Online French, Italian and Spanish Dictionary

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The WordReference Dictionaries are free online translation dictionaries.  The most popular dictionaries are the Spanish Dictionary, French Dictionary and the Italian Dictionary. Search with the form below or the box above.

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More Dictionaries: Diccionario Espaņol (Spanish monolingual), Spanish Synonyms, Spanish-French, Spanish-Portuguese.

Test the new English to Portuguese dictionary.

Spanish Dictionary

The Spanish dictionary from Espasa Calpe publishers alone has over 120,000 words with more than 250,000 translations.  On paper it fills more than a thousand pages.  A supplement to the Spanish English dictionary adds many more translations, and you can ask any other question you have in the language forums, too.

French and Italian Dictionaries

The French and Italian dictionaries are also large and growing.  The French dictionary has over 250,000 translations and the Italian dictionary has nearly 200,000.  These dictionaries continue to grow and improve as well.  If you don't find what you are looking for in the dictionaries, you can search or ask in the forums.

Language Forums

Supporting the translation dictionaries, we also have the Internet's premier language forums.  If you have a question about language usage, first search the hundreds of thousands of previous questions.  If you still are not sure, then you can ask the question yourself.  Native speakers from around the world will be happy to assist you.  You may soon find that you are able to help others as well.


WordReference has a number of tools that allow people easier access to the dictionaries.  They include the WordReference Toolbar for Internet Explorer, as well as plug-ins and modules for Firefox and Google.

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