Friday, May 19. 2006Pan-European Arab Muslim Gang Rape Epidemic/script type="text/javascript" src="/JavaScripts/google_iris-blog_top.js"> // include_once ("../JavaScripts/"); ?>
Swedish victim, Muslim gang rape Shock in Berlin as Suspected Rapists Freed Nowhere is the news reported that this is part of a gang rape epidemic sweeping areas with high Arab Muslim immigration. As is the case with young Arab Muslims throughout the West, teenage girls are generally forbidden to go out, leaving separatist gangs of predatory Arab Muslim males with highly misogynist attitudes. Harassment of females has therefore exploded throughout the West, most shockingly demonstrated in the recent phenomenon of gang rape for sport. Listed below is the evidence. While these cases are primarily not related to the core group of committed Islamists within Arab Muslim immigrant populations, there is some "trickle-down" of attitudes so it is also worth noting the rape aspects of Jihad ideology as well: The Rape Jihad. Germany Shock in Berlin as Suspected Rapists Freed The youths, aged 13 to 15, allegedly attacked their victim as she walked home from school in the Charlottenburg district which is generally seen as safe area with low crime rates.France Racial Gangrape: Another Diversity Disaster more cosmopolitan centers like Paris and Australia, the game is blossoming. It consists in the ritual gang rape of white women by non-white immigrants....The ritual is known as a ?tournante,? meaning ?Take your turn,? and it consists of a black male becoming ?friendly with? (seducing) a white female, preferably a teenager. Once they?ve become chums, the male lures the girl to a location where his buddies in the gang ?take their turns? with her. In the case on trial in Paris, it was no fewer than 14 buddies. Unlike many victims of such fun, this young lady lodged a complaint with the police. As a result, she was gangraped a second time?this time, allegedly, by the 11 who went on trial in April....France Takes on Plague of Sexual ?Rite? (scroll down to see) Kidnap Accomplice of Ilan Halimi Was Herself a Victim of "Tournante" In Nice, Gang Rape Video of a Female Student is Circulating Freely Among Muslim Immigrants Australia The Australian Sun-Herald reports that police data show that some 70 racially motivated rapes of young white girls, one as young as 13, by Middle Eastern immigrants have taken place in the last two years. ?Fifteen youths and men have so far been charged with more than 300 offenses relating to matters since mid-2000 alone. They are all of Middle Eastern extraction. None of those involved is presently before the courts....those in Australia don?t seem to be part of a gang initiation, but they are nonetheless clearly racially driven. ?Before being brutalized,? the Australian paper reports, ?other victims have reportedly been questioned about their Australian heritage or forced to endure taunts about their attackers? prowess.? But, like the rapes in France, those in Australia follow a similar pattern in which one non-white male becomes intimate with a white girl, whom he then delivers to his friends for sexual violation, beating and humiliation.See also: Racial Gang-Rape: The Sequel Sweden Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway ...doubling of the number of reported rapes by ambush in 2004, following what was already a decade of steadily increasing numbers of sexual crimes the number of reported rapes against children is on the rise. The figures have nearly doubled in the last ten years: 467 rapes against children under the age of 15 were reported in 2004 compared with 258 in 1995. Legal proceedings continue this week in a case involving a 13 year old girl from Motala who was said to have been subjected to a group rape by four men. (Note: These four men were Kurdish Muslims, who raped the girl for hours and even took photos of doing so).Amanda and Molin Raped by Immigrant Gang (Swedish) Norway Rape charges in the capital are spiraling upwards, 40 percent higher from 1999 to 2000 and up 13 percent so far this year. Police Inspector Gunnar Larsen of Oslo's Vice, Robbery and Violent crime division says the statistics are surprising - the rising number of rape cases and the link to ethnic background are both clear trends....While 65 percent of those charged with rape are classed as coming from a non-western background, this segment makes up only 14.3 percent of Oslo's population. Norwegian women were the victims in 80 percent of the cases, with 20 percent being women of foreign background.Denmark Alarmed at last week's police statistics, which revealed that in 68% of all rapes committed this year the perpetrator was from an ethnic minority, leading Muslim organisations have now formed an alliance to fight the ever-growing problem of young second and third-generation immigrants involved in rape cases against young Danish girls.See also: Copenhagen Mufti Declares Women who Refuse to Wear Headscarves are "Asking for Rape" Caveats: There are two technical imprecisions in this post that were blurred for readability. Australia is not European. Also, among Western immigrants, Arabs and Muslims are different, but highly overlapping, groups. The phenomenon is highest among those who are Arab and Muslim, and largely unknown among non-Muslim Arabs.
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muslim men are the lowest form of life and should be castrated!!!!!!!!
to mohammed who answered to Laura's post: yeah, bla bla bla...that's why ******** like you are always panting after us white girls!! bewakoof aadmi. baakwaz nahin bolo!!! learn to act like a real man, try not to disgrace your own ppl so much. you crybaby mama's boys cant even pick and choose your own wives, your entire lives are decided for you by mummy and daddy....pitiful! lol!!! plus you are def. not all that in the looks department...guess what, news flash, moron: 99.9 percent of this entire planet's male population when asked will choose a caucasian anglo european type skin as their preferance, including if not ESPECIALLY amongst your kind!! that's why you ppl always go for the gori wife!! hypocrite. ur just sore bc 99.9 times out of 100 the reverse just isnt true!! loser!
by the way, all rapists should be castrated. no matter wht ethnicity or religion, but you islamofascists are the scum dregs of this earth, and u just keep on proving it over and over and over to the entire world by your actions and the ridiculously laughable comments you post! LOL [Edited for obscenity --IRIS] I absolutely and entirely agree with Laura. All throughout hostory of every country they have done nothing but to loot, kill, convert, destroy, rape and involve in all kinds of perversion against women and now they are spreading it out of their own filthy rotten countries. Taking advantage of the liberal world through sentimental blackmailing. *******! ******* ! each one of them.
- From India [Edited for obscenity --IRIS] your comment that all muslim men should be castrated is idiotic to say the least. it is the american catholic priests who rape kids from their congregations who should have thier ***** cut off instead as they are more a threat to christianity than jihadists.
[Edited for obscenity --IRIS] I have solved the terrorist problem!!!I know why people want to be religios:they don`t want to go to hell.muslims Don`t want to go to muslim hell but Christian hell is worse than muslim hell and the only reason that some person wants to be religios is that the person doesn`t want to go to hell.I know that if some muslim would know that Christian hell is worse than muslim hell then that person would to be Christian and when every muslim would be Christian then there are no more terrorist.It`s VERY IMPORANT THAT EVERY mUSLIM WOULD KNOW THAT CHRISTIAN HELL IS WORSE THAN mUSLIM HELL!!!! I have found a new Law:It`s illegal to let muslims in Finland or some other country in the world because muslims obey the law`s of koran they don`t obey the laws of some country. .Example:The World trade center tragedy the Koran has a law that every non muslim person should be killed,the muslim men obeyd that law,not the law of that country!!!!( (koran 5:50)The koran has Laws that other countrys don`t have:Unbelievers should be killed (koran 2:191, 3:141, 4:104, 4:89, 8:12-16, 9:5, 9:73-74, 9:123, 25:52?) muslims should fight and humiliate Jews and Christians (koran 5:18 and 9:29)Allows muslims to loot (koran 8:1, 8:41, 8:69,)and to acquire slaves (koran 4:3, 4:23-24 and 8:67).allah orders muslims not to take Jews, Christians and other unbelievers as friends (koran 3:28, 5:51 and 9:23), and will not forgive Christians (koran 4:48 and 4:116).10% of the French population are muslims and 70% of all prisoners in France are muslims!!! Norway and In Denmark 65-70% of all rapes are done by muslims and Sweden,Norway and Denmark have a rape epidemic. know that if some muslim would know that Christian hell is worse than muslim hell then that person would to be Christian and when every muslim would be Christian then there are no more terrorist. I know why people want to be religios:they don`t want to go to hell. Palestinians launch their rockets in to Israel that means every person that lives in Israel can die at anytime.I have solved this problem if every person that lives in Israel would move to another country and give their land to the Palestinians then that war would be over and why some Israeli person would want to move to another country?If one person living in Israel would have two options eighter stay or die.Every person would move.How to move 6 million persons?If 20% would move in to US and 50% in Europe etc...if i think more how to move them i know that won`t be a problem.
[Comment edited] THe government and the Police in these cities and countries have a responsibility to protect its' people. There should be task forces set up to police and take down these low-lives once and for all. This political correctness bull is ruining societies all over the world. These animals who comitted these rapes should be beaten badly and thrown in jail for the rest their lives. I bet you that if a gang of white foreigners went to a middle-eastern country and brutally beat and gang-raped a muslim woman, everyone of them would be beheaded on televison.
What!? Women who do not wear headscarves are "asking to be raped"!? Does he mean Danish, non-Muslim women!? ANY WOMAN?! Who is this ****, and why is he allowed to live in Denmark!? Muslims went nuts over a bunch of cartoons. CARTOONS. I saw film of these people demonstrating in London in the wake of the Cartoon Scandal. They were shouting things like "Death to Denmark!", and "Jihad!", and other such things. For the sake of both parties involved - DEPORT THEM NOW! I think that muftis who state such things are just "asking for a quick death". What arrogance - in YOUR NATION, DANES! Come on, you are VIKINGS! Take care of business!
Mam, I totally agree. I am not even white. The islamic cancer has is spreading all over the world, where ever you can look. Muslims have been multipying like flies over the past 30 years and their ultimate goal is to convert the whole world into Islam. Look at whereever there is conflict in this world, 95% is damn muslims involved. This is the only reason why I support President Bush, atleast he is doing something to suppress this cancer. The rest of you liberal democrats, who feel sorry for the muslims being attacked, your grand kids will be muslims, take it from me. There will come a point where there will be a knife to your grandkid's throat and he/she will have a choice to convert to Islam or die. Don't believe the biggest lie ever that majoritty of muslims are moderate peace loving people. 85% of Islam followers support the radical version of Islam and they are just fooling you into thinking that most of them are normal human beings. Islam is a curse of mankind and unless the rest of the world takes action - governments of Israel, China, United States, Europe, India etc should take active steps to stop muslim population increases. Think about it, the average human on earth had 2 kids and the average muslim has 4 kids. If this trend follows, there is no doubt, the whole world will be reading koran in 50 years. This not not meant to be some kind of hate theme, just pointing out what is going to happen if the rest of the world continues to ignore the pressing issue of islamic cancer.
all u can burn in **** ***** *******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**** u christians!!!!!!!!
[Edited for profanity] To Stop Cancer....Please do not give Bush any undo praise for what he is doing. He has unleashed a plague of Illegal Hispanics on our country and we are undergoing the same reign of rapists and murderers as you have in Europe. Bush has allowed 20 million+ Illegal Hispanics to sneak across our border to molest, rape and murder children as young as 3 years old. Bush is not a President, he is an egomaniacal dimwit who can't see what he is doing to our Nation. If he doesn't get impeached at least we know we only have him for another 18 months.
yeah yeah...this is for you are right to be more precise there are 11,000,000 immigrants and + in the USA, i agree with your comment. However you don't think the good sides of having "illegal immigrants" in the country. Have you ever asked yourself: who cleans the s*** of a restroom, or gets the fruits and veggies to the stores. Well get this fact straight, about more than half of illegal aliens work for miserable wages. Wages that as for them are a lot of money.....and we are talking about,,,hmm 5 dollars affirmed that Hispanics murder babies of 3 y.o....well let me tell you this..we live on planet earth...there are bad people and good people, who commit even worst crimes, and yes including white American people as well...there no good people..going back to the topic,,you say that Bush allowed that many illegal aliens to the country without realizing that he did not do anything to stop that wall between Mexico and USA,,,in the long run instead of thinking with your feet, think with your head and get information instead of playing stupid x box or w/e u got there....because 1- if you are American you are being an ignorant 2nd, you are making your country look dumb, by saying that bush allowed that many illegals to the country.......don't get offended but am just telling you so you can learn, in other words am helping you not hurting you for the future so people wont' laugh at you like i did.......I love your country I'm from Argentina and i've lived in the USA for all my life i will be attending UVA for my degree in medicine, i speak English, Spanish Russian and French I'M HISPANIC and i'm do you realize that there are people like me, who are trying their hardest to be i think you don't realize the future dont be stupid be smart like most of the american
PS don't be surprise if a Hispanic doctor saves your ass while you are very ill......... Totally agree with you about the cancer that is Islam spreading through the world. Why is it so difficult for other people to understand that if things go on, then we will face an armageddon brought about by this fascism. Already the words of Enoch Powell have been proved correct, and yet the goody-goody leftists refuse to denounce the islamics and set the harsh rules required to keep us safe from this scum.
I don't know what the answer is - its all gone too far. I can imagine that 50 years down the line we will have the islamists on one side and quasi-Christians on the other, and there will be civil wars going on along these lines all over Europe. It is going to be hell - and we continue to sleepwalk into the islamists' hands. All the Europeans have to do is have more babies, and the immigration will end. As an American with an outside perspective I am shocked at Europe's attitude towards this. Where are all the feminists on these issues? It almost seems to me like Europe has given up. Radical muslims see Europe as an aging and frail continent, and only the native citizens can reverse that view or suffer what is to come.
I'm a student in grade 12, doing an assignment on rape. this story is shocking and horrifying to think that this could happen to anyone.
opened my eyes alot. if you have any rape cases please email me and let me know.. thank you, Caitlin Hello Catlin, Dave here from New Zealand
Anyway I think you would be much better just to Google to look for what you want rather than to ask for people to email you about these horrific crimes on a site like this. You have probably already done your story anyway by now .. I'm wondering what kind of a school teacher would ask students to do a story on such a subject ??? It sounds a bit sick to me !!! Take care, Dave Wait a minute here folks, don't blame the arabs or Muslims for what some so called Arab or muslim did wrong. I'am an arab & Muslim and I will never even think about hurting an ant. Instead of blaming immigrants for the rise of rape and crime, try to blame the system and the time (21st century).
I love very much Danish and Swedish people, jag prata Svenska acksa liten Life is beautiful, what you are complaining about is the consequences of technology and the globalization, I always knew that this clash will happen but I never expected it to start in my lifetime. I'am just observing. DAAAAAAAAAMN, it's interesting LOVE "try to blame the system and the time (21st century)."
How the F--- did the system make these groups into pedifiles and rapists? i just wanna say that if u say that arabs r rappers then u can just take a look on USA army and israel rapping iraqies Men and women take a look at palastine, lebanon..oh by the way did u know that the leader of this (hizpallah had been raped by isrealie authurouties )., afganstan and ask ...i think rapping reports there will exceeds ur dreams of arabian rappers turning them to victims..violence is a strong energy and energy can not be created or destroyed ..and raping is just a violence acting resulting from a great pressure on cultures in many ways that it cant stand any more so shall we ease it on our self and relax for a moment or better a century
[Edited for profanity] well you are accusing arab and muslims as they are people panting for sex and rape and this a jihad of rape, why did not you mention , you callers and preachers for democracy and freedom the rapes done to muslim women in bosnia by filthy serbs, why did not you mention or it seems you have forgotten the rape crimes in American jails in Iraq for iraqi women, why did not you mention rape cases for palestinian girls by israeli demoniac forces. You only defend freedom and democracy when it comes to west but other people no. I wanna remind you that this arrogance and oppression will never last, because history repeats itself.
all muslims and arab people are dirt. all they do is rape and kill white people. we do not care about Iraqi people because they are scum. if this was america, arab and muslims would be in jail for a very longtime and plus, they would be killed by now. all black people are ****** scum they should be shot. every night i watch the news and all that is on it is muslims and black people, im sick and tired of seeing this. either send them back to there own country or ****** kill them right here, right now.. :@
[Edited for obscenity --IRIS] Not that i support this as it makes me bloody sick but when an arab does it you blame it on the whole arabian race but when american soldiers rape in iraq or other caucasian rape in their own country its an "inidividual case" just like abu ghuraib and hwo psychologist went on to analyze why these "individuals" acted like that and why are they diffrent from the rest of the white race>right.
You cristian infidel whores must accept the fact that we the chosen ones, children of the all mighty Allah obey under the rules of holy law. Any infidel woman must be cleansed of her infidelity by the means of the rape. Only through this act may server our Lord Allah. The whores of the white man are our target and rape is our tool. We will not rest untill everyone of you infidels are cleansesd of the earth as is the will of Allah. We are coming and you can't stop us for Allah is showing us the way.
This is in response to Islameurope.
Allah akbar. But mohammed was a thieving, murderous, baby raping coward! One day you will go too far and the christians will rise up and put all of you to the sword! Our Prophet was not a baby raping coward as you suggest. his life is the most well documented and open ,secondly perverts exist in every faith, including Islam. so if they are muslim guys who think that all non muslim women are whores then such men should be condemned as they do not represent the majority of our men. before you criticise muslims please look at what catholic priests are doing in america. their abuse of young boys has reached to such proportions that any kid going to church risks being raped and has to contnuosly look behind to check if the Padre isnt stroking his buttocks.
IslamEurope: Raping "white women"-it doesn't say that in the Quran, you moron-besides the rape rate in Islamic countries of Muslim women by Muslim men is common and very high. You have just made the best argument against yourself through pure religious ignorance,arrogance and find me a Hadith or Aya which supports YOUR racist the way...God help any female(s) stupid enough to marry you, know you or be related to you. By the Quran, I guess your sorry arse is headed straight for hell.
I spit on the Koran, I **** on Allah, I **** in the mouth of Mohammed and wipe my dirty boots on his filthy beard. There is no pig-****ing devil but Allah, and Muhammed is his dung-eating dog. Watch out Muslim filth, when the day comes that you have pushed the civilized peoples of the world beyond reason, then the Muslim religion will cease to exist and you will be hunted down like wild animals. Mark my words, that day is approaching, and only you can stop it. [Edited for obscenity --IRIS] we dont believe this sort of rap,Quran does not teach muslim to do this........ this is criminal act.
mohammed was not a prophet, islam is a fake religion and it will die out.
What's it going to take for Europeans to finally stand up and start attacking muslims? Don't they realize this is a barbarian invasion? They must be dealt with brutally and severely.
As long as Islam exists these problems will continue. Just look at what the fucking sack of shit above me wrote-he considers rape an act of "cleansing"...what we need is a cleansing of Europe of muslims. Kick them out or force them to give up their religion or massacre them. Otherwise they will take over and destroy our great cultures. This is history repeating itself. When their numbers grow you will have a civil war on your hand-Islam is the new Nazism. Get your governments to act now-look at what Israel has to deal with. The world will either be Islamified or democratized. We're in for the fight of our lives. What I don't understand is what are the Swedish, French, German "men" doing to protect their women?
Have these Western "men" become so emasculated that Muslim and African barbarians run amok in Europe? Boy! No wonder silly, naive, stupid European women are attracted to more virile, barbarian "men" from Africa and the Middle East. Barbara,
I have gone out with guys of arab origin and i dont see myself as being either "silly, naive or stupid"! Of course rape is a terrible crime, but i dont see how u can blame all rapes on muslims.And u also have european guys raping muslim women because they know it wont be reported. Sarah Why does this israeli site post such garbage? These stories are false, just like that claim made by daniel pipes in 2002 that most rapists in denmark were muslim fact is that no such statistics are even kept in any european country about the ethnic origin or rapists or their religion ARE you proud of spreading hate with unfounded rumors? Isn't this what the nazis used to do to jews in europe in the 1930s? these facts are well founded and cant be disputed. If you agree with europe getting flooded with uneducated immigrents then let us know. Surely you can see that in so many ways, europe is dying before our very eyes. If current trends stay as they are Europe will be a muslim continent in 50 years time. Oh yeah, keep blaming the joos
To Jack's comment:
It is true that in Denmark no crimestatistics are done on basis on the religious background of the criminal But you can still state as a fact that muslims do most of the rapes in Denmark. You can state this because the crimestatistics are done on basis of the origin of the criminals. Criminals are divided into the groups: "Danes", "Other people from western culture" and "People from non-western culture". Our crimestatistics show, that the latter group (non-western) are vastly overrepresented in all the worst crimes (rape, violent attacks etc.). As most of the non-western immigrants in Denmark originates from muslim countries it's reasonable to state, that muslims are responsible for most rapes in Denmark. /A dane I just don't understand why Europe is allowing the "non-inventive" mudds into their lands. Look what it results in! The people that can't take care of themselves flood Europe, cause violence, try any spread their fairytales (mostly plagiarized fairytales), and then demand rights?
C'mon Europe. Wake up. Your history is going to be re-written by these fools? I wish I could help you. Castrate these moslem men that are animals and then hang them from a high tree and them set fire to them with gasoline (petrol).
I don't understand why Europeans (and, increasingly, Americans) are such p*****s about this. Are you willing to let your culture be taken from you, and for all the world to become an overpopulated Muslim dump? It will only get more difficult in the future, as any glance at demographics will tell you. Those who wish to prevent you from taking action will be quick to dismiss articles like this as "hateful," "racist," and "not representative." A few commenters will claim to be Muslim and, supposedly, refute all of the evidence given above with their own personal anecdote regarding supposed love for Europe. Don't be blind to what is happening. Stand up and protect the great civilizations that your ancestors have built.
I have solved this rape problen!!!I live in Finland and the Finnish Law says:if a refugee rapes a person,they will send the raper back where he came from.The coran says that it`s legal to rape young white girls(sura 4:23-24),that means that Finland knows that the men are going to rape girls and women,that means Finland can`t take refugee boy`s or men.Find out if your country`s Law has the same Law as Finland and find a way to tell about this Law to the right person or persons.I am very smart i know 47 new Laws,i will make the World a better place and i hope this motivates YOU to make the World a better place.
What site is this ? All you guys are absolute idiots talking from your emotions. If this was a court case it would have been thrown out.
Wheres the statistics? I can't see any, though people swear its fact. Another point, allot of people should really start reading, watching news and studing history before typing an uneducated emotional burst on the net. *15% of muslims are arabs. Quran legalising rape? When did you learn to interperate the Quran? Have you read the Bible, insest? Its like reading the back of a Playboy magazine. No wonder your priest are so sexually active, and a bit confused....little boys & little girls. Latest satistic of police officers and medical staff in the west sexually abusing ? The forefront of western society. Has anyone compared muslim rape to other religion rape satistics, or arab rape to caucasian? I think you guys will be shocked. When does the arab man represent Islam? Western women free? Please do some research, only till recent decades were you allowed to own a house in the west, or don't they teach history in schools these days. Rapist should be killed and women should be allowed to wear what they want, but to what extent do they not bare the result of mini skirts etc. Its like hanging a piece of meat to lions and expect them not to take a bite. Most women would say "Yeah thats what we want". It goes against nature like the lion and meat, the lion will attack like the men. If all of you think Im refering to arabs, again please research and compare statistics (I challenge anyone). This is why rape in the west is the highest (really high)compared to other non-western nations. Please look at who are commiting these rapes before emotionally exploding against arabs and muslims. Muslims don't convert people by the sword or gun. Unfortunetly I don't think muslims will ever catch up to the killings of the Crusaders & Western Powers. Do your research. 70% of all converts to the fastest growing religion in the world (Islam) are women. In America 60% of people converting to Islam are women. The Quran must of really brain washed them right? Women have the same or more rights then men in Islam. The Prophet (SAW) is the most remarkable man (in manyways) to have ever walked this earth. This isn't coming from the muslims, again research before insulting. Leave oppression alone, believe me its another topic. America has the highest rate of every crime imaginable. Research this, its quite interesting. Yet they want to fix the world ? Again, another topic. I think I have covered most of the stuff that was bought up. My comments to all and certain people: To all, your posts are emotional explosions, empty, nothing that holds weight. Do your research. Islameurope = I don't think this guy is a muslim, but a non-muslim posting, impersonating a muslim. If you are a muslim, your on serious ****** drugs, please send some over. Somebody shoot this guy, you ****** retarded ******. Shadow Merchant = I own an M-16 would you believe? Its even got a shell catcher. I'd like to use it one day. death2islam = Your a moron, I couldn't help myself. Go study then talk. Tommy Orvasto = You may have ! Now go stab youself a few times. ****** wanker. * Maryam Ali = Caucasian women, the reson why most men would prefer them is because of constant exposure on TV's Billboard, Magazines etc all around the world including poor country's. So when a man dreams the American / Western dream he automatically see's a caucasian women with his big house and 2 cars parked outside. No disrepect to caucasian women. So long suckers !!! [Edited for profanity] The quran does advocate rape whats all this about needing 4 male witnesses to prove a rape? Look at the Shiek in Oz who said that if women dont cover up shes asking for rape (and 'not covering' would most likely mean 'western' women if im not mistaken!)
Women have the same or more rights then men in Islam? I think not: Men are superior to women. (Surah 2:22) Women have half the rights of men: In court witness. (Surah 2:282) In inheritance. (Surah 4:11) A man may beat his wife. (Surah 4:34) A man may marry up to 4 wives at the same time. (Surah 4:3) Know your koran! And I havnt even mentioned genital mutilation yet Some western women are 'reverting' to islam because western men allow them to, as we believe in FREEDOM of choice. On the other hand: What happens when a muslim (man or woman) decides to convert to Christianity?: A Muslim apostate must be killed. (Surah 9:12) Islam has not only spread by the sword, but also through intimitdation, such as taxing non-muslims: Qur'an:9:29 "Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission." Qur'an:9:5 "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war." Qur'an:9:112 "The Believers fight in Allah's Cause, they slay and are slain, kill and are killed." Qur'an:8:39 "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah." Qur'an:8:39 "So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world)." Ishaq:324 "He said, ?Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must have no rivals.'" Qur'an:9:14 "Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low, and cover them with shame. He will help you over them." Ishaq:300 "I am fighting in Allah's service. This is piety and a good deed. In Allah's war I do not fear as others should. For this fighting is righteous, true, and good." Its true that non western men dream of having an European woman. We are constantly been portrayed in a sexual image - mini skirts, bikinis etc, not to mention in porn movies. What do we expect them to think? Many western women are tired of this portrayal and are seeking something different. And its true that most converts to Islam are women. So should that not make us think about where we are going? Also many young western women are dating arab men - at least they were in my university.
This is not in any way to excuse what is happening re rape and other crimes. Indeed I think all immigrants who commit crime, should be deportyed. Sarah What a heap of human waste most of you are.
First of all, this site.... "European Arab Muslim...", hold it right there! Where the heck are all these Arab Europeans you speak of? Let's see... almost all Muslims in the UK are Indian/Pakistani, no Arabs there. All Muslims in Germany are Turks, Turks certainly aren't Arabs. Almost all Muslims in France, Belgium, Netherlands are Black and Berber Africans, only 10% of those are Arabs. So seriously, where are all these Arabs you all speak of? Arabs are much less than 5% of Muslims in Europe, though obviously, for a hate filled Israeli it would make sense to try and slander "Arabs" at every opportunity. Aside from that... man, I'm not even going in on all these comments here, it's like arguing with chimpanzees. All I will say is that I was born and raised in Amsterdam, amongst fine Muslim neighbors, teachers, police officers, bus drivers, friends, etc. and that your comments bring shame to civilized and well thinking Europeans the world over. Every day I meet hundreds of Muslim Amsterdammers that contribute more to society than any of you slanderers could dream of doing, and are great persons as opposed to you dirtbags. However, I am logical enough that a site like this will not make me hate Israel or Israelis, because as opposed to you I am smart enough to think that there are millions of Israelis who aren't scum like you all, but great persons. I don't hold your limitations against any of you though, it's just how you were born, and faulty upbringings. i think all rape should be condemmed as anew muslim i find it offcive that my fellow brothers seem to use the quran as agreen light to rape also men anywhere rape some of these men hve this preconcived view that wwestrn woman are easy lack morals and desevere what they get they should be ashamed allahs sees in peoples hearts not how they look THEY SHOULD BE NAMED AND SHAMED PUBLICLY for such behavior in the masjid they are making islam look bigted and if woman can control themseves so should these men allah the merciful the commpasinate and the mullahs remarks have done more damge then they relise the prophet muhammaed pbuh wold be shamed at this behavior HE WOULD NOT CONDONE IT AND WOULD NOT THEM USE ALLAH AS AN EXCUSE
Thank you Marianne for speaking out as a Muslim on this important issue. As we both now, the tendency to evil is a universal human condition, for which religion is necessary as a critical restraint.
What is frightening is when religion is used as an impetus to evil. Moderate Muslims like you can make a critical difference by speaking out. Do you mind if I ask a personal question? From your name, it appears that you are a convert. If so, how long ago did you convert? THe following quote is misleading:-
"Paris and Australia, the game is blossoming. It consists in the ritual gang rape of white women by non-white immigrants....The ritual is known as a ?tournante,? meaning ?Take your turn,? and it consists of a black male becoming ?friendly with? (seducing) a white ..." The quote suggests that the situation in France and Australia is the same, and the perpetrators are black attackers of whites. In Australia, this is NOT the case. There have been well publicised incidents of racist rapes of Australian girls by Islamic migrant males. But not by "blacks". In Australia the word "Black" is proudly used by Aboriginal Australians. Black Africans are as yet a very small minority and have not been implicated in any pattern of crime. The link from which that excerpt was taken makes it clear that in the case of Australia it is referring to immigrants of Middle Eastern extraction, which means Muslims.
Let's face it- the muslim women are too hairy and ugly and so they have to come to the superior white females.
you guys are nothing short but despicable Nazi white skin haters, you make me sick by writing about other faith like Muslims of this sadistic brain washing ****, grow up and wake up we are in 2007, every 1 in this world is equal no matter wot colour, creep or colour.
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