Download A Stable Release (Recommended)
The current stable release of Wireshark is 0.99.8. It supersedes all previous releases, including all releases of Ethereal. You can get it at the following locations:
Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista Installer (.exe)Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista PortableApps PackageWindows 2000/XP/2003/Vista U3 PackageAll Download LocationsEach Windows package comes with the latest stable release of WinPcap, which is required for live packet capture. If needed you can install the latest development release from the WinPcap download page. |
Source Code
For a complete list of system requirements and supported platforms, please consult the User's Guide.
Staying Current
You can stay informed about new Wireshark releases by subscribing to the wireshark-announce mailing list. We also provide a PAD file to make automated checking easier.
Verifying Downloads
File hashes for the 0.99.8 can be found in the signatures file. It is signed with key id 0x21F2949A.
Regulatory Compliance
Wireshark is subject to U.S. export regulations. Take heed. Consult a lawyer if you have any questions.
Download A Development Release
Source code packages and Windows installers are automatically created each time code is checked into the source code repository. These packages are available in the automated build section of our download area.
Third-Party Packages
Wireshark packages are available for most platforms, including the ones listed below.
Vendor / Platform | Sources |
Apple / Mac OS X |
Andreas Fink MacPorts Fink (no relation to Andreas) |
Canonical / Ubuntu | Standard package |
Debian / Debian GNU/Linux | Standard package |
FreeBSD Foundation / FreeBSD | Standard package |
Gentoo Foundation / Gentoo Linux | Standard package |
HP / HP-UX | Porting And Archive Centre for HP-UX |
Mandriva / Mandriva Linux | Standard package |
NetBSD Foundation / NetBSD | Standard package |
Novell / openSUSE, SUSE Linux | Standard package |
OpenPKG / OpenPKG Project | Standard package |
PCLinuxOS / PCLinuxOS | Standard package |
Red Hat / Fedora | Standard package |
Red Hat / Red Hat Enterprise Linux | Standard package |
rPath / rPath Linux | Standard package |
Sun Microsystems / Solaris | |
* / * | The Written Word |