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Hatena::Haiku ImageHatena Haiku is a mini-blogging service that lets you make short entries regarding specific topics or keywords. You can select a keyword, website, or a product as your topic, and post your thoughts about it or have a discussion with other users.

For more information on how to use Hatena Haiku, please go to Hatena Haiku Help.


Hatena::World ImageHatena World is a program where you can maneuver a character you have drawn yourself and have conversations with anyone on the map of the world.

For more information on how to navigate Hatena World, please go to Hatena World Help.


Hatena Star makes blogging more fun! Star a message with just one click to let someone know you liked the entry. Use Hatena Star with many different blogging services.


Hatena Message is a Hatena wide messaging service that will notify you when there is new activity around your Hatena account. You can choose to receive your Hatena Messages by email.