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Jon Herington/Steely Dan; Brad Paisley; Buddy Miller/Emmylou Harris; Gordon Kennedy; Pearl Jam; Chris Hicks; Dan Lawson; Greg Jennings/Restless Heart; John Mayer; Bob Britt/Bob Dylan....
Sound Samples
* Jason Baker (bd and comp)

Boss Blues Driver Mod



How about The EDGE of U2!!!

How about Rick Wright of David Gilmour, rockin' the keys baby!

"THE" BOSS BD-2 Effect Pedal Modifications!

Transparent Guitar Tones!! If you are new to Robert Keeley Electronics Sound, try this pedal.

The BD-2 Phat Mod is Transparent Overdrive with Full Range sound.

For tone-purists, this is it! It's not simply a distortion pedal but rather a tone tool that adds to your guitar tone, supplying really nice lows, crystal clear high frequency, great picking response and detail. For those wanting to set their amp on fire but not change the tone of their system, this is the pedal.

The BD-2 is not the same as a TS9 pedal. It has a more FULL-RANGE sound and is much more TRANSPARENT. When cranked it offers a grittier/more-edgy tone.

***After our mods it’s a remarkable tube-amp enhancer/simulator!***

The BD-2 is very DYNAMIC and works wonders with the volume control on your guitar. You can control all the drive you want by setting the BD-2 Gain high and using your volume control to instantly dial in the rest!

This is not a "fuzz" pedal, (although a stock one might appear to be at times!) but has the best characteristics of a fuzz pedal. Smoother and more realistic sounding on top of all that!

Perfect for Hendrix to Country! How can Robert say that?!?! This pedal has a HUGE RANGE OF TONE!!! Customers tell me on a daily basis, it's the sound they've been looking for for years; it sounds like their rig without the "distortion-pedal-carpet" over their amplifier.

This is the pedal if you are looking for the cranked Fender Super amplifier sound.

One of the best parts is that it has tremendous volume output. It can be used as a CLEAN BOOST with no problem and drive your amp into natural sounding overdrive.

Check out why Tone Purist, Bob Britt (guitar player for Bob Dylan, Dixie Chicks), uses the BD-2 and Keeley Compressor!
$149 - NEW Boss BD-2 Phat Mod
$149 BRAND NEW BOSS BD-2 -- Has all of my new mods: Phat Switch mod and Silver Mica cap swap, plus many others! This is the finest tone we offer in a modded pedal. Every part has been selected for MAX TONE No shipping charges to US.
$30 International Shipping Charge, 1 Unit
$30 International Shipping Charge. Please click this for all sales outside the US. Pedals will be shipped USPS Express Mail (EMS).
$45 International Shipping Charge, 2-3 Units
$45 International Shipping Charge for 2-3 pedals. Please click this for all sales outside the US. Pedals will be shipped USPS Express Mail (EMS). Required for multiple pedal purchase of 2-3 units, new or mod.
$60 International Shipping Charge, 4-6 Units
$60 International Shipping Charge for 4-6 pedals. Please click this for all sales outside the US. Pedals will be shipped USPS Express Mail (EMS). Required for multiple pedal purchase of 4-6 units, new or mod.
$65 - BD-2 Phat switch Mod on your sent in pedal!
$65 WE MOD YOUR OWN BD-2!!! Send us your pedal to have the tone installed! The mod takes the BD-2 to the highest level of performance and tone possibilities. Only $65.00 and no return shipping charges to US.
BD-2 and TS9... RK's favorite overdrive set of modded pedals. This is a no brainer if you want the best tone at very low price. Guitar->BD-2->(for chord work)->TS9 (for leads), Amp! $299
$359 Compressor and BD-2 PRO SETUP
$359 This is for our top of the line compressor and truly toneful BD-2. Get the rig all the pros and session guys use! This is what makes tone! 3-5 DAY BACK ORDER.
$220 BD-2 Freak Fuzz
$220 BD-2 FREAK FUZZ This is the one that people rave about on www.harmonycentral.com It has two switches, one for gain, one for bass boost, and two germanium transistors that mount on the outside for a real killer look and high gain tone for daze! 1 week back order.
$119 BD-2 Freak Fuzz MOD ONLY
$220 BD-2 FREAK FUZZ This is the one that people rave about on www.harmonycentral.com It has two switches, one for gain, one for bass boost, and two germanium transistors that mount on the outside for a real killer look and high gain tone for daze! 1 week turn around time. Over 20 changes made! Don't be fooled with copies and DIY instructions that have made their own Freak Fuzz mod up!

Download the mod order form!


Product manual

More info

BD-2 pedals IN Stock modded to order! We ship in just 4-5 days as usual!

Want the best overdrive for BASS? Try the Blues Driver! A TS9 or other bass drive pedal will just limit your low end response; this will make tube sounding bass-overdrive a reality for you.



Then I plugged in the BD-2 and began to experience tonal heaven, everything from warm overdrive to whacked-out fuzz tones. Within about fifteen minutes of playing, my wife threw open the door and asked "what did you do to your amp, that is one of the sexiest sounds I've ever heard that amp produce!!" That is quite possibly the best complement for me and for your work to have a woman that until that point had referred to most of my amps as either “ugly?or “too loud?refers to the sounds as "sexy". Since then I've found great tones using my fender super and some killer tones on my matchless DC-10 as well. I'll definitely be purchasing more of your products in the future!!!

Thanks again Josh

"""I just want to let you know in my quick audition of the pedal I am already completely THRILLED!!!! This is coming from someone that is a purist about plugging straight into a good tube amp and letting that provide all the tone and distortion (and I've been that way for a long time!)I have yet to experience as satisfying and perfect an extension of the sound that I've finally found with my Les Paul and Bruno UG30 amp until I added your Phat Blues Driver. It provides everything you describe, and it will be hard for me to go back to playing without this pedal!

I'm truly delighted and just wanted to pass on a very hearty THANKS! - Rich"""

*** Here is one of my favorite guys, Rob Espinoza, he is the guitar player in "It's a Beautiful Day" you know the 60's San Fran band that did White Bird! ...anyway here's his review of Keeley effects...

"Dear Robert,

I never liked spinach...or broccoli...or Boss BD-2 Blues Drivers or stock TS9s; I really hated compressors! In 35 years of playing professionally I have been fortunate enough to share the stage with musicians such as Huey Lewis, Vince Gill, Kenny G. (don't tell anyone!) and the late John Denver. The last number of years I have been the guitarist for a band called "It's a Beautiful Day". We had a couple of gold records back in the psychedelic San Francisco era of the late 60s and early 70s along with our friends such as Jimi Hendrix, Santana, Jefferson Airplane, and the ubiquitous Grateful Dead . You might remember a number one hit we had called "White Bird" as well as "Hot Summer's Day". We've just released a new CD called "Beyond Dreams" available at Tower Records, Amazon.com and our website (shameless plug!). I also have a band here in Santa Cruz, California, called the Road Hogs that covers tunes from bands like AC/DC to Yes. As you can imagine, I've got to have a full, flexible arsenal of sounds that span

35+ years of music. I KNOW what a great guitar tone should sound like. I haven't always been able to achieve it...up until now. Enter your TS-9 mod; smooth fluid gain, incredibly flexible and very vocal without that dreaded loss of low end...yeah! ....and a tone control that really works! I wasn't sure that that was the pedal I needed, but you encouraged me to try it and if I didn't like it I could always send it back...don't hold your breath! I've always been a closet Robben Ford/Larry Carlton wannabe. This pedal with a decent guitar and tube amp gets me there in spades. Then I needed something to push the front end of my amp without altering it's sound yet adding extra sustain.

You suggested your Compressor....

I told you, I don't like spinach and I don't like compressors....except for this one. Used with the sustain set rather low and the level rather high I now have the ideal clean boost; and man, is it quiet. Lastly, I needed something for those elusive "amp on the edge of breakup" sounds like an old Princeton or Deluxe being pushed. You suggested the BD-2 mod; my memories of the stock BD-2 brings to mind...well...broccoli....hate it! Not this pedal; it's a Fullt*ne killer!! Lighten your touch and it's round, articulate and polite; dig in and you've got some blues notes that could use a little haircut and a lesson in manners; I could probably do an entire night's gig in either band with just this pedal set to about 12 o'clock on Level and Drive and Tone around 10 o'clock. A simple turn of the guitar volume controls the amount of grind. All of your pedals share the one commonality that I never thought I'd say about these little stomp boxes.....they are musical as heck! and quiet....and solid...and have cool LEDs....and thankfully, sound so much better than the originals, while still retaining their overall vibe. I will never use anything else for the 'nuts and bolts' of my music. We're working currently on another new "It's a Beautiful Day" CD and your pedals will be all over my guitar tracks. I promise you the first copy off the press. Now if you could just do one of your mods to some spinach and broccoli I have in the fridge......Warmest regards,

Rob Espinosa

Hey!!! You there, with the desire for tone! Yes, you!!! The Bd-2 is something you should try. The BD-2 is on my pedal board. I use the BD-2, compressor, Fuzz Head, TS9, CE-2, Mutron III, AD9, and 1966-67 Fender Vibrolux Reverb.... I have never been so happy with my tone. I guess the only way I could be happier is if I had 2 BD-2 pedals so I wouldn't have to make any adjustments for different styles. One for really low gain, one for high gain! Hey...I work here! I know where to get another! ;-)


TECH/MODS SPECS: Starting in December of 2001 I started to toy around with the Blues Driver. What I liked was the amount of gain that the pedal had and the complication they engineered into a fuzz tone pedal. They worked hard to come up with a complex tone. What could I do? Just little things...but, after a while I found that several of my changes were adding up to a wonderful improvement in the tone! Cool! What I do is change many capacitors and resistors to fine tune the sound. I change the input capacitor to allow more of the natural bass from your guitar through. That helps with the weak bass problem. I change the the value of capacitor on the Tone control to make it not so thin sounding when turned up. It evens out the response of the control. I change the value from 0.018uF to 0.033uF, then switch in a 0.068uF cap for the Phat switch. I then change 6 electrolytic capacitors capacitors for increased smoothness and a little higher quality sound. Lastly, the old 2nd order harmonic increase trick!!! I change diodes to make the clipped signal a little more asymmetrical. Guitar players love even ordered harmonics. They sound best!

All-in-all the pedal sounds much better than before. There is a definite increase in the sweetness or saturation of the clipped signal. It has more sustain. It is a lot less fuzzy or cranky sounding and much more tube-like in tone. Best of all with the ceramic caps changed to silver mica, there is a drop in the background noise level. The improvement in tone is unmistakable.

Boss BD-2 Blues Driver Mods

This is not all-inclusive in what can be done to the Blues Driver. It is meant to give an idea of where the tone can be improved or changed. All of the changes are subtle but when packaged together offer a nice improvement.

D3 Change this 1SS133 to a different (1N4002) diode for asymmetrical clipping. This adds second order harmonics. This adds to the tube type sound. I like the sound of this change.

D7 D8 D9 and D10 Change 2 of of these diodes from 1SS133 to a single 1N4002. More second order harmonic distortion. Although the change is slight, I like it. We actually take out one of the two pairs and replace it with a single 1N4001.

C1, C7, C6, C12, C13, and C15 Change this electrolytic capacitor to a 10uF Non-polarized caps. Non-polarized caps sound better . I like these anywhere there is signal coupling at this high a value.

C14 Increase input coupling capacitor value to 0.1uF for increased bass response from your guitar.

C100 Here is where we can affect the tone control. I prefer a little more lower-midrange and bass frequencies through the tone section. You can increase the lower frequencies by increasing the capacitor value to 0.033uF. Install a switch to add a 0.068uF cap in parallel with this value for the Phat Mode!

Most of the ceramic caps are changed to Expensive Silver Mica (available through Small Bear Electronics www.smallbearelec.com or www.mouser.com or www.digiley.com). This is what makes our mod sound so good. A noticeable reduction in noise. An increase in the smoothness and no harshness left. This type of upgrade is not found in anyone's mods. The best sound is right here.

Copyright by Robert Keeley 2007

Feel free to distribute or copy to your web page and email me any contributions. I reserve the right to keep out details of the mod to protect our unique tone change to the pedal. We don't sell parts kits.


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© 2007 Robert Keeley Electronics Inc.
Boss Blues Driver Mod
Boss Blues Driver Mod
© Robert Keeley Electronics Inc. 2007
High Fidelity Guitar Effects Pedals
Email: Questions About Effects or Tone: fx@rkfx.com
Email: Shipping and Order Status: orders@rkfx.com
Call: 1-8668-GO-RKFX
AD9 Analog Delay
CE-2 Mod
MT-2 Mod
SD-1 Stacked Mod
TS-808 Ibanez
TS-9 Baked Mod
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Keeley Compressor
Nova Wah
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Compressor T-SHIRT
Keeley Effect CD
Pickups - Single Coils
A/B Amp Switcher
Talk Box
Three Banger
AD9 Analog Delay
CE-2 Mod
MT-2 Mod
SD-1 Stacked Mod
TS-808 Ibanez
TS-9 Baked Mod
TS-9 Mod Plus
Custom Colors Keeley Effects
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Java Boost
Katana Pre Amp
Keeley Compressor
Nova Wah
Time Machine Boost
True Bypass Looper
Wooden Effects~Private Stock!
Compressor T-SHIRT
Keeley Effect CD
Pickups - Single Coils
A/B Amp Switcher
Talk Box
Three Banger