It's cold tonight, I'm alone. I just make a meal and eat it by myself. Here are a little bit richer foods than usual. My friends and loves are nowhere.
What am I waiting for here? Hopes come up and soon fade away.
Through the town, in my way home Illuminations shine brilliantly.
But that has no meaning for me. I just walk home under a dark sky.
What have I bought for? White breath comes up and soon fades away.
It's cold tonight, I'm alone. I just make a meal and eat it by myself. Here are a little bit richer foods than usual. My friends and loves are nowhere.
Phelesta― Tragedy which is not recited. History that is assumed. False future.
The tragedy assumed history false future when it is not told.
Time goes by. hero dies. people forget the history. story was lifeless. war is produced. And they disappear. chain of the sorrow. they do not break off by any means. Before forgetting it. I will leave all.
what poet sings. What do they plot? The world that is frozen hard. It is - phelesta.
Indescribable Oh you can see the side Umm... is it a mountain on the earth You're alone leaving me alone maybe I want you to be free, come on Above the side of it, yeah
That's the greater soul More than words More than kisses More than touches
Be who I am Leave it in the town You never be far 'Cause I'll be there
Give a few in more ways than one I lied through my back
Indescribable Oh you can see the side Umm... is it a mountain on the earth You're in touch leaving me sad maybe I want you to be free, come on Over the side of it, yeah
I sprinkle feces on a cross, and, as for me, lonely God does not move all the time even if God hanging from a neck of the women whom I always ignore has misfortune to women
I do not believe in God
I enjoy myself to the thing which there cannot be An ugly human being It is a person to look at the disgraceful behavior God does not look
Because there is not God
I do not believe in God
There is not it by any means Ignominious imagination People depending on imagination It is only a person to be ugly
じじいon the mountain、ばばあon the river Once upon a time、じじいとばばあが恋をした ジエンドの恋ジエンドの恋を 昔昔のアダムとイブみたくLOVE今夜はLOVE 桃みたいなばばあと鬼みたいなじじいがラブ NOW,NOW,NOW,NOW、、、、、FUTURE!!!
good-by,good-by 2007 thank you for your happiness days come on,come on 2008 take our hands,and go with me on new days
flowers,on spring the smells takes me on happiness sun,on summer the fever takes me on cheerful wind,on autumn the colors takes me on sentiment snow,on winter the fantasy takes me to new world
Cm7 F7 Am7 貼りつくフィクションの舞台に G7 Am7 置き換えた分身を愛でる Cm7 F7 Am7 それだけが許された冒涜 G7 Am7 魂も濁る心地 F C G C 焼きつくす視線 撫ぜるように F C ありふれたワンシーン奏でる F C G C どこまでが 真実の恍惚 F C 片足も抜けやしない
FM7 G FM7 C 飲み込む液の甘さに 加えた都合の良い嘘は Am Bm C#m E♭m 身体を巡り 少しずつ この身を蝕んでいく C D ただ 居場所を求めていました A E リアルが綻んでいくから C D また 自縛に くすんだ身を委ね A Cm7Am ひび割れてゆく C D 不釣合いだとわかっていました A E あなたが笑ってないから C D すぐ イメージに溶けたがる私を A Cm7Am E♭m Cm B♭m G Am 見逃して下さい
Dmaj7(9) Bm7 A E 心無い コトバに 傷つけられて C#m7 Bm7A E 人に会うのもたまに辛くなる Dmaj7(9) Bm7 A E 頭ごなしに駄目出し されたようで C#m7 Bm7 A E やりきったことでさえ自信が持てない C#m7 A C#m7 A ひたむきなユメも不器用さも C#m7 G#7 E♭m7 B♭7 F#7 まるごとあなた自身を受け止めればいい A Bm7 A G 冷え切った身体も 心 も A そのまま B C#m7 A 元気になれない悲しいときには E B どうか思い出してみて C#m7 A E 生きてさえいれば何かが生まれる B C#m7 A 生きてさえいれば報われる E A だから負けないで B C#m7 A 会話もできない泣きたいときでも E B どうか辛くならないで C#m7 A E B 生きてさえいれば明日が来るでしょう C#m7 A E A 生きてさえいれば乗り越える C#m7 A だから負けないで E A わたしがついてる
*「something to believe in」 作曲/271スレ123 作詞/271スレ200
Even if you reach every mountain top, it won't be getting closer Even if you sail on the seven seas, it won't come in view at all
A youth had started to go on a journey There was nothing but the full of pride But when he realized such a neverending way, it turned to the full of awe
*Yes, I'm looking for something to believe in It's stronger than the sun, and more honest than time Now I want to see something to believe in it's much more merciful than God, and it's so sure like a flame of love.
Even if you get every nation flag, it will never be in your hand Even if you get every wealth and fame, it will never be caught up with
An old man keeps on the way of a journey His face is smudged with the full of mud He calls the silent scream at the end of this ever changing world
(サビ) I wanna get a penis! cause I'm cherry boy I gonna jet a juice! Come on! Let's make Love! そんな貴方を包み込んで きゅっきゅ juice! juice!(コーラス) I wanna drink your Love juice who make happy いわゆる一つのまんこです
when i work, he buys for me interesting magic soup (私がさぁ取り掛かろうって時に彼はおごってくれるのDCS...) 濡れ衣を着せないで blue flew myself when i rock, he stands for me interesting magic soup (私が心を揺さぶられる時に彼は用意してくれるの 魔法のスープDCS!) 有り触れた毎日に drastic the spice
doping consomme free as a song 彼に浸る毎日 domestic lady doping consomme free as a song 嫌いになんてなれない fain to cancel
when i work, he buys for me interesting magic soup (私がさぁ取り掛かろうって時に彼はおごってくれるのDCS...) 昨日までの日々が嘘のよう when i rock, he stands for me interesting magic soup (私が心を揺さぶられる時に彼は用意してくれるの 魔法のスープDCS!) 明日又日は昇る when two cancell
doping consomme free as a song 彼に浸る毎日 domestic lady doping consomme free as a song 嫌いになんてなれない fain to cancel