Coffee Makes You Dehydrated: Say What?

By: Brie Cadman (Little_personView Profile)

It has long been thought that coffee and other caffeine-containing beverages are dehydrating and don’t count toward your daily fluid intake. In fact, some go as far as recommending one cup of water for every cup of Joe you consume. Most of us know that caffeine is a diuretic (it makes us have to go pee), but does it deplete our bodily fluids?

The Straight Talk
In his review, “Caffeine, Body Fluid-Electrolyte Balance, and Exercise Performance,” Lawrence E. Armstrong, a professor of exercise physiology at the University of Connecticut disproves the notion that caffeinated beverages rob us of our precious fluids. By reviewing the scientific research on the subject, he concludes that although caffeine, like water, is a mild diuresis (it increases excretion of urine), moderate caffeine consumption does not produce a “fluid-electrolyte imbalance” that can affect health or exercise performance. Furthermore, we retain roughly the same amount of fluid after drinking a caffeinated beverage as we do after drinking water.

Even more encouraging for habitual coffee consumers is the finding that those with caffeine tolerance have reduced likelihood that a fluid electrolyte imbalance will occur. The more regular your caffeine habit, the more fluid your body is conditioned to retain.

Other findings support his conclusions. A small study done at the University of Nebraska tested the body weight, urine output, and blood of eighteen subjects after they consumed caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages. They determined that there was “no significant differences in the effect of various combinations of beverages on hydration status of healthy adult males.” The Institute of Medicine expert panel on water and electrolyte intake asserts that the diuretic effects of caffeine are transient, and that coffee, tea, and colas can contribute to total water intake.

The Takeaway
Moderate caffeine consumption won’t dehydrate you and can actually help you reach your overall daily fluid intake. Make mine a double.

Say What? is a series created to support or debunk common health myths. If you have a question for Brie, please send it to her in care of the editor at

7 readers liked this story.
posted: 04.14.2008
Just to harp on the importance of defining your terminalogy but what does the term Moderate caffeine consumption mean? Is that one 8 oz. cup of coffee or a venti (20oz)? I mean this study is only productive against a full spectrum of caffeine dosages with perhaps a cross study and the source of the caffeine. After all what does the term "caffeinated beverage". Personally I want this article to true, but i'd like a few more concrete details. The loving caress of hard facts.
posted: 04.14.2008
I used to be a crazy diet coke addict, like a 12 pack a day and people would always tell me that caffeine made you dehydrated and it would always drive me nuts. I would say, well then how do I drink nothing but coke all day and not die? Furthermore, I have never had a problem with having energy and I often attributed this to always BEING hydrated from my constant fluid consumption.
posted: 03.26.2008
Honoria Glossop, Ph.D.
Thank you, a great feature! Keep writing! I think that we as people have too many misconceptions about what is good for us and what isn't, because we are daily subjected to barrage of activism, advertising and plain propaganda. Only solid, unvarnished science can give us real guidelines to help making our individual choices - and more often then not we get the right answer after years and years of research. Carolineno, if you don't like coffee - simply stop drinking it.
posted: 03.21.2008
Mark Roddey
Brie, a very informative article. I must admit, coffee is a very important basic, daily ritual for me. If I didn't have my morning coffee and cigar, people who cross my path that day would think that they had just met an escaped demon creature from hell!
posted: 03.21.2008
I love the smell of coffee but it makes me feel like crap! It zooms me up just to let me down later. I really don't think it is good for you. I find myself drinking it and then later wondering....why?
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