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We're Sorry, The Video You've Requested is Unavailable.

Here are some of the possible reasons this has occured:

  1. The video may have been a violation of the Terms of Use.
    If this is your video, and you would like to challenge the violation, you may do so by:
    • Go to the home page,
    • Click on MY VIDEOS
    • Locate the video in the list and copy the URL link code,
    • Send that code along with your explanation to

  2. The video may have been reported by a user, before we reviewed it.
    Explanation: When you upload your content is live right away, but it has the status of Waiting Approval. If another user reports your upload for a violation while it is Waiting Approval the upload is removed until an admin can approve or reject it. Please do not email us over this - we will get to it.

  3. The video may still be processing.
    Explanation: Immediately following the upload of a video it is converted to FLV so we can play it in our Flash Player. So even though it has uploaded, it is still not ready to be viewed. You must wait for the conversion to FLV to complete before the video will be viewable. Please do not email us for this - it is an automatic procedure carried out on the server.

Please be patient. Thank you for your understanding