Title: A Bitter Denial (One-shot)
Author: xshoutitloudx
Characters/Pairings: Gokudera-centric, Reborn.. 5927, If you want to interpret it as such.
Rating: Slight warning on Gokkun's mouth.
Summary: Short drabble. Really a stream of consciousness. I’m actually more or less typing up a dream/nightmare I had. For some odd reason I was Gokudera in my dream? Who knows. It's a bit out of the plot loop, but I believe it was relatively In-Character?
Previous FanFiction/Fanart:x/x/x/x/
Please, any comments are welcomed, if not highly encouraged
(Story Under Here)
PS: Also feel free to watch that community/journal if you want to stay updated with all fanfiction/fanart there... since I post it all there first =3.
Author: xshoutitloudx
Characters/Pairings: Gokudera-centric, Reborn.. 5927, If you want to interpret it as such.
Rating: Slight warning on Gokkun's mouth.
Summary: Short drabble. Really a stream of consciousness. I’m actually more or less typing up a dream/nightmare I had. For some odd reason I was Gokudera in my dream? Who knows. It's a bit out of the plot loop, but I believe it was relatively In-Character?
Previous FanFiction/Fanart:x/x/x/x/
Please, any comments are welcomed, if not highly encouraged
(Story Under Here)
PS: Also feel free to watch that community/journal if you want to stay updated with all fanfiction/fanart there... since I post it all there first =3.
Current Music: 俺達のJOY!
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