View from above orbital plane
View from above satellite
Ground track
The orbit data is extracted from the following two-line
orbital elements,
1 25544U 98067A 08078.34471693 .00013411 00000-0 87193-4 0 1354
2 25544 051.6387 124.6823 0001550 260.6840 207.9047 15.76323161534191
Epoch (UTC): | 8:16:24 AM, Tuesday, March 18, 2008 |
Eccentricity: | 0.0001550 |
Inclination: | 051.6387° |
Perigee Height: | 340 km |
Apogee Height: | 342 km |
Right Ascension of Ascending Node: | 124.6823° |
Argument of Perigee: | 260.6840° |
Revolutions per Day: | 15.76323161 |
Mean Anomaly at Epoch: | 207.9047° |
Orbit Number at Epoch: | 53419 |
The dashed part of the orbit path shows where the satellite is in the earth's shadow,
and the full part is where it is sunlit.
Developed and maintained by
Chris Peat, Heavens-Above GmbH
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