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Description of Guided Help for Microsoft Knowledge Base articles

Article ID:915092
Last Review:June 13, 2006
On This Page


Guided Help is a program that you can download from some Microsoft Knowledge Base articles. Depending on the task, Guided Help can automatically perform the task that is described in the article, or Guided Help can guide you through the steps to perform the task yourself.

Guided Help performs the steps by interacting directly with the Microsoft Windows XP user interface, or by using functions that are included with Guided Help. For steps that interact with the user interface, you see the steps occur on the screen.

For some tasks, you can select to run Guided Help in one of the following ways.
Do it automatically: The whole task is automatically completed while you watch. You might be prompted for input if input is required.
Show me step-by-step: Guided Help points on the screen to where you must click or type to perform the task.
 Guided Help dialog box

For tasks that can be undone, Guided Help either includes a way to undo the actions that Guided Help performs or Guided Help generates instructions that tell you how to undo the task.

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List of Microsoft Knowledge Base articles that include Guided Help

To see a list of Microsoft Knowledge Base articles that include Guided Help, click the following link:
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for articles that include Guided Help (http://support.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?catalog=lcid%3d1033&spid=global&query=kbacw&)

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How to download and run Guided Help from a Microsoft Knowledge Base article

1.Locate the "Guided Help" section of the Microsoft Knowledge Base article.
2.Click the Download Guided Help link.

 Microsoft Knowledge Base article 915092

3.If you are prompted to accept the license agreement, read the license agreement, and then click I Accept if you want to accept the terms of the license agreement.

 Guided Help License Agreement

4.In the Security Warning dialog boxes, click Run.

 File download- Security Warning dialog box

5.In the Guided Help window, click either This computer or Another computer, and then click Next.

 Guided Help dialog box

Note If you click Another computer, Guided Help prompts you to save the Guided_Help.exe file on a removable medium such as a USB flash drive.

 Guided Help dialog box

You can insert the removable medium in another computer, and then run the Guided_Help.exe program file. The Another computer option may be required if you are performing a task on a computer that does not have a working Internet connection.
6.If you are prompted to select a way to run Guided Help, click either Do It Automatically or Show me step-by-step.

 Guided Help dialog box

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Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005

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kbnomt kbexpertisebeginner kbhowto kbinfo KB915092

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Article Translations


製品別 サポート ページ

その他のサポート オプション

  • 製品別 お問い合わせ
  • カスタマー インフォメーション センター
  • マイクロソフト コミュニティ
  • KB ご利用の際のご注意
    お使いの Windows 環境によっては、"\" (バックスラッシュ) は "¥" (円記号) と表示される場合があります。

ページ ツール