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Sunday, January 27, 2008

[MP3]Beck, Genesis, Garbage

Garbage - Bleed Like Me

Track List:

1. Bad Boyfirend
2. Run Baby Run
3. Right Between the Eyes
4. Why Do You Love Me
5. Bleed Like Me
6. Metal Heart
7. Sex Is Not the Enemy
8. It's Over But the Crying
9. Boys Wanna Fight
10. Why Don't You Come Ove
11. Happy Home

Jim Croce - I Got A Name

Track List:

1. I Got a Name
2. Lover's Cross
3. Five Short Minutes
4. Age
5. Workin' at the Car Wash Blues
6. I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song
7. Salon and Saloon
8. Thursday
9. Top Hat Bar and Grill
10. Recently
11. Hard Way Every Time

Mike Harding - One Man Show

Track List:

Disc 1

1. Unlucky Uncle Arthur
2. Irwell Delta Blues
3. Crumpsall Cream Cracker Corned Beef Kamikaze Cubs Go To Camp
4. Arnold My Frog
5. Jimmy Spoons
6. Beaky Knucklewart
7. Talkin' Blackpool Blues

Disc 2

1. Top Of The Pops
2. King Cotton
3. Wedding At 18 Clegg St
4. Polka Off/Polka On
5. My Dad The Weather
6. Bogey Man
7. Napoleon's Retreat From Wigan
8. Down Our Street

VA - Disney Greatest Love Songs

Track List:

Disc 1

1. A Whole New World (from Aladdin)
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. Can You Feel The Love Tonight (from The Lion King)
4. You'll Be In my Heart (from Tarzan)
5. If I Never Knew You (from Pocahontas)
6. Someday (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
7. Candle On The water (from Pete's Dragon)
8. He's A Tramp (from Lady and the Tramp)
9. Bella Notte (from Lady and the Tramp)
10. Baby Mine (from Dumbo)
11. Someday My Prince Will Come (from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
12. I Wonder (from Sleeping Beauty)
13. Love Is A Song (from Bambi)
14. When she Loved Me (from Toy Story 2)
15. A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (from Cinderella)

Disc 2

1. True Love's Kiss (from Enchanted)
2. Something There (from Beauty and the Beast)
3. Kiss The Girl (from The Little Mermaid)
4. I Won't Say (I'm In Love) (from Hercules)
5. Just Around the Riverbend (from Pocahontas)
6. Love Will Find A way (from The Lion King 2 Simba's Pride)
7. I'll Try (from Return to Neverland)
8. Reflection (from Mulan)
9. Someone's Waiting For You (from The Rescuers)
10. Love (from Robin Hood)
11. I'm Wishing/One Song (from Snow White and the Sevem Dwarfs)
12. Once Upon A Dream (from Sleeping Beauty)
13. So This Is Love (from Cinderella)
14. Looking For Romance (I Bring You A song) (from Bambi)
15. When You Wish Upon A Star (from Pinocchio)

Starship - No Protection

pw: mechodownload
Track List:

1. Beat Patrol
2. Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
3. It's Not Over ('Til It's Over)
4. Girls Like You
5. Wings of a Lie
6. Children
7. I Don't Know Why
8. Transatlantic
9. Say When
10. Babylon
11. Set the Night to Music

Beck - Mellow Gold

Track List:

1. Loser
2. Pay No Mind (Snoozer)
3. Fuckin' With My Head (Mountain Dew Rock)
4. Whiskeyclone, Hotel City 1997
5. Soul Suckin' Jerk
6. Truckdrivin' Neighbors Downstairs (Yellow Sweat)
7. Sweet Sunshine
8. Beercan
9. Steal My Body Home
10. Nitemare Hippy Girl
11. Mutherfuker
12. Blackhole

Beck - Odelay

Track List:

1. Devils Haircut
2. Hotwax
3. Lord Only Knows
4. New Pollution
5. Derelict
6. Novacane
7. Jack-Ass
8. Where It's At
9. Minus
10. Sissyneck
11. Readymade
12. High 5 (Rock the Catskills)
13. Ramshackle
14. Diskobox

Beck - Mutations

Track List:

1. Cold Brains
2. Nobody's Fault But My Own
3. Lazy Flies
4. Canceled Check
5. We Live Again
6. Tropicalia
7. Dead Melodies
8. Bottle Of Blues
9. O Maria
10. Sing It Again
11. Static
12. Diamond Bollocks
13. Runners Dial Zero

Beck - Midnite Vultures

Track List:

1. Sexx Laws
2. Nicotine & Gravy
3. Mixed Bizness
4. Get Real Paid
5. Hollywood Freaks
6. Peaches & Cream
7. Broken Train
8. Milk & Honey
9. Beautiful Way
10. Pressure Zone
11. Debra

Beck - Sea Change

Track List:

1. The Golden Age
2. Paper Tiger
3. Guess I'm Doin' Fine
4. Lonesome Tears
5. Lost Cause
6. Nothing I Haven't Seen
7. All In Your Mind
8. Round The Bend
9. Already Dead
10. Sunday Sun
11. Little One
12. Side Of The Road

Beck - Guero

Track List:

1. E-Pro
2. Que Onda Guero
3. Girl
4. Missing
5. Black Tambourine
6. Earthquake Weather
7. Hell Yes
8. Broken Drum
9. Scarecrow
10. Go It Alone
11. Farewell Ride
12. Rental Car
13. Emergency Exit

Beck - Guerolito

Track List:

1. Ghost Range (E-Pro)
2. Que Onda Guero
3. Girl
4. Heaven Hammer (Missing)
5. Shake Shake Tambourine (Black Tambourine)
6. Terremoto Tempo (Earthquake Weather)
7. Ghettochip Malfunction (Hell Yes)
8. Broken Drum
9. Scarecrow
10. Wish Coin (Go It Alone)
11. Farewell Ride
12. Rental Car
13. Emergency Exit
14. Crap Hands
15. Missing
16. Que Onda Guero

Beck - The Information

Track List:

1. Elevator Music
2. Think I'm in Love
3. Cellphone's Dead
4. Strange Apparition
5. Soldier Jane
6. Nausea
7. New Round
8. Dark Star
9. We Dance Alone
10. No Complaints
11. 1000BPM
12. Motorcade
13. Information
14. Movie Theme
15. Horrible Fanfare/Landslide/Exoskeleton

Beck - Timebomb

Track List:

1. Timebomb

Genesis - Genesis Archive, Vol. 1: 1967-1975

Track List:

Disc 1

1. Lamb Lies Down on Broadway [Live]
2. Fly on a Windshield [Live]
3. Broadway Melody of 1974 [Live]
4. Cuckoo Cocoon [Live]
5. In the Cage [Live]
6. Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging [Live]
7. Back in N.Y.C. [Live]
8. Hairless Heart [Live]
9. Counting Out Time [Live]
10. Carpet Crawlers [Live]
11. Chamber of 32 Doors [Live]

Disc 2
1. Lilywhite Lilith [Live]
2. Waiting Room [Live]
3. Anyway [Live]
4. Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthetist [Live]
5. Lamia [Live]
6. Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats [Live]
7. Colony of Slippermen: The Arrival/A Visit to the Doktor/The Raven
8. Ravine [Live]
9. Light Dies Down on Broadway [Live]
10. Riding the Scree [Live]
11. In the Rapids [Live]
12. It [Live]

Disc 3

1. Dancing With the Moonlit Knight [Live]
2. Firth of Fifth [Live]
3. More Fool Me [Live]
4. Supper's Ready [Live]
5. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) [Live]
6. Stagnation [Live]
7. Twilight Alehouse [Single B Side]
8. Happy the Man [Single A Side]
9. Watcher of the Skies [Remix]

Disc 4

1. In the Wilderness [Rough Mix Without Strings]
2. Shepherd [BBC Nightride]
3. Pacidy [BBC Nightride]
4. Let Us Now Make Love [BBC Nightride]
5. Going Out to Get You [Demo Version]
6. Dusk [Demo Version]
7. Build Me a Mountain [Rough Mix]
8. Image Blown Out [Rough Mix]
9. One Day [Rough Mix]
10. Where the Sour Turns to Sweet [Demo Version]
11. In the Beginning [Demo Version]
12. Magic of Time [Demo Version]
13. Hey! [Demo Version]
14. Hidden in the World of Dawn [Demo Version]
15. Sea Bee [Demo Version]
16. Mystery of the Flannan Isle Lighthouse [Demo Version]
17. Hair on the Arms and Legs [Demo Version]
18. She Is Beautiful [Demo Version]
19. Try a Little Sadness [Demo Version]
20. Patricia [Demo Version]

Genesis - Genesis Archives, Vol. 2: 1976-1992

Track List:

Disc 1

1. On the Shoreline
2. Hearts on Fire
3. You Might Recall
4. Paperlate
5. Evidence of Autumn
6. Do the Neurotic
7. I'd Rather Be You
8. Naminanu
9. Inside and Out
10. Feeding the Fire
11. I Can't Dance [12" Version]
12. Submarine

Disc 2

1. Illegal Alien [Live]
2. Dreaming While You Sleep [Live]
3. It's Gonna Get Better [Live]
4. Deep in the Motherlode [Live]
5. Ripples [Live]
6. Brazilian [Live]
7. Your Own Special Way
8. Burning Rope [Live]
9. Entangled [Live]
10. Duke's Travels [Live]

Disc 3

1. Invisible Touch [12" Version]
2. Land of Confusion [12" Version]
3. Tonight, Tonight, Tonight [12" Version][Alternate Take][Demo Version]
4. No Reply at All [Live]
5. Man on the Corner [Live]
6. Lady Lies [Live]
7. Open Door
8. Day the Light Went Out
9. Vancouver
10. Pigeons
11. It's Yourself
12. Mama [Work in Progress]

3 Doors Down - Seventeen Days

Track List:

1. Right Where I Belong
2. It's Not Me
3. Let Me Go
4. Be Somebody
5. Landing in London
6. Real Life
7. Behind Those Eyes
8. Never Will I Break
9. Father's Son
10. Live for Today
11. My World
12. Here by Me
13. Here Without You (acoustic)
14. Away from the Sun (acoustic)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

[MP3]Sebastien Tellier, Sargasso Trio, Mama Cass

Bernard Allison - Chills and Thrills

Track List:

1. Chill & Thrills
2. Boogie Man
3. So Devine
4. When I'm Gone
5. Missing Tyrone
6. Just My Guitar And Me
7. Compromising For Your Needs
8. Black & white
9. Serious
10. Heart Of St. Paul
11. That's Why I'm Crying
12. Groove With Me
13. Serious (After Hours)

Sebastien Tellier - Sexuality

Track List:

1. Roche
2. Kilometer
3. Look
4. Divine
5. Pomme
6. Une Heure
7. Sexual Sportswear
8. Elle
9. Fingers Of Steel
10. Manty
11. L’amour et la Violence

Laki Mera - Clutter

Track List:

1. She's A Day Later
2. Signals
3. How Dare You
4. Weighed Down
5. (Velcro)
6. No Motion
7. I'm Talking
8. Seagull's Nex
9. Zeuhl
10. To Be Seen
14. Bumble B

Taken by Trees - Open Field

Track List:

1. Tell Me
2. Julia
3. Legend
4. Sunshine Lady
5. Lost and Found
6. Open Field
7. Hours Pass Like Centuries
8. Too Young
9. Only Yesterday
10. Cedar Trees

Porn Sword Tobacco - New Exclusive Olympic Heights

Track List:

1. Tools For Trains
2. Den Rosa Sporten
3. Giftwrap Yourself Slowly
4. Copyright The Universe
5. Ljus Den Yttersta Gavan
6. Cubical Fever
7. Comme-Il-Faut
8. En Hyllning Till Cyckeln
9. My Lovely Wife Becky
10. Do The Astrowaltz
11. Hierarkisk Symmetri Och Romantik
12. Pappa Min Karlek Ar Gravid
13. U.S. Saloon Props 41/59
14. Vingar Av Svard

Olafur Arnalds - Eulogy for Evolution

Track List:

1. 0040
2. 0048_0729
3. 0952 4 1440
5. 1953
6. 3055
7. 3326
8. 3704_3837

Jocelyn Montgomery & David Lynch - Lux Vivens: The Music Of Hildegard Von Bingen

Track List:

1. Flame and Vision
2. Sapientie
3. O Tu Illustrata
4. Et Ideo
5. Viridissima
6. Battle and Aftermath
7. Gloria Patri
8. Lux Vivens
9. Deus Enim
10. Clarissima
11. Orzchis
12. Caritas
13. Kyrie
14. Hodie
15. Alleluia

The Richard & Linda Thompson - I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight

Track List:

1. When I Get To The Border
2. The Calvary Cross
3. Withered And Died
4. I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight
5. Down Where The Drunkards Roll
6. We Sing Hallelujah
7. Has He Got A Friend For Me?
8. The Little Beggar Girl
9. The End Of The Rainbow
10. The Great Valerio

Scott Kelly - Spirit Bound Flesh

Track List:

1. I Don't Feel You Anymore
2. Passage
3. In Her Room
4. Return to All
5. Sacred Heart
6. Flower
7. Through My Existence
8. Honor of My Prisoner

Exuma - ST

Track List:

1. Exuma, The Obeah Man
2. Dambala
3. Mama Loi, Papa Loi
4. Junkanoo
5. Seance in the Sixth Fret
6. You Don't Know What's Going On
7. Vision

Robert Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders - ST

Track List:

1. Laughing Rag
2. True Blue Lou
3. Little Rascals Medley
4. Willie The Chimney Sweeper
5. Kiwi Bump
6. Cuckoo Waltz
7. Sweet Lorraine
8. I'm Gonna Get It
9. Lucille
10. I Had But Fifty Cents
11. Down In Jungle Town
12. Get A Load Of Thise
13. Cheap Suit Special
14. I'll See You In My Dreams

VA - Saturday Night Fish Fry: New Orleans Funk and Soul

Track List:

1. Pass the Hatchet
2. Mean Man
3. Iko Iko
4. Funky Soul
5. Where Is Love
6. Give It Up
7. Hung Up
8. Little Liza Jane
9. Thang, Pt. 2
10. Soul, Soul, Soul (The Wild Magnolias)
11. Soul Train
12. Break in the Road
13. Hump Back
14. Message from the Meters
15. Gris Gris Gumbo Ya Ya
16. Don't Mess With My Man
17. Cold Bear
18. Roll Call
19. Next Ball Game
20. Yes We Can Can
21. Ruler of My Heart
22. I Can't Help It

17 Hippies - Heimlich

Track List:

1. Schattenmann
2. Son Mystere
3. Wann War Das?
4. Deine Traenen
5. Teschko
6. Tick Tack
7. Moving Song
8. Apache
9. Heimlich
10. Just Like You
11. Madame
12. Rustemul

Paul Simon - There Goes Rhymin' Simon

Track List:

1. Kodachrome
2. Tenderness
3. Take Me To The Mardi Gras
4. Something So Right
5. One Man's Ceilling Is Another Man's Floor
6. American Tune
7. Was A Sunny Day
8. Learn How To Fall
9. St. Judy's Comet
10. Love Me Like A Rock
11. Let Me Live In Your City (Unissued Work-In-Progress)
12. Take Me To The Mardi Gras (Acoustic Demo)
13. American Tune (Unfinished Demo)
14. Love Me Like A Rock (Acoustic Demo)

Unrest - Perfect Teeth

Track List:

1. Angel I'll Walk You Home
2. Cath Carroll
3. So Sick
4. Light Command
5. Food & Drink Synthesizer
6. Soon It Is Going To Rain
7. Make Out Club
8. Breather X.O.X.O
9. West Coast Love Afair
10. Six Layer Cake
11. Stylized Ampersand

Ned Collette - Jokes & Trials

Track List:

1. Song for Louis
2. Happy Kidnapper
3. Plea for You Through Me
4. Boulder
5. Hill
6. Laughter Across the Street
7. Heaven's the Key
8. Janet
9. Don't Talk
10. Blame

Sargasso Trio - Burnin' Burnin' Burnin'

Track List:

1. Why Do Birds Fall In Love?
2. Its Hot In Hell
3. The Drum
4. You Make Me Sweat
5. Baby I’m Depraved
6. Man Walks
7. Heels On Fire
8. Naked Lady
9. She's A Woman
10. Wide Sargasso Sea
11. Pressurize
12. Get Workin' On Me
13. Step One

Retsin - Sweet Luck Of Amaryllis

Track List:

1. Lone Star Drive
2. Story of One Party
3. Good Morning Bird
4. 5 Down to 4
5. Pope Street
6. Swallow
7. What the Devil Said
8. Never Again Blue
9. Song on Foot
10. We Are the Rings
11. Stealing Winks
12. Dad Gone
13. Broken Hearted Wine

Ben Frost - Theory Of Machines

Track List:

1. Theory of Machines
2. Stomp
3. We Love You Michael Gira
4. ...Coda
5. Forgetting You Is Like Breathing Water

Big Black - Songs About Fucking

Track List:

1. Power of Independent Trucking
2. Model
3. Bad Penny
4. L Dopa
5. Precious Thing
6. Colombian Necktie
7. Kitty Empire
8. Ergot
9. Kasimir S. Pulaski Day
10. Fish Fry
11. Pavement Saw
12. Tiny, King of the Jews
13. Bombastic Intro
14. He's a Whore

Jack Bruce & Robin Trower - Seven Moons

pw: gta
Track List:

1. Seven Moons
2. Lives of Clay
3. Distant Places of the Heart
4. She's Not the One
5. So Far to Yesterday
6. Just Another Day
7. Perfect Place
8. Last Door
9. Bad Case of Celebrity
10. Come to Me
11. I'm Home

Nancy Wilson - Turned To Blue

Track List:

1. This Is All I Ask
2. Take Love Easy
3. Turned to Blue
4. Knitting Class
5. Be My Love
6. Taking a Chance on Love
7. Just Once
8. These Golden Years
9. I Don't Remember Ever Growing Up
10. Old Folks
11. I'll Be Seeing You

Roger Waters - In the Flesh[DVDRip]

Track List:

1. In the Flesh
2. Happiest Days of Our Lives
3. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2
4. Mother
5. Get Your Filthy Hands off My Desert
6. Southampton Dock
7. Pigs on the Wing, Pt. 1
8. Dogs
9. Welcome to the Machine
10. Wish You Were Here
11. Shine on You Crazy Diamond (Pts. 1-8)
12. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
13. Breathe (In the Air)
14. Time
15. Money
16. Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking, Pt. 11 (AKA 5:06 AM- Every ...)
17. Perfect Sense (Pts. I & 2)
18. Bravery of Being Out of Range
19. It's a Miracle
20. Amused to Death
21. Brain Damage
22. Eclipse
23. Comfortably Numb
24. Each Small Candle

Roger Waters - In the Flesh

Track List:

DIsc 1

1. In The Flesh
2. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
3. Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2
4. Mother
5. Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
6. Southampton Dock
7. Pigs On The Wing, Part 1
8. Dogs
9. Welcome To The Machine
10. Wish You Were Here
11. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-8)
12. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

DIsc 2

1. Breath (In The Air)
2. Time
3. Money
4. Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking Part 11 (aka 5:06 a.m. - Every Stranger's Eyes)
5. Perfect Sense (Parts I and II)
6. The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range
7. It's A Miracle
8. Amused To Death
9. Brain Damage
10. Eclipse
11. Dark Side Of The Moon
12. Each Small Candle

Mama Cass - Bubblegum, Lemonade & Something For Mama

Track List:

1. It's Getting Better
2. Blow Me a Kiss
3. Sour Grapes
4. Easy Come, Easy Go
5. I Can Dream, Can't I
6. Welcome to the World
7. Lady Love
8. He's a Runner
9. Move in a Little Closer, Baby
10. When I Just Wear My Smile
11. Who's to Blame
12. Make Your Own Kind of Music

Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Track List:

1. Post War Dream
2. Your Possible Pasts
3. One of the Few
4. Hero's Return
5. Gunners Dream
6. Paranoid Eyes
7. Get Your Filthy Hands off My Desert
8. Fletcher Memorial Home
9. Southampton Dock
10. Final Cut
11. Not Now John
12. Two Suns in the Sunset

Pink Floyd - A Momentary Lapse of Reason

Track List:

1. Signs of Life [Instrumental]
2. Learning to Fly
3. Dogs of War
4. One Slip
5. On the Turning Away
6. Yet Another Movie/Round and Around
7. New Machine, Pt. 1
8. Terminal Frost
9. New Machine, Pt. 2
10. Sorrow

Van Halen - Women and Children First

Track List:

1. And the Cradle Will Rock...
2. Everybody Wants Some!!
3. Fools
4. Romeo Delight
5. Tora! Tora!
6. Loss of Control
7. Take Your Whiskey Home
8. Could This Be Magic?
9. In a Simple Rhyme

Van Halen - Van Halen II

Track List:

1. You're No Good
2. Dance The Night Away
3. Somebody Get Me A Doctor
4. Bottoms Up!
5. Outta Love Again
6. Light Up The Sky
7. Spanish Fly
8. D.O.A.
9. Women In Love...
10. Beautiful Girls

Led Zeppelin - Mothership[2CD+DVDRip]

Track List:

Disc 1

1. Good Times Bad Times
2. Communication Breakdown
3. Dazed and Confused
4. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
5. Whole Lotta Love
6. Ramble On
7. Heartbreaker
8. Immigrant Song
9. Since I've Been Loving You
10. Rock and Roll
11. Black Dog
12. When The Levee Breaks
13. Stairway To Heaven

Disc 2

1. Song Remains The Same
2. Over The Hills And Far Away
3. D'Yer Maker
4. No Quarter
5. Trampled Under Foot
6. Houses Of The Holy
7. Kashmir
8. Nobody's Fault But Mine
9. Achilles Last Stand
10. In The Evening
11. All My Love

Disc 3

1. We're Gonna Groove
2. I Can't Quit You Babe (DVD)
3. Dazed & Confused (DVD)
4. White Summer (DVD)
5. What Is & What Should Never Be (DVD)
6. Moby Dick (DVD)
7. Whole Lotta Love
8. Communication Breakdown
9. Bring It On Home
10. Immigrant Song
11. Black Dog
12. Misty Mountain Hop
13. Going To California
14. In My Time Of Dying
15. Stairway To Heaven
16. Rock and Roll
17. Nobody's Fault But Mine
18. Kashmir
19. Whole Lotta Love(DVD)

Foreigner - Alive and Rockin'[DVDRip]

Track List:

1. Double Vision [DVD]
2. Head Games [DVD]
3. Dirty White Boy [DVD]
4. Cold as Ice [DVD]
5. Starrider [DVD]
6. Feels Like the First Time [DVD]
7. Urgent [DVD]
8. Juke Box Hero/Whole Lotta Love [DVD]
9. Hot Blooded [DVD]
10. [Bonus Features] [DVD]

Friday, January 25, 2008

[MP3]The Duke Spirit, The Cardigans, The Doors

The Duke Spirit - Neptune

Track List:

1. I Do Believe
2. Send A Little Love Token
3. The Step And The Walk
4. Dog Roses
5. Into The Fold
6. This Ship Was Built To Last
7. Wooden Heart
8. You Really Wake Up
9. The Love In Me
10. My Sunken Treasure
11. Lassoo
12. Neptune's Call
13. Sovereign

The Cardigans - Best Of

Track List:

Disc 1

1. Rise & Shine
2. Sick & Tired
3. After All...
4. Carnival
5. Daddy’s Car
6. Lovefool
7. Been It
8. Losers
9. War
10. My Favourite Game
11. Erase/Rewind
12. Hanging Around
13. Higher
14. For What It’s Worth
15. You’re the Storm
16. Live and Learn”
17. Communication
18. I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
19. Don’t Blame Your Daughter (Diamonds)
20. Godspell
21. Burning Down the House (Tom Jones Feat. The Cardigans)

Disc 2

1. Pooh Song
2. After All... - Demo ‘93
3. I Figured Out - Demo ‘93
4. Laika
5. Plain Parade
6. Emmerdale
7. Carnival - Puck Version
8. Happy Meal I
9. Nasty Sunny Beam
10. Blah Blah Blah
11. Losers - Fist Try
12. Country Hell
13. Lovefool - Puck Version
14. War - First Try
15. Deuce
16. The Road
17. Hold Me - Mini Version
18. Hold Me
19. If There Is A Chance
20. For The Boys
21. (If You Were) Less Like Me
22. Slowdown Town
23. Give Me Your Eyes
24. Slow

Mick Jagger - The Very Best Of

Track List:

1. God Gave Me Everything
2. Put Me In The Trash
3. Just Another Night
4. Don't Tear Me Up
5. Charmed Life
6. Sweet Thing
7. Old Habits Die Hard
8. Dancing In The Street
9. Too Many Cooks
10. Memo From Turner
11. Lucky In Love
12. Let's Work
13. Joy
14. Don't Call Me Up
15. Checkin' Up On My Baby
16. (You Gotta Walk And) Don't Look Back
17. Evening Gown

The Cranberries - To The Faithful Departed

Track List:

1. Hollywood
2. Salvation
3. When You're Gone
4. Free to Decide
5. War Child
6. Forever Yellow Skies
7. Rebels
8. I Just Shot John Lennon
9. Electric Blue
10. I'm Still Remembering
11. Will You Remember?
12. Joe
13. Bosnia

Genesis - Invisible Touch

Track List:

1. Invisible Touch
2. Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
3. Land of Confusion
4. In Too Deep
5. Anything She Does
6. Domino / Part One - In the Glow of the Night / Part Two - The Last Domino
7. Throwing it all Away
8. The Brazilian

Genesis - We Can't Dance

Track List:

1. No Son of Mine
2. Jesus He Knows Me
3. Driving the Last Spike
4. I Can't Dance
5. Never a Time
6. Dreaming While you Sleep
7. Tell Me Why
8. Living Forever
9. Hold on my Heart
10. Way of the World
11. Since I Lost You
12. Fading Lights

Genesis - Abacab

Track List:

1. Abacab
2. No Reply at All
3. Me and Sarah Jane
4. Keep it Dark
5. Dodo/Lurker
6. Whodunnit?
7. Man on the Corner
8. Like it or Not
9. Another Record

Toto - Best Ballads

pw: stanley01
Track List:

1. Secret Love
2. I'll Be Over You
3. Africa
4. 99
5. Mama
6. Somewhere Tonight
7. Takin' It Back
8. I Won't Hold You Back
9. Anna
10. Georgy Porgy
11. Lea
12. It's a Feeling
13. Rosanna
14. Angela
15. Only You
16. Out of Love
17. 2 Hearts

Toto - Toto IV

pw: stanley01
Track List:

1. Rossana
2. Make believe
3. I won't hold you back
4. Good for you
5. It's a feeling
6. Afraid of love
7. Lovers in the night
8. We made it
9. Waiting for your love
10. Africa

Toto - The Seventh One

pw: stanley01
Track List:

1. Pamela
2. You Got Me
3. Anna
4. Stop Loving You
5. Mushanga
6. Stay Away
7. Straight for the Heart
8. Only the Children
9. Thousand Years
10. These Chains
11. Home of the Brave

Toto - Tambu

pw: stanley01
Track List:

1. Gift of Faith
2. I Will Remember
3. Slipped Away
4. If You Belong to Me
5. Baby He's Your Man
6. Other End of Time
7. Turning Point
8. Time Is the Enemy
9. Just Can't Get to You
10. Drag Him to the Roof
11. Dave's Gone Skiing
12. Road Goes On

Toto - Love Songs

pw: stanley01
Track List:

1. Africa
2. I Won't Hold You Back
3. 99
4. Holyanna
5. Without Your Love
6. I'll Be Over You
7. Pamela
8. Stop Loving You
9. Right Part of Me
10. Anna
11. I Will Remember
12. No Love
13. Make Believe
14. Spanish Steps
15. Rosanna

Korn - ST

Track List:

1. Blind
2. Ball Tongue
3. Need To
4. Clown
5. Divine
6. Faget
7. Shoots and Ladders
8. Predictable
9. Fake
10. Lies
11. Helmet in the Bush
12. Daddy

Korn - Life Is Peachy

Track List:

1. Twist
2. Chi
3. Lost
4. Swallow
5. Porno Creep
6. Good God
7. Mr. Rogers
8. K@#0%!
9. No Place to Hide
10. Wicked
11. A.D.I.D.A.S.
12. Low Rider
13. Ass Itch
14. Kill You

Korn - Follow the Leader

Track List:

1. [Silence]
2. [Silence]
3. [Silence]
4. [Silence]
5. [Silence]
6. [Silence]
7. [Silence]
8. [Silence]
9. [Silence]
10. [Silence]
11. [Silence]
12. [Silence]
13. It's On!
14. Freak on a Leash
15. Got the Life
16. Dead Bodies Everywhere
17. Children of the Korn
18. B.B.K.
19. Pretty
20. All in the Family
21. Reclaim My Place
22. Justin
23. Seed
24. Cameltosis
25. My Gift to You

Korn - Issues

Track List:

1. Dead
2. Falling Away from Me
3. Trash
4. 4 U
5. Beg for Me
6. Make Me Bad
7. It's Gonna Go Away
8. Wake Up
9. Am I Going Crazy
10. Hey Daddy
11. Somebody Someone
12. No Way
13. Let's Get This Party Started
14. Wish You Could Be Me
15. Counting
16. Dirty

Korn - Untouchables

Track List:

1. Here To Stay
2. Make Believe
3. Blame
4. Hollow Life
5. Bottled Up Inside
6. Thoughtless
7. Hating
8. One More Time
9. Alone I Break
10. Embrace
11. Beat It Upright
12. Wake Up Hate
13. I'm Hiding
14. No One's There

Korn - Take A Look In The Mirror

Track List:

1. Right Now - Dirty Version
2. Break Some Off
3. Counting On Me
4. Here It Comes Again
5. Deep Inside
6. Did My Time
7. Everything I've Known
8. Play Me (featuring Nas)
9. Alive
10. Let's Do This Now
11. I'm Done
12. Ya'll Want A Single
13. When Will This End
14. One

Korn - Greatest hits Vol. 1

Track List:

1. Word Up!
2. Another Brick in the Wall, Pts. 1, 2 & 3
3. Y'All Want a Single
4. Right Now
5. Did My Time
6. Alone I Break
7. Here to Stay
8. Trash
9. Somebody Someone
10. Make Me Bad
11. Falling Away from Me
12. Got the Life
13. Freak on a Leash
14. Twist
15. A.D.I.D.A.S.
16. Clown
17. Shoots and Ladders
18. Blind
19. Freak on a Leash [Dante Ross Mix]

Korn - See You On The Other Side

Track List:

1. Twisted Transistor
2. Politics
3. Hypocrites
4. Souvenir
5. 10 Or A 2-Way
6. Throw Me Away
7. Love Song
8. Open Up
9. Coming Undone
10. Getting Off
11. Liar
12. For No One
13. Seen It All
14. Tearjerker

Korn - MTV Unplugged

Track List:

1. Blind
2. Hollow Life
3. Freak On A Leash feat. Amy Lee from Evanescence
4. Falling Away From Me
5. Creep
6. Love Song
7. Got The Life
8. Twisted Transistor
9. Coming Undone
10. Make Me Bad / In Between Days feat. The Cure
11. Throw Me Away

Korn - Untitled

Track List:

1. Intro
2. Starting Over
3. Bitch We Got a Problem
4. Evolution
5. Hold On
6. Kiss
7. Do What They Say
8. Ever Be
9. Love and Luxury
10. Innocent Bystander
11. Killing
12. Hushabye
13. I Will Protect You

Dean Martin - The Very Best Of: The Capitol & Reprise Years

pw: Aggelos
Track List:

1. Everybody Loves Somebody
2. You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You
3. (Remember Me) I'm The One Who Loves You
4. That's Amore
5. Volare (Nel Blue Di Pinto Di Blu)
6. Innamorata (Sweetheart)
7. Little Ole Wine Drinker Me
8. Sway
9. Cha Cha Cha D'Amour (Melodie D'Amour)
10. Powder Your Face With Sunshine (Smile Smile
11. Send Me The Pillow You Dream On
12. In Teh Misty Moonlight
13. Houston
14. I Will
15. Memories Are Made Of This
16. In The Chapel In The Moonlight
17. Return To Me (Ritorna-Me)
18. Standing On The Corner
19. The Door Is Still Open (To My Heart)
20. Somewhere There's A Someone
21. Ain't That A Kick In The Head

Social Distortion - Mommy's Little Monster

Track List:

1. The Creeps
2. Another State of Mind
3. It Wasn't Pretty Picture
4. Telling Them
5. Hour Darkness
6. Mommy's Little Monster
7. Anti-Fashion
8. All the Ansers
9. Moral Threat

Social Distortion - Prison Bound

Track List:

1. It's the Law
2. Indulgence
3. Like an Outlaw (For You)
4. Backstreet Girl
5. Prison Bound
6. No Pain No Gain
7. On My Nerves
8. I Want What I Want
9. Lawless
10. Lost Child

Social Distortion - ST

Track List:

1. So Far Away
2. Let It Be Me
3. Story of My Life
4. Sick Boys
5. Ring of Fire
6. Ball and Chain
7. It Coulda Been Me
8. She's A Knockout
9. A Place In My Heart
10. Drug Train

Social Distortion - Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

Track List:

1. Cold Feelings
2. Bad Luck
3. Making Believe
4. Born to Lose
5. Bye Bye Baby
6. When She Begins
7. 99 to Life
8. King of Fools
9. Sometimes I Do
10. This Time Darlin'
11. Ghost Town Blues

Social Distortion - White Light, White Heat, White Trash

Track List:

1. Dear Lover
2. Don't Drag Me Down
3. I Was Wrong
4. Through These Eyes
5. Down on the World Again
6. When the Angels Sing
7. Gotta Know the Rules
8. Crown of Thorns
9. Pleasure Seeker
10. Down Here (With the Rest of Us)

Social Distortion - Live at the Roxy

Track List:

1. Story of My Life
2. Bad Luck
3. Under My Thumb
4. Prison Bound
5. Mommy's Little Monster
6. Mass Hysteria
7. Creeps
8. Another State of Mind
9. Let It Be Me
10. No Pain, No Gain
11. Cold Feelings
12. Telling Them
13. I Was Wrong
14. 1945
15. Don't Drag Me Down
16. Ball and Chain
17. Ring of Fire

Social Distortion - Sex, Love and Rock 'n' Roll

Track List:

1. Reach For The Sky
2. Highway 101
3. Don't Take Me For Granted
4. Footprints On My Ceiling
5. Nickels And Dimes
6. I Wasn't Born To Follow
7. Winners And Losers
8. Faithless
9. Live Before You Die
10. Angel's Wings

Social Distortion - Greatest Hits

Track List:

1. Another State of Mind
2. Mommy's Little Monster
3. Prison Bound
4. Story of My Life
5. Ball and Chain
6. Ring of Fire
7. Bad Luck
8. When the Angels Sing
9. I Was Wrong
10. Reach for the Sky
11. Far Behind

Mike Ness - Under The Influences

Track List:

1. All I Can Do Is Cry
2. Gamblin' Man
3. Let the Jukebox Keep on Playing
4. I Fought the Law
5. Big Iron
6. One More Time
7. Six More Miles
8. Thief in the Night
9. Once a Day
10. Funnel of Love
11. House of Gold
12. Wildwood Flower
13. Ball and Chain (Honky Tonk)

Mike Ness - Cheating At Solitaire

Track List:

1. Devil in Miss Jones
2. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
3. Misery Loves Company
4. Crime Don't Pay
5. Rest of Our Lives
6. You Win Again
7. Cheating at Solitaire
8. No Man's Friend
9. Charmed Life
10. Dope Fiend Blues
11. Ballad of a Lonely Man
12. I'm in Love w/My Car
13. If You Leave Before Me
14. Long Black Veil
15. Send Her Back

Social Distortion - Live in Orange County[DVDRip]

Track List:

1. Making Believe
2. 1945
3. Sick Boy
4. Telling Them
5. Bad Luck
6. Footprints on My Ceiling
7. Don't Drag Me Down
8. I Wasn't Born to Follow
9. Another State of Mind
10. Creeps
11. Mommy's Little Monster
12. Mass Hysteria
13. 99 to Life
14. Ring of Fire
15. Story of My Life

Jeff Beck - Jeff Beck's Guitar Shop

Track List:

1. Guitar Shop
2. Savoy
3. Behind The Veil
4. Big Block
5. Where Were You
6. Stand On It
7. Day In The House
8. Two Rivers
9. Sling Shot

Jeff Beck - Blow by Blow

Track List:

1. You Know What I Mean
2. She's A Woman
3. Constipated Duck
4. AIR Blower
5. Scatterbrain
6. Cause We've Ended As Lovers
7. Thelonious
8. Freeway Jam
9. Diamond Dust

Jeff Beck - Who Else!

Track List:

1. What Mama Said
2. Psycho Sam
3. Brush with the Blues
4. Blast from the East
5. Space for the Papa
6. Angel (Footsteps)
7. THX138
8. Hip-Notica
9. Even Odds
10. Declan
11. Another Place

Jeff Beck - You Had It Coming

Track List:

1. Earthquake
2. Roy's Toy
3. Dirty Mind
4. Rollin' & Tumblin'
5. Nadia
6. Loose Cannon
7. Rosebud
8. Left Hook
9. Blackbird
10. Suspension

Jeff Beck - Jeff

Track List:

1. So What
2. Plan B
3. Pork-U-Pine
4. Seasons
5. Trouble Man
6. Grease Monkey
7. Hot Rod Honeymoon
8. Line Dancing With Monkeys
9. JB's Blues
10. Pay Me No Mind
11. My Thing
12. Bulgaria
13. Why Lord Oh Why?

Iggy Pop - The Idiot

Track List:

1. Sister Midnight
2. Nightclubbing
3. Funtime
4. Baby
5. China Girl
6. Dum Dum Boys
7. Tiny Girls
8. Mass Production

Iggy Pop - Lust For Life

Track List:

1. Lust For Life
2. Sixteen
3. Some Weird Sin
4. The Passenger
5. Tonight
6. Success
7. Turn Blue
8. Neighborhood Threat
9. Fall In Love With Me

Iggy Pop - New Values

Track List:

1. Tell Me a Story
2. New Values
3. Girls
4. I'm Bored
5. Don't Look Down
6. Endless Sea
7. Five Foot One
8. How Do Ya Fix a Broken Part
9. Angel
10. Curiosity
11. African Man
12. Billy Is a Runaway

Iggy Pop - Soldier

Track List:

1. Loco Mosquito
2. Ambition
3. Knocking 'Em Down (In the City)
4. Play It Safe
5. Get Up and Get Out
6. Mr. Dynamite
7. Dog Food
8. I Need More
9. Take Care of Me
10. I'm a Conservative
11. I Snub You

Iggy Pop - Party

Track List:

1. Pleasure
2. Rock and Roll Party
3. Eggs on Plate
4. Sincerity
5. Houston Is Hot Tonight
6. Pumpin' for Jill
7. Happy Man
8. Bang Bang
9. Sea of Love
10. Time Won't Let Me

Iggy Pop - Zombie Birdhouse

Track List:

1. Run Like a Villain
2. Villagers
3. Angry Hills
4. Life of Work
5. Ballad of Cookie Mcbride
6. Ordinary Bummer
7. Eat or Be Eaten
8. Bulldozer
9. Platonic
10. Horse Song
11. Watching the News
12. Street Crazies
13. Pain and Suffering

Iggy Pop - Blah Blah Blah

Track List:

1. Real Wild Child
2. Baby, It Can't Fall
3. Shades
4. Fire Girl
5. Isolation
6. Cry for Love
7. Blah-Blah-Blah
8. Hide Away
9. Winners and Losers
10. Little Miss Emperor

Iggy Pop - Instinct

Track List:

1. Cold Metal
2. High on You
3. Strong Girl
4. Tom Tom
5. Easy Rider
6. Power and Freedom
7. Lowdown
8. Instinct
9. Tuff Baby
10. Squarehead

Iggy Pop - Brick By Brick

Track List:

1. Home
2. Main Street Eyes
3. I Won't Crap Out
4. Candy
5. Butt Town
6. Undefeated
7. Moonlight Lady
8. Something Wild
9. Neon Forest
10. Starry Night
11. Pussy Power
12. My Baby Wants to Rock & Roll
13. Brick by Brick
14. Livin' On the Edge of the Night

Iggy Pop - American Caesar

Track List:

1. Character
2. Wild America
3. Mixin' the Colors
4. Jealousy
5. Hate
6. It's Our Love
7. Plastic & Concrete
8. Fuckin' Alone
9. Highway Song
10. Beside You
11. Sickness
12. Boogie Boy
13. Perforation Problems
14. Social Life
15. Louie, Louie
16. Caesar

Iggy Pop - Naughty Little Doggie

Track List:

1. I Wanna Live
2. Pussy Walk
3. Innocent World
4. Knucklehead
5. To Belong
6. Keep on Believing
7. Outta My Head
8. Shoeshine Girl
9. Heart Is Saved
10. Look Away

Iggy Pop - Avenue B

Track List:

1. No Shit
2. Nazi Girlfriend
3. Avenue B
4. Miss Argentina
5. Afraid to Get Close
6. Shakin' All Over
7. Long Distance
8. Corruption
9. She Called Me Daddy
10. I Felt the Luxury
11. Espanol
12. Motorcycle
13. Facade

Iggy Pop - Beat Em Up

Track List:

1. Mask
2. L.O.S.T.
3. Howl
4. Football
5. Savior
6. Beat 'Em Up
7. Talking Snake
8. Jerk
9. Death Is Certain
10. Go For The Throat
11. Weasels
12. Drink New Blood
13. It's All Shit
14. Ugliness
15. V.I.P.

Iggy Pop - Skull Ring

Track List:

1. Little Electric Chair
2. Perverts In The Sun
3. Skull Ring
4. Superbabe
5. Loser
6. Private Hell
7. Little Know It All
8. Whatever
9. Dead Rock Star
10. Rock Show
11. Here Comes The Summer
12. Motor Inn
13. Inferiority Complex
14. Supermarket
15. Til Wrong Feels Right
16. Blood On Your Cool
17. Nervous Exhaustion

Iggy Pop - The Best of Iggy Pop...Live

Track List:

1. Raw Power
2. High On You
3. Nightclubbing
4. China Girl
5. Blah Blah Blah
6. No Fun
8. TV Eye
9. Easy Rider
10. I Need Somebody
11. 5 Foot 1
12. I Wanna Be Your Dog
13. Passenger
14. I Got A Right
15. Some Weird Sin
16. Real Wild Child
17. Lust For Life
18. Search 'n' Destroy

The Doors - Perception

Track List:

1--The Doors

1. Break On Through (To The Other Side)
2. Soul Kitchen
3. The Crystal Ship
4. Twentieth Century Fox
5. Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)
6. Light My Fire
7. Back Door Man
8. I Looked at You
9. End of the Night
10. Take It As It Comes
11. The End
12. Moonlight Drive (Version 1)
13. Moonlight Drive (Version 2)
14. Indian Summer (8/19/66 Vocal)

2--Strange Days

1. Strange Days
2. You're Lost Little Girl
3. Love Me Two Times
4. Unhappy Girl
5. Horse Latitudes
6. Moonlight Drive
7. People Are Strange
8. My Eyes Have Seen You
9. I Can't See Your Face In My Mind
10. When the Music's Over
11. People Are Strange (False Starts & Dialogue)
12. Love Me Two Times (Take 3)

3--Waiting For the Sun

1. Hello, I Love You
2. Love Street
3. Not To Touch the Earth
4. Summer's Almost Gone
5. Wintertime Love
6. The Unknown Soldier
7. Spanish Caravan
8. My Wild Love
9. We Could Be So Good Together
10. Yes, The River Knows
11. Five to One
12. Albinoni's Adagio In G Minor
13. Not to Touch the Earth (Dialogue)
14. Not to Touch the Earth (Take 1)
15. Not to Touch the Earth (Take 2)
16. Celebration of the Lizard (An Experiment/Work In Progress)

4--The Soft Parade

1. Tell All the People
2. Touch Me
3. Shaman's Blues
4. Do It
5. Easy Ride
6. Wild Child
7. Runnin' Blue
8. Wishful Sinful
9. The Soft Parade
10. Who Scared You
11. Whiskey, Mystics and Men (Version 1)
12. Whiskey, Mystics and Men (Version 2)
13. Push Push
14. Touch Me (Dialogue)
15. Touch Me (Take 3)

5--Morrison Hotel

1. Roadhouse Blues
2. Waiting for the Sun
3. You Make Me Real
4. Peace Frog
5. Blue Sunday
6. Ship of Fools
7. Land Ho!
8. The Spy
9. Queen of the Highway
10. Indian Summer
11. Maggie M'Gill
12. Talking Blues
13. Roadhouse Blues (11/4/69, Takes 1-3)
14. Roadhouse Blues (11/4/69, Take 6)
15. Carol (11/4/69)
16. Roadhouse Blues (11/5/69, Take 1)
17. “Money Beats Soul” (11/5/69)
18. Roadhouse Blues (11/5/69, Takes 13-15)
19. Peace Frog (False Starts & Dialogue)
20. The Spy (Version 2)
21. Queen of the Highway (Jazz Version)

6--L.A. Woman

1. The Changeling
2. Love Her Madly
3. Been Down So Long
4. Cars Hiss By My Window
5. L.A. Woman
6. L’America
7. Hyacinth House
8. Crawling King Snake
9. The Wasp (Texas Radio and the Big Beat)
10. Riders on the Storm
11. Orange County Suite
12. (You Need Meat) Don't Go No Further

a-ha - Stay On These Roads

Track List:

1. Stay on These Roads
2. Blood That Moves the Body
3. Touchy!
4. This Alone Is Love
5. Hurry Home
6. Living Daylights
7. There's Never a Forever Thing
8. Out of Blue Comes Green
9. You Are the One
10. You'll End Up Crying

The Turtles - 20 Greatest Hits

Track List:

1. It Ain't Me Babe
2. Let Me Be
3. Eve of Destruction
4. You Baby
5. Grim Reaper of Love
6. Can I Get to Know You Better
7. Outside Chance
8. Happy Together
9. She'd Rather Be With Me
10. Me About You
11. Guide for the Married Man
12. She's My Girl
13. You Know What I Mean
14. Sound Asleep
15. Elenore
16. You Showed Me
17. Story of Rock & Roll
18. You Don't Have to Walk in the Rain
19. Love in the City
20. Lady-O

Lordi - Beast Loose In Paradise

Track List:

1. Beast Loose In Paradise (Radio Edit)
2. Beast Loose In Paradise (Dark Floors Version)

Donna Summer - Bad Girls[Deluxe Edition]

Track List:

Disc 1

1. Hot Stuff
2. Bad Girls
3. Love Will Always Find You
4. Walk Away
5. Dim All The Lights
6. Journey To The Center Of Your Heart
7. One Night In A Lifetime
8. Can't Get To Sleep At Night
9. On My Honour
10. There Will Always Be A You
11. All Through The Night
12. My Baby Understands
13. Our Love
14. Lucky
15. Sunset People
16. Bad Girls (Demo Version)

Disc 2

1. I Feel Love (12" Single)
2. Last Dance (Promo 12" Mix)
3. Mac Arthur Park Suite (12" Single)
4. Hot Stuff (12" Single)
5. Bad Girls (12" Single)
6. Walk Away (Promo 12" Mix)
7. Dim All The Lights (12" Single)
8. No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) feat Barbra Streisand (12" Single)
9. On The Radio (Long Version)

Sparks - Terminal Jive

Track List:

1. When I'm With You
2. Just Because You Love Me
3. Rock 'N Roll People in a Disco World
4. When I'm With You [Instrumental]
5. Young Girls
6. Noisy Boys
7. Stereo
8. Greatest Show on Earth

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

[MP3]American Music Club, Area, Motorhead

American Music Club - The Golden Age

Track List:

1. All My Love
2. The Victory Choir
3. The Decibels and the Little Pills
4. The Sleeping Beauty
5. The Stars
6. All the Lost Souls Welcome You to San Francisco
7. Who You Are
8. The Windows of the World
9. One Step Ahead
10. The Dance
11. I know That's Not Really You
12. On My Way
13. The Grand Duchess of San Francisco

Orange Blossom - Everything Must Change

Track List:

1. Maldito
2. Habibi
3. Cheft El Khof
4. Desert Dub
5. Nafsi
6. Souffrance
7. Blama
8. Yazaman
9. Denya
10. Bendimina

10,000 Maniacs - In My Tribe

Track List:

1. What's the Matter Here?
2. Hey Jack Kerouac
3. Like the Weather
4. Cherry Tree
5. The Painted Desert
6. Don't Talk
7. Peace Train
8. Gun Shy
9. My Sister Rose
10. A Campfire Song
11. City of Angels
12. Verdi Cries

DJ Shadow & Cut Chemist - The Hard Sell

Track List:

1. Side One
2. Side Two

Reel People - Seven Ways To Wonder

Track List:

1. Alibi
2. Outta Love
3. Amazing
4. Rise And Fly
5. It Will Be
6. Perfect Sky
7. Ordinary Man
8. High
9. Anything You Want
10. Upside
11. Love Is Where You Are
12. Outta Love (Reprise)

Willie Nelson - Moment Of Forever

Track List:

1. Over You Again
2. Moment Of Forever
3. The Bob Song
4. Louisiana
5. Gravedigger
6. Keep Me From Blowing Away
7. Takin' On Water
8. Always Now
9. I'm Alive
10. When I Was Young And Grandma Wasn't Old
11. Worry B Gone
12. You Don't Think I'm Funny Anymore
13. Gotta Serve Somebody /(Hidden Track)You Don't Think I'm Funny Anymore

Suzzy & Maggie Roche - Why The Long Face

Track List:

1. I Don't Have You
2. Broken Places
3. Who Cares
4. Warwick Flog
5. Vie C'est la Vie
6. Don't Be Afraid
7. One Season
8. Long Lonely Road to Nowhere
9. For Those Whose Work Is Invisible
10. Training Wheels
11. Day in the Life of a Tree

The Helio Sequence - Keep Your Eyes Ahead

Track List:

1. Lately
2. Can't Say No
3. The Captive Mind
4. You Can Come to Me
5. Shed Your Love
6. Keep Your Eyes Ahead
7. Back to This
8. Hallelujah
9. Broken Afternoon
10. No Regrets

The Pierces - Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge

Track List:

1. Secret
2. Boring
3. Sticks and Stones
4. Lights On
5. Lies
6. Turn on Billie
7. Ruin
8. Three Wishes
9. Power of...
10. Kill! Kill! Kill!
11. It Was You
12. Boy in a Rock and Roll Band
13. Go to Heaven

Hot Chip - Made in the Dark

Track List:

1. Out At The Pictures
2. Shake A Fist
3. Ready For The Floor
4. Bendable Poseable
5. We're Looking For A Lot Of Love
6. Touch Too Much
7. Made In The Dark
8. One Pure Thought
9. Hold On
10. Wrestlers
11. Don't Dance
12. Whistle For Will
13. In The Privacy Of Our Love

The Ruby Suns - Sea Lion

Track List:

1. Blue Penguin
2. Oh, Mojave
3. Tane Mahuta
4. There Are Birds
5. It's Mwangi in Front of Me
6. Remember
7. Ole Rinka
8. Adventure Tour
9. Kenya Dig It?
10. Morning Sun

Christopher Walla - Field Manual

Track List:

1. Two-Fifty
2. The Score
3. Sing Again
4. A Bird Is A Song
5. Geometry &c.
6. Everyone Needs A Home
7. Everybody On
8. Our Plans, Collapsing
9. Archer v. Light
10. St. Modesto
11. It's Unsustainable
12. Holes

Blue System - Here I Am

Track List:

1. Love Will Drive Me Crazy
2. Anything
3. I Miss You
4. I Love the Way You Are
5. Don't Do That
6. Baby Believe Me
7. You Are Lyin'
8. C'Est la Vie
9. Every Day, Every Night
10. Shame Shame Shame
11. I Believe You Are an Angel

Blue System - Body To Body

Track List:

1. Body to Body [Radio Version]
2. Only With You [Radio Version]
3. For the Children
4. It's for You
5. Dam Dam
6. Can This Be Love?
7. On and On
8. Freedom
9. Deeper & Deeper
10. Oh I Miss You
11. Thank God, It's Friday Night

Blue System - Forever Blue

Track List:

1. Laila
2. I Wanna Smile
3. Baby Jealousy
4. Taxi Girl
5. All What I Need
6. Marvin's Song
7. Love Is Not a Tragedy
8. Here I Go Again
9. Chambre Pour la Nuit
10. It's Ecstasy
11. It's More

Blue System - 21st Century

Track List:

1. Welcome to the 21st Century
2. 6 Years - 6 Nights
3. Venice in the Rain
4. If I Will Rule the World
5. Sacrifice
6. When Bogart Talks to You
7. That's Love
8. Lady Unforgettable
9. This Old Town
10. 21st Century
11. Sister Cool
12. See You in the 22nd Century

Blue System - Backstreet Dreams

Track List:

1. History
2. Operator
3. Backstreet Heaven
4. You Are an Angel
5. I'm So Excited
6. Dirty Money
7. Ballerina Girl
8. Lovers in a Missing World
9. Talk to Me
10. Michael Has Gone for a Soldier
11. Don't You Want My Foolish Heart

Blue System - Hello America

Track List:

1. Romeo & Juliet
2. Crossing the River
3. I Will Survive
4. I Like Your Sexy Body
5. Satellite to Satellite
6. Hello America
7. Vampire
8. Wonderful World
9. Heartache No. 9
10. Unfinished Rhapsodic
11. Final

Blue System - Deja Vu

Track List:

1. Deja Vu
2. It's All Over
3. New York - Berlin - Paris
4. Mrs. Jones
5. Sexy Thing
6. Praying to the Aliens
7. Dressed in Blue
8. Better Than the Rest
9. Is It Love?
10. Just Say No

Blue System - Seeds of Heaven

Track List:

1. Serenata (Overture)
2. Lucifer
3. Testamente d'Amelia
4. Is She Really Going Out With Him?
5. Read My Lips
6. Is It a Shame
7. Sad Girl in the Sunset
8. Lisa Said
9. Wind Cries (Who Killed Norma Jean)
10. Don't Tell Me

Blue System - Obsession

Track List:

1. Love Is Such a Lonely Sword
2. When Sarah Smiles
3. Behind the Silence
4. 2000 Miles
5. Two Hearts Beat as One
6. 48 Hours
7. I'm Not That Kind of Guy
8. Try the Impossible
9. Another Lonely Night
10. I'm the Pilot of Your Love

Blue System - Twilight

Track List:

1. Magic Symphony
2. Love Me on the Rocks
3. Save Me
4. Nobody Makes Me Crazy (Like You Do)
5. Madonna Blue
6. Call Me Dr. Love (A New Dimension) [A New Dimenson]
7. Little Jeannie
8. Carry Me Oh Carrie
9. Big Yellow Taxi
10. Everything I Own

Blue System - Body Heat

Track List:

1. Under My Skin
2. Do You Wanna Be My Girlfriend
3. Titanic 650604
4. Love Suite
5. Body Heat [Long Version]
6. My Bed Is Too Big
7. Too Young
8. Sorry Little Sarah [New York Dance Mix]
9. Silent Water [Aus Dem Schhimanski - Tatort Moltke]
10. I Want to Be Your Brother

The Searchers - Greatest Hits

Track List:

1. Sweets for My Sweet
2. Love Potion No. 9
3. Sugar and Spice
4. Ain't That Just Like Me
5. Needles and Pins
6. Don't Throw Your Love Away
7. Someday We're Gonna Love Again
8. When You Walk in the Room
9. What Have They Done to the Rain?
10. Goodbye My Love
11. Bumble Bee
12. He's Got No Love
13. When I Get Home
14. Take Me for What I'm Worth
15. Each Time
16. Everybody Come and Clap Your Hands
17. Have You Ever Loved Somebody
18. Second Hand Dealer

Area - Arbeit Macht Frei

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Luglio, Agosto, Settembre (Nero)
2. Arbeit Macht Frei
3. Consapevolezza
4. Labbra del Tempo
5. 240 Chilometri da Smirne
6. Abbattimento Delio Zeppelin

Area - Caution Radiation Area

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Cometa Rossa
2. ZYG
3. Brujo
4. Mirage, Mirage
5. Lobotomia

Area - Are(A)zione

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Luglio, Agosto, Settembre (Nero)
2. Mela di Odessa
3. Cometa Rossa
4. Area(A)zione
5. Internationale

Area - Crac!

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Elefante Bianco
2. Mela Di Odessa [1920]
3. Megalopoli
4. Nervi Scoperti
5. Gioia E Rivoluzione
6. Implosion
7. Area 5

Area - Event '76

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Caos II, Pt. 1
2. Caos II, Pt. 2
3. Event '76

Area - Maledetti

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Evaporazione
2. Diforisma Urbano
3. Gerontocrazia
4. Scum
5. Massacro Di Brandeburgo Numero Tre in Sol Maggiore
6. Caos, Pt. 2

Area - 1978 Gli Dei Se Ne Vanno, Gli Arrabbiati Restano

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Il Bandito Del Deserto
2. Interno Con Figure E Luci
3. Return From Workuta
4. Guardati Dal Mese Vicino All’Aprile!
5. Hommage A Violette Nozieres
6. Ici On Dance!
7. Acrostico In Memoria Di L’Aio
8. {fff}(Festa,Farina E Forca)
9. Vodka Cola

Area - Tic & Tac

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Torre Dell'achimista
2. Danza Ad Anello
3. A.S.A.
4. Lectric Rag
5. Luna Nel Pozzo
6. Tic & Tac
7. Quartet
8. Sibarotega
9. Chantee d'Amour
10. Antes de Hablar Abra la Boca

Area - Chernobyl 7991

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. 15.000 Umbrellas, Pt. 1
2. 15.000 Umbrellas, Pt. 2
3. Liquiescenza
4. Wedding Day
5. Chernobyl 7991
6. Fall Down
7. Il Faut Marteler
8. Efstrations
9. Mbira & Orizzonti
10. Colchide
11. Deriva (Sogni Sognati Vendesi)
12. Sedimentazioni

Area - Concerto Teatro Uomo

pw: farao25
Track List:

Disc 1

1. Evaporazione
2. Arbeit Macht Frei
3. Luglio, Agosto, Settembre (Nero)
4. Abbattimento Dello Zeppelin
5. ZYG
6. Cometa Rossa
7. Lobotomia
8. Massacro Di Brandeburgo Numero Tre in Sol Maggiore
9. Elefante Bianco
10. Gerontocrazia

DIsc 2

1. Mela Di Odessa
2. Gioia E Rivoluzione
3. Scum
4. Giro, Giro, Tondo
5. Internazionale
6. Boom Boom
7. Improvvisazione

Area - Gioia e Rivoluzione

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Luglio, agosto, settembre (nero)
2. Arbeit Macht frei
3. L'abbattimento dello zeppelin
4. Cometa rossa
5. Lobotomia
6. L'elefante bianco
7. La mela di Odessa
8. Gioia e rivoluzione
9. L'internazionale
10. Evaporazione
11. ll massacro di Brandeburgo n.3
12. Citazione da George L.Jackson

Area - Parigi-Lisboa

pw: farao25
Track List:

1. Elefante Bianco
2. Megalopoli
3. Mela Di Odessa
4. Lobotomia
5. Presentation Concerts Lisboa
6. Arbeit Macht Frei
7. Cometa Rossa
8. Luglio, Agosto, Settembre (Nero)
9. Internazionale

Area - Live In Torino 1977

pw: farao25
Track List:

Disc 1

1. Il massacro di Brandeburgo numero tre in sol Maggiore
2. Gerontocrazia
3. Scum
4. Giro, giro, tondo
5. Cometa rossa

Disc 2

1. La mela di Odessa
2. Luglio, Agosto, Settembre (nero)
3. L'Internazionale
4. Improvvisazione

Megadeth - Hidden Treasures

Track List:

1. No More Mr. Nice Guy
2. Breakpoint
3. Go To Hell
4. Angry Again
5. 99 Ways To Die
6. Paranoid
7. Diadems
8. Problems
9. A Tout Le Monde (Radio Edit)
10. Symphony Of Destruction (Demo)
11. Architecture Of Aggression (Demo)
12. New World Order (Demo)

Megadeth - United Abominations

Track List:

1. Sleepwalker
2. Washington Is Next!
3. Never Walk Alone...A Call To Arms
4. United Abominations
5. Gears Of War
6. Blessed Are The Dead
7. Play For Blood
8. A Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free)
9. Amerikhastan
10. You're Dead
11. Burnt Ice

Megadeth - The System Has Failed

Track List:

1. Blackmail The Univers
2. Die Dead Enough
3. Kick The Chair
4. The Scorpion
5. Tears In A Vial
6. I Know Jack
7. Back In The Day
8. Something I'm Not
9. Truth Be Told
10. Of Mice And Men
11. Shadow of Deth
12. My Kingdom Come

Megadeth - The World Needs a Hero

Track List:

1. Disconnect
2. The World Needs A Hero
3. Moto Psycho
4. 1000 Times Goodbye
5. Burning Bridges
6. Promises
7. Racipe For Hate...Warhorse
8. Losing My Senses
9. Dread And The Fugitive Mind
10. Silent Scorn
11. Return To Hangar
12. When

Megadeth - Risk

Track List:

Disc 1

1. Insomnia
2. Prince Of Darkness
3. Enter The Arena
4. Crush 'Em
5. Breadline
6. The Doctor Is Calling
7. I'll Be There
8. Wanderlust
9. Ecstacy
10. Seven
11. Time: The Beginning
12. Time: The End

Disc 2

1. Peace Sells...But Who's Buying
2. In My Darkest Hour
3. Holy Wars...The Punishment Due
4. Symphony Of Destruction
5. A Tout Le Monde
6. Use The Man

Megadeth - Cryptic Writings

Track List:

1. Trust
2. Almost Honest
3. Use the Man
4. Mastermind
5. Disintegrators
6. I'll Get Even
7. Sin
8. Secret Place
9. Have Cool, Will Travel
10. She-Wolf
11. Vortex
12. FFF

Megadeth - Youthanasia

Track List:

1. Reckoning Day
2. Train Of Consequences
3. Addicted To Chaos
4. A Tout Le Monde
5. Elysian Fields
6. The Killing Road
7. Blood Of Heroes
8. Family Tree
9. Youthanasia
10. I Thought I Knew It All
11. Black Curtains
12. Victory

Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction

Track List:

1. Skin O' My Teeth
2. Symphony Of Destruction
3. Architecture Of Aggression
4. Foreclosure Of A Dream
5. Sweating Bullets
6. This Was My Life
7. Countdown To Extinction
8. High Speed Dirt
9. Psychotron
10. Captive Honour
11. Ashes In Your Mouth

Megadeth - Rust in Peace

Track List:

1. Holy Wars...The Punishment Due
2. Hangar 18
3. Take No Prisoners
4. Five Magics
5. Poison Was The Cure
6. Lucretia
7. Tornado Of Souls
8. Dawn Patrol
9. Rust In Peace...Polaris

Megadeth - So Far, So Good... So What!

Track List:

1. Into The Lungs Of Hell
2. Set The World Afire
3. Anarchy In The U.K.
4. Mary Jane
5. 502
6. In My Darkest Hour
7. Liar
8. Hook In Mouth

Megadeth - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?

Track List:

1. Wake Up Dead
2. The Conjuring
3. Peace Sells
4. Devil's Island
5. Good Mourning / Black Friday
6. Bad Omen
7. I Ain't Superstitious
8. My Last Words

Megadeth - Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good

Track List:

1. Last Rites/Loved to Death
2. Killing is My Business...And Business Is Good
3. The Skull Beneath the Skin
4. Rattlehead
5. Chosen Ones
6. Looking Down the Cross
7. Mechanix
8. These Boots

Dave Brubeck - At Carnegie Hall

Track List:

Disc 1

1. St. Louis Blues
2. Bossa Nova U.S.A.
3. For All We Know
4. Pennies From Heaven
5. Southern Scene [Briar Bush]
6. Three to Get Ready

Disc 2

1. Eleven Four
2. It's a Raggy Waltz
3. King for a Day
4. Castillian Drums
5. Blue Rondo a la Turk
6. Take Five

Motorhead - On Parole

Track List:

1. Motorhead
2. On Parole
3. Vibrator
4. Iron Horse/Born to Lose
5. City Kids
6. Watcher
7. Leaving Here
8. Lost Johnny
9. Fools
10. On Parole [Alternate Take]
11. City Kids [Alternate Take]
12. Motorhead [Alternate Take]
13. Leaving Here [Alternate Take]

Motorhead - Overkill

Track List:

1. Overkill
2. Stay Clean
3. (I Won't) Pay Your Price
4. I'll Be Your Sister
5. Capricorn
6. No Class
7. Damage Case
8. Tear Ya Down [Instrumental Version]
9. Metropolis
10. Limb from Limb
11. Too Late, Too Late
12. Like a Nightmare
13. Louie, Louie
14. Tear Ya Down [Instrumental Version]
15. Louie, Louie [Instrumental Version]

Motorhead - No Sleep Til Hammersmith

Track List:

1. Ace of Spades
2. Stay Clean
3. Metropolis
4. Hammer
5. Iron Horse
6. No Class
7. Overkill
8. (We Are) The Road Crew
9. Capricorn
10. Bomber
11. Motorhead
12. Over the Top
13. Capricorn [Alternate Version]
14. Train Kept-A-Rollin

Motorhead - Iron Fist

Track List:

1. Iron Fist
2. Heart of Stone
3. I'm the Doctor
4. Go to Hell
5. Loser
6. Sex & Outrage
7. America
8. Shut It Down
9. Speedfreak
10. (Don't Let 'Em) Grind You Down [Alternate Version]
11. (Don't Need) Religion
12. Bang to Rights
13. Remember Me, I'm Gone
14. (Don't Let 'Em) Grind You Down [Alternate Version]
15. Lemmy Goes to the Pub [Alternate Version of Heart of Stone]
16. Same Old Song, I'm Gone [Alternate Version of Remember Me, I'm Gone]
17. Young and Crazy [Instrumental Version of Sex & Outrage]

Motorhead - Another Perfect Day

Track List:

1. Back at the Funny Farm
2. Shine
3. Dancing on Your Grave
4. Rock It
5. One Track Mind
6. Another Perfect Day
7. Marching off to War
8. I Got Mine
9. Tales of Glory
10. Die You Bastard!
11. Turn You Round Again
12. Hoochie Coochie Man
13. (Don't Need) Religion

Motorhead - Ace Of Spades

Track List:

1. Ace of Spades
2. Love Me Like a Reptile
3. Shoot You in the Back
4. Live to Win
5. Fast and Loose
6. (We Are) The Road Crew
7. Fire, Fire
8. Jailbait
9. Dance
10. Bite the Bullet
11. Chase Is Better Than the Catch
12. Hammer

Motorhead - Orgasmatron

Track List:

1. Deaf Forever
2. Nothing Up My Sleeve
3. Ain't My Crime
4. Claw [Alternate Version]
5. Mean Machine
6. Built for Speed
7. Ridin' With the Driver
8. Doctor Rock
9. Orgasmatron
10. On the Road
11. Steal Your Face
12. Claw [Alternate Version]

Motorhead - Rock 'N' Roll

Track List:

1. Rock 'N' Roll
2. Eat the Rich
3. Blackheart
4. Stone Deaf in the USA
5. Wolf
6. Traitor
7. Dogs
8. All for You
9. Boogeyman
10. Cradle to the Grave
11. Just 'Cos You Got the Power

Motorhead - 1916

Track List:

1. One to Sing the Blues
2. I'm So Bad (Baby I Don't Care)
3. No Voices in the Sky
4. Going to Brazil
5. Nightmare/The Dreamtime
6. Love Me Forever
7. Angel City
8. Make My Day
9. R.A.M.O.N.E.S.
10. Shut You Down
11. 1916

Motorhead - March Or Die

Track List:

1. Stand
2. Cat Scratch Fever
3. Bad Religion
4. Jack the Ripper
5. I Ain't No Nice Guy
6. Hellraiser
7. Asylum Choir
8. Too Good to Be True
9. You Better Run
10. Name in Vain
11. March or Die

Motorhead - Bastards

Track List:

1. On Your Feet or on Your Knees
2. Burner
3. Death or Glory
4. I Am the Sword
5. Born to Raise Hell
6. Don't Let Daddy Kiss Me
7. Bad Woman
8. Liar
9. Lost in the Ozone
10. I'm Your Man
11. We Bring the Shake
12. Devils

Motorhead - Sacrifice

Track List:

1. Sacrifice
2. Sex & Death
3. Over Your Shoulder
4. War For War
5. Order/fade To Black
6. Dog-face Boy
7. All Gone To Hell
8. Make'em Blind
9. Don't Waste Your Time
10. In Another Time
11. Out Of The Sun

Motorhead - Overnight Sensation

Track List:

1. Civil War
2. Crazy Like a Fox
3. I Don't Believe a Word
4. Eat the Sun
5. Overnight Sensation
6. Love Can't Buy You Money
7. Broken
8. Them Not Me
9. Murder Show
10. Shake the World
11. Listen to Your Heart

Motorhead - Snake Bite Love

Track List:

1. Love for Sale
2. Dogs of War
3. Snake Bite Love
4. Assassin
5. Take the Blame
6. Dead and Gone
7. Night Side
8. Don't Lie to Me
9. Joy of Labour
10. Desperate for You
11. Better Off Dead

Motorhead - We Are Motorhead

Track List:

1. See Me Burning
2. Slow Dance
3. Stay Out of Jail
4. God Save the Queen
5. Out to Lunch
6. Wake the Dead
7. One More Fucking Time
8. Stagefright/Crash & Burn
9. (Wearing Your) Heart on Your Sleeve
10. We Are Motorhead

Motorhead - Kiss Of Death

Track List:

1. Sucker
2. One Night Stand
3. Devil I Know
4. Trigger
5. Under the Gun
6. God Was Never on Your Side
7. Living in the Past
8. Christine
9. Sword of Glory
10. Be My Baby
11. Kingdom of the Worm
12. Going Down
13. R.A.M.O.N.E.S.

Monday, January 21, 2008

[MP3]Vanessa Hudgens, Eagles, Ringo Starr

Robert Palmer - Some Guys Have All The Luck

Track List:

1. I Didn't Mean to Turn You On
2. Every Kinda People
3. Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)
4. You Are in My System
5. You Can Have It (Take My Heart)
6. Discipline of Love
7. Best of Both World
8. Not a Second Time
9. Woke Up Laughing
10. Under Suspicion
11. Pride
12. Looking for Clues
13. Sulky Girl
14. Found You Now
15. Too Good to Be True
16. Want You More
17. Can We Still Be Friends?
18. Some Guys Have All the Luck

Status Quo - In The Army Now

Track List:

1. Rollin' Home
2. Calling
3. In Your Eyes
4. Save Me
5. In The Army Now
6. Dreamin'
7. End Of The Line
8. Invitation
9. Red Sky
10. Speechless
11. Overdose

Sparks - In Outer Space

Track List:

1. Cool Places
2. Popularity
3. Prayin' for a Party
4. All You Ever Think About Is Sex
5. Please, Baby, Please
6. Rockin' Girls
7. I Wish I Looked a Little Better
8. Lucky Me, Lucky You
9. Fun Bunch of Guys from Outer Space
10. Dance Godammit

UFO - The Monkey Puzzle

Track List:

1. Hard Being Me
2. Black And Blue
3. Heavenly Body
4. Some Other Guy
5. Who's Fooling Who
6. Drink Too Much
7. Down By The River
8. Rolling Man
9. World Cruise
10. Kingston Town
11. Good Buy You

UFO - Obsession

Track List:

1. Only You Can Rock Me
2. Pack It Up (And Go)
3. Arbory Hill
4. Ain't No Baby
5. Lookin' out for No. 1
6. Hot 'N' Ready
7. Cherry
8. You Don't Fool Me
9. Lookin' out for No. 1 (Reprise)
10. One More for the Rodeo
11. Born to Lose

Eurythmics - Be Yourself Tonight

Track List:

1. Would I Lie To You
2. There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart)
3. I Love You Like A Ball & Chain
4. Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves
5. Conditioned Soul
6. Adrian
7. It's Alright (Baby's Coming Back)
8. Here Comes That Sinking Feeling
9. Better To Have Lost In Love (Than Never To Have Loved At All)

Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)

Track List:

1. Love Is a Stranger
2. I've Got an Angel
3. Wrap It Up
4. I Could Give You (A Mirror)
5. Walk
6. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
7. Jennifer
8. This Is the House
9. Somebody Told Me
10. This City Never Sleeps

Eurythmics - Revenge

Track List:

1. Missionary Man
2. Thorn in My Side
3. When Tomorrow Comes
4. Last Time
5. Miracle of Love
6. Let's Go
7. Take Your Pain Away
8. Little of You
9. In This Town
10. I Remember You

Beats Antique - Tribal Derivations

Track List:

1. Battle
2. The Lantern
3. Tabla Toy
4. Rabat
5. Slow
6. Derivation
7. Trinkit
8. Break Me
9. Nau-Ashta
13.hidden track

Falco - The Remix Hit Collection

Track List:

1. Der Kommissar (Part 2)
2. Rock Me Amadeus Club Remix
3. Jeanny (Part 1)
4. Data De Groove Club Remix
5. Vienna Calling
6. Junge Romer
7. Wiener Blut Club Remix
8. Emotional
9. Coming Home (Jeanny Part 2)
10. Falco Megamix
11. The Sound Of Musik

Billy Idol - Greatest Hits

Track List:

1. Dancing With Myself
2. Mony Mony
3. Hot in the City
4. White Wedding, Pt. 1
5. Rebel Yell
6. Eyes Without a Face
7. Flesh for Fantasy
8. Catch My Fall
9. To Be a Lover
10. Don't Need a Gun [Single Edit]
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. Cradle of Love
13. L.A. Woman [Single Edit]
14. Shock to the System
15. Rebel Yell [Live and Acoustic]
16. Don't You (Forget About Me)

Cadaveria - In Your Blood

pw: ManHunter
Track List:

1. 100, 000 Faces
2. Dream
3. Anagram
4. Memento Audere Semper
5. Laying in Black
6. Queen of Forgotten
7. Exorcism to Chaos
8. Uneven Like Clouds
9. Before the Apes Came
10. Virtual Escape from Tragedy
11. Atypical Suggestions by a Dead Artist
12. Enlightened

The Cranberries - Stars: The Best of 1992-2002

Track List:

1. Dreams
2. Linger
3. Zombie
4. Ode To My Family
5. I Can't Be With You
6. Ridiculous Thoughts
7. Salvation
8. Free To Decide
9. When You're Gone
10. Hollywood
11. Promises
12. Animal Instinct
13. Just My Imagination
14. You And Me
15. Analyse
16. Time Is Ticking Out
17. This Is The Day
18. Daffodil Lament
19. New New York
20. Stars

Vanessa Hudgens - V

Track List:

1. Come Back To Me
2. Let Go
3. Say OK
4. Never Underestimate A Girl
5. Let's Dance
6. Drive
7. Afraid
8. Promise
9. Whatvever Will Be
10. Rather Be With You
11. Psychic
12. Lose Your Love

Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love

pw: rebel_ml
Track List:

1. Bleeding Love (Radio Edit)
2. Bleeding Love (Album Version)
3. Bleeding Love (Instrumental)
4. Forgiveness
5. Bleeding Love (Dance Mix)
6. Bleeding Love (Moto Blanco Radio Edit)
7. Bleeding Love (Moto Blanco Vocal Club Mix)
8. Bleeding Love (Moto Blanco Dub)
9. Run (Live Lounge)

Bjork - Declare Independence

pw: rebel_ml
Track List:

1. Declare Independence (Mark Stent Mix)
2. Declare Independence (Ghostigital In Deep End Dance Remix 12'')
3. Declare Independence (Mathew Herbert 12'')
4. Declare Independence (Mark Stent Instrumental)

Scorpions - Blackout

Track List:

1. Blackout
2. Can't Live Without You
3. No One Like You
4. You Give Me All I Need
5. Now
6. Dynamite
7. Arizona
8. China White
9. When the Smoke is Going Down

Sugababes - One Touch

pw: stanley01
Track List:

1. Overload
2. One Foot In
3. Same Old Story
4. Just Let It Go
5. Look At Me
6. Soul Sound
7. One Touch
8. Lush Life
9. Real Thing
10. New Year
11. Promises
12. Run For Cover

Cher - Dark Lady

pw: dulfer
Track List:

1. Train Of Thought
2. I Saw A Man And He Danced With His Wife
3. Make The Man Love Me
4. Just What I've Been Lookin' For
5. Dark Lady
6. Miss Subway Of 1952
7. Dixie Girl
8. Rescue Me
9. What'll I Do
10. Apples Don't Fall Far From The Tree

Ringo Starr - Liverpool 8

Track List:

1. Liverpool 8
2. Think About You
3. For Love
4. Now That She's Gone Away
5. Gone Are The Days
6. Give It A Try
7. Tuff Love
8. Harry's Song
9. Pasodobles
10. If It's Love That You Want
11. Love Is
12. R U Ready?

Beastie Boys - The Mix-Up

Track List:

1. B For My Name
2. 14th St. Break
3. Suco De Tangerina
4. The Gala Event
5. Electric Worm
6. Freaky Hijiki
7. Off The Grid
8. The Rat Cage
9. The Melee
10. Dramastically Different
11. The Cousin Of Death
12. The Kangaroo Rat

Men At Work - The Definitive Collection

Track List:

Disc 1

1. Down Under
2. Who Can It Be Now?
3. I Can See It in Your Eyes
4. Down By the Sea
5. Be Good Johnny
6. People Just Love to Play With Words
7. Underground
8. Touching the Untouchables
9. Catch a Star
10. Overkill
11. It's a Mistake
12. Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
13. Upstairs in My House
14. No Sign of Yesterday
15. Blue for You
16. Everything I Need
17. Man With Two Hearts
18. Children on Parade
19. Snakes and Ladders

Disc 2

1. Helpless Automation
2. Settle Down My Boy
3. I Like To
4. Stay at Home
5. Hard Luck Story
6. Still Life

Status Quo - Dog Of Two Heads

Track List:

1. Umleitung
2. Nanana (Extraction)
3. Something Going on in My Head
4. Mean Girl
5. Nanana (Extraction)
6. Gerdundula
7. Railroad
8. Someone's Learning
9. Nanana

Sandy Denny - Gold Dust: Live At The Royalty Theater

Track List:

1. I Wish I Was a Fool for You (For Shame for Doing Wrong)
2. Stranger to Himself
3. I'm a Dreamer
4. Take Me Away
5. Nothing More
6. Sea
7. Lady
8. Gold Dust
9. Solo
10. John the Gun
11. It'll Take a Long Time
12. Wretched Wilbur
13. Tomorrow Is a Long Time
14. North Star Grassman and the Ravens
15. One More Chance
16. No More Sad Refrains
17. Who Knows Where the Time Goes?

The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request

Track List:

1. Sing This All Together
2. Citadel
3. In Another Land
4. 2000 Man
5. Sing This All Together (See What Happens)
6. She's A Rainbow
7. The Lantern
8. Gomper
9. 2000 Light Years From Home
10. On With The Show

Sparks - Balls

Track List:

1. Balls
2. More Than a Sex Machine
3. Scheherazade
4. Aeroflot
5. Calm Before the Storm
6. How to Get Your Ass Kicked
7. Bullet Train
8. It's a Knockoff
9. Irreplacable
10. It's Educational
11. Angels

Eagles - Long Road Out of Eden

Track List:

Disc 1

1. No More Walks In The Wood
2. How Long
3. Busy Being Fabulous
4. What Do I Do With My Heart
5. Guilty Of The Crime
6. I Don't Want To Hear Any More
7. Waiting In The Weeds
8. No More Cloudy Days
9. Fast Company
10. Do Something

Disc 2

1. Long Road Out Of Eden
2. I Dreamed There Was No War
3. Somebody
4. Frail Grasp On The Big Picture
5. Last Good Time In Town
6. I Love To Watch A Woman Dance
7. Business As Usual
8. Center Of The Universe
9. It's Your World Now
10. Hole In The World

Status Quo - Ma Kelly's Greasy Spoon

Track List:

1. Spinning Wheel Blues
2. Daughter
3. Everything
4. Shy Fly
5. (April) Spring, Summer and Wednesdays
6. Junior's Wailing
7. Lakky Lady
8. Need Your Love
9. Lazy Poker Blues
10. Is It Really Me/Gotta Go Home

Lindsey Buckingham - Under the Skin

Track List:

1. Not Too Late
2. Show You How
3. Under The Skin
4. I Am Waiting
5. It Was You
6. To Try For The Sun
7. Cast Away Dreams
8. Shut Us Down
9. Down On Rodeo
10. Someone's Gotta Change Your Mind
11. Flying Down Juniper