Pirata Nervo may have this contest won… Available direct is NervOS version 1.6. Plenty of improvements and additions bound to please, check ‘em below…
NervOS 1.6 changelog:
Download: NervOS v1.6
- release thread -
Comments (32)Weltall with CWCHEAT 0.2.2 Revision “A” — for Awesome!
Some God of War cheats…
– infinite double jumps by dc4
0×6033614C 0×00000001
0×00020002 0×000002C8
0×30000060 0×00000000
– infinite health proper by vosman
0×60346B00 0×42C80000
0×00020003 0×00000064
0×200000A8 0×20000068
Download: CWCHEAT 0.2.2 REV. A
- source & latest cheat DB: cwcheat.consoleworld.org
Donate to Weltall
MK2k with yet another homebrew hit… This comes in the form of a chess clock simulator, used when playing chess, obviously. So the next time you’re strolling through High Park equipped with your PSP, break that bad boy out, and checkmate that fool.
Download: Chess Clock aka Game Clock PSP v1.0
- release thread -
Comments (10)Update: Quick fix for that XML itch…
Looking for a simple method to create an RSS/XML compliant feed from your [huge] library of MP3s? Bravekn1ght’s DIR-to-XML does just that to enable easy steaming streaming of your collection from the PC to PSP.
Download: DIR-to-XML Tool v.1.0.2
Comments (21)Likely to cause altercation between DepheCt and ZX-81 is the release of PSPDragon v1.0.2 — a Dragon32/64 and Tandy Coco home computer emulator.
PSPDragon is a port of Xroar v0.19 running on many systems such as Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and now — the PlayStation Portable.
PSPDragon v1.0.2 changes:
PSPDragon v1.0.2 (fw 1.50)
PSPDragon v1.0.2 (cfw 3.xx)
PSPDragon v1.0.2 source
- source: ZX-81’s web site
Comments (13)The ‘brew known as Project4 just received one hell of an update… Serving as a complete XMB replacement; Open Beta 4 adds more functionality, eliminates many bugs likely experienced in past versions, and features a new super speedy installer—less than 20 seconds now.
Auraomega isn’t clownin’ around. She’s a big one…
And of course, plenty of bug fixes. Please see Project4’s readme for everything of the utmost importance; it’s encouraged you read that over before installing/using. Enjoy!
Download: Project4 Open Beta 4
- source: darkmessiah.byethost13.com
- Donate to Auraomega
Team C+D shocked the PSP world when they released the first tools to ultimately revive or downgrade any PSP. While many similar Pandora software solutions have been developed; Quake of SubZero DeZigns takes us back to where it all started—wrapping a GUI around Team C+D’s command line utilities.
Pandora CMD
Firmware Updates (1.50, 3.71, 3.80)
Pandora CMD Torrent (includes source, fw updates, etc…)
- source: trading-post.sytes.net
Comments (60)Weltall delivers another hefty bunch of changes for CWCHEAT. Tagged as version 0.2.2, CWCHEAT not only offers the ability to cheat each and every PSP / PSOne-emulated title, you may also search for and create your own cheats. Aiding in the cheat discovery/creation process, Weltall has bundled a new GTK-built interface for Windows and Linux — “CWCHEAT Pointer searcher.”
Further notable changes — the DB download tool has been refined and ported to the 3.x kernel. As well, if Dark_AleX’s msfatmod patch for 3.8x/3.9x M33 was installed, the memory stick information is again available; however, that remains disabled for those who haven’t installed the patch.
Please read over the included documentation to get started.
Props Weltall, great work.
Download: CWCHEAT 0.2.2
- source & latest cheat DB: cwcheat.consoleworld.org
Donate to Weltall
CWCHEAT 0.2.2 changelog:
Comments (30)Avid puzzle goers should find interest in MK2k’s latest homebrew creation. Kakuro Nichiyou is a variant of Sudoku often referred to as a mathematical transliteration of the crossword.
To get the hang of things — read this.
Download: Kakuro Nichiyou PSP 1.1
- release thread -
Comments (5)Still scouting your whereabouts using PSP-Maps version 0.5? Step your pocket-sized atlas game up with Royale’s PSP-Maps 0.6 — it just keeps getting better and better. Nice work, Royale.
PSP-Maps 0.6 changes:
PSP-Maps 0.6 (cfw 3.xx)
PSP-Maps 0.6 source code
- source: royale.zerezo.com/psp
Comments (23)