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.Some graphics. [Feb. 1st, 2008|11:38 pm]

KHR Icons x27 [3 are variations]
Consisting of some Squalo or Dino and 1 DS Icons.
Friends Only banners
Gokudera + Yamamoto x1
Y!Squalo + Y!Dino x2 [1 is variation]
Y!Squalo + Y!Dino x2 [1 is variation]

Sneak Peek:


Let me know if it isn't allowed.
X-posted, sorry if you see this many times m(_ _)m
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[Jan. 22nd, 2008|11:35 am]


I'M A SHAAAAARK (work safe? XD not work safe? )

[info]neuewelt and I had talked about holding a fanwork (fanfic/fanart) contest in celebration; and giving a paid account to the top three who win--the deadline will be February 20.

Please follow the following prompts when requesting:
(... xD)

The prompts obviously must have something to do with Dino/Squalo/Dino. Again, even a drabble, or multi-chapter, or fanart will do. Anything is fine. Please email all submissions to either garnetchan@gmail.com or orenjibliss@hotmail.com

And thanks again!
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the first fic i was serious about [Jan. 19th, 2008|12:23 pm]

Reborn! has been a first of sorts with me. made me come back to writing. made me actually come back to drawing?! and then some. it's like... the first and only fandom i have been this...committed to? XD! anyway! blahblahblah stop.

Title: A Shrew's Gratitude
Author: you're lookin at her
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Squalo/Dino/Squalo
Warnings: emo, melodrama, some spoilers about the past and present of these two, you know how the "/" works; i write essays and articles, almost NEVER narratives. you could say this is my first time seriously tackling one.

one of the strangest fake cuts i guess lol

errr, this was written somekindufa long time ago. like sometime last year, yeah.
/random searching for sds arts online is addicting. cos sometimes the scenes you see are the ones you've imagined of them. makes you wonder if the fans think alike for this pairing, awwww.
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ficcc dump! [Jan. 10th, 2008|10:24 am]


ME LLAMO LAI. And I figured since I wrote many of my Squalo/Dino-Dino/Squalo fics earlier in the year, a fic dump of SDS fics wouldn't be amiss here. For the record: it's my favorite pairing ever. :,D

The shorter fics are behind the cut. All the fics right here are... like 5,000 to 7,000+ words. XD;;

Straw Kite on a Windless Day
- [pg-13] First SDS fic in the English-speaking world! I AM SO PROUD OF THAT AHAHAH hahhh.

- [pg-13] The proof of humanity proved on many days that don't reach the head of one Superbi Squalo until the next time it's proved.

The Balcony Scene
- [pg-13] It's no Romeo and Juliet; Shakespeare would be appalled at the graceless fashion of Actor One and the bloodthirst of Actor Two. So they say screw Shakespeare, this is the mafia's version.

The Visible World Explained in Ten-Second Essays
- [r-15] In which Squalo likes Dino a whole lot more than Dino likes Squalo.

THE LAME ONES a.k.a. drabbles/ficlets. )

Ah, Squalo/Dino. Nostalgia reigns supreme. :D
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mod post [TWO] [Jan. 9th, 2008|09:06 pm]

[Tags|, ]
[mood | tired]
[music |Ayane - New Breeze]

Feel free to ask to affiliate with us here!
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Yay, a pairing-specific home for my S/D! [Jan. 9th, 2008|09:00 pm]


Title: Laying it to Rest
Rating: R/M
Character/Pairing/s: (Dino)/Squalo/Dino, mentions of Xanxus/Squalo, D18
Warnings/Spoilers: No real spoilers, methinks. A bit of a language warning, as it is Squalo after all. And an OOC warning for Squalo, just in case.
Word Count: 1,483
Summary: Ahhh! I saw this com and immediately knew it should be a nice home for the D/S fic that I recently put up on hitman_reborn. So, here it is, and hopefully is okay to spam on here! My first Squalo, and my first D/S fic--the way I see them in the future, and the way I regard their past. And yes, there is a splash of X/S and D18 mentions, to forewarn you. I hope you lovely D/S fans like it!

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mod post [ONE] [Jan. 9th, 2008|02:00 pm]

[Tags|, ]
[mood |accomplished]

Welcome to [info]buckingshark, and thank you for joining! If you haven't, and you are reading this, then you are missing out. :[

This community is still going through some work, as we need a lively and exciting journal, and we need to work more on the profile/information. But, it did just start today [Jan. 9], so please be patient! We hope to get it pretty and prepared for you all by at least tomorrow, if not tonight.

Start dumping your Dino/Squalo related projects ASAP! Not everything in the community is strictly Dino/Squalo-- they can be seperate from each other. But we only ask that you DON'T post something that isn't comm related, as it is a rule. What's the point of posting a strictly Dino/Hibari fic in the middle of a Dino/Squalo community? Know what I mean?

But everything else is welcomed, as far as cosplays, fanfics, icons, banners, affiliations, pimping, doujin, polls, etc. ! Along with other pairings, just so long as there is a mentioning of D/S in your post. ♥ Rules are pretty simple, right?

If you have any questions or concerns, or even some suggestions for the community, please post them here or make a post in the community! KT [tunafish] and I, Briana [[info]neuewelt], will gladly accept anything you bring to our attention, as long as it's reasonable!

This is all for now, so please enjoy the community, and let's get things started!! ♥ Thank you all for joining, again, and I hope we can all work together to make this community successful!
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