北海道石狩郡の新篠津村農家。 古い空家を借りた。 1999年、ペット便利帳が出来た。 北海道新聞社発行の 雑誌に掲載された。 テレビ局にも多く出演した。 救護の電話が北海道 全域から殺到した。 ボランティアの 引き抜きが一番祟った。 |
Farmer of Shinshinotsu-son in Hokkaido Ishikari-gun.
I rented an old empty house. A pet convenient notebook was able to have been done in 1999. It was published in the magazine of the Hokkaido newspaper issue. It performed to the TV station a lot. Phone calls of the relief poured in from the whole area of Hokkaido. Volunteer's pulling out cursed most. |
「DOMON」と名乗るボランティアの男。 他のボランティア約30名連れて去った。 「猫と遊ぼう」というサイトを開いた。 「DOMON」に、犬猫の初歩を教えた。 脳波を盗んで消えた。 「パクリ」でサイトのアクセスが伸びた。 パチンコ屋の清掃業者の息子だった。 親の会社を引き継いる。 ボランティアを引き抜かれて孤立した。 一人で世話する事になり過労から倒れた。 ここでの活動時期が最高辛かった。 人手不足から 札幌へ一冬越して引き上げた。 |
A man of volunteer who introduces by him/herself
as "DOMON". It took and it left by the other about 30 volunteers. The site "Let's play with the cat" was opened. The abc of Inuneco was taught "DOMON". The brain wave was stolen and it disappeared. The access of the site has expanded in "Pacri". It was a son of the cleaning trader in the pachinko shop. It is succession as for parents' companies. The volunteer was selected and it was isolated. It would take care of alone and it fell because of overwork. The activity time here is Cara or less. From the manpower shortage It moves to Sapporo when one hibernal and it has improved it. |
冬期間は、札幌から約車で1時間。 新篠津村まで毎日通った。 遠く感じた。 札幌から国道275号線を滝川方向。 当別町から東へ約5、6キロ入った。 田園地帯の真中だった。 農道の為に、除雪がされなかった。 豪雪には泊り込んだ。 この頃は睡眠時間も削り頑張った。 「黒子」や「チビ黒子」が、 ここで逝った。 この生活が懐かしい。 |
From Sapporo between winters by car for one
hour. It passed to the Shinshinotsu-son every day. It was felt that it was far. It is a direction of Takikawa from Sapporo as for the 275th in national road line. It entered from the Tobetsu-cho to the east by ..about five.. six kilos. It was a center of agricultural area. Clearing snow was not done because of the farming route. It stayed at the heavy snow and it crowded. Sleeping time was cut down and held out recently. "Mole" and "Tibi mole" are ..here.. ..dying... This life is missed. |
毎日毎日、吹雪が続いた。 やっと、たどり着いたら入れなかった。 玄関が雪で埋まっていた。 梯子を掛けて中に二階から 入った。 |
The snowstorm continued every day every day.
It did not put it when reaching it at last finally. The door was buried because of the snow. The ladder was placed and it entered the inside from the second floor. |
画像は、一階の部屋の猫達の食事。 二階に同じ広さの二部屋有った。 広々とした部屋だった。 その二階のが像は、失った。 一階も二階も畳だった。 畳の上に、厚さ2ミリビニールを敷いた。 泊まれるようにベットを二階に据えた。 犬達は、そとの庭に、自由にした。 雨天や冬は、家の中に入れていた。 犬も猫も喧嘩無く仲が良かった。 猫の集団に、犬達が近寄らなかった。 犬猫の専用治療室もあった。 |
The image eats of cats in the room of the
first floor. Two room having of the same area as the second floor. It was a room that had been assumed to be spacious. It missed and Zou was lost by the the second floor. As many as the first floor and as many as the second floor were mats. 2milli thickness vinyl was paved on the mat. To stay, the bed was installed on the second floor. Dogs kept free in the garden. It put it in the house in rain and winter. Neither the dog nor the cat had the fight and it got along well. Dogs have not approached cat's group. There was a special treatment room of Inuneco, too. |
冬期間は、床暖房とストーブだった。 暖かい茶の間に猫達が集まった。 固まって昼寝ている画像だ。 一階の猫達は、二階より少ない。 犬達を冬や雨天に、入れる為だった。 一緒に、居ない猫も居た。 台所や玄関、治療室に散らばった。 二階は、真冬はコタツを使った。 猫は、コタツ4ヶ所に団子になった。 |
It was a floor heating and a stove between
winters. Cats gathered in a warm living room. It is an image that hardens and is the sleep in daytime. Cats of the first floor are fewer than that of the second floor. The purpose is to put dogs in winter and rain. There was a cat that not was either together. It has scattered in the kitchen, the door, and the treatment room. The midwinter used the kotatsu for the second floor. The cat became a dumpling in the kotatsu four places. |
この地域は、凄い吹雪が毎日続いた。 村の除雪は、一番遅かった。 一番近くの主線道路まで4キロあった。 エサを背負って歩いて 施設へ向かった。 凄い強い風が続き一晩で吹雪。 写真のような積雪で 玄関が隠れた。 一時間も除雪に掛かった。 除雪で散々苦しめられた。 すっかり私は、身体を壊した。 社員からの連絡も携帯受信が 悪かった。 途切れて連絡付かないと 怒られた。 |
A terrible snowstorm led to this region every
day. Clearing the village was the slowest. Four kilos existed to the nearby main line road most. Esa was shouldered, it walked, and it faced facilities. It is a snowstorm at night continue a terrible, strong wind. The door was hidden because of the snowfall like the photograph. It hung in clearing snow during one hour. It was severely afflicted with clearing snow. I completely ruined its body. The report from the employee was bad a portable reception. It was angry. as became interrupted and did not exist with the report |
夏季は、最高だつた。 一面の田園地帯の真中だった。 広々として風が強い。 最高の環境。 夜は、カエルが煩かった。 移転したのは6月だった。 凄く良い環境に慕っていた。 近くの人口水路で魚が釣れた。 猫のエサに使うほど釣れた。 広い庭が有った。 |
Summer is highest. It was a center of agricultural area in one side. The wind is strong as spacious. The highest environment. The frog was troublesome at night. It was in June to move. It was yearning to a terrible, good environment. The fish was able to fish in the nearby population waterway. It was possible to fish by use to cat's Esa. There was a wide garden. |
電牧柵を、自費で張った。 オ-ストラリアから購入した。 総額200万円も掛かった。 約400坪の庭の敷地に張り回した。 その一面が小さな樹林であった。 カッコウの鳥やフクロウも 住んでいた。 猫達は、その樹林に来た スズメを獲った。 「クロ子」や「チビクロ子」の 墓も有った。 今は、水田になって 無くなっていた。 この広い土地の何処かに 眠っている。 |
TEL hedges were put at one's own expense.
It bought it from Australia. It hung for as much as two million yen in total. It put on the site in the garden of about 400 tsubos and it turned. The one side was a small forest. Cuckoo's bird and owl also lived. Cats captured Szme that had come to the forest. There was a grave of "Cro child" and "Tibicro child", too. It became a rice field and it disappeared now. It is asleep somewhere in this wide land. |
札幌へ引き揚げる 直前の画像。 樹林もかなり切った。 畑になるかも知れなかった。 |
It repatriates it to Sapporo. Image immediately before. The forest was considerably cut. It was likely to become a field. |
Toyohira Ward flat shore height all destruction Inuneco asylum |
隣の駐車場を借りてた。 車両2台駐車した。 庭には、犬小屋の 施設を造った。 |
札幌市豊平区平岸高台。 「ニャンコ先生の家」の 借りたころの状況。 平屋八畳x六畳三部屋・ 台所・風呂。 庭付き・駐車場。 外見は、良いが 雨漏りした。 |
冬の札幌は、積雪が多くい。 施設の中は、ストーブが 24時間炊く。 暖かく屋根に雪も 溜まらない。 屋根の雪下ろしは無い。 |
I rented the next parking lot. Two in the vehicle was parked. In the garden, it kennels it. Facilities were built. |
Sapporo City Toyohira Ward flat shore height.
"Teacher Nyanco's house" Situation when borrowing. X6 mat eight mat in one-storied house three rooms Kitchen and bath. Parking lot with garden. Though the face is good It leaked. |
In Sapporo of winter, the snowfall is multi
regret. The stove : in facilities. It cooks it for 24 hours. The snow also : to the roof as it is warm. It doesn't collect. There is not a snow lowering of the roof. |
弱っている猫達は、ケージ。 特別食を与えて治療を 施していた。 茶の間でにも、 多数の子犬や猫達が居た。 |
トイレの「躾を」ゲージで 教える猫。 避妊去勢した猫は、自由。 室内犬達も全部で 七匹が猫達と 仲良く居た。 |
常に、ボランティアさんが 交替で来た。 午前と午後から来て 糞尿を取り替えていた。 |
specialCats who weaken are cages. Supply food and treatment It gave it. Living room There were a lot of puppies and cats. |
With "Discipline" gauge of the
rest room Cat that teaches. The cat that did the contraception castration is free. The indoor dogs also : in all. Seven : with cats. It was happily. |
Mr. volunteer always :. It came alternatively. It comes in the morning and the afternoon. Excreta were changed. |
猫の届く位置には、 コンパネベニヤ。 戸を外して、 別の戸を作つた。 |
ボランティアさんが 日中に世話。 壁にも、ビニールを張った。 |
喧嘩する猫は、 仲良くなるまで ゲージの生活で別の 部屋での生活。 全ての壁にビニールや コンパネで 被覆していた。 |
In cat's reaching position, it is Companebeniya.
The door is removed. It is a work ivy as for another door. |
Mr. volunteer It takes care of in daytime. The vinyl was put on the wall. |
Cats that fight : until happily becoming
it. It lives in another room in the life of the gauge. To all walls with the vinyl and Compane It coated it. |
「はな」捨て犬で、 大きくなったが、里親へ 貰われなかった。 最後は、江別保健所で 処分された。 |
茶の間の猫と 犬達の食事風景。 |
各部屋に、 猫の留まり場があって ここで集会をする。 |
It was not gotten to the foster parent though
it grew by "It was" abandoned dog. The end was disposed of in the Ebetsu public health center. |
With the cat in the living room Dogs' meal scenery. |
To each room There is cat's stay place and the meeting is done here. |
ニセコに捨てられていた犬 でその一匹である。 ネズミやウサギを 獲る犬だった。 後に、鎖を着けたまま 行方不明。 保健所の処分は、 免れたが・・・。 |
処分犬の「ロン」。 ボランティアの 一番長く奉仕した人。 ●●道子さんに里親へ。 幸せで、元気に 散歩しているかな? |
シルティーの「ラン」保健所 引き取り犬だがパルボを 病院で貰って死んだ。 |
Dog thrown away to Niseko It is one. The rat and the rabbit It was a dog that captured it. With the chain worn back Missing. Though the disposal of the public health center escaped. |
Disposal dog's "Ron". Volunteer People who served longest. - - . to the foster parent in Michiko. Energetically happily Do you stroll? |
"Orchis" public health center of
Shilte Palbo though it is a receipt dog It got in the hospital and it died. |
手前左の犬は、「コロ」。 札幌動物管理センターから 引き取り、 約五年私と生活して 捕獲された。 江別保健所で、 後に処分された。 |
ピレニー犬で預かり犬。 ここに来てから元気になった。 一時放棄したが飼主の気が 変わった。 飼主を嫌がっていたが 戻された。 |
奥の鉄製の犬小屋には、 全部で6匹の 犬達が保護さけていた。 ニセコの犬達の3匹と、 ハスキーの「春子」も ここに居た。 |
A left dog of this side is "Coro. " From the Sapporo animal management center It receives it. It lived to me for about five years and it was captured. It was disposed back in the Ebetsu public health center. |
It is Pirene dog and a keeping dog. After it had come here, it became energetic. Owner's nature changed though it abandoned temporarily. It was returned though the owner was disliked. |
In the kennel of the plastron in the interior,
six in all. Dogs were avoiding protecting. "Haruko" of husky was here with three dogs in Niseko, too. |
平岸高台では、 犬猫達の一部が 施設に入れなく バスの中で暮した。 この犬は、放棄犬の 「桃子」の柴犬。 某ボランティアの所へ 里親さんに行った。 |
身体障害者から預かっ 二匹のシーズ犬の一匹。 「茶々丸」で盤渓の施設で 何者かに撲殺される。 日本テレビの 「やらせ」事件中の 出来事だった。 それを知ってから一年後に 飼主が自殺した。 |
「ココ」の母親のパピヨンで ボランティアへ預けている。 私の事務所に他のシーズ 犬二匹と仲良く居た。 |
Some Inuneco : to facilities in the flat
shore height without putting. It lived in the bus. This dog is Japanese midget Shiba of abandonment dog's "Momoko". It went to the foster parent certain volunteer's place. |
...keeping.. from physically handicapped
person One of two seeds dogs. In facilities in the board valley in "..Chacha.. round" It is beaten to death whom it is. Nippon Television Network Corporation "Prearranged performances" event inside It was an event. One year after it knows it The owner committed suicide. |
With the papillon of mother of "Coco" It entrusts it to the volunteer. They are other seeds in my office. It was happily with two dogs. |
大通り公園の ホームレスの方 70歳のボライティアに 抱かれた捨て 犬里親さんへ行った。 冬季間は、数人の ホームレスが 泊まり来て施設で 寝ていた。 |
バスの中で 生活していた猫。 「アメ」ちゃんの 最高のポーズ。 バスの駐車場から見た 向の家は、 同じ家主の 貸家があった。 |
バスの キャンピングカーの 寝室。 ここにも猫達が 何匹もの猫達が 住んでいた。 |
Main Street park Homeless To Boraitia of 70 years old Held throwing away It went to the dog foster parent. Several between winters Homeless Stay, come, and in facilities It was asleep. |
In the bus Cat that lives. "Ame" The highest pose. It saw from the parking lot of the bus. The same landlord of the house for. There was a house for rent. |
Bus Recreational vehicle Bedroom. Cats : here. Cats how many It lived. |
Kitahiroshima Ichimatsu island carpenter workshop asylum | ||||||||||
Usu Mt. eruption disaster residual dog cat's slaughter news flash |
Eight years already passed from the eruption disaster at 13:08 March 31, 2000. |
Hokkaido agency and Hokkaido veterinarian
associationHowever NHK nationwide contribution money Cat Baba. |
They were only 149 protection. |
Besides a large sum of special disaster national
expenditure is paid The monetary donation of "100000000" ゥ・ also It disappeared somewhere. |
Street activity memories It is a park according to Sapporo University. |
Place in doorway of subway Main Street public
station in front of Sapporo old Hokkaido Takushoku Bank headquarters. It was thrown away and it protected it. The drip is given to the older dog. The dog is watched and male cat "Yuzo. " of the warmed nursing. The age of abandoned cat "Yuzo" is uncertain. "Teacher Nyanco's house" and all cats are name tags in the collar. The telephone number and the name are applied. It is an image when the cat is released. Pasturing of the cat was not restricted in those days. Dogs were tying by the pasturing prohibition. The dog is putting a necessary dog to administer an intravenous drip and the dog for the foster parent. Cats are cats who heal it when the cat thrown away is relieved. It is easy to borrow the solution when here comes most in Sapporo City. It begins to mobilize here to the relief. Meanwhile, cats who released it in the park are waiting. It relieves and all the frog, cats return to the relief car. From the morning to the evening The day when the weather was good stood by. The profession and it serves concurrently to me. It was a volunteer work. This Only some the people know. |
もう札幌市の旧拓銀本店前は無い。 その前の地下鉄大通り公 駅の出入り口である。 捨てられて保護した老犬に 点滴を施している。 捨て猫「雄三」は、 募金箱を見張りもする。 この犬は、二日後に亡くなる。 救護した時に、 既に餓死寸前の老犬であった。 このころも嫌がらせが始まっていた。 それは、他の某全国にある 動物愛護団体である。 犬猫が居ない団体で 寄付のみの団体。 テレビ放映の多い団体である。 犬猫の保護をしている 我が団体が邪魔だった。 保護施設のない団体には、 寄付が少ない。 その寄付金の利権闘争からの 嫌がらせであった。 |
It is not any longer in front of the old
Hokkaido Takushoku Bank headquarters in Sapporo City. It is a doorway of a subway Main Street public station ahead of that. It is thrown away and the drip is given to the older dog that protected it. Abandoned cat "Yuzo" looks out for the fund-raising box. This dog will die in two days. When relieving it It was already an older dog immediately before starvation. Annoying started this time. It is an animal rights group in other certain whole countries. It is a group only of the contribution in the group where Inuneco doesn't exist. It is a group with a lot of television telecasts. My group that protected Inuneco was obstructive. In the group where the asylum doesn't exist, the contribution is a little. It was ..dislike.. having from the rights struggle of the contribution and it existed. |
マイクロバスの救護車と 軽の救護車を使い分けた。 テレビ塔と札幌駅前通りの 交差した大通り公園内。 公園内や歩道のゴミも 集めて活動した。 この場所は、テレビ塔を背景に 皆が撮影していた。 |
With the relief car of the minibus It ..lightness.. drank and Sc Mamoclma was used properly. The same as in front of television tower and Sapporo Station In intersecting Main Street park. In the park and the garbage of the pavement also It collected and it acted. Everyone was taking a picture of this place against the background of the television tower. |
北海道内には、 保護施設をもう一つ持つ個人保護者。 自称 北海道ドックレスキュー●●氏が居た。 平成5年ころ、苫小牧市でラーメン屋を廃業した。 数匹の捨て犬を集めてエサ代を 求め寄付金を集め出した。 札幌の定山渓の山中へ引っ越した。 毎日、●● 氏の街頭寄付金集めの状況。 子猫を連れて来て見世物にして 寄付金を仰いでいた。 犬数匹を小型自家用車に 入るだけ入れて来ていた。 里親には犬猫は渡さなかった。 犬猫が居ないと寄付金が 集まらなかった。 ●●氏の食事代と犬猫のエサ代の為 の募金だった。 旧拓銀本店の地下鉄入り口付近での 活動風景。 |
In Hokkaido, Individual guardian who has another one asylum. There was self-styled Hokkaido dock rescue **. The ramen shop was given up in Tomakomai City in around 1993. Several abandoned dogs were collected and it began to take up a collection for the Esa fee. It moved to Yamanaka in the fixed mountain valley in Sapporo. Situation of every day of **'s street contribution collection. The kitten was brought, it made to the show, and it looked up at the contribution. Only entering in a small private car put several dogs. Inuneco was not passed to the foster parent. The contributions did not gather if there was no Inuneco. - - It was fund-raising for Mr. meal fee and the Esa fee of Inuneco. Activity scenery in the vicinity of subway entrance of old Hokkaido Takushoku Bank headquarters. |
He : in front of my vehicle. The street often acted. Inuneco were all the activities outside the car at the midwinter. The dog with a short hair trembled. Everything freezes at the midwinter of Hokkaido. It was life in the forest in high Yamanaka. The kennel did not have a lot of dogs either. The dog endured by creeping saxifrage. A lot of dogs died as for the severe cold thin short Mouinu. It descended from the mountain and the collecting contributions on the street collection was done every day. The dog was to the small passenger car and there were four five. In the contribution on the day, - - It lived to Inuneco with Mr.. I criticized to it. He sued for libel. It became a trial rumor. I |
大学生ボランティア協力者が ビラの配布を手伝いしてる。 ビラを読む通行人。 マイクロバスの窓のガラスには、 張り紙がいっぱい。 虐待事件から交通事故の 犬猫情報や里親情報など。 ゴミのポイ捨て禁止など。 電光掲示板を取り付けて 常に動作していた。 我々の寄付金は、全て犬猫保護に 必要な経費に使った。 全ての救護車は、 ニャンコ先生が自腹で買った。 |
IThe university student volunteer cooperator
is helping the distribution of the flyer. Passer-by who reads flyer. The sticker fully : to the glass in the window of the minibus. Inuneco information and foster parent information etc. from cruelty event on traffic accident. Toss prohibition etc. of garbage. It always operated by installing the electric bulletin board. All our contributions were used for necessary expenditure for the Inuneco protection. All the relief cars Teacher Nyanco bought it by the belly. |
私は、寒い冬は救護車の外へ 犬猫を出さない。 しかし、中村氏は犬を出していた。 何故か彼の車には、「イルカ」の 風船が乗せていた。 募金箱の横に本物の 猫が招き猫で居た。 その猫は、 「雄三」や「ベコ」ちゃんだった。 私は車内で、点滴し犬猫を 治療していた。 中村氏は、何時も本を読んだり 犬の絵を書いていた。 そして、犬達は寒さに 震えて路上で吠えていた。 それらの「フン」をしたのを 置き放しで帰った。 私に、その苦情が来ていた。 私は、自腹で日野のマイクロバスを 購入した。 自分でキャンピングカーに改造した。 その日によって、二台の救護車を 乗り分けた。 大通り公園は、 駐車禁止なので 主にバスにした。 |
I : outside the relief car in cold winter.
Inuneco is not put out. However, Mr. Nakamura had put out the dog. The balloon of "Dolphin" put it on his car why. A genuine cat was a welcoming cat and existed next to the fund- raising box. The cat It was "Yuzo" and it was "Beco. " I administered an intravenous drip in the car and was treating Inuneco. Mr. Nakamura always read the book and was writing dog's picture. And, dogs trembled with the cold and were barking on the road. It was put to have done those "Fn" and returned in self-indulgence. The complaint had come to me. I bought the minibus of Hino by the belly. It remodeled it to the recreational vehicle for myself. Two relief cars were gotten on and divided by the day. Because the Main Street park was no parking, it chiefly made it to the bus. |
を、大通り公園で活動していた。 |
I bought the minibus of Hino by the belly.
It remodeled it to the recreational vehicle for myself. ●Signature and activity of support fund-raising collection. ●Garbage collections of Main Street parks. ●Standby for Inuneco relief. ●The box lunch to homeless is delivered and it distributes it. ●Delivery of foster parent Inuneco. ●Receipt protection from those who abandon Inuneco. ●Calling for contraception castration and legislation revision. ●It moves to the abandoned dog cat and the chicken at the school. ● Consultation of Inuneco. ●Detective stolen car and leaving home disappearance person's stakeouts. ●Wireless report instruction to employee. ●Treatment of Inuneco. It acted in and the Main Street park. |
この猫は「ムク」と言う名の |
It is name. say this cat, "Muc" Male cat's abandoned cat. What is teacher Nyanco in Neco ..Kiuma..? It talked in the Nyanco word. Protection with cat in old age and Nacayo teacher Nyanco of. ...dying.. from decrepitude by association of two years. Warm, best between periods in which parterre exists in Main Street park season. "Yuzo", "Chatarou", "Kyi", and "Beco" This "Muc". It plays freely all day long and it turns. .. while it mobilizes to relief and protection It is waited that the relief car returns in the Main Street park. It ..many.. comes by the tourist to the park according to Sapporo University ..not all doing... It is more abundant that the tourist also plays with cats. On the side of the fund-raising box, it was always "Yuzo"'s watching it. Recent is best . of memories now. The image seems to fall and to fall missing it tears. "Chatarou" was stolen by someone. "Yuzo" also : from the car. It was stolen or it did not exist. |
猫の「茶太郎」とニャンコ先生の |
Digital camera image by cat's "Chatarou"
and teacher Nyanco. Besides, there is not both images. This one piece only remains. For another, all destructions of the destroyed asylum are the causes. "Chatarou" had helped with Kita Ward before five years these images. It was April of thaw in the north Article 42 east about 3 chome. There were three school children and "Chatarou". It was moribund in the roadside. 、Children trampled down the cat and it played. It relieves it from the passer-by. There was a report of wanting it. The temperature had fallen up to 30 degrees when relieving it. It puts in the hot water and it has regained it. It is a warm drip and a cat ..Ikicae.. miraculous. "Chatarou" and I named it. It was familiar by "Chachan" in the Main Street park. |
救護車バスの内部だ。 |
It is an inside of the relief car bus. Abandoned cat in Sskino region The homeless cat was protected. It is an image of that time. All Inuneco is made free together and it is asleep. The capture machine was begun and omitted rainy. It was as much as one day that was not able to be captured. "Tabasa" of the papillon dog in the right of the center was entrusted. Yoshiko Ishiyama of mama in the former tavern. "Tabasa" is there. Originally, it is an abandonment dog in the beauty garden district. The child of this "Tabasa" is "Coco. " It is happily an image "Tabasa"'s taking a rest in the bus in "Yuzo" and "Chatarou". |
バスの寝室からバス入り口方向を 撮影した画像。 私の寝ているベットは、 何時も猫達の寝場所になった。 バスは、大きくて広くて最高だった。 もう、北広島へ保護施設の 移転して廃車になった。 日本初の本格的な 民間救護車と自負している。 |
Image that takes a picture of direction of
bus entrance from bedroom of bus. The bed where I was sleeping always came in cats' sleep places. The bus was large, was wide, and the highest. The asylum ..Kitahiroshima.. had already been moved and it became a disused car. The first real in Japan It has pride as the private relief car. |
この人は、名刺を戴いたが 施設全損壊で失った。 この画像を見て連絡欲しい。 確か報道関係の方と思った。 顎を撫ぜられている「タバサ」。 隣の茶の犬は、「ムク」ちゃん。 この「ムク」も里親へ行った。 懐かしい忘れられない「ムク」。 かなり老犬だったから、 天国へ旅立ったかも? |
Though this person got the business card It lost by the facilities all destructions. .. ..the hope of the report.. ..saying... see this image I thought related to the certain report road. The mandible is "Tabasa" that is. The dog of the next tea is "Muc. " This "Muc" also went to the foster parent. Nostalgic "Muc" not forgotten. Did you start on a journey to the heaven because the considerable older dog? |
この救護車の中にも積載していた。 このパソコンは、今もある。 施設全損壊の時には、 バスの中だった。 これらの映像が残ったのは、 車載していたからだ。 ただ、この時は98の時代であった。 手前の「パンダ」は、 先月に老衰で逝った。 噛み付く猫だったが、 懐かしい。 バスのドワが開いていても犬猫は、 逃げない。 それを、皆さん「不思議だ。」と驚く。 |
It loaded it into this relief car. This personal computer exists now. When facilities were destroyed, all it was in the bus. These images remained because Clmano is done. However, this time was an age of 98. "Panda" in this side is ..decrepitude.. ..dying.. in last month. It misses it though it was a cat that bites. Inuneco doesn't run away even if Dowa of the bus is open. Ladies and gentlemen, I am surprised , saying that "It is mysterious" .. it... |
バスの中の「雄三」の独り最後の画像。 |
Image of the one person end of "Yuzo"
in bus. The cat where this cat was protected by the cat of "Heal" Pains are accustomed to have been divided. It was not and it settled down also what also for the homeless cat that captured it thanks to this cat to try to run away and to rage. Really, it was a helped cat. To a red collar with the name The telephone number is filled in. There is a hair with a white size of five yen gem in Oheso. It is missing from ..theft.. bus. someone |
A lot of Inuneco who did relief protection Evidence
image passed to foster parent |
It is a situation image of the Inuneco asylum
at Sapporo City south district Scawa apartment house home. |
<犬猫の手作り捕獲器の価格> 猫・犬・アライ熊用 3万円から8万円。 TEL 023-632-2211 |
札幌市中央区盤渓とは、 札幌市の藻岩山の裏に 位置し、円山公園から 幌見峠を通り抜ける道と、 西区の西野から抜ける道、 そして南区の南の沢から 峠を通り抜ける道がある。 |
施設は、盤渓神社から 円山へ向かう途中の 峠ラベンダー公園の 手前から西の山へ 50メートルほど入った 場所にあった。 冬期間は、積雪も多く除雪 それるまで通行出来なく なるので水に困った。 |
この家は、所有者は 石狩の方に居て、借主は 3匹の犬を物置に置いて 別に生活していた。 水道が無く汲み上げ ポンプで水質が悪い為に 生活できない家で、二階は 雨漏りしていた。 家賃1万の股貸しで契約書 が無い。 |
is the Sapporo City Chuo Ward board valley? The pass passes from the swamp in the south of the road and the south district that comes off Nishino in the road and the west district that is located on the back side of alga Iwayama in Sapporo City, passes Horomitouge from Maruyama Park, and comes off and there is a road that comes off. |
Facilities : from the board valley Shinto
shrine. While it faces yen mountain Pass lavender park To the mountain from this side to the west It entered by about 50 meters. It was in the place. A lot of snowfalls between winters are cleared. It is possible to pass until deflecting and without It embarrassed it with water because it became it. i |
The owner : this house. It is in Ishikari, and the debtor :. Three dogs are put on the barn. It lived separately. There is no water service and it draws up. Because the water quality is bad with the pump The second floor : in the house to which it cannot live. It leaked. Mataca contract of rent 10,000 ...saying.. . of Mu however |
少し太り過ぎの犬達が 多いのに、エサを与えて いないなどと記事に書か れたりしたことから、ボラン ティアの協力や支援が 一切無くなり施設が荒れて 来た。 それがテレビ局「やらせ」 の狙いだった。 |
茶の間の12畳間には 台所の3畳ほどがあり、喧嘩 しない犬達が6匹仲良く 暮して居た。 |
「コロ」と「春子」に「クルタ」の三匹 は、繋がれているが、他は放していた。 皆、喧嘩もしない仲良かった。 |
Dogs of overweight too much : a little. Esa is given though it is a lot of. Is it a book in the article in case of not being? And Volan Tia's cooperation and support All disappears and facilities rob. It came. It is a TV station. "Prearranged performances" Of ..drinking.. Nera. |
To 12 - mat room of the living room There are about three mats of the kitchen, and it fights. Six dogs who do not do happily :. It lived and it existed. |
Another was releasing it though three of
the "Clta" was connected with "Coro" and "Haruko". All ..fight.. Nacayo. |
この犬は、ニセコに親子6匹 捨てられた中の生き残った2匹の 一匹で、ウサギやネズミを食べて 山奥で生き抜いていたので、猫も 襲うので猫とは近くに置けない犬 で、平成17年8月22日川下河川敷 で鎖を付けたまま杭が抜かれて 離されている。 誰かが鎖を外している。 |
一階の西の部屋には 「ハナ」と「花」、そして 「太郎」が暮して居た。 「花」は、後に、江別市の 保健所で処分された。 |
この犬は、管理センターから 引取りを求められて引取った犬 で利巧な犬なので処分を免れた。 川下でも威嚇して捕獲されないで 助かり、現在も山形で保護している。 血統の犬で「クリ」の父親で「太郎」 で家族以外は、噛み付く犬。 |
Six parents and children in Niseko these
dogs Because the cat also attacks it because it had lived through in the recesses of a mountain eating two one that remained live while having been thrown away the rabbit and the rat, the paling is pulled out and has been separated with the chain put up with the dog that cannot put it near the cat in a river last dry riverbed on August 22, 2005. Someone is unchaining it. |
To the room in the west of the first floor "Hana" and "Flower" "Taro" lived and it existed. Ebetsu City of "Flower" in the back. It was disposed in the public health center. |
This dog : from management ー. Because it was dog that had received it and ..Kiuma.. Inu, it escaped disposing being requested the receipt. The lower part of a river survives without being captured threateningly, and is being protected in Yamagata now. Dog that bites in "Taro" in father of "Cri" in dog of blood excluding family. |
平成17年5月7日「ムク」と 言う名の犬で 川下で誰かが 勝手に離されて行方不明に なって、その後発見されない でいる。 |
勝手に施設内に誰かが入り 二階の入り口の番犬ハスキー犬 の「春子」撲殺されてた。 その後で他の犬達が 誰かに放されて噛まれていた。 毛布に繰るんで証拠として調べてから 苫小牧へ火葬に持って行こうと車に 乗せて措いてたのを 誰かに盗まれた。 元々は、札幌市管理センターからの 引取り犬の犬なのに。 虐殺された犬でした。 |
バロンと徹子の二匹で、川下の 河川敷で江別保健所に捕まった。 この二匹は石狩当別の水田畑に 二匹捨てられていたのを保護した 犬で命を助けた犬なのに・・・ 平成17年9月6日、登録している のに本当の飼い主の登録ないと 札幌市動物管理センターの嫌が らせから江別保健所で捕獲し 勝手に処分された犬達でした。 登録していたのに許せません。 |
saying that "Muc" on May 7, 2005 Someone : with the dog of the said name in the lower part of a river. It is separated without permission and to missing It becomes, and it is not discovered afterwards. .. |
Someone enters in facilities without permission.
"Haruko" of a watchdog husky dog at the entrance of the second floor was beaten to death. Dogs in the grave were released and bitten afterwards. It was stolen to put to the car on Tomakomai in turning over even if it took it to the cremation and to have omitted it to the blanket by someone. Though it is receipt dog's from Sapporo City management center dog. |
Ebetsu public health center in the dry riverbed in the lower paIt was caught by Barron and two Tecco by the rt of a river. disposed from ..dislike.. making of the Sapporo City animal management center without permission if it did not register about a true owner though it registered on September 6, 2005. |
これだけ太っている犬達 をエサも水も与えないで虐待 していると「ヤラセ」のテレビ 報道し視聴率を稼いでいる。 この後、何者かに勝手に連れ 出されている。 |
二階の犬達の状況で、この後 何者かが勝手に侵入し離したり 、又冬期間に天井が雨漏りから 抜けて落ちた。 |
「お母さん」と言う名の犬 で、平成17年8月24日川下 河川敷で江別市保健所に 捕獲され、登録しているのに ニャンコ先生の仮登録の犬 なので平成17年8月24日 違法に処分された。 この子供の子犬が 「クリ」と言う名で百景園の 坂東さんが里親になった犬。 |
Fat so much dogs Cruelty giving neither Esa nor water The television of "Yarase" is reported when doing and the audience rating is earned. It is being taken out without permission whom it is after this. |
In situations of dogs of the second floor,
after this It invaded without permission who it was, it separated, the ceiling came off the leak in the roof for winter, and it fell. |
Dog of name said, "Mother" August 24, and 2005 lower part of a river To the Ebetsu City public health center in the dry riverbed It is captured, and it registers. Dog of teacher Nyanco's pre-register August 24, 2005 It was disposed illegal. This child's puppy 100 En in the name said, "Cri". Dog from which the slope east Mr. becomes foster parent. |
週に2回は、牛の心臓や 豚の拳骨を煮て食べさせて いたので、全部の犬達が 太り健康であった。 購入店は、中央区南14条西 8丁目 竹内肉店で何年も 取引していた。 切り出し1キロ50円格安で 協力してくれていた。 この水道の井戸水は出ない 家出住んでない空家だった。 |
二階の犬達は、喧嘩しないように それぞれ約1.5メートルの鎖で繋いでいた。 この犬達も離された。 二階の二つの部屋の壁を壊されたり「やらせ」でされていた。 報道関係者や「遠くのご隠居」が出入りしてから「やらせ」の目的で壊された。 |
首に腫瘍が出来ていた犬で、平成 17年8月17日「遠くのご隠居」の 関係者の西区舟橋と言う男に 子犬達子犬達と9匹を 完全保護する約束で引き 渡すが、その後の証拠無い。 |
Cow's heart twice a week It is made to boil's fist and to eat. All dogs : because it was. It grew fat and was healthy. The purchase shop is the Chuo Ward south Article 14 west. For years how many with 8 chome Nicten Takeuchi It had dealings. For 50 cheap yen a cutting out kilo It was by cooperating. The well water of this water service doesn't come out. It was an empty house where it left home and it did not live. |
Dogs of the second floor were tying respectively
with the chain of about 1. 5 meters so as not to fight. These dogs were separated. The wall of two of the second floor room was broken and it was done by " Prearranged performances". After journalist and "Retirement in the distance" went in and out, it was destroyed by the purpose of "Prearranged performances". |
There is no evidence though it hands over
to the neck with the dog of which the tumor consists by the promise to protect puppy Tatscoinu and 9 in a man who says on August 17, 2005 west district Funahashi of parties concerned of "Retirement in the distance" completely afterwards. |
It is made to slaughter on purpose, and it
omits, and it is assumed the cruelty protection.
"Prearranged performances" report of TV station. |
Any TV station is OK for the audience rating.
Inuneco is slaughtered to "Prearranged performances" report and it to the sacrifice. The only board valley asylum To failure |
The inheritance and clearout were the purposes.
For the daughter in the board valley noodle
shop, the clearout ransom from the construction of the width of the road was a purpose. My younger sister was a purpose to make father, mother, and me not allowed the report. To succeed the inheritance, it was plotted. |
Hokkaido government office, the road veterinarian
association, and the Sapporo animal management center also plotted the concealment of "Money" of Usu struck contribution money. It assisted by cooperating in "Prearranged performances" telecast of the TV station for that. |
The board valley asylum is understood and
the whole content of the left reason has understood the collapse. |
北海道で日刊紙を発行していた北海タイムスが廃刊となり、その後、北海タイムスの元社員らが中心となった復刊運動により、フロンティア・タイムスとして1999年に創刊。 その後、札幌タイムスに名称を変更、エリアを札幌市近郊に絞り、タブロイド夕刊紙として発行。 2005年11月、週刊に変更。 |
"Retirement in the distance" Is
it instruction of common reed Taniakio? laughter dogs made "Prearranged performances" material |