- 人民币开户行: 中国工商银行北京分行东四南支行
- 人民币账号: 0200001009014413252
- 外币开户行: 中信银行酒仙桥支行
- 外币账号: 7112111482600000209
- 捐赠热线: 010-65139999、64027620(白天)
- 人民币开户行: 中银北京科技会展中心支行
- 人民币账号: 8145—11681908091001
- 捐赠热线: 010-62655199 (8:30—21:00) 中国扶贫基金会募捐倡议
- 人民币开户行: 农行黄浦区陆家浜路支行
- 人民币账号: 033351-00043984343
- 捐款捐物地址及联系电话: 62124343
- 慈善物资管理中心(浦东) 杨高中路2795号
- 人民币开户行: 中国工商银行北京西四支行
- 人民币账号: 0200002809014450409
- 外币开户行: 中国银行总行营业
- 外币帐号: 00100914908091014.
- 捐赠联系电话: 010-66083191、66083260、66055848;66083264(传真)
1. 人民币账号
- 账号: 11001007400058224610
- 户名: 民政部 — 中央财政汇缴专户
- 开户行: 中国建设银行股份有限公司北京东四支行营业部
- 银行地址: 北京市东城区美术馆后街8号
2. 外币账户
- 账号: 00100252328091014
- 账户: 民政部
- 开户银行: 中国银行总行营业部
- 地址: 北京市西城区复兴门内大街1号
刘乃山, 救灾救济司 电话:010-58123137, 13522909897
随敏, 财务和机关事务司 电话: 010-58123314
100721 北京市东城区北河沿大街147号
二、 部分地震受灾省(市)接受捐赠账户及联系方式
- 户名: 四川省慈善总会
- 开户行: 工行成都指挥街分理处
- 账号: 4402233009024905168
- 联系人: 张丽娟
- 联系电话: 028-84423021
- 户名: 甘肃省民政厅
- 开户行: 兰州市商业银行金汇支行
- 账号: 7028820191629865
- 联系人: 齐志玲
- 联系电话: 0931-8878008转80507,13893378827, 0931-8868097 (电话和传真)
- 户名: 陕西省救灾募捐办公室
- 开户行: 工行东新街分理处(新城)0102053
- 账号: 3700021309024903702
- 联系人: 罗忠沐
- 联系电话: 029-85768335, 85768336
Contact Information for Earthquake (2008, China) Donation
China Red Cross
- RMB Account Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Dongsinan Branch, Beijing
- RMB Account No.: 0200001009014413252
- Foreign Currency Account Name: Citic Bank, Jiuxianqiao Branch
- Foreign Currency Account No.: 7112111482600000209
- Donation Hotline: 010-65139999, 64027620 (Daytime)
China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation
- RMB Account Name: Bank of China, Scientific Exhibition Center Branch, Beijing
- RMB Account No.: 8145—11681908091001
- Donation Hotline: 010-62655199 (8.30am – 9pm)
Shanghai Charity Foundation
- This also accepts in-kind donations. Tents, food, clothing and blankets are needed. To donate, please call 62124343 and inform them of the items and amount you would like to donate. They will send trucks to you to transport the goods.
- RMB Account Name: Agricultural Bank, Huangpu District, Lujiabang Road Branch
- RMB Account No.: 033351-00043984343
- Donation Drop-off Address: Charity Management Center (Pudong), 2795 Yangao Middle Road
- Donation Contact Phone No.: 010-62124343
China Charity Federation
- RMB Account Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Xisi Branch, Beijing
- RMB Account No.: 0200002809014450409
- Foreign Currency Account Name: Bank of China Headquarters
- Foreign Currency Account No.: 00100914908091014
- Donation Contact Phone No.: 010-66083191, 66083260, 66055848. Fax: 66083264
Contact Information of Ministry of Civil Affairs & provinces for Donation
Ministry of Civil Affairs
1.RMB Bank Account
- Account No.:11001007400058224610
- Beneficiary: 民政部 — 中央财政汇缴专户
- Bank Name: Beijing Dongsi Branch, China Construction Bank
- Address: 8 Meishuguan Houjie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
2. Foreign Currency Account
- Account No.:00100252328091014
- Beneficiary: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Bank Name: Banking Department, Bank of China Head Office
- Address: 1 Fuxingmennei Avenue, Xicheng District Beijing
Liu Naishan, Department of Disaster and Social Relief Tel: 010-58123137 13522909897
Sui Min Department of Finance and General Affairs Tel: 010-58123314
147 Beiheyan Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100721
Sichuan Province:
- Beneficiary: Sichuan Province Charity Association
- Account No. 2321012100077109
- Bank name: Chengdu Zhihui Jie, Fen Li Chu, China Commercial Bank
- Contact: Zhang Lijuan
- Telephone: 028-84423021
Ganshu Province
- Beneficiary: Ganshu Province Department of Civil Affairs
- Account No. 7028820191629865
- Bank name: Jin Hui Branch, Commercial Bank of Lanzhou City
- Contact: Qi Zhiling
- Telephone: 0931-8878008转80507,13893378827, 0931-8868097 (telephone and fax)
Shaanxi Province
- Beneficiary: Shaanxi Province Disaster Relief Donation Office
- Account No. 3700021309024903702
- Bank name: Dongjie Branch of Commercial Bank (new town)
- Contact: Luo Zhongmu
- Telephone: 029-85768335, 85768336