News |
Some updates. Manual for program Calcbn v1.2 |
The two millionth Bernoulli number calculated |
The 1.5 millionth Bernoulli number calculated |
Program Calcbn v1.2: now up to 1.7 times faster |
Program Calcbn v1.1: now 1.6 times faster by optimization of implementation |
Program Calcbn for Windows/Linux and some factorizations of numerators |
The one millionth Bernoulli number was calculated by using program Calcbn |
Website created |
Introduction |
The Bernoulli numbers Bn play an important role in several topics of mathematics. These numbers can be defined by the power series
where all numbers Bn are zero with odd index n>1. The even-indexed rational numbers Bn alternate in sign. The first values are
For more detailed introduction and basic properties see link below [2]. Also a short overview is given in the manual of Calcbn.
The two millionth Bernoulli number |
More than 10 million digits were omitted in the middle of the numerator!
The 1.5 millionth Bernoulli number |
More than 7.4 million digits were omitted in the middle of the numerator!
The one millionth Bernoulli number |
More than 4.7 million digits were omitted in the middle of the numerator!
Table of
Bernoulli numbers |
Program Calcbn - A program for calculating the Bernoulli numbers |
Version |
Windows 98/ME/NT/XP
Manual |
(245 KB)
calcbn11.tar.gz (gcc 2.95) (227 KB) | |
(245 KB)
calcbn12.tar.gz (gcc 3.20) (227 KB) | manual.pdf (163 KB) |
of numerators |
Factorizations of numerators of Bernoulli numbers with index 2 to 10000. Calculated prime factors are less than one million.
Download file (111 KB) factors10t.txt or file (39 KB)
Irregular pairs of higher order |
The irregular pairs of higher order describe the first appearance of higher powers of irregular prime factors of Bn/n. An irregular pair (p,n) of order r has the property that pr divides Bn/n with n < pr-1(p-1). Note that n is always an even positive integer. There exists a criterion to check whether the sequence of irregular pairs of higher order is unique. It has been proven for all irregular primes below 12 million that there are only unique sequences. Writing sequences p-adically these pairs of higher order provide an approximation of a uniquely existing zero of the p-adic zeta function associated with an irregular pair. For definition and properties see link [6] below.
Irregular pairs of higher order can be effectively and easily calculated using Bernoulli numbers with small indices. By this means one can even predict the very large index of the first occurence of the power 3737 as listed above.
Table of irregular pairs of order 10 for irregular primes below 1000: irrpairord.txt
A conjectural structural formula for the Bernoulli numbers |
Assuming that all sequences of irregular pairs of higher order are unique resp. each p-adic zeta function associated with an irregular pair has a unique zero, one can describe the structure of divided Bernoulli numbers resp. the value of the Riemann zeta function at negative odd integer arguments as follows:
Under the proposed assumption, one can give some interpretation of
the formula above. The denominator can be described by poles (always
lying at 0) and the numerator by zeros of p-adic zeta functions
measuring the distance to them using the p-adic metric induced
by the standard ultrametric absolute value | |p. Note that
this formula is valid for all irregular primes below 12 million. For
detailed statements see link [6] below. The formula conjecturally
states for the Bernoulli numbers that
A conjectural structural formula for the Euler numbers |
formula |
Links |