The legendary Fiat 500 is coming back in only 500 days.
We want your ideas to help us build the new icon of Italian motoring.
This is your creative space - an international interactive lab, always changing, always developing, always moving - like your thoughts and your wishes.
Create a new 500 which says something about you.
Redesign this homepage to your liking, or designing your own Fiat 500 in the
Concept lab. Browse through the
500-ology or take part in the
Designboom contest. It all starts here - and this is only the beginning.
Homepage redesign
You, a web designer.
This is your space. So redesign the '500 wants you!' homepage as you see fit: create or choose the design solution which best suits you.
You, a storyteller.
The story goes like this: you begin to write the first encyclopaedia of memories, thoughts and emotions dedicated to a small but great Italian dream. You capture in words what the 500 has been... and will be.
Join us and everyone from around the world to bring this story to life.
Designboom contest
You, a designer.
Take part in this great design challenge and submit your creativity to be judged by an international jury. Design accessories and gadgets for the new Fiat 500, or create dedicated places for it.
It's time to stand up and be judged.
In partnership with Designboom.
Concept lab
You, a car designer.
Make your statement. Use this concept car design lab to create and illustrate your vision of the Fiat 500. Colours, size, range of accessories - everything is just a mouse-click away.