I miss the green.
And the peacefulness.
I’m not a big city person, I guess. T_T
I want things to progress.
I feel like I’m stuck.
But what I definitely miss is my own living space.
For a while, I lived in someone else’s house and paid the rent for a room.
And now I’m living in a dormitory in Tokyo.
But I remember that before that, I had an apartment. Not big or anything. But big enough for one person.
And I loved it. I loved to have a place where I could safely return to.
If I didn’t want to get out of my situation, I’d never have moved out of my apartment to go live in someone else’s house.
I sacrificed so much in order to come here.
And yet…right now I am just so depressed and uninspired.
I’m sorry people. Please stop giving me long replies with advice.
You are not here. You are not in my shoes.
You really don’t know anything of my situation and I don’t feel like elaborating.
But let me say something. It is impossible for me to sing in here.
So I have no ways to practice. I’m sorry.
Karaoke is expensive. It’s not like I can just go everytime I feel like practicing.
And it’s not real practice anyway. The sound is so loud… I hear the music louder than I can hear myself so it covers my mistakes. LOL. That’s honestly not serious practice.
Please. PLEASE. Don’t try to put advice in here anymore.
It’s pissing me off because I could explain to you all the reasons why I can’t do this or that.
But I don’t bother because it’s annoying.
This internet connection is so unstable it disconnects all the time and I’m typing from a bunker (is that the word??) bed in the dark in a tiny cramped room with 6 beds and odd people smells, etc. I don’t even have the energy to type long replies. Or e-mails to people.
All I can do for free is to take walks.
Walks to nowhere. Walks in tiny streets.
Taking walks is stressing me out too.
I’m so depressed………………I’m so uninspired…
I wanna do music. I have no way to do anything here. T_T
Even with a part time job (because my visa doesn’t allow me full time), it won’t sustain me here for very long.
I should probably starve myself a bit more…. I’m spending like.. all my money on food, it’s not even funny.