Ophcrack 2.1 - LiveCD (Linux) & 2.1 Install (Win)
December 8, 2005 on 7:01 pm | In Downloads, Security Programs |
Ophcrack LIVE CD & Ophcrack 2.1
A Windows password cracker based on the faster time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. This is an evolution of the original Ophcrack 1.0 developed at EPFL. Ophrack 2.0 comes with a GTK+ Graphical User Interface and runs on Windows as well as on Linux.
Brute Force a windows password… forget it, that’s based on a list of possible passwords and can take forever. Use NT Offline Reset to reset the password… sure that’s great and all, except what if you just want to know the current password w/o erasing the original?
I tested both the LIVECD version and the Windows installer. Both of them have benefits; LiveCD is a must if the computer is offline or shutdown when you want to test your password security. However, the LiveCD is version 0.9a so it’s a little outdated. The Windows installed was just updated to 2.1 and released on 12/06/05, so it’s really nice to have the latest. If you’re truly testing your password security the Windows Installer is the way to go, however if you can’t get into your computer and need to crack that password, the LIVE CD is the way to go. Either way, it cracked a random password within 5 minutes.
Live CD: This is a great option, it’s a linux bootable cd on Ubuntu distro. All you have to do is burn this ISO image to a CD reboot your computer, go into BIOS and make sure you have your computer to check for CDROM before HD. Now, it will load the distro and if a SAM file is found start cracking right away. When I tested this way it took less than 5 minutes to crack my brothers administrator password.
Download: Ophcrack 0.9a - Live CD ISO
Windows Installer Version: This is nice if you have a fast windows box around the house or office. Installer is 3MB however you have to select which tables you want to download. The larger table is around 700 MB download, so it takes a few minutes. Once it’s done you have options;
* encrypted SAM: dumps the hashes from the SAM and SYSTEM files retrieved from a Windows machine while booting on another disk. Note that in this case you do not need to know a Windows administrator password to get the hashes.
* local SAM (only for the Windows version of Ophcrack 2.0): dumps the hashes from the Windows machine the program is running on. You need to be administrator of your local machine for this to work.
* remote SAM (only for the Windows version of Ophcrack 2.0): dumps the hashes of a remote Windows machine, provided you know the username and password of an administrator and the name of a share.
Download: Ophcrack 2.1 - Windows Installer
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Ok, so let me get this straight, you’re a Security Site, that is promoting a password hacking tool, but you provide no solution on how to prevent yourself from being hacked by this tool you have provided. Hmmm. maybe it is time to re evaluate your company’s mission. It sounds like you have gone to the dark side.
Resonse from Tech-Security Admin:
No, we are suppling a tool for you to audit your password(s). This programs will help your determine if your current password(s) are secure against this type of cracking. We didn’t write the program, just out opinion and information on this program.
Comment by TK — December 8, 2005 #
There is no solution against brute force password cracking other than better passwords. This program helps ensure that better passwords are used. Actually, the best protection is passPHRASES, then longer the better. Windows can handle it, so why not use a long sentence as a password?
Comment by Shane — December 9, 2005 #
In my opinion there’s always 2 sides to security related problems. One hides them from knowledge making them accessibile just to a few “experts”. The other tells everybody about them. As this problems become public knowledge, quickly someone will fix the security problem and the security problem will be no more. This puts Dark side and Good side in a diferent perspective, i think.
Comment by David — December 9, 2005 #
First poster, are you kidding? PW crackers have a legitimate use in the security world.
Comment by PT — December 9, 2005 #
Looks really nice. The live cd is a great idea.
I’m diggin this.
Comment by twowords — December 9, 2005 #
Here’s the solution for you: DON’T LET STRANGERS NEAR YOUR PC UNSUPERVISED. Problem solved. That’ll be $3000.
Comment by Poromenos — December 9, 2005 #
I work for a military comm unit, and I plan to use this for the “white hat” purpose you (Tech-Security) had intended - making sure our passwords are secure.
Thanks for the info!
BTW: You’ve been “Dugg”, hope your servers are up to the traffic!
Comment by GeekDoc — December 9, 2005 #
[…] Crack Current Windows Passwords In 5 Minutes With OphcrackAn interesting read for sysadmins and geeks alike. Link via Digg […]
Pingback by Links, Links, Links | hibiscusroto super blog 2.0 — December 9, 2005 #
Great little program. Nice to not have to launch cain&abel just to use my rainbow tables.
But how do I specify my own rainbow tables?
I tried to use the “Tables” icon but don’t understand what is needed when it asks for “Columns per table”.
The name of my table is
Comment by Ben — December 9, 2005 #
I think the point is no matter how good you make a password, there is always a way to break it. So use longer pass phrases, and change them often.
Comment by Adam — December 9, 2005 #
Christmas -16 days, and counting
Today’s dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny … Sick Friday (+ Open Trackbacks)
Trackback by NIF — December 9, 2005 #
This tool looks good, are there any metrics on how fast it is?
Comment by DB — December 9, 2005 #
you don’t know the power of the dark side….
Comment by play150 — December 9, 2005 #
Thsi looks ok, but how does it compare to L0phtCrack? despite the fact that atstake isnt promoting it anymore (if you email they will sell you a license however) does this use any new techniques? or is it just the same old story back again. also 700mb for rainbow tables? I have some rainbow tables for NTLM hashes that cover 1-8 upper, lower and numbers is 130 GIGabytes.
I dunno it all seems fishy, mya work for simple passwords but how usefull is this really?
Comment by Kevin — December 9, 2005 #
I just had to find a password here at work. It did find the password in less then 5 mins.
My only question is why are you using a ubuntu live cd with a full graphic install instead of a smaller distro with just a shell?
Comment by twowords — December 9, 2005 #
[…] I couldn’t help but post this as well. Also from Digg. I love that it comes on a Linux Live CD. I’m going to have to give this a spin at work later on. […]
Pingback by Rev’s thought dump » Blog Archive » Fastest Windows Password Cracker — December 9, 2005 #
Congratulations.. just don’t merge my account with Yahoo! like Flickr was forced to do!
Comment by anon — December 9, 2005 #
How do you get this to work?, it loads up a screen asking whether to press f1 for help or enter to boot, i looked through all the f1 help section, it doesent say anything about cracking, and i also pressed enter to boot the linux distro and it loads cd drivers and stuff like that then it brings up a blue screen and it says ubuntu at the top, but nothing else.. i let it sit their for at least 5 minutes and nothing else.. any one able to help me?
Response from TechSec Admin:
With the bootable CD, you should be able to press ENTER to load the default settings. If you still have problems, you should receive an error…Otherwise you can always download the Windows install, good thing about that, Windows installer is v2.1, linux liveCD is only 0.9a.
Comment by Harley — December 9, 2005 #
Does this work with Windows Xp?
From a knoppix boot, I ftp’d the sam and system files into a dir on the linux machine which I compiled the cracker on..I only get ‘Error no valid hash was found in this file.’
Comment by btdown — December 10, 2005 #
[…] UPDATE: Very handy bootCD that does rainbow cracking. Technorati Tags: irishblogs nt password xp reset […]
Pingback by Damien Mulley’s Blog » Blog Archive » Lost WindowsXP Administrator Password - How to get it back — December 10, 2005 #
The solution is to change your password regularly. If someone has access to your computer for 5 minutes frequently and shouldn’t, then the problem is not just your computer security.
Comment by nubcake — December 11, 2005 #
Very nice. I hope you’ll update very soon.
Comment by Matthew Adams — December 20, 2005 #
Cool site! I’ll be back.
Comment by Zachary Carpenter — December 26, 2005 #
Nice one!!! I’m impressed
Comment by {Acid_X} — January 31, 2006 #
ophcrack only cracks NTLM so you can force windows to use NTLMv2 if the lenght of the password is 15 or more chars long. You can also change the security setting “Network Security: Do not store LAN Manager hash value on…” to Enable. Greets,
Comment by hkm — February 1, 2006 #
I tried the LiveCD, I was surprised how fast it was at finding my passwords on my system, my passwords were fairly complex too. Did a little upgrading and made them more complex
A great tool to use if your inlaws or other relatives forget their passwords on multiuser Windows systems.
Comment by dhughes — February 2, 2006 #
[…] Tech-Security » Ophcrack 2.1 Password cracker (tags: livecd security sysadmin hack) […]
Pingback by pinanti is pinanti » Blog Archive » links for 2005-12-16 — February 3, 2006 #
It has no way to prevent this kind of physical brute force attack no matter you admit or not.It is a very good tool to audit your password strength and enforce your clients to recreate a stronger password.
Comment by insistcool — February 12, 2006 #
A couple of other options for you guys running windows:
Auditing your users passwords for complexity
Comment by [Geeks Are Sexy] — February 16, 2006 #
A definite must have for your penetration testing tool chest…thanks for sharing!!
Comment by rvasilabs — February 17, 2006 #
[…] Tech-Security » Ophcrack 2.1 - LiveCD (Linux) & 2.1 Install (Win): “A Windows password cracker based on the faster time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. This is an evolution of the original Ophcrack 1.0 developed at EPFL. Ophrack 2.0 comes with a GTK+ Graphical User Interface and runs on Windows as well as on Linux.” […]
Pingback by The Daily Source Code » Blog Archive » A Faster Password Cracker — February 21, 2006 #
Tech-Security � Ophcrack 2.1 - LiveCD (Linux) & 2.1 Install (Win)
Tech-Security � Ophcrack 2.1 - LiveCD (Linux) & 2.1 Install (Win)
Trackback by Nanoseconds Diary — February 22, 2006 #
I have the windows version installed and running, but i can not find the rainbow tables required. Where can i find these tables now?
Comment by Sajjad Gujjar — February 23, 2006 #
You can download the tables here:
Comment by Jorden — February 23, 2006 #
ophcrack 2.2 and ophcrack-livecd 1.0 released yesterday. they seemed much faster.
Comment by rootlsa — March 24, 2006 #
Now, after having tried this little tool (ophcrack 2.2) on my laptop, I wanted to show it to my wife, just to show her how little protection she has.
But the tools starts up and then says: Found no Tables!
How is it possible?
What’s to do?
Thanks for your answers.
Site Admin:
Did you use the Live CD? or did you download the Windows version? If you downloaded the Windows version, please be sure to download the tables while installing the application. If you’re using the Live CD, that error shouldn’t occur.
Comment by Chill — April 30, 2006 #
I’ve tried the software but I can’t find the password! There are several Windows accounts on the PC and I am using the “Administrator” one. I want to find the password of an other administrator account on the same machine.
Ophcrack can find every password of the other accounts with limited access but can’t find the one I want… The problem is that, in the list of the account in Ophcrack, the account I am interested in is “Password disabled”!!! But, when I am on the Windows accounts page, a password is required to enter that account!!
I don’t understand, please help me!
(Sorry for my English but I’m French
Comment by Mike — May 6, 2006 #
Well using the live CD I do get the No tables error. Burned with Toast Titanium on OSX Tiger
Comment by Joe — May 7, 2006 #
Well the specifics: When I browse the live cd inside osx I see the path to the tables, they are there. However when booting from this windows machine I have here, there is no hdc mounted, there is hdb-cdrom, which is empty, the windows partition, and the live folder.
Comment by Joe — May 7, 2006 #
I have also had the same result. I tested a single copy of Ophcrack LiveCD 1.0 (Ophcrack 2.2) on four computers running current versions of WinXP Pro, all requiring passwords to logon. For one computer Ophcrack LiveCD reported the correct password. For the other three computers Ophcrack reported “found no tables!”
I tried using both the large and small tables, but the result was the same.
Chill wrote:
Now, after having tried this little tool (ophcrack 2.2) on my laptop, I wanted to show it to my wife, just to show her how little protection she has.
But the tools starts up and then says: Found no Tables!
How is it possible?
Site Admin wrote:
Did you use the Live CD? or did you download the Windows version? If you downloaded the Windows version, please be sure to download the tables while installing the application. If you’re using the Live CD, that error shouldn’t occur.
Comment by jhill — May 8, 2006 #
I too booted with the LiveCD and got the error, “found no tables!” when I clicked the Launch button. Is there a fix for this?
Comment by struut — May 14, 2006 #
So I used this thing. The LiveCD, and I don’t get it. I’m obviously retarded that I couldn’t use this if it’s so easy. Let me get this straight. You put it in, turn on the comp and set it to start up on CDROM. Yeah, I did this, but I don’t understand what to do next. All this technical stuff starts scrolling up the screen and then it all just goes black. Is there something I’m supposed to be looking for? What do I do???
If someone could email me about it, that would be fabulous…
Comment by Abbi — June 5, 2006 #
The only way to definitively protect yourself against Rainbow tables cracking tools is to use a random salt in the password hash generation process. There is no way to use Rainbow tables against Linux or BSD passwords because they do use salts. I wonder why Microsoft is keeping flawed hash algorithm like LM and NT hash. Ophcrack 2.3 will also break NTLM hash with his NTHASH tables.
Comment by shipitaway — August 17, 2006 #
[…] A Windows password cracker based on the faster time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. Ophrack 2.1 comes with a GTK+ and runs on Windows as well as on a Linux bootable cd.read more | digg story […]
Pingback by Security » Fastest Windows Password Cracker - Ophcrack 2.1 — September 1, 2006 #
Excellent site, added to favorites!!
Comment by anfiopy — October 21, 2006 #
Is it possible by using ophcrack live cd, to audit all the passwords in my domain and see if the users are following password policy? I am domain admin and have most previleges in my Active Directory domain.
Comment by Magnet — November 26, 2006 #
Nobody else seems to have posted the solution to the “found no tables” error on the livecd. This pages is the only known Google knows of that discusses this.
After booting off the liveCD, the default location for the files in ophcrack interface is /usr/share/ophcrack/10000
but the tables are not there.
The tables are located in
Point ophcrack there and it will find the tables.
Hope that helps all who follow.
Comment by zorzox — November 27, 2006 #
so i got everything downloaded and burned to disc and then i restart my computer and boot from disc and then very thing starts to load but it freezes and it says something about an A drive could someone please help me thanks
Comment by matt — January 7, 2007 #
Oh yeah… you CAN PROTECT YOUSELF AGAINST THIS ATTACK, EASLY!!! You just have to disable LMHashes; (Regedit > HKEY_Local_Machine > System > CurrentConrolSet > LSA > NEW DWORD: NoLMHashes (vaulue 1) )
Or something like this, i don’t know it, because i’m at school now, so i can’t look it up, google it for verification, but i think that’s the way,
Take Care
I Don’t think i’m gonna come this forum again, because i was just google’ing but you can always mail me: sapphire_dve@hotmail.com
Comment by Mod DaveDude — May 10, 2007 #
Sorry, i forgot:
you ca also be safe by making your password loger than 14 letters (e.g: 15 :p) because Ophcrack can only go up to 14 letters
Comment by Mod DaveDude — May 10, 2007 #
Simply add an ALT code to your password.
Comment by Jorden — May 14, 2007 #
“No table found” is an error when you have no rainbowtables on your computer. These rainbow tables are sometimes big, so there are not include in the live cd. These tables contains the password crypted whose will be comparated with the SamPassword.
Download its through torrents.
Comment by xSx — May 27, 2007 #
It looks like a fine tool but the download cuts at
30%, does anyone know anywhere else to download it.
Comment by Carlos — August 8, 2007 #
when i use ophcrack ..they say don,t hav LMhash.. ca anyone help me..n dey said i need to have hicolor theme.. but i dunno wat to do with t.. my email is Loh_adrian2@hotmail.com …pls someone help me tkx..
Comment by pro — October 11, 2007 #
Screen goes black can’t figure out what to do next. Can you help please?
Comment by Michael — October 15, 2007 #
I need help!
I tried Ophcrack LiveCD, but I get warning “All LMHashes are empty.”
What should I do?
Comment by wing0324 — November 20, 2007 #