03 February 2008 @ 02:38 pm
Fanfiction :: A Bitter Denial  
Title: A Bitter Denial (One-shot)
Author: [info]xshoutitloudx
Characters/Pairings: Gokudera-centric, Reborn.. 5927, If you want to interpret it as such.
Rating: Slight warning on Gokkun's mouth.
Summary: Short drabble. Really a stream of consciousness. I’m actually more or less typing up a dream/nightmare I had. For some odd reason I was Gokudera in my dream? Who knows. It's a bit out of the plot loop, but I believe it was relatively In-Character?
Previous FanFiction/Fanart:x/x/x/x/

Please, any comments are welcomed, if not highly encouraged

(Story Under Here)

PS: Also feel free to watch that community/journal if you want to stay updated with all fanfiction/fanart there... since I post it all there first =3.
Current Music: 俺達のJOY! 
03 February 2008 @ 04:46 pm
for raiyo-kun  
Author - [info]actualize
Rating - PG
Pairing - MukuroHibari
Warnings - some violence
Summary - for the prompt 'snowglobe', Mukuro has poor taste in gifts, really. (and as a sidenote apology, I am not entirely sure where this fic came from).

03 February 2008 @ 04:04 pm
Fic: More Ways It Could Have Begun  
Title: More Ways It Could Have Begun
Characters/Pairing: 8059
Word Count: 462
Excerpt: “It takes a while for Gokudera to notice how hungrily Yamamoto watches him.”

( A warning for swearing!Gokudera as per usual. )
02 February 2008 @ 07:07 pm
Music Meme  
I joined the bandwagon did a music meme.
All of these ended up being from songs on the same CD.

Author - Rai
Rating - PG-PG13
Pairing/Characters - 5980, 5927, 1827, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Byakuran, Irie.
Warnings - slash, character death, OOC-ness, angst.
A/N - All songs by Rise Against.

Meme~ )


Current Mood: chipper
02 February 2008 @ 07:02 pm
Drabbles~ with super-fake cuts  
These are mainly requests from people in the community. &hearts I had a lot of fun with this, so thanks, guys, and apologies to people who are seeing this posted twice!

Title: ‘Lover Boy’
Author: [info]genkitozuku
Rating: G
Pairing: Hints of Lal/Colonello.
Warnings: Colonello’s singing voice, abuse of the word ‘kora’.
Summary: [Request and prompt for [info]villanelle_koi.] In which Colonello learns that serenades are not the best way to make a first impression. [Pre-Series.]
Gently play on your heart strings, be your valentino just for you…

Title: ‘Something about Us’
Author: [info]genkitozuku
Rating: PG
Pairing: 8027
Warnings: TYL slight spoilers.
Summary: [Request and prompt for [info]hitsuuji] I continue to be horrible with summaries, so let’s just say… Yamamoto isn’t great at math. [Small Note: In the third part of this, it jumps TYL. Just to avoid confusion, if that isn’t as clear as I tried to make it. &hearts ]
And you only need two hands to use chopsticks.

Title: Target
Author: [info]genkitozuku
Rating: Gokudera’s Mouth
Pairing: Slight 8059, fluff and humor
Warnings: Gokudera’s Mouth
Summary: [Request and prompt for [info]__kaze__. Big thank you to [info]kurinoki, who Gokudera’s characterization is based off of. &hearts]. The Vongola’s best pair on a Very Important Mission. ….FYL? Ohoh.
Hey, hey! Put the lighter away, I’m sorry.

Title: It’s A Small World
Author: [info]genkitozuku
Rating: PG
Pairing: X+S, Belphagor – Lucky Chrams, LussuriaxMop, MarmonxSqualo’s Cash
Warnings: Violence against breakfast cereal
Summary: [Prompt and Request by [info]hehe_05]. Varia in Disney World. Enough said.
…What the hell? Boss?

Title: Crescere
Author: [info]genkitozuku
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: A bit of creepiness, in some parts.
Summary: [For [info]islanderfan2] Part I in a series of ‘childhood vignettes’. Features short, connective situations with characters as children. You can feel free to guess at their ages! :D The characters included are – Hibari, Tsuna, Gokudera, Belphagor, Yamamoto, Lussuria, in that order.
Hibari Kyoya had never been very interested in being a child.
02 February 2008 @ 07:22 am
'kay so I did this a few days ago and it's been up on my personal journal and OH GOD IT SUCKS, but I digress...

Stolen from [info]sei_kou_ki

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.

2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.

3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!

4. Do ten of these, then post them~.

Pairing: Xanxus/Squalo
Rating: PG13 for swearing and sexual refrence
Warnings:Swearing, CRACK! LOTS OF CRACK

Kyle's Mom's a Bitch is one of the songs. I'm not kidding )
Current Mood: embarrassed
02 February 2008 @ 10:17 am
HELLO FRIENDS. I seem to have written some more Yamamoto/Gokudera, thus I am here to toss it on the pile. Also included is a 'tarded Yamamoto fanart of him and his birdie.

Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Warnings: Violence, fluff, sap, fluff AND sap, NC-17 mixed in there.
Characters: Yamamoto/Gokudera (GASP), Tsuna

02 February 2008 @ 01:57 pm
3 Drabble Requests Fulfilled  
I haven't done anything reborny for a while so I took some drabble requests. I'm shitz, i realize, but i'm just practicing, so don't eat me. :'D The Gokutsuna turned out to be twice as long as the other two, but it's the one i'm least happy with because I CAN'T CAPTURE THEIR RELATIONSHIP THE WAY I WANT TO. The D18 is very random and crap as well, but it's short so the torture doesn't last that long. Either way, they were all written quickly by my standards, so they're probably quite off... :'D


i churn out angst for breakfast. =O
all links to my LJ

for [info]asario
Title/Theme // Music
Pairing // D18
Wordcount // 168
Rating // PG?

(It is like music...)


for [info]rukawagf
Title/Theme // Falling asleep
Pairing// 5927
Wordcount // 399
Rating // PG?

(Tenth, you're falling asleep on my arm...)


for [info]raiyo_kun
Title/Theme // Silver
Pairing // 100Sho
Wordcount // 157
Rating // PG?

(Silver is...)
Current Location: Procrastinationland
Current Mood: cold
Current Music: Rockstar - Nickleback
02 February 2008 @ 04:52 am
( Drabble Music Meme: XanxusSqualoDino )
Well, not exactly a ménage à trois, but you know how that pairing works. :'D

Rating: PG-13
01 February 2008 @ 10:31 pm

Characters: Colonello/Lal Mirch
Words: 1,086
Rating: PG-13
Notes: This is for [info]actualize , who I got for the January round in [info]reborn_flashfic . I did my best, but I don’t really have a solid idea about Lal and Colonello’s relationship. So, I’m sorry I didn’t do them much justice.

( Regrets )

Characters: Belphegor/Mammon
Rating: G
Words: 423
Notes: This is for [info]odditypist. Prompt: Fairy Tale Script.

I would just want to point out that this drabble is… kind of stupid. It was a very difficult prompt, and I have no idea how Belphegor and Mammon interact. |D;

( Prince )

Characters: Yamamoto/Hibari
Rating: PG
Words: 353
Notes: This is for [info]lucillienne. Prompt: Stuttering Hibari ("Stop s-smiling. I'll bite you to death.")

( Playfulness )
31 January 2008 @ 05:08 pm
The sea is calm
Rating: Gen.
Characters: Mukuro/Tsuna
Summary: They're two boys in a soundless dream. For [info]yaoitomboy's request Mukuro/Tsuna, "massage", no angst.

Live and Learn
Rating: PG.
Characters: Tsuna, Dino, Reborn (main).
Summary: There's a proper way of washing hands.

Silent night
Rating: PG-13
Fandom/s: Reborn!, crossover with X/1999
Warning: Character death.
Summary: The government has to step in, eventually.
31 January 2008 @ 11:44 pm
[fanfiction] RyoHiba 31 Days Challenge Linkbatch [3/3]  
First batch
Second batch

And I am done. minor blathering )

links within )

As always, comments/crits are appreciated. I would also love it if you guys could do two things for me, [here] and [here]. You don't have to, but I love feedback, and this is the easiest way I can make it for you to give it to me without even typing a single word. That said, I still love comments/crits if you have any to offer. And if you don't mind me, I shall go and crash from the ficopalypse now. Goodnight!
29 January 2008 @ 09:59 pm
Title "here"
Author [info]actualize
Rating PG (13 if you care not for the foulness of mouth that may come forth)
Pairing Gen with a light smatter of Yamamoto/Squalo.
Warnings aforementioned foul shark yellings.
Summary For [info]odditypist who requested: Squalo/Yamamoto OR VICE VERSA ("6:58 are you sure where my spark is?")

( "here" )
29 January 2008 @ 06:01 pm
3/5 Requests  
Oh, shi--I'm so sorry, KHR!Fandom. I post too much. ):

Anyway, three out of five fanfiction requests that I just finished. I apologize in advance for the ooc-ness, because I'm not used to writing most of these pairings.

Characters: Dino/Tsuna
Rating: PG
Words: 580
Notes: Requested by [info]yaoitomboy. Prompt—Kissing on the Stairs. Wherein Dino is, as usual, extremely clumsy.

Clumsy Kisses )

Characters: TYL!Hibari/Tsuna
Rating: G
Words: 573
Notes: Requested by [info]raiyo_kun. Prompt—Starlight. Wherein Tsuna is confused by the change in Hibari.

Starlight )

Requested by [info]alhia. Prompt—Pretending nothing’s broken. Wherein Yamamoto is surprisingly mature.

Pretending )
29 January 2008 @ 03:49 am
completed request: 4/6!  
Okay, I promised the last three request fics done yesterday/today, but my stomach decided to kill me with HORRIDNESS, so that unfortunately is not going to happen. I did get one finished! Hopefully the other two will be done in the next day or so. T_T

So, here you are:

4. Yamamoto/Gokudera, angst ([info]rabanastre)

Isn't quite how I'd pictured it, but I'm satisfied, so I hope you are too~ It's a little much like the Colo/Lal fic from my last post, maybe, but.

Song lyric still from Tori Amos!

Yamamoto/Gokudera (PG) )

*goes off to die ):*
Current Mood: uncomfortable
Current Music: Tori Amos - "Strange"
28 January 2008 @ 09:01 pm
Three Requests Completed! C:  
My laptop crashed. Thank god I use an external hardrive and my parents have a few spare laptops, aha.

With Malice toward None
Author: DemanaWaits
Pairing: Yamamoto/Bianchi, implied Yamamoto/Gokudera, Reborn/Bianchi
Rating:PG-13 | Word count: 1439
Summary:The choices aren’t always to your liking, but choose you must.
Comments: For [info]hehe_05, who requested Yamamoto, Bianchi, dead!Gokudera – wedding, and why don’t we just add in dead!Tsuna and dead!Reborn and dead!Yama’s dad too. 
( first is the cliff )

Drabble: Mr. and Ms.
Pairing: Leon/Hibird
Rating:PG | Word count: 191
Summary:Two assassins, one love, one secret. It’s the classic Mr. and Mrs. Smith, except she’s got another man.
Comments:For [info]cupid_tea, who requested Hibird/Leon – more than a profession. Oh god these two are fantastic!crack for a cold winter day. :’D
( He's sly, he's charming, and all the other girls call him Mr. Green, )

Drabble: Pre-Game Preparations
Pairing: Yamamoto/Hibari
Rating:PG | Word count: 463
Summary:Yamamoto decides he likes Hibari. He also decides that the cashier is very brave, and that he really needs to look up the word “herbivore”.
Comments: For [info]keelain, who requested Yamamoto/Hibari – shopping. Oh wow, getting in to Yamamoto’s brain is like being on crack. 
( There are so many shops that Yamamoto likes to visit. )

Also, if you're interested, I'm taking two requests here. C:
29 January 2008 @ 11:16 am
some Yamamoto and Gokudera fanfics  

first post in this comm. hoping to post more. i just got into reborn (especially yamamoto and gokudera ♥) like, a month ago, and i'd like to share what i've done so far...

Title: (untitled drabble)
Rating - G
Pairing - Gen
Warnings - none
Cut text - [ You know what makes Yamamoto such an easy target for Gokudera's temper? ]

Title: Back in Those Days When I Liked You
Rating - G
Pairing - 8059
Warnings - none, Yamamoto-centric
Cut text - [ Okay, maybe that wasn't when we started talking... ]

Title: A Season of Thunderstorms
Rating - PG for implied sexual situations
Pairing - 8059
Warnings - none
Cut text - [ As a child growing up virtually alone in a place where even the softest sound echoed, there was nothing he could do but lie in bed counting the thunderclaps, living in the spaces between the moments that briefly shook his existence. One. Two. Three. ]

Title: Six Days at the Bottom of the Ocean
Rating - PG for a leetle swearing
Pairing - 8059?
Warnings - revolves around hearing impairment; nothing graphic though
Cut text - [ Gokudera was about to find some way to ask how Yamamoto was doing, if his bruises were healing up fast enough, but Yamamoto talked first, and then he didn't feel like asking anymore. He closed his eyes and, with the surface of his skin, listened. ]

Title: Mama's Game
Rating - G
Pairing - none, Yamamoto-centric
Warnings - death of a character who was never even mentioned in the manga, omfg
Cut text - [ She was trying her best, and Takeshi, too, had to be brave... because even if she looked like this, it was all just a game. ]

Title: Player Substitution
Rating - G
Pairing - none, Yamamoto-centric
Warnings - same as above
Cut text - [ Ever since he was born, his father had ignored his presence. Why should anything change? ]
Current Mood: nervous
28 January 2008 @ 04:49 pm
Passion play
Rating: PG for Mukuro Hibari violence.
Characters: Mukuro, Hibari.
Notes: For [info]raiyo_kun and his prompt "carousel". This fic became an AU thing, where Mukuro and Hibari are both children and stuff. Dunno why that happened. o__o"
Summary: The fair (isn't always) is always a magical place.

Requests are being done one at a time, so don't worry, mmkay? :D

*link leads to fic journal.
28 January 2008 @ 10:26 pm
Fic: 2 Hospital Visits  
Title: 2 Hospital Visits
Characters/Pairing: 8059
Word Count: 497
Excerpt: “Gokudera is clenching so tightly his Ring punctures the side of the can.”

( A warning for angst and very brief mentions of a character death. )
27 January 2008 @ 11:58 pm
[Fanfic]: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: 1827 Maybe he’s not a bad person after all -request #1-  
Story: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Title: Maybe he’s not a bad person after all
Pairing: 1827
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Credits: Thanks to Genna sempai for editing!!!!!!!!!!
Summary: Sewing!Hibari?! :D
Requested by: [info]rukawagf~

( “I said strip, didn’t I?” )