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Critics feast on princess’ appetite for food

By Associated Press
Tuesday, February 5, 2008 -

TOKYO - First, Crown Princess Masako feasted on a 13-dish Mexican menu in her honor. Then it was shark fin soup and roast duck at a top Chinese restaurant. Then came a sumptuous French meal with black truffles.

Japan’s Harvard-educated crown princess, formerly of Belmont, Mass., has been dining well recently - and being sauteed in the tabloid press for violating imperial austerity standards and taking her imperial obligations too lightly.

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Comments (1)
Let me make clear the whole situations involving Princess Masako from a Japanese point of view, since there is a great disparity between what is reported by overseas media and what is really the problem as we the locals see it. She may have graduated from Harvard and studied at Oxford-although she failed master's degree at the latter-she was never a high-flying diplomat at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, was someone who never got along with people around. She married Crown Prince for want of whatever was there that attracted her, be it status, high life or power, while it is true about Crown Prince's obsession with her then. Yes, we were all sympathetic with her when she became psychologically unstable and believed that the Imperial Family was to blame. Then after many years of domestic media reports, facts and whistle-blowing, we are beginning to believe that her personality had much to do with the present situations. She is someone who is never interested in royal duties of working for causes such as charity, being with the suffering, the challenged and the under-privileged. She could never play royal diplomat because she would often make insensitive remarks towards people, which is why she is no longer assigned to that task within the Imperial Family. Now she finds great pleasure in dining out, going to Disney Land, ski resorts and so on, which is all fine because royals need time out just like all of us; it's OK even when she is refusing to perform royal duties on a full scale because she can’t stand being a royal. The problem is she is doing all of this under the pretense of Adjustment Disorder or more unofficially, Depression, diagnosis made four years ago and never really explained by her alleged 'doctors'. We are furious and at the same time resigned about her not working and splurg: after all, it is our money, government funds that is being used by this 'intelligent, highly-educated and successful former diplomat.
#155853 - Feb 9, 2008 4:33 PM EST

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