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産經:「青い目の人形」に“市民権” 愛媛・西予市。Sankei: Old dolls get “City Citizenship”. Now how about NJ residents?

Posted by debito on April 30th, 2008

Article below about old “blue-eyed dolls” getting shiminken, or “city citizenship”. Yet foreign residents and taxpayers can’t, anywhere in Japan. See what I mean–check out the Tama-Chan Case. Debito in Sapporo

「青い目の人形」に“市民権” 愛媛・西予市
産經新聞 2008.3.17 22:35








Hi Debito,

You might remember me… I did some translating for the whole Tama-chan thing way back when, and since then have been very tuned in to whole issue of Koseki and jumnihyo, esp because I am an NJ with Japanese PR and a Japanese husband.

So it was especially upsetting to come home from work today and hear that Seiyo City (nearby) has issued Juminhyo to two dolls. 青い目の人形へ特別交付住民票 I believe, I just caught the tail end of the news. I think the dolls were gifts from America (?) to Japan after WWII, and there are two of these dolls left in Seiyo. Yes, they are probably antiques, of great historic value and probably represent something important in the relationship between Japan and America.

But for me, after 12 years living in Japan, 9 years as the wife of a Japanese national, and esp recently having to translate our koseki and juminhyou and feeling very frustrated at not being listed anywhere on my husband’s juminhyo, I find this totally unacceptable, insulting, and frankly hurtful.

But wait, you know all that. So, what do you think I should do? Call the Ehime Prefectural Newspaper? Draft an official letter of protest and send it to the Seiyo City Hall? Any advice would be appreciated.

I think you are traveling, so you might not be able to get back to me soon. I am hoping there’ll be something in the newspaper tomorrow, and maybe something on line. If I can find any links, I’ll send them your way. And if it only appears in the newspaper, I will scan it in.

Sorry to trouble you when you are traveling. But I was so upset when I heard the news, and the first thing I thought was “I better contact Debito, he’ll know what to do.”

5 Responses to “産經:「青い目の人形」に“市民権” 愛媛・西予市。Sankei: Old dolls get “City Citizenship”. Now how about NJ residents?”

  1. Jake Says:

    Argh, not again. It’s as if residency issues are just all fun and games for these people, and quite disgraceful considering that they’re public officials. I’d like to get involved as well. The Seiyo City homepage has a general e-mail address, but I have a feeling e-mails sent there would not see the light of day. Sending something to a larger media entity may be the best bet…?

  2. Adam Says:

    Hey! that`s OK, remember Japan is based on Kitty-chan etc. All TV programs for adults are made like for kids, the way they speak is the same, so let them give dolls, animals and other creatures juminhyo. This government will give “citizenship” to anyone except humans paying taxes, being good residents etc. Remember story of japanese “tarento” whose baby was born through American woman? What they can say? Japanese baby, but not recognized as such by GoJ, so there is no juminhyo for that kid either because is assumed as foreign.

  3. JV Says:

    I understand the frustration etc. I live in Tokyo and I am listed as the husband on my wife’s koseki, near the bottom, but I am listed. Does this mean they are different based on where you live? Seems strange.

  4. Jake Says:

    I understand the frustration etc. I live in Tokyo and I am listed as the husband on my wife’s koseki, near the bottom, but I am listed. Does this mean they are different based on where you live? Seems strange.

    I, too, am listed on my wife’s koseki, but as a foreigner none of us can get our own juminhyo, despite being, for all intents and purposes, jumin. That’s the root of the problem. Despite living and contributing to our communities, paying all our taxes (including the juminzei… hmm), and, well, actually being humans, we cannot legally be considered residents, and are relegated to zairyuu status, while animals and inanimate objects are given residency. It’s just a bit strange.

  5. Level3 Says:

    Test the irony by trying to get a juminhyou for your pet.
    “as a joke” and see if the city servants go along with the “gag”

    I suppose getting a native Japanese family member to do it
    would work better.

    Then have the same family member try to get you
    a juminhyou. When that doesn’t work, call the papers.

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