Theme of Today :
Was President Park a traitor ?
(2005/11/13) (2005/12/29 Added) (2006/6/10 Added)

Key passage:

Some Koreans respect their desire or "pride", and ignore historic facts. Such a nature causes culture invasion as a "kumdo" problem.
The same nature also causes these problems.

-They decided President Park as a "traitor".
-They decided the United States is the most responsible for the division on the Korean Peninsula.


kumdo問題のような文化侵略は、事実をないがしろにし、自分たちの願望や自尊心ばかり 大事にする体質により引き起こされた。




1.Was President Park a traitor?

Recent two events made me think the background of "kumdo" problem.
The first event is the "Colonial Collaborators' List".
I talked about President Park. Briefly speaking, he was identified as a traitor by Korean government. I mean his name exists in the "Colonial Collaborators' List", which was announced on the 29th August.

What is a "Colonial Collaborators' List"?
"List" was made for the public reason based on pro-Japanese investigation law (formally, "the special law to probe into the truth behind pro-Japanese and anti-Korean acts"). These "Colonial Collaborators" means the collaborators for the "colonial rule" of Japan (Exactly, Korea was annexed to Japan, but many Koreans and their government call this age "Japanese colonial" age).
In all Korean schools, teachers teach their students all what Japan had done in "Japanese colonial" age are evil.
That is why "President Park was identified as one of Colonial Collaborators" means "he was identified as a traitor by their government".
By the way, why does "Colonial Collaborators List" include his name?
The reason simply comes from the fact that he was an officer of the Imperial Japanese Army!

The "List" consists of 3,090 persons.
-11 assembly members of Japan Imperial Diet.
-1,166 high government officials
-216 high-ranking officers
-201 judges or prosecutors
and so on.
The list also includes the person designed the national flag, the person who composed the national song, and the heroes of Korean War.

You can understand there are serious problems in this "List".
Many Korean people have the anti-Japan sentiment because of their anti-Japan education. Confucian value still exerts a strong influence on the many people. The descendents of "pro-Japan" persons are still the targets of criticism even from their mainstream media only because they are the descendents of "pro-Japan" persons.
Anyone can expect that the "List" will cause more illogical discrimination against the children of the "Collaborators" than before.
Assembly members voted yes knowing this enough.
The more serious bill is now under discussion, and is expected to enact eventually. You can not believe this bill is one of a modern democratic nation, too. (note)
To my surprise, this bill enables to confiscate the estate of "Collaborators'" children! The government can use the estate for celebrating their independence.

Do they want to build a new "Independence Gate"?

It seems to be a joke, the daughter of President Park (a congressman) may be confiscated her estate by this law in fact.
It is very absurd and awful the bill is the retroactive law, and lay the ancestors' blame(?) on their descendants.

In the first age of President Park, Korea was a very poor nation immediately after the Korean war. It was not an exaggeration to say one of the poorest countries. Above all, they needed the money and technology from Japan.
Then, President Park succeeded to get both of them, and Korea could splendidly rise from the ashes of war, and still continued to develop ( He also got money from the United States by the cooperation in the Vietnam War ). Without doubt, he is one of the biggest contributors to their nation.
The contributor is now one-sidedly accused by the people who are spending the life given today and were brought significant benefit by him. He is denied his achievement, and his daughter may be confiscated her estate.


最近韓国で、kumdo問題の原因について考えさせられる二つの出来事がありました。 最初の出来事は「植民地協力者名簿」です。

朴大統領についてお話させていただきましたが、簡単に言いますと彼は事実上韓国政府によって 「売国奴」としての認定を受けたということです。 これは、彼の名が8月29日に発表された「植民地協力者リスト」にあることを言っています。
「名簿」は親日究明法(正確には「日帝強制占領下反民族行為の真相糾明に関する特別法」) による公的な理由により作成されたものです。
この「植民地協力者」は日本の「植民地統治」(正確には韓国は日本に併合されたわけですが、 多くの韓国人や韓国政府はこの時代を「日本の植民地」時代と呼びます。) すべての韓国学校では、先生は生徒に日本が「植民地統治時代」に行ったことは全て悪いことだと教えます。

これが「朴大統領は植民地協力者と認定された」ということは「政府により売国奴と認定された」 に等しいということです。

ところで、なぜ「植民地協力者名簿」に彼の名前があったのでしょうか? その理由は、大日本帝国軍の将校だったからというものです!


多くの韓国人は、反日教育の影響から反日感情を持っています。儒教的な価値観は なお多くの人々に強い影響力を有しています。「親日派」の子孫たちはそれだけで 今なお大手マスコミの非難の的です。
この名簿が「協力者」の子孫に以前よりさらに不条理な差別をもたらすことはだれでも 予想がつくはずです。
もっと深刻な法案が審議中ですが、成立する見込みです。 この法律も現代の民主国家のものとはとうてい思えない代物です。

政府は独立記念事業にその財産を使用することができます。 新しい独立門でも建てたいのでしょうか? 冗談は別として、朴大統領の娘(国会議員)はこの法律により、本当に財産を没収されるかも知れません。 (* 註)

朴大統領の最初の時代、韓国は朝鮮戦争から間もなく、非常に貧しい国でした。世界の最貧国のひとつと言っても誇張ではありませんでした。何よりも彼らは日本の資金と技術を 必要としていたのです。 朴大統領はその二つとも獲得することに成功しました(ベトナム戦争への協力でアメリカからも多額の資金を得ました)。韓国は目覚ましく復興することができ、さらに経済発展を続けました。彼が国の最大の貢献者のひとりであることは間違いありません。 そのような貢献者を、現代の比較的恵まれた人々、彼の恩恵を受けているはずの人々が裁き、その業績を否定し、さらに子孫から財産までをうばおうというのです。

2. Is the United States responsible for the division on the Peninsula?

The second event is the inquiry survey about North Korea.
Korean governing party (Uri party) conducted an inquiry survey about North Korea, and unveiled the results on September 12.
The 53% of respondents the United States is the most responsible for the division on the Korean Peninsula. The 40.9% of the respondents will "support North Korea"!, when the United States will make a preemptive strike. The 42% of respondents will "support the United States". Although North Korea made profession of owning nuclear weapons, and some people expected the nuclear weapons would be tested soon.

The inquiry survey was conducted under such a circumstance. This result will make the U.S. forces in Korea to concern bullets from behind. Anyway, do the 40.9% persons know how the Korean War happen, and how the Korean people were saved by the U.S. and U.N. forces? I am afraid that they do hope red unification.

More serious figures appeared in another inquiry survey. ((Japanese)) The survey was conducted by Korean Social Opinion laboratory in May. The results are:
"Korea should support North Korea": 47.6%
"Korea should support United States": 31.2%.
It is not very different by age, area or segment of society.
(Related article (Japanese))


9月12日与党ウリ党は北朝鮮に対する認識を調査したアンケートを発表しましたが、 回答者の53%が南北分断の責任が最も大きい国として米国を選んだとのことです また米国が北朝鮮への先制攻撃を行う場合は「米国を支持する」が42%、「北朝鮮を支持 する」がなんと40.9%でした。 北朝鮮が核開発を行っていること公言し、核実験の実施すら予想されていたのにもかかわ らず、です。 これでは米軍は背後から弾丸が飛んでくることを心配しなければならないでしょう。 それにしても40.9%の人は朝鮮戦争がどのようにおこり、米軍と国連のおかげで韓国がど のように救われたかということを知っているのでしょうか? まさか赤化統一を希望しているわけではないでしょう。

5月に社会世論研究所が行ったもの ですが、「韓国は北朝鮮の味方をすべき」47.6%,「アメリカの味方をすべき」31.2%でした。 結果に地域、年齢、社会階層によるかたよりは少なかったそうです。

3. They invade Japanese culture for the same reason

"Colonial Collaborators' List" and an inquiry survey about North Korea. They have no relation to "kumdo" problem to the surface.
But I think the same reason caused these events.

Now some of Koreans continue to make the movies as if they had used Samurai Swords (they say it's Chosun(Korean) swords, not Japanese swords!) for their self-deceiving desire ( Japanese swords "also" originated from Korea! ). Their ancestors used double-edged and straight swords in fact. But this is almost forgotten in their movie.
"Samurai swords originated from Korea."
I have heard some Korean dealers in swords tried to spread such a baseless story in Europe.
I do not know whether they did so only from reasons of business or from their conviction.

But I think here is what is clear.

They ignore historic facts or situations, and distorted the figures of their ancestors by their selfish desire. Their real ancestors may disappear early or late, because they can not satisfy the desire of their descendents.

They one-sidedly brand President Park as a traitor only because they do not like his previous history, forgetting the fact of his great contribution. They also blame United States for the division on the Korean Peninsula, ignoring historic facts. They regard an ally as an enemy by their selfish desire.
Anyway, their emotion, desire comes first before anything including fact. They forget or distorted the fact.

United State can protest against them. (cache) But predecessors or ancestors cannot do so.
I want to ask them.
"Do you understand what you insult your ancestors?"
"Do you understand what you do spoil the names of contributors?"

I only hope such people are in tiny minority.


植民地協力者リストも北朝鮮についてのアンケートも、一見kumdo問題に関係がないよ うに見えます。 しかし私には同じ根を持つ問題に見えます。 その前歴が気にくわないと言ってその多大な貢献という事実を無視し、朴大統領に売国奴 の汚名を着せます。歴史上の事実を無視してアメリカに半島分断の責任があると決めつけ ます。自分たちの勝手な願望に従い、敵を味方だと間違えているのです。 どっちみち、事実はどうでもよく、感情や願望が全てに優先するのです。事実は忘れられ、歪められるのです。

現在彼らが撮っている映画には、当然のように日本刀が出てきます。 まるで昔から日本刀を使っていたかのような映画を、彼らの自己欺瞞的な願望に従い、撮り続けている韓国人がいます。彼らの祖先は実際には両刃の直刀を使っていたのです。しかしこれも最近の映画ではすっかり「なかったこと」になっているようです。



その前歴が気に入らないからと言って当時の事情を考慮せず、多大な功績も考慮せず「植民地統治協力者」とレッテルを貼る。 南北分裂を他のせいにする。それも国を救ってくれた国のせいにする。 自分たちの欺瞞的な願望のために、直刀の歴史をなかったことにして、あたかも日本刀(彼 らの願望では朝鮮刀)を大昔から使っていたかのような時代映画をせっせとつくる。
責められた国は抗議することができますが、先人、祖先はできません。 もの言わぬ祖先たちは、その子孫の自尊心を満足させられなかったがために、そのあり方を歪曲され、あるいは当時の状況をなんら考慮されることなく無慈悲に裁かれ、いずれは 本当の姿を忘れ去られていくのです。 かれらのちっぽけで傲慢な「自尊心」のために。 あるいは勝手で根拠のない思い込みのために。



: This bill was passed by the Judiciary Committee of the Diet on Dec 12.
Many people predicted this, but it is also shocking to see it, I must say.
I translated a portion of the article. "'The Bill of Making the property of pro-Japan and anti-nation actors belong to the national treasury' was passed by the Judiciary Committee of the Diet on Dec 12. This bill enables the property, that pro-Japan actors accumulated in return for their pro-Japan actions, to belong to the national treasury. By this bill, it will be difficult for the descendents of pro-Japan persons to get their ancestors' estate from the national government.

cache (2006/01/12 update)


「親日行為を行った者が日本に協力した見返りで蓄積した財産を国庫に帰属させる 「親日反民族行為者財産帰属特別法案」が7日、国会法制司法委員会(法司委) で可決された。これによって、親日派子孫らが国家を相手取り訴訟を起こし、 土地を取りもどすことがむずかしくなる見込みだ。 」

(Follow-up Report)
This article appeared on March 9, 2006 (cache). I feel the forthcoming has come at last. Now should we understand this nation is a kind of religious nations? Their dogma is "Anti-Japanism". They are not reluctant to abandon modern sense of value under the pretext of "Anti-Japanism". They can ignore the rule of law(prohibition of retroactive law) and economic freedom(individual property right).

--------- quote ----------

The government alleged a temporary injunction to confiscate pro-Japan persons' property for the use of the State

2006/03/09 13:01 (Seoul)
Office of Legal Affairs announced they alleged a temporary injunction to courts based on the Bill of "Making the property of pro-Japan and anti-nation actors belong to the national treasury". This temporary injunction can forbid three "pro-Japan" descents to dispose their properties. The three descents of pro-Japan persons had acquired ownership of the estates by courts definitive judgment. Korean government filed provisional dispositions to forbid the descents disposing these estates.

This is the first time that government filed provisional dispositions to prepare for confiscating a properties. When courts approve these dispositions, "pro-Japan" descents will be forbidden to use their property right. They can not alienate, rent or take out a mortgage on their estate.
Office of Legal Affairs is going to file provisional dispositions to forbid disposing of the estates which are explicitly "pro-Japans' properties" by documents. They are now under consideration in punishing someone who are going to dispose their properties to avoid forfeiting. "Making the property of pro-Japan and anti-nation actors belong to the national treasury" provides what are "pro-Japan properties". "Pro-Japan properties" are the properties which were obtained or inherited in return for cooperation for Empire of Japan from Japanese-Russo War to the independence of Korea(Translator's note: newer independence). or were alienated knowing how these properties had been gotten

This law states "pro-Japan properties" should belong to the national treasury.

Under President's control, "the commission of inquiry into the pro-Japans' properties and anti-nation actors" takes charge of the job about "pro-Japans' properties" and decides who will acquire ownership of each "pro Japan's property.

--------- unquote ----------

This nation seem not to care for "equality under the law" at all. I must say their policy is still that of the nation of religious cult.
Whenever I see such news, media of our nation(Japan) should understand the importance and abnormality of this news, and must deal largely with it, I think.
Is there any human-rights groups in Korea?

2006年3月の記事です(cache)。 とうとう来るべきものが来たという気がします。もはや反日をドグマとした一種の宗教国家と言うべきではないでしょうか? 反日を名目とすれば近代的な価値観の法治(遡及法の禁止)も経済的自由(個人の財産権)を捨てることもいとわないのです。



2006/03/09 13:01 【ソウル9日聯合】
法務部は9日、「親日反民族行為者財産の国家帰属に関する特別法(親日派財産還収法)」を根拠に、 親日派の子孫が所有する不動産を没収するため、関連不動産の処分禁止仮処分申請を裁判所に提出したことを 明らかにした。親日派の子孫3人が、国を相手取った訴訟に勝訴し裁判所の確定判決を受け所有権を獲得した 不動産について、各管轄裁判所に処分を禁じるよう仮処分申請したもの。

 政府が親日派子孫の財産没収を目的に仮処分を申し立てるのは初めてのこと。裁判所がこれを承認すれば、 該当不動産の譲渡や賃貸、抵当設定などが禁止され、財産権を一切行使できなくなる。
 法務部は、資料調査などで親日財産と明確になった不動産については今後迅速に処分禁止の仮処分申請を行い、 これを避け他人に譲渡する行為は強制執行免脱罪で刑事処罰する案も検討しているという。

 親日派財産還収法は、日露戦争開始前から韓国独立前までの間、日帝に協力した対価として取得したか 相続した財産、 または背景を知りながら贈与を受けた財産を「親日財産」と規定し、これを国の所有として帰属する よう定めている。

 大統領傘下に設置された「親日反民族行為者財産調査委員会」が親日派財産の政府帰属業務を担当し、 親日派子孫の財産は調査委員の決定をもとに帰属先が決定される。


もはや 「法の下の平等」なんてもはやどうでもいい国なんでしょう。

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