Page #2
Page #2 Discusses:
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Q1A: How do you deal with Double Melee teams as Shadow Priest/Lock/Druid?
I don’t run this set up anymore; we’ve ran SP/Rogue/Druid from 2300->2430 now, mostly because of how druids are going to die a lot easier since 2.4. However, what we did against Double Melee (there was always a warrior) is to have me full time DPS on the warrior, and my Felguard lock (yes felguard is important) support DPS on the warrior with CC on the other melee and healer.
Your druid and warlock should be able to get the second melee into a CC rotation fairly easily, unless it’s an undead rogue.
The only way SP/Lock/Druid should lose this fight is if they zerg the lock down, but most are dumb and zerg down the shadow priest thinking it’s better. Even if they do get on the lock, though, I put out all of my main burst damage, then I start playing defensively with shields and defensive fears on the second melee. Mind Control is also an option if you’re on the Blade’s Edge bridge. It’s very, very important for both your druid and lock to have exceptional gear if you plan on winning against two geared melee that hump your lock instead of priest. Lock has to be Felguard spec too. I know I said that before, but teams with UA Locks are going to get owned by competent teams, and SL SL locks don’t have enough damage to contribute to this team set up.
I would really consider double melee/druid teams one of the easier teams to beat as SP/Lock/Druid.
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Q2A: How do you deal with Priest/Mage/Rogue as Shadow Priest/Lock/Druid?
You have to get on the mage if you want to win this one. Mage/Rogue has way too much damage to ignore the mage and kill the rogue or priest. And mages are sooo easy to lock out anyway. Just make sure you’re both putting constant pressure up on the mage, with your druid Cycloning/Rooting the rogue with assist fears from your lock (I don’t know if Cycloning the priest is a good idea anymore, with the range reduced. You may just have to deal with normal fears from your warlock or spriest). Don’t mass dispel the Ice Blocks unless he’s excruciatingly low and will die. Normally, just wait it out and save the mana. If he’s sitting in the Ice Block, take that time to Mana Burn the other priest. Don’t use Shadowfiend unless you’re sure the mage isn’t going to Absorb any attacks or Ice Block it.
You two should be putting enough pressure on the priest (he should be forced to heal/dispel) to make sure he isn’t going to Mana Burn you or your druid.
Mana Burn is also a fairly decent idea to use on the mage. Even if it’s only 3-4 times, that will cripple the mage hard. Have your lock DoT up the water elementals as they come out, and throw out some mind flays, maybe a moonfire to help out. Just be careful about PoM bounces, since it’s not worth killing the pet if it’s going to keep bouncing a mending and give the priest a break from healing.
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Q3A: How do you deal with Double Melee + Resto Druid teams as Shadow Priest/Rogue/Druid?
We deal with double melee teams almost exactly like we deal with Warrior/Druid in 2v2, with the exception being Rogue/Rogue/Druid (which you should basically always lose if the two rogues are undead, and if they aren’t it’s still a hell of a fight).
Against ANY team with a Warrior and Druid + DPS in it, we split dps with me on the warrior and my rogue on the druid, while our druid CC’s their 3rd player and assists my rogue with locking down the druid (with Feral Charge, Bash, and Entangles). It’s very simple if you do the fight like this, the druid shouldn’t be able to recover if he’s healing by himself. If it’s Ret Paladin/Warrior/Druid you’re fighting, then have your rogue call out when the paladin is about to BoP the druid (he should have a pretty good idea of when it’ll happen) and your druid should be ready to Cyclone him for the duration of it. And for the Cyclones, have your rogue do something useful, be it Gouging the paladin or Kicking a heal. If he’s bubbled, let him stay bubbled since his healing target is Cycloned anyway, and just keep DPSing the warrior down.
The real hard team is double rogue/druid. If they’re undead it’s an almost certain loss. If they’re not, then you have a good chance to win ias long as you have top notch gear. What you have to do is get a fear off on both rogues, and make them blow their trinket. Have your druid be Cycloning from the get-go too. The first rogue that trinkets needs to be your kill target. Abolish poison must ALWAYS be up on whichever one of you is getting killed. If you can get at least one into a kiting rotation (which would be the one you’re assisting down), you can probably win.
CC is a MUST in this fight, 2 rogues can kill you from 100% to 0% in a single kidney shot (overkill too). You can never have 2 rogues beating on one target at the same time. This fight is heavily, heavily, heavily reliant on your druid being very good. Early Silence on the druid to force the rogue to blow cloak early from being killed too fast. Make sure your druid is Cycloning the other druid when his Cyclone is on DR from the rogue. If you can make the druid blow trinket and your rogue isn’t being assisted, you can very easily switch to the druid and gib him in a Cheap Shot -> Kidney Shot.
This is not an easy fight; it’s all about your druid being able to rotate CC’s on multiple targets while keeping a target up through ridiculous damage from 2 rogues. Whoever is being assisted needs to constantly be moving too.
If you guys can live up to the point of you being able to get at least one rogue in a constant CC rotation with Psychic Scream -> Cyclone x3 -> Entangles -> Feral Charge, then chances are you will win. It’s getting to that point that’s the hard part. I wouldn’t really expect to be able to beat this kind of team, to be honest.
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3v3 for the dummies! Thanks noxn!
Asea said this on April 8th, 2008 at 3:25 pm
give a taktic vs rmp and double heal,dd (wl,rogue,warrior) ;p
yrer said this on May 16th, 2008 at 4:25 pm