追加日: 1時間前
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追加日: 2 時間前
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追加日: 6 日前
再生回数: 934 |
追加日: 6 日前
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追加日: 1月前
再生回数: 3,233 |
追加日: 1月前
再生回数: 1,810 |
追加日: 1月前
再生回数: 951 |
7 件すべての動画を見る |
Now that I have recording equipment again....we should do A-ka-tsu-ki (no kuruma)!!
Bonne chance pour le japon et ton rève! tu est une des méilleurs chanteuse que j'ai jamais antendus ! salut
Now I can make a response to it soon... :)
It would be faaaantastic to see all your past videos again!
But I did send you one of those cards on the internet from valentir or something like that!
Hope you got it! ^-^
Just dropping by to say hello!
An mp3 archive would be great also! Just tell me if you want some webspace to host it on.