2008.1.30 Arius3D,Inc.最新報告


読売新聞 ヤマシタショウ様

Frontier One とSunra Capitalについて


1. Arius3D, Inc.の株主について、David Beutel, Paul Little, John Wood, Joseph Waechter氏以外の株主は誰ですか。Frontier OneとSunraはどれだけの普通株を持っていますか。
お答え:Arius3D, Inc.は(今現在は)非上場会社ですので株主に関する情報を開示することは禁じられています。しかしながら、株主数が30人以上であることとSunra関係、すなわちFrontier Oneの名義で相当な数の株主と相当量の金額の投資が弊社になされている事実だけは明確にしておきます。

2. Rebecca Capital, Inc.は2007年5月、Arius3D, Inc.を買収する目的で設立されたのか。
お答え:Rebecca Capital, Inc.からArius3D, Incを合併する旨のプレスリリースがなされていおり、近々合併は完了いたします。
Arius3D, Inc.は1999年以来同じ事業を今日まで続けています。一方Rebecca Capital, Inc.は新会社であり、今日トロント証券取引所に上場されており、Arius3D, Inc.の合併に必要な手続を行なっています。

3. 何故あなた(Arius3D, Inc.)は全普通株をRebeccaに売ることにしたのですか。
お答え:トロント証券取引所には、Arius3D, Inc.のような会社が市場に公開されるための規定のプロセス(手続)があります。Arius3D, Inc.は常に適切な時期に上場会社になることを考えてきました。そして今それを実行に移しています。Arius3D, Inc.は今目標(上場)達成のためトロント証券取引所の規定通りの過程を進んでいます。もろもろの規定付けられた環境下で、合併完了時は証券取引所の手に委ねられています。今日の株式市場の動向がそのタイミングに大きな影響を与えます。

4.貴社は、Sunra、Frontier One, 増田俊男、日本の投資家の間にある紛争に対してどう対処するおつもりですか。
お答え:私どもは、何紙かが報じた実証されていない主張以外に増田氏と投資家間の紛争については存じません。私どもはたびたびに日本に行っておりますが、増田氏は、氏と仕事をされている多くの人々に尊敬されていることを知っています。Sunra Groupを含むArius3D, Inc.の株主は市場で権利(株式)を売ることが出来ますし(Rebecca Capital, Inc.とArius3D, Inc.の合併会社の株式という意味)、それはトロント証券取引所との合意に基くものです。この合意は上場会社と取引所とのいくつかの合意の一部です。さらにこの合意は現在進行中の標準交換(売買)規定によって実行に移されます。

私は、本状で貴殿のご質問にお答えできたと信じます。Rebecca Capital, Inc.とArius3D, Inc.の合併完了後トロント証券取引所において取引が開始すると、弊社のすべての営業行為は(市場に)公開・開示されることになりますので、それをご覧いただくことをお勧めします。 


James P. McGlone
    Chief Financial Officer
    Arius3D, Inc.

January 29, 2008
Sho Yamashita
Yomiuri Newspaper

Dear Mr. Yamashita,
Re: Frontier One and Sunra Capital Inc.

Thank you for your enquiry. I have outlined your questions as presented by you and responded to each as appropriate.

1. Who are the other shareholders of Arius3D than David Beutel, Paul Little, John Wood, and Joseph Waechter? How many common shares of Arius3D does Frontier One and Sunra have?
Response: Arius3D Inc. is a private company and we are not permitted to disclose information about our shareholders.
However, I can confirm that we have more than 30 shareholders and that the Sunra group, through Frontier One, are significant shareholders with a significant investment in the company.

2. Does Rebecca Capital Inc. intend to acquire Arius3D before they start the business in May 2007?
Response: A press release has been issued by Rebecca Capital indicating that a qualifying transaction between Rebecca Capital and Arius3D Inc. is intended to be completed in the near term.
Arius3D Inc. has been in the same business since 1999 and it continues. Rebecca Capital is a new company on the Toronto Stock Exchange and is complying with all requirements of the stock exchange process for these types of transactions.

3. Why have you decided to sell all the common shares to Rebecca?
Response: The Toronto Stock Exchange has a regulated process for companies like Arius3D Inc. to access the public capital markets. The Arius3D Inc. business plan has always contemplated that the company would become a publicly listed company at the right time in its development. We are simply executing the business plan.
Arius3D Inc. has been following the defined process of the Toronto Stock Exchange to achieve that goal. As with all regulated environments, the timing of the closing of the transaction is dependent on the stock exchange and the investment bankers. Stock market conditions impact their timing.

4. How are you going to deal with the trouble between Sunra, Frontier One, Mr. Toshio Masuda, and Japanese investors? Is it possible for investors to sell the common shares of Arius3D after Rebecca acquire Arius3D?
Response: We are unaware of trouble between Mr. Masuda and Japanese investors other than unsubstantiated allegations made in certain newspapers. We have visited Japan on a number of occasions and found that Mr. Masuda is much respected by the people he does business with.
Shareholders in Arius3D Inc., which includes the Sunra group, will be able to sell their interest in the publicly listed entity (effectively the combined Rebecca Capital Inc. and Arius3D Inc.), as permitted by agreement with the Toronto Stock Exchange. Those agreements are part of every such listing completed on the stock exchange. They are being finalized as part of the standard stock exchange process now being completed.

I trust this addresses your questions. Once the process with Rebecca Capital Inc and the Toronto Stock Exchange is completed, all future activities of the company will be a matter of public record and we invite you to follow progress of the company.


James P McGlone
Chief Financial Officer
Arius3D Inc.