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The largest and most up-to date WinMX Help site in the world.  Featuring multilanguage support, a 1500+ WinMX file Archive, and up-to the minute news and help. If we dont have what you need no one does, so just ask and we'll add it.

We are looking for more translations and material for the international sections, if you are interested in helping us please visit Here.

Site Outage

As most of you are aware the site has been down for a week after some database corruption was noticed, this was traced to a hardware error at the hosting company and they have compensated us accordingly after the delay in locating the problem, the corruption has now been completely resolved by MicroMecca and we thank him for his swift action in containing what could have been a disaster and rebuilding the damaged database for us. We hope you all understand that the site is operated voluntarily by the site team and they have real life commitments to fit in besides looking after the site here, so once again a big hand to them all folks.

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You can join the WinMXWorld.com Help room even if your WinMX won't connect.  Be sure the name says WinMXWorld.com any other room is not a genuine room.
Simply copy and paste the name below into the filter bar of your WinMX v3.5x client, and click Join
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WinMXWorld Community Input

We are always looking for community input in the form of suggestions, or importantly any tutorials/guides you feel are missing and would like to contribute! We are looking for users to add content, tips, help, ideas, and tutorials. Want to contribute to helping users but don't wan the hassle of setting up your own website? no problem, just contact one of the admins to talk about adding it here!

In the mean time be sure to check out the great stuff users have already contributed already! Its looking good, hope you enjoy this and learn from the other users out there.

Guides users have contributed so far

All WinMX Hosts or Admins

We have an area for hosts and admins of rooms on WinMX.  This section is open to all chat room hosts and their main admins to join up to, and is useful for hosting related posts. All rooms are welcome.  For information please register on the Forum and contact Me Here. For more information visit here: MX Hosts

©2005-2008 WinMXWorld.com. All rights reserved. Page last updated Tue Jan 22 2008 by GhostShip