A. 「癌が転移するのは血液が汚いまま原発巣を取ったから」と仰っていましたが、進行癌で見つかると手術していなくても転移巣は見つかるし、早期に手術すると別に食生活を変えなくったって転移・再発しない例が多いことはどのように説明できるのでしょう? B. 「骨髄造血説が正しければ、四肢切断した人が貧血にならないのはおかしい」と仰っていましたが、造血は四肢の骨での少しはなされていますが、主に体幹の骨でなされているのをコシミズ氏はご存じないのでしょうか?出演者のほかの方々はなぜ突っ込まないのですか。骨髄移植のドナーは骨盤から骨髄液を採取します。 B' 「造血は大腸でなされる」と仰っておられました(オリジナルの千島学説では小腸だったはず)。大腸全摘出された人が貧血にならないのはなぜ? C. 「癌の手術がなくなったら外科医は失業」というようなことを仰っておられましたが、癌以外の外科医が手がける良性疾患(虫垂炎、胆石症、鼠径ヘルニア、外傷etc...)があることはご存じないのでしょうか?整形外科、脳外科の分野になればむしろ癌の手術は減りますし、心臓外科なんて癌の手術はほとんどありません。 C' 外科はなり手が少なく、現場は大変です。手術が1ヶ月待ち、2ヶ月待ちも珍しくなくなってきました。この外科医不足のときに失業の危険を心配するわけありますか。癌が全部なくなってちょうど良いぐらいの仕事量じゃないでしょうか。
●Twin Tower fa?ade By Sandhya Jain http://www.organiser.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=229&page=9 【It is imperative that the world be told exactly what those orders were as the Twin Towers tragedy became the excuse for several disastrous foreign policy initiatives by President Bush. Most notable are the bombing of Afghanistan and the American invasion of Iraq. Too many Americans feel that the 9/11 Commission covered up evidence. Last year, the Italian Prime Minister expressed a similar view, and the chorus of responsible voices is getting louder.】
June 11, 2006 -- Since 9/11, 283 World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers have been diagnosed with cancer, and 33 of them have died of cancer, says a lawyer for the ailing responders. David Worby, a lawyer for 8,000 World Trade Center responders, including cops, firefighters and construction workers, said the cases include blood-cell cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's and myeloma. Doctors say the cancers can strike three to five years after exposure to toxins such as benzene, a cancer-causing chemical that permeated the WTC site from burning jet fuel. "One in 150,000 white males under 40 would normally get the type of acute white blood-cell cancer that strikes a healthy detective," said Worby, whose first client was NYPD narcotics cop John Walcott, now 41. Walcott spent months at Ground Zero and the Fresh Kills landfill. The father of three is fighting leukemia. "We have nearly 35 of these cancers in the family of 50,000 Ground Zero workers. The odds of that occurring are one in hundreds of millions," Worby said. Others suffer tumors of the tongue, throat, testicles, breast, bladder, kidney, colon, intestines, and lung, said Worby, of Worby, Groner, Edelman, & Napoli, Bern, which filed the class-action suit. WTC workers who have died of cancer include paramedic Deborah Reeve, 41 (mesothelioma); NYPD Officer Ronald Weintraub, 43 (bile-duct cancer); and Stephen "Rak" Yurek, 46, a Port Authority emergency technician (brain cancer). The families say they were healthy before 9/11. Dr. Robin Herbert, a director of WTC medical monitoring at Mount Sinai Hospital, said some of the nearly 16,000 responders screened to date are getting cancer. "We do not know at this point if they are WTC-related, but some are unusual cancers we see as red flags," Herbert said. Dr. Iris Udasin, principal investigator for the Mount Sinai screening of 500 in New Jersey, said the 9/11 link is "certainly a possibility," she said. "It's what we worry about, and what we fear." susan.edelman@nypost.com