ok, i did a little digging and found this, hope that there will be more commingsoon.
The comic is called "Alicia en el pais de nunca jamais" aka. "Alicia in Neverland".
The correct translation would be "Alicia in the land of never again" or "Alicia in the land of never ever".
It's being drawn by the Spanish artists MAN and frad, published in several KISS comix magazines. It's basically about people fighting their way through a country infested with mutants who become aggressive, violent, muscular cannibals. Often, sex occurs for the lulz.
Thanks to Anonymous, Erin, Harok, Kaen, Dread and ebagtheftp for translations and repacking.
Chapters 01 to 10 already translated, as of now there should be a chapter 11.
KISS comis # 184 is nowhere to be found in the interbutts and Anonymous has confirmed that #185 and #186 do not have any of this.
So far the comic is up to #193, so maybe there is more of this in those other volumes.
www.lokuras.net/index.php?cat=109 (collection of Spanish KISS comix)
www.mancomic.blogspot.com (Man's website)
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