
( is a file hosting service and all users must agree to the following Terms of Service:)
(Upload no files that are not allowed to be shared, or files that might be considered as illegal.)
(Maximum allowed filesize is 25MB.)
(Gruesome, images/movies of death or abuse, and all other offensive or copyrighted material are prohibited. Yourfilehost reserves the right to remove files at any time without giving a notice or reason.)



(Users of Yourfilehost must agree to comply with all laws which apply to their location, including copyright and trademark laws. Files that violate copyrights or trademarks are not allowed. If someone has reported your file as abusive, we will review if the complaint is justified and we will the appropiate action. If there is a dispute between participants on this site, Yourfilehost is under no obligation obligated to become involved.)
(Yourfilehost is under no obligation responsible for the content uploaded by the users. If you think a file should be removed please let us know by reporting the file as abusive and we will review it as soon as possible. If your complaint is justified we will delete the file as soon as possible!)
(Please report all files as abusive which violate our TOS so that they can be dealt with promptly.)
(Yourfilehost will cooperate with any and all legal authorities if an investigation should arise.)
(By uploading a file to Yourfilehost you give permission for the owners of Yourfilehost to publish your file in any of their projects or publications. You release all rights to the file, and give full permission to Yourfilehost and its associates to use and publish the file in anyway they wish. You will receive no money or credits for the file being used in any such way.)
(As a user of Yourfilehost, you agree that Yourfilehost is not liable for your files or any lost business. Yourfilehost makes no claims of future reliability in serving, hosting or storing your files.)
(Yourfilehost reserves the right to remove, replace or alter any files which intend to compromise the security of our server, use an excessive amount of bandwidth, or would be otherwise malignant, at any time.)
(Direct linking / Hotlinking of the files is forbidden. You must link to our files with the link that is provided to you to use. If Yourfilehost notices a user is trying to hotlink or abuse our site in any other way we will remove the concerning files immediately.)
(Yourfilehost reserves the right to modify the Terms of Service at any time and without prior notice to its users.)
copyright(c) yourfilehostの使い方