There are huge amount of proxy resources in the Net i.e. websites, forums, etc. There you can find a lot of free proxylists published by people. Also you can buy proxylists if you have some money you want to throw away.
The main problem of these proxylists is that they are already outdated. This means that proxies listed in the list doesn't work anymore. For example, some proxies are just down, others may have been reconfigured so they are not public anymore. You need to reckeck proxies before you can use it.
Usually proxies work during very short period of time. Some proxies work for two or three days, but it is more probable that they will stop working in two or thee hours. That is why it is very important to have proxies in the list recently checked. If you get proxylist without information about proxy check date you can just ignore it.
CheckedProxyLists.Com is the only place in the Net where you can find proxies checked within last few minutes. This will allow you to use these proxies without rechecking it yourself. Our state-of-the-art checking software works in background 24/7 so every proxy in the list is checked several times a day.
Another important advantage of CheckedProxyLists.Com is that we allow you to download proxylist in the CSV format. The comma-separated values (CSV) file format is a tabular data format that has fields separated by the comma character and quoted by the double quote character. The CSV file format is a very simple data file format that is supported by almost all spreadsheet software such as Excel, Calc, and Gnumeric. Any programming language that has input/output and string processing functionality will be able to read and write CSV files.
We have carried out a research on proxy types that people are looking for. We have got very interesting results. The majority of users need several types of proxy, while little percentage of all users need some special kind of proxies. Having this in mind we've decided to publish only those types of proxies that a wanted most.
Here you can find a links to the most widespread proxy types. Just click one of the the link below to get the most up-to-date proxylists.