First, Happy Birthday to Andy (Oakland, CA) and John (Shanghai, China). Both turn 30, today, April 30th, 2008 and on their 30th birthday, both were in China!
Second, inspired by the passing of 102 year old, Swiss chemist, Albert Hofmann, dug deeper into the spread of the LSD psychedelic counter-culture here in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1960s, the climax and ultimately, the fall. The truth wants to be found:
73 year old, Grateful Dead's Sound Engineer, Mr. Wall of Sound*, LSD Millioniare, one-time Orinda/Berkeley/Point Richmond/Los Angeles resident, Owsley "The Bear" Stanley:
I always trusted what happened on acid. Everything that happens to you on acid is real. Everything you see, experience and think about is real. The thing about it is, the stuff you see is not stuff you see when you're straight, because when you're straight, you're limited. The acid removes the "filters" and lets the noise through. That "noise" is as real a part of the universe as the other part that you do allow to pass through, it just hasn't been important for you. That's a survival issue, we discard a lot of sensory information to make our daily lives simpler. When you open those floodgates and let it all pass, you let in a lot of stuff that's as real, and often more interesting than the stuff you usually let through. The patterns that you see when stoned, for instance, are an artifact of the way the nerves in your eyes are arranged and mapped into the brain. Beautiful noise!
*The Wall of Sound system was a result of my desire to return all the power and control to the musicians, by putting the speakers behind them.
"The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low, that every person of sense and character detests and despises it” - George Washington
Real mixtapes. Once cassettes died, the music started dying, both literally and figuratively. Mainly, the cassette tape forced the listener to appreciate an artist’s entire album of work. None of this skipping-around CDs introduced. And now, you can completely ignore a musician’s finished volume thanks to iTunes and single-downloading. You can even forget about the artwork, since the music vendors are threatening to pull tangible CDs off the shelves. So yeah, let’s bring back the cassette. The only problem: No one has a tape-player! - Bobby Hundreds, April 4, 2008
"As humans, we are subjected to an overload of sensory stimulation every second of everyday. We are bombarded with millions upon millions of images and sounds. Yet, we can only comprehend things as they happen. There is so much to take in, even when things seem calm...that is when I wonder, what is important? You can hear, see and feel the most incredible things when nothing is happening at all. The most common occurrences can become events of such magnitude that seem as if they taken years to orchestrate, and who is to say that they did not? Thoughts move through my mind too fast for me to get them down on paper. These thoughts end up manifesting themselves in dreams that make sense only to me. When you spend enough time watching, listening and thinking, you can almost transcend to a place where you believe in anything. It keeps me continually engaged with the pleasures of life." - Jacob, designer & photographer.
TheFACESHOP Natural Beauty Contest Mirage 4100 Peralta Blvd. Fremont, CA 94536 Sunday, October 21, 2007
Media Coverage by: Nichi Bei Times, El Observador, Nha Magazine, The Korea Daily, Halvorson Model Mgmt., The Wave Magazine, T VU Photography, World Journal, JK Development, Photostation, Asian Journal Publications, Asiance Magazine, ZTY Beats.
Model Search featuring 30 models competing for $20,000 in cash and prizes. Five models will be crowned TheFACESHOP spokespersons. Bay Area Producer and Recording Artist, Emcee T, Live Performance.
MUSIC VIDEO PREMIERE Thizz, Thizz, Thizz Emcee T feat. Ray Luv ZTY Beats 2007 ZTY Media
The Emcee T "Wiggle Out" video shoot was electric; certified, balls deep! Talent flew in from six states across America, An amazing production, Emcee T Staff and ZTY Beats thank the project participants. The collection of all three filming sessions is published at RACINGMIX on Flickr.
MUSIC VIDEO PREMIERE Wiggle Out Emcee T feat. Block Promotaz ZTY Beats 2007 Jono Schaferkotter
Travis Rice RACINGMIX video, Icer Air 2007, San Francisco AT&T Giants Park. Afterparty Deep House Soldiers and Still Doin' It, at Anu Bar SF.
Published by at 4:20 PM
RACINGMIX was created in 2000 by Wilson Tai, Chinese American, native to Northern California's East Bay Area. RACINGMIX showcases his vision of Generation Y lifestyle through his photography art. More...
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+ Wilson Tai
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Film Collection
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