【貴重】 日韓併合前後の朝鮮の写真 大量 | Hot! 討論 |
No.836829 投稿者: geras 作成日: 2007-12-06 21:02:01 |
閲覧数:2363 推薦ポイント:27 / 0 |
 Kindergarten games in Korea |
 Korean boys gathering grass |
 Korean boy with load |
 Boys in uniform, Pai Chai High School, Seoul |
 Pai Chai Dormitory |
 Pai Chai, Athletic Field |
 Pai Chai, Drill Grounds |
 Pai Chai Recitation Hall |
 Pai Chai, Chapel |
 Pai Chai, Chemical Laboratory |
 Pai Chai, School Store |
 Normal Student Holding School |
 Ewa Haktang Recitation Hall |
 [no title] |
 South Gate Entrance To Seoul |
 Korean Street and Houses |
 [no title] |
 Korean Girl Carrying Baby |
[no title] |
 [no title] |
 [no title] |
 Korean Women Ironing Clothes |
 Wreath Drill at Ewa Haktang |
 Wash Day in Korea |
 Emaciation, Disease, and Famine |
 Group of Korean Children |
 Students and Teachers of School Grading Grounds, Kongju |
 Hospital Clinic, Severance Van Buskirk, Seoul |
 Girls On A Jumping Board |
 [no title] |
 [no title] |
 [no title] |
 [no title] |
 Chengtu Church |
 Beautiful scene in North Korea |
 Yak San Mountain and Valley |
 Kija's Tomb, Pyeng Yang |
 The Seven Star Gate, Pyeng Yang |
Anchor Stones, Pyeng Yang |
 Suwon Street Scene |
 Rice Fields and part of Wonju |
 Preparing Rice Fields |
 Tying Bundles of Young Rice Plants for Transplanting |
 Two Women Grinding at the Mill |
 Loaded Bullock |
 Shoeing a Bullock |
 Nine-Man Shovel |
 Man and Loaded "Jiggy" |
 Pig on a Jiggy |
 Boy in a Jiggy |
 Water Carrier |
 Korean Laundry |
 Ironing With Ironing Sticks |
 Strings of Eggs |
 Reading A Letter |
 Playing Chess |
 Korean Mourner |
 Devil Posts |
Country Wayside Shrine |
 Country Wayside Shrine |
 Buddhist Idols in Shrine |
 Auto-Bus Near Konju |
 Railroad Train in Korea |
 Exposition Train |
 Sign In Seoul |
 Candy Boy |
Japanese and Korean Children |
 Annual Conference Group of 1914, at Seoul |
 Church and Congregation, Wonju |
 Boy's Middle School, Kongju or Konju |
 High School Class |
 Pai Chai High School, Seoul |
 Hugh Cyn |
 New Japanese High School, Seoul |
 "Characters" Facing Japanese School |
 Lower Grade Girls, Ewa Haktang School, Seoul |
 Lower Grade Girls, Ewa Haktang School, Seoul |
 Higher Mathmatics |
 College Graduates, Ewa Haktang, 1914 |
 General Sunday School Meeting in Seoul, 1914 |
 Japanese Sunday School Class |
 Large Bible Institute Group |
 Large Bible Institute Group |
 Chemulpo Bible Institute Group |
 Union Theological School, Seoul |
 Dr. A.H. Norton Operating, Haiju |
Dr. J. Garfield Anderson Operating, Wonju |
 Clinic in Severance Union Medical School, Seoul |
 Class In Pathology [Severance?] |
 Korean Girl After Conversion, 1909 |
 Korean Graduate Nurse Five Years After Conversion, 1914 [Seoul?] |
 Deaf, Dumb and Blind Home |
 Rev. Wilber C. Swearer and Itinerating Outfit |
 Miss Gertrude E. Snavely Itinerating |
 Repairing Motorcycle On The Road |
 Reverend Robert Sharp's Grave |
 Hilltop Prayer Meeting, Wonju |
 Prayer Meeting, Pyeng Yang |
 East Gate Church, Seoul |
 East Gate Church, Seoul |
 Rev. Kim Chang-Sik |
 Sam Dok |
 Four Korean Preachers |
 Kangwha Church |
 Mountains and Wall, Korea |
 Japanese Flags at Railroad Station |
 Bank and Trolley Car, Seoul |
 Children in Kindergarten |
 A Church and a Crowd |
 Crowd of Koreans |
 Notable Korean Inventions |
 A Street of Homes |
 Man Reading Letter |
 Village and Farms |
Bridges and Trains, Seoul |
 Devil Posts |
 Buddhist Monuments |
 Korean Funeral |
 Comity Map for Korea |
 Women Washing at Stream |
 Korean Drug Store |
 Eye, Ear and Throat Clinic |
 Patients at Seoul Dispensary |
 Hall Memorial Hospital, Pyengang |
 Haiju Hospital Interior |
 Wonju Hospital |
 Kongju Dispensary |
 Chemical Laboratory, Seoul |
 Group of Nurses at Haju Hospital |
 Korean Undergoing Medical Examination |
 Boys in School Dormitory |
 A Kindergarten Group |
 Boy's Middle School, Konju |
 Drill at Pai Chai School, Seoul |
Girls of Ewa Haktang Girls' High School |
 Young Trees, Kongju |
 Chosen Christian College, Seoul |
 View of Pyengyang |
 Boy's Dormitory Room, Pyengyang High School |
 New Pyenyang High School |
 Entering A Village |
 A Village Thatched Church |
 Tiled City Church |
 Mead Memorial Church, Seoul |
 Congregation in Pyengyang |
 A Sunday School Class |
 District Bible Class |
 Women Workers, Haiju District |
 Dr. Moore and Pastors |
 Centenary Subscription Book |
 Koreans in a Field |
 Old Korean Church, Seoul |
 Brick Church, Seoul |
 Dr. Henry Chung |
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推薦 |
ワウとても良い資料だ.ありがとう!! |
|・^=)y-~~□。_プチ |
よく見つけましたな!!!(❁∀❁) |
これは保存だな。。。感謝・感謝 |
日本に併合されて、韓国は幸せそうだね |
こうして日帝の悪行がまた一つあばかれるわけですね。 |
幸せは笑わせているのね. 強制で竝合しておいてからはそれが幸せ?
日本が韓国発展にお手助けになったということは率直に認めます. しかし韓国人を見下して, ホロコーストさせて, 殺して,
生体実験して, 伝統文化を無くそうと思って, 殴って, 農民たちの地を強奪した時代が幸せな時代と思いますか? |
ホロコースト? |
私は反日感情があります. 理由は日本人が韓国人を軽蔑して侮辱的な言葉を web上に振り撤いているしよく韓国人に対して悪いうわさを作って韓国という国家の名誉を毀損して利益に 反して平凡な韓国国民をいじめるから日本が嫌です. 多分こちらへ来る大部分の韓国人は親日政策によって日本に対して好感を持って訪問してから私と一緒に大部分嫌日(日本を嫌悪する)になって行きます. しばらくけんかがはびこったこちらに妙な楽しさを感じて中毒になって 反韓 日本人と一緒にまったく同じく卑劣な方法で争ってからいつのまにか自らに対してまたはこんな現象に対して幻滅を感じるようになります. 以後本当にいやな感情さえない無関心の状態に変わってその段階になれば日本人,日本が胸の中深く嫌いになって enjoy japanというネイバー掲示板を永遠に去るようになります. それでこちらは特別な政治的, 歴史的偏見がない普通の韓国人, 新人入れてから反日や嫌日になって行く通過儀礼的な場所です. これが enjoy japanが生じた以後繰り返される現象です... .. |
イルボンウンチァム. いいこと 10% 見せてくれて良くないこと 90%を選り分けようと思うなんてウッギヌンナでこそ |