not given out so freely).

81. To clear the cache, you can open the Netscape Preferences and trash the Cache Ä contents or go to edit, preferences, advanced, cache, clear disk cache now.

82. JZ said that Netscape will resume a download that is somehow cut off, but I have yet to see Netscape do it. Once I downloaded a file, restarted the computer in the middle of the download. Upon restart, Netscape would download the file again, but it did not resume the original download.

            A. I tried it on another occasion with NN 4.73. I had downloaded about one third of Battery Amnesia (not a needed file) from and unplugged the modem. Then I reconnected to the Internet, but the download starting from the beginning.

            B. Then I tried quitting NN, and then resuming the download, it worked. It only downloaded 2/3Õs of the download, but the whole download was on the HD.

            C. I tried it again, this time I quit AOL, in the middle of a NN download (I did not press the ÒcancelÓ button in NN). When I signed back on to AOL, then I went to NN, and re-downloaded. It started from the beginning.

            D. Then I decided to quit NN 4.73, the application would not quit until I pressed the ÒcancelÓ button. When I did quit and reopen, I tried to download the file again. It appears to start from the beginning (download the whole file), but it does not. It only downloads part of the file (i.e. the download size is much smaller, since it must be stored on the HD already). When NN was done, the file expanded and it was all there.

83. You can add new user profiles by using the User Profile Manager inside of the Netscape Communicator folder.

            A. You should quit Netscape Communicator, before you attempt to use User Profile Manager. Otherwise, you get an error message.

84. The profile manager does not appear to be present in version 4.72.

85. If you are at a Netscape site, the location bar reads ÒNetsite,Ó otherwise, it will say Òlocation.Ó

86. Hit the ÒNÓ to go to NetscapeÕs home page.

87. You can drag the green slash by an address to drag a shortcut to the desktop. You can also drag the URL to a drag and drop savvy program. You can drag the green slash to Netscape Composer to work with the link.

88. You can click the padlock to view the security information for a page.

89. If you hold down the mouse over a link or picture, you can Òsave the link locationÓ (and put it into a drag and drop savvy program), Òsave this link as...Ó to bookmark where the link is going to, or you can Òopen this image,Ó which allows you to view the image without anything else on the screen.

90. Under preferences, Navigator Home page, you can use the current page to make it your home page.

91. You can use command, G to find again.

92. If you type in two words in NetscapeÕs location window, you can search for something on the Internet, Netscape will search for you.

93. If you clear the cachethroughEdit:Preferences, (can clear the cache by deleting the cache folder in preferences, also) and delete cookies, it may speed up Netscape. The cookies are stored with Netscape in the Netscape users folder and it is titled Magiccookie. it can be thrown out.

94. You can use in Netscape to download, but not to upload.

95. You can choose to have Netscape ask you or you can choose a different application to open files or save to disk, etc. under edit, preferences, Navigator, Applications.

            A. When entering a suffix for a file under edit, preferences, navigator, applications: You do NOT need to add a period, according to the picture in Netscape Communicator 4 book, p. 107.

            B. If Communicator is Ògrayed outÓ for a particular file type, then Netscape is unable to handle the file type.

96. I will use Netscape to save my bookmarks on my web page. Simply open bookmarks, then save as ÒNN.htmlÓ to the ÒMy web pageÓ folder inside of Ryan. Then upload the ÒNN.htmlÓ page with Fetch.

97. Netscape 4.73 fixes a security issue with Communicator 4.72, according to Tidbits #530.

98. Smart Browsing (edit, preferences, Navigator, Smart Browsing) allows Netscape to show related links, you can choose how often it does this. I set it to never, since I donÕt use NetscapeÕs related links feature.

99. Under edit, preferences, advanced, you can set up Java, Javascript, Enabling of Style Sheets.

            A. Communicator supports signed Java applets and signed Javascript. Both of these require approval to be downloaded to your system. You can choose among view the details of a digital certificate, view more information, grant access for one session, grant access from the particular distributor or deny the privileges (NN 4 book, p. 533).

100. If you hold down option and click reload, you are sure to get the latest version of a web page.

101. When you quit Communicator it performs cache maintenance. If maintenance takes longer than you wish, try reducing the size of the disk cache.

102. You can choose to Òuse current pageÓ to select the page you are currently on with Netscape as the page that Netscape will start up with. (edit, preferences, Navigator).

103. You can select which languages you want to accept from a server, by going to edit, preferences, Navigator, languages, select your preferred language.

104. You can choose to have Netscape either Ask you or startup in previous state (offline/online modes) under edit, preferences, offline). This is mentioned in Netscape Communicator 4 book, p. 105. The choices that you make with regard to offline/online mode affect messenger/discussion groups more than Navigator.

106. NNTP stands for Network News Transfer Protocol.

            A. A protocol is a set of Òground rulesÓ between software programs on a network. It may include rules for formatting data, passing control info back and forth and for error checking. Source is NC 4 book, glossary).

            B. ÒSnewsÓ can be part of a domain address indicating a secure news server.

107. Netscape on one occasion, tried to download an MP3, but gave the ÒPick app,Ó Òcancel,Ó etc. dialog box. I chose RealPlayer and it played the MP3.

            A. Under edit, preferences, Navigator, Applications: there appears to be several types of MP3Õs.

            B. has some info on MP3 players, but I do not know the website very well.

            C. I tried to record ÒShake Your TailfeatherÓ MP3, but apparently, I did not download it. I only downloaded a QT link to it. I may just forget or buy the record someday.

108. To access the ÒUser Profile Manager,Ó NN must be closed.

109. Newsgroups for Ònews.pacbell.netÓ use the same user name and password as I log on with.

            A. You can set the maximum number of messages to download under edit, preferences, Mail and Newsgroups, Mail Servers.

            B. No longer use Ò,Ó according to Pac Bell. You should set the news server to Ò,Ó Also, when trying to download newsgroup listings or message, it will ask for a user name ( and a password (New At Ease).

110. When a .txt file loads into a window (it does not download by default), you can save the file for future reference, if necessary.

111. You can Use the File menu to upload files with NN 4.73. However, the ÒUpload FileÓ option does not appear under the File Menu unless you are at an FTP site (an example would be ÒÓ).

            A. I think it may be written elsewhere that you can not upload Files with NN, but I donÕt think that is accurate.

112. I have Shockwave Flash NP-PPC version 4.0r27 installed with NN 4.73 (so I could watch Flash Player animations).

            A. The latest copy of Shockwave software can be found at

            B. When I went to, the Shockwave animation display there was blank (the Flash Player animation did show up).

            C. I downloaded the software from It installs ÒNP-PPC-Dir-ShockwaveÓ and ÒShockwavePlugin.classÓ files into the plugins folder. It is version 8.0 r196 and it plays Shockwave animations.

113. You can find plug-ins for Netscape at

            A. To learn which plug-ins you have installed, go to Òabout pluginsÓ under the Apple Menu, when NN is the active application or type Òabout:plug-insÓ into the address bar of the browser window.

114. If you would like to view security information about a Java applet, click the lock in the bottom left hand corner of the window. You can edit access privileges, etc (Netscape Communicator 4 Book, p. 446-447).

115. Whiteboard (not included with NN 4.74) is for sharing ideas across the Internet on a ÒWhite BoardÓ that can be used for graphics, text, etc. You can write on each otherÕs ideas, etc. (Netscape Communicator 4 book, p. 480-481).

116. I am currently (7/31/2000) using NN 4.74 with 128 bit encryption, according to

117. To view your preferences about warnings (unencrypted, encrypted sites), go to a website, then click on the padlock (whether open or locked). Choose Navigator.

118. To find out about Certificate Signers (Certifying Authorities): Click on the padlock at the bottom left of the window or the Security Icon in the icon bar. Then choose certificates, signers. If you click verify, you can see if a certificate has been verified. Also, if the certificate is expired. If you click the editÓ button, you can choose whether to accept the certificate for network sites, e-mail and software developers. You can also warn before sending data to sites certified by this authority. It is possible that a certificate can be sent through a mail message, according to Netscape help. You can Òget a certificateÓ by clicking on the ÒCertificates: Yours Category, then click Òget a certificate.Ó It takes you to A certificate can help because you can identify yourself to others in e-mails, you can receive encrypted messages and a certificate can serve as an electronic passport to private and secure web sites. Verisign is one of the best known provider of individual certificates (NN 4 book, p. 526). Verisign certificates cost $349 for first year and $249 per year after that. The certificates cost $125 for one year. Another way to check on a web site is to see if they have a physical address, MV said.

119. Under Edit:Preferences:Advanced:SmartUpdate: When Netscape encounters a web page that needs a special plug-in to display properly, Netscape can install the plug in automatically (once approved by user).

            A. If it may pose a security risk, you may want to turn this feature off. I personally think it is better to do your own installing, without it being done automatically.

120. One time after downloading a .wav file, Netscape said it would open with SoundMachine. Then I used RealPlayer to hear the file, it said that RealPlayer is not the default, would you like to update this. I checked yes, but it did not work. I still had to set it up in the Edit:Preferences:Navigator:Preferences.

121. AU sounds were developed by Sun . Netscape browsers use NAPlayer to play AU sounds (NC 4 book, Glossary).

122. Under edit, preferences, you can go to smart browsing and unselect ÒwhatÕs enabledÓ or set it to be enabled and always, never load or only after first use. If set to first use, WhatÕs related only loads when you click the button.

123. To hear a .wav file with NN 4.75, you must change the default settings the program installs with. Select ÒLive Audio PluginÓ under Edit, Preferences, Navigator, Applications and it will work. You can also use the Quicktime Plug in.

124. To back up the newsgroups that I have chosen, backup the ÒNewsÓ folder. Go to System Folder, Preferences, Netscape Users, Ryan Zelenski, News.

125. Command, clicking a link opens a link in its own window.

126. I had to change my newsgroups setting with Netscape Messenger in 8/2001 from to

            A. To make the changes, you have to go to edit, preferences, Mail and Newsgroups, News Servers, set up as a server, then Òset as default.Ó Then delete, so does not keep showing up in the messenger window.

            B. has info on updating the preferences for the new newsgroup settings.

            C. On one occasion, NN would not download mail, Messenger acted like it was downloading my mail, but would not do it (the progress bar was on the screen, but nothing was happening). It was because under Edit, Preferences, Mail and Newsgroups, Mail Servers, I had put as the Incoming Mail Server, and it should be Once, I changed it to, it worked fine.

127. I kept trying to download mail with Messenger. However, when trying to download one message, the program kept freezing for two or three minutes. I tried canceling and re-downloading the mail, but that did not work. I tried quitting NN and reopening the program, but Messenger still froze when trying to download message 10 of 19 (message 1through9 downloaded fine). Finally, I just decided to let it keep going, and it did eventually downloaded all the messages, it took many minutes (like maybe 7 or 8 minutes).

128. Netscape 6.2 is available, as of 11/11/2001. You can download it from However, you need System 8.6 or later for Netscape 6 or later (including 6.2, naturally).

129. You can use the File menu to Òcompact this folderÓ (inbox, sent items, etc.).

            A. You can also search for messages at once and delete unwanted ones (use command, shift, F or Edit, Search Messages).

130. I tried to download Netscape Communicator 4.79 from, but was unable to with IE 5. I was, however, able to download it using NN 4.77.

            A. I decided to leave NN 4.77 on the G3/233, since I was not having any problems with it.

            B. Later, I decided to try NN 4.79, but there was not an icon for it in the Application switcher menu (the name was there, but no icon). When you switch to Netscape as the active application, the icon in the far upper right was blank (usually the icon for the program would be there).

            C. I decided not to save the download for NN 4.79.

131. I think that the Netscape f  file inside of the preferences folder is a temporary one for use, until you set up your user file. It can be thrown away apparently.

132. On one occasion (I had probably not used NN to download a .pdf file, since last installing it), .pdf files opened in NNÕs window. I wanted to download the file and have Acrobat Reader open it. I looked under Edit, Preferences, Navigator, Applications, then chose ÒPortable Document FormatÓ under Description, then I chose Application, then Choose, Selected ÒAcrobat ReaderÓ. This downloaded the file to HD and Acrobat Reader opened it.

133. On one occasion, I could not get a contact form to work at RCAÕs website, it kept freezing when I made selections from the pop up menu with IE5. I finally opened the History Window for IE5, double clicked the URL To get to the website, then copied the URL, pasted into NNÕs window, used NN to get to the webpage, and then I was able to use the contact page to contact RCA.

134. Netscape 7 requires 8.6 or later, according to Tidbits #645.

135. On one occasion after going to and deleting e-mails from Webbox and the server (pressing the ÒbothÓ button at, I could not access any e-mails with NN, which made sense, the e-mails had already been downloaded with IE5 (before deleting them from the server with and NN could not longer access them.

136. While trying to access ÒTest taking tipsÓ using Houghton MifflinÕs Math site (, I kept getting an error saying that I needed to get the new version of Shockwave (I had version 6.0 r47 installed). You could choose yes or no to download the software. If you chose Òno,Ó the site would work anyway, but the message kept reappearing. I decided to then download the latest version (which is version 8.5.1) on 11/16/02. I did not get the latest version error, but I did get a message (after clicking on the icon for ÒDraw a Picture,Ó that said that the plug in was incorrectly installed or there was not enough memory. I tried increasing the memory of NN from 20000K to 28000 K, but I had no luck. The installer installed the plug in and it appeared to be in the right place, but it was still the old version of the Shockwave Flash NP-PPC, I think the installer may have been looking for newer system software than mine on the G3/233 (I have 8.1). has a link for additional Houghton Mifflin spelling words (Easy, Medium, and Challenge), and if you click the Additional Spelling Words, you go to, I tried viewing a .pdf file with IE 5.2.3, pdf files were supposed to open with Preview, but I kept getting a plug-in page error, so I decided to set up Acrobat Reader to open the page instead; Then later, somehow Preview was able to open the file, so I set up IE 5.2.3 to use Preview in the future. I tried using IE5 to access the Test Taking tips and there were no error messages at all (even though it used version 5.0 r30 of Shockwave, ironically), so I trashed the plug ins from the Netscape plug-in folder (there were 4: Shockwave Flash NP-PPC, ShockwavePlugin.class, ShockwaveFlash.class and NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwaver. NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave was installed by the 8.5.1 installer) and made a copy of IE5Õs Shockwave plug-ins (NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave, version 8.0 r196 and Shockwave Flash NP-PPC, version 5.0r30) and put into NN 4.77 plug-ins folder. This worked. NN now accessed the web site without any error messages. The plug-ins that were copied from the IE5 folder to the NN folder were actually Netscape Communicator 4.77 documents (the kind they were listed as, with the Finder), so they must have been compatible with NN 4.77.

137. NN 4.77 was having trouble when starting up along with the other startup items (it produced an error type 3). Increasing its memory allocation from 20000 K to 22000 K did not help. If you opened it separately from the other applications, it opened fine.

            A. Finally, I installed Netscape 7.0.2 and it seems to run fine (BTW, the installer suggests installing 7.0.2 with extensions on. I tried to install it with extensions on with 9.2.1 on the G3/266, and it produced an error. Installing with extensions on worked).

            B. Netscape 7.0.2 kept freezing and not working properly.

            C. Could reinstall NN (trash prefs first) with extensions on and all other applications closed, or try version 6 of NN. reinstalled with extensions off (4.77), rebuilt desktop with TT. However, I decided to just use 4.77 for now.

138. I downloaded version 6.2, but when starting up, I kept getting an error that says Ò could not be found. check the name and try again.Ó When I tried loading the site with IE, the Òserver could not be found.Ó

            A. I decided to try to use version 6.2.3, but got the same error, so I e-mailed Netscape tech support. They did not reply. I may also be able to try version 7.0.2, even though in 137 B, there is a problem mentioned. Will wait and see.

            B. There is no problem with 7.0.2Õs starting up, since it does not attempt to locate

            C. The Mozilla folder is still created in Documents, but I moved it to the Ryan folder. Hopefully, will work (General Controls is set to the last folder used in the application). Did not work, folder was re-created. I changed General Controls to folder that is set by the application (the setting to where Netscape stores Mozilla folder may be saved from Netscape 4.77, but I could not find the place where the Documents folder was chosen with 4.77).

            D. My master password with 7.02 is Old At Ease. Later, it did not work, however.

            E. On 9/2/03, Netscape would not load any bookmarks. After quitting and restarting, bookmarks would load.

            F. It appears that there is a bug in Netscape 7.02 because no matter if the bookmarks are sorted A to Z or Z to A, they show up Z to A under the bookmarks menu.

            G. Also, the Password Manager does not work, if you click no, you keep getting the same box. If you select yes, you keep getting asked for the Master Password. Also, Netscape 7.0.2 runs slow.

            H. Within Classic under OS X, Netscape 7.0.2 appears to be normal speed. However, it does not appear to work with Yahoo! Mail (keeps asking for password).

139. When importing bookmarks from IE, you can select all bookmarks (but not the top level folder) and trash them. If importing from IE, the name for the Bookmarks for (name) folder is decided by the Internet Control Panel. If you create a new profile and put a different name in the first screen, the bookmarks folder name still reflects the Internet Control Panel. To change the name, you would need to create a new profile (which would have the new name in it) using the User Profile tool (trashing prefs will not work), after you changed the name in the Internet Control Panel.

140. On one occasion, NN would not open on the iLamp. However, after restart, it was fine.

141. NN 4.77 may be having more trouble with sites, as of 11/05, because it is not ubiquitous. freezes NN 4.77 each time on the G3/266.

142. As of 11/05, On the G3/266, NN 4.77 does not allow Google to open a new window, even if set in the preferences.

143. Netscape plays videos at, unlike IE 5.2.3 (Safari will play the videos as well), as of 4/06.

144. Netscape 7.02 requires 8.6 or higher (however, on the blueberry iMac, 7.02 kept freezing up on startup, so I trashed it). Netscape X 7.2 needs 10.1 or higher. Netscape 7.02 works fine on the G3/266, but when printing from Yahoo! Mail, the printing was pretty small (small on the 1500, but extremely small on the LW): printed normally.

145. NN version 4.61 has a bug in it (at least on the bondi-blue iMac): you cannot set the homepage, even when connected to the internet and after trashing the preferences.

146. Netscape 9.0b3 will not run on the iMac Duo.

147. Netscape 4.77Õs Favorites are listed within Ryan Zelenski inside of Netscape Users (inside of Preferences). Netscape 7.02 bookmarks are with within the Netscape folder within Preferences. Netscape 7.02 will access the Netscape 4.77 bookmarks, though, so if you want to delete a bookmark for Netscape, delete it from 4.77 bookmarks.


Netscape Composer

1. You can select which text editor you will use, if you decided to edit the HTML code. It is set under the Edit:Preferences:Composer Menu.

            A. Also, you can choose which image editor you will use if you decided to edit images in HTML.

2. I took a couple of my web pages that were created in CHP and made them into Composer pages. Then I tried to upload with Composer and got the Login Incorrect error, even though I typed the password in correctly.

3. Shortcut for Composer is command, 3.

4. After composing your page with the wizard (File, New, Blank page from Wizard), you must click ÒBuildÓ at the bottom of the page for the page to be made.

5. If you name the first page in your web page Òindex.html,Ó users who try to access your web site will get to your page automatically, just by entering ÒÓ only.

6. If you decide to use a Netscape Template from ComposerÕs File, new blank page from template menu: After opening it, go to file, edit document to make changes in it.

7. When you remove styles from the format menu, it also erases links.

8. You can use command, shift and the + sign to move an indent in. You can use command, minus to move an indent more to the left.

9. You can drag and drop hot links from Navigator to Composer.


Netscape Messenger

1. To have your password saved, you open Netscape Communicator, Go to file, preferences, Under ÒMail and NewsgroupÓ, Servers, highlight Òpostoffice.pacbell.netÓ and then check Òremember passwordÓ. I closed NN, reopened it and check the mail at least once. Then quit NN again, and the password was remembered.

            A. You can also have Messenger check automatically also and download new messages.

            B. When new mail has arrived, Netscape flashes n icon in the Apple Menu. The icon disappears once, you have read the new mail.

2. Netscape by default does not automatically save your sent mail. If you want to save your ÒsentÓ messages in the Netscape Messenger window (i.e. have the ÒsentÓ folder appear, even), you must go to preferences, mail and newsgroups, copies and folders, check the box next to Òplace a copy in the folder , ÔsentÕ on local mail.

            A. One time, I moved the ÒsentÓ folder from its location to the inbox subfolder by accident. To move the ÒsentÓ folder back to its original location, drag it on top of Òlocal mailÓ until Òlocal mailÓ is highlighted.

            B. You can add a signature file to the end of your e-mails. Open Messenger. Go to edit, preferences, identity (under the section Òmail and newsgroups:), choose SIG file (Simpletext file and Netscape files work, CW 4.0 will not work, unless you save it as text only). Then make sure the Signature File box is checked.

            C. If you send mail from Pacbell to AOL, it works. However, the font from Simpletext or CW 4.0 (saved as text) is not the one used in MessengerÕs window (Ransom Note did not work).

            D. The solution is to use the Netscape Mail window, choose the font you want, then from the file menu, choose save as... (I chose E-mail Signature as the name),then select your signature file, under edit, preferences, mail and newsgroups, identity. Do not move the file after choosing it.

            E. You can have more than one font and it will show up in mail to AOL members at

            F. However, when I did this, my signature showed up in one font, then below that, it showed up in the fonts that I chose.

            G. So, I remade my signature file, then reselected with Messenger, close NN, reopened. Sent an e-mail again to The signature showed up in two fonts. Must be an AOL issue.

            H. I decided to leave the signature in a regular font, since Ransom Note is hard to read.

3. You can save a mail message and leave it in drafts (if you decide you want to send it later).         

4. To open/close the preview pane, double click on it.

5. You can set Netscape to wrap long lines of e-mail text or not. You can also send 8-bit or MIME-encoded mail. Go to edit, preferences, Mails and Newsgroups, Messages.

6. Can put in Òalways remember passwordÓ under mails and news, organization prefs in 3.0.

7. POP stands for Post Office Protocol (used for e-mail).

            A. Source: NC 4 book, p. 718: POP can also stand for Point of Presence, meaning the local dial up node an ISP makes available for its customers.

8. 30. You can make a Ònew listÓ to send e-mails to groups of people instead of just one person

9. The outgoing mail server and the incoming mail server are often the same, (Netscape Communicator 4th edition book), but not with Pacific Bell. It also says that most commercial ISPÕs are POP3 Servers, and not IMAP. An IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server is automatically configured to store messages on a server (according to Netscape Communicator 4th edition, page 148). It lets you access messages on a remote machine, instead of on a local computer (Source is NC 4 book, glossary, IMAP definition).

10. If you do not know the SMTP server, you can skip when setting up a profile and come back to it later (Netscape Communicator 4th edition book, p. 38).

11. Option, command, 2 opens the address book. Command, option, 1 opens the message center.

12. You can use the ÒcallÓ button in NetscapeÕs address book to call someone on the phone. But may need to check on something else, since the button is still gray (p. 42 of Netscape Communicator 4 Book mentioned the call button).

13. Under edit, prefs, you can have Netscape make a sound when new mail arrives (Netscape Communicator 4 Book p. 46).

14. The file pab.na2 inside of Ryan Zelenski folder inside of Netscape users preferences file is the file that holds address book recipients.

15. When sending mail to AOL members, the file is encoded, I think. I tried sending my Clarisworks business cards filethroughe-mail. When I tried to open it, it can not be open by Simpletext. Clarisworks can open it, but it is gibberish. May want to sign on to AOL, then send files, if necessary.

            A. Pac bell probably uses a different encoding system than does AOL.

            B. According to ÒThe Official Netscape Communicator 4 Book,Ó The default for Netscape Messenger to send attachments is MIME. However, some programs (perhaps AOL) may not be able to decode the information correctly, if you use this format. Uncheck the box and it will be sent in uuencode, which is larger but more universal (perhaps this method is used for sending Claris spreadsheets through AOL).

            C. When you check the box for using Uuencode (in the mail composition window, click on the icon below the paper clip), you get a message that says that Macintosh formatting will be lost. it will send it however. After I sent an e-mail to myself and downloaded it, the Clarisworks spreadsheet became a Simpletext file with a lot of garbage in it. Even Clarisworks could not open it. The results were the same when downloading the file with AOL software or from with IE 5. When I sent a ÒMIMEÓ encoded (default) CW 4.0 Spreadsheet file with NM to AOL, the result was that the file downloaded from, but it did not translate. The original information was not there.

            D. MIME and Uuencode are two ways of sending non-text (binary) data. Uuencode may be useful if someone keeps getting ÒcorruptÓ documents from you (Netscape Communicator, 4th edition, p. 213).

            E. it may be that the only way to send a non-text file is from AOL to AOL, as far as sending files from/to AOL is concerned.

16. You can save your mail on the HD, by going to edit, preferences, Mail and Newsgroups, Copies and Folders and checking ÒPlace a copy in folder: ÒSentÓ on Local Mail. This can be accessed, even when not connected to the Internet (Default is on, I think).

17. To reply quickly to a message, press and hold down the mouse button. You can also add a sender to your address book. You can also print, delete or save the message that way.

            A. You can choose between having the original message quoted when you Reply or not. Edit, preferences, Mail and Newsgroups, Messages. If you leave the quoting off, you can simply insert the previous message by pressing the quote button.

18. You can have Messenger check for mail every so often. When it gets mail, it will notify you by making the new mail default sound and the Inbox on the Component Toolbar will have a green arrow by it. Also, the menu icon flashes. In addition, Netscape makes a sound, whenever it is the frontmost application.

19. To make a new message to someone, press and hold the mouse down over their name in the address book. You can also compose a new message, then drag the name to the mail window from the address book.

20. To make the name and e-mail columns wider in address book window, hold the mouse at the top of the column, make name and e-mail wide columns. You can turn other columns off by using the view menu.

            A. It is best to put the first and last name in the first name column. it makes it easier for IE to import the addresses correctly, so that they will be in alphabetical order.

21. A Òhot linkÓ can be sent from Netscape Messenger to AOL members. Go to the composition window, go to the right icon and choose the first item in the drop down menu (insert link). When you send the mail, choose Òsend in plain text and html.Ó

            A. You can send the preferences under mail and newsgroups, formatting, choose Òsend the message in plain text and HTML.Ó This works, so the dialog box does not come up when sending.

            B. When using AOLÕs software, the ÒhotÓ link works. it just has &nbsp in front of the link, but the link did work.

            C. Plain text contains no HTML tags (NC 4 book, glossary).

            D. A plain text message, however, is an e-mail message in Netscape Messenger that contains HTML tags and has not been encrypted or encoded.

22. When using Messenger, you can choose to show/hide the double pain window by clicking on the arrows. You can also resize the double pane windows (when both windows are shown).

23. To address an e-mail to more than one person, type in, Netscape Messenger will separate the addresses for you.

24. You can change the font by using the font menu at the top of the computer screen.

            A. You can send blinking text in e-mails by using the format, style menu.

25. You can Òred flagÓ a message (from the ÒmessageÓ menu) to remind yourself to cheek more thoroughly later or reply, etc.

26. If you click the ÒspellingÓ tab (to check an e-mail in Messenger) and everything is gray, except for the word Òdone,Ó it means that there are no misspelled words in the e-mail.

27. You can insert a link, horizontal line or table in your e-mail, by clicking the far right drop down icon in the mail message window.

29. You can drag an image from the desktop or folder right to the composition window. Netscape will convert it to GIF or JPEG.

30.You can export your contacts to a Simpletext file and import them back, but it does not work very well. Importing from Outlook Express 5.0.2 does not work well importing as LDIF or Text file. Importing from Simpletext works okay, but probably not a great choice.

            A. Netscape 4.73 is smart enough, though, to eliminate duplicate entries.

            B. Once I could not get Netscape to import my address book files correctly. I think there may be a recurring bug. I tried later in 12/03, but it does not appear to be possible to import addresses from IE 5.

            C. Should not do it this way, anyhow.

            D. It is better to manually add addresses to both NM and IE (and AOL).

32. When you send a ÒvcardÓ attached to a messenger message, it does not appear in AOLÕs mail at AOL apparently does not support this. For when you look at the send e-mail with Communicator, it shows the address card.

            A. If an e-mail was sent with OE, it will not show up in NMÕs sent window.

            B. On another occasion, after initializing the HD, mail that was already checked with OE, showed up in NM as new. Later, it did not (I do not recall changing any particular setting, but I may have). This was on 8/2/2000.

33. You can use the file menu to access ÒSearch messagesÓ.

            A. You can then use command, F to find things and command, G to find them again within individual messages.

34. You can drag and drop one or more attachments to the attachments window.

35. You can send someone a URL that you like, by simply choosing ÒSend pageÓ from the NAVIGATOR menu.

36. You can add or delete columns (To/From, Subject, Org. etc.) by clicking the double arrows on the right side of the Messenger window.

37. You can empty the trash folder from the File menu. After you do, the trash becomes zero K. You can supposedly compact the folder by using the file menu. This gets rid of extra disk space that is being used up unnecessarily as a result of deleting messages from folders. (It does not change the size of the ÒtrashÓ folder inside the System Folder:Preferences:Netscape Users:Ryan Zelenski:Mail:Trash folder.

38. The ÒnextÓ button takes you to the next ÒunreadÓ message.

39. You can go to edit, message filters to filter out some junk mail, if necessary (or e-mail you do not wish to receive). Once you set it up, if you choose to delete the filter, highlight the whole filter by clicking on the number, then choose clear from the edit menu.

40. You can sort messages by thread (meaning messages that are on the same subject) by going to the view menu, then choosing sort, then Òby thread.Ó

            A. Netscape puts a green arrow by messages that have not been read, when the messages are sorted by thread.

            B. If there is a thread to a message, there will be a Ògreen arrowÓ to show threads that have any unread messages.

            C. Threaded can be very useful when accessing newsgroup information.

41. You can NM not store any files that are larger than ÒXÓ K on the local server. This is set under Edit:Preferences:Mail and Newsgroups:Disk Space. You may want to do this, because junk mail may be the only things that are larger than 100 K or whatever. I have it off, though, since I may send myself large files, etc.

            A. You can also have NM automatically compact data folders, when it will save over 100 K (or whatever figure).

42. Source: Netscape Communicator 4 Book, p. 239: Encrypted messages are ones that are scrambled using a special algorithm (defined as the step by step process a software program uses to produce results, NC 4 Book Glossary), or formula, so they can not be read between your computer and another personÕs computer.

            A. You have to have received a signed certificate message to send an encrypted message back to a person.

43. You can click on the triangles under edit, preferences to close up preferences that are hardly ever used.

44. When viewing newsgroup postings, the length is listed in lines, not K.

            A. After opening a posting, you can reply in several different ways using the reply or reply to all menus.

45. To view a picture in its own window, press and hold down the mouse and choose ÒOpen this image.

46. Command, T gets new mail.

47. You may want to organize by name (To/From) when deleting e-mails. It makes it easier.



1. Fiberoptics must have two connections, one in and one out.

2. All backbones (the actually wiring) must have terminators at each ends.

3. RJ 45 wire (digital, 8 wire connection) is often plugged into Ethernet cards (on SchoolÕs 5400Õs, we have ÒslowÓ Ethernet cards with RJ45 wire connectors). Bigger than a telephone jack, but looks similar. RJ45 can be used with a network. T1 wire can travel at 1 million bytes per second (may be used for several computers to hook to Internet at one time). A modem and AOL is only 33,600 bytes per second. The 5400Õs at school will connect with a regular phone jack, but will not work on an individual basis (like take home and hook up). They are set up for networking accessing to the Internet (meaning a group of computers hook together and then to the Internet).

4. Registered Jack (RJ) 11 is an four wire telephone cord plug in.

5. Thin net is more common that thick net (coaxial tends to be a little slow, maximum speed is 10 MB/second). Integrated Systems Digital Network (ISDN) lines can travel at 128 megabytes per second. However, an ISDN modem can cost $200 or so, the per month charges are about $30 and it can be used for modem/phones at the same time (56K + 56K) or modem can be 112K. There are included minutes in the plan, but mainly they are off peak minutes).

6. Localnet is 240 kbps, DSL is 384 Kbps, Slow Ethernet is 10 Mbps, Fast Ethernet is 100 Mbps. Fiber Optic connections can travel at 600 MB/second or 2 GB/second.

            A. Ethernet is becoming very popular since MACS and IBMS can communicate with each other over a network.

            B. According to the 5500 Manual page 85, some kinds of Ethernet cards fit into the communications slot as well as some modems. If you use the communications slot for a modem and still want to use Ethernet, may want to purchase an Ethernet card that fits into a PCI (peripheral component interconnect) slot.

            C. According to the 5500 Manual, page 86, you can connect directly to an Ethernet network using a 10Base T-twisted-pair cable. However, you will need one of the following Ethernet media adapters: Apple Ethernet Thin Coax Transceiver or a Apple Ethernet AUI adapter.

            D. According to the 5500 Manual page 86, there is a status light on some Ethernet cards, which indicates a good Ethernet connection.

            E. According to the 5500 Manual page 88, you can connect your Mac to a thin coaxial Ethernet network. And page 89-90 shows a connection through the use of an Apple Ethernet AUI Adapter.

7. Appletalk is built into Macs.

8. Segment-separates labs.

9. Hub-like a switch in that it either lets info passthroughor doesnÕt (we have at Crookham lab as of Aug. 1997). We will need new network cards and repeaters to make our system work, most likely.

10. Router is smarter than hubs, switches. Can route info as well as passthroughor not. Blocks communication between networks unless someone from one network is attempting to access someone else on a different network (this allows for faster networks, that all info does not have to cross each others paths). Also, can change protocols.

            A. Router is a device that directs information along the most efficient or appropriate network paths.

11. Collision Avoidance-only one computer can talk at a time or print. (Appletalk is an example).

12. Category 5 wire (installed at Crookham) does not mean that there are five wires, it is just the 5th category of wire. Category 5 is set up now to handle 10 MB/second at Crookham (as of Aug, 1997), but Cat 5 can handle up to 100 MB/second.

13. Networking book at

14. Transceiver may convert from a BNC connection to an RJ 45 or something else.

15. Mac Networking is a different ball of wax than the IBMÕs Networking.

16. At Crookham, If none of the computers work, then itÕs a JostenÕs problem (to be dealt with by their tech support). If only a few have problems, it is schoolÕs problem. Also, the problem may be due to a configuration problem. Margaret Garcia should be able to access tech support help ???. One other item is that when the lab changed locations to Room 16/17, the network cards were changed on all the computers. It is a Slow Ethernet Lab (10 MB per second), 10 Base T, with a hub. To get an uplink to the Internet, you might use csudsu with a small router.

17. Can buy 10/100 MB Ethernet cards.

18. Wireless LANÕs (Infer red) run at about 2 MB/S.

19. Three types of Ethernet Cards, Ethernet (like with LCÕs), Ethernet II (like with 5400Õs) and Ethernet II (newer than 5400Õs).

20. ISDN is approximately 128 KB/S, Appletalk is about 230 KB/S.

            A. According to the 5500 Manual page 76, an ISDN line requires a power source, so a phone attached to an ISDN line will not work during a power outage. It is a good idea to keep an analog phone for use during an emergency.

            B. According to the 5500 Manual page 77, to use an ISDN line, you need to purchase and configure an ISDN terminal adapter, which connects to the external modem port on your Macintosh and to the ISDN line (I think in our computer lab with the 3ComImpactª IQ modem, we have an adapter that connects the ISDN modem to the phone line).

21. Do not mess with the passwords when dealing with the server or the main workstation in the computer lab, can be disastrous.

22. If other computers are used to print to the Laserwriter in the lab, may want to use Network connection.

23. The low speed network circuitry is often referred to as Local Talk instead of Apple talk to avoid confusion with larger networks that can be set up in a larger area.

24. 10 Base T (T is for Telephone or Twisted Pair?? (Mark Mintz, Mac Troubleshooting said it is Twisted Pair}.

            A. Twisted pair is wiring that is similar to telephone wiring. It consists of two insulated wires loosely twisted around each other to help cancel out induced noised in balanced circuits.

25. Smart hubs can do the job of routers at a much lower price. However, they do not allow you to connect Appletalk connections with Fiberoptics, like routers do (must be same type of connections with Smart Hub).

26. When requesting a web page from a server, it travels through a path on the Internet; however, the page does not necessarily travel back through the same path.

            A. Source was Access Magazine.

27. According to the 5500 Manual page 91, larger networks use zones to create groups of computers, printers, servers and other network devices.

28. At, they have adapter cards for Macintoshes. Apparently, an LC 575 can be hooked up to a 10 base T, RJ 45 network with a card for $73.00. (it is an EthernetMac LC Comm I Slot Card 10Base-t- YPN598-TP).

            A. According to Apple Specs online, The LC 575 and the LC 550 have an LC PDS slot. The 575 also has a comm slot, additionally.

            B. DC said that ÒAs far as PDS vs. COMM, PDS is Processor Direct Slot. You

use it for co-processor and peripherals that need fast access to the system bus. Comm is dedicated to communication only. You can install a modem or Internet card there. I don't think the slots are interchangeable."

29. Tidbits #610 mentions IP Netrouter as a popular Internet Sharing software product.

            A. Tidbits #616 has an ad for IPNetMonitor ($30) as a way to test a network. has information on it.

30. WAN stands for Wide Area Network, WLAN stands for Wireless Local Area Network, MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network and LAN stands for Local Area Network.

31. Todd said that you can get viruses just from being on a network, even if you do not receive e-mail or download software. In 9/03, we got some worms on our DEC computers.

32. Todd said that the black boxes in peopleÕs rooms are called IBF, but there does not appear to be an acronym for this that would be appropriate. He also said that there are MDFÕs, which he said was an acronym for Massive Distribution Fiber; however, my acronym finder did not have any such acrony. The closest one was Main Distrubution Frame.

33. Todd said that you can use a CAT 5 splitter to hook two computers to one drop, but it would not work well (glacial).


Norton Anti Virus

1. The file NAV Virus Definitions (Oct. 2, 1998w/o restart does not work, If it is dropped into the NAV definitions folder within the extensions folder, nothing is updated. Need to download the Nav98_Virus_Disk.sea Folder and then update the virus definitions.

2. There is an installer aware option that allows you to bypass Norton warning dialogs when installing new Apple software.

3. NAV Error occurred with Movie Info (Clarisworks 4.0 file) at school. Running NAV did not help.

4. NAV Error occurred when downloading a ÒstuffedÓ school notes files from G3/233 (it has been e-mailed with the same computer). Tried again with I had no luck. Tried using Mind Expander instead of Stuff it Expander, with I had no luck. So I reinstalled NAV from the CD and obtained and installed the NAV definitions for the month of December, 1999 (October was previously installed). This did not fix the problem. I tried using Stuff it Lite, instead of Drop Stuff to compress the file, then I sent the filethroughe-mail. This worked fine without any problems. Then I tried to compress and then expand the file using Drop Stuff and Stuff it Expander without goingthroughAOLÕs e-mail, which worked. After restarting the computer, I tried using Drop Stuff and AOL to send School, 2000 and then used Stuff it Expander to expand it. This worked fine. Possible future solutions could include try downloading to HD, then expand (because NAV scans desktop files), Check off Òscan desktopÓ in NAV control panel or turn NAV off. Could try uploading files one at a time. Could also try just using Stuff it Like instead of Drop Stuff. Could try calling AOL, also. On the Symantec web page, the definitions for 5.0 are at the bottom of the page below 6.0, you have to scroll down.

5. NDD Manual page 101 says that is a place to download virus updates. You can also go to and click download virus definitions update.


Norton Utilities (541-465-8440) FTP// (for software updates) SymantecÕs number is (541) 465-8420.

1. It can recover files from a corrupted or damaged floppy disk, using Òfile recoverÓ (pre v. 3.5), when it does, a ÒdesktopÓ file may appear on the desktop. This is usually just a file from files that have been thrown away while the disk has been in the computer. You can throw this ÒdesktopÓ file away safely. You can also use N.D.D. to repair a damaged floppy. Volume Recover on 3.5 requires File Saver data.

            A. You can also check disk media under N.D.D. Tools menu, but If there is a problem, better to not keep the disk.

2. The file recover program creates a directory for a damaged or corrupted disk, which the disk canÕt do on its own.

3. If you ÒwipeÓ a file with Wipe Info, then another file can be created later on the same disk with the same name. Also, If you ÒwipeÓ an alias, the original will be destroyed (Burn does not destroy the original).

            A. To bypass the confirmation box, simply hold down the ÒoptionÓ key when dragging to the Wipe Info icon or Wipe Info trash.

4. Tried to startup using "Ram Disk" (dragged Finder, System folder and control panels w/ Startup disk to the Ram Disk) to "Optimize" (Speed Disk) my hard drive on the 5400, machine wouldnÕt allow it (said you need to start up with a Norton Speed Disk startup disk). You need to use Norton to make startup disks instead of doing it on your own, apparently. With OS 9.2.1 on the G3/266, NU 3.5 can work on the disk it is on (and the disk is a startup disk); however, serious errors wer found and not able to be repaired. I had to start up with a different disk.

5. Optimize (using NortonÕs Speed Disk). Optimizing needs to be done If the performance of a machine is slower than usual. NOTE: You can defragment only certain files on a disk using the explore menu (on 3.5 at least).

            A. Startup from the Original CD that came with the computer. Run Norton Disk Doctor and then Speed Disk from floppy disks.

            B. If you have a message that says you have open files, you probably need to startup from the CD, run Disk Doctor and Optimize from floppy disks.

            C. If you use Startup disk maker, it will ask for ÒDisk ToolsÓ (floppy disk that is a startup disk) and ÒUtilities Disk 2Ó (has ÒSpeed DiskÓ on it). I did this, but the disk that was made didnÕt have a finder on it, so I added a finder and restarted the computer with the disk. Error type 1 occurred when I tried to open Speed Disk, it was because there wasnÕt enough room on the disk for all of the finder, so I used Speed Disk from Norton 2.0 (the previous version, which takes less room) and it worked.  To use 3.2.1 Speed Disk, remove ÒFinderÓ from Speed Disk Startup Disk, rename ÒSpeed DiskÓ to ÒFinder,Ó restart. Only 1 file can be opened on the disk (ÒSpeed DiskÓ) and you have to shut down after doing this, but it works without the ComputerÕs original CD.

            D. Sometimes the wrong disk (A floppy instead of the hard drive, etc.) may be chosen (to be optimized) by default when Speed Disk appears on the screen (and it may be that the program will say Òfiles are OpenÓ). Simply change it.

6. Norton Disk Editor will allow you to edit the ÒrawÓ material of a file. This is something that can only be done with the help of a manufacturer to help ÒpatchÓ a problem with an application. Must be careful.

7. Norton Utilities ÒFloppierÓ can be used to copy around bad blocks, which may resurrect an otherwise useless file. Also, a shareware program called ÒCanOpenerÓ supposedly is more effective, but costs $65 as of 8/97.

8. If running Norton Disk Doctor and errors appear, rerun the doctor (even if you fixed the problem).

            A. Also, with versions 3.2.1 and 3.5 of NDD, it can be set to do repairs automatically, under edit, preferences. 2.0 will not.

9. To use Norton Utilities help, make sure all ÒApple GuideÓ related documents are in the regular extensions folder (not disabled).

10. On 3.5, Wipe Info will erase the file as well as the alias.

11. With Unerase, it is better to use File Saver to help recover trashed items, may not always be able to recover the trashed files. Without Filesaver installed and active, some files may not be recoverable. With Unerase version 3.5 and the G3, several of my files were not recoverable (because file saver was not installed). However, when using Òfile patternÓ scan and then selecting a type of file, I was able to recover several files in Claris 4 and Microsoft Word 6.0.1. Did not have much luck with directory or text scan. (File saver scan was not useful, since File Saver was not installed).

12. When using the NDD nonpower Mac startup disk (green one), when you quit the NDD, the disk automatically ejects and the computer shuts down.

13. If Norton Unerase is not installed, can use a disk with Norton Unerase on it (works about the same).

14. File Saver for Norton Utilities is helpful in the Unerase process. Otherwise, chances for recovery are much lower for an accidentally deleted file.

15. Norton Disk Doctor can be used to repair floppies. Although, NDD does not rebuild the desktop when running. Must do it separately.

16. Repairing bad blocks (areas of a platter that have been demagnetized due to use) is the same as defective media.

17. Animation can be turned off under N.D.D. Prefs (open N.D.D., then go to edit, prefs).

18. To use NortonÕs Guide or Shortcuts, open N.D.D., look under Ò?Ó menu.

19. Check drive function with 2.0 is used to check for optimization, not If the drive itself is bad.

20. NDD and NSD Startup disks do not contain a finder (you have to restart after using either disk), so the ÒShortFinderÓ shareware program would not be helpful in that instance. ShortFinder would not work with the Disk Tools 7.5 disk, since ShortFinder is for use with System 7.0.1.

            A. You can startup from a CD and run NDD on the HD (from the HD), but this will not work with NSD, since the computer says it needs ÒObjectsupportlibÓ on the 5400 CD (but I do have that extension on the 6400 CD).

            B. Can startup from the HD and run NDD from the HD, but it will say NDD can do a better when using an alternate startup disk.

21. On one occasion, the Non-powermac NSD startup disk would not startup the LC. it said Òthis disk does not contain the necessary resources to startup the computer.Ó Turns out that the Disk Tools 1 Enabler was around 2K, but it was 26K on the NDD startup. Replaced the Disk Tools 1 Enabler on the NSD startup disk and it worked.

            A. on another occasion, the Nonpowermac NDD startup disk would not start an LC 575. Replaced the System and the System Enabler file from a good disk, but I had no luck. So I Reformatted the disk and remade the NDD startup disk. it started up fine.

            B. I tried to use my 7.5.5 CD to startup the 5400 in Room 53, but it would not start up the computer (although it started up my 5400). Could also try COSD shortcut (did not think of it at the time). So, I tried making a copy of the ÒPowermac SD Startup DiskÓ folder (Speed Disk, System, Disk Tools 2 Enabler) from School Disks backup on the CD. I used the finder to copy the files to a floppy. However, it would not startup the computer (got the flashing box at startup time). I even tried adding Disk Tools 1 Enabler, but I had no luck. This procedure does not make an exact copy of floppies. You need to use Disk Copy 4.2 to make a Speed Disk startup disk to copy the boot blocks, also (using a floppy to copy from, that does start up the computer). Or use 7.5 Disk tools to help out (see C below).

            C. Using the finder only, I used the 7.5 Disk Tools School Disk Backup Folder to copy the System file (7.5.3, 470 K), Minimal System Enabler 410, Finder, and Speed Disk to the floppy disk and it worked. If you make the disk without the System Enabler 410, you will get the Òthis startup disk will not work with this modelÓ message.

            D. System Enabler 410 is required on a 5400 for a System file that is 7.5.3, but not with 7.5.5.

            E. You may be able to make a finder less floppy disk. Make a copy of the Disk Tools disk using Disk Copy, then trash everything but the System File and Enabler (If necessary) and leave these 1 (2) files at the root level of the disk. Copy your app to the disk and rename it finder. If this does not work, then change the type and creator to match that of the finder (FNDR, MACS).

            F. Disk images on a CD can make a startup disk too, but require Disk Copy.

            G. NDD on the 7.5.5 CD can be copied directly from School disk backup to a floppy to make an NDD startup disk, but you will have to do ÒCOPÓ to restart, after quitting the application. To have the restart or shut down option, must make floppy disks with the Norton Disk Images.

22. KW encountered an error while using NU 2.0 on 5400. Since it is an older version, might be better to use newer version (3.2.1).

23. Version 2.0 had a bug where If you tried to create a wipe info trash, an error message appeared saying ÒSorry, the Wipe Info Trash could not be createdÓ and error type -43. Due to incompatibility between 5400 and/or 7.5.5 and 2.0 (since the version was so old). Created trash with 3.2.1.

24. Bundle bit problems can be fixed. They have to do with the linking between documents and applications i.e. finding things on a HD. If repaired, should help in this area.

25. To make a copy of a startup disk for Norton Utilities, need to use Disk Copy 4.2.1 (open the startup images and then just drag a floppy onto the window). Disk Copy 6.1 wonÕt work, If you use it, the system file is not at root level. If you put the system file at root level, the disk will act like it is starting up the computer, then freeze.

26. It is usually better to not try to fix the startup disk.

27. NDD Startup floppy disk will not startup the 5500 in the lab (gives the get the latest installer message). So I started up from the ComputerÕs CD and then ran Disk Doctor from the floppy.

28. NDD 3.5.2 is needed for extended volumes (available in OS 8.1).

29. Norton Crashguard only updates the PPC exceptions, not the Crashguard extension itself.

30. The startup disk builder requires Utilities Disk 3 for it to work properly (meaning the set of disks for system software). I decided not to use, since I only have the CD and it does not include an option to make disk 3 (only 1 and 2). Better to use disk images included with Norton, which do work. Startup Disk builder is only needed If those disk images will not work with your computer.

31. Can select one or more drives with NSD (probably with NDD, too) by Shift clicking.

32. Norton Disk Doubler has an AutoDoubler utility that doubles many things on the HD. Problem is that with AOL, error type 1 occurs, since some of its files are compressed. Also causes problems with other programs (since their files are compressed, also).

            A. Also, the Norton Disk Doubler does not compress as well as DropStuffª and it is harder to use drop and drop with. (Norton Disk Doubler requires a modifier key).

33. If you try to run NDD 3.5 Wipe Info without running the program by starting up with the CD and running off the CD, then it will keep giving an error message about the integrity of the drive. Startup and run from the Norton Utilities CD.

34. You can drag and drop a drive onto NDE and it will open in hex view.

35. With version 3.5.2 and System 8.1 on the G3 and 5400, when trying to use Speed Disk, error message appeared saying there are open files (VM Storage was open). So I restarted the computer without VM on (using the HD as startup). Then I went back to the CD (5400) or Zip Disk (G3) to start up the computer and Speed Disk ran fine.

            A. Happened again later, but turning VM off and restarting did not work, so I trashed VM storage and then ran Speed Disk, which ran fine.

            B. I tried to run NDD with 8.1 Startup Disk on the G3, but it froze. I tried making a new startup disk, using original NDD and trashed Norton Prefs on the startup disk, but I had no luck. I ran 3.5.2 with a different startup disk and it worked. (I donÕt think there is a problem with the original startup disk).

            C. Best procedure for Norton Utilities on G3: Use G3 startup CD and Speed Disk, NDD floppy disk to run the programs.

36. Later, I encountered the same problem as denoted in #35 (except problem was with 8.1 CD and 5400), so I called Symantec. Tech Support said that VM open error message will only appear If you start up from the HD, Virtual Memory is on the CD that you startup from, or when you copied the System folder onto the startup CD, that System folder had VM on at the time (better to copy the System Folder from Norton Startup CD, perhaps or an Apple System CD). They suggested purchasing a Norton 8.1 CD, which I did. (Norton Speed Disk ran fine starting up from the Norton CD on the 5400).

            A. I could not make VM storage visible with NDE, Resedit or Invisifile. Finder could locate VM Storage, but would not allow it to be trashed.

37. Norton Utilities and MacTools are not useful for files that were not saved, and there is a system crash (may need to go to recovered files inside the trash can for that). Probability of recovering those files is very small, If not zero.

38. If you reformat a HD and then restore your files from backups, you WILL fragment your HD. Can use Speed Disk to help.

39. You should use Speed Disk If your undelete utility is only able to restore even the most recently deleted files.

40. Speed Disk can check a disk for damage (S.M., 3rd, 770).

41. If NDD refuses to run on a HD named ÒMacintosh HDÓ, try either changing the name, turning VM off or make sure file sharing is off.

42. You can use the Òrecover fileÓ command from the tools menu under NDD for one file.

43. When optimizing a HD, your files are temporarily stored in RAM and If power is lost, files may be lost. May want to back up before optimizing.

44. The version of Speed Disk that is on the 7.1 Startup CD requires a Power Mac, so when I was working on the LC 575 in Room 24, I started up from the 7.1 Startup CD and used the Nonpowermac NSD startup floppy disk.

            A. On the 7.1 Startup disk, NDD fixes things automatically.

45. Norton utilities update will not work on Norton Speed Disk and Norton Disk Doctor that is installed from the NU CD, because they are already updated to 3.5.3 (both are).

46. I may want to run NDD and NSD a little more after doing a low level, zeroing of data initialization of G3/233 (7/20/2000).

47. I tried to make a startup CD that would fix errors automatically with NDD. However, I copied the Norton Utilities preferences file instead of the Norton Utilities preferences folder, which contains several other files (NDD prefs, NSD prefs, etc.).

            A. When using the Startup disk with only the Norton Utilities preference file, I got an error type 1 when trying to run NDD or NSD, even when trying to run NDD from a copy on another disk (the HD).

            B. I made another CD (G3 Utilities Startup CD) that had the whole Norton Utilities preferences folder on it. NDD, would then fix errors automatically when starting up from that CD.

48. When starting up from the G3/233 Backup CD (1), if you ran NSD, you would get an Òopen filesÓ error. The file that was open was VM storage, which was 129 MB. Must have been copied when I copied the System Folder to the Toast partition for the CD image.

49. According to Tekserve FAQÕs 2000, NU writes to the directory of a HD and can possibly write over damaged files, which you are trying to recover. If trying to recover files, it is better to use undelete and try to recover the data to a different drive. The latest version of NU has an ÒundoÓ feature, but it is possible that it can freeze in the process.

            A. Best protection is to always back up.

50. Norton System Works is now sold through AppleÕs online store. It costs $129. It includes NAV, Norton Utilities, Spring Cleaning, Retrospect Express Backup from Dantz.

51. Version 3.5 of Norton Unerase and Norton Volume Recover do not work with System 9.0. There are updates to 3.5.2, etc. for NDD and NSD, but no updates for Unerase and Volume Recover.

            A. I got an error message ÒThe disk iMac 50-1 is not an HFS disk. Norton Utilities does not operate on disks which do not use the Hierarchical File System.Ó

52. When running NDD on the G3/233, I got a check files error that said that you can not start names with periods. The two files were the Ò.keyboardÓ font file and the Ò.MacsterCache.datÓ file. I took out the period from the .keyboard font file, but I had to use Invisifile to make .MacsterCache.dat visible, then I removed the period. NDD had no more errors.

53. I was able to use the G3 Utilities disk to run utilities on the 5500.

54. 3.2.1 Speed Disk would not run from a floppy disk on Mom's G3/266. Kept saying Speed Disk could not be found, even though I had copied the Norton Utilities icon and the Speed Disk icon to the disk. Version 2.0 would not run at all, it gave a call Symantec error. I copied version 3.5 of Speed Disk to a floppy disk and it ran fine on her computer.

            A. Power Mac CD was used as startup, when running NU 3.5, 3.2.1 and 2.0.

55. I downloaded version 6.5 installer of StuffIt Lite on the desktop and then later burned it after installing the application. Later, I ran NDD on the G3/233 and I got an error that said that you StuffIt Lite is corrupted and you should replace it with a backup copy. I thought it was because I had burned version 6.5 with Burn and then ran NDD. I thought after rebuilding the desktop with TT, the problem would disappear, but it did not.

            B. Turns out, that the version of StuffIt Lite that was on the desktop (version 3.6) actually had the problem. I apparently had burned it by accident somehow. Anyhow, I trashed Stuffit Lite 3.6 and then replaced it with another copy of 3.6.

            C. After running NDD again, there were no errors found.

56. On one occasion of running Norton Utilities on my LC 550, there were approximately 30 MB free on the HD (160 MB total apprx.). After running NDD and NSD (had to use pre 3.5 Norton Speed Disk, I recall), the free space was 60 MB. However, after running TT to rebuild the desktop and restarting (and then the Finder rebuilt the desktop again automatically), the free space was back to 60 MB.

57. NUM 3.5.3 Read Me says that the ÒCustom RemoveÓ feature does not work in NU 3.5.

            A. The Read Me says that if you launch Wipe Info, and wipe an alias, only the alias is wiped. If you drag an alias onto Wipe Info (or a Wipe Info trash can), the file that the alias references is wiped not the alias.

            B. The Read Me also says that if you have a non-HFS drive or extended format drive, it will be treated as a remote volume and now cannot be accessed.

            C. Norton Floppier was discontinued, according to the Read Me, but it still can be used.

            D. The Read Me says that to startup from the Norton Utilities CD, you must start up the computer as per normal, mount the Norton CD, press Restart, hold down the ÒCÓ key (making sure that CAPS LOCK is not engaged).

            E. The Read Me mentions the use of Startup Disk builder (Startup Disk Images folder on the 3.5 CD), you should drag the images to a HD first (rather than use them from the CD).

            F. The Read Me says that after running NDD there may be a memory message when trying to start up. Zap the PRAM with KB, wait for three startup tones.

            G. The Read Me suggests that you rebuild the desktop (with NDD) with extensions on, so that the desktop is rebuilt in the presence of any INIT that affect file types (seems to be opposite of what I have been doing with TT).

            H. The Read Me suggests that 10% of the drive be available, when using Speed Disk. It also says that Speed Disk recommends the use of 1.05 or greater of Apple Drive Setup.

            I. The Read Me states that percentage of fragmentation is figured different with Speed Disk 3.5 as opposed to 3.2. Speed Disk 3.5 figures fragmentation of files, directions and free space to determine the percentage. (3.5 is accordingly more accurate).

            J. The Read Me says that copy protected software should be uninstalled prior to optimization, since they may be moved during optimization.

            K. The Read Me says that if recovering Excel 5.0 files, they may be automatically opened in Word 6.0. May want to open Excel, then open recovered Excel files from within Word.

            L. The Read Me says that Wipe Info is available only on HFS formatted drives (not HFS+ or extended formatted ones).

            M. The Read Me says that if you Òwipe free spaceÓ with Speed Disk (one of the options from the options menu), you will erase residual directory information. If you just use Wipe Info to wipe free space, residual directory information may still be present.

58. Tidbits #686 explains that optimizing may not be completely necessary. It says that ÒBut moving the head

from track to track for each fragment is comparatively slow. (And I mean "comparatively" - we're talking about additional milliseconds here.)

            A. It also says that ÒModern computers and disks are of course much faster, and they also have much larger and more sophisticated disk caches, all of which significantly reduces the impact of a fragmented disk.Ó

            B. It suggests leaving 20 to 25 % of your disk free as a rule of thumb, because ÒWhen a disk is very full, not only is there less total free space, but the size of the largest free area becomes much smaller. Thus the likelihood of fragmentation goes way up.Ó

            C. But it does say that optimization may speed up your Mac, even though it may be imperceptible. Also, ÒIf you suffer a disk crash, disk recovery software has a harder time recovering badly fragmented files than unfragmented files, simply because there are more pieces to track down.Ó

            D. It does recommend that ÒIf you're going to optimize your disk, be sure to check the disk first with a program like Apple's Disk First Aid or Disk Utility. A damaged disk could cause even the best optimizer to crash when it runs across corrupted data or data in a completely unexpected place.Ó

            E. It also says that ÒIt also lists the size of the largest free block, a useful piece of information to keep in mind because any file larger than that will, by necessity, be fragmented when it is saved. If you routinely work with files larger than your largest free block, optimizing the disk would be advisable.Ó

            F. It says that, ÒThere's usually no need for Speed Disk's capability to defragment individual files. That's because you can usually defragment a file yourself, by simply duplicating it in the Finder. When the file system creates the duplicate file, it automatically uses only a single fragment for the file, assuming there is enough contiguous free space on the disk. Then you can delete the original and rename the copy with the original file's name.Ó

The article also says that if you really want to optimize, format your disk, and restore from backups.

59. Version 3.5 of NU will not perform any functions on a Mac OS Extended formatted drive.


Norton Utilities Version 6.0 (the CD package said the number 700182) (Customer Service Order Desk number is 800-568-9501). Symantec Corporation, Fax number is 541-984-8020,. automated fax retrieval is 800-554-4403 or 541-984-2490). Tech Support Number is 541-465-8440 or you can go to AOL Keyword:Symantec.

1. The CD starts up the iMac in room 60.

2. The box says, Òfor even faster access times, you can also use Speed Disk to optimize a diskÕs directoryÓ (in addition to optimizing the drive, I suppose).

3. NU 6.0 has Live Repair, which allows you to run complete repairs from your startup disk.

4. NU 6.0 has Live Update, which downloads updates and patches over the Internet to keep NU up to date.

            A. NU 6.0 box also says it comes with one yearÕs free subscription to Norton Anti-Virus, although I am not sure how that could be helpful, unless you buy NAV, also.

5. NU 6.0 has an Undo function, which gives you additional safety, should problems arise during disk repair.

6. NU 6.0 has HFS Plus Compatibility.

7. System Requirements are Power PC Macintosh, 8.1 or higher, 24 MB of RAM, 15 MB of available disk space (although I ran NU on an iMac, where I simply ran the program from a CD), CD-ROM drive.

8. Manual page 11 suggests strongly that you run NDD before installing NDD on a disk.

9. Manual page 14 says that some third party drives will not be able to startup a computer.

10. Manual page 16 says that you cannot view a PDF file, when starting up from a CD.

11. Manual page 23 says that Unerase s/b used for recently erased files, and Volume Recover s/b used to restore an entire volume.

12. Manual page 25 says that you must select a different drive for an ÒundoÓ file, although you do not have to have an ÒundoÓ file.

13. Manual page 26 suggests running NDD again after it repairs major problems.

14. Manual page 27 says you can have NDD create an alias for files that NDD canÕt repair immediately.

15. Manual page 28 explains that Unerase can split files across disks.

16. Manual page 29 says you can select Òview contentsÓ with Unerase to see contents of a file.

17. Manual page 29 says that unfragmented files have a greater chance for recovery.

18. Manual page 30 says that if you search entire disk for parts of the catalog tree, it will slow down a search significantly.

19. Manual page 31 says that you may be able to use Volume Recover to restore a volume to a state that can be repaired by NDD (if NDD is unable to fix a volume).

            A. Manual page 33 says that because Volume Recover rewrites the driver area of the HD, you must restart the computer following the recovery.

            B. Manual page 33 says you can use Volume Recover to rebuild the directory of a HD. Page 35 says that it may take 10 minutes to rebuild directories on a 4 GB disk.

20. Manual page 40 says that is a source of support.

21. 40 says that some USB devices cannot be used as bootable devices. May want to startup from CD and make sure USB is powered on before starting up (also install NDD on USB device).

22. Manual page 43 suggests running NDD after replacing a driver on a HD, run NDD to help prevent future problems.

23. Manual page 49 says that can drag one or more disk icons from the Desktop to the NDD icon in the Norton Tools Folder. This works with version 3.5 of NDD, also.

24. 50 says if a floppy disk keeps getting ejected by the Finder, then hold down the option key while inserting the disk. The disk will not be mounted with the Finder.

25. Manual page 51 says that you can see a detailed description of tests under NDD in the Norton Utilities for Macintosh Reference Guide PDF file on the CD.

26. Manual page 53 says that you can use the contextual menu to access Norton Utilities, use the control key in the Finder.

27. Manual page 56 says that if you are on a network or have another computer connectedthroughAppletalk, you can mount a network volume using the Chooser and Unerase to the other volume.

28. Manual page 58 says that when using Unerase, recovered files may contain gibberish, which is normal. This is normal computer code, and does not mean your file is damaged or unrecoverable. You may look for selected parts of text within the gibberish.

            A. Manual page 58 says you can Òhide unrecoverable filesÓ with the Tools menu.

            B. Manual page 64 says that the maximum text size can be set for Unerase.

            C. Manual page 64 says you can create file type templates for use with Unerase. If you want to use the file template on another drive, copy the File Type Templates folder to the other disk.

            D. Manual page 65 says that when you start Unerase from the NU CD, click preferences from the edit menu and specify the copied folder as the desired location for the File Type Templates Folder. That way, Unerase will use your custom File Type Template.

29. Manual page 73 suggests doing major software installing/removing before running NSD to avoid unnecessary work.

            A. Manual page 75 says that the white space in NSDÕs window indicates unused space.

30. Manual page 81 says that under the NDD window, you can access System Info from the Utilities window. You can select more or fewer test suites from the Benchmarks menu. Manual page 81 talks about PowerPCs and emulation mode. Manual page 82 suggests testing your system with and without extensions and control panels loaded.

31. Manual page 83 says that Fast Find can search for files in the background. Page 83 says that Fast Find can open documents without opening the application that created them, view or change fileÕs technical information.

32. Manual page 84 says that when you empty the trash or erase a HD, only the bookkeeping information about the disk is modified. The data from erased files remain, which poses a security risk for sensitive and confidential information. Page 84 also says that Wipe Info eradicates old data by writing new, meaningless data on top. Manual page 85 says you can use Unerase to wipe data from an external device (using the Wipe Menu). Manual page 86 says you cannot wipe your startup disk. Manual page 88 says that wiping erases all formatting and partition information, after a device is wiped, it does not appear on the desktop until it is reformatted. Manual page 90 talks about how to remove the names of non-existent files (files that have been Wiped, but the file list is not up to date). Manual page 92 says that if you want to throw away an alias but keep its file or folder, do not use the Wipe Info Trash. Instead, choose Wipe Files and folders from within the Wipe Menu and select the alias file to be wiped. Manual page 92 says that alternatively, you can create an empty folder and place the alias to be wiped in that folder. You can then safely wipe the alias without the original being affected.

33. Manual page 103 says you can use to access technical support options. Manual page 103 says registered users can call automated fax retrieval service at 800-554-4403 and request document 933000. Page 103 says registered users can access, select your product and version, and click Contact Customer Support. Page 103 says that you can get technical application notes, by calling 541-984-2490.

34. Manual page 104 says that when a new version of its software is released, telephone support will be provided for six months  after the release of the new version.

            A. Page 104 says that when Symantec announces that Symantec will no longer market a product, telephone support will be discontinued 60 days later.

35. When using NDD 6.0, check Òfix automaticallyÓ when running from the CD.

36. When using 8.1 as the startup partition on the G3/233, NDD and SD 6.0 would not run.

            A. Copy of CD would not run NDD in 9.2.2, got an insert NU CD error. However, I decided to copy the NU folder from the original CD and then NDD and SD ran fine.

            B. The NU CD could not be duplicated to be a 9.2 startup CD (I tried using the startup disk control panel and the ÒCÓ key, but no luck), so I will just run it from the Internet CD (probably 4 or 5).

37. Start up was possible with NU 6.0 on the CZÕs iMac, even though OS X had been installed.


Novell (Classroom Internet Access) Netware Client 5.1.3 Registration number is P3001000940210999. 800-529-3400 (toll free) or 801-861-1329 (Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-5 p.m.) are numbers for pre-sale questions:  is e-mail for pre-sales questions. We have Novell Client for Windows 4.91 SP2 on the DELL laptops (NovellÕs Client 4.91 SP 3 shows a date of November 17, 2006. is a support option; Tech support can be reached at 800-858-4000.

1. We will use a DNS server, must log into Novell first. If you choose not to use Novell, you can at the Login screen.

2. Rzelenski will be used as user name. Initial password will be 12345678, then you need to change it.

            A. Every 60 days the password must be changed, and once a password is used, it cannot be used again.

            B. Later, KW said that this is no longer true. My SASI login will still be rzelenski and my password will be 12345678. My log in for SASI is my first name for User ID and also for my password.

3. A T1 (1.5 MB upload and download) line will be used.

4. Some sites are blocked i.e. porn sites, some shopping and automotive sites. and should be accessible.

5. Our web based e-mail place is (as of 8/06, though, the web site is now You will use ÒMicrosoft Outlook Web Access,Ó and the web page may say ÒRemote Mail Access.Ó You must type in user id as winton_do\rzelenski and then password, leave domain blank. You can also type your user ID as rzelenski, password, then type winton_do as the domain. With Safari, type winton-do\rzelenski as ID and password as per usual (later, though, I realized that Safari version 3.0.4 does not work). It is important to exit the browser after logging out to completely log out (the web site displays this message when you log out). Otherwise, if you go back to the website, you donÕt have to type in your log in information. To open a message with Outlook Web Access, click the text of the first field that displays information. If a message has neither a sender nor a subject, click the size. The icon with the page and the envelope creates a new message. The icon with the tack on the piece of paper is for a new post. The icon with the two envelopes appears to a reload button. The icon of a couple folders (with an arrow beside them) moves or copies folders. The icon of the two folders (one with a check mark on it) deletes a message. The icon with a folder (and a sparkle on the upper right hand corner of it) creates a new folder. The icon with a folder (and an ÒxÓ on the bottom right hand corner) deletes a folder. The icon of the trash can deletes the deleted itemsÕ contents (so you can delete many items at once that are in Deleted Items folder). To move a piece of mail to Read Mail, must create Read Mail folder first. After that, open the message, then select the moving icon (arrow by some folders). Then select move or copy. The Read Mail folder, that is associated with the inbox, can not be deleted. It is possible to send ELD plans (using MS Word) through Microsoft Outlook Web Access.Ó I downloaded the ELD plans from Marilyn (she used Word 2000 to create the template, I think) on the G3/266 and then I used Word 98 to edit it. I then went to Microsoft Outlook Web Access and then send the file to M (no compression), which worked (I sent it to myself first to make sure it worked. I was able to open the file with my DEC). When you want to send e-mail to more than one person from the web page, it can not be done by separating the e-mail addresses with commas, this does not work. I am not sure if there is a way to do it, may need to use the DEC with Outlook.

6. Kids must sign an Acceptable Use Policy before using the Internet.

7. Administrator with blank password will work to sign you on, as of 8/15/02.

8. Todd set up my DEC to work with the Internet after the network technician left (he did a part of the job). Anyhow, Todd went to System Properties, Computer Name, Identification, set it as SCRoom 58. You can choose to log in as Òworkstation only,Ó but then you canÕt access SASI or the Internet nor can you access Successmaker. Todd said that by default, the Workstation box is off; however, he was wrong on the DEC. If you go to Control Panels, Network Connections, Local Area Connection, General, Properties, Novell Client for Windows, Properties, Advanced Login, Remember Work Station Only Setting, you can see whether the setting is on or off: on the DEC, it is set to on. If you go to Control Panels, Network Connections, Local Area Connection, General, Properties, Novell Client for Windows, Properties, Advanced Login, Initial Novell Login, you can turn Novell login on (Novell Client for Windows  or off, but if it is off, then the Windows dialog box shows up. Anyhow, I decided to not try to bypass the screen, since it may be a problem for the network.

9. The ÒTreeÓ setting should be set on SC, the context would be SCLETLab, the contents should be LAB, SCO, OFFICE, TEACHER, so that it should show Teacher.SCO.SCNET, Server should be SC1. I think you need to go to NovellÕs menu and choose preferences to set this up.

            A. rzelenski (lower case, no space), password is temporarily 12345678.

            B. Later, I found some instructions from Rebecca that had ideas for use with Novell Client. It says Tree:sc, Context:student.lab.scnet (capital or lower case), Name:student, Password: (blank). I tried this on the red iMac on 9/20/04 and it worked. I was able to log out and log back in again.

            C. Derrick said that Appletalk s/b active, it should be set to BNS (the bottom choice is BNS, I think). Also, Control Panels, MAC IPX s/b set to Ethernet. Choose Advanced, select the second setting (802.xx).

            D. In the Chooser, choose Netware, SC (double click), SCNET (click), and then SCI Vol1 (it should be put on the desktop).

10. The maximum length for network cable is 300 feet between workstations (not 6 feet as KW had ÒheardÓ).

11. When starting IE on the DEC, Click on it, check 3rd dot, click LAN, leave next set of boxes unchecked, no Internet account.

12. LambarenÕs log in for use with iMac is joeteacher.

            A. To set up iMac for Internet use, Chooser, Netware, SCNET, SCO, Teacher (this may not be exactly correct).

            B. Later, though, using the blue CAT 5 Network cable caused the iMac to freeze upon startup, so I disconnected the cable for now (as of 8/15/02). Todd came in on the last week of August to set up SASI on the DEC computer in room 58, but the iMac still does not work on the network.

            C. Todd came back in on 10/21/02 and fixed the problem. He said that the preferences had been corrupted.

            D. Also, since I was already logged on with my DEC, I could not log on with the iMac at the same time. So we used LambarenÕs Log in on the iMac (joeteacher).

            E. The bondi blue iMac is independent of the server (probably because they are concerned about viruses), so it is no longer necessary to log on with JoseÕs name. But, anyhow, the iMac works with the Internet. Later, I checked the TCP/IP control panel and its settings were Connect via: EthernetÓ Configure: Manually: IP Address is Subnet Mask is Router Address is Name Server Addr. is Search domains are and Later, though, I discovered with the Blueberry iMac (OS X) that all the settings are similar, but instead of Router Address, it is Router, and instead of Name Server Address, it is DNS Server.

            F. Later, though, I discovered that if the iMac were already hooked up, then I could not use the same IP address, because I got an error, so I changed the G3Õs IP address to After disconnecting and reconnecting CAT 5 cables, web sites would not load on the first two or three tries with the DEC, iMac or G3. But after that, the connection worked fine. Later, I got the same message about the IP address already being in use, so I changed the G3Õs IP address to on the G3 and it worked to connect to the Internet (on the 3rd try, it usually takes a couple of tries to connect initially). On another occasion, I got an error message that a computer was already connected to the Internet with the 177 IP address, so I changed the G3Õs address to 199 on 11/18/02.

            G. I just set up the TCP/IP control panel on the G3 with these settings (and no additions of software). The G3 was able to connect to the Internet fine. I will talk to Todd about connecting it later. Todd said it was fine, he gave me a red CAT 5, which I hooked up to the G3. It is not on the network, but he said I could put it on the network, if I would like. I will not for now, since I just want to use the Internet.

            H. To remove an Ethernet cable from the iMac, may need to use a bent large paper clip.

            I. Later, I figured out that if I set TCP/IP to Ethernet and Configure Using DHCP server, the numbers would be filled in automatically (on the G3). The search domains are and

            J. I did get a message though that said that another device on your TCP/IP network has the physical address (combination of numbers/letters) is currently using the same address. Your TCP/IP network has been shut down. At that point, I just quit IE, reopened it and presumably was given another IP address, since I was able to then access the Internet.

            K. If you try to set the iMac (with System 9.1) in room 58 to using DHCP server, there is another field to be filled in. It is a field that says ÒDSCP Client ID,Ó but I did not know how to fill it in. I left the settings at Connect via: Ethernet, Configure Manually, IP Address:, Subnet Mask at, Router Address:, Name server addr: and Search domains: and

            L. On 12/9/02, I tried to use the iMac again on the Internet with the IP Address of, but I got a message about another device having that address.  I changed the address to, and then I was able to use the iMac to connect to the Internet.

            M. Rebecca asked me to use the number for the G3/266, so I changed it on 12/13/02. It seems that I was using the same numbers as a computer in the lab.

            N. In 1/04, I changed the settings on the blueberry iMac, because it kept getting an IP address in use error. I changed the settings in Network System Preferences to Configure using DHCP (under TCP/IP tab). I left DHCP Client ID blank.

O. In 4/05, with red iMac DV+, there was an IP address of (File Sharing suggested using afp:// for access, but it did not work, nor did just, nor afp:// domains were and used I deleted Then I restarted the red iMac and got an IP address of I was then able to access the red iMac DV+ from the G3.

13. The network was apparently down on 10/25/02 and on 10/28/02. Joe Torres and I told Todd on 10/28/02 after school. Todd fixed it about two days later. Apparently, a cable had come loose in Room 56 (Todd said it was the room on our wing with the black box, and I figured it was GaryÕs).

            A. On 11/13/02, around 6 P.M., the Internet stopped working on the G3 and iMac in room 58, but it kept on working on the DEC. GMÕs DEC was not allowing him to log on to the network. It may be that since I had already been logged on to SASI with the DEC in my room, I could access the Internet.

            B. I changed IP address to on G3, Zapped, changed to DHCP server (so that IP address, Subnet Mask, Router Address and Name Server addr. were to be provided by the server, reconnected Ethernet on back of G3, switched Ethernet connection in wall to a different place. I had no luck. The DEC would connect no matter where I plugged it in.

            C. Anyhow, I put in a work order on 11/13/02. The next morning (perhaps coincidence), the iMac was able to connect to the Internet. However, I got a "no such device or address" with the G3/266. TCP/IP was still on DHCP server with the G3/266, so I changed TCP/IP back to Manually, still got "No such device or address." Then I quit IE 5 and restarted, and then the G3/266 was able to connect to the Internet.

            D. I asked Todd about the 11/13/02, work order (I asked him on the 19th of November) and he said he checked the network and it was fine. It was just a temporary glitch, we figured. Perhaps next time, I may wait a day to see if the problem is recurring.

14. I e-mailed Bob Hughes to see if network administrators can read our e-mail, if you have web-based e-mail or sign on to AOL. His e-mails to both of the e-mail addresses that I had were returned. I called him on 11/8/02 to ask about the e-mail question. He said that our I.S. can not read e-mail that we have at, (places where we used a password to access it). However, Bob said that AOL or the administrator of Webbox can read our e-mails. By the same logic, it makes sense to not use our k12 addresses through the district.

15. It is not possible (as of 11/02) to access through our network. I tried to find a Òback doorÓ way to access the site (using Google), but it did not appear to be possible.

16. Rebecca said that we can use the numbers 150-255 for the end of our IP addresses (or our numbers can be assigned by the DHCP server). If two computers have the same number, they may Òpiggyback,Ó which makes them slower. I am not sure if two computers can do this, but it may be possible. She thought that using the DHCP server would make it so two computers wonÕt have the same number, but my iMac does not make it possible to use the DHCP server without knowing my client ID (which I do not know, as of 12/12/02).

17.  Todd said that Merced County handles the details as far as internet

speed goes. I would need to contact them. Sometimes the server is being backed up for a few hours or days. County is the one who handles the problem about the network being slow.  Sometimes, they back up the server and makes it slow. I may want to contact them, if the glacial Macs problem continues.

18. On one occasion in 9/03, I could not access the Internet. The next day it was working fine.

19. Mail sentthroughour WSD server can be deleted from the computers, but can be retrieved later, if necessary.

20. To log in with one of the iMacs, use Tree: SC ; Context: TEACHER.SCO.SCNET ; Name: rzelenski ; password: sccougar58.

            A. When logged in to one of the iMacs, the system has great dificulty in recognizing that one has logged out (although on the red iMac, lohlson was logged out over the weekend after I left her logged inon Friday), because when you try to log in to another computer, you get an excessive number of log-ins errro (even when you log out from the Novell menu bar icon and/or use connections, detach from the Novell menu bar icon). On one occasion, I unplugged the Ethernet connection and got it to work.

            B. Once you log in (I used masterson, ohlson, and dunwoody) to log in once each, go to Chooser, choose Netware, SC, SCNET, Lab, SCL2, SCL2VOL to access an icon on the desktop (Not sure if this is the right icon, but it does mount on the desktop).

            C. The blueberry iMac still has the MAC IPX problem, though where when you try to log in, you get an error saying that the internet is not working or MAC IPX is not configured correctly, but the internet was working and Mac IPX was configured the same as the red iMac, which was working fine to log in). I figured out the problem. I restarted in OS 9 and uninstalled the Novell software. Then I reinstalled the software (easy install, not custom install, which installs Netware IP software. Easy install installs Mac IPX software. Netware IP messed up the internet connection and did not work for logging in) with extensions off in OS 9 and restarted. Then I was able to log-in. However, when trying to log in while using OS X for startup (then using OS 9 menu), I was not able to log in. Restarting in OS 9 solved the problem (I did not have to use IE 5 first to connect to the internet to be able to log in).

21. At NovellÕs website, I could not find info on a Mac IPX error. Also, the latest update for Mac Netware Client software is 5.1.2.

            A. Novell only has incident-based support or premium service.

            B. I created a profile for motleyze, new new At Ease.

22. There are not any e-mail addresses for students, according to Todd Blake. Ron Witort used to let kids set up accounts with Yahoo! or Hotmail.

23. There was one network cable that did not have the plastic piece on the end that allowed the cable to click in place. However, the cable still worked fine.

            A. On 1/11/04, I tried to connect to the internet from the library (by the stoplight in the library) with an iMac. however, I was not able to make a connection, perhaps the server was not working properly to assign numbers. Anyhow, I used the iMac to connect in room 58. I was able to connect manually, but not automatically with the server.

24. The DEC (which later became the DEC/Rebuilt) had problems with being 10 minutes fast. I e-mailed Todd about this on 3/8/05 and he said he would fix, but upon restart, Novell may have trouble again, which it did. So, I guess we will be ten minutes off for awhile.

25. I had trouble getting the iMac in room 54 to connect to the internet. Connection 1 seemed to work regularly, but the others had difficulty. I had to trash TCP/IP prefs to get internet to work with iMac in room 54, after disconnecting/ reconnecting to a different ethernet connection. Now it is connected to the 7 or 8 connection, and it works fine.

26. On the new Dells, Student, password (blank) logs on at the Novell screen.

27. When you click on a link that is restricted access (Lightspeed labeled links), the e-mail goes to Mike Gilbertson, according to what he said on 11/7/05; however, it is best to use link and send e-mail for Lightspeed blocked pages.

28. Room 58 Macs had trouble accessing at a normal speed, especially in 12/05. Todd said that to correct the problem, you need to contact the county office. Network worked okay after 1/3/06, apparently the county office repaired it on its own.

29. I had trouble connecting to the red iMac DV+ with the G3Õs Chooser, the ID number was something like or Finally, I just used the G3Õs Chooser to connect to the slot loading iMac, then I used the red iMacÕs Chooser to connect to the Slot loading iMac. I was then able to move documents from the G3 to the red iMac DV+.

30. If you use the preview pane to read your e-mails, then it does not send a return receipt (you have to double click an e-mail to send the return receipt, which is done automatically if the sender requests it). It is under Tools, options, Preferences E-mail options, Tracking Options, you can check/uncheck request a read receipt. If you get a message that you have a message waiting for you, and click the button for Òyes,Ó then the e-mail is automatically opened in a new window (and a return receipt is sent).

31. I connected to the internet on both DELLÕs and the DEC in room 26 in 8/06, just restarted, internet worked.

32. I had trouble getting the two iMacs in room 58 to connect to the internet. I restarted several times, tried disconnecting/reconnecting the power and ethernet cables. I tried using manual/auto setup with the TCP/IP control panel. I tried unplugging the power for a few seconds, but to no avail. Finally, I tried using NN 4.77 (on the bondi blue iMac) and using 4.61 on the red iMac DV+, and this worked. The red iMac DV+ worked, but it took me taking a break from it for a couple hours. Then the internet finally worked.

33. Lori Huber sent me a message that said, ÒThe Windows Security keeps popping up and saying that the virus protection is out of date on the new Dells. Should I be worried about this, or does the district have their own virus protection for the network.Ó Todd Blake said that, ÒIt is just Windows XP SP2Õs security center telling you that Command AntivirusÕ signatures are out of date. Command should be updating by itself, but for some reason it isnÕt on those machines. If you want to update them yourself you can do it just follow these steps: Right Click on the little yellow ÔCÕ on the taskbar near your clock. Left click on the Òconfigure antivirusÓ in the box that comes up. When the Command Antivirus console appears click on the ÒUpdate NowÉ.Ó Box in the lower right hand corner. Command Antivirus will now update. If it is a DAT file update it will do it on its own from there. If it is a software update you will have to follow the steps to install it. Basically, just keep clicking Ònext.Ó That should update the antivirus for you, and yes, we do have a district wide hardware firewall protecting us, but it cannot stop everything. That is why we have Command Antivirus on all computers as a second line of defense.Ó In 3/07, I was able to get rid of a virus on one of the DELLÕs: I viewed the scan results, selected all of the potential viruses and then selected clear. This solved the problem.

34. Microsoft Outlook and IE were not working in room 30. But, I went to Settings/Network Connection/LAN or High-speed internet and double clicked on it. Then I clicked Support, Repair. This fixed the problem with Outlook and IE.

35. When experience network problems, try accessing If you can access that web site, but not other, then you have a network problem, not a problem with you computer (i.e. you can access the internet, but the server does not connect you to the internet properly). Walt Johnson (383-9137) is the Windows man who works in networking (that Phil Chernoff knows).

36. The connection to the internet did not work on the G3 nor the iMac on 3/12/07, but I think that the internet may be on a different server than the Novell connected connections. However, I just keep reconnecting the wires to the ethernet connections and finally get the G3/266 to work: the bondi-blue still did not. The next day, I got the bondi-blue to work by connecting a wire directly to the wall instead of through a joiner (TB may be right about them); but, I had to adjust TCP/IP to get it to work (I did not really change anything with TCP/IP, I just erased some settings and set them up again). I also reinstalled System 9.1 on the bondi-blue iMac. Also, one of the drops seems to be problematic (58.6). Later (8/9/07) Todd said that the switch in room 56 that goes to my room was intermittent. He changed me to the connection for room 61 (since it will be removed anyhow). But, he said that later the part will probably be changed.

37. Todd said that there is a 330 foot limit on the distance between the black box and the computers. Room 29 apparently has issues since it is over the limit, according to Todd; however, the distance does not appear to be over 330Õ (perhaps the wiring is routed the long way, he indicated). Anyhow, he said he changed which jack the ethernet cable was plugged into (it was supposedly plugged into the portableÕs etherenet connection, not the correct ÒblueÓ one).

38. If you try to log on to a DEC with student log in, it does not work on the DEC in room 58: you need to use rzelenski.

39. 1.5 MB of total access for WSD is to be shared among 750 computers (very difficult).

40. A couple of laptops and the DEC got the message that, ÒUnable to load the program. Please check your network connection and try again.Ó When trying to load SuccessMaker, even though the Novell login had been completed. I think that the problem was that Mike G. had the network down for an hour or so, since an hour later, I was able to log on to the programs on the laptops and the DEC without any adjustment (except for waiting an hour).


Number Munchers/Super Munchers/Word Munchers (1-800-821-5895 for Educational Sales, MECC is now sold through Later, I checked and was inactive, but is active. MECC stands for Minnesota Educational Computing Corporation (I think). I found a MECC web page link, but it was dead. MECCÕs phone number is 800-685-6322, extension 251 or 612-569-1500 ext. 251.

1. Password has been changed on some versions. Need to get older non-changed version (password is original At Ease password).

2. Katana is not the password for Super Munchers.

            A. To change the content in Super Munchers, use ResEdit. Open MENU resource, open Ò1004Ó (which is for management), then highlight ÒcontentÓ and then click the enable box for content.

3. Our version of Number Munchers says it is a Frank Sparkes version.

            A. DITL ID, 2102 has the ÒPlease personalize your programÓ in it. DITL 2101 takes out the splash screen. Changing it did not help. If you delete all the DITL resources, the Sparkes message does not show up (neither does the MECC info). Crookham, however, does not (no way to enter it). It appears that all the version of Number and Word Munchers are registered to Sparkes, which is okay, since we have a district license.

4. To have Number Munchers perform in demonstration mode, open to Splash screen, then don't press anything. It will go into that mode.

5. Super Munchers on School Stuff had problem copying to blueberry iMac, but the program copied fine to the G3/233 HD. I decided not to use Super Munchers with OS X or 9 anyhow.

            A. On the red iMac, Number Munchers and Super Munchers would not run in OS X, because I could not set the display to 256 colors (the choice was grayed out in 800 X 600 and 1024 X 768 mode). On the iLamp, though, it allows you to do 256 colors in OS X.


Ofoto 2.0.2 (no info on licencing came with program)

1. See Apple OneScanner.

2. Tidbits #617 says that Ofoto is used to make photos for iPhoto (AppleÕs service). Tidbits #617 also mentions that Apple does not do mousepads, mugs, etc.) with its photo service.


Okey Dokey Pro

1. Can be used to automate printing process. Choose several files in finder, then print from file menu. Set Okey Dokey Pro to ten seconds each or whatever.

2. The slot-loading iMac made some noise at night, so I tried to set it up to shut down around 10 P.M. or so. You can use Okey Dokey Pro to only work with special apps or to not work with certain applications. The Finder can be one of those applications. It does not appear that the Chooser can be, though, since it is technically not an application. I tried downloading Sleeper 3.5 to see if it would shut down the computer at a certain time, but it still did not. I then tried to delete the Cancel and Wait buttons from the shutdown in five minutes dialog box. Will wait and see. It did work, so I made a copy of the original Energy Saver and the modified one to put on Internet 5 CD. Later, though, I figured out that if I used Sleeper to make the computer sleep, the sound would not occur (CZÕs iMac did not have to be shut down). I needed to use Sleeper, since it allows sleep after 10 minutes, whereas Energy Saver makes you wait a half an hour.


Omnipage (Registration Number is 05689616, which does not have to be re-registered after doing a Clean Install of System Software)


Open Transport (and PPP Information)

1. Open Transport is AppleÕs Open Transport-native version of the popular PPP for connecting to the Internet. it provides a method for establishing a TCP/IP Internet connection over a dial up modem or ISDN line.

            A. it can be utilized to access more than one networking system at once (i.e. use Appletalk to communicate with network printers and use TCP/IP to connect to the Internet).

            B. it includes the Appletalk and TCP/IP control panels, which replace the Network and MAC TCP (which used to be used to access TCP/IP with the MAC OS) control panels used previously in the MAC OS.

            C. TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and was developed for the U.S. Department of Defense. The protocol is used by many types of computers, particularly those running the UNIX operating system.

            D. The protocols include how packets of data should be constructed, addressed and checked for errors, etc. It is the standard for the Internet (Source: NC 4 book, glossary).

            E. Open Transport can be used on any Mac OS that uses a Power PC processor, 68030 or 68040 processor. it is required on any compute that uses the PCI bus (Peripheral Component Interconnect, which is a standard for connecting peripherals to a computer). Peripherals include disks, keyboards, monitors, mice, printers, scanners, cameras, etc.

            F. You need at least 8 MB of RAM and system software 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.5.3 (7.5.3 or later is recommended).

            G. Open Transport is faster, more reliable and more flexible than Mac TCP (NC 4 book, glossary, Open Transport definition).

2. (

For those interesting in using Open Transport please consult Mark Sproul's site at and

Apple's Open Transport sites.

            A. ÒÓ is a site for information about changes in each beta release of Open Transport. Also, there is some user documentation.

3. I have version 1.3.1 of Open Transport on my G3/233.

            A. 1.3.1 of Open Transport is available as a separate download from Apple. it is also part of System 8.1 update.

            B. According to Open Transport/PPP 1.0.1 Read me, version 1.1.2 or later of Open Transport is need to work with Open Transport/PPP 1.0.1 (the extensions that I have that say Open Transport/PPP 1.0.1 in the get info box are OpenTpt Modem, OpenTpt Remote Access and OpenTpt Serial Arbitrator.

4. According to Ò,Ó you may need to update the Open Transport Internet Library, if the Enternet extension isnÕt loaded and the control strip is displayed as inactive. I have it on the Zip Drive and will put it on the Internet (3) CD.

5. To use scripts in conjunction with Open Transport/PPP, the scripts must be in the modem scripts folder inside the extensions folder.

6. According to Open Transport/PPP 1.0.1 Read Me, when using the PPP control panel, if you select ÒGuestÓ the name and password section disappear. This can be useful if your server does not require a name and password to sign on (but then you will probably have to enter a name and password in a terminal window). The ÒConnectÓ button will be enabled.

            A. If you select ÒRegistered User,Ó then name and password must be filled in for the ÒConnectÓ button to be enabled.

7. According to Open Transport/PPP Read Me 1.0.1, if you want to disable Open Transport/PPP without using the installer, move the OpenTpt Remote Access, OpenTpt Modem and OpenTpt Serial Arbitrator shared libraries from the extensions folder. Then move the PPP commands file from the scripting additions folder in the extensions folder (although I do not have a PPP commands file in my scripting additions folder, could be due to the way PPP was installed or some other minor detail). Also, move the PPP and modem control panels from the control panels folder: Restart the computer.

8. According to OT 1.3 Technical Info, Open Transport supports the industry standard dynamic assignment of IP addresses, known as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

            A. IP Address stands for Internet Protocol Address and is a way to specify how info is transferred across computer networks. The IP address, which consists of a 4 to 12 digit number separated by periods (e.g. You must have an IP address to use TCP/IP.

9. According to OT 1.3 Technical Info, on a 680 machine, Open Transport requires 700 to 800 KB of memory allocation. On a Power PC based machine, Open Transport requires up to 1.2 MB if VM is turned off. On a Power PC based machine, Open Transport requires 200 KB of memory allocation, if VM is turned on.

10. According to Open Transport 1.3 Read me - Part 2, Open Transport users should not enter a value for the router address or Subnet mask (in the TCP/IP control panel). These values are automatically generated by Open Transport.

            A. Accordingly, you can override these supplied values by using the administrative mode in the TCP/IP control panel. However, I did not find this to be true on my G3/233 with System Software 8.1, Open Transport 1.3.1.

11. According to Ò,Ó Open Transport 1.3 (I have 1.3.1) has Òsingle link multihoming,Ó the ability to support multiple IP addresses on a single Ethernet adapter, which can be valuable for transparently hosting multiple web sites on one Macintosh. The main IP address is still set in the TCP/IP control panel, but other addresses can be made in a text file and put in system folder. Information on doing this is in the OT 1.3 Tech Info Notes.

12. According to Informinit 8.1, OpenTptAppleTalkLibrary and OpenTptAppleTalkLib are not needed if you are not connected to an AppleTalk network or are not using an Appletalk device. But if you are using a dial up PPP connection, you do need both these files due to a bug in OT.

            A. With Conflict Catcher 4.1.1, the following files are grouped together as a link, anyhow: OpenTptAppleTalk Library, OpenTpt Internet Library, Open Transport Library, OpenTptAppleTalkLib, OpenTptInternetLib, TCP/IP.

            B. Also, the following files are grouped together as a link with Conflict Catcher 4.1.1, Modem, PPP, OpenTpt Modem, OpenTpt Remote Access, and OpenTpt Serial Arbitrator.     

            C. Source: Informinit 8.1: Modem control panel allows you to configure your modem settings under OT/PPP. PPP allows you to change your PPP configurations and establish/disconnect connections. The main screen is almost identical to the Apple Remote Access connection dialog. The Apple Remote Access control panel under ARA 3.0 replaces it. Open Transport Modem provides native Power PC support for modem connections under OT/PPP. Only needed for Power PC machines. Open Tpt Remote Access provides PowerPC support for PPP connections over an Apple Remote Access network. If you have access to an ARA network that provides TCP/IP Òtunneling,Ó this file is necessary to access the Internet. Supposedly, if you use a straight modem for Internet access, this file is unnecessary. However, some users report trouble in making a PPP connection without it. If your startup disk is locked, Open Transport Remote Access will cause the Mac to crash at startup. OpenTpt Serial Arbitrator allows you to open the serial port for A PPP connection, even when it is being used (monitored) by fax software. There are many conflicts with this extension. If you run Conflict Catcher to resolve problem, it will report that the problem is the Shared Library Manager is the problem, since it loads code first. Better to leave it off, most likely. Or you could change the name so that this extension loads before faxing software.

            D. Source: Informinit 8.1: If you get a Òserial port is busyÓ error when attempting to start a PPP connection, may try to put a space at the beginning of the name of OpenTpt AppleTalk Library to force to load earlier in the startup process.

            E. Source: USB Printer Sharing Read Me, Mac OS 9 does not support multi-homing.

13. See System 8 #86 for information about Open Transport 1.3 and Open Transport 1.3.1.

14. You can use the FinderÕs apple guide to get assistance in using Open Transport.

15. Open Transport replaced Mac TCP in System 7.6.

16. If you use PPP or Remote Access to connect to the Internet, instead of clicking IE 5 (which causes PPP or Remote Access to be used), you can still multi-task.


Opera (Internet browser)

1. Version 5 is free for the Macintosh.

2. is their website.

3. You can set the view to 20 to 1000 percent of actual size.

4. Version 5.0tp3 will not print on my G3/233. It gives an error type 10 each time, so I will not use Opera for now (as of 5/27/01).

6. Tidbits #614 says that Opera is free in banner mode, but costs $40 for non banner mode ($20 for students and senior citizens), if you wish to pay for it.

7. 10/29/02 Tourbus talks about Opera 6.0, which is free in banner mode and $29 for non-banner mode ($20 for students and schools). It can import bookmarks from IE and NN. Tidbits #798 says that Opera is now free.


Palmª Desktop Software and Palmpilot Zire m150 (You can get support at or I think you can write to You get a 90 period of technical support for 90 days from date of purchase. See site for more info. My promotional code is 5YE4936). is now and Number for accessories is 800-881-7256. At the Palm training in 4/04, the Palm employee, who was the instructor, said you can load Palm software at home and at school legally. My user name and password at are and Old At Ease. My hotsync ID is Ryan Zelenski. At, my e-mail and password are and Old At Ease. At, my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. Palm technical support number is 813-313-4913: Monday – Friday, 6 A.M. – 8 P.M. (PST) and Sat. – Sun. 8 A.M. – 5 P.M. (PST). At, my e-mail and password are and New New At Ease: I had to use my MOCSE Visa at with SeaMonkey, because the site kept saying that my Cowboys Visa info was not correct (even though I am pretty sure it was).

1. Palm is similar to Claris Organizer.

            A. I made a new file with Palm Software and then chose merge from the File menu, and chose my Claris Organizer file. Everything was re-entered.

2. You can use command, R to go to any date quickly.

            A. You can use one task bar command to Ògo to todayÓ (to go to todayÕs date).

3. You can have five columns on screen and on the printout (instead of my usual four), but the text would be quite small.

4. I used the User menu to make a user profile for myself for RyanÕs Palm file. However, upon re-opening, the user menu reverted back to none. Re-opening the file did not work. I even looked under prefs for a place to change this, but I had no luck. I tried making a new Palm file, but this did not work, either.

            A. Finally, I opened the original application (Palmª Desktop) and selected my user name from the menu. This worked. Ic c guess I will just backup this file every so often.

5. I had a difficult time getting the prefs to save, but I think if you make changes to the prefs, then go to Decor, then press the ÒapplyÓ button, I think changes are saved.

6. I was having trouble getting an envelope to print with Palmª Desktop. The envelope would run through, but the 2100 would not print on it.

            A. I tried putting in more envelopes (not one at a time), after selecting print, choosing envelope as the media type, I tried changing which address to select for the contact, (Also, the selector inside the 2100 was on envelope), but I had no luck.

            B. Finally, after selecting envelopes (in the print as box), I went to preview, then setup, I chose envelope there. Then the envelope printed.

            C. I discovered later, that it does not matter what media type is selected in the 2100 print dialog box (which appears after choosing Print within the Palmª Desktop print box).

7. When trying to use the Palm software that came with the OS 9 CD (version 2.6.3, I think), it would not synchronize with my Palm Pilot. The software that comes with the Zire Palmpilot is version 4.0: it installs with extensions on (it will not install with extensions off). It would synchronize with the Palm Pilot. When I originally installed 4.1 of the software (which I had to download from, it deleted my old version. I thought it would automatically update my info, but it did not. I had to find an old C.O. file backup, then install the version of Palm that is on the OS 9 CD, then I merged the files together. Then I copied the 2.6.3 version to a Zip Disk, then I ejected the Zip disk. I installed 4.1 of Palm and upon opening the software (after restart), I made sure that the Zip Disk with 2.6.3 was in the drive. The program took care of mergingthrougha couple steps. To merge files, it is important to open the file with all the information to be transferred then select File, Merge and then select the Data File from the New User. If you do it the other way, it does not work. Apparently, copying the Palm Desktop application does not back up the data. You need to choose Òsave a copyÓ from the file menu, then When using Palm with OS X, I encountered great difficulty. I had downloaded version 4.1 of the desktop software, but when I tried to synchronize with the Palm Zire (m 150), I got a fatal error and then the Conduit Manager Òwas not present,Ó even though it was. It was because photos would not synchronize (Photos is not a feature of my Palmpilot). I tried many different solutions (I tried going to Hotsync, Conduit Settings, turning off photos, which works one time, but on next sync, G3 tries to sync photos again), but the problem was that I need to go to Hot Sync, Conduit Settings, then go to Photos, then make it the default to Òdo nothingÓ (otherwise, the G3 will keep trying to sync photos with the Palmpilot, causing an error). If you just want to synchronize everything except Avantgo, you can choose to not synchronize with the Conduit Manager in the desktop software (on one occasion, I set up Avantgo to not sync with the handheld, but it synced anyhow).

8. On one occasion, I could not get the calendar to open until I opened the Ryan Zelenski folder inside the Palm, Users folder (created in Documents, automatically), even after I changed the setting in the General Controls control panel to ÒFolder that is set by the applicationÓ (and moving the Palm folder that was automatically created in documents, to within the Palm folder in Applications). I also tried going to File, save a copy, then backing up User Data to the Ryan Folder. Then I closed and re-opened Palm, but there was still a Palm folder created in Documents folder. I changed the General Controls Control Panel back to Documents, since it would not make any difference, anyway. I discovered that on the Zire, untimed events (i.e. birthdays) do not show up on the monthly view, only the daily view and the weekly view.

9. To sort by name in Palm 4.0, you can just click on the name column (in address listings).

10. The best way to list Memo (used to be notes) info is to press return between days (i.e. for store hours) and leave no spaces in between the characters). Otherwise, spaces show up on the Palm Pilot after synchronizing.

            A. On the G3/233, it is a little scrunched, but not serious.

11. There is a Palm file that starts at startup, but I believe it is for setting up Hotsync operation at startup. There is a setting to "Enable Hotsync operation at startup," which should be checked to make it easier to use the Palm Pilot with the Palm desktop software.

12. To edit a Memo in Palm 4.0, click on it three times.

13. To add software for the Palmpilot, put it in the palm/add on folder, then Hot Sync.

            A. Bejeweled is $15 and I do not have a color Palmpilot like KW.

            B. RollinÕ BowlinÕ does not involve any skill, you just press roll Ôem and the Palm chooses the number of pins you hit.

            C. Yahdice (version 1.55) is freeware.

14. To access Graffiti help screen (while in Graffiti), move the stylus from the bottom to the top of the screen. To change the date of an appt., select details. To quickly find an application (that is not shown when ÒallÓ are shown in the Launcher), type the first letter on the Graffiti pad (bottom part of the Palmpilot). You can use the Options, prefs menu in Date Book, Note pad or Clock to change the alarm sounds. In Note Pad, To Do List, and Memo you donÕt have to tap new to make a new record, just start writing. After you sync Note Pad, you can select a note, choose copy and paste into a program that accepts graphics.

15. If you put the file Òuser dataÓ into Startup Items, it will start up. But if you click on it after startup, the window closes, strangely enough. Just reopen the user data file.

16. I looked for some reading software for the Palmpilot. An E-Book reader that can read .pdb or .prc files. We recommend Mobipocket Reader (free) was recommended for Wuthering Heights. If you download a file that ends in .exe and put it into PalmÕs add-ons folder, it will not work to download to the Palm. Needs to be a Mac file. I tried to download Wuthering Heights from, but the download just made a blank window, then garbled text. I later found another place to download Wuthering Heights (same website), it downloaded okay, but did not install automatically, when I put it into the add-ons folder. I had to use Palm and go to HotSync, Install Handheld files and selected it. Next synchronization, Wuthering Heights installed. You can also drag and drop Palm install files to the Install Handheld files windows (I think most Palm files are prc, pdb or pqa). Dracula downloaded fine. A Christmas Carol (which was PDB format) was supposed to save to HD, according to IE 5 prefs, but it did not, it just opened within IE 5 window.  I later found a sample version of A Christmas Carol that downloaded to my desktop fine. It did not install into the Palmpilot automatically, though. I had to use Palm software and go to Hotsync, Install Handheld files and selected the .PDB file. Next synchronization, A Christmas Carol installed. I downloaded a file that I thought would install Adobe Acrobat Reader on the Palmpilot, but it was an index.cfm file and would not allow itself to be added to the ÒInstall Handheld fileÓ list. There was a Dallas CowboysÕ schedule at, but it was for Windows only (has a Windows logo by the .zip file). Later, though, I determined that downloading and using Windows logo files was fine, as long as they are Palm files (prb, prc, etc.). I decided not to keep TIBR 1_35, which is a freeware reader program, because the icons were very small and did not appear to be too useful. You also could not switch pages on the bottom of the screen like with Palm Reader (Palm Reader is now eReader, as of 9/05).

17. Under General, prefs, you can choose to ÒDo not auto-attach addresses.Ó I believe this is the best choice, since I never want do that. You can go to prefs, Date Book and choose to Òcut off long items after x lines in monthly.Ó I changed from the default setting of 2 to 4.

18. I tried to download Palm 4.1 from I was supposed to receive an e-mail with a URL to download the file. I did not receive an e-mail using IE 5.1.6. The next day, I made the same request with NN 4.77 and received the e-mail. I downloaded 4.1 from

19. In Mac OS 9, User Data files are moved and stored in a Palm folder inside the Documents folder. According to,Kb=PalmSupportKB,Company=%7B5A789B6E-D683-11D4-8A45-00B0D0684B04%7D,ts=Palm_External2001,case=obj(23182).

            A. This website has the Readme for Palm software 4.1.

            B. I decided to leave Palm 4.0 on the G3 for now, since disabling ÒInstant Palm Desktop,Ó (and running DFA, NDD, NSD, and TT rebuild), the G3/233 seems to be running okay.

20. My Palmpilot has Palm OS 4.1.2.

21. To put school holidays into Palm software, use command, option, U for untimed event. Then a banner shows up on the day; however, there is not a banner that shows up in the Palmpilot. But if you click on the day, you can see it is a holiday.

            A. I will use all the untimed events for school holidays, and I can use untimed events for other things.

            B. I originally thought that untimed events were highlighted with the Palmpilot, but it is just the current day that is highlighted.

22. If you put an appointment in the Palmpilot, it will automatically show up on the Palm Desktop on the G3, after you synchronize. Whatever is in one (Palmpilot or Palm Desktop) will appear in the other after synchronization.

23. It does not appear that you can format text on the calendar, even if you cut and paste from another program.

24. If putting to do list into Palm Desktop (for synchronization with Palm Zire), put a comma and a space between items. Otherwise, screen is too jumbled on the Palm pilot.

25. Ever since installing Palm software, System Software 9.2.2 hesitates once in a while.

26. The file ÒUser Data ArchiveÓ is used to archive data that has been deleted from your handheld, according to Palm Desktop documentation, page 1501 (160) (you must choose to save an archived copy on the PC during the purge or delete process).

            A. Items deleted from the handheld through synchronization with Palm Desktop software are not archived. There is an option, according to page 145 (155) of Palm Desktop documentation, that you can use Conduit settings (for Address Book, Datebook, Memo Pad, Note Pad, or To Do List) or to have Desktop override the handheld (one way).

            B. If you wish to back up your user files, you can choose save as from the File Menu.

            C. There is not any information on the length of battery life, in the Palm Desktop documentation, handbook, or Palm Solutions Guide.

            D. If you want to synchronize using the Mac, you need to use ÒInstant Palm Desktop,Ó according to Instant Palm Desktop page 142 (152).

27. I looked in the documentation for the Palmpilot and there was not any information about upgrading the memory. I looked at the screws on the back of the Palmpilot and there appeared to be somewhat like torx. Anyhow, it does not appear that the Palmpilot is intended to have memory added to it. An instructor for a Palm workshop that I took in April 2004 said that the memory is not upgradable on my Palm Pilot. I did want to double check this information, though. I e-mailed Palm from and said, "I have a Palm Zire m150. I am interested in the 256MB Expansion Card shown at However, I am not sure if this card can be installed on my Palm Zire m150." They sent an automated e-mail that gave some generic information, which did not answer my question. They suggested calling customer service, which is open 24/7 at 800-881-7256. I called them and they said that what is needed is an expansion slot, the Zire m150 does not have an expansion slot.

28. IÕve been having trouble with the Palm adding random appts, while being in my pocket, so I thought of adding a password, which I did. I also made it so that the password must be entered upon turning it on. You can also set it so that that the password is required after so many minutes/hours of inactivity or upon power off. I tried setting it to so many hours, but then there were extra To-Dos, etc. I set it back, so that the passord is required on power off.

29. I moved Startup Items for Desktop Background and Transport monitor to the Startup Items (Disabled), because when Classic opened in OS X, errors were produced. However, Palm still works and synchronizes fine.

30. Palm should not be run in OS 9 and OS X concurrently, because they save in different places (and data will be saved in differing locations).

31. I moved Startup Items for Desktop Background and Transport monitor to the Startup Items (Disabled), because when Classic opened in OSX, errors were produced. However, Palm still works and synchronizes fine (I found out later, that if you disable the Palm Desktop app and then restart in OS 9, the file will again be created. However, in Classic under OS X, it is not recreated).

            A. Later, though, I discovered in OS X, I could not get the files to synchronize properly with Palm 4.1 in OS X. It was because there was a different user file set up automatically by OS X. The new user was ryanzelenski. However, my Palmpilot knows me as Ryan Zelenski. I went to Hot Sync, user, then selected Ryan Zelenski. I then deleted the user ryanzelenski. In the process, I lost some info, but I was able to regain from the 4.0 backup I had made earlier with OS 9. This problem returned later after reinstalling OS X, so I again deleted ryanzelenski from the user's menu and left only Ryan Zelenski.

            B. It is best to just stick with Palm in OS X to avoid confusion. Sometimes, if you open a different file, the user may change to unknown user (if you just copy user the User data to a different location and open it, the file will open as an Òunknown user.Ó The file may have originally been for Ryan Zelenski, but later it may be an unknown user. The only way to make sure Ryan Zelenski is the user is to open the User Data file within the Ryan Zelenski folder (root level of HD is Users, ryanzelenski, documents, Palm, users, Ryan Zelenski, User Data).

            C. Palm 4.0 does not allow you to save a backup under the File Menu, while running in Classic Environment.

32. If an item is deleted from the Palm Desktop software (and the item was on the Desktop and on the Palmpilot), upon next synchronization, the item is deleted from the Palm pilot (defaults for program not changed, except for Photos and Voice Memo, which are set to do nothing).

33. I had great trouble getting my Dallas Cowboys helmet to print along with my address and MOCSEÕs address on an envelope, only the Cowboys helmet printed (no addresses). I could not get the envelope to print correctly in OS X or 9.2.1. I adjusted the settings several times without luck. Finally, after updating the 2100 (even though it is a 2110 printer) software to version 3.4.2 for OS 9.2.1 and updating to V 170 for OS X, I was able to print the envelopes fine (additionally, the black ink portion of the color cartridge was out; which actually may have been the original problem). Anyhow, it is good to update the drivers. Also, I could use plain paper setting and the envelope would print, ironically enough (in the envelope layout dialog box, the default is plain paper, so I left it at that. Also it was set for any printer). I selected Marked Address (MOCSE), chose Work as the address (which is what field the MOCSE address is in, within the Palm Desktop software), chose Envelope #10, Formal/Business and RyanÕs Address as return address. To copy/paste helmet for printing, you can use the helmet from my web page (may need to copy to GC and then copy and paste).

34. Tidbits #717 mentions that Palm OS Cobalt, formerly know as Palm OS 6, will take over in developing Palm software for the Mac (Palm will not). However, synchronization will not be supported.

            A. Tidbits #717 also mentions that Mark/SpaceÕs (who already ship Missing Sync for Palm OS and Missing Sync for Sony Clie) next major version of their utility will support Mac synchronization.

35. You can put an event in with no time, so that you know it is on that day, but time is still TBD.

36. I went to a Palm workshop on 4/2/04, and the instructor said that you should use digitizer when the stylus doesnÕt select items properly. If that does not work, then reset (using a paper clip on the back of the Zire). You may also want to use the reset function, when the battery goes completely dead. You may also use a Òsoft resetÓ when you canÕt receive a beam from another Palm device. My Zire has Graffiti 2. To make a return, use the stylus to make a diagonal line (where the lower case letters are usually typed). When you canÕt write with the Zire in manuscript, try cursive. To do punctuation, make an upstroke in the writing area, then punctuate, then another upstroke (the next word will be capitalized if you make a period, etc.). To beam a business card, you must Select business card under Record (while in the address entry, you want to make your business card). Then just make sure you are within 3 feet of the other Palm pilot to send the business card. The instructor recommended using screen cleaners designed for Palm pilots (of course, he works for Palm). You can tap twice on a word to highlight it, three times to highlight the sentence. You can use scroll up/down buttons to scroll in calendar program. Also, you can use them in Address Book or Memo Pad to see the next entry. Can drag and drop apptointments in week view. You can have the alarm remind 5 minutes/hours/days ahead of time, etc. Make sure to check the box for alarm under event details. The alarm is not self-resetting. For example, if you choose to have it wake you in the morning, you must set up the alarm again to wake you the next day. Note pad function can be used for notes, maps, etc.

37. Zlexica (English/Spanish) dictionary costs $9.95. It has the words about, address, anger, answer, and area). It takes up about 930 K, the Palm has 2 MB of memory total, so the Lexica takes up almost half (in just the trial version), but the webpage says it only takes 790 K. You can add words/delete words in the dictionary. You can scroll using the hardware buttons or the stylus. It does not list the part of speech for a word. With only the words in the dictionary beginning with the letter ÒA,Ó it has about 3,000 words.

            A. Bdicty costs $8 (19,000 words, Eng/Span.,180K, does not contain the word about, address, anger, answer, area), $12 (35,000 words, Eng./Span., 581 K), or $25 ( does not say how many words; Eng./Span./Eng., memory not listed, but probably pretty large). You can add or delete words in the dictionary. It scrolls only using the hardware buttons, you can use the stylus, but it will only scroll one word at a time. It lists the part of speech for a word.

            B. After installing Zlexica and Bdicty, there was insufficient space to install Palmpoint Eng/Span. Dictionary ($19.95, 1 MB of memory, 500,000 words).

            C. I checked at, also. The Zlexica is a good pretty complete dictionary (and the best choice), but since it takes up 930 K, I decided not to use it for now. At, I just download as a guest.

38. To find software, use

I looked for an English dictionary, but the cheapest one was $9.95. It requires 6 MB of memory, according to It has 138,000 words. lists another dictionary for $12, it takes 1 MB of memory for the standard version (17,000 entries). has a dictionary for $11.95, but it requires 5.5 MB of memory.

39. At, my user name and password are, new new At Ease. The keycode was my credit card number (MBNA Visa). The font would not change to large with the full version of Wutehring Heights that I bought for $2.95, but it is not that important. The full version takes up about 340 K or so, so this amount was added to Palm Reader in the applications (Wuthering Heights is not listed as a separate application). also has some ebooks. has a collections of web sites with ebooks. lists some websites that have free ebooks.

40. You basically write your document in MiniWord when you're away from your PC and then you export to Memo Pad and access the document via your Standard PDA Desktop application, which you can then copy and paste into MS Word on your Desktop PC.

41. If you delete the Palm folder inside of documents, you will have to re-merge and re-configure users, etc. One time, I did delete the Palm folder, so then I just made a new file and merged it with my Backup copy of the file.

42. An untimed event will be above a timed event on the monthly calendar.

43. Apparently, if you have to force quit an application and/or you synchronize with Voice Memo and Photographs on, the data may become corrupted and/or missing.

44. You can choose to Ònot auto attach addressesÓ under preferences, general. You can choose to Òmemorize viewÓ using the pop-up menu at the upper left hand corner of the Palm application, while viewing memos, addresses, and to-doÕs (there is not a way to memorize the view of the Date Book). You can also edit the auto completion entries by opening an address, then clicking on one of the fields, select edit field at the bottom of the menu.

45. On one occasion, after trashing some items, etc., Palm 4.2.1 would not run on the iLamp. I reinstalled the software, no luck. Restarting solved the problem. I now have version 4.2.2, as of 2/07.

46. On one occasion, Palm produced an error -120. It was because I had accidentally deleted the Palm folder in the Documents folder.

47. The operating and storage temperatures (they are the same according to for the Palm Zire are 32 degrees Fahrenheit to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

48. On one occasion, I tried to print some memos; most of them were in ABC order. But after changing the setting in the Print dialog box, from All 104 memos to Desktop memos (there were only 103), all the contacts printed in ABC order. Also, the reason why there was an extra memo is that there was an extra memo, which was a handheld address memo (which was created accidentally). If you selected Desktop memos from the Memo List view, then only 103 showed up. If you select all memos, then all 104 showed up. I then found the Handheld note (address book) and deleted it.

49. Palm was having trouble in 1/05. I kept having to press the "ok" button in several situations, so I reset it by using the back of the Palm and I erased all data. Then I re-synced. Resetting the Palm helped.

50. Button on the left is for Date Book, button on right is for Address Book.

51. Grandma's address was listed a "secondary address," since by default, work is listed first. I then went to Grandma's Address List entry and changed Work Address and Home Address to None. This changed it so that the first address listed is the "Primary Address." Also, on the Palm, some Address Book entries has a "piece of paper" on the Palm. Apple Education had a web site affiliated with it and DG's birthday was affiliated with her name. After erasing the info from the entries, no more "piece of paper" icon was present. Later, though, I realized that having the paper icon was a good idea, it lets you know when more information is present.

52. If the power is off on the Palm pilot: you can hold down the up key for two seconds to view the clock.

53. On one occasion, I connected the USB cable to the Palm handheld, when the handheld's power was off. I got a message on the iLamp about how there was too much power being required and that the port would be deactivated. I tried reconnecting the cord several times and quitting Palm application and reopening. No luck. Finally, I shut down the iLamp and restarted. I was then able to sync again normally.

54. One one occasion, Palm kept having a negative error (-4960). Anyhow, upon restart, it was fine. Later, though, the problem returned and then Palm would not open. I tried reinstalling over the old application, but the installer did not install. Finally, I trashed the original Palm application and reinstalled. Still, the installer did not work properly (4.2.1 installer in Installers folder), since Palm was "not installed." Running the installer on the CD did not work, either. Finally, I used the 4.2.1 installer to remove the software, then reinstalled. Then the Palm software worked okay. Error -4960 returned. I uninstalled Palm with the installer, then I dragged the Palm folder to the trash (residual parts still remained). I closed all OS X applications, then I installed Palm on the desktop and the installer appeared to work normally. Then I moved it to the applicaitons folder and got the error again. I then moved the Palm application back to the desktop and still got the error. I tried using the Palm Setup Assistant and still got the -4960 error. However, upon restart of the iLamp, the error was nonexistent. I e-mailed Palm (  about the -4960 error, they replied with a blank e-mail. As of 5/18/05, 4.2.1 is the latest version of the software. I could try older version of Palm if -4960 error returns. I have version 4.1 on the Internet 4 CD; however, there was nothing in the folder, so I had to re-download it. I found it at FYI, 4.1 works in OS X. It is in the folder called Palm 4.1 installer. On June 30, 2005, I downloaded version 4.2.1 rev A (it says 4.2.1, C 2003 in the info dialog box, but it does not say rev A in the about box, but it says it is from Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003, and it appears to be okay. In the future, I may try opening in the Clasic Environment, if the problem returns. Palm 4.2.1 rev A did not synchronize at first. I had to uninstall the Palm software with the installer, then install 4.2.1 rev. A and syncing worked. Later, I installed the 4.2.1 rev. A software as a root user, but the -4260 error returned (but I may clicked on too many things at once). In 11/06, I found 4.2.1 revision D and downloaded it (but I did not install it for now, since the CliŽ appears to be okay).

55. Palmprint is needed to print to a printer from the Palm, but it costs $39.95 at

56. Palm Computing for Dummies (from Turlock library; published in 1999. I read it in June 2005) mentions that the bottom left soft button (not a push button, but an icon next to the Graffitit 2 area) is for making an application's menu drop down. Palm Computing for Dummies page 19 explains that the hard scroll buttons (at the bottom of the Palm) can be used just the same as the scroll arrows on the screen). Palm Computing for Dummies explains that fingers can be used for the calculator. Palm Computing for Dummies page 22 explains that when using Find, you can type in the first few letters of a word and find the rest. However, if you type in the last few letters, this does not work. Palm Computing for Dummies explains that if you start at the bottom of the graffiti writing area and go up, you shift into SHIFT mode. However, with my Palm, it only shifts into Punctuation mode (a little different). Palm Computing for Dummies page 38 explains that if you start at the bottom left hand corner of the Graffiti area and then go up and to the right diagonally, then type a letter "d," it brings up the Delete dialog box. To make a period, simply type a dot. Palm Computing for Dummies page 42 shows that if you start at the bottom left hand corner of the Graffiti area and then draw a cursive lower case "l," and then type "ts," you will get a time stamp; "ds" does a date stamp; and "dts" does a date and time stamp." Palm Computing for Dummies page 45 mentions, which has the program "GoType," which makes typing easier, according to the author, Bill Dyszel. I e-mailed to see if they still have GoType on June 15, 2005. Ro from replied and said, "The GoType keyboard is not compatible with your Palm Zire. LandWare is fading the keyboard out and concentrating on their software line." Palm Computing for Dummies page 66 mentions that you can hold down the Address Book button (most right hand hard button) for two seconds to beam your card. You can go to Preferences and assign hard buttons. I assigned the left hand hard button to be the Note Pad, so when the power is off, push the Note Pad button, enter the password, and Note Pad will be open. Palm Computing for Dummies page 67 mentions that you can press the Date Book button repeatedly to change from day view/week view/month view. However, I assigned the button to access Note Pad. You can switch from personal to business etc. in the Address Book by repeatedly pressing the hard (button that is raised from the Palm) button; however, all my addresses are all in the unfiled category, so it does not occur. Palm Computing for Dummies page 68 mentions using the hard scroll buttons (the buttons at the bottom of the Palm). Palm Computing for Dummies page 68 mentions that you can drag and drop appointments but not from week to week. Palm Computing for Dummies page 70 mentions that you can simply start writing in Graffiti (in several applications) to create a new item (except in Address Book). Palm Computing for Dummies page 70 mentions that if you move the stylus from the Graffiti area to the top of the screen, you can access Graffiti help. Using the Find soft button (magnifying glass) is probably the fastest way to find specific information. Palm Computing for Dummies page 77 talks about using Address Book Edit mode. You can scroll down to see Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3 in Address Book Edit mode. You can also add Notes to specific individuals, if you like. You can name a phone number Other with desktop program,  and it will show up on your desktop printer, but it will show up as Other on the Palm device (so I put initials in parentheses after a few numbers). Palm Computing for Dummies page 80 mentions that there is software that can be used to change your television channels (i.e. work as a remote control for your television), but it does not work well (even if it did work well, you would need to be within three feet of the television). I looked at and, but was unable to find any software of this type. Palm Computing for Dummies page 81 mentions that you can beam your business card, addresses, to-do's, memos, and appointments. If you press the Applications button once, then you can return to the Main applications. Palm Computing for Dummies page 87 explains that you can use the Address Book preferences to rename the custom fields. Palm Computing for Dummies page 94 explains that the square icon indicates that a note has been attached to a To-Do. Palm Computing for Dummies page 99 explains how to beam a To-Do: Tap Task, use the Menu soft button, Record, beam item. Page 99 also explains that you should be between 3 inches and 3 feet apart to beam items. Palm Computing for Dummies page 102 explains that the Undo command can not recover a deleted item, need desktop software for that. Palm Computing for Dummies page 106 explains that a To Do list can use the menu to go to Options, phone lookup. However, all my phone numbers are in custom fields, so it would not be feasible. Palm Computing for Dummies page 107 explains that in the To-do List, you can go to record, purge to delete all completed taks (check mark beside them). Palm Organizers page 138 suggests that you can hide completed items and then purge them. Palm Computing for Dummies Page 136 explains that this can be done in Date Book, also. Page 109 talks about synching to a word processing program; however, you simply synch to memos on your desktop software (easier to use regular keyboard for inputting items, I think). Palm Computing for Dummies page 113, start at bottom left and move southeast, then draw a letter "s" to select all text. Page 113 explains that you can put a zero in front of a memo to make sure it appears at the top of the list. Palm Computing for Dummies page 124 explains that you can drag and drop in weekly view (but not in daily or montly view). When you drag and drop, you can see the time of the appointment that it will be moved to. Palm Computing for Dummies page 125 explains that in date book, you can tap "Go to" to pick a date far off in the past or future. Palm Computing for Dummies page 127 says that to add an appointment, tap "Go to" in Address Book, Choose date, tap hour closest to the start time. Palm Computing for Dummies page 128 explains that to enter a no time event, go to day view, start writing. Palm Computing for Dummies page 129 explains that the alarm works, even when the Palm is off. Page 135 explains that you can use Date book prefs to change the alarm sound. Palm Computing for Dummies page 131 shows that you can leave the end date field blank to have no end date in the desktop software, on the Palm you can choose "No End Date." Palm Computing for Dummies page 140 indicates that you can beam an entire category at one time (all my addresses, etc.). Date book, though, has no categories, so you would have to beam events one at a time. Palm Computing for Dummies page 142 explains that some applications cannot be beamed (the ones with lock icons). Palm Computing for Dummies page 144 that has IRSync, which can be used to wirelessly synch a Palm. I checked and it is Windows only and the IBM Thinkpad. Palm Computing for Dummies page 146 mentions the program iMessenger, which can be an e-mail program for the Palm. I could not find it at or, but I found iMailer (freeware) at palmsource. However, you need to have Poplet software also. BTW, I was able to download from as a guest. Palm Computing for Dummies page 220 explains that a conduit is what is used to move data between your Palm device and a non-Palm operating system. Palm Computing for Dummies page 222 explains that in Weekly view, clicking plus/minus adds/deletes days that you are viewing. Palm Computing for Dummies page 222 explains that command, shift, D switches to daily view. Command, shift, M switches to monthly view. Command, shift, W switches to weekly view. These commands are listed under View, Date Book. Palm Computing for Dummies page 224 explains that when adding an event, you can choose to "add another" when done to put in an additional event. Palm Computing for Dummies page 226 explains that when the change dialog box comes up, and asks about changing current task, this and future, or all tasks; it is only referring to the task at hand (not all of your other tasks, also). Palm Computing for Dummies page 227 explains that you can simply press the delete key to delete a appointment. Palm Computing for Dummies page 228 explains that you can check the box next to a phone number to have it shown in the contact list. However, in later versions of Palm software, this box is used to have the number displayed with Instant Palm Desktop. Instant Palm Desktop with OS X is present, but not as a separate application. Click and hold Palm app on the Dock to access the "Instant Palm Desktop" features. Palm Computing for Dummies page 229 explains you can move to the adjacent contact (while viewing one contact by pressing the arrow keys in the upper right hand corner). Palm Computing for Dummies page 230 says you can copy and paste an address by using Control, C and Control, V. However, this does not work on the iLamp. Palm Computing for Dummies page 249 explains that many third party programs do not get backued up, so if nec. You can check with vendor for which backup program to use. Palm Computing for Dummies page 292 says that any Palm device can work with any version of the Palm Desktop. Palm Computing for Dummies page 294 explains that if you jump a whole level (i.e. Palm 2.0 to Palm 3.0), you need to install a memory card. Page 295 says that memory cards are usualy in a white mounting bracket. Page 296 explains how to change a memory card: Press outward on two small metal tabs on each side of card and then tilt up. Palm Computing for Dummies page 325 says that the Flash Pro program can add 40% to your memory capacity. It costs $29.95. You can buy it from TRG at, it is now called Hand Era, apparently. I could not find anywhere on the website to buy Palm memory. Palm Computing for Dummies page 337 explains that if your screen taps are not working, you may want to use Digitizer (application preferences). Palm Computing for Dummies page 339 suggests that if beaming fails, need to make sure both IR ports, beaming s/b turned on (Preferences, General, Beaming). To beam your address card, hold down the Address Book button on the Palm for two seconds. The book talks about Palmmodems costing $125. I found one at for $98 in June 2005. is now (at, my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease)., and are no longer in service as of June 2005. Pocket Quicken costs $34.95. Mobile DB is a program that can be used to view many types of databases, according to Palm Computing for Dummies page 347. However, I looked at and did not find any useful databases. is no longer an active URL, as of June 2005.

57. Palm Organizers (by Jeff Carlson) was printed in 2002. It mentions the URL in its beginning pages, but it has been taken over by Palm Organizers page 2 explains that PIM is for Personal Information Manager (software). Palm Organizers page 14 says that you can use a number 2 pencil as a stylus. Palm Organizers page 15 metnions that has a program called Contrast Button app Hack, which can allow your Contrast button to be used as an app launcher. In June 2005, though, the program was not on the website. Palm Organizers page 15 mentions that the website has Write Rights screen protectors and PDA Screen Clean kits. is no longer in service. grades several screen protectors; it lists Boxwave as the best (although it does not differeniate between Crystal and Anti-glare, which probably came out after the article was written) and WriteShield as 2nd best (as of August 2003). The article says that if you turn on the hot water in your bathroom and allow it to steam up the room and dust particles adhere to the steam instead of the PalmÕs screen or you can use dusting spray to clean the screen; these two ideas can help with dust, so that you can have a perfect environment for applying a screen protector. I did purchase a screen protector from Boxwave, and it was easy to apply and did not have many air bubbles; however, the screen calibration was way off, and I could not use Power Digi to correct the situation, so I trashed the screen protector. has a fold up keyboard for a Palm, but it costs $149. Palm Organizers page 29 suggests a quick way to scroll: click and drag solid portion of scroll bar. Page 29 also says that double clicking selects a word, triple clicking selects a line. Palm Organizers page 30 suggestgs tapping the solid black area in upper left-hand corner to access menus. Palm Organizers page 31 suggests tapping the circle letter "I" in most dialog boxes to accept help. Palm Organizers page 31 says that the category displayed in the memo llist is assigned automatically to new memos. Palm Organizers page 32 says that there are three ways to access the keyboard: tap abc or 123, edit-keyboard, or type slash (start at lower left hand corner of graffiti area and go diagonally up and to the right), K.. Palm Organizers page 32 talks about, but it is not longer a valid URL. Palm Organizers page 34 says that when you type a note in Memo Pad, the first letter is automatically capitalized. Slash, P is for paste, not slash, V. Page 34 indicates that when you type the slash bar, you can tap and hold an icon for a description. Palm Organizers page page 38 suggests writing large in Graffiti so that more touch-sensitive sensors are used. Also, you write at regular speed, and keep vertical lines vertical and horizontal lines horizontal (do not slant your writing). Page 38 mentions, which sells Tealscript, which is a customizable Graffiti program. Palm Organizers page 40 suggests turning beam receive off, since it drains the battery. Just turn it on as needed. Palm Organizers page 42 lists Super Names (from that can be used to enhance your Address Book. It is part of a bundle that costs $34.95 as of June 2005. It can link contacts to other contacts, memos, etc. Page 132 explains that you can link Addresses to the Contact List on the Desktop only (which may save time). Palm Organizers page 43 says that if you leave the Prefs application to owner, it will open faster (than if left on Shortcuts or other sets of prefs). Palm Organizers page 45 says that if you have difficulty with Hotsyncing, you can go to prefs, connection, cable, edit, details, make the speed slower. Palm Organizers shows a list of programs that includes the Eight Ball program, which is a replica of the decision maker. Palm Organizers page 50 explains that you can add a file to the Palm by dragging and dropping a file to be installed on top of the Hotsync manager in the Finder. Palm Organizers explains that if you remember the last category (application preferences), then the next time you press the Applications button, you go to the last category and do not have to see all the applications. sells Launcher X for $19.95. Palm Organizers page 59 says that if you have a small amount of free memory, you may have trouble beaming (because the Palm makes a temporary copy of what you are beaming on it). You may need to delete some files and try again. Page 126 mentions that you can beam a category by making sure that the category is visible in the Palm's window, then choose Beam Category from the Record Menu. Page 127 explains that when you transfer a category to another Palm device, the category does not show up in the receiving Palm, but they can choose which category to add the info to. Also, you can beam to more than one Palm at a time. Palm Organizers page 63 says that the Backup folder stores all programs you've installed on your handheld, even deleted ones. It is in ryanzelenski, Documents, Palm, users, Ryan Zelenski, Backups. I cleaned it out somewhat in June 2005. Palm Organizers page 78 talks about seeing archived items. But the info is old. Currently, to see archived items, go to Users, ryanzelenski, Documents, Palm, Users, Ryan Zelenski, User Data Archive. To reopen your regular file, go the same location and open User Data. Palm Organizers page 69 talks about using IR for Hotsyncing, and it mentions that Powerbook G3 series or later, you can wirelessly sync. My iMac (probably since it is a desktop) does not do it. According to Help file, "At the time of this writing, the current release of Mac OS X does not enable you to perform IR HotSync operations. Check the documentation for your release of Mac OS X to find out if this situation has changed." Palm Organizers page 86 says you can tap and hold the date in Date Book to see the current time. Also, if you set the start and end times for display to be the same, no extra lines appear in the Date Book (only the used ones). Palm Organizers page 88 explains that in monthly view, there are 3 potential dots on a day (morning, noon, afternoon). Palm Organizers page 89 explains that if you view the agenda with Date Book, the agenda (not day view) will show up when leaving and then returning to Date Book. Palm Organizers page 91 explains to to create new event, tape a time in day view or an approximate time in weekly view. Sync is set up to overwrite old file (whether it is on the computer or the Palm), so it is fine to edit on Palm (although usually quite slower). Palm Organizers page 97 explains that if you have a yearly appointment that falls on the same day every year (i.e. Thanksgiving), you can simply have it repeat every 12 months by day (as opposed to yearly). Page 97 indicates that if you change only the name of a repeated task, then you do not deal with the dialog box (on the Palm). Palm Organizers page 99 explains that notes can't be archived, like memos can. Palm Organizers page 107 explains that you can click and drag in daily or weekly view to add an appointment. Palm Organizers page 109 explains that in daily view, you see Tasks (To-do's in the newer software that I now have) if you click the word Tasks (with the newer Palm software, they are called "To-do's), the completed ones move to the bottom of the window. Palm Organizers page 108 explains that if you create a memo called "Handheld Note: Date Book" with the desktop software and then drag the file form the memo window to the date, the note will show up on the Palm. You can also make a memo called "Handheld Note: Address Book" and then when you access someone's address book entry, you can see directions to their house as well (or other info). You can even create a template for this idea by using the create menu. You could print this information, since it would be in the memos, but I decided to stick with the memos I have now, since when printing the memos, the names would all be Handheld Memo: Address Book (and not the names of companies). You can attach memos to the Address Book in the desktop software, but the connection does not transfer to the Palm (I read the help file on the iLamp). Palm Organizers page 113 explains that the first contact field entered is the one that will show up in Address Book by default. However, you can go to Address Book, select an entry, and then choose which entry to show in list. If you tap the stylus on the upper right hand corner of the Graffiti area and move diagonally to the lower left hand corner, it will produce a carriage return. It is the opposite of the shortcut, where you start at the lower left hand corner of the Graffiti area and move diagonally up and to the right. Even though you can use a number 2 pencil to write on the Palm, it is not a good idea since it leaves stray marks. When looking at memos or To-Do's, you can go to Options, phone number lookup to attach a phone number. I decided to put all my contact info under Home/Fax/E-mail etc. instead of Custom1. It makes it easier to do phone number lookup and in the Address Book, the first number shows up on the Address Listing (saves one step). I wanted to make my own column (Cell for Mobile), but then Other shows up on the Palm, so I decided to leave the label for Mobile. If you delete an appointment from the Palm and then sync, the appointment is deleted from the desktop software as well. Palm Organizers page 123 explains that pressing the Address Book button cycles you through the categories (but Unfiled is skipped each time). To dial a phone number with Palm software, hold down the mouse over the Dock icon, then choose the contact. Pick up phone and check for dial tone, then hold the phone's mouthpiece in front of one of the speaker's, Click the telephone next to the preferred number to dial. You can not dial through the modem (in the case of the iLamp internal modem) in OS X. You can go to List Layout, Edit Layout to print only Full Name, Phone1 etc. Palm Organizers page 133 explains that you can sort with secondary criteria: sort by the first column by clicking on it, then shift click on the second choice for sorting. Palm Organizers page 135 mentions that you can copy all from an opened contact; but it does not appear to be an option anymore (with Palm 4.2.1). Palm Organizers page 134 explains that if you have an e-mail address listed in the E-mail field, you can click the E-mail icon to the left of it to send an e-mail (as of June 2005, Mail is used automatically and it does not appear to be changeable). Palm Organizers page 139 explains that you can mask items, so that they are grayed out on the screen, and your password must be entered to view the records. I redid my password, so that there would not be a hint as to what it is. If you put someone's birthday under the Address Book, Palm will automatically put it on the Date Book for you. However, I changed all my files so that the first and last name of everyone is in the Address Book now (instead of just putting first names in the last name slot); otherwise, the birthday note in the date book shows a blank name. Palm Organizers page 155 explains that you can mark a To-Do completed by accessing the Instant Palm Desktop (Palm icon on the dock). Palm Organizers page 156 shows that you can access Notes on the handheld by synching to the iLamp, then accessing the application Note Pad (It is important to remember, if you delete the notes from the Palm Zire, make sure you have already taken care of the notes in the Deskop before resyncing, otherwise you lose your notes). You can also make an alarm for a note by accessing the menu when in Note Pad on the Palm. The alarm for the clock or Note Pad do not give warnings. On the Palm, you can press the title button to access Note pad's title (make a title for your note). Palm Organizers page 158 explains that you can change a number from positive to negative (and vice versa) by pressing the +/- button on the calculator. CE clears the last number, C clears all of the memory. Page 159 explains that you can access the drop down menu in the Calculator to see Recent Calculations (one screen only). There are only 255 characters allowed in comments field under Address List, so I had to keep my memos intact for now (July 2005). You can change the category of several items at once, by using the command key, then Edit, Categories. According to, Dataviz's Documents to go (Premium Edition, 7) is $49.99 and requires 5.5 MB of memory on the Palm and Palm 5.0 or higher. You could buy the Standard Edition ($29.99) from, if I had Palm 5.0 or higher. If you are running Palm OS older than 5, you can download Documents to Go, 6 for $49.99 (but you need 3.5 MB of memory or more). explains that Quick Office (includes Quickword, Quickpoint, and Quicksheet) is $39.95 and requires 1.5 MB of memory and space for documents and spreadsheets. Also, it is for Windows only. Mail nor Avantgo was on either of the Palm CDs (109 or 119). I did find Avantgo at (this page has a Download link on it). When you click the download link, you go to Mal Conduit 1.0.4 did not work, so I downloaded Mal Conduit 1.0.2 from by way of To install it, you have to put the file MAL Conduit into the folder Library/Application Support/Palm Hotsync/Conduits. Then I had to download Palm Executables (from, even though says it is for wireless only. Had to drag Mobile Link files avantgo.prc, libmal.prc and MobileLink.prc to the Hot Sync manager install window. Avantgo Connect for Macintosh (System 8 or 9) did not work. I tried using Yahoo! movies, but it kept getting old info for a week ago. does not have any local movie listings, as of 2/07, except for Yahoo! Movies. Yahoo! Mail did not work, the mailboxes showed up, but when you clicked on them, you get the message "this folder is not available on this device" (you cannot change the link depth with Yahoo! Mail, which would probably solve the problem). explains that you must have a wireless device for this to work, you cannot sync the Yahoo! Mail channel through a desktop (I thought it was just because I have a a SBC Yahoo! Account, not simly a Yahoo! one). loads the movies fine, but only three days at a time, it did not take 1,000 K (which is the maximum); perhaps closer to 300 K or so (just a guess). AvantGo channel did not load, because it timed out and then had another issue: therefore, I deleted it from my Avantgo account (server issues). However, later on 2/10/07, I got to work (although it only lists Turlock times, not other local theatres), so we will try it out: two days later, it did not list Modesto or Turlock times again (and there are no modifications that can be made at Avantgo, except to turn images on/off); also, the movie reviews are from movies that have been out awhile; I deleted the channel. I added the channel South End Zone. One of the Avantgo pages recommended using Safari to update, although IE 5.2.3 may be fine. Later, South End Zone would not load the 06-09 future opponents (got an error indicate to reload the page, and offered suggestions like increasing the channel capacity, which I did). I increased the maximum online cache from from 200 K to 400 K, and this solved the problem. Later, after a hard reset, the San Francisco 49ers team schedule would not load (along with several others). However, I adjusted the size of the online channel from 256 K to 400 K (with AvantGo application, selected the menu for preferences and then selected content) and this solved the problem. However, the Instant Replay and Super Bowl pages did not load, which is most likely a problem with (my user ID is the first part of my e-mail address and program ID is listed on the Palm handheld and in General Information file), since the channel is set to be 400 K maximum at, and if I used the channel manager to have the maximum cache be 500 K, the Instant Replay and Super Bowls still do not load. In 6/06, I still could not get the 07-09 opponents to load with (South End Zone). However, after increasing the channel size from 400 K to 600 K, the problem was solved (link depth could not be adjusted by the user). Later, I had the same problem, where page 2 information could not be loaded, so I increased the channel size from 256 K to 500 K, but this did not solve the problem. So, then I checked the box for Òrefresh all content.Ò Then ÒSuper Bowls,Ó ÒInstant Replay,Ó and ÒFlexible SchedulingÓ did load. Later, Page 2 did not load again, so I increased the cache to 600 K. Then the problem returned, see Sony CliŽ #23 for more information. On the Cowboys schedule, there is a ~ symbol in front of some of the games on my Palm device (11/12 @ Arizona, 11/19 vs. Indianapolis, 12/3 @ N.Y. Giants, 12/10 vs. New Orleans, and 12/31 vs. Detroit). Is there a reason why the ~ symbol is present. I sent an e-mail to Scott Crevier ( and he said that, ÒThat indicates that the game time and TV network is subject to change per the new flexible scheduling rules. You can add your own channel (one at a time). You can see future opponents on the southendzone website. In 3/07, I set up South End Zone channel to only sync every 168 channels, since I think it takes a long time to sync all of the information. I added a Miscellaneous channel and the page did not sync, but I found out that it was because the notes that I had put in the Miscellaneous file for my home were 216 K, and the created channel was only 100 K, so I updated the channel to be 300 K and this resolved the issue. However, Cowboys Plus web site could be added to the Palm, but then it would not allow you to access any pages, you get the error "this page is not available on this device" (even after changing the buttons to allow off site access, number of links to 2 or 3 and increase size. So I just deleted Cowboys Plus and then just added a page to my webpage called cowboysarticles.html, which needs to be created with CHP; now it automatically updates on the Palm. A 36 page document of articles from cowboysplus was around 112 K in AW, but only 72 K in CHP. I may just want to copy to CHP directly in the future). To sync your device, use the regular Sync button on the Palm, not the AG connect application (but it should be set. For AvantGo Connect, the server addr is, the port is 80, User name is motleyze, password is old At Ease). You can go to Options, Preferences, and select Òdragging pen scrolls or selects: highlights text or scrolls down. Tidbits would load the homepage onto the Palm, but if you clicked on any of the links, no luck. Later, I found out that if you add the channel, it will work. will not work (when you try to add a new subsciption, it will not show up in the new subscriptions area at Also, you set the maximum amount of K that can be assigned to a webpage, when making your customized channel. Additionally, you can set the link depth (i.e. if you set the link depth to 0 with the Tidbits PDA site, you will get the "page not on this server" error. For Tidbits PDA, I think that a link depth of 1 and 100 K for size is okay). needs to be at 200 K and the link depth s/b 2. Even if you do allow it to follow off-site links, when click older issues at the top of the page on the Palm, you still cannot access them there (if you click on one of the links for Tidbits older issues, the URL changes to But you can go down to the current issue, you can view "previous issues." The Sporting News and are not included in account size calculations on the website (They have a * by them instead of the number of K). You can only make one change at a time (ie. Adding or deleting a channel), then you need to sync with the Palm. Otherwise, you cannot add any more channels. If you accidentally do this, then sign out and sign back in. If your newly added channel does not show up in New Subscriptions, it will not be added to the Palm device. I think that you need to leave the web page as your current page while syncing (I think you can still work in other applications without a problem). Acrobat Reader for Palm takes 600 K, as of July 2005, according to My favorites page (367 K or so) would not load onto the Palm, since it exceeded my file limit (which I do not remember how it was set. There was one setting on the website and I think one on the Palm, but I could not find it later). I finally added my own channel for MovieInfo, since I could not find a local one that worked ( worked, but only for one day's times, not two or three as advertised). Basically, I just have to copy and paste the text (not as a graphic) into my webpage called movieinfo.html for it to work. Then sync my subscriptions using IE (seems to be less problematic than Safari with AvantGo). Also, should not do anything else with IE while syncing. Later, after synching, I got a message about how this news channel could not be found, even though it was not one of my subscribed channels. To get around this, just click the home key at the top of the Avantgo screen on the Palm. I tried reinstalling AvantGo 3.3 and resetting the Palm, but no luck. I even reinstalled all the desktop software as a root user (suggested by Mac OS X Panther, for installation of Palm software), but no luck (even with AvantGo open on the Palm and Safari or IE active in the foreground or background on the iLamp). AvantgoÕs web page said that this problem had been fixed, but it may have just been for Windows that it was fixed (as of July 30, 2005). So I e-mailed Avantgo about this on July 29, 2005. They replied and asked what OS I am using; I had to post it on the webpage, since you cannot reply to their e-mail. Later, they informed me that they do not support OS X. They did say, though, that MarkSpace software could be helpful, if I were using it. I later did a hard reset of the Palm and tried to sync again. I still could not get the software to sync, it was because I had put in wotleyze, instead of motleyze. I corrected this with AG Connect, but AvantGo still had it listed as wotleyze, so I deleted the server in AG Connect and set it up again. I also changed the preferences in AvantGo to be 800 K for Max Online Cache in KB from 400 K to 800 K. I also thought that perhaps I could try syncing with AG Connect, but that produced A PPP timeout (ox 1231) error, this error came into play because I was not using a wireless device, according to*&p_li (contrary to the fact that the web page with Palm Executables suggests using AG connect to sync with my device). Also under, Channels manager, the AllRecipes Preview kept showing up on the Zire, even though it does not show up in IE or Safari. I also changed the setting with the HotSync application to be 57,600 instead of 115,200 bps. Later, though, the setting was back at 115,200 bps (because I reset up the server with AG, I believe). After changing the setting back to 57,600, South End Zone still did not load, so I e-mailed to ask about this (504 error kept being produced). I finally discovered that Sync during next next sync got unchecked by the software, I guess (under AG Connect, Server settings). Scott Crevier said that, ÒI'm glad it's working. Sometimes transient internet errors happen like that. I don't see them very often, but they do happen. It also happens with regular web pages, where a page won't load, then an hour later it's working fine.Ó Later, I realized that you do not have to have IE or Safari open to sync with Avantgo (after doing a hard reset of the Palm, I had little trouble syncing). Later, I just decided to update South End Zone one time, i.e. so that it saves the schedule, but I donÕt need the results, it seems to have the recurring problem with timing out. Also, I had trouble with Cowboys News web page, since the file was quite long (about 340 K or so, about three weeksÕ worth of articles, and the original channel was only 300 K, this caused the problem, I believe. I should check the file size in the future), so I kept getting a file size exceeded limit. I tried changing the settings on the web page several times with IE and Safari and the Palm, but no luck. Resetting the Palm did not work. I think also I discovered that you can only add one channel on one sync. Anyhow, I could not get the channel to work after several attempts. Finally, I had to make two new channels, them add them (new web pages, because the original cowboysnews did not work).  Interestingly enough, the two web pages were 190 K and 130 K and Avantgo showed them as 65 K and 71 K. TVGuide online channel ( does not work, you get a file not found error (on the Palm after syncing with Avantgo and at the URL). I looked and was unable to find any television guide listings that were free for Palm. I found a link for TV Guide for Palm for $4.99, but the link did not prove fruitful. As of 6/06, there is no AvantGo channel at all for TV Guide (even though TV GuideÕs website says that there is a channel for Palm pilots). sells Sync Buddy, a backup program for OS X, it costs $25. Palm Organizers page 291 talks about soft resets (press paper clip into reset button on back of Palm), warm resets (a warm reset is similar to booting into Òsafe modeÓ in Windows; hold down the scroll up button on the front of the device, insert pin into reset button, the Palm should flash and then restart; Warm reset: wait for second Palm logo before releasing ÒupÓ button.), and hard resets (hold down the power button, with the power button still held down, press a paper clip into the reset button on the back and release, release the power button; you should see a confirmation message). Palm Organizers page 294 mentions that you may increase the memory of Conduit Manager, but in OS X, memory is automatic. It also mentions that if having trouble syncing, try slowing the speed of syncing with HotSync application on Palm (not by pressing the Hot Sync button), adjust the preferences. I adjusted the speed to be 115,200 bps and it worked fine on July 3, 2005. To make a y, draw it like a cursive "y," (start in upper left hand corner), not a printed "y." To return, start at the upper right hand corner of Graffiti area and move diagonally down and to the left. Palm Organizers pages 299-300 mention some Palm sites:, (software), and (electronic books). is no longer a valid URL. I found a dictionary program called The Dictionary 4.1.4, and I downloaded the link, but it said it was for Windows Only. I think that is why it crashed the syncing with the CliŽ. However, I found the Nexus Dictionary, which had a Mac link, but it crashed also. cannot be accessed with the T1 line at school, it is blocked by Websense. I was unable to add two Consumer Reports channels (about vacuum cleaners) to the CliŽ in 4/06, after adding the channel at I tried syncing twice without luck. Finally, I left Safari open to and then synced again, then the channels synced fine. File size limit exceeded again with Word 2004 and AvantGo on the Palm (even after increasing the size of the cache with the software on the Palm T|X and increasing the memory with AvantGo by purchasing 8 MB of capacity), but AW 6 had no problems. AW kept having trouble saving HTML documents, because I had to keep retyping the name for the file each time. AW was quite sluggish on the Palm with AvantGo, and it kept having trouble saving HTML documents, because I had to keep retyping the name for the file each time. I used iWEb and it appeared to upload fine; however, on the Palm T|X, the page was not optimized for viewing, so you would have to scroll to the right for each line. explains that some pages are not designed for handheld use (which I do not think iWeb is); I tried turning off Show Tables with Avantgo, to no avail; no help could be found relating to handheld. Therefore, I decided to use CHP 2.0 with COI. Classic-on-Intel (COI) program is at, password is mpok-atiandtardjo. Later, though, I discovered that SeaMonkey works fine; however, the width of copied text from web page (I copied a Google search page results. I copied some information Apple web pages and they did not cause the scroll left to right problem. ) affects viewing with AvantGo (whether or not left to right scrolling is needed). The text ÒClick to enlargeÓ (by photos) doesn't work with AvantGo, this is because I cannot click on them with a stylus or the link is for browser and I don't have AvantGo set to follow links at If you put some extra carriage returns in the page, then the page shows up without needing left to right scrolling on the Palm T|X. Preserve original Source formatting is under Composer Preferences-Composer. It is (by default) off, and checking the box would help with the issue. You can copy a web pageÕs text to MS Word 2004, but the formatting is not retained (and difficult to read). Also, you can add carriage returns in SeaMonkey to make it so that scrolling left to right is not needed, but that would be a lot of work if it is a long web page. Going to Page Setup and make it credit card size did not help the situation.*&p_li=&p_topview=1 says that Question: When I select a link to the full article from a RSS page, the page is not formatted properly. Answer The AvantGo browser and servers will attempt to optimize the page viewing experience for web pages, however if the page has not been specifically designed for handheld use, you may encounter layout problems. Turning off "Show Tables" from the AvantGo browser options can help improve page layout within the AvantGo browser. Turning off Òshow tablesÓ with AvantGo prefs did not work. I finally made it work with SeaMonkey and cowboysplus.html: make the font small in SeaMonkey, Òpreserve original source formattingÓ and Òsave images and other associated files when saving pagesÓ is to be checked; on Avant Go, make sure Òshow tablesÓ (otherwise you have to scroll left to right) is not checked (then you just read the tables in a vertical format instead of horizontal, and the information is still present. When you view the web page in a browser, the table will be horizontal) and minimum font size with browser is to be set to medium. Later, though, I got the error message that said ÒFile Size Limit Exceeded. exceeded your file size limit.Ó The cowboysplus was around 500 KB on the iMac Duo. Increasing the channel size on the Palm T|X did not work. had a couple ideas (it suggested upgrading your account to 8 MB and increasing channel size at neither idea worked. They do not provide Mac OS support, anyhow). Then I just decided to divide the file into two pieces (one in Cowboys Plus and one in Miscellaneous), this worked. However, I had another problem: I had to scroll left to right, so I made sure that Òshow tablesÓ was unchecked (it was) and I tried to use the small font size with Avantgo, no luck. I tried turning images off with Avantgo.comÕs web page, but no luck. I tried to delete all of the links to other articles (the extra column, but no luck). Finally, I figured out that there was an embedded video that I pasted into the file: after I deleted the text around the video and the area where the video would be (when editing with SeaMonkey, the video window does not show up), then the problem was gone. I later had the same problem with a YouTube video (I had to scroll left to right to read cowboysnews on the Palm T|X), which I fixed by deleting the text around the video box and the video box itself.

57. You can add personalized letter templates to the folder Users/ryanzelenski/Library/Application Support/Palm Desktop/Letter Templates. I added Ryan's template, so that I just create a letter addressed to someone by clicking on someone's address in Address Book, then click on the Address section, then click the piece of paper with a pen on it.

58. Mac OS X Panther Edition page 285 says that Palm Desktop 4.1 installer requires you to be a root user to install it. To set up the root user account (page 385-386), open NetInfo Manager, click the tiny padlock in the lower left hand corner of the screen, Choose Security – Enable Root User, click Ok and type the password in both Password boxes, Quit NetInfo Manager, log back out, log in again as root, password is same as for Ryan. If the root account is not needed again, the book says you can use NetInfo Manager to Disable Root User; however, I was unable to, according to the bookÕs instructions or by deauthorizing, but I logged out and wonÕt use it anyhow. I may need it later to reinstall Palm, anyhow. Just be careful when using the root account, since it can access everything on the computer (Transport Monitor could not be trashed because it was Òin use,Ó But when logged in as root, I was able to use Secure Empty Trash to trash it. Other accounts may have been able to, but I am not 100% sure).

59. There is a program called iSync Palm conduit that can allow Palm to be synced with iCal. However, iCal does not do Memos or Notes, so you would have to do those separately. Additionally, iCal added all my e-mail addresses in a different place from where I had them. Also, to get back to using the Palm Hotsync software, I had to trash the file ÒAppleÓ which was in the Library/Application/Palm Hotsync/Conduits folder (after fixing the permissions to be able to move the Apple file. I used the Get Info window).

60. For some reason, I put iPod info in my Memos and then synced to the Palm Zire. In the Zire, it shows up first (perhaps because it is a small ÒiÓ?). I later realized that I needed to do a hard reset, which solved the problem.

61. I tried to delete an attached note (there was a note icon attached to the right hand side of the event) to a repeating event on the Palm; however, I could only delete the notes one at a time, I could not do them all at once.

62. Hot Sync setup and Conduit Settings now produce an error type 50 (since setting up the iMac for use with the Sony CliŽ).

63. On one occasion, I tried to merge two files, but without luck. Finally, I exported the desired information from one file and then imported into the other. It is important when importing to use the Palm Desktop as the format, not tab delimited. Later, though (5/06), I was able to merge by opening a blank file, then chose File Merge, then my backup file (I needed to do this because I accidentally deleted the Palm folder).

64. Wheel of Fortune plays with three players only (not one, two, or four). Also, there is not a way to enter names.

65. sent me an e-mail that included the following, ÒDo you have Missing Sync installed over Palm Desktop? Consider removing Palm Desktop, as Palm says it does not support the Sony Clie with its Mac version of Palm Desktop, it changes system file permissions, and some of its conduits conflict with others.  The Palm Desktop conduits conflict with iSync.Ó I e-mailed them (11/29/05) to ask what you would use if you did not use Palm Desktop on your desktop computer. They replied and said, ÒMost of our customers use Address Book/iCal/Mark Space MemoPad as their PIM. Others use Palm Desktop or Entourage. You can leave the Palm Desktop application present, and drag contacts into Address Book and events into iCal. Check System Preferences, Accounts, Login items. If Palm Desktop Background is present, select it and the minus sign to remove it.  This conflicts with the Missing Sync. If using Missing Sync for Palm OS 5.0.2, Address Book and iCal sync via the M/S Contacts, M/S Events, and M/S Tasks Conduits. M/S MemoPad (Mac application in the Missing Sync folder) syncs via the M/S MemoPad conduit (this would be used to sync with the CliŽÕs ÒMemoÓ application, not from the application ÒCliŽ Memo,Ó which is the application for writing. There does not appear to be a way to transfer CliŽ Memo information to the iLamp, MemoPad sync did not take the information when syncing. I tried copying the CliŽ Viewer info to the Memory Stick and then copying to the iLamp, but the files were .pdb files and could only be used to install on the CliŽ. I even tried opening the pdb and the DB files from wtihin Preview, but no luck, since the files were grayed out. Graphic Converter could not open the files either, even after changing their extensions to jpg with the Finder. PictureGear, which is mentioned in the Sony CliŽ manual, can be used for transferring images. However, PictureGear is for Windows only, according to If you have the Conduit window open and do not wish to have it open, you must hide the application; otherwise, you will quit the application (if you click the upper left hand red box). On 1/12/06, Missing Sync notified me that an update was available, so I downloaded it. The 16.50 MB .dmg file could not mount because there were Òno mountable file systems.Ó I trashed the update.

66. To organize items by name and category, click the Category column and then hold down Shift and the press Title.

67. When viewing the to do list within the calendar, you only see the current monthÕs to doÕs. Also, if you choose to see Òthis to do only,Ó you will not see repeating occurences in the window. Also, on the Sony CliŽ, you will see a repeating to do only one time in the to do list. Also, To doÕs do not show up on the calendar with the CliŽ.

68. It is probably not a good idea to move anything in the Palm (created by the application) folder when and then try to access the program (move file back to the original location first). Also, on one occasion after trashing the Palm created folder by accident, I could not sync with the CliŽ, Address Book kept getting stuck (also, I set up the CliŽ to override the computer, although I am not sure if that was an issue as well). Anyhow, I restarted the iLamp, soft reset the CliŽ, and then I was able to sync again. On 6/09/06, I could not get the CliŽ to sync. I tried restarting the iLamp, reconnecting the CliŽ to the iLamp, using a different CliŽ docking station, doing a soft reset, no luck. Finally, I did a hard reset, but this did not work. I forgot to install the Missing Sync software. So I did another hard reset, installed the Missing Sync software (I had to trash the old software and restart to trash it, because it was Òin useÓ the first time. I could not install 5.0.3, since a newer version was already on the computer, so I trashed the 5.1 and reinstalled 5.1) and then the CliŽ was able to sync again).

69. The best way to set up birthdays (with a default reminder of 5 days before) is to type the birthdate into the personÕs address record. Palm puts a To do reminder into the desktop file for five days before, it puts a To do on the day of the birthday, and also it puts an event on the birthday (3 items total). Also, there is an automatic attachment to the personÕs Address Book record.

70. On one occasion, I thought that Missing Sync had frozen, since the Address Book was syncing for a long time. In that case, it is better to wait it out, than to reset everything (which can cause problems later).

71. Windows 2000 Troubleshooting page 209 suggests that memory allocation of a program can slow printing. However, with Palm 4.2.1 in OS X, you cannot adjust the memory (even though there is a memory box; however, I think the memory box is for Classic use).

72. There is a glitch with the birthday system. At one time, I was able to add birthdates for people and an event, and two To-dos were created. Then it transferred to the CliŽ. Later, though, a couple of birthday events did not transfer or the To do; I tried deleting and resupplying birthdate information, etc. and a soft reset, no luck. So, I just added a couple of birthday events on the CliŽ manually. It may be a good idea in the future, to just create the events on the Palm Desktop software and then sync with the CliŽ. However, later, I figured out that I was using the incorrect conduit. I switched from Calendar to Date Book and now events sync fine (Calendar conduit does not do anything with the CliŽ). Also, with birthdays, it is best to leave the event and the To Do that are created, so the event will show up on the CliŽ (and the To do s/b left on the Palm, so that I can delete it when I buy a present. You need to make sure to Òshow untimed eventsÓ with the Date Book preferencs on the CliŽ (Default is to not show them). Also, there is a note attached to the events on the CliŽ, which can only be deleted for the current note (so you would have to spend several hours deleting them all) and not future or all, it is better to just leave the note icon, since they do not hurt anything. the attached note in Palm occurs because of the Yearly repeat, so apparently the note is supposed to be there. I suppose it equates to an address entry, indicating that there is more information (in this case, it would be that the BD will occur again next year). On one occasion, I could not get MotherÕs Day event to transfer correct from the Desktop software to the CliŽ. The date on the CliŽ kept being one week later, Upgrading to Missing Sync 5.1 did not solve the issue. Also, installing Missing Sync.prc (5.0.3), the MotherÕs Day problem still was present. So, I finally created the event on the CliŽ and deleted the event on the Palm Desktop (Do not create the even in Desktop software, this creates the problem), and then synced again. The sync worked fine (probably a software glitch, since other events sync fine, ones that are created by the Palm software, when typing in someoneÕs birthday). If you delete all of the events on the CliŽ (if you only delete one event, it is fine), the problem will recreate itself.

73. There is not an option to show To doÕs on the CliŽ calendar.

74. On one occasion, after two of PalmÕs startup items (Desktop Background and Transport Monitor) had been freezing the computer (I trashed the aliases of them from Startup Items), I could not get Palm to open because the ÒText Encoding Converter could not be found,Ó but it was present in the Extensions folder. I rebuilt the Desktop with TT, move T.E.C. out of Extensions and back into the Extensions folder and restarted. Palm ran fine.

75. In 5/06, I could not get a copy of a user file to burn (on the G3/233) because it was Òin use.Ó After quitting Palm on the iLamp and turning off File Sharing, the problem was still not resolved. I solved the problem by choosing a different file from within the Palm application on the G3/233.

76. On the CliŽ, CZÕs age was not updated, even on 6/1, but it was updated in Palm Desktop (and updated on the CliŽ after syncing).

77. I was having trouble detaching some to doÕs that were apparently attached to Ònothing,Ó strangely enough. When I tried to detach them, the word ÒdetachÓ was grayed out. I tried quitting and reopening Palm, logging out, no luck. Finally, I attached the todoÕs to a memo, then I detached them from the memo, this worked.

78. PalmÕs Hot Sync Users menu accesses Missing Sync users. If you delete a user with Missing SyncÕs Handheld menu, users are deleted from PalmÕs Hot Sync users menu. Missing Sync UserÕs Guide must be within the English folder within the documentation folder withing the Missing Sync folder, if you want to access it from the Help Menu.

79. In month view, if there are several To Do's on one day in Palm, an arrow doesn't show up until you click on the day.

80. Apparently, the search function in Palm 4.2.1 desktop is not that helpful, but, on the CliŽ, searching can be done accurately.

81. If you sync after you delete a recurring To Do on the CliŽ (and not deleted with Palm Desktop), the CliŽ will then be present on both the Palm Desktop and the CliŽ.

82. I contacted the Palmone store in 3/07 and they said that they no longer carry a power cable/sync cable for a Palm Zire m150. But, CZ finally found the cables.

83. I tried to set up the Zire for use with JCÕs computer with 9.1 and 8.1 on it. 9.1 would not work. It would have been good to notice (but I didnÕt) that the Keyspan 1.1 USB Assistant control panel showed that there was no card of the software was incomplete. Anyhow, cleaning the inside of the G3 and resetting the card did not work. I then tried using 8.1 with Palm version 2.6.3 but then I got a message that said that the necessary software was not installed. 4.0 would not install with 8.1, since 4.1 requires 9.0 or later. 9.1 (according to KeyspanÕs website) had to have USB Adapter Card Support 1.4.1 installed, which they said must be installed from the 9.1 installer CD, which I do not have. Anyhow, I tried clicking the link at KeyspanÕs site, which took me to AppleÕs site and the software was downloadable from there. Upon installation, I got a message about needing the ÒUSB Adapter Support disk,Ó so I put the floppy disk (after changing the name to ÒUSB Adapter Support diskÓ back into the drive and it worked to install the software. Then Palm 4.1 worked.

84. According to,kb=PalmSupportKB,CASE=obj(20114),ts=Palm_External2001, The Palmª Zire handheld has a lithium-ion rechargeable battery that is charged with the included power adapter, or through the mini-USB connector through trickle charge. However, some systems may not support trickle-charging, such as laptop computers. We recommend using the power adapter to recharge the Palm Zire handheld. It takes three hours to charge the handheld using the power adapter. The trickle charge method can take nine hours to fully charge the handheld; therefore, this method is recommended as a supplemental charging method only. Using the mini-USB cable simultaneously with the power brick to charge the handheld does not cause damage. However, this does not speed up the charging process.Ó

85. Wheel of Fortune does not allow you to write the letter ÒtÓ on the Zire, but other programs allow you to write a Òt.Ó I trashed Wheel of Fortune.

86. To print in color, you must select it under PalmÕs general preferences.

87. To have an event print a ÒbannerÓ across several days, it needs to be an event with Òno time.Ó

88. Palm 4.2.2 Address Book has a glitch in it. When you use Portrait, you cannot adjust the size of the printout (it appears to be Ò9Ó font). The best thing to do is to use Landscape.

89. On one occasion, photos and .mp3's would not show up, even though the SD card was inserted. I then took the SD card out and reinserted it; then songs and .mp3's were accessible again.

90. I could not get Òread Chronological CrueÓ to repeat in the To Do List, it would repeat every three months by day, but only one time. Finally, I just added two individual To DoÕs, then I went to the sixth month and added a recurring To Do: and this worked so that that To Do kept repeating after that.

91. When making a repeating To Do, do not just leave the default choice of what appears to be a ÒweekÓ under More Choices, it does not work (it sets the To Do up on Sunday, which is okay, if you want Sunday, of course); choose every 1 week from the popup menu.

92. If you attempt to open Documents to Go and the Palm folder is not in the Documents folder, you will get a message about how a user profile (or something similar) is needed (even though Ryan Zelenski may be in the Users Menu). Move the Palm folder back to Documents to solve.

93. It appears that Conduit Manager and Transport Monitor do not do anything on the iMac Duo (most likely since the Palm Desktop 4.2.1 version is from 2005. BTW, I have downloaded and installed 4.2.1 rev D on the iMac Duo in 4/08, but there is no way to tell which revisin it is from the application or its icon. It shows the same as before); it is PowerPC, but not Universal. The Transport Monitor cannot be trashed because it is open (even though no app appeared to be). Conduit Manager will remain in place as well, just as a precautionary measure.


Palm T|X (CD code is RPN6WU00606382839). The warranty period is one year. The serial number is PN70U1N6V3AU). The serial number for the Palm T|X purchased at Staples is PN70UCU6V6NX; the Palm I got back from them is the same one, but repaired (FYI, they put a new label on it, though). I received the repair Palm back on 10/19/07; however, the power key still had trouble, the Palm Digitzer took about one hundred presses for it to calibrate, and then there was still the Òdead spotÓ on the upper right hand part of the screen, and the arrow on the right side of the screen was still not calibrated correctly. Also, Power Digitizer could not activate the Òdead spot.Ó Therefore, I took the Palm T|X to StapleÕs in Ceres (Turlock did not have any T|XÕs in stock) and dealt with Mike, the assistant manager @ CeresÕs Staples, on 10/20/07. Since I did not have the receipt, he said he could look it up in the computer; however, since I told him it was bought in Turlock with cash, he could not look it up (it is a good thing I did not try buying a new one and then bringing the old one back in a box, because the serial number is on the outside of the box). Anyhow, I had to buy StapleÕs extended warranty, which cost $80, for them to take the Palm T\X back (even though I said it was Òbought a week agoÓ). The new serial number is PN70U5B7V038.: I have two-year protection from 10/20/07, but if any problem arises, do NOT go to Ceres Staples for assistance. The StaplesÕ warranty will allow you to get a one-time replacement if the unit cannot be fixed. As of 4/08, has a T|X. I will use Power Button to turn the unit on and off; and I plan to use PowerDIGIv2 to calibrate the Palm. ConsumerReports rates the T\X as  a Quick pick, as of 4/08, which appears to just be a good purchase. There is no repair history info, but a quick pick does not usually have a poor repair history ( My e-mail and password at are, Old At Ease. MAC (on the back of the Palm T|xÕs is probably for Machine Access Code, which is info relating to the internet).

1. To install my RZ/CZ photos, I just dragged it to Documents/Palm/Users/Ryan Zelenski/Photos/offline copy location/Internal folder, then synced.

2. You can connect to the internet without any configuration at the Yogurt Shop, TogoÕs, Burger King ( lists free Hot Spot wifi locations; my username and password for Burger King is motleyze, Old At Ease), Reflections (you can send mail with VersaMail from Reflections and House of Yogurt), and Circuit City (I was able to sync AvantGo @ Circuit City) in Turlock. Lamppost Pizza has a WiFi connection, that can be accessed from Turlock Stadium 14. John's Incredible Pizza has Wi-Fi, but it is locked, as of 12/07. According to, there are WiFi hot spots at McDonaldÕs (West Main and Geer. I checked and at West Main McDonaldÕs, you must pay for internet access), RaleyÕs, FedEx KinkoÕs. Brenden Theatre has wireless access, even though it isn't extremely strong. WSD page works when you type in winton_do\rzelenski and my password; although the page is not designed for a mobile device, it appears. Receiving e-mail worked fine, after a little configuration. Sending e-mail would not work, since YahooÕs server could not be located. Hov, 2WIRE136,, and do not work in classroom, even after I tried putting in some numbers under Advanced settings. There is an ÒeagleÓ network in room 59 and CrookhamÕs computer lab, but since I did not know the settings, I did not set it up (and it did not work automatically). There is a wireless network at Crookham School, but it is in the cafeteria and it is encrypted, Todd said.

3. 4234334-2367 was my original registration number for Documents to Go (version 7.006). But, after registering, it changed to 5928201-7835, and the corresponding activation key is 0975-5A00FADFFF8A. Later, I received another registration number: 5930480-6765 and the corresponding activation key is F07D-5A00FADF0343. According to ÒGetting Started TipsÓ for ÒDocuments to Go,Ó (which came on the Palm T|X), you can add a Word/Excel/Powerpoint file to Documents to Go (to be synced) by right-clicking on the document, and then choosing Documents to Go, then take document to go; although on the iLamp, it appears to be somewhat buggy. It may be more reliable to drag to the Documents to Go window. I kept receiving a log error about the file needing to be updated on the device, but the problem was that the Misc. file was still in Documents to Go on the desktop. After removing it from the Documents to Go window (it is of import to use File, Remove Item. Do not delete by any other method), the message did not appear after syncing. Later, though, I ran a sync again and got an error about the file being missing, so I had to run Documents To Go on the Desktop and update the item view (on another occasion, I had to select the particular item and updated its item view, not all) to resolve this problem, and this resolved the issue. Later, the problem returned. The best way to do it (for now) is to open a Word document on the Palm T|X, adjust it, then save asÉ. It will sync to the Documents folder. On the Palm T|X, you must choose to have the Hotsync icon by it on the list if you want to update the file on the computer. Do not use Òsend to handheldÓ for Office documents, use ÒDocuments to Go.Ó On one occasion, I had made made changes to the Miscellaneous file on the Desktop and on the Palm T|X, this caused great problems. Luckily, I could still retrieve my data, but it was called Miscellaneous 1. If you use Òsend to handheldÓ to attempt to install an Office file, you must then open HotSync Manager, select ÒInstall handheld filesÓ from the HotSync menu and remove the file. Finding the phrase Òsend to handheldÓ  in ÒComputer NotesÓ (using Edit, Find within Dataviz Word To Go) on the Palm T|X is glacial. It took two minutes to find it; however, finding the word ÒcomputerÓ or the word ÒdiskÓ took only a couple of seconds. Later, I looked for the phrase Òdisk and,Ó and this only took about ten seconds. Searching for 802.11 in "Computer Notes" took more than 3 minutes and turned the Palm off, so I deleted "Computer Notes" from the Palm. On one occasion, I tried syncing ÒFinancial AllocationÓ and the third column of the document would not transfer. I copied the information to a new document, and trashed the one with the issue. I also tried to access ÒDocuments To GoÓ while the iLamp and Palm were syncing; however, I was not able to: after syncing, I was not able to open ÒDocuments To GoÓ without restarting the iLamp. To add a file to the Palm T|X, drag it to the ÒDocuments To GoÓ window and let ÒDocuments To GoÓ do the updating (do not add or remove files with the Finder). Then, if you want to update the file on the Palm T|X, it will then be updated on the iLamp (if the sync icon is present by the document on the Palm). In the case where updates occur to a document from both the handheld and the desktop, Documents To Go will place a duplicate of each file on both the handheld and the desktop. To use files on your handheld you must first add them to Documents To Go on your desktop computer and then synchronize. Deleting a document from the handheld does NOT mean that the desktop document will be deleted. Rather, the original desktop document will remain in its current location on your computer, but you will no longer have it on your handheld in Documents To Go. The steps for deleting a document are as follows: 1. Open Documents To Go on your handheld by tapping on Documents from your list of applications. 2. Locate the file you wish to delete, and tap the file icon to the left of the filename. 3. Select Delete from the popup menu. The document has now been deleted from your handheld and from Documents To Go. In the case where updates occur to a document from both the handheld and the desktop, Documents To Go will place a duplicate of each file on both the handheld and the desktop. 3 editing scenarios: 1. File is edited on the desktop. If a document is edited on the desktop, on the next synchronization Documents To Go will update the handheld document. 2. File is edited on the handheld. If a document is edited on the handheld, on the next synchronization Documents To Go will update the desktop document. 3. File is edited on the desktop and the handheld. If a document is edited on the desktop and the handheld, on the next synchronization Documents To Go will duplicate each document on both the desktop and the handheld. You can then select the version of the file you do not want on both the handheld and desktop. If you modify a document on the Desktop and wish to update it on the Palm, you must have the sync icon showing (beside the document you wish to sync) on the Palm T|X documents screen. The best way to transfer information from the Palm T|X to the iMac Duo is to put your info in the Misc. file, sync, then delete from the Palm T|X (If you delete the info on the Desktop, it will cause Òview logÓ issue), sync again. Or, if you need to update a file on the Desktop: update info, set up the Palm T|X to sync in Documents, sync, remove the HotSync icon by the file in Documents on the Palm T|X. Also, if you sync from the Palm T|X to the Desktop and move the file on the Desktop, it will cause problems: it is better to copy and paste from the synced file. One document that I wanted to read on the Palm was the WSD tech plan, but the text kept requiring you to scroll to the right to see all of the text (even after changing the left and right margins from .6 to 1.6; this document then had some formatting issues, so I stuck with the original document and changed the zoom setting for it); then I went to File/Zoom and chose ÒSmall (more text on screen); it made it a little harder to read, but I did not have to keep scrolling all the time. If you have a header in an Excel document, it does not show up on the screen, also, it will not show up on the Palm T|X. To access bookmarks with Documents To Go: click the small triangle on the right side on the toolbar (bottom of the screen) and select bookmark. In Documents To GoÕs preferences, you can turn scrolling on/off with 5-way device (it will faster/slower depending on the setting). If you make the Miscellaneous file large (i.e. 69 K) and then delete all of the text to make it blank, the size will remain at 69 K until you sync with the computer (saving the file makes no difference). On one occasion, I could not get the Documents application to open on the Palm T|X, the Palm kept restarting. I had to do a hard reset to solve the issue.

4. When I connectted the T|X to the keyboard USB port, I got a message indicating that there was not enough power (connecting the power cord to the T|X did not solve the problem, either). So, I connected the Epson scanner to the keyboard port and the T|X to one of the USB ports on the back of the iLamp.

5. According to, Mobi TV (watch TV on a PDA) costs $9.95/month. None of the channels appealed to me in 2/07, anyhow. My profile name at is Ryan Zelenski, my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease.

6. I got South End Zone to load totally, except for the future opponents. I increased the maximum channel size to 1,200 K, to no avail. Then, I checked Òrefresh all content,Ó and then even the ÒSuper BowlÓ link would not load, so I left the box unchecked and synced again. Then the Super Bowl, Instant Replay, 2007-2009 did not load, so I e-mailed South End Zone on 2/10/07. I could get South End Zone to Òconnect and reloadÓ those pages using the HiFi connection at the Yogurt Shop, as long as I did not click and load pages too quickly in succession. I set up the South End Zone channel for now (2/11/07) to keep 2007-2009 opponents (it will sync every 4,320 hours), since I got that information at the Yogurt Shop. I then decided to increase the channel size of South End Zone to 2,000K (and allow maximum cache size to 2,000K on the Palm.); interestingly enough, Avantgo says that the maximum size of the channel is 100K, which I am pretty sure is inaccurate. After making the channel 2,000K, it worked fine to load all of the pages. Later, the South End Zone had trouble with the Page 2 information again, but I checked Òrefresh all contentÓ and then synced. Then, South End Zone still did not work, so I decided to simply not use page 2 with the Palm T|X (I could have used the RZ card perhaps, but that would be slower), as of 2/07. Also using South End Zone with 2000 K slowed down syncing a lot, so now that is it back to 600 K, it is faster. Yahoo! Mail, and Yahoo! AvantGo channels had issues in 2/07 with the T|X, so I deleted them.

7. I did try a universal screen protector with the Palm T|X, but it had some bubbles in it, even after several attempts to place it on the screen. Also, once on the Palm, it was filthy and made the screen less easy to see. Additionally, after removing the temporary screen protector, there was much residue on the screen, which made it difficult to use Note Pad. Also, the leather cover should work okay. Later, though, I realized that the scren protector works if I use the Palm card to apply it to the screen (when the Palm is on, the protector is not really visible. When the Palm is off, you can see the protector).

8. It appeared that the Expense application only works with Windows (I checked Palm help and According to,Kb=PalmSupportKB,CASE=29081, the Macintosh Palm Desktop software does not come with a conduit that allows you to synchonize Expense data between your handheld and your Macintosh desktop computer. There are several third-party solutions available, including Expense Conduit by QueueSoft, which I downloaded and it works fine. After the expense is synced to the iLamp, it still stays on the Palm T|X. However, later, I tried to add a couple of notes to an expense and it kept causing syncing issues, to I trashed the Expense Conduit (I had to leave Expense on the Palm T|X, since it is installed by default).

9. Staples appeared to not have a keyboard for the T|X, as of 2/10/07 (T|X was not listed ont eh box), but has the 3169WW/3169WWZ keyboard that will work with Palm T|X, but it is temporarily out of stock (2/11/07). According to the web page, it will fit in your coat pocket or purse (5 3/8Ó X 3 7/8Ó X 5/8Ó folded). So, I think that the one at Staples would work (it is model #3169WW).

11. The application WiFileLT can be used to access files on your wireless network; I deleted it: says that WiFileLT is a utility for exchanging files over Wi-Fi with a suitably Wireless LAN-enabled desktop. I set it up by going to Sharing prefs and checking the box for Windows Sharing: then I typed in the URL (which had a different ending number the next day) and my first and last name all lowercase. I made the user name and password for WiFileLT the same as for the iLamp. My customer number at (who makes WiFileLT and WiFilePro) is  117577. WiFilePro does not appear to have any more capability than WiFile LT (with both, I get a lot of messages about files that canÕt be opened, even Word files, and I have Documents to Go on the Palm T|X. With the Lite version, when I clicked on some files, I got the message that I may want to upgrade to Pro, but it did not make a difference with the trial version). Later, I figured out that if I add the extension .doc to my iLamp Word files, I can access them on the Palm using WiFile Pro (and probably with the LT version, also). WiFile Pro cannot transfer mp3 files without an expansion card, it can transfer photos, though. On one occasion (while WiFile LT was active), I tried to access the internet on the iLamp and it froze; so I disconnected WiFile LT and turned off the iLamp, router, and modem. I restarted the modem, router, and iLamp and the iLampÕs internet connection worked. Later, the same problem occurred with WiFile LT, so it seems like it is best to use it only sparingly. WiFile Pro couldn't access iLamp files from Burger King (server time out error), but four minutes earlier, I could access files from our driveway. Express (software) information can be found at my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. I had problems with the Express application saying that I was not using a valid account (which I was). Finally, I went to HandmarkÕs website with the Palm T|X and downloaded the starter application: then I was able to use the Handmark application without incident. Express's free trial expired after about fourteen days, so I deleted it. Merriam-Webster Dictonary on Palm CD requires eReader Pro (MW gets installed within eReader on the Palm T|X and is not listed as a separate application), because Òreference materials and dictionaries require eReader Pro (which costs $9.95, as of 2/07, and it is Windows only),Ó according to the eReader application. I bought eReader Pro, since it makes it easier to look up words while reading a book (the unlock code information and my registration information are in Gen. Info): the MW dictionary (40.000 words) is integrated within the eReader application, it is not listed as a separate application on the T|X; also, it does not copy and paste, but it can be helpful, anyhow. There is a guide to using eReader at After loading a plethora of notes with The French Revolution, Palm could not copy and paste all of the notes to the Desktop (when syncing), since it exceeded the 32,000 character limit. Therefore, I deleted the book and then added it back to the Palm and the notes were gone. At the URL, it shows that you can choose which dictionary you prefer, but they apparently need to be integrated ones (MS Dict wonÕt work). Anyhow, I just decided to use the MW that comes with the eReader Pro application. Table Football (listed in Express software) is actually a soccer game. You cannot add mp3 files to the Palm T|X without an expansion card, even though ÒPhoto Video Read MeÓ does not mention this fact.

12. T-Mobile has hot spot wireless plans, which cost $6.00 per login for the first 60 minutes (whether or not you use 60 minutes or not), then $.10/minute after; or unlimited for $39.99/month ($29.99/month with a 12-month commitment).

13. The old Palm (Zire) does not appear to be too scratched, so I decided not to buy a case for the T|X for now (2/07).

14. If you delete a repeating To Do from the Palm T|X, it will delete it totally from the Palm T|X; but it will return after syncing. It is better to only delete it from Palm Desktop: otherwise, you get a Òview logÓ message after syncing. When you do a hard reset, then your repeating items are transferred, but the repeating part is not (it appears).

15. You can pull the Palm T|X straight up to remove from the cradle, according to ÒUsing the Cradle,Ó page 4. The cradle did not come with a power cord that allows you to plug it into the wall, so I only have one power cord.

16. If you leave mail in the inbox with Yahoo! Mail, it will be available to VersaMail each time you get mail. If you move the mail to Read Mail, the mail will not be downloaded again. VersaMail can be used to read the latest issue of TidBITS (you must download the rest of the truncated message though, probably) if the PDA website is not working. Versamail (version 3.1) has caused the Palm to restart on at least three occasions in the past two months: version 3.5 is available, but it costs $9.95 (and there is no mention of bug fixing) at Since I now have a NEW Palm, perhaps VersaMail will not freeze (as of 6/2/07).

17. To transfer photos to the handheld, drop them on the Òsend to handheldÓ application (make sure that the ÒMediaÓ conduit is set up, also. If you move the Photos conduit into the enabled folder, it will show up with the HotSync Conduit Settings as Media. Also, I think it is best to install the files to the card for portability). To arrange photos by name with Media, use Album/Sort By Name. Apparently, .pdf files cannot be added to the handheld, they can only be added to an expansion card. If you try to use the Photos Conduit, an error message is produced. Later, though, with version 4.2.2, syncing was possible without an error. I later realized that only the photos on the handheld and not the SD card were backed up, though.

18. Manual (which has 95 pages installed on the Palm T|X) page 8 says that If you touch the clock on the status bar, you can adjust the brightness and see the percentage of battery power left. Page 8 says you can tap the ! to see the reminders; however, it is grayed out, probably since I do not have any reminders set. Reminders can only be set with To Dos on Palm Desktop: after syncing, the reminder does not carry over to the handheld, so the status bar icon is useless, it appears. Page 10 says that if you hold down the Favorites/Application button, you can see recently used application. Page 10 says that when you have the 4 pages of Favorite on the screen, you can scroll through the four pages using the 5-way (button in the center at the bottom of the Palm T|X). has a detailed user guide. can used to access support. Page 16 suggests not using pens, pencils, paper clips, or other sharp objects to touch the screen. Page 16 says that if the battery dies, then make sure to charge the T|X for three hours before using. Page 20 says that, ÒInformation from Expense and Media is synchronized on Windows computers only.Ó However, Media does backup my photos on the iLamp, but if you set it to sync, an log message will occur. There is no Versa Mail application installed on the iLamp to sync to and no Versa Mail conduit is installed on the iLamp after regular installation. Page 7 of the manual mentions that Versa Mail can sync with a Windows computer, Mac is not mentioned. Page 16 (and page 34 of ÒTX_Getting Started, which is on the CD) suggests using a diluted window-cleaning solution to clean the screen (I think using dust spray, using rubbing alcohol, or pure Windex was a bad idea or it may have been that I had pressed the screen too hard, which may have caused a Òdead spotÓ on the screen. Now I made a bottle for it with about forty percent Windex and sixty percent water. I decided to use StaplesÕ screen cleaning fluid instead. Also, I think it would be helpful to make sure that the screen is dried after cleaning; and it may be good to just use water for cleaning, if that works. I think using the a lint-free clothe is a good idea and better than a paper towel. I also decided to use screen protectors, but later decided against it. Using landscape instead of portrait or using the keyboard may be a workaround (knocking the Palm did not work, which was suggested at has the parts to replace screen, if necessary (but they were sold out in 4/08). suggested pressing up and down on the screen to see if it helps, but it did not. has ideas on what to do about digitizer problems including problems detecting the stylus taps (Òdead spots). It says that digitizer issues are very likely to be hardware issues (the best plan would be to replace the digitzer and/or glass). Possible ideas include doing a warm reset (press and hold ÒupÓ on the 5-way navigator and press the reset button, release the reset button, wait until Palm screen appears, let go of ÒupÓ button); the warm reset did not work to totally, but the situation was improved (FYI, a warm reset turns WiFi off; to turn it back on, press the reset button again). It suggests removing a screen protector, if one is present. It suggests a way to remove residue: put a piece of Scotch tape on the residue, then pull the tape off. It also says that any type of chemical is to be avoided for cleaning the Palm screen (since the author has seen Windex discolor plastic bottle, and the Palm screen is plastic; therefore, issues may be present. FYI, Palm does not sell any type of screen cleaners, as of 4/08). The author suggests using a warm breath and alens cloth (i.e. eyeglass lens cloth or camera lens cloth, which may be obtained from an optician or anywhere that sells eyeglasses or sunglasses, or a camera store. Also, the author indicates that ones for Crizal or specialy coated lenses are the best. I found out that three sources say that the lint free cloths are fine, since they are used for electronics and eyeglasses. The 3 URLÕs are,, and The author suggests using a firm piece of paper to clean out the area between the case and the plastic (glass). The author says that loose or lost Palm screws may be the problem, or just taking the screws out and replacing them may work; it did not work for me. The author refers to, which has information on sending a Palm for repair, etc. I faxed Staples Technical Support and Protection Plan (877-610-3966) about repairing the Palm, but they did not reply. has a video on taking apart the Palm T|X. MyKbd has a free digitizer built-in, even though the program costs $14.95 (as of 4/08). Page 25 suggests using the Send to Handheld application to send a photo or a video to the Palm T|X, but it will not work without the expansion card. You can transfer photos though using WiFile LT, but WiFile LT could not transfer a .wmv file. WiFile LT could transfer a mp3 file, which you can play or save to a card (which I do not have at this time): if you do not save to a card, the file is not saved. Page 38 explains that Documents to Go does not have spell check, and it does not have all of the bigger font sizes. Page 44 explains that you can press the Calendar button repeatedly to scroll through calendar views. Page 50 talks about changing the color of the pen and paper in Note Pad preferences (you need to have Note Pad at the top of the screen, not Note); Options, Font in Note Pad can be used to adjust the size of the font for the date and time of a note (my note). Page 50 explains that you can name your notes as well. Page 57 explains that when Bluetooth is on, the handheld needs to be discoverable for other devices to access it. Page 69 talks about using SMS, which requires a mobile phone with GSM. Page 77 says that the handheld is compatible with SDIO (Secure Digital Input Output) cards, SD, and Multimedia cards. Page 84 says that if security settings are on, then the owner information appears upon startup: this was not true with the Palm T|X. Page 86 says you can modify the location name in Date and Time preferences. Page 90 suggests a shortcut to silence the phone: press System Info on the status bar and choose Òsilent.Ó Page 92 suggests charging the phone for one half an hour a day. It also suggests leaving in plugged in overnight, which I think has increased the batteryÕs staying power. explains how to do a hard reset: Press and hold the power button, use the tip of the stylus to gently press and release the reset button, wait for Palm Poweredª (not just Palm, which is the first part) logo to appear, and then release the power button; press up to select ÒyesÓ to Òerase all data.Ó If you do a hard reset of the Palm T|X and then Òrestore from backup,Ó it does not take long to return it to my operating state. To turn the Palm T|X on/off, you normally just press the button (not hold it down for two seconds, etc.).

19. You can click on the Palm Desktop icon on the dock in OS X to access ÒInstant Palm Desktop.Ó However, you need to make sure you have checked Òshow instant Palm Desktop menuÓ has been selected with the General Preferences.

20. There is wireless in cafeteria only; Todd said I could not use wireless with Palm, since the network (wireless one for the laptops) is encrypted. Also, the cable in the back of the computer cabinet is a crossover Ethernet cable (Todd said a regular one would not work).

21. I had some photos that had trouble transferring from the iLamp to the Palm T|X. It turns out that the problem was that there was a space in front of the names of some files (i.e. 92-93 pictures; so they would appear in chronological order on the iLamp) and a few files that had slashes in their names. After removing the spaces and the slashes, they synced okay (I put the files with the changed file names on a Ryan CD); i.e. 2000 Ryan/Di Jeep picture had that problem originally.

22. I could not get my Take Control .pdf files to load onto the Palm after several tries, changing the names, etc. to no avail. Finally, I found the answer on the internet: I downloaded PalmPDF, which allows you to view PDF files on the Palm; apparently, Adobe Reader for Palm OS does not read Adobe files (I even tried using the latest version for the Palm OS as of 3/07, which is version 3.05), ironically according to  However, I figured it out: I downloaded Adobe Reader for Palm OS and then installed it, which automatically installed the necessary items on the Desktop and the Palm T|X (I did not need to use the .prc file, since Reader was automatically installed on the Palm T|X). Anyhow, the files read fine, but the keyboard does not go away with Adobe on the Palm, probably since the ÒTake ControlÓ files were not Òtagged pdf files,Ó so some adjustments had to be made by Adobe to put the files on the Palm T|X (I later turned the warning off about this, since it produced the warning with all ten files that I did with the program); ironically, this happened with an Acrobat Readme.pdf file for 4.05, also. Shrink to fit screen width (Adobe Reader for Palm OS, which was accessed on the iMac duo) did not make any noticeable difference with HP 2605 dn Software Technical Reference .pdf file. I had to use WiFileLT to transfer the files (later, though, I thought I determined that if I chose to use Òsend to handheldÓ and selected the card instead of the handheld, files could transfer. The item did not show up on the first sync with PalmPDF, but later it did). Later, I tried using version 3.05 (build 20030829, not sure if this is the same build as in March, but this is is the end of June, 07) of Adobe Reader for Palm OS on the Desktop to install some .pdf files; however, the software wanted me to sync, which I did several times and the Adobe program did not act like I did (also Adobe Reader for Palm OS, which is accessed on the computer, does not allow you to select Òbest settingsÓ for your device, since it does not recognize the sync process on the iMac Duo); the best way to install .pdf files is to use Òsend to handheldÓ (and select the card, I think); I trashed Adobe Reader for Palm OS, since it may format pages, but then you cannot do anything with them. The only thing that Reader for Palm OS is good for is to get the Acro conduit (which is listed as ÒAcro conduitÓ inside conduits folder, but listed as ÒAdobe ReaderÓ inside of HotSync app) from within the package contents. The Acro (Adobe Reader) conduit is necessary to transfer files to the Palm T|X. Anyhow, I think using VersaMail is a good idea, which worked as well with Palm PDF (I trashed Palm PDF, since it was too hard to read files on the Palm T|X using that software). This is better, since WiFile keeps causing internet issues after being used (it may be that using Versamail can cause the same problem, although I am not certain. After downloading the rest of a truncated message from TidBITS, the internet did not work on the iLamp. Maybe simply using the program may not be a problem, but downloading with it is). Also, the names could not be too long or they would not work with PalmPDF. Reflow is the best setting to use with PalmPDF to view files. Two out of three files I renamed (and ended with .pdf. When I renamed the files without pdf at the end, the files disappeared.), another one was loaded with WiFileLT without a .pdf at the end. I later realized that I could add PDF files for Adobe to read, but you cannot use the ÒSend to HandheldÓ application: you must use Adobe Reader for Palm OS to install the files. I also discovered that if open up the DELL ownerÕs manual in IE 5.2.3, I can choose to Print, then Òsave as PDF.Ó (it takes some time to transfer, since you must do it in sections, though. FYI, you do not have to then make the document into Adobe format, and if you do, it does not make any difference on the Palm T|X). Then, I can use Adobe Reader for Palm OS to transfer the files. I tried to put DELLÕs manuals into PDF format for reading on the Palm T|X, but they did not organize well on the Palm T\X, so it was going to be difficult to determine how to read all of the sections in order: it is better to print a hard copy.

23. Songs that were originally MP3 with iTunes can be transferred by moving the file on top of the Òsend to handheldÓ icon. I tried to move some .m4a files to the Palm T|X, but with great difficutly. I tried using SoundStudio to import with Quicktime, then convert to MP3 and the ÒSend to HandheldÓ application, no luck. I finally figured out that if you go to iTunes Preferences, Advanced, Importing, Make sure Import using MP3 Encoder is selected. This is the procedure to import a music file. However, if you already have the music file in iTunes, click and hold on the track to convert selection to MP3 (but Import Using MP3 Encoder must be set up with preferences). Then find the original file and put it in Documents (since that is an easy folder to acccess with WiFile LT), then use WiFileLT to transfer it. After transferring the file, save it to a card. You can right click on a file to ÒShow song fileÓ to find the location of a song or use the File Menu. It is important when using pTunes not to make errors when importing songs, because it is slow to update and seems to be a little buggy. I had to reset the Palm to get the playlist to update. Later, I figured out how to do it with iTunesÕs MP3 songs (that have been converted): drag the mp3 file (the actual file, not the information in iTunes) to the Install Handheld Files window or the ÒSend to HandheldÓ application. Then you can add the song to a playlist with Ptunes; however, Ptunes has trouble updating its list, so you need to select the playlist again (and select ok) using the music icon in its window. It does not appear that the Backup conduit backs up MP3 files. Files do not have to have the MP3 suffix to be added to the Palm T|X. Ptunes will keep playing after 3 minutes (or power off time) if a song is left playing.

24. Address Book and Calendar kept producing a 16399 error in the log after syncing.,kb=PalmSupportKB,CASE=obj(35408),ts=Palm_External2001 says that it is likely caused by a third-party conduit issue which may cause Address Book and Calendar conduits to time out. Actually, Mal Conduit had been having problems, since the web site was down and I decided to have South End Zone channel update every 168 hours. After the web site was functional again and I changed South End Zone channel to update every sync and a soft reset, it still did not sync normally. Then I used AvantGo Connect to Òrefresh all content,Ó and then it synced normally. You can also use AvantGo Connect on the Palm T|X to sync to the iLamp (i.e. wirelessly): it is slower, but it is another option.

25. ScanDisk card has a lifetime warranty.

26. The Palm T|X cannot be used to play videos at When I tried to play a video, an endless loop occurs. When I attempted to download Microsoft Video Player, I got a message indicating that the device does not support the download.

27. None of my Palm apps supporzt PrintMe except for Adobe (Take Control books need web clippings software, though). Palm bookmark cannot be deleted in Blazer (other bookmarks can be deleted, though). Blazer cookies can be deleted using App, Delete; in addition to using Blazer preferences (further deletes them, most likely).

28. MobiTV requires that you have Addit to purchase MobiTV. Addit is a free application that is used to securely purchase software with the Palm. MobiTV kept saying that I do not have the correct version of Addit, even though I just downloaded it from PalmÕs website. MobiTV then suggests hot-syncing the Palm to get the latest version of Addit. After hot-syncing, I still got the same message, so I deleted MobiTV and Addit.

29. The Palm T|XÕs power switch appears to be intermittent: Cleaning the switch with dusting spray did not work, a soft reset did not work, I was unable to do a hard reset because of the power button not working.

30. Dusting spray may be better for cleaning Palm screen than Windex and paper towels (less lint).

31.,/?St=40,E=0000000000630803924,K=8587,Sxi=17,Case=Obj(40682) is about charging the Palm TX handheld battery: power adapter vs. trickle charge

Solution ID : 40682. It states that, ÒThe Palm TX has a rechargeable battery that can be charged two ways:

¥ With included AC power adapter

¥ Through the USB sync connector, also known as a "trickle charge"

Depending on the computer system, the trickle charge can occur at 100mA or 500mA.

We recommend using the power adapter to recharge the Palm TX handheld. It takes three hours to fully charge the handheld using the power adapter. The trickle charge method can take nine hours to fully charge the handheld; therefore, this method is generally recommended as a supplemental charging method.

How do I know if the handheld is trickle charging? If your handheld is receiving the full 500mA charge (through the power adapter or trickle charge), it will beep when plugged in, and it will display a lightning bolt symbol over the battery symbol. If it is receiving a 100mA trickle charge, the battery symbol will not have the lightning bolt.Ó

32. It does that taking 2 seconds to turn Palm power on or off is normally an issue (i.e. the unit normally turns on or off after a simple press).

33. ÒPhoto Video Audio Read MeÓ page 4 says that, (Optional) Select the option Optimize for Handheld Screen Resolution to resize any large photos.  Optimizing the photo uses less memory on your device; however, the pictures are much smaller when shown on the Panasonic plasma. Originally, the wedding photos were out of order; but then I arranged them by name. Also, the pictures on the Palm T|X appear to be cut off when twenty pictures are on the screen, but when you see them one at a time or in slide show, the pictures are fine.,Kb=PalmSupportKB,CASE=1096 explains how to add photos to albums, but the icon on the web page is not the correct one for my device (it is a little different), but the procedure works. The Palm T|X does have thumbnails (they show up automatically, along with the pictures, when you use Òsend to handheldÓ) on it, but the thumbnail information does not transfer to the Panasonic plasma; the Panasonic plasma had no helpful information in the manual. nor had no useful information. I e-mailed Panasonic about this on 6/3/07. Panasonic said (6/12/07) that the thumbnail data does not get transferred to the television (through the SD card), only the picture will. There is not a way to transfer the thumbnail data to the television.

34. There were three CliŽ files that kept showing up in the Documents/Palm/Users/Ryan Zelenski/Backups folder, and I could not find them on the Palm T|X using Applications, Delete. I did a backup of the Palm T|X. I then did a hard reset, erased the CliŽ files from the Documents/Palm/Users/Ryan Zelenski/Backups folder and then restored from backup. Then the CliŽ files were gone from the iLamp.

35. I kept having trouble with tasks that were Òmodified on one platform and deleted on the other,Ó even though I am certain that this was not true. I think it was due to overriding the Macintosh from the handheld. Anyhow, I deleted all the tasks from the Desktop file and the Palm T|X, then I imported the tasks to the Desktop file from a backup, then I had the Macintosh overrride the handhelf for one sync. Then syncing was fine again. One thing I did learn was that when you import tasks from another, the tasks and repeating information does import. However, the repeating information does not transfer from the Macintosh to the handheld; you need to set the task to repeat in both the Macintosh and the handheld. I think, though, that the T|X had some issues; after performing a hard reset, these issues appear to be cleared up (a soft reset did not work). After performing the hard reset, I set up the backup conduit only to Òrestore from backup,Ó then I synced again and this time I had the Macintosh override the handheld. Later, after moving a couple of tasks to different days on the Desktop only, I got a message in the log that said that, ÒThe following record was modified on both the Palm Desktop and the handheldÉBoth versions of this record were copied to the Palm Desktop and the handheld. Delete the unwanted record and perform a HotSync operation again.Ó I deleted the task on the Desktop and then synced again, but then I got the message that, The following record was modified on one platform and deleted on the other:..The modified version will appear on both platforms.Ó Finally, I deleted the unwanted task on both platforms: this solved the problem (but only temporarily). If you have a task on the handheld and then delete it, it will be deleted on the Desktop also after syncing, but not vice versa. Later, I had the same problem with some tasks that were originally comprised on the handheld and synced to the Desktop; however, I did open and copy them (and then the computer thought that they were modified). In that case, it would be good to delete from both platforms at that point. I later figured out the solution: I uninstalled Palm Desktop and installed 4.2.1 rev. D (which was an update from A). However, after installation, a couple of Tasks were still problematic (but these two may have been a carryover from the previous problem). Anyhow, now when To DoÕs (as they are called with the Desktop) are deleted, they are deleted on the handheld (even though they are called Tasks on the handheld). There are two conduits (FYI): Tasks and To DoÕs; for now, using Tasks is working (Tasks was set up by default by the software). I think that it is better to use the conduits that match with the name on the handheld. I then updated to version 4.2.2, (which was on the Palm T|X CD); but I made no adjustments to the Palm folder. Then when events/memos/tasks were changed on the Desktop, the information was updated on the handheld (not duplicated, which would be incorrect). I later got the same error when I think I did modify on one platform and delete on the other (or modified on both). Anyhow, I deleted manually on the Desktop and the handheld, then I added it back on the Desktop and synced (then the Task was on both the Desktop and the handheld). On another occasion, (after accidentally trashing the Palm file inside of Documents and then messing up the setup after that: there were a lot of Task doubles. It is better to avoid trashing the folder, if possible.), the problem returned with two tasks (I got the message that the task was modified on one platform and deleted on the other, which was not true). So, I used 4.1Õs installer to uninstall 4.2.2 (there was not an uninstall option with 4.2.2), trashed PalmÕs prefs and conduit files in OS X and reinstalled 4.2.2. This fixed the problem.

36. When you set up a task to repeat (with the other option) with handheld, restarting may occur.

37. Hotsync uses the USB connection to connect to the iLamp, not the serial connection.

38. As of 6/07, I have Palm OS¨ Garnet v 5.4.9. I could not find any updates at or

39. There is a Merriam Webster Dictionary (not the one that is installed with eReader Pro) that I found that has 225,000 entries at (and the price was $39.99), but I did not find that it had many more definitions than MSDict, so I did not purchase it. Also, M-W would not allow you to change the setup like MS Dict does (i.e. you canÕt move its location on the screen). Also, M-W was not integrated with eReader. The M-W dictionary that came with eReader is good, but not great. I checked into the possibility of using MSDict with eReader Pro or purchasing WebsterÕs Collegiate Dictionary for use with eReader Pro by e-mailing on 11/21/07 or using MSDict with eReader Pro, or purchasing WebsterÕs New World College Dictionary (around $21) for use within eReader Pro. They said that any reference purchased through can be used with eReader Pro (or the reference can be used separately). The New World College Dictionary requires Palm Reader Pro, so I decided to purchase Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition (which has 225,000 definitions). It is not used separately from eReader, but it can be used by simply going to eReader and then accessing it from the bookshelf.

40. It is better to delete birthdays on the Desktop (you have the choice to delete only this one, etc.), since deleting them on the handheld will automatically delete future ones as well. I found an Oxford dictionary program (which goes with MSDict Viewer) that has 140,000 entries, it costs $29.95. It has a Mac downloadable version. At, MS Dict English Pro 6.46 (key is 33821-88928) did not include syllabication (at least it did not for the word ÒlongedÓ), but it is an American dictionary. After installing, you may have to search ÒeverywhereÓ for dictionaries. I decided to go with MS Dict, since they had a .sit files with their program, so they would probably be more Mac-friendly than some other programs. MSDict preferences allow you to Òread clipboard upon startup.Ó However, I turned it off. I also found a free program called Engish-English Lite.pdb, but I decided not to install for it, since I have a dictionary. CF can stand for confer (Latin for ÒcompareÓ). This came up in the definition for ÒdeciduousÓ while using MSDict on the CliŽ. The Oxford English program spells chilli, not chili. It also had colour listed as a primary spelling for color (although color is listed). MSDict-plurals are in blue. You can have the find be applied immediately or on tap (pressing Return) and you can have the filter applied immediately or on tap (return). The find function or filter function is activated, depending on which menu bar icon you press (Search or Filter). If you tap a word within a definition in MSDict, the word will show up in the search box, press search to see the definition. There is not a thesaurus for MSDict, that I could find. The cheapest one I could find was $8.00 at I found a program called AbbrComp (which is a computer abbreviations dictionary) at , but it is for Bdicty, so I decided not to add another dictionary to the CliŽ. The website for MSDict, does not work, but does. To contact the developers, use I e-mailed them on 12/8/05, to find out what the single quotation mark, within the pronunciation of a word, indicates. Ana Russell replied and said that, ÒIf the stress is on the first syllable the quotation mark in the upper left corner before the word, if the stress is on a subsequent syllable the quotation mark is in the lower left corner before the word.Ó In the MSDict, cabana is spelled caba¤a in parentheses, which is option, 6, according to Key Caps. According to and, the symbol means section (not the same symbol for a section break in Appleworks, BTW). I did not understand this, so I e-mailed about this on 5/14/06. I said, ÒI am using MSDict version 6.46 with the English Pro dictionary. Suffixes in MS Dict have a hyphen in front of them. For the definition of cabana, there appears to be an alternate spelling. In parentheses behind the word cabana, there is the word caba¤a (the letter "n" is replaced with the section symbol, which can be made by pressing Option, 6 on a Mac).Ó They did not respond. When you have multiple entries, definition (1) does not automatically show up on right side (like with other records), so I think this is normal behavior for the program. I did decide to use the acronym dictionary, since it is free. Page 11 of the MSDict Viewer userÕs guide says the double arrows in the program can move cursor one page up or one page down. You can download the viewer and the dictionary separately. MSDict Viewer UserÕs Guide page 23 recommends putting dictionaries in \Palm\Programs\MSDict folder, but they are not, since app is on internal memory, while dictionaries are on MS. MSHack (built in to Palm 5) does not work with MSDict. If you buy the MSDict viewer with the English dictionary program, you can get the Spanish dictionary Pro (just download the program, since you already have the viewer) for $8.00 (it has over 38,000 entries in 19,800 word articles) The key is 04329-15342.  It does not include a Spanish-English dictionary, but there are two on the website (one is the Oxford Eng/Span and Span/Eng. Dictionary for $29.95 at and the other is the Oxford Multilingual dictionary for $69.95 at Since these are both EnglandÕs dictionaries and because of the price (the Oxford Eng/Span and Span/Engl comes with the viewer, the multilingual does not), I donÕt think), I decided not to purchase them. There is also a free acronym finder. I found English Pro (affiliated with MSDict Viewer) that has 90,000 entries and it costs $14.95 when purchased in conjunction with MSDict Viewer.

41. Pac Man is $14.99: the code is 51923. To exit the game, the help suggests that you press an application button, which did not work. I thought that registering the program would allow the application button to exit from the game, but no luck. So, I decided to delete the game from the Palm.

42. will not load log in page properly with Blazer (on the Palm; you get a security message when you click the login to online banking link and the place to type in your access ID and password never appears), even though MOCSE said you can do online banking with them, just like you would on a regular computer (4/08). works fine. AOL for Palm OS is $19.95, as of 7/07.

42. Google Maps for Palm requires a data plan for use; it would work with my Palm T|X if I had a data plan.

43. TimeCopy is a freeware Palm program that I downloaded (along with its conduit).

44. Word 2004 produced a file size limit exceeded with Avantgo on the Palm T|X, but Appleworks 6 did not (even with the same file, although I made the font smaller in AW 6).

45. Bluetooth connection worked after I selected it with Palm Desktop software (Hot Sync setup: under Connection Settings, I checked bluetooth-pda-sync port.

46. You cannot assign the middle button of the 5-way button on the Palm T|X.

47. My new Palm that I bought from Staples has a problem with the power key. (Offstroke is freeware, but it did not do anything in terms of helping the Palm T|X turn on or off: the application never showed up on the Palm T|X, even though it appeared to install. PowerBTN1 (Power Button) is freeware, also; it will perform a hard reset as well. It disappears once you install it and set it work. After performing a hard reset, there was still a spot on the screen where writing cannot be done and the power button did not work. Palm Technical Support for T|X (813-313-4913) said that the Palm T|X would require service. They said that I need to remove the stylus and the cover or anything else extra. I will receive an e-mail within 24 hours (from 10/3/07 @ 7:30 A.M.). My RMA number is 51-197909919: they did not mention that I need to send a receipt (probably since the information is stored in their database). They said that a letter is not needed. says that, ÒAfter studying the video carefully I took apart my TX just far enough to get access to my power button. I then sprayed a drop of WD40 on a piece of paper soaked off any excess unto a paper towel then let the rest get soaked into the unit switch. I let it set for a few minutes and then tried the power switch. To my glee the switch turned on the unit! I tried it several times before reassembling the unit. I am happy to report that it has been over a week now and my power button is working perfectly and I have had no issues to date!Ó

48. There are some PilotSafeSave files created by Palm after each hot sync, according to The web page says you can remove and then reinstall Palm program to eliminate them. However, they probably are useful to Palm, so I will leave them alone.

49. When beaming an application from the Palm T|X to JCÕs CliŽ, I figured out that sometimes you make need to turn the device to make sure IR ports are facing each other. It is an IR port on the Palm T|X: I checked the manual.

50. If you are syncing the Palm T|X to the iMac Duo and Tasks was open on the Palm T|X (before you pressed the sync), it will produce an error in the sync log. You need to go back to the Applications screen.

51. Motleyze, Old At Ease at is my information. I tried to use Power Digi (on the Palm it is listed as PowerDigi) on my new Palm T|X, but I could not: the old code was in the Palm (my new Palm had the old registration number). PowerDigi ID# and key# are  pD-1J623o5  and18uK4KF. indicates that a new code would be required, but it make take some time to get it. I sent an e-mail from the web page and to him directly on 10/31/07. Dear Palm Powerups,

I have purchased and install Power Digi on my other Palm T|X, which died. Now, I have a new Palm T|X and I want to install it. However, when I try to run the program on the new T|X, I get the message that says that you have 0 days of trial left. Your registration ID is "pD-1T6i3oD". To purchase, go to If you have a registration code, enter it here."I tried entering either code from (pD-1J623o5 and 18uK4KF), but to no avail.

Can you assist me please? 1DBK4SV works now on the Palm T|X with serial number PN70U5B7V038.

52. Note Pad seemed to write a thin line and then disappear when you tried to write with it (there are no preferences relating to this issue, it appears). After calibrating with PalmÕs preferences, it appears to be okay again. Palm Digi may be useful in the future, if necessary.

53. I was thinking about e-mailing Palm about leaving the charging cable plugged in without the TX connected to it, but then I realized I have done that with the cradle for months (also, it is really not much power).

54. After a birthday has passed, DO NOT DELETE the EVENT on the Desktop or the Palm T|X; if you delete the event on the Desktop for the current year, it will still have the BD next year, but the Palm T|X will not (even if you use the Date Book conduit instead of the Calendar conduit. The Calendar Conduit is correct anyhow, I am pretty sure). You can not delete the BD event on the Palm T|X, you must delete it entirely. You can delete the current To Do for the BD on the Desktop and that will normally adjust the Palm T|X in the same way. If you create your own event for the birthday on the Desktop and then delete one of the events, it will not sync to the T|X correctly, either. It is a feature, not a bug for the BD events to be listed each year, since it would not normally be something that is completed i.e. it will come up again.

55. Spaces in front of numbers are ignored (not saved after editing) with 2.0 GB SD card on Palm T|X.

56. I had trouble with the letter ÒlÓ and ÒenterÓ working on the Palm wireless keyboard (working with the Palm T|X); the Palm T\XÕs IR port needs to be lined with the antenna from the Palm Wireless keyboard to work; the T|XÕs IR port is between the power button and the expansion cord slot. The best way to use the Palm T\X with the Palm Wireless Keyboard is to put the T\X on the left hand side of the wireless cover (using the metal retainer bar can help to ensure that the Palm T|X does not fall). I also cleaned the contacts for the wireless keyboard with screen cleaning fluid and a lint-free cloth; however, I still had trouble later, so I decided to use the dusting spray to clean the contacts and the ribbon under the keyboard (when folded). The Palm keyboard was purchased on 2/11/07 and it has a one-year warranty.

57. Biometric Weight Manager is a program that has a calorie counter in it; however, it is far too complex for what I am interested in. You cannot simply access calorie amounts, you have to add them to your daily intake to see the calories, etc. You cannot access information without typing in your goals, etc. CalorieKing has a Palm calorie counter, but it only works with Windows.

58. The Web (version 4.3) had trouble with restarting the Palm T|X on more than one occasion, but I think that clearing the cache and the history helped (the problem kept occuring on Cowboys Blog).;jsessionid=13A31CD9B449435DAC8AF7FE6AE5DD29?siteId=1&platformId=1&N=96804&productId=89056 has Palm Web Pro for Mac OS for $34.99 (the program is not supported on the T|X (and when I tried to use it, it restarted the Palm two out of three times, when I pressed cancel when I was asked for the registration code), though). I tried to download a free version from, but ÒI am not authorizedÓ to run it, according to the Palm T|X (I had installed the Web Pro app on the Palm T|X). had TealWeb beta, which I downloaded (although it may be that the issue is with TealWeb beta needs a lot of work, you can only access three different web sites with it on the T|X, there is no menu or help at all. I also found a free program called Speedy, which tells you the speed of your processor, not too useful.

59. When I am in the application Note Pad, I cannot get the 5-way navigator button to scroll down the note. I e-mailed Palm about this on 4/17/08. They suggested doing a hard reset, which I did, but it did not resolve the issue (I also thought it might resolve the dead spot issue, but it did not). Therefore, I e-mailed them again (about the Note Pad) on 4/20/08. They said it is supposed to be able to scroll down; therefore it is a hardware-related issue; they suggested calling 813-313-4913 to set up an RMA.  I wondered whether you would be able to get your same Palm T|X back (if sent it for repair) and Palm said that, ÒWhether you get your original Palm back Òwill depend on the condition of your device. If your device is repairable, we will only replace any damaged parts. However, if we can no longer repair your device, we will send you a refurbished device.Ó They also said that, ÒOn April 30th 2008, Palm will end E-mail support.  After this date, Palm will no longer provide any incident support via email. We recommend that customers who prefer this type of support option use our chat support which can be found at:

60. I had trouble getting the Palm T|X to connect to the internet at home. After power cycling the modem and router, I then could ÒconnectÓ to the internet, but then I got a URL not found error for every web page. I had forgotten that I had used setup under Netgear (then I went to Configure, Details, Advanced) to make the DNS Server be manual and had left it blank. After changing it back to Automatic, the Palm was able to connect to the internet.


Panasonic CD Player

1. GNÕs CD player was skipping with several CDÕs. I cleaned the lens with laser lens cleaner, and it was about 80% better. But, still the problem existed.

            A. I tried to find her ownerÕs manual, but she did not have one. MS did not have one, either.

            B. Next day (3/21/02), the CD player played without skipping, but I will still test it.

            C. I also e-mailed Matt, and he said cleaning the lens was about all he knew to do. When dealing with a CD player that skips, Dennis said that cleaning the lens is the best thing to do. Can use a CD lens cleaner, but it is better to use Q-tips to "swab" the lens (with 90% rubbing alcohol instead of the usual 70%, the stuff that comes with VHS or tape cleaning kits is usually 90%). He said that he found 91% alcohol at Rite Aid in Atwater. They also have it at the Rite Aid, Target and Wal*Mart in Turlock. He also said that he has heard that the lens can wear out, but he has never seen that happen. Radio Shack by Wal*Mart does not have any 90% pure alcohol, it may be that pure, but the label on their ÒProfessional Cleaning FluidÓ does not indicate percentage.

            D. I used rubbing alcohol and Q-tips to clean the lens on GN's CD player. I wiped off excess alcohol with a Kleenex. The CD's played okay, but still had a tiny bit of skipping. Next I tried cleaning with rubbing alcohol, then letting it dry for an hour. But, after an hour, CD's will still not play without skipping. I again used the Kleenex to dry the lens. Then I used the CD laser lens cleaner again to help dry the lens. CD's played pretty well, then.

            E. I tried it on my Fisher CD at home, as well. It seems to work fine, now.

            F. After cleaning with 90% (Floppy Drive cleaning kit), the CD skipped for the first three or four songs, then it played fine (3/27/02). But, After vacation, the CD player was skipping again. So, I used cleaning solution and a foam swab to clean the lens again. It did not skip as much initially, but it still did skip. I will wait until later in the day. Later, it was fine. Later, however, the CD player was still skipping.

            G. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix It Yourself Manual suggests using foam swabs instead of q-tips, because a Q-tip can leave fibers (this may be true for other electronic things, as well). I have one foam swab at school, as of 4/4/02. Radio Shack had 10 foam swabs for $2.99 (catalog number 44-1094).

            H. Panasonic suggested contacting one of their technicians to look at the CD player. You can find the nearest Service Center by going to

            I. Also, there is an adjustment for pre-focusing on the main board, which is hard to find and requires complicated equipment. He could help me with the adjustment, if necessary. He has an oscilloscope, but you need a schematic diagram. You must find the right test points on the board and unless they are well-marked, it is sometimes unclear which knob controls the parameter (parameter is a set of facts or a fixed limit which establishes or limits how something can or must happen or be done).

6. The cassette player in room 13 had trouble with the door closing. I used MSÕs CD player as a model and I fixed the door. However, later I found out that cassetteÕs door would not close with a cassette in it (so you could not play cassettes). I pushed down on the playing heads, and then a cassette was able to load and play.


Panasonic Copier in TeacherÕs Lounge

1. Model number is FP-D350. As of 9/02, we have a FP-D605 (Panasonic, I think) next to the Risograph. It has a resolution of 600 X 600 (1200 dpi smoothing). It prints 35 letter pages per minute, according to the manual. It has a 36 pin (IBM) parallel interface. Use to find copier manual. This manual appears to be for use only, when connected to a computer. I e-mailed Panasonic ( to ask about a stand-alone set of instructions or manual. I called Panasonic at 800-833-9626 (alternate number is 206-395-7343), and they told me that they have an ownerÕs manual for our copier, but it is the same thing that I downloaded (the 66 page .pdf file). The representative of Panasonic said I could call for technical support, if needed, at 800-742-8086.

2. Construction paper can be run through the printer.

3. You can put more than one sheet of paper into the side-feeding tray on the Panasonic copier in the office. It will then feed the paper one sheet at a time.

4. On at least one occasion, the copier showed a paper jam. However, ironically, the problem was that it was out of paper.

5. On one occasion, there were two jammed paper indicators on the copier, but we could not find out where there was jammed paper. Turning it off and then on did not help. We later discovered that there was jammed paper in the two sided paper tray.

6. If the ink cartridge light comes on with the Panasonic copy machine, pull the cartridge out for a second, put it back in, close the door. You may be able to print a few more sheets that way.

7. To Staple papers, press sort/Finish button, and then choose Staple.

8. Manual is pretty generic, as it is for several copiers.

            A. Page 40-41 shows how to replace the stapler cartridge.

            B. Page 44 says that if you are making copies on a unit without an automatic duplex (or you messed up, I imagine), place the copies face up in the paper drawer tray to the 2 sided overfill indicator (there is a one sided indicator and a 2 sided indicator, probably).

            C. Page 44 says that glossy papers, mailing labels and transparencies cannot be used in the paper drawer/tray. Use bypass tray. The repairman said this is true. I tried one day to use the paper drawer/tray and the first transparency came, but the second one jammed the machine (I had used the paper drawer tray, because the bypass tray was having trouble on 10/30/02).

            D. Page 45 explains that you can put 50 sheets of paper into the bypass tray.

            E. Page 47 explains how to change the toner.

            F. Page 48 explains how to replace the waste toner.

            G. Page 63 shows the 45 scaleable fonts that are installed in the printer.

9. The waste toner bottle on the FP-D605 is to the right of the drawers, where paper is loaded.

10. When using the DP-350, which is by the door, to do 2-sided copies, you need to select 2 sided to 2 sided, even if your originals are only, in fact, one sided. The machine does not seem to function, as it should. Also, if you put in your originals in the two-sided paper tray, the machine appears to have trouble (better to just redo the copies entirely in that case).

11. When trying to use the bypass tray for transparencies, the tray should be all the way out, so that the copier knows what size paper is in the tray. Also, you may want to use the control panel to select Cassette, then select

ÒLedgerÓ (on the right hand side of the display).

    A. Bill Bower said that I could call him at Valley Business Machines, whenever I have questions. His number is 722-6222; their fax number is 722-0328. They are located at 1223 West Main in Merced. He only works with

the Panasonic copiers, not the Risograph.

12. To make copies different sizes, use Zoom feature.

            A. To sort and staple, use Sort/Finish function (FYI, it appears that you may need to make copies in reverse order).

13. I tried making double-sided copies using the ADF on the Panasonic FP-D350 and the FP-D605, but to no avail. I even made sure that the machine was set to copy 2 sided to 2 sided, I had no luck. If I simply put one page in the ADF, it would do a 2 sided copy, but any more than one page, it would not. This was the case on both copiers.

            A. I could not find either manual online, so I e-mailed Panasonic ( about this on 8/25/03.

14. Do not put cardstock in the regular paper tray: use the bypass tray on the right side of the copier (also use it for double-sided copies on cardstock). Later, though I was able to put cardstock in the regular paper tray (the bypass tray was not working).  I tried to use paper tray 2 and the copies kept coming out cut off or landscape instead of portrait, etc. Finally, I figured out that the problem was that I put two pages down on the glass (from the book I was copying) instead of one (i.e. page 26 and 27): once I only put p. 26 on the glass, it worked fine.


Panasonic Fax Machine in Office (KX-FPC141, Serial number is 9KCFC046160), PanasonicÕs number is 800-332-5368, 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 6 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., Saturday).

1. Use film cartridges, which can be purchased from PanasonicÕs Parts Department at 20421 84th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. The fax number is 800-237-9080.

            A. You can also call the parts department at 1-800-332-5368.

            B. You can also fax the parts department at 1-800-237-9080 and include your name, shipping address, telephone number, credit card type, number, expiration date, your signature, order part number and quantity and delivery method (overnight, second day or ground).

            C. I wrote a purchase order to Panasonic on 10/23/00. Marilyn said that we could buy one at Costco to hold us over. I gave here the Panasonic purchase order, since I did not know how many to order.

2. The film cartridges are order #KX-FA65 and cost $29.95 each.

            A. The paper stacker for stacking received faxes/copies is PFZXFPC141M, the NiCad battery for the handset is KX-A36 and the Headset for hands free conversation is KX-TCA90.

            B. The film cartridgeÕs word ÒbackÓ should be facing upward inside of the unit.

            C. To tighten up the slack, use the lower green gears.

3. You can dial the fax number, then insert the document (until you hear it beep) and press ÒstartÓ or you can insert the document (until you hear it beep), dial the fax number, then press ÒstartÓ.

            A. On the display, it shows Ò1 page sent okÓ, if sent without trouble.

4. If the Auto Answer, TAD/FAX on light is Òon,Ó the unit will automatically receive voice and fax messages. If the light does not come on, it is because you are not in ÒTAD/FAXÓ mode.

            A. The Auto Answer light should be on when in Fax only mode, also.

            B. To set the unit to Òfax onlyÓ mode, (default is not fax only), press menu, pound, 7, 7, start/set/copy, use the up/down/left/right arrow keys to select Òfax onlyÓ mode. Press menu. Make sure auto answer light is on.

5. To erase messages, press erase, then the start/set/copy button two times.

6. A regular set of headphones for my portable CD player will not fit into the headphone jack of the hand unit.

7. If the handset is off the hook and you get a fax, press ÒtalkÓ, and then press ÒfaxÓ (Page 10).

8. When replacing the film cartridge, you simply pull it out, and put the new one back in after using the cover open button on the right side of the machine.

9. You can use from 16 lb. to 24 lb. paper and up to 150 sheets can be loaded into the paper tray. You should avoid using paper with a cotton and/or fiber content over 20%, such as letterhead paper or paper used for resumes. It is not a good idea to use papers with different thickness in the paper tray at the same time, as this may cause paper jams. Avoid double sided printing. Some paper accepts print on only one side. If print results are unsatisfactory, try other side of paper.

10. When setting the day and time, you can use the star key to change AM/PM.

11. To access setups, reports, etc. Use the menu button and the jog dial and the up and down arrows to move the cursor. Use the numerical keypad to change dates, letters, etc.

            A. Repeatedly press stop to go back to the regular display.

            B. To delete a character, press the stop button.

            C. To insert a character, press the insert (one Touch Dial key 2) to insert a space and enter the character. You can not insert a blank space after a name. Type the name together: CrookhamS, then insert the space between h and ÒSÓ by putting the cursor on the S and then pressing the ÒinsertÓ button.

            D. You can alternatively use the jog dial to select characters, letters, etc. Then use the right arrow key to move to the next space.

            E. It is easier to use the jog dial than the numbers to go to a particular function (01-35, etc.).

            F. I set up the fax machine with Crookham School, and our fax number.

            G. You can return to the regular display by pressing the menu button or keep repeatedly pressing the stop button.

12. When entering your phone number, the ÒstarÓ button can be used to enter a Ò+Ó sign, the ÒpoundÓ key can be used to enter a space and the hyphen button (One Touch Quick Key 1) can be used to enter a hyphen.

13. If you press the Òredial/pauseÓ key during the dialing of a fax number, a 5 second pause will be inserted into the dialing sequence.

14. The battery for the handset can not be overcharged.

            A. It appears that the Palm needs to be charged about every week (3 hours is needed for charging time).

15. To adjust the volume of the ringer on the handset, press the Òloud/ringerÓ button.

            A. To turn it off, hold down the Òloud/ringerÓ button until the phone beeps twice.

            B. To adjust the volume of the main unit, use the Òup and down arrowÓ keys.

16. To adjust the level of the fax voice guidance, press the Òup and down arrowÓ keys while it is in progress.

            A. To access the fax voice guidance, put a piece of paper into the machine and dial any number, then press stop a few seconds later (you can access it this way for now).

17. If a fax number is dialed and you want to stop from redialing, etc., press the ÒDigital Sp PhoneÓ button.

18. Regardless of whether the handset or main unit were last used, the ÒredialÓ button redials the last number called.

19. You can answer a call with the handset by pressing the number keys 0 through 9, Ò*Ó or Ò#.Ó

20. If having an intercom call, you can only end it from the handset, apparently.

21. You can dial a number from the handset, then press Òdigital Sp-phoneÓ on the handset to dial the number through the speakerphone on the main unit. Hang up the handset and use the microphone on the main unit (front left part of the unit under the handset place).

22. The ÒtoneÓ button is used for rotary pulse dial services. According to the manual p. 42 or p. 43, it allows you to change from pulse to tone mode during a dialing operation. When you hang up, the unit will automatically return to pulse mode.

            A. Default dialing mode is auto. Can be accessed through the menu button, then system setup, then the jog dial, then select/set/copy, up/down/right/left arrow keys, then start/set/copy, menu.

23. When faxing from the office: Dial 9 9 the number. Do not dial a Ò1Ó first for local long distance. Also, do not put a pause in between the 9Õs.

            A. On one occasion, when sending a fax to Macdaddy in Modesto, I sent the fax to 527-6219. The fax did go through to Macdaddy. However, on the Panasonic Fax Machine, it showed the fax going to 527-6227 (which is Mac DaddyÕs phone number). But the fax went to the right place.

            B. I called Macdaddy to verify that they received the fax and they did. They thought that our fax might be programmed abnormally, but I am not sure about that.

            C. I also had a problem, sending the fax originally, because I did not feed the paper into the slot fully before trying to send the fax.

            D. If the message says completed after a few seconds, the fax has gone through. You may not hear those high pitched faxing sounds, but if the message says Òcompleted,Ó it should be okay.

24. To turn Automatic call ID list on/off (it will print a list after 35 calls automatically if caller ID is in use), go to menu, press #, 26, press start/set/copy use up and down arrows to turn on/off, press start/set/copy, press menu.

25. If a person requests you to pick up (i.e. a voice request after a fax has been sent), press digital sp. phone or pick up the handset and press talk. If you do not and you are in the TAD/FAX mode, a greeting will be played. If in fax only, Tel or Tel/Fax Mode, the line will be disconnected.

26. To send a fax manually, insert the document (maximum of 15 pages) ÒFACE DOWNÓ into the unit: press digital Sp Phone, dial the number, Press Òstart/set/CopyÓ when the fax tone is heard.

27. You can change the resolution of the document to be faxed or copied by pressing the resolution button repeatedly, you can use standard, fine (for originals with small printing), super fine (for originals with minute printing) or half tone (for originals containing photographs.

28. To enter numbers into the jog dial directory, which is detailed on pages 48-49, 61, (help-fax and IQ-FAX-CS are pre programmed, but I deleted them both):

            A. To store a number, press the directory program button, It will say Òpress station or use jog-dial.Ó Move jog dial clockwise or counterclockwise to select letters, use the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor to the right and left.

            B. The left and right cursor keys are the same and the up and down arrow keys.

            C. To edit or delete a number, select it with the jog dial, then press the ÒDirectory ProgramÓ button, follow the on screen instructions to select edit or delete. When editing, press the start/set/copy key when correct (it is green, like an enter button). You also use the Òstart/set/copy button when confirming a deletion.

            D. To verify that a number is answered by the other partyÕs answering machine, rotate Òjog dialÓ until their number is displayed. Press Òdigital Sp-phone.Ó

29. 9,9 to dial. No Pause needed to dial out.

30. One Touch dialing 46, 49, 60) is not as easy as using the jog dial, since you have to know exactly which number you are using.

31. To send a fax using the voice guide, press the help button two times, press start/set/copy, follow instructions.

32. NCR paper (purchase orders) can be copied.

            A. At Staples, it would cost $70 to have 250 purchase orders made, as of 7/04.

33. There is a sending report that confirms faxes. The default mode is to give a report only when an error happens. To access the settings for this, press menu, use the jog dial to select Òsending reportÓ.

            A. When a fax has gone through, the display shows, 7 pages sent okay, 9 pages sent okay, etc.

            B. When feeding documents, it may be better to feed one at a time as the document feeder seems to be not too terrific.

34. To access a printer test, use menu button, use the up/down/right/left arrows to access #2, use jog dial to select printer test, press start/set/copy.

35. To turn the automatic journal on/off, go to menu, press Pound, 2, 2. Use the up/down/right/left arrow keys to select on and off.

36. On Page 69 of the manual, you can access the information for delayed sending (to save on money when dialing). Default is for delayed sending to be Òoff.Ó

37. On page 71 of the manual, you can send faxes to multiple addresses, but it is easier to simply send them individually.

38. TAD stands for Telephone Answering Device.

39. VOX stands for Voice Operated Exchange. When you voice starts, it starts recording, when your voice stops, it stops recording.

40. Defaults changed are: Set to fax only mode, caller ID report is off (but this is really not important, since I do not think our fax machine will have caller ID on it).

41. You can also change the resolution change of received faxes by pressing menu, pound 3, 6, Òstart/set/copy,Ó use the up/down/left/right arrow keys, press start/set/copy, then menu. Default is 92%. (Recommendations are on page 89).

42. If you hear beeps while a document is being received, clear the printing problem or add paper. This feature can be turned on/off (page 90).

43. P. 91 talks about friendly reception, which when ÒonÓ, allows you to receive faxes without having to press Òstart/set/copyÓ each time you get a fax.

44. To access film remain, press menu, access jog dial.

            A. This feature can be turned on/off (menu, pound 7, 9, Òstart/set/copy,Ó up/down/left/right arrows, Òstart/set/copyÓ and menu), but the default is on.

45. When making a copy, you can reduce/enlarge a copy, by rotating the jog dial after a paper has been inserted and you have pressed start/set/copy.

46. To erase the messages (if any), because the play messages light is flashing, press the erase button, press Òstart/set/copyÓ twice.

47. You can turn the auto answer mode on/off from the handset by pressing Òplayback, 7, playback (on), or playback, 9, playback (off).

48. You can set the answering machine to be unlimited or one minute messages.

50. To access the number of rings count, press menu, pound, 0, 6, press start/set/copy, use up/down/left/right arrow keys, and press Òstart/set/copy.Ó

51. Page 118-120 details error messages.

52. If you cannot make calls, try changing from tone to pulse and vice versa.

53. If the paper is inserted, but you get a Òcheck paperÓ error, reinsert paper, press the start/set/copy button.

54. If you press the pause button immediately after a dial tone is detected, the last number will be redialed.

            A. The redial button will not re-dial a number longer than thirty two digits.

55. The front of a cartridge should be placed into the unit first.

56. If you get a Òpaper jammedÓ message and it is in the middle of the unit. Open the unit (using button on right hand side), take out film cartridge, remove paper, press Òstart/set/copyÓ to clear the message.

57. If the fax machine keeps jamming, move the green lever with a paper clip to the left if the documents multiple feed. Move it to the right, if the documents do not feed and center is default or normal setting.

            A. The green lever is on the inside of the fax machine, you must open the fax machine and look at it from the left or right side (the lever is under the little brown paper that looks like sandpaper).

            B. Also, to move the lever, you should first take out the film cartridge, it is much easier.

            C. While trying to fax pages from home or copy some, two pages kept feeding at one time.

            D. I tried moving the green lever to the left, then to the right, then finally put it back in the center, because none of the settings worked.

            E. Then I cleaned the rollers with rubbing alcohol and it worked better. But I still suppose it might be easier to feed sheets one at a time.

            F. I tried calling Panasonic Fax Assistance at 1-800-435-7329 on Sunday, but they were closed. They suggested calling 900-555-7262, but it costs $1.99 per minute.

58. There is no power button for the fax machine, leave it plugged in, so that you can access it easily.

            A. If the power is disconnected, the jog dial numbers were still stored (after being unplugged for a day or so).

            B. Also, the information on fax number and Crookham School were still stored. The Auto Answer light was on when I plugged the unit in.

59. 1-800-8-Battery has info on disposing of NiCad battery for handset, if necessary.

60. If misfeeding occurs frequently or if dirty patterns or black bands appear on printouts, clean the document feeder rollers (3 black rollers on inside) and the brown rubber flap that looks like sandpaper.

            A. Also if dirty or black or white bands appear on a copied or received document, clean the thermal head and black bar.

            B. Open the unit, and clean the area between the white plastic tabs (page 133 of manual).

61. The fax voice guidance by default is on. To change the setting, press menu, pound, 4, 7, Òstart/set/copy,Ó up/down/left/right arrow keys to change the setting, Òstart/set/copy,Ó menu.

62. To reset all settings to defaults, press menu, pound, 8,0, start/set/copy, up/down/left/right arrow keys to select Òyes,Ó start/set/copy, start/set/copy, and menu.

63. When receiving a fax from Apple Fax, the display showed ÒFR unavailable,Ó which I suppose means fax number unavailable.

64. I used the original film cartridge to test the fax machine at my house, but I only printed a few pages and the output appeared to be getting weak already. I actually got a fax back document from Apple (800-510-2834) and it was pretty blank. A different document from Apple Fax Back faxed okay.

65. I was able to receive a fax in fax only mode.

66. Quick Scan is used to take several pages into the machine at once, then you can fax the document. Insert the document, enter the fax number, press quickscan.

67. To use the document feeder, place pages face up in the tray.


Panasonic Phone (KXT7420 is the correct model number).

1. To adjust the speaker volume, Press the SP-Phone button, rotate the Jog Dial in the desired direction. The display should indicate the change in volume (at least on some models of Panasonic phone).

            A. To change the Handset/Headset volume, Lift the handset, Press the SP-Phone button for headset volume), rotate the Jog Dial, and the display should indicate the change in volume (at least on some models of Panasonic phones).

2. It appears that storing a number in the Speed Dial appears to be somewhat complicated, so is dialing the speed dial. Better to just dial the number.



1. To partition the disk, the hard disk must be formatted. To undo partition, the hard disk must be formatted. Will create two icons for hard drives on the desktop. Bob suggested that with a 1.2 GB HD, he would create one partition with 800 MB, and one with 400 MB. 400 MB for startup and 800 MB for the rest of the stuff (perhaps repair utilities, etc.)

2. Speeds up the computer because there is less wasted space. The bigger the hard drive, the more space a document will take up i.e. a 28K file on a 550 MB drive may take 40K on a 1 GB HD. A HD can only have a certain number of things on it, so it adjusts files so that the maximum number is not exceeded. There are minimum size allocations for files (a bigger hard drive will have a higher minimum size allocations).

3. You may only need to partition for convenience or specialized applications, like a Video data partition for Final Cut Pro, a scratch disk for Photoshop or a CD image.

            A. You will not gain any performance advantage by partitioning.

4. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, Systems below 7.5 can only go up to 2 GB. System 7.5 can handle up to 4 GB partitions. 7.6 goes higher.

5. AppleÕs old HD SC does not allow you to put multiple partitions on drives, but Drive Setup does.

6. Norton Utilities 3.51 do not recognize OS Extended format and will render a drive useless. Disk First Aid, Symantec Tech Support or Tech Tool Pro 2 may be able to help if this happens.

            A. Norton Utilities 3.52 will recognize Mac OS Extended Format, but will ignore these partitions.

            B. You need NU 5.04 or later to work with and fix Extended format volumes.


PC Exchange

1. Control Panel that is necessary to read IBM or Prodos formatted disks. One sets of disks which were unreadable had (II) on the disk. They were Prodos disks (one of the initialization options for the Powermac when erasing disks). Prodos is for the Older Apple Computers (i.e. Apple IIGS). If you install a Prodos disk without PC Exchange active, it will give the unreadable message. Needed PC Exchange for those two disks and it worked.

2. DOS Formatting is an IBM thing (disk will say ÒPCÓ on it).

3. Installed beginning with 7.5.

4. Allows you to set up prefs If you open many PC DOS files i.e. .files ending in .wpt will be opened with MS Word or whatever.

5. Apple File Exchange used to come with 7.1, it is not that terribly useful, but the price is right.

6. The Null cable, which has an 8 pin connector on one end has a 9 pin connector on the other to connect to a PC. Also, you need software in the form of terminal emulators (p. 815 Mac Bible).

7. Exchanging between PC/MAC has 4 different ideas: cross platform appÕs, translation, intermediate file formats (ASCII) or electronic publishing as an intermediate step.

8. If a PC disk is improperly formatted (720 K formatted as 1.4 MB), it will not be able to recognize the disk.

9. Source:, P.C. Exchange 2.2 supports volumes larger than 1 GB, but they must be formatted as FAT 32 volumes. FAT 32 is a new volume format available with Windows 95 OSR2. This format allows for smaller allocation blocks similar to the MAC OS extended format.

            A. The previous volume format is FAT16. P.C. Exchange supports volumes up to 1 GB.

10. For best results, According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 23, use a PC disk formatted on a MAC, rather than one formatted on a PC, when trying to set a disk up for use to get PC files for the Mac.


Personal Home Page (Pacific Bell DSL)

1. My home page is ÒÓ If you put a slash after the html, it will not work.

2. to go to the place for information about Personal Home Page, go to ÒÓ.

3. To upload pages, you can use the link in #2 or type in Ò,Ó

            A. You can upload more than one page at one time using Pacific BellÕs upload page.

4. You can also use Fetch to upload pages (see ÒFetchÓ section).

5. Raw Data is the format that should be used for uploading web graphics or cross-platform files, according to Fetch help files. (

6. You get 3 MB of web space. Files that are trashing using Pacific BellÕs home page (they are replaced by newer versions of pages) are kept in storage. They should be deleted each time you upload with Pacific BellÕs home page, because they count towards the 3 MBs.

            A. One on occasion when trying to upload using Pac BellÕs Internet page (instead of Fetch, because FTP was not working), I had almost 2.5 MB of disk space used. However, once I went back to the page with Fetch, I realized that my files had not been trashed, because I changed names. With Fetch, I usually see all my uploaded pages when opening the program.

            B. To see all the created pages with Pacific BellÕs web page uploading function, go to ÒÓ

            C. I sent an e-mail to Pacbell tech support and they did say that the Òhost typeÓ is auto detect, although Fetch does not appear to have a place to put this information. They do not support anonymous FTP. They also said you will go to the public_html directory instead of your own place. This is true. I was in the public_html directory, but I went o my pages specifically, since I had entered my user ID and password.

            D. Pacbell Tech Support also suggested going to for FAQÕs and to for information on FTP, in general.

            E. I tried going to preferences, General and then changing the Transfer Buffer Size from 8 KB (modem) to 128 K (Fast Ethernet). Did not work. I tried changing it to 32 K, but that did not work, either. I changed it back to 8 K (modem).

7. Pacific Bell does not appear to support interlacing. Because I can preview a page in Explorer or Navigator with Claris Home Page and then when the page is uploaded, interlacing does not take place.

8. If someone gets a message that says ÒServer Error.Ó (It also may mention a mis-configuration). You may need to change the name of your home page to index.html or default.html. Index.html is often presented as the default page, when you go to

9. To make your web site searchable, Go to ÒÓ to set up search box. Here is the BeSeen My Search registration information

E-mail Address :

Password : old At Ease.

Site Name : Ryan's Homepage

Site URL :

            A. This is the html code for making a search box on my web page.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.1'



            B. See ÒÓ for questions.

            C. This pasting of HTML code does not work with Claris Home Page, even after going to edit HTML source, pasting and then saving and uploading. it does work with Simpletext, however. I actually put the search box on the htmltrial.html page. It had not completed indexing the site as of 6/4/2000.

10. On 7/27/2000, my Personal Home Page showed that I had used 3348 KB of space. However, after adding up the amount of KB for my pages, I came up with only 1645 KB. I e-mailed Pacbell at

            A. Apparently, on Pacific BellÕs homepage, the tools used there to upload web pages does not count K properly or some other type of problem. I later (11/19/00) discovered that if I deleted all the files on my Personal Home Page with Fetch, then re-uploaded all the files with Fetch, the disk usage figures were back to normal. After re-uploading my web page, it appeared normal, but some images were missing (these missing images may have been from awhile ago). I opened the file in Claris Home Page, fixed the image problem (deleted the box and reinserted the images), then re-uploaded the page and images. Worked fine.

            B. Before I did this, PHP showed I had 3912 K used, after I did this, the file usage was 2100 K.

            C. This occurred about the same time that I discovered that I have to use lower case password with Fetch, so it can upload pages. So from now on, I will try to use Fetch to upload pages (to avoid disk usage problem).

            D. The issue of disk usage being shown as too high does not appear to be a problem anymore, as of 1/18/01. You can upload web pages with Fetch or IE 5 and the disk usage appears to be accurate (previously when uploading with Fetch, the disk usage appeared correct: however, when using IE 5, the disk usage showed up as too high).

11. is the address for FTP access that could be used with NN or IE 5.

12. Accordingly, there is no support for Personal Home Pages.

13. Source: Image files must have the extension .jpg or .gif. HTML files must have the extension .html or .htm.

14. Pacific Bell does not support running CGI executables from your Personal Home Page.

            A. However, you can run Java applets and Java scripts.

15. To add a counter to a web page, type in <P><IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?df=homepage.dat&amp;dd=C"

ALT="Page Counter" HEIGHT=20 X-SAS-UseImageWidth ALIGN=bottom></P>

(if you want the counter of a page different than homepage.html, replace ÒhomepageÓ with the name of the page, you would like the counter on.

            A. A file called homepage.dat is automatically created (after the first visitor) to keep track of the visitors.

16. You can also add a guestbook, using the info on

17. You can insert forms using Claris Home Page (easier) or using info from or

18. PHP does not offer Shell accounts, which is a dial up account with an ISP based on a UNIX command line interface (Source:

            A. PHP does not support Telnet connections.

19. says that Pacific Bell does support frames, client-side imagemaps and client-side Javascript, use the HTML tutorials to do so (

20. You can upload the following file types: *.html, *.html, *.gif, *.jpg, *.mid, *.wav, *.au, *.ra, *.mov, *.avi.

21. PHP does not provide support to be on a secure server.

22. Source: If you keep having to enter your user ID and password each time you choose an option with PHP tools, try clearing the browserÕs cache and memory cache (history).

            A. Also, storing your User ID and password requires the use of cookies. Make sure you are set to receive cookies. Also, there may be a problem with the Magic Cookie file (inside of Netscape UserÕs preferences file). Delete the magiccookie file and try again.

23. Source: If you get a ÒNetwork Socket Not connectedÓ error, it is probably because you do not have SSL v2 or SSL v3 enabled. These apparently need to be enabled. However, with IE 5 and NN 4.74, there does not appear to be a way to turn them on or off, so perhaps they are on?. There is a way to use SSL for outgoing messages with NN 4.74, but it was set to never. However, I have not had any Ònetwork not connectedÓ errors.

24. Copying from IE 5 to MS Word takes too long, when trying to update the c. notes from the web page.

25. I e-mailed Pacific Bell Tech Support (several times) about the fact that my personal home page space is added incorrectly and should not be charged additional money, since it is not really over 3 MB. They have not fixed the issue, but I have not had any additional charges on my bills, either, as of 10/20/00.

            A. I e-mailed them several times about the password not working with FTP connections. I kept getting the Òpassword invalidÓ error, even though the password was good. As of 10/20/00, it seems to be working better.

            B. Perhaps if you try to Òupload web pagesÓ with FTP server BEFORE doing copying and pasting with computer notes, it may work better??.

26. If you go to and try to sign in, the user ID can be upper or lower case. The password should be lower case.

27. I uploaded the norules schedule to my personal web page. After several trials, I decided to upload the scanned schedule (that I made the resolution 100 dpi, 256 shades of gray and .jpg format) to my site. It is only about 250 K or so. It prints out okay. Higher resolutions can print a little better, but then they take up too much room.
            A. I used Color It to scan the schedule, saved it as jpg, then opened up norules.html and inserted the jpg picture. I uploaded the norulesschedule2001.jpg and norules.html pages to my PHP.

            B. On one occasion, I uploaded my norulesschedule.jpg to my home page, but the bottom of the page had some black space on it at the bottom. I tried reloading the page again (opened the image in Claris Home page and resaved it, cutting off the black part at the bottom). On the Internet itself, the page appeared normal, but upon printing, the black still appeared at the bottom of the page. I ended up rescanning the norulesschedules again and then changed the scaling from 100.231 to 100, and then I pre-scanned the image and choose to only scan the ÒwhiteÓ part of the page. Then the norulesschedule image (from the Internet) printed out fine with IE5 (NN still kept printing 4 pages, but the printout for page 1 was fine. Actually, the printout was a little larger than with IE5).

28. It appears as though I access my computer notes on my web site about once every year or so, not very often. So I decided to try to discontinue the process for awhile and see if I miss it (as of 6/26/01). It seems like the effort going in to updating, does not appear to be worth it. Simply, I can copy Computer notes onto zip disk once a month or so and take to school or MomÕs.

            A. Also, I often use the notes at home mostly anyhow. Sometimes at school, but as I say, I can updatethroughZip disk. Besides, online it is more difficult to search for items (usually with Word, you can search for bold words, etc.).

29. On one occasion (6/28/01), I could not get the page with the softball schedule to load properly, only about 1/6 of the page loaded and the rest was black. Reloading the page with Fetch did not work. I kept reloading the page and had I had no luck. Finally, I cleared the disk cache and the history and the page then loaded fine (I think the page was stored in cache with a little error, and therefore, kept loading that way).

30. Maria (from Wal*Mart) said she tried to find an e-mail link to e-mail me on my web page and she only got some kind of Pacific Bell info (I am not sure how she did that). But anyhow, after that, on 8/17/01, I decided to re-add my e-mail link on my web page (I had removed it previously to avoid junk e-mails, but that problem has not been prevalent).

            A. Later, though (as of 11/30/01), I have been getting a lot of junk e-mails, so I decided to remove my e-mail address from my web page.

31. I tried looking with Google for ÒPrimetimeÓ at the domain, but I had no luck.

32. I kept saving the favorites.html to Internet Backup Preferences and then uploading the page with Fetch, but IE 5 did not show the updated version of the web page. However, I needed to save the favorites.html to ÒMy Web SiteÓ and then uploaded with Fetch. The page was updated with IE 5.

33. Several people had e-mailed me saying that they could not see my pictures on my webpage (2/1/2002). As it turns out, there was a problem. I could not load my pictures with IE5,  I could load my homepage, but not the pictures (the NoRules schedule would not load, either). I tried reloading the images with CHP, and then re-submitting them, I had no luck. Then I uploaded all the pages again with Fetch, closed IE5, and then re-opened it. I was able to load my homepage, my pictures and the NoRules schedule.

34. Capitalization counts when matching up links with PHP. However, later with Safari 1.2, case did make a difference, so not sure.

35. On 5/31/02 and 6/1/02, I was not able to access my PHP with Fetch, IE5 or NN 4.74, even after several tries. May want to try later (system may not be working).

36. As of 6/04, SBC home page allows you to have up to 15 MB of storage. I have put Computer Notes online, but you canÕt search for bold items (the bold items arenÕt searchable with IE or NN). I thought of putting all the bolded words in Computer Notes in all caps to help with searching, but there are many things in Computer Notes in all caps.

37. Since I have now made my homepage with frames, you need to type  into the address bar; otherwise, only the frames print or part of the schedule.

            A. With IE 5, the schedule prints on one page, Safari takes two pages.

38. On 7/16/04, you often had to double click on some of the links on my website to get the links to work (with IE 5 and NN 4.77, but not Safari). Probably a temporary glitch.

39. has clocks you can paste into your web site. However, the alarm clock did not work (probably a Windows thing) and the basic clock would only work in IE 5.1.7 and 5.2.3, not in NN 4.77 nor in Safari.

40. On one occasion, I tried scanning the WSD schedule for Kim, so I could put it on my web page. If I scanned it at 72 dpi and uploaded it to the internet, it would not print out too clear. I decided to scan it at 300 dpi (black and white), but then it took up about four pages (instead of the original single page). So then I scanned it at 300 dpi, and then I scaled it to 24% using GC. Then it printed fine with Safari.

41. Kevin said that the R.S.V.P. did not work from the website, but I got it to e-mail from and

42. I uploaded a movie called "Startup Doubler Movie" to my web site, but it would not play on the internet with Safari, IE 5.2.3, nor NN 4.77. With Safari, a broken icon showed up. With IE 5.2.3 and NN, nothing would show up. I e-mailed SBC (I got a reply from and they said to make sure that I have the latest version of Shockwave, which I did download (version for OS X), but the problem was still present. I tried uploading the startupdoublermovie with the suffix ".mpg," but no luck. I e-mailed SBC again on 3/14/05, and they suggested I contact Shockwave on 3/15/05, which I did from They replied later, but did not appear to understand my question, as they send an unrelated reply. When trying to see , I got an error with some application (I could not replicate the error message later on the iLamp later) that said that, ÒYou Do not have the plug-in needed to view the ÒApplication/octet-streamÓ type information on the page. To get the plug-in now, click View Plug-in Page. I made sure to have the latest version of Quicktime, Shockwave, and Flash Player for the Mac, as of 3/15/05. I checked and my Flashplayer is installed and working correctly. However, some web sites are not designed well, according to These issues can only be controlled by the creator of the web site. In the case of the City of Turlock, it is not worth it. Also, with SBC DSL, they probably do not know how to do this, either, since I have already called them. I downloaded the software from, but to no avail. Flash no good on City of Turlock web site with Windows, Shockwave version, and Flashplayer installed. Also Quicktime was updated to version 6.5.2. I tried using CHP to create a web page with the Quicktime sample movie in it. The file was automated named samplemovie.html (I typed in sample movie), and I was able to preview the file with NN. But uploading to the internet did not allow me to view the page on the internet. I still got a plug-in error. You can only add "flattened," or in other words, cross-platform, QuickTime movies to your Web page. In addition, you cannot activate a QuickTime movie or other plug-in data file in Claris Home Page. You must preview your Web page in a browser to activate them. suggests that you can use Movie Player to flatten movies. I tried to download Movie Player (a file called mvplayer.sit.hqx), but it would not expand with my version of Stuffit Expander on the iLamp nor on the G3/233. I even used drop Flatten moov to flatten the Quicktime Movie first (file changed name to f_samplemovie), but to no avail. I still got an error that says you need the plug-in with NN and IE cannot load the page. When I tried to view the page with Safari (and the movie without the .mov suffix), I got an internal error.  I found out the answer at It turns out that all I had to do was to add the suffix ".mov" to the Sample Movie (specify "add" in the dialog box, if changing) and then use CHP to insert the video into a web page. I then saved the web page as samplemovie.html (without .html, it still works), and uploaded with Fetch (drag and drop, no other adjustments necessary). I tried to upload Smart Scroll Movie and Startup Doubler (sample movies from Clean Install Assistant), but then I got the broken QT icon on my iLamp and the G3. I later discovered that these two videos had to be flattened before uploading, they they view okay on the iLamp and the G3. Also, it is important to make sure that the files are put into the same folder before uploading. If you move them later, then the pages may not be able to be found. Clean Install Assistant videos (Startup Doubler and Smart Scroll) had to be flattened before playing on the internet with a Mac. Quicktime movies (Sample Movie with a ball at the beginning that spins in a circle toward you) did not have to be compressed to play on the DEC computer. It played flattened and regular (perhaps it was already flattened). I think that may be able to be used for support.

43. In June 2005, I had trouble with my Dallas Cowboys schedule printing how I wanted to print (one of the games was either at 10:00 A.M. or 1:05 P.M., so I had to put both times). However, in the CHP file, I was able to make it all into one line, but IE kept having it being two lines. Finally, I widened the cell much more than I thought was necessary in CHP and IE then viewed as the same height as the other cells. Then it printed that way (as the regular height, not double).

44. My Flickr photos are blocked at school by Websense.


Personal Recordkeeper

1. Partial printouts should not be done in the page range in the print dialog. Instead, use the ÒrangeÓ of printout from the Print database or print report dialog box.

2. There may be a problem with opening a Òrecent documentÓ from the apple menu, If Personal Recordkeeper is already open. Tried it once without a problem, but should keep the warning in mind.

3. If you get the message ÒMicrosoft help - canÕt open help file,Ó may want to get the Personal Recordkeeper app from being nested so deeply in file folders i.e. drag to desktop and try again.

4. When you select backup document from the file menu, nothing seems to happen, although it is. A file called Òbackup of (file name)Ó is saved in the same folder as original.


Philips CD Radio Cassette Recorder (AZ 1065)

1. OwnerÕs manual page 10 says you can put the ÒsetÓ (the manual refers to the unit as a ÒsetÓ) into Demo Mode by pressing the Stop button for 5 seconds on the set or the remote control. You can interrupt demo mode for 30 seconds by pressing any button on the front panel. You can stop display mode by pressing the stop button for 5 seconds.

2. OwnerÕs manual page 11 says that the set can store up to 30 Radio Stations.

            A. Page 11 says to program radio station presets, press prog, press preset up or down arrows (to select a number, press prog again.

3. OwnerÕs manual page 12 says that when you search through a CD track, the CD is played at high speed and low volume.

4. OwnerÕs manual page 12 says that during a CD program or if Shuffle/Repeat is active, searching is only possible within a track.

5. OwnerÕs manual page 13 explains how to prog the CD player: Press search to find desired track number, press Prog, repeat until all desired tracks are programmed, press play.

            A. Page 13 says that if you wish to review a program, press and hold down Prog for a while until the display shows all your stored track numbers in sequence.

6. OwnerÕs manual page 15 says that if you are recording to a cassette, while in CD mode, it is not necessary to start the CD player when recording. When you press record on the cassette player, CD play begins automatically.

7. OwnerÕs manual page 16 says you can press pause to clean the magnetic heads and capstan (or you can use a cleaning cassette).

8. OwnerÕs manual page 17 says that if ÒNFÓ shows up on the display, it indicates a CD-R(W) is blank or the disk is not finalized or a CD is badly scratched.

9. OwnerÕs manual page 17 says that is a cassette plays with poor quality, one possibility is that you are using a Metal or Chrome tape, which are not compatible with the set.

10. It does not appear that there is a way to record ÒliveÓ sound with the Philips CD player. I e-mailed Philips Consumer Care (using;jsessionid=PFCX4BCRDP3JBJ0RMRCRYU3HKFSESHD0?divId=0), and they said that is true. The boom box does not have the ability to record live voice from a microphone, since the unit does not have a microphone jack.

11. It does not appear that it plays MP3 CDs. However, I did e-mail them from to double check on this. They said that it does not play MP3 CDs.

12. In 4/06, the CD player would not play tracks 12 through 14 on Selection CD 1 from Avenues. After using the compressed air to clean the lens, the CD tracks played fine (I waited about three minutes though to let the compressed air dry).


Phones (Crookham School)

1. They can hear you in the office, if you are on the Internet, it sounds like the loud screeching noise, if you pick up line 3 and I am on it.

2. 9.9 on all phones at school, except for one phone in the lab. The first "9" picks the line in the lab. In the office, if you press line 1, line 2 or line 3, that will obviously pick the phone line, so only one "9" is needed to dial out then.

3. On the fax machine in the office, dial two nine's to fax something. Dial a "1" if the number is outside of our area code.

4. In Room 57, I tried to hook up TobyÕs regular single line phone, instead of the school supplied phone (which seems to be able to use more than one phone line). The phone worked in Room 37, but not 57. I noticed that the phone cords were different for the school supplied phone as opposed to the regular cordless phone. The school-supplied phone had a cord with a 4 pin connector and TobyÕs phone has a phone cord with a 2 pin connector. I tried using the 4-pin phone cord with TobyÕs phone in room 37, but I had no luck.

            A. When I got moved to room 58, I decided to buy an L1, L2, L1 + L2 phone jack splitter to see if that would work (I was thinking that the phone jack was for a two line connection and I thought I would hopefully ÒsplitÓ the phone lines up). However, the single line phone did not work (no dial tone), but the school supplied (Òmulti-lineÓ?) phone did, only when hooked up to the L1 + L2 jack.

B. I went to Radio Shack (by Wal*Mart) to seek help with this issue. Oscar was helpful. He say that the phone jack may be wired for 3 lines, in which case there would be 6 wires connected to the phone jack. If this is true, then there would be a red and green connection for line 1, yellow and black connection for line 2 and a white, blue connection (although the colors may vary on the 3rd line connection) for line 3. He sold me a 6 pin connector, which I can try and see if it works. If it does work, then I would just need a 6 pin phone connector splitter (which Radio Shack does not carry, but I think Target has them). If the 6 pin connector phone cord does not work, I should take the jack off the wall and see how it is wired (check above for correct wiring). Oscar said that the back of the phone jack should be labeled for which colors attach where.

            C. Oscar also said that the inner wires would be fore line 1, the outer wires would be for Line 2 and the very outer wires would be for Line 3 in a normal wiring situation. Although, I am not sure how to determine which wires are the inner wires and which are the outer wires.

            D. He said it is also possible that the phone lines could be not configured for use with single line phones.

            E. I checked the phone line connections in Room 58 and they were connected internally (within the jack) as follows: 1-green, 2-red, 3-empty, 4-empty, 5-black, 6-yellow, but the connections from the wall were hooked up as this follows: R2-Orange, R1-Blue, T1-Blue/White, T2-Orange/White. I did discover, though, that there was a ÒTo telÓ connection on the side of the Digital phone, but it did not work with my cordless or my white corded phone, and I tried 2 and 4 pin lines. I will probably put in a work order.

            F. Can check telephone wires for voltage (not continuity.) MV thought that his phone lines register 50 volts.

            G. Radio Shack has Digital Cordless phones for $40.

            H. I e-mailed Matt and he said that ÒYou may want to check to see if your analog phone still works. You might have damaged it (or the digital phone) when you tried to connect it to the digital line. It sounds like the "To Tel" connection should work (check the user manual to be sure that the jack is for analog phones). Try an analog phone that you know is functioning in the "To Tel" jack first. If a good analog phone doesn't work, I don't think a "digital" cordless phone will either, because it needs an analog phone connection also. The "digital" of a cordless phone only refers to how the signal is transmitted over the air.Ó I checked and the analog corded phone did work in room 37, but it did not work with CarmenÕs ÒDigitalÓ? phone in the office, when connected to the ÒTo TelÓ jack or the 4 lettered jack.

            I. I discovered that the phone in my room is a Panasonic KX-17420. Online, I was unable to find a manual for KX-17420, only for KX-T7420. With that userÕs manual, it says that the ÒTo TelÓ jack is for a standard telephone jack or telephone answering machine. I e-mailed Panasonic at to ask about this issue. Panasonic replied ( 5 days later and said that ÒThe Business System is supported on a local level onlyÓ. They suggested contacting the installer. If that is not possible, call 800-211-PANA (Mon. - Fri., 6 A.M. - 6 P.M. and Sat. - Sun., 6 A.M. - 4 P.M., PST).

            J. I did call 800-211-PANA on 8/12/02 and I got the names of two local dealers. One is Pacific Coast Parts (510-353-6050, 4423 Enterprise Street, Fremont, CA 94538) and AndrewÕs Electronics (661-257-7700, 25158 Avenue Stanford, Valencia, CA 91355). I did call Pacific Coast Parts and they said that they were only distributors and would not have any information about the phone (I decided not to call the other number). I called back again and got an address (no phone number) for a repair center. It is Panasonic Business Telephone Center, 8655 Roswell Road, Suite 200, Attention W. Jones, Atlanta, GA 30350. I sent them a letter to ask about the phone situation.

            K. I will see if I can find information on wireless phone jacks. One web page advises that ÒMake sure you are using a wireless modem, not merely a wireless jack. We've had success with the Phonex PX-441 wireless modem jack and the RCA RC930 wireless modem jack.Ó

            L. I find out that Radio Shack has a wireless phone jack system at It is catalog number 43-0160. It regularly costs $89, but was on sale for $69 on 8/7/02. They have an extra jack for the Wireless Phone Jack System, which is catalog number 43-161, it costs $39.

            M. Circuit City on Sisk Road has an RCA Wireless Phone Jack for $59.99. One salesman said that 100 feet and going through walls should not be a problem. Target on Sisk Road has a GE InstaJack for phones (model #TL96595) for $60, I think is the correct price. says it supports modem speeds up to 14,400 BPS.

            N. I e-mailed Dennis on 9/15/02 and said I may want to talk to him about the phone situation at school. After the phone company came out to fix our phones (TobyÕs and GaryÕs phones), they did not fix my phone problem. I still cannot use my cordless phone, as of 10/7/02.

            O. Matt said that possibly has a digital to analog converter. I could not find one on the website, so I contacted to let them know that I could not find an analog/digital converter device. I got an e-mail from He said that has a ÒLinestein digital to analog converter,Ó it costs $119. It is shown at I e-mailed him again to ask if I could use an analog cordless phone along with a modem (not at the same time, naturally) and to ask about their return policy. says that "What to do? There are digital-to-analog adapters that not only let you use analog equipment in a digital environment, but also safeguard against frying the internal circuitry of your phone, fax, modem, or laptop. Some adapters manufactured by Konexx come designed to work with one specific piece of office equipment: phone, modem, laptop, or teleconferencer. Simply connect the adapter in between your digital line and your analog device. That's it.

Or you can try a universal digital-to-analog adapter such as Hello Direct's LineStein¨. It works with any analog communications device. Plus, it's battery powered so you're not running extra cords all over your office.Ó

            P. If I do not get a reply, I can e-mail to ask for info or call (800) 444-3556.

            Q. says that the Handset must be modular, in other words, the keypad must be in base of phone.Ó It also says that ÒMost phone systems require manual dialing with digital adapters.Ó It also says ÒDO NOT CONNECT LINESTEIN DIRECTLY TO THE WALL JACK.Ó

            R. I called Hello Direct (800-444-3356, 5 A.M. - 5 P.M., PST. I suppose they are open Mon.-Fri.. Their e-mail address is about working with a Mac modem, using a cordless analog phone and a modem (not simultaneously, though) and return policy on reconditioned Linesteins ($40.00). They did not reply to my phone message. I called them on 11/4/02 and they said that my cordless phone will not work with a Linestein, because there is a dial pad on the handset of the cordless phone. Even though I have a dial pad on the handset and on the base of the cordless phone, it does not make any difference. I did not ask about the Mac modem thing, cordless phone and modem at same time question and return policy on Linesteins, since the point is mute.

            S. If you search for "digital to analog" telephone adapters with Google, you may find some good links.

            T. Matt also said that there are devices that allow you to use an electrical outlet to pass the signal along from Room 54 to my room. You use a phone jack in the source room by an electrical outlet. Wal*Mart has one that is number S60900, and it costs $69.96. It is called a Wireless Phone/Modem Jack, and Southwestern Bell makes it. Mom and I decided that this was not a reasonable solution, since I would have to use the corded digital phone for incoming calls, anyhow. I did discover, though, that the cords for phone lines for analog and digital appear to be interchangeable.

            U. I talked to the installer, John, on 11/7/02 about my analog/digital question. He said that the district ran out of analog space for phone lines, so they had to start using Digital (which room 58 is). He said that I could switch from digital to analog, if I could find someone to switch phone lines with me (i.e. they would not be able to use an analog cordless phone). John said I should check with my boss first. I found out that Flor does not use a cordless phone and would not mind switching. She has no future plans to use a cordless phone, either. Marilyn said it was okay with her, if it were not too cost prohibitive. I told John that Marilyn said it was okay, as long as it

was not "big job." John said it may be "a little hairy," but it can be done. I gave John the room numbers and he said he would do it on a return visit.


Photoflash (Version 2.0 for Apple Quicktake camera 150, works with 100 also), Does take pictures in color.

1. One picture had been saved in Photoflash in the lab on the 5500. it was saved as a ÒPICTÓ file and ÒPhFlÓ creator, however, it would not open with Simpletext, Clarisworks or Graphic Converter (after changing the creator to ÒGKONÓ) on a 5400 (i.e. the 4 dots would appear, but it was white in the middle).

2. The file was damaged, therefore the screen was white. The PICT file was also pretty small considering it was 65 K. When originally saved in Photoflash, it was not compressed and no resolution changes were made, therefore the file should have been bigger, most likely.

            A. Also, the icon for the file lost its custom picture. NDD found a problem with the custom iconÕs bits, fixed the problem, but icon was still plain (due to file damage, most likely).

3. The file would, however, open with Graphic Converter (2.4.3) on the LabÕs 5500 (damaged files can do strange things). Once it was reopened in Graphic Converter, I saved it as a PICT file and it was 844 K. (I also reopened it with Photoflash and saved it as a PICT, also and it was 844K). Later, the newly saved file opened with Graphic Converter and Simpletext on a different computer, and everything was fine. Also the icon was back to normal.

4. I tried downloading Quicktake 1.0 from, but it asks for Disk 1 and 2, which were not available at the website (for licensing reasons). In any event, Quicktake 1.0 is not for use with the Quicktake 150 camera.

5. Version 2.0 can be copied to another HD, but will not work. Must use installer disks.

6. Best solution is to use the 5500 in the lab (which uses Imagefolio software). The scanned pictures can also be open with Graphic Converter.

7. Rob said it could be dragged and dropped onto a computer and work. However, I found this not to be true on my G3 (may be true for 5400Õs, though).

            A. When the camera was on, there was a couple of lines that kept moving around the display and a picture of a battery. This was normal, which did not interfere with camera's ability to upload pictures to the computer.

To make a picture print out in a size close to the size for the cum folders, go to Graphic Converter and under picture menu, use scale to make the picture to 30 percent (proportional).

8. I called Apple and ordered replacement disks ($21.55) and Marilyn said she would reimburse me from the candy money (Karen knows about it too).

            A. Order # is 20200497 and case # 5966974. My credit card was charged by the Apple Fulfillment (888-273-3594) on 12/21/99. Also, the order was going to be shipped through Airborne Express, but it took five days to process at Apple, so it took a week from the time I called until the time the software arrived. Karen gave me the $20 for the Photoflash software on 1/5/2000.

            B. If you call AppleÕs tech support, it does not use the same database as Apple Sales, should make sure to call same number as originally called when checking on an order. If you have a case number, you must probably called 1-800-SOS-APPL. Apple Ed. Technical Support uses the same database as Apple Education Sales.

9. The Quicktake camera uses lithium or NiCad rechargeable batteries, do not use alkaline batteries, according to the manual.

            A. 2 Pack of AA Energizer Lithium batteries can be found at Wal*Mart ($5.27), and Radio Shack ($6.99). Radio ShackÕs street address is 2201 Fulkerth Road Turlock, CA 95380: phone number in Atwater is 358-8245}; but not at Staples.

            B. According to the packages, the lithium batteries last 4/5 times longer than alkaline batteries.

            C. Lithium batteries can not be recharged in the Battery Master.

            D. Radio Shack suggested that I put the Chicago address on our future purchase orders. However, I think it would be much better to order from

10. Images can be stored in the Apple Quicktake 150 camera for 1 year or until you erase them.

11. Objects closer than four feet may be out of focus, but objects in the range between 4 feet and infinity will be properly focused. The flash can illuminate objects between 4 and 9 feet.

            A. If trying to focus on objects that are 10 to 14 inches, use the close up lens.

            B. Your object for focus should be within the triangles in the viewfinder of the close up lens.

12. The camera will be in the mode with the moving rectangle when connected to the printer/modem port of the computer. When not connected, you can see the display of pictures, image quality mode, etc.

13. There are three possible flash settings: A is for automatic, When just the lightning shows, the flash is always on: When the lightning is crossed off, the flash will not turn on when taking a picture.

14. For image quality settings, if just two rectangles are in the corner, it will be standard quality (you can take more pictures, 32): for high quality pictures, you will see a checkerboard pattern (you can take less pictures, 16).

            A. You can switch modes in the middle of taking pictures.

15. The big number on the display tells you how many pictures have been taken. The small number is the number of pictures left that you have at the current image quality setting.

16. There are three different battery level settings. Full, medium and none (change or recharge batteries).

            A. If the batteries run out, the images in your camera are safe, but you need fresh batteries to capture any more images.

17. The timer gives you ten seconds before taking a picture. Press the timer button, press the shutter and prepare for the image.

18. To wake up the camera, press and release the shutter or close and reopen the sliding lens cover.

            A. If the camera is connected to the computer, you must close and reopen the lens cover to wake it, pressing the shutter wonÕt work.

19. it is not necessary to turn off the Mac when you connect/disconnect the serial cable, according the Apple Quicktake 150 manual (p. 24) and Julie, not true with SCSI though.

20. You can make an alias of the Quicktake Image Access control panel and put it anywhere.

21. You can set up the Quicktake Image Access control panel to Ònever sleep when connected to the computerÓ, so that if the power is on, you can pretty much always access the camera.

22. If the camera is off, turn it on by sliding open the lens cover.

23. The camera will shut itself off after 60 seconds, when it is not connected to the Mac, or after 5 minutes when connected without using QuickTake Image Access.

24. In the Photoflash for Quicktake folder, open the Quicktake Camera Support folder and double click the Photoflash Camera Watcher Icon, when you see a message explaining that images in the camera are erased. However, it is much faster to simply drag and drop from the camera.

25. Do not use the computer to capture pictures (you can use it to erase the camera, however), it is much easier to disconnect the camera, take the pictures, then reconnect the camera (no power down necessary).

            A. If you want to use the camera to control it (take pictures, etc.), you have to turn the camera off then on, to use it with the Quicktake Image Access control panel. Better to use the camera on its own to take pictures without the computer (serial cable must be disconnected).

            B. You can also erase the images in the camera by pressing the button that requires a pen or pencil to press it.

26. To share PICT Quicktake images with another Mac, make sure that they have the Quicktake Image file installed in extensions folder. It is probably easier to change to CW or something, however.

27. Before installing the Photoflash for Quicktake version 2.0.2, I had to disabled the Quicktime Power Plug extension (the 4.0 version). Then after restart, you get an error message that Quicktime could not be installed. Drag the Quicktime Power Plug version 2.5 from the active extensions to the disabled folder, then Drag the Quicktime Power Plug 4.0 to the active system folder). You need version 4.0 of Quicktime Power Plug to view the latest trailers on the web.

            A. Also, I tried using the camera again and it works fine with Quicktime Power Plug 4.0.3.

            B. I hooked the camera up to the G3/233 without using the power cord and it worked fine (running on three lithium ÒAAÓ batteries).

28. If the batteries inside the camera go dead, borrow the lithium batteries from the power pack or find some rechargeable NiCads. There are five good lithium batteries in the power pack (usually it needs eight). DO NOT PUT ALKALINE BATTERIES IN CAMERA.

29. To print out a picture taken with the digital camera that is close to the size of the cum picture folder, then resize to 40% of its original size.

30. According to Photoflash manual, you can install Adobe Photoshop plug-ins into the Photoflash plug-ins folder.

31. You should not move or rename the scripts folder.

32. According to Photoflash Manual, the Quicktime, Applescript and Drag Manager extensions are needed to support related Photoflash features (although I think Drag Manager is built into System software).

32. A catalog does not actually contain the photos, it only contains the thumbnail and information about where the image is located.

            A. You can add images to a catalog simply by using drag and drop. You can drop one folder or several folders at a time. You can also use Add to catalog from the File Menu.

            B. If you highlight an image and then choose get info, it will how big the image is.

            C. If you see a catalog from within the open dialog box of Photoflash, you can see how big the catalog is in K.

            D. If you see an image from within the open dialog box of Photoflash, you can see how big the image is in K and also a thumbnail of the image.

            E. You can use the file menu to duplicate a catalog.

F. To erase an image from a catalog, you can select delete or reverse delete. You can also choose clear from the edit menu.

33. If you select the zoom tool (the magnifying glass), you can enlarge the image. If you hold down the option key, it will zoom out (or decrease the size of the image).

34. You can use the hand tool to move an image that has gone out of the window back into the window.

35. To remove a scratch using the descratch tool, select that tool, draw a rectangle over the scratch, click inside the rectangle, then click outside the rectangle to deselect the area (or choose deselect from the edit menu or press command, D)

36. When adjusting the brightness/contrast, you can use the hand tool to select an area of the image or click on any part of the image (outside the brightness/contrast box).

37. To straighten an image, you choose straighten from the image menu, then drag the horizontal and vertical crossbars as necessary. Click off the crossbar to straighten the image.

            A. it may be possible that at this point, the image is straight, but the edges of the image may not be straight on the screen; so, click the marquee tool (a dotted rectangle) and then choose the crop tool (the square looking object with a linethroughit). Select what you want to crop, then click inside that rectangle.

38. To record a script, use the show script palette under the window menu. Press record, do the things you want to do. Then save the script in the Photoflash scripts folder.

Should be able to run it from the Photoflash scripts palette or from the script menu.

            A. You can also drag a catalog image over the script palette where the name of the script is.

            B. The script can be used for many different images.

39. You can use the one script to place images in Word 6.0, the script is called Òplace in word 6.0.Ó

40. According to Ò,Ó QuickTake 150 camera should be plugged into the modem port and not the printer port. Accordingly, the printer port will not reliably communicate with the camera. I have used it with my G3/266 at school on the printer port without any problem.

41. To view the caption information for a picture, you should open a catalog, then select a picture and then choose get info. You will see the caption information.

            A. The caption is different from the name of the image that shows up in the catalog window.

            B. You can append the caption by using the script in the script menu.

            C. When you print, you have the option to print the caption also.

            D. When you want to change the caption information for a TIFF file, you must have the image (not a thumbnail) open. When you save the file, the caption is saved, also. The changed caption will show up temporarily after you have changed, but you MUST save the picture to save the changed caption.

42. You can make your own image catalog using Photoflash.

            A. Make sure at least one image is open and choose make new catalog. Drag pictures to the catalog.

43. According to the Photoflash Scripting Guide, when connected to the computer, the Quicktake 150 camera icon is locked (I donÕt think you can copy onto it).

44. FileMaker version 2.1 or later is needed for the Place in Filemaker script.

45. You can use the ÒWatch this folderÓ Applescript to convert files. You must first double click the script to start, then click ÒrunÓ (you can skip this step by going to the file menu and deselecting Òuse startup screenÓ).

            A. When you drag a file (folders wonÕt work) onto the Automatic Folder (not the Watch This Folder icon, which should be grayed out, see #45), Photoflash will be opened and the files converted and put in the converted folder, which is inside of the done folder. The script takes about 25 seconds on my G3.

            B. When you drag a script onto the ÒWatch This FolderÓ icon, it is used to change the script that the Automatic folder will perform. You can ÒcancelÓ, ÒreplaceÓ or ÒaddÓ the current script.

46. If you drag a thumbnail of an image to the trash and empty the trash, the full picture is actually trashed. The thumbnail may still be available, but the picture will not be.

47. Photoflash uses its own VM system, which takes advantage of free disk space, allowing you to open images that are larger than the available RAM. You should have at least 6 MB of space available on your HD (which I think I will).

48. You can use the scripts palette by dragging images on top of the scripts in the scripts palette.

            A. If you create your own script, you can choose it from the script menu, highlight the script in the palette and clicking ÒRunÓ or Dragged the selected thumbnails on top of the script.

            B. The Photoflash Read Me file suggests that only the 3rd method can be used with user made scripts, but this appears to be no longer true. (you must however, put user made scripts into the scripts folder).

49. According to the Photoflash Read Me, if you save an image as an EPS and use JPEG compression, your printer must be capable of decompressing the JPEG compression.

            A. The printer, apparently, must be a Post Script Level 2 printer. Canon 4550 printed one that was EPS with JPEG compression.

            B. If an image is 300 dpi or higher and you intend to print it, the high quality setting is usually sufficient.

            C. All image formats except for PICT allow you to specify a different level of compression for part of an image as opposed to the rest of the image.

            D. To examine the appearance of a compressed image, you may have to close it and reopen it.

50. You can arrange the thumbnails in a catalog in any order you like (default is ABC order).

51. If you hold down the option key while clicking on the zoom function, the windowÕs height increases until all the thumbnails are visible or if the thumbnails wonÕt fit, the height of the window matches the height of the screen (almost).

52. Shift or command can be used to select non-contiguous images in a catalog.

            A. To select a group of contiguous thumbnails, hold down option and click on the end of the line of images.

53. When you select an image and move it to a new catalog, it is copied to the new catalog.

54. You can use the Search, sort by functions to sort by date or name.

55. To open more than one thumbnail, select them. Double-click on one of them.

56. You can choose to print only selected thumbnails or the whole catalog.

            A. You can print captions for a particular image, if the image has a caption.

57. You can use the search function to search by filename, caption text, etc.

58. Photoflash can open EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) files that have bitmapped images like those created by Adobe Photoshop, but it canÕt open EPS files that contain nonbitmapped images, like those created with Illustrator (which are comprised of mathematically defined shaped).

59. You can apply JPEG compression to files saved in most of the formats for Photoflash and files can be saved in JPEG file format.

60. DCS (Desktop Color Separation) is a variation of the EPS file format used by page layout programs. It is also one form of a CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black) file. DCS is used for CMYK saving only. Photoflash canÕt directly convert RGB image files to a CMYK file format like DCS. A DCS file has five parts: the four colors and the part that shows the whole image. (Source: Photoflash UserÕs Manual).

61. Photoflash can open Photo CD formatted pictures, but can not save in that format.

62. To install a plug-in module (one that confirms to Adobe PhotoshopÕs standard plug-in specifications), put it in the Plug ins folder. (Quit and re open Photoflash). These appear in the acquire menu.

            A. Make sure the device you wish to use is turned on.

            B. If the acquire command is dimmed, Photoflash has no Acquire plug in modules installed.

63. Use the magnifying glass and click to enlarge a section. Hold down the option key and click on a section to make it smaller.

            A. To return an image to its normal size, double click the zoom tool.

64. You can use the window, arrange menu to see several images at once.

65. If an image you are saving uses fewer than millions of colors or fewer than 256 grays, you can only choose PICT or TIFF in the save as box.

66. Photoflash has a revert function under the file menu.

67. To export image data, you must have the plug in installed in the plug-ins folder.

            A. If the command is dimmed, you have no export plug ins installed.

68. If you press command, D: you can deselect a selected portion.

69. You can preset the size of the marquee selection area, by double clicking on the marquee tool.

            A. It will stay on the custom size until you double click on the marquee tool again and reselect normal.

70. When using the lasso tool, you donÕt need to completely draw around a selected area. Photoflash will complete the selection area by drawing a straight line from the beginning point to the ending point.

71. There is a way to select only an image (taking out the white border), but it is not very effective.

72. Once you select an area, you can add to the selected area by pressing shift and then dragging the mouse.

            A. If you hold down the command key, you can deselect part of a selected image.

73. You can use the Edit, invert selection command to select the area outside of the selected area. I.E. if you selected only a small square and then chose to invert selection, you would select everything but the small square.

74. If you hold down the option key, you can make a copy of the original selection instead of moving it.

75. You can resize a whole image or just resize a part of an image. To resize a selection, use the selection tool and then drag the corners.

76. An image that measures 5 X 3.5 inches on a 72 dpi monitor measures about 2.5 X 1.75 inches when printed at 150 dpi.

77. If you press and hold the mouse over the bottom left hand portion of the window, you get information about the image (resolution, width, height).

78. If you are going to be using images to display on a computer, use 72 dpi. If you are going to be using images to print on a laser printer (300 dpi), use 150 dpi. If you are going to print images on a higher end laser printer (600 dpi), use 300 dpi. If you are going to create image output for film production, use 600 dpi. If you are printing on very high-end print production printers, then use 2400 dpi.

79. If you want to rotate an image without skewing the area beneath the rotating part, then hold down the option key while you rotate the image.

            A. You can rotate a thumbnail by selecting it in a catalog. Then Photoflash will open the thumbnail and rotate it.

            B. You can also choose to use image, rotate, arbitrary to rotate the image by a number of degrees (and right or left).

80. The number of colors used by an image may differ from the number of colors you can actually see on screen, which depends on the monitor and the monitorÕs settings. A black and white monitor will only be able to show black and white, even if the image is in millions of colors.

            A. The number of colorsÕ command controls only the number of colors used internally to represent an imageÕs pixels (a pixel is a small dot on a computer screen), not the number of colors used by the monitor.

            B. You canÕt increase the number of colors used by an image, but you can increase the setting for the number in the number of colors dialog box, which could be useful when converting between file formats.

            C. The adjust colors command only works when a picture has millions of colors.

81. You can dither images only if you are reducing the number of colors to be used in an image. A dithered image is diploid using a technique that changes the colors of some adjacent pixels to create the illusion of more colors.

82. If you select several images in a catalog, any selections within those thumbnails is ignored. The changes are made to the whole thumbnail (and the image).

83. Page 81 of the userÕs manual has advice if the image is too dark, too light, etc.

84. It would not be a good idea to remove dust from several images at once, since the results may be poor.

            A. It is better to start with small sensitivity and work your way up to change the image slowly.

85. Once I tried to save an image that was opened inside a catalog. The file, save as... had no choices next to it. I quit and re opened Photoflash and it worked fine, then.

86. The PICT compression options are only available if Quicktime is installed on your system (UserÕs Manual, p. 96).

            A. Also, JPEG compression is available only for image files that have millions of colors or grays.

            B. You canÕt save a CMYK image as a PICT file.

87. PC-DOS computers and UNIX machines can open and use image files saved in the TIFF file format or EPS file format on a Macintosh.

88. TIFF compression s/b usually none, because you never know for sure what programs will be on another individualÕs computer (and may not be able to open them).

89. EPS files can have preview (thumbnails) that are set up differently from the regular picture.

            A. When you save an EPS file, you may want to use Binary if image is to be used on a Mac, ASCII 85 if image is to be used with a Postscript Level 2 device or ASCII hex is you intend to use the image with a computer other than your Mac and your printer uses Postscript Level 1.

90. Page 103 of the userÕs manual has a references as to how many colors go with which file formats.

91. If you have installed more than one scripting language, a pop up menu that allows you to switch between languages appears in the script palette below the record button.

92. By default, Photoflash uses the fastest HD (then the next fastest, etc.) attached for VM usage. It will not use removable media.

            A. If you want to deselect a HD for VM under edit, preferences, you must quit and reopen Photoflash.

93. Under edit, preferences, you can have Photoflash open images to fit screen or 100%.

            A. You can also change the units preferences under edit, preferences.

            B. A pica is one sixth of an inch.

94. Page 132 of the userÕs manual shows how to use columns and gutters (the space between columns) specifications for images, under edit, preferences (must close app and reopen for changes to take effect).

95. Page 133 and p. 134 of UserÕs Manual has information about Plug in Modules.

96. According to p. 137 of the UserÕs Manual, accelerator cards do not benefit Power Macs.

97. Page 140 of userÕs manual recommends turning VM off, when Photoflash is using its own VM.

98. If you take a picture with the Quicktake 150 camera, you can make it a desktop picture by changing its type and creator to JPEG, dkpx.

            A. CameraÕs pictures were blurry, but I cleaned the lenses with my shirt and the pictures were better.

            B. part of the problem was that I had set the desktop pictures to Òfill screenÓ and the pictures taken with the Quicktake 150 were only 640 X 480. The resolution of the G3 is set to 1024 X 768.

            C. You can change the resolution of the G3 to 640 X 480 and the pictures look better, but still are not as good as can be taken with a regular camera.

            D. Pictures taken while the kids were in motion made the pictures somewhat blurrier.

            E. Also, when trying to drag the pictures from the camera to the trash, you get a message that the disk is locked. Use Control Panel, Quicktake Image Access to erase the camera.

            F. I sent the 11 compressed picturesthroughe-mail (AOL to, but then when I tried to open them on the G3/233 with Color It and Graphic Converter, the pictures were blank. I tried changing the resolution of the G3/233 to 640 X 480. I tried changing the type and creators and opening again with GC and Color It, but I had no luck. I tried changing the type and creator to JPEG, dkpx, but then the control panel said Òthis picture can not be displayedÓ. I tried going to and downloaded the e-mail from there, but got the same results.

            G. The 3 Little Javelina pictures did not come out that well anyhow.

99. A digital camera is defined as photographic device that stores pictures within computer chips instead of regular film.

            A. has digital camera info,, but neither have info on Apple Quicktake 150, I donÕt think.

100. Photoflash documents can be opened from within Color It, they do not open from the finder, except in Simpletext (unless I install Photoflash).

101. When taking pictures of students for use with Life Touch (i.e. you do not have a complete set of pictures), take the pictures in Landscape format. After importing the picture, use Image Resize and choose 30 Percent.

            A. The picture will look sideways on the screen, you can rotate if you like or just print that way.

102. Before installing the software for the Quicktake 150, you must disable the Quicktime Power Plug and move it to disabled folder. Then a version of the Quicktime Power Plug is installed with Quicktime (2.1).

            A. On the iMac with 9.0, however, I got an error that says there is not enough memory to mount the Quicktake camera, when trying to connect with the Quik Take Image Access Control Panel.

            B. I tried making the QuickTime Power Plug 2.1 active and disabling the 4.0.3 version of the QuickTime Power Plug. I restarted the iMac. Not only did I get an "MPEG" not installed error, the Quicktake camera would not mount (There is not enough memory to mount the Quicktake camera error). I even tried using port 1 on the Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter. I had no luck.

103. When trying to access the Quicktake camera using Quicktake Image Access, but I could not mount it using the printer port (I tried disconnecting the LW 360 and using the connector), but it would not work. I think it is because I had previously used the printer port with Appletalk. I then decided to use the modem port.



(version 1.3) Must restart the computer for some of the custom icons to appear.


Plaintalk (

1. Originally came with 7.5.1 and the Powermac 6100 series.

2. Can be found at AppleÕs website/Software Updates/Macintosh/System/Speech. It takes a week or so to get used to your voice.

3. Can not close a window If it is behind the speech window.

4. Can only be used on Power Mac Computers.

5. If you get an error message when using the Sounds control panel, turn Speakable items off using the Speech Setup control panel.

6. Listening when a key is pressed is an option in the Speech control panel only after installing the English Speech recognition component. With the Plaintalk 1.2.1 and 1.3 installers, the listening options do not show up.

7. If you get an error message when trying to use the Sounds control panel, turn Speakable items off in the Control Panel - Speech.

8. Some appÕs, perhaps MS Word may not do the speech commands until 10-15 seconds after saying them. Also, some appÕs, esp. ones who use the microphone, may not support Plaintalk.

9. Speech setup is associated with Plaintalk 1.2.1 and 1.3, I have had better success with 1.2.1 and 1.3 than I have had with 1.4.1 as far as recognizing my voice. However, 1.3.1 does not have an option to Òmake this Speakable.Ó I tried copying that particular script from 1.4 into the Speakable items with 1.3.1, but it said it could not recognize script (or something along those lines).

            A. Currently, I am trying out version 1.5 (which recognizes numbers in program names), but version 1.4.1 and later do NOT support menu (i.e. print) items, so the plan is to use 1.3 for now.

            B. 1.4.1 Plaintalk requires a separate extension ÒSpeech RecognitionÓ 1.5.

10. Do not put unspeakable characters into the Speakable items folder, i.e. symbols like Ò#Ó or Ò@Ó.

11. it is best not to put more than 30 items in the Speakable items folder.

12. To lessen the number of voices, drag them out of the voices folder inside extensions.

13. If you can not record a sound in a sound application, turn off Speech while you record the sound.

14. Plaintalk will not work If the Plaintalk window covers the window you are trying to close or the button contains unpronounceable symbols in it.

15. If two items are the same in two different menus, it may not work with Plaintalk.

16. Supposedly, can switch to (any program in RAM) by saying ÒSwitch to (programÕs name).

17. Plaintalk 1.2.1 and Plaintalk 1.3 guides are exactly the same.

18. Plaintalk 1.3 and earlier installers install text to speech and speech recognition together.

19. Plaintalk 1.4.1 has 3 separate components: English Text to Speech, Mexican Spanish Text to Speech and English Speech Recognition.

            A. You donÕt have to install all 3 parts. However, it is recommended If you are going to install English Speech Recognition, that you install English Text to Speech first (even If you already have an older version installed), which I did not do on my first install.

            B. Text to speech can work on a Macintosh or Powermac, Plaintalk requires a Powermac.

20. One occasion, I could not get Plaintalk 1.3 to hear my voice at all, when using it on a ZIP disk (which was also the startup disk). I looked for a missing an extension or control panel. I was missing Monitors and Sounds on the Zip disk. I copied the control panel to the Zip disk and restarted, but my voice was still not being heard. The problem was that external microphoneÓ was not chosen in the Monitors and Sounds Control Panel (there are usually three choices, however the section for the choices was just plain white , ???).

21. With the Speech control panel, you can set the computer up to Speak the alerts that come up on the computer.

22. Needs Inline filter extension to work with Applescript.

23. I downloaded Òalltalk.hqxÓ from and it installs the Speech Recognition Extension 1.5.1, even though the installer simply indicates 1.5.

24. Speech Recognition is not ÒofficiallyÓ supported on the G3Õs.

25. When Apple Speech Recognition 1.4.1 software is used on some computers, an error may say that your microphone is not standard or is not connected. The error may occur when turning on Speakable items. To avoid the error, select ÒnoneÓ as the sound monitor source before turning on this feature, then change the monitor source to Òmicrophone.Ó Error is not a serious one.


Plan-It! for Teachers 1.0 (Serial # M2091SL), (408) 847-4902: E-mail for programmer is

1. 80% Rule applies only to a personal buyer. With a site license, it applies to SITE only (canÕt legally make copy to take home with a site license).

2. Extensions had to be off on my Performa to load it, but they did not have to be off on a Performa 578 (may be because I have some freeware and shareware extensions). Did install with extensions on with Powermac 5400/180.

            A. The folder called system folder contents or something seems to disappear after starting up the computer the second time, probably a script does it (although since I had Claris, nothing was needed to be installed on my machine from that folder).

3. Requires at least system 7.0 (7.1 is recommended). 8 MB of RAM is recommended for 680Õs and 8 MB is required for Powermac.

4. If you want to recopy from one computer to another (buying a new one), can simply copy 1.0v1 to disk and then put it on the new computer. Plan-It! Start requires ÒPlan-it! 1.0v1Ó for it to work.

5. Plan-It! Start and Plan-It! 1.0v1 s/b in the same folder, otherwise you have to go look for it when opening from the Plan-It! Start.

6. Should hit duplicate to avoid making changes to the templates.

7. Tabs at top of screen and several other items are grayed, because the programmer for Plan cut them out it (to make it easier to use).

8. Edit, Prefs will allow drag and drop. Should set edit, preferences to drag and drop when doing demo.

9. Print one copy prints in best mode.

            A. Print multiple has two print dialog boxes that come up. The print dialog box is just simply set up to have two dialogue boxes when printing multiple copies (programmer said File Maker Pro is just set up that way). You HAVE to print in both boxes for it to work.

            B. The buttons do not disappear when pushing command, period to stop printing (I hit it twice by accident). Can also use Printmonitor to stop printing, but page 1 will STILL print, even If you cancel from Printmonitor.

            C. The extra page being printed occurs on 3 X 4 and 4 X 4 (at least these two) templates. This happens even If you just Print one copy or print multiple copies and Specify 1 to 2 only. You can not print page 1 to page 1. If you click multiple copies and set it up to print page 1 to page 1, it will give you one copy of page 1 and one copy of page 2.

D. If you click print one copy, it will only print one copy. If you click print multiple copies and then choose two in the first and the second print dialog box, it will work. If you select 1 in the first print dialog box and then 2 in the second dialog box, it will print 1 copy of page 1 and 2 copies of page 2 (on Apple Stylewriter 1500, I think).

            E. the extra page does not occur with the BJC-4550 printer.

10. Need to have probably more than one line of text (maybe several) for ÒFullÓ justification to work.

11. Edit Paste Special from Last Record takes from the previous lesson plan in the list view.

12. Edit, Paste Special from Index means that information can be pasted from the same box from different templates. There is a bug in this though. When you type in Òwe like applesÓ, and then go to Ònext," then Òprevious,Ó then paste from index, it appears as ÒWe Like ApplesÓ (title case). You can then format with style (control, click on text). To turn off lowercase or uppercase, highlight text and then highlight the name of the case under style menu.

            A. If you format the style as uppercase or lowercase (no Capitals can be typed in), then go to Ònext,Ó then Òprevious,Ó then paste from index, it appears as Òwe like apples.Ó The maximum number of characters that can be pasted appears to be around forty.

            B. If you change the option to Beep or flash as you type to notify of errors and it does not change, then quit File Maker, restart Mac, try again.

            C. You can also use control and use the contextual menu to copy or paste.

13. When you want to pick a new template size for a particular template, simply go to list view and use the pop up menu by the lesson plan previously designed.

14. Next goes to the next plan in the list view. If there is no next plan (itÕs the last lesson plan), a duplicate is made of the last screen.

15. To fix a damaged file, press the option and command keys while the file is opening.

16. Edit, Spelling, Spelling Options Dialog Placement refers to the placement of the Spelling box when it comes up on the screen. it can be automatic (defined by computer) or what you want, move it to the correct place, then choose Òuser definedÓ.

            A. User and Main dictionary can be used at the same time. If ÒnoÓ user dictionary is defined, the ÒlearnÓ button is gray. Go to edit, Spelling, Select dictionaries, choose user dictionary. All ÒlearnedÓ words are added to the user dictionary. To edit a word in user dictionary, the word must be deleted and then re added.

17. Page numbering can only be put in while in ÒlayoutÓ mode. Layout mode is not available in Plan-It! for Teachers. Under File Maker Pro 3.0 regular, there is an Edit, Paste Special, Page Number option while in Layout mode.

18. Shortcut for formatting text, control, click after highlighting text.

19. Once a plan is deleted, it can not be recovered.

20. Uses file sharing setup to have the name of the system under Edit, Prefs. The name can not be removed, because the error message appears, that once a machine or ownerÕs name is input, it can not be changed back to blank. Tried trashing all the prefs and regular extensions and control panels related to file sharing and Zapping the PRAM (even unplugging the battery for thirty minutes), did not remove the name.

21. Encountered one problem with a particular line printing out garbled (not on screen, though). Several solutions: Change the font, change the size of the font, put the writing on a different line or duplicate to make a new file. All of these worked. Replacing Helvetica from my original CD nor did changing the style make a difference.

22. You can not print lesson plans to fit all on one tabloid (11 X 17) page. Even If you select 2 Up printing, it prints on 2 separate pages.

23. If you try to run the program from a CD, it will give you the Òthe disk is lockedÓ message or you will get the Òthis field is not modifiableÓ message. Better to copy to HD.

24. If you do not drag the stuff for System folder to the System Folder, the spelling tools will not be enabled (not a big deal). If Clarisworks 4.0 is installed, the system folder stuff should not be necessary. The two files are US Spelling and User Dictionary inside of a Claris folder.

25. New Record is not available in Plan-It! from the MODE menu, must do from inside the application window.

26. You can click on the help button while in a lesson plan and get some online help. Then click on any of the buttons to get a detailed description of each (even though buttons are gray). Just donÕt click on list view first. Click on buttons until you want to Ògo backÓ and then you will be back to the regular screen.

27. In the beginning dialog, there are the options for number of boxes (2 X 2, 3 X 3). The first number indicates the number of boxes in the morning part (or page 1) of the plan and the second number indicates the number of boxes in the afternoon part (or page 2) of the plan.

28. Magnification can be changed, but it should probably not be done during a demonstration, since it can slightly askew the screen (more than one plan shows up, even after reverting back to 100%).

29. Can click on the time box at top and enter times or edit and type in your own.

30. Notes (about who created the template, etc.) do not show on final printout.

31. Your name, along with space for notes and reminders will appear at bottom of plan. You do not see these words until you print it out.

32. Plan-it saves automatically.

33. If you choose to revise a plan with a small number of boxes, text may be cut off. You can reduce font size or change back to other plan.

34. You can make one template, copy it on copier and pencil in details.

35. Tabs move you between boxes, space bar s/b used within the boxes or you can use alignment to move text.

36. Lines can not be moved or drawn.

37. To see introductory screens later (since they donÕt show up after using the program once), press start over when opening the program.

38. If you type beyond the size of the box, the text is still there. Might reduce the font to see it or make a new plan. Print outs will only show the in box information.

39. You canÕt cancel when printing a single copy. According to manual, you can cancel printing, but it seems to throw off the program, not recommended.

40. Once deleted, plans canÕt be recovered.

41. To copy to a disk, drag Plan-it V1.01 to disk, which saves it.

42. There s/b enough room to make 36 plans on the program. However, you may want to delete some from time to time to avoid goingthroughall of them.

43. KW had trouble printing Plan-It! lesson plans. The program would print only the 2nd page of her lesson plans. She turned background printing off and then it worked. (She has an HP 870 Printer). After reinstalling the program, it printed all the lesson plans fine.

44. Check Record checks the spelling of just the current plan. Check all checks every record in the database.

45. On my G3/233, if you try to start Plan-It! by clicking on Plan-It! 1.0v1, you will get an error that says ÒThis file cannot be opened because it does not belong with this solutionÓ. I tried copying the file again from CD, but had the same results. I also tried copying the Plan-It! Installer from the CD to the HD, installing Plan-It! and running from the ÒPlan-It! 1.0v1Ó icon and got the same error message. I also tried duplicating the Plan-It!1.0V1 file, but still got same error. Holding down the option key while trying to open it does not work, either (you can enter the password ÒshelbybeauÓ and it may open a file that is difficult to open). Using ÒClick here to startÓ worked fine.

            A. I was using Plan-It! 1.0v1 as my startup file on the G3/266, but it was no longer working. Not sure about this. Anyhow, using Plan-It! start worked okay. (I had previously used Plan-It! 1.0v1 from the Apple Menu Items menu.

            B. I tried opening Plan-It! from the Plan-It! 1.0v1 icon again on the G3/233. It did not work, so I found the FM Pro Fonts file inside the System Folder and locked it. Then you could double click on the Plan-It! 1.0v1 file to open Plan-It!.

            C. Locking FM Pro file worked on Plan-It! on G3/233 (making it so that Plan-It! 1.0v1 could be used to open the program), but this did not work on the G3/266.

            D. option, command did not work. Rebuilding Desktop did not work, either. After rebuilding the desktop wtih Techtool 1.2.1 with extensions off, tried opening Plan-It! 1.0v1, got error. DFA did not work, either. I tried holding down the option key, so that I could enter the password, but I still got the error and never got a chance to enter the password. I did not check all the fonts, since the problem existed on this one particular file on both the G3/233 and the G3/266. The file must be damaged, but running it from Plan-It! Start seems to be the answer.

            E. I e-mailed (the programmer for Plan-It!) and she suggested rebuilding the desktop using the keyboard shortcut. It did not work (I tried using TechTool to rebuild the desktop, additionally, but it did not work either).

            F. The Òdoes not belong with this solutionÓ occurred on GNÕs computer using Plan-It v1.0. when trying to start the application from the 1.0 icon. The Plan-It! Start icon worked okay.

46. It is not necessary to quit Plan-It! to save lesson plans, it is done automatically.

47. Plan-It! version 1.0 works on the Red iMac in the computer lab with System 9.2 and on my iMac in room 58 with System 9.1.

48. Plan-It! should be stuffed when sent from one e-mail address to another.

49. TobyÕs 1.0 Planit file got an error that said ÒPlan-It! 1.0v1 is damaged and cannot be opened. Use the recover command to recover this file. I held down command and option and I was able to recover the file.

50. Quit Plan-It! first, then send with AOL, otherwise, it cannot be ÒburnedÓ (that is my hypothesis for 9/04).

51. You can not print just one page of a lesson plan. If you specify page 1 to 1 in both dialog boxes, both pages still print.

52. If you take a picture of the plans in OS 9 while inside of Plan-It!, it will not be able to open with OS XÕs Finder (even with GC, it explains that the Òtaken pictureÓ has no data). You need to make the OS X Finder active and then take the picture.

53. If you Òprint one copyÓ with Plan-It! on the iLamp, the lesson plans will print in best mode, but it will take up more than two pages for one set of plans (it  will take four pages, since the text will be larger).

54. When you first click, click two lines below where the Handbook for E.L.L. is listed (and underlined) in Plan-it, so that underline formatting is not duplicated.


Plan-It! Version 2.0 (Registration number is 4318CD2)

1. (Mac and IBM CD) can be purchased for $15 upgrade for an individual user. Or we can purchase a site license for $125 for 25 teachers. To go to 30 teachers, it would be $15 per teacher for a total of $75 plus tax (and shipping) for the additional teachers. The new features are that you can e-mail your plans, you can put inservice days in automatically, but your writing still appears there behind your label.

            A. It requires System 7.5, but 8.0 is recommended.

2. Kept causing error type 11 on GwenÕs 5400 when printing. Updating the driver of the Epson did not help.

            A. I hooked up the iMac to the Epson 740 and it allowed printing from Plan-It! 1.0 without any problem.

            B. Version 2.0 of Plan-It! works with the Epson 740 and the 5400 computer in Room 36.

3. If you change creation date for a lesson plan, it still stays in the same place in list view.

4. The ideal resolution for version 2.0 of Plan-It! is 640 X 480. You can zoom the size down on the screen to 75% (or up to 125%), but then the ÒboxÓ for the program is too small (only two or three days can show up) to read if the resolution is set to 1024 X 768.

            A. You can only view four days at most with version 2.0, because even if the resolution of the monitor is set to 640 X 480, you can use the zoom tool to make as much as possible appear on the screen. However, still the most is four days a week. With version 1.0, you can see five days of the week.

50. Version 2.0 is in full screen mode permanently i.e. the screen is all blank behind Plan-It!. I can not copy from last yearÕs lesson plans with version 2.0, without quitting 2.0 each time I want to copy from 1.0.

            A. You can e-mail your lesson plans in linear format, for substitutes, etc. See page 16 for more information. You need to have Claris E-mailer, Qualcomm Eudora Light or Eudora Pro to e-mail your lesson plans.

            B. If you have trouble e-mailing your lesson plans from the desktop, try moving it from the desktop to the documents folder or the HD.

            C. You can transfer from Mac to Mac or PC to PC, but not from Mac to PC or PC to Mac. It is not cross platform.

5. Preview shows you how the lesson plan will print out.

6. You could enter text instead of times (or simply enter nothing) in the column headings.

7. You can import your lesson plans from Version 1.0.

            A. According to the 2.0 UserÕs Guide, if you experience trouble importing your 1.0 lesson plans, hold down the option key and select ÒPlan-It! Start,Ó enter the password ÒshelbybeauÓ and press Òokay.Ó Try to import again. I had to do this with the Plan-It!1.0v1 that gives the Òthis file cannot be opened because it does not belong with this solutionÓ message. It worked, and imported my plans.

            B. You can not, though, import lessons plan from within version 1.0.

8. Version 2.0 says that it will allow you to use Stickies and the note pad, while PlanIt is active, but this is not accurate.

            A. I asked Teddi and Marlene, and they said it was an oversight on their part.

9. Version 2.0 is not networkable.

10. If your special day labels do not appear, then click the preview button and they will reappear (UserÕs Guide, page 25).

11. If there are no close boxes in the corner of your file, click the ÒquitÓ button. There is a ÒquitÓ button on each screen of Plan-It!.

12. To recover a damaged file, you may need to hold down command and option and launch 2.0 (either by clicking on ÒPlan-It! 2.0Ó or ÒClick here to start.Ó

13. If Plan-It! crashes or freezes with a system error when opened, try turning extensions off, Rebuilding the Desktop, Run DFA, Select the FM Pro Fonts File (inside of the Claris folder) and lock it. Last option is to open all fonts until you see a font that is garbled, when you open it. Master Juggler, can help with this according to the Plan-It! UserÕs Guide.

14. Shortcut for Plan-It! is to go "next," "previous" when changing templates.

15. Plan-It! start will not work from the MOM menu, at least not on the G3/266.

16. When copying/pasting ELD lesson plan information, use the magnification commands in the bottom left hand corner to make it 77%.

17. You can sometimes quit one file in Plan-It! without quitting the other: i.e., you can quit 99-00 and 00-01 will still be open.

            A. Sometimes, though, you can not quit one without quitting the other.

18. I e-mailed Plan-it on 1/26/01 (from, since our purchase order has already been processed.

            A. However, on the original Purchase Order, it said to return it to Mike G. It was probably lost in the mail when he sent it, I suppose.

            B. Anyhow, I had an old copy of the purchase order that was only partially legible, so I had to trace the vendor number, purchase order number and account number onto another blank purchase order and I faxed a copy of the purchase order to Teddi on 1/27/01 and they said they would mail out the software to me at Crookham.

19. If you cannot see your special day labels in Plan-It! 2.0, try clicking the ÒPreviewÓ button.

20. If you copy onto or from CD-R, then you may have to unlock the Plan-It V1.01 file.

21. I installed 2.0 on JoseÕs computer in Room 54, because 1.0 was not compatible with his Epson 740 printer (gave error type 11, each time he tried to print).

22. When using Plan-It! 2.0 on Room 54Õs computer, after making a new lesson plan the first time and setting up your user name, etc., each time you open the program, you create a new lesson plan. I wondered if you could start where you left off. I e-mailed Lucy ( to inquire about this.

            A. On my G3, when I select either the Plan-It! 2.0 icon or the Click Here to Start icon, I go to a screen, that lets me select ÒList ViewÓ and then I select the plan I want to work on.

            B. Lucy said it sounds like an incompatibility between version 2.0 and System 7.5.5. But I told her not to worry about it, it is not that big of a deal.

23. Plan-It! will is now out of business, as of January 31, 2002.

24. I checked, but Plan it does not work with our Windows machines. It was originally written for Windows 95 and the latest version (before the company went out of business) does not work with Windows 2000 XP. I do not have an original 1.0 CD.  The 2.0 CD will install fine, it just will not print; since it generates an error.


Power Connections

1. If troubled, can cause trouble booting up a computer.

            A. If opening computer, touch metal to ground yourself.

2. Power strips at school can have problems with some outlets (in room 58, there are only 7 outlets and 6 of them are on the same circuit. The one by the map/overhead screen is on a separate circuit), may just be one outlet, put a piece of masking tape over it.

3. Power supplies: To test If a power supply is adequate for your computer (this may be a problem is you have a lot of VRAM or cards installed, etc.).

            A. Open computer and leave power ON, look for four wire connector that may be loose (If there is not one, then get a ÒYÓ adapter and use the CDÕs power supply and split the wire. Connect the leads of a voltmeter to the two leads on the far left and read the voltage, see If it drops dramatically (more than 10%) when copying from a CD to the HD. Then Connect the leads of a voltmeter to the two leads on the far right and read the voltage, see If the voltage drops dramatically (more than 10%) when copying from a CD to the HD. If there is a big drop, may want to get a power supply that can handle more than 300 Watts of power. (0n a 6100, the max. continuous output for all channels is 86 Watts).

4. Bob said that IBM power supplies are often rated for 300 watts, but do not often actually use that much. He also said Apple calculates the power suppliesÕ watt ratings with all the drives being used. Also, changing the power supply voids your warranty. Also, generic power supplies would not work on a G3.

5. If a power connection does not turn the power on (Mac or IBM) right away, may want to hold down the button for a couple seconds (prevents accidental turning on or off of the computer).

6. BH said that you can turn an external HD, CPU and monitor all on at the same time (from a power strip), but there might be a problem, especially with a external HD that is starting to having problems. Some older drives are slow to start up and may not be recognized (causing Ò?Ó mark).

7. If computer will not turn on, could be due to dead battery, bad RAM, logic board problems, power supply problems.

8. A distorted monitor display can indicate the rise of power supply problems (S.M., 3rd, 894).

9. If you have a dead battery, you may be able to turn the switch quickly a few times, just to allow you to temporarily access your files.

10. Getting Started with Your Macintosh page 21 suggests that you do not use the power switch to turn off the power, use the Shut Down command since it allows for a quicker restart of the computer.

11. says that the only sure way to protect your computer during an electrical storm is to unplug the computer.

12. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 324 suggests checking a power supply by using a VOM (volt ohm meter) and checking the leads. A reading of zero or infinity indicates the power supply is faulty.

13. I thought about using the power connections on the back of the G3 for room 58, but the space to plug in items is too narrow (the Zip drive plugs wonÕt plug into it, nor will the phoneÕs power connections).



1. No compatibility cards are made for the Powerbooks, you have an internal modem or you donÕt. If you donÕt, you need to get an external modem.

2. Most Powerbooks donÕt come with internal modems, it used to be that many Powerbooks came with 14.4 modems, which fit on the logic boards. But now, very few Powerbooks come with internal modems (If a modem is not internally installed, it is easier to upgrade modems).

3. Global Village does make a 28.8 modem that does come with a few Powerbooks.

4. On some Powerbooks, there is only one port (Printer/Modem most likely).

5. Active matrix is better than passive matrix, since it looks crisp and sharp from any viewing angle.

6. Powerbooks have a 30 pin SCSI plug in on the back.

7. Most of the Powerbooks use IBM modems, they are far more prevalent (Mac Bible p. 675).

8. Powerbook Duos do not come with a floppy drive or any external ports, but you can access them via an optional docking accessory (Sad Macs, p. 6).

9. Allan Dunn had a 5300c Powerbook and it would run at least two hours on one battery with many extensions disabled.

10. If the trackpad is jumping around, try washing and drying hands (good advice for Apple mice, too, I think). Also, there is an extension called ÒTrackpad Climate ControlÓ from Apple that may help.

11. Leaving VM on uses more battery power, According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 19.

12. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, Apple has recently determined that mailing in Powerbooks at a single national depot is cheaper for them, may require mail in service at some point.

            A. iBook service is already limited to a mail-in depot.

13. There are several different ways to reset the power manager, depending on your type of Powerbook. See TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 21 for more information.

14.Allows you to use two batteries simultaneously to allow up to ten hours of use, unlike the iBook, which only allows six hours (one battery).

15. The Powerbook G4 costs $2,339throughEducation sales as of 1/13/01.

16. The Titanium Powerbook G4 has a 5-hour battery (perhaps under optimal conditions).

17. JZ had a Powerbook, but she already sold it. She said, as of 5/02, she would remember, if anyone is wanting to sell one.

18. has tips on using laptops ergonomically.


Power Proofreading (Licensing agreement shows up only the first time you run the program. Technical Support can be reached at 800-758-6762, 6 A.M. - 2 P.M. or e-mail of For customer service, you can call 800-733-2828 or visit

 1. The Mac requirements include a PowerMac with 7.5.3 or later up to System 9.

            A. The Windows requirements include a Pentium processor with Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0 (2000 not mentioned).

2. Gives students choice to print, when done with a portion of the program.

3. I e-mailed Houghton Mifflin technical support ( to ask if the printing option can be turned off with the Power Proofreading program (instead of students just choosing ÒnoÓ at the print screen that comes up). replied and said there is not a way to turn the printing option off.

4. The Read Me says that the purple label below the passage tells what kind of errors to look for. The lightning bolts tell you how many errors to find.

5. The program will launch from the CD-ROM, there is no installation for the program.

            A. The CD-ROM must be in the drive for the program to run. You cannot make a disk image with Disk Copy on the blueberry iMac. It does not work.

            B. The program is a stand-alone one. It does not work on a network, according to the Read Me.

6. I installed it on the iMac for now.


Preview (OS X)

1. Photo from internet would not save to Zip (produced an error –50). Would save to HD, though. But could not copy to Zip.  I tried opening the doc in Preview and saving to Zip, no luck. Finally, I opened the picture and took a picture with System Software, then changed name to name of person in photo (because when I copied the original full name, which was long, it would save). Then I was able to copy it to Zip Disk.

2. On one occasion, I could not get a picture to print. I had to open the print dialog box and choose black cartridge. Usually, this is done automatically, so not sure about this. The document was password protected (it was a proof of purchase from, which may have been part of the problem.

3. I scanned a document with Preview. It fit on the screen (it was scaled to around 34%, but when I printed it out, it took a regular sized (8 1/2" X 11") page.

4. You can choose to use the File menu to Export something in a different format.

5. If you save a document with Preview in OS X and copy it to the G3/233, it will not be able to open with the Finder. However, you can still use .jpg files with the Appearance Control Panel in OS 9.2.2, just drag and drop. You will get a dialog box. GC can open it. It may be easier to Open GC and choose Convert More to do a batch job or scan with Preview and then open several files at once with the File menu, change the item to open with (you can use GC or Quicktime Player to open with, copy to G3 and the files can be used with Appearance in OS 9.2.2). You can also use Snitch to update info before burning to CD (if burning on G3).

6. Switching to the Mac page 86 explains that Preview can be used to display graphics only, not edit them. Also, p. 160 says that Acrobat Reader is faster than Preview and allows searching.

7. I tried to open a screen shot (it was .pdf format) with Preview, but Preview would not open it, so I used Adobe.

8. If you use Epson scan to scan (and nothing is on the scanner), when you try to open the  scanned document, you will probably get a corrupt document error.

9. TidBITS #868 talks about using PreviewÕs View/Slide Slow function, but my version of Preview 2.1.0 doesnÕt do it. Although you can use Full screen mode and click on the screen to scroll to the next page (in a .pdf document).

10. I was unable to save a rotated picture with Preview in OS X 10.4.10 (probably a software glitch), so I used GC 6.0.1 to rotate and save it (with the help of COI).

11. It appears that the default format of Preview on the iMac Duo is PNG; however, you can use the terminal command of Òdefaults write type JPGÓ (without the quotes) to change it to JPEG, which I did (I needed to log out to make the change). To change it back to PNG, you would need to use Terminal and type in Òdefaults write type PNG.Ó I received this information from

12. If you edit a document in preview and then save it as PDF, you cannot edit it after it has been saved. Also, one document kept cutting off with the printout (CZÕs W4 form), so I changed the scale to 90% (by going to File, Page Setup and adjusting the scale) and changed to portrait from landscape, which solved the problem.

13. On one occasion, I receivea a 5-page fax, which I thought was only one page. As it turns out, all five pages were present; I just had to access the drawer and then the arrow to access them (the Go Menu was grayed out).


Princeton 17Ó Monitor (AGX700) (Princeton Graphics Systems, 2801 South Yale Street, Santa Ana, CA 92704. Telephone is 800-741-6249 and fax number is 714-751-5736. Website is

1. To reset the monitor to factory defaults, select recall from the on screen setup menu. Then press the enter (bent arrow) button (not the enter key on the keyboard) until the progress bar disappears. You need to be on one of the resolutions on page 16 for this to work (according to page 12).

            A. On one occasion, the ÒMy DocumentsÓ icon was cut off (the letter ÒMÓ was cut off). I made several adjustments to the monitor, before I simply decided to move the icon over. This solved the problem.

2. AGX700 Reference Guide page 4 suggests that if you are having problem with electrical interference, increase the separation of distance between pieces of equipment or connect the pieces of equipment to different outlets (may work with pencil sharpener and LC 550).

3. AGX700 Reference Guide page 9 says the picture tube is a Sony Trinitron.

            A. Page 9 says the monitor is compatible with Power Macintosh, page 18 says that an adapter is required (I have a 15 pin connection with 5 pins in each row, I think GN has the same kind of connection, but I am not 100% sure).

            B. Sphercal is a typo on AGX700 Reference Guide page  9, had no definition for it.

            C. Page 19 shows that there are some pins that do not have a connection.

4. AGX700 Reference Guide page 12 explains how to use the Controls and functions of the monitor.

5. AGX700 Reference Guide page 13 says that after making adjustments, if you leave the buttons untouched for 15 seconds, your desired settings are automatically saved.

            A. Page 15 describes MoirŽ setting as an interference pattern that causes some dithered colors to ÒshimmerÓ or appear uneven.

            B. Page 15 says that the Degauss function demagnetizes the CRT when the display becomes discolored or washed out in appearance. The monitor will automatically degauss if the monitor has been shut off for at least 20 minutes.

            C. Page 15 mentions a bezel, which is basically an edge, according to

6. Page 18 says that the operating temperature is 32 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

            A. Page 18 says the monitor weighs 40 lbs. net and 46.6 gross.

7. Page 20 says you can activate a monitor self-test by disconnecting the monitor from the computer and turning it on. You should see three distinct squares to show that the monitor is working properly.

            A. Page 20 says that if the display appears to be discolored or missing some colors, do a self test. If the test shows okay, check for bent pins, check your display adapter and/or display driver.

            B. Page 20 says that a ÒhummingÓ sound is normal when you first switch on the monitor (sometimes), because this happens when the Degauss function is activated.

            C. Page 21 says that if two very thin horizontal lines are visible on the screen, this is normal. But you may want to switch from a bright, solid background.

            D. Page 21 mentions the maximum refresh rates for various resolutions.

            E. Page 22 says that is the display does not appear to be level, it may be caused by the EarthÕs magnetic field. To get the best alignment, place the monitor so that it faces East, and choose the Rotation control from the OSD menu.


Print Artist (full installation takes about one hour on the G3/233. But after installing more RAM, it takes closer to about fifteen minutes)

1. Difference between using Graphics and fills, shapes and symbols is that fills, shapes and symbols are treated as text, you can apply almost the full range of effects on them. Graphics can usually only be flipped. (i.e. Symbols can be edited more, Symbol can not).

2. To link objects together, select all or Shift, select wanted items. Draw a box around the selected items. Move as desired. To unlink, click outside of the objects.

            A. Alternatively, you can hold down the Shift key to unlink only one of the items.

3. To insert JPEG graphics from the CD, you can go to file, import, click on desktop, switch to JPEG (bottom of window), select CD, then pick pictures. Memory error results (not all images will appear), but increasing memory all. of program does not seem to help.

            A. Or you can simply drag graphics from the CD to the JPEG graphics folder inside of Print Artist. Quit and restart Print Artist. Then use graphics grabber to select JPEG bitmap files (under categories).

4. Mom had trouble getting a Print Artist document to line up correctly. She had eight names in a text box (4 on the left and 4 on the right), but they would not line up when printing. I told her to make two separate text boxes and then left align them.

5. When trying to print a card (on bond like paper) from print artist on one occasion, the colors were off and smeared. I changed the media setting in the print  box to high resolution paper, which fixed the problem. I also had to try printing a different picture, as I think the one I used did not print out right (came out too dark).

6. If you try to do a drag and drop installation of the software, it will not work. You get an error message that the JPEG graphics files are missing, even though they are not.

            A. This is what happened on the iLamp. I did a drag and drop install from the G3/233 and I got the JPEG graphics error (the files were present, however). Anyhow, I did an install from the CD and Print Artist worked fine.

7. I had a very difficult time printing envelopes with Print Artist. CW is probably easier.

8.When trying to run Print Artist 4.0 from the CD on the iLamp or the G3/233, it would not run. On the iLamp, I got the JPEG Graphics error. On the G3/233, I got an error type 1.


Print Shop Deluxe

1. If the PSDeluxe.suit file is not dragged to the System folder, error messages probably will appear (i.e. Sherwood font could not be found). Increased ATM font cache to 288K, but I had no luck. Julie thought this was the problem also. Perhaps borrow PSD CD from Mom.

2. ATM Error: CanÕt find proper outline font message appeared. Type -1 error. Occurs when clicking on a Ò!Ó (headline) inside the application. If you quit, it closes the app. If you proceed, you get either error type 10 or error type 11.

3. When you take the preferences out of the Print Shop Deluxe folder (not the prefs folder inside the System folder). An error message appears saying ÒPrintshopDeluxe.prefs canÕt be found. Please locate itÓ.

4. Increasing size of application did not help either.

5. To install the fonts for the program, it is separate from the installer. Drag the fonts from the Installer CD to the System Folder (there were 5 fonts on my CD).

6. The backdrop is not always required or layout (in making a new project), it is necessary for Calendars and Banners. To skip the extra dialog boxes in making a new project, hold down the option key while selecting ÒnewÓ from the file menu. Or set the preferences under the file menu to skip the extra dialog boxes.

7. You can get to places quickly in a dialog box by typing the first letter of the graphic you want. The computerÕs highlighter will move to that letter.

8. If you click on the return to project icon in the startup dialog box (which is not in every dialog box), you can start a new project. Or hit cancel to move to the previous dialog box.

9. In the new dialog box, backdrops are designed to go with certain layouts. However, If you check Òlighten backdropÓ, you can see all the backdrops that are in the program (not just pre-selected ones that usually go with a particular layout). The darkness/lightness of the backdrop can be adjusted from the Tool (the slider switch).

10. If you check Òapply to all squares, rows or columnsÓ when selecting a graphic, all the squares, columns or rows are changed to be the same.

11. You can also make an initial capital letter with its own decorative design. Choose a square graphic, then find Òinitial capsÓ library. Scale the graphic. Add a text block and scale it to size, also.

12. If you want to justify a headline, you can use ÒfullÓ, which makes the shorter line even up with a longer line (option for full is grayed out If there is only one line of text).

13. Bringing up the dialog box, then changing the effect can customize headline effects. Can also click on the customize box to change it more.

14. You can create you own size for the gray placeholders by holding down the option key and then choosing to ÒaddÓ an object. Then draw the box the size you want. To add more objects, hold down option and choose a different object to add.

15. When you select all of the objects for a project, the backdrop (not the border) is not affected.

16. You can use the tab key to move between objects in a project.

17. All objects, except for borders and backdrops, can be flipped horizontally, vertically or both.

18. Text blocks and headline are stretched out of proportion, unless you hold down the option key. Square, round or column graphics are stretched in proportion, unless you hold down the option key.

19. You cannot move objects behind a border, although you may get around it. Use a mini border, stretch it and use it as a border. You can not move objects behind a backdrop.

20. You can change the backdrop from the project menu on an existing project or you can change the layout, but If you change the layout, your work will be lost.

21. If you do a fast save, then you will not be able to use the project on a different computer, but it takes less room. A full save (can be accessed from the save dialog box) can be used on a different computer.

22. You can use the Òtest PrinterÓ function to get an idea of where your project will print on the paper (it prints an outline of the project on the printer), so that adjustments can be made If necessary.

            In the print dialog box:

            A. Print area adjustment is only available with banner, sign and calendar projects. Usually default should work fine, but If not, try reduction 1 or reduction 2 (2 reduces more).

            B. Project size is only available for sign and calendar projects. If you choose a larger size 2 X 2, 3 X 3, then project will print on several pages.

23. You can align objects many ways by left edges, right edges, by centers (horizontally and vertically).

24. On a Performa computer, it may look to the documents folder when attempting to retrieve files (libraries), so you may want to make an alias of libraries and put it into the documents folder.

25. A multicolored object can not change colors (the color bar will have 3 splashes of color on it). Can only change the tint with the slider bar below it.

26. Kept freezing when using Print Shop Deluxe Companion. If you tried to go to page setup, changed the page setup to envelope and quit the program, the G3 would freeze. After downloaded the latest Epson driver, that problem was eliminated.

            A. However, after that, you could change the page setup, but after returning to the finder, the finder menus would Òblank outÓ and caused strange other system errors. I thought the problem was a system extension conflict, but Conflict Catcher said there was no conflict (I restarted with extensions off, and the problem was still there. Also, the problem occurred with Print Artist too, so I thought that the system software might have trouble. After reinstalling the system software, the problem was better, but still occurring on occasion. . Zapping the PRAM did not help, either.

Reinstalled Print Shop Deluxe and Companion and trashed preferences. Rebuild the desktop with Techtool. I manually set the colors to 256 colors, so that the program does not have to change the colors itself. Seems to work for now.

            B. If this does not work, may have to initialize.


Print to PDF ($20 shareware). I paid Kagi $20 on June 3rd, which I think was for PrinttoPDF), and I received an e-mail from the author (James Walker, addressing me as ÒRegistered User.Ó I e-mailed him to send me another e-mail saying how to register the program. Select PrinttoPDF in the Chooser, print a document, selecte preferences. Then go to Info, then type ÒI paid for itÓ in the Title. You should get a thank you message.

1. Appletalk setting is irrelevant to Print to PDF.

2. In the ÒSet document infoÓ dialog box, you can set certain document attributes that appear in the document Info:General window in Acrobat Reader.

3. From the manual ÒYou can specify that the PDF files be saved to your desktop or to any folder you choose. When you specify a location, PrinttoPDF will use its best guess for a file name. If the document you are printing is named ÒMyDoc,Ó then the file name will probably be MyDoc.PDF. If that file already exists in the folder, and you leave the ÒModify NameÓ option selected, PrinttoPDF will use the name MyDoc-1.PDF.Ó

4. When you click okay in the preferences, dialog, your changes are saved, regardless of whether you click OK in the Page Setup or Print Dialog. You do not have to choose your name every time. Under output in preferences, change to desktop of startup disk or choose another sport. Also let the program guess the name (usually will simply add .pdf to the file).

5. You can use a icon similar to Òdesktop printerÓ icon, if you have System 8.5 or later.

6. There are only a certain number of fonts that Print to PDF will use. If not one of those, your font may be substituted for.

7. Print to PDF does not use background printing.

8. You can add a watermark, if you so choose, with Print to PDF. You would use a PICT file.

9. If you run into memory shortage problems, refer to the manual, it has some ideas.

10. Certain features require Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later, but many features are compatible with 3.0.

11. AuthorÕs e-mail address is or

12. If you use a program, such as Quark Xpress (which is a page layout program that does newsletters, brochures, magazines, newspapers, etc.), which is intended for use with a Postscript printer, may not produce high quality output with Print to PDF.

13. According to the Read Me for Version 2.3, there is a problem with the System software. You must go to the Chooser and select any driver other than Print to PDF. Them move the new version of PrinttoPDF to the Extensions Folder, replacing the old one. Restart the computer, go tot he Chooser and Select PrinttoPDF.

14. You can have PrinttoPDF save to your desktop, instead of asking for a name each time, under Preferences, Output prefs.

15. You can have PrinttoPDF treat some fonts as Bitmaps rather than text. Go to prefs, then fonts, put a check mark by any fonts you would like to be bitmapped instead of treating as text. Bitmapping can be used when a font has a symbol that PrinttoPDF can not recreate. However, you will not be able to search for text if the font is bitmapped. Also, more memory will be used.

16. The Read Me file suggests that the best way to make an image is to make a bitmapped image and downsize it, rather than pasting and increasing its size. In other words, make the original image bigger in its creating application (if possible) and then downsize it in the Òpasted toÓ application (this rule could be applied to other programs as well).

The Read Me also says that Òvector graphicsÓ or ÒdrawÓ type pictures look sharp at any resolution.

17. For PrinttoPDF to recognize URLÕs, Internet Config 2.0 must be installed, The URL must be http, ftp etc, the Url must not be broken across lines and the URL should be same style, font, color, size, etc. If you want links to appear in some special style, such as blue and underlines, you must apply that yourself. Also, If you print a web page that has an Apple Computer link on it, it will not recognize that the words ÒApple ComputerÓ is a link and is linked to

18. Ironically, PrinttoPDF does not work well with Acrobat Reader, since Acrobat Reader does not draw text using Normal Mac methods. May not be a great need to make .pdf from .pdf files, anyhow.

19. If the version of PrinttoPDF used to make a file is 1.2, the document should work okay with Acrobat Reader 3.0. If the document was created using version 1.3, version 4.0 of Acrobat Reader is recommended.

20. I did not download new version of PrinttoPDF (version 2.4.4) in 9/02, since my version works fine.


Printer Sharing

See File Sharing.


1. On a LC 575, one way to make the printer faster may be to turn desktop printing extensions off and just use the regular computer Printmonitor. This may save in System Software memory, thereby making the printing faster.

2. Turning background printing off will help also.

3. Back to front printing can be on an HP.

4. On one occasion, an IBM computer (w/ Windows 95) would print page 1 of a document, then print a blank page for the page number 2, then print number one, blank number 2 etc. Replaced cartridge, worked.

5. On momÕs old Imagewriter, there was a 9 pin connection. On the Performa 6400 there is an 8 pin connection.

6. Printmonitor is only needed when you are NOT using Desktop Printing extensions, it is actually an application.

7. If the HD is getting full, may not be able to print (according to L.M.B. p. 333) ???

8. If you have a Quickdraw printer, then it usually can not read Postscript fonts. ATM is supposed to be able to make fonts clear and smooth when printing.

9. Portrait is tall and narrow. Landscape is short and wide.

10. With one particular program in Room 54, when you try to print a page with graphics, the computer freezes, then the page prints upon restart.

            A. May be due to bug in application, corruption of Printmonitor, Wrong driver, insufficient space on HD, corrupted PRAM, lack of memory allocation for program, lack of memory allocation for Printmonitor, Background printing s/b off, may need Disk First Aid (and NDD, probably).

11. Spool is an acronym for Simultaneous print operations on line.

12. An IBM printer can be used with a MAC, but you need a Mac Driver and a serial to parallel converter cable. Probably costs $150 or $100 (by mail).

13. There are many color inkjet, and laser printers that use Post Script.

14. Do not open a cartridge until you plan to use it soon, otherwise jets may dry up Also, Aarin is recycling the HP as well as the Apple and BC-02 cartridges.

15. When choosing overheads for printing, be sure you have the correct type for printing, otherwise, you may literally jam up the printer.

16. Most printers are rated in terms of printing in Òdraft modeÓ which may result in somewhat skewed results.

17. I tried taking all the extensions that made the GX software work with 7.5.5 and put them in an 8.0 System Folder, but did not work. With system 8.0, GX printer drivers and extensions (Laserwriter GX, Imagewriter GX, CanonÕs BJC -4450 GX and Color Stylewriter 1500 GX) are no longer supported. An ÒXÓ appears over them on the desktop. According to AppleÕs Read me file, this is because the GX technology is being incorporated into the classic (non- GX) software. This seems unusual, since the GX software is included on the G3 CD. (perhaps just an update for earlier versions). If you attempt to install Quickdraw GX with the 8.1 or G3 CD on the G3 Computer, the extension ÒQuickdraw GXÓ will not be installed (s/b incorporated into regular printing and I assume, faxing, software). Even If you previously installed Quickdraw GX 1.1.3 extension with the 7.5.5 CD, the System 8 installer removes that extension when installing Quickdraw GX 1.1.6.

18. To use GX with 7.5.5 and earlier, you need to have Quickdraw GX, Printershare GX, Color Sync, the driver for GX extensions are all needed. Desktop printing extensions are not.

19. To see If a print cartridge is good or not, try licking your finger and putting it on the end of the cartridge to see If ink comes out. If you have a print cartridge that does not seem to print, take a completely wet paper towel and put the cartridge in the paper towel for ten minutes. May make it work.

20. Printmonitor, If located in extensions, can be clicked on inside the extensions folder, to check on print jobs.

21. If you get a disk is full error when printing, your HD is probably full, it requires some space to create temporary spool files. Try trashing some files.

22. On one occasion, Eudora had no print on the right edge of the paper (printing was cut off by 1/2 inch), but Clarisworks did not have a problem when printing. Turns out that the margins were set Differently for each program. ThatÕs why the problem showed up in one program and not the other. Laser cartridge on the laser writer did end up having to be replaced.

23. using background printing requires the presence of the PrintMonitor and/or Desktop Printmonitor extensions in the active extensions, except for Quickdraw GX (which does not need PrintMonitor).

24. When changing printers, you can usually ignore the go to page setup message, unless you have an open application. When an application opens after that, it adjusts to the printer that is chosen.

25. Printmonitor documents is used to store temporary files in use by Printmonitor.

                        A. With Canon BJ 4550, Canon Spool file is used.

26. When printing, you can actually drag the second to be printed file to be printed first (just drag it).

27. When printing, If you turn fractional character widths ÒonÓ, the printout looks better because the printer puts each character in its typographical correct position without all those funny little spaces in the writing. Each character does not necessarily fall into a multiple of 1/72Ó of a inch (Mac Secrets, 4th, 554).

28. You can use the tab key to move through the copies, from and to boxes in print dialog box.

29. You can print several files from the desktop. Highlight them and then choose print from the file menu. You only have to confirm printing once.

30. Serial refers to processing information in order, while parallel refers to simultaneous processing of information.

31. If printheads are clogged, try running them under warm tap water for a minute. Dry excess water.

32. According to the iMac DV + manual page 21, if you do not have enough memory to print something, try decreasing the amount of memory allocated to the application you are printing from.

33. 2400 Stylewriter manual page 56 says that the ink cartridge contains the print head, which takes the ink and sprays it on the paper.

34. If you switch printers, it is best to switch printers in the chooser, then adjust page breaks, etc (2400 manual page 78).

35. Tabs are usually better than spaces because printers interpret spaces differently than the screen does. Alternatively, you can change to a monospaced font like Courier or Monaco to make columns (2400 manual page 78).

36. Printing from e-mails apparently is faster than printing from the Internet generally speaking (probably because e-mail is often simpler in design).

37. Page 115 of Sad Macs, 3rd edition says that that you should Òsuspect font-related problems, among other possible causes, if system errors occur only when trying to printÓ.

38. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 326 says that some printers will not work properly if the printer cover is not firmly closed.

            A. Page 327 says that you should never turn off a printer in the middle of a print job, because paper may jam in the printer and damage the printhead.

39. I asked Matt ÒIf you have a printer that has both a USB and a serial (or parallel) connection, does it print faster when connected the computer through the USB connection, usually?Ó

            A. He replied that ÒBoth USB and parallel ports are way faster than serial ports, but sometimes the bottleneck is not the connection speed. It may be your computer or the printer.Ó

40. I asked MV about printer cartridges drying out, if not in use. He said ÒThe technology keeps changing, but I think it's likely that they will clog after a year (especially with older printers).

            To minimize this problem, one of my printer manuals indicated that it's better to leave the printer plugged in all the time (even when it's turned off).  This probably doesn't apply to all printers, though.

            Some printers (I think HP?) have the print heads built into the cartridges, so the problem is fixed by replacing the cartridge. Other printers have permanent print heads which may need to be cleaned even after replacing the cartridge.Ó

41. I hooked up the HP 4200 printers in room 24 and 50 without using a CD, Windows 2000 Professional had the necessary drivers.



1. In Guru 2.5.2, the processor for a Performa 6400/180 is listed as a 603ev, but I wrote to Newerram (who makes Guru) to inquire about this info, since it conflicts with documentation from Apple. They wrote back and said that the processor should have been listed as a 603e.

2. If you look at the number listed on the processor, the last digits should list the processor and the speed.

3. Apple Computer, Motorola and IBM Corporation designed according to the 5500 Manual (page ix), the microprocessor in the 5500.


Promethean Activboard

1. is the URL for the Interactive whiteboards (Activboard). is an interactive site; my user name and password are motleyze, Old At Ease. Interactive whiteboard is what we are getting, it is not a Smartboard (Smartboard is a trademark; FYI, trademark name is not an actual expression). Ticker can run in any screen i.e. CowboysÉCowboysÉCowboys. It is wall mountable. Slates (for writing away from the screen) would be a separate purchase. Logical Choice Technologies (800-730-5644, Duluth, GA; hours are 6:30-3:30 P.S.T.) is the vendor for Poromethean products, since Promethean does not sell products directly in CA. According to, System Requirements for Activstudio and Activprimary are Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows NT 4 SP6, Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional OR Home Edition (I could not find System Requirements for Activboard itself). Prices are not listed online, according to a representative.

2. Activboard will work with Windows 2000 XP, according to Tina (moderately polite) at Logical Choice (800-730-5644). She said that there is no record of WSD order, as of 12/21/07.

3. Activtablet is connected to the computer via a USB cable (Tina said that th eboard comes with a 16-foot USB cable). Activslate is wireless.


Proxy (with Internet Explorer 4.5)

To configure your computer for Internet access by using a proxy server

1. Get your proxy server address and server type (normal or tunnel) from your network administrator.

2. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.

3. Under Network, click Proxies.

4. Click Enabled.

5. On the Protocol menu, select a protocol.

6. On the Method menu, select a type of proxy server.

7. In the Address: http and Port boxes, specify the proxy server address and port supplied by your system administrator.

8. If your proxy requires authentication, specify the information supplied by your system administrator in the Password and User Name box.

9. In the box located at the bottom of the dialog box, type the sites you want to connect to directly, bypassing the proxy server.

            A. The Proxy page should contain information only if you are accessing the Internet at a company that requires you to go through a local server first. If this is the case, check with your system administrator for the correct proxy server settings. If this is not the case, make sure all the fields in the proxy setting area are completely empty by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard and then pressing the DELETE key at each field.

            B. Proxy servers are typically used in corporate computing environments where the local network is isolated from the Internet by a firewall. If you are in this situation, you need to obtain your proxy server configuration from your network administrator. If you are directly connected to the Internet through an Internet service provider (ISP), then it is likely that you do not need to choose a proxy server.

            C. Proxy gateways or proxies were developed to let users work through firewalls to access the outside world.


Proxy (with Netscape Navigator 4.74)

1. (Netscape Communicator 4 Book, p. 502-503). To configure your computer for Internet Access by using a proxy server (i.e. you have a firewall between you and the Internet and you want to access the Internet). You will need to talk to your system administrator to find out the correct settings.

            A. Go to edit:preferences:Advanced:Proxies. Check Òmanual proxy configurationÓ.

            B. Fill in the Internet address of the system running the Proxy software (in the FTP proxy section) and the port number for FTP protocol access.

            C. Fill in the Internet address of the system running the Proxy software (in the Gopher proxy section and the port number for Gopher (usually menu based) protocol access. Standard port number for Gopher is 70.

            D. Fill in the Internet address of the system running the Proxy software (in the HTTP proxy section) and the port number for http protocol access.

            E. Fill in the information for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol resource. (Side note: SSL 3 has several advantages over earlier implementations. It is more efficient, has an extra encryption mechanism and better support for hardware devices, Netscape Communicator 4 book, p. 514).

            F. Fill in the Internet address of the system running the Proxy software (in the WAIS proxy section and the port number for WAIS protocol access. WAIS are databases on the Internet.

            G. If your network uses a SOCKS (SOCSK is a type of protocol) host gateway as part of a firewall, enter its Internet address here.

2. Your network may allow you to access certain sites without a proxy. They should be entered in the No proxy for box. The addresses should be in this format: (45 would be the standard port number.). This is just an example, not real.

            A. Addresses should be separated by commas.


Publish and Subscribe

1. A feature of some word processors (MS Word and Clarisworks, under Edit menu for CW) that allows file sharing over a network.

2. You can choose a graphic in Clarisworks (4.0 and 5.0) and have it updated in Word, every time Claris file is saved (or it can be done manually). Choose an object, choose publishing, create publisher (under Edit menu), save edition: then go to Word, choose publishing, subscribe to (under Edit menu).


Purchasing Information

1. Mac Zone Education Sales address for Purchase Orders is 1102 15th Street, Southwest, Suite #254, Auburn, WA 98001. The phone number is 800-381-9663 (extension 3355 is for Darla Hunt, the K-12 educational sales representative for CA, who is quite helpful and she did call me back like she said she would). The fax number is (DarlaÕs fax number) 253-205-2355. DarlaÕs e-mail is One Mac Zone Education Sales rep said that Apple products are not usually sold through Educational Sales anymore, because of AppleÕs rules. They had some TDK CD-R x 50 - 650 MB - storage media (CD RÕs) listed at, and the status (in Stock, 10 days, etc.) was listed as 10 + days. However, when I called, I found out that the items were discontinued.Normally, though, Darla said, it just means that they would have to get the product shipped from a different warehouse.

            A. M00114525 USB Cable Device Cable A to B, 10 FT, STRA, Strawberry, 4.99 X 6 = 29.94, Tax 2.17, 6 would be $10 shipping (approximate), Total $42.11.

            B. According to Tidbits #567, MacZone (800-408-9663; Education Sales is 800- fax is 800-417-1993. As of ) has the best prices for items that you do not need right away (on items under $100). Over $100, may be cheaper, because of free shipping on orders over $100 (as of 2/13/01). as of 9/2001 has been acquired by FryeÕs Electronics. My e-mail and password are and New New At Ease. Click the Òexpress accountÓ link on the home page to sign in.

            C. If you want to make sure you are on MacZoneÕs mailing list, you can go to and fill out the form.

            D. JuniSenteno (, ext. 3280) handles educational sales. I e-mailed her about the return of our Griffin monitor adapters on 4/19/02. This e-mail got returned, so I found another e-mail address of Later, she e-mailed me, the address was the same but not capitalized (it was

            E. Juni said that lists the adapters that we need. They are SKU (Zones Number) 00078367. They are Zones EDP #000063604. I double checked and the picture from the website matches up with an adapter that I have, that is used with the LC III. They cost $19.99 each.

            F. Juni e-mailed me and said to Òmake sure that I tell our credit department to apply the credit for the returned item to the new invoice. This will not be done automatically. They will need to contact our credit department once they get both invoices.Ó She also said that she cannot reissue the order, unless the old adapters are received.

            G. The monitor in room 51 was made in July 1993; it is a 60 Hz monitor, according to the back. I tried using the 12,Ó 13,Ó and multi-scan 14Ó settings for the DIP switches, but without much luck. Finally, I used the settings for VGA/SVGA. The settings of 235, 2356 and 236 appear to work. The ownerÕs manual recommends using 2367 for VGA monitors. However, the monitor has vertical hold problems. There was not an adjustment for vertical hold on the outside of the monitor. There were several adjustments on the inside of the computer, but none of them (even after I sprayed the V-hold with electrical cleaner, and I thought it would work after that). I tried all the VGA settings for DIP switches, but I had no luck. I trashed the monitor.

2. Mac Connection (800-800-2222) 730 Milford Road MerriMack, NH 03054.

3. Mac Warehouse (800-255-6227) 47 Water Street South Norwalk, CT 06894. Kate at 800-696-1297 extension 7212 is very helpful. If an item is availablethroughMac Warehouse, you may want to double check if an item is also availablethroughMacwarehouse Education Sales.

4. it may be (as of 6/8/2000) that Epson is the only one who makes the serial printers, and we have not had much luck with them. As of 11/1/02, Macwarehouse sells only one serial printer. It is an Epson 1520 serial printer, which is $549. Mac Connection has only one serial printer also. It is $499, I think it is an Epson printer also. MacZone had no serial printers. MacZone, Macwarehouse and MacConnection did not have any monitors that will work with Mac, but they sell adapters that should make it work with a new monitor. As of 11/1/02, Rebecca is researching the 6100s in the computer lab. She said she is ordering cables, to see if the computers work. Then she will order more cables. She said she does not have a monitor to test them. I told her she could borrow mine.

5. The cartridges at school and the number of printers that we have that use that cartridge: Canon BC-02 (15), Canon BC-20 (8), Epson S020189 (12), Hewlett Packard 51626A (10) and Hewlett Packard 51645A (2).

            A. Quill (Quill Corporation, P.O. Box 94080, Palatine, IL 60094-4080: e-mail orders address is sells (item #742-711782), which is the Quill brand equivalent to the BC-02, for $11.88. They also have the Epson brand black ink cartridges (Item #742-S020189) for $25.99 and the color Epson brand color cartridges (Items #742-S020191) for $24.97. As of 2/06, Staples has Canon BC-02 cartridges (item #397165), 2 for $48.58. They have refilled ones (573419) for $22.99 each.

            B. Costco (1445 R. Street, Merced, CA 95340) has two BC-20 cartridges for $52.89.

            C. Costco, as of 8/2001, no longer has them. Quill has the price of $32.99/each or $31.98/each when you buy 6 of them (however, this special pricing for 6 was listed in only one catalog and may not be correct).

            D. has a cheaper price for the BC-20 cartridges (29.99/each or $29.09/each, when you buy 3 or more), but they do not accept purchase orders alone without a credit card (see #42 for more information).

            E. They also has a cheaper price for BC-02 cartridges than Quill (Office Max charges 22.49/each or $$21.97 for 3 or more), but they do not accept purchase orders alone without a credit card (see #42 for more information).

6. According to Tidbits #538, items listed in MacConnection, MacZone, Macmall and others list only products that are paid to be listed.

            A. has some cartridges also, but the prices were about the same.

7. A gross is 144 items.

8. To make 3-part NCR Purchase Requisitions costs $.30 each at KinkoÕs in Turlock.

9. When ordering from US Games, Shipping charges are 12% of the subtotal. Also, Tax is 7.25%. Merced County tax rate (as of 4/06) is 7.25%.

10. Radio Shack Account Number is 00000423060737, it is located in the white binder.  Radioshack.comÕs mailing address is, 300 West Third Street, Suite 1400, Fort Worth, TX 76102. Alternatively, you can use P.O. Box 1981, Ft. Worth, TX 76101. If you call 1-800-The-Shack, extension 8770 or 8771 (not sure which); you can reach Debbie Wenzel, who is very helpful. She said that Radio can do purchase orders and that they can supply 30 headphone adapters. The fax number for is 817-415-0235, E-mail is, their web address is Brenda Harris from Radio Shack (817-415-5488 is BrendaÕs direct number) said that we can order through them (commercial acounts), and they often will have an educational discount. Radio Shack Commercial Sales Division {, 800-442-7221, ext. 55488, and 817-412-2544 (F)}.

11. Do not use the smooth rolling ink pens to write Purchase orders, the writing does not go all the way through, even if you press hard.

12. CostcoÕs Merced address is 1445 R. Street, Merced, CA 95340. Costco in Modesto (3801 Pelandale, Modesto, CA 95356) has a two pack of USB cabling. It has a 6Õ A to B cable, and a 6Õ A to A extension. Model #02000, 41592. Price was $5.49. Best Computer Supplies has USB cables, USB "A" to "B" 6 foot cable  P/N 333405  Price $3.97 each and USB "A" to "B" 10 foot cable P/N 340458  Price $5.97. BCSÕs return policy is that ÒIf any product becomes defective within 120 days of the invoice date, it may be returned for a replacement or refund, based upon the manufacturer's warranty.Ó

13. has links to AppleÕs purchasing information, etc.

14. Mom said that saving a few bucks is not worth it. If you are dealing with an unknown entity, it could be more costly (if you get ripped off).

Also, one company had no physical address, so I e-mailed them to find out their address. I got no reply. Definitely do not order from them.

15. Purchase Orders are located in the 2nd file cabinet from the wall in the nurseÕs office. They are in the second drawer down.

            A. When looking for completed purchase orders, check the office binders. Then check CarmenÕs or KarenÕs mailbox.

16. Quill does not carry Mini DV tapes. Quill does not charge shipping for prepaid orders over $45. For under under $20, there is an additional charge for small order processing. The only exception to this are items shipped directly from the vendor (items which are marked ÒFOBÓ); however, they have additional charges based on the carrier (truck or small package).

            A. I ordered some FujiFilm Mini DV DVC-60 Digital Video Tapes (#431240274, 2 to a Pack for $14.99) from, P.O. Box 19705, Irvine, CA 92623-9705. Their fax number is 877-552-2244.

            B. does not accept Purchase Orders, so Rosemary is going to fax them to find the exact amount, so that she can write a check. A check will be used probably. Otherwise, she might have to get approval for me to use the district credit card.

            C. Mac OS X for Dummies page 291 says that January (after SF Macworld Expo) or July (after NYC Macworld Expo) are often good times to buy computers, since often new items are out. Additionally, December or June may be a good time to find a great deal, since Apple may be willling to get rid of some inventory.

17. Club Mac, 7 Hammond, Irvine, CA 92618, (800) 258-2622, (949) 768-9354 F, has Epson 740Õs for $99.00. It is order number C257001, SKU #E047 1053.

18. ReComp (P.O. Box 655 Seal Beach, CA 90740-0655, (800) 441-3554, e-mail: has many used computers on sale. They come with a one year warranty. (no website that I could see in their advertisement).

19. Quill has 048-7-11770 for the Hewlett Packard Deskwriter (original) that replaces HP #51626A for $18.98 and $17.96 if buying three or more. Turlock Costco does not have any 26 cartridges, as of 10/05; Wal*Mart does not have any, either, as of 9/07. has 51626A (26) cartridges (40 ml) for $27.67, as of 10/07. The cost would be $.69/ml. The overall price is about $6 cheaper than Staples), and the shipping is free. Canon 40 cartridge is $17.94 for 16 ml @ ($.1.12/ml), and the Canon 41 color cartridge is $24.42 for 12 oz. ($2.03/ml). The BCI-6BL cartridge is $.83/ml ($10.85 @, as of 10/07, but a 4 pack of 13 ml cartridges for $36.99 @ Turlock Costco in 10/07, which would be $. 71/ml.

20. Confirmation number is 1711683 for return of Quill Cartridges on Purchase Order #010545. I had ordered Quill cartridges #7-11771 and we need 7-11770 (the correct ones for HP51626A replacement).

            A. UPS person will come with a label within 5 to 7 business days (from 9/18/00).

21. Marilyn said that I can have a can or two of the dust spray that is in the office.

22. Marilyn said we could buy one tripod (as of 9/30/00).

            A. Donna does not have a tripod (can not reference her for what to buy).

23. Keep last copy of purchase requisitions (easier than making a copy).

24. has an address in Cypress, CA. We ordered some accessories through them.  Several months later, we did not receive our stuff, so I contacted JVC sales about our purchase. However, I had sent the pu rchase order to Cypress, CA, which is not a good place for orders, since they do not accept purchase orders (I did not call them first to check, if they accept purchase orders). I talked to someone from JVC 10 New Maple Avenue, Pinebrook, NJ 07058 (phone number is 800-882-2345 and their fax number is 800-446-0085). They said I could use a purchase order to place our order through them. The district office has to call them first to set up an account.  I changed the information on the purchase order to JVC in New Jersey and sent it to Rosemary on 1/26/01. order was not re-submitted (perhaps lost in the shuffle). But original one was processed. If there is a P.O. done (completed) to a company and later we find we need to resubmit the purchase order, because it is not a correct address for sending purchase orders, the same purchase order number can be used. No new purchase order will show up in the binder, use the old one. I will call, fax them (800-446-0085) or e-mail them to inquire (4/30/01).  I did talk to Paul from JVC (at 800-882-2345) on May 4, 2001. He said that New Jersey, in addition to Cypress, CA do not accept purchase orders, contrary to what JVC employees had told me twice. They only take credit cards, checks or money orders. He took my information and gave me the order number of 0018663. We ordered the three parts from the original purchase order. However, I wrote one of the part numbers incorrectly. Instead of BN-V840U, which is a five hour battery ($102.17), the part number should be BN-V207U ($45), which is a one hour battery. He gave me a total, but that total ($205.17) includes the more expensive battery). I will call to change our order to the less expensive battery and get a new total. I called JVC again and talked to Gia. She said that the original price that I had on the Black carrying bag was correct ($34.95), Paul had told me the wrong price. We redid the order completely and I got a new order number, which is 0018810. We purchased the 60 minute battery (part #VN-V207U). She gave me a new total ($143.99, which includes tax and shipping). She said if the amount of the check were too high or too low, it would get send back to us. The check should be made out to JVC.  Marilyn said she can contact Rosemary to ask Rosemary to do a petty cash check, to send along with the purchase order. Donna said, for future reference, we could probably get all three items (carrying bag, battery and tripod) from Wal*Mart, a camera shop, Best Buy or Circuit City (in case we decided not to purchase through JVC). Sears has a Rayovac carrying case that comes with a tripod and cleaning kit. It is normally used in conjunction with a JVC mini DV camcorder. It is number 52139 and MFR. #RV-K500.

 I gave the revised purchase order to Marilyn on 5/4/2001. She said she will call Rosemary to have Rosemary make a check. NO MORE orders.

25. Target Store in Turlock has USB cables and Mini DV tapes.

26. We had ordered 4 Epson 740 printers, but Mac Warehouse no longer carries the EPSON 740 printers, since they are discontinued. They have the Epson 777, which has parallel and USB ports (but no serial port), but uses a different ink cartridge. They also have the Canon BJC-2100, which has parallel and USB. I decided to go with Canon Printer BJC-2100, (4 of them).

27. Hewlett Packard has a $275.00 portable printer (model #340C) that will work with a Mac with System 7.1. You must buy a Deskjet 340C Mac Adapter for $35.00.

28. Apple sells the Epson 740-i through its website, but we have already ordered some Canon BJC-2100ÕsthroughMac Warehouse. Rather than wait two months and finding out that the 740Õs are not available (while waiting for P.O.s), thought it would be better to stick with Mac Warehouse order. Also, the Epson 740-i costs $25 more than the BJC-2100. In addition, there is the issue of the old computers with the new printer. Compatibility issues may arise.

29. I suppose eventually we will need to get a Mini DV tape cleaner.

30. Do not buy anything with a rebate from Circuit City. It took me several e-mails, phone calls and letters just to get my rebates. Not even close to worth the hassle (11/00).

31. Staples Direct, Business Accounts Division, P.O. Box 30292, Phone number 800-333-3330, Fax Number 800-333-3199.

32. Source: Harley HahnÕs Internet and Web Yellow Pages page 128, if a monitor flickers when you want to purchase it, do not buy it. It probably indicates a cheap monitor and will bother you in the long run.

33. Source: Some common red flags include: ÒIf a seller requests payment in cash by a private courier or by check or money order through an overnight delivery service, be suspicious. He or she could be trying to get around postal fraud laws.Ó ÒDonÕt trust an offer for ÒfreeÓ products or services that later asks you to send money or pay an up front fee.Ó ÒScam business advertisements, particularly those sent by e-mail, are often brimming with excessive CAPITAL LETTERS, dollar $ign$ and !!!exclamation points!!!. ItÕs also not uncommon for these ads to include misspellings or grammatical errors. Con artists hope that a glitzy website or flashy e-mail ad will blind consumers into falling for a scam.Ó Tidbits #691 warns about e-mails from companies asking for your information. They can be subtle scams. A giveaway may be that that the URL that is referenced in the e-mail may point at IP Numbers or other domains other than that which is advertised. Also, the only way to be sure you are accessing a domain is to type a domain into the browserÕs address field. Also, look for this: This would not really be PaypalÕs URL.

34. Some online shopping tips: ÒLocation, Location. If you're interested in trying a new online merchant who youÕre not familiar with, ask the company for its physical location (address and phone number) so that you can check on its reliability with outside organizations like the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and consumer agencies.Ó ÒFederal law requires that goods and services be delivered within 30 days, unless a different delivery period is specifically stated by the merchant ÒCheck For Reliability. Check a company out with your Better Business Bureau. For the phone number or address of your nearest BBB, visit the BBB's Web site at Also look for a reliability seal from a reputable online consumer protection program such as BBBOnLine (Ó ÒIf you decide to pay by credit card or charge card, your transaction will be protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act.Ó Look for BBBonline reliability seals on sites, if necessary. (These are shown at Check out to see if the company is who they say they are. Buy something small to see how it would be handled first. These organizations have more information about shopping online: 1. Direct Marketing Association at Web site: 2. Federal Trade Commission at 202.382.4357, Web site: 3. National Fraud Information Center at 1-800-876-7060, Web site:

35. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission ( has information on Product recalls, etc. At , it mentions that the Dewalt DW9107 and DW9108 can fail to shut off charging the battery and can cause the battery to burst and pose a fire hazard. Also, the Black and Decker Industry and Construction (97015, 97016 models). If using them, should take them to a Dewalt or B and D service center for a free replacement.

36. explains that you are only liable for $50 of unauthorized charges, as long as you report the problem promptly.

37. explains that you should know where a company is physically located. Dealing with another country may be quite difficult. It also mentions that you may be better off paying with a credit card, so if you have a dispute, you can notify your credit card company that you are disputing a charge. Also, it mentions that you should not download a program (from an unknown company) to view pictures, hear music, etc., because it could be infected with a virus. Tourbus (6/27/04) talks about people pretending to be your ISP and sending fraudulent links.

38. mentions that no legitimate company will request a copy of your credit card. ÒKnow who you are dealing with. If the seller is unfamiliar, check it out with your state or local consumer agency and the Better Business Bureau.Ó ÒKnow how to reach the seller. Look for the physical address and telephone number.Ó ÒBe wary of unrealistic claims and promisesÓ. ÒBe aware that your legal recourse against an individual selling goods online may not be the same as with a business.Ó ÒPay by credit card so you can exercise your dispute rights in cases of fraud or misrepresentation. But be suspicious of any company that won't take the credit card information online or over the phone.Ó

39. mentions that a company and their ideas may sponsor some websites that write online articles or stocks may be Òtouted.Ó (the EDGAR, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval Systems, database) has information on companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Companies who have more than 500 investors and $10 million in assets and all companies that list their securities on the Nasdaq Stock Market or a major national stock exchange (i.e. NYSE). You also may be able to find information about a company using state securities regulators, which you can access at

40. When necessary, I can check the Purchase Requisitions folder in the office to check on open Purchase Orders.

41. Marilyn asked me to look into getting presentation materials, if it would be put to good use. However, I found out that a ÒSmart ScreenÓ can cost $5,000 and we would still need to buy a laptop for it, etc. A couple years ago, smart screen was mentioned at a staff meeting, no interest (JL told me). You can use TVs in lab for presentations and also the LCD player that is usually in the cafeteria.

42. accepts purchase orders as of 2/19/01. However, I checked for further information later by calling 1-877-officemax. They accept purchase orders, but only with an accompanying credit card number, as well. In other words, they do not take purchase orders by themselves. The mailing address for is 880 Remington Blvd., Bowling Brook, IL 60440.

43. Apple IIGS OwnerÕs Guide page 97 says you should buy hardware like you buy clothes for clothes, with room to grow.

44. Mac Mall had Lacie 20 MB Ext. USB HD, but no requirements listed. MacZone and Club Mac did not have it. Macwarehouse did have it, so I e-mailed them about requirements. If Lacie will not work with OS 8.1, I will skip purchasing an external HD for now. Lacie requires 8.6 or higher. Use two zip disks, Personal Stuff (Ryan folder) and Downloads or Miscellaneous. It is cheaper and more practical. T.D. Curran had a 20 GB internal HD, but it is better to stick with original equipment. Also, the internal HD (ATI, I think) may not work with a future computer that I buy).

45. I ordered Norton Utilities 6.0 (UTI1736), and a Centronics 50 M to Centronics 50 M 6 ft. cable (ACC1296) from Mac Warehouse and an Iomega 250 MB Zip SCSI (TDC 00344) from T.D. Curran (M. will do purchase orders in June). Later, I added 250 MB and 100 MB Zip Disk to Mac Warehouse P.O..

46. iMacthroughT.D. Curran (as of 5/18/01), 32 MB of RAM is $36, 64 MB of RAM is $72. Power Mac G4 Cube, 64 MB of RAM is $59.

47. OSH (3051 Geer Road, Turlock, CA 95382, 667-8881, Fax is 669-7534) accepts purchase orders. They accept purchase orders, but you must sign up with them first. You get 10% off of your first purchase.

48. The Warehouse in Turlock does not accept purchase orders.

49. Gopher Sports (800-533-0446, is a good company, according to Bill Brown. Bill Brown also said Sports Time ( is a good company, also.

50. Jaime Soria has a proejction TV (June 2005). He did say, though, that it plays well at night, but not during the daytime; it is hard to see.

51. M. is going to order Epson 740 color cartridges (add to Teacher info). It costs $40.00 for a two pack of Epson 740 black cartridges at Costco in Merced.

52. I called Mohinder on 8/14/01. They will ship our order out to us. I talked to T.J. MohinderÕs e-mail is T.J. has another e-mail address of (this e-mail address is usually for emergencies only, but T.J. said I could use it if I like). They check their e-mail every day (several times a day). I ordered some stuff in 6/2001. We also ordered 40 soccer balls, 40 basketballs and 40 bouncing balls (KW added that to our order).

As of 11/15/02, is not a valid e-mail address. Carol Melgosa (, 357-6170) contacted me about our Mohinder order, because they did not know what size footballs (there are three sizes: Official, Intermediate, and Junior) were needed. Coach Brown said that junior size is fine.

53. T.D. Curran shipped Zip Drive 250 MB on July 10, 2001. UPS delivered it to the D.O. on July 12, 2001. Nancy Castleberry signed for it. It was delivered to Mike Gilbertson, who did not send it to us. I called him on August 16, 2001 and he sent it right over.

54. Staples had a Hewlett Packard 8230e CD-R in one of their ads. I checked on hpÕs website and could only find an 8220e CD-R, this CD-R did not work with Macintosh, was Windows only.

55. 9/28/01: Room 54 has 2 LC's, 5400, and an iMac. Room 53 has one LC, 5400 and an LC, Room 56 has an iMac, 5400. Room 57 has iMac, 6400, 5400, 2 LC's. Room 55 has 5400, 6400, iMac, 2 LC's. Room 59

has an iMac, LC575. 5 New iMacs should got to computer lab. The other 5 new iMacs should go to Olaver, Nancy (2), Yaneth and Yang Lee. One 550 with no CD and one 575 with a CD should go to room 62. One 575 with CD should go to room 61. One 550 should go to room 56. One 575 should go to room 59.

56. We ordered some more external floppy drives for the school. 3 are for classrooms (29, 61 and 62) and one is for the computer lab.

57. District (Rosemary) gets to keep the packing slip on all purchase orders. According to KW, my word is good enough, to know that ALL items have been received. M. said that is correct. Or if a copy of the original Purchase Order is available, that may be helpful. M. could put ÒOkay to payÓ on it. Perhaps I should try to get RosemaryÕs or MayÕs e-mail address.

58.Tidbits from 12/11/01 suggest typing ÒAmazon promotional codeÓ in a Google search box to look for ideas. Also, try look for retailers in YahooÕs directory, to see if you can find what you are looking for.

59. Tidbits #609 mentions that you can buy a Maxtor D740X 40 GB Hard Drive, but it is internal and the documentation at MaxtorÕs web site seems to list only information for IBM. It also says in the product manual that the requirements include IBM (Mac not mentioned), even though says the Maxtor is for IBM and Macintosh.

60. The number for Read, Write and Type information (The Learning Company) is 800-852-2255.

61. Tidbits #562 talks about using Paypal.

62. I want to order 2 System 8.5 compatible external USB CD Drives. T.D. Curran is supposed to call me back (3/7/2002), but they did not. I e-mailed MacZone, Macwarehouse and ClubMac on 3/9/2002 to inquire about this. MacZone, Club Mac and Mac Mall did not have a CD-ROM only, neither did Mac Warehouse. Macwarehouse had the cheapest price on a CD-RW, which was $149 for an Iomega CD-RW with USB connection (8.6 minimum). It is Microwarehouse Part Number Dr13457 and Manufacturer Part number 31475. I could only find one place that sold SCSI CD-RWs SCSI. It was Macmall. It was a Yamaha brand that requires 9.0, strangely enough. It is part #798757 and it costs #331.99.

            A. Macwarehouse said that the Iomega CD-RW will not startup an iMac, when I called them. They did return the e-mail that I sent, also, but said that they needed more information before they could Òcomplete my requestÓ, which was I only wanted information. Anyhow, I did not reply, since I decided to call them instead. I e-mailed Iomega to double check this, but they did not respond within two days, so we decided not to order one, as of now (3/13/02).

            B. Club Mac returned my e-mail to confirm that they do not carry a CD-ROM only, USB drive.

            C. A Zip disk may be possible to be used to startup an iMac.

63. Staples has a USB 100 MB Zip Drive.

            A. I checked on purchasing a new USB Zip drive, but the USB Zip Drives at MacZone said that they either required 8.5 or 9.0.

            B. The SCSI ones ($139 at Macwarehouse) only require System 7.0 or later.

            C. I e-mailed to see if it possible to use a USB Zip Drive with my G3/233. I suppose I could order one and then see if it works. They replied and said it would work, even though they do not recommend it. My case I.D. number is 1500276.

            D. Staples in Turlock has an internal ATAPI Zip Drive for $79.99. The box says it works for Mac and IBM. I checked the Technical Specifications for my G3, and the internal Zip Drive would require a SCSI connection (and have ID #5).

            E. I could check if a different power supply or different SCSI cable connection would make a difference in the clicking problem.

64. I e-mailed Houghton Mifflin (you can call 800-733-2828 for support or visit, I think this info is for Math and maybe Reading, also) to see if they have a demo version of their ÒLesson PlannerÓ program. Lesson Planner can be used at home. They did mail me a trial copy of their lesson planner program. It looks like it was derived from File Maker. It does not have a duplicate command that I can see. Also, you can not open two versions of the program at one time i.e. to copy a previous yearÕs lesson plans. It appears to work in only one school year at a time. There does not appear to be a spell check function. System Requirements for Macintosh are 68040 or later processor, 7.5 (up to 8.6), 12 MB of RAM, 30 MB of HD space, 2 X CD-ROM, 256 color monitor. Windows requirements are 486, Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0, 16 MB RAM, 30 MB HD space, 2 X CD, 256 color monitor. The Lesson Planner for Houghton Mifflin may force you to add extra days in there, if you teach less than 180 days (special circumstances). has parent letters in English and Spanish and homework help. has Wacky Web Tales for Kids.

65. MacZone has a cable wizard, but it may be for Belkin products only, not sure.

66. Mac Warehouse has a Kensington cleaning kit (it says it is for Mac/PC). It is Microwarehouse part number VW20158. I e-mailed Mac Warehouse to see if it is a ÒwetÓ system. According to Macwarehouse, it is. The link for contacting Mac Warehouse ( would not work with IE5, I had to use NN 4.74.

67. Microage can order the parts for the Power Macintosh 6100s. They have the video cables, which are part number 922-0721 for $40 each and they have the power cables, which are part number 590-0373 for $9.00 each (the power cables are a little different, because the other ones were discontinued, but should work). If we do a purchase order, it should be made out to Computerware, 1032 11th Street, Modesto, CA 95354. Bob (606-9447) is very helpful.

68. CompUSA has a Mac store.

69. Tidbits #628 mentions that the eMac is an all in one G4 based Macintosh. The $1,000 model offers a 32 CD-ROM drive and another is the $1,200 edition with a DVD-ROM/CD-RW Drive. AppleÕs web site says that the eMac is made of fire retardant polycarbonate plastic, the same material used to manufacture bulletproof glass.

70. IEEE1284 printer cables are sold at Costco, according to KW. I could not find them at, however. I did find them at Costco in Modesto. They are order number 41587, Newpoint IEEE 12Õ printer cables, Model #200012C. It is a DB-25 Male (which goes to the HD) to a Centronics 36 Male (which goes to printer). I forgot to get the price. I called Merced Costco to get the price and they did not answer the phone. Donna said it is not likely with warehouse pricing, that they will answer the phone. I may need to go there. However, I checked and was able to talk to a Modesto Costco representative by calling 342-4903 (342-4900 is a recording). He told me the price of the printer cables (they have 17, as of 5/17/02) and they cost $6.49 each. On 9/7/02, Modesto Costco did not have IEEE1284 printer cables or USB printer cables. has IEEE1284 extension cables, but they are $14.95 each. Radio Shack only had male to male extensions. has one for $16.99. says that they will have some on 11/6/2002, and they are $5.99 each. Shipping would be about $7.00. I think I will stick with my USB printing situation for now, since it is more convenient. Also, USB printing is much faster.

71. I e-mailed to be added to their mailing list. contacted me and added me to the PCMall mailing list. He also told me that PCMallÕs phone number is 800-863-3282.

72. The Gold Series Phono Plug Couplers are sold at Radio Shack. They are order number 274-874 and sold in sets of 2 in a package. They are 24K Gold-Plated Couplers.

73. GM has some wireless speakers in his room, but he said that he could not get his corded speakers would not work at the same time as the cordless ones. GM received them as a gift, and they were purchased at Radio Shack. There are 3 pieces (two speakers and a transmitter that connects to your stereo). I called Radio Shack at 1-800-The Shack and asked about this item. I looked on GMÕs system and it said it was model number WSP150 and Date Code 3038, but One Radio Shack worker found out the speaker system was order number 40-5021 or 40-5020, but that the item had been discontinued. However, I looked at later and found that they had the system on their web page, so 800-The-Shack may have had difficulty in locating the item. They suggested checking a local store,,PI54,00.html shows more information on the speaker system. has the item for $89.48. I e-mailed on 5/28/02 to check to see if the speakers can be used in conjunction with regular speakers (and to see if company replies). Their website identification checks out okay with NN. e-mailed me and said I should contact the manufacturer, since s/he did not know. I downloaded the userÕs manual for the WSP150 system from, but it does not mention the possibility of use with 4 speakers at all. I tried to e-mail, but the customer contact page froze my computer every time, I selected the type of inquiry. I found an e-mail address ( at Thompson Multimedia (who operates RCA) and e-mailed them on 5/29/02. e-mailed me back and said that ÒThe wireless speakers use a transceiver to send the signal through the air using radio waves. You could hook those up to one set of speaker outputs...and hook traditional speakers up the another output.Ó

74. I requested a Radio Shack catalog on 5/28/02 to be sent to school.

75. has phone cord untanglers.

76. M. said on 6/19/02 that an e-mail or a note saying that we received something is not good enough: the D.O. needs an invoice. T.D. Curran apparently may not send out invoices with their orders, because several times the D.O. did not receive a copy of the invoice (unless I forgot with several T.D. Curran orders in the Spring, 2002).

77. Office Max in Merced had a Male DB15 to a Male DB15, which I needed to hook up the monitor to CarmenÕs Gateway computer (I think Carmen is buying it for herself).

78. (one share of Apple, $110). bin/WebObjects/Store.woa/wa/search?kw=4909G&sid=91641409@0 (mud slippers, $19.95). (Find it device for $49.95).

79. Tourbus from 7/31/02 suggests never sending your credit card info by e-mail (and use only https URLs).

80. I gave GM this URL for purchasing an iMac It is with an Airport Cost ($99 extra) and 384 MB of RAM ($75 extra).

81. On 8/18/02, had a couple of Epson Printers that were serial compatible, but they were $500 and the other one was $900.

82. has a couple of printers that may be of interest: The HP Deskjet 3420 Color Inkjet Printer for $79.98, Item #20188422) or the Epson C60 Stylus Printer for $79.99 (Item #20072911). I e-mailed OfficeMax, HP and Epson to see if either of these two printers can print with an empty color cartridge and a black cartridge that has ink in it on 8/23/02. said that ÒThe Deskjet 3420 can print using one or two ink cartridges, which ever you prefer. The Deskjet 3420 can print using one black and one tri-color cartridge. It will also print using just one black or one color cartridge. You do not have to have a tri-color cartridge installed to print.Ó I e-mailed Epson to ask about having to buy color cartridges, if they run out. They said that ÒThe entire Epson ink jet printer line requires both the black and the color ink cartridges to be installed in the printer, at the same time, both with ink in them, in order for the printer to print in either black or color.. However, does not accept purchase orders. has Canon S450 Inkjet Printers for $99.99 (Item number 902-S450) with a Parallel and USB interface. It apparently uses the BC30E black cartridge.

83. I e-mailed Hampton Brown ( to see about getting a CD (instead of using the cassettes) with the program (e-mailed them on 9/8/02). said that Òthe CD's for Level A are $29.46, levels B, C, D, E, F & G are $44.19 each set. After October 1,2002 they will be $30.34 and $45.51.Ó In 4th grade, we are using Level E of Into English. I e-mailed to ask about buying a CD for the stories (I already have them on cassette, but using a CD would be easier). replied and said that ÒThe anthology stories are available on CD and generally cost approx. $60 per grade level including shipping. You can order them on line at (school direct button) or by calling customer service at 1800-733-2828.Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Lou Massicci, Sales Representative

Houghton Mifflin

192 El Paso

Clovis, CA 93611

(559) 324-8101 Office

(559) 324-8102 Fax (You can use the Fax number of 800-733-2098 to contact Houghton Mifflin, not specific to Mr. Massicci). I e-mailed Marilyn on 9/14/02 about the prices for Houghton Mifflin CDs and the price for Hampton Brown CDs. She replied and asked me to write up a purchase order for them, so I e-mailed HM and Jsmith at Hampton Brown to inquire about item numbers, addresses and phone/fax numbers (I already have HM numbers listed in 83 D).

83. I checked with the big Mac companies and none of them have adapters that can make an older computer (LC) work with a newer printer (USB). Also, MacZone, Macwarehouse and Macmall only have Epson 1520Õs that will work with older machines. The average price is around $500.

84. You can get an adapter that takes two phono (RCA) plugs to a 1/8Ó male stereo jack at Radio Shack for $3.69. The product number is 274-369. They do not have the item on their web site. The order number for the adapter that takes 2 phono (RCA) plugs and then has a male 1/4Ó stereo jack is 274-893 (Gold series). My cord for use with a boom box that would connect to the P.A. system was Òravaged.Ó So I made new one and labeled it room 58 (I did not tape it on the ends).

85. Quill has BC-20s for (034-BC-20) for $32.99 each, but (who accepts POs) has them for $28.59 each or $57.11 for a twin pack. The web page says the twin has Òclamshell cartridges.Ó On 2/4/02,  I e-mailed to ask what that means. They did not reply.

86. Janda Ribbons and Awards (P.O. Box 75, 200 Amargosa Street, Beatty, NV 89003, 775-553-2914, 775-553-2919 (F),, or

87. sells velcro cable ties. sells cable organizers.

88. explains where to buy diskonkey, storage on a Keychain. A 32 MB piece from HP is #37.00.

89. SM asked me about buying a wireless microphone system for use in the cafeteria. There is a 3-channel, 170 Mhz Wireless FM microphone, that may be available at Radio Shack (not online, though).  It is $49.99 and is model number 32-1230. It needs to be used with base receiver 32-1233 (which did not appear to be online). Radio Shack has a Hands-free Wireless Microphone System (32-1221) for $49.99 that includes a Receiver and one wireless microphone. It does not appear to be for use with more than one microphone, but I am not sure. It is out of stock online, as of 6/03. There is an Audio-Technica 200 Series Freeway Handheld Wireless Microphone System that has the receiver and a hand held microphone for $99.99 (it is catalog number 32-1253. There is a Radio Shack 900 Mhz Wireless Receiver that is catalog number 32-1250 for $89.99. The microphone that works with it is 32-1251, which costs $89.99. I think you may be able to use more than one microphone at a time. explains that one wireless microphone may cut out when two microphones are used close to each other. The solution is to put simultaneously used microphones at least 2 channels away from each other. According to, you connect the receiver to your P.A. System.

90. Tidbits #691 stated that one of the writers uses to buy HDs.

91. shows Paperport Deluxe 9, which is a Windows program, that allows you to scan documents into your computer in PDF format (allows you to organize papers better). shows an Acomdata 80.0 GB USB 2.0 and Firewire External HD for $99.99, it works with Macintosh. According to, you can use it with 8.6 or later and USB 1.0 (but it will work slower than if you had USB 2.0 capability). shows info on some RAM, that says it for the PC, but I think it would work in Mac also (the web page does not indicate one way or the other). They have PC133 and PC100 SDRAM memory, they also have PC2100 DDR, but I donÕt know if that would work in a Mac or not. shows a RIO 64 MB MP3 player that can store up to 2 hours of music, and can use songs from a Macintosh, it is $99.99, as of 8/10/03. My e-mail and password at are, New New At Ease; I called them on 9/2/07 to make sure that the Appleworks CD 6.2.9 was new in a box. Target has a Lexmark printer (Z23le) for $24.99, At, no Z23le is listed, but Z23 works with Mac OS 8.6,9, and OS X. The webpage says that the USB 2 cable would be needed. I went to the Turlock Target store and the printer was not present, although they had a Z25M for $34.99, which works with Mac 8.6-9.2. explains that it has a product that connects USB 2 and USB 1.1 both to a computer at one time.

92. May gets the receipts now from purchase orders, as of 8/03. She said I can bring them over there, so she can see me.

93. Neil at Staples said I could return my unused cartridges (if not expired) at Staples, even without a receipt. He said he could exchange them for cartridges for a new printer that I would buy at Staples (although I may be able to do this at other stores, also).

94. I e-mailed a few companies about ordering a backstop. I got a reply from and she said that they accept purchase orders from schools, and we might be able to check out the supplies online and/or they can send us a catalog. I sent her my mailing address on 11/8/03.

A. replied and said they accept purchase orders from school, and  that I can call them at (800) 233-5484 to talk to them about ordering a backstop.

            B. is the URL for the backstop I put in a P.O. for. The P.O. was to BSN, P.O. Box 7726, Dallas, TX 75209, 800-527-7510, 800-899-0149 (F).

95. sells printer cartridges. M ordered some from them. They do not allow you to return defective cartridges at all, you can not return open (non-defective cartridges) either. You can return factory sealed cartridges only within 90 days.

            A. We got a defective cartridge from them, but we were unable to return it in 11/03.

96. Brown School has a 8Õ wide by 7Õ high backstop. It is 2 panels, and it 15Õ from corner to corner. However, the backstop is far to small (and has no hood). TJHS has a 10Õ high backstop with a hood on all three sections. It is 20Õ corner to corner. Each panel is 8 feet wide. It big, but for us, we probably need wings.

97. Our P.A. System in the cafeteria has a 20 foot cord attached to a Horizon Dynamic Microphone. The P.A. System is Liberty Model, MPB-3500, Anchor Audio, Inc. (213) 533-5984, 913 West 223rd Street, Torrance, CA 90502. 60 Watts, 60 HZ, 115 VAC. Their address is now 3415 Lomita Blvd., Torrance, CA 90505, 800-262-4671, (310) 784-2300, (310) 784-0066 (F). (310)791-8190 is the number for ordering information, according to the e-mail from By comparison, my Crate amplifier is only 15 watts. Anchor Audio, Inc.Õs website is I was not sure about the microphone and the cable for our P.A. System, but e-mailed me and said that the EX-50M is a 50 foot cable. and Yes, your system will support a mic-90 and an EX-50M. Contact discount Audio at (310) 791-8190 for ordering info.Ó I left a message on 12/8/03 at 5:00 P.M. Roger from Accounts Receivable (888-287-8902) called me and said that POs from schools are accepted. We received the new microphone and cable in 1/04. Cable has XLR (Extra Long Run, a type of audio connector) connectors.

98. Tidbits #708 talks about items that could go with an iPod.

99. M. did not ask Debbie Benafield about computers, no luck with camcorder replacement, either. I talked to Debbie on 12/15/03.

100. Tidbits #709 suggests using Web Confidential to store passwords for the Internet. It costs $20, as of 12/03. Tidbits #709 recommends NetopiaÕs Timbuktu for controlling another personÕs computer. Tidbits #709 also recommends the Harmony Remote ( It is a universal remote control that costs $199. It can connect to a Macintosh.

101. Tidbits #710 talks about many types of headphones to buy.

102. KimmaadaÕs Used Computers (1037 B Street, Hayward, CA, 510-537-3850) sold me my 8600/300 at the Livermore swap meet in 1/04.

103. I bought a 40 GB HD from TD Curran, which worked in the G3/233. I had to setup the drive first with 8.1 software, otherwise, it was not recognized.

104. Since I have Epson scanner, Mom said I may just want to buy a printer, not an all-in-one.

105. Kathryn is now doing the purchase orders (as of 2/04), May is gone from the District Office. Marilyn keeps the purchase orders in her office now (as of 3/04), CG said.

106. The eMac weighs 50 lbs. The iLamp (iMac) weighs 20 lbs.

107. Merced Costco (5/04) has an HP PSC1210 all in one (It is a printer/scanner/copier, not a fax. But that is not a crucial problem) for $86.99. Turlock Costco (as of 10/04) has an HP 26375 (PSC1315XI) printer/scanner/copier for $89.99 (the black cartridge would be the 45, which costs $29.53 @ or $.70/ml). Staples has an HP PSC 1350 (print/scan/copy) for $129.00. It has a 100 sheet holding tray capacity, but it doesn't do 2-sided copying. It has 4800 X 1200 resolution. It can use HP 56 (black, 19 ml, which costs $18 @ or $.94/ml) or 57 (17 ml). It works with 9.1, OS X 10.2.3, 10.3.x. It uses USB 2.0 (HP USB Cable 2M, part #C6518 A). Staples also has an HP 1315 (print/scan/copy) for $99.98. It can use 27 (10 ml), 28 (8 ml), 56 (19 ml), 57 (17 ml) or 58 (58 is a photo cartridge). Wal*Mart has a 1315v, which uses the same cartridges as the 1315. Staples has an iP4000 for $119.00 (thru 1/1/05). It uses USB 2.0. It does 2-side printing. It uses BCI-3eBk, BCI-6Bk, BCI-6C, BCI-6M, BCI-6Y. It has an 80-sheet loading tray. Apple Education Store has the iP4000 and the HP 1315 at more expensive prices than the local stores. 2100 cartridges are Canon BCI-24 black, 9 ml: color, 16.5: BC-30e is a 30 ml cartridge, BC-31e is a 45 ml cartridge. BCI-3e black (27 ml., 4 for $41.99 @ Turlock Costco, 3 for $33.99 @, 2 for $26.63 @ Staples; $10.87/each @Wal*Mart, $12.89/each @ Target) : BCI-6M, C, or Y Colors, which are Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow: 13ml, 3 (one Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow) for $26.99@Turlock Costco: 3 for $30.99 @; not sold at Wal*Mart; $11.99/each @ Target): BCI-6BK is $12.27/each or 2 for $22.50 @Staples. BC-20, 40 ml: BC-02, 27 ml ($25 at Target). Many Canon cartridges are listed at It is probably best to buy the BCI-3e's and the BCI-6's at Turlock Costco (Target does not have BCI-6's). 26 for HP, 40 ml:, 27 (10 ml., $18.74 @Wal*Mart): HP 28 (8 ml, $21.67 @Wal*Mart): HP56 black (19 ml, $18.94 @ Wal*Mart: 2 for $35.99 @ Staples: 3 for $50 @Turlock Costco, 3 for $70 @ HP57 tri-color (17 ml, $34.84 @Wal*Mart, 2 for $62.99 @ Staples): HP 58 ($24.88 at Wal*Mart): HP 94, 11 ml.: HP 96, 21 ml.: HP 97, 14 ml. Mister Ink Jet has refill kits for the HP 1315 and the Canon iP4000. The starter kit will cost the same for the BCI-3e and the HP 56 (but you will have more ink in the BCI-3e cartridge, you get more refills per ounce of ink from misterinkjet with the HP 56, but you will have to refill them more often, so it is a wash in regard to the differencecano in pricing. It is $19.95 for one ounce for the starter kit. Turlock Costco has an IMS (Interactive Media Sales, 888-304-6125, Ink Refill System that sells for $16.99. IT works for all of the Canon cartridges. It has 180 ml black, 60 ml Cyan, 60 ml Magenta, 120 ml yellow, 60 ml photo Cyan, 60 ml Photo Magenta, and 30 ml of cleaner. However, since the BCI-3e black cartridges are close to $10 at Costco, I will probably just buy them there, and not refill cartridges.

108. Once you have done a purchase order Turlock Wal*Mart once, you could use a Merced Wal*Mart P.O. at Turlock Wal*Mart.

109. Tidbits #743 mentions an e-book about buying a new iMac. However, credit card verification was not available on 8/24/04.

110. Turlock Costco has a Philips 60Ó projection HDTV for $1,399 (as of 10/04), because Plasmas are considered more desirable now (although HDTV looks good to me).

111. On 12/31/04, I had a problem using Safari with TD Curran. I received an order number from the web site (but the web page also had some errors on it). Additonally, it would not print the web page confirmation, I had to restart the iLamp. Also, I did not receive an e-mail confirmation. I called TD Curran and they said that they do not have the order number (110451334720814) in their files, but to be sure, they put methroughto Don Chatwin, and I left a voice mail. He did not call back by Tuesday, but my credit card had been charged twice by T.D. Curran, so I e-mailed to let him know about the situation.

            A. On 1/31/05, I had the same problem with IE 5.2.3 on the iLamp. It may be because I had spaces in my credit card number, not sure. I e-mailed Don Chatwin to check on my order. He said my order did go thru, even though there was an error on the web page, perhaps next time, I will use IE 5.2.3 and a credit card number with no spaces.

112. Rosemary can rewrite or re-do purchase orders, if necessary. Also, it would probably be a good idea to check if a company takes purchase orders BEFORE ordering from them.

            A. Software may go through Tina, if it is lost in the shuffle (she usually puts it on the shelf or in the computer lab).

            B. Vendors often do not get their money for 90 days, which is why they are hesitant to take purchase orders.

113. I e-mailed MohinderÕs (I filled out a form on the web page that went to about getting a new ball pump, one that is bigger than the MG pump that they have. It is Ball pump is 8 HP/95 W, Amperage Max 1 A, and its weight is 1.6 Kilograms.

A. I also need needles for pumping up balls.

            B. I had trouble using the web page form with IE 5, the submit button did not appear at the bottom of the Contact page for Mohinder Sports. However, in NN, the submit button did appear.

            C. I have faxed Mohinder Sports on two occasions, but have not received a reply.

            D. I called Mohinder on 11/15/02 to ask about getting a newer catalog than the ones that I have (97-98, 98-99), but they said that the catalogs that I have are the latest ones.

            E. On 8/20/03, MohinderÕs order (and U.S. Games) was not complete. KW suggested waiting a few days to see if the rest of the items come in (there was no packing slip in the box in either case).

            F. U.S. Games is the same company as BSN Sports (972-484-9484) Fax number is 972-243-0895 or 800-484-4264 (U.S. Games did not reply when I faxed them twice on different days to the 800 number). Our customer number is 1112304. I accidentally ordered 12 dozen hoops, when we only needed 12 hoops. I talked to Maria Ruiz (800-527-7510, ext. 7317, on 4/6/05, who said she would fax me some labels to return the extra 11 boxes of hoops (there were 12 hoops in a box). It sounds like U.S. Games will pay for shipping, since Maria said that I should have been called (I wrote EA on the purchase order instead of DZ).

            G. On our August 2005 order, U.S. Games said no color was indicated on the form for the bean bags, so they were not sent. They did not reply to any of my four faxes. I finally called them on 11/17/05 and they put the order through on the bean bags.

114. Dr. Campbell asked me how CDs are burned. Phil Chernoff and explain that a laser does it. The web page says that, "In the Yahooligans! Reference category I found a nifty site called How Stuff Works that features an article by Tom Harris called How CD Burners Work. Music CDs have millions of tiny bumps and flat spaces that represent ones and zeros. The laser inside a CD player reads these ones and zeros and converts them into sound. To make a CD, a special machine uses a laser to imprint, or carve, those bumps and flat spaces onto thousands of discs at a time. The compact discs are then coated with aluminium so that the cd player's laser can read them, and then given a protective plastic coating."

115. has a Canon scanner that costs $50 and works on a Mac with OS X 10.1 to10.3.

116. As of 5/05, Marilyn said she will buy color cartridges if a printer has to have them to print.

117. sells serial to USB connectors.

118. Velocity in Ceres sells refilled cartridges, Mom has used his service before and has been quite impressed. The vendor's name is Chris, and his phone number is 538 8205, he does not have an an e-mail address listed on the invoice (that mom had). To find out pricing for cartridges, just call him.

119. is $14.95 for the first three months and $22 per month after that. They work with Macs.

            A. I e-mailed to see if mom might be able to use the internet service, since she is out in the country.

            B. I checked at County Bank's website to see about CB Cruiser (which is 5 times faster than dial up, it costs $14.95 per month). However, the link for CB Cruiser did not work, so I decided to not pursue it any further, as of June 2005.

120. 4-pack of Falcon Dust off (dusting sprayer or duster), 4 for $11.99 @ Turlock Costco, 52143. In 7/31/06, M. got some from Merced Costco. I had put Quill on the P.O., but Quill was $5.99 each, and Merced Costco had them 4 for $11.99 or so.

121. I tried to find information on an item through, but they were not able to answer my question, they referred me to the vending company, as they are sort of a middleman.

122. At, I was trying to figure out what 9#, 11# meant on your web site (referring to the latex balloons). I checked my printed catalog to figure this information out. As it turns out, I think there is a typo on the web site. It should indicate 9" or 11" and it should not indicate 9#, 11#.

123. At, Radio Shack has an ethernet coupler for $6.49 each (model number and catalog number are the same, 278-2037), but Best Computer Supplies has a CAT 5E (E stands for Ethernet) coupler for $4.97 each (504218), as of 8/06. At, there is an RCA Phono plug coupler (2-pack) for $3.99 (model and catalog number are the same, 274-1553).

124. Marilyn said she will buy the color cartridges for people to print their own OARS scores (instead of the coach printing it).

125. Several places had a USB to RCA connector for watching television on a Mac including,_Video_Input_Adapter_for_Mac/PX-TV402U-NA_MAC/p/464568 ($206.99), ($137.31), (several prices), and (several prices). As of 1/07, there does appear to be any high-definition tuners to connect your satellite to a Mac at Macmall, ClubMac, and MacWarehouse. The internet did not prove fruitful, either.

126. has a Palm TX¨ handheld (312 MHz processor) for $224.99 until 2/17/07 (it is $299 with a $75 rebate). Palm T/X has a stylus/pen combo (sold at Staples), you can access Wi-Fi spots i.e. The Yogurt Shop, ChristinaÕs Coffee Shop, Wellington Station, and Burger King in Turlock, but not a place with a high speed internet connection (like that hotel in Dallas). Palm T/X has Note Pad, and T/X works with Mac OS X 10.2.8 to 10.4: it comes with 128 MB of memory. There is a 512 MB expansion available for $39.99; T|X screen is same size as CliŽ (T|X screen is 320 X 480). It has Documents To Go (Word/Excel compatible). I found the Palm T/X at for $227: my user name and password are motleyze, New New At Ease (I deleted my profile on 8/31/07); the charge on my credit card bill showed up as ÒISHOP,Ó verified as being a charge from them. Two times sent me a used Palm T|X, which they claimed was new, so I will not deal with them again in the future. My credit card company said I should be able to dispute the charge, even though it was in February (I am writing this June 1st). I found out that the dispute is still in progress as of 8/8/07. On 8/10/07, I found out that Bank of America said I am out of luck, since  7 days had passed since I received the Palm before I noticed it was not new (they understood my position, but there was nothing that they could do), so I just used my store credit that was issued by However, three days later, they credited my credit card. So, I called Bank of America billing disputes (800-457-3693) and they suggested contacting the company, which I did on 8/19/2007 (the digital camera/phone order was placed on 8/14/07; the credit was issued on 8/16/07, so one hand may not know what the other is doing). They said that it is up to the company at this point, they may cancel your order or take away my credit. However, Bank of America said that they cannot refuse to refund your money if you do not want the merchandise (within 30 days of purchase). Bank of America said that if I receive the digital camera/phone order, return it. On 8/22/07, sent me an e-mail acknowledging the chargeback and then requested payment or they would turn me over to a credit agency. I called, but they did not answer. Therefore, I e-mailed me and explained that there must be confusion, since I do not have any of their merchandise. I called Bank of America and they suggested just waiting to see what says in response to my e-mail. According to,, and, the T|X does not have a replaceable battery (but according to, no Palm devices have a replaceable battery, except for the Treo smartphone.

As of 2/07, Cingular does not have a phone/PDA (with two devices) plan, they only have separate plans (even though I have a wireless phone that can be used with the internet). Anyhow, internet service for a PDA is $34.99/month (unlimited) and for a blackberry is $44.99/month. The Palm Tungsten has a small screen (320 X 320) compared to the Clie, so does the Treo 680 (which Cingular Wireless had in 2/07. You can buy stylus/pen packs). Treo 680 is $199 with a 2-year commitment (without the value bundle) at Cingular: it would be $39.99/month voice and unlimited data. Treo 680 does not have Note Pad application, only voice memo. Treo 680 is not listed at for support, but the 700 is: only 650 is (MV has the 650). Palm T|X is listed as supported. The Palm T|X is also known as X, Palm, Palm 1047NA, Palm T: it is manufacturer part number 1047NA. Matt said that, ÒI have a Treo 650 on Verizon Wireless. I like the size, Palm OS, and  built-in keyboard, but I don't use the internet connection on it anymore (way too slow and the screen is too small for web browsing).Ó LifeDrive is a mobile manager (photos, videos, etc.) that includes web, etc., but it is $399: it has a 4 GB HD.

127. Radio Shack sells S-video couplers at they cost $3.95. They also sell S-video plugs to RCA jack adapters (so you can connect an RCA cable to an S-video jack) at for $9.99/each. It appears, as of 2/07, that may not work well with IE 5.1.7 or NN 4.77.

128. TidBITS has a 30% off offer that I can use, just copy and paste the URL:!cp=CPN70216SUR.

129. Janet likes to order from shows an ethernet tester (plug it into the RJ-45 jack to test), the price is $39.99.

130. As of 3/07, MacDaddy does not carry the 3.6 lithium batteries (cylinder shaped), so I need to order them from TD Curran (I was trying to get one for CZÕs computer). TD Curran no longer has floppy drives for AppleÕs (as of 7/07), Don Chatwin said that, Òwe don't we can't even get them directly from Apple anymore.Ó

131. ÒTake Control of Buying a MacÓ p. 40 talks about laptops vs. desktops. Page 47 says that G5Õs  no longer allow you to use OS 9, but I think momÕs computer does do OS 9 appÕs.

132. Amazon.comÕs A-Z protection provides you with protection when buying from an seller; you are protected if you do not receive the product or if any of the following happens: wrong version or edition, item condition or details not as described, wrong item, missing parts or components, defective item, or damaged item. has a Harmony 880 remote for $124.96 ($154.96, but you get $30 off when obtaining an VISA). I destroyed the Visa card and deleted it from my Amazon account in 6/07. does not accept purchase orders, as of 1/08.

133. sells Canon cartridges (and they advertised in Tourbus in 1007), but they did not have any Canon 40 or 41 cartridges (only remanufactured and the cartridges were not on sale three for the price of one as others are). Also, all of the Canon cartridge that they have are equivalents.

134. KW said she would give me some copies of purchase orders, so that I can use them for computer items (she often has to recopy them/add stuff to them, etc.), but P.E. orders can be written on NCR, since she knows nothing about them.

135. You can call 800-MY-APPLE for the online Apple Store. You can call 800-676-2775 for Apple customer service. I had trouble with order number W32343252, because FedEX said it was the incorrect address (so they did not deliver the package): I had to call Apple who called FedEx. I think the problem was that Apple had my address as House #108 and the P.O. address showed Unit, a computer would not recognize the difference. Later, though, I realized that the problem was that the driver probably had trouble with Turlock, and just could not find the house. Anyhow, I wil change the address to Unit (with Apple) after the package arrives. FYI: there is an Apple Store Fashion Fair, which is located at 645 East Shaw Avenue in Fresno.

136. has a pocket-sized NFL helmet 16-pc. NFC conference set for $37.99 (they have the AFC as well at

137. Full-sized CD-ROM cases and inserts (20 Staples jewel case inserts, which are item #501797) can be found at Staples.

138. TidBITS #898 says that there will be no upgrade pricing for Office 2007 student and teacher edition.

139. There is an Apple Store Fashion Fair, which is located at 645 East Shaw Avenue in Fresno in a mall. The hours are Mon - Fri: 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Sat: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Sun: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  they had a 20Ó iMac in stock in 10/07.. The only Best Buy in the valley with Macs is in Fresno. CompUSA in Modesto is closed. MacDaddy had no iMacs in stock 10/07.

140. has a Dallas Cowboys santa hat for $19.99, while has one for $29.99 (including shipping).

141. has a RJ45 splitter adapter cable for $26.99.

142. has a Grader ($6.95) that can be used to determine the grade for a paper depending on number correct/points possible.

143. sells t-shirts from different states. sells state t-shirts with state flags on them.

144. iPhoneÕs price is $399, even at the educational store, as of 4/08.


Quasar VCR

Auto power off feature does not turn the VCR after a certain period of time. It shuts off if there is no signal or if a blank tape is played.


Quicken (520-618-7131 or 900-555-4932, Monday-Friday, 5 A.M.-5 P.M.)

1. Requires Apple Script and Apple Script Lib active to use its online guide.

2. Under list, go to Quickfill transactions for recurring transactions. To edit Quickfill transactions, go to the list menu or press Command, T. This is useful, so that you can press ÒTÕ and get ÒTurlock Mobile Estates and $190.00Ó put into the register. If there is a dot by a vendor, it means that it is locked. Select vendor and click edit to ÒunlockÓ it. Sometimes payment can take five to seven days. Check for Turlock Mobile Estates was late one month (arrived on 8th of the month in Sept., 2001), so I changed the payment date for TME to the 20th of the month.

3. Use the shortcut ÒchecksÓ icon to make up a check, then use Quickfill transactions to automatically make up checks.

            A. Alternatively, (and easier) is to put the word ÒprintÓ in the number column and then print the checks.

4. To print checks, go to print checks AFTER entering ÒPRINTÓ in the numbers column and entering transaction. Also, when it asks you to select number of checks on first page, choose ÒthreeÓ always, even If only printing one check.

5. Supposedly, according to InformInit, there are many conflicts with the Billminder extension.

6. One time after making some changes to the System Folder, I tried to open Quicken and I got an error that said that ÒQuicken requires that the Navigation library be installed in your extensions folder.Ó After reinstalling Quicken, the message disappeared (Quicken installed Navigation extension, Quicken also installs an extension called ÒNetManage Winstock Lib extensionÓ).

            A. The system files that Quicken installs are located in the System Files folder on the Quicken Deluxe 2000 CD.

7. With Quicken 98, it is a good idea to get rid of old Quicken programs, since it may cause confusion for computer.

            A. only way to access old version of the application is to use the ÒOld Quicken data FolderÓ and open the data file in there.

8. If you choose to show the backdrop for Quicken, the desktop disappears (under General Preferences).

            A. You can also show or hide the button bar or the accounts bar (lets you easily switch between accounts).

9. To add buttons to the bar, go to the activity area where you want to add the button, click on small button at end of button bar, click and drag button you want to the button bar.

            A. Hold down option key and drag to move buttons.

            B. To delete buttons, hold down control and command and click on a button.

10. To assign your own shortcuts, hold down the command key and choose the item you would like to make (or edit) the shortcut for.

11. If you hit the help key on the keyboard or type command, ? (or simply command, /), you get to the help menu.

12. If you click ÒexpertÓ in the help menu, it will more detailed steps of what to do for a particular task.

13. Does not automatically assign categories for transactions (must be entered manually).

14. If you use a category or class, donÕt delete it as a step in changing its name. Only delete it If you plan to NOT use it again or you want to reassign the category or class to several different classes or categories.

15. Click restore to start a transaction over.

16. Use EFT instead of ATM for purchases madethroughan ATM reader.

17. If you change an account to the type ÒcashÓ, the number column disappears. Need to change back to bank to make it reappear.

18. You can use the same transfer category to transfer to and from savings, just depends on whether you type a payment or deposit. Then choose from the category list.

19. You can transfer money using the activities, transfer money menu item (I set it up to use command, T. Use ResEdit, then open the Menu commands). You can also set up Quicken to do an automatic transfer to an account (listed on page 103 of the UserÕs Guide). To do an automatic deposit into savings, type ÒTransferÓ (do not have to put Òto savingsÓ) in the Payee or Description field, type the dollar amount, type [Savings] in the Category field. Then in the future, Transfers to Savings will automatically deposit the amount debited from checking into savings.. When typing the brackets for Savings in the Category box, do not press the shift key. Using command, T is easier, probably.

20. You can memorize a transaction that seems to almost always be the same amount by choosing edit, memorize. The amount can be edited, still, from the register, but it is easier this way If the amount is usually the same.

21. You can use the calculator in Quicken to do simple arithmetic by typing a number, then typing +, -, *, / to figure equations, anywhere where a dollar amount is required.

22. Under prefs, enter amounts without decimal points s/b unchecked, so that If you type 5, it will be entered as $5.00, not $.05.

23. When you Òwrite checksÓ instead of print them, the word print shows up in the ÒnumberÓ column. Writing checks is good for putting addresses on checks for sending in a window envelope.

24. If you write a check and type in the pay to the order of box, and hit the quote key in the address box, the payeeÕs name will appear on the first line of the address.

25. You can print wallet sized checks by choosing the style under edit, prefs, print checks. Standard are the bigger checks that are from Staples with 3 to a page.

26. You can reprint checks by going back and changing a check number to the word ÒprintÓ, record transaction, then go to print checks.

27. You can have the reconcile instructions show on the screen or not (you can choose from the reconcile screen).

28. You can create a reconciliation report by going to activities, reports and graphs, reports, standard, reconciliation (report can be customized by date, If necessary).

29. To check on a reconciliation, you can use the number of deposit items cleared or the number debit items cleared first. Or check the deposit amounts and the debit amounts.

30. Online Services with Intuit Online Payment Service. ( costs $9.95/month. it can be used with any U.S. Bank with check writing privileges. At U.S. Bank's website (, my username and password are RyanZelenski, MOCSE login (all lower case); in 12/07, however, the website did not work, it would not allow me to log in. I then set up my account again with the same information and it still would log me in, but finally I was able to using Netscape 9.0b3 (not IE, Sea Monkey or Safari. Ironically, after I signed in with Netscape, I was then able to log in with IE, but IE kept timing out after about sixty seconds): do not go to because it is not the same thing ( would allow access to an account with, not a mortgage loan). You can see an analyis of your escrow account there. My loan number is 4800156848. I tried to access my information about three months after creating the online account, but I could not, kept acting like my account did not exist. So I re-created my account with the all same info and got no duplicate account message. I also set it up on 7/14/06, to receive e-mails instead of paper bills from them. I did this by going to U.S. BankÕs website and then clicking on ÒOn-line Pay,Ó then clicked the Registration tab. You can access mortage interest and property taxes (also called real estate taxes) online. My security question is ÒWhat is your fatherÕs middle name?Ó In 11/07, I started receiving e-bills again, so I went back to and selected pay online (click continue at the Acrobat Reader message). If you are logged in, then log out and go back to the URL (in 11/07, this was the only way to make it work with Safari).

31. MBNA visa nor MOCSE Federal Credit Union was listed.

32. Information on backing up files is located on p. 243 of the manual, If needed.

33. If you hit the ÒRÓ key while checking ÒAbout Quicken,Ó you can see the version of the release.

34. To put some kind of art onto checks, find a picture in ÒPICTÓ format, copy it, then go to Quicken, edit, prefs, print checks, check art, then paste.

35. With Quicken 98, kept getting an error message when opening that a ÒWinsockÓ file was missing. Reinstalled, which eliminated the problem. However, in the process, the ÒMOCSEÓ file was no longer found on the HD or the Zip Disk (even though it could be accessed through MOM). But after reinstalling the software, MOCSE was there again. On one occasion after doing a clean install of System 9, I tried to run Quicken 98, but I got a message about the ÒNetManage WinSock LibÓ file missing. I dragged the old ÒNetManage Winsock LibÓ extension from the old System Folder to the new one. The error was no longer present.

36. You can type ÒTÓ to end todayÕs date in date column.

37. One time with Quicken, the checks kept printing landscape, when they were supposed to be portrait. The settings were correct. I quit Quicken and reopened it, then the prints printed normally. Same problem later, quit Quicken and reopened, then printed fine. Will reinstall it.

38. To make a new file with different categories, go to new file, not new account.

39. When doing a clean install of System 8.1, must reinstall Quicken 2000 to upgrade Appearance extension to 1.0.3 (although error message says that the installer will upgrade Quicken to Appearance Extension 1.0.2).

40. If you have two checks to print and a page with one check only, you need to print checks one at a time. Otherwise, the program tries to print both checks on the page with only one check on it.

41. If you disable the Apple Guide extension, you will get an error warning about AppleGuideGluLib. Re-enable Apple Guide and re-boot your computer.

42. At you can get technical support, updates, utilities and FAQ answers. My user name and password at are motleyze, New, New At Ease.

43. EFT means Electronic Funds Transfer, it is the shortcut I use for online transactions.

44. Quicken updates the date to todayÕs date in the checking (and savings register, too, I imagine) when you open the application. If the application has been open for a couple days and no transactions are recorded, you will put in new transactions with an old date (may want to change date first).

45. The backward delete key (the one with an ÒxÓ on it) does not appear to work with Quicken (01/2002).

46. I tried copying the Quicken installer to the HD and install from there, but when trying to install, I got an error that says that Ò can not be found.Ó When I put the CD in and installed from it, there was no error and Quicken installed fine.

47. You can look for ÒpreviousÓ occurrences of an item with the Find command.

48. It may be possible to transfer files from Mac to IBM, not sure. It came up at WADI board meeting.

49. I did not print out the Quicken user guide, because it is 600 pages. Page 482 - 484 of the UserÕs Guide explains how to export Quicken data from a Macintosh computer for use with a Windows computer.

50. Quickentry can only be used, when Quicken is closed.

51. Apparently, check art positioning (the Cowboys helmet logo) stays with the file, not in the System Folder. After initializing the G3/233, the Cowboys Helmet was still with RyanÕs contacts.

52. I believe Quicken does a backup, when the program gets closed. However, if the computer freezes, and I have to do a forced restart, it may be that transactions are not recorded into the file for Quicken. I may need to keep this in mind and quit Quicken occasionally (especially after big payments).

A. Later, though, I discovered, that if I quit using Quicken and then the computer froze in the middle of quitting, the transaction was still recorded. Quitting and restarting Quicken is probably not necessary.

53. After installing Quicken 2000 on OS 9.2, I got the error message that I could not go online without crashing because the WinSock extension could not be found, it suggested reinstalling with shift key held down (extensions off, I think). I reinstalled with extensions on, and Quicken opened without an error message.

54. First Financial Bank was set up with a reminder, and you were not asked for a confirmation, unless you quit and reopen Quicken. If you simply close a register and reopen it, you wil not be asked for the confirmation. I put it under Scheduled transactions (under the Lists menu), and made it so it is done automatically on the 15th of the month. If you close the register and reopen it on the 15th of the month, First Financial Bank is not recorded. You must quit and reopen Quicken for it to happen automatically.

55. You can go to the Activities menu and select Transfer Money for a shortcut, when recording transfers.

56. Edit, Memorize adds a transaction to the Quickfill Transactions List. Under Edit, preferences you can choose Internet to pick which browser, you would like Quicken to use, when going to the Online menu, then To the Web. If you go to Activities, Calendar, you can see the approximate date that bills are paid (arrive). If you click on the Ò12Ó icon below the date, you can choose a date from the pop-up calendar. Using the ÒrestoreÓ function clears the transaction. I think to Download transactions, you probably have to sign up with Intuit.

57. After installing Quicken Deluxe 2002 (which runs native in OS X), I needed to Òget infoÓ for my Quicken file (MOCSE) and change the open with to Quicken Deluxe 2002 (Quicken Deluxe 2002 is not on the red iMac at school as of 1/08). Otherwise, the file keeps wanting to open, but canÕt (error is that ÒThis file needs a later version of Quicken,Ó since it keeps being associated with Quicken Deluxe 2000).

A. On the next restart, same problem occurred, so I made used the ÒOpen withÓ part of the Get Info window again and made it Òuse this application to open all documents like thisÓ and then selected change all.

58. Quicken has a built-in calculator. Just type in any amount in the Payment or deposit field, then press +, -, X or /. You can press Escape to erase the numbers.

59. The Dallas Cowboys helmet for printing on checks is on Ryan 3, 4/10/04 (I deleted the helmet from File, checks print prefs {check art}, because I already have attached mailing labels on the checks in the rest of the box). I will not need the helmet for a long time, since I usually make my checks on the internet.

60. 2002 Deluxe of Quicken works in OS 9, but not in OS 8 (you get a Carbon Lib not found error). I export the data from the MOCSE file with 2002 Deluxe, and made a qif file. Then I tried to use either 98 or 2000 Quicken to import it, but I was unable to. I got a payee type error. I was not able to save a copy in an earlier format (there are no choices for that in the save dialog box). It is best to use 2002 Deluxe Quicken in 9.2.2. I checked at QuickenÕs web site and it says that once you use the data (or convert) it in a newer version, you cannot go back to the old version (The website said this is true for Windows, so for Mac, probably it is the same).

61. I had problems getting the MOCSE file to open with Quicken Deluxe 2002, because I was in the process of burning one of the original copies of QD 2002. After completing the burning, the MOCSE file opened fine.

62. In 6/04, Quicken 2004 did not pick up all my transactions when I went to Reconcile the checking account. But I quit Quicken (in the middle of reconciling), reopened it, then it picked up all the transactions.

When I put Quicken 2004 on the G3/233, the icon was generic (and so was the MOCSE icon). But after rebuilding with TT, both icons were normal. Quicken 2004 will not show up with MOM 2001.

63. I could not get Quicken 2004 to open on the iLamp (after doing a drag and drop install from the G3/233. I found out that the memory allocation of Quicken had changed from around 8000 K (and 11000 K for preferred) to about 2000 K. I changed the memory allocation to 11000 K, but still Quicken would not open. Finally, I trashed Quicken and recopied it. But that did not work. So I then found out that one copy of Quicken would work while the others would not. I used the copy of Quicken 2004 that was in the CD Stuff to Burn folder. It opened okay (with about 21548 as its preferred size). I tried changing the other copies of Quicken to that preferred size, but they still would not open. I just trashed all the other versions of Quicken and will use the one from the CD stuff to burn folder (I moved it to applications).

64. You can do a split transaction, so that you can use two categories for the same transaction.

65. You can change the date for a checking register in Quicken 2004 simply by closing the register and reopening it.

66. Tidbits #775 mentions that Jeff Carlson uses Quicken to track his credit card accounts.

67. OFX stands for Open Financial Exchange.

68. I found a way to make the Quicken 2004 icon stop bouncing after it has been launched in OS X. In the startup items, choose ÒQuicken 2004,Ó not ÒMOCSE.Ó

69. Since I have adjusted the iP4000 to do continuous autofeed, I need to put checks into the bottom tray when printing then to avoid a resume error.

70. There does not appear to be a way to update the date field unless you close the register and open it again. I was curious if Quicken 2006 did this, but the website would not load on 12/29/06. Quicken 2004 appears to have a bug in it: it shows the next day as the last time Quicken was opened upon opening (this may be a residual effect from when I changed the dates to attempt to do scheduled transactions).

71. Quicken 2004 has a bug in it relating to printing checks on the iMac Duo with 10.4.9 (landscape vs. portrait printing), since it can print a register fine (although you may have to quit and reopen Quicken for it to work).  Anyhow, the best way to print computer checks is to load and print one check at a time (perforation is probably necessary each time): if printing the last check on a page, tear off the white portion at the bottom of the check; Under preferences, choose box 1 of 4 under Checks, Print (alignment when printing one or more checks); in Page Setup, choose US Letter and box 1 of 3 by Orientation; in the Print Checks Dialog Box, choose one by checks on first page. Take out letter paper and load the check into the printer with the address on the check closest to the spare bedroom, move the paper guide to touch the check to hold it in place.


Quick Keys

1. If used, should use F5, F6 etc. since F1 through F4 do cut, copy, paste, undo.


Quick Installer Maker

1. Costs $50.

2. had bugs in it, for it would only make an installer on one occasion, then kept saying canÕt make installer (even following directions from the userÕs guide).


See Photoflash.


Quicktime (requires 68020 or higher, not a Mac Plus, SE, Classic or Powerbook 100)

1. My Powermac did not come with Quicktime 2.5, it came with 2.1. You need 2.5 to start playing the CD when the power comes on (and also the CD must be encoded to auto play, which some of them are not). Quicktime is free to someone who has System 7.5.5 (I called Apple to check, they said you could download from the web or copy from another computer, and that many people copy from one computer to another with freeware).

2. I copied: Quicktime 2.5, Quicktime PowerPlug (required only for Power Macs), Quicktime Musical Instruments (which plays MIDI using sound samples licensed from Roland) from the Extensions folder: Movie Player from the Quicktime folder in the System Folder: and the Quick Time Settings Control Panel.

            A. I tried to just copy the settings control panel to my computer, but when you try to open it, it says Òthis file can not be used with this MacintoshÓ. I installed the other listed files (#2) and it worked.

            B. MIDI info is transmittedthrougha MIDI cable and with DIN (Deutsche industry norm, German equivalent to electronic Industries Association, EIA) with 5 pins. Two of the pins transmit Digital binary info, one has a steady stream of 5 volts, while the other alternates between 5 and 0 volts to represent binary info (on and off). The third pin is a ground and the other two are unused.

3. If two Quicktime extensions are active, then they both load at startup. The second extension showed a lightning bolt on it. I made the earlier version (2.0) inactive, and only one extension loaded (no lightning bolt).

4. Once on the computer labÕs computer, a message said that Q.T. MPEG is not installed. Trashed preferences, message did not appear again. MPEG is a movie file format, can be found on the web, not on our startup CDs at school.

            A. I did download some movies for use with Digital Chisel. The movie files ended in .mpg . However, they could not be read on my Performa 6400 at home, since QT MPEG was not installed. The box for the QT movie would open and the controls would show up, but the window was blank. I downloaded MPEG from Apple and installed it. Also, I had to update QT from 2.1 to 2.5, I must have accidentally deleted 2.5. (MPEG wonÕt work with 2.1).

            B. I can watch .mpeg movies with IE5, I made sure to choose the QT plug in to do under edit:preferences:receiving files:file helpers.

5. Netscape can use AVI (developed by Microsoft, NC 4 book glossary) to QT video, If I had the file, but I do not have it currently. In Netscape Communicator 4.0, when MPEG Video chooses ÒQuicktime Plug In,Ó a broken picture appears. Quick time Plug in is used for Quick time videos only (.mov suffix). Neither does movie player, it acts as though it will work, but then the message appears Òthis is not a movieÓ (Movie player can only open ÒmovÓ format stuff).ö Movie player is used to edit and play Quicktime movies.

When MPEG Video chooses Sparkle Fat, it works.

6. Indeo Video and Intel Raw Video extensions is useful in compression, editing and playback of Quicktime video.

7. QTVR can be used to edit QT movies, also.

8. Microsoft Word 6.0 can view QT movies, by ÒinsertingÓ a Microsoft movie, then picking a QT movie.

9. If a digitizing program quits in the middle of recording, it may need to have more memory allocated to it.

10. Also, another trick: you can edit and put two movies together. You can hold down the shift key and select more than one clip at a time and paste into another movie.

11. QT videos can be pasted into Clarisworks, do not automatically play them, but the option can be set under Òview,Ó Òslide show.Ó

12. If you open a QT movie and then select all, you can paste the movie into the scrapbook for later use.

13. Apple Multimedia Tuner is a bug fix extension for QT 2.0.

14. Movie Player can convert sounds from an audio CD to an AIFF format as well as convert and play MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) files, using save as (Mac Bible p. 530). You can open an MIDI sequence (available on Web and commercially) by using file, open inside of Movie Player (it will convert it to QT). If you choose options before converting, you can change where the instruments play (Mac Bible p. 554).

            A. To digitize from a CD, Choose import from the file menu in Movie Player, Choose your file, click on options (and set them up), name file and it will be a QT movie, which can be saved as AIFF using export from the file menu.

            B. To add a soundtrack to a movie, do step A, then open the AIFF file and choose select all and copy. Open the soundless movie and hold down the option key and click add (Paste changes to add, when option key is held down).

15. There are several shortcuts spacebar or return plays/pauses: hitting option and sound controller mutes/unmutes: step forward/backwards with arrow keys: Option, arrow keys skip to beginning/end: play backwards hit command and reverse arrow or shift double click in the frame.

16. Can download MIDI files from the Internet and convert them to QT using All MIDI, but the sound quality is not great. To hear music, use the plug-in that comes with Netscape (Live Plug-In).

17. QT conferencing system only works on Quadra AV, Powermac AV, or Powermac AV upgraded systems.

18. Inline Filter is used to allow Applescript and Plaintalk Speech Recognition to work together (but it is also installed by other appÕs).

19. Quicktime 4.0 seems to be much less choppy when used in conjunction with Netscape as opposed to Internet Explorer (4.0.1).

            A. I also increased the memory allocation of Quicktime Player from 4000 K to 14000, which helped improve performance. Later, I put it back down to 10000 and I think it should be okay.

I left it at 15000 K at home, since that improves performance. With lower memory allocation, some channels will freeze or take an extremely long time to load.

            B. Warner Brothers (at Quicktime website) does not play well, even with increased memory of Quicktime Player.

20. Website ( Quicktime would not work too well with G3/266 at school with 64 MB of RAM with VM set to 65 M (Default in Memory control panel). Netscape was at 21786 K, AOL was at 12000 K, IE 4 was at 13000 K and Quicktime Player 4.0.2 was at 8000 K, but did not work well, too choppy. (With VM off, System Software took up about 25000 K instead of 15000 K.

            A. With IE 4 at school, Quicktime Player kept freezing. QT 4 now works at school, after using 4.0.3 "Full" Installer.

            B. At home Quicktime Player 4.0.2 was at 10000 K and was not choppy.

            C. At home, Quicktime Player 4.1.2 was choppy when showing Steve JobÕs Macworld address with IE 5 and NN4.73. I cleared the cookies with both, cleared the cache and the history with both. I increased the memory allocation of Quicktime Player to 12000 K. Did not work, still choppy. So I trashed the Quicktime preferences and restarted. Upon restart, I had to set the connection speed in the Quicktime Control Panel. I set it to Ò112 Dual ISDNÓ (closest setting to DSL that I could find). Before the restart, Quicktime Settings had been set on the T1 connection, and I think that may have been the problem.

            D. However, the problem returned on certain parts of the Keynote Address. So, I again quit Quicktime and IE 5. Then I set the Quicktime Settings Control PanelÕs speed to 56 K. Then I reopened IE 5 and Quicktime 4.1.2 and the video and audio were okay.

            E. I changed the Quicktime Settings Control PanelÕs speed back to Dual ISDN, when I finished watching the Steve JobsÕ Apple Keynote address from MacWorld Expo in New York (July, 2000). As of 1/21/01, Quicktime is set to 112 K Dual ISDN.

            F. Macworld happens in July in NYC and January in SF. Julie said that in 2002, it will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Later, though, I found from Tidbits, it will be January 7 (Monday) - January 12th (Friday), 2002.

            G. I think that if I show Macworld Keynote in IE 5, I can surf the Internet with NN without causing many problems with the Keynote (not that jumpy).

21. Later with QT 4.0, kept getting the error message that you need the ÒMusical Note Allocator,Ó ÒMovie GrabberÓ and ÒVideo Image CompressorÓ after using the QT installer to do a minimum install. So I did a drag and drop install, however, I still got the messages, may need to reinstall QT 3.0 at school.

22. While trying to update Quicktime to version 4.0.3, I got an error message that said Òan error occurred while trying to download the file ÔVISEData.Õ The download has been aborted. You may want to try again later.Ó I tried downloading the updater from AOL and Netscape. I also tried doing a full install and a custom install with all the components. Both times errors occurred. May try again in a few weeks.

23. When using and Quicktime 4.0 (and Netscape 4.6.1), you can see a trailer, it downloads fully and then you can watch it over and over.

            A. Also, when previewing another movie, no progress bar showed up. it was inside the Quicktime window, where the progress of the movie ÒplayingÓ is, it doubles as an indicator of how much of the movie has loaded. (you can press ÒpauseÓ while the movie is loading to make it load faster, I believe).

24. You can drag the bottom of a Quicktime window to see favorites. You can drag favoritesÕ shortcuts to the desktop. You can put a shortcut to the favorites in MS Word. You canÕt save as different formats, though, I think you need QT pro 4.0.

25. Support for MP3Õs is built into Quicktime 4.0.

            A. Quicktime 4.0 is required for Quicktime Streaming, according to SoundJam MP Free 2.1.1 Read Me.

26. Found a full installer for QT 4.0.3 (where you do not need to use the Internet when actually installing the files). it is at (10/13/99).

27. Quicktime Picture viewer (part of QT package) can open and view a Color it file.

28. If you click on the ÒIÓ in the Quicktime Movie Player window, you can get information about the movie. Also, if you click on the four dots, you can get a control panel to adjust bass, treble, play backward, forward etc.

29. You can control click the step buttons in Quicktime 3 or earlier to make a jog shuttle that will play a movie forward or backward (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 778).

            A. You can shift double click the main part of the screen where the movie plays to hear it backward with sound backward (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 779).

            B. You can paste text into a movie to make Òinstant creditsÓ (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 780).

            C. You can add subtitles by holding down the option key and then pasted into an existing movie.

            D. If you hold down Command, Option, Q and T at startup, you get a credits screen for Quicktime. Works with 4.0 version.

30. One on occasion, got no sound from Quicktime Player. it was because Sound Manger (with Quicktime 4.0.1) was disabled. it had been disabled because I had temporarily switched to extensions manager from Conflict Catcher to check for AOL extension conflict and I forgot to turn that particular extension back on.

31. When using Quicktime to view Steve JobÕs keynote address, the sound and picture were very choppy. However, after one minute, the sound got better, the picture was a still one, but at least the sound was okay.

32. I had a difficult time finding the full Quicktime installer at I went to Version Tracker and find the link for a full install there.

            A. I did later (1/13/02) find a stand alone installer for Quicktime at

33. You can have Quicktime stores its movies in the browsers cache, if applicable. Loads faster, was able to watch a 7 MB trailer as it downloaded, watched without choppiness.

34. Final Cut Pro costs $999.

35. According to ÒÓ, QuickTime Conferencing and the Apple Media Conferencing are not supported by the Power Mac G3 computer.

36. Next Macworld Expo information: ÒÓ

37. When upgrading to a new version of NN, need to reinstall Quicktime, which will put a new plug in into NN Plug-ins folder.

            A. Also, if you have chosen QuickTime Player with NN, and you do an install of Quicktime, the ÒApplicationsÓ (Edit, Preferences, Navigator, Applications) setting may not automatically switch to the Plug-in. May have to change manual.

38. Source: (1995), if a Quicktime movie plays, but is all white, you may need to use the Apple Quicktime VR Player.

39. Once, I could not get Quicktime movies to load with IE 5 or NN 4.74, I forgot that I had to reinstall Quicktime after reinstalling IE 5 and NN 4.74.

            A. However, even after reinstalling QT, trailers would not load.

            B. Rebuilding desktop did not help. The IE icon keeps spinning, acting like the trailer is loading, even though at the bottom of the screen does not show how much of the trailer has downloaded.

            C. I also went back and trashed all the QT extensions, preferences, and plug-ins (inside of the Netscape and IE 5 preferences folders). Reinstalled with extensions off. Still had trouble, some movie trailers would download, but others would not.

            D. I even tried changing it so that the plug in was not used, but the Quicktime Player Application would be used to view trailers (I set Quicktime Player to 15000 K).

            E. I tried changing the NN preferences, so that the trailers would be downloaded to disk. This did not help, either. Part of a trailer would download (sometimes 3, 5 or 12% and then stall).

            F. I tried downloading software with IE 5 and NN and some software downloaded fine.

            G. I also went to the control panel for Quicktime settings and made it so that movie trailers would be saved in browserÕs cache, when possible. Did not help, either.

            H. I re-downloaded the Quicktime Installer for 4.1.2. Did not help, either.

            I. I tried running Disk First, Norton Disk Doctor (which found an Òxxxxx....Ó Quicktime extension and Apple Menu Options preferences, which had to be replaced), ran NSD and rebuilt the desktop with Techtool.

            J. The first couple times I ran NDD, it was set to Òfix errorsÓ automatically. However, since two files had to be replaced, when NDD got to the end of the Òanalyzing filesÓ test, the program froze. (I tried to take a picture of the screen, which I did, but it was not saved, since I had started up from CD, so I had to write down the names of the files with problems). I set NDD to ask before fixing, then fixed problems manually, then when it said these two files need to be replaced, I pressed continue. NDD did not freeze at end of Òanalyzing filesÓ test.

            K. Then I trashed all the QT extensions, plug ins and preferences and reinstall QT. Still did not work. Part of a trailer may load (like 1% and then it stalls).

            So, I tried to run IE with all extensions off, except those that were needed for QT (Enternet, Quicktime, etc.). When I tried to connect Enternet, though, I got an error that said ÒThe application EnterNet 300Ó could not be opened because >OT Utility LIB<< could not be opened.Ó

There was no OT Utility Lib is Extensions or Extensions (Disabled) folders. I tried turning on all the ODBC and Open Transport extensions, but I had no luck.

            L. I figured out that I needed to have Navigation, Shared Code Manager, Shared Library Manager or Shared Library Manager PPC enabled. (These four extensions were disabled, I got the error, I enabled all of them, then the error did not appear, it may not be that all four are needed).

            M. Finally, I got only the basic extensions that I need to run QT and trailers would load. However, the sound quality was not terrific (it would hum sometimes during the playing of the trailer). Also, on another trailer, there was no sound during playback.

            N. I did a clean install of system software and QT trailers load with IE 5 and NN 4.74.

            O. Not sure, but the problem possibly may be related to the use of Cache Killer II, since that is when the problem with Quicktime started.

            P. On another occasion, I got a Òno OT Utility LIBÓ error, when starting up Enternet software, but after restarting, the error was gone. I think it was because I had just reinstalled the Enternet software and I had not restarted yet.

39. Version 5.0 plays MP3Õs.

40. Version 4 (and probably) plays MIDI files, also. Tried it at

41. says content creators (for web sites) can embed a movie into a web page that automatically senses the clientÕs connection speed and plays back movies at the appropriate rate (and quality, lower quality for slower connections).

            A. A reference movie is used when you have multiple versions of a movie, the reference movie acts like an ÒaliasÓ in many respects, it basically serves as a pointer to the different movie files you have created.

            B. You would need a tool, such as Media Cleaner to make a reference movie or AppleÕs MakeRefMovie application. Info on tools can be found at

            C. CODEC is short for compression/decompression, which is any technology used for compressing and decompressing data (source:

42. According to iMovie 2Õs help file called ÒImporting audio, Images and DV stream filesÓ, Quicktime Pro can be used to export a Quicktime movie as a DV stream (which could then be imported as a DV stream).

            A. Quicktime Pro can also be used to see full screen videos, Convert between standard publishing formats, and create, open, edit and save movies and audio, as easy as copy and paste.

43. On the Performa 6116CD in Room 57, there was a Quicktime already installed error. I looked in the extensions folder and there were two Quicktime extensions (2.5 and 2.1). I disabled the 2.1 version and restarted the computer. There was no error.

44. Some movie trailers that I wanted to download required version 5.0.2, so I downloaded the update, even though 5.0.1 is in the Apple Extras folder i.e. no ÒnewÓ Quicktime folder was created on the HD.

            A. After installing Quicktime 5.0.1, there are a couple of setup steps. When you get to MIME settings, select the MIME settings button. No adjustments are necessary; however, if you do not do that, an error type -120 will probably appear after the last setup step.

            B. Later, however, after reinstalling System Software, there was not an error, when skipping the MIME settings dialog box.

            C. Later (6/8/02), I discovered that there were a couple movie trailer websites, which do not require QT 5.0.2, but the trailers at do require 5.0.2.

45. DO NOT USE version 5.0.2 with the G3/233. Not sure if it is a hardware or software related issue, but it is incompatible with my G3/233. See Desktop Icons #16B for more information).

            A. Matt said he had trouble somewhat before in using Quicktime before also.

            B. At, I could not watch a video clip, since the format is not supported (needed 5.0.2 and I had 5.0.1, but considering the trouble with 5.0.2, I decided to skip the video).

46. You can uncheck the preference (edit, preferences, and register) to require category for each transaction.

47. indicates that 8.6 is the minimum system for Quicktime 6.

            A. I tried to watch Steve JobsÕ Keynote address from MacWorld New York 2002, but Quicktime 6.0 was required.

48. I tried to watch a tryout video for a show I had seen on DirecTV. It said that I need to install ÒQuicktime EssentialsÓ and I clicked no, since I did not think it was necessary. However, the QT movie would play the sound, but no video with NN or IE5, using QT 5.0.1. I tried changing NNÕs settings, so that it would use Realplayer to play QT movies, but then when I clicked on a QT movie, I got a Òno plug in installedÓ icon.  I tried installing version 4.0.3 of QT (which kept insisting that a newer version of QT was present, even though I had moved QT 5.0.1 components out of the System Folder, I had to restart to install QT 4.0.4). After installing QT 4.0.3, IE played the sound, but no video. NN would not do anything when I clicked on links to QT movies.

            A. A. Anyhow, I reinstalled QT 5.0.3 and then after trying to see the video again, I got an error message that said I should increase the memory allocation of IE 5, which I did and that message did not reappear. However, when I tried to get the computer to play a QT video, the computer said that I needed to install ÒQuicktime Essentials,Ó which I did do. After installing the QuickTime Essentials, I was able to watch the video and audio.

49. I downloaded version 6.0.3 of QT on 5/5/03, but I decided not to use it yet, because of what I happened when I downloaded a previous update for QT 5.0.

50. Tidbits #683 (6/03) explains that Quicktime 6.3 is available for MAC OS 9, but after clicking on the link and downloading it from Apple, I realized that the link was only for 6.0.3. It appears that 6.0.3 is the latest version, as of 6/19/03. However, on 6/19/03, 6.0.3 would not download, it produced error. I may try again late, if necessary.

51. says latest version of Quicktime (5.0) required, even though I had it installed. Bug in Apple's web site, or I need 5.0.2, which I did not want to install, because of earlier


            A. is a site for Quicktime trailers, that does not require 5.0.2 of QT with 8.1.

52. On one occasion, I tried playing an MP3 file with QT 5.0, but it would not play. But after changing the name of the file so that it ended in mp3, it played fine.


Quicktime 6

1. From, if you use any version of Mac OS X 10.2 and require QuickTime Java support for Java 1.3 or Java 1.4.1, do not upgrade to QuickTime 6.4.

            A. If you have installed QuickTime 6.4 and need support for Java 1.3.1, you can reinstall QuickTime 6.3. A link to the QuickTime 6.3 Re-installer is available from document 120255 "QuickTime Reinstaller 6.3 for Mac OS X: Information and Download.Ó

I decided on 12/12/02 to not install Quicktime 6.4 on the Blueberry iMac. I left version 6.2 on there.

2. I had trouble getting QT 6.4 or 6.5 to install on my G3/233. Both times, I could not get past the registration screen. I left the number blank, as the installer suggested, but no luck. I e-mailed Apple about this, but I may just stick with Quicktime 6.0.1 for now, anyhow (in lieu of what is mentioned in number 1). Apple did not reply. Also, I could not get Quicktime 6.5 to copy to a Zip Disk, so I think there may be more than one problem with Quicktime 6.5. I just burned Quicktime 6.5. I wanted to simply install Quicktime 6.2 on 2/8/04, but there was not an installer for it on AppleÕs web site or the internet. I called Apple Education (800-800-2775, G3 number is TY82429LCTA) and they said: First of all, launch Quicktime Player, then go to Quicktime Player Preferences, Preferences, Registration, then click Registration again to see if standard or pro version. I did this with 6.2 on the iMac and it was regular version. However, with version 6.4 or 6.5 I could not see which version (standard or pro), because it would not install. Apple Education tech support then suggested going to user directory, home, library, prefs (I went to users, Ryanz, library, prefs) and find all the,, and and trash them. However, they could not be found on the Blueberry iMac. I could not find the files with Sherlock, either. I called Apple Education again and they suggested just leaving all the fields blank (name, organization, and registration number). This worked with Quicktime 6.4 and 6.5 on the iMac. The system requirements for Quicktime 6.5 require 400 MHz for a G3 processor, so I will not install it on the G3/233 for now. Later, I decided to install it anyhow, and it appears to be fine (as of 3/07/04). Mac OS X Panther Edition says you can see QT channels by clicking the lower right hand corner. I think this works in 6, but not QT 7, but you can go to

Mac OS Panther Edition page 456 suggests a way to get rid of the Quicktime Upgrade/Later dialog box, open QT, press ÒLaterÓ and quit. Set Date and time to future date, open QT, click ÒLater,Ó quit again. Back to regular time. Page 464 says that QT Pro can export to DVI. To play/stop a movie, you can use the Space Bar.


Quicktime 7

1. It appears that to see Quicktime channels, you may need Quicktime Pro 7.

2. On one occasion the Quicktime icon did not show up in System Preferences. However, after closing and reopening the System Preferences, the icon reappeared.

3. To adjust the speed, go to Window, Show A/V Controls, then choose the desired speed.


Quill (Quill Corporation, P.O. Box 94080, Palatine, IL 60094-4080)

1. At, my user name and password are: RyanZelenski, Old At Ease.

2. QuillÕs phone number is 800-789-1331. E-mail addresses are :, and

3. No charges for shipping on orders over $45.

4. You can type in only and get

5. allows you to find the right cartridge for your printer.

6. If you find a special in a catalog and want the catalog price, go to the part of the web page, where it says to ÒOrder from catalogÓ from the ÒOnline ServicesÓ section.

7. I got a special notice for quill to get priority service. Use the exclusive telephone number of 1-800-634-4809. the exclusive fax of 1-800-634-1650 and exclusive e-mail of

8. I also got a brochure from Quill that explains that they can e-mail you with reminders of when to order supplies, you can access your personal order history online or have a list of favorite items. Also, when e-mailing them, you will receive an answer within just two hours.

9. Quill products are guaranteed for life.

10. Our account number for Winton School District with Quill is 984295.

11. has many printer drivers for Canon, Hewlett Packard and Epson.

12. Quill sells item #711782 which is the Quill brand equivalent to the BC-02, approximately $13 or so. They also have item #711760, which is a do it yourself refill kit.

            A. Using the Quill brand cartridge worked fine in Apple Stylewriter 1500, but if more than a year old, it may take some effort to get the cartridge working (see Apple Stylewriter 1500 # 49 E-G).

            B. Quill has Canon BC-02 cartridges for $24.99 or $23.98, if you buy 6 or more. I think, as of 9/5/2001 that buying new is the way to go, to avoid so many hassles. KW agreed. (She also said that she only refilled ink tanks one time, but maybe Margaret did, I do not know).

            C. Quill has Canon BC-20 (902-BC-20) cartridges for $29.98, as of 11/03.

13. Quill sells (item #742-711782), which is the Quill brand equivalent to the BC-02, for $11.88. They also have the Epson brand black ink cartridges (Item #742-S020189) for $25.99 and the color Epson brand color cartridges (Items #742-S020191) for $24.97.

14. 1 of the Quill Re-manufatured Ink Jet Cartridges had trouble. MC used it, but the printouts had streaks in them. I tried cleaning the cartridge using software and then using Q-tips, but to no avail.

            A. It may be possible that Quill used GRC for their remanufactured cartridges. I could call Quill, but we did get many extra ones from GRC, already.

            B. It may be that the next cartridges work okay.

            C. The purchase order number for the Quill re-manufactured cartridges is 010545, the date of the purchase order is 8/22/00.

            D. 3 re-manufactured Quill BC-02 compatible cartridges (with white labels) printed with lines. I e-mailed Quill to ask about help with this issue.

            E. I tried a Quill (blue labeled) BC-02 replacement cartridge awhile ago and it worked fine . Later, when printing with one Quill cartridges with a Blue Quill label (even though both the white and blue labeled cartridges are both order #7-11782), it did not print at first. Then I took the cartridge out, rubbed it and then it printed fine. Another blue cartridge would not print originally either (the paper was blank after printing a test page). I had to clean it with rubbing alcohol and the printing software to get them to print okay.

            F. TM said he had streaks in his blue labeled one. I sent him the rubbing alcohol to clean it. It still had some streaks in a test page printout.

            G. I talked to Casey at Quill on 9/5/2001. She said that the shelf life of cartridges is probably only about one year (That is how long cartridges are guaranteedthroughQuill). Our order was over a year ago, this may make it more difficult to get the cartridges to print at first. She checked in QuillÕs records and they had no complaints of problems with those particular cartridges.

            H. Anyhow, she said she had to do a ÒmicroficheÓ request, which can take 24 to 48 hours (from 9/5/2001). She will call me back.

            I. I called on 9/12/01 and Casey said that the request was just sent out yesterday. She should be calling me in a few days.

            J. She did not return my call. I called Quill again on 10/5/2001 and found out that the return period for cartridges is one year (at least on remanufactured cartridges). But, they made an exception. I sent the defective cartridges back to Quill Corporation, 5400 Francis Street, Ontario, CA 91761. They asked me to write Invoice #1278130 on the outside of the box and mail it to them, I did this on the same day. Quill also said that I should simply do a new order for some Canon BC-02 cartridges, they would credit our account for the return of the Quill remanufactured cartridges as a separate thing (you canÕt simply use the credit to buy more cartridges).

            K. Quill has Canon BC-02 cartridges for $24.98 for 1-5 and $23.98 for 6 or more (typing BC-02 in the search box would not find them, but typing Òbc02Ó did. Also, lookingthroughcartridges section could find them). If we have any problems with those, we could return them locally.

15. I ordered some computer power cords from Quill. They were part number 902-F3A10412. I thought I had ordered 6Õ power cords, but I had actually ordered 12Õ power cords. I will try to remember for next time.

16. There is a one-year warranty on printer cartridges with Quill.


1. To free up more RAM, trash some extensions. i.e. unused printers, Network, Network Extension, File Sharing Extension, File Sharing Manager, or Sharing Setup. (Using balloons may help explain unknown files). This freed up one MB of space on my Performa.

2. I also used Prefscleaner to clear out 2 MB of space in RAM. Prefscleaner took far too long (I think it froze) to check on all volumes, so I had it just check the system volume (top choice in window). However, later on, the RAM was taken up again, so the program doesnÕt work on the long haul.

3. On a HD with 4 MB of memory, RAM Doubler will open two applications that require 4 MB of RAM. However, it will not open an application that requires 8 MB of RAM (source U.Y.M.).

4. RAM Doubler has two extensions, the visible one in the Extensions folder and the invisible one at the root level of the System Folder. If you use the Extensions Manager to disabled RAM Doubler at startup, you may need to restart to really get RAM Doubler to turn off, since the invisible file may have already loaded.

5. Using 32 bit addressing allows you to access more RAM and/or Virtual Memory than you otherwise could.

            A. it allows you to use more than 8 MB of RAM. Otherwise, I think if you have 20 MB on a computer and 32-bit addressing is turned off, your system software may take up around 15 MB of memory, leaving about 5 MB available. If 32 bit addressing is turned on, the system software will probably only take up about 3 MB of RAM, allowing you to access 17 MB of other RAM. If no particular application requires more memory than is physically available in SIMMs, slowdown should not be too Significant, since the MAC will Shift the active application into built-in memory whenever possible.

            B. With Virtual Memory, it can not combine 2 MB of physical memory with 2 MB of Virtual Memory to open a 3 MB application. it must have at least 3 MB free in either real or virtual memory. Most of the time, though, this issue has been resolved with 32 bit addressing.

6. The 6400 has 1 MB of built in VRAM, which is faster than separate VRAM. However, there is no expansion VRAM slot.

7. Clean ROMS are ones that can access more than 8 MB of RAM, Dirty ones can not. For the dirty ones to access more than 8 MB of RAM, need an extension called Mode32.

8. To store RAM (or other cards, etc.) use an anti-static Mylar bag. More than one item can be placed in the bag.

9. SIMMs can be used in Powermacs as well as non-Powermacs.

10. TSOP (Thin small outline package) is used for Powerbooks. However, there are different shapes for almost every Powerbook, thereby making it expensive.

11. DRAM-Dynamic Random Access Memory, used to keep electrons flowing through the capacitors, so that they keep holding data. However, SRAM used in Powerbooks does not need the constant flow, If it did, batteries on Powerbooks would last much less long.

12. You can actually install more RAM than is recommended by Apple. However, they say it voids the warranty. But many people have done it without many problems. it is just that engineers only tested the maximum amount with what was available at the time (may have only been 16 MB chips at the time).

13. If you have one bad address of RAM, you may not ever find out, except that you type an ÒSÓ and an ÒMÓ appears. If the address is a frequently accessed one, then the problems will be more prominent.

14. Always ground yourself, then pull out RAM (donÕt touch pins).

15. The RAM in a G3 is not a standard DIMM, therefore, IBM memory can not be used in a Mac. (the memory socket is changed slightly).

16. a bit is short for Binary Digit, and one byte consists of 8 bits (a byte is equal to one character on a keyboard).

            A. The Apple II Prodos UserÕs Manual page 32 says that a bit is the smallest amount of information that a computer can hold.

17. Computers with a lot of RAM may take a long time to startup, since the computer checks the entire RAM at startup.

18. RAM is electrical, therefore info in RAM can travel very fast (Sad Macs, p. 9).

19. On MÕs Performa 5300 CD, according to GURU, it comes with 8 MB of RAM. However, hers had a 16 MB SIMM installed already. May have due to selling during a promotional offer.

20. Chip puller can be used to pull out SIMMs, also can be used to take out disk drives, CD-ROM drives, etc.

21. Apple has moved away from motherboard RAM as repairs for broken RAM have become so costly.

22. EDO (Extended Data Output) DRAMÕs are used in IBMÕs.

23. You can find RAM prices at,

            A. had slightly better prices than T.D. Curran on G4 memory, have a lifetime guarantee on their memory, but the Òabout usÓ page is under construction.

            B has memory with a lifetime guarantee, also. They are located in Santa Monica, CA.

            C. has great memory prices, too. A bit more cumbersome to get to what you want, however.

            D. has good memory prices, also with a lifetime warranty.

            E. has prices on memory for Powerbooks. However, it does not appear to be updated too well.

            F. sells RAM, but it is not well organized. Also, it is very difficult to determine which RAM for which machine, etc.

24. According to Tidbits #546, reversing the order of RAM DIMMs has been known to solve a number of wacky issues, even on current Macs (as of 9/16/00).

25. ReaderÕs Digest New Fix-It Yourself Manual page 325 says that you can clean the contacts of a RAM chip using 95% alcohol and a Q-tip.

26. TidBITS # 856 mentions, a website for buying RAM. and are mentioned in ÒTake Control of Buying a Mac.Ó


RAM Disk

1. To make a startup RAM Disk, drag ÒControl Panels-startup disk,Ó ÒSystem Enabler,Ó ÒSystemÓ and ÒFinderÓ files from the Apple Perform CD to the RAM Disk. The computer will add a few more files automatically. The RAM Disk will work as a startup disk (it may be faster than accessing hard drive, but it limits the number of extensions and control panels that can be utilized. In some files, it took the same amount of time to open with RAM Disk as the startup disk (application files also installed on the RAM Disk) as the Hard Drive takes, so it not always fastest.

            A. Note: System Enabler is not required with 7.5.5 and the Performa 6400.

2. RAM Disk may be faster to download files from the Internet.

3. Can recognize aliases in its folder.

4. The contents of a RAM disk will not be lost on a restart, but will be lost on a shut down and may be lost on a system freeze. Perhaps, though, you can restart from a freeze and save RAM disk contents.

5. If you are using a RAM disk and you get a corruption message, it may be that the RAM disk that you have created is larger than the free memory in RAM.

            A. To make changes to a RAM disk (i.e. size or turn it off), RAM disk must be empty (Sad Macs., 3rd, 747).

6. Holding down Shift key at startup erases RAM Disk (Mac Secrets, 4th, 339).

7. You can copy all the contents of a RAM to your HD and save for later.

8. Also, supposedly, you can throw away your HD with a Powerbook and then use your RAM disk to make a longer lasting battery (Mac Secrets, 4th, 492).

9. With the G3/233 and System 8.1, if you create a RAM disk and copy some items onto it, the items are lost upon restart or shutdown. There is a warning message that indicates this to be true when you restart with a RAM disk on the computer. it was true, the RAM disk items were lost upon restart.


RCA 900 MHz Stereo Wireless Speaker System (WSP150)

1. It is connected the REC OUT (RCA cable connection) on the back of the Pioneer Receiver. The TV and the computerÕs power are enough to power the speakers.

            A. But when you do that, the VCR in connection does not work properly. It will play through the Pioneer Speakers in the living room, but not the wireless speakers.

            B. For now (6/1/02), the G3 is hooked up to the CD connection and the CD player is hooked up to the VCR connection.

            C. I could try hooking up the transmitter to the RCA, VCR or CD jacks. Alternatively, I could try hooking up a Y-adapter to one of the output places and hook up two components. Or, I could try hooking the transmitter to the headphone jack (even though this may pre-empt ÒwiredÓ speakers). Having something plugged into the headphone jack does pre-empt the ÒwiredÓ speakers. I did hook it up now so it all works. TV is DirecTV/VCR/SAT etc., CD is the G3 and VCR is CD player. The wireless speakers do not work with the VCR input on the back, so the CD player (connected to the VCR input) only plays through living room speakers. Using Y-adapter did not work (the sound is greatly reduced, even though I tried several different ways to connect to the CD input on the back of the Pioneer input). I put a CD player in the bedroom, to hear CDs in there.

2. If the signal is not that good to the wireless speakers, adjust the tuning. If that does not work, try turning up the volume on the Pioneer receiver (to increase the signal).

3. One on occasion, when using the RCA wireless speakers in conjunction with, the wireless speakers had some static, but the Pioneer speakers had static also (the station or the song apparently had some static, I believe). You should not put the G3Õs volume all the way: otherwise, much static comes through the stereo.

4. The ownerÕs manual indicates that the speakers have wall mounts.

5. OwnerÕs manual page 3 says that the 3.5-mm standard plug can be used to fit most headphone output jacks in audio equipment.

6. OwnerÕs manual page 3 says that if the green LED indicator will light, which indicates that the unit is sending a signal. If the light is not green, may need to turn the volume up on the audio unit.

7. OwnerÕs manual page 3 says you may need to adjust the frequency level on the back of the unit, because of interference from baby monitors or cordless phones.

8. OwnerÕs manual page 3 says that the speaker system has ALC (Automatic level control) circuitry.

9. OwnerÕs manual page 4 says that the AC adapters for the speakers are indicated on them.

10. OwnerÕs manual page 4 suggests setting up the speakers about twenty feet from the unit. Then you can move them further away.

11. OwnerÕs manual page 5 says that for protection of the transmitter and to save power, the transmitter (not the speakers) will cut off automatically in approximately one minute if there is no audio signal or the signal is weak. The green LED light will turn off. Once the signal is restored, the transmitter will turn on and the green LED will glow.

12. I may be able to use the Wireless speakers with X10 modules to turn speakers on or off.

13. OwnerÕs manual page 5 says that if you have distorted sound, you can change the position of the frequency knob on the transmitter or increase the volume on the audio source.

14. On one occasion, I had a hard time getting the wireless speakers to work, they had a lot of static. I discovered that the transmitterÕs power cord was unplugged, so I plugged in back into power. However, there was still a lot of static in the speakers, so I turned off the Pioneer stereo and then turned it back on. If a problem still exists, I may adjust the frequency on the transmitter. After moving one  of the wireless speakers to the bedroom, there was a lot of static. The reason why is because the speaker was not pressed against the headboard; after pressing the speaker against the headboard, the static was gone. On another occasion, there was some static with the speakers; however, it was still raining somewhat, so perhaps moisture in the air may be a cause (the ownerÕs manual mentions that the system should not be exposed to rain or moisture). Also, static may be caused by low batteries (although I run them on A/C power usually). The speakers made a humming sound when I plugged them into a surge protector behind the bed, so I plugged them into an extension cord instead. If you plug the wireless speakers into an appliance module, it makes a clicking sound when turning on/off, but there is not a hum when the speakers are on, but not receiving a signal from the transmitter, and the All Lights On will not turn the power on for them (all lights off does work, though).

15. The 18 volts power supply for the transmitter died in 6/07 (I turned the transmitter off and on many times in a row with the remote), so I looked for a replacement for it, but the 12 volt would not work. At Radio Shack, they had a power supply that produces either 18 or 24 volts. The 18-volt setting works.


Read Naturally (on Network) (I put the information in the green Computer file)

1. To install the program, you need to connect to the "R" drive. I tried to connect to the "R" ( drive, but I could not. I got to the screen that says I the dialog box that says SCRN1\rnuser and asks for your password, and I did not know the password. So I e-mailed Todd and asked KW to let me know. Todd said he does not know what the password is, only KW would know (or possibly Mike. I said I would ask KW). Password is read (user name can be the default of SCRN1\rnuser  or you can type in rnuser); however, the password is just the letter "s" in the computer lab, as of 4/08. To install the program on a work station: Right click "My Computer" and select "Map Network Drive," Select Drive "R," For folder, type in \\\ReadNaturally, make sure reconnect at login is checked, click Finish, click on RNSEServer, for login (rnuser or scrn1\rnuser, which comes up by default), password is read, select RNSE_Client_Install, click on Install Workstation. Read Naturally is installed on all of the laptops on the "C"drive.

2. To run the program, the password is rzelenski (not a typo; and I use the same program that the students use). Many of the studentsÕ passwords are the studentsÕ first names (first letter is capitalized on 04-05 class; passwords are case sensitive), except where there are duplicates and first names shorter than three characters (the password has to be a minimum of three characters). KW suggested setting the goal to 5, but later she realized that the goal s/b for words per minute, so I changed it to 123 (goal in theme 6). As of 3/07, only last yearÕs class (05-06) is set up under my name, so it doesnÕt make sense to attempt to use the program now. Later, I could not log in because ÒI was already logged in,Ó according to the computer; however, I was not logged in. Anyhow, I used the admin password of Warner to reset all under the Network Menu. Later, I had a similar problem (5/07): we could not log on to to Read Naturally. I thought it was an installation problem (and I used the Control Panel to remove the software, and then I installed it again), but the problem still existed. The scroll lock was on, and when typing in the password, you cannot see the letters, so I did not recognize the problem. Aftert turning scroll lock off, logging on worked fine.

3. You can set the number of times to ÒRead along.Ó The default is 3. When logged in under a studentÕs name, you can go to Edit, story options to access choices for students invididually. If you go to Advanced, you can choose Student or Teacher Required to force students to you there when starting the cold timing. The default is Òoff,Ó I think (all of my students were off).

4. To place a student, log in under teacherÕs name, find studentÕs name, click place. Click timer start, count number of errors, mark last word read, enter the number of errors. The goal should probably be 123, since that is the end of the year goal.

5. This appears to be a good program, but when the student is finally read to pass, you have to take one actual minute to listen to them. I may just stick with my U.A. plan for now, or a top student may be helpful in monitoring for me. Later, though, someone suggested that GN has her top students monitor the lower ones.

6. According to one source, I have admin privileges for Read Naturally, although I could not verify this on 4/19/07, since Read Naturally would not allow me to sign on. When a monitor password is needed, use your login (Rzelenski).

7. Etta and KW said that Read Naturally can be helpful with fluency.

8. S. Luna could access R. Naturally in April 2008, even though she is not enrolled in my class with Read Naturally; the problem is that some students would not be able to access the program, since they were not here last year.


Real Audio Player (and RealPlayer, also), made by Progressive Networks

1. Make sure it is in the extensions folder (Real Audio Player folder with Real Audio Daemon) inside of it.

2. Sign on to AOL, go to prefs, helpers, MIME type: audio/x-pn-realaudio, Suffixes: ra, ram, select Òreal audio playerÓ, also open... ÒPnRM,Ó Check the box next to open those files with the helper application file.

            A. MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, and the type of MIME tells the server, the web browsers of any connected users, what the file type of a file is and which application to use to open the file.

            B. S MIME is Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, used for securing e-mail privacy, according to NC 4 book, glossary.

3. Need to reinstall Real Audio Player each time you upgrade Netscape Communicator. Can go to to listen to radio stations that are registered with the website. Click on Live Radio, (KRZR is a good rock Fresno station). My modem at school does not work, since the modem is too slow.

4. On one occasion with I could not get songs to play. I was using RealPlayer G2 with Netscape. I discovered, however, that I could download the music, then open Real Player (5.0.2) and then open the song from within the application. G2 would not open in the finder (??).

            A. If you leave Real Player 5.0.2 open, then the song will open automatically with 5.0.2. May reinstall 5.0.2.

5. It is possible that I may have to try G2 RealPlayer again, since some websites may not work with old RealPlayer.

6. Rob Baptie said that he downloaded Real Player 7 from He said that it froze in middle of adding some extra part during first or second use. Installed it (probably with extensions on) and it worked fine, then said you need extra something from Internet, he got it. Then it froze while installing, caused directory damage, could not find or fix disk.

7. RealPlayer 7 would not install on my G3/233 with extensions off. it caused error type 2.

            A. After installing from a zip disk with extensions on, RealPlayer decompressed the installer and then installed itself. Seems okay for now.

8. A preview version of RealServer 8 is available from ÒÓ A regular release should take place later on, in the second half of the year 2000.

9. On one occasion, I could not get RealPlayer G2 to launch, even after increasing the memory allocation. So I removed it and installed RealPlayer 7 (Applescript must be active to install RealPlayer 7). A restart was not needed.

10. RealPlayer 7 Basic is capable of playing MP3s.

11. On 8/1/2000, Realplayer 8 basic was a Beta version, so I decided not to download it.

12. I was trying to hear some songs from Uncle Cracker on 10/14/2001 from, but every time I went to play it, Real Player would go into an endless loop. It would say ÒRealPlayer must restart now,Ó you press ok and a few seconds later, the same message would appear. Only way to solve problem was to force quit and restart the computer.

            A. Later, I got the same error at So I tried installing RealPlayer 7 (with extensions on, since that is necessary with 7Õs installer), but then I still got the RealPlayer must restart now error (even though I had trashed the RealPlayer G2 preferences).

            B. I had to restart the computer. I did with extensions off, and trashed all the prefs (RealPlayer G2, RealShared Prefs, Real Media SDK prefs and Real Update Prefs), trashed all versions of Real Player, all RealPlayer plug ins from NN and IE5, trashed Real and RealAudio folders inside of extensions, then reinstalled RealPlayer 7 7 now would open without the ÒrestartÓ error, but I got an message that said I need to update to version 8 of RealPlayer.

            C. I went to and tried to click on the Download link for RealPlayer Basic, but the link did not work, it just simply made RealPlayer the active application (instead of IE5). So, I tried opening the download link in its own window. This worked and I was able to download version 8 of RealPlayer.

D. I installed version 8 (with extensions on, I did not try extensions off), even though the Get Info box for RealPlayer says version, it is really version 8 for the Macintosh, apparently the Ò6.0Ó is for the ÒbuildÓ of RealPlayer. The RealPlayer window said ÒWelcome to RealPlayer 8Ó and it worked at to play the news.

            E. Version 8.0 works with NN 4.77 also at

            F. It should be noted, however, that the plug-ins folder for NN and IE show the plug-ins are RealPlayer G2 plug ins, but the version numbers correspond somewhat (i.e. they say version, which I think relates to version 8 of RealPlayer) with version 8 of RealPlayer.

13. Realplayer version 8 actually says version in its version window, strangely enough.

14. You can hide Realplayer using the application menu and still hear it.

15. when printing from one error window, it will print. But, if you click on the left hand, then it will print frame, and it does not appear that you can simply choose to print again (without printing the frame). If you close the window and then reopen it, you can print again (the page, not the frame).

16. On one occasion, I could not get Realplayer to play on the G3/266 (the Realplayer window opened within IE, but the Realplayer application did not open). It was because RealPlayer had not been installed (the installer was in the Installers folder inside of Utilities, but the installer had not been used).

            A. After installing Realplayer, I got an error that the type of file could not be played. It was because I made a duplicate of the play.pls file and forgot to change the last part of the name from play.pls copy to playcopy.pls. After doing this, the files played continuously (after selecting it from the Play Menu).

17. At, I tried playing some sound clips (they were .php sound clips), but they would not play. I got an error message that no plug-in was available (it was a Realplayer clip, I think). Anyhow, a plug-in could not be downloaded from

            A. You can see what type of plug-ins are installed with Realplayer, by going to View, preferences, upgrade, then click the settings tabs in the Realplayer plug-ins section. I went there, but did not find any helpful information.

            B. I went to Edit, preferences with IE5 to see if I could use Quicktime player to play the clip, but I had no luck.

18. Realplayer files at say they are Realplayer files. When they download, they end in .exe, but they play fine on my G3/233.

19. It does not appear that the ÒlistenÓ icons at (as of 11/03) work with RealPlayer. Even after re-installing RealPlayer, the icons did not work (RealPlayer opened, but would not play). May be a Windows/Mac thing.

20. suggests using at least Netscape 6.2, but NN 4.77 still was able to play Realplayer files.

21. Tourbus ((2/6/04) says that Realplayer may be have extra downloads that you can install when when installing Realplayer are spyware. They offer an alternative, i.e. using RealAlternative, but at the website (, there was only a Windows version. They also said that you can download a non-spyware version of Realplayer at, which I did. I installed both the OS 8 and 9 versions on the G3/233, even though I am not greatly concerned (since I donÕt normally do the extra downloads with Realplayer).

            A. After downloading the version from the bbc site, I had to enter an e-mail and password. I used, Old At Ease.


Rebuilding Desktop

1. Open apple, option at startup (keep holding down through extension loading until rebuild message appears). On G3, there may be a couple beeps, but not a big deal.

            A. On one occasion, I have seen the person wait until the progress bar on the startup screen went almost all the way to the right before holding down the command keys.

2. At school, could not be done until I turned off ÒAt EaseÓ (using TechTool to rebuild it).

3. (Earlier than 7.5), When a message appears saying that Òmemory is too low to rebuild desktop,Ó startup with command, option and Shift held down.

4. Do not use ÒNorton UtilitiesÓ to rebuild the desktop on a HD (too time consuming). On floppies, appears to be fine in terms of time.

5. Tech tool can do it also, does a good job.

6. May be necessary when double clicking a document will not open it.

7. Can not be done on a locked disk.

8. If the desktop gets rebuilt automatically, it is probably because there is a ÒdesktopÓ folder on the HD, should remove it.

9. Also, when switching from System 7 to System 6, automatic rebuilt takes place. One extension called ÒDesktop Manager INITÓ eliminates the automatic rebuild.

10. If the size of the available space on a disk is Significantly less than what would be expected based on the size of the files on it.

11. The program Desktop reset left generic icons after rebuilding the desktop on the 5400 and the LC, but on 6400 worked fine. Used Techtool and icons were back to normal.

12. On one occasion, I stopped a rebuilding of the desktop in progress. However, after it, all the icons were generic and later, 3,000 empty folders appeared on the desktop. Probably better to not interrupt a rebuild in progress.

13. Save a BNDL (freeware) is designed for use with just a couple of icons that have become generic. However, it was written in 1992 and only worked on 1 out of 8 files on the 6400 with System 8.1. Save a BNDL does not work with visible/invisible attributes.

            A. Version 1.4 (newer, I think) may have more success though.

14. The desktop was rebuilt every time I started up the computer after having the extensions disabled. Disabled Mac Easy Open, which worked.

15. On one occasion with one of the Zip Disks (Personal Stuff), there was not a blessed system folder on the disk, even though there were more than with a system and a finder. Rebuilt the desktop file and then one was blessed.

            A. Also, on one computer there was a System folder with a valid finder and a system file but folder kept Òunblessing itselfÓ. However, after rebuilding the desktop with keyboard shortcut, the folder stayed blessed.

16. If you throw away non-necessary applications or miscellaneous items before rebuilding the desktop, it leads to a smaller desktop file, which will speed up the computer a bit.

17. On one occasion, a ÒClarisworksÓ document had a generic icon. So I rebuilt the desktop, but the icon was still generic. Restarted computer and icon was a Claris one.

18. The desktop is a set of invisible files that the finder uses to track information required to create the finderÕs desktop display.

19. You can also rebuild desktop by finding the desktop db and desktop df files, trashing them and restarting the computer (Mac Secrets, 4th, 27).

            A. You can also make a Stickies file named ÒDesktop dbÓ and ÒDesktop dfÓ and then save them to the Root Level of the HD and then trash those. Restart.

20. You can also force quit finder (then hit command, option while finder is quitting) and then listen to CD player while rebuilding desktop, although this is not a total rebuild, only an update to desktop file.

            A. I would NOT rebuild desktop by using 19 or 20, because the system folder became corrupted when I did it those two ways. Errors kept popping up and desktop pictures would not allow me to load one of my pictures (only MAC OS logo would work). Although I suspect that it was really number 20 that caused Conflict Catcher to become corrupted (which messed up Desktop Pictures).

21. To avoid rebuilding twice, simply turn off Mac Easy Open control panel. it does not seem to be in use that often anyhow.

22. If a floppy diskÕs desktop is rebuilt and still has extra KÕs on it, try creating a new folder on the disk, rebuild desktop, and throw out folder.

23. According to the 5500 Manual page 125, rebuilding the desktop can be useful if you canÕt open a document or you see a message that Òan application program canÕt be foundÓ.

24. On the LCIII in my room, the icon for Blackwatch Read Me was generic, so I rebuilt the desktop with extensions off. However, the icon was still generic. I realized that Simpletext was not on the HD. When I put Simpletext on the HD, the icon for Blackwatch Read Me was still generic. I rebuilt the desktop with TT again with extensions off, then the icon for Blackwatch Read Me was an icon for Simpletext.


ResEdit (Resource Editor)

1. It can edit internal workings of a program or perhaps provide patches.

2. When an alias is altered, it affects original also, and if you delete the alias, the original returns to normal.

3. can be used for many interesting ResEdit ideas.

You can go to previous edits to get ideas on how to make changes with ResEdit.

4. Can make files invisible and vice versa, on desktop too, without restarting.

5. On one occasion, I used Get More Info to make a folder invisible, but was unable to make it visible again. Invisifile would not make it visible again. So, I used Resedit, I opened Resedit and then selected ÒGet File/Folder InfoÓ and I make it visible again.

6. Error type 1 kept occurring when trying to get the file/folder info for photoflash in the lab. However, Resedit did not have the same error with any other program. Tried increasing the memory, but did not help. Probably needs a bug fixed upgrade for Photoflash, since no other files produced the same problem with ResEdit.

7. Should probably stick to opening ÒDITL (which corresponds with DLOG or ALRT), MENU or CMNU, STR#, PICT, CURS, ICON or icxx, or snd.

8. Mac Bible p. 366 says that resources can not be copied from one document file to another, however, that appears to be no longer true with Resedit 2.1.3.

9. On one occasion, a damaged file was opened with Resedit and it offered to fix it. The file was fixed and therefore openable. Then you should resave the file, so that it can be used later.

            A. Alternatively, if you have a damaged file, you can open ResEdit, then select verify from the repair menu and then select an item that may be damaged. (If you hold down the option key, it will show you the hidden details of repairing a file).

10. If you want to change the name of the Finder or the system, it can be done in Resedit If you quit the finder (to open the finder). Otherwise to change the names, you must uncheck the box and restart the computer.

11. As a general rule, resources that have picture icons are editable, whereas blocks of ones and zeroes are often not.

12. Can be used to add a clear keyboard command for Stickies with System 8.1.

13. You can change menu shortcuts by opening a COPY of an application and going to menu resource. If you select a keyboard shortcut that has already been taken, ResEdit will not let you know (the original shortcut will stay, even though the menu might indicate otherwise).

            A. Also, If the full menu does not appear while in ResEdit, double click on the menu.

14. p. 688, Mac Secrets, 4th shows how to assign a keyboard shortcut to any menu command.

15. A quick way to shut all open ResEdit windows is to close the outermost window that was opened.

16. If you try to remove the splash screen with Clarisworks (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 716), Claris Works wonÕt open. With Can Opener, a blank screen appears and makes you wonder If the computer froze.

17. On at least some applications (including Simpletext), you must close ResEdit, save changes, quit the application and restart the application for the changes to occur.

18. talks about some options for using a program like Resedit in OS X.



1. If you set the monitor to a higher resolution (more items on the screen), then Writing Center will not allow text to fill the screen, Claris will though.

2. My home monitor (14Ó) must not have a multiscan display, since it does not support more than one choice for the resolution on the screen, even took it to school to try with 5400, on other resolutions, the screen blurred, shook and lost color.


Riso Copier in Room 57, Copystar CS-5035

1. RISO, 3304 Monier Circle, Suite 110, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742-6803. I called 916-638-7476 and they will send a Copystar CS-5035 userÕs guide, as of 11/2/05; however, it did not arrive. cannot be used to contact them. I used to inquire about finding the online manual on 10/24/05, because the setting for bypass was set to 8 ½Ó X 14Ó thick and I could not change it (I wanted to print on an 8 ½Ó x 11Ó transparency). I finally ended up using the regular paper tray. Page 7-87 has instructions on resolving this. Also, page 7-45 and 7-41 may be helpful. Strangely enough, when I made some one-sided pages into two sided-copies, the copies did not come out facing the same direction (vertically). I had to reverse them (north south) to make the copies come out the same way.

2. The Copystar in the office (closest to the white board) has drawer 1 and drawer 2 mislabled. Carmen does not use the bypass tray (it keeps being stuck on cardstock, anyhow).

3. To contact Riso, go to,1047495&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL and click Direct Action.

4. I had trouble with the top 1/4 and bottom 1/4 cut off when fed through multi-bypass tray; but 7-85 talks about how to adjust the settings for the multi-bypasst tray: press the ÒBasicÓ tab, press Default setting/counter button, press bypass, select desired paper size, press ÒClose.Ó


Risograph in Office, RN2000UI (Riso Products of Sacramento, 800-748-6312)

1. When trying to run an overhead through the Risograph, it did not work. One transparency run through, got wrinkled and no printing appeared. Another transparency simply got stuck in the machine.

            A. I tried making an overhead with the Panasonic Copier, but the print quality was not good (as of 3/23/01), there were some blank spots.

2. Master Making should be selected, then press the Start button.

            A. Then Print should be selected (hopefully), then select the number of desired copies and then press start.

3. As of 8/02, there is no longer a Master roll cutoff. Also, with the new RISO, you can print on construction paper, but it will only print on an 8 1/2Ó X 11Ó area only.

4. To feed the master roll through, it should feed from underneath, not above.

5. On several occasions during the week of 9/22/02-9/28/02, masters printed out and were somewhat faded in areas. However, the copies came out fine.

6. If the top edge of your master has a black ring or edge, you may have trouble with the machine jamming. May need to turn the paper 180 degrees and then try to copy it.

7. On one occasion, the choice was set to ÒphotoÓ instead of ÒduoÓ and the copies were somewhat light. Duo may be a better choice.

8. I tried running a transparency through the Risograph on 10/30/02, but it did not make a copy. The transparency just ran through.

9. When opening the Risograph, the green should be ÒonÓ, before you can pull the tray out (Not ÒoffÓ, as I had thought earlier).

10. On 11/6/02, when copying using the Risograph, I had made many copies of the Form B Tests, Quarterly Tests and End of Year Tests for Houghton Mifflin Math series. However, since the copies were for pocket portfolios (with 3 prong fasteners), there was a problem with the margins. When the pages were put into the portfolios, virtually all of the copies were cut off. At least a 1" margin is needed on the left-hand side of pages to be put into portfolios.

11. At, my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease.

12. Foolscap is a size of paper formerly standard in Great Britain.

13. After changing the master roll, you should print, then make a new master, according to Riso technician.

RJ 45

You can network phones with RJ-45 but Crookham isn't, according to BH. The office was rewired with Network connections for the new office computers.



1. On the 6100, it is a chip that is placed on the board or soldered to the board.

2. The ROM is what makes the Mac different from IBM, it contains the finder info, system files, etc. However, the system folder has bug fixes to the ROM chips.

3. L2 cache is placed right next to the ROM, so that info can travel between the two quickly. L3 is what RAM is. it is much further away, so it is not as fast as the L2 cache.



1. Safari automatically imports from IE, NN, or other browsers. According to help, it does not import manually. There is a suggested method, which MAY work, but it did not work on the iMac. I later found out that it imports bookmarks the first time you open it only. Also, if you try to open a window from within imported IE favorites from the bookmarks menu, it does not work. You must show all bookmarks from the bookmarks menu. After importing bookmarks from IE (done automatically) drag all the folders above the Imported IE favorites folder, then trash the imported IE favorites folder. It makes access faster, after first accessing the bookmarks after opening Safari (the first time is slow, but after that, it is normal). It is best to leave Safari open all the time. Later, though I discovered that Safari 1.0 did not download properly. I tried to download it by itself from, but still got an error, so I decided not to use it, as of now (11/17/03). I looked for a standalone installer for Safari 1.1 (which comes with Panther, OS X 10.3), but I could not find one. I also looked for a beta version or a 0.9 Safari installer, but was unable to locate one, as of 11/25/03. After getting 10.2.8 to install properly, I downloaded Safari 1.0 from AppleÕs website and Safari installed fine (Safari may have needed 10.2.8, perhaps). I have version 1.0.1 on the iMac in room 58. I opened Safari on the iLamp before setting up bookmarks for IE. Consequently, Safari did not import the bookmarks. I tried moving Safari items out of the System Folder, and restarting the computer, no luck. I tried using (my member name is motleyze, password is New New At Ease; E-mail server is; SMTP server is My trial period for sixty days started on 5/17/04. costs $100/year), but it appears to only work with Safari, and not other browsers. I tried resetting Safari and emptying the cache, but no luck. Finally, I moved all the Safari items out of the System folder (simply called System in OS X), downloaded version 1.2 of Safari from Apple (I think 1.2.1 may have come with the iMac, but it is not crucial), then ran Safari. It then imported IE favorites (by that time, I had set up IE 5.1 with its bookmarks. I figured out how to import the favorites from IE into Safari, so I do not need to keep adding my bookmarks to IE and Safari each time. Go to iLamp HD: Users: ryanzelenski: Library: Safari and trash bookmarks.plist file. Then go to iLamp HD: Users: ryanzelenski: Library: Preferences and trash the file. Quit Safari and reopen it. You can take all the IE Toolbar favorites and then drag them to the Bookmark bar (and trash the Google Search button). Also, you need to re-check block pop-up windows in Safari preferences. You cannot import Safari's bookmarks.plist into IE 5.2.3 (nor NN 4.77 or Netscape 7.2), there is no export function. Also, you can try to use the file called Booksmarks.plist that Safari uses and import it into NN and IE 5.2.3, but the bookmarks are not imported, only a file called "Bookmarks.plist." It does not work even if you change the name of the file to Favorites.html or bookmarks.html. You do not need to close and open Safari, if you were to replace its Bookmarks.plist file. However, if you took out its Bookmarks.plist file while it is running, the bookmarks do not disappear, but they will disappear when you next close and reopen Safari. On one occasion, I wanted to get Safari to stop auto completing my addresses (not really auto completing altogether, it was just one URL that kept coming up from consumerreports). The only way to get Safari to stop doing it is to trash the bookmarks.plist file.  The easiest thing to do, though, is to trash all the Safari files ( file inside users/ryanzelenski/Librayr/Preferences folder and users/ryanzelenski/Library/Safari, trash all files within Safari folder). Then start up Safari and adjust favorite URLÕs, etc.

2. Shawn Bockoven ( from METV says that Safari has some Javascript difficulties.

3. Safari had trouble loading Yahoo! Mail initially, but I think the problem may have been with Yahoo!Õs site, since after reloading, everything was fine.

4. It appears that Safari does not work well with Winton School DistrictÕs internet e-mail, but IE 5.2 works fine.

            A. As of 4/28/04, it appears that Safari now works with Winton School DistrictÕs e-mail (the web page changed).

5. When accessing Yahoo mail with Safari after you deleted a bunch of mail, you mail still see a message about the mailbox still being mostly used. The solution is to wait about three to five seconds, and the info is updated. You can also go to Safari, Empty cache.

6. To get Safari to auto type items (for example, you type m and get type the whole phrase in one time (even in a Google search box). This will remember you e-mail address at only, you will not be able to use it on other web pages. To delete info from being filled in at web sites, use the Auto Fill part of prefs, select other forms, delete the website. There does not appear to be a location to edit these items. This auto remember feature does not work with all web sites, only a few so far. I decided not to add momÕs phone number to my address card (for auto fill), since I may accidentally type her number instead of mine. I will just type it in, when necessary.

7. You can choose to mark page for snapback (which does not archive pages, BTW. I use IE for that). It is allows you to go back to your original URL in a window) from the History menu. You can then access that page by typing in the address bar, using history, or using a bookmark. You can also use the ÒsnapbackÓ button on the address bar (an orange button that appears when you delve into a particular site). The snapback button ges to the original page opened by Safari (if you are still in the same domain). I thought that I had done something wrong (or there was a glitch), so I reinstalled Safari 1.2, but I discovered that this was not the problem. I just did not know how Snapback works. Anyhow, I could not install 1.3.1 nor 1.3.2 by themselves (I kept getting the error that ÒYou cannot install Safari on this volume. This system cannot use this software.). I tried to use Software Update, but it did not show Safari 1.3.1 nor 1.3.2. So, I reinstalled OS X 10.3.9, and it appeared that Safari was still only version 1.3 (according to the ÒAbout SafariÓ information). So, I tried to use the 1.3.1 and the 1.3.2 updaters for Safari, but got the same error message.  The Finder showed that Safari was 1.3.2. So, I quit Safari and reopened it. Then ÒAbout SafariÓ showed 1.3.2 (so, the 10.3.9 update did update Safari tot 1.3.2). So, the Safari 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 installers should have said that version 1.3.2 was already installed. RSS feeds is a feature for the Tiger version of Safari (2.0).

8. You can use the view menu to change the buttons on the address bar. You can choose to view the status bar at the bottom of the page to let you know page loading progress.

9. To get Safari to see a page that has been updated with Fetch, you need to use the File menu to reset Safari. Reopening Safari will not work.

10. Matt said you can use tabbed browsing to have tabs instead of a bunch of open windows. You can turn this on/off with the preferences.

            A. This may be good for (BTW, can send you text messages to your cell phone, but you must pay the text fees. I tried it out in 12/06, but the ÒsubmitÓ button does not work with Safari or IE 5.2.3. But, sending the text message COWBOYS to 73807 appeared to; I set it up on 12/23/06 at 5 P.M., but it did not work., even though the original received text message said I should get updates within a day; use STOP to turn it off (send the message to Dallas (325527). Tabbed browsing is now on with Safari. To make a new tab, hold down command press a link. If you press command, shift, and click on a link, it opens behind the current window. While attempting to view Windows videos at, I got a message that says "Cannot open the file. Verify that the path and filename are correct and try again" with Safari. But, then click again and it works fine (4/06). Then the problem returned, so I restarted Safari, which resolved the issue. Later, I had the same problem with Safari (trying to view Bill ParcellsÕs conference regarding T.O. in 5/06), so I reset Safari and restarted it, no luck. IE did not work, either, neither did NN 7.2. So, I think the website and my Mac have difficulties. In 7/06, I tried again to view some videos, but was unable to. I was able to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean trailer from However, when Pirates of the Caribbean trailer plays, Windows Media Player window opens When Cowboysplus attempts to play the video, it uses Safari. I tried downloading Flip4Mac (recommended by and a few other places), but it did not work (perhaps because the files are DRM, Digital Rights Management, protected files. Aftert installing Flip4Mac, when I tried to load the video, then Safari would quit each time, so I uninstalled Flip4Mac. I tried to view the clip using IE 5.1 and Classic, but no luck. Videolan was not workable, either. says that it may be possible that you cannot resolve the issue. I did e-mail Cowboysplus to inquire on 7/7/06. replied (within two hours) and said that they are working on the issue, she asked if I am able to view the videos at, which I am able to. If you go to, click on any video, then you can access the video search box. If you type in Cowboys (and wait a few seconds), you can access some videos. At, I was able to see a couple Cowboys videos, also. Ms. Perrenot wrote to me on 8/14/06, to say that the problem was allegedly fixed, but I was not. I wrote back to her to say that, ÒI was able to load two videos: ÔCowboys ground crew in OxnardÕ from 8/11 and Cowboys fan tattoos from 8/10, but those were the only two. Other videos produced the ÔCannot open the file. Verify that the path and filename are correct and try againÕ error. Then, ironically, I could not reload the Ôground crewÕ video or the Ôfan tattoosÕ video after the other videos failed to load. I let Gretchen Perrenot ( them know again about the problem. On 10/21/06, I was able to see the Parcells news conference for 10/18 and three other videos. On 1/2/07, the problem returned: I got the ÒCannot open the file. Verify that the path and filename are correct and try againÓ message when trying to view ÒOwens talks playoffs.Ó I quit Safari and then opened it again. Then I was able to see the video. At, if you click on standings, the link takes you to, which shows you the division leaders and the wild card leaders.

11. When using Safari 1.2 on the iMac, I was unable to access websites. I reset Safari and got it to work again, but then later it stopped. Later on in the day (after doing nothing to the computer), sites loaded again.

            A. I think that when I try to access Winton School DistrictÕs e-mail site, the problem recurs with Safari (version 1.2), so it may be best to only use IE for WSD e-mail site.

            B. I went to and it said that Apple had version 1.2.1 of Safari, so I clicked the link, downloaded, and installed it. It turned out to be 1.2 (it appears that Apple may have pulled Safari 1.2.1). Perhaps I can update in the future. Version 1.2.2 does not work with WSD e-mail site, either. The page just does nothing when attempting to load (and I have to reset Safari, empty the cache, close and reopen it).

12. Users, ryanzelenski, library, Safari, bookmarks.plist is the location for SafariÕs bookmarks. The bookmarks.plist file cannot be opened with IE nor Safari (evenn from within the applications), but it does work with Safari.

13. Tidbits #737 says that Safari does not make Web archives, like IE.

            A. It does do Page Snapback, but that means it will go back to the original page, that was opened when Safari first opened the window.

14. does not work with Safari, when trying to access DirecTV's programming guide (you can acccess the guide, but you can't change the day), as of 12/04. It doesn't work that well with IE 5.2.3, either. It is better to use TV Guide's web site. Also, searching does not work with Safari on DirecTV's web site, but it does work with IE 5.2.3. As of 12/05, you can now create your own personalized schedule (for Sunday Ticket or other sports packages) at DirecTVÕs website, I made mine for the Dallas Cowboys. I found out that the schedule at is about twelve days ahead, so I could not check on the CowboysÕ preseason schedule on 7/16/06. But, had the whole month of July and August on 7/20/06 (and perhaps had the information before this date, as well). I e-mailed because I could not see the September schedule on the website on 8/5/06 (I wanted to see if the Dallas vs. Minnesota game on 8/31 would be on tape delay). Later, the (nflÉschedule) website did not list September 1st, so I found the whole preseason schedule at, (there was a link, which said NFL Network preseason schedule), which showed the game would be on tape delay the next day. I was unable to view the NFL Sunday Ticket schedule with Safari or IE 5.2.3 in 7/07, but Netscape 7.2 worked. In 8/07, I could not get the NFL Network site to select the next weekÕs schedule with the pop up menu with Safari, but IE 5.2.3 did.

15. Version 1.2.4 (came with OS X 10.3.6 download) is supposed to attempt to load a page for longer than sixty seconds. It is supposed to keep trying until the user cancels the request.

16. On one occasion, I could not get my homepage to show the updated version with Safari, even after quitting/reopening. Finally, I reset Safari and emptied the cache. Then I quit Safari and reopened it. The updated page then showed up.

17. If you use the URL for the Yahoo! Mail log in page, your name and password are not memorized. However, if you use the Mail page as your bookmark, Safari will remember your log-in, even if you quit and reopen Safari.

18. I turned on the preferences so that it will Auto Fill User Names and passwords (July 3, 2005), because I turned off somehow, I think (perhaps when I reset Safari).

19. To close all the bookmark folders at once, select all, then command, left arrow.

20. Switching to the Mac page 259 says that there is no need to type http://www or .com when entering a URL. Page 641 explains that you can drag any image within SafariÕs window to the desktop. You can use the space bar to scroll (page 641). Page 642 explains that you can triple click the address bar, or click the icon to the left of the address bar to highlight the URL. You can choose view > Home to see a home icon (and I picked my home page). You can also ask Safari to enter your user names and passwords under Preferences (I had recently turned it off, although I am not sure how). Page 642 shows you can ty0pe the names of certain programs (sherlock://) to open them in SafariÕs address bar. Command, Option F takes you to GoogleÕs search tool. If you click and hold down the Back button, you can scroll your history. If you highlight text and control click on it, you can search it with Google.

21. Auto Fill can be turned on/off under the View Menu (an icon shows up in the Toolbar). On one occasion at, my e-mail kept being entered (when I was trying to send an e-mail to Costco) as (strangely enough). I think this may be why they did not reply to my delivery of fridges question. Anyhow, I reset Safari and emptied the cache and quit Safari. Then I went to CostcoÕs website to e-mail them again. My e-mail was again incorrectly Òauto filled,Ó still. I then went to SafariÕs preferences and then Auto Fill. Under the preferences, it indicates that it uses info from my Address Book card to auto fill; however, my Address Book entry had as my e-mail, so I corrected it in the Address Book. Then CostcoÕs web site entered my e-mail correct after I typed the letter ÒmÓ into the e-mail field.

22. At, I could not download a userÕs manual by saving as with Safari, the file would not open with Preview or Acrobat Reader. Finally, I used IE to load the page; it asked for save as, application, etc. I chose save É and saved the file to the desktop and it opened fine with Preview.

23. TidBITS #818 suggests that you uncheck the Safari preference to open ÒsafeÓ files after downloading, so I did that. Security Update 06-001 fixes this issue, according to Apple, so I downloaded it and checked the Safari preference once again (3/7/06).

24. To have a Word URL open within a tab (instead of a new window), go to Safari, Preferences, General, and then check (under open links from applications) Òin a new tab in the current window.Ó

25. To see which plug-ins are available for Safari, use the Help menu. Safari Sorter 3.11 (alphabetizes bookmarks) works with Safari and 10.3.8. If you have upgraded past that, you need to buy Bookdog ($14.95). To go back one page with Safari, press the delete key.

26. To switch between tabs with the keyboard, use command, shift, bracket.

27. Safari 2 requires 10.4.2. Safari 3 requires OS X 10.4.9.

28. Safari 2.0.4 does not work with Yahoo! Briefcase: it just goes into an endless loop.

29. You can use Safari 3's preferences to automatically delete history after some time. You can use Safari 3's History Menu to Reopen Last Closed Window.

30. Right click on image to save as desktop (Safari 3). Macworld (January 2008) page 98 indicates that typing therestisnoise/essays will go to


Safari 3.0

1. Version 3.0.4 came with OS X 10.4.11. It checks your spelling by default (Edit/Spelling menu). I added motleyze, pacbell, and .net to the spelling dictionary. I will leave it on for now.

2. It claims that you can resize any text window by clicking and draging (i.e. the text moves with the window), but it does not work with every web site (works with and Google, but not Yahoo! Mail and Cowboys Plus. Ironically, it does not work with

3. You can now import and export bookmarks with Safari.


SASI (IBM) (Tony Benjamins is from NCS Pearson SchoolCONNECTxp

Phone: 360 754-1427, eFax Number: 208 246-3942: E-mail is

1. To print a report, go to SASI, Utilities, Query, Advisor should be (drag it) at the top of Column 2 or 3, then ATCH (teacher, drag it) below it. Then Òdo,Ó file, and print.

2. We have SASI version XP. I am checking on whether there are problems with dual platforms in using SASI. It is made by NCS-National Computer Systems, 827 West Grove Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85210. Their website is

3. Tony Benjamins called me and said that there is an Internet version available. It is called School Connect XP. It costs about $13 - $28 per student on an annual subscription basis. We can get a rebate (Ebate) of about $7.80 per student.

4. Bob Neilly ( said that SASI has worked fine for them on dual platforms. They only had some human errors for Mac installations.

            A. He also said that Mac OS X does not work with SASI (as of 2/02) and that NCS is working with Apple to resolve this issue.

            B. Tannon Webber (, who was not really helpful) suggested getting a trial version and trying it out. They suggested using to find more info.

            C. suggested letting others use the updates first to help avoid issues. But, they have used SASI XP on both platforms without much trouble.

5. There is an e-mail link at

            A. I sent an e-mail to them on 2/27/02 inquiring as to where I could find updates on their website. It might be good to see how long it takes to respond.

6. Catherine Condon (, NCS Pearson Sales - California, 800-736-4357 x7226) contacted me.

7. My password at NCS Pearson is Old At Ease. I registered and should be able to access information on the site within 24 hours of 3/2/02 at 10 A.M. (maybe later, because it is the weekend).

            A. To get to info about SASI XP, click on Support at NCS home page, Under Education Software, selects ÒSASIxp Student Information System, Then First Name, Last Name, Password (Old At Ease). Once logged in, click on Customer Learning Services. Then perhaps I can check out System Requirements and Memory Requirements.

8. M. said that we should get SASI training in August, 2002 and it should be in use next school year (2002-2003).

9. Class XP is the teacher version of SASI to see info: SASI - changes can be made.

            A. Use the ÒclassÓ functions to take attendance. Click once for absent (to select Òunverified absenceÓ), click two times for clearing the name. Carmen will take care of trades in the office.

            B. M. wrote a note in our mailbox that said that when you close the screen using the Close item under the File menu, your attendance will be sent to the office.

            C. You canÕt change the seating chart on the computer (pre made one), but you can create your own seating chart.

10. Teachers can not make queries (address labels, etc.).

11. I will not be able to use SASI on the iMac, but I can access the Internet.

12. The icon for SASI on my DEC appears to turn from generic and vice-versa. I thought that perhaps if Carmen has used SASI for the day, that the icon goes back to generic. But that did not appear to be true, since on 11/22/02, the icon was generic at 8 A.M.

            A. Later (12/4/02), the shortcut did not work consistently. So, I right clicked on it to find its Òtarget.Ó The target was just called CLASSXP, not .exe as the Right clicking on the shortcut had suggested. Anyhow, I made a new shortcut and it appears to be working fine.

            B. About a week later, the problem returned, so I may have to go to using the original.

            C. I determined later that I had several shortcuts for SASI, so I trashed them all. Then I made a new shortcut for ClassXP (I used the application, not the file called ÒClassXPÓ) on 12/16/02.

            D. Later, the shortcut did not work again. I tried leaving the SASI folder open on the taskbar, but then I have to clear it later. Anyhow, I went back to My Computer and SASI volume was not present. KW ÒfixedÓ it on 1/8/03, but the next day it did not work again (SASI volume was not present again). So I just searched for SASI and found it. Once I did that, I used SASI and then the volume was present in My Computer.

            E. KW said that restarting the computer most likely solves the problem. So, if the computers are turned off at night, when the IS technicians work on the network, the problems will be more likely to be resolved.

            F. Later, I added a SASI XP shortcut to the Taskbar (drag the application or an alias to the taskbar) and to the Start Menu (See IBM #165 A for more info). The taskbar shortcut later had problems, but it does not appear that the Start Menu shortcut did have problems (it worked).

13. When a new student is added to your class, you can drag their name to the list of students in a seating chart, by using drag and drop.

Go to Class, Show student list to see the list of students and students not in chart.

14. I tried to log in to SASI XP (using my name) on the DEC, but I got a user already logged in error. We tried to log in four or five times, but I kept getting the same error, even upon restart. However, we just tried again about ten minutes later, and I was able to log in.

15. If a new student enrolls in your class or you have re-enrolled someone, then you need to add them to my alphabetical seating chart. Go to class and show student list. Then click and drag from students out of chart to students in chart.

16. SASI directions (for attendance):

1. Use the DEC (Windows) Computer.

2. Double click on the Shortcut to ClASSxp

3. Enter my user name and password, they are the same (ryan, ryan)

4. Use the Class menu at the top of the screen to Òtake attendance.Ó

5. Click on names of absent persons (should say ÒUNVÓ for absent students and ÒTDYÓ for tardy students)

6. Click at the top of the screen when finished

7. Go to file, quit.

17. On one occasion, Todd said that the SASI shortcut would not work because I was logged in as a workstation only (in the classroom), but I am not 100% sure. On another occasion I had the same problem with the SASI (Class XP) shortcut. Restarting solved the problem (and the workstation check box was not checked): I did the restarting. Later, I tried checking the box for Òworkstation onlyÓ and then SuccessMaker would not load. I then right-clicked on the red ÒNÓ and selected Netware Login and logged in again. SM worked then.

18. In 1/05, SASI would not open on the DEC. I kept getting a Novell network dialog box. I tried entering my network password, but it would not work. Restarting solved the problem. I was able to log on to the network and use SASI.

19. Class, Reports, Class Attendance to make an attendance report for the report cards (or CUMS at end of year). You need to change the dates in the YTD section to make the report. Also, do a report for attendance and tardies separately.

20. To make it easier to access SASI (shortcut does not work often), just minimize it on the toolbar.

21. SASI is not set up on the DELLÕs, because apparently, you need to program to be there, and it is not, even though there is an ÒFÓ drive on the DELLÕs.


SAVE A BNDL (Version 1.3)

See Rebuilding the Desktop # 13


SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)

1. S/b on before starting the computer.

            A. Should power off the computer to connect/disconnect SCSI devices, especially because you could make the wrong connections and cause problems.

            B. There is a $50 device that is sold through APS (800-374-5688 or 816-483-6100) that allows you to connect/disconnect SCSI more safely (but not with the power on (Tidbits #531).

            C. Apple recommends that you donÕt turn a SCSI device on/off while another device in the SCSI chain is running. I donÕt normally follow this. Usually does not cause damage though, but it could cause confusion.

            D. If you want to turn off an external HD, probably should drag icon to trash first. Otherwise, you risk data corruption.

            E. SCSI Ids s/b between 1 and 6, according to Sad Macs, 3rd Edition p. 872.

2. In a daisy chain, all s/b on, Sad M. p. 796, but not necessarily true.

3. The two 50 pin ports on the back of the SCSI device are identical (can be in/out or vice/versa).

4. A SCSI device attached to a computer that has the power off will NOT corrupt the System Software, the computer or the PRAM.

5. If there is a SCSI conflict, the device s/b disconnected because there might be a termination problem (disconnecting the device assures that the device is ÒterminatedÓ).

            A. If a device is not terminated, it may cause slowdowns, data errors, Unmounting drives or crashes.

            B. Should shut down the computer to change the SCSI ID number (Tidbits #531).

6. A SCSI device must be terminated on both ends, If not, a device may be connected but not recognized by the computer (called ÒSCSI VoodooÓ). If a SCSI device is connected to the computer, the computer terminates the SCSI on its end.

            A. 1st device in a chain may also need to be terminated (S.M., 3rd edition, p. 873).

            B. A black terminator is usually for IIfx or the Laserwriter IINTX (S.M., 3rd, 874).

7. SCSI I Standard (Passive Termination) 2 types: Pass thru, you connect a SCSI cable to the terminator and on to the last device in the chain. Or Dead End meaning that a terminator is connected to one of the SCSI ports (nothing can be attached to it). The dead end one is like a flat box on one end. Either type can be connected to the last device in a chain.

8. SCSI 2 Standard (Active Termination) An extra switch is provided on the scanner or external SCSI device that is used to provide terminating power to one of the leads and automatically terminate.

9. If you have a SCSI 1 and a SCSI 2 device, you must use Passive Termination.

            A. However, active termination is much better for PowerPCs, especially the ones with lights and the coprocessor (may cost $80, but seen for much less recently).

            B. Zip Drives have a terminator built in.

            C. To terminate the last device in the chain, it is best to connect the terminator on the other port (the one without the SCSI cable connection). Simply because If the cable connects to the terminator, then to the device, termination may slow down the process of getting info from/to the device from/to the computer.

            D. A double shielded cable can help reduce magnetic and electrical interference (much thicker set of cables).

            E. According to the Apple 3.5 Drive OwnerÕs Guide page vi, a shielded cable uses metallic wrap around the wires to reduce the potential effects of radio-frequency interference.

10. A scanner should probably not have any other device in front of it in the chain.

11. Some devices may not work WITH a terminator, ironically.

12. Syquest external drive would not mount on home computer. it was because the CD-ROM SCSI I.D. was 3 and the Syquest SCSI I.D. was 3, also. Changed Syquest SCSI I.D. to 2 and restarted. Worked.

13. Can reset a SCSI port with SCSI probe.

14. SCSI connection is a parallel connection, while a printer or modem connection is a serial one.

15. If an older drive is slow with a Powermac, then you may want to update the driver.

16. The Mac itself, acting as a SCSI host, is set to ID #7, AppleÕs internal HD is set to 0.

17. Supposed to be eventually replaced by Firewire.

18. Active termination is better than passive termination only If all external SCSI devices support (which most of the ones associated with Macs donÕt). You can not mix and match. You can use passive termination on a device with active termination If you turn the active off.

            A. I thought that Active termination would be the situation where the SCSI connection is made on one SCSI port and the terminator is put on the other port. However, I have seen an ÒpassiveÓ terminator that goes on its own port (meaning that the SCSI connection does not go through it).

19. With either type of termination, you do not have to connect the terminator to the opposite SCSI connection. I.E. the SCSI cable and the terminator can be plugged in together.

20. SCSI -2 is the new type of connections. it looks similar to SCSI 1, but it has 50 pins instead of 25 (and the pins are smaller), but the plug itself is close in size. The big 50 pin connectors (as seen at school) are called ÒConnectixÓ connectors. You can get adopters for SCSI 2 to SCSI 1, though.

21. Even 4.3 version, which I downloaded from the Internet, brings up the ÒworkstationÓ message. Simply hit cancel and it will be fine.

            A. SCSI Manager 4.3 is built into the ROM of all power Macs and the SCSI Manager 4.3 extension is built into System 7.5.3.

22. On one LC with an external Micronet HD, there was a Centronics cable connected to one SCSI port and a terminator (female, female) connected to the other SCSI port. Worked fine. When you put the terminator on the same port, i.e. plug the SCSI cable into the terminator and the terminator into the SCSI port, the external HD worked fine, also. BH said it could be hooked up either way.

23. A black terminator is used only with a Mac IIfx on the built in SCSI port.

24. If a SCSI device will not mount, the driver may be damaged.

25. If a SCSI Port appears to be defective, use SCSI and hold down the option key, Update changes to Reset. Hit the button. ZAP the PRAM.

26. The length of SCSI cables in total tends to have problems beyond 19 feet (S.M, 3rd, 875).

27. AppleÕs SCSI cable work the best (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 994).

28. SCSI-2 is a high-density 50-pin connector, SCSI-1 is a low density Centronics 50 pin connector, and a DB-25 is a connector used with Iomega Zip Drives, Syquest Drives, etc.

29. From:

                        "Termpower: This signal carries stable +voltage to the terminator, ideally. In practice, in today's multi-case SCSI chains, the signal interconnects all the +5 volt supplies together, so that they fight each other over the signal that supplies current to the terminator." ... A Sniffer terminator (DALCO Part number #49095 1-800-228-9859) is easily used to detect the presence of Termpower on any "box" simply by unplugging all the SCSI cables, plug in the Sniffer. If it lights up, it's supplying Termpower. You want just ONE source for Termpower. ANY ONE will work fine.... The solution: Cable adapters that allow isolation of the offending pin. Install as needed. it's that simple!"

 The equipment needed is a "Sniffer" and adapters, which costs $149. Dennis said there may be some truth to this (#29), but that the Sniffer adapter can be made for only about $5.

30. On one occasion, after a low level, zeroing of data initialization of the G3/233 HD (7/20/2000), and unplugging the battery for 30 minutes, I had trouble starting up the computer with SCSI devices attached. The cursor would show up on the screen, the screen was gray, but nothing else would show up. Would not startup from HD, CD or floppy disk.

            A. I unplugged the SCSI devices, Zapped the PRAM with the keyboard shortcut and the computer started up from a floppy disk. I tried zapping again with keyboard shortcut, I had no luck. I took out the Zip disk and restarted. I had no luck. I hooked up the Zip Drive (with the power on) only and restarted. I had no luck. I hooked up the CD-R and scanner (the CD-R was off, the scanner was on) and the G3 started up.

            B. I reconnected all three devices (Zip Drive, CD-R and scanner) and turned power off to all 3. G3 started up. After starting up, I re-hooked up Zip Drive power and tried to use SCSI probe. Gave a Òbus not terminatedÓ error. On another startup, SCSI probe just froze under the same circumstances.

            C. Sad Macs, 3rd edition, p. 869 said that sometimes SCSI ID #5 has trouble. I switched the Zip Drive to #6. However, I later discovered that the scanner was using SCSI ID #6, also. This may have been a contributing factor to the startup problem, not sure. So I changed the SCSI ID of the scanner to SCSI ID #2. CD-R is using SCSI ID #4 (as of 7/21/2000).

            D. I figured the Zip drive might be bad, so I tried hooking up MomÕs Zip Drive to my computer. The issue was the same. When the Zip Drive was connected to the SCSI port and the power to the Zip Drive was off, the G3 would start up. When the Zip Drive was connected the SCSI port and the power to the Zip Drive was on, the G3 would not startup (so my Zip Drive was okay).

            E. So, I decided to open the G3 again. I used my ÒGROUNDING STRAPÓ this time (which I did not do the first time), and unplugged the battery for about five minutes. Then when I put the battery back in, I put in the negative end of the battery first (it is harder to do it that way, but it may make better contact). I did everything with a ÒGROUNDING STRAPÓ in my hand, i.e. when I actually put the battery in, I switched the ÒGROUNDING STRAPÓ to my right hand and put it in. I also disconnected the connector right by the SCSI port and reconnected it. Pressed the RESET button two times, closed G3. The issue may have been related to static that I caused when opening the G3 the first time, since I did not have a ÒGROUNDING STRAPÓ on.

31. After putting some additional RAM in my G3/233 on 5/22/01, I could not get the computer to start up with the SCSI connection connected to the computer. Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB did not help. Disconnecting the SCSI connecting let the computer start up. Will try again later.

            A. I left the G3 and the Zip Drive unplugged for a couple hours and decided to try to start up the computer again with the Zip Drive connected. It did not work. Disconnecting the Zip Drive allowed the G3 to start up.

            B. I probably need to unplug the battery for 30 minutes and try again.

C. I did unplug the battery for about 2 hours, disconnected/reconnected SCSI connectors to Zip drive and SCSI port (with power off on both units), disconnected and reconnected what appeared to be the SCSI connector on the logic board. I did not Zap the PRAM with TT or KB, since I thought that would be redundant. The computer started up fine.

            D. Also, I did NOT use the SCSI port to Òground myselfÓ. I did not ground myself that way at all. I did use the grounding strap, however.

32. Sad Macs p. 873 explains that the first device (the computer) and the last device in a SCSI chain should be terminated. Sometimes, the first device (meaning the first device connected to the SCSI port, not the computer) may need to be terminated as well.

33. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, if SCSI probe does not see your drive on a Power Mac/Performa/LC/Quadra 63xx, 5xxx, 6xxx, 4400, G3, G4, Powerbook G3, 150, 190, 1400, 2300, 2400, 3400, 3500 or 5300 series, it is because you have an EIDE (enhanced integrated drive electronics, also called an ATA) drive, not a SCSI drive.

34. If you buy a new computer with an Ultra SCSI 2 card and need to connect up a SCSI I scanner, etc., see TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs.

35. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, if you add an Adaptec 2906 SCSI card to a Blue and White G3 or G4, the card is not bootable.

            A. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, there is a bootable card, which is the AHA-2930U.

36. On wide SCSI buses (which are 16 bits wide, instead of 8 bits), the numbers can range from 0 to 15 (unlike regular SCSI buses, which go from 0 to 7).

            A. The Mac itself (or the SCSI card) is always 7. If the Mac uses SCSI drives, the internal HD is usually 0.

37. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, for long chains with many devices, a third terminator in the middle of the chain may be necessary.

            A. Also, a $59 Voodoo terminator may be no better than a $29 active terminator. Either would be better than a $12 passive terminator.

38. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, best types of SCSI cables are Apple, APS, Granite and Tekserve.

            A. should avoid 6-foot cable, if possible.

39. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, occasionally, a drive may be mislabeled. In other words, it has SCSI ID 4 and the label shows 5, etc.

40. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, SCSI Manager 4.3 gives a lot of older Macs SCSI-2 features, but it can also introduce problems.

41. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, nearly all presently manufactured SCSI drives are wide, because cheaper Ultra 66-EIDE drives now perform nearly as well as narrow SCSI drives.

42. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, Ultra2 LVD (low voltage differential) SCSI is a new standard. The low differential allows you to have very long SCSI chains. Requires special cables and terminators

43. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, Ultra 160 SCSI runs at 160 Megabytes per second, while Firewire is 400 Megabits per second or actually 50 Megabytes per second. However, Firewire is easier to configure.

            A. USB has a speed of 12 Megabits per second or 1.5 Megabytes per second.

            B. says that Parallel connections can be 115.2 Kbps. says that parallel connections can be 150 Kbps. It appears that several websites seem to be in about the same range in terms of parallel connection speed about 150-200 Kbps. The Belkin parallel printer cables that are sold at Wal*Mart do not list a speed on them.

44. According to the 5500 Technical Info, up to six standard SCSI devices can be hooked up to a SCSI port (excludes HD??).

            A. According to the 5500 Manual page 52, The computer itself (the main logic board inside it) uses SCSI ID number 7.

45. According to the 5500 Manual page 54, you should never use RS 232 cables (commonly used with DOS and Windows computers).

            A. Also, SCSI cables must have 110-ohm impedance.

            B. Also, if the SCSI chain is 18Ó or shorter, the terminator is not needed. If the total length of the cables is 10Õ or more, the SCSI chain may need a third terminator at the 10-foot point. Should not add a third terminator unless you are experiencing SCSI problems.

46. According to the 5500 Manual page 57, you should always turn on all SCSI devices before turning on your computer, otherwise, your computer would not recognize all SCSI devices or your computer may not be able to start up.

47. Finder was very sluggish on G3/266, especially when copying to the Syquest drive. I replaced Finder, System File. I tried unplugging Syquest and then reconnecting Syquest, then restarted the G3/266. The light on the front of the drive would stay amber and then mount slowly or freeze. I had no luck. Replaced System Folder. Better, but Syquest is still very slow to mount.

            A. Zapped PRAM with T.T., Keyboard, Changed SCSI cables to a shorter one (3 feet as opposed to about 6 feet), Also, there may have been interference since the 6 foot cable was wrapped around some things. Rebuild the Desktop With T.T. Syquest access was improved.

            B. Syquest still sluggish later. Made TechTool rebuild the desktop and the computer restarted. Restarted with extensions off, mounted the Syquest drive with Syquest Utilities. Desktop was rebuilt. Syquest drive access was normal. Restarted with extensions on and Syquest drive appeared to be normal again.

            C. However, it was sluggish again on Monday, so I brought the Syquest home to try it out.

48. I tried to use the Syquest drive with the G3/233 and set the SCSI IDÕs as followsÓ Zip drive 6, scanner 2, CD-ROM 3, CD Burner 4. I tried putting Syquest on Ò2Ó, which was a conflict. Then I set the Syquest to Ò1Ó and then Ò5Ó, I had no luck. The Zip drive and the Syquest would not mount. Then I hooked up the Syquest with its own terminator (it was the first SCSI device in the chain) and redid the SCSI connection to the G3. Syquest mounted. Then I reconnected the external SCSI connector to the Syquest so that other devices could connect to the G3 and they all mounted. Syquest is still on ID #5. Perhaps re-doing the SCSI connection on the back of the G3 did the trick. Syquest at home exhibits no sluggish behavior at all, when using the active terminator. Also, the light was consistently green, when the Syquest cartridge is installed. I tried connecting the passive terminator to both ports directly from the G3, but the Syquest drive would not mount (ironically, the light was green, though). On one occasion, when trying to mount the drive with Syquest utilities, the computer froze and the Syquest drive did not mount. I tried reconnecting the active terminator (with G3 and Syquest power off) and then turned the G3 on. The Syquest drive mounted. To verify, I reconnected the passive terminator (with G3 and Syquest powers off) and then turned the G3 on. The Syquest drive still would not mount. The amber light may indicate trouble or problems, as this is the case with the CD Burner. The amber light also indicates that the Syquest drive is busy. I trashed the passive terminator. When I first hooked up the external HD and Syquest the next day at school, the Syquest was still a little slow. I reconnected the SCSI connection to the G3, Zapped the PRAM with TT and KB. Restarted the G3 and the Syquest. Syquest has worked for three or four straight restarts (i.e. it is not sluggish when I copy Winton to the Syquest). I also had a passive terminator on the External HD. I took it off. Then I tried to check the ID number of the external HD using SCSI probe, but the external HD did not show up. So, then I look at the back of the external HD and its ID showed 5. Then I changed it to 4, so that it was not the same as the Syquest. Then the external HD and the Syquest showed up with SCSI Probe. Syquest was still sluggish on Monday. Made TechTool rebuild the desktop and the computer restarted. Restarted with extensions off, mounted the Syquest drive with Syquest Utilities. Desktop was rebuilt. Syquest drive access was normal. Restarted with extensions on and Syquest drive appeared to be normal again. Later, problem returned. When the Syquest would attempt to mount, the G3/266 would freeze. I tried zapping the PRAM with TT and KB, unplugging the Syquest drive for a couple minutes, disconnecting/reconnecting SCSI connection to G3, reinstalling the Syquest cartridge, making sure other SCSI external drive was on (Crookham), turned extensions off. I was able to hook up the Crookham external drive only and it worked fine. When I used the same cable and active terminator to hook up the Syquest, I could get the Syquest to mount, albeit very slowly. Most likely, the cartridge is bad or the drive is bad. I have the drive at home to try it out with the other G3 (G3/233). On the first, second and third restart, the Syquest mounted with the G3/233 without any freezing or problem. (On one startup, I mounted the disk before the Finder booted, on the other two, the disk was mounted after startup was completed). Copying files seemed normal, but I did get one copying error when copying the ÒRyanÓ folder. Perhaps PRAM gets corrupted after awhile. I will wait and see. I unplugged the battery on the G3/266 for forty minutes on 1/11/01. Will try Syquest a few more days with the G3/233,then see about trying it again with the G3/266. It started doing the sluggish thing with the G3/233 also, on 1/11/01. The light stayed brown and somewhat ÒfrozeÓ the system temporarily. It made the Finder freeze temporarily for about four minutes upon one startup (the light stayed brown), but then eventually the Syquest loaded and the light turned green. I think the drive is going out. I decided to trash the Syquest, since it will eventually be unreliable, especially since it occasionally makes everything on either G3 come to a screeching halt.

49. Macintosh Reference Page 266 says that a SCSI chain can support up to 7 devices, including one internally.

            A. Page 266 says that the higher numbered devices are given higher priority (the computer itself is number 7 and the HD is number 0). Page 267 says that the arrangement of devices in a chain will not affect priority.

            B. Page 267 says some SCSI devices go up to 7 and then back to 0 (some devices may have blank spaces between 7 and 0 as well).

            C. Page 267 says that you may need to use an additional terminator if you connect an external SCSI device to a Macintosh Portable.

            D. Page 268 has some diagrams for use with terminators.

50. On 5/24/01, the SCSI chain was not working properly. The Zip Drive and scanner were not recognized. The battery had already been unplugged for thirty minutes, due to the fact that Zip Drive would previously not even allow the computer to start up.

            A. I got Iomega driver error with CC, reinstalled Iomega software after trashing. I had no luck. Zapped, I had no luck.

            B. I tried other Zip Drive port, terminating with Zip (and disconnecting other SCSI devices), Tried ID 5 and ID 6, Connected without Zip Drive (but then got no scanner error and Toast would freeze when trying to access Burner: and computer would not startup with those two devicesÕ power on). I tried Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB at several different times, but I had no luck.

            C. I then unplugged the battery for thirty minutes and press the reset button on the logic board. I thought I had disconnected/reconnected a connector next to the SCSI port that was for the SCSI connection, but it was for an internal Zip Drive (which I do not have). The Zip Drive mounted the Zip Disk and the other 2 SCSI devices (burner and scanner) were recognized.

            D. A couple days later, I had a problem after startup. While I was opening a window, I clicked on the desktop and then loaded the zip disk (it had been ejected). The disk would not mount. After Zapping with TT and KB, and restarting, it did mount. If problem returns, may need to replace the battery (it could be that I should only mount a zip drive and not try to do other things at the same time).

            E. A few days later after Zapping with TT and KB, the Zip disk did not mount on the desktop. I thought perhaps I needed to buy a new battery for the computer, but, I found out that the Zip disk could be mounted with SCSI probe.

51. According to Sad Macs, 3rd Edition, page 865, if a disk is present in a drive at startup, its driver will be used. If no disk is present, the computerÕs driver will be used.

            A. A problem may occur is you have no cartridge in the Zip Drive at startup, and then load a cartridge, that has its own ÒhiddenÓ driver. If you switch disks after that, and the disk was formatted with a different driver, you may have a problem mounting the disk or loss of data may occur. May also get a system crash. Best to use same version of software to format all your cartridges, if possible.

            B. Some versions of SCSI Probe (I think version 4.3 and some earlier versions) have an option to close driver after ejecting.

            C. Page 865 mentions that Drive7 can be used with many types of removable cartridges.

52. After hooking up the SCSI 250 Zip Drive along with the Scanner and the

External HD, the G3/266 kept freezing upon startup of items in startup items folder. Restarting did not help. Zapping with TT and KB did not help. Finally, I turned off the external HD and the scanner at startup. I think I will simply turn the scanner on, when needed. I also moved Ofoto from Startup Items to Startup Items (Disabled). If I turned on the Crookham external drive after startup, then it mounted fine with SCSI probe. Turning the scanner on after startup would make the scanner work without freezing. Starting up with the Scanner on and the HD off worked fine, there were no conflicts with the startup items. It did not matter if a Zip Disk were inserted into the 250 MB Zip Drive or not. Probably best to not start up the computer with the External HD on. You should only turn it on, when needed.

53. Later, on after re-connecting the SCSI Zip Drive and the USB Zip Drive, the computer would not mount the SCSI 250 MB Zip Drive. Using SCSI Probe 5.1 to mount the drive did not work.

            A. I zapped the PRAM with KB and reconnected the SCSI connection on the back of the Zip Drive. Then upon restart, the G3/266 did not freeze, but the SCSI Zip drive still did not mount. I used SCSI Probe 5.1 again and this time, I Òclicked to mount all logical units on device 5Ó (instead of Òclicking to mount all logical units on device 4)Ó, I thought the button would mount all devices, since I did not read the instructions that carefully.). Anyhow, the drive mounted.

            B. Later, I could not get SCSI probe to mount the SCSI Zip Drive disk. When you tried to mount it with SCSI probe, the Finder would restart and that was it, no mounting. I restarted the computer and zapped the PRAM with TT and KB, I had no luck. I switched the connectors on the back of the Zip Drive, switched the SCSI ID number from 5 to 6, reconnected the SCSI connection on the back of the G3/233, and zapped the PRAM with TT and KB. SCSI probe was able to mount the zip disk in the drive.

54. Page 868 of Sad Macs, 3rd edition suggests using SCSI Probe to ÒMount volumes during startupÓ, and also turn on the ÒInstall Volume Mounting INITÓ option. This may be helpful with the SCSI problem of the Zip SCSI not mounting upon startup on the G3/266.

            A. SCSI 3.5, 4.3 and SCSI 5.1 has at least of these options, 5.0 does not.

55. NDD 6.0 manual page 39 says that you can have between 6 and 16 SCSI devices in a chain.

56. After putting the wrong memory in my G3/233 (not sure if related or not), it was having SCSI problems. I had to take it to Computerware in Modesto. No SCSI devices would mount. I had tried restarting the computer from the G3 CD, but the Zip Drive did not mount (although later I realized I do not think that I used SCSI probe to try to mount it). Bob worked on it and he said that the SCSI port was defective, and he said he would need to replace the motherboard (about $320).

            A. An employee of Macdaddy (I went there just to ask) said that there are PCI cards with SCSI connectors. They are about $70, but they do not have any in stock. The employee said I might have to upgrade to 9.0 to use any of the cards though.

            B. Bob told me later that the logic board was not the problem (I guess he may have actually put it in the G3, but I am not sure). He also said he upgraded my system to 8.5 and Òreset the logic board.Ó However, he charged me for the restocking fee ($50) for the logic board. I asked about this when I picked up the computer. Computerware employees explained that Bob actually spent several additional hours on my computer (I think he was struggling to figure out the answer. It is possible that disconnecting/reconnecting the logic board itself fixed the problem). Anyhow, he only charged me for 2 hours of labor. It is probably better to take the computer to Macdaddy in the future, since I think Eric is there (as of 6/04), or I could take it to Bob Hughes (who is now in Delhi, as of 12/02).

            C. When Bob upgraded my computerÕs operating system, he did an install of System 8.5, but it was not a Òclean install.Ó Several of my files were corrupted (or would not open), and I have never had a problem with that before. He may have done something else to the computer, who knows. He was probably a little confused. Anyway, it ended up costing about $230.

            D. I tried to fix the files by rebuilding the desktop with TT, running DFA twice, running NDD twice (which said that several of my Winton folder folders were having problems, since I replaced them) and running NSD, but I had no luck. I tried copying the files to the iMac (that was home at the time) to see if I could get them to open, but they would not (most files said ÒThis is not a Clarisworks file or it has been corrupted). Some other files just would not open. It is important to remember to back up files before taking my computer in for repair, in the future. Luckily, I had some files backed up on CD (although a little info may be missing).

            E. Later, I noticed that my CD burner was set to SCSI ID 3, so I changed it to 4 (although I think I did this step in troubleshooting and there was a problem previous to this). Also, Bob still had the problem in the shop (and he did not have my burner with him).

            F. I think when I opened the G3, I had the grounding strap on my left hand, which was fine. I forgot to discharge static though, using a screwdriver. This may have been a problem.

57. TD Curran has some terminators on their website (SCSI Terminator Passive, No Photo Available, Price: $7.95, PRODUCT # TDC01780 and Active Terminator, No Photo Available, Price: $14.00, PRODUCT # TDC00404), but I am not sure if they are 50 pin connectors (Centronix) or not. I e-mailed to inquire on 4/8/03.

    A. Don Chatwin replied and said that, ÒYou need the TDC01780 Passive Terminator, we have plenty in stock and they are the Centronics 50pin style.Ó

58. I could not get the scanner or the Iomega 250 MB Zip Drive to mount on the G3/266. I turned scanner off, then back on. I restarted G3/266. Zapped with TT, KB and batt. for 30 mintutes. Zip and Scanner would not mount or show up with SCSI probe. Changed SCSI ID from 4 to 2 on scanner. The scanner would mount on a 575. I used the same connections and the scanner would not mount on the G3/266. I used DFA to repair disk on G3/266 (DFA said it was okay), NDD to repair disk and used TT to rebuild desktop on G3/266, no luck. MV said he did not know how to check the SCSI port other than to hook up a couple of peripherals to it. TT Pro could not check it. I may try starting up from the G3 CD and seeing if the Zip will mount then. It works on the G3/233.

            A. Tim H (from said that, ÒThe replacement of the logic board is $329 for the part and an hour of labor at $90 (for the G3/266). The part is in stock, and would take a day or two to get.Ó

            B. Strangely enough, after two weeks of being unplugged and then two weeks of sleeping, the SCSI port again started functioning on the G3/266.

59. SCSI probe 5.1 would not work on the LC 550. 3.5 appeared to work (the Zip Drive showed up in the mounting window), but would not mount a Zip Disk. I used Mt. Everything 1.0.1 to mount a Zip Disk.



1. Zoom in (plus sign inside a Magnifying glass) to make more legible on screen.

2. To resize the output to the printer, choose image, resize.

3. You can use Reset or File, new to scan another picture.

4. Might want to turn scanner on after starting up the computer.

5. Autoscan does it all, after just ÒscanningÓ must hit scan again.

6. Most scanners do come with OCR software, although the software may be Specific to one computer.

7. Software may be old, the extensions. Finally, it was hooked to a 575 with System 7.5.5 and it worked.

8. Some scanners have a paper feeder, which allows you to load several documents, so that you do not have to stay by the scanner for such a long time.

9. Scanners will not work on printer/modem ports.

10. When purchasing a scanner, look for SCSI interface, Twain compliant software and Twain driver, 24 bit color depth and at least 300 X 300 resolution. OCR software can be workable If high quality enough (may need to upgrade to full version), good location for power switch and preview controls.

10. KinkoÕs has an HP6100C scanner.

12. Sheet fed scanners can not scan bound documents and the rollers may scratch glossy photographs.

13. According to Consumer Reports Buying Guide, 1998 p. 233, Mac Scanners connect to the printer port. Although BH said no they donÕt.


Screen Catcher, Registration number is 4384.

1. If you click on the top of the window (the frame), the name of the window will be captured, also. it captures the window, as well as the contents (I do not see the value of this at the current time, though).

2. After choosing to capture a region, window or screen, you can adjust the size of the capture by using the mouse (or the arrow keys) to adjust the height and width. Although the easiest solution would be choose a region (command, option, R) for a picture, and go from there. (you can use the tab key to select which side of the rectangle you have active and then adjust the box however you like).

            A. You can also hold down the shift key (or the space bar) to move the whole selection rectangle around on the screen.

3. The include cursor command does not work on my G3. This problem is hopefully fixed in later versions, although I do not find it necessary).

4. If the camera clicks like a picture is being taken, and you can not find the picture, try seeing the ÒcaptureÓ menu inside of Screen Catcher.

5. If Screen Catcher is unable to launch, may want to rebuild the desktop (helped on one occasion).


Screen Squeeze

1. A freeware program (called Focus on 8/26/97 at 7:10 A.M. to ask) that will lower the number for resolution (meaning the stuff on the screen will be bigger and more legible), but it also cuts the screen off, making it smaller (the black border will get bigger).

2. To use, go to control panels, ÒSet squeezeÓ, change resolution to 548 X 400. Control Panels, change views to Chicago, Ò14Ó font. Control Panel, color, should be black and white in Room 37. Control Panels, Monitors and Sounds, Resolution s/b at 680 X 480 @60 MHz.

3. Display Enabler is the same as the Basic Color Monitor Extension (listed in Focus audiovisual Manual).

4. Set the squeeze to 640 X 480 when using the Houghton Mifflin CD (other sizes cut off the display). On another 5400, same problem occurred when setting Screensqueeze to 5XX By 400. it cut off the display (it only appeared on about one half of the screen), changed Screensqueeze back to 640 X 480.

5. Leave Screensqueeze in active extensions. When Screensqueeze is needed, Change monitors and Sounds to 640 X 480 @60Hz and Setsqueeze to whatever resolution (not disable).

6. When connecting the 5500 in the computer lab, the screen is cut off (file, edit, view are cut off on the TV). Two possible solutions:

            A. Control Panels, Monitors, Change the resolution to a lower number. Did not work.

            B. Get the program ÒScreensqueezeÓ (a freeware program ) and use the control panel to turn it on. Worked.

7. One issue that came up from one vendor was that a VGA format for a monitor was necessary. However, this is usually associated with IBM PCÕs, but an adapter can be purchased for approximately $30.00.

8. Resolution s/b set to 640 X 480 at 60 HZ, not 640 X 480 at 67 HZ (makes screen with a yellow tint).

9. To use TV with computer, set squeeze to 548 X 400, restart, reset resolution using control strip module to 680 X 480.

10. With the G3 computer, and a cable connected to the output port, the resolution can only be set to 680 X 480 @ 67 HZ. Can not set it to 640 X 480 @60 Hz. Connected to TV, it says ÒUnusable Signal.Ó Screensqueeze may have trouble with 8.1 and G3. Does work at school with 8.1 and the 5400.

11. On one occasion at school, I could not get the computer to produce an image on the television, just blank. Zapped, trashed Screen Squeeze prefs and reinstalled software, tried white instead of yellow RCA cable, took out the StartupScreen, reconnected the connection on the 5400 and the Tview, Adjusted video level on Tview, but did not work. Changed resolution on the monitor to 640 X 480 @ 60 Hz and it worked. In the Screen Squeeze application, I changed the setting to 548 X 400, so the top of the screen would not be cut off.

12. To use Screen Squeeze installer for 3.5 with System 8.1 on the 5500/225, use the easy install command, it works.



1. I used SeaMonkey to open my web site pages (that were originally made by CHP) and I was able to edit them: this included the homepage2 (with the frames in it). SeaMonkey loads the images as well for posting on my home page (copying from Cowboys Plus. The pictures show up in Safari and SeaMonkey) and the formatting is better on the Palm (copies text in color): the pictures did not show up on the Palm T|X; but I figured out the solution: I turned on images at for the cowboysplus page (the cowboysplus page is set to 2,000 K, as of 9/07. I had previously paid to increase my account from 3,000 K to 8,000 K). FYI: It takes longer to sync AvantGo when pictures are being added to pages on the Palm T|X. I had trouble renaming some links from my homepage with Sera Moneky, though (I could use SeaMonkey to change the name and link from My Yahoo! Photos to My Flickr Photos for homepage2 and framespage (but not with homepage). The links worked, but the names appeared the same in my browsers). Then I used CHP in conjunction with Classic-on-Intel. I copied the files to the Users/Shared folder on the iMac Duo, and then I changed the type and creator of the files (using CHP within COI) to TEXT, BlWd, then I copied those three pages to My Web Site folder, then uploaded the three pages. Now, the pages have the updated names and links. Images that are created and saved with CHP cannot be edited with Sea Monkey: you would need to open the images with GC and save as .gif, then make a new composer page with SeaMonkey and paste images into it, then put the images in the web site folder for use. I thought about using the MOCSE Cowboys helmet for my Cowboys schedule web page, but the image has white around it and it would look funny on a blue background, so I will keep the same image.

2. I could not get my IE Favorites to import into SeaMonkey. I tried trashing all of the Monkey files and Mozilla files that I could find to no avail. Finally, I copied the Favorites.html file from IE, changed the name to bookmarks.html and put it into the Users/RyanZelenski/Library/Mozilla/profiles/default/4ozrzwg4.slt folder and reopened SeaMonkey. I tried to add the personal toolbar favorites back manually, but it did not work. So, then I just made a new profile (Tools/Switch Profile); which is named wwww (perhaps a UNIX name which cannot be changed), even though my name in the Select User Profile is now Ryan. Then I went to Manage Bookmarks (under the Bookmarks menu) and then made a new folder and then clicked on it, so that the bookmarks would be added to it (leave the Personal Toolbar Folder in place). Then I used Import under Tools, then I chose the favorites.html (from IE). Then I added my bookmarks manually to the Personal Toolbar Folder.

3. After setting up my home page again with SeaMonkey, I tested the links with SeaMonkey, but they did not work. The default for SeaMonkey is to Òcompare the page in the cache to the page on the network: when the page is out of date.Ó I cleared the cache, changed the setting to Òonce per session,Ó and restarted SeaMonkey; and the links worked.

4. It will not work with Windows Media Player: you need to use Flip4Mac (the player is free: upgrades start at $29): this was verified by SeaMonkeyÕs help.

5. Tourbus file was called movieinfo, but it can be changed to going to File, Edit Page, then Format, Page Title and Properties.

6. When you print with SeaMonkey, there are options for SeaMonkey in the Print Dialog box (you can choose to print background colors or not).

7. SeaMonkey alternates the colors for its borders on purpose, apparently.

8. I loaded some pages from into SeaMonkey and then printed on the iP4000; however, the printing came out quite small. I went to View, Text Zoom and chose 150% to see the text bigger on the screen. To print it bigger, I went to Page Setup and chose 150% as the scale.

9. When I printed the Dallas CowboysÕ schedule, the color was not quite right (it was too light) with the helmet on the page, even after putting in a new 3e black cartridge. I thought that printing again would solve the problem, but it didnÕt. Finally, I selected print a top-quality photo (instead of Òprinting a composite documentÓ) under Quality and Media in the Print dialog box, which made the page print out fine, except for the writing at the bottom had trouble being the correct color, then I cleaned the print head and even with the regular setting for standard (printing a composite document), the schedule printed fine. Later, the problem returned: cleaning the print head two more times did not work. It turns out that the problem was that the magenta cartride was extremely low, and after replacing it, the page printed fine.

10. SeaMonkey 1.1.4 would try to spool, but would not print out 54 pages from web page (my compilation of Cowboys news). I then uploaded the pages to and Safari printed them fine (but SeaMonkey would not print from the internet any better). It prints out one page fine from SeaMonkey, so it must have a threshold somewhere in between.

11. My e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. SeaMonkey 1.1.4 and Firefox do not copy formatting when copying text and pasting into Word 2004, AW 6.0, or TextEdit (copying from Safari and IE works fine); Help files and Goodle did not have any helpful results; so I submitted a bug report on 10/21/07, the bug number is 400343. The web page says I will be updated by e-mail if progress is made. Version 1.1.5 does not resolve the issue. Firefox 3.0b1 does copy/paste text formatting to Word 2004, but not to AW 6.0 nor TextEdit. On March 5, 2008, I received an e-mail indicating that my bug report was a duplicate of bug 79864, which is still not resolved, as of version 1.1.9 SeaMonkey.

12. If you paste some text into a SeaMonkey web page, and the text is all bold, then you can select the text and then Format, Remove all Text Styles (later, though, it did not work. However, I then reopened SeaMonkey (and left the original page open and useand then it worked fine; alternatively, you may just select the text and then select a smaller font from the menu. SeaMonkey (version 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.1.7, and 1.1.8) does not copy text from Safari 2.0.4 (or Appleworks 6.2.9) with formatting, you need to find web pages with SeaMonkey, then copy and paste from SeaMonkey to SeaMonkeyÕs composer. I decided not to copy/paste to movieinfo.html, since it copies a table and is not that clean. On a couple of occasions, when I pasted text into cowboysplus.html, the text adopted the format of the text near the pasting area and I could not change it; therefore, I pasted the text into a different location (where the text was formatted differently): this is probalby a software glitch, but the workaround seems to be fine.

13. On more than one occasion, I could not get a table (or ?) to delete when pasting text into cowboysplus.html in SeaMonkeyÕs edit mode, but I finally figured it out: I went to Table/Delete/Table and then Table/Delete/Row(s).

14. You can control pop up windows by using SeaMonkey, Preferences, Privacy and Security, Popup windows.

15. If you click on an e-mail link with SeaMonkey, you need to set the incoming server as and user name as, the outgoing server as and user name as Also, if you send e-mail with SeaMonkey, you wonÕt see it in EntourageÕs sent mail. There does not appear to be a way to use a different e-mail client with SeaMonkey. To access the mail setings: go to Window, Mail and Newsgroups, select the name of the account, then ÒView settings for this accountÓ under ÒAccounts.Ó

16. When you search for text that is not present with SeaMonkey at, it does not work (nothing appears to happen in the Find box); but you can locate present text.

17. The ÒFlexible SchedulingÓ text for the ÒFlexible SchedulingÓ link did not show up in the web browser, once I changed the color of the linked text, so I created the link again, and left it the color that SeaMonkey chose: this solved the problem.

18. When I pasted text into cowboysplus.html, it was large; I tried to change the paragraph format to paragraph, but SeaMonkey would not allow me to. After quitting and restarting SeaMonkey, I was able to change the paragraph format.

19. If you do NOT sign out of Yahoo! Mail with SeaMonkey, you do not need to sign in again when you go back to the website.

20. SeaMonkey would not scroll down on Cowboys Blog without blurring everything together. But, if you select all the page, copy, paste to blank SeaMonkey Composer page, copy (avoid YouTube videos) sections to my cowboysplus page, it will work.


Search Engines (as of 11/07, my Computer Notes pages is indexed with Yahoo!, Dogpile and Google, but other parts of my home page are not).

1. Typing in frogs AND toads give hits with both frogs and the word toads in them. Frogs or Toads results in hits that have just one of the terms or both. The more terms you type in, the more hits you will most likely. If you type in Venetian and blind, you could get information about people from Venice and blind people, not necessarily about the window decorations. If you type in Frogs not Toads, it will show only pages with Frogs, but do not have the word toads in them. You must be in advanced user mode in Alta Vista or Lycos to use the word ÒNear.Ó, Unlike simple AND logic which only requires that two terms or phrases be present together anywhere in a document, the NEAR operator ensures that they are close together in the text. Although this only really means that they probably occur in the same context in the document it also often means that there is a conceptual link, as well. This gives the NEAR operator considerably greater power in focusing in on a topic. If you type in frogs near toads in the simple search, you will look for the word frogs, the word near OR the word toads in a web page. Returns many non-useful hits. Full Boolean is the use of and, or, not. Implied Boolean is the use of +, - or nothing between words (i.e. using default of search engine). The following does not work with all websites, only ones that will search for hosts (Alta Vista is one). From Ò,Ó you could want to see all pages about Mars landing from US educational sites, which end in .edu, like this: "mars landings" +host:edu., If you are looking for information about Mars landings but are getting overwhelmed by results from NASA. You can get rid of NASA pages by doing this: "mars landings" See Infoseek 35 F for a discussion on the use of commas and synonyms. I e-mailed Bob Jost and he said using ( ) should not make much difference in a search string, since it would normally be the default anyhow. Search engines would treat the (cats or felines) and behavior, the same as cats or felines and behavior; since Boolean terms are processed in the order that they appear. However, I am not sure about this issue. See #28 C under this section (search engines for more information). On Hotbot, Excite, Alta Vista using () did not change results.{() is called Nesting). Northern Light and Snap seemed to have a slight difference between () and no (), but they were sort of inconsistent. The best search engine for finding images and MP3Õs quickly is by using Alta VistaÕs image tabs. Hotbot lets you type in Òfeature:image dogsÓ in its regular search, but then you must searchthroughweb pages to find the pictures. Alta VistaÕs images show up in the result window. Fast Search does it also, it takes you to and the image results show up in the result window. Lycos does not seem to have many ÒgoodÓ links to MP3Õs, neither does only seems to have ÒgoodÓ links for relatively unknown bands. However, as of 8/6/03, I found ÒShake Your TailfeatherÓ from Bad Boys II and a couple songs from Eminem.  My e-mail address is, name is E-mail, and last name is E-mail. I used 95201 as the zip code. Some MP3 FTP sites say Òyou must upload them firstÓ to get access to one of their MP3Õs, otherwise, you may get permission denied error. With Hotbot, Snap Advanced, Fast Search advanced searches, you can You can also search domains (.edu or .org), websites (, or country codes (.us) for terms (Lyman), if you scroll down a little. This could be especially useful for a site that does not contain a search box. From ÒÓ, Often a quick trip to a search engine or web index will locate what you need. But, in the event that you are having difficulty finding appropriate web resources or when too many resources overwhelm you, the comprehensive web search process that you just used will be available. When looking for a ÒslangÓ expression, try going to a search engine and typing the expression in quotes along with the word slang (without quotes). Do the same for lyrics, type the name of the song in quotation marks and lyrics (without quotes) or use name of band. My friend was interested in making a web page. I thought I had some notes on how to get ÒlinkedÓ with Google, Yahoo or some other engines, but I guess I do not (as of 1/1/02, I could not find anything) . I have tried several of the links on search engine home pages that say Òlink my pageÓ, but I have never had any of them work. I e-mailed Julie and Matt to inquire. I also asked Dennis. He said to look for Òmeta tagsÓ on the Internet to find information. Certain Òmeta tagsÓ are required to help your web page be located. He said that if I canÕt find the information necessary to make a web page link to search engines, then ask him. Matt did not know about using meta tags. Julie did not know either. She suggested using the "link to me" icon on a search engine page, but this does not work. is a service that will help you setup your web page with the search engine, pricing starting at $29. mentions that you can buy Metabot for $495 to help your site be listed with search engines. It works with Windows 95, 98 and NT. says that they will ÒoptimizeÓ your web site to be searched for $300. explains that descriptions and keywords should not contain any HTML formatting information. says that if your pages contains the following: <meta name="author" content="Secretary of State">

The search engine will index this page so the that it can be found with any of the queries:author:Secretary; author:"Secretary of State"; author:"secretary of state." I did this with my web page, homepage.html. I viewed the page in Claris Home Page, then choose to edit HTML sourceÓ, found a spot and pasted the info with Ryan Zelenski substituted for Secretary of State. That way the code does not show up in the web page, but it hopefully will show up with the search engine. says that if you use the metatag <meta name = "description" content = "what my site is about">, this will give you a place to describe your site, which you may see in the few lines in a page result of AltaVista. Additionally, <meta name = "keywords" content = "your chosen keywords"> explains how to list site content and subject. I added both of these tags, but substituted Òa Cowboy fanÕs home pageÓ for Òwhat my site is aboutÓ, and ÒDallas Cowboys, RyanÕs favorites, web searching.Ó They have a link to something that can help you get linked, apparently, but it appears to be for Windows only. I waited several weeks after putting my links in my web page, but as of 2/10/02, I could not find my web page with Alta Vista, Yahoo or Google. May not be Òin the cards.Ó

2. WebPages in a web index are submitted by webpage creators or by people who have located web pages. Web indexes only searches the web index itself, not the entire web. However, since the web pages in the web index have all been reviewed, the returns are often more useful than search engines.

            A. Tourbus from 4/3/02 says that Yahoo isnÕt a search engine, it is like a directory, much like a phone book. Yahoo has only a couple million pages indexed, while Google knows about over 2 billion pages (Tourbus says that when searching, you are not searching the Internet, but through the search indexes of pages). But, Tourbus suggests Yahoo can be useful to find ÒWhat is the web page address of entity X?, Where can I find a collection of sites that focus on generic topic X or Who makes product X?.

            B. 4/3/02 Tourbus also says that Yahooligans is a directory.

            C. Search Engine Watch ( suggests stating ÒI canÕt install a USB device in Windows 98Ó and you may be surprised with the results from several search engines.

            D. The web page in C also mentions that if there were a colon in the title of a movie, use it in the search engine box i.e. Òstar trek:insurrectionÓ.

            E. says you can search within an ÒanchorÓ or ÒlinkÓ, it is supposedly explained in the Search Features Chart.

F. I signed up for a monthly newsletter for Searchenginewatch.

3. Yahoo uses a spider that goes from link to link to find new websites and then twenty humans to categorize websites. It is a catalog search engine.

4. Lycos and Altavista are web indexes. Parallel search engines use several search engines at once (i.e. Dogpile). Hotbot and Snap are Inktomi powered engines.

            A. Web indexes take web pages that are submitted by their creators or users who have found webpages. Human reviewers examine the web page and decide if page has merit and add it to the appropriate category. The web indexes search only the web index, not the entire web.

            B. Also, searching with a web index can produce other ideas for you to use in searching.

            C. Meta tags are html (hypertext markup language) tags used to better describe a World Wide Web document. Their purpose is to assist in the better retrieval of information on the World Wide Web via robot-driven search engines.

5. The web is growing, but so is computer speed and connections to the Internet.

6. Excite is an indexing system, but it indexes the web by concept, rather than by keyword. For example, it looks for the words ÒmovieÓ and ÒfilmÓ in the same web page. As opposed to just the word ÒfilmÓ which could return Òa film of oilÓ as a hit.

            A. A keyword index (Inktomi based engines, and Lycos, Alta Vista) searches for words, instead of subjective catalog style of Yahoo (which is organized by humans). The web indexes, Lycos and Alta Vista, must keep track of every word on the web that it comes across.

            B. From Ò,Ó Like a catalog, a keyword index organizes Web sites based on their content, but it does so at the word level instead of by subject. Sites about Messianic Judaism are found by looking for pages that contain the words "Jesus" and "Jewish." This eliminates the subjectivity that plagues classification schemes like Yahoo! - a document either contains the word "Judaism" or it doesn't. However, indexing increases the size of the task from keeping track of millions of documents to keeping track of billions of words.

            C. Excite has a site search command: You can see for more information.

7. Dogpile and Metafind do not eliminate duplicate web sites from its ÒhitÓ returns, according to article at ÒÓ I had difficulty relocating this article, but I found it quickly using Fast Search (All the web).

8. Keyword searches may be difficult since they can not discriminate between a hard drive, a hard exam and a hard stone. Excite does concept searching, where you can type in two or more words to help find only relevant material.

            A. After results are returned from, you can add other words to your search by clicking on their links at the bottom of the page or in some cases at the top of the page (music would have additional words at the top, musicians would not).

            B. Altavista has a section labeled related searches that can be used.

            C. Altavista also has a place to see Òmore pages from this siteÓ if you think may be useful, but you have not found the page that you feel will be helpful.

9. There are two kinds of clustering. One type is for searching by concept instead of by keyword. For example looking for ÒfootballÓ, ÒhelmetsÓ, so that you cluster information about football and helmets together.

            A. The other type of clustering occurs when many hits in a row in your search results come from the same site. Alta Vista does not allow this to be turned off.

10. With Altavista, I found 143 relevant documents looking for Òheavy metal lyrics,Ó while when searching for ÒHeavy Metal lyrics,Ó I only found 51 relevant documents. I found 11 pages looking for ÒW.A.S.P. lyrics.Ó

11. Searching by phrase is useful. However, with Fast Search almost every link of the first eighty linked to the same site. Unfortunately, that site was not working, and there was no way to jump to link 250 or 260 (there were 300 total links), etc. without going through the links 10 by 10. You could, however, exclude, that site from the search. According to Bob Jost, there is clustering, but it relies on machine intelligence and not humans. URLÕs may actually be slightly varied, but still be the same site. You can exclude sites by using Òmust not includeÓ and Òin the URLÓ in the advanced search or use Boolean.

A. Alta vista lets you jump to the links that are in the hundreds, two hundreds, etc.

12. When searching with Altavista, an example is given just below the search link.

            A. To find all the heavy metal lyrics without using (because it is a dead link), type in +"heavy metal lyrics" -crowley in the search window. Using the word ÒNOTÓ did not work.

13. When looking for specific lyrics, I found some with, Google and Look Smart.

14. At, you can links to some Motley Crue sites. Go to, then browse by artist, choose M, complete list.

15. At, you can ask ÒWhere can I find Motley Crue lyrics?Ó Then select Òask lyrics.Ó

            A. Alternatively, you can type in just lyrics or the names of other musicians.

16. When trying to copy and paste lyrics from the web to Simpletext or CW, it would not work. The cursor moved, but no text appeared. After pasting into Clarisworks, I changed the text color from white to black, which worked.

17. Avoid Geocities (bookmark named Heavy Metal Lyrics) and Angelfire sites, because they have those ridiculous pop up ads.

            A. However, you can simply move the browser window down and let the ads just pop up, as they may (at least you donÕt have to keep closing the ridiculous ad window, just wait until you are done at the site).

            B. Geocities and Tripod are free servers and have high abandonment rates, according to Harley HahnÕs Millennium Edition p. xliii.

18. You can use Òhost:whateverÓ to find web pages for a particular group (i.e. direct TV).

            A. When typing in Òhost:directtv.comÓ (no quotes) at Alta Vista, I found 68 web pages. When typing in Òdomain: Direct TVÓ (no quotes) or (no quotes), I found no pages. In other words, it seems like it is better to use no capitals.

19. I could not access Northern Light power search with IE 4, but I could with Netscape.

20. Bob Jost (Web Searching course instructor) likes the new FAST search engine at has a powerful advanced interface. it has over 300 million webpages in its index.

21. I asked Bob Jost: What is the difference between typing "+football" and just entering "football" (without using quotes in either example) in a search engine? He replied that you won't often see a difference in most search engines. For example, the + triggers the Boolean AND so if you used it in conjunction with another search term, it would cause the search engine to look for "football" as well as the other keywords. The quotes are most often used to force the search engine to search for a phrase, for example "national football league" instead of the individual words "national" "football" and "league". Results will be much more narrowly focused when searching for phrases as the phrase can have a much different meaning than the individual terms. Quotes don't usually make much difference when applied to only one keyword.

22. the difference between typing in "text:frogs" and simply typing in "frogs" in a search engine should not make much difference, according to Bob Jost.

23. With Savvy Search, you can pick which search engines you can customize and choose which search engines you want to include in your search.

24. From ÒÓ

Search Engines: Search engines, such as HotBot, create their listings automatically. Search engines crawl the web, then people search through what they have found. If you change your web pages, search engines eventually find these changes, and that can affect how you are listed. Page titles, body copy and other elements all play a role.

Directories: A directory such as Yahoo depends on humans for its listings. You submit a short description to the directory for your entire site, or editors write one for sites they review. A search looks for matches only in the descriptions submitted.

Changing your web pages has no effect on your listing. Things that are useful for improving a listing with a search engine have nothing to do with improving a listing in a directory. The only exception is that a good site, with good content, might be more likely to get reviewed than a poor site. Hybrid Search Engines: Some search engines maintain an associated directory.

25. There are sets of frequently occurring words that are not searchable, usually, except when part of a phrase i.e. ÒGone with the WindÓ. Ò may have more info. That article states that Excite sometimes ignores stop words (a, an, the), even within phrases.

26. From ÒÓ: All search engines can use the Ò+Ó and Ò-Ó sign and also the Ò Ò (use of phrases).

            A. Also, OR can be used, I should remember that.

27. From ÒÓ Results clustering prevents all the top results coming from one site. Clustering allows only one page per site to be represented in the top results.

28. Truncation allows you to search for different forms of the same word. For example, you can type in colleg* to find collegiate, college, collegial. Stemming, related to truncation, allows you to find past tense, present tense, -ing words, etc. (

            A. A stop word list means that certain words like Òof,Ó Òa,Ó Òof,Ó and ÒtheÓ etc. will be ignored when searching. In other words, if one of those words appears in your search box, they will be ignored. However, when there is a phrase with stop words enclosed in quotes, then stop words will be search (on Alta Vista, Excite, and Google). ÒThe Sound MusicÓ and ÒThe Sound of MusicÓ got different numbers of results. A search engine with no stop words will search for whatever words are in the box.

            B. On Hotbot and Lycos, it appears that stop words are ignored, even within double quotes of phrases. ÒThe Sound of MusicÓ and ÒThe Sound MusicÓ got about the same results.

            C. The parentheses are used for nesting Boolean arguments. There is a big difference between Ò(apple or kiwi) and recipeÓ and the same three words nested as Òapple or (kiwi and recipe)Ó (no quotes in search).

            D. The first looks for any hit with "recipe" and either "apple" or "kiwi." The second looks for an page with "apple" as well as any pages that have both "recipe" and "kiwi." Nesting only works on certain search engines.

29. At AltaVista, you cannot turn off clustering. However, you can choose to see more pages from any site by clicking on the "More pages from this site" option that appears at the end of each listing.

            A. From Ò,Ó Alta Vista can display 10 results at a time.

            B. If you type in Òfrogs and toadsÓ (4, 693), the results are the same as frogs and toads (4, 693), because frogs and toads (with or without quotes) is considered to be a phrase. But you will not get the same number of results as you would typing in +frogs +toads (12, 434), since results must have both words, but not necessarily the phrase Òfrogs and toadsÓ in it.

            However, if you type in stereos and pencils (159, 800), the and is ignored and Alta Vista looks for stereos OR pencils. If you type in +stereos +pencils (303 hits), you narrow hits down further. If you go to Advanced Alta Vista, you can type in stereos and pencils to narrow hits down to 303 hits.

            C. If you type in frogs and toads, you only get 9 pages with Altavista, since the page must have both words. With frogs or toads, you get 160,000, because it can have the word frogs or the word toads.

            D. If you type in toads or +toads in Alta Vista, you get the same number of results. If you type in frogs +toads, you get more hits than you would with +frogs +toads. In the first example, you MUST have toads and you CAN have frogs. In the second example, you MUST have frogs and you MUST have toads.

            E. If you type in frogs or toads without quotes, you get the same number of results as if you typed in frogs toads, because Alta Vista defaults to OR for the second example, since no word is between frogs and toads.

            F. Bob Jost suggested that it is easier to use the Advanced Search (with all of the search engines) than it is to use Boolean, although I am not sure on this, yet.

            G. any symbol is removed when searching and defaults to phrase searching. For example, typing in CD-ROM is the same as typing in ÒCD-ROMÓ.

            H. Can search for a URL by typing ÒprimetimeÓ (no quotes) in the search box. Can also search for image:, domain:, title:Ósearch enginesÓ (need quotation marks). Searching for text:, is the same as simply typing words into the search box. You can type in to find pages only from that site.

            I. In simple search, only 200 records can be displayed. But you can advance beyond that, you go to the 20th group of web pages, then after it loads, hit next, load 21, hit next, etc. In advanced, you must do the same thing. GregÕs notes says you can get up to 1,000 records, but that may be before Alta Vista changed.

            J. NEAR can be used to find words (in Advanced Search only) within ten words of each other. it can be entered in upper or lower case and can be nested within parentheses. If you type in Òpeanut near butterÓ in the regular search, you will look for the words peanut, butter or near in a web page (I checked the bottom of the search results page and found this out). You will get many more hits, but not necessarily about peanut butter.

            K. You can type a statement in at Alta Vista, also.

            L. You can also search for different languages on Alta VistaÕs regular search page.

            M. From ÒÓ, Alta VistaÕs help file suggests that you use several words when searching. Don't worry about getting too large a number of results--the most relevant content will appear at the top of the results page

            N. From same page as M, ÒYou can also create phrases using punctuation or special characters such as dashes, underscore lines, commas, slashes, or dots.

Example: Try searching for 1-800-555-1212 instead of 1 800 555 1212. The dashes link the numbers together as a phrase.

            O. From same page as M, ÒUse wildcards. By typing an asterisk (*) at the end of a keyword, you can search for multiple forms of the word.

Example: Try big* to find big, bigger, biggest, and bigwig.

            P. From same page as M, ÒYou may decide only to use double quotes in all your phrases to avoid confusion (remembering dashes, $ %, etc.), Ó i.e. instead of Jean-Luc Picard, type in ÒJean Luc Picard.Ó

            Q. With Alta Vista search, you can look for images, video or MP3Õs, simply by clicking the tab.

            R. To find images, you can type in Òimage:ÓMotley CrueÓ (no quotes) or go to images tab and type in ÒMotley CrueÓ (do not type in image:ÓMotley CrueÓ after clicking images tab, you will get no results). If you type the image thing, you get web pages with Motley CrueÕs image on them. If you go to the images tab, you can simply get pictures of Motley Crue (there were only 28 pages with images, but there were 110 pictures found).

            S. When images (or pictures) are returned (not the webpages), there are thumbnails, some of which are bigger on the web page itself. Below the thumbnails, the size of the picture is listed in terms of pixels (85 X 85 would not be very big).

            T. If ÒFamily filterÓ is on, it can limit some searches, tremendously.

            U. Greg is right, Alta Vista does have inconsistent results.

            V. From Alta VistaÕs help page, ÒÓ, You can look for MP3 files by clicking the tab. Then you can look for artists:Poison, song:Ólooks that killÓ or genre:Óheavy metalÓ. * If you type song:Ólooks that killÓ in Alta VistaÕs main search window, it will not work. Get many results, which is confusing. Or if you type in genre:Óheavy metalÓ, you get web pages relating to heavy metal, not MP3Õs.

            W. From Alta VistaÕs help files:, You can type in url:motley, title:motley or media:beaches (media finds images, audio or videos with beaches) under the Video search.

            X. Alta Vista bases its results on how many of the search terms a page contains, where the search terms are in the document and where the words are in relation to each other.

            Y. A 301 error indicates that a page has been moved temporary or a slight syntax error has been made in typing the URL.

            Z. ÒÓ is a text only version of Alta Vista.

            AA. There is a place to ÒAdd a URLÓ under resources. I submitted my AOL web page on 4/2/2000. This process usually takes a day to get the page submitted, at least. You can check for the presence of your web page in Alta VistaÕs index by using the Òurl:MotleyÓ procedure. it was not there on 4/6/2000.

            BB. There is a way to put an Alta Vista search box on your web page, see ÒÓ.

            CC. On the main Alta Vista page, you can choose Òfamily filter on or offÓ and you can use Òlanguage settingsÓ to set English as the default for searching.

            DD. On the regular search screen, you can choose your default language.

            EE. The difference between searching for +Macintosh +Ófree Internet accessÓ and +Mac +Ófree Internet accessÓ is big. The second one appears to yield more relevant results and it has more of them (3,000 to 1,800). Mac and Macintosh s/b interchangeable, but they are not.

            FF. At Ò,Ó you can ask Alta Vista to translate words or web pages. Type in the web page name, select the language to/from and translate. Although one day it would not translate pages wtih IE 5, but it would with Netscape.

            GG. My user name and ID at are Motleyze, Old At Ease. You can now customize ÒregularÓ AltaVista to return up to 50 hits at a time.

            HH. Source: Alta Vista mnemonic: My Plump Starfish quickly lowered LincolnÕs Tie. My Plump (minus and plus), Starfish (* key for wild cards, usually type in singular to find singular and plural words), Quickly (use quotes for phrases, i.e. merits of laziness got 8 hits, while Òmerits of lazinessÓ got 202, 254 hits), Lowered (use lower case for all, unless you only want Upper case hits), LincolnÕs (use link to find hits, do not type in Link, use link.), Tie (title, should not be capitalized, either). It does not matter is there is a space after title: or not. (title:chicken gets same number of hits as title: chicken).

            II. If you find a useful page, type all or part of the URL after link when searching to find other related web pages, that may be helpful.

            JJ. If you go to, and type Òlike:Ó in the search box, you can find sites similar to

            KK. You can choose to have English only for your results (it is stored as a cookie, so cookies should not be deleted, if you want to save settings).

            LL. I went to Alta Vista translations to find thank you in Japanese, but it was all symbols.

30. Alta Vista Advanced Searching: From ÒÓ, The date menu allows you to restrict your search to information published during a certain period of time. Use the From: and To: fields to specify the time period you wish to use in your search.

Note: Dates must be entered using the international format of DAY/MONTH/YEAR. You can use Ò&Ó for and, Ò|Ó for or, Ò!Ó for Òand notÓ and Ò~Ó for ÒnearÓ. Ò+Ó and Ò-Ó do not work in advanced module. If you type in peanut not butter, you will get a syntax error message. There are no stop words, but the words ÒandÓ, ÒorÓ, Òand notÓ and ÒnearÓ need to be entered with a phrase marking to be searched., use parentheses to group complex Boolean phrases. For example, (peanut AND butter) AND (jelly or jam) finds documents with the words 'peanut butter and jelly' or 'peanut butter and jam' or both. (cats OR felines) AND behavior (62, 624) narrows a search by finding cats or felines first, then goes on to behavior. Whereas cats OR felines AND behavior (1, 110, 600) does not narrow down first. it would find all the cats pages. According to a Modesto Bee article on 5/22/01, Alta VistaÕs advanced search tutorial shows you how to aim carefully, even choosing which Web Servers and linked pages to follow. According to, all but the first word must be preceded by an operator or AltaVista interprets the words as a phrase. (It is not necessary to use quotation marks to indicate a phrase). If Family Filter is turned on, English is the only language available.You can check the box for Òone result for web siteÓ to maximize the number of URLÕs. says that like Algebra, items in parenthesis are given priority. says that Òif you type in ÒMark McGwireÓ in the search box and then sort by baseball Òhome runÓ cardinals: the more of the sort terms that appear, the higher the results will be listed.Ó says, Òif you type domain:gov AND nuclear power plantÓ and sort by Ònuclear power plantÓ, then the search is limited to the domain gov and looks for the phrase nuclear power plant, and results are listed in priority by having Ònuclear power plantÓ (I think). You can type golf and Monterey AND url:golf course, includes the phrase golf course in the web address and contains the words golf and Monterey. says that you should use parentheses to group expressions, for example, (jobs OR careers) AND engineering. has an e-mail link on the page that can be used to e-mail Alta Vista help.

31. Excite doesn't have clustering, but it does offer a somewhat related feature where you can group pages by web site. Do a search, then select the "List by Web Site" link at the top of the Web Results section.

Excite usually displays a box containing words, not searches, that appear related to your query. For instance, if you search for "mars landing," a box at the top of the results page would list terms like "surveyor" or "pathfinder."

These are words that Excite commonly finds on pages that also have the words "mars landings." Thus, it presents them to you so that you can choose to add the ones that seem relevant to your search. When you click a check box next to a word, it is automatically added to the search box. Then you can rerun the search using the new words. You can display 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 results at a time(need Advanced mode for higher numbers). From ÒÓ, Excite indexes the Web by concept rather than by keyword. In other words, it takes documents and try to configure them together by words that would go together (film and trailer together would come up under movies, but not when looking for mobile homes). Words that frequently occur together are usually related. Newsgroups are also indexed with Excite. After getting the returns on your web searching, you can list the returns by website. ExciteÕs typing box for searching is too small for complex phrases or even a few words. Excite does not change the color of visited links. 32. Fast Search (also called ÒAllthewebÓ) does not use clustering. Lycos is in the process of buying Fast Search and will incorporate Fast SearchÕs database into Lycos.

            A. Ò contradicts itself about this. it says that ÒandÓ can be used as a Boolean term in the chart on Ò, but then on Ò it says ÒandÓ can not be used.

            B. frogs toads results in about the same number of hits as +frogs +toads and as frogs and toads. No quotes in any of them. Also is the same as frogs +toads.

            C. From E-mail to, Fast does not allow the searcher to enter Boolean operators such as AND although it will process Boolean operations that use the + or - symbols or the "all of the words" menu choice. To put it another way, Fast uses Boolean operators behind the scenes, but it does not provide the user with the opportunity to enter a search statement that contains Boolean operators.

 An example:: Searching with the drop down menu set to "all of the words" the search

 zelenski and ryan

actually looks for pages that contain all three words, including the "and". Try that search and then try

 zelenski ryan

and note that more pages are found since there are 15 additional pages that do not contain the word "and".

            I did find several of these links to have the word ÒRyanÓ and the word ÒZelenskiÓ on the page, but not necessarily together. The way to get ÒRyan ZelenskiÓ on the page (all together) is through the use of quotes.

            D. So with Fast Search, do not use ÒANDÓ, use + for AND.

            E. You can also search domains (.edu or .org), websites (, or country codes (.us) for terms (Lyman), if you scroll down a little. This could be especially useful for a site that does not contain a search box.

            F. You can use url.all command, but I am not sure how it works. I e-mailed Danny Sullivan to ask about this. He said that all the URLs would have the text that you type, in them, but it may not necessary be a single ÒhitÓ.

33. Google (accesses 3 billion web pages, from Tourbus from 1/03) clusters results so that if there is more than one page from a site in the top results, these are "indented" under the most relevant page from that site. Can display 10, 30, 100 results at a time from the simple search page. Can type in Òrelated:whateverÓ to find URLÕs similar in linkage patterns to a given URL. Google uses an automatic Boolean AND. OR should be capital letters when used. In Feb. 1999, Google added the - symbol to perform a NOT function. The + can be used but is only useful for forcing a search on a stop word from ÒÓ I did have a question regarding the Google help because it suggested that the word ÒhttpÓ and the word Ò1Ó are stop words and would not automatically be searched. However, after researching I found this to be untrue. They were searched. I e-mailed Google and they said that they experimentÓ with stop words, therefore, the stop words may vary from time to time (in this case, their help file was not updated). In Feb. 1999, Google add enclosing the phrase in Òdouble quotesÓ designates phrase searching which. Google also detects phrase matches even when the quotes are not used and usually ranks phrase matches higher from ÒÓ Also, if ÒBoston hotelÓ does not find what you want, try ÒBoston hotels,Ó because Google does not automatically do plurals and find EXACTLY what you type in phrase quotes only. Google does ignore frequent words. Its documentation mentions terms such as 'the', 'of', 'and', and 'or'. However, it also notes that these can be searched by putting + in front of them. No + is needed within Google's phrase search. As of March 2000, 'the' is a stop word that cannot be searched even with the + sign. ÒmusicÓ and Òand musicÓ (no quotation marks) resulted in the same number of hits (and is ignored), while Ò+and musicÓ got quite a few less hits (and is being searched for). Frogs toads results in same number of hits as +frogs +toads and as frogs and toads. No quotes in any of them. The same for frogs +toads. From Ò,Ó Google automatically adds "and" between the words you enter so it only returns those pages that include all of your search terms. To restrict a search further, just include more terms. Google also prefers pages in which related query terms are near each other. If you type in a single quotation mark instead of a double quotation mark at the beginning of a phrase, Google will not find your wanted search results. From Ò,Ó Google automatically does an "and" search for all query terms. Google does not support the logical "or" operator. Some search engines return pages that contain only a few of the query terms you enter, even giving them preference to pages that contain all the terms. Google only returns pages that contain all the terms. Frogs or toads return the same number of hits as frogs toads. Type in frogs and get the returns, then later (or in a different window), type in toads and get returns. From Ò,Ó ÒGoogle searches are not case sensitive. All letters, regardless of how you type them, will be understood as lower case. For example, searches for "george washington," "George Washington," and "gEoRgE wAsHiNgToN" will all return the same results.Ó From Ò,Ó ÒCertain characters serve as phrase connectors. Google recognizes hyphens, slashes, periods, equal signs, and apostrophes as phrase connectors. Phrase connectors work like quotes; for example, mother-in-law is treated as a phrase even if the three words aren't in quotes.Ó From ÒÓ, Google ignores common words and characters, known as stop words. Google automatically disregards such terms as "http" and "com," as well as certain single digits and single letters, because these terms rarely help narrow a search, and can slow down searching significantly. Use the "+" sign to include stop words in your search. Be sure to include a space before the "+" sign. You can also include the "+" sign in phrase searches. To search for Star Wars, Episode I: type Episode +I. From Ò,Ó The "I'm Feeling Luckyª" button automatically takes you directly to the first web page Google returned for your query. You will not see the other search results at all. An "I'm Feeling Lucky" search means less time searching for web pages and more time looking at them.  From Ò,Ó Google allows you to adjust the number of results you'll see on each page. Your options are 10, 30, or 100, with the default set at 10. From Ò,Ó The RN (RealNames) mark that sometimes appears on the Google (and Alta Vista too) search results page reflects a new partnership designed to enhance the Google search experience while maintaining the integrity of a Google search. Internet Keywords are brand, product, service or company names that specifically route to the owner's website. For example, Jeep Grand CherokeeRN takes you to the Grand Cherokee page within Jeep's official site. When the Internet Keyword matches Google's first result, the Internet Keyword and RN mark will appear at the end of the title. When the Internet Keyword differs from Google's first result, it will appear above Google's results. From Ò,Ó After the URL is a cached link. If you click on this link, you will see the contents of the web page as of the time we indexed it. For websites with fast-changing content, such as news sites, the current contents of a web page may not be a good match for your query. The cached content is the content Google used to judge whether this page is a good match for your query. The cached link will be missing for sites that have not been indexed, as well as for sites whose owners have asked us to remove the cached content. If you click on the cached link, the resulting page will have some HTTP header information at the top. The information may be interesting in itself -- the dates can tell you how old the cached content is -- but more importantly it reminds you that this is a cached version of the page and not the page itself.

If for some reason, the site link does not connect you to the current page, you can still retrieve the cached version and may find the information you need there. Google Scout can be used to find similar related pages. For example, once I found a ÒDog Home PageÓ, Google Scout found ÒCat Home Pages,Ó ÒHorse Home Pages,Ó etc. I found ÒGuide Dogs for the blindÓ page and Google Scout found a ÒCanine Companions page,Ó a ÒGuide Dog FoundationÓ page, etc. Google puts your search words in bold print. Google recognized pages (in NN) that I had already visited with Excite. If you go to ÒÓ, you can search Mac items. I submitted my URL (ÒÓ) on 5/1/2000. You can set preferences by going to preferences from the Google home page (I think the settings are stored in cookies). If you go to and type in Òrelated:http://www.macfixit.comÓ in the search box, you can find sites similar to If you delete all the cookies from IE 5, then when you go to, it will default back to 10 researches per search. I have used it now to return 100 results per search. If you go to the Google website (, you can drag the Google Search link to your favorites bar (which is usually below the URL window in the Netscape window), it is useful. Then go to any web page, highlight some text with the mouse and click the Google Search link on your favorites toolbar, then Google will search for that text (works with NN 4.75, but not IE 5). You can search for something in the title of a URL, for example, allintitle:football (Tourbus Feb. 15, 2001). You can also use allinURL:football. Allinurl command requires that all the words be there. You may want to leave off the http prefix, since some sites may not have that prefix. The inurl command requires that any of the words should appear. There should not be a space after the colon. If Google recognizes a phrase, it will automatically search as a phrase i.e. football scores. On one occasion, I was trying to lookthroughseveral lyrics sites for the lyrics to the song ÒThe 3 Little PigsÓ. I did not have much luck. But, after I typed Ò3 little PigsÓ and ÒGreen JelloÓ into the search box at Google, I found the lyrics easily. According to a Modesto Bee article on 5/22/01, Google appears to have the most listings and is the most efficient in terms of time. As of 8/19/01, Google places an alternative spelling suggestion on the screen, if you were close in spelling to another word (i.e. you misspelled it). At Google, you can type California power crisis filetype:pdf (no quotes needed) to find pdf files on the California power crisis. You could also type California power crisis -filetype:odf to see all related pages that do not have pdf files. You can use the allintitle command to find all the words you want in the title. The intitle command would only need any of the words, examples allintitle:Ófootball scoresÓ intitle:football score. Google has a toolbar at, but as of 4/02, requires Windows 95/98 etc. and IE 5. You can use +phone to search a particular site for info on a topic. You can type 165 University Ave Palo Alto CA into the search box at Google, I tried Golden State Blvd., Turlock, CA and found at least one street map of the area. There was an article that indicated that Google used pigeons for assistance with its search engine results; however, I am pretty sure it was a joke. If you cannot find a word with or, you may be able to find it by typing in ÒWhat is a Sandspit?Ó "This worked with Google (Mom said that some words may be common to a certain group of people, but not Òmainstreamed,Ó so the word may be hard to find). (as of 10/06) abbreviates past participle as pp. (in the definition of bound, it uses ptp.) and past tense as pt. You can ask the Doctor Dictionary (for questions about words or grammar) at, according to 8/31/04 Tourbus). Merriam Webster ( is the only dictionary that had a pronunciation only out of several at It was not written, it was oral. has written pronunciations and it has audio pronunciations, but you must be a member ($14.95/year). is a search engine that allows you to find places to purchase things online. According to Google_101.ppt presentation by Patrick Crispin: MSN, Yahoo, AOL, Ask Jeeves, Looksmart, Overture, Netscape ODP (Open Directory Project) are directories (which are human made and may only have 2 to 3 million pages indexed). Google and Alta Vista (which are not directories) may have hundreds of millions of indexed pages. Directories are similar to "telephone book" searches, you would normally use them to search for web addresses for a particular company or list of web pages for a particular topic. Patrick CrispinÕs Google 201 Powerpoint Presentation explains that web pages with more occurrences of keywords will be ranked higher. It also explains that if you type in pirates ~treasure, it will find synonyms for treasure. Type in Ryan Zelenski 95380 to find my phone number and address. You could also type Ryan Zelenski 209, or Ryan Zelenski California, Ryan Zelenski Turlock or 209-634-8915, Zelenski 209, or Zelenski Turlock, California. You can type in define:cat (with or without space after the colon) to see the definition of a cat. You can type in 3 + 4. You can type in weather 95374. You can type in movie: 95380.

            1. "OR" searches can use the word "OR" (in all caps), (dogs OR cats), or the "pipe" character |. They should all reveal the same results.

            2. Google is not case sensitive with its keywords.

            3. 10 words is the keyword limit, words past 10 are ignored.

            4. Some words are ignored i.e. and, the, a. You can force them to be included by putting a plus sign in front of them.

            5. Google does not do stemming, but does full word wild cards. If you put in a *, it will substitute for a full word (or any number of letters). In other words, if looking for buzz (and other words), you could type in *z and find it.

            6. You can search using daterange: (Julian dates needed, you must use Julian online date converter to do this), filetype:, phonebook:(714) 956-6425, rphonebook:, bphonebook:, ntext:words, but not URLs, titles, link text and site:(restricts results to those websites in a particular domain). You can type in site:edu or

            7. Slide 6 (of Google 201 presentation) mentions X (with a subscript of Ò1Ó) and X (with a subscript of Ò2Ó) as differing values of ÒX.Ó I was not sure if that is really the way to write it, or if Patrick Crispin made it up. I e-mailed MV to ask him. MV said yes, that is correct, that is a standard way of expressing the variable ÒXÓ with more than one different value. He said that both variables begin with ÒX,Ó because they both refer to the same type of measurement. When using Google's search, you can choose to type intitle:moon, apollo,, apollo, inurl:apollo. When you search with Google, it there are more occurrences of a keyword in a web page, the web page will be ranked higher. Tourbus from 8/26/03,, and explain that you can use Google as an online calculator i.e. type in 24/3 (no spaces) or 9 + 9 or 9+9. You can type in dogs to find books or magazines with the word dogs in it. This works with SafariÕs Google box, also. Tourbus mentions that you can go to and receive an invitation to sign up for 1 GB of e-mail storage with Google (for free, I think). I signed up with and password of New New At Ease. But then you send future e-mails to that e-mail address to be able to save them. You use to access your account. On 3/13/05, the page would not load with Safari, it just froze Safari. Googlewhack is where you type in two words and then only get one hit as a return. You type the word idiom and then an expression in quotation marks to possibly find the meaning of an expression with Google.

Google Earth has a free version that works well; however, it does not appear to work too well with a few Mexico addresses we looked for in Tijuana and Michoacan. At, I found out that the satellite imagery is one to three years old.

34. At HotBot, you cannot turn off clustering. However, you can choose to see more pages from any site by clicking on the "See results from this site only" option that appears at the end of each page listing.

            A. Can display 10, 25, 50, 100 results at a time. You can also choose full descriptions, short descriptions or URLÕs only.

            B. Hotbot lists the number of ÒhitsÓ (More than 1,000 Less than 100, etc.) found on the second page of hits.

            C. To find out if a word is a stop word, try typing it in the search box and hit enter.

            D. You can look for webpages, containing Òthe personÓ Zelenski in Hotbot advanced search. Just select Òthe personÓ from the Òlook forÓ box. Web pages will be returned that have Òthe personÓ Zelenski in them.

            E. You can also use the White Pages or the Yellow pages on Hotbot to search for persons or businesses. You can also search FTP sites for software. Techtool had numerous results. Do not use quotes around Òdisk first aidÓ to find it. Just type in disk first aid. Otherwise, does not work. Advanced search uses Mapquest for driving directions (you can store your address with Mapquest). You can also look for e-mail addresses throughout the Internet with Hotbot. Also, there is a free downloads section.

            F. Searches are limited to 1,000 results, which is inflexible. If more than 1,000, probably need to narrow your search.

            G. You can actually use the drop down menu for Òany of the words,Ó Òall of the wordsÓ from the regular search screen.

            H. Type lower case for all occurrences of words i.e. Òwindows,Ó whereas a search for Windows would return pages containing Windows, but not windows or WINDOWS. I tried this out, but it did not seem to be accurate. I typed in ÒWINDOWSÓ in the search window and found several pages with ÒWindowsÓ on it.

            I. From Ò,Ó you can type in feature:acrobat to find web pages with acrobat files on them. You can also type in feature:activex to find web pages wtih activex controls or layouts. You can also type feature:quicktime to find pages with Quicktime movies.

            J. From Ò,Ó you can type in Ò-feature:image +president Nixon to find pages that do not contain images of Nixon, but do contain the word president in the pageÕs title and may contain the word Nixon. You can also do this search from the Advanced search window.

            K. From Ò,Ó The plus operator placed before a word or phrase requires that all returned pages contain that search term. For example, JFK +CIA will return only pages mentioning the CIA, but pages that also mention JFK will be ranked higher in the results.

            L. There is not a Òrevise searchÓ button on the initial results page, it appears on the second page of the results page.

            M. I submitted my web site with Hotbot on 4/6/2000. There is also a link on the submit page (not on HotbotÕs home page) to check if your site has been indexed. it can take from 3 weeks to sixty days. On 8/9/2000, it was not indexed with Hotbot. I re-submitted it on 8/9/2000.

            N. Hotbot also uses a human edited directory that is on its home page.

            O. Lycos Downloads and FTP search are linked to the same page on Hotbot's home page. You can also get a domain name at Hotbot for$25 set up fee. Then it is $25 for one-year service fee and $35 for two-year registry fee. You can also submit and store a resume at Hotbot. it may be free.

            P. In the help files, it says you can use the Ò*Ó (no quotes) to find *man, etc. I tried typing in *otley to find pages related to Motley. However, I only found one page, which contained the word ÒotleyÓ (no Motley references). I also tried typing in Òfram?Ó (no quotes) to find pages on the word frame. This did not work, though, as far as I could see. I only got two hits, both relating to fram. I e-mailed Hotbot and they gave me a generic reply, twice. So it will be a mystery for now (4/11/2000).

            Q. From the advanced search, you can also search domains (.edu or .org), websites (, or country codes (.us) for terms (Lyman), if you scroll down a little. This could be especially useful for a site that does not contain a search box. it works pretty well.

            P. You can supposedly use at Hotbot, but it does not work, get an error that says check your spelling.

            Q. You can use to search for URLs.

35. Infoseek (also called At Go, clustering can be turned off. After you do a search, look for the option that says "Ungroup results" at the top of the web search results section. This is not an impressive search engine.

            A. You can display 10, 20, 25, 50 results at a time.

            B. With Infoseek, ÒandÓ is not supported. If you type in ÒandÓ, it defaults to ÒORÓ.

            C. Can search for a URL by typing Òurl:primetimeÓ (no quotes) in the search box. Can also search for,, url:(path, hostname or filename)primetime:, title:Ósearch enginesÓ (needs quotes). Use lower case for link, title, and url. title:search engines is different from title:Ósearch enginesÓ (later would find search engines as a phrase, the former would look for both words).

            From ÒÓ, Supported fields: Title, e.g., title:"New York Times," Url, e.g., url:holocaust; Site, e.g.,; Link e.g.,

 Alt, e.g., alt:Clinton [finds word in the picture label].

            D. Relevance is determined by the location of the search terms (those higher in the document).

            E. From Infoseek help (no URL, it is a pop up window), When I'm typing search keywords, does it help to type variants of a word, such as center, centered and centers? It's not necessary as long as the words are not capitalized. When you search for a plural word or a word ending in ed," Search by Infoseek automatically searches for the root word. (This is known as stemming.) For example, if you search for recycled, Infoseek automatically searches for recycle too.

            F. Infoseek does grouping, where it combines the results from a web site into one ÒhitÓ (similar to, if not the same as Clustering). You can ungroup the results to see them in detail, by clicking Òungroup resultsÓ on the results page.

            G. You can submit a URL through the home page.

H. If you type +motley +crue (3, 640 hits), the pages found must have the word Motley and must have the word Crue in them. +motley crue prefers to have the word crue (18, 413 hits), but it is not required.

            I. Type in sharks -hockey to find all pages related to sharks without finding pages relating to the San Jose sharks. (the + and - sign work with phrases, also. For example, "motley crue" lyrics returns 202, 353 matches; and +"motley crue" +lyrics returns 132 matches.

            J. To search for any of many proper names that are capitalized, type a comma between each proper noun i.e. ÒMacintosh, Mac, ÒiMac.Ó If you simply type in Macintosh, Mac, iMac: you get a site with Kena Mac coffee (although it may show up with other search, not sure). You should type in Mac, instead of Mac, because sites may show up with Mac in them, which would probably be irrelevant.

            K. At the results page, you can click Òhide summariesÓ to show 20 links at a time, instead of 10.

            L. If you choose to Ògroup resultsÓ (which is the default), a link that says Òmore results from ...Ó allows you to search more pages from that site. If you choose to ungroup results, then the Òmore resultsÓ link is not present. As far as the 10 results go, group/ungrouped results do not appear to show much difference, if any. I tried to group/ungroup results while searching for ÒIBMÓ, but had I had no luck.

            M. You can narrow your search results down further by choosing to Òsearch within resultsÓ after getting your return hits.

            N. From Infoseek help: Type a plus sign in front of a word to specifically include it, or type a minus sign to specifically exclude it. For example, if you search for "word processing" Macintosh, you may still get Web sites about non-Macintosh computers. Search for "word processing" +Macintosh to find Web pages that must contain Macintosh, or search for "word processing" +Macintosh -Windows to exclude Web pages that contain Windows.

            O. I did try this; however, on the first try with Òword processingÓ Macintosh, I only got 182 hits. With Òword processingÓ +Macintosh, I got 79,000 hits. I hit search again on the Òword processingÓ Macintosh search page and then 376,663 hits. When I typed in Òword processingÓ +Macintosh -Windows, I got 74, 213 hits.

            P. Type lowercases for all, except when you want ÒIBM, NATO, IRS, etc.Ó. If you type ÒInfoseekÓ, it will only find ÒInfoseekÓ, not ÒinfoseekÓ or ÒINFOSEEKÓ. motley got 18,467 matches and Motley got 13,341 matches. However, phrase searching is not affected by capitalization; motley Crue and motley crue both got 3,131 matches.

            Q. You can also search for images from the home page of Infoseek, but not from results pages apparently.

            R. When searching for Bill Clinton, White House (128, 644) do not forget the comma; otherwise, Infoseek looks for the phrase ÒBill Clinton White HouseÓ (717 matches). Pages with both hits will be preferred, according to Infoseek help.

            S. According to Infoseek help, you can type a comma between words: Mac, Macintosh, iMac and expand your results (463, 374) instead of just typing in Mac, Macintosh, iMac (41, 718). I e-mailed Bob Jost and he did not know why that is. He also said Infoseek has been rumored to be selling top positions on its search engine, so results may be skewed.

            T. ( ) are not used with Infoseek.

36. Lycos can display 10, 20, 30, 40 results at a time. However, its search engine is no longer updated, so Lycos can focus on its subject directory. From ÒÓ.

            A. Frogs toads results in about the same number of hits as +frogs +toads and as frogs and toads. No quotes in any of them. The same for frogs +toads. Should not use + or - or and with Lycos simple search. Does not support it. When you type in frogs and toads, it ignores and, results are therefore limited.

            B. computer magazines (525,835 hits) will find sites that list many computer magazines and is better than typing in computer magazine (1,309, 819 hits) which will also find Òcomputer-mediated communication magazineÓ, ÒComputer Telephony magazineÓ etc.

            C. You can use LycosÕ advanced search to search for newsgroups, multimedia, ftp downloads, etc.

D. If you do an ÒORÓ search (from the drop down menu) in Lycos advanced search for ÒDokken lyrics,Ó pages that have both words will be ranked higher than those do with only one of the two words.

            E. You can search for exact phrases by choosing it from the drop down menu. But you may miss a recipe for Apple pecan pie, if you type ÒApple PieÓ as an exact phrase search. However, an exact phrase search can be useful when looking for Sweet Georgia Brown as other could get mixed up in there. Exact phrase for Sweet Georgia Brown returned 5,362 hits, while the and search for Sweet Georgia Brown returned 39,125 hits.

            F. +Cowboys +Dallas got about the same number of hits as Cowboys +Dallas (around 116,000) in the Advanced Search module.

            G. If you type in ÒDallas Cowboys" +schedule (14, 227), you will get more hits than "Dallas Cowboys" +schedule +Tampa Bay (6,306). You could substitute a year for Tampa Bay. I found the results for the Tampa Bay game, where Dallas came back from 3 touchdowns behind (I think) in the 4th quarter at ÒÓ

            H. You can use the ÒPage FieldÓ link on the Advanced Search page to find items with ÒHarlem GlobetrottersÓ in the title, url or host/domain. This option can be used to narrow a search or used on its own to find items.

            I. If you go to advanced search, you can choose the language you want.

            J. Lycos highlights the term (s) you searched in black.

            K. Boolean case does not matter on Lycos. If you type in car ADJ race, you will only find pages where car and race are right next to each other, regardless of order. If you type in car NEAR race, you will get only web sites where car and race are within 25 words of each other. If you type in apple FAR pie, you will get only web sites where apple and pie are not within 25 words of each other. Although, many of the first few links were about apple pie.

            L. You can type fourscore before liberty to find references to the Gettysburg address, even if you do not know how to spell it.

            M. Lycos appears to NOT cluster by default and there does not appear a way to turn it on.

37. Did not have much luck with Results were not good.

            A. However, as of 10/1/00, you can customize which search engines you would like to use. I set it up to use Alta Vista and Google. You can also customize the amount of wait time.

38. Northern Light has clustering, and there is no way to turn this off. To see more pages from a site, click on the "More Results" link below the page listing.

            A. You can display 10 results at a time. To display 25, add &us=25 to the end of the URL after a search and then hit ÒgoÓ or enter.

            B. Can search for a url by typing Òurl:primetimeÓ (no quotes) in the search box. Can also search for title:Ósearch enginesÓ.

            C. frogs toads results in same number of hits as +frogs +toads and as frogs and toads. No quotes in any of them. Not the same as frogs +toads, since it may contain frogs, but MUST contain toads, I think. (To make sure both MUST be included, put a plus sign in front of both terms).

            D. There is no stop words that will not be searched. However, ÒandÓ, ÒorÓ and ÒnotÓ need to be entered if they are to be included in a phrase, if you want to search for the whole phrase. I.E. DonÕt type ÒGone with windÓ, type in ÒGone with the WindÓ.

            E. Northern Light is pretty consistent with its results, as far as cats ÒandÓ dogs being the same as

            F. If you type in dogs or cats and food, it is the same as (dogs or cats) and food, since the search engine would usually process the Boolean operators in order. However, cats and dogs or food will find much more things than cats and (dogs or food).

            G. ÒWar and PeaceÓ will return documents with the phrase ÒWar and PeaceÓ (such as discussion of TolstoyÕs book), but War and Peace (no quotes) will return pages about war and pages about peace.

            H. dolphins (460, 697) return more hits than dolphins not NFL (1, 225).

            I. Typing in recipes for Òchocolate cakeÓ will get you pages with recipes for chocolate cake. Not just pages with recipes.

            J. You can not choose the number of results in regular search (advanced was not accessible on several occasions with Northern Light). There are no language options either , but you can not with Fast Search basic search either (or choose the number or results with Fast Search basic search).

            H. You can type in chemi* to find words like chemistry, chemical and chemist. You can type psych*ist to find psychologist, psychiatrist, etc. You can type in gene%ology to find genealogy, if you are not sure of the spelling of something.

            I. Northern Light is one of the two major search engines (Alta Vista is the other) that does truncation. Must have four non-wild card letters to do truncation searching i.e. chem* will work. che* will not. % represents a single letter (good for misspellings).

39. With, you can pick some of your favorites including All the web, Alta Vista, Snap, Yahoo.

            A. From (ProfusionÕs search tips page), it say that this is how it converts the Boolean of search engines for use at Profusion:

            Excite (it does not support NEAR, so we convert it to AND.)

GoTo (it does not support NOT, or NEAR)

            InfoSeek (it does not support NEAR, so we convert it to AND.)

            Magellan (it does not support NEAR, so we convert it to AND.)

            Snap (it does not support NEAR, so we convert it to AND.)

            WebCrawler (it does not support NEAR, so we convert it to AND.)

Yahoo (it does not support NOT, or NEAR, so we convert Near to AND and NOT is removed.)Ó.

            B. You can select which search engine you want to use from Profusion home search page. it lists Alta Vista, LookSmart, Goto, Excite, Webcrawler, All the Web, Infoseek, Yahoo and Snap.

            C. appears to be pretty darn slow, if checking links. The more links ÒcheckedÓ, the slower it can be.

40. Snap (Inktomi powered engine) needs to have Boolean be in UPPER CASE only. AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT (NOT and AND NOT are the same, just like in Excite) can be used..

            A. Snap power search allows you to vary the number of results received.

            B. You can also choose to show URLÕs only, brief descriptions or full descriptions with Snap Power Search.

            C. After typing in your initial search string (dogs), you can also stipulate that a page should or must contain the word (cats). Searches, which must are going to be narrower.

            D. You can choose to show URLÕs only, but it is not descriptive. You can also choose brief descriptions, which does not list the Òlisted in Snap directoryÓ info or the Òfind more sites about ....Ó info.

            E. You can also search domains (.edu or .org), websites (, or country codes (.us) for terms (Lyman), if you scroll down a little. This could be especially useful for a site that does not contain a search box. it works pretty well.

            F. At advanced search, you can type in baseball AND (teams or leagues), but it gets about the same results as baseball AND teams or leagues.

            G. Search typing box is too small for phrases or a few words.

            H. Total number of hits is not listed, only groups of hits. Much more confusing that way. Boolean AND NOT only can be used in Advanced search mode.

            I. Advanced searching and basic searching will not usually achieve the same results because the advanced searches the Inktomi database and not the directory.

41. At, you can type in title:baseball to find sites.

            A. I submitted my site to Yahoo on 8/9/2000 under ÒComputers & Internet,Ó ÒOperating Systems,Ó ÒMacintosh OS.Ó

            B. You can use to search for to find URLs at

            C. says that directories (search engines that are powered by human beings) tend to list only a few pages per site.

42. From ÒÓ, ÒOften a quick trip to a search engine or web index will locate what you need. But, in the event that you are having difficulty finding appropriate web resources or when you are overwhelmed by too many resources, the comprehensive web search process that you just used will be available.Ó

43. Metacrawler lets you customize which search engines will be used.

44. Savvy search had some duplicates.

45. Brittanica and Excite do not track visited sites (red and unread).

46. is another search engine, but it does not seem to be extremely thorough.

47. An additional place for search engine information is

48. has a set of specialized search engines, it even has one for wired schools in the United States.

49. is an image search engine.

50. says that Òpaid inclusionÓ means that, in exchange for payment, a search engine will guarantee to list pages from a web site. There is no guarantee of ranking, usually, however.

            A. It states that Òpaid placementÓ is different. That means you are guaranteed top listings. In them, if you give enough money, you can be top ranked for the terms of your choice.

            B. Google does not use paid inclusion or paid placement, as of 7/7/01.

51. Tourbus from 10/1/2001 mentions how to make a search engine bookmark for urban legends. However, it does not appear to work with my G3.

            A. It does mention however, that can be used to search for urban legends.

52. I tried to look at the Search Engine info at (there was a zipped file there), but Powerpoint could not open it, probably a Windows version.

            A. There is now one for Macintosh, as well, but the printout has all Windows stuff on it. It is for setting up Google browser buttons.

53. At, after getting your search results, you can move the mouse over the binoculars and get a preview of the website.


Shareware Programs (Public Domain files have no copyright and no restrictions on usage: Freeware files are copyrighted, but no charges for using them). A Public Domain site (like a government site) can be copied, printed, used for personal use, etc.)

1. Web Print Plus (version 2.0) does about the same as Net Print Plus, but costs $25.

2. Application and System Sentry monitor memory allocation of a program (System Sentry monitors the system memory allocation) and each one costs $19.

3. Terminator Strip costs $5 and supposedly can quit the finder without having to restart (without additional errors).

4. VM Eject 2.0 wonÕt work with System 8.1.

5. VM Tuner says I should set VM to 222 MB on my G3/233.

6. AppDisk is not compatible with Snitch.

7. Tex-Edit can not print with the Canon printer. (-4210 error), error does not happen with other programs, now that the setup is ÒstandardÓ in the chooser.

8. TempoEZ costs $40, which I think is too much.

9. Keyquencer is one of those programs that you have to write your own scripts, does not record scripts like Applescript. Version 1.2.2 (from Mac Secrets, 4th edition) costs $10. it can also allow you to change the assignment of certain keys on your keyboard, which can also be done with ResEdit, perhaps.

            A. Keyquencer can be used to make your escape key into a delete key (Mac Secrets, 4th, 552).

10. File Buddy is $39.95.

11. Typeit4Me 4.6.1 costs $30 and fills in words for you. i.e. I type ÒFSÓ and it types ÒFrank SparkesÓ (it is not a speech recognition program).

12. Soundjam (MP3 Player) from Casady and Green costs $39.95. it can be used to compress regular music and save it from CD, Sound Input, AIFF, WAV and Quicktime and make it into MP3, MP2 or AIFF, so that it takes up less room. it can be used to make CDÕs directly via Toast v. 4.1 or later (price is $80 at Mac Zone and Mac Connection : $76 for regular version at Mac Connection, 7/26/00). When you drag an MP3 file onto Toast 3.5.7, you get an error message that says Òfile nameÓ is not a sound file or is not a supported format.  You can purchase it from ÒÓ. You can also get technical support from ÒÓ. Variable Bit Rate (VBR) is supported. Not sure about this term, but it is a Òtransfer mode service in which bandwidth is guaranteed based on cell rate.Ó SoundJam can be used to make songs for Karaoke. You can batch convert CDÕs, so that you encode all songs when inserting a CD. After all the songs are encoded, the CD can be ejected automatically. You can use it to listen to music radio stations without waiting for downloads, it supports streaming MP3, Icecast and Quicktime. It is not recommended that you use SoundJam 2.1.1 and the SRA Sound (in the Monitors and Sounds Control Panel) in conjunction with the iMac. It will lower the sound quality. DrawSprocketLib is required to expand Visual Plug-ins to fill the entire screen (command, F expands a visual plug-in to fill the whole screen). You must drag it from the Extras folder. After running the installer, the DrawSprocketLib should be in the Extras folder. it is possible that other visual plug-ins running in the background may show through. This happens in pre 8.6 Systems. I could use Toast v. 4.1 and Sound Jam to make MP3Õs and put them on CD, but it would cost about $120. And, I would not which songs are on which CD, since there would be lots of them on one CD. has an MP3 player, but as of 12/28/00, no Mac version.

13. Rioport is $120 and is like a portable cassette player.

14. MacAmp is $25. It plays MP3Õs. Will not keep MacAmp. Tried downloading an MP3, but the file ended in .zip, and I could not open it with the version of Stuff it Expander (4.0.1) I had.

15. Appsizer ($19.95) allows to change the memory allocation of a program that is already running. Not worth $20.00 to me.

16. Quickeys is $89.95 If you buy it online or $99.95 otherwise. This seems a bit much. it does a lot of automation with opening, closing files, but still it is too much money.

            A. According to Tidbits #545, it can type, push buttons, choose menu items and click the mouse. And accordingly, it now canthroughspeech recognition, can be triggered through your voice.

17. Program Switcher ($10) is not really worth it. All it does is allows shortcuts to bring to front an open application.

18. Bernie ][ The Rescue ($35) is a II GS Emulation program

            A. If it fails to startup (says Òcheck startup deviceÓ), then try going to setup, reset.

19. PRAM Battery Checker is a free program that will simply let you know what the date and time appear to be off. Does not actually check battery. You put it in startup items folder for it to work.

20. DragClick is freeware. it only works with TexEdit savvy programs, according to the Release Notes.

21. DF Erase can change the startup screen for Microsoft Word (Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 586).

22. Flash it ($15) is listed in Mac Secrets, 4th, p. 600. it is used for menus being pulled down.

            A. Screen Catcher (I already own) can capture pulled down menus.

23. DF Erase will take out the ÒpersonalizedÓ screen for Microsoft Word 5.1. However, it will then ask for the first install disk upon startup each time.

24. For Frontier information, see #28 under World Wide Web.

25. Jump Bar, LaunchStrip 1.4 and Task Bar are used in conjunction with One Click ( which costs $59.95, which I think is too much for scripting software.

26. Prefab Player is $79, even for educational users.

27. SmartKeys ($15) is a control panel that types common spelling errors, stores unsaved material in a buffer, and corrects common spacing errors (i.e. two spaces at the end of a sentence).

28. FrenchKiss (freeware) is a graphic program. Must use Kiss (not the band) pictures.

29. Amos Word Math (freeware) is for percents, ratios and geometry (higher than 3rd grade).

30. Christmas Time (freeware) is some games for December. Not too educational, just a little spelling.

31. Word Find V1.4.1 (freeware) is for creating puzzles. AuthorÕs e-mail is If you ÒinsertÓ a file, it can not be Word 6 file (Word Find does not recognize Word 6 files). Also, If you insert the spelling lists with numbers before the words, it will work, but in the word search you will have to find Ò1. helloÓ, Ò2. goodbyeÓ, etc. Also, you have to open the saved files from within the application (not well setup for kids to open up individual spelling lists).

            A. Version 1.4.1 has trouble on G3 with System 8.1. If you save a word list and try to open it, you get a Òyou need to try to open from within the applicationÓ or something similar error. If you try to open it from within the application, you get a Òwrong formatÓ error.

            B. Sometimes when printing, the program quits with an error type 1 (meaning look for a bug fixed upgrade). Also, got error when sorting a list on the G3. Also got error when copying/pasting a list to/from a word processor (Simpletext).

            C. If you type words across (bag top gun) instead of down, you will probably get an error of type 4.

            D. I downloaded version 1.5 and will try that.

            E. Typing words after creating a puzzle causes the puzzle to be erased, since it no longer contains the original words.

32. FredÕs Bowling Nightmare (freeware) is fun, but not very educational.

33. Math Worksheet Creator (freeware) is useful for creating sheets of Math problems for Add, Subtract and Multiply.

34. BYBL screensaver (freeware) is a cute screensaver.

35. The Grader (freeware) 2.0.3 is a good grading program, but CW is faster for me. it also opens files slowly. You would need a separate file for each set of grades. Otherwise, figuring out who is missing from an assignment would be challenging.

36. Wordspell lets you spell words and then the computer (some computers) will speak the word for you.

37. Triazzle Rainforest Screen Saver is for use with After Dark.

38. Tic-tac-toe is too Confusing.

39. Mac OS Purge does not work with either G3 or System 8.1.

40. MegaSeg ($199) is for editing and playing MP3Õs. So is Bay Tex Fiesta ($20).

41. Quickamp ($5) does about the same thing that GrayAMP (Free) and SoundApp (free) do.

42. Alias Zoo ($15) does what Alias Dragon does for free.

43. Disk Dup+ V 2.9.2 does what copy machine would do (and I already have that).

44. Zap works without having to restart the computer.

45. Extensions Strip ($8) works with At Ease. Allows you to access the Control Strip even in at ease.

46. Mac Errors ($10) is not worth it, just gives technical jargon.

47. G3/G4 Profiler INIT freezes the G3 at startup.

48. Keep Me Online (pay what you want) will only keep you online for an hour, If idle.

49. Black and Blue ($34) lists many error codes, may be useful, but too high priced.

50. Search and Rescue ($10) allows you to rescue text after a system crash. However, it does not seem to do a very good job.

51. Secret Folder ($20) is not worth it, just a password thing.

52. Auto Save ($15) saves text automatically in programs.

            A. HiÕs Universal Saver ($10) does the same thing. It kept signing me off AOL, when I signed on. Also, it kept launching Stickies for no reason. it is supposed to automatically save documents in any program.

53. SnapzPro ($40) captures many different images on the computer.

54. Cache Killer Pro ($14) is for deleting all your borrowerÕs cache files, which does not seem very useful.

55. Switch Res 2.2.1 ($15) seems to have some glitches in it, does not open and close prefs very well or all the time. it is suppose to define resolutions and sound levels for applications.

56. Tourbus (6/12/03 mentions that Open Office ( can be downloaded for free. It is for Windows and Mac OS X (and it has X11 in parentheses, whatever that means).

57. VSE File Pirate version 2.0 costs $20. Causes error type 1 on some applications and causes finder problems.

            A. File Pirate 3.0 costs $20, also. Error type 1 problem seems to be solved. it allows you to capture text, pictures and sounds that normally would not be accessible from programs. This can probably be done with ResEdit, If necessary. However, file Pirate is definitely easier and faster.

58. Invisible File Copier (freeware, version 1.0) lets you make copies of invisible files and move them to other locations. it was originally designed to copy invisible files from a CD to a HD to be able to work with them.

59. Yank ($15) can help with uninstalling file and cleaning out preferences. I have not had great luck with it in the past.

60. Alias Crony ($15, version 2.1.12) is an alias management utility that is not worth $15. Does not do much, except find lost aliases, etc. Also, did a scan of aliases on the HD and would not allow it to be stopped.

61. Title Pop (3.0.5b01, $15) is a program that allows you to switch between open programs from any open window instead of having to use the Applications menu. Not worth $15, though.

62. Internet Memory ($20) is like an Internet Config application. You can save your addresses all in one place. However, you can not add bookmarks to individual applications.

63. Add/Strip ($25) takes out garbage characters when receiving an IBM file, an Internet file etc. Not worth $25.

64. AppDisk ($15) lets you quit a ÒRAMÓ disk and then get the memory back. Not worth $15.

65. Art Explosion! Sampler (from Mac Secrets 4th CD) only has about fifteen pictures, which are pretty much duplicated in Print Artist. This program is a sampler for Art Explosion!.

66. Decor ($10) on Mac Secrets 4th CD is used to make a bunch of little pictures into one big picture. (needed for System 7.5.5, I think). Can also change the picture through the course of the day.

67. Desktop Patterns (Wraptures) ($129) on Mac Secrets 4th CD has many pictures to add to AppleÕs original desktop pictures. You can put your own pictures in there.

68. Hearts ($20) is on Mac Secrets 4th CD, but not worth the money, since I do not know how to play.

69. X Words ($20) is a Scrabble like game on the Mac Secrets 4th CD, but I do not like Scrabble.

70. Quick Pop ($10) on Mac Secrets, 4th CD allows you to set ÒhotkeysÓ for changing the monitor settings, sounds levels, etc. with one keystroke. Not needed right now, though, I would say.

71. Secret About Box (freeware) on Mac Secrets, 4th CD, allows you to do the secret about box game in System 7.5, not sure which version of 7.5, though.

72. Media Cleaner 4 Demo (version 4) can compress movies. it took the Bone collector, which was 3.7 MB down to a 129 K document. Also, it took a Quicktime sample movie from 194 K to 65 K.

            A. Media Cleaner Pro (version 4) costs $499.

            B. Movies do not need to be uncompressed, they can be viewed in compressed format. May want to change resolution for clarity purposes.

73. NetopiaÕs Housecall is $29.95 ( it is useful for troubleshooting someone elseÕs computer from your computer.

            A. To use Housecall Doctor/Patient, you need to turn call waiting off for both parties.

            B. When using Doctor in control mode, do not click the talk on phone button on the patientÕs computer.

            C. You can access a patient by typing their e-mail address in the connect to box, then click a function.

            D. You can copy files and folders between the two computers by dragging or use exchange (which is faster).

            E. You can chat with the other person by clicking the chat button, which does not require permission like the other commands.

            F. You can also use ÒlookÓ to check out the other personÕs screen.

            G. Mom decided that we donÕt need the program, since it costs $30.

74. is the place to order Viavoice for Mac, which costs $80, no demo version available.

75. ListenDo (freeware) is a program that works in conjunction with Plaintalk, so I do not imagine using it. it has the same limitations as Plaintalk, so it does not do dictation. it also was installed on my G3 and caused error type 10. Plaintalk was not installed, but the errors probably should not have appeared.

76. Mac Caller ID version 1.2.4 does not work on my G3, because it says that my modem does not support Caller ID.

77. Print to PDF ($20) allows you to transform files from application programs, and URLÕs will become links when transformed (if Internet Config extension is installed).

            A. You may need Acrobat Reader 3 or 4, depending on the file. To find out which is needed, open a PDF file in Acrobat reader and then go to File:Document Info:General and look at PDF version. If it is 1.2, the document should work okay in 3.0, if it is 1.3, then 4.0 might be needed.

            B. Does not work with AOL, though. Fonts were considered ÒunreadableÓ.

78. Eject Disk 3.1.2 ($10) can be used to eject floppy disks, Syquest cartridges, Zip disks, etc. You do not have to be in the finder to eject them. Not worth it.

79. Eudora Light is a freeware program. However, it only checks one e-mail account.

            A. In the Eudora Light Read me, it suggests that you can use Dark Side as a screensaver (it is freeware), because on 68040 Macs, Eudora Light is incompatible with Moire Screensaver.

            B. The ÒfatÓ version of Eudora Light runs as fast as the power PC version. That is new.

80. Powermail 3.0 ($30) requires 8.5.

81. IdeaKeeper ($30) can be used to store images, text, etc. it can be downloaded from ÒÓ.

82. The program ÒWish I wereÓ is designed primarily for individuals who install clock chippers. Clock chipped machines may not respond properly to installation software. Wish I were corrects this issue.

            A. This program can also be used if you want to install software on a machine that the software is not intended for.

83. ÒUSB Floppy Enabler,Ó according to, is required when running System 9. it is a driver (price is not yet determined, according to that emulates the floppy drive interface, allowing USB products to work with floppy-based software products. Not sure about this, I think I have installed software with a floppy drive on my iMac, but maybe not.

84. OSL Handler is an 8.0 application (shareware cost is $1.00) that looks for the presence of an ObjectSupportLib extension. ObjectSupportLib was incorporated into the System 8 system file, so it is no longer needed under System 8. However, some applications install it anyhow, because they use it (apparently not being aware of System 8 status). OSL looks for the extension and alerts you to its presence.

            A. Apparently, according to the OSL Read Me, this extension can cause the Finder to repeatedly load and many applications may not be able to launch. You may have to trash the Finder preferences and restart the computer.

            B. I had read a report, though, that suggested that you should LEAVE this extension active, since some applications look for it. (see System 8.0 #25 B). However, related to System 78.0 #25 B, NSD 3.5.3, NDD 3.5.3 and Word 6 do not appear to need the extension.

            C. One idea that should usually work is to put the OSL Handler into the Shutdown items folder, so that it can check for the presence of the OSL extension, especially after installing software that makes you restart the computer.

            D. For now, Objectsupportlib is in the extensions (disabled) folder.

            E. I decided to purchase OSL Handler and put it into the Shutdown items Folder. If you start up the computer with extensions off and then restart the computer, you get an error message. The error message says that ÒTo run this script application, you need ApplescriptÓ.

85. Smart Scroll ($12) has a scroll bar that is proportional to the size of the document. it also updates the screen as it scrolls (I think the Mac may already do that).

            A. Anyhow, right after installation, IE 5 had two different occasions of quitting with Error Type 1, so did Microsoft Outlook Express. The Finder would try to repeatedly load, when trying to restart.

            B. Also, upon restart Enternet software would not connect. When it started up, it would say ÒauthenticatingÓ and nothing would happen. I tried pressing disconnect and then connect again, I had no luck. I disabled SmartScroll and things are normal again.

86. has Zip it, a Macintosh program that zips and unzips  archives in a format fully compatible with PKZip for the IBM and zip implementations on other systems.

87. Scriptstrip requires System 8.5 or later. It allows any Applescript to be run from the Control Strip. It costs $10 shareware.

88. MacGzip is useful for compressing/decompressing .zip files. It is freeware.

89. ICWord ($20) allows you to view Microsoft Word files. You can also copy and paste them into other programs. You can also print documents.

            A. It works well, but not at an extremely fast rate. It tries to match the font to one that is installed on your system.

            B. It is especially good at opening MS Word 2000. Word 98 for Mac, Word 7, Word 6 and Word 2. It also opens RTF.

            C. It can even open stuffed Word files. ICWord did not, however, show a graphic that I had inserted from the word menu into one word file or another graphic that was imported from the clipboard. The graphics did not print out, either.

90. Virtual 2.0 ($10) uses TSM, which ÒsupposedlyÓ fixes some bugs in 8.1 not yet fixed and VirtualDog, which is not strictly required, but makes Virtual much more effective.

            A. It also uses Virtual Strip, which is a control strip module.

            B. Restarting is not necessary if you choose not to use Virtual Dog.

            C. An alias of Virtual can be placed in the Startup items, if used regularly.

            D. Virtual Dog allows you to double click on an item in the Virtual window and make it active.

            E. A small green is shown at the top of the active window.

            F. You can use command, tab to togglethroughVirtual Windows.

            G. It moved MS word off the screen when closing on one occasion.

            H. I decided that it is an interesting program, but not too useful for me. Less is more (the program add Virtual Dog to extensions and I want to limit extensions, if possible.

91. USB Printer Sharing 1.0 lets you share USB printers among many Macs using TCP/IP on physical (Ethernet, hubs, routers, and switches) and wireless (Airport) networks.

            A. Both host and client must be using TCP/IP to communicate on a Network. Appletalk is not supported.

            B. USB adapters and USB cards are not supported, must use a USB port.

            C. To find out if your printer is compatible with USB Printer sharing, you should contact your printer vendor, according to (where I downloaded the software).

92. Desktop Strip appears to be discontinued, it was not on Mice and MenÕs homepage, who originated it.

93. Sys Errors was last update in 1997. It costs $5. It is primarily intended for programs and Tech Support.

95. Link checker can be registered for $35, according to Tidbits #546.

96. BBedit version 6.0 costs $119.

            A. BBedit Lite is free.

97. It seems like the G3 has been running more smoothly, since I eliminated so much of the extraneous software from the system folder (10/22/00). Not having the fax software installed has helped the Ethernet connection remain active also, I believe.

98. You can use Sound App (freeware) to convert from MP1 and MP2 (but not MP3) format to Audio CD format (AIFF). Open Sound App go to file, convert, and choose the MP3 file and then convert. Sound App can convert between many file formats including MP3, AIFF, wav, and aux.

            A. MP3 to AIFF (freeware) does the same thing (converts from MP3 to AIFF), but it is faster. It can be downloaded from It may be that you need to drop sound files on top of it to work. If you simply open the program, it may not work.

            B. If you increase the memory allocation of Sound App, it converts faster.

            C. Neither Sound App nor MP3 to AIFF does batch processing.

            D. MP3 to AIFF works with OS X; however, severals files were converted and appeared fine with the OS X Finder. But when I dragged them onto the Toast 3.5.7 window, there were actually four versions of the song, instead of one. However, all four versions appeared to be fine. I think just deleting three will work fine for recording.

            E. On one occasion, I downloaded an MP3 (.mp3 is short for MPEG layer 3), but it ended with mp, since the filename was too long. I shorted the file name, and then made it mp3 at the end. MP3 to AIFF was able to convert it.

99. Web Free 1.5.1 (home page is costs $20. You can paythroughKagi, which takes checks, and credit cards. I had trouble getting it to work with at least one Geocities site,

            A. I e-mailed to ask if it works with System 8.1.

            B. I have tried with several pages to use the contextual menu (click on a pop up window and hold down the button for a couple seconds) to block images or pop up ads with Web Free, but so far not much luck. If you pay for the program, just click the box mark ÒI have paidÓ.

            C. If cookie blocking is enabled, sites can still set cookies, but the local browser can not send cookies back to the site.

            D. If you turn off GIF animations, pages may still have ads, but they just not blink so much.

            E. and have more information about Òregular expressionsÓ, which are applied to HTML tags in isolation.

            F. It does not appear to do too much as far as ad blocking, so I trashed it.

100. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) version 6.5.8 is freeware. It can help with encrypting transactions over the Internet. You can also make self-decrypting archives with it, so individuals without PGP can access files. Also, if you make an archive without using a password, PGP could make what would be a self-extracting archive (.sea).

            A. I installed it, but PGP adds several extensions and control panels and I would like to keep my System Folder as simple as possible to avoid issues.

101. There does not appear to be a way to register ÒMortgage MakerÓ program, but it is free for personal use (I got the program from Julie).



1. You can hit control Q, to get a picture of the ÒcommandÓ key, except not in Microsoft Word.

2. shift & click will not select more than 2 items If they are from different windows on the screen unless you are in ÒList viewÓ. Also, to select many items or a lot of text: Click on top item, hold down shift key and then click on bottom item.

            A. To select or deselect text, you can use the arrow keys.

            B. To select several sentences or words, highlight the first one, hold down shift key and keep clicking.

3. Command, period is the same as cancel in any dialog box.

4. ^ on an applicationÕs menu is for the ÒControlÓ key.

5. A diagonal open slash with a dot means ÒOptionÓ key.

6. Hold down ÒshiftÓ and ÒarrowÓ keys together to highlight text (or use mouse).

7. Sometimes the edit keys (help, home, page up, page down, etc.) work on some programs.

8. The names of the ÒlabelsÓ can be changed and you can view by label (probably on 7.1, canÕt view by label on 7.5).

9. Choose Òby sizeÓ, then choose Òby iconÓ, then hit option and clean up Òby sizeÓ, icons will appear in size order.

10. If you hold down the ÒOptionÓ key while hitting zoom, then the trash can will still be visible.

11. If in icon view, you can grab one of the icons and use it to scroll.

12. If looking at desktop windows, you can go to the desktop (make it active) by hitting, shift, command, up arrow.

13. Document icons usually have the top right hand corner folded down. If the bottom right hand corner is folded up, then it is probably a stationary pad.

14. P. 72 Of Little Mac Book is still in question, the part about quitting and closing all windows from an application. BH has never heard of this shortcut.

15. A blank document icon means the application that created it usually canÕt be found.

16. Sometimes you can drag an icon on top of another application to see If it can open it.

17. To get to the finder, hit open apple, and tab.

18. command, up-arrow moves you up one level. Command, shift, up-arrow takes you to desktop. Works the same in dialogue boxes (save, open, etc.). If you hit the command and down arrow, then it will go into the first folder listed. In the dialog box, you can hit command, D or Command, shift, up arrow to get to the desktop level. Command, N creates a new folder.

19. Also in a dialog box or a window, If you type the first letter of what you are looking for, the first file starting with that letter will be highlighted.

20. To change from the directory to the naming box, use the tab in the Save dialog box.

21. When changing the names of a folder and you make a mistake, hit command, Z.

22. Command, period cancels a dialog box.

23. If you hit the shift key and move any of the arrow keys, it will highlight text.

24. If you hold down the option key while clicking in the zoom box, then it will open the window as wide as possible.

25. To open the contents of all windows in list view, select all, then command, right arrow (select all, command, left arrow for closing windows). Or to close all windows back up, go to view by icon then back to view by list.

26. To copy two files from separate windows, go to the HD and only open those two window in list view. Then copy.

27. to change the name of a file, type the first two letters in list view, then hit return.

28. Often after using the undo command, the command can be changed to ÒredoÓ or perhaps ÒundoÓ cut, If you make a mistake with cutting, etc. and want to correct it.

29. On the G3, If you hold down the option key at startup, when you get to the desktop, all windows will be closed (If there were any left open before restarting the computer).

30. From If you press command, shift and W, it will close the frontmost window and convert it from a Pop up window to a normal finder window (command, w simply puts the tab back at the bottom).

            A. Same source: If you press command, option, shift and W, it will close all windows and convert any pop up windows to normal Finder windows.

            B. Same Source: If you hold down the option key and then click to expand or collapse a window, then all the folders and subfolders will be collapsed or expanded also. (Does not work with IE 5, though).

            C. Same source: command, option, shift and power will restart or shut down some computers. It will shut down the G3/233.

31. command, D chooses "Don't Save" in a dialog box.

            A. Command, N chooses No in the save dialog box for Word 5.1 and 6.0.


See Disk Copy

Shut Down

You can shut down the computers in the Crookham lab by hitting ÒControl SÓ. DoesnÕt work on my home computer though.

Shut down and restart checks to make sure any open applications do not have any unsaved work in them. For it will ask to save any changes. Just shutting down by turning the switch will not afford the opportunity to save any unsaved changes, also can damage files resulting in the loss of data and/or an unhappy Mac. Shut down items can be used for virus detection software.

If the Shut down in the Apple Menu does not run the items in the Shutdown items folder, try Shutting down from the finderÕs special menu instead (S.M. p. 22).



1. Apple menu item that is used to record alert sounds or regular sounds.

2. Sound Manager 3.2 was built into System 7.5.3, so the downloaded 3.1 version was destroyed.

3. To add extra alert sounds from the 5400 CD, must restart with extensions off, then drag the alert sounds to the system folder.

4. To add sounds, record with Simplesound. To record a CD playing, you need to change the C.P. Monitors and Sounds to TV/CD/VIDEO. The sound file will be put into SuperclockÕs control panel and also inside the ÒSystemÓ file, automatically.

5. To add extra alert sounds, you can simply drop them onto the system file. If you change the type and creator of a sound file to match those of a font file, you can put the sound file into the fonts file and the sound will show up in alert sounds (under Monitors and Sounds).



1. It is best to use spaces and not tabs, since it will not format correctly when printing.

Can say the text. Command period to stop. Also, on one Powermac the extra voices were in a separate folder inside of Apple Extras. Drag them to extensions folder (in a folder called ÒVoices), they should appear in the Simpletext menu, although restarting may be necessary.

            A. To speak the text, you need to have Voices, Speech control panel and Speech Manager extension in their active folders.

2. Need version 1.4 to be able to ÒundoÓ with System 8.1.

3. There seems to be a bug using Simpletext 1.4 with Canon BJC-4550 printer (also using Òfast printingÓ as a default, i.e. the print quality is fast, not high). When printing many items with Simpletext, If there are more than 4 pictures in the Printmonitor window, some of the pages may start to print out at 200% (i.e. they will not fit on one page and no second page is printed). The solution is print two pages at a time, and to watch the pages as they print out.

            B. Later, I discovered that the same problem occurred again when trying to print a registration form with Simpletext and using the fast printing as defaults, that I had setup. The text on the page came out too big and only one page printed out (all the text did not appear).

            C. I got rid of the fast printing defaults. Problem was solved.

If you change a PICT file to creator ttxt, then the file will open in Simpletext (cannot be edited, though).

4. If a Simpletext file is ttro type (looks like a newspaper), then it cannot be edited. TEXT files can be edited.

5. You can put graphics in your Simpletext documents by using tex-edit plus.

            A. Or you can use the information in Mac Secrets, 4th edition ()page 598-599. (requires ResEdit).

6. The icon for Simpletext on the G3/266 at school has become generic. it shows H261 on it on all the Simpletext icons. Rebuilding the desktop with Techtool did not solve the problem.

            A. You might try to use NDD to rebuild the desktop file. Trash all except for most recent version of Simpletext. Use NDD to repair damage to disk. (Sad Macs, 3rd edition p. 778-786).

            B. Trashed all old copies of Simpletext. Then I reinstalled Simpletext 1.4 from the G3 CD. Worked on new documents. They could be saved without H261 on them. However, one file that I tried to resave was Software for Workshop. On the desktop, it was a normal Simpletext icon. But in a window that is viewed by small icon, the "H261" was still present. Tried to open document from within Simpletext and re save. Trashed finder and display preferences, rebuild with Techtool. I had no luck. Tried adding file to desktop with NDD, but I had no luck. Copied all info from file and paste into new Simpletext file, which worked.

            C. DC suggested next time to try to check the type, creator and compare with a ÒregularÓ looking icon for Simpletext.

            D. When trying to solve Simpletext problem on G3/266: I tried to "Get Info" and it caused the Finder to quit. I also had trouble with the Extensions Manager on the G3/266. Whenever you opened it, it caused error type 3. The icons matched the type and creator of what they should be (TEXT, ttxt). After transferring the files to my G3/233 at home, the files had the correct icons. Maybe system Folder problem or problem with Finder Preferences/Display Preferences/Rebuilding the Desktop.

            E. The problem returned later, however, on the G3/266. So, I did a low-level format that zeroed all the data on 8/4/2000.

            F. Perhaps should avoid transfer of Simpletext files between the two computers.

            G. Later (1/24/02), the H261 problem reappeared. I just pasted other icons over them (used a regular Simpletext icon). TT rebuild did not work. However, a few days later, I ran Drive Setup, NDD, NSD and then rebuilt with TT and the H261 icons were gone, they were back to the normal Simpletext icons (as of 2/2/02).

7. Later, I encountered the same problem on my G3/233. The icons for Simpletext ÒTEXTÓ files showed H261 on them. When I started up my G3/233 from the G3 CD, the icons for Simpletext ÒTEXTÓ documents are correct. Replacing the System file and the Finder did not work. Neither did rebuilding with Techtool 1.2.1.

            A. Later, got same problem on G3/233 with the ÒH261Ó icon. I trashed the Finder and Display preferences and rebuilt the desktop with Techtool. I also scanned with Virus Definitions with Norton Anti-Virus 5.0 and June 2000 Virus Definitions. I had no luck.

            B. May try a different version of Simpletext or paste new icon.

            C. I trashed the Finder and Display preferences, and reinstalled Simpletext from the G3 CD. This worked. Even old files that were previously created had the correct icon.

            D. After deciding to rebuild the desktop with Techtool 1.2.1, the icons were back to ÒH261Ó with Simpletext. So I tried to locate Display preferences again (were not present) to trash them. I trashed the Finder preferences and all copies of Simpletext. Restarted, icon was still ÒH261Ó.

            E. Then I tried trashing the Desktop DB and Desktop DF files and trashing all Simpletext files again. Restarted. The Simpletext icons were normal. Almost every other icon was generic. Rebuilt with TT 1.2.1 again, Simpletext icons were ÒH261Ó and the other icons were normal.

            F. I tried rebuilding the desktop with TT 1.1.8. Upon restart, the others were fine, Simpletext was back to ÒH261.Ó I rebuilt the desktop using command, option at startup. Results were the same.

            G. I tried Rebuilding the Desktop with NDD (Must restart after rebuild). Upon restart, others were normal, Simpletext was back to ÒH261.Ó

            H. I called Apple Education and they suggested resetting the PRAM first. If that doesnÕt work, then the system is probably corrupted (or something added to the system, i.e. 3rd party stuff, is causing the problem). This is true, especially since the icon shows up as normal when starting up from the G3 CD. I did a clean install of the System software, which did not fix the problem.

            I. I tried working with ResEdit to change the icons for ÒTEXTÓ files to the icons for ÒsEXTÓ files. I did this by open Simpletext 1.4 with ResEdit, opening the ICN# resource, open 132, selected all (command, A), copied. Then I opened 129, selected all (command, A), then deleted. Then I pasted 132Õs resource there. You can then drag the icon that was changed on top of the other two icons (they will change too), but not the last icon. The other icons are for display in 2 colors, 16 colors and 256 colors. This worked temporarily, but when the files were rebuilt with Techtool, they reverted to ÒH261.Ó

            J. When I pasted Òcustom iconsÓ onto the ÒTEXTÓ files, they were saved through a Techtool rebuild, but that would be pasting a lot of icons on the HD.

            K. I donÕt think I had to do the same procedure for all the icon resources (icl4, icl8, ics#, ics4, ics8), but I am not 100% sure.

            L. Mac Secrets 4th edition p. 703-704 and Mac Secrets 5th edition p. 831-832 have more information about this. When I was trying to make changes however, the changes would occur. The icons of ÒTEXTÓ were changed to that of ÒsEXT.Ó They were not the right icons for ÒTEXTÓ icons, but they did not have ÒH261Ó on them. However, after a desktop rebuild with Techtool 1.2.1 (or 1.1.8), the icons were back to ÒH261Ó or would not save correctly again.

            M. I could have saved files as ÒsEXT,Ó but then they would be stationary pads. When opening and modifying, there would be copies made.

            N. Side note for Simpletext: ics8 is the resource the small icons. ic18 is the Òsave asÓ dialog box.

            O. After that, I had do perform an initialization (Apple had also suggested upgrading to System 8.5 or 8.6 or initializing, but I was not real interested in purchasing 8.5 or 8.6, so I decided to initialize). I did a low-level format and Òzeroed all dataÓ. I left the computer and when I came back in one hour and 15 minutes, it was done (may have taken less time).

            P. Initially after initialization, the icons for Simpletext ÒTEXTÓ files were normal, even after a TechTool 1.2.1 rebuild of desktop with extensions off. However, later, the icons for those type of files were all changed to ÒsEXTÓ after a Techtool 1.2.1 rebuild. it was because I had put a ÒWorksÓ folder on the HD with a ÒchangedÓ Simpletext in it. The files must have then gotten their icon information from that file. I deleted that file (and the one that was on a zip disk), rebuilt the desktop again with Techtool 1.2.1 and extensions off. The files were back to normal.

            Q. The G3/233 Backup CDÕs do not have the Simpletext icon problem.

            R. Later on, the H261 icon returned on the G3/233, after rebuilding the desktop with extensions on (thru Apple, not Techtool). I rebuilt the desktop with Techtool with extensions off. Still H261 icon. Must be a Simpletext bug.

            S. Later (12/31/00), the Simpletext icons returned to normal on their own. Perhaps I removed something from the System Folder, which helped, as I have attempted to scale down the System Folder over the past few months.

7. In version 1.4, you can use find and replace and undo for text and movies. You can drag and drop selected areas of pictures out of windows.

8. When a picture 1 (Simpletext) file was, the file type was BINA and the creator changed to hDmp.

9. I tried printing a picture from a web page (loaded with IE5) with Simpletext (I did command, option, 4; then printed the picture with Simpletext). However, the picture did not come out as well as the picture did that printed with IE5.

10. I tried to print a picture of my lesson plans with the G3/266 on the 1500. However, I kept getting a memory message that suggested quitting other applications and printing again. However, quitting all of the other applications did not solve the problem. Neither did restarting. Finally, I increased the preferred memory allocation of Simpletext to 800 K, but no luck. Increasing the preferred memory allocation to 2000 K worked.


Sleeper (Registration # 5671), 3.2 b1 password is Stumpjumper ($25 for a single user, and a single user can register more than one copy)

1. May not be able to shut down when a dialog box appears i.e. an error message or something.

2. Can be used in connection with Energy Saver, as long as functions do not overlap.

3. Will spin down disks (option, click, help) when shutting down the hard drive or dragging a mounted disk to trash (although in the case of the ZIP drive, it just emits a high pitched sound, i.e. Sleeper can shut down Zip with driver 5.0.1).

4. On the LC, it will not shut down the computer (displays message Òit is now safe to shut off your MacÓ), but it will darken the monitor.

5. To make it work with the external Syquest (so that the Syquest is turned on before the LC, so the Syquest will be recognized), Under Sleeper control panel, Disk Sleep, #2 s/b checked to spin down after 120 minutes. Under energy star, shut down computer when idle 180 minutes s/b set up.

6. You can set your own time for Sleeper to turn on Screen Saver, just hold down the option key and click on the time bar, type in wanted time.

7. You can set the monitor to low power or no power by option clicking on Energy Star.

8. To find out the name of the external SCSI drive you may have: Select disk sleep, external SCSI and hold down option key and move over the SCSI ID Number.

9. Occasionally, Sleep will not actually shut down the computer (If there is a dialog box or program open that Sleeper can not quit). Microsoft Word was open once and computer would not shut down.

10. Sleeper Version 3.0.2 has a problem with System 8.1. If Apple CD/DVD Driver is in the active extensions folder, sleeper can not shut the computer down. Apple CD-ROM (7.1Õs version) does not load the CD onto the desktop in System 8.1.

All other INITS in ÒMy SettingsÓ in the Extensions manager can be on, but If the Apple CD/DVD driver is active, the computer will not shut down.

            A. Even with only 4 INITS active (Extensions Manager, Sleeper, Text Encoding Converter and Appearance) the computer will not sleep with Sleeper 3.0.2, does not even work with the hotkey set. However, If I set the computer to sleep with a different command (other than Command, H), it will work. i.e. it will allow the computer to sleep. it is now set to Command, L (since command, S is for saving).

            B. Actually, the computer will not even sleep from the Special Menu in the finder.

            C. 3.0.3d 8 version of Sleeper still does not shut the computer down. Using energy saver for now.

11. To have the 5400 shut off, you need to leave disk sleep unchecked, screen saver is optional, Energy Star should have monitor and computer shut down (monitor can shut down first or same time), skip password and options.

12. Version 3.0.3 b5 works on G3/266 at school (shuts down computer, even with MOM active). But it will not shut down If the energy saver control panel is set to sleep at any time (i.e. 30,40 or 50 minutes), it must be set to never. Sleeper can shut down the machine even If Energy Saver is set to turn on G3 at a certain time (E.S. will not interfere with Sleeper in that case). Sleeper will shut down G3/266 from At Ease or Finder.

            A. Sleeper worked on the G3/233 at school, even when Energy Saver was set to sleep after 30 minutes. Later, it did not work, I discovered that Sleeper could shut down the machine If in ÒAt EaseÓ, but not from the Finder. (so E.S. prefs did not matter, actually Sleeper would not work, even with E.S. disabled). Also, in the Finder, the G3 would shut down If set to 1 minute, but no other setting. Tried all kinds of combos of extensions and control panels, but seemed to be intermittent conflict. Trashed prefs and reinstalled with extensions off, but still I had no luck.

            B. At home on G3/233, Sleeper works with roughly the same set of extensions.

13. If SleeperÕs energy star is set to go on, it will make the screen totally black. Also, Energy Saver will simply make it somewhat darker depending on your settings.

14. Sleeper 3.0.3b9 has the option to wait for disks access to stop under energy StarÓ. I will try it on G3/266.

            A. Sleeper 3.0.3b9 did have some bugs in it apparently, so 3.0.3b10 version was released. 3.0.3b10 did not work on G3/266 either. Nor did Sleeper 3.0.3b11.

            B. After more research, I determined that the problem was with At Ease setup control panel. First of all, enabled/disabled does not make a difference (Sleeper is ÒonÓ or ÒoffÓ through the control panel, does not matter in control panel is enabled or disabled). At ease setup being set to ÒonÓ will not let Sleeper shut down the computer from the finder. If At ease setup is set to Òoff,Ó Sleeper can shut down the machine.

15. Sleeper 3.0.3b10 and 3.0.3b11 work in conjunction with Okey Dokey Pro 2.0.3 to shut down the G3/233 and the G3/266 with At Ease enabled and set to ÒonÓ, then going to finder with Sleeper set to shut down the machine in three minutes. Okey Dokey Pro can be set to one minute and it will work.

16. Sleeper 3.0.3b5 works on the LCII with At Ease on, and then being in the finder (set to shut down in three minutes).

17. Sleeper 3.2 works fine with the G3/266 (probably with the G3/233 also). Okey Dokey Pro not needed and At Ease was on.

            A. Later, though, the G3 was still on in the morning. I tried unchecking the "Install SAVC and SAVR Gestalt Selectors" by command, option, clicking the Help icon. I thought I would see if that helps Sleeper shut down the G3.

            B. Wait for disk access to stop was unchecked under energy SaverÓ tab. Also, the Power off and Shut Down was set to 180 minutes. G3 was off (after lunch at school) after setting it to go off after 15 minutes.

            C. Later, though, Sleeper did not shut down the G3, so I hooked up a timer to it and will turn it off on Fridays.

18. Jon at St. Clair (SleeperÕs) tech support fixed the problem in Sleeper 3.0.3b13. Sleeper will shut down the computer from the Finder, while At ease is enabled and set to be ÒonÓ when machine starts up. (Okey Dokey Pro not needed). Sleeper 3.0.3b13 can shut down the G3/233 at home and the G3/266 at school.

19. G3/266 had Energy Saver still active, so screen did not go ÒblackÓ, so I turned off Energy Saver and the screen went black.

20. You can see DSL #52, P, 2 for Sleeper related error with Enternet software.

21. I e-mailed to find out the price of a site license. I asked the price for 90 computers(just out of curiosity). I checked on their website at, and it costs $1,000. However, they e-mailed me back and said schools get a 50% discount and it would cost $450.00 for 90 computers (because for 90 computers, the usual price is $10 apiece). These are the usual prices: 1, $25.00; 2 - 9, $20.00;10 - 49, $15.00; 50 - 99, $10.00; Site, $1000.00; World Wide, $2500.00.

22. Sleeper 3.2 documentation says it does not work with LC5x0 machines that use the screen control panel to control Energy Star functions.

            A. Sleeper 3.2 does work on the IBM compatible monitor that has a video adapter to connect to the LC III.

            B. It does not appear that the ÒSleep NowÓ function works on either computer, though.

23. 3.2 does not work with the bondi-blue iMac at home.



Registration #

Ryan T. Zelenski

(see General Info for this line)

Turlock, CA 95380

0#BkVMlXdDNski95mkTQ, there is a letter after the capital M.

(The easiest way to register is to copy and paste the Registration number. I think I need to NOT have a space between ÒLotÓ and Ò#Ó, to register). When you reinstall System Software, Snd Sampler does not need to be re-registered. has info on updates. Registration for version 5.9.8 is my first and last name, and the code is  291109608331451685 (it has only numbers, no letters)

 1. Encountered many errors when recording from the TV to CD. The application kept hitting the ÒStopÓ button all by itself. Tried trashing prefs, app and reinstalling, increased memory allocation to 45000 K, Tried later version of SndSampler (Version 3.5.2), switched VCRÕs (Tapes were making a wobbling noise when playing on the Sony). Switching VCRÕs did help and when I tried to record from the stereo, the situation was improved, but still not really good, since songs are still cut off in the middle.

2. The read me guide suggests trashing prefs, reinstalling and/or turning off virtual Memory (which was on at the time of recording). Get software from a different site, perhaps.

3. Tried using SndSampler later (version 3.2.1) on the 5400 and it worked fine. Turned all extensions off (exc. Apple CD-ROM), increased memory allocation to 45000 K and it worked without Òstopping.Ó The program would periodically update the Record time remaining and the data bytes recorded (like every 10 seconds). it appeared at first to be frozen, but it was updating itself.

4. Files could not be saved as System 7 files, since an error message appeared saying it was the end of the file.

Also, song cuts off If too long (like over 4 minutes or something like that).

5. I had not had any luck recording from the Pioneer Audio amplifier (using the CD, etc.) , it produces a terrible hum and the sound quality is poor. Also, I did do okay recording from the Sanyo Stereo System and the Fisher Portable System (using the two audio input jacks on the back of the 5400).

            A. I had previously tried to hook up the computer to the TV, VCR for sound purposes only, but there was a definite hum to it.

            B. I was able to hook the Sanyo stereo up to the G3 and it worked fine without any hum. Also, I used the Fisher portable Stereo and hooked it up to the G3 and it worked fine. Also, there is no delay in updating the record time remaining and the data bytes recorded. Also, you can save as a System 7 Sound File without any error (and it plays, too).

            C. When connecting audio equipment, make sure the volume is down, so as not to destroy audio equipment, especially if hooking up extremely powerful equipment (Tidbits #531).

            D. When trying to record items through the Sanyo Stereo, you can also use the ÒPlay unselectedÓ function for editing the end of the recording (sometimes the front arrow to play a selected area can not go all the way to the end, because the second arrow gets in the way).

            E. When using SndSampler to record with the G3 (or using Sound Studio on the iLamp), you could use the Aiwa stereo. If you have a record/album, you can record the song onto cassette first, using the Sanyo stereo.

6. Runs better without Virtual Memory on (can cause skips in recordings). Also, the Sanyo stereo s/b balanced in the center between the left and right channels. (Bass can be emphasized, also, If necessary).

7. I tried reducing the amplitude on several tracks, by 2 and by 4, but they were still too loud on the CD (with much distortion). Amplitude does not seem to take out distortion. it does affect volume of the file, though. (The manual suggests only dividing or multiplying the amplitude by integers, no decimals).

            A. The tracks had been recorded with a high meter reading (they blared into red most of the time). Many of the files were not able to be opened by SndSampler (too large).

            B. If you play a songthroughSndSampler, it is a fairly good indicator of the sound quality once recorded onto CD.

            C. One MP3 (DioÕs version of Dream On) had its own volume rising/lowering in it.

8. While recording, If the sound meter blares into red even occasionally, there will be distortion when it is recorded onto CD.

            A. When I recorded the last CD, the 2 far left blocks were green most of the time on the right and left channel (make sure that the Sanyo stereo is set to the middle for balance between right and left). This recorded several songs from cassette using the Sanyo stereo and the songs came out fine. (Virtual Memory was also OFF on the G3 and all other extensions were off). The Sanyo stereoÕs equalizer 3 controls were slightly above zero.

            B. I did use SndSampler to record ÒJoe DiffieÕs John Deer Greene. The CD is a CD extra CD and the songs do not mount on the desktop. SndSampler has an option to use CD as input.

            C. According to the manual, a better way is to choose to ÒimportÓ a file, then chose the audio track (Joe Diffie did not have them on the desktop).

            D. If you import (under file menu) an audio track from the CD, it can then be saved on the HD. You can not copy from the CD to the HD directly.

            E. One time I imported some tracks from a CD, but they were saved as Quicktime documents. So I imported them with SndSampler as AIFF, the tracks were able to be recorded onto CD (I think they will be).

            F. If there is not enough memory available, Òplay selectionÓ may be gray.

9. Some files may not be able to be opened by SndSampler. Try importing as raw audio (see p. 25 of manual inside Toast binder).

10. You can do some batch processing (with files that collectively do not add up to more RAM than is allocation to SndSampler), select all the files, hold down the command key and drag onto SndSampler.

11. You can not actually paste a sound into an existing file. The paste command only ÒreplacesÓ all of the sound file.

12. I tried using the join command, but when I tried to copy the joined files to Toast, it said the files were corrupt.

13. VM should probably be off for better sound.

14. 57 M is maximum amount of memory allocation for Snd Sampler, since that is the largest amount of physical RAM thatÕs available (I have 64 M, but System Software takes up around 7 MB, even with extensions off).

15. Bought more memory for G3, now up to 128 MB of RAM. SndSampler now uses 110000 RAM allocation. it will record 10:06 length of song.

16. ÒPlay thruÓ should be checked so that you can hear the music when it is being recorded.

17. You can import AIFF, SUN, NEXT, au, raw audio and convert them to Mac formats.

18. Music saved as AIFF only can be segmented and joined.

19. To record something that is being played on the G3 (i.e. a music file from somewhere that can only be played, not downloaded) use the microphone jack on the back of the computer and the headphone jack on the front of the G3. Select sound in for input source with Snd Sampler. Play the MP3 with Quicktime Player.

            A. If you adjust the input gain while recording, it shows up in the recording. Better to not mess with it. (I think if you adjust the volume of the G3 or Quicktime player, the same thing will happen).

20. SndSampler 3.7.1 does not save as MP3 format.

            A. The latest version is 4.3, but I do not think it saves as MP3, either.

21. Do not use Import under the File menu to import an audio CD track. It will require Quicktime to open (at least it did in 6/03 with System 9.2.2). SndSampler could not open the track, once imported. Better to use Toast Audio Extractor, then open with SndSampler.

22. Under the FX menu, you can choose to play a song backwards.

23. When running SndSampler in OS X, I could not choose the Input Source. ÒBuilt-inÓ was the default choice. I even restarted in OS 9, and chose Sound-In. Upon restart, ÒBuilt-inÓ was default choice again in OS X.

            A. As of 2/04, the latest version is 4.6.3, but it is a Classic application (also, I donÕt have the code to unlock it. I think there is an upgrade fee involved). As of 11/07, 5.9.8 is the latest version, which works in OS X 10.4.11 (and 10.5, according to; you can choose the input source. I sent an e-mail to them asking for the upgrade price, but I did not hear back from them, so I e-mailed again: they said that my junk mail filter must have gobbled it up; however, junk mail folder did not have any e-mail from them and the second e-mail did go through without any problem (I think there was a problem on their end).

24. SndSampler 3.2.1 will run under SheepShaver (COI) in OS X 10.4.10, but it will not import songs from a CD. SndSampler version 5.9.8 runs on OS X 10.4.11. To fade a portion of a song, select the section, then use Transform, Fade, in linear. I use iTunes to burn CDs, once the songs are adjusted from SndSampler 5.9.8. On one occasion, I was unable to convert a song (Ò100 YearsÓ) to MP3 because it was copyright protected, so I used SndSampler and plugged a 1/8Ó jack to both connectors on the far left hand side of the iMac Duo and then recorded with SndSampler (using built-in input as the input device) and iTunes. Then I saved the song as MP3. BTW, playthrough does not work, because once something is plugged in to the headphone jack, then the iMac DuoÕs speakers are muted.


Snitch (2.5.1 and ...) To register, open control panel, hold down the option key and click the purchase button, no serial number needed.

1. If you hold down the control key while choosing to get info (from the finder), then it will bring up a dialog box to select a file.

2. But you can not select a folder, since they do not have a creator. To select contents of a folder, shift click them. I sent an E-mail to Snitch creator and he said that.

            A. You must select the creator you want the items to change to after opening the Snitch window.

3. There seems to be a problem, occasionally the finder will restart or the computer may freeze up altogether. The problem is supposed to be fixed in Snitch 2.5.2.

4. Once with the G3/233.1 Snitch kept restarting the Finder instead of Ògetting info.Ó After restarting the computer, it was fine.

            A. Later, I had the same problem with Snitch 2.6.7. Best to just use 2.6.7 with OS 9.2.2, if needed.

5. Snitch can be used to make folders Ònon customized,Ó in which case rechecking the folder custom icon setting is necessary.

6. Snitch 2.6.5 would not work with System 9.2, but Snitch 2.6.7 does.

            A. Later, though, I got 2.6.5 to work, when starting up with 9.2.2

            B. Now that I changed my HD and updated to OS X, Snitch 2.5.1 and 2.6.2 would not work starting up in OS 8.1 (produced startup error). Reinstalling with extensions off did not make a difference. I got 2.6.7 to start up in OS 8.1, but then the Finder just kept restarting.

            C. I then found out that I could get 2.6.5 to work when starting up in OS 9.2.2. I could not get it to work in Classic under OS X (Only the OS X Finder works in OS X).

            D. Version 2.6.78b2 works when starting up in OS 9.2.2. It does not work in Classic under OS X. Also, when it works in 9.2.2, it does not give info for OS X files.


Snow (freeware)

1. I e-mailed the author to ask what the ÒWake AfterÓ setting does, since I do not know.

2. He has a website, as well,

3. I opened Snow and then went to ÒAbout SnowÓ and found information on running the program.

4. To have Snow run after computer is idle, choose Òsleep afterÓ so many minutes. Then press return, enter or command, P (you can also simply click on the desktop, if you are not using a backdrop). You can also choose to Òhide snowÓ from the application menu or you can simply choose another application from the application menu.

5. I downloaded Snow version 2.4 to my G3/233. Then I expanded it. Then I stuffed it again with Drop Stuff, so that I could put it more efficiently on a floppy disk. However, after copying from the floppy disk (which had been erased), I got a message saying that the resource fork could not be verified. Upon trying to open Snow, I got an error type -39. I downloaded Snow again on the G3 at school. Snow 2.4 worked fine.

6. Music for Snow requires at least Quicktime 2.0, which I was able to download at I did download from there the version it said, but it was version 4, so I am not sure. You can go to to find Quicktime downloads. Also, automatic wakeup requires system 7 or later. Additionally, version 2.2 is designed for 68K Macs. had Quicktime 2.0, which said you need 5 MB of free memory to use it. Also, VM should be off, so it may not work with my LC in my room. Snow version 2.2 and 2.3 worked fine with my LCII and only 4-MB of memory (8 MB with VM), I used Quicktime extension 2.0 only (QTVR player not needed). Later, however, I discovered that 2.3 would freeze the LC, so I am trying 2.2 instead.

7. I now set Snow so that the background if off, but wakeup after 15 minutes is on. That way Snow will appear, but just by clicking on the desktop, it goes away.

8. With version 2.4, you can simply place MP3 files into the Snow Tunes folder and they will play.

            A. If you have files with a parenthesis in front of it, it will be ignored.

            B. You can also use MIDI files.

            C. 2.4 Read Me says you can drag and drop MIDI files onto the Snow application icon. Files that Quicktime does not recognize should be ignored. If conversion takes a long time, try increasing the memory allocation of the program.

            D. The author says he has food a few Quicktime files that ignore the Snow volume setting and play at full volume.

9. Pressing the space bar moves to the next tune. Press the left or right arrow to skip 1 second forward or backward, Shift Left/Right Arrow moves you forward or backward 10 seconds.

10. Version 2.4 Read Me says that if you are using an application without a backdrop, ÒghostÓ images may appear, but are not harmful. Seems to be worse with System 8.5.

11. Snow 2.4 appears to be in conflict with something on my G3/233. Each time it has run, the computer screen would turn to black after being asleep awhile, but waking it up was not possible without restarting the computer.

            A. I will try Snow 2.3 with the G3/233.

            B. Snow 2.4 causes freeze on the G3/266 at school. Trashed the alias in startup items.

12. You can take regular songs from a CD and make them play with Snow. You have to drag the sound files from the CD on top of the Snow application icon. After the conversion process, the file type is AIFF. You must change the file type to ÒMooVÓ and then Snow can play them. Quit Snow and the tunes will be available upon next starting up of Snow.

            A. This idea would not normally be great unless you wanted to use up some space on your HD, since a song may take up to 50 MB of space.

13. Snow 2.4 does not run properly under OS X (but it does run within Classic under OS X). The flakes and sleigh bells play, but the tunes are extremely choppy.

            A. I checked at, and 2.4 is the latest version. No mention is made of OS X, so I e-mailed to ask if a future version of snow may come out. He replied and said that Snow 2.4 is choppy, since it is not OS X Native, he will do a future version, but not sure when (as of 2/04).



1. Burning Monkeys is the name of TM's game that he bought for Mac. Cyberquest is software for building web pages. Omnigraffle ($69.95 @ Apple Store) ( is where the program is described) can be used to organize flow charts, etc. iListen costs $99.95 @ Apple Store, as of July 2005. It is dictation software. If you go to, you can find several versions of Solitaire. Wordperfect is free for the Mac, since it is obsolete (July 2005). Vuescan can make older scanners work with OS X. It costs $49.95, as of July 2005. Silverfast (from does the same thing for $299. sells Page Sender, a fax sending utility for OSX. It costs $29.95. Apple Remote Desktop costs $299 as of July 2005. Interarchy ( is an FTP program that costs $39, as of July 2005.  At, you can download Skype, which allows you to make phone calls on the internet for free, it requires OS X 10.3. My username and password are motleyze, New New At Ease. Joe TorresÕ user name is joeythebrave. I could not call my cell phone with Skype, since the Òuser was not found,Ó and I already had a number assigned to my account.

2. History Hound requires 10.3, it costs $29.95 (as of 4/07), and it is used to search through web pages that you have previously visited.

3. Using personal software is up to us. If the kids have no access to it, then itÕs okay (i.e. Word). Just donÕt have it at home, also.

4. Freeware is fine.

5. One student got her software from Staples.

            A. She had Math Blaster, Jr., Science Blaster, Jr. and Reading Blaster, Jr., but they were all geared toward 4 to 7 year old students.

6. Math Blaster 2 (a.k.a. ÒThe Lost CityÓ), Math Workshop and Number Munchers Deluxe require the CD to be in the CD-ROM drive for the program to run.

            A. Math Blaster 2 has four different games you can play. You can also a ÒmissionÓ and do all four games sequentially. However, the CD intro is far too long. Also, the games take far too long to play. The activities seem okay, but it takes too long to move your numbers into place (one game makes equations slowly).Overall, not an impressive CD.

            B. Math Workshop has a couple things that are good for third grade, but a lot of drawing games, also, which would be distracting, since students would probably do the drawing. Also, it requires the CD-ROM to be in the drive.

            C. Number Munchers Deluxe does not have much that would be useful for third grade, as of 11/4/00.

7. Spelling Spree (800-758-6762, 6 A.M. - 2 P.M., PST, Monday - Friday) is designed for the Houghton Mifflin Spelling program. You can use the arrows to select which word list you want to work with. It can be installed on more than one computer, so long as there is not a possibility of two users using it at the same time. I decided not to install it on the G3/266, as of 8/19/02.

            A. I e-mailed Houghton Mifflin to ask if Spelling Spree is part of our new series. Apparently, it can be ordered, but it is a separate component of the program. also said that The new reading program (adopted in 2002) contains lists and tests (see student practice book and red section of the teacherÕs manual. I looked and could find spelling lists, but no tests.

            B. Spelling Spree will play in OS X, but it requires 256 colors and it makes the screen look horrible. I left it on the G3 for now (11/03).

            C. It does not require the CD to run on the G3/266.

8. Community Exploration is the CD that comes with our ÒInto EnglishÓ kit.

            A. When first inserting the CD, I used the CD to install the software.

            B. I tried to run the program by clicking the Community Exploration icon. When inside the program, you are supposed to double click on a picture to exploreÓ. However, when clicking on the first picture, I got an error that says Òplease put the Community Exploration CD into the driver and restart the programÓ. The CD was installed, however. I tried restarting the computer and running the program from the icon that was on the CD (as opposed to the one on the HD). I had no luck. It does not appear that the Community Explorations CD will work with System 8.1 (probably not compatible with later System Software also). The ÒName ItÓ part of the program does not appear to work with the LC 550 and System 7.5.2 (nothing happens when click ÒName ItÓ).

            C. CD-ROM is required to be in drive for program to run (and icon to be non-generic).

            D. To access student records, you must sign in (put ÒteacherÓ or whatever as name of ÒnewÓ student), then click file cabinet icon. Default password is Stems and also the name of the preferences file. I changed the password to 21. If you forget the password, you can duplicate the STEMS preferences file and then open the copy with Simpletext (opening original may cause trouble with the studentsÕ information).

            E. According to the Read Me, there is a ÒRun APM DataÓ folder created in your preferences. However, there was not one created with my G3/233. May be similar to the Yellow program.

            F. says that the program may not run on some PCI-based Macs. Also, will not run on an iMac with an IDE CD-ROM drive. No update appears to be available.

I looked at and it appears that probably our iMacs use an IDE (a.k.a. ATA) CD-ROM drive, so Community Exploration probably may not run on our iMacs.

            G. E-mail address for support for Community Exploration is or JostenÕs Home Learning, 9920 Pacific Heights Blvd. #500, San Diego, CA 92121. Phone number is (619) 622-5096; Contact hours are 5 A.M. - 5 P.M., Pacific Time.

            H. You can access the student dialog log in box (turn it on or off, but scores wonÕt be recorded if the log in is ÒoffÓ) by clicking on the file cabinet at the beginning screen.

            I. According to the Community Exploration UserÕs Guide page 13, you can (I did do this) make a copy of the STEMS preference file, then open it. This can be useful if you forgot your password.

            J. According to the Community Exploration UserÕs Guide page 14, the CD-ROM must be in the drive to use the program.

            K. According to the Community Exploration UserÕs Guide page 15, press means to push and hold down the mouse button. Click is a quick push.

            L. According to the Community Exploration UserÕs Guide page 17, print is only available when using the Notebook feature.

            M. According to the Community Exploration UserÕs Guide page 20, a microphone should be attached for students to record their voices.

                        1. According to the Community Exploration UserÕs Guide page 21, students should listen to their voice after recording it, since recordings are not saved, once students leave the screen.

            N. Students can use the help menu to show/hide words on screens in the program.

            O. At level one, all label windows correspond to places. At other levels, label windows correspond to people, places and things (page 27).

            P. Students can print their scores by choosing Print Game Scores from the File Menu.

            Q. I tried to use Community Explorations CD with the LC II in my room, but it did not work, initially. LC IIÕs System Software used 2201 K without CD-ROM software on it. I made Apple CD-ROM, Audio CD Access, Foreign File Access, ISO 9660 Access and High Sierra File Access active and then the System Software took up 2345 K. Community Exploration now works, and it takes up only about 2,000 K, so 4,000 K or so is unused on LC. (4 MB of real RAM with 4 MB of VM).

            R. To start a new list of students (and delete old students), you must trash the stems preferences file inside the prefs inside the system Folder.

            S. You can use the help menu to turns words on or off to make it easier/harder for students.

            T. To start the program, you must double click the icon of the rectangular picture with the airplane and the city on it (not the original program icon, the icon you reach once you opened the program). The results are the same no matter where you click on that rectangular picture.

U. When doing ÒName It, click ÒName ItÓ once to start and ÒName ItÓ once to stop the program.

            V. When you first start the program, you can move the mouse and when it changes to the ÒdiscoveryÓ icon (multicolored wheel), you can see the names of places.

            W. If you click the Explore Button or the Name it Game, wait for the mouse to change to a magnifying glass, then click.

            X. The explore icon is not present when at level two, three and four (level one is the main screen with the Supermarket, Post Office, Hospital, etc.).

            Y. When using Community Exploration, to get inside a building, you must click the explore" button first, then when the cursor (Tidbits from 12/02 says that the cursor is a 16 X 16 pixel arrow) turns into a magnifying glass, you can click on the building to go inside. Otherwise, you will simply be learning the name of the building and what the building is for (the cursor turns into a multicolored wheel).

            Z. Community Exploration CD does not work with At Ease and 7.1 on the 550. It says that the original file can not be found. When putting the alias in the Launcher, it worked fine.

9. Macast ($25 or Macast Lite is $15) may convert MP3's to AIFF according to RB. So can Soundjam, but I am not sure yet.

            A. However, after I installed Soundjam (and the Soundjam Extension and the SoundJam control strip were installed), the G3/233 kept freezing. I disabled them.

            B. I found that neither Macast nor Soundjam would convert MP3Õs to AIFF.

            C. Macast uses skins, which customize the appearance of the program.

10. To record MP3Õs for audio CD with the G3/233, I used two RCA to 1/8Ó stereo converter jacks. One jack plugged into the front headphone jack. The dual RCA cable plugged into the jack. Then the other end of the dual RCA cable plugged into another RCA to 1/8Ó stereo jack. The other jack then plugged into the microphone input on the back of the G3. I used SndSamper to record the songs and set it to Òsound inÓ.

11. Software can be bar-coded by Tina. She then puts it in the metal cabinet in the computer lab. Teachers should then tell her, when they check software out.

12. has an accounting software program that is called Mac P & L, that according to Tidbits #555, is pretty good and easy.

13. Tidbits #574 say that Casady and GreeneÕs $40 program Chaos helps you find updates for programs on your HD. It uses Then you must go the website, download the updates and install them.

14. Photoworks 1.0.1 is software that is used in conjunction with Seattle Filmworks to see your own photos. It costs $3.95 extra for a 24-exposure roll of 35-mm film.

15. Alpha and Web Squirrel are HTML editor programs, apparently (I found them in Big BrotherÕs software documentation).

            A. I think Turbo Gopher helps you surf the Internet faster.

            B. Theseus helps weed out Òbad URLÕs,Ó but it costs $49.

16. Coaster (freeware) can be used to record AIFF files. According to TidBITS #866, it can be used to record a cassette as an AIFF (then you could record on to a CD). According to the Read Me, VM should be off when using it.

17. has a ÒGrantÓ to get software. However, what they do is to sell you the software at Ò90% offÓ, but the price is still almost about regular price (I think they may just raise the price and then claim it is 90% off). Also, the software to me is somewhat unknown and it appears to be predominantly Windows.

18. My Reading Coach (#00013) requires a G3 or later processor, System 8.0 or later, 64 MB of RAM and you must have SoftWindows 5.1 or later.

19. (source for the ÒSnowÓ program) has a program called Server Power that starts up computers after a power failure. If you use the shutdown command, Server Power will not work, must be due to the power being shut off without a normal shutdown.

20. Pinball Thrillride does not work on my G3, since it requires system 8.5. It does not appear to work on Virtual PC, either, since it installs 99% of the program, then stalls. GB gave it to me in 1/2002.

21. Carmen San Diego would not run on EllenÕs 5400, it said that the computer should be in 256 color mode with a minimum resolution of 640 X 480. The computer was in 256 with 640 X 480. I tried to use the software on JoseÕs 5400 and it ran fine.

            A. Rebuilding the desktop with TT and trashing the Monitors and Sounds preferences did not help. DFA said that the disk was okay. I replaced the System software on EllenÕs computer with a new 7.5.5. folder and then Carmen San Diego ran from the HD, CD and At Ease. It installs a folder called ÒThe Learning CenterÓ and then Carmen San Diego is installed inside that. If you move Carmen to the root level of the HD, the CD asks to install again, when running. The CD icon was still generic, but the program still ran fine (it even ran when the resolution was set to 832 X 634.

22. Cardshop Plus kept giving a Òtoo many files open errorÓ, when trying to start up on the G3/233. I increased the memory allocation of the program from 1600 to 5000K, but I had no luck. Since the system has been having trouble lately, that may be the cause.

            A. I reinstalled Cardshop Plus from the CD and upon restart I was able to open it. After I loaded all my startup items, I was not able to run (got the too many windows open message), so the message is actually accurate. After I closed Claris E-mailer, Netscape Communicator and Claris Organizer applications, I was able to open Cardshop Plus again. It may be that I should reinstall CardShop Plus Deluxe.

23. Porting, according to Tidbits #615, is the adjustment to the source code of a program to work on a particular system.

24. PixelNhance is freeware, but I tried to download it from their website, and it appears to be for OS X only.

25. Games Zip Disk, External Fireball HD and School Stuff 2 and 1 are okay (as of 3/02), as far as Enabling Management goes. Use School Stuff 2 first, if possible.

26. Tidbits #621 say that EIMS Light costs $200, it is an e-mail client program. The full version costs $400.

27. Webwasher is free for personal use. As of 3/29/02, it requires Mac OS 8.1or higher. You should uncheck both ÒClientÓ and ÒServerÓ under ÒProxy EngineÓ.

            A. More info on Webwasher can be found at

            B. I decided not to use Webwasher, as of 3/29/02, since I want to make sure my system is stable first.

            C. As of 3/29/02, if you go to and look directly under the Red Yahoo icon and it is blank, Webwasher is working. If you see a bar (I think), then Webwasher is not working.

28. Some versions of Stickybear Reading that I have will not allow you to change languages. Others have errors, so I did not put Stickybear Reading on the new 7.5.5 CD or the School Programs, Utilities CD. Kid Cuts have DD on them, so they are not included, either.

            A. On 12/3/02, after Opening Stickybear Reading, the Options menu had no choices under it (it was just a blank ÒwhiteÓ area). After quitting and reopening, the problem disappeared.

29. Tidbits #623 mentions that Casady & GreenÕs Spellcatcher ($49.95) and Grammarian ($49.95) can be used to check e-mails for spelling. I downloaded the demo version of Spellchecker and Grammarian. Both of them require extensions to be installed, so I decided not to install them for now (as of 4/2/2002, I still wanted to make sure that my system is stable). Also, Eudora can spell check e-mails. I can also use Netscape Messenger or CW to check spelling.

            A. Glider Pro can be boughtthroughCasady and Green, also. Glider Pro for Mac OS X costs $19.95 (plus $7.95 shipping). It comes as part of a package called ÒFun Bundle IIÓ, which includes 3 other games.

30. Mailsmith (e-mail program) costs $69 (limited time offer) as of 4/2/02. As of 7/02, according to Tidbits #638, Mailsmith costs $80 for academic users and upgrades from previous versions are $40.

            A. Mailsmith 2.0 requires OS X 10.1.5, according to Tidbits #690.

31. I installed Shockwave into IE 5, and after installing, it said that there was an error in getting updates (perhaps no later updates available, not sure), but NN installed Shockwave and updated okay. Anyhow, no restart was necessary, both IE5 and NN 4.74 could load fine (which needed Shockwave on 4/8/02).

32. OscarMayerSS quit on my G3/266, it came from a mini CD that my friend, Heather, gave me. I decided to remove it.

33. When using Spell-a-Saurus, some of the games require you to choose a grade level. When you get the dialog box, you may have to select folders until you get to the Spell-a-Saurus folder to select a grade level.

34. You can get the Math Steps Skills Tutorial CD-ROM Starter Kit for free with the Houghton Mifflin program (it is one of the choices for technology). Extra ones are $20. It can be used at home. It has options to turn games on/off for selected students. You can import/export student records. Teacher Manager can be Networked or used on Stand-alone computer. System Requirements for Macintosh are 68040 or higher processor, 7.1 or later, 8 MB RAM (12 for Power PC), 15 MB HD space, 14Ó 256 color monitor. System Requirements for PC are 486DX/33MHz processor, Windows 3.1 or higher, 8 MB RAM (16 MB for Windows 95/98), 20 MB HD space, 2 X CD-ROM, 8-bit video card, 14Ó SVGA 256 color monitor, Sound Blaster compatible sound card and speakers. There does not appear to be a demo version that you can download from The Math Steps Intro CD worked with Virtual PC/Windows 95 (at least it appears to, did not work long with it).

35. KW thought we have Math Keys (a component of Houghton Mifflin Math) already, but was not sure. I have not seen it anywhere.

36. Tourbus from 5/7/02 mentions URL Manager Pro ($25) for Mac, which is a place to store your favorite web sites. You just drag hypertext links from your web browser to the URL manager to remember a URL. You can find the program at

            A. Tourbus from 5/7/02 mentions a program called Freetime for the Mac (freeware) which sets your clock automatically to a master clock at NIST.

            B. It also mentions the use of IPNETmonitor ($40), which provides Mac users with Internet tools to monitor and debug their Internet connections.

            C. It also mentions the program Better Telnet (freeware), which is a significantly enhanced version of NCSA Telnet 2.7b5.

            D. It also mentions the program Pagoo (for Windows, $20), which allows you to have an ÒInternet answering machineÓ, which routes calls to your computer screen, even when you are online.

37. Encarta 98 (goes with Office 98 Gold) is designed for use with a CD-ROM drive that has a 150 K/sec or faster rate.

            A. It says that if VM is turned on, Encarta may be choppy (I may try turning VM off with, if necessary). Turning it off may help, but it may not be appropriate to turn off VM with Power Macs.

            B. Julie thinks they may have already given away their copy of Office 98, she was not sure. MV will check and let me know (as of 6/3/02). I may want to check CTAP pricing, if I do not hear from MV within a couple weeks.

38. Tidbits #635 talks about the use of URL Manager Pro, it costs $25.

            A. Tidbits #441 talks about Web Confidential, which can be used for retrieving and storing user name and password information.

39. I looked at the CDÕs that may/may not have come with the Houghton Mifflin Math Program. They apparently are affiliated with Houghton Mifflin, but not very current compared to our adoption, since we adopted Houghton Mifflin Math in 2002. Students are supposed to figure out how to work the CD and then write their results in a journal at the bottom of the window for all of the programs below.

            A. Data Explorer (made by Sunburst, 1998) is a program that students can make a survey on the computer and then have other students participate in the survey on the computer (this could be done more efficiently done on paper, no need for a computer do this).

            B. Probability Vol. II (1994 CD) is the CD (MECC¨ CD) we looked at during the Teacher workday. This program appears to have students conduct probability experiments. It is quite unclear what the objectives are, the problems do not relate to the visuals and MS and I could not figure out how to run the program. Also, there does not appear to be a way to give feedback to students. You can define success, meaning you can determine if having no heads or some tails or having a heads first, then tails second, etc. It does not appear to be logical.

            C. Geometry Vol. II (1995 CD) is another CD by MECC¨. It does not appear to be able to give feedback to students, either.

            D. Measurement Vol. II (1996 CD, MECC¨). It does not appear to be able to give feedback either.

            E. Fractions and Decimals (1996 CD, MECC¨) do not appear to be able to give feedback either.

            F. Whole Numbers Vol. II (1994 CD, MECC¨) CD does not appear to be able to give feedback either.

40. HTML LinkChecker (freeware) does not work with System 9.2.2. It freezes each time upon closing the window (after checking links, which did not work for me, anyhow).

            A. Link Checker Classic version 1.1.4 ($20) tried to run under System 9.2.2), but it froze. However, I will read the ownerÕs manual. Later, I discovered that the scan page s/b, the Home Directory s/b, and the Check Filter should ÒUse Home DirectoryÓ (just click the button).

            B. The way to set up optimization (the number of connections that Link Checker can do at one time) is to have a setup a web page (or after setting up a web page to scan, click on Edit), then click on the Optimization tab. If you press Abort in the middle of scanning, Link Checker does not start, where it left.

            C. I ran it overnight on 7/2/03, but after about eight hours, it was still Ògetting links,Ó so I donÕt think the program is too useful. I trashed it.

41. has a program called Visual Thesaurus, which shows synonyms on the screen, but as of 7/03, it only works in Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP and also Mac OS X. It costs $39.95.

42. PDF Enhancer ($179) is an OS X program that can compress PDF files. TidBITS #845 mentions Schoolhouse, which is a program that appears to help college students, it does not launch in OS X (10.3). Another user posted the same comment on the website, but there was no response. I trashed the program (9/06).

43. I have a CD jacket for some software, but I am not sure what the software is. Anyhow, the CD-Key number is AH405N250093.

44. mentions that Apple Software Restore is free.

            A. It allows you to make your own Restore CDs; however, you must partition your drive first. It also requires Norton System Works, which I do not have.

45. MP3 Encoder 0.12 did not work on the G3/233. It said Òcannot connect to SWA Export XTRAÓ when opening, and the icon was generic. I tried rebuilding with TT 3.0.4 to solve icon problem (and see if program would run). No luck on either account.

46. Todd said that there is a program called ÒGhostÓ for Windows, but not for Macintosh. I e-mailed Symantec from, and chose NAV for Macintosh (and then selected version 9), even though the question was not really about NAV.

            A. replied and said that there is not a version of ÒGhostÓ for Macintosh, but that Retrospect by Dantz for Macintosh is similar to Ghost. TidBITS #874 talks about using online backups.

47. Grammatik Mac (I got for free at the Livermore Swap Meet in 1/04) only works with MacWrite, MacWrite II, Microsoft Word 3.0, Microsoft Word 4.0, WordPerfect 1.0.1, WriteNow 2.0, 2.2, Rich Test Format (RTF), and Text Only (ASCII).

            A. I was able to check a Word file by converting (and saving) a Word 6.0 file as a 4.0 for Mac.

            B. You can copy the program to the HD, and it will run.

The spelling check part of the program does not appear to be functional in 9.2.2.

48. I found some software on the Mac OS Internal Edition CD. I tried using (Norton) Emergency Unlock version 3.0.2 and version 4.0.2 on the G3/233, but they both produced an error type 1. Now Utilities version 6.7 was on the CD, but I have used Now Utilities before, and it was fine. However, I did not want to add anything to the System (to avoid stability issues, hopefully).

MacTest Pro Emergency (PPC) produced an error type 1 on the G3/233.

BB4 is on MAC OS internal CD, but I decided not to use it, since I donÕt have an original copy.

49. (which is a web page that you can get to from within AOL, by goingthroughits keywords, or you can use IE) says that Turbotax has 70% of the market. Also, TurboTax allows you to electronically download W-2 info as well as info for certain forms sent by many financial institutions, such as banks, brokers, and mortgage lenders. The Deluxe version of Turbotax s/b fine (Turbotax Premier would be needed for help with sales of bonds, mutual funds or self-employed persons).

50. M & M software does not run in Classic 9.2.1 under OS X on the blueberry iMac (even though the CD box says it needs 8.5 or better). On other iMacs in the lab, it appears to run fine when starting up in OS 9 (it ran fine under 9.2.2 on one iMac).

51. It is probably best not to use iSwipe 1.6.1 for downloading, since it is pretty sluggish. ISwipe 1.6 (Classic) was less sluggish, but did not download that well. 1.6 did not pick up songs from OpenFT, eDonkey, or FastTrack. My nickname is Cwboy21. At one point, iSwipe was so clogged up (and there were MP3 files in the trash), that the Finder could not take a screen shot. Also, sometimes, nothing would download because I had many files in queue. After closing and reopening, this helped. On one occasion, I deleted all files to be downloaed and started over (without using edonkey). To access preferences, use the Window menu. The preferences choice under iSwipe has always been grayed out. You canÕt type in Òhome sweet homeÓ to find it. It only appears to do single word searches.

52. I decided to use Limewire (freeware) instead, it downloads better than both versions of iSwipe (however, the OS X version of iSwipe has the most songs, followed by iSwipe Classic, and Limewire), when it has connected (I used it one time late at night, and it worked well. The next day it would not connect at all after 3 tries. However, upon restart, it worked fine the first time). Limewire takes a long time to open (about 40 seconds on the G3/233), but it worked well. Limewire can connect to the internet (without IE), but it takes awhile. It appears that with iSwipe, that the bitrate is the key. If no bitrate is shown, it may be better to use a different download. Luke suggested turning off File Sharing when using Limewire and turning off cookies, but there was not an option for turning them off (that I could see). I later discovered that there is a cookie file in .limewire in prefs. Metallica/Motley Crue (the 4 horsemen) did not have Motley Crue in it. ÒJohny B. GoodeÓ (Motley Crue) was some other band). ÒHot for TeacherÓ (Motley Crue) is John Corabi, I think. ÒShake a LegÓ is John Corabi. ÒDropping like FliesÓ (Motley Crue) is with John Corabi. ÒSee You on the Other SideÓ (Ozzy Osbourne tribute, suppposedly by Motley Crue) only appears to have Ozzy on it. ÒJumping Jack FlashÓ by Cinderella could not be found, nor could ÒHurricanÓe by Hurricane (although I did find IÕm on to You, but it was corrupted). Anne Murray (ÒI Just Fall in Love AgainÓ) had an error with Limewire, but it still played fine). Clear search before looking for new songs with Limewire. When a download says it Òneed more sources,Ó you need to re-download. The higher the number in the window, the more sources for download (more reliable and quicker).

Kazaa Lite does not work with Mac, according to DL. I downloaded one MP3 file that ended with wma and I had to install Windows Media Player to play the file. It does not appear that Limewire can run from an alias on the 9.2.2 partition, if original was installed on 8.1 (produced freezes). Also, I had to run Mac Runtime for Java installer before running Limewire installer. Also, I increased the memory allocation of Limewire to 50000 K, since it appeared to need it (judging from the  "About This Mac" window). It also causes problems with the System Software, so I did not reinstall Virtual PC or It's Legal, since it may be that they have to be reinstalled later on again. Some video files could be downloaded with Limewire (GGW), but some has video locks on their content, so they could not be viewed. Also, I had to change the extensions to .wmv to see with Windows Media Player for some files. A couple of files I changed to .mpg and was able to open them from within Quicktime. You can actually only download .wmv video files if you like with Limewire. One video I was not able to open with Windows Media Player, even after changing the extension to .wmv; but in the Finder's preview window, the video could be played, so I tried opening the file with WMV after changing the extension to .mpg, no luck. I then open Quicktime and opened the file from within Quicktime and it played fine.

53. has info on licensing for Appleworks (and other software). It says that you can only use Apple software on one computer at a time, and it cannot exist on multiple computers at the same time.

54. Microsoft Office 2004 costs $149 for teachers and students, as of 5/04.

55. Paranoid Android can supposedly help with OS X security issues, but it kept warning me about synchronizing with the Palm Pilot, so I disabled it.

56. Compressor is a program that comes with Final Cut Pro. It works only for Final Cut Pro to compress files, apparently.

            A. I tried copying it from the iLamp at school, but it would not run at home (needs Final Cut Pro, probably).

57. SubEthaEdit is a program that can be used for people to work together on a document from different computers. It is usually for OS X only (it was mentioned in Tidbits #731),

58. OmniWeb (web browser) is at version 5.0 beta 8, as of 6/29/04 at

            A. Tidbits #742 says that OmniWeb costs $20 for an academic version (as of 8/04).

59. The Encyclopedia Brittanica that Helen gave me was designed for Windows, primarily. It ran in OS X in emulation mode only, and you could not change the size of the window. I trashed the CDs.

            A. Stuffit Deluxe 5.0 will not even startup the installer on the iLamp. It did install on the G3/233. Its registration number is DLXF-1083-093815. Stuffit Deluxe 5.0 caused problems on the G3/233, caused Stuffit Expander to quit with error type 2 (because Stuffit Expander was a newer version of the software, Stuffit Expander is version 7.0.3). Then I uninstalled Stuffit Deluxe 5.0 and reinstalled Stuffit Expander 7.0.3. Then Stuffit Expander worked again. I decided to not use Stuffit Deluxe 5.0. Strangely enough, Stuffit Deluxe installed fine on the iLamp in 9/05. But later (even the Stuffit Deluxe was the problem or Stuffit Expander 10), I could not get DropStuff 7.0.3 nor Stuffit Expander 10.0.0 (or 7.0.3) to work. I got a message about the Stuffit Engine not being properly installed; however, I think it was installed in the System Folder (System 9.2.2), although it may not have been installed in the System file (OS X). Dropstuff 7.0 appears to be a Mac OS X program, even though the installer claims it is for Classic. Removing Stuffit Expander and Stuffit Deluxe did not solve the problem. I tried trashing several preference files. The 7.0.3 ÒClassicÓ installer said that there is an OS X version of the installer at, but I could not find one. However, I found and installed Stuffit Standard 8.0.2 and was able to use the registration from Stuffit Deluxe (DLXF-1083-093815) to run 8.0.3. Now Stuffit Standard 8.0.2 and 7.0.3 run fine (files expanded fine on G3/266 with 8.1 and Stuffit Expander 5.5). You can use to contact the sales department.

60. DEVONagent ($35) can be helpful in searching the internet, according to Matt Neuberg. It can run 60 hours in trial mode. It is mentioned in Tidbits #765.

61. Vaporware are products (specifically software) announced way in advance of any release (which may or may not take place).

62. EyeTV is sold through It costs around $80 and it requires EyeConnect, which is around $100. It can be used to capture live TV on a Macintosh.

63. has information on at least a couple of drawing programs for Macintosh that are free.

64. talks about using Parallels Desktop for Mac (allows you to run Mac and Windows software), which costs $79.99 and requires an intel-powered Macintosh. talks about Boot Camp, but it says that Parallels Desktop and VM Fusion are pretty evenly matched and both are better than Boot Camp.

65. The Learning Company CDÕs that KW asked me about are not too educational, and quite rudimentary: they appear to be more play than educational. Also, they did not run on the blueberry iMac (gave a message error, even though plenty of memory was available).

66. Google Desktop for Mac (beta) only works with Tiger (10.4). History Hound (St. Claire software) and Browse Back (Smile on My Mac) can search for previous internet pages (you can search for text on the pages).

67. Pac the Man X 1.0.8 is freeware ( it plays on the iMac Duo, requires 10.3.9. Wiretap Studio (audio program) costs $69, as of 11/07.

68. sells Sandvox, a web page program, for $49, as of 2/08. sells Freeway Express, a web page program, for $60, as of 2/08. has CSSEdit 2.6 for $30, which is a web page design program.


Sony CD/DVD Player

1. JCÕs PS 2 would not play on the Sony CD/DVD player. Operating Instructions page 9 talks about the discs that can be played: DVD Video, DVD RW, DVD + Rewritable, DVD +R, DVD +R DL, CD Digital Video, CD Graphics, CD Rewritable, CD-R.

2. Operating Instructions page 5 says that if you leave an image on the screen, it may cause damage to plasma and projection televisions. Page 12 says that PBC stands for playback control. Page 25 (and page 70) talks about using custom setup to set up the CD/DVD player to automatically turn off after thirty minutes of being stopped (while in stop mode, press Display, press up arrow/down arrow until reaching the suitcase icon, select custom, go to custom setup, set Auto Power Off to Òon.Ó Page 27 says that mult-disc resume must be set to ÒonÓ to store playing points for up to six DVDÕs; also, resume on a CD-G begins from the beginning of a track. Page 39 says that when a microphone is plugged into Mic 1 or Mic 2 connector, the CD/DVD player enters karaoke mode automatically; you can also use the Control menu to turn karaoke mode on/off. Page 39 says that you cannot use Fast Play or Slow Play function in karaoke mode. Page 40 says that if you hear howling, then move the microphone away from the speakers, lower microphone or echo level, or lower overall volume. Page 42 says that you you can use the Karaoke PON (acronym could not be located on the internet) remote button will allow you to use any stereo disk to perform karaoke on CDÕs, not CD-RÕs. Page 44 indicates that you can use the applause button on the remote to make applause, but it may not work on all discs. Page 44 also says that you can press the score button to receive a score (must sing for a minute to get a score). Page 44 also says that you can press time/text repeatedly to access DVD/CD text on MP3 CDÕs (I am not sure if this will work or not, though, since the instructions indicate you need a Data CD or Data DVD. It did work with my iLamp MP3 CD). Page 50 talks about using TV Virtual Surround by pressing SUR repeatedly to select one of the TV sounds. Page 66 indicates you can hold down the television power button, press the code, release the power button (Sharp code is 18).


Sony CliŽ PEG-NX70V/U (even though SonyÕs chat session does not recognize this model number, it only recognizes PEG-NX70V or PEG-NX70U), NX Series (usually price is around $240). Serial number is 4047854. Website is It was probably made in 2002, since that is the date for the manuals.

1. Missing Sync registration number is 314-08204-20255. To view the help guide from the Help Menu within Missing Sync, you must have the guide in a folder called English inside the Documentation folder inside the Missing Sync folder within Applications. According to, When you associate your hard reset device with the HotSync name you previously used the Missing Sync will automatically restore all of the data and applications back to the device as they were on the device prior to the hard reset. This will include applications, preference settings, and databases. If the databases have corruption in them, that corruption will return. To get around this for times when you need to make sure that the previous files are not restored from backup, before connecting the device, go to: /Users/<user name>/Documents/Palm/Users/<hotsync name>/Backups/ and move that /Backups/ folder to a safe place, like the desktop. Then when you connect it will not restore anything.Ó I think I had hard reset the CliŽ, but then I used the No user instead of Ryan Zelenski, because I could not find all of my data. FYI, it appears that some non CliŽ items are in an archive folder within the Backup folder, not the Backup folder itself. Upgrades to Missing Sync 5.0 from an earlier version are $20, according to Tidbits #804.

In 1/07, the CliŽ would not sync with the Mal Conduit. A soft reset did not work, neither did a hard reset. After unplugging the CliŽÕs charging stand and the USB cable, and turning off the CliŽ, I shut the iLamp down. I connected the charging stand wire and the USB cable and restarted the iLamp. Then I used Missing SyncÕs backup feature to restore all of my CliŽ items; however, the Mal Conduit still did not work. So I did another soft reset to no avail, but a hard reset fixed the problem without using Missing SyncÕs backup function  (I then reinstalled everything manually).

2. To make it sync right, move MarkSpaceMemoPadConduit.plug and Memos Conduit to Disabled Conduts (Library/Application Support/Palm Hotsync). Leave Memo Pad enabled (the conduit is just called Memo conduit). Otherwise, you get an error. Only one To Do item (and no Address Book items) showed up on CliŽ when synchronizing, so I set it up so that the Mac overwrites the handheld. Then I set both settings back to synchronize (later, after doing a hard reset, the Memo Pad and the To Do list did not have trouble syncing the first time). Then I added a trial To Do and Address Book entry to the Palm Desktop software and it was added to the CliŽ on the next sync. CliŽ Memo is not set up to sync with the Sony CliŽ, because you can only choose one of three items (CliŽ Memo, Memo Pad, or MarkSpaceMemoPadConduit) to sync. There is not a way to close the Mark/Space Memo Pad window (on the iLamp), it is either open or closed.  I chose Memo Pad (make sure that Memo Conduit is in Conduits in the Library/Application Support/Palm Hotsync folder), since it is important. Later, I determined that you can disable Memo Pad and use Mark/Space Memo Pad (inside of Missing Sync folder), but it does not sync correctly with the iMac (added memos are appended to the end of the list, not in abc order and categories are duplicated, even after several attempts and deletions, etc.). You can view your memos on your computer with Mark/Space Memo Pad (according to Tidbits #804), not your CliŽ memos. I-emailed about this and they said I could use M/S Memo Pad Conduit to transfer notes, but I do not think M/S Memo Pad conduit transfers CliŽ Memo notes. I e-mailed them again on 11/29/05.

3. For now, I did not install Flash Photo.

4. Palm OS 5 is on the Sony CliŽ. I think it may take up 5 MB of memory, since the CLIE says it has 16 MB of installed memory and only 11 MB is free.

5. Avantgo did sync somewhat with using the CliŽ as the sync device (not the website), but it certainly was not flawless. I used AG Connect to connect the next by putting in the Server Addr (the other info had been partially completed). Then Syncing worked fine.

6. When using Missing Sync, I should not check the box for Contacts, since it is not an available conduit for use with the CliŽ (although Although, later, on one occasion (1/20/06), Date Book produced errors, so I switched to Calendar without incident). I just have these conduits active, as of 12/24/05: Address Book, Backup, Date Book, Install, MAL Conduit, Memo Pad, TimeCopy (When syncing, TimeCopy sets the time and adjusts for DST), and To Do List. TimeCopy needs to be installed to the CliŽ for the conduit to work (even though Missing Sync will not produce an error, if TimeCopy is not installed). There does not appear to be a definition of ÒdriftÓ that specifically relates to clocks, but basically it would be a deviation from the correct time (IMO).

7. MV said that the case was originally a CliŽ case, but he modified it. It is quite difficult to use, he admitted. I may look into buying a new case in the future. He said he used to carry the CliŽ in his hand or a backpack, which is why he bought a case for it (he accidentally dropped it once and had to send it in for repairs. He thought he would end up paying for it, but it was fixed for free, even though the warranty had expired). He said that the ÒEBÓ (probably the initials have worn) is probably the case maker. MV also said that he had the same trouble with the card coming out when it was inside the case. I e-mailed Sony on 11/25/05, at to see about getting a carrying case. I also e-mailed (CNET) to see about a carrying case that is $49.99 to see if it works with my particular CliŽ. has a leather carrying case, but it appears to be for ony three ClieÕs, none of which are mine. I decided to use packaging tape to tape the memory stick into place with the Cli«on 11/25/05. replied and said that the carrying case is no longer an item that they carry.

8. I deleted ÒlibmalÓ using CLIE files, and I think it was the root of my problem. Anyhow, a hard reset (press and hold down the power button, press the reset button, let go of the power button afer three seconds, press up to erase) will erase all the previously written memos. However, usually a memo will be added to CLIE Viewer.  To delete photos with CLIE viewer, you should press the trash can icon and then a selection box should appear, check it and then choose Delete. After doing the hard reset, I disabled the MarkSpace Conduit plugin and restarted the computer. Also, I disabled MAL conduit temporarily by dragging it to the Desktop (for the first sync only), then I dragged MAL conduit back to Conduits folder. I could not use the AvantGo installer, since it requires HotSync (which had to be disabled for Missing Sync to work).

9. Nexus_P and English_Pro would not allow themselves to be installed on the Sony CliŽ. But later I was able to, it was probably a memroy issue (see #12).

10. Sony CliŽ Operating Instructions page 17 says that four hours are needed to charge the CliŽ the first time and then a shorter time would be needed later. MV said that an hour is usually sufficient, but had PEGNX70V_TS.pdf, which I downloaded (Troubleshooting Q & A), and it says that the battery s/b fully charged in about four hours. MV had said one hour. Page 32 indicates that when the power button lights up orange, the CliŽ is charging. It appears that when the battery is fully charged, the power LED light will turn orange for a few seconds when it is placed in the cradle and connected to the iMac, then the light will turn green. Sony CliŽ Operating Instructions page 92 says that If you charge your CliŽ every day, it should only take a few minutes to charge (the cradle can be used without the computer to charge the CliŽ). It also says that with a fully-charged battery, you can use your CliŽ for about ten days for 30 minutes each day (if you do not use the audio playback function). Page 95 says that if the backlight is on, then it will six days for 30 minutes each day. With the backlight off, it will run ten days for thirty minutes each day. The CliŽ manual does not mention a specific amount of time (in years) that the battery should last, it just depends on the environment. I e-mailed on 5/2/06, since I could not find a battery shown on the website.  Sony replied and said I should use to access parts. However, it directs me to the same place I e-mailed before. Anyhow, this time, replied and said that they have the battery; it is (battery, lithium ion), 175627911,  $47.38 ea. This site is for Sony authorized servicers and dealers only. I also e-mailed, since they have a battery at (that I found through CNET at on 5/2/06 for $29.95, but I am not sure if it is correct, since the battery is for a PEG-NX70VS. said that, ÒOur part number is B-8617 and it is 100% compatible with the Sony Clie PEG-NX70V/U.Ó My username and password at are motleyze, New New At Ease. The battery installed and worked fine, as of 5/06. The instructions say, FYI, that the battery may appear to be charged after ten to fifteen minutes, but it is not. You should then disconnect the battery and then charge it up to full capacity (a specific time is not mentioned for charging, FYI). The Sony CliŽ battery has several numbers on it: UP503759 ASH, 4DKJ10K, and 175627911 L1S12412Y13. Matt said that, An after-market battery would probably be fine as long as it has the right spec's. Sometimes Sony makes their own specially designed batteries, in which case there is often no after-market replacement available.Ó Sony CliŽ Operating Instructions page 22 suggests not connecting the CliŽ using a USB hub. Page 31 says that holding down the power button for two seconds turns the backlight on/off. Page 33 says that when the camera is not used, turn it until it clicks. Page 34 says you can hold down the back button to get Back to where you where, holding it down for a few seconds returns to the Launcher. Page 57 says that the memory stick is needed for movies (page 76 says it is also needed for Audio Player). Page 73 says that Photostand is used for viewing a slide slow. Page 75 says that some Flash contents may not play normally on the CliŽ. Page 76 says that Sonic Stage is needed to transfer audio files to the CliŽ. Page 87 says that CLIE files is used to transfer files between the CliŽ and the memory stick. Page 85 says that Documents to Go is used to view Word/Excel files. Page 91 suggests cleaning the CLIE with a soft, dry cloth. To clean the lens, use a damp cotton swab. Page 94 says that the operating temperature is 41 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Page 96 mentions PIMS, which stands for Personal Information Management System.

11. Sony CliŽ troubleshooting page 15 says that the jog dial is not available for some applications. Page 16 says that drag and drop may/may not be available depending on the setting with prefs. Page 16 talks about the Palm OS Standard view, but I do not think I have that view, since I am affiliated with Macintosh. Page 19 suggests that if you canÕt cancel a HotSync, soft reset the CliŽ. Page 27 says that when receiving data through beaming, there must be available space on the CliŽ, it must be twice the size of the data to be received. Page 30 suggests that the ideal distance for beaming is 4 to 8 inches.

12. I could not install MSDist.prc, later, and I think it was because it was already installed, then I tried syncing again without it set to be installed and I was able to sync. I thought there was a sync problem, because I did a download and tried to install Chess Genius, which does not indicate anything about being Windows or Mac, but I think it is probably Windows. Anyhow after doing a hard reset, I still was not able to sync. I then discovered it was because there was not enough free space on the CliŽ, so I decided to install the extra dictionary (Pro) to the memory stick, but the problem still recurred. I think that the software has trouble, and Chess Genius was fine. English Pro from does not install correctly, I tried two different downloads (both Mac trial versions), and they both kept causing crashes during syncing. I had to do a hard reset to sync again without crashing (but it still crashed the first time; on the second time, it was okay). Later, though, I as unable to install Nexus dictionary ($14.95, which has a Mac trial version. It does not list the number of entries it has) either, I even tried installing on the Memory Stick, which may be the issue. I think that there was not enough room to install the appÕs on the CliŽ and that caused crashing, but then the card had trouble, so that caused crashing when I wanted to install on it. I was able to install English Pro and Nexus onto the CliŽ (on separate occasions) by not using the memory stick. Matt said, ÒRunning programs from the Memory Stick is hit or miss. I think a program generally needs to be designed for use on an expansion card for it to work. I think the programs also need to be in the Launcher directory (within the Programs folder inside the Launcher does not work) on the Memory Stick. There may also be utility programs that help make this work.Ó He also said that, ÒI have not tried to download video from the Clie, although it should be possible. I think the Missing Sync software can be used to mount the Memory Stick as a drive on your desktop. If you need to move the movie file onto the Memory Stick first, try using the file management program, I think it's called "Clie Files." I have no idea what movie file format is used.  If you only have two categories for the Launcher (even though you may have Unfiled, which is empty), only one category will show up in the CliŽ Launcher: you need to add another category.

13. Matt said does not appear to have any Mac stuff, but he gets Mac software from PalmÕs website(s).  He said that some files may not say whether they are Mac or Windows, but if you download them and end in PRB, they may work on the Mac (I tried downloading several .zip files with Windows logos on them at, but they all caused problems when syncing with the CliŽ (and did not load on the CliŽ), even though they had prb, prc, etc. as suffixes for the files). I thought that files that have a Windows logo probably wonÕt work on the Mac, but I later discovered that Windows logo files were fine. He recommended for being able to read the New York Times. My user name and password are Motleyze, Old At Ease. My e-mail and password for support are (make sure to capitalize the letter ÒmÓ), Old At Ease. He has 128 MB of RAM for his Palm device. He said you can get supplies at Radio Shack, online, or many places. He does not have a screen protector, but thought it is a good idea. He did not buy any extra styluses. A case is a good idea, he thought. Hardball version 4.0P worked fine on the Palm Zire. However, it does not work on the Sony CliŽ, which has Palm 5.0. It does not appear easily to be able to determine which software at needs Windows or Mac, so I e-mailed to inquire. They said it should not be an issue whether a file indicates Windows or Mac, and it appears that they are correct. I later tried to install eReader (formerly Palm Reader) to the memory stick using Missing Sync for Mac OS, it appeared to install, but the application was installed on the CliŽ instead. Then I moved eReader to the memory stick using CliŽ files and I was able to see it (the memory stick showed up as one of the groups in the Launcher. What I did wrong previously was that I did not move the applications to the Launcher group on the memory stick. To move it to the Launcher, the Launcher folder should be ÒopenedÓ). If you put an application onto the memory stick, you cannot add it to the shortcuts menu on the left hand side nor assign it to one of the hard buttons; but that is not a big deal. However, I later figured it out how to put MSDict on my favorite shortcutsÕ menu. I accidentally put the MSDict application on the handheld and on the memory stick at the same time. Then I deleted MSDict (just the application) from the MS, so the application would not have a duplicate (and as it turns out, about half of the space was still free on the memory stick and the handheld). Then I dragged the application from the right side of the Launcher to the favorite shortcutsÕ menu. To see which application are present (not all the files, just the applications), while in Launcher, access the menu at the top of the screen and select ÒinfoÓ (as of 5/06, only eReader is listed on the MS, since I moved MSDict to the handheld). Also, applications on the memory stick take a little longer to load. One other note, the Sony CliŽ manual suggests not moving the prefs to the memory stick, so I did not do that with MS Dict nor eReader. I left Avantgo on the CliŽ itself, since it tends to be problematic, as it is (and it does not take up that much room). BTW, lists Palm OS software. Miscellaneous.html kept forcing Palm T|X to restart (page was full of graphics, etc., since switching to SeaMonkey for putting miscellaneous.html info in file), so I increased the channelÕs size from 300 K to 1,000 K. This improved the situation.

14. AGConnect will appear on the memory stick if you move the file called ÒMobileLinkÓ to the memory stick.

15. After doing a hard reset, I could not get MAL Conduit 1.0.2 to work, so I downloaded and used 1.0.4, and it worked fine. Also, Cowboysnews.html was slow to load. But, it may be because the formatting was askew (I had sent the Cowboys news through AOL mail), and it was after a hard reset. After clearing the Cowboys news page on my web site, it was normal. I also went to AvantGo on CliŽ and then went to Options, Preferences, and then Online, changed online cache to 400 KB (from 256 KB). Later, cowboysnews.html was slow to load. No background color did not help with Cowboys After removing the battery and several syncs, it was fast again to load the page. Then on the next sync, the slowness returned. Doing nothing else while syncing and having the cowboys news page open did not speed up the access of the page on the CliŽ.

16. After dropping the CliŽ in the gym, the right side of the screen has streaks in it. A soft reset and a hard reset did not solve the problem. I looked into taking out the battery, but it does not appear to be user-serviceable (correct spelling), and since it is still working, I decided not to chance it. Later on 11/13/05, I was able to take the battery out. I took it out for about three minutes; however, this did not solve the problem. Using a magnet (JazminÕs one that is shaped similar to a horseshoe) on the screen did not help either. MV had the same problem, except with the whole screen, so he had to send it in for repair. Sony repair would be $138, according to You can use to create an online repair request.

17. In 10/05, I lost $30, I think because the money stuck to the CliŽ case. It is better to put the CliŽ in my right pocket, since the keys wonÕt scratch the case. Alternatively, I may find a way to slick up the case if it is in the left pocket.

18.  Matt gave me some CliŽ parts, so that, ÒYou can plug the charger into at least one of them so you can charge the CliŽ without the cradle.Ó

19. I had trouble getting Memos to erase with Sony CliŽÕs CLIE memo. They would not delete in Clie Viewer nor in CLIE Memo. It turns out that after a hard reset, there is a button (that has an arrow on it) at the far right of the CLIE Memo screen, that allows you to view and delete memos.

20. CliŽ uses stylus PEGA-ST60. has a 3-pack for $39.99. At My Net Deals through Amazon (, it is $9.95 for one, which has a ballpoint pen and a reset pin built into it (on, they mention that the stylus will fit into the silo of the CliŽ. However, no definition at permits this usage of the word Òsilo.Ó Anyhow, the stylus works fine and I think I may be able to find a replacement for the ballpoint pen, once it dries out. Eforcity ( also has a Stylus for $5.55 (which I discovered later). Box Wave Corporation ( has a 3-pack of ballpoint refills for $9.95, I ordered them even though I am not certain they will fit with my current Stylus. I e-mailed Box Wave Corporation, but they did not know, for sure. I received them on 1/3/07, and they do work with my stylus. If not, then I will need to order the $11.95 stylus from Box Wave Corporation (

21. CliŽ was dim. I went to adjust the brightness and just bringing up the dialog box reset the CliŽ to normal brightness. Later, the same problem occurred, so I just pressed the power button for two seconds, and the brightness returned to normal (also the brightness setting would allow itself to be accessed for some reason).

22. CliŽ Memo is still on military time, even though the preferences (under Format), were set to U.S. time. All other applications are on a 12 hour clock. I e-mailed Sony from to inquire on 11/3/05. They replied and suggested that I call 877-760-SONY (7669), which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I did call and it found out it costs $14.95 per incident, so I decided to use to see about contacting live support. The chat session would not load with Safari, I had to use IE 5.2.3.  After chatting with an analyst for about fifteen minutes (she suggested setting the date and time, doing a soft and then a hard reset), she suggested that I call the support line at 877-760-7669, which would cost $14.95; therefore, I decided to e-mail Matt. He said he had no idea. After taking out the battery for three minutes, it is still on military time. You can adjust the CliŽ memory preferences to have it launch a new note or the latest, I chose Òlatest,Ó since it appears to be a better choice.

23. I kept getting error messages in the Missing Sync log about updating Avantgo Software using Missing Sync 4.0.6 and Avantgo 5.7 build 46 (the sync log also said ÒFailed Memo Pad, Failed Note Pad, TimeCopy db create failed, Failed To Do List, and Failed Address Book.Ó I even reinstalled Avantgo using Missing Sync software, no luck. I even installed AvantGOFixer.prc, Missing SYnc.prc and TimeCopy.prc, which were in the AvantGo folder, no luck. Then, I decided to buy Missing Sync 5.0 (registration code is 314-57159-20542). Upon first trying to install 5.0, the installer did not work. I double clicked it, it appeared to open, but then it closed. After restart (the iLamp may have been having difficulty), the installer worked fine. I then synced, but an  error was still present using Mark/Space Conduit for Avantgo (and Avantgo did not update on the handheld.  On another occasion, I could Mark/Space Conduit for AvantGo to work, but about three days later, which was a Monday, I got a message that I need to ÒPlease upgrade your AvantGo software,Ó and installing AvantGo 6.0 folder did not help. Using MAL conduit did not work, either.). In 10/06, I found out that there is a Missing Sync for CliŽ (3.0.9, a discontinued item) product at (I think it may be that Missing Sync for CliŽ was rolled into Missing Sync 5.0, but I am not sure). Anyhow, Matt said that ÒIn fact, I had that software running with that Clie.  I can't remember exactly why I needed it, but it somehow helped synchronize with the Mac.Ó After downloading and installing this update, I got no more error messages when syncing. I reinstaled Avantgo 6.0 and then installed Missing Sync 5.1.1 (after installing to iLampÕs HD, I then dragged Missing Sync.prc to the Install window for Missing Sync). I still got the please upgrade your AvantGo software error, so I installed Missing Sync for Clie 3.0.9 (no dragging to install window). I did not install the Palm Executables. Then the CliŽ synced fine. Later, though, the upgrade message appeared again with Mark/Space Conduit for Avantgo, and reinstalling the Missing Sync did not work, neither did a soft reset; a hard reset solved the issue. If you do select the box for Òuse connection based profilesÓ and try to use Mark/Space Conduit for Avantgo, I got an account locked error and a no user name error in the Missing Sync log. Then I decided to use MAL conduit (instead of Mark/Space conduit for Avantgo), error still present. After hard reset, MAL Conduit worked fine and there were no error messages in Missing SyncÕs log. I got the Òaccount lockedÓ error later, also (when using Mark/Space Conduit for AvantGo). I tried a soft reset and switched to MAL Conduit, no luck. I then waited three minutes and synced again, and it worked fine with Mark/Space Conduit for AvantGo. Later, I decided to try to use Mark/Space conduit for Avantgo to help with South End Zone issue (BTW, Password with Mark/Space Conduit for Avantgo shows password as many more characters (****, etc.) than it is, but still works). However, even after increasing the online cache to 800 K (with the CliŽ and The CliŽ allows a maximum size; sets the size for a channel), I could not get all of page 2 info to load with South End Zone each time, unless I chose the button marked ÒRefresh all contentÓ from the CliŽ or with Missing Sync software. I upgraded Missing Sync to 5.1.1 and the same problem still occurred initially, but now it appears to be working okay. Later, the problem returned. I e-mailed Missing Sync and Avantgo on 9/23/06 about the issue. Craig at Avantgo support said that he loaded South End Zone without incident. He also said that I would have to check the box each time, that there is no way to set it up to set up AvantGo Connect to Òrefresh all contentÓ by default. I also had to increase the channelÕs size to 2100 K to get all of page 2 to load (even after setting up South End Zone to take off pre-season). I am now using 3000K out of 3000K. It costs $19.95/year to increase to 8 MB. I finally decided to simply not load page 2 with South End Zone (and I set the channel to 600 K with Avantgo on 9/24/06), I can find the future opponents at I can find Flexible Scheduling at I can find Super Bowl future info at, Super Bowl history at (click on the History link at the top of the page). Plays that can be challenged (under the page 2 section called ÒInstant ReplayÓ) are listed at and South End Zone page 2 shows that the for reversal and reviews appears to be around 33% for the last few years (1999-2004), but that information could not be located with Google (9/06). Page 2 also turns off the roster option. Later, I tried to turn page 2 back on, but it would not show future opponents, so I went to and increased the channel size to 1000 K, which did not solve the problem. I think I will leave it off page 2 for now (1/07).

24. If you allow Drag and Drop in the preferences, you can move items between categories from the Launcher screen.

25. Palm 5.0 allows you to customize the button for the Calculator function. However, the CliŽ does not have a Calculator button.

26. CliŽ Memo kept producing a reset error, each time I tried to access it. A soft reset did not solve the problem, but a hard reset did. You must re-register dictionaries after doing a hard reset with Palm OS 5 and Missing Sync 5.0.2, unless you use the backup function with Missing Sync.

27. After getting my Clie fixed by Sony, I could not get explanation_Pro to install. As it turned out, it was because I had forced quit Missing Sync in the middle of synching (because I thought that it was stuck on Memo Pad, but next time I may need to wait several minutes). Anyhow, after a hard reset, I was able to install explanation_pro. After doing a hard reset on another occasion (6/06), I could nto get explanation_pro to install on the memory stick or the Compact Flash Card. I think it may have been because perhaps Palm had already installed it through the backup folder, although I am not 100% sure. I looked on the CliŽ and (oddly enough) there is no file called explanation pro on the CliŽ, but there is one called English_Pro, which is about the same size (5 MB) and the dictionary works. On the iLamp, there is no file called English_Pro, only explanation_pro, so perhaps the name changes when loaded on the CliŽ? This would be logical since the actual name of the program is English_Pro (and the name of the folder on the HD is English_Pro).

28. Missing Sync kept producing a Òlost connectionÓ error message when backing up in 1/2/06, even though the Backing up process appeared to be fine. The message appeared during the backup syncing. For now, I decided to uncheck the conduit for backup, since this appears to just take up space, and if necessary, I can use my Palm file to restore information and my CDÕs, etc. to restore software. Later, on 1/19/06, I could not get the CliŽ to sync at all. I did a hard reset, removed Palm and Missing Sync. Install Palm 4.2.1 rev. B, Missing Sync 4. Also, my profile still had trouble after, so I deleted and made a new one. Also, Avantgo would not work (it would not accept my password. It just kept being Òunassigned). I later though I found the problem, I discovered it was because (AvantgoÕs web site) was backing up data and not functional (this situation occurred again in 6/06, where I could not sync with Avantgo, because the website was backing up data. In the later situation, I could not get, but the password would not get assigned. Finally, I used Avantgo Connect to check Òrefresh all content.Ó Then Avantgo synced.). But a few hours later, the backup was no longer occurring and I could not get AvantGo to sync. I tried several solutions, but finally figured out (by using Mark/SpaceÕs conduit for AvantGo, which told me in the Sync Log) that I did not have enough free space on the CliŽ, because I had not moved MSDict files to the memory stick yet. After doing that, AvantGo synced (using Mal Conduit 1.0.2, as this was one of the solutions that I tried, so I left 1.0.2 working for now, as of 1/20/06). But then the problem returned, so I put 1.0.4 enabled again. But the CliŽ still did not sync, so I then checked around AvantgoÕs website and I got an idea. I went to AGConnect and then went to settings, then checked the box for ÒRefresh all content.Ó Then the CliŽ synced, it synched again, even though Òrefresh all contentÓ was unchecked the second time. FYI, the Òuse secure connectionÓ box was checked automatically after the first sync. In 9/06, I could not get AvantGo to sync, even after restarting the iLamp, soft resetting the CliŽ and reconnecting the CliŽ cradle. Then I tried loading and it would not load ( would load, though), so I think that the website is having difficulty. Later, the website would load again and then the CliŽ synced. The CliŽÕs cradle appears to be having trouble staying orange when connected to the CliŽ, so I switched cradles on 10/21/06. I also decided to put the cradle on the same shelf as the CliŽ to avoid jarring it. Later, the problem returned with the new cradle; and I figured out that when the CliŽ was off, the light was orange (so a connection was made). However, when the CliŽ was on, the light was green. The problem with the cradle was solved by unplugging the cradle for a few seconds from the power outlet (reconnecting the USB connection on the keyboard, a hard reset, and restarting the G3 did not solve the problem). Later, the green/orange light problem returned after syncing stopped in the middle (Òdata may be lostÓ error), so I unplugged the CliŽ for a few seconds again (perhaps the sync error confuses the CliŽÕs memory). There is a new Hotsync cable (without the cradle, the connection plugs right into the CliŽ) you can buy for $49.99 @, as of 10/06.

29. There does not appear to be a way to close the Conduit window without quitting Missing Sync, usually just hide the application. On next sync, Window often disappears, but not always (software glitch, perhaps). Then just hide again, if necessary.

30. On 3/13/06, the batteries were extremely low, which caused the memory card to not be read by the CliŽ. But after charging the CliŽ for an hour, the card still was not read. A soft reset solved the problem. When fully charged, light changes from orange to green or the CliŽ turns off, it appears.

31. Splash Photo Viewer can be used to transfer picures from iPhoto to the CliŽ. You cannot use it to transfer pictures to the iMac from the CliŽ. You can go to to buy it for $14.95 (half off the regular price, since I have bought Missing Sync). The Mark/Space photos conduit does not work on the CliŽ, because the ÒPhotos conduit does not support this handheldÓ (even after setting up ÒMark/Space photosÓ using the help menu withing Missing Sync). Also, media does not work, either.

32. says that a Memory Stick Pro (price was around $40 in 5/06) would work with a PEG-NX70V, but you would need to download the Memory Stick Pro System Update. Calculator button is a soft button (on the on screen keyboard area), not next to physical keyboard.

33. It does not appear that you can repeat events from Clie (Missing Sync even tells you this when you try to adjust a repeating task using the CliŽ), need Palm Desktop.

34. If you put a check mark by an item in the To Do list, it will disappear (if you do not choose to show completed items using the show button), but it will still be stored in memory. It is better to delete it.

35. The CliŽ memory card had question mark, because battery died. After charging, question mark still present. Resetting CliŽ solved the problem.

36. AvantGo would not sync with the CliŽ, after several times submitting and resubmitting my password, it still would not sync. A soft reset did not solve the problem. The next day, it still would not sync. I finally used AvantGo Connect on the CliŽ and clicked the box Òrefresh all content.Ó This solved the problem.

37. If you press Date button repeatedly, the CliŽ alternates between day view, week view, month view and the To Do List. If you press the phone button repeatedly, the CliŽ alternates between lists (personal, business, etc.).

38. The CliŽ light kept turning green in the middle of syncing. Office Duster did not help, but using a piece of paper and some rubbing alcohol did (I had to wait two hours to use the CliŽ, though, after cleaning. The rubbing alcohol needed to dry).

39. I read the ÒRead Me for The Missing Sync 3.0.9 (October 2003)Ó and it said that MS Import.prc could be used to install files directly to your Memory Stick. MS Import (not import.prc) is on the CliŽ by default. I used it to connnect to the iLamp and mount it on the desktop. I also was able to import the photos on the CliŽ into iPhoto 4. The RZ Memory Stick kept showing up on the sidebar, even after turning the preferences to list hard disks off and then on then back on. Clicking the eject icon by RZ did not work. Finally, I dragged the icon off the sidebar and then it was gone.

40. iPhoto 5 is required for syncing with Mark/Space Conduit for iPhoto (Missing Sync 5.1.1); The Missing Syncªfor Palm OS UserÕs Guide  page 44 says that certain models of handhelds can sync photos to a Mac. iPhoto 4.0.3 could not export any pictures using any of the tabs at the top (export, Missing Sync, Palm Export, etc.). I checked the iPhoto help file, but found several websites that mentioned iPhoto having trouble exporting: and (mentions iPhoto 6 has the problem). Finally, I found the pictures on the iLamp and copied them from the iLamp to the DCIM folder on the CliŽ, once I mounted the CliŽ with MS Import. You can import photos into iPhoto 4.0 on the iLamp, when you use MS Import to connect to the iLamp (it does not work with the iMac Duo, though). According to TidBITS #779 (5/9/05), iPhoto 5 is available for $80 as part of iLife or you can get it with the purchase of a new Macintosh.

41. Missing Sync for Sony CliŽ (December 2002) page 5 says that using the CliŽ through a hub is not recommended. Page 7 explains that you can push the red/blue button on the CliŽ to start syncing.  Page 8 talks about setting up the CliŽ for use with IR, but the iLamp did not work (I tried to set it up through the CliŽ, since Palm would not allow me to access Hot Sync, and it Missing Sync does not have any Hot Sync access). Page 12 talks about the location of the files to be installed on to the CliŽ. I put the song ÒDonÕt Cha.mp3Ó into the MS Audio file on the Memory Stick (after mounting the RZ memory stick with MS Import, I put the file into Palm/Programs/MS Audio). You can also mount the Memory Stick, and then use iTunes to move files from the Library to the Sony CliŽ. Then with Audio Player, the track played (originally, I tried to copy a .m4a file to the CliŽ, but it would not play). Also, it was a m4a file and it would not work. It would not show up with Audio Player. I tried changing the suffix to mp3, but then I got an error message when trying to play it with Audio Player (part of the message indicated that it may be a corrupted file). I tried converting the file to mp3 using Sound Studio and DropMP3 applications, but then when I tried to play the file, it froze Audio Player. Finally, I figured it out. I imported ÒLooks That KillÓ into Sound Studio using ÒImport with Quicktime.Ó Then I saved as AIFF and took off the suffix, so that the song was just called ÒLooks That Kill.Ó Then I used convertitApplet to change the file to MP3, then I dragged the ÒLooks That Kills.mpgÓ file to the iTunes window to the CliŽ Stuff folder is (which I created); However, I was able to sync once and then a Òfatal errorÓ showed up on the CliŽ (it appears that the Mark/Space Conduit for iTunes is buggy, since the fatal error still showed up with ÒFlight 309 to Tennessee,Ó which synced initially, then after a soft and a hard reset, syncing the song produced a fatal error. Even after several soft and hard resets, the fatal error was still present, so I disabled the iTunes conduit. Later, I figured out how to do it: I used a procedure similar to the previously mentioned procedure (Import with QT to Sound Studio, saved as AIFF Audio, then used ConvertiTApplet to change the file to MP3); then I dragged the file to the MSAUDIO file on the Memory Stick (after mounting the Memory Stick in the Finder). The file then palyed with Audio Player on the CliŽ, but there was no artist information. There does not appear to be a way to update the info on the CliŽ, so I tried using iTunes, which only allowed me to change the name of the song (Sony CliŽ shows up in iTunes when the Memory Stick is mounted). Then I trashed the ÒLooks That KillÓ without the artist/band information and an extra file that was in the same folder (which appeared to be some type of MP3 listing file). Then I dragged the ÒLooks That KillÓ to the Memory Stick again and I was able to update the information with iTunes (I think that the previous problem was that I was ejecting pressing ÒDisconnectÓ with MS Import before the Finder ejected the Memory Stick). Page 18 says that iTunes does not support playing of files from an attached device, which is true for the CliŽ. Page 12 says that if you trash files from the Memory Stick, you must empty the trash on your Mac before the memory becomes available on the Memory Stick (. To avoid having an error message after mounting the Memory Stick, use the Finder to eject the disk and wait for the Finder to eject (may take several seconds). Page 13 and 14 talk about exporting photos for use with PGPocket, which apparently was at one time installed on CliŽÕs. However, my CliŽ does not appear to have it. Page 19 says that if having trouble, you may want to plug the CliŽ into the computer directly, instead of the keyboard. Also, a hard reset may resolve some issues. (the website redirects to the first website in this sentence) has a list of support conduits. Page 24 indicates that you can use the Help Menu to check for conduit conflicts. Page 24 talks about what to do if you want to allow the program to permit two conflicting conduits to run; the information is listed at Page 24 says that if you press command and delete in the Missing Sync window, it will disable a conduit.

42. The Missing Syncªfor Palm OS UserÕs Guide page 11 says that Contacts, Events, and Tasks are for OS X 10.4 only, so I disabled Contacts and Tasks (Events was not present). Page 12 says that Mark/Space Folder Sync can be used to sync a folder on the handhelf with a folder on the Mac (if you have a project or something similar). Page 12 says that the Conduit for iTunes does not copy protected AAC-encoded songs from iTunes to your device (i.e. I could not copy ÒDonÕt Cha,Ó because I bought it at the iTunes store. With other songs, I think that you may get an error message. ÒFlight 309 to TenneseeÓ does work). Page 12 says that Mark/Space Memo Pad is a conduit that is needed since Address and iCal do not sync with handheld memos; I disabled Mark/Space Memo Pad. Page 16 says that if you select a conduit and press the ÒInfoÓ button, you can find out more about the conduit. Also, page 16 says that the helper applicationÕs icon is shown next to the conduit. Page 19 says that you can either check for updates periodically (or not) by using the Missing Sync preferences. Page 20 says that Missing Sync can only be used on two computers at a time, so, if necessary, you can deauthorize a computer using the Missing Sync menu within Missing Sync. Page 21 says you can use the Handheld Menu to select connected based profiles or enable Network Syncing, but this is not true. I think that the manual is referring to the Missing Sync Window, not the Handheld window. Page 22 says that if you click the green button in the Missing Sync window, you can minimize the window. The window will show the Handhelf, the selected set of conduits, and the number of files to be installed on the next sync (if there are none, there will be no ÒwritingÓ on the bottom three icons in the minimized window).  Page 32 suggests that install Palm Desktop before installing Missing Sync. If you need to reinstall Palm, remove Missing Sync with installer first. Page 35 says that .prc files are Palm OS application files, while .pdb are Palm OS database files. Page 41 talks about setting up Missing Sync preferences on the handheld, but on the CliŽ there are no preferences for the Missing Sync. Page 44 talks about using a DCIM folder (for use with the photos conduit), which the CliŽ has (the Media conduit, which actually is called Photos Conduit in the Finder, does not work with the Intel Mac and Missing Sync 5.12.). Page 50 says that you can use the System Profiler application (although the guide refers to it as System Profile) to check to make sure your handheld is connected. Open System Profiler, click the USB tab, press the  Hotsync button, press Refresh under the View menu and the handheld should appear. Page 51 lists a URL for e-mail support, which is

43. After you do a hard reset, you can choose to restore your old programs; I think that the data is not corrupted, since it is on the Mac, not the CliŽ. I did find out, though, that it did not solve the Mark/Space Conduit for AvantGo problem (I switched back to Mal Conduit in 10/06). I had to manually reinstall all of the items. Later, after a hard reset, pictures were restored (CarmenÕs picture with me; and JazminÕs and CarmenÕs picture with me), so was ÒLooks That KillÓ after a hard reset (and the Backup conduit had been used). I figured out that if I do a backup sync with the CliŽ once per week, it makes it easier, if I need to do a hard reset. To make a new backup, you can trash the Previous Backup 1, 2 folder, etc.; do not trash the Palm folder within Documents, since that renders the Palm file unusable.


Sound Studio (OS X) Registration Code is ST-0203-5597-4)

1. I had downloaded a song with iTunes, but it was not an MP3, it was an MP4. Therefore, I used Sound Studio to convert it to aiff. I used the File menu to import with Quicktime. Then the I used the File menu to save as aiff.

2. Sound Studio cannot burn CDs; it suggests using iTunes for burning. If you just copy a sound file to a CD-R and burn from the Finder, it will not play in a regular CD player. Also, each time I tried to cut part of a sound with Sound Studio (version 2.1), the program quit. I had to select a part of the song, then Òsave selection asÉÓ Version 2.1.1 beta 3 allows you to cut without an error.

3. If you try to save as and use the same file name, it will not work (this is how the program should work).

4. If you record from the Aiwa stereo, it is possilble to have the input levels be in the red and still sound okay on playback (at least this was true with the song ÒHurricaneÓ).

5. To select a large portion of a song: Click on the area where you want to make the cut, select all. Then hold down shift key. Click on the area you want to save (to deselect it), then press command, X.

6. The original version that came with OSX was free (it was a beta version). However, version 2.1.1.b3 has to be purchased. It costs $50, so I bought it, since SndSampler does not let you choose the input source in OS X. I think that since I installed a new system, the Sound Studio is not free. I could reinstall the system, but it took many hours and it is not worth the time. I checked and there is only one version of Sound Studio on the computer. I think that since a new user was created, the computer did not let me have the program for free. Another possibility is that it may be that since I updated to OS X 10.3.9, Sound Studio may have needed to be registered. When I bought the iMac Duo, I tried to find the Sound Studio application on the iLamp installer CD, but was unable to (even looking for package contents). Google had no answers, either. Finally, I got it from JoeÕs iLamp, since I had already bought the program, I just could not extract from my iLamp CD.

7. To record an audio file that is playing on the iLamp, you can use the internal microphone, but the sound is not as good as when you connect the audio out jack to the microphone jack.

8. Sound Studio does not work well on the iMac Duo, it quits just about every time you perform a cut (probably Sound Studio is not compatible with the iMac Duo processor).



1. To have the speech function work, you need to have these extensions in active folder: Macintalk (3), Voices and text. Speech s/b in the control panels folder. In extension manager, turn on Speech (control panel) and Speech Manager (extension).

2. To set the default voice, use the Speech control panel.

3. Plaintalk used to be used before it was called Speech. Apparently, Plaintalk allowed you to talk to and give commands to your computer (Little Mac Book).

4. Mac OS X Panther page 468 explains that you can make it so that the computer only listens when you say its name, then turns off after 15 or 30 seconds. To start up again, say ÒComputer, etc.Ó I set the preferences up so that I need to press Escape to turn the function back on. Page 471 explains that you have a folder inside of home (ryanzelenski) that is at Library/Speech/Speakable Items that are Applescripts. However, very few can be opened (grayed out with Script EditorÕs open dialog box. Permission do not seem to be the issue). Page 471 also explains that many programs are not Apple Scriptable, so commands may not always be able to be speakable. Page 472 explains that you can say ÒShow Me What to SayÓ (when Speakable Items are turned on) to get ideas. Page 471 says you can put an alias of your favorite folder into Speakable Items so that Speech can open it. However, this did not work with the Ryan folder, I had to make an Applescript called ÒOpen RyanÓ to do it (by clicking the sidebar icon to open it, not from the Columns, when I made the script), also, though, you should have an alias of the Ryan folder in Speakable Items. You can press the small triangle at the bottom of the Speech button (circular button) to open Speech Commands (which change with each open application). Page 472 says the voices in the Mac have Norweigan accents.


Startup Disks

1. I did not use Disk Copy, since it was not required with 7.5 Tools (7.5 Disk Tools folder on School Disks Backup on 7.5.5 CD) to make a startup disk. If you try to put Objectsupportlib (version 1.2 or 1.0.2) into System Folder that is on a floppy disk i.e. the System file is small like 500 K or so, it will cause the disk to freeze at startup. Minimal System Enabler 410 was on the disk, also. (I was attempting to make a Speed Disk Startup Disk, copying Speed Disk onto the floppy, renaming it finder, and changing type and creator settings). However, even when I later tried to make the disk with a real finder, still had problems with Objectsupportlib. Having finder preferences made no difference at all. it did not matter If extensions were in the root level, there was a System Folder with extensions in it (and OSL inside of it).

            A. Objectsupportlib is required for Speed Disk 3.5.2, but not version 3.5.

            B. Objectsupportlib is rolled into the system with System 8.0, but is not rolled into the system file that is created by using the Disk Tools PPC disk image maker on the G3 CD.

            C. If you make a finder less startup disk and put an application on the disk, application, system and Enabler files s/b in root level (no other appÕs may be used, though).

2. I tried using only the System file (7.6), Finder, and Objectsupportlib extension with the Zip Disk and it started up fine. (The only difference was the size of the System file).

3. If you try to make a startup disk without a true finder, you may copy an application to the startup disk and rename it finder (also, it may be necessary to change the type and creator codes).

            A. it is possible, though, that the startup disk may not work. it may be necessary to make an exact copy of a startup disk using Disk Copy (which will give the copy boot blocks).

            B. To make a CD or floppy disk for use with several different models of Macintosh, on System 7.5 CD or later, you may want to make the installer system software for any Macintosh.

            C. If the installer does not work, hold down the option key while clicking install system software. The system folder may not necessarily work on that particular computer, but it will work on other computers that will support the version of System software.

4. If you hold down the mouse button upon restart, startup CDÕs for the G3 will eject. Other CDÕs will not.

5. There was a bug in System 7.5.3 that may have prevented the computer from recognizing the correct startup disk. There was a startup tuner extension included with 7.5.3 Revision and later incorporated into 7.5.5.

6. Startup disk can not be set to use any floppy disk as startup. Floppy disk is the first choice If present.

7. If two partitions are present, the first one in ABC order may be the chosen partition as startup disk, Drive Setup does not allow you to change this. May want to find System Picker (which can have a search depth up to 5 subfolders), which allows you to choose. Alternatively, the partition that you do not want used as startup disk, then unbless system folder.

8. When you use the COSD shortcut, the internal drive probably will still mount (especially with system software after 7.0.1) because it was intended to do a second check of SCSI devices for HDÕs that are slow to start up. If you want to not have the HD mount, then Zap the PRAM, then use the COSD shortcut. I used Techtool to zap the PRAM on my G3 and then the COSD shortcut and it worked, CD-ROM mounted, but the internal HD did not.

9. Some Macs use a special minimal system Enabler on floppy disks, which will not work on a HD.

10. To make a startup floppy disk, should use disk copy, not finder, since finder may not copy boot blocks.

11. Order of choice for startup disks is the floppy disk, CD Drive (may have to hold ÒCÓ key down), startup disk control panel, Internal HD, External HD.

            A. On one occasion with my G3/233, the Apple CD did not automatically startup the computer, like it usually does. May be due to the fact that the internal HD was selected with Startup Disk Control Panel.

12. The error message about the copied Finder when trying to start up from a Zip Disk on G3/233. Eject Zip Disk and restart. Alternatively, you can simply not have a valid system folder on the Zip Disk. Also, may be able to select ÒRyanÕs HDÓ as startup disk.


Startup Drives

This is the order that the Mac looks for startup drives:

1. floppy drives (internal, second internal, external)

2. CD-ROM drive (may or may not work automatically with ÒCÓ key held down)

3. Startup disk control panel selected device

4. internal hard drive (will boot computer unless floppy or CD is present or changes have been made in the startup disk control panel).

5. external SCSI devices, starting with the highest ID number

6. Back to beginning and start again.

7. To make a phony Chimes of death on a 5200 (and others??), try holding down the power and command key at startup.


Startup Items

1. If you put an item into startup items with At Ease on (5400), then the finder will go right into the application after passingthroughAt Ease.

2. If you put shut down application into startup items, computer will start up, then shut down. To make it work properly again, hold shift down at startup and move the shut down accessory from that folder. This will work with Extensions Manager or Conflict Catcher.

3. To have a movie play during startup, name a Quicktime movie ÒStartup MovieÓ and then drop it on the System Folder.

4. To stop the startup items from being used, hold down the shift key after all the extensions and control panels have loaded.



A regular picture saved in ÒPICTÓ or ÒPICT in ResourceÓ (saves as a Resedit file) format did not work. DC suggested trying taking a picture of the screen, then using that. PICT and tiff did show up in the startup process, but they were garbled. Still experimenting.

Tried restarting with extensions off and this did not work.

Julie did not know the answer.

Rob said that the ÒStartupScreen File must be smaller than the original Mac OS startup screen file (size unknown). IBM startup screen (510 K) does work. I made a startup screen that was smaller in size than the IBM startup screen, but they did not work. I used Graphic Converter to save the picture as a ÒStartupScreenÓ, not as a ÒPICTÓ as the books have suggested. This worked. I tried to change the file type with Òget More InfoÓ and the creator, but this did not work. Had to use Graphic Converter. 8 bit or 16 bit or 32 bit all worked.

Must center the picture in the Overview window in Graphic Converter. To move the picture, use dotted square tool. To erase along a straight edge, use shift and the eraser. The square box inside the overview window is where you are in the document.


Street Price

The average price a product sells for in mail order catalogs, usually less than the companyÕs official price.


Stuff it Lite (Regis. # LTEB-873-901956)

1. You can automatically stuff an item simply by dragging it to the Stuff it Lite window.

            A. You can also make an archive of several files by making a new file with Stuff It Lite, then dragging all the files to the Stuff it window.

2. You can unstuff an archive by dragging it onto the ÒunstuffÓ button or hitting command, u or by dragging it from the Stuff it deluxe window to the desktop.

3. You can verify the disk with NDD, Copy a segment to a HD since this automatically verify things, or simply unstuff the stuff.

4. To segment an archive to disks (can be done to the HD, also).

            A. In Stuff it Lite, open Stuffit Archive ending in .sit, not .sea.

            B. Choose Save as from file menu.

            C. Click the Òself extractingÓ checkbox.

            D. Insert floppy and choose destination

            E. Click Save and then yes.

5. To segment a file to disks

            A. Run Stuff it Lite

            B. Choose the ÒsegmentÓ submenu from segmenting under the translate menu

            C. Select the file you want to segment

            D. Click ÒsegmentÓ

            E. Selection the destination, then click Òsave.Ó Save as self-extracting, although it can end in .sit and still work. Probably better to copy to HD, first to make the process faster.

            F. it is probably easier to name the disks when segmenting them, otherwise, when you try to unstuff, the computer will say Òplease insert untitledÓ and you wonÕt know which disk it means.

6. To rejoin parts, Run Stuff it Lite, Select join from the segmenting submenu under the translate menu. Or If self extracting (ends in .sea), then just double click on it

            A. You can put in first disk and click on .sea, but there is the disk swapping issue. Easiest is to copy the disks to the HD and then click on the first .sea.

7. If you drag a file onto DropStuff, it will be turned into a Stuffit Lite document.

8. Can make files self extracting (end in .sea) by checking Òmake self extracting when saving or inside the Stuff it Lite box that appears on the screen (when you save from the box, the self extracting box will already be checked).

9. Command, Y verifies an archive. Also, Quicktime movies can be saved with stuff it on two or three disks, if necessary (even though they can not be compressed with Stuffit Lite).

10. Backup by Stuffit is freeware to be used to make incremental backups that are stuffed. However, it will not work to make incremental backups onto two floppy disks. When one floppy disk is full, it simply ejects and says operation stopped (or something like that). Backup by Stuffit can be used to make backups of the Ryan folder. Backup HD by StuffIt is recommended for making backups on a floppy disk. To make a backup, double-click the script icon. To clear the settings, drag and drop any file onto the icon and then choose to Òclear the settingsÓ in the dialog box.

11. Stuffit Lite 3.6 works fine in OS X.

12. I think that Stuffit Lite is not designed to be used with Drag and Drop, even after rebuilding the desktop with Techtool 3.0.4. You can open it and then drag items into an archive.


SuccessMaker ( or may be helpful), which is one word. There is an online consultant as well, and a customer link online at their website, You can also use Parents can log in at school, but not at home. I donÕt think we bought the code for accessing at home, only at school, i.e. I canÕt access Successmaker worksheets on the G3/266.

1. To shut down the Dell computers (which are Optiplex GX270s) from the SuccessMaker login page: press Escape, then go to Shut Down.

            A. The Dell computers automatically log in to Waterford when starting up, to avoid this, press Escape as the Windows screen is loading. Then select SuccessMaker on the Desktop. F10 can be used to escape Waterford.

2. Printing on the Mac is not supported. The blue iMacs are only allowed to be used, since they have more memory, accordingly.

3. 90% for reading is considered mastery, and can be adjusted. 80% is also considered mastery for Math. % of Skills Mastered (in reports) indicates how many skills that they have attempted that they have mastered.

4. IPM stands for initial placement motion. It is determined after 300 exercises.

5. At the Novell login screen in the computer lab, I used "student" as log in without a password and it worked. My name and password are rzelenski, four zeroes. The login and password (as of 9/06) is rzelenski, 0058. Also, t15 and 4 zeroes will work, as well. Students' names are usually first initial of first name and last name. 4 zeroes should work as password. Janet is the only one who can get the students passwords (or student login). She keeps the list in the bottom left hand drawer at her desk. However, it may be possible to get studentsÕ logins at if the names are present; or you can look at an attendance report with SASI.

6. To make worksheets for Math (first click on the Printer to do a report on Grouping by Areas of Difficulty reportÉCrookham Skills and ConceptsÉCrookham Math, etc.): After logging in, go to Teacher Classroom, then click on the picture of the Thesaurus, Dictionary, Almanac, and Atlas: Then select worksheets, type a header name (if desired), Course-Crookham Math, number of exercises, do answer sheets (if desired), Under users, select Add, (you can type the number Ò4Ó as a shortcut to 4th grade), choose my class, then highlight names (you can use Shift or Control to select contiguous or noncontiguous names). You can choose to print Current under Crookham Math, and this will produce a mix of standards concepts for students to complete. Not all strands have worksheets that go with them. Also, not all levels of each strand have a worksheet for them. To run a report, click laptop for classes, select the name of your class, click the printer icon, select Math Concepts and Skills Cumulative Performance, click View, then choose the SM courses tab, Math Concepts and Skills is the default choice, but you should select Crookham Math. Reports can be run from the classroom or the lab. The courseware benchmarks for CA are high, i.e. 5.4 is where a 4th grader is supposed to be proficient according to STAR testing on Math and 6.3 for Reading. According to, 20 hours on SuccessMaker usually equates to a yearÕs growth. You can use the red Help button to assist with reports. Click Help, Reports Documentation, Courseware, Math Concepts and Skills. CRI stands for Computation Retention Index, which indicates how much a student can remember, when they encounter previously taught material. Prescriptive Scheduling can be used to tell the time that a student needs in the lab to reach a target level, i.e. the level needed to be proficient on state test. To print the prescriptive scheduling report, click the laptop, highlight your group, click on the printer, click on the + beside Prescriptive Scheduling Report, Click the course (Math Concepts and Skills), click View Options, Specify the target level or time, click SM courses and select course (Crookham Math), click View, click printer icon to print. To do a Grouping by Areas of Difficulty Report, click the laptop, highlight your group, click the printer, click the + beside the Grouping by Areas of Difficulty, click the course (Math Concepts and Skills), click View Options, Click SM courses, and select Course (Crookham Math), Click View, click printer icon to print. If a Òdate not masteredÓ shows up on the report, that indicates that the computer has tried and tried again, and has indicated it has moved on with the student.

7. Teacher stations are identical to student stations, except that teacher stations have more memory, according to KW.

8. Flexible session length, if active, overrides the session length. However, if students are on the computer for twenty minutes and their session ends, they can start a new session.

9. When students use the program, they should press Stop, then exit the program. Otherwise, another student will be logged in under their name.

10. Janet Zambrano said we have Mac version 1.2 right now, but any day now, we will be upgraded to version 1.3. Janet said that M. has the install disks for Macintosh. However, I found out later from KW that SuccessMaker is accessed only on the server (however, it is installed on the ÒCÓ drive of the laptops. If you need to install again, go to SME on T, Results Manager, SuccessMaker, Workst, Setup icon (the one with sail type icons). Using student, blank did not work. Nor did student, 0000. Nor did t15, 0000, nor did t15, blank. I asked Lori McDaniel about printing issues and system requirements for Successmaker. She said, If you are running 1.2 on Mac, you can print if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader. Just make sure it is open behind the SM screen.  Many times the report is on the screen, but because Adobe wasn't open to begin with, the report get stuck behind the SM screen and we don't know it's there. There are printing issues with 1.3 right now, on the Macs. Instead of using Adobe to read the reports, it uses Crystal Reports and therefore must have Internet Explorer open behind the SM screen. The difficult part is that only 5 teachers can access the reports at the same time. This is what the tech department is working to correct.Ó Lori directed me to to find out about system requirements. 200 MB of free space is needed. Quicktime 5.1.6 and IE 5.1.6 or later is needed, also.The minimum requirements for Mac are Mac OS 9.2.2, G3 @400 MHz, 64 MB of RAM, VM enabled up to 128 MB of RAM. They recommend a G4 @ 800 MHz processor (or faster), 256 MB and VM enabled. I checked and TM has a tray loading iMac; It has 96 MB of RAM, 9.0, QT 4.0.3, and IE 4.5. I think that most of the tray loading iMacs came with 8.5.1 originally. The blueberry iMacs have 500 MHz processors in them. The red iMac DV is 450 MHz. The slot-loading CD-ROMs have 350 or 400 MHz processors. They all have G3 processors. My bondi-blue iMac has a 350 MHz processor. I e-mailed Ms. McDaniel about running Successmaker on an iMac through the server. I asked if the program can be run without installing any Successmaker software on the iMac. She said, " First, make sure it has Internet Exp 5 or higher. Second, it needs to have the SM Icon on the desktop so it can access the server and other files to execute the program. You can contact Global Support for more assistance. Their number is: 1-800-227-8224. Todd ( e-mailed me and said that Successmaker will not work on a Novell Server data base. Todd said that they will have to buy a $12,000 to $15,000 server just for the server/OS/Backup, as of 9/04. So we shall see.

11. To do a report for the least session, click on the printer, select last session, Math Concepts and Skills, View Options, under SM courses tab, choose Crookham Math.

            A. To print a Performance Report, click on the printer, Cumulative Performance Reports, Math Concepts and Skills-Cumulative Performance Report, under the SM courses tab, choose Crookham Math.

            B. To see a skills mastered report, you need administrative access (we do not have that, as of 10/7).

12. The students were repeating the same Reading tutorial over and over. It was because the tutorial was 20 minutes and the sessions were set to 15 minutes. Therefore, the students kept doing the same thing over and over. Students did not have reading scores. Lori McDaniel and Janet are turning off the tutorial now, as of 10/7/04.

13. To exit a program during the middle of a Reading Adventures or Math Concepts and Skills session: press control, Z (otherwise the studentÕs progress is not recorded, according to Lori McDaniel). If at the end of a session, you should use File, Exit.

14. I was unable to log on to SuccessMaker on two different days in a row in 10/04. It turns out that I was logged in as a work station only. After logging in to Novell, I was able to log on to Success Maker (even though later I had a different problem. I logged in, Success Maker froze, and I had to restart the computer. Upon restart, I tried to log on to Success Maker again and it said I was already logged in. This problem will probably go away by itself).

15. When doing Reading in SuccessMaker, you will repeat a story if you donÕt complete the story and all of the exercises. You will be logged back into the same story when you go on to the program the next session. The program is set up this way to help students remember what has been read. You can scroll through the previously read pages to the end of the story, if you do not need to read the story again. If you complete 3 of 7 activities, you will start on activity 4 during the next session, when you get to the activities.

16. On the DEC/Dell in room 58, SuccessmakerÕs login screen cut off when the Display was set to 800 X 480. But on 1024 X 768 and 800 X 600, it is fine.

17. Next year (05-06), we will probably use the Reading portion of Successmaker that will only have skills, not the Reading selections.

18. On one occasion, I was not able to access Successmaker from the classroom. I kept getting an error about checking the network connection, when I clicked the Successmaker icon. I waited for a couple days, to no avail. Then I restarted the rebuilt DEC and I was able to log on to Successmaker. On 8/29, I had the same problem (not being able to log on to Successmaker). But after restart, we will able to on the rebuilt DEC.

19. It may be better in 05-06 to have the students do all Math in the computer lab, since we get all the way through the Reading series, but not the Math series.

20. To access the internet within Successmaker, click on the globe. It takes you to successmakerÕs web site, where you can access worksheets, games, etc. If you go to Math Courses, you can select Math Concepts and Skills Worksheets (practing basic Math facts). It appears that parents and teachers can access the website from school, but not at home (without the code).

21. is a website for Pearson Digital Learning webinars (online courses). Our I.D. is 1996. My password is New New At Ease. Safari would not work with the online webinar, but I think IE 5.2.3 s/b okay. The first time I "set up" my Meeting Manager with IE 5.2.3, I got a "É..failed to load" error. But then I tried it again and it worked. Also, when logging in, the password was COFFEE, not coffee as my original e-mail said. The second e-mail I received (from Shari Morris) used all caps for my password. is a website that has additional resources (First Name:Ryan, Last Name: Zelenski, Password: teacher, Client ID: 1038617, Site ID: 195944). My e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. It has the state standards correlations with SuccessMaker. I could not find them, so I e-mailed Pearson Digital for assistance. You can use Successmaker to customize instruction for students. It is important to not change the original assigned courses. A modified course may be "Justin and Grandpa (RA)." The course is based on Reading Adventures (RA). Modified courses have parentheses behing them. There is an option within Successmaker to have the skill ID displayed, it shows as ad435, which indicates level 4.35, but students do not have to know that it is 4.35, they can think it is problem 435. Only one level can be established for each strand. However, you can assign more than one strand, and/or you can make more than one course. To make a custom course: Go to resource center (picture of dictionary, choose Custom SM Course Editor, on the blank blue screen, choose your New from the File Menu, choose your course, Click strands tab (only when customizing SME), turn IPM off (page 1 tab), 3 minutes is recommended for session length for one strand (6 minutes for 2 strands, etc.), progression time s/b 3 seconds, display ID may be active (off by default) to see what exact skill is being taught, save as custom course (may take out decimal point so student is not aware of what level s/he is on, it just may be a number to them). When assigning course, you need to use the toggle button to "assing starting level." 1.4 of Successmaker is a free upgrade, if you have a support agreement.

22. As of 10/05, we have site licences for 40 Math and 40 Reading Successmaker programs.

23. Janet said (12/05) that if studentsÕ scores are low on the Cumulative Reading printouts, it is Ònormal,Ó as the tests are definitely difficult. A score of 50 percent correct would be good.

24. When a student cannot log on to SuccessMaker in the lab, they can right click the red ÒNÓ on the taskbar and then select Netware Login, then they can log in again (instead of having to restart the computer). On one occasion, I could not log in to Successmaker, even after restarting one of the DELLÕs several times over several days. Todd said that ÒWorkstation OnlyÓ was checked, but that it is normally off by default upon startup. However, I am not sure about this since it took several minutes to repair (along with a virus issue).

25. One of my students finished RW (ÒReadersÕ Workshop) in SuccessMaker, so now she does RA (ÒReading AdventuresÓ). But, later, I was told that there is not another program beyond Reading Adventures, apparently. Students just must work on math, if they complete Reading Adventures.

26. KW said that she does not have any SuccessMaker installation disks: she said that we usually access it from the ÒRÓ or ÒLÓ drive; however, on one of the laptops, it was on the ÒCÓ drive.

27. You can print a report of the number of hours needed to make the goal for SuccessMaker by going to reports, Prescriptive Scheduling, select Crookham Reading or Crookham Math, type in your level (5.4 for Math for 4th grade and 6.3 for Reading for 4th grade) and select the group.

28. Students can check the number of quizzes taken in one day under View Goals and Points (they can sort the quizzes by date).

29. When trying to view a report in SuccessMaker, Sue Huber got an error that says, ÒError: Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager Data Source Name not found and no
default driver specifiedÓ. Removing and installing SuccessMaker did not work (Todd did it). Todd does not know the solution, as of 4/08; but he thought it may be hardware related. Janet suggested going to Program/Administrative Tools/Data Source (ODBC)/System DSN/ SQL Server, then tried to add SME Adapter Server Anywhere 8.0; however, I could not make it work; it appears that there is a password required (on my DEC there is, anyhow).

30. Two laptops and the DEC were unable to access SuccessMaker, even after doing Novell login on the laptops. I got the ÒUnable to load the program. Check your network connection. Network may have been down temporarily due to Mike doing some maintenance. SuccessMaker did not  work on DEC (check your network connection), next day, same problem, after restart, SuccessMaker worked.  Later, SuccessMaker did not  work on DEC (check your network connection), next day, same problem, after restart, SuccessMaker worked. Later, the same problem returned on the DEC (and restarting did not help); however, I then used Novell login and this solved the problem.

On another occasion, JL's Dell could not connect to SuccessMaker because of a network connection error. I tried to install the application again using the "L" drive, SME, Results manager, WorkSt, Setup and New Setup, which were both applications), but neither one of them worked, even after restarting the computer (I did not remove the program first). I tried to access the SuccessMaker icon in the Start Menu, which asked if I wanted to install the program (which I did not expect it to do). Anyhow, it did install the program (without removing it first), and I did set up the ODBC database, chose CD as access, and restarted. Then SuccessMaker worked from the Start Menu as well as from the shortcut on the Desktop.

31. JZ gives the students a pencil if they score a 100 on a session.

32. is the place for Ask Dr. Math, which can answer SuccessMaker math questions.

33. Ctrl, cover desktop in S. Maker to minimize it (normally, it is best to avoid this; but students do this accidentally).

34. JZ said that SuccessMakerÕs target goal is 65% in reading and 80% in math, so she will give out rewards for attaining those goals in 2008-2009.


Supra Modem (One serial number is 4672700026556, the other is 0681700042462)

1. Update from web refused to download. HTTP error type 404 occurred when choosing Diamond Supra Voice-mail from VersionTracker. I later used the Supra Voice-mail link from VersionTracker, which seemed to work. But the SVM updater (2.3) was the same as is located on my CD from Diamond.

2. According to Page 6 of manual, you must have a SupraSonic 336V+ or a SupraExpress 336e SP modem to make Voice-mail work.

3. Tried running the voice-mail with all other extensions off, but did not work.

4. Tried removing all Supra software and reinstalling only the Voice-mail (which does Faxing and Voice-mail), but this did not work. Tech support said you couldnÕt install Faxcilitate and then install Voice-mail, although the manual said that removing the Faxcilitate software is not necessary before installing Voice-mail.

5. Timeout occurred while processing command queue was the error message when trying to use the phone software in #3-4.

6. Toll saver answers on 5 rings If there are not any messages.

7. Can set call retries up to 9 times for busy numbers with voice or faxing.

8. If you check the ÒFaxactivityÓ box in the prefs, this window will open automatically when faxing is in progress. If you check Òaudio confirmation,Ó it lets you know whether sending is successful or not. Rapidphone makes window appear when incoming call is detected.

9. Only letters (no numbers) are allowed to be used for passwords.

10. You can set the voice basketsÕ setup to call a number when a message is received.

11. If you only have the Voice-mail software installed, then you try to fax with the voice off, it says faxing canÕt be done because the voice software is off. If the voice software is on, then it acts as though it is working, but nothing is really sent out.

12. If you choose halftone for quality, it is better, but it takes longer.

13. When the phone list is active, a Ònew individualÓ is added to the phone list as well as the send to list. If a new individual is added while the send to list is active, the person is only added to the send to list, not the phonebook.

14. Faxes arenÕt automatically saved in the outbasket (to avoid clutter), so may want to save faxes before faxing them.

15. If you have Quickdraw GX installed, you can do drag and drop with faxes.

16. The Fax gauge on screen does appear when faxes are sent out, but does not appear when faxes are being received.

17. In Voice mode, SVM is ready for voice or fax calls. In data mode, Supra voice-mail is turned off. (p. 89).

18. You can use the chooser to select background imaging on or off in the chooser.

19. You can only fast-forward a message If Macintosh speaker is chosen (p. 131).

20. To access messages from a remote phone, press the Ò2Ó key.

21. If a fax gets cut off, try a non-proportional font like Geneva, Courier or Monaco.

22. If faxing does not seem to be working (especially with an error-6002 or -97) try decreasing the speed of your faxing to 9600 instead of 14400.

23. I got the modem flasher updates from Rob. They were numbered (SX 56 - 2.200-01 and SX 56 - 2.200-03). They updated my Supra modem at school, but not the one at home, said it was the wrong kind of flasher update for the modem at home.

24. At school, my modem was updated properly, so there was no problem. it showed up as ÒV2.200-01,Ó which is the most recent firmware. The SUP code was SUP2101.

25. My modem should be returned, after my new one arrives. I did do that.

26. The power cord on the modem at school was having trouble sometimes. You had to wiggle the cord to get it to make good contact with the outlet sometimes. I called Supra and stated that I would like to purchase a new cord.  I called Sonic Blue (formerly Diamond Communications, which handles Supra modems) at 1-800-468-5846 on 7/13/01. The customer service representative asked how old the modem is. I said that it was about three years old. The customer service representative said that the modem is still under warranty (the warranty is 5 years). He said he will mail me a new power supply (I gave him momÕs address). states that the warranty period for its modems are 5 years.

27. Supra modem makes a clicking sound, and will not permit signing on. Even after zapping the PRAM with TT and KB, Supra Modem would not work. So, I e-mailed Diamond, I had to use the DEC to e-mail them. IE 5.1.7 on the G3 did not allow the fields to show up, NN 4.77 had the fields, but I did not receive a confirmation message from the web page. I did not receive a reply, so I e-mailed them again on 12/8/05.


System 6.0.4, 6.0 etc.

1. On one occasion when using a System 6 startup disk, the finder and system took up too much memory (about 4,000 K which all the SE has on it). I went to Special, set startup, then clicked on MultiFinder (instead of finder). Worked. Down to 1,000 K on next startup.

2. Sometimes, files (SCSI, chooser, calculator etc.) may not be opened and say they are ÒbusyÓ or may simply beep. I have been able to open them starting up from a floppy or by replacing system software. Although some files may not ever be opened If used by system software.

            A. it is possible that there might be 2 system folders (especially in the case of beeping).

            B. Also, some control panels like SCSI may beep If you try to access them from the desktop. May need to open control panel inside system folder, then open the particular control panel.

            C. Also, If set to ÒMultiFinder,Ó the chooser beeper. After going back to Òfinder,Ó chooser opened.

3. Once the control panel (under Apple Menu) would not open, restarted with finder instead of MultiFinder and it opened.

4. Font/DA mover has desk accessories inside of it. Open the Font/DA mover to add or remove accessories from the Apple Menu (where the find file is located).

5. To bless the System folder on one occasion with an SE, had to open and close the System folder two times.

6. Desk Accessories s/b installed into the System file directly themselves.

7. The application is busy or missing error when trying to open At Ease (version 1.0) Setup on Macintosh SE.

8. System Error occurs with At Ease items, At Ease and At Ease Setup in the root level of the System Folder on Macintosh SE. Would not work If set to start up either with finder or MultiFinder.

9. Kept beeping when trying to go to Find file under the Apple Menu. After a couple restarts, it worked fine. When setting startup to finder instead of MultiFinder, it worked normal again. (with finder setting, there is no computer in the upper right hand corner). Also with MultiFinder, there is finder listed along with open apps and about MultiFinder under the find file, chooser, alarm clock setting. (4 separate sections). With Finder, there is only about finder plus find file, chooser, alarm clock etc.


System 7.1, 7.5 (first system that had to be paid for)

1. Can work on A Mac SE especially If RAM is upgraded to 4 MB.

2. On MomÕs Performa 578, 7.1 P6, the documents folder reappears every time your restart even after trashing. Apple said that it is default of 7.1 for Performa. Tried renaming the folder, replacing with another folder of same name, seeing If locked, etc.

3. Determined that the Performa control panel makes the ÒdocumentsÓ folder reappear each time.

4. My 7.1 startup disks will start up an LC 575, since I copied the System Enabler 065 to the install me first disk. Tried to copy the disk by dragging, but disk had problems. May need to be done with DiskCopy.

            A. To start the 575 from a RAM disk, copy the System file, the finder and the System Enabler 065 .

5. The 7.1 System file can be used with Finder for System 7.5 Update 1.0. For when you install the SW1500 printing software, it updates the finder to 7.5 Update 1.0.

6. If you have 7.1 Finder installed and the SW1500 software (i.e. copying the 7.1 finder after installing the SW1500 printing software). So, the error message appears, Òthe desktop printer extensionÓ, Ònetworking extensionÓ (I think) and the Òclipping extensionÓ are too new to be used with this computer. Must re-update to 7.5 Update 1.0 (copy the 7.5 finder to the HD) to use these two extensions or make them inactive.

7. When copying a new system file to the HD, it changes the desktop pattern on Room 22Õs computer.

8. 6400 would not start up with 7.1, even with System Enabler 410 on the disk (gave the Òuse the latest installer disk message, 7.1 will not work on this model).

9. LC and LCII do not need a System Enabler.

10. Find File is not a separate application in 7.1, but it is in 7.5.

11. LocalTalk DMA is included in System 7.5.5, so it is no longer needed.

            A. If you install System 7.5 Update 2.0, you turn 7.5, 7.5.1 or 7.5.2 into 7.5.3.

12. System Updates combine all the Enabler files for all Mac Models, as opposed to Enabler which are often more specific.

13. OpenDoc uses editors.

14. On JoseÕs 575, I replaced the 7.1 System Folder with the Toast CD and upon replacement, 32 bit addressing was off (System Software took up 4,000 K or so. After turning 32 bit addressing on, it only took up 1,200 K) and VM was off. Turned them both on. VM was limited to going up to 12 MB, the installed RAM was 8 MB.

            A. Also, the extensions had to be off for Techtool Version 1.1.6 to rebuild the desktop.

15. When doing a clean install from my floppy disks, the system folder takes up 4.1 MB on the HD and it takes up approximately 1,250 K of RAM on the LCII in my room.

16. When there is a file called System 7.5.2 update in the system folder, it took System 7.5.2 and updated it (in this case to 7.5.3). Sometimes, when a new reference release (a full set of System software) comes out, the need for an update file is eliminated (S.M. p. 54, 3rd edition).

17. it is a good idea to make a complete back of your System folder, for restoration purposes. However, when trying to ÒstuffÓ the system folder, disks keep being asked for. The System folder on my HD takes up 340 web sites.

18. System 7.5 Update 2 added translucent icons (which appear on the desktop when dragging something) at least in Power Macs.

19. System 7.5.3 Revision 2 also helps with a HD spin up, where the disk selected in Startup Disk Control Panel will not boot the computer with VM turned off. Even If VM is turned back on, the problem is still existent. Fixed with Startup Tuner Extension.

20. Assistant Toolbox (comes with 7.5) help save the contents of a RAM disk If the system shutdown.

21. Auto power on/off will install on a nonpower Mac with System 7.5.3. Energy Saver installs on a Powermac with 7.5.3.

22. With system 7.5, Shared Library Manager, Thread Manager and Apple Event Manager are no longer needed. This information does not appear to be true with Shared Library manager, since AOL 4.0 will not run on my G3/8.1 without it.

            A. You can get Thread Manager by getting Turbo Gopher 2.0.2 or later, according to Big Brother documentation.

23. Source: 7.5.5.html. If you can not get an Express Modem to work after installing 7.5.5 update, run 7.5.5 update again, which should update your Express Modem from 3.0 to 3.0.1.

            A. If a freeze occurs at startup after updating to 7.5.5, then trash finder prefs file and restart.

            B. Some 7.5.5 disks, on one site, had directory damage. After creating new masters, the problem was fixed.

            C. There may be a problem using AppleTalk after updating to 7.5.5. May use Open Transport 1.1.1b8 to help solve problem.

            D. If Apple Menu items has trouble (triangles do not appear), you may need to delete Apple Menu items prefs, then retry. If this does not work, try getting a program from Òjtimmer@tuna.netÓ, who has written an Applescript to delete prefs at each startup.

            E. Desktop Printmonitor may not print, but increasing its allocation size by 23k may fix the problem. Or could increase it by 700 K, If needed, perhaps. Otherwise, try old-fashioned printing, instead.

24. When trying to install 7.5.3 onto a zip disk, it does not work If using one of the original 5400 CDÕs. Gives the installer does not recognize this computer message.

25. When copying 7.5.5. 5400 to a 5400, should specify energy saver settings. Otherwise, you get the error message upon next restart that the energy saver" control panel could not be found.

26. Some problems that access a new math routine in 7.5.5 require an additional 23 K memory allocation (S.M., 3rd p. 743).

27. When using Find command with 7.1 and some window has several items that are closely named, but not want you want, simply close the window, then command, G.

28. System Installer did not work from 7.1 System CD with Linda Ohlson's 575 (tried two different 7.1 installers with no luck). Kept saying "please insert tidbits disk" after apparently using "Disk 1" from the CD. My 7.1 floppy disks did not work either with Linda's 575. May have been a problem with the ROM in her computer or the disks are bad. I finally dragged the system folder from the 7.1 System CD to her hard drive.

29. Secret: You can use a pair of headphones as a microphone jack, only on computers (like Powermacs) that require a Plain Talk Microphone, according to one source. Using headphones as microphone works on LCII.

            A. If you have your microphone plugged in while ÒplaythroughÓ is selected, you can have the worldÕs most overpriced P.A. System. (try with G3 or LC). "Playthrough" is not an option with System 7.1 on LC II.

            B. When you open the Sound Control Panel, choose Volumes. You will see two master volume sliders, one for headphones and one for your speaker. When the speaker slider is all the way up, you main-panel Sound slider will work as it does on other Macs. ÒVolumes onlyÓ has one slider with System 7.1 on LC II.

            C. You can store sound in your fonts folder (so that if the System file must be replaced, you can still have your sounds and the find file app can find sounds, also).

            D. You can run a miniplug from the MacÕs microphone jack to the MacÕs speaker jack to record the MacÕs alerts sounds if you so choose.

30. System-Custom Install (7.5.3 or 7.5.5), Insert CD, open Installer for System Software, choose custom.

31. According to, System 7.5.5 is now free (8/13/00). I e-mailed them to inquire about getting the documentation.

            A. Dennis said that since it is available on AppleÕs web site, it is now free.

32. Got error that this is the not the correct computer, when trying to start the 5500 using a 5400 disk.

            A. The original system software that comes with the 5500/225 (according to Apple SpecÕs database 8/97) is 7.5.5 and requires System Enabler 411.

            B. 5500/225 had to use G3 Startup floppy disk to start up the computer. 7.5.5 CD and 7.5 floppy disk would not work. After cleaning the HD, there was only one item on it, the Burn application. However, the finder showed 3.2 MB in disk, 1.9 GB available, even though the 5500/225 is a 2 GB drive (I checked this with Apple Spec Database from 8/98). After using the Finder to erase the disk, about 2 GB was available.

            C. Used Drive Setup Lite to initialize the 5500/225. I low level formatted it and rewrote with zeroes (under initialization options).

            D. Norton Utilities CD would start up the computer. I copied its system folder (which was 7.6.1 to the cleaned HD), but could not access CD's. So I copied Apple CD-ROM, Foreign File Access, ISO Access, High Sierra File Access Extensions to the System Folder. Then I could access the CD. I copied 7.5.5 System Folder from the 7.5.5 CD to the HD. But it would not start up the computer because it requires the System Enabler 411. I tried using the System Enabler from a Norton Utilities disk, but it did not work either (got Òyou need a later version to start up this computerÓ error).

            E. I called Apple Education and got the case #8812254, need System Enabler 411 (System Enabler for Performa 6400/180 is 410 v1.1, Replacement CD for 55000 would cost $19.50 plus $5.00 shipping plus tax.

            F. I asked Mike Gilbertson and he gave me an 8.0 CD for use with the 5500/225.

            G. Apple lists a couple links to get System Enablers online, but both links were dead. I tried searching with several of the search engines, but was not able to locate System Enablers online.

33. 5260/100 comes with System 7.5.3. It has what appears to be RCA out jacks on the back.

            A. SR wants to use the 5260 with the TV. I checked and there was no control strip present. I updated her computer to System 7.5.5, but Control Strip still was not present. Then I copied Control Strip Control Panel (there was not a Control Strip Extension) to the System Folder along with several Control Strip Modules (Video Mirroring included). After restart, Video Mirroring did not show up in the Control Strip. I tried copying System AV and Applevision to the Extensions, but I had no luck. Then I tried copying all of 7.5.5 all to the HD and then restarting. The Control Strip appeared, but Video Mirroring did not. I checked on the Mac Manuals website on 3/23/02, but it was having errors.

            B. It appears as though the RCA jacks on the back of the computer are for input, not output. For output, you need to have an external video connector card installed. There is also an optional place for an external monitor output. The 5260 did have a card installed there, but it did not work. There is also a coax connection on the back of the 5260, which works also. If you connect the video out jack from the VCR in room 1 to the video in jack of the 5260 in room 1, the picture will show up with Apple Video Player. You just need to choose Video using the controls for Apple Video Player. The control for source can be located by pressing the icon of the television. To watch coaxial connection, choose TV as Video Source. Another choice is S-video.

            C. I tried using the external monitor connection to connect to the TV in room 1 (using a ÒView AllÓ), but it did not work. The picture was very snowy (BTW, the VCR did not have to be set to input channel, it seems to do that automatically, when a video RCA cable is plugged into it). Anyhow, I used the 5400 from Room 23 in room 1 and it displayed fine on the TV screen. The card in the 5260 is apparently bad, I looked at the card on the inside of the computer and it does not ÒsnapÓ into place. I took the external monitor card and cable from the 5400 in Room 23 and put it in the 5260 in Room 1, but it did not work, so the slot on the logic board probably must have the problem, not the card itself.

            C. 7.5.5 CD could startup the 5260 computer.

            D. Room 1 5260 has 7.5.5 on it. If you go to Monitors, Select Options: 640 X 480,@67 Mhz only shows up. I checked Apple Spec Database and it only showed 640 X 480, but nothing about resolution choices.

            E. The newer View All Boxes say that Ò640 X 480, 60 Mhz (NTSC)Ó is required for the View All to work.

            F. On Room 53Õs 5400, the resolution was on 640 X 480, 67 Mhz and it worked fine.

34. On EllenÕs 5400, she was trying to use a ÒView-AllÓ to show the computer on the TV; however, the picture was somewhat jumpy and grainy. I tried switching the RCA video cable, but I had no luck. I tried using a different RCA jack on the TV. I had no luck. I hooked a new View All and it did not produce a picture at all (probably because the 5400 was on a resolution other than 640 X 480). I then tried using the old View All on the 5400 in Room 54 and it looked okay on the screen. Problem is with the computer, the logic board, the connection or the card. It appears the screw adjustment on the older View Alls will adjust the contrast/brightness only, it does not appear to be able to fix scrolling problems, etc. I zapped the PRAM with KB and restarted with extensions off (to use Tech Tool to Zap), screen was not jumpy. When I restarted with extensions on, the screen was jumpy and grainy again. I cleaned the logic board and contacts for the external monitor and pressed the PRAM reset button. Next restart, it did not work. I then took out the battery for 20 minutes and then replaced it. After zapping the PRAM with KB and TT and starting up with extensions on, the screen was still jumpy and grainy on the TV (but fine on the computer). The picture appeared to be fine for a few seconds, but then once the resolution change took place (the computer screen flashed), the picture became jumpy and grainy again (The computer was set to change its resolution back to 832 X 624).  Then, I went to Control Panels, Monitors and Sounds and changed the resolution to 640 X 480 resolution and then the picture was no longer grainy or jumpy (which may have been the original problem). Anyhow, the printer had been having trouble before anyway with printing, so the battery may have had trouble, besides. Later, I went back to her computer and switched the resolution to 832 X 624 resolution and the picture returned to jumpy and grainy. I then switched the resolution back to 640 X 480.

35. There was a "Temporary Items" folder on the LC III in Jazmin's room with System 7.5.5. I could not trash it, because an error of type -127 occurred when moving it to the trash. Then, however, the trash was full. I tried emptying the trash to no avail. Restarting the LC II solved the problem, the trash was empty.

36. On the 5400 in room 57, Clarisworks 4.0 kept freezing when printing or opening, but replacing System Software 7.5.5 resolved the issue. However, the Finder itself kept freezing at different times and the Printmonitor kept coming up and saying it was active, even though it was not. Zapping with TT and KB did not help. Finally, I took old the old battery, waited fifteen minutes, and put a new battery in. This solved the problem.


System 7.6 (and 7.6.1)

1. Every application that I opened with opened at same or slower speed than with 7.5.5 (with many extensions turned off in both cases).

2. System 7.6.1 is not a Power PC Native Application (and a Virtual Memory Message is absent).

3. Does have Òprinter SelectorÓ which allows you to choose which Desktop printer you want from the Control Strip.

4. 640 X 480 X 67 HZ. for Monitors and Sound (just like 7.5.5).

5. StartupScreen does not work either.

6. A non-desktop Printer (HP Deskwriter Original) does not appear on the desktop. The update manual suggested that it might work. Theoretically, HP Printers could have desktop printer icons, but only If their software would support it i.e. work with Desktop Printmonitor (it does not on Deskwriter Original or 870).

7. Open Doc allows you to import from several different applications to one document. It has Disk editors, but not for text or spreadsheets. Does have a drawing editor. Can take Clarisworks drawing pictures and import them. But you must use Apple Disk Editor (mini application) to change pictures (not Claris tools). Drag and drop works with Claris to Open Doc. Microsoft word can not have text imported to Open Doc.

8. Desktop Printer Menu Extensions are features that expand the Desktop Printer options (separate from Desktop Printer Extension, Desktop Printer Spooler and Desktop Printmonitor).

9. There is no option for the Modern Memory Manager, it is always on starting with 7.6.

10. Power Mac Format Patch extension is no longer needed.

11. Sound manager is no longer needed, since version 3.2.1 is incorporated into the system. However, Version 3.3 is installed as part of the QT 3.0 package.

12. Can do something in a word processing document while copying is happening. Trick is to have some file open, then copy, and then click back to open document.


System 8

1. System 8.0 has a native finder, 7.6.1 does not.

2. To startup from CD, you may need to hold the ÒCÓ key down, then the ÒshiftÓ key to turn off CDÕs extensions.

            A. From ÒÓ, a couple readers reported that the 8.1 CD fixes a bug where the 8.0 CD would not startup the computer when AppleTalk was off.

            B. You can not copy items from the Find File window when starting up from the CD, because the volume is locked. Open the enclosing folder and then copy.

            C. When using the MAC OS 8.1 CD, the installer first runs the MAC OS 8 Installation. Then it automatically runs the MAC OS 8.1 Update, Laserwriter 8.5.1 and OpenTransport installations. This occurs when doing an Easy Install, Custom Install or Custom Remove.

3. System 8.1 took 10 seconds to Open Microsoft Word, while it took 23 seconds with 7.5.5.

4. With 8.0, If you spool a print job with HP Deskwriter turned off, then you do not have to restart the machine.

5. System 8.0 is not free as Victor from Sparkes had suggested, 8.1 is, though.

6. If some applications appear unusual in MAC OS 8, then turn off the system wide setting in the Appearance control panel.

7. When recording scripts, there may be a problem with syntax If you decide to change the name of a folder in the finder.

8. Do not use Network Software Selector after installing OS 8 (p. 4 of Read Me).

9. Some programs may require additional memory when running from MAC OS 8.

10. Apple HD Setup is obsolete with OS 8, use the Setup that comes with the 8 CD.

11. According to OS 8 documentation, HP printers may crash or freeze when printing the desktop, although I had not trouble printing the desktop with the HP Printer and OS 8.1.

12. MAC OS Extended format allows you to conserve much disk space. So that instead of a 4K file taking up 64K of space in the MAC OS standard format, it will actually only take up 4K of space (MAC OS Extended Format). But you must initialize a HD to take advantage of this. Also, Norton Utilities 3.5.3 does not work on an MAC OS Extended Formatted disk, though.

13. Find file is included on the 8.1 CD.

            A. The remove option for the Power Macintosh G3 on the 8.1 CD does not work correctly according to ÒÓ. Should remove items manually.

14. When using Plaintalk 1.4.1, an error may occur when starting up Speakable items. To avoid the error, select none as the choice for sound input, then change back to microphone after starting up. This error can be ignored, though.

15. Reportedly, Conflict Catcher is incompatible with OS 8.1. Casady and Greene have explained that 4.1 is compatible with OS 8.1, though.

16. When you scroll the contents of a window by dragging, the contents scroll also.

17. To take a picture of any certain rectangular part of the screen, use command, shift, 4 then draw window (with Caps Lock down, comm, shift 4 does not work properly).

            A. You can press Command, Shift, 4 and then press the Space Bar to capture a window or a menu drop down.

18. You can also copy a section of the screen or a window to the clipboard by holding down the control key as you select the area.

19. If you try to copy the system and finder to the HD from the CD and then restart the machine, an error message appears saying Òthese files need to be used with the disk they were created for (meaning the CD) and would not start the machine. You need to install the Software on a HD and then copy the System and the finder from the HD New System Folder to the Previous Folder. I did copy the 8.1 System and Finder to my Personal Stuff Zip disk. I copied the two files to the HD and it worked. But you should not leave the system and the finder in a folder together on the Zip disk, otherwise, the computer will try to startup from the Zip disk and say Òappearance.libÓ is missing. When appearance.lib is missing, I think it really means the appearance extension.

            A. Should not use Finder Heap Fix (Finder Heap Fix will only allow you to increase the heap once until you restart), Finder Fixer or Fix Heap, it caused the finder to run out of memory when starting up (an error message said ÒrestartÓ since finder ran out of memory).

20. Netscape would quit and have error type 2 when going to Òregister nowÓ under the help menu. The application would close midwaythroughloading the page. Tried increasing the memory allocation, which did not work. Finally tried (Refer to #19), then reinstalled system software and LEFT Conflict Catcher off for now.

21. To format a volume with the Extended format. Restart from a disk other than the HD and choose Erase disk from the special menu and choose extended format OR:

            Startup from the 8.0 CD and open Drive Setup. Then highlight name of the disk to be initialized, Initialize, Custom Setup, select number of partitions, Mac OS Extended, then OK.

22. When starting up with 8.1, I may need to use AOL to connect to the Internet (and I checked ÒUse AOL Link with the modemÓ) with the Supra Express Modem.

23. You can reverse the order in which items appear in list view (A-Z or Z-A) by clicking on the arrow in the far right upper hand corner in the window.

24. Cyberdog is not a part of the installer for 8.1.

25. These files are no longer needed.

            PowerPC Interrupt Extension, Color CP (incorporated into Appearance CP), Desktop Patterns (incorporated into Desktop Pictures CP), Desktop Printer Extension (rolled into the Finder), File Sharing Monitor and Sharing Setup (incorporated into File Sharing Control Panel), Find file, Finder help (incorporated into System file), Labels (incorporated into Finder Prefs dialog), Objectsupportlib (incorporated into the System file), Sound Manager 3.2.1 (incorporated into the System file), although Quicktime installs version 3.3, Speech Guide plug-ins, Thread Manager (rolled into the System file), clipping, Finder Scripting extensions have been rolled into the system file, Mathlib (rolled into the System file), Network (replaced by AppleTalk Control Panel with Open Transport) {Network is only needed If running classic networking and need Appletalk networking, including using an AppleTalk printer} {Informinit 8.1 says that the Network extension has been rolled in System 8 system file}, Applescript Lib (rolled into the system). However, Applescript.lib is needed for Norton Utilities to access its help menu.

            A. Powertalk is not compatible with OS 8.0.

            B. Objectsupportlib still needs to be in the system folder for some applications to work properly. They look for the presence of that extension (Microsoft Word, NDD).

            C. However, according to, its presence can cause problems.

            D. OSL Handler is an application that helps with the Objectsupportlib. Since some applications require ObjectSupportLib, they may install it. However, its presence can cause the Finder to repeatedly load the desktop and you may be unable to launch any applications.

26. Will work on a PowerPC or a 68040 computer.

27. Quickdraw GX is no longer supported.

28. If you run the custom install option on a G3, the installer will rerun to make sure necessary software for the G3 is installed.

29. If you run the 5xx, 6xxx tester in the Utilities folder on the MAC OS 8 CD, it will say that the test does not apply to this CD.

30. An error occurs when installing from original 8.0 CD. Workarounds, turn AppleTalk on, restart. Startup from CD by using ÒCÓ key, then hold down shift to turn extensions off (InformInit 8.1, Ch. 10, p. 4).

31. You can set the views settings to be different for each window as opposed to universal settings with 7.5.5.

32. Appearance extension MUST be installed to start up with 8.1. (it can even be in the extensions-disabled folder). Although on the 5400 with 8.1, If it is not installed, it will say ÒAppearance.libÓ did not load (use simply Appearance to fix). Even If you hold down the shift key, the appearance CP is still operable (even If is in disabled folder). If version 1.0.2 is installed (by 3rd party software) and you try to click on the System file, it may say that the system file is damaged. This is simply a bug in version 1.0.2.

            A. Also, there is supposed to be a bug in Version 1.0 where fonts may display incorrectly in certain applications or not displaying properly. Version 1.0.1 came with my 8.1 CD and appears to have no problems.

            B. According to Apple, (InformInit 8.1 Ch. 10 p.6)To replace or remove an item from System file, make a copy of it , make changes in the copy. Trashed original system file and replace with copy at root level, restart.

            C. Also, some applications may not run If the system font is set to anything but Chicago according to Apple. (InformInit Chapter 10 p. 7).

33. Some control panels may have trouble being enabled or disabled with 8.1. May want to run the regular finder to make changes, then restart with At Ease (InformInit Ch. 10 p.7).

34. You cannot select more than one item in a find dialog box and drag it to the trash. Must be done one at a time.

35. To make 8.1 faster, Should Òuse defaultsÓ when opening the memory control panel to optimize performance, open appearance CP and click on options to set ÒChicagoÓ font and uncheck Platinum System wide appearance, uncheck Protect apps and system folder in General Controls.

36. For troubleshooting MAC OS 8, go to Ted LandauÕs page.

37. Virtual Memory is improved, so that it will not disappear.

38. System 8.1 has support for UDF (Universal Data Format), which is the volume format for DVDÕs. For Adaptec Direct CD disks, an additional extension is needed (InformInit 8.1 Ch. 18 p. 5).

39. At Ease is not compatible with HFS.

40. HFS (Hierarchical File System) Plus (Or Mac OS Extended) allows you to have 4,294,967,296 files on a Disk, while the regular system allowed 65,356 files. So partitions can be smaller and your files can take up less space on a HD. (see Ch. 12 of InformInit p. 2 to Verify If a HD has been formatted with HFS).

41. You can use the old desktop patterns to set the utilities patterns on 8.1.

42. If you disable General controls, show launcher at system startup will not work. Also, If you check protect appÕs folder, the computer may have trouble going to sleep.

43. 54xx/64xx update helps Avid Cinema run smoothly on certain computers. it, however, was included on my Performa CD and installed automatically. However, it may also disable L2 cache, may need Ò54xx/64xx L2 cache resetÓ extension. According to Gauge series, my L2 cache was still enabled, even though the update was in active extensions folder.

44. Aaron Light can help some appÕs use the new ÒOS 8Ó appearance correctly (some do not on their own).

45. Can do a custom install when getting to the easy installÓ screen and choose custom install (Universal, this computer, any Macintosh).

46. To copy a ÒButtonÓ with System 8.1, Hold down command and then drag the folder.

47. Shared library manager version 1.1.2 s/b disabled with System 8.1. Otherwise, causes freeze at startup with G3. Although later, I discovered that without it, AOL would not allow you to access the Internet. So, it is still in question. Now it is enabled, though. Probably intermittent problem. Same problem occurred on the 5400 from school, but Shared Library manager was NOT needed to sign on with AOL.

            A. Version 2.0.1 of the Shared Library Manager seems to run fine with 8.1.

            B. Shared Library Manger 1.1.2 also caused the same startup problem with 8.1 and the 5400.

            C. If you install Microsoft Office 4.2.1b, it will install Shared Library Manager version 1.1.2. Should disable it.

48. If you start up from the 8.1 CD with the 5400 and try to open the Extensions Manager on the HD, it will give the error message Òyou need to be running System 8.0 to use this version of Extensions ManagerÓ. Which is strange. However, the same thing happens when starting up the G3 from its system software CD.

49. If you use a different version of system software (other than 8.12) with an extended format volume and several partitions, there may only be one partition. May need to view the volume with 8.1 to see several partitions.

50. To install all of System 8.1, use ÒInstall Mac OS 8.1, update install pieces or update to Mac OS 8.1Ó. To install part of the System, use ÒFull install piecesÓ.

51. Whatever picture is chosen as the last one in Desktop Patterns (in the Desktop Pictures control panel) becomes the startup screen in System 8.1.

52. On one occasion, the trashcan kept moving about two inches above all the other icons upon startup. Also, the warn before emptying kept defaulting to warning before emptying. Trashed finder prefs, but I had no luck. Replaced the finder and the system file, which worked. (Also, the system file itself was invisible and I made it visible again).

53. If you hold down the option key, eject turns into eject and leave behind, so that the shadow of a icon is still on the screen.

54. When trying to move two or more items from the find window, there seems to be a problem. With one item, it will work.

55. Once, I had trouble with the computer freezing, so I did a clean install of system software. However, after doing the install, desktop pictures would not work. I would drag a picture to the window and it would not show up in the window. Opening a file that was type ÒdkpxÓ did not work either. I did a custom install of the control panels, using the Original Apple CD (Full install pieces; Mac OS Install; On Power Mac G3 Install screen, hit Continue; On RyanÕs HD, hit select; On Installer MacOS 8.1, hit Continue; On Software License screen, hit Continue; hit Agree; then uncheck all boxes except 8.1, hit Start; After checking RyanÕs HD, On Welcome to machos, hit Continue; then Choose Custom Install). I had no luck. Did a complete clean reinstall of System Software and desktop pictures worked.

56. Contextual control menu depends on whether the name of the item is highlighted or not and where you click.

57. To change the About the Macintosh window, open Finder in Resedit and click on PICT icon. Mac Secrets, 5th, p. 813.

58. I think that VistaScan (version 3.1, I think) is not compatible with 8.0. The software that comes with the 1200S Astra Umax scanner would not work on momÕs G3. We ended up returning the scanner. There may be an update on the web for Vista Scan, etc., not sure.

59. Got the unimplemented trap error, while holding down the shift key at startup (starting up from the HD), see G3 #11 for more information.

60. According to ÒÓ, Desktop Printing Extension is not required with OS 8. If present, may cause freezes.

61. Can Opener 4.0 is MAC-OS 8 compatible, according to ÒÓ

62. To change the characters that the keyboard types, open the KHCR resource inside of the system file. Then drag from the top window to the bottom window. Save. Restart from alternate startup disk, replace system file, and restart.

63. To make a keyboard shortcut for emptying the trash (command, T), open the Finder in Resedit, open the fmn2 resource, open the 524 resource. Then find the words empty trashÓ. In front of "empty trashÓ are four characters. Delete the second one and replace it with a capital T. Close and save. Use new finder.

64. change the date in the date and time c.p. to tomorrowÕs date, then create a new folder in the finder, change the date in the date and time c.p. back to todayÕs date, the folder will say it was created ÒtomorrowÓ in the Finder.

65. If you press the option and command keys and then drag a file, an alias will be created.

66. You can change the desktop picture by simply clicking in the finder, holding down the control key and choosing Òchange desktop pictureÓ. You can also change the view, clean up, etc.

67. You can set the desktop patterns for utilities, even in System 8. Simply open the old desktop patterns from 7.5.5 on a system 8 machine, hold down the option key to set the utilities pattern. Then set the pattern.

68. There is supposedly an empty trashÓ command for the trash can (, but it does not work.

69. Grouch for OS 8 does not work, either.

            A. #68 and #69 did not work, even when I switched back to the original finder for System 8 (the one that does not have command, T to empty the trash).

70. If you option, double click a window to collapse the window, it collapses all the windows.

71. If you use command, option and drag a file, an alias is created in the new location.

            A. You can do this in a finder window by dragging the small folder, also.

72. Command, down arrow opens a highlighted file or folder.

73. Command, tab switches between open applications.

74. Pressing spacebar takes to the first item in a list.

75. Once after doing a clean install of System 8.0, I decided to install my Enternet and Canon software. (I had previously installed a lot of other software and had no problem on restarts). The Enternet software uses Open Transport (OT) software. After I installed the Enternet software, upon restart, the HD and the trash and other icons would not show up on the screen.

            A. I tried running DFA, NDD, rebuilding the desktop with TT, Replaced Finder, System, Enabler, trashed Finder prefs, removed Canon extensions, Finally found a conflict with Conflict Catcher.

            B. The conflict was with Open Transport Library, OpenTptAppleTalkLib, OpenTptInternetLib, OpenTransportLib, Shared Library Manager PPC and TCP/IP control panel.

            C. I disabled all these extensions and control panels. I dragged Shared Library Manager PPC from the 8.1 CD to the System Folder on the HD. Restarted and the Finder and icons showed up.

            D. I replaced all the Open Transport extensions and the TCP/IP control panel from the CD, but the CD did not contain all the files in its System Folder.

            E. Though the files have no problems, they actually only incorrectly report their size/length. Apparently, from Informinit 8.1, you might be able to use Conflict Catcher to ÒrepairÓ these files.

            F. I made a minimal system folder (with Finder, System, Enabler, Appearance extension and Text Encoding Converter) and the finder and icons did show up (Enternet did not work, however, since OT was not loaded).

            G. I went to the G3 CD, Full Install Pieces, Software Installers, Open Transport/PPP and tried to do easy installÓ. The CD would not saying ÒOT version 1.1 is neededÓ. So I chose to do a custom install and chose ÒOT/PPP files (Power PC only) and ÒOT/PPP files. This did work. Not ALL the OT files were installed. Open Transport may have been affected by Enternet Install. I installed Enternet from my download after I did a clean install of System software. According to some technical support info, after installing Enternet, Open Transport has to be reinstalled. In this case, it was true.

            H. So I went to G3 CD, Full Install Pieces, Software Installers, System Software, Open Transport Software and then did the easy install. This installed all the necessary pieces for OT (including TCP/IP), but the Finder and icons would not appear upon restart. (Another option would be to go to the G3 CD, Full Install Pieces, Software Installers, System Software, and Open Transport Software and do a drag and drop installation; this note was added later).

            I. I trashed all the OT/TCP files and reinstalled from G3 CD, Full Install Pieces, Software Installers, System Software, and Open Transport Software. This time I chose ÒOT for all MacintoshesÓ and left ÒOT for 68 K Macs unchecked. This installed all the necessary pieces for OT (including TCP/IP), but the Finder and icons would not appear upon restart, also.

            J. Finally, I trashed the TCP/IP preferences and then dragged the OT extensions and the TCP/IP control panel from the old system folder. This worked. No reinstalling of Enternet software was needed (perhaps because I did a drag and drop installation of Open Transport files, instead of an installer installation).

            K. There were no later updates for Open Transport at AppleÕs Web Site. I will need to make sure that the Open Transport files get to CD. Otherwise, I would have to do ANOTHER clean install from the CD. (could probably use the Open Transport files from the complete 8.1 system folder on one of my CDÕs). Not sure which would be better to use, but I will put both on a CD.

            L. See also Open Transport #4 for more information.

76. From Ò Ò, updates in 8.1 not listed in 8.1 Read Me are ÒApple CD-ROM 5.4.2, Apple Photo Access, Foreign File Access, High Sierra File Access and ISO 9660 File Access 5.2, AppleShare 3.7.4 and Ethernet (Built-in) 2.0.2, EM Extension and Manager 4.0.3, Text Encoding Converter 1.3 (required for HFS+ volumes), Energy Saver 2.0.7 and PC Exchange 2.2, Apple Video Startup and Player 1.7.1, ColorPicker 2.1.1, SystemAV 1.3.3 and Monitors & Sound 1.3.3, Monitor Bit Depth 1.4.2, CDStrip 1.2.1, and SoundSource Strip 1.0.1, Drive Setup 1.4, Disk First Aid 8.1, and Apple System Profiler 1.3.2.

77. System Enabler 777 is not needed with System 8.1 on the G3/233.

78. Some applications have trouble in conjunction with the Appearance extension version 1.0.2. A link to the patch is provided at ÒÓ. I have version 1.0.3 on my G3/233.

79. If you use command, shift, and option, W: all windows are closed and non-tabbed (pop up) windows are returned, also. Source: ÒÓ.

If you press command, shift, W for one window, it is non-tabbed as well.

80. Source: ÒÓ Apparently there was a 30-second delay in starting up a Performa 6400 with 8.0. This issue was fixed with 8.1.

80. UDF (Universal Data Format) Volume Access 1.0 is the format being widely used for CD-RÕs, according to Source: ÒÓ.

81. Conflict Catcher 4 may report several files as being damaged, even though they are not. You can update Conflict Catcher to 4.1.1 to help fix the problem (I have 4.1.1 on my G3/233) Or you may open the damaged files with Resedit, which can repair them automatically. Alternatively, you can open ResEdit, then select verify from the repair menu and then select a time that may be damaged. (If you hold down the option key, it will show you the hidden details for repairing a file).

82. You still can not drag multiple items from the find window to the trash. Must be done one at a time.

83. If you drag a text clipping to the desktop, it can be faster than copying and pasting (if an application is drag and drop savvy), Word 6.0 is not.

84. Objectsupportlib is no longer needed with System 8.0, since it was built into System 8.0. However, many installers will simply put another one into your extensions folder. A workaround idea: Make the Appearance extension incompatible with Objectsupportlib using Conflict Catcher. Appearance must be present, so Objectsupportlib will not be. Also, some applications need Objectsupportlib to be present, since they look for it, better to leave it enabled.

            A. This incompatible link setup would work with pre 8 systems, also, since in that example Objectsupportlib would be present and needed and Appearance would not be present.

85. Source: I donÕt see how under normal circumstance you could or would have disabled the Text Encoding converter, but this article says that ÒIf you updated a Mac OS 8.0 System Folder which had the Text Encoding Converter disabled, the 8.1 update will install a new version of that extension, but it will still be disabled. Text Encoding Converter is required on HFS+ formatted startup disks.

Drag the Text Encoding Converter extension from the Extensions (disabled) folder to the Extensions folder and restart. Your existing aliases should now work, and you can create new aliasesÓ.

            A. HFS+ allows you to have character names longer than 31 characters (from 31 to 255 characters), according to Tidbits #648. However, some programs, such as Microsoft Office, still canÕt deal with long filenames, even under Mac OS X (as of 10/02).

86. According to Ò,Ó the following files have an extra space allocated in the resource portion of the file of about 11 bytes, may cause utilities to find these files to be Òdamaged.Ó OpenTptAppleTalk Library, OpenTptInternetLibrary, Open Transport Library, OpenTptAppleTalkLib, OpenTptInternetLib, OpenTransportLib, AppleTalk control panel, and the TCP/IP control panel. Open Transport 1.3.1 Update Version 1.0 (I think this is really just simply called Open Transport 1.3.1) was released on Feb. 13, 1998. This update will remove the extra bytes of unused data. Mac OS 8.1 Update was again posted on February 27, 1998 to prevent these files to appear corrupted or damaged. If you downloaded the MAC OS 8.1 update before February 27, 1998, it is not necessary to download the MAC OS 8.1 update a second time. Instead download the OT 1.3 to 1.3.1 update. (My CD is from March, 1998, and as it turns out, under normal circumstances, I should not need the 1.3.1 update). If the files that are being updated are locked or you have booted from the MAC OS 8.1 disk, the OT 1.3 to 1.3.1 updater will not be able to work, according to ÒÓ Also, the update only corrects how the Open Transport files are viewed by certain utility software and does not address any other issue. I tried to install 8.1 once and do a clean install. However, I forgot to rename the ÒSystem FolderÓ, therefore, I got an error that the Open Transport in my System Folder is newer than what I am trying to install (even though I think it was the same version). I think Open Transport has a little bug about the space thing (see System 8.1, number 86 A for more information). Anyhow, I changed the name of the System Folder to ÒOld System Folder.Ó However, even though there was no Finder of System file, the ÒOld System FolderÓ was still blessed. I still got an Open Transport error when trying to install 8.1. I moved all the items in the ÒOld System FolderÓ (preferences, etc.) to a new folder, threw ÒOld System FolderÓ in trash. Open Transport 1.3.1 installed fine.

87. Source: To do a custom install of software from the Power Macintosh G3 CD:

            A. 1. Start up from the Power Macintosh G3 CD (by pressing the letter "c" during startup). 2. Double-click the "Power Macintosh G3 Install" icon, or if your computer shipped with OS 8.1, on the "Install Mac OS 8.1" icon. 3. Click Continue. 4. Select the hard drive you want to custom remove from or custom install onto. 5. A window appears with the following: "The selected destination disk already has Mac OS 8 (or 8.1) installed. Do you want to: Reinstall Mac OS 8 (or 8.1)? Add or remove selected features?" There are 3 buttons: Cancel; Reinstall; and Add/Remove. If you choose add/remove, you are presented with another window asking what elements of software should be installed. 6. You can select any of the software installers. Click continue and an installation window appears with easy Install" pre-selected in a pull-down menu in the upper left-hand corner of the window. Pull down that menu and select custom install or custom remove, depending on your needs. Then click the install (or remove) button.

88. When doing a System 8 install, you can avoid the Òignore warningÓ error, by simply not having the Zip drive mounted when doing the install.

89. System 8.1 is the last one that can be used by non-Power PC Macs.

90. According to an Icon Dropper document, 8.5 uses 32 bit icons, whereas earlier systems do not. Although I am not sure about the document as a source for information.

91. You can also change the font and size for control strip by going to the control strip control panel.

92. The 8.1 updater on the G3 CD would not work on the 5500/225.

            A. There is no 8.1 updater on any of my CD's, so I used the following URL to get 8.1 update:

93. If you set the Òdelay before openingÓ under Finder prefs to long (under edit, preferences, spring loaded folders), you will not be able to put anything inside of another folder. The time that you have to put it in there is way too short. Better to set the setting to medium or short.

94. System 8.1 is the latest update before 8.5 (upgrade in System Software, which must be bought, I believe).

95. I was having trouble with the computer in 1/2002. IE 5.1 would not startup, because Internet Config was required (and it was present in Extensions). The Chooser would not open very often, when it did, it gave an out of memory error, when selecting 4550 printer (I restarted with extensions off and I got a software driver not installed error). When I finally did get the printer selected, anything that I tried to print would freeze the computer. When I tried to re-install Canon software, I got error messages about how the software could not be installed, because files were Òalready there,Ó which they were not. The Monitors and Sounds Control Panel would not open, because System AV was Ònot presentÓ (even though it was in extensions folder). Also, I could not adjust the sound level with the Sound Control Strip. This was after a low level, zero all data re-initialization of the drive, which was done on 1/13/02. It took less than an hour and a half to do that.

            A. I first took out the Internet Config extension, since it probably would need replacing. I trashed Explorer preferences. I decided that perhaps I would make a new 8.1 System Folder and make two copies, use one of the copies to install the software to, that way I could see if the issue were hardware or software related. However, I never did do this, because I found other ways to work with the problem.

            B. I disconnected the printerÕs power and G3 connections. I trashed the Monitors and Sounds preferences and the printing preferences. I zapped the PRAM with TT and KB, the situation improved, but I still had problems (Monitors and Sounds would not open). I finally decided to unplug the battery for 30 minutes.

            C. I ran DFA 8.1, but it could not fix the HD. Then I ran DFA 8.2, which repaired the drive. Then I decided to try to run NDD from the Zip disk, while starting up from the 8.1 floppy disk. However, the program kept quitting (lack of memory). Probably better to not use 8.1 floppy disk as startup to run NDD 3.5 with G3/233. In any event, then I ran NDD from the NU startup CD and was able to fix some problems.

            D. Then, I did a clean install of System Software (I had trouble initially using the Power Macintosh G3 installer. Later, I used the MAC OS Install icon on the G3 CD and it worked okay to install System Software) and the computer seemed to run better with the ÒnewÓ system folder. I went back to my previous folder and replaced the Finder and System Files (I also trashed the Finder and Find File preferences) with a Finder and System file from the 8.1 floppy disk, but the computer froze upon startup. Then I replaced the Finder and System Files from a newly installed 8.1 System Folder on the HD. I also rebuilt the desktop with TT and the computer seems to be much better, as all above mentioned problems are no longer present.

            E. I later discovered that I use IE 5.1 along with Text Encoding Converter 1.3 (Mac OS 8.1) at school. The Internet Config Extension is version 2.0.2, that is installed with America Online 5.0 (Modified Apr. 24, 2000). No Carbon Lib extension is present. There is not an Internet Config control panel or other extension that I can see. But, this information may not be that helpful at this point.

            F. I decided to use Extensions Manager and Energy Saver, since they came with the System. Also, Conflict Catcher could not remember to leave Apple Photo Access and other extensions on.

            G. The next day (1/15/02), the Times font would not work properly with MS Word (the bold parts had extra underlines to them, so I temporarily changed the font to Geneva). The alias of ÒRyanÕs HDÓ would not allow me to access submenus and the Chooser settings were not retained. I restarted from my G3 Utilities CD and trashed the Finder, System File, Finder preferences and the Find Files preferences. Upon restart, the three issues were resolved.

            H. Future suggestions include replacing the Finder preferences, Finder and System files and Enabler files. Also, rebuild desktop and DFA once a month.

            I. Occasionally, IE5 will have ÒRyanÕs HDÓ grayed out under the Apple menu, when IE 5 is the active application. Clicking outside of IE5 seems to allow RyanÕs HD access.

            J. I tried using CrookhamÕs external HD with the G3/233. I first set the External Drive up at school on the G3/266 with System 8.1. The external HD was able to start up the G3/266 without any problems. I took the External HD home and tried it with my G3/233. At first, everything appeared fine, but then I got Chooser errors, desktop pattern did not show. I could not get the Sound to unmute itself, even though I chose several levels of sound. Internet Config error with IE5, even though it was installed. Restarting did not solve the problem. Simpletext icons were normal, though (no H261 on them).

            K. I do think, though, that Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB did seem to help a little, though with the Chooser situation. Later (1/30/02), I decided to take out the battery for 30 minutes, I also reinstalled Canon Software (2.1), and replaced the Finder, System and System Enabler Files and trashed the Finder preferences. I also found a folder inside the Preferences folder, which was called Preferences, oddly enough and it had a couple files inside of it. I trashed that folder too. I also did not reconnect the SCSI devices for now. It has been running better, the Chooser has not had as many errors, since the capacitor was ÒdrainedÓ, however, I still had to re-select the printer on a couple occasions in three or four days. If there is another Chooser problem after 2/1/02, I will probably replace the battery. I did replace the battery and it has helped significantly.

            L. Future ideas for G3/233 include running RAM check (page 880 of 3rd ed. Sad Macs), run DFA, NDD, Update the driver (use Setup 1.5, perhaps), use Apple HD SC to check disk, turn VM off, run Techtool Pro to check for damage to the System File, Finder File and System Enabler File. I did run Drive Setup 1.7.3 and updated the driver and ran DFA 8.2 (no problems), NDD and NSD.

            M. I reconnected the SCSI connections, because I needed to make a CD. I also brought a couple batteries from school to home to check it out.

            N. On 2/5/02, I took the battery out again for 30 minutes and replaced it with a new battery. I was able to print again with Acrobat Reader. I also replaced Acrobat Reader with extensions off (after all old Acrobat Reader stuff).

            O. Later (2/9/02), I made all the desktop files visible again and the Desktop Printers DB and OpenFileList DF and trashed them. I also trashed the Finder prefs, Finder file, System File and System Enabler 777 (I think the Chooser must reselect the printer every time after doing these replacements). To make these files visible, use Invisifile, open RyanÕs HD from within Invisifile, then toggle the ÒShow invisibleÓ box on/off to show them. I also updated the driver with DriveSetup 1.7.3, ran NDD, DFA 8.2 and NSD. I also rebuilt the desktop with TT.

            P. I could clean the RAM later, also. Also, could use TT Pro to check the RAM.

            R. Sad Macs, 3rd edition, page 205 suggests DECREASING the applicationÕs preferred memory size, Page 424 suggests increasing the preferred memory size, quit other applications, restart with extensions off or use VM. Fragmented memory may be a problem (page 734) quit all open app's, try reopening program with problem (can check Life Touch, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Color It, Card Shop Plus). Also, I could check the about this computer box when one of these programs is open (to see if memory allocation is enough. Check "largest unused block" in "About this computer" box. To end fragmented memory, quit all apps or restart the computer. Page 735 says that memory leaks are usually caused by bugs in software. Quit all app's and see if memory leak is still present. If so, you have a leak (not merely fragmentation), you can use MAC OS Purge to help.

Page 736 says that to help in eliminating memory leaks, if you use Open Transport, go to PPP control panel, click options (in advanced or admin mode), make sure "load only when needed" is unchecked. Ironically, checking it may help, also (may want to experiment). You may also Upgrade system software, if possible or install more RAM. Could also upgrade Adobe Acrobat Reader, Color It or use Card Shop Plus Deluxe, could also try earlier versions.

            S. Techtool Pro 2 said that the RAM and ROM are okay, so are the PRAM and VRAM, 3/5/02. Memory allocation for Cardshop Plus should be plenty. Decreasing the memory allocation of the Cardshop Plus did not help, either. PPP did not have a check only when needed box with 8.1, it appears. I installed CardShopPlus Deluxe, but it said there was a disk-related error when trying to open it, so I may need to reinstall it later with extensions off. Mac OS Purge did not help with Cardshop Plus Opening. Quitting CW, MW,  and Claris E-mailer did help.

Page 739 suggests that if you can not open a document, try closing any documents that do not need to be opened, reduce size of clipboard, open from within application, quit and re-launch app (restart, if necessary). Page 740-741 lists other possibilities of dividing the document into smaller files, if possible. Reduce memory demands of graphics files (use less colors, JPEG, 72 dpi instead of 300 dpi, etc.). Does memory mapper show memory allocation, another idea. There does not appear to be a problem with memory allocation.

            T. Could a font error be the problem?

            U. On 3/6/2002, I replaced System Software and Cardshop Plus and Acrobat Reader could open, even with all other files open. I was able to open and print with Stomper, as well. I also took out battery for 30 minutes. I will not install Fax software, for now. I will also leave the Desktop on the Mac OS logo for now. I will also not install extra fonts, for now. I did install QT 5.0.1 on 3/9/2002. I did install Print to PDF and reinstalled Virtual PC on 3/9/2002. I also installed Accelerated Reader prefs by dragging them to the System Folder (even though once inside the program, it says Òno registration information availableÓ, the program still ran okay). I ran DFA 8.2, NDD and NSD, and rebuilt the desktop with TT on 3/9/02. I installed RealPlayer 8 on 3/20/02 (got an IE5 error type 10, but that may be because I needed to restart the computer after installing RealPlayer). I installed Mac OS Runtime for Java on 3/31/02 (it worked with IE5, but not NN 4.74 or AOL 5.0 at I quit NN and AOL 5.0 and reopened them, Runtime worked with, NN and AOL 5.0). I installed Color Coordinator on 4/1/02. I installed Shockwave into IE 5 and NN 4.74 on 4/7/02.

            V. The system had been running pretty well for several weeks. Then on 4/20/02, I needed to download QT 5.0.2, because I had to have it to see the trailer for ÒThe Scorpion KingÓ and ÒMurder by NumbersÓ at Jo BloÕs Movie Trailers and The Trailer Park. I downloaded it from (it said that System Requirements were 7.5.5 and a Power PC). After installing QT, my desktop pictures did not work anymore. I did a clean install of System Software. I should not install QT 5.0.2 or (perhaps) Faxcilitate.

            W. The next day, I ran DFA twice, NDD twice and then did a clean install, which I thought would solve the problem, but the Desktop Pictures was not working again and miscellaneous Chooser errors appeared (and ES would not work properly to make G3/233 sleep). Monitors and Sounds could not be opened because System AV could not be found (even though it was present in extensions) and Internet Config error with IE5 (even though Internet Config extension) was present.

            X. Later, after installing QT 5.0.2, the Desktop pictures not appearing problem recurred. Also, Energy Saver was not putting the computer to sleep. I initialized the G3/233, then I did a clean install, updated the driver with Drive Setup 1.7.3 before and after the clean install (which you are supposed to do either before or after, {I could not tell}, according to Drive Setup 1.7.3 Read Me). Then I installed software, but not Faxcilitate or QT 5.0.2 (I installed QT 5.0.1). Energy Saver and Desktop Pictures were okay again.

            Y. It may be a good idea to not have two System Folders on the HD, even though I have done it in the past.

            Z. On 4/28/02, when trying to use command, option P to print from Simpletext, I got an error type

AA. Apparently, command, P is good enough to work. Then I used command, option, and power to restart the G3/233. Upon restart, Desktop Pictures were not working and IE 5 could not initialize Internet Config Extension (even though Internet Config was present in Extensions). I restarted from CD, ran DFA 8.2 (did not update drive, I decided to let CD do that, even though it may have only been version 1.5: Updating with 1.7.3 did not make a difference previously). I got an error type 10 with the Finder upon restart. I trashed Finder, Finder Prefs, System file and System Enabler file (in the process, I got error type -127, when trashing them), rebuilt with TT. Zapped with TT and KB. Still got error type 10 upon restart.

            BB. I decided to use a new System Folder (since I had now run DFA and NDD). Upon restart, the system worked okay. I reran DFA (two times, since I found errors) and NDD (two times, since I found errors) later that day and NSD (the HD had severe fragmentation, which I fixed).

            CC. Next time, I should run DFA and NDD after initialization and installing all those programs. And, then perhaps reinstall System Software again (as that worked previously, until I installed QT 5.0.2). I also decided not to install the Extra Fonts or Color Coordinator for now. I also did not install Shockwave for IE, and use NN temporarily for sites that require Shockwave. I added extra fonts from School Stuff 2 on 5/1/02.

            DD. As of 5/4/02, I will run DFA, NDD and NSD every week for awhile.

            EE. I installed Shockwave and RealPlayer (and had a couple of setup errors), but the system seems okay for now (as of 5/1/02).

96. On one occasion, I could not get the G3 to start up, it said that the AppearanceLib extension could not be found (there is not really an Appearance Lib extension, but an Appearance extension). I restarted the G3/233 and found that the extension was present. The System Folder was not blessed, though, and I could not re-blessÓ it. It turns out, though, that I put the Finder, System File and System Enabler files into the preferences folder instead of the System Folder. After replacing the Finder, System File and the System Enabler files, the folder was Òblessed.Ó

97. After doing a clean install, it may be a good idea to put the Previous System Folder into the Utilities folder, so I wonÕt want to throw it away immediately.

98. After zapping the PRAM with KB, the resolution was 640 X 480, and the pop up windows name did not appear correctly on the screen (the space for them was much wider than the name). After changing the resolution to 1024 X 768, I made the windows regular, then made them pop up windows again. This worked.

99. Sherlock came first with System 8.5, but earlier versions of System Software can use the option key while selecting the More choices button in the Find window to find contents of a file.

100. After installing 9.0 and updating the driver, I decided to just stick with System 8.1, I still had a couple problems.

            A. When I pressed command, F, Sherlock 2 would try to start up, but could not because an extension was missing (I think it was a System 9.2 extension). So, I compressed Sherlock 2, threw the original Sherlock 2 away, and now I just use the regular Find command with 8.1 (command, F works).

            B. Apple CD Audio Player would not start up either because ÒMacsDialogLibÓ was missing. I did the same thing with Apple CD Audio Player. I compressed the one that goes with System 9.2 and threw the original away. System 8.1Õs (version 2.2) Apple CD Audio Player now starts up when you select a track from an audio CD to play it.

101. The software for the VST USB floppy drive will not install on 8.1. You get an error message that 8.5.1 or later is needed.

102. To avoid the TEAC install error with 8.1 on the G3/233, I turned off all Epson 1200 extensions, USB extensions, and Canon.

103. I am now able to use the Printer Selector Control Strip Module (Appletalk is on) to switch between the 1500 and the LW Select 260.


System 9.0

1. Indexing with Sherlock may take 24 hours with a 4 GB HD. A workaround would be to find the ÒFind by Content IndexingÓ application in the Find Folder of your Extensions folder, and give it lots of memory.

2. Must purchase Office 98 to work with System 9. Office 4.2.1b is not compatible, according to Apple Technical Support (case #6575636).

3. I got an error message on my iMac running system 9.0 that Extensions Strip can not be used on this machine, when trying to open the control panel. it may be because this version of Extensions Strip (version 1.9.3) is not compatible with OS 9. E-mailed Skidperfect to inquire on 3/14/2000.

4. There is a system 9.0.4 update, as of 4/11/2000. it can not be uninstalled, so be sure to back up data before upgrading to 9.0.4.

5. If you hold down the control key and click on the finder anywhere to change the desktop picture, you could also change appearance, sounds, etc.

6. has information about Mac OS 9.

7. Laserwriter Select 360, Personal Laserwriter 300 and the Personal Laserwriter LS do work with OS 8.6 and 9 but their drivers were not included. May not to get them from AppleÕs website. Future versions of Mac OS may not support them.

8. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, Laserwriter Select 310, Laserwriter IISC, and Personal Laserwriter SC are not compatible with Mac OS 9. Downgrade system or replace the printer.

            A. SC models are incompatible anything beyond 7.6.1. The LW Select 310 is incompatible with anything beyond 8.1.

            B. If you have a 2200 or a 2400, use the Stylewriter 2500 icon.

            C. If you have a Stylewriter, Stylewriter II or 1200 use the Stylewriter 1500 icon.

9. The ÒPut AwayÓ command can retrieve a file from the trash.

10. Items needed update with 9.0 are Suitcase, Visioneer Paper Port, Office, Word and Excel 98, many HP Inkjets, TechTool Pro, Conflict Catcher, SoftRaid and AppleWorks.

            A. Laserwriters (with built in fax support) are no longer supported.

11. Mac OS 9: The Missing Manual, by David Pogue, Pogue Press/O'Reilly, 2000, $19.95, is evaluated in Tidbits # 545.

            A. It is not for beginners. It is written somewhat like an encyclopedia.

12. System 9.0.4 is required to use iTunes, which can be used to convert MP3Õs. It is free from Apple.

13. The iMac in Room 3 was having a problem freezing every time the Finder would load and the Launcher would try to launch or if you tried to install the BJC-2100 software.

            A. I trashed the Finder, Finder preferences, Launcher preferences and the Launcher. I tried to replace the System file and the Finder from the iMac 9.0 startup CD. The System file could not be replaced, however (you get the error message that says you can not copy files to the HD, because the files are not on the original media). However, the Finder was able to be copied from the CD to the HD and it was usable. The iMac did not freeze upon next startup and the Launcher was re-created upon restart.

14. Dimmfirst aid can be used to check DIMMs, I think.

15. MAC OS 9 Bible was highly recommended by Tidbits #575, more so than Mac OS 9: The Missing Manual. It digs into the system more thoroughly.

16. 9.2 is the latest update for 9.0 (7/2001), probably to avoid the 9.1.1 numbers. Anyhow, according to Tidbits from 7/30/2001, 9.2 is only available with the new Power Mac G4Õs (Quicksilvers).

17. According to the Read Me, the 9.2 update requires Mac OS 9.1 if you are performing an auto or manual update.

            A. Also, if you are upgrading from Mac OS 8.1, you should start up from the 9.2 CD.

18. The link for 9.2.2 at does not work, it only downloads 2.6 MB, but should be 21 MB or so. This was on 4/18/02.

19. When searching with Sherlock 2 on the iMac, it does not appear that all disks are searched by default. You may need to access the disk menu by clicking on the disk icon on top of the Sherlock 2 window.

20. When using 9.0 with DSL, Apple Remote Access starts up and connects automatically to DSL, even after disabling Apple Remote Access control panel and Remote Only extension.  

            A. If you disable Open Tpt Remote Access, DSL does not start up automatically, and it appears that DSL will not be able to connect, even with Enternet, so I re-enabled Open Tpt Remote Access, and then put Enternet settings in Startup Items.

21. I was having trouble getting pop up windows to appear with their full names, the letters would get cut off. After restart, the problem was gone; however, after trying to make Internet Backup Prefs a pop up window, the problem returned. It may be that there are too many letters in the name of that folder. Once I made a new folder called Int. Prefs and it made a pop-up window with all of the letters present at the top of the bar.

22. You can use Control Panel, Appearance, options to turn ÒSmart scrollingÓ on/off, which allows you to have arrows at top and bottom of windows or not (can be similar to 8.0 or not).

            A. If you leave the box unchecked, it the arrows are similar to System 8.0.

            B. In the control panel Appearance, you can set your desktop pictures. They do not have to dkpx as their creator.

23. You can use the software update control panel to schedule software update or turn it off.

24. Using File, Search Internet, you can type a term into Sherlock and then search the Internet for that term(s).

25. You can use File, Encrypt to make it so that a password is required to access a file.

26. When using the scroll bar on the right hand side of a window, you move one screen down when you click in the gray area.

27. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #1) Chapter 4 explains that when using buttons, you can click and drag the button (you must actually click and drag the name), with icon view you can click and drag the icon.

            A. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #1) CD help shows that using the Space bar can pause/play their presentation. This also works in Quicktime 6.0.2. You can hold down the shift key to fast forward through a presentation.

            B. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #1) Chapter 7 explains that Keycaps reflects your particular keyboard.

            C. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #1) Chapter 8 explains that the Appearance control panel can save all of your appearance changes.

            D. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #1) Chapter 6 explains that when making a new folder, just start typing; you do not need to highlight it on your own.

            E. You can use File, Go to trash to trash a file. You can use command, shift, and delete to empty the trash.

            F. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #1) Chapter 7 explains that the keypad can be used with the calculator. The clear button on the keypad clears the calculator. You can also use /, *, + , and -, enter (or enter) to perform operations.

            G. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 1 explains that some folders cannot have their icons changed (i.e. trash, System Folder, etc.).

            H. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 1 explains that you can make a pop-up window simply by dragging a window to the bottom of the screen.

            I. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 1 explains that if you double click, but hold on the second click, the pointer turns into a magnifying glass, which allows you to open other windows (go down several levels) without clicking and closes the previously opened windows.

            J. Under Edit, preferences, Views, Calculate folder sizes (which can slow down the computer) is off by default.

            K. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 1 shows that under Edit, preferences, Views, you can choose standard view options for Icons, Buttons, and List (there is a pop-up menu).

            L. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 1 explains that View, View Options is what allows you to set a windowÕs preferences different from the usual preferences (which are set under Edit, Preferences. Under View, View Options, there is a choice to ÒSet to Standard ViewsÓ if you changed the windowÕs viewing preferences.

            M. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 4 shows that you can resize the floating Application menu (if you tear it off). You can make it vertical/horizontal by shift, option, clicking on the small box (with a smaller box inside of it).

            N. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 4 explains that you can change the shortcut for switching between applications by going to Mac Help, search for application menu, Switching between open programs, Help me modify my keyboard shortcuts (this is the easiest way without using 3rd party software).

            O. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 5 explains that capitals donÕt matter in Sherlock 2. Name, date, kind, etc can sort Sherlock 2Õs columns. If you click the edit button in Sherlock 2, you can do a more detailed search. If you click the contents button, you can search for a particular word in documents. You can use the Contextual menu (using Control Key to access pop-up menu) to index only a particular folder or file. Sherlock 2 has several icons across the top for Internet search, people search, etc. You can add your own plug-ins, if you look for them on the Internet.

            P. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 8 explains that if you drag an Internet shortcut into IEÕs window, that web page will open.

            Q. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 9 explains that Keychain can be used to store Internet passwords. However, Machelp explains that Keychain can simply be used when an application needs password, not individual web sites. But another section of Machelp says Internet passwords can be stored. However, I tried it without much luck. I went to three or four different websites and then type in my usernames and passwords, then drag the file locator (next to the address bar) to the Keychain window and re-entered my username and password. None of these ÒstoredÓ passwords worked. I think Keychain may still need some work. I even tried going to the websites and not entering my username and password, then I dragged the file location to the open Keychain window. I tried quitting Keychain after dragging a fileÕs location to the Keychain window. I tried restarting IE, but I had no luck. Apparently, Keychain would try to enter my username and password at sites, but it does not appear to work, as of 6/26/03. Keychain will not work with MOCSE, says Òunauthorized accessÓ error. Keychain does not appear to work with NN, you can drag from the location bar to the Keychain window. explains that ÒWhen you open an application or connect to a server or site using software that's Keychain-aware, your Keychain provides the password so you don't have to type it.Ó I am not sure if many websites are ÒKeychain aware.Ó

            R. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 10 explains that you can encrypt files, but not folders or volumes.

            S. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 10 explains that there is a Control Panel called Password only installed on certain computers.

            T. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 11 explains that mapping can help PC files be opened on the Mac.

            U. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2) Chapter 12 shows that you can drag Control Strip Modules on top of the Control Strip itself. This makes them active (this did not work for Energy Saver, however. It is likely that restarting would be necessary for Energy Saver, for it was in the active folder, but did not appear on the Control Strip). Restarting does not appear to be necessary.

            V. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #3) Chapter 4 explains that some programs can adjust their preferred sizes.

            W. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #3) Chapter 5 explains that VM actually takes away space from you to use for storage. This is true on the G3/233.

            X. If you click the triangle at the bottom of the Extensions Manager window, you can see item information.

            Y. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #3) Chapter 5 explains that VM may cause some programs to not run properly. However, turning VM off did not solve problem with Toast mounting temporary partitions or Virtual PC running. It probably wonÕt help Color It either.

            Z. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #3) Chapter 8 suggests zapping the PRAM 5-8 times with the keyboard shortcut, although I am not sure that the video is correct.

            AA. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #3) Chapter 9 says that the Palm Desktop software can be used, even if you do not have a Palm pilot.

            BB. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #3) Chapter 9 shows how you can use the OS 9 installer to choose Custom Installation and choose only parts of OS 9 to install.

            CC. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #3) Chapter 11 explains how to use Fontsync, which is designed to help determine which fonts are needed when transferring (printing) a file from one computer to another.

            DD. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #4) Chapter 1 explains that multiple users control panel can be used (and it is similar to At Ease). Chapter 3 explains that panels are the terms that are used when using multiple usersÕ are logged in. It seems to work fine on the G3/233. It worked on the iMac, but I was not able to print logged in under the user ÒSummer SchoolÓ (which I created), even though I allowed printer access (after double clicking on the user in the Multiple Users control panel, then clicking the privileges tab.) It may be that that printer will not work, because it is a Keyspan USB serial adapter connection to the Deskwriter. Even when logged in as limited on the iMac (instead of Panels), you cannot print on the Deskwriter.

            EE. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #4) Chapter 4 explains that the up and down arrow keys can be used to adjust QuickTimeÕs volume.

            FF. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #4) Chapter 5 explains that if a program has a Paste Special command, it usually supports OLE (Object Linking and Embedding).

            GG. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #4) Chapter 6 says that the File Synchronization control panel can be used to synchronize two folders. If you click the arrows in the middle of the control panel, you can decide which versions should be updated (i.e. which is the source and which is the copy). You can put File Synchronization in shutdown items, so those files are synchronized at that time. However, 9.2.1 does not have a File Synchronization control panel, it may have been eliminated by Apple, for whatever reason. There is only an Applescript called Synchronize Folders, which does not work automatically (you need to select the folders each time). I did discover that on the iMac in room 58, that there was a control panel called File Synchronization. However, it kept quitting and saying that there is not enough memory and then produced error type 3. I increased the control panelÕs memory from 2000 K to 3000 K, but I had no luck. On the G3/233, I had the same problem, so I increased the memory to 5000 K, but it still kept quitting and producing the memory error and then error type 3. The Synchronize Folders Applescript has not worked on four different occasions under 9.2.2.

            HH. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #4) Chapter 8 explains that the Network Browser control panel allows other computers access to your computer on a network.

            II. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #4) Chapter 10 explains that the Browse the Internet and Mail aliases installed with OS 9 are for use with the Internet control panel.

            JJ. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #4) Chapter 11 explains that the Web Sharing control panel allows you to share documents across the Internet. If you use the Web Sharing control panel, you can turn on/off Web Sharing, so that others can see your web pages (no matter which browser or computer they are using).  It has an error that says that all shared libraries are not turned on, but I have may have inadvertently deleted one of them. I did some more reading on Web Sharing, and it is for use on an intranet, not the Internet. It is not recommended for use over a modem. The other information I read explained that, File Sharing privileges need to be set by Mac OS File Sharing, which I have disabled (actually I trashed those files).

            KK. Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #4) Chapter 12 explains that there is an Applescript that can be used to hide/show folder sizes. This can slow down the computer considerably.

            LL. Apparently, System 9.2.1 does have English Speech Recognition, which I did install. However, it kept freezing the G3/233.

            MM. The icon for the extension with the key on it is ENI Communications Extension, which is part of Enternet software. I disabled this extension along with ENI Logging Extension, ENI Network Access Module, and Enternet Classic, since I have been using Remote Access to connect, not Enternet. However, I could not connect to the Internet upon restart. I re-enabled all the extensions and the Internet would once again connect.

28. To add items to the Favorites pop up menu in the save dialog box, make an alias of the desired location and put it inside ÒFavoritesÓ inside of the System Folder.

29. Keychain HD works fine in 9.2.2 (and OS X).

30. In 9.2.2, File Exchange is the equivalent of PC Exchange.

31. Blank CD-Rs do not mount in OS 9.2.2 (chose 9.2.2 as startup disk on Blueberry iMac). You need to use the Predator to mount CD-Rs.

32. When trying to use Microsoft Office Manager control panel in OS 9, you may get a message about the control panel not being installed, even though it is (version 4.2.1b that is). Solution is to use the Microsoft Office Manager (MOM) installer on Internet 4 CD.

33. Disc Burner 1.0.2 does not work with the G3/233 and the Hi-Val CD Burner. Even after a blank CD-R is inserted, you get a message that says ÒInsert Blank Media to Begin.Ó

34. After doing a clean install of 9.2.2 and Palm 4.0, I was having trouble with IE5 freezing and Word quitting with error type 1 and IE freezing. I decided to disable Instant Palm Desktop on 12/21/03, and see how it goes. After disabling the extension, the Instant Palm Desktop extension kept being re-created and enabled by Palm. I changed the General, prefs to not show Instant Palm Desktop. However, the problems still occurred. Later, I checked my Microsoft extensions from the 8.1 System Folder and compared them with the Microsoft extensions in the 9.2.2 folder (I had copied the Microsoft extensions from the folder in the Installers folder (they are not on CD). I think the files do not run if dragged from CD. Apparently, there were several discrepancies, so I copied the 15 Microsoft extensions from the 8.1 System Folder to the 9.2.2 System Folder. I then trashed the IE and Word prefs (and I also trashed MS Internet and MS Preference Panels from the root level of the System Folder) and will try IE and Word. After installing all 15 Microsoft files into the 9.2.2 extensions folder, IE 5.1.6 still had two discrepancies: Microsoft Component Library (version 2.22, 5.1.6) and Microsoft Internet Library (5.0.2 and 5.1.6). I copied the 5.1.6 Internet Library extension to the 9.2.2 folder, I left the version 2.22 of Component Library in extensions.  I will wait and see how Word and IE run (I did this on 12/26). BTW, Word 98 runs fine (all 3 applications). I also increased the memory allocation of IE 5 to 40000 K from 35000 K. I could also re-install Office 4.2.1 or IE 5.1.6. I later decided to install 5.1.7 of IE, I copied the two Microsoft extensions (Microsoft Internet Library and Component Library, both version 5.1.7) to the extensions folder.

35. Derrick was having trouble accessing one iMacÕs desktop, because the password was unknown. After trashing the Multi-user settings, Multi-user items, Users and Groups data file, and Keychain folder, we restarted. We were able to access the desktop (and put in a new password).

36. When starting up with Classic on G3/233, Monitors control panel would not open (the top menus were not present, so I thought I might be able to make some adjustments). However, I got an error when trying to open Monitors control panel, because System Monitor Plugins was not present. On the iMac, when I took that extension out of the active folder, Monitors would not open (same error message). Also, Dropstuff would not install, so I copied the Stuffit Engine, Stuffit Plug-ins and StuffitEngineShell extensions from the iMac onto a Zip Disk. I also copied the Finder and System files, in case they may help. Also, NDD could not fix the 9.2.2/OS X partition nor could DFA.

37. I was having trouble getting System 9.2.2 to restart or shut down from the Finder. I also got an ÒApple Menu ItemsÓ error upon starting sometimes. I tried turning Faxcilitate menu off, running DFA 8.6.2 (which ran 3 times and still found errors each time), NDD 6.0 (ran twice and still found errors), TT rebuild. I finally did a zero all data initialization (low level format) not possible with 9.2.2 startup CD. After that, the Apple Menu Items error did not appear, but the Finder problem was still present. I used CC to check the problem. It said that Apple CD/DVD driver and AOL Link Enhanced were problems. I disabled them and restarted; and the Finder was able to restart a few times before the problem returned (CC hinted that it may be an intermittent problem). I tried replacing the Apple CD/DVD driver and that worked for a couple restarts. I even made a new System Folder and used Clean Install Assistant 1.2 to replace old items (I did this on several different occasions). Then when I restarted again with extensions off, I was able to restart or shut down. After initilization, DFA and NDD were able to fix all errors upon the second run of each program (with only 9.2.2 on the partition). After initialization, MS Word 6.0 and 98 would not run, they kept producing error type 1 (even after increasing their memory allocation), and restarting/shutting down was not possible. I think it was because I may have turned off needed extensions, but I am not sure. Best to not turn off any extension, unless I am 100% sure it is not being used. I later did a drag and drop install of Carbon Lib 1.6 and StuffitEngine Shell, so that Dropstuff 7.0 would work. I do think that the original problem was caused by using Limewire or iSwipe. Later problems were caused by running Iomega 2.1 installer and the Quicktime 6.0.2 installer. Also, I had problems with other software later. However, in the end, I believe that the problem is with the Keyspan USB card, since only the 2100 seems to work (and even then it works intermittently). If I tried to access the scanner or the VST floppy drive, it froze the computer. After not using the scanner and VST floppy, MOM and Faxcilitate installed and ran fine. Later, after only using Limewire with an 8.1 partition on the G3 HD, 8.1 had problems (for example, VPC gave an error –2004, the old names of songs which were not on the HD showed up in the Apple Menu Items alias for the 9.2.2. partition, and files could not be Òfound,Ó even though they were present. Better to NOT use Limewire. In the process, there were freezes at startup, usually right after 9.2.2/OS X partition loaded. Sad Macs says that you may want to check the 2nd HD if this happens. After running DFA and NDD on the 8.1 partition, the freezing did not occur (but I still had the Restart problem). Zapped with TT and KB. Sad Macs p. 793 mentions that if you select Shut Down from the Finder and restart instead, you should Zap the PRAM. It also suggests that you may zap when you cannot access a serial device or any external connected SCSI device (perhaps a USB card may be considered a serial device?) (the book was published in 1997, iMacs came out in 1998). Keyspan works fine with 8.1 after zapping with TT and KB. I also reset the Keyspan USB card and pressed the PRAM reset button on the logic board. I think that the Keyspan USB card is not needed. But USB Support 1.4.1 is (it appears that USB Support 1.1 nor 1.5.1 may not work properly in 9.2.2, not 100% sure), it comes with the USB Adapter Card Support 1.4.1 software. On one occasion, after installing more than one piece of software, 1.4.1 USB Support was not installed, I did a manual drag and drop install from another System Folder and it worked fine. Also, you should not change the name of the folder to USB Adapter Card Support 1.4.1. Otherwise, the installer will not run. Leave the name as is.

38. Acrobat Reader 5.0 will not print in OS 9.

39. To use Techtool 3.0.4 with 9.2.2, hold down shift key upon restart to rebuild desktop. Zip software does not need to be installed for 9.2.2. Neither does the Keyspan software, VST software, or software for the CTAP Keychain. The keychain was not able to be accessed on the G3, but after doing a clean install of System 9.2.2, the keychain could be accessed (perhaps Limewire install caused a problem, not sure). Techtool 3.0.3 appears to work fine with 8.1.

40. On one occasion, when trying to install 9.2.1 on the G3/233, I got an error related to ÒBig System Morsels.Ó The solution was to restart from the HD (instead of the CD) and install (clean install). Apple has some other ideas, if that did not work. The ideas are listed at Later,  I had the same problem on a blueberry iMac when starting up from the red MAC OS 9.2.1 startup CD, so I used the installer that said ÒMAC OS InstallÓ instead of ÒInstall MAC OS 9.2.1. The MAC OS Install icon worked okay to install the system software.

41. Control Strip had large words (pop up menu). After trashing the Control Strip preferences, the words were back to normal.

42. After doing some cleaning of my System Folder on the G3/233, I got error messages when opening IE 5 and OE about Text Encoding Converter not being installed, even though it was. I tried to do a manual drag and drop install, rebuilding the desktop, restarting, etc. I even tried running Stuff it installer, Mac OS Runtime for Java, but no luck. I finally just used the System 9.2.2 complete folder and used Clean Install Assistant to move items to new folder.

43.When I set up the Finder to arrange by name, the icons show up in this order: Hard Drive (red iMac DV+); WB Disk 1 (disk image); Proofreading (CD), and Student Items (alias of Launcher). So, apparently the items do not go strictly in abc order.

44. Whent trying to install System 9 on the home slot-loading iMac, using the free CD that I received from Apple (later, though, I determined that the System 9 CD that came with OS X 10.2 was an upgrade 9.2.1 CD only, not an System 9. However, then I realized I had two of them: one upgrade and one full install CD, which I took to school for use with the G3/266), there was an error. I was trying to install from the Mac OS Install icon; therefore, I then tried installing from the Install 9.2.1 icon, which installed the system fine. At, there is a new System 9 CD for $125, as of 8/07. I attempted to use the two CDÕs that JZ sent with OS 9 on them: Power Mac g4 Software Install and Restore, but they would not permit a clean installation on the G3/233, except for using Software Installers/System Software/Macintosh Computer Software/Macintosh Computer Software SW.img. I copied the 9.0.4 folder to the HD and attempt to use it to no avail (kept producing many errors). I then tried to copy several parts from the original 9 System Folder (pirated), but that would defeat the purpose. Finally, I just initialized the G3/233 and put 8.1 on It (Jazmin is the password). I gave Jazmin the Education Advantage Software binder (Except for CardShop Plus! Deluxe, which is on the iLamp.


System OS X (you can find updates at 10.2 upgrade CD had numbers ZX 081402 1101848-000 and 603-1310-A on the packaging. Switching to the Mac by David Pogue page 2 says that OS X was originally caleld Cheetah and 10.1 was originally caleld Puma, but when released did not keep the name, until 10.2.

1. According to Tidbits #574, it requires 1.1 GB of HD space. On my G3/233, it needed 2 GB of space.

            A. The OS X Jaguar Install Disk 1 says that you need 128 MB of RAM for the OS.

2. Tidbits #620 says that some fonts for Mac OS X are .dfont and some are .otf font.

3. Tidbits #622 says that Windowshade OS X is $7 and can be downloaded at

4. Tidbits #623 mentions that AutoGadget 1.0 works with MAC OS X only, but it makes some interesting modification to the Finder.

5. Apple e-news from 5/2/02, says that you can hold down the command key and press Tab and Mac OS X will highlight the icon of the application to the right of the current application. Without releasing the Command key, press Tab again to go to the next application. When you get to the desired application, release the command key to make the application active (or press the ÒQÓ key to quit or the ÒHÓ key to hide it).

            A. You can use the shift key to go the other way.

6. Tidbits #629 says that the Mac OS Finder in ÒJaguarÓ will allow you to search for text strings on your HD).

7. says that if you have a G3 processor (except for original Powerbook G3), you should be able to use Mac OS X, as long as you have 128 MB of Ram, 1.5 GB of free disk space, and an Apple-standard video card.

            A. says that this is true, that you need 1.5 GB of free HD space, 128 MB of RAM, and a Power Mac G3, G4, G4 Cube, iMac, Powerbook G3, G4 or iBook computer (G3 All in One is listed on the web page as compatible with Mac OS X).

            B. Tidbits #653 says that there is a bug in Jaguar (not the installer for it) that may make some slot loading iMacs unusable by blackening the display. The issue of Tidbits suggests checking your version of firmware before trying to install Jaguar.

            C. Joe tried to install it on the iMac (350 Mhz, which is listed as a Slot Loading iMac in Apple Spec Database, 1/02) in room 60 and got the blackened display problem. JoeÕs friend in Fresno said there is a VGA connector on the back of the iMac that can be used to fix the problem. However, I checked on my iMac (same as JoeÕs) and there is not one (there appears to be an indentation where one might go, but there is not a connector). Apple Spec Database (1/02) does list that there is one, but it is apparently an error. I called Apple Education to verify that Apple Spec Database has an error in it, they agreed.

            D. I tried to use iMac Firmware Update 4.1.9 to update the firm on the red iMac in room 58. However, when I tried to run the program, I got a message that says that the firmware is already current (i.e. it is already up to 4.1.9).

8. Apple e-news from 6/13/02, says you can use Edit, Copy and Edit, Paste to copy files in the Finder.

9. Tidbits #634 refers to two articles: ( and explain the installation process for Mac OS X.

            A. Tidbits #634 also explains that Òunless an application explicitly states that you can place it anywhere, stick with the Applications folderÓ (included in this are the default utilities which appear in the Applications folder).

            B. Tidbits #634 says that Mac OS X does not require a restart after every installation and you do not need to worry about what extensions are loaded when installing software.

            C. Tidbits #634 says that the easiest way to remove Mac OS X is to reformat your drive and restore from backups).

            D. Tidbits #634 explains that there are some default folders that Apple provides with OS X and they should not be deleted (ignoring is fine, just donÕt delete).

10. Tidbits # 639 says that Mac OS 10.2 (codename is "Jaguar") will be for sale for $130, but there will not be a discount for current MAC OS X users. 10.2 should have about 150 new features. Tidbits #639 also talks about .Mac, a fee-based service ($100/year) replacing iTools. explains that .Mac is $100/year, iTools is no longer available. I asked MV about He said, ÒI wasn't sure when I first heard about it, but now I really like It integrates very well with Apple Mail, iPhoto, and iMovie.  You also getVirex anti-virus with it.  I guess its value to you depends on how much you value ease of use in getting photos and movies up on the web.  The customization of web pages is somewhat limited, but that doesn't really matter to me ... I just want to get web pages up fast.Ó

11. Apple E-news from 8/22/02 says that Sherlock 3 can show what movies are playing at the theatre, where theyÕre playing, and when they start.

            A. Apple E-news (8/22/02) also says that Sherlock will even offer driving directions to a place you are interested in (i.e. a pizza place, etc).

12. Tidbits #646 says that in January, 2003, all new Macs will boot into Mac OS X.

13. Apple e-news from 10/24/02 says that ÒAlthough all SuperDrive-equipped Macs are compatible with all currently shipping 1X and 2X DVD-R media, new higher speed media will become available later this year-it is important that your SuperDrive be up to date before using this new media. All SuperDrive-equipped Macs can easily be updated to be compatible with this new media. One of AppleÕs suppliers, Pioneer Electronics, inc. has advised that some of its DVD-R/CD-RW drives may be unable to recognize the new high-speed media, and that using this media may permanently damage the drive. has info and a link to download the SuperDrive update.

            A. Tidbits #653 says that ÒA bug in the firmware of Pioneer DVD-writing drives (such as the SuperDrive, though Apple doesn't use Pioneer drives exclusively) makes them unable to identify media belonging to a new specification for higher-speed DVD media. Using these discs, which record at 4x speed for DVD-R and 2x for DVD-RW, can potentially damage the drive itself: the device's laser attempts to determine what type of media has been inserted, and since it doesn't recognize the new format, it keeps trying until it overheats and burns out.

            B. It also says that ÒRecent models, such as the 17-inch iMac G4, the SuperDrive-equipped eMac, and the Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors), include the latest firmware version and are not affected by the problem. The iMac SuperDrive Update for Mac OS X is a 1.2 MB download.Ó

            C. The Apple E-news offers a type on being to change the size of your icons in a window in Icon View. ÒPress Command-J to open the View Options dialog. Use the slider to resize your icons to your heartÕs content. ThereÕs also a pop-up menu for choosing the Text size. You can choose to assign this icon size just to the current window or, by choosing All windows across the board in every window.Ó

            D. This tip is mentioned in Mac OS X Killer tips. You can buy a copy of Mac OS X Killer tips at

14. Tidbits #652 talks about MAC OS X 10.2 being free for educators, goodthroughDecember 31, 2002.

15. Tidbits #655 says that you can get an update to OS X, it is 10.2.2.

16. The icon for the HD was flashing on the red iMac, before I tried to update to OS X, but it may been that the setup assistant for OS 9.2 had not been run yet.

17. To install OS X on my G3/233, it would require approximately 1.9 GB of HD space (basic installation). I only had around 500 MB (1/2 GB free) as of 10/28/03.

            A. Also, it is note in the OS X Install Read Me file that you may have to update your firmware. However, I checked and was unable to locate any firmware updaters for the G3 (so my firmware may be okay).

            B. It also appears that I may have to go to Mac Extended format, if I choose to use OS X.

            C. I e-mailed Matt to ask about using an external HD with my G3, so that I may use OS X. He said that ÒA second internal hard drive would be way faster (and cheaper). The problem is that USB (even the new USB 2.0) is much slower than the internal bus that talks to the internal hard drive. If you try running the OS from a USB drive (esp. USB version 1), I imagine things would come to a crawl. 

Internal drives are cheap these days, and if you have space for 2 drives in your G3, you can work with your new and old disks at the same time. If you have space for only 1 internal drive then you'll need figure out the best

way to get your files from the old drive to the new drive (maybe by burning CDs?).Ó

            D. Dennis said ÒI wish I could give you a definitive answer, but I have very little experience with USB devices.  The machines I work with are of an older vintage. In general, I would suggest that you put the operating system on the Internal drive and your data files on the External drive. If you already have the equipment, it just remains to try it. Also, they say:  Let your needs drive your choice of software, not the other way around.  Do you have a valid "need" to use OS X? I am using systems 7.5.5, 8.1, and 9.1.  I don't have experience with X.Ó  I decided to just use OS X on the iMac in room 58 (which has about a 6 GB HD), not home. If I did use OS X at home, I would have to use a USB device for either my applications or my system software, in either case, quite slower. I did check and a Seagate internal drive that is 10 GB is $45.00 at I could change the internal drive, but original equipment is usually better (and it may not seat properly anyhow).

18. I downloaded the OS X 10.2.8 update, but it was a .dmg file (needs OS X version of Disk Copy). You must have OS X installed to get the disk copy application, I think. It is not on the OS X install CDs.

            A. recommends not updating to 10.2.8, because of the problems involved.

19. After installing OS 10.2.8 on the iMac, Zip disks mounted fine, so did floppy disks. HP Printer would not print, though. You have to use OS 9 to print with the HP (but you can print from 9.0 Classic within 10).

            A. To startup with System 9, go to System Preferences, Startup Disk and choose System 9. When in System 9, you can go to Startup Disk control panel and choose System OS X.

            B. When I first started to run Classic from within OS X, I got a message asking if I wanted to upgrade to 9.2, but I did not because of the Predator compatibility problem. Some components were update, however. But, when starting the iMac with System 9, Predator still works. I may be able to use Disk Burner to burn CDs within 10 (it worked within iTunes).

            C. Color Coordinator is not needed with OSX, colors are changed automatically for Number Munchers and Super Munchers. Math Blaster Plus will not run in the Classic environment under OS X without allocating more memory. I later discovered it was because Color Coordinator was present is OS 9Õs System Folder, so that is why the colors changed automatically. However, it does not appear that 256 colors are supported under OS X (and the screen looks horrible after the switch to 256 colors), so I decided to trash Super Munchers, Number Munchers, and Color Coordinator. Math Blaster Mystery does not run under OS X. It only runs if you boot into OS 9. If you try to run it in Classic Mode under OS X, it will not run. It starts to run, but then quits.

            D. Desktop Resetter would not run in Classic under OS X, either, so I removed it from Startup Items.

            E. The iMacÕs screen was a little blurry, but the G3 appeared fine (so my vision was not blurry). It may be getting a little old.

20. I downloaded update 10.2.8 for the blueberry iMac in room 58, but it was the wrong update. You need to have at least 10.2 before going to 10.2.8. 10.1.3 is on the HD now, I downloaded 10.1.5 and will leave that update on the CD, and leave 10.1.3 on the HD for now.

            A. I had confusion because my CDs (free for teachers) had OS 10.2 on them. My Getting Started CD is for version OS X 10.2.

            B. According to Tidbits #644, Jaguar (10.2) costs $130 for a single user, so it makes sense that there are no updates to get from 10.1.x to 10.2 on the Internet.

21. To quit Otto Matic or Deimos Rising, use the ESC key. The Speech control window keeps showing up after running either of these two programs (and also after playing Chess). I disabled Speech control panels and extensions in OS 9, and now the Speech button only shows up after Chess, but later the Speech control window showed up in OS X, when using Otto Matic or Deimos Rising. I read in Mac Help that you can turn off the Speech preference with Chess, which I did (there does not appear to be a way to turn off Speech altogether, that I can find). I tried running both applications in Classic mode, to no avail. The speech window then was constantly on the screen. I downloaded Deimos Bundle Update 1.0.4 and automatic 1.2.1 from and After updating, the two apps still had the same problem. I moved the Speech ÒdiscÓ which toggles on/off to the dock to get it out of the way. On restart, it was trashed from the dock. Also, upon restart, the Speech control window did not show up. You can also e-mail for help with Otto Matic. I did and replied and said that you should turn off Speech section of the system prefs (which were already off). Anyhow, I solved the problem (see C). I also have noticed that since upgrading to 10.2, the problem has not occurred.

22. When moving some .pkg and .mpkg files from the G3/233 to the iMac, the icons were generic when moved by CD to the iMac. However, when moved by the Keychain drive, the icons were still intact.

            A. When I tried to install IE 5.2.3 on the iMac using the .pkg file (when using the CD to move the file), it would not work. I got a Òchoose applicationÓ dialog box. I later discovered that the solution was to drag the file on top of the icon called ÒInstaller.Ó Strangely enough, the icon remained generic until I moved it, then it was intact.

23. The Screen Saver did not work on the blueberry iMac. I went to Energy Saver and turned off the display sleep. I also put the System Sleep to 60 minutes, so the screen saver should work for about 60 minutes before the computer sleeps. I thought perhaps OS 9 interfered with the Screen Saver, but it does not appear to be a problem. If you turn on the option to Òturn the computer onÉ.Ó at a certain time on the iLamp, it will wake the computer up (computer does not need to be off to be Òturned on.Ó).

24. After installing OS X 10.1.3, the external floppy, Zip, and the Predator CD-RW did not need to have their software installed.

25. I downloaded some software called ÒDisk Recording UpdateÓ (created 8/1/02 and modified 7/31/02, but had not version number that I could locate), but it did not work. It produced errors when copying. I did not save it or use it (it may need a different version of OS X).

26. I encountered the Òfolder from hellÓ problem with Star Reading folder in OS X. I tried holding down option key while emptying the trash, replacing the folder in the finder with a different folder and trashing, using the Òfolder from hellÓ to replace another folder and trashing, I had no luck. I restarted in OS 9, and I was able to trash the folder.

27. .Dmg files need Disk Copy in OS X.

28. Mac Help requires an Internet connection.

29. To add pictures to Desktop (under System Preferences), open Desktop, then you can a picture to the ÒwellÓ (only one picture) or drag it on to the horizontal bar. On one occasion, I dragged a picture to the horizontal, and the picture was still present, even after trashing it in the Finder (the picture was added to Library, Desktop Pictures folder, I think). But on restart, the added picture was gone.

            A. You can add your own pictures to Library, Desktop Pictures folder.

30. Snow tunes do not play in OS X.

31. I tried to install OS 10.1.5 update, but it would not run from the CD. I tried restarting in OS 9 to no avail. There is a problem with the download from Apple, I think. I got other .pkg files to run, but it would not. There were no additional instructions from Apple except to run Security Update first, which I did. I had no luck.

32. I installed OS X 10.2 and then the Disc Burner application (1.0.2) worked with the Predator (no Predator software needed). Disc Burner info is at to see. I e-mailed them ( to see about using CD-RWs or getting a userÕs manual.

See for info on using CD-RWs.

            A. I tried to update to 10.2.8, but the Blueberry iMac froze in the process of downloading/installing the 10.2.8 update, and restarting did not help, just got an endless loop of a message that says Òrestart.Ó  I could not do a clean install, but I may have anyway, I used the 10.2 CDs to start up the computer, and I left 10.2 on the iMac for now (11/17/03). I had heard that 10.2.8 had some difficulties anyhow.

            B. I did download Quicktime 6.2, iTunes 4.1, Safari 1.0, and Stuffit Expander Security Update 7.0, and IE 5.2.2 Security Update. Later, though I discovered that Safari 1.0 did not download properly. I tried to download it by itself from, but still got an error, so I decided not to use it, as of now (11/17/03). I looked for a standalone installer for Safari 1.1 (which comes with Panther, OS X 10.3), but I could not find one. I also looked for a beta version or a 0.9 Safari installer, but was unable to locate one, as of 11/25/03.

            C. I discovered that pictures taken in OS X can be transferred, opened and printed in OS 9 and also to OS 8 (in OS 8, they opened in Acrobat Reader 4.0).

            D. When you use Software Update, under the Update menu, you can choose to download items (installers) to desktop (you can check the boxes before downloading), but you need to check for updates first.

However, on one occasion, I had not used Software Update for a long time, and the Security Updates that Software Update said that I needed were about two years behind (there was one from 2004 and one from 2005 in 7/06). Trashing preferences or logs for Software Update did not work. Finally, I just downloaded the old 2004 and 2005 security updates (without installing them), then I trashed the packages from the library folder, then the updates were no longer brought up by Software Update (most lilkely, since I have 2006-003 already installed). I looked with Software Update and there were a few other programs (iTunes 6.0.5, Quicktime 7.1.2, iPod updater 06-06-28, and iMovie 4.0.1) which kept showing up, even after downloading them to the hard drive (probably the iMac checks with the versions installed on the computer). Anyhow, I installed the updates so that Software Update would be up to date (as of 7/06). You can ignore updates (I turned off the updates for Airport and also for iSight in 7/06). I was unable to install 2006-005 (this update only applies to Airport, so Airport must be installed), so I installed 2006-006, which included the 2006-004 update (even though I had already installed the 2006-004 update).

33. On one occasion, the sound control panel was grayed out, and the volume control on the keyboard did not work. Restarting solved the problem.

34. Tidbits #707 talks about a security patch that makes 10.2.8 and 10.3.1 to the same security level.

35. Disk Copy version 10.2 can be used to copy disk images, not folders, etc.

36. You can not use the Finder to erase any disks, it appears. Use Disk Utility. Disk Copy can be used to erase CD-Rs and CD-RWs with a quick erase or a complete erase.

            A. After doing a quick erase with Disk Copy, I could then burn a session with Disc Burner.

            B. To burn an Audio CD, there does appear to be any shortcuts in OS X on the iMac. I had to drag all the audio files on top of the Disk Copy icon and use Disk Copy to burn the image. It took a long time to copy the files to the Disk Copy program (to make the image). However, one CD could not work, because the original was 80 minutes long. You can also drag the audio files on top of the CD-R icon on the drive (the blank CD icon) from a CD that is put into the Iomega Predator. Then choose Burn Disc from the File Menu. This took a long time as well (probably because the audio files were not MP3s, they were regular audio tracks). However, I donÕt recall testing these audio disks, but I do not think they would have played on a regular CD player.

            C. I doubled checked, but it appears that the only way to make an audio CD copy is to copy the tracks to an untitled CD-R with the Finder. There is not a shortcut (like there is with Toast).

            D. Also, if you use Burn Disc with the Finder, it will not work in a regular audio CD player (boom box). It will appear to play, but there will be no sound. I thought originally it did not work because I got errors when copying the audio file the first time (I recopied the file again without errors). I tried to see what type and creator the CD track was, but I was unable to access the info until I copied the track to the HD on the G3/266. But, the type and creator were not the same as other audio tracks from another CD. Anyhow, I did another CD and did not get any errors when copying to the HD and I did not work in the Finder while waiting for the CD to burn. I also changed the name of the file to Track 1 instead of 8 Track 8 (this is not a typo). However, with the second CD, I still had same problem with audio CD player. I made a third CD using the Disc Burner application. However, the third Cd still had the same problem, it would not play on my audio CD player, but would play on the iMac and the G3/266.

            E. When burning the first CD, I got an error (type 6) when burning at maximum speed, so I redid the CD at 2 X speed and it appeared to record okay (did not work with audio CD player, though).

            F. All 3 CDs, however, were able to be played on the iMac and the G3/266.

            G. I then made a CD starting up in OS 9.2.2 on the iMac (I used the Finder). I even selected the format as iTunes audio CD, but the Predator would not stop spinning.

            H. I think I had previously only burned files from iTunes in OS X. This turned out to be the solution. You can only use iTunes to burn audio CDs in OS X. It appears that you cannot burn CDs from the library (may need to create a new folder; also, you may be able to burn from the Audio CD folder that is created when you insert an audio CD). You must use a different folder. Also, if a CD is not present in the drive (and the Predator has stopped spinning), Burn Disc will not work. When Burn Disc is grayed out, click it once to make it a different color.

            I. When erasing a floppy disk with Disk Utility, you should select the icon for 1.4 MB TEAC (for example) instead of the name of the floppy disk. If you select the name of the disk, you may get errors. You can choose to ÒZero all dataÓ or you can use Ò8 way random write format.Ó

37. On one occasion, I got an unreadable by OS X message when inserting a floppy disk. However, the disk was not readable on the G3/266 with 8.1. After initialization, both computers could read the floppy.

38. Blank CD-Rs do not mount in OS 9.2.2 (chose 9.2.2 as startup disk on Blueberry iMac). You need to use the Predator to mount CD-Rs.

39. ÒDrive SetupÓ is on the ÒSoftware InstallÓ CD.

            A. I got an ÒinitializeÓ error when starting up from the ÒSoftware InstallÓ CD. I clicked ÒcancelÓ and then could access Drive Setup. (I could not do a low-level format, though, only Òzero all dataÓ).

40. For some reason, I could not security update (12-5, Jaguar) to a zip disk, but it would copy from the disk image in OS X to the HD. I thought it may have been because the file ended in .pkg, but another .pkg file copied to the Zip disk fine.

            A. Anyhow, I just copied the Security Update to Zip Disk in .dmg format and there was no problem with the iMac.

            B. Later, I tried to copy Quicktime 6.5 pkg and Security Update 1-26-04 pkg. to a Zip disk, but no luck on the G3/233. However, the dmg files copied fine to the Zip Disk, so that is what I did.

41. When you mount a disk image with OS X, it appears on the desktop. Upon restart, though, it is gone.

42. You can use another application while installing software in OS X. Or at least I was able to run AOL while installing Java 1.4.1 update 1.

43. Tidbits #710 mentions Take Control ($5) at The book is about using different accounts under OS X (one account for example, may be for troubleshooting). I did create an account for Troubleshooting and it works fine. I did find out, though, that if Classic is already being run by Ryan, you cannot use it simultaneously by the Troubleshooting account.

44. Welcome to Mac OS X page 6 shows that you can put folders on the Dock and then click on them to open items within the folder.

            A. Welcome to Mac OS X page 7 explains that if you click on the Finder icon on the Dock, you can access open Finder windows (not Application windows).

            B. Welcome to Mac OS X page 7 explains that if you add a URL to the dock, it will have an @ symbol attached to a spring.

            C. Welcome to Mac OS X page 7 explains that you can drag a document on its creating application on the dock to open it (you can also double click the document).

            D. Welcome to Mac OS X page  7 explains that you can press command, tab to switch between open applications.

            E. Welcome to Mac OS X page 7 explains that you can access Dock preferences under the Apple Menu (you can have the Dock automatically hide and show, if you choose.

            F. Welcome to Mac OS X page 9 explains that you can go to File, New Finder Window to make a new Finder window.

            G. Welcome to Mac OS X page 9 explains that you can go to View, Customize Toolbar in the Finder to change the Toolbar (top of Finder windows). To choose the default set, just drag it to the Toolbar. Page 9 also talks about checking the status of some items in the menu bar, but I think it would be mostly 3rd party software.

            H. Welcome to Mac OS X page 11 says you can change the size of icons by going to view, Show View Options.

            I. Welcome to Mac OS X page 11 explains that you can make path pop-up as one of the toolbars. You can also use the command key at the top of the window (click on the name of the open window) to see the path (like Classic). To get rid of a toolbar icon, press the option key and drag the icon.

            J. Welcome to Mac OS X page 11 explains that you can go to View, Show View Options (with a Finder window open) and you can make a Finder window a color or have a picture in the background (only in icon view). Page 11 explains this as global and this window only, but it is for Òthis windowÓ or Òall windowsÓ in OS X 10.2.8. It is important to select this Window, as it appears that the default is for all windows.

            K. Welcome to Mac OS X page 13 explains that you can hold down the option key and click on an open application on the dock to force quit it. You can also use the Apple Menu. You do not need to restart the computer.

            L. Welcome to Mac OS X page 17 explains that you can have Classic startup at the same time as OS X (when you log in).

            M. Welcome to Mac OS X page 31 says that if you get a message saying that Installing OS X was interrupted and you cannot restart the computer. Restart it and hold down the Option key to start in OS 9. (I tried doing this as an experiment, and Starting in OS 9 was not option, you just had the option to restart or continue and a HD icon with an ÒXÓ by it). If that does not work, use the OS 9 CD to start up the computer.

            N. Welcome to Mac OS X page 31 says that if you forget your password, restart the computer while holding down the C key, with the OS X CD inserted. Choose the reset password from the installer menu.

            O. Welcome to Mac OS X page 32 explains that you can force quit the Finder without restarting. However, if you made any view option changes, they will not be saved (or other Finder changes, as well, I imagine).

45. I used the 2100 CD to install the BJC software and I was able to print with NN in OS 9 on the Blueberry iMac. I then opened Welcome to OS X and I was able to print in OS X (no install required).

46. On one occasion, I could not get the iMac to connect to the Internet (got a Òconnection failure has occurredÓ error). Other times, I got a duplicate ID error.

            A. I went to System Preferences, Network to check the connection. It was not set up to use Built-in Ethernet under the TCP/IP Tab, it was set up for Internal Modem instead of Built-in Ethernet. After selecting Built-in Ethernet, I still could not connect with the iMac. However, after restart, I was able to connect to the Internet.

            B. The Revert and Apply Now buttons are grayed out, until you make some change, then they become black.

I clicked the lock to prevent changes to the TCP/IP connection.

74. Tidbits #711 says that ÒPanther now reports actual network status in the Network preference pane, including telling you if a cable is unplugged or if you have a self-assigned IP address, both of which can save significant troubleshooting time.Ó

75. After I put Office 4.2.1 on one of my partitions, I got an error at startup. I had to use the OS 9/OS X partition to start up. Then I put the Shared Library Manager version 2.0.1 from Extensions (Disabled) to regular Extensions folder on 8.1 Folder. Then I could use 8.1 partition to start up.

76. SCSI Zip 250 drive automatically mounted disks in OS X.

77. When putting OS X on the G3/233, I had to partition the drive. The drive that OS X goes on must be 8 GB or smaller.

            A. I did not need to update any firmware.

78. You can adjust spring loaded folders under OS X: Finder, prefs. However, this does not affect the time needed to access a folder that is located on the Dock.

            A. I put the Ryan folder on the dock. You can access a pop up menu by holding down the mouse on the Ryan icon.

79. To take a screen shot of an OS 9 application, you need to be in the OS X Finder i.e. click on the desktop after showing what you want to see in OS 9, then press command, shift, 3. Otherwise, you get a grayed out picture.

80. I used IE to automatically open a website with OS X, to avoid Mail and OE errors. May also put a URL in startup items, who knows?

81. To resize a window that has the bottom of it below the dock, drag the document to the right of the dock, then you should be able to resize.

82. On one occasion, I could not get the Startup Disk to work in OS X. It kept saying that I have selected Network StartupÓ and would not show any other choices. Upon restart, the problem was solved.

83. I put an alias of Computer Notes on the Dock, and accidentally deleted it. Therefore, I was unable to recover the file. I thought that I had just dragged the file to the Dock and made an alias of it, but apparently I did not. I think I put it in the trash can by accident. Anyhow, I luckily had taken C. Notes to school and was able to recover.

            A. To stop startup items from starting up, hold down the shift key as the Finder loads.

84. When starting up with 8.1 partition, 9.2 System Folder did not show up in Finder as blessed, but this may be normal. However, even after selecting the OS X partition to start up the computer (with Startup Disk control panel), G3/233 kept reverting to 8.1 for startup. I used the OS 9 CD to start up the G3 (once I used the COSD shortcut and another, I used just the C key). I chose the 9.2/OS X partition with the startup disk control panel and restarted. Both times, the computer started up in OS X.

85. If you try to open an Ofoto document in OS X, it will open in Preview.

86. On one occasion after using OS X for a few days, my Movie Info file and my Movie Info-Future files were gone. I must have accidentally deleted them.

87. The Monitors control panel (that came with OS 9) can be opened under OS X, but it cannot adjust brightness or contrast . However, if you start up in OS 9, you can adjust brightness and contrast (the options show up in when you select the Monitor tab). But the brightness settings set up while starting in OS 9 do not appear to carry over to OS X upon restart in OS X. The calibration display assistant (under System Preferences, Display) does not work on the G3/233. It gives a message that the open cannot be opened. It may be disabled or not installed. To calibrate the G3 all-in-one monitor, I used Display Calibrator and I was able to adjust the brightness and contrast and make a profile for the G3 All-in-one. This made the display look much better. Using Display Calibrator is the only way to use OS X with the G3 All-in-One. You may use Apple System Profiler to see what kind of cards are installed. A graphics accelerator card is incompatible. Generally, speaking, though, Apple Education tech support said that the G3 has compatibility issues with OS X, the workaround is the best thing to do, most likely. I can call them in the future with the card information, if I like. But, there is still most likely a compatibility issue. One person from Apple Education said he would mail me info, but he forgot. I talked to another rep from Apple Education and he said that he will send me some info on the dimness problem. He never did send it, though. I asked about trashing the display prefs and he said that is not likely to make a difference. He said that there is not a firmware G3 update. I tried zapping the PRAM with KB (4 times), but no luck.

88. You can use the Internet Connect application to choose which port configuration will be used. If you drag the configurations, you can change the order in which they access the internet. You can also choose to ÒShow PPPoE status in menu barÓ or not.

            A. When using the Network System preferences, go to Show, Network Port Configurations, then drag enternet to top, then modem, printer below that. otherwise won't work.

89. A blank CD-R in Hi_val does not work in OS X Finder (not mounted).

90. You can choose items to show up in Login items. MS Word 98 and MOCSE (Quicken) will not hide themselves automatically, since they are OS 9 applications (I think that is why). Although CW does hide, so I am not sure.

            A. Quicken 2004's icon will jump on the Dock when the iMac starts up. However, if you wait about two minutes, it will stop jumping. I later solved this problem by putting Quicken into Startup Items instead of MOCSE. I also had trouble with MS 2004Õs icon bouncing, but I solved that by going to Preferences, General and not having the Project Gallery show up at startup.

91. You can add an item to the Favorites folder (which can be accessed under the Go menu. Make an alias of a folder and put it in Favorites. It does not do pop-up menus though, so I think I will just use the Dock for now.

92. There is an automatic setting for the Computer folder. If you change the size of the icons in the computer window, the icons still revert to factory defaults (after closing and reopening the window). You can change the color of the window, but not the size of the icons (unless you just want to change the size temporarily).

93. The brighness and contrast within OS X were set to low levels after installing OS X 10.2.8 on the G3/233. I used the program ÒDisplay CalibratorÓ to set the brightness and contrast all the way up. This made the monitor appear normal. However, upon restart, the settings of contrast and brightness returned to low levels. I tried using Color Sync Utility and selected ÒMultiple Scan Display,Ó and then I selected my G3 All in One profile to be the Current profile, but upon restart, brightness and contast were reverted back to low. I used Color Sync System preference to select the G3 profile under Default profiles for RGB Default, but upon restart, brightness and contrast were reverted back to low. I even used Color Sync utility to repair all profiles, but no luck. After setting up a G3 all in one, you can go to display under System Prefs and choose G3 All in One.

However, it does not appear to save brightness and contrast settings on the G3/233, I think this is a software glitch or OS X may not be totally set up for the G3 All in One (after all, the calibrate button under Display, System prefs does not do anything, and it is supposed to). The best thing to do is to have the Display Calibrator in startup items and use to make a profile upon each startup. You can simply click the right arrow with the Display Calibrator Assistant, adjust the brightness and contrast all the way up. Quit Display Calibrator Assistant. mentions that the brightness gets reduced each time this particular person boots into OS X with a Powerbook. I looked with Google for a solution to the problem, but I think my workaround will be fine. You cannot access prefs under the Display menu ColorSync Utility nor can you can access prefs under Display Calibrator (the prefs are grayed out in each case). Digital Color Meter is used to find the value for any color on the screen (does not adjust the monitor).

94. If you do a force quit of Classic, it may take five to seven minutes for Classic to start up again. I think that the HD is being checked and since I have a 40 GB HD, it may take quite awhile.

95. has some tips on running OS X faster on a G3. I decided to not have colors in the Finder windows to help out with this. mentions that ÒFinally, the biggest gripe everyone seems to have with OS X, the speed. Because this is such a new OS, Apple has not had the time to really optimize the code. Because of this, everything seems a bit slower than with OS 9.1, and with some things, A LOT slower. About the only thing so far that is faster in OS X is OpenGL games. I'm sure Apple will fix this in the future.Ó

96. On one occasion, I dragged the 8.1 partition to the trash on the G3/233 (by accident). I had to remount usign the Options, Mount choce within Disk Utility.

97. When I copied an CD audio file to the HD in OS X, the Aiff file would not open with Snd Sampler (the file was made into an iTunes format automatically). I had to open the track in Quicktime, then record the track with SndSampler. Then I connected a set of RCA cables (with a jack adapter) to the G3 headphone jack to the microphone jack. I then used SndSampler to record the track.

98. I could not get General Info and Computer Notes to launch from the dock (from within the Ryan folder). The files could not be launched from the Finder, either (but they could be opened within Word 98). I used System Preferences, Classic to rebuild the desktop, no luck. Then I used TT 3.0.4 to rebuild the desktop. The files were able to be launched from the Finder and the dock. However, some icons were generic. IU was able to copy and paste a Word icon onto the application to make it normal BJ PrintmonitorÕs icon was generic also. I tried re-installing it, but without luck. I then used the System Prefs, Classic to rebuild the desktop again, and then the BJ Printmonitor icon was regular. I also pasted some new MS Word icons on a couple of its files.

A. I looked at and there is not a version of TT for OS X (as of 2/04). However, I found a program called RebuildDesktopX and used it to rebuild the Desktop and then the icons were fine, again. There were still a couple of Word 98 icons that were generic, but I pasted new icons onto them.

99. I could not get a Read Me file to copy to one of my Zip Disks, so I opened the Read Me, copied it, and then made a new document and called it Read Me (iTunes). I was able to copy the new file.

100. To copy a file, control click on it, choose copy, then click on white space, select paste (this may work in OS 9, as well).

101. A troubleshooting tip for OS X: make a new user, see if the same problem occurs with the new user. Also, you may move the whole prefs file out of its place and see what happens.

102. The icons on the iMac kept getting out of order, so I chose to show view options, then chose keep arranged by name. Now RyanÕs HD, World Book CD, Desktop (Mac OS 9) appear in that order (top to bottom (other aliases are filed alphabetically). I trashed the Desktop (Mac OS (9) file and restarted. The Desktop (Mac OS 9) file did not show up on restart. I restarted in Mac OS 9 and then went back to OS X. The Desktop (Mac OS 9) file still did not show up. I trashed the alias of Burn in Desktop (Mac OS 9) file, so that hopefully Desktop Mac OS 9 will not show up in the future, at all. I did discover that if I put any aliases on the desktop, they follow the CD icon. If you put several aliases on the desktop, they are filed in order, though. I had trouble dragging some Preview .pdf files on top of Burn in OS X. I think it was because they were aliases. I was able to drag them to the trash to get rid of them. In the future, I could just change the name of the alias and then trash it.

103. In OS X, there is an application called Faxstf that came with OS X 10.1 on the iMac. When I installed OS X 10.2 on the G3/233, Faxstf was not present. I even tried running the Additional Applications installer on OS X CD #2, but Faxstf was still not present. I checked at and you can buy Faxstf for $89.95. I then tried using the iMac version of Faxstf 6 and Faxstf X on the G3/233. However, Faxstf X would not work, it said that you should be able to choose Faxstf from the Print Center pop-up dialog box, but it does not show up. Faxstf 6 says it is not supported in the Classic Environment. I tried restarting in OS 9 and I got a message that ÒThe STF Phonebook Lib could not be located.Ó The message also said that the STF Phoneook Lib s/b put into Extensions folder or you should reinstall Faxstf software. After reinstalling FAXstf 6, the message did not appear on the G3/233. FAXstf worked starting up in OS 9. At, there were no freeware fax programs for OS X. I tried using, but when I sent a test e-mail to myself (503-212-8178), I was not able to open the attachment with Mail program (usually the attachments appear in the preview pane, but the attachment did not show up). I was able to open it with Outlook Express and there was some extra stuff within the fax. I then sent a Word document that I saved as .doc (end of the file name) and I saved it as Word 6.0/95, then I sent it with Mail. But I was not able to read it with Mail or OE 5.0.4. I then checked the website for efax Messenger and it says that Word 98 is supported on the Mac, but the extension needs to be .DOC. I then opened the document to be faxed, saved it as a Word Document and made the suffix .DOC. The website says to send e-mail to,; however, this does not work. You need to use Also, the web page says that Mac 98 files are supported, but they did not come through the text was garbled, when I looked at it with Preview and efax Messenger. Later, I took ouit the watermark and the text was no longer garbled (and I sent the Mac Word 98 document as a .DOC file), I sent the file with OE 5.0.4. It came out fine. I finally used PrinttoPDF and converted the Word Document (I made sure to leave out the watermark that I had in the file) and sent it to my e-mail address to test it. This worked. Then I sent the fax to my intended receipient with OE 5.0.4. I also tried sending a test fax (.pdf format) from Mail to my fax number. This worked also. However, the mail could not be opened or saved with Mail (OS X). I think that Mail and are not really compatible. The best way to send faxes is with, and use pdf format (use PrinttoPDF in Classic under OS X) and OE 5.0.4. Using Word 98 files (with a .DOC extension) worked as well, but I trust .pdf more. is the e-mail for use with Their parent company (, which is not the same as offers free inbound faxing. My code is my birthday, and my fax number is 206-338-5561. K7Õs welcome e-mail said that to view attachments with Windows, no software download is necessary. It suggests that for Mac users, you may want to use Quicktime Pro or look at for software. However, I found out that Picture Viewer 6.0.2, Quicktime Player 6.5 (I used the File menu to open movie in New Player, even though it was only a picture), Preview (OS X), and GC (4.4.4) all opened my fax. When using Mail, though, I had to use File, Save Attachments to download the attachment.

104. I got an error type -50 when copying a file to a Zip disk. I found out that the reason why I got that error is that the filename was too long. When I changed the file name to a shorter name, it copied fine. Error -50 when copying to Zip Disk with iLamp in room 21B. I tried ejecting and reinserting the Zip Disk, no luck. I tried copying the System Profiler to the desktop and then copying it to the Zip Disk, no luck. I checked with Disk Utility and realized the Zip Disk was standard format. I made it Extended format and then I was able to copy System Profiler to the Zip Disk. I was able to read the Zip Disk on the G3/266. I was unable to mail the System Profiler because it was grayed out in the Choose dialog box with Yahoo! Briefcase (even another copy, which was on the Desktop).

105. Tidbits #716 that Snapz Pro X 2.0 Image Capture $30. Tidbits #716 mentions Bluetooth 1.5, which enables owners of Bluetooth headsets and Bluetooth adapters to use them directly with their Macintosh.

106. On one occasion, I used Acrobat Reader to open the Picture 1 file created by me. I changed it so Acrobat Reader is default file type for .pdf documents. However, I wanted to change it back, so that Preview would open screen shots. I trashed Acrobat Reader prefs, and restarted the computer. I got the dialog box asking about making Acrobat Reader default for this type of file, I selected no. However, screen shots were still associated with Acrobat Reader (icons were that of Acrobat Reader). Finally, I selected one of the snap shots of the screen and opened the Òopen withÓ triangle to adjust settings to use Preview.

107. There does not appear to be an option to have Stickies automatically show up on startup (from within the Stickies program). However, if you try to close a note, you will get a dialog box asking you to save, if you like.

            A. You can use System prefs to have Stickies be a startup item, though.

108. You can use Sherlock yellow pages to find directions anywhere (from your house).

109. The Welcome to OS X book suggests that if you are installing Mac OS X and it is interrupted and you can not restart: Restart the computer, hold down the mouse to eject the CD, and your computer may start up. If it does not, restart and hold down the option key to select a startup disk. If this doesnÕt work, use the Mac OS 9 CD to start up the computer.

            A. Holding down the option key upon startup appears to alternate the G3/233 between OS 9 and OS X (on next startup).

            B. In 3/04, I could not get the startup disk preferences in OS X to choose OS 8.1 as startup disk. I had to simply restart in OS 9 (But from OS 9, I could choose 8.1 as startup disk, and 8.1 would be startup disk on next restart).

110. You can use the program Grab to capture windows from Classic under OS X. You can do timed pictures of the screen with Grab.

111. To use your internal microphone with OS X, you need to have an iMac, the newest iBook, or a Powerbook.

112. Tidbits #717 says that you can sign up for a free trial of .mac service for 60 days at After the 60 days trial period, you can keep your .mac address.

            A. You can also use your AOL account without having to sign up for .mac at all.

113. I erased a Zip Disk in OS X, and I chose ÒMAC OS StandardÓ as the format, and Install MAC OS 9 Drivers, so that that the Zip Disk would work in OS X and earlier.

114. When I held down the option key on the iMac, it brought up the startup screen. I had to do this, because I would not start up in OS 9. But after the startup screen was up, I chose restart (I think it is restart) where the arrow goes in a circular motion. Then the iMac would start up in OS 9.

115. Indexing is done whenever you look for contents within items with OS X. However, you can manually update the index by selecting a HD, then get Info, then select the Content Index tab. I indexed the HD (which had 22 MB on it, and I started at 3:30 P.M. and it was done by 9:30, but I am not sure how long it took).

            A. OS 9Õs Sherlock will not load, when starting up from OS X, OS XÕs Sherlock is automatically used.

116. I tried to use OS X, but I kept getting an ÒInternet Connect, An incorrect PPP option has been set. Please verify your settings and try againÓ error (I got a case number from SBC os 43775298). Also, AOL would not sign on. The dock had trouble launching apps as well (just a question mark would appear). I think the problem, though, may be that OS 9 is still having trouble.

            A. DNS servers should be and

            B. Under the Proxies tab in the Network prefs, Use passive FTP Mode should be unchecked.

117. When installing software on the G3/233, start with 8.1 partition. Then install 9.2.2 and then OS X (9.2.2 and OS X on a different partition). If you install 9.2.2 first, then you may get a boot error and had to Zap to get the computer to start up. If you use the 9.2.1 to initialize, it cannot be read by the 8.1 Drive Setup. Use 8.1 Drive Setup to initialize (and you can do a low level format).

118. Matt said that iSync lost his Palm info once, also, he said iCal is not that good. You can export Palm info to a vCard file and then import it into iCal. However, iCal does not have a Note Pad nor a Memo Pad function, so those would have to be synced by Palm and the calendar would have to be synced with iSync.

119. When using the Network control panel, it may say Internal modem is not set up or Ethernet is not set up. However, this often means simply that it is not active (but still connected).

120. When I put a blank CD-RW in the iMac, it showed as a CD-R in the Finder. After burning one song on the CD with iTunes, it showed up as a CD-RW. My Sony CD-RWs are 4 X speed, so that is the fastest that they can be written to.

121.  says that iChat AV allows you to talk to friends over the internet with audio and video or text message anyone on the AOL Instant Messenger network. The web page also says that Panther can let you easily create a PDF file fom the Print Command window in any application (OS X). The web page says that ÒThe Mac OS X default settings ensure the safest configuration out-of-the box, so you donÕt have to be an expert to secure your system.Ó It also says that Panther comes with FileVault, which has a built-in firewall, and protects your home folder (the folder called ryanzelenski). The web pages says that you can use Disk Utility to encrypt data for sending over the internet. The web pages talks about Expose, which, by default, uses keyboad shortcuts F9, F10, and F11 to change the Finder and windows.

122. Using the iLamp, I was unable to burn a file on a floppy disk from the VST USB Floppy Drive.

123. talks about the 150 new features and innovations of Panther.

            A. You can eject a CD/DVD by using the icon next to it, within the Finder window.

            B. You can highlight a file, then go to file, create archive to make a compressed zip file of a folder/file. It does not appear that Stuffit Expander is needed to expand the file, either. However, DropStuff files still need Stuffit Expander. There does not appear to be an option to stuff files for Classic; however,  if and when you try to to open the file in Classic (you sent the file through the internet or through Sharing), you need to change the type/creator to match that of the original document. When the files are compressed with OS X, the file type and creator information is not retained. I was able to download the Documents A-H folder on the G3/233 and with System 9.1, I used Stuffit Standard version 7.0.3 to expand the folder, and all the files were present. After changing the text and creator codes, I was able to open ÒGeneral InfoÓ without incident.

            C. You can choose your Desktop Pictures from your iPhoto library.

            D. OS X Panther uses a Journa (journaled is the correct spelling, not journalled) File System, which does ÒEnsure superior reliability of drives with journalled HFS+ file system.Ó

            E. You can use Disk Utility to create a disk image, which may be encrypted, if preferrable. To get rid of the disk image, you need to drag it to the trash, but also drag the disk image from the Finder to the trash (from wherever it was created).

            F. You can use Font Book for single button font installation.

124. I was having trouble getting AW 6.0 application to trash on the blueberry iMac. I kept getting a locked message, even though the Finder indicated it was not locked. Holding down the option key while emptying the trash still would not allow me to trash it. I restarted the iMac, then tried emptying the trash again, no luck. Then I held down the option key and AW was trashed.

125. You can not change your short name, once your account has been set up. You have to create a new account to make a new short name; David Pogue agrees with this at I am pretty sure that the computer picks your short name. In my case, I put in Ryan Zelenski as the owner and it chose ryanzelenski as my short name. Switching to the Mac page 269 says that short names must be lower case. Mac OS X for Dummies page 240 says that short names are used by Telnet or FTP.

            A. On one occasion, I could not get automatic login to work. So I set up another account and was able to auto log in with it. Then I re-created the original account.

            B. I think that Ryan Zelenski, old At Ease should work now for my account. If not, try leaving the password blank. My master password is Old At Ease.

            C. You can copy all of the items in your user folder to a newly created account.

126. To make it so that certain items do not show up in the Finder window (the folder shortcuts on the left hand side), drag them to the trash.

127. To record CDs with OS X, I think you would insert the CD, make a disk image with Disk Utility and copy the information to it, then insert blank CD, then use the Finder (not Disk Utility, since it appears to only do preliminary setup, whereas the Finder just burns it) to burn the image.

128. There is info on deleting locked files in OS X at

129. I had some difficulty with the Apple Pro Speakers, I had to twist them to get both speakers to play. I found out that this is apparently normal, according to Apple at

ÒPush on the Apple Pro Speaker jack to make sure it is firmly inserted into the Apple Speaker sound output port.

The Apple Pro Speaker jack has two detents (two points where you can feel a slight catch as it goes in). You should feel them as you push the jack into the sound output port. Giving the Pro Speaker's connector a slight twist while inserting it into the sound output port may make a better connection.Ó

130. Update OS 10.3.4 updates Safari to version 1.2.2, updates Mail to 1.3.8, Address Book to 3.1.2 (you can a picture for someone to Address Book, if you like from iPhoto by drag and dropping. However, I had to keep quitting and reopening iPhoto each time after inserting a picutre, or it would not work). It also updates Stickies and QT, according to

131. According to Mac Help, ÒWhen you burn a CD in the Finder, Mac OS X creates a disc in "hybrid" format that can be read by most computers, including Windows computers.Ó

132. You can have Òremovable media (such as CDs) mount in the Sidebar, under Finder, prefs.Ó However, CD sessions kept showing up in the sidebar, even though they were no longer present. I unchecked the option for Òremovable mediaÓ to be in the sidebar (I had to restart the iLamp to get rid of a previous CD burn session).

133. I had a folder that would not delete in OS X, I tried holding down the option key, replacing the folder, restarting, no luck. Finally, I restarted in OS 9, and I was able to delete the folder.

            A. On the iLamp, I had an .aiff file that would not burn, because it was Òlocked.Ó But the Finder showed it to be unlocked. I opened the Get Info window and made it Read and write instead of just read (under ownership and permissions). Then I was able to burn the file.

            B. I later had trouble with a file that would not delete. It was a Preview document that was actually a received fax. I tried quitting Preview and Mail, but the file would not delete. Finally, I just put it in the trash can and deleted it (I may use secure mail in the future, if necessary). 134. Apparently, you cannot have a slash in a file name in OS X.

            A. I tried to copy some files in OS X from a CD, and I got a message that said that .bom files may not be supported, because that type of alias may not be supported. However, the files appear to be normal and copied okay (and the installer was able to startup for OS X 10.2.8).  All the files with that issue ended in .pkg. In the future, may want to use .dmg files only.

135. Restart was necessary (or restart disk Utility) to recognize CD and proper name, when burned in Finder, on one occasion.

136. You can choose the start time for printing (with the 2100). The printed started at :45 seconds during that minute.

137. Font panel is shown in ÒWelcome to PantherÓ book; it is the panel that shows you your fonts with Font Book.

138. At, you can buy an ebook on control SPAM with Mail in OS X for $5. You can get a $5 off coupon for the purchase of Spamsieve, which can replace MailÕs junk mail filter.

139. On my iLamp with OS X Jaguar (loaded by Eric at Macdaddy), the CD-ROM tray would not load or eject, but it did with Panther.

140. When copying files from the G3/233 to the iLamp, some files did not copy (including the System file from the System 9 System Folder). It was because they were in use (but the iLamp did not give any error messages, it just appeared to copy the files, but did not). Anyhow, I just copied the files to the Documents folder and then copied from the Documents folder on the G3 to the iLamp.

141. Keychain kept asking for my password to access Mail on startup. I called Apple and they had me go to Keychain Access and change password for keychain ÒloginÓ (apparently my log in name is login, which is fine, the Apple tech said). I finally accessed Keychain access and realized that my password was stored four times in the incoming mail server ( and four times with the outgoing mail server (smtp:// with the account I then deleted all from the Keychain except for one for incoming and one for outgoing.

            A. Keychain does not appear to work with MOCSE's login page. I can store the info, but MOCSE does not seem to be "Keychain Aware."

142. Panther 10.3.4 does not use Faxstf. You use the fax from the print dialog box. Also, I could not find a way to adjust it, so it appears that you need to add a Ò1Ó for long distance numbers in the address book, or you can simply type the prefix in the Fax dialog box.

143. On one CD burned in OS X, it skipped halfway through ÒNever Say GoodbyeÓ by Bon Jovi, when playing on the Pioneer CD Player. On the Aiwa, it played fine.

144. In OS X, you can use Apache Web Server to host a site, but it appears that since I am using a router, it messes up the easy configuration for using the Apache Web Server. It is probably easier to stick with Fetch (also, because I would need to give out a new URL to everyone, anyhow).

145. Some icons may have a different color for their name, because they are Òlabeled.Ó I must have set them by accident. To unlabel them, highlight the name, go to File, Color Label, choose Òx.Ó

146. You can use Print and Fax System Preferences to ÒReceive faxes on this computer.Ó It will save to Users, Shared, Faxes folder by default (you may want to make sure that the answering machine is not set to pick up at the same time).

147. I made put aliases on Windows Media Player 9, Fetch, and Palm Desktop in the Utilities folder. I put the original folders inside Library/Application Support.

148. After I tried to update my backup on my OS 9 Folder, I realized that I moved it instead of copying it. Then I used the backup copy, but it would not work, I got a message about it not being the right folder. So, then I used the original System Folder and copied the stuff back to it. OS 9 started up.

149. The students keep taking items off the dock with the blueberry iMac. So, I decided to make dock aliases that could be put into one folder and dragged back to the dock, if necessary. However, when I dragged the alias of Burn 2.4 back onto the desktop and opened it, it opened a second version of Burn (and put another icon on the Dock). I just trashed the Burn alias in Dock Items folder (I will just drag Burn from its location on the HD to the dock next time, if necessary).

150. A root user in OS X is defined by It says that, "On a traditional UNIX machine, the root user (or superuser) is the first user account created when the operating system is initially installed. The root user, better known as the System Administrator, this the person who has the ability to create or delete user accounts, install software or hardware and perform other system administrator tasks. In Mac OS X the same is relatively true as it is in UNIX. Logging in as a root user makes it easier for you to manage files and folders without being told by the operating system that you have insufficient privileges. Also, logged in as a root user, authentication requests from certain programs will be not ask since you already have superuser status."

151. The blueberry iMac in room 56 would not start up properly. When it started up, a Setup Assistant appeared, and there was not an assistant to choose in the window. If you quit, the computer would restart and go to the same screen again. I had to reinstall the OS X software for it to work.

152. I could not download Security update 04-09-16, because it is for OS X 10.3.5 AND iChat 2.1 (I have iChat 2.0).

153. On one occasion, I could not get the Ryan CD to mount (it had two sessions on it). The message said that the CD contained no volumes that OS X could read. However, I just ejected the CD and reinserted it. The CD was read fine.

154. When burning discs with the Finder in OS X 10.3.6, you cannot add sessions to it (only one). However, it will burn CDs in list view (if you make the contents ,to be burned, in list view).

155. Tidbits #762 mentions that 256 MB of RAM will make OS X slow.

156. In OS X 10.2.8, when you open another window, it opens in the same window (if the toolbar is showing, which can be adjusted under the View Menu). Also, you can have folders open in a different window by going to Finder, Preferences or by Command, clicking on the folder.

157. Strangely enough, on one occasion, I tried to move a Shockwave file inside of the Shockwave folder, but the Finder would not allow it (the computer's display would move side to side as if to say "no"). I moved the Shockwave file to a different location, and then moved it inside the Shockwave folder.

158. Expose (System Prefs) can be used to set up to start screen saver (I set it for the bottom right hand corner in 3/05) or to show all the windows, etc. (F9, F10, F11).

159. After downloading the update to OS X 10.3.9 (10.3.9 is on OS X CD 3, while OS X 10.3.8 is on OS X CD 4) and Security Update 2005-002Pan, I had a file called Perfil de Sistema in my Applications Folder, which was my System Prefs in Spanish. I just trashed the application.

160. The original update for 10.3.9 that I downloaded was around 51.3 MB. It updated the iLamp from 10.3.8 to 10.3.9 (I am pretty sure that I had 10.3.8 on the iLamp previous to updating). Anyhow, after updating to 10.3.9, several applications could not open, including Directory Access, Disk Utility, Keychain Access, Netinfo Manager, and Terminal (Console said that "Disk Utility (417) Unable to laod nib file" DUApp.nib, exiting). I rebuilt the desktop with DesktopRebuildX, tried removing the Finder and System prefs ( and and restarting, but no luck. Finally, I downloaded the MAC OS X 10.3.9 combined update (117 MB) and installed it. If this does not work, I copied the applications from the iLamp at school. I copied Directory Access, Disk Utility, Netinfo Manager, and Terminal (all of the versions were the same, except for É.) to a Zip Disk from the iLamp in room 21B. I could not copy ÒKeychain AccessÓ because it had Òspecial permission privilegesÓ (Later, I realized that I may be able to change the access privileges from the FileÕs Get Info window). This did not work. If the applications still will not open, I will reinstall OS X from my original CDs, and then update to 10.3.8 only. Later, though, I discovered, that this would not work, because Safari would not run after putting 10.3.8 on the iLamp. I found an article on AppleÕs website ( that indicates that Safari probably needs the System Software that was installed prior to re-installation (if you reinstall the System), so I ended up reinstalling 10.3.9. When installing though, I accidentally installed 10.2.3 (there was not an option to copy my user settings, I donÕt think: If you copy the User settings, I think the computer is set up pretty well for you, copying the User Settings does not just avoid having to use the Assistants to set up the computer) instead of 10.3.2, so then I decided to update to 10.3.2, which I was not able to do initially (the computer froze on the Mac OS screen on startup). Using the startup CD and Disk Utility to repair the HD did not solve the problem. However, I could not get the CD tray to eject until I remembered to hold down the mouse at startup. Then I reinstalled 10.3.2 and then it started up fine and I updated to 10.3.9. Safari then opened along with Directory Access, Disk Utility, Keychain Access, Netinfo Manager, and Terminal (not the ones I had trouble with, that were in the Utilites folder, but new versions of the programs, which were created within the Utilites folder inside of the Applications folder). However, my System ProfilerÕs icon was generic and it was in German.

            A. has info on downloading the JAVA update for 10.3.9.

            B. says that OS X 10.3.9 includes previous security updates (including 003, I believe, since 003 was released prior to 10.3.9).

            C. According to Tidbits #768, Security Update 2005-002 only applies to Java 1.4.2 (and thus MAC OS X 10.3.4 or later).

161. Tidbits #766 mentions that you can paste a URL into Terminal to see if the web page is concealing any unusual Unicode characters.

162. Holding down Command and Option keys at startup does not rebuild the desktop in OS X. Perhaps it is not needed.

163. I could not get System Preferences to open from under Apple Menu (after reinstalling OS X). Logging out and back in did not work. Reinstalling 10.3.9 didnÕt work. Finally, I changed the permissions to open it and then restarted, no luck. However, then I opened if from the Applications folder and got the Òfirst timeÓ message. Then I opened System Preferences. Then I was also able to open it from under the Apple Menu, as well.

164. The install Script menu and remove script menu work (even though their icons are generic), they just appear in the Finder menu.

165. ryanzelenski is short name, which canÕt be changed (assigned by computer). However, my password is still nothing.

166. Under System Preferences, you can choose Choose and choose to "Show Classic status in menu bar," so you can access Apple Menu Items, stop Classic, and restart Classic.

168. I was able to find some installers in library, packages folder (Default for downloading apparently). explains that, ÒIn Mac OS X, different users have different permissions, or privileges, to access files and folders. You can see the permissions for an item in the Finder by selecting it and choosing Get Info from the File menu. In the Info window, click the disclosure triangle to the left of Ownership & Permissions to view the settings for the item. If you are the owner of the item, you may also be able to change the item's permissions.Ó

169. explains that in Mac OS X, DFA is run automatically whenever you boot your computer. On Mac OS 8 and 9, you can run Disk First Aid manually. However, no other website (include Apple's) nor Apple's System Help verifies this. ÒZapping the PRAMÓ and rebuilding the desktop have no effect upon native OS 10 Macs—as comparable functions are automated into OS 10Õs startup routines, according to Matt said, "I haven't bought Norton for OS X.  I've heard that it is needed less with OS X."

170. Chess is voice activated on the iLamp (and the blueberry iMac with OS X 10.2), but you must speak fairly rapidly. You can simply say "d2 to d3" without mentioning the name of the piece. You can also "Take back move." To edit a part of the display for Chess (in OS X 10.2), MAKE COPY FIRST. Then, you must open package contents. Then open Resources (from within Contents), open English lproj. Find the file you wish to edit, i.e. black_king.tiff (which is for the two dimensional mode) and drag to desktop (easier access for GC).  Open the file with Preview to change the file type to tiff (i.e. it may be a PDF file and you need to change it to Tiff, so Graphic Converter can open it). Use GC to edit the file (since Preview wonÕt edit in OS X 10.2), save the file with same name. Then use the File, Get Info window to make sure that the file will open with Preview, drag the file back to original folder, Open Chess.

171. Switching to the Mac (by David Pogue) page 3 says when you trash an application, you trash everything (there are hidden items within the application icon, so you don't see them).

            A. At the bottom of the Finder window, you can see how many items are in a particular folder.

            B. Switching to the Mac page 3 mentions that an optional second line under an icons' name tells you how many items are in a folder. You can find the option for this under View, show view options, show item info. You can also show icon preview.

            C. Switching to the Mac page 4 mentions that the Mac can read aloud any text, you could even record it to MP3 and listen to it in your car later, if you wish. I set the F1 key to read text aloud, but later I turned it off. Also, chess is voice activated on the iLamp, you just must take at a fairly rapid pace.

            D. Switching to the Mac page 7 mentions that you can click once on a Menu item, release the mouse and then click again, when you want to select the second item. This may work in web pages, also.

            E. Switching to the Mac page 13 says you can press Control, Eject and the "Restart/Sleep/Cancel/Shut Down" button shows up. You can press Control, Command, Eject to restart the computer: you can press Control, option, Command, Eject to shut down the computer. Also, to avoid the confirmation box when restarting or shut down, hold down the Option Key while selecting those options.

            F. Switching to the Mac page 15 explains that if you click and hold down the mouse over an item on the dock, it may have some commands (i.e. Mail lets you create a new mail message).

            G. Switching to the Mac page 15 explains that you can use Command, Tab to switch back to the last recently used application.

            H. Switching to the Mac page 16 explains that you can put the eject menu on the Menu bar by going to System/Library/Core Services/Menu Extras/Eject Menu. To get rid of it, command, drag.

            I. Switching to the Mac page 17 explains that Ctrl in Windows is similar to Command on the Mac: Alt in Windows is similar to Alt/option on the Mac.

            J. Switching to the Mac page 17 explains that option, G makes a © symbol.

            K. Switching to the Mac page 18 explains that a Windows USB keyboard would work on a Mac, but the Windows key would work the same as the command key.

            L. Switching to the Mac page 19 explains that F12 on an older Mac would eject the CD tray, but this did not work on the G3/233 (not with pressing the Control key either, as explained in Mac OS X, Panter Edition). I did learn, that the Keyboard control panel must be active to assign function keys on the G3/233.

            M. Switching to the Mac page 21 says that command, shift, H takes you to your home folder or Go>Home, or you can use Go, Go to Folder, type in a tilde (page 46).

            N. Switching to the Mac page 23 explains that command, tilde cycles through open windows.

            O. Switching to the Mac page 24 explains that if hold down option and double click on a window, then all the windows for that application are minimized (does not work with M.S. programs). You can choose Command, M to minimize a window. Page 24 also explains that if there is dot in the center of a close button, you have not saved your file yet (only in certain programs like TextEdit).

            P. Switching to the Mac page 25 explains that when you have an open folder, the proxy icon appears at the top of the window. You can use the proxy icon to move a folder.

            Q. Switching to the Mac page 28 explains that in System Preferences (Appearance), you can choose Scroll to Here to jump to the end of the document by pressing at the bottom of the scroll bar (only works in TextEdit or programs that are not carbonized, i.e. TextEdit was written for OS X; Appleworks was not, originally).

            R. Switching to the Mac page 28 explains that in icon view, you can drag and select folders; they do not have to be encompassed, just touched, unlike in AW.

            S. Switching to the Mac page 43 explains that the name column has to always be on the left hand side.

            T. Switching to the Mac page 44 explains that you can drag the preview icon in column view anywhere (to move the file).

            U. Switching to the Mac page 45 shows that you can drag columns in column view or use the Option key to resize all the columns (the book actually explains it backwards from what it is in 10.3.9).

            V. Switching to the Mac page 46 explains that if you drag any file and change your mind about moving it, press the Esc key.

            W. Switching to the Mac page 47 explains that the ryanzelenski/desktop folder mirrors the Desktop (files are not actually store on the desktop, just aliases).

            Y. Switching to the Mac page 48 explains that the Public folder can be trashed if you are not on a network. Page 48 says that any punctuation can be used in names of files except for the colon.

            Z. Switching to the Mac page 49 explains that you have 255 character names in OS X in the Finder, but file names may be truncated by programs (like IE or AW). Page 51 explains that if you hold down the Command key while copying a file to another drive, the original is deleted.

AA. Switching to the Mac page 52 explains that you can Edit/Copy folders and Edit/Paste, but not Edit/Cut them. Page 53 explains that you can rename original or alias and move original or alias, and still have the connection.

            BB. Switching to the Mac page 56 explains that you use the Content Index function from the Get Info window. Mac OS X Help explains that usualy the Finder does this when you search a file, so there will not be a need for it.

            CC. Switching to the Mac page 58 explains that you can use the Page Up and Page Down commands in the Find results window. You can use Command, R to reveal the originating folder.

            DD. Switching to the Mac page 61 explains that if you choose "Specific places" in the Find Dialog box, you can drag folders into the window to search specific folders.

            EE. Command, Option, D hides/shows Dock. If you Option, drag the dock, you can see "canned" sizes from the programmers. You can drag a file onto an Dock application to have the app open it (i.e have a Read Me file opened with Word 98); If you hold down the Command Key, Document icons do not move out of the way. You can option, click a Dock icon to show that program and hide all others (except Word 98 and possibly others). You can choose any open window for a program from the Dock. If you Option, click an Dock app, you can Force Quit it. If you minimize a Quicktime movie while it's playing, it still plays on the Dock.

            FF. Command, down arrow opens a file. You can use Command, Tab to cycle through the two most recently used programs. If you use Command, Tab to select a program, you can hold down Command, and then press Q to quit the program. If you Option, click a program, it hides other program windows (except Word 98 and possibly others). However, if you option, click Word 98, other programs are hidden. You can use Command, Option, Click to even hide Word 98. Page 81 says that Command, H does not work in every program. Page 85 explains that some OS X files have no type/creator codes, use file extensions instead. Page 87 explains that you can do a batch of files with the Get Info window (to change opening app, for example).

            GG. You can use the Keyboard prefs to turn Focus on Menu or Dock on or off. I chose to turn them on. F2 accesses Menu, F3 accesses Dock from the keyboard (I changed the shortcuts from Control, F2 and Control, F3; respectively). You can drag any folder into the Save asÉ Dialog box to save time.

            HH. Switching to the Mac page 96 explains that Carbonized programs are Classic programs that are morphed to work in OS X, while Cocoa programs are written for OS X. When you access Fonts with a Cocoa program, you see the Fonts panel. In Cocoa applications (and the Finder, which according to Switching to the Mac is Carbonized), you can use the File, Services menu to make a new sticky note, Send File, etc.

            II. Switching to the Mac page 101 explains that if you have a computer that starts in OS 9 or OS X, press X when starting to choose OS X, if 9 is the current Startup Disk choice.

            JJ. .tar is short for tape archive, an ancient UNIX utility that combines (but not compresses) several files into one archive. .gz is short for gzip, a standard UNIX compression format. Tar.gz or .tgz is one compressive archive with several files.

            KK. Switching to the Mac page 107 explains that if you highlight a file, then control click on it, you can choose to "Show package contents" to see invisible files.

            LL. Switching to the Mac page 114 says that you can move files from Windows to a Mac by using an Ethernet cable and connecting the ports, if your Mac is newer than 2002. If older, you need an Ethernet crossover cable (A cable specifically used in network situations involving only two computers.  By using a crossover-cable there is no need of a network hub, saving you money). You could also move the hard drive from a Windows machine to a Mac, if the HD is FAT or FAT 32. If it is NTFS (New Technology File System (Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP) format, the Mac cannot read it. WiFi is short for Wireless Fidelity, basically a wireless way to send signals, Apple uses the name Airport instead. To share a folder on Windows, right click on it, choose "Share folder on network."

            MM. Switching to the Mac page 115-121 explains how to transfer Windows files to the Mac by network. Page 122 explains that when sending files from Mac to Windows, it is better to not compress the files, or the Windows computer user can download Stuffit Expander for Windows.

            NN. Switching to the Mac page 124 says that iDisk can be used on Mac or Windows. Page 125 says you cannot create folders on your iDisk, must use existing ones (as of 2003). Page 130 says that GIF is used for the cartoon/Logo format used on web pages. Page 130 explains that you can drag and drop info to the desktop and then drag it back to a document. Page 133 says that Outlook2Mac (, $10) can be used to transfer your Windows Outlook folders to a Mac).

            OO. Switching to the Mac page 133-157 covers transferring e-mail/addresses from Windows to a Mac. Page 163 talks about using Pop-up Zapper, which works with IE 5 in OSX, it costs $29.95, but I usually use Safari in OS X.

            PP. Switching to the Mac page 164 says that AOL (as of 2003) saves up to 30 days worth of mail. Page 165 says CD Session Burner allows you to burn sessions on CDs in OS X; it costs $17, but it would not download (as of July 2005).

            QQ. Switching to the Mac page 187 explains that the jobs in Print Queue cannot be rearranged.

            RR. Switching to the Mac page 189 explains that there are several locations for your Fonts folders in OS X.

            SS. Switching to the Mac page 195 explains that if you do not have 650 MB, 700 MB, or 4.7 GB available on your HD (depending on size of CD or DVD), you may get a disk full message, since a disk image is created on the HD. Most DVDÕs are 4.7 GB, as of 1/06 (equal to about 6 CDÕs or so).

            TT. Switching to the Mac page 196 explains that no /, \, *, *, <, or > is not allowed in Windows file names (as of 2003).

            UU. Switching to the Mac page 202 explains that you can use Video Out on an iMac (mine has one) to connect to a TV (it suggests not using a VCR, because the picture will be problematic, because of copy protection).

            VV. Switching to the Mac page 204 explains that you command, click the Finder icon on dock to minimize all windows except Finder. Page 205 explains that there are some UNIX commands that can be used in Cocoa programs: Cont, A - beginning of par: Cont, E - end of par.: Cont, K to "kill" rest of paragraph.

            WW. Switching to the Mac 210 explains that when putting in the name of a Service Provider, the name does not have to be exact (as of 2003).

            XX. Switching to the Mac page 212 explains that "waiting for the dial tone" is a North American thing, in other countries, the sound for an available phone is probably different.

            YY. Switching to the Mac page 215 explains that default gateway on Windows is the same setting as Router on the Mac (as of 2003). Page 216 explains that if you have a router, you should turn off the Mac's firewall.

            ZZ. Switching to the Mac page 219 explains that in the Network control panel, you can view Network Port Configurations and change the order of trial for connecting.

AAA. Switching to the Mac page 221 explains that Internet Sharing could be used instead of a router. You use one computer (the gateway) to connect to the internet and then you need an Ethernet hub to connect other computer(s). You have to set up your preferences to share your connection with others on the network. has a Netgear Hub for $26.87 in July 2005, and it works with Mac. With Internet Sharing, the first comptuer (the gateway) has to be on. Page 221 also explains that if you have a gateway computer with an Aiport card, other Macs can pick up the signal.

            BBB. Switching to the Mac page 238 says that in ryanzelenski/Library/Mail/Mailboxes can be used to backup your current Mailboxes, if necessary. Page 239 says you can use the "Bounce" command to send a SPAM message back to the sender without reading it (and maybe you will get removed from the SPAMMER's list). Page 242 says you can use Command, F to search in Address Book. When you find someone's name, you can click on the phone number and select large type to see in huge print on the screen. You can click on an e-mail address to e-mail them, you can click on an address to get a map of it. You can also copy URL of map to paste into your web browser for printing, if desired. You may want to find a card, select all the info and make it into a Sticky Note.

            CCC. Switching to the Mac page 245 explains that Sherlock can be used to search the internet. In the preview pane below, you can see a paragraph of information from the website. You can track Flights and see a pictoral representation of the flight's progress. According to page 25, you can go to and get a free AOL screenname, which you could use for iChat.

            DDD. Switching to the Mac page 271 explains that you can set up an account so that they have a Simple Finder, cannot change the Dock icons. If you set up an account to auto login, other accounts cannot use the computer after Restart or Shut Down, you must log out using the Apple Menu.

            EEE. Switching to the Mac page 280 explains that NetInfo Manager can be used to Enable Root User (under the Security Menu). You should use extreme caution, if using this.

            FFF. Switching to the Mac page 286 expains that can be used to buy programs that can help you with Color Sync Profiles. Page 287 says that if your computer is on military time, use the International System Preference to change it. If you do not have the preference set to "set time and date automatically," you can drag the hands on the clock to change the time. Page 291 explains that on any flat panel iMac, the max resolution setting is the best one. On a flat panel iMac, every pixel is a fixed size, at lower resolutions, the Mac tries to blur together adjacent pixels, which is not a problem on older Mac monitors (pixels are not fixed size). The refresh rate is N/A on flat panel (no explanation in book). David Pogue suggests putting brightness at middle setting and contrast all the way up (if present) on a flat panel iMac. Appearance System Preference can make screen in Blue or Graphite (more plain).

GGG. Switching to the Mac page 301 explains that the international System Preference, you can show input in menu bar to access many symbols, etc. To access the special characters, you can go to Edit, Special characters, and you can use the bottom of the window to see which font it is. You can access Special Characters in Textedit in OS X to differentiate between the three types of punctuation (hyphen, en dash, and em dash). Page 302 explains that the Internet System Preference determines which browser and e-mail client to use, but in OS X 10.3.9, there is only a .Mac System Prefefence and no choices on e-mail or web in that System Preference. Page 302 explains that the faster you move the mouse, the further it goes. Page 307 explains that you can set up a hot corner with Screen Saver to disable it (i.e. if watching a movie). You can search for more than one item at a time, using Apple's Find. is the website for Applescript for OS X. System/Library/Preference Panes hold the places where the System Prefs are held. You can make aliases of them and put them on the dock, if you like. Page 322 explains that you need to have the box checked "Enable access fro assistive devices" turned on in Universal Access System Preferences for Speech to work on the computer. You can use the script " TextEdit Doc to Sound File.scpt" (put it in Library/Scripts folder) and then Install Script Menu (from inside the Applescript folder) to have any TextEdit document saved to AIFF, which can be read to you (or saved to a CD to be read in the car). There was another script called "Render Text to Sound File" at, but it did not work (probably since it was designed for OS X 10.2).

            HHH. Switching to the Mac page 364 says you can uncheck the preference to verify checksum with Disk Copy, because most of Apple's downloads are disk copy now, and they are already verified. However, it appears that 10.3.9 does not have Disk Copy.

            III. Switching to the Mac page 371 says that IE 5.2 ignores Keychain, but OmniWeb does not. Keychains are stored in the ryanzelenski/Library/Keychains/login.keychain file. Page 373 says that NetInfo Manager can be used to see others' (on the computer) passwords. Page 375 says that Process Viewer can be used to force quit an application if all else fails; however, 10.3.9 does not have it on my iLamp. Page 376 says that my iLamp is a UNIX machine.

            JJJ. Switching to the Mac page 378-379 give some UNIX commands for use in Terminal (Mac OS X for Dummies page 303 says that UNIX is not in English, and page 378-379 say that case matters): pwd to see users, ls to see lists of folders: cd to change to a different folder: man to see manuals. man uptime to see how to use uptime. Uptime to see current time, number of users, etc. man mail to see Mail commands. Cal to see calendar: cal -y to see yearly calendar: cal -yj to see Julian calendar (days numbered through the year). Q can be used to return to the prompt. You can type top to see the list of currently running programs.

            KKK. Switching to the Mac page 390 suggests that if having trouble with an application, log out and log in with different user (even if a temporary dummy account) to see if your prefs are the problem. Preferences are stored in 3 locations: ryanzelenski/Library/Preferences, iLamp HD/Library/Preferences (which only an administrator can trash), and System/Library/Preference Panes (which usually nobody can trash). If a program has trouble opening and it is in Startup Items, may want to remove it to see what happens. Page 393 says that creator codes override file extensions, and the program Wipe Creator can erase the codes (I did not save this program, since I have File Info). Page 393 says that if a file is owned by "root," it means the computer. Page 394 says that if a program won't open (perhaps just bounces on the Dock), trash prefs and try again. If not, reinstalling should solve problem.

            LLL. Switching to the Mac page 394 says that if applications are generic, try trashing LS Applications, LS Claimed Types, and Lsschemes, log out and log back in (10.3.9 did not have it on my iLamp). If that doesn't work, try using Disk Utility, and then check permissions of your home folder. Page 397 says that Disk Utility (as of 2003) will say "repairs completed" whether or not there are any. To use Disk Utility from UNIX, restart, hold down Command, S. Type fsck -f (after local host # appears) to force checking (the book says -y, but that does not work). Keep repeating until the disk appears to be okay message appears. Type "reboot," then press Return.

            MMM. Command, control, eject can be used to restart the computer. Command, Control, Option, Eject shuts down the computer. Command, V at startup shows the UNIV console at startup, while holding down "T" starts the computer in Firewire Disk Mode (I did not verify the "T" command).

            NNN. You can use,,,, or as free domain services that will assign you a URL (for your own website) and let you keep  it, even though the numbers assigned to it change. So, people accessing the website will just type in the same name each time. You can use the Sharing System Preference to turn on Personal Web Sharing to allow people to access your website on the internet. In the case of the iLamp, I would need to type in to access the Favorites web page. If you type in a page called index.html, it does not work properly in OS X 10.3.9 (Switching to the Mac page 409-411 suggests that index.html be your homepage. To put files on the internet, use iLamp/WebServer/Documents folder. To get the files to be available, just put them in that folder, nothing else.













172. To get information on any folder on the HD, highlight a folder, then hold down the Option Key and choose File, Show Inspector. Then you can click on another folder and see information on it.

            A. You can turn Font smoothing off/on with the Appearance Control panel, it makes fonts appear better on screen (i.e. in the Fetch window). Setting it at 4 is the best setting for the iLamp.

173. can be used to access Networked printers.

174. Calculator can be advanced or regular. Also, you can convert area, currency, energy or work, temperature, length, speed, pressure, weights and masses, power, and volume. You can also choose to have the number that you type said out loud (if you were typing from receipts, this would be a good idea to verify that you are typing correctly).

            A. You can control click the display to see the numbers displayed in large type on the screen.

175. Image Capture can be used in conjunction with my Epson scanner. After you scan a picture, it opens automatically in Preview. If you click the box in the upper left hand corner of Image Capture, you get the toolbox for adjusting resolution, etc.

            A. You can click on the top line of a Stickie note to get to collapse to one line. You can drag a picture or a Quicktime movie onto a Stickie Note.

176. Mac OS X for Dummies (Bob Levitus, 2001) page 21 says that an alias refers to a "parent icon." You can click on a full trash can on the Dock to select Empty Trash. Page 39 refers to Go>Favorites, but there is not a command for this in 10.3.9. Page 42 explains that to rename an icon, click on the name; or you can click on the icon and press Return or Enter. Command, L can be used to make an alias of an item. In OS X (contrary to what Mac OS X for Dummies says, although it was written in 2001) you cannot lock a folder or a drive. However, you can select several items at once, choose Get Info and then lock/unlock them all at once. Page 53 says you can check boxes and radio buttons by clicking on the names instead of the boxes, themselves. Page 55 says that if you click a menu and then do not do anything for fifteen seconds, the menu closes, but on my iLamp this did not happen. To access Help (in almost any program), you must press command, shift and /, which is equal to command, ?. Page 66 says you can duplicate anything except a disk, but I was able to duplicate a CD (I could not duplicate the HD since it was busy). Page 69 talks about using the Show Clipboard command, but that is not present under the Edit menu with AW, MW, or TextEdit. You can use the Undo Command to put an icon back, that you have accidentally moved. You can use Command, Shift, G to go to a folder and then type in (after the ~) iLamp HD/Ryan/Immigration Stuff/. You can use the command under the View menu called Show Status Bar only when Hide Toolbar has been selected. Mac OS X for Dummies page 96 expains that you can expand the Open or Save dialog boxes by clicking the triangle in them (so you can choose more places for opening or saving). Also, you can now move the Save dialog box. Page 99 advises using the Documents folder to save all of your files on the hard drive. Mac OS X for Dummies page 125 says that Library (like a public library) can be accessed by everyone. There is more than one library, though. One at the root level, one in your "System" Folder (which should not be disturbed), and one in your Home Folder. Page 126 says that there is not a System file or Finder file, instead there are a bunch of files that make up the System. Page 128 says that you cannot access other Users' folders. Mac OS X for Dummies suggests not move or renaming any Library sub folders. Page 147 mentions two websites that have Sherlock plugins, but both pages are no longer valid URLs. Page 168 says that OS X cannot handle PS Level 3 Fonts. Page 178 explains that you can drag any icon into the Textedit Window (to copy the icon). Page 184 talks about setting up Keychain Access, which you can do on your own, if necessary (i.e. not set up by the application). To change the default web browser or e-mail client, use Safari or Mail General preferences. Mac OS X for Dummies page 231 says that to Share files, Appletalk is the easiest way: If you want to use the internet to connect to other Macs, need TCP/IP. Page 233 says that an Ethernet cross over cable won't work with a hub, a regular Ethernet cable will not work without a hub. A router is an intelligent hub, and they usually cost more than a hub. Page 272 says that Macs running OS X run hardware tests when starting up (may make startup seem long, it appears to me). Page 306 says that there is not a clean install option for OS X.

177. To add items to the dock, you must be an admin user. I even made the students an admin user temporarily, but I could not add to the Dock, until I logged out and back in again. I made several items start up on the blueberry iMac, but some did not hide (i.e. Yellow, Chess, and Deimos Rising), so I took them out of Login Items.

178. When you fax a document, you can add a cover page, but in the cover page section, you cannot press Return to get to the second line (Return faxes your document), you must type in a bunch of blank spaces (Tabs do not work).

            A. On one occasion, I received a reply fax from North Beach Pizza through and it was hard to read (the letters were askew). I thought my fax did not go to them well. However, I resent the original fax to my Faxaway account and was able to read it fine, when it came through Mail. I think their fax machine had trouble dispensing the fax.

            B. I do not think that the DW would work with OS X, because does not list the DW as a printer with built-in OS X Support.

HP's website does not list a driver for OS X fo the DW.

179. Mac OS X Panther Edition, The Missing Manual (David Pogue, 2003) page 3 explains that in the Accounts System Preference, you can enable Fast User Switching, by clicking Login Options at the bottom of the window. Then click the name in the upper right hand corner and select the user you wish to be. After temporarily adding an account, I could not delete it in the Accounts pane. It was because the account was still logged in (for Fast User Switching). After logging out the "dummy" account, I was able to delete it. Fast User Switching on blueberry iMac, not available in Jaguar. Mac OS X Panther Edition page 5 says that iChat AV (I have iChat, even though it does not say AV) allows you to make long distance calls over the internet. Page 6 explains that VM is automatic in OS X and is not slow like VM used to be. Also, rebuilding the desktop is not necessary in OS X. Page 18 explains that menus are translucent, you can see your writing behind them. You can click open a menu and then press the first letter of an item in a menu to select it. On a webpage with countries on it, you can often click on the menu and type "united s" for United States (this worked with for cities in CA). Page 22 explains that you can drag any aluminum side to a window (i.e. the Finder windows can be dragged by their sides, but AW windows cannot). Command, ~ cycles through open windows. You can use the Go to Folder command (command, shift, G) to go to a particular folder with shortcuts, i.e. you can type /ry (tab) im (tab) to get to Ryan:Immigration Folder. If you hold down the Shift key and double click a Cocoa window, it will slowly minimize (about one fifth the speed). If you option, double click on a window, the window will switch to the newly opened one. If you choose to Get Info on an open window and nothing is highlighted, it selects the open window for information. The Show Icon Preview works only in Icon view, under View Options. For example, it changes so that you see either a JPG icon or a preview of a document with Preview in the Finder. Option, clicking the triangle next to an icon opens all the subfolders in List View. The date modified for a folder is when something was added or deleted, the date is not reflective of changes made to enclosed items. Page 47 shows how to make OS X pop up windows, but I did not like it that much. Page 49 says that column view is always in abc order. Page 50 says if you double click on the right handle of a column, the column's size adjusts so that all contents are legible (if you option double click on one of the columns, it does all the columns' resizing); this feature is buggy, so I won't use it (it is difficult to get columns to resize back to normal after double clicking on them. I had to trash the file and then log out and back in for the windows to appear how I wanted them again). An idea for aliases would be to put aliases of OS 9 applications into the regular applications folder, so that they are all in one place, but I don't use enough of the OS 9 applications to make it worthwhile. Page 60 says that the Public folder (within ryanzelenski) can be trashed if not sharing files. Page 61 says you cannot start a file's name with a period (if you do, it will be made invisible). Page 62 says that if you name three files, they will be put in order: 1, 2, 10. Previous to this, people had to call files 01, 02, 10, etc. Also, punctuation marks are in order now (page 62). Better Finder Rename is located at and is hlepful for fixing typos in the Finder, taking a phrase out, numbering files, etc. Page 62 says that if a file is named ryanHF#56, it retains its name in the Finder, but not with OS 9 apps (like Yahoo! photos). Page 67 explains that if you move a file from one disk to another (and you want to delete it from the original), press the Command during the process of copying the file. Page 68 explains you can copy a file and then paste elsewhere (using keyboard commands). You can also make a temporary shortcut on the sidebar, drag a file to it, then trash the shortcut (by clicking and dragging). On one occasion, the sidebar icons for MS word files were generic, but restarting the iLamp solved the problem. Print is not available in contextual menus. Page 70 talks about Iconographer ($15) which can be used to make OS X icons. Page 78 explains that you cannot read a trashed document. However, you can open the Trash window and drag the icon onto an application that can read it. Page 80 explains that if you Command, Option, I, you can have a single Get Info windows (as opposed to several). Page 82 explains that some programs (iPhoto and iMovie) have a Languages tab in the Get Info window; the book recommends removing these (I did this for man programs and saved about 1/3 of a GB of space). Also, there is a plug-ins tab for iPhoto, iMovie, and iDVD, accordingly. Page 91 says that Indexing is not needed, it is done in the background, but you can update it manually, if you wish. Page 94 explains that you can make a file into an achive using the Contextual menu (and it is faster than Drop Stuff). If you control, click on a Dock icon, it opens a half second faster. Page 93 mentions USB overdrive ( which may be helpful to run a Windows mouse on a Mac (if necessary). Page 101 explains that Home/Library/Preferences/ holds the Dock's preferences. If necessary, you can replace it. Page 102 says that if you Control, click the divider on the Dock, you can access Dock preferences. Page 103 says that if you have a program on the Dock temporarily (not usually on the drag) and you want to add it, drag it off and back on. Page 103 says you can Command, click a Dock icon to show it in the Finder. Page 105 explains that if you Command, drag a file from the Dock, it actually moves the application. Page 105 explains that if you have a folder on the Dock and then click on it to open, you can type a couple letters to navigate the list. Page 105 explains that you can Command, Option drag a Dock icon to make an alias (does not work with Mail, though). Page 110 explains that you can drag folders onto the Finder Toolbar (must wait half a second). VPN stands for Virtual Private Networking. To remove a menulet, Command, drag it (page 110). Page 120 explains that you can use Command, Tab to move through open programs; to quit an open program, keep Command pressed down, then press the letter "Q." Page 124 explains that F9 is default for "Expose." F10 is setup to arrange windows in one program only. F11 can be used to allow temporary access to the Desktop (behind some windows). Page 128 explains that you can set up any key for Expose (even the right Shift button). If you option, click the Desktop, it hides the current program. Page 131 explains that if you Option, click a Cocoa program, all minimized windows reappear. Page 140 says that you turn on/off access to radio buttons with the Tab key (using Keybaord System Preference). Page 141 explains that you can use Keyboard System Preference to add keyboard shortcuts to any standard OS X software (not MS Word, trial for 2004 would not add commands, I checked this): I made it so F1 secures empty trash (I had to relaunch the Finder to make it be set up). Page 145 says that in the Save Dialog box, you can click the name of an existing file (grayed) and its name will appear in the name box. Page 149 explains that you can drag the proxy icon (in Preview or other Cocoa programs, but not TextEdit) to make an alias on the Desktop or Option Drag to make a copy. The Services > Summarize does not appear to work with TextEdit nor Stickies. Page 154 says that Instantlinks ($5 shareware) can add Dictionary and Mapquest to the Services menu. Page 162 says that Classic requires 9.1 or later. Page 170 and 171 mention several items not needed to run Classic within OS X, so I disabled them. It does say that General and Startup Disk Control Panels are needed (although I do not have Startup Disk on the iLamp); Aso Appleguide, CarbonLiv, ClassicRAve, Open Transport, Open Transport ASLN Modules are needed. Also, Classic Support, Classic Support UI, and Proxy App are needed (loose in System Folder). Page 181 explains that when using drag and drop, the Clipboard is not affected. Page 185 says that Apple's Bluetooth adapter ($50) plugs into USB port and allows you to sync with a Bluetooth equipped Palm device, use a Bluetooth cell phone as a modem, and to transfer files. As of 2/07, though, Apple did not have it, so I found a Bluetooth adapter for $32 (with a $10 rebate) at Page 194 says that at Apple's website, you can download scripts for iTunes, Appleworks, etc. (É). Page 199 says there is a Mail script which can remove messages from a sender.

            F. Page 205 shows a sample Finder script which includes: tell application "Finder"  open folder "untitled folder" end tell. (activate command is not needed for the Finder, since it can do things in the background). Page 207 says that the Compile command checks for errors, although checking is done automatically when saving a script. Page 209 says that the Finder, Appleworks, MS apps, iTunes, QT, and Mail (among others) are scriptable. Page 210 explains that within Script Editor, you can go to File, Open Dictionary to see scriptable information (no examples, though) for applications. I could not record a script for uploading to my Yahoo! Briefcase. Page 212 shows this script to quit the program "Mail:"

tell application "Mail"


end tell


Page 214 explains that you can highlight a folder, and Control click on it to select a "Folder Action." Page 215 says that this folder and folder_name are variables, so you don't have to keep typing the name of the folder repeatedly (you may be able to reuse scripts). Page 215 says that in the Classic System Folder, there are some scripts (but may not work, since they are OS 9 scripts). The supplement to Applescript (Advanced Applescript for Chapter 7) suggests that you can write your own dialog box script by typing display dialog "Hello Carmen: How are you?" buttons {"Good," "I don't know," "Mande?"} default button 3. This worked. Page 22 explains that can use the Tab to scroll through System Preferences, Command, L shows all preferences. You can shift click a preference to have it open in slow motion. Page 224 explains that if you Command, click the upper right hand corner, you can change the way icons appear. Page 228 says that System/Library/Preference Panes can be used to ÒShow PackagesÓ to see inside of preferences. You can click on the System Preferences icon on the Dock to see a pop-up menu of preferences. You can use Date and Time to see time difference for any time zone in the world. Page 233 explains that when making a picture for your screen, it may be good to be 1000 X 768, since the top 23 pixels are cut off by the menu bar. Page 235 explains that you can go to System/LibraryScreen Saves to show packages if you wanted to copy any screen saver pictures. Page 237 says you may want to use the 800 X 600 resolution to make a small QT movie fill the screen. Page 243 explains that in the Energy Saver control panel, you need to have MAC OS X Server to Òwake for Ethernet Network Admin Access.Ó Page 248 syas that if you go to International System Preference International, you can go to Input Menu tabb to turn on/off Keyboard Viewer (aka Key Caps). Page 253 explains that you can download Software Updates in the background (and you will get notified when ready to install). Page 254 explains that the folder Library/Receipts can simply be used to determine which files have been installed by OS X (apparently, these files are used by OS X to know while files are installed). You can go to View within Calculator to show paper tape or not. You can rotate the Chess anydirection by clicking and dragging the Chess board. You can also set up the computer to be faster or better. Also, the computer can play versus the computer. Page 295 says that iPhoto can export photos for uploading to a web page with its own folders, etc. (just make sure to upload the files as they are, donÕtÕ change folders, just upload them as they appear). However, this method of uploading as is, will not work with Yahoo! Photos. You still have to do it 8 files at a time. Now you can Find text within a Preview document (command, F). Page 300 says there is no such thing as a multipage JPEG or Photoshop document.

180. In the future, I may be able to use Mom's G3 for getting World Book (or other applications). Page 172 says that within Classic Preferences, you can choose Advanced and use Mac OS 9 preferences from "Home," meaning you can use OS X's preferences. Page 314 explains that you can use Activity Monitor to see how much RAM you are using. If you add Wired and Active together, it should be less than your actual amount of RAM. In July 2005, it was around 320 MB and I have 512 MB installed, so it should be fine. Page 320 explains that Disk Copy can be used to make a disk image of one folder, but not one file (If you have only one file, move it into a folder, then make a disk image). You can download ÒFree java appletsÓ (found by typing in Google those three words) at and The book mentions that you should turn off the option to have disk images checked with Disk Utility, but I could not find any preferencs for the program. Article number 106416 from ApplecareÕs Database is about using Netinfo Manager. Page 329 mentions an Xcode (4th CD that installs Mac OS X), but since I have a DVD, I donÕt know if it is present. Anyhow, Xcode are some simple applet type items (games, etc.). You can add plug ins to Calculator, but they do not appear to be workable (i.e. Hexadecimal mode). Page 378 explains that if you put a copy of your iTunes Library in the Shared folder, other users can use it as well. Page 388 says that hubs are not Mac specific. The book also explains that 8.5 or 8.6 Macs use Appletalk, while 9 or later use TCP/IP. Pages 394-396 explain how to Connect with the sidebar or connect with the server (from the Finder).  Page 398 explains that the afp (Advanced Fucntion Printing?) prefix is not needed when conneting computers. Page 424 says you can trash the unused Printer information in Library/Printers. Page 426 says you can type 1, 3-6, 9 in the Print Dialog box, but this was not possible with the iP4000. Page 428 says that background printing is always on in OS X.  You can not change the order of print jobs, according to page 431. Page 438 says that Font Book may have duplicate fonts (indicated by a bullet beside them). You can choose to Resolve Duplicate fonts from the Edit menu, which will disable duplicates. Page 441 says that oblique and italic are close, as well as Bold and Black fonts. Page 447 says you can use Command, Shift, 4 and then Space Bar to capture a window.  Page 453 explains that you can use iMovie to record sound (although it would be easier to edit with Sound Studio, my comment). Page 475 explains that folders are called directories in UNIX. Page 487 says that commands in Terminal s/b lower case (except when typing the name of something that is capitalized on the computer): pwd is for print working directory: ls is for list files (i.e. you could type ls ~/Documents to see names of files in Documents folder: you can type in ls /Ryan to see list of Ryan folder contents). You can drag folders from the Finder to the Terminal window to have them show up.  Page 494 says that Esc-U can change the next work to uppercase and Escp-L can change the next work to lowercase (in Cocoa programs), it does not work in TextEdit, though. Page 492 explains that you can use the up or down arrows to see the last 500 Terminal commands (press the arrow at the prompt). To add a space, you can type ls /Ryan/Immigration\ Stuff to see the Immigration Stuff folder. You can type rm untitled to trash an untitled document. If you go to Terminal/Window/Color settings, you can set the degree of transparency and color for the Terminal Window. If you type in bc, you can use a calculator in Terminal (which is a UNIX program); you can type quit to exit. You can type open -a Chess to open Chess. Page 520 shows you can type ps –auxw to see the processes (apps) that are active. You can type in emacs in Terminal, then Shift, escape to talk to a psychiatrist. Page 505 says that Rendezvous is AppleÕs way of naming computers on a network. Page 506 says that plist is short for preference list. Page 536 explains that you can change the Styles for Chess (using a copy) by showing the Package contents and then Resources, then Styles. Page 538 explains how to change your Startup Screen: go to System/Library/Core Services/System Starter_folder, Control Click the Quartz Display to display the contents, bootpanel is startup screen. Page 552 explains how to make your OS X computer available to other computers (older than 8.5 who can only use Appletalk). Go to Network prefs, Choose Show Network Configurations, duplicate and rename your Ethernet setup. Set up the new configuration with Appletalk on, using a manually assigned IP address. The iLamp should be able to talk on two ÒnetworksÓ at once (but the iLamp cannot be sleeping for you to access it). Page 557 explains that if you show Network Port configurations and all of them are checked, the modem will be used if it is checked (and the DSL connection is not working), so I unchecked it. Page 570 suggests that you can drag and drop e-mail addresses or URLs into any drag and droppable program, then selected and drag the text to the Desktop to make a file, which you can click to send e-mail or go to a URL. Save all those files in one folder called Favorites and put it on the Dock. Page 605 explains that you can use the Print dialog box from within Mail to print mailing labels. You can use the File menu to backup your database and then restore it, if necessary. However, it is better to go to your Home Folder/Library/Application Support and copy your Address Book folder (this works to back up your Address Book).  I also opened the Address Book and used File, back up database to make a backup copy (BTW when searching for Address Book on the iLamp, type in AddressBook, without the space in between the words). Page 610 says that Sherlock can search 6 engines simultaneously, but that Google images is more powerful than Sherlock. The lower left hand channel of the movie panel in Sherlock lets you add a theatre to your Address Book (once you have selected it in the top of the window), the next button to the right gives you driving directions (but this function is still down, as of 7/05. Page 638 explains that some cell phones can be used with iCal, they are listed at If not, you may get help from, but that website said NokiaÕs wonÕt work, as of 11/04. You can use iCal to sync with a Palm device (page 639, you need iSync Palm Conduit, which I downloaded), but then you still have to use Palm software to update memos. iCal does allow you to post on the internet, FYI.  Once you install iSync Palm Conduit (I did this because I wanted to download the Cowboys 05-06 schedule, but in the end, it was not worth it. Besides, South Zone is better and easier), I could not get Palm to synch my Palm anymore, without reinstalling Palm. The conduit for iSync still shows up in Hot SyncÕs Conduit Settings, but it is off, anyhow.  Page 647 explains that you can use Safari Enhancer to make a website think it is IE (however, I tried dowloading the file from the, but vertification failed; or in Terminal you can type defaults Includedebugmenu 1 (I did not try this, though). XpostFacto (from can make it so that OS X runs on older computers (which Apple says wonÕt run OS X). Page 677 explains that if you donÕt shut down an OS X computer properly, then the whole HD is scanned, which can take 2 minutes on a HD less than 10 GB and up to a couple hours for a 100 GB HD (blueberry iMac is 6). Page 680 says that short names must be 8 characters or shorter, but mine is ryanzelenski. Page 681 says that Pacifist can be used to install any missing part of OS X software (TidBITS #825 says that Pacifist, which costs $20, can be used to see the inside of .pkg files). Page 690 says that if you press Shift when the computer starts up, you go into Safe Mode. Page 695 says that comp.system.mac is a good newsgroup. Page 73 says you can drag the Favorites folder from Home/Library/Favorites to be on the sidebar. Page 706 says that infrared networking does not work in OS X. Page 706 says that the program, More Internet Options (from allows you to choose a preferred FTP or newreader, since OS X does not allow you to choose. Page 709 explains that you can move a file and if you change your mind, choose Edit, Undo. You can drag and drop items into the Startup Items window. is a website for teaching UNIX, according to page 730. David Pogue suggests learning bash shell, since that is the Shell that Mac OS X uses. His book also says that there are many backup programs for OS X at

180. There are no Contents within libraries on my OS X install DVD.

181. Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) requires 256 MB of RAM, according to, contrary to what Mac Daddy says.

182. I could not create a backup of J-Z with the iLamp on three different occasions (I was creating other archives at the same time). Finally, I was able to, when it was the only folder being archived.

183. Tidbits #799 talks about using Mac OS X backup programs, but only through UNIX.

184. If you use IE 5.2.3 to try to pick a helper application that is newer than IE, it cannot select it, it appears. This happened when I tried to select Stuffit Expander from the Utilities folder. I had to select it from the Applications (OS 9) (Utilities) folder. The same program (Stuffit Expander 7.0.3) could not be selected from the Utilities folder.

185. has information on downloading a Word of the Day (from widget, but it requires OS X 10.4 or later.

186. On one occasion, the Documents folder contents kept showing up on the left hand side of the screeen, when I clicked on the Documents folder on the Dock. I tried making a new folder, I tried logging out, and restarting to no avail. Turns out that I had one file, which had a name which was quite long. After changing the file name, the problem was gone.

184. When you restart the iLamp with a Sticky Note active, you do not get the option to launch at system startup. However, if you launch Stickies after restarting (and did not close the note), the note will show up. I think I will not use Stickies for now.

185. talks about some shareware (and one donation requested ware) backup programs for Mac OS X.

186. According to, when you move, resize and scroll windows in real time on Mac OS X, you're witnessing the power of Quartz Extreme. Combining the performance of modern graphics cards and OpenGL (GL is short for Graphics Library, according to with the visual quality of the Quartz 2D window-compositing system, Quartz Extreme delivers responsiveness you won't find anywhere else. says that, ÒIn computer science, binding refers to the creation of a simple reference to something which is larger and more complicated and used frequently. The simple reference can be used instead of having to repeat the larger thing.Ó

187. talks about securing trashed items. One writer mentions that you can Òerase free spaceÓ with Disk Utility, but in 10.3.9 (Disk Utility 10.4.4), the option does not appear to Òerase free space,Ó if you select the HD on the left hand side of the window and select the erase tab. Also, you can use Òsecure empty trashÓ with the Finder (you can assign a key to secure the empty trash in OS X 10.4.9, but then I had to restart for it to show up in the FinderÕs Menu). Also, you may be able to Òzero all dataÓ when erasing a HD with Disk Utility. On one occasion, I could not use secure empty trash to empty the garbage can (got an Òin useÓ error when trying to erase TurboTax 2005): it erased the file somewhat but not totally. Restarting did not work, so I finally just used the ÒEmpty TrashÓ command.

188. I kept getting a Òfile in useÓ error when trying to open a .pdf file. After quitting all applications and restarting, the problem was still present. Finally, I just downloaded the file again.

189. I sent a fax to the district office in 1/07, but Sonya said she did not receive it. I do not know why.

190. Apparently, to add a folder to the HD root level or trash it, a password is required, as of 2/07. But, I figured out later how to solve the issue: I used Disk Utility to repair permissions and permission was no longer required.

191. ÒTake Control of Buying a MacÓ p.  60 has some links relating to using X10 to control items from a Macintosh. requires 10.4, costs $39. Xtension from requires 10.2 or later, it is free, but you must buy a module and a USB cord to connect to the computer (minimum of $50, as of 3/07). ÒTake Control of PantherÓ pages 24-29 discuss Font Book, which does not appear to influence MS Word much (and when it did, it cause MS Word to be peculiar in its display of Times 12, since it was bigger than normal), so I decided not to fiddle with Font Book (TextEdit is affected more by Font Book, but I donÕt use it that much). Page 37 talks about using Keyboard Viewer, which is similar to ÒKey CapsÓ (Keyboard viewer can be toggled on/off with the International pane of System Preferences); you can also access Òshow character paletteÓ to access needed symbols, characters, etc. Page 42 explains that the key above the tab key is called a backtick (when you press shift, you get the tilde). Page 43 explains that pressing option, semi-colon makes an ellipsis character. Page 50 suggests turning off SafariÕs cache option as users have reported that it may be slower, since the computer is waiting for Safari to access the page in cache. Safari Enhancer username and password are ryanzelenski (which cannot be adjusted), same password as iLamp uses; The disabling of SafariÕs automatic cache does not appear to be any faster; furthermore, the option to use Safari and make the website thinks it IE does not appear to be listed or shown anywhere with the Debug menu. It does have a function to export bookmarks, but this program appear to be sketchy. I tried to access Safari EnhancerÕs help file, but it would not load and when I tried to uncheck some Safari prefs with Enhancer, there was an Applescript error; therefore I disabled Safari Enhancer. Page 52 shows that you can set up the default paper size with OS X using the printing tab of the Print and Fax preference pane. Page 55 talks about showing file extensions or not using the Finder prefs Advanced tab; however, this only affects Cocoa applications (i.e. TextEdit); The keyboard shortcuts (under the Keyboard and Mouse prefs) have application shortcuts, but appear to only be used with Cocoa applications; the same thing appears to be true for Applescript (MS Word, a Carbon app, does not record its actions with Script Editor).

192. When using internal modem with OS X, type the phone number without dashes or parentheses: I have had trouble on at least one occasion when typing the extra items. The fax went through to my fax number in 4/07, but it took about three hours to get to my e-mail.

193. ChangeShortName is a free utility that can be used to change your short name in OS X; however, the programmer recommends NOT using it, except as a last resort.

194. To get rid of a folder that has been chosen by the user in the left hand side of the Desktop (under Desktop & Screen Saver) Window, you need to delete the file.

195. Screen grabs are unavailable during DVD playback. Please quit DVD player first is the message you get on the iMac Duo.

196. You can choose to have applications open with Rosetta by using the Get Info dialog box (in OS X 10.4.10).

197. TidBITS # 902 talks about using screen sharing (to control another Mac) with Leopard and/or Tiger. TidBITS #902 says that Leopard has removed/disabled much of the hierarchy associated with a folder on the Dock.

198. WebKit is an application framework included with Mac OS X v10.3 and later (and available as a software update for v10.2.7 and later) which is the basis of Mac OS X's Safari web browser, according to

199. Mac OS X 10.5 CD (Leopard upgrade) has a number of MB025Z/A.

200. From TidBITS #905: If you ever want to see how unreliable an application has been, try this in Tiger (in Leopard, you can just look at the number of crash log files for the application in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter):

1. Open the Console application from your Utilities folder. 2. Click the Logs button in the upper-left corner to open the Logs pane. 3. Click the triangle next to ~/Library/Logs in the Logs pane, and then do the same for the triangle next to CrashReporter. 4. Find iPhoto.crash.log (or whatever) in the list and select it to display the log in the main pane. 5. Click the Reload button in the toolbar. If the Reload dialog appears (to give you access to the rest of a large file), load the entire log by dragging the slider all the way to right. 6. Type "Date/Time" into the Filter field to filter the list to just the lines that include "Date/Time," which effectively limits to just the lines that show the date and time of each crash.

201. Macworld (January 2008) page 56 says that Shirt Pocket's SuperDuper ($28) can create a clone-a complete identical copy of your Mac's HD (

202. Macworld (January 2008) page 57 says that you will not have the option to "Install Mac OS X" if you purchased a copy of Leopard through the Mac OS X Up-To-Date program; you will only have the option to "Upgrade Mac OS X." has up-to-the-minute Leopard coverage on Leopard features. Page 97 talks about using Console to track down trouble in OS X.

203. Up until Leopard, you could select a file with a space in front of its name by pressing Space Bar (also, if you put two spaces in front of a file name, it comes before one with one space). There is a Reset printer system command in Printer Setup Utility for solving problems as a last resort. You can reset the printer system in Leopardy by control-clicking the printer in the Print and Fax Preference Pane. You can create a desktop printer with the MX310 and Printer Setup Utility.

204. 201. In OS X, according to , you can drag an item, hold down command, option and then release the mouse where you wish to create the alias (proxy icons, which  are the icons in a windowÕs title bar, can also be dragged this way. However, it does not work in Tiger on the iMac Duo.


System Picker (1.1a3)

1. Searches for all ÒblessableÓ system folders on all volumes. Then once you pick one, the computer will restart using that system folder.

2.,,, and indicate that System Picker is freeware.



Works like Apple System Profiler, costs $15.


Techtool (707) 837-0444 and Techtool Pro (Techtool Pro Registration number is 312977057190, which does not need to be re-registered after System Software clean install).

1. When zapping the PRAM, there is a message that says that certain files are open, it is due to a conflict with HP software. Put HP Printmonitor and HP Background in the Extensions Disabled folder and it worked.

2. Should use this with extensions disabled, can rebuild desktop, also.

3. According to the Tech Notes, If Macintosh Easy Open is not in the active Control panels folder, Techtool will rebuild the desktop several times. Although on my Performa, this was not the case.

            A. According to the 5500 Manual page 109, it suggests rebuilding the desktop with all extensions inactive except for Macintosh Easy Open (perhaps because of the double rebuild problem).

            B. According to the 5500 Manual page 110, cancel the rebuild process can cause damage to system files.

4. Version 1.1.5 requires at least System 7 to work.

            A. Version 1.1.5 will not rebuild the desktop with BillÕs iMac running System 9.0. When you try to rebuild the desktop, the HD does not show up in the dialog box to be selected.

            B. Version 1.2.1 works fine with BillÕs iMac.

5. Can analyze or check the System files for damage.

6. Page 792 of Sad Macs, 3rd Edition says that TechTool Pro can be used to check for hardware damage.

7. Techtool Version 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.1.7 all made the G3 restart the computer to rebuild the desktop.

8. Techtool can be used to analyze a system, provided that the version of Techtool is newer than the version of System software.

            A. Techtool Pro can be used to check your System file, finder, Update and/or Enabler files are damaged. Bob Hughes said it is a good program.

9. If PRAM is corrupted, it usually cannot corrupt the System Software, according to BH.

10. Apparently, VM should be off to run Techtool Pro.

11. If a file is inexplicably gone or If you get a message that says Òthe disk needs minor repairsÓ and clicking okay does not help, may try rebuilding the desktop.

12. Desktop file can become bloated, you can see this by comparing the size of available disk space there is before and after a desktop rebuild.

13. The finder only needs desktop file, the directory is far more critical, however. (S.M., 3rd, 778).

14. Techtool Pro can check for damage to system finder and update files. It can also repair damage to the desktop file and PRAM.

            A. Matt told me that on one occasion, TechTool Pro messed up his HD.

15. Version 1.1.8 does not zap the NVRAM or save comments, unless you check the box on the splash screen. Use Techtool, then keyboard shortcut and trash the display preferences file.

16. If Techtool Pro shows a problem with the HD during a test and drive appears ok, make sure ÒneverÓ is selected in Energy Saver Control panel (Sleeper might be checked, also).

17. Tried to print a tech tool pro report. would not print from inside the application, gave error type 1. Would not allow you to increase memory allocation of program. Older version of Techtool would not print either, froze computer. Could not open the report in Microsoft Word, CW 5.0, Simpletext or Net Print (text could not be selected). Finally took snapshot of the screen and printed that.

18. Should quit Claris Organizer and AOL before using Techtool.

19. Techtool Pro 2.5.1 updater does not work, even with extensions off. Gets error type 1, and does NOT update Techtool.

            A. Even If following the directions included with the update.

20. I had difficulty in downloading version 1.2.1, so I decided for now, not to use it.

21. On Dennis MageeÕs G3/300, Techtool would not rebuild the desktop on all the partitions (he has 6) with extensions off, but it would with extensions on.

22. Techtool would not reset the PRAM on the 575 in Lori HuberÕs room. I restarted the 575 with the extensions off, then I could reset the PRAM.

23. Techtool Pro 2.0 cannot run from the CD, you need to install it on the HD and then run it with VM off.

24. TT 3.0.4 does not work on iLamp, could not rebuild. TidBITS #811 says that Ominwb is only browser besides IE, that does Auto Fill.

Techtool Lite (same as Techtool, but later). It is freeware, also, according to

1. Techtool Lite 3.0.4 Read Me mentions that rebuilding the desktop requires a restart, to maintain the integrity of the Desktop files in OS 8 or later.

2. File Lab allows you to edit type and creators for files. You can also change the creation, modified date. You need to ÒSave file infoÓ to get information to be saved.

3. Under the Floppy Option, you can do a Quick Test, which is similar to a Read Test, but it does not test every track and sector. It is for fast verification of disk drives where the 20 or so minutes needed for a full test is unacceptable.

            A. Floppy Read Test verifies Relative head Alignment, Read Integrity, Head to Head Integrity, Random Seek, and Maximum Seek.

            B. You should use a high quality disk for your Write Test Disk. Format the disk. Then select Floppy from Techtool Lite menu, Then select ÒWrite TestÓ and then press the Òcontrol paletteÓ (bottom right hand corner of the window), it may take a long time, since the program verifies every track and sector as it is written.

4. Under PRAM, Restore Mandate is manufacture date and hours of use. The button will be grayed out if your computer does not maintain Mandate information (newer Mac models do not, according to Techtool Lite 3.0.4 Read Me).

            A. Techtool Lite 3.0.4 says that PRAM is a memory chip and can be tested like any other chip.

5. I tried to run Techtool Lite 3.0.4 from the Zip Disk and from the HD, when starting up with the G3 Utilities CD. However, I got the error ÒFile not found.Ó Upon restart, I ran TT Lite from the HD to rebuild the desktop, and the computer restarted and rebuilt the desktop.

6. Version 3.0.4 of TT Lite says it works with 9.2.2. However, when I used with 8.1 and restarted on the 8.1 partition with extensions off, there were a lot of generic icons. I think after rebuilding with TT 1.1.7, 8.1 icons were normal again.

            A. When starting up from 8.1 parition, 9.2.2 was selected to have its desktop rebuilt with TT Lite 3.0.4, but it did not rebuild. Only after I restarted the G3/233 with the OS 9 CD did the 9.2.1/OS X partition rebuild.

            B. After rebuilding the desktop on 9.2/OS X with TT Lite 3.0.4 (it took about fifteen minutes) and 8.1 (using 1.1.7, since 3.0.4 did not work), I had to use the OS 9 CD to startup the G3/233 (when I selected the 9.2/OS X partition in the Startup Disk control panel with OS 8.1Õs startup disk, the computer still started up in OS 8.1, then select 9.2/OS X partition from startup disk control panel, and then the G3/233 would start up from the 9.2/OS X partition.

            C. This is probably supposed to happen, I imagine, since 8.1 and 9.2/OS X are differing types of partitions. Additionally, I donÕt think I ever got 8.1 to select the other partition for startup and be able to start up the computer. I think I had used the CD in the past, not realizing that it was my only choice. Since this situation will not arise very often, it is not serious.

            D. The icon for Computer Notes seems to be buggy in that it does not retain its Word icon, it becomes generic sometimes. Easiest solution is to copy and paste an icon from another Word document.



1. The Toast CD Reader extension is only needed to make it so that you can use the CD-Recorder as a CD reader. it is not needed for writing CDÕs.

            A. For the CD Reader Extension to work, the CD-Recorder must be on at startup. You can then switch CDÕs. If you turn the power off, after the extension has loaded (after System Startup), it is not a problem. CDÕs will still mount, once power is resume to the CD Recorder.

            B. When initially trying to mount an audio CD with the Apple CD Audio Player, you may get a ÒSorry the file is not on the current CD-ROM driveÓ error. You can mount the Audio CD with Apple CD Audio Player by changing the startup CD drive under the options menu. Close Apple CD Audio Player and reopen it. However, you can not hear it through the MacÕs speakers (see Apple CD-ROM #6 for more information).

            C. Toast CD Reader Extension can mount CDÕs created by Toast or regular factory made audio CDÕs. To hear them, though, could use Toast Audio Extractor, extract them to the HD, and then play them.

            D. Toast CD Reader Extension seems to work with other CDÕs as well.

            E. The only problem with TD CD Reader Extension (3.5.7 and others, too, I think) is that there is an ÒXÓ over it, when loading, but CDÕs do mount on the desktop with it installed. I found out later, that to avoid having an ÒXÓ over the icon at startup, you can put a CD into the Hi Val CD Reader and the ÒXÓ will be gone.

            F. I could not e-mail Roxio about this, since Tech Support is only available 90 days after purchase. I tried turning off the Toast CD Reader Extension to see if I could load CDÕs, despite it not being loaded, I had no luck. Will leave off for now (as of 1/15/02).

2. CD-RÕs are particularly delicate, especially on the label side.

3. When recording, we can do ÒmultivolumeÓ where separate sessions appear as individual volumes. Multi-session allows separate sessions to appear as ÒONEÓ volume. HFS CDÕs can only be multivolume, not multi-session.

4. Probably should allocate most of the unused RAM to Toast (Edit, Prefs), run without unnecessary extensions, check data transfer rate before starting (you can cancel in the middle of checking without a problem), try ÒSimulation modeÓ before writing If doing for the first time in a different format. (If real slow, try disconnecting other SCSI devices).

            A. Increasing the RAM cache to 32 MB and running with all non-necessary extensions off decreased the time from 22 minutes to 11 minutes. (although the CD that took less time was smaller).

5. My computer does support SCSI Manager 4.3, since ÒBux x ID yÓ appears in the Toast window. SCSI Manager 4.3 is incorporated into the system with 7.5.3.

6. Can create a temporary partition on the MacÕs desktop to make CDÕs with the ÒMac VolumeÓ format, otherwise, it would be ÒMac files and foldersÓ, even If it is just one folder. The temporary partition comes with a default icon of a CD, which is a good idea for all CDÕs that I make.

            A. you should make the partition 2-MB bigger than your information all together (p.64, Toast Manual).

7. Mac Volumes do not allow you to Òresolve aliasesÓ, whereas ÒMac files and foldersÓ do. If you check Òresolve aliasesÓ, then the original files will be written to CD. If you leave Òresolve aliasesÓ unchecked, then the aliases will be written to the CD.

8. You can save your setup for later by using ÒSave as...Ó from the file menu (it would not be a good idea, though, to make changes and then try to record later. Better to keep info the same). If dragging items for writing, do NOT drag them to an image file, drag them to a partition.

9. If you drag only one folder to the Toast window, that folder will be the name of the disk, have the icon for the disk, etc. If you drag several folders to the Toast window, the CD will be called ÒuntitledÓ, and the folders will appear in the top level.

10. Recorder, disk info lets you know the status of a particular CD (recordable or not).

11. You can Òcheck aliasesÓ with the Utilities menu and If there are any unresolved aliases, use ÒAlias dragonÓ to help with the situation.

12. Double click on a disk to change the name.

13. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9660 format is useful If you want to write multi-session CDÕs where they all appear as one volume on the desktop or you want to do incremental backups of your data, only the changed data is written to the disk.

            A. However, it does not support custom icons or saved directory settings (i.e. view by icon, etc.). it is less than ideal for discs intended for Macintosh users.

            B. After clicking ÒDataÓ with the ISO 9660 format, then go to settings to choose ÒCD-ROM XAÓ (multiple sessions) or ÒCD-ROMÓ (single session).

            C. When using ISO format, should set the ÒsettingsÓ to allow Macintosh names and to use Apple extensions.

            D. If you use the ISO format, all Mac windows will be sorted by icon. Also, might want to use shorter file names, since they may overlap with each other. (which is probably why the situation is less than ideal).

            E. If you are writing after your first session to an ISO CD, then you will have 3 choices: Ignore existing sessions (old data will be inaccessible to you and will not even show up on the desktop, even though it is technically still there), append to data (old data still accessible, but you can make old data invisible by creating an invisible folder to replace the old one) or incremental backup (however, you have to have the same file names or folders, otherwise, the disk will act as though it will be Òignoring existing sessionsÓ).

14. Mac/ISO Hybrid is good for writing CDÕs that have files only visible to the platform in use at the time.

            A. This option can also be used to make a second session on a audio CD, so that the audio portion (which s/b the first session) can be used by a regular CD player, but a computer can read both sessions.

            B. If using this option, should record only one session, because there is no linking between sessions (will have multiple volumes on the desktop).

15. The ÒviewÓ font set in the desktop under edit, prefs s/b set to Geneva, 9 so that info will be displayed correctly on a different Macintosh.

16. Toast can record audio CDÕs, simply drag them to the window and Toast will ask for the original CD when writing the CD or you can use Snd Designer II or AIFF sound files (or mix and match all three types).

17. Probably a good idea to name songs and CDÕs before recording to make it easier to identify songs, etc.

18. Audio CDÕs can not be verified after writing.

19. Save/Save as stores settings so that you can later make a new CD using the old settings, just update them. Although I think it would be better to just set up the CDÕs, then record them. Seems easier.

20. Only Mac or Mac volumes can be altered with the finder. Otherwise, you must do it inside of ÒToast.Ó

21. Can also use the Òpop upÓ on the screen right below the word ÒTOASTÓ, once the application is open.

22. Writing in Òsimulation ModeÓ (which will appear in red at the top of the screen) allows you to test the entire writing process before writing to the CD. You can do it after you click Òwrite CDÓ or from the recorder menu item.

23. Recorder, mount CD-ROM puts any sessions that you have done on the desktop (blank CD-ROMS can not be mounted, must open Toast to work with them).

24. If you are trying to copy a volume that is Òin use or busyÓ use the Optimize on the fly option (after clicking on ÒdataÓ).

            A. DonÕt copy free space is good If you have stuff that may take up more than 650 MB on a volume, but it is not actually 650 MB of data. (Toast still does copy free space blocks that are in between data). Also, should optimize the information with NSD when using this option.

25. FYI: a bootable CD will probably contain a desktop folder and a trash folder. (p. 121 of Toast manual), which can be annoying over a network, so do not use ÒBootableÓ choice unless you need it.

            A. Also must select bootable after clicking ÒdataÓ (click the arrow below ÒdonÕt copy free spaceÓ).

            B. The bootable choice works for Apple-brand SCSI CD-ROM drives only, according to page 121.

26. You can extract sound files to save them on a HD.

27. Audio tracks is a toggle on/off item where data info and audio info can be stored on the same disc. However, it stores the data info first and audio second, therefore is no workable for a regular CD player (and may damage the speakers If played in a regular CD player).

28. If you write many small sessions, it will hold less data than If you wrote one or two big sessions (extra space would be needed for directory information).

29. When I first got the CD recorder, I did get an I/O error when copying the G3 CD with MomÕs computer, but I did not optimize on the fly or create a bootable CD, which did not help I imagine.

30. Audio CDÕs, Multitrack CD-ROM XAs, Enhanced Music CDÕs, Video CDÕs and CD-iÕs can not be verified after writing.

31. If you make a CD and the windows are open on the CD when mounting, you need to open any application before writing the CD or unmount the CD and then write it. (Otherwise, the finder may not have updated the position of your windows on the CD).

32. If icons do not appear correctly on the CD, it is because the application that created it cannot be found. May want to copy the application onto the CD as well, in that case. This is a problem with Mac files and folders, according to p. 184 (may not be a problem with Mac Volume writings).

33. P. 171 of Toast Manual: Make sure your hard disk driver is able to work in asynchronous mode (with System 7.5 the driver information is displayed in the Òget InfoÓ dialog for the hard disk in the finder). ???

34. Making a Òdisc imageÓ of a CD instead of a Mac Volume takes approximately 4 times as long as the Mac Volume would. Also, you can only write the disk, no individual sessions. (Also canÕt make bootable or optimize on the fly).

35. On the G3 using a temporary partition created by Adaptec Toast Version 3.5.4, the ÒBurnÓ application, along with several others, on the partition would freeze the computer when opening (had to restart). Although Burn worked from the regular HD, I trashed the app and the prefs and reinstalled, rebuilt the desktop. Burn version 2.4 is incompatible with ToastÕs (version 3.5.4) partition, along with several other applications. Problem did not occur with Burn and Toast version 3.5.5. (Latest version of Toast CD Reader is 3.5.4 as of 10/16/98.

36. DO NOT start up the computer with a blank CD in the CD-R, it corrupts the PRAM settings. Had to restart with SCSI cable disconnected and zap with Techtool. Took a couple restarts, but it worked.

37. On one CD, during the ÒverificationÓ process, an error occurred. it stated that Òsector 47666 is unreadable, verification failed.Ó This CD was a backup for Home Stuff, so I tried using the ÒcompareÓ function and it reported 75 errors or mismatches. I tried the ÒcompareÓ function with the original Home Stuff CD and it reported 0 errors. Trashed backup CD.

38. If you record a multisession CD, it is possible that it may only be read with Toast CD Reader.

39. The last ÒHome StuffÓ recorded (7/29/98) was recorded by pressing write session, instead of write disc. It goes for System 8.1, 7.5.5 and System 7.1 CD).

40. When updating CDÕs, it is best to simply use the old CD and copy to the partition, then update from there. Or write sessions, instead of writing the whole disc at one time.

41. If you write more than one session on a disk, and you want the disk to be bootable, you must make the first session the bootable one. Should also double check to make sure that the System folder on a partition is ÒblessedÓ before recording the CD. Also, donÕt leave or put PART of the Quicktime package in the System folder, otherwise, an error message may appear when starting up from the CD.

            A. One idea to make sure the system folder is blessed on the partition is to copy it first to the partition before everything else.

42. If you record several sessions, they will appear as separate volumes on the desktop. With Apple CD-ROM 5.0 and earlier (probably system 7.1, the initial volume initially only will be mounted per p. 129 of Toast Manual). With Apple CD-ROM 5.1 and later, all the volumes appear on the desktop.

43. Disk error occurred when Lamb. copied programs from school stuff (Performa 6400/180), on my G3, no problem, though.

44. When writing an additional session on a CD, it only allowed me to write 2 sessions (with the second session being a Mac Volume or Mac Files and folders). it may also be that when I wrote the sessions, I should make temporary partitions a bit less than 650 MB, otherwise, an additional session probably can not be written.

            A. Later, I made 2 sessions on a CD that total about 450 MB, Toast would then allow (at least) 5 partitions on the CD.

45. On one occasion, I could not make a System folder blessed on a CD partition, I tried taking Finder and System out and putting back into System folder, rebuilding desktop, Ran NDD, but I had no luck. Finally, found another System Folder on partition that was blessed.

            A. Had same problem later, as it turns out NDD Powermac Startup Disk was problem (under school disks backup). Had been listing the folders by name instead of by icon and the folder was not called system folder, it was called NDD Powermac startup disk. (when making 7.5.5 CD).

            B. In the future, copy the System Folder you want blessed first onto the partition to solve future problems.

46. A 7.5.5 made with Toast would not startup EAÕs 5400, but would start up mine. Her 5400 is same age as mine (WeigmanÕs old computer). Did not startup computer even after Zapping and replacing Startup Disk CP.

47. Toast version 3.5.5 can make a CD that will start up the G3.

48. When making new 8.1 CDÕs and 7.5.5, should copy Norton Utilities Prefs and Norton Disk Doctor Prefs to system folders on the CDs.

49. Volume is locked error occurs when using the Find File application (the complex one) with the 7.5.5 startup CD, may be thatÕs why it is not usually on AppleÕs CDÕs (although it does appear on 8.0 Startup CD).

50. With Toast Version 3.5.5, I made a 7.5.5 CD and a 8.1 CD that would startup the 5400 in Room 53.

51. 7.1 CD did start up LC575 in Room 13.

52. Had trouble getting a system folder on a partition to be blessed. Finally, restarted the computer and took the finder out of the system folder and then put it back on top of a closed system folder.

53. One CD recording several audio files twice, even though I am pretty sure I did not load the files twice. Must be a one-time glitch.

54. On one occasion when copying Clarisworks from the 5400 in Room 50, the pictures folder appeared to be empty on the CD and an error occurred when copying the ÒPicturesÓ folder. However, the pictures did show up on the HD and inside of CW. No problems using same CD with my G3.

55. CD-RÕs cost approximately $30 for 20 CD-RÕs at Costco as of 10/19/98.

56. Bobby made me a CD-ROM XA CD, but it would not mount on the Mac desktop, nor could it be mounted using Toast CD Reader extension. But Toast did let me know it was a CD-ROM XA CD.

57. On one occasion using an ÒInternetÓ CD, kept getting Òa disk error has occurredÓ when trying to copy files from the CD to the HD on my G3/266. Tried trashing finder, finder prefs, System file and System Enabler and restarting; reinstalled system software, ran Disk First Aid, Ran NDD. I had no luck. Turns out problem was with that particular CD, since other CDs would copy fine onto the HD. The Internet CD was used later and had same errors when trying to copy to my G3/233 at home. Made new disk. (other Internet CD, the one usually at home, was fine). May want to record CDÕs with extensions off, or it is more likely that I kept canceling after starting the recording process.

58. On one CD I made, I created a partition that was 643 MB. However, the window in Toast showed that it was a 635/643 volume, meaning that only 635 was used out of 643. In the get info window of the CD, it showed its capacity as 635. Also, I could only write the disc, could not just write a session.

59. Once I got an error when trying to start up the G3/266 with a copy of my Full G3/266 System Folder on a CD, but got the startup with extensions off error. So I copied a minimal system folder from to the CD and put a copy of the Full G3/266 System Folder on the CD, also (not at root level, though). This may have been due to a Quicktime error or blank CD in Burner, not sure.

60. Toast partitions can not startup the G3, even if they are selected in the control panel, startup disk.

61. The actual system folder that starts up the G3 startup CD can start from CD, but can not be copied to the HD and start up the computer. Get the original media error. However, the G3/266 folder that is on the G3 Startup CD can be used to start up and be copied to the HD and start up the computer. Also, the FULL G3/266 System Folder on the Summer G3 CD can be copied to HD to make HD start up.

62. You can use the ÒprintÓ command under the File menu to print a document (finder will open application and bring up print dialog box).

63. Also, to test speaker on a MAC, bring up print window, then click outside of window.

64. One CD was an enhanced CD,Ó but it seemed impossible to access audio data. So, I used SndSampler to record song and then put it on CD.

65. School Stuff CD had trouble with several ÒprogramsÓ downloading to iMac in Room 12 and my G3. I downloaded Reader Rabbit 2 and Spell it Plus from System 7.5.5 Disk.

66. it is better to make CDÕs with extensions off, for it may seem fine, but problems may develop later with CD's.

67. Also got rid of Apple CD-ROM set, no longer needed. Hold down shift key at startup and use load a drive.

68. Longest Audio CD should probably be 68 Min. or 15 songs.

69. Got error messages when trying to copy files from School Stuff CD to the iMac in Room 12. Remade the CD with extensions off. In future instances, I may want to try to copy with only ÒApple CD-ROMÓ on as a temporary solution.

70. Toast 3.5.7 makes CD that will startup the iMac in my room.

71. On one occasion, both of my Internet CDÕs showed no items, even though both of them were full. MomÕs Internet CD was okay, though. This issue, however, may have been related to the Apple CD-ROM error related to Load A Drive (see Load a Drive # 3 for more information).

            A. Later, after I put the original Apple CD/DVD driver into the extensions folder, both CDÕs were fine.

72. The G3 CD has Disk First Aid 8.2, Norton Disk Doctor 3.5.2 and Norton Speed Disk 3.5.2.

            A. Home Stuff (G3 Startup) does not have these three items.

73. The G3/233 Backup CD (1) is difficult to startup with. it has several items in the startup items folder (should hold down shift key after Finder appears, but before HD is mounted). Also, keeps giving the Òplease insert the G3/233 CDÓ error and you have to press cancel several times.

            A. Better to use AppleÕs G3 CD to start up with and then use the G3/233 for restoring the HD, when necessary.

74. On one occasion, I had to remake a CD because it got scratched (when I had to remove it from the Alpine CD player with tweezers, because it got stuck). When I tried to re-make the CD, I had trouble. Two tracks (5 and 11) had trouble, because they were scratched when I removed the CD from the car CD player. Therefore, when Toast tried to copy the CD, it froze. I thought, originally, that I simply needed to make sure extensions were off when recording the CD or that the computer needed to be restarted (perhaps one time glitch). However, the same problems occurred with extensions on/off and on at least two restarts. Later, I discovered the issue about the tracks being scratched. (I had to make new copies of songs for tracks 5 and 11).

            B. I used TAE (Toast Audio Extractor) to copy the music from the original CD to the HD. Again, track 5 and 11 had trouble, but I made new copies of those tracks.

            C. When I did eventually get all the tracks set up to record, Toast froze when Òfilling the cache.Ó I restarted the G3 with extensions off and everything recorded okay.

75. According to one Circuit City worker, you can record 74 minute CD-RÕs with my burner, most likely. She was able to with her burner.

76. I have stopped making labels for CDÕs, since some of them will go into my car.

77. You can write on a CD-R using a regular ballpoint pen or a rolling pen.

78. I had a problem with Toast making audio CDÕs. I got a ÒDrive reported an error, illegal requestÓ error, no track present to finalizeÓ error, followed by a Òdisk failed to be writtenÓ error. It happened with extensions on and off. I tried using Toast Audio Extractor to record Track 7 of one CD (which seemed to cause the error), but then Track 6 got an error.

            A. I then re-did all the SCSI connections and checked SCSI IDÕs. The Zip Drive had its termination on and it should be off, since it was the first in the SCSI chain. I zapped the PRAM wtih KB and TT, reinstalled the Toast Software (updated 3.5.1 to 3.5.6 only, not 3.5.7).

            B. However, I later discovered that two of my CDÕs were the problem, WhitesnakeÕs greatest hits and Slow Songs (both burned by Toast), so I trashed Whitesnake, since I did not listen to it too much, anyhow. Slow Songs will only be played at home (since I do not want to get it stuck in the 2001 AltimaÕs CD player). The CDÕs would play, but recording from them was the difficulty.

79. The best way to determine the size of a temporary partition needed for all the items that I want to copy is to make the size close, but smaller and the Finder will tell you how much additional MB you will need.

80. You can adjust the size of the Toast window, by using the double box in the bottom right hand corner of the window (it is not in the same exact spot as other windows).

81. If you change the name of a temporary partition with Toast, when you try to burn the partition onto a CD, you get an error. Must mount the image again and re-drag it to ToastÕs window.

82. I kept getting an error when trying to burn an audio CD (I think the error occurred when trying to burn track 7). Apple CD-ROM only set of extensions did not help, so I used TAE. I extracted tracks 7through17 at once, then they were separated on the desktop after being extracted. The CD then recorded fine.

83. The capacity on a Zip Disk is probably close to the capacity needed for Toast to do a partition.

84. It appears from RoxioÕs web site that Toast is for the Macintosh and Easy CD Creator is for Windows.

85. It may be possible to use Toast as a CD-Reader with an LC 550, but I do not wish to risk taking it to school.

86. There was a problem with one of the old System 7.5.5 CDs. If you copied the whole CD, you got errors, when you copied in large groups, you got errors. If you copied more than 2 different groups at one time, you got errors. Cleaning the CD with soap and water did not help. I thought perhaps my G3/233 was having trouble, but the other 7.5.5 CD (from home) copied the whole CD at once without any trouble.

87. Usually, the amount of MB of space taken on a Zip disk will be close to the amount needed for a Toast partition. However, you may want to add about 10% to the amount required for the Zip Disk, then use that amount for the Toast partition.

88. When trying to make a copy of Office 2000 CD 2 (ISO 9660 CD) with Toast, computer would sleep and then you had to restart to wake up.

            A. Also, when trying to drag the Office 2000 CD to the Toast window, I got out of memory messages. After increasing the memory allocation of Toast to 20000 K (from 5120 K), I was able to drag the CD to the Toast window.

            B. When trying to write the CD, I encountered sluggishness. It took a great amount of time to verify the disk. If you skipped verification, an error was produced (not enough sectors error). I tried restarting with only Apple CD/DVD Driver, Foreign File Access and PC Exchange active, but verification was still very slow. I did manage to get the disk all the waythroughverification and still got the not enough sectors error. The error said that 1045.1 MB are needed and only 656.7 are available. In the Toast window, it showed that it was a 1044-MB (apprx.) CD. However, the Finder showed the CD as only 607.7-MB. Not sure why, but this is accurate information.

89. I created a temporary partition with Toast. It turns out that I made a Mac partition with Windows CD as the title (I was trying to make a Windows CD). So, instead I made an ISO 9660 CD with Toast and then dragged the files to the Toast window. I got an error during verification (I think), but I will try the CD anyhow on my DEC. It mounted on the DEC computer. It also mounted on HBÕs HP Pavilion. ToastÕs Disc Info lists the CD type as CD-ROM XA (multisession format).

            A. I made a double session CD with Toast (version 3.5.6, I think) for Windows, I put the CD into the computer with the Windows files already on it. Then I made a temporary partition on the G3 (which was a Mac partition) and then copied Windows files to it. Then I opened Toast and selected ISO 9660, but I was not able to drag the partition to it, without Toast changing its window to say Mac Volume (logically). Anyhow, I just selected ISO 9660 and then dragged the files to the Toast Window. The CD mounted on HBÕs HP Pavilion as a single CD (logically).

            B. Later, I took my Windows CD (which was actually named Untitled_CD) and then added the Iomega Driver for 2000 to it by opening Toast and then choosing ISO 9660 as my choice for Data. When I started to record the CD, I was given a choice to ÒIgnore Existing Sessions,Ó ÒAppend to Untitled CD,Ó or ÒIncremental Backup.Ó I chose to ÒAppend to Untitled_CD.Ó When the CD was completed, I tried to mount with the Mac Window and it all showed up as one partition (with Iomega Driver for 2000 on it, along with the previously burned files). With Virtual PC, the same result occurred, I got one partition with Iomega Driver for 2000 and the previously burned files.

            C. User Manual page 44 says that if you choose to ÒIgnore previous sessions,Ó you will not see earlier recorded sessions on your CD.

            D. Page 133 explains that you can make files and folders invisible (but if you drag a folder to the Toast window, you cannot make the whole folder invisible, only subfolders or files within the dragged folder). You can change the visibility of items by clicking on the ÒDataÓ button in the Toast window. When a file or folder is Ògrayed outÓ, it will no longer be visible in the Finder (on the newly burned CD).

            E. User Manual page 144 explains that you can selectively ÒDeleteÓ folders from the ISO 9660 structure. If you want to no longer make it so the folder ÒJohnÓ is visible, then make a new folder on the new session called ÒJohnÓ, make the new folder John invisible. Add any other wanted data (not to the John folder), then write the new session. John will no longer be visible.

            F. After updating to OS X, I could not use 9.2.2 to continue my Windows CD. I had to restart using 8.1 (and I used Toast 3.5.7). Select ISO 9660 as format, then drag files. Change the name of the CD to your desired choice. Then choose Òappend,Ó when burning. There is no partition needed.

90. In 7/02, the AR quizzes were about 120 MB or so on the G3 HD. However, on the Toast partition, they only took up about 15 MB.

91. System 7.1 CD has Disk Tools 1 Enabler and Disk Tools 2 Enabler on it. Maybe it would better to make a CD with these two enablers not in the System Folder (separate folders). Also, I should put Enablers inside of separate folders i.e. 003 in an LC III folder, LC 575 needs 065, LC and LCII do not need a System Enabler.

92. Toast User Manual page 28 says that you can use ÒMac Files and FoldersÓ for easy backups. I may want to use Files and Folders for backing up the Ryan folder (perhaps makes the Ryan folder a CD icon, then drag to Toast's window).

            A. User Manual pages 30 says that if you drag one folder into the empty Toast window, the folder will be made into a disc (name of folder, icon of folder and contents of the folder will be the name, icon and contents of the disc). The table on page 30 explains about dragging files and folders onto the Toast window.

93. Toast User Manual page 38 says that ISO 9660 can be used to write multisession CDs where all sessions are mounted as a single volume. If you select ÒISO Level 1 or Allow MS-DOS Names, you cannot use spaces or slashes as part of the name for ISO 9660 CDs. If you choose ÒAllow Macintosh Names,Ó naming s/b normal. If you choose Juliet (MS-DOS and Windows 95), you can use many characters, according to page 139 of PDS Toast 4.0 guide, except you can not use asterisk, slash, colon, semi-colon, question mark, or backward slash.

            A. User Manual page 41 says that CD-ROM XA (The term ÒCD ExtraÓ is mentioned on page 55, and I think XA may be short for extraÓ) is used if you want to add more data to a disc later. CD-ROM would be if you do not intend to add any more data to a disc later.

            B. User Manual page 139 says that Joliet (MS-DOS and Windows 95) allows you to preserve long file names for use under Windows 95 and Windows NT, while still being compatible with older versions of DOS and Windows. Joliet is one of the choices for Naming for ISO discs.

94. User Manual page 55 says that a disc can contain only one Hybrid Session (Mac/ISO Hybrid), when using that format. Page 55 says that this format is ideal for Multimedia applications intended for both Macintosh and DOS/Windows.

            A. Page 55 says that the Hybrid format combines both ISO 9660 and HFS format on a single disc.

95. User Manual page 130 says that a MAC HFS disc with several sessions will mount only the first session if the Apple CD-ROM driver is version 5.0.x or lower. If version 5.1.1 or higher, then all sessions are automatically mounted as separate volumes on the desktop.

            A. Page 130 says that if you use Toast CD-Reader Version 2.0 or higher (to use the recorder as a player), then all sessions are automatically mounted as separate volumes on the desktop.

96. User Manual page 165 says that Òthe ÔMultitrack CD-ROM XAÕ format is used for writing several CD-ROM XA tracks in one session. Most CD-ROM formats consist of only one track per session and therefore the ÔMultitrack CD-ROM XAÕ format is very seldom used.Ó

97. The CD player was having trouble on 9/6/02 with skipping tracks (about 2:00 of ÒShout at the DevilÓ from Motley Crue's unofficial greatest hits and Slow Songs CD #3 (numbered 210 in my catalog) had trouble. At about :21 from the song ÒArizonaÓ and with static music (ÒDonÕt Go Away MadÓ from the Motley Crue unofficial greatest hits). Both CDs were made with Toast. The same spots had trouble on the Pioneer Home CD player, so the CDs probably have trouble.

            A. The whole CD of Slow Songs CD#3 seems to have trouble. I tried to re-burn the CD but it simply froze up Toast (I had mistakenly used ISO 9660 format, but later I used Audio CD with the tracks that were extracted). I was able to use Toast Audio Extractor to extract songs 1, 3-10, 13-16, but 2 (ÒBreatheÓ), 11-12 (ÒArizonaÓ, ÒSometimes When We TouchÓ) had trouble, so I had to get rid of them.

            B.I used the tracks that were extracted by Toast Audio Extractor to make another CD (using Audio CD format), but it froze in recording the CD (even with extensions off). May need to use SndSampler to record the files, then burn the CD.

            C. I later decided to use Simulation Mode to test the CD. I thought (but not 100% sure) that when I tried to simulate the recording of 14 tracks for Slow Songs CD 3, the G3 froze. Then I tried just writing Track 10 in Simulation Mode, which worked fine (on one occasion, I tried using Simulation Mode to record one track, but the G3 froze. The second time I tried it, the G3 did not freeze, so it was probably a one-time glitch). I then tried recording Tracks 3-17 (actually I thought I only had 13 tracks, since I had to delete some) and there was not a freeze. Then I made the CD for real and the G3 did not freeze (I thought that there were only 13 tracks in the session, but the CD ended up with 14 tracks, so I probably did a 14 track session). Toast User Manual page 80 says that ÒStandard audio players can only read tracks from the first sessionÓ. The CD played fine in my G3, Aiwa Stereo, and Pioneer Stereo and 2001 car stereo. So, it stands to reason that I made a 14 track CD.

            D. I tried making an Audio CD with 2 sessions to see if the CD would play in my CD players. The CD played both sessions in my G3, but not on the Pioneer, Aiwa or 2001 Altima CD players.

98. Toast User Manual page 116 says that ÒSelecting simulation Mode allows you to test the entire writing process without actually writing any data to your blank CD. This is a very accurate way to insure that you have sufficient data transfer rate before writing a CD. The words ÔSimulation ModeÕ are displayed in the menubar in red while Simulation Mode is active. Note: When you write a CD using Simulation Mode, it will look just like the disc is actually being written. The record light (write/record light, I think it changes colors when writing/recording) on the CD writer (the light on the front of the CD, to the left of the eject button, appears to be like an Òactivity lightÓ). But as long as SIMULATION MODE appears in the menubar, no data will be written to the disc. Simulation Mode can also be set in the write dialog (box) after clicking Write CD.Ó (the other way to select Simulation Mode is to use the Recorder Menu and select Simulation Mode).

            A. Toast User Manual page 178 says that ÒThe simulation mode gives more exact results than ÔCheck SpeedÕ since the data is actually transferred to the writer (but the writer does not put the information on the disc). Page 178 says that  ÒÔCheck SpeedÕ is only an approximation (the data is read but not transferred to the writer). If the results of the speed check are borderline, you should try Simulation Mode.Ó

            B. Toast User Manual page 182 says that ÒSimulation Mode allows you to run through the entire process of writing the disc, exactly like the real writing process, except that the laser is not turned on in the recorder, so nothing is written to the disc. All error messages, which would be displayed while writing, will also be displayed in simulation mode. Simulating the write procedure takes the same amount of time as writing. Note: During simulation, the ÔwriteÕ (write/record light, I think it changes colors when writing/recording) indicator light on the recorder will turn on, just as if you were actually writing. This is normal, and does not indicate that the disc is really being written.Ó

            C. Toast User Manual page 29 says that when using ÒCheck Speed,Ó ÒToast will read all the selected data to determine if your system is fast enough to write the disc in the chosen speed.Ó Toast User Manual page 44 says that ÒWhen the selected data is not located on local volumes, the data rate is extremely important. IN case of an insufficient data rate you could create a disc image before writing.Ó

            D. Toast User Manual page 179 says that If Check Speed Fails, set the write speed to a lower rate. Alternatively, you can turn off all System Extensions. Page 179 also lists a few other alternatives.

99. Toast User Manual page 115 says that the option to ÒCalculate a checksum while verifyingÓ is useful is you are writing CDs from image files created in another application that also calculates a CD checksum (such as Astarte CD-Copy).

100. I made a bootable CD copy of the G3 CD. However, the alias for ÒPower Macintosh G3 InstallÓ on the root level of the CD did not work. Not sure why. But I did drag the System Folder separately from the other files, it should not make a difference, I do not think.

101. If you simply drop files on top on the Toast window, Files and folders will be selected and you would not have to worry about making a partition a particular size. This may work, we will see. I tried it on Planit.sit and Winton.sit CD on 12/20/02.

102. Toast version 3.5.7 canÕt create a temporary partition under OS 9 (you get an error that says ÒCouldnÕt complete the last command because of a Mac OS Error.Ó However, I think I may try to use the File, Save as Disk Image option, but the problem is you can not mount the image (you get the same error as mentioned earlier). I tired to e-mail Roxio on 6/19/03 about this, but it was not possible. 4.1.2 will run on my G3/233 with OS 9.2.2 (without changing any extensions), but there still does not appear to be a way to make a partition (the word partition is not mentioned in the 4.1.2 manual at all). I e-mailed Roxio at to see if it is possible to create a partition with 4.0 of Toast (they do not answer technical support questions by e-mail). replied and said I could make temporary partitions with Toast 5 Titanium (which costs $89.95 for the downloaded version, as of 6/22/03). Perhaps the only solution for now is to boot into Mac OS 8 and use Toast 3.5.7.

            A. I had to use the option for Mac Files and folders, which worked fine (just put all the files and folders you want into a blank folder and name it whatever you want the partition to be named).

            B. When you use the files and folders option, you do not have to guess the size of a partition that is needed.

            C. However, it would not be able to have a blessed System Folder, so making a bootable CD would be a problem. I tried to make one for 7.1 by copying the files to a Zip Disk, but no luck (not enough room on the Zip Disk).

            D. On another occasion, I tried making a 9.2.1 startup CD using Toast 3.5.7 on the G3/233. I dragged a valid 9.2.1 System Folder and another folder on top of the Toast icon. However, the whole volume consisted of what I dragged (it did not have a System Folder and another folder, it was all just on the root level of the volume). Also, the CD was not bootable.

            E. You can use Toast 3.5.7 on the G3/233 with System 9.2.2. You just drag your files on top of the Toast window. Then click the ÒDataÓ button and double click the name to name the session. If you drag files to the Adaptec Toast data window (i.e. click Data from the regular Toast window), the files will come out in list view on the CD (but the Window is only a certain size, if there are two many files, you will have to scroll down on the CDÕs window).

103. I was in the process of making an audio CD with Toast in 9.2.2. When I dragged audio files onto the Toast window, they were to be recorded as Mac files and folders; however, I changed them to Audio CD. The CD recorded fine.

104. Toast 3.5.1 does not work with the Hi-Val CD SCSI burner in OS X, even if you run in Classic under OS X. Toast 3.5.7 does not work, either. The CD Recorder section shows no CD-Recorder. Please check cables and power. When you restart in OS 9 (without changing anything), the CD Recorder shows up in Toast. Several other people on the internet said that they had the same problem, and simply had to reboot into OS 9.

            A. To use Toast, you need to start up in OS 9.

            B. However, CDs will mount in OS X.

            C. I checked at RoxioÕs web site, and there were no updates for version 3 of Toast. Version 4Õs latest version was 4.1.2 (as of 1/04).

            D. Disk Copy can burn image from the File Menu. DId not work with Hi-Val CD-R Drive, though. Got message that no suitable drives could be found.

            E. I found an application called SCSI CD-RW Helper, and installed it. But it did not make a difference. THE CD-RW Helper Read me says that ÒCD recording software which supports SCSI drives, such as Roxio Toast Titanium 5.1 Preview #2 or later. Mac OS X 10.1 or later.  Please note that Apple's DiscBurner and iTunes products do not support SCSI drives.Ó

            F. Best thing to do is to boot into OS 9 to burn CDs.

105. When trying to use Toast to record an audio CD track, I had to transform the track from 8-bit to 16-bit and also mono to sterero. Then Toast would use the track.

106. I tried to use Toast to record some MP3s files that I had downloaded using iTunes. However, when I dragged the files onto Toast, I got an error that said that ÒGirls and Boys.aiffÓ is not a sound file, or is not in a supported format. I finally determined (after using Snitch 2.6.5, when starting up in OS 9) that the audio files were .aiff, but they were created by hook (which is iTunes, I think).

            A. I think I will have to re-record the songs with SndSampler, then burn them to an audio CD.

107. I had trouble with one CD that was recorded with Toast in Classic under OS X (using Toast 4.1.2). The CD was choppy on the Aiwas CD player (but not on the car CD player). However, I re-burned the CD with Toast 3.5.7 and extensions off (which also makes VM off, I think).

            A. I also had trouble with some MP3s that I had downloaded with iTunes. I could not open them with SndSampler (version 3.7.1 or 4.6.3), and I could not add them to a Toast CD (I think this occurred because ÒApple has abandoned the snd resource,Ó according to Snd Sampler. SndSampler suggests use AudiomatonÕs Extract Function instead. Audiomaton costs $27, as of 4/04. I did try to use it to extract ÒGirls and BoysÓ by Good Charlottle, but no luck. Audiomaton produced an error that said that it couldnÕt open resource fork). They were in ÒhookÓ format, which I think is iTunes. What I did was restart in OS 9, and use iTunes 1.1 to play the songs and then recorded them with SndSampler.

            B. Also, the songs did not play well on a CD player. I need to adjust the computerÕs volume when recording them, primarily because the songs were slow songs and were not very loud.

            C. Later, though, I realized that I could use MP3 to AIFF to convert them to AIFF, without having to record them with the G3.

108. I e-mailed and to ask if Toast 6 Titanium would normally work with a USB Iomega Predator CD-RW drive. They did not reply.

109. says Toast 6 Titanium costs $79.95 (after $20 rebate), even if I submitted the info that I bought Toast 4. Toast 8 Titanium costs $79.99 as of 4/07 (needs 10.4.8 or later).


Toast version 4.0 (see Predator)


Toast Audio Extractor

1. Need to have an audio CD to make program useful.

2. Double click on a track to edit its name.

3. To view the waveform of one or more tracks, use the ÒpreviewÓ button.

            A. the ÒoverlapÓ option is useful If you experience problems with clicking sounds when playing back CDÕs.

4. Extract is the same idea as ÒSave.Ó

            A. If you are extracting tracks for use with Toast or CD-DA (Compact Disc Digital Audio), then select ÒAiff or SoundDesignerIIÓ as the format.

5. If you click the fuzzy looking box, it will zoom to a particular track, making it easier to select just a portion of the track.

6. You can also simply drag and drop a track from the TAE window to the desired location.

7. To copy only a portion of a track, highlight the portion and then click extract.Ó

8. After pressing Extract, you can then choose to "Overlap (safer but slower). Did not work with song Arizona, though. The overlap option stays checked for the next extraction, as well.


TOME Viewer (unsupported from Apple)

1. Allows you to access installers that may not be accessible from custom install dialog boxes. Version 1.3d3 Causes a crash and also could not open files after expanding (used Apple G3 CD).

2. Later, using the same version (Version 1.3d3), I did not have many problems when trying to extract files from the Apple G3 CD (I copied them to the HD first, perhaps that is the difference). Seems pretty useful. Files could be extracted okay.


TrackMate Version 3.00 (can be downloaded from Their e-mail address is You can call them at (210) 497-6617. Their website says that Trackmate comes with one year of technical support with purchase. TM bought it in early May, 2002. Updates to the latest version (3.0, as of 5/25/02) are free for two years from the purchase date of the program. Registration number for Winton School District is 0733-FA22-AB3E-20C1-BACA. ID is 208.

1. TM bought a district license for Trackmate (runs on Windows 95/98 and probably 2000).

            A. I e-mailed Microsport to see if the program should work with Windows 2000.

            B. (another e-mail address is e-mailed me back within about three hours on a Saturday, and said that Trackmate 3.0 will work with Windows 2000. Version 4.0 should be released within the next few months and will add many features.

2. When you start the program, you must enter the school (Crookham Elementary), Divisions (2nd Grade Girls, 4th Grade Boys, etc.: do not put in 200 Meters, 2nd Grade Girls, 200 Meters is an event) and events (Long Jump, Shot Put). If you do not enter a school or a division, you will not be able to enter contestants.

            A. You can add Divisions by pressing the A key while in the Divisions section of the program. This appears to be one of the few places in the program, where the underlined letter appears to truly indicate a keyboard shortcut.

3. When completing the (go to add people/events from the main screen of Trackmate) entry form, you can add sheets to the computer as they come in from teachers, just save as you go along (students may be able to help with this, not sure).

            A. You can also edit out any events that are not in our track meet.

            B. You can add dummy name, if necessary (TM#1, GM #2, etc.), but it does not appear to be necessary and will probably confusing to the announcers.

            C. When entering names, enter the teachersÕ initials after the studentsÕ name, so that the class is known (i.e. Meg Ryan - Z). To edit a previously entered name, you must double click on the name, then change spelling.

4. The section of the program for athletes does not appear to be synchronized with the ÒAdd EntryÓ box,. If you enter athletes (use the athletes tab) in their respective divisions ahead of time, then you do not need to retype them, when the track meet entry forms are entered (at least you wonÕt have to enter all of them, just the few who switch classes or move in). When you select the tab for ÒPut People in Events,Ó select a division, then select ÒAdd contestant,Ó select name or type in your own additional name.

            A. You can select divisions and events from the pop down menu or use the arrows.

5. You should use the Configure tab to enter the date for the track meet in the computer.

6. The Demo version is limited to 4 event types, I think the Read Me, website or ? says this. The Users manual page 5 says it is limited to 5 types in demo mode.

            A. The Demo version appears to be pretty much fully functional besides that. I think it just does not work after a certain period of time.

7. After entering the names, if there are more than 6 names in an event, you can make heats (go to the Enter Results screen) and you can Òassign heats.Ó It may be that even if there are 6 or less entries, you may still need to assign heats.

8. Users manual page 5 suggests to install the program, go to Start, Run, type A:\setup.exe.

9. Users manual page 6 says that Trackmate follows the rules of High School Track and Filed and Cross Rules published by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS).

10. Users manual page 7 says that each contestant must be entered into a division (therefore, typing up all the 2nd-5th graders in our school into the computer would probably not be a good idea).

11. Users manual page 7 says Trackmate can handle any number of divisions.

12. Users manual page 7 suggests using Last, First Name format, since some names may not fit into the space allowed.

13. Users manual page 7 shows that Contestants are the same item as athletes.

14. Users manual page 10 shows how to enter times into Trackmate.

15. Users manual page 11 explains that names must consist of only the following characters: Digits 0-9, Letters a-z and A-Z, spaces, commas, periods, dashes, ampersands, plusses and apostrophes.

16. Users manual page 11 talks about entering Òdummy namesÓ, which might be JO #5 (even though when you enter names, you cannot enter a pound symbol).

17. Users manual page 12 says an additional way to change the selection in boxes is to click the left mouse button on the selection box, then type the first letter of choice you would like.

18. Users manual page 14 talks about rules for assigning final heats.

19. Users manual page 14 says that if you do not limit the number of events an athlete can be in (or there is no limit to how many entries for a school in an event) then type a Ò0Ó in the box, when creating a new Track Meet.

20. Users manual page 17 says that double clicking in many windows will open the Edit window (as opposed to single clicking and then pressing the Edit button).

21. Users manual page 17 says you should be careful when deleting a division, since all entries in that division will be deleted.

22. Users manual page 21 says that adding alternates is only available for the relay team. You can enter a maximum of 2 alternates per relay team.

23. Users manual page 22 says that you can just type the first few letters of an athleteÕs name to get it to appear in the box or left click on the name to select it. However, this does not work with my G3/Virtual PC 2.0. I tend to doubt it will work with Windows 2000 Professional, but it is possible (Left clicking on a name does select it, though).

            A. Page 22 also talks about entering two very similar student names, if a conflict arises.

24. Users manual page 24 says you can right click on the lane you want to edit (in the Results window) to Change contestant, Change Spelling, Delete Entry or Add Entry.

25. There is a way to put multiple contestants in one lane for a long distance running event (800 Meter, for example). Go to ÒResults,Ó then edit Heats.Ó  However, you can choose to have Òone team per laneÓ or not (which would be for a school, I imagine), so for the Crookham Track Meet, this would not be useful.

26. Users manual page 36 explains that if an athlete has an asterisk by his name in the AthleteÕs window, it indicates s/he is an alternate for one/some event(s).

27. Users manual page 42 explains how to import entries for use with Trackmate.

            A. Page 42 notes that if you import entries into a particular school and division, all previous entries in any imported events from that school and division are deleted.

28. To add a contestant, you can just press enter.

            A. You normally need to enter a division for 2nd grade girls, 2nd grade boys, etc. Also, add 2nd grade boys and girls at the end for the relays.

            B. The relay s/b a running event, not a relay. Otherwise, the number of entries is limited to 4.

29. In May 2004, the file that I saved would not open. I think it is easier to simply write out the sheets, anyhow (and faster). The problem occured on DEC, also, the file could not be opened on the Union's laptop. A new file would save and re-open file, so probably a glitch somehow (perhaps I should have used the save button instead of the file menu).



To turn off the trash warning, Òget infoÓ on the trashcan, click the box. Or hold down the option key while emptying the trash. Also, you may be able to trash an Òin useÓ item by holding down the option key, while emptying the trash.

To turn off things that may be locked in use, etc. May hold down Option and empty trash.

Or put it in the trash can and restart, then empty the trash.

If you have a locked file you can still delete it through the trash can by holding down the option key. With Wipe Info, you encounter a couple messages, but the file can be deleted without holding down the option key (option key makes no Difference). Wipe Info can not delete a locked file.


Travel Purchase Online

1. International-use for price on your dates.

For U.S. Travel, use for price on your dates. According to Cool Travel Mail for 7/10/2001, Travelocity lets you search for a specific price. This is good, if you have flexibility in terms of dates, you can save a lot of money. You can use ÒFare WatcherÓ to check for prices for a certain route and the prices can be e-mailed to you. CoolTravelMail (6/10/03) says Travelocity is good for Travel Reservations (you can use the same database as travel agents), Destination Guides, and Farefinder. allows you to see the price right away and you do not have to wait to see if your bid is accepted, like you do at (you do not have to give them your credit card number first, like with My name and password at are and Old At Ease. I had heard that can be 20% cheaper than (according to a radio ad). I did check the prices and a flight from SFO to Acapulco in December (23rd to 31st) was $777. Travelocity recommends that you recheck your travel deal 24 hours before the trip, and I e-mailed to check on this; and they meant (apparently) to just double check your plans (people may not put their names in an organized way to know times, etc.). has some last minute specials, according to Cool Travel Mail from 7/12/2001. Take 40% off and try to get a deal with If that does not work, increase in increments of $25. At, you can choose dates for travel: log in is and the password is New, New At Ease (unfortunately, on one occasion, in 6/07, we tried to cancel part of our package for Oklahoma, since CZ could not go. We could not get any money back at all. At, you cannot change the name on an airline ticket or give the ticket to someone else to use, and you cannot exchange a ticket from one airline to another. The only way to refund some of your money is to cancel the whole trip altogether. Also,  I e-mailed them after talking to a Travelocity rep to verify. The e-mail verified that no money could be refunded.). To log off, go to and click Ònot Ryan.Ó The search for best fare is only available for U.S. Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Canada. Best price for Acapulco for the week of Feb. 20th through Feb. 25th is $495.00 as of 12/24/99. The prices for travel in April/May were not much different, although I found a flight for travel on April 28th through Wednesday, May 3rd that was only $455.32. When using the 9 lowest priced feature, the lowest price is listed first. At, there were no extra surcharges, like at, according to Julie. Travelocity can send you e-mails when your fare changes, according to Cool Travel mailÕs e-mail on 1/9/01. I am not subscribed to TravelocityÕs e-mail list for real deals or special offers, but I did receive an e-mail in December 2007 (holiday e-mail): there was not an option in the e-mail nor on travelocityÕs web page to turn any e-mails relating to the holiday one. You can see weather reports by using the Dream, Plan, and Go Link on the home page of At (in 2/04), I could not get web pages to save by dragging the address bar to the desktop or by saving the web page. I had to save the web page in IE 5.2 scrapbook. Travelocity recommended to get a shuttle from the Dallas Ft. Worth airport to get to our hotel in Irving, but the website says it is for Dallas/Ft. Worth hotels only, so I e-mailed Viator to inquire on 9/5/06. They said that they do not, but Super Shuttle might. I used (accessed from to ask about taking the shuttle from the Dallas Ft. Worth airport to the hotel. They did not respond. So, on 9/16/06, I sent a fax to 972-615-9970. said that I do not need to sign up early, just, Òupon arrival at the airport please proceed outside on the upper level to the orange signs that read SuperShuttle. A guest representative will assist you from there.Ó

2. (member ID is Cwboy, password is old At Ease) can be used to find good rates for Acapulco from San Francisco. it did find a couple good deals ($399), but they were only on specific dates i.e. Friday, April 14 through Sat. April 22 and Sat. June 17 through Sat., June 24. Also, it only found one date that was during the week of February 20 through February 26, but it was $555 (+ $70 federal charges).

            A. You can find out the lowest published fare, then type destination. As of 12/22/99, you can choose times and dates for travel. You find the lowest possible fare, then ask the site, ÒWhen can I go?Ó Also, at Expedia, you can still use frequent flyer miles.

            B. Also, you can set yourself up to get Faretracker updates, by going to and then selecting "Faretracker." You can subscribe to three different destination announcements.

3. (User name is RyanZelenski and password is Old At Ease password) can be used for Acapulco. I found several fares for $395 to Acapulco from SF from Feb. 20th through Feb. 26th. However, Òno itineraries were availableÓ at that price with several airlines. The cheapest available flight at/around those dates to travel was $495, just like Travelocity said.

5. (1-800-774-2354) is place on Internet where you may be able to name your price for airline tickets for domestic and international travel, etc. Good for hotels and/or flights, loans and buying new cars. You must give credit card number and you MAY have your answer in one hour. Also, need to be flexible in terms of days/times. You can not count miles as frequent flyer miles.

            A. On 12/23/99, I tried to use Priceline to get tickets to Acapulco for the week of February 20th through the 26th. I tried to fly out of Sacramento, but with I had no luck. I tried flying out of San Francisco using a price of $200 / $225/ $250/ $275 and $300, but with I had no luck. Each offer had $50 bonus money (which I did not have to pay for, a Credit Card company gave me credit, so I would get a card through them, which I did). I finally got an offer accepted when I offered $350 (plus the $50 bonus). (I skipped the $325 offer). Initially, gives you the price before federal charges, etc., so my approved ticket included $80 of taxes, so the total was roughly $440.00. The flight is through Delta/Aeromexico.

            B. With, you can not choose the time for your flight.

            C. With Priceline, you get ÒURGENTÓ e-mails with an answer to your request; however, when your deal has been accepted, you will get a complete itinerary in the e-mail.

            D. It might be better to check the approximate going rate on the Internet, then go to Priceline and make an offer, instead of referring to last yearÕs price.

            E. ThroughPriceline, you can order electronic tickets or get tickets delivered by Federal Express ($12.50 charge).

            F. With Priceline, if you want to change your shipping address, you need to do it the next time you make a request (the shipping address only is entered on each request). uses only 1 address (the shipping address), not a shipping and billing address. Should use MomÕs address next time, so the tickets can be shipped there (unless using electronic ticket).

            G. This is because there are extra charges for federal standard airport taxes, passenger facility charges and/or federal segment taxes on international travel (like $37 to $85 per international ticket, and as much as $115 for UK tickets), just like at the travel agent. The charges are included at the travel agent (IngieÕs), but not listed separately. Essentially, I saved $70 off the usual price of $500 for a ticket to Acapulco with other online agents, which would probably have the same prices as travel agents. On domestic tickets, there may be charges of only $10 to $35 per ticket.

            H. An automated response comes from within a couple minutes of making a request. They say you will get an answer to your request within an hour. However, on my first request, it took seven hours to get a response. On subsequent request, the answer was much quicker.

            I. I did go to IngieÕs and got the price for a ticket from San Francisco on February 20th and from Acapulco on February 25th. The price was $461.32 (including all taxes, etc). So, I saved $20 with Priceline, since it was $439.98. I could have saved $30 with Priceline, if I had used an electronic ticket (there is a $12.50 charge for Federal Express delivery of tickets). Also at IngieÕs, you can pick travel times BEFORE making a purchase.



1. Unclean AC power or varying voltage

            A. For the G3, might want to get a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) from APC (American Power Conversion). The Back UPS Pro is good (600 for more components, 450 for less components), but do not get the Back UPS. Try Macwherehouse or MacZone. explains that UPS devices provide protection against common power problems.

                        1. Bob said do not use a Standard Power Supply. Must get an Uninterrupted Power Supply, and do not get a surge suppresor or power conditioner, since they will not be that assisitve.

                        2. Bob uses the 400 rated and up to 450 should be enough. In 11/07, the UPS stopped working, so I bought a new one (the old was probably at least 9 years old). Bob said that a UPS is usually only good for 3-5 years, and it protects hardware (it is possible that the UPS battery backup may blow, but it will then save the computers). According to and, the iMac Duo probably uses somewhere around 200 watts (average of the two web pages). Since I wanted the UPS for the two iMac DuoÕs, I would probably need a 500-700 watt one, according to BH. Consumer Reports web site did not have any useful information in 11/07. I bought a Cyberpower 1285AVR UPS with a 3-year warranty on 11/10/07. The Cyberpower packaging indicates that if you register, it saves you needing to have the receipt, in case of warranty work: I did the registration online on 11/11/07. The UPS front label says Ò1285AVR,Ó the back label says ÒCP1285AVR/CP1285CÓ (but probably the label is for both model numbers), the ownerÕs manual has several numbers on it, but only 1285C goes with the UPS apparently (CP1285AVR is not listed). StaplesÕ web site shows it as  CyberpowerÕs website indicates that is a CP1285AVRLCD (and the web site shows it is a Staplesª exclusive), so it is likely that some combination of materials, etc. was used for the UPS. The serial number is CPB6Z2000818.

            B. Surge protectors do not protect computers well enough. Computers can only handle between 90 and 280 volts and a UPS can solve the situation and there can be voltage variance coming out of the wall. Uses a battery when voltage varies too greatly. At, Bob Rankin says that you should never plug a laser printer into your UPS, since it drains power quickly, in the event of power failure. He also says that you probably have to replace the (not cheap) batteries every six months, if you want to use the UPS for a few minutes during a power failure. I checked at, and it turns out that a battery would cost $29.99. My e-mail and password at are, Old At Ease. He also said that a laser printer should not be used in the event of a power failure, because it can drain the batteryÕs power quite quickly.

                        1. Bob Hughes did say that he uses a UPS.

                        2. He also said that surge protectors come with an internal transistor that burns out after 1 1/2 to 3 years. Newer surge protectors do not burn out (he thought). Brand of surge protector is not important, lifetime warranty is.

                        3. He explained that bad power can cause some problems (perhaps iMac problems).

                                    A. He did not mention buying metal ones as opposed to plastic ones.

                                    B. Dennis thought that metal casing ones are better, since the MOVs can short after absorbing a number of hits and metal could contain a hit, whereas plastic would catch fire.

                                    C. Since most surge protectors are plastic, I decided that plastic is probably okay.

                                                1. Centerex 485-77000 (from is the model number of our surge protectors.

                                    D. Radio Shack nor BCS (Best Computer Supply) does not carry metal cased surge protectors.

                                    E. The APC UPS (uninterrupted power supply) has an internal battery that should last three to six years, according to the userÕs manual page 15. Also, page 11 explains that if you press the ÒTestÓ button, it will simulate a blackout. When the power is out, the UPS will beep every five seconds to indicate that you are running off an alternate source of power (a source that is limited in duration).

4. Matt said he would not worry about buying lifetime warranty ones, since damage to units is not very likely.

5. I have an APC 400 Back-UPS (Serial number is PB9808272209). It beeps about every two hours or so for a couple seconds (it beeps when the Air Conditioner is first turned on, also. The Air Conditioner is connected to the same circuit as the APC 400 Back-UPS). I e-mailed APC (from, where my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease) to ask about this on 8/25/02. They said that ÒAnytime a UPS determines that  the input power is not safe for your computer equipment, it will transfer to battery power and the UPS will begin to beep. The UPS is trying to provide clean, safe, and reliable power to your valuable equipment. It is not necessary that, there must be a complete power outage for the UPS to switch to battery. Consistent low voltage from the main power outlet can cause the UPS to switch to battery, even though it may seem like a normal power condition to you. Note: If the power disturbance is brief, you may only hear the unit beep once or twice.Ó They also said that they have an upgrade program which provides the following benefits: Up to a 40% discount on new APC UPSs, Upgrade to two times the VA of your current UPS capacity, Free removal and/or shipping of existing units, up to a 2-year factory warranty on new units, and Additional savings on APC accessories and smaller UPSÕs.

         A. The newer computers are faster but are more sensitive to electricity.

         B. Should use a anti static wrist strap to protect computer components (no protection for repairperson).

2. Poor user training

3. Software problems (bigger programs are more likely to have bugs).

4. Improper installation/configuration

5. Incompatible software/hardware

6. Directory/data corruption from random sources

7. Environmental heat

         A. If computer is off, temperature is not as great a factor (operating temperature vs. storage temperature).

         B. Compressed air is cooler than non-compressed air (closed mouth-blowing air as opposed to open mouth). Air forcedthrougha smaller hole is cooler.

8. Viruses

         A. Disinfectant does not combat macro viruses (which are associated with MS word).

         B. Viruses are now (as of two years ago) cross platform, I.E. If you open a read me file, that is cross platform, you can inherit IBM viruses. Mark Mintz, Mac Troubleshooting Class.

         C. Turn off AutoPlay with QT settings, it has been associated with a virus (Tidbits #428).

9. Upgrading and Repairing your Mac was recommended by Mark Mintz, Mac troubleshooting class.

10. Operating temperature of G3, LC, LC 575 and 5400 and G3 are similar.

         A. LCÕs storage temperature can be -40 degrees F to 116.6 degrees F. Operating temperature can be 50 degrees F to 104 degrees F.

         B. LC 575Õs storage temperature can be -40 degrees F to 117 degrees F. Operating temperature can be 50 degrees F to 104 degrees F.

         C. Powermac 5400Õs storage temperature can be -40 degrees F to 116.6 degrees F. Operating temperature can be 50 degrees F to 104 degrees F.

         D. G3Õs Storage temperature can be -40 degrees F to 116.6 degrees F. Operating temperature can be 50 degrees F to 104 degrees F.

11. Tidbits #762 mentions the program called "Doctor Mac Direct," which is run by Ted Landau. It is billed at a $120 per hour rate and your can get an estimate. You will not pay more than the estimate and you do not pay if there is not a resolution to your problem. The service should be opening within a few weeks from 1/05.


TurboTax (it appears that TurboTax Basic is usually for people who file the 1040EZ form)

1. I decided not to import from Quicken, since I did not assign all the necessary categories or need all of them (i.e. S.S. benefits, alimony, etc.).

2. My box 14 entry s/b none of the above, not California State Disability Insurance (CASDI) nor California Voluntary Plan Disability Insurance (VPDI). Box 14 just says RET TS on the W-2 form. Sonya Terrezas confirmed that I do not contribute to either of these things.

3. I could not import my VALIC info using Turbotax, even though the same login that I tried with Turbotax worked at VALIC's site. It may be that the info could not be retrieved, because there is not anything to report. My contributions are non-taxable and I am not receiving dividends from them right now.

4. I don't believe that I need a 1099-DIV form from VALIC for completing my taxes. I did not use it last year, because my 403b plan is non-taxable.

5. In doing my 2004 taxes with Turbotax Deluxe (in 2/05), once I entered my education expenses, curiously, my refund went down from $244 to $144. In 2004, I drove 134 miles, but that is not enough to be deductible, according to Turbotax. I did not need to itemize the $250 educator expenses. My Pin number for IRS filing is the same as our zip code. It costs $14.95 to file federal and state returns. Only the federal return was rebated in 2004. Homeowner dues are tax deductible, according to Tax Cut 03-04 help. However, Turbotax 2005 clearly indicates that HomeownersÕ Association charges are not deductible because they are imposed by the homeowners' association, rather than the state or local government. Federal rebate for 2004 is $2,006. My state rebate is $656. For 2005, Turbotax Deluxe may be a good choice, since it helps with adjustments with family (i.e. adding a spouse, stepchild).

6. Donna (and the FTB) said that when you get $2,000 deducted from your paychecks for payment of taxes to the state, you may get $500 back (State income tax refund). You donÕt pay taxes on the $500 during this year, you claim it as income on the next yearÕs federal income tax return (you canÕt claim the state tax refund on the same yearÕs federal tax return, as it would be an endless loop). The state income tax deductions from your paychecks are itemized automatically by tax software programs, DG said. Mom said (paraphrasing) that, ÒWhen you paid 2003 taxes, for instance, you deducted your State tax payment. But if you get a refund from State, then you owe money on the refund amount the following year.Ó State taxes were automatically itemized (claimed as deductions) in 2003 and 2004 by Taxcut and Turbotax. According to the FTB, you use 1040 X form to make a correction to your federal return. You can download the form from the web site. You may be able to call the IRS at 800-829-1040 also. FTB recommended waiting until after I get my refund to do this.

7. Turbotax 2004 could not open Helen and BillÕs 2002 nor their 2003 taxes from the Finder or from within Turbotax. You can transfer some information (name, address, etc.) by making a new tax return. You must create a new return to transfer the information (Turbotax asks you to transfer your old information, if you would like). You can transfer 2003 info into 2004, but you cannot transfer 2002 into 2004 Turbotax, according to I thought perhaps later that I was charged $14.95 twice for contacting Intuit for assistance, but I was charged $14.95 twice for my electronic filings (state and federal), but I think their billling department is somewhat behind. posts the answer to the question, Can I print my returnafter uninstalling TurboTax?" For TurboTax 2002 or later: If you saved your return as an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file before you uninstalled TurboTax, you can print your return using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Otherwise, you will need to reinstall TurboTax to print your tax return. TurboTax 2001 or earlier: You cannot print 2001 or earlier returns after uninstalling the corresponding TurboTax version. If you need to print a past-year return, reinstall TurboTax and then update the program before printing. has information on being able (or not being able to) transfer info from an old version of Turbotax to a newer one (when creating a new tax return from within the program). It suggests changing the type.

8. The password for 2005 Turbotax is New New At Ease.  I added it to my Keychain on the iLamp, so it does not have to be re-entered each time. Under the dependents section for 2005, I chose Other Dependent under the dependent section; under relationship, I chose child, since that is what is used for a biological child, an adopted child, or a stepchild. From Box 14 of my W-2 form, I should check other when Turbotax asks for the description, as none of the descriptions match RET TS (I think it is retirement tax shelter). Licence fee for car registration was $56, not $118 (i.e. you can only deduct part of the car registration, not all). Medical expenses must be 7.5&% of your income to be deductible. Car repairs are not tax-deductible unless you use your vehicle for business. I e-mailed Intuit about whether or not homeownersÕ assocation fees are tax-deductible and if so, where to enter them in my tax return. I e-mailed them on 2/19/06. The replied and asked me to look in the Òwhere do I enter sectionÓ for homeownersÕ assocation fees, but it was not present. Then I followed their second suggestion to look under Tax Help, and selected Income Tax handbook. In the handbook, it says that HomeownersÕ Association charges are not deductible because they are imposed by the homeowners' association, rather than the state or local government. If you put in that your dependent is not a U.S. citizen nor a resident alien, then you do not get a tax exemption for that. For JC to be my dependent, I will get about $1,000 in the 2005 taxes from federal, state tax is not affected by JC.

9. If you do not have your federal tax return totally completed (i.e. in 2005, I decided do the ground work for my 2005 return, since I did not have JazminÕs social security number), you should not start the state portion, since the information will not be saved (I found this out the hard way).

10. If you still have not completed Turbotax Deluxe 2005Õs return, it appears that the Finder will not let you trash Turbotax Deluxe 2004Õs application (you get an Òin useÓ error), even if your 2004 data has already been imported for the 2005 federal taxes (although the state tax return has not been completed yet).

11. Jesse said that filing correction for taxes may produce "red flag," so I filed an extension on 3/30/06, and indicates how to check if you need to file a state return extension as well, but it turns out that I do not need to, since I do not owe any money.

12. The federal tax return was originally rejected, because of CarmenÕs social security number not matching the Social Security AdministrationÕs records. I had CarmenÕs name on the return as Carmen L Zelenski, and it should be Carmen L Millan. Also (the error was not pointed out by Turbotax, but it would have been a problem, probably), I listed Jazmin as Jazmin A Cabrera, and it should be listed as Jazmin A. Cabrera-Millan. and are two possible addresses that could send your confirmation or rejection information about your returns. Online web chat is available Monday - Friday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PDT. I did not receive an e-mail regarding acceptance or rejection, so I contacted Intuit about this on 8/22/06. They wrote and just directed me to the URL ( to check the status of my application. Later, I e-mailed them again, and they said that the best way to check the status is to check with the program. After putting in CarmenÕs last name as Millan (and I put JazminÕs last name as Cabrera-Millan), the return was accepted by the IRS on 8/23/06. It should be deposited by 9/1/06, you can use to check or use 800-717-7228.

13. The iMac can be entered under a business expense, since I use it at home, but it only made $8 difference in my taxes for 2005.

14. According to TurboTax 06, you usually save money by filing married jointly, as opposed to married filing separately. Mom agreed with this. Winton School District (WSD) does not participate in the automatic retrieval of W-2 information for taxes (info needs to be entered manually).

15. You can file taxes early without WSDÕs W-2 form: use the December paycheck information. Employer ID (EID) # is 94-6002379. Box #1 (of W-2 form) is YTD Taxable Gross. Box #2 is YTD Federal Tax. Box #3 and box #4 are empty. To figure out MedicareÕs wages and tips (box #5), take the YTD Gross and subtract YTD Other Nontax. Medicare withholding (box #6) is YTD Medicare. Boxes #7-11 are empty. Box #12 a (in Turbo Tax, choose the first popup menu) is (enter an E for elective deferrals to 403b agreement) is YTD TSA. Box #13 is Retirement Plan. Box #14 is RET TS (this probably stands for Retirement, Tax Shelter, but Turbotax does not recognize it, but it did not recognize it in 2005 or 2006, so I donÕt think it is crucial). To figure out box #14Õs amount: Add YTD Tax Gross, YTD TSA, and YTD Other Non Tax; subtract that amount from YTD Gross. EmployerÕs state ID is 800-4181-7, box #16 is the same as box #1, and box #17 is YTD State Tax. Boxes #18-20 are blank. Capital One lists the interest to date in the Account Details and History (which is accessed by first clicking the Accounts tab, if necessary). You can figure out interest paid through MOCSE by going to the Detail view; but if you want the previous financial year, go to History, type in the dates, then select Credits only under transaction type, then select Amount Ascending under sort by. You can add the amount for Òother income taxesÓ (at least I did in 2007) by just going to that section and answering a couple of questions (I think Turbotax figures the informatin automatically based on your answers of ÒnoÓ or similar response). You can use the December statement from US Bank to figure out your Year to Date Interest Paid: it is under the Loan Information section. There does not appear to be a way to access your 1099-INT information online for U.S. Bank (you also cannot get it from the mailed mortgage statements, either, as of 12/07). County Bank checking accounts only pay interest if you have a balance above $1, 500: in 2007, CZ had no interest for her County Bank account; I later asked at the bank and she has a ÒplasticÓ account, which means no interest. I tried to get the information for momÕs County Bank interest online (for Turbotax), but it only listed the interest for 12/31/07; it appears that it only allows you to see transactions for the past three months; however, you can use the statements tabs. You can download the December statement (after the new year starts) and see the amount of interest for the YTD on the statement.

16. You can purchase and store your prior tax returns at You can purchase the CD-ROM online or download the software online, or you can file online (I downloaded TurboTax Deluxe with state online in 12/07; although later I figured out that Turlock Staples has Turbotax Deluxe w/ Federal and State for Windows and Mac for $44.99. Costco had it for $36.99 in 12/07). The price is the same online or purchasing the CD-ROM. You can access previous yearsÕ returns online, also. As of 1/07, I use the 1040 forms (not 1040 A or 1040 EZ), as Turbotax chooses the form automatically for me. Turbotax Deluxe 2007 at Staples allows you to buy Quicken Basic 2007 and receive a $30 refund (so Quicken is free). However, at Turlock Staples, they did not have any Quicken Basic on 2/11/07. They sell Quicken 2007 for Mac online with a $30 rebate, but the Quicken 2007 for Mac costs $69.99 (so the net price would be $39.99).

17. Pontiac Grand AmÕs registration not in CZ's name, so it is better not to claim on taxes.

18. I downloaded ÒAudit Support CenterÓ for 2007 (and put it in Taxes 2007 folder), even though we will probably not need it.

19. The U.S. Bank interest form (1099-INT) has the same information as the 1098 form from U.S. Bank; the 109-INT lists the ÒInterest on EscrowÓ (from 1098 form) money on it.

20. To make a change to an accepted tax return, open the saved file, go to ÒFormsÓ (click button in upper left window inside Turbotax) and then open a form under the Forms Menu and type in 1040x; on the 1040x form, once you type in the year, the form gets filled out by Turbotax. Go back to ÒEasy StepÓ and make corrections to your tax form. Go back to ÒformsÓ by clicking the icon in the upper left hand corner, select 1040x and then explain the correction, then select Òprint front windowÓ from the File Menu.


1. USB is faster than serial.

2. A vendor usually still has to write a special driver for the Macintosh, but they do not need to make special hardware, also.

3. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, Hewlett PackardÕs 900 and 1200 series printers are good.

4. It also has a few recommendations for Laser Printers.

5. The new USB mice that has no mouse wball does not work on a mirror, according to B.H.

6. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus is Intel technology, according to the USB Zip Drive manual page 9.

7. When buying something that is USB, you need to have the drivers as well as the hardware. Do not assume that any product would come with Mac software. When buying Matt's 3com camera, they downloaded the software from the Internet.

8. The 99¢ store in Merced has USB cables, which work fine.

         A. Right now, the 99¢ store USB cable is connected (as of 2/26/03). I thought it had a problem on that day (you could see the 2100 in the Chooser on the left-hand side, but you could not select a port on the right hand side), but it turns out that the problem was that I disconnected the ÒA to AÓ extension.


Used MAC purchase

1. Run a check (SCSI Evaluator can be used) to check the HD for bad blocks.

2. Check the keys of the keyboard

3. Try several disks in the disk drive.

4. Check mouse operation.

5. Check the RAM in About This Macintosh.

6. Turn off screen and see If there is a ghost image. If there is, do not buy it. For middle age screens, see If the display is bright.


Unimplemented Trap

Try for bug fixed upgrade.


Via Voice (CS6NHNA)

1. It requires System 8.5 or later.

2. You can dictate into other programs, like MS word, using Via Voice.

3. says that Ozzy Osbourne runs the IBM Voice Recognition Department, but it is not the same Ozzy who makes Heavy Metal records.


Video Tapes

1. To copy videotapes, Henry Martinez at the Media Center at MCOE does it. He is in room J3.

            A. You need to fill out a small form at the county office to do it.

            B. You may pay by cash, check or purchase order.

            C. Henry MartinezÕs number is 381-6640.

            D. To make 20 copies of a tape that is approximately 40 minutes long, it would cost $50. They supply the tape. You can buy your own tapes also, but it would not be worth it.

            E. To have them do the copies, take the master tape to MCOE.

            F. The MCOE Instructional Media Center A/V is open Monday-Friday 8-5.

            G. The address for a purchase order would be MCOE Instructional Media Center A/V: 632 West 13th: Merced, CA 95340.


(Connectix) Virtual Game Station (when calling for tech support, press Ò3Ó, since I have already registered).

1. If you try to copy a game station CD with Toast, it says cannot find sector 26, I think, then ejects the CD from the recorder.

2. I tried making a temporary partition and then copying the stuff to it, did not work.

            A. To do either step 1 or 2, you have to make Virtual Game Station stuffed or otherwise inaccessible. Otherwise, the game starts when loading onto the G3.

3. Game Day 98 works fine. Game Day 99 is choppy, even when I turned VM off and increase memory allocation of VGS to 32000 K. I copied the instructions for Game Day 99, because 98 did not have any instructions with it when I rented it from Blockbuster Video.

4. I got my Gravis game pad and there arenÕt many buttons on the controller as are normally used for the game, NFL Gameday 97, so the options are to assign keyboard commands or get a new controller with more buttons. However, MacZone, Macwherehouse and Macmall do not have any ADB controllers with more buttons, so I need to use keyboard.

5. The games (Game Day 97 and Ten Pin Alley) work fine in 9.2.2. To select a team when playing game day, you must move the controller (during the setup process) to your desired team. To use one of the games, just insert the CD (CD needed to run the game, but no software is installed on the G3/233).

6. To see what commands are used by the keyboard (by default), press escape, then go to edit, prefs, select the controller.

7. To use VSG in 9.2.2, I do not think you need to install anything. I did not realize, initially, that you need to go to edit, preferences to set up the controller. I did install Keyspan USB Card software and USB Adapter Card Support 1.4.1 and then set up the controller. Then I removed Keyspan USB Card software and the controller still worked. I think that the USB Adapter Card Support software that came with OS 9.2.2 was already at version 1.5.4.

8. VGS would not run on the iLamp. If you drag and drop to the iLamp from the G3, the program gives an error about being properly installed. If you use the VGS CD to try to install the software, you get a message that indicates you should use the original CD (even though it was). I think it will only run on the G3.

9. You cannot use two controllers of the same brand with VGS, the Read Me file confirmed this.

10. I found one controller that required a later version of Input Sprocket than I have on the G3. I have version 1.4 and 1.7 is required. I found version 1.7.3 at

11. If you install another controller (after setting up the first one) to replace the first one, the easiest way may to trash VGS prefs and reinstall (if you only trash the prefs, and try to run the program, it will not run).

12. The Wingman controller does work, but on one occasion, I had to restart the G3/233 to get it to work. It comes with a one year warranty. I think I bought it on July 9, 2004.


Virtual PC (w/ Windows 95, 3.11 is a separate purchase). Serial number is 7149-3632-3247-2938, Windows number is 10597-OEM-0021407-46318
1. Does seem to have a compatibility problem with Norton Crashguard. Turned Crashguard off and resolved the problem. (kept getting an error message from Crashguard when Virtual PC would start).

2. To create a startup disk, it must be IBM formatted before starting. If you do not, then the message may appear Òthe disk is too fullÓ. I reformatted it to IBM and it worked.

3. You do not have to set any control panel or set up the printer, it is done automatically.

4. I tried to print, but had much trouble (froze, got system errors, corrupted Windows 95, etc.). I tried reinstalling Virtual PC, reinstalling HP Printer software, Zapping PRAM (with keyboard shortcut and Techtool w/ extensions off), tried typing less words in the notepad, extensions on/off (which will turn background printing off), virtual memory on/off, increased memory for Virtual PC (to 24000, 25000), changed default font to Geneva (under edit, prefs), tried Toggle Mode on/off. It seems to be an intermittent problem.

            A. Finally, started up with extensions off, used Techtool 1.1.5 to zap pram (which resets the modem port as printerÕs choice and also turns AppleTalk on). Turned the printer off for a few seconds and restarted it after the computer restarted. This worked, even though the memory size was the default for Virtual PC, Virtual Memory was on, font stayed at default and all the ÒregularÓ extensions on. So, Techtool fixed the problem. Background printing can be on, but it is VERY slow that way. Better to print with background printing off.

5. To use AOL with the Modem and Virtual PC, need to go to edit, prefs, com port 1, choose Mac modem to make it work. This does work, but it took two screens of typing by errors for my message to type on the screen when in an AOL chat room. A COM port is a serial port, according to Troubleshooting Windows 2000 page 98.

6. VPC will not startup from floppy disk, I think because I had disabled booting from floppy in preferences.

7. To make right click, you can change it in preferences.

8. CD AutoPlay is automatically set up and when you go back to MAC mode, the CD keeps playing. To get to CD:, Start/Programs/Accessories/Multimedia/CD.

9. Called Connectix tech support. They suggested downloading later version of Virtual PC (1.01) from Look for latest driver for HP Software. To resolve Error Type 1, trash ÒVC Print Spooler FolderÓ in prefs. Zap PRAM w/ Techtool (extensions off). Downloaded 1.0.1, and it prints fine with background printing OFF. It will print with background printing on, but it is very slow, 2 to 3 minutes and gives a small freeze time on Virtual PC.

10. There appears to be a problem with It's Legal, it does not open from the Finder in Virtual PC (Windows 95), even if you check the box to always use this program to open this type of file.

11. To get the buttons on Sound Recorder to become black instead of gray (it still will not actually produce sound though). Go to Media Player, Device, and MIDI sequencer s/b checked, then choose properties. If the setting is on Creative Lab, the buttons will be black. If the setting is on Internal OPL, the buttons will be gray (I think or vice versa, black, gray). Anyhow, If the setting is to Internal OPL, the media player will produce sound. If the setting is on Creative Lab, the media player will not produce sound.

12. To have a program start up when windows starts up, click Òstart,Ó Òsettings,Ó Òtaskbar,Ó Òstart menu programsÓ tab, Òadd,Ó Òbrowse,Ó and double click program, Ònext,Ó single click Òstartup folder,Ó Ònext,Ó Òfinish.Ó

13. has a listing of hardware devices compatible with Windows 2000 (Not Professional, but the list is probably pretty close). The bookmark mentioned in the book Troubleshooting Windows 2000 (page 98, 100, etc.) does not work.

14. On another occasion, tried to print with background printing on, but printer off. Had to reinstall software, Zap the PRAM, restart the computer and the printer. Turned background printing off (and made sure printer was on when printing).

15. Virtual PC can be closed using command, Q without it affecting the printing situation in a negative way.

16. Version 1.01 will not allow booting from a floppy disk, especially since it said that Òhimem.sysÓ file was missing, when it actually was on the disk.

17. PCI Network adapter card is not installed correctly error message appeared. BS said solution is probably a software glitch. Might need to reinstall Windows 95.

18. Can make a 260-MB partition or a 150-MB partition (I used the smaller one, since Virtual PCÕs space takes away from MacÕs HD space).

19. Once I tried to print graphics with MS Word (background printing off), Virtual PC quit and when I restarted VPC, it would print. Regular text would print fine. Tried increasing memory allocation to 22000 and 27000, but had same results.

20. Once when running Virtual PC, the screen was somewhat fuzzy. I went to control panels, display, settings to change to 16-bit color, screen returned to normal.

21. With Version 2.0, you can automatically switch the MacÕs resolution to make Virtual PCÕs resolution (so that Virtual PC takes up the whole screen and does not overflow on the screen). However, the clouds background apparently is not fully set up to work in resolutions greater than 640 X 480 (except If it is tiled).

            A. It is best to not use full screen mode and set the MacÕs resolution to 800 X 600 and Virtual PC to 640 X 480. That way, the VPC window is on the screen, but the MAC desktop is still easily accessible.

22. To view the prefs for Virtual PC without having to open the application: Hold down and continue to hold down the option key and open Virtual PC. (wonÕt work, though, with MOM control panel.)

23. The PCI Network card error message does not appear If you use the command, Q function to leave Virtual PC, but it seems to show up If you use the ÒstartÓ menu in VPC 2.0.

24. If you drag a folder (not a file) to the ÒfoldersÓ icon on the bottom of VPC window, it will show up in ÒMy ComputerÓ as a shared folder. However, later, I tried this (5/02), it did not work. I had to double click the folders tab, then select a folder.

            A. To remove a shared folder, go to prefs, shared folders, highlight name of folder and click Òunshare folder.Ó

            B. After installing 1.0 and upgrading to 2.0, I could not share a folder, nor could I drag and drag from the Mac desktop to the PC. I solved this problem by using the VPC20add.exe file (see 54 A for more information).

25. Version 2.0 will allow you to print writing or graphics with background printing on, Significant improvement over 1.0 (does not quit the application either).

26. Can copy and paste pictures between MAC and PC applications. I tried to paste a picture of the IBM desktop into Graphic Converter, which worked fine. I tried to paste it into CW, also, but it said Òthere is not enough memory available to complete this operationÓ. I pasted to the scrapbook first and then to CW, which worked. I could also increase the preferred memory allocation of CW to 3400 and it would paste. Can also hold down the option key and select part of the screen If necessary.

27. The mount image function (page 20 of VPC addendum 2.0) works with Disk Copy 4.2, but not with Shrinkwrap version 2.1 or Disk Copy 6.2.

28. To use the modem, must go to edit, prefs, set COM port 1 (COM Port 2, also, perhaps) to Mac Modem.

29. With Virtual P.C. 2.0, you can copy and paste text and graphics from MAC to PC (need to use Word Pad instead of Notepad in PC environment for transferring graphics). You can also access disk images created in the Mac environment (from Disk Copy 4.2 or 6.1.3, but not Disk Copy 6.2).

30. Should wait for print jobs to spool to the Mac printer before exiting VPC. Otherwise, the print job will spool when VPC is reopened.

31. When trying to play Grand Theft Auto, an error message appeared saying ÒA required .dll file, Dplayx.dll was not foundÓ. Bobby sent me the file, I dragged it to Virtual PC, then dragged the file into the System FOLDER, which is inside Windows folder inside the C drive in My computer.

32. Version 2.1 improves compatibility with RAM Doubler and virtual memory and improves video compatibility.

33. Formatting disks may be a problem with Virtual PC.

34. BrianÕs Sound Tool (freeware) will convert WAV files to System 7 Mac Files and vice versa, so that files can be used in Virtual PC with Sound Recorder (Drag and drop sound files between Mac and PC does not work).

35. You can open BMP (GKON - creator) or Tiff (GKON - creator) pictures created on the MAC in Virtual PC.

36. I tried to Virtual PC to download some MP3Õs from AOL 3.0 would not sign on, it kept freezing when getting to the checking password screen. I tried increasing Memory allocation of Virtual PC to 49,000, but I had no luck.

            A. Finally, I used the Òfresh, newÓ AOL 4.0 CD and installed a 16-bit version of 4.0 on the D Drive (I made a 300 MB partition with the D Drive).

            B. After downloading the Scour Media Player, the audio files could not be downloaded, still.

            C. Look for downloads that do not have Òdownload with SXÓ as the top link, those seem to work. Those that say Òdownload with SXÓ seem to want SX (Scour Exchange or Media Player).

37. Virtual PC 4.0 requires Mac OS 8.5 or later and 50 MB of RAM.

38. Tidbits #619 says that Virtual PC is runs in both Mac OS 9 and OS X and takes advantage of multiprocessor Macs under Mac OS X, using the 2nd processor for screen updating.

            A. Tidbits #619 also says that Virtual PC 5.0 also does not unexpectedly change the MacÕs resolution without asking (version 4 apparently did that).

            B. Tidbits #619 also says that Virtual PC 5.0 requires a Power PC G3 or G4 Mac (with Mac OS 9.1 or later. RAM minimums vary from 64 MB to 256 MB.

39. When reinstalling System Software, it may be necessary to reselect your disk image for Virtual PC under preferences.

40. On one occasion, I was unable to type anything in Virtual PC in note pad or find box. Trashed the Virtual PC preferences, and restarted the application. This worked.

41. When upgrading to 2.0 from 1.0, you will probably get a message about the upgrade not being compatible with old HD or something. This seems normal, but data may be lost if stored with 1.0. Better to wait until you install 1.0, update to 2.0, then add data or save files, if preferred.

42. Often, when upgrading or upgrading Virtual PC, you get some type of ÒincompatibleÓ message. After running Scan Disk, the problem has always been solved.

43. On one occasion, I had installed 2.0 after a System Software clean install. Then I selected the Mac Printer Port as Com Port 1. But after upgrading to 2.1.3 of Virtual PC, it said that the printer port would not be available. I quit VPC and restarted. I was able to print from Virtual PC (I used Note Pad in Windows).

44. Typing c: at the Run prompt allows you to see the contents of the C drive.

            A. If you type in dir c: at the MS-DOS prompt, you see a directory of the C drive. If you type dir a: (and you have a floppy inserted), you see the contents of the floppy disk. If you type a: the a:, the A prompt is then displayed (instead of the C prompt). I thought that perhaps inserting a disk into the Mac while Virtual PC is running may not allow to access the floppy disk after leaving Virtual PC, but it appears that the disk will probably mount itself after clicking in the Finder.

            B. If you have a Mac formatted disk in the floppy drive and type a: at the MS-DOS prompt, then you get a an error that says ÒGeneral failure reading drive A, Abort, Retry, Fail?Ó. At least on two occasions, after doing this with Virtual PC, the disk was slow to mount. After quitting Virtual PC, the disk would mount.

            C. At the run prompt, typing dir c: does not work. Typing c: does show the contents of the C drive, though.

45. To add something to the Start Menu in Windows 95, drag the icon on top of the start menu.

46. I had trouble with floppy disk mounting when VPC was active. I quit VPC, then it mounted okay.

47. I was trying to put the TrackMate.exe file into Windows 95. Virtual PC 2.1.3 would not allow copying of files by drag and drop (the VPC manual suggests using Folder Sharing, not drag and drop), restarted VPC, increased memory allocation to 30000K, I tried using the folders tab (dragging a folder on top of the folders button in VPC does not appear to work, also double clicking the folders button did nothing), I made a PC formatted disk with the Macintosh Finder (but the disk was Ònot accessibleÓ), trashed prefs, which produced the reinstall error.

            A. I reinstalled VPC 1.0, I was still not able to drag and drop from the Mac to the PC, but I was able to access the PC formatted floppy disk and install the Trackmate program. Double clicking the folders tab brought up a dialog box to select a folder for sharing from the Mac to the PC. You can also go to preferences, select shared folders, double click there and select a folder to share (can also select share every time). The VPC manual does not seem to indicate that Mac files can be opened with VPC, usually just Windows files.

            B. You may have to close the ÒMy ComputerÓ window and reopen it to see the shared folder.

            C. Later, drag and drop did not work, nor did clicking on Shared Folder. But after reinstalling VPC 2.1.3, both problems were not present.

48. I reinstalled 1.0, had windows disk with Trackmate, I got an invalid system disk, press any key error. I ejected the floppy disk with VPC, pressed a key. Then, Windows 95 started up.

            A. I will leave VPC 1.0 on the G3 for now.

49. I went to the control panel, display, screen saver to use Ò3D textÓ as my screen saver. After I did that, everything on the display turned Red (and I had not chosen a red display). Anyhow, I changed from 256 color to High Color (16 bit), restarted Virtual PC and the problem was fixed (and the 3D text did work as my screen saver).

50. On one occasion, after installing 1.0, I got a message that said that there is problem saving to the HD (the first time I closed Virtual PC). But then I moved the Virtual PC folder and then it saved fine.

51. I was able to transfer a file from Virtual PC to floppy, to Mac, then back to VPC, opened fine (mobile home sale doc from ÒIt's LegalÓ).

52. Virtual PC 1.0 does not run under System 9.2. Better to boot into OS 8, if needing to use Virtual PC. Also, you can not install Virtual PC 2.0 without installing version 1.0 first.

            A. I tried installing version 1.0 with extensions off and extensions on (after trashing original prefs) with 9.2.2, I had no luck. VPC just froze after I typed in my name and serial number.

53. If you have a floppy disk in the drive and try to start up Virtual PC, you will get an Òinvalid startup diskÓ error (if the disk is not a valid startup disk).

54. DC said (11/30/03) that Virtual PC version 2 (with some update 2.2.3 or ?) will run in OS 9. He suggested dragging the .exe file to the desktop. He will send me the update, because Microsoft (who bought Connectix) does not leave the updates online anymore.

            A. I tried trashing all Virtual PC 1.0 and 2.0 stuff. Then I installed 1.0, 2.0, ran 2.0 additions (used 2.0 exe file, which I accessed by opening the Extras 2.0 on the CD, which installed an icon on the G3 Desktop, then I put the VPC20add.exe file it on a PC formatted floppy and then dragged to the VPC program), then ran 2.1.2 update, then 2.1.3 update.  The program then ran fine in OS 8.1, but in 9.2.2, I got a message saying that ÒVirtual PC has been improperly installed. Please re-install from your master disk.Ó (I wonder if he is using 9.0 or 9.1). Later, he told me he is using 9.2.1. Later, though, I was using 9.2.1, but VPC still produced the error about being properly installed.

55. If you copy an item to the C drive directly, you can only delete it by shift, clicking and choosing delete. You can drag the item to the Recycle Bin.

56. If you have a floppy disk in the drive and VPC running, you may not be able to access the floppy with Mac Finder. May need to quit VPC, then access the floppy.

57. If you print a document in Virtual PC and then quit before the document spools to the Mac printer, the printing will not occur. When you re-open VPC, it will print (at least it did on one occasion, I reopened VPC about fifteen minutes later).

58. On one occasion, I clicked on the Recycle Bin and VPC froze. Restarting VPC did not help. A force quit solved the problem. I then restarted the G3.

59. On one occasion, I could not type over or change the names of folders, but I could in the Mac Finder. I quit Virtual PC without saving, and restarted it. This solved the problem.

60. Error type 1 kept occurring on the G3 with 8.1. It was because I was still using VPC 1.0, I think. Anyhow, after upgrading to 2.0, the problem disappeared.



1. To avoid them, lock your disks that you put into another machine or donÕt put them back in your own i.e. If you give someone a disk, donÕt ask for it back unless you would like to initialize it.

2. You can use disinfectant to scan a disk for viruses after the disk is mounted. If a virus is found, then you should scan the computer too to check for any viruses.

3. A virus could wipe a whole hard drive or possibly cause files to mysteriously disappear. Also, they can cause there to be (out of nowhere) extensions and control panels with strange names

4. Bob uses Norton anti-virus (same as Symantec Anti Virus) to scan disks. If virus is found, refer to #2.

5. Should set CD-ROM AutoPlay and CD audio play to off in the Quicktime settings control panel to help avoid Autostart Worm virus. However, Quicktime settings will still auto play If checked, even If the Settings control panel is in the disabled folder.

6. When working with infected floppy disks, you should not even have the hard disk mounted (hold down command, option, Shift and delete at startup).

7. If a desktop is infected, rebuild it using Techtool, which will delete the desktop file and a new uninfected desktop file is created.

8. Checking for viruses can sometimes detect damaged files, even If not infected.

9. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs, if every five to thirty minutes, your computer slows down to a crawl and there is a lot of disk activity, you may have the Autostart Worm virus.

            A. However, with Mac OS 8.6, it could be a problem with the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which is used with TCP/IP networking.

10. Source:, to help avoid starting a macro virus, set up your Internet browser to save .doc files to a file, as opposed to having it open with Microsoft Word. I did this with IE 5.

            A. The article also has some helpful hints regarding viruses for the Mac.

11. has some information on viruses.

12. Tourbus (7/24/01) says you can not get a virus by reading an e-mail. Later, however, there was a slight retraction by the Tourbus, since there was one e-mail that could be sent out that could cause problems, just by reading. With the latest version of OE 5.0.2, the problem can be avoided, however.

            A. Tourbus says that forwarded messages can have viruses in them, since some viruses attach to computers and then send the virus to everyone in that personÕs address book.

            B. Tourbus from 1/14/02 talks about virus prevention also (much of the same info).

13. has info on viruses and will do a free virus scan, but it appears that it may be Windows only.

14. 8/20/02 Tourbus mentions the use of spyware, which is software that can be installed on a computer (that appears to be useful software); however spammers can use it to get e-mail addresses.

            A. can tell you whether a program is a problem or not, before you install it on your computer.

            B. Ad-aware is a program that can scan your HD with Windows 98, 98SE, NT4, 2000, XP, and ME.  It can scan for software already installed. You should be able to find Ad-Aware at

15. 2/13/03, Tourbus mentions a program called MacScan. It can be found at

16. Tidbits #730 says that there was a Mac OS X Trojan Horse that purports to be a web installer for Microsoft Word 2004.

            A. Tidbits advices against downloading from non-trustworthy sources.


Visual Page

To insert a picture, simply click the picture icon in the toolbar and then find the picture.

The picture must be on the same disk that you save your file on (otherwise a picture icon instead of the picture appears).


VST USB Floppy Drive (software can be installed on more than one computer at a time, legally).

1. When using a VST USB floppy drive, the drive must be connected to the USB ports on the iMac itself, not the USB port on the keyboard, since it does not supply enough power (and you will get an error message).

            A. Also, you can not start up the iMac with a bootable floppy disk (not supported).

            B. On the VST connected to the iMac in my room, you may have to drag the icon to the trash and then push the eject button on the front of the drive, (VST USB manual, p. 8).

            C. With the VST USB Floppy drive on my G3/233, the manual says you can simply press the eject button on the front of the drive and that is fine. However, if you do that and the disk has open files, you will get an "in use" error.

2. When my VST USB Floppy Drive arrived for my G3/233, the USB cable was too short. I got an extension A to A cable.

3. VST can use software on one computer at a time (can be installed on more than one).

            A. The software is installed on the iMac in room 54.

4. VST Floppy Drive works with the iMac DV.

5. After I loaded the Keyspan USB card software (which I did without the mouse, since the USB optical mouse was inoperable until software was loaded), but before loading the VST USB Floppy Drive software, I got an error upon each startup. The error said the software needed to use the USB device "TEAC DD-05PU" cannot be found (TEAC is the same product as VST). Please refer to the device documentation to install the necessary software. After installing the VST software, the message was gone.

6. I now have KWÕs VST CD, since my school VST CD is not locatable, as of 8/24/01.

7. My VST USB Floppy Drive at home does not have an option to replace the top with another color (the new ones at school do).

8. On at least one iMac, I did not have to restart the computer to get the software to work after installing it.

9. On the iMac in room 37, there kept appearing a double image of the icon for a floppy disk. I tried trashing the USB Floppy Support extension in the extensions folder and reinstalling with extensions off, I had no luck. I e-mailed VST at (I think it may be formerly vsttech) to ask about this. You can also fax them at 978-635-8283, see or call them at 978-635-8282. I installed version 2.1.6 of the VST software, which I downloaded from their website. The problem seems to have disappeared, only one icon showed up on the desktop. I tried to update the version of the VST USB Floppy Support extension on the G3/233, but the installer says it requires System 8.5.1 or newer.

10. I tried using an 800 K disk with a VST USB Floppy Drive, but it gave an "eject" message (perhaps could only be a bad floppy disk).

11. On the slot loading iMac at home, the VST USB floppy drive kept producing the Ònot enough powerÓ message at startup. It was, however, because the USB hub had become unplugged.

12. According to, you can simply plug and play an external Teach USB floppy drive (5/20/07). FYI, in case we have a SmartDisk dirve, according to, Windows ME/2000/XP does not require software for the SmartDisk USB floppy drive, since it is built into the operating system: there is a driver for 95/98.

13. VST floppy drive worked fine with laptops (no software installation needed). I was able3 to open the document (rtf format) with Word 98 on the G3/266; however, I determined later that if you open the files from within Word, it is less likely to produce an error. VST 2.1.6 software recommends 8.5.1 or later, but it has worked on the G3/233 and the G3/266 with 8.1.


Windows 2000 Professional Edition (Registration number is GTW7X-444HY-KX74Q-Y7GB2-R8DJG)

1. says that incorporates the best features of Windows 98 and builds on the traditional strength of Windows NT.

            A. The web pages says that the built-in Windows 98 business features include a simplified user interface, improved Plug N Play, Power Management and support for a broad range of hardware devices. It is supposedly more reliable, secure and manageable than Windows NT workstation, because of its new file encryption and application management tools.

2. LO asked me about a Òuse keyÓ for Windows. I looked with Google and there does not appear to be a Òuse key,Ó only statements that says Òuse key command...,Ó etc. I e-mailed Matt about this.

            A. Matt said he did not know of a Òuse keyÓ either.

3. According to, if you have encountered some problem in Windows 2000, you can restart in Safe Mode. Safe Mode can be started up by Starting Windows or if it is running, shut it down and restart. When you see the black and white Starting Windows bar at the bottom of the screen, press F8. The Windows 2000 Advanced Option Menu Appears. This menu displays the following selection: Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Enable Boot Logging, Enable VGA mode, Last Know Good Configuration, Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows 2000 domain controllers only), Debugging Mode, Boot Normally.

            A. The page says in most situations, you will choose safe mode.

4. I could check for Windows software, but we may not eventually be able to put a lot of software on it.

5. To wake up the computer from sleep, KW suggested using Space bar or Enter key.

6. Angela Sullivan said she gave the original disk and media for Windows 2000 to Kristie Warner.

7. Master Windows 2000 Professional Visually (ISBN #0-7645-3421-01) is pretty good. It costs $39.99 at Barnes and Noble in Modesto.

            A. Running Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro (1-57231-838-4) is also $39.99 at Barnes and Noble in Modesto.

8. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 8 says that you can "Click an option to select it (within a dialog box) or press Alt plus the underlined letter in the option name."(With IE 5 on at least one computer "New Window" is under the File Menu, but the letter "W" is underlined. However, you must use Ctrl, N to open a new Window (this situation may be due to the language difference). {Sometimes, not all items worked the first time on the DEC, it may be good to give a couple tries}. Also, in some cases, it may be that the letters are not underlined, but the shortcut still works (delete items from Recycle bin, Yes or No. I think it is Control, Y or Control, N).

            A. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 8 says that "If you don't know what an option does, press F1 or click the Help button to see a description of the options". (It may be that you can press F1 at other times, also, to bring up the Help dialog box).

            B. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 10 says that "If you want to print or copy the information in a pop-up window, right-click inside the window and then click Print Topic". This works in the Help Dialog box.

            C. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 11 says that "Another way to get Help on an item on-screen is to use your right mouse button to click the area that you want Help on and then click the What's This? command" {this works in the Open dialog box}.

            D. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 12 says that you can press F1 wherever you are to access help.

            E. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 14 says that , when selecting folders, that ÒIf the folder is a subfolder of another folder, you may need to expand the parent folder by double-clicking it in order to see the subfolderÓ.

            F. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 15 says that the Documents submenu in the Start Menu displays a list of the last 15 documents youÕve used.

            G. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 15 says that the Printers submenu in the Start Menu allows you to add a new printer, modify an existing printer or view documents being printed.

            H. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 16 says that even if you see a message already displayed that asks you to enter your password, always press Ctrl + Alt + Delete before you type your passwordÓ (this ensures the security of your system).

            I. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 17 explains that if you click the icon in the upper left-hand corner of a window (for some items), you can access some commands. For example, you can use Restore (undo the last minimize or maximize command) or move (allows you to move the window: Cursor turns into a four headed

arrow), Size (allows you to change the size of the window, Cursor turns into a four headed arrow), Minimize, Maximize, Close. I do not see the difference between when you use move and size under normal circumstances and when the cursor is a four headed arrow, but perhaps later I shall learn. Page 17 also says that the commands menu vary for different applications, but most Control (upper left hand side icon) menus include at least the move and Close commands.

            J. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 18 says that you can activate a command by pressing the Alt key and the underlined letter in a menu (Alt can toggle the underlining of the letters on/off).

            K. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 24 explains how to associate file types i.e. associate file types with their applications.

            L. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 25 states that to rename a file or folder, you can highlight it, then choose File, Rename. You can also right click a file and choose Rename from the menu {This does not work for Documents and Settings, rzelenski, recent. This probably does not work, since these files were in use}.

            M. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 25-26 explains how to change the size of the Recycle Bin.

            N. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 26 explains that you can choose to see the Recycle Bin properties and choose not to have files moved to the Recycle Bin (delete files automatically, skipping the Recycle Bin).

            O. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 26 explains how to copy a file or folder to a disk using Windows Explorer (File, Send to command). Page 27 says ÒYou can also copy a file or folder to a floppy disk by right-clicking the file or folder and choosing Send To 3 1/2Ó floppy (A). Page 28 explains how to copy a file or folder (not move) using the mouse: Click the icon of item to be copied and then Hold down the Ctrl key and drag the folder or file to the folder to which you want to copy the file.

            P. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 28 says that ÒTo select more than one file or folder to copy, hold down the Ctrl key and then click the items you wantÓ. Page 28 says you can also use the File Menu, Edit, Copy to Folder Command.

            Q. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 33 explains that if you often do the same type of searches with the Find command, you can save the search results. Search for files, then go to file, Save Search.

            R. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 34 explains how to use the mouse to move a file or folder (suggests using Windows Explorer, but it does not appear to be necessary). Page 34-35 explains how to use menu commands to move files or folders.

            S. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 35 says that when you save a file in a program like WordPad or Paint, it is automatically saved in My Documents unless you choose a different location. To change the default folder for my Documents, right click, select Properties, Target, Type or browse for your desired path (location).

            T. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 37 says that files deleted from network locations, diskettes, Zip Disks and so on are not copied to the Recycle Bin.

            U. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 38 explains how to restore items from the Recycle Bin. It also says that if you restore a file that was originally located in a deleted folder, Windows recreates the folder and restores the file in there.

            V. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 38 explains how to send files to other places (i.e. e-mail program, fax program, desktop, etc.) Page 39 explains that you can add more locations to the Send To command. You just put shortcuts to the desired destinations in the Send To folder inside of Windows.

            W. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 40 explains that you can click the column heading in Windows Explorer to sort by that particular column.

            X. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 41 explains that each type of file that you view the properties for may render different tabs.

            Y. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 42 explains how to view Graphics files. Open desired folder, then choose thumb nails under the view menu.

            Z. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 46 explains how to add a shortcut to the desktop. You can also drag the item to the desktop with the right mouse button and select Create Shortcut Here. Also, when you delete a shortcut, the original item still exists on the disk.

            AA. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 47 explains how to add/remove items to the Start Menu (Start, Settings, Taskbar and Start Menu, Advanced).

            BB. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 48 explains that Add/Remove Programs can only be used for programs that were written for Windows operating systems.

            CC. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 49 explains how to clear the documents menu: Choose Start, Settings, Taskbar and Start Menu: Select Start Menu Options tab: In the Customize Start Menu, choose Clear. (Advanced, Clear. The book is incorrect, it appears).

            DD. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 49 says you type the word exit at the blinking cursor to exit an MS-DOS program. Page 52 explains that to switch between a full screen and a window, press Alt + Enter.

            EE. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 53 explains that if a program you like to use does not appear in the Start Menu: Use Search to find it: Right-click on the item and then choose Create Shortcut: Drag the shortcut to the Start Menu. Alternatively, you can click and drag a file to the Start Menu, wait for Start Menu to open, then highlight and wait for Programs submenu to open, then let go of file.

            FF. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 53 explains how to have programs start each time Windows 2000 starts. Move a shortcut into a folder called Startup {Start, settings, Taskbar and Start Menu, Advanced Tab, Find Startup folder}. The path for the Startup folder is C:\Documents and Settings\rzelenski\Startmenu\Programs\Startup Folder.

            GG. Turning Num Lock on/off changes from insert to replace mode and vice versa (at least this was true in Acapulco, but not true with DEC).

            HH. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 54 says that to add a program shortcut to the Startup Menu, drag the icon to the Start button and then the Programs menu, then drop it on the Startup submenu (drag the shortcut to the area to the right). To delete the shortcut, go to C:/Documents and Settings/rzelenski/Start Menu/Programs (this would be for computer use when I am logged in).

            II. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 54 says you can switch to the next open program or document by using Alt + Tab. You can cycle through open windows by holding down the Alt Key and repeatedly pressing tab.

            JJ. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 56 talks about the use of accessories under the Programs menu. HyperTerminal is a 32-bit modem communications application. Page 56 also mentions the use of Imaging, which is a graphics utility program. It has support for direct acquisition from TWAIN-compliant scanners. WordPad accommodates text files too large for Notepad (you can turn text wrap on and off with Wordpad by going to View, Options, Text; and you can turn text wrap on and off in Notepad by going to Format, Wordwrap. The Calendar can be Scientific, if you choose that option under the View Menu. Digit grouping in Scientific or Standard toggles on/off the commas between periods in large numbers. Character Map (under System Tools) is a utility that shows you the complete character set for a particular font (it is useful in locating special characters not found on the keyboard). Page 62 says you can press the Tab key until the cursor is in the character-selection section and use the arrow keys to see an enlarged picture of the character. Page 62 also says that when you paste characters into some programs, you may lose the font you selected in the Unicode (16 bit character set standard) Character dialog box. May need to select text and change font.

            KK. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 61 says that the CD player has an Intro Play mode, which plays the beginning few seconds of each track. Press >>> (down arrow) to select mode.

            LL. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 67 explains how to keep a log using Notepad. Type the word .LOG (all caps) on the first line. Each time you save and reopen the file, the date and time are saved in the file.

            MM. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 69 explains how to use a picture as the desktop background. You should save the picture first, before being able to use it as wallpaper. To set a picture as a Desktop item, Right click on a picture and choose ÒSet as wallpaper.Ó To delete a desktop item (not a desktop icon, i.e. Network Neighborhood, My Computer, etc.) if you right click on a picture, select Active Desktop, Customize my desktop, web, select item to delete, press delete, then apply or okay. If you access the Active Desktop Menu by right clicking on the desktop, there is an option to lock desktop items, which is an item that is embedded into the background (not desktop icons like I.E., My computer, etc.)

            NN. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 71 explains that you can use the reverse function to play a sound backwards. Use the Sound Recorder application and go to Effects, reverse.

            OO. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 71 says that if you have a sound card in your computer, you can use Volume Control to turn the sound up or down, whether it comes from your computerÕs speakers, microphone or CD-ROM drive.

            PP. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 74 explains how to insert time and date with WordPad.

            QQ. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 74 explains that to open a file quickly in WordPad, choose the file name from the File Menu, when Word Pad is open. Page 75 explains that when you turn on a Word wrap option, you what see is not what you get when you print the document.

            RR. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 81 says that you can right-click on the toolbar (works on Taskbar also, which is at the bottom of the screen) to customize it.

            SS. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 83 says that when using IE 5, if you choose to not see pictures, you can still see one at a time by right-clicking the icon and then clicking "Show picture".

            TT. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 86 says that to save all the info needed to display a web page in a single MIME-encoded file, click "Web Archive," when saving (this saves a snapshot of the page). This option is only available if you have installed OE5 or later.

            UU. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 87 says to use a web page image as wallpaper, right-click on an image and then click "Set as wallpaper".

            VV. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 87 says that if you choose to work offline, IE 5 will always start in offline mode, until you change the setting.

            WW. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page mentions that to add a Mail or News Account, you need the name of An (not "the) outgoing mail server.

            XX. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 95 mentions that OE uses a spell-checker that installs with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Powerpoint 95/97, you must have one of these programs installed to use spell-checker. Page 95 also mentions that you can customize the way your spell-checker works by clicking Tools, Options, Spelling. Page 97 says that you cannot delete the Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items or Draft Folders in OE. Page 97 says that you should separate e-mail recipients (when more than one) by using a comma or semicolon. Page 98 says you can open the Address Book by clicking the To,

Cc or Bcc icons. Page 99 says that you can view a message in the preview pane by clicking on it: You can view the message in a separate window by double clicking on it (must have message open to turn preview pane on/off, under the View Menu). Page 101-103 explains how to send messages using stationary.

            YY. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 106 says that you should make sure that "Automatically Detect my Printer" {when you select Settings, printers, Add new printer} is checked when adding a printer to your computer (unless you want to add it manually, which is mentioned on page 107-109). Page 106 also says that you can (alternatively) start or restart your computer after connecting your printer, to start the "Found New Hardware" Wizard automatically.

            ZZ. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 106 says that if you install a USB printer, Windows 2000 detects and automatically starts the Found New Hardware Wizard.

            AAA. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 107 mentions the use of infrared (of or relating to the range of invisible radiation wavelengths) printers.

            BBB. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 110 mentions that to cancel the printing of a document, right-click on it and choose Cancel from the pop-up menu. Page 111 says you can cancel the printing of more than one document by holding down the Ctrl Key and selecting each document you want to cancel. Page 111 explains how to change the order of documents waiting to print {Right click on a queued document, then select properties, change priority}, but you must have "Manage Documents" permission. Page 112 mentions that after a document has started printing, it generally finishes printing, even if you pause it.

            CCC. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page112 says that "You can print a document without opening by dragging its icon to a printer in the Printers folder or to a shortcut on your desktop".

            DDD. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 112 says you can go to Start, Settings, Printers, Right-click the printer you are using, then select Printing Preferences. Page 113 warns that if you change preferences, it will affect the default document settings for the printer and all documents you send to the printer.

            EEE. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 114 says that to be able to do duplex (two-sided) printing, your printer must support this feature (BJC-2110 does support the feature, You go to Properties, Page Setup, select duplex, you must feed the paper back through. Page 114 explains how to restart the printing of a document. Page 115 says that if you restart printing a document, it prints from the beginning; however, if higher priority documents are in the print queue, they print first. Page 115 mentions that some printers have a "Rotated Landscape" choice under Printing preferences (i.e. Portrait, Landscape or Rotated Landscape). The 2110 does not have an option for ÒRotated LandscapeÓ. Page 120 mentions that you can check the status of documents to be printed by clicking on the printer icon on the Taskbar.

            FFF. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 116 explains that using a separator page can be useful if several people are sharing the same printer. Page 121 says that if you double click "Computers Near Me," you narrow a search to computers that are in the same workgroup (Go to My Network Places on Desktop, The Computers Near Me, you can then see other computers).

            GGG. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 123 mentions that an infrared port can be used to connect two computers. Page 125 mentions that a computer must be restarted to access the infrared port (probably true for Networking and stand-alone items). Page 130 mentions how to find printers on a network.

            HHH. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 134 mentions that you must have Administrator-level rights to create an incoming network connection. Page 135 mentions that you must be logged on as a member of the Administrators, Server Operators, or Power Users Group to share folders and files. Page 136 explains how to set up printer-sharing permissions. Page 141 mentions how to turn off folder sharing. Turning off printer sharing is mentioned on page 142.

            III. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 144-145 explains how to add Toolbar buttons (you can add links, apparently) in Folder Windows. Page 145-146 mentions the use of some Accessibility Options in the Accessibility Options control panel. Filter Keys (which Òignore brief or repeatedÓ keystrokes). Sticky Keys (Shift, Cntrl and Alt are used by pressing the Shift Key and then a letter key one a time or using the Cntrl key and then a letter key, etc. but not simultaneously. If you press two keys simultaneously, then Sticky Keys turns off, which is the default setting) are mentioned on page 146-147. Scroll Lock is usually used by Excel, by ignored by many other applications, according to

            JJJ. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 149 mentions that If you select "Show Volume" control on the taskbar checkbox (Access with the Sounds and Multimedia control panel) {and your sound card's volume can be changed using software}, a speaker icon appears on the taskbar.

            KKK. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 150 mentions that you can change the appearance of folder items (by name, icons, etc.) You can change which column is "Viewed By" by clicking the name of column in column view. I may want to change to list view on the DEC computer.

            LLL. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 154 explains how to use the keyboard as a mouse (use the numeric keypad on your computer).

            MMM. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 154-155 explains that if you go to Control Panel, Folder Options, you can have each folder open its own window.

            NNN. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 155 explains that Desktop Backgrounds can be .bmp, .gif, .jpf,.dib or .htm.

            OOO. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page 156 explains that Toggle Keys (control panel, Accessibility Options) can be turned on/off. Toggle Keys make the computer beep, when certain locking keys are pressed.

            PPP. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference page mentions the use of an Active Desktop, which appears to be the regular desktop.

            QQQ. Windows 2000 Professional for Dummies Quick Reference Glossary mentions many definitions. HAL is Hardware Abstraction Layer: Local (under Local Group) refers to the computer to which the computer connects: Applications designed to run on Windows 95 usually run without a hitch on Windows 2000 (under non-Windows 2000 Professional application). According to book: Passwords can be up to 14 characters long: Resource is any part of a computer

system or network, such as a disk drive, printer or memory, that can be accessed or used: Synchronization Manager is a new tool in Windows 2000 that can synchronize folders, e-mail and databases in a single location. Taskbar lists all currently running programs and open folders: Username cannot be identical to any other group

name or username on its own domain or workgroup.

            RRR. If you go to control panels, Folders Options, General, you can select to enable web content on my desktopÓ or Òuse Windows classic desktop.Ó If you select the web content option, you can copy web content to be used for backgrounds. When you select the option to set as wallpaper with IE, it changes (and is saved) in the Display Control Panel, under backgrounds.

9. When using AOL version 7.0 (the IBM number for AOL support is 800-466-5463, options 1, 2, 3), it can import your address book (which it does automatically), version 5.0 of AOL did not.

            A. There is not a way to export your address book from Macintosh to the PC, according to Techsupport.

            B. With version 7.0, the High-Speed window and the Welcome Screen cannot be closed. The best that you can do is to minimize the window (and move it to desired position, so that it is out of the way), click on the left hand pop up menu, then click anywhere else on the screen, Go to Window, Remember size and position. Then the window should stay in the same place when you click the ÒX.Ó

            C. To get rid of Perks, etc. (AOLÕs prefabricated bookmarks), right click on them to delete them from AOLÕs toolbar.

            D. To stop the voice message ÒYouÕve got picturesÓ from playing on each sign on, click on the ÒMy picturesÓ logo, delete the pictures that are there.

10. FAT 32 is the older system. NTFS (New Technology File System) is newer. 2000 Professional should use NTFS format, which means that DOS probably will not work on it.

            A. To find out if DOS can be used, use 95 or 98 boot disk, when you get to A prompt (A:), type C:, if C prompt shows up, then DOS can be used. If no C prompt is present, computer does not recognize DOS.

            B. If C prompt shows up, keep tapping F8 upon startup (using boot disk).

            C. When starting up a Windows machine (Not sure which version of Windows), you may need to hold down the delete key (or tap it) to get into startup choices Should be able to use CD to make a startup disk.

            D. Order of choice for startup should be (the best way, that is, according to PC) is CD, floppy, HD.

11. To update BIOS, you need a flash program, along with a bootable floppy.

            A. Phil said that updating BIOS is not that hard. ABIT manual should explain how.

12. Right click on file, then send to ,É select destination can be used to copy a file. Some programs have the version with it when you right click on the app and select properties. Shortcuts will have a Shortcut tab. Go to Help about (name of program). This has the version information. is place for AOL downloads for Windows. AOL news articles would not show up on the G3/233, I got a message about enabling Java and Cookies (AOL 5.0 has no choices for these). Anyhow, even signing on with AOL modem (and using AOL Link) did not work. I had to use the AOL for Mac OS X or AOL 8.0 on the DEC/Rebuilt. AOL 9.0 would not install on DEC/Rebuilt, said it is not a É32 application, I used 8.0 installer instead and it worked fine. There does not appear to be a standalone installer, I had to use the internet to complete the install. After restart, AOL 9.0 downloaded fine. It said to look for a file called setup. However, I found the file called AOLDNLD and double clicked on it and it installed 9.0 fine.

13. To open the Control Panels window so you can see them in a window, click on the Start Menu, then select Control Panels, then right click on the Control Panels to select Òopen.Ó

14. To make a backup copy of the Registry, go to Start, Run, type in regedit, then Export  Registry File under the Registry menu.

15. After just clicking on other icons, the icon became normal again (for SuccessMaker).

16. Internet Explorer 7 will run on Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1); it will not run on Windows 2000 Professional.

17. 61. has information about aliases vs. shortcuts. It talks about creating shortcuts, but the ideas do not work in Windows XP Professional Version 2002, because the page is for XP (may be not professional). It talks about a shortcutÕs properties, but the way the Crookham network is set up, the properties (i.e. Targets) may not always be logical. It also talks about mapping a drive, which I was able to do. You can use My Network Places, Map Network Drive, then choose the connection (you can also use Novell Map network Drive with the menu under My Network Places; the menu is accessed with a right click).  You can use My Network Places, Netware Connections, Novell Volume Information to find out about a driveÕs directory. The DEC has SC and SC1 as its Netware connections, while the laptops have SC, SC1, and SCL1. On the DEC, the ÒFÓ drive (which contains SASI) has the volume name as SC1VOL, the server as SC1, and the Object Name as SC1_SC1VOL.SCNET. I was able to map the ÒHÓ drive to match the ÒFÓ drive on the DEC, but using the same idea, it would not work on the laptops. JZ thought perhaps it may be that there is more than one partition on the server, or it may be that some password is required. On a laptop, the ÒFÓ drive has the volume name as SCL1VOL, the server name as SCL1, and the Object Name as SCL1_SCL1VOL.LAB.SCNET.  JZ also said that even though all of the computers are wired, they are on different servers. To change servers, a password is required.

18. Under the Start and Taskbar properties, you can choose Classic (one column) or select ÒStart Menu,Ó which makes  two columns.

19. In some Windows programs, you can right-click in the program to access a contextual menu (copy, paste, etc.).

20. You can use Control Panels, Folder Options to show/hide hidden folders.

21. You can use Command AntiVirus for Windows to disinfect or delete files (even files that cannot be found when searching), but you cannot do it from the dialog box that shows up that says an infection has been found (View results now or view results later); you must open Command AntiVirus for Windows, select a drive, then execute task; once a virus is found, the computer will ask you what you want to do.


Workio Fax Machine in office is model # DF-150 FX. Must dial 2 9's to fax something.

1. I looked for the manual online, but could not find it, so I e-mailed Panasonic at to see about getting one or where I could find it. They suggested that I call 800-833-9626. I found out that Panasonic Fax Machines do not start with DP, usually. I called Marilyn at school and she said that it is a Workio fax machine.

            A. I went to and discovered that Workio has the name Panasonic on its website (which is not a link, but the name is just there). However, there was not a manual online.

            B. I called 800-833-9626 again to see if they could help me. They said that they are not associated with Workio. I guess that Workio may have just put a link to Panasonic on their web page.

            C. I called 800-833-9626 again and they referred me to the Copier Department at 800-742-8086. The man in that department said that Òyes, Workio is made by PanasonicÓ. He said that there is not an online manual for the Workio products, and there may not be a hard copy available, either. I called the literature department at 800-833-9626 (same number as before) and they did not have a hard copy available of the manual for the Workio machine. At, and Old At Ease is my e-mail and password.


World Book Encyclopedia

1. CD Key number is AH394N990345 or AH394N962861. The World Book encyclopedia from Bill and Helen is number AH074N7325B7, AH39N990345, or AH394N962861. On one occasion, I could not get the program to install on the slot-loading iMac (after typing in the code, you press the okay button, but nothing happened), but I think it was may have been AOL was frozen. Anyhow, I restarted with only Apple CD/DVD driver present, and then I could install it.

2. It requires the CD to run it; however, I found a work around (see Disk Utility number 18 for more information).

3. I could not get World Book for OS X (2004) to work on my iLamp (probably because I switched HD's) and the original iMac CD installs the World Book program, so I am using the World Book version from 1998. After setting up the WB Disk 1.cdr to start up at log in time, the window for the WB Disk 1 folder (replication of CD) kept showing, so I added the WB Disk 1 folder (replication of CD) to startup items and clicked the "hide" button, so the window does not show up, but this did not work. Finally, I found a script to do it and modifed it to make it work.

4. I copied all of the World Book (2001, I think) files from the blueberry iMac for use with the iLamp. I was able to copy all of them, but I had one error when copying the M_OCCURENC.LST file. However, on the iLamp, the file is the same number of MB as the original, so it may be okay, not sure. After using the World Book CD to install the program, you can then use the CD to make a master with Disk Utility, so that you can acccess ÒBrowse media, all on CD.Ó To transfer the World Book program to another computer, you have to copy all of the files that are installed by the CD, then use the program Disk Utility to make a CD/DVD master on the HD, this allows you to access ÒBrowse Media, All on CD.Ó

            A. I tried copying the cdr image from the iLamp and put it on a CD, then I copied it to the blueberry iMac. However, the CDR image did not work (the cdr.dmg image that I made with Disk Copy worked fine, though).

5. To use MomÕs World Book (from the G5), I need to make a copy of the World Book application with the Contents folder (not necessarily full) and I need the MOVIES folder (inside the Library package contents withing the appllication itself). I decided not to do this; however, since MomÕs world book is a classic application, and the one I have is an OS X application (2001 version). The 2001 version will run without the CD, but it will access Òall on CDÓ files (access the tab for this by clicking Media on the bar at the top of the program) withtout the CDR image.


World Wide Web

1. and have info on roller coasters.

2. has a free service that allows you to tell people your website as something fairly simple, and then get re-directed to your site.

3. has some samples of robots playing music.

4. my e-mail is, user name is John Jones. is a website that will have subscriptions that will cost $9.95/month, $19.95/6 months or $29.95/year, according to, as of 8/10/2003. I copied some pages from with IE on the DEC, but MS Word 2002 did not copy the boxes with several pictures in it (single pictures were fine); There was just a blank space where the multiple images (a box with several numbers at the bottom to allow you to switch photos) were. SeaMonkey had the same issue with the article ÒT.O. gets the last laugh as Dallas Cowboys roll, 38-17,Ó so the issue is likely to be with the website My e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. However, for the discussion forums, the e-mail and password do not work; I think you have to create a different one, so I did not (I am not real interested in the discussion boards). I subscribed on 8/25/03. I unsubscribed from the Cowboys e-mail newsletters on 9/21/03. On 12/20/03, was having trouble. IE could not load pages, and when it did, it was extremely slow. Increasing the memory for IE to 32000 may help in the future. NN 4.77 could load pages, but not copy them by ÒSelecting all.Ó You had to highlight the whole page manually, then copy and paste (and sometimes in two parts, I had to do that). I did increase the memory for NN to 33000 (from 23000 K) after my session, which may help in the future. I was having trouble getting pages to load at on Christmas 2003. I tried zapping with TT and KB, but I had no luck. If I opened more than two windows at, IE would freeze. I thought it may be PalmDesktop or Transport Monitor, so I did not start them up, but still had trouble. Other websites loaded fine, though. Try again another day. Later (2 A.M.), Cowboysplus was still sluggish for a few pages of loading. However, then it returned to normal. Later, problem returned, so I tried using NN and I just opened two windows at one time, and copied the text from NN (I could not select all with NN, because then the text would not copy) to CW and then printed. I e-mailed about the issue. They did not reply. Later, after I upgraded to OS X, I used Safari to access Even though logging in at first was difficult (I clicked ÒsubmitÓ and the page did not submit for a long time), I was able to access It worked much better than IE 5 or NN 4.77 under OS 9 (Safari did quit once, but I did not have to restart the computer). Also when using Safari with, you may want to choose the button "print it" before copying and pasting to the word processor. In 2/05, I could not get my password to work with Safari (even though it had worked previously). sent me a new temporary password, then I used it to change my password back to Old At Ease. As of 6/07, Safari no longer can load page fully (even after resetting Safari and emptying the cache); I e-mailed webmaster in 6/07, but did not hear back from now, so now I am using Firefox. Later in June 2007, they changed the way the page is set up (it is part of the Dallas Morning News page) and Safari can access the CowboysÕ articles now. At, you can access online courses by going to the pull-down menu under course offerings. Alice Turner ( e-mailed me the information. I was not able to find reading classes online, so I e-mailed Alice Turner. is no longer Motley CrueÕs website, as of 8/03. At, I used and Old At Ease.  is a place for info on 125 plan. I e-mailed them on 9/7/03, to see if I can sign up online (with Safari, IE 5.2.3, or NN 4.77), but they did not reply. I was unable to enter my Social Security number and my last name to get a code for the website. Finally, someone called from 800-323-3748, she said I may want to try again in a couple weeks, since my information is probably not entered into the system yet. It still did not work six weeks and four or five e-mails later, so I decided to just keep track of the account myself using Quicken. The number 800-323-3748 is not the correct number fo the flex plan only. In 7/06, I got set up with with user name of motleyze, and password of original AOL screenname (with the letter ÒoÓ and all lower case). has info on the KLH DVD player's warranty in Room 58. On 8/22/03, I could not get the site to load, however. has info on some actorÕs heights. is Pam AndersonÕs web site. can be used to track our scores on the Internet. My username and password are rzelenski, same password as Outlook. Password can be changed. KW still does the changes for OARS in 07-08, even though she also did it as vice principal in 06-07 (at all three schools, only the principals are allowed to make changes). You can enter OARS info on the website by going to scores. After creating a report, you can click on fluency, comprehension to sort scores by a particular area. NN 4.77 works better than IE 5.1.7 to enter scores (IE keeps producing the spinning ball and slows you down. However, the next day, the spinning ball problem wa not present. Later, though, I determined the problem. If you use the tab key to move from column to column, the spinning ball problem does not occur. If you move the mouse anywhere on the website, the spinning ball occurs). NN does not always allow you to access the Winton School District in the pop-up menu, but reloading seems to usually solve the problem).  I could not add a student on 5/25/06, so I sent an e-mail to the webmaster to inquire. KW told me later that only she can do it. At, I could not get my reports to print out with the colored boxes. As it turns out, I used IE 6.02800.1106 with the DEC and then went to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, and selected Òprint backgrounds colors and images.Ó With NN I had to go to Page Setup, Options, chose ÒPrint background colors and images.Ó On the G3/266, With IE 5.1.7, go to Print, then check ÒPrint backgroundÓ to print the OARS scores with colored boxes. NN 4.77 will not print out in colored boxes, it does not even show up with the colored boxes on the browser page. Nora Mayfield did it. You can also youÕre your scores online by your class and see studentsÕ results. You can choose to Òhide student IdsÓ on the reports. has a good deal on roses for ValentineÕs Day. does asterisk searching, not (i.e. penc**). is the website for the product that Mary Vo bought in 11/03.. (Brunswick bowling requires Flashplayer 6 or 7, which requires OS 8.6 or later. Brunswick had some Dallas CowboysÕ bowling balls, but they were polyester. As of 9/06, there are Kiss bowling balls, but no Motley Crue),, are bowling ball websites. claimed to have Dallas CowboysÕ bowling bags in the catalog at Bellevue Bowl, but the website did not show the bags. and have info on moving. has info on snow crystals. has info on the timing of planes at U.S. airports. is the URL for ÒFly Me to the Moon.Ó My username and password at is, New New At Ease. SM said she found a good travel deal at At, you can find some freeware/software for the PC, that relates to Post-it Notes. is the web address for Farmers and Merchants bank online. You must contact a representative to sign up for internet banking. At, my e-mail is and New At Ease. Later (December 2005), I received a ÒfreeÓ copy of Taxcut in the mail, but when you use it, you have to pay for it, according to Helen. I could not purchase state software with Safari to order in 2/04. I used IE 5.2. A rep from the bank of Geer Road said (on 2/17/04) that I would be notified through e-mail how to log on at  I did not receive an e-mail by the next day at, so I e-mailed F and M from the website.,7331,CN-LN,00.html will not work with Safari (2/04), but it worked okay with IE 5.2 (even though I got a warning that it might not work). Later, I found out that in the comments box, my typing showed up as jibberish, so I had to type my comments in the address line. NN 4.77 would not work with this site, either. Got errors. has an Energizer battery charger for $24.99 and the site is secure for ordering. It However, I found out that the charger is only for rechargeable batteries. I did find one at, so I ordered it. Later, though, I got a notice frm them, that the Emerson battery charger has been discontinued. But, I found the item again at and bought it. (American Kennel Club website) has videos of dogs, it is pretty interesting., have the text for Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. MLK Jr.'s speech was online at, but it takes a long time to download. MLK Jr.'s speech was online at, but it takes a long time to download. You can also hear the speech at (but the audio only works with the DEC, not the G3 with IE 5.1.7 or NN 4.77 or 7.02. Safari shows a video to go along with it, but the DEC and the laptops do not). The audio works on the laptops (it is better to use the laptops than the DELL flat panel speakers, since a laptop can be louder). You can also check the video out from MCOE (even though it is designed for Jr. High to High school). Apparently, the day for the county to come to Crookham is Friday. In 2/07, I ordered a video on a Saturday and it was Òchecked outÓ to me for use for the next six days. The only problem was that the video did not ever show up. and have the lyrics for "Fight for Your Rights." At, you can access AB 466 online. My Essay ID is 2118. I got a grade of 2-well define(d). You can e-mail them at, if you have comments or questions. lists the origins of some terms and how they originated (i.e. the Ferris Wheel). has free e-mail. There is free kidsÕ e-mail at, but the principal needs to sign you up. AB75 administrators people need to have 60% of teachers complete an online survey at, ctap2. Otherwise, money needs to be refunded. Marilyn said, though, that we did not receive any money for AB75. is a CTAP website (it uses the www3 beginning). At, you can fight a parking ticket online. Your ticket will be reduced or canceled, or you do not pay. may be used in conjunction with the High Point program, possibly. At, I copied and pasted my credit card number, but it would not work. The number I pasted had the space in it, and I got an error message when I tried to pay with my credit card. I ended up typing in the numbers without spaces and it worked okay. At, you can renew your credential online. To look up which credentials you have or the numbers, use, go to Look up a credential, then "Search for a TeacherÕs Application Status and Credentials Held." Apparently, each time you get a credential, you receive a different number.You can find CELDT results online at Also, you can see standardized teaching results, by not by teacher or student (page 379 of Participant Handbook has instructions) Zoomerang lets you do online surveys. It can be free or cost money, depending. and have info on safe searching of internet. has a map of Springfield (from ÒThe SimpsonsÓ). is a website for Apple developers to use. At, my e-mail and password are and Old At Ease. At, my user name and password are Motleyze, Old At Ease. At, my user name and password are motleyze, schoolname, number to call classroom. My username and password at (Allied Insurance) are motleyze, New New At Ease. My Personal Access Code is CM42CGG225. I had to call 800-562-4342 to get it (it did not come automatically in my e-mail). They refer billing questions to your agent. Hughes website (Hughes DirecTV Receiver in the master bedroom) is has a bunch of fake log-ins that can be used on free sites (not paid ones). Go to, then type in the URL, use that info for logging in.. does not work with Safari, only IE and NN. does crosswords also. can be used to create H.M. spelling/vocabulary worksheets. It costs $20/year. (Santa Maria Bonita School District) is a great online resource which has sample pacing calendars, posters for classroom use, etc. It is useful for AB 466 stuff. It has some posters that may be printed out for use with the Houghton Miffin Reading wall. Hampton-Brown online lesson planner did not work, as of 8/11/04. I selected CA and then an untitled window opened, but then nothing else happened. and would not load on the G3/266. Suggested downloading latest Shockwave player, which I did (version 7). However, version 7 only installs on 8.6 or later, so nor wonÕt load on G3/266. It does not appear that MARA (Merced Area Reading Association) has a website, as of 8/04. You can e-mail though with questions. has TV guide for $40 for one year, which is cheaper than I paid for TV Guide to renew in 2004. At, my user name and password are motleyzeca, Old At Ease. At, you  can search the library catalog and access your library card accounts, search for magazine and newspaper articles, chat with a reference librarian 24 hours/day, and apply for a library card online (My bar code is 0208821371). There are also downloadable audio books and ebooks available (the ebooks are only available to read online; and there is a dictionary that can be accessed as well). However, in 4/21/07, I could not log in with Safari or IE 5.2.3, so I called the library @ 558-7808. My card was expired. We set it up so that my card will expire on 12/16/07, and I need to call 558-7808 each year to renew my card if I wanted to use it on the internet). You can use the e-mail address of to get information. You can also renew books online or put books on hold on line (i.e. Modesto library may have a book, which you can asked to be transferred to Turlock Public Library, and you can check it out from there). The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin can be found at!dial&1127062128078. You can find it easily by typing Bush Administration (no quotes) in the search box. You can also find it by typing in Pearl Harbor in the search box, and then sort by author, and it was on page 5. LP means Large Print book. At (same as, you can report crimes including vandalism, lost property, burglaries (excluding your residence), thefts (excluding vehicles), Identity Theft, worthless documents, and fiduciary losses. At, you can pay $25 to see a series of instructional videos. This was mentioned in Tourbus from 9/9/04. At, you can access an online lesson planner. In the future (further into the future than 9/04), there will be correlations with the ELD standards online. is a place where teachers may be able to receive donations online. I signed up in 9/04. I used, and password of hevvaf2 (I decided that it is not too useful in 10/07). has ÒThe BusÓ schedule online for Merced County. At, you can play 20 questions with the computer. is a website for voter information. has info on who pays for funding for initiatives and much more information. is a website for tracking gas prices. tells you the popularity of English words. The most popular word is "the." You can use Google SMS at, which allows you to use your non-internet cell phone to access Google. You could get driving directions by typing i.e., to 1130 N State St Chicago il from 251 e huron 60611 or to 2800 Monte Vista 95380 from the house, 95380). You could get a listing for Home Depot by typing Home Depot 95380 and sending to Google (46645) (I think it only works on AT & T and Cellular, as of 10/04. At, I used the e-mail of and New New At Ease (even though the website indicates that you must have characters and numbers in your password). To define a word with Google, type in Òdefine:dogÓ and send it to 46645 on the cell phone. At, my user name and password are and New New At Ease. I could not update my information on the website, and I kept getting an update the profile error. Also, I received an e-mail indicating that my prescriptions were ready to be refilled, but when I went to the website, I could not refill it. Later, though, I realized that I could not access information because I was using my old account number from my old card (from before 10/05). After using the current number (351A65696; which uses part of the ID number from the SISC III card), I was able to access my prescriptions fine. The same problem happened with CarmenÕs account in 7/06, but updating the number allowed us to access her information. I think I will simply rely on MedcoHealth to e-mail reminders about refills and when the refills run out, make a note to schedule a doctor visit. is the website for the Books are Fun items. can be used to search for scholarly literature. USPS program now works with Macintosh, according to Tidbits #757. Click ÔnÕ Ship allows you to use Priority Mail or Express Mail. You weigh it and then the postman picks up the package. is the Tourbus info site for the Macintosh. does not work with Macintosh, as of 12/04.

Tourbus info site for the Macintosh. does not work with Macintosh, as of 12/04. Naughty Nick's does not appear to have a web site, as fo 12/04. sells Bellwork products. shows the Noggin/The N information. You can watch this channel on the website (Channel 298 is not available without paying with DirecTV). Noggin/The N was started by two groups, one of which is Children's Television Workshop (who does "Sesame Street"). My login name is motleyze, Old At Ease. However, at the website, I was not able to watch videos with IE 5.2.3 or Safari. The web site does play videos on the DEC computer with Windows 2000 XP Professional. At, you can click on Calculators, and use the Retirement Benefits Calculator to help you in future planning. My username and password are motleyze, same as MOCSE login (Safari would not allow me to create an account, I had to use IE 5.2.3). Also, if you click on members (under information), then Voluntary Investment Program, there is info about contributing to 403(b) plans. The web page indicates that the fees associated with the Voluntary Investment Program (VIP) will not exceed 0.95% of your account balance. is the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services web site; their enforcement web site is At, my e-mail and password are and New New At Ease. My Kiosk password at Target is my first name. To edit your online registry, go to, select Gift Registries tab, then Edit My Registry, then enter e-mail address and password and sign-in using our secure server. At, you can order NFL Power Strip Bandages (Cowboys bandages or band-aids). My e-mail and password are and New New At Ease. They deliver through the post office, as of 1/05. When they charged my VISA card, they charged it under the name "Something Different." We are now registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. The password is old At Ease. The e-mail is is a web site for wedding corsages, bouquets, boutonnieres, etc. has some great prices on silk flower sets.

5. is the website affiliated with I-magik (549-7503). However, in 8/05, it would not load, so I e-mailed to inquire. When accessing the program on M's computer, the user and password are actually user and password. To access I-Magik on our server, you need to use and password of imagicpassword (all lower case; Gillbertson set it up so that imagik is not spelled correctly). The website URL is It may be that at this particular URL, it says RICOH is the address bar somewhere. When the I-Magik copier (Gestetner) is used as a network printer for the office, there is a green dial in the paper tray: if the dial has a fold in the paper on the bottom right hand corner and the icon is portrait, it means that the output will be landscape and vice versa (i.e. it is the opposite of what we think it would normally be. Basically, if you drew the icon on a piece of paper and then flipped it over, you would look at the upper left hand corner to determine what type of printing is being done). is a spoof of the periodic table. It lists a table of condiments and their shelf lives. At, you can order gift certificates (Julie's BD idea) and have them shipped to JZÕs house. lists the programming for the NFL Network channel. is the website for Stevinson Bar and Grill. The Car and Bike Show was on June 18, 2005, and supposedly had some scantily clad women there. It started at 8 A.M. and ended at 4 P.M. At, you can purchase the Greyhound System timetable for $11. This timetable contains an extensive resource of Greyhound schedules, you cannot view the schedule online, as of June 2005. However, you can type in your from location and your to location and receive the times during that day that the trip will take place. is the website for That 70's Show. is the website for City of Modesto Parks and Recreation. is the website for K & N air and oil filters. has info on many gadgets. Tourbus from 6/23/05 mentioned that can be used to track airline flights. and have online ordering. My e-mail and password at are motleyze, New New At Ease. has online Pool. At, my user name is motleyze21 and my password is Old At Ease. At, my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. is with Old At Ease as well. At, my e-mail and password are and old At Ease. is a website, but it is in Spanish. There is a Pizza Plus in Modesto at 1532 Lakewood Ave #2, Modesto, CA 95355. is a place where you can download shared calendars for use with iCal. At (which can be used to access you can check status for jury duty. can be used to find articles, books, websites, teaching and learning resources in engineering, mathematics, and computing. At, my e-mail and password are and New New At Ease. As of 1/06, Fandango charges a $1 service fee on tickets. Brendan, Wallace (Merced) and Turlock Cinemas allow you to purchase tickets through Fandango. Fandango does not allow refunds or exchanges. If you cannot attend the movie, you might contact the theatreÕs management PRIOR to the movieÕs start time to inquire about the policy on returns or exchanges. At, you can see upcoming movies at Regal. Ron used Ron uses to buy Demo Derby tickets, which works better (in terms of availability) than buying from the Fair office, according to EA. I wanted to purchase 2 concert tickets from in 2006, but it cost $10 in added fees, so I decided to walk to the Fair Office instead. For the demolition derby tickets that went on sale in 2007, I decided to purchase online at (the link is through I did not buy admission tickets At, my username and password are motleyze, New New At Ease.  I decided to buy tickets through, since the price through the internet would be $7 and $8 at the gate; however, you can print your tickets from the internet when you purchase them. is a web site for finding low gas prices. is another web site, but it did not list Turlock, as of 8/05. It does not appear that you can access your TID bill info online, as of 8/05 without a User ID and password (there is an online meter, but I am not even sure if this allows online bill access). is the website for Lynne TrussÕs book Eats Shoots & Leaves. has lists of correlation calendars or calendar correlations (the year 1977 day and date are the same as 2005). has online coupons. and have Halloween costume ideas. talks about NovemberÕs special election in 2005. has the voter guide on it, on 10/8/05, I sent an e-mail to to see if I am going to receive an application for an absentee ballot (which should be sent to Lee Lundrigan, County Clerk-Recorder, 1021 I Street, Suite 101, Modesto, CA 95354-2331, (209) 525-5200, 525-5210 (Fax), 8:00am - 4:00pm, Website: If I do not receive the opportunity to cast an absentee ballot, I can call Voter Protection Hotline at 800-345-VOTE. I later figured out that I can use to request an absentee ballot. I also set it up so that I am on the permanent absentee ballot voter list (if you fail to vote in an election, though, your name is taken off the list). can be used to shorten a very long URL, so that it can told to someone else and they make it shorter, but still gets to the original site. and do this also. has the 2004 Dallas Cowboys 2004 regular season stats. They had 13 interceptions in 2004. They scored 293 points, an average of 18.3 per game (2004). can be used to subscribe to A Word a Day ($25/year) or you can subscibe to the free version. can be used to help you with the game of Scrabble (you can enter the letters you have on your board and get possible choices for words to be put on the board). can be used to help in filling out a crosswrod puzzle. can be used to access an Almond Harvest Run signup form, but it only works with IE 5.2.3, not Safari, as of 9/05. put me on their mailing list, but I kept receiving two copies of the e-mail, so I unsubcribed (hopefully just one) at the website. is a website mentioned in Tourbus (9/20/05) has electronics at extremely cheap prices, but they are often Òone day, one dealÓ prices; has one day deals on items (a new item every day), they are new, and they sell them until they run out on the day; DG said that they are usually electronic items; one in a while, they have a Òwootoff,Ó where they sell several items on one day. My name and password at are motleyze, Old At Ease. has NFL schedules, records, etc. for many years. At, my user name and password are motleyze, Old At Ease. is a website that has rubrics for teachers on it. You can check on Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) at I joined the Regal Crown Club at My username and password are motleyze, old At Ease (I used the e-mail of You cannot earn credits when purchasing tickets online or at kiosks, only when purchasing at the box office. You can earn 12 maximum credits per day, you get a credit for each dollar spent up to the maximum per day. At 40 credits, you get a free small popcorn, 80 is a free soft drink, 120 is a free movie. Every Tuesday you get a free small popcorn with paid admission. You can check your crown club credits online, it appears; however, I got a new card on 1/27/07, and the balance of 24 credits did not show up online (even though I had a printout from the movie theatre). Regal card balance can only be checked at the front window, not snack bar. When making a purchase at snack bar, no receipt is given. You must redeem Regal Crown Club  rewards @ box office (including getting a coupon for free popcorn on Tuesdays). has information on grass-fed beef, organic (organic can mean of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones) meats, etc. is a web site with Halloween bowling (you cannot control the arrow). It is bowling to squash cats. did not work well with IE 5.2.3 nor Safari to view video. had the viewer for election results in 11/05. shows Grant High School playing at Napa on 11/18/05. is a website where you can pet and play with an animated cat. Cat site does not work on the G3 with IE 5.1.7 (Shockwave error, even though 8.5.1 r102 is installed), but it did work with NN 4.77. It worked with Safari 1.2 on the iLamp. The cat would not meow on the DEC with IE nor NN 7.1 (I could not put NN 7 on the G3, since NN 7 requires 8.6 or later). wIn the computer lab, I got a message when going to the site that says, ÒSome files can harm your computer. If the file information below looks suspicious, or you do not fully trust the source, do not open or save this file. Would you like to open the file or save it to your computer? Then you have four choices: Open, Save, Cancel, or More Info.  Save and Open did not work; More Info was not helpful. Phil said it sounds like control by the network.Ó is the website to check if wood burning is permissible on a given day. If you violate the rules, fines can result. is the website that JZ told us about where you can upload any PDF and make your own t-shirts (or take othersÕ ideas). is a website for College Football. has information on individual and team records for college football (I used that site for finding the all-purpose yards leader in a game). has a listing of all the Detroit LionsÕ Thanksgiving Day games. has a listing of all the Thanksgiving Day games. is the website for Hometown Buffet (and other buffets). is the website for the morning show on 1480., my e-mail address and password are, New New At Ease. is a pay site for trivia type of information. is Patrick CrispinÕs website. has the MAA billing forms (the forms load on the bottom of the web page, you may have to scroll down to see them). is blocked at school; it has tips for kidsÕ safety on the internet. was recommended by Consumer ReportsÕ OnHealth magazine in December 2005. It also recommended for checking on the possibility of stroke for individuals. One of my former students said that you can go to to find some online games, but to no avail. Also, typing Ògames in the 80sÓ with Google did not net any useable results (at least not on the first few hits). sells Gary HoeyÕs Christmas CDs. It is hard rock sounding, but probably similar to Merry Axemas. can be used to access the Costco Auto Program to buy a car. You must input your information and a rep will contact you. At, it appears that some items (a plunger did, but a plasma television did not) include shipping in their price. is the website for WD-40. lists 2,000 uses for WD-40. At, my user name and password are motleyze, New, New At Ease (I used the same user name and password for CingularÕs forum, which was closed on 8/4/06. However, as of 10/07, I am able to use AT & TÕs forum with the information). My old (AT&T) account number is 39147681. I signed up to be capable to view my minutes online. If you do not access the feature at least every 180 days, then the feature is disabled. To access this part of the website, you must click on the section for former Customers of AT&T Wireless (this section of the website is for people who purchased their device from AT&T, which I had done previously, but now I have a Cingular device). This password was different from the My Account with Cingular password (but on 6/16/06, I changed it so that both passwords are New At Ease, since the new Cingular login was limited to 8 characters). You can use to see my wireless bill. Type in my wireless number (209-604-11xx) and password is New At Ease (all lower case). If you type in the wrong password, your account is locked for one hour.  On 7/4/06, was confusing because it said that my Òcurrent chargesÓ were $29.36, but the amount due was $0.00. It said payment due June 19, 2006. The current charges referred to my bill from the May (which had already been paid). also indicates Òcurrent charges,Ó again, this refers to MayÕs bill ( 5/1-5/31, 2006). It appears that billing is not done until two weeks or so after completion of the cycle. At myaccount website, I could not get my personal information to update (i.e. the profile says Cingular can contact me by mail, phone, etc.) because the website was ÒtemporarilyÓ unable to update my profile on 7/14/06. I tried with Safari, IE 5.2.3, and Netscape 7.2, but no luck. Finally, I called Cingular Customer Service and they could not get my address to be entered without the word apartment in it, either. As it turns out, I just put our house number in address line 2 (with a number sign in front of it); instead of putting all of the complete address in line 1. Also, you have to put in a work number (so, I put in the same as our home number); otherwise, you get the Òtemporarily unable to help youÓ error. Also, even if you put your e-mail address as all lower case, it shows up as all upper case in your account. On 8/12/06, the Cingular web site showed that I had not paid the July bill (which was paid on 7/21/06). I called Cingular and they credited my account. Also, I think I am just going to need to rely on Cingular to e-mail me the bill, since their website does not work with MOCSEÕs (which is probably due to Cingular problems, since several other billers have not had an issue with MOCSE sending out due notices). is the web site for Digital English. Brenda Worden said that you cannot access the website outside of Merced County without a password or login. However, I was able to access the website at home without incident. She said that you can access the website at school without a problem. is the website for Home DepotÕs clinics. At, my username and password are RyanZelenski, same as MOCSE login. is the website for my X-10 UR24A 8 in 1 Learning SuperRemote. The site kept making Safari quit, but IE 5.2.3 worked okay. has a list of codes for a 5-in-1 Superremote, but the codes appear to be the same as the 8-in-1 codes, but there were no TiVo codes listed. At, User name and password are motleyze, original AOL screenname. At (school order phone number is 541-770-3298, school order fax number is 541-282-8478; customer service number is 888-772-1361, customer service fax number is 541-282-8478, address for school orders is 910 Chevy Way Medford OR 97504), you can order any of the five iP4000 cartridges for $4.95 without shipping, as of 2/06 (BTW, in 8/06, DG said that the cartridges for her Lexmark printer are around $25 at printpal. Apparently, there are many cartridges that are not $4.95 on the web site). It appears that you cannot log in, you just enter your information each time you order. If you type in the URL, you get a 10% discount on each order. According to, they do accept school P.O.Õs, they just must be mailed or faxed in. Schools get a 10% discount on orders over $100 and 15% discount on orders over $200. Orders over $40 have free shipping. I e-mailed to see if they use generic or refilled cartridges. replied and said that they sell originals as well as remanufactured and compatible cartridges. So, I think that their lower priced cartridges are both remanufactured and compatible types. However, mom and I were discussing it, and it may be that the jetpaks are used for remanufacturing catridges, while the ÒregularÓ ones are compatibles. Anyhow, they also said that they have a six month warranty on all of our cartridges and have a less then 1% defective rating on all of our cartridges. 180 days for recycled cartridges. sells Canon cartridges for $3.49 each, $2.99 each if you buy 3 or more; they have free shipping for a limited time (as of 8/06), but I would rather stick with the known entity (Printpal for now). KW said (9/21/06) that we no longer order remanufactured cartridges, even though she actually ordered some in the past month or so. has information on the best bank rates around. At, my Netteller ID (for CarmenÕs and momÕs accounts) is 600800014856, my password is Old At Ease. This can be used to determine interest for the year. has some photos of some Macs that appear to be transparent., RA recommended for home information (working around the house on all types of things: Electronics, writing, woodworking, appliances, etc.).,, and are web sites that may be assistive with college financial aid. At, you can order transcripts by clicking on student resources; then click on transcripts. Each copy is $6.00. has information on divorce; it says you can contact a numbr of public agencies to file for divorce; it also says you need to contact the Superior Court in which the divorce was filed to get a divorce certificate. You can file for divorce through the use of, it costs $225. At, it only costs $24.95, if you have no children or support issues, and you can buy the form online. At, my username and password are motleyze and New New At Ease, and bills are stored on the system up to 13 months. I should receive one paper bill next month (May) to help make the transition to online billing; they will e-mail when the bill is ready in the future. It does not appear that the City of Turlock sends out e-mails to customers, as of 4/06. can be used to find dead cell areas in metrolitan areas. At, CarmenÕs name (CarmenZ) and password have been entered (password is JCÕs BD in U.S.A. order). As of 8/06, the manual is only available in English. has information on getting your passport online. has Windex Outdoor for $8.99/each. It was with through Home and Beyond. is the website for Terrell Owens. has the Schoolhouse Rock lyrics. sells Schoolhouse Rock videos. is Consumer ReportsÕs website for information on prescription drugs. as of 5/06, the movie times were not available for the Drive-in theatre at,, or As of 7/07, does not permit online rebate submissions, but you can check your rebate status online (you can also e-mail them at However, I e-mailed them in 12/06, and they suggested that I call 888-324-3028.). (used to download videos online) needs Windows to view the site. is the website for the Bob Hope theatre in Stockton; my e-mail and password are and New New At Ease. (referenced by Tourbus from 5/30/06) is a $30 (or so) program that allows you to plan a day at Disneyland (and other parks) without waiting in line as long, the program only works on Windows. was (supposedly) a website by Nikki Sixx and Vince Neil, but in 2006, it was not. At, my e-mail and password are, New New At Ease (I am not signed up with, as of 6/06). Razor Gator tickets are sold by individuals with season ticket holders or other individuals, who are unable to attend events. Site does not work well with IE 5.2.3 or with Safari 1.3. I could not reaccess my account page without typing the URL into the address bar; there was not a way to renavigate to the account page. The next day, my account did show up on the screen. Also, The only way to sign out of razorgator is to quit Safari or IE 5.2.3. I could not buy tickets with IE 5.2.3, I had to use Safari 1.3. NN 4.77 just freaked when it tried to load the site. It says, as of 6/14/06, that our order is incomplete, but I have already done the order. I e-mailed them about this on 6/14/06. Also, the shipping date is supposed to be August 3, 2006, so I e-mailed them about this as well on 6/16/06. They did not reply until 6/21/06 (their website says that you should hear from them within 24 hours). I checked and found out that I did not receive the confirmation e-mails from them, because they were detected as SPAM by AT & TÕs server. Razor GatorÕs phone number is (800-542-4466; 6 am to 7 pm Mon-Fri, 8am to 4pm Sat-Sun and holidays), you can also e-mail them at, which I did (with the questions again to be sure it went through. I wondered if the credit card would be charged permananently before the tickets were shipped) on 6/16/06. talks about a ticket scandal problem (the article was from June 2002, though), the tickets were in a different personsÕ name for World Cup Soccer, but it appears that the ticket holders could enter anyway, while mentions that Razor Gator is fine. I called Razor Gator on 6/17/06, at 2:43 P.M. and they said that being ÒincompleteÓ makes sense, since the tickets have not been shipped yet. I asked why my credit card was charged, even though the tickets have not been shipped yet. They said that your card is charged, so that they may buy the tickets for you. The tickets will not be sent until August 3rd, as they need time to complete your transaction. They e-mailed on 7/21/06, to say that they were going to mail us the tickets at two weeks before the game, or possibly the week of the game. Anyhow, I seriously thought about canceling the order, so I called them on 7/22/06. They said that it is likely that I will get the tickets in mid to late August, as that is when tickets are released. But, they will make sure that we get them before the game. If necessary, they can send the tickets to us at a hotel in Dallas. DG though that was okay, since the season tickets are probably not released until then. Dallas CowboysÕ website did not have any tickets available. As of 1/07, 2007 Super Bowl tickets are a minimum of $3,400 at|1. had many tickets as well, but I do not know their reputation, either. can be used to find the UV index for 95380. is the website for Frost King (three pieces of white vinyl seal in the front door frame). At, my user name and password are motleyze, Old At Ease. I canceled e-mails and membership in Oprah club (you had to do neither or both). At, my user name and password are motleyze, Old At Ease. Easypower makes the Rounded Nut, #18 One Way Screw Remover/Installer (88256) for the security door. is the website for Thomas JeffersonÕs house. Monticello is located in Central Virginia. At, you can view online videos of other people (it is fair). My user name and pasword are motleyze, New New At Ease. It makes IE 5.2.3 quit within about two minutes each time I use it (7/06). Netscape 7.2 works okay. has some funny animated films. At TIDÕs website (, you can click on Netpay to access the bills online. I can use my account number of 052015 (they said that only the first six digits are needed) and a PIN of my birthdate (6 digits). However, I am not sure if I will only receive e-mails, so I e-mailed TID to inquire on 4/13/06. They did not respond. But in June 2006, I signed up for e-mail notification for billing. Around July 19th, I did not receive an e-mail notification of my bill, so I e-mailed TID about this on 7/24/06. In August and September 2006, TID just sent me a paper bill (I think that their e-mail server may be having difficulty). At, my e-mail and password are and Old At Ease (use IE 5.2.3 with this site); this user name and password does not work with, though. So, I logged in with the first URL ( and then went back to, then I was logged in. A VIP Super Saver ticket is just a regular ticket (nothing unusual about it), it appears. I received a one-year SaversGuide complimentary subscription through AT&T (from 7/25/06). The House of Yogurt coupon did not print, so I e-mailed them on 7/25/06. They replied and suggested not using a browser that blocks pop-up windows, so I used IE 5.2.3 instead of turning off pop-up windows with Safari. They have movie tickets for Regal Cinemas for $6.00 (you can purchase up to 12 tickets). I also have an order from to use it in the Misc. file. You can only print one premium coupon per month (however, I just printed 6 House of Yogurt coupons, when I went to print them on 7/26/06. The closest book to us is the Stockton/Modesto book (as of 7/06).

6. In web postings, ../ this is typed to go up a level e.g. to go to the system folder from the control panels (even though this command is usually used with web pages).

7. ICQ software allows you to Instant Message anyone on the net ( or, requires an IBM as of 8/10/97). is for music (it was later changed to

8. One time, AOL, Netscape and Internet Explorer would load, but sites would not load. The attempt to load Òyahoo.comÓ failed. The TCP control panel was in the disabled folder. I moved it and restarted, which corrected the problem. The problem occurred again, so I went back to the control panel and made sure it was set on ÒAOL,Ó restarted the computer and it worked.

9. I tried using ÒSurfwatch,Ó but after signing on to AOL and starting up Surfwatch, Surfwatch did not come up on the screen (after hitting connected, it ÒupdatedÓ my web sites, then did nothing).

10. I tried to copy a page from the Web, but it would not print because the background was blue. The workarounds include using the Note Pad (change page setup) and to take a snapshot of the screen.

11. Yahoo will put your search word in bold letters If there is only one word, but not with two.

12. Netscape 4.0 printed an error box. Netscape is unable to locate the server:mail the server does not have a DNS entry. (DNS stands for domain name server that translates domain names to IP addresses) {from}. Check the server name in the location (URL) and try again.

13. May want to check license agreement to see about posting on the web. Also, do not print first and last names of students (only first), get permission from student and parents. If you buy clip art, you can use it (outside of web).

14. To copy a picture off of the web, simply hold the mouse over the picture and hold it down for a couple seconds, options come up (at least with Netscape, they do).

15. Mirror sites are often setup to mirror or copy another site, since there may be heavy traffic at the original site.

16. To find a website by geographic region, go to ÒÓ then find ÒwebmapÓ link.

17. is a website for locating latest versions of software.

            A. You can search only the last 15 days by clicking search and then find 15 days.

            B. You also used to be able to search the complete list of software. However, it is no longer available as of 2/12/2000. I e-mailed and he said that an alternative would be available in the future sometime (they are working on it).

18. To look for fun stuff or entertainment: gopher://

19. You can use ÒÓ to download the program ÒTelnet.Ó

            A. Telnet, according to Netscape Communicator 4 book p. 347, is a tool used to log in to other computers on the net Interactively. You use text-based commands and menu choices, etc.

            B. Netscape Communicator Book p. 347, ÒTelnet is a terminal emulation protocol. i.e. it acts like a terminal. If you use a terminal emulation program like Z-term, you dial directly into a host. If you use NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) Telnet, you connect via the Internet or a corporate account.Ó

            C. The author (Phil James) described how to log into the URL Ògopher://,Ó then select archeology, which is a Telnet link. Mr. James says to use nadb as the login, which works. However, then it asks for a password (Guest did not work).

            D. It may be beneficial to try Guest as a password for some FTP sites.

21. 304. Source: Netscape Communicator 4 Book, p. 337, you may be able to enter your user name as part of an FTP address i.e. to get to ( does not accept anonymous users) you could type in, then it asks for a password. I do not have one for this site, but I tried my e-mail address (which has been suggested by other material that I have read), but it did not work.

            A. At, this user name process does not work. Pacific Bell probably does not support it.

            B. Alternatively, you may be able to type in Òftp://motleyze:YOURÓ However, this does not work with Pac Bell, either. It says Òlogin incorrect.Ó

20. While searching for Òpaqtips,Ó it should have been simply one word instead of two.

21. If you encounter a website with multiple frames, you could be give a security alert message several times.

22. Websites starting with https or snews are websites with encryption features.

            A. If a page is secure, the padlock will be locked at the bottom left corner of the window in IE 5 or NN 4.74.

            B. You can view the certificate information with NN 4.74 by clicking on the padlock.

            C. IE 5 verifies the certificate when going to an Òhttps or shttpÓ site, if there is any suspicion, it sends an alert to the user.

            D. Other measures to ensure security (NN 4 book, p. 537): If you donÕt know anything about a company, donÕt send it your money (research them on the net). DonÕt send sensitive information, unless thereÕs a number and address to contact, expect acknowledgement of your transaction (if you donÕt, you need to contact the company), read the fine font, disorganized web pages can indicated sloppy business practices, and if something looks like a scam, it just may be one.

23. Powertalk is an extension that is used for a universal mailbox to share files, faxes and messages on a network.

24. If you get an error message that says file contains no data, try adding ;80 before the first pathname slash as in;80/just/testing.html

25. If a password is required at an FTP (file transfer protocol) site, try using ÒAnonymousÓ or ÒFTPÓ as an ID/user name and Ò@Ó, ÒGuestÓ or ÒCwboy21@aol.comÓ as your password (no domain).

            A. If you get a Òsorry, weÕre busyÓ message on an FTP site, it might often include a list of mirror sites.

26. The Mac Bible has a sample template for web page creation on p. 757.

27. Tidbits recommends comp.sys.mac or Info-Mac newsgroups.

28. Frontier is designed for use with extremely large web sites (multi user). However, when downloading Frontier 5.0.1 stuff it documents from their Frontier website (, they all had error messages Òthis is an not a completely encoded file and can not be expanded.Ó This message will appear If you try to download a file before it is all the way downloaded (which these were). I went to another site for Frontier and it had errors just printing pages. Downloading did not seem to work either.

            Frontier 4.2 did not have a manual with it. I tried to simply print the manual from the website, but an error occurred.

29. If you save a document as HTML, then it may take the program a little longer to save, since it is translating to HTML.

30. E-mail may be printed and used in court (PCÕs for Teachers, p. 206).

31. Cyberpatrol ($29.95) can be used to limit Internet access.

32. Set the Alta Vista search engine to English to avoid other languages (but Netscape makes you choose English again each time). You can set the preferences for Altavista to use English as default language.

33. Image:giraffe (no quotes) in Alta vista will allow you to look for pictures of giraffes on the Internet. But using step B below may narrow it down further.

            A. title:giraffe (no quotes) will produce pages with the word giraffe in the tile.

            B. title:giraffe image:giraffe will narrow down the web pages so that they are usually only about giraffes and have images.

34. If you type in image:giraffe,Ó it looks for a capital G, better to leave all small letters with Altavista, otherwise, it looks for words with that specialized version of capitalization.

35. (357-4900) has a local number for Turlock, 394-1052 with 1 MB of Web space and 150 hours/month.

            A. TobyÕs county office Internet connection info: (used with Netscape Navigator 3.0.4)

            mail and news preferences Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server and Incoming Mail (Pop) Server:

            Pop User Id bmasters                          Mail and news preferences identity bevmasterson your e-mail

            B. Mac TCP control panel domain is IP Address is .

            C. Tina Daniels has Cyberlink, which she likes (not sure if Cyberlink has a Modesto number).

36. On one occasion, I tried to download the latest drivers with AOL 4.0, but the first disk had much trouble. it would only download a disk of size 65 K, which would be too small. When expanding, it would say this file is corrupted. So I used Netscape Navigator, which seemed to work fine.

37. (357-4900) has one access number in Livingston. Cost $15 for 150 hours of use, 1 MB web space. or $25 for unlimited use, 5 MB of free space. (Both plans have a $29 setup fee). Technical support hours are 9 A.M.- 9 P.M.

            A. Pop server ID may be same for all users, but the Login will be different for each user.

            B. Usually, no additional software is required to use can be set up to use either Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator, either one (or anything else) is fine.

            C. There is a Livingston access number, which is not long distance for Turlock (at least 394 numbers are not). If you call the operator Ò0Ó, you can find out about local calling rates. Elite.netÕs plans are to have a Turlock phone number by the end of this year (98).

            D. You can set up an account over the phone and they can walk you through the steps.

            E. can support K56 flex or v90 modems.

38. AT & T 800-400-1447, 800-967-5363 , they charge $19.95 for 150 hours of use.

39. tells you the price of software when you try to download it.

40. When setting up videos for checkout from the County Office, you can check out videos online on Wednesday and get the videos on Fridays.

            A.        Client Code: 001676   same password as At Ease uses

41. To get directions from one location to another, go to, click on yellow pages, then search for what you are looking for, click on directions. Driving Directions currently covers only the continental United States at this time. They do not have routing information for Alaska or Hawaii.

42. a website with ÒhttpsÓ or ÒshttpÓ in the address means a ÒsecureÓ website.

43. When searching with AltaVista, you can go to advanced search and put Òtitle:footballÓ to make sure football is in the title of the web page. Although, both ways (the regular search and this way) seem to both have ÒtoysÓ in the title. The title way narrows the web pages down, probably more specifically to football info.

44. When clicking on the link to Okey Dokey Pro link from Version Tracker (12/3/98), a password was required to get to AMUG webÕs site. After clicking on the link twice, it asked for a password. On the third click, I was able to download the software.

45. On one occasion, I had trouble accessing two web sites ( and When I would click on ÒregisterÓ on the first site or when I selected anything under the Stone Cold merchandise pop up menu, I kept getting an error (..... Microsoft OBDC Driver Manager appears not to be available....). The next morning, I tried turning this extension off and then the two sites worked. After turning this extension back on, the sites still worked. These two particular sites appear to be somewhat interrelated and the glitch was probably a one-time thing.

46. My username and password to log in at are motleyze, Old At Ease. TV Guide did not work well with Safari in 1/07 (could not scroll pages). works with SeaMonkey, as of 11/07 (IE 5.2.3 does not work, the flash information was replaced by text, so I could not acess Customer Support). You can renew your subscription online. To change the channel listing (cable, broadcast, etc.), go to customize, channel lineup, enter a zip code and then check the Òmake permanentÓ box. At, you can send electronic greeting cards with TV Guide covers. However, it would not open on momÕs G3. 000048543680 (but 0048543680 worked at the website) is my TV Guide account number and the e-mail address is You can go to and click Customer Service, you can check the date of your subscriptionÕs end (and you can check your address). When you search with, you go to a window that asks for your zip code, then another window asking for time zone, etc. Even if you have already entered that information, when you search, the site asks for the info again. As of 8/22/06, I changed my address to just the street address (I tried to enter House number on the second line, but it would not work, so I changed to Unit). has an online video guide (as of 8/07),  but when I tried to access it, Safari kept quitting.

47. With Altavista, you can select English to find only pages in English. Yahoo and Dogpile seem to default to English, automatically.

48. user name is ryanz and password is original At Ease. If a reply is made to your posting, an e-mail will be sent to you, although I am still using (saves on junk mail, probably). I sent a posting to regarding sending a ÒhotÓ link from Outlook Express 5.0.2 to AOL on 4/28/2000. I also sent a posting to comp.sys.mac.hardware (and then clicked on the number of matches and found storage). If you simply click on hardware and then click submit, it did not work, said no such server. The posting was regarding the dead zip drive at school that had the yellow busy light on all the time. You can use to search newsgroup messages.

49. An address for showing the prices of many shareware/freeware programs

50. Version TrackerÕs complete listing is at

51. DennisÕs CU-Seeme Number is

            A. Web site for CU-See Me is

52. An error occurred while processing this directive, where the store locator should be, This happened on Dunkin Doughnuts website with AOL, but it works on Netscape. Error occurs with IE 4.5, also.

53. hold down mouse and then click in Netscape to move "back" (comp. notes) (contextual menu shortcut). Works in Netscape and IE 4.5, but not AOL 4.0.

            B. Also, I had to use AOL to check status, since NN did not work on this occasion.

54. To put movies on the WWW, you must flatten the movie, by using perhaps ÒDrop FlattenMoovÓ or try the Òplayable on non Apple computersÓ option with movie player ((S.M., 3rd ed., 409). I was able to use Drop Flatten Moov in 3/05 and I wanted to pay for it, but Kagi no longer had the program in its database (program was originally done in 1997).

55. is a website where you can pay $12 a month to view old television clips.

56. shows pictures and talks about Club 33, the only place at Disneyland where alcohol is served. It opened after Walt Disney died. It is in an area above New Orleans Square.

57. MCOE information is as follows:, Client Code: 001676, same password as original At Ease uses: This no longer works, as of 8/06, since Crookham did not renew the contract (however, student for last name, MCOE as password does still work, as of 8/06). A MCOE rep. Said it costs $5/person as of 7/06. M. said (8/06) we are not doing (so you cannot check out videos, either) because it would be $2, 500/year. At, use my last and first name and the password is Old At Ease. As of 8/07, use C005699 as my client ID and password. There is not a way to log out using IE 5.1.7 on the G3/266, so it is necessary to quit IE to log out. uses my school e-mail address and 005699 as username and password. You can click the L4U icon on the gate page to get to the MCOE library catalog or you can use (as of 1/08), but not to obtain county videos. The username and password at the library catalog are my last name and then C005699 (or the alphanumeric code twice).

At the order form:

To submit by title # for a video cassette, you must type 01 at beginning and comma and code at end (like VC), so

If listed as VC4263 in media catalog, type in Ò014263, VC.Ó If not, put Ò0100xx until you have 6 digits.

To submit by title # for a CD-ROM, you must type 0200 at beginning and comma and code at end, change the CD to CR for CD-ROMÕs (like CR), so

If listed as CD26 in media catalog, type in Ò020026, CRÓ

To submit by title # for a kit, you must type 05 (plus the amount of zeroes needed to make a six digit number) at beginning and comma and code at end, KT, so

If listed as KT1068 in media catalog, type in Ò051068, KTÓ, KT21 would be Ò050021, KT.Ó I sent e-mail to MCOE ( to see what extend bookings means. The calendar option John Magneson showed us is only available when you get a red "X" showing "not available.Ó Extend bookings is when you want to keep the video longer. Teri Gracia, Library Media Technician, is at the Merced County Office of Education, 381-6630. Use same password as Old At Ease. (MCOE Instructional Services). If password has not been created previously, you need to use School Phone number (including hyphen). Asterisks can be used for searching. Dog* should search for dogs and dogma i.e. one asterisk searches for several letters. You can check on future availability of videos, tapes, etc. You can use medianet options to re-book items (that perhaps you did last year, etc.), you can also change your password, etc. You can use medianet options to extend bookingsÓ(?). When entering dates, you must use 04/29. To add titles, simply type in Ò080818Ó to get what you want. To see online streaming videos, you can type in ÒVideo Tape 1/2Ó (VHS)(VC) as the format, and under Multimedia, select clip. Leave the search field empty and then you can see all online clips (There are only 140, as of 1/21/04). There are ÒVCÓ listings, but some of them are really CVs, meaning that they are compressed videos. You can also go to and see the complete list. is a link for the Ben Franklin type videos (Ben Franklin, Historic Philadelphia, and Shh! WeÕre Writing the Constitution). The first online video is mainly about Ben Franklin. The Ò500Ó videos are little less resolution than the Ò1000,Ó but they are quicker to be able to view. John Magneson said that there are 140 videos online, as of 1/04, but there should be around 500 by the June 2004. Students can now log in at the website, using last name-student, first name (leave blank) and password-MCOE (they log in the same place as a staff member would). NN 4.77 would not work with Video clips, get a page of jibberish when clicking on QT or WIndows link. John Magneson said you can download videos, but I donÕt think so. I wrote and he said You have to search your cache file for the .mov or .wmv file.  The cache file is located in different places for different browsers and operating systems - try looking in your internet options for the location of the cache file.  Quicktime pro at 29.99 allows you the option of saving the QuickTime files.Ó I e-mailed with this question: I was wondering what are the System Requirements for streaming videos online. I can get streaming to work on the iMac with System OS X (10.2.8) and Quicktime 6.5, Windows Media Player 9. However, on the G3/266 with System 8.1, Quicktime 5.0.1, and Windows Media Player 7, it will not work. Is it likely that  streaming just needs to be done on the iMac? I e-mailed them on 2/16/2004. Shawn Bockoven ( said that, ÒOS X 10.2 or greater and Windows Media 9 for OS X are required to view our stream on a Macintosh.Ó

58. Name and password for BMG Music Website ( are: motleyze (lower case), original At Ease (lower case). Acct. Number is 8300018-150M. I later realized that I have two accounts, the other one being 8301593-615. I canceled the 8300018-150M online, on 9/2903. There does not appear to be a way to indicate online, if you do not wish to order any CDs.

            A. BMG does not have any Coolio CDÕs, as of 6/30/01.

            B. On 9/30/2001, the prices, etc. for the website were different from the mailing that I received from BMG. I decided to use the mailing to order, since it was cheaper.

            C. You can have bill you for an order, so that it is possible to use a coupon, when you pay for your order (instead of charging an order to a credit card).

            D. It does not appear that BMG has a DVD club, as of 3/17/02.

            E. I could not unsubscribe from their e-mailing list, so I simply removed my e-mail address from my profile at

            F. As of 9/19/03, I changed my preference to e-mails instead of postal mail. I think I still got a mailing, though, in 11/03. May take awhile to update their records. In 1/05, I still was receiving postal mail. I went back to the website and changed my preference to e-mails. In 8/06, I could not get the link that that says, ÒIf you are not motleyzeÓ to work (to sign me out), even after closing the Safari window and reopening, so I just used Sign Out at the bottom of the page.

59. You can have Bookmark Thing ($20) launch all of your bookmarks. However, it will not copy all Netscape bookmarks and then paste them into Netscape or IE on another computer.

60. You can however, drag all your favorites to a finder window and double click them to access the Internet.

61. is a place to help deal with SPAM.

62. allows you to find MP3 files. However, the Scour Media Agent must be downloaded to a Windows machine, apparently.

63. Print with Netscape, since AOL has been freezing when printing some sites lately (only a couple, but restarting and Zapping takes time). 8/7/99.

64. requires Windows 95, 98 or NT.

65., Password is same as original At Ease. Refunds take from 10 to 14 weeks. E-mail address for rebate questions is

            A. To check the status of a rebate, go to the Òmy accountÓ page, enter your login, choose the order and click on the word ÒshippedÓ.

            B. Do not send e-mail to, I think it is the one that is the incorrect address. responds to my e-mails, not sure about

            C. Since Cyberrebate did not receive my submission (teddy bear and travel bag) and I may have not done it (not sure) mom said that it ÒSounds as if you may have lost this one. Without paperwork and beyond the deadline, I figure your changes of recouping are just about zero.Ó

66. has many things on line. My e-mail and password are and Old At Ease.

            A. You can purchase cars through Costco online, as well or call 1-800-452-4455.

            B. They do not have BC-20 cartridges, as of 2/22/01 (neither does Merced Costco), but does. The order number is F45-0561-410. Here is the URL: I e-mailed on 9/28/01, to see if they accept purchase orders. They replied and said that they do not accept purchase orders through As of 2/06, a two-pack of BC-20Õs is $65.99 at Turlock Staples only sells original BC-20Õs as of 2/06, they had no refilled cartridges. They had some BCI-21Õs (2 for $11.18) in 2/06.

            C. Phil (from Bowling) suggested using to buy BC-20Õs (since he had found new Epson cartridges there cheaper than Costco), but the price at was $30.00 for BC-20 cartridges. At, my e-mail and password are, New New At Ease.

            D. I e-mailed on 8/17/02, to see if they accept purchase orders, and if so, then what their physical address and phone number would be. They said that does not accept purchase orders (8/02).

67. When searching the San Francisco Chronicle for De La Salle, type ÒDe La SalleÓ (include quotes) into the headline to search. Also, be sure to check Òall the wordsÓ rather than Òany of the wordsÓ for the results will be endless.

68. No e-mail address for technical support questions, but can consult "Tech Info Library" at (Apple technicians use it) or post questions at

69. To find a manual for an LC or other Non Powermac model, go to, click on G4 Picture (it says as one of the items earlier G3 systemsÓ; under select other, choose 680 X 0 computer; choose apple manuals under product type, then search for LC.

70. does not deliver to Turlock as of 9/29/99.

71. Password at is Motleyze, old At Ease.  Now at, I use RyanZel, New New At Ease as my user name and password. The e-mail is Can click on submit order to get shipping costs, without actually buying something.

            A. To search for an item at, type ÒDAD1637Ó in the search box, not ÒDAD (space) 1637.Ó

            B. Macwarehouse has some search tips on its website: Use ÒDrive and CDROMÓ to find products with both words: Use ÒDrive or CDROMÓ to find either or: You can say ÒMicrosoft and Not officeÓ: Use singular instead of plurals for better results: ÒWordPerfectÓ will work better than ÒWord PerfectÓ since in the later it will be seen as two separate words: Select categories from the drop down list to further narrow a search: Use Ascending/Descending to displaying your results based on the selected Òsort byÓ field: Limit your search to in-stock items by clicking in the ÒShow in-stockÓ box.

            C. Apparently, as of 5/04, has been taken over by CDW.

72. Member name and Password at (educational) is and G3/233 password.

73. No sales tax required for purchasesthroughMacwarehouse, even for a school.

74. Enhanced TV (ABC) only works on Sunday and Monday Night games (ESPN and ABC games). Also, it only works with Netscape and not Internet Explorer (as of 1/30/2000).

75., my name and password are RyanZelenski and new new At Ease password (this did not work in 4/07). My teacher Rewards e-mail and password are and New New At Ease (my customer number is 3420294179). You have to spend $200 to get a reward with the teacher incentive program. name and password are, and New New At Ease password. As of 12/04, the URL is (but it you type in, you get forwarded automatically). To start a rebate submission, you can click on the place where you bought the item. However, then you can't submit anything from that page, there is not a "Start Now" button with IE 5.2.3. You need to use Safari (1.2.4 worked fine).

76. At, you can search university pages for information about admission, course schedules, and alumni news.

77. At Netscape plug in page, RyanZelenski is my name and original At Ease is the password.

78. is where you can buy MacAmp (costs $25).

79. When trying to view trailers at, If you use AOL and the streaming low bandwidth option, it does not work.

it just downloads to the desktop after a few seconds and when you try to open it, nothing happens. If you use the QT option to play after it downloads, only 1/2 of a trailer was downloaded (4 out of 8 MB). AOL may have a download limit of 4 MB or so. then the QT movie played, then halfway thru, made strange noises, since there was only half a movie. AOL did this twice, and so did Internet Explorer 4.5 (only loaded 4 out of 7 MB, which is not surprising, since AOLÕs browser is actually IE). Also, you have to do a forced quit and restart the computer. AOL or IE 4.5 can be used in a pinch to at least see part of a trailer, but it better to use Netscape.

            A. If you go to and try to download the ÒStreaming Video,Ó Windows Media Low or high bandwidth, ÒReal VideoÓ low or high bandwidth, they do not work. The computer downloads a few seconds and a small document downloads to HD and nothing else happens. Double clicking on document does nothing. Must use ÒDownloadable videoÓ, ÒQuicktime.Ó

            B. There is no way to save it though, using Quicktime 4.0, even If you select Òsave movie in cacheÓ after clicking and holding down on a Quicktime movie. However, even If you sign off the Internet, you can still access the movie. You can access the movie until you close the window.

            C. Later, I was able to download an 8-MB video with IE 4.0. I then saved it to HD, using IEÕs file, save as command.

80. You can go to to get up to the minute statistics on Sunday games. IE 4 updates more quickly than AOL does.

81. At, my user name and password are, Old At Ease (lower case). Shipping was $5 on an order from office max (ordered headphones and surge protector).

82. MP3 sites:,, (MP3 Now). All 3 of these sites seem to have many ÒconnectionÓ errors, etc.

            A. My user name at is and my password is Old At Ease. However, they ask for your password when signing up, so I trashed the Favorite from IE.

83. ( (with Netscape) kept saying I don't have QT 4, even though I do. Reinstalled Quicktime with Netscape, tried version 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7, rebuilt the desktop with keyboard and Techtool, but with Netscape still says I don't have Quicktime. (Tried reinstalling QT and choosing a plug in, but Quicktime 4.0.3 seems to be setup, but it still does not work). I went to one website and even though it says Òclick here to get plug inÓ, the video appears to download (timer shows up in bottom of window). After downloading, nothing happens. Netscape 3.0.4 does work. Netscape 4.0.8 and 4.5 do not work. After restarting the next time (after desktop rebuilt or Netscape install or whatever), version 4.7 works with Quicktime. After the trailer downloads to the QT window within the Netscape window, you can go to file, save as, choose ÒtextÓ (DONÕT CLOSE WINDOW). Then the trailer will download to the HD (this method takes twice as long as IE 4 does), but the download will not disappear If you close Netscape. (There is an option to hold and click on a QT movie and Òsave in disk cacheÓ, not sure of value of that). Internet Explorer did download the trailer in the form of a streaming video (not downloaded to HD). You can then choose to save as, but it does not save it to the HD like Netscape Also, you do not need to close and reopen IE 4 to download the next trailer., click on 56 Realplayer to get video and audio (streaming video), pretty quick for Random Hearts on Mom's computer. But, this site does not seem to have a thoroughly complete list of movie trailers, some, but certainly not all. Movie trailer database ( downloaded Stuart Little, no problem. However, it uses, which is the site that has in the past couple weeks given me trouble. Although the link to is not the same one as the troubled site. Trailer Park ( says you need the Quicktime plug in, also. May be that you need the Windows Quicktime? Reinstalled Quicktime 4.0.3, and now downloads fine. downloaded Bats without a problem. In general, I kept running into trouble with the Netscape socket error from all of these sites. Tried changing AOL access number, downloading movies one a time, clearing disk cache, increasing disk cache (which, later, as I found out, does not affect it; tried not touching the computer while downloading, restarting computer, zapping the PRAM, I had no luck. Solution is to, as of now, clear the disk cache, quit NN and restart it. Download one trailer at a time. This works because NN saves the trailer temporarily to the HD, when you quit NN, the file disappears from the HD, so before quitting MAKE SURE to save the trailer elsewhere (i.e. a Zip Disk). If you change the name of the trailer on the temporary place on the HD, it does not disappear, when quitting Netscape. I also changed the cache size with Netscape to 20000 K. FYI, The amount of memory that Netscape uses does not change, even after downloading several MBÕs of trailer. There is a timer that shows up with Netscape (most of the time with trailers). The timer, is often stagnant for several minutes. When the timer is going to be accurate, it will then count down. For example, one trailer took an hour to download, the timer showed 40:20 for twenty minutes, then it started counting down the time. The timer being present or not does not indicate whether or not a trailer will download. Drive Me Crazy from (or, which uses does not download.

            K. IE 4 allows some downloading. If an IE window comes up with a small Quicktime window inside it, you can save the trailer after it is downloaded. IE was able to download a 4.7-MB video that way.

            L. links to Movies ( has different links other than If you got to Yahoo movies or, they have good info on movies; you may want to copy only the Picture, summaries, genre and cast to save room when pasting into a Clarisworks DR document. Moviefone (which had the elapsed time for two movies one week, and the times were not listed with Hollywood or Yahoo!) and have good succinct info on movies, also. Movieweb has much greater detail for movies. I took a printout from Yahoo Movies that was about three days old. However, by the time the 3 days passed, the movie schedule changed., the Modesto Bee newspaper and both had the correct show time on the day of the movie, so did Yahoo Movies. One employee suggested using the telephone, that it is usually accurate. Janel from Signature Theatres suggested using for movie showtimes. I also might just use Signature Theatres website. The movie times have been changing at night, since the movie theatre is often closing earlier now

84. links to other search engines, and you can choose up to 100 results or all.

            A. charges a "fee" for premium documents.

            B. is for searching in Spanish on the web.

            C. is based in Norway and claims to have the most hits. Seems to have easy to         read links.

            D. allows you to search for multimedia files like audio, video and images.

            E. found several good football links.

            F. claims to have the most relevant links online. it does appear to be correct, especially since they rate their links in order from greatest to least in terms of number of hits. A person could hit a site several times if they like it or refer it to friends.

            G. You can also choose to have 100 links download to one page, which can be easier.

85. password is old At Ease password. Do Not use this website as it had many errors.

86. has many DVDÕs (Rain Man included). The Program should be released December 26, 2000 according to As of 6/30/01, The Program is still not available on or on (you can only pre order it).

            A. 2000 Guinness Book of World Records says that has over 100,000 titles.

87. DO NOT USE, has many problems with website.

88. at DVD, you can be notified of releases, or if a movie has not been released on DVD yet Tells about Back to the Future in particular.

89. Bigstar.comÕs prices are too high, even with discounts. has no DVDÕs, only software, games, etc.

90. At (, you can put a hold on your paper, they will contact you to verify.

            A. You can also place an ad in the paper by going to

            B. I did place an ad on 6/25 to start on 6/26 and run 10 days. It should be free, according to DG. But online said someone will contact me, not sure.

            C. On 1/16/03, I placed an ad with the Modesto Bee. You can do it online or by calling 521-7777 or 1-800-776-4237. However, online, there was not a choice for choosing mobile homes. I would have had to place my ad under houses. So, I called the number. They said you can run a 2-line ad with 22 characters per line for $63.00 for 7 days. The ad will run from Saturday, 1/18/03 through Friday 1/24/03. The ad had a mistake in it (2 bath instead of 1), and I called the Modesto Bee to correct this, but the ad department said that they can only do new ads on the weekends, not corrections. I called on 1/20/02 to make a correction, so that the phone number is 667-6370 and it says 2 br/1ba. They will change the ad for tomorrow (1/21/03).

            D. My username and password for the classifieds at are Motleyze, Old At Ease, which is the same login for Modesto BeeÕs home page.

            E. I ran an ad in 3/03, and I wanted to change it to a lower price, since I did not receive any calls. However, you can not edit your ad on weekends, only weekdays. I reran the ad for 3/11-3/13/03 at a lower asking price.

91. and (Citibank) can be used to track my credit card purchases. You can view the last 12 months online with MBNA net access. I singed up for Bill Pay in 7/06 to have e-mails of my bills sent to me, but I am not sure if it will work, since I do not pay the bills for MBNA through their website. I can simply access MBNAÕs website to see my bills, when MOCSE bills me. My username and password are RyanZelenski, my passcode is school name, home alarm code. MBNA sent me a notice saying I could use a "fake" account number that forwards its info to my real account number. Mom and I didn't think it was necessary.

92. The World Wide Web can be accessed through cable or a satellite. Cable may cost about the same as AOL.

            A. With cable, uploads are the same, downloads are faster.

93. At, my e-mail and password are and original AOL screenname (including the ÒoÓ).

94. When I was downloading System 8.6 update, which was 35 MB, had trouble with IE Explorer. The cache for IE was set to 20000 K , the download stopped at 19000 K or so. I went to Netscape, set the disk cache to 50000 K, cleared it, then tried to download. This worked.

95. I had trouble at the with (Netscape version 4.6 and IE 4.5) with accessing the ÒA-GÓ movies section. You could click on the link, but when the next page loaded, the letters ÒA-GÓ were still white (not with colored links) and did not work. When you clicked on them, the page simply reloaded. I contacted the web author and he fixed it, I think. I clearned the disk cache with Netscape and loaded the page fine. I did not clear the disk cache with IE 4.5 and I could access the ÒA, BÓ movies, etc..

96. At, use as User ID/E-mail address and Old At Ease as password. As of 5/27/01, my new user ID is motleyze (with Old At Ease as password). The old info from H. Kolody followed me, but I still was able to sell a CD Player. I wrote a retraction to Mr. KolodyÕs comments. I changed my username to Cwboy21 (from motleyze) before closing my account, as ebay recommends that (motleyze is too close to my e-mail address). I also changed my password to new At Ease. I changed my e-mail address associated with ebay to You can use to close your account. According to, ebay owes me $.55, but you can only request payment if over $1.00. Besides, I just want to close my account. My account s/b closed around 7/3/04, because I had made a purchase around Xmas 03. I can still access account info, but I wonÕt be able to bid, sell, etc.

            A. Pictures for use on eBay must be jpg, bmp or tiff. No gif pictures will be shown. I did not have to do anything special to get my picture on the web, because it had already been added to my hometown page. I just needed to use a different URL to access the picture. it seems to be easiest to only have one picture for ebay.

            B. However, I could get to show up with all three browsers, but not with

            C. I e-mailed them and they said to go to ÒÓ to update the information (since my item was already registered for auction), then go to the picture URL box and type in ÒÓ This worked.

            D. At feedback forum, you can not enter up to 80 characters, only a brief comment.

            E. Ebay buyers/sellers often use Paypal ( is their website), which is free for users (Billpoint has a transaction fee for the Seller). As of 8/1/2000, Paypal verifies names, addresses and bank info for sellers. The service will warn you, if you are buying from an unverified seller. Also, if a seller is verified and you lose your money, Paypal will reimburse you.

            F. Personal accounts are free on Paypal, according to Tidbits #562. I have an e-mail of, password of New, New At Ease with Paypal.

            G. I tried selling my 32-MB of RAM for the 5400/6400 on ebay in 8/2001, but was unsuccessful (no bids at all after five days).

            H. I changed my e-mail address to on 12/15/03, because I still have a (-1) by my account and would perhaps like to start a new account. I later deleted my account.

97.,, and have information about dogs.

98. At (, you can have up to 300 MB of storage stored on the Internet (off site backup).

            A. Screenname and password are: RyanZelenski, Old At Ease.

            B. Activation code is V1449306.

99. has been revised with some new items. To use iTools or to contribute reviews to iReview you need to have MAC OS 9. However, you do not need to have OS9 to use iReview. iReview gives reviews of many different types of websites, you can click on Ògo to the reviewÓ to get reviews from others or click on the URL. it now has top ten lists for each category. You can also search iReview. At, you can get information about more than 200,000 movies and TV shows. To get release dates, find the name of a movie and then scroll down on the left-hand side to other info, release dates. You can also look up who played which parts in a movie. iCards can be sent with OS 8.1 and you do not have to go to a web address to retrieve them, they show up in e-mail as an attachment. However, to create your own iCards and become a member, you need to have MAC OS9. KidSafe gives your kids access to over 55,000 educator-approved sites and protects them from visiting others. KidSafe also limits your kid's access to Internet services such as file transfer, e-mail, chat, and games. And because KidSafe works with Mac OS 9, kids have no way of getting around it, only you control the settings. As long as you own a Macintosh computer running OS 9, KidSafe is free for your use. Kidsafe is now defunct, because of lack of usage. This was mentioned in Tidbits from 8/13/2001. iReview is defunct, as well. You can use ContentBarrier, but you must be a registered iTools member.

100. Radioshack.comÕs physical address and phone number are

Radio Shack Order Center

200 Taylor St., Suite 600

Ft. Worth, TX 76102


800-843-7422 (phone)

101. At, my username and password are ryanzelenski, Old At Ease. At, type in my cell phone number and New At Ease as password. I put two security questions on the site: favorite movie (with man who went to Tree Frog) and name of city where I met my spouse: city only). I e-mailed (9/9/07) AT & T Wireless Mobility to ask about NOT receiving an e-mail for my bill, since I already receive one from MOCSE.

            A. has some ring tones, but you need to have a Nokia 5165, 3360 or a 8260. I tried to register, since I do not have an account with a Username, but I was unable to register, since I do not have the correct Nokia phone.

            B. On 6/15/02, I got a 5165 phone and had to get a Òsecret codeÓ from AT & T wireless to sign up. They send you a text message to your phone and you enter it. You must press the button to get a secret code sent to your phone, then WAIT (do not do anything else on the AT & T site). After five minutes or so (but the next day, it only took about three seconds to send messages, so more servers may be available on Monday morning as opposed to Sunday night), you receive the message and then enter the secret code on the webpage. Do not go back or forward on the Internet at all. Otherwise, it will not work.

            C. My user name and address are ryanzelenski (lower case), Old At Ease, DeionÕs Number. I had originally signed up with upper case for my user name, but apparently, the website did not record that. I had to have my username sent to my cell phone. Anyhow, I pressed the Òremember meÓ button, so hopefully problem will be avoided. It did not automatically log me in when I went to the website later, but after I quit IE5 and then reloaded the page, it did remember me. A couple days later, it did not remember again (and I had not deleted cookies).

            D. When I signed in using my username and address, the ring tones were sent to my phone almost instantly (within about three seconds or so) after clicking ÒokÓ on the website.

            E. A few songs (Judas Priest, Loverboy, CheaptrickÕs Surrender, and Whiskey in the Jar) do not sound like the songs on the cell phone, so it is not a good idea to order them in the future. It is definitely a good idea to listen to songs before purchasing.

            F. I ordered several songs on 6/15/02, but they ÒbackloggedÓ and I was not able to download them to my phone. According to AT & T, you must download one song at a time to your phone. After you send the ring tone to your phone, then download it on your phone (do not do more than one song at a time, since that will not work, since the phone can only do one at a time, but the website is capable of sending several without concern for the phone).

            G. I called and talked to Felicia in Los Angeles on 6/17/02, and she said that she will credit my account for ÒLiving After MidnightÓ ($.99), ÒWeÕre Not Gonna Take ItÓ ($.99), ÒItÕs a Small WorldÓ twice ($1.99 and $1.99), ÒSurrenderÓ twice ($.99 and $.99) {Some songs were double, some songs I did not want, but she credited both the duplicates and non-wanted songs). The total credited to my account will be $7.94. Felicia said the documentation on this issue is recorded in their computer, for future reference.

            H. I did download ÒNobody Does it BetterÓ ($.99), ÒRudolph the Red Nosed ReindeerÓ ($.99), ÒWeÕre Not Gonna Take ItÓ ($.99), ÒItÕs A Small WorldÓ ($.1.99), and ÒYo Ho, A PirateÕs Life for MeÓ ($.1.99).

            I. shows how to order songs, just by using your cell phone and the keywords on the web page.

            J. You can go to the My Orders tab to see what you have recently ordered. You can re-send a tone within 72 hours of ordering at no extra charge (i.e. it did not download correctly or some other problem).

            K. When downloading the songs to the cell phone, you must ÒreplaceÓ a personal song, even if there is not one present (on the first time you replace the personal ring tones on your phone). As of 3/06, 6030 Is not compatible with the ringtones at,2783,~cHJvdl9pZDo5MA==|~cHJvdl9uYW1lOkNpbmd1bGFy,00.html to download wirelessly. Also, I cannot receive ringtones from CingularÕs web site (which had ÒLooks That KillÓ), either, only a 6010 is compatible (along with a couple others). I tried even saying that I had a 6010 phone, but a text message was not sent to my phone. I sent an e-mail to make sure that I not being billed for ÒIÕll Be There for You,Ó since I tried to download, but therer was nothing sent to my phone. I also asked if I can possibly download any ringtones with my Nokia 6030. In the future, the 6030 may be added. does not work, either. I sent a text message, but did not receive one in return for a free tone.

102. At, use and Old At Ease. Also, Greg Berry with old At Ease.

            A. They had a limit of one per house with ÒhomegainÓ promotional code, so I sent it to Crookham and used my billing address (Turlock) and Neondeio21, but used a different c.c. number.

            B. They have Renewal rechargeable batteries, but not GE, as of 5/11/01.

            C. has rechargeable ÒCÓ Sanyo (GE) batteries.

103. Drug, Russ 6839, old At Ease.

104. At, you can send personalized greeting cards with sound. You can also send a greeting card with a voice message. To send a voice message, you must send the card first, then attach the voice message (you call a phone number to do it). Then the other person must have RealPlayer to hear the message. With Netscape, you must have RealPlayer, and then you click on the voice mail link on your card. You can not just double click the real player file to play it. You must open RealPlayer then open the file from within RealPlayer. I have been using 5.0.2 of Real Player, since G2 version had some previous trouble (I donÕt remember all the details, however).

            A. As of 4/30/02, charges $11.95 per year, so I decided not to sign up for now. Later, since a couple other sites were having trouble, I decided to sign up with and Old At Ease. It automatically renews each year, so as of 6/04, I am still signed up. would not allow me to import my Address Book with Safari, so I tried using IE 5.2.3, but it would not allow me to view the card (Flashplayer issue). Then I tried using Firefox, but it could not import addresses, either. Therefore, I decided to manually copy/paste addresses, as of 6/07.

            B. kept freezing with IE 5, so I did not use it anymore. does not work, produces a page that has a bunch of writing and your electronic greeting card is not sent.

            C. can send greeting cards, but on one occasion, when I tried to see the card with IE5, the picture would not show up. In NN 4.75, it would. On 4/29/02, it caused error type 1 with IE 5, so I may be better off not using it for now.

            D. allows you to send an animated greeting card to someone. It works with Macs.

105. On one out of four occasions, Netscape opened RealPlayer by itself. After rebuilding the desktop, the file RealPlayer file would not open on its own (had to open from within RealPlayer).

            A. Seems like a problem with Netscape and/or RealPlayer, since did not have RealPlayer open on its own, either.

            B. it is possible that I may have to try G2 RealPlayer again, since some websites may not work with old RealPlayer.

            C. Using Internet Explorer and America Online on the blue mountain greeting cards site, the procedure is about the same as Netscape. My e-mail and password at are, Old At Ease.

106. At, you can send electronic greeting cards, but you must download the flash4player installer. You must join ecards, my user name and password are cwboy21, Old At Ease (both lower case at the beginning of the words). it loads kinda slowly. it includes colored text in the e-mail to click and get to the e-card. Must use Flash4Player with Netscape or Internet Explorer to view the ecard.

            A. You can also send electronic greetings cards at it does include blue text that can be clicked on in an e-mail. You must type in URL and then find ecards, then find the link with relating to getting an e-card.

107. At, you can win prizes. My password is old At Ease. You can play every day.

108. At, you can get free samples. My name and password are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease.

109. DO NOT ORDER FROM MAC MALL. Mom had a legitimate return for them and they did not call her back. They would not answer the phone when she called, and gave her a great hassle about returning a scanner that she did not want.

110. At, my password is Old At Ease.

            A. When calling Club Mac, on one occasion, I waited for about fifteen minutes. Both times I called, I talked to very non-knowledgeable people.

111. When sending e-mail attachments to Windows users, may want to use Appledouble (sometimes called ÒMIMEÓ format) with its transparent Base64 encoding.

            A. Appledouble is a file format, which is usually handled within other programs, so you are unlikely to see a program devoted to creating and decoding Appledouble files.

112. should send me a $20 gift certificate through e-mail in the spring sometime, after they have their grand re-opening of their online store.

            A. I did not receive it, since I have switched e-mail addresses. I e-mailed them on 7/26/2000 and they said that they will be sending me a $20 gift certificate.

            B. may not have the same items on the web site that they have in their stores.

            C. E-mail address and password are and Old At Ease.

113. At, you can download Internal Revenue Service forms, however, it is not the official Internal Revenue Service. The IRS official site is

114. CD now is old At Ease.

115. sells cards for people in the business world, not necessary for me.

116. is old At Ease.

117. also is old At Ease (shipping is $6.95 at my family, so didn't do $10 off $10).

118. is old At Ease.

119. I tried to set up my Wal* user name and password as Ryan and old At Ease, but it did not work. I think the website has some trouble. Next time I order, I will probably have to re-enter my information. Also, IE does not establish a secure connection with my G3/233. Used Netscape instead.

120. Consumer Reports has a website (, but you must pay $19 to subscribe to the site, even if you are a Consumer Reports magazine subscriber. Alternatively, you can pay $3.95 for a month or $24.00/year (it costs $24 if you do not subscribe to the CR magazine). My user name and password are ryanzelenski, Old At Ease (lower case). I used as my e-mail address. I had to reset up my account on 12/31/01, as Computer Reports was supposed to automatically renew my account, but they did not, apparently. In 7/06, Consumer Reports sent me an e-mail saying that I should update my billilng information, so I went to the website (not using the URL in the e-mail) to update it. I updated the information (and the info was supposed to update within 24 hours). But a week later, I went to the website and still my info was not updated, so I updated it again, still no luck, because a week later, the same problem occurred. My subscription is paid through 4/07, so I am okay for now. I e-mailed them about the payment situation and the incorrect link to access Òchange my payment information,Ó and the fact that there is no way to Òchange my payment informationÓ on the page (Safari had the problem with the update the billing information problem, but then after logging out and back in, the message did not appear). IE 5.2.3 produces the same error (even though IE 5.0 or later is recommended by, but Netscape 7.2 does not produce the error ( recommends Netscape 6.0). Their webmaster is probably not that good, I think. As of 4/06, Consumer Reports can now add channels to AvantGo, which I was able to do with the vacuum cleaner reports. However, it is not flawless, as I downloaded the vacuum cleaner information, but the links did not all work (even though the website showed the link depth at 10). Later, in 7/06, the web page was gone from Consumer ReportsÕ website, and it could not be found. Also, there is not any options to download to PDA ro mobile device, when you access reports on the Consumer Reports website. However, at, there are several channels there that can be downloaded. But, to subscribe to Consumer Reports To Go, you need to pay $14.95 to subscribe at However, the link does not work. says that the subscription to Consumer Reports To Go is no longer available. There seems to be several places that you can buy the CD-ROM for $14.95, but I do not think it would be functional at this time (7/13/06). I signed up to receive an e-mail from Consumer Reports To go on 7/13/06, but did not receive an e-mail. I e-mailed Consumer Reports about this on 7/13/06. said that, ÒUnfortunately, our CRtoGo feature is no longer functional.  We do thank you for pointing out that there are still references to it on  I've informed our technical team about this, so that they can remove these references. We do apologize for the inconvenience.Ó The best thing to do is to print out reports, when desired. It costs $24/year to subscribe to Consumer Reports Medical Guide at 

121. At, you can get directions to most places. However, on some places, there may be a message that says something like ÒThere are 1.27 miles (2.05 km) between the end of the directions and 1000 Maple Dr. Use the map above to get to 1000 Maple Dr.", that means that the NavTech routing software does not include that location in its database. Therefore, although MapquestÕs maps can map the address, Mapquest cannot route to it. Therefore, you can click on the destination map and zoom in/zoom out as necessary to get the detail you want and print. The purple lines show the end of the directions and the star is your destination.

            A. In the future, Mapquest plans to have a second database available to prevent this problem. For now, #121 is the solution.

            B. is a partner of Mapquest, and has maps on it, but does not do driving directions.

            C. finds places, but does not do driving directions.

            D. Yahoo Driving Directions ( allows you to store your address (similar to Mapquest). Yahoo Maps, according to Tourbus (4/16/03) can store destinations, so you do not have to retype them each time you visit.

            E. According to Tourbus from 4/16/03, Mapquest directions can be faxed or e-mailed to someone.

122. At, you can get reimbursed for eating at several restaurants, according to mom.

            A. User name and password are Ryan, Old At Ease.

123. At the DMVÕs web site (, you cannot as of 3/20/2000, get a printout of your driving record. You must mail to the address listed and pay a $5 charge.

124. You can get a free e-mail account at Yahoo (To sign up for free Yahoo account, simply go to, click Yahoo! mail and then select ÒIÕm a New User,Ó Sign Me Up.),, Lycos, AltaVista or Hotmail (Microsoft). As of 1/2/02, I do not have a Yahoo account (only a Personals one). I found out that students can get a free e-mail address, also. However, they must have their parent (or guardian) sign up first. A credit card number needs to be given, even though Yahoo! Says that the person will not be charged. Alta Vista has free Internet access, but it requires Windows, as of 8/9/2000. At, you can find SASIxp and AbacusXP, which are made by NCS. Abacus does spelling test with bubbles, according to Marilyn. However, we are not getting Abacus, according to M. on 8/29/00. Julie said she does not know of a program to create spelling tests, but she also does not look for educational software much. A Hotmail account is needed to use MSN Messenger Service. I did not want one more e-mail address, just to talk to Richard (he suggested that I sign up for MSN Messenger Service). Also, I found a link to download and install MSN Messenger (Installer Vise 7.2), but you need system software 8.6.0. I got an e-mail address of on 12/15/03. My password is New New At Ease. Langalist from 3/24/2002 says that Yahoo has said it will now charge for e-mail.

125. At, you can order pay per view events on line. In 6/07, I had to pay the $1.50, since the web site was not working (Safari and IE 5.2.3 did not work, even after signing out and restarting each browser. I had to call in my order over the phone which charges $1.50; it costs $5 for an operator-assisted order. Since the movie was free, I decided not to quibble about the $1.50.). I am unable to view my bill at, as of 10/06, because I have signed up with MOCSE billing. Must use my user name of motleyze, password is Old At Ease (my security question is what street did you grow up on: I put the name of the street in Maitland without the drive part). DirecTV will have the DVR Scheduler service soon (as of 11/07), where you can pick progams to record online and send the information to your receiver, even if it is turned off; you must an HR-20 100 or 700). It did not work with SeaMonkey nor IE 5.2.3 nor Safari 3 on 11/22/07. After you sign up for a PPV movie (online) with ADT (All Day Ticket), on one occasion, it took about five minutes for the channel to be active (the PPV started at 10 A.M., I finished signing up around 10:52 A.M.). After watching once, it may not play continuously, you have to check the TV listings for events and/or PPV movies. My sign in name for Gametracker is Cwboy21. The web page says that you need to download and install Gametracker, but you relay do not do that. You simply must have Shockwave installed. It did not work with Netscape 7.0.2 until after I ran the Shockwave 8.5r102 installer, then it worked. Gametracker worked with IE5 fine (I had run Shockwave installer awhile ago, I think). You can access the online pay per view guide ( However, it does not appear that you can access ordering by clicking on the title of pay per view events. On 1/1/2001, the ordering info does not appear with IE5.1 or NN 4.74, only the description of the pay per view event. I e-mailed DirecTV about this on 1/1/01. They did not reply, that I recall, but they may have. If you view the online guide, some channels may be missing, if the ÒMy ChannelsÓ box is checked. May need to check ÒAll Channels.Ó On the 2005 NFL schedule, Dallas at Seattle was listed as 1:05 P.M. (PST) on However, DirecTV lists the game as starting at 10:00 A.M. I e-mailed DirecTV and they said that the info that they receive from the NFL says that the game is at 1:00 P.M., like the NFL said (which the NFL does not say on its website). Anyhow, I will be prepared for both game times. replied to my e-mail and said that DirecTV is probably confused and that the game is supposed to be at 1:05 P.M. (PST). I tried to update my billing address with Safari, but was unable to in 7/06, so I used Safari 5.2.3.

126. To find Tracy Movies on the Internet go to, then select California, then click on Tracy link.

127. Stanislaus countyÕs court website ( does not work, the specified site could not be found. Even though I found the link with Alta vista also.

128. At Ò,Ó it can be used for kids to safely search the Internet.

129. If you have a JPG file, it can be opened with AOL or IE5 (not Netscape) by dragging the picture onto AOL or IE, or opening from within the application.

130. JPEG and GIF are compressed formats, but JPEG is better for photographs, however, anytime you save a JPEG you lose a little quality. GIF pictures limit the variety of colors that can be used (i.e. uses fewer colors or grays), so image quality is not lost in saving.

131. To check if a number is long distance or not, you can call Pacific Bell Customer Service (800) 310-2355 to see if a number is long distance or not.

132. iCab is a pre-release software release only as of 4/4/2000 (TIDBITS #525).

            A. It supposedly allows you to turn off pop up ads or comes with pop up ads off by default, according to Harley Hahn.

            B. According to, the final release will be available on April, 2001, and it will cost $29.

133. You can now type in Macfixit only to get to

134. seems to be different now (8/9/2000).

            A. Ken Leebow is now at (I think he moved from

            B. You can order Ken LeebowÕs books at the website or by calling 800-909-6505.

135. At refunding makes sense web site (, name and password are Refunds, ebunny. (Erase the word Easter first).

136. To get past a credit card screen without actually entering a credit card, type in Ò4111 1111 1111 1111Ó i.e. a Ò4Ó and 15 ones. Found this information at

137. Some smaller (but perhaps useful) ftp sites are ÒÓ and ÒÓ

138. At the Internet Public Library (, you can send e-mail and have it answered.

139. Typing in svschoolsupply, or in Netscape does not always go to the website. However, typing in Òhttp://www.svschoolsupply.comÓ seemed to be more consistent.

            A. Internet Explorer seemed to have better luck, even when typing in svschoolsupply only. Svschoolsupply worked, but did all the time (it was intermittent).

            B. Even searching for title, URL, domain, text; svschoolsupply will not show up on any of the search engines as of 4/20/2000.

140. At, you can check the availability of rooms at some hotels.

141. At, you can e-mail directions to someone after calculating them. However, it did not work for me on a consistent basis. You have to make no errors when entering any of the information for the starting or ending addresses. If you make an error, start over from scratch (favorite place) and e-mail directions again. To make directions your bookmark, click the directions tab, then add page to favorites. Also, when entering my address, kept getting step 1 invalid error. After I entered Golden State Blvd., Mapblast said Òcan we use Golden State Blvd. as your starting addressÓ. Since it already was my starting address, I said ÒokÓ (kinda strange). Anyhow, then I got the directions. My username and password are RyanZ, old At Ease. pressing return does not ÒGet DirectionsÓ by default. Should press the ÒGet DirectionsÓ button on the web page. As of 6/03, Mapblast is now combined with MSN directions. As of 6/04, you can now type name of place instead of the address of what you are looking for.

142. At, you can find driving directions. I can not figure out how to change it so that Tracy does not always come on when opening the window.

143. Gophers (which got its name from the University of Minnesota, whose mascot is the ÒGolden GopherÓ, grad students at the University of Minnesota developed the research tool) offer text-based research tools that flourished before the development of the web. Although many fallen into disrepair or abandoned, they are still somewhat viable, according to Bob Jost.

            A. Gophers are designed to be in linear, top to down organized format. One gopher site is Ògopher://Ó. However, much of the information is not very current.

            B. There are several gopher sites listed in Netscape Communicator 4 Book p. 345, but all of them appear to be ÒdeadÓ links.

144. Usenet Newsgroups can be found on almost every topic imaginable.

            A. Source: NC4 book, glossary: Usenet is a large group of networked users who communicate using the UNIX to UNIX Copy Protocol (UUCP) as opposed to TCP/IP.

145. Listserve/Mailing Lists use the same idea as Newsgroups and are e-mailed based. Although I think I joined one once and was bombarded with e-mail.

146. Usenet FAQÕs have many already been asked questions on the Internet.

147. At ÒÓ, you can change your Apple E-news and Quicktime news to/from HTML or plain text.

148. .de is for Deustschland (Germany).

149. The right most part of the decimal in an IP address refers to your computer (Netscape Communicator 4 book, p. 24).

150. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

151. When possible, use mirror sites, since they can be less busy, especially for downloading files via FTP.

152. At, you can get the names and places of purchase for free after rebate items. Also, it lists prices from least to greatest. You can also get a listing of the on sale items at

Best Buy, Circuit City (383-0284 in Merced), CompUSA, KMart, Office Depot, Office Max, Radio Shack, Sears, Staples, Target, Wal*Mart, Wards and others.

            A. Circuit City was out of rebate items, again, at their store on 9/14/00.

153. From ÒÓ. you can see an organized list of Mac FAQÕs, but some of the questions are not updated recently. I did find one group that was updated in 2000.

154. ÒÓ has many reviews of Mac products, also has great Mac system help. Has many links within reviews, etc.

155. From The Library of Congress at ÒÓ:

MLA-style Citation Format (for text):


Author last name, first name, and middle initial. "Title of work." Date. Title of collection. [Protocol and address] [Call Number] (date of visit).

            A. Other types of MLA for maps, photographs, films, legal documents, recorded sounds can be found at ÒÓ (same as above next to 155).

156. There are many suffixes (which are also called zones, according to IE for Mac, page 165) .com sites are not associated with any country. .org sites were initially for non-profit groups, but now can be purchased by anyone. Gov sites can only be used by branches of the U.S. federal sites are from four year, degree-granting universities only. Local, regional and state government agencies and public school districts use .us.

            A. Newsgroups have a similar categorical system (alt are alternative newsgroups (could be anything): comp groups are computer newsgroups: misc. are for miscellaneous groups: news is for news information (often a good source of information on newsgroup): rec are for recreation groups, sports, etc.: sci cover scientific groups: soc are social groups that focus on issues of perceived social importance: talk groups are for arguments).

157. Mac files being sentthroughe-mail are usually binary encoded (usually in Appledouble) before being encoded in Base64 (

            A. Applesingle is another Mac binary encoding format.

158. A communication connection was the original way home computers remotely connected to other computers. it consisted of a direct connection from personal computer to the computer on the other end of a phone line.

159. At, you can track airline flights.

            A. According to Cool Travel mail, though, you can only search 5 one way destinations at a time, so it may take a long time to find what you are looking for.

            B., and allow you to find the best prices and options for flights from over a dozen web sites.

            C. is another website that will help you find flight prices. However, as of 1/13/01, it is not a working site yet.

160. At, my user name and password are Motleyze, Old At Ease. You can call long distance anywhere in the U.S. for free. Macintosh is not yet supported as of 5/7/2000.

161. At ÒÓ and,Ó you can get a credit report (it costs $8.00 at However, at, the links would not work (you click on them and nothing happens). sends you to one of three possible sites for getting your credit report. Equifax says that once you get a free credit report, you cannot get another report for a year (I got a free credit report on 9/15/06). I did not pay to get my credit score, though. MOCSE shows a closed account (9/07 when I used Experian), but I think that is for my Visa only card (I now have an ATM/Visa card).

162. At and, you can find chatmefree to chat with others on the Internet. They do not work with Macintosh, though, it appears.

163. At, you can find biographyÕs of over 200,000 famous people.

164. At and, you can get currency exchange information, but not Peso/U.S. Dollar Conversion. At, you can convert Pesos to U.S. Dollars (must clear U.S. Dollars, then type in pesos, press the Òclick calculateÓ button.

165. At, my user name and password are motleyzepacbell (canÕt have dots or @ symbol) and Old At Ease.

            A. If you go to 80Õs Glam page, you can choose ÒchatÓ, but Java must be enabled. For Java to be enabled, you must have Macintosh Runtime for Java installed on the computer.

            B. I did install Macintosh Runtime for Java, but Netscape and IE 5 froze and/or quit when loading the ÒchatÓ page. Might need IBM for it to work.

            C. You can also subscribe/unsubscribe to mailing lists at

            D. has mailing lists also, but no description of them is available on the web page.

166. At, you can get free e-mail update notifications for software.

167. At, I have joined the 80Õs Glam group.

168. has the origins of many words and expressions.

169. At, you can track newspaper and magazine articles, but the list is not very comprehensive. My user name is Ryan, and my user ID is sua20704.

170. AT, you can get health information. At, you can get health information read to you by Real Player.

171. At, you can find ballparks around the country, past and present, team home pages, hotels, restaurants, etc.

172. At, you can search for any city (not country) in the world.

173. At Ò,Ó you can get driving directions, but it only seems to work in pretty urban areas.

174. At (place to chat), I am registered under, new At Ease (lower case). Later, I was unable to log in, perhaps I was deleted from the system, since I have not been on there, much. Seems to be quite a limited number of users, though.

            A. As of 5/17/2001, will be out of business.

175. At, you can get directions from city to city, but not address to address. Also, it takes a long time to submit your request, must scroll through a long web page.

            A. Also, at, you can only choose select cities and not addresses.

176. At Ò,Ó you can send free postcards, but the choices are somewhat limited.

            A. You can also send postcards at You can send postcards to multiple persons, according to the home page (must be able to create an electronic mailing list).

177. At Ò,Ó you can select five time zones to view when going to the web page.

178. At ÒÓ, you can send flowers for a fee.

179. At Ò,Ó you can make creative letters for e-mail, the program is called Figlet and it costs $15.

180. At Ò,Ó you can get ASCII pictures of many different objects.

181. At Ò,Ó you can use the FAQÕs to learn about web page design (seems to be mostlythroughHTML methods).

            A. At Ò,Ó you can learn how to write your own HTML code.

182. At ÒÓ, my user name is RyanZ and password is new At Ease. I sent them an e-mail, because I could not figure out how to change my password.

183. At Ò,Ó you can find some interesting trivia.

184. At Ò,Ó my user name and password are Motleyze, Old At Ease. My security key is new at Ease. I added Matt MosleyÕs weblog to my Yahoo! Page and I also signed up for e-mail alerts when new material is posted. only appears to be able to send text info to your cell phone, but you must pay for texting.

            A. I signed up for the PÕs program. It is $19.95 trial for the first month (I started on November 25, 2001). My photo had to be resubmitted, Yahoo send me an e-mail saying I should reload it. I did on 11/26/01.

            B. When reading new ÒunreadÓ messages, you must sign out for the ÒunreadÓ messages (that you have now read in the session) to be update to ÒreadÓ (Pressing the Òrefresh button may work as well, I may try that). You can see someoneÕs profile by clicking on their name, when they respond to you.

185. According to 300 Incredible Things to Do on the Internet p. 76, at Ò,Ó you can check to see if a doctor is certified or not. On 5/14/2000, however, I was not able to access the site.

186. takes you on an Internet tour, but with lots of pop up windows.

187. At and can provide you with simpler names for your websites (i.e. a redirect), but the redirect does not appear to be that much simpler than copying and pasting.

188. provides free telephone calls all over the world, but an IBM computer is required.

189. At ÒÓ, you can access information/articles from several different publications on products. Sometimes, it takes a while to load, since there are many articles.

190. At ÒÓ, you can convert pounds/kilograms, mm/inches/feet/meters/yards. Also you can convert liters/gallons/quarts/fluid ounces. This site works better with Netscape, since the numbers do not get cut off.

            A. At ÒÓ, you can convert C to F to K.

191. At Ò,Ó you can find almost any magazine for purchase (not archives).

192. At Ò,Ó you can look up names of people, if you have a phone number, by going to Òreverse lookup.Ó This site can also be used to look up peopleÕs phone numbers, if you have their name.

            A. This is not the same as ÒÓ found on, which can look up area codes, if you have the city and vice versa.

            B. You can also look up 800 numbers with It is not the greatest system, however.

            C. was last updated in 2000. However, was last updated in 1999. Also, research itÕs map look up would not find Turlock, CA: Atwater, CA or Orlando, FL.

193. At ÒÓ (referenced on, you can look up zip codes as well as at At (as of 1/06), you cannot download form 3811 (Domestic Return Receipt). There are several other forms listed, but not 3811.

194. At Ò,Ó you can get auto reply services for e-mail. Says it costs $5.00/month, maybe more.

195. At Ò,Ó you can see to many gadgets, although on 5/14/2000, it said it is taking some time off.

196. At Ò,Ó you can get your web site submitted for $59/year.

197. At Ò,Ó you can copy the html code and paste it on your web page, to have a Yahoo search on your page.

            A. at YahooÕs chat page (, my user ID is Motleyze and my password is old At Ease (lower case). You need to download software to use it, it appears.

198. At Ò,Ó you can add some features to your web page, but it seems that you need to have a Netscape Netcenter account to do it.

199. At Ò,Ó you can get caloric information on fast food restaurantsÕ food.

200. is a place for meeting people.

201. At, you can go to ÒFoolÕs SchoolÓ to find out basic information about Mutual Funds, investing, etc.

202. At, you can find links on web pages, or other documents. However, it appears to only work with Windows.

203. At, you can take a look at Kim KomandoÕs site picks of the week, some were pretty interesting on 5/20/2000.

204. At, you can store 50 MB of storage for free. I am not sure about Windows/Mac.

205. Matt said that posting video (or video posting) on the internet with .Mac is pretty simple. But he also said that, "I haven't used other services. But, I'm not sure you want to use .mac -- I don't know if they have anything more than photo and video sharing. You'd better check to see if they (GM & JT) do what you want first." Matt also said that, "You can upload a movie right from iMovie similar to how you upload photos from iPhoto (he said that sharing photos is easy using iPhoto with .mac). But I don't know if there is a way to upload text pages." I tried uploading a Quicktime video to my web page to see if it would play, but it did not. I got the Quicktime emblem to load, but then the movie would not play, I only got a broken movie icon. I e-mailed SBC for assistance.

206. At Ò,Ó you can subscribe to an e-mail list for $12/year.

207. At Ò,Ó Ò,Ó and Ò,Ó you can get information regarding viruses and hoaxes.

208. At Ò,Ó Òmyfamily.comÓ and Ò,Ó you can create a website for your family to share pictures, etc. Although it is probably easier to use your own websites.

209. At Ò,Ó you can search using a ÒsafeÓ search engine.

210. At Òhttp://www.webopedia.comÓ and Òhttp://www.Internet.comÓ you can get Internet information, although there seemed to be trouble getting to both sites two days in a row.

            A. When I finally got to, I found that it had some interesting terms on it.

            B. Later, I discovered, however, that IE seemed to keep quitting or stalling when accessing these two sites.

211. supposedly has some law information, but the site did not want to load on 5/21/2000. At, you can purchase LeaseWriter, which can be used to create leases, move in letter, rental application, lead paint disclosure form, notice of entry to make repairs, etc. It costs $77.97 as of 8/13/00.

212. At, my password is new At Ease. it doesnÕt recognize me, even after entering information three times. I went back to the website and there does not appear to be a place to log in.

213. ÒÓ and allow you to play many different types of music.

            A. Screenname and password at are Ryan, Old At Ease. No screenname or password needed at LycosÕ radio.

214. At ÒÓ, my user name and password are Ryan Zelenski, new At Ease. Later (8/9/2000), it does not appear to be a Òlog inÓ place.

215. At ÒÓ, there are some jokes there. But the real address is ÒÓ. The site is down temporarily as of 5/21/2000.

216. According to ÒÓ, you can use to check on a website (if the website is in use, you should be able to get a physical address for the company). However, none of the pop up windows showed any information, when I went to the whois site. They simply showed the websiteÕs name again. Also, later on, several sites showed simply blank pop up windows when you clicked on ÒWhois recordÓ.

217. Òhttp://www.catalogsite.comÓ has many 400 errors, when clicking on links.

218. At, my e-mail address and password are and old At Ease.

            A. IE for Macintosh is not supported, need to use NN

            B. I think I applied for a credit card with on 8/26/00. It should arrive in 2 to 4 weeks through the mail. Also, some bundled savings should be available to me on the coolsavings page.

219. At, you can get sales and good prices from local stores (not online ones).

220. ESD stands for Electronic Software Distribution means getting software through the Internet (downloading it).

221. At, I used screenname RyanZ., e-mail as and my password is old At Ease.

222. has merged with, who merged into At, you can download the software for Macintosh to view faxes, but the software is corrupted after download. However, I used Graphic Converter to view a fax. To be able to send faxes from your e-mail, it costs $2.95/month. is the e-mail address you can use to ask for help with issues. To unstuff Jfax Viewer PPC (version 1.0), use Stuff It Expander 5.5. Version 4.0.1 would not work. I signed up with and my pin is 1216. Jconnect number is 1-805-725-4211. allows you to download the software. Jconnect Premier allows you to have voice-mail, not Jconnect free, which is what I signed up for. Connect Lite is needed to send e-mail to fax numbers. It costs $4.95 per month. JConnect Messenger does download from, as of 9/3/2001, but it is an .exe file only. I tried sending a fax to my number on 9/3/01, but after a 1/2 hour, it still had not arrived at motleyze@pacbell.netÕs mailbox. It may be possible that it takes two or three days for the account to become active. It appears, additionally, that the web page, has troubles, as several pages did not load. It may be however that I was using the old fax number from, but I am not sure. Also, I went to and put in my name and home number, as well (it was not in there previously, that may have been the problem). When I did the Òstartup wizardÓ, I was a little unsure of what to do. Anyhow, as of now, 805-725-4211 is working (see K below). Later, however (9/9/01) I sent a fax from my fax machine to 805-725-4211 and it worked. I received the fax in my e-mail. I was also able to go to and sent a fax to 805-725-4211 and it was received in my e-mail box. I was able to open the faxes with Graphic Converter, or Jfax viewer.


            A. allows you to send a fax to anywhere, just by using their web page. Numbers must be exactly 10 digits long without dashes. You can not add attachments, but simply type a message. I got this to send an e-mail to my fax number, which then forwarded to my e-mail account. I downloaded the fax, but efax Viewer could not read it. Graphic Converter could, though.

            B. (Outfax service) allows you to be able to send faxes with attachmentsthroughyour e-mail account. The basic fee is $10/month and a $10 setup fee.

            C. (Faxup service) allows people to send you faxes and you can retrieve them from a WWW browser or e-mail account. It can either cost $10.00 per month for NYC number or $20 for NYC, Boston local number.

224. At (which goes to the same place as, they must have combined), you can get send faxes through e-mail, but you must give credit card number to make calls. To set up an account with (800-906-4329 or 206-479-7000, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., PST), it can take 24 to 48 hours, and it may take up to 3 days if you set up your account over the weekend. Faxing to the U.S. is just 10 cents a minute on weekends. There is not a setup fee for a Faxaway account, but it costs $1/month for account maintenance. To send a fax with, send an e-mail to (no spaces or hyphens) in an e-mail message. You should include 1 + area code + number, i.e. would be an example. uses, Old At Ease. Security code is 1216. The ability to send faxes may be limited by the limitations of your e-mail software. The Faxaway FAQÕs do not list any issues with attachments, perhaps .jpg attachments should work okay. is affiliated with My phone number with is 206-984-2916, (I sent a fax to this number in 4/04 and even though said it was sent, the fax did not come to my e-mail address). I did send an e-mail to and it worked. My credit card was charged $.11. You can personalize your voice mail greeting at 206-984-2916. Press * as soon as K7 answers, then enter your security code and then follow the instructions. To send a fax from an application, Compose your document, open the Apple Menu, choose JFAX Send Print Driver, Return to application, From the file menu, choose print. Faxaway has many supported formats for faxing. They include .doc (Word) .txt (text files) and .RTF (Rich Text Format). There are many supported Graphic formats {including .jpg, bmp, pic (Lotus), tiff (Type 3 1-D only)} They are listed at Faxaway states some information for Mac users. It says Faxaway supports Microsoft Word documents that have been converted to PC byte format. I e-mailed Faxaway to ask what this means. They said that ÒThis is in regards to graphic files being converted (from the MAC applications) and then pasted into Mac for Word.Ó From the time I sent a fax with Faxaway, it arrived at MomÕs fax machine in about five minutes or so, as of 3/29/2002. You should receive a confirmation from Faxaway to let you know that your fax has been sent. To send an attachment, you should see It may be though, that you need to have a Windows machine to be able to send one, though. I e-mailed Faxaway to ask about this. They said that only Mac for Macintosh is supported. I sent an e-mail from with a ÒstuffedÓ Mac for Word file. I sent a Mac 6.0.1 compressed Word File and a non-stuffed file. Neither one of them wentthroughat Later, in Classic under OS X, I tried to send a fax, but the Word 98 file did not go thru. So, I simply copied and pasted into an e-mail and sent it to my fax (to test it out), and I sent one fax to my e-mail that was had an attachment (it was a Word 98 file that I saved as Word 6.0/95). The Word 6.0/95 did not come thru, I got an error that said that the file must end in certain formats (i.e. .DOC). I resaved the file with .doc as the suffix for the file name and resent the fax. The TIFF Converter program for Faxaway appears to support only windows. Faxaway also said that the 8/3 naming convention is no longer required for files, but the names must be less than 26 characters. Each time your credit card amount that has been charged is depleted, there is another fixed amount that is charged to your credit card (perhaps $10, like the initial charge). I tried to send a fax using Color It and I saved the document at a pict document. When I tried to open the e-mail notice from, there was not enough memory to open it. I increased the memory to 35000 K (from 7168 K) and I was able to open it. However, the attached document was not recognizable by Faxaway. I just decided to fax the purchase order at school. I added my account to, so I can e-mail from AOL account.

225. is now

            A. It has several different plans. The cheapest one is $7.50 to receive faxes (thru your e-mail account) and you can send 50 free pages per month (e-mail to fax).

226. is now

            A. It has some fax/e-mail services. Prices do not appear to be easily available. A link to Òcontact salesÓ is present.

227. has E-mail to Fax, Fax to E-mail, also.

            A. allows you to check if fax number area codes are covered with their service. Its web to fax service and e-mail to fax service are free. I can send an e-mail to my fax number (503-212-8178) and it will be received like a fax. 209 area code is not covered, as of 6/2001.

228. has information on Internet Faxing.

229. At, my user name and password are RyanZelenski, old At Ease.

230. At Ò,Ó you can search several sports site for information on a person, team, etc.

231. At Ò,Ó my user name and password are RyanZ3, old At Ease.

232. At Ò, you can translate web pages one at a time or you translate words themselves one a time. You can also translate phrases or a paragraph by typing them into the translation section of the web page.

            A. You can use to translate a whole site at a time, i.e. after you go to the site and click on links, the links are also translated. When you use, the translation tool works fine; however, the information on the web page is backward as of 12/07, you type in the phrase, then select the language to translate from, then select the language to translate to. I used to sign up for Word of the Day with It would not allow me to type in my last name with Safari or IE 5.2.3, so I just typed in ÒzÓ (without the quotes) for my last name.

            B. If you type in Ò,Ó you get to ÒÓ (same site).

C. You can also translate web pages and phrases at ÒÓ

            D. Most of them will not translate gopher sites (example is gopher://, however. Free will translate gopher sites (even though there is a default of http in front of the translate web page box). (which actually uses will though.

            E. has the link in its window. It also has links to specialty dictionaries that you can use to find specialized dictionaries (i.e. technology, science, etc.). It also has links to language translation websites as well as grammar web sites for many languages.

233. If you go to Ò,Ó you can force the web page to load, so that all the words (or at least most) can be looked up in a dictionary, medical dictionary, acronym dictionary, computer dictionary, thesaurus, or translations.

234. At, you can ask any question that will be answered. My user name and password are RyanZelenski, old At Ease. It appears, though, that it is just a posting website for anyone.

235. At Ò,Ó to search with it, you need Windows. At Òpathfinder.comÓ (More things to do on the Internet, p. 62), there were not any big artists that I could see. At, you need a Windows machine to download MusicMatch player.

236. At, I used old At Ease. This site can be used to send invitations to peoplethroughe-mail. To change whom you will send invitations to, go to address book management.
            A. You can also do the same thing at ÒÓ and ÒÓ.

237. At ÒÓ and Ò,Ó you can send flowers for a fee.

            A. At, supposedly you can send a flower postcard, but it kept giving an access error.

238. gives you recommendations on restaurants. My user name is RyanZelenski, e-mail of and password is Old At Ease.

            A. also has information on local restaurants.

            B. I suppose used to have restaurant info, but they do not appear to, anymore.

238. Ò,Ó ÒÓ and ÒÓ show some most wanted criminals.

239. At Ò,Ó you can get gallop poll results on many business, lifestyle and managing issues.

240. At ÒÓ, you can predict your own death.

241. At Ò,Ó you can listen to air traffic conversations from the Dallas/FW airport.

242. You can use ÒÓ and ÒÓ to make your own to do lists on the Internet and address books, etc. At Òwhen.comÓ supposedly you can find information about sporting events, music, etc. Seemed very incomplete in its information.

243. ÒÓ and ÒÓ can be used to help you remember appointments., etc. They send you an e-mail.

244. can be used to coordinate events between people.

245. At Òhttp://www.disasterium.comÓ, it shows the date for many earthquakes, fires, and transportation mishaps.

246. At, you can talk to people who are searching the same web sites, but the software requires Windows. requires Windows software also.

247. At Òhttp://www.phonenumbers.netÓ you can search for numbers worldwide. But on 5/31/2000, the site was extremely sluggish.

248. At FlipÕs Search Resources (, you can use it to find links to many searching services. Also, links to zip code information.

249. At ÒÓ and Ò,Ó you can learn how to surf anonymously and info about privacy.

            A. has information about privacy and the obligation of companies.

250. You can use to find categories for the Internet.

251. At, you can get information for weather on the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean islands for several weeks in advance.

            A. You can get e-mails mailed to you with the weather in any U.S. City at ÒÓ At Ò,Ó you can get the 4-day forecast for Acapulco or anywhere else worldwide.

            B. At, you can get 7-day forecasts for any US City and 3 day forecasts elsewhere. You can also go to the Daily TravelerÕs section and see whether weather is likely to cause delays at particular airports (Airport Impact Forecast Maps).

            C. According to Cool Travel Mail from 2/6/01, you can set up my Yahoo to send you personalized weather reports.

252. At Ò,Ó you can find ways to deal with students, seems to have some interesting ideas.

253. You can use Ò,Ó you can search for information about how to care for products, get rebates on line and get extended warranties.

254. can be used to rate movies by age/gender. Although I did not find it often matched my opinions.

255. At, you can get information about celebrities, but it costs $29.95/month.

256. At Ò,Ó you can see DaveÕs top ten lists or hear the monologues from last night.

257. lets you type in the type of vehicle you want and searches for it.

258. At, you can get pricing for cars.

            A. You can use ÒÓ for a car encyclopedia.

            B. You can use ÒÓ to find out crash test information.

259. could not be accessed with IE 5 or Netscape 4.73.= on 6/1/2000.

260. ÒÓ gives ideas for signature lines for e-mails.

            A. Signature Idea: Bumper Sticker reads "My child was inmate of the month at county jail". Friends help you move, real friends help you move bodies.

261. According to 300 More Incredible Things to Do on the Internet p. 109, You can research your genealogy at Òhttp://www.ngsgenealogy.orgÓ ($40), Ò,Ó and ÒÓ

262. ÒÓ can be used to help someone making moving easier (info about a new place).

263. At, you can get your own free web page.

264. At, my e-mail address is and my password is Old At Ease.

            A. DonÕt use, too many pop up windows.

            B. does not save the Òskins,Ó web site may be windows based or inoperable.

265. At, I found several errors in Back to the Future series.

266. allows you to use some tools for your website, but it appears that you must pay a $2,000 implementation fee to get started.

267. At, you can send post cards with music. However, it would not send. it just froze in place on 6/4/2000.

            A. You can also send musical greetings at ÒÓ. The address that the card is located on the web for Mom was ÒÓ. This musical card worked with AOL.

            B. (made the computer go ÒwackoÓ) and (black screen with an ÒXÓ on it) did not work on MomÕs computer (may have been due to AOL thing). Both of these worked on my computer, however with IE 5 and NN.

            C. Pacific Products Greeting card was sent the next day, not sure if I set it up that way or not.

268. On p. 83 of 300 More Incredible Things to do on the Internet, talks about, where you can see information of Internet robots.

269. At, you can use that web site to buy a car. Tang Lee said it is cheaper than buying from the dealer

270. At ÒÓ, you can send animated greeting cards.

271. At, you can play (and record with microphone) many MP3Õs.

272. Julie said on Macs, Firewalls are not that much an issue. Besides, my stuff is not really that personal.

            A. At, you can get some info about making a firewall using IPNet Router.
            B. Tidbits #609 has some information on the $70 Norton Personal Firewall for Macintosh. The program is actually DoorStop, but it is licensed to Symantec.

273. at, you can get information about how appliances work, maintenance tips, troubleshooting questions and FAQÕs.

            A. You can also order appliance parts. They have photos of parts to help you determine which parts are there.

274. At, you can order batteries for calculators, watches, cell phones, cordless phones and camcorders.

            A. At, you can order camcorder batteries and cell phone batteries.

            B. New ÒNiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) batteries are supposed to last longer than NiCads (NiMH batteries have twice as much power, but cost more). Li-Ion (Lithium-Ion) should last 35% longer than NiMH batteries.

            C. At, you can learn how and where to recycle NiCad batteries. You can turn in old Nicads at Wal*Mart and Radio Shack on Geer Road in Turlock. it may be illegal in some areas to get rid of NiCad batteries or a computerÕs clock battery through the regular trash.

            D. Used ÒÓ for information.

275. Datagram was mentioned in the OT 1.3 Technical info. From, a Datagram is Òa data packet carrying its own address information so it can be independently routed from its source to the destination computerÓ.

            A. A packet is a block of info that has address info, error-checking info and so on (Source: NC 4 book, glossary).

276. At ÒÓ, MacNN (Macintosh News Network) has some Mac information.

277. is another search engine tool that edits its links with humans.

278. Sometimes it is better to Ònot link, but thinkÓ, instead of just clicking randomly.

            A. Sometimes, links seem more important because they stand out. They may or may not be more important.

279. delivers, but not to Turlock as of 7/12/2000.

            A. delivers as well, according to Tidbits (7/16/01), but not sure about Turlock. As of 6/17/02, they do not deliver to Turlock. Tidbits also mentions the names of several other online grocers. You can view Safeway's weekly specials online. I signed up to receive e-mails from Safeway for sale ads on 12/29/04. I could not view the weekly ads with Safari (later, I figured that I just need to accept cookies to see their ad, using preferences, Security), but I could with IE 5.23 in 10/05. I could not create an account, because they do not deliver to 95380, as of 12/05. The website does not appear to work well with IE or Safari.

280. At Ò,Ó you can download ÒLink TesterÓ to test for broken links. it costs $19.95 for a limited version and $39.95 for an academic version.

            A. it was mentioned in Tidbits #537.

            B. According to Tidbits #537, the best results occur when you use only the lowest Server Load setting when checking links to any site other than your own.

            C. There does not appear to be a trial version available.

281. At, you can submit a request to find something you are looking for, if you are having trouble locating something.

282. At, you can supposedly find links to law related resources, but I found to be not helpful. I could not find any information with just laws in it.

283. At, my user id and password are and old At Ease.

284. NoloÕs web site crashed IE 5 3 times, when using the search box.

285. has information about error messages that are encountered when downloading files.

286. If you receive an invalid checksum error message, send a note to

287. According to, if you get a Òusername anonymous unknownÓ error, it means that there is a mis-configured server on the part of Apple. Report it to ÒÓ.

288. At, I was unable to establish a secure connection to register with IE 5 or NN 4.73. So, I did not Register.

            A. You can go to the ÒStore Locator,Ó then ÒStores Opening Soon.Ó

289. At (, my user name and password are and old At Ease. I had trouble signing in with this info under the Express checkout, but then I re-submitted the information and I think it should work now.

290. At, my User Name and Password are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease.

            A. My shipping address is listed as MomÕs address at, but they once sent an order to my place.

291. At Ò,Ó you can translate words to/from English/Spanish and hear pronunciations (atlhough the Spanish pronunciation was not working on 3/21/04. Cocino, gato, and dulce did not work. I e-mailed to let them know about this on 3/21/04. I have several translation sites, as of 3/21/04, but only does pronunciation). It works very well and translates some words that other sites could not translate. On 3/16/04, I got an error that says that ÒYou are not authorized to view this page. You do not have permission to view this directory or page from the internet address of your Web browser.Ó It says you should contact I tried other web sites, and they load fine. IE got same error when trying to access I tried disconnecting/reconnecing with Built-in Ethernet (went to System Prefs, show PPPOE status in menu bar and selected disconnect, then connect. No luck. You can also use Internet Connect to access the PPPOE status.  I then used dial up with Netscape and still to the same error. I used AOL dial up with AOLÕs browser and Netscape and got the same error. I got the same error on the G3/266. I e-mailed to let them know about the problem (even though they are not tech support). A few days later, the problem was fixed. was blocked by Websense at school, but now I can access it again, after I requested that Lightspeed review the decision, since my students and I use it. Websense blocked my search for lyrics on one occasion, but then I found the lyrics by typing in the name of the song only with Google in 12/06.

A. You can use to translate words and paragraphs, etc.

            B. You can use Òdictionary.comÓ to translate web pages. Just click on the ÒtranslatorÓ button. also has a pronunciation key, when you look up a word. You can use to find out how the pronunciation key works, just click on the pronunciation key (the words are usually highlighted to find out more information about the particular sound you need to have explained.

            C. At Ò,Ó you can translate web pages (make sure you have a slash after the end of the URL) and translate e-mail, also.

292. has an optimizer on the page that can compress gif or jpg graphics to make them smaller.

            A. However, I donÕt know much about this, does it work or is it legitimate, etc.

293. You can take free classes online at

            A. There is a tutorial for HTML at

294. At Ò,Ó you can find words that rhyme with a particular word, search American Historical Documents Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence or the American Constitution), see Mother GoosesÕ stories and rhymes, find quotations.

            A. At, words (within definitions) that may be difficult are highlighted, so that you can click on them and get their definitions as well.

295. Macster Preview 4 and can be used to download MP3Õs. (Mac specific, I think). If you use Macster to set up an account, it gives an error message when you set it up, invalid password. To remove the password, trash the Macster preferences. As of 8/18/01, does not load.

A. MP3Õs eliminate much of the highs and lows and seems to be undetectable from regular music.

B. If you use MP3Õs for music, the space is much smaller.

C. MacsterÕs user name and password is RyanZelenski, Old At Ease. This setup does not work, though.

D. Napster requires a Windows application, but a Mac is supposed to be coming soon (as of September 16, 2000).

E. Napster now (11/4/00) has a Mac version of Napster software. According to the Òget infoÓ file, it was released on October 23, 2000.

F. My user name is poisonze, Old At Ease. It was motleyze, password is Old At Ease, but that login no longer worked. So I quit Napster, THEN trashed the preferences, re-opened Napster, and made a new login.

G. Hurricane song by the band Hurricane is not there. Nor was HeavenÕs Just a Sin Away. Nor was Reform School Girls. Nor was ÒLet me Turn You On.Ó Some tunes from Merry Axemas were there, though. Neither was You Make Me feel Like Dancing. Nor was When You Look at Me. Nor was Flight 309 to Tennessee. Nor was LifeÕs Been Good to Me So Far. Love Hangover not present, either. Nor was Tommy, in your Head (or whatever the name is). Do You Wanna Touch Me (by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, I think) was not on iTunes in 2/04.

H. I got a Òservers are busyÓ error on 11/4/00. I tried to connect using the Napster software. There does not appear to be a way to search for an artist from simply going to I later got the same errors, but then I just kept clicking connect and it connected on the fourth try.

            I. I later got some Òtimed outÓ messages, but the song still appeared to be there.

            J. Napster does not do stemming searches.

            K. The speed of your download depends on which Òline speedÓ is listed.

            L. Napster, as early as June, 2001, may charge to use their service to help pay artists, according to Tidbits #567.

            M. appears to be Windows-only, as of 2/04., require Windows, as of 2/04. is $9.99 a month. is $9.99/month. is Windows only, as of 2/04. is $9.99/month or you can pay a la carte (pay as you go); however, no price is accessible unless you sign up. ( sells songs for $.89/each, as of 1/08 is Windows only, as of 7/04. Wal*MartÕs site to store has free shipping, but the usual time frame is about nine to twelve days.

N. Napster 1.0 was later giving an error that said CarbonLib could not be found, because I replaced the System Folder and did not re-install Napster. I downloaded the latest version, 1.0b2 and tried to install it, but it required version 8.6 or later. So I had to use my original version of Napster 1.0 and look for CarbonLib on the Internet, which took quite awhile. Finally, two cows software had version 1.2.5, but even though the web page said that version 8.1 would be compatible, the installer said you need 8.6 or later. Later (8/27/01), Napster sent me an e-mail saying that 1.0b2 will work with 8.1, but it does not. After downloading, got the Òyou need 8.6Ó error.

            O. Finally, at, I found CarbonLib 1.0.4 installer and dragged the CarbonLib extension into the extensions folder and restarted. Then I was able to use Napster again. But I kept getting an idle time out error, even though it was only about twenty seconds. I think Napster was forced to disable earlier versions of its software and only use latest version (perhaps it has built in anti piracy features). Anyway, 1.0b2 requires 8.6 or later, I think.

            P. My user name and password are motleyze, old At Ease.

            Q. Later, however, I could not connect on many different occasions. I went to NapsterÕs website and inquired if a version were available that I could use for System 8.1. I completed their e-mailÓ web form on 8/18/01 and the web page says they will contact you within 48 hours, usually. Otherwise, I may need to use Napster alternatives.

            R. I did later on find a version of Napster (1.0 beta 1) from a German website and then installed Napster. I then enabled Carbon Lib, but I was not able to connect with Napster. The screen said you should upgrade your client at (which only has version 1.0 beta 2 for the Mac). It also says that Napster must disable any previous versions (since 1.0 beta 2 is the latest version, I think my older version will not work).

            S. is apparently legal, as of 11/18/03, but it only works with Windows.

            T. Donna found ÒFire and RainÓ for me on Morpheus.

            U. RealRhapsody music service (at is not available for Mac users (as of 2/04).

296. At, you can post messages for others to answer.

            A. I posted a question as to the origin of Òchuck keyÓ on 7/26/2000. I got several responses, but the real answer came on August 2, 2000. The origin is that during the Industrial Revolution, when lathes were used to mill metal components and the head that held the metal was called the ÒchuckÓ and you needed a ÒkeyÓ top open and close the chuck.

297. At the U.S. Department of State website (, you can go to travel warnings to get information on visiting other countries.

298. does not store your information at their website, it has to be re-entered for each order as of 7/26/2000. information is in ÒGeneral InfoÓ file under Softball bats (#6 D).

299. At, you can subscribe/unsubscribe to a Motley Crue newsletter.

300. A plug-in displays information in a browserÕs window. A helper application has a separate window, which has more controls, most likely. Also, a helper application will often have more features than a plug-in.

301. I purchased Apple and Cinnamon Renuzit refills from Wal* Wal*MartÕs web site had an internal error, so it said that my name and address info could not be saved (7/28/2000).

            A. However, I received an e-mail saying it had. My user ID and password were Motleyze, Old At Ease.

302. is a good website for searching for FTP files. It uses Archie.

303. RFC stands for Request for Comment. This is a document put on the web, so that other users can read and comment on the content. These documents appear to be very technically related. At ÒÓ, you can get information about RFCs, Source: Netscape Communicator 4 Book, p. 336. However, this site is so sluggish, it freezes the browser. It kept freezing on MomÕs computer with NN and a 56 K connection and it froze on my computer with IE5 and a DSL modem.

304. appears to be for IBM software only.

305. I think is no longer in service (7/30/2000).

306. is a great resource for Mac software, news, newsgroups, Macintosh related companies, Mac publications, Buying and Selling Macintoshes, Programming, Hardware Info, Internet Software and Information.

307. A DLS (dynamic lookup service) server connects Òmotley@pacbell.netÓ to an numeric IP address (123.456.789.012). A DLS server provides the e-mail address of (and other info people who want to be including in a list. (sort of like a phonebook). Source is NC 4 book, glossary.

308. is the alumni page for THS Graduates. My user ID and password are motleyze, New At Ease.

            A. When uploading my photo, Ryan-JPG from my ÒRyanÓ folder would not upload. The suffix had to be .jpg and the file size was too big (125 K, the limit is 75 K).

            B. So I copied the file to the Zip Disk ÒPersonal StuffÓ and changed the name to Ryan.jpg. The file was only 60 K, and I was able to upload it.

            C. To edit your photo or information, log in, then choose ÒPost a photoÓ or edit your textÓ.

309. At, you can get play by play broadcasts of 350 sports teams, 360 live radio and TV stations and a juke box with more than 2100 CDÕs.

            A. When you go to television, then choose a station, the schedule of newscasts is in the bottom of the window.

310. At, you can see video clips from Megadeth. The first window shows them in Windows Media Player. Click the ÒRealPlayerÓ link to get to RealPlayer (which will play on a Macintosh).

            A. I was able to get a 70Kbps Realplayer download from MegadethÕs web site.

311. You can find many fairy tales at

312. You can use to find out about any patents issued, since 1970.

313. has Mac Virus info, but it looks like it is from about 1991 or so.

314. You can view a good school web page at

315. A place for online chocolate orders is

            A. You can order Girl Scout Cookies by phone or fax by using the information at

            B. has over 500 recipes.

316. When I went to,1146,1_0_0_000,FF.html, I clicked on the ÒRealÓ link (for Realplayer) and it said that I needed to update some components. I had RealPlayer 7 already installed, but the components were installed, anyhow (I think they were installed from RealPlayer 8).

            A. When I went back again to the website after restarting the computer, one clip ÒFrasierÓ did not work again. It said I needed to update some components, when I tried to update, the computer froze. Upon restart, the Frasier clip played okay.

            B. I tried to create a profile at zap2it, but errors kept occurring. I could not get it to work, so I deleted the ÒfavoriteÓ from IE5.

317. You can get a feel for Las Vegas at, but it seems that several games make you download software first.

318. has some information on Psychology, but the site is very slow and sluggish (8/1/2000).

319. A zine is a small magazine that is produced cheaply by one person or a group of people about a subject the producer(s) are interested in.

            A. An e-zine is one that is available on the Internet.

320. At ÒÓ, you can create for free 10 Adobe .pdf documents. However, on 6/2/01, I could not get the site to load.

321. There is some information about citing electronic resources at

322. can be used to print out coloring pages.

323. You can use to add buttons to web pages, but it appears to be for IBM.

324. At, you can get some free space for storage on the Internet.

325. can be used to locate libraries worldwide. Also, you can find items by subject, author, etc.

326. You can use to set reviews of hardware/software.

327. There are some online educational games at

            A. also shows the movie times ahead of time (i.e. you can see movies for Friday on Thursday).

328. lets you talk on the computer for free. However, it is IBM only.

329. can be used to find population of the world and cities.

330. has great information for state reports.

            A. lists flag info, area codes, license plates (pictures and descriptions), nicknames, origins of state names, border states, etc.

            B. If you click on a state, and then select the word GeoBopÕs by Symbols, you can see what people from a certain state are called i.e. people from Massachusetts are called ÒBay Staters.Ó

            C. can be used to access a list of birds and flags or you can use the links at the bottom of 50states.comÕs homepage.

331. has some links to laws in Mexico (need to be translated). Also, it has local and state laws.

332. At, you can get up to 3 MB of storage room on the Internet.

333. AT, you can pay to subscribe to the information service. It is like $10 or so for each part of the information you want to subscribe to.

334. gives you information on an expedition to Antarctica.

335. At, you can subscribe to many e-mail groups of different interests.

336. lets you search for Psychological terms on the Internet, but the writing is in italics and difficult to read.

337. has many computer-related books. I was able to find an IE 5 for Macintosh book, there, and I was not able to find it anywhere else.

            A. My e-mail and password are and old At Ease.

338. has some unofficial rap numbers, and what they mean.

339. You can use to find the best price on books, notificationthroughINFREQUENT e-mail.

340. shows information traveling through the Internet, Windows only.

341. can be used to get cool fact of the day, word for the day, etc.

342. A database of information about Abraham Lincoln is at

343. has educational videos for kids. John.Magneson, streaming is the information. Most of the videos are choppy, though (see IE 5 #60 for more info).

344. You can use to correspond with students, teachers re: homework.

345. lets teachers apply for jobs online, only a few districts registered (Fresno is one of them).

346. You can find many college used textbooks at

347. Mac OS 8.5 has some plug-ins and goodies at

348. You can get information about Scantron forms at

349. can be used to put forms on a website, but I do not know anything about the company.

350. has much information about modems, downloads, init strings, personal notes on modems and many links to other modem sites.

351. has some Internet information.

352. At, you can get free graphics, icon animations, Simpson heads, etc.

353. has the text to GulliverÕs Travels.

354. has many great links and resources.

            A. and seem to be more commercial oriented than informational sites.

355. is a good place for storytelling tips.

356. is a site for kids, but not very impressive.

357. is a service for finding pen pals.

358. shows how to make a Navajo rug using a graphics program.

359. has dead links to its cameras. The has a free counter, but I do not know the company, at all. does not appear to function correctly (you canÕt enter your zip code).

 does not appear to be too useful. is supposed to be a web dictionary, but it is now a domain registry service.

360. At,you can find out the names of local representatives, info about government in general, laws, etc.

361. gives information about hardware and software.

362. can be used to find out info about airports, including the restaurants, time zones, parking, rental cars, flight arrivals (on time or not), etc.

363. can take you on a virtual tour of a college campus.

364. When searching for sites in general (esp. educational or kidsÕ info), .com sites may not be unbiased and slant their information. Also, may try to sell something.

365. gives information about Internet traffic.

366. is from the government.

367. Information about Train schedules can be found at

368. is for sites that are messed up. You can get e-mails from the site.

369. is a place to learn about the Internet basics (written in Spanish).

370. shows the national public debt.

371. has much information about Picasso.

372. can be used to cancel subscriptions, e-mails, etc.

373. can be used to solve crosswords or the Jumble (scrambled words). It will not, however, solve the puzzle for jumble if it more than one word.

            A. If you click on an "unscrambled" word with the Jumble and Crossword Solver (after you type in the scrambled letters, the websites unscrambles the letters for you), you can get the definition.

374. can be used to enter your birthday on the Internet.

375. At (Ziff Davis), you can searchthroughPC Magazine.

376. has games for kids. There is tic-tac-toe and a Wordsearch.

377. At, you can select from many types of music. (Real Player is required). Hair Metal is pretty good.

            A. Click on Spinner Lite to play music.

378. can let you look at the U.S. Constitution.

            A. has information of Supreme Court cases.

379. shows how two solar system bodies (Jupiter and a comet) crashed into each other in July, 1994.

380. At, my e-mail address is and password is Old At Ease.

            A. You can also buy tickets from Rite Aid department store in Turlock.

            B. Also, you can buy them by calling (916) 649-8497. If you have ten days before the event, Ticketmaster can guarantee delivery. Mail delivery usually takes 48 hours. If it is within ten days of an event, Ticketmaster can still send them UPS.

            C. I could not find info on the Poison concert by searching for Poison. But I found it by searching by venue for Shoreline.

381. uses and old At Ease. Quickdot allows several users to use the website as a white board to post messages. It is less formal than e-mails, since you could just say Òhi, what are you doingÓ etc, without the usual opening and closing phrases. You can take back a message before another person reads it (if you decide to change your message). You can scan and reply to several messages quicker than you can write a single e-mail. You can access from an machine connected to the Internet (you do not need any special software). You can copy and paste several messages at once to many people. You can change your e-mail preferences at You can terminate connections at No archives of previous dots. You can tell the time that people read your postings. You could use it while you are away on vacation (donÕt have to remember e-mail addresses, just post a dot on If you canÕt sign in or register, you may have cookies disabled. If signing you out does not work manually, go to Edit, preferences, receiving files, cookies, and then delete cookies. Should not have web page open at that point, delete cookies, quit IE 5, and restart. I do not think with NN 4.74 you can delete cookies individually.

382. There are several websites for ordering our sports equipment. However, only, U.S. Sports (!?~language=en&catalog=USG&ZZREFACT=), and Miracle Recreation ( have online catalogs. All three have a search tool.

            A. MohinderÕs Sports has simply shipped our orders the last two times, we ordered something.

            B. I e-mailed (Wolverine Sports) on 5/31/01 to see if they accept school purchase orders. It did not specifically mention them on their website. They e-mailed me back within 8 hours and said that yes they do.

383. At, you can buy cell phone accessories at great prices. You can get a new battery for $20 or a color one for $30 for a Nokia 5160.

            A. As of 12/4/01, they have only a limited amount of supplies.

384. Internet and World Wide Web terms: Source (NC 4 book, Glossary):

            A. Assigned numbers are the usual port numbers for items like Telnet, FTP. TCP usually uses port 23, WWW usually uses port 80 and Usenet news usually uses port 119. The assigned port numbers allow the host to know what kind of connection is being requested.

            B. CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface. It is a standard technique that lets Web clients pass info to Web Servers and then to other applications that process the info, i.e. when you enter info and a web site accepts it, it is using GUI.

            C. Character entities are special symbols that stand for other things in HTML. For example, &gt is the symbol for a (>) symbol.

            D. Character set encoding are the encoding methods that enables software to properly interpret characters and symbols from a variety of languages. Latin1 character set is used to view pages in English.

            E. CIX stands for Commercial Internet Exchange and is an agreement among ISPÕs to allows them to make the Internet available to commercial traffic.

            F. Client Pull is a method specific to NN, a web client can request that a web server send it some data.

            G. Command prompt is a set of characters or symbol that indicates where you type in commands. Telnet program would use them.

            H. Content-type is the MIME name for particular types of files to be transferred via e-mail or the web. The content type for a GIF file is image/GIF.

            I. CSLIP is a variant of the SLIP protocol that uses compressed IP headers.

            J. Daemon is UNIX-speak for a program that waits on a server for requests for a particular service.

            K. Data bits are bits that carry info as opposed to control info. The bits in a byte may signify data, whereas the bits at the beginning and the end of the byte merely mark the beginning and end of data.

            L. Data Carrier Direct (DCE or CD) is a signal from a DCE, such as a modem, to a DTE, such as a PC, indicating that a communication channel has been established with a remote device.

            M. Data Terminal Ready (DTR) is a signal from a DTE to a DCE indicating that it (DTE) is ready to receive and transmit data.

            N. DCE (Data Communication Equipment) is a device used by a DTE to transmit and receive info.

            O. DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) is a device that serves as a beginning or ending point for info. A computer or a terminal is a DTE.

            P. Decode means to translate electronic info back to its original form.

            Q. Decrying means to translate electronic info back to its original form, using a special key that insures privacy or security.

            R. Dither means that images with a color depth greater than your display palette are ÒditheredÓ, resulting in a grainy effect.

            S. A domain is a collection of associated computers on the Internet.

            T. Encoding is the technique used for storing or expressing data. With web browsers, encoding refers to the translation of incoming characters to display fonts. You may need to pick the correct encoding for your language.

            U. Finger is a UNIX program that is used to get info about an Internet user or host.

            V. Mozilla stands for ÒMosaic meets GodzillaÓ, it is the name of early Netscape products and for the Security Advisor.

            W. Parity is a rough system of error checking in data communications. Usually communications software should not use parity.

            X. Quoted printable is a MIME type for binary data that has been specially encoded to seven bit ASCII so that it can be transferred across a number of networks. The recipient must decode it back to binary data.

            Y. Reverse lookup is the process of looking up a domain name, when all that is known is an IP address.

            Z. Rich text contains HTML or other special formatting. Rich Text format (RTF) is a file format that can be read by many word processing programs across all platforms.

            AA. RTS/CTS stands for Ready to Send/Clear to Send. In an RS-232 serial port (5500 Technical Info says that it can also be called an RS-422 port, perhaps), the two lines that allow two devices to signal each other when they are ready to send or receive data.

            BB. SGML is Standard Generalized Markup Language, which is a high level standard for the electronic publication of information. HTML is a subset of SGML.

            CC. BRML is Virtual Reality Markup Language, which allows for the creation of 3-D user interfaces (a user interface is the way info is exchanged between a computer and an individual) that can be accessed via web browsers.

            CC. A Tag is a special code used in HTML that indicates how a piece of text or a graphic should be displayed by a web browser. It may be used to make a link, also.

385. The Virtual Meet Market is at

386. Technical slang can be found at

387. has some great deals for Internet shopping. My User ID and password are motleyze, Old At Ease.

            A. To unsubscribe to dealofday, send an e-mail to

388. has the painting ÒStarry NightÓ by Vincent Van Gogh.

389. At http://www.june29.coim/Spanish/lesson1.html you can take some Spanish lessons.

390. sends updates on interesting places on the Internet. To unsubscribe, type an e-mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM and put SIGNOFF TOURBUS in the body of the e-mail.

            A. You can setup your preferences for information at

            B. You can also see archived issues and play ÒWarp the Bus driverÓ at the

            C. You can buy a CD-ROM for $24.95 that has six years of Tourbus (as of 1/2002). You can order it at

Tourbus from 1/3/02 says that there may be two hotlinks listed in Tourbus issues, but that is so that 99.4% of the readers can get a clickable link. now has its recent archives at (as of 8/04).

391. At the International Lyrics Server, you can search lyrics. However, you need to install Macintosh Runtime for Java to view the lyrics with IE 5 and you need to install the MRJ plug-in to view the lyrics with NN 4. You can get the MRJ plug-in at Drag the MRJ Plugin.jar and the MRJ Plug in to the Netscape Plug ins folder. I left the ConsoleApplet folder in the Plugin for 4.x folder (do not think it is needed for now. I was able to view lyrics.

            A. At another website I went to, Java did not work. So I tried reinstalling MAC OS Runtime for Java from the Internet 3 Partition from 7/22/00. So I re-downloaded 2.2.3 from AppleÕs website. However, Java still did not work at that website (with IE 5 or NN 4.75). I think the website has trouble, since the lyrics server works okay.

            B. When trying to find an artist that did a particular song, go to Google and type the name of the song in quotes and then search.

392. addresses the 196-palindrome issue. All numbers less than 10,000 will eventually become palindromes, except 196 has not been proven, yet. Pick a number. Reverse its digits and add the resulting number to the original number. If the result isn't a palindrome, repeat the process. 12 + 21 = 33 (33 is a palindrome).

393. At, you can find a list of PAML (Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists).

394. has information on lots of kidsÕ games, rhymes, etc.

395. has many listings of Internet File Formats.

396. According to (December, 1995) if you drop the ÒZÓ from a Ò.ZÓ file from an FTP server, most servers will uncompress for you.

397. At, you can order a free dental hygiene kit for $19.99.

398. has free Internet long distance, but the page does not fully load with IE 5.

399. (itarget and WorldVillage will be sending me a 30 minute calling card).

400. Source: Web Hosting is when a company (usually an ISP) leases server space to companies and individuals.

            A. NewtonÕs Telecom Dictionary (not a website) by Harry Newton (Telecom Books) has an extensive list of computer terms, new editions are written of this book every six months. This info comes from Tidbits #547.

401. has many fonts for sale. If you have a font that you would like to purchase, Ident-a-font may be able to tell what it is. Scan in a font, and upload to

402. At, you can find out about deals on Macintoshes. You can have them e-mailed to you, as well.

403. At, my user name and password are motleyze, old At Ease.

            A. You can contact other members for free.

            B. They send e-mails occasionally to you, apparently, letting you know who is perhaps compatible with you.

404. At,, Old At Ease. I kept getting e-mail from men, so I wrote to and asked to update my preferences, although I am sure I never wanted men to write me. Later, I got another e-mail from a man, so I deleted my personal ad. ($24.95/month or $19.95/month for 3 months), (most popular one, according to Modesto Bee in 1/2002), (I sent them an e-mail from to find out about pricing, since it is not listed on the website, they said you have to signup to find out about pricing), and cost money. Matchmaker only had two people in my area (50 miles), as of 1/20/02. only accepts credit cards for monthly billings (can do checks for 3, 6 and 12-month subscriptions), subscription is automatically renewed every month. You can resign by going to FAQÕs, then search for the word Òresignation.Ó To reinstate, if desired, contact them (link in FAQÕs). If you cancel after two weeks and paid for the month, you can use the service until the end of the month. has searching (looking for ads) and matching (someoneÕs whose profile is close to yours). Go to Òmy matchesÓ to see some of those. Searching tends to have more results. has one school photo, I added the other photo with school and Mt. Rushmore on 1/21/2002. Venus can send you matches daily, three times a week, once a week or never. You can go to to update your matching criteria. You can not update Venus«preferences to send only people with photos. But, you could update Venus«s preferences to only send once a week, which would probably make it more likely to have all people with photos only (photo listings are given higher listing in Venus' e-mail).

            H. You can only send e-mail from your registered address. You must use it to send e-mail, unless you change it in preferences (see FAQÕs to do that). If e-mail gets returned, that may be why.

            I. To save a copy of sent e-mail, select Òsend a copy to myselfÓ or Òsend copyÓ when sending mail. You will get an e-mail from

            J. You are automatically subscribed to the newsletter, etc. You can unsubscribe, if preferred at

            K. You can post your profile ad and leave it there, even after unsubscribing, but to initiate contact, you must be subscribed. You can choose to hide or show your profile on the profile update page.

            L. FAQÕs shows how to block a user from contacting you or appearing in your search results (for members only).

            M. There are only three communities, as of 1/22/02. If you auto log in and keep going to a sub community, then click on the logo at top of site, once there, uncheck auto log in.

            N. You can not do stem searching at You have to type in the full name to search for.

            O. You can toggle  Òinclude my profile textÓ and Òcopy meÓ on/off by pressing return.

            P. Sometimes, you may not have a customer service e-mail in your inbox, because you sent it from OE, and not the website. In this case, you would have it in Òsent itemsÓ only. I think that is how this works. You should go to advanced Find (command, option, F, make sure to select all folder, not just inbox or whatever), then select message body and type in a name to see if you have sent them e-mail already.

            R. I had trouble because I kept getting the same name in the send to dialog web page (when I opened several ads in their own windows). So when you look at a new profile, you have to click on a photo (or more photos), then select back to profile, then send e-mail.

            S, After updating my profile, you must press the submit button and get the message that your profile changes are accepted (or have been submitted for approval). Otherwise, you may think you have made changes, but they will not appear in your profile, because they will not be saved.

            T. is free, but has several pop up ads.

            U. is not a site I have visited. If you received an e-mail from someone who does not have an e-mail profile and the girlÕs name is Lisa, it is an ad for a 900 number.

            X. says that you can not use Cc or Bcc, if you want your e-mail to remain anonymous.

            Y. It may be good to look at ads posted in the last two weeks and then check the ads at least every two weeks.

            Z. I resigned from, but I will be able to use itthrough8/18/02. But I decided to re-sign up later (had to make new profile, contrary to what I had thought or was led to believe earlier).

            AA. may not automatically re-log you in, if you keep closing the window (when reading VenusÕ E-mail), leave the window open after sending an e-mail.

            BB. You must be logged in at to send e-mail to someone at (you can not send e-mail from

            CC. I changed my password at to new new At Ease, with Ryanzel as user name.

            DD. I subscribed for 3 months, as of 8/23/02. I got an e-mail returned to me on 11/25/02, because I was not a member. They do not automatically renew your subscription. I went to the web page and subscribed and had difficulty, because it kept saying enter a Òvalid addressÓ. I had my address correct. However, the problem was the first line of my address should have been on the first line and my trailer number had to be on the second line.

            EE. As of 9/14/02,. there is a new feature where you can see matches Ònew to me.Ó It appears to work okay.

405. At, my e-mail address and password are and old At Ease.

406. I tried to enter my code at ToysRus to order Peter Pan, but it did not work. I e-mailed ToysRus.

            A. I set up an account for and old At Ease at

            B. However, I could not order, because it has to be from video games or PC software, so I decided not to order.

407. is using and old At Ease.

408. At, you can have up to 3 MB of web storage space.

            A. My user ID is ryanz (must be lower case, I think), password is Old At Ease.

            B. You can also store stuff at

409. tells you the Òlowest priceÓ on computer products.

410. At, you can find MicrosoftÕs Macintosh Information site.

411. has commercials (supposedly made on Macs), but the site is in a different language.

412. has news and info about Macs and Powerbooks.

413. gives software reviews of software.

414. and are sources of news and info.

            A. I signed up for the Macintosh OS Monthly newsletter.

            B. Mac OS Monthly has software reviews as well, however, they are in the process of shutting down, as of 8/13/00.

            C. is another website for news, apparently from some of the people who are/were at Mac OS

415. can tell you about IPNetrouter, which is used for the Macintosh.

416. has information about purchasing Clear Phone, which can be used to see/hear someone over the Internet. Costs $99.95.

417. has information about using the Mac on the Internet.

418.0 has the NCSA Telnet UserÕs guide.

419. has many older Macintosh computers.

420. has some control strips on it, but it does not appear to be updated recently, as of 8/14/00.

421. has legal software for the Macintosh.

422. has info on using the Mac as a cash register.

423. has the invoice prices that dealers pay.

            A. Edmunds also lists warranty info, insurance costs, specifications and safety features.

            B. Edmunds also shows how to figure the value of a trade-in car by subtracting or adding based on mileage, features.

            C. Edmunds also lets you a post a free listing to sell your car. You can even run a Carfax Lemon check to learn your vehicles history before purchasing.

            D. (Kelly Blue Book) has vehicle-pricing information, also.

            E. allows you to submit a request for a car or truck you want to buy and a rep will contact you within 24 hours.

            F. has comprehensive inventories of used and new cars. It has auto reviews, model reports, advice, dealer locator, finance info and more.

424. is the site for the Ultimate Macintosh. There are many links there. There are also links to many Macintosh companies.

            A. There are also links to places that sell used Macs.

425. is StairwayÕs software (AKA Peter LewisÕs) homepage.

426. has some links to old Mac TV commercials.

427. There are a bunch of Network Information Centers (NICs) that are located on the Internet to serve its users with documentation, guidance, advice and assistance. In 1980-81, BINET (Because itÕs time Network) adopted the IBM RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem) protocol suite and featured direct leased line connections between participating sites. BITNET is now a network of educational sites separate from the Internet. Listserve originated on BITNET.

428. has info on taking multiple choice tests.

429. sells refilled ink cartridges.

            A. Prices seem close to price of new ones. Also, they donÕt have the BC-20Õs as of 8/20/00.

430. allows you to comparatively shopthroughExcite.

            B. You can use their search engine to find local stores.

431. is a place to comparatively shop.

432. and have information about online auction sales.

            A. If you are searching for Òsquirrel nut bowls,Ó you might want to look at a search engine to check on prices.

433. sells discontinued and refurbished items at good discounts.

434. has many gifts and home decor ideas.

435. appears to be not updated (10/29/00).

436. is a place for students only to save on items.

437. At, my e-mail address is and Old At Ease. I found Juicy Melon (Softsoap) refills at  I ordered 8 40-oz. bottles in 2/06. But as of 7/06, the product is no longer available, and it is not available at (to sign out of account, go to My Account, and then click the link about not being Ryan Zelenski), either, so I e-mailed Colgate from on 7/13/06, to inquire. They suggested using Target in Turlock. has a 20 oz. (approx.) refill for $4.85, as of 12/06, but the shipping for ten of them would be $35. Nowhere else seemed to have them, including (at my e-mail and password are, New, New At Ease) and The best option may be to shop at Target and Wal*Mart; however, in 12/06, neither one had any refills for Juicy Melon, so I bought some Softsoap antibacterial at Target, and it would be about four times as much to buy the 7.5 oz. jars. Costco has Dial Antibacterial soap (1 gallon for $6.99); also Softsoap Antibacterial (Flower, Aquarium, and Rain Forest series) 1 gallon for $6.99. Target has Softsoap 64 oz. (same scent as Costco) for $4.19.

438. ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) now called DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) was the govt. agency that started the Internet.

439. At, you can rent unlimited DVDÕs for $19.95/month, you can get two movies per month for $14. The Netflix approach works because DVDÕs can be mailed at letter rates, rather than videotapes, which are mailed at package rates. They claim to have every DVD in print, which is about 10,000, as of 11/11/2001. You can search for any type of movie at their website. Netflix is mentioned in TidBITS #605. TidBITS #605 says that all business dealings with Netflix can be taken care of through the Internet. My user ID and password at Netflix are, Old At Ease. I canceled my account with Netflix on 7/7/06 (Netflix has 60,000 titles, as of 7/06), since they said I would get a 2-week free trial, but they charged my credit card for $5.99 after four days. I can sign up again in the future, if I like, but I am not eligible for the free trial again. Netflix has a $4.99/month plan now (as of 2/07), so you can check out one at a time and then 2/month maximum, so I decided to try it again (if you have a several disk set, i.e. 6 disks, it will take three months to watch it, you still only get two at a time). In 2/07, I was able to save Music and Lyrics to my queue, even though it is still out in theatres now. Netflix has a new feature (Instant Viewing) that allows you to view movies online, but it requires Windows XP, as of 5/07. E-mail and password at are, New New At Ease. They have the same problem as in that DVDs do not appear to be able to rented because they are checked out. Also, intelliflix charged my credit card $1 without warning me, so I canceled my membership on 12/19/06. has a deal to rent 3 movies a month for $17.99 and a $9.99/month plan for one DVD at a time with unlimited rentals; they also have a $5.99/month deal so you can rent one at a time up to 2 /month; (Blockbuster has 55,000 titles, as of 7/06). does not rent online, as of 7/06. has some interesting short videos. rents videos, 1 a month for $9.99. begins at $8.99/month. Wal*Mart used to rent videos, but they disconinued; now their website just has a link to Netflix. has movie rentals without a commitment, my username and password are motleyze, New New At Ease. I found 6 Short Films, but only when searching for short films, not 6 Short Films or 6. They also had To Be or Not to Be, which I found by searching for ÒNOT,Ó and going to the last page and by searching ÒBennyÓ under Cast. CafeDVD has 60,000 titles, as of 7/06. They ship from Sunnyvale, CA. I purchased a SuperSaver pak on 7/9/06. I have it set up to rent 10 movies, and I have 24 months to do it (I rented all of them by 12/06, and I do not plan to deal with the company anymore, since they are so flaky). I need to rent 2 at a time to use the SuperSaver pack deal (it costs about $3.70 with the deal and $5.50 without it). Apparently, the wish list does not update itself when you rent a movie. It does appear to keep track of when movies are available, though (in other words, if a movie is not available on the wish list and still not available through the site, the wish list seems informed about this). It appears that the only way to log out is to quit the browser (at least with Safari, that is true). Also, I had at least two movies that were available, but I did not receive an e-mail from CafeDVD within a week. Aso, I have had several movies that I have been ÒwaitingÓ for. I have been waiting for about two months now, as of 9/06. So I e-mailed to inquire on 9/2/06 (you cannot contact them by phone, as of 12/06). Steve replied on 9/5/06, and said that I should have received an e-mail (I did, but it took about a week for it to be processed). Steve also said he would see if he could make the movies available for me. According to, Òyou have eight full days to enjoy your movies at home after they arrive. For example, if your movie arrives on Tuesday, you need to drop it in any U.S. mailbox by the following TuesdayÉ If your movies arrive late due to postal delay, simply let us know by email for rental extension consideration.Ó It does not appear that has online DVD rentals, as of 12/06, but I purchased a couple of movies on VHS in 12/06, since Stephen from Central Valley Nissan had recommended them. I decided not to use CafeDVD anymore (as of 12/06), since six months later, the DVDs on my wish list were still not available (Mommie Dearest, Money for Nothing, and St. ValentineÕs Day Massacre).

440. mentions that a worm is the same as a robot, although technically a worm is a replicating program. WEbAnts are distributed cooperating robots. A web browser is not a robot, since it is operated by a human. A robot does not move between sites like a virus, it visits sites by requesting documents from them. has much more info about Web Robots. can tell you how to keep a robot from indexing your web pages.

441. has a schedule for the release of the 50 state quarters.

442. Harley HahnÕs Millennium Edition has technical support for the CD that comes with the book. Go to If a Usenet news group is mentioned and shown on the CD and you double click, it should download messages from that newsgroup. I set up Outlook Express to work with on 11/22/00. It is possible that some newsgroups are abandoned, as I found some that were.

443. Harley HahnÕs Millennium Edition lists several types of hierarchies on p. xliv (alt, bionet, etc.).

444. According to Harley HahnÕs Millennium Edition, to get info about a list: put the word ÒinfoÓ in the body of a message and then send the message to Ò In the subject you could put info equine-l. See page xlvi for more information.

445. Page xlvii of Harley HahnÕs Millennium Edition has information on subscribing and unsubscribing to mail lists.

446. supposedly has some info about classic Macs (I think), but the website appeared to be non-functional as of 8/28/00. ideas (although may be better, since it would be in eReader format and you can use the built-in dictionary): The Federalist Papers, Great Expectations, A Journey to the Center of Earth, The Jungle, Of Human Bondage, Oliver Twist, The Red Badge of Courage, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.  One possible format at is MS Reader (free), which can be found at

447. has information about clock chipping.

448. has many parts (circuit boards, etc.) and services.

449. is a place for software.

450. HiroÕs Icon Page ( has many free icons, some in the form of computers.

451. is a site with some freeware, shareware and software on it.

452. has some postings on iMacs and hardware failure.

453. At, my user name is RyanZelenski, password is old At Ease, 21.

454. At, you can find many free icons. If you paste an 8.5 icon on removable media, the icon may not show up on an older version of the OS. Icondropper 3.2 pastes both type of icons so that they will show up no matter what version of the OS is present.

455. At, you can search magazine articles for specific items.

456. At, you can take virtual field trips.

457. (software), (magazines) and Software have educator discounts.

458. can help you find information about companies, investing, etc. They were a sponsor of the Tourbus as of 9/16/00.

459. At, you can download Jotter, which will pay you to surf online. However, you need to have Windows to do it.

460. allows you to send them a document from your computer, which they send for you. It costs $15.00 ($10.00 for mail service and WEB-SEND charges you $5.00).

461. fixes Macs, you can send them individual parts also, to be repaired or replaced (Tibits #546).

462. Accelerate your Mac ( has some good info on IDE drives, according to Tidbits #546. Many reports are from Mac Users, who have written in.

463. There is an emotional intelligence quiz at

464. had a special on Generic Epson printer cartridges on 9/18/00. It was buy one, get two free. The prices were good, but we had bad luck with generic Epson printer cartridges. They have BC-20Õs for $20, which I can probably get them for on sale, etc. Besides, you would have to pay for shipping.

465. at, you can find many travel tips. There is a newsletter you can subscribe to. You can also subscribe to a newsletter on cruises. There does not appear to be a way to access archives, as of 6/01.

466. Latency is the minimum time necessary for a packet of data to travel from one sender to receiver on a network. (Source: Tidbits # 548).

467. At (e-mail is and phone is (800) 987-3738), you can order Polo EDT spray in the 4.0 ounce bottle and Red Door (CZÕs perfume, as of 5/07).  At, my e-mail and password are motelyze, New, New At Ease. You can order it from MacyÕs also, but as of 9/22/00, they do not have a secure server for ordering. On 11/10.02, I could not get fragrances to load, so I went to MacyÕs web site. As of 11/10/02, MacyÕs site is now secure, so I ordered from them. My e-mail address and password at MacyÕs web site is, Old At Ease. MacyÕs has Polo, but their ordering is not secure. I e-mailed them and they suggested called their customer service line at 1-800-289-6229 (Monday through Saturday, 6 A.M. - 6 P.M., Sunday 8 A.M. - 4 P.M.). sells Polo as well, but its server is not secure. has Polo and secure server.

468. A version of the Opera Browser is in the works right now (as of 9/24/00), according to Classroom Connect Newsletter ( has some ocean information. has some teacher information.

469. lists hurricane names for Atlantic and Pacific hurricanes.  has kid friendly stuff. has some information about famous American achievements.

470. At, you can search newspaper articles, magazines, TV and Radio transcripts for information. You can also have the website check for articles of interest to you and notify you by e-mail of those articles.

471. http://WWW.ITOOLS.COM/research-it/ is a place for finding words, rhymes, legal terms, translations, acronyms, etc. It is an excellent resource.

472. has software to search the Internet, but it requires Windows.

473. At, you can buy used videos, games, etc. You can also sell items. You can set the price you want to sell, according to Tourbus from 8/25/01. Also, Tourbus (8/25/01) mentions that you can have your check (for things you sell) direct deposited or mailed to you. This edition of Tourbus (8/25/01) also tells you how to set up an item for sale at

474. has much information about traveling abroad, currency, times, travel warnings, etc.

475. At, you can view the attendance for NFL teams.

476. is pretty pricey as of 9/25/00.

477. and have information on caring for pets. As of 9/26/00, Petadvisor is only for dogs and cats.

478. can be used for determining the amount of lumbar, drywall, etc. that would be needed for a project.

479. does truncation searching (hum*), whereas Britannica does not. Nor does can look up words in English, Spanish, French, etc. can look up two words together, i.e. Òcontinental breakfast.Ó As of 9/2001, has changed. Now it does a spell check by default, instead of searching all dictionaries. You can search all dictionaries, however, by simply selecting it from the pop up window. can be much faster than, if the word is present at With both websites, once the page is loaded with IE, you are automatically put into the word box, so that you can simply start typing (if not, you should be able to just press tab, according to

480. has a feature that helps you search the Internet, but it is for Windows only.

481. At, my user name and password are Ryan, Old At Ease.

482. is the URL for Zelenski's Bridal and Prom Shoppe. At, my password is Old At Ease. is the web site for California Pizza Kitchen. The closest to Turlock is in Stockton (4950 Pacific Avenue). shows power strip liberators for $1.79/each. has them 5 for $12.99. These can be used to plug 6 items into a power strip, where the transformer is too large to fit into a regular power strip (along with other transformers at the same time). My name and password are, New New At Ease.,, and have examples of donation letters (or sample acknowledgment letters). is the website that was advertised at Motley Crue's concert iat Oakland Coliseum on 3/26/05. (I think it is org or com) works for JZ at her house to help use public transportation. It does not work in Turlock. is a funny website that shows research on Peeps. has compatible Canon 3e cartridges for $4.97 each. They can be cheaper if you order more than 3 or 8. Mom ordered some in 4/05. is the website for Security Plus Omni Corporation. I e-mailed them to ask how many ounces the Founation Pen Sprayer (#PSFP) is, since not more than 2.5 ounces cannisters are allowed in CA. does not indicate how many ounces it is. does not work with IE 5, it only works with IE 5.5, Firefox 0.8+, Safari (1.2.4)+, Netscape 7.1+, Mozilla 1.4+, or Opera 7.5+., can be used to click and drag on the maps. You can also see a satellite view of where you are. Additionally, to center a particular location on the map (i.e. Turlock) double click it. Then you can zoom in further. is reportedly the new website for the food pyramid (I received a forwarded e-mail). DG bought the "Ryan" personalized towels at She said you can also buy them at MacyÕs, but they are more expensive. I could not find them online at, as of 9/24/04. I did e-mail them on 4/22/05, though, to see if they still have them available. The representative said that they do not have them online, but sent me a link to find the nearest Nordstrom. The nearest one is Sacramento, 1651 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95815. I e-mailed Macy's from to inquire about the towels. Macy's said that their online store does not have them, you may want to check Macy's. I went to Macy's and they said that they do not monogram towels. They did recommend buying Supima or microcotton towels, which are good quality. I found them at, where my e-mail and password are and original AOL screenname. Valerie, Horchow, 800-456-7000, called and left message. I returned call and talked to another representative. I will have $2.70 credited to my VISA, as of 10/26/05. MacNN stands for Macintosh News Network. can be used to allow someone to access a file on the internet (up to 1 GB). You go to the website, upload the file, and an e-mail link is sent to your friend. I tried it in 4/05, but the e-mail link was not sent to At, my user name and password are SISC, help. However, this did not work, so I called PBHI at 800-999-9585 to inquire and they said that a username and password are not required for most things (i.e. finding a provider). There is not an option to search for a bilingual provider on the website; however, you can click on names to see what langauges they speak. is the website for the Take Control books. At, they sell vibrating batteries. However, they do not have any for the 5165 phone, as of 5/4/05. is GoogleÕs suggest engine. It only works with Safari 1.2.2 or newer, NN 7.1 or newer, Firefox 0.8 or newer, or Opera 7.54 or newer. and (Bring Your Own Display, Keyboard, and Mouse) are Mac mini websites. My e-mail and password at are, New New At Ease. At, and New, New At Ease is my e-mail and password.  Since the website changed to, (now the company is AT&T, which uses an account manager at, my user name and password are motleyze, New New At Ease. You cannnot update your address the URL, you have to call or e-mail AT&T. You cannot delete messages from the AT&T Account Manager; they are automatically deleted when they no longer apply to your account, according to{2a459cc0-139d-11db-f429-00096bdd6c41}&event=3&view(0490)=c{b5760490-457d-11da-6d17-00025553438b}. My account is listed twice. Customer Service said that one number is my old SBC account number (...276) and the other is my new AT&T account number, but this should not be an issue. is the e-mail address for the AT&T, they are quite efficient in responding to e-mails. can be used to report a problem; however, on 5/14/05, the site would not load. Using the AT&T account manager, you can view bills up to 6 months (history) online. I tried to use to ask about Òdistinctive ringÓ in 11/07, but the web site does not work with Safari: it did work with IE, but it initially said that my phone numbe was not in the database, but after retyping it (same info), it worked. has some rare and out of date books, JT told me about the site. 7602583763, YDDJWF is the id and password for (the Reading First Survey for 2005), but 4th and 5th grade do not do the survey.

483. and have free Internet access for the Macintosh.

484. At, my user name is RyanZelenski, password is old At Ease.

            A. Account number is 7777000242478440.

            B. To cancel an account, go to

485. At, you can find sales locally to look for where items may be sold.

486. has biographies on many astronauts.

487. has a place for teachers to sign up students for filtered e-mail.

488. has Mac parts, etc., but the prices are extremely high.

489. allows you to sell old Mac items, but claims no responsibility.

490. has information on C programming.

491 has some links, but the page was last update in 96-97.

492. has some Mac links, but the page is not impressive, and seems to freeze the G3.

493. is for programmers mainly.

494. is a site for Made with Macintosh sites, not necessarily about Mac computers.

495. has places to buy Mac equipment, but on 10/8/00 had many dead links.

496. At, you can add songs to your cell phone. The website calls your phone to do it, I think.

A. It did not work for my phone, so I sent an e-mail to

            B. They replied and said that AT & T and Yourmobile will be working together to make it work for AT & T phones. May take 9-12 months from 10/19/00.

            C. As of 6/02, according to the website, the ring tones will work with my phone (5165, also with my old phone, 5160). It costs $1.00 per minute to call and download tunes, if you call 900-868-TONE to pay with your phone bill. You can also call 866-444-TONE to pay using your credit card, the total charge is $2.

            D. You can try a free ringtone before purchasing.

497. can be used to filter e-mail and it is free.

            A. It does not work with AOL.

498., has information on cars.

499.,,,, and have information on getting travel deals on the Internet.

            A. has a place to exchange pre purchased airline tickets.

            B. is the result of American, Continental, Delta, Northwest and United coming together to create a site. They, along with several other airlines, are listing their most heavily discounted fares. Southwest Airlines is a holdout, as of 11/01. has a listing of deals with Southwest airlines.

            C. I checked for a SFO to Acapulco flight that would be one week in advance. It was $486, my flight only cost me about $400. The $400 flight was boughtthroughmy travel agent.

500. info: User name is now (as of 5/1/2001): Motleyze, password is new At Ease. The e-mail address is My account number is 05000091487-070-013. I entered name as Ryan Zelenski. If you get an invalid error and you are using the correct calendar yearÕs bonus giftÕs catalog, then the item is probably discontinued (I called Troll on 3/28/01, and that is what they said). When typing in a Bonus Gifts Selection Item, must use 99-S069, not 99-S69. Students who are getting free books will be available on the web site, sometime soon (as of 11/14/00). I have subscribed to the e-mail newsletters and hopefully will find out when they do allow free book ordering on web site. I called Troll  and they said that you can now order online, the free book for students, when they buy five. Offer code is on the order form that is actually inside the catalog, not on the outside of the catalog. On one occasion, when trying to order from, I kept getting an Òunable to establish a secure connection,Ó ÒThe identity certificate is not correct.Ó I had turned the security alerts off, but the alerts kept showing up. On one occasion, I was trying to look up some catalog item numbers on line. I was not able to log in to the teachersÕ section without a key code (my book order forms were at school), so I logged onto the parentsÕ section and got the item numbers. Tracy said I should order my free books at the time of placing the order. When doing the order by phone, mail or through the Internet. I called Troll (800-541-1097, Mon-Sat 5 -9 PST, Sunday 5 A.M. - 3 P.M., PST) and they said that now (12/12/00), I will only get 2-3 catalogs. I had called previously and they were supposed to send only 2-3 catalogs. Hopefully, now it will be straightened out. Troll does not have an e-mail address listed on their website. Student Address Coupons can be entered online. Offer Code not needed (as of 2/28/01). Submitting and clearing of student forms must take place after each student that is entered. Otherwise, the studentsÕ orders are not stored in TrollÕs online memory. Sometimes, though, I had trouble with IE5, where you pressed submit for a studentsÕ order and it would not occur. However, if I pressed the refresh button, that seems to be the solution. The number of Teacher Bonus points (that you are going to mail on) can be entered online. There really is no minimum order amount, contrary to what the book order form says. If Troll websites seems to freeze in place and nothing happens, try pressing stop, and then try to click whatever button you pressed again. If you do an order partially and then stop your session (close the window), you will not be able to resume where you left off. I had a coupon for 100 bonus points to use with my September order for 2001. I forgot to include the bonus points, when I placed the order. After I talked to Victor on around 9/28/01, he said that I should include the 100 bonus points in my NEXT order, even though I just placed one on the Internet. He finally said just mail in the coupon with my check for the book order. I mailed it in along with a 75 and a 25 bonus points certificates. I also had 150 in my account already. I may be out of luck, though, I did the order before submitting the coupon. Adding subscriptions appears to be Òsomewhat buggyÓ with IE5 (Had much trouble getting form to clear after entering subscriptions). I was able to do it the first time with NN. At the top of the web page, you can track your progress as far as inputting orders goes., my customer number is 033-042-8962. My user name and password are motleyze, New New At Ease. In 9/05, it was difficult to read the web page (below the words ÒOrder with dollars, order with bonus points.Ó I ended up click and dragging to highlight the text, so that I could read it). I had trouble completing a book order for January 2004, because I got an error that I had ordered something that required more bonus points than I have or I ordered too many free items (or some message similar to it). I thought it was a website glitch, but I think it was because I was ordering $5 in free books and this offer was for first time orders only, I think. Anyhow, I did not order the free books (I wanted to order #40:Behind the Scenes, but did not). I e-mailed to ask about this. They did reply, but they were clueless in their answer. However, after I checked the website, I realized that what I did was to place two January orders, and I think that is the reason why. Troll said that I did not pay them $35.50 from last month. I inquired about a payment to Troll that was processed on 11/5/03. I sent a note to MOCSE on around 12/3/03. I did not receive a reply, so I e-mailed them again on 12/21/03. I got a note from Troll saying that they did not get my payment of $34.15 from 12/1/03. Later, though, I checked, and the check had been actually debited from my account. I e-mailed Scholastic/Troll about these two payments, and to ask about changing the address that payments are made to. In 12/03, I got a notice that my payment of $35.50 had not been paid, but I had sent payment to P.O. Box 181701, Memphis, TN 38118 (acct. #05000091487-070). This was the old Troll information. I called (800-246-2986) on 12/29/03 at 1:44 P.M. and talked with Margaret. She said that the Check #974 ($34.15) to Troll had been processed (I believe I sent it in with a mailing envelope that I received from Troll Carnival). I asked Margaret to charge $35.50 to my credit card, so the payment will be handled. On 12/29/03, I issued a stop payment on the Internet payment made on 10/30/03 (I went to MOCSEÕs website and chose User Services, Stop payment is one option). The confirmation number for the request is FX28516. Later, I got a note from Troll saying that there was a problem with my credit card (I think it was their confusion). Anyhow, I sent them a check for $35.50 on 1/11/04. Mercantile Innovative Solutions (a collection agency) contacted my by mai in 6/04 about this money. I called 1-800-Scholastic and the automated menu said that my balance is $0.00 and that the $35.50 was posted on January 16, 2004.  I talked to a Scholastic representative and he said that I do not owe anything and to ÒignoreÓ the letter from Mercantile. I did not do that, I called Mercantile and explained the situation. I talked to a man who would forward the situation (that my balance is clear) to Terry B. Clark. Mr. Clark will call Troll to verify to clear the issue. The new mailing address for payments for Troll Carnival (Scholastic took over Troll, since Troll went bankrupt) is P.O. Box 7503, Jefferson City, MO 65102. The e-mail address for Troll Carnival is At, my customer number is 033-042-8962. Scholastic TrollÕs phone number is 1-800-Scholastic (Monday – Friday, 4 A.M. – 9 P.M., PST; Saturday, 6 A.M. – 3 P.M., PST). Their fax number is 573-632-1304. You cannot do orders for less than $15 at If you do an order less than $15.00, there is a $3.50 service charge (although L.O. said in 10/06 that she ordered online, and had two different Scholastic book orders that added up to $15 and the $3.50 charge was eliminated online. I did find out in December 2006 that you can order from two different catalogs: actually, according to the website, you can order from up to six catalogs). When you get the popup window that indicates that you have not saved a page, then you should save the page. Relying on the popup window to save does not work. Also, if you have clubs that students are joining, complete them first (otherwise, you may have trouble saving the chosen books). You can save your order at, but you may need to scroll down after logging in to see your saved order. You can enter studentsÕ choice for free books (for reading 100 books) online, just use the redeem coupons tab on the website and use the number on the certificate in the upper left hand corner. DD. You can enter studentsÕ choice for free books (for reading 100 books) online, just use the redeem coupons tab on the website and use the number on the certificate in the upper left hand corner. I did a book order in 9/06, but when I tried to save and then add a student to one of the clubs, I got an out of memory error. Finally, I quit IE and increased the memory from around 22000 K to 26000 K. Surprisingly, the book order was saved. Anyhow, I tested IE with the site and then I was able to save and attempt to enroll a student in a club. BTW, the bonus catalog is now online and the old catalog (05-06) numbers do not work. It is easiest to just access the catalog online. I received a Holiday 2006 catalog that did not have a catalog number on it. I was able to use the number For Holiday 2006 on one of the studentsÕ order forms (strangely enough, the December 2006 teacher number did not match the studentsÕ number, but the Holiday 2006 student number worked for the website). If you cannot locate a catalog code, click the Help button and then type ÒcodeÓ into the Keyword or Phrase box to find information.

501. user name is motleyze, password is 39658.

502. To use, you need a Yahoo ID and password. I did not want to sign up for one.

503. is a good site for New Zealand.

504. At, you can hear words pronounced.

505. At, you can access the Oxford English Dictionary, but it costs $550 per year.

506. has a guide for Americans traveling to Europe.

            A. has information about the Euro currency.

            B. So does

507. gives you a personalized weather report. My password is Old At Ease.

            A. Do not use the map to find latitude/longitude. It froze each time I used it, as of 10/29/00.

508. shows how to carve pumpkins.

509. has information about Fenway Park. has info on Wrigley field, where Babe Ruth called the shot (Wrigley had nothing to do with the gum).

510. was recommended by KW, but not too sure about the site.

511. has state abbreviations, zip codes and much more postal information.

512. At, you can see a list of the songs played in the last twenty-four hours by a few stations across the country.

513. At, my password is Old At Ease. My registration number is 60880611.

            A. It costs $29.50 per year to join, so you can contact other classmates.

514. and are places with information on security for Internet shopping.

515. gives you information about preparing for a job interview.

516. has some recipes.

517. has information on contacting television stations, only lists two in our area as of 11/5/00. J.F. Kennedy Space Center is in the city of Cape Canaveral.

518. According to Access magazine (11/5/00), has up to the minute traffic information for major metropolitan like Boston, L.A., New York and Phoenix.

519. has information on grading coins.

520. is a place to hear audio music over the Internet. It works on my G3.

            A. Icecast plays music as well, and it works on my G3. Just choose RealAudio link, after selecting music.

            B. Both of these, however, do not have many stations.

521. According to Tourbus (11/07/00), a cookie cannot store any personal data such as your name, e-mail address or phone number unless you explicitly provided that info on a form at a site creating the cookie.

            A. Safety features built into cookies do no allow a website operator to access other files on your HD, or to look at cookies that were created by other web sites.

            B. Cookies can only be read by the website that created them. When you visit the Dilbert website, you get a cookie from Doubleclick, because Doubleclick has a banner on DilbertÕs website.

            C. There may be a ban on cookies for government or military websites, since there are not common or even known of.

            D. You can look at your NN cookie file, if you like.

            E. Cookie Cutter, Cookie Monster and Cookie Crusher are three programs that can be used to control cookies.

            F. Cookie Monster 1.5.1 does not appear to be able to work wtih System 8.1 with NN 4.75 or IE5. I ran the program and both programs still had their cookies intact.

522., and are websites for searching for travel agents.

523. At, you can order 4 paperbacks with no commitment. Some of the books are only $1 each.

524. According to Pacific BellÕs dial up FAQÕs (, sometimes you may not get a full Internet connection because of interference (similar to the problems antennas have), from external sources.

525. and have information on endangered species.

526. has many links regarding Egypt.

527. To avoid Spam, you can use a fake name, complain to a spammerÕs ISP (use to help with this),

            A. Source:

            B. Remember, if you have been posting using your real e-mail address, it may take a few weeks for your old posts in newsgroups to make their way through the system, and you still may get junk e-mail.

            C. shows how to find out if your name is available to general public through a particular mailing list (one that you have subscribed to).

            D. also has some information on addresses that can be used to throw spammers off. If you do throw off spammers, donÕt forget to not do it when sending e-mail or subscribing to a mailing list. Also, downloading free trials of software or purchasing from a company can possible be a source of spam.

            E. Other ideas for e-mail addresses for postings could be, or Source: Tourbus November 22, 2000.

            F. Mac TCP Watcher can be used to trace DNS services for spammers.

            G. One FAQ suggested that you should not respond to a SPAM e-mail by Òunsubscribing,Ó because you will ALWAYS get on some more mailing lists by doing so or get more junk mail from the Spammer. However, I e-mailed the author and said that I have ÒunsubscribedÓ before without receiving a bunch of extra junk mail. responded and said that some legitimate companies will remove you without sending you additional junk mail (or selling your e-mail address).

            H. can be used to report Spammers to their ISPÕs, can help cut down on junk mail (read about it in Tourbus from 11/30/00).

            I.,,,, and have some more information on avoiding SPAM.

            J. Tourbus from May 8, 2001, suggests some ideas to avoid SPAM i.e. ÒDon't participate in public forums with your primary address. Spammers use software designed to suck e-mail addresses out of chat rooms, mailing lists and newsgroups.Ò Also do not post your e-mail address on your website. Only give your e-mail address to trusted people or companies.

            K. The Tourbus on May 8, 2001, also suggests using to create a disposal e-mail address. Additionally, if you have a member profile on AOL, delete it.

            L. Tourbus on May 8, 2001, You should not reply to a spammer. If you send an e-mail, it lets the spammer know your e-mail address is valid and that you read the e-mail you receive. Additionally, do not register with Òno spamÓ sites, since ironically, it may increase your e-mail (Spammers may set up false fronts).

            M. Brightmail/Spaminator (mentioned in Tourbus, May 15, 2001) is supposed to work very well in eliminating SPAM, without getting rid of wanted mail. Earthlink, AT & T, and have the capability to use Brightmail/Spaminator.

            N. Tourbus from 8/7/2002 suggests you can use to generate Òfalse e-mail addressesÓ that can be disposed of later (help avoid SPAM). has info on how to encode your address and hide it from Spambots. 8/7/02 Tourbus suggests not posting to Usenet boards, entering AOL chat rooms, and signing up for online sweepstakes and lotteries. Also, it is a good idea to check a siteÕs Privacy Policy before giving up any personal data. Also, people who remove their AOL profile report an immediate drop in SPAM. 8/7/02 Tourbus suggests that Spamcop can be useful. can give helpful tips on reducing SPAM. has info on reducing SPAM, also.

            O. Tourbus (12/1/02) talks about avoiding SPAM. One idea is to use,, or as e-mail addresses.

528. is supposed to find sounds, but I could not find any, using several different search words.

            A. lets you find movie stuff, but I did not find it to be too Mac compatible.

529. 1001 free fonts,, and font have many pop up windows and go in circles.

530. Live has many 80Õs metal stations. It was pretty choppy, but after increasing the memory allocation of RealPlayer to 10000 K, it was better. It is best to leave the computer playing, without doing anything else or minimal things. Live also has a playlist to show you what has been played. However, it appears to only play one song, then you must click on the listen button again.

            A. Webradio did not work well, at least on 11/26/00.

531. only has one metal station.

            A. I did not have much luck with

            B. has too much noise and takes far too long to load.

            C. requires its own plug in.

532. and have many free Mac fonts.

            A. has fonts for sale.

533. has pop up windows.

534. has word problems for many grade levels.

535. allows you to make up quizzes online. It will also correct them, according to one person at the Asilomar conference. My user name is and my password is Old At Ease. Kids secret word is opsys.

536. has some links to travel information about Jamaica, Florida, Hawaii, Caribbean, and Barbados.

537. ÒÓ uses several newspapers and a human condenses the important information into a thousand-word summary.

            A. ÒÓ allows you to sign up for the condensed newsletter to be sent to you via e-mail.

538. New domain names approved by ICANN (International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) are .biz (businesses), .info (any web site), .pro (for professional lawyers, doctors, accountants), .aero (for airlines), .coop (for non-profit cooperatives), .museum (museums), .name (personal websites). May not be in use until 2001.

539. can keep you informed of when a website changes, notify via e-mail.

540. and sell Macintosh products (t-shirts, watches, mugs, etc.).

541. has software that allows you to make MP3Õs into audio CD format, but the company that makes Stomper makes the software.

542. is a web page for Pearl Harbor.

543. Houghton Mifflin has a Math web site with some activities on it, but it is still in progress (as of 12/17/00).

544. Jato communications is not available in CA for DSL service.

555. Rottentomatoes does have movie trailers, but they donÕt seem to be all linked on the same page, anywhere.

556. Charter has high-speed modem access. Dennis Magee has it and it cost $49.99 per month. He bought a modem also, which was around $150.

557. allows you to program cell phones to play music, but it is only set up for Nokia 3310 and 3210 phones.

558. has many ideas for stuff to make that is interesting, but the site is extremely slow.

559. lets you create your own radio station, but you need to use NN to listen to it as IE 5 is not supported.

            A. My user name and password are motleyze, old At Ease.

            B. I browsed through the artists, but did not find too many that I really liked.

            C. You can request an artist to be added, but they did not have hardly any I liked, so it might be pointless.

            D. As of 8/02, RadiothroughSonicnet is no longer available.

560. My e-mail and password at are and Old At Ease. You can watch ÒItÕs a Wonderful LifeÓ and ÒRudolph, the Red Nosed ReindeerÓ at

561. has some links, but not very good ones. Many links are simply to radio stations.

            A. has some links to music, but you must go through them 5 at a time and it has 680 Links. Also, many stations were Windows only.

562.,, and have information on buying cars and trucks.

            A. has classified ads for buying and selling cars.

            B. has info on electric cars.

            C. has some FAQÕs on gasoline.

563. and have some resource for collecting many types of items.

564. is currently under construction, as of 12/24/00.

565. has some pictures of some artwork.

566. (it is called Mactimes, accordingly) has some links to, which has some free software (you only pay $5 for shipping).

            A. It has a secure site for entering credit card information. The certificate checks out with NN 4.75.

            B. You can also go to and search for ÒMacintoshÓ.

            C. They have a few programs, but I think it may be difficult to order over the Internet with the Purchase Order issues.

            D. I wanted to order Printmaster Gold and Berlitz Think and Speak Spanish, but I am not sure if the Berlitz program is both Mac and Windows. (On the page describing the program in more detail, it only lists Windows requirements). I e-mailed to inquire.

567. has information on MKLinux, which is using Linux on a Mac.

568.,, and list ISPÕs.

            A. According to Access Magazine (Modesto Bee) on 3/4/01, if you change e-mail addresses (go to a new server, perhaps), some ISPÕs will forward your e-mail for a fee. If your ISP will not, keep the old address until you notify all your friends.

            B. Otherwise, use or, who can forward your e-mail. Access says that Yahoo is probably the best.

569. has some good tips on purchasing many things. So does, but it is very slow (at least it was on 12/25/00).

570. has haunted house info on line. It also has links to other haunted houses. It has many haunted sounds, as well.

571. Harley Hahn has many links to contests, sweepstakes on page 143 of his yellow pages.

            A. is a place to enter for trips and vacations.

572. Page 148 has information on low fat cooking.

            B. Recipe Archives on page 149 has many, many recipe links.

573. Page 164 has some websites on origami creation.

574. and has information on crime, etc.

            A. It has information on Lizzie Borden as well as some names of published books on her.

            B. has info on Jesse James, Machine Gun Kelly, etc.

            C. has information on the Bath, Michigan school bombing on May 17, 1927. Andrew Kehoe killed 38 children and 7 teachers. So does

575. has information about using Digital Signatures.

576. should not be used. It froze the computer twice, it is very slow and the cams take a long time to load and often freeze, and they are not live, but pictures.

            A. Harley Hahn mentioned Antarctica, but the shots were not live.

577. is a web site where you can turn lights on/off at a web site in Japan.

            A. allows you to play with a model railroad on line.

578. allows you to search by grade level and subject for lesson plans.

            A. has some pretty good math lesson plans that can be downloaded.

579. has information about aerobics.

            A. There are some links to weightlifting pages, but the links do not appear to contain info on how to, just discussions, products, etc.

580. has resources for Internet filtering software.

581. has information on sneakers.

582. has several search engines listed in the same box. You can then type in a search term and pick which one you want.

583. has some links, but not too impressive.

584. allows you to get e-mail sent to you with information, news, etc. in it at a predetermined time (sometimes referred to as Òpush technologyÓ).

585. has somewhat of a directory. However, it is confusing and not well organized. Also, pretty slow.

586. allows you to search for websites by domain names and also, which server is being used by the website.

            A. does also.

            B. However, you could usually use a regular search engine to search for domain names.

587. is devoted entirely to French fries.

588. shows you how to make a simple movie. Need Shockwave plug in to view it and it does not work with IE5 (you get an error message when going to the site with IE 5). Even with the Shockwave plug in, the movie does not show up with NN 4.75.

587. lists the number to a payphone on the Eiffel Tower observation and also lists a number for a payphone at the Vatican in Rome.

588. and are places to play games and win prizes. (must give e-mail address and pick a password).

589. explains how to do tombstone rubbings (make a tracing of a tombstone).

590. has pictures taken from space.

591. has maps from 1895.

592. has info about the government in the Americas (includes Mexico).

593. and take you to the CIAÕs website.

594. Harley Hahn lists several pages that allow you to find the office of politicians.

595. shows the Treaty of Versailles.

596. has pop up windows and blaring music.

597., and have information on places to store bookmarks on the Internet.

598. has some information on the InternetÕs history.

599. has information on hackerÕs slang.

600. allows you to send commands to mailing lists to join, leave, etc.

601. and allow you to search resource archives for mailing lists, so you can read them without joining the list.

602. Harley Hahn has several listings for job searches on page 424.

603. is a well-organized site on rŽsumŽs. has information on Internet rŽsumŽs.

            A. has information of finding jobs on line.

            B. has many pop up windows, which are quite annoying.

604. has many online stories, including Alice in Wonderland.

605. Tom Sawyer can be found at, and

            A. Wizard of Oz can be found at and and

606. Sign language can be found at

607. provides a place for helping travelers with language. You can even hear words pronounced.

608. has Arabian Nights online,

            A. has Arabian Nights, also online.

609. Around the World in 80 days can be found at and at

            A. Great Expectations can be found at and

            B. Red Badge of Courage, Scarlet Letter, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can be found at

            C. GulliverÕs Travels can be found at

            D. Bibliomania has many books online, but it takes awhile to load. I checked at several of my online book sites, but I was not able to find Island of the Blue Dolphins.

            E. has many also, but books are not arranged by chapter order.

            F. Pride and Prejudice can be found at

            G. has books that you can download in .pdf format (limited selection).

            H. has at least 80 pages (in a CW 4.0 document) of names of books online.

610. and have information on headaches.

611. has info on matchstick rockets, air cannons, spudzookas, etc.

612. has information on dealing with telemarketers.

613. At, you can give your opinion of what youÕve seen and possibly find other movies to suit your taste.

            A. My user name and password are motleyze, old At Ease. It does not appear to be real current, however.

614. is the website for the New Mexico Museum of Natural History.

615. Harley Hahn lists some newsgroups for buying and selling music, but I imagine it might be to/from individuals and that could be difficult.

616. log in name and password are motleyze, old At Ease.

            A. I could not get the gender section of the join membership screen to work with IE 5 (no buttons were available even after reloading the web page twice), so I did it with NN 4.75 and it worked fine.

            B. Vidnet has movies at the site, but they are not well known. Also, it kept freezing my computer on several occasions, even when it was the only site open.

617., did not have any Motley songs., and ask for your e-mail address.

618. has info to make your own online business cards, but you need Windows to view the card.

619. and let you get e-mails with news in them, apparently.

620. has pop up windows.

621. gives analyses of names. is a place to browsethroughpossible names for babies or you can use

622. and allow you to search for peopleÕs home pages.

623. Do not go to, it causes IE 5 to quit.

            A. Either or causes IE 5 to quit, so donÕt go to either one of them.

624. and have info on famous peopleÕs wills.

625. has info on people who are interested in dating. To join costs money, apparently.

            A. There is not an easy way to unsubscribe, you have to go to the web page and mess with preferences. I just replied to the e-mail and asked to be unsubscribed on 2/18/03.

626. can help you find friends, dating, etc, but their search engine does not work very well.

627., and have information on making pinhole cameras.

628. has info on cookies.

629. has info on surfing anonymously.

630. has info on Mac programming.

631. has links about Sigmund Freud.

632. has some quotations, but does not seem to be too well organized.

633. and require you to have a scanner, they are designed to give the channel number, so you can scan 911 calls or amusement parks, Fast Food Restaurants, etc.

634. lets you search by call letters for radio stations.

635. At, you can search for radio stations throughout the country (donÕt forget to select search type, by city, frequency, etc.).

636. allows you to convert metric to standard, vice versa in many different categories.

637. has many maps and driving directions, but not for the U.S., as of 12/2//00.

638. At, my user name and password are NikkiS and Old At Ease. My handle is motleyze. You need Flash Player to use espin. They say you can find out who has some interest, but when you go the website, no info is provided, this has happened at least twice now.

            A. When you add someone to your list that has also added you to their list, you can see their names under Mail and matches, I think. I tried, but it does not appear to be possible.

            B. I removed my name from their mailing list on 4/9/03.

639.,, and have info on dinosaurs.

640. and have info on science myths.

            A. and have information on temperatures around the world.

641. has info on horror.

642., have info on backward masking.

643. and have info on flea market locations (no Turlock or Acapulco, though).

644. and have info on CD images.

645. and have info on pirate software.

            A. According to Tourbus (10/25/02) warez sites are often have illegal or ÒcrackedÓ software.

646. has NASAÕs historical archive.

            A., and have info on the 9 planets.

            B. has some space movies.

            C. has info on space shuttles.

            D. has space shuttle launch dates.

647.,, and have info on baseball.

648., and have info on college sports.

649.,, and have info about soccer (perhaps World Cup).

650. has info on depression.

651. has many links to support groups.

652. lists BBS groups.

653. only works with PCÕs as of 12/29/00.

654. has info on telephone rates.

655. has info on how to see if your phone number spells anything.

656. and have info on the Brady Bunch.

657. lists the names of hosts of many game shows.

658. has some TV theme songs, but they are selling them. Also, there are too many pop up ads.

659. Harley Hahn has info on Ship Travel on page 794.

660. Harley did have a link for subway navigator, but it is dead.

661. and have info on CD-RWs.

662. has file formats on the web info.


664. has info on climate, supposedly over the last many years, according to Harley on page 814. However, I could not find the links for it.

665. has info on Hurricanes and Typhoons.

666. has info on weather warnings.

667. (supposed to be a humorous site) freezes when trying to listen to audio stuff on their site. A dialog box says you need G2 Real Player, (which, ironically I already have). I close the box and IE 5 freezes.

            A. However, the next time, I just clicked update now and 84 K downloaded and installed on my computer. Then it worked.

            B. The site is not very funny anyhow.

668. user name and password are motleyze, 71J3ODA2GA.

669. has a funny thing on FBI and files.

670. has information about using Verisign, which is used to protect e-commerce transactions with encryption.

671. allows you to track Santa.

672. is a website for bizarre but True news stories from the worldÕs ÒlegitimateÓ press.

            The same author, Randy Cassingham, publishes A.

673. has some Windows tips, tricks and more.

674. allows you to see dial up modem friendly animation. However, it requires you to download software and I do not know the site at all.

675. has some info on ÒItÕs a Wonderful LifeÓ.

676. has info on that New YearÕs Eve Song.

677. If a site freezes the computer once, it may still be workable, but if it makes IE 5 quit, usually it will do it again and again.

            A. made IE 5 quit.

678. has computer deals, but it appears to be Windows only.

679. has info on shows in your area (shows, not movies).

680. has info on animation.

681. At, my user name and password are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease.

682. has personality and IQ tests on it (shown in 300 incredible book and Access MagazineÕs year-end Review).

683. is the Official Radio Disney Live. It has online songs for kids.

684. At, my user name and password are RyanZ., Old At Ease. I also sent in the URL for my picture (optional).

685. has info on caring for children or the elderly.

686. has information on dieting.

687. free Internet service, but for IBMÕs only.

            A. As of 3/31/03, they have access for OS X only. They do not support Mac OS 9 or earlier. They do have numbers for Atwater, however.

As of 7/03, they have access numbers for Turlock, but they still only have software for OS X.

I read, and it says that Netzero high speed internet access is a fast dial-up service (I donÕt think it is like DSL or a cable modem service).It is supposed to be five times faster than regular dial-up access.

688. has information and links on Repetitive Stress Injuries. They suggest if you have pain, go see a doctor immediately (perhaps even a specialist).

689. has a link that lists places to get information about Supreme Court Decisions.

690. explains how to prepare a resume for use online.

            A. You should use a text editor (like Simpletext, not Clarisworks or Word) or use your e-mail program by opening your Òresume.texÓ file in an e-mail message.

            B. You should also alter the margins for e-mail, you must 65 characters across the screen (could perhaps put a sticky note on the screen). Instead of indenting lines, use the space bar. Use all capital letters. Use asterisks or plus signs, etc. to indicate lists, if necessary.

            C. The website also has a couple of links for resume samples: and

691. has information on the Titanic.

            A. For example, the lookout, Frederick Fleet, did survive the disaster.

692. has some information on Hitler, Mussoline, WWII, etc.

693. has some info on Hitler, as well.

694. has the Declaration of Independence.

            A. has the Gettysburg Address.

695. has the Constitution of the United States.

696. has some online learning courses, some of which are free. Some cost $10 or $30. Some cost several hundred dollars.

697. One time Access magazine listed a siteÕs address as Òinfo.pitt.eduÓ, however it was supposed to be ÒÓ

698. lets you search for hits only from .gov, .mil (military) and government related .us domains (like

699. has a Science and Technology Dictionary and it will pronounce words for you, also, according to Tourbus on 1/7/01.

700. My login name and password at is motleyze, 71J30DA2GA. It is a website dedicated to audio/video equipment info.

701. has a driver section.

702. Beware of calling 809, 268 or 664 area code phone numbers, they are Caribbean area pay per call numbers, much like 900 numbers, Source:

703. recommends that if someone spends more energy than would be required for you to write a thank you, you should send one (e-mails do not count).

            A. Do not say ÒI would like to say thank you,Ó simply say Òthank you for ...Ó.

704. has some advice for meeting people who are on the Internet and chat room rules.

705. has information on pinhole cameras.

706. has info on Kite Aerial Photography.

707. has info on Infrared photography. The same cameras and light sources that are used in normal photography can be used in infrared photography.

            A. Infrared photography can be used to determined water depths and detecting underwater obstacles (useful in hostile situations).

708. has many Disney secrets i.e. 300 people can fit on a monorail. Employees must answer questions, if they donÕt know, they will call someone (except for stationary vendors). They will not say ÒI DonÕt KnowÓ.

709. explains how you can use a cassette tape (?) to hear backward masking.

710. It is a good rule for newsgroups that you are new to, to wait and see what others say and then post.

            A. Misc.test can be used to test newsgroup postings.

711. Greenwich English is where East meets West at the Greenwich Meridian (0 degrees longitude). Source:

712. has a blank US map for educational use.

713. has the phonetic alphabet: a - Adam, b-boy, and c-Charles.

714. has info on successful readers.

            A. has info on doing a class pictogram.

715. has an online copy of ÒSteal This BookÓ.

716. explains why the sky is blue.

717. has information on movies, kids and violence.

718. has info on walking tips.

719. explains that some miniscule tears heal spontaneously after a period of rest, elevation and icing.

720. has information about the Church of Satan. It talks about the use of the ÒSigil of Baphomet,Ó which is a pentagram, that has a goat (I think, ?) inside it.

            A. The site was ÒMade with Macintosh.Ó

            B. has some information on Satanism, as posted by various members, etc. Or you can go to and click on message boards.

721. now supports Macintosh. It requires 8.1, and Free PPP is not supported.

            A. Effective January, 2001, there is a limit of 25 hours per month.

            B. has DSL service for $39/month, but it is not yet available for my phone number as of 1/22/01.

722. and are sites that keep up on technology jargon (somewhat humorous, I think).

723. has some articles written by a man, whom one of the Tourbus writers knows. Gilster apparently has written many articles about using the Internet.ames

724. At, you can play many online games, including Monopoly, Checkers, Scrabble, Asteroids, etc. I looked for Sorry! online in 1/08, but I was unable to find it. I used motleyze, and name of school as my user name and password. However, I could not get this to work later, so now I have motleyzeca and Old At Ease (even though my user name shows up as motleyze, strangely enough. Also, carmenlms is user name, password is millan at It does not appear that Cranium is available for play online (on any website), as of July 2005 has SpongeBob Collapse on it. has Family Feud, Trivial Pursuit, Match Game. However, Match Game is somewhat slow.

725. is the place for Car Bargains, the place that Dr. Campbell told me about.

            A. They also have a number for 800-475-7283.

            B. Dr. Campbell said that they charge you $250, if they can beat the best price around (taking into account, the $250). If they can not beat the best price you find, then you will get a refund from them (with a proof of purchase).

            C. The complete service now costs $165.

            D. Typical turnaround time is 2 weeks.

            E. I registered with for $165 (apparently the price has dropped) on 1/29/01.

            F. For now, I did not put in the names of the Falore Nissan (, 408-735-6888) or the South Country Nissan Dealer. That way if they beat the price by themselves, then I save $165. Donna agreed.

            G. I decided to buy the carthroughFalore Nissan, because I did not think that the price could be beat (it was about $2,000 below invoice price).

            H. I called Carbargains to ask about canceling, since I have already bought a car. So I e-mailed them to inquire. Matt (800-475-7283, extension 3343) left me a message on my machine and said that a refund would not be a problem. I just needed to call him to confirm. I called back on 2/5/01 at about 9:10 P.M. and left a message for Matt that I did indeed want to cancel.

            I. When I first decided to buy the car, I e-mailed many Nissan dealers, like 8 of them, 7 of them returned a price to me. was the best price. I also did e-mail (Future Nissan, Roseville), (Ellis Brooks Chevrolet), (Fremont Nissan), (Stanford Nissan) and

726. At, my password is old At Ease. They will be contacting me at work to give me my user name, so that I may enter the information online (stuff is in school file at home). ca3424 is my user ID. My password is Old At Ease (lower case). Form on the web page is saved automatically any time you press forward or back. At, you can give much info (including ethnicity of students, teacher experience, etc.) about schools. You can pay $16.95 to get information/reviews of a particular school.

727. My user name and password at are and New, New At Ease.

            A. 1-click ordering is now turned on at for me.

            B. But it defaults back to off, when you go back to the web page later on. To turn it back on, sign in, then Òcontinue shoppingÓ, then select Òview cartÓ and then the order with 1 click button should be there, I think.

            C. Later, I went to and one click was on, when I got to the website. One click option may not be visible, initially, if Amazon does not have the product available. However, as of 8/4/02, One click is still available (even for non products, but that are sold through You just may have to search a little to find it). On one occasion (11/4/02), I was able to order two items using One Click (Halloween book by Jerry Seinfeld and Sarah, Plain and Tall) within about 5 minutes of each other. I think they will be shipped together.

            D. You can sell old books, CDÕs, videos, DVDÕs etc on Tourbus from 8/10/2001 explains how to do this. Amazon gets a percentage on the $. I.E. if an item sold for $20.00, you would get about $16.

728. According to Tidbits # 566, can make 1,000 business cards for $100.

            A. According to Tidbits, the service was excellent.

729. has information about George Washington NOT being the first president of the United States.

            A. It also has information on using a Variac to make a glowing pickle. I do not know what a Variac is or how to get one. One website showed that they sell (the cheapest one) for $1,000.

730. has a deal to get one book free, 4 more for $1 later or 6 more for 99 cents later.

731. has flashcards on it.

            A. can make Math facts worksheets. It is different than the Timed Math that I am using now, but it may be better.

732. My username and password at are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease (lower case).

            A. I submitted my cash receipt number online, should receive confirmation within 3 to 7 days (from 2/20/01). I did receive a confirmation by e-mail.

            B. I tried to submit another receipt online on 2/25/01. Got an error when trying to load the page to submit. I tried several times during the day with I had no luck. Finally, I e-mailed the webmaster for RiteAid using the link on the page. Unfortunately, my e-mail was returned. Later, however, the page loaded, so I was able to submit my request for rebate (if not, may have had to do the rebate by regular mail).

            C. After you complete all the rebates online, you must later go back and request your rebate. They do this, since you may do many rebates and they do not know when you are done with rebates for the period. As of 3/03, I did not have to go back and request my rebate on my own, they sent me an e-mail notice to let me know I could request my rebate, which I did on 3/7/03.

            D. I sent them a contact note on 5/14/01 that said ÒI submitted my request for a check for April (Transaction #197628), but did not receive a check. I also have a rebate "confirmed" for March (Transaction #192275), but have not received a check for that period, also. I also have two rebate checks for February (transaction 191161 and 190241) that were "confirmed" as well. I have not received any checks for any of these rebates. I have already contacted your company several times about the checks. Can you please tell me what is going on, as I am getting very frustrated and aggravated.Ó

            E. At, you can find the rebate section of the site. You can also type rebate in the search box.

F. According to, ÒYou may enter as many receipts as you like during the program period, but you may only request one check for all rebates per program period.Ó

733. has information on fat grams, calories, fat percentages on many types of foods. Under Diet and Nutrition, you can choose Eating Right, Fast Food Quest to find out information. You can also read the section called Dining out for general tips.

            A. My user name and password are motleyze, old At Ease (ALL CAPS). My key is Nzk1MTI1LjUyMjM3Njc2Mg.

734. has information on using Microsoft Office.

735., and have information about basketball. has new The Office webisodes (slang for an episode of a show or music video posted on the internet) every Thursday.

736. has many ties, but they are somewhat expensive, in the $25 to $55 range.

737. allows you to search several pages at once. When you type a word into one of the search boxes, and click ÒsearchÓ or ÒsubmitÓ, you go to the search results page. When you go back to, the original word you typed is now in all the search engine search boxes.

738. has a picture from space, without clouds.

739. uses Old At Ease for password.

            A. I bought from Wax I bought Clear Guard for the car.

740. has some 70Õs disco music on it.

741. and charge to pay your bills. They start at $8.95 per month.

742. At, my user name and password are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease., you can schedule a pickup with UPS. However, if you choose to get same day pickup, it is $4.00 per package. If you do future day pickup (i.e. on Monday, you choose to have something picked up on Tuesday, it is $2.00 per package). Since I needed to return 11 packages in 4/05, I decided just to wait until UPS comes out (which they seem to do every day) and then ask them to pick up the packages at that time. UPS cannot let you know if a package is to be delivered without a tracking number, i.e. they cannot possibly tell you if UPS is supposed to be at Crookham on any particular day or not. Apparently, UPS does not come to our school everyday, as of 4/05. TLC Postal Center will accept my 11 UPS boxes, but they will charge me $1 per box to have them sent out, because they have to have UPS come and pick them up. They are located at 281 East Bellevue Road, Atwater, CA 95301, 209-358-1200. You can also take them to the UPS location right beyond the fairgrounds on MLK in Mercd. It is theUPS Customer Center, located at 334 South Highway 59 (MLK Drive toward fairgrounds turns into Highway 59), Merced, CA 95340, 800-742-5877, Mon-Fri: 4:00pm-6:00pm; Sat-Sun., closed. You can take the 11 packages (free of charge) to THE UPS STORE, 3144 N G ST, Merced, CA 95340, 209-723-8543.

743. New York Times is going to be online, and I inquired if our school would be eligible to read it (since admission to the archives is for educational purposes only). I e-mailed them to inquire, they asked me to forward the name and address of our school, which I did not do, since I did not want to deal with high-pressure salesman.

744. has information on free ISPÕs.

745. has some information for educators, even though it is out of date (as of 3/4/01), according to Tidbits # 569.

746. Access Magazine from March 4, 2001, Modesto Bee suggests that, and are all good medical search engines. Webmedlit, however, is primarily designed for physicians and is usually not good as a starting point for beginners.

            A. Access Magazine says that,,, and (American Heart Association) are good. is good for late breaking medical news.

            B. Access also suggests using whois ( to check on authentication of medical sites. Also, look for date of postings, anything older than 6 months may not reflect current thinking, and anything over 2 years old is ancient.

            C. Additionally, AM suggests that your doctor may not have read up on everything, so it can not hurt to do extra research.

            D. If a medical site may not ensure privacy, AM suggests using a different name or e-mail address.

747. has information about Back to the Future. David from Spain says you can find some scripts there, also in .pdf format.

748.,,, and have information on Paris, according to Cool Travel Mail from 3/6/01. The e-mail also suggests looking for the Stars and Stripes if you need to read in English.

749. has several comic strips. Strange Brew and Speed Bump are pretty good. However, the bookmark that would normally take you right to their strips does not work (must go to, then to the strip).

            A. One day in 6/03, I did not find the Modesto Bee in my yard. But I went to,, (which still works with the G3/IE 5.1.7 and NN 4.77, as of 8/06), (sports) and was able to see the features I usually read.

750. has a program for sharing files. A Mac version is planned (as of 3/22/01).

751. costs $7.95 to file federal and $7.95 for state tax return. costs $14.95 for both 1040 and $9.95 for state. Or you could pay $6.95 for 1040EZ and state is free. IE 5 for Mac does not appear to be supported, as of 3/22/01. Turbo tax (need to buy every year, according to Helen), but you can write it off. Turbotax used to be called Macintax, according to Helen.

752. has info on the Laser Vaudeville shows.

753.,,, and have Internet storage space. has many personÕs homepages on it.

754.,, and have information about cars and histories of cars, etc.

755. According to the Tourbus from 3/27/01, you can register a new domain, and you do not have to operate your own server. ÒMost domains are in fact Ôvirtual serversÕ hosted by a service provider on their equipment.Ó

756. is the address for the CA education code (CA education code).

            A. Just enter terms into the search box without quotation marks.

            B. To see a Table of Contents, just check the code you want and then leave the search box blank, and press search.

757. has long distance, they only charge 5 cents a minute (according to Tourbus from 4/8/01) but they have a monthly fee of $3.95 per month.

758. has info on Lemurs. There is an e-mail address for asking questions and additional resources there.

759. (for student evaluations, etc.) has a user name and password of zelenski, welcome.

760. uses as my e-mail and old At Ease as password.

761. has dots game, but it does not appear to work with Mac.

762. You can refill prescriptions at (and then pick them up at the store).

            A. The store number for Geer Road is 118.

            B. You can have it mailed to you, also.

            C. You can e-mail them at

            D. It says your prescription will hopefully be ready within 24 hours. And, if you request a prescription online, it will usually be ready sooner on weekends, as opposed to weekdays.

763. can send you lyrics via e-mail. It may take a few days.

764. has info on advertising web sites on the side of your car.

765. According to Tourbus, allows you to combine several newspapers into one and have it e-mailed to you.

766. is the address for the Delta College (Stockton) Planetarium.

767. I found the SPF 45 sunblock on the Internet at ÒÓ, but it was $34. At ÒÓ, it was $35 for a 3 oz. bottle.

768. requires Flash plug in. I did not want to mess with it.

769. sells Sanyo/GE rechargeable batteries and chargers. They are now, as of 3/04.

            A. At, my e-mail and password is, New new At Ease. They had a Sanyo/G.E. battery charger on their web site, but after I ordered it, the item was discontinued. I e-mailed,7331,CN-LN,00.html to inquire where I might buy a G.E./Sanyo Battery charger (this is the website for Thompson Electronics, who took over G.E.). They were not helpful (I got an auto e-mail, which I replied to. They send me another auto reply). However, I found out that I could buy one at

770. is the URL for the Open Directory Project, which is also known as the Newhoo, according to Modesto Bee article on 5/22/01. Volunteers submit their best sites at this search engine, it also has no advertising. If you have a specialized niche, you can volunteer to help with Web sites will best help others.

771. My password at is old At Ease.

772. You can place an ad through the Modesto Bee at

773. To protect yourself from identity theft (Tourbus, 5/29/01), never send personal info such as credit card or social security numbers by e-mail, think of an e-mail as similar to sending a post card.

            A. Use a password for websites, that is different from your user login for Internet service.

774. At, I used the e-mail address of and Old At Ease as password.

            A. Tourbus should send me a $10 gift certificate from

            B. I should be getting a $50 rebate check from Ebates within 3 months from for my Staples order. Should arrive 3 months from 11/29/01.

775. has and Old At Ease.

776. Melissa (from CTAP) has the fax number of 559-496-0877 and I faxed her our survey for CNN Newsroom, NOT the CTAP online technology survey.

777. You can use the URL ÒÒ to complete the CTAP technology survey online. If you go through and click on Ed Tech Survey Link,Ó you can access the survey there, as well. The password for our district is 842770. However, I could not access the website with WSD, Winton School District or Crookham School as user name and 842770 as password, when I typed in ÒÓ and tried to go from there, you must type out full URL of ÒÓ The Superintendent got a letter saying that our survey had not been done. I e-mailed Region VII to explain that it had been done, but I was wrong. I thought I had faxed our techsurvey to Melissa at CTAP, but that was for the CNN newsroom. I had started, but not completed our online survey previously (previous to 6/28). But on 6/28/2001, I completed our techsurvey and printed out two copies, which is possible from the website. I e-mailed Marilyn to let her know. CTAP survey will probably be every year. I did complete it though, for 00-01. I tried to access the Ed tech survey in 2/2002. It required a Survey System Password and a District PIN (which I think would be the District PIN). I do not have a Survey System Password, so I e-mailed CTAP on 2/8/2002 to inquire. said that Your district PIN is: 842770 and Your Survey Password is: computers. I tried to do the 2003 survey, but after typing in 842770 as district PIN and computers are Survey Password, I got an error (I tried it about three times). I clicked on the link on the web page and e-mailed CTAP about this. replied and said that ÒYour PIN # is 842770, however, the district password is Internet and the school site password is software.Ó Software is the password that worked for the survey password. In 2004, Marilyn gave me the Pin # of 842770 and the password of SCHOOLNETWORK (not sure if caps or not. Lower nor upper case worked). I e-mailed Don Holder ( about this on 1/26/04. I got a reply from and he said to use network (lower case) for the password, this worked. I completed the survey on 1/28/04. In the 2004 survey, a question is asked about having thin clients. Thin clients are defined as ÒIn client/server applications, a client designed to be especially small so that the bulk of the data processing occurs on the server.Ó Edtech planning.pdf says that a thin cleint does not have a CD-ROM player, disk drive, or expansion slots. We do not have any of these, as far as I know. In 2005, The pin of 842770 and the password of software worked. I completed the survey on 1/5/05. In 2006, the password was desktop (it was in the bottom of the e-mail that I received from M.) The survey was completed on 3/3/2006 8:09:00 PM.

778. is IngieÕs web site. They have an e-mail address for Roy, it is

779. According to IE for Mac, page 165, spaces are not allowed in e-mail addresses.

            A. Page 166 says that although case does not matter in e-mail, usually people enter lower case.

780. I submitted my federal tax return on February 8, 2001through; however, I did not notice at the time, but I did not receive a confirmation e-mail that my return had been submitted. My username and password are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease.

            A. I have not received a check, as of 6/11/2001. I called the IRS at 800-829-4477, but they had no record of my tax return. Even though it is past 4/15/2001, there is no penalty, since they owe me money (and I do not owe them). Also, at this point in the year, phone submission is not possible, since that system is shut down.

            B. The IRS said that I should call H & R Block (800-472-5625) and call them back if I have a confirmation number. I did call the H & R Number and they had no record of my tax return, so I had to call another H & R Number (800-808-4262), and it gave me a message that said I had not submitted my return and then hung up on me. So, I called 816-504-1502 and talked to Josel and he said that there was no record of my return. It is possible that I may not have entered my credit card number at, since I did not think I owed any money, but I did owe money ($19.95) to H & R Block. Anyhow, we submitted my info online and I should be able to check the status after 24 hours (6/12/2001).

            C. If my form is rejected, go online and fix it, if possible. If accepted, I must print out the 8453-OL form (it is a validating signature type form) and mail it in to the IRS. I requested a direct deposit to my checking account, which should take about 2 or 3 weeks. They asked for my routing number (which is the nine digit number on the bottom of my checks before the semi colon looking character, there is a three digit number before my account number, which is not used in the process. My account number is of course, after the 3-digit number (account number is my S.S. #). Alternatively, a PIN can be assigned (instead of printing and mailing the form); however, it has some bugs in it this year.

            D. My H & R case number is 2105249.

            E. Next year, I may do my taxes over the phone. Donna got her refund after 11 days, so may want to check sooner next year, if necessary.

            F. I mailed my 8453-OL form to the IRSthroughPost Office certified mail (DGÕs suggestion) on 6/12/01.

            G. I got my refund on Friday, June 22, 2001. It was automatically deposited into MOCSE account, as I had requested.

781. has an online paint program, but it appears to be Windows only, as of 6/12/01.

782. At, you can see parts of BillboardÕs top charts. To see full charts, you must pay membership of almost $15/month.

783. shows, which songs have been, played the most on the radio over the past week.

784. At, you can hear 30 second song samples of many songs.

            A. My user name and password are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease plus NeondeionÕs #.

            B. I ordered Coolio from CDNow on 9/1/01. However, it did not arrive by 9/23. I e-mailed them and they sent out a replacement order.

            C. Customer Service hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. EST.

785. My username and password at are and Old At Ease. This is the L.A. website Bev Olaver gave me the information on. They have state standards on their website, according to a CTAP rep. This website can used for 80 hours for AB-466 class. Originally, you just have to click ÒHow to Subscribe,Ó then Are you a teacher a teach for one of our National Partners? Yes. Then select Merced from the group pull-down menu and password for group is twenty. You can contact for more info, if necessary. At, you can click Òhow to subscribe,Ó Òyes,Ó ÒCTAPÓ and password is 121803. Yo can use this temporarily until 2/20/04. For more info, contact Denise Collier at 562-940-1634 or e-mail and have articles that can be used, B.O. said on 1/24/03. has Supplement A (page 107 of 05-06 AB 466 Resource Handbook), B, and C. These supplements are in addition to the OARS tests. It appears, though, that you must pay for them. John Magneson said we can also use CTAP info to access lacoe.  1. Go to 2. Click on "How to Subscribe" on the left side menu, 3. Click on the YES button (even though we are not on the main page yet), 4. Select CTAP 7 from the drop down listing of partners, 5. Use ctap 7 as the Group password (yes, include the space), 6. Register and you are off and running. The six steps are no longer necessary, as of 2/07, just log in with, Old At Ease. is good for students to watch (it is only about three minutes or so). is a good videos to watch before STAR testing (but it is designed to be watched by a teacher, not the students): these two websites do not load on the G3/266: I had to use the DEC with IE 6.0.

786. Tourbus from June 13, 2001, has information on genealogy websites.

787. According to IE 5 book page 286, WWW consortium invented the WWW.

788. At, type in the numbers after ÒS7-Ó only, from the catalog to find items.

            A. My username and password are RyanZelenski, old At Ease.

            B. They did not have a secure site, so I will not order from them online in the future (I did once, accidentally however, so will turn on notification with IE5).

789. (American Cancer Society) has info on prostate cancer.

790. Cool Travel mail from 6/19/2001 suggests to check on a hotel: Check for a website first, then check and for info. Then try Travelocity for reviews (Travelocity only covers American hotels and some Canadian ones, it appears, as of 6/26/01).

791. According to Guinness Records 2000, Cindy Margolis is the most downloaded woman on the Internet.

792. has the phonetic alphabet on it i.e. alpha, bravo, Charlie, etc.

793. OAG is the publisher of Frequent Flyer Magazine. They will e-mail me every two weeks with a little travel info.

794. is the place for the monthly ÒAir Travel Consumer Report,Ó which gives info on airlines, mishandled baggage flight delays, etc.

795. has info on flight attendants (where they stay, etc.). You can also listen to live chatter of air traffic controllers.

            A. At, you can check individual flights and markets for on time performance.

796. and have info on prairie dogs.

797. I wanted to do an to order a T-shirt. However, when I got to the checkout page to enter my address, etc, there was not an ÒsÓ in the URL or a lock icon on the page. However, I e-mailed Krispy KremeÕs webmaster ( to tell them about this. He assured me that it is possible to have a secure web page without the lock or ÒsÓ in the URL. The webmaster asked a local web design company, because he was skeptical of this information (as I was), and the company said Òyes, it is possible.Ó

797. is the company that sold the foam mattresses to Emmanuel Hospital that Russ has used.

798. uses my S.S. number (with dashes) and my Pacific Bell Calling Card PIN (6xxx). I tried to change it to match my bank account pin, but it must be between six and twelve digits, so I just left the PIN as is (1/05). My security question is momÕs maiden name.

            A. You can use to access 5498 forms online. However, in 2/04, I went to, chose Statements under Account Info, and went to Tax statements.  I got the message there no statements for the period have been generated or are available to this system. It may be that there is no reportable activity. The page where you select the year says that it may be possible that you wonÕt have a tax statement every year.

            B. I got the same message with Safari and IE 5.2.

            C. You can use VALIC to see your statements and/or account detail. You need to use IE 5.2.3 to view statements, not Safari, as of 11/23/04.

D. At, you should not access Streetscape, it is for Valic Financial Advisors (VFA) info.

799. is and New, New At Ease.

800. At, my username and password are cwboy21 and Old At Ease.

801. is the website for Image Imprints (formerly S & T Graphics).

802. has information the Center for Disease ControlÕs National Immunization Program.

            A. has info on Hepatitis.

803. Sutter Health (associated or affiliated with Gould Foundation) has a website, but Dr. LorenzÕs Office does not have an e-mail address, according to the receptionist in the front and one of Dr. LorenzÕs assistants.

804. has some great consumer information. The article on ÒDot ConsÓ ( has info on dealing with unknown companies.

805. At, you must be on a Windows Computer with IE 5 to buy music. Alternatively, you can use Windows Media Player 9, but 7.1 is the latest version for Mac OS 9. and give consumers info on mattresses.

806. At, they have fitted NFL hats. However, they do not have the Reebok Fitted Slouch Cap in Cowboys, as of 8/1/01.

            A. My head measures 24 inches, so my hat size would be bigger than 7 5/8, which shows 23 and seven eighths inches as the biggest size,. So I would not want to buy one there anyhow, it would be small.

            B. and Old At Ease (my customer number is 2718868) can be used at

807. My e-mail address ( and Old At Ease are used at

808. has info on the Spanish alphabet and pronunciation.

            A. has info on learning many world languages.

809. appears to have some pretty decent deals for airfare, including hotel accommodations.

            A. appears to have some pretty good prices, as well. They do not do international flights, however, as of 8/7/2001.

810. The website has info on privacy and the Internet.

            A. At least on one occasion (8/7/2001), the site would not load by typing You had to add Òhttp://www.Ó

811. At, you can pay a monthly subscription of $9.95 to $29.95 to download selected files to your desktop. You can download newspaper sound bytes, language lessons, etc. As of 2/07, though, it appears, that you can download books invidiually (starting at $9.56). It only works with iTunes 3 and Mac OS X, according to Tidbits # 687.

812. is a good site with some info, but it has been down for some time, as of 8/7/2001 (like a month). This website was mentioned in Cool Travel Mail from 7/31/2001. It is no longer a valid URL.

813. I sent an e-mail to the Oag Newsletter (actually a company that had FLO in the name) and asked them to unsubscribe me.

            A. I do not wish to get e-mail from a company that is probably trying to sell me something (have unbiased information, I believe).

814. sells Mac books.

815. has info on the San Diego Zoo.

            A. has info on the San Diego Wild Animal Park.

816. has the 5 most popular Napster replacements. They are (I think the links simply refer to a Google search using that particular service, i.e. Morpheus),,, and However, Morpheus appears to be windows only, Audiogalaxy is windows and Linux only, iMesh is windows only, Mp3 Pro is Windows only,

Aimster 1.003 Beta requires 8.5 of Mac and earlier versions of Aimster could not be found (I found several links, but they all lead to latest version, even though the links did not indicate that they were links to the latest version).

817. has free maps, insider tips on using NYC subway.

818. Cooltravelmail from 7/18/2001 had a link to subscribe to Thrifty Tips (a Newsletter), but the web page did not appear to subscribe me or work.

819. Pobox, Bigfoot, Yahoo, Hotmail and offer forwarding services and free e-mail, Tidbits (7/16/2001).

            A. Starband is a company that offers satellite Internet access, according to Tidbits (7/16/2001).

820. At, they have a CD-RW, but it requires 8.6 or higher.

821. Tourbus from 8/7/2001 suggests that you ask permission before using Internet graphics. It also says that many web authors are happy to allow you permission. Professionals create images using CMYK mode, which combines the primary pigments cyan, magenta, yellow and black) and use the highest resolution possible (300 dpi and usually MUCH higher). Images on the Internet only use three pigments (red, green and blue, RGB), also the standard for Internet graphics is 72 dpi: therefore, Internet images are not as crisp or clear when printed. Tourbus from 7/7/03 says that any e-mail with an attachment from Crispin or Bob Rankin, do not open it (virus). They donÕt send e-mail with attachments.

822. is the place for the Tourbus home. The presentations on the page appear to be for Windows, since after downloading and unzipping with IE 5, at least one presentation could not be opened with Powerpoint (says Òthis is not a Powerpoint fileÓ).

823. is a replacement for Napster. It, however, requires MAC OS 8.5 or later.

824. Internet Fraud book mentions that if you canÕt find a company using EDGAR database, you can call the SEC at 202-942-8090 to find out if a company has filed an offering circular under Regulation A or a Form D. Be sure to request a copy.

            A. National Association of Securities, Inc. ( can give you a partial disciplinary history on the broker or firm that is touting a stock.

            B. (North American Securities Administrators Association), 202-737-0900, can give you the name, address, phone number and website of your state securities regulator.

825. The book ÒInternet AuctionsÓ page 5 mentions that some sellers send items COD, with the buying paying when the item is received.

            A. Page 6 suggests using a credit card if possible (better protection with credit card). If not, try to use an escrow service is the seller doesnÕt accept credit cards.

            B. Page 8 says that if you have questions about buying a product, e-mail the owner. DonÕt purchase until your questions have been answered.

            C. Page 16 says that the old saying ÒA picture is worth a thousand wordsÓ is especially true in Internet auctions.

826. is GregÕs e-mail address. He checks it almost every day, as of 8/18/01.

827. has the Constitution of the U.S.

            A. has the Declaration of Independence.

828. articlesÕ authors can be found by reading the name listed underneath the title of the section, usually.

829. Jesse ( from Toner Warehouse ( called me to say that they give special rates for education. They do not list prices on their website, since it may Òscare people away.Ó They can fax us a quote if we like. I decided not to, since I usually only deal with companies that we know.

            A. I told him that we usually deal with Quill and that we have absolutely no problems. He said Òwe are a good company,Ó too. However, I am completely satisfied with Quill. Later (10/05), Lizanrdro Rodriguez called me, also.

830. has images of worldwide currency.

831. offers an on-line currency exchange market, that can change U.S. dollars into other currencies and deliver to your home or office.

832. lists the rankings of 331 U.S. colleges and universities. It is a fun site. It ranks colleges in terms of academic, extracurricular activities, etc.

833. has information on worldwide weather warnings.

834. has some troubleshooting tips for Windows. It has a feature that allows you to search for the lowest gas prices by zip code.

835. was mentioned in Tourbus for 8/21/01, but I think it is for IBM only. I e-mailed them on 9/2/01 to inquire, but they did not reply. My username and password are, New New At Ease.

836. says that De La Salle's streak is now at 113 games, as of 8/2001 (before season starts). They also have DLS's schedule and a link to DLS's page (http://, which is a "failed to parse" link. However, works fine.

837. At Ò,Ó you can determine the meaning of first names.

838. and require a Windows computer to use the software for postage.

839. At Ò,Ó you can track UPS, FedEx, Airborne Express packages, etc.

840. At, you can convert units, time, scientific items and currency.

841. At, you can research companies, but the web sites ÒtimesÓ out when browsing i.e. you do not type in the name of the company, you are simply browsing. I think you need to type in a specific name or at least part of it.

842. ranks colleges and universities in many categories.

843. has information for upgrading Netscape 4.x, if you do not wish to use IE or Netscape 6.0.

            A. However, this appears to be for Windows only, as of 9/10/01.

844. has some travel information for Europe. He has information on Rail Travel at

            A. You can buy Europe Rail Passes at, according to Cool Travel Mail from 9/4/2001.

845. can be used to search the Web, Usenet for MP3 files and images. It can search several search engines at once, but not Google, since Google requires that metasearch tools pay a licensing fee.

846. can be customized for which search engines to use, wait time for results and other stuff.

847. has many world maps and smaller maps, as well.

848. has info on emergency information.

            A. has info on the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.


would not load with AOL, the computer would crash when trying to load the site. NN and IE could load the site, however.

            A. If you have a Ò<Ò or a Ò>Ò symbol in the link or next to the http, the site may not load if sending as a link to someone else.

850. is a place where myths or urban legends are researched and proven true or not.

851. HAV10W30 is the promotion code for

852. carries re-manufacutred BC-20 cartridges, but they cost $20 (they are $40, but it is buy one/get one free). New ones are close to $27 at

853. Tourbus from 10/10/2001 suggests that if you can not find a phone number with Info, Yahoo or Switchboard, you shouldnÕt try with any other sites.

            A. Tourbus from 10/10/2001 also says that Bigfoot is a good e-mail address lookup place, but only for people who voluntarily give up their e-mail address or who post to public Usenet groups.

            B. uses fee-based services to help locate missing persons, do background checks, S.S. number checks, etc.

854. has some icons, but at least one set that I downloaded needs Mac OS X. I think that all of them on the site need OS 10.

855. has some independent films that can be watched.

856. can let you know by date, which movies are due to be released. You can then use to see capsules about the movies. lists the locations for shooting the film. Sometimes, when searching for a movie i.e. ÒThe Scorpion King,Ó if you type in Scorpion, you may not find it listed in the top movie releases. You may have to click to see the rest of the movie titles or type in Òscorpion king.Ó Many times, Yahoo movies offer more concise movie summaries than, but often has the running times for movies in the future ( only usually has  current moviesÕ running times). As of 12/03, is not the URL, use

857. supposedly had some good prices for Cancun hotels, but Acapulco hotels did not seem to list a pricing.

858. You can post questions for other teachers at by putting your e-mail address on the page and people can write to you.

859. When looking for song lyrics, try typing the name of the song into Google or part of a phrase from the song into Google.

860. is a website that allows people to join a non profit organization that gives tips on reducing SPAM.

            A. Tourbus from 11/7/2001 suggests that a website can only get your e-mail address or personal information, if you give it to them in an online form.

861. lists TV listings.

            A. If you bookmark the current dayÕs page, the next time you go to the page (at a later date), you will get that dayÕs TV listing, according to Tourbus from 11/10/2001.

            B. At YahooÕs TV listing site, I was interested in looking at the schedule for about a month ahead, but it only appears to go about 13 days or so into the future (DirecTV and Gist did not let me go further than Yahoo did).

862. At, my user name and password are motleyze, old At Ease.

            A. At, you must press reload every few seconds to keep up with the conversation.

            B. At, you can change the refresh rate and the number of messages to be displayed, by changing the numbers and then pressing the Òtalk/sendÓ button.

            C. causes IE5 to quit each time I go there, so I trashed that bookmark.

            D. has a lot of chat rooms.

            E. has some places you can chat with people, but on 11/12/01, it was not working. has personals. My user name and password are Motleyze, old At Ease. Member ID is S1131293. You must purchase Contact Stamps to chat with people. The price is not in U.S. currency, it is listed as ÒRsÓ? at There were only a small number of people there anyway, as of 12/25/01. I kept getting e-mail, so I went to the website and updated my preferences, so I would not receive any more e-mail (as of 6/12/02).

863. At, my user name and password are motleyze, old At Ease (plus 21).

864. is a great site.

865. has some deals on printer ink. However, for the BC-20, 51645A they have only refill kits. The Epson S020189 cartridges are sold, as well. I e-mailed and asked for a sample ( link on web page gave me returned mail).

            A. All my e-mails were returned.

866. has info on writing to elected representatives.

867. Rule 240 (relating to flight delays) is mentioned at You can read about specific airlinesÕ 240 policy there also.

868. tells the why for Science items.

869. Tourbus from 12/4/01 mentions that is a site for independent book dealers that allows you to search by subject.

870. and have pictures of the "euroÓ currency.

871. has information on the history of the Internet.

872. is now at

            A. However, it only has cable listings, no DirecTV listings, as of 12/18/01.

            B. allows you to press the Ògist meÓ button and see my customized settings, which I set up for my 35 DirecTV channels. Later (6/1/02), I added Charter to my customized listings (since Gist TV did not have the local channels listed with DirecTV).

873. is the place where Tidbits registers their domain name.

874. is the place where you can buy a manual that is helpful for using Nikon Compact Digital Cameras. It costs $50. It can be useful for Nikon Digital Camera owners, but others may find it useful, as well.

875. (an Xmas crossword puzzle) was mentioned in the Tourbus from 12/18/01, but it has many pop up ads.

876. is mentioned as a long distance provider on the Tourbus from 12/20/01, but it links to another page, which does not appear to have anything to do with long distance.

877. has a place to order your teamsÕ shower curtains ($39.95/each).

            A. ($44.99 each).

878. At, my user name and password are motleyze, Old At Ease.

879. The Internal Revenue Service says you can use to download forms, but you have to type in on at least one occasion ( did not work).

880. You can buy pepper spray (mace) at or

881.,,, and have info or examples of ASCII art. has an animation made with ASCII.

882. When sending e-mail to Sara, you must use, because if you use a capital ÒS,Ó the mail gets returned, so case matters, in that instance.

            A. Sara's E-mail has been discontinued as of 7/02.

883. Mark Walker is apparently no longer at

884. has info on pregnancy.

885. has info on grants in CA.

886. licenses its technology platform to companies who want to sell digital music subscription services under their own brands.

887. uses Live Person, which is a NYC company that provides live support over the Internet.

888. At, my user name and password are and Old At Ease.

            A. My shipping and billing address are reversed (as of 2/02). I will need to change that on future orders.

889. has info on recycling cartridges. You have to have 50 cartridges to mail it into them. Usually, they pay you $1 or $2 for a cartridge. Hewlett Packard 51626AÕs, BC-02Õs and BC-20's get $2.00.

890. has info on buying celebrity clothes.

891. lists video release dates, as well as theatre movie release dates.

892. (mentioned in CoolTravelMail 3/12/02) just took me to

893. has some interesting items, I suppose.

894. TWEAK is KagiÕs new idea for payment of money to bands without the record company getting the money. Money is not paid for downloads directly, but perhaps you can thank a band indirectly for downloads. It is mentioned in Tidbits #623. Motley Crue is not listed, as of 4/1/2002.

895. allows you to send e-mail to friends and family after you die.

896. has an evaluation version of USB 2.0, but it appears to be Windows Only, as of 4/3/02.

897. At, my user name and password are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease. Website was a little buggy in use.

898. I updated my prefs at Yahoo (Marketing preferences) to stop getting Yahoo junk mail.

899. is a site with Weather software, which costs $10 and allows you to see weather in the background on your screen.

900. has info about Earth Day.

901. has a website for the station that had Tommy Lee on. has a way to listen to 92.7 in Salinas (92.3 in San Jose), which is a great station, but Mac users are not supported (my version of Media Player with Virtual PC is from 1997, and probably will not work). The station is not listed with appears to only allow the use of Windows Media Player, as of 4/21/2002.

            A. I looked and found a version of Windows Media Player on one of my Internet CDs (I think it was Internet 3). Anyhow, I will try it out and see if it works. I tried using that version (installer Vise 5.5.2), but after installing (extensions had to be on), I still got the message that Òwe do not currently support streaming for Mac usersÓ. I downloaded a newer version of Windows Media Player (version 7.1) and tried it. However, I still got the same error message.

902. has schematics, but they charge for them.

903. has info on what people are called from states in the United States.

            A. I looked for Floridians, Californians, and New Yorkers with Google and found the page to find out the rules for naming people (depending on where they are located). That worked better that typing in ÒrulesÓ, ÒCaliforniansÓ, ÒNew Yorkers,Ó ÒNebraskans.Ó

904. has some info on collecting things

905. At, my user name and ID are and Old At Ease.

906. Tourbus from 4/25/02 mentions a website that shows a briefing of the dayÕs news, but it froze upon arrival at the website (and usually when it happens once, it happens again).

907. and both work when typed in the computer. The site has info on Monterey Bay Aquarium.

            A. They have live cams, which are in operation 7 A.M. to 7 P.M.

            B. They are located at 866 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940, phone number is 831-648-4888, 800-555-3656 (Spanish). It is open 364 days a year (closed Xmas), They are open 10 A.M. – 6 P.M. During summers, they are open 9:30 A.M. – 6 P.M.

            C. has info on Applegate Zoo. They are open 10 A.M. – 4 P.M., every day. It costs $1.25 for adults (11 and up), and $.75 for children 3 to 10. Under 3 are free. They are located at 1045 West 25th Street (corner of 25th and R streets). Their tour phone number is 385-6840 (which may have general info, as well, not sure).

            D. is the website for the Fresno Zoo. They are open 9 A.M. – 4 P.M., Feb.throughOctober: NovemberthroughJanuary 10 A.M. – 3 P.M. Their phone number is 559-498-2671. Adults (12through61) is $7.00. Children (2through11) is $3.50. They are located at 984 West Belont, Fresno, CA 93728. They are one block east of Highway 99 between Olive and Belmont Avenues in Fresno. I think Olive runs into the freeway.

908. I e-mailed Nestle to see if Lion candy bars can be bought in the United States, anywhere (they are usually sold in England).

            A. They are not. But they mentioned some websites, and two out of three of them have the Lion candy bars. The two sites that have them are and Not sure about, since I could not find them on the website, but I e-mailed them to inquire. They replied (their e-mail address said they were from British, interestingly enough) and said they do not carry Lion bars.

            B. has info on Nestle UK foods. You can also contact Nestle with the following info: NestlŽ UK Limited, St. George's House, Croydon CR9 1NR Consumer Services Direct Telephone: 0800 000030.

909. Tabitha Hunwardsen found my web page on the Internet, and I did not give her the URL.

910. A BJ Backgrounder type 10 error occurred, when trying to play music at the bone (

911. As of 5/02, I could not find a website for Miss Manners using Google.

912. At, I could not find "real facts" on SnappleÕs web site, so I e-mailed them to ask. I still did not hear back from them within a couple weeks, so on 6/7/02, I e-mailed them again. At, you can sign up for "Get Item Alerts" to get e-mails from Snapple twice a month, as to items on the website (I am still waiting for SpongeBob Squarepants pillow, as of 8/8/03). At, you can track your caps on one computer at a time (i.e. you would have to update two computers to see the results on two computers).

913. have black cable ties, but their shopping cart does not work. I e-mailed them to ask about ordering.

            A. Home Depot has some cable ties, which I bought n 10/02. The ties are a little bigger than average on the ends. The other ties I bought were probably bought at a different store (Target, etc.).

914. has black 8" cable ties, but they do not accept credit cards. My user name and password are RyanZelenski, Old At Ease.

915. has songs on it, according to Tourbus from 5/12/02.

916. I tried to go to and access the DVD section, but it made IE 5 quit.

            A. As of 9/04, NN 4.77 will not work with The page appears to be load, but it is just blank.

917. It does not appear that Pet Extreme has a website, as of 6/14/02.

918. At, my e-mail is and my password is Old At Ease. HB found a couple great deals there on Microsoft Windows Troubleshooting Books.

919. has info on contacting Delta Dental. I contacted them on 6/18/02, regarding three or more dentists in the area of Turlock. did not allow me to register using Safari 1.3.1 nor IE 5.2.3, but I was able to using NN 4.77 (using my S.S. number without dashes). My user name and password are motleyzeca and Old At Ease. Their web site is also in Spanish. If you click on ÒEnrollees,Ó then click the tab for ÒChecking Your Delta Benefits Online,Ó then select ÒDeltaPreferred Option,Ó and then ÒEnrollees,Ó you can see your eligibility and benefits, as well as check your claims status. The eligibility and benefits service only works Monday – Saturday, 5 A.M. – 10 P.M., PST. The claims status works from 5 A.M. – 7 P.M. You cannot check your benefits or your claims with Safari. With IE 5.2.3, you cannot establish a secure connection, so it is best to use Netscape 7.2 (as of 6/06). SUB stands for ÒsubmittedÓ on the website, which is the amount submitted by the dentistÕs office. Later, I could not view my benefits online with Safari nor IE 5.2.3, but with Netscape 7.2, I was able to (on another occasion, I was only able to use IE 5.2.3 or Netscape 7.2, but I used Netscape since it was able to establish a secure connection).

920. has a story about the inventor of television:

            A. and have information as well.

921. At, I paid the $5.95 subscription fee for the year on 6/27/02. My e-mail address and password at are, Old At Ease. However, in June 2005, I was not able to sign in with IE 5.2.3, so I had to use Safari (but I was not doing an ecard, see D for more info). I also got a membership for, her password is bud. The wallpapers from only work on 9.0 or later, as of 8/25/03., e-cards do not work with Safari, as of 6/05, nor does it work with IE 5.2.3: you can only use Netscape 7.2.

922. had the same apartment listings as the Turlock yellow pages.

923., closest is Fresno.

924. Julie used the to send me e-mail and when I tried to read it using, I was unable to. The characters were all mixed up. She did not initially return my e-mail, because her mailbox was full, so I guess the e-mail was in cyberspace, somewhere. When I sent an e-mail from Japan on 7/16, the sending time of the e-mail was recorded as 7/15 (I suppose since Webbox is based in North America?). I decided not to renew my webbox account in 9/04, since I don't really use it anymore.

925. has the TK3 Reader program. This program can be used to access Tourbus favorite sites.

926. has information on scholarships.

927. is mentioned in Tourbus from 7/9/02. When you are ready to buy a car, you submit a request for the car or truck that you want to buy, and a rep from the nearby Autobytel will call you within 24 hours.

928. is mentioned in Tourbus from 7/9/02.

            A. Tourbus (7/9/02) also mentions

929. is a site for GoogleÕs laboratory or experiment place.

930. Cool Travel Mail from 7/16/02 says that does not have great bargains.

            A. One reader recommended

931. is the website for a movie theatre in Acapulco.

932. is mentioned on the Tourbus from 7/23/02. It is supposedly a website that is a database of interesting celebrities who are long dead, newly dead or might plausibly be dead. However, the links on the page do not work, as of 7/24/02.

933.,,,00.html can be used in conjunction with NN 4.74 to access RCA Customer Service, IE5 kept freezing on 8/8/02. The URL is hard to access in its own window (I had to open a new window in IE5, then check the ÒContact UsÓ choice under Customer Service at

934. Mom was having trouble playing ÒAli BabaÓ slot game at It not work on my G3, either. I got the error message that Java is not enabled. I checked and Java was unchecked under IE5 preferences, Browser Display. I ran the installer for Mac OS Runtime for Java 2.2.3 and Java was automatically enabled. I was able to play the slots.

            A. has a lot of games on it, and most of the site is free, according to one source.

935. At, you can use Dr. SchoenthalerÕs name to access information, and avoid paying fees, according to him.

936. At, you can find links to online Almanacs, Calculators, Dictionaries, Directories, Encyclopedias, Historic Documents, Quotations, Statistics and Thesauri.

937. At (the parts store), my e-mail and password are and Old At Ease; this does not work at

938. I used Google to find CarrierÕs website. When the Macintosh return the results and I tried to click on it, I got a ÒPage not foundÓ error. The same day (8/24/02), I tried using the DEC to access the Carrier website (typed in Carrier using Google) and the page was accessed.

939. To track a bill through the AssemblyÕs legislative process: go to and then type in the bill number, author of the bill or some words describing the subject and press Òsearch.Ó You should be able to see votes, analysis of the bills, their original language and any amendments.

            A. To track a bill through the SenateÕs legislature: go to and click on Legislation.

940. does not let you register. I thought it would, but it keeps giving an error (with IE 5, AOL 5.0 and NN 4.77).

941. has a $20 software program that works for Mac and Windows. It uses pinball games to teach Science. It is intended for 9 to 14 year olds.

942. I went to, but was unable to access it. I found that I needed to make sure that there was a slash at the end of the URL. So I typed in and I was able to access the website.

943. does not appear to have an online search, as of 9/18/02.

944. has a way for you to use your credit card with a different number, so that the number is harder to be stolen.

945. is a website where there is a character that can pick your card, it is pretty impressive. It is called ÒSuzanneÕs trick.Ó

946., you can then choose schoolbooks on the page to get to a page with several different options for subjects (this webpageÕs URL is If you choose Houghton Mifflin Mathematics, then it will take you to the Math page, and you can choose Ò4Ó under Test Prep practice (then choose the correct chapter) to help you out with Math. It has some good practice quizzes for students to take. It appears to be pretty excellent. There are also some test taking tips and one brainteaser for each chapter of Houghton Mifflin Math. One week though (the week of 11/12-11/16/2002), the students could not access Houghton Mifflin Mathematics from the second web page, it said that ÒAccess was denied.Ó When that happens, you can go to directly and then pick the Math Test Prep activity that you want. to get to the English section of Houghton MifflinÕs web site, which has ÒGrammar Blast.Ó You can also go to to see the choice of subjects for Houghton Mifflin (if you want to do English or Spelling). The Reading section of Houghton MifflinÕs web site does not appear to be useful (there are two links for reading and as of 11/16/02, they go to the same place, ironically. One link says ÒHoughton Mifflin Reading: The NationÕs Choice and the other one says ÒHoughton Mifflin Reading: A Legacy of LiteracyÓ), there are just some activities relating to the stories, but they appear to be ÒfunÓ, but not educational.Ó (as of 11/16/02). has some Reading activities that students can do that will go along with the Houghton Mifflin Reading series. They have them in English and Spanish (although Spanish sections are not totally set up, as of 10/26/02).  If you click on the Houghton Mifflin English link on the page, you can go to ÒGrammar BlastÓ, which quizzes students on important language concepts for 4th grade (must choose 4th grade activities) i.e. types of sentences, complete sentences, etc. There is also an evaluation stationÓ, which will help students check on their writing. WriterÕs showcase shows some examples of studentsÕ writing. If you go to, this takes you to the Math.

947. has some sites that may be similar in structure to my DateWorksª Internet calendar that I have for 2002.

948. Check out has good PC and Mac supplies, but they do not accept purchase orders (Todd from I.S. told me about them).

949. and are mentioned in Tourbus (10/25/02). It appears that they are for Windows only. However, in July 2005, I was able to view some archived pages with (I saw my web page from July 2003).

950. has volunteer and professional reviews of consumer goods.

951. answers grammar e-mail questions.

952. is a website for lyrics, but it appears to not be English-based, so I am not too sure about it. Also, you have to sign in to use the site.

953. is an online place to do a diary, but I have no idea of the source of the web site.

954. I cannot access without Windows 98, 2000, etc.

955. Tidbits #657 talks about making your own search box, to skip loading a web page, then searching.

956. was not secure, so I did not order their CD on 11/29/02. requires some type of plug in with IE5, not sure what. NN would load the site, though on Mom's G3. has a website for playing online games, you must sign in to do it. My user name and password are motleyze, Old At Ease. has some info on Scrabble, but I am not sure if you can play it online or not. has Finger Twister (Twister for your fingers) on it. has an online game similar to Clue, it is called Inspector Parker. At, you can play Beany Pacman or Connect 4. You can play Pacman at At At, you can play Family Feud, Trivial Pursuit, and Match Game. no longer (as of 10/07) allows you to play Pac Man.

957. is a website for intellectual stimulation, I think.

958. explains that if you go to your TCP/IP control panel and type in as an additional search domain (in addition to, which is already listed), you can access movie websites by typing into the IE address bar. This only worked with 1 movie out of 6 or so that I tried, so I deleted the new net from TCP/IP.

959. Tourbus (12/04/02) talks about DaveÕs Quicksearch Taskbar, but it is for Windows only.

960. Tourbus (12/10/02) mentions several genealogy sites, including

961. is a service that is a subscription service for learning about football injuries.

962. At, my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease.

963. does not list prices.

964. (where I bought ÒAround the Web in 365 DaysÓ) name and address are and old At Ease. I did not re-order for 2004, since the calendar often repeats itself.

            A. is a place for people to get info on quitting smoking.

965. At, my user name and password are motleyze, old At Ease. It appears that when entering your credit card number, you should add the spaces.

            A. is a place to get info on buying a wedding ring.

966. JZ recommended for cooking.

967. has info on parenting.

968. My e-mail and address at are (lower case) and New new At Ease. My member ID is my S.S. number. You can re-fill prescriptions online, as of 7/01. is the new web site for mail order prescriptions through SISC (Self Insured Schools of California). I have not registered yet (as of 10/10/04), since I did not receive my medical cards from Medco yet (separate card from Blue Shield card). At (Blue Shield of California), my user name and password are motleyze, New New At Ease. You can use to contact them. You can also access Blue Cross/Blue Shield at, but it is pretty confusing, since it is for both insurances, so I took it out of my bookmarks. In 12/04, I had to use IE 5.2.3 to find BL listed on Blue Shield's site, Safari would not search. is the website for Blue Cross; is now the website for Blue Cross (as of 4/08). My username and password are motleyze, original AOL screenname (lower case, letter ÒoÓ is not omitted). You can see any Explanation of Benefits form (the payment amount is how much Blue Cross is paying, the amount member is responsible to pay is my payment amount. In 9/06, I received a bill from Sutter Gould for $300; however, they sent the bill out before the insurance adjustment was made, so I printed out the adjustment from the website and then sent in $39.17. My Blue Cross member I.D. as of 10/05 is NCF351A65696. My Medco ID is 351A65696. The Find a Provider link does not work with Safari, only with IE 5.2.3. As of 3/10/05, Household View is on with, so Carmen's records should show up when I sign in and vice versa (However, in 7/06, I was able to see my information when logged in under CarmenÕs name. I discovered that I had one Effexor refill left, but decided not to refill, since I have stopped taking it for about three weeks or so, as of 7/11/06). Carmen is registered as with the password being her ex-husbandÕs second last name. Her mother's maiden name is listed as C****.  Jazmin was listed, but as Jaxmin, so I e-mailed about this (from Carmen's account). Medcohealth said I need to contact my district, which I did. Sonya said (7/6/05) that she will fax the correction to SISC. I got an e-mail from Sonya (forwarded from Rita Bright, Hi Sonya,

I got Ryan Zelenski's daughter, Jazmin, changed to the correct spelling in Medco.  I also changed it in the HEAR system, but it will not transmit over to Blue Shield until next Thursday, so I don't know if there are any downloads from Blue Shield meanwhile that would change it back to the wrong spelling.  I will try to remember to check it on Medco. Doctors can fax in prescriptions using a form at They send the fax to 800-837-0959. Physicians only can call call Customer Service at 1-888-EASYRX1 (1-888-327-9791). CZÕs name is not shown on the website when I log in because I can only view myself and anyone under 18 (JC), due to privacy laws. However, she can log in under her name and allow me to, if she would like.

969. does not work well as a website. Do not use this site, as of 3/03.

970. is $9.99/month and is a fee-based online music service.

971. is a website that charges a fee, but can tell you if your site is down.

972. At, my username and log in are Motleyze, Old At Ease. My activation code is PKH3C. requires Flash Player 6 (System 8.6 or later is needed for Flash Player 6), so I will not access on the G3/266 (as of 3/03, it has 8.1). But neopets runs fine on the G3/233 with System 9.2.2.

973. My e-mail and password at are and Old At Ease.

            A. However, I did not place an order with them, since their website did not work properly.

974. At, my e-mail and password are and Old At Ease.

975. is not really a website (mentioned on West Wing in 2003).
976. The Yahoo! game Cubis did not work with JZÕs iBook (OS X). However, BD said it worked with his iMac (OS 9).

            A. Cubis plays on my G3/233 with 9.2.2.

            B. Yahoo! Graffiti is a fun Internet drawing game.

977. My username and password at are, Old At Ease.

            A. As of 8/03, it costs $30 per year, if you want to access more than one article per day. I did not sign up (perhaps they will drop the charge later).

978. The website for American Home Shield is, my contract number is 41433901.

979. At, you can convert a variety of source document formats into PDF or HTML (with JPEG files), including PDF, RTF, TXT (Simpletext), DOC (Microsoft Word), XLS (Excel) and PPT (Powerpoint). The limit is 500 K per file. I downloaded Gymnast, a PDF converter for Windows (freeware, Use the registration key GYM03-35672-11110-33170 and your evaluation copy will become fully functional) from It appears to be for Windows only. I downloaded PDFProducer (freeware) from I think it is for Windows only, also. I downloaded Oneclick (freeware) from It appears to be Windows only, also.

980. allows you to find radio stations by format, location, etc. However, four of the radio stations that broadcast on the Internet would not work with my Windows Media Player plug-in (version I then tried reinstalling the plug-in, but I had no luck.

981. My e-mail and password at are and Old At Ease.

982. and are websites that track books and has pictures from all over, respectively.

983. Http:// is a site mentioned on the Mac Academy Video for 9.0 (video #2), but it does not load on my G3/233.

984. and have help with wedding plans, gift registry, etc.

            A.,,, and may also be helpful.

985. According to 6/27/03 Tourbus, the ChildrenÕs Internet Protection Act states that schools that receive E-rate discounts for Internet access should adopt Internet safety policies, provide notice and hold at least one hearing on these proposed Internet safety policies, and use ãtechnology protection measures (which is another way of saying Internet filters) on all computers with Internet access.

986. is the website to register with (run by the Federal Trade Commission), to avoid telemarketing calls. It should block 80% of telemarketers calls by October 2003. You can also call 888-382-1322. I think I may have pre-registered for it (DG sent me a link). Every 5 years, you have to renew your wishes to not receive calls. The website says that ÒTo file a complaint online, you must know either the name or telephone number of the company that called you, and the date the company called you.Ó I e-mailed the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), though, since many companies are Òunknown callersÓ on caller ID. They did not reply as of 8/10/03. I checked on 7/14/04 to see if my home phone and cell phone are on the donotcall list. Both numbers were registered on 6/29/03. The registration will expire on 6/30/2008. The rules for calling are (in regard to businesses with whom you have had contact): A telemarketer or seller may call a consumer with whom it has an established business relationship for up to 18 months after the consumer's last purchase, delivery, or payment - even if the consumer's number is on the National Do Not Call Registry. In addition, a company may call a consumer for up to three months after the consumer makes an inquiry or submits an application to the company. And if a consumer has given a company written permission, the company may call even if the consumer's number is on the National Do Not Call Registry. 1. One caveat: if a consumer asks a company not to call, the company may not call, even if there is an established business relationship. Indeed, a company may not call a consumer - regardless of whether the consumer's number is on the registry - if the consumer has asked to be put on the company's own do not call list. Also, The National Do Not Call Registry does not limit calls by political organizations, charities, or telephone surveyors, according to 2. I filed a complaint about AHS on 7/14/04, since I had already called them twice and asked that they not call me. I filed a complaint about the number 866-736-9557 on June 27, 2005, since they may have called more than once in the past few days. 3. I e-mailed GGW (their phone number is 310-566-1063) and asked them to discontinue the phone calls to me. They said that they do not accept cancelations through e-mail, so I contacted on June 30, 2005.

987. Turlock Scavenger has a website (, but it has no useful information, except for the address for Turlock transfer (which is a different address). has information on sled dogs. has some H.M. resources, but I could not find any 4th grade ones. has some online videos that you watch, but it costs $1,495/year for a K-8 building. You can have your own local server for $299.  It needs to be managed by someone, though, it appears. (help with bullies), it has resources for parents and kids. has some free has math review. has govt. info on what is research-based. talks about seminars that are for teaching different levels in a classroom. is a website with Òcat bowling.Ó At, my user name and password are, New New At Ease. has an extensive list of dictionaries, glossaries, and online resources. has virtual tours on it. I used as my e-mail. My username and password are rzelenski, Old At Ease; website for teachers only (includes online textbook and place to enter students) is You can use to get a free credit report. could not be used to contact Panasonic in 9/06, since the ÒgoÓ button did not work with Netscape 7.2, Safari 1.3.2, nor with IE 5.2.3. had information on the Turlock Christmas parade for the 2006 year. I found the Fall 2006 Activity Guide on 10/9/06. Mom said that the Turlock Christmas Parade is usually the first Friday in December. is, Old At Ease. is where I bought my 80 GB HD for the Sony TiVo. In 10/06, they had a special deal for transferring the Lifetime Service for $199, the details are at is the website for The War at Home; unfortunately, the URL is no longer valid, since it has been canceled, according to and has a childrenÕs dictionary on it. has a Halloween Hangman game. My e-mail and password at is, New New At Ease. My e-mail and password at are and Old At Ease; you can now make car rental reservations online. has information on Academic Performance Index (API). Apparently, for API, the CAT tests is the only item that is considered for your score. For AYP, other items are included. has the nine best web sites of the day. is CrocodileÕs web site. Every Sunday is the Golden Oldies dance party (40Õs, 50Õs, 60Õs, and 70Õs). is a website with information (reportedly) about getting through to a real person, according to mom: I checked the website on 1/3/07 (briefly), but I did not find any of the information. is the website for the Gallo Center that will be opening in Modesto. As of 1/07, I can renew my car registration online (if not a smog year); if it is a smog year, I will have to get it smogged, also. explains that [C] means a countable noun, it has a plural; a [U] indicates an uncountable noun, signifying a noun that has no plural. At, you can get an estimate on the price of your house: my username and password are, New New At Ease: you need to use Firefox with, since Safari will not work. had some CST released test questions, in 2/07, there were released questions from 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 only (you could not access the released questions from 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005, etc.). has a link to order the recommended literature K-12 from the State of CA. is the website for Book Adventure. Book Adventure is a FREE reading motivation program for children in grades K-8. Children create their own book lists from over 7,000 recommended titles, take multiple choice quizzes on the books they've read, and earn points and prizes for their literary successes. Book Adventure was created by and is maintained by Sylvan Learning. A couple of websites were suggested by B.O. to help students with advanced reading in 4th grade, but Primarily designed for first grade, is also useful for  pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade. PBS does not appear to have much assistance in terms of reading. Barbara Beltz has used the website to help with multiple meanings, but I found a better way with NH. My e-mail and password at is, New New At Ease. and have some pages for Guessing Vocabulary in Context.

Motleyze, New, New At Ease are login for my Sirius number is 0816849361575. My e-mail and password at is and New, New At Ease. My e-mail and password at are, New, New At Ease (Do not use this website ever). is RollerlandÕs website. has e-mail of, New, New At Ease (their number is 888-271-8305 and their website is not the same as rated as 7.19 out of 10 (I think their score would be more accurate if lower). is a website that has peopleÕs comments about Audio Video items (my username and login are motleyze, Old At Ease). may be another good place to frequent (my user name and password are motleyze, Old At Ease); however, it appears to be a UK site. ÒTake Control of Digital TVÓ page 34 mentions a couple websites that may be helpful:,, ÒTake Control of Digital TVÓ page 36 mentions some aggregrator or price comparison shopping Web sites including BuyerÕs Edge; however, BuyerÕs Edge listed, so I would be leary about that web site. has the names of groups of animals., (pay site), and (pay site) are Mac friendly video sites. and, according to Diana Browning-Wright have some example videos at different grade levels: she said the videos are free; however, I only found that some are free. At, I can order using my last name and my Pacbell account.  has the black touch lamps (made by American Lighting, 800 A. Iowa Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507-1613): I left some information about the lamps in the Miscellaneous file in the file cabinet. At Wal*Mart in Turlock, it appears that they may have them as well for $29.99, but they were out of stock in 5/07 (and Modesto Wal*Mart did not have appear to carry them at all). sells X10 products. At, my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. is designed for medical professionals only. (J & R) is a reputable website, according to JZ. is a website where you can food health inspections online for Stanislaus County restaurants. According to TidBITS # 882, several broadcast channels have free shows on their websites. has some Dallas Cowboys merchandise, but it does not appear that you can purchase anything. has a Dallas Cowboys blanket that is 85% acrylic and 15% polyster for $44.99. has one that is 50% acrylic and 50% polyester for $39.99 (including shipping and handling): I ordered one from bfpcotton in 6/07. is the website for Ellen DegeneresÕs show, which gives out free tickets and is filmed in L.A. has old versions of software. At, my user ID and password are, Old At Ease. At, my e-mail and password are, New, New At Ease: I used to order the Infrared X10 Command Console IR-543. There is a link at, where a shirt was purchased; temporary password is Poison. There is an audio and a video podcast at is a website for the Terrorism Knowledge Base. is the anti-Michael Moore website. is the website for Sling Box (which allows you to watch television on a Palm type device), which costs either $129 (cable), $149 (Digital cable, satellite, etc.), or $249 (HD device); you also need to buy the software, which costs $29.99, but it only works with Palm 700p or Palm 755p; sells My Hava, which requires Windows XP, and requires Windows. is a website that can be used to give away items: there are 540 members in Turlock. talks about internet surfing and using e-mail @ work: the best suggestion is to do recreational surfing at home, if nec. is Turlock Jr. HighÕs web site; is the web site for Turlock School District. At, my e-mail address and passsword are, New, New At Ease. Fastmac has a 30-day return policy for a refund or store credit; and you need to get an RMA to return an item However, From (in 8/07), I bought an OS 9 CD, which showed itself to be in a Mac OS 9 box on the website; however, it said iMac and eMac on the actual CDÕs that arrived. Julie said that it may be illegal, depending on if the the computer that the CDÕs came with are still in use. I decided to attempt to return the CD, but FastMac said that it could only offer me a 50% credit on a future order, so I took it (I trashed the Fast Mac CDÕs). works with Safari and IE 5.2.3 and IE 5.1.7, but both versions of IE produce errors on the page (and the page be viewed fine after pressing ÒokayÓ). is the URL for downloading a CPS form. sells t-shirts, but many are not appropriate for everyday wear. According to an MCOE memo, we can use merced as login ID and password as library at however, I typed in, I was automatically logged in; when I used the bookmark of, I had to type the log in information (which worked). At, my log in and password are supposed to be the same (005699), but this did not work, so I e-mailed Henry Martinez ( Henry said that I got mine (e-mail address) so long ago that the user name portion could only be eight characters long, so his e-mail address appears to be a typo, but it is not) on 8/29/07; he replied and said he fixed the California Streaming password issue. California Streaming does not work with IE 5.1.7 (the page does not load at all), but it does work with NN 4.77. As of 1/08, my subscription with CA streaming has expired. I tried student book (Science) ISBNs 0022843787 and 0022843787, but I was unable to register at, so I e-mailed McGraw-Hill (in 8/07) from

Dear McGraw-Hill:

I have tried several times to register at your site, but I have been unable to. We have the 2008 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill California Edition. I tried to register with two different ISBN numbers from student books (0022843787 and 0022843787). However, I keep receiving the message that the ISBN and book title do not match. Can you give me some suggestion as to what I might try?

Thank you for your time.

They did not reply. At, my username and password are motelyze, Old At Ease; if a cryptogram is too difficult, refresh to get an easier (suggestion by the web site). I was able to find my name and address through in 9/07. allows you to call 1-866-JOTT-123 to send yourself an e-mail by calling the number; my e-mail and password are, Old At Ease. has information on dogs and cats and caring for them, etc. is the website for Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About. was recommended by the Ed plan planning.pdf, but it does not appear to be too singular (10/07). appears to work fine with Safari (10/07). talks about some interesting quirks in the Dallas Cowboys uniforms. lists many stats including drops by wide receivers, but they only have previously completed seasons listed (for free) on the web site (i.e. in 11/07, they have stats for 2006, 2005, 2004, and 2003, but not 2007). You can access the current seasonÕs information by purchasing Stats Fantasy Advantage for $19.95 for the season, according to At, (, you can make and print greeting cards, calendars, 3-D paper craft, photos, etc. (I thought that something was wrong with the site, since there was no text on the inside of some greeting cards, but it was because it says ÒInside: No TextÓ on the download link. FYI, it appears that at least some gretting cards do not support previewing before previewing (Preview had the button grayed out in the Print Dialog Box. had a problem with their web site: it had a recall box in the upper right hand corner, but it would not work with Safari, IE, or SeaMonkey. IE downloaded a document, but it did not have the recall information: I had to call them. Christmas Songs ( freezes the G3 with IE 5.1.7, but it works okay with Netscape 7.0.2. is the animated cat website: I took it out of the Students Folder, since several requests to get it the block removed (Websense) went unnoticed. has some Nikki Sixx stuff on it. has information on the Scott Peterson case. At, you can order pizza online, my username and password are motleye, Old At Ease; you can order up to 21 days in advance (but you can only set up an order while DominoÕs is open, not 24/7); a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke costs $2.69 (DominoÕs hours at the website are incorrect; I verified this with a Turlock DominoÕs employee; the hours are Sun.-Thurs.: 11 A.M.-12 A.M. and Friday-Saturday: 11 A.M. – 1 A.M.). One DominoÕs employee suggested entering the coupon online for the $5.55 each deal, but as of 2/04/08, the coupon is not present; and my DominoÕs card with coupons does not have a code on it. At, you can order online: my username and password are motleyze, lower case original AOL screenname (the letter ÒoÓ is not omitted); however, only carryout service is available for Pizza Hut at our location, as of 12/07. RicoÕs does not have a website, as of 12/07. My e-mail address and password at are, Old At Ease. is a Google mirror site: it shows Google through a mirror. is AmazonÕs web site that serves customers in the Seattle area. can be used to schedule an appointment online. is the website for Bellevue Bowl. has a lot of pictures that can be used as your desktop picture. is where Greg orders his school supplies (the web site has pretty good prices, according to GB, and sometimes they are discounted, when added to your shopping cart). was a website for online hunting, according to lists Friends episodes online. had the Super Bowl ads online (after the game) in 2008.  is the website for Mythbusters, but it does not contain any bloopers, as of 2/08; also, the Mac player download does not have a working link (to watch episodes on the computer). has information about using free online word processors (I like the one at, which is compatible with Word); however, it requires an e-mail address with Google to use the word processor (I could set it up for students to use, but then they could access my Gmail, which has some adult SPAM, so I decided NOT to do it). also requires an e-mail address. has information on going on the Sierra Railroad dinner train (Friday night is murder mystery night); the price is $59/person, as of 2/08; you can call Call (800) 866-1690 for reservations: Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. is website for Prime Shine Car Wash, but it didn't work on 2/16/08. is the website for Sierra Repertory Theatre. (through Modesto Bee) allows you to customize television listings; it works with TiVo Series 2 or later to record from the website. At, I found the manual for our Sears Craftsman garage door manual (I was directed there through; my username and password are motleyze, original AOL screenname (with the letter ÒoÓ). has info on solving the Rubik's cube (one way is to turn it 45 degrees on top, take out piece and cheat). My password at (GW School Supply, which no longer has a Modesto location, according to the website, as of 3/08) is Old At Ease. can be used to check on a contractorÕs license. My ID and password at are motleyze, original AOL Screename (lower case with the letter ÒoÓ). When I took a cholestoral test on 3/27/08, it took 10 days to get the results posted on the website. (They sent me an e-mail to let me know). It is best to use the messaging system (one of the links on the left hand side of the website) to contact Sutter Gould, since those messages are secure; My Sutteronline can be used to contact them for customer service. Questions can be used for non-medical questions, also. has a video about Lou Gehrig, but it takes around 30 minutes (estimated) to load on the DEC. tells you how many minutes you would need to exercise to burn off the calories in food you consume. has information. is a website that costs money to get information. had a web page for the Winton Spring Festival in 2008. is a phone service that connects to your USB port; it requires an Intel Mac and it costs $39.95 for a one-year license. can be used to access Prentice HallÕs website (TJHSÕs textbook in 07-08). Click on Math, then Textbook Companion Sites to access quizzes and tests for each chapter. You can use the Self-Test link to test yourself. (code CA 36600 de; code may change) can be used as well; however, the code did not work, so I e-mailed JCÕs teacher about this on 5/9/08. Tjhstigers works to log in. is where The Office golf game is.


Worldscript (Clarisworks)

1. Must have a Language Kit installed (separate software) for WorldScript to work with languages other than English.

2. Although this extension should be installed when using a Powermac since it helps with English text also.


The Writing Center (I called The Learning Company at 1-423-670-2020 on 6/19/98 at 4:55 P.M. to inquire about site or district licenses. They said ÒIf you have a site license, you can have Writing Center or Bilingual Writing Center on any computer on the campus. no number limit.Ó

1. Sylvia had a document that when you typed ÒffÓ (or any other letters), it appeared on the screen, but it appeared ten seconds later.

2. Cause of error was that the file was corrupted. A New file would open on Writing Center and be fine or any other file (from a different Application, like MS Word 5.1).

3. Tried to use Norton UtilitiesÕ Volume Recover, but it did not work, Her file didnÕt show up in the methods that Volume Recover uses.

4. Tried to save the file on a different location (a floppy disk), but file wouldnÕt open. Message would appear saying Òmemory too lowÓ and the computer froze every time.

5. Finally, I opened the file using Microsoft Word (opened Word first, then opened the file). This worked.

6. Writing Center documents must be saved as text, before it can be converted to Clarisworks.

7. Newsletter icons appear in orange.

8. On one occasion, there kept being an error message that said Òthere is not enough memory to save on the HD,Ó even though there was. Might be a one time glitch or it may be best to restart the computer. Perhaps increase memory allocation of the program, although you have to close the document to do it (the application must be closed). Tried to do a forced quit, but then the computer froze. Another idea might be to save the file in a different program. Or after restarting, look for temporary files in the trash.

9. To set the default picture folder, go to edit, prefs.

10. On one occasion, in Geneva font, when there were extra spaces in the text (i.e. two spaces between words instead of one), a box appeared where the extra space was. Changed fonts and copied text to a different program, but I had no luck. I turned the delay until repeat off in keyboard control panel. After erasing the extra spaces, it printed fine. it was a one time glitch, since I reprinted the document later with the same extra spaces between words and it printed fine (in TWC with Geneva font, although it happened after changing to Chicago font, erasing the spaces and then going back to Geneva).

11. Later, the same problem occurred, a box appeared on the printout. So I tried changing the font to Chicago, tried in Clarisworks, Trashed TWC Prefs, Restarting the computer, Deleting the spaces where the boxes appeared, but with I had no luck. Eventually, I changed the font to Minion Web, Comic Sans, Charcoal, Chicago, Impact or Arial and was able to delete the spaces, since the empty boxes showed up on the screen. The problem has to do with the fact that Writing Center is not totally compatible with True Type fonts (The Geneva font on my computer is newer than TWC). I tried to type the same paragraph in Word and Claris with Geneva 12 point and no strange spaces appeared (although on my computer, with TBWC, Geneva 12 was retyped with same paragraph and no problem arose while printing). The solution is to perhaps use a different font from the beginning (Chicago) or If the problem recurs, change the text to one of the above fonts and then delete the spaces.

12. The Writing Center files can be opened with Bilingual Writing Center, Open TBWC and then file, open , xxxxx.

13. In Sad Macs, the opposite problem is explained, there are boxes on the screen and they do not appear on the printout. it is because some fonts do not have some special characters in them, not a big problem.

14. Turn startup sounds off in the Edit, Prefs Menu.

15. If you select a header when creating a new document, you can type inside the picture of the header, but not in pictures in the regular text. If you want to work with the picture in the heading, then go to picture, work with heading pictures (or type command, H). If you do not want to work with one of the pictures after selection work with heading pictures, then shift click on it.

16. You can select a bottom border (or other borders) for the heading, separate from the document.

17. You can also use a header If you would like only one column in the top section of the document and more than one column in the rest of it.

18. There is an option under prefs to change color pictures to black and white (If extra memory is required).

19. You can use the find/change command to type abbreviations and later fill them in by typing find ÒMCÓ and change to ÒMotley Crue.Ó

20. If you go to format document, page border and click Òok,Ó it will put a border around the document (it goes for headings).

21. If you spell check the document, it will tell you the number of words in the document.

22. Supposedly, If you print in draft mode, it will not print any pictures. But this was not true for my HP Printer or the 1500 at school.

23. Tried to convert some pictures that were created in TBWC to TWC, so I would not get the Use this application message to open.... when inserting pictures with TWC. Tried changing the creator with Fix Creator Pro, Norton Disk Editor (even copied and pasted the creatorÕs 4 digit code with NDE, since TWCÕs creator code was a strange one (WP) and even changing the custom icon to match that of the other TWC documents. The creator would change, but the Òuse this application to open..Ó message still appeared with MAC OS easy open. Tried restarting, I had no luck. Could set MAC OS Easy Open to auto open If only 1 choice. But I decided to use ÒSnitch,Ó since it was the fastest solution. I could add the creator to the Snitch creator box and then just open all the files and change the creators from the Snitch window (shift clicking to select many items at once). But you can not select folder, since they do not have a creator and also, you must select the creator you want the items to change to after opening the Snitch window. You could also save the pictures as ÒPICTÓ file with Graphic Converter. Then change the creator type to TWC with Norton Disk Editor and the creator box looks like this,  (Fix Creator Pro and ResEdit would not work, they would change the creator type, but TWC could not open it without MAC OS Easy Open).  Could also open Clarisworks drawing, save as PICT, change creator with NDE and then paste custom TWC icon on it (optional). The name of the file (ending in .PICT or not) does not matter.

24. To change the indentations for paragraphs, you must either put the cursor in the correct paragraph or highlight the paragraph (s) that you want to change. The top triangle changes the indention of the first line only, the bottom triangle changes the indention of the whole paragraph. If you move the bottom triangle to the right, the top one moves automatically. You can then drag the top triangle to the left to make a hanging indent, If preferred.

25. You can shift click to select portions of text.

26. If you save a document as a stationary pad, you can still override saving it (can replace it). However, you can lock a file and it will not let you save over it (but you get the message Òthe file is locked, you will not be able to save any changesÓ when opening. When opening a stationary pad, it will save the file as Òuntitled 1Ó, instead of the same name If the file is not a stationary pad.

27. If you drag on the corners of a picture, it will change the picture in proportion (as opposed to dragging by the middle on any of the sides, which will stretch or shrink picture out of proportion).

28. TWC will not Òflip sidewaysÓ (command, K) with pictures in the ÒSample reportÓ in OS 8.1. Causes system freeze and must force quit.

                  A. However, If you simply choose a picture (even the same one that is in the sample report) and put it into the document, it will Òflip sidewaysÓ. Flip sideways flips a picture horizontally.

                  B. You can also rotate a picture 90û by using rotate picture (command, L).

29. You can crop a picture by choosing the crop picture command from the picture menu or simply by holding down the option key and then dragging the handles (from the regular document window). If you option drag a handle, you can crop the picture.

                  A. Cropping and re-sizing picture menus are gray If more than one picture is selected.

30. To add a border (or to add page numbers) to the whole document, go to page setup under the file menu and then to page border under page layout (or page numbers). If you add page numbers and there is a picture at the bottom of the page, it may be cut off. Also, text may be reformatted or moved.

                  A. If you use the hairline single border as opposed to a regular single border, difference on screen is not noticeable, and it is not noticeable on the printout with Performa 6400 and HP Deskwriter. If you decide not to have a border after opening the border box, hit cancel.

                  B. The choice for shadow is only black If all four sides have a border.

                  C. You can also remove or add a heading in the document. Go to file, page setup, and check or uncheck heading.

                  D. However, the pictures from the heading will be lost If you cut the heading, the text will temporarily be stored in the clipboard.

31. Command, Z will undo previous command or redo previous command (only If you just undid something).

32. Pictures in the heading do not automatically wrap around text. Text actually shows through the pictures.

33. To import the greeting message text, you must go to file, import, TWC will not open the greeting message, since it is in ASCII form.

34. Show ruler is under the edit, prefs menu.

35. An ½ appears where the end of text is in the heading or the body.

36. By clicking, holding and moving a picture the text scrolls with it.

37. Command, E is the shortcut for page preview.

38. When changing the font, the display changes only in the small window, not the regular document window until you click ÒokÓ.

39. Can have up to 9 columns of text. (can undo to change back to normal).

40. You should only include a heading in a document If you want to have fewer columns in the top as opposed to the bottom or you want to write across pictures.

41. Arrow keys can be used to scroll the document, but only in areas where tab and return have been used.

42. it is best to add pictures after working with the text, since the pictures will not move in relation to the text (except in the heading, the pictures are constant, unless you ÒworkÓ with them).

43. If you accidentally ÒclearÓ or ÒdeleteÓ some text, you can retrieve by choosing to ÒundoÓ (command, Z).

44. Might want to use smaller sizes for subscript 12 and superscript 14 to make the line spacing even.

45. Command, T brings up the font menu.

46. Command, M takes off all the special formatting except for subscript and superscript.

47. When using find/change, you must be in the appropriate section (header or main text) If you are trying to find something. I.E. you must be in the header to find text in the header, you must be in the main text to find an occurrence within the main text.

48. If using Skip while checking the spelling, the word will be skipped during the time that the spelling window is open (If you recheck spelling, then the misspelled word will come up again).

49. To make a divider between the heading and the body, create a ÒTextÓ border for the heading.

50. If you make your own tabs, it will erase any preset tabs to the left of yours.

51. You can set tabs, so that text goes to the right of the tab, left of the tab, centered on the tab or decimal points line up on the tab.

52. it is best not to drag and drop pictures from the header to the body and vice versa (has to do with word wrap). Better to cut and paste.

53. You can force text to wrap around an area on the screen by inserting a picture of a rectangle and cropping the picture so that no lines show.

54. Arrow keys can be used in the picture dialog box.

55. Pictures can overlap in a document, but they can only be in the document in the order that they are placed. (no put in back or bring to front).

56. If there is no text or invisible characters inside the heading, you can simply click on a picture in the heading.

57. If you click on a picture and then resize picture, the picture appears as its original size in the dialog box (even If changed in the document). Even If a document appears distorted in the dialog box, it will appear normal in the document.

58. To remove a border for a picture, choose to crop the picture (option, drag).

59. No drag and drop between documents.

60. If you cut more than one picture at one time, they will both appear when re pasting back into the document or another document. But when pasting into another program, only one picture is in the clipboard.

61. You canÕt paste a picture below a page break, but you can drag a picture below a page break.

62. CanÕt have documents with the same name, even If they are different types of documents (reports, newsletters).

63. Icons can be blue (report or letter), orange (newsletter), custom (green) or ASCII (red and light blue) with ÒTWCÓ on it.

64. Command, 1 will bring the first document that was opened to the front. Command, 2 will bring the second document that was opened to the front.

65. A # indicates a page break under show invisibles.

66. Can highlight a document on the desktop and then go to file, print to print it from the desktop.

67. You cannot rotate text, even If copied from CW, it will just be black when rotated on screen and does not print at all.

68. If you cannot open TWC, it may be that there is no printer extension in the system extensions.

69. If the I-Beam changes to an arrow, it may be that there is a picture there, but it is all white.

70. If you want to change the spacing of a section of text without doing the whole paragraph, hit return where the text is. It is because the spacing, text alignment and borders around text formatting options are paragraph based.

71. If a border remains after deleting text, go to text, border, uncheck all boxes.

72. If you want text to wrap around a heading, then cut and paste the text and then the picture into the body. Then delete the heading.

73. If a picture does not show up in the open box for pictures, then you may be able to paste it to the scrapbook or clipboard and then paste it.

74. If you save as ASCII, Heading text is not saved.

                  A. ASCII files only have seven significant data bits, while programs, graphics, spreadsheet files have eight significant bits of data (NC 4 book, Glossary).

75. TBWC can open TWC documents and vice versa.

76. The Writing Center would not allow you to save on the iMac, it would say Ònot even memory on this disk.Ó This would occur even after logging in with password and saving to the desktop or student documents. Increasing the memory allocation of TWC to 8000K did not work. You can only "save as ASCII". However, you can not open the document then with TWC or TBWC. You could use, Clarisworks, to open the document that was saved as "ASCII". Clarisworks will not open regular TWC or TBWC documents.

                  A. If you have a TWC document and you want to convert it to CW and retain formatting the best you can. Here are the steps: Open document in TWC, copy all, paste into CW document, change the font and size in the CW document to match that of the original TWC document.

77. You must have at least one chooser extension and choose it to see the Òpage setupÓ box in The Writing Center. I had to reinstall the Epson driver on the LC 575 in Room 24, even though we are not going to use the printer there.

78. Go to page setup, page border to set up a border for the whole document.

79. You can see what page you are on in the bottom of the window with TWC. Then you can choose what pages to print using the print dialog box.

80. Software for Schools {catalog name for ÒNational School ProductsÓ, 101 East Broadway, Maryville, TN 37804, 800-627-9393, 800-289-3960 (F)} has a program called ÒStudent Writing Center,Ó made by The Learning Company, that is just for Windows. A Writing Center may not be made for Mac anymore (as of 1/2002).

81. You can work with Heading Pictures. It is under the Picture menu. You can use to move pictures around that have been placed in a header.

82. TBWC on School Stuff CD is registered to Sparkes.

83. If you try to print a blank document on the 5260 in Room 1 in conjunction with the Epson 740, no printout will occur. If you simply type the word ÒhelloÓ, the document prints.

84. One time I could not get a document (Winter Olympics-Teacher Packet) to open with TWC or TBWC, because of Òlow memory.Ó I tried increasing the memory of TWC to 3000 K, but I had no luck. I tried using TBWC (from within the application) to open the document, but I had no luck. I replaced the document with a backup copy of the file. It opened fine in TWC or TBWC.

85. I could not get a Bilingual Writing Center document to save on the G3/233 with System 9.2.2. TBWC can save when starting up in 8.1. However, strangely enough, I was able to get TBWC to save on the iLamp with 10.3.6 running the Classic Environment. Later, I was able to get TBWC to save on the G3/266 with 9.2.1.


Yahoo! Messenger (Yahoo Instant Messenger, also)

1. explains that "Because the Personals Mailbox is not connected to e-mail, we aren't able to forward any messages to another account."

2. To delete a folder from Yahoo! mail, make sure that the folder is empty first. Then click on the word ÒFoldersÓ on the Yahoo! e-mail page, then delete the desired folder.

3. Also, my web page would not work, since it kept saying that I did not have a valid URL, even though it was (my have needed to end in .jpg). I changed the name of my picture on the HD and then it upload (changed the name to Ryan.jpg).

            A. My personal profile expires around January 10, 2002.Once it expired (1/11/02), and I was not able to access my mailbox or anything. I went to and had to renew my ad so that I could once again access my mailbox for 45 more days (ad should expire around 2/26/02. The date you post your ad is printed on the personal ad page.

            B. Sometimes, people give Òno answerÓ on some subjects under their personal profiles, but I canÕt hurt to check them all out.

            C. One time, my sent messages did not show up, so several ads had Òno messages.Ó All I did was refresh the page and then the sent messages showed up again.

            D. You must click the Post Ad button after making changes to your personal ad or your changes will not be saved. Also, when editing your ad, you can click on the left-hand side to edit basic description, detailed description, etc.

            E. When getting your search results, they are shown on the pages in reverse date order (for the most part), it appears.

            F. Profiles are listed in reverse date order, so you can simply check back to the date you previously checked on them.

            G. My Yahoo ID and password are Motleyze, Old At Ease. I canceled my account and reopened it under RyanZelen and used New New At Ease for Password. My security code backup password is Old At Ease. I signed up for a year on 8/3/2002.

            H. On 10/26/02, Yahoo! personals were not working, or there were no people to be searched. Later on though, it was fine (and I broadened my cultural search, as well).

4. After updating your profile, you must sign out (or leave and come back) to be able to see the profile. Pressing refresh does the same thing.

            A. You can extend the posting time of your personal ad five days prior to the adÕs expiration date. My ad expires 41 days from March 13, 2002. You can renew it at I got a notice on 5/31/02 that my ad will be online for 90 more days (perhaps because I ÒrenewedÓ twice accidentally).

            B. I renewed my ad on 7/3/03 for 3 months.

            C. I got an e-mail in my AOL account that was my latest matches from Yahoo!, so I changed my e-mail address to

5. Version 1.0.0 (build 3) produces an error type 3. Version 1.0.1 requires 8.5. I e-mailed Yahoo to inquire about finding a different version on 11/17/01.

6. The Read Me mentioned version 0.9.9 (build 15) and 0.9.9 (build 6), which I looked for, but was unable to find it.

7. wrote me and said the best idea is to use the Java version of Messenger, which you can find at You do not need to download anything, just go to that page and click on Java.

8. You can get help for Java Messenger at

9. With Yahoo Messenger, You can toggle on/off show sent messages.

            A. Since upgrading my G3/233 to System 9.2.2, I can use Yahoo! Instant Messenger (version 2.5.2).

10. I may later check Hotmail for personal ads. It appears to be affiliated with My user name there is RyanZel, old At Ease. uses RyanZel, old At Ease (I suppose in addition to Hotmail personals). can send e-mail to your e-mail address (I chose I subscribed to on 1/19/2002.

            A. has a list of free places for finding friends.

            B. has a password of 18597, is my login. You can not search for location except for typing in city names. I have not received any e-mails, since sending several e-mails three months ago.

11. Yahoo Messenger does not work on my G3 with IE5 or NN4.74. I even installed Macintosh Runtime for Java and restarted, but it does not work. It appears to operate for a moment, but then the connection is Òlost.Ó

            A. To connect with Yahoo Messenger, you should be able to by going to and logging in, then

            B. The link to Òget full versionÓ does not work (not found on server). I did find a working link on another site (, but that version requires 8.5 or later.

            C. I even put the ÒMRJPlug inÓ and MRJPlugin.jarÓ plug ins (from Internet 3 CD) into the Netscape Plug ins folder. I closed and reopened NN, but Yahoo Messenger still did not work.

            D. I downloaded for IE 5 from another site, but after downloading, the MRJPlugin folder said it was for Netscape 4.76 or Netscape 6. I copied the 4.76 plug ins and then the 6 plug ins to the IE Plug ins folder. Neither one worked (you could connect for about one second, then you are disconnected).

            E. I do not think Yahoo Java Messenger will work with Mac.

12. Yahoo Profiles send messages with times attached and they appear to be military times.

            A. Also, as of 12/22/01, sometimes I do not need to enter a number to verify to send my e-mails.

            B. Also, the search refine boxes work, but some people make mistakes when they choose their information, I have noticed.

            C. To save your place, save a page as a Favorite every so often, because the ÒGoÓ menu will not work, it appears (in case computer freezes).

            D. You can search for persons within so many miles of your address, if you choose a city. If you choose a state, you do not have the option.

13. At Yahoo!, the auto sign-in feature does not work with IE 5 on the G3/233.

14. At, you can customize the page. You can search TV listings using a regular search or an advanced search. There does not appear to be an easy way to see the next dayÕs listings (changing the date and time in my control panel, and closing and reopening IE5, does not make a difference).

15. Launchcast claims to work with NN, and 8.5 to 9.x, but not with OS X. However, I tried using NN 4.77 with 9.2.2 and I got an error about pop up windows blocking launch player. However, NN does not block pop up windows. Launchast would not work with IE 5.

16. I tried to change my e-mail address with Yahoo from, but I think I could not change it without signing up with another e-mail address.

            A. I made sure that at, I had checked ÒnoÓ for all preferences, and I also checked Òdo not contact me by telephone.Ó

17. allows you to adjust how often you are asked for your password. In 2/03, I kept getting asked (more than once or twice per day), even though I set the password to once a day. I changed it to 8 hours.

            A. On 6/28/02, I unchecked the ÒRemember my ID on this computerÓ box, so that logging in is necessary each time. But, if you go to the website before 8 hours is up, you do not need to log in again. However, if you delete the cookies for Yahoo (there appears to be 5 of them created each time), you need to sign in again at my Yahoo mailbox (you do not need to quit IE5).

            B. Checking the box on the web page allows the ID to be remembered (not the password, just the ID).

            C. If you delete the Yahoo! cookies and then sign in (without checking the remember ID checkbox), at least once, you are able to access the screen, that allows you to access how often you need to enter your password. But, later I could not again. Anyhow, I e-mailed Yahoo! personals to inquire about this.

18. I downloaded Windows Media Player 7.1 for Mac. It appears that you can only use a 28.8 modem setting at Yahoo, but it works.

19. On 11/2/02, Yahoo! Personals said that my ad has expired, but I renewed for one year in August. I e-mailed them from to ask. They did not reply by 11/4/02. So I went to and clicked on renew ad (perhaps ad has to be renewed independently of paying for Yahoo!).

            A. They said that my ad was not approved, because it violated guideline #20. The guidelines are listed at Guideline #20 says that ads should not be posted if Òyou are not in it, your face is not clear, it is an image of you as a child, it contains more than 2 recognizable people, it is something other than a non-animated GIF or JPG file, it includes contact info, it is not right side-up, it is a "collage" of images, or it is a duplicate of another photo.Ó I do not think my picture violates any of these guidelines. Two days, my ad was approved and I only changed the part about the biceps, nothing about the photo was changed (I did not know why the ad was not approved, when I took out the biceps part).

            B. Anyhow, my ad was rejected again on 11/8/02, so I resubmitted it again (and just deleted and resubmitted my photo). I also replied to YahooÕs e-mail, saying that I do not see how I violated guideline #20.

            C. Later, though, I realized that the problem may be that my photos are a Òcollage,Ó since there were two of them, so I divided the photographs into two .jpg files and then posted them. I originally made them Ryan.jpg(1) and Ryan.jpg(2), but they would not post. I changed the names to Ryan1.jpg and Ryan2.jpg and then they posted (I had to use IE 5 to post the photos, since NN would not post the first one only and not the second picture). I did this on 11/11/02. My ad is now re-posted, as of 11/12/02.

20. My credit card was charged on 7/4/03 for 3 months. However, on 9/5/03, I was not able to e-mail people. I e-mailed Yahoo! to inquire about this. They said that the credit card on file was not valid (they had my old Visa card ending in 3368), so I will not be charged anymore. Since they do not seem to have confusion about billing (after all, my MBNA card was charged in July with, but not ryanzelen. I think I put in my credit card info while signed in under the wrong name), I will discontinue using Yahoo! Personals. I signed in using, then went to Personals Home Page, Òbilling info,Ó Òcancel,Ó and Òcancel my subscription.Ó I got an e-mail later saying I got a message, but I went to Yahoo! Personals and there was not one, so I think they are having difficulties (9/03). I renewed my Yahoo! personals account in 12/03 (under motleyze_ca). I set up my options at, so that I will get an e-mail ( if someone sends me a message in the personals. I set it up so that I should get e-mails in my mailbox, when I have a new Yahoo! message, I did this on 12/28/03, so we shall see. It did not work, so I went to and made my e-mail address (with capitals), because when you sign-in at YahooÕs e-mail page, your e-mail is automatically changed to capitals. I did this on 1/17/04. I made the kids (no) and ethnicity one of my important criteria when searching, if you donÕt, you will still get people with kids, strangely enough. It narrowed my search from 600 to 249. When I also checked body type, the search field was reduced to 153 (also, only active during the last week). I got a notification that I had a new message in my mailbox, and it said it was a message from intelligent_teacher_flirt. The message said ÒI like your profile.Ó I think this is just an example, not a sample of the real message left in the Yahoo! Mailbox, because I did have a message but from a different name. Also, there was not profile for intelligent_teacher_flirt. Yahoo message may be working now (as of 1/24/04), we shall see. Previously I had my e-mail address as the wrong case (I think it is supposed to be upper case, but I am not 100% sure). I closed my account in 5/04.


Yahoo! Photos

1. You can use IE 5.2.3 to upload photos with SBC! Yahoo, but not Safari. Also, the picturesÕ filenames must end in .jpg (and they must be .jpg pictures, naturally). After adding .jpg, you may get a message indicating that a different application may open the pictures after adding .jpg to the end of the fileÕs name, but Preview opens the pictures in both instances.

2. In order for your photos to remain active, you must log in at least once every six months.

3. There was not a way to do drag and drop of Photos with Yahoo! Photos with IE or Safari. Also, the tutorial for Drag and Drop does not work with IE 5.2.3, only with Safari 1.2. I uploaded several pictures to my Yahoo! Photos, but I was unable to view them with IE on the red iMac DV+ (I got a pictures deleted error or no access privledges) nor the blueberry iMac using Safari (kept asking for my password). I figured out that the problem with IE on the red iMac DV+ was the version of IE. It was version 5.0. 5.1.7 loaded the pictures fine (memory assigned to IE 5.0 and 5.1.7 was the same at around 22000 K, but that did not make a difference). I figured out that the problem with Safari was that it kept using my log in name automatically when going to Yahoo! Photos and Safari kept asking for my password. So, when prompted for my password again, I tried to ÒSign in as a different user.Ó Then I went to My Yahoo! Photos again and I was able to view the pictures.

4. 300 photos is the limit for one album.

5. Slashes canÕt be used. Long names are often truncated and numbers are added, instead. Apostrophes are omitted.

6. Also, Yahoo! Photos web page does not scroll down very well. It scrolls up okay (meaning to get into a higher part of the page, it works fine, but lower is a problem). You can use the Shift key to select more than one photo to move.

7. It was not possible to add Rhonda/Z picture to Yahoo! Photos, so I left it out.

8. If you select one hundred photos to move, it may take about six minutes to complete the process.

9. I have it set up now that the photos are private, except for people whom I send an e-mail to. I was able to view the pictures from Initially, however, it did not work, when I clicked on the first picture and then chose next (it worked the second time though). But slideshow button worked each time. I was able to view the photos with IE 5.2.3 and Safari 1.2.

10. Yahoo! pictures stopped working at 88 of my desktop pictures, but it was on the fast setting (for the slide show), though.

11. On one occasion, I uploaded a picture with a long name {Wedding (GB,RZ,JC,CM,AM)}, but on the web page it showed up as {Wedding (GB,RZ,JC,CM,A-M)} when I was editing the photos. However, when people view the slide show, it showed up as {Wedding (GB,RZ,JC,CM,AM)}.

12. To move photos from one group (i.e. 200-241 to 100-199), choose Show All under the photos popup menu (I used NN 7.2 to do this). I used NN 7.2, but I had to move the photos one a time, which was laborious (IE 5.2.3 would not sign in to Yahoo! Photos).

13. Yahoo! Photos is moving to Flickr: Yahoo! Photos will close on September 20, 2007. says that, ÒWhile your photos are being moved you will not be able to access your AT&T Yahoo! Photos account. That may mean that you see some information to that effect when you login or click on a AT&T Yahoo! Photos link. Be patient& the Flickr team will email you when your move is complete.Ó Flickr works well; I will leave the school photos as they are, since they are in chronological order now (Flickr ignored the space in front of the photos for the Ò99, etc. pictures,Ó even when I went back back and added a space at the beginning. But if you use Flickr to upload the pictures, the space is not ignored). You can arrange the photos in several different ways (I used alphabetically for my photos and the wedding photos). If you add a set, you can only add one photo at that time: you can add other photos later, but after creating the set. To delete photos, you must go to organize, then drag photos into the window to delete them. I was able to upload 58 photos at one time (and probably more); you can add files and then use the Shift key to select them in the dialog box, so that each one does not have to be selected invididually. Sometimes, Flickr is a little slow in updating information, may have to reload pages and/or sign out for update to occur. Pictures must end with .jpg (otherwise, they are Ògrayed outÕ when you try to upload them) and not have any slashes any in the names (otherwise, the name will be truncated). Flickr Uploader can be used to upload many photos at once (I actually did 200 at one time); you can choose which ÒsetÓ for the picturesÕ placement; however, it takes out the space in front of a fileÕs name when uploading, so I will simply use Flickr to upload photos (it can upload 200 photos at a time as well). Many times at, you need to hold down the arrow next to a menu item on the page and wait for the menu (control-clicking does not work). You can upload from two web pages at the time (with the same browser).


Yellow 2.0

1. You can supposedly use the Teacher Manager to access studentsÕ scores.

            A. A picture of the screen can be taken as well to verify results.

2. You can move to the next topics by using the arrow buttons. Or you can move through the exercises, if exercises are selected. (the one that is selected is a brighter shade of red). Pressing the CE button and then the numbers on the keypad does not work consistently. (perhaps since program is much older than System 8.1 on my G3/233).

3. The number of exercises varies from topic to topic. Each exercise set has a set of ten randomly generated problems, so the same set of problems is never seen twice.

4. The software records when the students use the calculator, so that the teacher may know that.

5. Students can click on the Ò?Ó icon to get help or help appears automatically when they miss three problems in a row.

6. They can also click on the flashcards icon on the far right hand side to see how fast they can perform their Math Facts.

            A. You are timed in sixty-second intervals.

            B. Only 10Õs are done when clicking on 10Õs, etc. There is no mixed practice.

7. Teacher manager does not work with System 8.1 to view student scores, but it does. You need to select the level (yellow) from the level menu. The password for the red iMac DV+ and the blueberry iMac is Old At Ease.

            A. Better to take picture of the screen.

8. There is not a ÒStudent DataÓ button inside of the teacher manager.

9. To delete a user, go to the users folder, which is inside of the SRA Math folder, which is inside of the preferences folder and drag the user to the trash.

10. Seatwork can be created using the teacher manager.

            A. It generates a list of twenty random problems.

            B. When ÒgeneratingÓ seatwork, you can only choose one area (addition or subtraction or multiplication or division). The last item you click on, is the one that is chosen for the assignment.

            C. With tests, you can choose one or all four types of problems. Just keep clicking on the types that you want. If you choose two topics, ten problems are created for each topic. If you choose four topics, then five problems are created for each topic.

11. When you print the exercises, the answers and exercises appear on different pages.

12. You can click the topics button while in the middle of an exercise, if you like.

13. Any keys under the electronic keyboard (numerical pad) light up if students are able to click on them.

14. If you get to the end of an exercise and click on Topics and nothing happens, try clicking the ÒokayÓ button.

15. Use the keyboard for entering <, > or =.

16. If you select exercise 8 on one topic, 8 is pre-selected when you go to a different topic.

17. On the UserÕs manual pages 29-80, the exercise Sets per LevelÓ tells the number of exercise to choose within the topic.

18. Yellow Program takes up approximately 244 MB of space. Since the 550 only has 160 MB or so of space, Yellow must be run from the CD.

19. Yellow Program has been having trouble in the lab. Numbers were very slow to type into the yellow program, but other programs could type numbers fine. It turns out that the CDÕs, apparently, have some problems. Using a different CD solved the problem.

20. I installed on the DEC computer for now, the CD must be present for Yellow to run (unlike when running on the iMac). I had to install QT 16 to make Yellow run, I had tried to install QT 32 and then run Yellow 32, but I kept getting an error message every time the program started (even though the program appeared to run, anyway), so then I installed QT 16 and now I run Yellow 16 (I changed the name of the alias, though) and Yellow runs fine.

21. Yellow 2.0 has some trouble with subtracting mixed numbers, at least it did once on the blueberry iMac. I typed in the right answer on several occasions the pencil says ÒOops,Ó when I am certain my answers were correct. I even tried reducing the fractions and typing the mixed number parts in different sequences.


Zap the PRAM

1. Used Techtool (from Mac Workshop) to Zap the Pram. Upon starting, the message appears that there are open files, including HP Background. You can click the option ÒSend AE QuitÓ, but HP Background ignores this command. Therefore to Zap the Pram, it is best to start the computer with extensions off (Hit shift at startup).

2. After zapping the PRAM on Performa 578. 32 bit addressing defaulted to off, System software took up 15,000 K. Turn 32 bit addressing on, System Software back to 3,000 K. If installing new memory, you need to turn 32 bit addressing on to access more than 8 Megs of RAM (otherwise System software takes up all the extra memory).

3. Unplugging the battery to reset is only needed on the LC 575. This is the ONLY computer that it is useful for.

4. Techtool does well to reset the PRAM. Better than unplugging battery option (according to Bob). However, my problem with my 1500 (under Apple Stylewriter 1500) was solved with unplugging the battery, not with Techtool.

5. Can cause problems with startup, Printer not being chosen (even after you chose it), problems with SCSI ports or other serial connections or perhaps problem with audio jacks. These issues may also be related to dead battery (especially If date and time do not stay set even If you have corrected them already).

6. Once on 5400 w/ Syquest attached, the message appeared Òplease insert EZ 135Ó and then the computer froze at the At Ease screen. Did it on restart, also. Zapped and it worked fine with no message.

7. On a PCI Powermac, you may want to also Zap the NVRAM (Non volatile Video Random Access Memory), hold down the command, option, p, r keys IMMEDIATELY at startup, and wait for three chimes. Then trash the display preferences and restart..

8. If you hit the red or gray button on the logic board or disconnect the battery for 30 minutes, it will reset the PRAM and the NVRAM.

9. If a battery is losing its power, then it will effectively Zap the PRAM every time you restart the computer. Replace the battery.

10. PRAM is not actually a chip on the logic board, which is not easily located (B.H. on AppleÕs technical manuals). The battery holds PRAM settings.

            A. the keyboard command shortcut only resets the settings that have been changed by the user (the factory defaults that were pasted to RAM might be corrupted, though). Techtool clears all RAM in PRAM.

11. If Zapping with keyboard shortcut, make sure Caps lock is not engaged (Emergency Handbook p. 15).

12. After Zapping the PRAM, drag the display prefs to the trash.

13. On one occasion with the Canon BJC-4550 printer, Zapping did not necessarily help. So I turned the printerÕs power off, restarted the computer with the extensions off, Zapped, then printed. Worked fine.

14. Does not appear to be a way to test batteries, only replace them. My home battery tester tests 1.5 or 9 volts and LC batteries are 3.6 volts.

15. Some Macs, a dead battery may result in a normal startup sequence, except that the screen is black. If so, zap the PRAM. If video comes back, you probably need to replace the battery.

16. Can test the battery in a machine with a regular voltmeter.

            A. A305 and A306 are the same batteries, just different manufacturers.

            B. G3 went back to A305 battery, because the 4.5-volt batteries worked intermittently. A305 is either dead or works fully, usually.

17. After using the keyboard shortcut, you can hold down shift key to startup, then trash display preferences which are held in Nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) instead of RAM.

18. Caps Lock key s/b down when Zapping the PRAM with keyboard, according to Tidbits #506.

19. Keyboard shortcut is the same for iMacs, also.

20. A battery should last about five years. If you find that you need to reset the date and time, reselect your printer, background picture, or double click speed each time you start up the computer.

            A. A listing of batteries and the replacement types is located at

21. To zap the PRAM with System 6, hold down command, option, shift while opening the control panel, According to Tekserve FAQÕs 2000.

22. To unplug the battery in a Classic and IIci/Cx and Tower Macs, a professional should do it, According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 23.

23. According to TekserveÕs 2000 FAQÕs p. 23, on both the Powerbooks and the iBook, some serious crashes can cause the clock to reset.

24. According to the 5500 Manual page 115, the keyboard setting may need to be reset after pressing the reset button on the main logic board.

25. IE5 nor NN 4.77 would not load sites on Mom's G3, but AOL would. I reconfigured AOL Link and zapped the PRAM with TT and KB and then both programs could load websites.

26. NDD 6.0 Manual page 15 says that when resetting the PRAM with KB, you should hold down the keys for 4 chimes.

27. has a program called PRAM Checker that can be used to test batteries.


ZIP Drive (Iomega 888-446-6342; 5 A.M.- 8 P.M., Monday-Friday: 6 A.M.-1 P.M., Saturday), (Serial number for mine is SMO721D2WC), 800-879-7660 is a 24 hour automated voice support line. You can transfer the software onto another computer, as long as it is used on only one computer at a time. You can use to contact them for one on one live technical support or use the page to e-mail them. My serial number for my home 250 MB SCSI Drive is P9HN08001F.

1. My Iomega Zip Drive kept ejecting the disk at shut down, even though in the control panels the control to do this was Òunchecked." This did not work because the ÒIomega DriveÓ extension was not installed. Fixed the problem.

            A. Later, the Zip disk kept ejecting with the G3, even though eject at shutdown and restart was unchecked in Iomega Drive Options Control panel. Problem was that the G3 was trying to use the Zip Disk as a startup disk and then ejected the Zip disk. I fixed the problem by selecting ÒRyanÕs HDÓ as the startup disk in the startup disk control panel.

            B. After Zapping the PRAM, the startup disk setting is lost, I think. Re-selected it and eliminated the problem again.

            C. Later, had problem with G3/266 and Zip Drive. Zip drive kept ejecting at shutdown and restart. Tried to check the Iomega Drive Options control panel and made sure Òeject at shutdown" and Òeject on restartÓ was not check, zapped with Techtool and keyboard shortcut, reinitialized cartridge with Tools. Nothing worked. All disks ejected upon restart from the finder, but not At Ease.

            D. I tried using the zip drive on G3/233 with At Ease. The problem appears to be that the code for At Ease being loaded causes the zip drive to eject upon restart (after you go from At Ease to the finder). Problem appears to be similar to the one with Sleeper and shutting down. Before using At Ease, the zip disk would not eject on restart or shutdown. After using At Ease, the zip disk would eject each time. The version of Iomega stuff is the latest available one. Best solution is to not insert disks until used. I do not think trashing the preferences, or unplugging battery would make much difference, since the zip disks would not eject when simply using the finder. I switched back to just using the finder (even with At Ease Setup still in regular control panels folder, and not disabled), and the zip disk does not eject upon restart or shutdown.

            E. After turning At Ease back off, using the finder only as startup, the zip disk did not eject upon restart or shutting down.

2. To lock the disk, go to ÒIomega Tools,Ó then click on the ÒwriteÓ protect to lock the disk.

3. Iomega Driver does not have to be in the Control Panels for Iomega to mount.

4. An IBM Iomega Zip Drive may have the same connections in the back, but it wonÕt work with a Mac (it is a parallel connection).

5. Sometimes having the SCSI of 5 may be a problem (especially with Powermacs). May want to switch to 6.

6. 3 out of 4 of my Zip disks had problems. Disk would simply keep clicking at startup and not mount. Tried Zap, Restarting from different disk, rebuilding desktop, SCSI Probe (nothing would mount), reformatting w/ Iomega tools (led to freeze), repairing disks with NDD (Froze), Volume Recover (froze), ÒresettingÓ with SCSI probe (hold down option key) and Unerase (froze). Used another external SCSI device, which loaded fine. Tried to daisy chain through the zip drive without a zip disk to the other external SCSI device. The other device mounted.

7. My Zip Drive ended up being defective. In the process, it ruined three of my zip disks (I returned two to Iomega). Those 3 disks would not work on old Zip drive or new one from Iomega. Transfer disk worked on both zip drives (although on one occasion, it did not mount on old zip drive).

8. I tried to copy some Plaintalk installer disks to a Zip Drive to see If I could install Plaintalk from the Zip drive. However, when I did this, the message would appear Òplease insert disk 2Ó, even though disk two was on the Zip Drive. Same results with extensions on or off.

9. Once on the 5400 at school, I got an error message when starting up the computer with a ZIP disk installed. it said Òplease insert the (zip DiskÕs name).Ó Zap the PRAM did not help. Problem was not present when starting with extensions off or with the ZIP disk ejected at startup. Problem was that the SCSI control panel was set to mount volumes at startup. After unchecking the box, the ZIP disk installed fine.

10. With driver 5.0.1 and MAC OS 8.1, the ÒRyanÓ folder on the HD would not properly copy to the Personal Stuff Zip Disk. it would copy a folder named ÒRyan,Ó but it had no contents. Also, it indicated that there were over 2,000 files, when there were only about 950. Also, the progress bar that was all the way to the right the whole time copying took place.

            A. Driver 5.0.3 made me copy all of the files in the folder ÒRyanÓ to the zip drive twice to work. Downloaded driver 5.5.1, it does the same thing, says it is copying approximately 2,000 files (the bar remains all the way to the right the whole time), and it goes down to about 900 or so and quits. But, all of the files did copy the first time.

            B. Tried with all extensions off except for Iomega driver and the results were the same.

I also tried erasing the Personal Stuff Zip Disk with surface veracity (long method). Tried it and it worked normally (showed 943 files or so and copied them all). Trashed Iomega prefs, also.

            C. After restarting, the desktop was rebuilt on the zip disk and it showed 2,000 files and stopped at 900 files and the bar was all the way to the right again. Otherwise was normal (the files did copy to the zip disk).

11. To make a disk formatted as DOS, then insert the MAC disk and then click on tools, click the erase picture and then choose DOS and long format.

12. Copy machine does not allow multitasking, nothing can happen in the background. However, you can copy the files to the HD and then to another Zip disk and use multitasking. Copythroughclaims to be able to do this, but the trial version wonÕt even let you try this out.

13. When a Zip disk is formatted with Iomega Tools, the icon for the disk appears in color, as opposed to black and white when done by the MacÕs finder.

            A. On one occasion, however, using Iomega Tools still left the disk in black and white, rebuilding desktop could not be done with Techtool, erased Zip disk with Finder, then used Iomega Tools, diskÕs icon was again in color.

            B. On another occasion, it was in black and white after short erase with extensions off. After restarting with extensions on and then doing a short erase, the icon was in color.

            C. Also, got a format-failed message with extensions on doing the long erase. After restarting with extensions off, the long erase format was completed fine.

14. To use the Zip Tools, Guest and Iomega Drive Options and Copy Machine on the 5400, must use the installer for Iomega 5.5.1 and Copy Machine 1.2.2 (which are on the System 8 CD). Otherwise If you use different versions, error messages appear saying something like there is no Iomega drive or disk present, even though a Zip drive with a disk is there.

15. Iomega Drive Options s/b in the Control Panels folder and Iomega driver s/b in the extensions folder. If a newer version already exists in Control Panels or extensions when using an Iomega installer, then it will not be changed.

16. Copy Machine 1.2.2 is not compatible with Iomega driver 6.0.

17. Once the icon for 2 of my zip disks became the same as the last inserted CD-ROM. Rebuilding the desktop on the Zip disks and the HD did not help. Also, initializing with Tools did not help. Pasted the correct icon for the zip drive onto the zip driveÕs icon and then it worked okay.

18. If you get an error message that says Òthe Iomega driver extension could not load because an older version is already loadedÓ. Need to reformat the Zip disk to make it have the latest driver or put the latest Zip driver on the system folder.

19. On one occasion, the Iomega driver extension showed up at startup with an ÒXÓ over it. So, I trashed the Iomega driver preferences and the extension did not show up at startup and no Xs, naturally.

            A. I think Conflict Catcher only shows some icons when an error occurs.

20. There was an ÒXÓ over the Iomega Driver icon upon startup, when using version 6.0.2 of the Driver. After a little research, I discovered that If you use version 6.0, there is no ÒXÓ over the icon.

            A. I eventually just disabled the display of the icon at startup using the advanced options with Iomega Drive Options.

            B. Usually, though, when I did not load the ÒIomega driverÓ with Conflict Catcher, Tools version 6.1.1 would say it does not work with the current driver. Later, I did not have a problem, though (may have been a one or two time glitch).

            C. If I have trouble with the ÒXÓ or tools, go to Iomega Drive Options and go to special, advanced options to either turn off the display of the icon at startup or to change the way the driver gets loaded.

21. Disk First Aid 8.2 could not repair a zip disk, kept saying other applications are open. This was with extensions off and I even tried starting up from G3 CD, but I had no luck.

22. MomÕs G3 has an internal SCSI Zip drive, she had been having trouble with disk dying. I unplugged the battery for 30 minutes, but it did not help. I finally discovered that the problem was that her internal Zip drive was causing damage to zip disks by dragging across the media. Every disk that went into her internal drive later would not work in another zip drive. The zip disk can not cause damage to the Zip Drive. We put tape over the internal zip drive. Later, on the 8600, I discovered the same problem, that a working disk put into its Zip Drive would have problems after that (even on a good Zip Drive). I put masking tape over the Zip Drive slot.

Also, I tried hooking my zip drive up to her computer, but it would not work (disks would not mount). Finally, after switching to the other port on the back of the drive, it worked.

23. New USB Zip disks are compatible with old SCSI Zip Disks, according to Club

24. When copying files to my Personal Stuff zip disk, the zip drive kept clicking. Bob Hughes says that if you Òhave C.O.D. (click of death we like to call it), try a different disk. A bad disk could cause clicking. Try a full and complete format on one new disk. If that doesn't get the drive working, then it's dead. He also said they do not repair them, only replace them, since they are only a hundred bucks.Ó

            A. I formatted my personal Stuff disk using the long erase option. it gave the error message that Òthe operation failed.Ó I called Iomega to order a replacement disk.

            B. I called Iomega on 6/5/2000 and they are sending out a replacement Zip disk. it should arrive in 5 business days or so. The RMA number is 2275686.

            C. I e-mailed Iomega on 6/13/2001 because my SCSI Zip Drive was clicking, but only intermittently, when copying files to it. I e-mailed Iomega and they suggested running Diagnostics on the drive (perhaps with several disks, if necessary) by using Tools. Go to Tools, select icon of two disk drives, select it, then Òpush to diagnoseÓ (use blank disks when running diagnostic tests). If diagnostics pass, and the drive continues constant clicking, you need to replace the device, according to Iomega (

            D. If the diagnostics fail, call 1-888-446-6342.

            E. I have been getting a lot of clicks lately with the Zip Drive (as of 3/02), even with 2 different disks (Personal Stuff and an untitled disk). Also, I have been getting copying errors on several occasions. I went to Disk Information on the Personal Stuff Zip Disk and it said ÒFormat Performance Low,Ó Refer to ÒFormat LifeÓ in Help Files. I did a long erase of the Personal Stuff disk and it showed that the Format completed fine. When I tried copying files to the Personal Stuff Zip disk after that, the clicking continued.

            F. I test the Zip Drive by going to Tools, pressing the picture of two drives to show "Drive Information,Ó then pressing "Push to Diagnose." The drive passed the diagnostics test, strangely enough.

25. On one occasion, Mom could not get a zip disk to mount on her computer. it would not mount on my G3/233 either. So I opened the Tools (version 6.3.1) and then clicked on the blue/green zip drive picture, then I pressed Òpush to diagnoseÓ to run test. it said ÒdiagnosticsÓ passed. Then I ran NDD and fixed some problems on the disk. I was able to mount it then on the desktop. I got the information off of it.

            A. I ran a long format erase on MomÕs zip disk. it formatted okay, but I would not rely on the disk.

26. On July 20, 2000, Macdaddy only had 250 MB SCSI Zip drives in stock. They said they could order 100 MB if I wanted. I discovered later, that my Zip drive was not bad (see SCSI #30 D for more information).

27. After installing the Keyspan USB Card and software on the G3/266, got several disk related errors when copying from two zip disks. Reinstalling the Iomega and the Keyspan USB software did not help. I did a short erase of one of the zip disks, but it still had errors when copying to the HD. Will try at home.

            A. Both disk were able to copy to/from the HD on the G3/233 without any disk errors at all. Perhaps the USB drivers for Iomega are a little buggy.

            B. I went to IomegaÕs web site and found out that the latest version of the IomegaWare for System 8.1 is version 2.1 of IomegaWare. I had installed 2.2.1 on the G3/266 and the G3/233. But, as of 6/13/2001, I had apparently reloaded software onto the G3/266, because it was version 2.1, which is probably fine as well.

            C. The latest version of IomegaWare for System 9.0 is version 2.5. I downloaded both.

            D. I installed version 2.1, after removing 2.2.1 of the Iomega Ware software on the G3/266. I copied many files from one zip Disk without an error.

            E. I have version 2.2.1 of the software installed on the G3/233 and it runs fine.

28. After installing the Keyspan USB Card and software on the G3/266, there was an ÒXÓ over the Iomega icon upon startup. However, in the Control Panel, Iomega Drive Options, you could not access ÒAdvanced OptionsÓ (to disable the display of the icon at startup). So, I disabled the Iomega Driver extension and the Findit Extension. No Iomega icons showed up on restart, but I was still able to access the zip disks.

            A. I also disabled the USB Iomega Clik Dock, the USB Iomega Jaz Adapter and the USB Iomega Zip 250 extensions, since I did not think they were necessary.

            B. On the G3/266, I disabled USB Click and USB Iomega Zip 250, since they do not need to be enabled.

29. USB extension cables should not be used in conjunction with the USB Zip drive, according to the manual.

30. According to the USB Zip manual page 8, the Zip drive can work with voltages from 100 to 240 volts.

31. According to the USB Zip manual page 9, you can use the Zip drive with either a MAC or PC.

32. According to the USB Zip manual page 9, you can optimize your ZipÕs drives performance by disconnecting other USB devices. Performance decreases as additional USB devices are connected.

            A. According to the USB Zip manual page 9, you can improve performance by disconnecting/reconnecting power supply after system crash or hang.

            B. You can avoid some system lockups by waiting at least 30 seconds after hot plugging or disconnecting any USB device (allows system to re-enumerate, or name things separately one by one, the USB bus).

33. According to the USB Zip manual page 9, you should not disconnect or connect your Zip drive while a disk is inserted. You should not have a Zip Disk inserted when disconnecting from power or the computer.

            A. You should not connect more than 2 USB Zip Drives to one computer.

            B. According to the USB Zip manual page 11, you should remove the disk before disconnecting or moving your Zip Drive to avoid damage to the Zip Drive or disks.

            C. Also you should remove disks when not in use.

34. There is a security locking part on the back of the Zip Drive (Manual page 11).

35. Power supply should be connected before inserting a Zip Disk.

36. According to the USB Zip manual page 13, you should not use USB extension cables as data loss may result.

37. According to the USB Zip manual page 15, if you forget the password for your Zip Disk, use the ÒLong EraseÓ option.

38. You can change a PC formatted Zip disk to a Mac formatted one by using the Tools application or vice versa.

39. If the Zip Disk icon does not show up on an iMac, then run the iMac updater from the IomegaWare CD.

40. You can locate Zip manuals from

41. One on one technical support is provided free of charge during the warranty period for a consecutive 30-day period beginning with the first call.

42. ZIP 250 MB USB Drive requires MAC OS 8.5.1 or later.

            A. When I tried to put a 250 MB Zip Disk into a 100 MB Zip Drive, the disk simply kept ejecting.

43. I took the USB Zip Drive home to do some schoolwork with it.

            A. However, when I tried copying files to it or from the Zip Disk, I got error messages (this file can not be copied because an error occurred or something like that).SCSI disconnected, USB Zip only. I still got errors copying Ryan to Personal Stuff in USB Zip Drive. Connected directly to USB port and to Hub. Both ways produced errors, when copying to USB Disk. I also got errors when copying from the USB Zip Disk (Personal Stuff), when copying Files (Crookham Orders).

Restarted with both Zips connected. Put Personal Stuff Zip Disk in SCSI Zip Drive. Copied Ryan to Personal Stuff Zip without errors. Also copied several files (Crookham Orders) from the Personal Stuff Zip disk in the SCSI drive without errors. (The SCSI Zip Drive worked fine to copy files in all cases). So, Zip Disk is not bad. But perhaps needs to be formatted with USB Zip Drive, which I tried. But it did not work. Perhaps version of Iomega Driver is different at home, as opposed to school. Interestingly enough, I can coy from the USB Zip Drive to the SCSI Zip Drive. With USB Zip Drive, you can not access Advanced Options, which may be more helpful, since you can update driver, etc. if necessary, if older. Do not update, etc. Iomega Driver 2.2.1 was in disabled folder, moved to regular extensions, try it.

I hooked USB Zip Drive directly to USB card, instead ofthroughport, I had no luck. IomegaWare 2.1.1 is right for USB drive, according to I tried switching the USB cables with a known working USB cable that works with an external floppy drive. I replaced the System File, the Finder and trashed the Finder prefs. I trashed the Iomega Driver prefs, extensions off and using version 2.1.1 instead of 2.1 software (disabled previous software). After installing 2.1.1, Advanced Options could be accessed with Iomega Drive Options. I tried to Òverify disk writesÓ, but that did not solve the problem (it did help a little, though, there were less errors). I Disabled Conflict Catcher, since USB software was not listed in Conflict CatcherÕs list of extensions. Ran DFA, NDD. I tried formatting the Zip Disk with the USB Drive did not work, either (to update the cartridgeÕs driver). Switched USB connections, so that the Optical Mouse was on the other USB port. The optical mouse worked fine. I tried disconnecting/reconnecting the USB cable.

            B. I think the problem may have been that the Zip drive was transported (not in a protective case) with a disk in the drive. The manual warns against doing this.

            C. I will test the Zip Drive at school on Wednesday.

            D. Different electrical outlet, nor 60 second unplugging (actually more time) nor Finder erase of Zip Disk or checking surface veracity when formatting helped. I clicked the Green/Red Drive icon to test the drive, drive passed diagnostics test. I tried using USB Iomega Zip 100 A or B only (not a good option because that produces error, when only A is present), Surface veracity found no errors and disk had less errors after surface veracity erase.

            E. Did select verify disk writes, however. But it did not help. SCSI seems to be slower when copying and it makes a clicking sound, but then moves on and copies anyhow (perhaps slower, but more reliable). USB could too fast perhaps (which can cause more errors).

            F. Used 2.2.1 to format USB Zip Disk. I tried version 2.5 of the software, as well. I also tried using DFA and NU on the HD. Also, downloaded software from ftp.iomega instead of http site. 2 errors instead of 8 (the two folders that appeared to have the most trouble were Standards folder (inside of Winton folder) and AOL 5.0. They had trouble copying to USB Zip disk), when copying. Improved, but errors still present.

            G. New system folder or TT rebuild solved the problem (After doing both, the problem was non-existent, so I am not sure which solved the problem). (I had been having some freezes anyhow, and it had been awhile since I did a clean install). I Did the clean install system software on 6/10/2001. There were errors found by installer, but they were fixed (had to press ÒokayÓ, could not walk off and leave installer to complete the operation by itself).

44. Advanced Options will not come up with USB Disk, even if you use Tools to format disk, put Iomega Drive Options in c.p. folder and restart.

            A. SCSI Zip Drive can use Advanced Options with 2.2.1 of Iomega Drive Options.

45. Apparently, 2.2.1 used in conjunction with some disks is the beginning brightly colored yellow of Colored Zip Icons for some Zip disks.

            A. It may be that newer disk used with 2.2.1 may have the brighter icon, because some Zip disks formatted with 2.2.1 still go to the original red and gray icon.

46. Iomega driver in System Folder is for SCSI. Apparently, the USB Zip formatted disk had no driver on the Zip Disk itself, according to Tools.

47. For the USB Iomega drivers to be installed, you must have already installed the USB card software and also, extensions must be on, when installing IomegaWare.

48. says that drives that make a continual clicking sound should not be used.

            A. My SCSI Zip drives does not click all the time, only part of the time when copying. I found an Iomega e-mail address at and asked about this on 6/12/01.

            B. The URL in 48 also says that you should eject a Zip Disk prior to moving the Zip Drive. This allows the heads to park in a natural position.

49. Zip Drive 250 box says it will work with 100 MB disks, on non-USB Macintosh computers only.      

            A. I tried using a 100 MB Zip Disk that had been initialized with the G3/266 and it worked fine in the 250 MB Zip Drive.

50. As of 9/2001, the warranty for Zip, Jaz, Click, Buz Multimedia Producer is 1 year. The warranty for Ditto drives and Ditto tape cartridges is 2 years. The warranty for Zip, Jaz and Click Disks is 5 years. The warranty for any other hardware product not mentioned is 1 year.1-888-4-IOMEGA is the number for technical support. You can technical support for free for 30 days from the time of your first call during the warranty period. After that time, you may be charged $19.95 to consult with an Iomega representative. There is no charge if your product,

recover or return data during warranty service so you should duplicated your data before shipment.

51. The SCSI 250 Zip Drive did not work with the LCII in my room. Zapping the PRAM did not work. Neither did using SCSI probe to mount the Zip Disk. Finally I moved copied the Iomega Driver 5.0.1 extension into the Extensions folder and restarted. The Zip disk would mount. I later moved the Iomega Driver to the extensions (disabled) folder.

52. According to, the Iomega Predator requires a G4 or G3 (blue and white G3 only) or iMac with System 8.6, 9.0, 9.03 or 9.04. It uses Adaptec Easy CD Creator. It costs $199. It can use standard CD-RÕs and CD-RWs.

            A. also has an Iomega 4 X 4 X 6 Zip CD-RW Drive, that costs $149.99. It can use standard CD-RÕs and CD-RWs. It uses Adaptec Easy CD Creator pre-mastering software.

            B. The Iomega CD-RW drive requires 8.1 or later, according to For PCÕs, it requires Pentium 166Mhz or higher, Windows 98 (pre-98 is not supported), and 4 X CD-ROM Drive.

53. The Zip 250 MB SCSI Drive Manual page 4 says that the drive works when connected to connected to the end of a Fast SCSI-2 or Ultra SCSI chain using a high quality cable. However, since the Zip Drive does not meet Fast SCSI-2 or Ultra SCSI specifications, data integrity could possibly be affected. Page 6 suggests turning the connector over if the connector does not go on easily. Page 6 says you need a special Powerbook cable or an HDI-SCSI adapter to connect the Zip Drive to a Powerbook. You can purchase a Powerbook adapter by calling 1-800-My-Stuff. Page 8 says that the universal power supply supplied with the Zip Drive can be used worldwide at any voltage from 100 to 240 volts, all you need is the appropriate plug adapter to connect to a countryÕs outlets. Page 8 says that the button on the front of the Zip Drive is an eject button on PCÕs (not on Macs, though, as I found out). I imagine that if you eject a Zip disk with a PC and then push the button, the Zip Drive powers down (does not on a Mac, though). Page 23 says that you should never eject a disk manually while the power is connected. You should never force a disk in or out of the drive as damage to the drive could result. Page 23 mentions using the front button to Òpower downÓ the Zip Drive, again, not for Macs, though, I believe. Page 24 says that 100 MB disks can be used, but performance is significantly reduced, i.e. a large file that takes 10 seconds to write to a 250 MB disk, could take about a minute and a half to write to a 100 MB disk (using your 250 MB SCSI drive to write both disks). Burn may be slower as well when using a 100 MB disk in a 250 MB drive. Page 24 says that if you write info to a 100 MB disk with a 250 MB Drive, and find that the disk cannot be read by a 100 MB drive, try using the 250 MB Drive to read the disk. Page 24 says that if the 250 MB drive appears to ÒhangÓ when writing to a 100 MB drive, then checking that the green activity light is blinking irregularly (which is normal). If there is a slow, steady blink, there may be a problem with the drive. Try ejecting the disk and copying again. Page 24 says that you can use the Short Format option if you need to format a 100 MB Zip disk in the 250 MB drive, but the Long Format option is not supported. Page 25 says that if a disk is inserted without the power supply connected, and power is then applied, it could damage the drive. If a disk is inserted without the power connected, eject the disk manually. Turn the power on, then insert the disk. Page 25 says that if other devices or a scanner are connected to the Zip drive, the power to the Zip drive should be on, because power to the drive is required for correct data pass through. Page 26 says that ÒRecord ItÓ software allows to record audio tracks from a compact disk to a Zip Disk. There is an audio in microphone feature, which allows you to record dictation. Page 26 says that ÒFile MatchÓ allows you to synchronize files between your HD and a Zip Disk. Page 29 says that ÒCopy MachineÓ cannot copy any open files or in use at the time a copy is made. Page 30 says to use ÒLong Erase with surface veracityÓ if you have forgotten your password. Page 32 says that disk exchange software must be installed on a PC in order to read a Mac formatted Zip Disk. Page 33 says that an adapter card is a device in a chain. The SCSI ID of an adapter is usually 7. Page 34 suggests that Fast SCSI-2 chains be no longer than 9.8 feet and Ultra SCSI chains be no longer than 4.9 feet and that SCSI chains be no longer than 19.6 feet. Page 40 suggests adding three or more spaces at the beginning of the name of the Iomega Drive to help solve an extension conflict. Page 43 says that Virtual Memory should be shut off when using 7.5 through 7.6.1, as there are conflict problems. Page 44 says that at, you can locate Iomega manuals. Page 45 says that technical support is free during the warranty period for a consecutive 30 day period beginning with the first call or for those calls during the warranty period in which your product is determined to be defective.

54. On 2/10/02, I could not get the Winton.sea file to copy to the Zip Disk, along with the Ryan Folder (everything but Winton.sea would copy). So, I tried copying the winton.sea file by itself, I had no luck. I then copied the winton.sea file to the Applications folder, then to the Zip Disk. This worked, but there was still quite a bit of clicking.

            A. I tried a different power cord and a different SCSI cable, but the clicking still continued.

55. I tried to use the Zip Disk called ÒToolsÓ with my G3, the Zip Disk was perhaps three or four years old (SR won it at a contest a few years and later gave it to me). However, I could not use Tools (version 6.3.1, which comes with Iomega 2.2.1) with the Zip Disk, because ÒTools cannot run because an older version of the driver is currently installed. To load the correct driver, try ejecting all Zip or Jaz disks and restarting the system.Ó (perhaps the older driver is the ÒinvisibleÓ one that is normally on a Zip Disk).

            A. Anyhow, I wanted to erase the disk, but was unable to because it was locked. I could not use the Finder command or Tools version 6.3.1 and NDD said that the Zip Disk is not in HFS format. So, I installed an older version of Iomega (5.0.1) and was able to access the disk. But, I did not know the password (Iomega did not work), so I clicked on the ÒShort EraseÓ option and then clicked ÒI forgotÓ, I had to do a ÒLong Erase with surface veracityÓ to initialize the disk, this worked. NDD then could access the disk and found no problems. Disk Tools version 6.3.1 still could not access the disk (same error message as mentioned in 55).

            B. I did follow the Zip Tools error advice and it worked. I restarted with the Zip Disk ejected, then I accessed Tools version 6.0.1 and erased the Zip Disk. I was able to access the Zip Disk with Tools from then on.

56. The new Zip drive was clicking on one occasion, but after erasing the disk with the Tools program, and copying in smaller groups, the clicking was not present (4/17/02).

57. It may be better to have downloads on a separate zip disk (or two), so that I donÕt feel the need to make CDs so often, since the Personal Stuff CD fills up so quickly.

58. I tried to run Iomega software on the G3/233, but I got the message that Òcontrolslib could not be found.Ó This was with tools IomegaWare 3.4.5, version 6.4.5 installer vise 7.2.

            A. I later determined that even version 7.0.1 of Installer Vise requires 8.5 or later.

59. One time, I got the Tools cannot run without 5.1 driver or later installed error message. After I used SCSI probe to load the Zip Disk onto the Desktop, Tools was able to open.

60. I bought a USB powered (no power cord) Zip Drive from Staples, which says it requires System 8.6. However, I had e-mailed someone at Iomega would said it should work. The CD would not work, I got an error message that said that ÒControlsLibÓ could not be found, when trying to run the software. I tried installing 2.2.1 of IomegaWare (which recommends for System 8.1 with a 100 MB USB Zip Drive, but then I keep getting the error message that, ÒThe software needed to use the USB device ÒUSB Zip 100Ó cannot be found. Please refer to the device documentation to install the necessary software. I even tried using the Iomega 2.2.1 driver instead of the later driver that had been installed by the CD.

            A. I e-mailed Iomega at to inquire about this. They did not respond. I returned the Zip Drive at Staples.

            B. I checked on 2.1 of Iomega is installed on the G3/266 and the USB Zip Drive worked fine. However, I copied the 2.1 installer to a Zip disk and then installed the software on the G3/233, but I still got the error message (mentioned in 60). So, I imagine that the Zip Drive is a later device than the Zip Drive that I have at school, which works on the G3/266.

61. I e-mailed about getting a power supply for our Zip Drives (an extra one). They can accept purchase orders online, according to their website. I was not sure what address would be used for a purchase order, so I e-mailed them to ask. Also, they had a power cord listed for a 250 MB Zip drive and a 100 MB Zip Drive, I asked if one would work on the other. They said no.

            A. A Zip Parallel Port Data Cable from Iomega (for 100 MB and 250 MB models) for use with IBM costs $19.95 and is item #10041.

            B. A Zip 250 MB USB power supply is $29.95 and works with Zip 250 MB drives only. It is item #04125601.

            C. A Zip 100 MB U.S. Power Supply costs $9.95 and is item #10043.

62. According to Iomega Read Me from version 2.1, I believe, Quiksync allows you to backup files directly from your Iomega disk-no need for complicated restores from compressed backups.

            A. Quiksync has control panel, no Quiksync extension is needed. Make backup copies of all files on Zip (two copies). To avoid this, uncheck revisions, "save revisions of my files". Deleted Ryan from Personal Stuff. Tried Quiksync again. Did not work without a Ryan folder on the Zip Disk. May need to select Full Copy.

            B. The maximum amount of time is 500 minutes.

            C. You can only select one copy for use with Quiksync at a time.

63. IomegaWare Copy Machine Manual (version 1.2.8) page 4 says that ÒIf a disk contains any information want to save, do NOT use it as a Target disk (i.e. if you just want to copy onto part of a Zip Disk, not erase the whole thing, so partial backups are not recommended if using Copy Machine.

            A. You can turn off the ÒShow Target WarningÓ from the options menu, so that you can copy without the warning dialog box.

            B. IomegaWare Copy Machine Manual (version 1.2.8) page 8 says that if a Zip Disk is used as a startup disk, it cannot be copied with Copy Machine (since the startup disk cannot be ejected). You must use an alternative method of starting up a computer.

64. IomegaÕs web page talks about a class action suit for people who bought Zip drives between 1/1/95 and 3/19/01 for people who have suffered data loss.

64. I tried to mount the Zip Install disk for Windows/DOS and it would not mount. PC Exchange was active, though. I tried it again and it mounted okay.

65. As of 5/29/02, two Zip Disks (but not a third one), when used with the G3/233, made the Òclick of deathÓ noise, even with the ÒnewÓ zip Drive (that was actually 3 years old but still in the box, when I got it from SR).

66. Burn with School Stuff CD is a problem (very sluggish), but may have been done on the 250 MB Zip Drive (copying files with Finder was slow also). I erased School Stuff for summer (6/7/2002).

66. Mom has an extra Zip Drive at her house, as of 6/26/02.

67. My Personal Stuff Zip disk had trouble, so I trashed it on 7/18/02.

            A. Later, I had trouble copying the Ryan folder to Personal Stuff, since the WTA Contract folder (last folder) could not copy without errors (although the WTA Contract folder copied fine to a Toast partition). Anyhow, I trashed the WTA Contract folder from the Ryan folder on the HD and zip disk, since it has already been burned onto CD anyhow. But, I should keep an eye on the Zip Disk.

            B. I bought a 250 MB SCSI Zip Drive in 8/02, and I contacted Iomega about purchasing an extended warranty. They replied and said that they no longer sell extended warranties.

68. According to the Iomega CD-RW Predator documentation from 8/02, Zip Disks are warranted for five years.

69. On one occasion, whenever I tried to access ÒToolsÕ from the Apple Menu, the G3/233 froze. This happened three times, I think. Then I trashed the alias and made a new Tools alias and that alias worked fine.

70. I got an error message one time that indicated that the Winton folder could not be created, so the operation could not be completed, when copying the Winton folder from a zip disk to the G3/233. I decided to copy the Winton folder by itself instead of copying the entire zip disk. No error message appeared.

71. With the new 250 MB SCSI Zip Drive, a couple of times I had difficulties getting Zip Disks to mount after inserting it. Reinserting them (after using eject button on the front of the Zip Drive) solved the problem both times.

72. When copying the Winton folder from a zip disk to MomÕs G3, there were many clicks and also several copying errors. However, on my G3/266 at school, there were no clicks or errors, when copying the Winton folder to the HD. I think her Zip drive works okay, when copying smaller groups of files, though.

73. 2.1.1 is the correct version for 7.5-8.5, Zip 100 USB. extensions on, to install Iomega and Keyspan should already be installed. Installed 2.1.1., although it appears to be pretty similar to 2.1 as far as dates go. Anyhow, I disabled Iomega Driver, because it had an ÒXÓ over it at startup.

74. With version 2.1.1 (installed with extensions on), when accessing Iomega Drive Options, ÒAdvanced OperationsÓ are grayed out with USB, but not SCSI.

75. I called Iomega on 12/3/02 since I have a disk that appears to be defective. The representative said he will send me some more to momÕs address. The RMA number is 2805438, just in case I do not receive the disks. He sent 3 Zip Disks to my place using Federal Express.

A. He also told me that data recovery service costs around $120.00.

76. I had a Zip Disk that had an error when copying Computer Notes to it or Winton.sit on 12/9/02. I then tried copying the files to a different Zip Disk, and they copied fine. So I put the original Zip Disk back into the SCSI Zip Drive and the files then copied fine.

            A. I used the version 4.0.2 of the Zip Software (Tools version 6.5) to check for surface veracity with the iMac (simply because the iMac is a little faster than the G3/266). The Zip Disk erased with surface veracity without any errors.

            B. However, when trying to use the Zip Disk on the G3/266 (Iomega Driver was not present in System Folder, since it had been causing conflicts), it would not mount in the SCSI Zip Drive. SCSI Probe 5.0 froze up the computer, when trying to mount the disk. Mt. Everything would not work, either. I tried Zapping the PRAM with TT and KB, but I had no luck. I even changed the SCSI ID of the Zip Drive from 5 to 6 and reconnected the cables, I had no luck. Finally, I did get the disk to mount with the USB drive (probably because the USB Zip Drive works a little differently), once the Zip Disk mounted with the USB Drive, it was then able to be mounted with the SCSI drive as well. I then reformatted the Zip Disk using Iomega Software 2.2.1 (Tools version 6.3.1).

            C. Upon restart, the Zip Disk that would not mount previously mounted fine upon startup on the G3/266.

            D. It is better to simply use the older software (2.1.1) to format disks.

77. The Zip Disk kept ejecting, when restarting the G3/266, but I had selected it to be ejected with Iomega Drive Options. It turns out that I had not selected RyanÕs HD, using the Startup Disk Control Panel.

78. When using version 6.3.1 of Tools with the SCSI 250 MB Zip Drive at school, the Long Erase Option was not allowed, it was grayed out. When using version 6.0, and you selected Long Erase (it was not grayed out), you got an in use error (ÒThe disk ÔUntitledÕ cannot be erased, because it is being shared or contains items that are in use. Try quitting applications and closing files). I even tried trashing the file called OpenFolderListDF from the HD (I think it was in the System Folder), but I had no luck. I tried enabling Iomega Driver (which had been disabled) and restarting, but I still got the same results.

            A. I tried reinstalling the 2.1.1 software (after removing all previous components and preferences) per the suggestion for IomegaÕs one-on-one technical support, but the Long Erase will still grayed out. I even tried installing with Extensions On, but I had no luck.

            B. I later realized that the problem was that 100 MB Zip Disks cannot be ÒLong ErasedÓ using the 250 MB SCSI Zip Drive, not matter what version of Tools you are using.

            C. I used the USB 100 MB Zip Drive to verify the 100 MB Zip Disk. The disk checked out okay.

79. If you quit in the middle of a Long Erase using Tools 6.3.1 by using the command, option, and power key shortcut (you cannot press command, period to stop a Long Erase), you must use the Long Erase upon restart to be able to use the Zip Disk.

80. On one occasion, while using the iMac to access one-on-one technical support, I got a message that the web site .... (the website kept dynamically reloading every few seconds) did not load. However, my session was not terminated, it just appeared to be.

81. After installing version 2.5 of the software (trying to solve the startup freeze problem, even though 2.1.1 was recommended for System 8.1), I had trouble copying files to a Zip Disk in the USB 100 drive. However, after I removed the software and reinstalled 2.1.1 of the Iomega software, I was able to copy files to the Zip Drive again.

82. I used the 250 SCSI power cord with the USB 100 Zip without any problem.

83. Since I have been using 250 MB Zip Disks (11/03), I will combine Personal Stuff, Downloads, and School Stuff on one Zip Disk.

84. The operating temperature for the 100 MB SCSI Zip Drive is 50 degrees to 123.8 degrees. The storage temperature is -7.6 degrees to 123.8 degrees Fahrenheit (the upper end of the operating and storage temperatures is the same).

85. On one occasion, I tried to load a PC formatted Zip Disk on the G3/233 with System 9.1, but the disk would not mount, even with File Exchange Control Panel active. There is an option with the control panel to mount PC disks (and an option to mount at startup), but the disk would not mount. The disk mounted fine when starting up in OS 8.1. Finally, I decided to mount the disk in OS 8.1 and then format it as a Mac Zip Disk and restart in OS 9.1. Then I thought I would format the disk for Windows using 9.1. However, there is no option to do so. I guess that Zip software in OS 9.1 is not designed to work with Windows like 8.1 is.