Arudou Debito/Dave Aldwinckle's Home Page

Idubor’s next court date Apr 23, plus text of Statement to High Court

Posted by debito on April 18th, 2008


Hi Blog. Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor’s next court hearing will be Weds April 23, 2:30 pm in Tokyo High Court building, 8F, room number 803. Open to the public. Attend if you like. More on his case here. Meanwhile, his Sworn Statement to be submitted to Tokyo High Court. Arudou Debito in Sapporo
April 16, 2008
Osayuwamen Idubor
at the Tokyo Detention Center

I am a Nigerian national born on November 26, 1969. I have lived in Japan for 18 years since 1990. I have been married for two years to a Polish I had met in Japan. I operate a restaurant bar called Big Y’s Café at Motomachi in Yokohama city.

On January 22, 2007, while I was working at Big Y’s Café, police officers came from the Kagacho Police Station and arrested me for raping a Japanese woman on the morning of November 1, 2006, according to the complainant ’s accusation that she was raped when heavily drunk. I have nothing to do with the accusation. They arrested me without any material evidence, solely based on the complainant’s statements revised a number of times and conflicting with each other. I believe that a female friend of the complainant used the complainant to damage me in court. That friend of the complainant was among my customers. She had caused a trouble in my bar before the accusation. The police helped them by destroying evidence in my favor and eventually prosecuted me. The complainant’s statement that she had been drunk too much to move contradicts the facts.

On December 10, 2007, the Yokohama District Court declared me guilty with a sentence of three years in prison. However, I am innocent. I did not commit this crime. I am not a rapist or a criminal. I am completely innocent. Thus I filed an appeal immediately.

My attorney at law submitted a reason-for-appeal statement on February 25, 2008. To the statement, I would like to add the following.

I was coerced to sign deposition documents prepared by the police who promised me that they would not prosecute me if I would sign. Furthermore, the police intentionally hid or lost critical evidence. For example, they erased the phone number of the complainant’s friend from my cell phone address book as well as the record of threatening e-mail messages from the same person. Also, because of their failure to investigate the surveillance tape of the camera in my bar, subsequent data overwrote the tape automatically and erased the record for the day in question. The police never documented detailed description of the relationship between the complainant and her friend, effectively hiding the intent of the accusation.

Last and again, I would like to have your attention on the fact that I did not commit this crime. I am innocent. I love my wife truly and deeply. We have built a happy home. I request the court to give me fair trial and ruling so that we can restore our life to normal.

3 Responses to “Idubor’s next court date Apr 23, plus text of Statement to High Court”

  1. Tkyosam Says:

    The guys case, at least the way he presents it in the letter sounds “logical” when describing what happened.

    But does this really matter in the court system in Japan?

    I mean, come on, isn’t the Japanese unwritten policy with foreigners “Guilty until convicted”?

  2. josiah Says:

    This man has lived in Japan for 18 years, and being incriminated like this, does this mean that he has not naturalised and become Japanese. By my small understanding of Japanese penal code, that if he had done so, then he wouldn’t be in this situation?

    Thus he is now at the mercy of the Japanese government, and I beleieve that the Nigerian government can’t help him as much as a Western Power could being that Nigeria is a Third-World country.

    EDIT: Just noticed he said he was a Nigerian national.

  3. Croyboy Says:

    Hey, come on people: the guy’s a gaijin and black: must be guilty!

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