January 21, 2008
Mr.Toshio Masuda
Frontier One LLC
Re: RightStar
Dear Mr.Masuda:
Right Star Hawaii Management,Inc.(“Right
Star”)has been in default on their loan
to Frontier One LLC(“Frontier One”)since
April 2004. A formal Notice of Event of Default
was issued on April 1, 2004. We have been
billing Right Star 21% default interest from
April 1, 2004.The total amount principal
and interest due to Frontier One LLC as of
December 31, 2007 is $33,608,513. The total
amount of principal and interest due to Frontier
One LLC will be $41,386,844 if we continue
to accrue the default interest through December
31, 2008.
Right Star is currently in foreclosure. Frontier
One is currently fighting an attempt by the
State of Hawaii make their claim senior to
Frontier One’s loan position. We feel Frontier
One will need to prevail in court or through
negotiation with the State of Hawaii regarding
its loan priority position over the State
of Hawaii. Frontier One will then be able
to collect a substantial portion of its loan
principal through the foreclosure sale proceeds.
We understand that there are interested parties
to purchase the Right Star assets and minimum
purchase price of $25 million.
At this time, we do not see any buyer of
the Right Star assets except through a foreclosure
action which will clear all known or unknown
liabilities of Right Star.
Any Frontier One investor that is part of
the Frontier One loan to Right Star will
have to wait for the following actions to
take place before there are any monies to
be repaid:
1) Frontier One protects its loan priority
position through litigation or negotiation
with the State of Hawaii.
2) Foreclosure sale is done by the court
appointed receiver for $25 million or more.
It may take to the end of the current year
for these matters to be resolved.
We wish we could report better news; however
this is a very complex foreclosure.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Michael Nekoba
Frontier One LLC
Right Starの件
Right Star Hawaii Management, Inc.(ライト・スター・ハワイ株式会社)は2004年4月以降Frontier
One LLCに対する支払いが延滞となっています。
StarのFrontier One LLCに支払うべき元利合計は$33,608,513であります。またこのままの状態が2008年12月31日まで続くと、その元利合計は$41,386,844となります。
Right Starに対しては現在差押え手続がとられています。Frontier
One LLCは今日ハワイ州がFrontier One より先に資金を得る権利を主張していることに対抗しています。現在の裁判での争いではFrontier
One LLCが先取権を取れる方向になっています。その結果Frontier
One LLCは差押えによる競売で相当額の元本・金利の回収が出来ます。現在Right
Frontier One LLCへの投資家でRight Star に対する貸付債権者に対する元本または金利の支払いは下記の結果が出るまで出来ません。
1.裁判によってFrontier One LLCの先取り優先権が確立されること、