Shadow Priests: A Look Into PvP Gems

I’ve had some requests for a post about meta gems, so here we go.

What meta gem is really the best for shadow priests in PvP?

This is debatable, especially depending on the shadow priest’s overall gear. I strongly believe, however, that at top gear levels (430+ resilience / 11k+ hp buffed / 9k+ mana) the +12 spell damage / minor run speed (Swift Starfire Diamond) meta gem is the best.

EDIT: I forgot about the 14 Spell Damage / 5% Stun Resist AKA Imbued Unstable Diamond meta gem from the Bash’ir landing event. Although it’s hard to get, it’s superior to any of the gems I listed here, with the exception of maybe the 14 Dmg / 2% Int one in 2.4.

+12 spell damage / minor run speed AKA Swift Starfire Diamond
The obvious pro of this gem is the requirements to activate it. “At least two yellow gems and one red gem”. Unless you’re undergeared, you don’t want any blue gems in your gear, meaning you can basically gem all of your gear perfectly since all of your PvP gear only has yellow and red slots in it.

Yellow gems give you a chance to stack up +spell hit rating, something shadow priests need a lot of. Shadow Focus caps you out for shadow spells only, but it doesn’t do anything for your dispels. Most people overlook this, and ignore spell hit entirely which is a mistake at high gear levels. Basically, you’re going to want 38 spell hit rating to cap yourself out (or somewhere around 38, I can’t remember the exact number). Because of this, the absolute best thing you can do to gem your gear is using multiple Veiled Noble Topaz AKA +4 spell hit / +5 spell damage. And of course, for one of the yellow gems, you’re going to want the +10 Halaa resilience gem.

My gear right now has 43 spell hit, because I’m fine with my resilience and I wanted more +dmg. In the future, I’m going to look into getting a +int/+spell dmg gem. ( Infused Fire Opal and Unstable Topaz )

+18 stamina / 5% stun resist AKA Powerful Earthstorm Diamond
A lot of shadow priests use this, and I really don’t know why. If you’re undergeared, this meta might be good for you until you get to higher gear levels though.

However… It really doesn’t offer that much survivability, and the 5% stun resist is almost unnoticeable. The requirements are also pretty unattractive, “At least three blue gems”. Once again, blue gems are something shadow priests should try to stay away from. If you absolutely HAVE to use this gem, never go for pure blue gems. The best thing is to use Glowing Nightseyes ( +5 spell dmg / +6 stamina: for the red slots, so you can still fulfill the socket bonuses.

With this meta gem, you lose so much spell damage and that, to me, makes it worse than the others.

Chance to Increase Spell Cast Speed AKA Mystical Skyfire Diamond
I’ve never actually used this, so I can’t give out any information on my own experiences. However, I do know that this meta is very strong for 2v2/3v3 (I MIGHT consider changing to it if 2v2/3v3 was all I did, but I’m 5v5ing now so nope!). It also sucks that it makes you use “More blue gems than yellow gems” to activate it (aka loss of spell dmg). Can you tell how much I hate blue gems?

If you have a lot of cash to blow, I would try to use this and see if you like it. I’m just way too lazy to try it out, and I’m content with my 12 dmg meta gem right now. Not to mention, it’s bein nerfed in 2.4… which brings me to the final meta gem:

2.4 Gem: +14 spell damage / +2% intellect AKA Ember Skyfire Diamond
Yes. That is all. This is, hands down, the best shadow priest PvP meta gem in 2.4. Everything about this gem screams perfect for shadow priests. The activation requirement is easy and what you’re going to gem for anyway, “Requires three red gems”, the +intellect is extremely appealing, and the +14 spell dmg part speaks for itself.

I feel like I might get some questions on the +intellect part. Shadow priests are arguably the least mana efficient PvP caster in the game right now. Anything that gives you more intellect or mp5 (you won’t see that around for pvp items though, unfortunately) is amazing. Although it’s “only” 2% int, every little bit counts. From last season to this season, I gained over 1000 mana and it’s VERY noticeable. Besides, if you were already using the +12 dmg / minor run speed meta, the minor run speed part is basically giving you +3 stam from your boots, so it comes down to 2% int vs. 3 stam. Which would you take? :p

14 Responses to “Shadow Priests: A Look Into PvP Gems”

  1. Just wanted to take a moment and say, me and my friend absoloutle love your blog and looking forward to the ‘tutorial’ movie you spoke briefly on the S.Priest forum :>

    I’d also urge you to start playing some Rogue Mage S.Priest,
    I’ll argue this setup is one of the strongest setups you can play,
    only counter we’ve had is Druid Rogue Rogue, we hit 2200ish our 2rd night of playing. I’ve played S.Priest Druid Rogue(I’m Rogue btw) and having a Mage over a Druid just allows so much more utility and burst. Hopefully you can try this setup, it works perfectly with the Rogue being either ShS or AR/Prep.

  2. I’m using the same meta you are for many of the same reasons, but in a few weeks when I start playing some serious charters again for the end of S3, I’m gonna switch to the 14 spell damage 5% stun resist meta from the Bash’irs Landing event in BEM. Although somewhat hard to get, I feel you should include this somewhere and perhaps maybe switch to it yourself (5% stun resist vs. 3 stam?).

  3. ahh yeah, I should have included that but I forgot about it. it’s the best SP meta in the game right now, but it’s so hard to get people together to get it. :(

  4. Two words, friend: protection paladin. The only downside if you have to trade a yellow for a red/blue (req is exactly 3 yellows: 10 res/heroic mech/heroic botanica are mine).

  5. noone ever mentions +14dmg/5% stun resist


  6. what about the haste gems next patch? I havnt been PTRing so I’m not sure how much of a boost haste rating is off of GCD on dispels and dots. Also is the haste battlemasters worth it or should I stick with the spell damage one.

  7. fozzy~ I’m not sure, I haven’t been testing on the PTR either. I know like, nothing about +haste. Even before the GCD-haste changes. I’ll LETCHOO NO THO!

  8. tyty. If I had the badges or the honor to test it I would xfer to the ptr, but im lazy and I dont.

    btw we need more scrims, wow player cs video inc.

  9. Since the 5% stun resist stacks with our unbreakable will talent I’m using the 18 stam and 5% stun resist meta. Resisisting every 5th stun should count for something. Especially when so many classes rely on them. But thats my opinion.

    I will change meta in 2.4 tho. But the Imbued Unstable Diamond gem req are so gay, I hope they will change them before the patch goes live. Otherwise it’s Ember Skyfire Diamond for the spell damage and the 1 extra mind flay or dispell per arena match lol.

  10. My main focus before this season used to be 5v5 and well, i was always target number 1 (Duh) so at the beginning of this season i gemmed for 4resillience 6stamina gems, Some 10 res Lionseyes and 2 5spelldmg 6sta gems. Atm i have 11.3k stamina unbuffed 487 resillience and 966 spelldmg (and 4.4k armor). Because of all the blue gems I’m useing the 18sta and 5% stunresist gem.
    Turns out this season I’ve mainly focussed on 2v2 because by accident I found a really good rogue partner. I still feel I die so fast sometimes, so I’m reluctant to switch my survivability for more dmg (i though 966 was quite allright). Do you reckon i should start switching out some gems for more spelldmg? Atleast one of the nightseyes for the 12spelldmg pvp gem?
    Also I’ve used the 5% half cast meta last 2 seasons in 5v5 and 2v2. It can be really nice with a 0.75sec VT when you are getting interupted alot, and with a nice 1.5 sec mindflay when you are not being focussed and can nuke something. Stopped useing it this season because of all the nerves to the metagem, and the next nerf is allready incoming.
    Also what are people’s opinions about Skull of Guldan in your dps trinket slot after 2.4 combined with haste pvp gear and maybe the gems? (Skull also give you a nice 25 hit rating for your dispells!) I use Hex shrunken head atm, but sorta wondering if going for the skull in 2.4 would be nice.

  11. you are amazing… please pleaseeeee keep it up!!

  12. This blog is very well written and is full of awesomeness! Thank you!

  13. One Question please Noxn, im having a Spriest and playing with a Rogue, he has got S1 Full and 1 S3 Item (S1 weapons) ive 3 S3 Items (head hands chest) and all other stuff is S1, ive 10,6k Hp and 880 SPelldmg, by 445 Resil.
    As i dont have all S3 Items im missing around 400 armor.
    So, ive 4 resil / 6 stam. Gems at the moment. Would you change that? and add Spelldmg in it to go over 900 spelldmg of costs of around 15-20 Resil. and 200 HP? Or should i just leave it like it is? I dont have access to BT Gems etc. so 9Spelldmg 4resil/6 stam / +hit and spelldmg and so on, are the only ones i could get.

    Hope you can help me out on this, thanks for all your effort on this Blog Forums etc.


  14. hey noxn
    i know this is about gems
    but i wanted to ask If you think
    this trinket is worth getting as arena shadow priest
    or stick to the icon

    ty up ahead

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