January 20
February 18 |
Even the most harmonious of relationships, romantic or otherwise, hit rough patches. Tempting as it is to brush aside the issues you’re contending with, it’s important that you acknowledge and deal with them. Once you do, you’ll realise that you’re relieving a problem that’s been a source of concern for a very long time.
Aquarius |
January 20
February 18 |
Try not to confuse the anxiety that accompanies today’s Full Moon, which accents changes in your way of living or working, with other less disruptive changes. While your instinct will be to stick with what you know, you’re better off making those changes. Actually, with a second Full Moon accenting exactly such matters in four weeks’ time, you’re beginning of a lengthy cycle of transformation, which means it’s about what you can learn as much as what you decide. So begin exploring both developments that are welcome and those that are less so, and you’ll be surprised what, ultimately, works out best.
Aquarius |
January 20
February 18 |
When it begins in late March, you’re unlikely to recognise the informative cycle of change and challenge for what it is. You’ll regard both obstacles and the objections of others as nothing more than that. But the sooner you realise these are opportunities to explore unfamiliar realms and meet those who, otherwise, you’d never encounter, the better advantage you’ll take of what comes your way. This takes faith, since not until late April will the direction or promise of these developments be clear.
Aquarius |
January 20
February 18 |
Because it may not be until you’re in a position to look back on 2008 that you’ll recognise what was most worthwhile, the wise Aquarius will explore absolutely everything that arises. At minimum this keeps life interesting. But it also ensures that you won’t ignore any of the intriguing ideas or encounters that hold so much promise. Some merely have to do with ideas you can study or places to explore. However, others could make you considerably better off in financial or business terms. Since what you regard as least likely could be best, the more you explore the better.
Love and Relationships: Friends and lovers provide balance during a year of exploration and potential change. But here, too, change leads to worthwhile encounters. So be prepared to venture out to new places, spend time with new people. The payoff will be both wonderful and unexpected.
Finances and Work: Lessons come in many forms, some not initially recognisable as opportunities to learn. However, regard everything as offering insights and you’ll soon recognise how much you can benefit from even the most unexpected of events. Keeping things the same seems safe but actually restricts you.
Health and Well Being: Changes in other areas of your life may disrupt routines that have kept you going for years. If so, perhaps it’s time to alter these, too. Certainly you’ll benefit from trying something new. However strange the unfamiliar seems at first, you’ll soon being enjoying yourself.
© Shelley von Strunckel, 2004