Hi everyone!!!
I finally made it here!
Isn’t it great?
My last flight was SO long. I was feeling really irritated inside. I have a hard time sitting too long. My last flight was a bit more than 13 hours long… and they fed us like crazy. o_O
I was so lucky I had a friend picking me up at the airport. To be honest, now that I look back at everything, it would have been more than hell if I had been alone. For too many reasons…
I haven’t had much time here yet though. I arrived kinda late on friday and it took a while to get to the place I was staying at. Then the normal stuff, we ate, babbled and slept. And then the next day we were so lazy and being insane. And then I had to go check in at my dorm. And then go to my dorm which was at a different location. Then went karaoke. And it was already bedtime. I arrived here but actually, for reasons I don’t wanna drag on, I didn’t go to bed. So it’s almost 6am. I realized that I haven’t eaten much today. o_O Like wow. If I keep going like that, I’m going to get really thin. ^^;;;;
So….tomorrow…well…today now…. is my first day by myself. I’m so nervous…. I have places I need to go to and I’m just about to do proper researches for one to make sure I know where I go.
I don’t want to sound negative or anything. It’s not like I hate Japan or anything, but I kinda wanna go home right now. Yup. I’m already homesick. Probably because I’m an insecure kind of person. I just wonder what I’m doing here or how I’ll survive and do things. I’m so sorry if you people are expecting much from me at this point, but I don’t want you to hope too much about me becoming a singer. I don’t even know how I’ll be able to send any demos at all…… it almost makes no sense to me at the moment. If you were in my shoes and in my current level at things, I think you’d understand what I mean. ^^;;;;
I’m feeling overwhelmed…in a bad way.
So it’s 6am now. I didn’t sleep. I won’t sleep and I’m hungry. So I guess I’ll soon go get my stuff and shower to make sure I don’t get stuck in the ’shower traffic’ and then go get something to eat at some random conbini that might still be open. If not, I’ll just buy a drink in a machine I guess. XD ;;;
Then I guess I’ll head out for the stuff I need to do. Earlier is better I guess. Then when I’m done with the important things, I guess I’ll do more research thing on the net…. for whatever infos I need… and…maybe study a bit of japanese… T_T I mean, there’s no point in just going to walk around the city by myself and waste money on transportation even though I have no idea where I’m going. And I’m stressed out enough as it is….
Waaah. I’m such a whiner.
I hope you all have a good day.
BEBO?? BEBOPI!!!!!!! (wtf-don’t ask XD)